| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | Selama tahun 2011, Komite Audit dan GCG telah During 2011, the Audit and Corporate Governance mengadakan rapat sebanyak 14 kali dengan agenda Committee has met 14 times with the agenda and the dan tingkat kehadiran anggota Komite Audit dan GCG presence of members of the Audit Committee and sebagai berikut: Corporate Governance as follows: Anggota Komite Audit dan GCG Member of Audit and GCG Committee Tanggal Moestafa Bambang Burman Djoko Agenda Date Nadjib Adi Abadi Mulyanto Pramono Burhanudin Winarso Perkenalan Komite Audit dengan anggota Komite Audit 26 Jan ʚ - ʚ ʚ ʚʚ Introduction of Audit Committee January 22 with member of Audit Persiapan Audit KAP KAP 2010 Audit preparation of KAP 2010 Piagam Komite Audit Audit Committee Charter Laporan berkala Komite Audit Annual Committee Audit Report 22 Feb Laporan Manajemen 2010 February 22 ʚ ʚ ʚ ʚ ʚʚ unaudited Unaudited Management Report in 2010 Auditor Internal – Permasalahan USO Internal Auditor – USO Problems Penyampaian tugas pokok Direktorat Niaga dan fungsi masing-masing serta kendala yang dihadapi dalam melaksanakan tugas, terutama dalam 9 Mar ʚ-ʚ ʚ pencapaian sasaran-sasaran RKAP. March 9 ʚ ʚ Submission of the main tasks of the Directorate of Commerce and their respective functions and constraints faced in carrying out the task, particularly in achieving the goals of RKAP. Finalisasi laporan Komite Audit Triwulan I 2011 Final Committee Audit Report for First Quarter in 2011 Rencana Kerja Komite Audit Tahun 22 Mar ʚ ʚ ʚ - ʚʚ 2011 March 22 Committee Audit Schedule Plan in 2011 Persiapan Pembahasan LM 2010 audited Preparation of audited management report in 2010 LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 151
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | LAPORAN KOMITE AUDIT DAN GCG Audit and Corporate Governance Committee Report Anggota Komite Audit dan GCG Member of Audit and GCG Committee Tanggal Moestafa Bambang Burman Djoko Agenda Date Nadjib Adi Abadi Mulyanto Pramono Burhanudin 12 April Winarso April 12 Laporan Hasil Audit s.d bulan Maret 20 April ʚ ʚ ʚ ʚ ʚ ʚ 2011 April 20 Audit Report Result until March 2011 ʚʚʚ - ʚ - Laporan Manajemen 2010 Audited Audited Management Report in 2010 Tarif dan Struktur Biaya ICON+ 11 Mei ʚʚʚ - - ʚ (manajemen produk) May 11 Rates and cost structure of ICON+ (product management) Pembahasan Hasil Audit LAI no. 011/LAI/VIII/2011 (divisi aktivasi) Discussion on Audit Result LAI no. 011/LAI/VIII/2011 (division of 2 November ʚ ʚ - ʚ ʚ ʚ activation) November 2 Pembahasan Hasil Audit LAI no. -\"*9 30+BUFOH%*: Discussion on Audit Result LAI no. 012/LAI/X/2011 (Region of Central +BWB%*: 152 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | Keputusan yang diambil dalam rapat Komite Audit Decisions taken at a meeting of the Audit and dan GCG ICON + telah dicatat dan didokumentasikan Corporate Governance Committee has been noted dengan baik dalam risalah rapat Komite Audit dan and well documented in the minutes of the Audit and GCG. Risalah rapat di tandangani oleh ketua rapat Corporate Governance Committee meeting. Minutes dan didistribusikan kepada semua anggota Komite of the meeting in tandangani by the chairman of the Audit dan GCG yang menghadiri rapat maupun tidak. meeting and distributed to all members of the Audit Perbedaan pendapat (disenting opinion) yang terjadi and Corporate Governance Committee who attended dalam rapat akan dicantumkan dalam risalah rapat the meeting or not. Differences of opinion (disenting disertai alasan mengenai perbedaan pendapat. opinion) that occurred in the meeting will be included in the minutes of the meeting with reasons for dissent. LAPORAN KERJA KOMITE AUDIT DAN GCG REPORT OF AUDIT AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Selama tahun 2011, Komite Audit dan GCG telah menyampaikan laporan kerja komite kepada Dewan During the year 2011, the Audit Committee and Komisaris setiap 3 bulan sekali sesuai dengan Program Corporate Governance Committee has delivered a work Kerja Komite Tahun 2011 diatas. report to the Board every 3 months in accordance with the Committee’s Program Schedule in 2011 above. KEBIJAKAN REMUNERASI KOMITE AUDIT DAN GCG TAHUN 2011 AUDIT COMMITTEE REMUNERATION POLICY AND CORPORATE Kebijakan pemberian remunerasi dan fasilitas lain bagi GOVERNANCE IN 2011 Komite Audit dan GCG mengacu kepada keputusan Dewan Komisaris. Remuneration policy and other facilities for the Audit Committee and Corporate Governance refers to the Proses penetapan remunerasi didasarkan dengan decision of the Board of Commissioners. memperhatikan hal-hal antara lain hasil kinerja keuangan dan pemenuhan cadangan sebagaimana Process of remuneration setting by taking into account diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang NBUUFSTTVDIBTmOBODJBMQFSGPSNBODFBOEGVMmMMNFOU berlaku, prestasi kerja individu, kewajaran dengan per of the reserve as stipulated in laws and regulations group, dan pertimbangan sasaran dan strategi jangka applicable, individual performance, the reasonableness panjang perusahaan. of the per group, and consideration of long-term goals and strategies of the company. PENILAIAN KINERJA KOMITE AUDIT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF DAN GCG AUDIT AND GOOD CORPORATE *29(51$1&(&200,77((ɑ Penilaian kinerja Komite dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris. Disamping itu, penilaian Komite Audit dan Performance assessment of the Committee is GCG dapat dilihat dari hasil pencapaian skor dalam conducted by the Board of Commissioners. In addition, assessment GCG khususnya skor pada bagian Komite the assessment of the Audit and Good Corporate Dewan Komisaris. Tahun 2011 pencapaian skor Komite Governance Committee could be seen from the Dewan Komisaris dalam assessment GCG adalah results of achievement scores in the assessment of sebesar 5,60 atau mencapai 93,33% dari parameter Good Corporate Governance especially score on the yang ditetapkan. Committee of the Board of Commissioners. In 2011, the achievement scores of the Committee of the Board of Commissioners in the assessment of Good Corporate Governance was 5.60 or achieved 93.33% of the TQFDJmFEQBSBNFUFST LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 153
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | LAPORAN KOMITE MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN SISTEM REMUNERASI Report of the Risk Management and Remuneration System Committee ICON+ telah membentuk Komite Manajemen Risiko dan ICON+ has established Risk Management Committee Sistem Remunerasi yang bertugas membantu Dewan and Remuneration System on duty to assist the Board Komisaris dalam melakukan kajian Manajemen Risiko, of Commissioners in reviewing risk management, kebijakan usaha dan kebijakan sistem remunerasi. business policy and remuneration policy. PERSYARATAN ANGGOTA KOMITE REQUIREMENTS OF MEMBER OF MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN SISTEM THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND REMUNERASI REMUNERATION SYSTEM COMMITTEE Anggota Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem Member of the Risk Management Committee and Remunerasi ICON+ wajib memenuhi persyaratan 3FNVOFSBUJPO 4ZTUFN NVTU NFFU mU BOE QSPQFS UFTU kemampuan dan kepatutan. Persyaratan kemampuan Requirements include the ability to have adequate antara lain mencakup memiliki pengetahuan dan knowledge and experience relevant to the position and pengalaman yang memadai dan relevan dengan understanding of legislation and regulations. jabatannya serta pemahaman tentang peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. While the propriety requirements include having good character and morals, never violated the laws, never Sedangkan persyaratan kepatutan meliputi memiliki convicted of a crime, has never been declared bankrupt akhlak dan moral yang baik, tidak pernah melakukan or convicted of that resulted in the company declared pelanggaran peraturan perundang-undangan, tidak bankrupt by a judgment which has the force of law pernah dihukum karena tindak pidana kejahatan, tidak remain. pernah dinyatakan pailit atau dinyatakan bersalah yang mengakibatkan perusahaan dinyatakan pailit APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan yang mempunyai THE RISK MANAGEMENT kekuatan hukum tetap. AND REMUNERATION SYSTEM COMMITTEE PENGANGKATAN DAN PEMBERHENTIAN KOMITE Appointment and dismissal of members of the MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN SISTEM Remuneration and Risk Management Committee REMUNERASI conducted by the Board pursuant to the Decree issued by the Board of Commissioners. Pengangkatan dan pemberhentian anggota Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Remunerasi dilakukan oleh Dewan On April,26 2011 Board of Commissioners made the Komisaris berdasarkan Surat Keputusan yang dikeluarkan addition of new members of the Risk Management and oleh Dewan Komisaris Indonesia Comnets Plus. the Remuneration System Committee Sjahroel Samin through Board of Commissioners Decree No. 02.SK/ Pada tanggal 26 April 2011 dilakukan penambahan DEKOM/2011. Furthermore the existence of the Risk anggota baru Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem Management and Remuneration System Committee was Remunerasi yaitu Sjahroel Samin melalui Surat DPOmSNFEBHBJOCZ#PBSEPG$PNNJTTJPOFST%FDSFF/P Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 02.SK/DEKOM/2011. 05.SK/DEKOM/2011 dated November 22, 2011. Selanjutnya keberadaan Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi dikukuhkan kembali melalui Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 05.SK/DEKOM/2011 tanggal 22 November 2011. 154 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | KOMPOSISI KOMITE MANAJEMEN COMPOSITION OF THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND REMUNERATION RISIKO DAN SISTEM REMUNERASI SYSTEM COMMITTEE Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi Risk Management and Remuneration System Committee XBT PGmDJBMMZ FTUBCMJTIFE CZ #PBSE PG $PNNJTTJPOFST resmi dibentuk melalui Surat Keputusan Dewan Decree No. 05.SK/DEKOM/2011 dated November 22, 2011. Member’s composition of the Nomination and Komisaris No. 05.SK/DEKOM/2011 pada tanggal 22 Remuneration Committee in accordance with the Charter of the Risk Management Committee composed as follows: November 2011.Susunan anggota Komite Nominasi 1. Chairman : Satriyo Wibowo 2. Vice Chair : Edy Wahyudi dan Remunerasi sesuai dengan Piagam Komite 3. Secretary : Anasthasia Nurdiana 4. Members : Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono Manajemen Risiko terdiri sebagai berikut : 5. Members : Prof. Rahmat Budiarto 6. Members : Samin Sjahroel 1. Ketua : Satriyo Wibowo Under Board of Commissioners Decree No. 05.SK/ 2. Wakil Ketua : Edy Wahyudi DEKOM/2011 dated November 22, 2011, the composition was: 3. Sekretaris : Anasthasia Nurdiana 4. Anggota : Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono 5. Anggota : Prof. Rahmat Budiarto 6. Anggota : Sjahroel Samin Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 05.SK/DEKOM/2011 tanggal 22 November 2011, maka komposisinya adalah: Nama Name Jabatan Position Satriyo Wibowo Edi Wahyudi Anggota Dewan Komisaris sebagai Ketua Anasthasia Nurdiana Member of Board of Commissioners as Chief Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono Prof. Rahmat Budiarto Anggota Dewan Komisaris sebagai Wakil Ketua Sjahroel Samin Member of Board of Commissioners as Deputy Chief Pihak independen sebagai anggota Independent Representative as member Pihak independen sebagai anggota Independent Representative as member Pihak independen sebagai anggota Independent Representative as member Pihak independen sebagai anggota Independent Representative as member KOMPETENSI DAN KEAHLIAN COMPETENCE AND EXPERTISE OF ANGGOTA KOMITE MANAJEMEN MEMBER OF RISK MANAGEMENT AND RISIKO DAN SISTEM REMUNERASI REMUNERATION SYSTEM COMMITTEE Seluruh Anggota Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem All Members of the Risk Management Committee and Remunerasi ICON+ memiliki integritas, kompetensi dan Remuneration System has the integrity, competence reputasi keuangan yang baik. BOEHPPEmOBODJBMSFQVUBUJPO Berikut profil ringkas Anggota Komite Manajemen )FSFXFSFCSJFGQSPmMFTPG.FNCFSPG3JTL.BOBHFNFOU Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi tahun 2011: Committee and Remuneration System in 2011: 3URÀOH5LQJNDV$QJJRWD.RPLWH0DQDMHPHQ %ULHI3URÀOHRI0HPEHURI5LVN0DQDJHPHQW Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi Committee and Remuneration System Satriyo Wibowo Satriyo Wibowo 1SPmMEBQBUEJMJIBUQBEBCBHJBO%FXBO,PNJTBSJT 1SPmMFDBOCFTFFOBU#PBSEPG$PNNJTTJPOFS4FDUJPO Edy Wahyudi Edy Wahyudi 1SPmMEBQBUEJMJIBUQBEBCBHJBO%FXBO,PNJTBSJT 1SPmMFDBOCFTFFOBU#PBSEPG$PNNJTTJPOFS4FDUJPO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 155
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | LAPORAN KOMITE MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN SISTEM REMUNERASI Report of the Risk Management Committee and Remuneration System Anasthasia Nurdiana Anasthasia Nurdiana Lahir di Ngawi tanggal 21 April 1968. Sarjana Teknik Born in Ngawi on 21 April 1968. Bachelor of Electrical Elektro, Institut Teknologi 10 Nopember di Surabaya. Engineering, Institute of Technology 10 November Riwayat pekerjaan sebelumnya antara lain berkarir Surabaya. Previous work history, among others, a sebagai Kepala Seksi Perencanaan Distribusi PT career as Head of Distribution Planning Section of PLN (Persero) Distribusi Kalarta Raya dan Tangerang PT PLN (Persero) Distribution Branch Kalarta Raya Cabang Kota (1993-1994), Kepala Seksi Perencanaan and Tangerang City (1993-1994), Head of Planning Konstruksi PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jakarta Raya Construction of PT PLN (Persero) Greater Jakarta and dan Tangerang Cabang Kebayoran (1994-2000), Tangerang distribution Kebayoran Branch (1994-2000) Asman Pemasaran dan Pelayanan Pelanggan PT PLN , Asisstant Manager of Marketing and Customer Service (Persero) Distribusi Jakarta Raya dan Tangerang- PT PLN (Persero) Distribution and Tangerang-Jakarta Area Pelayanan Podok Kopi (2000-2001) dan Asman Raya Pondok Kopi Service Area (2000-2001) and Pemasaran dan Pelayanan Pelanggan PT PLN (Persero) Asisstant Manager of Marketing and Customer Service Distribusi Jakarta Raya dan Tangerang-Area Pelayanan PT PLN (Persero) Distribution and Tangerang-Jakarta Menteng (2001-2005) serta Asman Perencanaan PT Raya Menteng Service Area (2001-2005 ) and Assistant PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jakarta Raya dan Tangerang Manager of Planning PT PLN (Persero) Distribution Area Jaringan Kebayoran (2005-2007) dan 2010 Jakarta Raya and Tangerang Kebayoran Area Network Analis Manajemen Risiko PT PLN (Persero) Kantor (2005-2007) and Risk Management Analyst PT PLN Pusat (2010). 1FSTFSP )FBE0GmDF Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono Lahir di Klaten, tanggal 27 Juli 1955. Sarjana Teknik Born in Klaten, dated July 27, 1955. Bachelor of Industri Institut eknologi Bandung. Riwayat pekerjaan Industrial Engineering Bandung Institute eknologi. sebelumnya antara lain berkarir sebagai Ketua KK Previous work history, among others, a career as Head Manajemen Operasi dan Keuangan (2005-2010), dan of Operations and Financial Management KK (2005- Wakil Dewan Bidang Sumberdaya SBM-ITB (1 Januari 2010), and Deputy of Human Resources Council of 2006-31 Agustus 2009). SBM-ITB (1 January 2006-31 August 2009). Prof. Rahmat Budiarto Prof. Rahmat Budiarto Lahir di Jakarta tanggal 16 Oktober 1961 Sarjana Born in Jakarta on October 16, 1961 Bachelor of Matematika, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Riwayat Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) previous pekerjaan sebelumnya antara lain berkarir sebagai work history, among others, a career as a a. Akademik: Dosen di USM Malaysia (2000-2004), a. Academic: Lecturer at USM Malaysia (2000-2004), Dosen terbang di UII Yogyakarta (1999-2000), Lecturer in UII flying Yogyakarta (1999-2000), Dosen tetap di Universitas Jendral A. Yani Bandung Lecturer at the University of fixed-General A. (1998-2000), dan Instruktur di Politeknik ITB Yani London (1998-2000), and Instructor at the Bandung (1987-1988. Polytechnic of ITB Bandung (1987-1988. b. Industri: Senior Engginer pada pusat IT PT IPTN, b. Industry: IT Senior Engginer at the center of PT Bandung (1998-2000), dan analis sistem pada pusat IPTN, New York (1998-2000), and central IT systems IT PT IPTN Bandung (1989-1992). analyst at PT IPTN London (1989-1992). c. Managerial: Deputy Direktur pada National c. Managerial: Deputy Director at the National Advanced Ipv6 Center, (Nav6), USM, Malaysia Advanced IPv6 Center, (Nav6), USM, Malaysia (2005-2009), Chairman Fellowship Commite, Asia (2005-2009), Chairman of the Fellowship Committee, 1BTJmD \"EWBODFE /FUXPSL \"1\"/ \"TJB1BDJmD\"EWBODFE/FUXPSL \"QBO Chairman Secutity Bird of Feather (Bof) of Asia Chairman secutity Bird of Feather (Bof) of Asia 1BTJmD \"EWBODFE /FUXPSL \"1\"/ 1BDJmD \"EWBODFE /FUXPSL \"QBO dan Head of IT Research Center at STMIK-IM and the Head of IT Research Center at STMIK-IM Bandung (1999-2000) London (1999-2000) Sjahroel Samin Sjahroel Samin Lahir di Banda Aceh, tanggal 4 Agustus 1946. Born in Banda Aceh, dated August 4, 1946. Bachelor Sarjana Tekhnik Elektro, Universitas Trisakti. Riwayat of Electrical Engineering, University of Trisakti. Previous pekerjaan sebelumnya antara lain berkarir sebagai work history, among others, a career as Secretary of the Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris PT Indonesia Comnets Plus Board of Commissioners of PT Indonesia Comnet Plus (2001-Present), Dean Komisaris pada Dana Pensiun (2001-Present), Dean of Commissioners on Pension 1-/ EBO \"T -BJTBO 0GmDFS QBEB %BOB 'VOE PG 1-/ BOE \"T -BJTBO 0GmDFS BU Pensiun PLN. Pension Fund of PLN. 156 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | INDEPENDENSI KOMITE MANAJEMEN THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE RISK RISIKO DAN SISTEM REMUNERASI MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE AND Independensi anggota Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi tercermin dalam tabel dengan REMUNERATION SYSTEM aspek berikut: The independence of members of the Risk Management $PNNJUUFFBOE3FNVOFSBUJPO4ZTUFNJTSFnFDUFEJOUIF table with the following aspects: Aspek independensi Satriyo Edy Anasthasia Prof. Sudarso Prof. Sjahroel Independency Aspects Wibowo Wahyudi Nurdiana Kaderi Rahmat Samin Wiryono Budiarto ʚ Tidak memiliki hubungan keuangan ʚ ʚʚ ʚ ʚ dengan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi ʚ ʚ /PmOBODJBMUJFTXJUI#PBSEPG ʚ ʚʚ ʚ ʚ ʚ Commissioners and Board of Directors ʚ ʚʚ ʚ ʚ ʚ ʚ Tidak memiliki hubungan kepengurusan ʚʚ ʚ ʚ di ICON+, anak perusahaan maupun ʚ QFSVTBIBBOBmMJBTJ ʚʚ ʚ ʚ No relationship of stewardship in ICON+, TVCTJEJBSZBOEBGmMJBUFEDPNQBOJFT Tidak memiliki hubungan kepemilikan saham di ICON+ No share ownership in ICON+ Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga dengan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan/ atau sesama anggota Komite Audit No family relationship with Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and/ or fellow member of Audit Committee Tidak menjabat sebagai pengurus partai politik, pejabat pemerintah daerah /PUTFSWFEBTQPMJUJDBMQBSUZPGmDJBMT MPDBMHPWFSONFOUPGmDJBMTEBFSBI PEDOMAN KERJA KOMITE GUIDELINES FOR RISK MANAGEMENT MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN SISTEM AND REMUNERATION SYSTEM REMUNERASI COMMITTEE Dalam melaksanakan fungsi dan perannya, Komite In carrying out the functions and roles, the Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem remunerasi ICON+ Risk Management and Remuneration System telah dilengkapi Pedoman Kerja yang disebut dengan Committee of ICON+ have been equipped with Charter Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem working guidelines called Risk Management and Remunerasi. Dokumen tersebut disusun berdasarkan Remuneration System Committee Charter. The peraturan dan perundang undangan yang berlaku. document was prepared based on regulations and Dokumen tersebut senantiasa ditinjau ulang secara statutory law and regulations. Documents always berkala. reviewed periodically. Charter Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem And Risk Management and Remuneration System Remunerasi antara lain mengatur Pendahuluan, Committee Charter regulated the Introduction, Aims Maksud dan Tujuan, serta Hubungan Kerja Komite and Objectives, and Risk Management Committee on Manajemen Risiko. Employment Relations. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 157
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | LAPORAN KOMITE MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN SISTEM REMUNERASI Report of the Risk Management Committee and Remuneration System TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES KOMITE MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN OF THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND SISTEM REMUNERASI REMUNERATION SYSTEM COMMITTEE Dalam melaksanakan tugas, Komite Manajemen In carrying out the task, the Risk Management and Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi bertanggung jawab Remuneration System Committee were responsible to kepada Dewan Komisaris. Pelaksanaan tugas the Board of Commissioners. Implementation of Risk Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi Management and the task of the Remuneration System mengacu pada pedoman kerja yang ditetapkan Committee referred to the employment guidelines dalam Piagam Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem established in the Charter of the Risk Management and Remunerasi. Remuneration System Committee. Adapun tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite Manajemen The tasks and responsibilities of the Risk Management Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi sebagaimana tertuang and Remuneration System Committee as set forth in dalam Piagam Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem the Charter of the Risk Management and Remuneration Remunerasi adalah sebagai berikut: System Committee were as follows: 1. Melakukan kajian terhadap Kajian Kelayakan 1. Review the Financial Feasibility Study (KKF), Finansial (KKF), Kajian Manajemen Operasional Operations Management Studies (KKO) (KKO) 2. Conduct Review of Risk Identification, Risk .FMBLVLBO,BKJBOBUBT*EFOUJmLBTJ3JTJLP &WBMVBTJ Risiko dan Pengawasan Risiko yang diajukan Direksi Evaluation and Risk Oversight Board of Directors Perseroan proposed 3. Mempelajari dan memberi rekomendasi kepada 3. Study and make recommendations to the Board of Dewan Komisaris atas usulan penanganan risiko Commissioners on the proposed risk management dari usaha/aktivitas yang diajukan oleh Perseroan, of business / activities proposed by the Company, yang meliputi tentang bagaimana: menghindari including on how to: avoid risk, control risk, accept risiko, mengontrol risiko, menerima risiko, dan risk and transfer risk mentransfer risiko 4. Study and review the remuneration system set out 4. Mempelajari dan melakukan kajian atas sistem the Company Remunerasi yang ditetapkan Perseroan 5. Make a written report and report to the Board of 5. Membuat laporan tertulis dan melaporkannya Commissioners kepada Dewan Komisaris PROGRAM KERJA WORK PROGRAM Mengacu pada pedoman kerjanya, Komite Manajemen Referring to the guidelines work, the Risk Management Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi telah menyusun program and Remuneration System Committee has developed kerja tahun 2011, terdiri dari: a work program in 2011, consists of: 1. Rapat Internal Komite yang membahas mengenai 1. Internal Committee meeting that discussed the Kajian Kelayakan Operasional (KKO), Kajian Operational Feasibility Study (KKO), Financial Kelayakan Finansial (KKF), Proyek Universal Service Feasibility Study (KKF), Universal Service Obligation Obligation (USO), Sumber Daya Pendukung, (USO) project, Resource Support, Human Resources, Sumber Daya Manusia, dan Kepuasan Pelanggan. and Customer Satisfaction. 2. Rapat Koordinasi dengan terkait mengenai review 2. Coordination Meeting on the review associated with KKF, KKO dan Kajian Risiko Rencana, Investasi dan KKF, KKO and Risk Assessment Plan, Investment and Pendanaan Tahun 2011, perkembangan proyek Financing In 2011, Universal Service Obligation project USO, peraturan SDM, realisasi target kontraktual, development, human resource rules, the realization sistem remunerasi, realisasi SLA berdasarkan of contractual targets, remuneration system, the segmen pelanggan, kebijakan service point realization of the Service Level of Agreement based on LVBMJmLBTJ UFOBHB BIMJ LFUFSTFEJBBO QFSBMBUBO DVTUPNFSTFHNFOUT TFSWJDFQPMJDZQPJOUT RVBMJmDBUJPO kerja, kemampuan memonitor operasional jaringan availability of equipment work, the ability to monitor FO, dan lain-lain), kajian manajemen risiko UB mCFS PQUJD OFUXPSL PQFSBUJPOT BTTFTTNFOU PG SJTL Data Center, statistik gangguan dan komplain management of Data Center, customer complaints pelanggan, pencapaian target pendapatan, break and interference statistics, the achievement of revenue FWFO QSPmU SFBMJTBTJ UBSHFU VTBIB NJUJHBTJ EBO UBSHFUT CSFBLFWFO QSPmU SFBMJ[BUJPOPGUIFCVTJOFTT langkah korektif, kajian manajemen risiko fungsi targets, mitigation and corrective measures, the keuangan, kajian manajemen risiko untuk RKAP BTTFTTNFOU PG mOBODJBM SJTL NBOBHFNFOU GVODUJPO 158 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | 2012, langkah mitigasi, evaluasi pelaksanaan review of risk management for RKAP 2012, mitigation manajemen risiko do Perseroan,meningkatkan measures, the evaluation of risk management of the penerapan Enterprise Risk Management di Company do, improve the implementation of Enterprise perusahaan, dan penggunaan standardisasi serta Risk Management at the company, and the use of evaluasi penerapannya. standardization and evaluation of its application. 3. Rapat bersama Dewan Komisaris 3. Meeting with Board of Commissioners 4. Kunjungan Kerja ke Sulawesi Selatan dan Maluku/Papua 4. Working visit to South Sulawesi and Maluku / Papua RAPAT KOMITE RISK MANAGEMENT AND MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN REMUNERATION SYSTEM COMMITTEE SISTEM REMUNERASI MEETINGS Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi Risk Management and Remuneration System mengadakan rapat secara berkala dengan Divisi Sistem Committee meets periodically with the Division of SDM dan Budaya Perusahaan minimal sebulan sekali. Human Resources and Corporate Culture System at Dalam pelaksanaan rapat tersebut Komite Manajemen least once a month. In the implementation of the Risk Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi dapat mengundang Management Committee meeting and may invite the manajemen perusahaan melalui Divisi Sistem SDM Remuneration System management company through dan Budaya Perusahaan untuk mendapatkan informasi the Division of Human Resources and Corporate Culture yang diperlukan. System to obtain the necessary information. Selama tahun 2011, Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem During 2011, the Risk Management and Remuneration Remunerasi telah mengadakan rapat sebanyak 12 kali. System Committee have met for 12 times. The meeting Adapun jumlah kehadiran rapat masing-masing anggota attendance of each member of the Risk Management Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Remunerasi adalah: and Remuneration Committee were: Tanggal Anggota Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi Agenda Date Member of Risk Management and Remuneration System Committee 5 Jan Satriyo Edi Anasthasia Prof.Sudarso Prof.Rahmat Sjahroel January 5 Wibowo Wahyudi Nurdiana Kaderi Wiryono Budiarto Samin Review KKF, KKO dan Kajian Risiko Rencana Investasi dan Pendanaan Tahun 2011. ʚʚ - ʚ ʚ - Operational Feasibility Study (KKO), Financial Feasibility Study (KKF), Risk Assessment on Investment and Funding Plan in 2011. 2 Feb ʚ ʚ v ʚ Perkembangan proyek USO February 2 ʚ - Progress on Universal Service Obligation project. Perkembangan masalah pada proyek USO 2 Mar ʚʚ v ʚ yang telah dilkukan oleh Manajemen Risiko March 2 ʚ - ICON + dalam menyelesaikannya. Problem solution in USO projects that have been conducted by the Risk Management to solve it. Perkembangan proyek USO dan Manajemen 4 Mei ʚʚ v ʚ ʚ ʚ Risiko. May 4 Progress on Universal Service Obligation project and Risk Management. Pembahasan mengenai Divisi Aset dan 15 Sep ʚ ʚ v ʚ ʚ ʚ Kemitraan serta Divisi Operasi dan Jaringan. September 15 Discussion of the Division of Strategy Assets and Partnership, Division of Operation. Paparan mengenai Manajemen Risiko serta 9 Nov ʚ ʚ v ʚ ʚ ʚ Organisasi, Proses Bisnis dan Budaya. November 9 Exposure on the Risk Management and Organization, Business Processes and Culture. Keterangan: Information: ʚ Hadir Attend - Tidak Hadir Absence LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 159
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | LAPORAN KOMITE MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN SISTEM REMUNERASI Report of the Risk Management Committee and Remuneration System Keputusan yang diambil dalam rapat Komite Manajemen Decisions taken in meeting of Risk Management and Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi Indonesia Comnets Remuneration System Indonesia Committee have Plustelah dicatat dan didokumentasikan dengan baik been well recorded and documented in the minutes of dalam risalah rapat Komite Manajemen Risiko dan meeting of the Risk Management and Remuneration Sistem Remunerasi. Risalah rapat di tandangani oleh System Committee. Minutes of the meeting was signed ketua rapat dan didistribusikan kepada semua anggota by the chairman of the meeting and distributed to all Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi members of the Risk Management and Remuneration yang menghadiri rapat maupun tidak. Perbedaan System Committee whether they attend the meeting pendapat (disenting opinion) yang terjadi dalam rapat or not. Differences of opinion (dissenting opinion) that akan dicantumkan dalam risalah rapat disertai alasan occurred in the meeting will be included in the minutes mengenai perbedaan pendapat. of the meeting with reasons for dissent. LAPORAN KERJA KOMITE REPORT OF THE RISK MANAGEMENT MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN SISTEM AND REMUNERATION SYSTEM REMUNERASI COMMITTEE Selama tahun 2011, Komite Manajemen Risiko dan During 2011, the Risk Management and Remuneration Sistem Remunerasi telah menyampaikan laporan System Committee have delivered a work report to the kerja komite kepada Dewan Komisaris sesuai dengan Board of Commissioners Committee in accordance with Program Kerja Komite Tahun 2011 di atas. the Program Committee in 2011. KEBIJAKAN REMUNERASI KOMITE REMUNERATION POLICY RISK MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN SISTEM MANAGEMENT AND REMUNERATION REMUNERASI TAHUN 2011 SYSTEM COMMITTEE IN 2011 Kebijakan pemberian remunerasi dan fasilitas lain bagi Remuneration policy and other facilities for the Risk Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi Management and Remuneration System Committee mengacu kepada keputusan Dewan Komisaris. referred to the decision of the Board of Commissioners. Proses penetapan remunerasi didasarkan dengan Process of setting remuneration by taking into account memperhatikan hal-hal antara lain hasil kinerja NBUUFSTTVDIBTmOBODJBMQFSGPSNBODFBOEGVMmMMNFOU keuangan dan pemenuhan cadangan sebagaimana of the reserve as stipulated in laws and regulations diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang applicable, individual performance, the reasonableness berlaku, prestasi kerja individu, kewajaran dengan per of the per group, and consideration of long-term goals group, dan pertimbangan sasaran dan strategi jangka and strategies of the company. panjang perusahaan. PENILAIAN KINERJA KOMITE ASSESSMENT OF THE RISK MANAJEMEN RISIKO DAN SISTEM MANAGEMENT AND REMUNERATION REMUNERASI TAHUN 2011 SYSTEM COMMITTEE IN 2011 Penilaian kinerja Komite dilakukan oleh Dewan Performance appraisal was conducted by the Komisaris. Disamping itu, penilaian Komite Manajemen Committee of the Board of Commissioners. In Risiko dan Sistem Remunerasi dapat dilihat dari hasil addition, the assessment of the Risk Management and pencapaian skor dalam assessment GCG khususnya Remuneration System Committee can be seen from skor pada bagian Komite Dewan Komisaris. Tahun the results of achievement scores in the assessment 2011 pencapaian skor Komite Dewan Komisaris dalam of Good Corporate Governance in particular score on assessment GCG adalah sebesar 5,60 atau mencapai the Committee of the Board of Commissioners. In 2011 93,33% dari parameter yang ditetapkan. the achievement scores of the Board of Commissioners Committee in the assessment of Good Corporate Governance was 5.60 or achieving 93.33% of the TQFDJmFEQBSBNFUFST 160 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | SEKRETARIS DEWAN KOMISARIS Secretary of The Board of Commissioners Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris ICON+ mengemban Secretary of the Board of Commissioners Indonesia misi untuk memberikan dukungan administratif Comnets Plus has a mission to provide administrative dan kesekretariatan pada Dewan Komisaris guna and secretarial support to the Board of Commissioners memperlancar pelaksanaan tugas-tugas Dewan in order to facilitate the tasks of the Board of Komisaris. Commissioners. Pengangkatan Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris ditetapkan The appointment of Secretary of the Board of berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Nomor 01.SK/ Commissioners was established under Decree No. DEKOM/2011 tanggal 21 Maret 2011. 01.SK/DEKOM/2011 dated March 21, 2011. #FSJLVUQSPmMSJOHLBT4FLSFUBSJT%FXBO,PNJTBSJT 5IJTJTUIFCSJFGQSPmMFPGUIF4FDSFUBSZPGUIF#PBSEPG Commissioners : Didi Ali Achmadi Lahir di Semarang, tanggal 8 Maret 1955. Meraih pendidikan S2 Teknik Listrik. Sebelum menjadi Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris, di UBIVOCFMJBVQFSOBINFOKBCBUBOUBSBMBJOTFCBHBJø4FLSFUBSJT Perusahaan ICON+ (2004-2011), Manajer Utama Business Development ICON+ (2003 – 2004), Manajer Utama Teknologi ICON+ (2000-2003) dan Kepala Dinas SCADA PT PLN (Persero) P3B Jawa Bali (1995-2000) Born in Semarang, on March 8, 1955. Education: Master Degree on Electrical Engineering. Served as Secretary of the Board of Commissioners, In 2011, previously he served as Corporate Secretary of ICON+ (2004-2011), Main Manager of Business Development of ICON+ (2003-2004), Main Manager of Technology of ICON+ (2000-2003) and Head of SCADA of PT PLN (Persero) P3B Java Bali (1995-2000) Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris bertanggungjawab Secretary of the Board of Commissioners is responsible untuk menyelenggarakan kegiatan administrasi, to conduct administrative activities, coordinate the mengkoordinasikan penyediaan informasi yang provision of required information by the Board of dibutuhkan Dewan Komisaris, baik terkait hubungan Commissioners, good relations with the committee dengan komite maupun dengan Direksi dan manajemen and the Board of Directors and management level di bawahnya. Selain itu, Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris below them. In addition, the Secretary of the Board of juga berkewajiban untuk menyelenggarakan rapat Commissioners is also obliged to convene a meeting Dewan Komisaris, termasuk mengirimkan undangan with the Board of Commissioners, including sending rapat, menyampaikan materi rapat serta menyusun meeting requests, delivering the material and preparing risalah rapat Dewan Komisaris. minutes of meeting of the Board of Commissioners. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 161
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | SEKRETARIS DEWAN KOMISARIS Secretary of The Board of Commissioners PEDOMAN KERJA DAN TANGGUNG GUIDELINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES JAWAB SEKRETARIS DEWAN OF THE SECRETARY OF THE BOARD KOMISARIS OF COMMISSIONERS Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Sekretaris Dewan In performing its duties, the Secretary of the Board of Komisaris mengacu pada PedomanKerja yang yang Commissioners refers to the Guidelines that listed in tercantum dalam Board Manual. Pedoman tersebut the Board Manual. These guidelines regulate the duties mengatur mengenai tugas dan tanggungjawab and responsibilities of the Secretary of the Board of Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris untuk: Commissioners to: a. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan administrasi dan a. Providing administrative and secretarial activities in kesekretariatan di lingkungan Dewan Komisaris. the Board of Commissioners. b. Mengkoordinasikan penyediaan informasi yang b. Coordinate the provision of required information the, dibutuhkan Dewan Komisaris, seperti laporan such as periodic reports of the Directors and report berkala dari Direksi serta laporan/informasi lainnya or other information concerning the Company. mengenai Perusahaan. c. Hold meeting of the Board of Commissioners, c. Menyelenggarakan rapat Dewan Komisaris, including preparing and sending invitations, making termasuk menyiapkan dan mengiriman undangan, and delivering of meeting material and its minutes penyampaian materi rapat serta pembuatan risalah of the meeting. rapat. d. Administer the minutes of meetings and other d. Mengadministrasikan risalah rapat dan dokumen Board of Commissioners documents and send the Dewan Komisaris lainnya serta mengirimkan hasil- meeting’s decision document to the concerned hasil keputusan rapat kepada pihak-pihak yang parties. berkepentingan During 2011, the Secretary of the Board of Selama tahun 2011, Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris Commissioners has undertaken the following activities: telah melaksanakan kegiatan sebagai berikut: a. Preparing the visit the Board of Commissioners to a. Mempersiapkan kegiatan kunjungan Dewan UIFmFME Komisaris ke lapangan, b. Prepare activities of program development for the b. Mempersiapkan kegiatan program Board of Commissioners, pengembangan bagi Dewan Komisaris, c. Coordinate the provision of required information the c. Melakukan koordinasi penyediaan informasi yang Board of Commissioners, dibutuhkan Dewan Komisaris, d. Holding Board of Commissioners meetings, d. Menyelenggarakan rapat Dewan Komisaris, including preparing and sending invitations, the termasuk menyiapkan dan mengiriman undangan, delivery of meeting materials and making minutes penyampaian materi rapat serta pembuatan risalah of meetings, rapat, e. Record minutes of meetings and other Board of e. Mendokumentasikan risalah rapat dan dokumen Commissioners documents and send the results of Dewan Komisaris lainnya serta mengirimkan hasil- the meeting’s decision to the concerned parties. hasil keputusan rapat kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. 162 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | DEWAN DIREKSI The Board of Directors Direksi adalah organ perusahaan yang bertugas dan Board of Directors is in charge of a company organ bertanggung jawab secara kolektif untuk melakukan and collectively responsible for the management pengelolaan Perusahaan serta melaksanakan GCG of the Company and to implement good corporate pada seluruh tingkatan atau jenjang organisasi. governance at all levels or the levels of the organization. Direksi adalah organ perusahaan yang Board of Directors is the organ of a company fully bertanggungjawab penuh atas pengurusan perusahaan responsible for the management company for the untuk kepentingan dan tujuan ICON+ sesuaidengan purposes and objectives of ICON+ in accordance with ketentuan Anggaran Dasar. the provisions of the Articles of Association. PERSYARATAN DIREKSI TERMS OF DIRECTORS Calon anggota Direksi ICON+ wajib memenuhi Prospective members of the Board of Directors persyaratan kemampuan dan kepatutan sebelum TIBMM NFFU mU BOE QSPQFS SFRVJSFNFOUT CFGPSF CFJOH diangkat oleh RUPS dan ditetapkan sebagai Direksi. appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders and set as the Board of Directors. Persyaratan kemampuan Direksi mencakup memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman yang memadai dan relevan Requirements include the ability of the Board of dengan jabatannya serta persyaratan lain berdasarkan Directors has sufficient expertise and experience peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. Sedangkan relevant to the position as well as other requirements persyaratan kepatutan meliputi tidak pernah dinyatakan under existing regulations. While the requirements of pailit, tidak pernah menjadi anggota Direksi dan propriety include not been declared bankrupt, was Dewan Komisaris yang dinyatakan bersalah yang never a member of the Board of Directors who was menyebabkan suatu perusahaan dinyatakan pailit, convicted of causing a company to go bankrupt, and dan tidak pernah dihukum karena tindak pidana yang XBTOFWFSDPOWJDUFEPGmOBODJBMDSJNFTUIBUIBSNUIF merugikan keuangan negara dan/atau berkaitan TUBUFBOEPSSFMBUJOHUPUIFmOBODJBMTFDUPS dengan sektor keuangan. PENGANGKATAN DAN APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF PEMBERHENTIAN DIREKSI DIRECTORS Pengangkatan dan pemberhentian anggota Direksi Appointment and dismissal of members of the dilakukan melalui RUPS. Pengangkatan Direksi telah Board of Directors made through General Meeting of melalui proses fit & proper test sesuai peraturan Shareholders. Appointment of Board of Directors has perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan ketentuan HPOFUISPVHImUBOEQSPQFSUFTUQSPDFTTBOEBQQMJFE GCG. regulations and the provisions of Good Corporate Governance. Pemberhentian anggota Direksi ICON + dapat dilakukan apabila: Dismissal of members of the Board of Directors of ICON a. Tidak dapat memenuhi kewajibannya yang telah + can be made if: a. Unable to meet its obligations as agreed in the disepakati dalam Kontrak Manajemen b. Tidak dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik; Contract Management c. Tidak melaksanakan atau melanggar ketentuan b. Not carry out their duties properly; c. Not carry out or violate provisions of applicable laws peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku atau Anggaran Dasar; or Articles of Association; d. Terlibat dalam tindakan yang merugikan ICON+ dan/ d. Engaged in detrimental acts to ICON+ and/or state; atau negara; e. Declared guilty by court decisions that have a legally e. Dinyatakan bersalah berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap; enforceable; f. Mengundurkan diri. f. Resigned. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 163
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | DEWAN DIREKSI The Board of Directors KEMAMPUAN DAN KEPATUTAN ABILITY AND APPROPRIATENESS DIREKSI (FIT & PROPER TEST) OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS (FIT & PROPER TEST) Semua anggota Direksi ICON+ memiliki integritas, kompetensi, reputasi dan pengalaman serta keahlian All members of the Board of Directors of ICON+ yang dibutuhkan dalam menjalankan fungsi dan have the integrity, competence, reputation and the tugasnya masing-masing. experience and expertise needed to carry out its functions and each duty. Tabel status uji kemampuan dan kepatutan Direksi yang menjabat pada tahun 2011 adalah sebagai berikut: 5BCMFPGmUBOEQSPQFSUFTUTUBUVTPG#PBSEPG%JSFDUPST in 2011 are as follows: Nama Name Domisili Domicile Fit & Proper Test Muljo Adji AG Jakarta Lulus Passed Ritme Aulia Jaffar Jakarta Lulus Passed Rulianto Darwanto Jakarta Lulus Passed Virano Nasution Jakarta Lulus Passed Sri Fortuna Purwatiningsih Jakarta Lulus Passed Seluruh anggota Direksi ICON+ telah dinyatakan lulus Uji Kemampuan dan Kepatutan serta dinyatakan lulus oleh PT PLN (Persero) selaku Pemegang Saham \"MMNFNCFSTPGUIF#PBSEPG%JSFDUPSTPG*$0/IBTCFFOQBTTFEmUBOEQSPQFSUFTUBOEEFDMBSFEQBTTFE by PT PLN (Persero) as the Shareholders KOMPOSISI DIREKSI COMPOSITION OF BOARD OF Direksi merupakan organ perusahaan yang bertugas DIRECTORS dan bertanggung jawab mengelola perusahaan. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Direksi bertanggung jawab Board of Directors is in charge of the company and kepada RUPS. Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2011, the responsible organ for managing the company. komposisi Direksi ICON+ adalah sebagai berikut: In performing its duties, the Board of Directors is responsible to the General Meeting of Shareholders. Up to December 31, 2011, the composition of the Board of Directors of ICON + are as follows: Nama Jabatan Dasar Pengangkatan Jabatan Lain di luar Name Position Legal Basis perusahaan Otherpositionsoutside thecompany Muljo Adji AG Direktur Utama Keputusan Pemegang Saham Secara Sirkuler tanggal 21 Januari 2009 - Managing Director/Chief The Circular Decision of Shareholder dated January 21, 2009 &YFDVUJWF0GmDFS $&0 Ritme Aulia Direktur Perencanaan Keputusan Pemegang Saham Sirkuler tanggal 21 Januari 2009 - Jaffar dan Operasi The Circular Decision of Shareholder dated January 21, 2009 Director of Planning and Operation Rulianto Direktur Sumber Daya Keputusan Pemegang Saham Sirkuler tanggal 21 Januari 2009 - Darwanto Manusia The Circular Decision ofS hareholder dated January 21, 2009 Director of Human Resource Virano Direktur Niaga Keputusan Pemegang Saham Sirkuler tanggal 21 Januari 2009 - Nasution Director of Commerce The Circular Decision of Shareholder dated January 21, 2009 Sri Fortuna Direktur Keuangan Keputusan Pemegang Saham Sirkuler tanggal 21 Januari 2009 - The Circular Decision of Shareholder dated January 21, 2009 Purwatiningsih Director of Finance 164 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | INDEPENDENSI DIREKSI THE INDEPENDENCE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS Antar anggota Direksi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham tidak ada hubungan Between members of the Board of Directors with members keuangan, hubungan kepemilikan saham dan keluarga. of the Board of Commissioners and Shareholders have Setiap anggota Direksi dapat bertindak independen no financial relationships, family relationships and dalam melaksanakan fungsi dan tugasnya baik secara shareholdings. Each member of the Board of Directors individual maupun kolegial. may act independently in carrying out its functions and duties both individually and collegial. Seluruh anggota Direksi tidak merangkap jabatan yang dilarang oleh peraturan perundang-undangan yang All members of the Board of Directors are not concurrent berlaku tentang pelaksanaan GCG. positions that are prohibited by laws and regulations applicable on the implementation of Good Corporate Governance. HUBUNGAN KELUARGA DAN KEUANGAN DIREKSI FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS AND FINANCIAL TIES OF BOARD OF Hubungan keluarga dan keuangan antara anggota DIRECTORS Direksi dengan sesama anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris serta Pemegang Saham 'BNJMZBOEmOBODJBMUJFTCFUXFFONFNCFSTPGUIF#PBSE Perusahaan periode tahun 2011 sebagai berikut: of Directors with the fellow members of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners and Shareholders period in 2011 as follows: Hubungan Keluarga Dengan Hubungan Keuangan Di Perusahaan Lain Family Relationship with Financial Ties in Other Company Nama Dewan Komisaris Direksi ICON+ Pemegang Dewan Komisaris Direksi Pemegang Name ICON+ Board of Saham ICON+ Board of Board of Saham Shareholders of Directors Board of Directors of Commissioners Shareholders Commissioners ICON+ ICON+ of ICON+ Ya Yes Tdk No Ya Yes Tdk No Ya Yes Tdk No Ya Yes Tdk No Ya Yes Tdk No Ya Yes Tdk No Muljo Adji AG ʚ ʚ ʚ ʚʚʚ Ritme Aulia ʚ ʚ ʚ ʚʚʚ Jaffar Rulianto ʚ ʚ ʚ ʚʚʚ Darwanto Virano ʚ ʚ ʚ ʚʚʚ Nasution Sri Fortuna ʚ ʚ ʚ ʚʚʚ Purwatiningsih Selama tahun 2011, seluruh anggota Direksi ICON+ tidak memiliki hubungan kepengurusan dan kepemilikan saham di perusahaan lain During theyear 2011, all members of theBoard of Directors ofICON+has no relationshipmanagement, andownershipof sharesinother companies LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 165
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | DEWAN DIREKSI The Board of Directors PEDOMAN KERJA DIREKSI BOARD MANUAL FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengelolaan perusahaan, Direksi ICON+ telah dilengkapi Pedoman Kerja yang In carrying out the functions of corporate management, the disebut dengan Board Manual. Board Manual telah Board of Directors of ICON+ have been equipped with the disahkan melalui Keputusan Direksi No. 405/SK/001/ so-called Board Manual of Work Guidelines. Board Manual PUSAT/ICON+/2009 tanggal 11 Desember Tahun 2009, IBTCFFOSBUJmFECZUIF#PBSEPG%JSFDUPST%FDJTJPO/P dengan sebuah komitmen bersama antara Dewan 405/SK/001/PUSAT/ICON+/2009 dated December 11, Komisaris dengan Direksi, antara lain mengatur: 2009, with a shared commitment between the Board of a. Susunan, persyaratan dan masa jabatan Direksi Commissioners and the Board of Directors, as follow: b. Program pengenalan a. The composition, terms and tenure of Board of c. Pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Direksi d. Wewenang dan kewajiban Direksi Directors e. Remunerasi bagi Direksi b. Program recognition f. Rapat Direksi c. Performance of duties and responsibilities of the g. Hubungan kerja antara Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Board of Directors TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB d. The powers and duties of Board of Directors DIREKSI e. The Remuneration of Board of Directors f. The Meeting of Board of Directors Dalam melaksanakan tugas, Direksi ICON+ bertanggung g. The working relationship between the Board of jawab kepada RUPS. Pertanggungjawaban Direksi kepada RUPS merupakan perwujudan akuntabilitas Directors and the Board of Commissioners pengawasan atas pengelolaan perusahaan dalam rangka pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip GCG. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF DIRECTORS Direksi ICON+ melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya secara independen dalam memastikan In carrying out the duties, the Board of Directors ICON+ terselenggarannya pelaksanaan GCG. Direksi terlibat is responsible to the General Meeting of Shareholders. dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait dengan kegiatan Liability of Board of Directors to the General Meeting of operasional sesuai yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Shareholders is a manifestation of corporate accountability Dasar dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang for the management oversight in the implementation of berlaku. the principles of good corporate governance. Sejalan dengan standar tata kelola perusahaan yang Board of Directors carries out their tasks and baik, dalam rangka mendukung pelaksanaan tugasnya, responsibilities in ensuring independently Direksi dibantu oleh organ pendukung antara lain implementation of Good Corporate Governance. Board Internal Audit, Sekretaris Perusahaan, Unit manajemen of Directors involved in decision making related to the Risiko, dan lain sebagainya TQFDJmFE PQFSBUJPOT JO UIF BQQSPQSJBUF TUBUVUFT BOE applicable regulations. Direksi menindaklanjuti temuan audit dan rekomendasi hasil pemerikaan Satuan Audit Internal maupun auditor In line with the standards of good corporate governance, eksternal. in order to support the performance of its duties, the Board of Directors is assisted by supporting organs Direksi mengungkapkan kebijakan-kebijakan ICON+ such as Internal Audit, Corporate Secretary, Risk yang bersifat strategis di bidang kepegawaian dengan Management Unit, and other organs. media yang mudah diakses oleh pegawai antara lain melalui Majalah internal, website, dan email’. Board of Directors follows up audit findings and recommendations of the Internal Audit Unit and external Tugas dan Tanggungjawab Direksi dapat dijabarkan auditors. sebagai berikut: a. Melakukan pengelolaan ICON+ sesuai dengan Board of Directors expressed the strategic policies in the employment areas with the media that is easily kewenangan dan tanggung jawabnya sesuai accessible by employees through an internal magazine, Anggaran Dasar, Peraturan Perundang-undangan website, and email. yang berlaku dan prinsip-prinsip GCG. Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors can be described as follows: a. Manage the company in accordance with the authority and responsibilities according to the Statutes, Regulations applicable legislation and the principles of good corporate governance. 166 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | b. Menyusun visi, misi, dan nilai-nilai serta rencana b. Develop the vision, mission and values and strategic strategis ICON+ dalam bentuk Rencana Jangka plan of the company in accordance with the Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) dan Rencana Kerja Corporate Long Term Plan (RJPP) and Short Term dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP). Plan (RKAP). c. Menetapkan struktur organisasi yang lengkap c. Establish an organizational structure complete with dengan rincian tugas di setiap divisi. details of the tasks in each division. d. Mengendalikan sumber daya yang dimiliki ICON+ E &GGFDUJWFMZ BOE FGmDJFOUMZ DPOUSPM UIF SFTPVSDFT PG TFDBSBFGFLUJGEBOFmTJFO the company. e. Menciptakan sistem pengendalian inter n, e. Create a system of internal control, risk management, manajemen risiko, menjamin terselenggaranya ensure the company’s internal audit function within fungsi audit intern perusahaan dalam setiap FBDIMFWFMPGNBOBHFNFOUBOEGPMMPXVQUIFmOEJOHT tingkatan manajemen dan menindaklanjuti temuan of the Internal Audit Division in accordance with the Divisi Pengawasan Intern ICON+ sesuai dengan policies or directions that are given the Board of kebijakan atau pengarahan yang diberikan Dewan Commissioners. Komisaris. f. Take into account the reasonable interests of f. Memperhatikan kepentingan yang wajar dari stakeholders of the company. pemangku kepentingan ICON+ (stakeholders). Duties and responsibilities of each member of the Board Tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing anggota of Directors established under Decree No. 105/SK/001/ Direksi ditetapkan berdasarkan Keputusan Direksi PUSAT/ICON+/2009 dated July 29, 2009, include: Nomor: 105/SK/001/PUSAT/ICON+/2009 tanggal 29 Juli 2009, meliputi: Board of Directors responsible for the implementation of the company’s management as well as maintenance Direktur Utama bertanggungjawab terhadap and manage companies asset, to continually improve terselenggaranya pengurusan Perusahaan serta the efficiency and effectiveness of the company’s pemeliharaan dan pengelolaan kekayaan Perusahaan, management in accordance with goals and objectives VOUVLTFOBOUJBTBNFOJOHLBULBOFmTJFOTJEBOFGFLUJmUBT of the company, based on the Company’s articles of pengelolaan Perusahaan sesuai dengan maksud association and remain in the corridor of vision and dan tujuan ICON+, berdasarkan anggaran dasar mission of the Company and abide by the principles Perusahaan serta tetap di dalam koridor visi dan misi of good corporate governance. Perusahaan serta mematuhi azas-azas GCG. Director of Planning and Operations is responsible Direktur Perencanaan dan Operasi bertanggung GPSUIFDPNQBOZTEFmOFECVTJOFTTTUSBUFHZ JOUFHSBUFE jawab terhadap strategi bisnis Perusahaan yang telah planning and managing the operation, development ditetapkan, mengelola secara terpadu perencanaan and network infrastructure and telecommunications dan pengoperasian, pembangunan dan infrastruktur services, telecommunications infrastructure and jaringan dan layanan telekomunikasi, infrastruktur operations support systems so that the Company’s pendukung operasi sistem telekomunikasi dan information systems have advantages and readiness sistem informasi Perusahaan sehingga memiliki to compete in the dynamic and competitive keunggulan dan kesiapan berkompetisi dalam industri telecommunications industry. telekomunikasi yang dinamis dan kompetitif. Human Resources Director is responsible for Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia bertanggung jawab planning and developing organization, managing terhadap perencanaan dan pengembangan organisasi and developing human resources, managing human dan pengelolaan pengembangan sumber daya manusia resources availability and readiness both in number dan pengelolaan ketersediaan serta kesiapan SDM baik and competence according to the Company’s needs dalam jumlah maupun kompetensi sesuai strategi bisnis and business strategy. Manage and build industrial dan kebutuhan Perusahaan. Mengelola dan membangun relations harmony and synergy to the company’s vision hubungan industrial yang harmoni dan sinergis menuju visi and mission. Establish, monitor and also evaluate the dan misi Perusahaan. Menetapkan dan memonitor sserta effectiveness of business processes and knowledge NFOHFWBMVBTJ FGFLUJmUBT QSPTFT CJTOJT TFSUB knowledge management, to support smooth operations in order management, untuk menunjang kelancaran operasional to meet the development needs of the Company in dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pengembangan order to compete in the industry. Build and develop Perusahaan agar mampu bersaing di industry. Membangun the corporate culture. Implement the management of dan mengembangkan budaya perusahaan. Melaksanakan facilities and adequate working facilities to maintain the pengelolaan fasilitas dan sarana kerja yang memadai untuk stability of the company’s operations. menjaga stabilitas operasional perusahaan. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 167
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | DEWAN DIREKSI The Board of Directors Direktur Niaga bertanggung jawab terhadap Commercial Director is responsible for the planning perencanaan dan pelaksanaan riset pasar and implementing the comprehensive informatics and telekomunikasi dan informatika yang comprehensive, market research of the telecommunications, proposing mengusulkan strategi dan rencana arah bisnis plan and strategy of the Company’s business direction. Perusahaan. Memilih dan mengelola kelangsungan Select and manage the sustainability of selected produk terpilih. Merencanakan strategi penjualan products. Sales plan strategies and effective customer dan pengelolaan pelanggan yang efektif, melakukan management, making sales, building relationships and penjualan, membangun hubungan dan networking networking with customers. dengan pelanggan. Director of Finance is responsible for financial Direktur Keuangan bertanggung jawab terhadap planning and managing available fund for operating perencanaan keuangan dan pengelolaan pemenuhan and investing activities aligned with its business kebutuhan pendanaan untuk aktivitas operasi dan TUSBUFHZ DPOUSPMMJOH mOBODJBM BTQFDUT PG DPSQPSBUF investasi selaras dengan strategi bisnis Perusahaan, health, maintaining precision and accuracy of QFOHFOEBMJBOLFTFIBUBOQFSVTBIBBOEBSJBTQFLmOBOTJBM Company’s financial statements, executing and menjaga ketepatan dan akurasi penyusunan laporan implementing the Company’s asset management of keuangan Perusahaan, melaksanakan manajemen asset supply chain management and procurement of goods Perusahaan serta melaksanakan pengelolaan supply and services. chain dan pengadaan barang dan jasa. KEGIATAN PELATIHAN/SEMINAR TRAINING/SEMINAR ACTIVITIES OF DIREKSI TAHUN 2011 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Selama tahun 2011 anggota Direksi telah mengikuti During the year 2011 member of the Board of Directors kegiatan pelatihan dan seminar sebagai berikut: have attended training and seminars as follows: Direksi Judul Pelatihan Waktu Tempat Board of Directors Type of Training Time Place Bandung Persiapan PLN Menyongsong ASEAN Economic 11-07-2011 Community 2015 San Fransisco PLN preparation toward the ASEANEconomic Community2015 Medan $*4$0&YFDVUJWFCSJFmOHDFOUFS CVTJOFTT 13-11-2011 Singapura technology for Network Total Solutions Singapore Muljo Adji AG Singapura $*4$0&YFDVUJWFCSJFmOHDFOUFS CVTJOFTT Singapore technology for Network Total Solutions Denpasar Singapura Aurora Networks, Business Development for Singapore New Last Mile Technology Solutions Aurora Networks, Business Development for New Last Mile Technology Solutions Seminar Sehari Dampak Petir Terhadap Jaringan 25-01-2011 Listrik One Day Seminar onImpact of Electricity Network Against Lightning 8PSLTIPQ.FNCFS.&'EBO1FOZFSBIBO4FSUJmLBU 23-10-2011 8PSLTIPQBOE$FSUJmDBUF%FMJWFSZPG.&'.FNCFS Ritme Aulia Jaffar Communic Asia 2011 23-06-2011 Cisco Service Provider Clound Symposium 2011 23-06-2011 Virano Gazi Nasution 8PSLTIPQ.FNCFS.&'EBO1FOZFSBIBO4FSUJmLBTJ 8PSLTIPQBOE$FSUJmDBUF%FMJWFSZPG.&'.FNCFS 23-10-2011 168 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | RAPAT DIREKSI BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Rapat Direksi dilaksanakan setiap minggu sekali Board of Directors meeting held every other week setiap hari Selasa, namun tidak tertutup kemungkinan every Tuesday, but it is also possible that the Board of bahwa Direksi mengadakan Rapat Direksi di luar jadwal Directors meeting held outside the schedule, which is yang telah ditentukan, dimana apabila pada waktu necessary if there was urgency for decision making in tersebut diperlukan pengambilan keputusan dalam Board of Directors meeting. forum direksi. The Board of Directors conducted 44 times internal Rapat Direksi yang dilakukan secara internal sebanyak meeting as well as 15 times joint meeting with the 44 kali maupun rapat Koordinasi bersama Dewan Board of Commissioners in 2011. Attendance list and Komisaris selama tahun 2011 sebanyak 15 kali. Daftar discussed agenda for the Board of Directors Meeting Kehadiran dan agenda yang dibahas dalam Rapat in 2011 as follow: Direksi selama tahun 2011 Bulan Muljo Kehadiran Direksi Agenda Rapat Month Adji Attendance of the Board of Directors Discussed Agenda Januari Sri Fortuna Rulianti Ritme Aulia Virano January Purwatiningsih Darwanto Jaffar Nasution 33 Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yg Lalu Evaluation ofthe past Board of DirectorsMeeting Issue Korporat Corporate Issuew Monitoring Pendapatan Revenue monitoring Persiapan RUPS RKAP 2011 Preparation of General Meeting of Shareholders of RKAP2011 Sosialisasi aplikasi korporat Socialization of corporate applications 3 3 3 Strategi revenue protection 2011 Revenue protection strategy in 2011 Konsep pengelolaan ROW ROW management concept Pelaksanaan progran branding image Implementation of the branding image program Permasalahan kepegawaian 4UBGmOHJTTVFT Monitoring kontrak manajemen 2011 Monitoring the contract management in 2011 Target pendapatan UBICONSAT 2011 UBICONSATrevenue targets in 2011 Pebruari 4 3 Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yg Lalu February Evaluationofthe past Board of DirectorsMeeting Issue Korporat Corporate Issue Persiapan implementasi AP2T luar Jawa Bali Preparation of AP2T outer Java and Bali implementation Presentasi perhitungan HPP Jaringan 3 4 3 Presentation calculation of HPP Network Progres negosiasi kontrak AP2T The progress on AP2T contract negotiations Progres penyelesaian kontrak USO Progress on USO contract completion Konsep pengelolaan jaringan The concept of network management Persiapan Rapat Dekom Preparation Board of Commissioners Meeting LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 169
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | DEWAN DIREKSI The Board of Directors Bulan Muljo Kehadiran Direksi Agenda Rapat Month Adji Attendance of the Board of Directors Discussed Agenda Maret Sri Fortuna Rulianti Ritme Aulia Virano March Purwatiningsih Darwanto Jaffar Nasution Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yang Lalu Evaluation of the past Board of Directors Meeting Issue Korporat Corporate Issue Pembahasan masalah perencanaan dan operasi Discussion of planningand operations Presentasi survey persepsi pegawai Presentation of employee perception survey Persiapan integrasi call center Preparation for the integration of call center Progres aplikasi batubara Progress of coal application Presentasi UBM tentang pengembangan produk 40 4 4 3 UBM presentation on product development Laporan implementasi AP2T Jawa Bali Implementation report on AP2T inner Java Bali Kerjasama infrastruktur Pontianak – Entikong – Tebedu Infrastructure cooperation Pontianak-Entikong- Tebedu Monitoring kontrak manajemen 2011 Monitoringthe contract management in 2011 Monitoring pendapaan 2011 Revenue Monitoringin 2011 Persiapan rapat Dekom Preparation of Board of Commissioners Meeting April 4 4 Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yang Lalu Evaluation of the past Board of Directors Meeting Issue Korporat Corporate Issue Monitoring pendapatan 2011 Revenue Monitoring in 2011 Pembahasan LM Triwulan I 4 4 3 Discussion of First Quarter Management Report Presentasi call center Presentation of the call center Persiapan RUPS Pertanggung jawaban tahun 2010 Preparation of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Accountability in 2010 Penyampaian RJP 2011 -2016 Submission of RJPP 2011 -2016 Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yang Lalu Evaluation of the past Board of Directors Meeting Issue Korporat Corporate Issue Monitoring pendapatan 2011 Revenue Monitoring in 2011 Monitoring aktivasi 2011 Delivery Time Monitoring in 2011 Monitoring operasi 2011 Operational Monitoring in 2011 Mei Kebijakan pencatatatn aset last mile May 4 4 3 4 3 Last mile Assets Recording Policy Penjelasan pengisian SIMKP Explanation of charging SIMKP Persiapan implementasi AP2T Luar Jawa Bali Preparation of AP2T Outer Java-Bali implementation Persiapan rapat Dekom Preparation of Board of Commissioners Meeting Penunjukan manajer divisi aset strategis dan kemitraan The appointment of a strategic asset and partnerships division managers 170 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | Bulan Muljo Kehadiran Direksi Agenda Rapat Month Adji Attendance of the Board of Directors Discussed Agenda Sri Fortuna Rulianti Ritme Aulia Virano Juni 4 Purwatiningsih Darwanto Jaffar Nasution Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yang Lalu June Evaluation of the past Board of Directors Meeting 4 4 4 42 Juli Issue Korporat Corporate Issue July 3 3 4 44 Monitoring pendapatan 2011 Agustus 4 3 3 33 Revenue Monitoring in 2011 August Persiapan RKAP 2012 4 2 42 September Preparation of RKAP2012 Pengarahan direksi kepada TIM RKAP 2012 Board of directors Guidance to theRKAP2012 teams Presentasi konsultan RoW Presentation of RoW consultant Persiapan Rapat Dekom Preparation of Board of Commissioners Meeting Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yang Lalu Evaluation of the past Board of Directors Meeting Issue Korporat Corporate Issue Pembahasan implementasi AP2T Luar Jawa Bali Discussion of AP2T outer Java and Bali implementation Laporan manajemen Semester I 2011. Second Quarter Management Report in 2011 Pembahasan organisasi UBICONSAT dan proyek USO Discussion of UBICONSAT organizations and USO projects Presentasi kinerja operasi Presentation of operating performance Persiapan Rapat Kerja akhir Juli 2011 Preparation Meeting of the end of July 2011 Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yang Lalu Evaluation of the past Board of Directors Meeting Issue Korporat Corporate Issue Monitoring pendapatan 2011 Revenue Monitoring in 2011 Pembahasan tindak lanjut hasil survey persepsi pegawai Follow-up discussion of an employee perception survey Presentasi pencapaian KPI Presentation Key Performance Indicators achievement Presentasi RKAP 2012 Presentation on RKAP 2012 Persiapan rapat dekom Preparation of Board of Commissioners Meeting Pembahasan penyelesaian kontrak USO USO contract settlement discussions Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yang Lalu Evaluation of the past Board of Directors Meeting Issue Korporat Corporate Issue Progres implementasi DRC ERP PLN Pusat Progress of implementation of ERP DRC PLN Progres implementasi AP2T Luar Jawa Bali Progress of implementation of AP2T outer Java Bali Pembahasan komitmen pelaksanaan program kerja investasi 2011 Discussion of the work program of investment commitments in 2011 Pembahasan SDM Discussion of Human Resource Persiapan pertemuan dengan DIRBMR Preparation meeting with Director PLN of Business and Risk Management Presentasi kerjasama AMR dengan mitra Presentations of AMR cooperation with partner Presentasi draf kajian brand image Presentation of the brand image feasibility draft Persiapan rapat Dekom Preparation of Board of Commissioners Meeting Monitoring pendapatan 2011 Revenue Monitoring in 2011 Presentasi UBICONSAT tentang progres VSAT UBICONSAT presentation on the progress of VSAT LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 171
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | DEWAN DIREKSI The Board of Directors Bulan Muljo Kehadiran Direksi Agenda Rapat Month Adji Attendance of the Board of Directors Discussed Agenda Oktober Sri Fortuna Rulianti Ritme Aulia Virano October Purwatiningsih Darwanto Jaffar Nasution Nopember Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yang Lalu November Evaluation of the past Board of Directors Meeting Issue Korporat Corporate Issue Monitoring pendapatan 2011 Revenue Monitoring in 2011 Laporan manajemen triwulan III 2011 44 4 4 4 Third quarter Management reports in 2011 Laporan progres Ap2T dan call center Ap2T and call center progress report Laporan progres kontrak USO USOcontract progress reports Persiapan rapat Dekom Preparation of Board of Commissioners Meeting 33 Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yang Lalu Evaluation of the past Board of Directors Meeting Issue Korporat Corporate Issue Pembahasan SDM Discussion of Human Resource Monitoring pendapatan 2011 Revenue Monitoring in 2011 3 3 3 Persiapan rapat Dekom Preparation of Board of Commissioners Meeting Persiapan RUPS RKAP 2012 Preparation of General Meeting of Shareholder of RKAP2012 Presentasi evaluasi pelanggan. Evaluation of customer presentations Progres aktivasi Delivery Time Progress Evaluasi Rapat Direksi yang Lalu Evaluation of the past Board of Directors Meeting Issue Korporat Corporate Issue Monitoring pendapatan 2011 Revenue Monitoring in 2011 Desember Persiapan Rapat Dekom December 3 1 3 3 3 Preparation of Board of Commissioners Meeting Penjelasan assesmen Malcolm Baldridge Explanation of Malcolm Baldridge assessment Konsep operasi desa USO Operational concept of USO rural village Presentasi Bispro UBSTIK UBSTIK Business Process Presentation Jumlah 44 36 40 44 36 Total 172 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | Keputusan yang diambil dalam rapat Direksi Indonesia Decisions made in the meeting of the Board of Directors Comnets Plus telah dicatat dan didokumentasikan has been properly recorded and documented in the dengan baik dalam risalah rapat Direksi. Risalah rapat di minutes of meetings of Board of Directors. Minutes of tandangani oleh ketua rapat dan didistribusikan kepada the meeting had signed by the chairman of the meeting semua anggota Direksi yang menghadiri rapat maupun were distributed to all members of the Board of Directors tidak. Perbedaan pendapat (disenting opinion) yang whether they attend meetings or not. Dissenting opinion terjadi dalam rapat akan dicantumkan dalam risalah that occurred in the meeting will be included in the rapat disertai alasan mengenai perbedaan pendapat. minutes of the meeting with reasons for dissent. PENILAIAN KINERJA DIREKSI PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL OF THE TAHUN 2011 BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN 2011 Penilaian kinerja Direksi dilakukan oleh pemegang Performance Appraisal of the Board of Directors saham. Mekanisme penilaian dilakukan berdasarkan was conducted by the shareholders. Mechanisms of laporan pertanggungjawaban Dewan Komisaris dan accountability assessment based on a report of the Direksi yang disampaikan dalam RUPS tahunan. Board of Directors presented in the General Meeting of Hasil penilaian kinerja Direksi dilakukan sesuai Shareholders. The results of performance appraisal of the dengan hasil pencapaian kinerja dalam Kontrak Board of Directors in accordance with the achievement of Manajemen tahun 2011 sebagai Key Performance the performance of the Contract Management in 2011 as Indicators (KPI) Direksi. Dengan diterimanya laporan Key Performance Indicators of the Board of Directors. With pertanggungjawaban pengelolaan perusahaan the acceptance of the Board of Director’s accountability oleh Direksi maka RUPS memberikan pelunasan report of the company’s management, then General pembebasan tanggung jawab (aquite of the charge) Meeting of Shareholders granted redemption disclaimer untuk tahun buku bersangkutan. BRVJUFPGUIFDIBSHF GPSUIFDPODFSOFEmOBODJBMZFBS Disamping itu, penilaian Direksi dapat dilihat In addition, the performance appraisal of the Board of dari hasil pencapaian skor dalam assessment Directors could be seen from the results of achievement GCG khususnya skor pada bagian Direksi. Tahun scores in the Good Corporate Governance assessment 2011 pencapaian skor Dewan Komisaris dalam especially score on the Board of Directors. In 2011 the assessment GCG adalah sebesar 24,63 atau Board of Commissioners achievement scores in the mencapai 91,20% dari parameter yang ditetapkan. Good Corporate Governance assessment was 24,63 or 91,20 % of the set parameter. REMUNERASI DIREKSI TAHUN 2011 REMUNERATION OF THE BOARD OF Kebijakan Remunerasi Direksi DIRECTORS IN 2011 Kebijakan pemberian remunerasi dan fasilitas lain bagi Direksi mengacu kepada keputusan Remuneration Policy of the Board of Directors dari Pemegang Saham sebagaimana ditetapkan Remuneration policy and other amenities for the Board dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. Pemegang of Directors referred to the decision of the Shareholders Saham menetapkan remunerasi Direksi dengan as set forth in the General Meeting of Shareholders. pertimbangan kewajaran, meningkatnya tuntutan Shareholders determine the remuneration of Directors dan tanggung jawab pengurusan perusahaan serta with fairness considerations, the increasing demands meningkatnya kebutuhan Cost of Living Adjustment and responsibilities of the company’s management (COLA). as well as the increasing needs for Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). Berdasarkan keputusan RUPS Sirkuler tanggal 25 Juni tahun 2009, pemegang saham menetapkan dasar gaji Based on the decision of the Circular General Meeting bagi Direktur Utama, yang menjadi dasar komposisi of Shareholders dated June 25, 2009, shareholders gaji Direktur, Komisaris Utama, anggota Dewan set the basic salary for the Managing Director, which Komisaris dan honorarium Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris became the composition of basic salary of Directors, secara berturut-turut sebesar 90%, 40%, 36% dan Chairman of Board of Commissioners, member of 15%. Komponen remunerasi Dewan Komisaris meliputi: the Board of Commissioners and emolument of the honorarium, tunjangan, dan tantiem. Secretary of the Board of Commissioners respectively by 90%, 40%, 36% and 15%. Components of the remuneration of the Board of Commissioners include: emolument, allowances and bonus. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 173
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | DEWAN DIREKSI The Board of Directors Remunerasi yang diterima Direksi selama tahun 2011 The remuneration of Board of Directors during 2011 has tidak mengalami perubahan sejak tahun 2009. Jenis not changed since 2009. Types of remuneration were remunerasi yang diterima oleh Direksi pada tahun 2011 received by Directors in 2011 as follows: adalah sebagai berikut: Jumlah Diterima Dalam 1 Tahun Amount in a year Jenis Remunerasi dan Fasilitas Lain Direksi Board of Directors Types of Remuneration and Other Amenities Orang Person Rp Juta Rp Million Remunerasi (gaji, uang cuti, tunjangan rutin, tantiem, fasilitas 5 7.910 kesehatan dan komunikasi)* Remuneration(salary, leave of absence allowances, regularallowances, bonus, healthandcommunicationallowances) * Fasilitas lain dalam bentuk natura (perumahan, transportasi, 5 7.910 asuransi kesehatan dan sebagainya*) Other amenities (housing and transportation allowances, healthinsuranceandso on*) Total Total 5 15.820 174 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN Corporate Secretary PROFIL SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN PROFILE OF CORPORATE SECRETARY Pengangkatan Sekretaris Perusahaan ICON+ Appointment of Corporate Secretary of ICON+ was ditetapkan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No. 005/ established under Decree No. 005/SK/001/PUSAT/ SK/001/PUSAT/ICON+/2011 tgl 01 Feb 2011. ICON +/2011 dated February 1, 2011. #FSJLVUQSPmMSJOHLBTQJNQJOBO4FLSFUBSJT1FSVTBIBBO 5IJTJTUIFCSJFGQSPmMFPGUIF$PSQPSBUF4FDSFUBSZ Hadi Prayitno Kelahiran Mojokerto, 20 Januari 1957. Meraih gelar Sarjana dari Institut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS) Surabaya (1982). Sebelum menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan, beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Staf Ahli Pembangunan Jaringan (2010), Ketua Tim Implementasi AP2T di PLN Jawa Bali (2010–2011), Ketua Tim Pembangunan USO KTI (2009), Manager Manajemen Risiko (2009- 2010), Manajer PMO (2008-2009), Manajer Operasi(2003-2004) dan Manajer IT (2000). Beliau juga pernah mengikuti pendidikan non-formal di antaranya EHV System Communication – Merz and McLellan (1984), telecommunication systems – BBC Baden (1984) dan Value Inculcation Program (2007) Born in Mojokerto on January 20, 1957. Hold a degree from the Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS) Surabaya (1982). Prior to serving as Corporate Secretary, he served as Senior Advisor Network Development (2010-present), Chairman of the Implementation Team AP2T in PLN Java Bali (2010-2011), Chairman of the Development Team USO KTI (2009), Risk Management Manager (2009-2010), PMO Manager (2008-2009), Operations Manager (2003-2004) and IT Managers (2000). He also had attended non-formal education among EHV-Communication System Merz and McLellan (1984), telecommunication systems - BBC Baden (1984) and Value Inculcation Program (2007) STRUKTUR ORGANISASI SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF CORPORATE SECRETARY Direktur Utama President Director Sekretaris Perusahaan Corporate Secretary Divisi Hukum Divisi Humas dan Hubungan Kelembagaan Divisi Hubungan Investor Division of Legal Division of Public Relation and Institutional Division of Investor Relation LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 175
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN Corporate Secretary Dalam struktur organisasi, Sekretaris Perusahaan In the organizational structure, the Corporate bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Direktur Utama. Secretary is directly responsible to the Board of Sekretaris Perusahaan ICON+ terdiri dari Divisi Directors. Corporate Secretary of ICON+ consists hukum, Divisi Humas dan Kelembagaan serta Divisi of the Division of Legal, the Division of Public Hubungan Investor. Divisi Hukum bertanggung jawab Relations and Institutional and Investor Relations untuk mengelola kegiatan dalam meningkatkan citra Division. Legal Division is responsible for managing perusahaan, mendeteksi kemungkinan ancaman dan activities in enhancing the corporate image, to detect meminimalkan ancaman serta menjaga kepastian possible threats and minimize the threat and keep the hukum perusahaan. Divisi Humas dan Hubungan company legal certainty. Institutional Relations and Kelembagaan bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola Public Relations Division is responsible for managing hubungan dengan pihak internal dan eksternal relationships with internal and external parties in dalam menyampaikan dan melaksanakan acara delivering and executing corporate events as well as korporasi serta menjaga hubungan keselarasan maintaining relationships with the regulators so that dengan regulator agar perjalanan bisnis dapat the alignment traveling on business can run smoothly, berjalan dengan baik Sedangkan Divisi Hubungan while the Investor Relations Division is responsible Investor bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan for carrying out a business relationship with our hubungan bisnis dengan para pemegang saham shareholders and stakeholders to maintain business dan stakeholder untuk menjaga keselarasan bisnis alignment. perusahaan. PEDOMAN KERJA,TUGAS DAN GUIDELINES, DUTIES AND TANGGUNG JAWAB SEKRETARIS RESPONSIBILITIES OF CORPORATE PERUSAHAAN SECRETARY Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Sekretaris Perusahaan In performing its duties, the Secretary of the Company telah dilengkapi Pedoman Kerja yang ditetapkan has been assigned with the Guidelines that established dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi No.045/SK/001/PUSAT/ in Decree of the Board No.045/SK/001/PUSAT/ ICON+/2012. ICON+/2012. Tugas pokok Sekretaris Perusahaan ICON+ adalah The principal tasks Corporate Secretary of ICON+ bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola kegiatan is responsible for managing communications and komunikasi dan informasi tentang perusahaan kepada information about the company to customers, the Board, pelanggan, Dewan Komisaris, Pemegang Saham, shareholders, government and other stakeholders in Pemerintah dan stakeholders lainnya dalam rangka order to enhance the corporate image. meningkatkan citra perusahaan. Duties of Corporate Secretary of ICON+ include: Fungsi Sekretaris Perusahaan ICON+ meliputi: 1. Manage and maintain communication with 1. Mengelola dan menjaga komunikasi dengan stakeholders in order to maintain the company pihak stakeholders dalam rangka menjaga citra image; perusahaan; 2. Manage the activities of the Board of Directors 2. Mengelola aktivitas Direksi dalam membina in developing relationships with people outside hubungan dengan pihak di luar perusahaan the company (cooperation agreement, customer (perjanjian kerjasama, hubungan dengan relationships) as well as activity in the corporate pelanggan) maupun aktivitas di dalam lingkungan environment (meetings and other service activities); perusahaan (rapat dan kegiatan kedinasan lainnya); 3. Managing the company’s activities in conjunction with 3. Mengelola aktivitas perusahaan dalam hubungannya the Board of Commissioners and its shareholders dengan Dewan Komisaris dan pemegang saham (the periodic evaluation meeting, the submission of (rapat evaluasi periodik, pengajuan proposal approval proposals of the Board of Commissioners, persetujuan Dewan Komisaris, RUPS dan the shareholders’ meeting and so on) sebagainya) 4. Conduct relations with the government to achieve 4. Menyelenggarakan hubungan dengan pemerintah corporate social responsibility, to monitor regulatory untuk mewujudkan tanggung jawab sosial developments including telecommunications license perusahaan, memantau perkembangan regulasi application; yang berlaku termasuk pengajuan lisensi bidang telekomunikasi; 176 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | 5. Mengkoordinasikan kegiatan penyusunan kebijakan 5. Coordinate the activities of the company policy; perusahaan; 6. Administer and store company documents, 6. Menatausahakan serta menyimpan dokumen including the Shareholder Register, Special Register, perusahaan, termasuk Daftar Pemegang Saham, and minutes of meetings Board of Directors. Daftar Khusus, risalah rapat Direksi dan risalah RUPS. KEGIATAN SEKRETARIS ACTIVITIES OF THE CORPORATE PERUSAHAAN DI TAHUN 2011 SECRETARY IN 2011 Sekretaris Perusahaan ICON+ selama tahun 2011 telah Corporate Secretary of ICON+ during the year 2011 melakukan kegiatan sebagai berikut: has conducted the following activities: 1. Pelaksanaan rapat Direksi, rapat Direksi dilaksanakan 1. The Board of Directors meeting, the Board of setiap hari Selasa dan bila pada hari tersebut Directors meeting was held every Tuesday and beberapa Direksi berhalangan hadir, maka rapat when the day was unable to attend a Board of Direksi dilaksanakan pada hari berikutnya. Selain Directors, the Board of Directors meeting would itu , Direksi juga melaksanakan beberapa kali rapat be held on the next day. In addition, the Board Direksi yang bersifat khusus. Total rapat Direksi yang of Directors also conducted several meetings of dilaksanakan dalam tahun 2011 sebanyak 44 kali the Board of Directors for special purpose. Total dan 8 kali pelaksanaan rapat Direksi khusus dengan Board of Directors meeting held in the year 2011 tingkat kehadiran total 91,54%. were 44 times and 8 times of the implementation 2. Pelaksanaan RUPS yang pada tahun 2011 telah of the special Board meeting with a total of 91.54% dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali, yaitu RUPS RKAP 2011 attendance rate. dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17 Januari 2011, RUPS 2. The shareholders’ meeting in 2011 which have been Pertanggungjawaban tahun buku 2010 dilaksanakan held for three times; in 2010 was held on May 5, pada tanggal 5 Mei 2011 dan RUPS RKAP 2012 2011 and the shareholders’ meeting of RKAP 2012 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 November 2011. was held on 24 November 2011. 3. Acara korporat pada tahun 2011 antara lain terdiri 3. Corporate Events in 2011 include the implementation dari pelaksanaan kick off RKAP 2011, Rapat kickoff of RKAP 2011, evaluation meeting of RKSP evaluasi RKSP semester I 2011 dan rapat lainnya GPS UIF mSTU TFNFTUFS PG BOE PUIFS NFFUJOHT yang dihadiri oleh seluruh manajer di Kantor attended by all central and regional managers. Pusat maupun regional. Acara perlombaan untuk Events to increase the closeness of the employees. meningkatkan keeratan pegawai. Acara pertemuan Meeting for all employees on the eve of Ramadan, bagi seluruh karyawan pada menjelang Ramadhan, fasting and the company’s birthday. buka puasa dan ulang tahun perusahaan. SUBMISSION OF PERIODIC REPORTS PENYERAHAN LAPORAN BERKALA IN 2011 DI TAHUN 2011 As a form of accountability of its operation, the Sebagai wujud pertanggungjawaban pelaksanaan Secretary of the Company during the year 2011 has tugasnya, Sekretaris Perusahaan selama tahun 2011 submitted a report that was Annual Report of the telah menyampaikan laporan yaitu Laporan Tahunan Corporate Secretary submitted on December 31, 2011 Sekretaris Perusahaan yang disampaikan pada tanggal by MI No.123024/MI/005/PUSAT/ICON+/2011 31 Desember 2011 dengan MI No.123024/MI/005/ PUSAT/ICON+/2011. PUBLICATION OF COMPANY INFORMATION PUBLIKASI INFORMASI PERUSAHAAN During the year 2011 ICON+ has issued a press release Selama tahun 2011 ICON+ telah mengeluarkan siaran as follows: pers sebagai berikut: Tanggal Date Uraian Description 26 Oktober 2011 4FSUJmLBU*OUFSOBTJPOBM.&'VOUVL*$0/ October 26, 2011 .&'*OUFSOBUJPOBM$FSUJmDBUFGPS*$0/ LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 177
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN Corporate Secretary AKSES INFORMASI PERUSAHAAN ACCESS TO INFORMATION Wujud komitmen ICON+ terhadap pelaksanaan As commitment of ICON+ to the implementation of prinsip transparansi, perusahaan memberikan akses the principles of transparency, the company provides secara luas kepada para pemangku kepentingan extensive access to the stakeholders and shareholders maupun pemegang saham mengetahui informasi to get informed about ICON+ through the company ICON+ melalui website perusahaan www.iconpln.co.id website www.iconpln.co.id or “ICONews” newsletter maupun newsletter “ICONews” yang disebarluaskan which was distributed to customers and employees kepada para pelanggan dan karyawan setiap bulan. every month. Untuk berbagi informasi dan pengetahuan diantara To share information and knowledge among employees, karyawan, ICON+ juga memiliki media komunikasi ICON+ has internal communication media such as internal antara lain melalui mailing list dengan alamat through Mailing list at email [email protected]. In email [email protected]. Selain itu, ICON+ juga addition, ICON + also publish corporate events through mempublikasikan acara-acara korporat melalui portal an internal portal iconpln.co.id. internal portal.iconpln.co.id. SISTEM PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL Internal Control Systems Dalam rangka mengamankan investasi dan aset In order to safeguard investments and meet the perusahaan serta memenuhi pertanggungjawaban company’s assets and liability for the reliability of atas keandalan laporan keuangan, Dewan Komisaris mOBODJBMTUBUFNFOUT UIF#PBSEPG%JSFDUPSTBOE#PBSEPG dan Direksi ICON+ menerapkan sistem pengendalian Commissioners of ICON + implement an effective system internal yang efektif. Sistem ini termasuk peraturan of internal control. This system includes written rules tertulis mengenai kebijakan dan prosedur perusahaan regarding the policies and procedures of the company mencakup kegiatan usaha dan manajemen risiko, include business activities and risk management, rencana strategis, pembagian tugas, pendelegasian strategic planning, division of duties, delegation of wewenang serta kebijakan akuntansi yang memadai. authority and appropriate accounting policies. Bentuk pengendalian internal di lingkungan perusahaan, Form of internal control within the company, including diantaranya adalah penerapan manajemen risiko, the application of risk management, validation tasks QFOHFTBIBOUVHBTEBOWFSJmLBTJQFSTFUVKVBOUSBOTBLTJ BOE WFSJmDBUJPO USBOTBDUJPO BHSFFNFOU BOE KPVSOBMT dan jurnal pencatatan, menindaklanjuti hasil temuan entry, pursuant to the internal and external audit audit internal maupun eksternal. Pengendalian internal mOEJOHT *OUFSOBM DPOUSPM XJUIJO UIF *$0/ JT BMXBZT di lingkungan ICON+ senantiasa dievaluasi agar evaluated in order to be able to follow the development mampu mengikuti perkembangan usaha perusahaan. of business enterprises. Penerapan sistem pengendalian internal diarahkan Implementation of internal control system can be untuk dapat memberikan suatu keyakinan bahwa EJSFDUFEUPQSPWJEFBDPOmEFODFUIBUUIFDPNQBOZ perusahaan memiliki catatan keuangan dalam IBTUIFmOBODJBMSFDPSETJOQSFQBSBUJPOPGmOBODJBM penyusunan laporan keuangan, penggunaan aset statements, the use of assets in accordance sesuai dengan peruntukkannya dan kepatuhan with destining and compliance with applicable terhadap ketentuan yang berlaku. regulations. 178 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | LAPORAN AUDIT INTERNAL Internal Audit Reports Audit internal bertujuan untuk memberikan nilai tambah Internal Audit aims to provide added value to the bagi perusahaan dan mendorong terciptanya Good enterprise and encourage good corporate governance Corporate Governance dalam penyelenggaraan in the administration of the company. Achievement perusahaan. Pencapaian tujuan tersebut dilakukan of these goals is done by helping the company’s dengan membantu manajemen perusahaan dalam management in achieving its vision and mission upaya mencapai VISI dan MISI perusahaan melalui through the study and analysis, opinion and advice kajian dan analisa yang dilakukan, pendapat dan as well as a variety of information obtained during the saran serta berbagai informasi yang diperoleh selama examination, to cultivate a common perception and melakukan pemeriksaan, menumbuh kembangkan cooperation among all units within the company about kesamaan persepsi serta kerjasama diantara semua the importance of supervision for the achievement of unit kerja di lingkungan perusahaan mengenai Good Corporate Governance. pentingnya pengawasan demi tercapainya Good Corporate Governance. PROFILE OF HEAD OF INTERNAL AUDIT DIVISION PROFIL KEPALA AUDIT INTERNAL Appointment of Internal Audit Division of ICON+ was Pengangkatan Kepala Audit internal ICON+ ditetapkan based on the Decree of the Board of Directors on berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi No.002/SK/001/ Employee Rotation No.002/SK/001/PUSAT/ICON+/2011 PUSAT/ICON+/2011 tanggal 24 Januari 2011. dated January 24, 2011. #FSJLVUQSPmMSJOHLBT.BOBKFS\"VEJUJOUFSOBM 5IJTJTUIFCSJFGQSPmMFPGUIF*OUFSOBM\"VEJU.BOBHFS Kommie Hasan Lahir di Sumenep, 19 Juli 1960. Kepala Divisi Internal Audit sejak 2011. Sebelumnya, beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Manager Pembangunan Wilayah Sumatera Bagian Selatan. Beliau meraih gelar sarjana Teknik Elektronika,Universitas Widya Mandala Surabaya. Born in Sumenep, on July 19, 1960. Head of Internal Audit Division since 2011. Previously, he served as Regional Development Manager of Southern Sumatra. He holds a bachelor’s degree of Electronic Engineering from University of Widya Mandala Surabaya. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 179
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | LAPORAN AUDIT INTERNAL Internal Audit Reports STRUKTUR ORGANISASI AUDIT INTERNAL ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF INTERNAL AUDIT Manajer Internal Audit Manager of Internal Audit Deputi Manajer Audit Internal dan Keuangan Deputi Manajer Audit Kualitas Produk Deputy Manager of Management and Financial Audit Deputy Manager of Product Quality Audit 2IÀFHU$XGLW.XDOLWDV3URGXN 2IÀFHURI3URGXFW4XDOLW\\$XGLW Dalam struktur organisasi Perusahaan, Audit internal In the organizational structure of the Company, Division of bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Direktur Utama Internal Audit reports directly to the Director of PT. Indonesia dan terpisah dengan satuan kerja operasional lainnya. Comnets Plus and was separated with other operational Audit internal terdiri dari 2 Deputi Manajer, yaitu audit unit. Internal Audit consists of two Deputy Manager, Manajemen dan Keuangan serta audit kualitas produk. Management and Financial audit and product quality audit. STANDAR DAN PERANGKAT AUDIT STANDARD AND AUDIT TOOL Dalam melaksanakan fungsinya, Audit internal mengacu In performing its functions, Internal Audit refer to Audit internal charter yang telah ditandatangani dan Internal audit charter that was signed and approved disetujui oleh Direktur Utama PT Indonesia Comnets by the Director of PT. Indonesia Comnets Plus, based Plus, berdasarkan Surat Nomor 02015/MI/003/PUSAT/ on Decree of the Board of Directors No. 02015/MI/003/ ICON+/2011 tanggal 1 Februari 2011. Piagam audit PUSAT/ICON+/2011 dated February 1, 2011. Internal internal dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pedoman audit charter is intended to provide guidance on the mengenai tugas pokok dan fungsi Audit internal serta Duty and Internal Audit functions as well as aspects aspek-aspek yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan Audit relating to the implementation of Internal Audit. internal. Piagam Audit internal ini ditujukan pula sebagai Internal Audit Charter is intended also as a reference acuan pemahaman yang sama atas komitmen dari semua to a common understanding of the commitment of pihak yang terkait dalam bisnis proses perusahaan. all parties involved in the business of the company. TUGAS POKOK, WEWENANG DAN MAIN DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES TANGGUNG JAWAB AUDITOR AND AUTHORITIES OF INTERNAL INTERNAL AUDITORS Tugas pokok Audit internal adalah untuk: Fundamental duty of Internal Audit as follow: 1. Memberikan penilaian mengenai kecukupan 1. Provide an assessment of the adequacy and dan efektivitas proses manajemen ICON+ dalam effectiveness of management processes of ICON+ pengendalian kegiatan dan pengelolaan risiko. in the control and risk management activities. 2. Melakukan hal-hal penting berkaitan dengan proses 2. Do important things pertaining to the management pengendalian manajemen, termasuk kemungkinan control process, including the possibility of an melakukan peningkatan / perbaikan pada proses increase/improvement in the control process. pengendalian tersebut. 3. Provide information about the development and 3. Memberikan informasi mengenai perkembangan implementation of the results of the annual audit plan dan hasil-hasil pelaksanaan dari rencana audit and the adequacy of audit resources to the Director tahunan serta kecukupan sumberdaya audit kepada and the Board of Commissioners of ICON+ Direktur Utama dan Dewan Komisaris ICON+ 4. Coordinate with external institutions and other 4. Melakukan koordinasi dengan institusi pengendalian internal control. internal dan eksternal lainnya. 180 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | Auditor Internal memiliki kewenangan untuk melakukan Internal auditors have the authority to do the hal-hal sebagai berikut : following: 1. Melakukan audit pada semua Unit Bisnis, Kantor 1FSGPSNBVEJUTPOBMM#VTJOFTT6OJU )FBE0GmDFBOE Pusat dan Regional serta memberikan hasil evaluasi Regional as well as provide evaluation and audit dan rekomendasi Audit. recommendation. 2. Mendapatkan akses yang luas dan tidak dibatasi 2. Gain broad access and not restricted to obtaining untuk memperoleh data informasi dari semua data information of all company activities. aktivitas perusahaan. 3. Assess the course of management control systems, 3. Melakukan penilaian atas jalannya sistem implementation of risk management and GCG pengendalian manajemen, pelaksanaan manajemen (Good Corporate Gorvernance) in. risiko dan GCG ( Good Corporate Gorvernance ) di 4. Coordinate with relevant parties, both internal and lingkungan perusahaan. external, with respect to the audit task. 4. Melakukan koordinasi dengan pihak terkait, baik 5. Provide guidance and systems development and internal maupun eksternal, sehubungan dengan technical internal audit to the internal audit staff in tugas audit. an enterprise environment. 5. Melakukan pembinaan dan pengembangan sistem dan teknis audit internal kepada staf audit internal PLANNING AND REALIZATION OF di lingkungan perusahaan. INTERNAL AUDIT IN 2011 PERENCANAAN DAN REALISASI Planning of Internal Audit AUDIT INTERNAL TAHUN 2011 In early 2011, Internal Audit has prepared the Annual Audit Work Program (PKAT). Perencanaan Audit internal Pada awal tahun 2011, Audit internal telah menyusun PKAT Audit Intern 2011 includes operational program Program Kerja Audit Tahunan (PKAT). include: a. Internal audit of audit object includes the divisions PKAT Audit Internal 2011 mencakup program kegiatan yang meliputi: that exist in the ICON+ a. Audit internal dengan obyek audit mencakup Divisi, b. Improved human resource competency, through Regional dan Unit Bisnis yang ada di lingkungan DFSUJmDBUJPO2*\"BOE ICON+, c. Coordination with Audit Committee and counterpart C 1FOJOHLBUBO LPNQFUFOTJ 4%. NFMBMVJ TFSUJmLBTJ QIA, dan team of external auditors. c. Pelaksanaan koordinasi dengan Komite Audit dan team counterpart auditor eksternal. Realization of Internal Audit In accordance with the audit program in 2011, it has Realisasi dan Tindak Lanjut Audit Internal been carried out with a summary of audit activity as Laporan hasil audit disampaikan oleh Audit Internal follows: kepada Direktur Utama setiap selesai melakukan pemeriksaan. Audit Internal melakukan rapat koordinasi In addition, Internal Audit prepared an annual report dengan Komite Audit setiap bulan untuk membahas on the results of its functions to the Director and Audit hasil pemeriksanaan yang telah dilaksanakan. Dari 12 Committee of ICON+ unit auditee yang direncanakan pada tahun 2011, telah terealisasi 100%, yaitu dengan pelaksanaan 10 audit rutin dan 2 audit khusus. ICON+ berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan penyelesaian hasil temuan audit. Sesuai dengan program kerja tahun 2011, telah dilakukan audit dengan hasil bahwa jumlah seluruh temuan selama tahun 2011 adalah sebanyak 44 temuan dan seluruhnya telah selesai ditindak lanjuti. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 181
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | LAPORAN AUDIT INTERNAL Internal Audit Reports PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN INTERNAL AUDITOR DEVELOPMENT AUDITOR INTERNAL DI TAHUN 2011 PROGRAM IN 2011 Dalam rangka peningkatan mutu dan kompetensi In order to improve the quality and competency of Auditor Internal, ICON+ terus mendorong pelaksanaan Internal Auditors, ICON + continues to push the kegiatan training dan pelatihan sesuai kebutuhan. implementation of training as needed. During the Selama tahun 2011, ICON+ melakukan pengembangan year 2011, ICON+ has developed the competence of kompetensi auditor internal sebagai berikut: internal auditors as follows: No. Pelatihan Jumlah Peserta Durasi (hari) Penyelenggara Training Number of Duration (Days) Organizer Participants 1 Pendidikan Audit Intern Dasar 1 Basic Internal Audit 1 4 10 YPIA 2 Pendidikan Audit Intern Dasar 2 Basic Internal Audit 2 3 Pendidikan Audit Intern Lanjutan 1 Advanced Internal Audit Education 1 4 10 YPIA 4 Pendidikan Audit Intern Lanjutan 2 Advanced Internal Audit Education 2 5 Pendidikan Audit Intern Manajerial Managerial Internal Audit 4 10 YPIA 4 10 YPIA 3 10 YPIA Daftar anggota Auditor Internal yang telah mengikuti List of Internal Auditors who have attended a QSPHSBNTFSUJmLBTJ DFSUJmDBUJPOQSPHSBN No. Nama Name Jabatan Position 6HUWLÀNDVL$XGLW$XGLW&HUWLÀFDWLRQ 1 Kommie Hasan Manajer Manager QIA 2 Barmanto Deputy Manager IA Deputy Manager QIA 3 Nurmaini Staff IA Staff QIA PELAKSANAAN KOORDINASI THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DENGAN KOMITE AUDIT COORDINATING WITH THE AUDIT Dalam menjalankan fungsinya sebagai mitra kerja COMMITTEE Komite Audit, Auditor Internal melakukan koordinasi dengan Komite Audit secara berkala selama tahun In carrying out its functions as a partner of the Audit 2011 yang dirinci pada tabel berikut: Committee, Internal Auditor coordinate with Audit Committee periodically during the year 2011 which were detailed in the following table: : No. Periode Period Agenda Pembahasan Discussion Agenda 1 Jan 2011 Hasil pemeriksaan atas Divisi Logistik Jan 1, 2011 Examination Results on the Division of Logistics 2 Mar 2011 )BTJMQFNFSJLTBBOBUBT%JWJTJ6NVN\"ENJOJTUSBTJ March 2, 2011 &YBNJOBUJPO3FTVMUTPOUIF%JWJTJPOPG(FOFSBM\"ENJOJTUSBUJWF 3 Apr 2011 Hasil pemeriksaan atas Divisi Manajemen Produk Aoril 3, 2011 Examination Results on the Division of Product Management 4 Mei 2011 Hasil pemeriksaan atas Divisi Manajemen Pelanggan Kelistrikan May 4, 2011 Examination Results on the Division of Electrical Customer Management Juni 2011 Hasil pemeriksaan atas Divisi Manajemen Pelanggan Operator Examination Results on the Division of Operator Customer Management 5 June 5, 2011 Hasil pemeriksaan atas Divisi Manajemen Pelanggan Non Operator 6 Juli 2011 Examination Results on the Division of Non-Operator Customer Management July 6, 2011 Hasil pemeriksaan atas Kantor Regional Sumatera Bagian Utara 7 Juli 2011 &YBNJOBUJPO3FTVMUTPOUIF3FHJPOBM0GmDFPG/PSUIFSO4VNBUFSB July 7, 2011 Hasil pemeriksaan atas Divisi Operasi 8 Ags 2011 Examination Results on the Division of Operations Aug 8, 2011 Hasil pemeriksaan atas Divisi Aktivasi 9 Sept 2011 Examination Results on the Division of Activation Sept 9, 2011 Hasil pemeriksaan atas Kantor Regional Jawa Tengah 10 Okt 2011 &YBNJOBUJPO3FTVMUTPOUIF3FHJPOBM0GmDFPG$FOUSBM+BWB Octo 10, 2011 182 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | LAPORAN MANAJEMEN RISIKO Risk Management Reports PROFIL KEPALA PROFILE HEAD OF RISK DIVISI MANAJEMEN RISIKO MANAGEMENT DIVISION Proses Manajemen Risiko ICON+ merupakan Risk Management process of ICON+ is an important elemen penting dalam mendorong penerapan sistem element in encouraging the implementation of an pengendalian internal yang efektif. Pengangkatan effective system of internal control. Appointment Kepala Divisi Manajemen Risiko ditetapkan berdasarkan of Head of Risk Management Division established Surat Keputusan Direksi Nomor: 031/SK/001/PUSAT/ pursuant to Directors Decree No. 031/SK/001/PUSAT/ ICON+/2011 tanggal 29 Mei 2011. ICON+/2011 dated May 29, 2011. Berikut profil ringkas Kepala Divisi Manajemen 5IFGPMMPXJOHCSJFGQSPmMFPGUIF)FBEPGUIF%JWJTJPO Risiko of Risk Management Edi Sujarwanto Lahir Yogyakarta, 9 November 1966. Menjadi Kepala Divisi Manajemen Risiko sejak 2011. Sebelumnya, beliau pernah menjabat di PT PLN (Persero) sebagai Kepala Seksi Analisa dan Evaluasi Unit Pengatur Beban (UPB) Medan, Kepala Seksi Evaluasi Pengusahaan Kitlur Sumatera Bagian Utara, Staf Perencanaan Sistem PT PLN Pusdiklat. Bergabung di ICON+ sejak tahun 2004 sebagai Manajer Administrasi Umum, Manajer Logistik, Pimpinan Proyek Sumatera bagian Utara. Beliau meraih gelar sarjana Teknik Elektro, Universitas Gajah Mada. Born in Yogyakarta on November 9, 1966. Became Head of Risk Management Division since 2011. Previously, he had served in PT PLN (Persero) as Head of Regulatory Analysis and Evaluation Unit Load (UPB) Medan, Section Head of Commercial Evaluation Kitlur Northern Sumatra, Staff Planning System, Centre for Education and Training, PT PLN (Persero). Since join ICON+ in 2004 as Manager of Public Administration, Logistics Manager, and Project Leader of North Sumatra. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, University of Gajah Mada. STRUKTUR ORGANISASI MANAJEMEN RISIKO ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF RISK MANAGEMENT Direktur Utama President Director Kepala Divisi Manajemen Risiko Head of Division of Risk Management 2IÀFHU5LVLNR%LVQLV 2IÀFHU5LVLNR.HXDQJDQ 2IÀFHURI%XVLQHVV5LVN 2IÀFHURI)LQDQFLDO5LVN LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 183
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | LAPORAN MANAJEMEN RISIKO Risk Management Reports Dalam struktur organisasi Perusahaan, Kepala Divisi In the Company’s organizational structure, the Head Manajemen Risiko bertanggung jawab langsung of Risk Management Division is responsible directly to kepada Direktur Utama. the Managing Director (CEO). Penerapan sistem manajemen risiko yang Application of risk management systems at ICON+ digunakan ICON+ mengadaptasi ISO 31000 adapted the ISO 31000 which promoted the principles dengan mengedepankan prinsip-prinsip yaitu dapat that can create and protect the values of the company, menciptakan dan melindungi nilai-nilai perusahaan, integrated with the entire process of organization, berintegrasi dengan seluruh proses organisasi, menjadi being part in the decision making process and based bagian dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dan on the most valid information available. In addition, berbasis kepada informasi paling valid yang tersedia. the application of risk management at ICON+ is also Selain itu, penerapan manajemen risiko di ICON+ considering the capabilities and corporate culture, juga mempertimbangkan kemampuan dan budaya dynamic, responsive to change and continuous perusahaan, dinamis, responsif terhadap perubahan improvement. serta adanya perbaikan berkelanjutan. RUANG LINGKUP MANAJEMEN RISIKO SCOPE OF RISK MANAGEMENT Ruang lingkup penerapan manajemen risiko di ICON+ The scope of risk management at ICON+ has two major memiliki 2 kelompok besar, yaitu: groups, namely: a. Regular Obyektif Divisi/Region/Unit/Unit Bisnis/ a. Objective Regular Division/Region/Unit/Business Direktorat sesuai dengan Key Performance Indicator Unit/Directorate in accordance with the Key (KPI) masing-masing, pelaksanaan investasi di atas Performance Indicator (KPI), respectively, the Rp 5 milyar dan pengembangan Produk implementation of an investment over Rp. 5 billion C 0CKFLUJG 4QFTJmL BUBV LIVTVT BOUBSB MBJO UFSLBJU on product development dengan kerjasama kemitraan, penyertaan modal C 4QFDJmDPSTQFDJBMPCKFDUJWF BNPOHPUIFST SFMBUFE pada badan usaha lainnya, pembentukan anak to cooperation partnerships, equity investments in perusahaan, menghapuskan dari pembukuan other enterprises, the establishment of a subsidiary, piutang macet dan menghapuskan persediaan eliminated from the accounts receivable bad and barang mati, melepaskan atau menjaminkan aktiva eliminate dead inventory, release or pledge of UFUBQ mYFEBTTFU 1FSVTBIBBO NFMBLVLBOUSBOTBLTJ Company’s fixed assets, hedging transactions, lindung nilai (hedging), pengembangan Bisnis dan business development and the changing use of the mengubah penggunaan anggaran. budget. KEBIJAKAN MANAJEMEN RISIKO RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY Dalam mengantisipasi perubahan bisnis yang terjadi In anticipation of the business changes, ICON+ ICON+ terus melengkapi kebijakan dan prosedur continues to complement the policy and its risk manajemen risiko yang dimilikinya antara lain: management procedures include: 1. Piagam Manajemen Risiko ICON+ tanggal 2 Maret 1. Risk Management Charter of ICON+ dated March 2010; 2, 2010; 2. Edaran Direksi ICON+ Nomor 12311/SE/001/PUSAT/ 2. Circular No. 12311/SE/001/PUSAT/ICON Directors of ICON+/2010 tentang Perbaikan Berkelanjutan ICON+/2010 on the Improvement of Sustainable Risk Kerangka Kerja Manajemen Risiko dan Pelaksanaan Management Framework and Implementation Process Proses Manajemen Risiko tanggal 31 Desember 2010; Risk Management dated December 31, 2010; 3. Edaran Direksi ICON+Nomor 01311/SE/001/PUSAT/ 3. Circular No. 01311/SE/001/PUSAT/ICON Directors of ICON+/2011 tentang Kerangka Acuan Kajian ICON+/2011 on Operational Feasibility Study Terms Kelayakan Operasional (KKO) dan Ketentuan of Reference (Marines) and Financial Feasibility Umum Kajian Kelayakan Finansial (KKF) tahun 2011 Study of General Provisions (KKF) of 2011 dated tanggal 31 Januari 2011; January 31, 2011; 4. Keputusan Direksi ICON+ Nomor 030/SK/001/PUSAT/ 4. The Board of Directors Decision No. 030/SK/001/ ICON+/2011 tentang Penerapan Audit Berbasis Risiko PUSAT/ICON ICON+/2011 on the Application of di lingkungan ICON+ tanggal 07 Juni 2011; Risk-Based Audit in the ICON+ dated June 7, 2011; 5. Keputusan Direksi ICON+ Nomor071/SK/001/PUSAT/ 5. The decision of the Board of Directors No. 071/ ICON+/2011 tentang Pedoman Proses Manajemen SK/001/PUSAT/ICON+/2011 on Guidelines for Risiko Perusahaan tanggal 19 Desember 2011. Process Risk Management Company dated December 19, 2011. 184 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | AKTIVITAS MANAJEMEN RISIKO RISK MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Pelaksanaan manajemen risiko mengacu pada Implementation of risk management refers to the Kebijakan Proses Manajemen Risiko Perusahaan Corporate Risk Management Process Policy set out yang ditetapkan dalam SK No. 010/SK/001/PUSAT/ in Decree No. 010/SK/001/PUSAT/ICON+/2010. In ICON+/2010. Pada tahun 2011, proses manajemen 2011, Risk management process of ICON+ has been risiko ICON+ telah mengalami perkembangan yang QSPHSFTTJOHRVJUFSBQJEMZ GPSFYBNQMFUIFJEFOUJmDBUJPO DVLVQQFTBU ZBJUVJEFOUJmLBTJNBOBKFNFOSJTJLPQBEB of risk management at the division/unit/area (region) divisi/unit/wilayah (region) yang terkait dengan alur BTTPDJBUFE XJUI UIF nPX PG EJSFDU SFWFOVF SFWFOVF pendapatan langsung (revenue stream) . stream). Dalam mendukung kualitas penerapan manajemen In support of the quality of an effective risk management, risiko yang efektif, ICON+ telah didukung oleh sumber ICON+ has been supported by human resources with daya manusia dengan jumlah dan kompetensi yang adequate number and competence as well as risk memadai serta kebijakan dan prosedur manajemen management policies and procedures tailored to the risiko yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan bisnis needs of corporate business. The development of risk perusahaan. Adapun kegiatan pengembangan management activities of ICON+ in the year 2011, manajemen risiko ICON+ di tahun 2011 antara lain such as document preparation Regular Division of Risk adalah penyusunan Dokumen Pelaksanaan Manajemen Management Implementation and application of Risk Risiko Reguler Divisi dan penerapan Risk Based Audit. Based Audit. Dalam rangka mengefektifkan pelaksanaan In order to streamline the implementation of internal pengawasan internal, maka dilaksanakan audit berbasis controls, then conducted a risk-based audit (Risk risiko (Risk Based Audit) dengan diterbitkannya Based Audit) by the issuance of Directors Decree No. Keputusan Direksi ICON+ Nomor 030/SK/001/PUSAT/ 030/SK/001/PUSAT/ICON+/2011 dated June 7, 2011 ICON+/2011 tanggal 07 Juni 2011 tentang Penerapan on the Application of Risk-Based Audit in the ICON+. Audit Berbasis Risiko di lingkungan ICON+. Data Data handling risk management activities of the risk aktifitas penanganan manajemen risiko dari hasil assessment results will be monitored jointly by the assesment risiko akan dipantau bersama antara Audit Internal Audit and Risk Management Division. Internal dan Divisi Manajemen Risiko. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 185
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | LAPORAN MANAJEMEN RISIKO Risk Management Reports KEY RISK INDICATOR KEY RISK INDICATOR Paramater dampak yang digunakan untuk menentukan Parameter of impact is used to determine the level tingkat risiko di ICON+ dilakukan berdasarkan 5 PGSJTLJOUIF*$0/CBTFEPOmWFQFSTQFDUJWFT BT perspektif, sebagai berikut: follows: No. Perspektif Perspective Indikator Indicator 1 Pelanggan B $VTUPNFS4BUJTGBDUJPO*OEFY $4* ø Customer b. Rasio kehilangan pendapatan 2 Produk dan Layanan The ratio of lost revenue Product and Service c. Rasio kehilangan potensi pendapatan terhadap revenueexisting akibat 3 Proses Bisnis Internal kegagalan pencapaian pelanggan baru Internal Business Process The ratio of the potential revenue loss due to failure to achieve new revenue from existing customers 4 Reputasi Reputation a. Rasio Lama aktivasi (realisasi terhadap target aktivasi) The ratio of delivery time (the realization of the target activation) 5 SDM Human Resource C ,FTFTVBJBOBOUBSBQSPEVLEBOQFSNJOUBBOø Correspondence between the product and demand D 1FOZFMFTBJBOQFOHBEBBOCBSBOHEBOBUBVKBTBø Completion of procurement of goods and/or services E 1FOZFMFTBJBOQFOZVTVOBO503ø Completion of preparation of the Term of Reference F 4FSWJDF-FWFM(VBSBOUFF 4-( ø G 4FSWJDFMFWFMBHSFFNFOU 4-\" ø g. Akurasi data informasi Accuracy of information data h. Ketersediaan informasi perusahaan Availability of corporate information B ,FCFSBEBBOQFOBOHHVOHKBXBCQSPTFTCJTOJTZBOHCFSKBMBOø The existence of the person in charge of running the business processes C ,FUFSTFEJBBOEPLVNFOUBTJQSPTFTCJTOJTZBOHCFSKBMBOø Availability of documentation of business processes that are running D 1SPTFTCJTOJTø Business process d. Tertib administrasi Conduct administrative e. Pelaksanaan terhadap kepatuhan The implementation of the compliance a. Keluhan dari masyarakat Complaints from the public b. Media peliput keluhan Media covering the complaints c. Nama Perusahaan Company name d. Litigasi hukum Litigation law B +VNMBIQFNFHBOHTFSUJmLBUQFOVOKBOHCJTOJT 5IFOVNCFSPGCVTJOFTTFTTVQQPSUJOHUIFDFSUJmDBUFIPMEFS b. Employee Engagement Index (EEI) c. Jumlah pegawai mengikuti pelatihan per bulan Number of employees trained per month d. Turn Over pegawai per Triwulan Turn Over of employees per quarter e. Ketersediaan SDM Availability of Human Resource 186 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | IDENTIFIKASI RISIKO IDENTIFICATION OF RISK 4FMBNBUBIVO *$0/UFMBINFOHJEFOUJmLBTJ %VSJOHUIFZFBS *$0/IBTJEFOUJmFEBOVNCFS sejumlah risiko yang berdampak langsung maupun of risks that impact directly or indirectly to the tidak langsung terhadap kinerja perusahaan, yang performance of the company, which is the result of merupakan hasil proses manajemen risiko terhadap the risk management process of division/unit related divisi/unit yang terkait alur revenue stream. Risiko- SFWFOVFTUSFBNTnPX5IFTFSJTLTBSF risiko tersebut adalah: 1. Delays in procurement process 1. Keterlambatan proses pengadaan barang dan jasa 2. Delay in the activation 2. Keterlambatan aktivasi 3. Delay in construction of the network 3. Keterlambatan pembangunan jaringan 4. Delay in implementation 4. Keterlambatan implementasi 5. Poor Service Level Guarantee (SLG) and Service 5. Rendahnya Service Level Guarantee (SLG) dan Level Agreement (SLA) Service Level Agreement (SLA) 6. The limited number and competence of Human 6. Keterbatasan jumlah dan kompetensi SDM 7. Dikenakannya denda restitusi oleh pelanggan Resource 8. Kesulitan administrasi penagihan *NQPTJUJPOPGSFTUJUVUJPOmOFTCZUIFDVTUPNFS 9. Pelanggan pull out %JGmDVMUZPGCJMMJOHBENJOJTUSBUJPO 10. Tidak terlaksananya proses bisnis 9. Customer pulls out 11. Menurunnya reputasi perusahaan 10. The unsuccessful implementation of business Risiko yang dihadapi oleh ICON+ selama tahun 2011 processes dilihat melalui 7 perspektif, yaitu perspektif keuangan, 11. Decline of the company’s reputation leadership, pelanggan, produk dan layanan, proses bisnis internal, reputasi dan sumber daya manusia. Risks faced by ICON+ during the year 2011 have been TFFO UISPVHI UIF QFSTQFDUJWFT OBNFMZ mOBODJBM PROFIL RISIKO perspective, leadership, customers, products and services, internal business processes, reputation and -BQPSBO1SPmM3JTJLPNFNVBUHBNCBSBOUFOUBOHUJOHLBU human resources. risiko yang melekat pada seluruh aktivitas perusahaan (inherent risk) dan kecukupan sistem pengendalian THE RISK PROFILE risiko. Berdasarkan Profil Risiko sampai dengan Desember 2011 adalah: 3JTL1SPmMFSFQPSUDPOUBJOTBOPWFSWJFXPGUIFMFWFMPG risk inherent in all activities of the company and the adequacy of risk control systems. Based on the risk QSPmMFUISPVHI%FDFNCFSXFSF Perspektif Risiko Risk Tingkat Risiko Risk Level Perspektive Jumlah % Sangat Tinggi Tinggi Sedang Rendah 1SPEVL-BZBOBO Amount Very High High Medium Low Product & Service 30 9 Pelanggan 148 26,19 28 78 31 8 Customer 17 5 Proses Bisnis Internal 137 24,25 16 72 29 5 Internal Business Process 10 3 Sumber Daya Manusia 84 14,87 8 44 18 2 Human Resource 7 2 Keuangan 77 13,63 40 16 34 Finance Reputasi 47 8,32 24 10 Reputation 38 6,73 20 8 Leadership 34 6,02 18 7 Total Total 565 100,00 116 296 119 LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 187
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | LAPORAN MANAJEMEN RISIKO Risk Management Reports Sesuai dengan hasil assessment risiko tahun 2011 In accordance with the results of risk assessment in menunjukkan bahwa secara kumulatif tingkat risiko 2011 showed that the cumulative level of risk faced yang dihadapi ICON+ termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. by ICON+ is included in the high category. ICON+ ICON+ telah melakukan pemantauan secara berkala has been monitored on a regular basis (quarterly) the (triwulan) pelaksanaan mitigasi risiko yang memiliki implementation of risk mitigation that has a very high tingkat risiko sangat tinggi dan tinggi. ICON+ berupaya level and high risk. ICON+ is trying to reduce the level menurunkan tingkat risiko menjadi sedang atau rendah. of risk to be medium or low. RISK MATURITY LEVEL RISK MATURITY LEVEL Merupakan tingkat kedewasaan penanganan risiko Risk Maturity level is the maturity level of enterprise risk perusahaan, meliputi 7 aspek yang digunakan yaitu management, covering 7 aspects, namely leadership, kepemimpinan, kebijakan dan strategi, assessment policy and strategy, risk assessment, risk management, risiko, penanganan risiko, aspek berkelanjutan, aspek sustainability aspects, aspects of compliance and kepatuhan dan hasil. outcome. Uraian ketujuh aspek di atas adalah sebagai berikut: Seventh aspects of the above descriptions are as 1. Kepemimpinan, merupakan tingkat komitmen dan follows: 1. Leadership, a level of commitment and management dukungan manajemen terhadap implementasi dan penerapan Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), support to the implementation and application of yaitu peran manajemen dalam pengelolaan risiko, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), the role of meliputi : management in risk management, including: B QFSBOEBMBNJEFOUJmLBTJSJTJLP SFODBOBNJUJHBTJ a. Role in risk identification, mitigation plans, monitoring pelaksanaan mitigasi. monitoring implementation of mitigation. b. peran dalam mempengaruhi anggota perusahaan C 3PMFJOJOnVFODJOHNFNCFSTPGUIFDPNQBOZGPS untuk penerapan manajemen risiko. the application of risk management. 2. Kebijakan dan Strategi, merupakan kebijakan awal 2. Policy and Strategy, an early application of the ERM penerapan ERM dengan dibuktikan oleh adanya: policy is evidenced by the presence of: a. Dokumen kebijakan implementasi ERM , minimal a. ERM implementation of the policy document, at mencakup tugas, kegiatan, risk appetite, serta a minimum include tasks, activities, risk appetite standar manajemen risiko yang digunakan (ISO and risk management standards that are used 31000), (ISO 31000), b. Dokumen kebijakan penerapan Risk Base Audit b. Application of the policy document Risk Base (RBA), Audit (RBA), c. Keterkaitan antara penerapan ERM dengan c. The linkage between the application of the ERM pencapaian Sasaran Korporat/ Sasaran Rencana to the achievement of Corporate Objectives/the Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) dan Short Term Plan (RKAP) and the Long Term Plan Rencana Jangka Panjang (RJP) perusahaan, (RJPP) of the company, d. Keterkaitan antara sasaran dan program d. The linkage between the objectives and program kegiatan dalam mencapai sasaran RKAP dan activities in achieving the goals of RKAP and RJP, RJPP, e. Strategi implementasi ERM. e. ERM implementation strategy. 3. Assessment3JTJLP NFSVQBLBOQSPTFTJEFOUJmLBTJ 3. Risk Assessment, a risk identification process risiko yang terdiri dari: consists of: a. Keterlibatan pihak yang kompeten dan pemilik a. Involvement of the competent and the owner of SJTJLPEBMBNQFMBLTBOBBOJEFOUJmLBTJSJTJLP UIFSJTLJOUIFJNQMFNFOUBUJPOPGSJTLJEFOUJmDBUJPO C ,FCFSBEBBOQSPmMSJTJLPrisk mapping, C 5IFFYJTUFODFPGUIFSJTLQSPmMFSJTLNBQQJOH c. Kuantisasi dengan pengukuran kemungkinan c. Quantitative measurement of the likelihood and dan dampak secara, kuantitatif di dalam impact, in the implementation of quantitative risk pelaksanaan analisa risiko, analysis, d. Pelaksanaan analisa risiko dengan mengukur d. Implementation of risk analysis to quantitatively dampak secara kuantitatif. measure the impact. 188 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | 4. Penanganan Risiko, merupakan aktivitas untuk 4. Risk Management, is an activity to control risk, mengendalikan risiko, terdiri dari: consist of: a. Keberadaan rencana mitigasi, a. The existence of mitigation plans, b. Metode pelaksanaan mitigasi risiko oleh pemilik b. Methods of implementation of risk mitigation by risiko. the owners risk. 5. Aspek berkelanjutan, adalah siklus penyempurnaan 5. Aspects of sustainability, is the improvement in risk dalam penanganan risiko. Siklus tersebut terdiri dari: management cycle. The cycle consists of: B ,FCFSBEBBOJEFOUJmLBTJgap (beda rencana dan B 5IF FYJTUFODF PG HBQ JEFOUJmDBUJPO EJGGFSFOU realisasi) dan lesson learned plans and realization) and lessons learned b. Penerapan risk register b. Application of risk registers c. Keberadaan dokumentasi c. The existence of documentation 6. Aspek Kepatuhan, terdiri atas pelaksanaan atas 6. Aspects of Compliance, consisting of the follow-up tindak lanjut temuan auditor internal dan keakuratan JNQMFNFOUBUJPOPGUIFJOUFSOBMBVEJUPSTmOEJOHTBOE serta ketepatan waktu pengiriman pelaporan. the accuracy and timeliness of delivery reporting. 7. Hasil, yang dievaluasi terdiri dari: 7. The results, which are evaluated include: a. Tingkat pencapaian sasaran perusahaan a. The level of corporate achievement b. Tingkat efektivitas b. Level of effectiveness c. Pengelolaan risiko c. Risk management d. Improvement pada produk atau proses bisnis d. Improvement in the product or result of the hasil penerapan ERM implementation of ERM business process EVALUASI PENERAPAN MANAJEMEN EVALUATION OF RISK MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION RISIKO To examine the effectiveness of risk management, Untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan manajemen ICON+ has to evaluate the various risk management risiko, ICON+ melakukan evaluasi terhadap berbagai documents in order to obtain the amount of risk as dokumen manajemen risiko sehingga diperoleh analisa much as 462 analyze the risks faced by each Division/ jumlah risiko sebanyak 462 risiko yang dihadapi oleh Region/Unit/Business Unit as shown in the table below: setiap Divisi/Region/Unit/Unit Bisnis sebagaimana dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah ini: No Dokumen Jumlah Risiko Teranalisa Document Amount of the analyzed risk Dokumen kajian risiko Divisi (Aktivasi, Akuntansi, Anggaran, Humas, IT, Logistik, 126 1 Marketing dan Produk) 296 Risk assessment document of Division (Activation, Accounting, Budget, Public 10 462 Relations, Information Technology, Logistics, Marketing and Product) 2 Dokumen kajian risiko Regional Risk assessment document of Regional 3 Dokumen Kajian Risiko Divisi Unit Pemeliharaan Jakarta dan Banten Risk assessment document of Maintenance Division Unit of Jakarta and Banten Total Risiko Teranalisa Total analyzed risk LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 189
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | AUDITOR EKSTERNAL External Auditor Penunjukan Auditor Eksternal untuk mengaudit Laporan Appointment of External Auditor to audit the Company’s Keuangan Perusahaan Tahun Buku 2011 ditetapkan mOBODJBMTUBUFNFOUTGPSmTDBMZFBSXBTTFUUISPVHI melalui RUPS Tahunan berdasarkan rekomendasi the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders on dari Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Audit. Eksternal the recommendation of the Board of Commissioners Auditor yang ditunjuk tidak diperkenankan memiliki and Audit Committee. The appointed External Auditor benturan kepentingan (DPOnJDU PG JOUFSFTU) dengan TIPVMEOPUIBWFBOZDPOnJDUPGJOUFSFTUXJUIUIF$PNQBOZ Perusahaan guna menjamin independensi dan kualitas to ensure the independence and quality of the audit. hasil audit. Eksternal Auditor bertanggungjawab untuk External Auditor was responsible for delivering opinions menyampaikan opini atas ketaatan Laporan Keuangan on the observance of the Company’s audited Financial Perusahaan yang diaudit terhadap Standar Akuntansi Statements of generally accepted Financial Accounting Keuangan yang berlaku umum. Standards. RUPS Tahunan tanggal 2 Mei 2011 memutuskan Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on May 2, penetapan Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk mengaudit 2011 decided the determination of public accounting Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2011. Kantor Akuntan Publik firm to audit the Financial Report in 2011. Public (KAP) yang melakukan audit Laporan Keuangan Accounting Firm (KAP) conducted an audit of Financial selama 3 (tiga) tahun berturut-turut adalah: Statements for 3 (three) consecutive years were: Tahun Year Partner KAP Lingkup Audit Audit Scope Opini Opinion 2011 Rusli Osman Bing Laporan posisi keuangan, laporan laba rugi Wajar dalam semua hal Izin No AP 0572 Satrio & Rekan komprehensif, laporan perubahan ekuitas, yang material Rusli (Deloitte) laporan arus kas dan laporan kinerja untuk 8QTXDOLÀHGRSLQLRQLQDOO License No AP tahun-tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 PDWHULDOUHVSHFWV 0572 Osman Bing Desember 2011 dan 2010 Satrio & Rekan 6WDWHPHQWRIÀQDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ (Deloitte) FRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHVWDWHPHQW VWDWHPHQWRIFKDQJHVLQHTXLW\\FDVKÁRZ Osman Bing VWDWHPHQWVDQGSHUIRUPDQFHUHSRUWVIRUWKH Satrio & Rekan \\HDUVHQGHG'HFHPEHUDQG (Deloitte) 2010 Ali Hery Laporan posisi keuangan, laporan laba rugi Wajar dalam semua hal Izin No 07.1.1004 komprehensif, laporan perubahan ekuitas, yang material $OL+HU\\ laporan arus kas dan laporan kinerja untuk 8QTXDOLÀHGRSLQLRQLQDOO License No tahun-tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 PDWHULDOUHVSHFWV Desember 2010 dan 2009 6WDWHPHQWRIÀQDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ FRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHVWDWHPHQW VWDWHPHQWRIFKDQJHVLQHTXLW\\FDVKÁRZ VWDWHPHQWVDQGSHUIRUPDQFHUHSRUWVIRUWKH \\HDUVHQGHG'HFHPEHUDQG 2009 Rusli Laporan posisi keuangan, laporan laba rugi Wajar dalam semua hal Izin No AP 0572 komprehensif, laporan perubahan ekuitas, yang material Rusli laporan arus kas dan laporan kinerja untuk 8QTXDOLÀHGRSLQLRQLQDOO License No AP tahun-tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 PDWHULDOUHVSHFWV 0572 Desember 2009 dan 2008 6WDWHPHQWRIÀQDQFLDOSRVLWLRQ FRPSUHKHQVLYHLQFRPHVWDWHPHQW VWDWHPHQWRIFKDQJHVLQHTXLW\\FDVKÁRZ VWDWHPHQWVDQGSHUIRUPDQFHUHSRUWVIRUWKH \\HDUVHQGHG'HFHPEHUDQG Akuntan Publik yang melakukan audit laporan 1VCMJD\"DDPVOUBOUBVEJUFEUIFmOBODJBMTUBUFNFOUTJO keuangan tahun buku 2011 tidak memberikan jasa mTDBMZFBSEJEOPUQSPWJEFETFSWJDFTPUIFSUIBO lain selain jasa mOBODJBM audit. mOBODJBMTFSWJDFTBVEJU 190 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | SHARES OPTION Shared Option Share option adalah opsi untuk membeli saham Share option is an option to purchase shares by oleh anggota Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan Pejabat members of the Board of Commissioners, Board Eksekutif yang dilakukan melalui penawaran opsi of Directors and Executive Officers which was saham dalam rangka pemberian kompensasi yang conducted by offering share options in order to reward telah diputuskan dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang compensation resolving in the General Meeting of Saham. Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2011, ICON+ Shareholders. Until December 31, 2011, ICON+ did tidak melakukan shares option. not did shares option. BENTURAN KEPENTINGAN $POnJDUPG*OUFSFTU Benturan kepentingan adalah keadaan dimana $POnJDU PG JOUFSFTU JT DJSDVNTUBODFT XIFSF UIFSF JT B UFSEBQBULPOnJLBOUBSBLFQFOUJOHBOFLPOPNJT*$0/ DPOnJDU CFUXFFO FDPOPNJD JOUFSFTUT PG *$0/ BOE dan kepentingan ekonomis pribadi Anggota Direksi, personal economic interests of members of the Board Anggota Dewan Komisaris, pemegang saham utama of Directors, member of the Board of Commissioners, atau pihak berelasi lainnya. Selama tahun 2011, major shareholders or the other related parties. During transaksi dengan pihak berelasi di ICON+ dilakukan 2011, transactions with related parties of the ICON+ in sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan accordance with applicable statutory regulations and dan Pedoman Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) guidelines of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) yang berlaku sebagaimana dijelaskan pada Laporan as described in Audited Financial Statements in 2011. Keuangan Audited 2011. PEMBERIAN DANA UNTUK KEGIATAN SOSIAL DAN POLITIK Giving Fund for Social and Political Activity ICON+ tidak terlibat di dalam kegiatan politik dan ICON+ was not involved in political activity and did tidak memberikan donasi untuk kepentingan politik. not make donations to political interests. Conversely, Sebaliknya, kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap masalah increased interest in social and environmental issues sosial dan lingkungan hidup merupakan bagian penting were an important part of the duties and responsibilities dari tugas dan tanggung jawab ICON+ terhadap of ICON+ towards the community. A more detailed masyarakat. Penjelasan secara lebih rinci yang telah explanation was made by ICON+ and its nominal value dilakukan oleh ICON+ dan nilai nominalnya selama during 2011 was contained in the Corporate Social tahun 2011 terdapat di bagian Laporan Tanggung Responsibility Report in the Annual Report this year Jawab Sosial Perusahaan dalam Laporan Tahunan and Company’s Sustainability Report in 2011. 2011 ini dan Laporan Keberlanjutan tahun 2011. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 191
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | PERMASALAHAN HUKUM Legal Issues Permasalahan hukum yang terjadi di ICON+ untuk Legal issues that occurred in the ICON+ for the period periode Januari – Desember 2011 dapat dilihat dalam January to December 2011 can be seen in the following tabel sebagai berikut: table: Permasalahan Hukum Jumlah Number Legal Issues Perdata Civil Pidana Criminal Telah diselesaikan (telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap) Has been completed (had permanent legal force) 1- Dalam proses penyelesaian 1- In the process 2- Total Total 192 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | Perkara-perkara yang dihadapi ICON+ di tahun 2011, Matters facing the ICON + in 2011, can be settled dapat diselesaikan secara proporsional sesuai dengan in proportion to the mechanisms and regulations. mekanisme dan peraturan yang berlaku. Secara In general cases encountered ICON+ in 2011 had umum perkara yang dihadapi ICON+ tahun 2011 OPU IBWF B TJHOJmDBOU JNQBDU UP UIF DPOEJUJPO BOE UJEBLEBNQBLTJHOJmLBOUFSIBEBQLPOEJTJEBOLJOFSKB performance of the company. perusahaan. Pokok Perkara Gugatan Wanprestasi Case subject Breach of contract lawsuit Kasus Posisi ICON+ mengajukan gugatan wanprestasi kepada Pelaksana Proyek Cases Position Pembangunan USO (“PelaksanaProyek”) atas tindakan wanprestasi terhadap Perjanjian Proyek Pembangunan Universal Service Obligation Status Penyelesaian Perkara (USO) Indonesia Timur. Completion Status of Case *$0/mMFEGPSCSFBDIPGDPOUSBDUUPUIF6OJWFSTBM4FSWJDF0CMJHBUJPO%F- velopment Project Implementation (“Project Implementation Vendor”) for breach of contract action against the Construction Project Agreement of (USO) in Eastern Indonesia. Terdapat 2 (dua) hal yang mendasari gugatan ICON+, yaitu 1) Pelaksana Proyek telah GAGAL mengerjakan proyek tersebut secara keseluruhan atau 100% (wanprestasi) dan 2) Pelaksana Proyek tidak memiliki itikad baik untuk mengembalikan uang muka (down-payment) yang dalam Perjanjian antara ICON+ dan Pelaksana Proyek wajib dikembalikan kepada ICON+. Kerugian Financial : Rp,- (Sepuluh Milyar Rupiah) There are 2 (two) terms of the underlying lawsuit ICON +, namely 1) Project Implementation Vendor has FAILED to work on the project as a whole or 100% (default) and 2) Project Implementation Vendor has no goodwill to return the down payment in the Agreement between ICON+ and Project Implementation Vendor shall be returned to the ICON+. Financial loss: IDR 10 billion,- (Ten Billion Rupiah) Sedang dalam proses Banding di PengadilanTinggi Jawa Barat The Appeal process at High Court of West Java Pengaruh Terhadap Kondisi Kinerja Tidak mempengaruhi kinerja ICON+ Perusahaan %JEOPUJOnVFODFUIFQFSGPSNBODFPGUIF*$0/ Effect of Corporate Performance PERKARA PENTING YANG SEDANG IMPORTANT CASES FACING BY DIHADAPI DIREKSI DAN DEWAN APPOINTED BOARD OF DIRECTORS KOMISARIS YANG SEDANG AND COMMISSIONERS MENJABAT During the year 2011, there was no incumbent Board Selama tahun 2011, tidak ada Direksi dan Dewan of Directors and Commissioners of ICON+ facing the Komisaris ICON+ yang sedang menjabat menghadapi extent of lawsuit to the court process. permasahan hukum sampai pada tingkat proses pengadilan. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 193
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | PEDOMAN ETIKA PERUSAHAAN Guidelines for Corporate Ethics STANDARDS OF BUSINESS CONDUCT STANDARDS OF BUSINESS CONDUCT Penyusunan Standards of Business Conduct diawali Preparation of the Standards of Business Conduct dengan pembentukan Tim Agent of Change yang begins with the formation of Agent of Change Team bertanggungjawab untuk melaksanakan nilai-nilai which responsible for implementing the company (values) perusahaan yang ditetapkan dalam Keputusan values established in Board of Directors Decree No. Direksi Nomor: 084.K/010/DIR-ICON+/2006 dan 084.K/010/DIR-ICON+/2006 and continued with the dilanjutkan dengan pembentukan Tim Counterpart formation of Counterpart Team in the preparation of dalam penyusunan pedoman perilaku yang ditetapkan HVJEFMJOFTCFIBWJPSTQFDJmFEJOUIF#PBSEPG%JSFDUPST dalam Keputusan Direksi Nomor: 085.K/010/DIR- Decree No. 085.K/010/DIR-ICON+/2006. ICON+/2006 ICON+ has Code of Business Conduct or the Standards ICON+ telah memiliki Pedoman Perilaku Bisnis atau of Business Conduct. Code of Business Conduct sets Standards of Business Conduct. Pedoman Perilaku out our expectations explicitly in the entire employee Bisnis ini menjabarkan secara eksplisit harapan of ICON+, hereafter abbreviated ICONERS and on all perilaku seluruh insan ICON+, selanjutnya disingkat parties related to the ICON+, including its business ICONERS dan pada semua pihak yang berhubungan partners. dengan ICON+ termasuk para mitra usaha. Implementation of Business Conduct Manual is the Pelaksanaan Buku Pedoman Perilaku Bisnis merupakan responsibility of the entire of ICON+ including the Board tanggung jawab seluruh jajaran ICON+ termasuk of Commissioners and the supporting committee in Dewan Komisaris dan komite pendukungnya dalam conducting its business relationships with customers, melakukan hubungan bisnis dengan para pelanggan, partners, or with colleagues. Correspondence between rekanan, maupun dengan rekan sekerja. Kesesuaian values, actions and words was very essential in a antara nilai, perbuatan dan kata-kata menjadi sesuatu business company. Therefore, the progress of a yang sangat esensial dalam perjalanan bisnis sebuah company was determined by its human resources who perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, kemajuan sebuah uphold the integrity that would be a control or control perusahaan ditentukan oleh sumber daya manusianya behavior for the company. yang menjunjung tinggi integritas yang akan menjadi kendali atau kontrol perilaku yang dapat merugikan CONTENT STANDARDS OF BUSINESS perusahaan. CONDUCT ISI STANDARDS OF BUSINESS Code of Business Conduct is divided into 4 (four) CONDUCT standard part of business ethics in the relationship with stakeholders ranging from customers, partners, Pedoman Perilaku Bisnis terbagi atas 4 (empat) bagian suppliers, providers of goods and services, government yang merupakan standar etika bisnis dalam melakukan and community environment. hubungan dengan stakeholders mulai dari pelanggan, mitra kerja, pemasok, penyedia barang dan jasa, pemerintah dan lingkungan masyarakat sekitar. 194 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | Pedoman Perilaku Bisnis ICON+ mencakup prinsip- Code of Business Conduct covers the basic principles prinsip dasar etika bisnis sebagai pedoman bagi of business ethics as a guide for all employees that seluruh karyawan yang mencakup beberapa aspek: includes several aspects: Aspek yang Diatur Aspect Penjelasan Description Hubungan ICONers dengan 1. Menjalankan pengelolaan perusahaan yang baik Perusahaan Run of good corporate governance Relationship between ICONers with Company 2. Menjaga keamanan informasi perusahaan Maintain the security of corporate information Hubungan ICONers dengan Sesama ICONers 3. Menggunakan sumber daya dan aset perusahaan dengan wajar Relationship between Use of resources and assets of the company with reasonable ICONers with fellow ICONers .FOHIJOEBSJLPOnJLLFQFOUJOHBO Hubungan ICONers dengan \"WPJEDPOnJDUTPGJOUFSFTU Pemegang Kepentingan Relationship between 1. Menerapkan perlakuan yang adil dan serata ICONers with Stakeholders Apply the fair treatment Hubungan ICONers dengan 2. Melayani dengan kepedulian dan empati Komunitas Masyarakat dan Serve with concern and empathy Lingkungan Relationship between 3. Membangun lingkungan kerja yang transparan dan terbuka ICONers with Community and Build a working environment that is transparent and open Environment 4. Menerima masukan dan melakukan instrospeksi Receive input and do introspection 5. Menghindari tindak pelecehan Avoidance of abuse 6. Menjaga hak privasi Maintain the right to privacy 1. Mempresentasikan produk perusahaan dengan baik Present company with good products 2. Menjaga kualitas produk dan layanan perusahaan Maintain the quality of products and services company 3. Melakukan komunikasi secara profesional dengan pihak luar Communicate professionally with external 4. Menjaga kerahasiaan informasi pihak lain .BJOUBJODPOmEFOUJBMJUZPGJOGPSNBUJPOUIFPUIFSQBSUZ 5. Menjaga tata krama kegiatan usaha Maintain business etiquette 6. Berkompetisi secara adil Competing fairly 1. Mematuhi hukum Comply with the law 2. Melakukan kegiatan kemasyarakatan Conducting community events 3. Menjaga kelestarian lingkungan Protect the environment ICON+ melakukan sosialisasi dalam penerapan ICON+ disseminated the application of the Code Pedoman Perilaku Bisnis kepada seluruh karyawan, of Business Conduct to all employees, ranging mulai dari level operasional sampai kepada top from operational level through to top management. management. Penerapan Pedoman Perilaku Bisnis Application of the Code of Business Conduct associated dihubungkan dengan kepatuhan karyawan dalam with the employee’s compliance in meeting employee’s memenuhi peraturan disiplin karyawan, yang regulatory discipline, was conducted by the Human dilakukan oleh Divisi SDM bekerjasama dengan Divisi Resources Division in cooperation with the Public Humas. Sepanjang tahun 2011, ICON+ melakukan Relations Division. Throughout 2011, Code of Business sosialisasi Pedoman Perilaku Bisnis kepada karyawan Conduct information dissemination to new employees baru sebanyak 75 orang dalam bentuk sosialisasi, as many as 75 people in the form of socialization, the penyerahan buku Pedoman Perilaku Bisnis dan delivery of the book Code of Business Conduct and the penandatanganan pernyataan kepatuhan setiap signing of the declaration of compliance of each new karyawan baru terhadap pedoman tersebut. employee to the guidelines. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 195
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | PEDOMAN ETIKA PERUSAHAAN Guidelines for Corporate Ethics NILAI-NILAI PERUSAHAAN CORPORATE VALUES ICON+ menyadari bahwa untuk mencapai visi dan misi ICON+ realized that to achieve the vision and mission perusahaan dalam jangka panjang diperlukan nilai yang in the long term, underlying value was required of melandasi setiap insan dalam perusahaan berperilaku FWFSZ NFNCFS PG UIF mSN UP CFIBWF JO BDDPSEBODF sesuai dengan budaya yang diharapkan. Untuk itulah with cultural expectations. Therefore ICON+ set value ICON+ menetapkan enam nilai utama yang terdiri dari consists of six core values of Integrity, Care, Open Integrity, Care, Open Mind, Innovation, Teamwork dan Mind, Innovation, Teamwork and Excellence. Values Excellence. Nilai Integritas memiliki peran penting Integrity has an important role in achieving the vision of dalam usaha pencapaian visi ICON+ untuk “menjadi ICON+ to “be a leading network provider in Indonesia penyedia jaringan terkemuka di Indonesia dan mitra and partner of choice for global communication”; pilihan utama untuk komunikasi global”; diperkuat reinforced by always showing care (Care) in each dengan senantiasa menampilkan kepedulian (Care) step and action, have an open mind (Open Mind), dalam setiap langkah dan tindakan, memiliki pikiran prioritizing innovation (Innovation) is tireless, uphold yang terbuka (Open Mind), mengutamakan inovasi cooperation (teamwork) is strong among all employee (Innovation) yang tak kenal lelah, menjunjung tinggi and achievement of excellence (Excellence) for each kerjasama (Teamwork) yang kuat di antara seluruh of our actions. Iconers dan pencapaian keunggulan (Excellence) untuk setiap tindakan kita. INTEGRITY ICON+ interpreted the Integrity with that “We must INTEGRITY be honest, sincere and trustworthy in thinking, saying ICON+ memaknai nilai Integrity dengan bahwa “Kita and acting”. harus jujur, tulus dan dapat dipercaya dalam berpikir, berkata dan bertindak”. At work, individual of Iconers has a responsibility and accountability, which means that Iconers obliged Dalam bekerja, individu Iconers memiliki tanggung to act in accordance with company values and are jawab dan akuntabilitas, artinya bahwa seorang responsible for all actions and decisions taken. This Iconers wajib untuk bertindak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai is a milestone for the behavior of each individual of perusahaan dan bertanggung jawab terhadap segala Iconers, including compliance with all regulations and tindakan dan keputusan yang diambilnya. Kedua aspek policies issued by the company. inilah yang menjadi tonggak bagi perilaku tiap individu Iconers berperilaku, termasuk dengan mematuhi CARE segala peraturan dan kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh ICON+ interpreted the values that “We have always perusahaan. been caring and empathy in providing services that are responsive to customer satisfaction”. CARE ICON+ memaknai nilai Care dengan bahwa “Kita selalu Individuals of Iconers have a high commitment to bersikap peduli dan berempati dalam memberikan quality and service. Iconers must responsive, caring pelayanan yang responsif demi kepuasan pelanggan”. and empathetic to the needs of all stakeholders (stakeholders) so that we unite all our efforts solely Individu Iconers memiliki komitmen yang tinggi for the competence of their satisfaction. We believe terhadap kualitas dan pelayanan. Iconers tanggap, that the existence of ICON+ is influenced by its peduli dan berempati terhadap kebutuhan semua relationship with customers, partners, employees and pemegang kepentingan (stakeholder) sehingga kita its shareholders. menyatukan seluruh kompetensi usaha kita semata demi kepuasan mereka. Kita yakin bahwa keberadaan ICON+ dipengaruhi oleh hubungannya dengan para pelanggan, mitra kerja, karyawan dan para pemegang sahamnya. 196 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| LAPORAN KEPADA PEMEGANG SAHAM | PROFIL PERUSAHAAN | PEMBAHASAN DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN | TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN | TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN | OPEN MIND OPEN MIND ICON+ memaknai nilai Open Mind dengan bahwa “Kita ICON+ interpreted the values that “We’re being bersikap obyektif dan komunikatif untuk menghasilkan objective and communicative to produce better kinerja yang lebih baik”. performance”. ICONers senantiasa memperlihatkan perilaku dan sikap Iconers always show positive behaviors and yang positif dan terbuka sebagai seorang profesional, attitudes and open as a professional, always trying dengan selalu berusaha meningkatkan pengetahuan, to improve the knowledge, skills and qualities kemampuan dan kualitas diri secara mandiri serta independently and willing to share it with others. mau berbagi dengan orang lain. Kita membuka pikiran We opened the minds of each other and each masing-masing dan saling menyumbangkan ide, other contribute ideas, thoughts and perspectives pikiran serta cara pandang yang berbeda-beda untuk different to find the best solution. menemukan solusi terbaik. INNOVATION INNOVATION ICON+ interpreted the values that “We are always ICON+ memaknai nilai Innovation dengan bahwa exerting creativity, in every way to generate added “,JUB TFMBMV NFOHFSBILBO LSFBUJmUBT EBMBN TFHBMB value for stakeholders (shareholders, customers, hal untuk menghasilkan nilai tambah bagi stakeholder employees, governments and partners)”. (pemegang saham, pelanggan, karyawan, pemerintah dan mitra kerja)”. Individuals of Iconers continue to hone their social skills and communication, generating creative solutions, Individu Iconers terus mengasah kemampuan sosial and interact optimally to pursue common goals. dan komunikasi, menghasilkan solusi-solusi kreatif, dan Iconers continue to seek ways and better results, we berinteraksi secara optimal untuk mengejar tujuan-tujuan OFWFS GFFM TBUJTmFE XJUI PVS DVSSFOU BDIJFWFNFOUT bersama. Iconers terus berusaha mencari cara dan hasil We always exert creativity and an open mind in yang lebih baik, kita tidak pernah merasa puas dengan EFBMJOH XJUI BOZ QSPCMFNT DPOTJEFS FWFSZ EJGmDVMUZ QFODBQBJBOLJUBTBBUJOJ,JUBTFMBMVNFOHFSBILBOLSFBUJmUBT as an opportunity, to encourage the improvement and dan pikiran yang terbuka dalam menghadapi setiap enhancement in all respects, including the company’s permasalahan, menganggap setiap kesulitan sebagai growth, customer growth, product innovation and suatu peluang, untuk memacu perbaikan dan peningkatan new services, increase professional competence and di segala hal, termasuk pertumbuhan perusahaan, institutional, as well as provide added value for all pertumbuhan pelanggan, inovasi produk dan layanan stakeholders ICON+. baru, peningkatan kompetensi secara profesional dan institusional, serta memberikan nilai tambah bagi para EXCELLENCE semua pemegang kepentingan ICON+. ICON+ interpreted the values that “We work with smarter and tougher to produce the best quality in EXCELLENCE supporting the success of the company”. ICON+ memaknai nilai Excellence dengan bahwa “Kita bekerja dengan cerdas dan ulet untuk menghasilkan ICONers measure any work based on customer kualitas terbaik dalam mendukung keberhasilan satisfaction, satisfaction fellow ICONers and corporate perusahaan”. QSPmUT8JUIDPOmEFODF XFDPOUJOVFUPNBLFQSPHSFTT toward improvements in business processes, the ICONers mengukur hasil kerja berdasarkan kepuasan paradigm of thinking, and behavior in the pursuit of para pelanggan, kepuasan sesama ICONers dan FYDFMMFODFBOECFJOHUIFCFTUJOJUTmFME keuntungan perusahaan. Dengan percaya diri, kita terus melakukan perbaikan ke arah kemajuan dalam hal proses TEAMWORK bisnis, paradigma berpikir, serta perilaku dalam mencapai ICON+ interpreted the value of Teamwork that “We keunggulan dan menjadi yang terbaik di bidangnya. believe in the power of synergy to form a winning team. We cooperate and collaborate in a way TEAMWORK complementary to each other and share ideas, ICON+ memaknai nilai Teamwork dengan bahwa knowledge, skills and experience (competencies) “Kita percaya akan kekuatan sinergi akan membentuk to obtain optimal results. “ tim pemenang. Kita bekerjasama dan berkolaborasi dengan cara saling berbagi dan saling mengisi ide, pengetahuan, keahlian dan pengalaman (kompetensi) untuk memperoleh hasil yang optimal”. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 197
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | PEDOMAN ETIKA PERUSAHAAN Guidelines for Corporate Ethics Iconers memperlakukan satu sama lainnya dengan Iconers treat each other with respect and fairness, penuh rasa hormat dan keadilan, serta sangat and appreciate the diversity of the entire Iconers, menghargai keragaman seluruh Iconers, para customers and partners ICON+. As we align all ideas, pelanggan dan mitra kerja ICON+. Sebagai Iconers skills, strengths, skills, competencies and knowledge kita menyelaraskan seluruh ide, kemampuan, kekuatan, of Iconers, each one different so that we can build keahlian, kompetensi dan pengetahuan masing-masing business values together with the customer. yang berbeda sehingga kita dapat membangun nilai- nilai bisnis bersama dengan para pelanggan. MEKANISME PELAPORAN PELANGGARAN Mechanism of Violations Reporting Penerapan Pedoman Perilaku Bisnis atau Standards Application of the Code of Business Conduct or the of Business Conduct dilaksanakan oleh seluruh Standards of Business Conduct was implemented by Iconers. Sedangkan pengawasan atas kepatuhan pada all employees. While the oversight of compliance with Pedoman Perilaku Bisnis dilakukan oleh Audit Internal. the Code of Business Conduct undertaken by Internal Setiap Iconers dapat mengadukan pelanggaran atas Audit. Each employee can denounce violations of the Pedoman Perilaku Bisnis dengan melaporkan kepada Code of Business Conduct with report to the Internal Audit Internal melalui Manajer Audit Internal. Audit through Manager of Internal Audit. Selama tahun 2011 terdapat 1 (satu) laporan During the year 2011 there were 1 (one) report pengaduan pelanggaran terhadap Pedoman Perilaku complaints of violations of Code of Business Conduct Bisnis yang disampaikan secara langsung kepada which were communicated directly to the Internal Manajer Audit Internal. Penanganan laporan yang Audit Manager. Handling of received reports had been masuk tersebut telah ditindaklanjuti sesuai dengan acted in accordance with the policies and procedures kebijakan dan prosedur Audit Internal dan dinyatakan of the Internal Audit and the process had been stated prosesnya telah selesai. completed. Pada tahun depan, ICON+ akan mengembangkan In the next year, ICON+ will develop a mechanism suatu mekanisme dan kebijakan sistem pelaporan and policy of complete violations reporting system, pelanggan yang lengkap termasuk menerima dan including receiving and handling reports or menangani laporan atau keluhan yang masuk baik dari complaints coming from both internal and external pihak internal maupun eksternal perusahaan. of the company. 198 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
| REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS | COMPANY PROFILE | DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | PENDAHULUAN Preliminary ICON+ yang bergerak dalam bidang penyediaan ICON+ which engaged in the provision of networks, jaringan, jasa, dan konten menyadari bahwa services, and content realize that the philosophy of LFCFSMBOHTVOHBOCJTOJTQFSVTBIBBOZBOHEJmMPTPmLBO CVTJOFTTDPOUJOVJUZPGUIFDPNQBOZBTQSPmUEFQFOET sebagai QSPmU bergantung pada peran serta masyarakat on the role of the community (people) with the support (people) dengan didukung faktor (planet). Pentingnya factor (planet). The importance of harmony between keharmonisasian antara QSPmU QFPQMF dan planet menjadi QSPmU QFPQMF BOE UIF QMBOFU CFDBNF UIF CBTJT GPS landasan ICON+ untuk dapat berpartisipasi dalam ICON+ to participate in implementing the concept of melaksanakan konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan. sustainable development. Dalam rangka pelaksanaan program tanggung In the implementation of corporate social responsibility jawab sosial perusahaan, ICON+ mengacu pada program, ICON+ refers to the Board of Directors Surat Keputusan Direksi Nomor 072/SK/001/Pusat/ Decree No. 072/SK/001/Pusat/ICON+/2010 on ICON+/2010 tentang Panduan Penyelenggaraan the Implementation Guide of Corporate Social Program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) tanggal Responsibility Program on 6 September 2010. 6 September 2010. ICON+ secara aktif mendukung ICON + is actively supporting and strengthening dan memperkuat komunitas utama dan dalam rangka primary community to support improved quality of mendukung peningkatan kualitas kehidupan dan life and environment, both for the local community lingkungan, baik bagi komunitas setempat maupun and society. masyarakat pada umumnya. In 2011, ICON+ focused its Corporate Social Pada tahun 2011 ICON+ memfokuskan program CSR Responsibility Program into three areas: education, kedalam tiga bidang yaitu: pendidikan, kesejahteraan, welfare, and environment. dan lingkungan hidup. STRUKTUR PENGELOLA CSR Structure of Corporate Social Responsibility Management Pengelolaan CSR ICON+ dilakukan oleh divisi Humas Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) management of di bawah koordinasi Sekretaris Perusahaan. Kegiatan ICON+ is conducted by the Division of Public Relations pengelolaan CSR antara lain mencakup perencanaan, under the coordination of the Corporate Secretary. pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan- CSR management activities include the planning, kegiatan CSR yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan. implementation, monitoring and evaluation of CSR activities undertaken by the Company. Pengelola CSR ICON+ merujuk pada Surat Keputusan Direksi Nomor072/SK/001/PUSAT/ICON+/2010 tentang CSR managers refer to the ICON+ Decree of the Panduan Penyelenggaraan Program Corporate Social Board Number 072/SK/001/PUSAT/ICON+/2010 on the Responsibility (CSR) di lingkungan PT Indonesia Implementation Guide of Corporate Social Responsibility Comnet Plus. (CSR) Program in the PT Indonesia Comnet Plus. ANGGARAN CSR CSR Budget Dalam mengalokasikan anggaran CSR, ICON+ In allocating budgets for Corporate Social Responsibility memperhatikan kewajaran dan kepatutan serta (CSR) Program, ICON+ regard to fairness and decency, dengan pertimbangan rasional yang obyektif. and with the objective of rational considerations. Realisasi Anggaran CSR selama tahun 2011 yang Realization of CSR budget for the year 2011 issued telah dikeluarkan oleh ICON+ adalah sebesar by ICON + is equal to Rp. 402.032.307,- This number Rp402.032.307 Jumlah ini meningkat 9% dibandingkan increased 9% compared to the amount of CSR funding jumlah dana CSR tahun 2010 sebesar Rp364.616.644 in 2010 for Rp. 364.616.644,- 200 ANNUAL REPORT 2011
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