● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● On 6th Aug 2012 a Giant 800,000 km tear opens on the surface of the Sun. This is an unusual event even by observed solar activity related to the solar poles flipping. The Sun is responsible for a great many unusual effects from global to human collective consciousness.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 82 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Top left is an area in the Rhone Delta in France in the Carmaguethat turned blood red. There are many events of lakes, rivers andwaterfalls mysteriously turning red around the world. Top right is ariver running red in Shanghai, China in Sep 2012. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 83 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● You know, on 2nd thoughts maybe the stay puffed marshmallow man wasnt such a bad choice after all.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 84 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●The picture shows another plague of frogs that hit China in Sep 2012.SUPER HERO ADONAY Yeshua Christ Jesus is not Grumpy at theChinese only the friends of the Grinch being horrible to F-al-u-n(i)Gong practictioners the SUPERHERO FRIENDS of ALMIGHTYGO(o)D trying to light the spirit in China again. That’s why they puttheir souls into these frogs that rained from the sky in China after theyhad stopped being horrible to themselves. Now they want them to befriends with Tibet, stop doing lots of other horrible things tothemselves, forgive and repent; And for all of China to acceptSUPERHERO ALMIGHTY GO(o)D ADONAY Yeshua Christ Jesus intheir heart, he is trying to help. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 85 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 86 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●This picture was massively hyped on theinternet. It went viral overnight. We are told“On 3rd December 2012 the planets Saturn,Mercury and Venus line up perfectly with thePyramids and Stonehenge completing a2737-year cycle”. This is strange ti mebecause I have had a media blackout on memy entire life for this sort of stuff. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 87 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 21st December 2012 the Mayan Long count calendar ticked past13. and back to completing a 25800 year cycle whichalso aligned with the Solstice beginning at 11.11 am and at 6.6degrees north of the galactic center. A stellar effort by the Mayans atobserving the passage of the solar system through galactic spaceand a very significant event or were they counting towards somethingelse. It wasn’t just the Maya which pointed to 21 December 2012; theHindu’s Kali Yuga cycle also ends and the Blue Star prophecy of theHopi Indian’s spoke about this time. Ridiculously enough my card forfree bus travel issued 7 years previously also ran out on this day. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 88 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Snow falls on the middle east for the1st time in 100 years over a massivearea on 13/02/13. The picture above isthe most hyped picture of the event; itwas an internet smash. Though it is afalse picture. The picture to the rightshows the actual event. But why thefake picture? It’s fun to work out theanswer to the mystery as we go along. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 89 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●This is a meteor airburst over Russia on 15th Feb 2013.The light from the meteor was brighter than the Sun, even at100 km distance. The filtered image on the right is a stillfrom a video showing a UFO flying through and breaking upthe meteor. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 90 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●The OLM had sent many goblins against the ChristianChurches including sending goblin controlled men inwhite robes who fitted in amongst the rest of Go(o)dsHoly men. The man in the white robe trick was a favoritetrick of the OLM. But SUPER HERO ALMIGHTY GO(o)DADONAY Yeshua Christ Jesus had noticed and wasbecoming grumpier and grumpier at them. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 91 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●The Vatican is twice struck by lightning an hour after HolyReverend, Sacred Holy the most pious of us all PopeBenedict stood down on 11th February 2013 in scandaland team Go(o)d struggles against goblin infested agentsof the OLM over-running its temples after a raid in spaceand time; It’s interesting that he resigned on 28th February,as this points to the transition from the 13 cycle Lunar(feminine) calendar to the 12 month Solar (masculine)calendar and the leap year, a gesture of surrendertowards the Divine Mother – who is also grumpy at them. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 92 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●In centuries past comets have been seen as signs from God, goodand bad and have appeared at moments of historic magnitude. Inearly March 2013 during the conclave to decide the new Popeafter the resignation of Pope Benedict, these two comets werevisible from Rome and a million people waiting in Saint Peterssquare were pelted by a hail storm. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 93 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●From March 2013, asPassover approaches abiblical plague of locustshits Egypt and thenmakes its way to Israel(right). The 1st locustwarning in Israel is on the8th day of Passover. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 94 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●This picture in August 2013 shows something wonderful. 20Islamic men, wearing traditional Islamic dress, hold hands in aline in front of a large Catholic cathedral. The men arereportedly protecting the Catholic Church from vandalism andattacks while Christian congregants attend mass inside. This isthe true spirit of God working amidst the fallout betweenChristians and Muslim Brotherhood supporters following theregime change of Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi earlier inJuly. Why can’t we can all just get along. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 95 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●“Astronomers working with the Hubble SpaceTelescope expressed complete bafflement over arecently observed asteroid, P2013/P5, whichastonished scientists with its unprecedented display ofsix cometary-like tails. Adding further surprise, theastronomers watched as the object's tail structuresdramatically changed over just 13 days.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 96 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●With the cabal again trying to manipulate endless war, here is the ShipMOL comfort carrying arms from Barack Obama to Syrian rebels, ascheme later producing a monster in the middle east and an endlesscash generator for the cabal to save the sinking ship of their bull poopyeconomy. On Jun 22nd 2013 MOL comfort split in half 11 days afterleaving Singapore dumping 5000 Shipping Containers of weaponsdestined for and ISIS leaders in Jeddah. The ship broke in two in themiddle of a storm of disinformation, classic of Government typemisdirection from something they are trying to hide. Some reports seemto indicate a methane release from the ocean floor appearedunderneath the ship. MOL means millstone. Which is interesting. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 97 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On the 24th September 2013 When I heard about the ship breaking in two Iposted the story to social networking as a potential miracle. Frustrated with now10 years of being under a media blackout and now immediately after posting,along comes the familiar response as one person argued using the governmentspin in attempts to discredit the event as a miracle. I defended that there wouldhave to be a miracle they couldn’t erase and that everyone would see. During thecourse of the conversation on this thread there was a 7.7 magnitude earthquakeas this steaming burning island took 10 minutes to emerge from the sea 350 feetoff the coast of Pakistan. It is a rare event caused by gas building up under alayer of non-porous rock and eventually the pressure builds and *POP*. Thesocial networking thread and account was later maliciously deleted. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 98 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 23rd November 2013 7Volcanoes erupted withinhours of each other.Earthquake and volcanicactivity has also been veryhigh, multiple times multiplevolcanoes were simultaneouslyerupting either side of thepacific plate. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 99 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Amongst massive freak weather events was SuperTyphoon Haiyan spotted on Nov. 7 2013 by the JapanMeteorological Agency's heading for the Philippines.The tropical cyclone had winds up to 320 km/h, withgusts up to 360 km/h until it dissipated on 11.11.2013.It was the strongest storm ever recorded untilHurricane Patricia in Oct 2015. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 100 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●“The Hubble Space Telescope photographed the never- before-seen break-up ofan asteroid, which has fragmented into as many as ten smaller pieces. Althoughfragile comet nuclei have been seen to fall apart as they approach the Sun,nothing like the breakup of this asteroid, P/2013 R3, has never been observedbefore in the asteroid belt.” – Amongst the miraculous senses. Shocking andAwesome at the same time.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 101 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●In Jan 2014 thereis a Mediasensation as TheLight from anexploding star inthe Messier 82(m82) galaxyarrived after flying12 million lightyears. It was 1stphotographed fromEarth on Jan 22nd2014.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 102 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●The picture in the top left is an amateur astronomers photographof one of the objects orbiting \"comet\" ISON on approach to earthat end of 2013. The Picture on the top right is of \"comet\" ISONand was released by NASA although they actually released ablurred image with the user functionality to change the resolutionto see the true image. The rest of the pictures are from aChinese military satellite video showing two objects orbiting the“comet”. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 103 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●The Russian Defence Minister reported that \"Comet\" ISONchanged direction multiple times, 1st passing close to theMoon Phobos (the Greek god of fear), then interacting withthe planet Mars causing what some describe as a visibleaura around Mars (pictured above) on 2nd Oct 2013. ISONtranslated into Hebrew means “emergency”. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 104 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●These are some of the multiple crop circles that revealedgreat detail on comet ISON and its journey in advance of itsdiscovery and arrival. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 105 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Many of these events told a mythological story or related to propheciesof many religions. The comet sequence now unfolding tells a great storyas the comets make their way through the canvas of our sky. OnNovember 28th 2013 ISON fired an X flare directly at the Earth as it wasmaking this Flaming torch with Sun, causing some to relate this event toGenesis 15:17. This was on a day that was Thanksgiving Day in theUnited States and was also the Holiday of Hanukkah coexisting onthe same day in 2013 which will not happen again for 75,000 years! 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 106 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●As “Comet\" ISON began rounding the Sun on 28th November 2013,Nasa \"accidently“ pointed every camera it had on ISON in the wrongdirection and appears to have run a freeze frame image on their livefeed of the event as it exploded and yet mysteriously survived,people called it “the resurrecting comet” and the “comet of thecentury; Wikipedia reports nothing unusual. The image on the rightreveals that as ISON rounded the Sun there is a giant orb visible inthe left of the picture reflecting energy from the Sun which is offscreen underneath the picture. ISON was now a debris field and theremaining orbiters on a collision course with the Earth. Comet ISONwas vaporized by the Sun on November 28th, 2013 which was on aday that was Thanksgiving Day in the United States and was also theHoliday of Hanukkah coexisting on the same day in 2013 which willnot happen again for 75,000 years! 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 107 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● I had friends on that death star111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 108 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●I had no friendson that Death Star111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 109 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● Tock tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick Tock tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick Tock111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 110 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Above is the Dome of the Rock Solar Poles During a Reversalon 12/13/13. In December2013 the solar poles started toflip which they do every 11years. You have maybe alsohave noticed a lot of numberpatterns with many of theseevents. There is much moredetail to be found, just lookyourself.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 111 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On Dec 23, 24 & 25 Christmas 2013 - “More than 550earthquakes rattled the island between Monday andWednesday, centered on La Restinga. Parts of El Hierro supervolcano “the island at the end of the world” swelled nearly 3inches (7 centimeters) in the past week, The earthquakes aretriggered by magma rising underground, fracturing rocks andswelling the surface as the hot rock reaches upward. \"Theearthquake swarm corresponds to a new magmatic intrusion,\"Involcan said this morning in a statement. On 27th Dec 2013 amagnitude-5.1 earthquake happens on the opposite side of theisland from the ongoing swarm.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 112 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Jan 16th 2014 “Whistleblower Edward Snowden Documents that Aliens had been workingwith the OLM - A stunning Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the nearly two millionhighly classified top-secret documents obtained from the United States Department ofDefense (DOD) run National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) by theAmerican patriot Edward Snowden states that this information is providing proof that an“alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda” is driving US domestic and international policy,and has been doing so since at least 1945 towards domination by the Grinch. InSnowden’s own words, this report continues, he outlined to Greenwald the reason for hishighly secretive group obtaining and releasing these documents by warning that that there“were actually two governments in the US, the one that was elected, and the other, secretregime, governing in the dark.” Though Snowden didn’t say these exact words hesuggested that the OLM had taken over the US with a time machine. Even thoughCanadian Defense Minister Hellyer’s exact statements to the FSB (Russian secretservices) in regards to Snowden’s documents remain classified, shortly after his “extensiveelectronic interview” by the FSB he was allowed to appear on Russia Today’s programSophieCo this past fortnight where he shockingly admitted that aliens have “been visitingour planet for thousands of years” and described several types of these extraterrestrials,including “Tall Whites” who are working with the US Air Force in Nevada.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 113 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 114 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Starting on 11th January 2014 we entered the debris trail of ISON. On 12th and 13thJan 2014 there were massive fireballs as shards of the \"comet\" rained down over theEarth. The film still bottom right shows a mysterious ball of energy destroying largerpieces of debris and Ending on 20th Jan, the worst day of the storm was the 14th Jan2014. Bottom left, this triangular object somehow appeared on the Google Moon Mapon 17th Jan 2014. As the story goes it is a Spaceship of the returning ancients, aliberating force and that it landed in Space as well as Time. 100,000 Tons per minuteof Comet ISON Debris Storms down on the Planet Earth, which normally only gets40,000 Tons a Year. Scientists were worried that the Extra weight the Earth is about totake on could trigger an Ice Age. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 115 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Corey Goode Disclosures continue “The various Secret Space Programs of our current era and break away civilization are all aligned with different (sometimes multiple) groups of off world groups. This is completely independent of the problem on Earth of the Secret Earth Governments andtheir Syndicates that the “Earth Alliance” has done so well in combating over a protractedamount of time. With the arrival of the Sphere Beings the “Religious Fanatics” of theSecret Earth Governments first thought that “Their Gods Had Returned”. This was soon tobecome very much of a disappointment to them. This has also been a very unsettling timefor the “SSP Alliance” who have since late December gone from a “Shadow Civil War” intoan “Open Shooting War”. The Sphere Beings have been delivering a “Message” that manyof them have called a “Hippy Love and Peace” message in the middle of a war. Themessage of becoming “More Loving”, “Service To Others”, and to “Focus on Raising OurVibrations and Consciousness” and to practice “Forgiveness to Release Karma” is notwhat many of the battle hardened “SSP Alliance” members were wanting to hear. TheSphere Beings Quarantine around both the Earth and the Entire Solar System has alsofurther complicated things for some of the “Off World Beings” and the plans of the “SecretEarth Government Elite” who had planned on “Not Being Here” when all of this wentdown. They are all stuck here for the “Duration” by these new arrivals who have beentermed by the “SSP Alliance” as “The Sphere Alliance” (Who are 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th DensityBeings/Civilizations). The 3/4tth and 4/5th Density “Custodian God’s” AKA “CustodianET/ED Beings” that had been in control of this Solar System for MANY Thousands ofyears have absolutely no recourse against these “New Arrivals”. Their agendas have beenthwarted and they are now locked inside this Solar System with us until these “Events” payout.” To understand we need to go back a little further. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 116 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● “The Sumerian texts confirm that the \"Elder gods\" or \"Anunnaki\" were, in fact, not the first \"gods\" on Earth - a race or races known as the \"Ancient Ones\" pre-dated the arrival of the \"Elder gods/Anunnaki\". The Ancient Ones had come from the stars many eons earlier and had established an extremely advanced culture. According to Sumerian sacred texts, the \"Elder gods\" (the Anunnaki),battled with and destroyed the Ancient Ones, and specifically Tiamat, their queen, the ancient of days,who is described as a \"great wicked serpent\" or \"mighty dragon\". The titanic battle raged for ten years ormore, laying waste to the Earth and its inhabitants. We are told that survivors fled to the inner Earthwhere, we are being told that some groups have lived for 18 million years.The Sumerian texts go on to say that the \"Elder gods/Anunnaki\" produced/created mankind as aslave/workforce for them to own and control as a prize for their winning this war. Though the Anunnakieventually won the battle and they divided up parts of the Earth between them. It is only after this thatHumankind was \"created\" as a slave race. (MOR ed – but it’s not true see next page)The Anunnaki, although initially accepted, and very technologically advanced them selves,subsequently caused immense problems after their arrival to Earth and a war broke out. It seems thiswas no small battle, indeed, it changed the entire face of the Earth and irrevocably altered the course oflife thereon for the entire universe. Many thousands of years have since passed and a secret war hasraged in the shadows, recorded in ancient texts, world history and current events.We are told that the planet, Tiamat (Tia-MAAT), was destroyed in this war, which we now call theasteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Mars began to lose its atmosphere, which affected everythingon its surface eventually, in this war between the Anunnaki and the Ancient Ones.It appears these Elder gods/Anunnaki, were terrified of the Ancient Ones and dreaded their foretoldreturn, fearing that they would reclaim the Earth and take revenge on them.” We are told that amongstthe Annunaki are also those who wish an end to this phase of their control as well”It appears that amongst the true now happenings is the real of this; We have a visitor, In fact forthousands of years our culture has been created and controlled by an alien occupier. They never left!and we don’t know if the visitor is our friend or theirs. If We find ourselves waking up in an alien war, orlet us pray, the end of one following a justice proceeding to set straight and to make Justice true again.False is being used to disguise the true. Let’s not have false aliens pretending to be gods again. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 117 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● This is how GOD ALMIGHTY weighs into the RAGING debate now about the truth now revealed that a genetic interaction with our species by an alien race working with the OLM. Explain the picture to the left which reveals proof that we evolved as part of an ALMIGHTY fractal form. It is a shape that is prevalent through all of nature occurring many times in the human body.What if I told you that this fractal form also confirms parallel universe connected bywormholes, even confirms the ancient teachings about chakras present in the body. Theoriginal host body which is Go(o)ds creation, you can maybe see why the super grumpy.The genetic changes attempted the enslavement of our souls.When they changed us genetically an entire future was lost, they attempted to enslave us bygenetic binding. Now the stage they are at is genociding everyone while chemicallypoisoning all of us so we are blind to this happening, though a microscope revealssomething else happening.Pentagon reveals the Anunaki are returning. But they never left, So who is returning? Thisarticle is connected to the OLM fake alien invasion and fake 2nd coming that was part ofHilary Clintons election campaign plan and disinformation created by OLM revealed to stopus standing with the ground crew and it has already been exposed that an OLM multi-generational programming was set to deliver Christians up in a fake rapture for the food ofmonsters from hell and they were trying to get our armies to destroy themselves for quite awhile now so be on high readiness. We hope that the thing coming from space is our friend.If “aliens” show up from “space” speaking German don’t believe a word – and don’t go ontheir ship! They are more likely from themad scientist’s laboratory in the Antarctic.The picture right reveals ancient spaceprograms and rock carvings. The closeston the right there looks like the dark fleetships of the OLM and they started theOLM. Be on full awareness. We know theywere around the pyramids makingcarvings. Go(o)d doesn’t need a timemachine to travel in time – Go(o)d is time. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 118 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Right about now the sky watchers became very excited about the upcomingTetrad alignment (which we touched on in the introduction) as the Tetrad lunareclipse cycle again falls on the 1st and last days of the Holy Days of the Judeo/Christian Calendar marking the 8th time since 1 AD. The alignment pictured belowtook place on or not soon after the crucifixion of Christ, our LORD who incarnatedto try and stop the OLM from taking our world. The alignment below, though not aTetrad marked Passover, as well as the 1st and last Holy days of the JudeoChristian calendar as has every Tetrad alignment since and marking major turningpoints in world history. Jewish scribes had been watching Tetrad alignments asmessages from God since before the time of King David and now BiblicalScholars as well – Wondering about its meaning while waiting for the one they callShiloh - to whom the Scepter of Power belongs - to explain that to them. Harshly,as the prophecy dictates. The reason they desperately try to dismantle Christianity 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 119 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●“On 16th January 2014 lightning Strikes Christ the RedeemerStatue in Brazil damaging the thumb. This is the staggeringmoment that the 100-foot tall statue of Jesus that towersover Rio de Janeiro was hit by lightning. The Christ theRedeemer statue was struck as a spectacular electricalstorm lit up the sky damaging the thumb.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 120 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● A miracle mostly always isn’t something big, more often is something very gentle like a butterfly landing on your finger. “On 26th January 2014 2 white doves are released in St Peters Square as a peace gesture by children standing alongside newly elected Pope Francis, the 1st Jesuit Pope.” Tens of thousands of people watch as a seagull and a large black crow swept down on the doves after they were set free from an open window of the Apostolic Palace. One dove lost some feathers as it broke free from the gull. But the crow pecked repeatedly at the other dove. It was not clear what happened to the doves as they flew off. Speaking at the window beforehand, Francis appealed for peace in Ukraine, where anti- government protesters have died.” This happened exactly one year after the same thing happened Pope Benedict. Has Francis been naughty? Yes I think so. .111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 121 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●These twin M class solar flaresM1.0 & M1.1 happened at 1.22and 2.11 UT on 27th January2014. Some people will say thishappens. Yes, twin solar flaresis an extremely rare happening,with those numbers, sure thishappens all the time. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 122 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●There was a lot of extreme record breaking weatheraround this time. Here on 15th February 2014 twomega storms join up over the Atlantic into one giantmega-storm.Most of the time miracles are more like this to theright; A father of 2 surfing the biggest ever wavesurfed on Feb 3rd 2014, a miracle that he survivedthis 111 ft wave off the coast of Nazare in Portugal. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 123 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 124 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● 15/4/2014 1st Blood Moon of the Tetrad aligns with Passover The Jews celebrate their Passover Feast in remembrance of God's deliverance from slavery during the time of Moses. This is a very strong sign for the transformation of our world. Listen closely. For our benefit of things left unsaid that are now coming to an end. Hear strong the meaning of this word and let it bring Peace to your heart in the sure knowing that Gods Justice is true and so is his love for his children.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 125 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●There has been a long time happening coming to this world.Energy has consciousness it moves the same way as animals.Even rats move out of the way of a mega tsunami 7 hours away, ifyou listen with your heart, with your quiet mind you can feel it.But this is not what the picture shows. These bison are reportedlyrunning away from earthquake tremors at yellowstone on thesame day as the 1st blood moon of the Tetrad on 15/4/2014. Thereis a lot of smoke and mirrors distraction about this event. Forexample these Yellowstone seismology detectors taken offline weare told they are faulty after recording massive earthquakes,including the largest in 30 years. Hey look, for the record I live ona super volcano myself. Don’t worry, it’s just a ride, See you on theother side. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 126 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● One hour before Pope Francis arrived on a trip to the Holy Lands landing at an airport in Jordan on May 25th 2014 there was an earthquake in Greece which shook the ground at 4.1 on the Richter scale for those waiting at the airport. Xx xx xxDuring his visit he gave mass over the tomb of King David and thereare reports of a secret deal made over moving the throne ofChristianity to Jerusalem. An hour after he visited the Church of theNativity in Bethlehem it was found burning, a suspected Arson attack.Bottom right is lightening twice striking the new world trade centre on23rd Aug 2014. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 127 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●These are giant fire storms raging inside the atmosphere of Uranus inAug 2014. This came as Generals in the US argued over whether toarrest Obama for crimes against humanity and as the entire UScongress looks about to be thrown out over a massive scandal.Obama had been one of the heads of the OLM all along, infestedwith Goblins after having come twice from another dimensionpretending to be our friend. By this point in the world hundreds ofmillions stood in varying degrees of knowledge about what washappening. With military action being taken against the dark cabaland high level whistle blowers, telling all from within OLM controlledorganisations. What if I told you that many people stood under threatof grave danger and many paid the ultimate price to deconstruct thismonstrous empire and throw it out of our world forever. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 128 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●From September 2014 – February2015 this polar vortex grew to covernearly a quarter of the planet causingmassive super storms all across thenorthern hemisphere.The event described as “The Big Chill”is caused by a kickback to the melting This is apparently the atmosphere ofice caps. The polar vortex is a hugerotating vortex of cold air normally mars exploding asconfined to the polar regions. America the comet siding passes it on Octoberand the UK were hit by mega storm 19th 2014after mega storm.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 129 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● 8/10/2014 2nd Blood Moon of the Historic Tetrad aligns with The Feast of the Tabernacle This 8 day festival represents the prophesised fulfillment of the coming Kingdom of Go(o)d, which Jesus taught about during his Earthly ministry. buuut… still no Jesus.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 130 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●The Sun makes a PumpkinLantern Face onHalloween, 31st October2014. (above) The sameday as blood red rain fallsin London (right).111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 131 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
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