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Published by Adonymous, 2017-10-01 18:34:42

Description: OLDER CHILDREN BOOKLET - April 2018 Re-Release

This booklet will function as a bridging booklet for older children and reveals much less information about the OLM, the Grinch and the effect they have had on us all.

An older childrens booklet aims to the older kids engaging the kids more in the transition without them turning into ninjas with psychic powers and awareness enough to see the Grinch, no matter stand their ground against it.

A Younger children’s booklet will aim to activate them with enough awareness to realise that this is not a candy floss world and to have awareness enough even at a very young age of the need to activate spiritual protection and train themselves physically and mentally to become strong for the world, not to be taken advantage of by the Grinch and be tricked into the path of ALMIGHTY GO(o)Ds g-r-u-m-py face.


Read the Text Version

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 182 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● Great thanks. This is really helping me somehow. I cant think how.In place of the booklet launch in January of 2017 was the erection of thebaal victory arch at the World Government Summit in Egypt. Happeningout of view of most people the OLM Time Travel take over continued. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 183 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●“On 10/11 February 2017 sky watchers enjoyed a rarespace triple-header. A “penumbra” lunar eclipse duringthe full “snow” moon… and the flyby of a comet. It’scalled a snow moon after the native American tribeswho kept track of the seasons by giving names to eachrecurring full moon.A few hours after the eclipse, Comet 45P, which hasbeen visible after sunset for the past two monthsthrough binoculars and telescopes, makes its closestapproach to Earth, when it will be “only” 7.4 millionmiles away – Comet 45P was the much hyped NewYear’s Eve comet in 2016/2017” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 184 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● As we touched on in the introduction astronomers had previously identified this stellar explosion as the youngest supernova in our galaxy. Instead they discovered it was not a supernova but two white dwarfs colliding It is estimated to have occurred somewhere around 111 years ago as of march 2017. Having relevance to Some happening riiiight about now. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 185 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 186 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 187 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 188 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 189 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● You have been Taking the lunch money again….111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 190 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● Now I AM GRUMPY AT JOUuuu!111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 191 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●As a young man I used to read the book of revelations and wonder how God canbe driven to such rage. Now I know more than I wish to know about this rage andwhy it is coming here. It’s because of the OLM. They have made a time machineand what happens now is to back the control of all lunch money so that you canhave enough for that extra baguette, or Twinkie in between lessons. Also… I amgrumpy about the naughty parents and I want to empower the children to stand upstrong and put once and for all tell us if you are parents are being bad to you.These naughty parents will be banished from off Santa’s list and if they are reallybad we will turn them into egg laying worms just like the OLM. Now I share that listwith those who are left and I let my hands do Gods work in Adonai’s name.Strength through Unity, Unity through Faith for Justice and Peace, we will neverforgive, we will never forget. Children, don’t be afraid. Be strong and look for help.You are not alone we are also looking for you. If you are someone taking lunchmoney from children or a Grinch. We will find you and then we are coming for… 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 192 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Who am I? I am Mr Nobody, I am Me, I am You. This is not theABCs of Christianity; we must move past that now. This is the D ofChristianity and we must all stand as one. For most of my life Iwas on the terrorist watch list, I reached the top now I write theterrorist watch list. I am the divinely appointed Rightful Judge ofthe Apocalypse, the Lord Chief Justice himself; Empowered by thePrime Creator God, through the eternity of space and time,through the writ of the Holy texts, our foundation in law to bringdeliverance from the OLM so help me Go(o)d. It is said of AncientKing David’s kingdom that Justice is found. The Star of Justicereveals the true foundation of our law. So why is Justice protectingthe OLM. Why was Justice protecting OLM. I will make them payfor the lunch money they took from the kids. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 193 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Wait, wait… the charity workconsider all they did111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 194 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Theme music to go with the next pages…. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 195 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● From the 26th Jun 2017 there was an earthquake swarm at Yellowstone Super volcano in the USA. A statement about the ongoing swarm revealed as of June 26 that 878 events had been recorded. This sort of thing is stopping US soldiers deploying to start a world war over Syria. Which was engineered to save the American Gold Bull and Bull poop economy that is smothering our world.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 196 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●So back to the “Great American Eclipse” on August 21st,2017 and another April 8th 2024 marks a 7 year period putting a giant X on the NewMadrid fault line. On this day a black sun rises over the US starting at exactly 33days before the Revelation 12 Sign of September 23rd, beginning in the 33rdstate(Oregon), and ending in South Carolina at the 33rd parallel.”¿So what’s this about the number 33? Well there is two sides to the coin. Babylon wasfirst major city to be established simply because it was on the 33rd Degree Parallel? It’ssaid to be where the Annunaki landed and built their first spaceport. Ezekiel 33.3 - Hesees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the peopleBut, we like these guys right? Elohim appears 33 times in Genesis' story of creation.Thirty-three is also the numeric equivalent of the word AMEN. Saint Joseph was 33years old when he took the wife the Virgin Mary. Jesus made 33 miracles in the bibleand died 33. King David reined a united Israel for 33 years. Thirty-three also is anumerical representation of the Star of David, also known as the shield of David or theMagen of David. Julius Caesar died of 33 stab wounds.The 33rd time Noah's name is used in Scripture is when God makes a special covenantor promise with him. The Eternal promises to not destroy the entire world again with aflood and seals His pledge with the sign of the rainbow (Genesis 9:12 - 16). So whatabout 3? It’s a magic number. Representing the Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit.The 33 Divinities, divided into 3 classes, invoked in the songs of the Rig-Veda. The 33litany of Angels. The words, language, fast, tribulations, miracle and the verb toblaspheme appear 33 times in the bible. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 197 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Again I had planned to have released this booklet to you for at least a week inadvance of the 21st August event. I had a lot of interference including having theinternet shut off to my house, my computer messed with and a hell principalitycoming to live in my house messing with all kinds of stuff. Meanwhile, watchingthis booklet being written, the 3rd World War plan of the OLM was at full steamahead trying to activate war with North Korea as the OLM controlled US StrategicCommand shoots off their rockets to show each other whose the biggest is. Thebooklet had been blocked again from the world witnessing a miracle in advance.xx xx Xx xxWe are now at the same point we were at before WW2 - Reflect on this - theNuremberg court house now only remembered for the OLM trials and OperationPaperclip trick was investigating the OLM stealing lunch money from children, thesame group now under investigation who are delivering us into another GlobalWar as we close in to take back the lunch money from them – I am try to get thismessage to the world through a lifelong D notice black out imposed by the samething and their friends are positioned to destroy it as soon as it does. Which is notquite the end . There is still a possibility of a breakthrough, help spread the word.Xx xxXxx xxx xxx xxOn 21st August, the same day as the Great American Eclipse there was anearthquake that shook the island of Guam, astrategic US island territory and a US militarybase in range of North Korea strike expectedto be where war begins. By the 29 August theNorth Korean Leader fired off his biggestrocket yet and threatened to attack Guamwith the next, I wonder if he knows aboutGoblins going “Bloop” for the Grinch. OnAugust 30th the World was at the closestpoint of Global conflict yet as a powerfulearthquake rocked the island of Guam amidthe North Korean missile threat. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 198 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Back to the Sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun whichstarted on November 20th last year when Jupiter entered thewomb of the Virgin for 9 ½ months now “born” on September23rd, 2017. Some commenters note the alignment to be theone time in history to have Jupiter in her womb for the properamount of time for a human gestation period or pregnancy.The sign will happen on Sept. 23, 2017 on the same day asFeast of Trumpets, which celebrates the 2nd coming ofChrist. Recomendation is stock 2 weeks food & wáter at alltimes, a radio and other survival equipment. Just in case. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 199 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●So that enough for this the 1st edition. The divine play continuesinto November with multiple rare alignments including yet anotherconjunction of Jupiter and Venus on 13th November 2017, this time0.3 degrees apart.As one commenter noted, “It is 444 days after last conjunction and777 days after the last blood moon on September 28, 2015.Interestingly it is then another 2,556 days (7 solar years) untilNovember 11, 2024. That day is 3,333 days from the last bloodmoon of September 28, 2015.”I know what you are thinking. Who is GOD ALMIGHTY grumpywith. We have already exposed spacecraft of the OLM dark fleetmany which were destroyed trying to fake an alien invasion andwanted to take the lunch money away with them; There were also attempts to fake the 2ndcoming of Christ by the OLM. Who used technology placing false wonders to attack thisbooklet, cleverly painting the pillars of the true events, which they pull out later to make amess. So you will likely encounter that and other tricks they pulled to stop this thing.Is the aim really to hijack the real 2nd coming, the root and seed of our worldstransformation to heaven by lieing and sneaking in amongst us. There is something upthere this is true but why the deception from they? Our Elders? Because they are afraid ofwhat we become if we stand as one. Why do we just stand and watch their diversions anddistractions. Why for twenty years have they tried to get our armies to fight and destroyeach other? Why now they start stealing the lunch money? Break the huge scandalousstory just as it looks like something is coming from “space”. Listen children some very badpeople pretend to be good people to manipulate you. GOD ALMIGHTY is grumpy at them.Surely now the thing coming from space this time is the truth and not more bull poopyfrom the OLM? We pray for a true ally from space to liberate our world and we hope it isnow. As arrives the thing from space something is coming from another dimensión andthis is most assuredly our friend, its Father GO(o)D ADONAY and he is grumpy at theOLM and the Grinch. In life seek inside you and in death speak with absolute suritythese words. I AM ALMIGHTY GO(o)D ADONAY Yeshua Christ Jesus and you willreturn to the real-mmms-of heaven. Though approach with caution if you wish ill willapon they or an egg laying worm you will be after being trinifinitly sent out of the pig. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 200 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●NeedAnArk?I Noah GuyWhat if I told you that Joseph, theadoptive Father of Jesus died at 111years old. What if I told you thatJesus was crucifed by 111 Romansoldiers, the leader of whichdeclared “Surely he is the Son ofGod’. What about the Gematria ofthe French words \"Le Fils de Dieu\"(Son of God) add up to 111; whatabout \"TOUT UN\" (ALL ONE) = 111.Are you starting to see a patternyet? Its because its a fractal. Don’tmake it a grumpy fractal. Again. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 201 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●What if I told you the 2nd coming of Christ was covered up by theVatican which had been infiltrated by the Grinch since Pope John Paul1st was zapped by the Grinch. What If I told you he and his successorPope John Paul 2nd were elected by 111 cardinals; That the followingPope Benedict was the 111th Pope identified in “the Prophecy of thePopes” and the secret of Fatima revealed the next, a black pope, whowould bring about the destruction of the church. What if I told you thatthe word “Judge” is used in the NRSV bible 111 times; What if I toldyou there are 111.89 chapters in the Gospels and 22 in the book ofrevelations. Got the good news yet? What about the gematria if theFrench words “Catholique”, “Sanctuaire” and “Exorcisme” also = 111.Around the survivors a perimeter create. Hmmm. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 202 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● SYSTEM FAILURE Keep Calm and press Ctrl Alt Delete111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 203 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● Hold on Lads, I’ve got an idea Thats no ordinary Rabbit.Its only aRabbit.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 204 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●THE 111 FOUNDATION - I have a Vision for 23 editions of this booklet with amulti layered mystery to awaken all minds, we need to wake up the children.What I want to do with these booklets is create an ever lasting and infinite money pot.A Foundation to change the world called the 111 foundation. I am going to write 23editions of this booklet each will reveal a different layer to the story. Its difficult tomake money off the book as the images are all copywrited and a lot of text is well…cut and pasted, I was in a rush. Buut, lets talk about reverse copywrite. If yourpicture is used come and see if there is a nickel to pay or otherwise. Nasa thanks forthe pics, we are trying to change the world, here is a nickel. This booklet ispresented to you for free the other 22 editions will be 1.11 each. Granted, some of it’sa wee bit tooth fairy, but its our tooth fairy. Lets not throw the baby of the manger, justyet. We have one chance, just one chance to press the restart button and begin theworld over. Sure its easy to knock over something for childs play but think, maybethis is the best chance we will ever have to liberate all minds.So this is the idea of reverse copywrite if your picture or text was used come andsee. The money pot is for a world transformation fund we might as well start withyou. Im broke right now as they kept me homeless most of my life, you know howthey like their hunger games. if your trying to sue me and im still broke good luck withthat. Maybe you have a project idea? Perhaps there is money, resources and peopleto help. Maybe it works and there is a huge money pot for the creation of Heaven onEarth. We can rebuild in the manner of harmony with nature, spirit and each otherand when we are ready our space family will bless us some more.There are many people waiting to fight against this work to defend these things thatare happening. Please stop, we are creating a Golden Age just play along. Then thenumpties stand out better. Ah, the story. Something for the kids so they can sleepbetter at night, while we watch the door.Brothers and Sisters we must stop having so many children - Please family. Listen itsvery important - For the mother, have only 1 child until the population reduces. Letsfix the world or at the very least try to. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 205 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 World Transformation Initiative Summary - The simple idea behind the WorldTransformation Initiative is this: To plant a seed within which a raft of organisations arecreated, managed and funded by a mostly volunteer organisation supported by a rewardstructure allowing participants to exist totally free of the current system yet the reward isbased on their participation in progressing the initiative giving them the real life experiences oftheir choosing. The idea is to set our children free of the often soul less lifetime pursuit ofmaterial stuff – to foster instead lifetimes of learning, creativity, and joyful service to thegrowth of the community. The reward systems would be supported by using a section of themoney to accumulate property such as land, vehicles and buildings where to buildcommunities to operate skill share programs supporting other initiatives. Significantinvestment will be placed into methods of transport between these hubs and communicationmethods will be key to how many hands can make the impossible a probability and then frompossible into a happening. From deals with travel companies offering free travel, through carshare schemes where you trade anything from camper vans to sports cars with each other,even with sights set on a mobile HQ based on a huge ocean liner. As the years pass in thegrowth of the initiative and money gradually becomes an irrelevance at the other side existsan earthly paradise as new technologies and the accumulation of resources and peoplepower will allow us to advance this program further and even network with other worlds.111 Foundation Management - In the terms of translation to the world of this moment wewould create an organisation which on paper appears as a corporation, an ethical umbrella oforganisations working together to deliver a raft of initiatives, technologies, teaching programs,skill shares and methods to heal and transform the world into a living paradise protecting thespiritual teachings from corruption and bringing all to the realisation of oneness and love ofthe Prime Creator God - or as some might take longer to open to that so that all will witnesssomething higher than themselves and start to ask questions. In terms of the legal structureof the corporation some of the organisations under the umbrella are essentially operating as“companies” others are operating as “charities” engaged in carbon minimal sustainablecommunity building and healing the world and its people, its purpose not being to treat thesymptoms of the end of the Babylon system but to plant the seed of a new beginning forhumanity, to tend the fruits of our growth as we construct a system operating outside thecurrent system. In the event of my death a board of directors is to be established from aWorld Rainbow Gathering and will respect named individuals. Be wise as serpents mybrothers and sisters. The money is bound to the detail of the initiative that exists at mypassing. This represents a legal contract with you. I have many families and call amongstthem Real Democracy Now, Occupy, Anonymous, Rainbow and all who seek the Christ inthemselves. We are the Meek inheriting the Earth. Lets Change Everything! 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 206 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 207 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO THE RESISTANCE Ωhmmmmmmmmm111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 208 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●There are going to be 23 Editions of this booklet for each Adult, OlderChild and Young child to play a mysterious adventure revealing the truthof the mystery of You - The Grinch and his very very naughty friends.Now you are a bit older you can access the Older Childrens Bookcase tocontinue your special teachings to activate and guide you until the end oftime. Click here for the Older Childrens Bookcase. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 209 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● CARD GAME ● 23 EDITIONS ● MOR ●The Penumbral Eclipse phase of the 150 year Lunar Trifecta finishedat 11.11.11 pm in Bejing and across Asia where Chinese and Koreanarmies were massing; the result of the latest attempt by the cabal toescape Justice for what they have done by starting a global war.The 11.11.11 en-codement on the double Trifecta Super Blue BloodMoon eclipse is an obvious nod towards the Armistice day of11.11.11 that could have brought peace at that moment though wasshadow banned on the internet, amidst a media blackout and myattempts to find help were sabotaged as information was falselypresented by mainstream news and world leaders met for theDAVOS World Economic Forum in Switzerland under a 6 foot blanketof snow. At the time of the Super moon there was an earthquake inpapa new guinea, shown on the next page. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 208 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● CARD GAME ● 23 EDITIONS ● MOR ●Timed with the peak of the 31st January Double Trifecta SuperBlue Blood Moon Eclipse there was this 6.3 magnitudeearthquake right next to La-e and Wau on the island of PapaNew Guinea. Using google maps to explore the regions areanames reveals more about the power of the living word if youopen your eyes. If you are wondering how is this possible I havegiven you all the keys to understand in this booklet. Everythingis One at some level, we will cover more in the ethereal andelemental beings edition. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 209 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● CARD GAME ● 23 EDITIONS ● MOR ●This “2022.2” nova will be visible as part ofthe constellation Cygnus (the swan), addinga star to the Northern Cross star pattern.Though the nova will appear in a few years,the actual event took place 1,800 years ago.It has taken nearly two millennia for the lightfrom the collision to reach earth. Thesestellar explosions are rare, said to happenevery 10,000 years, though this is “the 1st time” humans have measuredone in advance.Ira Mach-ef-sky, an astronomer who lives in a crater in the Negev desertwas quoted “The Heavens, especially unique phenomena like this nova, area manifestation of God’s intellect”. and believes it is a sign heralding theMessiah. The position of the nova in Cygn-gnus, is highly relevant tocurrent happenings.’ 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 210 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● CARD GAME ● 23 EDITIONS ● MOR ●Need An Ark?I Noah GuyWhat if I told you that Joseph, theadoptive Father of Jesus died at 111years old. What if I told you thatJesus was crucified by 111 Romansoldiers, the leader of which declared“Surely he is the Son of God’.What about the Gematria of theFrench words \"Le Fils de Dieu\" (Sonof God) add up to 111; what about\"TOUT UN\" (ALL ONE) = 111. Areyou starting to see a pattern yet? 111means Trinity, it means you are on thetrue path. . xxx Xxx Xxx xx 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 211 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● CARD GAME ● 23 EDITIONS ● MOR ●What if I told you the 2nd coming of Christ was covered up by theVatican which had been infiltrated by the Grinch since Pope John Paul1st was zapped by the Grinch. What If I told you he and his successorPope John Paul 2nd were elected by 111 cardinals; That the followingPope Benedict was the 111th Pope identified in “the Prophecy of thePopes” and the secret of Fatima revealed the next, a black pope, whowould bring about the destruction of the church. What if I told you thatthe word “Judge” is used in the NRSV bible 111 times; What if I toldyou there are 111.89 chapters in the Gospels and 22 in the book ofrevelations. Got the good news yet? What about the gematria if theFrench words “Catholique”, “Sanctuaire” and “Exorcisme” also = 111.Around the survivors a perimeter create. Hmmm. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 212 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● CARD GAME ● 23 EDITIONS ● MOR ●The Parable of the Tenants (Mark 12)“A man planted a vineyard. He put a wall aroundit, dug a pit for the winepress and built awatchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to somefarmers and moved to another place. At harvesttime he sent a servant to the tenants to collectfrom them some of the fruit of the vineyard. Butthey seized him, beat him and sent him awayempty handed. Then he sent another servant tothem; they struck this man on the head andtreated him shame fully. He sent still anotherand that one they killed. He sent many others;some of them they beat others they killed.“He had one left to send, a son, whom he loved.He sent him last of all, saying, ‘They will respectmy son.’ But the tenants said to one another,‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him, and theinheritance will be ours.’ So they took him andkilled him, and threw him out of thevineyard. “What then will the owner of thevineyard do? He will come and kill those tenantsand give the vineyard to others.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 213 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● CARD GAME ● 23 EDITIONS ● MOR ● 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 214 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● SYSTEM FAILURE Keep Calm and press Ctrl Alt Delete111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 203 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.

Cool Story Bro,But I’m afraid I’mgoing to have to getan expert on cool storiesto come and havea look at it. You Cannae be serious lassie, Whit de ye mean computer says no! Look inte ma eyes! Can ye no see ahm no from the internet.

This EPIC card game is great fun for friends and family and is releasedalongside the 23 editions of the booklet series that are planned. Based on thegame “Top Trumps” the card game breaks down the series of events in thebooklet and attempts to classify them in terms of realness and significance tothe happening now prophetic events which are also represented in this funeducational game. Players will trade cards with each other and win cards fromeach other in epic winner takes all stand offs like poker with collectable setsand some hard to acquire rare cards. There will eventually be an Androidapplication Where you can play the just for fun version. The Game is availableas pdf you can cut out yourself and also as laminated cards that you can orderin packs of 10, 20 and 30 that are sort of random. On the next page if you arereading on the digital pdf you can zoom in to get a better look at the samplecards and the themed series that run throughout the game. There arecollectable sets and 300 cards are planned. Eventually they might appear nextto the check out in shops. But this plan is way behind time, I have beencompletely erased from history AS IS though I continue as best I can. Pleasehelp me continue my work by donating something here. Xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxX DOWNLOAD GAME SAMPLE PDF MORE ABOUT THE GAME


There are going to be 23 Editions of this booklet for each Adult, Older Childand Young child to play a mysterious adventure revealing the truth of themystery of You - The Grinch and his very very naughty friends.There are 3 Bookcase to unlock separated into Older Child and Adult. TheYounger Childrens Bookcase will contain The 111 Teachings of GO(o)D. TheOlder Childrens Bookcase will contain further stages of the 111 teachings tolast until the end of time.

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