● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●“A hybrid eclipse is an unusual eclipse that morphs between a totaleclipse — in which the moon completely covers the sun — and anannular eclipse, in which a brilliant halo of sunlight is still visiblearound the moon. The moon's apparent change in size is caused bythe fact that its orbit around the Earth is elliptical, and it appearsbigger when it is closer to the Earth. Typically, a hybrid eclipse startsand ends as an annular eclipse but appears as a total eclipse in themiddle. How rare are hybrid solar eclipse? Of the 11,898 solareclipses listed over a 5,000-year span from 1999 BC to 3000 AD inFred Espenak’s Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses, only569, or 4.8% are hybrids. However, this already rare eclipse onNovember 3rd 2014 is \"even more unique,\" reports NASA, becauseit starts as an annular eclipse and ends as a total eclipse.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 132 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●“After glowing green on Christmas Day 2014while passing through constellation Dove thepicture opposite right shows the new year’s2014/15 position of comet lovejoy, passingclose to the stunning globular star cluster“Messier 79”, touching the rabbits foot in theconstellation Lepus, “the Rabbit”. Amazing tothink that this city of stars lies approximately40,000 light-years from Earth, comparedwith comet Lovejoy's distance of 4.4 light-minutes.”, “Messier\" ...Again... Rabbitconnection. The picture to the right showsLovejoys spectacular sun dive. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 133 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 134 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Asteroid 2004 BL86 Has a small moon“The images, first released by NASA in January,2015, show a “mysterious” object near the 325-meterasteroid 2004 BL86 in space. The image sparked adebate between apparently exasperated NASAastronomers and UFO hunters who accused theagency of covering up evidence of a UFOapproaching. The near-Earth asteroid changeddirection on approach as it came to make a close flypast the Earth on 26th Jan 2015 revealing anapparent atmosphere and small moon.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 135 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 136 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 20.2.2015 “A winter storm descended on parts of the Middle East, withsnow forcing the closure of all roads leading in and out of Jerusalem andsprinkling Israels desert with a rare layer of White. Snow also fell in parts ofthe West Bank, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria as a cold front swept through theregion. The Holy Lands ancient sites were picture picture-postcard pretty.Snow capped the Golden Dome of the Rock (above)” The place for theconstruction was chosen to commemorate the place of the mirab dawood –The place of Judgment by David. “The Dome of the Rock was built exactlyat the place where it was believed the ‘Day of Judgment’ will happen, it mustreflect some aspect of the ‘Day’ which includes God sitting on His throne”Built in 691 by Caliph Omar, the mosque named the \"Dome of the Rock ofJerusalem\", located in Israel, the plan of ground is a double square, thereforean octagon, surmounted of a cupola of which the height is 111 feet¨ 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 137 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●The Stars and planets played out a dazzling show withone rare alignment after another. Re-tellingmythological legends in the constellations above asthough a period of time in the ticking clock of our solarsystem had been marked by their creation. It was likethe whole sky had come alive. This Jupiter/Marsconjunction took place on 22.2.2015. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 138 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● - 20.03.2015 - This Solar Eclipse fell on Jewish New Year, the Spring Equinox and a Super Moon; the closest point and is a 100’000 year eclipse of the North Pole The Super Full moon Eclipse is in the middle of the Historic 8th Tetrad since 1 AD and happened 888 days before the Season of Repentance on August 23rd 2017 888 is the number of Jesus111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 139 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● 4/4/2015 The 3rd Lunar Eclipse of the Historic Tetrad falls again on Passover. It was the shortest eclipse of 500 years. Lasting 4 minutes & 43? seconds.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 140 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●“On 14th June 2015 the most luminoussupernovae ever detected pictured here isadopted the name ASAS-SN-15lh. At its peakthe event was 200 times more powerful that atypical supernovae shining 570 billion timesbrighter than the sun and 50 times brighterthan the whole milky way at its peak andbreaking all known laws of physics.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 141 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On the 18th Jun 2015 the oldest monumentdedicated to George Washington, to the 1st Presidentof the United States, was damaged by a bolt oflightning as a storm ragedabove Maryland, USA.The 188 year old towerpredates theWashington Obelisk(right) in the nation’scapital built in 1880s.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 142 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●‘On 22nd Jun 2015 planet earth was earth hit by 3Solar flares. A much faster Solar Flare caught upwith two earlier ones, observed on June 18 and19, bringing them all to Earth in close successionon June 22, 2015.’“The bombardment was so relentless; it caused asevere compression and a crack in themagnetosphere, forcing it to shrink from 11 to 4times the radius of Earth.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 143 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On Jun 30th After an absence of roughly 2000 years the Star ofBethlehem re-appears Venus and Jupiter will be making their tightestconjunction in nearly two millennia at a third of a degree.“The reference to the Star of Bethlehem is with regard to the fact thatthere was a very similar ultra-tight conjunction between the two — andclose by the star Regulus (as this one will be), and high up in the sky (asthis will be as well) — in 3-2 BC.” Some astronomers have in the pastspeculated that this earlier conjunction is what the “Star of Bethlehem”referred to that the wise men followed to the birth of Christ Jesus born inthe City of David, Bethlehem.” Perhaps there is a clue there. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 144 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Lightning Struck the Crane in Mecca before it collapsed into theGrand Mosque on 9/ 11th 2015. This comes 2 weeks after theIranian produced film “Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah,”was showing in cinemas across the middle east. Its primarygoal, according to its director Majid Majidi, “is to reclaim therightful image of Islam, which he said extremists havedistorted.” – a lot of the time it’s not even Muslim extremists ;) 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 145 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● Allah has purchased of the believers their persons and their goods, for theirs i(in return) is the garden (of paradise): They fight in his cause, slay, and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, Through the Law, The Gospel, and the Quran: and the Quran and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme. - Quran 9.111With 15 days until the last of the Tetrad alignments there is this 13th September 2015partial solar Eclipse falling on the Feast of Trumpets that sort of was and sort ofwasn’t included as part of the Tetrad alignment. The festival reflects the completionor perhaps half completion of Gods plan for the final disposition of sin and theinauguration of a new world. It represents a time of judgement to the Jewish people.Since conceiving the idea for this booklet in February 2015 it has been a real struggleto deliver it. I have been under constant attack and it has been slow progress manyhundreds of times losing work and having to start again. The original intention hadbeen to have some months of presentation of the booklet before the last Blood Moon.Through the constant attack, and struggle against homelessness and harassment bygoblins – even the leader of the OLM himself showed up at a shack I was living in hewas worried Go(o)d was going to turn him into an egg laying worm. I made betterprogress after eventually renting a flat. Completing the 1st edition with 15 days tospare I decide to create 23 editions of the picture booklet and an infinite money pot tofund the creation of a divergent civilization to escape the slavery trap of the OLM. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 146 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●With 10 days to spare I had 2 completed editions print ready, “The Star WarsEdition” and “the Anonymous Tribute Edition”. Attempts to get help fromAnonymous to distribute the work were diverted and distracted bygovernment embeds so I had struggled together a rudimentary website stillhoping to do some miracle with social networking to distribute it in time.As I made the last edit to the Star Wars edition my next thought was toupload it before something happened. I opened the webpage to upload,pressed the upload button and the USB stick malfunctioned destroyingseveral thousand hours of work, maybe over 10,000 hours, 2 bookletscompleted to publishable standard and all of the backup copies going backseveral months. I closed my computer and walked out of the door.Returning after 4 days of lamenting in the wilderness and with only 6 daysuntil the last alignment I sit to make one last research for inspiration when Idiscover that the last Tetrad alignment would begin at 1.11 pm in Londonand last for 1 hour 11 minutes (and 55 seconds). I resolve to again createthe booklet and so it included this information. In 6 days I re-construct thewhole booklet from a much earlier backup working until exhaustion.I finally got - “Exploding Rabbit Edition” - of the booklet online on the day ofthe alignment and so proved the existence of God, Angels, Aliens and othercool stuff - Though thanks to a totally failed attempt at a website it wasviewed only by a handful of people outside of the multitude of secretservices terrestrial and otherwise monitoring my computer.We lost the creation of an infinite money pot spanning millenniums to themachinations of demons, sorcerers and OLM working for a diabolical plotto takeover of the space time continuum. A Golden Age was lost, though notyet. not yet, In its place the OLM sets out to create a counter fit Golden Ageled by Cuthulu - and his OLM friends. This is why GOD is grumpy at them. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 147 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● On 28/9/2015 the 4th Blood Moon of the Historic Tetrad Alignment What a Shocker this Harvest Moon, started at 1.11 pm in the UK and lasted for 1 hour 11 minutes! and took place on a Super Moon. “Total eclipses of Super Full Moons are rare. According to NASA, they have only occurred 5 times in the 1900s - in 1910, 1928, 1946, 1964 and 1982. After the September 27/ 28, 2015 Total Lunar Eclipse, a Super moon eclipse will not happen again for another 18 years, until October 8, 2033” The double 111 Lunar Eclipse also coincided with the Feast of the Tabernacle which represents the time of restored fellowship with THE LORD, in fact fore tells the coming Millennial Kingdom when the King Messiah returns to walk amongst us. Buut … still no Jesus.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 148 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● What I know of the Father God is he has a great sense of humor and with the whole of creation as his canvas truly is revealed as a magnificent artist. I have had such a personal journey in the company of the creator as we have worked together on this book. It has been so much fun and at points we have been in tears with laughter, speaking to me through everything as I walk in what is clearly illusion. Like this smiling conjunction of Jupiter Venus and the Moon in 2008 or the Sun was making the frowning face pictured on the next page from February 2015 For me it’s like this: I have a daily relationship with God, He is my friend. Really a huge number of people have the living God in their lives. This level of contact has been happening to me my whole life. And I invite you to find it also.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 149 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●It’s hard to show people who do not seek this relationship that it is worthseeking, especially difficult that most of the people who have achievedthat relationship appear deluded to those who choose to ignore it oreven to take one step on the road of discovery. Im not trying toevangelize anyone, I’m just saying to my atheist friends who tell us theydon’t experience this connection and so neither does anyone else. Wejust humor you guys. It’s sort of a moot point to those who have thefullness of this companionship for you to argue you have understood thecomplexity of it when you deny the only teacher who can explain it. Youcan’t expect us students to teach you about a reality you choose toignore and are hostile to. The only way for awakening to have anyrelevance to you personally is to look with your own eyes, do your ownresearch and qualify it for yourself. Though watch out for lying spirits,they are many – Home in on the Christ family chil-d-ren. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 150 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●‘From the 13 October into November “A total of 583 small earthquakesshook San Ramon in California - more than five times the record set 12years ago, said USGS scientist David Schwartz. The number tops theprevious record set in 2003, when 120 earthquakes hit over 31 days,with the largest clocking in at a magnitude of 4.2. The largestmagnitude earthquake in the current swarm, which began on Oct. 13, isa magnitude 3.6. Despite the nearly 600 quakes that have hit SanRamon in the last month, no injuries or damage have been reported.’ 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 151 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●A large skull shaped Asteroid nicknamed “Spooky”near missed our planet on Halloween 2015.According to NASA, the asteroid missed our planeton 31st October 2015 by 480,000 kilometers, whichis just beyond the orbit of the moon. It wasdiscovered only weeks earlier on 10.10.2015. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 152 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On November 3rd 2015 the three planets Jupiter, Venusand Re-gulus grouped together inside a five degreecircle. Within this planetary trio Jupiter and Venus camewithin 1.1 degrees of each other. Again, some believedit to be the same Star of Bethlehem phenomenon themagi saw some 2,000 years ago (Surely a closercontender if you know what I mean). The sequence thatreveals some major happening that God is trying to drawyour attention to. Planet Re-G-u-lus represents Kinglypower, it’s the star of the Messiah and the divine right torule which is the basis of kingly power. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 153 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Shhh…..be vewy vewy qwiet… im hunting wabbits….111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 154 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●‘For the first time since 38 years, the full moon appeared in theChristmas sky in 2015. The full moon is the last of the yearand is the first to occur on Christmas Day since 1977, andthere won't be another until 2034. According to Nasa, the fullmoon peaked in brightness and visibility at the auspicious timeof 11:11 pm on 25 December 2015.’ 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 155 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●This rock face collapses in the 3rd of the series of earthquakes inChristchurch New Zealand. – “No serious damage or fatalitieswere reported in the 14th February 2016” - Valentine's Day quakethat struck at 13:13 local time (00.13 GMT). I find it interesting tosee this next to the Christmas day 11.11 eclipse. The number 13is a high sacred number representing completion, the 00.00 onthe clock. 13 is the goddess number, our sister the moon makesexactly 13 lunar cycles of 28 days in which energy flows, waxingand waning with the moon as she dances in the sky. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 156 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●At the End of May 2016 NASA revealed that this massive hole,measuring more than ten per cent of the Sun's surface areahad opened up on our star. That is most definitely notsupposed to be happening even though the poles are flippingat the moment as they do every 11 years. We can all plainlysee, those giant orbs at the sun, are they doing this? Someonestop them doing that please. Stop doing that please. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 157 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●This swirling energetic aurora crowning the planet Jupiter wascaptured by the Hubble telescope on the 30th Jun 2016. In thepantheon of the gods Jupiter represents Jahovah. This is a verystrange event. So what’s this? Here is a riddle for Yah. There isconsciousness in the elements, in the light, the sound in. All ofspace and time is alive with consciousness and it is speaking toyou and teaching you. Listen, and you will see the true. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 158 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 16.6.16 the Reset Together 2016 event was disrupted bya weather event. 400 – 500 people were treated with heatexhaustion in 93′ temperatures. By 4:30 pm the event wasfinished up due to the sudden arrival of a storm. The pictureon the left shows a very faint bolt of crappy lightening strikingthe Washington monument twice as the event is beingcancelled below.In contrast the picture on the right shows a whopping greatbang of lightening hitting the Washington monument 3 daysbefore Barack Obama appears in the Supreme court. Whenyou are a President, especially an OLM, God is doing stufflike this to you - a lot. We can only imagine the last wordsto come out of someone’s mouth before this lightning bolt. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 159 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Then on 27th Aug 2016 there was this conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. Ithink maybe this should settle the argument about wether or not theconjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 7 BC was the star heralding the birth ofChrist Jesus as time will reveal. Infact a cosmic riddle is revealed and acyclical legend playing out in the stars, really through the whole fractal. Themessage is this, Jesus wants us to protect our flesh from corruption, hewants that we perfect our minds 1st and become strong in spirit, mind andbody and to be present before we make a divine union with a loving partnerwho is vibrationaly matched to us. We are rewarded with heaven and indeath spiritually clean we climb towards unity with Christ and Godhead. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 160 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Beginning 24th September 2016 More than 200 seismicevents have been recorded near Bombay Beach frommagnitude 1.4 to 4.3, according to U.S. Geological Services(USGS) seismologists. The swarm occurred in a regionknown as the Brawley seismic zone, which is located near afault network that connects the southernmost end of the SanAndreas fault with the Imperial fault. Scientists say some ofthe cross-faults are positioned to potentially add stress to theSan Andreas fault and the San Jacinto fault system when theyrupture.” The earthquake swarm is next to the 111 highway,Ni-land and C-al-i-pa-tri-ia. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 161 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●These are video still images of from the 25thSeptember 2016 showing the Moment 'child saint'corpse opens and closes her eyes 300 YEARSafter she died. The 300-years-old corpse of StInnocence is on display at the Cathedral ofGuadalajara in Mexico. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 162 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●From the 26th – 30thSeptember the huge SunSpot from from Mayreturned, slowly turninglike a huge eyeball tolook straight at us andcausing spectacularaurora borealis.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 163 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On September 30th 2016 a freak new moon startedafter midnight, on 1st 10th at 1.11 am in London, “Butwhat exactly was the rare lunar event? It shouldn’t beconfused with a blue moon, a phenomenon that occurswhen there is a second full moon in one calendarmonth. Joe Rao from space.com explains: \"A secondfull moon in a single calendar month is sometimescalled a blue moon. A black moon is the flip side of ablue moon; the second new moon in a single calendarmonth.\" The last black moon was in March 2014 andthe next one after this year’s is expected in 2019. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 164 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On Oct 3rd 2016 “an angel of God created a massive dust storm to deliverIslamic converts from the militants who hunted them, according to arecent report. Bibles For Mideast claims the organization had just finished amass baptism for 50 newly saved Christians when militants surrounded theirbus and fired shots. \"About 50 people including baptism candidates attend theservice. We all went by a bus. After the baptism service and prayers, we allentered the bus to return back in our house church for the worship service andthe Lord's Supper. The bus was moved. Suddenly some militants reachedbehind us by three or more cars and started shooting with guns toward us,\" anew believer said, according to the report. The new converts and their leadersfeared the worst. That's when the wind started to pick up, and dust began toswirl around them. \"Suddenly we saw a giant dust storm formed behind ourbus. At first we all afraid of seeing the dust storm. We thought we may not beable to go beyond and will be held by the militants. But praise the Lord! Praisethe Lord again and again! We all felt that the Lord Jesus Christ appeared uponthe dust storm as a Mighty and Wonderful Man showing His protecting andlovely hands toward us with a sweet smile. Jesus saved us. He Himself blockedthe road of militants in the form of a dust storm,\" the report reads.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 165 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● Do you have a moment to talk about Jesus111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 166 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Greece Mountain Range reported to have moved atleast 1.5cm (over 1/2 inch) to the West in theearthquake on Oct 24th 2016. Now blocking the plateboundary seismic flow across Italy. There is somethingmore to this I wonder. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 167 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On October 26th 2016 this was the Sun. The Earth was bombardedby Solar particles and energy companies were put on red alert. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 168 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Also on the 26th October 2016 ”when two powerful earthquakes struckcentral Italy many feared a tragic repeat of the Aug. 24 earthquake whichreduced much of the historic town of Amatrice to rubble. The Octoberearthquake occurred 9.18 p.m., with United States Geological Surveyreporting it as a 6.0-magnitude temblor, and Italy’s National Institute ofGeophysics and Volcanology saying it was 5.9-magnitude.Wednesday's quakes indicated, however, that not a single person had beenkilled by collapsing buildings. Why, then, did no one die? There appeared tobe three reasons. “First of all, the affected area was hit by an earthquake in1997, and many houses were restructured and reinforced,\" according toMario Tozzi, a researcher at Italy's National Research Council. \"Eventhough there was widespread damage, not many buildings collapsed.“Secondly, some of the houses that did collapse were uninhabited afterbeing badly damaged in the earthquake two months ago. Third, manyresidents ran out of their houses after the first, slightly weaker quakestruck just after 7 p.m. local time. They were outside when the mostpowerful tremor hit just over two hours later.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 169 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 30th October “Another quake rattles central Italy –“Everything collapsed”. Strong tremors were felt as faraway as Rome, where the historic Basilica of Paul wasclosed for a few hours because of the appearance oflarge cracks in the ceiling. The picture above shows agiant 5.5 km crack in a mountain 40km from Norcia. Thisevent becomes very interesting for those who dig deeper,yet mired in pitfalls, smoke and mirrors diversions.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 170 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 171 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● Part 5 - How to Recognize a Grumpy Fractal for Dummies111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 172 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 1.11.2016 during the October 2016 presidential electionfollowing hacks of Hilary Clintons computer which sheforgot to put on a secure network after being turned into anewt by a brain eating monster. She had been taking theschool children’s lunch money and had stolen $111million. It was revealed she is a very very bad person aleader of a global organisation of organized lunch moneythief’s (OLM), working from an Antarctica secret basewhere hides mad scientists experimenting with pizza, radiocontrolled toys and a big pile of lunch money. SuperGrumpy, ADONAY GO(o)D sent someone in. D-on-al-dTrump waded through the swamp winning the election,facing the mad scientists, the lunch money thieves and Trump steps Wins the election ingoblins from hell pointing and swearing and telling them highly suspiscious circumstancesthey were stinking up the swamp; and that’s why he ended walking straight into a spy war facingup smelling like them. Infact the smell was worse than we what’s left of the OLM foothold.think he immediately set about leading the OLM plan. As I Magic & propaganda quickly inspirewrite this war is about to begin, the opportunity for world a nationwide revolt as liars leading useful idiots walk up the stairspeace this book presented has been saboutaged again. fighting themselves111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 173 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● What you don’t like Pizza? It is disgusting ti me?Hello my What If I told you that I have personally been workingname is towards an end game move on the OLM since 1985 having my lunch money stolen and when trying to get it back exposing the mad scientist’s secret base in the Antarctic. Ever since I have been under attack by the OLM and the Grinch. Since 1998 I was in contact with Angelic beings and working with the old guard of the Earth, Christed Immortals who have fought against the Grinch since before the foundation of the OLM and the control system they imposed for some thousands of years with a time machine. They used it to take lunch money from the Kids and that is how they built the mad scientists secret laboratory in the Antarctic and lots of spaceships. Since the OLM got a time machine it has taken thousands of years to organize a response. We just did. Now is anyones guess what Is going to happen.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 174 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● The Leader of the OLM has been apprehendedWhyyy IIIoughtaaaa! Oh comon, it was only a Little bit of lunch money close your eyes children….111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 175 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● - 14 November 2016 - Moon at closest point, not since 68 years meets this Full Moon. The full moon wont approach this close again until November 2034.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 176 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Knowledge of these things is a heavy burden and it impossible to put down. Idecided to put another effort to complete this message, how could I stop.Deciding to spend every penny that I had to get a drag and drop websitebuilding package, the software I had been looking for many years but out ofmy price range for that time being. On Christmas Eve 2016 I had decided tobuy the software, when I went to the website there was a 65% discount for 3days. When I saw the calculated price I was encouraged to continue.Now in December I set out my target to wake you up to the real of thishappening being something you need to look at. I again to attempt to deliverthe booklet and this message to you all for a public reveal in January 2017.Some hours later the 1st page I began adding is the page about the Clintonfoundations worth of $111 dollars at the outbreak of the lunch money scandal.Soon after I was shot with something and collapsed on the ground, there werereports about key activists getting shot with scalar weapons - the delivery ofthe book delayed - nearly 4 weeks passed and I only managed basic functionsthough deep in meditation I was far from my 3rd dimensional form. It wouldtake me another two weeks to recover and now I write this in early February. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 177 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●-*- Ow! … 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 178 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 179 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 180 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 181 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
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