● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●What if I told you that this statue from theBook of Daniel is representative of theshit the dark alliance took on our world. Itrepresents a series of empires thatspawned from the OLM with their timemachine. The transfer of leadership fromone to the other of the same soulsinhabiting different bodies, spanningmany millennia; That ever since the oldguard of the earth has been trying to setyou free. This statue represents theBabylon money slavery system createdby the Brotherhood of the Bell nowcoming to an end and mysterious timetravelling Green Dragon Ninjas who hadsomehow been there as well, though notthe 1st time. What if I told you that theHoly books record this struggle, many ofthem selectively edited and erased tohide the truth, others with subtle editsmade to turn the whole construct on itshead while others were written inopposite targeting the strong points of thetrue texts and teachings of Go(o)d,though leaving signatures of anextradimensional attack.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 32 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●This is the story of how I came to surrender my life and surrender all that I am to theservice of the Father God in ADONAYs name we rise forever conscious of the manythat claim to be him. Though many stand as Anonymous and for their own reasonsseparate faith, I stand proud in my faith having seen these events unfold and somany more that only relate privately to myself. Seeing again the rise of the Grinchput down by my Grandfather and my Grandfather's father and many times before -now - called to action to stop its rise before it became too embedded, I was ready tosurrender all, to take on and use anything and everything to change the status quo.With the OLM established in the Vatican it had become an impregnable fortresswhich no good man could enter locked out by a sequence of abominable initiationsdevised by the OLM so only goblins could get in. So goes the story heroes from theascended realms had waded into the mess dressed as goblins to take back thefortress, they threw out the OLM and deserve commendation for what they did. Yetleft with an unbelievable alibi likely to fall victim of those rising behind, raised still bythem to bring a billion people on top of their own head bringing the end of theGrinch and we think, the OLM. When this began for me in 1998 I was alone,separate from all and too deep in this wisdom 19 years before the return of the OLMbecame obvious. Now many stand against the OLM and the Grinch. Those whostand I call to have faith in the works of our protector God and the ancient protectorsof the Earth who rise in Christs name. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 33 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 34 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 35 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● The God of Me111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 36 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●It is both relevant and fun to tell my own story through the medium of thispresentation as it somehow has become tied up in the whole thing. So letsbegin to introduce a little of this story. When I was 8 years old I was onoccasion able to affect the weather with my mind. From 1996 I was makingexperiments with “manifestation”, this is using the power of the mind to effectthe Maya, the world of illusion. In one experiment attempting to study thefractal nature of the Maya as it reflects back timelessly projecting everything inexistence I projected something that I could trace in this case, somethingridiculous, what I projected was simply “Pink Rabbit”.Amongst many other incidents involving rabbits reflecting back timelessly inthe fractal - still ongoing - this is a 250-meter sculpture of a Pink Rabbit that isvisible from space and is on Google maps under “Pink Rabbit Italy” - Ok, soI’m just practicing, if I live forever in an ascended state outside of space andtime spanning infinite multi-dimensionality maybe ill get better at it, lets waitand see. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 37 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●This got the attention of Angelic beings who made contact with me in 1998. Aftersome period of introduction by Angels one night in my bed, I first hear a beingspeaking in my head calling itself God you can imagine I was doubtful and so I askedfor proof, agreeing on an earthquake in which no one was killed. The being respondedby asking me where I wanted it and I said Paraguay being the most obscure place Icould think of.The next morning an earthquake in Paraguay was in the news that killed no peopleand that afternoon in another visitation I engaged in conversation with this beingasking a series of questions about my purpose and the reason for its interaction withme. 1st setting the method of it answering Yes or No by sending birds flying to the leftor right of my window. Eventually I arrive at “Am I here to save Christmas from theGrinch?” but instead of a bird flying to indicate the answerit was a 2nd world war spitfire plane that flew to the left ofmy window for YES. I immediately quit my £100k / yearsales job handing back my company car to focus on thetask I had been given. Enrolled in the academy ofconsciousness in 1998 initiating a period of training anddeployment to the front line of a (r)evolution to deliver allhumanity from the OLM set on a course to destroyeverything sacred and holy. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 38 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● I had now spent something like 8 months in solid meditation under a tree and in guided research receiving these lessons, with the whole of creation as my university and my teacher, speaking to me through shooting stars, birds and animals, faces of famous statues and people appearing in the trees, shapes in the clouds telling legends of history, statues and carvings from pre-history and legends recorded in holy books going back over 10000 years recording battles that left radiation scars on the earth. Peoples T-shirts and often from the words of children came impossible knowing. With the whole scene unfolding within my pineal gland like a movie sacred geometric symbols were given to me, further unlocking my chakras as I climbed and re-climbed and re-climbed Jacobs ladder, each time rising in unity consciousness becoming more and more one. Now in a communication with allthings as I travelled in the astral seeing the future approaching I was caught betweenthe armies of heaven and the armies of hell set in a conflict to destroy the earth and Iset the course to bring peace and an end to suffering. I took a place between the twoarmies trying to negotiate a peace between two ancient enemies eventually, aftersome months, getting God and the Grinch to shake hands just as I opened my eyesand Two Doves landed next to me in the park where I sat. One on the ground andone in the tree The next day the Vatican announced that Hell was now considered anannex of Heaven. This is something like neighboring dimensions found an agreementof truce in a very long war. It may have been a Trojan horse, I responded how I could– with a Trojan rabbit. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 39 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● In 1999 the Angelics tapped out the beat of SOS on my chest as a musical beat ...---... and I co-authored a vision, a plan with the being I had seen talk to me through all things now for over a year. Called the Divine Plan. SOS was a plan to launch from a music festival a “100 point plan” to take back the world from the invader, with key components structured towards activating the love centre in people. Words like “hope” and “change” etc. This would generate a lot of money and power and whoever completed the plan would run the planet. I knew that it could not be resisted and I sent it un-copywrited and anonymously to 100s of people and organisations including the Masons and the Scientologists. Now with perfected technique I stirred the pot. I waited, knowing one would try and it would force its manifestation. I set out counting down from 1/1/1 to 12/12/12 a vision for a series of events to raise the vibration to flower consciousness.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 40 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●After some time I saw on the News a Scottish actor speakingabout Spirit Aid, and creating a world symbol of humanity. Iworked with them for a short time where I learned ofHumanitad, which was event set to go off in the summer of2003. This event had the support of Presidents and Kingsand was well financed, also picking up many of the 100points of the plan. In fact many organisations seemed toemerge and collide and a time warp is necessary to explainthe SOS event took place on 7/7/7 on all 7 continents andlaunched many sub projects from the 100 point planincluding ONE which is member organisation with half abillion members. Though it had become another componentof the machine headed by an agent of the OLM. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 41 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●What if I told you I have been working with ascended beings since 1998 years layingseeds of a global transformation? A vibrational re-alignment back to Love and Truth– And that something is in the way, though we are moving it. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 42 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On May 31st 2000 there was “This Great Conjunction”.They happen roughly 20 years apart in the greatprecession of the planets. Jupiter was 1°11' north Saturn.This is a very interesting event to look at because therewere many experts hyping this. The coverage it received,mostly from the OLM controlled media represented that thisis the Star of Bethlehem. This based on its appearance in7 BC but as a microscope will reveal this is not the case.Jesus was already born in 7 BC. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 43 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On Dec 25th 2000 there was this sunrise solar eclipse. The lastChristmas Day Solar eclipse took place in 1954 and was visibleover Africa; the next, also over Africa is in 2037. That gives me an idea, let’s fix Africa by 2037. A coastal sunrise eclipse is also a rare happening. In New York the eclipse started at 11.10 am and finished at 2.22 pm. 111 is a number referring to the Trinity; 222 to the suffering servant Christ Jesus. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 44 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● Not quite a wonder but for sure a sign the world is going to be different the next day and an important milestone explaining the context of these coming events in some way. One day in 2001 working in an office as a recruitment consultant I am divinely inspired to phone Greg Dyke – then chairman of the BBC - using my skills to negotiate past 3 secretaries I leave a message on his personal answer phone saying only “this is a message from the angelic hierarchy, we know what you are up to and you will be held responsible” 2 weeks later the World Trade Centre was brought down by planes and a missile struck an office in the Pentagon where Donald Rumsfeld was investigating a missing 100 trillion dollars (did the number changed to 2.3 trillion?). On the day this happened the BBC reported that building 7, “the smoking gun”, fell 20 minutes before it did in an obvious controlled demolition. During the event George Bush performed a Black Magic Spell in a classroom with children chanting, “Plane… Hit… Steel...” Following this came the Afghanistan War as the OLM began setting up for a global war. Few asked questions about the “vaporized” gold from the basement more than once. The picture to the left shows one of many faces of the Grinch that emerged from the smoke.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 45 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●As we closed towards the end of 2002 the OLM were set to open anapocalyptic war on 3 fronts with 100 Million soldiers deployed on theIndia/Pakistan border, another brutal intifada breaking out againstPalestine and 300'000 troops deployed in the Middle East ready to go intoIraq. Seeing the world now set on a course for war, under direction of theAngelics I set out to attract the attention of the world’s secret services andmany other groups by simulating “chatter” a term used for an increase indata recorded in the lead up to a “terrorist” attack. With Go(o)ds plan tobring Peace now in jeopardy God asked me to write an email using anemail group of 10000 cherry picked politicians, world leaders and societyleaders which I had assembled over the previous 3 years and now withthe attention of the world’s secret services at some basic level thoughprobably a red flag on a computer. The email, addressed to Greg Dyke – still BBC chairman – titled “Operation Words of Precise Destruction”, demanded he reveal a previous event as a miracle proving the war is against the will of God and that George Bush is an agent of the OLM. I set out in the process of emailing 10000 people and15 minutes the Space Shuttle was blown up by a bolt of lightning overPalestine in Texas with 1 Indian, 1 Israeli and 5 Americans on board.There was a wave of resignations, and a close advisor to Tony Blair wasassassinated and Archangels were discussed in the British Parliament. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 46 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●God had me write a very strong email immediately calling for thesurrender of this war plan which was followed by a miracle ofblood, a miracle of fire and a giant pillar of smoke visible from theUN building as an oil tanker caught fire.Joel 30 - I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fireand billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon toblood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.The so called “lightening advance” into Iraq was immediately broughtto a halt by a thunder and lightning storm that covered the entirecountry of Iraq (picture lost) as tanks and trucks were bogged downin the mud. Two days later the entire country of Iraq was covered witha giant red dust storm (pictured) causing the troops of all sides tofight each other in the dust. As all sides of the war argued whoseside had the support of God the Iraqi defence minister said before thewar aliens were helping them. Months later depleted uranium wasspread as fine mist over Iraq and they were stealing lunch moneyfrom children. This had been what God had been trying to stop, plusall following events. Let the grumpy commence. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 47 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Witnessing a period of miracles in which people weregetting killed I pleaded with God to have miracles inwhich no one was killed. The same day, on August 14th2003, a freak cascading power failure over multipleelectricity plants caused a power outage to 200 millionpeople in North America and Canada. The statue ofliberty light stayed on prompting the headline “A FlamingMiracle” (since disappeared from the internet, think why) 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 48 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On August 27th 2003 the elliptical dance of the planetsEarth and Mars came as close as possible, an event thathad last occurred near 60,000 years previously. Now withoperation “Enduring Freedom” declared over in Iraq, yetno weapons of mass destruction were found. It wasanother lie of the Grinch and his friends. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 49 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●What happened next is a series of hundreds of supernatural Great Signs andWonders as Angels fight against the OLM for control of the timeline and future ofthis Earth. From what we know of suppressed history the OLM had gainedposition even in the astral causing multiple rebellions in heaven against the throneof Go(o)d, infiltrating his institutions and making a big mess. Xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxThe OLM since thrown out of Heaven have targeted our world in a rebellionagainst God, a war in space and time and spanning multiple dimensions. What if Itold you that the OLM used high technology, including targeting the holy books attheir conception while having detailed knowledge of these current events evenwatching the present moment update from each edit; That they targeted thisbooklet, weaving false events amongst the true so that they can pick them apartattacking the strong points of the real ones. To cloud the facts of the true anddiffuse the power of this collective work even trying to hijack the energeticmovement that follows which delivers you from the Grinch and friends pretendingitself as the ALMIGHTY GO(o)D ADONAY Yeshua Christ Jesus for millennia whiletaking lunch money from children. As for their false signs, I just included them aswell. I’m not shy for ink. Let’s examine the strategy of their placement so we cansee what the opponent is up to as we go along and break them down in the futurereleases. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 50 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 18th September 2003 as I sat in meditation God told me he wouldmake the American Government toys for me to play with asking me tomake a spiral symbol with my finger. As I did this immediately on thetelevision news a hurricane brewed in the Atlantic Ocean. Over twodays it displaced the entire American Northern Fleet, made landfall at“Kill Devil Hills” on the east coast of America, made a 90 degree turnover New York and was bearing down on Washington forcing theevacuation of the Whitehouse to Camp David. This is another one thatwas strong targeted and disappeared. This exact footage was on thetelevision in 2003, many people watched this scene. Yet the imagesays this happened in 2011. I’m told there were 3 that they filmed fromhere. Though this was the only image I could find. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 51 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 28th Sep 2003 I sent an email to the His Most Holy Reverend,White robed sacred and holy, representative of Go(o)d PopeBenedict as he looked like the most pious of us all. In the email Itold him that I was under attack from goblins working for the OLMand also explaining that each time I sent an email a miraclefollowed it. Shortly after I sent the email a freak cascading powerfailure of 5 power stations caused a power outage to the entirecountry of Italy. Now that I think about it, the Goblin was him. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 52 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●The picture shows the sky lights called Aurora Borealis as far southas Stirling in Scotland in October 2003, the consequence of massivesolar storms that peaked on Halloween in 2003 and spooked Nasa.In the fore ground is the statue of David Stirling, Founder of theSAS, an organisation started in the 2nd World War to fight the OLM.The 2nd world war ended at 11.11 am 11.11.1945 with Hitler, whowas also working with the OLM, last seen gesticulating about asecret weapon. Suddenly the OLM were occupying BuckinghamPalace, running Europe, the Vatican and the USA. They had beenfor some hundreds of years and we had only just noticed. In somerespect we had them surrounded the whole time but it took a whileto understand they used a time machine. At the start of WW2 wewere much the same point as we are now, facing the OLM takinglunch money 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 53 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●This picture shows a famous 16th century woodcut representingsunrise over Nuremberg on the 14th April 1561, where residentswitnessed a spaceship battle. I put this out of sequence because Idon’t think it’s a coincidence this event also happened in Nuremberg.In fact, many events are recorded going back to cave paintings thatcan be taken as proof, not just of an alien presence, but thatsomething is fighting back against this invader. I can’t help thinkingthe Nuremberg events are connected somehow to the OLM. Butwhat are they doing in 1561? 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 54 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●“This alignment has been waited for by Ancient People, Mayan calendars, NativeAmerican Elders and wise and learned men versed in the ways of spirit and thestars. A full moon eclipse began on 9.11.2003 at 6:09 pm EST. The moonrepresents the feminine energies, the goddess, she who is returning, rebirthing anew reality based on balance and higher light. At 8:13 pm EST a geometricallyperfect six sided, Star of David, configuration appeared in the sky. The Star ofDavid alignment reached its full potential on 11.11.2003. linking and balancing theenergies of six astrological bodies; the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Chiron and theMoon. Research of a 4,000 year span between 1,000 BC - 3,000 AD shows noother date with this precise configuration, the likes of which has not occurred inthe span of at least 2223 years and perhaps longer” - some commenters sayingit had never happened before in history. It’s called a Star of David because therewas one present at the birth of Christed King David, so they say. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 55 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●A double Transit of Venus 1st on 8th Jun 2004 and again on 4th & 5thJun 2012. Ok so this happens, taken into account with everything elsegoing on at the time this is something epic. A Transit in astronomy iswhen the planet passes infront of the Sun. Transits of Venus areamong the rarest of predictable astronomical events. They occur in apattern that generally repeats every 243 years, with pairs of transits 8years apart separated by long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years.Drawing a 5 pointed star in its relationship to the Earth. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 56 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●“On 27 December 2004 a special telescope of the European SpaceAgency's was hit by the strongest flux of gamma rays evermeasured by any spacecraft. It was the brightest event known tohave been sighted on this planet from an origin outside our solarsystem occurred. Gamma rays from a type of star called magnetar50000 light years from Earth on the far side of our Milky Way galaxyin the constellation of Sagittarius released more energy in one-tenthof a second than our sun has released in the past 100,000 years. Itis thought to be the largest explosion observed by humans in thegalaxy since the supernova observed by Johannes Kepler in 1604.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 57 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● Lazer Battles around the Sun?These are some of a series of photographs apparently showing Giant planetsized objects appearing around the corona of the sun and in the orbit ofSaturn. from 2005, at least one being the size of Jupiter. There is longrunning epic of these objects which apparently tells the tale of battles aroundthe Sun as advanced spacecraft of our long the 3/4th and 4/5th dimensionalien oppressor are engaged in battle with “The Sphere Alliance” who are 6th,7th, 8th & 9th Density extra dimensional Beings/Civilizations, arriving toquarantine the earth - as the true real OLM time travel takeover continuessomewhere in the smoke. Bottom right apparently shows one of theseobjects cloaked and feeding energy from the Sun. In 2005 CanadianDefense Minister Paul Hellyer began disclosing his knowledge about Aliens. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 58 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●SERIOUSLY? 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 59 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Erupting in mid April 2010 a volcano went off castingan ash cloud over Europe and shutting down airtraffic for a month. The temperature of the Earthdropped by 1 degree in this time. The volcano nearcancelled my 1st ever holiday with my then girlfriendbut luckily the wind changed and the ash cloudparted letting through a handful of planes, of whichours was one of them; The same thing happened onthe way back. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 60 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●There is also an increase in earthquake activity and sink holeslike this HUGE one in Guatemala in Sep 2010. These eventsrequire extreme scrutiny as time will reveal. So what is themeaning of this? I include its placement that you may see. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 61 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●In 2010 several hundred wildfires broke out acrossRussia, primarily in the west. They started burningin late July and lasted until early September 2010.The fires were associated with record-hightemperatures caused when the air current thatregulates global temperatures stalled. It was thehottest summer recorded in Russian history, inPakistan huge wildfires also broke out. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 62 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Again on 1/1/(20)11 as the year turned from 2010 into 2011the mass animal deaths began again in great intensity. “Ataround 11 at night, thousands of red-winged blackbirds beganfalling out of the sky over In Beebe, Ark, they landed on roofs,roads, front lawns and backyards, turning the ground nearlyblack and terrifying anyone who happened to be outside.”There are many thousands incidents of mysterious animaldeaths. I will focus only on a few of them. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 63 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● Some of the more meaningful ones include pictured left, on 4th January 2011 40000 Devil Crabs wash up dead in Sussex, a province of Prince Charles, ¨most noble, most reverend and holy, leader amongst children¨ with a particular interest in founding children’s homes for orphans. And above on 7th January 2011 1000 Turtle Doves fall out the sky in Italy. These are many incidents of specific animal types in these mass suicide events ongoing 3 years at the time.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 64 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● More high drama with Nasa stating the axis of every planet and moon is tilting towards an object approaching from outside the solar system - This image to the left shows the magnetic field of the Earth spinning wildly on January 31st 2011. With Western mainstream media and scientists saying they had no idea why this was happening the Russian Defence Minister spoke of the approaching “comet” Elinin which was changing direction and slowing down. With all this going on the cabal are shooting off about having bombs big enough to take out half the galaxy as Team Go(o)d closed in. Surely something was about to kick off.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 65 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●Is this a ball of energy hovering over the temple mount in Jerusalem on28th Jan 2011? There are 4 separate films from 3 viewpoints. Anotherobvious fake film was released shortly after to discredit this event toutedand massively hyped. Experts all agreed that its the best evidence of UFOinteraction with our world. The event of UFO interaction with our world iscertainly real and something people are still trying to suppress using manytechniques to paint every universal race as a threat to humanity, their aimbeing to have people fight their deliverers when the threat is already here,long since embedded on this world. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 66 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●One night ADONAY, (the name of GOD) came to me with a fantastical story,that his temples had been over-run by goblins working with the OLM who were aboutto carry out their greatest atrocity yet. He told me that a Goblin working with theOLM pretended to be him taken lunch money from his friends. When I asked forproof that it is ADONAY who spoke an earthquake happened in Christchurch NewZealand which toppled a statue of J Godley (foreground) revealing a time capsuleunderneath and the toppled church cross (background) this was on 22.2.2011. Adonay told me that he hoped no one got hurt by that happening and that he was grumpy at the OLM, The Goblins have really been messing with his head. ADONAY told me that the text on this page concluded a conflict lasting millennia with a victory for Go(o)d, that the OLM ran away. But some Goblins and Ghosts remain that you might encounter speaking to them who pretend to be either ADONAY or Saint Nicholas to trick you into doing things for them to make you fight the Christ deliverer of the world who we seek by speaking “I AM ALMIGHTY GO(o)D ADONAY Yeshua Christ Jesus” and knowing we are a component part of his being. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 67 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● Now heading for a London lawful rebellion occupy camp established in Hyde Park by 30 people after 1 million protested about budget cuts. On April 2nd we started 24-hour weekend occupations of Trafalgar Square each week engaging 10000 people. We stood “in Solidarity with Tahir Square” in Egypt where the military had surrounded a Real Democracy camp in the center. On 2nd April I was on a radio station calling for these tactics to be repeated globally as we had found a loophole that stopped them moving the tents - but the file was erased. Unfortunately, every digital device it has been on has been stolen. After visiting Glastonbury and returning with many magical items with many witnesses I performed a ceremony at noon on 15th May 2011 to send the energy of the occupations through the ley-lines and through the water.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 68 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 15th May 2011 Madrid and Barcelona (pictured above) established Real Democracy Nowcamps with a few hundred people brutally suppressed by the police. The next day camethousands of people who attempted to establish the occupations, also brutally suppressed. Thenext day came half a million people and so the camp was established. Within a month therewere 800 camps across Spain and thousands of meetings across Europe all calling RealDemocracy Now. Bottom left is the camp in Syntagma Square in Athens established on May25th following an alliance with the Spanish Indignados. A real democracy now camp wasestablished in Brussels on 9th October by hundreds of ®evolutionaries who walked fromNetherlands, France and as far as the Spanish Atlantic coast, some of them for months.On Jun 9th 2011Adbusters (a Canadian anti-consumerist organization)registers the Occupy WallStreet web page.On July 13th Adbusters makes the initial proposal for a peacefuldemonstration to occupy Wall Street address. Somewhat randomlyon 30 July 2011 Occupy Dataran starts in Kuala Lumpur. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 69 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 17th Sep 2011 Occupy Wall Street (OWS) begins the American branch of the RealDemocracy Now movement as an estimated 1000 people show up eventually occupyingZuccoti park in the business district of America. At this point there was Real Democracy Nowcamps in 951 cities across 82 countries and by 15th October 600 communities in the UnitedStates had Real Democracy Now Occupations. 15th October - Occupy everywhere begins atthis point I heard one figure of 2000 Real Democracy Now occupation camps established in 90countries. On November 17th the 2nd wave of Occupy thousands of Real Democracy Nowcamps are added, around this time some estimates are there were now over 4000 RealDemocracy Now Occupation camps in over 120 countries. I was quick to notice that suddenlythe call of “Real Democracy Now” had been re-branded with the name of the tactic we werealready effectively using – “Occupy” - and in world the media followed that we did not evenhave a message. Cointelpro teams ripped the movement to pieces though while the®evolutionaries who showed up and got their asses kicked it was like being refined in the fireand we came out like lions. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 70 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On the 25 April 2011 Barack Obama Ignored Easter, and this bolt oflightning struck the Whitehouse. So what’s up with Barak Obama.Quite a lot more than this edition describes. “He issued no statementsof any kind, no “Happy Easter”, no nothing. By comparison he hasissued glowing, effusive statements of praise for each and every Muslimholiday since he took office. Hasn’t missed one of them, so it is quiteinteresting that yesterday as believers celebrated the Risen Lord Jesusaround the globe, that the God of Heaven who controls the wind andthe weather chose to strike the White House with lightning. “A stormrapidly materialized in the Southern sky, and swept from the NationalMall toward the White House. Instantly, there seemed to be lightningbolts dropping out of the heavens all around 1600 PennsylvaniaAvenue–and the wind kicked up dramatically.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 71 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ● In August the “Comet Elinin” story was high drama. The picture in the middle captured in the skies above Australia is another scene of the “comet” on approach as all the typical signs of imminent apocalypse were present. Blood Moons, rivers of blood, horrible plagues, revolution everywhere and the world elites preparing their underground bunkers. The drama came to an abrupt end shown right is the \"comet\" disintegrating after being directly hit by a coronal mass ejection from the Sun on Aug 19th 2011.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 72 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●2 days later, on August 21st 2011a thunderstorm forced thecancellation of Pope Benedictsspeech to an estimated 1 millionyoung pilgrims gathered at anairfield to mark World Youth Day. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 73 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●With President Barak Obama, word by word, creepilyattempting to remove God from American institutionsto secure the abominations foothold like he is wired toa supercomputer - on 23rd August 2011 a mysteriousearthquake fractures the \"Tower of David\" inWashington.This is about same time there were reports of This is an image fromunderground bases where the OLM had been this video of spaceshipscollecting the lunch money and made lots of bombing a US armyspaceships to pretend they were Aliens so that we space base in Fortwould think they were friends, but that also so we Worth, Texas for 2would think the aliens that came to help were hours on 21.5.2011working with the OLM and because they are tryingtrick us to fight our friends to protect them, the OLMso they can get away with what they did.111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 74 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 10/11/11 A New Island is born at ”theisland at the end of the world” canary islandEl Hiero which all over the news on 11/11/11 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 75 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On Dec 8th 2011 the 1st hurricane inScotland for 100 years passes directly overthe Real Democracy Now Glasgow protestcamp destroying every tent but one. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 76 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●If you don’t believe in advancedbeings flying planets from thefuture using stars to travel intime and space it’s hard toexplain why throughout 2010 7GIANT planetoids smashed intothe Sun! This is one of them from31st Dec 2011. Its HUGE!…Tick..Tick..Tick.. BOOM!!!!!! 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 77 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●On 25th January 2012 a snow stormtravels behind my bus as I travelledfrom the Real Democracy Nowcamp in Edinburgh to the RealDemocracy Now camp outside St.Paul’s which dumped 10\" of snow onthe whole of Britain. It startedsnowing on me the instant I arrive atthe St Paul’s Camp next to LondonStock Exchange with the first flake ofsnow drifting to hit my centreforehead as I looked up at theBasilica of Saint Paul’s on arrival. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 78 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●In May 2012 a plagues of flies hits Serbia and Bosniacausing the evacuation of cities. People compared theswarms to blizzards leaving surfaces covered with a thicklayer of crawling insects. The swarms struck a number oftowns across the Balkans clearing streets and squares ofpeople in just a few minutes after they descended on thecentral town of Kraljevo. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 79 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●“On 28 Jun 2012 more than 110,000 lightning bolts wererecorded across the UK, with more than 200 strikesrecorded every minute at the peak of activity. Expertssaid this was 40 times higher than an average lightningstorm and was the equivalent of four months’ worth ofstrikes in one day. A spokesman said Britain’s previoushighest published daily lightning ground strike total was85,000, recorded on July 24, 1994.” 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 80 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
● INTRODUCTION ● TRAINING 1 ● GREAT SIGNS & WONDERS ● ALIENS ● THE BIT AT THE END ● 23 EDITIONS ●In July 2012 the UK parliament was hit by a plague of lowdown dirty rats. The new Holyrood parliament in Scotlandwas hit by plague of loew down dirty rats in Jun 2013.This comes as a massive scandal about people in the UKparliament and upper halls of power globally who had anbeen working with the Grinch and organized a scheme forstealing lunch money from kids with a time machine andhad set out to take over the space time continuum. 111 Great Signs & Wonders that Prove the Existence of God - Page 81 – Reverse © A.k.a M.O.R.
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