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English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary TRILINGUAL ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY English - Myanmar - Karen Drum Publication Group and Shanti Volunteer Association (SVA) This publication was sponsored in part by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Drum Publication Group P.O Box 66 Kanchanaburi 71000 Thailand [email protected] August 2006 ii

Aa English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary a, an (art) - one, any - wpf/ wpfck/ wpfaumif/ wpfa,muf - w< wX< wcg< wrHR< w*R A dog is an animal. acG;onfwd&p>mefwpfaumifjzpfonf? xGH.rh>q.zduD>zdw'kvDRI -able (adj) knowing how to do something - wwfEdkifaom/ vkyfEdkifaom - oh< oh0J< rRoh Bo Bo is able to ride a bicycle. bdkbdkpufbD;pD;wwfonf? pDRbDbD'd;vh.,D>ohvDRI -above (prep) higher than something - txufrSm/ tay:wGif - tzDcd.< vXtzDcd. Your nose is above your mouth. oifhESmacgif;onfoifhyg;pyftxufwGif±Sdonf? eegphRtd.vXeudmylRtzDcd.vDRI absent (adj) - away; not here - ysufuGufaom - wtd.< w[J< vXtwtd.< wymzsgxD.o; Bo Bo is absent from school today because he is ill. bdkbdkaeraumif;aoma=umifh,ae@olausmif;ysufuGufonf? weHRtHRpDRbDbDw[JxD.uFdrh>vXtqd;uhtCdvDRI 1

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary -accept (v) to take something that is given to you - vufcH&±Sdonf? - wl>vdm< rRM> The Su accepts a present from her uncle. oJpkonfolr.OD;av;xHrSvufaqmifwpfckudkvufcH&±Sdonf? eD>oH.plRwl>vdmw>[h.wcgvXtzgwH>ttd.vDRI -accident (n) something bad happens by chance, people sometimes get hurt - rawmfwqxdcdkufaoa=utemw&jzpfjcif; - w>b.zk;< w>rRzk;to;< w>b.zk;b.ysD>< w>b.'db.xH;vXw>wxH.pdtylR San San had an accident and cut her leg. pef;pef;onfrawmfwqxdcdkufr_wpfckjzpfcJh+yD;ajcaxmufY'%f&m&cJhonf? eD>qXqXb.'d'D;tcD.b.ul;vDRI ache (v) - to have a pain that lasts for a long time - emusifonf/ udkufcJonf? - wuH< qg Tin Tin's stomach is aching because she has eaten too much. wifwifonftvGeftusL;pm;xm;aoma=umifhAdkufemaeonf? eD>xHxHt[XzXqgrh>vXttD.w>tgwvXuJmqd;tCdvDRI acrobat (n) - a person who does difficult exercises in a circus - qyfuyfxJwGifu|rf;bm;upm;ol - ySRwcUcHwcU,D>< ySRvXtoh'k;eJ.w>*JR uvH.uDcJ (vXySR*D>rk>trJmng) An acrobat gave a wonderful performance during the circus. qyfuyfu|rf;bm;upm;olwpfa,mufonftHh=ozG,fjyuGuf wpfckudkqyfuyfxJwGifjyoGm;cJhonf? ySRwcUcHwcU,D>w*R'k;eJ.w>'k;eJ.vDRv;wrHRzJw>'k;eJ.pX;cX;(pf)tcgvDRI 2

across (adv) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - from one side of something to the other side of it - jzwful;onf/ 'DbufrS[dkbufodk@/ tjcm;wbufY/ [dkbufY - cD*m< 'D.wlm< cDywm The elephant is walking across the road. qifwpfaumifvrf;udkjzwful;oGm;onf? uqDw'kvJRcD*musJrk>vDRI act (v) - to play a part in a film or theater - o±kyfaqmifonf? - eJ.'d< rRw> Wah Wah acted the part of the wolf in the school play. 0g0gonfausmif;uyGJwGif0HykavGtjzpfo±kyfaqmifcJhonf? vXuFdw>'k;eJ.tylReD>0g0geJ.'d0J'fxGH.rHRtod;vDRI -actor, actress (n) someone who acts in a film or play - (o±kyfaqmif) rif;om;/ rif;orD; - cGg*JR'd< rk.*JR'd Leonardo de Caprio is a film actor. vD,dkem'dk'Dcwfy&D,dkonf±kyf±Sifrif;om;wpfa,mufjzpfonf? vh.,d.e.'d.'h.cgy&H.,d.rh>w>*DRrlcGg*JR'dw*RvDRI Many girls would like to become actresses. rdef;uav;rsm;pGmonf±kyf±Sifrif;orD;jzpfcsif=u.? ydmrk.zdtg*Ro;td.uJxD.0Jrk.*JR'dwz.vDRI add (v) - to put one thing with another - xyfxnfhonf - ymzSd.< yXEkm 3

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary Mother added some milk to her coffee. araronfol@aumfzDxJodk@Edk@xyfonfhonf? rdrd>yXEkmu'D;w>Ek>xHqltcDzH.tylRvDRI - to find out how much you get when you put numbers together - aygif;onf? - ymzSd. (w>Ckoh.ngw>tpXcDzsdw>ymzSd.) If you add five and two you get seven. ig;ESifhESpfaygif;v#ifckepf&.? erh>ymzSd.,J>'D;cHM.eurRM>EGHvDRI address (n) - the number of the house and the name of the street and town where a person lives - vdyfpm - td.vD>qd;usJ< vD>td.vD>qd; Marlar wrote the addresses of her friends in her address book. rmvmonfoli,fcsif;rsm;.vdyfpmudkolr.vdyfpmpmtkyfwGifa&; rSwfcJhonf? eD>rk>v>uGJ;eD.toud;wz.ttd.vD>qd;usJvXtvHmuGJ;eD.vD> td.vD>qd;tylRvDRI -adventure (n) something exciting that you do or that happens to you or another person - - pGef@pm;r_/ pGef@pm;cef; w>rRvXw>o;'l The film is about the adventure of five children. T±kyf±Sifonfuav;ig;a,muf.pGef@pm;cef;ta=umif;jzpfonf? w>*DRrltHRb.C;zdo.,J>*RrRw>vXw>o;'ltylRt*h>M.vDRI 4

advertisement (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - something that is put in a newspaper or on a poster or on TV trying to make people know or buy something - a=umfjim - w>bd; Did you see the advertisement for a new toy on TV last night? rae@nuupm;p&mtopfwpfcka=umjf imudk±kyfjrifoH=um;rSmawG@ vdkufovm;? reRM.rh>exH.b.w>bd;b.oh.ngw>vdmuGJtoDwcgt*h>vX uGJR[lzsgtylR{gI -aeroplane (n) a machine with wings that flies through the air in the sky and carries passengers - av,mOfysH - ubD,lR This aeroplane is landing at the airport. av,mOfysHwpfpD;av,mOfuGif;odk@qif;oufvmaeonf? ubD,lRt0JtHRpD>vDRzJubD,lRysDvDRI -afraid (adj) frightened, fearful - a=umufvef@aom/ a=umuf±GH@aom/ pdk;±GH@aom - ysHR< b.ysHRb.zk; San San is afraid of monkeys. pef;pef;onfarsmufrsm;udka=umufonf? eD>qXqXysHR0J'.wRtk;wz.vDRI 5

-after (prep) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - later than something or someone else - +yD;aemuf tvD>cH< vD>cH< 0HRtvD>cH We went outside after it had stopped raining. rdk;wdwf+yD;aemufu|Ekfyfwdk@tjyifodk@xGufcJh=uonf? w>plR}oDxD.0HRtvD>cHyvJRxD.qlw>csXvDRI - following or behind someone - aemufrS - ydmxGJxD.ySRrhwrh>vXySRvD>cH The policeman ran after the thief. &Jonfolcdk;aemufodk@ajy;vdkufonf? yXRuD>w*RCh>vlRydmxGJw>bs.tcHvDRI -afternoon (n) the time between noon and evening - rGef;vGJydkif; - rk>Ch>vDR We often play in the park in the afternoon. u|efawmfwdk@onfrGef;vGJydkif;wGifyef;+cHxJYr=umc%upm;=uonf? ynDEk>*JRvdmuGJvXzDu&X>ylRzJrk>Ch>vDRtcgvDRI -again (adv) one more time - aemufwpfacguf/ aemufwpfcg/ xyfrHI - u'D;< toDwbsD I didn't hear what you said, would you say it again? oifajymwmudku|Ekfyfr=um;vdkufI/ aemufwpfacgufxyfajymygvm;? ewJw>rEkRvJ.M.,we>[lb.< ewJu'D;toDwbsDoh{gI 6

against (prep) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - in an opposite direction; in resistance to - rSDvsuf/ ,SOfvsuf/ qef@usifvsuf - jyX< Cm0J< xD'g< oe‹R'd; The man is leaning against the wall. xdkvlonfeH&HudkrSDaeonf? ydmcGgo;yS>w*Roe‹R'd;0Jw>'l.uyRvDRI Our football team played against a team from Hong Kong. u|efawmfwdk@abmvHk;toif;onfa[mifaumiftoif;ESifh,SOfòydifupm;cJh=uonf? yzsX.xlu&XxljyXw>'D;uD>[D.uD.tu&XvDRI age (n) - the number of years that you have lived - touf - eH.< o;orlteH. Children usually learn to read by age five. uav;rsm;onftoufig;ESpfwGifpmpwifzwf=uonf? zdo.wz.nDEk>p;xD.z;vHmzJto;td.,J>eH.M.vDRI agree (v) - to think the same as someone else - oabmwlonf/ cGifhðyonf/ vdkufavsmonf/ axmufcHonf - b.o;< o;vDRyvdm< tX.vDRwl>vdm Mu Mu thinks this exercise is very easy and I agree with her. Tavhusifhcef;onftvGefvG,fonf[krlrluxif+yD;u|efawmfuaxmufcHonf? eD>rkrk.qdurd.0JvXw>'G;vdwcgtHRnD'd.r;'D;,J,wl>vdmtw>>uD;vDRI aim (v) - to try to achieve a goal - &nfrSef;onf - uG>pd< wdmym< xd.< pl>bsX 7

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary My aim in life is to become a doctor. u|efr.&nf±G,fcsufrSmq&m0efwpfa,mufjzpf&efjzpfonf? ,w>wdmymM.rh>'fod;,uuJxD.uoH.o&.w*RvDRI - to point a gun or arrow at one target - csdef±G,fonf - ynd.< nd.0Jusd§csH.qltwdm Hla Thaung aimed at the tree. vSaomif;onfaoewfudkopfyifodk@csdefonf? pDRvgoDynd.tusdqloh.ttd.vDRI air (n) - the gas all around us that we breathe - av - uvHR (vXyogtDR) Grandfather went outside to get some fresh air. bdk;bdk;onfoef@±Sif;aomavudk±SL±SdKuf&eftjyifodk@xGufcJhonf? zkzkvJRxD.qlw>csX'fod;uuogb.uvHRqSHt*D>vDRI airport (n) - the place where aeroplanes land and take off - av,mOfuGif; - ubD,lRysD The aeroplane landed at the airport. av,mOfysHwpfpD;onfav,mOfuGif;odk@qif;oufcJhonf? ubD,lRwbh.pD>vDRzJubD,lRysDvDRI -album (n) a kind of book in which you put stamps or photographs that you have collected - t,fvbrf/ wHqdyfacgif;odk@r[kwf\"mwfyHkrsm;pkpnf;xm;aompmtkyf - tJvfbX.< vHmymzSd.w>*DRrhwrh>w>*DRcd. 8

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary Mother is showing me an album with pictures of me as a baby. araronfu|efawmfi,fpOfuyHkrsm;ygaom\"gwfyHkt,fbrfudku|efwmfhtm;jyaeonf? rdrd>'k;eJ.,RtJvfbX.wbh.vXttd.'D;w>*DRzJ,eD>qH;tcgM.vDRI -alive (adj) living, not dead - touf±Sifvsuf±Sdaom - td.rl< vXttd.rl My dog is still alive. u|Efkyf.acG;onftouf±Sifvsuf±Sdao;onf? ,'H;vDRI all (adj) - the whole of something - tm;vHk;/ tukefvHk; - cJvXm< ud;*R< w>;cJvXm Nyo Nyo ate all the ice-cream and did not give any to her brother. ndKndKonfa&[email protected] v;udkray;bJtukefpm;vdkufonf? eD>nDnDtD.uGHmxHck.zDcJvXm'D;w'k;tD.tyk>ydmcGgeDwpJ;b.I San San invited all her friends to her birthday party. pef;pef;onfolr.arG;ae@[email protected],fcsif;tm;vHk;udkzdwfcJhonf? eD>qXqXuGJrkm0JtwHRoud;cJvXmqlteHRtd.zsJ.qXuhRtrl;o;zSHvDRI -alligator (n) an animal similar to a crocodile - rdausmif;acgif;wdk - wr.< w&h There are alligators along the coast of Florida in America. tar&duefjynfaxmifpkzavmf&D'gurf;ajcwav#mufwGifrdausmif;acgif;wdkrsm;pGm&Sdonf? vXuD>trJ&uRzvD&H.'.yD.vJ.uX>eHRM.w&htd.tgr;vDRI 9

allow (v) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - to let someone do something - cGifhðyonf - 'k;< ysJ< ysJySRw*R*RrRw>wrHRrHR< [h.w>ysJ< 'k;rR My father allowed me to use his car. azazonfol@um;udku|efawmfhtm;oHk;cGifhðyonf? ,yg[h.ol,Rtodvh.vDRI -almost (adv) nearly - cgeD;/ vkeD;yg; - bl;< bl;wh>r;< C.C. I am almost ready. u|efrtqifoifhjzpfcgeD;+yD? ,uwJmuwDR,o;bl;u0HRvHI -alone (adj,adv) without any other person; by oneself - wpfa,mufwnf; - xJw*R< xJw*R{dR< ySRwtd.eDw*R'D;tDR Maung Maung is alone in the park. armifarmifonfyef;+cHxJwGifwpfa,mufwnf;±Sdaeonf? 'h'htd.vXzDu&X>ylRxJw*R{dRvDRI along (adv) - from one end to another - wav#muf - 'Dbd< ydmxGJ< oCJR Many trees grow along our street. u|[email protected];wav#mufwGifopfyifrsm;aygufaeonf? oh.wz.rJxD.vXyusJ'DbdngM.vDRI 10

-alphabet (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - the letters used to make up words; from A to Z in English - tuQ&m vHmrd>yS> Do you know the whole alphabet? tuQ&mtm;vHk;udkrif;odovm;? rh>eoh.ngvHmrd>yS>cJvXm{gI -also (adv) too; in addition - vnf;/ vnf;bJ - ph>uD; I washed my hair and also combed it. u|efawmfonfqHyifudkav#mf+yD;zD;vnf;zD;ygonf? ,ySHR,cd.'D;,cGHph>uD;tDRvDRI always (adv) - at all times - t+rJwrf;/ tpOft+rJ - xDbd< ud;uwD>'J; I always go to school by bus. u|efawmfausmif;odk@bwfpum;jzifht+rJwrf;oGm;onf? ,vJRqluFd'D;odvh.y'X;xDbdvDRI am (v) - used with the word I to show present time - ±Sdonf/ jzpfonf - rh>< rh>0J< td.< td.0J I am a child. I am using this dictionary. u|efawmfonfuav;wpfa,mufjzpfygonf? u|efawmfTtbd\"mefudkoHk;ygonf? ,rh>zdo.w*RvDRI ,pl;ugvHmcD,hRt0JtHRvDRI 11

ambulance (n) - English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - a vehicle used for taking sick people to the hospital - vlemwif,mOf odvh.wD.ySRqg Someone called for an ambulance after Maung Maung hurt his leg in an accident. armifarmifajcaxmufxdcdkuf+yD;aemufvlwpfOD;onfvlemwif,mOfudkac:vdkufonf? 'h'htcD.b.'d0HRtvD>cHySRw*Rud;odvh.wD.ySRqgvDRI -anchor (n) an iron weight at the end of a long chain that is dropped from a ship into the water to stop it from moving - - ausmufql; eD.ouhR The sailors dropped the anchor not far from the beach. oabFmom;rsm;onfurf;pyfem;wGifausmufql;udkcsonf? ySRubDzdwz.wh>vDReD.ouhRzJw>vD>vXw,HR'D;yD.vJ.uX>eHRM.vDRI angry (adj) - feeling cross, annoyed - a'goxGufaom/ trsufxGufaom - vXto;xD.< vXto;zsd; Bo Bo is angry with Tun Tun because he broke the window. xGef;xGef;onfjywif;aygufudkcsdK;zsufaoma=umifhbdkbdkol@udka'go xGufaeygonf? bDbDo;xD.xlxlrh>vXrRu>yJ}wDzdtCdvDRI -animal (n) a living thing that can move about by itself - wd&p>mef/ owW0g - q.zduD>zd 12

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary A dog is an animal. acG;onfwd&p>mefwpfaumifjzpfonf? xGH.rh>q.zduD>zdw'kvDRI -ankle (n) the part of your leg that is joined by your foot - ajcusif;0wf - cD.'hudm Nyo Nyo hurt his ankle when he tripped over a stone. ndKndKonfausmufwHk;ay:acsmfvJIajcusif;0wfemaeonf? nDnDtcD.'hudmqgrh>vXt,D>wvHmb.vX>tCdvDRI -answer (n) the words you say or write when you are asked a question - - tajz w>pH;qX Bo Bo knows the right answers to all the sums. bdkbdkonfykp>mtm;vHk;.tajzrSefudkodonf? pDRbDbDoh.ng0Jw>pH;qXtb.wz.vXw>oHuG>cJvXmt*D>vDRI ant (n) - a small insect that usually has no wings, and lives in a very large group - yk±Gufqdwf - wX>< wX>ok.< wX>CH.o; An ant can carry things that are heavier than itself. yk±Gufqdwfwpfaumifonfol@udk,fxufav;aomt&mrsm;udko,fEkdifonf? wX>wzsX.pdmw>vXtCXM>trd>yS>M>0JvDRI any (pron, adj) - one out of many; some - wpfckck/ trsm;xJrSwpfck/ wpfcsdK@ - wcgcg (*R)< wrHRrHR (*hR)< weDR 13

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary You can buy any kind of food there. xdkae&mwGifoifóuduf&mtpm;tpmwpfckckudk0,fpm;Ekdifonf? eyS›Rw>tD.zJM.wrHRrHRoh0JvDRI -anyone (pron) any person - wpfa,mufa,muf - ySRw*R*R Is anyone there? tJ'DrSmvlwpfa,mufa,mufrsm;±Sdovm;? rh>ySRtd.zJM.w*R*R{gI anything (pron, adv) - something - wpfckck - (w>) wrHRrHR Does Nyo Nyo like to eat anything? ndKndKwpfckckrsm;pm;csifovm;? rh>nDnDtJ.'d;tD.w>wrHRrHR{gI apple (n) - a round fruit that has a red, green, or yellow skin - yef;oD; - zDo.< tJyX.o. There is a worm in this rotten apple. Tyef;oD;tykyfxJwGifydk;aumifwpfaumif±Sdonf? -apron (n) something that you wear to protect the front of your clothes - aty±Gef/ csufðywfpOftay:rSxyf0wfaomtuôs - ,.w'D< b.od;tDRzJySRzDw>tcgI 14

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary Mother always wear an apron when she is cooking. araronfcsufðywfaepOfaty±Gefudkt+rJ0wfxm;avh±Sdonf? rdrd>od;,.w'DxDbdzJtzDtD.w>tcgvDRI -aquarium (n) a glass tank in which to keep fish and water - ig;tvSarG;rSefuef - w>ymuG>uDn.tvD> In our house there is a large aquarium with many beautiful fish and water plants. u|efrwkd@tdrfwGiftvSarG;ig;rsm;ESifha&arSmfyifrsm;ygaomig;tvSarG;rSefuef}uD;±Sdygonf? vXy['D;w>ymuG>uDn.tvD>z;'d.wzsX.vXtySJR'D;n.CHvRtgtg*D>*D>'D; xHCH.rk>wz.vDRI -argue(v) to say things which show that you do not agree with someone; to quarrel - jiif;cHkonf/ tjiif;yGm;onf - th.vdm< *h>vdm< uwdRtgvdmo; San San and The Su are arguing over the bicycle. pef;pef;ESifhoJpkonfpufbD;ESifhywfouf+yD;tjiif;yGm;ae=uonf? eD>qXqX'D;eD>oH.plR*h>vdmto;vXvh.,D>wcd.tCdvDRI arm (n) - the part of your body between your shoulder and your hand - vufarmif; - pk'k.< pk'k.wDR Wah Wah is holding the cat in her arm. 0g0gonfa=umifudkolr.vufarmif;ESifhydkufxm;ygonf? eD>0g0gzD.Cm0Jo.rH,DRvXtpk'k.vdRM.vDRI -armchair (n) a chair with two arms - vufwifygaomukvm;xdkif - pkzD.vD>qh.eDR< vD> 15

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary I like sitting in an armchair when I read. u|efawmfpmzwfaomtcgvufwifygaomukvm;xdkifay:rSmxdkif&onfudkóuduf.? zJ,z;vHmtcg,tJ.'d;qh.eDRvXvD>qh.eDRwD.pkvdRvDRI army (n) - a large group of soldiers - ppfwyf/ =unf;wyf - ok;< ok;rk>< ok;zd*D>rk> The two armies were fighting each other. ppfwyfESpfwyfwdkufyGJjzpfcJhonf? ok;rk>cHzk'k;vdmto;vDRI around (adv) - in a circle round something - ywfywfvnf/ 0dkif;ywfvsuf/ vSnfhywfvsuf - 0;w&H;< CXR0;0; Grandfather is chasing the monkey around the tree. bdk;bdk;onfopfyifudk0dkif;vSnfhywfvsufarsmufudkvdkufzrf;aeonf? zkzkCh>0;w&H;oh.'D;vlRzD.wRtk;vDRI - here and there - w0dkuf - qltHRqlM. Children played around the beach. uav;rsm;onfurf;ajcteD;tem;w0dkufwGifupm;=uonf? zdo.wz.*JRvdmuGJzJyD.vJ.uX>eHRtCXRM.vDRI arrange (v) - to put things somewhere so they look nice and tidy - jyifqifonf/ cif;usif;onf? - &J.usJR< uwJmuwDR< &J.vDRusJRvDRI 16

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary Mother is arranging the flowers in the vase. araronfyef;rsm;udkyef;tdk;xJwGifvSatmifjyifqifaeonf? rdrd>&J.vDRusJRvDRzDwz.vXzDudylRvDRI The teacher has arranged a school trip to the museum. q&mronfjywdkufodk@ausmif;avhvma&;c&D;xGuf&efjyifqif+yD;+yD? o&.&J.usJRM>0J'fod;ySRuFdzdwz.uvJRuG>uDw>'k;eJ.'X;t*D>vDRI arrive (v) - to reach a place - qdkufa&mufonf/ a&muf±Sdonf? - wkR< vJRwkR< [JwkR The train from Mandalay arrives at the station at half past two. rEœav;&xm;onfblwm±Hkodk@ESpfem&DcGJwGifqdkufa&mufonf? zJcHe.&H.wcDM.vh.rh.tlvX0h>rg'vhwcd.[JwkRzJvh.rh.tloMvDRI arrow (n) - a stick with a point which is shot from a bow - jrm;/ av;ESifhypf&aomt&m - ys>< td.'D;tue.plvXtcd.xd;< b.w>c;tDRvXcsH. Give me a stick to make an arrow. jrm;vkyf&efwkwfwpfacsmif;ay;yg? [h.,ReD.uhwbdvX,uwhys>t*D>wuh>I -artist (n) a person who paints or draw pictures, or is skilled in one of the other arts. - yef;csDq&m/ yef;csDynm±Sif/ tEkynmonf - ySRwhw>*DR Leonardo Da Vinci was an artist. vD,dkem'dk'gAifcsDonfyef;csDynm±SifwpfOD;jzpfonf? vh.,d.e.'d.'.bh.cFH.rh>ySRwhw>*DRw*RvDRI 17

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary astronaut (n) - a person who flies in a spacecraft - tmumo,mOfrSL; - ySRrlysDzd< ySRvXteD.rlysDzsX.,lR Who was the first astronaut to land on the moon? vay:odk@yxrqHk;qif;oufcJhaomtmumo,mOfrSL;rSmrnfolenf;? ySRrlysDzdvXt,D>vDRb.vgtzDcd.tqduwX>M.rh>rwRvJ.I astronomer (n) - a person who studies the stars - euQwWaA'ynm±Sif - ySRohrluydmyDng< ySRvXtCkoh.ngrluydmvdRq.t*h>I My uncle is an astronomer. u|efr.OD;av;onfeuQwWaA'ynm±SifwpfOD;jzpfygonf? ,zgwH>rh>ySRohrluydmyDngw*RvDRI axe (n) - a sharp tool with a handle which we use to chop wood - ykqdef - uGg< ypl;ugtDRzJyzs;oh. Father is cutting the tree with an axe. azazonfopfyifudkykqdefjzifhckwfjzwfaeonf? ygy>ulmoh.vXuGgvDRI 18

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary Bb baby (n) - a very young child - uav;i,f/ uav;aygufp - zdo.tD.Ek>< zdo.qH; Our baby is crawling. u|efrwdk@&Jhuav;i,fonfav;bufaxmufoGm;aeonf? yzdqH;tD.Ek>zdpGg0J'.vDRI back (n) - the upper of the body opposite the front part - ausm/ ausmukef; - ysd>< ysd>CH Han Thein is lying on his back. [efodef;onfausmqef@vJavsmif;aeonf? pDR[Johpl.vDRtysd>vDRI - opposite of the front part - aemufbuf/ aemufydkif;/ aemufaz; - tvD>cH< w>vD>cH Wah Wah sits at the back of the hall. 0g0gonfcef;raemufydkif;wGifxdkifaeonf? eD>0g0gqh.eDRzJbsD.tvD>cHwuyRM.vDRI -bad (adj) not good - qdk;aom/ raumif;aom - tX< w*hR< vXtwzd;vdmb.vdm We did not play outside because the weather was bad. &moDOwkqdk;aoma=umifhu|efawmfwdk@tdrfjyifrSmrupm;=uyg? ywvdmuGJvXw>ysDylRrh>vXrlcd.uvHRoD.*DRw*hRtCdvDRI 19

bag (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - a container which is made of cloth, paper, leather or plastic; a traveling case - tdwf/ c&D;aqmiftdwf - xX. She is carrying a small bag. olronftdwfao;ao;wpfvHk;udko,faqmifoGm;onf? t0Jydmrk.pdm0JxX.qH;qH;zdwzsX.vDRI -bake (v) to cook by dry heat, usually in an oven - zkwfonf/ - bX< bXrHzDrHw>>ud>< tg'.wuh>vXz.uGm (u[.) bXud.tylR Mother will bake a cake. ararudwfrkef@wpfvHk;zkwfvdrfhrnf? rdrd>ubXud.qD'H.wvd.vDRI ball (n) - anything that is roughly round in shape - tvHk;/ vHk;0ef;aomt&m0w÷K - w>tzsX.< w>zsX.ovX. (vk.) tcl. Here is a ball of wool. odk;ar$;vHk;'DrSm±Sdonf? - a round object used in a game like chin lon or football - abmvkH; - zsX.xl 20

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary Soe Moe kicked the ball to the wall. pdk;rdk;onfeH&HudkabmvHk;jzifhuefcJhonf? pDRpdrdxlzsX.xlqlw>'l.uyRvDRI - a large party or dance - pHkwGJuyGJ - rl;xH.vdm< rl;*JRuvH.< rl;o;zSH Mu Mu danced at the ball. rlrlonfpHkwGJuyGJYucJhonf? eD>rkrk.*JRuvH.zJrl;*JRuvH.M.vDRI balloon(n) - a latex bag blown up with air - ylazgif; - w>tluzd They decorated the house with balloons. olwdk@onftdrfudkylaygif;rsm;jzifhtvSqifxm;onf? t0Joh.u,XxD.[H.'D;w>tluzdwz.vDRI banana (n) - a yellow or red fruit which monkeys and people like - iSufaysmoD; - wuGH< wuGHo. Mother brought a bunch of bananas from the market. araronfaps;rSiSufaysmoD;wpfzD;0,fvmcJhonf? rdrd[JuhRpdmwuGHwoH.vXzFgylRvDRI -bank (n) a place to keep money - b%f - phwX; 21

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary I put my money in the bank. u|efr.ydkufqHrsm;udkb%fwGifxnfhxm;onf? ,ym,wd>vXphwX;ylRvDRI - the ground at the edge of the river or lake - urf;ezl;/ uefaygif - uX>cd.< xHusduX>eHRrhwrh>urgeHR< ed.uX>cd. I always walk along the river bank every evening. u|efawmfonfnaewdkif;jrpfurf;ezl;wav#mufwGifvrf;av#mufavh±Sdonf? ,[;vdmuGJzJxHusduX>eHRud;rk>[g'J;M.vDRI -bark (n) the covering of a tree - opfacguf/ tacguf -< oh.tbh. He stripped the bark off the branch. olonfopfacgufrsm;udkopfudkif;ay:rScGmcscJhonf? t0JydmcGgtd;uGHm0J''hvdRM.vDRI - the sharp cry of a dog - acG;a[mifoH - xGH.rDRw> The dog's bark is loud. acG;a[mifoHus,favmifonf? xGH.rDRw>oD.'d.r;vDRI barn (n) - a building for storing farm crops and keeping farm animals - pyg;usD / wd&p>mefavSmifaomwif;ukwf - bkzD< 'JpXR< w>vD>vXySRymzSd.bk'D;ySRymq.zduD>zdoh0J 22

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary The farmer stores hay in his barn. v,form;onfaumuf±dk;rsm;udkol.pyg;usDxJwGifokdavSmifxm;onf? ySRxlpHmzdw*RymzSd.vD>bdvXtbkzDylRvDRI baseball (n) - a game played with a bat and a ball by two teams - abhpfabm/ ±dkufwHjzifhabmvHk;udk±dkufupm;onfhupm;enf; wrsdK;/ abhpfabmupm;jcif;/ - w>vdmuGJwrHRvXw>olzsX.wD>'D;eD.wD><w>vdmuGJzsX.wD>I Many boys play baseball. a,musfm;av;rsm;abhpfabmupm;=uonf? ydmcGgwz.vdmuGJ0JzsX.wD>vDRI basement (n) - the floor of the building, which is below the ground - ajratmufcef;/ ajratmufxyf - 'X;[D.vm< 'X;vXttd.vX[ She lives in the basement. olronfajratmufcef;wGifaeonf?'X;[D.vmtylRvDRI -basket (n) something, often made by weaving, which is used for carrying or holding things - - jcif;/ jcif;awmif; CR<uk< b.w>xhtDRvX0.< b.w>pl;ugtDRvXySRu0Hw>pdmw>t*D> Mother filled the basket with apples. araronfjcif;awmif;xJodk@yef;oD;rsm;udkjznfhxnfhvdkufonf? rdrd>yXEkmySJRzDo.wz.vXCRtylRvDRI 23

bat (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - a stick used to hit the ball in baseball or cricket ball - ±dkufwH/ abhpfabmupm;aomtcgoHk;aomwkwfwpfrsdK; - eD.wD>< b.w>pl;ugtDRzJySRvdmuGJzsX.wD>rhwrh>c&h;uJ;bDvf Boys plays cricket with a bat. a,musfm;av;rsm;onfu&pfuufudk±dkufwHjzifh±dkufIupm;=uonf? ydmcGgzdo.wz.*JRvdmuGJc&h;uJ;vXeD.wD>M.vDRI bat (n) - a mouse-like animal with wings which flies usually at night - vif;Edk@/ vif;pGJ/ ºuGufESifhwlIntcsdefYysHoef;usufpm;aom owW0g - bsg<q.zduD>zdvXvDR*m,k>'D;,lR0JzJrk>eRcD<ySRunDytd.ud;0J ? yv. / Bats fly very fast. vif;pGJrsm;onftvGefvsifjrefpGmysHoef;=uonf? bsgwz.,lRcs›'d.r;vDRI -bath (n) act of washing your body - a&csdK;jcif; - vk.xH< w>vk.xH< w>ohuqSDeD>cd unDySd>zdpH; ?t.vk;xH>/ 'D;ytd.zdpH; ?vlxH>/ He took a bath in a tub. olonfa&csdK;uefxJwGifa&csdK;cJhonf? t0Jvk.xHvXw>vk.xHusD;ylRvDRI -bean (n) the seed in long pods, used as food - yJ/ yJoD;awmifhxJ±SdyJaph - obhcsH< yxd;csH< w>tcsHtd.vXobho.txDtylR 24

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary I like eating beans. u|efawmfonfyJoD;udkóudufonf? ,tD.obhcsHbJvDRI -bear (n) a large heavy animal with thick fur - 0uf0H/ }uD;rm;aomcE<mudk,fESifhtarG;xlaomowW0g - wRol< w>rHRvmvXteD>z;'d.z;xD'D;tql.wD. There are two bears in the zoo. wd&p>mef±HkxJrSm0uf0HESpfaumif±Sdonf? vXq.zduD>zdu&X>ylRM.wRoltd.cH'kvDRI beat (v) - to hit repeatedly, especially with a stick - ±dkufonf/ xkonf/ txl;ojzifh}udrfwkwfoHk;I±dkufonf - wD>< wusd.< zJewD>w>wrHRrHR'D;eD.uh He beats the drum. olpnfudkxkonf? t0JydmcGgwD>'XvDRI - to win against - atmifEdkifonf - rReXR< rR'X. Our team beat Tun Tun's team last week. uïefawmfwdk@toif;onfxGef;xGef;toif;tm;,ciftywfYatmifEdkifcJhonf? tylRuGHmwEGHyu&XrReXRpDRxlxltu&XvDRI -beautiful (adj) very pretty to see or hear - vSyaom - CHvR< vXtCHvR 25

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary The Su is a beautiful girl. oJpkonfvSyaomrdef;rysdKwpfOD;jzpfygonf? eD>oH.plRrh>ydmrk.zdvXtCHvRw*RvDRI -because (conj) for the reason that - aoma=umifh/ tb,fa=umifhqdkaomf - tCd< t*h>'ftHR< (rh>vX) III tCd I did not go swimming because it was raining heavily. rdk;onf;xefpGm±Gmaoma=umifhu|efra&oGm;rul;cJhyg? w>plR'd.tCd,wvJRyD>xHb.I -become (v) to come to be; to happen to - jzpfvmonf - uJxD. Some seeds become plants. tcsdK@taphrsm;onftyifjzpfvmonf? w>csHweDRuJxD.w>rk>w>bdwz.vDRI bed (n) - something which is used to sleep on - tdyf,m - vD>rH< w>vD>vXySRrHeDR I sleep in a bed. u|ekfyftdyf&mxJwGiftdyfonf? ,rHvXvD>rHcd.vDRI - a piece of ground where plants are grown in a garden - tcif;/ pdkufcif; - *XR< u&X>< w>vD>vXySRol.vDRzD 26

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary Flowers are growing in the flower bed. yef;cif;xJwGifyef;yifrsm;aygufvm=uonf? zDwz.rJxD.vXzDu&X>tylRvDRI before (prep) - in front of - a±S›rSm/ a±S›u - rJmng She was before me in the line. wef;pDwkef;uolronfu|efr.a±S›rSmjzpfonf? zJyqD&J.vDRo;,rJmngvDRI - earlier than - rwdkifrD/ t&ifwkef;u - wcsK;'H;< qdM>'H;< tylRuGHm I have read this book before. u|efawmfTpmtkyfudkt&ifwkef;uzwfzl;onf? ,z;b.vHmt0JtHRzJtylRuGHmvDRI -begin (v) to start - ponf/ pwifonf - p;xD. When does the race begin? òydifyGJb,ftcsdefprSmvJ? w>jyXup;xD.tcgzJvJ.I behind (prep) - at the back of - aemufwGif/ aemufrSm - tvD>cH< vXw>vD>cH 27

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary Tun Tun sits behind Mu Mu. xGef;xGef;onfrlrl.aemufwGifxdkifonf? pDRxlxlqh.eDRvXeD>rkrk.tvD>cHvDRI - late - aemufusaom - pJRcH< vXtpJRcH Father is behind in his work. azazonftvkyfaemufusae+yD? ygy>pJRcHw>rRvHI believe (v) - to think something is true or real - ,Hkonf/ ,Hk=unfonf - em< em0J< qdurd.yvX>b.0J'ftrh>w>rh>w>wD I believe what he says. olajymwmudku|efawmf,Hkonf? ,emt0JwJw>vDRI - to feel sure - pdwfcs,Hk=unfonf - emvDRwH>< emvDRo; I believe I can do that. 'gudku|efawmfvkyfEdkifonf[kudk,fhudk,fudkpdwfcs,Hk=unfonf? ,emvDRo;vX,rRw>t0JM.ohvDRI bell (n) - hollow metal cup that rings when struck by a kind of hammer - acgif;avmif; - 'XvGJ< tuvk>oD.zJb.w>'dtDRvXx; 28

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary The school bell rings. ausmif;wufacgif;avmif;xdk;+yD;? uFdt'XvGJoD.xD.vHI -below (prep) beneath or under - atmufrSm - (vXt)zDvm< tzDvm The dog sits below the table. acG;onfpm;yGJatmufwGifxkdifaeonf? xGH.qh.eDRvXpD>eDRcd.tzDvmvDRI -beside (prep) at the side of - ab;rSm - tuyR< vXtuyR The chair is beside the table. ukvm;xdkifonfpm;yGJab;rSm±Sdonf? vD>qh.eDRtd.vXpD>eDRcd.tuyRvDRI - close to - tem;rSm/ teD;rSm/ teD;tem;wGif - (vXt) CXR< oCJR My brother is sitting beside me. u|efr.armifav;onfu|efr.tem;rSmxdkifaeygonf? ,'Dyk>0J>cGgqh.eDRvX,CXRvDRI -besides (prep) in addition to - onfhtjyif/ 'ghtjyif - wu;'H;b.< wvXuGHm 29

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary Many boys besides Nyi Nyi were late. nDnDtjyifausmif;om;awmfawmfrsm;rsm;aemufusonf? wvXuGHmpDReHeH.M.< ydmcGgzdtg*RpJRcH0Jph>uD;vDRI between (prep) - in the space or time that separates two points - t=um;rSm - vXw>bX.pXR< vXtcX.o; The Su is sitting between Mother and Father. oJpkonfararESifhazaz=um;rSmxdkifaeonf? eD>oH.plRqh.eDRvXrdrd>'D;ygy>tbX.pXRvDRI bicycle (n) - something to ride upon which has two wheels, one behind the other - pufbD; - vh.,D>< w>wrHRvXy'd;tDRtd.'D;ty.cHy. I go to school by bicycle. u|efrausmif;odk@pufbD;jzifhoGm;onf? ,vJRqluFd'D;vh.,D>vDRI -big (adj) large - }uD;aom - 'd.< z;'d. Bo Bo ate a big piece of cake. bdkbdkonfudwfrkef@t=uD;wpfydkif;udkpm;cJhonf?;z;'d.wuhvDRI 30

bird (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - creature with feathers and wings that is able to fly - iSuf/ awmifyHjzifhysHoef;aomowW0g - xd.< w>b.whvXttd.'D;tql.'D;t'H;qhvXt,lRoh Crows and sparrows are birds. usD;uef;ESifhpmuav;rsm;onfiSufrsm;jzpf=uonf? pd;0.C;wz.'D;xd.zSH;zdwz.M.rh>xd.wz.vDRI -birthday (n) the day of the year on which a person was born - arG;ae@ - eHRtd.zsJ.qXuhR< w>td.zsJ.qXuhRtrk>eHR My birthday is July 11th. u|efr.arG;ae@onfZlvdkifv 11 &ufae@jzpfonf? ,eHRtd.zsJ.qXuhRrh>0Jvg,lRvH 11 oDM.vDR bite (n) - the amount of something which is bitten off by the teeth - wpfudkuf - wrD< wuh Hla Thaung took a bite of the apple. vSaomif;onfyef;oD;udkwpfudkufudkufpm;onf? pDRvgoDth.tD.0JzDo.wuhvDRI blanket (n) - a piece of thick cloth used as a warm covering on a bed - apmif/ òcHv$m - ,.< ,.vk; The girl is sleeping under the blanket. rdef;uav;onfapmifòcH+yD;tdyfaeonf? zdo.rk.zdrH0J'.vX,.vk;tzDvmvDRI 31

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary -block (n) a thick piece of something, such as wood or stone - twkH;/ opfwkH;/ ausmufwHk; - vX>ud.vd.rhwrh>oh.zlwzl< wusD. Bo Bo is playing with a wooden block. bdkbdkonfopfwHk;wpfwHk;ESifhupm;aeonf? pDRbDbD*JRvdmuGJ'D;oh.zlwusD.vDRI - the space between streets in a city or a town - vrf;ESpfvrf;=um;±Sdwdkufwef;rsm;/ bavmuf - wX;u0DRvX0h>usJcHbdtbX.pXR Does Mi Mi live in ( or, on) this block? rDrD'DbavmufrSmaeovm;/ rh>eD>rHrHtd.zJwX;u0DRt0JtHRtylR{gI -blood (n) the liquid pumped through the body by the heart - aoG; - oGH.< w>oGH.< unDytd.zdpH; ?oGH/ There is some blood on the boy's cut finger. aumifav;.vuf'%f&mrSaoG;xGufaeonf? w>oGH.[JxD.vXydmcGgzdtpkb.ul;tvD>M.vDRI -blossom (n) the flower of a plant or tree - toD;yifrSyGifhaomyef;/ tyGifh - (w>) tzD< oH.{dRzD{dR Here is a cherry blossom. 'DrSmcs,f&DyGifhav;wpfyGifh±Sdw,f? ttHRrh>ovhRzDwzd;vDRI -blow (v) to make air move - avwkdufonf - tl< uvHRtl 32

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary Watch the cloud when the wind blows. avwdkufaomtcgwdrfawGudk=unfhyg? eoguG>w>tX.zJuvHRtlw>tcgwbDI -board (n) a thin, flat piece of wood - ysOfcsyf - oh.b. The men nailed boards together to build a fence. vlrsm;onf+cHpnf;±dk;um&efysOfcsyfrsm;udkwGJIoH±dkuf=uonf? ySRwz.ysRwH>0Joh.b.wz.wylRCD'fod;u'l.xD.u&X>t*D>vDRI -board (v) to get on a train, ship or plane - wufonf/ wufpD;onf - xD.< 'd;xD.< 'fod;u'd;< ubDrhwrh>ubD,lR This is where we board the plane. 'Dae&mrSmu|efawmfwdk@av,mOfay:wuf=uonf? w>vD>t0JtHRrh>w>vD>zJyxD.qlubD,lRtylRvDRI boat (n) - a wooden or metal ship for travelling on the water - avS/ oabFm - csH< ubD We will cross the river by boat. u|Efkyfwdk@jrpfudkavSjzifhjzwful;=urnf? yucDxHusdvXcsHvDRI body (n) - the whole of a person or animal - cE<mudk,f - rd>yS>< eD>up> The cat's body is covered with fur a=umif.cE<mudk,fonftarG;rsm;jzifhzHk;aeonf? o.rH,DRtrd>yS>'D;tql.vDRI 33

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - the main part - yifrtpdwftydkif;/ ukd,fxnf - (w>) trd>yS> The body of the car was destroyed. um;.udk,fxnfysufpD;oGm;onf? odvh.wcd.trd>yS>[;*DRuGHmvDRI -boot (n) a thick covering for the foot and ankle - bGwfzdeyf - cD.zH;w>bh.< cD.zH;bl; This boot is made of leather. TbGwfzdeyfudkom;a&jzifhðyvkyfxm;onf? cD.zH;bl;t0JtHRb.w>bSDtDRvXw>zH;vDRI -born (v, adj) given birth to - arG;zGm;onf - td.zsJ.< td.zsJ.xD.< b.w>qH;p>tDR Many babies are born everyday. uav;i,frsm;ae@pOfarG;zGm;vsuf±Sdonf? zdo.qH;;rk>eHRvDRI -both (adj, conj) two; a pair - ESpfa,mufvHk;/ ESpfckvHk; - cH< cH*Rvdm< cHcgvdm Both girls have red hair. rdef;uav;ESpfa,mufvHk;qHyifeDonf? ydmrk.zdcH*Rvdmtcd.ol*DRvDRI 34

-bottle (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - a container with a narrow neck, and usually no handle - ykvif; yvD< w>'XvXtudmtH.'D;nDEk>tpkzD.wtd. Fill the bottle with water. ykvif;udka&jznfhvdkufyg? rRySJRyvDvXxHwuh>I bottom (n) - the lowest part of the place - atmufajc/ tajc - w>tcH';< cHuD>< w>cD.xH;< tcD.xH; A house is at the bottom of the hill. awmifajcwGiftdrfwpfvHk;±Sdonf? [>vl>tcD.xH;vDRI -bowl (n) a round, deep dish - yef;uefvHk; - vDcDzsX. Mother beats the eggs in a bowl. araronfyef;uefvHk;xJwGif=unfOudkacgufonf? rdrd>cGJ;cG;qD'H.wz.vXvDcDzsX.tylRvDRI box (n) - a wooden or cardboard form in which to hold things - aowWm/ ypPnf;odk@r[kwft0wftpm;xnfhaomt&m - wvg< b.w>rRtDRvXoh.b.'D;yzXEkmw>yD;w>vD I put my clothes in the box. u|Ekfyf.t0wftpm;rsm;udkaowWmxJwGifxnfhonf? ,zXEkm,w>ulw>od;wz.vXwvgylRvDRI 35

box (v) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - to fight someone as sport, wearing big leather gloves - vufa0S›xdk;onf - rJ;(t'd=,urJ;eR)< 'fod;urR'X.ySRvXw>wrJ;pktw> vdmuGJtylR< w>wrJ;pk I want to learn how to box very well. u|Ekfyfvufa0S›rnfokd‹aumif;aumif;xkd;&rnfukdoif,lcsifonf? ,tJ.'d;rRvd,o;'fod;,uohrJ;pk*hR*hRM.vDRI -boxer (n) a sportsman who boxes - vufa0S›orm;/ vufa0S›xdk;ol - ySRwrJ;pk< ySRvdmuGJw>wrJ;pk Both boxers were hurt in the match. vufa0S›xdk;orm;ESpfa,mufvHk;vufa0S›yGJwGif'%f&m&cJh=uonf? ySRwrJ;pkzdcH*Rb.'dzJtvdmuGJw>wrJ;pktcgvDRI boy (n) - a male child - a,musfm;av;/ aumifav; - ydmcGgzdo. The boys are playing football. a,musfm;av;rsm;abmvHk;uefae=uonf? ydmcGgzdo.wz.*JRvdmuGJzsX.xlvDRI branch (n) - part of the tree that grows from the center trunk - opfudkif;/ tudkif;/ yifpnfrSjzmxGufaomtudkif;tcuf - t'h< oh.'h< oh.'hvX[J-w>xD.vXoh.xl.rd>yS>tvdR A bird is sitting on the branch. iSufwpfaumifopfudkif;ay:rSmem;aeonf? xd.wbh.pD>vDRvXoh.'htvdRvDRI 36

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary -brave (adj) not afraid of danger or pain - owWd±Sdaom/ &J&ifhaom - 'l< 'lCdR< wysHRub.'d< tbh.uqgb. Zaw Might is a brave boy. aZmfrdkufonf&J&ifhaomuav;i,fwpfOD;jzpfonf? pDRrX;rh>ydmcGgzdo.vXt'lw*RvDRI -bread (n) food that is made from flour, yeast and water and baked in an oven - aygifrkef@ - ud.<w>tD.wrHRvXb.w>rRtDRvXud.url.<ud.rH.< xH'D;bXtDR Grandmother brought a loaf of bread. zGm;zGm;aygifrkef@wpfvHk;,lvmonf? zHzH[Jpdm0Jud.wzsX.vDRI -break (v) to divide into two or more pieces - cGJonf/ uGJonf - oh.z;< rRoh.z;< rRu>< wD>u> The Su dropped the glass and broke it. oJpkvufrSzefcGufwpfcGufvGwfus+yD;uGJoGm;onf? eD>oH.plRrRvDRwJmvDcDqSH'D;oh.z;0JvDRI breakfast (n) - the morning meal - eHeufpm - *DRw>tD. We are having Mohinga for breakfast. u|Ekfyfwdk@onfeHeufpmtjzpfrkef@[if;cg;udkpm;ae=uonf? ytD.oud;cDeD'ftrh>*DRw>tD.M.vDRI 37

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary -breathe (v) to take air in and out through your nose or mouth - touf±SLonf - og< ogxD.ogvDRuvHRvXyegphRrhwrh>udmylR We usually breathe in and out without thinking about it. u|Efkyfwdk@onfowdrðyyJtouf±SLae=uonf? ynDEk>ogxD.'D;ogvDRuvHRvXw>wqdurd.tylRvDRI -brick (n) a hard block made of clay or stone used for building - tkwfcJ/ tkwf - 'X;cD< [>vd. The workmen are building a brick wall. tvkyform;rsm;onftkwfeH&Haqmufae=uonf? ySRrRw>zdwz.ol.xD.0J'X;cDw>'l.yRvDRI -bride (n) a woman who is getting married. - owdk@orD; - wv;rl;ydmrk. The bride is beautiful. owdk@orD;onfvSyonf? wv;rl;ydmrk.w*RCHvR0JvDRI -bridegroom (n) a man who is getting married - owdk@om; - wv;rl;ydmcGg The bridegroom is handsome. owdk@om;onfacsmonf? wv;rl;ydmcGgw*R'd.w>*hRr;vDRI 38

bridge (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - a structure built over a river or road - wwH m; - wdR There is a big bridge across the river. jrpfay:wGifwHwm;}uD;wpfckjzwfaqmufxm;onf? wdRz;'d.wbdcDywmxHusdM.vDRI -bright (adj) shining strongly - awmufyaom - vXuðy>< uðy>u_yDR The sun is very bright today. 'Dae@aea&miftvGefawmufyonf? weHRtHRrk>qJ;vDRuðy>u_yDRr;vDRI - clever - awmfaom/ n%faumif;aom - zJF;< cd.Elm*hR Mu Mu is a bright girl. rlrlonfawmfaomuav;rwpfa,mufjzpfonf? eD>rkrk.rh>ydmrk.zdvXtzFJ;w*RvDRI -bring (v) to carry something with you - ,lvmonf/ o,fvmonf - [Jpdm< pdmw>wrHRrHR Mother is bringing us our lunch. araronfu|efawmfwdk@twGufae@vnfpm,lvmonf? rdrd>[JpdmM>ySRrk>xl.w>tD.vDRI 39

broom (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - a brush with a long handle for sweeping the floor - wHjrufpnf; - eD.cGJ< eD.cGJod. Hla Hla is sweeping the floor with a broom. vSvSonf=urf;jyifudkwHjrufpnf;jzifhvSJaeonf? eD>vgcGJysDzk'gcd.vXeD.cGJod.vDRI -brush(n) a tool with bristles used for cleaning, scrubbing or painting - 0ufrSifbD;/ pkwfwH/ b&wf±Sf - eD.cGH< w>wrHRvXxl;ysDw>rhwrh>cJ.w>< eD.cJ.w> I use a brush to polish shoes. u|efawmfonfzdeyfwdkuf&efb&wf±SfudkoHk;onf? ,pl;ugeD.cGHvX,uzSLbVcD.zH;w>bh.t*D>vDRI bubble (n) - a ball of air enclosed by liquid - ylpDazgif; - (xH) pH.ydvd< (uvHR) pH.ydvd Tu Tu is blowing soap bubbles. wl;wl;onfqyfjymylazgif;rsm;udkr_wfaeonf? pDRxlxltl0Jq;yF. (oGH.CH.) tpH.ydvdwz.vDRI bucket (n) - a round container of plastic or metal with a handle used for carrying something - a&yHk;/ vufqGJyHk; - xHpJR< b.w>rRtDRvXzv;pwH;rhwrh>x;0g The workman is carrying sand in a bucket. tvkyform;onfoJudkvufqGJyHk;jzifho,fvmonf? ySRrRw>zdw*Rpdm0JrJ;vXxHpJRtylRvDRI 40

bud (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - leaf or flower before it opens fully - tzl;/ tan‡mifh/ yk&pfzl;/ twuf - (t) ubd.< tbd. Are there buds on the tree yet? opfyifrStan‡mifhav;rsm;xGufvm+yDvm;? rh>oh.wz.tbd.xD.vH{gI -build (v) to make something by putting pieces together - wnfaqmufonf - bDSxD.< ol.xD. Mother is instructing the workmen how to build the house. araronftvkyform;rsm;tm;tdrfudkrnfodk@aqmuf&rnfudk!$ef=um;aeonf? rdrd>eJ.vDR0JySRrRw>zdwz.vXubSDxD.[H.'fvJ.t*D>vDRI -building (n) a structure that has been built, such as a house, school or factory - taqmuftOD - w>ol.xD.< 'fod;[H.< uFdrhwrh>pJ;zDu[.w>rRvD> There are many tall buildings in the downtown. òr@dv,fwGifjrifhrm;aomtaqmuftODrsm;pGm±Sdonf? vX0h>ylRM.w>ol.xD.z;;vDRI bull (n) - a male cow - EGm;xD; - usD>zg< *DRzH;zg< (ySRunDySd>rk>xD.zdud;0JvX ?*DRbh./ vXt oD. ?* A bull can be the father of a calf. EGm;xD;onfEGm;om;aygufpav;.tazjzpfEdkifonf? ` usD>zguJxD.usD>zdty>ohvDRI 41

-bulldozer (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - a large tractor with a broad metal shovel at the front - used for moving earth and stones bl'dkZm/ ajrxdk;puf bl.'d.p.< odvh.}wDmw> Ba Tha is building the road with the bulldozer. bomonfajrxdk;pufjzifhvrf;azmufaeonf? pDRb.o;bSDusJ'D;bl.'d.p.vDRI -bump (v) to knock against something - wdkufrdonf/ xdk;rdonf/ 0ifaqmifhrdonf - b.wd>< 'dwusd. Bo Bo bumped into a pole and hurt his head. bdkbdkonfwdkifwpfwdkifESifhwdkufrd+yD;acgif;emoGm;onf? pDRbDbDb.xH;vXoh.xdbd'D;tcd.qgvDRI bun (n) - a small round cake - rkef@vHk; - ud.zsX. Thandar is eating a bun with raisins. oEœmonfpyspfoD;ajcmufrsm;ygaomrkef@vHk;udkpm;aeonf? eD>o'gtD.0Jud.zsX.vXb.w>zXEkmtDR'D;pyH;o.ChvDRI -bunch (n) a group of things that are joined together - tpnf;/ twGJ/ tcdkif - wu'd.< wu±l>< woH. Thandar is buying a bunch of flowers for her mother. oEœmonfolrrdciftwGufyef;pnf;wpfpnf;0,faeonf/ eD>o'gyS›R0JzDwu'd.vXtrd>t*D>vDRI 42

bungalow (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - a house with only a single story - bef*vdk/ wpfxyftdrfi,f - [H.qH;zd< [H.wu-xXzd They live in a small bungalow. olwdk@onfwpfxyftdrfi,fwGifaexdkif=uonf?[H.wu-xXzdtylRvDRI burn (v) - to be on fire; to set on fire - avmifonf/ avmifu|rf;onf - rh.tltD. The logs burn in the fireplace. rD;vif;zdkxJwGifopfwHk;rsm;rD;avmifaeonf? rh.tltD.oh.zlwz.vXz.uGmylRM.vDRI bus (n) - a very large automobile which carries many people - bwfpfum;/ c&D;onfwif,mOf - odvh.bX;pf< odvh.y'X;ySRunD< odvh.wD.ySRunD He came on the bus. olbwfpfum;jzifhvmcJhonf? t0J[J0J'.vXodvh.bX;pfvDRI -bush (n) a plant which is smaller than a tree and which has many stems - csKH/ csKHykwf - wySDm There is a rabbit in the bush. csKHxJwGif,kefwpfaumif±Sdonf? vXwySDmtylRM.y'Jtd.w'kvDRI 43

business (n) English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary - work; office where work is done - pD;yGm;a&;/ tvkyf - rk>0JRw>rR< yeH.w>uR< w>rR What is her father's business? olr&JhtazbmpD;yGm;a&;vkyfovJ? t0Jydmrk.ty>rRw>rEkRvJ.I busy (adj) - having a lot of work - tvkyfrsm;aom - vXtw>rRtg< w>rRtg I am very busy. u|EfkyftvGeftvkyfrsm;onf? ,w>rRtg'd.r;vDRI - full of traffic, people, activity - ,mOftoGm;tvm (odk@) vltoGm;tvmrsm;aom - (odvh.rhwrh>usJ) uwHmuwl; ('D;odvh.§ySRunD)< wHmwXR A policeman stands at the busy street corner. ,mOftoGm;tvmrsm;aomvrf;axmifhwGif&Jom;wpfOD;&yfaeonf? yXRuD>w*R*JRqXxX.zJusJuwHmuwl;wbdtoeX.vDRI but (conj) - however - 'gayrJh/ odk@aomf/ odk@aomfvnf; - emouh< b.q. I want to go, but I am sick. u|EfkyfoGm;csifonf/ 'gayrJhu|Efkyfzsm;aeonf? ,tJ.'d;vJRb.q.,td.wql.b.I 44

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary -butcher (n) a person who sells meat - tom;onf/ om;owform; - ySRqgw>n. I brought some meat from the butcher. u|efronftom;wcsdK@udktom;onfqDu0,fvmcJhonf? ,yS›Rw>n.weDRvXySRqgw>n.w*Rttd.vDRI butter (n) - soft, yellow food made from cream - axmywf - w>Ek>xHouR< xDy; I like to put butter on my bread. u|Efkyf.aygifrkef@ay:wGifaxmywfokwfcsifonf? ,tJ.'d;zXEkmvDRw>Ek>xHouRvX,ud.tzDcd.vDRI -button (n) a round, flat object used to fasten clothing together - =u,foD; - qhuRo.< tDuHo. A button is missing on my blouse. u|efr.tusôwGif=u,foD;wpfvHk;ðywfaeonf? ,qhuRvdRqhuRo.vDRr>wzsX.vDRI buy (v) - to get by paying a certain price - 0,fonf - yS›R< yS›RM> We buy books at this store. u|efawmfwdk@'DqdkifrSmpmtkyf0,fonf? yyS›RvHmwz.zJus;t0JtHRvDRI 45

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary -by (prep) near - teD;rSm/ tem;rSm - bl; Bo Bo lives by the river. bdkbdkonfjrpfem;wGifaeonf?;'D;xHusdvDRI - through means of; in a measure of - jzifh - 'D;< vX U Tun Kyi travels by plane. OD;xGef;=unfonfav,mOfjzifhc&D;oGm;onf? o;yS>pDRxlpH.vJRw>'D;ubD,lRvDRI 46

English - Myanmar - Karen Illustrated Dictionary Cc -cabbage (n) vegetable with a round head of thick green leaves - a*:zDxkyf - He bought a cabbage. ola*:zDxkyfwpfxkyf0,fcJhonf? t0JyS› -cabin (n) a small, simple house usually built of wood - tdrfi,/f t=urf;xnfaqmufvkyfxm;aomtdrfi,f - [H.oh.zd The cabin is made of logs. Tt=urf;xnftdrfi,fav;udkopfvHk;jzifhaqmufxm;onf? oh.[H.zdtHRb.w>bSDtDRvXoh.usD.wz.vDRI - a room on a ship - oabFmwGif±Sdaomtdyfcef;i,f - 'X;zd (vXubDylR) A person sleeps in a cabin on a ship. vlwpfa,mufoabFmay:±Sdtdyfcef;wGiftdyfonf? ySRw*RrHzJubDt'X;zdtylRvDRI -cage (n) a place closed in by bars where birds or animals are kept - avSmiftdrf - -wR< }ud< b.w>whtDRvXoh.rhwrh>0. The parrot is in the cage. avSmiftdrfxJwGif=uufwla±G;±Sdonf? 47