Approved by the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education Curriculum Development Centre (CDC), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal ORcecaudpmaotrieon, Business and Technology Education 7Grade Authors Ram Kumar Rai Matrika Pd. Lamsal
Published by: TU Road, Kuleshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: 4672071, 5187211 Fax: 00977-1-4672073 E-mail: [email protected] Copyright, Publisher 2074 BS : 2072 BS First Edition Re-print : 2074 BS Revised and Updated Edition : 2075 BS Re-print : 2076 BS Re-print : 2077 BS Readmore welcomes any suggestions regarding the textbook. Layout: Illustration: Readmore Desktop Dev Maharjan Printed in Nepal You can exchange this book from your nearest book shop if any binding errors are found. Read to help others read! We are pleased to inform that a certain amount from each book is allocated to the Readmore Charity Fund. The fund is provided to deserving and needy students all over Nepal. The charity always welcomes co-operation and support from all well wishers and agencies.
Preface This text book (Occupation, Business and Technology Education) has been written according to the curriculum prescribed by the Curriculum Development Center (CDC), The Government of Nepal and covers all the contents of the syllabus. Every possible efforts have been provided to make the subject matter easy, clear and systematic for the grade VII students. We hope that this book meets the objective set forth by the CDC and fulfills the requirement of the students of Grade 7. This book has been written as far as possible in simple language. We believe that illustration with pictures will make the text more readable and adds to its utility. Activities and practical works in each lesson will help the students foster their inherent strength and aware them of diverse fields of work and occupations. Salient Features of this book: • The entire curriculum has been divided into 16 units. • Every lesson has been supplemented with suitable pictures and illustrations. • Evaluation exercises are presented in various ways such as class room activities and exercise including subjective questions, various activities, practical works, report writing and presentation. • The meaning of difficult words are given at the end of every lesson for the convenience of the students. We wish to express our sincere regards to the Readmore Publishers and Distributors for providing all possible help and support to produce this book. Last but not least, we are highly indebted with the great contribution and support provided by the layout designers Sameer Shakya and Sunil Maharjan, without their skillful hand this book would not have been produced in this standard. We also apologize for any error or discrepancy despite the sincere effort to make this book credible as possible. We humbly request all the colleagues, students, subject teachers and well wishers to provide their valuable feedback and suggestions. Authors
Contents PART-I Occupation/Professional Education 7-62 Unit - 1 Professional Education 8 Lesson: 1 Profession and Professional Education................................................................... 9 Lesson: 2 Classification of Profession .................................................................................... 12 Lesson: 3 Relationship between Profession and Training .................................................... 16 Lesson: 4 Technical Profession ............................................................................................... 18 Lesson: 5 Profession in Medical Sector and Manpower ....................................................... 20 Lesson: 6 Profession in Engineering Sector and Manpower ............................................... 23 Lesson: 7 Profession in Agriculture and Forestry Sector and Manpower........................... 26 Lesson: 8 Profession in Financial Sector and Manpower...................................................... 29 Lesson: 9 Profession in Tourism Sector and Manpower........................................................ 31 Lesson: 10 Profession in Teaching Sector and Manpower...................................................... 33 Lesson: 11 Profession in Public Service Sector and Manpower............................................ 36 Unit - 2 Employment, Training and Education 38 Lesson: 1 An Introduction to Regional and National Level Employment and Its Importance........................... 39 Lesson: 2 Types of General and Vocational Training.............................................................42 Lesson: 3 Technical Education and Vocational Training....................................................... 46 Lesson: 4 Institutions Providing Technical Education and Vocational Training................... 49 Unit - 3 Information Related to Employment 55 Lesson: 1 Sources of Information Related to Regional and National Level Employment.......................................... 56 PART-II Business/Vocational Orientation 63-246 Unit - 4 General Vocational Skill (Soft Skill) 64 Lesson: 1 Introduction to General vocational Skill................................................................. 65 Unit - 5 Vocation (Business) 70 Lesson: 1 Small, Medium and Large-scale Vocation (Business).......................................... 71 Lesson: 2 Major Factors of Business Operation..................................................................... 74 Lesson: 3 Potential Business at Local Level........................................................................... 76 Lesson: 4 Selection, Management and Operation of Business............................................ 79
Unit - 6 Trade and Market Management 82 Lesson: 1 Relation between Trade and Business Enterprise................................................ 83 Lesson: 2 Finding Business and Cooperation Skill................................................................ 85 Lesson: 3 Modernization in Trading Skill................................................................................. 87 Lesson: 4 Searching Agriculture Based Trade and Cooperative Skill................................. 89 Lesson: 5 Price Determination Process of Goods and Services......................................... 92 Unit - 7 Vegetable Farming 95 Lesson: 1 An Introduction to S easonal and Off-seasonal Vegetable Farming .................. 96 Lesson: 2 Compost Manure and Chemical Fertilizer ............................................................ 99 Lesson: 3 Earthworm Farming ...............................................................................................102 Lesson: 4 Methods of Compost Manure Preparation ..........................................................105 Lesson: 5 An Introduction to Drip Irrigation and Its Use ..................................................... 107 Lesson: 6 Cultivation of Seasonal Vegetables in K itchen Garden and Their Care ......... 109 Lesson: 7 Protection from Harmful Diseases and Insects .................................................. 111 Unit - 8 Fruit Farming 114 Lesson: 1 Fruit Nursery ........................................................................................................... 115 Lesson: 2 Identification of Local and Improved Varieties of Fruits ..................................... 117 Lesson: 3 Time and Methods of Fruit Harvesting ................................................................ 120 Lesson: 4 Methods of Preserving Fruits ............................................................................... 122 Lesson: 5 Tools and Methods of Picking Fruits..................................................................... 124 Lesson: 6 Local Technology for Storing Fruits...................................................................... 126 Lesson: 7 Methods of Fruit Packaging and Transportation................................................. 128 Lesson: 8 Identification of Diseases and Insects of Fruits and their Traditional Controlling Methods..................................................130 Unit - 9 Dry Fruits, Vegetables and Foodstuffs 132 Lesson: 1 Production, Processing and Storage of Dry Vegetables.................................... 133 Lesson: 2 Production, Processing and Storage of Dry Fruits............................................. 136 Lesson: 3 Introduction to Recipe and Its Study.................................................................... 139 Lesson: 4 Production, Processing and Storage of Pickle, Chuk, Tofu, Chhurpi and Juice..................................................................143 Lesson: 5 Production, Processing and Storage of Turmeric Powder, Ginger Powder, Maseura and Titaura................................... 147 Unit - 10 Farming of Flowers and Medicinal Herbs 150 Lesson: 1 Floriculture.............................................................................................................. 151 Lesson: 2 Cultivation of Medicinal Plants/Herbs.................................................................. 155
Unit - 11 Animal Rearing and Livestock Farming 160 Lesson: 1 Sheep, Goat and Chyangra Rearing.................................................................... 161 Lesson: 2 Cow, Buffalo and Chauri Farming......................................................................... 169 Lesson: 3 Poultry Farming....................................................................................................... 178 Lesson: 4 Pig Farming............................................................................................................. 184 Lesson: 5 Fishery..................................................................................................................... 191 Lesson: 6 Beekeeping.............................................................................................................. 198 Unit - 12 Arts and Crafts 206 Lesson: 1 Paper Crafts............................................................................................................ 207 Lesson: 2 Origami and Kirigami.............................................................................................. 212 Lesson: 3 Making Things from Bamboo, Straw and Babiyo............................................... 216 Lesson: 4 Making Things from Waste Materials.................................................................. 218 Lesson: 5 Simple Carving on Wood and Stone.................................................................... 221 Lesson: 6 Coloring Work on Goods...................................................................................... 223 Unit - 13 Clay Work 224 Lesson: 1 Making Different Geometrical Shapes from Clay............................................... 225 Lesson: 2 Construction of Fruits, Vegetables, Animals and Household Items from Clay Work........................................................................ 228 Unit - 14 Sewing, Knitting and Painting 232 Lesson: 1 Decorative Sewing Stitches.................................................................................. 233 Lesson: 2 Method of Making Handkerchief........................................................................... 237 Lesson: 3 Hand Knitting.......................................................................................................... 239 Lesson: 4 Fabric Painting........................................................................................................ 244 PART-III Technology Education 247-278 Unit - 15 Local Technology 248 Lesson: 1 Interrelationship between Traditional and Modern Technology......................... 249 Lesson: 2 Safe Use of Household Appliances...................................................................... 251 Lesson: 3 Principles of Some Traditional Technologies...................................................... 254 Unit - 16 Modern Technology 256 Lesson: 1 Use of Electricity for Household Purpose............................................................ 257 Lesson: 2 Modern Household Appliances............................................................................ 261 Lesson: 3 An Introduction to Technology and Its Importance............................................. 265 Lesson: 4 Broadcasting Process of Radio, FM and Television........................................... 266 Lesson: 5 Computer as a Means of Communication........................................................... 270 Lesson: 6 Alternative Energy................................................................................................... 274
Part Occupation/Professional 1Education According to the curriculum, there are altogether three units in this group. They are: Unit-1 Professional Education Unit-2 Employment, Training and Education Unit-3 Information Related to Employment Note: All three units from this group are compulsory.BOOK7 Occupation, Business 7and Technology Education
UNIT1 Professional BOOK Education Learning Achievement After the completion of this unit, students will be able to: Identify the types of profession. Tell about the basic technical professions. Explore the relationship between the profession and trainings. 8 7Occupation, Business and Technology Education
1Lesson Profession and Professional Education We have seen people getting involved in different professions based on their interest and field of study for earning their livelihood. Because of profession people earn money and make their life easier and live a luxurious life. Professions developed along with the development of human civilization, science, technology and society. The professions may differ from person to person, society to society and country to country. The professions like teaching, forestry, agriculture, medicine, construction, tourism, finance, civil service, etc are the major professions in Nepal. Profession is an occupation that requires broad Surgeons performing surgery education or specialized training whereas an Lab technician occupation is the job by which somebody earns a living and doesn’t need broad education or specialized training for it. We need certain kind of professional education, training and technology education to modernize our professions. Profession in every sector can be classified as: basic level, medium level and specialized or high level. For example: in the medical profession, Rural Health Worker, Assistant Health Worker, Assistant Nursing Midwife, Maternal Health Worker, etc are the basic level professionals whereas Health Assistant, Staff Nurse, Lab Technician, etc are the medium level professions. Similarly Doctor, Lab Technologist, Surgeon Doctor, Experts, etc are specialized or high level professionals in the medical field. Professions of people differ according to the sector, level and nature of service. All the professions require capable, skilful, competent and creative manpower. Such manpower must acquire professional education and training. Requirement of education, trainings, skills and expertise differ as per the sector, level and Occupation, Business BOOK 9 7and Technology Education
nature of service. For example: Rural Health Worker needs 6 months training, Assistant Health Worker needs 10 months training, Health Assistant needs 3 years study and Doctor has to study at least for 5 years in the related field and take trainings. Thus, the education including knowledge, skill and ability needed for any profession is called professional education. Need and Importance of Professional Education Education is needed in every field. The professions without education cannot provide quality production and service. Professional education provides professional knowledge, skill and ability as per the demand of time and market. Developed countries like USA, Japan, South Korea and European countries have given special priority to professional education. Professional education accelerates Engineering profession the development in the country. Those, who have given importance to professional education, have developed their countries and others remained undeveloped. Nowadays, the demand for the Nepalese youths who have attained professional ability is increasing in the Arabian, European and Asian countries. Professional education improves living standard of people. It opens the door to job and income. It helps to run business firms and income generating activities. This kind of education provides necessary knowledge, skill and ability to people. It further helps people to attain professional skills and expertise in the different sectors. It helps to make people highly professional and skilfull. Skilled, competent and creative manpower cannot be produced without professional education. So, professional education is needed to produce technical and skill manpower. Activity Consult and inquire with different professionals in your community and fill the following table. S. N. Name of the Name of the Professional Professional Beneficiaries professional profession work education 1 2 3 10 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
Word meaning Accelerate : progress faster Attain : accomplish something Competent : able Forestry : the science of planting and taking care of trees and forests Professionalize : make something professional Exercise A Match the following professionals in column ‘A’ with their field of work in column ‘B’: A B a. Radio jockey i. Handicraft b. Craftsman ii. Army c. Architect iii. Entertainment d. Coach iv. Engineering e. Soldier v. Sports B Answer the following questions. 1. Make a list of major professions followed in Nepal. 2. Write the importance of professional education. 3. What is the difference between profession and occupation? 4. Why do the professionals have to take trainings? Occupation, Business BOOK 11 7and Technology Education
Lesson 2 Classification of Profession People have to be engaged in one or other profession to make life productive and creative. Profession shapes our life standard and determines our earning pattern. Professions are adopted according to one’s interest, skill and ability. Teaching, farming, medical, nursing, high tech farming, engineering, etc are some common profession in our community. Some of the professions are adopted traditionally by people for earning their livelihood. All the professions are equally respectful. No profession is superior or inferior in its own. Professions are different according to their sector, level and nature of service. The classification of profession according to their sector, level and nature of service are mentioned in the table given below: Profession by Sector Profession by Profession by Nature Level of Service 1. Agriculture and Forestry 2. Construction 1. Basic Level 1. Production Related 3. Medicine Profession Profession 4. Teaching 5. Tourism 2. Medium Level 2. Service Oriented 6. Public Service Profession Profession 7. Finance, etc. 3. Specialized or Higher Level Profession 1. Sector Based Profession Professions are also classified on the basis of their sectors. Agriculture, forestry, teaching, tourism, finance, public service, construction, medicine, etc fall under sector based profession. Sector based professions are further classified into sub-sectors. For example, agriculture and forestry profession includes sub- sectors like animal husbandry, fishery, fruits farming, horticulture, etc. There are technical and non-technical types of profession in every sector of profession. 12 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
2. Level Based Profession We can also classify the professions on the basis of their level. There are three levels in every sector of profession. They are classified as basic level profession, medium level profession and specialized or higher level profession. The required level of professional education for different level of profession also ranges from basic to specialized level. a. Basic Level Profession The professions, which people adopt to fulfill their basic needs and to earn livelihood are called basic level profession. People adopt this type of profession generally for solving their basic economic problem. Carpentry, tannery, tailoring, farming, animal husbandry, etc are the examples of basic level of professions. Carpentry b. Medium Level Profession The professions which require more additional knowledge, skill and capability than the basic level profession are called medium level profession. Trained manpower is required in this level of profession. There can be both technical and non technical manpower in this profession. The professionals for this level of profession need Computer operator academic qualification at least of intermediate level or equivalent. The technical manpower like health assistant, staff nurse, sub engineer, junior technician, computer operator, etc are the examples of medium level of technical professionals. Similarly, accountant, sub-officer, office assistant, etc are non-technical manpower in medium level profession. c. Specialized Level ProfessionBOOK Pilot Specialized profession or higher 13 level profession requires highly qualified manpower. It includes both the technical and non-technical professions. Engineer, doctor, pilot, agricultural specialist, etc are technical manpower in this level whereas Occupation, Business 7and Technology Education
administrative officer, educationalist, researchers, managers, etc are the high level non-technical professionals. For the specialized level profession, one needs to have professional education at least of 4 years and training related to the profession. These professionals are capable to tackle even the complex problems related to their concerned field. So, such professions are called specialized or higher level professions. 3. Profession according to the Nature of Service Profession can also be categorized according to the nature of service. They are production oriented profession and service oriented profession. a. Production Oriented Profession Mason The professions which are related to the production of goods are called production oriented profession. These professions are related to agriculture, metal work, industry, stone works, wooden works, etc. Mason, carpenter, painter, welder, designer, machine operator, etc are production oriented professionals. b. Service Oriented Profession The professions which provide services to the people are called service oriented professions. Plumbing, electrical, accountant, teaching, nursing etc are service oriented professions. These professions also get developed and updated according to the change in time. Nursing Activity Find different professions around your school and community and categorize them according to their types. Show them in a table and discuss in the class about it. 14 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
Word meaning Manpower : the number of workers needed or available to do a Sector particular job Tackle : a part of an area of activity, especially of a country’s economy : to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. Give short introduction of profession and make a list of its types. 2. Into how many levels can profession be classified? Write with examples. 3. What is the difference between production oriented profession and service oriented profession? 4. On what basis, people select their professions? 5. Write the difference between basic level profession and higher level profession. B Give four examples for each of the following: a. Service oriented professions: ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- b. Basic level profession: ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- c. Medium level profession: ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- d. Specialized level profession: ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- e. Production oriented profession: ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- Occupation, Business BOOK 15 7and Technology Education
3Lesson Relationship between Profession and Training The process of providing knowledge, skill and ability to run business or carry out professional task successfully is called training. Trainings are short term and long term according to the nature of business or profession. A profession cannot be effective and qualitative without professional training. For example, only the trained person in medical profession can provide qualitative and effective medical service. Training provides knowledge, skill Professional training and ability required for the profession. High level and refreshment trainings make the profession more efficient and qualitative. Trainings provide support for the modernization and promotion of the profession. A certain kind of skill is essential for work efficiency and production of quality goods and services. Skill develops the pattern of doing work. Necessary knowledge, skills and abilities are taught in the trainings. Training provides input to the people for their modernization professional development. It enhances the professional ability. Quality goods and services are produced from the trained workers. Relationship between profession and training: ● No profession can give quality and effective service without training. ● Professional education and training are required in various sectors and level of profession. ● Training is necessary to promote the professions ability. ● Training enhances knowledge, skill and capability to the professionals. ● Higher level training provides support for level wise progress and promotion in profession. Technical education and training can convert the traditional profession towards modern profession. Conventional professions like making spade, sickle, metal 16 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
utensils, etc have been changed into mechanical engineering in the construction field by science and modern technology with professional education and trainings. Activity Discuss with some technical professionals in your community and fill the following table. S. N. Name of technical Name of the Training Relationship professional Profession between profession Remarks and training 1 2 3 4 5 Word meaning Conventional : usual or traditional Enhance : improve Qualitative : relating to quality Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. What is the importance of training in profession? 2. Explain the relationship between profession and training with examples. B Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements. a. Trainings can be short term package given to any interested person. b. Professional trainings have nowadays changed the traditional professions. c. Training is centered to promote academic ability. d. Promotion in a job is the only benefit of taking training. e. Most of the professions/jobs require prior training. Occupation, Business BOOK 17 7and Technology Education
Lesson 4 Technical Profession Technology is application of tools and methods for producing more with the use of less energy. Technology helps for doing the job professionally and successfully. The person having knowledge and skill of such technology is called technician. The profession based on technology related skills and training is called technical profession. Technical profession is related not only with earning daily livelihood but also with job oriented profession and business. Technicians are involved in making and repairing simple machines to planes, motors, trains, bridges, houses, cars, etc. All these works fall under the technical profession. Construction works are based on technical profession. Technical profession differs according to the sector and level of profession. Technical profession nowadays have huge scope. Construction, medical, agriculture, Welders in welding iron pieces forestry, finance, tourism, hotel, teaching, public service, etc are the different sectors of technical profession. Every sector has its specific work. Such specific works are established as profession. For instance: doctor is a profession and it has sub-sectors like nose, ear, throat, nerve, surgery, heart, etc. Every technical profession is classified into three different levels. For example: Assistant Health Worker, Health Assistant and Doctor are basic level, medium level and specialized level respectively. Importance of Technical Profession Technical profession helps people to make their life easy and comfortable. It enables people to solve their complicated problems within a short period of time. People gain skill, knowledge and ability to tackle the problems from technical profession. Technicians are able to produce consumable and demand based goods and services. They also gain knowledge of market management and can 18 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
contribute to the other field of development. Technical professions help people to be self-dependent, to generate income and develop the community and the nation. Activity 1. Consult with any three technicians working in your area and fill the following table: S. Name of Name of technical Used Importance of N. Technician profession technology profession 1 2 3 Word meaning Application : the practical use of something Oriented : related or associated Specific : distinctive, particular, unique Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. What is technical profession? Write with examples. 2. Write the relationship between technology and technician with examples. 3. Explain the importance of technical profession. 4. How would be the human life in the absence of technology? B Fill in the blanks: a. Technicians are able to produce...........................and...........................based production. b. Three different levels of technical professions are..........................., ...........................and...........................level. c. Technical profession is related with..........................., ........................... profession. d. Technology is...........................of tools and...........................for producing more with the use of less energy. Occupation, Business BOOK 19 7and Technology Education
5Lesson Profession in Medical Sector and Manpower Health is the greatest wealth. Everyone wants to live a healthy life. There are various kinds of health institution in our locality and health workers are involved in these institutions to provide health services to people. People visit nearby health institutions when they get sickness. The sector in which health workers of different level are engaged is called medical sector. There are also different professions in this sector. Assistant Nursing and Midwife (ANM), Assistant Health Worker (AHW), etc are basic level profession. Senior Assistant Health Worker (SAHW), Staff Nurse, Health Assistant (HA), etc fall under the medium level profession whereas doctor, radiologist, physiotherapist, etc are the specialized or higher level profession. The professions like nursing, lab technician, doctor, ayurveda, homeopathy, natural therapy, etc are called medical professions. Basic and medium level of nursing and general medical profession are discussed below: 1. Nursing Profession This is one of the important technical professions of medical sector. ANM and staff nursing are the basic and medium level nursing professions respectively. They provide care to the patients by examining the blood pressure and degree of fever, giving proper dose of medicine, providing maternity and child health care, etc. Nurses provide nursing services to the patients under the supervision of doctor. They also assist mother during the labour period for the delivery of baby. Nursing profession 20 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
Detail Information of the ANM and PCL Nursing Courses S. Profession Minimum Subjects/Works Duration Certificate N. Qualification TSLC Class Ten Maternity care, Human 2 years and TSLC Passed 1 ANM Physiology, General 5 months PCL Nursing Medical Treatment Internship 2 ANM SLC or Maternity care, Human 15 months equivalent Physiology, Parturition and 3 months Internship 3 Staff SLC or Human Physiology, 3 years Nurse equivalent Parturition, Maternity care 2. General Medical Profession This is one of the important technical professions. Assistant Health Worker/ Senior Health Assistant Health Worker and Health Worker are the basic and medium level profession in the medical sector. They provide basic health service and suggestions regarding a healthy life to the people. They visit different General Medical Profession places to spread awareness among the general people and advice them to take the patients to the hospitals. Health personnel working in community health service is called Community Medicine Assistant (CMA) or Auxiliary Health Worker (AHW). The AHW, when gets more trainings and experiences is entitled as Senior Auxiliary Health Worker (SAHW). Necessary information regarding the profession, education and labor market of Health Worker profession are illustrated in the table given below: Detail Information of AHW, SAHW and HA Courses S. Profession Minimum Major Subject Duration Certificate N. Qualification TSLC Class Ten Medical Treatment, 2 years and TSLC Passed 1 AHW Cure of Disease and 5 months Consultation Internship 2 AHW SLC or Community Medical 15 months equivalent Treatment, Cure of Disease and Consultation Occupation, Business BOOK 21 7and Technology Education
3 SAHW AHW and Community Medical 10 months Diploma 6 months Treatment, Cure training as Level training work of Disease and AHW and 3 experience Consultation years PCL in General 4 Health SLC or General health 3 years Medical Assistant equivalent checkup Activity Discuss with AHW, SAHW or Health Workers in your locality about their profession and prepare a small report on the basis of following format: a. Professional information: b. Major tasks in the profession: c. Course completion cost or total fee to complete this professional course: d. Conclusion: Word meaning Consultation : exchange of ideas Maternity : time during or after pregnancy Midwife : somebody trained to deliver babies Parturition : act of giving birth Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. What are the medical professions obtainable in your community? Give their short introduction. 2. Write the major works to be done by AHW and ANM. 3. Compare between Staff Nurse and Health Assistant in terms of their work. B Write the full form of: a. CMA b. AHW c. ANM d. HA e. SAHW 7Occupation, Business 22 BOOK and Technology Education
6Lesson Profession in Engineering Sector and Manpower We have seen many people working in the construction of bridge, house, road, school, etc. Different professionals are involved in such construction field. Some professionals work in architecture, designing, measuring and maintaining quality control whereas some of the professionals work in pitching, plastering, building construction using cement and bricks. These professions come under engineering sector. Civil, Mechanical, Architect, Information Technology, Electronics, etc are the professions of engineering sector. Engineering is a field of profession where there is an application of science in designing, planning, construction, maintenance, etc. Some professions related to engineering are mentioned below: 1. Land Surveyor (Amin): Measurement of land It is necessary to find out the Certificate measurement of land and its area when somebody buys, sells or possesses the TSLC (Technical School land. It needs basic skills to measure the Leaving Certificate) land and keep its record. The person who works in measuring land, calculating area and keeping records by learning skills from basic survey training is called Amin or surveyor. Detail Information of Land Surveyor Course Minimum Major Duration Qualification Subject SLC or Survey 1 year and 3 months equivalent internship 2. Sub-Overseer We have seen people involved in measuring wall, pillars as per the map, checking the mixture of cement and sand in a certain ratio, analyzing map in the construction field. Such manpower is called sub-overseer. They help overseer and engineer in the field of physical construction, water supply and irrigation. Sub- Occupation, Business BOOK 23 7and Technology Education
overseer is the basic level profession in the engineering sector. The study of sub- overseer is again classified into two major wings such as building construction and drinking water and irrigation. Educational Information S. Subject of Minimum Major Subject Duration Certificate N. study Qualification Survey, Drawing, 1 Sub-Overseer SLC or Construction and 2 years and Practical 5 months TSLC (Building) equivalent internship Survey, Drawing, Sub-Overseer Construction and 2 years and Practical 3 months TSLC 2 (Drinking SLC or internship water and equivalent Irrigation) 3. Overseer or Assistant Engineer The construction of building, bridge, dam, school, etc are done only after proper planning and mapping. A person who draws maps or blue print and conducts the construction work according to the map/blue print is called overseer. The required qualification for overseer is equivalent to the diploma or certificate level. Overseer is also called as assistant engineer. Civil, Mechanical, Electronic, Information Technology, etc are the specialization area of overseer courses. This is the medium level profession in engineering sector. Educational Information S. Subject of Minimum Major Subject Duration Certificate N. study Qualification Diploma and Survey, Diploma Certificate in Civil 1 Level (Civil) SLC or Estimation, Road, 3 years Engineering equivalent Management, and Certificate Level Drawing Diploma in Diploma and Technical Mechanical Drawing, Engineering 2 Certificate SLC or Mechanical and 3 years and Certificate Level equivalent Construction Level Technology, (Mechanical) Management 24 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
Word meaning Equivalent : equal Estimate : calculate something roughly Survey : act of measuring land Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. Differentiate between Amin and sub-overseer on the basis of their work. 2. Make a list of works to be done by overseer. 3. What is the importance of an Amin? 4. Mention the major subjects of overseer in civil stream. 5. Mention the duration taken by sub-overseer course in drinking water and irrigation stream. B Match the following: Sub-overseer a field of profession where there is an application of science in designing, planning, construction, maintenance, etc. Engineering a person who works in measuring land, calculating area and keeping records by learning skills from basic survey training. Amin a person who makes maps and conducts the construction work according to the map is called overseer. Overseer help overseer and engineer in the construction field. Occupation, Business BOOK 25 7and Technology Education
7Lesson Profession in Agriculture and Forestry Sector and Manpower We have seen the farmers working in the agricultural field like producing crops, ploughing and irrigating the field, putting manure and medicine in the farm land. We have also seen the people curing the sick domestic animals, planting saplings in the forest, conserving forest and so on. These are the professions adopted under the agricultural and forestry sector. This profession is also classified from basic level to specialized level. JTA is the basic level whereas JT is the medium level profession or manpower in the agriculture sector. Similarly, forester is the basic level and ranger is the medium level profession or manpower in the forestry sector. 1. Profession in Agriculture Sector and Manpower a. Junior Technical Assistant (JTA) Junior Technical Assistant Junior Technical Assistants provide advices to the farmers about agriculture. The Technicians who are involved in the basic profession concerning the agriculture and animals are called JTA. They are consulted when animals fall sick. They check up the sick animals and give medicines. The important information about the JTA has been presented in the following table: S. Subject of Required Major Subject Period Certificate N. study qualification 1. JTA SLC or Animal health 15 months TSLC (Livestock) equivalent 2. JTA (Animal SLC or 2 years and Science) equivalent Animal health 5 months TSLC internship 26 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
b. Junior Technician (JT) Junior Technician is the intermediate level manpower. The manpower that facilitates the farmers for managing irrigation, prevention of disease in the crops, seeds of the crops and vegetables as per the climate. is called Junior Technician. The important information about the JT has been presented in the following table: S. Subject of study Required Major Subject Period Certificate N. qualification Certificate Level Crops, Fruits I. Sc. or 1. (Botany) or and Vegetable SLC or farming 3 years Diploma in Diploma equivalent Agriculture Science Certificate Level SLC or Animal health I. Sc. or (Animal health) or equivalent 2. Diploma and other related 3 years Diploma in subjects Animal Science Certificate Level I. Sc. or 3. (Food and Dairy SLC or Milk production 3 years Diploma in Technology) and equivalent and processing Food and Dairy Diploma Technology 2. Profession in Forestry Sector and Manpower A large area of land covered with trees and other plants is called forest. Manpower engaged in forest management and conservation is called forester. Ranger is a manpower whose job is to supervise, protect and guard a forest or an area of natural beauty. Forester and Ranger are the basic and intermediate level of profession respectively. The important information about the Forester and Ranger has been presented in the following table: S. Profession Subject of Required Major Subject Period Certificate N. study qualification 1. Ranger Certificate SLC or Forest 3 Certificate and Diploma equivalent Management years Level or (Forestry) Diploma 2. Forester TSLC SLC or Forest 3 TSLC (Forestry) equivalent Management years Occupation, Business BOOK 27 7and Technology Education
BOOKActivities 1. Prepare a report about the services provided by the offices related to the agriculture and forest established in your area. 2. Why are foresters and rangers important? Discuss. 3. Discuss on the profession and functions of the manpower engaged in the forest management. 4. Visit a forest office established at local level or concerned professionals working in the forest office and prepare a report on the basis of the following subtitles. a. Name, profession and job of the professionals b. Minimum required qualification to enter into such professions c. Learning from the visit and discussion d. Conclusion Word meaning Irrigate : supply area with water Manure : organic or compost fertilizer made from dung Prevention : action that stops something from happening Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. Give short introduction of the professions related to the forestry sector. 2. How do JTA and JT facilitate the farmers in the agriculture sector? 3. Write the subjects of study needed to be a forester, ranger, JT and JTA? B Mention the duties or responsibilities of each professional: a. Junior Technical Assistant (JTA) b. Junior Technician (JT) c. Ranger d. Forester 28 7Occupation, Business and Technology Education
8Lesson Profession in Financial Sector and Manpower The business of managing the monetary resource of an individual, institution or country is known as finance. The jobs connected with finance are generally called professions in financial sector. The professionals in financial sector include manager, finance director, account officer, accountant, assistant accountant, etc. The persons in these professions are found working in offices, institutions, industries, etc. Although there are different professions in financial sector, the intermediate level professionals in this sector like assistant accountant and accountant are discussed below: 1. Assistant Accountant Accountants maintain the business record of an individual or institution and prepare reports for tax or other financial purposes. Assistant accountant keeps the record of financial activities such as income, expenditure, profit and loss, etc. Assistant accountants are appointed to help the accountants in the office or institution. Knowledge and skill are important requirements to keep financial records and such knowledge and skill are gained from the training and experience. The minimum academic qualification required for an assistant accountant is SLC. 2. Accountant Accountant is an intermediate level of profession in financial sector. An accountant keeps the record of income, expenditure and commodity of an institution or trade. The jobs of keeping such record are called the professions related to the financial sector. Both An accountant keeping financial record knowledge and skill are needed to keep financial record. Such knowledge and skills are gained from the study of management faculty. The academic qualification of Certificate Level or Higher Secondary Level is required for accountant. Occupation, Business BOOK 29 7and Technology Education
S. N. Profession Required Qualification Required Subjects 1 Assistant SLC or equivalent Accountancy and Economics Accountant as major subjects in SLC 2 Accountant Proficiency Certificate Commerce/Management Level or 10+2 Activity Visit an office or have a discussion with an accountant and find out the procedure of keeping financial record. Then prepare a report and discuss it in your class. Word meaning Commodity : traded items Expenditure : money spent Tax : money paid to government Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. What is the minimum qualification required for an accountant? 2. State the functions of accountant and assistant accountant. 3. Make a list of various professions related to the financial sector. B Fill in the blanks: a. ............................are appointed to help the accountants in the office or institution. b. Accountant is an............................level of profession in financial sector. c. The minimum required academic qualification for an assistant accountant is............................. d. Knowledge and............................are important requirements to keep financial records. 30 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
9Lesson Profession in Tourism Sector and Manpower A person who visits or travels to various places away from home for different proper is called tourist and the business activity concerned with providing accommodation, services and entertainment for tourist is called tourism. There are various purposes of tourism such as spending holidays, observing diverse culture, attending conference, experiencing adventure, etc. A profession that supports tourism is called tourism profession. The jobs like cook, porter and guide are the major professions in tourism sector. 1. Cook Cook is one of the professions in tourism Cooks preparing food sector. A cook prepares varieties of food items for tourists. The cooks are from basic level to higher level. The qualification, study period and cost required to be a cook vary according to the standard and demand of hotels. The important information about cook has been presented below. S. Required Subject of study Period N. qualification 1 SLC or Preparing varieties of food 2 years and 4 months internship equivalent 2 Ten class pass Preparing varieties of food 1 year 2. Guide Somebody who manages a tour or who Guide providing information to tourist leads and assists others in a place or towards a destination in travel is called guide. A guide facilitates the tourists. Tourists are provided with required information related to the concerned places or things by the guides. The guides Occupation, Business BOOK 31 7and Technology Education
explain the information in the language which tourists can easily understand. Thus, a guide needs to have the knowledge of different language and the detailed information of the different places to be a professional guide. The important information about guide has been presented below. Language study Minimum required qualification Period English, French, Chinese, German, SLC or equivalent 1 year Russian, Japanese, etc. Activities 1. Visit a restaurant nearby your school or home. Collect descriptions about the major job of cook. 2. Prepare a short description of job of a guide working in your community. Word meaning Adventure : exciting experience Destination : predetermined end of trip Porter : a person whose job is carrying people’s bags and other loads Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. Give short introduction of the professions in tourism sector. 2. State the required qualification for a cook and a guide. 3. Make a list of the tasks of cook and guide. B Fill in the blanks: BOOK a. A person who............................or............................places away from home for different proposes is called tourist. b. The............................activity concerned with providing accommodation, services and entertainment for tourist is called tourism. c. Somebody who manage a tour or who leads and assists others in a place or toward travel is called guide. d. Tourists are provided required............................related to the concerned places and things by the guides. 32 7Occupation, Business and Technology Education
Lesson Profession in Teaching Sector and Manpower 10 Somebody who teaches as a profession is called teacher. Those professionals engaged in teaching are also known as teacher, professor, facilitator, instructor, tutor, etc. Teaching is a profession; where a teacher facilitates other people in the development of knowledge, skill and attitude. Teaching profession is considered as a sacred and devout profession. Teaching profession needs well skilled, experienced and learned manpower as it provides foundation for development of the nation. Some information regarding teaching profession and required manpower has been presented below: Facilitator or Supportive Activist An individual working at Child Development Centers, Pre-primary School and facilitating the non-formal education as facilitator is known as facilitator or supportive activist. There are two types of facilitators: 1. Facilitators of Pre Primary School and Child Development Center The children in the Pre Primary Schools and Child Development Centers learn by playing and having fun. They need supports and facilitations from seniors while learning and playing. The person who helps and facilitates the children learn and perform various activities in such institutions is called supportive activist or facilitator. The Facilitators in Child Development Center person who teaches in the pre-primary level is also known as facilitator or supportive activist. 2. Cooperative Activist of Non-formal Education Those people who are deprived of getting formal school join the child literacy, adult literacy, woman literacy courses for getting education. The persons who Occupation, Business BOOK 33 7and Technology Education
help such learners to get education through various academic activities are called cooperative activist. Nowadays, such cooperative activists are called facilitator of non-formal education. There are different levels and subjects in the teaching profession. The academic qualification, training duration and cost differ according to the subjects and the level. The important information about the professions in teaching has been presented below: S. N. Level of teacher Required qualification Training and Experience 1 Basic Teacher Certificate Level of I. Ed or 10 months training (Class 1-8) 10+2 Bachelor degree in the 10 months of teacher Secondary Teacher related subject, trained training after Bachelor (Class 9-10) and teaching license degree or Bachelor degree 2 holder in Education Faculty Higher Secondary Master degree in the Training not compulsory Teacher (Class 11- related subject 12) 3 Facilitator of Early 8 class passed and 16 days training in related Child Development married woman subject Center 4 Facilitator of non- 8 class passed 6 – 12 days training in formal education related subject Activities 1. Prepare a description of teachers and facilitators on the basis of the following titles and discuss in the classroom. S. Name of Academic Level Estimated N. Teacher/ Facilitator Qualification Training expenditure during the study 1 2 3 2. Make a list of the professions related to teaching sector adopted in your community. 34 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
Word meaning Deprive : not allow having Facilitator : somebody enabling something to happen Supportive : giving support Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. What are the professions in teaching sector? Explain. 2. Who are teachers? Write any two works of teachers. 3. What is facilitator? Mention any two main works of facilitator. 4. What kind of profession is teaching profession? Write your opinion. 5. Write two similarities and differences between a teacher and facilitator or cooperative activist. 6. What is the academic qualification required for a higher secondary teacher? B Mention who are the following persons by their profession: a. A person whose job is to teach somebody a practical skill. ........................................................................................ b. A person who trains a person or team in sport. ........................................................................................ c. A person who teaches an individual student of a very small group. ........................................................................................ d. A person who helps somebody do something more easily by discussing problems, giving advice, etc rather than telling them what to do. ........................................................................................ e. A person who teaches at a university: ........................................................................................ Occupation, Business BOOK 35 7and Technology Education
11Lesson Profession in Public Service Sector and Manpower The activity of providing the public with essential goods or services such as vital registration, food supply, drinking water supply, security, etc is known as public service. There are various staffs in government offices who work for the common citizen. The public service includes the services directly provided to the people by the government. The rural municipalities and municipalities provide the certificates of birth, death, marriage, divorce and migration, services like land transaction, recommendation for citizenship, etc. Nepal Food Corporation supplies foodstuffs to the people in rural areas of Nepal. Various kinds of manpower are appointed in the public service institutions to provide services to the people. The manpower working in such public service offices do work under different levels and positions such as section officer, office assistant, etc. Service provided by such manpower is called public service. 1. Introduction to Office Assistant and its work Someone who works in public service offices to manage the works like writing letters, receiving mails, files managing and keeping records, recording of transaction, etc is called office assistant. The major function in this profession is helping the officer, facilitating public service, documentation and registration for official records, etc. Nayab Subba and Kharidar are the office assistants. is non-gazetted first class officer and Kharidar is the non-gazetted second class officer. The important information about the profession in public service sector has been presented below: S. N. Level of Required Subjects of study Profession Qualification 1 Kharidar SLC or No specific subject is required for equivalent administration but technical sector needs required qualification in the related subjects. Nayab Intermediate No specific subject is required for Subba 2 Level or administration but technical sector needs 10+2 pass required qualification in the related subjects. 36 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
Activities 1. Make a list of professions in public service sector adopted in your community and discuss about it in the class. 2. Visit a government or non-government office nearby your area and prepare a report on the basis of following headings by having discussion with any two of the staffs. a. Description of public service profession. b. Description of the assistant staffs’ post. c. Work description of the assistant staffs. d. Qualification, training, salary and cost for the study of assistant staffs. e. Learning from the visit f. Conclusion Word meaning Documentation : the act of recording something in a document Recommendation : an expression of praise, approval, or support for somebody or something Transaction : a piece of business that is done between people, especially as act of buying and selling Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. Give short introduction of the professions in public service sector. 2. What kind of profession is office assistant? Write any four works of office assistant. 3. Write the required qualification to enter into the Nayab Subba and Kharidar profession. B Complete the following sentences: a. The Village Development Committees and Municipalities provide ........................................ b. The public service includes........................................ c. One of the functions of Office Assistant is........................................ d. Nayab Subba is........................................ e. Technical sector of public service needs........................................ Occupation, Business BOOK 37 7and Technology Education
UNIT2 Employment, BOOK Training and Education Learning Achievement After the completion of this unit, students will be able to: Explore the relationship between profession and trainings. Find out national level institutions providing technical and vocational training and their training programmes. 38 7Occupation, Business and Technology Education
1Lesson An Introduction to Regional and National Level Employment and Its Importance Employment is the job done by somebody for earning income. When somebody is employed, s/he can invest for improving life standard, health and education of children and can make their life successful. They can solve their economic problem. The job or employment done by people is called profession or occupation. Continuous involvement and dedication in the profession can make a person popular entrepreneur, industrialist or trader in the society, nation and even in the international level. Most of the industrialists and the businessmen of the world have made the progress from self employment. In the context of our country, people are engaged in employment of different kinds. Some common fields of employment of people are civil service, farming, tourism, teaching, trade, priest, animal husbandry, carpentry, business of metal and bamboo items, labour, etc. These professions generate income for people to run their daily activities. Such income helps to meet the needs of family members by providing education, health, nutrition, etc. The condition of having no job or employment in the working age is known as unemployment. The jobless people without any income generating sources are called unemployed people. 1. Regional Level Employment Cardamom farming The employment available only in theBOOK 39 particular region is called regional level employment. Some of the regional level employments popular in Nepal are: cardamom farming in some districts of Mechi and Koshi Zone, apple farming in high hills of Jumla, Manang, Mustang, etc, mountaineering and trekking in mountain region, etc. Regional level employments have contributed greatly for economic, social, cultural and educational progress in the life of local people. Occupation, Business 7and Technology Education
Similarly, jute farming, tea farming, tourism, etc have created employment opportunities in the regional level. Thus, the regional level employment has uplifted the life standard of regional people. 2. National Level Employment The employment available throughout the nation is called national level employment. Education, health, industry, peace and security, etc are the sectors of national level employment. Development of hydropower, tourism industries, herbal production and processing industries, etc can be run throughout the country which develops the high possibility of employment. The national level employment helps in the all round development of the country. It uplifts the life standard of people by making self dependent in economy and helping in economic prosperity of the Herbs Production and Processing Co. LTD. people. Importance of Regional and National Level Employment It helps the people to solve their economic problem and promote the prosperity of life. It provides the regular income to fulfill the needs of family. It inspires people for doing good works and develops good habits. It makes people physically and mentally active. It helps in the all round development of the country. Activities 1. Visit any 10 people involved in the employment and self-employment in your area and ask about their employment. Prepare separate list and present in the class. 2. Identify the regional and national level employment when the above list is prepared. 40 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
Word meaning Dedication : devotion Entrepreneur : somebody who initiates or finances new commercial enterprises Industrialist : an owner or controller of an industrial concern Prosperity : success Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. What are the major problems caused by unemployment in the society and the nation? 2. Discuss the importance of regional and national level employment. 3. Differentiate between the regional and national level employment. 4. What should be done to solve the unemployment problem in our country? Write your opinion in five points. B Fill in the blanks: a. Most of the................................and the................................of the world have made the progress from self employment. b. The condition of having no job or employment in the working age is known as................................. c. .........................provides the regular income to fulfill the needs of family. d. The.......................................level employment helps in the all round development of the country. e. The employment available only in the particular region is called ................................level employment. Occupation, Business BOOK 41 7and Technology Education
2Lesson Types of General and Vocational Training Training is a process of acquiring specific knowledge and skill needed to do any kind of job. The job holders should be familiar with the working procedures and the use of the technology related to the concerned job. They should also know about the safety rules so that possible accidents can be prevented. The skill and knowledge open the door to opportunity of job from which one can generate income. Education and Training for Employment The imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning is usually called education. The education is considered necessary for gaining knowledge and skill. It further teaches the people about the society, lifestyle, history, language, working procedures at home, school, office or any business house. People learn the procedures to operate the necessary appliances People getting training in their job through education and they develop their skills from trainings. Thus, the educated and trained person easily gets chance for employment than other uneducated and untrained persons. General and Vocational Education and Training BOOK One needs both the practical and theoretical education to become successful in the profession. The subjects of general education and vocational education are taught at school level. The general education includes the subjects like language, mathematics, history, science, social studies, moral education, economics, etc whereas the vocational education includes the subjects related to job or career skills. Language subject teaches us the communication skills, Science subject teaches the necessary information about the goods or tools that we use. Similarly, mathematics teaches the ways of solving numerical problems, social studies teaches about the geography, history, politics, social activities and so on. Moral education teaches people about the social norms and values. Vocational 42 7Occupation, Business and Technology Education
subjects teach us the required knowledge and skill for the job, safety measures, knowledge for handling tools and their maintenance, etc. People gain general knowledge and develop the foundation needed for the job from such education. The vocational education helps to select the appropriate job according to the interest and ability of a person in the future. Vocational education teaches us about the importance of skill, precautions and procedures needed in the job. Training teaches the trainees about the procedures, required tools, maintenance and storage of the tools. A certain kind of skill is taught and learnt in the training process. It needs a positive attitude of Vocational Education and Training trainees. There are various types of training as per the duration of training. Training is taken for any subject of interest or necessity. It is even taken as means of livelihood. Some training is taken for getting employment and some for running business or self employment. Process and Types of Training Training process requires a specific place, trainer, trainees, specific objectives and teaching learning materials. Some skills are learnt by taking training whereas some are learnt by the experience. Likewise skills can be learnt from the senior members of the family too. Training can also be taken as internship in the industries. Theoretical knowledge and training are provided in the classroom but the skill is taught in the concerned institution or industry. As per the objectives, training is categorized into three types: a. General Training The training focusing on the theoretical knowledge is called general training. For example: training given to provide the legal and administrative procedures of running institutions is a general training. b. Skill Oriented Training These types of trainings provide the technical skills for employment. Skill oriented trainings are taken to learn the skills. Basically, there are three types of skill oriented trainings: Occupation, Business BOOK 43 7and Technology Education
1. Livelihood Training Livelihood Training The trainings which make the life of trainees economically easier and comfortable are called livelihood trainings. Such trainings open the door to income generation. Candle making, pickle making, incense sticks making, TV and mobile repair and maintenance, etc are the livelihood trainings. 2. Job Oriented Training The training which enables an individual to get employment in local, regional, national or international labour market or to be self employed is called job oriented training. Job oriented skilful training facilitate people to be efficient and get job in the concerned field. The necessary skills and techniques are taught in such trainings. The trainees can get job in the factories, industries, etc. They can earn their living by fulfilling the needs of their family members and uplift the living standard. 3. Self Employment Training Self Employment Training The training which enables the trainees to be self employed in the local to international level is called self employment training. It helps the trainees to develop their skill, ability and general entrepreneurship to be self employed. Self employment trainings provide necessary skills and knowledge required in the concerned subject. It encourages the people to be self employed and run their own business by establishing workshops, factories or industries, etc. c. Business Operation Training The training which provides the fundamental and technical skills required to run a business is called business operation training. It includes the subjects like raw materials management, firm or business registration process, accounting management market management, manpower management, etc. Such trainings help to develop entrepreneurship skill and promote business in the country. 44 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
Activity Is there any person who is certified as a trained professional in your community? Find out what kind of training has s/he taken and from where? Interact in the class. Word meaning Numerical : using numbers or consisting of numbers Precaution : protection against possible undesirable event Procedure : established method Theoretical : based on theory Workshop : place where manual work is done Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. What is the relationship between employment and education? Explain. 2. Introduce different types of trainings with examples. 3. What is business operation training? Write. 4. Describe the importance of self employment training. 5. Write a paragraph on the importance of training. B Fill in the blanks: a. The skill and knowledge.............................the door to.............................of job from which one can earn income. b. The.............................helps to select the appropriate job according to the .............................and.............................of a person in the future. c. The training focusing on the.............................knowledge is called general training. d. ............................. .............................skillful training facilitates people to be efficient and get job in the concerned field. e. The training which provides the fundamental and technical skills required to run a business is called............................. ............................. ............................. Occupation, Business BOOK 45 7and Technology Education
Lesson 3 Technical Education and Vocational Training Education and training are the bases for the better output in any profession. In our society, some people have learnt general education while some have learnt vocational and technical education. People gain general knowledge about the concerned subject from the general education whereas vocational and technical education teaches us skills needed for the vocational job. It is because of the development in science and technology. Technical education and vocational training have become more necessary to all of us. The technical education and vocational training teaches us necessary knowledge and skills to establish, run and develop the industries and business enterprises. The technical education and vocational education play vital role in nation building process. Technical and vocational subjects like survey, electricity generation, X-ray technology, photography, medicine manufacturing, dairy business, agriculture business, nursing, construction works, etc are taught in the technical schools and universities. The education related to the application of tools and methods is called technical education. It is also provided in different levels from SLC to Master’s level. Both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills are given Photography Training equal priority in the technical education. The major objective of the technical education is to produce skilled and efficient manpower needed for the technical works in the fields like construction, industries, maintenance, or in service oriented job. Importance of technical education • Technical education prepares skilled and capable manpower. • It provides the skills and ability to the manpower for the technical jobs in the national and international level. 46 7Occupation, Business BOOK and Technology Education
• It makes the formation of policy for development, industrial production, maintenance works or service oriented job possible. The people who want to be engaged in any vocation have to learn vocational skills from vocational training center. Vocational training teaches the people about the vocation and required skills which help them to be self dependent and utilize their free time. Motor driving, construction of canal, electricity wiring, Scooty Trail Test photography, X-ray, house construction, sewing, knitting, production of medicine, herbs processing, farming, treatment to sick people, etc are the vocational works. Vocational trainings are the skill based trainings that provide ability or skill required for the business or employment or self employment. Such skill based trainings include the trainings related to engineering, health, tourism, agriculture and animal husbandry, development and management, etc. Skills are taught in the vocational trainings. The vocational trainings mainly focuses in the practical skills. It gives about 90% of its priority to the practical skills and about 10% to the theoretical knowledge to implement skills. Importance of vocational training • It helps to maintain the quality in the works and production. • It mainly focuses in the practical skills. • It aims at developing skilled and capable manpower required for the national and international level. • It motivates the trainees to be vocational and shows the ways to utilize their time for gaining benefit. • It helps to reduce the poverty in the country. Activities 1. Find out the vocational jobs done in your community and also enquire with the concerned people that from where and in which subjects they got the trainings. Make a list of them. 2. With the help of your guardian, make a list of the people of your community who have attained technical education and their subject of education. Occupation, Business BOOK 47 7and Technology Education
Word meaning Animal husbandry : the branch of agriculture concerned with breeding and rearing farm animals Motivate : make somebody willing Poverty : state of being poor Priority : greatest importance Exercise A Answer the following questions. 1. What is technical education? 2. What kind of works do the technically educated people do? 3. Explain the importance of technical education. 4. What is vocational training? 5. Mention the importance of vocational training? 6. Explain the interrelationship between vocation and vocational training. 7. Name any 5 subjects taught under technical education and vocational training. 8. Complete the following table with the persons of your community attaining vocational training, subject of training and job as shown in the example. S. N. Persons Attaining Subject of Training Job Vocational Training 1 Mr. Hari Prasad Driving Drives a taxi B Fill in the blanks: BOOK a. Vocational training helps to.............................the poverty in the country. b. .............................and.............................are the bases for the better output in any profession. c. The education related to the application of tools and methods is called d. Technical education.............................skilled and capable manpower. 48 7Occupation, Business and Technology Education
4Lesson Institutions Providing Technical Education and Vocational Training Although the technical education and vocational trainings are vital for the economic progress of a country, it has not been prioritized much before. There were schools and campuses established in the country for imparting general education but there was not a single institution for technical education and vocational training. In Nepal the first technical school was established only in 2037 BS and since then various technical schools and institution for vocational training have been established in the country. The following are the institutions providing technical education and vocational training in Nepal: 1. Institutions under the CTEVT (Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training) CTEVT is an autonomous institution for The head office of CTEVT providing vocational training and technical education in different levels in Nepal. It provides basic, intermediate and higher level technical education and vocational training in several subjects. The head office of CTEVT is in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. It runs the following programmes. a. Constituted Technical Schools of CTEVT CTEVT runs Technical S.L.C., Intermediate and Diploma and short-term vocational and skill training programmes regularly through its constituted technical schools and training centers for promoting technical education. It offers the job oriented and self-employment trainings. b. ANNEX Programme Technical S.L.C. programme is running in the government schools as per the policy of Nepal government to promote technical education and vocational Occupation, Business BOOK 49 7and Technology Education
BOOKtraining. This programme is called ANNEX programme. This programme has been extended to all the districts to provide job oriented technical education and vocational training. c. Affiliated Schools/Colleges/Institutions CTEVT gives affiliation to private schools, colleges or institutions to run technical education and vocational training programmes. Such institutions have been running various programmes in the different parts of the country. d. Vocational Training Centre There are two vocational training centers out of the constituted technical schools running under the CTEVT. These centers provide vocational training. They are known as rural training centers. Among these two centers, one is established in Khudi, Lamjung and another is established in Bhimad, Tanahun. These training centers identify the local need and run construction, agriculture and health related trainings as per the local demand. Under the technical education programme, the subjects like livestock farming, Ayurved, agriculture, ANM, CMA, medical lab technology are taught in technical SLC level. Similarly, dental hygiene, construction, mechanical, survey, sanitary, electronics, auto mechanic, etc are also taught there. There is a provision of teaching about air condition and refrigeration, office management, social mobilization, textile and sericulture, entrepreneurship development facilitator, etc. The subjects like electronics, electrical, auto mechanics, nursing, dental hygiene, medical lab technology, pharmacy, general medical are studied in the intermediate and diploma level. Similarly, ayurved, homeopathy, ophthalmic, physiotherapy, radiology, information technology, hotel management, architect, geomantic and survey, computer, mechanical, food and dairy, forestry, acupressure, acupuncture, etc are also taught in these levels. CTEVT conducts short-term training course on herbal technical assistant, rural livestock health worker, care giver training, etc. It offers the training programmes for electrician, AC technician, mobile repairing, trail bridge technician, plumbing, house wiring, welder, mechanical, web and e-commerce, computer operator, web designer, radio/TV repair, construction technician, basic computer application, telecommunication outside/external plant technician, beauty apprentice, Montessori, hair cutting, library and information management, office secretary, waiter, cooking, commercial cook, hotel management, dental lab mechanics, etc. 50 7Occupation, Business and Technology Education
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