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PTT Manual 2019 (E-Book)

Published by gupea69, 2020-11-09 10:23:10

Description: PTT Manual 2019 (E-Book)


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PTT SERVICE STATION STANDARD PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited 555/2 Energy Complex Building B, 12th Floor, Vibhavadi Rangsit Rd., Chatuchak, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 บรษิ ทั ปตท. น�้ำ มันและการคา้ ปลีก จากดั (มหาชน) 555/2 อาคารเอนเนอร์ยีค่ อมเพล็กซ์ B ชนั้ 12 ถนนวิภาวดรี ังสติ แขวงจตุจกั ร เขตจตุจกั ร กรงุ เทพมหานคร 10900 เอกสารฉบบั นี้ถือเป็นขอ้ มูลของ บรษิ ัท ปตท. น�้ำ มันและการค้าปลีก จากัด (มหาชน) ห้ามมใิ ห้ท�ำ การคดั ลอก ท�ำ ซำ้�หรอื เผยแพร่ ส่วนหนึ่งสว่ นใด ในเอกสารฉบบั น้แี ก่บคุ คลภายนอก โดยไมไ่ ด้รบั อนญุ าต การฝ่าฝืนถอื เป็นความผิดตามระเบยี บบรษิ ทั This document is the intellectual property of PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (PTTOR) as protected by law. It is prohibited to make copy, duplicate and distribute this document to other parties or individuals without expressed permission of PTTOR. ISBN (e-Book) 978-616-93454-0-4 Published by PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited 555/2 Energy Complex Building B, 12th Floor, Vibhavadi Rangsit Rd., Chatuchak, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Prepared by บรษิ ัท ทริปเพลิ้ กร๊ปุ จ�ำ กัด เลขที่ 95 ถ.แจง้ วฒั นะ ซ.6 แขวงตลาดบางเขน เขตหลักสี่ กรุงเทพมหานคร 10210 Triple Group Company Limited Chaeng Watthana Rd., Soi 6, Talad Bang Khen, Lak Si, Bangkok 10210


SERVICE STATION STANDARD FOREWARD In order to achieve the vision of PTT Group to become Thai Premier Multinational Energy Company, to be included among the “Top 100 Company” of the Fortune magazine within the year 2020, and to be the Centennial Company that can create sustainable growth to the nation, it is essential that PTT must have internationally accepted standard of operations. The standards such as Engineering Standard, Machinery & Equipment Standard, Instrument Standard and Operational Standard, must take into consideration the quality, safety, health and environment aspects of the business and society. Consequently, the development of PTT Standard is done based primarily on the national laws and regulations, as well as international standard, covering the areas of business operations of PTT Oil, both inside and outside Thailand, namely the Petroleum Terminals, LPG Terminals, Oil Depots, Aviation Refueling Stations, Gasoline service stations, Lubricant Blending & Packaging Plants, LPG Bottling Plants and LPG Retail Shops. The enforcement of PTT established standard shall start from the constructions of these facilities, operations of receiving, storaging, transportation, distribution and service of these petroleum products to the customers. These standards shall be used as references and guidelines for PTT employees to perform professional operations, in accordance with the laws and international standard. The Standard Development Team is confident that this PTT standard will be internationally accepted and its development will promote the synergy within PTT Group, encouraging the member companies to share and exchange knowledge and experiences among each other and to use these standards as the Knowledge Bank that will become treasures of our organization, which will enable PTT Group to reach its aspirations of being the Leading Thai Global Company in the future. Standard Development and Review Team PTT Oil Business Unit PTT Public Company Limited 1 November 2017 4

TABLE of CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 13 2. SCOPE 17 3. DEFINITION 21 4. FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 25 4.1 Fundamental Knowledge of Liquid Fuels 25 4.1.1 Gasoline 25 4.1.2 Gasohol (Ethanol-blended Gasoline) 25 4.1.3 Diesel 27 4.1.4 Biodiesel 27 4.2 Basic Knowledge of Fire 29 5. PTT STATION© STANDARD 35 5.1 PTT STATION© Image 35 5.1.1 Evolution of PTT STATION© Image 35 5.1.2 Various Models of PTT STATION© 36 5.1.3 Standard Image of PTT STATION© 54 5.2 Oil transportation management standard 67 5.2.1 Delivery inspection & acceptance at PTT STATION© 67 5.2.2 Forecourt customer services 80 5.2.3 Inspection of operation standard 86 5.2.4 PTT STATION© equipment maintenance 90 5.2.5 Safety and environmental management 118 5.2.6 PTT STATION© office standards 130 5.2.7 PTT STATION© toilet standard 134 5.2.8 PTT STATION© Personnel 140 5.3 Operational Manual for emergency situations 151 5.3.1 Situations that compromise safety 153 5.3.2 Emergency Drill 176 5.4 Retail Business Management Standard 180 5.4.1 Convenience Store 181 5.4.2 Café Amazon 186 5.4.3 Standard Kiosks 196 5.4.4 ATM Booth 198 APPENDIX 201 Appendix A : Name List of Service Standard Manual Development Committee 203 Appendix B : IT Service Call Center Numbers 205 Appendix C : PTT Blue Card Loyalty System 206 Appendix D : PTT STATION© Standard Tools & Accessories 214 Appendix E : Toilet Cleaning Equipment in PTT STATION© 216 Appendix F : Wastewater Quality Management Manual of PTT STATION© 218

SERVICE STATION STANDARD PICTURE INDEX Picture 4.1. Fire Triangle 29 Picture 4.2  Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher 31 Picture 4.3 Dry Chemical Pressure Gauge 32 Picture 4.4 Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher 32 Picture 5.1 PTT Park Station 36 Picture 5.2 Canopy & dispenser islands, PTT PARK Model 37 Picture 5.3 Highway sign, PTT PARK Model 37 Picture 5.4 Price sign, PTT PARK Model 37 Picture 5.5 Spreader, PTT PARK Model 38 Picture 5.6 Entrance & Exit Sign (Arrow Sign), PTT Park Model 38 Picture 5.7 Retail businesses building, PTT PARK Model 39 Picture 5.8 Toilet design, PTT PARK Model 39 Picture 5.9 Rail Guard, PTT PARK Model 40 Picture 5.10 Cashier Booth, PTT PARK Model 40 Picture 5.11 PTT PLATINUM Station 41 Picture 5.12 Canopy & dispenser islands, PTT PLATINUM Model 42 Picture 5.13 Highway sign, PTT PLATINUM Model 42 Picture 5.14 Price sign, PTT PLATINUM Model 42 Picture 5.15 Spreader, PTT PLATINUM Model 43 Picture 5.16 Entrance – Exit Sign (A sign), PTT PLATINUM Model 43 Picture 5.17 Retail business building, PTT PLATINUM Model 44 Picture 5.18 Toilet design, PTT PLATINUM Model 44 Picture 5.19 Rail Guard, PTT PLATINUM Model 45 Picture 5.20 Cashier Booth, PTT PLATINUM Model 45 Picture 5.21 PTT STANDARD Station 46 Picture 5.22 Canopy & dispenser islands, PTT STANDARD Model 47 Picture 5.23 Highway sign, PTT STANDARD Model 47 Picture 5.24 Price sign, PTT STANDARD Model 47 Picture 5.25 Spreader, PTT STANDARD Model 48 Picture 5.26 Entrance – Exit Sign (A sign), PTT STANDARD Model 48 Picture 5.27 Rail Guard, PTT STANDARD Model 49 Picture 5.28 Cashier Booth, PTT STANDARD Model 49 Picture 5.29 Retail business building, PTT STANDARD Model 49 Picture 5.30 Toilet design, PTT STANDARD Model 49

PICTURE INDEX Picture 5.31 PTT COMPACT Station 50 Picture 5.32 Canopy & dispenser islands, PTT COMPACT Model 51 Picture 5.33 Highway sign and price sign, PTT COMPACT Model 51 Picture 5.34 Spreader of PTT COMPACT Model 51 Picture 5.35 Entrance – Exit Sign (A sign), PTT COMPACT Model 52 Picture 5.36 Rail Guard, PTT COMPACT Model 52 Picture 5.37 Cashier Booth, PTT COMPACT Model 52 Picture 5.38 Retail business building, PTT COMPACT Model 53 Picture 5.39 Toilet design, PTT COMPACT Model 53 Picture 5.40 Cashier Booth, PTT COMPACT Model 54 Picture 5.41 Highway sign 54 Picture 5.42 Entrance & Exit Sign (Arrow sign)) 54 Picture 5.43 Price sign 55 Picture 5.44 Price Sign with Retail Logo (8 meter) 55 Picture 5.45 Retail business logo on Highway Sign 55 Picture 5.46 Retail business building 56 Picture 5.47 Canopy & dispenser islands 56 Picture 5.48 Column Claddings & Spreaders 56 Picture 5.49 Landscaping & Gardening 57 Picture 5.50 Drainage System and Oil separator 58 Picture 5.51 Fire protection wall 58 Picture 5.52 Fill Pipes Station 58 Picture 5.53 The front Japanese Flag (Right Side) 59 Picture 5.54 Front Japanese Flags 59 Picture 5.55 Rail Guard 59 Picture 5.56 Cashier Booth 60 Picture 5.57 Product display cabinet 60 Picture 5.58 Windshield wiper & trash bin 60 Picture 5.59 Forecourt Bench 60 Picture 5.60 Dry chemical fire extinguisher 61 Picture 5.61 Safety sign 61 Picture 5.62 Forecourt sand box 61 Picture 5.63 Assembly Point Sign 62 Picture 5.64 Automatic Tire Inflator 63

SERVICE STATION STANDARD PICTURE INDEX Picture 5.65 Air Compressor 63 Picture 5.66 Trash Bins of 50-, 60- and 240-Ltr Capacity 63 Picture 5.67 Lighting & luminance at dispenser islands and price signs 63 Picture 5.68 Wastewater treatment system 64 Picture 5.69 Underground storage tank and Piping 64 Picture 5.70 Fuel Dispensers classified by type 65 Picture 5.71 A staff operates Automatic Tank Gauging system 66 Picture 5.72 Closed circuit televisions 66 Picture 5.73 Standard of Product colors in Thailand 71 Picture 5.74 Measuring API Specific Gravity 72 Picture 5.75 Reading of the API Specific Gravity value on the Hydro Meter 73 Picture 5.76 Thermometer and Hydrometer Safe Keeping 79 Picture 5.77 Dumpster Fence 86 Picture 5.78 Cleaning fuel dispenser’s exterior casing 92 Picture 5.79 Cleaning hoses and nozzles 92 Picture 5.80 Checking leaks at nozzle, hose and joints 94 Picture 5.81 Cleaning the dispenser’s internal parts 94 Picture 5.82 Leak inspection inside the dispenser 95 Picture 5.83 Checking the slack and alignment of the pulley 95 Picture 5.84 Oil filter at the main pump 97 Picture 5.85 A 2-year Certificate Plate 106 Picture 5.86 Sealed strap must be in good condition 108 Picture 5.87 5-Ltr. Calibration bucket (Prover Tank) 110 Picture 5.88 Reading fuel level on the sight glass 110 Picture 5.89 Diagram of main components of an underground tank 112 Picture 5.90 UGT’s Dipstick hatch. 112 Picture 5.91 Tire Inflator 114 Picture 5.92 Air compressor 117 Picture 5.93 Image of PTT STATION© office 130 Picture 5.94 Office announcement board 131 Picture 5.95 Image & Appearance of toilets at PTT STATION© 134

PICTURE INDEX Picture 5.96 Toilet’s exterior and surrounding areas 135 Picture 5-97 Toilet’s interior 136 Picture 5.98 PTT STATION© manager uniform 140 Picture 5.99 PTT STATION© forecourt Captain uniform 142 Picture 5.100 Forecourt Attendant uniform 144 Picture 5.101 Cashier uniform 146 Picture 5.102 Janitor uniform 148 Picture 5.103 The exterior appearance of a convenience store 181 Picture 5.104 Inside C-store store 182 Picture 5.105 The rear side of a convenience store 183 Picture 5.106 Sales & Services of a convenience store 183 Picture 5.107 Café Amazon 186 Picture 5.108 Logo signs of Retail Business 186 Picture 5.109 The Sizes of Café Amazon Logo 187 Picture 5.110 Color code and materials guide for Cafe’ Amazon Logo 187 Picture 5.111 Café Amazon 188 Picture 5.112 Café Amazon Logo 188 Picture 5.113 Café Amazon Logo board 189 Picture 5.114 Positions of Café Amazon Logo 189 Picture 5.115 Information signs at front door of Café Amazon shop 190 Picture 5.116 Café Amazon branch code number sign 190 Picture 5.117 Beverage menu board 192 Picture 5.118 Color scheme for the shop walls 192 Picture 5.119 Color scheme for the shop walls 192 Picture 5.120 Decorative material specifications 193 Picture 5.121 Outdoor Furnitures 194 Picture 5.122 Indoor Furnitures 194 Picture 5.123 Decorative plants 195 Picture 5.124 Kiosks 196 Picture 5.125 ATM at PTT STATION© 198

SERVICE STATION STANDARD TABLE INDEX Table 4.1  Gasohol Blending Ratio 25 Table 5.1 Product checking on Tank Truck 68 Table 5.2 Instructions when product in the UGT has substandard quality 77 Table 5.3 Instruments & Chemicals for the inspection/tests at service station 78 Table 5.4 Fuel Dispenser Maintenance 91 Table 5.5 Nozzle troubleshoot diagnosis 93 Table 5.6 Automatic tire inflator maintenance 115 Table 5.7 Basic repairs of the Automatic Tire Inflator 116 Table 5.8 Air compressor maintenance 117 Table 5.9 Basic correction of price sign errors 117 Table 5.10 Types of safety officer – as required by numbers of employees 123 Table 5.11 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) usage recommendation 129 Table 5.12 Cleaning Schedules 137 Table 5.13 Staff training and development 150 Table 5.14 Total number of furnitures for shops of different sizes 194



INTRODUCTION This manual contains all the relevant details of PTT STATION© Standard. It serves as a reference and guideline to ensure of the professional operations, in accordance with the govern- mental regulations and international standards. Moreover, it can be used as training textbook for all station personnel, and as the database of knowledge, which is one of many valuable assets of PTTOR. Throughout the years, as a leading Thai multinational energy company, with the largest and ever-expanding retail network of gasoline stations in Thailand, PTTOR has developed new policies and standards for its PTT STATION©, to improve the ‘format and design’ of its gasoline stations in term of ‘products and one-stop services’ aspects, with the main goal to respond to the ever-changing needs and lifestyle of its customers - to impress and exceed their expectations. The collaboration of efforts to develop and improve PTT STATION© Standard will be the key to our sustainable success and firm future growth. The operations of PTT STATION© have gained customers’ confidence in the quality of products and services. Therefore, it is crucial that PTTOR continue to manifest genuine interest in its customers and show the commitment in providing the best services under the same standard throughout the country. This PTT STATION© Standard Manual is beneficial for the Dealers of PTT STATION©, as a guide for their operations, and as an important tool for demonstrating the strength of PTTOR retail network, thus, reinforcing our customers’ trust and confidence in ‘PTTOR’ as the “Sustainable Energy” of the nation. 13



SCOPE The main goal of this PTT STATION© standard manual is to be the comprehensive database of knowledge on how to manage the operations of PTT STATION© - caring for its image according to the engineering standards and maintaining the important tools and equipment, keeping them in good conditions, ready to provide services to the customers. In order to maximize customer satisfaction, guidelines and standards of duties of key personnel have been established and explained in this manual. The management and control procedures of the service station have also been developed according to the operational standard of PTTOR’s Quality Safety Health & Environment (QSHE) policy. This manual also includes the standard emergency response procedures for various situations. Moreover, it covers the management standard and guidelines for PTTOR’s core retail businesses, together with the related laws and regulations that the station manager must know, in order to operate PTT STATION© properly. 17



DEFINITION 3.1 PTT STATION© : PTTOR gasoline/fuel service station. 3.2 Fuel: Automotive liquid fuel for internal combustion engine. 3.3 Fuel specific gravity by American Petroleum Institute (API) standard: The petroleum product density measurement method established up by United State of America, it is measured in the unit of API degree. The formula to calculate API gravity from specific gravity is ; API @ 60F = (141.5/(Specific Gravity @ 60/60 F)) – 131.5 3.4 Automation System: The work system, which includes computer, control equipment connected to fuel dispensers for operation of the gasoline station. The system has the important components as follow;. 3.4.1 Back Office is the computer system used to monitor and control selling of products, compute products inventory, process data, summarize daily /monthly sales report of the gasoline station. 3.4.2 POS Office is the computer system used to monitor and control sales transactions, collecting Information about the payments (cash or credit card), quantity, volume, prices, etc. 3.5 Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) is the fuel level gauging instrument that reports quantity of the fuel and water in the underground tank, at any point in time. 3.6 Hydrometer is an instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of fuel or liquids. 3.7 Thermometer is an instrument used for temperature measurement. 3.8 Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) is fuel suction-delivery system used to supply fuel through the underground pipeline to fuel dispenser, with the pump motor installed in the underground tank. 3.9 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is personal protective clothing, accessories or equipment designed to protect body from injury or infection. 3.10 Manhole is the circular-shaped access chamber on top of the underground tank used for maintenance works of product pipe, fill pipe, vent pipe and inner area of underground tank. 3.11 Product Movement Analysis (PMA) is the data processing, report and analysis of sales and receipts of products handled by the management of the station. 3.12 Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is product list or unit product classification. 3.13 Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) is a video camera system used for recording video-audio data of moving images in specific areas where limited groups of viewers are allowed. CCTV is used for surveillance in areas where special attentions are needed. 3.14 Plan-O-Gram is the layout plan of the product name signs, price, and positioning arrangement of the products on the shelves or gondolas. 21



FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 4.1 Fundamental Knowledge of Liquid Fuels 4.1.1 Gasoline Gasoline or Benzene is a mixture of different hydrocarbons, from 4 to 12 carbon atoms per molecule obtained from blending of light distillates crude oil of different boiling points (30-210°C). Gasoline is a volatile fuel used to spark ignition inside the internal combustion engine which requires proper evaporation of fume and regular, continuous combustion in the cylinder. The process starts when the spark plug ignites the gasoline fume which expands the pressure throughout the combustion chamber. 4.1.2 Gasohol (Ethanol-blended Gasoline) Gasohol is obtained from the blending process of ethanol, also known as Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol), which is an alcohol with 99.5% purity, with base gasoline using the blending proportion provided in Table 4.1 to comply with the Provision of the Department of Energy Business, the Ministry of Energy. Ethanol is blended with gasoline as an additive to improve gasoline oxygenates and octane in replacement of the other widely used additive, namely Methyl-Tertiary-Butyl-Ether (MTBE). Ethanol is produced from plants such as sugar crane, rice, corn, cassava, etc. Table 4.1 Gasohol Blending Ratio Type of Gasohol Blending Proportion Gasohol 91 (E10) Base Gasoline De-natured Ethanol Gasohol 95 (E10) Gasohol 95 (E20) Gasoline Octane 87:90% 10% Gasohol 85 (E85) Gasoline Octane 91:90% 10% Gasoline Octane 91:80% 20% Special Gasoline 15% 85% 25

SERVICE STATION STANDARD Characteristics and Properties of Gasoline and Gasohol 1. Octane Rating refers to a property that shows fuel’s ability to resist premature ignition in gasoline engine; in other words, octane is the number illustrating fuel’s ability to resist engine knock. In normal circumstance, when the mixture of air and gasoline is ignited by spark plug, the combustion process starts igniting the flame to completely burn out the mixture. However, if portion of air-fuel mixture self-ignites, which is an ignition that happens prior to the ignition caused by spark plug, this creates engine knock which could be heard clearly when the engine is accelerated instantly or when the engine is pushed to work at an unusually heavy load level. Engine knock reduces engine power and if the knock occurs regularly, it will make engine overheat and damage the piston. Different engines require different octane ratings depending on engine manufacturers. 2. Lead Content: Lead is a toxic substance for human. It can be found in the exhaust gas of the vehicles. Although lead is no longer added into the gasoline nowadays, but there might be lead content found in crude oil or because of the production process. Therefore, there must be a standard to control its contamination. 3. Sulphur Content: When the Sulphur in fuel is burnt, its chemical reaction with water causes acid, which can corrode engine parts and wear down the engine. Moreover, Sulphur toxic dust pollutes the air. 4. Phosphorus Content: phosphorus usually found in gasoline additive, which may damage exhaust filter. 5. Corrosion: Fuel with contaminants such as Sulphur will corrosion engine’s metal parts. Corrosion rate indicates how fast the engine wears out. 6. Oxidation Stability is a value indicating ability of fuel to resist oxidation process, which leads to gum and deposit of sludge which affects combustion chamber, and quality of fuel in the tank. 7. Sludge: When fuel with nitrogen composition reacts to oxygen in air, it will create sludge which is a contaminant in air-fuel control system and combustion chamber, causing engine valve and piston ring to stick and the carburetor or fuel injector to malfunction. 8. Evaporation Rate and Vapor Pressure: Good-quality gasoline must be able to evaporate in cold weather, thus enabling the engine to start easily. This characteristic can be measured by evaporation rate or distillation range of gasoline, allowing us to quantify the amount of composition with high volatility. Fuel with too much volatile elements will have less efficiency and may cause vapor lock problem, wherein the fuel evaporates into vapor form and enter into the gasoline flowing system, interrupting the flow of fuel and knocking the engine down. Gasoline with moderate amount of volatile compositions will let the engine heat up faster. Too much amount of volatile elements will evaporate slowly and may cause soot. 9. Benzene Content: Benzene is classified as aromatic hydrocarbon with high octane rating, but toxic to human respiratory and brain system. Being exposed to benzene for a long period of time may cause cancer. 10. Aromatic Content: Aromatics have high octane rating. Some aromatics such as Benzene Polycyclic Aromatic causes cancer in laboratory animals. Moreover, burning fuel with high aromatic content will emit high amount of soot. Incomplete combustion will also cause exhaust gas to be laden with aromatics. 26

11. Color: Pure Gasoline is colorless. It is the standard of the Department of Energy Business for the operator to dye the gasoline making it in different colors so that it can be identified to prevent adulteration. 12. Water Content: Water causes deterioration of fuel, resulting in the clogging in low temperature, and engine vibration. 13. Oxygenate: Oxygenate is a chemical compound added to fuel to increase oxygen. This includes MTBE (Methyl Tertiary – Butyl Ether) which promotes complete combustion and reduces pollution such as carbon monoxide. MTBE has octane rating of higher than 100, so it helps increase octane number of the Gasoline. Since MTBE has high water solubility, the use of the compound is controlled to be in an appropriate level. 14. Gasoline Additives: Additives are added to the gasoline to improve its operational efficiency. These include: - Cleansing agent which helps cleansing the fuel system and keeps carburetor clean - Anti-Oxidation Agent to prevent oxidation of gasoline which create sludge that harms fuel system - Rust and corrosion inhibitor which prevent rust blockage in fuel filter of the carburetor 4.1.3 Diesel Diesel is one of the fuel products produced from crude oil distillation process. Diesel has the boiling point in the range of 150-360 °C, which is higher than that of gasoline and it also has higher viscosity. 4.1.4 Biodiesel Biodiesel is vegetable oil or animal fat that passes through the chemical process called transesterification, altering fat or triglycerides into Mono Alkyl Ester such as Methyl Ester. This type of ester has properties close to those of diesel but with higher flash point and Cetane rating. Therefore, it can be used in replacement of or blending with diesel without much engine reconfiguration. Biodiesel feedstock is the oil from plants available locally. Some European Union countries, for examples, use Rape seed. France and Spain produce feedstock from sunflower, while Austria, Germany, and USA use soybean. Potential sources of raw materials used to produce biodiesel feedstock in Thailand include used vegetable oil and 8 newly extracted oil, namely palm oil, coconut oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, castor oil, sesame oil, sunflower seed oil, and jatropha oil. The main feedstock of biodiesel is palm oil, as it is more competitive compared to other oil plants in terms of production and marketing; in other words, it has lower cost of production and sales price. Moreover, palm oil can be used to produce various consumer products. Blending of diesel and biodiesel (Bx) is the process of blending biodiesel into conventional diesel in a different proportion such as B2, B5, and B10. Diesel engine fundamentally differs from gasoline engine. Diesel engine uses highly compressed hot air in the cylinder to ignite the fuel, unlike gasoline engine that requires a spark plug, so the diesel engine needs fuel that can self-ignite, which could be injected into engine’s combustion chamber. 27

SERVICE STATION STANDARD Characteristics and Properties of Diesel and Biodiesel 1. Cetane Number or Cetane Index: Cetane number is an indicator of combustion speed of diesel fuel. When the diesel is injected into the combustion chamber, it will not be ignited instantly but it takes some time to vaporize and mix with air before ignition. This is called “Ignition Delay”. Diesel with higher cetane number will be ignited faster than that with lower cetane, so diesel with proper cetane index allows the engine to start easily, runs smoothly and economically, and has less soot. Using diesel with lower cetane number than that required by engine will cause stumbling or even knocking of the engine. This is because there is too much amount of fuel in the combustion chamber, so the simultaneous ignition in different chambers will cause backpressure which cause the engine to lose forward power synchronization. 2. Cleanliness is an important property of diesel fuel. Diesel engine system requires cleanliness of the entire system; for example, there has to be as little water and sludge as possible, as the system needs fuel injector to assist in the combustion process. 3. Distillation Range: This property is highly important toward diesel combustion in the engine. The standard dictates that the Diesel distillation temperature of diesel 90% volume should not exceed 357 °C. But during the test, it will be observed from the start, 10%, 50%, and 90%. If diesel 10% by volume requires too high of a temperature, it will make engine harder to start. If higher range of temperature applied between 10-80% distillation volume, the warmup period will take longer. And if the 90% Distilled volume exceeds the standard limit, black smoke and soot will occur, which will defile engine oil and reduce its usage duration. 4. Evaporation Rate: Diesel consists of highly, moderately, and lowly evaporative elements. But as a whole, diesel evaporation rate affects its boiling point, flash point, and ignition point 5. Color: Diesel fuel generally has transparent or light yellow color but the color might be changed as a result of different sources of crude, while having the same property, supplied into the distillation process. Color is not an important factor determining fuel quality and diesel color may be darker after being kept for a long time. However, in case there is significant change in fuel color such as becomes much darker or turns black, one should note that there may be an adulteration of diesel using fuel oil and used engine oil. 6. Sulphur Content: Higher or lower amount of Sulphur in diesel depends on the source of crude or distillation process applied. Sulphur compounds with corrosive property are in different forms such as mercaptan disulfide or heterocyclic compound such as Thiophene. There are two types of corrosion made by Sulphur: - First type is the corrosion that occurs after combustion. When Sulphur compound is burnt, it emits Sulphur Oxide, which dissolves in water to form an acidic solution that is able to erode engine parts. - Second type is the corrosion made directly by Sulphur in diesel which erodes diesel en- gine injection system. 28

7. Density and Viscosity: viscosity influences the shape of fuel spraying from the injector. Fuel with high viscosity will create larger size and stream of fuel spray that moves further, instead of dispersing into smaller particles. This way, air and fuel are less likely to mix, making the combustion incomplete and reducing engine efficiency. Diesel with less viscosity, on the other hands, will create smaller particle spray but is unable to move as far as the larger particles. This causes poor combustion and may result in the leaking of fuel back into the injector. As a result, automotive diesel oil viscosity generally standard should be between 1.8 – 4.1 centistokes at 40 °C 4.2 Basic Knowledge of Fire Component of fire There are three elements required to ignite a fire which include: 1. Fuel: in liquid, solid, or gaseous forms 2. Oxygen: air contains approximately 21% of oxygen 3. Heat: proper heat that can ignite fire The Use of Fire Triangle The Fire Triangle shows that three important elements are needed in order to start a fire, namely fuel (vapor), air (approximate oxygen 21 percent) and heat (ignition temperature). To ex- tinguish a fire, one of the three elements must be eliminated. To illustrate more clearly, the fire triangle should change from Fig. (A) to Fig. (B) Heat to the Oxygen Heat to the Suitable Air Ratio ignition point (A) ignition point (B) Fuel Vapor Suitable Fuel Ratio Picture 4.1. Fire Triangle 29

SERVICE STATION STANDARD Type and Class of Fire Class A Class A Fire is a fire occurring from combustible materials such as paper, cloth, grass, etc., which can be extinguished by using water or dry chemical extinguisher Class A, B, and C that could suppress fire quickly to prevent recurrence of burning flame. Class B Class B Fire is a fire occurring from vapor of different fuels that can be extinguished by extinguishers containing dry chemical and gas heavier than air such as carbon dioxide, halon, and foam, as well as using nozzle to directly spray into the fire, which will disperse them to a wider area. Class C Class C Fire refers to electrical fire which can be extinguished by using extinguishers containing dry chemical, carbon dioxide, and halon. Using foam extinguisher is strictly prohibited, as it contains water which can conduct electricity and be dangerous to the users. Using dry chemical extinguisher is not recommended, as it may damage electrical circuit. Class D Class D fire occurs from flammable metals such as magnesium, titanium zirconium, and sodium. This type of fire requires special extinguishing equipment. Using ordinary extinguisher may cause explosion. Sources of Spark Point or Source of spark. 1. Spark from electrical system is one of the main sources of fire which includes: - Motor, power generator, or other electrical motors - Spark from switches, electrodes and relays - Jumping of electrostatic charge from different systems - Electricity released from capacitor terminal - Spark from joints and electrodes - Welding spark - Spark from damaged power cord 2. Spark from hot surface causing the molecules of larger source of fuel to break apart and the fire point temperature is lower and creates ignition. The sources of hot surface include: - Stove, furnace - Exhaust pipe and power engine - Incinerator, steam boiler, expansion joint, smoke vent, chimney - Heat produced from machine friction - Heat occurs from metal sheet being cut or welded - Heat from boiler or hot water pipe 3. Spark from machinery works. Using tools in the following manners may cause spark: - Using tools such as hammer, pincer, and chisel with hard metal or cement surfaces - Stone cutting or grinder that emits spark - Uncovered portion of long and loosen exhaust pipe 30

Dry Chemical Extinguisher Dry chemical extinguisher is widely used at present time. It could suppress Fire Class A, B, and C. This type of extinguisher may contain various types of chemical powders as follows: 1. Sodium Bicarbonate 97% 2. Magnesium Stearate 1.5% 3. Magnesium Carbonate 1% 4. Tricalcium Phosphate 1% These compounds are contained in different types of extinguisher but mostly in cylindrical tank using carbon dioxide or nitrogen driven nozzle. How to use 15-pound dry chemical extinguisher Carry the extinguisher via handle, pull out the pin, and squeeze the lever to release dry chemical agent. The distance between the extinguisher and fire is approximately 8-10 feet. Slowly sweep the hose from one side to another, passing through fuel surface until the fire is suppressed Caution Check the pressure gauge before using. If the gauge indicator drops, it must be recharged. The dry chemical agent must be refilled after each use. Picture 4.2 Dry Chemical Roles of Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher Fire Extinguisher 1. Reduce the temperature of fuel, 2. Prevent chemical reaction with oxygen 3. Dilute the amount of oxygen in the air Warning 1. Do not release the dry chemical agent in computer or electrical control rooms, as it will damage equipment. 2. Do not use this extinguisher with appliances that have electricity leakage, as this will cause more leakage. 3. After suppressing the fire, the residue of dry chemical should be cleaned up. Maintenance 1. For dry chemical-stored pressure, the pressure gauge should be regularly examined to make sure that there is no pressure drop. For dry chemical cartridge, the nitrogen cartridge should be replaced every 6 months or when the weight drops by 0.5 ounce. 2. Take care not let the cylinder fall, as the extinguisher will be damaged and explode. 3. Regularly check the discharge hose for blockage, as it will affect driving pressure. 31

SERVICE STATION STANDARD Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher Picture 4.3 Dry Chemical This type of extinguisher contains compressed Pressure Gauge carbon dioxide with pressure of no less than 800-900 pounds per square inch in normal temperature Picture 4.4 Carbon Dioxide (according to British Standards of 744 pounds Fire Extinguisher per square inch). At 60 degree Fahrenheit, the compressed gas will transform into liquid. The tank containing carbon dioxide is made from high pressure resistant metal that could withstand pressure of no less than 3.375 pounds per square inch. The horn shaped diffuser is made from fiber or non-conductive materials and has a valve to control spraying direction. Carbon dioxide is an inert incombustible gas with vapor density of 1-5 times more than air and is non-conductive gas. The high pressured and high-speed gas will be released from the control valve and gradually slow down after passing through horn shaped diffuser and will be dispersed to replace oxygen at the burning surface of fuel, creating a dead zone. Moreover, the released carbon dioxide has very low temperature that it turns into snow fog, cooling down burning materials. Carbon dioxide extinguisher is suitable for the fire whose fuels are flammable liquid and electrical equipment that still has electricity flowing through. Roles of the Extinguisher 1. Reduce fuel temperature 2. Dilute oxygen in the air How to use Carry the extinguisher via handle, pull out the pin, and squeeze the lever to release carbon dioxide. The gas will be released in the range of 3 foot distance, so the user must get as close as possible to the fire. Slowly sweep the hose from one side to another, passing through fuel surface until the fire is suppressed. 32


PTT SERVICE STANDARD 5.1 PTT Service Station Image 5.1.1 Evolution of PTT Service Station Image 2019 PTTOR launches its new MINOR CHANGE 3 Year 2016 Signage design 2009 Opening of COMPACT PTT launched STANDARD/PLATINUM service station service stations 7 Year 2004-2008 2 Year 2007 PTT-JET JIFFY merger and founding of PTT RM 3 Year 2003 Introduction of PREMIUM 1 Year service station under in THE PARK concept. ”Minor Change“ refurbishment of 800 service stations completed in 2008 PTT debuted first PREMIUM station in Kluay Namthai district 1992 11 Year 1978 PTT introduced LANDOR-Design 14 Year Petroleum Authority of Thailand Service stations (PTT) was established. Convert gas stations of The Government Fuels Landor 14 Year Bureau into PTT-brand Service Stations 35

SERVICE STATION STANDARD 5.1.2 Model of PTT Service Stations PTT PARK Model PTT PARK Station is a large service station, locatedin a high potential area, covering more than 8,000 Sq.m. with over 30% designated as green areas to reflect “PTT PARK” concept. It has integrated vast varieties of other Retail busi- nesses. The canopy is fitted with a modern decorative design and a Highway Sign that suits the new generation’s lifestyle. It has very high sales volume. Picture 5.1 PTT Park service station 36

Picture 5.2 Canopy & dispenser islands of PTT PARK Model Picture 5.3 Highway sign of PTT PARK Model Picture 5.4 Price sign of PTT PARK Model 37

SERVICE STATION STANDARD Picture 5.5 Spreader of PTT PARK Model Picture 5.6 A-Sign (Arrow Sign) of PTT Park Model 38

Picture 5.7 Retail businesses building of PTT PARK Model Picture 5.8 Toilet design of PTT PARK Model 39

SERVICE STATION STANDARD Picture 5.9 Rail Guard of PTT PARK Model Picture 5.10 Cashier Booth of PTT PARK Model 40 PTT PLATINUM Model PTT PLATINUM station has total area of over 6,400 Sq.m. and located in high potential area, in the city or along inter-city highways. It can accommodate more than 3 pump island bases and has a minimum of two PTT Standard Retail businesses. It has high monthly sales volume of fuels. Picture 5.11 PTT PLATINUM Station 41

SERVICE STATION STANDARD Picture 5.12 Canopy & dispenser islands of PTT PLATINUM Model Picture 5.13 Highway sign of PTT PLATINUM Model Picture 5.14 Price sign of PTT PLATINUM Model 42

Picture 5.15 Spreader of PTT PLATINUM Model Picture 5.16 Entrance – Exit Sign (A sign) of PTT PLATINUM Model 43

SERVICE STATION STANDARD Picture 5.17 Retail business building of PTT PLATINUM Model Picture 5.18 Toilet design of PTT PLATINUM Model 44

Picture 5.19 Rail Guard of PTT PLATINUM Model Picture 5.20 Cashier Booth of PTT PLATINUM Model 45

SERVICE STATION STANDARD PTT STANDARD Model The PTT STANDARD station is a networking station located on secondary roads or district-connecting roads, with good sales growth potential. The location should have the area of about 4,800 Sq.m. and it can accommodate no less than 2 pump island basesIt has monthly moderate level of sales volume, with at least one retail business such as Convenience store or Café Amazon. Picture 5.21 PTT STANDARD Service Station 46

Picture 5.22 Canopy & dispenser islands of PTT STANDARD Model Picture 5.23 Highway sign of PTT STANDARD Model Picture 5.24 Price sign of PTT STANDARD Model 47

SERVICE STATION STANDARD Picture 5.25 Spreader of PTT STANDARD Model Picture 5.26 Entrance – Exit Sign (A sign) of PTT STANDARD Model 48

Picture 5.27 Rail Guard PTT STANDARD Model Picture 5.28 Cashier Booth PTT STANDARD Model Picture 5.29 Retail business building of PTT STANDARD Model Picture 5.30 Toilet design, PTT STANDARD Model 49

SERVICE STATION STANDARD PTT COMPACT Model The PTT COMPACT MODELStationis acommunity station located on secondary roads or community-connecting roads, in the location that has sales growth potential. It has total area of about 3,200 Sq.m. The facility includes a single compact Retail Business building that can accommodate convenience store, Café Amazon and toilets. Picture 5.31 PTT COMPACT Station 50