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Catálogo 2012-2016 Ing-2

Published by elsuri04, 2016-09-28 11:12:08

Description: Catálogo 2012-2016 Ing-2


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PSI-901 Degree work in Clinical PsychologyPreparation and submission of a research in the area of ​C​ linical Psychology.Credits: 6-0-12.                    Theory hours: 0.              Practice Hours: 168.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: All subjects.  PSI-903 Degree work in Industrial PsychologyPreparation and submission of a research in the field of Industrial Psychology.Credits: 6-0-12.                     Theory hours: 0.              Practice Hours: 168.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: All subjects.    QUI - CHEMISTRY QUI-101 General Chemistry I for EducationStudy of Atom structure, Chemicals bonds, Stoichiometry, states of the matter, fundamental laws ofchemistry, with resolution of numerous problems in relation to the addressed topics. Simultaneously developsa program of laboratory practices oriented to demonstrating the facts explained in theory, addressed totraining secondary school teachers.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term : 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: None. QUI-102 General Chemistry IIContinuation of QUI-101, studying the different types of electrolyte solutions, ions, ionic reactions, chemicalkinetics, electrochemistry, hydrolysis, Amphoterism, with resolution of numerous problems related to thetopics covered in theory, as QUI-101, oriented to training secondary school teachers.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-101. QUI-111 General Chemistry IIntroduction to Chemistry. Study of atomic structure. Chemical bond. Fundamental Laws of Chemistry.Chemical reactions. State of Matter. Different types of solutions. Resolution of problems related to theissues. All theoretical concepts are supplemented with laboratory.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: None. QUI-112 General Chemistry IIChemical kinetics. Chemical balance. Ionic balance. Electrochemistry. General and specific characteristicsof metals and nonmetals. Obtaining and Metallurgy. Problems and laboratory practices of the coveredtopics in theory.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-111. QUI-120 Inorganic Chemistry for EducationStudy of chemical elements and its inorganic compounds grouping them according to the periodic systemand focusing on its studies of properties deduction, starting from the atomic structures of elements. OrientedLaboratory to demonstration of properties and qualitative reactions, aimed to training secondary schoolteachers.Credits: 4-3-3.                       Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-102.  (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 401

QUI-220 Inorganic ChemistryStudy of the elements and its inorganic compounds based on modern concepts of atom and molecularstructure. Coordination compounds. Emphasis in the applications and uses of these substances in theindustrial field, chemical, medical and pharmaceutical. In the Lab practices are conducted in numerousanalytic complete marches, including Complexional analysis.Credits: 5-3-6.                       Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 84.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-112.QUI-230 Organic ChemistryStudy of organic compounds, grouped according to different families, with particular emphasis on theproperties and behavior of organic substances. It places particular emphasis on study of carbohydrate,fats, proteins and amino acids, primarily focused as a basis for the Biochemistry study. The lab practiceis directed to perform the characteristic reactions of the several functions, without emphasis on synthesis.Credits: 5-4-3.                      Theory hours: 56.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-112. QUI-231 Organic Chemistry IIntroduction to organic chemistry. Study of the orbital, bond forms, molecular structures, isometrics andmechanisms of necessary reactions to understand the study of organic chemistry. Nomenclature andphysical properties of organic compounds. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, alkylhalides, Aldehyde and ketones, Carboxylic acid and Ethers. Approaching these issues from a generalviewpoint with the chemical properties as the functional group and synthesis of the compounds studiedin QUI-231. Resonance, rules of guidance in the successive substitutions in aromatic compounds. Thisprogram continues in QUI-232.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-102 or QUI-112. QUI-232 Organic Chemistry IIContinuation of QUI-231. Esters, carbohydrates, Nitrogenated compounds, amines, amino acids andproteins, studying their physical and chemical properties, as well as their structures. Spectroscopy, Theprogram ends with a general study of steroids and alkaloids. Simultaneously develops a practical Laboratoryprogram in which is verify experimentally many of the reactions studied in theory, with the purpose that thestudent checks them and assimilates the knowledge given in the classroom.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-231. QUI-241 Organic Chemistry IIntroduction to organic chemistry. Orbital, link forms, molecular motions, isomerism, stereochemistry, physicaland chemical properties of organic compounds, synthesis and mechanisms of required reaction in the studyof organic chemistry directed to students of Chemistry and Pharmacy careers. Includes the study of aliphaticand aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, alkyl halides, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids andethers. Resonance, rules of guidance in the successive substitutions and nomenclatures, supplementedwith laboratory practices which includes the analysis and physical and chemical characteristics of carboncompounds, as well as general reactions of nitration, acetylating, sulfonation, oxidation and halogenations.This program continues in QUI-242.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-112. (UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 402

QUI-242 Organic Chemistry IIContinuation of QUI-241, continuing the study of nucleophilic reactions, electrophilic and oxidation-reduction.Amino acids, protein structures, carbohydrates, lipids, with emphasis on mechanisms of reaction, guidancerules in the chemical changes and applications in the industry chemical field and pharmaceutical, as wellas the use of numerous organic substances. Complemented with laboratory practices that includes theverification of some important reactions studied in the theory, as well as synthesis of different compounds.Credits: 5-3-6.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 84.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-241. QUI-250M Quantitative Chemical AnalysisStudy of the fundamental principles of Quantitative Analytical Chemistry. Volumetric of: neutralization,precipitation, complex composing and oxidation-reduction. Gravimetric analysis. All topics supplementedwith problem solving and performing laboratory work, using volumetric and gravimetric techniques, throughemployment of equipment and appliances necessary in practices implementation.Credits: 5-3-6.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 84.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-112. QUI-265 BiochemistryIntroduction to biochemistry. Water Biological function and buffer systems, macromolecules, amino acidsand proteins. Enzymes, vitamins.  Bioenergetics, lipids and nucleic acids. Metabolism of carbohydrates,proteins and lipids. Hormones. Laboratory practices required for the demonstration of explained topics intheory.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: BIO-102 and-230 or QUI QUI-232. QUI-267 Biochemistry for AgronomistDescriptive study of biomolecules: Carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids, with emphasis on thevegetal aspect. Photosynthesis, Phytohormones, Photorespiration, Energy metabolism. it’s oriented to thearea of Agronomy.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-230. QUI-280 Chemical Industries OrganizationStudy the organization procedures and management of chemical industries, as well as the organization ofcontrol production and other topics of interest for a director of industries or production manager.Credits: 3-3-0.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 0.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: ECO-100. QUI-350 Instrumental Chemical AnalysisIntroduction to the Study of Instrumental Chemical Analysis. Photocolorimetry, Visible and UltravioletSpectrophotometry, Infrared Spectrum, flame photometry. Chromatography and atomic absorption. Otherquantitative methods and their application to quality control of medicinal products, simple and mixed, in theform of syrups, elixirs, tablets and injections.Credits: 5-3-6.                      Theory hours: 42.              Hours of practice: 84.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-241, QUI-250.  (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 403

QUI-351 Instrumental Analysis IIntroduction to Instrumental Analysis study. Chromatographic methods, colorimetric, polarographic,conductivity and spectrophotometric, ultraviolet Visible, Infrared. Flame photometry. Methods of electrolyticdeposits and other determinations in which the emphasis is on the usage of devices, as well as foundationsscientific mathematical of methods applied in practice. Program for Chemistry students.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Duration: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-241, QUI-250.QUI-352 Instrumental Analysis IIcontinuation of QUI-351 and QUI-250, with practical applications of instrumental methods and conventionalto the analysis of industrial products (raw materials and finished products) to determine the qualitydegree. Clay analysis are performed, cement, limestone, fuel, oil, alloying, soaps, organic and inorganiccombinations, medicine and food, among others.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-351. QUI-367 BiochemistryOriented to the area of ​C​ hemistry and Pharmacy. Buffer systems. Macromolecules. Amino acids andproteins. Enzymes. Vitamins and coenzymes. Carbohydrate. Bioenergetics. Lipids. Nucleic acids.Replication and transcription of DNA. Protein synthesis. Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids,as well as vitamins, steroids, etc., with emphasis on structures, reactions and biochemical behavior of thesesubstances; simultaneously is develop a laboratory program designed to perform demonstrations of thetopics covered in the theoretical program.Credits: 4-3-3.                       Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-242, QUI-250. QUI-370 General Physical Chemistry EducationBrief introduction of Physical Chemistry. The matter structure. Radioactivity. Solutions. Chemical Kinetics.Chemical Equilibrium. Thermodynamics. Program oriented teachers training.Credits: 4-3-2.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 28.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-265. QUI-371 Physical Chemistry IIncludes the study of atomic structure from the classical point of view and according to quantum mechanics;the study of chemical bonds based on modern concepts of chemical structure and molecular structuredetermination through the spectrum, refractometer, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and finally theclassification of molecules according to their symmetry.Credits: 4-3-2.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 28.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: MAT-170 or MAT-171 and QUI-112. QUI-372 Physical Chemistry IIIncludes the study of Gases, considering both the ideal and the actual behavior, determination of molecularweight, viscosity. Overview of liquids and solids, including crystal structure determination through X-ray.Laws of Thermodynamics and Thermo chemistry.Credits: 4-3-2.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 28.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: MAT-170 or MAT-171 and QUI-112. QUI-373 Physical Chemistry IIIStudy the reversible and irreversible changes, the applications of the thermodynamics laws to the differenttypes of processes, the Gibbs free energy, phases rule and its application, the chemical equilibrium and theionic equilibrium and its applications. Surface phenomena.Credits: 5-4-2.                      Theory hours: 56.              Practice Hours: 28.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: MAT-271 or MAT-172, QUI-372.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 404

 QUI-381 Industrial MicrobiologyIncludes the study of industrial processes in which involves the microbial action, such as: wine, beer,alcohol, liquor, vinegar, antibiotics and food.Credits: 4-3-2.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 28.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: BIO-101, QUI-241.QUI-390 Matter Balance and energy.Materials balance: macroscopic balance of unit operations, vaporization, chemical processes. Macroscopicbalance. Balance microscope. Energy Balance. The first thermodynamics law and energy concepts.Macroscopic Balance of unit operations, chemical and physical processes. Combustions. Balancemicroscopic.Credits: 6-5-2.                      Theory hours: 70 Practice Hours: 28.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-373. QUI-392 Transport PhenomenaQuality transport mechanism of movement. Laminar flow, turbulent flow. Friction. Energy transport.Temperature profiles in solids and flow systems. Equations changes. Interfacial Transport: film coefficients.Credits: 4-3-2.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 28.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI QUI-390 and-391. QUI-393 Transport Phenomena LaboratoryExperimental verification of changes transporters involved in the amount transport of mass and energymovements.Credits: 1-0-3.                      Theory hours: 0.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI QUI-390 and-391. QUI-394 Unit Operations Laboratory IExperiments leading to verification of the topics studied in QUI-493.Credits: 1-0-3.                      Theory hours: 0.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-392. QUI-395 Unit Operations Laboratory IIExperiments leading to verification of the topics studied in QUI-394.Credits: 1-0-3.                      Theory hours: 0.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-493. QUI-396 Laboratory of Dynamics of Process and ControlStudy of the system dynamic behavior. Control of process variables. Pressure, temperature and flow.Systems analysis through uses of analogue techniques, hydraulic and electric.Credits: 1-0-3.                      Theory hours: 0.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-493. QUI-419 Ethics for ChemicalEthical standards of chemical (Analyst, Graduate and Engineer) in their professional practice.Credits: 3-3-0.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 0.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: None. QUI-431 Environmental ChemistryPollution and environmental conservation with emphasis on chemical processes, physical and biological.Credits: 3-3-0.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 0.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: BIO-101, QUI-242.  (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 405

QUI-435 Industrial QualityBasic knowledge on modern business organization model. Systems and operation modes.Credits: 3-3-0.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 0.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: MAT-330, QUI-242. QUI-471 Physical Chemistry IVStudy of everything related to chemical kinetics, as well as nuclear reactions and behavior of radioactiveelements. Catalysis and photo chemistry. Study of electrolytes conductivity, transport number,electrochemical cells and reactions that occur in them.Credits: 4-3-2.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 28.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-373. QUI-472 Thermodynamics for Chemical EngineersThermodynamics Laws. Behavior of gases and liquids, thermo physical and thermo chemistry.Thermodynamic properties of fluids. Thermodynamics of flow processes. Thermal machines. Refrigerators.Thermodynamic analysis of processes. Phase equilibrium.Credits: 4-3-2.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 28.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-373. QUI-480 Chemical TechnologyProblems study of general application in the industry, as fuels, theories and practice of combustion, watertreatment for industrial and municipal use, waste water treatment, materials used, and studies of processesused in industries: Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. Establishment of standards and quality control inindustry.Credits: 3-3-0.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 0.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-220, QUI-242. QUI-482 Food TechnologyFood Microbiology. Dry: Water Activity in Foods. Lyophilization. Freezing. Refrigeration. Canned.Pasteurization and sterilization. Cured and Sausage. Sweetened. Fermentation. Chemistry Conservation.Flavoring and coloring. Baling. Irradiation. Savory Fundamentals. Smoked. Generalities about QualityControl of Food. Laws and Regulations to national and international level relating to food.Credits: 3-3-0.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 0.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI QUI-380 and-381. QUI-485 Industrial ProjectsThe program includes the necessary knowledge to perform the project in an industry as well as carrying outthe industry plane and flow charts.Credits: 4-3-3.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 42.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-280, QUI-480. QUI-490 Reactor DesignChemical Kinetics and interpretation of kinetic data. Reactors Classification. Ideal reactors, Equations forthe design of different types of reactors. Catalysis. Kinetics of catalytic reactions. Designs of Catalyticreactor.Credits: 5-5-0.                      Theory hours: 70.              Practice Hours: 0.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-471, QUI-472. (UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 406

QUI-493 Unit Operations I for Chemical EngineersFluid flow Compressible and incompressible in pipes and packed beds. Flow meters. Pumps andcompressors. Agitation, heat filtration. Heat changers, Evaporation. Fluidization, sieving and grinding.Credits: 4-3-2.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 28.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-392. QUI-494 Unit Operations II for Chemical EngineersStudies of mass transfer coefficients. Absorption system, distillation and drying.Credits: 4-3-2.                       Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 28.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-493.QUI-594 Diffusion PhenomenonMass transport mechanism, mathematical models, profiles of solids concentrations and flow systems.Unstable systems. Coefficients of mass transportCredits: 3-3-0.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 0.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-392. QUI-595 Process Dynamics and ControlProcesses Dynamics. Systems without feedback and with feedback. Application control to Unitarianoperations.Credits: 3-3-0.                      Theory hours: 42.              Practice Hours: 0.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: QUI-493. QUI-904 Degree workWork research which integrates the acquired knowledge by the students during the Chemical Engineeringcareer. The student is advised by a professional in the area, chosen by the Chemistry Department.Credits: 6-0-12.              Theory hours: 0.              Practice Hours: 168.Term: 15 weeks.              Prerequisites: all subjects.    RNA – Natural ResourcesRNA-525 ForestryThe forestry resource has a vital role for the development of towns in the whole world, because it providesmultiple benefits to the urban and population. The correct administration of forests and associatedresources, is essential to promote and guarantee the conservation of biodiversity. The Forestry as a scienceis considered the essential base to encourage a responsible forest management, since it establishes aseries of methodology, that associated to various techniques and related branches, has as a purpose theconservation, cultivation and use of the forests in a sustainable way. The Forestry or forest measurementas a branch of Forestry is the one in charge of measuring a series of magnitude in the forest, understood asa forest, the set of trees developed in s common space. Covers the Silviculture that studies the measuringtechniques and the laws that regulate the growth and increase of the forest and individual trees; andthe measuring that deals with the measurement of the individual tree and the forest, taking in accountthe morphological composition of the tree and the structure of the forest mass. The techniques of theagro forestry sector, should know the importance of the forestry as a science of the sustainable forestmanagement, to guarantee the perpetuity of the natural forests and the forest plantations.Credits: 4-3-3. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: AGR-420. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 407

RNA-710 Resource Systems and Philosophy of the Environmental ManagementThe purpose of this course is to provide the adequate understanding of the ecological principles that should beconsidered and applied to the use of the resource systems and the study of the contemporary environmentalproblems, demonstrate the complexity and interrelation of the environmental problems (ecology, politicalsciences, economy, sociology, etc.) and therefore their interdisciplinary nature, and present and discussthe various strategic focuses and possible technological solutions and of human contact the use of systemsof resource systems and the environmental problematic created by the bad management.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 24. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-712 Monitoring and Measurements in Management of Natural ResourcesDevelop in the students the critical capacity to identify, evaluate and use the required instruments for themeasurement of physical-chemical-biological parameters, in accordance with the existing circumstances.Credits: 2-1-2. Hours of theory: 12. Hours of practice: 24.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-714 Utilization and Data Analysis for Environmental ManagementThis is a course of updating the knowledge in the area of computing and data analysis. The concepts of useof computer resources and the use for the analysis of relevant information for the management of naturalresources will be introduced. Familiarize the student with the technologies of the computer, the internet andthe management and analysis of experimental data.Credits: 2-1-2. Hours of theory: 12. Hours of practice: 24.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-716 Evaluation of the Environmental ImpactPresents the general alignments to design the study of environmental impact; the natural elements that arefundamental as object of study and analysis: the rainfall, the superficial water or runoff, the subterraneanwater, wind, atmosphere, earth, coasts, the fauna, flora, climatic conditions, etc. Signals the parametersand factors of interest media-environmental that play a determine part in each of these elements.Presents the characteristics of the Base Line Study that serves as a layout or reference line to the studythe Environmental Impact; the coverage and nature of the studied base; its significance and importance.Focuses both the economy of the environmental conservation program and the economic aspects ofinterests for the responsible manager of the environmental and ecological issues.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 24. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-718 Resource EconomyPresents the study of the application of the economic principles to the natural resource sector. The courseis aided by the general economic concepts and applies to get to an understanding of the agriculturalperformance, with emphasis on the Dominican case. Theoretical aspects are addressed that refer to theprocess that follows in the search for the optimization of the use of resources. But also analyzes theDominican experiences, to evaluate the efficiency in which the agriculture in the country is managed.The course presents peculiarities of the agriculture and its contributions to economy. At the same time, inthe course the different instances affect the agriculture performance will be analyzed, and the dynamics ofthe process of optimization of the use of natural resources.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 24. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 408

RNA-730 Management of National Parks and Protected AreasManagement of parks and protected areas in forest programs, and in fisheries. The management of flora andfauna wildlife; international commerce of wildlife species; incentives for the sustainable management of wildpopulation. Biodiversity prospection. Management of the tourism impacts, urbanization and infrastructureabout the protected areas.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 24. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-731 Participative ManagementThe local, regional and national participation in the management of natural resources. Resolution ofconflicts, theory and practice. Theory of the community participation.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 24. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-732 Introduction to the Geographic Information SystemThis is a course in the level of graduate studies to introduce to the students the concepts of the areaof the Systems of Geographic Information or SIG and related technologies. The topics to cover includeintroduction to the SIG, remote sensing, global positioning system (GPS) and the integration betweenthese technologies. Applications of the SIG and remote sensing are emphasized in the characterizationand management of the natural resources. As a necessary base to understand these technologies, thecartography, geodesy and data base design themes will be addressed.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: RNA-714.RNA-736 Project ManagementThis subject presents the tools that allow generating, obtaining, accumulating and organizing, describingand analyzing the set of activities and/or background that make a project in a way to estimate the advantagesand disadvantages that come from the execution of the project, when assigning certain resources to theproduction of determined goods or the generation of certain services. Transfer to the participants theknowledge and ability to manage and understand how to manage the diverse types of projects: instruct Inthe concept of the project and activities that compose it; its formulation; evaluation; planning, control andexecution; about the necessary organization for the management and supervision, the same about theproject management and their panorama for the future.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 24. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-820 Management of Commercial ForestThe forest in Dominican Republic and why the management. The value of time. Theory and models ofdecisions. The capacity of the forest to produce products. The appreciation of the forest and its use.Financial analysis of the forest. Agro forestry.Credits: 3-2-2. Hours of theory: 24. Hours of practice: 24.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-822 Management of Non renewable ResourcesThis course presents the definition, concept and classification of natural resources, in general, to laterfocus them from two slopes: a) Renewable Natural Resources and b) Non-Renewable Natural Resources.Obviously, there will be more emphasizing in the type of Non-Renewable Natural Resource. The conceptof the cone or of the pyramid of resources will be presented; the “Unique” aspects of industries that, likemining, is based on the exploitation of non-renewable natural resources; the problem of the depletion ofthese types of resources; the role of the technology and the human engineer; the economic role of theminerals. The availability of the resources like water, earth minerals and energy. Discussed in the course, (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 409

besides, the use theories and the conservation of the non-renewable natural resources; the conservationistsmovements; the shortage models (the static model and dynamic model); evaluation of shortage models,aspects of theory of localization; the mining industry and the environment; the relation between the hostcountry, and foreign investors in terms of the exploitation process of the non-renewable natural resources;others.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-824 Management of Protected Forest Areas and BasinsThe watersheds will be studied as natural units to plan and use the existing resources. Technical procedures,resource inventory, diagnostics methodology, establishing priorities in the elaboration of a managementplan.Credits: 3-2-2. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-826 Value and Conservation of the Ground BiodiversityEvaluation of the national biodiversity. The economic value of the biodiversity, use and non-use values. Riskand uncertainty. The value of preserving the biodiversity. Why we should conserve, conservation methods.Problems that confront the conservation of the biological diversity. Extinction and loss of biodiversity.Context of the methods and tools for the management of the biological conservation. Focuses for themanagement of the biodiversity in the complex world; strategic planning bioregional management programsand of ecosystems. Adaptive management. Establishing priorities from methods based on the species,ecosystems and genetic criteria. Integrative focuses. Experience in the determination of priorities basedon the geography. Principles for the determination of the geographic priority. Evaluation of the Biodiversity.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: RNA-718.RNA-828 Methodology of Scientific InvestigationThe Methodology of the Scientific Investigation includes relative aspects of the investigation process, thescientific method and the knowledge, taking in account the different stages of the investigation process.Also, deals with the production of new knowledge from the lifting and data analysis of a theme of interest ofthe investigator. The investigation constitutes in one of the vital foundations of the structure of the curriculumand the study plans of the programs, due that it is who allows the generation or enhancement of newknowledge about the more relevant problematic that present around the objects of study of the professionalknowledge and the occupational what to do.The current professional, demands a consolidated formation in investigation, since the advancement in thedisciplines and the scientific space technology of investigation, requires it; for them is necessary to enablethe it in the management of conceptions, practical and attitudes each time more scientific about their objectof study, like one of the ways to revive the scientific spirit that surround all process of investigation in asuperior level.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-830 Seminar About Investigation TechniquesThe seminar is an active learning group as participants don’t receive information already elaborated asconventionally done, but seeks to investigate by their own way in reciprocal environment collaboration. It’sa form of teaching and of investigation at the same time. It clearly differs from the master class in which theactivity center in teaching-learning. In the seminar the student keeps being a disciple but starts to be thesame professor.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 410

The execution of a seminar exercises the students in the personal and team study, familiarizes them withmeans of investigations and reflection and exercises them in the philosophical method The seminar isfundamentally a practice.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.RNA-910 Project of InvestigationInvestigation project, analysis and proposal for the study and proposal of solution to a problem within thenatural resources considered as priority, because its national interest, in the present study plans. Thethesis theme should be the student’s election and should be proposed no later than the end of the secondsemester of the study program. This will be the academic committee of the program.Credits: 8-0-24. Hours of theory: 0. Hours of practice: 336.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none. SOC-SOCIOLOGYSOC-100 Introduction to SociologyHave all the Basic elements that characterize sociology as a science, a historic summary of their developmentand the techniques of investigation that are their own, as well as the used principle concepts.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.SOC-101 Introduction to Social SciencesOverall vision of the social phenomena and how this is focused by the diverse disciplines that have parceledthe diverse aspects of the social component, like the society, economy, politics, anthropology and socialpsychology.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.SOC-102 General Sociology IAnalysis of the social organization as a process, paying attention to the emergence of the institutions andthe cultural marks that come from them. Also introduce the diverse focuses that these phenomena havetried to explain.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: SOC-101.SOC-103 General Sociology IIIn this second part it pays attention to the change process, the social stratification and the explanatorytheories, as well as the methodology most frequently used in the study of society.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: SOC-102.SOC-211 History of the Political and Social IdeasHas as a fundamental objective to introduce the study of the history of political and social ideas, from theold to the modern times. At the same time, an opportunity will be given to know the essential of the mainthinkers of each period.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: HUM-251. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 411

SOC-241 General and Rural SociologyA general focus, emphasizing in the agrarian reform, in the relative to the land tenure. In the comparativestudy of the different Latin-American agrarian reforms, to finish with study of the Dominican agrarianreform.Credits: 4-3-3. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.SOC-320 Fundaments of AnthropologyGeneral vision of the object of study of this discipline, emphasizing on the development and evolution of theculture and the relations of the anthropology with the other social sciences, mainly with sociology.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.SOC-360 Methodology in the Social SciencesOffers a global focus in the methodology of the social sciences, like the empiricism, The formalism, thestructuralism, the dialect materialism.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: SOC-101.SOC-361 Methods and Techniques of Social InvestigationTries to give to the student the necessary technical equipment to study and analyze the social phenomena.Puts attention to both the quantitative method, and qualitative of analysis. Pus attention to the search,organization and analysis of data.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: SOC-100. TMO – OPHTHALMIC TECHNICIANTMO-001 Introduction to the Ophthalmic AssistanceThis subject covers the general study of the responsibilities of the Ophthalmic technical doctor, introducing itinto the specialized branch of the medicine and familiarizing it with the different aspects of the ophthalmologyincluding their work in the office and of the ethical and professional conduct.Credits: 1-1-0. Hours of theory: 14. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-002 Basic AnatomyThis subject illustrates the relation to the eyes and its neighboring structures like the fundamental organ ofthe vision, giving details of the structure and functioning of the different parts of the visual system.Credits: 4-3-1. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 14.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-003 Technical Evaluation of the PatientCovers the knowledge of an external and internal ophthalmic exam with the appropriate instruments, alsoof a series of measurements and test.Credits: 4-3-6. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 84.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 412

TMO-004 Basic PharmacologyThe students receive basic knowledge of the different medicines and procedures of administration of dropsand unguent to the patients, like first aid procedures to treat adverse reactions, differentiating their conditionof technician.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-010 Ophthalmology IIn this subject the students receive basic knowledge of: Terminology and abnormalities in the ocularannexes, and the pertinent management of the Ophthalmic technical doctor.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: TMO-002.TMO-011 Refraction IThe student will receive the knowledge of different concepts regarding the optical principles, and the ocularrefractive states, like the most elemental trial about: Ametropia and how to recognize and differentiate,understanding that it is one of the most important fields of their development as an Ophthalmic technicaldoctor.Credits: 4-3-2. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: TMO-002.TMO-012 Handling of Ophthalmic EquipmentIncludes the training in the use of available equipment for the student and the performance of basic tests,understanding the purpose and nature of these tests.Credits: 3-2-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: TMO-003.TMO-013 Prevention of Blindness ICourse dedicated to conferences about giving awareness to the students in the national and internationalsituation in relation with their visual health, focusing the principles of blindness prevention, magnitude andcause of blindness, subcategories and classification, like the strategies and participation in the programsof ocular attention.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: TMO-004.TMO-100 Ophthalmology IIIncludes the study of structures of the previous ferminologico segment and diverse disease related withthe different components, taking in account the pertinent management of the Ophthalmic technical doctor.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: TMO-010.TMO-101 Refraction IIThis subject addresses the most important points of the used procedures to discover, measure and correcterrors of refraction. Also, it’s necessary to instruct to perform and register the results of the two importanttests. lensometry and keratometry.Credits: 4-3-2. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: TMO-011. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 413

TMO-102 Prevention of Blindness IICovers the prevention of the different levels of ocular health, oriented to the community from the neonatalterm until the senile term, focusing on the model and participation within the following areas: Recognition ofdiseases of the visual organ. Common causes of blindness and referral.Credits: 2-2-0. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: TMO-013.TMO-103 Basic MicrobiologyDescribes the types of microbes that can cause diseases, the ways of transmission and the infection routes,also the used techniques for their control. In this term the student rotates through our clinical laboratorywhere they can be in touch with the methods of collection of the specimens, staining and microbiologicalidentification.Credits: 2-1-1. Hours of theory: 14. Hours of practice: 14.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-110 Ophthalmology IIICovers the study of structures that make the rear segment of the ocular globe , taking into account thepertinent management of the Ophthalmic technical doctor before the different anomalies.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: TMO-100.TMO-111 Refraction IIIn this term the student will rotate from the optical center, where it has all the facility to put in practice theacquired knowledge. It will be allowed to come in contact with the patient, therefore with their own judgmentthey can perform: Objective and subjective Refraction, in which will determine, the refractive error andthe potential of the same, will prescribe glasses, perform balances binoculars transpositions, giving theadequate refinement to the final recipe of the patient.Credits: 4-3-5. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 75.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: TMO-101.TMO-112 Technique of Surgical InstrumentationThis subject presents information in relation to the preparation of the patient, the material and the surgicalinstrument and practical abilities that make of the Ophthalmic Technical Doctor an important helper before,after and during the surgery. In this period the student rotates through the different surgical rooms.Credits: 4-3-4. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 56.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-113 Basic Knowledge of NursingIntroduces the practice of nursing, offering the principles and the reasoned scientific fundaments to explainthe why and how something occurs and what could be the result.Credits: 3-2-1. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 14.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-200 Introduction to Ophthalmic TechnologyIncludes the general study of its responsibilities as technician including its work in the consulting room, theircontinued education and the guidelines to the ethical and professional conduct.Credits: 1-1-0. Hours of theory: 14. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 414

TMO-201 Techniques and Special Instruments IDescribes the procedures and complementary tests in four categories: 1) Corneal Topography. 2) SpecularMicroscopy 3) type A Ultrasonography (A-Seon). 4) ) type B UltrasonographyCredits: 3-2-2. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-202 Advanced PerimetryIs about the study of the visual field through the computerized perimety, its purpose, steps for the performanceand knowledge of the defects represented in the mapping.Credits: 4-3-4. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 56.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-203 Ophthalmic PhotographyServes principally to document ophthalmic conditions with the purpose of diagnostics and registry. 1)External Photography. 2) Photography with slit lamp. 3) Photography of the background of the eye.Credits: 4-3-2. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-204 Handling of Contact Lenses IThis subject describes how the contact lenses works and the handling of the selected patient for the useof the contact lens. 1) Basic principles. 2) Clinical Management of the eye. 3) Types and material of thelenses.Credits: 4-3-2. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-210 Advanced MotilityObserve and evaluate three principal properties of the visual system. Ocular movement (motility), ocularalignment and fusion capacity.Credits: 4-3-2. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-211 Advanced Color VisionMore precise knowledge in the determination of the visual deficiencies for the colors. Pseudo icromtaticColor sheet. Matrix tests-14Credits: 3-2-2. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: none.TMO-212 Handling of Contact Lenses IIIncludes the application of knowledge, and the importance of education in the patient therefore the use canbe a success. The caring of the contact lenses, their insertion and review, their design, complications andcontraindications.Credits: 4-3-2. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: TMO-204.TMO-213 Techniques and Special Instruments IIThe student is exposed to the study and realization of the angiograph test in fluoronsein and revealed, likethe knowledge and handling of the different types of lasers.Credits: 4-2-2. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: TMO-201. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 415

VET - VETERINARYVET-221 Anatomy IThis course offers the fundamental knowledge of the bone, joint and muscles systemsof the animal organism, taking as base the domestic ruminants.Credits: 4-3-3. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: BIO-102.VET-322 Anatomy IIKeeps studying the animal organism, always emphasizing in the ruminants. This course covers all systems;digestive, uro-genital, heart and organs of the senses.Credits: 4-3-3. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: BIO-102.VET-323 Topographic AnatomyFrom a set of notion of the anatomical regions, divided in a way of topographic grids in anatomic layout, likethe relations they have between them in the different studied structures in descriptive anatomy.Credits: 3-2-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: VET-221, VET-322.VET-325 SurgeryStudies the different methods of anesthesia and the containment of the diverse animal species, like thediverse surgical operations in general, types of sutures, cauterization, etc. with the care and post operativetreatments.Credits: 4-3-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: VET-323.VET-341 Parasite diseasesOffers knowledge on the diseases produced by parasites that attack the domestic animals. Each of thevarious diseases is treated widely from the point of view of their causes, symptoms, leisure, diagnostics,forecast treatment and prophylaxis.Credits: 3-2-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: BIO-221.VET-350 Animal Physiology ICovers the knowledge of the normal functions of the different organs and devices of the domestic animals.Credits: 4-3-3. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: QUI-265.VET-351 Animal Physiology IICovers the knowledge of the normal functions of the different organs and devices of the domestic animals.Credits: 4-3-3. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: VET-350.VET-352 Animal Physiology(Animal Reproduction)Reproductive behavior of the principal domestic species, both male and female, starting with an anatomicdescription of the reproductive organs, reproductive endocrinology and the organ-hormone interaction andenvironment in the sexual physiology, gestation, labor and lactation.Credits: 4-3-3. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: QUI-265.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 416

VET-412 Infectious Diseases ITreats the diseases of the more important infectious character that affect the domestic animals, especiallythe ones present in our country. In the study of it we emphasize in the causes, geographic distribution,susceptible animals, modes of transmission, symptoms, injuries, diagnostics, forecast, treatments, andprophylaxis.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: BIO-335.VET-420 Surgical PathologyThe surgical pathology pretends to train the veterinarian student in the solutions of the pathogenic problemsthat require surgical interventions, for this many practices are performed both in mayor species and minorspecies.Credits: 3-2-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: VET-325.VET-432 General PathologyRepairs the analysis of the different pathological functions of the organism and its connections betweenthem, for the study of the pathological clinic.Credits: 3-2-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: BIO-271.VET-433 Special PathologyOffers the knowledge that for a diagnostic of many diseases is precise to know. Emphasizes in themacroscopic and microscopic lesions of the tissues in the different diseases.Credits: 3-2-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: VET-432.VET-460 Semiology IDevelops the basic principles for clinical diagnostics emphasizing in the data collection through a completephysical exam in a systematic way and the interpretation of diagnostics tests.Credits: 3-2-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: VET-351.VET-461 Birds DiseasesStudies all that is relative to diseases that affect the birds that are object to economic exploitation by men.In it emphasizes in the origin of deficiency, viral, bacterial, fungal and parasite diseases with descriptionof the causal agents, symptoms, injuries, diagnostics and prevention of them.Credits: 3-2-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: PRA-564.VET-462 Semiology IIDevelops the basic principles for clinical diagnostics emphasizing in the data recollection through a completephysical exam in a systematic way and the interpretation of diagnostics tests.Credits: 3-2-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: VET-460.VET-463 Medical Pathology IIs related with the study of the causes, symptoms, injuries, diagnostics, forecast and treatment of theinternal diseases of the different species of animals.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: VET-460. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 417

VET-513 Infectious Diseases IITreats the diseases of the more important infectious character that affect the domestic animals, especially theones present in our country. In the study we emphasize in the causes, geographic distribution, susceptibleanimals, modes of transmission, symptoms, injuries, diagnostics, forecast, treatments, and prophylaxis.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 28.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: BIO-335.VET-564 Medical Pathology IIRelated with the study of the causes, symptoms, injuries, diagnostics, forecast and treatment of the internaldiseases of the different species of animals.Credits: 3-3-0. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 0.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: VET-462.VET-565 Gynecology and ObstetricsStudies the specialized of the female: their corrections and treatments. Covers the andrology or specialdiseases of the male. Also, will treat the gynecology as a labor art, in which they will try to see the mostcommon dystocia and the correction of these: Also, modern labor induction techniques and specializedsurgery of the reproductive organ.Credits: 4-3-3. Hours of theory: 42. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: VET-352.VET-567 Veterinary clinic IEssential subject of practical character in which the acquired knowledge will be applied during studies, thestudents being in contact with the real patients observing the terrain of the diverse diseases and conditionsin the mayor and minor domestic animals.Credits: 4-0-12. Hours of theory: 0. Hours of practice: 168.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: FAR-362, VET-325, VET-341, VET-412, VET-433, VET-462, VET-513.VET-570 Veterinary Public HealthThis course has as objective to give the knowledge, methodology and necessary resource to prevent,attenuate, control or eradicate the diseases qualified as zoonoses, its complications and consequences,contributing to promote the health of the community.Credits: 3-2-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: VET-341, VET-412, VET-513.VET-571 Food hygieneThis course capacitates in the systems and prevailing procedures in the production and procedure of theproducts of animal origin that guarantee not only their hygiene conditions, but also their nutritional qualities.Credits: 3-2-3. Hours of theory: 28. Hours of practice: 42.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: BIO-355.VET-572 Veterinary clinic IIContinuation of the Veterinary Clinic I subject essentially of practical character in which the acquiredknowledge applies during the studies, the student being in contact with the real patients observing in theterrain the diverse diseases and conditions in the mayor and minor domestic animals.Credits: 6-0-18. Hours of theory: 0. Hours of practice: 252.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: FAR-362, VET-325, VET-341, VET-412, VET-433, VET-462, VET-513.VET-900 Grade WorkPerformance and an investigation work supervised in any of the areas and veterinary species, which willallow evaluating the knowledge and capacities acquired by the student throughout the career.Credits: 6-0-12. Hours of theory: 0. Hours of practice: 168.Term: 15 weeks. Prerequisites: All subjects.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña418

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