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Home Explore 2016 Manna

2016 Manna

Published by ejogheneta, 2016-04-30 20:56:26

Description: 2016 Manna


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SUNDAY, 3RD APRIL, 2016For Reading AWESOME GOD& Meditation:Gen. 28:20-22; Ps. 24 “And this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth'” Gen. 28:22Jacob's response to his experience of the God of Bethel went beyond words into action. He raised an altar as evidence of a covenant relationship between the God of Bethel and himself.Whenever a man encounters God, the story must change. Such anexperience cannot be forgotten in hurry. Jacob's encounter gavehim an assurance that his journey will be successful and he knewthat God would grant his heart desire hence he made a pledge to theGod of Bethel.God is prepared for the miraculous in our lives. No one who looks upto Him will be put to shame. In this divine arrangements Jacob took astep of faith and he raised an altar that would continually speak forhim while the journey last. The issue of raising an altar that speaksfor us cannot be neglected. Today is a day for you to raise an altar byplacing a seed at the altar. As you raise your altar, place your prayerrequest alongside with it and you would experience God as neverbefore.Jacob raised a stone and set it up as a pillar. That stone is a rock andthat rock is Jesus Christ, whoever that called upon him shall besaved. Remember, the stone that the builders rejected later becamethe cornerstone. If Jacob was saved in the Old Testament, then yoursalvation cannot be compromised. Arise, prepare your seed andyour request and lay it at the altar by faith, you will have a testimony.For it is your turn to declare His praises.PRAYER POINTS* Jacob raises a stone which represent you my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. As I lift you up through my seed, may you draw my miracles to me and may you save us all.* My Father My Father, by faith I lay my seed and prayer request at your altar, answer me speedily O Lord.* As Jacob made a promise of given his one tenth, let me see your goodness that I may do more than Jacob. 94

MONDAY, 4TH APRIL, 2016For Reading UNFOLDING HIS AGENDA: A RELATIONSHIP& Meditation:Luke 15:11-22 “... I am the Lord, the God of your grandfather Abraham and the God of your father, Isaac.” Gen. 28:13aWhen the Almighty God encountered Jacob, it was not enough for him to continue under the grace of his grandfather or his immediate father. Certainly suchgrace would be exhausted. He needed to lay his own personalfoundation that would keep grace running in his life. God'scovenant promise to Abraham and Isaac was offered to Jacob aswell. But it was not enough to be Abraham's grandson; it was anecessity for Jacob to establish his own personal relationship withGod in order to keep the promise. God deals with individuals, Hedoes not have grandchildren. It is not enough to have Christianparents who may be standing the gap, better still a pastor or 'manof God' who is interceding for you. Your relationship with God is anecessity to keep these advantages working in our lives. TheProdigal Son relied on the grace of his father, because he lacked apersonal relationship, the inherited grace got exhausted.Whenever the Almighty God, the God of Bethel locates a man, thisis usually where He starts because He is not prepared to waste Hisgrace on any man. Men may choose to waste the grace theyinherited but the God of Bethel will never increase it (Rom. 6:1).Your future and the future of all that God has bestowed on you canonly be safeguarded if only you will resolve this matter ofrelationship so that you will have a smooth sail in your life'sjourney. Jacob settled his own hence we are talking about him.You too must settle it today - RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD throughJesus Christ.PRAYER POINTS* Raise a passionate cry to the Lord for an encounter that would keep this grace running in your personal life.* Perhaps you have behaved like the prodigal Son; therefore what would have set your feet on the pedestal of success had been wasted.* Pray that the mercy of God would restore you today. 95

For Reading TUESDAY, 5TH APRIL 2016& Meditation: HIS AGENDA: BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACEDeut. 4:1-10 “... The ground you are lying on belongs to you. I am giving it to you and your descendants…”.” Gen. 28:13bIf you are fortunate to be counted worthy to be a part of any divine project or agenda, make sure you do not alter what God may have put in place. Altering God's agenda because ofpersonal ambition or desire is a common sight in our generation.Leaders are faced with this hell-bound temptation. God has raisedmany to some specific positions but because the powers that maybe never like their faces denied these persons who have beenraised by God, thus altering God's agenda. This is one reasonthat will keep many from heaven.It is obvious to us that Jacob was leaving the land never to returnconsidering the generational enmity that has ensued between himand his brother Esau. His plan was that if the place he was goingis favourable as far as his wisdom could carry him, he would settledown there to live his life. The few years he lived with Labansupports this view. But unknown to him, he was already planningagainst God's agenda which is tantamount to alteration. The Godof Bethel had to interrupt him and clearly declare to him that theland on which he was lying belongs to him. To go elsewhere is tobe in a wrong place and he would perpetually miss his allocation.This is the bane in the life of many Christians who are in the wrongplace, therefore far away from the dews of heaven hence theirstory is pathetic and it is obvious that their head lacks oil ofsalvation, oil of gladness, oil of prosperity, etc.PRAYER POINTS* Too many people are suffering because household enemies have altered God's agenda for their lives. Let us raise a battle cry for deliverance.* .Father every of my divine allocation that I have wondered away from, O Lord, restore me and let it manifest in my today. 96

WEDNESDAY, 6TH APRIL, 2016For Reading HIS AGENDA: BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACE& Meditation: “He was headed for the land of Canaan, but heGenesis 11:27-32 stopped at Haran and settled there.” Gen 11:31bOur God remains a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for anything else. For those who are obedient to Him, He would lavish His unfailing love on them. TheAlmighty God, the God of Bethel is ever faithful to His WORDeven when we are unfaithful. When He begins a project He neverabandons it. God will not give up on His counsel but He can giveup on the man He plans to use if such a person disobeys.From our text we saw that it was Terah the father of Abraham thatstarted the journey to Canaan, but on getting to Haran, hestopped and settled there. We may not be precise on the reasonwhy he altered his plan but obviously, he settled out of his divinedestination. We are told that he lived and died there. What atragedy! To have ended his journey half way thereby died in awrong place. It seems to be hereditary as we shall come to see.If we fail to be in the right place, we stand to lose our divineallocation. From the onset, God began to deal with this problemin the life of Jacob so that His purpose will not be truncated.At the beginning of Chapter 12, we see an element of reluctanceon the part of Abraham. Thank God Abraham eventually left tothe right place. His divine agenda requires that you and all thatconcerns you should be in right place.This is the stress many are going through without knowing. AsGod spoke to Jacob in a dream, so He is ready to speak to you asyou faithfully seek Him and His mercy and grace would relocateyou to your right place.PRAYER POINTS: Let us raise a battle cry to the Lord, whatever will make us to end our journey half way. Pray for God's deliverance.* It is a declaration that I will not died in the wrong place, all that concerns me will not be in the wrong place. 97

For Reading THURSDAY, 7TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: HIS AGENDA: BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACEGenesis 26:1-12 “The Lord appeared to Isaac and said; Do not go down to Egypt, but do as I tell you.” Gen. 26:3We cannot deny the fact that there are forces that can push us from our right place but if Christ Jesus is in our lives and we allow him to lead us, we are able to resist those forces. TheBible speaks of God ordering the footsteps of a righteous man. InPsalm, 121, He says, He will not allow your foot to be moved… (v3). Ifwe allow God to take full control of our lives, no power is capable ofmoving us from our right place.The forces of famine were set to move Isaac from the land of hisinheritance. He was almost going to succumb when the God of Bethelappeared to him and said do not go down to Egypt. It was the samething his father suffered that brought a further delay to fulfilling God'sagenda in his life. Abraham went to Egypt as a result of famine. It wasthere he lied followed by the adultery he committed. The consequenceof this setback the world is suffering today. It is imperative at thisjuncture to ask ourselves, what may have forced you out of your rightfulplace?God specifically told Isaac, “do as I tell you”, Isaac obeyed withoutargument and he remained there. Because of this singular obediencewe are told that while famine was doing its havoc in the lives of people,God blessed Isaac. In that same year that he planted his crops, heharvested a hundred times more than he planted. Heavenly dews willnot look for you but they will fall on the place you ought to be. That wasthe story of Isaac. If you are outside where you ought to be, let it beknown to you that your heavenly dews are falling there. Go back thereand enjoy what is yours.PRAYER POINTS:* O Lord my God every satanic power, household enemy poised to push me out of my rightful place, let your thunder locate them in Jesus name.* Father you intervened in the case of Isaac and he was obedient to you. Intervene today in the lives of those whose foot is about to slip.* My Father, my Father, in the midst of drought and harsh weather, your heavenly dews fell on Isaac and his work, may our testimony be better. 98

FRIDAY, 8TH APRIL, 2016For Reading HIS AGENDA: BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY& Meditation: “Your descendants will be as numerous as theDeut. 7:12-14 dust of the earth…” Gen. 28:14aGod's agenda for our lives is in sequence graduating from one level to another. The God of Bethel does not break protocol in it and nobody is allowed to jump the guns, theprocess must take its course. The first thing as we havementioned is to establish a relationship. The God of Bethel is fullyready for all who seek relationship with Him. The next is for you tobe where He has positioned you and the dews of heaven will fallon you so that you may be able to fulfill the purpose for your life. Torealize your full humanity is to be where God has placed you.Having secured the above, the first result is that you willexperience increase in your life. The power of multiplicationscomes on you, hence you become fruitful and you multiply so thatyou can fill the earth and govern it (Gen. 1:28). God told Jacob,your descendants will be numerous as the dust of the earth.God of Bethel is the God of abundance; He does big things andgreater things. If we are His children, we must be like Him in theway we talk, in the way we act and do things. If your mindsetstruggles to achieve or accept big things, then you must settle it inprayers today.From the time Jacob encountered the God of Bethel, the agendafor his life was set before him so as to guide him in everything.This is what Jesus does to anyone who has a relationship withHim. Those who know the divine agenda for their life would striveto fulfill the purpose for their lives.PRAYER POINTS:* Let us thank God for the grace of increase and multiplication in our lives and in everything we do. Thank God that limitation is not your portion.* Raise a battle cry against the forces that are opposed to your fruitfulness and multiplication. Let God arise and scatter them by fire and thunder. 99

For Reading SATURDAY, 9TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: HIS AGENDA: EXPANSION UNLIMITEDMatthew 2:1-12 “…They will spread out in all directions to the West and the East, to the North and South.” Gen. 28:14bIf we carefully examine the call of God upon any man it is always a universal call. God's purpose is that the call would affect everyone for good. Anyone call of God must possess thisorientation in order to deliver on the mandate. Begin to see yourcall from the universal perspective, enlarge your vision while youenvision the global world. The call of God upon Abraham had auniversal implication. Permit me to leave the rest as I take youstraight to what our Lord said to the disciples and to us all. “Andyou will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere- inJerusalem, throughout Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of theearth.” (Acts 1:8b) The universal implication is there for all to see.God spoke clearly to Jacob His agenda of expansion unlimited forhis life. Jacob and his descendants will spread in all directionsand God would plant them everywhere, from West to East andfrom North to South. It is the same agenda that God has for us all ifonly we can come out of our naïve way of doing things and begin tolive by faith and that all these are possible if the God of Bethelbecomes our God in all we say or do. The passage for ourmeditation clearly shows the universal nature of the Saviour of theworld hence gifts were pouring in.Today the descendants of Jacob dots everywhere whereverhuman beings are found. Hitler the strong man of Germany madeevery effort to destroy the Jews but the word of God stands. Israelsince 1947 had been waxing stronger on the land given to theirpatriarchs. We need this same favour in our lives.PRAYER POINTS* Lord Jesus here I am, deliver me from every naïve way of thinking; help me to envision a global harvest of my generation.* My Father and my God, arise and scatter the forces opposed to my expansion, let your grace change me completely. 100

SUNDAY, 10TH APRIL, 2016For Reading HIS AGENDA: YOUR CHILDREN AGENT OF BLESSING& Meditation: …”And all the families of the earth will beDeut. 6:4-9 blessed through you and your descendants.” Gen. 28:14cIt is interesting to note that God was re-enacting the covenant relation He had with Jacob's grandfather, Abraham. The first challenge facing us especially parents is that how we live ourlives is of utmost importance; it will determine the speed of graceupon the lives of our children. If they establish a relationship withthe God of Bethel, our children would ever praise God for thequality of life that we lived and how we pointed them to God. Asparents how are we living our lives? Remember it will surely affectyour children.God's agenda for Jacob as it affects us is that the families of theearth would find their blessing in our descendants. Beloved, weneed to share this with our children in order to give them focus inlife. At one time or the other, Jacob must have shared this profoundstatement with his descendants. Without any fear of contradictionsuch a promise would inspire our children to be more diligent andcommitted to their endeavours. This is a great future that liesahead of our children, with our passionate prayers for them.How awesome is the God of Bethel whose agenda for our livesgoes beyond us to our children. The onus lies on us to bring themup in the fear of the Lord in an adulterous generation of ours. Manyof us seem to be careless about what our children are doing. If weunderstand the agenda before us, we will rise up and correct thetrend.PRAYER POINTS:* O God of Bethel, the awesome God, thank you for your love for our children. May our children be a source of blessing to every family on earth.* In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I receive fire to consume the powers destroying our children and their future.* Dear Holy Spirit every spell on our children, bewitchment as to temper with their future, enchantment to exchange their destiny, may your fire consume them. 101

For Reading MONDAY, 11TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: HIS AGENDA: PROMISE OF SECURITYIsaiah 43:1-7;Psalm 23 “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go…” Gen. 28:15aSecurity had turned an essential commodity in the world today; Nigeria inclusive. One of the reasons that accounted for the fall of President Goodluck Jonathan administrationis security. The threat of Boko Haram insurgency to thesovereignty of Nigeria is an issue that had gulped a lot of moneysufficient enough to build our ailing infrastructures. Besides whathappens at the national level is the security of individuals that isbeing threatened by the activities of robbers, kidnappers andother incessant attacks that we all are exposed to.The God of Bethel who knows the end from the beginning knowsthat man would eventually plunge himself to the various securitychallenges. All these are not peculiar to Nigeria. The activities ofterrorists groups with their various names poses a greater securityrisk in different part of the world. In America, a young boy couldwalk into a church where services was going on and decided toshoot nine persons who were bubbling with life thus ending theirlives abruptly.His divine agenda for our lives guarantees our security. No matterthe risk we may be exposed to, He says I will protect you whereveryou go. We have nothing else other than to pray that we may bebeneficiary of His protection. Many are tempted to seek refugeelsewhere. Let it be known to you God is our refuge and strength,an ever present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, thoughthe earth gives way.PRAYER POINTS* Let us pray that the God of Bethel will bring to an end all the troublers of the world and every terrorist organization in the world.* O God of Bethel you promise to protect me wherever I go, I plead with you, may you order my steps so as to remain under your protection. 102

For Reading TUESDAY, 12TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: HIS AGENDA: RESTORATIONJoel 2:25-27 …”And I will bring you back to this land…” Gen. 28:14cJacob was actually running for his dear life because his elder brother Esau was after him. Jacob may have decided not to return in the near future, hence the encounter with the God ofBethel. Circumstances surrounding some people have led themto running away from their heritage. Perhaps circumstancessurrounding you at this moment are giving you some concern andyou are contemplating otherwise. In this hour of mercy, the Godof Bethel is speaking to you as he spoke to Jacob. What is it that isabout pushing you here and there?The God of Bethel is the God of restoration. Even if you havebeen a victim, God is more than enough to bring back your glory.The God of Bethel assured Jacob of bringing him back to the landof promise. Even if enemies are pursuing him out, the promise isfor him and nobody will take away what the Lord has given to him.The same promise is being renewed in our lives. No matter wherethe enemies have plunge you, your family, your job or yourbusiness, restoration is coming your way as you willinglysurrender to the God of Bethel who says to you, I will bring youback. It was the same promise of restoration in the day of Joel andit came to pass.It does not matter the forces that may be at work. The Bible says;when the ways of a man are pleasing to God, his enemies wouldbe at peace with him. At the time Jacob was being restored, hisbrother Esau who was after his life was at peace with him. So shallthe God of Bethel silence those who are after your life.PRAYER POINTS:* Dear Lord Jesus Christ as many that you have called to the ministry but have abandoned the work, we plead for their restoration.* Good Lord too many people have been pushed from their God- given position in life, we cry for mercy and their restoration. 103

WEDNESDAY, 13TH APRIL, 2016For Reading HIS AGENDA: FULFILLING HIS PROMISE& Meditation: “…I will not leave you until I have done what IPsalm 42 have promised you”…” Gen. 28:15cThe God of Bethel is irrevocably committed to fulfilling His promise to all who have established a relationship with Him. We may wish to reflect over the divine agenda unfolded to Jacob; the first thingyou observe is that it is all embracing. The God of Bethel always adoptsa holistic approach towards His own. Because, He is perfect, He neverforgets anything that concerns you. Our Lord says; “And even the veryhairs of your head are all numbered” (Matt. 10:30). If there is any area ofour lives that looked abandoned, it may be that we are yet to surrender.His divine agenda says, “I will not leave you.” This is one promise thatguarantees the security we need in a porous society of ours. Thepromise goes beyond security, it portray the God of Bethel as the helperyou have been longing for. Therefore, do not despair but put your hopein God. The Psalmist says to his soul; “Why are you downcast, O mysoul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I willyet praise my Saviour and my God” (Ps. 42:11). If it appears you arealone, be encouraged by His word.The God of Bethel says; “until I have done what I have promised you”.This is a statement of hope to all who put their trust in Him. “And weknow that in all things God works for the good of those who lovehim, who have been called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28).God never gave you time, you are the one who gave God time, if thattime has failed, then start waiting for His timing because one thing issure, “For the revelation (promises) always awaits an appointedtime; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger,wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” (Habb. 2:3).PRAYER POINTS* Grant O Lord to your people the grace to be patient in the face of so many pressures of life weighing so much on our faith in Jesus name.* Let us pray for Christians who lack the Spirit of waiting upon the Lord, therefore they run from one prayer house to another, that the Lord will encounter them.* Tell the Lord concerning any issue in your life that you think has suffered delay and a setback. 104

For Reading THURSDAY, 14TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: HIS PRESENCE WITH YOUMarks 5:35-43 “The Lord replied, my presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14.When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he realized that the place he slept was awesome and he concluded, “This is none other than the house of God, this is the gate of heaven.” In hisworship of God, he requested the Lord God of Bethel to lead him, availhim of His presence. Indeed after the encounter, he continued on hisjourney to the land of the eastern peoples.As we read the story of his arrival in the subsequent chapters, we sawthe favour of the God of Bethel upon him as He was shepherding himto the right place and the right people. This is our desire for everyone inthis ember months. It is no news that as people entered the New Year,past events always create some fear in them. For you, you need notfear, if God has kept you these four months. He is all sufficient allthrough the year. Whatever may be your feelings, the good news isthat with the God of Bethel, we are over comers and more thanconquerors. Jesus' presence in the house of Jairus changed his story.When Jacob arrived, the first set of person that he met was of thefamily of Laban his uncle. God delivered him from bandits, 419,kidnappers and other agents of the devil. I declare God shall deliverus throughout this year, the God of bethel will deliver his own from allevils that characterized the land. On our part we must cherish ourrelationship with our God through our Lord Jesus Christ so that Hisdivine agenda will remain our portion. When Laban saw Jacob,having embraced and kissed him, brought him to his home by offeringhim hospitality and comfort, he declared to him, “You are my own fleshand blood.” I declare over your life, your helpers for this season will notbe lacking and you will find rest as a result of his presence with you.PRAYER POINTS:* Heavenly Father, as your children travels, for their sake detail your guardian angels on the high ways in Jesus name.* As many evil people, evil agenda slated for this season, let us plead the blood of Jesus that their plans will backfire.* O God of Bethel, we pray thee to grant us your divine favour that takes man to a higher dimension in life. 105

For Reading FRIDAY, 15TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: HIS PRESENCE WITH YOUGenesis 29:15-20 “Laban said to him, just because you are a relative of mine, should you work for me for nothing?” Gen. 29:5We ended yesterday with a declaration that your helpers for this season will not be lacking. May the God of Bethel cause them to locate you, work for your good, championyour course, put smile on your face, take you from joblessness tothe realm of employment, recommend you for promotion, take yourwelfare to His heart and bless you beyond measure. May yourconcern be their concern and pursue your well-being vigorously.Uncle Laban became a helper to Jacob an instrument to empowerhim as to realize his life objectives. Laban wished that Jacob shouldbe empowered in order that he may be independent and be able tohelp others. If only many of us will learn from Laban who desire theprosperity of others. Laban realized that a worker deserves hiswages and that you do not muzzle an Ox when it is treading theground. Jacob is working; he needed to be paid so that he could beblessed.What is your attitude towards that person working with you? Whatcould be your reason why you may have denied him his privilegespartially or out rightly? If people work for you in obedience to God'sword that we must work and you disregard their salaries andwages. You fail to pay them as at when due, the God of Bethel is acompassionate God, therefore be compassionate like Him so as tofurther open the door of blessings to you this year. Do not withholdwhat belongs to others so that your own can be released as at whendue.PRAYER POINTS:* Let us pray that God will come to the aid of our government and private sectors to pay salaries and wages as at when due in Jesus name.* Many of our pensioners are yet to receive their gratuity and some other entitlements. Pray that this yoke be broken.* Too many of our children are jobless, some who were working have been sacked, pray for God's intervention. 106

SATURDAY, 16TH APRIL, 2016For Reading TIME TO RETURN& Meditation: “I am the God of Bethel where you anointed a pillar: Gen. 31: 10-16; and where you made a vow to me. Now leave this landMatt. 2:19-23. at once and go back to your native land.” Gen. 31:13The Scripture reported that the man Jacob “grew exceedingly prosperous and came to own large flocks, and maidservants and men servants, and camels and donkeys” (Gen. 30:43).This is what the God of Bethel is prepared to do in our lives especiallythis year. Even when there seems to be some lull in business, somewould keep smiling to the Bank. This is our prayer for all those whohave made the God of Bethel their God.The wealth that Jacob had acquired became a reason for Laban to beenvious of him. The children were not left out of it. They claim thatJacob had taken everything their father owned. These are the realityof our age. Laban and his children would have preferred seeingJacob begging or at most look up to them before he can achieveanything. They seem to forget that while Jacob had relationship withthe God of Bethel, they had a relationship with idols. Our prayer isthat at no time will our head lack oil. The oil of prosperity, the oil ofbreakthrough, the oil that places you above your contemporaries (Ps.45:7).The negative attitude of this people paved the way for Jacob to returnto where he rightfully belong. Admittedly, some of the things you maybe a experiencing now may be negative but like Jacob they may bereminder to you of what you needed to do. It was this point Godthrough an angel spoke to Jacob; I am the God of Bethel, do not forgetour covenant. I implore you to go unto prayers and the Lord wouldcertainly speak to you and give you the direction to go.PRAYER POINTS:* The Psalmist says; nations conspire, the people plot in vain against the anointed one. Pray that the one enthroned would arise and scatter their plans.* My Father, my father, as many that are plotting the downfall of your children, arise O Lord and put them in disarray as the angel of the Lord pursue them.* In the midst of envy and jealousy, Jacob was prospering. Pray that your story would be better. 107

SUNDAY, 17TH APRIL, 2016For Reading DIVINE WARNING& Meditation:Gen. 31:22-32; “Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad” (Gen. 31:24b).Eph. 2:9 -10In obedience to the Lord, Jacob with his family started their journey back to the land of promise. When Laban learnt that Jacob left without telling him, he took his relations with him andbegan to pursue Jacob. After seven days, he caught up with himin the hill country of Gilead. While pursuing him, Laban nursedsome evil plan against Jacob, but God from whom no secrets arehidden and all desire known had to confront Laban in his dreamand issued him a divine warning.God said to him, “be careful not to say anything to Jacob eithergood or bad.” Making the God of Bethel your God is the best thingthat could happen in your life. He takes over your battles andfight for you. Enemies are called to order while your peace iskept intact. God cannot lie; His word must come to pass. Hepromised to be with Jacob and to bring Jacob to the land He hasgiven to his fathers. Perhaps enemies have been pursuing youand you believe they will overcome you. While we may not knowwhy they are after your life, if you surrender to the God of Bethelthrough our Lord Jesus Christ, He will fight for you and take you tothe pinnacle of success. By the time Laban saw Jacob, all his evilintensions, none he could execute. As many that make the Lordtheir refuge would always find Him to be a present help at all time.PRAYER POINTS:* Lord Jesus Christ, I do not know enemies who are after me, I plead your blood of Jesus you may encounter them.* Lord you who appeared to Laban and gave warnings against saying anything good or bad to Jacob, avail your children similar grace.* Father as you made it possible that Laban could not attack Jacob but became friendly, do the same in our lives. 108

MONDAY, 18TH APRIL, 2016For Reading DIVINE CHANGE& Meditation:Genesis 32:22-30; “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and withRomans 12:1-4 men and have overcome.” (Gen. 32:28)The anxiety of how Jacob would meet with his brother Esau was already eating him up. In other to survive his perceived attack by his brother, that night he had to send his family ahead of himand decided to be alone. This may not be unconnected with hisexperience at Bethel where God became real to him. For Jacob, itwas an opportunity to meditate and it paid off. This is one gift that wecan make use of and our story will change for better. Life nowadays isloaded with so many task hardly do we have time to rest. But weshould remember that we cannot finish the work. Do your best andleave the rest. Always create some time for personal reflection.That same night Jacob wrestled with a man till day break. One majorreason for this encounter is the change that must take place in the lifeof Jacob before stepping back to the land of promise. Jacob needed achange before he could fit in into God's agenda. He left as asupplanter, a chit, a liar, quiet but dangerous. God had to encounterhim again for a change.Beloved, God is preparing you through this meditation for the veryplace and position He had prepared for you. Until you experience thenecessary change, you cannot operate on the same wave-length likethe one who made you. This change is a total transformation thatleads to the renewal of your mind so that the heart of God can beconnected with your heart. What is your name? In other words, whatis your identify? Because Jacob was ready that same nighteverything about him changed. We too can experience this change ifwe are willing.PRAYER POINTS:* The God of Bethel has not given us the spirit of timidity but of power and sound mind. Pray that you may be filled with this power.* Just as that night became a night of change for Jacob, pray that God will bring about the needed change in your life.* Tell the Lord to deal with every adamic nature that still dwells in you. 109

For Reading TUESDAY, 19TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: BE DETERMINEDI Chronicle 4:9-10;Acts 12:1-18 “…Because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome.” Gen. 32:28bDetermination brought about the change that the soul of Jacob had always yearned for., Determination is very important in our daily walk with God. Our determination should be rootedin faith - faith in the God of Bethel that is able to do all things. ForJacob it was another divine encounter with God and his soul wasthirsty for a change, thus the Bible described the encounter aswrestling with God. He held on to God for a change that leads totransformation and bring about a transition to a higher dimension inlife. I perceived in my spirit that this is what God is about to do in yourlife in this season of unusual miracles and testimonies.Jacob fought with God and with men and he won. It means you toocan win if you are determined. What does it mean to fight with God?It was not a fight occasioned by quarrel or that God became anenemy. This fight with God simply means that God's will must bedone in my life. His purpose for my life must come to pass come whatmay.The life of many Christians today is characterized with what the devilis doing with them. That night Jacob declared that, the devils workmust be terminated in his life so that the peace of God which passesall understanding could envelop his life. That same night, Jacobdeclared that man's activities arising from adamic nature in him mustcome to an end. This is the struggle that we should engageourselves so that we can truly be the overcomers and more thanconquerors of our generation.PRAYER POINTS* Pray that in this your holy fight, God's purpose for your life for destiny fulfillment shall come to pass.* By fire by thunder pray that every adamic nature working against God's purpose in your life be consumed by the fire of the Holy Spirit.* Pray for a change that puts you on the path of Spiritual progress, financial freedom, healthy living and victory on daily basis. 110

For Reading WEDNESDAY, 20TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: El-BETHELGenesis 35:1-14 “Then God said to Jacob, go up to Bethel and settle there, and build an altar there to God…” Gen. 35:1Christianity always have a beginning in a man's life. Thus every Christian must be able to give a vivid story of how it all began. This beginning was the encounter with the Lordwhereby the power of transformation became real in our lives. Ifthis issue is not clear yet, certainly Christianity is yet to take off.This beginning is always a place to fall back to in order to receivefresh anointing from the Holy Spirit. It was at this beginning that aclean break from sin takes place. Thus if the devil wants to lure youback to sin, the events of the beginning reminds you of the finishedwork on the Cross of Calvary.God said to Jacob, “Go up to Bethel where it all happened andsettle there, and there build (raised) an altar there to God”(emphasis mine). That was the meeting point where therelationship started. At Bethel will the purpose of your life befulfilled. At Bethel many more would join you to worship me; only atBethel would your sacrifice be accepted. It is only at Bethel you willworship me in truth and in Spirit. At Bethel you would discover yourGod-given talent then you will be able to impact on your generation.The life you are meant to live is that of Bethel, a transformed life.Bethel experience is a necessity for all those panting after God anduntil you have it, it may be a waste of time. This whole effort is tohelp you to have your own personal experience, and your life willnever remain the same God is saying back to Bethel.PRAYER POINTS* Back to Bethel was a clarion call to Jacob, Father the same way you are calling, give us grace to hid your call in Jesus name.* Lord Jesus Christ we plead with you to remove from us every disobedient spirit to your call.* Almighty Father as we return to our Bethel may the fire of revival burst forth in our hearts. 111

For Reading THURSDAY, 21ST APRIL, 2016& Meditation: GET RID OF THOSE godsHosea 4:12-19 “Get rid of the foreign gods you have with you and purify yourselves and change your clothes…Let us go up to Bethel.” Gen. 35:2-3The call to return to your Bethel would always spark the fire of revival in the heart. This is why Bethel experience cannot be waved aside. It is this experience that helps to sustain us in ourdaily walk with God. Bethel experience at anytime is an opportunityfor more of Jesus in our lives because it is the secret of personaldiscovery, it gives meaning to our faith and by it our faith is exposed togreater exploits.Jacob all along has been living with a household that was deepnecked in the worship of foreign gods. Before the call to return toBethel, he was very much comfortable with what his householdmembers were doing. This is the tragedy that has befallen a goodnumber of Christian families. In some cases the father of the homehas his own brand of foreign gods represented by the ungodly thingsthat the father cherishes. The mother of the home also has her ownparading her foreign gods by the things she likes to do. The childrenare not left out who are the photocopies of the ungodly society in theirvarious homes.When God called Jacob to go up to Bethel, it was only then that heremembered that the foreign gods cannot accompany them toBethel. Not only to get rid of the gods, it was also demanded of themto purify themselves and the clothes that were not fit for Bethel. God iscalling on you today to get rid of any foreign god, ungodly behaviour,immorality and all kinds of evil that may abound in your homebecause the God of Bethel is willing to make your household Hishome in order to radiate His glory through your home.PRAYER POINTS* Let us pray for Christian homes that the fire of revival would sweep across turning them to the homes of righteousness and holiness.* Every idol or anything idolatry in your home, uproot and destroy it by fire in Jesus name.* Children begin to pray for parents who are unbelievers in their homes, asking God to encounter them for repentance. 112

For Reading FRIDAY, 22ND APRIL, 2016& Meditation: THE TERROR OF GODRomans 8:1-8 “Then they set out, and the terror of God fell upon the towns all around them so that no one pursued them.” Gen. 35:5When the household of Jacob hid the call to repentance and cleansed themselves of every pagan influences, this singular attitude paved the way for the God of Bethel toTabernacle with them. All along Jacob and his household could notmaximize the presence of God because of the foreign gods. Theforeign gods became a great hindrance to the God of Bethel in theirlives.As we have stated earlier, too many Christians parading things thatpoints clearly to foreign gods, hence their conversion is not thoroughyet. No one who has experienced this God of Bethel still findpleasure in these foreign gods. It is pertinent to examine yourselfwhether the things associated with these gods can be found in yourlife? It is a dangerous thing for any Christian to return to his vomit nomatter the coloration it may assume. He should be able to know in thepower of the Holy Spirit that such things will not only defile the body,but will actually kill the body, soul and spirit.Whenever we turn to the Lord, the Lord would also turn to us and webegin to soar in His glory. Because Jacob and his household turnedwhole-heartedly to the God of Bethel, we are told that the God ofBethel oblige them His presence. As a result the terror of God spreadover their enemies who would have risen against them on their way.The secret of enjoying the presence of God in our lives is to get rid ofanything ungodly in our lives and around us because God of Bethel isholy of a purer eye who does not behold iniquity. It is only then Histerror can fall on all those after your life. For there is no condemnationfor those who are in Christ Jesus.PRAYER POINTS:* Dear heavenly Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit help us to live for you daily in Jesus name, Amen.* Dear Holy Spirit inspire all those who have been born of water and spirit to thirst for righteousness and holiness on daily basis.* Heavenly Father enemies abound everywhere fighting your elect, may your terror descend on them today in Jesus name. 113

SATURDAY, 23RD APRIL, 2016For Reading GROWING UNTO A NATION& Meditation: “And God said to him, I am God Almighty, be fruitfulGenesis 35:11-15 and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and Kings will come from your body.” Gen. 35:11God of Bethel is prepared to do all that is contained in the verse quoted above in the lives of those who are prepared to hid His call to return to Bethel. Many were called in thetime past, but were never serious with the calling. Those who tookit seriously then, have testimony to share. If you have beenfollowing the meditations, you too ought to have received your owncalling to your Bethel and your Bethel experience should be freshnow.When Jacob hid the call to return to Bethel, it was anotheropportunity of renewal of covenant blessings upon his life. Iperceive God of Bethel is waiting for you because it is your turn forfresh dews of blessings from above. At Bethel, God restated Hisearlier promise in order to cement His relationship with him. Godreiterated His plan of fruitfulness and increase upon Jacob's life.This same promise is there for you in your walk with God in thisprogramme.The Almighty God shall cause you to be fruitful in every aspect ofyour life; this increase becomes your identity. Your increase willlead you to becoming a nation. God did not stop there; he said acommunity of nations will come from you, leading to multiples ofkings emanating from your body. If we careful look at Israel today,every of this promise had been fulfilled and the fulfillment is on-going. The scripture says, if we hear His voice, we should notdisobey. Hid His voice today and it will be well with you.PRAYER POINTS:* Heavenly Father, you are the Almighty God, help me never to ignore your calling in Jesus name.* Almighty God, you have promised us fruitfulness and increase in our lives. Bestow this grace on your people in Jesus name.* Thank you Father for the grace of growing into a nation. We plead that you have mercy upon Nigeria that we be properly governed. 114

For Reading SUNDAY, 24TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: FAITH AT WORKMatthew 9:29-34 “According to your faith will it be done to you” Matthew 9:29The God of Bethel in Christ Jesus is doing great things in our age; He desires all should experience His love towards mankind. Since the beginning of this month, we have dweltextensively on Jacob's encounter with the God of Bethel. I believeyou have had a divine encounter leading to a testimony as a resultthe meditations. If your own is yet to manifest, rise up now and tellGod that you cannot go empty handed and in His mercy he shouldnot pass you by.Like the two blind men who would not give Jesus a breathing spaceuntil their plea is attended to; “Have mercy on us, son of David!” wastheir earnest cry. We are told that when he had gone indoors, theywere still after him because they knew that the solution to theirproblems lies with him. It is the same faith some of us would need toexercise so that we can receive our desired miracles.Jesus ask them, Do you believe that I am able to do this? Yes theyreplied. Watch out when Jesus ask you the same question becauseanyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that herewards those who earnestly seek him (Hebrews 11:6). Jesuswithout hesitation said; “according to your faith will it be done to you.”Immediately their sight was restored. He can heal you now and youcan be delivered. It is your season for you to come out of every formof blindness that may have held you. Following that miracle was ademon-possessed man who could not speak. When Jesus hadspoken, the man was delivered. This month cannot pass you by, tell itto God in faith and you will be one of those thanking God for themeditations.PRAYER POINTS:* Pray that the Lord would empower your faith, turning it to a living faith for greater manifestation.* Plead with the Lord to touch His people one more time and make the difference in our lives.* Pray and call upon God for total freedom for all who are in satanic bondage in any area of their lives, pray for total cleansing. 115

MONDAY, 25TH APRIL, 2016For Reading KEEP FAITH WITH HIM& Meditation: “And will not God bring about justice for hisLuke 18:1-8 chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? Luke 18:7This meditation is the story of the persistent widow. The widow who refused to give up until the judge listened to her plea and gave her the right judgment. Our Lord gavethis parable to teach us the patience and perseverance we needto exercise while we wait for divine intervention. God granted usopportunity of giving Him no rest until He has answeredus…“You who call on the Lord give yourself no rest, and give himno rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praiseof the earth”. You are the Jerusalem that the God of Bethel willestablish. Our heavenly Father is not a man who is limited fromall side. God is omnipotent, omnipresent and omni-science, Heworks at His own time and pace. Thus He knows the right timefor our long awaited miracle.My desire is to see God doing it for you. We need not give up butto submit to God. He chooses when to bless us. As the monthcomes to an end, the God of Bethel will fulfill His word in your lifeand people will help to spread your testimony.The Widow never gave up; she believed that her heart desirewould be met. It is the same faith that the God of Bethel wantsyou to exercise. Indeed, the judge said to himself, 'even thoughI don't fear God or care about men, yet because the widowkeeps bordering me, I will see that she gets justice.' Our Lordconcluded by saying God will see that we too get justice andquickly. That settles the matter.PRAYER POINTS:* Let us pray God to quicken our helpers this season, those the Lord has positioned to help us.* Pray that God will give you grace to wait for His time.* Thank God who is ever ready to hear our petitions. Plead the blood of Jesus to present you clean. 116

For Reading TUESDAY, 26TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: TIME TO GET UPJohn 5:1-9 “Then Jesus said to him, Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” John 5:8By the pool of Bethesda were many disabled people; some were blind, lame, paralyzed and other kinds of ailments. Among them was a man who had been invalid for thirty-eight years. They were all waiting for one single chance after anangel would have come to stir the water. This man in the courseof his life was attacked by the enemies and for thirty-eight years,the enemy rendered him useless and held him down withoutanybody to help him to avail himself of the opportunity of enteringthe pool for his healing.The man had all his hope in the pool but one who is greater thanthe pool spotted him for his story to change. Not only that thismonth there is a pool for miracles, the one who is greater hasbeen arround to attend to your case. Jesus asked the man, doyou want to get well? One of the reasons for this question is torelease his mind from a fixed position.God's healing power is not limited to any special thing. If yourmind has been fixed on a particular thing or personality pleasechange your mind because he can use anybody for your miracleto manifest. Jesus' question is also directed at you so that youcan free yourself. As you do this, Jesus Christ is also saying toyou “Get Up! Pick up your mat and walk.” The implication is thatyour problem is over, your story has changed for good, and youare free from the jaws of your enemies. Just as the man got upand he was cured, may you be cured of any problem that mayhave held you and be released for greater manifestation.PRAYER POINTS:* Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit help us to free our minds from wherever they are fixed that our faith will be on you.* Lord Jesus as the invalid heard your powerful word and he was healed, grant that as we hear you we may be healed. 117

For Reading WEDNESDAY, 27TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: THE SNARE IS BROKENPalm 124 “We have escaped like a bird…the snare has been broken…and we have escaped”.v7Let the redeemed of the Lord proclaimed it; the snare is broken, therefore you have escaped. For all those who are passionate about this God of Bethel, the Psalmist hascome to you with a message of hope and assurance that thesnare is broken. It is the Lord's declaration over your life. Thesituation you found yourself before now has changed. I can feela positional shift and a change to a place of your dream. If Godsaid it, what is the doubt that I see in you? Your case is settled. Itwas the same Psalmist who said; “The Lord is upright, he ismy Rock, and there is no wickedness in Him. (Psalm 92:15).The case of the Psalmist was worse than what you may havebeen passing through. Men attacked Him; their anger was adesign to swallow him. When temptation came; it was like aflood which attempted to engulf him with a furious torrent aimedat sweeping him away. The raging waters notwithstanding, theLord was on his side and every effort of the enemies becamefutile. You may think the enemies have succeeded; God ofBethel is assuring you that you are not consumed rather thesnare is broken and you have escaped. Your testimony is readybecause they cannot stop you. Your God, the God of Bethel hascounted you among the favoured ones. If God said it, I believe itand that settle the case.PRAYER POINTS:* Thank God for all those who have always attacked you and how the Lord frustrated their efforts. Pray that you live above them.* Thank God for the various flood and torrents of life. By this grace you have always overcome.* Declare it that the snare is broken, therefore you and all your loved ones, children of God have escaped. 118

For Reading THURSDAY, 28TH APRIL, 2016& Meditation: RENEWAL OF STRENGTH: Isaiah 40:21-31 “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength”. Isaiah 40:31There are different reasons, motives and desires why people wait upon the Lord. All may not necessarily be the fight against enemies, one particular miracle orbreakthrough. For some; they actually want to be refilled by Hisanointing. They want their faith deepened. They believe God fora special ministerial gift that would manifest in their lives. Theyare tired of being spectators and bench warmer in thecongregation of the people of God. It may be that your desire isto seek reconciliation with the Lord. You have erred, you haveabandoned your calling therefore, you went after the worldlythings since then no health in you and all your desire isrestoration like the prodigal son.It is a message of comfort to all who may have been waitingupon the Lord, the Lord has promised to renew your strength.That renewal also stands for restoration and empowerment. It isa time of refreshment therefore begin to thank God for fulfillingHis word in your life from now on, you will soar like the eagles, inother words, you have been prepared for manifestation. TheLord says, even if there is the need to run, you will not be wearyand while you walk you will not faint. Serving the Lord faithfullytakes more energy, the Lord is promising a supply of our needs.You need not look elsewhere, believe it and claim it, then go onto exercise your faith and your testimony shall manifest to Hisglory and the blessing of your generation.PRAYER POINTS* Lord thank you for the strength that comes through the Holy Spirit. Breathe on me the breath of God for kingdom expansion.* Life is full of running and walking. Lord by your strength will I prevail on daily basis. 119

FRIDAY, 29TH APRIL, 2016For Reading TIME OF COMPASSION AND FAVOUR& Meditation: “You will arise and have compassion onPsalm 102:1-13 Zion, for it is time to show favour to her; the appointed time has come.” Psalm 102:13The Psalmist had engaged himself in some prevailing prayers characterized with crying beseeching the Lord to help overcome his distress. The prayers made himto forget his food that is he accompanied his prayer withfasting. The fasting reduced him to skin and bones, nightbecame daylight for him. While undergoing this rigorousprayer, the enemies made him a laughing stock, and hisname and case became a curse. Not only that he woresackcloth and was in the midst of ashes, he actually ateashes. In all these his faith in God was unshakeable, hencehe declared, “But you, O Lord, sit enthroned forever; yourcrown endures through all generations.”The Psalmist got to a point in his prayer and was convincedthat his little effort was enough for the Lord to arise andrespond speedily. This is the faith we all need to exercisenow, because we are rest assured that not the labours of ourhands can fulfill His law demands. We count on His mercythat endures forever, that having gone so far in this our littleefforts, we too can declare like the Psalmist that, this is thetime for the Lord to show us compassion, the time to favourus. Our appointed time has come, He has done it, He will do itagain and He will continue to do it in our lives. I have no doubtin my mind that it is your time to shine and give yourtestimony.PRAYER POINTS:* Time of compassion and favour, O Lord do not pass me by.* My Father, my Father, you have done it, you will do it again and you will continue to do it in our lives. 120

SATURDAY, 30TH APRIL, 2016For Reading SERVE HIM WITHOUT FEAR& Meditation: “To rescue us from the hand of our enemies,Luke 1:67-80 and to enable us to served Him without fear.” Luke 1:74Beloved, we started this month with the theme God of Bethel accompanied with daily prayer, thanksgiving, praises, offerings and worship. We thank God for seeing us through.Thank God for your faith in the unchanging God and His eternalword that has come to us daily. As we meet with Him during thefamily altar or quiet time, we all have been in His workshop for thesethirty days. He is a perfect God, believe that He has taking His timeto wash you of every carbon that has limited your performance inthe previous months.As we continue with the fifth month of the year go, you have gracefor high performance with a view to breakthrough in all areas of life.Jettison every misconception that may have bordered you beforeand begin to act on God's word to you. This was the secret thatZechariah discovered hence he burst out on a new song. He sawthe fulfillment of God's word in his life and ministry, thus hedeclared, “To rescue us from the hand of our enemies…” You havebeen rescued from the plans of your enemies this season, henceyou will not die pre-mature, your business will do well, and yourfamily will prosper.What will be the result of all these? They are to enable you to servethe Lord without fear. The God of Bethel will do it, let courage takethe place of fear in your life. Feeble hands have beenstrengthened, knees are steady now, fearful hearts have becomestrong, your God has come with vengeance with divine retribution.Go in his power, assurance and hope, your case is settled.PRAYER POINTS:* Let us declare like Zechariah that all the days of our lives, we shall serve the Lord without fear.* O Lord! Strengthen the feeble hands, weak knees, and fearful hearts and may we go in this power and anointing.* O Lord God as you come in your vengeance let the wickedness of the wicked back fire and affliction shall not arise again. 121

For Reading SUNDAY 1ST MAY, 2016& Meditation: PAYING TITHEMalachi 3:8-12 “Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed me! ...”V8We begin this month with the issue of tithing. According to a story I read online; One day, a very wealthy man was walking along the road, and he saw a beggar on thesidewalk. The rich man looked kindly on the beggar and asked, “Howdid you become a beggar?” The beggar said, “Sir, I've been applyingfor a job for a year now but haven't found any. You look like a richman. Sir, if you'll give me a job, I'll stop begging.” The rich man smiledand said, “I want to help you. But I won't give you a job. I'll dosomething better. I want you to be my business partner. Let's start abusiness together.” The beggar blinked hard. He didn't understandwhat the older man was saying. “What do you mean, Sir?” “I own arice plantation. You could sell my rice in the market. I'll provide youthe sacks of rice. I'll pay the rent for the market stall. I'll even give youfood allowance everyday for the next 30 days. All you have to do issell my rice. And at the end of the month, as Business Partners, we'llshare in the profits.” Tears of joy rolled down his cheeks.He then paused and said, “Sir, how are we going to share the profits?Do I keep 10% and you get the 90%? Do I keep 5% and you get the95%? I'll be happy with any arrangement”. The rich man shook hishead and chuckled. “No, I want you to give me the 10% and you keepthe 90%”. I don't need the money, my friend. I'm already wealthybeyond what you can ever imagine. I want you to give me 10% ofyour profits so you grow in faithfulness and gratitude”. The beggarknelt down before his benefactor and said, “Yes Sir, I will do as yousay. Even now, I'm so grateful for what you've done for me!”It sounds ridiculous for us to have been so favoured of God and payhim back in bad coins. Tithes payment has soiled the relationship ofmany Christians with God. To be continued.PRAYER POINT:Lord I repent of all my failure to acknowledge all your kindnesstoward me. Help me to appreciate it by simple obedience to Biblicalinjunctions, such as tithing. 122

For Reading MONDAY, 2ND MAY, 2016& Meditation: PAYING TITHE IIMalachi 3:8-12 “… But you say, In what way have we robbed You? In tithes and offerings”v8Each day, the beggar, now dressed a little bit better, operated a store selling rice in the market. He worked very hard. He woke up early in the morning and slept late at night. And saleswere brisk, also because the rice was of good quality and after 30days, the profits were astounding. At the end of the month, as the ex-beggar was counting the money, an idea grew in his mind. He said tohimself, “Gee, why should I give 10% to my Business Partner? Ididn't see him the whole month! I was the one who was working dayand night for this business. I did all this work! I deserve the 100%profits!” A few minutes later, the rich man was knocking on the doorto collect his 10% of the profits. The ex-beggar opened the door andsaid, “You don't deserve the 10%. I worked hard for this. I deserve allof it!” And he slammed the door.If you were his Business Partner, how would you feel? But this isexactly what happens to us. God gave us everything. He gave uslife, every single moment, every single breath, every single second.God gave us talents, our ability to talk, to create, to earn money. Godgave us our body, our eyes, our ears, our mouth, our hands, our feet,our heart, He gave us our mind, our imagination, our emotions, ourreasoning, our language. God gave us opportunities, some takensome lost. God put us in positions; he gave us all we have to makethe wealth. Yet we take all of it for granted walking on the earth withpride as if we are self made? We forget His immeasurable bountiesand become ungrateful using the very same blessings He gave us tosin. The big question is, which of the favours of our Lord would wedeny? When will we turn back to Him with gratitude and obedience?God has granted us all the opportunities to always remember Himand pay our tithes, offering and alms. Show a little kindness today.PRAYERS POINT:Oh Lord, give me grace to stand firm in love of you. Help me to knowhow to tithe my income cheerfully. 123

TUESDAY, 3RD MAY, 2016For Reading WHERE ARE WE HEADING?& Meditation: “So I sought for a man among them whoEzekiel 22:23-31 would make a wall… but I found no one”. V30These days are tough with so many challenges arising from economic meltdown leading to hash weather where people strain themselves to achieve just peanuts. Many donot know how to blend with the state of affairs in our country asthere is so much deception going on everywhere. Cheats whoare occupying government houses, political and civil offices arewasting the pleasure and good will of those who elected orcommitted so much trust on them.As if that was all, in the church there is a fierce battle to get toprominence through blackmail, opposition, and backstabbing.Today, it has become extremely difficult to recognize a truebrother. Many are wolves in sheep clothing. Revolt is no longernew among us, and any lie can be told to establish ulteriormotives. Jesus Christ, while with us on earth looked ahead of thepraise singers of his days, he looked into the future of the Churchand asked; When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith onearth?( Luke 18:8)So many shocking news goes around in our world, examplesincludes; Pastors can now sell babies to make congregation,Pastors can divorce their wife to marry again, divorce and marryagain, Prophets have recruited their boys to spread commonstories which they call prophecy, Overthrowing of GeneralOverseers to occupy their stool now reigns. Argument as towhich standard is the ultimate and the right way for a Christian isbeing asked in many quarters because of the many absurdities.WHERE ARE WE HEADING, HEAVEN OR HELL FIRE?PRAYER POINT:Holy Spirit in this end time we need your guidance and grace tohold on to the truth. 124

For Reading WEDNESDAY, 4TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: THE PRAYING CHURCHActs 12:1-11 So, Peter was kept in prison, but the Church was earnestly praying to God for him. Acts 12:5Praying is one of the most difficult exercise for some Christians, with regard to commitment. People do pray, but the challenge is praying the right kind of prayers that are divinely acceptable(James 4:3). Many prayer houses have sprung up in the last decade,but true prayers are still scarce. The Lord Jesus showed us one of thebest lines of relating with God, and in overcoming the troubles that theworld gives, and that is praying at all times, for all things and before allthings; for it is by praying you have God's full backing (Mark 1:35, Luke6:12-16, Lk.22:39-46). The disciples took after Him as they lived inprayers, and the entire Church loves their gathering for prayers, as wellas individual praying (Acts 2:42, 4:23-31, 6:3-4, 10:9, 12:1ff). TheChurch today needs to restore 'Praying' as a lifestyle of God's people.The Spirit of God enjoys walking with a prayerful Person, Church, andfamily.Many of our Churches lack so many things that qualify them to be aPraying Church. For example, so many of us do not know where andwhen prayers go on in the Church, some are so lazy that they do noteven attend a single prayer meeting in a year. Our Women/ PrayerMeetings are poorly attended. Many of us do not want to belong to anygroup of prayer, and many who belong do not attend regularly. Ourcombined prayer meetings are not attended, except a very few personswho are used to coming to morning prayers.Praying is the life line of the Believer. The Church that does not pray willsuffer so many setbacks. That Society around us may not request, butthey cannot survive without prayers. When we make intercessions,sins are forgiven, Satan is locked outside, and God's glory will berevealed upon us. Let us make a decision to pray, and also toencourage others to form a praying lifestyle.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus revive our prayer life in order to sustain your Church in ourage. 125

THURSDAY, 5TH MAY, 2016For Reading FAITHFUL SERVICE& Meditation:Genesis 12:1-9 “So Abram departed, as the Lord has spoken unto him...” Gen.12:4aGod called Abraham to follow him, so as to use him to establish a nation, and a people for himself. Abraham obeyed; he followed and reached theplace where God intended. He was faithful in his calling.Today, God is still calling us to follow in his footsteps byobeying Him in leading a good life free of craftiness,uncleanness, and cheating, free of idolatry of all kind, andfocused on righteousness. How faithful are you to this call.Many of us who cried to God for an opportunity to be inministry, to be employed in civil service, to get intomarriages, to own a house/car/a property, to own a child,etc are now languishing in unfaithfulness. Many no longercare about God, no tithing, no trust on God again, manyhave lost holy living because they now have money.We abandon our God because of an ordinary morsel ofbread. This bread; promotion, marriage, money, etc willlast only for a while, you will be hungry some day and youwill not be able to get God's backing. Come back to Godnow, and be faithful to his service. No one who put his handon the plough and looks back is fit for the Lord's service.Give to God a faithful service.PRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father thank you for all the people you havecalled to your service. Keep them on the right path to yourglory. 126

FRIDAY, 6TH MAY, 2016For Reading WEIGH YOUR THANKSGIVING& Meditation:Psalm 116:1-12 What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me? Psa.116:12God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good. These are the words we use in expressing our belief timelessly, but we seem not to believe in these words when we saythem. If we do, we will not hold back anything from the Lord. Itshould be clear too that if we say God is good all the time, itmeans, it is not only at good times, it include such 'unpleasant'times. When things are not palatable to you, you should be ableto see God in your situation. Never fall into the error of thinkingthat God is not aware of your case.How often do you thank God? As far as Christianity is concerned,God is expected to be thanked always, in the morning, afternoon,evening, night, at admission to school, graduation, when notpregnant, when pregnant, when preparing to deliver, whendelivered, when about to travel, when return from travel, when ingood mood and in unpleasant mood.How much do you thank God? Do you consider its content? Goddoes not deserve being thanked anyhow, he is a distinguishedGod from all other helpers we have. If your Governor doesanything for you, what would you use to appreciate him? Am sureyou may not use a car because he would not use it, but you can'tgive him rotten yams, neither sick goat. You will want to go to himwith a good and expensive drink, with good dry or smoked fish, orwith a parcel of good gifts of laces, wrist watch, etc. Now, whodeserve more, God or the Governor? Your faith in God willdetermine how you view Him in matters of thanksgiving. ThankGod as one who deserve to get another favour again.PRAYER POINT:O Lord we are indeed sorry for our indifference in thanksgiving,forgive us and help us to make amend. 127

For Reading SATURDAY, 7TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: POWER OF SACRIFICE.Gen.22:1-19 Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God… V12The life of an altar is in the sacrifice made upon it. It is the sacrifice on your altar that makes it potent and effective. Your altar becomes strong and functional when you give itits needed sacrifice. Sacrifice makes an altar functional andresponds on your behalf.Whatever sacrifice you make are never lost. Let's see some vividexamples* Noah's Sacrifice on the altar he made engendered the divine pronouncements that still exist today (Gen.8:20-22).* Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac on the altar at Moriah was foundational point from which the unconditional blessings were pronounced on his lineage and the Christian world by God (Gen.22).* King David was one of those who proclaim this in his prayer before embarking on any war, May he send you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion! May he remember all your offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices! (Psalm 20:2-3).* The sacrificial work of Dorcas was a testimonial displayed by all and sundry in Joppa as a sacrifice she had made for the poor and needy. When she died, these sacrifices spoke on her behalf, and she found grace of being restored to life again (Acts 9:36-39).It takes a sacrifice to destroy another sacrifice. If the sacrifice onyour altar is weak, it can work negatively against you whereas, anevil altar like that of Balaam is being amply supplied with choicesacrifices against you. Our sacrifices are to be properly thought of.PRAYER POINT:Grant us such grace as Dorcas possessed that we may be faithfulin giving to the poor and the needy on Jesus name. Amen. 128

SUNDAY 8TH MAY, 2016For Reading WHAT MAKES SACRIFICE ACCEPTABLE& Meditation: When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil?Malachi 1:6-14 And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil? Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favor? Says the LORD of hosts (Malachi 1:7-8)The worshippers in the time of Prophet Malachi were found guilty of profaning the Lord's Table (Altar) through offering of sacrifices that were out of bound. They gaveGod what their governors can never accept from them. Thatbrought about a rejection.What do you think of a Christian whose sacrifices are not takeneven though the receiving priest has already pouredencomiums on the giver because he believed it is a good gift. Agift, either great or small, must be from a righteousbackground, and must be offered cheerfully, with thanks. Ifcorrupt seeds are offered, it brings about rejection.Avoid a situation where your sacrifice would be seen as apocket of rubbish/ trash before God. That amounts toparalyzing your own altar. You cannot claim to have an altar yetirrelevant sacrifices dominate it. You must resolve to give goodsacrifices, either those of tithing, offerings, seed faith, harvestofferings, charity, humanitarian acts, etcFor a sacrifice to produce power for you, it should be from awilling heart (2 Cor.8:12) It must be from a cheerfully heart, notfrom gossip already made from place to place (2 Cor.9:7).Offeryour sacrifice in faith (Rom.1:17). It should cost yousomething. David said he will not offer God anything that costhim nothing (1 Chron. 21:2). Make effort to give God the best.PRAYER POINT:Holy Spirit, faithful guide. We seek your guidance as we offerour sacrifices in Jesus name. 129

MONDAY 9TH MAY, 2016For Reading THE LOVE OF CHRIST THAT SURPASSES KNOWLEDGE& Meditation: So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith---that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehendEphesians 3:14-21 with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Eph 3:17-19)The love of Christ is called 'agape'. It is an unconditional love that cares for the need of others. Such acts are not the norms of the society where you must deserve whatyou earn. There came a sharp deviation from this in Christ, 'butGod shows his love for us in that while we were stillsinners, Christ died for us' (Rom.5:8). To have been giventhis kind of love is a rare privilege. Come to think of it, you were asinner (a criminal) who has broken divine laws, and the accuserof the brethren, Satan, has already positioned himself to endyour life and glorious place in God. By plan and according to therule, you will 'die' for the soul that sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:20).While you deserved death, Christ came, took your place, andwent under the cruel treatment and humiliation under evil menwhose evil were at Satan's command. He suffered and wascrucified, not for his own sin but in your place standing as asubstitute. In Pilate's judgment see what he said, “Pilateaddressed them once more, desiring to release Jesus, butthey kept shouting, \"Crucify, crucify him!\" A third time hesaid to them, \"Why, what evil has he done? I have found inhim no guilt deserving death” (Luke 23:20-22).In John's estimation of this love, he wondered, “what mannerof love the Father has given unto us that we should becalled children of God…' (1 John 3:1). Have you found thislove, have you embraced it? May you find him as you open upyour heart for Him today.PRAYER POINT:Thank you Father for this wonderful love of yours, so amazing,is compelling. May we not waste it 130

TUESDAY, 10TH MAY, 2016For Reading THE PROMISE OF ABUNDANCE& Meditation: \"And he said, thus saith the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches.2 Kings 3:12-20 For thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye and your cattle, and your beasts.\" 2 Kings 3:16,17The armies of the three kings were famishing for want of water: God was about to send it, and in these words the prophet announced the coming blessing. Here was acase of human helplessness: not a drop of water could all thevaliant men procure from the skies or find in the wells of earth.Thus often the people of the Lord are at their wits' end; they seethe vanity of the creature, and learn experimentally where theirhelp is to be found. Still the people were to make a believingpreparation for the divine blessing; they were to dig thetrenches in which the precious liquid would be held.The church must by her varied agencies, efforts, and prayersmake herself ready to be blessed; she must make the pools,and the Lord will fill them. This must be done in faith, in the fullassurance that the blessing is about to descend. By-and-bythere was a singular bestowal of the needed boom. Not as inElijah's case did the shower pour from the clouds, but in a silentand mysterious manner the pools were filled. The Lord has Hisown sovereign modes of action: He is not tied to manner andtime as we are, but doeth as He pleases among the sons ofmen. It is ours thankfully to receive from Him, and not to dictateto Him. We must also notice the remarkable abundance of thesupply --there was enough for the need of all. And so it is in thegospel blessing; all the wants of the congregation and of theentire church shall be met by the divine power in answer toprayer; and above all, victory shall be speedily given to thearmies of the Lord.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus help us to be channels of blessings to others andthe nation at large. 131

WEDNESDAY, 11TH MAY, 2016For Reading DON'T GIVE UP& Meditation: And let us not grow weary of doing good, for inGalatians 6:6-9 due season we will reap, if we do not give up. (Gala 6:9)In Choice Gleanings we read about the patient persistence of John and Charles Wesley's mother: \"At one time her husband said, 'I marvel at your patience! You have told thatchild the same thing twenty times!' Susanna Wesley lookedfondly at the child. She said, 'Had I spoken the matter onlynineteen times, I should have lost all my labor.' \"Susanna Wesley understood that if she persevered, herpatient discipline would eventually produce its reward in God'stime. Did this pay off? Yes, it did. The pains she undertook forthem were never in vain. John and Charles Wesley becameacclaimed ministers of God. The journey to greatness was firstintroduced to them on their mother's knees, followed withpersistent teaching and she didn't stop when they wereexhibiting youthful exuberances, she was patient, repeatingthe same teachings over and over again. Eventually, she gotto see the children became great.So often we want God to hurry up, but his timing is perfect.Know that your perseverance in doing good will reap a harvestin God's due season, if you don't grow weary and give up.What are you facing that you feel is too much for you to bear?Hand them over to God in prayer and it will yield the result as atwhen due. Yes, if you don't give up, you will reap the fruit in dueseason. Wait in prayer and faith, it is beneficial to wait.PRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father grant your people grace to wait patiently asyou fulfill your promises at your own timing 132

For Reading THURSDAY, 12TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: WEALTH WITHOUT GODEccle. 5:8-17 …Whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. V10At the interdenominational church service held at the Ecumenical Centre, Abuja, to commemorate the 2012 National Democracy Day, the guest preacher andimmediate past Prelate of the Anglican Church of Nigeria,Most Reverend Peter Akinola, in his sermon, challenged thecongregation to join him in the fight against corruption in thecountry by committing perpetrators to God.But the congregation made up of government officials failedto say 'Amen' loudly. Before throwing the challenge at thepresident and other officials at the Service, Mr. Akinola haddelivered a homily on the destructive impact of corruption onNigeria. “This hydra headed monster (of corruption) hasliterarily taken over the soul and eaten up the fabric ofNigeria,” Officials steal our public funds openly by the pen,while others steal by the power of the gun. Successivegovernments have declared half-hearted war againstcorruption to no avail. We know only too well that the fightagainst corruption is largely selective directed at thoseopposing the government, with no strong politicalconnection.“Worse still, those who have cleverly made away with publicfunds and are living above their legitimate income are thosewho are being honoured. It is time for all to rise up and join thepresent administration to fight this menace.PRAYER POINT:Holy Father give us the boldness to confront this problemeating up our nation. 133

For Reading FRIDAY, 13TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: THE GREAT FOUNDATION.II Timothy 2:19-22 \"The foundation of God standeth sure.\" II Tim. 2:19The foundation upon which our faith stands is this, that \"God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them.\"The great fact on which genuine faith relies is, that \"theWord was made flesh and dwelt among us,\" and that\"Christ also hath suffered for sin, the just for the unjust, thatHe might bring us to God\"; \"Who Himself bore our sins inHis own body on the tree\"; \"For the chastisement of ourpeace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.\" Inone word, the great pillar of the Christian hope issubstitution. The vicarious sacrifice of Christ for the guilty,Christ being made sin for us that we might be made therighteousness of God.In these days a direct attack is made upon the doctrine ofthe atonement. Men cannot bear substitution. They gnashtheir teeth at the thought of the Lamb of God bearing the sinof man. But we, who know by experience this fundamentaltruth, will proclaim it in defiance of them confidently andunceasingly. We will neither dilute it nor change it. We willnot add to it or take away from it. It shall still be Christ, apositive substitute, bearing human guilt and suffering. Wecannot give up, for it is our life, and despite everycontroversy we believe that \"Nevertheless the foundationof God standeth surePRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father you know your own may we not strayaway from you 134

For Reading SATURDAY, 14TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: OUT OF YOU SHALL COMEMicah 5:2-5 FORTH SOMETHING GREAT. “But thou Bethlehem,… though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall come forth unto me the great ruler of Israel..” (Mic. 5:2).Bethlehem was known for nothing except that it was a village where bread was produced. Great cities existed in Judah, but Bethlehem was not to be expected to bringforth the leader in Israel and much more, the whole world. Butbecause the mouth of the Lord has said it, it came to pass. TheSaviour, Jesus Christ, was born in Bethlehem by divinearrangement.We have many who are living in our society today that have lostall hope of fulfillment in their world. To them, the dream forgreatness can never be attained again because of the neglectthey have suffered over the years, with no definite steps or planin place. They fear that they may have to live and end their livesjust like that. That was also the case with Bethlehem.The word of the Lord has come for you this season that you are apotential giver of greatness, and God has deposited inside ofyou the ability to bring forth great things this year. It stretchesfrom great child, to great achievement, great marriage, great andexciting job opportunity, into being a great contributor to God'swork, evangelism, as well as providing the need of our society.Have you lost hope of any definite achievement in the past, areyou looking pale, seeming to be lost in delusion? Rise up on yourfeet, speak God's promise to yourself, and never ceasespeaking them because the blessing of God shall manifest into areality soon. May we have the grace to believe this. Amen.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus as you considered Bethlehem for such a historicfavor, count me worthy today. 135

SUNDAY, 15TH MAY, 2016For Reading LOOKING DOWN& Meditation: I say . . . to everyone who is among you, notLuke 18:9-14 to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly. Romans 12:3C. S. Lewis wrote about another kind of looking down that we may have a problem with: “In God you come up against something which is in every respectimmeasurably superior to yourself. . . . As long as you are proudyou cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down onthings and people: and, of course, as long as you are lookingdown, you cannot see something that is above you” (MereChristianity).Jesus told a parable about a Pharisee who felt superior to others.He looked down on extortionist, the unjust, adulterers, and thetax collector who was also praying in the temple. By contrast, thetax collector knew he was a sinner before God and asked for Hismercy (v.13). Pride can be an issue for all of us. May we not lookdown on others but instead see the God who is far above us all.-There are different kinds of pride that makes people look down ontheir fellow. Academic achievements; political power, maritalstatus, achieving a first place in your career, promotion especiallywhen it is that which make you to be above those who were onceabove you, spiritual attainment, etc. In each case, a form of pridetries to creep in to thwart our sense of humility. Spiritual pride isthe most arrogant of all kinds of pride.Beloved, whatever you have, or able to attain, let it be clear to youthat it is only grace, gift or privilege given to you, someone elsebetter than you could have got it. Do not look down on anyone,instead, esteem others better than you.PRAYER POINT:Holy Spirit let your fire consume every element of pride inside ofme today. 136

MONDAY, 16TH MAY, 2016For Reading THE JOY OF DISAPPOINTMENT& Meditation: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, andProverbs 3:1-12 lean not on your own Understanding. Proverbs 3:5While in Bible College, a man was selected for one of the school's traveling musical teams. He was excited about the thought of being able to be involved in that ministry,but was crushed when he failed to make the team. In hisdisappointment, he could only trust that God's purposes weregreater than his. Months later, he had the opportunity to join adifferent musical team, but as the Bible teacher. The results weremore than he could have imagined. Not only was his future wife apart of that team, allowing them to serve Christ together, but italso gave him many opportunities to preach over the next 3years-priceless preparation for a life of ministry in the Word.Many times we struggle with the reality that our Father knowswhat is best. We assume our way is right. But, as we rest in Him,His purposes always prove to be for our good and His praise.Solomon said, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean noton your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him,and He shall direct your paths” (Prov. 3:5-6). We are prone toacting blindly most times as we cannot see beyond the present.We always feel a failure to achieve a dream today brings shameor disgrace and makes life looks almost impossible. Whereas,God in his complete wisdom has arranged for us how we shouldbecome what we are created to be.God's purpose for today's events may not be seen untiltomorrow. So learn to wait on him, more so, when today's attemptseem not to reign supreme. Until you get to the D-Day, you willnot understand that it is worth waiting for.PRAYER POINTDear Father we commit all our desires and aspiration unto you,please do not forget us good Lord. 137

For Reading TUESDAY, 17TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: THE POWER OF COMPASSIONIsaiah 42:1-9 A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench. Isaiah 42:3David C. McCasland narrated the story of Francis Schaeffer, who was author and a Christian apologist, who struggled to spell words correctly because of dyslexia. At the college heattended, spelling errors lowered the grade on all writtenassignments. During his first year, a professor told Schaeffer, “Thisis the best philosophy paper I've ever read, but it's the worst spelling.What am I going to do? I can't pass you.”Francis replied, “Sir, I could never spell. Could you please just readwhat I'm saying and not worry about the spelling?”After a long pause, the professor replied, “You know, Mr. Schaeffer, Ithink we'll do that.” His wise, compassionate response encourageda gifted young man who would later help many of the searchinggeneration during the 1960s and 70s to find their way to faith inChrist. The Professor saved Mr. Schaeffer from being a drop out. Hiscompassionate providence energized the poor young man andhelped him to pick up into becoming a mighty preacher of the gospel.Isaiah said of the promised Messiah, “A bruised reed He will notbreak, and smoking flax He will not quench; He will bring forth justicefor truth” (Isa. 42:3). The image is of a gentle, yet powerful Personwho sets prisoners free and encourages those who are faintheartedand tempted to despair. Jesus came to free us from sin, not tocondemn us for our condition. Today, He offers salvation andencouragement to all who turn to Him. By compassion let's be therefor the weak in our families, churches, households andneighbourhoods. When we come to Christ in our brokenness, Hemakes us whole.PRAYER POINT:Unworthy as we are yet your compassion fails not. Envelope us withsuch virtues 138

WEDNESDAY, 18TH MAY, 2016For Reading PASS IT ON& Meditation:2 Corinth. 1:3-7 As you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation. II Corinthians 1:7Through the ages those who have suffered are quick to comfort other sufferers. When a young couple suffers the loss of a child, another couple who also lost a child inthe past asks if they can help. If a couple loses their mainincome, almost immediately another couple steps forward tooffer their aid, remembering their own journey throughforeclosure years earlier. Again and again we see the body ofChrist supporting and encouraging one another. TheseChristians have learned that they can use the trials they'vebeen through to reach out to others going through similardifficulties.Have you been sick? Lost a loved one? Been imprisoned?Unfairly treated? In all of our trials, God promises to bringsomething good out of even our darkest moments (James 1:2-4). One key way this takes place is when we share the comfortHe offered us with those who are now going through trials.As Paul points out in 2 Corinthians 1:3-7, we are comforted bya Savior who knows our suffering, and we honor Him when wepass His comfort on to still others. May we never leavesomeone to suffer alone. If we know the trail another is on,God will help us to guide that person to His presencethe surestcomfort of all. God comforts us so that we can comfort others.PRAYER POINT: Dear Lord, help us to step forward whenothers around us are suffering trials similar to what we've beenthrough. Enable us to be a comfort, as You have been to us inthe past. 139

For Reading THURSDAY, 19TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: YOUR FLIGHT IS CONFIRMEDRomans 3:21-26 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. 1 Corinthians 15:22The Bible declares that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). God gave us the full picture of our sin nature from Genesis 3 sothat He could give us His full and complete solution.God's solution in Romans 3:24 is that we are “justifiedfreely by His grace through the redemption that is inChrist Jesus.” God sent His own sinless Son to die for oursins. His sacrifice on the cross provided us forgiveness.All we need to do is receive that free gift through faith. I'mso glad God told us the truth up front! He hasn't left us tofind our own way. How are you managing the truth that weare told from the word of God? There are people who takefor granted warnings from the Word of God. The fact thatGod is warning us reveals the magnitude of the love hehas for us and how much he wished us eternal life in hiskingdom. It will not be his fault if we fail to follow thesimple path to life eternal.The simple path to life eternal is to believe in ChristJesus, and be saved. Christ's work makes us safe; God'sWord makes us sure.PRAYER POINT:Thank You, Almighty God, that You don't hide the truthfrom us. You showed us how completely sin has affectedour lives in order to reinforce just how much Jesus Christhas delivered us from. 140

FRIDAY, 20TH MAY, 2016For Reading A PERSON OF INFLUENCE& Meditation: She said to her mistress, “If only my masterII Kings 5:1-15 were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy.” 2 Kings 5:3If you Google “person of influence,” the search will take you to various lists of “the most influential people in the world.” These lists usually include political leaders;business entrepreneurs and athletes; along with people inscience, the arts, and entertainment. You will not find thenames of cooks and cleaners who work for them. Yet those inso-called lowly positions often influence the people theyserve.The story of Naaman, a high-ranking military commander,includes two kings and a prophet of God (2 Kings 5:1-15). Yetit was the servants in the background whose words led toNaaman being cured of leprosy. A young servant girl takencaptive from Israel told Naaman's wife that a prophet inSamaria could heal him (vv.2-3). When Elisha's instructionsto bathe in the Jordan River angered Naaman, his servantsurged him to follow the prophet's orders. The result wasNaaman's restoration to health and his declaration, “Now Iknow that there is no God in all the earth, except in Israel”(v.15).What a beautiful picture of our role as followers of JesusChrist! We are called to be people of influence. The Lord'sservants who point others to the One whose touch canchange their lives. Christ sends us out to bring others in.PRAYER POINT:Lord, I would like to live a life of influence like Naaman'sservant girl-to be brave and bold to touch the lives of othersby pointing them to You. Fill me, Holy Spirit, with Your power. 141

For Reading SATURDAY, 21ST MAY, 2016& Meditation: TAKE TIME TO PONDERLuke 2:8-19 Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19Parents love to remember the developmental milestones of their children. They will record in a baby book when their little ones first roll over, then crawl,and take their first steps. Often they will take photographsand save baby clothing to bring back the memories of thoseprecious experiences.According to Luke 2:19, Mary, the mother of Jesus, kept ababy book of sorts in her heart. She treasured the promisesthat had been given about her Son and “pondered overthem.” The Greek word for “ponder” means “placing togetherfor comparison.” Mary had heard of great things concerningher Son from angels and shepherds (1:32; 2:17-18). As Hislife unfolded, she would compare those promises with howher Son acted to fulfill them.Our faith will be strengthened and we will be encouragedwhen we meditate on what the Scriptures say about God andcompare it with the way He works in our own lives (John14:21). He is a God who answers prayer (1 John 5:14-15),comforts us in our suffering (2 Cor. 1:3-4), and provides forour needs (Phil. 4:19). God gives by promise that we maytake by faith. When we take time to ponder, we will see thefaithfulness of our great God.PRAYER POINT:Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dearpresence to cheer and to guide.Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow blessings allmine, with ten thousand beside! 142

SUNDAY, 22ND MAY, 2016For Reading THE OTHER EIGHTY PERCENT& Meditation:Psalm 69:29-36 Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and everything that moves in them. Psalm 69:34Recently I saw a billboard stating that 80 percent of all life on Earth is found in the seas. That staggering number is difficult to process, largely because most ofthat life is out of sight. As I considered this, it reminded me ofhow much greater God's creation is than we typicallyappreciate. While we can easily have our breath taken awayby a majestic mountain range or a panoramic sunset, wesometimes fail to see His extraordinary work in the detailsthat require more careful study and examination. Not only ismuch of God's creation hidden by the oceans, but other partsare also too small for our eyes to observe. From themicroscopically small to the unsearched reaches of theuniverse, it is all the work of our Creator. In those magnificentstructures-seen and unseen-God's creative glory is revealed(Rom. 1:20).As we grow to understand the wonder of creation, it mustalways point us to the Creator Himself and call us to worshipHim. As the psalmist said, “Let heaven and earth praiseHim, the seas and everything that moves in them” (Ps.69:34). If creation itself gives praise to the Creator, we canand should certainly join the chorus. What a mighty God weserve! The wonder of creation causes us to say, “What awonderful God!”PRAYER POINT:O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, Consider all theworlds Thy hands have made,I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder, Thy powerthroughout the universe displayed! 143

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