For Reading WEDNESDAY, 31ST AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: THE PLACE OF HONORJohn 14:1-6 “When everything is ready, l will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where lam”. V3Having endured the hostility of the people, the pains and suffering of the cross, our Lord's joy became full when the Sons and daughters of the old Adam now became sonsand daughters of God through their faith in the new Adam- JesusChrist.Our Lord is now seated in the place of honor beside God's thrownwhere he can now wear the crown and also prepare the same forall those who put their trust in him. Now the crown is alwaysassociated with the throne thus to think of the crown is to think ofa throne. This is the ultimate when we shall finally be with himwhere he is now. Here on earth however, the crown may not onlypoint to a throne. The cross provides lots of benefits for as manywho are ready to bear it faithfully. The crown here may be a placeof honour, long life, blessing of children, splendour. Prov. 4:9,17:6 God is ready to honour those who honour him. The questionis where are the faithful who are ready to take up the cross andfollow Jesus Christ daily? For he said; “lf any of you wants to bemy follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up yourcross daily, and follow me” Luke 9:23).Beloved, the message to us is that there is always a place ofhonor for all those who will not shy away from the cross. It is anobvious fact from the life of the originator and perfecter of ourfaith. This place of honor is both here and in eternity. The place ofhonor that Jesus Christ occupies on planet earth is there for us tosee. Everything in the world today is centred on the life of JesusChrist. Such honor is what he has in stock for you, if you willendure the cross.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for the place of honor for me here onearth and in eternity. Let my life continue to reveal this yourpurpose to mankind. 244
For Reading THURSDAY 1ST SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HE IS MY PEACEJohn 16:16-33 “I have told you this thing, so that in me you may have peace”We begin our meditations this month with the topic “He is our peace”. The world today, Nigeria inclusive is yearning for peace. Terrorism in recenttimes has given us reasons to be troubled. Suicide bombingis a daily experience in Nigeria and other parts of the word. Ifanyone says he is not troubled, such a person is beeneconomical with the truth.Insurgency is not the only monster we are contending with,kidnapping has refused to go. I wonder how manyneighborhoods can vouch for a reliable security that makespeople to sleep with their two eyes closed. This meditation isnot meant to chronicle the various evils that abound in ourcountry but to draw our attention to the fact that Jesus hadforetold all that we are experiencing now. What is happeningin Nigeria is not peculiar to us but all over the world, the dearthof peace is found everywhere.I do not know whether you are a victim of the wickedness ofour age. Our Lord says, in me you have peace. The peace weneed can only be found in Christ Jesus. Therefore as youembark on these ember months, make Jesus the Lord of yourlife and his peace which passes all understanding shall keepyour mind as we go through this transient world.PRAYER POINTSToo many Christians in different parts of the world havesuffered in the hands of their persecutors. Pray that the Lordwould arise to preserve his church.Let us pray that the people of God shall have the desire topray and as we pray, let signs and wonders begin to follow us. 245
For Reading FRIDAY 2ND SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: THE GIFT OF PEACEJohn 14:1-1 4 I am living you with a gift - peace of mind and heart---- John 14:2 7Thank you Lord for the special gift of peace, for you know what lies ahead of your children. It is amazing and heart warming that we have a master who knows our future andhe cares for us. The Saviour understands hence the gift ofpeace. The saviour had also tread this earth, thus he knows whatwe are going to pass through.The hymn writer pleaded thus; “Saviour breathe forgivenessover us, all our weakness thou does know thou did tread thisearth before us, thou did feel its keenest woe, lone and dreary,faint and weary, through he desert thou did go”It is a season of woe, loneliness, dreary and fainting for many.There are reasons to be troubled. What do you think of theparents of Chibok girls who were in the custody of terrorists formonths? We were told that these girls were been raped on dailybasis, no good food, no medical care and living in a harshenvironment. Can we just imagine the state of their parents andtheir relations? The forty one girls of Mexico that disappearedcannot be forgotten. What about those who have sufferedkidnapping and the heavy ransom that was paid to secure thefreedom of victims? We may not forget in a hurry, those who died.Christians are also victims of the various attacks orchestrated bythe enemies of our time. However in all these, many havesurvived the on-slaught of the enemies because of the gift ofpeace that passes all understanding; In this month, his peaceshall overwhelm us in Jesus name.PRAYER POINTSLet us plead with the Lord that nothing will take away our peacein this end time, no matter the threat and intercede on behalf ofthose who may be feeling that their peace had been stolen as aresult of the tragedy that befell them. 246
For Reading SATURDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: WHAT IS PEACE?John 14:15-27 And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give, so don't be troubled or afraid” John 14:2 7b.The peace that the Lord gives is not merely the absence of war. It is something much more; even in the face of war his peace will keep his people hence they are not consumed.What is Peace?Basically, peace is when we enjoy a right standing with Godthrough our Lord Jesus Christ, although, we may facetemptations and problems. Instead of being devastated by suchcrisis, the peace of God in our lives enables us to grow in the faceof temptations and problems. We learn to depend on his outworking power that is at work in us. This is the difference betweena believer and unbeliever. Believers never allowed themselves tobe devastated by the antics of the devil. He believes that in allthings he must give thanks to the Lord because we know thatGod causes everything to work together for the good of thosewho love God and are called according to his purpose for them(Rom. 8:28).Peace means completeness, soundness, therefore no shaking.Peace is the assurance that if we pray, He will hear us, theassurance that our material prosperity is guaranteed even ifrobbers broke into our homes and stole whatever we have. Aslong as we have peace with God, we are immoveable,unshakeable, and unstoppable in Jesus name. His peacereassures us that He will repay for our loses (Joel 2:25). Peace isthe assurance of our salvation in Christ Jesus and the hope ofeternal life.PRAYER POINTPeace is to live above trials and Temptations let us pray for allwho faces trials and temptation that they will not be swallowed bythe enemies. 247
For Reading SUNDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS PEACEJohn 1:1-18 “Soon the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, since I live, you also will live” Jn. 14:19.It is amazing to hear the Lord saying, “Since I live, you also will live”. This is comfortable enough in this world of so many eventualities. We need not have any of these terribleeventualities before we begin to appreciate what victims havepassed through and the ugly scar left behind.Our Lord says, I leave with you the gift of peace of mind andheart. The two places; the mind and heart is the sum total of ahuman being. Whenever they fail, it is the end of such a person.Whatever we are and how much we avail ourselves andmaximize the grace of God, depend on how effective theseorgans are.It is also the place where the devil would want to fight in order togain control so that we can be at his beckon and call.The scripture says; “As a face is reflected in water, so theheart reflects the real person” (Prov. 27:19). The content ofyour heart reveals your personality. Our Lord decided to give usthe peace of mind and heart because he knows that, it is thebedrock where the devil attacks. Whenever, he does so, thepeace of our Lord would resist him. Are you downcast, the Lordsays you will live therefore let the peace of Christ flow into yourmind and heart now.PRAYER POINTSHeavenly father, we cannot help ourselves, holy Jesuslook upon the anguish of the world especially your childrenand set them free.Let us pray for families that have been torn apart. Ask forHis peace that is able to bring them together. 248
For Reading MONDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: NOT AS THE WORLD GIVES1 John 2:1-17. “And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give “John 14 27The Lord Jesus says; “That's my parting gift to you, peace. I don't leave you the way you're used to being left feeling abandoned, bereft...” The first thing we must take note of isthat the world also offers peace. The world has peace to offer,Jesus Christ our Lord did not pretend about the claim of the world.But hear him, “the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give”.The world we live has different commodities and services that areoffered to mankind. Human beings also know which of thecommodities and services are genuine and the ones that arecounterfeit. The message translation of our text quoted aboveshows that the peace the world claims to give leaves behind thefeeling of being abandoned and bereft. If you depend on thepeace the world gives, it is a dangerous security risk and you risklosing your life at every slightest provocation. While the world,gives you with one hand, it collects back with many hands.We are living witnesses to the so many ugly incidences that havehappened since the inception of democracy. State governor'sentourages with all the security details have been attacked.Government houses have equally being attacked. Policeheadquarters and the United Nations were not spared. Topgovernment officials are not left out, 2010 independence bombblast in Abuja are all examples of the futility of the peace that theworld gives. In the midst of all these ugly incidences, many havetestified of His peace.PRAYER POINTSO Lord we are not of the world, help us to overcome the deceptionof this world so as to always depend on you.O Lord arise and scatter the powers that are warming againstyour church. Let every stronghold be pulled down. 249
TUESDAY 6TH SEPTEMBER, 2016 For Reading & Meditation: HIS PEACE BROUGHT UNITY Ephesus 2:1-14 “For Christ himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people... When he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us” Eph. 2:14His peace is bringing healing to the world on daily basis. The purported peace by the world only brings further separation to a fragmented world.Apostle Paul reminded the believers that Christ, brought peaceto us all hence the Jews and Gentiles can come together toworship God together without being compelled to undergo therituals of Judaism. They can now drink from the same cup ofsalvation. This is amazing and it is the cure to our world, tofamilies that have separated from each other to a country thatis under the yoke of terror.Jesus Christ death has brought peace to mankind; Christiansare the ambassadors of his peace. They are to make surepeace pervade our society, peace to reign in the church, peaceto reign in our different families. If any Christian lacks thequality of peace maker, such a person do not worth the namehe bears.At this month, while He is being sung as our peace, we are thespark of His peace wherever we find ourselves. It is only thenwe become His witnesses. Endeavour to bring peace to wherethere is disunity. He is our peace, we are the ambassadors ofpeace, preach peace, live in peace with your neighbors.PRAYER POINTSLord Jesus thank you for the unity that your peace brought to usall. Help us to promote this unity in our day to day living. DearLord, many are in search of peace, you are the author of peaceand lover, of concurred, vouch-safe O Lord to grant them yourpeace. 250
For Reading WEDNESDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS PEACE GIVES FREEDOMJudges 3:12-30. “That day Moab was made subject to Israel, and the land had peace for eighty years” Judges 3:30.Moab was one of the arch enemies of Israel. It was reported in our passage that Israel was under Moab domination for eighteen years these were years ofpains and sorrow, confusion and disturbance. These were yearsof limitations, slavery and somebody else calling the shots.Divine intervention raised the man called Ehud who was lefthanded. His left-handedness became an exceptional ability thatgave him upper hand over the king of Moab. God used Ehud'sover looked ability to give Israel victory. Ehud did not stop at thekilling of Eglon king of Moab; he called his people together tofight Moab who had enslaved them for almost two decades.It was reported that, that day Moab was made subject to Israel.The consequence of this was that, the land had peace for eightyyears. This is amazing. God's intervention was in a geometricalproportion, from eighteen years of slavery to eighty years offreedom. God is set to do more than that for His children in thisseason. What is that ugly experience dominating your life andyou are yearning for freedom? The time has come, for he is yourpeace. With this victory recorded over Moab, some Israelitesactually lived all their lives in freedom. This can be your portionbecause when the son of man set you free, you are free indeed.PRAYER POINTSThank God for His peace that gives freedom. Let us pray thatChristians would enjoy this freedom in every area of their lives.Raise a battle cry against the enemies of the children of God.That by fire and thunder in the name of Jesus Christ, children ofGod will be free. 251
For Reading THURSDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS PEACE A PRODUCT OF REST2 Chron. 20:1-30 “So Jehoshaphat's kingdom was at peace, for his God had given him rest on every side” 2 Chronicle. 20:3Jehoshaphat was both an outstanding and God fearing man in the Old Testament. A king who believed that children of God can only stand firm as long as their faith isin God. He was a man who believed in those who are anointedby God and that the success of the people can only manifest ifthey believed the prophets of God Almighty. Thus heencouraged his people to share the same faith with him.Three nations namely Ammon, Moab and mount Seir decidedto conspire against Jehoshaphat and his people. But these arepeople that enjoyed the good will of the Israelites on their to thepromise land. While some other nations were destroyed, theywere spared. On hearing their planned attack Jehoshaphatwas terrified but begged God for guidance which culminated infasting and prayer that included every of his subject, thechildren were not excluded. It was in that holy gathering thatGod spoke to the assembly through his prophet and the kingencouraged them to believe.Jehoshaphat won the battle on the platform of praises and theenemies were put to rout. It was reported that for over threedays, Jehoshaphat and his people could not exhaust theabundant provision occasioned by obedience and faith. Whatdo you expect during and after this season? Your testimonyshall be greater.PRAYER POINTSLord I believe your peace in my life is a product of rest,therefore, Lord silence my enemies.Dear father, I raise a battle cry, as many who desire to take whatbelongs to me by force, O Lord arise and defend me. 252
For Reading FRIDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS PATH OF PEACELuke 1:67-79 “To give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death and to guide us to the path of peace” Luke 1:79Zechariah an old priest, whose fortune was changed from barrenness to fruitfulness, sang a new song. He declared that God's plan for His children is to guidethem in the path of peace.The path of peace no doubt puts anew song in the mouth ofall those who genuinely encounter God. Not until Zechariahhad this privilege, the new song never appeared. This is theplan of God for all those who will also encounter him throughthese meditations; your testimony will certainly be amazing.Zechariah said, the one who is your peace would give light toall who are surrounded with darkness.Darkness represents all the woes mankind is faced with.Likewise those who are threatened by the shadow of death.The prince of peace would bring total freedom and youwould be released to the path of peace.With these meditations, the highway of peace had beenopened fort all who are willing to come because your newsong is waiting for you. No more darkness, death must giveway and abundant peace follows.PRAYER POINTSLord Jesus, too many in the church still jostle in darknessand being threatened by the shadow of death. Let your lightshine forth.The Path of peace is your desire for your people 0 Lord;direct our hearts in this noble course. 253
For Reading SATURDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: WHEN TROUBLE COMESII Kings 6:1-16 “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them” 2 Kings 6:16bNaturally when trouble comes, fears will normally set in, but the song writer says, when trouble comes, Jehovah sees, yes indeed, He sees and because Hesees, He is our peace. This is ember months, what could havebrought fears to you? Jehovah sees, in the name of JesusChrist of Nazareth, may courage swallow your fears now.The king of Aram thought Elisha was operating with the arm ofthe flesh, far from it; his next action would certainly turn to follybecause Jehovah sees. The king sent troops after Elisha,thus they surrounded the city with horses and chariots. Whenthe servant of Elisha saw them, his heart failed him. What isthe trouble around that have made your heart to fail. Well, youmay not be the only person; the servant of the prophet alsoexpressed his helplessness and hopelessness. Wheneverfear sets in, we should remember Jehovah see.Elisha was convinced that Jehovah sees, hence he told hisservant. “Don't be afraid, the prophet answered, those whoare with us are more than those who are with them”. Whentrouble comes, Jehovah sees, pray that as Elisha wasconvinced, you too would be convinced to showcase Hisglory.PRAYER POINTSLet us plead with the Lord who knows the heart of men andtheir evil plans that we may be saved from our enemies.My Father, my Father, every siege the enemies have laidagainst your people, please scattered them for their good. 254
For Reading SUNDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: SPIRITUAL EYESIGHT2 Kings 6:17-23 “O Lord, open his eyes so he may see” 2 Kings 6:1 7aWhenever trouble comes, we all need spiritual eye sight that sees God's provision for us all. Just as Elisha prayed that God, should open the eyes of hisservant, so we too should always pray that God would open oureyes to see the abundant provision and divine security that ourFather in heaven had made available to us in Christ Jesus forHe is our peace.Elisha knew that He was his peace, therefore like the Psalmist,he did not allow his heart to be moved though, “a thousand mayfall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will notcome near you”. When the servant saw the host of theenemies, his heart failed him, but when the Lord healed hisspiritual eyesight and saw what God has in place for them, hewas convinced that God was their peace. “Elisha's servant wasno longer afraid when he saw God's mighty heavenly army.Faith reveals that God is doing more for his people than we canever see through human sight alone. Whenever you are facedwith difficulties that seem insurmountable, remember thatspiritual resources are there even if you can't see them. Lookwith the eyes of faith, and let God show you His resources. Ifyou don't see God working in your life, the problem may be yourspiritual eyesight, not God's power. Indeed, He is your peace,when trouble comes.PRAYER POINTSDear Lord Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit open oureyes to be able to see the spiritual resources available to us all.Holy Spirit we plead with you to anoint our eyes with yourointment that we may see. 255
For Reading MONDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HUMILIATION OF THE ENEMYPsalm 46 “. . . And they returned to their master. So the bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel's territory” 2 Kings 6:23.One thing is sure as long as you look up to Him in this season, because He is your peace your enemies would be thoroughly humiliated after which they would callthemselves to order if they love their own lives. The Arameansand their king needed not be told before they stopped raidingthe Israelites. The Lord is prepared to embarrass as many thatposes themselves as your enemies if only you keep faith withthe Lord. Do not give any foot hold to the devil, you will surelysee the salvation of Jehovah God and you will be convincedthat He is your peace.Elijah prayed that the enemies be struck with blindness, so theLord struck them with blindness. The pursuer is now beenpursed. We will surely pursue those who are pursuing us. Childof God believe it, that is the humiliation that this meditation ispackaging for your enemies.Elisha said, “follow me and I will lead you to the man you arelooking for”. That was the beginning of their humiliation andthey ended up at the mercy of the King of Israel. On theinstruction of Elisha, they fed them and sent them back to telltheir story of humiliation to their master. Soldiers wouldunderstand better what happened to these enemies. Relax, Heis your peace, trust Him, your enemies would be humiliated.PRAYER POINTSJehovah my Father, mighty in battle, let our enemies behumiliated today in Jesus name.My Father, my Father, you are my shield and refuge, take overmy battles and glorify your name. 256
For Reading TUESDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH KNOWSMark 6:45-51 “...Take courage! It is l don't be afraid” Mark 6:50.Jehovah knows! Wherever you are now, whatever your situation, the challenges, bitterness or sweetness, darkness or light, appointment or disappointment, food orno food, friends or foes or any other thing, Jehovah knows.Because He knows help is coming your way for He is yourpeace.After feeding the five thousand, immediately Jesus made hisdisciples get into the boat to cross to the other side while hedismissed the crowd. We are told that in the middle of the lake,the wind was against them. No doubt it was a difficult situationfor them. Some of them would have started complaining aboutthe absence of the master. If He were to be with them suchcalamity would have been brought under control.Often times we find ourselves in a similar situation and possiblylose faith and surrender. It should not be so, even if it looks or weare actually alone, we need to be reminded that Jehovah knows.The Lord Jesus knew exactly what was happening to thedisciples, He saw them battling with the wind which was againstthem. Jesus began to walk on the lake to rescue them becausehe knows what you are going through and He is already walkingon top of the situation. Therefore, look up and see him and besaved.PRAYER POINTSThe pressure of life is already making the life boat of somepeople to sink, pray that God will sustain them.As the Lord intervenes in your case, pray against anymisunderstanding on your part. 257
For Reading WEDNESDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH SEESMatthew 8:23-27 “...You of little faith, why are you so afraid... “Matthew 8:26.Let the redeemed of the Lord echo it, He is my Peace in this ember season, the message 'from the throne of grace is, He is my peace. In a turbulent world wherethings are failing apart, Jesus Christ is my peace. Whatthese ember months may offer, He is my peace. Thoughmountains may give way, the sea may be roaring, He is mypeace. Let the redeemed of the Lord say it again, He is myPeace.Beloved! Whatever may have happened or is happening,Jehovah sees. Jesus and his disciples got into the boat tocross to the other side but a furious storm would not allowthem to do so. The waves were so much that water wasswept into the boat. In the midst of this we are told Jesuswas, sleeping. Was He really sleeping or they thought hewas sleeping? They cried, “Lord, save us! We are going todrown”!At one time or the other we have faced similar situation. Itcould be possible this is the experience you are passingthrough. We should never think that the captain of oursalvation ever sleep in such situation in the days of his flesh.Even if you believe He slept at that time, arise and call on himbecause He sees and your case would be settled. Jesus thesame yesterday, today and forever more.PRAYER POINTSJehovah you see all my life, in this ember months, let yourgrace work in my life as you take me to another level. 258
For Reading THURSDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH HEARSPsalm 50 ”Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory” - Psalm 50:15Jehovah hears. The Psalmist speaks of Jehovah thus, “Is He deaf the one who made your ears? Is he blind the one who formed your eyes”? Jehovah is not deaf; He has earsto hear us when we speak. Even before we speak He hasheard us. If only you can speak to Him now, your God is notdeaf, He is attentive to every prayer that shall be offered infaith. He knows your heart and He sees it therefore He is readyto respond to every word that shall be spoken by you.Call on me when you are in trouble says the Lord of host.Troubles come in different ways. He is not selective, whateverthe trouble is, He has given us the license to call. What are youwaiting for, it requires no advocate or an intercessor, and youare more than qualify to call. Trouble had hidden many fromcalling. This becomes a double tragedy and it is the trick ofSatan to further hold his victims to ransom. Do not allow him toclose your mouth in this hour of mercy.His promise of rescue is dependable, reliable and trust worthy.“But the Lord says, the captive of warriors will be released, andthe plunder of tyrants will be retrieved. For I will fight those whofight you, and I will save your children”. (Isaiah 49:25). This iswhat He meant when He said “I will rescue you” so that we willgive Him glory with anybody.PRAYER POINTSThe Lord says; the captive of warriors would be released. Letus raise a battle cry that prisoners in the custody of Satan bereleased.Say to the Lord, you are my peace, therefore every trouble togive way for peace to reign. 259
FRIDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER, 2016For Reading& Meditation: JEHOVAH EQUIPSPsalm 119:97-112 “May the God of peace... equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him “. Hebrews 13:20 21He is our peace because our father in heaven is the God of peace. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the prince of peace and one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is peace. Thus fromevery perspective we are a product of peace. What is it thatthreatens your peace? If you are ignorant of your make, theenemies would not only cheat you but their oppression wouldbe unbearable.The God of peace would always equip his children in diverseways so that they can enjoy and savour the peace that is theirportion. It is good we remind ourselves that His peace whichpasses all understanding, it is beyond human comprehension,and hence no one can take it from you.One of the areas in which the God of peace equip us is throughHis word. Equipping here is to empower some one. When heequips you with His word, you are more than conquerors. “Forthe word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirits,joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of theheart” (Heb 4:12). As a child of God, the word of God in youempowers you therefore, you have the assurance of peace;peace of the Lord. In this last quarter of the year, it must be yourdesire that the word of God would dwell richly in you so that youcan always be equipped for good works.PRAYER POINTSLord Jesus equip us with your word, let us be hungry of it, let usthirst for it, let us be obedient to it, Help us to live it daily.Your word is active, sharper than any double-edged sword, letthe power of your word fill my life and equip me for good works. 260
SATURDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER, 2016For Reading& Meditation: JEHOVAH MULTIPLIESIsaiah 51:1-8 “Abraham was only one man when I called him. But when I blessed him, he became a great nation” Isaiah 51:2.The faithful remnant may have felt alone because they were few. But God reminded them of their ancestors; the source of their spiritual heritage. Abraham was only oneperson, but much came from his faithfulness.The uncommon faith and obedience of Abraham is a goodexample to us according to our text. In this hour of mercy, wetoo can be connected to the divine oasis of unlimited flow. Tothe remnant who were in the land, God spoke to them throughIsaiah that they can enjoy what their father enjoyed if theywould follow his example. Abraham left his comfortable zone inobedience to God's word. The implication of his obedience wasthat he had to forfeit all that he owned and went to a strangeland where he had to start again. That obedience paid off. Thatwas what Isaiah was saying to them as well to everygeneration.Jehovah remains the same. If he wants you to give up what youhave now for a new beginning then let it be. Surely you will havea testimony. But if you hold on to it tenaciously, thenmultiplication would be out of it. While you read this meditation,do not hesitate to obey the Lord because, He his your peaceand when His is there for you, just as He prospered Abrahamso He will prosper you and His people at large.PRAYER POINTSAbraham was only one person and through his obedience,Lord you established and made him father of faith. Help us tobe obedient like him.Jehovah that multiplies, look upon us with mercy and increaseus today. 261
For Reading SUNDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH PAYS BACKII Thessalonian 1:1-12 “God is just. He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you” -2 Thess. 1:6That He is our peace, means that those who may want to undermine our peace, thus they plan trouble for children of God, without hesitation, the scripture says; Baba Godwill pay them back with trouble.The word of God is yea and Amen, therefore avoid causingtrouble for others, you will not be sparred if you do. You maythink you have escaped, lo and behold, it is waiting for you inthe near future.Trouble has become part of our generation and it appears,people take delight in given others trouble. Insurgence in theworld today especially in Nigeria is a trouble that the BokoHaram insurgents are inflicting on innocent souls. We have lostinnocent souls in their thousands. People's children werekidnapped for months. Imagine the trauma associated with it.Although, the Boko Haram members may have settled fordeath, but certainly, they will suffer trouble before their demise.Trouble abounds everywhere. Every trouble, as a result ofbeing a Christian, God says He will pay back so that you canhave your peace. Let the word of God comfort you now if youare being troubled especially because of your faith. God isabout to pay back, therefore surrender to Him now and seewhat He will do. He is your peace.PRAYER POINTSGod says, I will pay back trouble to those who trouble you. Letus raise our voice to God to fulfill His word.Pray and bind all agents of trouble in our land, if they will notrepent, then their trouble must be on their head. 262
For Reading MONDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH ANSWERS1 Kings 18:16-38 “Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice' 1 Kings 18:38.Jehovah our pace answers by fire. Do not give up if your patience is being tried. The psalmist says; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning (Ps.30:5). In a similar vein prophet Isaiah went on to say; “But thosewho hope in the Lord will renew their strength” (40:31). This is aperiod of waiting upon the Lord, it is a promise to us all, thereforewe cannot give up His promise stands and it will not fail.The above was the conviction that Elijah had when hesummoned the nation to Mount Carmel. He was alone in theeyes of men but the host of heaven was with him. Elijah gave theprophets of Baal chance to call on their god. It was a fruitlessexercise, there can't be any answer because Baal is man madegod even if it had power, it cannot withstand the Almighty God.God will not share His glory with any.Having repaired the altar of God and prepared it for a livingsacrifice, he directed the people to fill it with water three times.Elijah called on Jehovah God and He answered by fire andconsumed all.Beloved, this holy convocation is your Mount Carmel where youmust disgrace your enemies and in their presence, Jehovah willanswer you by fire. If God answered Elijah, He will answer you.Put more effort and you will see the salvation of God.PRAYER POINTSIt is time for us all to repair the broken altar of God in our lives,therefore begin to ask for forgiveness in every area.Pray that the altar of God in you becomes a living one that willconnect the heavenly throne. 263
For Reading TUESDAY 20TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH'S TIMEGenesis 18:1-15 “The Lord said, I will surely return to you about this time next year” Genesis 18:10One of the most challenging situations of our age is the problem of procreation among married couples. Adoption of children seems to be unsatisfactory. Manycouple would want a child they can describe as their ownwithout any iota of doubt. Technological break through in thearea of medicine seemed to have failed some people or theycould not meet up with the financial involvement hence we havesomething like baby factories. In these factories, teenagers arerecruited to carry pregnancy and when they deliver the children,they are sold to women or couples who are in dire need ofchildren. This is what infertility has led to in our age.Abraham the father of faith had this problem and at every divineencounter, when God would have reiterated His promises tohim, his anxiety was; “O sovereign Lord, what can you give mesince I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate isEliezer of Damascus ... You have given me no children, so aservant in my household will be my heir. (Gen. 15:2 - 3). Inanother occasion Abraham said; if only Ishmael might liveunder your blessing” (17:18). To all these God said, your wifeSarah will bear you a son... (17:19).God's word to Abraham is coming to everyone who is believingGod for children. I declare, may this your family altar be thedivine visitation of the three visitors to Abraham also coming toyou. Jehovah time for you is this time next year.PRAYER POINTSNot only that the three visitors came to announce God's plan butactually brought the promised child to them, pray that the Lordwill bring the fruit of the womb to you now. 264
For Reading WEDNESDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH'S TIMEJohn 2:1-11 “Dear woman, why do you involve me? Jesus replied. My time has not yet come” John 2:4Jesus' reply may depict what your experience looks like. It appears as if you have been waiting for the salvation of Jehovah for sometime now but not forthcoming. Men ofGod or important personalities may have showed interest inyour matter, but the situation remain the same if only youwould exercise a little faith, this seaon may be the opportunityyou have been waiting for. I make bold to declare over your life,this is your time Jehovah's time for you to soar like an eagleand the manifestation that will follow would be a master piece,the very thing your generation have been waiting for. I tell youthey will do everything humanly possible to identify with you.At Cana in Galilee, the devil decided to embarrass the latestcouple in town and their family. The mother of Jesusintervened but she did not know about divine timing. If weunderstand divine timing, most of our stress would be welltaken care of. Thank God Mary eventually understand thedivine concept of time. If we care to understand how Godworks, we would be saved of many of the disgrace the devilmay bring our way.If your action before now violates Jehovah's time confess now,so that this time will not pass you by as we approach the year.PRAYER POINTSO Lord, help us to overcome the spirit of impatience in our dailywalk with you.In any area we have attempted to foist our will or desire on youLord, have mercy and forgive us. 265
For Reading THURSDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH'S TIMEIsaiah 61:1-7 “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wines after the guests have had too much...” John 2:10.Jehovah's will for you in this ember months is to bring out the best. No power will stop you. Your disgrace has come to an end. No more embarrassment, your cup isready for overflow because Jehovah has filled it. Jehovahhas bestow on you a crown of beauty instead of ashes, theoil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praiseinstead of a spirit of despair. Instead of your shame, Jehovahpromises a double portion in the land.When Jehovah's time has come, Jesus told the servants tofill the jars with water and they filled them to the brim. This iswhat Jehovah has commanded His servants to do in yourlife. If you believe this, your testimony shall be greater.Jehovah's time turns the nothing to something, from zero toZenith, from disappointment to appointment, from nobody tosomebody, from ashes to beauty and from mere water to anew wine of testimonies and praises. Believe it, your timehas come, nobody can stop you, God is on your side, thosewho look down on you would certainly look up to you.When the master of the banquet tasted the wine that cameout of ordinary water, he testified that it was the choice wine.It's your time and season for testimonies.PRAYER POINTSMy Father, my Father, your time brings testimony to a man'slife. Let this season be my time.Lord Jesus, your presence brought honor instead ofdisgrace, people rejoiced with the couple, let men of goodwill rejoice with me today. 266
For Reading FRIDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: BREAKING THE YOKE OF THE FIRST BORNExo. 13:12-16; Num. 8:17-19;1 Chron. 5:1-3 …Dedicate to me every firstborn among the Israelites... Exodus 13:2For everyone whose children are facing some challenges especially the firstborn or first son, a word is coming to you; He is your peace. Today we specially pray for our childrenespecially the first born. Breaking the yoke of the first born is aspecial package in these series of meditation. Many havetestified to how God answered their prayer concerning theirfirstborn. We are fully convinced that God will do it again thisseason. Do not give up if you have this challenge, Jehovahknows, He is your peace.Since the days of Cain, it became obvious that first born of manhave some battle to fight. The place of the first born especiallyfirst son is a crucial one hence the devil is out to attack it. AfterCain, a careful study of those who belong to this group had somebattles to fight. If we careful examine most of our first bornespecially first son, one would discover' that many of them havesome difficult challenges to contend with. This piece is not meantto unearth the challenges of firstborn or first son; rather it is a callfor us all to pray for all firstborn to overcome whatever thechallenges they are contending with. Thank God for those doingwell, but we cannot lose sight of the rest.Reuben lost his place in the genealogical account of theIsraelites. His sins would not allow his father to pray for him. Godis calling us to prayer today; let us pray for all our firstborn or firstson.PRAYER POINTEvery temptation that limits the firstborn thereby limiting thembreak the yoke today. Bind all forms Bewitchment associatedwith the firstborn let it be broken.Pray that firstborn would receive grace to excel in life. 267
SATURDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER, 2016For Reading& Meditation: FORGIVENESS BRINGS PEACELuke 18:9-14; “.. .Since we have been made right in God's sight1 John 1:7-9. by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us” Rom 5:1He is our Peace. But His peace can only be secured if only we have obtained forgiveness from him. No child of God can thrive in the midst of sin, you must be very sure youhave confessed sincerely and wholeheartedly in order to obtainHis forgiveness. We are in a generation where Christiansseems to trivialize sin. The scripture says; “If we claim we haveno sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth” (IJohn 1:8). While this year is gradually coming to the end, haveyou set apart sometime to be alone with God and meditate overyour life? Without such exercise, one would be tempted to thinkall is well whereas one is far away from God.At this junction the story of the Pharisee and the tax-collectorcomes to mind (Luke 18:9-14). The Pharisee who sees himselfas a high religious man believed that he was right with God;therefore, he needed no forgivingness but to go on counting thethings God could not do for Himself. Thus, he began what hewas doing to help God. This is the attitude of those who do notcare about their lives in this matter of confession.The tax-collector came before God sincerely and he realizedthat his righteousness is like a filthy rag, not the labour of hishand can suffice. At a distance and dare not lift his eyes toheaven, he sought forgiveness to pave way for peace. Thus hereturned with His peace which passes all understanding whilethe Pharisee returned with the burden of his sin.PRAYER POINTSO Lord helps us to examine our lives that it may be well with us.Look with mercy upon your church and the world that peacemay reign. 268
For Reading SUNDAY 25TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH WILL RESPONDActs 12:1-19 “But while Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him “Acts 12:5Jehovah is responding to you already if you have been praying along in this ember month. He is your peace, He will not keep quiet, and your time of freedom has come. Itmay be true that what is happening to you happened to othersbut they didn't survive it. Your case is different. What killedothers will not kill you. James died in the hand of King HerodAgrippa who accepted to be a tool in the hand of Satan. In thetime of James it may appear as if God was powerless, thechurch was docile but these conclusions were to the contrarywhen Peter was billed to be killed.When Peter was arrested, we are told that the church prayedand evidence followed. This is a period of prayer, if we are readyto pray, we have our God who is prepared to answer and if youhave prayed our God says; “I will answer them before they evencall to me, while they are still talking about their needs, I will goahead and answer their prayers” (Isaiah 65:2 5).Jehovah responded speedily to the prayers of the church andthat same night an angel of the Lord was dispatched to releasePeter. The implication of this in our lives is that while the prayerlasted your angels were dispatched for operation. Jehovah hasresponded begin to thank God.PRAYER POINTSLet us pray that the Lord would release whatever belongs to usthat is imprisoned.As the Lord dispatches His angels, pray that no prince ofdemons will stop them.Lord Jesus respond to the cry of your people and let chains falloff now. 269
For Reading MONDAY 26TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH WILL NOT BE QUIETActs 16:16-37 “Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God... “Acts 16:25Certainly Jehovah will not keep quite. He is our peace if you are convinced of this, you will rather pray more than to pass the blame unto God. Temptations and trials maynot abate when expected, yet like the Psalmist, we will hope onGod. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb13:8). If he did it in the past, He will do it again.Paul and Silas were in Philippi to proclaim the gospel. In thatcity was a demon possessed slave girl, a fortune teller, makinga lot of money for her owner. She identified Paul ad Silas andtold the people the exact mission of the missionaries. It was thetruth but truth from demons looking for divine approval. In thisend time we need the spirit of discernment so that we will not bemisled.Paul rebuked the spirit and that spell doom for their source ofincome. Eventually, Paul and his companion were plunged intoprison. Jehovah God will not keep quiet. Say this to yourselfseven times. He will not keep quiet, He is your peace. Insteadof self pity and blaming God, Paul and Silas were praying andsinging hymns. Why do you think Jehovah will keep quiet?Jehovah responded with earthquake, by the time everythingdied down, the chains had fallen off, prison doors opened,Jailer and his family converted and a table prepared for Pauland Silas. Yours will not be less.PRAYER POINTSO Lord gives us the spirit of discernment in this end-time thatwe may not be deceived. Pray for missionaries all over theworld for God's protection, provision and support. 270
For Reading TUESDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH OVERDOJohn 6:1-12 “So they picked up the pieces and filled twelve baskets with scraps left by the people who had eaten from the five barley loves” John 6:13Jehovah overdo is His name. As you pray and believe, this shall be your testimony. God is never a man whose gift is limited. Your miracle is sure with extraordinarypackage for you. The surprises of God are already waitingfor you. Believe it and you will see the glory of God.Jesus decided to feed the multitude after the teaching andpraying session. To the disciples it was an impossible taskhence they could not hide their feelings. The young boythey stumbled at had only five loaves and two fish. Jehovahoverdo is already turning your lack to surplus, yourinadequacy to being more than enough. Whatever was littlebefore now, Jehovah overdo will use it for greater things inyour life.Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, having giventhanks, Jehovah overdo released His abundance. This iswhat is happening to you now if only you begin to thank Godfor your miracle. It is obvious that after now, yourinsufficiency shall become sufficient. After every personhad enough, twelve baskets with scarps left by the peoplewho had eaten were gathered together. It is a feast ofharvest for all those who believe.PRAYER POINTSJehovah Overdo, you have done it in the life of others, do itin my life today.Jehovah overdo, let me not be put to shame, let your favourspeak for me. 271
For Reading WEDNESDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JEHOVAH EMPOWERS Isaiah 40:27-31 “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength” Isaiah 40:31When God grants opportunity of renewal and empowerment to His people, it is always awesome and life transforming. He renews their strength inevery ramifications of life. Such opportunities are divineworkshop where the Almighty God is over hauling His people.He takes His time to break us, melt us and begin to re-mould usas a befitting temple. As an engine, He looses us just as themechanic would loose the different parts of the engine.Carbons that have settled in the engine that makes the enginenot to perform optimally are washed away. Parts that neededreplacement are also replaced. Waiting upon the Lord affordsus such wonderful experience.If sincerely we have taken a walk with the Lord daily in the lightof our theme for the month, our Father in heaven in the personof the Holy Spirit has played the role of the mechanic in ourlives. It is only those who have waited on the Lord that wouldhave their strength renewed.If you believe that your strength has been renewed, then likeApostle Paul, you should declare; I can do everything throughhim who gives me strength. Your strength had been renewed;say to yourself, I can do it these ember months will favour me; itis well with me and my household.PRAYER POINTSBegin to decree and declare over your life that the embermonths are for your good.Tell the Lord to make you a helper to your generation.You have been empowered to succeed. While you thank theLord, take your stand in this declaration. 272
For Reading THURSDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: I HAVE ESCAPEDPsalm 124:1-8 “We have escaped like a bird…' Psalm 124:7The Psalmist says; “we have escaped like a bird out of the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped”. I do not know the condition,situation or platform on which you started this embermonth. From the beginning we told you that He (Jesus) isyour peace. Because He is your peace, if your case waspathetic, the concluding message now is that you haveescaped that pathetic condition, it is no longer your portion,and your name and that of your household had beenremoved. The enemies that gathered because of you hadbeen scattered, all the arrows directed against you in oneway, are to flee in seven ways. With your eyes you willbegin to see the downfall of all those who trouble you.The Lord through Moses said, the Egyptians you seetoday, you will see them no more. The discouragingsituation had been settled by the one who is your peace,therefore you have escaped.Do not allow the devil to preach another gospel to you, Godhas provided a way out for you, trust Him for what He saidto you. If He has done it for others, He will do it again andHe has done it for you.PRAYER POINTSIf God says, you have escaped, believe it and begin tothank God.Affliction shall not arise the second time, therefore byprayers begin to subdue Satan. 273
For Reading FRIDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2016& Meditation: INDEED HE IS MY PEACEMatthew 9:18-26 “Everything is possible for him who believes” Mark 9:23Our Lord says, everything is possible for him who believes. Take note of the word, “Everything”, not few, not some, and not little. If you believe God for all that have transpired in thecourse of this programme, Jesus Christ says it is possible for you.As we come to the end of this month, we consider the story of adead girl and the woman who bled for twelve years. For the familyof the girl and also the woman, it was a period of crisis laden withsorrow, weeping, self-pity, loneliness and many other uglyscenarios.In such situation, there is the cry for peace. The hymn writer says;peace, perfect peace in this dark world of sin, the blood of Jesuswhispers peace within”. Peace, perfect peace with loved ones faraway? In Jesus' keeping we are safe, and they. Certainly thewordings of the hymn describe perfectly the situation this twopeople found themselves.Thanks be to God, Jesus came into their situation and hedemonstrated His ability to give peace to trouble situation. Thetouch of his cloak brought instant healing to the woman who hadbled for twelve years. Her faith healed her. She believed and itbecame possible. By the time, Jesus took the dead girl by his hand,life came into her and the family got her peace of mind.Indeed He is our peace. To every challenging situation you havefaced, the prince of peace had stepped in. if you believe that He isyour peace, your testimony will come forth.PRAYER POINTTwelve years bleeding stopped, pray that every form of bleeding inour lives, the church and the nation to stop. 274
For Reading SATURDAY, 1ST OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: BUILDING A CHRISTIAN HOMETitus 2:1-8 “He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect.” I Timothy 3:4Congratulations and welcome to another new month. As you read and meditate on the word of God, God will give you grace to build a vibrant Christian home in Jesusname, Amen. The change we anticipate in Nigeria begins in ourdifferent homes, therefore, on this auspicious occasion ofcelebrating our independence as a nation, let us effectnecessary changes in our homes.Now, what is a Christian home? An ideal Christian home is aninstitution where parents are bound together by Christianvirtues; where children are welcomed and scripturallyinstructed and the Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the home; aplace where parents and children gather daily for familyworship.Therefore beloved, make your home a place where members ofyour family enjoy rest, privacy, a sense of security; and learn towork, play, plan and pray together. A song writer said, “a familythat pray together, stays together.” You need to create anatmosphere in which your family learn to regard one another ashaving equal rights; where loyalty, honesty and co-operationare practiced and learned by each members of the family team.Genesis 18:19 is one of the best picture in the Bible of aChristian home. God first recognized Abraham's success in thehome, and then granted him greater responsibilities.PRAYER POINTMy Father and my God, incubates me and my family to becomea Christian home where Christ is radiated in Jesus name,Amen. 275
For Reading SUNDAY, 2ND OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: A SUCCESSFUL CHRISTIAN HOMEDeut. 6:6-7 “For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household…” Gen. 18:19.As a way of follow up to yesterday devotion, God wants you to manifest a successful Christian home trait. The secret of a successful Christian home is in the familyaltar where Christ is crowned as Head of the home. A Christianhome is one that radiates Christ; welcome strangers anddispenses hospitality. Love is the second secret of a successfulhome.Parents are to train and discipline their children for the Lord.Prov. 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way that he shouldgo; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Fathers,as head of the home, Eph. 5:23 command you to control yourhome faithfully as Abraham did. Provide for the needs of yourhome. You are required to love your wife and family. Thehusband is the priest of the family and is responsible toestablish a family altar for daily family worship. Job 1:5 says;“when a period of feasting had run its course, Job would sendand them purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice aburnt offering for each of them, thinking, perhaps my childrenhave sinned and cursed God in their hearts. This was Job'sregular custom”. This is an example of a man who is concernedabout his children and ultimately the society.Beloved, do you think it is possible to build a successful churchand society without guiding your home? You need to play yourpart now.PRAYER POINT:Thank you Father for today's devotional, Holy Spirit anoint myhome to consist of Godly father devoted mother and Godfearing Children in Jesus name, Amen. 276
For Reading MONDAY, 3RD OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: THE PLACE OF WOMAN INProverbs 31:26-31 BUILDING CHRISTIAN HOME “A wife of noble character is her husband's crown…” Prov. 12:4The Christian church and society cannot flourish without a wife of noble character that makes impact on her home. This is because;the Christian home is the back bone of the nation, thesalt of civilization. A wife of noble character is a homemaker. She create an atmosphere of love wherechildren are scripturally instructed and the LordJesus made known as the head; parents andchildren are encouraged to gather daily for familyworship. As a matter of fact, the wife first duty is tolove and serve Jesus Christ. (Luke 14:26).Women should strive to radiate Christ, welcomerelatives, strangers and dispense hospitality withoutmeasures. Good wives and mothers are wonderfulgift from God. They become a tremendous blessingto their husband and family (Proverbs 31:10-20).Please obey your husband as Sarah was exemplary(1 Peter 3:6). Devoted mothers should be modest,with meek and quiet spirit (I Peter 3:4-6).PRAYER POINTMy heavenly Father and God, you created me inyour own image and likeness. Shine through me tocompliment my husband in building a vibrantChristian home in Jesus name, Amen. 277
For Reading TUESDAY, 4TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: FAVOUR THROUGH WOMANMatthew 19:13-14 “He who finds a wife finds what is good, and receives favour, favour from the Lord.” Prov. 18:22Beloved, welcome to another day that the Lord has made for you and your family to realize your potentials. A good woman brings favour from God to man, and by extension to the churchand society. To have a wife, the Bible says it is a good thing and tohave a husband is to have a good thing. The challenge we are facedwith is that of being a good wife or husband. But it is important to statethat being a good husband or wife can only materialize in a marriagesetting. There is no school where you go to learn before you go on tomarry. This means that is only when one is married you can learn tobe good hence marriage is a school. Therefore, some of theproblems associated with marriage are designed for us to learn andwhen we are able to master them, marriage becomes a lot easier.However, this can be possible if we make Jesus the Lord of our livesand marriage. Making him the Lord of our marriage is to accept hisopinion in every issue that crops up. His opinion about any matter isclearly stated in the Bible.Therefore, to build vibrant family and society, women have vital rolesto play. That is to love their children (Titus 2:4-6). They are expectedto bring their children to the Lord at an early age for a better family,Church and society of tomorrow. Women, endeavour to train anddiscipline your children for the Lord for an orderly church and society.Teach the children to obey God and laws of the country (Deut. 32:46).Assist men to provide for the children's food, clothing and opportunityfor education or any means to choose their own life career or vocationunder God (I Timothy 5:8). Acknowledge your husband as the priestof the family and he is responsible to establishing family altar for dailyfamily worship.PRAYER POINT:Father, for you to create me as a help meet to my husband and family.Use me as a vessel of honour to equip my family to your glory inJesus name, Amen. 278
For Reading WEDNESDAY 5TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: LEARNING FROM THE FAMILY OF JESUSMatthew 1:18-25;2:13-15; 19-22 “When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife…” Matt. 1:24-25Matthew 1:18 records how Mary, mother of Jesus was pledged to be married to Joseph. There were no sexual relations during a Jewish betrothalperiod, but it was a much binding relationship than a modernengagement and could be broken only by divorce. In Deut,22:24, a betrothed woman is called a “wife”, though thepreceding verse speaks of her as being “pledged to bemarried”. Matthew uses the terms “husband” (vs. 19) and“wife” (vs. 24) of Joseph and Mary before they were married.Succinctly put, we can learn starling virtues from the familyof Jesus headed by Joseph, His earthly father. After theconception of Mary by the Holy Spirit; Joseph, a just mandidn't expose Mary to public shame and death, as requiredby law (Deut. 22:25-28). He was obedient to the word ofGod. Joseph did as the angel of the Lord bid him and tookunto him his wife. (Matthew 1:24).The safety of our family should be our concern. Forinstance, when Joseph was warned of impending danger,he took a flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15). When thecoast was clear he returned. Therefore, let us be sensitiveto God, obey His voice and do the right thing at the right time;and be at the right place at the right time with members ofyour family.PRAYER POINT:Oh God, help me to be a glaring blessing to my family inJesus name. 279
For Reading THURSDAY 6TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: FOLLOWING GOD COURAGEOUSLYIsaiah 6:8; Ps. 23:4;1 John 5:4. “…Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles…” (Acts 9:15)Courage is the ability to do something dangerous or to face opposition or pains without fear. It connotes boldness or braveness. Courage is one of thegreatest ways of manifesting faith in God. It is a strongconfidence that God cannot fail. Hebrew 11:30-40 illustratesseveral biblical heroes who demonstrated great courage“who through faith conquered kingdoms, administeredjustice and gained what was promised; who shut themouth of lions, quenched the fiery flames and escapedthe edge of sword; whose weakness was turned tostrength; and who became powerful in battle and routedforeign armies.” (Hebrew 11:33-34).As read from the text, God may be calling you today as Hecalled Paul. Only courageous faith will keep us going whenwe are puzzled by our circumstances, when we are sufferingfor our choices, and when we are going through the valley ofthe shadow of death Ps. 23:4). Following God's plan will notalways be easy, but we can trust that the all powerful God willcontinue to equip us, guide us and strengthen us in ourbattle.In Joshua 1:9, God said, “Have not I commanded thee?Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid neitherbe thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee withso ever thou goes. (KJV)PRAYER POINTPray for divine encounter for the salvation of your family,community and nation. 280
For Reading FRIDAY 7TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: SOUL WINNINGDaniel 12:3;John 10:10b “…and he who wins souls is wise.” Prov. 11:30A soul is worth more than all the world. That is, a soul is invaluable. Psalm 126:5-6 says, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth andweepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtlesscome again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves withhim.” Soul winning is a definite effort to lead a definiteperson to accept a definite saviour at a definite time. If youvalue souls, then you must be a soul winner.Firstly, the fact of hell: if we truly believe that souls wereheaded for a lost eternity of hell fire, brimstone, torture,blackness anguish and pain forever, we would surely do allin our power to persuade men to turn from sin to JesusChrist. Secondly, the desire to have the family circlecomplete in heaven. Wouldn't it be sad to know that onerelative was missing because, we were lazy or careless?The glories of heaven drive the soul winner on to haveothers share these.Dearly beloved, the personal rewards for a faithful soulwinners is the crown which should motivate us to occupyuntil Jesus will come to take us home. As we step out todaymake a point of duty to introduce Christ Jesus tosomebody and earnestly desire his salvation.PRAYER POINT:Oh God my Redeemer, thank you for the gift of your sonJesus Christ, our Saviour. Grant me more grace to fulfillyour mandate on earth in Jesus name, Amen. 281
SATURDAY 8TH OCTOBER, 2016 For Reading & Meditation: THE ULTIMATE PRICE Mark 15:30-40 “And Jesus altered a loud cry, and breathed his last…” Mark 15:37-39Death was the ultimate or supreme price of our Lord Jesus Christ here on earth, towards the salvation of mankind. He was bruised, beaten, a crown of thornsplaced on his head, flogged and shipped, spat upon andmocked. Nails were driven through his hands and feet. Hewas pierced in the side with a spear.God so loved the world that he gave His only son Jesus Christ.He is the Good Shepherd who giveth His life for the sheep. Sininvolves death penalty. Ezekiel 18:14 says, “The soul thatsinneth it shall die.” Therefore II Corinth. 5:15 says “Hedied for all that those who live should no longer live forthemselves, but for Him who died for them and was raisedagain.” Ponder on this familiar song; because He lives: God sent His son, They call Him Jesus, He came to die, heal and forgive He bled and died to buy my pardon, An empty tomb is there to prove My saviour lives. Chorus: Because He lives…Beloved, the death of Jesus is sufficient for every sinner. Hedied for our sins, particularly for mine. Each time you sin, youare crucifying Jesus. Please, surrender your heart to Him.PRAYER POINTFather, have mercy upon me. Forgive me my sins and cleanseme with the blood of Jesus. Grant me grace to live for Jesuseveryday. 282
For Reading SUNDAY 9TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: THE GRACE OF GIVINGII Corinth. 9:6-15 “…see that you also excel in this grace of giving. II Corinth. 8:7.Beloved, as read from the text, the context shows that Paul was speaking of giving. We need to follow the steps of Jesus Christ who was rich, but was madepoor so that we can be rich through his sacrificial life onearth. Bearing and manifesting the fruit of the Spirit (Gal.5:22-23) helps to action godly giving.First, give your body to God. Romans 12:1 says, “I beseechyou brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye presentyour bodies as a living sacrifice…” The Macedoniansgave themselves to God (I Corinth. 8:5) …first gave theirown selves to the Lord. We must give ourselves wholly tothe things of God. I Timothy 4:15 says “Meditate uponthese things: give thyself wholly (completely) to Him.Give attendance to the reading of the word.Beloved, we must also give ourselves continually toprayers. Acts 6:4 says, But we will give ourselvescontinually to prayers and the ministry of the word. Next,give thanks for everything. As in I Thess. 5:18, “Ineverything give thanks; For this is the will of God inChrist Jesus concerning you.”Finally, give money to the Lord. The Macedonians (IICorinth. 8:2), out of their deep poverty gave liberally to theLord and Paul accepted the gifts as an act of fellowship.PRAYER POINTFather, use me as instrument of blessings in your vineyard. 283
For Reading MONDAY 10TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATIONRomans 15:14-29. “…we implore you on Christ's behalf. Be reconciled to God. II Corinth 5:26Reconciliation basically means “change” or “exchange.” The idea is of a change of relationship. In exchange of antagonism for good-will, enmity for friendship.Attitudes are transformed and hostility ceases. It connotesbringing together of two parties that are estranged or indispute. Jesus Christ is the one who brings together God andman, with salvation as a result of the union.Dearly beloved, when Paul admonishes his readers in IICorinth. 5:20 to “be reconciled to God,” he is telling them toreceive humbly and gratefully the reconciliation that God hasalready achieved in Christ Jesus. The divine human act ofreconciliation serves as the basis for authentic person toperson reconciliation.God reconciling work is in large measure the ministry of theChurch. Believers have been commissioned by theresurrected Lord to have a message and ministry ofreconciliation. In the same sense, reconciliation is not only areality of life for believers, but it is also a purpose of theirkingdom ministry. Our lives as Christians must show that wehave been reconciled to God and man our neighbours. Howoften we see Christians whose relationship clearly shows thatthey are not reconciled both to God and man. This is nothingshort of hypocrisy. God is calling us to repentance so that wecan truly be His ambassadors.PRAYER POINTFather, thank you for work of reconciliation through JesusChrist; Incubate me Lord to reach out to others in Jesus name. 284
For Reading TUESDAY 11TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: ACQUIRING SPIRITUAL IDENTITYJohn 14:7-15 “…and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Eph. 4:13-15.Beloved, there are many distorted teachings and heresies that would easily throw the immature off- course, through cunning, craftiness and deceitfulscheming. Sometimes, those who try to draw people awayfrom the Christian faith are not innocently misguided, but theyare deliberately deceitful and evil (I Timothy 4:1-2)Therefore, to be mature, you need spiritual connection withGod. At this juncture, let us examine the key words of today'sdevotion:ACQUIRE: means to gain by your own efforts, ability orbehaviour.SPIRITUAL: implies connection with the human spirit orsupernatural, rather than the body or physical things; e.g aspiritual experience or encounter with Jesus Christ.IDENTITY: This entails the characteristics, feelings or beliefsthat distinguish people from others. For instance, in Antioch,the Christ-like characters of early believers made people toidentify them as Christians. What is your spiritual identity? Doyou have connection with God? If no, then receive Jesus intoyour heart (John 1:12; Rev. 3:20). The next step is to growspiritual like Jesus. (Luke 2:52).Jesus grew and matured like any child in wisdom, stature andfavour with God and men. We need to emulate Him by “Walkingin His steps (1 Peter 2:21), not only in action, but in charactertoo.PRAYER POINT:Lord, make me your sanctuary and practical ambassador onearth in Jesus name, Amen. 285
For Reading WEDNESDAY 12TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: FAVOUREsther 2:15-end “…Esther won the favour of everyone who saw her.” Esther 2:15-17.Favour is what helps man to achieve divine destiny or expectation with minimum effort. Favour is sometimes used interchangeably withmercy or grace. As read from today's devotional text,the other virgins required mainly ornaments and otherthings which they thought would appeal to kingAhasuerus, but Esther required nothing extra exceptwhat Hagai suggested.Because, God was with her, coupled with simplicity,she stood out more than others even though she was aforeigner, God made it possible, when she was takento the King, he indicated his love and favours towardsher above all others and set the royal crown upon herhead. This month of October, you will be favoured torule in Jesus name.Daniel; 6:1-3 “…then Daniel was preferred abovethe presidents and princess because excellentspirit was in him; and the king thought to set himover the whole realm.” When the spirit of favour isupon our lives, it compels men to assist in our destinypursuit.PRAYER POINT:Lord, let this month of October, be my month of divineand supernatural progress in Jesus name. 286
For Reading THURSDAY 13TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: SEASON OF EXCELLENCEIsaiah 1:19; THROUGH GRACEPhil. 2:5-11. “The Lord our God said to us…You have stayed long enough at this mountain.” Deut. 1:6Beloved, this is your month of accomplishments and fulfillment. You have dwelt enough on that level or problem long enough. It is time to move from yourcurrent level to excellent level, from sickness to perfectdivine health, from poverty to great riches, from darknessto divine excellent light. This month of October is yourseason of excellence through the grace of God in allareas of your life. First, let us understand the key words.SEASONS means a period of time during a year when aparticular activity happens or is done.EXCELLENCE means the quality of being extremelygood.GRACE means kindness that God shows towardshuman race-unmerited favour, the power of divine grace.For instance, grace was demonstrated in the lives ofJoseph, King Solomon, etc.It is now your turn to move forward in this season ofexcellence through grace. As written in John 10:10,Jesus doesn't want us to have just a little bit of life, butabundantly as God originally created man to rule. Thismonth, God will make you indispensable and excellent inall your endevours.PRAYER POINTDecree excellent performance through grace into yourjob, business, career, marriage, etc. 287
FRIDAY 14TH OCTOBER, 2016For Reading& Meditation: THE EFFICACY OF THE WORD OF GOD1 Thess. 4:18;1 Peter 1:23 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105)Beloved, welcome to today's devotion; only God's word can answer these important questions: Where did I come from? What is the purpose of my life? If aman dies, will he live again?Therefore, the daily study of the word of God is veryrelevant because, firstly, conviction of sin comes throughthe word of God (Acts 2:14-37). In Peter's Pentecostsermon, nine verses out of twenty-three quotations arefrom the Old Testament in which the audience wereconvicted of their sins and asked what shall we do to besaved?Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17).Hence, you need to read the word of God everyday toincrease your faith. Cleansing comes from the Word ofGod. II Corinth. 7:1 says “having therefore thesepromises, dearly believed, let us cleanse ourselvesfrom all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfectingholiness in the fear of God.” The promises are the wordof God. Also, assurance of salvation comes from the wordof God. 1 John 5:13 says “These things have I writtenunto you that believe on the name of the son of Godthat ye may know that ye have eternal life. Therefore,make the Holy Scriptures your constant guide andcompanion in life.PRAYER POINTLord, make me to dwell richly in your word everyday. 288
For Reading SATURDAY 15TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: LEARN FROM THE WISE-MENLuke 21:1-4;Matthew 2:9-10 “…We saw his star in the East and have come to worship Him. Matthew 2:1-2Welcome to today's devotional; as read from the text, Wise men from the East journeyed to seek Jesus and worshipped Him. Today,Wise-men can still seek Jesus and learn from theexample of the Wise-men from the East. Over 2,000years ago, they gazed upon the heaven and were drawnto a star. They were compelled to follow its light. Theymay have pondered on the prophecy found in Isaiah60:1-3 that says “Arise, shine, your light has come…The Gentile shall come to your light, and kings to thebrightness of your rising.” Their unwavering purposesas recorded in Matthew 2:2 are summed up in their ownwords. “For we have seen His star in the East andhave come to worship Him. They offered preciousgifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to Jesus andworship Him.” Will you do same today and onward?The Wise-men remained open to God's leading, allowGod to lead you this year 2016 and you will excel. Makesure you will be available to follow the signs when itcomes, and be willing to go the distance wherever itleads you. Grow in the spiritual habit of giving your bestto the king of our lives.PRAYER POINTBy the blood of Jesus, I stand against every device ofdestructions, in the name of Jesus. 289
For Reading SUNDAY 16TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: OVERVCOMING THE NATURAL MANI Corinth. 2:10-14 “…The man without the spirit does not accept the things that comes from the spirit of God. 1 Corinth. 2:13-14Welcome to today's devotional; the natural man is a man living under the control of fleshly passions, the sensual and depraved part ofman in contrast with rational part (Gal. 5:19-21) He isthe animal man as opposed to the spiritual man. He hasno sense of spiritual values and no relish for them. Hecounts it the highest wisdom to live for this world andcarnal pleasures. Spiritual things are foolishness to him.He cannot see their supreme excellence due to animalappetites and being spiritually dead. (Eph. 2:1-9).Beloved, you must strive to overcome the natural man:First, you must receive Jesus Christ into your life and beborn again. 1 John 5:4 says “for everyone born of Godovercomes the world. This is the victory that hasovercome the world, even our faith.” Next, set yourmind on things above (Col. 3:2). Strive to keep God'scommandment, live a life of righteousness and holinessevery day. Accepts God's discipline and teaching ofChrist crucified in carrying out His gospel work as Hemandated us in Matthew 28:19-20. Finally, build up yourfaith, praying in the Holy Spirit (Jude 20).PRAYER POINTOh God! Make me your sanctuary that is pure and holy,fulfilling your mandates on earth, in Jesus name, Amen. 290
For Reading MONDAY 17TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: JESUS CHRIST, THE ANOINTED ONEJohn 1:35-37;Matthew 28:18-20 “…And a voice from heaven said, “This is my son whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:16-17As read from the text, God revealed Jesus Christ as the anointed one after His baptism. There was great excitement among the disciples at the revelation ofJesus Christ to them as the Messiah. (John 1:29-34).Andrew, after acknowledging Jesus as the Lamb of God,through the introduction of John (John 1:35-37), invited Peterto meet Jesus, the Messiah. Also, Philip after his encounterwith Jesus, invited Nathaniel to Jesus, “Come and see,” saidPhilip (John 1:46b).Beloved, what can the church learn from the actions of theseearly disciples? They were evangelicals. Please note that“Christ” means “Jesus The Anointed One.” Has He (Jesus)been revealed to you? What did Jesus do when he wasanointed? Acts 10:38 says, He went about doing good,healing those oppressed by the devil. \"Therefore, everyChristian is expected to identity with Jesus and follow Hissteps and obeys the “Great Commission by going ye…”(Matt. 28:18-29).Amazingly, when Jesus began His public ministry, few peoplerecognized Him. At one point, Jesus asked His disciples“Who do people say that the Son of Man is? (Matt. 16:36)in verse 15b, Peter answered “You're the Christ, the Son ofthe Living God.” With these words, Peter declared Jesus asthe anointed one. Only those who have been born again canconfess that Jesus is the Christ, can you?PRAYER POINT:Oh God incubate me to declare your oracle everyday. 291
For Reading TUESDAY 18TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: THE NEW WAYGal. 5:16;Eph. 2:22, 24. “Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves…” Matthew 10:16Welcome to today's devotional; at baptism, a new spiritual life begins. As Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too rise fromthe water to begin a new life in Christ (Romans 6:4). Atbaptism, we promised God that we will change our ways oflife to serve Him.It is a decision to commit ourselves to Him for the rest of ourlives as true witness, carrying out His mandate. Thisrequires efforts and determination and is possible withGod's help. Hebrews 4:16 says Let us then withconfidence draw near to the throne of grace that we mayreceive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”And Colossians 3:1-5, “if then you have been raised withChrist, seek the things that are above, where Christ isseated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on thingsthat are above, not on things that are on earth. For youhave died and your life is hidden with Christ in God;when Christ who is your life appears, then you also willappear with Him in glory. Put to death therefore what isearthly in you; sexual immorality, impurity, passion,evil desire and covetousness, which is idolatry”Beloved, let your way of life be in the likeness of truerighteousness and holiness.PRAYER POINT:My Father and my God let your anointing and zeal help meto be your true ambassador on earth in Jesus name. 292
For Reading WEDNESDAY 19TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: ALL I HAVE IS YOURSPsalm 23:1-3. “”…you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.” Luke 15:31.“All I have is yours,” is a word of encouragement to the elder brother of the prodigal son that wasted his inheritance, but repented at last.Therefore, as you read and meditate on this devotional, ifyou are going through difficulties perhaps due tomisappropriation of priority, talents, gifting, etc come backhome to God the Father through Jesus Christ. (Ps. 127:1;Isaiah 1:19) Jesus said, “there will be joy in heavenover one sinner who repents than over ninety-ninejust person who need no repentance. Luke 15:7For those of you that has been faithful in occupying till hecomes, payment of tithe, first fruit, vows, evangelism andcharity works etc. Please, don't complain like the seniorbrother of the prodigal son. Givers never lack. All youhave were given to you by God. God is your inheritance.When you have Jesus, you have everything. You shall begreat like Abraham. In this month of October, the Lord willuplift you to a higher level. You shall not lack. He willmake you lie down in green pastures that will lead topromotion, preference, securing contracts, etc. he willrestore your soul and lead you on the path ofrighteousness.PRAYER POINT:Oh God remember me and let your favour, honour,prosperity visit me in Jesus name. 293
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