For Reading MONDAY, 23RD MAY, 2016& Meditation: CHILDHOOD BEGINNINGS2 Timothy 3:14-17 Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve. Mark 10:45A young Christian brother who reflects on the words of 2 Timothy 3:14-17 finds a great wisdom. From his childhood, he reminisced, he had known theBible. His mother and father had taught him the truths ofthe Scriptures that were “able to make [him] wise forsalvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (v.15). Heacknowledged that his preparation to be a pastor hadbegun when he was still a child. His dad challenged himusing the words of Jesus about Himself in Mark 10:45,saying, remember our family motto, 'We are here to serve,not to be served.'” It was easy to understand how thisyoung man had developed his maturity of faith.The children God has entrusted to us are precious gifts. Agood foundation will help them to develop into maturebelievers who are “complete, thoroughly equipped forevery good work” (2 Tim. 3:17). With God's help we canpass on the baton of faith to future generations. What agreat privilege to be servants like Jesus. Children areGod's precious jewels-help them shine for Christ.Begin to train them earlyTo fear and love the Lord,To carry on life's pathwayGod's lamp, His holy Word. FennemaPRAYER POINT:O Lord my God may our children be godly seed that willturn the hearts of men to the Saviour of the world. 144
For Reading TUESDAY, 24TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: THE BLESSED HOPE2 Peter 3:10-18 We look] for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13So many predictions of the end of the world have come and gone. Those predictions are unsettling and often fill people with fear. Yet the Bible does refer to a timecalled “the day of the Lord” when He will return. It willhappen, but only God knows when. It's a day that Jesus'followers can look forward to. In light of that time to come,the apostle Peter tells us how the believer can live with ajoyful purpose (2 Peter 3:10-18). We can look upward byliving Christ-honoring lives (v.11). We can look inward bymaking every effort to be found at peace with God (v.14).And we can look outward by being on guard so we aren'tcarried away by the wrong influence of others (v.17).How do we do this? By “growing in the grace and knowledgeof our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (v.18). When we growin character through His written Word, we begin to relatemore closely to Jesus, the Living Word. The Holy Spirittakes God's Word and guides us in the way to live.The day of the Lord shouldn't be a fearful day for Jesus'followers. Our King will return to make all things right and torule forever. We wait for that time with great anticipation. It isour “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13). One day Jesus will return torule and reign!PRAYER POINTAnd for the hope of His return, Dear Lord, Your name wepraise; With longing hearts we watch and wait For that greatday of days! Sherwood. 145
For Reading WEDNESDAY, 25TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: DIGESTING THE WORDJeremiah 15:15-21 Your Word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. Jeremiah 15:16King James is famous for the Bible translation that bears his name. Around the same time as the printing of the Bible, he also made revisions to The Book of CommonPrayer. Still in use today, this guide to intercession andworship contains a marvelous prayer for internalizing theBible: “Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures tobe written for our learning; grant that we may . . . hear them,read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience,and comfort of [Your] holy Word, we may embrace and everhold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life.”Many centuries earlier, Jeremiah the prophet expressed asimilar way of letting the Scriptures nourish our hearts: “Yourwords were found, and I ate them; and Your Word was to methe joy and rejoicing of my heart: for I am called by Your name,O Lord God of hosts” (Jer. 15:16). We internalize the Word aswe “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest” a passage ofScripture through prayerful meditation.Ask the Lord to help you apply the Bible to your heart today.Take time to ponder the meat and milk of the Word (Heb.5:12). As you quiet your heart, God will teach you aboutHimself through His Book. Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed anddigested. BaconPRAYER POINT:Lord, I meditate on your precepts and contemplate your ways.I delight myself in your statutes; I will not forget Your Word.Open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from your law. 146
For Reading THURSDAY, 26TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: EAR WORMSPhilippians 4:4-9 If there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8They burrow. They bore in. They attach themselves inside your head. Earworms, a term once used exclusively for insects, is now the name for those unrelenting tunes thatyou can't get out of your head. Songs like, “The Lion SleepsTonight,” the “Barney” song, or my personal nightmare: “It's aSmall World After All.”They say the only way to rid yourself of the insidious infestationis to replace it with another tune your “cleaner” song. Newwords and a fresh tune can crowd out the old. Maybe we coulduse a cleaner song for our thought-life as well. When lustful orvengeful thoughts creep into our minds, reading andmeditating on God's Word can help to clean up our thinking.Scripture tells us to love the Lord “with all [our] heart, with all[our] soul, and with all [our] mind” (Matt. 22:37) and not to “beconformed to this world” but to “be transformed by therenewing of [our] mind” (Rom. 12:2). It instructs us to thinkabout things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable,excellent, and praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8).When our minds wander to evil, the best “cleaner” is to allowthe wisdom of the Bible to permeate our thoughts and hearts (2Tim. 3:16). Character is the sum total of all our thoughts,words, and deeds.PRAYER POINT:Dear Lord, our desire is to spend time in Your Word. We knowthat meditating on Your Word fills our minds with thoughts ofYou and helps to keep our thinking from wandering to evil. Helpus to do so. 147
For Reading FRIDAY, 27TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: READ BACKWARDSRevelation 21:1-7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. Revelation 21:7I confess that I sometimes read the end of a book before I read the beginning. Doing so allows me to know which characters live and which characters don't. When I knowhow it will turn out, I'm able to relax and thoroughly appreciateand enjoy the story and the characters.In a similar way, reading the final book of the Bible, the book ofRevelation, can be an encouragement and comfort for thefollowers of Jesus. Time and again, Christians are called to beovercomers (1 John 4:4; 5:4; Rev. 2:7,11,17,26; 3:5,12,21).We can be overcomers now and will be for all eternity.As the apostle John talks about the revealing of the newheaven and the new earth in Revelation (21:1), he describeswhat the final victory will look like for those who have receivedJesus as Savior. At that time, we will see the end of death,tears, sorrow, and pain (v.4). The Lord declares: “He whoovercomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and heshall be My son” (v.7). He will dwell with us (v.3), and He will“make all things new” (v.5).When the trials of today seem more daunting than yourstrength, let the Lord show you the end of the story when youwill be in His presence forever! For hope today, remember theend of the story- eternity with God.PRAYER POINTS* Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the strife will not be long;This day the noise of battle the next the victor's song.* To him that overcometh a crown of life shall be; He with the King of glory shall reign eternally. 148
For Reading SATURDAY, 28TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: THE LURE OF A MESSAGE1 Samuel 3:1-10 Speak, for Your servant hears. 1 Samuel 3:10You're sitting in a darkened theater enjoying a concert, a play, or a film, when suddenly a smartphone screen lights up as a person reads an incoming text and perhaps takes time to reply. In hisbook The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, NicholasCarr says that in our connected world, “The sense that there might be amessage out there for us” is increasingly difficult to resist.Samuel was a young boy when he heard a voice call his name andthought it was Eli the priest in the tabernacle where he served the Lord(1 Sam. 3:1-7). When Eli realized that God was calling Samuel, he toldthe boy how to respond. When God called his name a fourth time,“Samuel answered, 'Speak, for Your servant hears'” (v.10). Thisattentiveness to God's voice became the pattern of Samuel's life as“the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord”(v.21).Are we listening to God's voice in our lives? Are we more drawn by thevibration of a smartphone than the still, small voice of the Lord throughHis Word and His Spirit?May we, like Samuel, learn to discern God's voice and say, “Speak,Lord. I'm listening.” But many of us rather give more attention to othervoice like that from the smartphone, computer, music tunes, but cannothear the Lord when he speaks. We give so many hours browsing to getinformation from the internet but spent little or no time to get informationfrom the scripture or from the Lord's presence. We are fast decaying incarnal desires than spiritual desire from God. Don't let the noise of theworld keep you from hearing the voice of the Lord.PRAYER POINTMay we listen, Lord, to YouAs You speak to us todayThrough Your Spirit and Your WordHelp us follow and obey. Sper 140
For Reading SUNDAY, 29TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: FROM DUTY TO DELIGHT.Psalm 119:41-48 I will delight myself in Your commandments, which I love. Psalm 119:47Many women, due to busy schedule, sometimes can commit only a limited amount of time every week to each of their children. When possible,however, many still rearrange their schedule to spendmore time with their children-not out of duty, but because oflove for them. Such attitude brings to bare what the worddelight means.In Psalm 119, the psalmist tells of his “delight” in God'sWord. He uses the word delight eight times. He says: “I willdelight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your Word. .. . I will delight myself in Your commandments, which I love”(vv.16,47). The psalmist's words, “I will delight,” indicatethat it is a deliberate act of his will. However, it is not aburden for him to delight in God's Word because he lovesit. His close relationship with God created in him a desire toknow what his Beloved had to say.In the same way, for us to move from duty to delight inGod's Word, we need to strengthen our relationship withHim. When we remember how much He loves andcherishes us, we will respond with love and we will delightto spend time with Him. “Oh, how I love Your law! It is mymeditation all the day” (v.97). Whether morning, noon, ornight, make God's Word your delight.PRAYER POINT:May your word remain a light to my path and a lamp tomy feet in Jesus name. Amen 150
For Reading MONDAY, 30TH MAY, 2016& Meditation: TWO-WAY COMMUNICATIONPsalm 119:17-24 Your testimonies also are my delight and my counselors. Psalm 119:24Have you ever been stuck in a conversation with someone who talks only about himself? To be polite, you strike up a dialogue by asking questions. The otherperson proceeds to talk endlessly about himself, and he neveronce ask you anything. It is all about that person-and nothingabout you.Imagine what it must be like for our heavenly Father to listen toour prayers during our devotional time. We may have read aportion of His Word, but then in prayer we swiftly shift focusexclusively to our needs. We ask for help in solving a problem,providing for a financial need, or healing a physical ailment. Butthe passage we've just read doesn't even enter into our prayers.What God has just said to us goes largely unacknowledged.Apparently the writer of Psalm 119 did not have thisperspective. Instead, he sought God's help in understandingthe Word: “Open my eyes,” he said, “that I may see wondrousthings from Your law” (v.18). And as he prayed he expressedhow he treasured God's Word, calling it his “delight” (v.24).Let's develop a discipline of praying our response to the Word. Itjust might transform our devotional time. Bible reading andprayer should reflect a two-way communication. Listen to God'sWord then pray about what you've heard.PRAYER POINTLord, I've just read Your Word. Give me a strong desire like thepsalmist to keep Your Word. Show me what I can do to make itmy delight and counselor. Open my eyes and heart to learn fromYou. 151
For Reading TUESDAY, 31ST MAY, 2016& Meditation: COMFORT IN CAPTIVITYIsaiah 39:540:5 Comfort, yes, comfort My people! Isaiah 40:1On February 10, 1675, 50 colonial families in Lancaster, Massachusetts, feared possible Native American raids. Joseph Rowlandson, the Puritan minister of thevillage, was in Boston pleading with the government forprotection, while Mary, his wife, stayed behind with theirchildren. At sunrise, the settlers were attacked. After some ofthe settlers were killed, Mary and other survivors were takencaptive.Mary experienced both kindness and cruelty from her captors.The Native Americans, aware of the religious nature of thesettlers, gave her a Bible they had confiscated. Later shewould write in her memoirs about God's “goodness in bringingto my hand so many comfortable and suitable Scriptures in mydistress.” God's Word was her great comfort until she wasransomed by the colonists on May 2.As the nation of Judah waited to be taken into captivity by aforeign power (Isa. 39:5-7), the despair of its people must havebeen great. But even in that dreadful anticipation, God's wordsbrought comfort: “The word of the Lord which you have spokenis good!” (v.8).Have you been taken captive by circumstances beyond yourcontrol? If so, read and meditate on the Word. And experienceGod's comfort. God's Word is the true source of comfort.PRAYER POINT:Upon Thy Word I rest, so strong, so sure; So full of comfortblest, so sweet, so pure, Thy Word that changest not, thatfaileth never! My King, I rest upon Thy Word forever. Havergal 152
WEDNESDAY, 1ST JUNE, 2016For Reading ALWAYS ON DUTY& Meditation: Obey those who rule over you, and beActs 20:22-32 submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. -Hebrews 13:17Welcome to a new moth, may the blessings of God rest on us all. Many see nothing wrong to abandon their responsibility over their kids.Some prefer their vocation than their family. Same way wesee men who love their family and never keep away fromtheir duty. They are there always to guide the family; theyspent more time for their family and keep their work going.The apostle Paul told the Ephesians elders that they toocould never take a vacation from shepherding God'speople (Acts 20). He was convinced that false teacherswould try to ravage the church (v.29), and the eldersneeded to protect the group from them. Caring for God'speople includes feeding them spiritually, leading themgently, and warning them firmly. Leaders in the church areto be motivated by the incalculable price Christ paid on thecross (v.28).Church leaders have a big responsibility to watch over oursouls, for one day they will give an account to the Lord fortheir work among us. Let's bring them joy now byresponding to their faithful, godly leadership withobedience and submission (Heb. 13:17). After we hear theWord of God, we should then take up the work of God.PRAYER POINT:We join our hearts and hands together faithfully to theLord's command: We hold each other to God's standardsall that truth and love demand. 153
THURSDAY, 2ND JUNE, 2016For Reading BABY FOOD& Meditation: Solid food belongs to those who are of full age, thatHebrew 5:11-14 is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Hebrews 5:14Have you ever tasted baby food? I have. It's terribly bland. But babies have no other choice without teeth. They certainly can't eat a nice, juicy steak!Sadly, some Christians are content with spiritual baby food. Theyare happy to go over and over the simple truths of the Scripturesand don't move beyond the basics of the gospel (Heb. 6:1-2). Bynot sinking their teeth into deeper truths and more difficult Biblepassages, they lack biblical understanding and convictions tomake right choices (5:13). They may have been Christians formany years, but their spiritual abilities remain underdeveloped.They remain babies.As children grow physically, they learn to eat solid food that givesthem strength and vitality. In the same way, every believer needsto take on the responsibility to feed himself on solid spiritual food.To fail to do this is to remain spiritually weak and undernourished.You can roughly tell the physical age of people by how they look.Their spiritual age is revealed by their ability to distinguish goodfrom evil and by their personal character that's shown day by day.Is this spiritual discernment evident in your life? Or are you still onspiritual baby food? Apply yourself to the Scriptures and theScriptures to yourself. To handle the Word of truth, it takesdiligence and care, So make the time to study it And then thattruth declare. -HessPRAYER POINT:Lord your word abides, let its truth be unfolded daily and may ourhearts be receptive to it. 154
For Reading FRIDAY, 3RD JUNE, 2016& Meditation: DO I HAVE TO READ LEVITICUS?Isaiah 55:6-13 My Word . . . shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please. Isaiah 55:11Do I really have to read Leviticus?” A young executive once asked this in earnest as they talked about the value of spending time in reading the Bible. “The Old Testamentespecially the book Leviticus seems so boring and difficult,” hesaid.Many Christians feel this way. The answer, of course, is that theOld Testament, including Leviticus, offers background and evencontrasts essential to grasping the New Testament. While Isaiahchallenges us to seek God (55:6), he also promises us that God'sWord accomplishes what the Lord wants it to accomplish (v.11).Scripture is alive and powerful (Heb. 4:12), and it is useful toteach, correct, and instruct us (2 Tim. 3:16). God's Word neverreturns void (Isa. 55:8-11), but sometimes it is not until later thatGod's words come to mind as we need them.The Holy Spirit uses the truths we've stored from reading ormemorization, and He helps us to apply them at just the righttime. For example, Leviticus 19:10-11 speaks of businesscompetition and even caring for the poor. The Spirit can remindus of these concepts, and we can use them, if we've spent timereading and contemplating that passage.Reading the Bible turns our minds into storehouses throughwhich the Spirit can work. That's a great reason to read Leviticusand the other 65 books as well. To understand the Word of God,rely on the Spirit of God.PRAYER POINT:Lord, I want to learn to love Your Word more and more. Teach meand help me to hide it in my heart so that I can live it, beencouraged by it, and help others to know it too. Amen. 155
For Reading SATURDAY, 4TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: HUMBLY RECEIVEJames 1:13-22 Lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted Word, which is able to save your souls. James 1:21While reading the first chapter of James, I was struck by the phrase “humbly accept the Word planted in you, which can save you” (v.21 NIV). A decisionwith which I'd been struggling came to mind, and I thought: Idon't need to read another book, attend another seminar, orask another friend about this. I need to obey what the Bible tellsme to do. My efforts to be better informed had become ameans of resisting God's instruction rather than receiving it.James was writing to followers of Christ when he said: “Layaside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, andreceive with meekness the implanted Word, which is ableto save your souls. But be doers of the Word, and nothearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:21-22).Bible scholar W. E. Vine said that the Greek word used here forreceives means “deliberate and ready reception of what isoffered.” Meekness is an attitude toward God “in which weaccept His dealings with us as good, and therefore withoutdisputing or resisting.” A humble heart doesn't fight againstGod or contend with Him. God's powerful Word, implanted inour hearts, is a trustworthy source of spiritual wisdom andstrength. It's available to all who will humbly receive it. Openyour Bible prayerfully, read it carefully, and obey it joyfully. Godwho formed the world by the power of His Word speaksthrough the Scriptures His truth to be heard. If we read with thewill to obey, He by His Spirit will show us His way.PRAYER POINT:Lord the entrance of your word gives light and life let itilluminate my whole life on daily basis. 156
For Reading SUNDAY 5TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: FEEDING OURSELVESHebrews 5:126:2 By this time you ought to be teachers. Hebrews 5:12The eaglets were hungry Mom and Dad seemed to be ignoring them. The oldest of the three decided to solve his hunger problem by gnawing on a twig. Apparently it wasn'ttoo tasty, because he soon abandoned it.What intrigued viewers about this little drama, which was beingbroadcast by webcam from Norfolk Botanical Garden, was thata big fish lay just behind the eaglets. But they had not yetlearned to feed themselves. They still relied on their parents totear their food in tiny pieces to feed them. Within a few weeks,however, the parents will teach the eaglets how to feedthemselves-one of their first survival lessons. If the eaglets don'tlearn this skill, they will never be able to survive on their own.The author of Hebrews spoke of a similar problem in the spiritualrealm. Certain people in the church were not growing in spiritualmaturity. They had not learned to distinguish between good andbad (Heb. 5:14). Like the eaglet, they hadn't learned thedifference between a twig and a fish. They still needed to be fedby someone else when they should have been feeding not onlythemselves but others as well (v.12).While receiving spiritual food from preachers and teachers isgood, spiritual growth and survival also depend on knowing howto feed ourselves. Spiritual growth requires the solid food ofGod's Word.PRAYER POINTYou've given us Your Spirit, Lord, to help us grow, mature, andlearn, to teach us from Your written Word, so truth from errorwe'll discern. Help us Lord 157
For Reading MONDAY 6TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: BURIED TREASURELeviticus 19:9-15 Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from your law. Psalm 119:18A story was told of an elderly man chopping firewood with a giant axe. For years, people watched this mysterious “axe man” trudge the highways in search of soda cans, his ownkind of treasure. Redeeming the cans for cash, he'd retire to his run-down, roofless, unpainted shack with a bottle in a brown paper bag.After his death, his family found bundles of money stored in hisramshackle home.Like the axe man who ignored his treasure, we Christians sometimesignore parts of Scripture. We forget that all of Scripture is ours to use;that each passage has a reason for its inclusion in the canon. Whoknew Leviticus held so many treasures? In chapter 19, God teachesus how to provide for the poor and disabled without stripping them oftheir dignity (vv.9-10,14), how to run our businesses ethically(vv.11,13,15), and respect for Him in our daily lives (v.12). If a fewverses can contain so much treasure, think of all that can be ours ifwe dig into our Bibles every day.Also, we must recognize that when one live without caring about thepurpose of God for his life, it is like one whose treasures are buried.There are many who have died unfulfilled. It is better to be emptied,releasing all your content to bless your generation. You cannot havemoney yet people suffer its lack around you. Same way you shouldn'tbe a mathematical guru yet all those around you fail woefully inexams when you could have actually been of help. You can't beblessed with good voice and your church is lacking good choir. Nomatter what you call it, learn to discharge your God-given treasures.Look up to him, and he will enable you pull through the dark worldfinding your stage where your performance will be of utmostimportance. You must not die unfulfilled.PRAYER POINT:Almighty Father brethe on us the breath of the Holy Spirit as we meetwith you daily in your word. 158
For Reading TUESDAY 7TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: EAT FAST, PAY LESSPsalm 63:1-8 My soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You. Psalm 63:1A hotel in Singapore introduced an express buffet eat all you can in 30 minutes and pay just half the price! After that experience, one diner reported: “I lost mydecorum, stuffing my mouth with yet more food. I lost mycivility, and I lost my appetite for the rest of the day, sosevere was my heartburn.”Sometimes I think in our devotional reading we treat God'sWord like an express buffet. We wolf it down as fast as wecan and wonder why we haven't learned very much. Likephysical food, spiritual food needs chewing! For those ofus who have been Christians for a long time, we may havea tendency to speed-read through the passages we'veread many times before. But in doing so, we miss what Godmay want to show us. One sure sign of this is when welearn nothing new from that passage.David's desire was right when he wrote in Psalm 119:15, “Iwill meditate on your precepts, and contemplate yourways.” That's the way to treat God's Word-to take time tomull it over. Let's not come to the Bible as if we were goingto an express buffet. Only by meditating on God's Word willwe get the most value for our spiritual well-being. Readingthe Bible without reflecting is like eating without chewing.PRAYER POINTSpending time in meditation, Hiding Scripture in our heart,works in us a transformationSo from sin we can depart. Good Lord help us. 159
For Reading WEDNESDAY 8TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: SPIRITUAL JUNK FOODHebrews 13:1-9 Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. -Hebrews 13:9In many countries, childhood obesity is at an all-time high. A major culprit in such unhealthy weight gain is poor eating habits and junk food. The term junk food refers to items that taste good but lacknutritional value and are often very high in calories and fat. Chips, softdrinks, candy bars, cookies, and many meals purchased at fast-foodrestaurants fit these criteria.To be spiritually healthy, we have to avoid “spiritual junk food” as well.Some religious teachers proclaim “a different gospel” (Gal. 1:6),ranging from health-and-wealth to a counterfeit spirituality. And someChristian music and books also contain false teaching. Taking in thiskind of “food” may seem to satisfy spiritual hunger, but it will not lead tospiritual health.Hebrews warns us: “Do not be carried about with various and strangedoctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace” (Heb.13:9). False teaching is detrimental to our health and is not profitable,because it cannot cleanse from sin nor give power for spiritual growth.But biblical content that is based upon grace and truth does both.Avoid “spiritual junk food” and instead feast on God's Word to promoteyour spiritual health. Many Christians are quick to hear news of newministries in town. Their problems are never finished; every newminister must lay hand on them to speak to their problem. By this, theyfeed from several altars, good, bad, and questionable altars all alike.This is one reason the church of today is complex because manymembers are full of mixture of teachings, faith and doctrines, therebylacking a clear one that they need to focus upon. Feeding on God'struth will help us avoid swallowing lies.PRAYER POINTTo walk close by Your side, my dear Savior, To be led by You, doingeach task, To feast richly on grace at Your table, And to know You is allthat I ask. 160
THURSDAY 9TH JUNE, 2016For Reading REMINDERS& Meditation: I will not be negligent to remind you always2 Peter 1:5-15 of these things. 2 Peter 1:12Jill Price has an extraordinary memory that has stunned scientists. In 2006, her overdeveloped memory was described in a scientific journal article, “A Case ofUnusual Autobiographical Remembering.” Price has nospecial aptitude for memorizing lists of words, numbers,facts, or languages. But she does remember what happenedto her on any given day over the last 30 years. Name anydate and Price will tell you what day of the week it was, theweather, what she had for breakfast, the TV programs shewatched, and the people she spoke with.Few of us have a memory like that. That's why we needreminders to complete simple tasks and keep ourappointments. This is especially true when it comes tospiritual truth. The apostle Peter showed he understood theneed of spiritual reminders when he wrote: “I will not benegligent to remind you always of these things . . . . Yes, Ithink it is right . . . to stir you up by reminding you . . . .Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always havea reminder of these things” (2 Peter 1:12-15).No matter what kind of memory we have, we need to bereminded of biblical principles. Daily Bible reading, smallgroup studies and involvement in a local church can all helpus to remember God's vital truths. Let God's Word fill yourmemory, rule your heart, and guide your steps.PRAYER POINTRemembering the Word of God does not come naturally; Weneed reminders to fulfill what God wants us to be. 161
For Reading FRIDAY 10TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: FIGHTING AGAINST GODActs 5:33-41 “But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourself fighting against God”. V39We shall be examining ourselves in the next few days in the light of Acts 5:39, which reveal the fulcrum of Gamaliel's speech that trying to stop men of God fromdoing what they have been ordained to do is tantamount tostopping God.The Sanhedrin (Temple Leadership and Council) who felt theyhave the right to stop the disciples of Jesus came up with astrong opposition, arrested them and were together in a negativeunity to condemn the Apostles. One man among them Gamaliel,saved them from carrying out their evil plan. If they had not beendiscouraged from doing so they would have killed or cause somehardship on the Apostles. What was their annoyance? They feltthreatened by the popularity and successes of the Apostles ofChrist among the people. Even when they put them in jail, theLord opened the jail for them to go out to preach.Come to think of it, the high priest, and the Sadducees, are theynot supposed to be God's servant like the Apostles? Why thenwere they breathing fire against the Apostles? Today, the body ofChrist experiences the same division and confusion whereChurches rise up against one another condemning each other'smessage or doctrine for no just cause. Inside each Church thereare also a full blown war of opposition going on between Pastorsand deacons/evangelist, between members andpastors/leaders etc. How far are we going to continue to fightourselves? Little did we know that we are fighting against God.PRAYER POINT:Oh Lord my God deliver me from partaking in the sin of raisingopposition in the Church. 162
SATURDAY 11TH JUNE, 2016For Reading DANGERS IN TRYING TO STOP GOD-I& Meditation: “Intercede with the Lord your God and1 Kings 13:1-6. pray for me that my hand may be restored…” V6Yesterday, we started with the exhortation of Gamaliel in Acts 5:39 and we said that trying to stop these men of God may be equal to stopping God. In our passagetoday, King Jeroboam raised his hand against the Lord'sprophet and messenger. He made attempt to stop him fromcarrying out his mandate. He must have made a lot of threats,apart from using his security forces to put fear on the man ofGod. The worst would have been the 'youthfulness' of the manof God. No matter how young or old a man of God is, he mustbe given the due regard because he represents God, not manor himself. Failure to yield to his word from God or the messageof the Gospel is dangerous as it can return with doom.The king Jeroboam in trying to stop the prophet by all meansdecided to raise his hands, may be to seize him by his coat orcassock with utmost disregarded. But God acted to defend Hisname, the king's hand got withered. That was an instantjudgment. Not all repercussions happen that way. Some take alittle longer, while some take so long, but the Lord chooses forhimself how to defend his name. Never participate in doing aman of God evil, how much more raising your hand againsthim. Some have done as much as using rain to disturbcrusaders, chasing evangelists with cutlass, etc. We wish toalert you to beware of such attitude; Jeroboam didn't enjoy it,neither would you. So be careful what you do with yourministers and men of God in your area or community.PRAYER POINT:Oh Lord, may I never be found molesting your servants for anyreason. 163
SUNDAY 12TH JUNE, 2016For Reading DANGERS IN TRYING TO STOP GOD-II& Meditation:Exodus 11:1-10. This is what the Lord said about midnight, I will go throughout Egypt… V4To try to stop God is like a person trying to stop a moving train. It is not an easy ride. If you think it is easy, try and ask His majesty Pharaoh. God needed Moses to lead Israel outto the desert where he would make a covenant with them, andlead them to where he promised their fore- fathers- Canaan. ButPharaoh deafened his ears. He challenged Moses, resistingletting them go each time it was made known to him. Pharaohwent on to challenge him saying, 'Who is the Lord that I should letIsrael go'? It was an insult. He paid for it with so many painfultroubles, exterminations, deaths, and loses. His first born and allfirst born of Egypt died, including the prominent and fierce fightingtroops he had, they perished in the red sea. All these are theconsequences for resisting the plan of God.You don't dare God. When God says a word, you answer, 'yes sir',no argument, if not, you are heading for self doom. Pharaohwould not have plunge himself and his people into this terribletrouble if he knew God, and welcomed his plans readily.Today, there are many people, rich and high class citizens,government functionaries, and business moguls in our societywho have gathered honour due to their influence and power.Some of such people go on to dare the Lord like Pharaoh.Pointing fingers against the Lord and His anointed. Some have noregard for God's servant, instead, they feel it is lawful for ministersof the gospel to worship them, a misunderstanding of respect thatis accorded them. Some go ahead to upturn justice against theLord's house by their influence. This is dangerous, beware!PRAYER POINT:May God purge us of every pride of Pharaoh so as not to die hisdeath. 164
MONDAY 13TH JUNE, 2016For Reading CONSEQUENCES OF STANDING& Meditation: ON THE LORD'S WAY.Acts 9:1-16 “Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus”. V8Saul of Tarsus was a special case to show us that it does not profit to rise up against the Lord's servants. Saul was breathing out murderousthreats against the Lord's disciples, but he never knewit was the Lord God he was persecuting until he wastold.One of the consequences of his action was to go blind.He was put on three days hunger, suffered humiliationbecause the men he wanted dead were the same menGod led to him to lead him by the hand as he had goneblind helpless. Also, he was told he would suffer for thename of the Lord which he was troubling. You need noprophet to tell you that Saul- Paul suffered dearly forthe name of Christ heavily. This was majorlyamounting to his profit for standing on the Lord's way.As it was with Paul so it is with many people, but someothers didn't have it easy that way. Some lost their livesfor daring the Lord, while some others went blind,crippled, deaf, or even insane forever. Beloved, weadvise you to be careful of what you do against God'sservants; it can become a trouble for your ownchildren. May God help us.PRAYER POINT:May we live in righteousness that will increase oursupports for God's work, not opposition. 165
For Reading TUESDAY 14TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: GLORIOUS MANIFESTATIONSRomans 8 :18 -19. “For the creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed”. V19When the Lord visits a place or a people, He leaves behind an indelible mark. This glory manifests in believers whom the Holy Spirit have overwhelmed.We therefore invite you child of God to build confidence inGod and yourself. There is something glorious about you,and your belongings. Let's shake off the dust of sin andignorance and make ways for the glory to shine.There are some of people that live as if they are gone belowsix feet. There is nothing about them to show they are alive.The irony is that they are called Christians. There is little ornothing to show for their faith in Christ. Whereas, the Lord'sname which they bear has placed a seal by His spirit onthem.The era we are is the era of the spirit. We can't afford to bemisfit or mediocre in this generation where a biggerunderstanding is upon us about the Spirit of GOD. It is nojoke when the Lord said in that portion of Rom.8:19 that thecreation waits for God's sons to manifest the glory of God.Let's pursue this mandate and maximally use fully what wehave been given.The sick, blind, deaf, confused, invalids, lost sinners, poor,etc are waiting for us to manifest this glory. We must revealthe love and power of God to this dying World if only they canlisten and embrace the saving Grace of God.PRAYER POINT:May my life reveal Christ as the Spirit indwelt me. Amen 166
WEDNESDAY 15TH JUNE, 2016For Reading THE NEED FOR ATTITUDINAL CHANGE.& Meditation:Philippians 2:1-11 “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus”. V5An attitude is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event. Prominent psychologist Gordon Allport once described attitudes as \"the mostdistinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary socialpsychology\". Attitude can be formed from a person's past andpresent. Attitude is also measurable and changeable as well asinfluencing the person's emotion and behavior.In lay language, attitude may refer to the distinct concept of mood,or be especially synonymous with teenage rebellion. According toWilliam James, “Whenever you are in conflict with someone, thereis one factor that can make the difference between damaging yourrelationships, and deepening it. That factor is attitude”.One of Nigeria biggest problems is the kind of attitude we have.This same thing goes on in the church. In the Church today, manypeople bear wrong attitudes, and this make people to lack willpower to pursue our collective dreams. Many do not give thenecessary support a vision requires because of premonitions thatthe original bearer of the vision is not a good person. So many whofeel they owe no body apology have done so much to damage theimage of the church through their activities. To make head way weneed to change our attitudes and be like our Lord Jesus Christ.Let's see things positively, don't always suspect your fellow. Samechange is needed in the Comity of the clergy. Let's interpret eachother correctly, and stop vain gossips. But if we refuse to stopbeing antagonistic, a day of judgment comes. God is watching us.As praying people, let us keep praying for divine intervention.PRAYER POINTS:Ask God to purge us of evil minds and thoughts built on paststories and pray for grace to complement each other in ourdifferent gifted areas. 167
For Reading THURSDAY 16TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: THE NEED FOR ATTITUDINAL CHANGE - IIPhilippians 4:1-9 “I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord”. V2As we came to know yesterday, attitude is \"the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social psychology\". Attitude can be formed from aperson's past and present. Attitude is also measurable andchangeable as well as influencing the person's emotion andbehavior.There are people who don't like anything about others exceptthemselves. They punch anything you do and call them evil.They have nothing they do to support any ministry or idea ofanother, all because of wrong attitudes. There are so manyquarrels that exist in the midst of many believers today unabatedjust because the attitudes are so far away from each other.The world today Nigeria inclusive, right attitude is a change thatwe need. This same thing goes on in the church. Many peoplebear wrong attitudes, and this makes people to lack will power topursue our collective dreams. Many do not make the necessarysupport a vision requires because of premonitions that theoriginal bearer of the vision is not a good person. To make headway we need to change our attitudes. Let's see things positively,don't always suspect your fellow. Same change is needed in theComity of the clergy. Let's interpret each other correctly, and stopvain gossips. Let us begin to make amend of all our wrongmotives to be able to contribute positively to the growth of God'swork. Prayers are needed on this issue.PRAYER POINTSTell the LORD to help you change your attitude towards yourneighbor and be supportive of one another and not gossipersand backstabbers. 168
For Reading FRIDAY 17TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: GODLINESS AND THE POOL OF SIN.1Kings. 15:1-11. THE TRUTH ABOUT SIN “David did what was right in the eyes of the Lord…except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite”. 1Kings 15:5.One of the problems that writers face is the challenge of being honest about evil. When some of us write, we want to speak well about the “good people” always,forgetting that the best people still have flaws. So, to becredible, writers must be honest about the evil that lives in'good people'. One reason that makes the Bible true is that theauthor did not cover up the flaws of his chosen people, Israel.God was honest about the failures of those he appointed intoleadership positions. He didn't excuse their bad behaviour,minimize their failures, or look the other way. He reported it,judged it, measured out the consequences, and forgave itwhen they repented. The most prominent example in thescripture is King David. Not only did he take another man'swife, he then took the man's life to cover up his adultery, yetdespite his despicable deeds, when he was confronted, Davidrepented. He became the standard by which future kings ofIsrael were judged because his heart was “loyal to the Lord”(1Kings 15:3-11).Beloved, if you were a pastor in government house, or theking's Palace, will you be bold like Prophet Nathan to confrontevil, not minding a sack letter? God knows the heart ofeveryone, and he is no respecter of persons. Although thetruth of sin can be painful, when it's confessed and forgiven, itcan be used to turn our hearts towards God. You can't put yoursin behind you until you are willing to face them. Please telleveryone the truth, don't hide their failure from them.PRAYER POINTS:Take lies and false praise from my lips oh Lord. Show the pathto tread, with no evil lurking. 169
For Reading SATURDAY 18TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: WHY IS SIN SO BAD? Isaiah 53:4-10. “He was wounded for our transgression” Isaiah 53: 5.The kind of punishment that Jesus received for our sin was that of abject, horrible and excruciating pain. Every lash that came on his back and every step up the Golgotha's hillwere with muscle-burning, unrelenting, unbearable andunspeakable pain. In our world today where we see everythingokay, we often look at sin and wonder, what's the big deal? Afterall our sin isn't so bad. If we lie a little or cheat just a bit what's theharm? If we gossip some or use coarse language a few times, willit hurt any? What's so bad about sin? It is bad because of what itput Jesus through. Yes, our sin was the reason for the tormentJesus suffered as he made his way to the cross, and as he hungon that cross to die a horrific death. Of course, we can neverundo what has been done, that pain can never be reversed. Yetwe must understand that if we continue to sin knowingly, we arein effect turning our back on Jesus and his pain. It's like saying itdoesn't matter what we put Jesus through, we are going to dowhat we want. Why is sin so bad? Look what it caused and costJesus, the sorrow, wounds, bruises etc. he accepted thehumiliation, insults from mere men, and the disgrace in order touplift us, enthrone us and add much grace to our lives. He tookour sin so that we can have salvation.Please do not sin the more, it can be very disappointing to theSaviour. Your view about sin must change from today. Stopseeing sin as a little error, and a part of life, instead see it as acapital reason why Christ went up the cross to die for us. He islooking at us now, to see if we value his death for us. Sin is sobad, keep away from every from of it.PRAYER POINT:Lord, I apologize for my sins, and every way I have belittled sin.Set me free from sinful living. Help me Lord, to meditate daily onwhat Christ has done to sin. 170
For Reading SUNDAY 19TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: SEXUAL IMMORALITYGenesis. 3:1-11. “God said… have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from? Gen. 3:11.There are certain practices we are forbidden to involve ourselves as children of God, as they lead to death. Just as Adam and Eve died spiritually with God's judgment upontheir heads and generations, so it is with anyone who eats theseforbidden fruits that are freely and commonly eaten in the society.The denial from eating them is not because of their bitterness orshame only, but because God hates them and have placedjudgment on anyone who partakes in them. Each of theseforbidden ways of life (fruits) has its different immediate reactions;some can be very cancerous while others may seem harmless onthe surface now, until it leads its victim into its flames of torment anddestruction. God warns, “Don't be involved in the practices ofBabylon, come out of her so as not to share in her sins andplagues” (Rev. 18:4).Some of these forbidden fruits are fornication, adultery, polygamy,worldliness, alcoholism, extortion, hypocrisy, idolatry, bribery,stealing, and gossip and so on, with their side effects. Aman/woman, who, after being told the consequence of certainfoods to the body, still insists on eating them, not minding theadvice and evil reports, will find his/herself a full load of trouble,which he could have avoided if warnings were yielded to. There isno way of escape if you neglect the great salvation that Christbrought to us. (Heb. 2:3).A Christian must keep himself from all types of sin. Besides, weshould also be mindful of what we eat so that we enjoy good healthwhich is the will of the Father for us all.PRAYER POINT:Come against the spirit of immoralities from the marine world.Speak against the root of polygamy and marriage failures. Ask thatGod will deliver our youths from fornication. 171
For Reading MONDAY 20TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: EXTORTION AND BRIBERYMicah 6:8,Psa.15:1-end “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”. V8EXTORTION: This is a situation where you illegally forcesomeone to give you money by threat. It is alsopracticed when you request for an extremely highpayments for what should not be up to the amountquoted. Truly, when you are extorting people, youincrease in wealth as well as in trouble. It is not a sin tomake large gains in your business, but beware ofextremely large gains.BRIBERY: (Psalm. 15:1-end, Isa. 33:15). This is whenyou give money or something to somebody in order topersuade them to help you or to do something dishonest.It undermines justice and blinds eyes of rulers. A bribegiven or collected is usually sweet and gainful. You feelclever and wise. The giver will definitely have his way;may be, pass an examination, get a job, blackmail atargeted person, kill a victim, sack an innocent worker,take another person's chance etc; are they not sweetreasons to bribe? But, a fool who bribes has forgotten theDay of Judgment. Both the one who bribes and the onewho accepts will soon be judged. God hates bribe; theseforbidden fruits are so common in the society; every childof God who wants to enjoy his family, and wealth, andend up in heaven must refuse to partake in them.PRAYER POINTLord, set my heart free from love of money. Teach mehow to seek you faithfully, not minding my failure. 172
For Reading TUESDAY 21ST JUNE, 2016& Meditation: IDOLATRYDeut 28:20-35,37-45. “You shall have no other gods before me” Ex. 20:3IDOLATRY: is a practice and the worship of idols. An idolis an image that people worship. The worship due to God isusually giving to the image. It could be something youadmire so much; Idolatry makes God your enemy (Deut.28:45), God warns; do not make for yourself any idol. Thisinvolves having a statue at home, or in the village, partakingor admiring idolatrous feast, wearing charms or amuletsagainst death, as protection against gun shot, cutlass cutetc. Also, when you are given color candles to light roundyou as you kneel in the middle of the night when you go tofour road junction for rituals in the name of Church; it is notGod's worship even if the prophet told you so. This alsoinvolves those who cherish a special handkerchief, oranointing oil, which you see as your Saviour, without whichyou feel your prayers cannot be answered.Your body can be your idol. God forbids this practice. Itbrings curse on a family and children even to the 3rd and 4thgeneration, i.e. children, grand children and great grandchildren (Exod. 20:4). Idolatry locks ones heavens,destroys resources and income, and takes away peace.Are they palatable? Every secret idol in your life is actually atrap set to kill your joy and posterity. Expose them forburning, stop following them, and surrender to God to saveyou.PRAYER POINTEvery image I am putting up, Lord correct me. Purge me ofevery idol; Help me to value you more than anything else. 173
For Reading WEDNESDAY 22ND JUNE, 2016& Meditation: HYPOCRISY AND ALCOHOLISMProv.23:29-35 “You shall have no other gods before me” “My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad”. V15HYPOCRISY: Is to pretend to be what you are not; not being real;deceiving people about who you are. This is true about people whofornicate yet preach against it, alcoholic who suppresses mouthodour with mouth wash, tooth paste and tom-tom. God forbidshypocrisy. It makes one a liar, double faced, with no integrity.ALCOHOLISM: “Woe unto them that rise up early in the morningthat they may follow strong drink, and continue until night, till wineinflames them. Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, menof strength to mingle strong drink. Who has woe, sorrow and strife,who has complaints, needless bruises, bloodshot (red) eyes?Those who linger over wine, who go after mixed wine (beer, strongdrink). Such will sleep in gutter, he will be beaten and will not evenknow who did it, and will wake up and still seek to drink more, (Isa.5:11, 22, Prov. 23:29-35 KJV). You don't need to be told the dangerof all these drinks. Some are in the habit of saying “drink no decatch me O”. You are only killing yourself gradually, soon your lifewill be eaten up by this serpent of wine, and your heart will turn intoa rough engine.Don't deceive yourself, that drink you call body warmer, is really notgood for you, you are only continuing because you feel you can'tstop it easily. It makes your senses dull and limits clear judgment(Prov. 31:1-9). It makes you go out of control and destroys yourefficiency. It hinders the Holy Spirit in your life. (Eph. 5:18). Youcan stop it. How long will your mouth and skin smell alcohol? Juststop today, pray for God's grace and you will make it. Don't be adrinker of poison (strong drink). Refuse to be a slave to alcohol ofany sort.PRAYER POINT:Bind every spirit of alcohol in the life of those addicted to alcoholand pray for their total liberation. 174
THURSDAY 23RD JUNE, 2016For Reading LOVE AT ALL COST (1)& Meditation:Rom. 5:1-11. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us”. (Rom. 5:8).Mabel was not still ready to pay the fine charged her by the elders' council, all because she did not care whether she returns to that marriage or not. She provoked them into drivingher out of the meeting, but her aggrieved husband, Andrew, againstwhom she committed adultery, stood up for her, and paid the fine with apassionate plea on his wife's behalf, for forgiveness, and allow herreturn home to him. Such behaviour was so amazing to the elders'council who were from the woman's family. They knew their daughterdeserved divorce, but her husband's love for her, brought the matter toan end. The wife too was perplexed at such defense put up by thehusband, and that changed the whole of her attitude and entire life”.Beloved, while you ruminate on the extra-love shown Mabel by herhusband, Andrew, don't be too quick to forget the ultimate sacrifice,when you consider what Christ did for us in love. He took the curseand punishment upon himself; he was wounded for our transgressionand bruised for our iniquity (Isa. 53:5). Jesus died for all, so that ourliving will be for him, not for ourselves. This means, we no longer haveour unilateral decision, neither can we walk on paths that we desirealone, but that which pleases the Lord. Have you been delivered fromYOURSELF? It does not still appear to some people up till now that ifGod loved you when you were a rebel, he will surely love you more nowthat you love him in return.Jesus went up to the cross to pay for sins he did not commit. Heabandoned his glorious throne for a while in order to seek us who weredead in our trespasses. Have you ever sat down to think of this love? Asong writer once sang He loves me I cannot tell why(2x), On cavalry'stree, he suffered for me, He loves me I cannot tell why. Do you loveGod as he loves you? What do you do to show you love Him?PRAYER POINTO Lord, we confess all our weaknesses as we respond to your love.Quicken us to love you more dearly. 175
For Reading FRIDAY 24TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: LOVE AT ALL COST - 21 John 3:1-10. “How great is the love the father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God…?” (1 John 3:1).In our society, we hear and see people talk so much about love, but only a few truly have genuine love. The worst happens when so many Christians pay lip service to God, claiming they loveHim, when indeed so many lies hide in our hearts. Can youmeasure the love you have for God? How good, sincere andgenuine is it? Make effort to understand yourself, so as to be able tojudge yourself, and amend your ways and your doings. Thesacrifice the Lord made for us is so great that we wonder what couldhave prompted it. It was a costly love. He did it deliberately, inorder to redeem, and release us from destruction.(a) What it cost the Father: The death of Jesus was a bighumiliation to the Godhead, God is not supposed to die. Why thenshould He allow His only Son, who is God, to die, in such manner?Yes, such sacrifice was great. He lost the Son temporarily to theshame and disgrace of death, just for you and me. It was love(John 3:16).(b) What it cost Jesus: This love made Jesus to acceptbeing relegated to be a mere human being, and that took Him onthe journey of poverty, and stress. He was subjected to the agonyof pain, insult and death criminal death, to shed His blood. What alove for a rebel like me. I salute the courage that Jesus had. Allthese can't be in vain.(c) What it cost the heavenly hosts: Angels and allcreatures in heaven, including inanimate things lost their reigningKing to the earth for 33 ½ years. Have you truly counted the heightof this love? It is a love at all cost to save man.PRAYERS POINT:I must not misuse this love paid to set me free. I adore you O Lordfor what you did for me. 176
SATURDAY 25TH JUNE, 2016For Reading LOVE AT ALL COST-3.& Meditation: “Jesus died for all, that those who live should noII Corinth. 5:11- 21. longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again”. (II Corinth. 5:15).As we conclude the topic, love at all cost, it's pertinent we examine our roles and response to this love that God lavished on us in ChristJesus. It must be established that someone died toset us free from the coming judgment on sin.To reciprocate this costly love of God, you will needto give your LIFE fully to Him. Also, “I don't havetime” should no longer be your story; until you learnto give your money to please him, you will neverknow that money have a good value as much aspleasing the Lord. Spend it well, by investing it onmission, evangelism and soul winning fields.Another area of importance has to do with yourneighbour. Can you love a neighbour who isunloving, and love him because of Christ?PRAYER POINTS:1. Lord, help me to release myself to you as youdid for me. Put your fire into my heart Lord so as tolive for you.2. Let the fire of your love burn in my heart today.3. Help me to love others as you love me. 177
For Reading SUNDAY 26TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: BEHOLD THE LAMB.John 1:35-42 “Looking at Jesus, as He walked, (John) said, “Behold the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36).In the days of the temple, Jerusalem bustled as hundreds of thousands of worshippers poured into the city to purchase Passover Lambs. God's instructions were specific; theanimal has to be without spot, or stain or error (Deut. 17:1). So afew days prior to Passover, lambs were herded into the city forLevites to examine for defects or disease. The Priestsseparated the spotless lambs' from the unsuitable ones so thatthe Lord's commandment could be honoured. At the templemount, each family head discussed with a priest how manywould share his Passover table. The Leviticus priest thensurveyed the flock to find one young sheep suitable for eachman's need. When he had found the right one, he would pointand proclaim, “Behold the Lamb!”In the fullness of time, God sent His own spotless Lamb, and aLevite named John the Baptist made a wondrous proclamationnot for one man's family but for all mankind. He saw Jesuscoming toward him and said, “Behold the Lamb of God whotakes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).At every Easter season, a Passover is being celebrated, and aLamb without blemish has been chosen for you. Just as Israelpassed over from Bondage to redemption, so the sacrifice of theLamb of God, Jesus the Messiah, makes us to Pass over fromthe bondage of sin, the world and Satan, into our rest in theAlmighty God. Have you found the Lamb of God? Seek Himtoday He has paid for your sin; he can take them away from you,and give you eternal life.PRAYER POINTS:1. Lord, open my eyes to see the Lamb of God who took away my sin.2. Teach me to point Him to others. 178
For Reading MONDAY 27TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: KEEP HELPING OTHERS,Gal. 6:3-8. IT HAS GREAT REWARD “Jesus died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again”. (II Corinth. 5:15).An elderly Nigerian woman carried an extremely heavy log on her head. She was happy to take this wood to her compound to use for cooking. She was walking slowly andcould not move her head to look behind her.When she heard the sound of a car coming along the road, shestepped over toward the ditch and lost her footing. The heavy logrolled off her head into the ditch. The man driving the car stopped,to see if she was hurt. She was not hurt but was unable to get thelog back on her head. The man thought about the possibility ofputting the log in his car and taking her to her compound. Aftermentally sizing up the log, he realized that this would not work.Then someone else came along the road. He and this driver liftedthe log back to the woman's head. She was delighted by this helpalmost let it fall again ducking and bobbing to tell them how muchshe appreciated the help. Helping people is indeed a challenge.From that Galatians 6:1 6, you can see that the Bible is leading usto know that the strong ones should assist the weak ones that arefalling away. Even though everyone shall bear his own burden(v5), we can bear one another's burdens (v2). Bearing oneanother's burdens is frequently harder than helping a woman toget a load back on her head. Burdens may include bearing upunder a tragedy or facing economic distress. They may includebearing the great loneliness after a spouse has died. If wecontinue in a loving spirit to do good things for others, in dueseason we shall reap. As believers, we should look foropportunities to be loving and helpful to those around us.PRAYER POINT:Holy Jesus let the same spirit be in us as with you when you tookaway our sorrows, burdens, pains etc 179
For Reading TUESDAY 28TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: ACTS THAT MAKE CHURCH UNHEALTHY.Gal. 4:10-20. REJECTING THE TRUTH. “…Brethren, I beseech you, be as I am; for I am as ye are: ye have not injured me at all…. (Gal. 4:1216).Perhaps, Paul felt he had offended the believers in Galatia. He communicated with deep emotion when he exclaimed that he had laboured over them in vain. Paul reminded themthat he had suffered some type of physical ailment when he firstwent to Galatia. He recalled the loving care they gave him in thosedays. Perhaps his ailment had something to do with his eyes sincehe said he believed they would have plucked out their eyes andgiven them to him.One of the best-loved missionaries in Nigeria was Mrs. Jester.She was the midwife (matron) at the maternity centre atOgbomosho. She later developed a terrible eye disease. Shealmost lost her sight.The Christians and other co-workers prayed and cared for her.When Mrs. Jester recovered, they rejoiced with her. Like the caseof Paul, the people did not despise her because of her ailment.They had a heart felt concern for her. As much as their love was,for Paul, they still have this problem of being unable to accept asimple truth. Paul asked the Galatians not to reject the truthbecause of some imagined offence. He wanted them to look at thereality of the situation even if their feeling towards him had change.There were some desires of Paul for this people. One of themreads “my little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christis formed in you”.Why do you take offence, when you are told the truth, you need notreject the truth, your acceptance of it may look difficult but it is thetruth that can set you free? Don't allow people to deceive you, thetruth remains the truth. Repent now.PRAYER POINTO God our great healer, look with mercy and heal all our souldiseases that we be whole in Jesus name. 180
For Reading WEDNESDAY 29TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: WHAT IS YOUR WORKEzra 3 IN THE HOUSE OF GOD? “As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work”. John 9:4What have you been doing for God since you joined this Church, can you look around and say, I am the one that did that…in the Church? Many people don't have theopportunity that God gave you to be a member of this Church and yetyou can not realize that.Just as we have different working opportunities in the Church of Godtoday so it was during the period that the wall and city of Jerusalemwas broken down. After the Israelites have been freed to go backhome to repair the City, they went with joy and they were in unity ofmind. In Ezra 3, it was told of how the priest, Zerubabel and hisbrethren built the broken down altar. They also organized the layingof the foundation of the temple which brought great joy to God andthe people. Remember when a great assignment is fulfilled, peoplerejoice. Before they could lay the foundation of the temple thepeople have to fulfill their own part by giving free will offerings, givingmoney to the workers in order to encourage them. Ezra was one ofthose that brought the people back to God. He taught them the lawof God and the people obediently followed him. The wall ofJerusalem which was broken down was repaired by Nehemiah.Everyday, you see people do one thing or the other for God and youkeep on saying “Mr. John did that, Mrs. Peter did this, Mr. Tamendudid that, Lagbaja did that; which one did you do? Are you made togive scores to people doing well? Do you think that those you aregiving those scores will share their blessings/rewards with you? is time for you to get involved if you have not and be known forspecific things in ChurchPRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus you never desire anyone to be idle hence you engagepeople even when it is late. Please engage your people who desireto work for you. 181
For Reading THURSDAY 30TH JUNE, 2016& Meditation: FAKE PASTORSHeb. 13:7-21 “Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace…” V9There was this Pastor K, who had an Assistant Pastor M in one of the so-called Pentecostal Churches in Abeokuta. Both of them were successfully married. The AssistantPastor M has a bad leg. The Pastor K, who was the shepherd andoverseer, had greedy, covetous and adulterous eyes. When hestarted the Church with his mystical power, people were rushinginto it.He merchandised on the people for several years. He was as wellcommitting adultery with some of the female flocks (women) of hisChurch secretly. Beloved, is this the shepherd that God actuallycalled into His vineyard? Many Church Pastors whom God calledto be Shepherds (Acts 20:28), Spiritual watchmen (Ezek. 3:17),and Teachers of the Word of truth (1 Tim. 3:2); has deviated fromthe calling and have turned the people to something else.A lot of Pastors have no interest in the spiritual growth of theChurch; all they are concerned about is the money they get fromthem. A pastor once said “my Church is growing very fast”. Hesaid this during the period when a member of the Church inoverseas sent a tithe of one million naira to the Church. A shepherdwho is mostly concerned with the financial state of the Church, andyet neglects the spiritual state of the sheep so that they can bestrong in every area of Christian stewardship could be regarded asa hireling. We need money to finance the church but we need todisciple the people to conform to the image of Christ therebyleading to the growth of the Church. Many Churches are sufferingfrom spiritual kwashiorkor, and there is none that accepts standingthe gap to cry to God for the dew of revival to come down. The Lordis not happy because his Church is sick and the people are dying.PRAYER POINT:Holy Spirit release fresh fire on your ministers that they may keepthe fire in the altar burning. 182
FRIDAY 1ST JULY, 2016For Reading& Meditation: CHOSEN FOR EXCELLENCEIsaiah 45:1-8 I will give you treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places…Today marks the beginning of the second half of the year. First and foremost, to God be the glory for His mercies over our lives since the beginning of the New Year. Six months we haveenjoyed His mercy in every ramification of our lives. Let theredeemed of the Lord says, He is good His mercies endures forever.We may wish to recall that many with whom we shouted happy NewYear have departed this world. For us to still be alive it means Godhas something special for us to accomplish. Therefore, let it be yourheart desire to fulfill His purpose for your life in this second half of theyear.In the light of the above, God has a message for us all in our passagefor meditation. Cyrus was a king of a Gentile nation; therefore he wasa Gentile an unbeliever. Ordinarily, God has nothing doing withunbelievers but we cannot question the sovereignty of God. He isGod over the entire universe, He does whatever pleases Him. WhenGod needed somebody He found Cyrus as an instrument to rescueHis chosen people. Cyrus became the chosen one of the Lord whosehand He held to subdue nations, disarm kings, to open doors andkeep every gate unclosed for the prosperity of His people. Themessage to us at the beginning of the second half of the year is thatthe Lord has held your hand for unusual breakthrough in this secondhalf of the year.If the Lord used Cyrus to accomplish it, then as a child of God believeit and your story shall be excellent. Cyrus was able to do it becausethe Lord went before him; the Lord has also gone before you. TheLord leveled the mountains before Cyrus so He is doing for you now.All the iron and bronze doors were shattered; this is what the name ofthe Lord is doing for you. And the Lord said I will give you treasures ofdarkness and hidden riches of secret places. All these for you thissecond half.PRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father I believe you are holding my hand for unusualbreakthrough in Jesus name Amen. 183
SATURDAY 2ND JULY, 2016For Reading& Meditation: THE PROMISE OF FINISHING WELLZechariah 4:1-9 What are you, O mighty muntain? Before Zerubabel you will become level grouond...v.7Yesterday the Lord said He has chosen you therefore is holding your hand. My prayer for you is that the Lord will truly hold your hand in this second half of the year. It is an evidence of aguaranteed success for you. Today the story before us in our passageis that of Zerubbabel in whose hand was the responsibility of layingthe foundation of the Temple and also to complete it. The Bibledescribed the challenges before Zerubbabel as a mighty mountain.For the Bible to call it mighty mountain shows that it is practicallyimpossible in the hands of men. In the light of the challenges,Zerubbabel too must have started complaining of how to be able tocomplete the task. Beloved, what is it before you that make youbelieve that it cannot be possible? The Bible says with God all thingsare possible. The second half of the year, I make bold to say to you it ispossible for you to attain excellence as you were told yesterday.Develop the right attitude now and changes will begin to take place. The word of the Lord came to Zerubbabel that, “the hands ofZerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple; his hands will alsocomplete it. Then you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me toyou”. The same message is coming to you in the second half of theyear. Even if some persons want to unseat you unjustly, the messageof Zerubbabel has come to you. You will finish what you started noone will push you away for with God nothing is impossible God said toZerubbabel that the mountains shall become level ground becauseHe God will personally deal with the mountain. So it happenedaccording to the word of the Lord. This is your portion because thesecond half of the year promises better things that will surely manifestin our lives if we keep trusting and obey Him. Our lives shall be tales ofmiracle for this year. Keep faith with the Lord and it shall so.PRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father as you promise Zerubbabel of finishing well so Ibelieve that I shall finish well this year in Jesus name. Amen. 184
For Reading SUNDAY 3RD JULY, 2016& Meditation: DISUNITY AMONG CHRISTIANSEccl. 4:9- 13. “...That they all may be one.” John 17:21God has promised greater things for us in this second half therefore we must avoid every form of disunity among us so that we maximize all that the Lord has forus. Jesus pray “that they all may be one” (Jn. 17:21). WhenUnity and Love are lacking, progress will be hindered, answerto prayers will be hindered Matt. 18:19, there will be lack ofharmony among leaders, division and hatred, divorce andseparation among couples.Don't forget, a single broom cannot sweep a house, a singleperson alone cannot bring forth children, and he that treats hisneighbour wickedly will inherit evil. “Two are better off thanone, because together they can work more effectively. Ifone of them falls down, the other can help him up. But ifsomeone is alone and falls, it's just too bad, because thereis no one to help him. If it is too cold, two can sleeptogether and stay warm, but how can you keep warm byyourself? Two men can resist an attack that would defeatone man alone. A rope made of three cords is hard tobreak” (Eccl.4:9-13, GNV).“Beloved, we must love one another, whoever does notlove is still under the power of Death. Whoever hates hisbrother is a murderer and you know that a murderer hasnot got eternal life in him. My brethren, our love shouldnot be just words and talk; it must be true love (in unity)which shows itself in action”. (1 John 4:11, 14, 17-18).PRAYER POINTLord Jesus you prayed for the unity of your Church. We pleadthat you will cause your people to be one. 185
MONDAY 4TH JULY, 2016For Reading A DIFFERENT GOSPEL.& Meditation:Gala. 1:6-8. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned? v.8The gospel we preach is Christ and him crucified, who has come and he is coming again. No one must preach anything different from it. It's is the assignment everyone of us has been given (Matt. 28:19). We have heard somuch about the Dan Vinci code from America, which isadvocating that Christ is no longer the only Saviour, that hedidn't really rise from the dead, that we should undermined theold message of salvation.Another of such messages is “it doesn't matter”. That it doesn'tmatter how you live, dress, or do things, that God doesn't mindour way but He blesses us still. These have destroyed themorals in our society. If Christian women/ girls now weartrousers, mini-skirts, hand-less shirts, etc. 'believers' do notsee why they not appear the same way. In those good old days,you can clearly differentiate who a Christian is in appearance,at home, market, office, marriage, and so on. It is not still soagainHoliness seemed to have become an old school whereaswithout it no one can see God. So much stealing happenseverywhere, even in Churches. Every born again, or anyonewith one inspired scripture or a charisma now claim to bePastor, with so many prayer houses everywhere. For all whopreach a different gospel a curse is hanging on them (Gal. 1:8).I plead with you to get down to your Bible, read and know thetruth, so as not to believe another gospel.PRAYER POINT:Holy Father save your Church from the falsehood of our age inJesus name.. Amen. 186
TUESDAY 5TH JULY, 2016For Reading MANAGING YOUR LIFE FOR TOMORROW& Meditation: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servantII Kings 4:1-7 to the lender. The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hand refuses to work”. (Prov.21:25; 22:7)The story in the above text speaks of the out-cry of a prophet's wife. The husband died leaving behind a huge debt for his children and wife. The creditor came for the two boys so thatthey can be slaves to service the debt. This is food for thought for everyhusband or wife reading this meditation, 'what is it that you are doingnow that will fetch sustenance for your family in the future? Theamount of wealth you have today will be tested when you have left thestage'.There are so many who pay so much attention on ostentatious living,while some never boarder about the quality of their lives.To avoidthrowing this message behind you, please take a biro, and tabulate ina note book the number of investment you have made, or the savingsyou have put in place. You may have owed debts too, write down thesedebts. Show this note to your wife and children, and discuss it together.Make sure you do not hide the truth from them. I hope this homeworkwill be rewarding.With humility we can learn from the tiny ant whose foresight, hardwork,creativity, self-control, patience, saving culture helped to secure hisfuture. So many people and governments have eaten not just theirfuture but that of their children yet unborn because they lack this ant-culture. Poverty largely is a product of sheer laziness.Again, the ant does not gather what it has no need of. It does not goborrowing. Many people buy what they have not planned for (impulse-buying) others have the habit of buying on credit. Lack of self controland impatience easily lead to economic slavery. Do you have a regularsaving habit? Go to the ant which God has wonderfully endowed withthis eternal culture. It has its priorities well ordered and works hard.PRAYER POINT:Holy Spirit help us by ordering our minds according to your will for ourlives today and the future. 187
For Reading WEDNESDAY 6TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: HELPING YOUR MINISTERSI Corinth. 9:1-12 “Anyone who gives a cup of cold water to any of my disciple shall surely be blessed”.(Matt 10:42)From the story in 2 Kings 4, we read that the prophet died a debtor. The question is, 'why should he buy on credit and could not pay?' There are so many today who don't recognize theirplace in the ministry of the Church. Some people want to be blessedbut don't know how to sow where blessing come from. The churchorganization, as God arranged it, is such that the primary duty of thechurch is to Preach, Teach and Pray. At the other end, it is themembers' duty of members to respond to what they hear by turningnew a leaf, while they make provision to enable the gospel move on,like financial and material needs in the Church as well as to provide fortheir minister financially and materially. According to Apostle Paul'sstatement, it's a good thing for members to bless their ministers withphysical needs after he has sown spiritual things into them.There are congregations whose attitudes would always meet theminister at his point of need while some would even make thingsdifficult for the minister. Such attitude is a demonstration of hate fortheir ministers. The verse for this meditation talks about a cold water inthe name of the Lord that attracts blessing. There are blessing insowing into the life of a minister, and don't expect him to beg you first,decide on it yourself. Once your Pastor start going about borrowing orbuying on credit to keep his family together, just know that such achurch is in for trouble.There are Shunamite Women, Marthas, Mary Magdalenes, etc inChurches, just as there are Barnabas', Aquillas, and Philemons,… thatare committed to making Ministers comfortable, providing their needsof food, clothings, health, calls, prayers, encouragements, children'sschool needs, etc. Make a decision today on what you will be doing totake care of your Pastor/ Minister's need. It's most rewarding.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father we need your grace that we may be obedient in thismatter in Jesus name. Amen 188
For Reading THURSDAY 7TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: AN INNOCENT LEADEREzekiel 9:1-11 “Begin the slaughtering at my sanctuary, so they began with the elders who were in front of the temple.” (Ezek. 9:6b)Every responsibility of the church has been placed in the hands of stewards or caretakers. These include the Priest at the altar, the Preacher at the pulpit,Parish Church councils, leaders and administrators, etc.Our responsibilities require a lot of care. You don't play withthe grace of God. Be very sure of what God has sent you todo, and be sure you don't dabble into other men's business.A lot of temptations exist to the point that you may begin tojoin others in perpetuating untold iniquity in the holy place.Be very objective and clear in your statements, serve Godas he has asked you to do it, do not dilute his Word for fearof anyone. Withstand evil where it is existing. Never say'only God can come down and change the situation' whenindeed you are there in your capacity to withstand sucherror. There comes a day of recompense when the Lord willpay you for your role in building or destroying his Church. Ifhe is to begin his judgment, be sure he will begin from you(Ez. 9:6). You have no reason to fear if you have rebukedevil properly, and have dissociated your self from anythingthat has to do with cooperation to do evil. Do not join othersto siphon church money; never fear a transfer to the extentof bending the rule when a powerful man is a victim. Be boldand principled. God is watching you.PRAYER POINTSAsk for boldness to stand for God always.Pray for fearful church leaders.Ask God to shut mouth of intimidation. 189
FRIDAY 8TH JULY, 2016For Reading PROGRAMMING YOUR DAY& Meditation: “You shall decree a thing, and it shall beIsaiah 54:11 17. established, and the light of God shall shine on your ways” (Job 22:28).Things don't just happen, someone makes things happen the way they happen. Someone's evil can bring bad luck or punishment on him, just as someone's goodwill can preparea safe and good path for him in a future. Meanwhile, God who is thebrain behind the creation and the continuity of the world has notabandoned its affairs. He is still interested in what happens to theworld, especially His children. In the same vein, Satan desires thathe rules over all mankind and their affairs. This is why he goesabout recruiting agents, both spirits and human beings, so as tofrustrate your life and destiny.God has given us the privilege of asking what we want. He told usto decree a thing and it shall be established (Job 22:28). Yourwords can make a big difference in your life. Not just empty word,but the word of God that you speak concerning yourself. When youwake up in the morning, or when a new week or month begins, evena new year; learn to speak out your desire and decrees. Decrees don't roam around streets, they keep everything oncheck. As you open up to speak, let it be clear to you that what youare saying may not have been so, but it will surely stand as youhave programmed it. As Satan's agents go to harass such event, itwill tell them that you have already programme your desire on it sono vacancy. Ephesians 4:27 says, do not give the devil a chance.Occupy your space, and possession with decrees, to secure themand keep them safe. This morning, arise and speak into the day itwill work to your favour.PRAYER POINT:I shall not walk in failure today. Even in path of darkness, I shall fearno evil, for no harm shall come near me. My needs shall be fullysupplied in Christ today. No weapon fashioned against my familyshall succeed. 190
For Reading SATURDAY 9TH JULY, 2016& Meditation:II Tim. 1:1-7 CAUSES OF INFERIORITY. “For God did not give us a Spirit of timidity, but a spirit of pwoer, of love and self-discipline.” V.7What causes feelings of inferiority? The word 'inferiority' means a state of being lower in respect, poorer in quality, below expectation, a feeling of being disadvantaged, etc.This problem usually starts from early childhood. If children arebelittled by their parents, who constantly tell them that they arestupid, useless, and unlikely to do anything right, then, in time, theycome to believe it. Some parents do not believe in complimentingtheir children because they think it will make them proud. Make nomistake about it, inferiority does not flow in genes; it develops whenthere is an absence of loving and caring attitudes in those who areresponsible for nurturing the child.Inferiority is unpleasant but some people enjoy being inferior.Some confuse humility with inferiority. They are entirely different.Inferiority comes from a persistent dwelling on one's inabilities orundesirable actions, whereas humility is the honest evaluation ofour abilities, and recognition that everything we have is from theLord. There are some people that are never determined to succeed.Perhaps you had an elder brother who was a brilliant student. Hegot distinctions in school, but you made below credits, so youbelieve that you can never succeed in life. You may have destinedyourself in your mind that you can never be above your credit levelin life, except your brother. Apparently, you never realized thatsome of those who failed to get grades in school have been thegreatest successes outside of school. Just that your brother gotdistinction in school does not make him the greatest man in Nigeria,you who looks inferior can still be the greatest tomorrow.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus I am what you say I am. Holy Spirit let this convictionpropel me in all I do or say. 191
For Reading SUNDAY 10TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: CAUSES OF INFERIORITY 2Phi. 4:8-13 “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” Phil. 4:13.The greatest secret of eliminating inferiority complex is to fill your mind with the assertion that I am what God says I am and to have the faith that you can. Develop a tremendous faith inyourself. You can develop this faith in scriptures and stronger prayerlife. The Bible rightly said “According to your faith, be it unto you”(Matt. 9:22). Attend Bible studies and Prayer meetings, to learn howyou can possess and utilize your faith. At this point, however, I wishto indicate that to build up feelings of self-confidence, the practice ofsuggesting confidence concepts to your mind is very effective. Ifyour mind is obsessed by thoughts of insecurity and inadequacy, it isbecause such ideas have dominated your mind for a long period oftime.Another and more positive pattern of ideas must occupy the mind, isaccomplished by repetitive suggestion of confident ideas. Peoplehave been succeeding because they believe they can make it. Themore you look inferior, the more your life seem to have no meaning,no wonder, some people kill themselves. If in your day to day job orbusinesses, you are always having the thought of defeat, fear andfailure; your business will truly run down.Many people, who had been defeated because of their mode of lifeand self-degradation, are now having testimonies to share becausethey now know how to confess faith and courage. Why don't youlearn these verses in your heart “I shall succeed by God's power”, it iswell with my soul, and my life, “I shall not die in accident” “I am born towin everyday” I can never fail in this business… and lots of otherconfessions from the scripture. Please change your language andsay “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me” (Phil.4:13).PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus every gem of self defeat inside of me that is eating me up,let the fire of the Holy Spirit consume it today. 192
For Reading MONDAY 11TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: INFERIORITY AND POWERPhil. 4:8-13. OF POSITIVE CONFESSION. “I can do everything through him who gives me strength. V13Let's consider the story of Bro. Fredrick. He was the only child of the mother but he was the sixteenth child of the father, a Community Chief. Among the Nineteen Children of the father, hewas the eighth son while the remaining ones were girls. The father'sfame and wealth made the early life of Fredrick so comfortable. Asthings got difficult, Fred lost all the comforts. Fredrick was about to writehis primary school certificate exam when the father took ill and died.After the burial expenses, there remained nothing more to pay for hisexam fees. His family relations did not help either. Fredrick stoppedschooling and opted for menial jobs with which he fed himself and hismother. He came across a young girl who later became his wife. Aftersome years, he became jobless for five years.But for lack of School Certificate, his friends would have helped him geta job. But he did not stop going to church with the mother. After severalbombarding message, he got stirred up with a change in hisconfession. On one of the invitation for interview, he swallowed somuch of this: “This job is mine in Jesus name”, and he continued it untilhe got to the employers office. Indeed, he was taken and that was thebeginning of the turn around, he was later sent to Europe to read up to aUniversity degree.Do you know the secret of his breakthrough? He learnt to be a superiorPerson, not an inferior person. So if you feel that you are defeated andhave lost confidence in your ability to win, sit down, take a piece ofpaper and make a list, not of the factors that are against you, but ofthose that are to your advantage. If you degrade yourself because ofthose failures, you will remain what you were, but if you reaffirm yourassets and thought, your strength and inner power will reassertthemselves, and with the help of God, you will move from defeat tovictory. Be confident that God is with you helping you.PRAYER POINTLord thank you for the power of the spoken word in my life. Help me touse it positively on daily basis. 193
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