THURSDAY 20TH OCTOBER, 2016For Reading KNOWLEDGE OF& Meditation: HIS PRESENCE WITH USII Corinth 4:1-16. ”…made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God…” II Corinth. 4:16.As Read from the text, God shined in our hearts, to give you the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Just like when Moses had anencounter with God on the mountain, and the people couldnot behold his face because of the reflection of the glory ofGod. Hosea 4:6(a) says “My people are destroyed forlack of knowledge.”Key into this Anglican “Collect” (prayer) “Almighty Father,who in your great mercy made glad the disciples withthe sight of the risen Lord: give us such knowledge ofHis presence with us, that we may be strengthen andsustained by His risen life and serve you continually inrighteousness and truth through Jesus Christ ourLord, Amen.” In His presence brethren, there is power,anointing, healing, miracle, making ways when there is noway.Beloved, the glory of Christianity is the empty tomb (Matt.28:6). Jesus is the only founder of faith or religion that wasdead, and rose again from the dead. It proves theexistence of God, if there is no God, how did Christ risefrom the dead? He rose because a loving God resurrectedHim. You will resurrect from all deadness in Jesus name,Amen.PRAYER POINT:Oh Lord, let your presence touch every aspect of my lifeand family in Jesus name, Amen. 294
For Reading FRIDAY 21ST OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: REMEMBER MY EXPECTATIONSGenesis 8:1-9 “But God remembered Noah… Genesis 8:1The way God was yesterday, He is the same today and remains so for ever. Therefore, have faith that if He remembers Noah as read from the text, He willremember you and your Godly expectation must be mademanifest this season. This is your season to celebrate;your appointment time cannot be altered. In Genesis 8:1-3, the water receded. The flood dried up and he was nolonger contained in the ship (Ark), but could go anywhere.God will not watch you wasted in disaster surrounding you.I pray for you that God should bring your ark to safety.In Genesis 19:29, Lot and his family were rescued from thefire and brimstones of Sodom and Gomorrah. All prayersfor the salvation for your family members have beenanswered. They will know Jesus. It was after thedeliverance of Lot that God visited Sarah as he promised inGenesis 17:17 and she had Isaac (Genesis 21:1-3). Godis about to give somebody Isaac in Jesus name, Amen.David in Psalm 20:1-3 said, “The Lord…remembers allofferings and accept your burnt sacrifices.” May Godremember all your sacrificial offerings and giving; they arebefore Him as a memorial.PRAYER POINT:Father, remember me and let it be given me; let men andwomen give to me in multiplication, everything I had givenaway; envelop me in your favour in Jesus name, amen. 295
For Reading SATURDAY 22ND OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: SET YOUR MINDS ON THINGS ABOVELuke 10:40-42. “…set your hearts on things above…” Colossians 3:1-2.Beloved, welcome to today's devotional; as read from the text, set your minds on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. This signifies to think ofthem, for where your treasurers is, your heart will be. We are inthe world, but not of this world. Our citizenship is of heaven.Therefore seek after heavenly things, “but seek first the kingdomof God and His righteousness and other things shall be addedunto you” (Matthew 6:33). Remember the comment of our LordJesus Christ in Luke 10:42 which says “But one thing isneeded, and Mary has chosen that good part which will notbe taken away from her.”Those that are born again Christians are dead to sin because, itsdominion is broken, its power subdued by grace and willextinguish by God's perfect glory. Therefore, with the help of theHoly Spirit, we are able to despise earthly things (Gal. 5:19-21);desire those that are heavenly (Gal. 5:22-25).Beloved, note that at the second coming of Jesus Christ therewill be assembling of those whose lives are now hid in Christ andshall appear with Him in His glory. There is power in what youthink or meditate upon (Joshua 1:8).Ponder on this: Phil. 4:8, “finally, brethren, whatsoever thingsare true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever thingsare lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there beany virtue and if there be any praise think on these things.”PRAYER POINTFather, help us to seek first your kingdom and righteousness andadd other blessing to us in Jesus name, Amen. 296
For Reading SUNDAY 23RD OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: CHRIST'S GIFTS TO HIS PEOPLEEph. 4:1-13 “…But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it…” Eph. 4:28.As read from the texts, he led captivity captive, which is the expression of Christ conquests and triumph over sin, Satan, the world, death, the grave; and indeed,every spiritual enemy of His and His people, especially thedevil. He gave gifts unto men; meaning the gift of the HolySpirit (Eph 4:11; I Corinth. 12:8-10) such as quality men forthe work of the ministry.We glorify God and enjoy Him by living each day insubmission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and using thespiritual gifts that He has given to us to extend His kingdom.The context for exercising these gifts in the church, whereeach member works for the growth of the body, to build itselfis love (Eph. 4:16).Paul emphasized the importance of unity of the spiritualbody of Christ. But unity does not empty uniformity. Paulgoes on to show in Eph. 4:7-16, how various members of thebody have different gifts. As we exercise these gifts underthe headship of Jesus Christ, the one body grow in maturityand strength. Therefore, make sure that you have receivedGod's grace in salvation (Eph 2:8-9). If you have receivedHis grace, the ascended Christ has given you gift(s) to use inserving Him. Christ distributes these gifts according to Hissovereign purpose. Hence we must use them as directed.PRAYER POINT:Ask God to help you know your gifts and use them to doexploit for the kingdom of God. 297
For Reading MONDAY 24TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: FOLLOW GOD'S EXAMPLEMatt. 19:16-30. “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children…” Eph. 5:1-2.Beloved, lets follow God's example especially in acts of righteousness, holiness, mercy, goodness as in forgiving injuries and offences; freely distributing tothe necessities of saints. This is exhortation to love;circumspection in walk; redeeming the time; being filledwith the Holy Spirit; singing to the Lord with thanksgiving.Show the love of Christ as much as possible. We are calledupon to be imitators of God in everyday life in ourrelationship with other people. We must love as He loves.The love of God is not selective because when He givesrain, it is for everyone. When we behave as such it is onlythen we can be said to be imitating.The love of Christ embrace outcast, pardoned sinners,heals the hopeless, challenged the complacent andwillingly sacrificed everything so that we sinners could bereconciled with God. Sacrificial love is our most visible anddefining family traits. The only reason we are in the familyof God is because of God's love. As Paul calls us to imitateGod's love, he reminded us that we are defined by it-we aredearly loved children (1 John 4:7-8).As we embark on our daily routine, let us endeavor toimitate our heavenly Father and it shall be well with us.PRAYER POINTLord, grant us the love to serve others with selfless devotionthat our kindness with help transform their lives and drawthem to Jesus, the source of all love in Jesus name, Amen. 298
For Reading TUESDAY 25TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: WHO CURSE YOU?James 3:1-10. “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father and with it we curse men…” James 3:9-10.Curse is to wish misfortune on someone (Luke 6:28; Romans 12:14). Curse can also be applied to those who are outside God's blessing (Mat. 25:4). They aretherefore under divine condemnation, the “curse of the law”because of sin. (John 7:49, Gal. 3:10, 13).The world is filled with satanic agents who place curses onpeople with impunity. As you read and meditate on thisdevotional, God has sent me to break such curses, bless youand restore you. This month is your month of Jubilee. Yourbreak-through is coming now in Jesus name.But you must take the following steps: First, surrender yourlife to Jesus Christ and put on Christ (“Romans 13:14). Usethe word of God against every manipulation of the devil(Matt. 4:1-11); Resist the devil and he will flee from you(James 4:7) “Resist the devil…; draw the sword, Eph. 6:11says “that ye may be able to stand against the wiles ofthe devil.” The armour listed in Eph. 6:10-18. Prayer is key(Eph 6:18) “Praying always with all prayers andsupplications.” Finally, plead the Blood of Jesus. Satanwill always flee from the presence of the Blood (Rev. 12:11)“And they overcome him (Satan) by the Blood of theLamb…”PRAYER POINT:In Jesus name, I take authority over the heavenlies, theearth and sea. I destroy, with the sword of the spirit, everypower of darkness that is poised to stand against myprayers. 299
For Reading WEDNESDAY 26TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: GIVINGLuke 6:38; Lev. 27:30. “…Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” II Corinth. 9:6.Beloved, I want to charge you in today's devotional as Paul did in (II Corinth. 8:7). “Therefore as ye abound in everything, in faith and utterance,and knowledge and in all diligence, and in your love tous, see that ye abound in this grace also.” The contextshows that he was speaking of giving as it is in our today'sdevotional topic. Therefore, as read from the text, youmust give willingly from the heart. You must not givegrudgingly. You must not give based on compulsion, butgive cheerfully.A spiritual man is one who realizes that God has blessedhim in order to bless others through evangelism, investinginto the Lord's vineyard and generosity. Therefore, givesystematically. I Corinth. 16:2 says “Upon the first day,of the week, let everyone of you lay by him in store, asGod hath prospered him.” Be business like in yourofferings and giving and God will reward your honesty.Giving is not only for the rich. It is for the poor too. The onlydifference will be in size and quality of gift.Pay your vows, redeem your pledges. Vows unfulfilled areworse than a vow never made. (Numbers 30:2, Prov.20:25). Don't delay in payment for more breakthroughs.PRAYER POINT:Father, open your floodgate of blessings into my life toenable me be example of generous giver in Jesus name,Amen. 300
For Reading THURSDAY 27TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation:I Corinth. 9:6-15 UNCOMMON HARVEST “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give…” I Corinth. 9:7.All kinds of harvests are preceded by sowing of seed, and the kind of seed sown determines the kind of harvests to be expected. The firstkind of seed sown for uncommon harvest is the wordof God into your life; by receiving Jesus Christ asyour personal Lord and Saviour.Secondly, as read from the text, be a cheerful giver,so that you can abound in every good work. There isneed for you to be consecrated unto God. Make timeto read Psalm 24:3-5. That is, preparing your heart inpurity is very crucial in giving. Whatever pollutes orcorrupts your heart blocks your access to uncommonharvest. Sow good seeds and fulfill your vows. Thesize of seeds sown with God's leading result in yourbecoming outstanding in life with uncommon orunusual harvest that will locate you without fail.As you give, it delight the hearts of God, treasurersare layed in heaven with many more of God'sblessings. Therefore, give to the poor and needy, tothe orphans and widows. Givers never lack.PRAYER POINT:Oh God! Make me a pillar and invaluable blessings toyour church and mankind in Jesus name, Amen. 301
FRIDAY 28TH OCTOBER, 2016 For Reading & Meditation: CONNECTING THE ALTAR OF GOD Genesis 28:15-19; “…Come here to me. They came to him, and he repaired the altar of the Lord… I Kings 18:30.As read from the text, Elijah connected with the altar of God and God answered him. God will answer you as you connect with His altar in Jesus name. Now,what is the meaning of altar? It means structures used inworship as a place of sacrifices to God or gods. Altars alsoare places of God's presence (Gen. 12:7; 26:24-25; Exo.20:24). It connotes a place of refuge. It representedaccess to God. But sin can be likened to broken heaps ofstories; which is the root of problems in the church, Nigeriaand world today. Just as Israel turned back on God at thetime of Elijah, so we are today. We are experiencingfamine today, spiritually in our homes, families, marriages,schools and government, etc. Other causes of brokendown altars are: Prayerlessness, (Eph. 6:18; 1 John 5:14);Not reading and meditating on the word of God (Joshua1:8); Accepting sin and doing nothing about it. Forinstance, abortion, adultery, alcoholism, child abuse,homosexualism, divorce, gambling, etc.Please make time to read (Jude 1:3-10 and Gal. 5:19-21).The effect of broken altar is far reaching. Our altar-livingaltar is an evidence of a relation between us and heavenlyFather. Therefore, return to God by connecting with Hisaltar. Restoration must take place now. Let the fire forrevival fall.PRAYER POINTEvery evil altar, set up against me be destroyed completelyin the name of Jesus, Amen. 302
SATURDAY 29TH OCTOBER, 2016For Reading& Meditation: LITTLE THINGS FOR GREATER THINGSMark 6:30-44 “Jesus took the five loaves and two fish and asked God's blessing on the food”.v41How do you react when you are given an impossible task? No doubt we certainly express our human weaknesses. The disciples were not left out whenJesus ask them to provide food for the crowd that wasfollowing them. They told their master that it will cost afortune to accomplish the task. Many times we arediscouraged at the sight of what we consider to beinadequate without exercising some elements of faith.When the Lord asked them, how much food they had theywere only able to produce five loaves and two fish. To themit was a child's play but they never knew the one they werefollowing. If only they knew that He created everything outof nothing and that by the word of His mouth all came tobeing. Have you really had a personal experience of thisyour Lord? Perhaps your knowledge of him only dependson what the Pastor preaches or the testimonies others aresharing. Until you have that personal experience of JesusChrist, he would hardly be your Lord and personal Saviour.It is this experience that will sustain you in the face ofchallenging situations. Insufficiency is not in his diction, hetook the five loaves and two fish and asked God's blessingon them. Faith in action, the crowd had enough. Try it; yourtestimony is waiting.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus thank you for the provision at my disposal letme act by faith today. 303
For Reading SUNDAY, 30TH OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: CHRIST IS ALWAYS WITH USMark 6:45-56 “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid”. V5Jesus had complete mastery over nature. O yes! He created them and they must obey him. The disciples fought the storm the entire night withoutsuccess. While Jesus prayed on the mountainside, hesaw them in a serious trouble. When he came he waswalking on the water. The disciples screamed for terrorthinking it was a ghost. Jesus responded, doing theunexpected, the impossible and they were furtherterrified. Jesus said do not be afraid. When he hadclimbed the boat, the wind stopped.In our moment of trial, we must remember that our Lordis always with us. No matter how dark, let us make effortto behold the Saviour in our situation. Once you are ableto identify him, our salvation, has come. If the enemy hasplunged you into the deep waters and the storms of lifeare about to swallow you, Jesus is about stepping on thedeep waters and will surely bring you to the other side ofyour promised land. When they arrived all those who hadproblems were brought to him. It was reported that meretouching of the fringe of his robe, brought healing tothem. How many today would exercise this type of faithby mere touching of the robe of the man of God?PRAYER POINT:Grant to your people such a wonderful faith that willreveal your glory in a fallen world. 304
For Reading MONDAY, 31ST OCTOBER, 2016& Meditation: MONTHLY STOCKHebrews 8:1-20 “So let us stop going over the basics of Christianity. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding” V.1We thank God for his mercy which has brought us to the end of the tenth month of the year. Taking stock at this time will certainly gobeyond this month. Ten good months the Lord hasfreely given to you, he demands that you renderaccount of how you utilized them. During these monthsseveral opportunities, chances, privileges and aboveall his grace were made available to you. Just begin topoint to tangible things that have become sweetmemories for these wonderful months.While many of us may be able to have a good story totell, some have wasted them and are pointingaccusing fingers. For some of us who have nothing topoint to, the reason may be found in our text. Manyhave spent these months on the basics of Christianity.Willingly they neglected every opportunity that wouldhave brought them to maturity. Because they arebabes in Christianity, they are not able to confront thegiants in the physical that are working against them. Bythe grace of God, the next two months may besufficient to cover some of the lost ground. Make upyour mind to go unto maturity from now.PRAYER POINT:Lord I am willing to go on to maturity, help me in myweakness. 305
For Reading TUESDAY 1ST NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: MY GREAT SHEPHERDJohn 10:1-10. “The Lord is my Shepherd; I have all that I need.” (Psalm 23:1)It is wonderful. It is marvelous and it is exciting to know that the Almighty God, our Father in Heaven is our shepherd. Knowing and having it as a personal experience is an excitement thatkeeps you on top of every life situation. We are in a world that ischaracterized with the fear of the unknown. But with God as yourshepherd, it is a blessed assurance that guarantees the futurecome what may. This is the strength of believers who areundergoing all kinds of trials. To have Him as your Shepherd is aclear proclamation that “All will be well.”The Psalmist says; “We are the people he watches over, the flock(sheep) under his care. If only you would listen to his voice today”(Psalm 95:7 NLT). This is the privilege we have enjoyed since thebeginning of the year and He will Shepherd you to the end.Cast your mind back to the herdsmen we see around us as theylead their flock. The destination of the flock is guaranteed, theycare for them, provide for them. In my former station, whileworking at night, I see the herdsmen leading their flock and Icould see the risk on the path of the herdsmen, yet they are notdisturbed. We can begin to imagine what the great shepherd isdoing for us. The challenge before us is our choice of been underHis care and to ascertain prayerfully whether our lives clearlyshow that the Lord indeed is our shepherd. If indeed He is, yourlife will be a reflection of the blessings of the Good Shepherd.PRAYER POINTSO Lord, thank you for being my shepherd and for making me aflock under your care. May you be praised forever in Jesus name.My Lord and my God, help me to listen to your voice on dailybasis throughout my life in Jesus name. 306
WEDNESDAY 2ND NOVEMBER, 2016For Reading NOTHING I LACK& Meditation:II Corinth. 9:1-12 “And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” (II Cor. 9:8)Incredible! Wow... that those who fear Him lack nothing. It is joyful news. My concern is how to please him, live for Him daily and all my anxiety would be laid to rest. When the Lord shepherd you, He takesyou out of the region of scarcity to the realm where you never lack. Thisis incredible, I just have to believe it and let His fear be my life's pursuit.If the Lord is leading you, all you need will be provided for. Thisprovision will also be determined by how much you have utilized Hisgrace to develop yourself. It becomes an extra ordinary breakthroughfor some when out of nothing they become a great phenomenon to bereckoned with. But generally, the Lord cannot be your shepherd and atthe same time you lack the basic necessities of life. This is theoppression many are suffering while in church. There are somereasons why these oppressions. Some of the reasons are; many arenot born again, they are yet to have an encounter with Jesus. Until theyhave this encounter, Satan would continue to torment and deny them oftheir blessings. Another reason is that of ignorance. When one isignorant of his rights and privileges trust our world, others wouldcontinue to savor them. We also need to change our mindset as to beable to grasp this fundamental truth.When God provides, He provides generously for our need. If yourprovision has been few, then the yoke must be broken now. God'sprovision is to enable you to have always everything you need andplenty left over in other that you will be able to share with others. This isthe true meaning of “Nothing I Lack.” We must through prayers launchourselves into this divine agenda for our lives.PRAYER POINTSDear Father, your provision is always generous. I decree and declare,every limitation stopping me from assessing your generous provisionto receive fire in Jesus name. Amen.I receive the key to your divine store house for the manifestation of yourabundance. 307
For Reading THURSDAY 3RD NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: DIVINE RESTPs. 127:1-5 “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1)When God shepherd you, there is the assurance of rest. Rest is a characteristic of the divine nature. With all the omnipotent power of God, he allowed Himself theopportunity of rest. If a man's life lacks rest, then such life cannotbe attributed to God, even though such a person could be inchurch. It is not impossible that since the beginning of the year,you have not had any meaningful rest and there is nothing toshow for it.All through the pages of scriptures Children of God are given thepromise of rest. You must endeavour to keep your enemies underyour foot so that they will not rob you of this precious divine rest.Many of the problems facing mankind leading to strange andterminal ailments are as a result of the lack of divine rest.It was in the light of the myriads of problems facing mankind thatthe Lord Jesus Christ gave a passionate invitation to us all:“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens,and l will given you rest. “(Matthew l1:28).Jehovah Rohi is readyto give you rest. When He promises, He fulfills, if only you arewilling to surrender all at His feet. The shelter of the Most Highproduces rest to all those who will assess it. His shadow is morethan enough to swallow that earth born cloud. You can have restwhile this programme last, “For all who have entered into God'srest have rested from their labours, just as God did after creatingthe world. “(Hebrews 4:9).PRAYER POINTSAlmighty Father, thank you for the gift of rest to refresh our lives.Let every faculty of my life respond to your divine rest today.My Father and my God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pull downevery stronghold that is opposed to my rest today in Jesus name. 308
For Reading FRIDAY 4TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: GREEN MEADOWSIsaiah 49:1-9 “They will be my sheep, grazing in green pastures and on hills that were previously bare.” (Isaiah 49:9).According to the Hymn writer, “They shall be abundantly satisfied with thy fullness of thy home and thou shall make them drink of the river of thy pleasure. “It is God'swill to shepherd you and having toiled and laboured, you will liedown in green pastures. To lie down in green pastures actuallymeans to enjoy the fruit of your labour. You are meant to walkand live in green pastures. That was why God provided theGarden of Eden for man to share in the abundance of God'sprovision. It is not God's will for you to labour and others beginto reap the fruit of your labour.God's agenda for you in this programme is to restore you towhere there are greener pastures. Even if your dwelling isregarded as barren, He says; you will graze where others havedeclared barren. Barrenness will not be your portion when theAlmighty becomes your shepherd. When God gives you greenpastures, it is a wealth that will outlive you. What are youwaiting for before you take over the privilege that is yours.If before now, you grazed in a difficult terrain, your time ofgreen pastures has come, things are about to change for thebetter. God cannot lie, what He says He will do, that is whatHe will do. He says, you will lie down in green pastures. Lookbeyond what looks like dry pastures and hold-on to the Word ofGod and things will change for the better.PRAYER POINTSO Lord my God, I refuse to graze in a barren land. Turn everybarrenness to green pastures for me today.Let us pray for as many that the enemy has turned their lives towasted land, for God to show mercy. 309
For Reading SATURDAY 5TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: WHEN HE LEADSExo. 13:17-22 “The Lord went ahead of them on their way during the day and in a pillar of fire to give them light at night, so that they could travel day or night.” (Exodus 13:21)When the Lord takes the lead, all would certainly be well. Too many people today in their journey of life never have God in their company. The issue of leading is animportant one that should not be trivialized. How many of us canconfidently say, that since the beginning of this year I haveallowed God to take the lead in every little assignment that wasbefore me?This is a great risk that we ignorantly undertake hence many ofour expectations had fallen short of our hope. For the children ofIsrael to make it to the promised land- Canaan, it requires God'sleading. Thanks be to God because He will never fail us. For thepeople of Israel, God gave them a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fireto lead them to their destinations. When we allow God to leadthere is always a divine provision to guarantee our security. Nodoubt, we are in a dangerous time of human history. We needthose pillars of cloud and a pillar of fire to be with us. But thanksbe to God for we have something more precious and better thanwhat the Israelites enjoyed.We have the living Word of God that will give us the necessarycounsel for our daily living. The Holy Spirit is there to give us theunderstanding of His Word. Obedience to His Word is anindication of our acceptance of His leading. How often do youstudy the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to interpret to you?PRAYER POINTSFather if I have strayed from your will for my life, draw me back toyourself my dear Redeemer.Lord, every stubbornness on the part of your people making themto stray away let the stubbornness receive fire today in Jesusname. 310
For Reading SUNDAY 6TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: QUIET WATERSIsaiah 49:1-10 “...For the Lord in his mercy will lead them he will lead them beside cool waters” (Isaiah 49:10).Shepherding is a task on the part of the shepherd and the flock. Hence God in His infinite mercy has made provision to quench our thirst when the need arises. That the Lord wouldlead us beside cool waters speaks of the knowledge of God aboutwhat lies ahead of us. He knows and He will not withhold anythinggood from us. We must willingly entrust ourselves to His care withan implicit trust that he cares.Water refreshes. Often times when we are tired especially in themid-day, a little shower is a powerful drug that refreshes andstrengthens us. Jehovah Rohi, promises to lead us beside coolwaters so that our strength can be renewed. Indeed, “those whotrust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wingslike eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and notfaint. “(Isaiah 40:31). Too many Christians today are under the heatof oppression occasioned by the wickedness of men who claimedto be shepherd whereas they are thieves and robbers. To these evilpeople God says; “I now consider these shepherds my enemiesand I will hold them responsible for what has happened to my flock Iwill take away their right to feed the flock and I will stop them fromfeeding themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths; thesheep will no longer be their prey. “(Ezekiel 34:10).There are different kinds of waters but God's choice for you is quietwaters that flow from the Holy Spirit which is capable of giving life toour body, soul and spirit. When you allow yourself to be led besidethis quiet water, whatever is dead will surely come to life.(John7:37).PRAYER POINTCool waters are a product of the Holy Spirit that refreshes andstrengthen us in our Christian race. Pray that on daily basis thesecool waters would always refresh and strengthens you. 311
For Reading MONDAY 7TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: RENEWAL OF STRENGTHIsaiah 40:25-40 “But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, they run and don 't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind” (Isaiah 40:30 Mssg.).If you are conversant with the herdsmen that lead cows you will understand the importance of the renewal of strength. I am grateful to God Almighty because He is ourshepherd and not human beings. As I see the cows being ledby the herdsmen, sometimes the cows would have covereda reasonable distance. Expectedly, they should be tired andyou actually see that they are tired thus they are not able torespond as expected of them. This would lead to some formof stubbornness and resistance. At this point, I expect theherdsmen to understand but contrary to this expectation, yousee the herdsmen flogging the cow with heavy stick andforcing them to obey. These are human shepherds for you,who do not understand your moment of anxiety and pains.They demand response from you all the time without doingmuch to refresh you.Jehovah Rohi is not like that, He understands our moment ofchallenges and difficulties, willing to supply the neededstrength. This is only available to only those who would allowGod to shepherd them. They are the ones that would waitupon the Lord because He is their strength. Thus they havethe grace to spread out their wings so as to soar like eagles,running without being tired and will never lag behind. Theseare the opportunities that are available to you as a child ofGod that you can avail yourself of.PRAYER POINTO Lord our God, renew our strength today to follow you morenearly love you more dearly in order to do more exploits foryou. 312
TUESDAY 8TH NOVEMBER, 2016 For Reading & Meditation: THE PATH OF RIGHTEOUSNESS I Kings 18:20-39 “He put on righteousness as his body armor and placed the helmet of Salvation on his head” (Isaiah 59:1 7).God is righteous. God is the God of righteousness, He is faithful, and therefore we can always depend on him. Our God is supreme and He does whatever pleases Him. Allthose who come to Him must assert His righteousness and that Heis right in his judgment. No god or man born of woman can faultGod. God is jealous of His name, righteousness and holiness. Hewill never compromise them. Those who have accepted Him astheir shepherd must be willing to be upright and righteous in allthey do. When Jehovah God chooses to shepherd us, He does it inrighteousness. It means He will not fail us; we can always dependon Him.Our God is unlike man made gods that would always disappointtheir devotees. The case of Elijah and the devotees of Baal onMount Cannel comes to mind. Elijah was alone but Baal's prophetswere 450 men. Elijah said to them, “since you are so numerous,choose for yourselves one bull and prepare it first Then call on thename of your god but don't light the fire.” (1 Kings 18:25). It wasreported that they did all they could but there was no answer.Having tried all they could, Elijah called them to himself and heprepared the altar of righteousness. By the time Elijah opened hismouth and pray, fire Came down to consume the stones. As manythat will choose to be righteous in all their ways, Jehovah Rohi isavailable to manifest His glory. This is the time to settle this issuewith God; your prayers will produce miracles in your life.PRAYER POINTSLet us pray for as many in Church whose lives still crucify JesusChrist again, thereby making themselves as enemies. Pray thatthey will encounter God in this Holy convocation.O Lord let the door of righteousness be opened unto us that thegood things of life from your store house will locate us. 313
For Reading WEDNESDAY 9TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS NAME'S SAKEProverbs 18:5-10 “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are protected” (Proverbs 18:10).The Lord knows that His name is a strong tower, a strong fortress for the righteous ones in the land. Therefore, as He shepherd's us He will not allow His name to be brought todisrepute. His name is higher above every other name hence at thename of Jesus Christ every knee must bow and every tongueconfess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Phil 2:9).Jehovah Rohi is jealous of His name thus He abhors the misuse ofHis name. “Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God, becausethe Lord will punish anyone who misuses His name. “(Exodus 20:7).Demons tremble at the mention of His name. Before he ascended toheaven he said, “Until now you have asked for nothing in my name.Ask and you will receive that your joy may be complete” (John16:24). This is the promise to us all that makes us stand a betterchance if we place any request in his name, we will receive, so thatour joy may be complete. His name wants to bring a complete joy tous. When our prayers are answered his name would be glorified. Thescripture says; “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord willbe saved.” (Romans 10:13). Why not call now, Jehovah Rohi willanswer by fire. It is your turn to-shine, a time to prove that theAlmighty is your shepherd.Psalms 118:26 says; “Blessed is he who comes in the name of theLord. From the house of the Lord we bless you.” What a wonderfulprivilege for those who have made the Lord their shepherd.According to the word of the Lord, I decree and declare may you beblessed from the house of the Lord.PRAYER POINTSLord we pray you as many our requests may be that will be offered inyour name, may you listen to us Lord.As we call on your name, let every sickness be healed, poverty turnto prosperity, our coast be enlarged and make us evidence of yourpower at work. 314
THURSDAY 10TH NOVEMBER, 2016For Reading& Meditation: THROUGH THE DARKEST VALLEYI Sam. 20:1-17; “Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger For you are with me” (Psalms 23:2).The last time electricity went off while you were in the house and night has come, how did you feel? No doubt confusion set in immediately and you suddenly became a stranger inyour own house. This is a clear expression of the realities of lifewhen we are confronted with some daunted situations.Sometimes we are confused and we are not able to pray, beforelong doubts begin to set in hence some were tempted to take thewrong step.The journey of life is never smooth. Just as there are mountainsto be climbed, level ground abounds so is the valley andsometimes the darkest valley to contend with. Most times forchildren of God, darkest valley would always vomit them to theplace of their dream. The story of Joseph comes to mind as wemeditate on what the darkest valley represents. At the time hewas sold to slavery, it was the beginning of his journey throughthe valley. By the time he was leaving the house of Portiphar, itwas a further plunge to the darkest valley. However, by the timethe journey through the valley was concluded, it was from prisonto palace. This is what Jehovah Rohi is able to do in our lives.Is your present situation a reflection of the darkest valley, thenyou need to take the word of God to heart? Like David, say toyourself, it is well with me, I fear no danger because the Almightyis on my side.PRAYER POINTSOur situation in Nigeria and indeed Africa shows that we aregoing through the darkest valley. Let us pray that divineintervention would take us to the place of our dream.Lord you who took Joseph from prison to palace, our eyes are onyou. Come quickly and answer us. 315
For Reading FRIDAY 11TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: I SHALL NOT FEARIsaiah 41:1-10 “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God” (Isaiah 41:10).Fear is the opposite of courage. Those who have made the Almighty their shepherd, must be courageous. It was David who declared, “I shall not fear. “ This assertion points to thefact that the enemy would try to attack even when the enemies areaware that the Lord is your shepherd. Fear had driven many from asafe haven to a permanent place of torment such that whatevercomes their way would always create fear in them. Fear can resultinto many things before it finally ends in death. Those who are underthe shadow of the Almighty need not be afraid but courage in theface of danger.More than 366 times in the scriptures we are told not to fear. In orderwords God says to us daily, “my children do not fear, I am with you.”Not only that God is with us, He actually is in us.“You are from God,little children, and you have conquered them, because the one whois in you is greater than the one who is in the world “(1 John 4:4). Wein the New Testament, have God with us and also in us. In the OldTestament, it looks as if God can be absent since he is with us but inour own case we enjoy a double blessing. He is with us and in us.This is marvelous; hence we need not fear that enemy. ThePsalmist says; “The Lord declared to my Lord; sit at my right handuntil I make your enemies your footstool” (Psalms 110:1).These elements that we seem to be afraid of have been reduced toour footstool. We are to trample upon them, this is why our Lordsays; “Look, I have given you the authority to trample on snakes andscorpions and over all the power of the enemy; nothing will everharm you” (Luke 10:19). This is cheerful enough, I shall not fear.PRAYER POINTSDear Holy Spirit, inspire us with your unction-the anoiting that isable to quench the fiery darts of the enemies.Let fear disappear, courage take the place of fear and let theenemies be silent forever. 316
For Reading SATURDAY 12TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS PRESENCEExo. 33:1-14 “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14).God's presence with a man, gives him rest. Do you possess this rest? This is the greatest offer that the Lord promised those who come to him and it can be yours in this ember months. Thosewho will earnestly seek the Lord in fasting and prayer will surelyexperience His presence. Like the men of old, “tear your hearts, not justyour clothes, and return to the Lord your God. For he is gracious andcompassionate, slow to anger, rich in faithful love, and he relents fromsending disaster. “(Joel2:13).By the time Aaron succeeded in making a golden calf as a god for thepeople of Israel and they choose to rise up and play and worshiped theimage, their greatest asset-the presence of God eluded them. Thepresence of God was withdrawn from them. That singular act broughtthe nation to a halt. The souls that perished were not enough atonementto enjoy Jehovah Rohi again.God is of a purer eyes that he cannot behold iniquity (Hab 1:13). Moseswho was Spirit filled knew that the nation had lost favour with God. Itwould be suicidal to continue the journey without Emmanuel. Thus hesought the face of the Lord and earnestly desires the restoration of thedivine presence.The presence of the Lord had escaped a lot of people even a wholecongregation. Everything has become carnal. The unfortunate thing isthat their ministers too have lost the presence of God, thus everybody iswallowing in darkness. The good thing is that this is a channel ofrestoration if we sincerely repent and confess. God will be mercifulagain. The latter glory shall be greater than the former. His pillar of fireand the cloud of glory will fill our lives again.PRAYER POINTSLet us confess whole heartedly every sin that have driven the presenceof God from us and congregation, for the Lord to show us mercy.Pray for the full restoration of His presence in our lives, family, business,offices and ministry, that our latter glory shall be greater than the former. 317
For Reading SUNDAY 13TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS RODPs. 139:1-14 “Whoever abandons the right path will be severely disciplined; whoever hates correction will die” (Proverbs 15:10).His rod stands for correction. Solomon says; “:If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding”(Proverbs 15:32).We need His Rod while He shepherd us so that we can becorrected especially when we want to abuse our free-will. It was theabuse of free-will that led to the fall of Adam and Eve. This resultedto their banishment from the tree of life. As flock under the GoodShepherd, we must constantly desire divine correction in order tokeep us on the path of righteousness. This correction is thediscipline we accept from the Lord. “People who accept disciplineare on the path way of life, but those who ignore correction will goastray” (Proverbs 10:1 7).Whenever we are confronted with the rod of the Good Shepherdsometimes it is never interesting. But when we joyfully accept it,knowing that it is for our good, we stand to reap the abundantblessings therein.The rod of Jehovah Rohi makes us to be sensible. “Only a fooldespises a parent's discipline; whoever learns from correction iswise” (Prov. 15:5). His rod enhances our wisdom; it gives us insightand a better understanding of life. “To learn, you must lovediscipline; it is stupid to hate correction “(Prov. 12:1). His rod mustnot be viewed from the negative perspective alone, of coursenothing negative in it. The spiritual exercise we embark upon turnsout to be His rod that encourages spiritual discipline that leaves usbetter than we have been.PRAYER POINTSAsk God for the privilege of godly discipline that will deepen yourChristian faith.Let us pray for all those who have the responsibility to disciplinepeople to be upright in their work. 318
For Reading MONDAY 14TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS STAFFII Samuel 22:1-15 “They confronted me in the day of my distress, but the Lord was my support” (11Samuel 22:19).The staff is an instrument of support and to guide. It helps the shepherd to identify and be able to ascertain the number of the flock. It is amazing that the GoodShepherd has made every provision available to encourageour followership. That any sheep wander away could not be asa result of lack of support but because of stubbornness.David was a man who enjoyed divine support all through hislife. If we carefully look at his song of thanksgiving, it is obvious.He acknowledges God as his rock, fortress and deliverer.Under Him he sought refuge from the face of the enemies. Godwas his shield and the horn of his salvation, his stronghold andSaviour in the face of violence. God never withhold His mercyfrom him, hence his prayers were constantly answered.As children of God, we stand to enjoy all these if we constantlyfollow Him our Good Shepherd. Too many people today areseeking human support that can never be relied upon. Suchhuman supports are in the form of rings that people wear andthey believe they are saved. Some actually carry staff in theform of walking stick and all kinds of charms that has failedmany in the past. His staff can be made available to you as youseek Him with all your heart. Repent of your sins and choose tolive for him the rest of your life and you will be glad you did.PRAYER POINTSLord Jesus Christ you are my life support, without you my lifewill sink, help me never to lose this support.0 Lord have mercy on all who have lost your divine support.May you rescue them from the chains of Satan. 319
For Reading TUESDAY 15TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS PROTECTIONPs. 91:1-16; “Now to Him who is able to protect you from stumblingII Kings 6:8-23; and to make you stand in the presence of His glory...”Matt. 2:13-23 (Jude 24).God's protection over our lives is indisputable. Our world is infested with so many evils. Danger abounds everywhere. We are constantly in the face of danger,surrounded by unguarded hours that the enemy is looking outfor. In all these, God's protection is all we need as we makeHim our Good Shepherd. Are you sure you are secured underHis protection? Too many Christians are playing to the gallery,taking serious issues of life for granted. Costly assumptionshave led to the untimely death of so many Christians. Why?They took for granted things that would have save them fromthe trap of the enemy.If indeed the Almighty God is your Shepherd you will constantlyseek His protection. For those who have Him Jehovah Rohi,He promised them His protection. This is what we seek inprayers and fasting evidence of dependence on him. He is ableto protect us from stumbling and enable us to stand in thepresence of His glory both in this life and the one to come.With this assurance you can be kept from stumbling and youwill be made to stand firm, immovable, unshakeable andunstoppable. It is interesting to secure His protection while theopportunity last and you will be glad you did. Halleluiah.PRAYER POINTSOur dear Good Shepherd, help us to live under your protectioneveryday of our lives and may your shadow always cover us.Lord you are our refuge and our fortress, may we always trustyou and never to wander away from you. 320
WEDNESDAY 16TH NOVEMBER, 2016For Reading& Meditation: HIS COMFORTII Corinth. 1:1-11. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort” (2 Corinth 1:3).Our God is God of all comfort who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction. That our generations do nothave an over dose of affliction is to say the least. Troubleabounds everywhere. To be able to overcome these troubles isto pray more than we have done before. As you indulge in aceaseless prayer, surely the God of comfort will comfort youand you will be able to comfort others in their troubles. For theflock under the care of the Good Shepherd, there are somemoments of uneasiness that poses some difficulties as a resultof the many troubles we are exposed to here on earth. JehovahRohi knows our pains and how feable we are thus He is alwaysthere to comfort us.When His comfort comes we are relieved of every anxiety andassault of the enemies. This is the moment of testimonies andmiracles as we pray in faith. Are you weak and heavy ladencumbered with a load of trouble? I decree and declare, yourcomfort has come and they are being rolled away from your lifenow. The God of comfort is your Good Shepherd welcomingyou to His warm embrace, saying to you it is over. Now is thetime to celebrate the goodness and mercies of the Lord.PRAYER POINTSToo many people today are going through terrible affliction.Lord Jesus you who tread this world before us come to the aid ofyour people.Holy Spirit the comforter comfort your ministers as they carryout their respective ministry wherever you have stationed them.My helper wherever you are may the anointing of the Holy onedraw you to me and me to you. 321
THURSDAY 17TH NOVEMBER, 2016For Reading& Meditation: HIS FEASTII Sam. 9:1-13 “Blessed are those invited to the marriage feast of the Lamb...” (Rev. 19:9).It is our earnest desire and prayer that, you will be hosted a number of times to the Good Shepherd's Feast while the year lasts in Jesus name. Amen. That we are sheep under His caredoes not mean we will be treated as animals. We are made in Hisimage hence our Lord Jesus Christ says; “Don't be afraid therefore;you are worth more than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:31). Youdeserve a feast because of the worth God placed on us as children.You remember, when Adam and Eve sinned against God, onewould have thought God will out of anger destroy them, but thereverse was the case. Instead he went looking for them. Atredemption, he sent His begotten son to take our place. All these isa clear indication that we are invaluable to God, hence we cannotafford to live our lives outside the will of God. Our souls are restlessuntil they find rest in Him.It is this rest that informs the feast that the Almighty would alwaysarrange for His own. Ephphatha will not end until your feast-divinefeast has been put together for you. it doesn't matter where you arenow; perhaps you are in a far country like the prodigal son. Thereyou have wasted all the blessings bestowed on you and life hasbecome miserable for you. Jehovah Rohi is the God of secondchance who will not treat you the way you are, His mercy enduresforever. When the prodigal son came back to his senses andreturned to his father, the feast he was treated to is betterexperienced than imagined. The feast waiting for you, demand thatangels should serve as ushers.PRAYER POINTSLord Jesus Christ show me your mercy even if I am far away fromyou. Help me to come to my senses that I will return wholeheartedly.Father, many have no food to eat, many are in the refugee camps,orphanage homes, prisons, IDPs etc. We pray you to prepare theirtable for them. 322
For Reading FRIDAY 18TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: THE PRESENCE OF ENEMIESEsther 7:1-10 “My victory and honour come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.” (Psalm 62:7).It is obvious that the fear of the enemies is dominating the minds of many Christians. It is possible to use this period to silence your enemies forever and permanently keep them under your foot stool.The Good Shepherd is able to disgrace your enemies before you. Thestory of Mordecai lends credence to this assertion.You may recall how Queen Vashti choose to ignore the king and thatmarked the end of her own era as a Queen. Vashti era had produced thelikes of Harman who are completely Godless in all they do. But theAlmighty God, Jehovah Rohi who knows the future from the beginningenthroned Esther the Jew as the substantive Queen. Harman neverknew that righteousness had been exalted over and above reproach,thus he will surely come down before the flock of the Almighty. Harmanplotted to destroy the Jews. To start with, he constructed a gallows of75feet to hang Mordecai but he never knew that he will fall into the pitwhich he prepared.Harman was made to decorate Mordecai, helped him to ride on the king'smule and went round the city to advertise Mordecai's new position. It wasafter that, that Harman, was executed on his own gallows. Jehovah Rohiis saying to you that this will be the lot of all those who may be plottingagainst you. In this season of the year, your enemies will be silencedwhile heaven is decorating you with unspeakable miracles beyond yourimaginations. The Good Shepherd cannot be leading you and thepresence of enemies will be anything to go by.PRAYER POINTSIn the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I lift up the banner of ourSalvation, let enemies of the GOSPEL be swallowed up.Let God arise and may all His enemies be scattered in the name of Jesus.O Lord, many are under the oppression of enemies. Thou who know allthings from whom no secret are hidden, deliver your people today.My Father, my Father, every satanic representation foisted on yourpeople anywhere, let it come down today in Jesus name. 323
SATURDAY 19TH NOVEMBER, 2016For Reading& Meditation: HE DECORATES MEPs. 45:1-17 “I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God for he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and dropped me in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom in his wedding suit or a bride with her jewels” (Isaiah 61:10).For this year to end gloriously, Jehovah Rohi has concluded arrangements to decorate His own. This is the last quarter of the year, what is your story about the previous months? If theenemy had made frantic efforts to nicked you and there are somepointers to this fact, then take this prophetic declaration to heart: “Idecree and declare prophetically upon your life, may you be overwhelmed with the joy of the Lord, may you be dressed with theclothing of salvation, may the robe of righteousness introduce you toyour generation, may your beauty outshine the beauty of a new brideand may divine jewels be evident in your life for the rest part of theyear in the name of Jesus Christ”. Amen.There are several instances in the scriptures where Jehovah Rohidecorated His own. Before the decoration, there is always the past,but such people would not allow the past to deprive them of thepresent arrangement. Joseph a prisoner was a beneficiary of divinedecoration. His past was never a hindrance, but at the end, the entireEgypt was handed over to him. Mordecai could not believe his eyeswhen he saw his arch-enemy being used by God to dress him in akingly robe and afterwards, his proclamation followed. The prodigalson with an ugly past benefited from divine decoration as a result ofthe mercies of God. Thus he wore a new robe, a new sandal andsonship restored. Divine decoration is an evidence of divineapproval and acceptance. It can be yours today if you do not allowyour past to hinder you.PRAYER POINTSEvery filthy rag that the enemies have used to embarrass yourpeople before now, Lord let it receive fire in the name of Jesus Christ.You the God of Joseph, God of Mordecai you are my God, it is myturn for divine decoration, my life cannot remain the same.My Father and my God, I receive the robe of righteousness today, letthe jewel of your glory be evident in my life. 324
SUNDAY 20TH NOVEMBER, 2016For Reading& Meditation: HIS ANOINTINGPs. 133 & 134 “. . . Therefore God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else.” (Psalm 45:7bAnointing stands for consecration. Consecration means you are set apart for a specific purpose. Setting apart shows that you are marked by God, therefore you are untouchable, unstoppable,unshakeable and unquenchable.As a flock under the Good Shepherd, you can graze anywhere andanytime. You are above limitations, fully protected every time of theday. If you are conversant with the sheep or cow that belongs to the kingin a community or the one that is dedicated to the god of the community,you would understand what it means to be anointed by God. Suchanimal are jealously guarded, no one handles them with levity. ThatGod has anointed you clearly shows that you belong to Him alone.The anointing of God upon our lives stands for security. Today, ourcountry is bedeviled with security problems. People are dieing in theirhundreds. It is only divine security that can keep us from the varioussecurity threats that we are exposed to.The anointing is an evidence of God distinguishing you among yourpeers. For He says, “The oil of joy on you puts you ahead of anyoneelse”. Our God is prepared to package you above you contemporaries.This should gladden your heart and it calls for more commitment as welook forward to the end of the programme. Anointing is an evidence ofpromotion, an elevation to a higher status. Whatever may haveretarded your promotion, let it receive fire today in Jesus name.Anointing unveils secrets, may the Lord unfold his mystery to you in thisholy convocation.PRAYER POINTSAnointing is an elevation. O Lord let each and every one of us receiveyour divine promotion in every stratum of life in Jesus name, Amen.Anointing reveals the mystery of God. Lord Jesus, the secret of thekingdom are meant for your follower. Oblige us this privilege in Jesusname. 325
For Reading MONDAY 21ST NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: OVER FLOWII Corinth. 9:1-8 “And God s able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.” (2 Corinth. 9:8)The year is gradually coming to an end, I perceive in my spirit that God will not allow this year to end until you have your overflow. Since the beginning of the year grace has beenreleased into our lives for a greater manifestation and overflow inour lives. Make sure nothing blocks your channel of overflow.Things can easily block any channel; it is now left to the personconcerned to clear every debris that may be blocking the channel.Do not allow the devil to cast any spell on you as to be tempted toignore the satanic debris, clear it now.Jehovah Rohi has promised you an overflow, He will not lie. Thestory of Elisha and the widow whose creditor were coming to takeher two children as slaves is an example of divine overflow (II Kings4:1-7).Elisha asked her, “what do you have in the house?” She said, “Yourservant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.” It was a seasonof overflow as a result of her encounter with the man of God. Elishatold the woman, “Go and borrow empty containers from everyonefrom all your neighbours. Do not get just a few.” So it was, with thelittle jar of oil, the widow was able to fill the number of containersshe was able to borrow. When overflow comes, that little will bemore than enough. It is a season of overflow, Jehovah Rohi hasopened the door of overflow to you go for it now. When God saysyour cup will overflow what else, believe it and see it manifesting.PRAYER POINTSMy Father, my Father, whatever is blocking my channel of overflow,by fire, by thunder let it be uprooted.O Lord, every prophetic declaration that has been uttered upon mylife in this year, let it be fulfilled today.Lord Jesus, I surrender the little at my disposal, let it receive thepower of overflow today. 326
For Reading TUESDAY 22ND NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS GOODNESSActs 3:1-10. “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim the name Yahweh before you...” (Exodus 33:19)Jehovah Rohi promised his flock that His goodness will follow us all the days of our lives. Having followed Him thus far in this meditation your expectation should be to see theevidence of His goodness in your life. It has begun already. I amfully convinced that the people around you have started noticingthe difference. Some of the comments by the people concerningyou is a clear testimony that God is at work in your life.Moses the great prophet of Israel had the rare privilege ofexperiencing His goodness. The Almighty Yahweh says, “I willcause all my goodness to pass in front of you.” It was a full dose ofall the goodness of Jehovah Rohi. What an incredible testimony,that all the goodness of the Almighty passes one's front. This willbe a complete transformation in every facet of life. When all thegoodness of the Lord passes by you, not only a partial but a totalchange that affects the entire life of a person. This is our earnestdesire for us all that will make our lives worthwhile.Moses was granted the privilege because he prayed. You toohave been engaged in ceaseless prayers. His goodness mustfollow you, overtake you and stop at your door step. Hisgoodness is the several miracles that have been released fromheaven. As you partake in the miracles it is an evidence of Hisgoodness. Never give up, it is your turn to shine, keep shining forthe glory of the Lord has risen on you.PRAYER POINTSMy dear father, as you granted Moses this great opportunity,have mercy on us and let all your goodness pass in front of yourpeople.O Lord let my miracles locate me that your goodness willoverwhelm my life today in Jesus name. Amen. 327
For Reading WEDNESDAY 23RD NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS UNFAILING LOVELam. 3:10-22 “Because of the Lord's faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. (Lam. 3:22)David declared that “only goodness and faithful love of Jehovah Rohi will pursue me.” (Ps. 23:6). This is our portion as a flock under the care of the Good Shepherd. God's lovefor His children has never cease right from our creation till now. Hislove was the reason for making us in His image. God spoke throughprophet Jeremiah saying, “For I know the plans I have for you,plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and ahope.” (Jeremiah 29:11). This is evident at every stage in humanhistory.After the fall of man, “The Lord God made clothing out of skins forAdam and his wife, and he clothed them.” (Genesis 3:21). This is ademonstration of the unfailing love of God for we are the work of Hishand. This act of love is seen constantly in our lives if we care tocount God blessings upon our lives, it will surely surprise us.The unfailing love of God Was clearly demonstrated when He ledthem from Egypt to Canaan. We read about the stubbornness,apostasy and all kinds of contempt and blaspheming that tookplace in the wilderness. At a point God was to destroy them, butMoses' intercession provoke His unfailing love that made JehovahRohi to have a rethink.The unfailing love of God took Jesus Christ to the cross of Calvaryand patiently endure the cross that we may be saved. Beloved, isthere anything around you that suggest as if His unfailing love hasceased? This is not true; it is the blackmail of the devil. Rise up inthe arms of faith and overcome that lie from the pit of hell.PRAYER POINTSThank you Father for your unfailing love that is sustaining us everyday of our lives. Help us never to lose sight of it.Let us pray for all the victims of the devil's onslaught that God willhelp them to overcome. 328
For Reading THURSDAY 24TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: BLESSING PURSUES MEDeut. 28:1-12. “All these blessings will come and overtake you, because you obey the Lord your God.” (Deut. 28:2)Blessings are the hallmark of those who have made the Lord Almighty their shepherd. Essentially, the Shepherd has the task of providing food for the flock in order to live. He knowswhere there are greener pastures, water is available and protectionis guaranteed. These are the numerous blessings that is availableto the flock. For us who are the flock under His care, theseblessings are meant to purse us. Children of God are not meant torun after miracles, our Lord says, “And these signs will followthose who believe...” (Mark 16:17). The signs are the evidence ofthe presence of God in our lives. We are meant to be the evidenceof the fact that God is at work in our generation. If your life is devoidof this, then you must do something about it. The easiest way is tosurrender your life to Jesus Christ to be baptized and you willreceive the gift of the Holy Spirit.When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, His anointing will be uponyour life. It is this anointing that will cause the blessings of God topursue and manifest in your life. This meditation is an avenue to tapinto this divine arrangement for your life. The scripture says;“Blessings are on the head of the righteous...” (Proverbs 10:6).Why is this lacking in your life? If the enemy has turned this blessingto a curse as Balaam tried to do with the Israelites, Nehemiah said;“but our God turned the curse into a blessing” (13:2). In the name ofJesus Christ, I turned every curse upon you to a blessing. May theLord's blessing be on you. We bless you in the name of the Lord(Psalm 129:8).PRAYER POINTSLord I believe I carry your blessing on my head. Whatever ishindering the manifestations of these blessings to receive fire inJesus name.O Lord let your blessings locate me, pursue me in this month, grantme concrete miracles to show for it. 329
For Reading FRIDAY 25TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HIS PURPOSE FOR MY LIFEPhil. 2:5-13. “For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to will and to act for His good purpose. “ (Phil. 2.3).As we gradually come to the end of this month, we must begin to count our blessings. Certainly God has a purpose for our lives as our Good Shepherd. Some of us may bekeeping some of these domestic animals. We do not just keepthem; there is always a purpose for it. Jehovah Rohi has a purposefor His flock hence the opportunity of sharing in these meditations.His purpose for our creation is to receive glory, honour and praisefor He created all things for His will. Having offered Him praise,worship and thanksgiving we are actually fulfilling His purpose forour creation. This will culminate in His abundant blessing beingpoured on us. The key to abundant life is to strive to love accordingto His purpose for our lives. The reason why many have gotstranded in the wilderness of life is because they have deliberatelyignored the purpose of God for their creation. Whenever someonemakes such mistake it is nothing short of a life of crisis.God is restoring people to His purpose for their creation. God isworking in us, ready to give us the enabling grace to act for Hisgood purpose. If the enemy has frustrated your life before now,call upon God to use this opportunity to work out His good purposefor you. For it has been ordained that your story cannot remain thesame, your level must change by fire, by force and by thunder inJesus name. Amen.PRAYER POINTSMy Heavenly Father thank you for working out your purpose in ourlives both to will and to act. Help us to cooperate with you daily.Lord Jesus, every familiar spirit, household enemies willing tosnatch your blessings and miracles, may they be consumed byfire in Jesus name. 330
For Reading SATURDAY 26TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: DWELLING IN HIMJohn 15:1-8. “Yes, I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit...” (John 15:5)It is the will of Jehovah Rohi that we should dwell in Him all the days of our lives. It is only then we can realize our true humanity. Our daily altar where we meet with the Lord is to enable us to always maintainour dwelling in Him. It is imperative to ask whether you are actuallydwelling in Him. The fact that one is in church does not mean that youare dwelling in Him.Remaining in Christ means, believing that He is God's begotten Son;“All who confess that Jesus is the Son of God have God living inthem, and they live in God.” (1 John 4:15). When God lives in you asa result of your confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, it is aclear indication that you are dwelling in Him. Confession is followed byreceiving him as Saviour and Lord. “But to all who believed in him andaccepted him, he gave the right of becoming children of God” (John1:12).Having received him and empowered you, you will be able to do whatGod says “If someone claims, I know God, but doesn't obey God'scommandments, that persons are a liar and is not living in thetruth.” (1 John 2:24).Those who obey God's commandments remain in fellowship with him,and he with them. “And we know He lives in us because the spirit hegave us lives in us. “(1 John 3:24).Finally, dwelling in Him makes it easy for us to relate in love to thosearound us and far away. We become the agent of peace reconcilingmen back to God.PRAYER POINTSLord your desire for us is to bear much fruit that our fruit may abide.Help us to dwell in you always so as to be fruitful in our generation.Dwelling in you O Lord is evidenced by our obedience to your word.Lord get rid of every stubborn heart in me and grant me a humble heart.Jehovah Rohi, let me dwell in you daily for a greater manifestation ofyour glory.. 331
For Reading SUNDAY 27TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: DWELLING IN HIS HOUSEPs. 84:1-12. “Better a day in your courts than a thousand anywhere else. I would rather beat the door of the house of my God than to live in the tents of the wicked.” (Psalm 84:10)One of the greatest benefits of making the Lord our shepherd is the desire to dwell in His house. There is always a thirst for God. Infact the Psalmist says, “As adeer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, God, Ithirst for God, the living God. When can I come and appearbefore God.” (42:1-2). Thirsting for God is an evidence ofmaking Him our Shepherd. If there is no thirst for God, it isdoubtful whether God is truly your shepherd. There can't be agreater risk than this.The psalmist says; “Better a day in the house of the Lord thana thousand anywhere else.” Beloved, what is your attitude tothe house of God? For many it is only on Sundays which is only afew hours, the rest days of the week, they are not there.If this is your case, then it is like you have already wonderedaway from the Good Shepherd. His house is the fold where theentire flock would always gather. Of course you know thatordinary animals know their fold, they long for it and when theyare expected there, they are always there. Can this be said ofyou who is a sheep in the flock of the Good Shepherd? “Notstaying away from our meetings, as some habitually do... “(Heb.10:25) Let us pray that God would create in us the thirst for thehouse of God, so that we can dwell always in His house.PRAYER POINTSLord Jesus every desire that does not encourage my thirst forGod, let it received fire today.O Lord, help me to avoid places that does not glorify your nameand let me truly thirst for you and your house.As I dwell in your house, let my ministry promote your church.Help me to eschew anything ungodly. 332
For Reading MONDAY 28TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: DWELLING IN PROSPERITY3 John 1-13. “And l pray for good fortune in everything you do, and for your good health-that your everyday affairs prosper, as well as your soul.” (3 John 2)It is the will of God for His flock to dwell in prosperity. This fact is obvious right from creation if not for the disobedience of man at every stage of life. But whenever his obedience is not in doubt,prosperity is a garment that Jehovah Rohi places on His flock. I praythat henceforth your obedience to God and His word will becomplete.God says; “Look, today I set before you a blessing and a curse; therewill be a blessing, if you obey the commands of the Lord your God, Iam giving you today and a curse, if you do not obey the commands ofthe Lord your God, and you turn aside from the path I command youtoday by following other gods you have not known” (Deut. 11:26-28).In obedience to Him and His word, we have the right to dwell inprosperity, but when we turn aside, we have turn from prosperity.God's plan for us is to have good fortune in everything we do. Wewho are the flock that he cares for, must be seen to be fresh andlooking good in all ramifications of life, well fed and healthy-lookingboth physically and spiritual. This is the true meaning of everydayaffairs that prospers. The word of the Lord is preparing us all foreveryday prosperity, a life where you will never be in want. It is apossibility for you to dwell in prosperity because “the Lord your Godgives you the power to gain wealth... “(Deut. 8:18).In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we release you into the altar ofmercy and favour. This altar will permanently keep you in the realm ofprosperity all the days of your life.PRAYER POINTSDear Lord thank you for giving me the power to make wealth, HolySpirit inspire me today to be evidence of His power that is producingwealth.O Lord it is obvious that obedience to your word guaranteesprosperity. Help me to be obedient to your word daily. 333
For Reading TUESDAY 29TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: DWELLING IN HIS WILLJohn 4:27-38. “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.” (John 4:34)To be in the fold of the Good Shepherd means that you have received a call from Him. If we have heard the call: “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” (Mark 1:17), thismeditation is to ascertain whether we are dwelling in His will for ourlives. It is obvious that many have strayed away from His will; theyare doing their own thing in their own way. This is evident in ourgeneration. The proliferation of churches attests to the fact that 'recent men'have chosen to do what they choose to do. The anointing theyparade is dubious and suspicious the gullible becomes their prey. Asa sheep of the good shepherd, what are you doing about the call ofGod upon your life? His call upon your life is the work assigned to youto do in order to promote His church. Just as herdsmen would not beready to manage any of the animal that has become a burden, so theGood Shepherd is not ready to waste His grace. To the LaodiceaChurch, He says, “I am going to vomit you out of my mouth.” (Rev.3:16).Our Lord says; “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and tofinish His work.” His food is to do His will and to finish His own portionof the work. The disciples came back with food expecting him to eat,but our Lord saw the work given to him as his food and nothingshould stop him. This is the seriousness that is needed as we seek todwell in His will and be able to fulfill our call and ministry.PRAYER POINTSO Lord, too many distractions in this end-time and many have fallenvictim, help us to overcome it.My Father, my Father, do not vomit me from your mouth. As yoursheep may I never be a burden to you but a vessel unto honour.Thank you Lord for counting me worthy of your invitation to followyou. May I follow dearly. 334
For Reading WEDNESDAY 30TH NOVEMBER, 2016& Meditation: DWELLING WITH ETERNITY IN VIEWJohn 14:1-6. “In my Father's house are many dwelling places; if not, I would have told you. I am going away to prepare a place for you... I will come back and receive you to myself so that where I am you may be also” (John 14:2-3).The privilege of being in the fold of the Good Shepherd transcends beyond planet earth. The expression of Christianity by many Christians suggests as if we arestakeholders in this world. The Bible clearly states that weare strangers and pilgrims in this world, pioneers and neversettlers. The writer of Hebrews has this to say; ... “They sawit way off in the distance, waved their greeting, and acceptedthe fact that they were transients in this world people whothink this way make it plain that they are looking for their truehome. “(Hebrews 11:13). Apostle Paul admitted, “if we haveplaced our hope in Christ for this life only, we should bepitied more than anyone. “(I Corinth. 15:19).Jehovah Rohi says to us all; dwell in me with eternity in view.We should not live our lives as if everything ends here. OurLord says, “I am preparing a place for you in the manymansions of my Father, I shall come back to take you tomyself” Do not allow the worries of this life to make youwander away from the flock. So many attractions from thepit-of hell, we must endeavour to avoid them and live forJesus daily.PRAYER POINTS:O Jesus I have promised to serve you, in the face of multiplesteps that look like your own, help me to identify yours.Lord we plead with you, do not allow the elect to be deceivedin this end-time.Help us O Lord to live as strangers and pilgrims on earth,may we not be distracted by our age. 335
For Reading THURSDAY, 1ST DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: HELMET OF SALVATIONIsaiah 56:16-21 “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God”. Eph 6:f7.Welcome to the first day of the last month of the year, God's mercy will take us to the New Year in Jesus name. Apostle Paul encouraged believers to put on the armor ofGod so that we can be able to take our stand. The helmet is one ofthe armor and it stands for two things namely protection andsymbol of military victory. If you have seen any military mandressed and combat-ready the helmet is inclusive. He wears it onhis head for protection. If the enemy wants to shoot, he aims at thehead or the chest. Just as the chest is protected by the breastplateso the head is protected by the helmet. If anything hits the head thesoldier may fall and die. To avoid this, the head is protected. Thehelmet is made of material that can resist any bullet or any hardobject from penetrating it. Taking the helmet as a soldier of Christmeans availing oneself of all that Christ in his saving work offers. Asmuch as you can explore the better for you hence your safety isguaranteedWe must not make the mistake of overlooking certain areas or tounderrate them. I have seen a lot of Christians classifying some oftheir Christians duties as not important. They believe they an dowithout them. Some Christians do not believe in fasting whereas itis the Lord's command. Some do not believe in all night prayers,whereas the Lord did it several times. There are many other thingsthat Christians neglect. When the Pastor announces theseprogrammes in church on Sundays, the response of the peopletells you how they avail themselves of what the saving work ofChrist offers. Beloved never you overlook any opportunity you areoffered to meet with your God.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus Christ I thank you for the offers that are available to meas a result of your work of salvation. Grant me the grace to utilizethem. 336
For Reading FRIDAY, 2ND DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: SYMBOL OF VICTORYRomans 8:28-39 “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us”. V37.Yesterday we said the helmet stands for two things - protection and symbol of military victory. The helmet that we wear as Christians is divinely made hence it isreferred to as helmet of salvation. Taking the helmet ofsalvation stands for the finished work of Jesus Christ. It meansour victory had been secured already. Before the battlestarted, as a child of God, victory had been allotted to you. Youare not just going to get it; it has been put in place for you. Itmeans that you have to make use of the victory that is availableto you.When a soldier is fully ready for battle and finds that everythingis in place, especially when the opposing force is nothing to goby he goes confidently. The inability of the Nigeria troupe todefeat Boko Haram was as a result of ill-equipped soldiershence there was disloyalty among them. As soon as thenecessary equipments began to arrive and the motivation theyreceived, we saw how gallant our forces are.As Christians our assurances are more than that, any battle weare waging victory is already in view. This is the assurance thehelmet of salvation stands for. Perhaps you have a battle athand and the opposing forces look very fierce, avail yourself ofevery opportunity in Christ. Do not take anything for granted.You are not just a conqueror but more than conquerors.PRAYER POINT:Thank you Lord for the victory which is mine through the savingwork of Christ, help me to hold- on to my helmet of salvation. 337
For Reading SATURDAY, 3RD DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: MORE THAN CONQUERORSPsalm 2:1-8 “...You are my son, today I have become your Father Ps. 2:7”Christians are not just conquerors, we are more than conquerors. The enemies are aware of this. The moment they behold your helmet of salvation, yourvictory becomes undisputable. Our helmet of salvation is sucha thing that cannot be hidden. The hymn writer says, “OnwardChristian soldiers, matching as to war, with the cross ofJesus going on before. Christ the royal master leadsagainst the foe; forward into battle see, his banners go!”When the devil sees the helmet of salvation he knows theauthority behind it. What he does is to create fear in you so thatyou can lose sight of your armory and be conscious of the hostof the enemy. When you begin to appreciate the power of theenemy you would think you are just an ant before them. WhenElisha's servant saw the enemies around he thought they weregoing to perish but when the Lord opened his eyes, he saw thatthose with them are more than the enemies.God says “you are my son, today I have become yourFather. Ask of me I will make the nations your inheritance”(Ps. 2:7). Whether the nations are friends or enemies, Godsays they will be your inheritance. What a privilege, aren't you'more than conquerors? Beloved take your helmet of salvationtoday without hesitation. No power will be able to stop you.Remember that cowards die many times before their death.However those who are fearless, at the shout of their praises,Hell's foundation must quiver.PRAYER POINT:How often O Lord I may have conceded victory forgive me andmake me to be assured of my victory. 338
For Reading SUNDAY, 4TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: RHEMA OF GODHebrews 4:1-12 “For the word of God is living and active sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrate even to dividing soul and spirit, joint and marrow; it judges the thought and attitude of the heart” V12.The sword of the spirit is an important aspect of the armor of God. The content of the word of God in you determines the level of your victory. Ability to read and toquote where necessary in the face of danger and to alsobelieve it will make your enemy to quiver before you. When youare deficient in the Word, certainly your armory will be veryweak. The Rhema (word) of God is described as the writtenword - the holy Bible that we read on daily basis. The sword ofthe Spirit is also the spoken word, the prophetic utterances ofmen of God that are in agreement with the written word. Theword is powerful, medicinal, a sword, a surgical blade, ajudicial power that penetrate as far as the heart.The word incarnate refers to Jesus Christ (John 1:14). JesusChrist is the incarnate word. Paul say to the church in Colosse,“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly (adequately) asyou teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, andas you sing Psalms, hymns and Spiritual songs withgratitude in your hearts to God”. (Col. 3:16 emphasis mine).We have seen Christians whose Bibles are always lookingvery new, not necessarily because they are neat. The only timethey open it is on Sunday after that it remained closed until nextSunday. To them it is a holy book, but not meant to be touchedor read always. When they get back home they keep it undertheir pillow. Such people have neglected the sword of the spirithow will they combat the enemy?PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus create in us the desire for the sincere milk of yourword that we may grow unto maturity. Amen. 339
For Reading MONDAY, 5TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: THE LIVING WORDMatthew 5:17-20 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will never pass away”. 24:35We have heard people talking about dispensational theology. Some would even say the word is meant for the Jews, at best for the Christians. This thoughthas led to the discoveries of different types of religions thatare making efforts to reach God. Deliberately they neglectthe incarnate word (Jesus Christ) who is the way, the truth,and the life (John 14:6). They are making efforts to reachGod, this is absolutely impossible. Jesus Christ declared“No one comes to the Father except through me”.As the incarnate word of God, he is the Saviour of the worldfrom generation to generation until he returns to take his ownto himself. He says, heaven and earth will pass away with allthat is in them but an iota of his word will never be missing.Peter says “you have the words of eternal life” it means thewords to make this life meaningful and which leads toeternity, all belong to Jesus. Therefore we cannot turn toanother person.The Philippian Christians were encouraged by Paul to holdout the word of life-in order that he may boast on the day ofChrist that he did not run or labor for nothing (2:16). This ismy earnest desire for all my readers to read, study, memorizeand act on the word of God so that our labor in writing will notbe in vain. What is your attitude to the word of God? I hope itis leading to your spiritual growth on daily basis.PRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father, help me to hold on to the word of life ondaily basis, and generate my spiritual growth. Amen. 340
For Reading TUESDAY, 6TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: THE ACTIVE WORDIsaiah 55:8-13 “The grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of our God stands forever” Isaiah 40:8.The word of God is active. The dynamic word of God is active in accomplishing God's purposes because it has life. When you speak or quote theword of God, know that you have released it toaccomplish a purpose. God's word that goes out fromhim will not return to him void. God says grasses wither,flowers fall because they haven't got the dynamic powerto withstand all odds. Efforts have been made to quenchthe word of God but the dynamic power will not allow it.A story was told of how fire gutted a room and a Biblewas kept in a cupboard. Everything got burnt but theBible survived it. The word of God is being preached indifferent places and it is accomplishing God's purpose.Prophetic utterances had been given several times withaccomplishment. Because the word of God is active,when God sent it, it healed his people. “He sent forthhis word and healed them” (Ps 1 07:20). During thetemptation of Jesus Christ he quoted the word and thedevil was defeated because the word of God is active.The Rhema of God is a dependable armor that will neverfail you. Let it dwell richly in you as you hold on to it.PRAYER POINT:Lord let your word abide in me and my generation, let itbe our rule. Let your word cheer us always. 341
For Reading WEDNESDAY 7TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: THE WORD PENETRATESPs. 147:15-20 “He sends his word and melts them; he stirs up his breezes and the water flows”. V18The word of the Lord is sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges thethoughts and attitudes of the heart. How powerful theword of God is, living and active. The word of God sharesthe attributes of God. In it God is active, it penetrates intoa man's inmost being and, like a dissecting knife it forcesopen, a radical division and distinction between thingsthat differ in human life. It brings under judgment thethought and ideas of man's mind and will. It is thediscernment (of the heart by which all are judged).People broke down in tears while hearing the word ofGod. When they are called upon, they respond. Theynow discover that they were on the path to destruction.When last did you hear the word of God and you hadsimilar experience? When the gospel is truly proclaimedand our hearts are opened to it, we will surely share inthat experience. When demons hear the word of God,they tremble. It is fire that consumes. Jeremiah says “Isnot my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like ahammer that breaks a rock in pieces”. (23:29).PRAYER POINT:Heavenly father, let the fire of your word consume allthe demonic forces troubling your children in Jesusname. And like Jeremiah Iet your word burn in ourbones. Amen. 342
For Reading THURSDAY, 8TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: PRAYER IS THE KEYLuke 18:1-8 “And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all the kinds of prayers and request”...Eph 6:18.Prayer has been described as the master key. The key that is able to open every door no matter the technology behind it. Be it scientific, spiritual or physical, prayer isable to open it. We lack the zeal to pray, not only that our publicprayer life is poor; our private prayer life is almost at the zerolevel. lnfact your ability to be involved in public prayer dependsso much on your private prayer.As a minister, I have the privilege of seeing the congregationduring prayer sessions. While some people are agonizing inprayer, others just keep quiet even when prayer topics havebeen suggested. They do not see the need to pray therefore nodesire to pray. Prayer is more than just open our mouths, weneed to pray and pray according to His will. Our prayers in thisgeneration is too shallow, we hardly pray about issues that doesnot concern us or issues that pertains to the whole world. Ourprayers should be holistic and the effects will be all embracing.If only the church will pray more than we are doing now,certainly things will be better than we have them now. Ourprayers are self centered on things that affect us alone. Whilethe sword of the spirit is the fuel with which the engine will work,prayer is the key that will power the engine to be able to work.Without the power that will kick start engine, it will remainwithout working. Our armour is like an engine, it is prayer thatwill power the different armour to be able to work effectively.PRAYER POINT:Revive the prayer life of your people O Lord. May we be able topray more than we have ever done before in Jesus name.Amen. 343
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