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Home Explore 2016 Manna

2016 Manna

Published by ejogheneta, 2016-04-30 20:56:26

Description: 2016 Manna


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For Reading TUESDAY 12TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: DISAPPOINTMENT IS NOTPsalm 30 ALWAYS NEGATIVE “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy”. (Psalm 30:11).After receiving his second academic award, Jobome said to his family, “I told you, if I lost tonight, I would come home and we will celebrate. And if I win, we would celebrate. Jobome, aChristian, was trusting God, whether in blessing or indisappointment. A Christian couple got inspired to follow Jobome'sexample. The woman was applying for a dream job that had justopened up where she worked. The interview went well, but sheknew she might not get the position. Her husband suggested, “Let'smake reservations at our favorite restaurant this Friday to celebrateno matter what the outcome”. Soon the news came that someoneelse was offered the job. But that Friday the disappointed couple stillcelebrated. While eating delicious meal, they were able to counttheir blessings and renew their faith in the God who holds tomorrow'sopportunities in his hand. When the psalmist counted his blessings,he praised God, saying “you have turned for me my mourning intodancing” (Psa. 30:11).So many Christians, when faced with a challenge, seem to acceptthat God is unjust, little thing turns their faith upside down. Some,after repeated failure to meet up with a requirement or need,concludes that God is not fair and true. Are you facing a situation inwhich you could be disappointed? Why not set up a celebration tocount your blessings no matter what the outcome? A pain ofdisappointment is soothed by a heart of gratitude. Be ready toappreciate God in whatever circumstance. Don't forget, all thingswork together for good to them that love God and are calledaccording to his purpose (Rom. 8:28). Don't lose your patience; givethanks always (Phil. 4:4).PRAYER POINTS:1. Thank God in your disappointment, and celebrate his grace and love.2. Confess the fact that he will never leave you, and he will bless you from above. 194

For Reading WEDNESDAY 13TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: HOPELESS SITUATION CANMk. 10:46-52 BECOME HOPEFUL AGAIN “Go, said Jesus, your faith has healed you...” V.52Josephine was having 3 days left to mark her fifth birthday when the father died in a fatal motor accident. She was the last born of her parents. After the mourning season, they were comforted again.Josephine lost all hope of starting school that same year. However,two years later, she was admitted into a primary school. She was justat the verge of enrolling for the junior secondary school examination, atthe age of 15 when her mother fell sick and died. After the death of hermother, life became tougher and harder for her. She could not live withher relatives because they were not reliable. Her elder sisters weremarried except her immediate elder sister that was living with a friend ofhers. Josephine's hope of writing that examination and continuing hereducation were lost since she had nobody to depend upon. She latertook up courage to be a house girl to a family.The sufferings and maltreatments that she received from that familydrove her into escaping to a nearby forest in order to kill herself. Butwhen she got to the forest, she sat down to have a re-think about life.She ruminated on the happiness that can be restored either throughmarriage, a business, or something else. She opted joining a friend'sfirm that sells ice-cream, so as to have money to feed herself. Alongthis path, she met a Christian sister who after listening to her story gaveher a great support. The family problem was later traced to a curse onthe family which she broke after accepting Christ, and an adequatefasting and prayers. A member of her Church later pledged to take careof Josephine's education up to university level.Is your own situation worse? Don't loose hope, God has an answer to it.Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever more. With God allthings are possible and nothing shall be impossible to him thatbelieves!PRAYER POINT:Holy Spirit, visit my situation and let there be a turn around in Jesusname. Amen. 195

THURSDAY 14TH JULY, 2016For Reading HAVE YOU HEARD OF ANGELS?& Meditation: “If you make the most high your dwelling, no harm willPsalm 91:9-12 befall you; no disaster will come near your tent. He will command his Angels concerning you to guide you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands…Angels are supernatural beings in the celestial hierarchy, which are divine messengers from God to humans in every level. The word “Angel”, in theGreek tongue is “Angelos” which means, a messenger.They are spiritual beings that God created to serve hispurpose in different ranks and operations. While some aremeant to be of guard to a nation, like angel Michael, theangel over Israel, some are in charge of only an individual.Every child of God has at least an angel guarding him.There are times in the scriptures that such creatures areused as manifestation of God himself (Gen22: 11), othertimes they manifest in form of a man (Gen18:2-22).Matt22:41 and Rev12:7-9 speak of fallen angels thatbecame angel of the devil because he was an angel of God.With respect to their functions, they have numerous works,both with God or among men. They are special worshipersof God, they relay God's message to men. They also bringdown blessing just as they also take to God men's prayerrequests. They guard children as well as adult, they fightunseen battles on our behalf, they are known as heavenlywarrior. Angels keep record of what we do in Church, athome and other places they also guard God's sacred thingsincluding the anointed children of God. Make sure thequality of your life guarantees their continual stay with you.PRAYER POINTS1. Thank God for the ministry of angels.2. Ask for special angelic visitation in your family. 196

For Reading FRIDAY 15TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: ANGELS DO GO TO WARII Chron. 32:16-21 “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them” (Psa.34:7)As we pointed out yesterday, angels are God's messengers serving both God and man. As to the work they do for Christians, God uses them forprotection, fighting of battles, especially the unseenbattles. As a Christian counselor and Pastor, I have hadexperiences of angels waging such wars on my behalf. Alady once cried out in a confession sometimes in 1998,on how she saw an Angel with a sword stand by the doorwaiting for her. She was coming to me with a destructiveplan by the devil on that day, but God's Angels confrontedher. This is how God fights for us His children. This is whyyou have not been consumed. Christians seem to thinkthat they are one fighting the battles especially throughthe kinds of prayer we make. These prayers actuallyactivate these angels to action. Hezekiah's battles weresettled when God released Angels to fight for him.A lot of time you are in warfare, praying and makedecrees, God also dispatches angles to execute thosedecrees. So many fights come against us in the nighthour, as well as in the day, but we are never aware ofthem. Whenever you are afraid just remember that God'sdeliverance is around you, his Angels are encampingaround you.PRAYER POINTAsk God to release Angels to rescue you and your familyand the Church of God. 197

SATURDAY 16TH JULY, 2016For Reading ANGELS ARE MESSENGERS& Meditation: “And the Angel said unto me, do not do it I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers the prophetColo 2:16-23 and of all who keep the word of this book. Worship God. (Rev. 22:9)In the scripture, there are references to Angels at different levels, power and hierarchy. In Revelations, we read of such as a mighty Angel whocan put a leg in a great sea yet he is not drown norcovered. This sight and work of those Angels makepeople to feel they can worship them. There are somechurches that gives much regard and worship todifferent type of Angels. It's unscriptural.In Colossians 2:18, it is called false humility; God hasnot ask you to do so. Infact, Angels can only be fulfilledif they obey you, because they are messengers ofGod's children. You can send them on errands, just asGod also sends them to you. Their presence is not tobe worshipped or receive the instructions from them orgive them chance to do God's work around you.As I have noted, Angels are not to be worshipped but toserve us as Messengers. If anyone belongs to achurch where Angels are given recognition beyondwhere God has placed them, is against God'sarrangement.PRAYER POINTS1. Lord, make me to have confidence in you.2. May my Angels never turn to idols for me. 198

For Reading SUNDAY 17TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: TAPING THE TREASURES IN THE WORD.Luke 10:38- 42 “Lord don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work myself?” V.40b.This meditation is aimed at revealing what some of us do when we are in his presence or in place of duty for him. No doubt you will recall that so many of us who are engaged in onedepartment or the other for the Lord in the house of God, are usuallycarried away by the burden or the demands of the job, therebyforgetting to be part of the worship itself. There are those whopreoccupy themselves in the Church with the assignment given tothem, that they don't even pay attention to the Sermon nor the readingo the word. It is no gainsaying to hear that some ushers in the Churchwho carry offering plates don't remember to drop theirs, because theybecome too busy that they forget themselves.The case of Sister Martha is a warning to us all. She had goodopportunity to enjoy the presence of Christ, who was in her house likenever before; instead of grabbing the opportunity, she decided toconcentrate more on issues that are secondary. She could as wellbenefit from the word and the same time, provide hospitality. Shenever knew she was interested in the shadow thereby neglecting thereal substance that gives life. How are you attending to theopportunity that God offers you?It is sad to note that many of us still make the same mistake thereforewe misuse divine opportunities. What you place value upon matters alot. The mistake of Mary is for us to learn because such opportunitiesmost times are not easy to come by. She could have suspended herkitchen ministry to the end of the teaching. We must be weary of doingthe right thing at the wrong time. So many people extend their handsto use every little opportunity that comes their way but when it comesto divine matters, they lose the chance. Examine yourself and thatwhich takes your attention are you not like Sister Martha?PRAYER POINTLord, spare me from any time wastage in my life. Let no work for theLord take me from his presence. 199

For Reading MONDAY 18TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: SISTER MARTHA: VALUING THEI Corinth.3:10-15. LORD ABOVE RELIGIOUS DUTIES. “But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made”. (Luke 10:40a).We started looking at issues relating to duty and devotion yesterday. We must get ready to step down from certain positions in the Church that will not allow us to renderadequate devotion to God. This is not to say that an usher, for example,is not serving the Lord by his/her duty. But it is important we know that allour works for God shall be tested by fire and only what survives, will giveus reward before the Lord (1 Corinth. 3:13 15). There are some Ushers,who when a service starts, go into the Church's vestry or basement, tostart collecting, counting and packaging of offerings, all through theservice period, with concern for nothing else. Most times, such ones donot feel the pain of missing the Sermon and the joy of the worship thatsome others have enjoyed. Sister Martha was in the kitchen preparingmeal for Jesus to eat which is an excellent thought, but Jesus explainedthat she, should have given her attention to Him, listen to Him, and makegood for herself the divine revelation that Mary was tapping at themaster's feet. What do you do with the chances you are given by God?In this matter, many of us are still far from encountering the Lord, suchare those who only find what they can do in the Church but not how theycan be saved. Some of these look for daily benefits and a payment forthe now, what they gain form their service to God. This is one of thereasons we are heading for the rocks in our generation, because wedon't see people who are interested in service to the Lord again, insteadwe see ushers, instrumentalists, choristers, sweepers and so manyothers who only agree to do a Church assignment for a pay. Some evendemand salaries. Worst of it all are those who siphon Church money inthe name of committees or members who are contractors to the churchwho delivers a job on exorbitant prices. Some even tell you, no one cando it without taking their dubious interest. It is because their service toGod did not arise from their love for God but personal gains. Check yourservice to God; does it resemble those listed above? God shall use fire totest our service for him.PRAYER POINTDeliver me from the practice of lies and deceit O Lord, let salvation notelude Church workers. 200

TUESDAY 19TH JULY, 2016For Reading SISTER MARTHA: BEING SENSIBLE WITH YOUR WEALTH& Meditation:1 Samuel 15:10-23 “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord”? 1 Sam. 15:22.The story of Mary and Martha as narrated by St. Luke is not to condemn those who are hardworking in the Church or at home. Jesus did not blame Martha forbeing concerned about house hold issues. He was onlyasking her to set priorities. Every service rendered to God hasits order of importance, timing and preferences. Time forgiving prayer is not to be used for alms, just as everyone mustnever think he can give God a big offering like King Saul whenGod is demanding his obedience, loyalty and attention. Knowwhat you are expected to do at each point in time. If God hasprovided you a job, he did not give it to separate you fromhimself, he still expect those time you have been spending withhim, especially when you had no job. It may not be a whole dayspent sitting in Church, but a good and cherished loyalty tohim. This is only possible for someone with priority.When the door was yet opened, you sought him fervently, andloved to be with him, now that you have your request, why doyou choose to distant yourself from the Lord? Money is anotherfactor that has turned so many people from the grace of God.Once riches increase some stop being sensible (Psa. 62:10).This has led some to think they can serve God with their moneyeven if their presence is absent. Wayward dressing is now thedressing-style of some who once preached against it. Allthese resulted from the half-hearted service they gave to Godwhen they were seeking their breakthrough. Please makesure your life does not end up in shambles.PRAYER POINTLord, do not give me a breakthrough that will steal mysalvation. Deliver me from half-hearted service to you O Lord. 201

For Reading WEDNESDAY 20TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: SISTER MARTHA: CHERISHINGHebrews 10:19-25. GOD'S PRESENCE “But one thing is needful, and Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her”. (Luke 10:42).Martha went to Jesus, putting forth a strong reason why her sister, Mary, should be sent out of his presence to come and assist her in the serving, since she cannotdo it alone. But Jesus politely told her to emulate her sister'sdevotion to what matters at that time by doing exactly what hersister was doing. Mary knew her sister was occupied with suchload of work but that the time was not for such things, but forlistening to the Lord. There are times when the Lord expects usto sit back and meditate; some of us prefer using such times todo other things. There are times we ought to be in Church,some prefer spending it with their sponsors. There are thosewho adjust their plan to seek extra-time in their place of work, toearn extra-allowance, at the expense of going to Church. Asfor Mary, she didn't mind the loss, and the reduction beforemen, she said to herself, “if only I can listen to the master I willbe lifted in my spirit, and by that, I would have been a fulfilledlady”. No one comes to him and returns empty handed.For you to maximize all that the Lord desire for you, you muststay connected with the Lord (Psa. 91:1). Are you loyal to Godor to man? You can't share your heart with another. Mary wentfor the presence of the Lord. Beloved, what do you do with yourleisure time, what about your valuable time; do you know thatGod is bigger than anything else? Get your focus right andthose things will be alright. Don't think your God will bless yououtside his presence, seek him as Mary did. You can be surehe will establish his covenant of peace with you.PRAYER POINTLord, make me one who is interested in your presence that Imay thirst for you always. 202

THURSDAY 21ST JULY, 2016For Reading REJOICING IN ERROR& Meditation: “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deedsJer. 5:26-31. of darkness, but rather expose them. Eph. 5:11.Today in our society, we do not seem to read the handwriting on the wall. So many things are wrong, yet we don't care. So many ministers of the gospel have lost count with God. Theprophets we now have, pose a lot of questions on our minds,because so many of these 'prophets' only design messages ofcomfort and peace, even when evil smells sharply all around. Manyof those pre-meditated messages are said to be from God. Nodoubt, God speaks to his prophets, and all his children, but what doyou think, the presence of many fakes puts every other one on thesuspect of being fake too. God detests people who rejoice in evil.Let's be bold to confront evil, irrespective of the vessel thatproduces it, even if it is from a bishop, pastor or a big time prophet orevangelist. If we keep quiet and clap for it to continue, it can be sodisastrous. May God help the Church.There was this prophet who was permitted to hold a revivalprogramme by a pastor in his Church, for a week. The prophet toldthem that with the use of a special salt, all witches in their homes willdie on the 7th day. Due to the many promises, so many people fromother Churches attended the programme. The prophet asked themto pay to him, their tithes which they owed from previous monthsand the months ahead, which he carted away. Apart from that, somuch money was extorted from the unsuspecting participants. Andthe programme rounded off on Sunday instead of Saturday, therebytaking members from the Churches around. Please open youreyes wide, so many wolves in sheep clothing are all over the places,so many false prophets have truly appeared to perform great signsand wonders to deceive the chosen ones (Matt. 24:24). There aremany true prophets, there are real miracles.PRAYER POINTS:O Lord take my attention from false priests and prophets andexpose their works in our generation. 203

FRIDAY 22ND JULY, 2016For Reading WHY DO I READ THE BIBLE?& Meditation: “The Law of the Lord is perfect, revivingPs. 19:1 -14. the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple”. V7In addition to spending time with God in Prayer, we must spend time with the Bible also. The alarming trends in today's Christian society are that many believers do not read their Bibledaily, or even regularly. One Survey showed that 75 percent ofcommitted Christians read a newspaper everyday, but only 25percent read their Bible everyday. How sad. Are we not in dangerof producing a generation of Christian more interested in whatnewspaper editors say than what God says?How do I read the Bible? First, because within its pages, I find thepower and inspiration I need to live the Christian life. Second,because it teaches that the lesson of life is to believe what theyears and centuries say about the hours. Third, because I find in itthe Wisdom I need for the ordering of my inner life. Fourth,because it assures me I am supremely dear to God and that Histhoughts are ever towards me. Fifth, because it unfolds for me thesecrets by which men and women of the past walked the highwaysof hope and happiness. Sixth, it discloses the nature of my finaldestiny and reminds me that my Saviour is preparing a place forme in my eternal home. Seventh, it helps me breathe in the pureair of objective truth before I go out and face the Choking dust ofthis post modern generation.As you read your Bible daily, ask questions like; who is writing, towhom, for what purpose, what is it saying, how does it apply to meand how shall I put It into practice? Whenever you find somethingthat speaks directly to your condition then turn it over and over inyour mind. When a verse strikes you, plan to retain it, commit it tomemory and share it with someone and seek to practice it.PRAYER POINTLord as we read your word daily in the power of the Holy Spirit maywe hide it in our heart that we may not sin against you. 204

SATURDAY 23RD JULY, 2016For Reading HIDDEN TREASURES& Meditation: “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hiddenMatt. 13:44-46 in a field. When a man found it, he hid it… sold all he had and bought the field”. (Matt13:44).A story was told of an elderly woman, whose only daughter had a son, but owing to ill heath the boy's mother died, leaving the grand mother and the young boy. Being that theold woman was wealthy, he took very good care of the little boy,except that the boy was a wayward child. The grandmother afaithful Christian kept praying and speaking to the boy, “obeyJesus” from the Bible, but he remained adamant. It came to aparticular day the grand mother became sick, and she knowing shewas dying, called his lawyer to write her will, bequeathing all to theonly surviving lovely grandson. But she hid an introduction letterthat will introduce the son to her lawyer, in her bible unknowing tohim and gave it to him when he arrived. The boy appreciated it.There and then the woman died. The boy non-chalant attitudemade him to drop the Bible in a place where he will not easily see itin their house, and continued to live rough life as usual with whatwas left in his hands and at home. As everything got exhausted, hebegan to be in want and needed help. He searched for grandma'swealth and nothing came. He remembered the Bible but it tookdays before he stumbled at it. As he began to value this only giftfrom a precious grandmother, he read from one page to another,and eventually came to the page where the old letter of introductionto the lawyer for the Will was hidden. He was so happy, that was thebeginning of his interest in the bible.Beloved do you know that all you need are hidden in the Bible? Whynot find time to read it and you will indeed know it's a treasurehouse.PRAYER POINTThank you Father for the treasure of life hidden in your word. Maywe be friendly with it daily in Jesus name. 205

For Reading SUNDAY 24TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: ACTING ON INSTRUCTIONLuke 5:1-11 “…. We've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets”(Lk 5:5)One reason why so many people don't have result for their effort is because they have left the Word out of their activities. They go all the way with their self made wisdomwith no space for the Lord to occupy. Anyone who is wise inhimself does not need the Lord until he agrees that all hisknowledge or possessions are inadequate.Peter and his companions were known fishermen, skilled in it, forso many years. But all efforts failed that night of empty toil. It waspossible to stop at that and leave in defeat but Peter put forth asurprise. That was when the Master asked him to repeat oncemore the fishing venture. Ordinarily nothing will still happen, but itcannot be the same with the Master stepping in. Peter expressedhis mind that, by his skill he had ended the tour but he will act onthe Word spoken by the Lord. A great catch was the result.So many Christians still don't know how to do just what God hassaid. Some times, the instruction may be too simple to be good,and people seek to amplify it to suit their standard. The Word isperfect, and has been tried severally, don't doubt it. An areawhere people don't believe enough is when they are in businessthat is not so big, and they are asked to make a donation. Manywill always say “I will do mine when I become great” the samething applies to those who don't pay tithe, they don't because,they have to feed their families or don't have enough. Simpleinstruction on tithing can make great result but refusal to act onthe Word is a disaster. Has God spoken any word on any issue inyour life? Act on it.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus as Peter was obedient to your instruction may wenever disobey your instruction in our daily life. 206

For Reading MONDAY 25TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: PRAYING LIKE JESUSMark 1:35-39, “The end of all things is near therefore be clear minded and self controlled so that you can pray. Whoever claims to live in Jesus must walk as he did”. (1 Peter4:7; 1 Jn. 2:6)Prayer has become a very popular topic. Praying is a communication process with which we place order for divine intervention. It's a means of fellowshipping with the Lord.Praying is a spiritual duty as it enables one enters the spirit realm.The mission of Jesus on earth was to exemplify how a child of Godshould live and fulfill the content of his/her destiny. He made it clearthat the earth is full of so many enemies and troubles. We aresurviving in the midst of so many enemies. The devil cannot put outthe light in our destiny, this is because our lives are strengthenedand empowered from above. As a result He taught how to seek fordivine assistance. He devoted his good time to pray all through tillthe end of His mortal life. He saw prayer as one activity that is veryimportant. He prayed with pleasure yet as a duty, this was why hecould abandon everything else to withdraw to the place of prayer.Sleeping was good for him, just like every other man, but he sawpraying times as such, not for sleep.If you are a self made man with no mentor to look up to, you will aswell live with no one to take after you. Christianity is born out ofdiscipleship in which one learns from the Master so as to form asure foundation for himself. To pattern your life like that of Jesus isnot an option, but the proper thing to do. By living in his steps youcan truly claim that you live in him. You may need to examineyourself to find out if you truly value prayer. Do you see praying assomething you cannot live without? There are some people whohave the belief that they don't need to pray before they get on withlife, and they tend to take a lot of decisions alone, and with no divineguidance.PRAYER POINTTeach me to value prayer Oh Lord, I need to contact heaven, grantme such grace. 207

For Reading TUESDAY 26TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: QUIET TIMEMatt. 6:5-8 “And Jesus withdrew himself to a lonely place and prayed.”(Lk. 5:16)The prayer so many people enjoy is the public type where everyone is made to shout out the contents of their heart. Someone who doesn't really see the burdento pray still opens his mouth with loud noise, hoping for sweetblessing after praying even though he did not reallycommunicate with his heart.I foresee a danger of complete extinction of quiet timepraying alone in a solitary place. The public prayer that isdone with many shouts and thunderous decrees are verygood and effective- yet it has so many limits in breaking anindividual's inner life into real pattern. When we pray weexpect God to speak to us, moving us from one level ofspirituality and understanding, to another. How can we hearGod, see Him in our meditations and have a quiet reflection ofhis person if we don't have quiet times? Jesus Christ showsus all, that having a quite time is too good to be replaced. Aproperly built Christian who understands the way of God isone whose quiet time is rich, he spends quality time in God'spresence, and that forms the foundation for his publicfunction.Quite time can be done anytime. Some do it in the early hoursof the morning like Jesus did. How is your quite time? Whenlast did you observe one?The assignment should be given toevery member of the family to pick quite time for themselves,and report back in a week time.PRAYER POINTOpen my eyes to see the beauty of quite time. 208

For Reading WEDNESDAY 27TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: SEEKING DIVINE COUNSELActs 16:16-26 “One of those days Jesus went out to a mountain side to pray, and spent the night praying so hard. When morning came he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them” (LK 6:12-13).Prayer is a treasure that is kept out for only broken men who are ready to pay the prize of humility and selflessness. Refusing to pray makes you a prey.The moment you bluff out prayer the defense around youreceives cracks that go dilapidating unto eventual totalcollapse.Our Lord Jesus is one man who sees the importance ofsettling things on the knees before going out for it. Thetwelve men, who were going to announce His name to theworld after His departure, were chosen and that he did onlywhen he had prayed seeking divine counsel all the nightbefore God. He, being a man though God, did notundermine the place of seeking divine insight andunderstanding when taking great decision. Even when Hewas faced with the pain of the cross ahead of Him, heprayed to gain the strength to accept going through it.Beloved, how do you pray? So many Christians are guilty ofthis rash decisions that are the bedrock of failure. So manyhistories we have made for ourselves could have beenbetter if we took time to pray before the attempt. So manygo into choosing a career, school, a wife, a husband, afriend, without seeking God's face. Take a decision today tolearn to seek divine counsel before any venture. Paul andSilas' victory was not unconnected with prayer and praises.PRAYER POINTOh Lord I shall not do anything until I have sought your face. 209

For Reading THURSDAY 28TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: PRAYING WITH CONFIDENCEPhil. 4:4-9 “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may find grace to help us in our time of need. (Heb. 4:16)To pray with confidence is to pray with faith having assurance that you are doing what is reward-able. It's praying with hope and complete trust on theLord. Do you know there are people who pray and relatewith the Lord yet they don't believe God is anywherelistening to them? So many people who pray would havebeen happier if only they pray with confidence. Find outwhat you do when you pray.Jesus, at the grave of Lazarus, raised a prayer openly,testifying that he knew that God hears him, that Healways heard Him whenever He prayed with confidence(Jn. 11:42).Anyone who prays without assurance is same as onewho prays with double mind. That your answer has notreached you is not enough to think God has not listened.You need to believe that he is right before you listeningto your conversation, and fashioning out the best wayout for you. When last did you pray with a completeconfidence that your answer will come because Godhas heard you? To the Philippians' Church, Paulencouraged them to make their request known to God inprayers, supplication and thanksgiving. Pray and thankGod today response shall come your way.PRAYER POINTLord we plead that you revive our prayer life daily. 210

For Reading FRIDAY 29TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: SINS OF THE YOUTHEccl. 11:7-10 “Remember not the sin of my youth and my rebellious ways, according to your love remember me, for you are good O Lord” (Psa.25:7).The other day, when Sam was narrating how God touched his life, and has been using him since the age 16, Papa Mukoro was rather shedding tears. When he was giventhe chance to relate his story, he narrated how foolish and un-coordinated his life was when he was a youth. He grooved lifeall around the city so much so that everyone knew him as apopular man, until last year when he repented at the age of 74.Today, we see how people waste their lives with zero concernfor its consequences. In Ecclesiastes 11 verse 9, it is written“Be happy young man/lady while you are young, and let yourheart give you joy in your youth days. Follow the way of yourheart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all thesethings God will bring you into judgment.” Does that meananything to you? The youth days are usually tempting. It's onlythe elderly and aged, that usually have the correct words todescribe what it becomes when you are no longer a youth, andhow the past errors hunt you like a ghost.Beloved, life is very unpredictable; we are reminded that,today's event becomes tomorrow's point of reference. Eventhough there are things that appeal to your emotions, that cancarry you on for a long time, don't ever forget that you are goingto be judged. This is why you must live a selective life. Youdon't do everything you see, but only what is right andrewarding. If you end it today it will be terrible without Jesus.Repent now and let God into your life, don't waste it further.PRAYER POINTOh Lord, open the eyes of our youths. And deliver them fromevery ungodly civilization. 211

For Reading SATURDAY 30TH JULY, 2016& Meditation: YOUNG MAN, THE DELAYEccl. 12:1, COULD BE VERY COSTLY2Tim. 2:19- 22. Remember your creator while you are still young, before those evil days and years come when you will say “I don't enjoy life” (Eccl. 12:1).Being young, full of strength, zeal and good plans could be so exciting if one's life is centered on doing God's will and not just satisfying your appetites and zeal. When yourstrength is still yours, make it available to God.A bad foundation brings “evil days” in the future. The excitementof youth spent outside of God's will becomes a dangerous barrierto life's fulfillment. Some do say, “after all, I am still very young, Ihave many years more, I will adjust when I grow older”. This isnothing but the deceit of the devil. Young people do die. It isdangerous to procrastinate, because you don't know your day ofvisitation.The whole world is on the great highway of life but there is stilltime for you now to take that narrow way to heaven. By seekingyour Creator while you are young before the evil days come. Donot make the same mistake that others made and ended in hell.Receive Jesus Christ today. Make him the Lord and Director ofyour life now and eternity. Young friend, if you put this world onyour head, you will still drop it one day. It might be too late.If you follow Jesus from today, you will gain forgiveness for yoursins, salvation, deliverance (from bondage, satanic slavery,powers of darkness, unclean spirit, bad behaviours and lust of theflesh), peace in your heart and life which the world cannot give,joy, eternal life, new name, new crown and heavenly mansions.Oh young man/woman, why do you delay your Christian journey?Why should you give your life over to worldly pleasures and evilcompanies? You are playing with a hot iron. Come to Him now.PRAYER POINT:Lord, don't allow our children to spend their youth days in worldlypleasure, but for you in Jesus name. Amen. 212

For Reading SUNDAY 31ST JULY, 2016& Meditation: SISTER DINAHGen 34:1-24 “But when Shechem, son of Hamor the Hivite, saw Dinah, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her” (Gen 34:2)This meditation is a call to all our sisters and daughters to watch their lives closely; to be sure they are not hawking themselves in a decadent world of ours, where nakedness isthe order of the day. It has come to a point where people regardtheir Daughters as gifts from Satan because the rate at which girlsare becoming over-civilized in their ungodly appearances isalarming.The story of this Jacob's only daughter, Dinah, is truly a patheticone, she left where she belonged, went out to see the daughters ofthe land, there and then, a powerful boy, Shechem, destroyed hervirginity forcefully, and that was a taboo in Israel's family. Thisreminds us of how so many Christian girls who had been trained tobe responsible and pure before marriage, by their Church andparents, suddenly got defiled when they began keeping unholyfriendship with strange girls. Some of them wanted to dress likeevery other girl in the society. The worst now is the open shame wesee in our tertiary institutions where so many kind of human beingslive, of which only a few of them are there for a certificate. Some areonly there to snatch and blot out destinies of promising young men,others are there in search for a boyfriend/ a husband by all means.What else do you want to hear that you have not seen right at thefront of your house? This morning, I want every parent to ask theirdaughters what they think about the girls in the society, and ifpossible, take a trip to visit your daughter in the University or so, todiscuss this issue with them. May God deliver our daughters fromsocial and cultural decay. Amen.PRAYER POINTSDeliver oh Lord, our children from every ungodly appearances inJesus name.. 213

For Reading MONDAY, 1ST AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: ESAU'S APPETITEGen.25:22-34 “See that no one is sexually immoral, or godless like Esau who for a single meal sold his inheritance right as the eldest son. Afterward, he was rejected, and could not change things…” (Heb. 12:16-17).Food is a source of energy, without which the life in a man can be snuffed out of the body. If one cannot control his eating habits, he ruins himself and his honour goes with it.Today, the first day of the eighth month, the month of a newbeginning, the Lord desires that we watch it. Esau despised hisbirthright, and he agreed to be the junior just because of a hungerhe could have controlled for a few moments. His appetiteoverpowered him. This weakness or lack of endurance made aloop-hole for him to lose his blessing as the elder. In Heb. 12:16,he was called “godless” this is because only godlessness makespeople to sell their honour.Godlessness is an evidence of lack of fear, reverence for Godand His word. Whenever we chose to ignore God's word anddecide to do what we like to, we lack the fear of God. Nowadays,young ones both male and female trade away their virginity justfor a little morsel. What are the momentary gains that prevent youfrom thinking clearly? Do you behave like Esau? He valued foodfor his stomach to be more important than his birthright. His tearslater, were not able to restore the honour (Heb. 12:17)Dearly beloved, how are you handling your appetite for food, sex,drinks, cigarette or what have you? Whatever you can no longercontrol has become so dangerous. Examine yourself; have younot thrown your holiness into the dust bin for a Job which you gotthrough a lie about your credentials? What of false declaration ofage? It is a month of new beginning the Lord is calling us to makeamend where necessary.PRAYER POINTAsk God to help control your appetite and every inordinateambition. 214

TUESDAY, 2ND AUGUST, 2016For Reading SEPARATE UNTO ME BARNABAS AND SAUL& Meditation:Acts 13:1-3 “While they were worshipping the Lord and Fasting, the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them'” (Acts 13:2).There are vessels of God lying dormant in many homes and Churches, who have a specific call of God for one assignment or the other, in a location different fromwhere they are now. Some of these are held bound by so-called God-fathers, and parents. Until they are released theyremain unfulfilled. In our text we found out that Paul andBarnabas were being sent out to fulfill their ministry. At one ofthose meetings and fasting for divine empowerment, theSpirit of God spoke- “Separate unto me Saul and Barnabas.”The voice is still speaking to families, Churches and differentarms of the society today. As a father or mother, have you notbeen studying your Children? There may be one of them thatGod is calling into a full time ministry, apart from other areasof God's work. Encourage such to make open his intention.Do not keep such indoor, allow God to use him, that's whenGod's purpose of bringing him to life would be fulfilled.In the youth forum and Church Organizations, there arethose gifted to do God's work. If anyone is announcing hisintention to become a minister because he has a call, heshould be encouraged by all. Don't put out the fire but help itto glow more and more. Are you a Saul or Barnabas insideyour family, Church, group or society, and you know God iscalling you? Why not own up and do the work?PRAYER POINTSAsk God to help you know those of your Children or membersthat God is calling into a special duty.Dear Lord, reveal your purpose for my life, and grant megrace and zeal to follow you. 215

For Reading WEDNESDAY, 3RD AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE: THE BEGINNINGJudges 14:1-10 MUST BE UNIQUELY DIFFERENT “Do not unite yourselves with unbelievers; they are no fit mates for you”. What has righteousness to do with wickedness? Can light consort with darkness? (2 Cor. 6:14NEB).Every organization and people has an accepted rule on how they live-their lifestyles. Just as unbelievers are known for their ways of life by their practices, so Christians aresupposed to be different in their ways of life when it comes tomatters relating to marriage. Marriage is a gift of God to man thusas a Christian there are rules guiding us when the choice of whoshould one marry, how to go about it, how to keep the hometogether, and the right of everyone in the home etc. We seem toget confused about them yet we are not without instruction fromGod in his Word.Consider Samson who chose to be joined in marriage to anunbeliever, who his parent called “uncircumcised philistine wife”.He still continued in his search for a wife in beer parlours, hotelsand strange places, until he met Delilah, who eventually led him tohis early grave. Have you considered how you are going aboutyour marital decision? Be it known to you that God's will for you formarriage cannot be an unbeliever, because light and darknesscannot work together. As a man or woman who is about makingdecision about marriage, make sure you clear these points beforegiving your consent to the relationship. For those already marriedwe need to examine ourselves whether our union is ofrighteousness or that of judging matters every now and then.For our children who are contemplating marriage a few questionsare necessary as you seek the face of God about it. Suchquestions are: Is he/she a Christian, born again? Does he/shelove the Lord? Does he/she go to Church and weekly activities?PRAYER POINTS:Lord, deliver your people from following the way of Samson.Deliver our children from the spirit of Delilah. 216

For Reading THURSDAY, 4TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: REBECCA A GOOD EXAMPLEGen. 24:1-21. “A prudent wife, of noble character is costly, she is not common, hence finding her can be successful if one goes to the Lord for guidance” (Prov. 31:10, 19:14).Anyone who claims to be a Christian but acts otherwise when it comes to marriage should be seen as a false witness to the faith. As Isaac grew to get married, the father Abraham sent outa search team to seek a wife, which must be from among his peopleand one who is willing to come to them and live with them in their tent.Abraham's servant, a believer went to God, praying and seeking to beguarded into his will for Isaac. He indeed got the right wife, arespectable young girl, from the family line, which did not refuse goinginto such marriage to a man, who lives in tent. Prominent qualitiesnoticeable in Rebecca were as follows: she was from Isaac's ownpeople (v4) this underscores the importance of the Christian faith; notan unbeliever. She was a virgin; evidence of purity of life that must beexhibited and expressed daily. Rebecca was respectful, wise and shows hospitality and care tostrangers, not greedy. She was a right wife for a right man. Herlifestyle and purity of character and nature speaks for her. An aspectthat further reveals the joy of a Christian marriage is in verses 24 and53. The rich gift bestowed on Rebecca and her family is indicative ofthe token being paid to a family, before a woman is given out to a manas wife. In the African context, the bride price is usually small andsymbolic, yet it is a major point in marriage, without which the Churchwill not conduct the wedding. It's a token of marital agreement betweenfamilies. Rebecca left with Eliezer, and got to her husband Isaac, with aveil on.The veil signifies purity. This is something parents must emphasize totheir children irrespective of sex education that has occupied thecentre stage in a bid to prepare our children for the future. As parentswe may have mixed it in our days but we should not compromise it. It isa matter of dignity that children would enjoy and be proud of it allthrough their lives.PRAYER POINTS:Lord make us and our children an example of men and women of noblecharacter a good reference point in Jesus name. 217

For Reading FRIDAY, 5TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE: IT MUST1Peter 3:1-7. BE THE IDEAL HOME OR NEVER “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light”. 1Peter 2:9.Marriage usually begins with good wishes and exchange of pleasantries and love. Marriage can only be adjudged to be sweet and successful when it has been proven to be so.When a marriage is said to be successful, it means it has gonethrough daunting challenges and is surviving it daily. Christianmarriage is no exception in terms of undergoing turbulent times.Christian marriage is able to survive because such couple are saidto be the chosen people of the Lord meant to declare the praises ofhim who called them out of darkness to his wonderful light. The world today is watching expectantly, to seeing the modelmarriage, the ideal Christian home where love, peace andharmony are never in want. The world is not accepting amanageable situation, but a perfect one from the Church; this callsfor a serious reflection. What type of marriage are you showing tothe world? This is an opportunity to look inwards and find out whatpicture is our marriage giving to the world.A Christian home ought to be a home of two good friends andhelpmates, whose togetherness is for their common good.Christian homes must be devoid of selfishness, unfaithfulness,bitterness, jealousy, impatience and intolerance. A happy marriedlife is a situation where both spouse have trust for one another,forgive each other and are soul-mates where outside relationship isnot known. We appeal to you passionately, to examine the homeyou are building for yourself. Discuss with your wife and childrenhow your home can become an ideal home.PRAYER POINTS:Lord give us a Christian home of peace and harmony, homes thatare trouble free.Every bitterness in our home to be uprooted, help us to enjoy ourmarriage and not endure it. 218

For Reading SATURDAY, 6TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: WHEN YOU MISUNDERSTAND LOVE1 Cor.6:12-20 “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.” (2 Corinth. 6:14)David never knew he was in for a big trouble for the rest of his life when he was getting married. Three months into his marriage things started to unfold themselves.Fighting and threat to life became a daily occurrence in his home,yet he cannot get out.It all started when he found love in a lady at his place of work,which he later discovered was not born again, that she didn'teven belong to any church. David insisted on marrying her,hoping to change her before or after marriage. On a certain day,when they were both in the lady's house, she seduced David intofornication, and was found pregnant 6 months before themarriage date. David had no other option than to rush themarriage, and got it done in two months. The thing he calledmarriage became bitterness. His wife opened her true self andmade him taste of the gall of her rotten behaviours, and used herevil spirit's pestle on him to the point of turning him to a slavewithin the first three months of their marriage.For a Christian, love is not blind. A child of God cannot hold-on tothat assertion. Jesus' love enables you to see the one that ismeant for you from Adam. If you are into a marriage that does notglorified God, the panacea is to call your spouse in prayer andask the Lord Jesus Christ to come into your life and then into yourmarriage. This is the only way to a peaceful and harmoniousliving. Jesus changes life. If we cooperate with him our story canchange for good.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father look with compassion on the agony of thosewhose marriage has hit the rock. May such marriages be healedtoday 219

For Reading SUNDAY, 7TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: FOOLISH WEALTHLuke 16:19-31 “… The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, looked up… (Lk 16:22-23).The story of the rich man and Lazarus is a popular one in the Bible, which relays how a man who had everything lived among those who had nothing, like the poor suffering Lazarus, and refused toopen his bowel of compassion to extend his good will to them. At thelatter end, both ended their lives as it will come on all men, and both wentwhere they had patterned their lives for. The story of the rich man is oneof the most read in the Scripture yet many still wonder what had takenhim to hell.Two things we noticed in this man that took him to hell are his refusal toacknowledge God with his wealth, and the mismanagement of divineprovision. The rich man requested that a massage be sent to hisremaining five brothers, to warn them of the danger of hell. He then knewthat all the stories about Jesus Christ were not fake. All through his lifetime he had refused to care whether it was real or not. Lazarus did notreach paradise because he was poor. A poor man who refuses to work,and rejected Jesus will also go to hell at last. The Richman's wealth wasgiven him so as to alleviate the suffering of people like Lazarus, but herefused.So many rich people in our society hoard their wealth from othersoutside their immediate families. So many who are in position of powerto distribute wealth of the State equitably, have turned it to their own andthat of their family. Some even open multiple accounts for their childrenand grand children unborn and end up in money laundering. This misuseof divine provision took that man to hell. How are you managing the littleor great wealth that God put in your care? It is not for your sake alone thatyou are wealthy, so many people are there waiting for a touch, a helpinghand (orphans, motherless homes, old people homes, missionaries andso on). Give God a chance in life and spend your wealth for God.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father in the midst of plenty we are suffering, the devil hasstolen the heart of our leaders. Father their hearts belong to you, pleasegive them a change of heart. 220

For Reading MONDAY, 8TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: THE LIMITATION OF WEALTH1 Timothy 6:3-10 “They will throw their silver into the street, and their gold will be an unclean thing. Their silver and gold will not be able to save them in the day of the Lord wrath” (Ezek. 7:19).There is a popular scripture that is sweet to hear in our contemporary society which says, “money answers all things”(Eccl 10:19).Truly, money makes a lot ofpossibilities .If you have no money you find it difficult toactualize your dreams. Empty hands do not own a house, car,properties or good clothing. To give your children a soundeducation and the best you have ever dreamt of, you needmoney. Money makes friends (Prov. 19:4). It's the rich that ruleover the poor and borrowers in the society (Prov. 22:7). Gettingmoney cannot be over emphasized. When we prosper or, havemore money we get more honor and better life but money hasits limitation. Money cannot save anyone from the wrath ofGod. Anyone who spends his money to seek favour ingovernment or politics gets favour, but you can't have your wayat the judgment of God unless you know God and you are trulyborn again. The first thing that throws off people from divineapproval is the way and manner they seek the wealth and howthey execute its usage (Prov. 23:4).It's important you ensure you are obedient to God, give himyour life, be a true disciple of Christ, and let your wealth also bereleased for His use. But don't forget that your wealth do nothave the power to save you on its own. Just like every otherperson, be humble before God and men, attend to spiritualmatters, give a prominent place to the Bible in your daily life;also make sure you don't cheat to make your wealth. May Godreceive rich Christians on the last day.PRAYER POINTPray that God should give you grace to control money anddeliver you from deceitfulness of riches. 221

TUESDAY, 9TH AUGUST, 2016For Reading& Meditation: THE WORLD COULD BE VERY WICKEDPsalm. 69:1-10 “I sink in the miry depth, where there is no foot hold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me”.(Ps 69:2)There was a man named Nwanbueze, who had a wife but were childless for 7 years. The pain of reproach and derogation became so much the man could no longer attend elders'meeting nor walk freely in the Village. Nwanbueze dared not beat orrebuke an erring child in the Village because he had no child. Twomen among the elders particularly made life unbearable forNwanbueze to the extent that he almost committed suicide. Onefaithful day God put a smile on his face, that day, his wife told him thathe was pregnant. The joy was so much that it looked unbelievable tohim. Indeed she was pregnant. The moment the two evil men got thenews of the delivery, they went in anger to the Village juju priest toquery why he allowed it, and to demand how they could stop him fromhaving the child. From the shrine, he sent a spell to make Nwasbuezemad. Truly, Nwanbueze got mad on such a day he ought to be happy.The wife was accused of making the husband mad. The same evilmen masterminded the elders' decision of making Nwanbueze's wifeto swear oath of innocence before their shrine (to the same priest thatwas bribed to cause the madness). The woman didn't reach theshrine before the shrine priest passed judgment that she was evil thatshe should be hanged and thrown into the forest the same day. Doyou know they killed the woman, and threw her baby into the forest aswell?Oh Lord, as many that are annoyed with my victory, let their joy bestolen so that they can understand what it is to be sad. As a child ofGod, keep faith even if you are going through trial, you will rise withbright colours “for a just man fall seven times, and rises upagain…”(Prov.24:16).PRAYER POINTDeliver us from the evil of our age O Lord and may we remainimmoveable. 222

For Reading WEDNESDAY, 10TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: THE CAPTIVITY WILL ENDPsalm 129:1-6 “… The wickedness of the wicked shall be upon his own head” (Ezek.18:20c).We read that Nwanbueze's family was wiped out entirely, both parent and the new born baby. In this world, it is not all that laugh with you that aresincere, and your smile does not make everyone happy. Besure you don't depend on the praises or the good face ofpeople to pick close friends, but depend on God grace andwisdom.As for Nwanbueze's story, the two evil men offendedthemselves, and one sent a spell to kill the other. Thechildren of the other one got involved in a mischief of double-selling of their father's land and were murdered mysteriously.Meanwhile, a Preacher came to the Village on a certain day,and eventually met the village mad man, Nwanbueze, andprayed for him and the madness left him instantly, andreturned to the juju priest and the second surviving evil man.Nwanbueze could not believe his eyes when he got the storyof all that had happened to him. His joy began to return whenone hunter from a neighbouring village visited him to informhim that his six years old daughter has been living with him.The hunter had picked the child up the day the villagers threwher into the forest as instructed by the juju priest.Dearly beloved, we are in a world where wickedness haseaten very deep into the fabric of the society. It is quiteunfortunate, that similar evil and hatred towards fellow menexist in the Church today.PRAYER POINT:Let us pray so as to be able to stand this perilous time. 223

THURSDAY, 11TH AUGUST, 2016 For Reading & Meditation: OFFER THEM SALVATIONRomans 12:9-21 “do not gloat when your enemy falls, when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath from him. (Prov.24:17-18)The story of Nwanbueze was indeed a sad story of how human beings can be so heartless and behave as Satan's incarnate to their own friend, brother, sister,fellow Christian and neighbour. It is possible that the one youare passing through or have suffered in the past may be worsethan that of this man. The system of the world has turned to thatin which the stories of enemies pervade the entireneighborhood. Everywhere you scent the fear of enemies andfight against enemies. The Church has dropped the doublededged sword of salvation for another ministry of destroying andkilling of enemies. So many prayer meetings and Crusadesnow center on “fall down and die” for enemies. Do you blamethose who are into these? When indeed wickedness has reallygrown to the point that even your own child, brother, sister,mother, father, close friend etc becomes the very wicked soulsent after you.The Word of God to us now is to take caution how we handlethis enemy syndrome. Do not turn the battle to a physical one(2cor10:4). Allow God to take his course. Guard yourself withwisdom, rejoice not when a supposed enemy falls or is passingthrough a problem, instead, offer a helping hand (Rom 12:20).Never relent in the battle against evil. Fight, fight and keepfighting but let the focus be toward releasing the soul of thewicked who are compelled by Satan to wreck havoc in theworld. It is possible to feed your enemy when he is hungry andthe food becomes coals of fire upon their heads.PRAYER POINTSHeavenly Father may we realize that the battle is your that wemay surrender to your will. 224

FRIDAY, 12TH AUGUST, 2016For Reading& Meditation: THE WICKED WILL BE OVERTHROWNProv. 24:1-16 “For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, but the wicked are overthrown by calamity. (Prov. 24:16)The wicked may think he has succeeded whenever the righteous seem to have been afflicted by his evil schemes. Severally God has always turned the plan ofthe wicked to favour the righteous. This calls for patience andunderstanding on the way God works. The pains therighteous suffers are only for a moment.In Proverb 24:16, we see that the end of the wicked shall beoverthrown by calamity. That word stands for a situationwhen one is conquered by a catastrophe, disaster, tragedy,that is, events that result in great loss and misfortune. Thedifference here is that the righteous has a rescuer- the LordAlmighty, but the wicked shall have no one to save him whenhis disaster comes, especially as a result of his accumulatedevil which he has done against the righteous (Prov.26:27,Ps.7:11;11:6). His pains will become incurable. Theseremind the readers of this meditation that whatever you dotoday has a reward; if you plot evil against your neighbouryou will reap it. The evil that men do lives after them hencethose who were responsible for Mr. Nwanbueze in ourprevious story, had irredeemable calamity that ended theirlives, they suffered terrible sickness in their madness for aspace of about ten years before they died. But Nwanbuezehad a restoration and his pain was compensated for. If youhave suffered similar faith, hold-on to the word of God thatsays but the wicked are overthrown by calamity.PRAYER POINTPray these; Let God arise and let His enemy scatter.Let owners of evil loads carry them. 225

For Reading SATURDAY, 13TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: MAKE THE DIFFERENCEJohn 15:18-25 “I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hate you” (John 15:19)In Gen 39 verse 13, Joseph, having refused to conform to the system of his world by not accepting the immoral advances of the master's wife, she decided to frameJoseph up. This was not because Joseph was evil, butbecause she has refused to dance in her way. Jesusreminded the disciple that anyone who is waiting for theworld to embrace him and celebrate him is expecting theimpossible.The war between Christ and Satan is the war the world takesagainst Christ followers. The refusal to be worldly is a call tobattle. Anyone who is getting born again must know that hehas just begun a warfare journey, to fight. Our battles areusually against Satan, sin and the world. If you cannotconquer these, you cannot be a true disciple of Christ. Checkaround you and see, you will discover so many who like to beChristians, but because of the much hatred the world put outagainst them, they fall out. Some are expecting so much fromthe people of the world.There are some who want the world to sing their praises. Theonly thing you need to do to have such praises is to be anunbeliever who loves worldly lifestyles, if not you cannothave them. Beloved, put on Christ and leave the worldbehind, fight valiantly as a good soldier of Christ. You aresurely going to win.PRAYER POINTSNo matter the case I will not join the world's system.For every pain I suffer today I receive grace to be faithful. 226

For Reading SUNDAY, 14TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: RUN AWAY FROM THATGen. 39:1-23 ADULTEROUS SPIRIT “After a while Portiphar's wife took notice of Joseph and said, come to bed with me” (Gen 39:7)The story here is about a young man, Joseph, and a married woman, under whose husband, the young man serves. She kept making advances at Joseph until she decided to rape him. ButJoseph was resolutely committed to his God hence he rebuffed theadulterous woman from putting out the precious light of his destiny. Theworld today is yearning for the likes of Joseph who will refuse the spirit ofrape that abounds in our age. Such women in our society should callthemselves to order. They are not satisfied with their husbands; all theythink of is young boys who are not older than their sons. We also havemen who do such to little girls of their daughter's age.Parent must watch their children under the care of house helps or anyother person because of the several ugly reports in our dailies. It is aspirit that is out to destroy our children who are the future leaders. Thestrategy is to make these children to grow up with a stigma that willperpetually put a stamp of self pity on them thereby making them to hatethe society to which they found themselves. With such mentality, I guessthey will be ready to rebel against the society because they will hold thesociety responsible for their misfortune. Also, if you have a young manliving with you, be careful when you allow your little girls to stay at homealone with him, because the devil always seeks such opportunities. I amrevealing this to you so that you can be wise and be sensitive, but it is notfor you to raise suspicion on house helps or anyone. The world today hasgone bad so much that every one is painted bad.For those who may be exhibiting Mrs. Portiphar spirit, please leavethese young ones alone, if you are no longer interested in your spousethen pack it up and go for another marriage. Of cause if you are aChristian you wouldn't do such. If you are a Joseph under such immorallure, keep running because it's your destiny she is looking for to snatchaway from you.PRAYER POINTSDeliver us from every madam Portiphar.Oh Lord, Disgrace and expose all Children assaulters. 227

For Reading MONDAY, 15TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: EVIL WILL ALWAYS SEEKGal. 6:1-10 EVIL DOERS “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, whoever rolls a stone, it will roll back on him”. (Prov. 26:27)We have been told that whatever good you know how to do, keep doing it, because it carries a reward just as every evil doesn't depart from the house of the one whodoes it.A story was told of an evil man who took delight in hurting andmaking people sad. It came to pass on a certain period, when hehas to get married and assistance was to be given him by all willingindividuals in the community, according to what each could afford.But a palm wine tapper, who decided to give a calabash full ofpalm wine kept it covered by the road side after tapping it. Hedecided to check his trap before going home to deliver the wine.This evil man had reasons to go into the same bush. On seeing thecalabash of palm wine he opened it, and as usual passed faces(shit) into it, and covered it back, and left. In the evening wheneveryone was now at home, with well wishers sitting with him athome, the palm wine tapper returned home from the bush, andwent straight to his house to deliver his gift to him. Family memberpresent received it from him and turned it into another container soas to return the calabash to him, only to see heavy faces roll into it.The people shouted and were about to beat the man but the evilman stopped them and confessed to be responsible. Shame!Indeed, evil is like a football that hit a wall. It will always return backto the owner. Those who take pleasure in doing what is wrongneed to call themselves to order because it will surely backfire. Areyou evil, causing pain on others, or you specialize on troubleshouting? Be careful, it is your own pit you are digging, it will returnto you soon.PRAYER POINTIn this end time as many who are evil, good Lord deliver us 228

For Reading TUESDAY, 16TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: THANK YOUPsalm 46:1-end God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. V1A man, Khaline was going to Lagos from Effurun one day in a late evening. The delay was unforeseen, and he needed to be in Lagos due to an important interview fixed for the nextday's early hours. As he waited in vain for Lagos bus, he decidedto join a vehicle going to Benin with the aim of making it easier toboard a Lagos cab. As he moved on, he got to where a bus carriedhim along other 4 passengers, but unknown to them the threeother guys were robbers. There and then the 5 of them wererobbed of their money, phones and valuables. The bus left themthere stranded. Suddenly, a Sienna bus driver came their way,which would not stop to carry anybody in that kind such place atodd hours. He stopped for them because he saw that they werehelpless coupled with the burden in his heart to stop and helpthem.These helpless men found help, and were driven to theirdestination- Lagos, which they reached at 11:25pm, at no cost. AsKhaline went through his interview, his mind flashed through whathappened the previous night, and he was glad, appreciative of thehelp God sent, without which he didn't know how he could havesailed through.Many of us, like Khaline, have got to various points several timethis year without knowing how we managed to escape. Some timewe thought we would be slain, at other times fear was our struggle.We didn't know what we would be but we are here today becauseGod made it possible. So many of us have difficulty in knowing theareas where we have been helped, supported and enlarged. Weneed to learn how to appreciate goodwill, however little they maylook in your eyes. Little things are the greatest in God's eyes.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father as the season of harvest approaches us grant usa thankful spirit that will attract more of your blessing. 229

WEDNESDAY, 17TH AUGUST, 2016 For Reading & Meditation: THE RIGHTEOUS DO SUFFER1 Peter 4:1-2, 12-16. “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you”. (1 Peter 4:12).There are certain phenomena in the society that are like riddles to so many people, of which the answers already given are in doubt. One of such puzzles is the suffering of the righteous. A righteousman is one with a good moral standing, a child of God that has the fear ofthe Lord, known for good works, one who hates evil, promoting justiceand equity among people, one who is generous, determined to live up tobiblical truth and principles.It is a common knowledge that pleasant and unpleasant things happento both the good and the bad, righteous and the unrighteous. Peopletend to ask so many questions, why must this good man pass though thiskind of pain? Who knows this good lady will see this type of temptation inlife? How did this man of God get into this trouble, but he used to be veryprayerful and pious? Why that good girl is still not married at 37? Why arethis good woman's children dying every year? Why has that man notbeen able to have just a child in their 12years of marriage? How comethis intelligent girl failed her exams because she refuses her lecturerssexual advances, why must this Pastor suffer blackmail because hepreaches the truth? Why is it that good people die too early these days?Why must this good man lose his legs to gunshots all because heaccommodated a stranger who claimed to be a Christian, to pass thenight in his house? This good man just lost all his riches once, how?Answers to these puzzles are still very confusing to many. The questionthat anyone who suffers should settle first of all is, am a Christian? Am achild of God?, did I cause my pain/suffering by myself or somethingelse? I wish to invite you to prayer, asking that you invite Jesus into yourlife if you have not done so and plead that he should take over thebattles. Also, pray that those carrying the load of pains as enumeratedabove be given succour, for the load to be lightened.PRAYER POINT:Help us oh Lord our God to understand you in our time of trial, I need youevery hour my blessed Saviour. Lighten the burden of suffering of therighteous oh Lord. Give us grace to identify with you oh Lord. 230

For Reading THURSDAY, 18TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: DIFFERENT FACES OF SUFFERING1 Peter. 2:1-25. “If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any kind of criminal, or even a meddler”. (1Pet 4:15).We shall be looking at the different causes of suffering which everyone reading now should examine closely. Eduvie once belonged to a group of vibrant prayer warriors, which was aforce that the Church and several persons in the communityrecognized. At a point, Bro. Eduvie began to get attached to Sis. Mary,and their friendship, became too close that people began to raisesuspicion. Both of them, reacted to the suspicion, by getting intofornication, and Mary got pregnant. This they explained was to put anend to people's suspicion. Is that how a Christian should react torumour? They began to cohabit, which earned them suspension, withPanels raised to discipline them.Beloved in Christ, would you lend me your own opinion, what would youcall the attitude of Eduvie and Mary? Are they Christianly in theirreaction? So many people suffer for several reasons:1. Suffering for sin committed for violating the law. 1Peter 4:15 warns that we should ensure we do not get involved in stealing, murder, gossip, etc. If an affliction comes from it, it is not to be mistaken as suffering righteously.2. Suffering in Ignorance. Hosea 4:6 says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge”. There are people whose sorrow and adversity result from ignorance. They fail to make research to know what to do. Take for example, those who don't read their Bible, nor have time to meditate and believe the Word of God are bound to lose certain victorious living, prayer less persons too will have demons/witches tormenting them. One who fails to work may remain kobo less, yet opportunities may be existing. This is suffering in ignorance.3. Suffering for Christ and the gospel. (Matt 5:11). We shall consider this separately.PRAYER POINTS:Lord, I repent from all evil ways that have cause my affliction.Lord, cleanse my hands that are soiled, and make me a new creature.Help me to discover what will lead me from my pain. 231

For Reading FRIDAY, 19TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: DIFFERENT FACES OF SUFFERING -III Peter 5:1-10 “Blessed are you when you are reviled and persecuted, and all manner of evil is spoken against you falsely, for my sake”. (Matt. 5:22)We continue our consideration of the different causes why people suffer. I read of the story of a Christian, who knows what it is to serve God, but a period came that he wasplunged into a problem. In a dream, he saw himself on a sandy pathwith foot prints of two different persons, but he later observed thathe could only see one person's foot print whenever he was indifficult times. As he put his question before the Lord in prayer,accusing Him of abandoning him during his trying times, the Lordrevealed to him that he had never abandoned him because ofproblem, instead he carries him, this was why he only saw one footprint at such times, it is the Lord's foot print.There are Christians who are passing through pains of persecution,hatred, loss of life, loss of job, loss of reputation, deprived of worldlyrequirement and interests, and even death (2 Cor. 4:11). You don'tneed to lose your sleep when you find out that your pain or denial isa trial of your faith, keep holding on to the Lord. Even if yoursuffering is from your parents, friends, neighbours, tutors, boss,pastors etc, don't be moved, God is with you, you shall scalethrough no matter how long. I have discovered that a Christian whoundergoes certain level of suffering, for the right cause, has itsbenefits, to which the Lord has designed them. Some of the benefitsincludes; identification with the suffering of Christ (Rom. 8:17) andsharing in Christ suffering. It makes us perfect (1 Peter 5:10).Other benefits include being strengthened as we share in hissuffering and it settles you. Beloved, fear not what can happen,while you keep yourself unspotted in the world, focus on what Godhas promised you. If trial comes in form of suffering, pain or evencalamity, just ensure you develop your patience, have faith in God,and don't be moved.PRAYER POINT:Oh my Lord, help me to keep the Faith that was handed over to thesaints. 232

For Reading SATURDAY, 20TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: THE PAIN OF FALLING1 Corinth. 10:1-12. “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall” (1 Corinth. 10:12).A man fell from an upstairs sometime ago when he missed his steps. Before he knew it, he was already facing down in the mud just like that. He had abroken finger, ankle and cuts on his face. This event thathas taken a couple of years is still fresh in the mind of thisman, apart from the fact that the scar is still on his face andother parts of his body. When he talks about it, he alwaysexpresses how careful he is not to suffer such tragedyagain.Falling is not good. But anyone who has stumbled in life,something positive can result if the fall leads to a morecareful way of living. Paul admonished, “Let him who thinkshe stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Cor. 10:12). Believers dofall. But when we do, a lesson must be learned from ourerror to avoid a second fall.If you have stumbled along the course of life's journey thereis hope. First, ask God for guidance, for “He upholds all whofall” (Ps. 145:14). Next, read the word and begin to livecarefully by its principles be transformed by the renewing ofyour mind (Rom. 12:2). Have you fallen: ask God to helpyou get up and keep you from falling again. Don't forget thatwhen we walk in the light, we won't stumble in the darkness.PRAYER POINTS:Help your people Lord to rise from the fall not to fall again.Whatever is holding me down to receive fire now.Lord grant me the strength to stand. 233

For Reading SUNDAY, 21ST AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: OUR GRIEF BRINGS JOYJohn 16:17-24 “I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy” (John 16:20)The dictionary meaning of 'grief' is sorrow, something that causes great unhappiness; it's an intense sorrow caused by a great loss. When Jesus spoke about a time of grief that thedisciples were going to encounter, he was just preparing them forevents ahead of them. He was about to die but he will rise fromdeath hence our grief would always result in unspeakable joy.However period of grief is when you are in deep sorrow for losingone thing or the other. It could be when you are denied the joy of afamily life, inability to meet up with ones responsibilities, sackedfrom job, beaten innocently, or even jailed on account of falseaccusation etc. Such times can be very painful. A Proverb saysfalse accusation burns in the heart like pepper. When you are insuch moment, never throw away your confidence.The reason why you may be facing such pain may be because youare a child of God, who is waiting for his Lord to return. Jesus willsoon come; one of the purposes of those troubles is to discredit youfor your Master, so that when he comes, you will be found unworthy.This is why you must gird your loins, make up your mind that nomatter the trouble, you will continue to sit tight and win every warthe enemy raises against you. Those moments that Sataninstigates neighbours or even friends against you, to make you loseyour joy, can be very painful but make up your mind today to standyour ground. Our time of grief is for a moment, therefore do not giveup. Weeping can only last for a night, joy would appear in themorning. I declare your joy has come and it has come in Jesusname.PRAYER POINTHoly Spirit you are the giver of joy. Pour your joy into the hearts ofyour people who may be grieving now. Help them to overcome thisperiod. 234

For Reading MONDAY, 22ND AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: A FOOL WHO FAILED TOHebrews 9: 23-28 PREPARE FOR HOME “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement”. V27A king once asked one of his subjects to get him the most foolish man in his kingdom to be his jester. After installing the renowned fool as his jester, the king gave him a fool's cap and a miniatureclock to tie around his neck; it is a sign to show his excellence in folly, hewas told never to part with these items unless he meets another morefoolish than he was. Long after this, the king was discovered to have aterminal ailment and was at the point of death. The Jester went to theking as usual to cheer him up.“Long live the king, thou art going on a journey, how well, oh king areyou prepared? Have your chariots and horses, your slaves and guardsall ready? Where art thou going to stay over there? Have you anyone towelcome you there? The Jester asked. “I have no answer to all yourquestions, where I go I know not, I know not what type of preparation Iam to make because this journey is strange to me. Relations, wivesand children I can see no more. I am more troubled because I don'tknow if I am to be welcomed there”, the king lamented.“O king, be it known unto you, that you are more foolish than all the foolsin the world, for when you go on pilgrimage while you know the durationof your stay, you are well prepared, but you are going for a journeylasting eternity, yet you are unprepared. Here, have your fool's cap andclock back for you are more of a fool than a king”.Friend, you have a lot to settle here on Earth. The Bible says; “It isappointed unto man once to die after this, judgment” (Heb. 9:27). Thequestion is, are you prepared? Where will you be after here? “Thescripture says; He that believes on the Son has life, he that believes notthe Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides on him” (John3:36). Jesus said; “Behold I stand at the door and knock if any manhears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and will sup withhim and he with me” (Rev. 3:20). This is the time to prepare for eternity,by opening your heart to him, in repentance so that you may avoideternal grief.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus we plead that the heart of men be opened unto you as theyhear the Gospel daily. 235

For Reading TUESDAY, 23RD AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: THE BRIDE OF CHRISTMatt.25:1-13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come”. Matt 24:42Charles a young man had offered his hand in marriage to Rhoda. Therefore he sent a message to his proposed wife in Nigeria, informing her to be prepared that they will soon get married.Charles' plan was to visit Nigeria within that year of his message toRhoda, but he was asked to go for an official business in France for aperiod of 6 months. When he returned to America, he delayed foranother 7 months. It was after then that he decided visiting Nigeria forthe wedding programme of his proposed wife Rhoda.When Rhoda saw that Charles did not come according to his promiseof coming “soon”, Rhoda started complaining to her parents andfriends. Eventually she got tired and became impatient. She decidedopening up an agreement to a Bank manager that had been makingadvances to her. On the very day that she visited the Bank manager,she was defiled. Meanwhile, Charles was already in Nigeria. Whenthe Bank manager was taking Rhoda back home in his car, Charlessaw how his proposed Bride has been messed up. Charles wasdisappointed and returned to America immediately.Beloved, Jesus Christ came into this world to purchase us to himself.“He gave himself for the Church (you) that He might sanctify andcleanse her with the washing of water by the Word, that he mightpresent her to himself a glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle orany such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.(Eph.4:25-27). He left for heaven to prepare mansions for you, He iscoming back to take you home (John 14:2 3). He promised that hewill come in a time that you don't know, but he comes very “soon”(Matt. 24:44) to take you to be with himself (Jn. 14:3). If you becomeimpatient and decide loving this world, you have become a spiritualAdulterer/Adulteress with the devil (James 4:4). Blessed are youwhen you are called into the marriage supper of the Lamb.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus my darling, I am sorry for my impatience, keep me at alertfor when you shall come, to meet me blameless. Amen. 236

For Reading WEDNESDAY, 24TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: DEAD TO SIN1 Peter 2:21-25 “He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right... “. V24Salvation in Christ becomes meaningful when anyone who is in Christ realizes that he has power to live above sin. Paul had a clearer understanding of thisfact when he said he can only boast in the cross of JesusChrist. It was Paul who lamented “And I know that nothinggood lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do whatis right, but I can't. I want to do what is good, but I don't. I don'twant to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway” (Ram. 7:18-19).When he came to know Christ Jesus and accepted thesalvation that he offers, everything about him changed. Henow has the power to say no to what is bad and yes to what isgood in the sight of God. What was the secret? It was thecross of Jesus hence he was ready to boast only in the crossbecause it is the only thing that is changing lives.Therefore the greatest benefit that we derive from the crossis the power to overcome sin. It was on the cross Jesuscarried our sins, hence the bidding to every believer toalways pay constant visit to the cross. This is what it means,to bear ones cross daily. Instead of enjoying that sin, youchose to suffer so that God's purpose for your life can berealized. The reason why many are still struggling with sin istheir refusal to visit the cross by taking up the sufferings ofChrist. Thus they are missing out the riches of his cross daily.Sin is actually responsible for spiritual poverty, make sureyou exchange it for the riches of the cross today. ,PRAYER POINTOn the cross of Calvary, my sins were taken away. Lord helpme to cling to the rugged cross. 237

For Reading THURSDAY, 25TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: BOASTING IN THE CROSSGalatians 2:17-21 “My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer l who live, but Christ lives in me...” V20The cross is the symbol of Christianity. Whenever you set your eyes on it take time to ponder over the several messages of the riches that it expresses. You may notbelong to the denomination that uses the cross for different kindsof prayer but those who do so have so much regard for it. This isnot to say that we should all go and look for a cross and turn it to amini god and turn our eyes off the one who died on it to save us.The secret of overcoming the adamic nature is being crucifiedwith Christ on the cross. Paul never knew this while he wasconsumed with the zeal of Judaism and he thought he wasserving the Lord. But when he accosted Jesus Christ of Nazarethon his way to Damascus, his story changed. Instead of headingto Damascus, he ended up being crucified with Christ. Thus hesaid, “My old self had been crucified with Christ, it is no longer Iwho live...” On the cross his unguided zeal was exchanged for aholy zeal. Instead of persecuting and killing believers in the LordJesus, he became one of them and Christ began to live in him.This is one great miracle that the cross of Jesus is doing in thelives of men turning them from sinners to saints.Until you pay a visit to the cross no change can take place. It'spossible to be highly devotional, possess the miracle you desireand be flamboyant. You may have attained the highest office inyour denomination; your ministry may be prospering, thequestion remains, have you been crucified with Christ?PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus too many ugly things in the church shows that manyhave not been to the cross. Through your spirit let there be agenuine self examination of our lives. 238

FRIDAY, 26TH AUGUST 2016For Reading& Meditation: PUBLIC SHAME OF DEMONSColosians 1:13-15 “In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross' V.15Demonic powers, rulers of darkness of this world are still being dreaded by many today. The fear of the enemy and the unknown still hold sway over manywho parade themselves as believers in Christ. Many of theprayers you see in many Christian gatherings are directedtowards these forces. Not too many Christians know thatthere are prayers that will make them better Christianswhereby these forces they dread will not be able to attackthem. It is our prayer that the good Lord would give us abetter understanding so that we can out grow babyChristianity both in our thinking and the expression of ourfaith.One of the riches that accrue to us through the cross ofJesus Christ is that these powers of darkness have beenpermanently disarmed. The spiritual authorities had beenput into public disgrace. Therefore if you have been crucifiedwith Christ, you would come to realize that these powers fearyou more than you fear them. They know that what you arecarrying is more than them. Until you have been to the crossyou cannot benefit from it. These powers will continue totorment you endlessly. What wonderful riches that the crossof Jesus offer. If enemies are almost swallowing you, thehighway to the cross is beckoning on you and these forceswould be permanently and publicly disgraced from your life.PRAYER POINTThank you Lord Jesus for the shame that demonic powershave suffered through your cross. Let the forces after me bedisgraced today. 239

SATURDAY, 27TH AUGUST, 2016For Reading& Meditation: THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS1 Corinth. 1:18-25 “The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God”. V18The message of the cross has placed human beings into two categories. To the unsaved, the message of the cross is absolutely foolish while to us who are being saved it is thepower of God through which God is reconciling the world tohimself. Why is the message of the cross foolish to the unsaved?Well, the cross is a symbol of shame; so they see nothing to beproud of. But it is the symbol of Christianity. Without the cross it isno Christianity, it is rendered empty and of no effect. To the Jews itis foolish to carry the cross because the cross symbolizes a curse.“For it is written in the scriptures, cursed is everyone who is hungon a tree” (Gal. 3: 13). To the Jews, Jesus died as a cursedperson; hence the message is foolish to them. It is our earnestprayer that the message of the cross will make meaning to them.The Greeks (Gentiles) are not left out in this reasoning. They seeJesus as one who died as a criminal, an armed robber tied to thestake. Thus it is a difficult thing to accept a criminal as a Savior.But thanks be to God because the power of God in the messageof the cross is able to convince and convict the hearers.Beloved there are people in church today who by 'their lifestylestill crucify the Son of God. To such people who would normallyrenounce the cross or reject the sufferings associated with thefaith, the message of the cross is foolishness. Those who claimthat Jesus had suffered for us therefore we need not suffer for thesake of Christ belongs to the category of people that regard themessage of the cross as foolishness. It is imperative to askoneself which category do I belong?PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus help me to realize if my lifestyle makes me an enemyof the cross that my labour will not be in vain. 240

For Reading SUNDAY, 28TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: TERMINAL POINT1 Corinth. 1:26-31 “Therefore, as the scripture say, if you want to boast, boast only about the Lord.' V.31To those who are headed for destruction, the message of the cross is foolishness says the scripture. But we who are being saved it is the very power of God. How is it that it isthe power of God? God demonstrated his power when hedecided to make use of an instrument of shame in some quartersand instrument of a curse in another quarter to give permanentdefeat to what had held mankind hostage for thousands, ofyears. Through the cross, Jesus Christ completely broke theyoke of sin. Thus everyone who has been to the cross with Jesusis able to say no to sin in any of its manifestations. Who wouldhave thought that the cross would be able to do that, it was thepower of God which is able to do all things.The inability of the Jews and Gentiles to see the power of God onthe cross at work makes the message of the cross to offend theJews and as, nonsense to the Greeks. The riches of the crossare enormous and it begins with our ability to overcome sin ondaily basis. No one is able to say no to sin until he has been to thecross. It is the terminal point for the Adamic nature. That you stillstruggle with sin is because you have not been to the cross. Inthat state the message of the cross is always offensive. No one issaid to be a Christian without being crucified with Christ. Thecrucifixion enables you to bear your cross daily and followunquestionably. Beloved, have you been to the cross? If not avisit is necessary to guarantee eternal life with Christ Jesus.PRAYER POINT:Thank you Father for your power on the cross of salvation thatbrought us freedom from sin. Help us to live victoriously daily. 241

For Reading MONDAY, 29TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: LIFE GIVING PERFUMEII Corinth. 2:14-17 “To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are life giving perfume”. V. 6To us who are being saved, the message of the cross is the power of God. Through the death of his son on the cross of Calvary, God destroyed the power of sin henceSatan the accuser of brethren can no longer accuse those whoare in Christ Jesus. All the afflictions of man today are traceableto sin. Without sin, the devil and his agents cannot get anyfoothold in any life. Therefore when Satan targets anybody, hisfirst approach is to lead such a person into sin. The sin may notbe particular to a person; such could be an inheritance that istaking his toll on successive generations. Sin as we know has amultiplying effect, it is a seed when planted by fore fathers or amother is capable of growing and the fruits will be there for thecoming generations to reap. Sin is also genetic hence you finda child behaving like his father or when one is born into a groupof people that possess an ungodly trait. Examples aboundeverywhere in the various African societies.Since through the cross of Calvary, sin has been dealt withmeaning that sin has been dealt with in your life, if truly yourheart is already circumcised, no affliction can torment youagain. Because on the cross of Calvary, not only that you werecrucified with Christ, the power of God was released on you torender the devil and his agents powerless, because Christianstruly wear a life giving perfume. What a wonderful blessing.Through the cross we wear a life giving perfume that bringssalvation to the unsaved. Find out whether you have genuinelyvisited the cross?PRAYER POINT:Lord it is obvious that the riches of the cross are enormous. Letthis perfume smell in my life daily. 242

For Reading TUESDAY, 30TH AUGUST, 2016& Meditation: NO CROSS NO CROWNHebrews 12:1-6 “Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people, then you won't become weary and give up.” V3No cross no crown is an age long saying which is true of human endeavours. Before the arrival of the crown, the cross would have manifested itself in different forms andshapes. The essence of such experiences is to give value andrespect to the crown in order to avoid every abuse. As we explorethe riches of the cross with a view to enjoying all the derivablebenefits, one may keep on asking why must I subject myself to suchhorrendous suffering? The answer is not far- fetched. It is containedin our passage for today. “We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesusthe champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of thejoy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame.Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne” (v2).Our Lord Jesus Christ, the originator and perfecter of our faith sawtwo things ahead of the cross namely: the joy that is waiting him andthe place of honor where he is sitting beside God's throne. Thus thehostility of the sinful people he was able to endure. He didn't allowthat to disturb him in his bid to receive the crown of salvation for allthose who would put their trust in him. That was the joy that wasbeckoning on him while he transverse the wilderness of the cross.Today He is our senior brother who advocates for us daily.Beloved, what is the cross before you now that is so challenging?Look unto Jesus and ask him to strengthen you so that the joy andhonor that seems to be hidden from you may not escape you.Indeed no cross no crown. The crown is meant for you, heaven hasearmarked it for you, lay hold on it because it is one of the riches ofthe cross prepared for you.PRAYER POINT:Almighty Father, we pray for your people to enable them bear theircross joyfully that the crown before them may be secured, 243

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