For Reading FRIDAY, 9TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: PREVAILING PRAYERActs 12:1-7 “So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him”V5If we pray things will happen. Heaven is attentive to listen to people who care to pray. Miracles are hanging there waiting for prayers that will release them. Destinies arestruggling to come and prayer is the means to transport themto lives. Sicknesses abound, frustrations are there becauseprevailing prayers are lacking. When Apostle James was putto death the church learnt her lesson in a very hard way.Perhaps they thought Herod had not got sufficient reasons tokill him but they were surprised when his death wasannounced. Herod too became interested in the job when hediscovered that the death of James pleased the Jews. Hetherefore went ahead to pick Peter and earmarked him forexecution as part of the feast of unleavened bread.The church without being told woke up from her slumber tookhold of her weapon of prayer that was neglected when Jameswas arrested. While Peter was in prison, the church wasearnestly praying to God for him. I am fully convinced that ifthe church had prayed, James would not have been killed.The church neglected prayer so the way was made straightfor our common enemy- the devil. Is the church of todayactually praying or we are doing what we call a “repetition ofprayers”? Is our prayer tailored in line with the need of theage? Except our prayers are determined by the word of Godand our present situation, much impact will not be made.PRAYER POINT:Let me be guided by your word, and spirit in my prayer, so thatmy prayer will be relevant and impact on my generation OLord. 344
For Reading SATURDAY, 10TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: PRAYER BREAKS CHAINActs 12:8-19 “...Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent his angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches”..,. V 11When the church prayed the high heaven could not neglect her prayers. An angel was immediately dispatched to go for rescue operation. The chainswith which Peter was bound could not withstand the prayersof the church. The kingdom of Satan was put in disarraybecause confusion had set in. While this was going on, thesentries were fast asleep; Herod himself was already cut offfrom reality. Thus when the angel appeared to Peter thechains fell off immediately. Prayer was at work, deliverancehad come, and the verdict had been changed by the AlmightyGod. Instead of death, life had taken over, instead of prison,freedom had come, and prayer was responsible for all these.The night that Peter was rescued, the church was stillpraying. They remembered how the Lord used to fight thebattle in the night. Apostle Paul encourages us to involveourselves in all 'kinds of prayer' by following the example ofthe master. Not too many people attend all night prayers intheir churches. Such people that do are not only fighting theirbattles during the day but also at night. They are alwaystormenting the devil. The church was still praying in the nightwhen Peter arrived at the venue of the prayer. They could notbelieve their eyes. I am sure their prayer life must havedrastically improved. Indeed prayer is the key. Take it up andbegin to unlock every door.PRAYER POINT:Father thank you for hearing the prayers of the church thatled to the release of Peter. As we are challenged help us topray more and let our prayers bring results in Jesus name. 345
For Reading SUNDAY, 11TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: AN INTERCESSORColossians 4:1-13 “Epaphras …send greetings He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, Mature and fully assured”, V 12Epaphras was an outstanding intercessor in the church. He was a man of prayer who believed in the power of prayer. Thus he saddled himself with theresponsibilities of praying for the church at Colosse, Laodiceaand Hierapolis. Epahras' prayers could not allow the highheavens to be at rest, to enable the church gain ground. Whenyou examine the content of his prayers you will discover that itwas a well articulated prayer. It addresses their spiritual well-being which will eventually lead to a physical well-being. It washis desire that first and foremost, believers should stand firm inthe will of God for their lives. That they should be matured andnot be half baked and be fully assured of salvation. When allthese are true of a believer's life, certainly life becomesmeaningful.James says “when you ask you do not receive, becauseyou ask with wrong motives that you may spend what youget on your pleasures” (James 4:3). Most of our requests arebased on self. The spiritual well-being of the people was ofutmost importance to Epaphras. Do the leaders of the churchpray and what is most important to them? No doubt it isprosperity and breakthroughs so that offerings can increase.These are not bad but these are secondary. The zeal withwhich we pray for prosperity should also be used to pray forspiritual well-being of the people. The church is in dire need ofmen like Epaphras whose prayer will revive our souls.PRAYER POINT:Lord make me like Epaphras that the church needs. Raisemore in different congregations that your kingdom will beenlarged. 346
For Reading MONDAY, 12TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: A CEASELESS EXERCISEI Thess 5:17; “Pray continually” lThess.5:17Psalm 46:1-EndPrayer is a ceaseless exercise. The command is pray at all times. Anywhere you call upon the name Jesus Christ there is always a response. The posture you assume whilepraying does not affect the answer. None of the postures isspecially ordained for God to answer your prayer.In view of the above you can always pray at any given time. It isnever too much. I always feel I have not prayed enough. There isa religious sect that believes that if they have prayed in the housein the morning, it is sufficient for the whole day and for everysituation they may find themselves. Incidentally, some of ourmembers have imbibed this wrong teaching. When youencourage members to pray, some will say, 'but 'we 'haveprayed'. The Bible enjoins 'us to pray continually. Never be tiredof praying. Our generation is corrupt and wickedness is the orderof the day. How can we succeed if we neglect prayer? We need topray more than we have been doing before. Our common enemyis always renewing his strategies; it is through prayer that we canuncover his strategies. A prayer less Christian indeed is apowerless Christian. In this season of the year we need to pray more. We are notunawares of the devices of the enemies. It is a commonknowledge that evil people are looking for the one to devour.Some may have been converted to animals for this seasonhence some will die before the celebration as a result of theactivities of the evil people. We need prayer, more prayer tochange their plan.PRAYER POINT:My Lord Jesus, you started with prayer and ended with prayer,grant me the grace never to do without prayer. Amen. 347
For Reading TUESDAY, 13TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: DO THE ASKINGGenesis 28:10-22 “Ask and it will be given to you”... Matt. 7:7There are Christians who lack the zeal to pray. They say God knows their needs therefore they do not need to trouble him. In other words they do not ask God for theirneeds. Some of them are suffering from terrible oppression; theyconclude that it is God's will for their lives. They seem to have theMuslim belief that God has predestined everything. So what ishappening to them is the act of God. Such a belief is at variancewith the word of God, it is erroneous and it is a clever way thedevil is cheating people.From ages past God has given his children the privilege ofasking. God is always answering his children, if such a requestwill not be granted God will never keep mute. If you are readingthis piece and there is something you need and you have notcommitted it to prayer then you are delaying your miraclebecause your wrong belief cannot change the word of God.Our Lord has given us a promise that if we ask, it will be given. Byimplication if we do not ask, we may not be given. We have theprivilege to make request for ourselves and for other people andGod will certainly play his own part. Have you made your requestknown to the father and no reply yet? Keep asking, God willanswer you. Your duty is to ask it is God's duty to give. Never betired in asking, ask today your answer will come. Jacob saw theglory of God and requested that if God will be with him and hereturned safely, the LORD will be his God. God did it for him Hewill grant your request too.PRAYER POINT:Thank you father for the privilege of making my request to you,like you did for Jacob, do greater things in my life and in mygeneration in Jesus name. 348
For Reading WEDNESDAY 14TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: POWER OF THE BLOODExodus 12:1-14 “To Jesus the mediator of a new covenant and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel” Heb 12: 24.Every Christian is engaged in a spiritual warfare. We are in a critical part of the year while some are looking expectantly to the celebrations ahead some are planning evil plotting howmany souls will perish. But God in heaven has assured us that theirgathering shall have no effect on us. This is the more reason whywe need the armour. The very day you declare for Christ and youare ready to live for him on daily basis, you become part of the battlethat is already going on.As you struggle to overcome sin, it is a battle you are fighting. It iseven fiercer. Demons can attack, but your spiritual state can still bein order, but if you sin, your spiritual level will drop drastically. Petersays, “Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world,to abstain from sinful desires which war against your soul”. (1 Pet2:11).Another weapon that is available to us is the blood of Jesus Christwhich speaks better things than the blood of Abel. Abel's bloodcried out for justice and retribution. Not only that the blood of Jesusspeaks of forgiveness and reconciliation but it brings victory overthe host of darkness. (Rev 12: 11). The host of darkness cannotwithstand the blood of Jesus. When the angel of death saw theblood of animals on the door posts of Israelites and passed overhow much more the blood of the eternal covenant. When we pleadthe blood and demons see it they tremble and take to their flight.With the blood of Jesus Christ, your victory is assured. Rememberto plead the blood in every circumstances, it speaks better thingsthan the blood of Abel and of the lamb that was slain in Egypt.PRAYER POINT:The blood of my redemption I plead. The blood through which I wasreconciled to God I sprinkle. Lord let your blood speak for mealways. 349
For Reading THURSDAY, 15TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: UNGUARDED HOURS2 Samuel 11:1-11 “And do not give the devil a foot hold” Eph.4:27With the armor you are a dangerous foe to all that is evil. However we need to know that even though the devil is aware of this, the Bible says he is “aroaring lion looking for someone to devour”. Take note youare not excluded. The Bible further says. “Resist him, standfirm in the faith”, Beloved the devil is looking for anopportunity as he roars about, such a time is referred to asthe “unguarded hour” a time when our security is loose.One of such Opportunity is when we have fallen into sin. Webecome spiritually sick; there will be no health in us and ourspiritual immunity become low. Any spiritual virus can attackus with little or no resistance. John said “this then is how weknow that we belong to the truth, and how we set ourhearts at rest in his presence whenever our heartscondemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and heknows everything. Dear friends, if our hearts do notcondemn us, we have confidence before God andreceive from him anything we ask because we obey hiscommands and do what pleases him” (1 John 3: 19-22).The devil is looking for that opportunity when our heartscondemn us; he knows that such opportunity is unguarded.These few days remaining in the year can becomeunguarded because of the desire to meet up. Please avoidevery opportune time that the devil can use.PRAYER POINT:Almighty Father, grant me your grace that I will not be luredinto sin as to render my Hours unguarded. 350
For Reading FRIDAY, 16TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: UNGUARDED HOURS 2I Corinth. 10:1-13 “So, if you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall” V 12.There are other factors that can render the believer's hour unguarded. Many times we overwork ourselves and we feel too tired to pray. Some time when we kneel to praywe are overtaken by sleep. Sometimes we are too busy toobserve our daily devotion, without prayer we set about dailyassignments. We make journeys without praying when otherscall us to prayer, our indifferent attitude becomes obvious.Christians have suffered tragedies, irreparable lossesbecause of the failure to pray.If you are planning to travel; you must begin to pray now; don'ttake things for granted. When you embark on anything withoutpraying, it is a big risk and your security is loose already.Sometimes, you are meant to be in a fellowship where you willbe refreshed and have an opportunity to pray. One of thedevil's strategies is to see how he can prevent you from goingbecause he has a hidden agenda for you.When you are in the position to determine your ability to attend,if you fail, then you may have given him an opportunity. If wecast our minds back at such occasions when the devil attackedus you will discover that many of them are traceable to somenegligence or inability to do what you were supposed to do. Inthis end time particularly as the year ends the devil is doing alot of havoc, do not give him any room, watch it and beprayerful.PRAYER POINT:Lord may I never think I am too strong to stop doing what Ineed to do. We cover your people with the blood in all theydo as the year ends. 351
For Reading SATURDAY, 17TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: PREPARING FOR THE LORDLuke 1:26-38 “I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true “. V38Christmas bells are ringing; the inspiring songs are on air again, Christmas wears are already on display, prices are far above what we anticipated.Ability to procure any will largely depend on ourpreparation. Anyone looking forward to Christmascharity will need to wait. In all these, our celebrations willbe determined by how much preparation we have made.Who says Christmas should not be celebrated? Do theysay it is a pagan festival? It is a clear exhibition ofignorance. Mary was the first to receive the news of thefirst Christmas. Not only that she was going to celebrateChristmas, she was going to be the vessel that will bringforth the child. Mary was qualified for the job becauseshe made herself available and she was prepared.When the angel came, she was found ready to receivethe news.We have gone beyond celebrating his birth. The world isripe to celebrate his second coming. How many of us arepreparing and would be found like Mary. As you prepareto celebrate his birth it will be wise to prepare for hissecond coming. He may come on Christmas day, beavailable where he can see you.PRAYER POINT:Grant your people grace to prepare for your secondcoming even as we celebrate your birth. Just as youfound Mary for noble purpose may we be found by you. 352
For Reading SUNDAY, 18TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: JOY TO THE WORLDLuke 1:39-45 “When you came in and greeted me, my baby jumped for joy the instant I heard your voice”. V44The news that the Holy Spirit will come upon Mary and she will be pregnant and give birth to child who will be called the son of God may be a difficult one to believe.Moreover, it looks like blaspheming and Mary was alreadyengaged to be married to a man. The position of Mary isbetter experienced than imagined. Perhaps in the confusionthat ensued, the angel informed her about Elizabeth whohas become pregnant in her old age. Here is a womandeclared barren but she was already in her sixth month. Godwould never do a thing without a witness. Search thescriptures, you would discover that what God is asking youto do, there are witnesses. Mary was not aware ofElizabeth's pregnancy because of the former's seclusion.Mary decided to visit Elizabeth perhaps to find out what theangel told her.When Mary arrived at Elizabeth's home, it was God'switness (the baby in Elizabeth's womb) that first recognizedMary as the mother of the Lord. Indeed, John the Baptiststarted his work in the womb. He leaped for joy andElizabeth began to release prophetic utterances on Maryand she submitted to her as the one highly favoured. The joythat the Saviour brings begins from the inside. Did you feel itwhen you accepted him as Lord? Here he comes again foryou to feel the joy of this season as you make room for him.PRAYER POINT:Thank you for the joy that your advent brought May this Joyprepare us for your 2nd coming. 353
For Reading MONDAY, 19TH DECEMBER 2016& Meditation: BLESSED FOREVERLuke 1:46-56 “For he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant, from now on all generations will call me blessed. V48When God is willing to reward you for your faithfulness he gives you a blessing that will affect your posterity. Can you see how Maryviewed the favour of God upon her life? It was going tobe from generation to generation.Everywhere Christianity is spoken of, Mary cannot beleft out. At the moment; if you have been faithful to God,there is a wonderful package ahead of you if you remainfaithful. Take note when 'the devil knows that yourpackage is near delivery, he will try to frustrate youreffort. Beware, don't allow him, Mary responded toElizabeth's prayer with a song of praise to the Lord. Thatwas the effect of the Holy Spirit that came upon her.What God was about to do became clearer to her as weexamine her song of praise. It is true that if one has ataste of this God a song of praise must spontaneouslycome out of him. When did you experience Him last? Asmany that will separate themselves to the Lord wouldalways take their turn. I presume it is your turn if you arewilling to separate yourself to him. God will locate you ashe did to Mary. We are waiting for your song of praise.PRAYER POINT:Lord, we are singing the song of Mary, in this season:give me my own song for generations to come. 354
For Reading TUESDAY, 20TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTISTLuke 1:5-25 “How can I know this will happen? I'm an old man now, and my wife is also well along in years”. VI 8It was the turn of Zechariah to officiate in the temple. Thus he got himself ready and the wife must have wished him well. The assignment was for a weekdesigned to serve in the presence of God. The priest isto bring the people to God and also bring God to thepeople through the various sacrifices. It was anassignment that every priest was always lookingforward to. When the priest does and returns safely, thetestimony abounds.Zachariah went in and saw what he never bargained for.An angel appeared to him with good news that he wouldfather a child. At this old age, he must have retorted,where was God all this while? The angel said, for Godhas heard your prayer. Which of the prayers? Theprayer that was offered some decades ago long beforemenopause set in; is there a place where prayers arekept? We thought the prayer never got to God. YourWife, Elizabeth, will bear you a son! This is a joke. How?Even when the child comes my wife bla, bla, bla...Negative confession, your mouth is closed until it isready to speak the mind of God. Watch your mouth.PRAYER POINT:Let my mouth always speak your praise in everysituation. Every element of doubt in me Father get rid ofit today. 355
For Reading WEDNESDAY, 21ST DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: THE BIRTH OF THE FORERUNNERLuke 1:57-66 “His name is John! Instantly Zechariah could speak again, and he began singing praises to God”. V63, 64That Zechariah became dumb may not be strange. But there is something on the part of Elizabeth that needs a closer examination. When Zechariah cameout, he couldn't speak to the people. They concluded fromhis gestures that he must have seen a vision. How long didtheir conclusion last? Throughout the period heministered, he never opened his mouth to talk to them. Ifyou know the nature of the Old Testament sacrifices, youwill appreciate the reaction of the people later on. Perhapswhen Zechariah got home, through gestures he was ableto tell the wife what happened. Think about the pains in theheart of the wife. Not too long, Elizabeth's body began tochange and she discovered that she was pregnant(pregnant for a man that is dumb). Imagine the state ofElizabeth. She hid herself from the series ofembarrassment.Elizabeth must have heard; the blessing of the Lord makesa person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it” (Ploy 10:22).How will she marry her situation with the word of God?Many of us today are passing through a similar situation.Are you able to see through the haze or mist? Wait for theblessing to mature, things will change for good and yourstory will change.PRAYER POINT:Grant us grace to keep our eyes on what you are doing inour lives. We pray for as many with divine assignment givethem grace to be faithful to their calling. 356
For Reading THURSDAY, 22ND DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: ACCEPT GOD'S VERDICTLuke 1:67-75 “... And we will be saved from our enemies and from all who hate us”. V.71Reading carefully through Zechariah's prophecy, you now understand why God shut his mouth. When the tongue was matured enough havingundergone a thorough cleansing, Zechariah's mouthbegan to declare the plan of God for mankind.Remember that Mary had visited, and that Elizabeth hadacknowledged her as the mother of her Lord. Certainthings happens to us in life particularly believers, wemay not see any reason why we should have such anasty experience. Sometimes we behave like Hezekiah.As a result of Hezekiah's poor management of the fifteenyears, he laid the foundation of captivity for his futuregeneration. Not only that, his son Mannaseh that he hadwithin the fifteen years became one of the most corruptkings that Israel ever produced. He also prepared thepeople for exile that will last seventy (70) years.Certain things may happen to you as a child of God, findout why God allowed it. It is for your good then by prayersgo through it and let God's purpose be established. Youmay have had similar experience this year; there is apurpose for it. Begin to settle it with God in prayers.Zechariah's dumbness handed down a prophecy that isworking miracles in the lives of people.PRAYER POINT:Dear Father, let me accept your will for my life always. 357
For Reading FRIDAY, 23RD DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: THINE WAY NOT MINELuke 1:76-80 “You will tell his people how to find salvation through the forgiveness of their sins “.. V 77Never you think Zechariah found it easy accepting what happened to him. Too many questions must have come to his mind without any mouth to saythem out. Isn't that more disturbing? The emotional andmental stresses were enough to bring death to the oldman. It is never easy to say, “Thy will be done” when abeliever accepts the will of God. Zechariah's experiencewas to bring him to accept God's plan of salvation to cometo pass. God found him worthy to father the forerunner ofthe Saviour of the world. Perhaps if Zachariah had beenleft to himself, he would have pampered his little sonoutside the scope of God for his life. But God who knowsthe future from the beginning was in control.Many parents by the way they bring up their children seemto have channeled then out of God's divine plan for them.How many of your grown up children are involved in churchactivities? Check all the plans you have for the child andfind out how many has to do with Christian faith. They havetime for other things but not the things of God. At thisChristmas you will not deny them fun fare. Think about itand may the Lord help you. Zechariah a priest turned aprophet who was able to locate the destiny of his little son.Be mindful of the divine destiny for your child.PRAYER POINT:Lord we are sorry as parents because many of our plansfor our children never include your agenda for their lives.May your will always be acceptable to us. 358
For Reading SATURDAY, 24TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: LACK OF KNOWLEDGERomans 9:1-10 “My heart is filled with bitter sorrow and unending grief for my people my Jewish brothers and sisters.” V.2Tomorrow is Christmas, we are looking forward to celebrating according to our means and resources available to us. A story was told of a couple who afteryears of marriage were blessed with a baby. You canimagine the joy of the parents and the kind of parental carethat would follow. When the child was a year old, the joy ofthe parents just started. As usual they organized a birthdaywith pop and pageantry. They printed invitation cards toinvite as many people as possible. A hall was booked andcaterers were brought in to prepare and serve deliciousfood to the anticipated guests. Live band was available toentertain guests.When the day came, as usual the hall was filled to capacityand the party took off. While the people were partying, thebaby was at home under the care of a maid. When it wastime for the guests to give the baby the gifts they brought,they requested the parents who were partying to bring thebaby. To the chagrin of the guests, they were told the babywas at home. This is how some of us celebrate Christmas.What a dangerous celebration. Hope your Christmas willnot be like that tomorrow. If Jesus is not present, is notseen, not heard, not felt then what are you celebrating?Then it is not Christ's Mass.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus Christ may you be born in our lives and be seenin our lives that our celebration will introduce you tounbelievers for their salvation. 359
For Reading SUNDAY, 25TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: WHAT HAVE YOU HEARDLuke 2:1-20 “All who heard the shepherds story were astonished”. V18I heard a noise, what noise? Did you hear it? I heard but I did not know whether it's the same thing? Throughout the night, it was the noise of fire - works that rent the air;hence I could not sleep well. Was that all you heard? Notquite! I heard the noise of those who were drinking and gotdrunk; they too contributed to my inability to go to bed ontime. But, did you attend the Christmas Eve service? Not toomany people attend. Why? People are still busy trying to getone or two things for the celebration. Were also involved?Not quite but needed to make the shopping for Christmas.But you came late to service this morning? 0 Yes, because Ineeded to finish the cooking. We had arranged that after theservice, the family will go on Christmas outing.You mean after shouting happy Christmas you didn't hearthe angels and, the host of heaven singing and praisingGod? No! Having shouted happy Christmas, I took a fewbottles of beer and while watching what was happening inother countries sleep took me and I slept off. No wonder!You were not ready to hear, but only to celebrate hence thatglorious and wonderful noise from the angel and the host ofheaven eluded you. When next you want to celebrateChristmas, take your mind off these things. If you hear theangels and the host of heaven, then Christmas becomesmeaningful.PRAYER POINT:May we join the angels and the host of heaven to heraldyour second coming. 360
For Reading MONDAY, 26TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: STEPHEN THE FIRST MARTYRActs 7:54-60 “I see heaven open and the son of man standing at the right hand of God”. V.56Stephen was the first martyr of the Christian church. He was among the seven men chosen to serve the people. The job he was doing was the ushering ministry in thechurch. He was a man full of the Holy Spirit whose ministrytranscends the ushering ministry. God's grace and power wasevident upon his life and he did great wonders and miraculoussigns among the people. His commitment led to his elevationto the office of an apostle.Not too long, opposition rose against him from thecongregation of the synagogue of the freedmen. Oncesomething good is coming out of you, certainly there must beopposition. To be able to achieve their aim, some rumours andfalsehood would be peddled against your person. What theyaim at is the grace of God upon your life because men lovedarkness more than light. This may have been yourexperience in the course of the year. Rejoice because it mustend with this year. However, when people rise against you donot compromise your faith but do not help them to take you tothe cross before your time.Stephen's enemies succeeded in their evil plot and hebecame the first martyr. Whatever God has ordained mustcome to pass. However, Stephen, while closing his eyes indeath saw heaven opened, his destination became clear andsure. Be sure of your destination after this life.PRAYER POINT:When opposition rise against us, dear Lord, may we serve youfaithfully here on earth that heaven may be our resting place. 361
TUESDAY, 27TH DECEMBER, 2016For Reading& Meditation: WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A CHRISTIANMatthew 1:18-25 “When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.” V.24When the story of Joseph and Mary is read by the Christians today we are tempted to think it was an easy situation. Just for a moment ponder overthe situation that Joseph found himself and put yourself inhis place. If your fiancé or your wife suddenly appear andtells you she is pregnant for which you are not responsible,how would you react? I think your reaction is betterimagined than experienced. Even when God speaks toyou, will you not bring your family into it and their say will bethe final?Joseph did the extreme by accepting God's will for his lifeand marriage. imagin those little things that has to do withmoney and time, how do you handle your spouse? It is notunlikely that the problem in your marriage is notunconnected with church affairs. That your spouse is toocommitted to the things of God hence the frequent friction.If Joseph is a saint, then what are you when little thingshave become difficult for you to accept? Many are not ableto accept God's will because of what the people will say.Joseph and Mary readily accepted ridicule andembarrassment of men. Perhaps you have abandoned thework of God simply because of what people are saying. Weencourage you today to follow God's will.PRAYER POINT:Grant your people grace to accept your will at all times. Ifthere is anything you quarrel with that has to do with churchin your family ask God about it now. 362
For Reading WEDNESDAY, 28TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: AVOID KILLINGMatthew 2:1-19 “Out of Egypt! called my son “. V15In every historical setting, there are different characters as well as the role they play. Ours is already an historical setting, you are one of the characters that is prominent with the role youare playing. Ask yourself whether the role you are playing willplease the generation unborn. If we care to ask ourselves, we willbe mindful to avoid every selfish motives and attitudes.Herod was a character in the history of the birth of Jesus Christ.When he heard that another king was born withoutunderstanding and being driven by selfish interest, he orderedinnocent children should be killed in the town of Bethlehem. Thepresent government functionaries should be able to ask itselfhow many innocent souls have died in a bid to perpetuatingthemselves in power.Religious crisis is not new to us In Nigeria. In the North East ofNigeria many have lost their lives and properties destroyedbecause of those who want to Islamize Nigeria. This were thugsin the hands of politicians who to be in charge. Today they are theterrorist we are fighting. How many souls have died in the NigerDelta as a result of the criminal neglect of successivegovernments? The Fulani kept on decimating their hostcommunities preferring cows alive than humanbeings. Todaymany are still suffering innocently without anybody to plead theircourse. All round the country it appears we have no leaders. Webelieve that the present administration will help to put this countryon the right part as we pray for them.PRAYER POINT:Good Lord deliver your people from the hands of the Herods ofour time who are devouring, stealing and promoting cultism andmay your judgment come on them. 363
For Reading THURSDAY, 29TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: FINAL STOCK TAKINGMatthew 25:1-13 “So stay awake and be prepared, because you do not know the day or hour of my return”. V13As the year is rolling by we call for a personal reflection on all we have done in the course of the year. This is to enable us asses the year objectively because very soonwe shall start making resolutions again. It is a challengingexercise that is meant to spur you for a wonderful performancein the coming year. I sincerely hope it will. Now we are at the tailend of the year, it is important to take our annual stock, usingthe right indices.The areas you should examine are your spiritual and yourphysical lives and its activities. Your spiritual life has to do withthe worship of God whether your services were acceptable tohim. For a correct judgment, take time to listen to your fellowparishioners, what they say about your church activities. If thepeople are saying something good, then, that may give youencouragement to face your God. Your physical life has to dowith your job, business, family affairs etc. In all these, what isyour assessment of yourself? Ten bridesmaids went to receivethe bridegroom. Five were wise and five were foolish. As youtake stock, where can you be classified?There was enough oil to buy, but the miserly person could notbuy enough. What is your reason for not performing orattaining God's standard when His grace was available? AsGod is about giving you another year do you promise to dobetter?PRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father, I may not have done enough, look mercifullyon me. I promise to improve on my stewardship in the comingyear. 364
For Reading FRIDAY, 30TH DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: FINAL STOCK TAKINGMatthew 25:14-30 “After a long time their master returned from his trip and called them to give an account of how they had used his money”. V19Whatever good abilities we have at our disposal is given to us by God to be used for His purpose. We surely will give account of our stewardship.If God were to ask you to give a brief report of youractivities, what will be the content of that report? You hadthe privilege of twelve months, beloved, what happenedand how did you manage the months? You had theprivilege of fifty two weeks, how much absence did yourecord in church attendance? You had the privilege ofthree hundred and sixty five days, how many of the dailydevotions did you miss?If there is anybody who challenges you in all these things,be reminded that grace was available to us all. It may notbe in the same measure, we have no excuse. The Lordhas been away in heaven for over two thousand years,his return is imminent and certain. He will call usindividually to give account of the grace given to us. To beable to help ourselves, let us begin to settle accounts andmake amend where necessary. The servants waited fortheir master while they worked. The two that were faithfulreceived a wonderful reward. The one that wasted theopportunity had his portion in the outer darkness wherethere is weeping and gnashing of teeth.PRAYER POINT: Lord Jesus it is a tragedy that after all these I amacceptable to you. Please help us O Lord 365
For Reading SATURDAY, 31ST DECEMBER, 2016& Meditation: PREPARE YOURSELFRevelation 21:1-10 “He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my Son”V7Apostle John in the Island of Patmos was obliged God's plan for his people at the close of the age. The last day of the year is always very significant as itrelates to the apocalypse- the end of all things. As todayconcludes the year, so one day in the near future wouldalso foreclose both the earth and everything in it. Theproblem with this event that lies ahead of us is the fact thatnobody knows when it will come. How one would wish it istoday that was already known to everybody and thereforeoffers an opportunity to prepare for the New Year.Incidentally, what lies beyond the close of the age is morethan the New Year we are all expecting. A life timepreparation may even be insufficient. This is a seriousmatter for which today poses a question to you, howprepared are you for eternity with Jesus Christ? Eternity isalso available with the deceiver of men, Satan. But thisshould not be imagined or contemplated. If we have livedour lives for Jesus Christ, to such people he says; “He whoovercomes will inherit all this”... Indeed, you haveovercome the year 2016; but have you also overcome theworld? Except you have, you cannot inherit what the Lordhas promised. Thus as the years are rolling by, make sureyou are preparing for eternity with the Saviour of the world.PRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father, thank you for your plan for me inChrist Jesus; help me in the power of the Holy Spirit toprepare for the inheritance ahead of me. 366
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