°“√‡«¬’ πª√–∑°— …≥‘ ‡æÕ◊Ë ∂«“¬‡ªπì æ∑ÿ ∏∫™Ÿ “ „π∫√‡‘ «≥¡À“√μ— π«À‘ “√§¥ππ—È ‡μ¡Á ‡ª¬òï ¡‰ª¥â«¬§«“¡ª≈◊È¡ªïμ‘ À—«„®∑°ÿ ¥«ß¢Õß “∏ÿ™πºŸâ¡∫’ ≠ÿ ∑ÿ°∑à“π μà“ß√–≈÷°∂÷ß §≥ÿ ¢ÕßÕߧ å ¡‡¥Á®æ√– —¡¡“ —¡æ∑ÿ ∏‡®â“ Tens of thousands of Buddhists circled the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya as they called to mind the Lord Buddhaûs boundless compassion, unparalleled wisdom, purity and many other virtues. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫ÿ≠ æ‘∏À’ ≈àÕæ√–∏√√¡°“¬ª√–®”μ«— Ù«π— §¡âÿ §√Õß‚≈° ª√–¥‘…∞“π¿“¬„π¡À“∏√√¡°“¬‡®¥¬’ å æ∏‘ ’À≈Õà æ√–∏√√¡°“¬ª√–®”μ«— ®¥— ¢πÈ÷ ≥ ≈“π∏√√¡ ¡À“∏√√¡°“¬‡®¥¬’ å ‡¡◊ËÕæ√–√“™¿“«π“« ‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘ π”π—Ëß ¡“∏‘ π”Õ∏…‘ ∞“π®‘μ ·≈–À¬Õà π¡À“ ÿ«√√≥π‘∏‘·≈«â “∏ÿ™π∑°ÿ ∑“à π‰¥âæ“°π— À¬àÕπ¡À“ ÿ«√√≥π‘∏≈‘ ß ∫π√“ß√—∫ ‡ ’¬ß¡À“ ÿ«√√≥π‘∏‘«‘Ëßμ“¡√“ß àŸ‡∫â“À≈Õ¡¥—ß°—ß«“π‰ª∑—Èß≈“π∏√√¡ ∫ÿ≠√à«¡ √â“ßæ√–∏√√¡°“¬ ª√–®”μ«— ®– ßà º≈„À‰â ¥≈â °— …≥–¡À“∫√ÿ …ÿ ¡Õ’ “¬¢ÿ ¬— ¬π◊ ¬“« ∂ß÷ æ√Õâ ¡¥«â ¬√ªŸ ¡∫μ— ‘ ∑√æ— ¬ å ¡∫μ— ‘ §≥ÿ ¡∫μ— ‘ ·≈– ≈“¿ ¬» √√‡ √≠‘ ÿ¢ ¡√√§º≈πæ‘ æ“π www.kalyanamitra.org
The casting of Buddha images Buddha images are symbols of virtue. They remind people to stop doing bad, to keep doing good and to purify the mind. Therefore, those involved in the casting of Buddha images will continue to reap merit, especially every time the sight of a Buddha image gives someone the courage to do good or to stop an evil thought before it turns into action. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫ÿ≠ Ù«π— §ÿ⡧√Õß‚≈° æ√–‡¥™æ√–§ÿ≥æ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï (À≈«ßæàÕ∏—¡¡™‚¬) Õ∏‘…∞“π®‘μ °Õà πÀ¬Õà π ç¡À“ «ÿ √√≥π∏‘ é‘ ≈ß∫π√“ß√∫— ‡æÕË◊ À≈Õà æ√–∏√√¡°“¬ª√–®”μ«— 𔉪ª√–¥‘…∞“π¿“¬„π¡À“∏√√¡°“¬‡®¥¬’ å Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh made a wish before gently dropping Mahasuvannithi metal balls onto the conduit. The metal balls would be used in the casting of Buddha images for enshrinement inside the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫ÿ≠ Ù«π— §¡ÿâ §√Õß‚≈° ÒÙ www.kalyanamitra.org
‡À√’¬≠√«¬‚≈¥ ‡À√’¬≠∑√’Ë –≈°÷ „πß“π∫ÿ≠„À≠à «π— §âÿ¡§√Õß‚≈° ÚÚ ‡¡…“¬π Úıı Òı º·âŸ ∑π§≥– ߶åÀ¬Õà π ç¡À“ ÿ«√√≥π‘∏é‘ ≈߉ª„π‡∫â“À≈Õ¡ Monk representatives dropped Mahasuvannithi metal balls into the casting molds. www.kalyanamitra.org
Visakha Puja Day, the Day of the Lord Buddha 5 www.kalyanamitra.org
« ‘ “¢∫Ÿ™“ ı«π— ·Ààßæ√– —¡¡“ —¡æÿ∑∏‡®â“ www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫ÿ≠ «π— « ‘ “¢∫™Ÿ “ Visakha Puja Day ı«π— « ‘ “¢∫Ÿ™“ ÛÒ æƒ…¿“§¡ Úıı 31 May 2550 B.E. ¢÷πÈ Òı §”Ë ‡¥◊Õπ ˆ ‡ªπì «—π·Àßà °“√ª√– μŸ ‘ μ√— √⟠Visakha Puja is an important day in Buddhism. ·≈–‡ ¥Á®¥—∫¢—π∏ª√‘π‘ææ“π¢Õßæ√– —¡¡“ —¡æÿ∑∏‡®â“ It falls on the same full-moon day in which the ´Ë÷ß¡“æâÕßμ√ß°—πÕ¬à“ßπà“Õ—»®√√¬å„π«—π‡¥’¬« «‘ “¢∫Ÿ™“ Lord Budda was born, attained enlightenment and πÕ°®“°‡ªìπ«—𠔧—≠¢Õß™“«æÿ∑∏·≈â« ª√–™“§¡‚≈° passed away. To express gratitude to the Lord ¬ß— ¬°¬àÕß„À‡â ªπì «π— ”§≠— “°≈«—πÀπß÷Ë ¢Õß‚≈°Õ’°¥«â ¬ Buddha, Buddhists make merit, light a candle, meditate and recite prayers on the Visakha Puja Day. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫≠ÿ ı«—π«‘ “¢∫™Ÿ “ æ‘∏’μ—°∫“μ√«—π« ‘ “¢∫™Ÿ “ ‡√¡Ë‘ μπâ «—π «à“ߥ⫬æ∏‘ μ’ °— ∫“μ√·¥à§≥– ß¶å ®“°ππÈ— æ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘ ‰¥âπ” “∏ÿ™πºâŸ¡’∫ÿ≠ªØ‘∫—μ‘∏√√¡ °≈Ë—π„®„Àâ„ μàե⫬æ‘∏’°≈à“«§”∂«“¬‡ “§”È øÑ“ ¡À“√μ— π«À‘ “√§¥ ·≈–∂«“¬¿μ— μ“À“√‡ªπì ß— ¶∑“π ‚¥¬º·Ÿâ ∑ππ”°≈“à « §Õ◊ °≈— œ ∫≠ÿ ™¬— ‡∫≠®√ߧ°ÿ≈ ·≈–°—≈œ Õπ—πμå Õ»— «‚¿§‘π www.kalyanamitra.org
˘˜ Alms-offering ceremony on “∏ÿ™πºŸâ¡’∫ÿ≠®“°∑Ë—« “√∑‘»‡¥‘π∑“ß°—π¡“·μà‡™â“μ√àŸ the Visakha Puja Day ‰¡à¬Õ¡æ≈“¥∫ÿ≠„À≠àμ—°∫“μ√¢â“« “√ Õ“À“√·Àâß ≥ ∫√‘‡«≥¡À“√μ— π«‘À“√§¥ Morning alms-offering at the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace on the Visakha Puja Day. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫ÿ≠ ı«—π« ‘ “¢∫Ÿ™“ æ‘∏’∫«™Õ∑ÿ ‘»™«’ ‘μ ¢Õß “¡‡≥√®”π«π ˜ √ªŸ “∏ÿ™πÀ≈“¬À¡πË◊ §π √«à ¡Õπ‚ÿ ¡∑π“∫ÿ≠„πæ∏‘ ’Õªÿ ¡∫∑Õ∑ÿ ‘»™«’ ‘μ¢Õß “¡‡≥√®”π«π ˜ √ªŸ ºâŸμÈ—ß„®Ωñ°ΩπÕ∫√¡∫à¡π‘ —¬μπ‡ÕßÕ¬à“߇¢â¡ß«¥„Àâ∂÷ßæ√âÕ¡¥â«¬»’≈“®“√«—μ√¡“‡ªìπ‡«≈“π“ππ—∫ ‘∫ªï ‚¥¬‰¥√â —∫§«“¡‡¡μμ“®“°æ√–∏√√¡°‘μμ‘«ß»å (ª∏.˘ √“™∫—≥±μ‘ ) ‡®â“Õ“«“ «—¥√“™‚Õ√ “√“¡ ‡ªìπ æ√–Õÿª™í ¨“¬å Ò ÒÙ Lifetime ordination ceremony for seven novices Tens of thousands of people rejoiced in the merit of the seven novices who entered a lifetime ordination ceremony. The novices had to undergo at least ten years of training and preparation before they were selected and allowed to make a vow of staying in monkhood for life. The merit of such ordination is much greater than a short-term ordination because it requires an unwavering determination, strong will and complete dedication to Buddhism. www.kalyanamitra.org
ÒÒı www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫ÿ≠ ı«π— « ‘ “¢∫™Ÿ “ ÒÒˆ æ∏‘ ’‡«’¬π« ‘ “¢ª√–∑ª’ √Õ∫¡À“∏√√¡°“¬‡®¥¬’ å ‡À≈à“ “∏™ÿ πºŸ¡â ∫’ ≠ÿ μà“ߪ√–§Õߥ«ßª√–∑’ªÕπ— ߥߓ¡ ∑ßÈ— ∫√¡‡»√…∞’ ¡À“‡»√…∞’ ®ÿ≈‡»√…∞’ ·≈–°≈Ⓡ»√…∞’ ‡¥‘π‡«’¬πª√–∑—°…‘≥√Õ∫¡À“∏√√¡°“¬‡®¥’¬å ·≈–πâÕ¡∂«“¬ ¥«ßª√–∑’ª‡ªìπæÿ∑∏∫Ÿ™“·¥àæ√– —¡¡“ —¡æÿ∑∏‡®â“ ¥«ßª√–∑’ª∑√ß°≈¡„ ¡Õ߇ÀÁπ‡ª≈« ª√–∑’ª «“à ߇√Õ◊ ß√ÕßÕ¬¿Ÿà “¬„π ∫π∞“π ’∑Õß ’‡ß‘π ·≈– ’¢“« ∑Ë’∑”¢È÷π‡ªìπ摇»…‡æÕË◊ ß“ππÈ’ ‚¥¬‡©æ“– Circling the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya on the Visakha Puja Day On the full-moon night of the Visakha Puja Day, tens of thousands of Buddhists circled the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya with a candle in their hands as they prayed to the Lord Buddha. www.kalyanamitra.org
ÒÒ˜ ‡¬“«™π§«“¡À«ß— ¢Õß™“μ‘ ∑ßÈ— ‡°ßà ·≈–¥’ √â“ß∫“√¡’μÈ—ß·μ‡à ¬“«å«¬— Instilling the values of gratitude, merit-making and looking for the good in others in the minds of the very young will ensure a great future for the nation. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫ÿ≠ ı«—π«‘ “¢∫Ÿ™“ www.kalyanamitra.org
®¥ÿ « ‘ “¢ª√–∑ª’ ‡«¬’ πª√–∑°— …≥‘ πÕâ ¡∫™Ÿ “æ√–æ∑ÿ ∏Õߧå Tens of thousands of people joined the „π«—π·Ààßæ√–æÿ∑∏‡®â“ ¿“æÕ—πߥߓ¡πà“ª√–∑—∫„®π’È circumambulation to pay homage to the ®–‡ªπì ·√ß∫—π¥“≈„®·°à™“«‚≈°„π°“√∑”§«“¡¥’μàÕ‰ª Lord Buddha on the Visakha Puja Day. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫ÿ≠ ı«π— «‘ “¢∫™Ÿ “ Ò ÚÚ www.kalyanamitra.org
Õß¡Õ◊ πÕâ ¬ª√–§Õߪ√–∑ª’ ·°â« Õߥ«ß‡πμ√‡ª¬ïò ¡·««§«“¡ ÿ¢ π— μå ÀπßË÷ ®‘μπÕâ ¡°√“∫∫Ÿ™“æ√–¿§«π— μå Õ ß‰¢¬∫≠ÿ Õπ—πμåæ≈—πÀ≈—ßË ¡“ The teachings of the Lord Buddha are like the candlelight in the midst of a dark night, showing people the way to true happiness and end of sufferings. www.kalyanamitra.org
Provide Aid to Monks in Four Southern Border Provinces for the Third Year 6 www.kalyanamitra.org
ટ ∑ï ’Ë Û ¢Õß°“√À¬¥— Ÿâ ˆ™à«¬‡À≈Õ◊ æ∑ÿ ∏∫μÿ √ Úˆˆ «—¥ www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫≠ÿ æ∏‘ ∂’ «“¬®μªÿ ®í ®¬— ‰∑¬∏√√¡®¥— ¢πÈ÷ ∑°ÿ ‡¥Õ◊ πÕ¬“à ßμÕà ‡πÕË◊ ß ‚¥¬‡√¡‘Ë μßÈ— ·μ‡à ¥Õ◊ π¡‘∂ÿπ“¬π æ.». ÚıÙ¯ ‡ªπì μâπ¡“ ®π¢≥–π’ȇ¢“â ªàŸ ï∑’Ë Û æ∑ÿ ∏∫μÿ √ Úˆˆ «¥— ·≈–¬—ߧß∂«“¬§«“¡™à«¬‡À≈◊ÕμàÕ‰ª®π°«à“‡Àμÿ°“√≥å®–‡¢â“ Ÿà ¿“«–ª°μ‘ ˆ Ÿªà ∑ï ’Ë Û ¢Õß°“√À¬—¥ Ÿâ ™à«¬‡À≈◊Õæÿ∑∏∫ÿμ√ Úˆˆ «¥— Ù ®ß— À«¥— ¿“§„μâ ∫◊ ‡πÕ◊Ë ß®“°‡Àμ°ÿ “√≥§å «“¡‰¡ à ß∫∑‡Ë’ °¥‘ ¢π÷È „π Ù ®ß— À«¥— ¿“§„μâ æ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘ (À≈«ßæàÕ∏—¡¡™‚¬) ®÷ß¡’¥”√‘„Àâ®—¥æ‘∏’∂«“¬ ®μªÿ ®í ®¬— ‰∑¬∏√√¡·¥§à ≥– ߶„å π Ù ®ß— À«¥— ¿“§„μâ §Õ◊ ®ß— À«¥— ªμí μ“π’ ¬–≈“ π√“∏‘«“ ·≈–∫“ßÕ”‡¿Õ¢Õß®—ßÀ«—¥ ߢ≈“ ‡æË◊Õ∫√√‡∑“ §«“¡‡¥◊Õ¥√âÕπ„π‡√Ë◊Õߧ«“¡‡ªìπÕ¬àŸ ·≈–°“√¢∫©—π¢Õßæ√–¿‘°…ÿ “¡‡≥√ „À∑â “à π “¡“√∂∫”‡æ≠Á ¡≥∏√√¡‰¥ â –¥«° ·≈–¡°’ ”≈ß— „® ∑®Ë’ –¬◊πÀ¬¥— √°— …“æ√–æÿ∑∏»“ π“ ◊∫‰ª Ò Úˆ www.kalyanamitra.org
Providing aid to monks in four southern border provinces for the third year Since three years ago when terrorists ravaged the four southern border provinces of Thailand and fatal violence became almost a daily reality, Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh as president of the Dhammakaya Foundation initiated the monthly merit-making program of sending food supplies to Buddhist monks in the violence-prone areas of Pattani, Yala, Narathivas and Songkhla provinces. This aid program entered its third year in 2550 B.E., further cementing the unity and friendships among Buddhists in trouble times. Ò Ú˜ www.kalyanamitra.org
Ò Ú¯ www.kalyanamitra.org
ÒÚ˘ www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫≠ÿ æÿ∑∏∫ÿμ√ Úˆˆ «—¥ ˆ æÿ∑∏∫√‘…—∑ Ù ∑Ë—«‚≈° À≈Õ¡√«¡„®‡ªìπÀπ÷Ë߇¥’¬«°—π ≈–∑√æ— ¬å√«à ¡∫≠ÿ °—∫æÿ∑∏∫μÿ √ Úˆˆ «¥— „π Ù ®ß— À«¥— ¿“§„μâ ‡æ◊ËÕ∏”√ß√—°…“æ√–æÿ∑∏»“ π“„Àâ¬ß—Ë ¬◊π ◊∫‰ª Buddhists unite in supporting monks who chose to remain in the violence-prone areas of the four southern border provinces of Thailand to defend Buddhism. ÒÛ www.kalyanamitra.org
“∏™ÿ πº¡Ÿâ ∫’ ≠ÿ √«à ¡°π— ∂«“¬®μªÿ ®í ®¬— ‰∑¬∏√√¡·¥æà ∑ÿ ∏∫μÿ √ º ⟠≈–™’«μ‘ ‡ªπì ‡¥¡‘ æπ— ¬◊πÀ¬—¥√—°…“æ√–æÿ∑∏»“ π“ ‚¥¬ ‰¡à¬Õ¡∂Õ¬Àπ’ Lay people presented a set of offerings to the monks who risked their lives to protect Buddhism. www.kalyanamitra.org
Once in a Manûs Lifetime To Be Part of the Triple Gems 7 www.kalyanamitra.org
˜§√Èß— ÀπßË÷ „π™«’ μ‘ ·≈–∑’ Ë ¥ÿ ·Àßà °“√· «ßÀ“ www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫ÿ≠ ˜∏√√¡∑“¬“∑π“π“™“μ‘ æ‘∏∫’ √√晓ժÿ ¡∫∑À¡Ÿà æ√–∏√√¡∑“¬“∑π“π“™“μ‘ °“√∫«™¡‘„™àª√–‡æ≥’∑’Ë®”°—¥Õ¬Ÿà·μà‡æ’¬ß„πÀ¡àŸ°ÿ≈∫ÿμ√ ™“«æ∑ÿ ∏Õ’°μàÕ‰ª·≈â« ª®í ®ÿ∫—π™“«μ“à ß™“μ‘ μ“à ß»“ π“ ‡√Ë¡‘ „À⧫“¡ π„®¡“∫«™‡æ◊ËÕ»÷°…“∏√√¡–¡“°¢È÷π‡√Ë◊Õ¬Ê ¥—߇™àπ „π‡¥◊Õπ°√°Æ“§¡ æ.». Úıı «—¥æ√–∏√√¡°“¬‰¥â®—¥ ‚§√ß°“√Õ∫√¡∏√√¡∑“¬“∑π“π“™“μ‘ ®”π«π Ú √πÿà §◊Õ ‚§√ß°“√∫√√晓Õÿª ¡∫∑À¡àŸ∏√√¡∑“¬“∑π“π“™“μ‘ Ò Û Ù √àÿπ∑’Ë ı ´÷Ë߉¥â®—¥æ‘∏’∫√√晓Õÿª ¡∫∑¢È÷π ‡¡◊ËÕ«—π∑’Ë ÒÙ-Òı °√°Æ“§¡ æ.». Úıı ®”π«π ˆÛ √Ÿª ®“° Ò¯ —≠™“μ‘ ‚§√ß°“√ “¡‡≥√‚√߇√’¬ππ“π“™“μ‘ √ÿπà Ú ∫√√晓 ‡¡◊ËÕ«—π∑Ë’ ÒÙ °√°Æ“§¡ æ.».Úıı πÕ°®“°æ∏‘ ∫’ «™ ”À√∫— ™“«μ“à ß™“μ·‘ ≈«â ¬ß— ¡°’ “√∫√√晓 Õªÿ ¡∫∑À¡æàŸ √–∏√√¡∑“¬“∑¿“§‡¢“â æ√√…“ √πàÿ ∑’Ë Ú ®”π«π ÒÚ˜ √ªŸ Õ’°¥â«¬ www.kalyanamitra.org
International ordination ceremony for English- and Chinese-speaking Dhammadayada trainees The fifth annual International Dhammadayada Training and Ordination program attracted 63 people from 18 nationalities. After two weeks of training, the trainees entered a holy ordination ceremony to become Buddhist monks. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫≠ÿ ˜∏√√¡∑“¬“∑π“π“™“μ‘ ÒÛˆ www.kalyanamitra.org
∏√√¡∑“¬“∑π“π“™“μ‘ „πæ∏‘ ‡’ «’¬πª√–∑°— …‘≥ ¢Õ¢¡“ International Dhammadayada trainees sought forgiveness ·≈–√—∫º“â ‰μ√ æ‘∏’°√√¡„π«—ππ’È®–‡ªìπ§√ß—È Àπ÷ßË „π™’«‘μ∑’Ë from parents and relatives before receiving the saffron ‰¡à¡’«—π≈◊¡‡≈◊Õπ robes that would be used in their ordination ceremony. ÒÛ˜ www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫≠ÿ ˜∏√√¡∑“¬“∑π“π“™“μ‘ ÒÛ¯ www.kalyanamitra.org
ÒÛ˘ ·¡â®–μà“ß°—π¥â«¬¿“…“·≈– «≤— π∏√√¡ ·μæà ∏‘ °’ √√¡ß“π∫«™ °Á‡ªìπ‰ª¥â«¬§«“¡‡√’¬∫√âÕ¬ ßà“ß“¡ ·≈–‡μÁ¡‡ªòﬡ‰ª¥â«¬ §«“¡»°— ¥Ï‘ ‘∑∏Ï‘ Despite differences in language and culture, the international Dhammadayada trainees smoothly went through their ordination ceremony. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫ÿ≠ ˜¬«ÿ ∏√√¡∑“¬“∑π“π“™“μ‘ æ∏‘ ’∫√√晓 “¡‡≥√ ‚√߇√’¬ππ“π“™“μ‘ ‡¡ÕË◊ «—π∑Ë’ ÒÙ °√°Æ“§¡ æ.». Úıı ¡°’ “√∫√√晓 “¡‡≥√ ‚√߇√¬’ ππ“π“™“μ‘ ®”π«π ÚÚ √ªŸ ´÷Ëß„πªïπ®È’ ¥— ¢÷Èπ‡ªπì §√—Èß∑’Ë Ú ÒÙ www.kalyanamitra.org
Ordination ceremony for young students from international schools A total of 22 young students from international schools in Thailand entered an ordination ceremony on 14 July 2550 B.E. as part of the second annual Dhammadayada training program for youths. ÒÙÒ www.kalyanamitra.org
æ‘∏’«—π∑“ ’¡“ ¢Õ¢¡“ √—∫ºâ“‰μ√ ¢Õ∫√√晓 ¢Õ √≥§¡≥å·≈–»’≈ ·≈–„Àæâ √·°≠à “μ‘‚¬¡ International Dhammadayada trainees were receiving precepts from the senior monk who presided over the ordination. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫ÿ≠ ˜∏√√¡∑“¬“∑ ¿“§‡¢“â æ√√…“ æ‘∏’∫√√晓ժÿ ¡∫∑À¡à∏Ÿ √√¡∑“¬“∑ ¿“§‡¢â“æ√√…“ æ‘∏’®—¥¢÷Èπ‡¡◊ËÕ«—π∑Ë’ ÚÒ - ÚÛ °√°Æ“§¡ æ.». Úıı °“√∫√√晓Õÿª ¡∫∑∏√√¡∑“¬“∑ ¿“§‡¢â“æ√√…“„πªïπÈ’ ‡ªπì √ÿπà ∑’Ë Ú www.kalyanamitra.org
Ordination ceremony for Thai-speaking Dhammadayada trainees Members of the Class of 20 of Thai-speaking Dhammadayada trainees in the rainy season entered an ordination ceremony on 21-23 July 2550 B.E. ÒÙı ºâªŸ °§√Õß ≠“μ¡‘ μ‘ √·≈– “∏ÿ™πº¡âŸ ∫’ ≠ÿ √«à ¡°π— ∂«“¬ºâ“‰μ√·≈–Õπ‚ÿ ¡∑π“∫≠ÿ °∫— ∏√√¡∑“¬“∑ Parents, relatives and other participants in the ordination ceremony presented a three-piece robe to the Dhammadayada trainees. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫ÿ≠ ˜∏√√¡∑“¬“∑ ¿“§‡¢“â æ√√…“ ÒÙˆ π“§∏√√¡∑“¬“∑∑”æ∏‘ ’¢Õ∫√√晓 ¿“¬„πÕ‚ÿ ∫ ∂ «—¥æ√–∏√√¡°“¬ The Dhammadayada trainees during the ordination ceremony inside the chapel of the Dhammakaya Temple. www.kalyanamitra.org
ÒÙ˜ ‡¡◊ËÕ§√Õß‡æ» ¡≥– ‡ªìπ à«πÀπË÷ߢÕßæ√–√—μπμ√—¬·≈â« ∏√√¡∑“¬“∑®—°À¡—ËπΩñ°Ωπμπ‡Õß„Àâ∂÷ßæ√âÕ¡¥â«¬»’≈ ¡“∏‘ ªí≠≠“ The newly ordained monks sought to train themselves further with their teaching monks. www.kalyanamitra.org
Honor the New Graduates of Pali Studies 8 www.kalyanamitra.org
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