¯™«à ߇«≈“·Àà߇°’¬√쑬» ¢Õß¡À“‡ª√¬’ ≠º¬âŸ ß‘Ë „À≠à www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫ÿ≠ ¯¡ÿ∑μ‘ “ °— °“√– ª∏.˘ Òı æ∏‘ ’¡ÿ∑μ‘ “ °— °“√–æ√–¿°‘ …ÿ “¡‡≥√ æ∏‘ „’ π§√ßÈ— πÈ’ ®—¥¢πÈ÷ ‡¡◊ËÕ«—π∑Ë’ ı ‘ßÀ“§¡ æ.». Úıı ‚¥¬ ‰¥√â —∫§«“¡‡¡μμ“®“°æ√–‡¥™æ√–§≥ÿ æ√–«‘ ∑ÿ ∏“∏∫‘ ¥’ ‡®â“Õ“«“ ºâŸ Õ∫‰¥â‡ª√’¬≠∏√√¡ ˘ ª√–‚¬§ «¥— ∑ÿ »— π‡∑æ«√“√“¡√“™«√¡À“«À‘ “√ ‡®â“§≥–¿“§ Ù °√√¡°“√ ¡À“‡∂√ ¡“§¡ ‡¥π‘ ∑“ß¡“‡ªπì ª√–∏“π„πæ∏‘ ’ æ√Õâ ¡¡Õ∫æ—¥√Õß ª√–®”ªï æ.». Úıı ·≈–º“â ‰μ√·°æà √–¿°‘ …ÿ “¡‡≥√ º Ÿâ Õ∫‰¥‡â ª√¬’ ≠∏√√¡ ˘ ª√–‚¬§ ∂ß÷ ˘ √Ÿª ´Ë÷ß¡’®”π«π¡“°∑ Ë’ ¥ÿ ‡ªìπª√–«—μ‘°“√≥μå —Èß·μ¡à ’°“√ Õ∫ ¡“ ·≈–‰¥â¡Õ∫ºâ“¡≥‡’ »«μæ— μ√·å °àºŸ â Õ∫‰¥â∫“≈’»÷°…“ ˘ ®”π«π Û ∑à“π √«¡∑—Èß¡Õ∫‚≈à‡°’¬√쑬»·≈–∑ÿπ°“√»÷°…“·°à ”π—°‡√’¬π ∫“≈’¥‡’ ¥àπ∑«Ë— ª√–‡∑»Õ°’ ¥«â ¬ www.kalyanamitra.org
ÒıÒ Congratulations to 2550 B.E. graduates of the highest level of Pali studies in Thailand 5 August 2550 B.E. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫ÿ≠ ¯¡ÿ∑μ‘ “ °— °“√– ª∏.˘ ÒıÚ æ√–«‘ ÿ∑∏“∏‘∫¥’ ‡®â“Õ“«“ «¥— ∑ÿ —»π‡∑æ«√“√“¡√“™«√¡À“«À‘ “√ ‡®â“§≥–¿“§ Ù °√√¡°“√¡À“‡∂√ ¡“§¡ ¡Õ∫楗 √Õß·≈–ºâ“‰μ√·°æà √–¿‘°…ÿ “¡‡≥√ ‡ª√¬’ ≠∏√√¡ ˘ ª√–‚¬§ ®”π«π ˘ √Ÿª Ninety graduates of the ninth level of Pali studies in a ceremony to receive an honorific fan and a set of saffron robes from the abbot of the royal Suthat Thepwararam Temple who presided over the congratulatory ceremony. www.kalyanamitra.org
Ò „π ˘ ‡æ™√‡¡Á¥ß“¡ ª√–¥—∫«ß°“√ ߶„å πªïπ’È One of the 90 new graduates of the highest level of Pali studies was receiving an honorific fan. —°«—πÀπ÷Ëß “¡‡≥√®—°ΩÉ“øíπ‰ª„Àâ∂÷ß®ÿ¥πÈ’ ‡æÕË◊ §«“¡‡®√≠‘ √ßÿà ‡√Õ◊ ߢÕßæ√–æ∑ÿ ∏»“ π“ Someday the novices will come just as far. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫≠ÿ ®“°ππÈ— ‡ªìπ°“√°≈à“« πÿ ∑√æ®π√å –¥—∫‚≈° ‚¥¬º·Ÿâ ∑π ª∏. ˘ A representative of the ninth-level Pali ·≈– “¡‡≥√ studies graduates gave a speech. ¯¡ÿ∑‘μ“ —°°“√– ª∏.˘ °“√»°÷ …“æ√–∫“≈’¡’§«“¡ ”§—≠μàÕæ√–æÿ∑∏»“ π“Õ¬“à ߬ßË‘ ·≈–μâÕßÕ“»—¬§«“¡«‘√‘¬Õÿμ “À–‡ªìπÕ¬à“ß Ÿß ®÷ß®– “¡“√∂ Õ∫‰¥â ¢Õ°√“∫Õπ‚ÿ ¡∑π“∫≠ÿ °∫— æ√–¿°‘ … ÿ “¡‡≥√ ª∏. ˘ ·≈–Õπ‚ÿ ¡∑π“∫≠ÿ °—∫ºâŸ¡“√à«¡· ¥ß¡∑ÿ ‘μ“ —°°“√–„π§√ß—È π’È www.kalyanamitra.org
“¡‡≥√°≈“à « πÿ ∑√æ®π‡å ªπì ¿“…“‰∑¬·≈– ‡ªπ √â“ß√Õ¬¬È‘¡·≈–§«“¡‡∫‘°∫“π„®·°à∑ÿ°∑à“π„π ¿“∏√√¡°“¬ “°≈ Two novices gave a joint speech in Thai and Spanish. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫≠ÿ ¯¡ÿ∑μ‘ “ °— °“√– ª∏.˘ μ≈Õ¥√–¬–‡«≈“¢Õß°“√®¥— ß“π °«“à Ú ªï∑Ë’ºà“π¡“ æ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï ‰¥â ∑ÿࡇ∑§«“¡ “¡“√∂Õ¬à“ß ÿ¥°”≈—ß ‡æË◊Õ √â“ß √√§åß“π¡ÿ∑‘μ“ —°°“√– ®π‡ªìπ∑’Ë ¬Õ¡√—∫¢Õß°“√§≥– ߶å‰∑¬ ·≈–‰¥â√—∫ °“√™Ë◊π™¡Õπÿ‚¡∑π“®“° “∏ÿ™ππ—∫· π§π ∑‡Ë’ ¥π‘ ∑“ß¡“√«à ¡ß“π ≥ ¿“∏√√¡°“¬ “°≈ ·≈–∑Ë’™¡°“√∂à“¬∑Õ¥ ¥ºà“π™àÕß DMC ‰ª∑«—Ë ‚≈° The annual congratulatory ceremony, Ò ı ˆ initiated by Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh more than 20 years ago, was broadcast live on the DMC Channel. More than 100,000 people joined the event. www.kalyanamitra.org
Òı˜ www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫ÿ≠ ¯ ß— ¶∑“π Û, °«“à «—¥ æ∏‘ ’∂«“¬¡À“ —߶∑“π ·¥§à ≥– ߶å Û, «¥— ∑«Ë— ª√–‡∑» ·≈– Úˆˆ «¥— ®“° Ù ®ß— À«¥— ¿“§„μâ æ∏‘ ∂’ «“¬ ß— ¶∑“𷥧à ≥– ߶å Û, «¥— ∑«—Ë ª√–‡∑» ·≈–§≥– ߶宓° Úˆˆ «—¥ Ù ®—ßÀ«—¥™“¬·¥π¿“§„μâ π—∫‡ªìπ∫ÿ≠„À≠àÕ’°§√—ÈßÀπË÷ß ∑Ë’ºŸâ¡’∫ÿ≠∑ÿ°§πμà“ߪ≈È◊¡ªïμ‘°—∫ ¡À“∑“π∫“√¡’°π— Õ¬à“ß∂«â πÀπâ“ Òı¯ Alms-offering to monks from 3,000 temples, including the 266 temples in Thailandûs four southern border provinces www.kalyanamitra.org
Òı˘ www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫ÿ≠ °“√∂«“¬ —߶∑“π„π§√È—ßπÈ’ ∂◊Õ‡ªìπ°“√©≈“¥∑”∫ÿ≠ Õ¬à“߬ˑߢÕß “∏ÿ™π∑È—ßÀ≈“¬ ‡æ√“–‰¥â∂«“¬∑“π∂÷ß ¯ ß— ¶∑“π Û, °«“à «¥— Û, °«à“«—¥ ¿“¬„π«π— ‡¥¬’ « Òˆ www.kalyanamitra.org
A rare merit-making opportunity: Alms-offering to about 10,000 monks from 3,000 temples in a single day. ÒˆÒ www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫≠ÿ ¯ —߶∑“π Û, °«“à «—¥ Ò ˆÙ æ√–‡∂√“π‡ÿ ∂√– Úˆˆ «¥— ®“° Ù ®ß— À«—¥¿“§„μâ ‡¡μ쓇¥‘π∑“ß¡“‡ªπì ‡πÈ◊Õπ“∫≠ÿ „À∂â ÷ß«—¥æ√–∏√√¡°“¬ www.kalyanamitra.org
ÒÒˆˆıı Senior monks from all the 266 temples in the four southern border provinces of Thailand kindly accepted the invitation to join this merit-making ceremony at the Dhammakaya Temple on 5 August 2550 B.E. www.kalyanamitra.org
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Ò ˆ˜ www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫ÿ≠ ¯‡∑§Õπ°√μ’ ‡ “§”È øÑ“ Ò ˆ¯ www.kalyanamitra.org
Òˆ˘ æ√–‡¥™æ√–§ÿ≥À≈«ßæàÕ‡¡μμ“„Àâ≈Ÿ°Ê ¡’ à«π√à«¡„π°“√ √â“ßÀ≈—ߧ“¡À“√—μπ«‘À“√§¥ ‡æ◊ËÕ∂«“¬§«“¡√ࡇ¬Áπ·¥à §≥– ߶傥¬∂«â πÀπ“â °—π Participants in the ceremony were cheerfully passing on buckets of concrete cement mixture to the next person in line. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫ÿ≠ °—≈œ Õππ— μå Õ—»«‚¿§‘π °—≈œ ∫ÿ≠™¬— ‡∫≠®√ߧ°ÿ≈ ·≈–ºŸ¡â ’∫≠ÿ ∑Èß— À≈“¬ √à«¡·√ß√«à ¡„®°π— ßà ∂ß— ªπŸ μÕà Ê °π— ‰ªÕ¬à“߇∫‘°∫“π ¯‡∑§Õπ°√’μ‡ “§”È ø“Ñ www.kalyanamitra.org
Mr. Anant Asavabhokhin, Mr. Boonchai Bencharongkul and many other participants were passing on buckets of concrete cement mixture that would be used in the casting of the first foundation pile supporting the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace. Ò˜Ò www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫≠ÿ ¯μ°— ∫“μ√æ√– Ú, √Ÿª ‚§√ß°“√μ°— ∫“μ√æ√– Ú, √ªŸ ‡¡ËÕ◊ «—π∑’Ë Ò˘ ß‘ À“§¡ æ.». Úıı ‰¥¡â ’°“√ ®¥— æ∏‘ μ’ °— ∫“μ√§√ß—È „À≠‡à ªπì ª√–«μ— °‘ “√≥¢å π÷È ∑ÕË’ ”‡¿Õ À“¥„À≠à ®—ßÀ«—¥ ߢ≈“ ‚¥¬π‘¡πμåæ√–¿‘°…ÿ ߶å Û π‘°“¬ ¯ ª√–‡∑» ∑—ßÈ ®“°ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬ ¡“‡≈‡´’¬ ‘ߧ‚ª√å Õ‘π‚¥π’‡´’¬ ‡«’¬¥π“¡ °—¡æŸ™“ »√’≈—ß°“ ·≈–Õ‘π‡¥’¬ æ∏‘ „’ π§√ßÈ— π¡’È º’ ¡âŸ “√«à ¡ß“πª√–¡“≥ Ú, §π Ò˜ˆ „π®”π«ππÈ’‡ªìπ™“«μà“ߪ√–‡∑»∂÷ß°«“à Ò, §π √«¡√–¬–∑“ß∫‘≥±∫“μ°«à“ Ò °‚‘ ≈‡¡μ√ www.kalyanamitra.org
ÒÒ˜˜˜˜ Alms-offering to monks representing 2,000 temples from eight countries On 19 August 2550 B.E., a historic ceremony to present alms to Buddhist monks representing three major sects from 2,000 temples took place in Hatyai District, southern province of Songkhla, Thailand. The monks were from eight countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and India. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫ÿ≠ ¯μ—°∫“μ√æ√– Ú, √Ÿª Ò˜¯ www.kalyanamitra.org
ÒÒ˜˜˘˘ °“√‰¥âμ°— ∫“μ√æ√–¿°‘ … ÿ ߶®å ”π«π¡“° About 20,000 people joined the historic §√È—ßπ’È √â“ߧ«“¡ª≈“∫ª≈◊È¡„®·°àºŸâ¡“√à«¡ß“π event, half of which were foreigners. ‡ªìπÕ¬à“߬‘Ëß ·≈–¬—ß∑”„À⇰‘¥°“√μ◊Ëπμ—«¢÷Èπ Participants formed a line of more than „π«ß°“√§≥– ߶å à«π√“™°“√ ¿“§‡Õ°™π one kilometer long. The success of this ¿“§ª√–™“™π ·≈–π—°°“√‡¡◊Õß∑âÕß∂‘Ëπ ´÷Ëß alms-offering ceremony inspired Ven. ‡ªπì °“√®¥ÿ ª√–°“¬„À‡â °¥‘ ‚§√ß°“√μ°— ∫“μ√æ√– Phrarajbhavanavisudh to initiate a new ı, √ªŸ ˜ˆ ®—ßÀ«¥— ∑ÿ°«¥— ∑«Ë— ‰∑¬ „π project to organize alms-offering events ªï æ.». ÚııÒ ·≈–¢≥–πȉ’ ¥¥â ”‡ππ‘ °“√‰ª·≈«â in 76 provinces of Thailand in which À≈“¬®ß— À«—¥ there are altogether half a million monks. www.kalyanamitra.org
90th Enlightenment Day Anniversary of the Dhammakaya Meditation Master 9 www.kalyanamitra.org
˘˘ ªï·Ààß°“√∫√√≈ÿ∏√√¡ §√Ÿ«‘™™“∏√√¡°“¬ www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫≠ÿ ˘«π— §√«Ÿ ‘™™“∏√√¡°“¬ «—π§√«Ÿ ™‘ ™“∏√√¡°“¬ §√∫√Õ∫ ˘ ªï ·Àßà °“√∫√√≈∏ÿ √√¡ «—πæÿ∏∑’Ë Úˆ °—𬓬π æ.». Úıı ‡ªìπ«—π §√∫√Õ∫ ˘ ªï ·Ààß°“√§âπæ∫«‘™™“∏√√¡°“¬ ¢Õß æ√–¡ß§≈‡∑æ¡ÿπ’ ( ¥ ®π⁄∑ ‚√) æ‘∏’‰¥â‡√‘Ë¡μâπ¢È÷π ‡¡ÕË◊ æ√–√“™¿“«π“« ‘ ∑ÿ ∏π‘Ï ”»…‘ ¬“π»ÿ …‘ ¬∑å «—Ë ª√–‡∑»·≈– ∑—Ë«‚≈°ªØ‘∫—μ‘∏√√¡ π”°≈à“«§”∫Ÿ™“§√Ÿ«‘™™“∏√√¡°“¬ Ò ¯ Ú ‡æ◊ËÕ· ¥ß§«“¡‡§“√æ∫Ÿ™“Õ¬à“ß Ÿß ÿ¥μàÕæ√– —¡¡“ —¡æ∑ÿ ∏‡®â“∑°ÿ Ê æ√–Õß§å ºâŸ‡ªìπ‡®â“¢Õß«™‘ ™“∏√√¡°“¬ ·≈–æ√–¡ß§≈‡∑æ¡ÿπ’ ºŸâ ≈–™’«‘쇪ìπ‡¥‘¡æ—ππ”«‘™™“ ∏√√¡°“¬¢Õßæ√– —¡¡“ —¡æÿ∑∏‡®â“°≈—∫§◊π¡“ àŸ‚≈° Õ’°§√ßÈ— The Dhammakaya Meditation Master Day 26 September 2550 B.E. The Dhammakaya Meditation Master Day marks the day in which Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni rediscovered the Dhammakaya Meditation Tradition through his direct experiences with meditation practice 90 years ago. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫ÿ≠ ˘«—π§√Ÿ«‘™™“∏√√¡°“¬ æ√–‡¥™æ√–§ÿ≥æ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘ (À≈«ßæàÕ∏—¡¡™‚¬) π”∫Ÿ™“§√«Ÿ ‘™™“∏√√¡°“¬ Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu) led the ceremony to commemorate the day of enlightenment of the Dhammakaya Meditation Master. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫≠ÿ æ‘∏∂’ «“¬√“ß«≈— Telly Awards ·¥àæ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘ ˘«—π§√«Ÿ ™‘ ™“∏√√¡°“¬ ‡¡◊ËÕ«—π∑’Ë Úˆ °π— ¬“¬π æ.». Úıı ¡æ’ ∏‘ ∂’ «“¬√“ß«≈— Telly Awards ´ßË÷ ‡ªìπ√“ß«≈— √–¥∫— ‚≈° ·¥æà √–√“™¿“«π“« ‘ ∑ÿ ∏‘Ï º Ÿâ ∂“ªπ“ DMC ÕË◊ ¢’ “« ∑¡Ë’ º’ ≈ß“π‚¥¥‡¥πà ®π “¡“√∂§«“â √“ß«≈— Telly Awards 2007 ‰¥â¡“°‡ªìπª√–«—μ‘°“√≥å∂÷ß ÒÚ √“ß«—≈¥â«¬°—π æ‘∏’„π§√È—ßπÈ’ ‰¥â√—∫‡°’¬√μ‘®“°∫ÿ§§≈ºŸâ¡’™◊ËÕ‡ ’¬ß „π«ß°“√ ÕË◊ √–¥∫— ‚≈°‡¥π‘ ∑“ß¡“√«à ¡∂«“¬√“ß«≈— ·≈–√«à ¡ªØ∫‘ μ— ∏‘ √√¡ √«¡∑ß—È √«à ¡æ∏‘ ‡’ ∑§Õπ°√μ’ ‡ “§È”ø“Ñ ¡À“√—μπ«À‘ “√§¥ μπâ ∑’Ë Ú ¥«â ¬ Ò¯ˆ www.kalyanamitra.org
Presentation of the Telly Awards 2007 to Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu) The DMC Channel, which Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh conceptualized, won a total of 12 Telly Awards 2007. One of the Telly Award-winning programs is çDream in Dream Kindergarten,é which the abbot hosts and which has received the highest rating from DMC viewers around the world. Ò¯˜ Telly Awards ‡ªìπÀπß÷Ë „π√“ß«—≈∑’«Ë ß°“√ ËÕ◊ ·≈–‚¶…≥“∑«Ë— ‚≈° μÕâ ß°“√·≈–„À°â “√¬Õ¡√—∫ The Telly Awards are among the most sought-after awards in the media and advertising world. www.kalyanamitra.org
∫§ÿ §≈ºâ¡Ÿ ™’ ◊ËÕ‡ ¬’ ß„π«ß°“√ ËÕ◊ √–¥∫— ‚≈° ∂«“¬√“ß«≈— Telly Awards ·¥æà √–√“™¿“«π“« ‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘ www.kalyanamitra.org
Representatives from the worldûs major media organizations such as CNN, BBC and Discovery Channel presented the Telly Awards to Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh on 26 September 2550 B.E. www.kalyanamitra.org
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The casting of the second concrete-cement pile supporting the roof of the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace Tens of thousands of Buddhists joined the historic ceremony to cast the second concrete-cement pile supporting the roof of the Grand Meditation Stadium for World Peace. A major merit-making event such as this came only once in a lifetime. The meditation stadium is being built with the best available construction materials. Latest advanced technology is used to ensure that it will last a thousand years. Ò˘Ò www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫ÿ≠ Úˆ °—𬓬π Úıı °≈—Ë𰓬 «“®“ „® „Àâ∫√‘ ∑ÿ ∏‘Ï ‡æË◊Õ √Õß√—∫∫ÿ≠„À≠à∑’Ë®–‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ®“°°“√‡∑§Õπ°√’μ‡ “§È”øÑ“ ˘«π— §√Ÿ«™‘ ™“∏√√¡°“¬ ¡À“√—μπ«‘À“√§¥ μπâ ∑Ë’ Ú Tens of thousands of Buddhists were meditating to clear their minds at the start of the great merit- making event. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫’¬ß∫≠ÿ ˘«π— §√«Ÿ ‘™™“∏√√¡°“¬ º·âŸ ∑π§≥– ߶åμ°— ªπŸ àß„À â “∏ÿ™π ·≈«â àßμÕà Ê °π— ‰ª ‡æ◊ËÕ‡∑≈߬—ß ∞“π√“°‡ “§”È ø“Ñ §«“¡ “¡§— §‡’ ªπì Àπß÷Ë ‡¥¬’ «°π— ¢Õß≈°Ÿ æ√–∏¡— œ ‡ªπì æ≈ß— Õ—π ”§≠— ∑’˺≈°— ¥π— „Àâß“πæ√–»“ 𓇮√≠‘ √¥ÿ Àπ“â ¬ßË‘ Ê ¢π÷È ‰ª www.kalyanamitra.org
Unity in action: Monk representatives passed on Participants in the ceremony were having fun with buckets of concrete cement mixture that would passing on buckets of concrete cement mixture be used in the casting of the second foundation to the next person in line. The last person in the pile supporting the Grand Meditation Stadium for row passed the buckets to a monk who would World Peace. pour the mixture into the casting mold. www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫≠ÿ ˘«—π§√«Ÿ ™‘ ™“∏√√¡°“¬ www.kalyanamitra.org
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