ÒÚ¿¡Ÿ „‘ ®μ≈Õ¥ªï Úıı √“â ß∫“√¡’ §√∫∑ÿ°«π— www.kalyanamitra.org
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ÚıÒ Providing aid to victims of severely cold weather The Dhammakaya Foundation sent monks and volunteers to deliver blankets to recent flood victims who were now facing unusually cold weather in Mae-Hongsorn, Leoi, Singburee, and Ung-Thong provinces. www.kalyanamitra.org
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ÚıÛ www.kalyanamitra.org
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Meditation retreat to welcome the New Year 28 December 2550 B.E. - 1 January 2551 B.E. The annual New Year meditation retreat was held from 28 December 2550 B.E. to 1 January 2551 B.E. A meditation retreat is a great way to make an auspicious start for the coming year, blessed with warmth, happiness and inner peace. Besides meditation, the participants offered sustenance to the monks, helped clean the temple, recited prayers and listened to sermons. Úıı www.kalyanamitra.org
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Continuing Khun Yayûs tradition of behaving like owners of the temple Built entirely with peopleûs donations, the temple belongs to everyone. During the New Year meditation retreat, participants volunteered to sweep and mop the Dhammakaya Meditation Hall and other areas in the temple. The practice of looking after the temple the way a good owner does was role modeled by the late Ubasika Chan Khonnokyoong, also affectionately called Khun Yay, the founder of the temple. ÚˆÛ www.kalyanamitra.org
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æ‘∏’Õ—≠‡™‘≠Õߧåæ√–∏√√¡°“¬‡ªìπª∞¡‡√‘Ë¡ ‡æ◊ËÕ𔉪 ª√–¥‘…∞“π„πª√–‡∑»»√’≈—ß°“ μ“¡∑Ë’ª√–∏“π“∏‘∫¥’ ¡À‘π∑“ √“™ªí°…“ ‰¥â¢Õ¡“ ‡æË◊Õ𔉪∂«“¬«—¥μà“ßÊ „πª√–‡∑»»√≈’ —ß°“ Several thousands joined the ceremony to en- shrine a model Buddha Dhammakaya statue. The statue will be presented to Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa. A total of 221 such Buddha Dhammakaya statues will later be cast and pre- sented to Buddhist temples in Sri Lanka. www.kalyanamitra.org
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Enshrinement of the second holy Crystal Wheel on the New Yearûs Eve Ú˜ Ò www.kalyanamitra.org
Ú˜Ú πÕ°®“°‰¥¡â “Õ¬à∏Ÿ ÿ¥ß§ªå ï„À¡à√à«¡°—π ‡æËÕ◊ Ωñ°Ωπ Õ∫√¡μπ‡Õß æ—°ºàÕπ„® °≈Ë—π®‘μ„Àâ∫√‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï ºàÕß„ ·≈«â “∏™ÿ πºŸâ¡∫’ ÿ≠¬ß— ‰¥â√«à ¡°—πª√–°Õ∫ æ‘∏’»—°¥Ï‘ ‘∑∏Ï‘ Õ—≠‡™‘≠®—°√·°â«ª√–¥‘…∞“πÀπâ“ ¡À“«‘À“√À≈«ßªŸÉ ¥â«¬®‘μ‡≈◊ËÕ¡„ ·≈–ª≈◊È¡ªïμ‘ Õ¬à“ß∑Ë’ ÿ¥ Enshrinement of the second holy Crystal Wheel on the New Yearûs Eve in front of the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni. www.kalyanamitra.org
Ú˜Û www.kalyanamitra.org
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Illumination ceremony in honor of the Dhamamakaya Meditation Master The late Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni is widely respected and regarded as the rediscoverer and greatest teacher of the Dhammakaya Meditation Tradition. His rediscovery of the lost knowledge of the Lord Buddha brought hope, happiness and joy to many, and has continued to do so. www.kalyanamitra.org
®ÿ¥ª√–∑’ª∫™Ÿ “æ√– —¡¡“ —¡æ∑ÿ ∏‡®“â ‡æ◊ÕË ‡ªπì √‘ ‘¡ß§≈ Lighting candles in an act of worship to the Lord °àÕπ∑’Ë®–°“â «¬“à ߇¢“â àŸªï„À¡à„π«—π√ÿàߢÈ÷π Buddha. Ú˜¯ www.kalyanamitra.org
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Ú¯Ò www.kalyanamitra.org
‡ ∫¬’ ß∫≠ÿ ÒÚ®¥ÿ ª√–∑ª’ ∫™Ÿ “§√Ÿ ®¥ÿ æ≈ÿÀ≈“° ’ π— μ√–°“√μ“ ‡æË◊Õ∫Ÿ™“∏√√¡æ√–¡ß§≈‡∑æ¡ÿπ’ New Year fireworks in front of the Memorial Hall ( ¥ ®π∑⁄ ‚√) „π§π◊ àß∑“â ¬ªï‡°“à μâÕπ√∫— ªï„À¡à of Phramongkolthepmuni at the Dhammakaya Temple on the New Yearûs Eve. www.kalyanamitra.org
¿“§ºπ«° ‡ ∫’ ¬ ß ∫ÿ ≠ Úıı Appendix www.kalyanamitra.org
«‘∏’Ω°ñ ¡“∏‘‡∫ÕÈ◊ ßμâπ «¥— æ√–∏√√¡°“¬‚¥¬ ß— ‡¢ª How To Meditate About the Dhammakaya Temple www.kalyanamitra.org
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The search for self-sustainable happiness might be closer than you think. Since time immemorial, people of all ages, races and faiths have one thing in common--the search for happiness. If they believe happiness is in the sea, they go to the sea. If they believe it is in the mountains, they go to the mountains. If they believe it is in shopping malls, they go on a shopping spree. If they believe it is about being rich, they devote their lives to making money. Or, if they think it lies in being famous, they seek every means and measure to fight their way to fame. What all these people have found in common is that all the seas, money and fame in the world cannot help them when they are heart-broken, depressed or in pain, that even a mountain of wealth and possessions cannot fill the emptiness in their hearts. In fact, such things produce short-lived pleasure and inevitably stress and exhaustion. Fortunately, all human beings are blessed with the ability to produce self-sustainable happiness for themselves independent of personal circumstances and external factors. This kind of happiness lies within them, and can be achieved through meditation. Ú˘ Ò www.kalyanamitra.org
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Simple Way To Savor Happiness From Within Ú˘Û Sit upright with your right leg on your left leg. Place your right hand on your left hand. Let your right index touch your left thumb. You can sit with or without a cushion on the floor. Feel free to adjust your sitting position until you feel comfortable. Close your eyes very gently as if you are about to fall asleep. Relax every muscle in your body--from your eyelids to your cheeks, your chin, your shoulders, your arms, and your legs, down to the tips of your fingers. Free your mind from all kinds of thoughts. Drop all your personal baggage of duties, worries, and problems. Assume they do not exist for now. Breathe in deeply and gently exhale three times. Imagine that you are sitting happily alone in the universe. Indulge in peaceful solitude. Tell yourself you deserve happiness, and this is your relaxation time. Also imagine that the inside of your body is hollow and transparent--with no internal organs. To keep your mind from wandering, imagine that a crystal ball is floating in the middle of your stomach. For this purpose, you can use other neutral objects that youûre familiar with such as a scoop of ice-cream, a football or the moon. Make sure not to strain your eyes or force an image. Just visualize as you comfortably can and relax. In meditation, you see with your mind, not with your physical eyes. To keep thoughts from entering the mind, recite the words ùsumma arahung, summa arahung,û which means the virtuous path toward freedom from all evils of the mind. Recite the words as if youûre humming a song while quietly observing whatever there is to see at the center of your body. ⁄ www.kalyanamitra.org
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If thoughts arise, thereûs no need to fight against Ú˘ı them. Let them pass through the center of your body like a passing view that you happen to see from the window of a moving train. Accept that they are present but donût take them to your heart or think further. Alternatively, you can choose not to visualize anything at all and simply observe whatever you see at the center of your body without making any judgment or emotional response to it. Whether you see darkness or bright light or anything else, just accept it without any thought. Depending on the degree of stillness and clarity of your mind, after a while you will experience a sense of peacefulness and refreshing joy as if youûve just come out of an inner spa. It is a nice practice of compassion to end your meditation session by spreading the inner peace and all the good feelings that youûve received to all living beings regardless of their race, nationality and faith, and even your personal feelings: çMay all living beings have a share in the peace and happiness that I have received from meditation, whether they are in my country or anywhere else, whether they are a member of my race or any other race, whether they are a follower of my religion or any other belief system, whether they love me or loathe me, whether they see me as a family, friend or foe. May this air of purity resulting from the meditation dissolve all the anger, sadness and suffering in their hearts. May those in pain be free from suffering and those already happy be happier. May people of all races, nationalities and faiths live together in peace, forgiveness and compassion.é If you wish to join a meditation retreat or a short class in English, you are welcome to visit our meditation centers in the United States, Europe, and Asia or the Dhammakaya Temple in Thailand. For more information, please visit www.dhammakaya.or.th or www.meditationthai.org. www.kalyanamitra.org
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Since its establishment in 2513 B.E., the templeûs focus has always been to promote the Lord Buddhaûs Dhammakaya Meditation technique, which had been lost to the world 500 years after his passing and was rediscovered by Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni in 2460 B.E. It is a meditation method that can lead to the discovery of Dhammakaya or body of enlightenment, which is naturally present in every human being. The temple was founded with an initial sum of 3,200 baht by Ven. Dhammajayo and his meditation teacher Ubasika Chan Khonnokyoong whom the late Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni had described as his çsecond to noneé meditation disciple. Together, they turned a plot of arid land in Prathumthani province into a clean and quiet temple with a peaceful environment conducive for meditation study and practice. For nearly four decades, the temple has been actively pursuing its goals of producing true monks and good citizens for the society. It organizes merit-making activities every Sunday, starting at 9.30 a.m. They include morning and afternoon meditation sessions, a sermon and alms-offering. It also conducts weekend meditation retreats for interested individuals as well as ethical training courses for requesting schools, companies and governmental organizations. Ú˘˜ www.kalyanamitra.org
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