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my portfolio

Published by Nadeeyah Lee-am, 2022-02-02 12:49:18

Description: my portfolio


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คำนำ แฟ้มสะสมผลงานเล่มน้ีจดั ทาข้ึนเพื่อรวบรวมขอ้ มูลเกี่ยวกบั ประวตั ิส่วนตวั แผนการจดั การ เรียนรู้และโครงการท่ีทาในโรงเรียนและชุมชน ดิฉนั หวงั วา่ แฟ้มสะสมผลงานเล่มน้ีมีประโยชน์ต่อผูอ้ ่าน ตระหนกั และเห็นคุณค่าของแฟ้ม สะสมผลงานเล่มน้ีและสามารถเป็นตวั อยา่ งใหก้ บั รุ่นนอ้ งในรุ่นต่อไป ดิฉนั ตอ้ งขอขอบคุณ ครอบครัว อาจารย์ เพื่อน ๆ และผทู้ ี่มีส่วนร่วมในการช่วยเหลือคร้ังน้ีท่ี คอยให้คาแนะนา คาปรึกษา รวบรวมเอกสาร ตลอดจนดิฉันสาเร็จการศึกษา ขอกล่าวชูโกร ต่ออลั ลอฮ เป็นอยา่ งมาก เพราะความสาเร็จของดิฉนั จะไม่เกิดข้ึนเวน้ แต่ความช่วยเหลือจากอลั ลอฮ เท่าน้นั ผจู้ ดั ทา นางสาวนาดียะห์ ลีอ่า รหสั 602445003 สาขาวชิ าการสอนภาษาองั กฤษ

สำรบัญ ประวตั ิส่วนตวั แผนการจดั การเรียนการสอนช้นั ป.2 แผนการจดั การเรียนการสอนช้นั ป.1 กิจกรรมการเรียนรู้ ผลงานนกั เรียน โครงการที่ทาในโรงเรียนและชุมชน ใบโครงการ

Lesson plan Class : 2/1 and 2/2

LESSON PLAN 1 Course : English Date : 16 November 2021 Teacher : Miss Nadeeyah Lee-am Lesson : Unit 4 On the farm Lesson topic: On the farm Purpose : 1. The students are able to tell the name of animals. (K) Level : 2. The students are active to tell the name of animals. (A) Primary student (prathomsuksa 2) Time : 1 hour Class : 2/1 and 2/2 Vocabulary : rat, sheep, horse, duck, hen Structure: This is…….. It can……… Material : PowerPoint, Game, Video Stages Activities Times Warm-up 1. The teacher greets the students 15 mns. 2. Read the Du-a Presentation 3. The students introduce themselves. 30mns. 1. The teacher shows the PowerPoint about “On the farm” 2. The teacher teaches the students about animals the text book. 3. The students find animals on the picture that shown on the Power point. 4. The students read the text on the English book on page 41.

Practice This is a rat. It can dig 5 mns. This is a horse. It can run. 5 mns. This is a sheep. It can jump. This is a cat. It can climb. This is a duck. It can swim. Activity 1 1. Play the game - The teacher choose the students and ask “what can… Ex: What can a horse do? Activity 2 - Do the exercise on page 34 and 37 Produce 1. The students can tell the name of animals. 5 mns. Wrap-up 2. The students can do the exercise. The teacher and the students tell about animals on the farm together. Evaluation: 1. The teacher checks the answer from exercise book. (K) 2. The teacher observes behavior of the students. (A) Note after teaching Problem: The student always open the microphone because they want to answer when teacher ask. Solution: The teacher should call the name of the students when you want to ask them.

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sheep duck hen

This is a rat. It can This is a horse. It c This is a sheep. It This is a cat. It can This is a duck. It c

n dig. can run. can jump. n climb. can swim

Can you di No, I can Can you sw Yes, I can

ig? not. wim? n.

LESSON PLAN 2 Course : English Date : 23 November 2021 Teacher : Miss Nadeeyah Lee-am Lesson : Unit 4 On the farm Lesson topic: Action verbs Purpose : 1. The students are able to do the action verbs that teacher ask. (P) Level : 2. The students are active to do the action verbs. (A) Primary student (prathomsuksa 2) Time : 1 hour Class : 2/1 and 2/2 Vocabulary : run, climb, dig, fly, jump, swim Structure: Can you……? No, I can’t / Yes, I can. Material : PowerPoint, Game, Video Stages Activities Times Warm-up 1. The teacher greets the students 15 mns. 2. Read the Du-a 3. The students play Pickerwheel that the students has to run or walk when the Pickerwheel show the picture about the things such as pen then the students has to go to take the pen and show on the camera. 1. The teacher ask the students that from Pickerwheel game can everyone guess

Presentation what we goanna learn today? So the 30mns. Practice students have to guess and answer. 2. The teacher shows the PowerPoint 5 mns. about “Action verbs” 5 mns. 3. Teach the students to know each Action verb such as run, climb, dig, fly, jump and swim. 4. The teacher teaches the students when you want to ask your friends what can they do, so you can ask follow this structure Can you….? No, I can’t. / Yes, I can. Ex: Can you fly? No, I can’t 5. The teacher ask the students follow the structure. 6. The students ask their friends follow the structure. Activity 1  Play the game - The teacher play Wordwall game that the students have to help the teacher find vocabulary about action verbs.  Activity 2 - Do the exercise on page 40 Produce The students can tell the action verbs. The students can do the exercise.

Wrap-up The teacher and the students summarize the 5 mns. lesson together by telling and doing action verbs. Evaluation: 1. The teacher checks the answer from exercise book. (K) 2. The teacher observes behavior of the students. (A) Note after teaching Problem: The students cannot pronoun the word climb clearly. Solution: The teacher have to often pronoun in the word climb.

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Can yo No, I can’t. Yes, I can.


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LESSON PLAN 3 Course : English Date : 30 November 2021 Teacher : Miss Nadeeyah Lee-am Lesson : Unit 4 On the farm Lesson topic: Numbers 20 to 30 Purpose : 1. The students are able to tell number 20 to 30. (P) Level : 2. The students are active to tell numbers. (A) Primary student (prathomsuksa 2) Time : 1 hour Class : 2/1 and 2/2 Vocabulary : twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty- five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty Structure: How many……are there? EX: How many sheep are there? Material : PowerPoint, Game, Video Stages Activities Times Warm-up 1. The teacher greets the students 10 mns. 2. Read the Du-a Presentation 3. The students review number 1 to 19 from 30mns. YouTube video. 1. The teacher shows the PowerPoint about “Number 20 to 30” 2. The teacher teach the students number 20 to 30 twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty- three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty

Practice 3. The teacher ask the students and the 10 mns. students have to answer when the teacher 5 mns. Produce ask, for example What is this number? 5 mns. Wrap-up Activity 1  Time for math - The teacher teach math to the students, so the students have to give the answer.  Seller - The students take one things and be a seller, for example I sell a pen 20 bath. Activity 2 - Do the exercise on page 42 and 43 The students can tell number 20 to 30. The students can do the exercise. The teacher and the students tell numbers together. Evaluation: 1. The teacher checks the answer from exercise book. (K) 2. The teacher observes behavior of the students. (A) Note after teaching Problem: in part of activity time for math some student cannot give the answer. Solution: The teacher have to give easy number to the students.

