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Help Center Desktop Client Custom Settings

How to enable Download button for your flipbook

Once you enable your download button, your flipbooks can become visible on the toolbar and downloadable for your readers. Step1. Run the PubHTML5 desktop client and import the PDFs/Images. Step2. Enable download button. Click "Custom Settings -> Advanced Mode" in sequence to enter the editing interface Then find out the "Download Settings" panel by using search function. Finally click the "Show" button to make the download button visible and input the URL of your original PDF files. Note: In order to get the URL of your PDF file, you need to upload your PDF online first. Step3. Click "Apply Change" to save the changes and preview the effect.

Navigate buttons on toolbar (Download button, Share button, Fullscreen button, Home button, etc.)

The buttons on the toolbar can not only navigate readers in reading but also offer a comfortable reading experience for readers. In PubHTML5, you can decide whether to show or hide those buttons on the toolbar or not including the Home button, Annotation button, Share button, Thumbnail button, Fullscreen button, Table of Content and Search button. Step1. Run the PubHTML5 desktop client and import the PDFs/Images. Step2. Toolbar Settings When you click the "Custom Settings" button, you will automatically go to the "Simple Mode" of this interface. Then find out the "Toolbar Settings" interface in the bottom of this interface. Finally you can check the option of those buttons to show them on your flipbooks' toolbar. Step3. Click "Apply Change" to save the previous editing and preview the effect.

Add table of content to digital publication

For the sake of readers' convenience to flip and jump to a specific page, it is necessary to add a table of contents for your page flipping eBook. Plus, the table of contents is valuable for readers to quickly grasp the main idea of your whole flip book. Here is the preview interface of our demo with a table of contents: How to add Table of Content Button Before you add a table of contents to your eBook, you need to make Table of Content button visible. Here is the guide to adding Table of Content button. Step1. Click "Custom Settings" to go to Settings panel Step2. Open Table of Content Button Settings panel. Step3. Click Table of Content Button Visible item and choose Show from drop-down menu of options. Step4. Change table of content form background color, font color, and button icon if you want. Step5. Change table of content form background color, font color, and button icon if you want. How to add a table of contents PubHTML5 supports to import the table of contents in your original PDF file. But if your PDF file hasn't table of content, you can create it on PubHTML5. The software provides a powerful function helping you easily create a table of contents, or edit the original one if you import it. Now let's see how this function helps build a table of contents. Click TOC button to open Table of Content panel. The icons at the top can help you set up the table of contents. Let's see what these icons can do.

How do I custom my own background image for my flipbook

Actually, there are lots of background images well prepared for users already. If you want to change the background, just click "Theme" option and then choose the one you like. But if you want to customize your background, it's also quite easy. You need to upload the background image in the Display Settings option of Custom Settings. Step1. Create a flipbook. PubHTML5 is a professional PDF to flipbook converter. You can import a PDF file to create a page flipping book. Step2. Find Background Image File Option Click Custom Settings to find the Background Image File option in the Display Settings, or you can quickly find it by searching "background" in the search bar. Here you can upload your local picture.> Step3. Upload a picture. Upload a local picture from your computer as your customized background image.

Activate Page Turn Sounds for flipbook

Page turn sounds for flipbook gives an experience like reading a real paper book. Easy steps you can activate page turn sounds for your flipbook. Step1. Run PubHTML5 desktop client and import your PDF file. Step2. Click "Custom Settings" and choose "Play Flip Sound" option as “Yes”. Step3. "Apply Change" to save your setting, then you can enjoy your flipbook with realistic page turn sound.

Page Number Caption Option

With PubHTML5 you can define the page number caption in the following way: Step1. Open PubHTML5 and import your PDF or image file. Step2. Go to the "Custom Settings" tab and choose the "Simple Mode" option. Step3. Find the "Page Numeration" option by searching it in the "Search" field. Step4. Set the page number caption as you wish. Step5. Click the "Apply Change" button on the top toolbar to save the change. Note: The format is: actual page number:caption. For example, if you set 1:I; 2:II; 3:III; 4:IV; 5:V; 6:First Unit; 7:;8-100:1+, it will show I for the first page, II the second page, III for the third page, IV for the forth page, V for the fifth page, First Unit for the sixth page, empty/nothing shown for the seventh page, then show 1, 2, 3...93 for page 8 to 100 (1+ means show caption from number 1, and increase 1 corresponding to the later pages). Another example, you have 30-page book and you want to show page numbers from 3001 to 3030, then you can set caption as 1-30:3001+. The caption value also can be set with Macro: Start Page Index-End Page Index:any string{N/R/r + Start Number}any other string (N means Arabic number, R means uppercase Roman number, r means lowercase Roman number, + means increase progressively). For example, if you want to show page numbers for a 1000-page book as P6, P7, P8...P1005, you may use this: 1-1000:P{N+6}; if you want to show page number for a 10-page book like Page I#, Page II#, Page III#, Page IV#... Page X#, you can simply use 1-10:Page {R+}#.

Configure Google Analytics for your book by inserting Google Analytics ID

Yes! PubHTML5's integration with Google Analytics allows you to track your digital books easily. For inserting your ID just follow these steps: Step1. Go to the "Custom Settings" tab and choose the "Simple Mode" option. Step2. Find the "Google Analytics ID" option by searching it in the "Search" box. Step3. Enter your ID in the corresponding field. Step4. Click the "Apply Change" button to save the setting.

How do I add Google AdSense to my flipbook

For adding Google AdSense to your flipbook, refer to the following tutorial: Step1. Go to the "Custom Settings" tab and choose the "Simple Mode" option. Step2. Find the "Google adSense" option by searching it in the "Search" box. Step3. Enable Google adSense by choosing "Yes" from the dropdown menu. Step4. Enter your adSense Client ID in the corresponding field. Step5. Click the "Apply Change" button to save the change.

How to insert company logo to your flipbook

Company logo can be an effective advertising. It helps to increase brand awareness and thus do good to business promoting. Let's see some tips to insert your company logo to your flipbook. Step1. Run PubHTML5 desktop client and import PDF file. Step2. Click "Custom Settings" and choose your book logo file, then insert it. Step3. After inserting your logo, click "Apply Change" button to preview your logo.

How to set up a video list and photo slideshow button for the book

PubHTML5 allows you to add a video list button and photo slideshow button on your flipbook's toolbar. Once you click the button, you can watch the videos and photos one by one as you wish. Step1. Click "Custom Settings -> Advanced Mode" in sequence to enter the editing interface. Step2. Find out the "Video list Settings" panel by using search function. Step3. Choose to "Show" the video button and import the video button icon. Step4. Input your video ID from YouTube and Vimeo. Step1. Click "Custom Settings -> Advanced Mode" in sequence to enter the editing interface. Step2. Find out the "Slideshow Settings" panel by using search function. Step3. Choose to "Show" the slideshow button and import the slideshow button icon. Step4. Add images from your local files to create a slideshow presentation.

Hardcover option

An eye-catching hardcover helps you gain more attention to your flipbook. It's not complex and just follow below procedures to set a hardcover for your flipbook. Click "Custom Settings" button -> turn to Enable Hard Page and click it -> choose Yes to set up a hardcover -> press "Apply Change" button.

Save a project file used for future projects

PubHTML5 enables you to save your project file with only one click. When you make a flipbook, you can save it to local for further project. It would be time-saving because you can import your existing file to continue editing instead of creating a new one. Just click "Save Project" or "Save Project as" button to save your project file. It is sure that an existing project file for future projects brings great convenience for you.

How to change the loading background color on PubHTML5 desktop

Selecting a suitable loading background color to fit your flipbook is quite easy, just follow the below steps: Step1. Run PubHTML5 desktop client and import PDF file from your computer. Step2. Click "Custom Settings". Find the "Loading Settings" and "Loading Background Color" item, then you are able to choose a basic color or custom a new color as your loading background color. Click "OK" button to save and exit. Step3. Hit "Apply Change" button to save and view your setting.

How to localize the book interface language

A flip book which is can be showed with different language must be the best choice for all the readers. The desktop client of PubHTML5 can easily achieve this. Step1. Click "Option -> Book Language" to enter into the "Language Settings" Step2. Set the language and save.