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Home Explore 6 x 9 TEMPLATE The manuscript copy new headers 25-11-18

6 x 9 TEMPLATE The manuscript copy new headers 25-11-18

Published by drstevegreen, 2018-11-27 08:57:08

Description: 6 x 9 TEMPLATE The manuscript copy new headers 25-11-18


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Chapter 33bed was slightly higher than normal and when she tried to geton it, her hip gave her to much pain, to be able to do so. Thiswent on for a long time but eventually she achieved it and theygave her the required injection. They kept her in overnight andI went home. I arrived back home at 8.30am. Totally exhausted and wentstraight to bed. That was Monday written off. Tuesdaymorning I was going into my office at home to finally processand submit four mortgage applications. You may rememberthat mortgages are life and death to clients. Especially whenthey have paid you five hundred pounds upfront. You mayalso remember Rachel’s mum ringing me up shortly after Ann’sdeath in panic for me to re mortgage them. You can imaginewhat she would have said if a week after completing theapplication I told her I hadn’t yet put the application in becauseof my partner’s problems. Ann had just died after 6 months ofme looking after her but her sister still wanted me to remortgage them NOW. I went into my office and the bell went on the gates to theentrance of the private Mews. I picked up the entry phone. Itwas Rachel with Katie. She said “It’s me and Katie, we havebrought you a sandwich and want to join you for lunch.” Ireplied “Ok, but I must get these apps in, you understandthat?” She got very annoyed and slammed the phone down andtook off. I went out to the gate but she had gone. The rain waspouring down. The following Sunday night at midnight, the phone rang. Ididn’t answer. Only four years before I had offices in AbbeyLife, Crawley. I had a big office and most of my clients came tosee me. In the early years, I went to see them but as they becamemore involved with me: mortgages, investments, life cover,partnership insurances etc. They felt better being in my office 445

Chapter 33where we had all the information and they could concentrate.My PA had her own office next door: she took care of all thepaperwork, the computer information, filing and the incomingphone calls. My manager looked after all the politics of thecompany and I had two salesmen: who went to see my lesserclients who of course sometimes became my main clients. Last,but not least, in fact more important than any of them cameAnn, my wife: she looked after my life. All I had to do was talkto my clients: because when I did that, I earnt 1,000 pounds perhour. And that ladies and gentlemen looked after everyonewho was looking after me. Now, all I had was Rachel, who wouldn’t let me sleep, eator work. Going from Ann to anyone would have been difficult,going from Ann to Rachel was beyond the pale. If Jesus hadgone from one to the other like I had. When he went to walk onwater; he would have drowned. And basically, that’s whathappened to me. I just drowned. Also for me to think that Icould provide a half decent life for someone like Rachel was asstupid as trying to walk on water. Norman Mailer wrote the best seller ´The naked and thedead.` One chapter described how a platoon of soldiers tookthree weeks to climb a hill in Malaysia in the second world war.When they eventually reached the top, one of them accidentlybanged into a hornet’s nest. Within seconds all the soldierswere covered in wasps; they knew there was a lake at thebottom of the hill and to jump into it was the only way ofsurviving the terrible pain of all the stings. Three weeks it hadtaken them to get to the top. It took 20 mins to get back downto the bottom and jump into the lake. That’s basically what happened to me. It took a lifetime forme to get to where I wanted to be and then I ran into a hornet’s 446

Chapter 33nest, Rachel, and within a very short time I was back at thebottom. At the beginning of my relationship with Rachel I waswarned by a close friend of her family “beware,” she would“eat me up, she was a monster who swallows up thepersonalities of others.” I thought at the time that this was a bitexaggerated but now I realise that it does happen, it happensall the time and everywhere. People can take on too much orthe wrong struggle and at first unaware of this, soon bewounded, even annihilated.Rachel’s 35th birthday, we went, by taxi, to a brilliant cocktail bar in Clapham Junction. The music was good, thecocktails dangerously good and the guys that poured them,were the best. When me and Rachel were in the mood to enjoyourselves, anything could happen and it usually did. We drankand talked until we were pissed. I was standing at the steps of the Hyde Park Hotel withRachel. I wasn’t sure how I had got there, by taxi I suppose,who cares. Probably not you and certainly not me. I was withthe woman I loved and we were having a great time. I wasn’tlonely any more, I felt comfortable with Rachel; I didn’t wantto be with anyone else. She could really handle herself, in someways, she was like a fella in the way she enjoyed herself and allthe time I couldn’t wait to get into her nickers. We thought we had booked the hotel at Hyde Park but thiswas the sister one which is on the other side of the park. Thismeant that when we left the hotel the following late morning,we could walk across the whole of Hyde Park to VictoriaStation and get a train back to Clapham Junction and then whoknows. When you were drinking with Rach you didn’t plan toofar ahead. 447

Chapter 33 Anyway, it was a lovely sunny warm day with no wind. Aperfect day for a stroll across Hyde park. We came to wherePrincess Diana’s memorial garden was and decided to go in. Iwas very surprised at the peace and love that seemed to hangin the air. I found the atmosphere very peaceful, almost likebeing in a church. We continued and came across a café in thepark. I had a coffee and Rach, of course, had a glass of wine.We came out of the park and went into the ´Hard Rock`boutique and looked at some clothes. As Rachel looked at someslacks, I couldn’t help feeling that we were the only ones there;although the shop was quite crowded. That was the sort ofeffect Rachel had on me. I was totally captivated by her. WhenI was with her, no one else really existed. They say that the most stressful things in life isbereavement: having a new baby: divorce: moving: selling andbuying property. In a 7-year period, I had Two bereavements:my eldest brother died and a year later my wife died; I was thesole carer for her of her last six months of life, while stillcarrying on running my business, because she insisted I should.A new baby: a ruined relationship: bought and sold propertiesnine times: moved seven times. I had twenty of the moststressful things in life, happen to me over a seven year period. In many ways, life is a contradiction in terms: What’s goodfor you is bad for you. Cigarettes brought me and Ann togetherand cigarettes took us apart. When I was trying to come toterms with Ann’s death, I met Rachel, who initially was verykind and understanding. The relationship at the beginning wasjust what I needed to come through my grief. When I wasdown, she would hold me in her arms and comfort me. In theend she destroyed me. 448

Chapter 33JUST TO RECAP MY LOSSMy house in Kingswood was worth750,000 poundsSold quickly, to satisfy Rachel who didn’t want to bring Katieup there, for (635,000)Less mortgage at a wonderfully low fixed rate. I was amortgage broker, wasn’t I?200,000-----------435,000______Purchases flat in Eastbourne for250,000 ..Purchased a penthouse for a deposit of60,000Purchased a house in Ewell for410,00 plus conservatory and double garage, garage door andpaving from garage to house60,00Didn’t go ahead with penthouse lost 60,000Sold flat for 200 so lost 50,000 449

Chapter 33Sold house in Ewell for 400 so lost 70,000All the moves and improvements to the houses. For example inAshtead the building of walk-in wardrobes, Sky Plus in fourrooms, renovating showers and garden, removal companies.For Katie and Rachel, including a car for 12,0000 totalled100,000I was left with 155,000. I had purchased a new BMW for 35,000which left 120,000 (car was purchased just before Rachel and Igot together.)Two years of Rachel`s boozing and preventing me fromworking and my unplanned departure to Spain took most ofthe rest.The cash, I had put by, was about 50,000 pounds and that’swhat I have survived on until now; with the cost of setting upa new life in Spain, its running out fast. Plus my state pensionand a private one.450

33 Katie *Some of the best times I had with Katie was at Christmas. I remember one in particular. I was going to take Katie, who was about 5yrs.of age, to go and see, FatherChristmas in Croydon. First, I went over there on my own tosee what they had. There was six FCs, so I spent the day lookingat the different ones. Out of the six, there was two that wereoutstanding. Conveniently, both in The Whitgift Centre. Icouldn’t make my mind up, which one was the best, so decidedto take her to see both of them. Three days before Christmas, Katie and me, in my car,drove to Croydon. The snow had been gently falling but hadnot settled. The sky was filled with snow clouds; thetemperature was freezing and seemed to be getting colderevery minute. While driving in my car, I mentioned that wewere going to see two FCs. She said, “But there’s only one.” Ireplied, “That’s right, but this year it’s been so busy that FatherChristmas has asked his brother to help out and I thought youwould like to see him as well.” She replied, “Oh, that’s okthen.” Which was her stock answer for most replies. When wearrived at the main car park, it was packed and it took a longtime to find a car parking space. I took the pushchair out of theboot , unfolded it and put it up. Katie got in, I strapped her upand then she turned to me and said, “Daddy, you do know, thatI want an ice-cream at some time today don’t you?” I replied,“Yes darling, I will get you one after we have seen the two 451

Chapter 33FCs.” We went by lift to the first floor of the Whitgift Centre.We saw both FCs, had lunch in-between and bought a fewthings for Katie to give as presents on Christmas Day.Sometimes she had walked and when her little legs had becometired, she sat in her pushchair. She was now in her pushchair; the time was five thirty andwe were making our way to the lifts to go down to the carpark.In the last few hours the temperature had dropped even moreand the cold was now bordering on dangerous. “Ah,” she said,“nearly forgot my ice cream.” “What! are you sure you wantone, it’s getting late now and it’s so cold?” She turned and herlook confirmed that she wanted one. She decided on a conewith extra ice cream and a Cadburys chocolate flake stuck ontop. Five thirty pm. After a while the ice cream had meltedsufficiently for it to start dripping down her pretty coat, so Istopped pushing the pushchair and Katie got out. We werestationed near one of the big pillars in the Whitgift Centre.Katie stood there, licking and sucking her ice cream verycarefully, so she would not lose any. I kneeled down with myhands full of Kleenex, under her ice cream, so it would not dripon her coat. The temperature became colder and colder until I started tohallucinate: I started to think I was a snowman. There was alook of concentration on Katie’s face, as she was coming to theend of the ice cream. 6pm. Eventually only the last tiny bit ofthe bottom of the cone was left. She sort of stood back andadmired it and then popped it into her mouth. I expectedeveryone in the Centre to start cheering, but nobody did. It tookme five minutes to get off my knees. But it was a wonderfulday. Katie has got her mums chin, jawbone and high cheekbones.Her eyes are like me and her mums. Katie’s nose is like mine, I 452

Chapter 33don’t know if she’s happy about that but she seems quiteconfident. She is tall for her age and Rachel asked me about myfamily’s height as no one in her family was particularly tall. Isaid that no one in my family was tall and then I thought thatalthough my mum was only five foot nothing, her brothers andsisters were all tall, three of the brothers were over six feet. Soperhaps it misses a generation.Rachel allowed me the honour of naming our baby: I chose herfirst name Kate, after the Gorgeous, Breathtakingly EnigmaticKate Moss, the model who I adored. Somehow, much to myregret it got lost in the translation and came out as Katie. Katie’ssecond name is Angela, I prefer Ann and so did my wife Ann,of course this name was after my wife Angela. Rachel was to choose the names of our second child whowas going to be a boy, but she didn’t stay around long enough. When I was living at the Ewell house I had a routine ofbeing with my daughter Katie twice a week. Normally aSunday and a Thursday. This would have taken place throughthe ages of six and a half until eight and a half, about two years.Sunday morning I would drive over to their house in New Malden. I would collect Katie and we would drive over toStagecoach at Wimbledon which was based in a school. Katiewas in her car seat on the back seat of the car and when I lookedin the rear mirror I could see her head darting about takingeverything in. She would see someone interesting and turn inher seat and give them a good look. Sometimes she would lookat a house and say, “I like that house daddy.” It was nice todrive someone who wasn’t nervous about you driving. Shenever ever said, you’re driving too fast but she did say manytimes, “Can you drive faster daddy.” 453

Chapter 33 We were always in a hurry to arrive there before theystarted; we made it most of the time. Then we would rush in,put her dancing shoes on and stagecoach top; then she was upand running, as they say, with the other kids. I would go backto my car which was normally parked right outside thebuilding, get in, press the button for my electric driver’s seat togo right back and then go to sleep for an hour. I would wakeup with a jolt and think, what’s the time? I never did oversleepon the time to collect her. She wouldn’t have liked that. Whenshe came out of the class her little face always lit up when shesaw me. Then she would climb the tree that was in the smallgrounds in front of the school building; sometimes otherchildren would join her. Then off to one of the local parks, we were fortunate enoughhave three to choose from. First: Katie would practise hittingthe ball against the wall with her tennis racquet: then we wouldplay on a tennis court for about half an hour: after that on to theswings where she always found other children to play with. I remember one summers day when she was riding herscooter down a slight hill on our way to the entrance of thechildren’s Playground with all the Swings, slides and climbingframes etc. A cloudy but warm day. Some kids with their mumand dad were walking up, so Katie as she always used to do,slowed down and carefully looked them up and down and thentripped and fell over. This happened a lot, she would never fallover when she was riding her scooter at speed because then shewas totally concentrating but when someone approached shebecame so interested in them that she would forget she waseven riding a scooter. Anyway, she’s now on the ground cryingher eyes out and screaming in pain. I ask her where the pain is,and she responds with, “Everywhere.” We narrow it down totwo ankles and an elbow. Then we narrow it down to her right 454

Chapter 33ankle. This kid does panic: I wonder where she gets it from? Isay, “Do you think we should go to the hospital” she replies“Definitely” and then the sun comes out which with the warmair makes it into a really lovely day and you can hear theheightened noise of the children in the playground, having fun. “Ok let’s get back to the car and I’ll take you to the hospital” “Ooh, that’s funny, the pain is starting to go,” and then shepicks up her scooter and says “look daddy I can walk, my ankle is ok” and walks alonglike Hop-along Cassidy. (Hopalong Cassidy or Hop-along Cassidy is a fictionalcowboy hero created in 1904 by the author Clarence E. Mulford,who wrote a series of popular short stories and many novelsbased on the character. In his early writings, Mulford portrayedthe character as rude, dangerous, and rough-talking. He had awooden leg which caused him to walk with a little \"hop\", hencethe nickname) We went into the playground and she attentively got on aclimbing frame, then started to play with some other childrenand soon she was back to normal, no limp at all. You learn atan early age the power of mind over pain. We would arrive back at my house at around two thirty andspend half an hour in my double garage for tennis practice,with me throwing balls over a make do net. I would throw oneto her forehand and then one to her backhand, ducking fast in-between. She had an excellent two handed backhand and whenshe caught it properly could knock your head off yourshoulders. We did this for half an hour and then I would haveher sitting in the kitchen by three thirty eating her lunch. Afterlunch, total relaxation: upstairs in her room watching a moviethat I had taped for her on Sky Plus HD TV. I would join her 455

Chapter 33from time to time to see that she was ok, give her a cuddle andwatch some of the movie. Later, she would do her homework, which had to be readyfor the next day, Monday. The last hour or so we would spenddownstairs either in the sitting room or the conservatory.Sometimes we would take turns each at singing and dancing,Katie was very good at putting her personality over in a songand reminded me of myself taking off Jonnie Ray when I washer age. Then it was time to take her back to where she lived.This was the difficult part, she always wanted to do one morething and then another one more thing. like wrestling, shewanted to see who could get the other one on their back first orshow me a new move she had created, anything to delay theprocess of leaving. Don’t get me wrong, she loved hergrandparents and had no problem with going back to them, shejust wanted to play with her daddy a bit longer. I on the otherhand was now thinking of not getting her back to late becauseof school in the morning. I would drop her off at her grandparents, say hello to Racheland perhaps after a cup of coffee, drive back home. An emptyhome and think what the fuck is going on, why am I here onmy own?Thursday, late afternoon, I would collect Katie from school. I would stand in the school playground with the rest of theparents waiting for her to show. There she was, when she sawme she would smile, sometimes she looked so shattered, thather poor little white face didn’t have the strength to smile. Shewould come over to me loaded down with a satchel, anotherbag and all sorts of various garments and unload them onto me.Then free, she would jump for joy and join the other children 456

Chapter 33having fun. We would then drive over to the New MaldenTennis Squash & Badminton Club which was only a fewminutes’ drive from her grandparents’ home. It nestles in thelee of the Kingston Bypass. The club is distinguished by its veryfamous winner of the men’s title in 1929. The one and only FredPerry; it was his first open title. He also won there, the mixeddoubles in the same year and the men’s doubles the year before. There she would be coached with other children by Vimal:a good looking Indian of about twenty five years of age, anexcellent coach who had a good empathy (a wonderful word,meaning understanding and sympathy) with he’s pupils. Hewas also a marvellous person, an articulate and intelligentyoung man. We were in good hands. Afterwards, me and Katewould go to where else? McDonald's. She would have herchicken fingers and chips with a milkshake, while I had a cupof coffee, safer at my age. One bank holiday Monday morning, I took Kate over to thetennis club for a special bank holiday tennis coaching sessionwith Vimal. When we arrived he was looking verydespondent? Apparently there had been some sort of mix upand none of the other children had turned up. So, he said thatat no extra charge he would coach Katie for an hour on a one toone basis. Terrific. The morning might have turned out bad for Vimal, but itturned out incredibly well for Katie. Playing on a tennis courtand hitting the ball over a net with the expertise of Vimal’sperfectly paced returns was a sight to behold. Katie suddenlyshowed all the potential of a great player and was so good I feltlike crying with happiness. In the winter months I would take Katie to Sutton TennisAcademy, which is the country's first and only indoor juniortennis centre. 457

Chapter 33 (The Academy offers excellent facilities including: 9 indooracrylic, 9 clay, 2 outdoor acrylic and 3 outdoor AstroTurf court.On-site sports physio, sports psychology and nutritionalservices. On-site specialist sports gym for strength,conditioning and performance training. A relaxing sportslounge, indoor and outdoor viewing areas. STA providescoaching and playing facilities for around 1,000 junior playersa week and is acknowledged as one of the leading tenniscentres in the UK. It is recognised as a centre of excellence,becoming the Lawn Tennis Association's South East regionalheadquarters in March 2000 and is now regarded as a nationalHigh-Performance Centre) Here Katie would have become a fine tennis player. A classact, not a fucking swimmer. If there is one sport I can’t stand,its swimming. They keep their heads in the water and when theladies do appear they all look like Rocky Marciano. I’m not saying don’t swim; as a past time it can be good foryou in many ways, for example at an early age it can add inchesto your height. This is a proven fact and as such would enhanceyour tennis abilities. BUT don’t make it the main event. Tennis is a romantic sport, very sociable. Tennis can enhanceyour life in so many ways. You can spend some lovely days atthe club with friends and then go out with them in the evening,which me and Ann have done many times. They even havetournaments for father and son or mother and daughter to playtogether. Swimming just isn’t the same. You can swim on yourown, you can’t play tennis on your own. As Marlon Brando said in the film “On the waterfront” “Icoulda had class Charlie, I coulda been a contender. I couldabeen somebody.” Well Kate, you’re never have class with thefamily whose bringing you up; that’s for sure. 458

Chapter 33 After Rachel destroyed the future, she rang me when I wasliving in Spain and told me Katie’s sports teacher had said thathe thought she had potential as a tennis player, well I alreadyknow that, and if I could fund the coaching lessons he wouldinstigate everything. I told Rachel, of course I would fund thecoaching and perhaps I could speak with the teacher tointroduce myself and occasionally check on her progress. Inever heard anymore from her on this and thought perhaps shewas just trying to get some more money out of me. I also used to take Katie to the movies, the one she enjoyedthe best was Tangled.(The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire lifein a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumbled uponher, she is about to discover the world for the first time, andwho she really is.) She used to love sitting on my lap while shewatched it. We went regularly to the Polka Theatre. Polka is one of thefew theatres in the UK dedicated exclusively to children. Basedin Wimbledon since 1979, Polka creates world-class theatre toentertain and inspire young audiences. Over 90,000 childrenvisit Polka every year to experience engaging, fun and excitingtheatre, often for the first time. They strive to spark theimagination, stir the emotions and fuel a sense of discovery inall children. Katie loved it. I also loved the attention to her. Walk on the outside of thepavement holding her hand. I love holding someone’s hand Ithink it’s a wonderful gesture of love and trust. Strapping herfirmly in her car seat, making sure she eats at regular times andthe way she puts her trust in me to do the right things for her. 459

Chapter 33I took Katie to the fair many times, one particular occasion when she was about 8 yrs. of age was at WimbledonCommon. We paid our entrance fee and before I could get mybearings Katie said, “Oh daddy I really want to go on that ride”and pointed at a dangerous looking machine that had ten steelarms where two to four people were strapped in at the end ofeach arm, that crashed around with no rhyme or reason. I said,“No Katie it’s too dangerous.” She replied, “No its not nannietook me on it last week when we came here.” I looked againand it didn’t seem to be going around too fast and if nanny tookher on it. “Ok then let’s go on it.” At this point I want to say that I am the sort of person whois not a coward, I just don’t like getting involved with anythingthat I have no control over. For example, I would enjoy takingpart in a Le Mans car race because I would be in control of thecar; although Rachel would probably say that I wasn’t. So we were both strapped in and off we go, it seemed OKnot too bad at all, quite fast but we could handle that. Then itstarted to go faster and faster and then it started to go fuckingscary. It was going really fast and crashing around, throwingme and Katie around like china dolls; then Katie said to me ingasps between catching her breath and choking, “Daddy nannydidn’t really take me on this.” Sometimes when we were out, Katie would ask me if shecould do something and I would say OK but don’t tell nannyabout it, you must promise. She would reply. Ok daddy Ipromise I won’t say a word to her. The minute we got home,she couldn’t get into the house quick enough to tell her nannie,what she had promised not to. Katie and I were in my house in Ewell, she walked into thesitting room and went straight over to the sideboard, picked upa two hundred and fifty year old Meissen porcelain figurine (a 460

Chapter 33lady sitting down, playing a harp with a male admirer lookingon.) and proceeded to play the harp with her. Two stringsbroke. The porcelain piece had had no restoration work doneon it and had, had no damage done to it for two hundred andfifty years until today. I immediately lost two thousandpounds. Katie comes walking up to me as proud as punch,swinging her shoulders and with a big smile on her face, says,“Daddy, are you angry with me.” One brave, marvellous littlegirl of eight years of age. I absolutely adored her, I would have loved to be her realfather and not just a donor but coming so soon after Ann’sdeath, still running my business, aged sixty and with a mumwho had a drinking problem, it was not to be. Katie was alwayshappy and positive, a real joy to be with. When you spent a daywith her, at the end you would think Wow! What a wonderfulperson I’ve been with today. Everything bad that happened to Katie was when she waswith her mother living at her grandparents’ home in NewMalden. If Katie had been in my care it wouldn’t havehappened. Sometime before the incident occurred when I wasin Morwell, the Ashtead house, I made enquiries with mysolicitor about claiming custody of Katie. He advised me not toproceed with this as nearly in all cases, the mother won the caseand was awarded custody of the child. When the incident did occur, then I would have had noproblem bringing Katie into my custody, because by thenRachel had been drinking uncontrollably and on the strengthof my statements in court, I would have been awarded custody.Unfortunately when it happened I was not in a financialsituation to do so because by then Rachel had ruinedeveryone’s life, most certainly the life of Katie’s father. 461

Chapter 33 462

34 “Are you still in Eastbourne.” *After about a year, Rachel’s drinking and arguing was preventing me from working properly, so I moved back to my apartment in Eastbourne. Every time Imoved there was the removal company coming to your home,I had a lot of good quality furniture, Dresden and Meissenporcelain worth a small fortune had to be packed individually.Boxes and boxes of valuables. Over half had to be put intostorage, it was a nightmare. During this time, I decided to entertain two prostitutes,separately, solely of course, for sexual gratification. The firstone was when I lived in Eastbourne. She said she was twentyseven. Before she came I took half of a tab of Viagra. I had noproblem with getting the hard on, but felt, for three hundredpounds for two hours, I wanted to get my money’s worth.Unfortunately the Viagra had the opposite effect on me andmade me feel slightly sick. Not a good way to feel, going into asex romp. I was sixty one. She rang the bell; I opened the door and saidto her, “If your twenty seven, then I’m twenty one.” Not a goodstart. We had a glass of wine and chatted for a while, then wentinto the bedroom, undressed and got on the bed. My penis wasas small as I had ever seen it. I wasn’t embarrassed, I was onlythinking of the three hundred pounds. She caressed my penis with her hands to no effect, so I said,“Pop it in your mouth, it’s the only thing that will work now.” 463

Chapter 34She dutifully carried out this instruction and of course it veryquickly went as big as I had ever seen it. She then took the cockout of her mouth and said, “Do you like sucking pussy.” Ireplied, “Sometimes, but not today, thank you.” She said,“Why not I’m sucking your cock.” I said, “My cocks been in thecupboard, for three years, I don’t know where your pussy’sbeen for the last three hours.” She seemed to think that, thatwas a reasonable answer, and carried on sucking. We thenfucked in all the relevant positions. The thin tube that runs through the penis to the head of thepenis, called the urethra, conducting urine out of the body, inmy case perhaps, is thinner than normal. Because when I injectmy sperm, it comes out, like a bullet out of a gun. Perhaps anadvantage with regard to fertility, but not, for a cock sucker I said to her, “now take off the durex and suck the cock andbring me off.” She duly did this. I was now quite enjoying itand could feel myself reaching a climax. Just as I was coming, Irealised, that I hadn’t warned her. Too late, I shot me lot and itmust have hit the back of her throat. The bad news was, sheswallowed it and it went down the wrong way. She started tochoke and cough at the same time. I said, “Are you all right?”She replied, “Gogh, ahhh,” and all the normal sounds youmake when you think you’re going to drown and suffocate. She coughed it all up, unfortunately all over my penis, saidsorry and wiped my penis clean, she then went into thebathroom to cough some more. I did feel a bit sorry for her, anyway, we had another glassof wine and I kissed her goodbye. You can’t win them all. The second prostitute was a different experience entirely.From Russia with Love. I will tell her story, later on in the book. I couldn’t stay in Eastbourne any longer, so I went back toEwell to give it one last try. One day I was on face book and 464

Chapter 34received a chat message from a lady, let’s call her Sonya. Shewas an existing client of mine. She had originally visited me atmy office in the marvellous Morehead, Greys Lane, Ashtead,house; she needed a mortgage to buy a property in SouthCroydon: she had been recommended by a client and friend ofmine. By this time, Rachel had long gone. Sonya had beendeclined a mortgage by all the major Building societies. So, Iarranged a mortgage for her with one of the major buildingsocieties. So, she knew who I was: not an old man who lives onhis own, but Roy Prentice, a successful financial broker whooccasionally performs miracles. The chat message said, “Are you still in Eastbourne.” Ireplied, “No I’m back in Ewell.” We arranged to meet up: Iwent over to her house in South Croydon to take her out. It wasgood, because South Croydon wasn’t very far and I knew itvery well. I took her to a bar for a drink, where they playedgood music and then on to an excellent Thai restaurant whereme and Ann used go to regularly. These places were just up theroad from her house. After the meal we went to another bar fora drink and then went back to her house for coffee. I kissed heron the cheek and left. I really enjoyed the evening. Next day wetexted one another. Thank God, or should I thank MattiMakkonen, for technology. (Finnish engineer Matti Makkonenbecame known as the father of SMS after developing the ideaof sending messages via mobile networks.) Thanking oneanother for a lovely evening and arranging to meet again. I would normally go over to her home and take her out to alocal restaurant or she would drive over to my home. One day she phoned me to ask if I would like to go to abirthday party: it was her girlfriend Maria, whose boyfriendwas holding the party, which was being held at a night club inWestminster. Sounds good to me. 465

Chapter 34 So, she drove over to my place because it was on the way. Iwas dressed casually, too casually, so she asked me to changeto something a little smarter; well I wasn’t sure what wasexpected. We travelled there in her car. She was a very gooddriver and had obviously been this way many times. We arrived at a Hotel very near Westminster bridge and sheparked a little way away. I said, “Are you sure its ok to parkhere.” She replied, “No problem.” The night club was upstairs in the Hotel. The music was forSalsa Dancing and everyone was having a good time. They hadreserved a table for about twenty people. The table was situatednear a window and when I looked out, I was surprised to seethe face of Big Ben. The window was so near; the face lookedenormous. I danced with Sonya and then some other girls, I reallyenjoyed the evening. Then I danced with Maria, Sonya’sgirlfriend. The Salsa is a dance where you dance close andapart. When I danced close with Maia, it was very pleasant, inother words I got the hard on. When I thought she could feelmy hardon, I would break away and dance apart. She was avery attractive girl. Dark hair cut really stylish and a lovelyfigure. I hope she enjoyed dancing with me, as much as Ienjoyed dancing with her. Twelve midnight and it was time to toast the birthday boy.He was a very pleasant, good looking guy, very relaxed andfriendly. A lovely big chocolate cake arrived, with 20 glassesand a bottle of vodka. I thought, I don’t fancy that combination.The glasses were two shot glasses. I ate some of the cake andfollowed it with one shot of vodka. It was a revelation: thevodka tasted wonderful, the cake wasn’t bad either. The rest ofthe cake, second shot of vodka. Where’s Maria, I want to danceagain. Sonya and I chatted a lot to one another and I really 466

Chapter 34enjoyed being with her. We danced and she showed me how todo a few salsa moves. Then it was time to make a move.Everyone was starting to leave, Sonya and I went back to thecar which was still there and she drove me back to my houseand then drove on to hers. She didn’t come in for a coffee,because it was so late. Sonya was about forty years of age, she was divorced, withfour children. Two were grown up, both at college, university.Then there was a girl of ten and a little boy of four or five. Whenwe went out from her house, she would either have a friend orher eldest son who lived at home, to look after the two youngones. The little boy used to cry as we were leaving becausenaturally, he wanted to be with his mum. The girl would lookthrough the banisters with beautiful wide open, frightenedeyes. The little boy was a real character, he was very on the balland intelligent; I was amazed at how grown up he was for hisage. I suppose, we went out together about five or six times.Then one evening we went to a good Chinese restaurant inWorcester Park. We enjoyed the restaurant and had nowbecome more relaxed and familiar with each other. As we leftthe restaurant, I stopped her and stroked her lovely darknatural hair. We then kissed passionately and I said “I wouldlike to take you back to my place and make love to you.” Shereplied, “that’s what I want.” We returned to my house andstarted really snogging in the passage way. Upstairs to thebedroom, to see who could get undressed first, and on the bed.I went straight down to her pussy and started to suck her pussylips and then gently suck her clit. I came up to massage herbreasts and suck her nipples until they were large and black.“Let me suck your cock, so I can make it as big as possible, so it 467

Chapter 34will fill up my vagina,” she said. I came into her pussy, clevergirl, she had done her exercises. We had some nice times together, but unfortunately, I hadso many problems on my mind at that time, I didn’t feel like anew relationship. So, it slowly petered out. Shame, because Iliked being with her. She was a very caring sincere person witha mature positive outlook on life. Just what I needed, really.When I was in my Ewell House the second time, I went to Rachel’s sister Rebecca or Becks as everyone calls her,and her husband Matt’s house for Christmas dinner. Becks isnothing like her sister Rachel. Becks will always try her utmostto do whatever, to the very best of her ability. She is a diligentintelligent person who carefully plans her future. Matt is verysimilar. The only thing that I have against them is that at theirwedding they put me, Rachel and Katie on table no, ´19.` Lookthe film up on google and your know where I’m coming from.Then on the other hand, thinking about it, perhaps it was theright table. If it had been me and Ann they would not have gotaway with it and there day, would not have been so nice. Anyway, with rest of the family, I went down to Becks andMatts, two years in a row for Christmas dinner. On the firstoccasion, when I got home I had a cup of tea and a biscuit. Idrank some tea and then went to eat the biscuit but found Icouldn’t. Ok it might have been because I was full up, but itdidn’t feel like that. It was something else. At about three am. Igot out of bed to go to the loo and suddenly felt very sick andmy urine was very hot. Then I was violently sick. I was ill forjust over a week and could not take anything down other than 468

Chapter 34water and soup. In that week, I lost one and half stone.Anymore and I would be with Ann now. The next year there, at Christmas, the same thing happenedagain. Now as far as I know, no one else who went there onthese two occasions were ill, only me. So, it must have beensomething that I had eaten or drank while I was there that noone else did. The only thing I can think of is I did have some cheese andPort. I don’t remember seeing any one else having that. Somepeople think that Port lasts for a long time and will get the samebottle out year after year and if only one person, me, drinks it,then of course the same bottle of Port will be used for manyyears. If they look on the back of a bottle of port, where it says´storage` they will clearly see, once opened, drink within threemonths. I think that it must have been something like that asthe alternative answer is not worth thinking about. Not evenfor the that family. The second time I was ill at Becks’s was when that´something bad happened.` Where if I hadn’t been ill, then onNew Year’s Eve Rachel would have probably been with me.She rang me up a couple of times, the days before New Year’sEve to ask how I was. I would have gladly spent New Year’sEve with her and Katie but unfortunately I was still ill. Butperhaps what happened to them was best, because if it hadn’t,then eventually a lot worse could have happened. By this time, I knew it wouldn’t work with Rachel and Katiebut I didn’t know what else to do. It was all gone, with Rachelas a mother, Katie couldn’t have me as a father. Rachel’sdrinking was worse than ever and now the only question waswhere would it end? We were soon to find out. That year weoccasionally went out together, but always ended up arguing.One argument was a really bad one. At about three am Rachel 469

Chapter 34started to run down Ann, saying she could have helped morewith Christine. After all my wife had been through in heryoung age, that annoyed me and I got very angry. You can slagoff God but not Ann. Rachel left the house and her fatherpicked her up. In September, I found out that something hadhappened on that New Year’s Day, that was the last straw.Something so bad that I cannot mention it in this book. I had toget away, otherwise I would end up dead, in the gutter ormurdering someone. 470

35 Self-imposed exile in Spain *I escaped to Spain with a few bits of my favourite furniture and my BMW car and not much else. I was devastated. Living in Spain was a whole new set up. I had rented boththe flat in Eastbourne and the house in Ewell out to tenants:through estate agents. Without technology, it would have beenimpossible. I rented an apartment to live in, Los Ramblas, inOrihuela Costa, which was ok until I had got my bearings.There was no way back, so I had a lot to do in the coming year.I was keeping my car: I had paid 34,000 pounds cash for it andonly done 12,000 miles. So, I had to have all the necessarychanges carried out: for it to qualify for the Spanish roads.Obtain Spanish driving licence, Spanish residency and a SIPcard which allowed me to come under the Spanish equivalentof the national health service. Also a Spanish accountant, tolook after the tax that I had to pay on my pensions. If you can imagine me doing all this over the next year andthen coming back to my apartment and being alone, when Ididn’t even want to be in Spain, then you would know how Ifelt. Nothing against Spain, I was impressed immensely by thekindness and friendliness of the Spanish people I dealt with butthe only place I wanted to be was in my lovely home inKingswood. After Ann’s death, and before I became involved withRachel, I used to love pottering about in our lovely garden andthen sitting and having a cup of tea on our garden furniture 471

Chapter 35and thinking of all the wonderful times me and Ann had, hadon our own and entertaining our friends and family. Ann’spresence was everywhere, she would spend hours in the glasshouse looking after all the different plants and vegetables andthen she would walk up the garden looking at all the rose bedsand flowers. She loved the garden and she loved Sid, who hadbeen our gardener for over twenty seven years until he retiredat the age of eighty one years old. Our garden was two hundred and fifty feet long; we hadprofessional coloured lighting each side, up to two hundredfeet, that came together in the centre going over a stunninggarden arch with a round top and lattice design to the sides.Behind this, was our large glass house and our many gardensheds. At the bottom of our garden, Sid had planted onehundred conifer trees, three and half feet tall (He said, theygrew better if planted small.) They were now thirty five feet talland had to be pruned regularly. Perfect screening. Walking upthe garden towards the house, remembering all the enjoyablework that Ann, myself and Sid at put in over the last twentyseven years was a wonderful feeling. Now, no fucking more. Rachel said to me one day, I can’tbring up Katie in the house that you and Ann lived in. And Iwas the only person in the universe who would have takenwhat she said seriously. No one with a grain of common sense,ever took Rachel seriously. Everything she said, was taken witha pinch of salt and then flushed straight down the toilette. I thought they were wrong: I was going to take herseriously; I was going to give her lots of love andunderstanding. I was going to provide a life for her and Katiethat was going to be something truly special and what did shedo? She flushed me down the toilette. The only person that hadever taken her seriously. 472

Chapter 35 I had been trying in Spain, but without any success, to makesome acquaintances. There was a lady, Sue that run a club forsingle people, who wanted to stay single. If anyone became anitem or engaged etc., then they had to leave the club. I wentalong to one of their evenings. Held at a local bar, outside onthe terrace with about twenty people. All sitting at tables puttogether for us, a band played music close by. I was politely introduced to the other members by Sue andsat down to hopefully relax and enjoy the evening. The timewas about seven thirty in the evening, warm and sunny. Therewas one couple about thirty five to forty and the rest of us werein our sixties, onwards. I chatted to a few ladies, who eitherdrank wine or laughed; as time went on I realised there wasn’tgoing to be any real conversation. Then a man started to talkabout the new committee rules that were going to beimplemented and that’s when I started to lose interest. With theband destroying every tune they played, I reluctantly decidedthis wasn’t for me. I tried a few other ways to make friends, but with the sameresult. It just wasn’t for me, I’m an old man who likes youngwomen. Sanomr. (Slang for, say no more.) I was thinking the other day that there were two womenthat were unnaturally over the top, nervous, when it came tomy driving. When they were a passenger to my driving, onmore than one occasion they threatened to get out the car whileit was still moving. Angela and Rachel, other than blood, that’s all they have incommon. On one car journey, with Rachel, I nearly banged intoanother car. It was the other drivers fault, but of course I wouldsay that. I remember her saying quite matter- of- factly but alsovery definitely, “If you do that again, I’ll get out the car.” At thetime I thought that was a very cool response. 473

Chapter 35 I started driving when I was at “Mr James“and for aboutfour to five years I was what I call a basic driver: I sat with bothhands stuck to the wheel, knees up to my chest and looked likeI was expecting an accident any minute and amazed when onedidn’t occur. Then I went into the life assurance business. As I’ve already mentioned, at the beginning I went to seenearly all my clients at their homes and offices. For three to fouryears I drove my car all over the south east of England andbecame, as well as a very good life assurance salesman, a verygood professional driver. If I hadn’t been very good at my job,I wouldn’t have still been in it and if I hadn’t been a very gooddriver I would have certainly been dead. Suffice to say, afterthirty five years of this I would have given my father a run forhis money. He drove a London Transport bus for thirty eightyears, the number forty two for most of that time, into the heartof London, some of those years during Hitler`s blitz on London.He never had one accident. He had safety first medals for everyone of the thirty eight years and special medals celebrating thisachievement. Didn’t they know the saying, ´Like father, likeson.` I used to explain to Ann that if I was a bad driver, wewouldn’t have achieved all that we had, because I would belong dead. And to Rachel, that if I was a bad driver: she would neverhave the baby that she craved for, more than anything else inlife. Because after all the men she had been with, I was the onlyman that really loved her enough, to give her a baby, ease herdrinking during the pregnancy without upsetting her toomuch, be with her all the time, made sure she reached thehospital in good time and give her a loving cuddle as thesurgeon delivered Katie. A car to drive her and Katie around, anew house because she didn’t want to bring Katie up in the 474

Chapter 35present one and all the money she wanted: because I would belong dead. And what would she say in reply. I mentioned that I didn’twant her to give birth in my brand new, thirty four thousandpounds BMW 325 Si car. That’s my girl. After the birth she had complications for a while, so I paida thousand pounds for a private ward for one week for her.Then apparently her father spoke to the someone at the hospitaland was able to keep the ward for her for another week free.She was going on about how he got it free and implying, how Ihad to pay. Silly girl, do you think he would have got it free, ifI hadn’t paid a thousand pounds for the first week. My memory is not totally clear about the following events,but I’ll try. We had been at the hospital all night, Rachel wasnot well, we finally came home and within a short time shebecame very ill again, so we went back to the hospital.Eventually we came back to, our home, not mummy anddaddy’s home. The Prentice family’s home. Roy. Rachel andKatie’s home. Wraymead, Furze Hill, Kingswood, Surrey. KT206HB. The time must have been about seven am. She was still ill.Her mum and Dad came over and said to her, don’t worrydarling we are going to take you home. But she was home! 475

Chapter 35 476

36 From Russia with love *I was in Spain and looking through the internet for anything of interest. Social clubs and dating agencies, I had already decided were not for me: that meant old with old and forme that was no good. I was sixty seven and didn’t want todouble it by meeting someone my age. I didn’t want to wakeup in bed and see an old woman lying next to me. Bad enoughlooking in the mirror. When your married for forty one yearslike me and Ann, you don’t see an old person, you see theperson. Also old people carry a lot of baggage of life with them andsometimes when they open the bag it can scare the fuck out ofyou. Not good. With a young person, they get angry, they get wild, but theydon’t have too much history to fall back on. Although they havethe future and all the fun that goes with it, you still feel a littlesorry for them, because you know they’ve got all the shit, thatgoes with it too. So, I started to go through the internet to see if there wereany situations where an old man could meet a young womanand the only thing that I could see was Escort agencies. I lookedthrough the different types of agencies and found out what Ialready knew. There were no girls there that I fancied at all. Mycock would never get hard, looking at them and that’s what Iwanted. Not to have to have help getting hard but to see a girlwho looked so good that I got a hard on, just looking at her. 477

Chapter 36 Then I came across ´TOP ESCORT BABES` Beautiful younggirls from Russia, based in Madrid, Spain. Each one hadfantastic artistic, professional photos, that showed youeverything, including the face. So you knew exactly what youwere getting. Believe me, it’s not often, that I’m spoilt forchoice. Then I came across Natalya. (Pronounced nah TAHLyah. I know this because Natalya told me.) I was stunned byher beauty. Surely, this type of girl could not be for sale. Shewas perfect in every way. A cross between the girl next doorand a movie star. The pictures of her: left nothing to theimagination. She even had the perfect pussy and I shouldknow.Below is the description of the agency and its girls and that wonme over.Everybody needs a little companionship. Whether you're intown for a business meeting, for pleasure or you actually livein the city, if you're looking for a stunning female companionto share your time, Madrid escorts can be the perfect solution.There is a myriad of different escort agencies to choose fromand a plethora of escort girls of all nationalities vying to getyour attention, so choosing an escort can be mind boggling tosay the least. That's why we've put together a little guide to tellyou exactly what makes Russian escorts so good.First of all, our Russian escorts all have one thing in common.Well they have several actually, but their most importantattribute is their willingness to provide a superior service. Allour escort girls know the importance of putting you, the client,at the very top of their agenda. They will do everything theycan to please you and to make you feel good. After all, you are 478

Chapter 36paying for their time and so you will always get 100% attentionand respect.Secondly, all our escort girls from Russia are sexy andbeautiful. Whether they are tall and slim, busty or petite, theyall have wonderfully maintained bodies, lovely faces and areimmaculately groomed from head to toe. They simply oozestyle and sophistication mixed with a sensual aura that willmake any man stand up and take notice. From the top of theirperfectly coiffured hair, to the tips of their perfectly manicuredtoes, each and every girl pays particular attention to theirstyling and grooming to make sure that they always look theirbest and that they're always suitably attired for whatever kindof meeting you have arranged. They'll never let you down ineven the most upmarket of venues, but they'll be equallysuitably dressed for a quiet t?te-?-t?te.And finally, all our Russian escorts have talents and skills tomeet the needs and tastes of all kinds of clients. No two clientsare the same and so our girls know the importance of tailoringtheir services to match the individual needs of their clients.Some escorts choose to specialise in various areas and providespecific services, but all our escort girls are always constantlythinking of ways to spice up their meetings and leave theirclients feeling good about themselves.Check out our stunning range of Russian escorts and you'll seethat they cater for every man's needs, they do it in style andthey do it well. I was slightly worried about dealing with the Russians withregard to sexual procurement: I had recently seen the film ´The 479

Chapter 36Equalizer` starring Denzel Washington and you certainlywouldn’t want to get involved with those characters. I phoned the girl in charge and spoke to her. She said,Natalya was available, but in the summer months of July andAugust she went on a working holiday to Benidorm. Only anhour’s drive from where I was based in Alicante. We were justat the beginning of July and I was informed that she was therenow. I booked her to come over to my apartment for twocontinues nights. Friday and Saturday. 800 euros per night,plus 200 euros for a taxi to bring her to me and take her back.1,800 euros. If I had a good time, then I would tip her an extra200 euros. We arranged for her to arrive at six thirty in theevening. Plenty of time for cocktails before we left myapartment to go to dinner. Six fifteen and I was nervous. I had committed myself to alot of money, to be with someone for a whole weekend. Doesn’tmatter how good she looks, as the saying goes, ´If you haven’tgot that swing, it don’t mean a thing.´ The bell, to the entranceof the building rang. Six twenty-five, can’t fault that. Listeningto the lift bringing her up, starting to think, why am I doingthis? It never works for me, I have always liked the romance oflove and the chase; then, when you look at one another, thatsecret sexual connection: when you both know, that the onlyway to satisfy it, is sex. The bell to my front door rings. I open it and standing thereis the girl I chose; exactly as the photos I had seen, whenchoosing her. In person she was even more sexually attractive,because she had this totally innocent, lost look, but also abusiness like look where she wanted to present herselfproperly. She said, “Hello Roy, nice to meet you.” She waswearing pale green, very short, shorts, which are now all the 480

Chapter 36style. With a simple neatish fine cotton top. White, with a smalloverall pattern of medium green. This went, fantastically, withher clear blue eyes and blond hair. She held in her right hand arather attractive overnight bag. I stood there taking all this in, it was too much for an oldman. She said, “Aren’t you going to invite me in.” I replied,“I’m sorry Natalya, please come in.” She walked into the room,I had a CD of Gabriella playing. She said, “Is that Gabriella, Ialways like to listen to her.” I was stunned. I said “but she’slong before your time, how on earth do you know about her.”She said, in perfect English, “My father used to play a lot of herrecords and what he liked, so did I.” I said, “But you lived inRussia, how do you know about Gabriella” “You’d besurprised.” She replied. I bet I fucking would be, I thought. I poured her a glass of Dom Perignon Vintage champagne,while I had a diet coke. “You don’t drink alcohol then,” shesaid. I replied, “No, hope you don’t mind.” She replied, “I don’tcare, one way or the other, but it’s nice to see a man whodoesn’t.” We made polite conversation for a while. How wasthe taxi ride over to here? Fabulous weather how was sheenjoying Benidorm etc. All the time I was checking her out, Ihad never quite been in this situation before and was feelingmy way. She was, perhaps a little nervous, but also veryconfident and relaxed. She seemed full of happiness, she was a bubbly and a happysort of person. I couldn’t quite come to terms with her beauty.I then said to her, “In your pictures, your pussy looksabsolutely fantastic and when I’m making love to you I want tolick and suck your ass hole and your pussy, but because of yourprofession, is it ok to do this.” She giggled, a really wonderfulsound, and produced a letter, well, more of a certificate,medically confirming she was clean of any infection in the 481

Chapter 36mentioned areas. She said, its compulsory that all the girls thatwork for the agency have regular check-ups. “When we haveintercourse I insist on you wearing a durex, but I’m happy tosuck your penis w” I stopped her there and said, “Sorry, butdon’t say penis, say cock.” She replied, “I’m happy to suck yourcock, without a durex. If you give me pleasure by licking andsucking my pussy and asshole, I will always remember you.”She had a slight accent, but I was surprised at her perfectEnglish and intelligent, confident conversation. “When do you want me to pay you?” I said, thinking it wasbest to ask before she had to. She replied, “800 euros now and800 tomorrow.” I said, “I´ll pay it all to you now, and then wecan forget about it and just enjoy our time together.” She smiledand said, “Thanks.” I said, “Can I hold you and give you akiss?” We embraced and had a lovely wonderful snogg. Herteeth were pearly white and her very slight perfume was thebusiness, very sensual. My cock was so hard it hurt, I said, “Ithink we should make a move soon as I have arranged a tablefor eight thirty at a local restaurant and it would be nice to havea drink at a bar first.” She replied, “Perfect, I will need tochange into something more suitable.” I was going to say, canI watch, but thought better of it; I took her into the bedroomand left her in peace to concentrate. She came back into thelounge within a few minutes; she was wearing a simple fittedshort cotton dress. Light green with an overall pattern, andsandals. She said, “What do you think?” “You look so gorgeous, I’m having trouble thinking.” Shelaughed and we were on our way. I had explained to her that where we were going was verycasual and you can’t get much more casual than the Cabo Roigstrip at Orihuela Costa. She had understood perfectly and her 482

Chapter 36dress code was perfect. She looked like a movie star, dressedcasual or just a very beautiful girl next door and any manwould have given his soul to have a girl next door like Natalya.Down the strip, in the restaurant, everyone was looking at her,I must admit, I couldn’t take the smile of my face. Then we were driving home, I said, “Was that OK Natalya,I suppose your used to more sophisticated venues.” “Yes, I goto some incredible places, conventions, galas and top nightclubs, but it’s nice to just relax and be myself. Sometimes, themen who take me to those places, expect a very high standardfrom me, which is fair enough. They’re paying a lot of money,no more than you, but it’s still a bit nerve racking. Tonight withyou, I felt very relaxed. I’ve really enjoyed myself with nopressure.” Music to my ears. If she was just saying this to makeme feel good, then she was certainly succeeding. But I’ve beenaround a long time and I think she really meant it and it madesense. We arrived home at about twelve thirty, the night was stillvery warm. I put some music on, I can’t remember what it was,and took the rest of the champagne out the fridge. Fuck icebuckets. Natalya came into the lounge and sipped thechampagne. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I sipped my coke. Isaid to her, “What shall we do now?” She stood up, slippedout of her sandals, turned her back to me and said, “Roy, canyou undo the buttons please.” I undid each one slowly anddeliberately and the dress slowly, bit by bit slipped down to thefloor. She was not wearing a bra, only white cotton panties. Shethen turned around and said, “What do you want to do now.”I was sixty eight years of age and standing in front of thisgoddess, I thought it might be best if I went and had a cup ofcoco and got an early night. 483

Chapter 36 I knelt on my knees and slowly pulled down her panties toshow a perfectly shaven pussy. She stepped out of her nickersand slightly parted her legs. I kissed her wonderous bellybutton, kissed her flat belly and went down to her pussy; Iparted the pussy lips and licked each one slowly. Then verygently licked and sucked her clit. She gave a little shudder ofdelight, giggled and said, “I think I’m going to enjoy this.” We went into thebedroom. The next morning I awoke and looked over at Natalya. Shewas still asleep, no wonder, considering the night we’d had.Nonstop love making for hours on end. I couldn’t get enoughof her. I had said to her at one time that if had a heart attackand died, would she please make sure that as I was going, Iwould be coming. I lay there looking at her. How lovely shelooked with her blond shoulder length hair and natural curls,falling over the best breasts I had ever seen and I’ve seen a few.If I could have made up a picture of the perfect woman, shewould have been it. And life makes me a man of sixty eight andher an escort girl. Well, that sounds about right for life. She slightly moved and made a sigh. She then opened hereyes, like she didn’t want to and smiled. I said, “I’m sorry youhave only got an old man to look at first thing in the morningand not a Spanish Adonis.” “Don’t be silly, come here and giveme a kiss and a cuddle, she replied. I don’t remember a betterkiss and cuddle in my life. We showered, ladies first of course, had breakfast and didwhat our bodily fluids required. Then she asked me if she coulduse the pool. I had told her about the apartment before shecame. Top floor of three storey, spacious, very big bed and alovely pool. She had brought a bikini swim suit and of course,it looked amazing on her. I said I would see her from our 484

Chapter 36terrace which looked directly over the pool. She went throughthe gate of the pool area and walked towards the pool. Therewas fifteen, twenty bodies there; all eyes turned and focused onher. They would have had to be blind not too. Natalya steppeddown into the pool and stood for a minute to get used to thetemperature of the water. She then proceeded to swim, usingthe freestyle stroke with perfect technic, relaxed and long armlengths into water entry. She did four lengths of the pooleffortlessly, then looked up at me and waved, then put onehand to her lips and blew me a kiss. Everyone was looking upat me. One very proud father. She was back in the apartment. “Natalya, what would you like to do today?” “Whatever you want to do.” “No, I asked first, what do you want to do?” “Let’s go to the beach and have a look around and thencome home and relax. Perhaps we could eat in tonight andwatch TV and in between you can suck my pussy.” And that’s just what we did. One of the best days of my lifeand you know, I’ve had some good ones. Oh, and she a got thetip. Natalya, you had two great days in the office. I would saythat you were the business but of course you are the business.When you left in the taxi, turning and waving to me throughthe back window, I was sorry to see you go. When I went backinto my apartment and closed the front door behind me, I wasthe loneliest man in the world.In the future: one hundred: two hundred: three hundred years. Sometime. A person will invent the perfect android 485

Chapter 36robot and become overnight the richest person in the world.This must happen because even that far ahead, the name of thegame will still be ´Money.` A robot, that in every way, is the same as a human being.With metal instead of bones, covered with skin and bloodvessels and memory implants etc. Oh and of course, the perfectpussy. You will not be able to tell the difference. Yes even thefucking hands will look the same. So old men can have abeautiful young woman and old women can have a beautifulyoung man. If they want to. I do. Some people say that if you have someone perfect, you soonget bored. In my experience if you have someone who youargue with, you get bored and scared, a lot quicker. Can you imagine, probably not? You come home fromwork: It’s been a hard day, everything has gone wrong. You tellthis to your robot woman as you come into the hallway of yourhouse. She stands there, this incredibly beautiful looking younggirl and says, “Don’t worry darling, I`ll go over it all with youlater and tell you how to sort it out like I always do. I’ve gotyour favourite gourmet dinner ready for you. Yes, that’s theone. All I have to do is pop it in the oven to warm it up. I’vechilled the wine, just as you like it. There’s only one problem,I’m really sorry, I know I’m not a good wife, but I can’t help it.”And she starts to cry. Who says robots, don’t cry? You say,“What are you talking about, you’re the best wife in the world.What’s wrong?” She says, “I’ve been thinking about you allday. I can’t stop loving you, I keep imagining you making loveto me, like only you know how. Darling, before we have ourevening meal, can you please take me up to bed and fuck me.”I reply, “Yes of course I will Ann.” 486

Chapter 36The following letter, I was going to send to Rachel. She hadasked me to go back to her parents’ home to look after Katiebecause she was going into Hospital. I decided not to send theletter because of her situation. I didn’t go back and as it turnedout she didn’t go into hospital. ***************************RachelI am sorry that you are unwell and may have to have anoperation. I truly hope that everything will turn out ok. Ofcourse, if you had stayed with me you would have been onBupa, like Ann was. Which believe me makes it easier and moreconvenient, especially if you have children. I don’t have it nowof course. You have to have money to have it.I have given this a lot of thought and have decided not to comeover. I am not going into your parents’ home to look after mychild. You’ve probably forgot that I bought several houses foryou, me and Katie to live in. Beautiful houses. I never looked atanother woman when I was with you. I was prepared to workfor you and Katie till the day I died.Everyone should be free to choose who they want to be with. Ifyou didn’t want to be with me then that’s fair enough. Whatyou do have to do now, is accept the consequences of youractions.You told me that you didn’t want to bring up Katie in the housein Kingswood because me and Ann had lived there. (Although,you didn’t mind conceiving her there). So, I found another 487

Chapter 36house. Morwell, 5 Grays Lane, Ashtead, Surrey. To give usplenty of space and storage (which you need with children).and allow me to run my business there. I also employed ahousekeeper and a gardener. I did all my own cooking. Youdidn’t have to go out to work, so was able look after Katieduring the day. Your mum and dad were only 15 minutesaway. Looking after Katie would not have been a problem ifyou had not been drinking alcohol all day and all night.On that fateful day at Ashtead, shortly after Christmas, whenyou loaded up the car and took off to a friend’s house. (Mummyand daddy were away) Did you really understand theconsequences? I told you then that I would never be able torecover.I put everything into that house. My money, my business and51 years of my working life. After you left I went into freefall.Over the next 6 years, I lost everything, with estate agents,property developments and selling properties at a loss.(Property is a long-term investment. Not short term). If youhadn’t left Ashtead that money would probably have growninto a couple of million pounds by now.I have always liked things perfect and in their place since theday I was born and I have always strived for that in my life. Itwas a beautiful house and in time we would have brought it toa good level and renovated the pool. Katie would have had herschool friends around from one of the best private schools inthe country, which was within walking distance. Katie wouldhave had a little brother called Daniel and a cat and a dog. Whynot? She would have had everything she wanted and more andit would not have cost her grandparents a penny. And what a 488

Chapter 36wonderful inheritance she would have had at the end of theday.With you, there was nothing I couldn’t achieve. On that daythat you left, I had earned 3,000 pounds in one day. Businesshad never been better.But you left and you kept on leaving again and again and again.Drinking alcohol all day and all night. You say we argued, Ican’t imagine what about, because everything you asked for, Igave you. But then, you argued with everyone in the end.Who do you think I am. A 21-year-old kid who’s just given youa baby and then left you in the lurch. I gave you everythingand you just drank it all down the drain.How can I have had a mortgage for 41 years and now live in arented property. Successfully run a business for over 30 yearsand not have enough money to live a good retirement. Theanswer, one word, that appears at the top of this letter.You chose your life Rachel and how to bring your daughter up.With no money and old age, I’ve had to accept my life, andcannot afford to come back. ********************************Then on the 8th October 2017, Rachel and Katie came to stay with me at my apartment, in Spain. For ten days. I knew itwas going to be a difficult get together, because I hadn’t seenKatie for over three years and we hadn’t spoken much on thephone or Skype or WhatsApp. Rachel had told me before she 489

Chapter 36came that she (Rachel) had a lot of health problems. The wayshe had looked after herself, or should I say not looked afterherself, it wasn’t surprising. The flight to Spain was delayed by two hours. Not a goodstart. At arrivals, Rachel found that she had mislaid herpassport, which caused a further delay. When all other arrivalpassengers had long gone, they appeared. Katie lookedfantastic. I’m not sure why, but in the few photos I had seen ofher in the last year or so, I could see that she had obtained acertain maturity in her composure; calm and in control of one’sself. Probably the private school that she had been going too:fuck knows what she’s going to be like when she reaches theage of fifteen. We put the luggage in the boot of the car and drove off.From the airport to my apartment, is only 20 minutes which isgood. After a flight, no one wants a long journey. Also Murciaairport is a pleasure to go to: a nicer, more pleasant airport, itwould be hard to find, the minute you arrive there, you feel thatyou’re on holiday. We got back to the apartment andeverything seemed ok. In the evening we went out for a mealand relaxed, but the one thing I noticed was that there was noreal conversation. When you have practically been on you ownfor ten years, you notice that sort of thing. As the days went on,the conversation became even less, if that was possible. Katie certainly knew how to handle me. When she was withme, she just acted like I wasn’t there. One morning, I said toher, “Katie would you like to go to this place and after that onto the pool and have lunch at so and so etc.” “Oh, yes she said,that would be nice.” Ten minutes later her mum says to me,“Oh, Katie doesn’t want to do all the things you mentioned. Shejust wants to go down to the pool.” I replied, “but she said shedoes.” Rachel replied, “Oh, she always says yes, but then comes 490

Chapter 36to me and tells me, to go and tell you no.” Fucking hell, am Iglad I never had kids. You see Katie, when I was young, I wasjust as clever as you and that’s why I decided not to have e’m.Once again, thanks Rach for making sure I never had children,oh sorry, you always like me to say, my children. So, I will say,my children, is that better. It still means the same. The school had been good for her in other ways too. Sheswam three lengths of the pool with incredible style and noeffort at all. I was very impressed. I don’t know how intelligentshe was, because we simply didn’t talk to one another to findout. Rachel had bad headaches. I mean terrible, dreadfulheadaches. She had tablets prescribed by her doctor and theyhelped. Katie had a bronchial type of cold, which was veryunpleasant for her and not too good for everyone else. WhenRachel wasn’t feeling ill, Katie was. I was the only fit one thereand I was 72, but because I’m 72 and been on my own for thelast 10 years, I needed cheering up. No chance. They were intheir bedroom practically all the time and only came out formeals. They then gave me the ultimate insult. Not the thumbsup but the thumbs down, on their mobiles. The greatestdisrespect that you can bestow on another human being. I hadbeen on my own for a long time and they spent all their timeon WhatsApp and skype talking to everyone around the worldexcept me. We never had one proper conversation and whenthey left, I knew less about them than before. We took nophotos. Not one, in 10 days. One day, after a board meeting, the controlling andmanaging director, Katie Prentice, announced that later thatday, she and her entourage, mummy, would venture down tothe pool. (They didn’t ask me if I wanted to come. Well, youwould have had to talk to me to do that.) Just as they were 491

Chapter 36going down to the pool, another couple, with their children,dared to go there just before them. An emergency boardmeeting was called immediately and it was decided to call thewhole thing off. I felt ten times lonelier when I was with them than when Iwas on my own. No photos, no videos, no conversation,nothing. When they left, seriously, I felt like committingsuicide. I can’t think of too many times in my life that wereworse than those ten days spent with them. Katie certainly hasbecome influenced by that family. Only that family would becapable of putting some one down like she did to me. Ok, it’s been very difficult for Katie and Rachel but that wasnever my fault. I lost everything trying to make things right.Rachels medical records show an ongoing problem withalcohol abuse. My medical records don’t. On the contrary, myrecords show I have always looked after my health and that’swhy I was able to work for fifty three continues years. As I have said before, her problem destroyed the newPrentice family. Rachel, Roy, Katie and Daniel Prentice. Whatcould have been, was wiped out by Mr booze. One things for sure. No way would anyone, them or me,want to spend another ten days like we have just had. Rachel had no feelings for me. I was just a donor on heragenda. Once she had what she wanted, Katie, she was off. So,I packed up working and lost all my money quickly. Then therewas no way, she could get a penny off me. You can’t stopsomeone putting one over on you, but you can make the fucksure that they don’t get away with it. And she hasn’t got awaywith anything. What she has done to me, she has also paid for.What about Katie? Rachel gave Katie to her mum and dad andthey seem to be doing quite well, considering the problemsthey have had with the mum. Also they are younger than me. 492

Chapter 36As I said before, I always wanted my child, but they took heraway. I left the home I had lived in for over thirty years to buythe perfect family home for all of us to live in. I really meant tomake a go of it. Ok I should have known better but because ofeverything coming so soon after Ann’s death, I wasn’t in theright state of mind to consider the rationality of my actions.Then out of the blue; Kathy rang me. Katie was very unhappy: things were happening back home and sheneeded her daddy. Katie was in desperate need of some loveand attention that only a father could provide, circumstanceswith Rachel had changed and Katie was feeling the effects ofthis badly. So, Katie and her Grandmother came over and stayed withme in my apartment in Spain. This was a totally differentsituation than before, with Katie pouring her heart out to meand in desperate need of help in a difficult, if not dangeroussituation for her young age. In the four days she was with mewe had real heart to heart talks and came out of it with definiteplans to remedy the problems facing Katie. Katie is a very beautiful girl of twelve, intelligent andsincere but of course at her young age very vulnerable andimpressionable too; being with the wrong people at this time inher life could have a disastrous effect on her future. During thistime Kathy the Grandmother was brilliant: she stayed out ofthe way when necessary and was there when needed. She wasvery kind to me throughout the stay and her love for Katie issecond to none. The outcome to all this is my daughter Katie and I willspend more time together; hopefully. I say hopefully because Ilive in Spain and have no intention of going back to live in the 493

Chapter 36UK and Katie is obviously very comfortable living with hergrandparents. Since their visit, me and Katie have texted oneanother and talked on the phone, but I feel she just doesn’tknow me sufficiently to want to live with me for any length oftime. 494

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