№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Расход сушильного агента измерялся мерной выпрямителе 15. Для обеспечения устойчивой равно- диафрагмой 2 с замером перепада давления на ней мерной работы дозатора в бункере был установлен при помощи двух жидкостного (керосин-вода) ворошитель 10 с приводом от мотор-редуктора. дифференциального манометра, который позволял замерять перепад давлений с точностью 50 Па. Замеры температуры материала и сушильного Подача влажного материала в сушильный барабан агента осуществлялись термопарами ХК (хромель- осуществлялась из бункера 7 шнеком 5, который копелевыми) через цифровой шестиканальный ин- приводился во вращение мотор-редуктором с регу- дикатор температуры ИТ-6-6, имеющий точность лируемым числом оборотов. Изменение производи- измерения ± О,2°С. Фиксирование температур осу- тельности шнека 5 обеспечивалось регулированием ществлялось каждую секунду и посредством интер- числа оборотов путем изменения напряжения на фейса RS-485 через адаптер сети РСА-01 передавалось на компьютер. Внешней вид установки представлен на рис. 2. Рисунок 2. Внешней вид установки Предварительно определялись температура, сушильного агента и материала по длине барабана давление и относительная влажность окружающего при помощи термопар, закрепленных на штанге на воздуха. Перед началом опыта по расходу сушильного определенном расстоянии друг от друга. Затем при агента и его температуре определялась потребная помощи специального пробоотборника отбирались мощность нагрева и на пульте управления подключа- пробы материала по длине сушильного барабана и лись соответствующие секции калорифера. Материал, помещались в стеклянные бюксы. Остаточная влаж- подлежащий высушиванию, заранее увлажнялся ность материала определялась по методу досушива- водой до заданного влагосодержания. Для более ния в сушильном шкафу при температуре 105°С. быстрого выхода на стационарный режим произво- Взвешивание производилось на электронных весах. дился предварительный прогрев сушильного бара- После проведения замеров и окончания отбора проб бана. Прогрев осуществлялся при заданном расходе материалов выключались подача материала, враще- сушильного агента и установлении требуемой ние барабана, нагрев воздуха, его подача и отключа- температуры. Величина расхода контролировалась лось питание приборов. Оставшийся в сушильном по дифференциальному манометру и регулирова- барабане материал собирался в отдельную емкость лась изменением напряжения на ЛАТРе пылесоса. и взвешивался. Требуемая температура устанавливалась кнопками на пульте регулятора. После окончания прогрева Анализ результатов исследования барабана влажный материал загружался в бункер подачи и включалось вращения барабана. Оконча- Анализ результатов экспериментального иссле- тельно проверялись заданные параметры режима дования производилось с целью выявления опреде- сушки, определялась температура материала, отби- ленных закономерностей процесса и проверки рались пробы на определение начального влагосо- адекватности аналитических зависимостей, описы- держания и включалась его подача в сушилку. вающих кинетику сушки дисперсных материалов Установка выводилась на стационарный режим. при различных режимах сушки. Режим считали установившимся, когда темпера- туры сушильного агента и материала на выходе из Характер исследований сушки выявлялся и оце- сушилки не изменялись. После наступления устано- нивался по графическим зависимостям. Результаты вившегося режима производился замер температур исследования кинетики сушки дисперсных материа- лов при удалении из них воды анализировались на 48
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. примере сушки песка по расчетным и эксперимен- На рис. 3 – 5 показаны зависимости изменения тальным кривым изменения влагосодержания и тем- влагосодержания песка, температуры ее и сушильного ператур сушильного агента и материала. Анализ агента от начальной температуры последнего. Влаж- результатов проводился по выявлению влияния ный материал имел начальную температуру в преде- начальной температуры и расхода сушильного лах от 20° С до 22 оС. Начальное влагосодержание агента на процесс. Сначала оценим влияние темпе- задавалось равным 22 % ± 2,5 % ратуры на характер процесса сушки. Рисунок 3. Изменение влагосодержания материала по длине барабана при различных начальных температурах сушильного агента: 1— 175 °С; 2 — 150 °С; 3 — 135 °С;4 — 115 °С; 5 — 85 °С Рисунок 4. Изменение температуры сушильного агента по длине барабана при его различных начальных значениях: 1— 175 °С; 2 — 150 °С; 3 — 135 °С;4 — 115 °С; 5 — 85 °С 49
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Рисунок 5. Изменение температуры материала по длине барабана при различных начальных температурах сушильного агента: 1— 175 °С; 2 — 150 °С; 3 — 135 °С;4 — 115 °С; 5 — 85 °С На этих графиках точки отображают результаты Выводы. Сопоставлением экспериментальных экспериментов, а линии - расчетные зависимости, данных с результатами математического моделиро- полученные по математической модели. вания и графической обработкой выявлена неболь- шая разница в степени соответствия реальных Анализ представленных на рис. 3-5 зависимо- процессов закономерностям. Отклонение экспери- стей показывает, что для песка процесс сушки идет ментальных данных от расчетных не превышало 5%. в основном в периоде удаления связанной влаги. Результаты исследования кинетики сушки дисперс- По экспериментам сушки песка можно отметить, ных материалов при удалении из них воды анализи- что при довольно высокой начальной температуре ровались на примере сушки песка по расчетным и сушильного агента более четко проявляется период экспериментальным кривым изменения влагосодер- удаления связанной влаги, который заметен по рез- жания и температур сушильного агента и материала. кому возрастанию температуры поверхности песка Анализ результатов проводился по выявлению влия- и снижению скорости сушки. ния начальной температуры и расхода сушильного агента на процесс. Анализ математического моделирования периода прогрева показывает, что температура материала в центральных слоях частицы в процессе сушки от- стает от температуры ее поверхности. Список литературы: 1. А. Ахunbayev, R. Mirsharipov. Research of Hydrodynamic Parameters of Drum Dryer. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 7, Issue 11 , November 2020. 7 бет. 2. Тожиев Р.Ж., Миршарипов Р.Х., Ахунбаев А.А. Оптимизация конструкции сушильного барабана на основе системного анализа процесса // Universum.–Москва, 2020.–№ 11 (80).–С. 59-66. 3. Тожиев Р.Д., Ахунбаев А.А., Миршарипов Р.X. Исследование гидродинамических процессов при сушке ми- неральных удобрений в барабанных сушилках //Научнотехнический журнал. – 2021. – Т. 4. – №. 4. 4. Ахунбаев А.А. Гидродинамическая модель движения в барабанном аппарате с учетом влияния продольного перемешивания //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 9-1 (90). – С. 34-38. 5. Гаппаров К. (2021). Промышленное опробование технологии очистки и переплавки вторичных баббитов. Universum: технические науки, (10-1 (91)), 63-67. 6. Гаппаров К.Г., Тожибоев Б.Т., & Мансуров Ю.Н. Учредители: Металлургиздат. Металлург, 11, 101-105. 7. Гаппаров К.Г., Эркабоев Х.Ж., Мансуров Ю.Н., & Аксёнов А.А. (2021). Структурный анализ вторичных баббитов. Металлург, 5, 60-64. 8. Inomjon H., Kodirjon G., Elmurod U., & Zokirjon A. (2021). Application of the method of finite differences to the calculation of shallow shells. Universum: технические науки, (3-4 (84)), 71-76. 50
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№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. PAPERS IN ENGLISH ENGINEERING GEOMETRY AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS THE USE OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN MODERN CARTOGRAPHY Yigitali Zukhurov Senior lecturer of dep. of “Geodesy”Karshi engineering and economics institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Karshi E-mail: [email protected] Shukhrat Sultonov Senior lecturer of dep. of “Geology”Karshi engineering and economics institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Karshi ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ГЕОИНФОРМАЦИОННЫХ СИСТЕМ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ КАРТОГРАФИИ Зуҳуров Йигитали Тогаевич ст. преп. кафедра “Геодезия” Каршинский инженерно-экономический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Карши Султонов Шухрат Адхамович ст. преп. кафедра “Геология” Каршинский инженерно-экономический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Карши ABSTRACT This article is devoted to the problem of using geographic information systems in cartography. The essence of the concept of geographic information systems, their undeniable advantages, and opportunities in the educational space revealed. АННОТАЦИЯ В работе приведены проблемы использования геоинформационных систем в картографии. Раскрываются сущность концепции геоинформационных систем, их неоспоримые преимущества и возможности в образова- тельном пространстве. Keywords: potash geoinformation systems, GIS technologies, educational activities, educational space, maps, geoinformatics. Ключевые слова: геоинформационные системы, ГИС-технологии, образовательная деятельность, образова- тельное пространство, карты, геоинформатика. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Currently, the process of increasing the amount of should be noted the increasing prevalence of geographic geographical information in the educational space is ac- information systems in the practice of the domestic ed- celerating both at the regional and local levels (at the ucational process. This technology is one of the most level of individual educational institutions). A lot of in- popular and useful tools, including in the educational formation is spatial. It consists of maps, atlases, space process. and aerial photographs, diagrams of objects such as cit- ies, addresses of buildings, and much more. This kind of One of the significant developments in the field of information is increasingly presented in digital form. It information systems over the past few decades has been geographic information systems, or GIS for short. __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Zukhurov Y.T., Sultonov S.A. THE USE OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN MODERN CARTOGRAPHY // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14557
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. They are systems with the ability to collect, process and GIS has different interpretations [1-8], but in gen- analyze data that are distributed in space, along with eral they can be divided into three types: their graphical representation. The possibilities of geoinformation systems technology are very extensive, 1. GIS is an information system that provides the because, in fact, they represent a completely new view collection, storage, processing, display and distribution of the world. Geographic information systems contrib- of spatially coordinated data in the form of their digital ute to the formation of people's views, provides a better representations; understanding of the relationships between the compo- nents of the world. A cardinal shift of time layers has 2. GIS (GIS software) is a software product that im- taken place in society, our world is now shrouded in the plements the functionality of a geographic information World Wide Web, information technologies are increas- system. It is supported by software, hardware, infor- ingly being introduced into all areas, and such a sphere mation, legal, personnel and organizational support. as education is no exception. For example, paper maps have been replaced by electronic GIS, which have 3. GIS is an integrated computer system managed undeniable advantages over traditional maps. by analysts that collects, stores, manipulates, analyzes, models and displays spatially correlated data. The relevance of GIS is also due to the fact that there is a gradual decrease in the cost of equipment that is nec- GIS is a specialized information system designed to essary to use these technologies, all this together deter- work on an integrated basis with geospatial and seman- mines their very promising use for the education system. tic data of various content. In this definition, semantic data refers to a set of qualitative characteristics of an First of all, let's try to get into the essence of the GIS object (for example: height, depth, number of inhabit- concept itself. GIS is an integrated system. It presents ants, name of a settlement, drawing color, etc.). GIS is visual and interactive modeling. Thus, GIS can be de- designed for input, storage, processing and output of ge- fined as a universal tool that finds its practical applica- ospatial information at the request of users and is a com- tion in various disciplines. GIS has been developing plex integrated system that obeys all the principles of recently in order to acquire the possibility of using it in system analysis. It contains data about spatial objects in various areas of social activity, such as ecology, nature the form of their digital representations (vector, raster, management, urban planning, management of municipal and other forms). services, etc. According to pedagogical practice, the use of GIS in educational activities is justified and effective Currently, GIS is becoming a tool and technology in view of several aspects. for the dissemination and use of geospatial information, which makes it possible to study the processes and phe- First, GIS combines traditional database operations nomena occurring on the Earth. GIS integration technol- (query, statistical analysis) with the full visualization ogies are manifested in separate operations for and spatial analysis benefits that a geographic map pro- processing various types of data based on information vides. These capabilities distinguish GIS from other in- and space technologies. formation systems, which ensures their application in a wide range of tasks related to the analysis and forecasting The geography of GIS distribution is very wide, of the phenomena of events in the surrounding world, starting from geosciences and ending with socio-politi- with understanding and highlighting cause-and-effect cal and economic sciences. In every industrialized coun- relationships in the natural and social environment. try, GIS is the basic platform for solving state and priority tasks of managing and developing territory Secondly, GIS can be considered as a good example and resources. GIS technologies combine cartographic of a modern integrated information technology, the use materials, data from remote sensing and environmental of which significantly increases the efficiency of solving studies, statistical departmental data, field expedition a large number of different applied problems. These materials, etc. include environmental monitoring of urban areas, geo-ecological zoning, valuation of land and buildings, The main distinguishing features of geoinformation creation of electronic maps for municipal services, se- mapping and GIS are contained in systems for storing, lection of territories for new construction, assessment of processing and displaying information. They are primar- mineral reserves, etc. As a rule, GIS are able to study not ily related to the content of the database and a set of spe- so much the essence of objects and processes of our en- cialized programs for modeling, analyzing and vironment, how much information is discovered through displaying information. Digital cartographic infor- such methods of study as observation and measurement mation is organized into cartographic databases, which in various scientific fields. The connecting artery of GIS are a systematic set of digital maps. Such maps are dig- and educational space is that the information provided ital models created by digitizing cartographic sources, by GIS is included in the structure of most educational photogrammetric processing of remote sensing data, disciplines and academic lessons in various educational digital recording of field survey data, or otherwise. institutions. Many processes for creating maps are presented in [3]. However, here we run into a difficulty. After all, the GIS technologies are a tool for managing any type mere possession of information is not an expected and of information in terms of its spatial location. It should idealized result. In turn, we need a tool that will ensure also be noted the importance of methods of geographical its full use. With such a universal tool, GIS technology indication in complex geographical research. System ge- is identified. Its versatility is its main advantage. ographic works and GIS have different themes, spatial scope and purpose. The general structure of GIS, indi- vidual blocks and layers of information largely repeats the structure of the obtained cartographic works. On the 53
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. basis of geoinformation software packages, geoeco- Most of the software is not one of the subsystems in its logical mapping is carried out, which is further used in purest form. Today there are a huge number of software assessing the state of geosystems and regional planning products that are available on any hardware platform. of nature management. These products can basically be divided into two \"camps\": high-end professional GIS (high-end) and Geoinformation mapping is also developing in the desktop mapping packages with some GIS functionality. direction of operational mapping. In practical situations, The first are distinguished by high power, a full func- prompt production of maps becomes an important con- tional set of tools. They provide all the features required dition for completing the task. Such operational carto- by most applications. The latter make up the bulk of de- graphic works are designed to solve a wide range of velopments in the GIS software market in the past few problems. First of all, to warn about unfavorable or dan- years. These are so-called desktop GIS mapping pack- gerous processes, monitor their development, make ages that have few features and were originally devel- forecasts, and also select control options [1]. Efficiency oped for simple analysis and output of maps and graphs. of making maps, technical capabilities of GIS, the need One of the full-featured GIS systems that have perfect to visualize the results of monitoring the dynamics of tools for creating maps is ESRI's ARCGIS [5]. This GIS processes or phenomena have become important factors software for any level allows you to use geographic in- in the development of methods for geoinformation map- formation to conduct analysis, better understand data ping of the environment. and make more informed decisions. ArcGIS is a com- plete system that allows you to collect, organize, man- In [4], two effective methods for displaying the dy- age, analyze, share, and distribute geographic namics of geosystems are given: animation mapping and information. The platform allows you to publish geo- virtual images. The direction of process modeling re- graphic information for access and use by any user. mains important, the efficiency of which is very high, and ArcGIS is also a framework for creating maps and geo- is connected, first of all, with the need to create data banks. graphic information available between user communi- GIS technologies are a means of developing education. ties and on the Internet for public access. The ArcGIS product family is divided into desktop and server prod- Geoinformation mapping accumulates the achieve- ucts. The main products of the desktop line are ments of remote sensing, space mapping, cartographic ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo, where each subsequent research method and mathematical-cartographic model- one includes the functionality of the previous one. The ing. In its development, geoinformation mapping uses main server product - ArcGIS for Server, is designed for the experience of complex geographical research and multi-user geoinformation projects with centralized systematic thematic mapping. As a result, at the end of storage and an unlimited number of jobs, publishing in- the 20th century geoinformation mapping has become teractive maps on the Internet. ArcGIS is used in a wide one of the main directions in the development of carto- range of applications, including planning, analysis, asset graphic science and production management, familiarization with operations, and site work. The ArcGIS family of products is used for problem The current trend of geoinformation mapping is solving, data management, better decision making and manifested in the use of GIS packages, as well as com- planning, modeling and change management, and more. mon graphic software packages, which eliminates the need to create specialized geoinformation mapping sys- ArcGIS makes it easy to create data, maps, globes, tems. More often this concept is used when the task is to and models in desktop software, then publish and use create a computer map in the traditional form and the them in desktop applications, web browsers, and in the presence of such output devices. Geographic infor- field via mobile devices. For developers, ArcGIS gives you mation systems with the development of Internet tech- all the tools you need to create your own applications. nologies are of great importance, both for personal use and for large-scale enterprises. At the same time, GIS Around the world, ArcGIS tools are used to improve are now provided with modern software. GIS systems organizational workflows and solve a variety of prob- have a number of advantages: a large analytical re- lems: asset and data management, including integration source, many tools for processing and using data, signif- of various systems, territory and service management, icant savings in time and money, the study of geospatial branch and customer base management; planning and information, and much more. analysis, such as forecasting and risk assessment; busi- ness applications for creating call centers / control rooms; The basis of the GIS is the cartographic block, monitoring and tracking; data collection in the field; which provides the development, creation and use of bypasses, maintenance and operation of equipment; maps, and consists of a number of subsystems (subsys- routing; situational centers for decision support and tems for input, processing and output of information). providing access to customer and public information. The functionality of GIS is diverse, the main ones are: - input of digital data into a computer; - data processing, GIS technologies have completely replaced the tra- transformation of map projections, data conversion into ditional approaches to the concept of \"map\", which has various data formats; - data storage and management; - led to the emergence of dynamic methods of mapping. cartometric and computational-analytical operations, A map is a dynamically developing computer database etc. Any GIS is based on working with raster and vector of a territory. At present, the whole world has switched data models. Vector models use points, lines and poly- to electronic representation of maps, because. this is gons, raster models work with objects that have the required by modern society and economy in the form of property of continuity. complex maps that would reflect all the most important Currently, there are hundreds of domestic and foreign software developments that meet most of these criteria. 54
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. and informative features of the territory. Through geo- kind of material to the wards. GIS contribute to the col- portal technologies in cartographic science, it becomes lection, storage, analysis, mapping of data on objects possible to accustom society to the use of electronic and processes of various formats, based on their spatial maps as everyday tools in the study of the territory. arrangement. This computerized technology integrates Another side of the geoinformation support for the databases and operations on them, including their que- management of the region is manifested in the use of rying, statistical research, with powerful ways of pre- Earth remote sensing methods as one of the ways to senting information, query results, samples and analytical obtain information and new knowledge. calculations in a visual, easy-to-read cartographic form. Note that GIS is actively used in various research centers Since its inception, geoinformation systems have and laboratories in the implementation of research and helped to solve various problems facing society. It is applied work. University students also contribute to clear that government organizations are primarily in- fundamental research using GIS technologies. volved in solving these problems, while a large propor- tion of these organizations among GIS users only The advantages of GIS in cartography are: full sup- emphasizes the role of this technology in solving so- port for the process of creating, analyzing and pro- cially significant problems. Geoinformation systems are cessing maps of varying degrees of complexity; saving multifunctional tools for analyzing combined tabular, time and money when processing information; allows textual and cartographic business data, demographic, you to quickly and efficiently link together several elec- statistical, land, municipal, address and other information. tronic charts from a wide variety of sources; GIS appli- The main advantage of GIS over other information tech- cations provide the ability to easily place any nologies lies in the set of tools for creating and combin- explanatory or descriptive text on a map; the ability to ing databases with the capabilities of their geographic create a centralized corporate geodatabase and a single analysis and visual visualization in the form of different software environment for all operations; providing inter- maps, graphs, diagrams, direct linking of all attributive active and intuitive tools for editing and modifying maps; and graphic data to each other. the possibility of using maps in scientific research and work; full automation of the main processes of building GIS is more than simple electronic maps on a com- maps; accessible and fast navigation on the map and data puter monitor. After all, it is GIS that contribute to the layers; input and editing of metric information, etc. development, visual reproduction, as well as the collec- tive analysis of all kinds of information: tabular, vector, Conclusions: In conclusion, I would like to emphasize raster, CAD and others. Meanwhile, the use of GIS al- that the current situation in the development of geoinfor- lows you to find a solution to a specific problem visually matics and the improvement of GIS contribute to the open- or provide the results of classification and typing in a ing of new horizons in the name of implementing all kinds visual format. Moreover, various management processes of information interactions through GIS. Therefore, we cannot be conceived without the use and analysis of in- can argue that GIS is a comprehensive toolkit used in the formation from statistical data. GIS, in turn, makes educational space. Therefore, we have every reason to available statistical data on maps and provides the nec- believe that the use of GIS in the educational process is essary tools for processing three-dimensional statistical promising, not only in the field of geoinformatics, but information, taking into account its qualitative and also in a fairly wide range of different academic sub- quantitative features. Along with this, when using GIS, jects. Moreover, our highly informative society causes students have the opportunity to master the design of in- intensive implementation and use of information tech- formation systems based on GIS, as well as to form an nologies in the educational process, which gives an im- information base in such information systems. petus to bring teaching to a higher level, to combine knowledge in diverse subject areas, and students, in turn, GIS allows the objects of the pedagogical process, helps to show their subjectivity, to receive new thanks to universal tools and Internet browsing, to use knowledge, skills and abilities, being in continuous im- maps as widely as with desktop and wall GIS, in the provement of their personality. form of a specialized program downloaded to a com- puter for subsequent demonstration of the necessary References: 1. Berlyant A.M. Kartografiya: Uchebnik dlya vuzov. M.: Aspekt Press, 2002, 336 s. 2. Berlyant A.M. Teoriya geoizobrazheniya. M.: GEOS, 2006, 262 P. 3. Esri Map Book Volume 29. USA: Esri Press. 2014, 136 p. 4. Kraak M.YA., Ormeling F. Kartografiya: vizualizatsiya geoprostranstvennykh dannykh. M.: Nauchnyy mir, 2005, 325 P. 5. Lur'ye I.K. Geoinformatsionnoye kartografirovaniye. Metody geoinformatiki i tsifrovoy obrabotki kosmicheskikh snimkov: Uchebnik. M.: KDU, 2008, 428 P. 65 6. Zukhurov Y.T. Professional-oriented teaching technology is a tool for the formation of cartographic competence in the future specialist. Scientific bulletin of Namangan State University. –Namangan, 2021. №1. –B. 427-431. 7. Zukhurov Y.T. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of cartographic competence in students. Scientific-methodical, practical, educational journal of vocational education. –Tashkent, 2021. №1. –B. 60-65. 8. Zukhurov Y.T. Criteria and indicators for assessing the formation of cartographic competence in students of higher education institutions of technical direction. Electronic journal of actual problems of modern science, education and training. november, 2021-11/1. ISSN 2181-9750. 55
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. COMPUTER SCIENCE, COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT DOI – 10.32743/UniTech.2022.104.11.14531 DEVELOPMENT OF A PROGRAM AND ALGORITHM FOR DETERMINING THE RESOURCE OF RELAYS OF AUTOMATIC AND TELEMECHANICS IN RAILWAY TRANSPORT Aliev Ravshan Аs. Prof., Tashkent State Transport University Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Davron Matvaliyev Magister, Tashkent State Transport University Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] РАЗРАБОТКА ПРОГРАММЫ И АЛГОРИТМА ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ РЕСУРСА РЕЛЕ АВТОМАТИКИ И ТЕЛЕМЕХАНИКИ НА ЖЕЛЕЗНОДОРОЖНОМ ТРАНСПОРТЕ Равшан Маратович Алиев проф., Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Даврон Матвалиев магистр, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT The article deals with the topic of determining the resource of relay operations performed at an enterprise of the railway industry related to instrumentation and automation data, relays that control the state of track sections, determining damage on a linear section right on the field by signaling and signaling mechanics, for this an algorithm was proposed and developed and a program was written for creation of a system in modern conditions of repair and maintenance of the relays of railway automation. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье рассмотрена тема определения ресурса выполняемых операций реле на предприятии железнодорожной отрасли, связанной с данными КИПиА, реле, контролирующие состояние участков пути, определение повреждений на линейном участка прямо на поле механиками СЦБ, для этого было предложен и разработан алгоритм и напи- сана программа для создания системы в современных условиях ремонта и обслуживания реле железнодорожной автоматики. Keywords: railway automation, relay, railway industry, algorithm, program Ключевые слова: железнодорожная автоматика, реле, железнодорожная отрасль, алгоритм, программа. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction websites, desktop applications, mobile applications, 1.1. The concept of information system. About data- games and many others [2]. base, MS SQL and programming language C# C# is a high-level language that is similar to Java and C++ and, to some extent, languages like Delphi, C# is a modern object-oriented, general-purpose VB.NET and C. All C# programs are object-oriented [3]. programming language, created and developed by Mi- They consist of a set of definitions in classes that contain crosoft together with the .NET platform [1]. There is methods and the methods contain the program logic – highly diverse software developed with C# and on the the instructions which the computer executes [4]. .NET platform: office applications, web applications, __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Matvaliyev D., Aliev R. DEVELOPMENT OF A PROGRAM AND ALGORITHM FOR DETERMINING THE RESOURCE OF RELAYS OF AUTOMATIC AND TELEMECHANICS IN RAILWAY TRANSPORT // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14531
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. public partial class Splash : Form { public Splash() { InitializeComponent(); } int startPost = 0; private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { startPost += 1; Myprogress.Value = startPost; PercentageLbl.Text = startPost + \"%\"; if (Myprogress.Value == 100) { Myprogress.Value = 0; timer1.Stop(); Login log = new Login(); log.Show(); this.Hide(); } Above the main loading part of our warehouse program. private void Splash_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { timer1.Start(); } This is timer which calculates and helps to start 2. Result and conclusion loading The C# language is distributed together with a special Nowadays C# is one of the most popular programming environment on which it is executed, called the Common languages. It is used by millions of developers world- Language Runtime (CLR). This environment is part of wide [5]. Because C# is developed by Microsoft as part the platform .NET Framework, which includes CLR, a of their modern platform for development and execution bundle of standard libraries providing basic functional- of applications, the .NET Framework, the language is ity, compilers, debuggers and other development tools. widely spread among Microsoft-oriented companies, Thanks to the framework CLR programs are portable and, organizations and individual developers [6]. For better once written they can function with little or no changes or for worse, as of this book writing, the C# language on various hardware platforms and operating systems. and the .NET platform are maintained and managed en- C# programs are most commonly run on MS Windows, tirely by Microsoft and are not open to third parties [7]. but the .NET Framework and CLR also support mobile Because of this, all other large software corporations phones and other portable devices based on Windows like IBM, Oracle and SAP base their solutions on the Mobile, Windows Phone and Windows 8. C# programs Java platform and use Java as their primary language for can still be run under Linux, FreeBSD, iOS, Android, developing their own software products [8-10]. MacOS X and other operating systems through the free .NET Framework Implementation Mono, which, Unlike C# and the .NET Framework, the Java lan- however, is not officially supported by Microsoft. guage and platform are open-source projects that an entire community of software companies, organizations and individual developers take part in. The standards, the specifications and all the new features in the world of Java are developed by workgroups formed out of the entire Java community, rather than a single company (as the case of C# and .NET Framework). private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Employees Emp = new Employees(); Emp.Show(); this.Hide(); } We are using label1 to call WindowsForm Employees private void CatCh_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { populate(); } 57
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Here we are calling method Populate, it helps us System for the Execution of orders was developed. Each to build the DataBase which we will see later. user or any other creator of the program can expand the capabilities of this program, widely use it and recom- On the basis of C# programming system and MySQL mend it to other developers. database management systeme of the Information References: 1. Xalmedova L., Aliev R. Using new site templates based on ms sharepoint // Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-информационных технологий на транспорте. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. 1. – С. 17-20. 2. Алиев Р.М. и др. Методы расчёта коэффициентов рельсового четырехполюсника бесстыковых рельсовых цепей //Фундаментальная и прикладная наука: состояние и тенденции развития. – 2022. – с. 60-75. 3. Gulyamova M., Aliev R. Mysqlni ishlab chiqish va boshqarish vositalari // Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-информационных технологий на транспорте. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. 1. – С. 196-198. 4. R.M. Aliev, E.T. Tokhirov, M.M. Aliev Mode Choice Model of Movement in Different Modes Наука, Общество, Образование в современных условиях: монография /Под общ. ред. Г. Ю. Гуляева — Пенза: МЦНС «Наука и Просвещение». - 2022. - 160 с. 5. Алиев Р.М. Концепция разработки бесстыковых рельсовых цепей // Интерактивная наука. – 2021. – №. 6. – С. 56-57. 6. Tokhirov E. T., Aliev R. M., Aliev M. M. Modern Means and Methods for Monitoring the Condition of Track Sections // Наука, Общество, Технологии: проблемы и перспективы взаимодействия в современном мире. – 2022. – С. 186-203. 7. Aliev R.M., Aliev M.M., Tokhirov E.T. Methods of Monitoring the Condition of Track Sections Наука, Общество, Технологии: проблемы и перспективы взаимодействия в современном мире: монография/ [Абакирова Э. М. и др.]. – Петрозаводск: МЦНП «Новая наука», 2022. – 438 с 8. Aliev R.M., Aliev M.M., Tokhirov E.T. Solution to Security on Rail Transportation with the Help of a Database Наука, Общество, Технологии: проблемы и перспективы взаимодействия в современном мире: монография / [Абакирова Э. М. и др.]. – Петрозаводск: МЦНП «Новая наука», 2022. – 438 с. 9. Arkatov V.S. Rail chains of main railways / V.S. Arkatov, A.I. Bazhenov, N.F. Kotlyarenko. - M.: Transport, 1992, 384 p. 58
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. DOI – 10.32743/UniTech.2022.104.11.14530 DEVELOPMENT OF AN ALGORITHM AND PROGRAM ON MYSQL TO CREATE A DATABASE TO CONTROL THE TURNOVER OF RAILWAY AUTOMATION RELAYS Aliev Ravshan Аs. Prof., Tashkent State Transport University Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Davron Matvaliyev Magister, Tashkent State Transport University Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] РАЗРАБОТКА АЛГОРИТМА И ПРОГРАММЫ НА MYSQL ДЛЯ СОЗДАНИЯ БАЗЫ ДАННЫХ ДЛЯ КОНТРОЛЯ ОБОРОТА РЕЛЕ ЖЕЛЕЗНОДОРОЖНОЙ АВТОМАТИКИ Равшан Маратович Алиев проф., Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Даврон Матвалиев магистр, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT The article deals with the topic of database management at the enterprise of the railway industry, namely instrumen- tation, which receives and maintains elements of railway automation and telemechanic, where the most critical device (element) relays that control the state of track sections, an algorithm has been developed and a program has been written to create a database in modern conditions for the repair and maintenance of railway automation relays. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье рассмотрена тема управления БД на предприятии железнодорожной отрасли, а именно КИПиА, принимающая и обслуживающая элементы железнодорожной автоматики и телемеханики, где наиболее ответ- ственные устройства (элементы) реле, контролирующие состояние участков пути. Разработан алгоритм и написана программа для создания базы данных в современных условиях ремонта и обслуживания реле железнодорожной автоматики. Keywords: railway automation, relay, railway industry, algorithm, program. Ключевые слова: железнодорожная автоматика, реле, железнодорожная отрасль, алгоритм, программа. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. MySQL the user registration date, and number of times visited, etc [3]. MySQL can also be accessed using many tools MySQL is a Relational Database Management Sys- [4]. It can be easily communicated with via PHP (PHP tem (“RDBMS”) [1]. It is used by most modern websites Hypertext Preprocessor), a scripting language whose and web-based services as a convenient and fast-access primary focus is to manipulate HTML for a webpage on storage and retrieval solution for large volumes of data the server before it is delivered to a client’s machine [5]. [2]. A simple example of items which might be stored in A user can submit queries to a database via PHP, allow- a MySQL database would be a site-registered user’s ing insertion, retrieval and manipulation of information name with associated password (encrypted for security), into/from the database [6]. __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Aliev R., Matvaliyev D. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ALGORITHM AND PROGRAM ON MySQL TO CREATE A DATABASE TO CONTROL THE TURNOVER OF RAILWAY AUTOMATION RE- LAYS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14530
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Figure 1. Database Figure 2. Database Another table “ItemTbl” which is ItemTable where we can store our items. private void FillCategory() { try { Con = new SqlConnection(Program.connStr); if (Con.State != ConnectionState.Open) Con.Open(); string query = \"select * from Category\"; SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(query, Con); SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(sda); var ds = new DataSet(); sda.Fill(ds); CatCh.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; CatCh.ValueMember = \"Id\"; CatCh.DisplayMember = \"Name\"; } catch (Exception Ex) { errorLabel.Text = Ex.Message; errorLabel.Visible = true; } finally { if (Con != null && Con.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { Con.Close(); Con = null; } How to Complete the Exercises After Installing clicking on the Users tab then click on Add user. Enter XAMPP, you are good to go [7]. You need to open user name, password and repeated password. You also XAMPP control panel (usually in C:/xampp/) and start need to specify that the host is local for the purpose of MySQL [8, 9]. The database in the exercises which you this course. At the bottom of the page you will find all are going to practice today is the same database used in the permissions which can be granted/revoked from a other database courses at the IT Learning Programme. user. After choosing the required credentials, click on The database is for a surgery called St. Giles Surgery the Add user button. phpMyAdmin allows you to drop [10-12]. This database contains 4 tables to hold patients, or edit a user. You can find how to do these from the doctors, receptionists and appointments data. Figure 2 Users tab. You can also add or delete a user using SQL. shows a schematic diagram of the database. The figure also shows table names (tblPatient, tblDoctors, tblRe- Another table “BillTbl” which is BillTbl where we ceptionist and tblAppointment) and field names (or col- can control our items. For instance, the following two umns) in each table. It also shows the data type for each statements add a local MySQL user “sqluser” with a field (for more information, see section 4.1). The links password “test”. The second statement drops the user. In in the figure reflect the primary-foreign key relationships. any syntax given in this book, we use [.] to refer to an The first few exercises will show how to use phpMyAd- optional part of a statement. For example, in the state- min to write an SQL statement and how to use its GUI ment above (Drop USER user_name [, user_name]), instead. the part [, user_name] is optional and it can be omitted. If you include one of the optional clauses in a statement, It is better if you connect to it using a different user. do not type the [square bracket] symbols. You can create MySQL users using phpMyAdmin by 60
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. 2. Result and conclusion The coding part. Creating our own Warehouse Figure 3. Warehouse management 2.1. It`s coding part using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Warehouse { public partial class Splash : Form { public Splash() { InitializeComponent(); } int startPost = 0; private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { startPost += 1; Myprogress.Value = startPost; PercentageLbl.Text = startPost + \"%\"; if (Myprogress.Value == 100) { Myprogress.Value = 0; timer1.Stop(); Login log = new Login(); log.Show(); this.Hide(); } private void Splash_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { timer1.Start(); } 61
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Here our first part ends and now it`s turn into the other for the Execution of orders was developed. Each user main parts. After the loading of the window the other or any other creator of the program can expand the window appears (below). capabilities of this program, widely use it and recom- mend it to other developers. On the basis of C# programming system and MySQL database management system of the Information System References: 1. Xalmedova L, Aliev R. Using new site templates based on ms sharepoint // Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-информационных технологий на транспорте. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. 1. – С. 17-20. 2. Алиев Р. М. и др. Методы расчёта коэффициентов рельсового четырехполюсника бесстыковых рельсовых цепей //Фундаментальная и прикладная наука: состояние и тенденции развития. – 2022. – с. 60-75. 3. Aliev, R.M. & Aliev, M.M. Mathematical model of the sensor for controling the condition of the track section with an adaptive receiver at the free condition of the controlled section Journal of Physics: Conference Series this link is disabled, 2021, 1973(1), 012021 4. Gulyamova M., Aliev R. Mysqlni ishlab chiqish va boshqarish vositalari // Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-информационных технологий на транспорте. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. 1. – С. 196-198. 5. R.M. Aliev, E.T. Tokhirov, M.M. Aliev Mode Choice Model of Movement in Different Modes Наука, Общество, Образование в современных условиях: монография /Под общ. ред. Г. Ю. Гуляева — Пенза: МЦНС «Наука и Просвещение». - 2022. - 160 с. 6. Aliev R. Model Coordinate System of Interval Regulation Train Traffic // International Conference on Computational Techniques and Applications. – Springer, Singapore, 2022. – С. 459-467. 7. Алиев Р. М. Концепция разработки бесстыковых рельсовых цепей // Интерактивная наука. – 2021. – №. 6. – С. 56-57. 8. Tokhirov E.T., Aliev R.M., Aliev M.M. Modern Means and Methods for Monitoring the Condition of Track Sections // Наука, Общество, Технологии: проблемы и перспективы взаимодействия в современном мире. – 2022. – С. 186-203. 9. Aliev R.M., Aliev M.M., Tokhirov E.T. Methods of Monitoring the Condition of Track Sections Наука, Общество, Технологии: проблемы и перспективы взаимодействия в современном мире: монография/ [Абакирова Э.М. и др.]. – Петрозаводск: МЦНП «Новая наука», 2022. – 438 с 10. Aliev R.M., Aliev M.M., Tokhirov E.T. Solution to Security on Rail Transportation with the Help of a Database Наука, Общество, Технологии: проблемы и перспективы взаимодействия в современном мире: монография/ [Абакирова Э. М. и др.]. – Петрозаводск: МЦНП «Новая наука», 2022. – 438 с 11. Arkatov, V.S. Rail chains of main railways / V.S. Arkatov, A.I. Bazhenov, N.F. Kotlyarenko. - M.: Transport, 1992, 384 p. 12. Aliev, R. Trends in Improving Sensors for Controlling the Condition of Track Sections E3S Web of Conferences this link is disabled, 2021, 264, 05045 13. Gregor Theeg, Sergej Vlasenko Railway Signalling & Interlocking. International Compendium.Editors:. A DVV Media Group publication. Eurailpress, 2009, 448 p. 62
Научный журнал UNIVERSUM: ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ № 11(104) Ноябрь 2022 Часть 6 Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 54434 от 17.06.2013 Издательство «МЦНО» 123098, г. Москва, улица Маршала Василевского, дом 5, корпус 1, к. 74 E-mail: [email protected] www.7universum.com Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленного оригинал-макета в типографии «Allprint» 630004, г. Новосибирск, Вокзальная магистраль, 3 16+
UNIVERSUM: ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ Научный журнал Издается ежемесячно с декабря 2013 года Является печатной версией сетевого журнала Universum: технические науки Выпуск: 11(104) Ноябрь 2022 Часть 7 Москва 2022
УДК 62/64+66/69 ББК 3 U55 Главный редактор: Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович, д-р техн. наук; Заместитель главного редактора: Ахмеднабиев Расул Магомедович, канд. техн. наук; Члены редакционной коллегии: Горбачевский Евгений Викторович, канд. техн. наук; Демин Анатолий Владимирович, д-р техн. наук; Звездина Марина Юрьевна, д-р. физ.-мат. наук; Ким Алексей Юрьевич, д-р техн. наук; Козьминых Владислав Олегович, д-р хим. наук; Ларионов Максим Викторович, д-р биол. наук; Манасян Сергей Керопович, д-р техн. наук; Мажидов Кахрамон Халимович, д-р наук, проф; Мартышкин Алексей Иванович, канд.техн. наук; Мерганов Аваз Мирсултанович, канд.техн. наук; Пайзуллаханов Мухаммад-Султанхан Саидвалиханович, д-р техн. наук; Радкевич Мария Викторовна, д-р техн наук; Серегин Андрей Алексеевич, канд. техн. наук; Старченко Ирина Борисовна, д-р техн. наук; Усманов Хайрулла Сайдуллаевич, д-р техн. наук; Юденков Алексей Витальевич, д-р физ.-мат. наук; Tengiz Magradze, PhD in Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering. U55 Universum: технические науки: научный журнал. – № 11(104). Часть 7. М., Изд. «МЦНО», 2022. – 64 с. – Электрон. версия печ. публ. – http://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/category/11104 ISSN : 2311-5122 DOI: 10.32743/UniTech.2022.104.11 Учредитель и издатель: ООО «МЦНО» ББК 3 © ООО «МЦНО», 2022 г.
Содержание 5 5 Papers in English 5 Mechanical engineering and machine science 10 ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN A SIEVE PLATE SCRUBBER 17 Abdurakhmon Sulaymanov 17 HYDRODYNAMICS OF A GALVANIZED PLATE SCRUBBER Abdurakhmon Sulaymanov 22 Azizbek Isomiddinov Mahfuza Zakirova 25 Metallurgy and materials science 29 EFFICIENCY OF VERMICULITE ORES ENRICHMENT IN AIR FILTER 29 Avaz Aripov Lola Saydakhmedova 34 Rashid Goyibnazarov Shaxzoda Utkirova 38 Mohinabonu Murtozayeva Quvonchbek Bektamishov 38 COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF VARIOUS MATERIALS IN THE PROCESS OF REDUCING MAGNETITE FROM SLAG MELT Ochildiev Kakhramon Abdirashid Khasanov Shokhrukh Khojiev RESEARCH ON THE RECOVERY PROCESS OF COPPER SMELTER TAILINGS AND SEPARATION OF IRON FROM SOOT USING A MAGNETIC SEPARATOR Abdurashid Khasanov Talant Sirozhov Shahzoda Utkirova Mokhinabonu Murtozaeva Processes and machines of agroengineering systems DAMAGE TO PLANTS BY DRAINAGE WATERS AND INFLUENCE ON GEOCHEMICAL CHANGES IN THE SOIL Dilmurod Darmonov Orifjon Mamatkulov Muhridin Khalikov Rozali Matholikov METHOD OF ACCELERATING DRYING PROCESS BY INITIALLY WORKING IN IMPULSE-PAUSE MODE Shokir Issakov Azizbek Kilichov Transport EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THE TRANSPORTATION OPERATION OF ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES ON THE FLAT SECTION OF THE RAILWAY Oleg Ablyalimov Anna Avdeyeva Otabek Khamidov Кhusan Кosimov Obidjan Кasimov Jasurbek Yakubov Utkir Safarov
TO THE MOVEMENT OF A FREIGHT TRAIN WHEN STOPS ON A PLAIN LAND 45 OF RAILWAY SECTION Oleg Ablyalimov 51 Anna Avdeyeva Otabek Khamidov 56 Кhusan Кosimov 59 Obidjan Кasimov Jasurbek Yakubov Utkir Safarov ON THE PARAMETERS OF MOVEMENT OF A FREIGHT TRAIN WHEN STOPPINGS ON A FLAT SECTION OF THE RAILWAY Oleg Ablyalimov Anna Avdeyeva Otabek Khamidov Кhusan Кosimov Obidjan Кasimov Jasurbek Yakubov Utkir Safarov MODELING OF THE FORCE IMPACT FROM ROLLING STOCK ON THE RAILWAY TRACK Nodir Begmatov Ulug’bek Ergashev TO THE QUESTION OF RESEARCH OF NONLINEAR IDENTIFICATIONS OF COMPLEX OBJECTS Gayubov Talat Toshboyev Zokhid
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. PAPERS IN ENGLISHЕ MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MACHINE SCIENCE ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN A SIEVE PLATE SCRUBBER Abdurakhmon Sulaymanov Doctoral student, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ ЭНЕРГИИ В СКРУББЕРЕ С СЕТЧАТЫМИ ПЛАСТИНАМИ Сулаймонов Абдурахмон Махамадович докторант (PhD), Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT The research paper presents the results of the theoretical and practical work carried out on the effect of the main characteristics on the energy loss of the selection of the optimal values of the loads affecting the dust gas flow moving in the wet dust gas scrubber on the working bodies of the device. The energy loss in the apparatus is determined for different values of the variable factors. АННОТАЦИЯ В работе представлены результаты теоретических и практических работ по изучению влияния основных характеристик на потери энергии при выборе оптимальных значений нагрузок, действующих на пылегазовый поток, движущийся в мокром пылегазовом скруббере, на рабочую корпуса устройства. Потери энергии в аппарате определяются при различных значениях переменных факторов. Keywords: energy, hydraulic resistance, volumetric gas and liquid consumption, resistance coefficient, liquid and gas velocity, hypothesis. Ключевые слова: энергия, гидравлическое сопротивление, объемный расход газа и жидкости, коэффициент сопротивления, скорость жидкости и газа, гипотеза. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction Therefore, the energy spent to process a certain amount It is known from the conducted experiments that the of dust gas volume at one time is called the energy efficiency of mechanical and dynamic dust cleaning parameter of dust collectors. devices working in the wet method is primarily determined by the energy used to implement the process [1,2,7,8]. Contact energy between liquid and gas generally consists of three types of energy: As a result of the research of wet dust cleaning devices of various constructions, it was found that the • gas flow energy, that is, characterizes the degree efficiency of capturing dust particles in a certain gas of turbulization of the gas-liquid flow in the apparatus. depends only on the pressure loss in the device, and does not depend on the size and design of the device. In this • liquid flow energy characterizing liquid case, the total energy consumption should be spent on dispersion; coagulation (contact time and absorption of the particle into the liquid environment) between the liquid and the • mechanical energy generated in the rotating dust particle. This hypothesis is presented in the research structural elements of dynamic gas washers (scrubbers). work of Semrau KT, according to which, as a result of the interaction of dusty gas and liquid, energy is spent to • contact energy is less than the total energy in wet form a turbulizing flow of the gas-liquid mixture, and dust collectors. Also, this energy does not include the then the spent energy is converted into heat [2,4,5,7]. energy spent on the gas inlet and outlet of the device, nozzles, liquid coagulation of dust particles, and friction in pumps and fans. If the wet vacuum cleaner is equipped with a fan or a liquid pump at the same time, then the energy that __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Sulaymanov A. ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN A SIEVE PLATE SCRUBBER // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14616
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. creates the flow movement is not included in the energy In that case equation (1) can be written as; kJ/1000 m3 created in the interaction between the liquid and the gas. [2,4,7]; Given this, it is difficult to calculate the exact value of the impact energy. КSКR = Pl + Psb Vliq (2) Vgas Usually, the hydraulic resistance of the apparatus ΔРan (Pa) is taken as the energy of the gas flow. This Thus, the energy calculation is divided into three energy should have a small value in dry-type equipment main categories according to the energy supplied to the [3,6,9,10]. device working in a loose method: The useful energy of high-speed wet vacuum • dust cleaning devices that create gas flow energy; cleaners is significantly greater than the energy lost due • dust cleaning devices using liquid flow energy; to friction in the absence of fluid. In the device working • mechanical energy-powered dust cleaning devices. at low pressure (speed), this situation depends on several If we take into account that the recommended parameters of useful energy. spherical plate scrubber belongs to the category of mechanical dust cleaning devices, it is appropriate to Theoretical studies determine its energy consumption using the given equation (2). In the research work of K.T.Semrau, an approximate calculation of the total energy consumption Research results was included according to the following equation, kJ/1000m3 [2,4,7]; The following limits of the variable factors in the scrubber with a plate-shaped plate, the diameter of the КSКР = Pliq + Psb Vliq + NSКР (1) liquid nozzle dsh=3 mm, the liquid consumption Vgas Vgаs Qliq=0.071÷0.189 m3/hour, the intermediate step 0.021 m3/hour, the diameter of the plate-shaped filter where ΔPliq is the hydraulic resistance of the device hole df=2, 3 and 4 mm, the plate filter to the device without liquid supply, Pa; ΔPliq is the hydraulic installation angle β = 15o; The number of 30o and 45o resistance of the device with a given liquid, which plates is 2 pieces, according to the angle of installation, depends on the density of dust entering with the gas, Pa; gas velocity υg=7.4÷28.8 m/s, the intermediate step is Vliq - volume consumption of liquid, m3; Vgas - volume 5.5 m/s on average, and the effect of variable factors consumption of dusty gas, m3; NSKP - power used for on the hydraulic resistance in the apparatus was studied. liquid and gas transfer, W; In the experiments, the gas density for the mixture of air and dust of superphosphate mineral fertilizer was This method of calculation gives an error of ±10% determined as ρg=3.38 kg/m3 (the amount of the mixture when applied to wet scrubbers of different constructions of gas and dust is 1906.5÷2697.79 mgr in 1 m3 of air). and operating principles. KSKR each of the quantities included in the determination depends on the type of This research work focused on investigating the hardware. For example, the hydraulic resistance of the effect of hydraulic resistance on energy consumption. device in the venturi scrubber, the time of coagulation Taking into account that the conducted theoretical between the liquid and the dust particle and the pressure calculations are multi-level, the energy consumption for exerted on it are of decisive importance in the nozzle the lower and higher loads of the hydraulic resistance succubers. Therefore, it is appropriate to use equation (1) was determined and the change points in the intermediate only in the calculation of dynamic dust cleaning devices. values were analyzed. The results of the general experiment to determine energy consumption are presented In the case of wet dust gas cleaning mechanical in Figure 1. devices, in equation (1). NSKP/Vgas value can be ignored. a) b)
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. c) g) d) e) Figure 1. Graph of change of energy consumption at a minimum and maximum values of hydraulic resistance 1- ρ =3.38 kg/m3 and df=4mm; 2- ρ =3.38 kg/m3 and df=3mm; 3- ρ =3.38 kg/m3 and df=2mm. a-When the angle of installation of the plate to the (spherical plate, spreading plate and the work, in turn, apparatus is φ = 15° and the velocity of dust gas is 7.4 m/s; increase the energy consumption lost in the device. b-When the angle of installation of the plate to the For example, the angle of installation of the plate to the apparatus is φ = 15° and the speed of dust gas is 28.8 m/s; device is φ = 45° and the diameter of the plate hole df If the minimum energy loss df =4mm is 42 J, the mounting c - When the angle of installation of the plate to the angle of the plate to the apparatus is φ = 15° and the apparatus is φ = 30° and the velocity of dust gas is 7.4 m/s; diameter of the plate hole df =2mm, the maximum g-When the angle of installation of the plate to the energy loss was 4128 J. That is, the increase in resistance apparatus is φ = 30° and the velocity of dust gas is in the device causes an increase in hydraulic resistance, 28.8 m/s; d-When the angle of installation of the plate to the apparatus is φ = 45° and the velocity of dust gas which in turn causes an increase in energy consumption. is 7.4 m/s; e-When the angle of installation of the plate 1 a, b, v, g, d and e-The following empirical formulas to the apparatus is φ = 45° and the speed of dust gas were obtained using the method of least squares for the is 28.8 m/s; graphic dependences presented in the pictures 1 a, b, v, g, d and e, it can be seen from the data [11,12,13]. given in the pictures that the speed of the dust gas When the angle of installation of the plate to the apparatus is φ = 15° and the velocity of dust gas is 7.4 m/s; supplied to the device, the working details of the device y = 4E-05x2 - 0.0064x + 67.725 R² = 0,9994 (3) y = -0.0006x2 + 0.4503x R² = 0,6267 (4) y = 4E-05x2 - 0.0058x + 63.798 R² = 0,9994 (5) When the mounting angle of the plate to the R² = 0.9919 (6) apparatus is φ = 15° and the dust gas velocity is 28.8 m/s R² = 0,9929 (7) R² = 0.9931 (8) y = 3E-07x2 - 0.0016x + 1211.2 y = 1E-07x2 - 0.0001x + 1043 y = 1E-07x2 - 0.0001x + 988.09
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. When the mounting angle of the plate to the R² = 0.9994 (9) apparatus is φ = 30° and the dust gas velocity is 7.4 m/s R² = 0.9906 (10) R² = 0.9994 (11) y = 7E-05x2 - 0.0087x + 49.277 R² = 0,9974 (12) y = -0.0002x2 + 0.1019x + 43.328 R² = 0.9942 (13) R² = 0.9944 (14) y = 7E-05x2 - 0.0079x + 46.415 R² = 0.9993 (15) When the mounting angle of the plate to the R² = 0,9907 (16) apparatus is φ = 30° and the dust gas velocity is 28.8 m/s R² = 0,9993 (17) y = 2E-07x2 + 8E-05x + 881 R² = 0.9865 (18) y = 2E-07x2 - 0.0002x + 761.33 R² = 0.9946 (19) y = 2E-07x2 - 0.0002x + 721.27 R² = 0.9948 (20) When the mounting angle of the plate to the • the energy consumption lost in the apparatus was apparatus is φ = 45° and the dust gas velocity is 7.4 m/s. determined in different dimensions of the diameter of the hole of the spherical plate and the angle of its y = 7E-05x2 - 0.0087x + 43.85 installation to the apparatus body. y = -0.0002x2 + 0.0996x + 37.423 y = 9E-05x2 - 0.0088x + 41.112 When the angle of installation of the plate to the apparatus is φ = 45° and the speed of dust gas is 28.8 m/s; y = -3E-07x2 + 0.0034x + 780.9 y = 2E-07x2 - 0.0002x + 679.08 y = 2E-07x2- 0.0002x + 643.14 Conclusion • as a result of the research of wet dust cleaning devices of various constructions, it was found that the efficiency of capturing dust particles in a certain gas depends only on the pressure loss in the device, and does not depend on the size and design of the device; References: 1. Isomidinov A. Mathematical modeling of the optimal parameters of rotory filter apparatus for wet cleaning of dusty gases //International journal of advanced research in science, Engineering and technology. – 2019. – Т. 6. – №. 10. – С. 258-264. 2. Isomidinov A. S., Madaliev A. N. Hydrodynamics and aerodynamics of rotor filter cleaner for cleaning dusty gases // LI International correspondence scientific and practical conference\" international scientific review of the problems and prospects of modern science and education\". – 2018. – С. 29-32. 3. Rasuljon T. et al. Research of the hydraulic resistance of the inertial scrubber // Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 7-3 (88). – С. 44-51. 4. Кобзарь И. Г. Процессы и аппараты защиты окружающей среды. – 2008. 5. Домуладжанов И.Х., Мадаминова Г.И. Вредные вещества после сухой очистки в циклонах и фильтрах // Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 6-1 (87). – С. 5-10. 6. Исомиддинов А.С., Давронбеков А.А. Исследование гидродинамических режимов сферической углубленной трубы //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 7-1 (88). – С. 53-58. 7. Исомидинов А.С. Исследование гидравлического сопротивления роторно-фильтрующего аппарата // Universum: технические науки. – 2019. – №. 10-1 (67). – С. 54-58. 8
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№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. HYDRODYNAMICS OF A GALVANIZED PLATE SCRUBBER Abdurakhmon Sulaymanov Doctoral student, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana Azizbek Isomiddinov PhD, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana Mahfuza Zakirova Doctoral student, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana ГИДРОДИНАМИКА СКРУББЕРА ИЗ ОЦИНКОВАННОЙ СТАЛИ Сулаймонов Абдурахмон Махамадович докторант (PhD), Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана. E-mail: [email protected] Исомиддинов Азизбек Саломиддинович д-р техн. наук (PhD), Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана. E-mail: [email protected] Закирова Махфуза Бахромжон кизи докторант (PhD), Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT In the article, the influence of various parameters of the surface contact element of the plate scrubber for dust gas cleaning in the wet method on the cleaning efficiency of the device is studied. Variable factors in experimental studies are the diameter of the liquid nozzle dsh=3 mm, liquid consumption Qliq=0.071÷0.189 m3/h, the diameter of the hole of the spherical plate dtar=2, 3 and 4 mm, the angle of installation of the spherical plate to the device α = 15o; The number of 30o and 45o spherical plates is 2 according to the installation angle and the height of the experimental device, gas velocity υg=7.4÷28.8 m/s. The gas density for a mixture of air and dolomite dust is determined as ρg=3.38 kg/m3 and 2160.3 mg/m3. It was determined in the experiments that the hydraulic resistance of the scrubber with a spherical plate is 1.7 times lower than that of the existing structure. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье исследовано влияние различных параметров поверхностного контактного элемента пластинчатого скруббера для очистки пылегазовых газов мокрым способом на эффективность очистки устройства. Варьируемыми факторами при экспериментальных исследованиях являются диаметр жидкостного сопла dsh=3 mm, расход жидкости Qliq=0.071÷0.189 m3/h, диаметр отверстия сферической пластины dtar=2, 3 и 4 mm, угол установки сферической пластины к устройству α = 15o; Количество сферических пластин 30° и 45° - 2 в зависимости от угла установки и высоты экспериментальной установки, скорость газа υg=7.4÷28.8 m/s. Плотность газа для смеси воздуха и доломитовой пыли определяется как ρg=3.38 kg/m3 и 2160,3 мг/м3. В опытах установлено, что гидрав- лическое сопротивление скруббера со сферической пластиной в 1,7 раза ниже, чем у существующая структура. Keywords: scrubber, hydraulic resistance, resistance coefficient, liquid consumption, gas velocity, swash plate, energy consumption, cleaning efficiency. Ключевые слова: скруббер, гидравлическое сопротивление, коэффициент сопротивления, расход жидкости, скорость газа, перекосная пластина, энергопотребление, эффективность очистки. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Sulaymanov A., Isomiddinov A., Zakirova M. HYDRODYNAMICS OF A GALVANIZED PLATE SCRUBBER // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14637
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Introduction work is set, and its positive solution is to improve the environmental condition of the enterprise's territory, to It is urgent to increase the contact surfaces in wet create the possibility of reusing captured dust and toxic gas cleaning devices and thereby justify the optimal gases in production processes. Therefore, the main goal parameters of hydraulic resistance, cleaning efficiency of the work was to create modern designs of dust capture and energy consumption. Therefore, most of the devices and apply them to production processes [1,2]. scientific and research works carried out in this field are aimed at increasing the surface contact elements in the Based on the above, some constructions and their device, creating a simple construction of the element, working parameters of the currently used and promising and studying the processes of hydrodynamic and constructions in scientific research work were effective cleaning of dust gases. systematically analyzed. [3, 4, etc.]. The results of the systematic analysis were processed in the MATLAB It is known from the results of previous scientific program and the advantages and disadvantages of the research that the simplification of the design of the devices were determined. The results of the analytical surface contact element reduces the hydraulic resistance analysis revealed that scrubbers are the most effective in the device, but has a negative effect on the cleaning devices that can be used in chemical industry dust efficiency of the device. In addition, it increases the cleaning. However, some shortcomings of this type of outflow of liquid droplets along with the purified gas device, for example, high energy consumption and from the device. This, in turn, increases the hydraulic resistance, and short contact time between accumulation of dust particles in the pipes of the device. dusty gas and working fluid, indicate the need to carry besides, it is necessary to take into account the physical out scientific research work on the improvement of and chemical characteristics of dusty gases to be cleaned devices of this construction. when choosing a construction suitable for the process. Based on the results of the systematic analysis, an Research object and subject improved structural scheme of the scrubber was developed and a spherical plate was installed on the In this research work, effective cleaning of dusty air device at a certain angle of inclination [5]. Figure 1 and toxic gases coming out of AS-72M workshops of shows a drawing of the plate scrubber and Figure 2 \"Fergonazot\" JSC, the problem of ensuring energy shows the installation of the spherical plate in the device. efficiency and increasing productivity and quality of 1–stand; 2–support; 3–cone; 4,7,10,12–socket (A,B,V,G) ; 5-glass; 6- obechaika; 7-dnisha; 9-drop reflector; 11-diffuser; 13–nozzle; 14-plates; 15,18 studs; 16-drop holder; 17-mechanical sprinklers. Figure 1. Structural diagram of a plate scrubber 11
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. The scrubber is composed of a cone and a secondary connected to the guide pipe with a seal and a sealing gas transmission pipe and a fan, a liquid spraying nozzle ring. The nozzle holes are arranged parallel to the liquid. and a pump, liquid-gas contact increasing plates, a drop holder, a cylindrical vertical body and a pipe for The main advantage of the device compared to releasing the purified gas to the atmosphere. . A gas existing scrubbers is that, firstly, its nozzles contact the distributor is installed on the guide pipe, which gas to be cleaned by spraying the liquid in a full state, distributes the secondary gas along the cross-section of and secondly, the installation of the plates in an inclined the cylindrical vertical body. Four nozzles (fluid nozzles) position ensures the curvilinear movement of the gas are installed on the upper part of the liquid spraying flow in the liquid environment. This, in turn, increases device (nozzle) at an interval of 900 degrees, and it is the mass transfer coefficient [18]. Figure 2. General view of the spherical plate However, the laws of change of device hydraulic To carry out the research, a laboratory model of the resistance, cleaning efficiency and energy consumption device was developed and the parameters of the selected have not been studied in different parameters of the auxiliary devices (fan and water pump) were determined rotary plate scrubber. Therefore, this research work is experimentally. Figure 3 shows an overview of the aimed at the application of a new spherical plate to the laboratory model. scrubber and the justification of its optimal parameters. Figure 3. Overview of the laboratory model 12
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Research results exceeds 50 m/s, the error coefficient is up to 5%) brand digital electronic meter was used. In order to control the In order to form a film by spraying liquid evenly on speed of dusty gas, a louvre forming an angle of 100; 300; the surface of the spherical plate in the device, an S32- 450;600;900 was installed on the suction nozzle of the fan. 412 nozzle (hole diameter dsh = 3 mm, 4 pieces were Using the determined parameters, the resistance coefficient installed according to the diameter of the device. The of the device and the hydraulic resistance of the device installation interval was selected according to the liquid were determined. The experiments were carried out in spraying angle a. Centrifugal pump 9 (Qmax= 40l/min; two stages [11,12,13,15,17]. Ndv=0.37kW; hmax=38m; В=220V; nayl=3000 rpm/min according to GOST-2757030-91), rotometer 24 (RS-5; Experiments RD 34.20.519-97 \"Ispytaniya scale indicators in the range 0÷100; GOST-13045-81 hydravlicheskogo soprotivleniya truborovodov. Mashiny according to) and a beaker tank (full volume 3.2 l) was i apparatus dlya izmereniya rashoda gasov i davleniya. selected for taring. Liquid consumption and speed were Programma i metody ispytaniy\" [2,13]. determined using the volumetric method for the diameter of the nozzle hole dsh=3 mm. For this, the filling time Research of hydraulic resistance in the following of the beaker tank was determined according to the limits of variable factors, the diameter of the liquid nozzle 0÷90 indicators of the rotometer [6,7,8,9,10,14,17]. dsh=3 mm, the liquid consumption Qliq=0.071÷0.189 m3/h, the intermediate step increased by 0.021 m3/h, the In the experimental determination of liquid diameter of the plate flange hole df=2, 3 and 4 mm, consumption, each experiment was repeated 5 times, the angle of installation of the plate roller to the device and the square dimensions of each point and the resulting β = 15o; The number of 30o and 45o plates is 2 according errors were determined. When the rotometer scale to the angle of installation, the intermediate step was indicators changed from 0÷90, the liquid consumption increased by an average of 5.5 m/s to the gas speed changed to Q=0.071÷0.189 m3/h. The consumption change υg=7.4÷28.8 m/s. In the experiments, gas density in each indicator increased in steps of 0.044 m3/h. ρg=1.29 kg/m3 for air and ρg=3.38 kg/m3 for the mixture of air and superphosphate mineral fertilizer dust as Centrifugal type, Pitot-Prandl tube, for determining a dust gas (in which the amount of gas and dust mixture dust gas speed, consumption and resistance coefficients is 2697.79 mgr in 1 m3 of air). Taking into account of the working bodies of the device (Work efficiency the influence of the external environment during the Qmax=1000 m3/h; electromotive power Ndv=0.7 kW; experiments, the temperature for the water and gas rotation frequency n=1200 rev/min) 18 (50 and 100 mm system was set at 20 ℃±2. size)). Metal pipe with D=60 mm, L=1000 mm, which determines the speed of dust gas. The pipe has 2 Pitot- STEP 1 Prandl tubes with an inner diameter of 7 mm, which determine the static and dynamic pressures. The Pitot- Depending on the above variable parameters, Prandl tube was selected according to the gas velocity, resistance coefficients and hydraulic resistances were efficiency and pressure St requirement of the fan outlet determined for the case where no liquid was supplied to diameter. In addition, in order to compare the obtained the apparatus. In this case, the density of the gas supplied results, the ANEMOMETER VA06-TROTEC, which to the device was determined as ρg=1.29 kg/m3, and for determines the gas velocity (the error coefficient is 0.2% the mixture of gas and dust, ρg=3.38 kg/m3. The in the measuring range 1.1÷50 m/s when the gas speed experimental results are presented in Table 1 and Figure 4. Table 1. The coefficient of hydraulic resistance in the apparatus depending on the diameter of the hole of the spherical plate df and the angle of installation of the plate on the apparatus φchange When the mounting angle of the When the mounting angle of the When the mounting angle of the plate to the apparatus is φ = 15° plate to the apparatus is φ = 30° plate to the apparatus is φ = 45° The diameter of the plate hole Ø4mm Ø3mm Ø2mm Ø4mm Ø3mm Ø2mm Ø4mm Ø3mm Ø2mm 1,848 1,944 2,256 1.35 1,425 1,642 1,196 1,266 1,458 13
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. a) b) c) Figure 4. Graph of change of hydraulic resistance depending on gas velocity a-When the mounting angle of the plate to the apparatus is φ = 15°; b-When the mounting angle of the plate to the apparatus is φ = 30°; с-When the mounting angle of the plate to the apparatus is φ = 45°. 1-ρ=1.28 kg/m3 and df=4mm; 2- ρ=1.28 kg/m3 and df=3mm; 3- ρ=1.28 kg/m3 and df=2mm; 4- ρ=3.38 kg/m3 and df=4mm; 5- ρ=3.38 kg/m3 and df=3mm; 6- ρ=3.38 kg/m3 and df=2mm It can be seen from the comparison graphs in increase in hydraulic resistance. For example φ = 45°, 30° Figures 4 a,b and v that the gas density ρ=1.29 kg/m3 and 15° and plate hole diameter df=4, 3 and 2 mm when υgas=7.4÷28.8 m/s when the intermediate step increases the low load of hydraulic resistance was ΔPgaz=110 Pa, with an average of 5.5 m/s and the mounting angle of the and the high load of hydraulic resistance was plate to the apparatus is respectively φ = 45°, 30° and 15° ΔPgaz=3100 Pa. That is, depending on the change in gas and plate hole diameter df=4, 3 and 2 mm when the low density, the hydraulic resistance increased by 2.57 times. load of hydraulic resistance was ΔPgaz=42 Pa, and the high load of hydraulic resistance was ΔPgaz=1206 Pa. The following empirical formulas were obtained using The change in gas density to ρ=3.38 kg/m3 caused an the method of least squares for the graphic dependences presented in Figures 4 a, b and v [2,13]. 14
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. 2 R² = 0,9992 (1) y = 0,6701x + 3,3122x - 21,741 2 R² = 0,9994 (2) y = 0,8836x - 1,105x + 9,6121 2 R² = 0,9999 (3) y = 1,097x + 2,7489x - 16,817 2 R² = 0,9998 (4) y = 1,7845x + 6,8501x - 41,907 2 R² = 0,9997 (5) y = 1,9917x + 8,7252x - 54,706 2 R² = 0,9987 (6) y = 2,1534x + 28,056x - 171,64 2 R² = 0,9997 (7) y = 0,6176x + 4,7268x - 26,988 2 R² = 0,9996 (8) y = 1,0112x - 4,2606x + 30,582 2 R² = 0,9998 (9) y = 1,223x + 0,2168x + 1,2952 2 R² = 0,9976 (10) y = 1,254x + 25,725x - 157,38 2 R² = 0,9999 (11) y = 1,9336x + 11,981x - 68,76 2 R² = 0,9998 (12) y = 3,5194x - 10,16x + 70,544 2 R² = 0,9986 (13) y = 0,6348x + 8,8413x - 54,089 2 R² = 0,9998 (14) y = 0,9142x + 4,1915x - 25,643 2 R² = 0,9961 (15) y = 1,1834x + 10,325x - 74,223 2 R² = 0,9999 (16) y = 2,2412x + 6,4463x - 39,437 2 R² = 0,9993 (17) y = 2,4948x + 4,5939x - 14,46 2 R² = 0,9995 (18) y = 3,9548x - 7,9187x + 55,935 In the second stage, the resistance coefficient was device was determined as ρg=1.29 kg/m3, and for the determined for the case where liquid was supplied to the mixture of gas and dust, ρg =3.38 kg/m3. The results of device depending on the variable parameters in the device. In this case, the density of the gas supplied to the the experiment to determine the coefficient of hydraulic resistance are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Change of hydraulic resistance in the device depending on the liquid consumption Q and the angle of installation of the plate to the device φ When the mounting angle of the When the mounting angle of the When the mounting angle of the Liquid plate to the apparatus is φ = 15° plate to the apparatus is φ = 30° plate to the apparatus is φ = 45° consumption, The diameter of the plate hole Ø2mm Ø4mm Ø3mm Ø2mm Ø4mm m3/h Ø4mm Ø3mm Ø3mm Ø2mm 0.071 2.94 3.04 3.37 2.15 2.22 2.46 1.91 1.98 2.19 0.08 3.08 3.18 3.51 2.25 2.32 2.56 2 2.07 2.29 0.13 3.24 3.34 3.67 2.37 2.44 2.68 2.11 2.18 2.39 0.147 3.38 3.48 3.80 2.47 2.54 2.77 2.2 2.27 2.48 0.168 3.49 3.59 3.92 2.55 2.62 2.86 2.27 2.34 2.55 0.189 3.63 3.73 4.21 2.65 2.72 2.73 2.36 2.43 2.44 15
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. From the data in Table 1, it can be seen that the Summary change in the diameter of the valve hole and the increase in fluid consumption cause an increase in the hydraulic • the coefficient of resistance of the working resistance in the device. An increase in hydraulic bodies of the structure at different sizes of the hole resistance in the device leads to an improvement in diameter of the spherical plate was determined; cleaning efficiency. But an increase in resistance causes an increase in the amount of energy spent on the process. • hydraulic resistance of the structure at different therefore, it is important to achieve high cleaning values of the resistance coefficient was determined. efficiency with low energy consumption and small hydraulic resistance. • the effect of fluid consumption on the resistance coefficient was considered. • it was determined in the experiments that the hydraulic resistance of the scrubber with a spherical plate is 1.7 times lower than that of the existing structure. References: 1. Исомидинов А.С., Тожиев Р.Ж., Каримов И.Т. Хўл усулда чангли газларни тозаловчи роторли курилма. Фаргона политехника институтининг илмий-техник журнали //Фаргона, (1). – 2018. – С. 195-198. 2. Исомидинов А. С. Разработка эффективных методов и устройств очистки пылевых газов химической промышленности: Дисс.… PhD //Ташкент,–2020.–118 с. – 2020. 3. Исомидинов А.С. Исследование гидравлического сопротивления роторно-фильтрующего аппарата // Universum: технические науки. – 2019. – №. 10-1 (67). – С. 54-58. 4. Тожиев Р.Ж., Каримов И.Т., Исомидинов А.С. Чангли газларни ҳўл усулда тозаловчи қурилмани саноатда қўллашнинг илмий-техник асослари: Монография. Фаргона политехника институтининг илмий-техник жур- нали //Фаргона, – 2020. – 91 б. 5. Мадаминова Г.И., Тожиев Р.Ж., Каримов И.Т. Барабанное устройство для мокрой очистки запыленного газа и воздуха //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 5-4 (86). – С. 45-49. 6. Исомидинов А.С., Тожиев Р.Ж., Каримов И.Т. Чангли ҳавони тозаловчи ротор-фильтрли аппарат фильтрловчи тўрли материалининг актив ва пассив юзаларини аниқлаш. I Международной научно-практической конференции “Актуальные проблемы внедрения инновационной техники и технологий на предприятиях по производству строительных материалов, химической промышленности и в смежных отраслях”. 2019/5/25. Т-3. №5. 429-431б. 7. Вальдберг А.Ю., Николайкина Н.Е. Процессы и аппараты защиты окружающей среды. – М. : Дрофа, 2008. – 239 с. 8. Исомидинов А.С. Исследование гидравлического сопротивления роторно-фильтрующего аппарата // Universum: технические науки. – 2019. – №. 10-1 (67). – С. 54-58. 9. Rasuljon T. et al. Research of the hydraulic resistance of the inertial scrubber //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 7-3 (88). – С. 44-51. 10. Домуладжанов И.Х., Мадаминова Г.И. Вредные вещества после сухой очистки в циклонах и фильтрах // Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 6-1 (87). – С. 5-10. 11. Исомиддинов А.С., Давронбеков А.А. Исследование гидродинамических режимов сферической углубленной трубы //Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 7-1 (88). – С. 53-58. 12. Isomidinov A.S., Madaliev A.N. Hydrodynamics and aerodynamics of rotor filter cleaner for cleaning dusty gases // LI international correspondence scientific and practical conference\" international scientific review of the problems and prospects of modern science and education\". – 2018. – С. 29-32. 13. Кобзарь А.И. Прикладная математическая статистика. Для инженеров и научных работников. – Москва: Физ- матлит, – 2006. – 816 с. 14. Выгодский М.Я. Справочник по высшей математике. – Москва: Наука, 1972. – 872 с. 15. Isomidinov A. Mathematical modeling of the optimal parameters of rotory filter apparatus for wet cleaning of dusty gases // International journal of advanced research in science, Engineering and technology. – 2019. – Т. 6. – №. 10. – С. 258-264. 16. Isomiddinov A. et al. Application of rotor-filter dusty gas cleaner in industry and identifying its efficiency //Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences. – 2019. – №. 9-10. – С. 24-31. 17. Ergashev N.A. et al. Hydraulic resistance of dust collector with direct-vortex contact elements //Scientific progress. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 8. – С. 88-99. 18. Tojiev R.J., Sulaymonov A.M. Comparative analysis of devices for wet cleaning of industrial gases //Scientific progress. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 8. – С. 100-108. 16
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE DOI – 10.32743/UniTech.2022.104.11.14599 EFFICIENCY OF VERMICULITE ORES ENRICHMENT IN AIR FILTER Avaz Aripov Senior Lecturer, Department of Metallurgy, Navoi State Mining and Technology University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi Lola Saydakhmedova Assistant, Department of Metallurgy, Navoi State Mining and Technology University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi Rashid Goyibnazarov Student, Navoi State Mining and Technology University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi Shaxzoda Utkirova Student, Navoi State Mining and Technology University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi Mohinabonu Murtozayeva Student, Navoi State Mining and Technology University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi Quvonchbek Bektamishov Student, Navoi State Mining and Technology University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ОБОГАЩЕНИЯ ВЕРМИКУЛИТОВЫХ РУД В ВОЗДУШНОМ СЕПАРАТОРЕ Арипов Аваз Розикович ст. преподаватель, Навоийский государственный горно-технологический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Навои E-mail: [email protected] Сайдахмедова Лола Абдуганиевна ассистент, Навоийский государственный горно-технологический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Навои Гойибназаров Рашид Гафурович студент, Навоийский государственный горно-технологический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Навои __________________________ Библиографическое описание: EFFICIENCY OF VERMICULITE ORES ENRICHMENT IN AIR FILTER // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Aripov A.R. [и др.]. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14599
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Уткирова Шахзода Ихтиёровна студент, Навоийский государственный горно-технологический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Навои Муртозаева Мохинабону Мансуровна студент, Навоийский государственный горно-технологический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Навои Бектамишов Кувончбек Гайратович студент, Навоийский государственный горно-технологический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Навои ABSTRACT The mineralogical and technological properties of vermiculite raw materials are analyzed in the article, the main properties of natural vermiculite are studied. As a result of the tests, a technological scheme for dry beneficiation of vermiculite ores was developed. The output of vermiculite concentrate by fractions is 10.57%, its amount in enrichment is 85%, the separation of vermiculite in enrichment is 95.95%. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье проанализированы минерало-технологические свойства вермикулитового сырья, изучены основные свойства природного вермикулита. В результате испытаний разработана технологическая схема сухого обогаще- ния вермикулитовых руд. Выход вермикулитового концентрата по фракциям составляет 10,57%, его содержание в концентрате 85%, извлечение вермикулита при обогащении 95,95 %. Keywords: vermiculite, ore, enrichment, mineralogical composition, chemical composition, air separator, yield, recovery. Ключевые слова: вермикулит, руда, обогащение, минералогический состав, химический состав, воздушная сепарация, выход, извлечение. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The production of vermiculite and materials based temperatures, so a reliable refractory material is required on it has just begun to develop in the Republic of Uz- to ensure the operability of the technological processes bekistan. high porosity, low density and low thermal and to protect the equipment. Vermiculite can withstand conductivity, as well as high fire resistance and stability temperatures above 13000C and provides low thermal of the mineral content made it widely used among other conductivity. Excellent adsorption properties of vermic- heat-insulating materials. Dry building mixes are made ulite are used in cases of disruption of technological from it, fire-resistant boards and paints are produced, it processes in the production of chemical reagents, alkalis is widely used in insulation of heating devices and and acids soundproofing of rooms, steel casting [1]. When it comes to the use of vermiculite in the energy Currently, 500-600 thousand tons of vermiculite is industry, it is primarily used in atomic energy due to its produced annually worldwide, about 80% of which is ability to reflect gamma radiation and absorb the de- mined in the USA and the Republic of South Africa, and structive radiation of radioactive isotopes including the rest in Brazil, Argentina, China, India, Egypt, Kenya strontium, cesium, cobalt, and others. It is also used to and Russia [2]. More than one hundred types of vermiculite create fire-resistant protection for high-voltage electric products are produced in economically developed coun- cables and distribution boxes, to organize fire barriers tries [3]. In most countries, the use of vermiculite is still in energy complex facilities. The process of applying limited due to the fact that the building materials pro- vermiculite to many branches of the engineering industry duction industry is not equipped with modern energy began: in the automotive industry, it is one of the main and resource-saving technologies [7-8]. Expanded ver- components in the production of brake pads and other miculite is widely used as an effective thermal and friction products, effectively reducing the temperature sound insulation material, porous filler for lightweight that occurs during high-speed friction allows (has high concrete and plastering admixtures, and other purposes [4]. physical and mechanical properties), as a result, the service life increases [2]. In the aircraft industry, based on the Vermiculite is widely used in steel casting, water fire-resistant properties of vermiculite, special coatings filtration, as an adsorbent of smoke and toxic gases, as have been created for runways that have the ability an anti-radiation material, in wastewater treatment, in oil to quickly extinguish (reduce) the temperature during spill recovery, and in reducing soil nitrate pollution [2]. braking. In shipbuilding, vermiculite is included in the Agro vermiculite is widely used in horticulture and flo- coatings used for the underwater part of ships. This riculture in developed countries with high agricultural prevents the growth of molluscs on the ship's hull. Fire- culture [6]. resistant parts and thermal insulation in ships and cars are also produced on the basis of vermiculite [2]. In the steel and iron-based alloy casting industry, the melting of any metal is always associated with high 18
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Adsorption properties of vermiculite open a wide product of hydration. Technologies for beneficiation of way for its use in the food industry. The natural origin Potanin, Altintas, Karatas, Barchin, Sholak-Kayraktan of this material makes it possible to use it for filtering mines (Russia) have also been developed. The ores of a water and all kinds of suspensions (sugar syrup, starch number of mines were tested in pilot-industrial condi- and molasses-based products, vegetable oils, alcohol tions and included in the state reserve based on the pro- products and beer, fruit and vegetable juices). In addition, posed solutions for their processing [2]. vermiculite serves as insulation in food storage in industrial refrigerators. Expanded vermiculite is used for thermal Vermiculite can be burned in different furnaces insulation of walls, floors, foundations, and sound insu- (gaseous or liquid-fueled tower, rotary tube, etc.). The lation of buildings. most effective way to burn vermiculite is in a fluidized bed furnace. Tower furnaces overcome this condition, The purpose of beneficiating vermiculite is to separate providing intensive heating of vermiculite grains and their it from loose non-expandable rock and weakly expandable short stay in the high temperature zone. The impossibility micas. This process is the most complex and expensive of separating waste rocks is an important drawback of in the production of expanding vermiculite. The next the incineration process [3]. stages of raw material processing - crushing and burning are performed with less labor and costs. Their presence While the main process in the production of vermic- in the final product has almost no effect on the quality ulite is incineration, experience shows that it is most ef- of expanding vermiculite, because currently there are fective to use a set of technologies that include pre- methods of waste and enrichment processing that allow incineration and post-processing of the material to ob- the complete separation of biotite and phlogopite parti- tain high-quality products. cles directly as a result of the incineration process [2]. Modern vermiculite processing complexes should In Uzbekistan, the production of vermiculite and become the main element of modern enterprises (shops, materials based on it began to develop in the last five plots) specializing in the production of vermiculite and years. Instead of the technology of enrichment based products based on vermiculite. To implement the new on combustion, which is widely used in world practice, concept, it is necessary to model and synthesize energy in the conditions of today's constant increase in the price and resource-saving technologies, technological pro- of oil and gas products and their shortage, as well cessing systems aimed at solving major scientific and as increasing environmental requirements, increasing technical problems of great national economic im- requirements for its quality, saving energy and re- portance. Among such wastes, there are up to 52% ver- sourcesand in the conditions of industrial safety, there miculites in the composition of vermiculite was a need to develop production in new directions, conglomerates, which are a mechanical mixture of vari- vermiculite enrichments and conglomerate (from the ous mineral particles. Latin conglomeratus - crowded, compressed, a mixture of various dissimilar things, irregular addition, assorted) The disadvantage of the method of processing ver- sets the task of creating a new concept of processing miculite ores burned by exposing the processed material technological systems [1]. In beneficiation of vermiculite to an air flow and an electric field is the relatively low ores, sedimentation and dry magnetic separation processes efficiency of the separation process. Aimed to increase are used. At the Kovdor beneficiation plant (Russia), the efficiency of the separation process by increasing the ore is successively beneficiated by grinding, sorting, charge difference between mica and other rocks. The ore and separated into finished product (vermiculite), waste is heated to a temperature of 50-3000C (in which the and intermediate products. Developed a technology for charge difference between mica and other rocks increases), extracting expanding vermiculite from under-enriched then separated in an electric field and air flow [3]. vermiculite ore by incineration in a specialized electric furnace and simultaneous separation of inert material [2]. The granulometric composition of the vermiculite ores of the Tebinbulok mine is presented in table 1. The The highest quality vermiculite enrichment is ob- share of particles with a size of less than 5 mm prevails tained from the Kovdor vermiculite mine, which is a (from 55 to 98%, on average 83%) Table 1. Granulometric composition of Tebinbulok mine ores № examples +10 -10+5 Fractions, мм, % -5+0,6 Including 39,5 -0,6+0 1 31,2 24,8 +5 -5+0 42,9 4,5 2 0,7 1,2 45,9 55,2 3 2,0 2,8 56,0 44,0 52,8 49,3 4 2,2 4,0 1,9 98,1 41,6 41,0 5 - - 4,8 95,2 62,1 24,8 6 - - 6,2 93,8 58,2 35,7 7 - - 33,6 66,4 40,7 26,9 8 - - 2,2 97,8 42,1 14,3 9 - - 14,9 85,1 46,1 35,4 10 3,3 2,3 45,0 55,0 48,3 22,5 77,5 56 94,4 19
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. The main mineral in the ore is vermiculite, which can be effectively crushed in hammer, jaw and jaw crushers. The ability of vermiculite to separate into it also contains amphibole-Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2, thin layers and high viscosity do not allow using existing grinders to grind it in some cases. Physical properties of carbonate, titanomagnetite-Fe2TiO4, iddingsite-MgFe2 vermiculite, the above requirements for crushed material require vermiculite to be crushed by cutting or simulta- Si3O10·4(H2O), montmorillonite- neous cutting and impacting rather than by impact or crushing action. in the process of crushing vermiculite (Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2(Si4O10)(OH)2·nH2O, chrysotile-as- ore from Karauzyak mine, it was carried out in order to study the crushing parameters in jaw, jaw and hammer bestos 3MgO·2SiO2·2H2O, gypsum- (CaSO4 ·2H2O), crushers. there are iron oxides Fe2O3, FeO, Fe3O4 [2]. The chemi- Studies on vermiculite grinding showed good re- sults using hammer mills with cutting blades [1]. Their cal composition of the ore mainly consists of ore-form- use allows to reduce the degree of crushing, to increase the thickness of crushed vermiculite grains, thereby in- ing natural rocks, %: SiO2 - 41.13, TiO2 - 1.11, Al2O3 - creasing the specific crushing efficiency. It is dried in cyclone drying drums at a temperature of 1500C to remove 6.25, Fe2O3 - 7.36, FeO - 3.76, MnO - 15.04, CaO - 17.7, moisture. the removal of non-ferrous metals is carried out using a separator-sorter in an electromagnetic field, Na2O - 1.0, K2O - 0.62, P2O5 - 0.03, SO3 - 0.29, Cl2O - from where the vermiculite product is classified in sieves for sorting into -4+2 mm, -2+1 mm and -1 mm fractions. 1.31, CO2 - 2.55. In addition, dry sorting of vermiculite ores was carried According to the content of vermiculite, ores can be out in air separators. each size class was separated sepa- rately to improve the enrichment performance and the conditionally divided into 3 types: poor, medium (10-20%) efficiency of the separator. The experiments were carried out in a CAD-4 air separator with changes in the air flow and rich ores (more than 20%) containing 5-10% ver- rate. In the separation of vermiculite ores, minerals were separated by specific gravity. minerals with a high specific miculite. Taking into account the relatively low amount gravity fall into the first receiving hopper, while vermic- ulite has a low specific density. Compared to other min- of vermiculite in the ore, laboratory tests were conducted erals in the ore, it is carried away by air currents and enters a distant receiver. research results show that the to determine the possibility of preliminary beneficiation initial speed of the main air flow should be in the range of 25-30 m/s to separate the vermiculite particles from in a sedimentation machine. Tests were conducted on the waste rock. The results of the conducted experiments are presented in Table 2. samples with vermiculite content of 8.12% and 11.62%. The amount of vermiculite in the obtained enrichments (in light fractions) was 18.49% and 28.35%, respec- tively, the yield of enrichment was 25.7% and 27.6%. The degree of separation of vermiculite into enrichment is 58-67%, the volume density of expanded vermiculite is 166-178 kg/m3. The ore is crushed to separate the +4 mm fraction, the fraction larger than 4 mm is fed to the crusher for grinding, and then the crushed product is returned to the smelter. Vermiculite grains are easily opened along the cracks along the cleavage planes under mechanical action, forming very soft, weakly swollen layers. Therefore, excessive fragmentation of vermiculite during grinding should be avoided. According to its structure and properties, vermicu- lite is significantly different from other natural rocks, Table 2. Distribution of vermiculite enrichments by fractions Fraction Output of enrich- Amount of vermiculite Separation of vermiculite ment, % in the inrechment, % into enrichment, % -4+2 мм 4,0 33,46 -2+1 мм 3,97 85,0 33,21 -1+0 мм 3,50 85,0 29,28 11,47 85,0 95,95 Total 85,0 Conclusion. As a result of the tests, an effective 11.47%, the amount of vermiculite in enrichment was technological scheme of dry beneficiation of vermiculite 85%, and the degree of separation of vermiculite in en- ores was developed. The yield of vermiculite enrich- richment was 95.95% organized. From the results of the ment by fractions is 3.5-4%. As a result of the studies conducted experiments, it was found that the dry bene- carried out according to the developed scheme of ver- ficiation of vermiculite ores according to the proposed miculite enrichment, the output of vermiculite enrich- scheme is effective enough. ment for fractions -4+2mm, -2+1mm and -1mm was 20
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. References: 1. Арипов А.Р. и др. Обогащение вермикулитовых руд караузякского месторождения республики Каракалпакистан // Универсум: технические науки. – 2021. –. г.Москва №. 3-13(84).– С. 78-81. 2. Арипов А.Р., Фузайлов О.У., Тошов О.Э., Пирназаров Ф.Г., Мамараимов Г.Ф. Вермикулитовая руда Караузякского месторождения Республики Каракалпакистан // Journal of Advances in Engineering Technology Vol. 1(3), January - March, 2021. 31-34c. 3. A. Aripov, A. Saidakhmedov, B. Vokhidov. Development of a technology for enrichment of vermiculite ore of the Karauzyak deposit. // Universum: технические науки: научный журнал. - № 12 (93). Часть 7.М., Изд. «МЦНО», 2021. – 5-10 с. 4. Хасанов А.С., Ражаббоев И.М., Вохидов Б.Р., Арипов А.Р., Шодиев А.Н., Саидахмедов А.А. .// Изучение вещественного состава и разработка технологии переработки проб руд месторождения Тебинбулак. // Горный вестник Узбекистана №2 (77) 2019. 57-61 с. 5. А.Р. Арипов, Ф.Э. Ахтамов, А.А. Саидахмедов, Б.Р. Вохидов Разработка технологии обогащения вермикулитовых руд караузякского месторождения // Горный журнал Казакстана. № 2. 2022. 33-39 с. 6. Арипов А.Р., Саидахмедов А.А., Ахтамов Ф.Э. «Вермикулит рудаларини бойитиб турли маҳсулотлар олиш имкониятлари. //«Ўзбекистон кончилик хабарномаси» №4 (87). 2021.–73б. 21
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF VARIOUS MATERIALS IN THE PROCESS OF REDUCING MAGNETITE FROM SLAG MELT Ochildiev Kakhramon Senior teacher of department of Metallurgy, Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent Abdirashid Khasanov Deputy Chief Engineer for Science at “Almalyk MMC” JSC, doctor of technical Science, Professor, Uzbekistan, Tashkent Shokhrukh Khojiev Associate professor of department of Metallurgy, PhD, Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] СРАВНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ОЦЕНКА ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ВОССТАНОВЛЕНИЯ МАГНЕТИТА ШЛАКОВОГО РАСПЛАВА Очилдиев Кахрамон Тоштемирови ст. преподаватель кафедры Металлургия, Ташкентский государственный технический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Хасанов Абдирашид Салиевич зам. главного инженера по науке АО «Алмалыкский ГМК», д-р техн. наук, профессор, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Хожиев Шохрух Тошпулатович и.о. доц. кафедры Металлургия, PhD, Ташкентский государственный технический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT The article presents a comparative analysis of studies on the reduction of the magnetite mineral contained in the slags of the copper smelter. Carbon, iron, and sulfur were chosen as reducing substances, and information about their relatively cheap local sources is given. According to a comparative analysis of the studies carried out, the reduction of magnetite to slag with elemental sulfur gave better results compared to other reducing agents. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье представлен сравнительный анализ исследований по восстановлению минерала магнетита, содержа- щегося в шлаках медеплавильного производства. В качестве восстановительных веществ выбраны углерод, железо и сера, приведены сведения об их относительно дешевых местных источниках. Согласно сравнительному анализу проведенных исследований, восстановление магнетита в шлак с элементарной серой дало лучшие результаты по сравнению с другими восстановителями. Keywords: magnetite, slag, reduction, carbon, iron, sulfur, temperature. Ключевые слова: магнетит, шлак, восстановление, углерод, железо, сера, температура. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ From the theory of pyrometallurgical processes and magnetite in a molten slag can be reduced by the follow- the practice of metallurgical enterprises, it is known that ing reactions [1-2]. __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Ochildiev Q.T., Khasanov A.S., Khojiev S.T. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF VARIOUS MATERIALS IN THE PROCESS OF REDUCING MAGNETITE FROM SLAG MELT // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14647
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Fe3O4 + C = 3FeO + CO (1) in the composition, %: 26 SiO2; 53 FeO and 21 Fe3O4. The carbon source was the magnetized fraction after the Fe3O4 + Fe = 4FeO (2) magnetic separation of the clinker of the zinc plant (Almalyk MMC), and the magnetized fraction after the 2Fe3O4 + S = 6FeO + SO2 (3) magnetic separation of the clinker of this plant was used as the source of iron [4]. In addition, technical sulfur To evaluate the effectiveness of various reducing from the Mubarak Gas Processing Plant was chosen as agents, special studies have been carried out. The exper- a source of sulfur. The results of the conducted studies iments were carried out according to the procedure de- are presented in Figure 1 and Table 1. scribed in [3]. For research, a synthetic slag was prepared similar in composition to the real converter slag Figure 1. Change in the residual content of magnetite over time when using various materials, temperature - 1300 ° C: 1 - sulfur; 2 - iron; 3 - carbon Table 1. Influence of the reducing agent material on the kinetics of magnetite reduction in slag of the initial composition, % Reducing Time, minutes Change in the amount of magnetite in the slag, % Degree of reduction, % agent Fe3O4 Fe3O4 Iron 5 11,80 40,50 10 9,47 52,70 Carbon 15 7,58 61,1 20 6,52 66,9 Sulfur 25 4,88 75,1 30 3,65 81,5 35 2,86 85,2 5 14,11 29,5 10 11,82 41,2 15 9,95 50,6 20 8,46 58,2 25 6,66 66,2 30 5,55 72,5 35 4,26 78,7 5 5,88 71,1 10 3,72 80,9 15 2,86 85,2 20 1,12 94,5 25 1,34 93,8 30 0,26 99,2 35 0,33 98,9 23
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. As can be seen from the above results, sulfur turned in some places there are areas of one fayalite and acid glass. There is no metallic iron in the sample [10]. out to be the most effective reducing agent in this case. After 1.8 · 103 s of being in the slag at 1350 °C, car- The reducing power of solid carbon and iron is approxi- bon samples were subjected to severe corrosion, and mately the same [5-6]. drops of cast iron accumulated on their surface in abun- dance. In the horizontal and vertical sections of the cut A certain scientific and practical interest is the study section, carbon is slag, magnetite is absent. The data ob- tained are in good agreement with the data in Table 1 in of a deeper degree of reduction of magnetite to wustite terms of the reduction of magnetite molten slag with car- bon-containing material. and up to the appearance of metallic iron in time [7]. For Based on the studies conducted on the comparative this purpose, according to the previously described evaluation of the effectiveness of various materials, it is method, studies were carried out on the reduction of necessary to select a relatively cheap reducing agent, preferably produced in our Republic, since import is magnetite with a solid reducing agent located in the slag very problematic due to the high cost of the material, transportation costs, taxes, etc. In the absence of a re- melt. The studied slag had the composition, %: 20 Fe3O4, ducing agent in Uzbekistan, it is possible to use its sub- 25 SiO2, 55 FeO. Experiments were carried out at stitute in the form of a sulfur-containing middling temperatures of 1250 oC, 1350 oC. The results of the product of metallurgical and chemical industries. experiments were controlled by X-ray microanalysis [8]. In this regard, a search was made for an alternative The mineralogical analysis of a vertical section of a source of reducing agents. This material turned out to be a composite material in the form of technical sulfur and carbon-slag sample taken 2.7 · 103 s and 3.6 · 103 s after zinc production clinker, which is a technogenic raw ma- the start of the experiment at a temperature of 1250 °C terial in the form of an intermediate product from the Waelzing of zinc cakes. Hundreds of thousands of tons showed that carbon did not undergo any noticeable of this material have accumulated in special storages and can be used without special preliminary preparation. changes. In the main volume of slag there are relatively large (0.050.1 x 0.52.0 · 10-3m) fayalite crystals, be- tween which there are glass, magnetite and fine-grained fayalite [9]. The content of magnetite in general over the entire plane of the slag section is about 2% at 2.7· 103 s, 1% at 3.6 · 103 s. In the horizontal section from carbon to the crucible wall, there is no appreciable difference in the concentration of Fe3O4. On the border with carbon, References: 1. Alamova G.Kh., Khojiev Sh.T., Okhunova R.Kh. Comparative Estimation of the Efficiency of Various Materials in the Reduction of Magnetite in Slag Melt // International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Rese- arch. – India, 2021. – Vol.10, Issue 3. – P. 191-196. 2. Khojiev Sh.T. Pyrometallurgical Processing of Copper Slags into the Metallurgical Ladle // International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. – India, February 2019. – Vol.6, Issue 2. – P. 8094 – 8099. 3. Khojiev Sh.T., Yusupkhodjaev A.A., Rakhmonaliev M., Imomnazarov O.O’. Research for Reduction of Magnetite after Converting // Kompozitsion materiallar. – Toshkent, 2019. – № 4. – C. 54 – 55. 4. Matkarimov S.T., Yusupkhodjaev A.A., Khojiev Sh.T., Berdiyarov B.T., Matkarimov Z.T. Technology for the Complex Recycling Slags of Copper Production // Journal of Critical Reviews. – Malaysia, April 2020. – Vol.7, Issue 5. – P. 214 – 220. 5. Khojiev Sh.T., Nuraliev O.U., Berdiyarov B.T., Matkarimov S.T., Akramov O‘.A. Some thermodynamic aspects of the reduction of magnetite in the presence of carbon // Universum: технические науки. – Москва, 2021. – № 3. – C. 60-64. 6. Юсупходжаев А.А., Хожиев Ш.Т., Акрамов У.А. Использование нетрадиционных восстановителей для расширения ресурсной базы ОАО «Узметкомбинат» // Черные металлы. – Москва, 2021. – № 4. – С. 4 – 8. 7. Berdiyarov B.T., Khojiev Sh.T. Thermodynamic analysis of reduction of oxidized copper compounds in a slag phase // Kompozitsion materiallar. –Toshkent, 2021. – № 4. – С. 39 – 43. 8. Хожиев Ш.Т., Бердияров Б.Т., Мухаметджанова Ш.А., Нематиллаев А.И. Некоторые термодинамические аспекты карботермических реакций в системе Fe-Cu-O-C // O‘zbekiston kimyo jurnali. – Toshkent, 2021, – №6. – C. 3 – 13. 9. Khasanov A.S., Ochildiev Q.T., Khojiev Sh.T., Mashokirov A.A. Transfer of copper cations in iron vacancies of non-stoichiometric wustite in the magnetite phase // Universum: технические науки: электрон. научн. журн. – Москва, 2022. – № 10(103), часть 6. – C. 19-22. 10. Khasanov A.S., Khojiev Sh.T., Ochildiev Q.T., Abjalova Kh.T. The main factors affecting the rate of separation of the slag and matte phases by their density: a general overview // Universum: технические науки: электрон. научн. журн. – Москва, 2022. – № 10(103), часть 6. – C. 23-27. 24
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. RESEARCH ON THE RECOVERY PROCESS OF COPPER SMELTER TAILINGS AND SEPARATION OF IRON FROM SOOT USING A MAGNETIC SEPARATOR Abdurashid Khasanov Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Chief Engineer for Science of JSC «AGMK» (Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine), Republic of Uzbekistan, Almalyk Talant Sirozhov Senior Lecturer of the Department of «Metallurgy» of the Navoi State Mining Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi E-mail: [email protected] Shahzoda Utkirova Student, Navoi State Mining Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi Mokhinabonu Murtozaeva Student, Navoi State Mining Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ПРОЦЕССА ВОССТАНОВЛЕНИЯ ХВОСТОВ МЕДНО-ОБОГАТИТЕЛЬНОГО ЗАВОДА И ОТДЕЛЕНИЯ ЖЕЛЕЗА ОТ САЖИ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ МАГНИТНОГО СЕПАРАТОРА Хасанов Абдурашид Солиевич д-р техн. наук, проф., зам. главного инженера по науке АО «АГМК» (Алмалыкскый горно-металлургический комбинат), Республика Узбекистан, г. Алмалык Сирожов Талант Толибович ст.преп. кафедры «Металлургия» Навоийского государственного горного института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Навои E-mail: [email protected] Уткирова Шахзода Ихтиёр кизи студент, Навоийского государственного горного института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Навои Муртозаева Мохинабону Мансур кизи студент, Навоийского государственного горного института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Навои ABSTRACT The article presents the results of research on the technology of extraction of ferrous metals from concentrator waste. Accordingly, based on the analysis of local and foreign literature on the processing of concentrators, the classical pyro- metallurgical and hydrometallurgical technologies for the separation of iron and its compounds from the waste were studied and their advantages and disadvantages were identified. [2; p.29]. Copper production has been shown to generate large amounts of oxidized waste during flotation enrichment of sulfide copper-molybdenum ores and after magnetic en- richment of iron ores. Chemical analysis of the waste showed that it contained large amounts of oxidized iron compounds. __________________________ Библиографическое описание: RESEARCH ON THE RECOVERY PROCESS OF COPPER SMELTER TAILINGS AND SEPARATION OF IRON FROM SOOT USING A MAGNETIC SEPARATOR // Universum: технические науки : элек- трон. научн. журн. Khasanov A.S. [и др.]. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14624
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье представлены результаты исследований технологии извлечения черных металлов из отходов обога- тительных фабрик. Соответственно, на основе анализа отечественной и зарубежной литературы по переработке концентраторов изучены классические пирометаллургическая и гидрометаллургическая технологии выделения железа и его соединений из отходов и выявлены их преимущества и недостатки. Показано, что производство меди приводит к образованию большого количества окисленных отходов при флотационном обогащении суль- фидных медно-молибденовых руд и после магнитного обогащения железных руд. Химический анализ отходов показал, что они содержат большое количество окисленных соединений железа. Keywords: copper, waste, concentrate, flotation, slag, coke, solution, cake, sulfuric acid, leaching, charge. Ключевые слова: медь, отходы, концентрат, флотация, шлак, кокс, раствор, кек, серная кислота, выщелачи- вание, шихта. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Magnetic enrichment is a process of enrichment of field strength from 70 to 120 kA/m and field strength separated components in a magnetic field based on the from 3*105 to 6*105 kA2/m3); difference in magnetic attraction properties. The starting material for magnetic enrichment is magnetic and non- 2) Separators with a high magnetic field used to magnetic mechanical mixtures, which are separated into separate weakly magnetic minerals from ore (magnetic magnetic and non-magnetic products in air or water. field strength from 800 to 1600 kA/m and field strength Magnetic enrichment processes (magnetic sorting) is a from 3*107 to 120*107 kA2/m3). process of separating minerals by changing the trajectory of movement of particles with different magnetic Depending on the nature of the medium in which the properties in a magnetic field. Magnetic enrichment is separation of minerals takes place, all magnetic separa- carried out in magnetic separators[3;p.2]. There is a mag- tors are dry for beneficiation of minerals in an air envi- netic field in their working zones, and when material ronment and wet for beneficiation in an aqueous particles move from these working zones, the force of environment. [3; p.5]. Wet magnetic separation is used for attraction to the magnet is Fmag. Minerals with different minerals with a size from 3 to 50-100, dry, 3(6) mm fine. magnetic properties are located along different trajectories, According to the movements of the products relative to and magnetic minerals are divided into magnetic each other, separators with direct flow, counterflow and products, and non-magnetic minerals are divided into semi-counterflow baths are used. Depending on the non-magnetic products. Depending on the application structural structure of the main working body and the of the separator and the strength of the magnetic field, type of environment in which the separation takes place, all magnetic separators are divided into: separators are divided as follows: Drum for wet separation (NB), for dry separation (QB), roller for wet 1) Separators with a weak magnetic field used to separation (NV), roller for dry separation (QV), disk for separate strongly magnetic minerals from ore (magnetic dry separation (QD). [4; p.5]. Recovery rate,% 86 84 82 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 80 Coal consumption 78 76 74 72 70 68 5% Figure 1. The effect of the consumption of the regenerating substance on the recovery process 26
№ 11 (104) Consumption of the restorative substance ноябрь, 2022 г. Regenerative spending, % Temperature, C Magnetic fraction % Table 1. 5 10 900 74 Non-magnetic 15 900 80.2 fraction % 20 900 81.3 26 25 900 82 19.8 30 900 84.3 18.7 900 84.3 18 15.7 15.7 Figure 2. X-ray image of a magnetic concentrate Figure 3. Optical microscope image of magnetic separator product: (a) magnetic fraction; (b) non-magnetic fraction. A - metallic phase; Slg - waste Conclusion/Recommendations: 1) FeO, Fe2O3, selectively dissolved in sulfuric acid and precipitation of Fe3O4 contained in the wastes of the copper beneficiation the metals contained in the solution was achieved using factory were reduced to iron by restorative incineration; the cementation method; 4) As a result of selective melting, 2) Using a magnetic separator, a magnetic fraction was it was possible to extract gold and silver metals from obtained from the soot; 3) The non-magnetic fraction was the solid cake that did not melt. 27
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. References: 1. K.S. Sanakulov, A.S. Khasanov ,,Processing of copper production slags’ Tashkent Publishing House “Fan” Uzbekistan 2007 2. Khasanov A.S., Sirozhov T.T., Utkirova Sh.I., Murtozaeva M.M. “Investigation of the effect of chloride sublimation roasting in the processing of copper slags” UNIVERSUM: TECHNICAL SCIENCES No. 3 (84). 3. Khasanov A.S., Tolibov B.I., Sirozhov T.T., Akhmedov M.S. “New directions for the creation of technology for granulation of copper production slags” EURASIAN UNION OF SCIENTISTS (ESU). No. 2 (71) / 2020 4. Sirozhov T.T., Aripov A.R., Utkirova Sh. “Modern state of the theory and practice of copper production slag preparation” Academy. No. 1 (52), 2020. 5. Turobov Sh.N, Karshiboev Sh, Saidakhmedov A, Sirozhov T.T., Yarlakabov S. Namazov S.Z. “Research on the possibility of extracting valuable components from industrial waste” “Advances in Scien” XI International Scientific and Practical Conference. November 30, 2017 Research and publishing center \"Relevance of the Russian Federation\" 118-120 s. 6. Vanyukov A.V., Zaitsev V Ya. Slags and mattes of non-ferrous metallurgy. M. Metallurgy. 1969. 408 p. 7. Khasanov A.S. Physical chemistry of copper production. Navoi. 2003. 8. Khasanov A.S., Sanakulov KS, Atakhanov A.S. Technological scheme of complex processing of slags of Alm.GMK. M // News of universities. 2003.9 p. 9. Khasanov A.S. Physical properties of liquid slags and mattes II Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan, 2004. No. 3/18 P. 84-85. 28
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. PROCESSES AND MACHINES OF AGROENGINEERING SYSTEMS DOI – 10.32743/UniTech.2022.104.11.14532 DAMAGE TO PLANTS BY DRAINAGE WATERS AND INFLUENCE ON GEOCHEMICAL CHANGES IN THE SOIL Dilmurod Darmonov b.f.f.d., (PhD), Teacher of Fergana State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana E-mail: [email protected] Orifjon Mamatkulov Teacher of Fergana State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana E-mail: [email protected] Muhridin Khalikov Teacher of Fergana State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana E-mail: [email protected] Rozali Matholikov Teacher of Fergana State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana E-mail: [email protected] ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЕ РАСТЕНИЙ ДРЕНАЖНЫМИ ВОДАМИ И ВЛИЯНИЕ НА ГЕОХИМИЧЕСКИЕ ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ В ПОЧВЕ Дармонов Дилмурод Якубжонович б.ф.ф.д., (PhD) преподаватель Ферганского государственного университета, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана Маматкулов Орифжон Одилжон оглы преподаватель Ферганского государственного университета, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана Халиков Мухридин Бахромжон оглы преподаватель Ферганского государственного университета, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана Матоликов Розали Бахтиёр оглы преподаватель Ферганского государственного университета, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана __________________________ Библиографическое описание: DAMAGE TO PLANTS BY DRAINAGE WATERS AND INFLUENCE ON GEO- CHEMICAL CHANGES IN THE SOIL // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Darmonov D.Y. [и др.]. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14532
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. ABSTRACT At present, the country is working to improve the reclamation of soils, including the annual design and extension of drainage networks, which, as a result of such processes, increase the fertility of soils in all respects, but deeper study of them halogeochemical changes occur in soils as a result of erosion. АННОТАЦИЯ В настоящее время в стране ведутся работы по улучшению мелиорации почв, в том числе по ежегодному проектированию и расширению дренажных сетей, которые в результате таких процессов повышают плодородие почв во всех отношениях, но при более глубоком изучении их происходят галогеохимические изменения. в почвах в результате эрозии. Keywords: Hungry steppe zone, Sherabad steppes, old irrigated tracts, collector-drainage, capital washing, water extract, soil alkalinity, sulfate-chloride-hydrocarbonate, mineralization, hydrogalite, halogen formation, migration coefficient, migration intensity, province. Ключевые слова: Голодная степная зона, Шерабадские степи, староорошаемые массивы, коллекторно- дренажные, капитальные промывки, водная вытяжка, щелочность почв, сульфатно-хлоридно-гидрокарбонатные, минерализация, гидрогалит, галогенообразование, коэффициент миграции, интенсивность миграции, провинция. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction. At the moment, a large, long-term that in the conditions of the Fergana Valley, the use of program is being implemented in our country to improve collector-drainage water in the short term is not danger- soil reclamation and irrigate lands, including cotton and ous from the point of view of the risk of the development other agricultural lands. In addition to the implementation of the salinity process, and it can be used for cotton of these works, no matter how hard people and science irrigation [8, 9]. fight, the soils, to be more precise, the irrigated and newly irrigated soils are constantly exposed to salinity. zone, As you can see, it is not about irrigation of agricul- Sherabad, and Buhoro oasis are widespread. In recent tural crops, it is economically justified to use drainage years, new types of collector-drainage systems have and collector water as an additional source of irrigation been further developed in these areas, including vertical canal water. drainage systems, closed and open ditch networks on the old irrigated soil cover. Collector ditch systems are being In addition, irrigation with mineralized water, extended day by day and are having a positive effect on which has been proven to cause large crop losses with- crop productivity. Further improvement of soil reclamation out additional irrigation, creates a flushing regime and and implementation of comprehensive works, introduction annual preventive flushing. of advanced branches of reclamation and scientific achievements will further increase the scope of these The processes of mobilization of water-soluble works [1, 2, 3, 4]. salts, their migration, dissolution in sediments and soils can be called pedohalogenesis. Taking into account the climatic conditions of the regions in the implementation of reclamation works, the Level of study of the problem. It can be seen in implementation of reclamation measures is considered many works of foreign scientists, that large-scale scien- one of the important issues of today. Currently, regardless tific and research work has been carried out to determine of the implementation of any reclamation measures, the effect of mineralized waters on the properties of there is no absolute possibility to avoid one negative soil and agricultural plants, to assess and improve the feature, and that is the process of seasonal salt ecological-ameliorative condition of soils and collector- accumulation in the soil. But the existence of this process drainage waters: including V.A. Kovda, V.V. Yegorova, cannot be the reason for coming to the final conclusion I.S. Rabocheva, N.G. Minashina, A.F. Novikova, that there is absolutely no possibility of increasing soil West L.T., Hartemink A.E. and scientists of our country: fertility. Because it is possible to achieve positive results N.F. Bespalova, G.A. Ibragimov, S.Kh. Isayev, in such areas, i.e., in the soil cover with a sharply T.P. Glukhova, G. Yoldosheva, E.I. Chambarisov. continental climate, by carrying out comprehensive [10,11,12,13] reclamation measures. Such measures include the following in the complex of agrotechnical and meliorative The main part. Almost all salts involved in the measures [5, 6, 7]. process of soil formation are present in the soil extract. Such salts include NaCl, Na2SO4, MgCl2, MgSO4, current and capital planning of farming in irrigated NaHCO3, Na2CO3, MgCO3 and non-toxic Ca(HCO3)2, areas, design and improvement of drainage networks. CaSO4. Now we bring to your attention the following idea: plants contain almost all types of the above ions in regulating the regime of underground waters, i.e. their natural state. we can say that it is made on the basis maintaining their critical depth at an acceptable level. of arbitrary classification as harmful or not harmful. Most of the toxic salts are considered to have high development of scientific and agronomic methods solubility and mobility in water, it is this property that of using these waters, regardless of the type of irrigation determines the negative properties of salts for plants and used, etc. soils. In our conditions, the main toxic (poisonous salts) salts are chloride and sulfate salts of sodium and magne- Methods. Among the scientists working in this sium. Therefore, their chemistry, as well as the ratio of direction, we can cite the works of the following. UzPITI anions and cations, is taken into account when evaluating and Yuldashev G., Kruger T.P. and others determined salinity. At this point, it should be said that the type of 30
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. salinity for the soil cover of our republic is determined Depending on the mechanical composition of the by N.N.Bazilevich and E.I.Pankovalar (1972) [14, 15]. soil and the long or short duration of irrigation, it is pos- sible to use collector and drainage water for irrigation. Chloride type of salinity Sl:SO4 ≥25; Sulfate-chlo- Such experiments were carried out by G. Based on the ride Sl:SO4=2.5-1.0 Sulfate Cl:SO4≤0.3; Sulfate- information found by Yuldashev, T. Kruger in the Fergana chloride-hydrocarbonate NSO3:Sl>1; HCO3:SO4>1; Valley area, it can be said that it is possible to use the According to the composition of cations, the following collector and drainage water in the process of short-term types of salinity are distinguished: Sodium Na:Mg=2-1; salinization. Magnesium-sodium Na: Mg=2-1; Sodium-magnesium Na: Mg=1-0.5; Magnesium Na: Mg<0.5. Of course, long-term use of such irrigation water can cause salinization of the soil. The economic effi- Currently, soil salinity is determined for a meter layer. ciency of using such waters is very effective in regions The classification system developed by N.N. Bazilevich with a shortage of irrigation water. and E.I. Pankova is based on this model. The process of salinization in soils occurs in the non-irrigated and The ability to mobilize, settle, and migrate water- irrigated conditions. These depend primarily on the soluble salts in soils is called pedolithogenesis. Haloge- proximity of the groundwater level to the surface, as netic processes are composed of elements with a large well as the level and quality of mineralization, move- radius and low valency. Ions, cations, sodium, calcium, ment of groundwater, etc. In connection with the above, magnesium, potassium, and anions participating in haloge- the depth of underground water is conditionally distin- netic processes include chlorine, sulfuric acid, carbon guished. As a result of irrigation water in the soil, the dioxide, bicarbonates, sometimes nitrates and nitrites. first factor in the formation of halogeochemical proper- These are mainly caused by processes such as rock ero- ties is considered to be the upward movement of seepage sion and technogenesis. water through capillary tubes. At this point, it is im- portant to note that the maximum rise of groundwater The halogeochemical changes of the Fergana region through capillaries is characteristic of heavy and me- include the following main changes and stages. The dium sandy soils. Depending on the level of mineralization empty period of the first halogenesis corresponds to the of irrigation water, we can divide it into the following first half of the Cambrian and Paleozoic periods. During groups [16, 17]. the second Cretaceous period, the accumulation of salts and gypsum and angdrite reached its peak. In the Ter- fresh with mineralization up to 1 g/l; slightly miner- tiary Quaternary period, salts were formed as a result of alized with salt content - from 1 to 3 g/l; average miner- tectonic movements, climatic and technogenesis pro- alization -3-10 g/l; highly mineralized - 10-50 g / l; saline cesses [20, 21]. waters >50 g/l. From the above, the most important part for us is As a result of the strong mineralization of underground that the development of irrigation in the deposits of the waters in the conditions of Fergana region, and the com- Quaternary period greatly affects the migration ability pression of water from the bottom to the top in soils with of these salts, which, in turn, changes the salt content in heavy mechanical composition, seepage waters lie at the deposits accordingly. different depths in different periods. For example, 1.2 m at the beginning of the growing season, IV-IX during the In such areas, the best way to regulate salt migration growing season. 1.5 m (1.3-1.6 m), 1.7 m (1.7-1.2 m) in is considered to be the use of collector and drainage the non-vegetation period for X-II. This was proven by ditches. If such works are not put into practice, the pro- experts of the UzPITI experimental station [18,19]. cess of secondary salinization of the soil will develop rapidly. The process of salinization in soils depends not only on the collector networks, but also on the migration coefficient of salts [1, 2]. Table 1. Migration table according to Perelman Migration intensity Migration rate An array of elements Very strong n10- n100 S, Cl, B, Br, J Strong n-n10 Average 0. n- n Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Sr, Zn, Mo, Se, Au Weak and very weak 0.0 n or less Si, K, Mn, P, Ba, Rb, Ni, Cu, Li, Co, Cs, As, Tl, Ra Al, Fe, Ti, Zr, Tn In this table, we can conclude that groundwater and of dissolution, they pass the stage of migration in the surface water enrich the amount of salts in the layers that form of magnesium sulfate and sodium carbonates. [3,4] supply and throw easily soluble salts. As a result of this process, weak mineralization in groundwater and transi- As you and I know, Gypsum is a compound with tion of water-soluble salts from the solid phase to the low solubility in water, but its solubility increases liquid phase correspond to the Perelman table in accord- slightly due to the influence of some migrating salts, for ance with their degree of dissolution. Ca, Mg, K, Na example, NaCl. We will be able to see it in the following chlorides dissolve more intensively under the influence video. of underground water, and after this stage, i.e., the stage 2NaCl+CaSO4→Na2SO4+CaCl2 31
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. On the contrary, if there are many sulfate salts such Conclusion. It has not been fully proven that all the as Na2SO4 and MgSO4, the solubility of gypsum de- salts present in the soil are harmful to plants, so it is nec- creases. We can see it in the example of the reaction be- essary to classify the salts into harmful and non-harmful low. groups for each agricultural crop and classify them. it is necessary to improve the creation of new methods in sci- MgSO4+SaCO3SaSO4→MgCO3+CaSO4 entific reasoning. The amount and quality of salts play a key role in Taking into account the climatic conditions of the the occurrence of halogenation of salts in soils distrib- region in the development of irrigation rates and periods, uted in arid regions. In such areas, salts, chlorides and in addition, increasing and developing the irrigation pro- sulfates accumulate in underground water. Geochemical cess on soils formed from Quaternary deposits will dis- zonal provinces are formed as a result of evaporation in rupt the migration coefficient of normal salts in them soils. According to the calcification of such provinces, and cause secondary re-salination. . accumulation of gypsum, sodium chloride, magnesium, salt occurs, where nitrates and nitrites can accumulate at In the arid hot climate region, the solubility of wa- the last stage. The solubility and value of soil salts is ter-soluble salts in the soil increases in proportion to the constant, depending on a number of soil and water fac- temperature during irrigation water supply. tors, this characteristic can change due to the influence of salt concentration in solution and dissolved gases, Recommendations partial pressure of CO2, etc. If we consider temperature as the main factor, we can see the change of solubility It will be possible to increase the productivity of the as below. That is, we can arrange the solubility of salts soil by increasing the efficiency of irrigation and de- at 200 C as follows in descending order [5,6]. salination networks. That is, by maintaining a constant acceptable critical depth of seepage waters. 1. Mg(NO3)2, NaNO2, CaCl2, MgCl2, NaCl, MgSO4; 2. Na2CO3, Na2SO4, NaHCO3; 3. Mg(HCO3)2, In areas with limited water resources, it will be pos- Ca(HCO3)2, CaSO4. sible to irrigate soils with a light mechanical composi- tion for a short period of time with collector and The salts of the first group show the highest solubil- drainage water. ity (at 200 C), while the salts of the second group have a lower solubility than those of the first group and are Salts such as gypsum, which have a low solubility more sensitive to temperature increase. under the influence of irrigation water, become highly soluble as a result of their migration due to exposure to salts such as NaCl, so it is necessary to consider the amount of NaCl in the soil profile. 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