№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. only you can decide which one is right for you based on Pros and Cons of Goat Milk: Goat milk is rich in your situation and taste. useful substances. It has even higher nutritional value than cow's milk. It also helps us absorb certain nutrients. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each It is a more nutritious and natural product for protein, contender (cow, goat, and sheep) milk. calcium and fats. The composition of goat's milk is closer to human milk than cow's milk, and human milk Pros and cons of cow's milk: Cow's milk is one of is similar to goat's milk. Goat's milk contains a large the main products consumed daily by mankind, and amount of zinc compared to mother's milk, and it is an while researches in recent years show that milk can have important mineral substance for maintaining healthy harmful effects on the body, other studies show the skin and healing wounds. 100 ml of goat's milk contains benefits of dairy products for health. Cow's milk is a about 3.6 grams of A2 casein. Compared to cow's milk, cheap source of protein. It is a convenient source of cal- goat's milk contains more selenium. This unique mineral cium. Doctors recommend that children between 2 and is the main component of the immune system and pro- 5 years of age consume 350 milligrams of calcium per tects the body from infections. 200 ml of goat's milk meets day for healthy bone development. Vitamin B12 in milk the daily need for calcium, which ensures the healthy improves memory. This is important in enhancing the development of a person. overall brain development of a growing child. Contains nutrients such as vitamin B12 and iodine, magnesium, \"Selenium\" deficiency and a decrease in the num- which is important for bone and muscle function, and ber of blood platelets. Goat milk prevents dengue by in- whey and casein, which have been shown to lower blood creasing blood platelets because goat milk is high in pressure. It has rich fats, calcium, phosphorus, and po- selenium. In addition, it helps to digest various minerals tassium that help regulate and maintain high blood pres- present in the body. Goat's milk is a very rich source of sure. protein, which is the basis of growth and development, because proteins are the foundation for the development There are many age-related diseases in older people, of cells, tissues, muscles and bones. By providing a sta- one of which is Osteoporosis, which is the leaching of ble flow of protein, we restore the growth of metabolic large amounts of calcium from the tissues and bones, processes and general health. Goat's milk contributes to making them very thin, thin and prone to cracks and a healthy weight and facilitates digestion. In addition, it fractures. It is cow's milk that successfully fills calcium increases the number of platelets. deficiency, because this element is absorbed by 98% of humans. In addition, this product is effective in the fight Prevents milk allergy in young children and reduces against viral infections, in which the body fights against the risk of atherosclerosis. Milk contains vitamin B12 pathogens caused by proteins, and milk is a source of and K, which are necessary for the proper and easy easily digestible proteins. movement of blood. This helps restore blood platelets. Goat's milk may help lower cholesterol in the arteries Use of cow's milk for various diseases: Today, and gallbladder in people with high cholesterol. In addi- medicine is well developed in our country, and it is very tion, it facilitates the control of cholesterol. effective to use simple, cheap and certainly natural ways to fight against various diseases and immunity. Simple Cons of Goat Milk: As there is no perfect thing in treatment methods for people suffering from angina, the world, goat's milk is also a product that can cause add 3 or 5 raisins and garlic and cloves to 1 glass of milk. some side effects on the body. Keep in mind that con- To improve the taste of the drink, you can add a few tea- suming raw goat's milk can have negative health conse- spoons of honey and melted butter. Such a tool not only quences. Although there are no significant side effects fights bacteria, but also relieves pain and protects your of quality goat milk, consumption of raw milk can cause throat from other diseases. Drinking milk with honey at a person to suffer from the following diseases, It can bedtimeTo do this, boil the liquid and cool it to 60 ˚ C, cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, food poisoning, tuber- add 50 g of honey per 1 liter of the product. It is very culosis, paralysis, kidney failure, vascular disease, night important not to add honey to excessively hot drinks, sweats and other diseases. because under the influence of high temperature, honey fructose partially separates and releases carcinogens. In Despite the fact that goat's milk is high in minerals addition, it is useful to add a tablespoon of melted butter. and proteins, folic acid is considered dangerous for ba- bies under one year of age. Of course, it is advisable to Disadvantages of cow's milk: Lactose is the sugar give goat's milk after 16-18 months only with the per- in milk. Children and adults are lactose intolerant and mission of doctors. If consumed before 18 months, the experience bloating and diarrhea when they consume large amount of potassium and sodium in milk will dairy products. You can prevent these symptoms by add- weigh on the baby's kidneys. ing lactase drops to milk. (Lactase is an enzyme that helps people digest the sugar in milk.) Interesting information: we know that human vision is 160-210 degrees, and that of goats is 320-340 degrees, You can prevent these symptoms by adding lactase they can see even in the darkness of the night, and drops to milk. (Lactase is an enzyme that helps people the pupil of the eye is triangular in shape. digest the sugar in milk.). Therefore, pediatricians do not recommend giving cow's milk to children in the first The pros and cons of sheep's milk: Sheep's milk year of life. About 2% of children are allergic to cow's does not have a strong smell or taste compared to goat's milk protein. Diarrhea, wheezing or other allergic symp- milk. People who cannot consume cow's or goat's milk toms may appear when consuming dairy products. We do not have any problems with sheep's milk. Sheep's milk should keep such children from cow's milk. is mainly used in the food industry as a raw material for 20
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. making cheese. Cheeses made from sheep's milk allow soft drinks instead of dairy products, because such soft the production of easily digestible, nutritious and soft drinks destroy bone density. Sheep's milk is often rec- cheeses for people of all ages. Compared to cow's and ommended for people who are allergic to cow's or goat's goat's milk, sheep's milk contains about twice as much milk. Sheep's milk proteins are distinguished by the ab- solids, it is very suitable for cheese production. If 10L sence of beta-lactoglobulin in cow's milk. Sheep's milk of cow's milk is needed to make 1kg of cheese, this in- is very useful for athletes because it is rich in protein. It dicator shows only 5L of sheep's milk. organizes. People plays an important role in the development of tissues in who regularly consume sheep's milk live longer. 2 cups the human body. Sheep's milk provides 254% of the or 490g of sheep's milk meet a person's daily require- daily requirement of 800 mg of calcium, while cow's ment of protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, thiamin, milk provides only 170%. riboflavin, B6 and B12, vitamin lag without adding anything else. Possible. Compared to cow's milk, fat Disadvantages of sheep's milk: There is a lack of globules in goat's milk are smaller, but sheep's milk is production in production, because sheep give milk only smaller than cow's and goat's milk, so it remains un- for 4-6 months after lambing, and bred sheep bred for changed (its fat does not float to the surface). Smaller fat milk also give milk only for 7-8 months. Consumption globules can cause weight gain and high cholesterol. of sheep's milk and other milks raw and unpasteurized and unconsumed Unpasteurized milk can cause Exnacoccal As a product rich in biologically active substances, disease (Exnacoccal disease is a worm in the breast). sheep's milk can be used as a medical aid that supports There are no diseases in sheep's milk that are different the body in the fight against neurological and cancer dis- from other milks. eases. Children's bone density develops during adoles- cence, and today, it is not good for children to consume Table 1. Comparative composition table of cow, goat and sheep milk Composition of selected amino acids in goat, sheep and cow milk in 100 g of milk Amino Acids (g) Goat Sheep A cow Isolation 0.207 0.338 0.199 Leucine 0.317 0.587 0.220 Lysine 0.290 0.513 0.261 Metionin 0.080 0.155 0.083 Phenylalanine 0.155 0.284 0.159 Threonine 0.163 0.268 0.149 Tryptophan 0.044 0.084 0.046 Valin 0.240 0.448 0.220 AVERAGE AMOUNT OF VITAMINS IN 100 G OF GOAT, SHEEP AND COW MILK Vitamins Goat Sheep A cow Retinol (A) (mg) 0.04 0.08 0.04 Vitamin D ((jg) 0.06 0.18 0.08 Tocopherol (E) (mg) 0.04 0.11 0.11 Thiamine (B^ (mg) 0.05 0.08 0.04 Riboflavin (B2) (mg) 0.14 0.35 0.17 Niacin (B3) (mg) 0.20 0.42 0.09 Pantothenic acid (B5) (mg) 0.31 0.41 0.34 Pyridoxine (B6) (mg) 0.05 0.08 0.04 Biotin (B8) (pg) 2.0 - 2.0 Folic Acid (pg) 1.0 5.0 5.3 Cobalamin (Bl?) (pg) 0.06 0.71 0.35 Ascorbic acid (C) mg 1.3 5.0 0.1 RATIO OF FAT FRACTIONS IN GOAT, SHEEP AND COW MILK Oiliness Goat Sheep A cow Triacylglycerols 97-99 96-99 96-99 Diacylglycerols 2.2 0.4-1.4 0.3-1.6 Monoacylglycerols 0.9 0.5 0.002-0.1 Complex lipids 1-3 1-2.1 1-2.3 Phospholipids 0.44 0.043 0.2-1.0 Glycolipids 0.08 - 0.0-0.07 Cholesterol 0.03 0.03 0.02 21
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. References: 1. Quality of milk and dairy products Журнал Archive of Conferences Авторы Locliinbek Ibragimov Страницы 82-84. 2. Zabodalova L.A., Evstigneeva T.N. -Sut mahsulotlari va muzqaymoq texnologiyasi, 2013 yil, 3-5-betlar. 3. Реутов О.А, Курч А. Л, Бутин К.П. Органишеская химия. Ушебник для студентов химических специальностей и аспирантов Москва 1999г,1985стр. 4. Березин Б.Д, Березин Д.Б.Курс современной органической химии. Москва. 2003.768 с. 22
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. DOI – 10.32743/UniTech.2022.104.11.14585 IMPORTANCE OF FOOD COLORINGS IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY Shodiev Dilshodjon Assistant of the Department of Food Technology, Fergana polytechnic institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana E-mail: [email protected] Qurbonov Hojiali Student of the Department of Food Technology, Fergana polytechnic institute Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ПИЩЕВЫХ КРАСИТЕЛЕЙ В ПИЩЕВОЙ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ Шодиев Дилшоджон Абдуложон угли ассистент кафедры «Пищевая технология», Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана Курбонов Хожиали Алижон угли студент кафедры «Пищевая технология», Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана ABSTRACT The article presents several classes of organic compounds used in drinks, fruit and vegetable products, natural and synthetic food dyes, the scope of these classes, their biochemical, physical and chemical properties, provides scientific information on recommended dosages for coloring and preserving food products. products. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье приведены несколько классов органических соединений, используемых в напитках, плодоовощных продуктах, натуральных и синтетических пищевых красителях, области применения этих классов, их биохими- ческие, физико-химические свойства, приведены научные сведения о рекомендуемых дозировках для окрашивания и консервирования пищевых продуктов, товаров. Keywords: sweeteners. malt extracts, lactose, xylitol, sorbitol, polyhydric alcohols, cyclomates aspartame. Ключевые слова: подсластители. солодовые экстракты, лактоза, ксилит, сорбит, многоатомные спирты, цикломаты аспартам. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The most important aspect of food products that amount of the main dye, which in turn allows them to be consumers evaluate is their organoleptic characteristics: isolated and used in the production of a wide range of taste, color and smell. In particular, the color is the first food products. You can use individual colors for food quality indicator that the consumer pays attention to, and coloring or a combination of several colors. Natural dyes the specificity of the paint is that the coloring material is are usually based on vegetable pigments [2]. The dye con- absorbed into the food and gives color to the entire vol- tains carotenoids, flavonoids, betanin, riboflavin, chlo- ume [1]. rophyll, etc. occurs due. Natural dyes are not toxic, but Depending on the origin, dyes are divided into nat- most of them have an acceptable daily dose. Research ural and artificial. Artificial dyes are divided into organic into plant-based dyes is in full swing. The use of seafood and inorganic (mineral). The use of food colorings is reg- is promising. In our country, a red dye based on carote- ulated by state standards (GOST), guidelines and other noids is allowed [3]. technical documents. Dyes can be soluble in oils and wa- Consumers develop the ability to color food ter, while pigments can be neither water nor oil. Modern by associating the color of the product with its quality. technologies make it possible to obtain both natural and At the same time, in the conditions of modern food tech- artificial dyes with desired properties and a standard nologies, products often change their original color, __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Shodiev D., Qurbonov H. IMPORTANCE OF FOOD COLORINGS IN THE FOOD IN- DUSTRY // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14585
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. characteristic of the consumer, and in some cases have annatto dye yellow-pink; paprika carotenoids - extracts an unpleasant color. This will undoubtedly make the food from red pepper; b-apocarotene aldehyde; methyl or less attractive to the consumer, affecting the appetite and ethyl esters of b-apo-8-carotene acid (used in the prepa- digestion process. Natural and synthetic (organic and ration of smoked meats, culinary products, sauces, inorganic) dyes are used to give different colors to food cheeses). and semi-finished products. They are widely used in the production of confectionery, drinks, margarine, some Synthetic food colorings. Synthetic food colors that types of canned food, etc [4]. are synthesized and do not occur naturally are called synthetic colors. Artificial dyes have significant techno- Natural food colorings. Natural food colors are divided logical advantages over natural dyes, they give bright, into the following main groups: carotenoids, anthocyanins, easily formed colors, and the product is less sensitive to flavonoids and chlorophyll. Their various complexes various influences encountered in the technological pro- form a separate group. Carotenoids provide the color of cess. Artificial feed dyes are represented by several various zoological and botanical raw materials in nature classes of organic compounds: azo dyes (tartrazine) - (egg yolks, carrots, etc.), which are isolated from these E102, \"yellow sunset\" - E110, carmoisine - E122, raw materials by extraction. The carotenoids obtained in tulip 4P - E124, black gloss PH - E151), triarylmethane this way can give food a red, pink or yellow color. The bo. blue B - E131, blue gloss FCF - E133, green S - E142), most commonly used carotenoids are E-160 and E-161. quinoline (yellow quinoline - E104), indigoid (indigo Beta-carotene (E160a), described as a stable color, carmine - E132). All of these compounds are highly makes the product more attractive and natural. Beta-car- soluble in water, and some form insoluble complexes otene is not only natural, but also an artificial substance, with metal ions, which are used to color powder products. soluble in water and fat. The amount of added carotene Riboflavins. Riboflavin (E101) and riboflavin 5-phosphate depends on the type of product, the expected color range sodium (E101i) are used as yellow food coloring for and its intensity [5]. drinks and vegetables. The maximum input amount is not specified. Indigo carmine (E132). When dissolved in Beta-carotene is extracted separately or in combina- water, it gives a dark blue solution. In the confectionery tion with other carotenoids from various natural prod- industry, it is used for coloring drinks; it has a low re- ucts: wholesale, carrots, red shrimp, etc. [6]. sistance to reducing sugars, which should be taken into account when coloring drinks [7-9]. Due to its individual properties, it is important not only as a dye, but also as an effective prophylactic agent Indigo carmine (disodium salt of indegodisulfonic for radiation, oncological and cardiovascular diseases. It acid). acts as its traditional provitamin A. The following natu- ral dyes also belong to this group of pigments: lycopene; H O N NaO3S N SO3Na HO Figure 1. Indigo Carmine (Indigodisulfonic Acid Disodium) As food dyes, yellow dyes with yellow quinoline FCF (E143) are allowed. Brown dyes use NT brown (E104), yellow 2G (T107), \"yellow sunset\" (E110) are dye (E155). Erythrosine (E127) is not approved for use used. Red dyes include azorubin (E122), ponzo 4R (E124), in Uzbekistan, but is widely used in other countries. scar red AS (E129) and orsale (Orsin) (E182). Patented In Uzbekistan, the use of red amaranth (E123) and citrus blue V (E131) and blue gloss FCF (E133) are used. red 2 (E121) dyes is prohibited. Of the green dyes, green S (E142) and green solid 24
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. SO3Na HO NaO3S N N N N O ONa Figure 2. Yellow tartrazine azo dye sodium salt In food technology, synthetic dyes are used both E129, E151) discolor by 7-15% during the dyeing as a separate product and as compounds with a content process, and up to 25% during storage of some types of of at least 70-85% of the main product, in the form of products (caramel). The most stable dyes are E102 and mixtures with each other and diluted with fillers (salt, E129, the most stable are E110. In the process of dyeing glucose, sucrose, starch, edible oils) which in turn sim- caramel, artificial dyes of the triphenylmethane series plifies their application. Aqueous solutions of food col- (E131, E133, E142) discolor up to 10%, and during stor- orings are mainly used for food coloring. Powder paints age up to 18%. In general, artificial dyes are quite stable, are used only in dry semi-finished products (beverage with the exception of triphenylmethane dyes, which are concentrates, dry mixes or cakes, jellies). Mixtures of dyes colorless when exposed to alcohol. Indigoid dye E132 is allow you to get colors and shades that cannot be created unstable in drinks containing invert sugar. The maxi- using individual dyes. When choosing a dye and its mum allowable dose of artificial feed dyes in mixtures dosage, one should take into account not only the intensity is 500 g/t singly or in combination depending on the type of the color, but also the physico-chemical properties of of dye and the product being dyed, the recommended the nutrition system, and the features of the technology. dose is 10-50 g/t per ton of finished food product, When using dyes, it is important to keep in mind that the maximum dose in the finished product for ponso 4R they lose some of their color when the food is dyed and is 50 g/t. Before using artificial dyes, you need to make stored. Artificial caramel dyes (E102, E110, E122, E124, sure that they are toxicologically safe. Список литературы: 1. Шодиев Д. А., Нажмитдинова Г. К. Пищевые добавки и их значение // Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 10-3 (91). – С. 30-32. 2. Шодиев Д.А. Специфические аспекты производства продуктов питания / Д.А. Шодиев, Г.К. Нажмитдинова // Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – № 3-2(84). – С. 91-94. – DOI 10.32743/UniTech.2021.84.3-2.91-94. – EDN ETVIFG. 3. Шодиев Д.А. ЗНАЧЕНИЕ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ КОЛИЧЕСТВ МИКРОЭЛЕМЕНТОВ РАСТЕНИЯМИ // FORMATION OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGY AS INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. 9. – С. 297-301. 4. Abdulojon o‘g‘li S. D. et al. DORIVOR AMARANT O ‘SIMLIKLARINI YETISHTIRISHNING FOYDALI JI- HATLARI //THEORY AND ANALYTICAL ASPECTS OF RECENT RESEARCH. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. 5. – С. 284-289. 5. Abdulojon o‘g‘li S. D., Alijon o‘g‘li Q. H. AMARANT O ‘SIMLIGINING O ‘ZBEKISTONDA MAHALLIY SHAROITLARGA INTRODUKSIYA QILINGAN NAVLARINING QISQACHA TAVSIFI //THEORY AND ANALYTICAL ASPECTS OF RECENT RESEARCH. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. 5. – С. 278-283. 6. Дехканбаева М.Н., Накибов К., Мустаев Р. ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКОЕ ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ОПУСТЫНИВАНИЯ // Экономика и социум. – 2019. – №. 11. – С. 939-942. 7. Abdulojon o‘g‘li, S.D. (2022). DORIVOR AMARANT O ‘SIMLIKLARINI YETISHTIRISHNING FOYDALI JI- HATLARI. THEORY AND ANALYTICAL ASPECTS OF RECENT RESEARCH, 1(5), 284-289. 8. Dehkanbayeva M.N. TERRITORIAL LOCATION AND FUNCTION OF SACRED LANDSCAPES (FERGANA REGION) //Экономика и социум. – 2019. – №. 11. – С. 919-921. 9. Dekhkanbaeva M.N. Prospects Of Tourism Development In Uzbekistan //The American Journal of Applied sciences. – 2022. – Т. 3. – №. 02. – С. 95-99. 25
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DOI – 10.32743/UniTech.2022.104.11.14606 DEVELOPMENT OF AN IMPROVED TWO-STAGE TECHNOLOGY FOR FIXING MOVING SOILS AND SANDS WITH THE USE OF A MECHANO-CHEMICAL DISPERSER Nargiza Adizova PhD, docent of the Department of Chemistry Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: [email protected] РАЗРАБОТКА УСОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАННОЙ ДВУХЭТАПНОЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ЗАКРЕПЛЕНИЯ ПОДВИЖНЫХ ГРУНТОВ И ПЕСКОВ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ МЕХАНО-ХИМИЧЕСКОГО ДИСПЕРГAТОРА Адизова Наргиза Замировна PhD, и.о. доц. кафедры химии Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара ABSTRACT Currently, large-scale projects are being carried out all over the world to reduce areas and desert zones in many continents, including the Central Asian states. This is due to a significant deterioration in environmental safety and a reduction in agro-cultivated lands, where the population is poor from a lack of food products and the spread of chronic diseases of the lungs, digestive tract, etc. The high content of highly dispersed clay minerals and sands, as well as salts of various types, widely spreads allergic diseases among the population living in these regions. Therefore, the problem of surface fixation of mobile soil (FMS) and sands (S) from wind erosion by means of chemical reclamation followed by phyto-reclamation is considered to be a globally urgent task for each country located between the Karakum and Kizilkum deserts in Central Asia. АННОТАЦИЯ В настоящее время во всем мире ведутся крупномасштабные проекты по сокращению площадей и пустынных зон во многих континентах, включая Центрально- Азиатские государства. Это связано со значительным ухудше- нием экологической безопасности и сокращением агро культивируемых земель, где население бедствует от не- хватки продовольственных продуктов и распространением хронических болезней лёгких, пищеварительного тракта и др. Большое содержание высокодисперсных глинистых минералов и песков, а также солей различного типа широко распространяет аллергические болезни среди населения живущих в данных регионах. Поэтому, проблема поверхностного закрепления подвижных почвогрунтовой (ППГ) и песков (ПП) от ветровой эрозии пу- тем химической мелиорации с последующей фито мелиорацией считается глобально актуальной задачей каждой страны, расположенной между пустынями Каракума и Кизилкума в Центральной Азии. Keywords: moving soils, moving sands, chemical reagents, materials, erosion, crusting, structure former, chemomeliation layer, phytomeliration layer, two-stage technology, organic fertilizers, urea, bentonite, oil sludge, gossypol resin, sodium silicate, mechano-chemical dispersant. Ключевые слова: подвижные почвогрунты, подвижные пески, химические реагенты, материалы, эрозия, коркообразование, структурообразователь, химикомелирационный слой, фитомелирационного слоя, двухстадий- ная технология, органические удобрения, карбамида, бентонит, нефтяной шлам, госсиполовая смола, силиката натрия, механо-химический диспергатор. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ As practice has shown, when fixing FMS and S, it serves as the main protection of the phytomeliration is advisable to carry out processes in 2 stages: where at layer from hot climatic conditions of fixation[1-9]. the first stage a phytomeliration layer is formed, and at the second stage a chemomeliration layer (crust), which __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Adizova N.Z. DEVELOPMENT OF AN IMPROVED TWO-STAGE TECHNOLOGY FOR FIXING MOVING SOILS AND SANDS WITH THE USE OF A MECHANO-CHEMICAL DISPERSER // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14606
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. With this in mind, we have developed an improved size with certain optimal rotor speeds. From the two- biological reclamation, which contains a number of in- section MCD 9, the crushed suspensions are transferred dividual water-soluble components[10-14]. with the help of a pump 11 to containers 12 and 13. From tank 12, mineral-organic fertilizers are fed with a On fig. 1 shows an improved two-stage technology pump 14 into a tank truck with a spray device 15 to cre- for fixing mobile soils and sands using MCD (mechano- ate the first phytomeliorative layer in the FMS and S. chemical dispersant)[15-17]. The second layer is created after refilling from tank 13 using a pump 14 with the necessary fixer of the tank This technological scheme functions as follows: or- truck with a spray device 15. ganic fertilizers (OF) are supplied to tank 1, aqueous suspensions of bentonite, a third urea solution enter the Tanker truck 15 initially sprays FMS and S with second tank, water to dilute the suspension and a fixer mineral-organic fertilizers and after drying them with a into the fourth tank, oil sludge (OS) enters the fifth tank, fixer designed as a composition of a suspension of sev- into the sixth tank gossypol resin (GR), sodium silicate eral chemicals indicated above. The control of this pro- solution in the seventh container and calcium-containing duction line is carried out using the control panel 16. reagents (Ca(OH)2, etc.) in the eighth container[18-22]. According to the approved recipe, the necessary aqueous On the basis of laboratory studies, we have devel- solutions from tanks 1-8 flow by gravity into a two-section oped the norms of the technological regime of the im- mechano-chemical disperser (MCD) 9, which grinds solid proved line of the two-stage technology for fixing FMS phases in aqueous suspensions to the required particle and S using MCD, which are presented in Table 1. 1-8 - containers for phytomelioration and chemomelioration reagents; 9-mechano-chemical dispersant; 10 - electric motor; 11-14 - pumps for pumping the suspension; 12, 13 - containers for collecting prepared suspension solutions and fixers; 15 - tank truck with a spray device; 16 - control panel Figure 1. Improved two-stage technology for fixing moving soils and sands using MCD Table 1. Norms of the technological regime of the improved line of the two-stage technology for fixing FMS and S using MCD Name of the stage and technological parameters Unit rev. Values I. The first stage of obtaining a suspension for education phytomeliorative layer in PPG and P % no more60 - organic fertilizer concentration % no more30 - concentration of bentonite % no more15 - concentration of urea % remain - water II. Mechano-chemical dispersion of phyto-melirative suspension rpm no more 2500 - Rpm MCD mm 0,6-1,2 - gap between rotor and stator atm no more10 - transfer pump pressure 27
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Name of the stage and technological parameters Unit rev. Values III. The second stage of obtaining a suspension for the formation of a crust of a fixed layer of FMS and S. % no more50 - concentration of calcium containing reagents % no more25 % no more5,0 - concentration of sodium silicate % no more20 % - concentration of K-4 remain rpm - concentration of gossypol resin or oil sludge mm no more 3000 atm 0,8-1,5 - water IV. Mechano-chemical dispersion of a suspension for fixing (chemomelioration) °С no more14 of PPG and P. mm - Rpm MCD mm 20-40 hour 1,0-2,0 - gap between rotor and stator hour 1,5-3,0 at least 12 - transfer pump pressure at least 15 V. Conditions for spraying a suspension for the formation of a phytomeliorative and chemical protective layer (crust) in FMS and S. - temperature of the sprayed suspension - thickness of the resulting phytomeliorative layer - the thickness of the resulting fixing crust - time for the formation of a phytomeliorative layer in the FMS and S - time for the formation of a fixing crust in FMSand S Given the above, in the pilot production conditions improved two-stage technology for fixing moving soils of the Bukhara-Khiva highway, we tested the developed and sands using MCD and obtained positive results. References: 1. Адизова Н.З., Кулдашева Ш.А., Ахмаджанов И.Л. Закрепление подвижных песков пустынных регионов Сур- хандарьи с помощью солестойких композиций //Cборник научных статей по итогам работы Межвузовского научного конгресса Высшая школа: Научные исследования Москва, -2020. - С.101-106. 2. Адизова Н.З., Рахматов М.С., Бердиева З.М. Перспективы атмосферных оптических линий связи нового по- коления // «Современные материалы, техника и технология», Материалы 3-й Международной научно-прак- тической конференции, Курск., 27 декабря – 2013 года. Том 3. - С. 134-135. 3. Адизова Н.З., Рахимов Ф.Ф. Атмосферные оптические линии связи для промышленных предприятий // «Ин- новации, качество и сервис в технике и технологиях», Материалы VI-я Международной научно-практиче- ской конференции. Курск, Россия (4-5 июня - 2014 года). Том 2. - С. 107-109. 4. Адизова Н.З. Экологические вопросы инфраструктуры нефтегазовых комплексов // БИТИ «Актуальные про- блемы отраслей химической технологии», Бухара - 2015 (ноябрь), - С. 123-124. 5. Адизова Н.З. Защита почв от загрязнения // “Кўп тармоқли фермер хўжаликларида маҳсулот ишлаб чиқаришнинг инновацион технологиялари” мавзусидаги республика илмий- амалий анжуман - 2016 йил (27-май), 65-66 бетлар. 6. Адизова Н.З. Воздух производственных объектов, состав и его свойства // Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт материалы международной научно-практической конференции “Проблемы и перспективы развития инновационного сотрудничества в научных исследованиях и системе подготовки кадров” (24-25 ноябрь) Бухара-2017 г. - С. 460-462. 7. Адизова Н.З., Кулдашева Ш.А., Абдурахимов С.А. Математическое моделирование и оптимизация химического закрепления подвижных почвогрунтов и песков //“Современные инновации: Химия и химическая технология ацетиленовых соединений. Нефтехимия. Катализ” материалы международной конференции. (15-16 ноября) Ташкент-2018 г. - С 286- 287. 8. Адизова Н.З., Кулдашева Ш.А., Эшметов И.Д. Выбор оптимальных условий процессов химического закрепления подвижных почвогрунтов и песков на основе их математических моделей //“Перспективы инновационного развития горно- металлургического комплекса” тезиси докладов международной научно-технической конференции. (22-23 ноября) Наваи-2018г. – С. 385-386. 9. Адизова Н.З., Кулдашева Ш.А., Ахмаджонов И.Л., Суванов Ш.Д., Рашидов А.А. Механизм структурообразования химического закрепления подвижных песков комплексными добавками // “Ресурсо- и энергосберегающие, экологически безвредные композиционные и нанокомпозиционные материалы. Материалы республиканской научно- технической конференции. (25-26 апрель) Ташкент. – 2019. –С. 147-149. 28
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№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. DOI – 10.32743/UniTech.2022.104.11.14495 CLEANING EXPANSER GASES FROM CO2 AND OTHER ADDITIVES Hamid Obidov Doctoral student, Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan Bukhara E-mail: [email protected] Vokhid Akhmedov Cand. of tech. sciences, Professor of the Department of Chemistry Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: [email protected] Bobir Olimov PhD, docent of the Department of Chemistry Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan Bukhara E-mail: [email protected] ОЧИСТКИ ЭКСПАНЗЕРОВЫХ ГАЗОВ ОТ СО2 И ДРУГИХ ДОБАВОК Обидов Хамид Олимович докторант, Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара Ахмедов Вохид Низомович канд. тех. наук, проф. кафедры химии Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара Олимов Бобир Баходирович PhD, и.о. доц. кафедры химии Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара ABSTRACT Today, the increasing demand for natural gas in the world has led to the development of knowledge about its processing and purification. This article provides information on the purification of expander gases from CO2 and H2S emitted at the “UCHQIR” gas processing plant. In this case, the expander gases were passed through various absorbent solutions. Amines chemisorb H2S and slaked lime was used to precipitate CO2. АННОТАЦИЯ Сегодня увеличение потребности в природном газе в мире привело к развитию знаний о его переработке и очистке. В данной статье представлена информация об очистке экспанзеровых газов от CO2 и H2S, выбрасывае- мых на газоперерабатывающем заводе “UCHQIR”. В этом случае детандерные газы пропускались через различ- ные растворы абсорбента. Амины хемосорбируют H2S, а известковый раствор использовали для осаждения CO2. Keywords: natural gas, separator, dehydrator, extractor, condensate, carbon dioxide. Ключевые слова: природный газ, сепаратор, осушитель, экстрактор, конденсат, углекислый газ. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Obidov H., Akhmedov V.N., Olimov B.B. CLEANING EXPANSER GASES FROM CO2 AND OTHER ADDITIVES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14495
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. In addition to its primary function as a fuel, it is a standard requirements, increase the calorific value of source of hydrocarbons for the natural petrochemical natural gas, prevent corrosion of pipes and equipment, industry. Today, there is a lot of research going on in the and eliminate related technological problems[10-13]. field of natural gas. The main reason for this is the presence of a high concentration of methane in natural The processing of natural gas extracted from wells gas and the production of other potential products from into high-quality dry natural gas is quite complex and it, such as synthesis gas and high-purity hydrogen[1-5]. usually involves several processes. Often, the number of gas treatment steps and the type of methods used to obtain While natural gas is generally considered a \"clean\" quality natural gas depend on the source and composition fuel compared to other fossil fuels, natural gas found in of the production stream along the well[14-16]. water deposits is not necessarily \"clean\" and free of impurities[6-9]. Natural gas consists mainly of methane, A number of operations were carried out in order and it contains large amounts of light and heavier to clean the additives contained in the expander gases. hydrocarbons, as well as CO2, N2, Hg, He, H2S and other A technology has been developed to clean expander additional compounds. Thus, pipelines used as consumer gases from CO2 and separate it for various purposes fuel must be cleaned of additives in order to meet quality in industry. this technology is illustrated in picture 1. Figure 1. Technological scheme of CO2 purification of expander gases For the chemical purification of CO2, it is combined The amine-based solvents used for the absorption pro- with Ca(OH)2 and separated in the form of CaCO3. The cess are monoethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine chemical reaction equation of the process is described (DEA), and methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), which bind below. to CO2 and H2S. These amines are called weak organic bases. Amines provide basicity and are used to clean CO2 + Ca(OH)2 = CaCO3↓+ H2O expander gases from CO2 and H2S. Hydroxide groups increase the solubility of amines in water. Most alkanolamines are widely used as chemical solvents for CO2 removal in the natural gas and oil In view of the above, Table 1. shows a comparison refining industries. In these processes, alkanolamine of absorption processes of chemical and physical sol- or soluble calcium salts are used in aqueous solution. vents for the attachment of CO2 and H2S. 31
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Table 1. Comparison of absorption processes of CO2 and H2S gases Chemical absorption Alkanolamine Ca(OH)2 to absorb CO2 Type of absorbents MEA, DEA, MDEA CaCO3 CO2 absorption Chemical reaction Ca(OH)2 + CO2 = CaCO3↓+ H2O mechanism CO2: Operating gauge 2RNH2+CO2+H2O↔(RNH3)2CO3 pressure, mmHg (RNH3)2CO3+CO2+H2O↔2RNH3 Operating temp., oC Absorbent recovery HCO3 Swing variables (Temp. or Pressure) Insensitive to pressure > 10,5 Selectivity CO2 vs. H2S 38-200 92-120 Utility cost Reboiled stripper Stripper Temperature principally Both, but pressure principally Only MDEA selective for H2S May be selective for H2 High Medium In conclusion, it can be said that methane is the main delivering them to the population for use is very relevant component of expander gases. But due to the low pressure today. Expander gases contain up to 85-87% methane of these gases, they cannot be re-added to the system. gas, which after purification reaches 98-99%. Therefore, cleaning these gases from acidic parts and References: 1. Olimov B., Akhmedov V. The effect of reaction duration and catalyst on the synthesis of arylvinyl esters //Збірник наукових праць ΛΌГOΣ. – 2020. – С. 33-37. 2. Ахмедов В. Н., Олимов Б. Б. Способ получения виниловых эфиров на основе винилацетилена //Gaydar Aliyevning. – 2020. – Т. 97. 3. Olimov B., Akhmedov V., Gafurova G. Production and use of corrosion inhibitors on the basis of two-atomic phenols and local raw materials //Главный редактор. – 2021. – Т. 7. – С. 85. 4. Bobir O., Vokhid A., Gulnoz G. Production and use of corrosion inhibitors on the basis of two-atomic phenols and local raw materials //Universum: химия и биология. – 2021. – №. 11-2 (89). – С. 85-88. 5. Olimov B. B., Yoldosheva N. J. Gravimetric study of the mechanism of action of corrosion inhibitors used in the oil and gas industry //Международный научно-образовательный электронный журнал «Образование и наука в XXI веке». Выпуск. – №. 19. 6. Назаров Ш. и др. Синтез мономеров при участии винилацетилена из одноатомных фенолов содержащих ариловую группу //Universum: химия и биология. – 2020. – №. 11-2 (77). 7. Олимов Б. Б., Ахмедов В. Н. Винилацетилен асосида фенолларнинг винил эфирлари синтези.“Замонавий ишлаб чикаришнинг мухандислик ва технологик муаммоларини инновацион ечимлари” Халкаро илмий анжуман материаллари //Замонавий ишлаб чикаришнинг мухандислик ва технологик муаммоларини инновацион ечимлари” Халкаро илмий анжуман материаллари Бухоро. – 2019. – С. 37-39. 8. Shomurod N., Vokhid A., Bobir O. Preliminary quantum chemical analysis of synthesized monomers with the participation of vinylacetylene //International journal of progressive sciences and technologies. – 2020. – Т. 22. – №. 2. – С. 50-56. 9. Ахмедов В.Н., Олимов Б.Б. У., Назаров Ш.К. Электронная структура и квантово-химические расчёты виниловых эфиров фенолов //Universum: химия и биология. – 2020. – №. 4 (70). 10. Olimov B.B., Ahmedov V.N., Hayitov S. Ikki atomli fenollar asosida vinilli efirlarni olish usullari //Fan va texnologiyаlar taraqqiyoti ilmiy–texnikaviy jurnal. – 2020. – №. 1. 11. Olimov B.B., Akhmedov V.N., Gafurova G.A. Application of derivatives of diatomic phenols as corrosion inhibitors // Euro Asian Conference on Analytical Research (Germany. – 2021. – Т. 15. – С. 136-138. 12. Ахмедов В., Олимов Б., Гафурова Г. Винилачетилен иштирокида винил эфирлар олиш. НамДУ илмий ахборотномаси-Научный вестник НамГУ. – 2021. 32
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№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. ANALYSIS OF TRANSPORTATION METHODS FOR HIGH-VISCOSITY LOCAL OILS Aygul Yamaletdinova Senior teacher, Bukhara engineering-technological institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: [email protected] Bobirjon Adizov DSc., Senior Researcher Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the AS of the RUzb Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent АНАЛИЗ МЕТОДОВ ТРАНСПОРТИРОВКИ ВЫСОКОВЯЗКИХ МЕСТНЫХ НЕФТЕЙ Ямалетдинова Айгуль Ахмадовна ст. преподаватель, Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара Адизов Бобиржон Замирович д-р техн. наук, ст. науч. сотр. Институт общей и неорганической химии АН РУз, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT The article describes the technological indicators of methods for transporting local high-viscosity oils. When trans- porting flooded and high-viscosity local oils with a complex composition, various difficulties arise. One of these difficul- ties is the low fluidity of high-viscosity oil through pipelines. This problem is solved by several methods, one of which is the addition of surfactants that reduce the viscosity of viscous oils. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье описываются технологические показатели методов транспортировки местных высоковязких нефтей. При транспортировке обводнённых и высоковязких местных нефтей со сложным составом возникают различные сложности. Одно из этих сложностей является низкая текучесть высоковязкой нефти по трубопроводам. Эта проблема решается несколькоми методами, одним из которых является добавление ПАВ понижающих вязкости вязких нефтей. Keywords: high-viscosity oil, paraffin, transportation, fluidity, amount of water, concentration, temperature. Ключевые слова: высоковязкая нефть, парафин, транспортировка, текучесть, количество воды, концентрация, температура. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction In our study, we determined the composition of oils of local deposits (water content, paraffin content, salt One of the pressing issues of the oil production content, amount of mechanical additives) and properties industry today is the transportation of the Well product (density, viscosity) using appropriate methods [2]. of the fields, which are working at the final stage. The product of such deposits well is highly watered, has a To do this, we used the following standards: GOST complex composition, which causes various difficulties 2517-85 Oil and petroleum products. Sampling in the process of transportation. Also, the extraction and methods; GOST 2477-65. Oil and petroleum products. transportation of residual oil is carried out with the same Method for determining the water content; GOST 3900- difficulties [1]. 85. Oil and petroleum products. Methods for determining density; GOST 6370-83. Oil, petroleum Methods products and additives. Method of determination of mechanical impurities; GOST 11851-85 Oil. Method of Oils of complex composition are mainly considered paraffin determination; GOST 21534-76. Oil. Methods residual oil, which is obtained by ternary extraction for determining the content of chloride salts; GOST methods, working at the final stage, and we can see this R52247-2004 Oil. Methods for the determination of in the example of our deposits. __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Yamaletdinova A.A., Adizov B.Z. ANALYSIS OF TRANSPORTATION METHODS FOR HIGH-VISCOSITY LOCAL OILS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14610
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. organochlorine compounds; GOST 2177-99 Petroleum Table 1 provides information on the composition products. Methods for determining the fractional and properties of the product of oil wells in local fields. composition [3,8]. Table 1. Composition and properties of selected oil samples from the fields \"Kokdumalak\", \"Amudarya\", \"Khaudag\", \"Mirshodi\", and \"Jarkak\" Name of oil indicators Kokdumalak Name of oil fields Mirshodi Jarkak Density at 20 0C, kg/m3 (control) Amudarya Khaudag 961 890 864 998 977,1 Solidification temperature, 0C -10 -24 -22 -4 -10 Content, % of total weight 2,85 49 9,20 8,35 5,92 –asphaltenes –paraffin wax 3,8 6,6 3,80 7,80 6,30 –silica gel resins – sulfur 4,68 59,2 50,4 38,69 14,23 2,09 9,3 3,60 3,40 6,14 As can be seen from table 1, compared to the In practice, several methods of transportation of composition of the well products of the Kokdumalak high-viscosity oils are used. Methods of transportation mine, the well products of the remaining deposits are through pipelines are classified as follows (fig.1) considered complex in composition and high viscosity, and their transportation through pipelines requires a Despite the possibility of choosing several methods special approach [4,5,7,10]. for transporting high-viscosity oils through pipelines, a universal method of transportation has not yet been developed. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages (Table 2). Figure 1. Classification of methods for transporting high-viscosity oils 35
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Table 2. Comparative analysis of methods for transporting high-viscosity oil through pipelines Pumping method Advantages Disadvantages widespread Non – isothermal: high energy consumption; negative impact on the en- 1. Hot pumping vironment of the heat generated during transportation possibility of automated use; ad- current-carrying cables are able to withstand only 2. Electric heating justment of the temperature mode minor overloads; heat flows reduce the electrical of transportation within a wide strength of high-voltage insulation to an emergency range level; high operating costs Isothermal: applicability in northern poor knowledge of the application 3. Pumping in the media conditions stream 4. Hydro pumping efficiency when used over short the difficulty of providing a stable oil-in-water emul- distances sion; the probability of phase dispersion; possible freezing of the pipeline in northern climatic condi- tions 5. Vibration treatment applicability for pumping oil from time to restore the destroyed structure of oil; signifi- earthen barns cant pressure losses in vibrating screens 6. Pumping of gas-saturated changes in the rheological proper- danger of failure of the pumps, requiring separation oils ties of oil as a result of the utiliza- before entering the pump; formation of gas plugs tion of petroleum gas when pumping stops 7. Application of depressor significant reduction of hydraulic the input temperature of the depressor additive must landings flow resistance exceed the melting point of the paraffin (50-70 °C); lack of a universal additive suitable for all high-par- affin oils 8. Pumping of hydrocarbon high economic efficiency in the it is required to select the diluent concentration based diluents presence of the necessary amount on the initial rheological properties of the oil and the of diluent in the areas of produc- characteristics of the object tion of HVO Results We observed a decrease in viscosity and an improvement in fluidity with the addition of various concentrations of In our studies, we chose a method based on reducing a surfactant synthesized from local silk waste [3,4,9]. the viscosity of high-viscosity oils through pipelines and Also, a further increase in oil fluidity with an increase experimented with the addition of surfactants to the flow. in temperature can be seen in table 3 below: Table 3. Added surfactant concentration and temperature dependence of high viscosity oil fluidity Surfactant concentration, 5 0С 10 0С Oil fluidity 20 0С % by weight 18,4 21,16 15 0С 32,26 24,1 27,71 25,6 42,26 Without reagent 30,13 34,64 33,54 52,82 0,2 35,55 40,88 41,92 62,33 0,6 40,53 46,61 49,47 71,06 1 45,39 52,2 56,39 79,58 1,4 63,16 1,8 We achieved positive results when we tried it by Discussion of the results adding up to a concentration of 1.8% of the surfactant. When we added a surfactant with a concentration of more As can be seen from our results, when we mixed the than 1.8%, the surface active substance acceptability of surfactant with oil in a concentration of 1.8%, we observed the oil was not observed, and its fluidity did not change its acceptability for reducing viscosity and transportation. [6,7,9]. We found that this method is optimal in the case of the same oil in comparison with other methods [4,7,9,10]. 36
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Conclusion Based on the composition and properties of high- viscosity oils, the choice of the most optimal method, as well as an additive, minimizes the costs of transporting oil. For local high-viscosity oils, transportation by mixing a 1.8% concentration of the synthesized surfactant based on the waste of the silk industry has proven to be the most optimal. References: 1. Koroleva M.Yu., Yurtov E.V. Investigation and modeling of rheological properties of concentrated reverse emulsions//GKZH.-1994. -Vol.56. -No.4. -pp.513-517 2. Hеvard Devold. Oil and gas production handbook an introduction to oil and gas production, transport, refining and petrochemical industry. Oslo. 2003. 3. Abdurakhim Ochilov, Mirvokhid Sattorov, Aygul Yamaletdinova and Shakhnoza Bokieva. Reduction the viscosity of oil-slime emulsions of heavy oils using gas condensate. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 839 (2021) 042082 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/839/4/042082 4. Mirvokhid Sattorov, Aygul Yamaletdinova, Abdurakhim Ochilov and Shakhnoza Bokieva. Breakdown of local oil-water emulsions by binary systems of surface-active substances. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 839 (2021) 042085 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/839/4/042085 5. Loskutova Yu.V., Yudina N.V., Volkova G.I., Anufriev R.V. Studying the viscosity-temperature behavior of oil-water emulsions at the phase inversion point // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2017. - No. 10-2. - pp. 221-225. 6. Sattorov M. O., Yamaletdinova A. A., & Bakieva S. K. (2020). Application of binary systems of surfactants for dehydration of local oils. // Universum: technical sciences: electron. scientific. journal 2020. 11(80). DOI: 10.32743/UniTech.2020.80.11-4. 22-24. 7. Sattorov M.O., Yamaletdinova A.A., Bakieva Sh.K. Improvement of oil fluidity using a combination method of viscosity reduction // Universum: technical sciences: electron. scientific. journal 2020. 11(80). DOI: 10.32743/UniTech.2020.80.11-4.17-21. 8. Sattorov M.O., Yamaletdinova A.A., & Bakieva S.K. (2020). Analysis of the effectiveness of demulsifiers used in the destruction of local oil-water emulsions. Universum: Technical Sciences,(4-2 (73)), 52-58. 9. Rakhimov B.R., Adizov B.Z., Salikhanov D.S., & Toshev S.S. U. (2022). TESTING OF DEVELOPED COMPOSITIONS OF DEPRESSANTS TO INCREASE THE FLUIDITY OF HIGH-VISCOSITY OILS THROUGH PIPELINES. Universum: technical sciences, (7-3 (100)), 26-29. 10. Rakhimov B.R., Nabiev A.B., Adizov B.Z., & Abdurakhimov S.A. (2020). VISCOSITY REDUCING AGENT FOR HEAVY OILS BASED ON COTTON SOAPSTOCK. Universum: Technical Sciences, (5-2 (74)). 37
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. DOI – 10.32743/UniTech.2022.104.11.14618 RESEARCHING SOME PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF NITROGEN AND SULFUR-CONTAINING FERTILIZERS BASED ON MELT OF AMMONIUM NITRATE AND AMMONIUM SULPHATE Abdurasul Mamataliyev Senior scientific researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ НЕКОТОРЫХ ФИЗИКО-ХИМИЧЕСКИХ СВОЙСТВ АЗОТ И СЕРОСОДЕРЖАЩИХ УДОБРЕНИЙ НА ОСНОВЕ ПЛАВА АММИАЧНОЙ СЕЛИТРЫ И СУЛЬФАТА АММОНИЯ Маматалиев Абдурасул Абдумаликович д-р техн. наук, ст. научн. сотр., Институт общей и неорганической химии АН Республики Узбекистан, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT This work analyzes the methods of producing nitrogen and sulfur-containing fertilizer - ammonium sulfate-nitrate. Under laboratory conditions, samples of nitrogen and sulfur-containing fertilizers were obtained in which the mass ratios of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) to ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4) varied from 97: 3 to 60: 40. In the samples, the pH values of a 10% solution, the beginning of temperature decomposition, strength, caking and absorbency. It is shown that the product obtained by introducing 40% ammonium sulfate into the ammonium nitrate melt contains 29.26% N (18.85% ammonia and 10.41% nitrate forms) and 9.59% S. Its granules are characterized by the following parameters: strength - 7.75 MPa, caking capacity - 1.26 kg/cm2, absorption of diesel fuel - 2.29 g in relation to 100 g of product, dissolution time in water - 116 sec., pH - 3.03 and the temperature of the beginning of decomposition - 246.3℃. At the same time, for granules of pure NH4NO3 they are 1.32 MPa, 5.62 kg/cm2, 4.82 g, 44.6 sec., 90 thermal cycles and 210℃. АННОТАЦИЯ В данной работе проанализированы способы получения азот и серусодержащего удобрения – сульфат-нитрата аммония. В лабораторных условиях получены образцы азот и серусодержащих удобрений, в которых массовое соотношение нитрата аммония (NH4NO3) к сульфату аммония (NH4)2SO4) менялось от 97 : 3 до 60 : 40. В образцах определены значения рН 10 %-ного раствора, начала температуры разложения, прочность, слёживаемость и впиты- ваемость. Показано, что продукт, полученный путем введения в расплав нитрата аммония 40% сульфата аммония содержит 29.26% N (18.85% аммиачной и 10.41% нитратной формах) и 9.59% S. Его гранулы характеризуются следующими показателями: прочность – 7.75 МПа, слёживаемость – 1.26 кг/см2, впитываемость дизельного топлива – 2.29 г по отношению 100 г продукта, время растворения в воде – 116 сек., рН – 3.03 и температура начала разложения – 246.3°С. В то же время для гранул чистого NH4NO3 они составляют 1.32 МПа, 5.62 кг/см2, 4,82г., 44.6 сек., 90 термоциклов и 210оС. Ключевые слова: плав нитрата аммония, кристаллический сульфат аммония, азот и серусодержащие удобрения, состав, начала температуры разложения, прочность, слёживаемость и впитываемость. Keywords: ammonium nitrate melt, crystalline ammonium sulfate, nitrogen and sulfur-containing fertilizers, composition, onset of decomposition temperature, strength, caking and absorbency. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction. Ammonium nitrate (AN) is an af- capacities for the production of nitrogen fertilizers fordable, ballastless, large-capacity and concentrated ni- reached 185.10 and 187.0 million tons of nutrient year, trogen fertilizer. It is used for all types of crops and on all respectively [1]. types of soil. Many countries of the world are engaged In the CIS countries, AN manufacturers are the in the production of nitrogen fertilizers, including China, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Kazakhstan, Russia, USA, India, Indonesia, Trinidad and Tobago, they have more than 28 production facilities. In this group, Canada, etc. According to IFA, in 2017 and 2018 global the leading position is occupied by the Russian Federation, __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Mamataliyev A. RESEARCHING SOME PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF NI- TROGEN AND SULFUR-CONTAINING FERTILIZERS BASED ON MELT OF AMMONIUM NITRATE AND AMMO- NIUM SULPHATE // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14618
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. where the volume of annual output exceeds 12 million ammonium sulfate. The introduction of sulfate anions tons. Here the leaders are JSC UCC Uralchem, JSC Akron, in the form of (NH4)2SO4 into the NH4NO3 melt leads to JSC MCC EuroChem, JSC PhosAgro JSC SDS Azot, a decrease in the initial rate of its thermal decomposition producing about 8.0 million tons of nuclear power and the absence of an increase in the rate of decomposition plants [1]. during the process as compared to the kinetic regularities of the decomposition of pure NH4NO3. The observed In Uzbekistan, AN is produced by three JSCs: effect is associated with a decrease in the concentration “Maksam - Chirchik”, “Ferganaazot”, “Navoiazot”, the of molecular HNO3 in the melt due to its ionization by total capacity of which is 1 million 700 thousand tons. the sulfate anion. At the same time, in recent years, both AN manu- In regard to the agrochemical efficiency of sulfate facturers and consumers have witnessed many problem- nitrate [11], the new form of nitrogen fertilizer grade N: atic facts caused by explosions and fires that took place S = 32 : 5 surpasses ammonium nitrate in the collection during the production, storage, transportation and use of and straw. While a dose of 0.92 ammonium sulfate ni- ammonium nitrate [2]. trate is equivalent to the full dose of this fertilizer, which is associated with the positive role of sulfur in its com- The world practice of using the AN indicates that it position. The utilization rate of nitrogen from fertilizers is flammable and explosive [3]. This is due to the fact by plants increased by 17-22%, which has not only eco- that it is prone to thermal decomposition and has oxidiz- nomic, but also environmental significance. And when ing properties. Thermal decomposition of AN takes growing spring rape, the introduction of sulfate-nitrate place upon slow heating, starting from 110℃ and above. provided an increase in seed yield up to 2.48 t/ha. The At low temperatures, the products of thermal decompo- increase was statistically significant and on average over sition are ammonia and nitric acid, and at high tempera- two years was equal to 0.25 ± 0.04 t/ha. tures, nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxides and oxygen [4]. At the same time, in the high temperature range, the for- Phosphogypsum - WPA waste and natural gypsum, mation of the latter products is explosive. Consequently, the main component of which is calcium sulfate, can due to the thermal decomposition of the AN, a part of also be considered a promising sulfate additive to AN. the product is lost. In order to completely retard the process In [12], the kinetics of the modification transformation of thermal decomposition of the AN or its deceleration, IV→III NH4NO3 with the addition of CaSO4 • 2H2O was a number of methods and techniques for its stabilization studied. It was found that CaSO4 significantly increases are used in practice [5]. Therefore, the manufacturers the activation energy of the IV→III transformation and have been tasked with ensuring the transition to the pro- decreases the rate constant of this process by two orders duction of fertilizers based on AN that retain agrochem- of magnitude. As a result of slowing down the trans- ical efficiency, with significantly greater resistance to formation IV→III, the properties of the AS stabilize: external influences and, accordingly, less explosiveness. a decrease in caking and an increase in mechanical strength. Currently, Uzbekistan has established the production of AFU (nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer with a content of The aim of this work is to study the physicochemical 22-28% N and 2-6% P2O5) [6] and CAN (carbonate- and commodity properties of ammonium sulfate-nitrate ammonium nitrate with a content of 22-28% N) [7] samples obtained by introducing crystalline ammonium by introducing into the melt ammonium nitrate before sulfate into the ammonium nitrate melt at a wide range prilling carbonate phosphorite powder (17-18% P2O5) of NH4NO3 : (NH4)2SO4 mass ratios. or lime flour on the granite. Experimental part. To obtain samples of ammo- One of the promising approach for obtaining an nium sulfate nitrate, pure crystals of NH4NO3 and explosion-proof fertilizer is the production of NS-fertilizer (NH4)2SO4 were taken as starting materials. The latter based on ammonium nitrate and sulfate [8]. In this case, salt was pre-ground to a particle size of less than 0.25 the melt containing 80% AN and 20% ammonium sul- mm. The experiments were carried out as follows: phate can be prilled on the tower. For the purpose of NH4NO3 crystals were melted at 170℃ in a metal reac- physicochemical substantiation of the parameters of the tor on an electric stove. Powders of (NH4)2SO4 were in- ammonium sulfate-nitrate technology, the solubility of troduced into the melt with stirring in such an amount the NH4NO3- (NH4)2SO4-Н2О system was studied by the that the weight ratio of the NH4NO3 melt to the additive visual polythermal method in wide temperature and con- was equal from 97 : 3 to 60 : 40. The sulfate-nitrate melt centration ranges: from -20С to +110 - + 150℃, close was kept at 180-185℃ for 2-3 min, after which it was to the boiling points of solutions [9]. In this system, the poured into a granulator, which is a metal glass with a existence of a crystallization field of five compounds was perforated bottom, the hole diameter in which was 1.2 mm. established: ice, NH4NO3, (NH4)2SO4 and two double The pump created pressure in the upper part of the glass salts (NH4)2SO4 • 2NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 • 3NH4NO3. and the melt was sprayed from a height of 35 m onto a This makes it possible to determine the rational condi- plastic film lying on the ground. The resulting granules tions for conducting the process of obtaining ammonium were sieved by particle size. From particles with sizes sulfate-nitrate (by cooling the melt or drying the pulp), of 2-3 mm, the strength of granules was measured in to calculate the material balances of the stages of mixing, accordance with GOST 21560.2-82. The products were evaporation, cooling, crystallization. It was shown in then crushed and analyzed using known techniques. [10] that the decomposition of molten double salts The pH value of 10% aqueous suspensions of the test (NH4)2SO4 • 2NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 • 3NH4NO3 has samples was measured on an I-130M laboratory no features in comparison with the decomposition of a melt of a mechanical mixture of ammonium nitrate and 39
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. ionometer with an electrode system of ESL 63-07, Results and discussions. The results show that the EVL-1M3.1, and TKA-7 electrodes with an accuracy of addition of (NH4)2SO4 to the NH4NO3 melt significantly 0.05 pH units. The accumulation of fertilizers was deter- increases the crystallization temperature of the melt (Ta- mined using the express method. Sagging (X - kg / cm2) ble 1). So, at the studied ratios NH4NO3 : (NH4)2SO4 was calculated by the formula: X = P / S where, from 97 : 3 to 60 : 40, the crystallization temperature of P - breaking force, N (kgf); S is the cross-sectional area the nitrate melt increases from 167 (initial NH4NO3) to of the sample, cm2. The absorbency of the granules in 180.4℃ (in the product at NH4NO3 : (NH4)2SO4 = 60 : 40). relation to liquid fuel (diesel oil) was determined according The table also shows that with an increase in the amount to the procedure provided for by TU 6-03-372-74 for of ammonium sulfate from 3 to 40 g in relation to NH4NO3 granular porous AC grade \"P\". This indicator is expressed from 97: 3 to 60: 40 leads to a decrease in the total nitro- in the number of grams that 100 g of granules (g/100 g) gen content of nitrogen in the product from 34.53% to can absorb. The temperature of the onset of decomposi- 29.26%, while the content of ammonia nitrogen increases tion of the obtained fertilizers was determined using a slightly (from 17.57 to 18.85%), and the content of NETSCH STA 409 PC/PG device (Germany) in aluminum nitrate nitrogen decreases significantly (from 16.96 to crucibles at a sample heating rate of 2 deg/min, a sample 10.41). At the same time, sulfur appears in the products, weight of 10-16 mg. The rate of dissolution of sample the content of which ranges from 0.70 to 9.59%. This granules in water was determined as follows. The fertilizer means that the composition of the AN is additionally en- granule was dipped into a glass with 100 ml of distilled riched with another macroelement – sulfur. With an in- water, in which its complete dissolution was visually crease in the mass fraction of ammonium sulfate observed and recorded. Room temperature, tests five in the NH4NO3 melt, the amount of (NH4)2SO4 from times. Granular samples of NH4NO3 (without additive) 97 : 3 to 60 : 40, the strength of the product granules and AC (with addition of 0.28% MgO) were selected increases from the initial 1.32 to 7.75 MPa in the final as samples for comparison with the studied samples. product (Fig. a). The results are shown in tables and in the figure. Table 1. Crystallization temperature and composition of nitrogen-containing fertilizer Mass ratio Crystallization tempera- Content in products, % NH4NO3 : (NH4)2SO4 ture, ºС Ntotal. Nammon. Nnitrat. S Granulated NH4NO3 brand \"h\" 167.0 35.0 – AN with 0.28% MgO 164.5 34.5 17.50 17.50 – 168.5 34.53 0.70 97 : 3.0 171.5 34.28 17.25 17.25 1.16 95 : 5.0 172.3 34.0 1.64 93 : 7.0 173.0 33.50 17.57 16.96 2.38 90 : 10 174.1 33.02 3.35 86 : 14 174.7 32.54 17.66 16.62 4.03 83 : 17 175.2 32.12 4.76 80 : 20 176.7 31.90 17.73 16.27 5.27 78 : 22 177.3 31.47 6.0 75 : 25 178.5 30.71 17.80 15.70 7.14 70 : 30 179.6 30.05 8.40 65 : 35 180.4 29.26 18.02 15.0 9.59 60 : 40 18.13 14.41 18.17 13.95 18.26 13.64 18.37 13.10 18.48 12.23 18.69 11.36 18.85 10.41 40
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Figure 1. The influence of the weight ratio of NH4NO3: (NH4)2SO4 on strength (a), caking (b), absorbency (c), temperature onset of decomposition (d), time of complete dissolution of granules of ammonium nitrate (e) and pH of a 10% solution of the product (f) From Fig., b it follows that the addition of any less than the caking of standard nitrate with the addition of 0.28% MgO (4.67 kg/cm2). amount of (NH4)2SO4 significantly reduces the caking of the AN (from 2.72 to 1.26 kg/cm2), which is 1.7-3.7 times 41
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Another indicator characterizing the quality of a sec. accordingly, and with the addition of ammonium thermostable speaker is the adsorption capacity of gran- sulfate in an amount of 3 to 40 g, it slows down the dis- ules for liquid fuel. The lower the porosity of the gran- solution rate of product granules from 70.32 to 116.24 ules, the lower their absorbency should be. As the data in sec. Fig. c in., this situation is really linked to each other. De- pending on the weight ratio of the initial components, This means that AN granules containing ammonium the absorbency of the nitrogen-sulfur-containing fertilizer sulfate dissolve much more slowly in the soil solution. granules ranges from 2.29-4.18 g of fuel per 100 g of Therefore, the presence of ammonium sulfate in the ni- the product. It is 4.82g for granulated NH4NO3. With an trate promotes the gradual release of nitrogen from the increase in the mass fraction of ammonium sulfate in pellet. In addition, the addition of ammonium sulfate the NH4NO3 melt from 97 : 3 to 60 : 40, the temperature to the NH4NO3 melt reduces the pH of a 10% solution of the beginning of decomposition increases from 210℃ of the latter from 5.17 to 4.12-3.03 (Fig. f), and this is for pure NH4NO3 to 241.8-246.3℃ in the finished the least effective in calcareous soils. product (Fig. d). This means that the higher the strength and temperature of the beginning of the decomposition of Conclusion. Research has been carried out to obtain the granules, the less diesel fuel gets inside the granules, a sulfur-containing nitrogen fertilizer based on melt and and, as a consequence, the less the detonation ability of powdered ammonium nitrate and sulfate. It was found nitrate. that the more powder-like ammonium sulfate is intro- duced into the ammonium nitrate melt, the lower the N As the data in Fig. e, the presence of ammonium sul- content and the higher the S content in the product. It fate in the composition of nitrate affects the rate of dis- was also shown that the greater the amount of ammonium solution of the granules of the latter. With an increase in sulfate, the lower the caking and absorbency of diesel oil the amount of (NH4)2SO4 in the NH4NO3 melt, the time and the higher the strength, thermal stability, water solubil- for complete dissolution of the finished product granules ity and decomposition temperature of nitrate granules. in water increases. The complete dissolution of granules Thus, samples of ammonium sulfate nitrate have improved of pure NH4NO3 and AC with a magnesian additive physicochemical, agrochemical, and lower detonation (0.28% MgO) in water is 44.6 sec on average. and 46.8 properties. References: 1. Volkova A.V. Mineral Fertilizers Market - 2019 // National Research University Higher School of Economics Development Center. 2019. 52 p. 2. Chernyshev A.K., Levin B. V., Tugolukov A. V., Ogarkov A. A., Ilyin V.A. 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№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. ELECTRONICS STAGES OF DESIGNING A TWO-CASCADE AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT IN THE “MULTISIM” PROGRAMM Zhabbor Mustofokulov Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh E-mail: [email protected] Matluba Suyarova Senior Lecturer Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh Farrukh Yuldashev Scientific applicant, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh ЭТАПЫ ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЯ СХЕМЫ ДВУХКАСКАДНОГО УСИЛИТЕЛЯ В ПРОГРАММЕ “MULTISIM” Мустофоқулов Жаббор Ахматқулович д-р физ.-мат. наук, доц., Джизакский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г.Джизак Суярова Матлуба Хусановна ст. преподаватель Джизакский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г.Джизак Юлдашев Фаррух Мурод уғли научный соискатель, Джизакский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г.Джизак ABSTRACT In the article provides analytical information on the creation of the schematic diagram of the two-stage transistor amplifier in the program \"Multisim\", which simulates electronic devices, its simulation and design stages, it also covers the design steps for typing the device on a printed circuit board and representing it in 3D. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье представлена аналитическая информация по созданию принципиальной схемы двухкаскадного усилителя на транзисторе в программе «Multisim», моделирующей электронные устройства, этапы ее моделирования и проектирования, а также охватывает этапы проектирования для вывода устройства на печатную плату и представления его в 3D. Keywords: printed circuit board, two-stage amplifier, Multisim, principle scheme, simulation. Ключевые слова: двухкаскадный усилитель, Multisim, печатная плата, принципиальная схема, симуляция. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Mustofokulov Z.A., Suyarova M.K., Yuldashev F.M. STAGES OF DESIGNING A TWO-CASCADE AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT IN THE “MULTISIM” PROGRAMM // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14547
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Introduction created and simulated [5]. After the desired results are achieved, it is introduced into production. Application The development of information-communication of this modeling method of electronic devices increases and computer technology serves as a convenient and production speed and avoids excessive labor and costs [6]. reliable didactic tool in the teaching of specialized subjects and in the organization of laboratory exercises Multisim is recommended as one of the most [1]. With the help of special computer programs, the convenient programs for teaching future engineers how opportunities for effective organization of practical and to model electronic devices. laboratory training in subjects related to the design of production processes are expanding [2]. Multisim program element library contains real and ideal models of all types of analog and digital integrated Since most of the control elements and power units circuits [7]. The program contains a virtual model of any of every modern equipment in the manufacturing indus- electronic measuring device, and almost all parameters try are made of electronic circuits, the modeling and de- of electronic circuits can be measured using the sign of electronic circuits is one of the most urgent tasks program. In the program, the component library is in the electronics industry. That is why the demand for divided into different families depending on the type and electronic circuit modeling engineers is increasing every functionality of the element or integrated circuit. In the year. This requires the use of more effective methods of program, it is possible not only to model electronic teaching in the training of engineers in higher technical circuits, but also to design a complete electronic device institutes [3]. and build its three-dimensional image [8]. This article is devoted to the methods of designing We present the stages of designing a transistor two- the principle scheme of electronic devices, building a cascade sound amplifier in the \"Multisim\" program [10]. device model and creating software that simulates it, typing it on a printed circuit board, and analyzing the The first stage. An electronic circuit of the device design stages representing it in 3D view using the is drawn up. It is necessary to use real components as \"Multisim\" program [4]. much as possible, because virtual components have only a mathematical model, and the parameters of the body Special programs have been created for modeling are not included [11]. The assembled scheme of the complete electronic circuits and their virtual simulation, two-cascade amplifier in the \"Multisim\" program is with the help of these programs electronic devices are shown in Fig. 1. modeled in several stages and their virtual models are Figure 1. Two-cascade sound amplifier circuit in the “Multisim” program The second stage. All the parameters of the from real components (passive or active elements) fail assembled circuit are checked in virtual measuring at a voltage or current greater than their nominal value. devices, i.e. simulated. For this, the voltage or current This condition makes it possible to diagnose the device in the relevant parts of the circuit is measured using without excessive costs. measuring instruments or an oscillograph for a mode of the power supply [12]. The importance of this stage is The third stage. A printed circuit board and a 3D that the elements of the electronic circuit assembled view of the device are designed (Figure 2). Included in the \"Multisim\" software package for designing printed 44
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. circuit boards incoming \"Multisim Ultiboard\" program Ultiboard working window are not initially placed on is used. The assembled electronic circuit is exported to the printed circuit board and are not interconnected. The the \"Multisim Ultiboard\" program through the program ends and directions of the elements that need to be [9]. In this case, the scheme is saved as two separate connected are indicated by yellow lines. files. Circuit elements transferred to the Multisim Figure 2. View of items transferred to Multisim Ultiboard When placing and connecting the elements of the elements on the board and their interconnection (tracing) circuit on the printed board, it is necessary to ensure that the conductor paths (connector wires) do not intersect as is done in two ways [12]: much as possible. It is also necessary to try to minimize Auto-tracing – using the \"Auto Route\" command. the geometric dimensions of the device. Placement of It is done manually by the designer (Fig. 3). Figure 3. Frontal view of the two-cascade amplifier circuit assembled on a printed circuit board 45
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Figure 4. 3D view of the dual cascade amplifier circuit The scheme shown in Figure 3. can be transferred to skills and competences in various levels of analog and 3D format using the \"Transfer\" command and the general digital circuit modeling and device design [15]. view of the scheme can be represented in different angles Learning the steps of designing electronic devices through (Figure 4) [13]. the program and gaining the skills to apply it in practice is one of the tasks facing future industrial electronics Conclusions engineers today. Multisim is a convenient and reliable software tool for future circuit and electronics engineers to acquire References: 1. Karshibaev S.A. (2022). EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE FOR MONITORING OF POWER SUPPLY OF INFOCOMUNICATION DEVICES. Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal, 3(5), 502-505. 2. Khuzhayorov, B., Mustofoqulov, J., Ibragimov, G., Md Ali, F., & Fayziev, B. (2020). Solute Transport in the Element of Fractured Porous Medium with an Inhomogeneous Porous Block. Symmetry, 12(6), 1028. 3. Mustofoqulov J. A., & Bobonov D. T. L. (2021). “MAPLE” DA SO’NUVCHI ELEKTROMAGNIT TEBRAN- ISHLARNING MATEMATIK TAHLILI. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(10), 374-379. 4. Mustofoqulov J.A., Hamzaev A.I., & Suyarova M.X. (2021). RLC ZANJIRINING MATEMATIK MODELI VA UNI “MULTISIM” DA HISOBLASH. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(11), 1615-1621. 5. SATTAROV S., KHAMDAMOV B., & TAYLANOV N. (2014). Diffusion regime of the magnetic flux penetration in high-temperature superconductors. Uzbekiston Fizika Zhurnali, 16(6), 449-453. 6. Yuldashev F. M.Õ. (2021). TA'LIMNING INNOVATSION TEXNALOGIYALARI ASOSIDA MUQOBIL ENERGIYA MANBALARI (QUYOSH VA SHAMOL ENERGETIKASI) MUTAXASSISLARINI TAYYORLASHDA O'QITISH SAMARADORLIGINI OSHIRISH. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(11), 86-90. 7. Yuldashev F., & Bobur U. (2020). Types of Electrical Machine Current Converters. International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) ISSN, 162-164. 8. Бабанов Д.Т., & Иняминов Ю.А. (2020). ПОЛУПРОВОДНИКОВЫЕ СЛОЙНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ПРОИЗ- ВОДСТВА И ЕГО ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ. Символ науки, (11), 9-13. 9. Иняминов Ю.А., Хамзаев А.И. У., & Абдиев Х.Э. У. (2021). Передающее устройство асинхронно-циклической системы. Scientific progress, 2(6), 204-207. 10. Каршибоев Ш.А., & Муртазин Э.Р. (2021). Изменения в цифровой коммуникации во время глобальной пан- демии COVID-19. Молодой ученый, (21), 90-92. 11. Муртазин Э.Р., Сиддиков М.Ю., & Цой М.П. (2018). Стратегия развития экономики Узбекистана-региональные особенности. In Региональные проблемы преобразования экономики: интеграционные процессы и механизмы формирования и социально-экономическая политика региона (pp. 85-87). 12. Раббимов Э.А., Жўраева Н.М., & Ахмаджонова У.Т. (2020). Исследование свойства поверхности монокристалла и создание наноразмерных структур на основе MgO для приборов электронной техники. Экономика и социум, (6-2), 190-192. 46
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. 13. Сохибов Б.О., Саттаров С., & Таганова С.Х. (2018). ВНЕДРЕНИЕ В УЧЕБНЫЙ ПРОЦЕСС ПЕРЕДОВЫХ МЕТОДОВ ПЕДАГОГОВ-НОВАТОРОВ. In Молодой исследователь: вызовы и перспективы (pp. 17-22). 14. Суярова М.Х., & Джураева Н.М. (2018). Динамическая модель по электротехнике. In Передовые научно-тех- нические и социально-гуманитарные проекты в современной науке (pp. 53-54). 15. Умирзаков Б.Е., Содикжанов Ж.Ш., Ташмухамедова Д.А., Абдувайитов А.А., & Раббимов Э.А. (2021). Влияние адсорбции атомов Ba на состав, эмиссионные и оптические свойства монокристаллов CdS. Письма в Журнал технической физики, 47(12), 3-5. 47
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING USE WIND ENERGY IN THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY OF AGRICULTURAL ELECTRICITY CONSUMERS IN RURAL AREAS (JIZZAKH REGION,UZBEKISTAN) Umid Khudoyberdiev Teacher, Jizzakh polytechnical institute Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh E-mail: [email protected] Alisher Boliev Teacher, Jizzakh polytechnical institute Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ЭНЕРГИИ ВЕТРА ДЛЯ ЭЛЕКТРОСНАБЖЕНИЯ СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННЫХ ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЕЙ ЭЛЕКТРОЭНЕРГИИ В СЕЛЬСКОЙ МЕСТНОСТИ (ДЖИЗАКСКАЯ ОБЛАСТЬ, УЗБЕКИСТАН) Худойбердиев Умид преподаватель, Джизакский политехнический институт Республика Узбекистан, г. Джизак Болиев Алишер Мардиевич преподаватель, Джизакский политехнический институт Республика Узбекистан, г. Джизак ABSTRACT Agriculture is one of the main sectors of the economy of any country. In recent years, large-scale electrification of agriculture around the world, the introduction of technical and technological advances are the reason for the further de- velopment of this industry. Providing uninterrupted and high-quality electricity to modern equipment and devices intro- duced in the field of agriculture is a separate problem. The use of renewable energy sources, especially wind energy, when supplying electricity to consumers located in certain regions, can be a partial solution to the existing problem. This article analyzes the problem of using wind energy in the power supply of drip irrigation systems. АННОТАЦИЯ Сельское хозяйство является одной из основных отраслей экономики любой страны. В последние годы ши- рокомасштабная электрификация сельского хозяйства во всем мире, внедрение технических и технологических достижений являются причиной дальнейшего развития этой отрасли. Обеспечение бесперебойной и качествен- ной электроэнергией современного оборудования и устройств, внедряемых в сфере сельского хозяйства, является отдельной проблемой. Использование возобновляемых источников энергии, особенно энергии ветра, при элек- троснабжении потребителей, расположенных в определенных регионах, может стать частичным решением су- ществующей проблемы. В данной статье анализируется проблема использования энергии ветра в электроснабжении систем капельного орошения. Keywords: wind energy, wind power plant, drip irrigation systems, electrification. Ключевые слова: энергия ветра, ветроэлектростанция, системы капельного орошения, электрификация. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ For several centuries, mankind has been using wind trification of agriculture and the introduction of electri- energy for various purposes. At present, wind energy is cal appliances around the world will create the basis for mainly used for electricity generation. Large-scale elec- increasing demand for electricity in this area. In partic- __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Khudoyberdiev U., Boliev A. USE WIND ENERGY IN THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY OF AGRICULTURAL ELECTRICITY CONSUMERS IN RURAL AREAS (JIZZAKH REGION,UZBEKISTAN) // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 11(104). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14572
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. ular, the supply of uninterrupted and high-quality elec- power required to deliver this water flow to the required tricity to drip irrigation systems located in separate areas distance under the required pressure. Also, in the design creates various technical problems. The use of renewable process, it is advisable to take into account such param- energy sources, in particular wind energy, is one of the eters as air temperature, solar radiation, humidity. Time best options for a partial solution to this problem. The of irrigation is determined from the calculation of emit- amount of water used for irrigation purpose is not ting drip rate obtained by direct measurement of several only controlled by a crop’s consumptive water used, samples [1]. It is calculated from the equation as follow. but also by irrigation practices which include unneces- sarily deep percolation of water into soil. It has been es- T = ETc (1) timated that in surface irrigation, one to three times the amount of water actually needed to satisfy the crop’s re- EDR quirement may be lost during the process of applying water to the land [1]. For this reason, the use of special where ������������������ is the crop evapotranspiration [mm day-1] water pumps in the drip irrigation system allows you to and ������������������ the emitting drip rate [mm hour-1]. control water consumption and avoid excessive water losses. And for the efficient and continuous operation of Electric water pumps are the main consumers of the existing water pump, a constant source of energy is electricity in a drip irrigation system. Because water needed. pumps are used to lift groundwater to the surface and collect it in a storage tank. For this reason, when design- Design of drip irrigation ing a drip irrigation system, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the water pump. Below is a When designing a drip irrigation system, it is first diagram of a wind turbine powered drip irrigation sys- necessary to determine the required water flow and the tem(Figure 1)[3]. Figure 1. Power supply of drip irrigation system Wind power analysis Surface of a precision wind turbine that obstructs the flow air looks like this: In the drip irrigation process, the smoothness of the irrigation cycle is directly dependent on the water pump. A = πD2 (3) Because changes in water pressure during the irrigation cycle lead to changes in water flow. The amount of wa- 4 ter pressure depends on the power transmitted by the wa- ter pump. The process of generating electricity by a wind The calculation of these parameters allows the use generator, which is a power source for the regular oper- of existing energy wind and create a suitable wind pipe ation of a water pump, is inextricably linked with the design or optimize the existing windpipe. According wind potential of the area where it is installed. Since the to this formula, power is calculated as follows: drip irrigation system is being introduced in the Jizzakh region (Republic of Uzbekistan), we will consider an P = πρD2v2 (4) analysis of the wind potential of this region. Kinetic en- ergy of wind energy blowing in a given area[4]: 8 If we make changes Cp = πD2 to the above formula, 4 then the power will be equal to: E = mv2 (2) P = ������������ρv2 2 2 (5) where m is the mass of air (mass, air density Below given monthly analysis of wind speed in ������= 1.38 kg/m3), kg; v- air speed, m/s. Jizzakh region(table 1)[4]. 49
№ 11 (104) ноябрь, 2022 г. Table 1. The average wind speed by month Average wind speed by month Average wind speed by month Average wind speed by month in 2017 in 2018 in 2019 Month Speed m/s Month Speed m/s Month Speed m/s January 2.4 January 2.4 January 2.4 February 2 February 2 February 2 March 1.8 March 1.8 March 1.8 April 2.8 April 2.8 April 2.8 May 2.4 May 2.4 May 2.4 June 2.9 June 2.9 June 2.9 July 2.6 July 2.6 July 2.6 August 3.2 August 3.2 August 3.2 September 2.7 September 2.7 September 2.7 October 2.7 October 2.7 October 2.7 November 1.8 November 1.8 November 1.8 December 1.3 December 1.3 December 1.3 References: 1. P.Rejekiningrum, Y.Apriyana “Design and implementation of solar pump irrigation systems for the optimization of irrigation and increase of productivity”, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 622 (2021); 2. Anurag Mehta, Ridima Srivastava, Virendra Kumar Yadav, Pushparaj Singh, “Automatic Drip Irrigation System using Wind energy”, International Journal of Geology, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Volume – 3 Issue – 2 April 2015; 3. Hu Jiandong, Zhang Hongming, Hani A. Mansour, Yang Shaonan, Wu Lan1, Yang Bin and Tong Caixia, APPLICATION RESEARCH OF RENEWABLE ENERGY IN GENERATION ELECTRICITY, WATER LIFTING AND DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEMS IN INNER MONGOLIA, CHINA, Plant Archives Vol. 19, Supplement 2, 2019; 4. Худойбердиев Умид, “АНАЛИЗ ЭНЕРГИИ ВЕТРА ПРИ ВЫБОРЕ ВЕТРОГЕНЕРАТОРОВ ВЕРТИКАЛЬ- НОГО ТИПА” , «Научно-практический электронный журнал Аллея Науки» №2(65) 2022. 50
Научный журнал UNIVERSUM: ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ № 11(104) Ноябрь 2022 Часть 8 Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 54434 от 17.06.2013 Издательство «МЦНО» 123098, г. Москва, улица Маршала Василевского, дом 5, корпус 1, к. 74 E-mail: [email protected] www.7universum.com Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленного оригинал-макета в типографии «Allprint» 630004, г. Новосибирск, Вокзальная магистраль, 3 16+
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