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Home Explore Metsudah Interlinear Weekday Siddur (Ashkenaz)

Metsudah Interlinear Weekday Siddur (Ashkenaz)

Published by eli, 2016-09-28 12:24:43

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137 / ïåðçú SHACHARIS Tachanun ïåðçú Tachanun is recited each morning and afternoon after Shemoneh Esrei, except on Monday and Thursday in the morning, when íeçø àeäå Vehu Rachum/TachanunÀÇ (page 147) is said. ïåðçú Tachanun represents the third form of prayer we use: sitting (until Shemoneh Esrei), standing (Shemoneh Esrei), falling on one’s face (Tachanun). These parallel the three forms of prayer that Moses used on Mt. Sinai: sitting (øäa áLàå Deuteronomy 9:9), standing (øäá ézãîò éëðàå Deuteron-ÈÅÅÈÈ È È È Ç À Ä À È Ê Ä omy 10:10), falling down ('ä éðôì ìtðúàå Deuteronomy 9:18) (Bach O.C. # 131).ÈÆÀÇÇÄÀÅ When saying ïåðçú, also known as íétà úìéôð “falling on one’s face,” in theÀÄÇÇÇÄ presence of a Sefer Torah one rests his forehead on his forearm from the begin- ning until òâø eLáé “shamed instantly.” This falling on one’s face symbolizesÅÍÊÈÍÇ completesubmissiontoGodandthecommitting of our destinies intoHis hands. It is mentioned in the Talmud (Maseches Megillah 22b), and originates with Moses, who “Fell down before God” (Deuteronomy 9:18) and was followed by Joshua,who“FellontheearthuponhisfacebeforetheArkofGod”(Joshua7:6). Tachanun is omitted on the following weekdays: ROSH CHODESH; 9 THROUGH 24 TISHREI (some omit it through the end of Tishrei); CHANUKAH; 15 SHEVAT; both days of PURIM and PURIM KATAN (14 and 15 Adar Rishon in a leap year); the entire MONTH OF NISSAN; some omit it on PESACH SHEINI (14 Iyar); LAG BAOMER; 1 THROUGH 8 SIVAN (some omit it through 13 Sivan); 9 AND 15 AV; and 29 ELUL. It is also omitted at the Mincha Service preceding the above days. However, it is recitedattheMincha preceding 9Tishrei; 14Iyar; 29 Elul andsomesayLag BaOmer. Tachanun is also omitted in the presence of a bridegroom, during his days of Sheva Berachos; in the house of a mourner during the week of Shiva; on the occasion of a circumcision, or if the father, the sandak or the mohel is present.

úéøç ù TACHANUN / 138 Rest your forehead on the forearm which does not have the Tefillin, until òâø eLáé “beÅÍÊÈÍÇ instantly shamed.” If not wearing Tefillin, use left arm. éðçéëBú Etàa-ìà äåäéÀÊÈÇÀÇÀ‹ÄÅÍÄ ãb-ìà ãåc øîàiåÇÍÊÆÈÄÆÈ Adonoy, do not rebuke me with Your anger, 3 And David said to Gad, :éðøqéú Eúîça-ìàåÀÇÇÂÈÀ‹ÀÇÀ‹ÅÍÄ ãàî éì-øöÇÄÀÊ nor chastise me with Your rage. 4 “I am greatly distressed; äåäé éðpçÈÅÍÄÀÊÈ äåäé-ãéá àp-äìÈÈÀÇÀÊÈ tðÄÀ‹ Be gracious unto me, Adonoy, let us fall into the hand of Adonoy 1 åéîçø íéaø-ékÄÇÄÇÂÈ éðà-ììîà ékÄËÀÇÈÍÄ for His mercies are great, for I am desolate, :äìtà-ìà íãà-ãéáeÀÇÈÈÇÆÍÊÈ :éîör eìäáð ék äåäé éðàôøÀÈÅÍÄÀÊÈÄÄÀÂÂÈÈ 2 ïepçå íeçøÇÀÇ heal me, Adonoy, for my bones are terrified. but into the hand of man let me not fall. ãàî äìäáð éLôðåÀÇÀÄÄÀÂÈÀÊ My soul, [too,] is utterly terrified, Merciful and Gracious One, :éúî-ãr äåäé äzàåÀÇÈÀÊÈÇÈÈ Eéðôì éúàèçÈÈÍÄÀÈÆÍ and You, Adonoy, how long? I have sinned before You; éLôð äölç äåäé äáeLÈÀÊÈÇÀ‹ÈÇÀÄ íéîçø àìî äåäéÀÊÈÈÅÇÂÄ Return, Adonoy, free my soul, 5 Adonoy, full of mercy, :Ecñç ïrîÇÍÇÇÀÆÍ ì éðréLBäÄÅÍÄÀ éìr íçøÇÅÈÇ deliver me for the sake of Your lovingkindness. have compassion upon me Eøëæ úåna ïéà ékÄÅÇÈÍÆÄÀÆÍ :éðeðçz ìa÷åÀÇÅÇÂÈ For in death there is no mention of You; and accept my supplications. 1 David had sinned by counting the Jews. And his heart was crushed with remorse when the prophet Gad, at God’s command, offered him a choice of three punishments: seven years of famine, or three months of defeat in war, or three days of pestilence. David chose the last of these three, explaining that he preferred to trust in God’s compassion rather than be at man’s mercy. Indeed, the pestilence lasted only half a day instead of three. 2 II Samuel 24:14. 3 In this psalm (6:2–11) David willingly accepts Divine punishment. He asks only that it not be inflicted on him at once in a sudden, unbearable burst of fury. Rather, he pleads, that it be meted out gradually so that he can withstand the suffering.—Radak 4 Rebuke is offered with kind words, while chastisement, is often accompanied by harsh punishment.—Malbim 5 Since all physical illness stems from blemishes and sins of the soul, the Talmud (Maseches Nedarim 41a) states that a person does not recover from his illness until all of his sins are forgiven, as it says, “Who forgives all your sins, Who heals all your ailments” (Psalms 103:3).

139 / ïåðçú SHACHARIS ãàî eìäaéå eLáéÅÍÀÄÈÂÀÊ :Cl-äãBé éî ìBàLaÄÀÄÆÈ Ashamed and utterly terrified 10 in the lower world who will thank You. éáÈ éà-ìkÈÊÀ‹ éúçðàa ézrâéÈÇÍÀÄÀÇÀÈÄ will all my foes be, I am worn out with my sighing, eáLéÈËÍ éúhî äìéì-ìëá äçNàÇÀÆÀÈÇÍÀÈÄÈÄ they will return every night I cause my bed to float; :òâø eLáéÅÍÈÍÇ :äñîà éNør éúrîãaÀÄÀÈÄÇÀÄÇÀÆ and be instantly shamed. 11 with my tears, I melt my couch. 6 ìàøNéÄÀÈÅ øîBLÅ éðér ñrkî äLLrÈÀ ‹ ÈÄÇÍÇÅÄ Guardian of Israel, My eye is dimmed from anger, 7 ìàøNé úéøàL øBîLÀÀÅÄÄÀÈÅ :éøøBö-ìëa ä÷úrÈÀ‹ÈÀÈÀ‹È guard the remnant of Israel, it has aged because of my tormentors. ìàøNé ãáàé-ìàåÀÇÊÇÄÀÈÅ ïåà éìrt-ìk épnî eøeñÍÄÆÍÄÈÍÊÂÅÈÍÆ and let not Israel perish, Depart from me, all you evildoers, :ìàøNé òîL íéøîàäÈÊÀ‹ÄÀÇÄÀÈÅ äåäé òîL-ékÄÈÇÀÊÈ who say, “Hear Israel.” for Adonoy has heard ãçà éBbÆÈ øîBLÅ :ééëa ìB÷ÄÀÄ Guardian of the unique nation, the voice of my weeping. 8 ãçà ír úéøàL øBîLÀÀÅÄÇÆÈ éúpçz äåäé òîLÈÇÀÊÈÀÄÈÄ guard the remnant of the unique people Adonoy has heard my supplication, ãçà éBb ãáàé-ìàåÀÇÊÇÆÈ :çwé éúlôz äåäéÀÊÈÀÄÈÄÄÈ and let not the unique nation perish, Adonoy will [also] accept my prayer. 9 David first requests that God free his soul by forgiving his sins; only then can his shattered body be healed.—Imros Tehoros 6 During the twenty-two years the Holy Spirit departed from him, David shed a cupful of tears and drank it every single day.—Yalkut (Samuel 165) 7 David was angry because his enemies rejoiced over his illness.—Radak 8 Weeping is the eloquence of sorrow, and our tears are liquid prayers. 9 Prayer seeks spiritual purification and proper understanding.—S.R. Hirsch 10 My enemies, who hoped for my death, will be ashamed and terrified when they see that my health has been restored.—Radak 11 When they witness my recovery, they will regret their animosity and seek peace with me. At that moment they will be ashamed to face me.—Radak

úéøç ù TACHANUN / 140 eððrå eðpçÈÅÍÇÂÅÍ EîL íéãçéîäÇÀ‹ÇÂÄÄÀ be gracious to us and answer us who proclaim the Oneness of Your Name, íéNrî eða ïéà ékÄÅÈÍÇÂÄ :ãçà äåäé eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÀÊÈÆÈ for we have no [good] deeds, [saying:] “Adonoy is our God, Adonoy is One.” ãñçå ä÷ãö eðnr äNrÂÅÄÈÍÀÈÈÈÆÍÆ LBã÷ éBbÈ øîBLÅ deal with us charitably and kindly Guardian of the holy nation, :eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍ LBã÷ ír úéøàL øBîLÀÀÅÄÇÈ and deliver us. guard the remnant of the holy people òãð àGÅÇ eðçðàåÇÂÇÍÀ LBã÷ éBb ãáàé-ìàåÀÇÊÇÈ and let not the holy nation perish As for us, we know not úBMã÷ LìLa íéLlLîäÇÀ‹ÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÀË Stand up here until end of paragraph.* who repeat the threefold sanctification äNrp-äîÇÇÂÆ :LBã÷ìÀÈ what to do; to the Holy One. :eðéðér Eéìr ékÄÈÆÍÅÅÍ íéîçøáÀÇÂÄ ävøúîÄÀÇÆ but our eyes are upon You. 12 You Who are appeased by pleas for mercy, äåäé Eéîçø-øëæÀÊÇÂÆÍÀÊÈ íéðeðçúa ñitúîeÄÀÇÅÀÇÂÄ Remember Your mercies, Adonoy, and conciliated by supplications, EéãñçåÇÂÈÆÍ ñitúäå ävøúäÄÀÇÆÀÄÀÇÅ and Your kindnesses, be appeased and conciliated :änä íìBòî ékÄÅÈÅÍÈ éðr øBãìÀÈÄ for they are from the beginning of the world. 13 to an afflicted generation, eðéìr äåäé Ecñç-éäéÀÄÇÀÀ‹ÀÊÈÈÅÍ :øæBò ïéà ékÄÅÅ Adonoy! may Your kindness be upon us, for there is none else to help. :Cì eðìçé øLàkÇÂÆÄÇÍÀÈ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ as we have waited for You. 14 Our Father, our King! * M.B. #131:9. 12 I Chronicles 20:12. With this sentence, King Yehoshafat, concluded his prayer for Divine aid in his struggle against the hostile nations that were united against him. His prayer was answered. Each Jew in every generation must realize that he too has only one refuge for all time to come—God—to Whom we turn our eyes with trusting hope—S.R. Hirsch 13 Psalms 25:26. 14 Psalms 33:22.

141 / åðëìî åðéáà SHACHARIS eðøöé òãé àeä-ékÄÈÇÄÀÅÍ íéðBLàø úBðBr eðì-økæz-ìàÇÄÀÈÈÍÂÄÄ For He knows of what we are made; Remember not the sins of our ancestors; 15 :eðçðà øôr-ék øeëæÈÄÈÈÂÈÍÀ Eéîçø eðeîc÷é øäîÇÅÀÇÀ‹ÍÇÂÆÍ He is mindful that we are but dust. 19 let Your mercy come swiftly toward us eðòLé éäGà eðøæòÈÀÅÍÁÅÄÀÅÍ . :ãàî eðBlã ékÄÇÍÀÊ for we have been brought very low. 16 Help us, God of our deliverance, eðpç äåäé eðpçÈÅÍÀÊÈÈÅÍ EîL-ãBák øác-ìrÇÀÇÀÀÆÍ Be gracious to us, Adonoy, be gracious to us, for the sake of the glory of Your Name; :æeá eðráN áø-ékÄÇÈÇÍÀ eðéúàhç-ìr øtëå eðìéväåÀÇÄÅÍÀÇÅÇÇÊÅÍ for we are saturated with humiliation. 17 save us and atone our sins, 20 :økæz íçø æâøaÀÍÊÆÇÅÄÀÊ :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ìÀ [Even] in anger remember to have for the sake of Your Name. 21 compassion. 18 The service continues with the Chazzan reciting the Half-Kaddish on page 164. åðëìî åðéáà Avinu Malkeinu This unique and moving prayer is recorded as having been recited by Rabbi Akiva. The Talmud (Maseches Taanis 25b) relates that Rabbi Eliezer once stepped down before the Ark and recited the 24 benedictions for fast days and his prayers were not answered. Rabbi Akiva stepped down after him and exclaimed, “Our Father, our King! we have no king except You.Our Father,our King! for Your sake have mercy on us,” and rain fell. During the TEN DAYS OF PENITENCE and on PUBLIC FAST DAYS (except for Tisha B’Av), Avinu Malkeinu is recited immediately after the Shemoneh Esrei. The number of petitions in this prayer varies with custom, but in our rite, Avinu Malkeinu consists of 44 petitions. Since many of them are similar to the petitions of Shemoneh Esrei, Avinu Malkeinu is not recited on SHABBOS, when the petitions of Shemoneh Esrei are also omitted. It is not said on EREV YOM KIPPUR unless Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos. The Holy Ark is opened for Avinu Malkeinu. 15 Others translate, “Remember not our [own] former iniquities.” 16 Psalms 79:8. 17 Psalms 123:3. 18 Habakuk 3:2. 19 Psalms 103:14. 20 May we repent so that our sins will be atoned. 21 Psalms 79:9.

úéøç ù AVINU MALKEINU / 142 :äáBè äðL eðéìr LcçÇÅÈÅÍÈÈÈ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ renew for us a good year. Our Father, our King! 22 eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ :Eéðôì eðàèçÈÈÍÀÈÆÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ Our Father, our King! we have sinned before You. :úBL÷ úBøæb-ìk eðéìrî ìhaÇÅÅÈÅÍÈÀÅÈ annul all harsh decrees concerning us. :äzà àlà Cìî eðì ïéàÅÈÍÆÍÆÆÈÈÍÈ Our Father, our King! eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ we have no King except You. 23 Our Father, our King! eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ À ‹ Å Í :eðéàðBN úBáLçî ìhaÇÅÇÀÀ ‹ annul the designs of those who hate us. :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ Our Father, our King! ì eðnr äNrÂÅÄÈÍÀ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ deal with us [kindly] Our Father, our King! for the sake of Your Name. 24 :eðéáéBà úör øôäÈÅÂÇÀ‹ÅÍ During the Ten Days of Penitence thwart the plans of our enemies. omit the following verse. eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ Our Father, our King! Our Father, our King! :eðéìrî ïéèNîe øö-ìk älkÇÅÈÇÇÀÄÅÈÅÍ :äáBè äðL eðéìr CøaÈÅÈÅÍÈÈÈ rid us of every oppressor and adversary. bless us with a good year. eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ Our Father, our King! During the Ten Days of Penitence say: :eðâøè÷îe eððéèNî úBit íBúñÀÄÇÀÄÅÍÀÇÀÀ‹ÅÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ seal the mouths of our adversaries and accusers. Our Father, our King! 22 The Jewish People are referred to in Scripture as God’s slaves (Leviticus 25:42), and as His children (Deuteronomy 14:1). Thus we say to Him, “If we are Your children, we beseech You as our Father; if we are Your slaves, we implore You as our Master and King. Contrary to the view that God, the Father, is so full of love for His children, that He permits the wanton breaking of His commandments to go unpunished, Judaism knows that God the King, must be feared and His laws must be obeyed. There are times when a father is unable to do what he would like for his children because of physical or financial limitations. On the other hand, a king has the power to do anything for his subjects if he should so desire. We cry out to God—You are our Father and You desire to help us—You are our King and You have the power to help us! 23 Despite our physical banishment and spiritual estrangement—the result of our sins—we still have none other than God to guide our lives and to shape our destiny. 24 See Ezekiel 36.

143 / åðëìî åðéáà SHACHARIS :Eéðér ãâpî eðéúàhçåÀÇÊÅÍÄÆ Í ÆÅÆÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ and sins from before Your eyes. Our Father, our King! eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ éáLe árøå áøçå øác älkÇÅÆÍÆÀÆÍÆÀÈÈÀÄ Our Father, our King! remove pestilence, sword, famine, captivity, íéaøä Eéîçøa ÷BçîÀÀÇÂÆÍÈÇÄ úéçLîeÇÀÄ destruction, erase in Your abundant mercy ãîLe ïBråÀÈÀÇ :eðéúBáBç éøèL-ìkÈÄÀÅÅÍ :Eúéøá éðaîÄÀ‹ÅÀÄÆÍ all records of our liabilities. 25 [the burden of] iniquity, and forced conversion The following nine verses are said from the members of Your covenant. aloud by the Chazzan and repeated by eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ the Congregation. eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ :Eúìçpî äôbî òðîÀÇÇÅÈÄÇÂÈÆÍ Our Father, our King! Our Father, our King! eðøéæçäÇÂÄÅÍ withhold the plague from Your inheritance. eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ bring us back Our Father, our King! :Eéðôì äîÈÀÈÆÍ ìL äáeLúaÄÀÈÀÅ :eðéúBðBr-ìëì ìçîe çìñÀÇÀÇÀÈÂÅÍ in wholehearted 26 repentance before You. forgive and pardon all our iniquities. eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ Our Father, our King! Our Father, our King! äîÈ ìL äàeôø çìLÀÇÀÈÀÅ eðérLt øáräå äçîÀÅÀÇÂÅÀÈÅÍ send complete 27 healing blot out and remove our transgressions 25 Having just asked that our sins be forgiven and that our transgressions be removed from before His eyes, what are we asking for now? Our earlier pleas were for forgiveness of those sins we committed ourselves. Butthere are sins for which we are held accountable even though we do not commit them ourselves. One possibility is, having watched while others sin, when we may have been able to prevent it. (Chazal say äæì äæ ïéáøò ìàøNé ìk. A guarantor is one who countersignsÈÄÀÈÅÂÅÄÆÈÆ a debt note, undertaking to pay if the borrower defaults. Thus we ask God to erase all our notes of obligation whether as borrower or guarantor. In all instances, He is the Extender of credit.) Thus we beseech God to erase the records of our guilt in those instances.—Siach Yitzchok 26 Many repent out of their fear of God. Others repent out of their love for Him. We beseech God to bring us back in “wholehearted” repentance motivated by love, the most perfect form of penitence.—Etz Yosef 27 We beseech God to heal both the spiritually ill as well as the physically ill. We ask, therefore, for a “complete” healing for the sick among us.—Etz Yosef

úéøç ù AVINU MALKEINU / 144 eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ :Enr éìBçìÀÅÇÆÍ Our Father, our King! to the sick among Your people. :äìéçîe äçéìñì eðøëæÈÀÅÍÄÀÄÈÀÄÈ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ remember us for pardon and forgiveness. Our Father, our King! :eððéc øæb rø òø÷ÀÇÍÊÇÀÇÄÅÍ The following five verses are substituted during the Ten Days of tear up the evil [parts] of our sentence. Penitence. eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ Our Father, our King! Our Father, our King! :Eéðôì áBè ïBøkæa eðøëæÈÀÅÍÀÄÈÀÈÆÍ :íéáBè íéiç øôña eðáúkÈÀÅÍÀÅÍÆÇÄÄ remember us favorably before You. inscribe us in the Book of the Good Life. During the Ten Days of Penitence eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ omit the following five verses. Our Father, our King! eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ eðáúkÈÀÅÍ Our Father, our King! inscribe us :íéáBè íéiçì eðøëæÈÀÅÍÀÇÄÄ :äreLéå älàb øôñaÀÅÍÆÀËÈÄÈ remember us for a good life. in the Book of Redemption and Deliverance. eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ Our Father, our King! Our Father, our King! :äreLéå älàâì eðøëæÈÀÅÍÄÀËÈÄÈ eðáúkÈÀÅÍ remember us for redemption and deliverance. inscribe us eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ :äìkìëå äñðøt øôñaÀÅÍÆÇÀÈÈÀÇÀÈÈ Our Father, our King! in the Book of Maintenance and Sustenance. :äìkìëå äñðøôì eðøëæÈÀÅÍÀÇÀÈÈÀÇÀÈÈ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ remember us for maintenance and Our Father, our King! sustenance. :úBiëæ øôña eðáúkÈÀÅÍÀÅÍÆÀË eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ inscribe us in the Book of Merits. Our Father, our King! eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ :úBiëæì eðøëæÈÀÅÍÄÀË Our Father, our King! remember us for merit.

145 / åðëìî åðéáà SHACHARIS eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ eðáúkÈÀÅÍ Our Father, our King! inscribe us ìa÷ÇÅ :äìéçîe äçéìñ øôñaÀÅÍÆÀÄÈÀÄÈ accept in the Book of Pardon and Forgiveness. :eðúlôz-úà ïBöøáe íéîçøaÀÇÂÄÀÈÆÀÄÈÅÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ our prayer with compassion and favor. Our Father, our King! eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ :áBø÷a äreLé eðì çîöäÇÀÇÈÍÀÈÀÈ Our Father, our King! cause deliverance to spring forth for us soon. :eðúlôúì íéîL éørL çútÀÇÇÂÅÈÇÍÄÄÀÄÈÅÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ open the gates of heaven to our prayer. Our Father, our King! eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ :Enr ìàøNé ïø÷ íøäÈÅÆÍÆÄÀÈÅÇÆÍ Our Father, our King! raise up the might of Your people, Israel. :eðçðà øôr ék øBëæÈÄÈÈÂÈÍÀ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ remember, that we are dust. Our Father, our King! eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ :EçéLî ïø÷ íøäÈÅÆÍÆÀÄÆÍ Our Father, our King! raise up the might of Your anointed. eðáéLz-ìà àðÈÇÀÄÅÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ please do not turn us away Our Father, our King! :Eéðôlî í÷éøÅÈÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ :EéúBëøaî eðéãé àlîÇÅÈÅÍÄÄÀÆÍ empty-handed from You. fill our hands with Your blessings. eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ Our Father, our King! Our Father, our King! úàÊ fä ärMä àäzÀÅÇÈÈÇ :òáN eðéîñà àlîÇÅÂÈÅÍÈÈ let this hour be fill our storehouses with abundance. íéîçø úrLÀÇÇÂÄ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ an hour of compassion Our Father, our King! :Eéðôlî ïBöø úråÀÅÈÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ eðìB÷ òîLÀÇÅÍ and a time of favor before You. hear our voice, eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ :eðéìr íçøå ñeçÀÇÅÈÅÍ Our Father, our King! spare us and have compassion upon us.

úéøç ù AVINU MALKEINU / 146 eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ eðéìr ìBîçÂÈÅÍ Our Father, our King! have compassion upon us, :eððrîÇÂÅÍ ì àG-íà EðrîÇÇÀÄÀ ì äNrÂÅÀ :eðtèå eðéììBò ìråÀÇÈÅÍÀÇÅÍ do it for Your sake, if not for ours. and upon our children and infants. eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ Our Father, our King! Our Father, our King! :eðréLBäå EðrîÇÇÀÀÄÅÍ ì äNrÂÅÀ ïrîÇÍÇ ì äNrÂÅÀ do it for Your sake and deliver us. do it for the sake of those eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ :ELã÷ íL ìr íéâeøäÂÄÇÅÈÀÆÍ Our Father, our King! who were slain for Your Holy Name. :íéaøä Eéîçø ïrîÇÍÇÇÂÆÍÈÇÄ ì äNrÂÅÀ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ do it for the sake of Your great mercy. Our Father, our King! eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ ïrîÇÍÇ ì äNrÂÅÀ Our Father, our King! do it for the sake of those ïrîÇÍÇ ì äNrÂÅÀ íéçeáèÀÄ do it for the sake who were slaughtered àøBpäå øBabä ìBãbä EîLÄÀÇÈÇÄÀÇÈ :Eãeçé-ìrÇÄÆÍ of Your great, mighty, and awesome Name for [proclaiming] Your Unity. :eðéìr àø÷pLÆÄÀÈÈÅÍ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ which is proclaimed upon us. Our Father, our King! eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ . ïrîÇÍÇ ì äNrÂÅÀ Our Father, our King! do it for the sake of those eððrå eðpçÈÅÍÇÂÅÍ íénáe Làá éàaÈÅÈÅÇÇÍÄ favor us and answer us who went through fire and water íéNrî eða ïéà ékÄÅÈÍÇÂÄ :EîL Lec÷-ìrÇÄÀÆÍ for we have no accomplishments; for the sanctification of Your Name. ãñçå ä÷ãö eðnr äNrÂÅÄÈÍÀÈÈÈÆÍÆ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ deal with us charitably and kindly with us Our Father, our King! :eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍ :CeôMä Eéãár-íc úî÷ð íB÷ðÀÄÀÇÇÂÈÆÍÇÈ and deliver us. avenge the spilled blood of Your servants.

147 / íåçø àåäå SHACHARIS íåçø àåäå Vehu Rachum This group of somber plaints, known as “Vehu Rachum” is recited in the morning service on Mondays and Thursdays, except on days when Tachanun is omitted (ref. page 136). The origin of these seven prayers is shrouded in legend. It has been sug- gested that they were composed during the terrible persecutions at the hands of the Goths in seventh-century Spain. It has been said, “Whoever can read ‘Vehu Rachum’ prayer without emotion has lost all feeling for what is great and noble.” Despite all the repetition in these cries for forgiveness, mercy, help, and protection, the effect is not tiring; because here it is not merely an individual soul, but the soul of an entire people that utters these laments and supplica- tions, that gives voice to this woe of nearly two thousand years. Moses ascended Mount Sinai to receive the Second Tablets on the fifth day of the week, and he returned to the people on the second day of the week, bringing them the new tablets as a security for the Divine covenant and as confirmation of God’s atonement for their transgression. Ever since, the sec- ond and fifth day [Monday and Thursday] of each week, have been days for the Jewish people to assemble anew before God and to reaffirm their sincere “return” to the Law of God. Our regular service is therefore augmented on these days by these additional supplications. :Búîç-ìk øéré-àGåÀÈÄÈÂÈ íeçø àeäåÀÇ and does not arouse all His rage. 28 And He, the merciful One, äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ úéçLé-àGå ïBr øtëéÀÇÅÈÀÇÀÄ You, Adonoy, atones iniquity, and does not destroy, epnî Eéîçø àìëú-àGÄÀÈÇÂÆÍÄÆÍ Btà áéLäì äaøäåÀÄÀÈÀÈÄÇ do not withhold Your mercy from us; He frequently withdraws His anger, 28 Psalms 78:38.

úéøç ù VEHU RACHUM / 148 eðl-äNrz eðéàèçë àGÇÂÈÅÍÇÂÆÈÍ Ezîàå EcñçÇÀÀ‹ÇÂÄÀ‹ Do not deal with us according to our sins may Your kindness and truth :eðéìr ìîâz eðéúðBrë àGåÀÇÂÊÅÍÄÀÊÈÅÍ :eðeøvé ãéîzÈÄÄÀ‹Í nor repay us according to our iniquities. 34 always protect us. 29 eðá eðr eðéðBr-íàÄÂÅÍÈÍÈÍ eðéäGà äåäé eðréLBäÄÅÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ Deliver us, Adonoy, our God, If our iniquities testify against us, äåäéÀÊÈ íéBbä-ïî eðöa÷åÀÇÀ‹ÅÍÄÇÄ and gather us from among the nations Adonoy, ELã÷ íLì úBãBäìÀÀÅÈÀÆÍ :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì äNrÂÅÀ to give thanks to Your Holy Name act [mercifully] for Your Name’s sake. 35 :Eúläúa çazLäìÀÄÀÇÅÍÇÄÀÄÈÆÍ äåäé Eéîçø-øëæÀÊÇÂÆÍÀÊÈ to be extolled in Your praise. 30 Remember Your mercies, Adonoy, dé-øîLz úBðBr-íàÄÂÄÀÈÈ EéãñçåÇÂÈÆÍ If You, God, should preserve iniquities, 31 and Your kindnesses, :ãîré éî éðãàÂÊÈÄÇÂÊ :änä íìBòî ékÄÅÈÅÍÈ my Master, who could survive? 32 for they are from the beginning of the äçéìqä Enr-ékÄÄÀ‹ÇÀ‹ÄÈ world. 36 But with You there is forgiveness, äøö íBéa äåäé eððréÇÂÅÍÀÊÈÀÈÈ :àøez ïrîÇÍÇÄÈÅ ìÀ Adonoy will answer us on the day of distress, [in order] that You may be feared. 33 29 Psalms 40:12 (basis). 30 Psalms 106:47. 31 Were it not for the grace of God, any sin a person committed would deprive him of the right to continued existence. (Transgression is seen as a form of treason which is punishable by death). However, through the grace of Divine forgiveness, God makes it possible for us to atone for past sins through penitence and the decision to act in the future with God-fearing conduct.—S.R. Hirsch 32 Psalms 130:3. 33 Psalms 130:4. 34 Psalms 103:10 (basis). 35 Jeremiah 14:7. 36 Psalms 25:6.

149 / íåçø àåäå SHACHARIS eðéäGà éðãà äzråÀÇÈÂÊÈÁÅÍ :á÷ré éäGà íL eðábNéÀÇÀ‹ÅÍÅÁÅÇÂÊ And now, my Master, our God, the Name of the God of Jacob will fortify us. 37 Enr-úà úàöBä øLàÂÆÅÍÈÆÇÀ‹ äréLBä äåäéÀÊÈÄÍÈ who brought out Your people, Adonoy, deliver [us]! ä÷æç ãéa íéøöî õøàîÅÆÍÆÄÀÇÍÄÀÈÂÈÈ :eðàø÷-íBéá eððré CìnäÇÆÍÆÇÂÅÍÀÈÀÅÍ from the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, The King will answer us on the day we call. 38 äfä íBik íL Eì-NrzåÇÇÍÇÀÅÇÇÆ eððrå eðpç eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍÈÅÍÇÂÅÍ and made for Yourself a name to this day;’ 39 Our Father, our King, favor us and answer us, :eðrLø eðàèçÈÈÍÈÈÍÀ íéNrî eða ïéà ékÄÅÈÍÇÂÄ we have sinned, we have acted wickedly. for we have no [good] deeds; Eéú÷ãö-ìëk éðãàÂÊÈÀÈÄÀÊÆÍ :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì eðnr äNr ä÷ãöÀÈÈÂÅÄÈÍÀ My Master, with all Your righteousness deal charitably with us for Your Name’s sake. Eúîçå Età àð-áLéÈÈÈÇÀ‹ÇÂÈÀ‹ eðéäGà eðéðBãàÂÅÍÁÅÍ turn away Your anger and Your rage Our Master, our God, íéìLeøé EøérîÅÄÀ‹ÀÈÇÍÄ eðéðeðçz ìB÷ òîLÀÇÇÂÅÍ from Your city, Jerusalem, heed our supplications; ELã÷-øäÇÈÀÆÍ eðì-øëæeÀÈÈÍ Your holy mountain; and remember unto us eðéàèçá ékÄÇÂÈÅÍ eðéúBáà úéøa-úàÆÀÄÂÅÍ for because of our sins the covenant of our fathers, eðéúáà úBðBráeÇÂÂÊÅÍ :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍÀ and the iniquities of our fathers, 40 and deliver us for Your Name’s sake. 37 Psalms 20:2 (basis). Because of the trials and tribulations that marked his life, Jacob has become the model personality for the people descended from him. We preserve our trust in God, despite all the bitter blows which befall us, even as Jacob was confident that God was mindful of him. We, too, are sustained by our trust that God will eventually lead us to salvation as He led Jacob to a pinnacle of joy and happiness.—S.R. Hirsch 38 Psalms 20:10. 39 A name which has come to be recognized to an evergrowing extent among men.—S.R. Hirsch 40 Through sincere atonement and earnest resolve to better our conduct, we could have

úéøç ù VEHU RACHUM / 150 Eéðôì eðéðeðçz íéìétî eðçðàÂÇÍÀÇÄÄÇÂÅÍÀÈÆÍ Enrå íéìLeøéÀÈÇÍÄÀÇÀ‹ that we let fall our supplications before You, Jerusalem and Your people :íéaøä Eéîçø-ìr ékÄÇÇÂÆÍÈÇÄ :eðéúáéáñ-ìëì ätøçìÀÆÀÈÀÈÀÄÊÅÍ but because of Your great mercy. are [held] in contempt by all who surround us. äçìñ éðãà ärîL éðãàÂÊÈÀÈÍÈÂÊÈÀÈÍÈ eðéäGà òîL äzråÀÇÈÀÇÁÅÍ My Master, hear! my Master, forgive! And now, listen our God, ä Nrå äáéL÷ä éðãàÂÊÈÇÀÄÍÈÇÂÅ Ecár úlôz-ìàÆÀÄÇÇÀÀ‹ to the prayers of Your servant my Master, listen and take action, øçàz-ìàÇÀÇÇ åéðeðçz-ìàåÀÆÇÂÈ and to his supplications; do not delay! Eéðt øàäåÀÈÅÈÆÍ éäGà EðrîÇÇÀÁÇ ìÀ For Your sake, my God, and let Your radiant countenance shine íîMä ELc÷î-ìrÇÄÀÈÀ ‹ Ç È Å àø÷ð EîL-ékÄÄÀÄÀÈ upon Your desolate Sanctuary for Your Name is proclaimed :éðãà ïrîÇÍÇÂÊÈ ìÀ :Enr-ìrå Eøér-ìrÇÄÀ‹ÀÇÇÆÍ for Your sake, my Master. over Your city and Your people. 42, 43 òîLe Eðæà éäGàÁÇÈÀÀ‹ÂÈ ähäÇÅ ïîçøä áàä eðéáàÈÄÍÈÈÈÇÂÈ Incline Your ear, my God, and hear; 41 Our Father, merciful Father, eðéúBîîL äàøe Eéðér ç÷tÀÇÅÆÍÀÅÀ‹ÅÍ Ê äáBèì úBà eðàøäÇÀÅÍÀÈ open Your eyes and behold our desolate show us a sign for good places eðéúBöeôð õa÷åÀÇÅÀÅÍ äéìr EîL àø÷ð-øLà øéräåÀÈÄÂÆÄÀÈÄÀÈÆÍÈ and gather our dispersed [people] and the city which is called by Your Name, õøàä úBôðk òaøàîÅÇÀÇÇÀÈÈÍÆ eðéú÷ãö-ìr àG ékÄÇÄÀÊÅÍ from the four corners of the earth, for it is not on account of our righteousness restored that which was lost through the iniquities of our ancestors. But instead, we, too, have left much to be desired in this respect.—Yaavetz 41 “Hear” that which others say and think about us; or “hear” our cry for help.—S.R. Hirsch 42 If the city which You have founded should fall, and the people You have chosen should perish, the cause of the universal acknowledgement of Your Oneness, would suffer.—S.R. Hirsch 43 Daniel 9:15–19.

151 / íåçø àåäå SHACHARIS :íäéäGà äiàÇÅÁÅÆ íéBbä-ìk eòãéå eøékéÇÄÍÀÅÀ‹ÈÇÄ “Where is their God?” 45 [so that] all nations will recognize and know eðàèç ék eðrãéÈÇÍÀÄÈÈÍ :eðéäGà äåäé äzà ékÄÇÈÀÊÈÁÅÍ We know that we have sinned, that You, Adonoy, are our God. eðãra ãîré éî ïéàåÀÅÄÇÂÊÇÂÅÍ äzà eðéáà äåäé äzråÀÇÈÀÊÈÈÄÍÈÍÈ and there is none to stand up in our behalf; And now, Adonoy, You are our Father; eðì-ãîré ìBãbä EîLÄÀÇÈÇÂÈÈÍ eðøöé äzàå øîçä eðçðàÂÇÍÀÇÍÊÆÀÇÈÊÀ‹ÅÍ let Your great Name, then, stand up for us we are the clay and You are our Former; :äøö úraÀÅÈÈ :eðlk Eãé äNrîeÇÂÅÈÀ‹ËÈÍ at the time of distress. and we are all the work of Your hand. 44 íéNrî eða ïéà ék eðrãéÈÇÍÀÄÅÈÍÇÂÄ EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì eðréLBäÄÅÍÀ We know that we have no [good] deeds, Deliver us, for Your Name’s sake eðnr äNr ä÷ãöÀÈÈÂÅÄÈÍ :eðìàBâå eðkìî eðøeöÅÍÇÀÅÍÀÂÅÍ [therefore] deal charitably with us our Creator, our King, and our Redeemer. :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ìÀ Enr-ìr äåäé äñeçÍÈÀÊÈÇÇÆÍ for Your Name’s sake. íéða-ìr áà íçøkÀÇÅÈÇÈÄ Adonoy, spare Your people, As a father has compassion on his children, Eúìçð ïzz-ìàåÀÇÄÅÇÂÈÀ‹ eðéìr äåäé íçøz ïkÅÀÇÅÀÊÈÈÅÍ and let not Your heritage so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy, 46 ätøçìÀÆÀÈ :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍÀ be [an object] of contempt and [therefore] deliver us for Your Name’s íéBb ía-ìLîÀÈÈÄ ìÄ sake. for nations to rule over. Enr ìr ìBîçÂÇÇÆÍ íénrá eøÈÇÄ îàé änÍÈÊÀ‹ ìÈ Have pity on Your people, Why should they say among the peoples, 44 Isaiah 64:7. 45 Joel 2:17. 46 Others translate this as a prayer rather than a fact: “So, Adonoy, have compassion on us.”

úéøç ù VEHU RACHUM / 152 EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì eðréLBäÄÅÍÀ Eúìçð-ìr íçøÇÅÇÇÂÈÆÍ Deliver us for Your Name’s sake; have compassion on Your heritage, eðéìr íçøÇÅÈÅÍ :Eéîçø áBøk àp-äñeçÈÈÀÇÂÆÍ have compasssion upon us spare us with Your great mercy. :Eúéøa ïrîÇÍÇÀÄÆÍ ìÀ eððrå eðpçÈÅÍÇÂÅÍ for the sake of Your covenant. Favor us and answer us, äøö úra eððrå äèéaäÇÄÍÈÇÂÅÍÀÅÈÈ ä÷ãvä äåäé Eì ékÄÀÀÊÈÇÀ‹ÈÈ Look and answer us in time of distress, for righteousness is Yours, Adonoy, :äreLéä äåäé Eì ékÄÀÀÊÈÇÀÈ :úr-ìëa úBàìôð äNòÊÅÄÀÈÀÈÅ for, Adonoy, deliverance is Yours. Who performs wonders at all times. úBçéìñ dBìà eðzìçBú EaÀÇÀÅÍÁÍÇÀÄ Our hope rests with You, God of forgiveness; àð-èaäÇÆÈ àð-çìñ àpàÈÈÀÇÈ Look, we beseech You, please forgive [us], äøäî Enr-ìr àð-íçøÇÆÈÇÇÀ‹ÀÅÈ çlñå áBè ìàÅÀÇÈ speedily, have compassion upon Your people Almighty, [Who is] good and forgiving :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ìÀ ìà ékÄÅ for Your Name’s sake. for You are the Almighty, eðéäGà äåäé íéaøä EéîçøaÀÇÂÆÍÈÇÄÀÊÈÁÅÍ :äzà íeçøå ïepç CìîÆÍÆÇÀÇÈÍÈ In Your great mercy, Adonoy, our God, Who is King, Gracious, and Merciful. íçøå ñeçÀÇÅ spare us, have compassion àpàÈÈ Eúérøî ïàö äréLBäåÀÄÍÈÊÇÀÄÆÍ We beseech You, and deliver the sheep of Your pasture; íeçøå ïepç CìîÆÍÆÇÀÇ óö÷ eða ìLîé-ìàåÀÇÄÀÈÈÍÆÍÆ gracious and compassionate King, let wrath not prevail over us, èaäå øBëæÀÀÇÅ :úBéeìú eðéðér Eì ékÄÀÅÅÍÀ remember and look for our eyes are lifted to You.

153 / íåçø àåäå SHACHARIS eðñçî eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍÇÂÅÍ íéøúaä ïéa úéøáìÄÀÄÅÇÀÈÄ Our Father, our King, our Refuge, to the Covenant between the divided eðnr Nrz-ìàÇÇÍÇÄÈÍ pieces, 47 do not deal with us Eéðôì äàøúåÀÅÈÆÀÈÆÍ :eðéììrî røkÀÍÊÇÇÂÈÅÍ and let appear before You according to our evil doings. ãéçé úã÷rÂÅÇÈÄ äåäé Eéîçø øëæÀÊÇÂÆÍÀÊÈ the binding [upon the Altar] of the only son, Adonoy, remember Your mercies :ìàøNé ïrîÇÍÇÄÀÈÅ ìÀ EéãñçåÇÂÈÆÍ [do it] for the sake of Israel. 48 and kindnesses; eððrå eðpç eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍÈÅÍÇÂÅÍ Eáeè áBøëeÀÀ‹ Our Father, our King, favor us and answer us in keeping with Your abundant goodness eðéìr àø÷ð ìBãbä EîL ékÄÄÀÇÈÄÀÈÈÅÍ eðéìr àð-ìîçå eðréLBäÄÅÍÇÂÈÈÈÅÍ for Your great Name is pronounced upon us; deliver us, and have pity on us, úr-ìëa úBàìôð äNòÊÅÄÀÈÀÈÅ øçà dBìà eðì ïéà ékÄÅÈÍÁÍÇÇÅ for we have no other God You, [Who] perform wonders at all times, :eðøeö EéãrìaîÄÇÀÈÆÍÅÍ :Ecñçk eðnr äNrÂÅÄÈÍÀÇÀÆÍ deal with us with Your loving kindness. besides You, our Rock. äåäé eðáærz ìàÇÇÇÀÅÍÀÊÈ íeçøå ïepçÇÀÇ Gracious and Merciful One, Do not abandon us, Adonoy, epnî ÷çøz ìà eðéäGàÁÅÍÇÄÀÇÄÆÍ äøö úra eððrå äèéaäÇÄÍÈÇÂÅÍÀÅÈÈ our God, be not far [removed] from us; look and answer us in time of distress, äøö÷ eðLôð ékÄÇÀÅÍÀÈÈ :äreLéä äåäé Eì ékÄÀÀÊÈÇÀÈ for our soul is shrunken for, Adonoy, deliverance is Yours. 47 See Genesis 15:9–21 for a complete account of this covenant with Abraham. 48 Some interpret the name “Israel” as a reference to the patriarch Jacob, who was called Israel. This prayer calls to mind the merit of all three patriarchs: Abraham, who bound his only son; Isaac, who willfully let himself be bound on the altar; and Jacob, whose entire life was one of suffering for God.—Iyun Tefilloh

úéøç ù VEHU RACHUM / 154 EéNrî-ìk ìråÀÇÈÇÂÆÍ éáMîe áøçîÅÆÍÆÄÀ ‹ Ä and upon all Your works, 49 from the sword and from captivity, : eðéäGà äåäé EBîk ïéà ékÄÅÈÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ äôbnîe øácîeÄÆÍÆÄÇÅÈ for there is none like You, Adonoy, our God. from pestilence, and from the plague, :eðérLô àð àN àpàÈÈÈÈÀÈÅÍ :ïBâéå äøö-ìkîeÄÈÈÈÀÈ We beseech You, forgive our transgressions. and from all distress and sorrow. eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ eðée÷ Eì ék eðìÅÍÄÀÄÄÍ éöäÇÄ Our Father, our King, Save us, for You are our hope; eðìàBâå eðøeöÅÍÀÂÅÍ eðéäGà äåäé eðîéìëz ìàåÀÇÇÀÄÅÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ our Rock, and our Redeemer; and put us not to shame, Adonoy, our God; íi÷å éç ìàÅÇÀÇÈ eða Eéðt øàäåÀÈÅÈÆÍÈÍ Almighty Who is living and everlasting, but cause Your countenance to shine upon us. çka ïéñçäÇÂÄÇÍÊÇ eðéúBáà úéøa-úà eðì-øëæeÀÈÈÍÆÀÄÂÅÍ mighty in strength, And remember unto us the covenant of our EéNrî-ìk ìr áBèå ãéñçÈÄÈÇÈÇÂÆÍ fathers, benevolent and good, over all Your works, :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍÀ : eðéäGà äåäé àeä äzà ékÄÇÈÀÊÈÁÅÍ and deliver us for Your Name’s sake. for You, Adonoy, are our God. eðéúBøöá äàøÀÅÀÈÅÍ íétà Cøà ìàÅÆÍÆÇÇÍÄ Look into our troubles Almighty, Who is slow to anger eðúlôz ìB÷ òîLeÀÇÀÄÈÅÍ íéîçø àìîeÈÅÇÂÄ and hear the voice of our prayers, and full of mercy, :ät-ìk úlôz rîBL äzà ékÄÇÈÅÍÇÀÄÇÈÆ eðnr äNrÂÅÄÈÍ for You hear the prayer of every mouth. deal with us Eéîçø áBøkÀÇÂÆÍ ïepçåÀÇ íeçø ìàÅÇ according to Your great mercy, Almighty, merciful, and gracious, :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍÀ eðéìr íçøÇÅÈÅÍ and deliver us for Your Name’s sake. have compassion on us 49 Even in a world that is turned against us in hostility, we beseech God’s compassion not for ourselves alone, but for all His creatures.—S.R. Hirsch

155 / íåçø àåäå SHACHARIS EBîk ïéàÅÈÍ eðúlôz eðkìî òîLÀÇÇÀÅÍÀÄÈÅÍ There is none like You, Hear our prayer, our King íeçøå ïepçÇÀÇ :eðìévä eðéáéBà ãiîeÄÇÀ‹ÅÍÇÄÅÍ gracious and merciful and save us from the hand of our enemy. eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ eðúlôz eðkìî òîLÀÇÇÀÅÍÀÄÈÅÍ Adonoy, our God; Hear our prayer, our King, EBîk ïéàÅÈÍ :eðìévä ïBâéå äøö-ìkîeÄÈÈÈÀÈÇÄÅÍ there is none like You, and save us from all trouble and sorrow. íétà Cøà ìàÅÆÍÆÇÇÍÄ äzà eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍÈÍÈ Almighty, slow to anger, You are our Father, our King, :úîàå ãñç áøåÀÇÆÍÆÆÁÆ àø÷ð eðéìr EîLåÀÄÀÈÅÍÄÀÈ abundant in kindliness and truth. and Your Name is pronounced upon us; íéaøä Eéîçøa eðréLBäÄÅÍÀÇÂÆÍÈÇÄ :eðçpz-ìàÇÇÄÅÍ Deliver us, with Your great mercy, do not desert 50 us. :eðìévä æâøîe LrøîÅÇÍÇÅÍÊÆÇÄÅÍ eðéáà eðáærz ìàÇÇÇÀÅÍÈÄÍ save us from storm and rage. Do not abandon 51 us, our Father, Eéãárì øBëæÀÇÂÈÆÍ eðàøBa eðLhz-ìàåÀÇÄÀ‹ÅÍÀ‹ÅÍ Remember Your servants, do not cast us off, our Creator, á÷réìe ÷çöéì íäøáàìÀÇÀÈÈÀÄÀÈÀÇÂÊ eðøöBé eðçkLz-ìàåÀÇÄÀÈÅÍÀ‹ÅÍ Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; do not forget us, our Former, eðéL÷-ìà ïôz-ìàÇÅÍÆÆÈÀÅÍ ìà ékÄÅ do not consider our stubbornness, for You are the Almighty :eðúàhç-ìàå eðrLø-ìàåÀÆÄÀÅÍÀÆÇÈÅÍ :äzà íeçøå ïepç CìîÆÍÆÇÀÇÈÍÈ and our wickedness, and our sinfulness. 52 [Who is] King, Gracious and Merciful. 50 The literal meaning of eðçéðz is “to put something aside,” that is, no longer to care. We prayÇÄÅÍ that God will never do that to us.—S.R. Hirsch 51 To abandon means to leave a person to his own devices. “You know, our Father, that our own strength and intelligence are not adequate for us, so give us Your Fatherly care.”—S.R. Hirsch 52 Deuteronomy 9:27 (basis).

úéøç ù VEHU RACHUM / 156 ä÷ãvä éðãà EìÀÂÊÈÇÀ‹ÈÈ Età ïBøçî áeLÅÂÇÆÍ Righteousness is Yours, my Master, Turn from Your fierce anger :íéðtä úLa eðìåÀÈÍÍÆÇÈÄ íçpäåÀÄÈÅ while shame is ours. 54 and let Your mind be changed øîàp-äîÇÊÇ ïðBàúp-äîÇÄÀÅ ärøä-ìrÇÈÈÈ How can we complain? What can we say? concerning the evil [intended] øaãp-äîÇÀÇÅ EnrìÀÇÆÍ What can we speak? for Your people. 53 :÷cèöp-äîeÇÄÀÇÈ úånä úkî epnî øñäåÀÈÅÄÆÍÇÇÇÈÍÆ and how can we justify ourselves? Remove from us the scourge of death, äø÷çðå eðéëøã äNtçðÇÀÀ‹ÈÀÈÅÍÀÇÀÍÊÈ äzà íeçø ékÄÇÈÍÈ Let us search into our ways and examine them, for You are merciful; Eéìà äáeLðåÀÈÍÈÅÆÍ Ekøc ïë ékÄÅÇÀÆÍ and return to You; for such is Your way äèeLô Eðéîé ékÄÀÄÀ‹ÀÈ ípç ãñç äNòÍÊÆÆÍÆÄÈ for Your right hand is extended to bestow undeserved kindness :íéáL ìa÷ìÀÇÅÈÄ :øBãå øBc ìëaÀÈÈ to receive those who repent. in every generation. : àp äréLBä äåäé àpàÈÈÀÊÈÄÍÈÈ Enr-ìr äåäé äñeçÍÈÀÊÈÇÇÆÍ We beseech You Adonoy, deliver us! Spare Your people, Adonoy, :àð äçéìöä äåäé àpàÈÈÀÊÈÇÀÄÈÈ Eîrfî eðìéväåÀÇÄÅÍÄÇÀÆÍ We beseech You Adonoy, grant us success! 55 and save us from Your wrath; äåäé àpàÈÈÀÊÈ äôbnä úkî epnî øñäåÀÈÅÄÆÍÇÇÇÇÅÈ We beseech You Adonoy, remove from us the scourge of plague, :eðàø÷-íBéá eððrÂÅÍÀÈÀÅÍ äL÷ äøæâeÀÅÈÈÈ answer us on the day we call! and harsh decree, eðékç äåäé EìÀÀÊÈÄÄÍ :ìàøNé øîBL äzà ékÄÇÈÅÄÀÈÅ For You, Adonoy, we have waited, for You are the Guardian of Israel. 53 Exodus 32:12. 54 Daniel 9:7. 55 Psalms 118:25.

157 / íåçø àåäå SHACHARIS ä÷ãö eða ïéà íàÄÅÈÍÀÈÈ eðée÷ äåäé EìÀÀÊÈÄÄÍ if we are without righteousness For You, Adonoy, we have hoped, íéáBè íéNrîeÇÂÄÄ :ìçéð äåäé EìÀÀÊÈÀÇÅ and good deeds, For You, Adonoy, we yearn. eðéúBáà úéøa-úà eðì-øëæÀÈÈÍÆÀÄÂÅÍ äLçz ìàÇÆÁÆ remember unto us the covenant of our fathers Do not be silent, íBé-ìëa eðéúBãråÀÅÅÍÀÈ eðprúeÀÇÅÍ and our testimonies each day [that] and do not allow us to be tormented; :ãçà äåäéÀÊÈÆÈ :íúå÷ú äãáà íéBâ eîàð ékÄÈÂÄÈÀ‹ÈÄÀÈÈ Adonoy is One. for the nations have said, “Their hope is lost.” eðéðrá äèéaäÇÄÍÈÀÈÀÅÍ äîB÷-ìëå Cøa-ìkÈÆÍÆÀÈÈ Look into our affliction, [But] every knee and all who stand erect eðéáBàëî eaø ékÄÇÇÀÅÍ :äåçzLz ãáì EìÀÀÇÄÀÇÂÆ will bow to You alone. for our sufferings are many :eðááì úBøöåÀÈÀÈÅÍ ãé çúBtäÇÅÍÇÈ and the miseries of our hearts [are also many]. [You] Who opens [Your] hand to eðéìr äåäé äñeçÍÈÀÊÈÈÅÍ äáeLúaÄÀÈ Adonoy, spare us [accept] repentance, eðéáL õøàaÀÆÍÆÄÀÅÍ íéàhçå íérLBt ìa÷ìÀÇÅÀ ‹ ÄÀÇÈÄ in the land of our captivity; to receive transgressors and sinners: eðéìr EðBøç CBtLz-ìàåÀÇÄÀÂÀ‹ÈÅÍ eððBávr áBøî eðLôð äìäáðÄÀÂÈÇÀÅÍÅÄÀ‹ÅÍ do not pour out Your wrath upon us, our soul is terrified from our great sorrow, Enr eðçðà ékÄÂÇÍÀÇÀ‹ :çöð eðçkLz-ìàÇÄÀÈÅÍÆÍÇ for we are Your people, forget us not forever. :Eúéøá éðaÀÅÀÄÆÍ :Cá eðéñç ék eðréLBäå äîe÷ÍÈÀÄÅÍÄÈÄÍÈ the children of Your covenant. Arise and deliver us, for we trust in You. äèéaä ìàÅÇÄÍÈ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ Almighty, look! Our Father, our King,

úéøç ù VEHU RACHUM / 158 úéçLz-ìàåÀÇÇÀÄ íéBba eðãBák ìcÇÀÅÍÇÄ and do not obliterate Our glory has sunk low among the nations, :eðúéøàL øëæÅÍÆÀÅÄÅÍ eðeöwLåÀÄÀ‹Í the remembrance of our remnant. and they abominate us íBà ïBçåÀ :äcpä úàîèkÀËÀÇÇÄÈ Be gracious to the people like the impurity of the nidah. 56 EîL íéãçéîäÇÀ‹ÇÂÄÄÀ éáMa Efr éúî ãrÇÈÇËÀ‹ÇÀ ‹ Ä who proclaim the Unity of Your Name How long will Your strength be in captivity, äáäàa ãéîz íBé-ìëa íéîrtÇÂÇÍÄÀÈÈÄÀÇÂÈ :øö-ãéa EzøàôúåÀÄÀÇÀÀ‹ÀÇÈ twice every day, in constant love, and Your glory in the hand of the foe? 57 : íéøîBàåÀÀ‹Ä Eúàð÷å Eúøeáâ äøøBòÀ‹ÈÀÈÀ‹ÀÄÀÈÀ‹ and exclaim: Arouse Your might and Your zeal ìàøNé òîLÀÇÄÀÈÅ Eéáéà-ìrÇÊÀ‹ÆÍ Hear Israel, against Your enemies, :ãçà äåäé eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÀÊÈÆÈ eLáé íäÅÅÍ Adonoy is our God, Adonoy is One. that they may be put to shame, íúøeábî ezçéåÀÅÇÍÄÀ‹ÈÈ Rest your forehead on the forearm which and broken from their might; does not have the Tefillin, until òâø eLáéÅÍÊÈÍÇ “shamed instantly.” If not wearing :eðéúBàìz Eéðôì eèrîé-ìàåÀÇÄÀÂÀÈÆÍÀÈÅÍ Tefillin, use left arm. let our sufferings not seem trivial to You. ãb-ìà ãåc øîàiåÇÍÊÆÈÄÆÈ Eéîçø eðeîc÷é øäîÇÅÀÇÀ‹ÍÇÂÆÍ And David said to Gad, May Your mercy come swiftly toward us ãàî éì-øöÇÄÀÊ eðúøö íBéaÀÈÈÅÍ “I am greatly distressed; in our time of distress; äåäé-ãéá àp-äìtðÄÀ‹ÈÈÀÇÀÊÈ ìrô EðrîÇÇÀÀÇ ì eððrîÇÂÅÍÀ ì àG-íàåÀÄÀ let us fall into the hand of Adonoy if not for our sake, do it for Your sake, 56 Nidah is menstrual uncleanliness. See Leviticus 12:2. 57 This prayer is a paraphrase of Psalms 78:61. We read concerning the Ark of the Covenant, which had fallen into the hands of the Philistines, “And delivered His strength into captivity and His glory into the hand of the foe.”

159 / íåçø àåäå SHACHARIS :Ecñç ïrîÇÍÇÇÀÆÍ ì éðréLBäÄÅÍÄÀ åéîçø íéaø-ékÄÇÄÇÂÈ deliver me for the sake of Your lovingkindness. for His mercies are great, Eøëæ úåna ïéà ékÄÅÇÈÍÆÄÀÆÍ :äìtà-ìà íãà-ãéáeÀÇÈÈÇÆÍÊÈ but into the hand of man let me not fall. 58 For in death there is no mention of You; :Cl-äãBé éî ìBàLaÄÀÄÆÈ ïepçå íeçøÇÀÇ in the lower world who will thank You. Merciful and Gracious One éúçðàa ézrâéÈÇÍÀÄÀÇÀÈÄ Eéðôì éúàèçÈÈÍÄÀÈÆÍ I am worn out with my sighing, I have sinned before You; éúhî äìéì-ìëá äçNàÇÀÆÀÈÇÍÀÈÄÈÄ íéîçø àìî äåäéÀÊÈÈÅÇÂÄ every night I cause my bed to float; Adonoy, full of mercy, :äñîà éNør éúrîãaÀÄÀÈÄÇÀÄÇÀÆ éìr íçøÇÅÈÇ with my tears, I melt my couch. have compassion upon me éðér ñrkî äLLrÈÀ ‹ ÈÄÇÍÇÅÄ :éðeðçz ìa÷åÀÇÅÇÂÈ My eye is dimmed from anger, and accept my supplications. :éøøBö-ìëa ä÷úrÈÀ‹ÈÀÈÀ‹È éðçéëBú Etàa-ìà äåäéÀÊÈÇÀÇÀ‹ÄÅÍÄ it has aged because of my tormentors. Adonoy, do not rebuke me with Your anger, ïåà éìrt-ìk épnî eøeñÍÄÆÍÄÈÍÊÂÅÈÍÆ :éðøqéú Eúîça-ìàåÀÇÇÂÈÀ‹ÀÇÀ‹ÅÍÄ Depart from me, all you evildoers, nor chastise me with Your rage. :ééëa ìB÷ äåäé òîL-ékÄÈÇÀÊÈÄÀÄ äåäé éðpçÈÅÍÄÀÊÈ for Adonoy has heard the voice of my weeping. Be gracious unto me, Adonoy, éúpçz äåäé òîLÈÇÀÊÈÀÄÈÄ éðà-ììîà ékÄËÀÇÈÍÄ Adonoy has heard my supplication, for I am desolate, :çwé éúlôz äåäéÀÊÈÀÄÈÄÄÈ :éîör eìäáð ék äåäé éðàôøÀÈÅÍÄÀÊÈÄÄÀÂÂÈÈ Adonoy will [also] accept my prayer. heal me, Adonoy, for my bones are terrified. ãàî eìäaéå eLáéÅÍÀÄÈÂÀÊ ãàî äìäáð éLôðåÀÇÀÄÄÀÂÈÀÊ Ashamed and utterly terrified My soul, [too,] is utterly terrified, éáéà-ìkÈÊÀ‹È :éúî-ãr äåäé äzàåÀÇÈÀÊÈÇÈÈ will all my foes be, and You, Adonoy, how long? :òâø eLáé eáLéÈËÍÅÍÈÍÇ éLôð äölç äåäé äáeLÈÀÊÈÇÀ‹ÈÇÀÄ they will return and be instantly shamed. Return, Adonoy, free my soul,

úéøç ù VEHU RACHUM / 160 ãaàìe âBøäìÇÂÀÇÅ ìàøNé éäGàÁÅÄÀÈÅ äåäéÀÊÈ to be slain and destroyed, Adonoy, God of Israel, :ätøçìe äkîÇÈÀÆÀÈ ìeÀ Età ïBøçî áeLÅÂÇÆÍ tortured and humiliated. turn from Your fierce anger, úàæ-ìëáeÀÈÊ íçpäåÀÄÈÅ and let Your mind be changed And yet despite all this, ärøä-ìrÇÈÈÈ eðçëL àG EîLÄÀÈÈÍÀ concerning the evil intended we have not forgotten Your Name; :EnrìÀÇÆÍ :eðçkLz-ìà àðÈÇÄÀÈÅÍ for Your people. 59 please, do not forget us. 60 äàøe íéîMîÄÈÇÍÄÀÅ èaäÇÅ ìàøNé éäGàÁÅÄÀÈÅ äåäéÀÊÈ Look from heaven and behold Adonoy, God of Israel, eðééä ékÄÈÄÍ Età ïBøçî áeLÅÂÇÆÍ that we have become turn from Your fierce anger, ñì÷å ârìÇÍÇÈÆÍÆ íçpäåÀÄÈÅ [an object] of scorn and derision íéBbaÇÄ and let Your mind be changed among the nations; ärøä-ìrÇÈÈÈ ïàök eðáLçðÆÀÇÍÀÀÊ concerning the evil intended we are considered as sheep :EnrìÀÇÆÍ ìáeé çáhìÇÆÍÇÈ for Your people. led to the slaughter 58 II Samuel 24:14. 59 Exodus 32:12. The following prayers enable us to visualize the horrors of persecution that were so often the lot of the Jews in the dark ages and even more so in our days. 60 This refrain gives striking expression to the steadfastness of the Jew amid all his agony and martyrdom. The one concept which, more than anything else, protected Israel from the base impulse of vengefulness, is proclaimed in these last few petitions. They teach us that we must commit to none other than God all vengeance and retribution for the suffering we sustain at the hands of others. Sacred literature is replete with assurances of God’s retribution for all that we have suffered at the hands of our foes.

161 / íåçø àåäå SHACHARIS Età ïBøçî áeLÅÂÇÆÍ íéøîBàÀ‹Ä íéøæÈÄ turn from Your fierce anger, Strangers say: íçpäåÀÄÈÅ äå÷úå úìçBz ïéàÅÆÍÆÀÄÀÈ and let Your mind be changed “There is no hope or expectation [for us].” ärøä-ìrÇÈÈÈ íBà ïBç concerning the evil intended Be gracious to the people :EnrìÀÇÆÍ äe÷î EîLìÀÄÀÀÇÆ for Your people. who place their hope in Your Name. Eéîçøa eðéìr äåäéÀÊÈÈÅÍÀÇÂÆÍ äñeçÍÈ äáø÷ eðúreLé øBäèÈÀÈÅÍÈÀ‹È Adonoy, in Your mercy, spare us, Pure One, bring our deliverance near; íéøæëà éãéa eððzz-ìàåÀÇÄÀ‹ÅÍÄÅÇÀÈÄ eðì-çðeä àGå eðrâéÈÇÍÀÀÇÈÍ we are weary and no relief is granted us. do not discard us in the hands of cruel foes. íéBbä eøîàé änÍÈÊÀ‹ÇÄ ìÈ EéîçøÇÂÆÍ Why should the nations say: May Your mercy íäéäGà àð äiàÇÅÈÁÅÆ :eðéìrî Eñrk-úà eLaëéÄÀÀ‹ÆÇÇÀÅÈÅÍ Where now is their God? 61 suppress Your anger from us. ãñç eðnr äNr EðrîÇÇÀÂÅÄÈÍÆÍÆ ìÀ EðBøçî áeL àpàÈÈÅÂÀ‹ For Your sake, deal kindly with us We beseech You, turn from Your anger, :øçàz-ìàåÀÇÀÇÇ íçøåÀÇÅ and have compassion and do not delay. EðBøçî áeL àpàÈÈÅÂÀ‹ älâñÀËÈ We beseech You, turn from Your anger, on the treasured people älâñ íçøåÀÇÅÀËÈ :zøça øLàÂÆÈÈÍÀÈ whom You have chosen. and have compassion on the treasured people :zøça øLàÂÆÈÈÍÀÈ ìàøNé éäGàÁÅÄÀÈÅ äåäéÀÊÈ whom You have chosen. Adonoy, God of Israel, 61 Psalms 115:2.

úéøç ù VEHU RACHUM / 162 eðçëL àG EîLÄÀÈÈÍÀ ìàøNé éäGàÁÅÄÀÈÅ äåäéÀÊÈ we have not forgotten Your Name; Adonoy, God of Israel, :eðçkLz-ìà àðÈÇÄÀÈÅÍ Età ïBøçî áeLÅÂÇÆÍ please, do not forget us. turn from Your fierce anger, ìàøNé éäGàÁÅÄÀÈÅ äåäéÀÊÈ íçpäåÀÄÈÅ Adonoy, God of Israel, and let Your mind be changed Età ïBøçî áeLÅÂÇÆÍ :Enrì ärøä-ìrÇÈÈÈÀÇÆÍ turn from Your fierce anger, concerning the evil intended for Your people. íçpäåÀÄÈÅ and let Your mind be changed ïBçúå òîLúÄÀÇÀÈ eðìB÷ÅÍ :Enrì ärøä-ìrÇÈÈÈÀÇÆÍ Hear our voice and be gracious, concerning the evil intended for Your people. eðLhz-ìàåÀÇÄÀ‹ÅÍ eðrLé éäGàÁÅÄÀÅÍ eðøærÈÀÅÍ do not cast us off Help us, God of our deliverance eðéáéà ãéaÀÇÊÀ‹ÅÍ EîL-ãBák øác-ìrÇÀÇÀÀÆÍ into the hands of our enemies for the sake of the glory of Your Name; :eðîL-úà úBçîÀÆÀÅÍ ìÄ eðéúàhç-ìr øtëå eðìéväåÀÇÄÅÍÀÇÅÇÇÊÅÍ to obliterate our name. save us and atone our sins eðéúBáàì zraLð øLà øBëæÀÂÆÄÀÇÍÀÈÇÂÅÍ :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ìÀ Remember what You have sworn to our for the sake of Your Name. fathers: ìàøNé éäGàÁÅÄÀÈÅ äåäéÀÊÈ íéîMä éáëBëkÀÀ‹ÅÇÈÇÍÄ “Like the stars of the heavens Adonoy, God of Israel, Età ïBøçî áeLÅÂÇÆÍ íërøæ-úà äaøàÇÀÆÆÇÀÂÆ turn from Your fierce anger, I will multiply your descendants,” 62 íçpäåÀÄÈÅ :äaøäî èrî eðøàLð äzråÀÇÈÄÀÇÍÀÀÇÅÇÀÅ and let Your mind be changed and now we are left, only a few out of many. :Enrì ärøä-ìrÇÈÈÈÀÇÆÍ úàæ-ìëáeÀÈÊ concerning the evil intended for Your people. And yet despite all this, 62 Exodus 32:13.

163 / íåçø àåäå SHACHARIS íéîçøáÀÇÂÄ ävøúîÄÀÇÆ ìàøNéÄÀÈÅ øîBLÅ You Who are appeased by pleas for mercy, Guardian of Israel, íéðeðçúa ñitúîeÄÀÇÅÀÇÂÄ ìàøNé úéøàL øBîLÀÀÅÄÄÀÈÅ and conciliated by supplications, guard the remnant of Israel, ñitúäå ävøúäÄÀÇÆÀÄÀÇÅ ìàøNé ãáàé-ìàåÀÇÊÇÄÀÈÅ be appeased and conciliated and let not Israel perish, :øæBò ïéà ék éðr øBãìÀÈÄÄÅÅ :ìàøNé òîL íéøîàäÈÊÀ‹ÄÀÇÄÀÈÅ to an afflicted generation, who say, “Hear Israel.” for there is none else to help. eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ ãçà éBbÆÈ øîBLÅ Our Father, our King! Guardian of the unique nation, eððrå eðpçÈÅÍÇÂÅÍ ãçà ír úéøàL øBîLÀÀÅÄÇÆÈ be gracious to us and answer us guard the remnant of the unique people, íéNrî eða ïéà ékÄÅÈÍÇÂÄ ãçà éBb ãáàé-ìàåÀÇÊÇÆÈ for we have no [good] deeds, and let not the unique nation perish, ãñçå ä÷ãö eðnr äNrÂÅÄÈÍÀÈÈÈÆÍÆ EîL íéãçéîäÇÀ‹ÇÂÄÄÀ deal with us charitably and kindly who proclaim the Oneness of Your Name, :eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍ :ãçà äåäé eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÀÊÈÆÈ and deliver us. [saying:] “Adonoy is our God, Adonoy is One.” òãð àGÅÇ eðçðàåÇÂÇÍÀ LBã÷ éBbÈ øîBLÅ As for us, we know not Stand up here until end of paragraph.* Guardian of the holy nation, äNrp-äîÇÇÂÆ LBã÷ ír úéøàL øBîLÀÀÅÄÇÈ what to do; guard the remnant of the holy people :eðéðér Eéìr ékÄÈÆÍÅÅÍ LBã÷ éBb ãáàé-ìàåÀÇÊÇÈ but our eyes are upon You. and let not the holy nation perish, äåäé Eéîçø-øëæÀÊÇÂÆÍÀÊÈ úBMã÷ LìLa íéLlLîäÇÀ‹ÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÀË Remember Your mercies, Adonoy, who repeat the threefold sanctification EéãñçåÇÂÈÆÍ :LBã÷ìÀÈ and kindnesses to the Holy One. * M.B. #131:9.

úéøç ù VEHU RACHUM / 164 :EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ìÀ :änä íìBòî ékÄÅÈÅÍÈ for the sake of Your Name. for they are from the beginning of the world. The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish: eðéìr äåäé Ecñç-éäéÀÄÇÀÀ‹ÀÊÈÈÅÍ Cong. ( ïîàÈÅ ) àaø dîL Lc÷úéåÀÄÀÇÇÀÅÇÈ ìcbúéÄÀÇÇ Adonoy! may Your kindness be upon us, :Cì eðìçé øLàkÇÂÆÄÇÍÀÈ Exalted and sanctified be His great Name as we have waited for You. àøá-éc àîÈÄÀÈ ìraÀÈÀ‹ íéðBLàø úBðBr eðì-økæz-ìàÇÄÀÈÈÍÂÄÄ in the world which He created Remember not the sins of our ancestors; dúeòøëÄÀÅ Eéîçø eðeîc÷é øäîÇÅÀÇÀ‹ÍÇÂÆÍ according to His will; let Your mercy come swiftly toward us, dúeëìî CéìîéåÀÇÀÄÇÀÅ :ãàî eðBlã ékÄÇÍÀÊ and may He rule His kingdom for we have been brought very low. ïBëéîBéáe ïBëéiçaÀÇÅÀÅ eðpç äåäé eðpçÈÅÍÀÊÈÈÅÍ in your lifetime and in your days, Be gracious to us, Adonoy, be gracious to us, éiçáeÀÇÅ :æeá eðráN áø-ékÄÇÈÇÍÀ and in the lifetime for we are saturated with humiliation. ìàøNé úéa-ìëãÀÈÅÄÀÈÅ æâøaÀÍÊÆ of the entire House of Israel, [Even] in anger áéø÷ ïîæáe àìâraÇÂÈÈÄÀÇÈÄ :økæz íçøÇÅÄÀÊ speedily and in the near future, remember to have compassion. : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ eðøöé òãé àeä-ékÄÈÇÄÀÅÍ and say, Amein. For He knows of what we are made; Cøáî àaø dîL àäéÀÅÀÅÇÈÀÈÇ :eðçðà øôr-ék øeëæÈÄÈÈÂÈÍÀ May His great Name be blessed He is mindful that we are but dust. àiîÇÈ ìr éîÅÈÀ‹ ìrìe íìrìÀÈÇÀÈÀ‹ eðòLé éäGà eðøæòÈÀÅÍÁÅÄÀÅÍ . forever and for all eternity. Help us, God of our deliverance, çazLéå CøaúéÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÇ EîL-ãBák øác-ìrÇÀÇÀÀÆÍ Blessed and praised, for the sake of the glory of Your Name; àOðúéå íîBøúéå øàtúéåÀÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÀÄÀÇÅ eðéúàhç-ìr øtëå eðìéväåÀÇÄÅÍÀÇÅÇÇÊÅÍ glorified, and exalted and uplifted, save us and atone our sins,

165 / ïåøàä úçéúô SHACHARIS àúøéLå àúëøaÄÀÈÈÀÄÈÈ ìläúéå älrúéå øcäúéåÀÄÀÇÈÀÄÀÇÆÀÄÀÇÈ the blessings and hymns, honored and elevated and extolled àúîçðå àúçaLzËÀÀ‹ÈÈÀÆÁÈÈ àeä CéøaÀÄ àLã÷ã dîLÀÅÀËÀÈ praises and consolations be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He; : ïîàÈÅ eøîàå àîÈÀÄÀ ìra ïøéîàcÇÂÄÈÀÈÀ‹ -ìk-ïî àlrì*ÀÅÍÈÄÈ above all which we utter in the world, and say, Amein. *During the Ten Days of Penitence say: -ìkî àlrì àlrìÀÅÍÈÀÅÍÈÄÈ On days when the Torah is not read continue with Ashrei on page 176. far above all äøåúä úàéø÷ Reading of the Torah On Mondays and Thursdays, as we are about to open the Ark to take out the Seifer Torah for public reading, we realize that we have transgressed much that is written in the Torah and are unworthy even to take it into our hands. Aware of our inadequacy and unworthiness, we utter the words, íétà Cøà ìà “AlmightyÅÆÍÆÇÇÍÄ who is slow to anger, etc. . . .”, appealing to Him for forgiveness. The following paragraph is said on Mondays and Thursdays except on ROSH CHODESH; EREV YOM KIPPUR; CHANUKAH;both days of PURIM and PURIM KATAN (14th and 15th Adar Rishon); EREV PESACH; CHOL HAMO’ED; and TISHA B’AV. Some omit it on Isru Chag and every Erev Yom Tov. It is also omitted in the house of a mourner. This prayer is recited while standing, as it includes a form of viduy (confession) which must be said while standing. Enr-ìr äåäé äñeçÍÈÀÊÈÇÇÆÍ íétà Cøà ìàÅÆÍÆÇÇÍÄ Adonoy, spare Your people 1 Almighty Who is slow to anger :òø-ìkî eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍÄÈÈ úîàå ãñç-áøåÀÇÆÍÆÆÁÆ and deliver us from all evil. and full of kindliness and truth, ïBãà Eì eðàèçÈÈÍÀÈ :eðçéëBú Etàa-ìàÇÀÇÀ‹ÄÅÍ We have sinned against You, Master, do not rebuke us in Your anger. 1 This verse from Joel (2:17) was inserted here by the sages of Italy as an abbreviated form of Tachanun to be recited by latecomers to the synagogue, instead of the entire “Vehu Rachum”, so that they could pay attention to the reading of the Torah.

úéøç ù OPENING THE HOLY ARK / 166 tuted that three men should be called àð-çìñÀÇÈ up to read a total of at least ten verses fromtheTorah.Healso enactedthatthe forgive us, please, Torah be read at the Shabbos Mincha Eéîçø áBøkÀÇÂÆÍ (afternoon) service. When the Torah is in keeping with Your abundant mercy, removed from the Ark, great care is :ìàÅ taken to honor it. It is escorted by as many people as possible from the mo- Almighty. ment it is taken out of the Ark until it is Some add the following: placed on the reading table. We em- íétà Cøà ìàÅÆÍÆÇÇÍÄ brace and kiss the Torah during the pro- cession and refrain from idle chatter. Almighty Who is slow to anger While the Torah is being read, you must úîàå ãñç-áøåÀÇÆÍÆÆÁÆ be silent and listen to each word. and full of kindliness and truth, :eðnî Eéðt øzñz-ìàÇÇÀÅÈÆÍÄÆÍ When the Holy Ark is opened, the following is said: conceal not Your Presence from us. ïøàäÈÈÊ rñða éäéåÇÀÄÄÀÍÊÇ EnrÇÆÍ ìàøNéÄÀÈÅ -ìr äåäé äñeçÍÈÀÊÈÇ Whenever the Ark traveled, Adonoy, spare Your people, Israel, 1 äåäé äîe÷ äLî øîàiåÇÍÊÆÆÈÀÊÈ :òø-ìkî eðìéväåÀÇÄÅÍÄÈÈ Moses would say: “Rise, Adonoy and save us from all evil. Eéáéà eöôéåÀÈËÍÊÀ‹ÆÍ ïBãà Eì eðàèçÈÈÍÀÈ and let Your enemies be scattered, We have sinned against You, Master, :Eéðtî EéàðNî eñðéåÀÈËÍÀÇÀÆÍÄÈÆÍ àð-çìñÀÇÈ and those who hate You, flee before You.” forgive us, please, äøBú àöz ïBivî ékÄÄÄÅÅÈ Eéîçø áBøkÀÇÂÆÍ For from Zion will go forth the Torah, in keeping with Your abundant mercy, :íéìLeøéî äåäé-øáãeÀÇÀÊÈÄÈÈÍÄ :ìàÅ and the word of Adonoy from Jerusalem. Almighty. äøBz ïúpL CeøaÈÆÈÇÈ Moses and the Elders with him, or- Blessed is He Who gave the Torah dained that the Torah be read in public on Shabbos, Monday and Thursday :BúMã÷a ìàøNé BnrìÀÇÄÀÈÅÄÀËÈ mornings. The Talmud (Maseches Bava to His people Israel in His holiness. Kama 82a), notes that Ezra later insti- 1 Joel 2:17. (Basis)

167 / ïåøàä úçéúô SHACHARIS àúeáéèa ïéiç ïì CéøBúcÀÄÈÇÄÀÄÈ The following prayer is taken from to prolong our lives in well-being. the Zohar (Parshas Vayakheil), the basic text of Kabalah which was written by ài÷écö Bâa àãé÷ô àðà éåäìåÀÆÁÅÂÈÀÄÈÀÇÄÇÈ the Mishnaic sage Rabbi Shimon bar Let me be counted among the righteous Yochai. The Zohar states, “When the To- éìr íçøîÄÀÇÈÇ ìÀ rah is taken out to be read before the congregation, the heavenly gates of so that You will have compassion on me mercy are opened, and the Divine love éì éc ìk úéå éúé øèðîÄÀÇÈÄÀÇÈÄÄ ìeÀ is aroused; therefore one should say the following prayer. and protect me and all that is mine, ìàøNé Cnrì éãåÀÄÀÇÈÄÀÈÅ dîL CéøaÀÄÀÅ and all that belongs to Your people, Israel. àeä zðàÇÀÀ Blessed is the Name You are He àîÈ ìr àøîcÀÈÅÈÀ‹ àlëì ñðøôîe àlëì ïæÈÀÍÊÈÀÇÀÅÀÍÊÈ of the Master of the universe. Who nourishes all and maintains all; Cøúàå Cøúk CéøaÀÄÄÀÈÀÇÀÈ àlk ìr èélL àeä zðàÇÀÀÇÄÇÍÊÈ Blessed is Your crown and Your place. You are He Who rules over all; Cúeòø àäéÀÅÀÈ àiëìî ìr èélLc àeä zðàÇÀÀÀÇÄÇÇÀÇÈ May Your good will [be] You are He Who rules over kings, íìrì ìàøNé Cnr írÄÇÈÄÀÈÅÀÈÈ àéä Cìéc àúeëìîeÇÀÈÄÈÄ with Your people Israel forever. and the kingdom is Yours. Cðéîé ï÷øôeËÀÇÀÄÈ àcár àðàÂÈÇÀÈ The redemption of Your right hand I am a servant CLc÷î úéáa Cnrì éæçàÇÂÅÀÇÈÀÅÇÀÀ‹È àeä Céøa àLãe÷ãÀÀÈÀÄ show Your people in Your Holy Temple. of the Holy One, blessed is He, dn÷ àðãéâñcÀÈÄÍÀÈÇÅ CøBäð áehî àðì ééeèîàìeÀÇÀÍÅÈÍÈÄÀÈ I bow before Him Bestow on us Your excellent light, dúéøBà ø÷éc ànwîeÄÇÈÄÇÇÀÅ ïéîçøa àðúBìö ìa÷ìeÀÇÅÀÈÍÈÀÇÂÄ and before the honor of His Torah and accept our prayer with compassion. ïcrå ïcr ìëaÀÈÄÈÀÄÈ Cîã÷ àårø àäéÀÅÇÂÈÃÈÈ at all times. May it be Your will

úéøç ù OPENING THE HOLY ARK / 168 :íìLìå ïéiçìe áèìÀÇÀÇÄÀÄÀÈ àðöéçø Lðà ìr àìÈÇÁÈÈÄÍÀÈ for goodness, for life, and for peace. Not in man do I put my trust, àðëéîñ ïéäìà øa ìr àìåÀÈÇÇÁÈÄÈÄÍÀÈ The Chazzan says: nor do I rely on any angel; ézà äåäéìÇÊÈÄÄ eìcbÇÀ‹ àiîLã àäìàa àlàÆÈÆÁÈÈÄÀÇÈ Declare the greatness of Adonoy, with me. but only in the God of heaven, :åcçé BîL äîîBøðeÀÀ‹ÈÀÇÀÈ èBL÷ àäìà àeäcÀÁÈÈÀ and let us exalt His Name together. Who is the true God, The Congregation responds: èBL÷ dúéøBàåÀÇÀÅÀ äøeábäå älãbä äåäéÀÊÈÇÀ‹ËÈÀÇÀ‹È EìÀ Whose Torah is truth, èBL÷ éäBàéáðeÀÄÍÄÀ Yours, Adonoy, is the greatness, the might, ãBääå çöpäå úøàôzäåÀÇÄÀÆÍÆÀÇÅÍÇÀÇ Whose prophets are true, ì àbñîeÇÀÅÀ ãarîÆÀÇ the glory, the victory, and the beauty, and Who performs many deeds ìë-ékÄÊ èBL÷e ïåáèÇÀÈÀ for everything of goodness and truth. õøàáe íéîMaÇÈÇÍÄÈÈÍÆ õéçø àðà daÅÂÈÈÄ in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; In Him I put my trust äëìînä äåäé EìÀÀÊÈÇÇÀÈÈ àøéwé àLéc÷ dîLìåÀÄÀÅÇÄÈÇÄÈ Yours, Adonoy, is the kingdom, and to His holy, honored Name :Làøì ìëì àOðúnäåÀÇÄÀÇÅÀÊÀÊ ïçÈ aLz øîà àðàÂÈÅÇËÀÀ‹ and You are uplifted over all rulers. I utter praises. eðéäGà äåäé eîîBøÀ‹ÀÊÈÁÅÍ Cîã÷ àåòø àäéÀÅÇÂÈÃÈÈ . Exalt Adonoy, our God, May it be Your will åéìâø íãäì eåçzLäåÀÄÀÇÂÇÂÊÇÀÈ àúéøBàa éàaì çzôúcÀÄÀÇÄÈÄÀÇÀÈ and prostrate yourselves at His footstool, to open my heart to Torah, :àeä LBã÷È éàaìc ïéìàLî íéìLúåÀÇÀÄÄÀÂÄÀÄÈÄ Holy is He. and to fulfill the desires of my heart, eðéäGà äåäé eîÀÊÈÁÅÍ îBøÀ‹ ìàøNé Cnr ìëã àaìåÀÄÈÀÈÇÈÄÀÈÅ Exalt Adonoy, Our God, and of the heart of Your people Israel,

169 / äøåúä úàéø÷ SHACHARIS äáBè äcîaÀÄÈÈ BLã÷ øäì eåçzLäåÀÄÀÇÂÀÇÈÀ in beneficent measure, and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain :íéîçøå äreLéÀÈÀÇÂÄ :eðéäGà äåäé LBã÷-ékÄÈÀÊÈÁÅÍ [for] deliverance and compassion. for Adonoy, our God, is holy. Weekday Torah readings start on page íçøé àeäÀÇÅ íéîçøä áàÇÈÇÂÄ 438. Refer to Table of Contents. May the Father of mercy have compassion íéñeîr írÇÂÄ When the Torah is unrolled, the gabbai says: on the people borne by Him, Búeëìî äàøúåÀÅÈÆÇÀ äìbúåÀÄÈÆ økæéåÀÄÀÊ and may He remember May His sovereignty be revealed and visible íéðúéà úéøaÀÄÅÈÄ áBø÷ ïîæa eðéìrÈÅÍÄÀÇÈ to us, soon; the covenant with the patriarchs; eðúèéìt ïBçéåÀÈÀÅÈÅÍ eðéúBLôð ìévéåÀÇÄÇÀÅÍ may He rescue our souls and may He be gracious to our remnant Bnr úèéìôeÀÅÇÇ úBòøä úBòMä ïîÄÇÈÈÈ and the remnant of His people, from evil times; ìàøNé úéaÅÄÀÈÅ òøä øöéa ørâéåÀÄÀÇÀÅÍÆÈÇ and may He rebuke the evil impulse the House of Israel ãñçìe ïçìÀÅÀÆÍÆ íéàeNpä ïîÄÇÀ‹Ä 2 [granting them] favor, kindness, from those who have been carried by Him; ïBöøìe íéîçøìeÀÇÂÄÀÈ eðúBà ïBçéåÀÈÈÍ compassion and goodwill. and may He graciously grant us ïîà øîàðåÀÊÇÈÅ íéîÄ ìBò úèéìôìÄÀÅÇÈ And let us say Amein. eternal survival; eðéäGàì ìãâ eáä ìkäÇÊÈÍÊÆÅÅÍ eðéúBìàLî àlîéåÄÇÅÄÀÂÅÍ Let all ascribe greatness to our God, and fulfill our requests 2 See Exodus 19:4, “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings.” See Isaiah 46:3, “Israel which are borne by Me from the belly, which are carried by Me from the womb.”

úéøç ù READING THE TORAH / 170 íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ äøBzì ãBáë eðúeÀÈÇÈ our God, King of the Universe, and give honor to the Torah. íénrä-ìkî eða øça øLàÂÆÈÍÇÈÍÄÈÈÇÄ áø÷ ïäkÊÅÀÈ Who chose us from among all the peoples Let the Kohein come forward. :BúøBz-úà eðì ïúðåÀÈÍÇÈÍÆÈ ,ïäkäÇÊÅ (ô'áô) ãîréÇÂÊ and gave us His Torah. Arise, ____ son of ____, the Kohein, äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ äøBz ïúpL CeøaÈÆÈÇÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy, Blessed is He, Who gave the Torah :äøBzä ïúBðÅÇÈ :BúMã÷a ìàøNé BnrìÀÇÄÀÈÅÄÀËÈ Giver of the Torah. to His people, Israel, in His holiness. After the Torah is read, the Kohein says: The Congregation responds: äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ íé÷ácä ízàåÀÇÆÇÀ‹ÅÄ Blessed are You, Adonoy And you who cling íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ íëéäGà äåäéaÇÊÈÁÅÆ our God, King of the Universe to Adonoy, Your God, úîà úøBz eðì ïúð øLàÂÆÈÍÇÈÍÇÁÆ :íBiä íëÆÇ lk íéiçÇÄËÀ‹ Who gave us the Torah of truth, are all alive today. :eðëBúa òèð íìBò éiçåÀÇÅÈÈÇÀÅÍ The Kohein walks up to the Torah and implanted eternal life within us. and says the following Beracha: äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ :Cøáîä äåäé-úàÆÀÊÈÇÀ‹ÊÈ eëøaÈÀ‹ Blessed are You, Adonoy, Blessed Adonoy, who is blessed. :äøBzä ïúBðÅÇÈ The Congregation responds Giver of the Torah. and the Kohein repeats: The above Berachos are recited by every Cøáîä äåäéÀÊÈÇÀ‹ÊÈ CeøaÈ person called to the Torah. Blessed is Adonoy, Who is blessed, ìîåâä úëøá :ãrå íìBòìÀÈÈÆ Birchas Hagomeil forever and ever. Rav says, (Maseches Berachos 54) that The Kohein says: four are obligated to offer thanks: per- CeøaÈ sons who have safely completed a sea or äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ dessert journey, or who have recovered Blessed are You, Adonoy

171 / äøåúä úàéø÷ SHACHARIS Blessing by the father from a serious illness, or have been re- of a Bar Mitzvah leased from captivity. One who is obli- gated to recitethe Beracha of thanksgiv- The following Beracha is said by the ing should do so at the Torah-scroll af- father of a Bar Mitzvah, after the boy has ter the Beracha that follows the Torah been called to the Torah and has recited reading. the Beracha following the reading. (See Shulchan Aruch O.C. # 225:2.) äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy äåäé äzà)ÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ Blessed (are You, Adonoy (íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ our God, King of the Universe, úBáBè íéáiçì ìîBbäÇÅÀÇÈÄ our God, King of the Universe) Who bestows goodness upon the guilty, éðøètLÆÀ‹ÈÇÍÄ :áBè-ìk éðìîbLÆÀ‹ÈÇÍÄÈ (is He) who has released me Who has bestowed every goodness upon me. :äælL BLðrîÅÈÀÆÈÆ 3 from the punishment of this [boy]. The congregation responds, ïîà “Amein”ÈÅ and continues: When the reading of the Torah is áBè-ìk EìîbL éîÄÆÀ‹ÈÀ‹È concluded, the Half-Kaddish [page 164] is recited by the Reader. (On Fast Days He Who has bestowed every goodness upon you, when the Torah is read at Mincha, the áBè-ìk Eìîâé àeäÄÀÈÀÈ Half-Kaddish is recited after the Torah is may He bestow every goodness upon you, returned to the Ark.) The Torah is then :äìñÆÍÈ raised so that the congregation can see the script, and the congregation exclaims: forever. 3 The father is liable for the sins of his children only until they have been taught and trained to perform and observe the mitzvos. Once they have reached this level, even though they are not yet thirteen years of age, the father is no longer responsible for their sins. Why then is this Beracha recited at the time of Bar Mitzvah? The Dover Meisharim, cites sources stating that on the contrary, children sometimes perish because of their fathers’ sins. The fathers, in turn, are punished for causing the untimely deaths of their young children. Thus whentheyreachthirteenandare nolongerliablefortheirfathers’sins,thefatherstooarereleased from the punishment they could have received for causing their children to perish. The Beracha is therefore recited at the Bar Mitzvah when the son becomes fully independent of his father.

úéøç ù READING THE TORAH / 172 :øécàéå äøBz ìécâéÇÀÄÈÀÇÀÄ äøBzä úàæåÀÊÇÈ to make the Torah great and to glorify it. This is the Torah which Moses placed äLî íN-øLàÂÆÈÆ On those Mondays and Thursdays when This is the Torah which Moses placed Tachanun is said, before returning the Torah to the Ark, the Chazzan recites: ìàøNé éða éðôìÄÀÅÀÅÄÀÈÅ ïBöø éäéÀÄÈ :äLî-ãéa äåäé ét-ìòÇÄÀÊÈÀÇÆ before the children of Israel May it be the will at Adonoy’s command by the hand of Moses. íéîMaL eðéáà éðôlîÄÄÀÅÈÄÍÆÇÈÇÍÄ àéä íéiç-õrÅÇÄÄ of our Father in heaven It is a tree of life eðéiç úéa-úà ïðBëìÀÅÆÅÇÅÍ da íé÷éæçnÇÂÄÄÈ ìÇ to establish the House of our lives 4 to those who grasp to it, eðëBúa BúðéëL-úà áéLäìeÀÈÄÆÀÄÈÀÅÍ :øMàî äéëîBúåÀÀ‹ÆÍÈÀËÈ and restore His Divine Presence to our midst, :ïîàÈÅ øîàðå eðéîéá äøäîaÄÀÅÈÀÈÅÍÀÊÇ and those who support it are fortunate. írð-éëøc äéëøcÀÈÆÍÈÇÀÅÍÊÇ speedily in our days, and let us say Amein. Its ways are ways of pleasantness, ïBöø éäéÀÄÈ :íBìL äéúBáéúð-ìëåÀÈÀÄÆÍÈÈ May it be the will and all its paths are peace. íéîMaL eðéáà éðôlîÄÄÀÅÈÄÍÆÇÈÇÍÄ dðéîéa íéîé CøàÍÊÆÈÄÄÄÈ of our Father in heaven Long life is at its right, eðéìr íçøìÀÇÅÈÅÍ :ãBáëå øLr dìàîNaÄÀÊÈÍÆÀÈ to have compassion upon us at its left, riches and honor. eðúèéìt-ìråÀÇÀÅÈÅÍ õôç äåäéÀÊÈÈÅ and upon our remnant, Adonoy desired, eðéìrî äôbîe úéçLî rðîÀÍÊÇÇÀÄÇÅÈÅÈÅÍ ìåÀÄ B÷ãö ïrîÇÍÇÄÀ ìÀ and to keep destruction and plague from us, for the sake of His righteousness, 4 The Holy Temple.

173 / äøåúä úàéø÷ SHACHARIS úBáBè úBøBNaÀ ìàøNé úéa Bnr-ìk ìrîeÅÇÈÇÅÄÀÈÅ good tidings and from all His people, the House of Israel; úBîçðå úBòeLéÀÀÆÈ :ïîàÈÅ øîàðåÀÊÇ [of] deliverance and consolation; and let us say Amein. eðéçcð õa÷éåÄÇÅÄÈÅÍ may He gather our dispersed ïBöø éäéÀÄÈ õøàä úBôðk òaøàîÅÇÀÇÇÀÈÈÍÆ May it be the will from the four corners of the earth; íéîMaL eðéáà éðôlîÄÄÀÅÈÄÍÆÇÈÇÍÄ :ïîàÈÅ øîàðåÀÊÇ of our Father in heaven and let us say Amein. ìàøNé éîëç eða-íi÷ìÀÇÆÈÍÇÀÅÄÀÈÅ to preserve among us the sages of Israel, Cong. and chazzan: íäéLðe íäÅÀÅÆ ìàøNé-úéa-ìkÈÅÄÀÈÅ eðéçàÇÅÍ them, their wives, [As for] our brethren, the entire House of Israel íäéúBðáe íäéðáeÀÅÆÀÅÆ äéáLáe äøöa íéðeúpäÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÈ their sons and their daughters, who [still] remain in distress and captivity, íäéãéîÄÅÆ ìúåÀÇÀ äLaia ïéáe íia ïéa íéãîBòäÈÀ‹ÄÅÇÈÅÇÇÈÈ their disciples, whether on sea or on land, íäéãéîÄÅÆ ìú éãéîÄÅÇÀ ìúåÀÇÀ íäéìr íçøé íB÷näÇÈÀÇÅÂÅÆ and the disciples of their disciples, Æ Å may God have compassion on them, íäéúBáLåî úBîB÷î-ìëaÀÈÀÊÀ ‹ äçåøì äøvî íàéöBéåÀÄÅÄÈÈÄÀÈÈ wherever they live; and bring them from distress to relief, :ïîàÈÅ øîàðåÀÊÇ äøBàì äìôàîeÅÂÅÈÀÈ and let us say Amein. from darkness to light, älàâì ãearMîeÄÄÀÄÀËÈ ïBöø éäéÀÄÈ from servitude to redemption, May it be the will áéø÷ ïîæáe àìâra àzLäÇÀÈÇÂÈÈÄÀÇÈÄ íéîMaL eðéáà éðôlîÄÄÀÅÈÄÍÆÇÈÇÍÄ at this moment, speedily, very soon; of our Father in heaven :ïîàÈÅ øîàðåÀÊÇ øOaúðå òîLpLÆÄÀÇÀÄÀÇÅ and let us say Amein. that we may hear and receive

úéøç ù RETURNING THE TORAH / 174 :äððBëé úBøäð-ìråÀÇÀÈÀÀ‹ÆÍÈ The Chazzan takes the Torah and says: and established it upon rivers. äåäé íL-úàÆÅÀÊÈ eììäéÀÇÀ‹ äåäé-øäá äìré-éîÄÇÂÆÀÇÀÊÈ They will praise the Name of Adonoy, Who may ascend the mountain of Adonoy, :Bcáì BîL ábNð-ékÄÄÀÈÀÀÇ íe÷é-éîeÄÈ for His Name alone is exalted. and who may stand :BLã÷ íB÷îaÄÀÈÀ The congregation responds: in the place of His holiness? :íéîLå õøà-ìrÇÆÍÆÀÈÈÍÄ BãBä ááì-øáe íétë é÷ðÀÄÇÇÍÄÇÅÈ His majesty is over the earth and the skies. The clean of hands and the pure of heart, Bnrì ïø÷ íøiåÇÈ Í ÆÆÍÆÀÇ éLôð àåMì àNð-àG øLàÂÆÈÈÇÈÀÇÀÄ He will raise the might of His people, who has not borne My soul in vain, åéãéñç-ìëì äläzÀÄÈÀÈÂÄÈ :äîøîÄÀÈ ì òaLð àGåÀÄÀÇÀ [which is] praise for all His pious ones, and has not sworn deceitfully. ìàøNé éðáìÄÀÅÄÀÈÅ äåäé úàî äëøá àOéÄÈÀÈÈÅÅÀÊÈ for the Children of Israel, He will bear Adonoy’s blessing Báø÷ írÇÀÊ ä÷ãöeÀÈÈ the people near to Him. and righteousness :déeììäÇÀ‹È :BòLé éäGàîÅÁÅÄÀ Praise God. from the God of his deliverance. øBîæî ãåãìÀÈÄÄÀ åéLÈ øBc øBc äæÆÀ‹ A psalm of David: 5 This is the generation of those who seek Him, dàBìîe õøàä äåäéìÇÊÈÈÈÍÆÀÈ Eéðô éL÷áîÀÇÀÅÈÆÍ The earth is Adonoy’s and the fullness the seekers of Your Presence, thereof, :äìñ á÷réÇÂÊÆÍÈ :dá éáLéå ìázÅÅÀÍÀ ‹ ÅÈ [God of] Jacob, Selah. the inhabited world and those who dwell in it. íëéLàø íéørL eàNÀÀÈÄÈÅÆ dãñé íéné-ìr àeä-ékÄÇÇÄÀÈÈ Lift up your heads, gates, For He founded it upon the seas, 5 See notes for this Psalm on page 190.

175 / ùãå÷ ïåøàì äøåúä úøæç SHACHARIS øîàéÊÇ äçðáeÀËÊ eàNpäåÀÄÈÀ‹ 7 8 And when it rested, he would say: and be uplifted äåäé äáeLÈÀÊÈ íìBò éçútÄÀÅÈ “Return, Adonoy, [you] entranceways to eternity, :ìàøNé éôìà úBáÇÀÅÄÀÈÅ áøÄÀ‹ :ãBákä Cìî àBáéåÀÈÆÍÆÇÈ to the myriads and thousands of Israel.” 9 so that the King of Glory may enter. EúçeðîÀÈÆÍ ì äåäé äîe÷ÈÀÊÈÄ ãBákä Cìî äæ éîÄÆÆÍÆÇÈ Arise, Adonoy, unto Your resting place, Who is this King of Glory? :Efr ïBøàå äzàÇÈÇÂËÆ Í øBaâå æefr äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÄ You and the Ark of Your strength. Adonoy, strong and mighty; EéðäkÊÂÆÍ :äîçìî øBab äåäéÀÊÈÄÄÀÈÈ Let Your priests Adonoy, the Mighty One in battle. ÷ãö-eLaìéÄÀÀ‹ÆÍÆ íëéLàø íéørL eàNÀÀÈÄÈÅÆ clothe themselves in righteousness, Lift up your heads, gates, :eðpøé EéãéñçåÇÂÄÆÍÀÇÅÍ íìBò éçút eàNeÀÄÀÅÈ and let Your devoted ones sing in joy. and lift up, entranceways to eternity, Ecár ãåc øeáraÇÂÈÄÇÀÆÍ :ãBákä Cìî àBáéåÀÈÆÍÆÇÈ For the sake of David, Your servant, so that the King of Glory may enter. :EçéLî éðt áLz-ìàÇÈÅÀÅÀÄÆÍ ãBákä Cìî äæ àeä éîÄÆÆÍÆÇÈ do not reject Your anointed. 10 Who is He, this King of Glory? íëì ézúð áBè ç÷ì ékÄÆÍÇÈÇÍÄÈÆ úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ For I have given you good instruction, Adonoy of Hosts, :eáærz-ìà éúøBzÈÄÇÇÂÍÊ :äìñ ãBákä Cìî àeäÆÍÆÇÈÆÍÈ do not forsake My Torah. 11 He is the King of Glory, Selah. 6 da íé÷éæçnÇÂÄÄÈ ì àéä íéiç-õrÅÇÄÄÇ As the Torah is returned to the Ark It is a tree of life to those who grasp it, the following is said: 6 Psalms 24. 7 The Ark. 8 Moses. 9 Numbers 10:36. 10 Psalms 132:8,9,10. 11 Proverbs 4:2.

úéøç ù ASHREI — U’VA L’TZION / 176 írä éøLàÇÀÅÈÈ :øMàî äéëîBúåÀÀ‹ÆÍÈÀËÈ Fortunate is the people and those who support it are fortunate. 12 :åéäGà äåäéLÆÀÊÈÁÈ írð-éëøc äéëøcÀÈÆÍÈÇÀÅÍÊÇ . for whom Adonoy is their God. Its ways are ways of pleasantness ãåãì äläzÀÄÈÀÈÄ :íBìL äéúBáéúð-ìëåÀÈÀÄÆÍÈÈ A praise by David! and all its paths are peace. 13 Cìnä éäBìà EîîBøÄÀÁÇÇÆÍÆ à Eéìà äåäé eðáéLäÂÄÅÍÀÊÈÅÆÍ I will exalt You, my God, the King, Cause us to return to you, Adonoy, :ãrå íìBòì EîL äëøáàåÇÂÈÀ‹ÈÄÀÀÈÈÆ äáeLðåÀÈÍÈ and bless Your Name forever and ever. and we shall return; Dëøáà íBé-ìëÈÂÈÀ‹ÆÍ aÀ :íã÷k eðéîé LcçÇÅÈÅÍÀÆÍÆ Every day I will bless You renew our days as of old. 14 :ãrå íìBòì EîL äììäàåÇÂÇÀ‹ÈÄÀÀÈÈÆ On PURIM the Megillah is read here. and extol Your Name forever and ever. On TISHA B’AV at Shacharis, kinnos are ãàî ìläîe äåäé ìBãÀÊÈÀËÈÀÊ bÈ recited. On Tisha B’Av and other fast days at Mincha, Half-Kaddish is recited by the Adonoy is great and highly extolled, Chazzan followed by Shemoneh Esrei on :ø÷ç ïéà BúlãâìåÀÄÀËÈÅÅÍÆ page258. On all other days continuehere: and His greatness is unfathomable. éøùà øBãì øBÀ c One generation to another Ashrei EéNrî çaLéÀÇÇÇÂÆÍ éáLBéÀ ‹ Å éøLàÇÀÅ will praise Your works Fortunate are those who dwell :eãébé EéúøeáâeÀÊÆÍÇÄÍ EúéáÅÆÍ and Your mighty acts they will declare. in Your house; EãBä ãBák øãÇÀÆÍ ä :äìq Eeììäé ãBòÀÇÀ‹ÍÆÍÈ The splendor of Your glorious majesty, may they continue to praise You, Selah. :äçéNà Eéúàìôð éøáãåÀÄÀÅÄÀÀ‹ÊÆÍÈÄÍÈ Bl äëkL írä éøLàÇÀÅÈÈÆÈÍÈ and the words of Your wonders, I will speak. Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus; 12 Proverbs 3:18. 13 Proverbs 3:17. 14 Lamentations 5:21.

177 / ïåéöì àáå Z éøùà SHACHARIS åéúøeáb íãàä éðáì réãBäÄÍÇÄÀÅÈÈÈÀÊÈ ìÀ eøîàé EéúBàøBð æeærÁÀ‹ÆÍÊÅÍ åÆ To reveal to men His mighty acts, Of Your awesome might, they will speak, :Búeëìî øãä ãBáëeÀÂÇÇÀ :äpøtñà EúlãâeÀËÈÀ‹ÂÇÀ‹ÆÍÈ and the glorious splendor of His kingship. and Your greatness I will recount. íéîÄ ìò-ìk úeëìî EúeëìÀÀ‹ÇÀÈÊÈ îÇ Eáeè-áø øëÆÍÆÇÀ‹ æ Your kingship is the kingship for all times, Mention of Your bountifulness :øãå øBc-ìëa EzìLîîeÆÀÇÀÀ‹ÀÈÈÊ eòéaéÇÄÍ and Your dominion is in every generation. they will express, íéìôpä-ìëì äåäé CîBÅÀÊÈÀÈÇÊÀ‹Ä ñ :eðpøé Eú÷ãöåÀÄÀÈÀ‹ÀÇÅÍ Adonoy supports all the fallen, and in Your righteousness, joyfully exult. :íéôeôkä-ìëì ó÷BæåÀÅÀÈÇÀ‹Ä äåäé íeçøå ïepÀÇÀÊÈ çÇ and straightens all the bent. Adonoy is gracious and compassionate, eøaNé Eéìà ìë-éðéÅÊÅÆÍÀÇÅÍ rÅ :ãñç-ìãâe íétà CøàÆÍÆÇÇÍÄÀÈÈÍÆ The eyes of all look expectantly to You, slow to anger and great in kindliness. íäì-ïúBð äzàåÀÇÈÅÈÆ ìkì äåäé-áBÀÊÈÇÊ è and You give them Adonoy is good to all, :Bzra íìëà-úàÆÈÀÈÀÄ :åéNrî-ìk-ìr åéîçøåÀÇÂÈÇÈÇÂÈ their food at its proper time. His mercy encompasses all His works. THIS VERSE REQUIRES EéNrî-ìk äåäé EeãBÍÀÊÈÈÇÂÆÍ é äðåk, CONCENTRATION.*ÇÈÈ All Your works will thank You, Adonoy, Eãé-úà çúBÅÍÇÆÈÆÍ t :äëeëøáé EéãéñçåÇÂÄÆÍÀÈÀ‹ÍÈ You open Your hand and Your pious ones will bless You. :ïBöø éç-ìëì réaNîeÇÀÄÍÇÀÈÇÈ eøîàé Eúeëìî ãBáÇÀÀ‹ÊÅÍ kÀ and satisfy the desire of every living being. Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak åéëøc-ìëa äåäé ÷écÄÀÊÈÀÈÀÈÈ öÇ :eøaãé EúøeáâeÀÈÀ‹ÀÇÅÍ Adonoy is just in all His ways, and Your might they will declare. * When reciting the verse . . .Eãé-úà çúB “You open Your hand . . .” it is essential to concentrateÅÍÇÆÈÆÍ t intently on its meaning. If you did not you must repeat from there until the end of the chapter. See O.C. #51:7.

úéøç ù ASHREI — U’VA L’TZION / 178 According to Rabbi S.R. Hirsch, this :åéNrî-ìëa ãéñçåÀÈÄÀÈÇÂÈ psalm is addressed to Davidby the peo- ple of Israel. It is a testimonial of trust and benevolent in all His deeds. that the people have in the Divinely- åéàø÷-ìëì äåäé áBøÀÊÈÀÈÊÀ‹È ÷È appointed king, who is accustomed to Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him, victory and triumph. At the same time, it proclaims the eternal truth that the :úîàá eäàø÷é øLà ìëìÀÊÂÆÄÀÈËÍÆÁÆ victories which our king wins for our to all who call upon Him in truth. people are to be attributed not to his äNré åéàøé-ïBöÀÅÈÇÂÆ øÀ bravery, nor to his sword, nor to his soldiers, but solely to his relationship The will of those who fear Him, He fulfills; with God, His Sanctuary, and His Law. :íréLBéå òîLé íúråL-úàåÀÆÇÀÈÈÄÀÇÀÄÅ The following psalm (20) is omitted on He hears their cry and delivers them. the following days: ROSH CHODESH; EREV åéáäà-ìk-úà äåäé øîBÅÀÊÈÆÈÊÂÈ L YOM KIPPUR; CHANUKAH; both days of PURIM and PURIM KATAN (14th and Adonoy watches over all those who love Him, 15th Adar Rishon); EREV PESACH; CHOL :ãéîLé íérLøä-ìk úàåÀÅÈÈÀ‹ÈÄÇÀÄ HAMO’ED; and TISHA B’AV. Some omit it on Isru Chag and every ErevYom Tov. It is and will destroy all the wicked. also omitted in the house of a mourner. ét-øaãé äåäé úläÄÇÀÊÈÀÇÆÄ . z À :ãåãì øBîæîÄÀÀÈÄ çvðîÀ‹ÇÅÍÇ ìÇ Praise of Adonoy, my mouth will declare, øNa-ìk CøáéåÄÈÅÈÈÈ To Him Who grants victory, a Psalm of David. and all flesh will bless äøö íBéa äåäé EðréÇÇÀÀÊÈÀÈÈ :ãrå íìBòì BLã÷ íLÅÈÀÀÈÈÆ May Adonoy answer you on the day of distress; His holy Name forever and ever. :á÷ré éäGà íL EábNéÀÇÆÀÅÁÅÇÂÊ dé Cøáð eðçðàåÇÂÇÍÀÀÈÅÈ may the Name of Jacob’s 15 God fortify you. And we will bless God Lãwî Eøær-çìLéÄÀÇÆÀÀ‹ÄÍÊÆ íìBò-ãrå äzrîÅÇÈÀÇÈ May He send your help from the Sanctuary, 16 from now on forever. :Dãrñé ïBivîeÄÄÄÀÈÆÍ :déeììäÇÀ‹È and support you from Zion. Praise God. 15 Jacob’s entire life was filled with trials and distress, and he has thus become the symbol for his descendants throughout their periods of exile and distress.—Radak; S.R. Hirsch 16 May God help you because of your dedication to the Sanctuary. David’s entire being was consecrated to God’s Sanctuary.—S.R. Hirsch

179 / ïåéöì àáå Z éøùà SHACHARIS eðçðàåÇÂÇÍÀ Eéúçðî-ìk økæéÄÀÊÈÄÀÊÆÍ but as for us, May He remember all your meal-offerings, :øékæð eðéäGà äåäé-íLaÀÅÀÊÈÁÅÍÇÀÄ :äìñ äðMãé EúìBòåÀÈÀ‹ÀÇÀ ‹ ÆÆÍÈ upon the Name of Adonoy, our God, we call. and accept your burnt sacrifices, 17 Selah. eìôðå eòøk änäÅÍÈÈÀ‹ÀÈÈÍ . Eááìë Eì-ïzéÄÆÀÄÀÈÆÍ They have bowed down and fallen, May He grant you what your heart desires, :ããBòúpå eðî÷ eðçðàåÇÂÇÍÀÇÍÀÇÄÀÈ :àlîé Eúör-ìëåÀÈÂÈÀ‹ÀÇÅ and fulfill all your plans. but we have risen and stand firm. äréLBä äåäéÀÊÈÄÍÈ EúreLéa äðpøðÀÇÀ‹ÈÄÈÆÍ Adonoy, deliver [us]! We will sing at Your deliverance, :eðàø÷-íBéá eððré CìnäÇÆÍÆÇÂÅÍÀÈÀÅÍ ìbãð eðéäGà-íLáeÀÅÁÅÍÄÀÊ and in the Name of our God, raise our banners; The King will answer us on the day we call. :EéúBìàLî-ìk äåäé àlîéÀÇÅÀÊÈÈÄÀÂÆÍ The following, known as Kedushah may Adonoy fulfill all your wishes. d’Sidra, was introduced at the conclu- ézrãé äzrÇÈÈÇÍÀÄ sion of the morning service to accom- modate those who came to the syna- Now I know gogue too late to hear the Kedushah in BçéLî äåäé réLBä ékÄÄÍÇÀÊÈÀÄ Shemoneh Esrei. The Talmud (Maseches that Adonoy has delivered His anointed one, Sotah 49a) declares that the world is BLã÷ éîMî eäðréÇÂÅÍÄÀ ‹ ÅÈÀ preserved solely by virtue of this Kedu- shah, and by the virtue of our answer- He will answer him from His holy heavens ing, “. . . àaø dîL àäé” “May His greatÀÅÀÅÇÈ :Bðéîé òLé úBøeáâaÄÀÅÍÇÀÄ Name,” which is part of the Kaddish re- cited following the study of the Agga- with the mighty deliverance of His right hand. dah. Because of its importance, a ver- áëøá älàÅÍÆÈÆÍÆ nacular translation in Aramaic was Some [rely] upon chariots added, so that even those ignorant of íéñeqá älàåÀÅÍÆÇÄ Hebrew would understand the sacred words. and some upon horses, 17 Rashi maintains that “offerings” and “sacrifices” refer to David’s prayers rather than to his real-offerings.

úéøç ù ASHREI — U’VA L’TZION / 180 Erøæ òøæÆ Í ÇÇÀ ìàBbÅ ïBiöì àáeÈÀÄ . of your children’s children,” “The Redeemer shall come to Zion äåäé øîàÈÇÀÊÈ á÷réa òLô éáLìeÀÈÅÆÍÇÀÇÂÊ said Adonoy, and to those of Jacob who repent from sin,” :íìBò-ãrå äzrîÅÇÈÀÇÈ :äåäé íàðÀËÀÊÈ “from now to eternity.” says Adonoy. This next section is the actual íúà éúéøa úàæ éðàå*ÇÂÄÊÀÄÄÊÈ Kedushah d’Sidra “As for Me, this is My covenant with them,” HEBREW: LBã÷ äzàåÀÇÈÈ . äåäé øîàÈÇÀÊÈ And You, Holy One, said Adonoy: :ìàøNé úBläz áLBéÅÀÄÄÀÈÅ Eéìr øLà éçeøÄÂÆÈÆÍ are enthroned upon the praises of Israel. 18 “My spirit which is upon you, :øîàå äæ-ìà äæ àø÷åÀÈÈÆÆÆÀÈÇ Eéôa ézîN-øLà éøáãeÀÈÇÂÆÇÍÀÄÀÄÍ And [the angels] call one to another and say: and My words which I have put in your mouth LBã÷ LBã÷ LBã÷ÈÈÈ Eétî eLeîé-àGÈÍÄÄÍ “Holy, holy, holy úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ shall not depart from your mouth, Erøæ étîeÄÄÇÀ is Adonoy of Hosts; :BãBák õøàä-ìë àGîÀÈÈÈÍÆÀ 19 nor from the mouth of your children, étîeÄÄ the fullness of all the earth is His glory.” 20 nor from the mouth * In a mourner’s home or on TISHA B’AV omit the verse “. . . éúéøaÀÄÄ úàÉæ éðàå” and continueÇÂÄ LBã÷ äzàå.ÀÇÈÈ 18 God waits to hear the praises of Israel before He listens to the praises of the angels.—Etz Yosef God waits until the very last congregation of Jews has completed its prayers and then accepts the prayers of all Israel at one time.—Avudraham 19 According to the Targum interpretation, the thrice “holy” in the Kedushah does not indicate three ascending degrees of sanctification. Instead, it implies a declaration that He Who is holy in the loftiest regions of His heavenly abode is holy not only there but also on earth, the creation of His Almighty power; and that He was not only holy in the past, but that He is holy even now and will be holy throughout all the ages.—S.R. Hirsch 20 Isaiah 6:3

181 / ïåéöì àáå Z éøùà SHACHARIS :ìBãb Lrø ìB÷ÇÍÇÈ ïéc ïî ïéc ïéìa÷îeÀÇÀ‹ÄÅÄÅ ARAMAIC: the sound of a great rushing; äåäé-ãBák CeøaÈÀÀÊÈ And they receive [sanction] one from another, “Blessed is the glory of Adonoy :ïéøÄ îàåÀÈÀ‹ :BîB÷nîÄÀ‹ and say, from His place.” 21 22 äàlr àîBøî éîLa Léc÷ÇÄÄÀÅÀÈÄÈÈ “Holy in the highest heights of heaven, dzðéëL úéaÅÀÄÀÅ ARAMAIC: àçeø éðúìèðeÀÈÇÍÀÄÈ the abode of His Divine Presence; And a wind lifted me àrøà ìr Léc÷ÇÄÇÇÀÈ éøúa úrîLåÀÄÀÅÇÀÇ holy upon earth, and I heard behind me dzøeáb ãáBòÇÀÀÅ àébñ réæ ì÷ÈÄÍÇÇÄ the work of His mighty power; a sound of a great rushing àiîÇÈ ìr éîÅÈÀ‹ ìrìe íìrì Léc÷ÇÄÀÈÇÀÈÀ‹ :ïéøÄ îàå ïéçaLîcÄÀÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÀ‹ holy forever and to all eternity, úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ of those who uttered praises and said, is Adonoy of hosts; äåäéã àø÷é CéøaÀÄÀÈÈÇÊÈ àrøà-ìë àéìîÇÀÈÈÇÀÈ “Blessed is the glory of Adonoy the whole earth is filled øúàîÅÂÇ :dø÷é åéæÄÀÈÅ from the place, with the radiance of His glory.” :dzðéëL úéaÅÀÄÀÅ the abode of His Divine Presence.” HEBREW: çeø éðàOzåÇÄÈÅÍÄÍÇ . :ãrå íìBòì CGîé äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÀÈÈÆ HEBREW: And a wind lifted me; éøçà òîLàåÈÆÀÇÇÂÇ Adonoy will reign forever and ever. 23 and I heard behind me 21 Ezekiel 3:12. 22 See note 23 on Page 97. 23 Exodus 15:18.

úéøç ù ASHREI — U’VA L’TZION / 182 úéçLé-àGå ïBr øtëéÀÇÅÈÀÇÀÄ ARAMAIC: atones iniquity and does not destroy; íà÷ dúeëìî äåäéÀÊÈÇÀÅÈÅ Btà áéLäì äaøäåÀÄÀÈÀÈÄÇ Adonoy, His kingdom is established He frequently withdraws His anger :àiîÇÈ ìr éîÅÈÀ‹ ìrìe íìrìÀÈÇÀÈÀ‹ :Búîç-ìk øéré-àGåÀÈÄÈÂÈ forever and to all eternity. and does not arouse all His rage. 26 HEBREW: çlñå áBè éðãà äzà-ékÄÇÈÂÊÈÀÇÈ äåäéÀÊÈ For You, my Master, are good and forgiving, Adonoy, ãñç-áøåÀÇÆÍÆ ìàøNéå ÷çöé íäøáà éäGàÁÅÇÀÈÈÄÀÈÀÄÀÈÅ and abounding in kindness God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, :Eéàø÷-ìëìÀÈÊÀ‹ÆÍ eðéúBáàÂÅÍ to all who call upon You. 27 our fathers, íìBòì ÷ãö Eú÷ãöÄÀÈÀ‹ÆÍÆÀÈ íìòì úàæ äøîLÈÀÈÊÀÊÈ Your righteousness is everlasting keep this forever :úîà EúøBúåÀÈÀ‹ÁÆ Enr ááì úBáLçî øöéìÀÅÍÆÇÀÀ ‹ À Ç Ç Æ Í and Your Torah is truth. 28 as the intention of the hearts of Your people, á÷réì úîà ïzzÄÅÁÆÀÇÂÊ :Eéìà íááì ïëäåÀÈÅÀÈÈÅÆÍ You will grant truth to Jacob, and direct their hearts to You. 24 25 íäøáàì ãñçÆÍÆÀÇÀÈÈ íeçø àeäåÀÇ kindliness to Abraham, 29 And He, the Merciful One, 24 I Chronicles 29:18. 25 May our recitation of the Kedushah inspire our thoughts and direct our hearts to serve You.—Avudraham 26 Psalms 78:38. 27 Psalms 86:5. 28 Psalms 119:142. 29 The patriarchs symbolize the three pillars of the universe—Torah, avodah,—the Temple service and gemilas chasadim—kindliness. Jacob epitomized Torah, which is the ultimate truth; Isaac personified Divine service in his readiness to be offered as a sacrifice to God; and Abraham exemplified the ideal and practice of kindliness throughout his life. We thus pray to be granted a share in the Divine truth of Torah in Jacob’s merit, and to receive God’s kindliness in Abraham’s merit.

183 / ïåéöì àáå Z éøùà SHACHARIS äréLBä äåäéÀÊÈÄÍÈ eðéúBáàì zraLð-øLàÂÆÄÀÇÍÀÈÇÂÅÍ Adonoy, deliver [us]! as You have sworn to our fathers :eðàø÷-íBéá eððré CìnäÇÆÍÆÇÂÅÍÀÈÀÅÍ :íã÷ éîéîÄÍÅÆÍÆ The King will answer us on the day we call. 35 from the days of old. 30 eðéäGà (àeä) CeøaÈÁÅÍ íBé íBé éðãà CeøaÈÂÊÈ Blessed is (He,) our God, Blessed is my Master, day by day; BãBáëì eðàøaLÆÀ‹ÈÈÍÄÀ eðì-ñîréÇÂÈÈÍ Who created us for His glory, 36 He loads us [with blessings], 31 íérBzä ïî eðìécáäåÀÄÀÄÈÍÄÇÄ eðúreLé ìàäÈÅÀÈÅÍ and set us apart from those who go astray; 37 the Almighty, Who is our deliverance, úîà úøBz eðì ïúðåÀÈÍÇÈÍÇÁÆ :äìñÆÍÈ and gave us the Torah of truth, forever. 32 :eðëBúa òèð íìBò éiçåÀÇÅÈÈÇÀÅÍ eðnr úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈÄÈÍ and eternal life He implanted within us. Adonoy of Hosts is with us BúøBúa eðaì çzôé àeäÄÀÇÄÅÍÀÈ :äìñ á÷ré éäGà eðì ábNîÄÀÈÈÍÁÅÇÂÊÆÍÈ May He open our heart to His Torah, a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob, Selah. 33 Búàøéå Búáäà eðaìa íNéåÀÈÅÀÄÅÍÇÂÈÀÄÀÈ úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ and instill in our heart, love and awe of Him, Adonoy of Hosts, Bãárìe BðBöø úBNrìåÀÇÂÀÀÈÀ :Ca çèa íãà éøLàÇÀÅÈÈÊÅÍÇÈ to do His will and serve Him fortunate is the man who trusts in You. 34 30 Micah 7:20. 31 Etz Yosef interprets the verse in this manner: “Blessed is Adonoy who loads us each day with His blessings and goodness.” 32 Psalms 68:20. 33 Psalms 46:8. 34 Psalms 84:13. 35 Psalms 20:10. 36 This phrase is based on Isaiah 43:7, “Everything that is called by My Name, I have created it for My glory.” 37 This prayer is based on Joshua 24:2, 3, “Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the river—and they served other gods. And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the river.” See Genesis 20:13 as interpreted by Onkelos.

úéøç ù ASHREI — U’VA L’TZION / 184 :àaä íìBòä éiçìeÀÇÅÈÈÇÈ íìL ááìaÀÅÈÈÅ and in the life of the World to Come. with a perfect heart, ãBáë Eønæé ïrîÇÍÇÀÇÆÀÈ ìÀ ÷éøì òâéð àG ïrîÇÍÇÄÇÈÄ ìÀ In order that my soul sing to You so that we shall not labor in vain ícé àGåÀÄÊ :äìäaì ãìð àGåÀÅÅÇÆÈÈ and not be stilled; nor bring forth that which causes dismay. 38 :DãBà íìBòì éäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÇÀÈÆÍ EéðôÈÆÍ lî ïBöø éäéÀÄÈÄÀ‹ Adonoy, my God, forever will I thank You. 39 May it be Your will, äåäéa çèáé øLà øábä CeøaÈÇÆÍÆÂÆÄÀÇÇÊÈ eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ Blessed is the man who trusts in Adonoy, 40 Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers, :Bçèáî äåäé äéäåÀÈÈÀÊÈÄÀÇ äfä íìBòa Eéwç øîLpLÆÄÀÊËÆÍÈÈÇÆ so that Adonoy is his security. 41 that we keep Your statutes in this world, ãr-éãr äåäéá eçèaÄÀÇÊÈÂÅÇ äàøðå äéçðå äkæðåÀÄÀÆÀÄÀÆÀÄÀÆ Trust in Adonoy until the end of days, and [thus] be privileged to live and behold, déa ékÄÀÈ äëøáe äáBè LøéðåÀÄÇÈÀÈÈ for in God, and to inherit the goodness and blessing :íéîÄ ìBò øeö äåäéÀÊÈÈ çéLnä úBîé éðLìÄÀÅÀÇÈÄÍÇ Adonoy, is the strength of the worlds. 42 of the Messianic days, 38 Some women are barren; they cannot bear children at all. Others have children who are unable to live. Similarly, there are those who study Torah only to criticize and ridicule what they learn, while others learn sincerely but later rebel against its teachings. Those who study to ridicule are comparable to the barren women who are unable to give birth. But those who later rebel are like those who bear children and bury them. We pray to God to instill His love and fear in our hearts so that our learning will bear fruit and have a lasting influence on our lives.—Siddur HaGra 39 Psalms 30:13. 40 God alone is the source of his trust; he relies on none other than God. One who puts his trust in God, while also relying upon a great many other factors, which he considers essential supports of his life and happiness, is not truly trusting in God.—S.R. Hirsch 41 Jeremiah 17:7. 42 Isaiah 26:4.

185 / ïåéöì àáå Z éøùà SHACHARIS dúeëìî CéìîéåÀÇÀÄÇÀÅ EîL érãBé Eá eçèáéåÀÄÀÀ‹ÀÀ‹ÅÀÆÍ . and may He rule His kingdom Those who know 43 your Name will trust in You, ïBëéîBéáe ïBëéiçaÀÇÅÀÅ záær-àG ékÄÈÇÍÀÈ in your lifetime and in your days, for You have never forsaken éiçáeÀÇÅ :äåäé EéLøãÊÀ‹ÆÍÀÊÈ those who seek You, Adonoy. 44 and in the lifetime ìàøNé úéa-ìëãÀÈÅÄÀÈÅ õôç äåäéÀÊÈÈÅ Adonoy desired, of the entire House of Israel, B÷ãö ïrîÇÍÇÄÀ ìÀ áéø÷ ïîæáe àìâraÇÂÈÈÄÀÇÈÄ for the sake of His righteousness, speedily and in the near future, :øécàéå äøBz ìécâéÇÀÄÈÀÇÀÄ : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ to make the Torah great and to glorify it. 45 and say, Amein. On ROSH CHODESH the Chazzan recites Cøáî àaø dîL àäéÀÅÀÅÇÈÀÈÇ the Half-Kaddish, the tefillin are then removed and the congregation says the May His great Name be blessed Musaf Amidah on p. 363. àiîÇÈ ìr éîÅÈÀ‹ ìrìe íìrìÀÈÇÀÈÀ‹ On CHOL HAMO’ED the Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish, and the congregation forever and for all eternity. says the Musaf Amidah on p. 375. çazLéå CøaúéÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÇ On regular weekdays the Chazzan recites Blessed and praised, the following Kaddish: àOðúéå íîBøúéå øàtúéåÀÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÀÄÀÇÅ ( ïîàÈÅ ) àaø dîL Lc÷úéåÀÄÀÇÇÀÅÇÈ ìcbúéÄÀÇÇ Cong. glorified, and exalted and uplifted, Exalted and sanctified be His great Name ìläúéå älrúéå øcäúéåÀÄÀÇÈÀÄÀÇÆÀÄÀÇÈ àøá-éc àîÈÄÀÈ ìraÀÈÀ‹ honored and elevated and extolled in the world which He created àeä CéøaÀÄ àLã÷ã dîLÀÅÀËÀÈ dúeòøëÄÀÅ be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He; according to His will; 43 These are men of the highest caliber who perceive God’s ways with undistorted clarity. They discern God’s hand guiding the world in its constant, miraculous operation and they know with certainty that all is directed by God.—Malbim 44 Psalms 9:11. 45 Isaiah 42:21.

úéøç ù ALEINU / 186 åéîBøîa íBìL *äNòÊÆÈÄÀÈ -ìk-ïî àlrì*ÀÅÍÈÄÈ He Who makes peace in His high heavens above all eðéìò íBìL äNré àeäÇÂÆÈÈÅÍ *During the Ten Days of Penitence say: may He make peace for us -ìkî àlrì àlrìÀÅÍÈÀÅÍÈÄÈ ìàøNé-ìk-ìråÀÇÈÄÀÈÅ far above all and for all Israel, àúøéLå àúëøaÄÀÈÈÀÄÈÈ : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ the blessings and hymns, and say, Amein. àúîçðå àúçaLzËÀÀ‹ÈÈÀÆÁÈÈ *During the Ten Days of Penitence, praises and consolations some say íBìMä.ÇÈ : ïîàÈÅ eøîàå àîÈÀÄÀ ìra ïøéîàcÇÂÄÈÀÈÀ‹ åðéìò which we utter in the world, and say, Amein. Aleinu ìa÷úzÄÀÇÅ * Kol Bo writes that Joshua authored May there be acceptance this prayer when he captured Jericho. ïBäúeòáe ïBäúBìöÀÀ‹ÈÀ‹ Taken from the Musaf service of Rosh Hashana, it serves as the closing prayer of the prayers and supplications of all daily services. As ruled by Tur (Or- ìàøNé (úéa)-ìëcÀÈÅÄÀÈÅ achChaim133),itissaidwhilestanding. of the entire (House of) Israel ìkä ïBãàìÇÂÇÊ çaLìÀÇÅÍÇ eðéìrÈÅÍ àiîLá éc ïBäeáà íã÷ÃÈÂÄÄÀÇÈ It is our obligation to praise the Master of all, before their Father in heaven, älãb úúìÈÅÀËÈ : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ to ascribe greatness and say, Amein. úéLàøa øöBéìÀÅÀÅÄ *On TISHA B’AV this verse is omitted. to the Creator of the [world in the] àiîL-ïî àaø àîÈÇÈÄÀÇÈ ìL àäéÀÅÀÈ beginning: May there be abundant peace from heaven eðNr àHLÆÈÈÍ íéiçåÀÇÄ that He has not made us and life úBöøàä ééBâkÀÅÈÂÈ ìàøNé-ìk-ìrå eðéìrÈÅÍÀÇÈÄÀÈÅ like the nations of the lands, for us and for all Israel, eðîN àGåÀÈÈÍ : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ and has not positioned us and say, Amein.

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