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Home Explore Metsudah Interlinear Weekday Siddur (Ashkenaz)

Metsudah Interlinear Weekday Siddur (Ashkenaz)

Published by eli, 2016-09-28 12:24:43

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287 / òîù éðôì úåëøá MAARIV eðéäGà äåäé ïk ìrÇÅÀÊÈÁÅÍ ìàÅ . Therefore, Adonoy, our God, The Almighty, eðîe÷áe eðáëLaÀÈÀÅÍÀÅÍ íi÷å éçÇÀÇÈ when we lie down and when we rise, [Who is] living and enduring Eéwça çéNðÈÄÍÇÀËÆÍ eðéìr CGîé ãéîzÈÄÄÀÈÅÍ we will discuss Your statutes, will always reign over us EúøBú éøáãa çîNðåÀÄÀÇÀÄÀÅÈÆÍ :ãrå íìBòìÀÈÈÆ and rejoice in the words of Your Torah forever and ever. :ãrå íìBòì EéúBöîáeÀÄÀÆÍÀÈÈÆ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ and in Your commandments forever. eðéiç íä ékÄÅÇÅÍ Blessed are You, Adonoy, For they are our life :íéáør áéørnäÇÇÂÄÂÈÄ eðéîé CøàåÀÍÊÆÈÅÍ Who brings on evenings. and they lengthen our days, íìBòÈ úáäàÇÂÇ :äìéìå íîBé äbäð íäáeÈÆÆÀÆÈÈÈÍÀÈ 7 and on them we will meditate day and night. [With] An everlasting love EúáäàåÀÇÂÈÀ‹ . záäà Enr ìàøNé úéaÅÄÀÈÅÇÀ‹ÈÈÍÀÈ [May] Your love You loved the House of Israel, Your people. :íéîÄ ìBòì epnî øéñz ìàÇÈÄÄÆÍÀÈ úBöîe äøBzÈÄÀ never be removed from us Torah and commandments, äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ íéètLîe íéwçËÄÄÀÈÄ Blessed are You, Adonoy, statutes and laws, :ìàøNé Bnr áäBàÅÇÄÀÈÅ :zãnÇÍÀÈ ì eðúBàÈÍÄ Who loves His people, Israel. You taught us. 7 This prayer is an abbreviated form of the äaø äáäà prayer in the morning service. It thanksÇÂÈÇÈ God for the sacred gift of Divine Revelation that He granted Israel. It declares that Torah alone is the eternal heritage of the Jewish people and that all other goods and gifts of life are transitory.—S.R. Hirsch

úéáøò K’RIAS SHEMA / 288 :EááìÀÈÆÍ § -ìrÇ The following three words should be said when praying without a minyan: shall be upon your heart. :ïîàð Cìî ìàÅÆÍÆÆÁÈ ízðpLåÀÄÇÀÈ Almighty, faithful King And you shall teach them sharply § ìàøNéÄÀÈÅ § ò îLÀÇ EéðáìÀÈÆÍ Hear, Israel: to your children. § eðéäGàÁÅÍ § äåäéÀÊÈ ía zøaãåÀÄÇÀÈÈ Adonoy is our God, And you shall discuss them ã : çà | äåäéÀÊÈÆÈ Eúéáa EzáLaÀÄÀÀ‹ÀÅÆÍ Adonoy is One. when you sit in your house, The following three lines are to be said Cøcá EzëìáeÀÆÀÀ‹ÇÆÍÆ silently: and when you travel on the road, íL CeøaÈÅ :Eîe÷áe EaëLáeÀÈÀÀ‹ÀÆÍ Blessed [is His] Name, Búeëìî ãBákÀÇÀ and when you lie down and when you rise. Whose glorious kingdom úBàì ízøL÷eÀÇÀÈÀ § :ãrå íìBòìÀÈÈÆ And you shall bind them for a sign is forever and ever. Eãé-ìrÇÈÆÍ záäàåÀÈÇÀÈ upon your hand, EéäGàÁÆÍ § äåäéÀÊÈ § úàÅ úôèèì eéäåÀÈÀÊÈÊ And you shall love Adonoy your God -ìëaÀÈ EááìÀÈÀ‹ § and they shall be for totafos with all your heart :EéðérÅÆÍ § ïéaÅ ELôð-ìëáeÀÈÇÀÀ ‹ between your eyes. and with all your soul § ízáúëeÀÇÀÈ :Eãàî-ìëáeÀÈÀÊÆÍ And you shall write them and with all your possessions. Eúéa úBææî-ìrÇÀËÅÆÍ älàä íéøácä eéäåÀÈÇÀ‹ÈÄÈÅÍÆ upon the doorposts of your house And these words :EéørLáeÄÀÈÆÍ § íBiä Eeöî éëðàÈÊÄÀÇÀ‹Ç § øLàÂÆ and upon your gateways. which I command you today,

289 / òîù úàéø÷ MAARIV :zráNå zìëàåÀÈÇÀÈÀÈÈÍÀÈ äéäåÀÈÈ and you will eat and be satisfied. And it will be, íëááì äzôéÄÀÆÀÇÀÆ -ït íëì eøîMäÄÈÀ‹ÈÆÆ § éúBöî-ìà eòîLz rîL-íàÄÈÍÊÇÄÀÀ‹ÆÄÀÇ Beware, lest your hearts be swayed if you vigilantly obey My commandments ízøñåÀÇÀÆ íBiä íëúàÆÀÆÇ § äeöî éëðàÈÊÄÀÇÆ § øLàÂÆ and you turn astray, which I command you this day, íéøçàÂÅÄ § íéäGàÁÄ § ízãáråÇÂÇÀÆ íëéäGàÁÅÆ § äåäéÀÊÈ § -úà äáäàìÀÇÂÈÆ and you worship alien gods to love Adonoy your God, :íäì íúéåçzLäåÀÄÀÇÂÄÆÈÆ BãárìeÀÈÀ and bow to them. and serve Him íëa äåäéÀÊÈÈÆ § -óàÇ § äøçåÀÈÈ íëááìÀÇÀÆ § -ìëaÀÈ And Adonoy’s fury will blaze among you, with your entire hearts íéîMäÇÈÇÍÄ -úàÆ § øöråÀÈÇ :íëLôð-ìëáeÀÈÇÀÀ ‹ Æ and He will close off the heavens and with your entire souls, øèî äéäé-àGåÀÄÀÆÈÈ íëöøàÇÀÀ‹Æ § -øèî ézúðåÀÈÇÄÀÇ and there will be no rain that I will give rain for your land dìeáé-úàÆÀÈ § ïzú àG äîãàäåÀÈÂÈÈÄÅ BzraÀÄ and the earth will not yield its produce; in its proper time, äøäîÀÅÈ § ízãáàåÇÂÇÀÆ äøBéÆ and you will perish swiftly the early (autumn) rain äáhä õøàä ìrîÅÇÈÈÍÆÇÊÈ LB÷ìîeÇÀ from the good land and the late (spring) rain; :íëì ïúð äåäéÀÈÊÊÅÈÆ § øLàÂÆ Eðâã zôñàåÀÈÇÀÈÀÈÆ Í which Adonoy gives you. and you will harvest your grain älàÅÍÆ § éøác-úàÆÀÈÇ § ízîNåÀÇÀÆ :Eøäöéå ELøéúåÀÄÀ ‹ À Ä À È Æ Í Place these words of Mine and your wine and your oil. íëLôð-ìrå íëááìÀÇÀÆÀÇÇÀÀ ‹ Æ § -ìrÇ § áNrÅÍÆ ézúðåÀÈÇÄ upon your hearts and upon your souls, And I will put grass úBàì íúàÊÈÀ ízøL÷eÀÇÀÆ Ezîäáì EãNaÀÈÀ‹ÄÀÆÀÆÍ § § and bind them for a sign in your fields for your cattle,

úéáøò K’RIAS SHEMA / 290 íäì úúìÈÅÈÆ íëãé-ìrÇÆÀÆ to give them [for as long] upon your hands, :õøàä-ìrÇÈÈÍÆ § íéîMä éîékÄÅÇÈÇÍÄ úôèBèì eéäåÀÈÀÈÊ as the heavens are above the earth. and they shall be for totafos :øîàl äLî-ìàÆÆÅÊ § äåäéÀÈÊ § øîàiåÇÍÊÆ :íëéðérÅÅÆ § ïéaÅ And Adonoy spoke to Moses saying: between your eyes. ìàøNéÄÀÈÅ § éða-ìàÆÀÅ § øacÇÅ íëéða-úàÆÀÅÆ § íúàÊÈ § ízãnÇÀÆ ìåÀÄ Speak to the children of Israel, And you shall teach them to your sons, íäìà zøîàåÀÈÇÀÈÂÅÆ ía øaãìÀÇÅÈ and tell them to speak them úöéö íäì eNråÀÈÈÆÄÄ Eúéáa EzáLaÀÄÀÀ‹ÀÅÆÍ § to make for themselves fringes when you sit in your house, íäéãâá éôðk-ìrÇÇÀÅÄÀÅÆ Cøcá EzëìáeÀÆÀÀ‹ÇÆÍÆ on the corners of their garments and when you travel on the road, íúøãìÀÊÊÈ :Eîe÷áe EaëLáeÀÈÀÀ‹ÀÆÍ throughout their generations; and when you lie down and when you rise. úöéö-ìr eðúðåÀÈÀ‹ÇÄÄ § ízáúëeÀÇÀÈ and they will place with the fringes And you shall write them óðkäÇÈÈ Eúéa úBæeæî-ìrÇÀÅÆÍ § of each corner upon the doorposts of your house :úìëz ìéútÀÄÀÅÍÆ :EéørLáeÄÀÈÆÍ a thread of blue. and upon your gateways. úöéöì íëì äéäåÀÈÈÈÆÀÄÄ íëéîé eaøéÄÀÀÅÆ ïrîÇÍÇ ìÀ And it will be to you for fringes, In order that your days be prolonged, BúàÊ § íúéàøeÀÄÆ § íëéðá éîéåÄÅÀÅÆ and you will look upon it and the days of your children, ízøëæeÀÇÀÆ äîãàä ìrÇÈÂÈÈ § and you will remember upon the land äåäéÀÊÈ § úBöî-ìk-úàÆÈÄÀ íëéúáàì äåäéÀÊÈÇÂÊÅÆ § òaLð øLàÂÆÄÀÇ all the commandments of Adonoy, which Adonoy swore to your fathers

291 / òîù éøçà úåëøá MAARIV God,” with the word úîà “is true” withoutÁÆ íúàÊÈ íúéNråÇÂÄÆ pause or interruption so that these three § words form one sentence, meaning “Ado- and you will perform them; noy, your God, is true” (Maseches íëááì éøçà eøeúú àGåÀÈÍÇÂÅÀÇÀÆ Berachos 13a). and you will not turn aside after your hearts úîàÁÆ § íëéðérÅÅÆ § éøçàå ÀÇÂÅ is true. and after your eyes íéðæ ízàÇÆÊÄ -øLà ÂÆ äåäé § íëéäGàÁÅÆ § :úîàÁÆ The Chazzan repeats: . À Ê È :íäéøçàÇÂÅÆ which cause you to go astray. § § Adonoy, your God, is true. eøkæz ïrîÇÍÇÄÀÀ‹ ìÀ In order that you will remember This is the first of the two Berachos éúBöî-ìk-úàÆÈÄÀÈ íúéNrå ÇÂÄÆ that follow the Shema. § úàæ-ìkÈÊ äðeîàåÆÁÈ and perform all My commandments; :íëéäGàì íéLã÷ íúééäå ÄÀÄÆÀÄÅÅÆ § and faithful is all this, 8 and you will be holy unto your God. eðéìr íi÷åÀÇÈÈÅÍ § íëéäGàÁÅÆ § äåäé éðà ÂÄ À Ê È and it is permanently established with us I am Adonoy, your God, eðéäGà äåäé àeä ékÄÀÊÈÁÅÍ § íëúà ÆÀÆ éúàöBä øLà ÂÆÅÍÄ that he is Adonoy, our God, Who brought you out Búìeæ ïéàåÀÅÈ íéøöî õøàîÅÆÍÆÄÀÇÍÄ and there is nothing besides HIm, of the land of Egypt :Bnr ìàøNé eðçðàåÇÂÇÍÀÄÀÈÅÇ § íéäGàì íëì úBéäì ÄÀÈÆÅÄ and that we, Israel, are His people. to be your God: eðãBtäÇÅÍ § :íëéäGàÁÅÆ § äåäé éðà ÂÄ À Ê È He liberated us I am Adonoy, your God, íéëìî ãiîÄÇÀÈÄ You must be careful to connect the last from the hand of kings, 9 words of Shema, íëéäGà 'ä “Adonoy, yourÁÅÆ 8 All that we have affirmed in the Shema, is true and trustworthy.—Etz Yosef 9 He redeemed us from Pharaoh, and saved us from Sichon and Og in the days of Moses and from the thirty-one kings in the days of Joshua.—Etz Yosef

úéáøò BERACHOS FOLLOWING SHEMA / 292 :eðìâø èBnÇÀÅÍ ì ïúð-àGåÀÈÇÇ eðìàBbä eðkìîÇÀÅÍÇÂÅÍ and does not allow our feet to slip. our King Who redeemed us eðëéøãnäÇÇÀÄÅÍ :íéöéørä-ìk ókîÄÇÈÆÈÄÄ He makes us tread from the grasp of all the tyrants. 10 eðéáéà úBîa ìrÇÈÊÀ‹ÅÍ ìàäÈÅ upon the high places of our enemies, [He is] the Almighty eððø÷ íøiåÇÈ Í ÆÇÀÅÍ eðì òøôpäÇÄÀÈÈÍ and exalts our strength Who exacts payment [punishment] :eðéàðBN-ìk ìrÇÈÀ‹ÅÍ eðéøvîÄÈÅÍ over all who hate us. from our oppressors, 11 íéqð eðl äNòäÈÍÊÆÈÍÄÄ ìeîb ílLîäåÀÇÀ‹ÇÅÀ He performed miracles for us and brings retribution äòøôa äî÷ðeÀÈÈÀÇÀÊ :eðLôð éáéà ìëìÀÈÊÀ‹ÅÇÀÅÍ and vengeance upon Pharaoh, on all those who are enemies of our soul. íéúôBîe úBúBàÀ‹Ä úBìBãâ äNòäÈÊÆÀ signs and wonders He does great things 12 :íç éða úîãàaÀÇÀÇÀÅÈ ø÷ç ïéà-ãrÇÅÅÍÆ in the land of the Hamites. beyond comprehension, Búøárá äknäÇÇÆÀÆÀÈ :øtñî ïéà-ãr úBàìôðåÀÄÀÈÇÅÄÀÈ He slew in His wrath, and wonders without number. íéøöî éøBëa ìkÈÀÅÄÀÈÍÄ íéiça eðLôð íOäÇÈÇÀÅÍÇÇÄ all the firstborn of Egypt, He sustains our soul in life 13 10 “Tyrants” include Amalek and others who wanted to destroy us.—Etz Yosef 11 The Malbim says that “oppressors” (eðéøö) refers to those who actively persecute us whereasÈÅ “enemies” (eðéáéBà) refers to those who would rejoice over our misfortune without necessarilyÀÅ contributing to our downfall in an outright manner. 12 “Great things” refers to the way God rules according to the laws of nature and “wonders” refers to those things that are classified as miracles.—Siach Yitzchak 13 Not only does God sustain our souls in exile, but He also sustains our physical well- being.—Siach Yitzchak

293 / òîù éøçà úåëøá MAARIV äaø äçîNa äøéL eðr EìÀÈÄÈÀÄÀÈÇÈ ìàøNé Bnr-úà àöBiåÇÅÆÇÄÀÈÅ sang unto You with great joy, and brought out His people, Israel, :ílë eøîàåÀÈÀ‹ËÈ íëBzîÄÈ and they all said: from their midst äåäé íìàaÈÅÄÀÊÈ äëîë éîÄÈÍÊÈ :íìBò úeøçìÀÅÈ “Who is like You among the mighty, Adonoy! to everlasting 14 freedom. äëîk éîÄÈÍÊÈ åéða øéárnäÇÇÂÄÈÈ Who is like You? He led His children Lãwa øcàðÆÀÈÇÍÊÆ óeñ íé éøæb ïéaÅÄÀÅÇ [You are] adorned in holiness, through the divided parts of the Sea of Reeds, :àìô äNò úGäú àøBðÈÀÄÍÊÅÆÍÆ íäéàðBN-úàå íäéôãBø-úàÆÀ‹ÅÆÀÆÀ‹ÅÆ awesome in praise, performing wonders.” 15 their pursuers and their enemies Eéðá eàø EúeëìîÇÀÀ‹ÈÈÆÍ . :òaè úBîBäúaÄÀÄÇ Your children beheld Your sovereignty He drowned in its depths. äLî éðôì íé r÷BaÅÍÇÈÄÀÅÆ Búøeáb åéðá eàøåÀÈÈÈÀÈ when You divided the sea before Moses, And His children saw His mighty power— eðr éìà äæÆÅÄÈ :BîLì eãBäå eçaLÄÀ‹ÀÄÀ “This is my God,” 16 they exclaimed, they praised and gave thanks to His Name, :eøîàåÀÈÀ‹ BúeëìîeÇÀ . and declared, His sovereignty :ãrå íìòì CGîéÄÀÀÊÈÈÆ äåäéÀÊÈ íäéìr eìa÷ ïBöøáÀÈÄÀ‹ÂÅÆ “Adonoy will reign forever and ever.” 17 they willingly accepted; øîàðåÀÆÁÇ . ìàøNé éðáe äLîÆÀÅÄÀÈÅ And it is said, Moses and the children of Israel 14 The redemption from Egypt is the source for all later redemptions; it is the source from which our final and total salvation will spring. We became free, never again to taste the bitterness of spiritual or physical bondage.—Sfas Emes 15 Exodus 15:11. 16 Exodus 15:2. 17 Exodus 15:18.

úéáøò BERACHOS FOLLOWING SHEMA / 294 eððwúåÀÇÀ‹ÅÍ á÷ré-úà äåäé äãô-ékÄÈÈÀÊÈÆÇÂÊ and direct us to better ourselves “For Adonoy has liberated Jacob Eéðôlî äáBè äöraÀÅÈÈÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ BìàâeÀÈ through Your good counsel; 20 and redeemed him EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍÀ :epnî ÷æç ãiîÄÇÈÈÄÆÍ and deliver us for Your Name’s sake. from a hand, mightier than his.” 18 eðéìrî øñäå eðãra ïâäåÀÈÅÇÂÅÍÀÈÅÅÈÅÍ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ Shield us, and remove from us 21 Blessed are You, Adonoy, áøçå øác áéBàÅÆÍÆÀÆÍÆ :ìàøNé ìàbÈÇÄÀÈÅ Who has redeemed Israel. enemies, pestilence, sword, ïBâéå árøåÀÈÈÀÈ This is the second of the two Berachos that follow the Shema. famine and sorrow. eðéðôlî ïèN øñäåÀÈÅÈÈÄÀ‹ÈÅÍ íBìLì eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÀÈ eðáékLäÇÀÄÅÍ Remove the adversary 22 from before us Adonoy our God; make us lie down in peace, eðéøçàîeÅÇÂÅÍ íéiçì eðkìî eðãéîräåÀÇÂÄÅÍÇÀÅÍÀÇÄ and from behind us, our King, raise us again to life. 19 eðøézñz Eéôðk ìöáeÀÅÀÈÆÍÇÀÄÅÍ EîBìL úkñ eðéìr NBøôeÀÈÅÍËÇÀÆÍ and shelter us in the shadow of Your wings. Spread over us the shelter of Your peace, 18 Jeremiah 31:10. 19 Undisturbed peace, and strength for a new day of vigorous living, are the gifts that night brings and for which we pray to God.—S.R. Hirsch 20 We particularly ask of Him at night to bless us with wise counsel. Daytime is the time for achievement, but the rest that comes with nightfall is made to allow man to compose his thoughts. By virtue of the complete relaxation it affords, sleep endows the mind and spirit with renewed vigor. We pray therefore for Divine aid so that our nightly rest will help us take wise counsel and affirm worthy resolution for future days.—Avudraham and Siach Yitzchak 21 Shield us from trouble before it comes, and remove it from us if it has already come.—Siach Yitzchak 22 The Hebrew word ïèN (Satan) used in the Prayer Book refers to the Evil Impulse, the lowerÈÈ passions which are a hindrance to man’s pursuit of the nobler aims in life. It is against the dominance of this impulse that the Jew prays. The “adversary,” therefore, is any person, spirit, or Evil Impulse that seduces us to do wrong.—Dover Sholom and others

295 / òîù éøçà úåëøá MAARIV of the Shemoneh Esrei, have remained a ìà ékÄÅ part of the Maariv service. Some Halachic commentaries maintain that For, Almighty, these verses should not be included in äzà eðìévîe eðøîBLÀ‹ÅÍÇÄÅÍÈÍÈ Maariv, because they constitute an in- You are our Protector and Rescuer, terruption between the final blessing ìà ékÄÅ after Shema and the Shemoneh Esrei. for, Almighty íìBòì äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ CeøaÈ äzà íeçøå ïepç CìîÆÍÆÇÀÇÈÍÈ Blessed is Adonoy forever, You are a gracious and merciful King. :ïîàå ïîàÈÅÀÈÅ eðàBáe eðúàö øBîLeÀÅÅÍÅÍ . Amein and Amein! 23 Guard our going out and our coming in ïBivî äåäé CeøaÈÀÊÈÄÄ íBìLìe íéiçìÀÇÄÀÈ Blessed is Adonoy from Zion, for life and peace íéìLeøé ïëL Ê ÅÀÈÈÍÄ :íìBò ãrå äzrîÅÇÈÀÇÈ Who dwells in Jerusalem, from now forever. :déeììäÇÀ‹È äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ Praise God. 24 Blessed are You, Adonoy, íéäGà äåäé CeøaÈÀÊÈÁÄ :ãrì ìàøNé Bnr øîBLÅÇÄÀÈÅÈÇ Blessed is Adonoy, God, Who guards His people Israel forever. ìàøNé éäGàÁÅÄÀÈÅ God of Israel The following prayer was originally a :Bcáì úBàìôð äNòÊÅÄÀÈÀÇ compilation of eighteen verses insti- tuted during the Gaonic era as a substi- Who alone performs wonders. 25 tute for the Shemoneh Esreh. According íìBòì BãBák íL CeøáeÈÅÀÀÈ to Avudraham, the Shemoneh Esrei was Blessed is the Name of His glory forever, omitted because of decrees issued õøàä-ìk-úà BãBáë àìnéåÀÄÈÅÀÆÈÈÈÍÆ against the Jews that banned them from participating in the Evening Service. and may His glory fill the whole earth; These eighteen verses, adopted in place 23 Psalms 89:53. 24 Psalms 135:21. 25 Psalms 72:18.

úéáøò BERACHOS FOLLOWING SHEMA / 296 íéäGàä àeä äåäéÀÊÈÈÁÄ :ïîàå ïîàÈÅÀÈÅ “Adonoy, He is God! Amein and Amein! 26 :íéäGàä àeä äåäéÀÊÈÈÁÄ íìBòì äåäé ãBáë éäéÀÄÀÀÊÈÀÈ Adonoy, He is God!” 30 The Glory of Adonoy will endure forever; CìîÆÍÆ ì äåäé äéäåÀÈÈÀÊÈÀ :åéNrîa äåäé çîNéÄÀÇÀÊÈÀÇÂÈ And Adonoy will be King Adonoy will rejoice in His works. 27 õøàä-ìk ìrÇÈÈÈÍÆ Cøáî äåäé íL éäéÀÄÅÀÊÈÀÊÈ over the whole earth; The Name of Adonoy will be blessed ãçà äåäé äéäé àeää íBiaÇÇÄÀÆÀÊÈÆÈ :íìBò-ãrå äzrîÅÇÈÀÇÈ on that day Adonoy will be One from now forever. 28 :ãçà BîLeÀÆÈ Bnr-úà äåäé Lhé àG ékÄÄÀÊÈÆÇ and His Name, One. 31 For Adonoy will not cast off His people, eðéìr äåäé Ecñç-éäéÀÄÇÀÀ‹ÀÊÈÈÅÍ ìBãbä BîL øeáraÇÂÀÇÈ Adonoy, may Your kindness be upon us for the sake of His great Name, :Cì eðìçé øLàkÇÂÆÄÇÍÀÈ äåäé ìéàBä ékÄÄÀÊÈ as we have hoped for You. 32 because Adonoy has determined eðéäGà äåäé eðréLBäÄÅÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ :írì Bì íëúà úBNrìÇÂÆÀÆÀÈ Deliver us, Adonoy, our God, to make you His people. 29 íéBbä-ïî eðöa÷åÀÇÀ‹ÅÍÄÇÄ írä-ìk àøiåÇÇÀÈÈÈ gather us from the nations And all the people saw ELã÷ íLì úBãBäìÀÀÅÈÀÆÍ eøîàiå íäéðt-ìr eìtiåÇÄÀ‹ÇÀÅÆÇÊÀ‹ to give thanks to Your Holy Name, and they fell on their faces, and proclaimed, 26 Psalms 72:19. 27 Psalms 104:31. 28 Psalms 113:2. 29 I Samuel 12:22. 30 I Kings 18:39. This verse describes the reaction of the people when they saw the miracle performed by God on behalf of Elijah on Mount Carmel when he disproved and ridiculed the false prophets of Baal. 31 Zecharyah 14:9. 32 Psalms 33:22.

297 / òîù éøçà úåëøá MAARIV íBia äåäé CeøaÈÀÊÈÇ :Eúläúa çazLäìÀÄÀÇÅÍÇÄÀÄÈÆÍ Blessed is Adonoy by day, to be extolled in Your praise. 33 äìéla äåäé CeøaÈÀÊÈÇÈÍÀÈ úéNr øLà íéBb-ìkÈÄÂÆÈÄÍÈ blessed is Adonoy by night, All the nations which You have made eðáëLa äåäé CeøaÈÀÊÈÀÈÀÅÍ eåçzLéå eàáéÈÍÊÀÄÀÇ blessed is Adonoy when we lie down, will come and bow down :eðîe÷a äåäé CeøaÈÀÊÈÀÅÍ éðãà EéðôìÀÈÆÍÂÊÈ blessed is Adonoy when we rise. before You, my Master, Eãéá ékÄÀÈÀ‹ :EîLì eãaëéåÄÇÀ‹ÄÀÆÍ For in Your hand and they will give honor to Your Name. 34 :íéúnäå íéiçä úBLôðÇÀÇÇÄÀÇÅÄ úBàìôð äNòå äzà ìBãâ-ékÄÈÇÈÀÊÅÄÀÈ are the souls of the living and the dead, For You are great and do wondrous things, Bãéa øLàÂÆÀÈ :Ecáì íéäGà äzàÇÈÁÄÀÇÆÍ [as it is written:] For in His hand You alone are God. 35 éç-ìk LôðÆÍÆÈÈ Enr eðçðàåÇÂÇÍÀÇÀ‹ is the soul of every living thing, And we, Your people, :Léà-øNa-ìk çeøåÀÍÇÈÀÇÄ Eúérøî ïàöåÀÊÇÀÄÆÍ and the spirit of every human being. 37 the sheep of Your pasture, éçeø ãé÷ôà EãéaÀÈÀ‹ÇÀÄÄ íìBòì El äãBðÍÆÀÀÈ In Your hand, I commit my spirit; will give thanks to You forever, éúBà äúéãtÈÄÍÈÄ øBãå øBãìÀÈ You have liberated me, from generation to generation :úîà ìà äåäéÀÊÈÅÁÆ :Eúläz øtñðÀÇÅÀÄÈÆÍ Adonoy, Almighty of truth. 38 we will recount Your praise. 36 33 Psalms 106:47 (I Chronicles 16:35). 34 Psalms 86:9. 35 Psalms 86:10. 36 Psalms 79:13. 37 Job 12:10. 38 Psalms 31:6.

úéáøò BERACHOS FOLLOWING SHEMA / 298 :äzà àlà Cìî eðì ïéà ékÄÅÈÍÆÍÆÆÈÈÍÈ íéîMaL eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÇÈÇÍÄ for we have no king except You. Our God in heaven, äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ EîL ãçéÇÅÄÀ Blessed are You, reveal the unity of Your Name, BãBáëa CìnäÇÆÍÆÄÀ ãéîz Eúeëìî íi÷åÀÇÅÇÀÀ‹ÈÄ the King in His glory, preserve Your kingdom always eðéìr CBìîé ãéîzÈÄÄÀÈÅÍ :ãrå íìBòì eðéìr CBìîeÀÈÅÍÀÈÈÆ will always reign over us and reign over us forever and ever. ãrå íìBòìÀÈÈÆ forever and ever, eðéðérÅÅÍ eàøéÄÀ :åéNrî ìk ìråÀÇÈÇÂÈ May our eyes behold, and over all His creation. eðLôð ìâúå eðaì çîNéåÀÄÀÇÄÅÍÀÈÅÇÀÅÍ our heart rejoice, and our soul exalt The Half-Kaddish is recited úîàa EúreLéaÄÈÀ‹ÆÁÆ by the Chazzan in Your true deliverance, Cong. ( ïîàÈÅ ) àaø dîL Lc÷úéåÀÄÀÇÇÀÅÇÈ ìcbúéÄÀÇÇ ïBiöì øîàaÆÁÊÀÄ Exalted and sanctified be His great Name when it will be said to Zion: àøá-éc àîÈÄÀÈ ìraÀÈÀ‹ :CéäGà CìîÈÇÁÈÍÄ in the world which He created “Your God has begun His reign.” dúeòøëÄÀÅ Cìî äåäé Cìî äåäéÀÊÈÆÍÆÀÊÈÈÈ according to His will; Adonoy is King, Adonoy was King dúeëìî CéìîéåÀÇÀÄÇÀÅ :ãrå íìBòì CGîé äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÀÈÈÆ and may He rule His kingdom Adonoy will reign for ever and ever. ïBëéîBéáe ïBëéiçaÀÇÅÀÅ àéä ElL úeëìnä ékÄÇÇÀÆÀ‹Ä . in your lifetime and in your days, For the kingdom is Yours éiçáeÀÇÅ ãBáëa CGîz ãr éîÅÇÄÀÀÈ ìBòìeÀÍÀ‹ and in the lifetime and to all eternity, You will reign in glory;

299 / äøùò äðåîù MAARIV : ïîàÈÅ eøîàå àîÈÀÄÀ ìra ïøéîàcÇÂÄÈÀÈÀ‹ ìàøNé úéa-ìëãÀÈÅÄÀÈÅ which we utter in the world, and say, Amein. of the entire House of Israel, áéø÷ ïîæáe àìâraÇÂÈÈÄÀÇÈÄ äøùò äðåîù speedily and in the near future, Shemoneh Esrei : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ çzôz éúôN éðãàÂÊÈÀÈÇÄÀÈ Cøáî àaø dîL àäéÀÅÀÅÇÈÀÈÇ and say, Amein. My Master, open my lips, :Eúläz ãébé éôeÄÇÄÀÄÈÆÍ May His great Name be blessed and my mouth will declare Your praise. àiîÇÈ ìr éîÅÈÀ‹ ìrìe íìrìÀÈÇÀÈÀ‹ forever and for all eternity. úåáà çazLéå CøaúéÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÇ THE VIRTUE OF OUR PATRIARCHS Blessed and praised, äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ àOðúéå íîBøúéå øàtúéåÀÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÀÄÀÇÅ glorified, and exalted and uplifted, Blessed are You, Adonoy, eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGàÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ ìläúéå älrúéå øcäúéåÀÄÀÇÈÀÄÀÇÆÀÄÀÇÈ honored and elevated and extolled our God, and God of our fathers, ÷çöé éäGà íäøáà éäGàÁÅÇÀÈÈÁÅÄÀÈ àeä CéøaÀÄ àLã÷ã dîLÀÅÀËÀÈ God of Abraham, God of Isaac, be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He; á÷ré éäGàåÅÅÇÂÊ -ìk-ïî àlrì*ÀÅÍÈÄÈ and God of Jacob, above all ìàäÈÅ the Almighty, *During the Ten Days of Penitence say: àøBpäå øBabä ìBãbäÇÈÇÄÀÇÈ -ìkî àlrì àlrìÀÅÍÈÀÅÍÈÄÈ far above all the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome, ïBéìr ìàÅÆÀ àúøéLå àúëøaÄÀÈÈÀÄÈÈ most high Almighty, the blessings and hymns, íéáBè íéãñç ìîBbÅÂÈÄÄ àúîçðå àúÈÀÆÁÈÈ çaLzËÀÀ‹È Who bestows beneficent kindness, praises and consolations

úéáøò SHEMONEH ESREI / 300 úåøåáâ ìkä äðB÷åÀÅÇÊ DIVINE MIGHT Who possesses everything, éðãà íìBòìÀÈÂÊÈ øBaâ äzàÇÈÄ úBáà éãñç øëBæåÀÅÇÀÅÈ You are mighty forever, my Master; Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs, äzà íéúî äiçîÀÇÅÅÄÇÍÈ ìàBâ àéáîeÅÄÅ You are the Resurrector of the dead and Who brings a redeemer :réLBäì áøÇÀÄÍÇ íäéðá éðáìÄÀÅÀÅÆ the Powerful One to deliver us. to their children’s children, :äáäàa BîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÀÇÂÈ ìÀ CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE PHRASE: for the sake of His Name, with love. Between the first day of PESACH and SHEMINI ATZERES, some (à'øâä âäðî) say:ÄÀÇ £ ìhä ãéøBîÄÇÈ £ During the Ten Days of Penitence add: Causer of the dew to fall. íéiçì eðøëæÈÀÅÍÀÇÄ Remember us for life Between SHEMINI ATZERES and PESACH say: íéiça õôç CìîÆÍÆÈÅÇÇÄ £ :íLbä ãéøBîe çeøä áéMîÇÄÈÍÇÄÇÆÍÆ £ O King, Who desires life; Causer of the wind to blow íéiçä øôña eðáúëåÀÈÀÅÍÀÅÍÆÇÇÄ and of the rain to fall. and inscribe us in the Book of Life, :íéiç íéäGà EðrîÇÇÀÁÄÇÄ ìÀ If you forgot to say the above, for Your sake, Living God. see page 259. ãñça íéiç ìkìëîÀÇÀÅÇÄÀÆÍÆ If you forgot to say the above, see page 258. Sustainer of the living with kindliness, íéaø íéîçøa íéúî äiçîÀÇÅÅÄÀÇÂÄÇÄ :ïâîe réLBîe øæBò CìîÆÍÆÅÄÍÇÈÅ Resurrector of the dead with great mercy, King, Helper, and Deliverer and Shield. íéìôBð CîBñÅÀ‹Ä äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ Supporter of the fallen, Blessed are You, Adonoy, íéìBç àôBøåÀÅÄ :íäøáà ïâîÈÅÇÀÈÈ and Healer of the sick, Shield of Abraham.

301 / äøùò äðåîù MAARIV äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ íéøeñà øézîeÇÄÂÄ Blessed are You, Adonoy, and Releaser of the imprisoned, :íéúnä äiçîÀÇÅÇÅÄ Búðeîà íi÷îeÀÇÅÁÈ Resurrector of the dead. and Fulfiller of His faithfulness øôr éðLéìÄÅÅÈÈ íùä úùåã÷ to those who sleep in the dust. DIVINE SANCTIFICATION úBøeáb ìra EBîë éîÄÈÍÇÍÇÀ LBã÷ EîLåÀÄÀÈ LBã÷ äzàÇÈÈ Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds, You are holy and Your Name is holy Cl äîBc éîeÄÍÆÈ íéLBã÷eÀÄ and who can be compared to You? and holy beings äiçîe úéîî CìîÆÍÆÅÄÀÇÆ :äìq Eeììäé íBé-ìëaÀÈÀÇÀ‹ÍÆÍÈ King, Who causes death and restores life, :äreLé çéîöîeÇÀÄÍÇÀÈ praise You every day, forever. and causes deliverance to sprout forth. During the Ten Days of Penitence, continue at the asterisk (*) below äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ During the Ten Days of Penitence add: Blessed are You, Adonoy, íéîçøä áà EBîë éîÄÈÍÇÈÇÂÄ :LBãwä ìàäÈÅÇÈ Who is like You merciful Father, the Almighty, the Holy One. íéiçì åéøeöé øëBæÅÀÈÀÇÄ Who remembers His creatures for life, :íéîçøaÀÇÂÄ *During the Ten Days of Penitence: äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ in His mercy Blessed are You, Adonoy, :LBãwäÇÈ CìnäÇÆÍÆ If you forgot to say this, see page 258. the King, the Holy One. äzà ïîàðåÀÆÁÈÇÈ And You are faithful If you mistakenly said, LBãwä ìàä “the Al-ÈÅÇÈ mighty” instead of LBãwä Cìnä “the King,”ÇÆÍÆÇÈ :íéúî úBéçäìÀÇÂÅÄ or if you are in doubt—see page 261. to restore the dead to life.

úéáøò SHEMONEH ESREI / 302 eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ äðéá Our Father, our King, PRAYER FOR UNDERSTANDING eðéìr ìçäÈÅÈÅÍ ïðBç äzàÇÈÅ commence for us úrc íãàìÀÈÈÇÍÇ eðúàø÷ì íéàaä íéîiäÇÈÄÇÈÄÄÀÈÅÍ You favor man with perception the days that approach us :äðéa LBðàì ãnÅÆÁÄÈ ìîeÀÇ íBìLìÀÈ and teach mankind understanding. in peace, àèç-ìkî íéëeNçÂÄÄÈÅÀ The following is added at the Maariv Service at the close of the Sabbath or devoid of all sin, Yom Tov. If you forgot to say eðzððBç äzà,ÇÈÇÀÈÍ ïBr-ìkî íéwðîeÀËÄÄÈÈ do not repeat the Shemoneh Esrei. See and cleansed of all iniquity, Shulchan Aruch O.C. #294:1. . . . å :Eúàøéa íé÷aãîeÀËÈÄÀÄÀÈÆÍÀ eðzððBç äzàÇÈÇÀÈÍ You have favored us and devoted to the fear of You. And . . . Ezàî eðpçÈÅÍÅÄÀ‹ EúøBz òcîÇÇÈÆÍ ìÀ Grant to us from Your [with the ability] to know Your Torah :ìkNäå äðéa ärcÅÈÄÈÀÇÀÅ eðãnÀ‹ÅÍ ìzåÇÀ‹Ç perception, understanding and intellect. and taught us to fulfill EðBöø éwç úBNrìÇÂËÅÀÆ Í äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ the statutes of Your will. Blessed are You, Adonoy, eðéäGà äåäé ìcázåÇÇÀÅÀÊÈÁÅÍ :úrcä ïðBçÅÇÈÍÇ You made a distinction, Adonoy, our God, ìçì Lã÷ ïéaÅÍÊÆÀÊ Grantor of perception. äáåùú between sacred and unhallowed, PRAYER FOR PENITENCE CLçì øBà ïéaÅÀÍÆ eðéáàÈÄÍ eðáéLäÂÄÅÍ between light and darkness, íénrì ìàøNé ïéaÅÄÀÈÅÈÇÄ Cause us to return, our Father, between Israel and the peoples, EúøBúìÀÈÆÍ éréáMä íBé ïéaÅÇÀ ‹ ÄÄ to Your Torah between the Seventh Day EúãBárì eðkìî eðáø÷åÀÈÀ‹ÅÍÇÀÅÍÇÂÈÆÍ äNrnä éîé úLLìÀÅÍÆÀÅÇÇÂÆ and bring us near, our King, to Your service; and the six work days.

303 / äøùò äðåîù MAARIV äøäî eðìàâeÀÈÅÍÀÅÈ eðøéæçäåÀÇÂÄÅÍ and redeem us speedily and bring us back EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ìÀ :Eéðôì äîÈÀÈÆÍ ìL äáeLúaÄÀÈÀÅ for the sake of Your Name; in whole-hearted repentance before You :äzà ÷æç ìàBb ékÄÅÈÈÈÍÈ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ because You are a Mighty Redeemer. Blessed are You, Adonoy, äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ :äáeLúa äöBøäÈÆÄÀÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy, Who desires penitence. :ìàøNé ìàBbÅÄÀÈÅ äçéìñ Redeemer of Israel. PRAYER FOR PARDON eðàèç ék eðéáàÈÄÍÄÈÈÍ eðì çìñÀÇÈÍ äàåôø PRAYER FOR HEALING Pardon us, our Father, for we have sinned, eðkìî eðì ìçîÀÇÈÍÇÀÅÍ àôøðå äåäéÀÊÈÀÅÈÅ eðàôøÀÈÅÍ forgive us, our King, Heal us, Adonoy, and we will be healed, eðrLô ékÄÈÈÍÀ ärLeðå eðréLBäÄÅÍÀÄÈÅÍÈ for we have transgressed; deliver us and we will be delivered; :äzà çìBñå ìçBî ékÄÅÀÅÍÇÈÍÈ äzà eðúläú ékÄÀÄÈÅÍÈÍÈ because You are Forgiver and Pardoner. for You are our praise. äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ äîÈ ìL äàeôø äìräåÀÇÂÅÀÈÀÅ Blessed are You, Adonoy, Grant complete healing :çBìñì äaønä ïepçÇÇÇÀÆÄÀÍÇ eðéúBkî-ìëìÀÈÇÅÍ Gracious One, Who pardons abundantly. to all our wounds, äìåàâ If you wish to pray for the recovery of a PRAYER FOR REDEMPTION sick person, you may do so here. Eéðôlî ïBöø éäéÀÄÈÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ eðéðráÀÈÀÅÍ äàøÀÅ May it be Your will, Look upon our affliction, eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ eðáéø äáéøåÀÄÈÄÅÍ Adonoy, our God, and the God of our fathers, and defend our cause:

úéáøò SHEMONEH ESREI / 304 íéðùä úëøá äøäî çìLzLÆÄÀÇÀÅÈ PRAYER FOR PROSPERITY that You send, quickly, eðéäGà äåäé eðéìrÈÅÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ CøaÈÅ íéîMä ïî äîÈÄÇÈÇÍÄ ìL äàeôøÀÈÀÅ a complete recovery from the heavens, Bless for us, Adonoy our God, Lôpä úàeôøÀÇÇÆÍÆ úà fä äðMä-úàÆÇÈÈÇÊ healing for the soul, this year óebä úàeôøeÀÇÇ dúàeáú éðéî-ìk-úÈÄÅÀÈÈ àåÀÆ and healing for the body, and all the varieties of its produce äìBçì/äìBçìÇÆÇÈ äáBèìÀÈ for the ailing male/for the ailing female for good; (úéðåìô/éðåìô) ïúåÀÅ (name) and bestow úa/ïaÆÇ son/daughter of CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE PHRASE: (úéðåìô) From the beginning of PESACH until the evening service [Maariv] on December 4, (mother’s name) or, before a civil leap year, December 5, :ìàøNé éìBç øàL CBúaÀÀÈÅÄÀÈÅ say the following line. among the ailing of Israel. £ äëøaÀÈÈ £ Cìî ìà ékÄÅÆÍÆ blessing because You are the Almighty, King, From the evening service [Maariv] on :äzà ïîçøå ïîàð àôBøÅÆÁÈÀÇÂÈÈÍÈ December 4, or, before a civil leap year, December 5, until the First day of Who is a faithful and merciful Healer. PESACH, say the following line. äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ £ *äëøáì øèîe ìèÇÈÈÄÀÈÈ £ Blessed are You, Adonoy, dew and rain for a blessing 37 éìBç àôBøÅÅ Continue here: Healer of the sick äîãàä éðt-ìrÇÀÅÈÂÈÈ :ìàøNé BnrÇÄÀÈÅ upon the face of the earth; of His people Israel. 37 If you forgot to say this and became aware of your omission before concluding the blessing, you may say it at that time and conclude the blessing. If you became aware of your omission after completing the blessing, continue the prayer, and before concluding (the 16th blessing)

305 / äøùò äðåîù MAARIV õa÷îÀÇÅ Eáehî eðraNåÀÇÀ‹ÅÍÄÆÍ Gatherer satisfy us from Your bounty :ìàøNé Bnr éçãðÄÀÅÇÄÀÈÅ :úBáBhä íéðMk eðúðL CøáeÈÅÀÈÅÍÇÈÄÇ of the dispersed of His people Israel. and bless our year like the good years. äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ ïéã Blessed are You, Adonoy, PRAYER FOR RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT :íéðMä CøáîÀÈÅÇÈÄ äðBLàøák eðéèôBLÀ‹ÅÍÀÈÄÈ äáéLäÈÄÍÈ Blesser of the years. Restore our judges as before älçzák eðéörBéåÀÂÅÍÀÇÀ‹ÄÈ úåéìâ õåáé÷ and our counselors as at first. PRAYER FOR DELIVERANCE äçðàå ïBâé epnî øñäåÀÈÅÄÆÍÈÇÂÈÈ eðúeøçì ìBãb øôBLaÀÈÈÀÅÅÍ ò÷zÀÇ Remove from us sorrow and sighing, Sound the great shofar for our liberty, eðéìr CBìîeÀÈÅÍ eðéúBiìb õa÷ì ñð àNåÀÈÅÀÇÅÈËÅÍ and reign over us and raise a banner to gather our exiles, Ecáì äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈÀÇÀ‹ ãçé eðöa÷åÀÇÀ‹ÅÍÇÍÇ You, Adonoy, alone and gather us together íéîçøáe ãñçaÀÆÍÆÀÇÂÄ :õøàä úBôðk òaøàîÅÇÀÇÇÀÈÈÍÆ with kindness and compassion; from the four corners of the earth. :ètLîa eð÷cöåÀÇÀ‹ÅÍÇÄÀÈ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ and make us righteous with justice. Blessed are You, Adonoy, älôz rîBL, “Who hears prayer,” (p. 308) say: 'åâå äzà ék äëøáì øèîe ìè ïúå “bestow dew and rain forÅÇÀÄÈ Ç È Ä Ä À È È È È Ç À Å blessing, for you hear, etc.” If you remember after concluding the blessing älôz rîBL, but before starting äöø “BeÅÇÀÄÈ À Å pleased,” you may say: øèîe ìè ïúå “Bestow dew and rain,” and then continue with äöø.ÀÅÇÈÈ À Å If you remember after that point, i.e., after starting äöø, you must go back and repeat the 9thÀÅ blessing, eðéìr Cøa, and continue from there. But if you became aware of your omission afterÈÅÈÅ concluding the entire Shemoneh Esrei, you must repeat the entire Shemoneh Esrei. If you said äëøáì øèîe ìè in the wrong season, return to eðéìrÇÈÈÄÀÈÈ È Å Í Cøa and continue from there. IfÈÅ you remembered after completing the Shemoneh Esrei you should repeat it. (For a more detailed exposition of these laws see Shulchan Aruch O.C. # 117:5)

úéáøò SHEMONEH ESREI / 306 äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy, Blessed are You, Adonoy, íéáéà øáBLÅÊÀ‹Ä During the Ten Days of Penitence, Crusher of enemies continue at the asterisk (*) below :íéãæ réðëîeÇÀÄÍÇÅÄ :ètLîe ä÷ãö áäà CìîÆÍÆÊÅÀÈÈÄÀÈ and Subduer of the insolent. King, Lover of righteousness and justice. íé÷éãö *During the Ten Days of Penitence: PRAYER FOR THE RIGHTEOUS SCHOLARS :ètLnä CìnäÇÆÍÆÇÄÀÈ íéãéñçä-ìråÀÇÇÂÄÄ íé÷écvä-ìrÇÇÇÄÄ the King of Justice. Upon the righteous, upon the pious, If you mistakenly said, ä÷ãö áäà CìîÆÍÆÊÅÀÈÈ Enr éð÷æ-ìråÀÇÄÀÅÇÀ‹ ètLîe “King, Lover of righteousness andÄÀÈ upon the elders of Your people justice,” instead of ètLnä Cìnä “the KingÇÆÍÆÇÄÀÈ of Justice,” see page 265. ìàøNé úéaÅÄÀÈÅ the House of Israel, íéðéîä úëøá íäéøôBñ úèéìt-ìråÀÇÀÅÇÀ‹ÅÆ PRAYER FOR DIVINE RETRIBUTION upon the remnant of their scholars, íéðéLìnÇÀÄÄ ìåÀÇ eðéìrå ÷ãvä éøb-ìråÀÇÅÅÇÆÍÆÀÈÅÍ äå÷ú éäz-ìàÇÀÄÄÀÈ For informers let there be no hope upon the true proselytes, and upon us, Eéîçø eîäéÆÁÇÂÆÍ ãáàz òâøk ärLøä-ìëåÀÈÈÄÀÈÀÆÍÇÊÅ may Your mercy be aroused, and may all wickedness instantly perish eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ eúøké äøäî Eéáéà-ìëåÀÈÊÀ‹ÆÍÀÅÈÄÈÅÍ Adonoy our God. may all Your enemies be swiftly cut off, áBè øëN ïúåÀÅÈÈ øwrú äøäî íéãfäåÀÇÅÄÀÅÈÀÇÅ Grant bountiful reward and the insolent may You quickly uproot, úîàa EîLa íéçèBaä-ìëìÀÈÇÀ‹ÄÀÄÀÆÁÆ øbîúe øaLúeÀÇÅÀÇÅ to all who trust in Your Name in truth; crush, rout íìBòì íänr eð÷ìç íéNåÀÄÆÀÅÍÄÈÆÀÈ :eðéîéá äøäîa réðëúåÀÇÀÄÍÇÄÀÅÈÀÈÅÍ and place our lot among them forever and subdue speedily in our days.

307 / äøùò äðåîù MAARIV ãåã úéá úåëìî LBáð àGåÀÅ PRAYER FOR SALVATION and may we not be put to shame, Ecár ãåcÈÄÇÀÀ‹ çîö-úàÆÆÍÇ :eðçèa Eá ékÄÀÈÈÍÀ for in You we have put our trust. The sprout of David, Your servant, çéîöú äøäîÀÅÈÇÀÄÍÇ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy, speedily cause to flourish íeøz Bðø÷åÀÇÀÈ :íé÷écvì çèáîe ïrLîÄÀÈÄÀÈÇÇÄÄ Support and Trust of the righteous. and his power shall be exalted EúreLéaÄÈÆÍ íéìùåøé ïéðá with Your deliverance, :íBiä-ìk eðée÷ EúreLéì ékÄÄÈÀ‹ÄÄÍÈÇ PRAYER FOR JERUSALEM for Your deliverance we hope all day. EøérÄÀ‹ íéìLeøéìåÀÄÈÇÍÄ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ And to Jerusalem, Your city, Blessed are You, Adonoy, áeLz íéîçøaÀÇÂÄÈ :äreLé ïø÷ çéîöîÇÀÄÍÇÆÍÆÀÈ return in mercy, Who causes to sprout the power of salvation. zøac øLàk dëBúa ïBkLúåÀÄÀÀÈÇÂÆÄÇÍÀÈ and dwell therein as You have spoken; äìôú úìá÷ eðéîéa áBø÷a dúBà äðáeÀÅÈÀÈÀÈÅÍ PRAYER FOR ACCEPTANCE and rebuild it soon, in our days, eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ eðìB÷ òîLÀÇÅÍ íìBò ïéðaÄÀÇÈ Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God; as an everlasting structure, eðéìr íçøå ñeçÀÇÅÈÅÍ ãåã àqëåÀÄÅÈÄ spare us and have compassion on us, and the throne of David ìa÷åÀÇÅ :ïéëz dëBúì äøäîÀÅÈÀÈÈÄ and accept may You speedily establish therein. eðúlôz-úà ïBöøáe íéîçøaÀÇÂÄÀÈÆÀÄÈÅÍ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ our prayers compassionately and willingly, Blessed are You, Adonoy, ìà ékÄÅ :íéìLeøé äðBaÅÀÈÈÍÄ for [You are] Almighty, Builder of Jerusalem.

úéáøò SHEMONEH ESREI / 308 ïBöøaÀÈ äzà íéðeðçúå úBlôz rîBLÅÍÇÀÄÀÇÂÄÈÍÈ and willingly. You hear prayers and supplications; ãéîz ïBöøì éäúeÀÄÀÈÈÄ eðkìî EéðôlîeÄÀ‹ÈÆÍÇÀÅÍ And may You always find pleasure and from Your Presence, our King, :Enr ìàøNé úãBárÂÇÄÀÈÅÇÆÍ eðáéLz-ìà í÷éøÅÈÇÀÄÅÍ do not turn us away empty-handed, with the service of Your people, Israel. úlôz rîBL äzà ék*ÄÇÈÅÍÇÀÄÇ On ROSH CHODESH and CHOL HAMO’ED for You hear the prayer the following prayer is added: :íéîçøa ìàøNé EnrÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅÀÇÂÄ eðéúBáà éäGàåÅÅÂÅÍ eðéäGàÁÅÍ of Your people, Israel, with compassion. Our God and God of our fathers, äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ rébéåÀÇÄÍÇ àáéå äìréÇÂÆÀÈÊ Blessed are You, Adonoy, may there ascend, come, and reach, :älôz rîBLÅÍÇÀÄÈ òîMéå äöøéå äàøéåÀÅÈÆÀÅÈÆÀÄÈÇ Who hears prayer. appear, be desired, and heard, äãåáò øëféå ã÷téåÀÄÈÅÀÄÈÅ PRAYER FOR RETURN OF DIVINE SERVICE counted and recalled äöøÀÅ eððBã÷ôe eððBøëæÄÀÅÍÄÀÅÍ eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ Be pleased, Adonoy, our God, our remembrance and reckoning; eðéúBáà ïBøëæåÀÄÀÂÅÍ íúlôúáe ìàøNé EnraÀÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅÄÀÄÈÈ the remembrance of our fathers; with Your people Israel and their prayer(s) çéLî ïBøëæåÀÄÀÈÄÍÇ äãBárä-úà áLäåÀÈÅÆÈÂÈ the remembrance of the Messiah and restore the service Ecár ãåc-ïaÆÈÄÇÀÆÍ Eúéa øéáãìÄÀÄÅÆÍ the son of David, Your servant; to the Holy of Holies in Your abode, íéìLeøé ïBøëæåÀÄÀÀÈÇÍÄ ìàøNé éMàåÀÄÅÄÀÈÅ the remembrance of Jerusalem, and the fire-offerings of Israel; ELã÷ øérÄÈÀÆÍ ìa÷ú äáäàa íúlôúeÀÄÈÈÀÇÂÈÀÇÅ city of Your Sanctuary; and accept their prayer, lovingly * If one forgot to say äëøáì øèîå ìè ïúå (re: page 304) it should be said here.

309 / äøùò äðåîù MAARIV eðpçå ñeçÀÈÅÍ Enr-ìk ïBøëæåÀÄÀÈÇÀ‹ spare us and favor us, and the remembrance of Your entire people, eðréLBäå eðéìr íçøåÀÇÅÈÅÍÀÄÅÍ ìàøNé úéaÅÄÀÈÅ have compassion on us and deliver us; the House of Israel, eðéðér Eéìà ékÄÅÆÍÅÅÍ EéðôìÀÈÆÍ for to You our eyes are directed before You ìà ékÄÅ äáBèì äèéìôìÄÀÅÈÀÈ because You are the Almighty for survival, for well-being, :äzà íeçøå ïepç CìîÆÍÆÇÀÇÈÍÈ íéîçøìe ãñçìe ïçìÀÅÀÆÍÆÀÇÂÄ Who is King, Gracious, and Merciful. for favor, kindliness, compassion, If you forgot to say this at Maariv on Rosh íBìLìe íéiçìÀÇÄÀÈ Chodesh, you need not repeat Shemoneh for life and peace Esrei. On Chol HaMo’ed, follow instructions íBéaÀ on page 271. eðéðér äðéæçúåÀÆÁÆÍÈÅÅÍ äfä Lãçä LàøÊÇÍÊÆÇÆ on this day of: :ç'øìÀ And may our eyes behold Rosh Chodesh :íéîçøa ïBiöì EáeLaÀÀ‹ÀÄÀÇÂÄ äfä úBvnä âçÇÇÇÇÆ :çñôìÀÆÇ Your merciful return to Zion. the Festival of Matzos äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ äfä úBkqä âçÇÇËÇÆ :úBkñìÀË Blessed are You, Adonoy, the Festival of Sukkos :ïBiöì BúðéëL øéæçnäÇÇÂÄÀÄÈÀÄ eðéäGà äåäé eðøëæÈÀÅÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ Who returns His Divine Presence to Zion. Remember us Adonoy, our God, At the words Cì eðçðà íéãBî “We areÄÂÇÍÀÈ äáBèì BaÀÈ thankful,” bend forward; at äåäéÀÊÈ on this day for well-being; “Adonoy,” return to an upright position. äëøáì Bá eðã÷ôeÈÀÅÍÄÀÈÈ äàãåä be mindful of us on this day for blessing; THANKSGIVING íéiçì Bá eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍÀÇÄ Cì eðçðàÂÇÍÀÈ íéãBîÄ and deliver us for life. äreLé øáãáeÄÀÇÀÈ We are thankful to You In accord with the promise of deliverance eðéäGà äåäé àeä äzàLÈÇÈÀÊÈÁÅÍ íéîçøåÀÇÂÄ that You, Adonoy, are our God and compassion,

úéáøò SHEMONEH ESREI / 310 áBhäÇ ãrå íìBòì eðéúBáà éäGàåÅÅÂÅÍÀÈÈÆ [You are] the Beneficent One and the God of our fathers forever; Eéîçø eìë-àG ékÄÈÇÂÆÍ eðéiç øeöÇÅÍ for Your compassion is never withheld; Rock of our lives, íçøîäåÀÇÀ‹ÇÅ eðrLé ïâîÈÅÄÀÅÍ the Shield of our deliverance, And [You are] the Merciful One Eéãñç enú-àG ékÄÇÍÂÈÆÍ øBãå øBãì àeä äzàÇÈÀÈ You are in every generation. for Your kindliness never ceases; El äãBðÍÆÀ :Cì eðée÷ íìBòîÅÈÄÄÍÈ We will give thanks to You we have always placed our hope in You. Eúläz øtñðeÀÇÅÀÄÈÆÍ and recount Your praise, On CHANUKAH and PURIM the following eðéiç-ìrÇÇÅÍ prayer is added. If you omitted it, you need not repeat the Shemoneh Esrei. If, for our lives however, you became aware of your Eãéa íéøeñnäÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÆÍ omission before concluding the Beracha, äåäé äzà Ceøa “Blessed are You, Adonoy,”ÈÇÈÀÊÈ which are committed into Your hand, youshouldsay it at that time, and resume eðéúBîLð-ìråÀÇÄÀÅÍ from ílk ìrå “And for all the foregoing.” IfÀÇËÈ you have already concluded the Beracha, and for our souls continue without saying this prayer. See Cì úBãe÷täÇÀ‹È Shulchan Aruch, O.C. # 682:1. which are entrusted to You, íéqpä ìrÇÇÄÄ Eéqð-ìråÀÇÄÆÍ [We thank You] for the miracles and for Your miracles úBøeábä ìrå ï÷øtä ìråÀÇÇËÀÈÀÇÇÀ‹ eðnr íBé-ìëaLÆÀ‹ÈÄÈÍ for the redemption, for the mighty deeds, of every day with us úBîçìnä ìrå úBòeLzä ìråÀÇÇÀ‹ÀÇÇÄÀÈ EéúBáBèå EéúBàìôð-ìråÀÇÄÀÀ‹ÆÍÀÆÍ for the deliverances, for the wars and for Your wonders and benefactions eðéúBáàì úéNrLÆÈÄÍÈÇÂÅÍ úr-ìëaLÆÀ‹ÈÅ that You performed for our fathers at all times: :äfä ïîfa íää íéîiaÇÈÄÈÅÇÀ‹ÇÇÆ íéøäöå ø÷áå áørÆÍÆÈÍÊÆÀÈÃÈÍÄ in those days at this season. evening, morning and noon.

311 / äøùò äðåîù MAARIV íéhrî ãéa íéaøåÀÇÄÀÇÀÇÄ ON CHANUKAH: äëåðçì many into the hands of the few, eäéúzî éîéaÄÅÇÄÀÈÍ íéøBäè ãéa íéàîèeÀÅÄÀÇÀÄ In the days of Matisyahu, defiled people into the hands of the undefiled, ìBãb ïäk ïðçBé ïaÆÈÈÊÅÈ íé÷écö ãéa íérLøeÀÈÄÀÇÇÄÄ son of Yochanan the High Priest, the wicked into the hands of the righteous, åéðáe éàðBîLçÇÀÇÈÈ ãéa íéãæåÀÅÄÀÇ the Hasmonean and his sons, and insolent (sinners) into the hands of ärLøä ïåé úeëìî äãîrLkÀÆÈÀ‹ÈÇÀÈÈÈÀ‹ÈÈ EúøBú é÷ñBòÀ‹ÅÈÆÍ when the evil Greek kingdom rose up diligent students of Your Torah. ìàøNé Enr-ìrÇÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅ úéNr EìeÀÈÄÍÈ against Your people, Israel And You made Yourself EúøBz íçékLäìÀÇÀÄÈÈÆÍ EîÆÍ ìBòa LBã÷å ìBãb íLÅÈÀÈÀÈ to make them forget Your Torah a great and sanctified name in Your world. íøéáräìeÀÇÂÄÈ ìàøNé EnrìeÀÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅ and to turn them away And for Your people, Israel, äìBãâ äreLz úéNrÈÄÍÈÀÈÀÈ EðBöø éwçîÅËÅÀÆ Í You performed a great deliverance from the statutes of Your will— íéaøä Eéîçøa äzàåÀÇÈÀÇÂÆÍÈÇÄ äfä íBiäk ï÷øôeËÀÈÀÇÇÆ and redemption unto this very day. You, in Your abundant mercy, Eéðá eàa ïk øçàåÀÇÍÇÅÈÍÈÆÍ íúøö úra íäì zãîrÈÇÍÀÈÈÆÀÅÈÈÈ Afterwards, Your sons entered stood by them in their time of distress, Eúéa øéáãìÄÀÄÅÆÍ íáéø-úà záøÇÍÀÈÆÄÈ You defended their cause, the Holy of Holies of Your Abode, Eìëéä-úà epôeÄÆÅÈÆÍ íðéc-úà zðcÇÍÀÈÆÄÈ cleaned Your Temple, You judged their grievances, ELc÷î-úà eøäèåÀÄÂÆÄÀÈÆÍ íúî÷ð-úà zî÷ðÈÇÍÀÈÆÄÀÈÈ purified Your Sanctuary, You avenged them. úBøð e÷éìãäåÀÄÀÄÍÅ íéøBaâ zøñîÈÇÍÀÈÄÄ and kindled lights You delivered the mighty ELã÷ úBøöçaÀÇÀÈÀÆÍ íéLlç ãéaÀÇÇÈÄ in the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary, into the hands of the weak,

úéáøò SHEMONEH ESREI / 312 BLàøa Bìeîb Bl úBáLäåÇÂÅÍÈÀÀÊ elà äkðç éîé úðBîL eòá÷åÀÈÀ‹ÀÇÀÅÂËÈÅÍ and brought his evil plan upon his own head, and designated these eight days of Chanukah åéða-úàå BúBà eìúåÀÈÀÆÈÈ :ìBãbä EîLì ìläìe úBãBäìÀÀÇÅÀÄÀÇÈ and they hanged him and his sons to thank and praise Your great Name. :õrä-ìrÇÈÅ upon the gallows. øzñàå éëÇÀÆÀÅ ON PURIM: íéøåôì cøî éîéaÄÅÈÀÀ‹ ílk-ìråÀÇËÈ In the days of Mordechai and Esther And for all the foregoing äøéaä ïLeLaÀÇÇÄÈ eðkìî EîL íîBøúéå CøaúéÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÄÀÇÀÅÍ in Shushan the Capital [of Persia], blessed and exalted be your Name, our King, òLøä ïîä íäéìr ãîrLkÀÆÈÇÂÅÆÈÈÈÈÈ :ãrå íìBòì ãéîzÈÄÀÈÈÆ when the evil Haman rose up against them, âøäì ãéîLäì LwaÄÅÀÇÀÄÇÂÊ constantly, forever and ever. he sought to destroy, to kill, íéãeäiä-ìk-úà ãaàìeÀÇÅÆÈÇÀ‹Ä During the Ten Days of Penitence, add: and to annihilate all the Jews, íéáBè íéiçì áBúëeÀÀÇÄÄ íéLðå óè ï÷æ-ãrå ørpîÄÇÍÇÀÇÈÅÇÀÈÄ Inscribe for a good life young and old, infants and women, :Eúéøá éða-ìkÈÀÅÀÄÆÍ øNr äLBìLa ãçà íBéaÀÆÈÄÀÈÈÈ all the children of Your covenant. in one day, the thirteenth day øNr-íéðL LãçìÀÍÊÆÀÅÈÈ If you forgot to say the above and became aware of the omission before concluding of the twelfth month, the blessing, you should recite it at that øãà Lãç-àeäÍÊÆÂÈ time and repeat the rest of the Beracha which is the month of Adar, that follows this insert. If you have already said, äåäé äzà Ceøa “Blessed areÈÇÈÀÊÈ æBáì íììLeÀÈÈÈ You, Adonoy,” continue the prayers and to plunder their wealth. without saying áBúëe “Inscribe.”À íéaøä Eéîçøa äzàåÀÇÈÀÇÂÆÍÈÇÄ äìq EeãBéÍÆÍÈ íéiçä ìëåÀÊÇÇÄ And You, in Your abundant mercy, Búör-úà zøôäÅÇÍÀÈÆÂÈ And all the living shall thank You forever annulled his counsel, úîàa EîL-úà eììäéåÄÇÀ‹ÆÄÀÆÁÆ BzáLçî-úà zì÷ì÷åÀÄÀÇÍÀÈÆÇÂÇÀ and praise Your Name with sincerity; frustrated his intention,

313 / äøùò äðåîù MAARIV During the Ten Days of Penitence eðúreLé ìàäÈÅÀÈÅÍ continue here: íBìLå äëøa íéiç øôñaÀÅÍÆÇÄÀÈÈÀÈ the Almighty, Who is our deliverance In the book of life, blessing, peace :äìñ eðúøæråÀÆÀÈÅÍÆÍÈ äáBè äñðøôeÇÀÈÈÈ and our help forever. and abundant maintenance, äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ áúkðå øëfðÄÈÅÀÄÈÅ Blessed are You, Adonoy, may we be remembered and inscribed EîL áBhäÇÄÀ EéðôìÀÈÆÍ “The Beneficent” is Your Name before You; :úBãBäì äàð EìeÀÈÆÀ ìàøNé úéa Enr-ìëå eðçðàÂÇÍÀÀÈÇÀ‹ÅÄÀÈÅ we and all Your people, the House of Israel and You it is fitting to praise. :íBìLìe íéáBè íéiçìÀÇÄÄÀÈ íåìù for a good life and peace. PRAYER FOR PEACE If you forget to say the above, apply the same law regarding íéáBè íéiçì áBúëeÀÀÇÄÄ Enr ìàøNé ìrÇÄÀÈÅÇÀ‹ áø íBìLÈÈ “Inscribe for a good life,” on page 312. Abundant peace upon Israel, Your people äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ * íìBòì íéNzÈÄÀÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy, bestow forever, ìàøNé Bnr-úà CøáîäÇÀ‹ÈÅÆÇÄÀÈÅ Cìî àeä äzà ékÄÇÈÆÍÆ Who blesses His people Israel for You are King :íBìMaÇÈ íBìMä-ìëì ïBãàÈÀÈÇÈ with peace. the Master of all peace. *During the Ten Days of Penitence Eéðéra áBèåÀÀÅÆÍ some conclude: May it be good in Your eyes äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ ìàøNé Enr-úà CøáìÀÈÅÆÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅ Blessed are You, Adonoy, :íBìMä äNBòÆÇÈ to bless Your people, Israel, Who makes the peace. ärL-ìëáe úr-ìëaÀÈÅÀÈÈÈ at all times and at every moment Many say the following at this point: Eéðôì éaì ïBéâäå éô-éøîà ïBöøì eéäéÄÀÀÈÄÀÅÄÀÆÀÄÄÀÈÆÍ :EîBìLaÄÀÆÍ :éìàBâå éøeö äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÂÄ with Your peace.

úéáøò SHEMONEH ESREI / 314 Biblical phrases applicable to one’s òøî éðBLì øBöðÀÀÄÅÈ éäGàÁÇ name may be found on p. 432. My God, guard my tongue from evil éô-éøîàÄÀÅÄ ïBöøì eéäéÄÀÀÈ äîøî øacî éúôNeÀÈÇÄÇÅÄÀÈ May the words of my mouth be acceptable, and my lips from speaking deceitfully. Eéðôì éaì ïBéâäåÀÆÀÄÄÀÈÆÍ éìì÷îÀÇÀ‹Ç ìåÀÄ and the thoughts of my heart, before You To those who curse me, :éìàBâå éøeö äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÂÄ íBcú éLôðÇÀÄÄ Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer. may my soul be unresponsive; åéîBøîa íBìL äNòÊÆÈÄÀÈ :äéäz ìkì øôrk éLôðåÀÇÀÄÆÈÈÇÊÄÀÆ He Who makes peace in His high heavens and let my soul be like dust to all. eðéìr íBìL äNré àeäÇÂÆÈÈÅÍ EúøBúa éaì çútÀÇÄÄÀÈÆÍ may He make peace upon us Open my heart to Your Torah ìàøNé-ìk ìråÀÇÈÄÀÈÅ éLôð ócøz EéúBöîáeÀÄÀÆÍÄÀÊÇÀÄ and upon all Israel and let my soul pursue Your commandments. :ïîà eøîàåÀÄÀÈÅ ärø éìr íéáLBçä-ìëåÀÈÇÀ ‹ ÄÈÇÈÈ and say, Amein. And all who plan evil against me, EéðôlîÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ ïBöø éäéÀÄÈ íúör øôä äøäîÀÅÈÈÅÂÈÈ May it be Your will, quickly annul their counsel eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ :ízáLçî ì÷ì÷åÀÇÀÅÇÂÇÀÈ Adonoy, our God, and the God of our Fathers and frustrate their intention. Lc÷nä úéa äðaiLÆÄÈÆÅÇÄÀÈ EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì äNrÂÅÀ that the Holy Temple be rebuilt Act for the sake of Your Name. eðéîéá äøäîaÄÀÅÈÀÈÅÍ Eðéîé ïrîÇÍÇÀÄÆ Í ì äNrÂÅÀ speedily in our days, Act for the sake of Your right hand. :EúøBúa eð÷ìç ïúåÀÅÆÀÅÍÀÈÆÍ EúMã÷ ïrîÇÍÇÀËÈÆÍ ì äNrÂÅÀ and grant us our share in Your Torah. Act for the sake of Your holiness. äàøéa Eãárð íLåÀÈÇÂÈÀÀÄÀÈ :EúøBz ïrîÇÍÇÈÆÍ ì äNrÂÅÀ And there we will serve You reverently Act for the sake of Your Torah. íìBò éîékÄÅÈ Eéãéãé ïeöìçé ïrîÇÍÇÅÈÀ‹ÀÄÆÍ ìÀ as in the days of old, In order that Your loved ones be released, :úBiðBîã÷ íéðLëeÀÈÄÇÀÄ :éððrå Eðéîé äréLBäÄÍÈÀÄÀ‹ÇÂÅÍÄ and in earlier years. deliver [with] Your right hand and answer me.

315 / úáù éàöåîì MAARIV :ïðBìúé écL ìöaÀÅÇÇÄÀÈ äåäéì äáøråÀÈÀ‹ÈÇÊÈ And let Adonoy be pleased under the protection of Shadai he will abide. íéìLeøéå äãeäé úçðîÄÀÇÀÈÄÈÈÍÄ äåäéì øîàÊÇÇÈÊ with the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem I say of Adonoy, :úBiðBîã÷ íéðLëe íìBò éîékÄÅÈÀÈÄÇÀÄ éúãeöîe éñçîÇÀÄÀÈÄ as in the days of old and in earlier years. “[He is] my refuge and my stronghold, On weekday nights, the Chazzan :Ba-çèáà éäGàÁÇÆÀÇ continues with Whole-Kaddish (p. 320). On Saturday night, the Chazzan says my God in Whom I trust.” Half-Kaddish (page 298), and the Le÷é çtî Eìévé àeä ékÄÇÄÀ‹ÄÇÈ Congregation continues with /írð éäéåÄÄÍÊÇ LBã÷ äzàå below. If a Festival occurs on aÀÇÈÈ For He will save you from the snare trap, weekday of the new week, the Chazzan :úBeä øácîÄÆÍÆÇ instead says Whole-Kaddish (page 320) from destructive pestilence. and LBã÷ äzàå/írð éäéå are omitted.ÄÄÍÊÇÀÇÈÈ On PURIM, the Megillah is read here, Cì Cñé BúøáàaÀÆÀÈÈÍÆÈ followed by [on Saturday night írð éäéåÄÄÍÊÇ With His wings He will cover you below, and] LBã÷ äzàå (page 316).ÀÇÈÈ äñçz åéôðk-úçúåÀÇÍÇÀÈÈÆÀÆ On TISHA B’AV, Eichah and Kinos are said, followed by LBã÷ äzàå (page 316).ÀÇÈÈ and beneath His wings, you will find refuge; eðéäGà éðãàÂÊÈÁÅÍ írð éäéåÄÄÍÊÇ :Bzîà äøçñå äpöÄÈÀÊÅÈÂÄ May the pleasantness of my Master, our God, His truth is a shield, a full shield. eðéìrÈÅÍ äìéì ãçtî àøéú-àGÄÈÄÇÍÇÈÍÀÈ be upon us, You will not fear the terror of night, eðéãé äNrîeÇÂÅÈÅÍ :íîBé óeòé õçîÅÅÈÈ and the work of our hands nor the arrow that flies by day, eðéìr äððBkÀ‹ÈÈÅÍ may He establish for us CGäé ìôàa øácîÄÆÍÆÈÍÊÆÇ :eäððBk eðéãé äNrîeÇÂÅÈÅÍÀ‹ÅÍ the pestilence that prowls in darkness, and the work of our hands may He establish. :íéøäö ãeLé áèwîÄÆÍÆÈÈÃÈÍÄ áLéÅ nor the deadly plague that ravages at noon. He who dwells óìà Ecvî ìtéÄÊÄÄÀ‹ÆÍÆ ïBéìr øúñaÀÅÍÆÆÀ A thousand will fall at your [left] side, in the shelter of the Supreme One,

úéáøò MOTZEI SHABBOS PRAYERS / 316 Cøãz ïúôå ìçL-ìrÇÇÍÇÈÆÍÆÄÀÊ Eðéîéî äááøeÀÈÈÄÄÆ Í You will tread upon lion and snake, and ten thousand at your [right] side :ïépúå øéôk ñîøzÄÀÊÀÄÀÇÄ :Lbé àG EéìàÅÆÍÄÈ you will trample young lion and serpent. but it shall not come near you. ÷Lç éá ékÄÄÈÇ èéaú Eéðéra ÷øÇÀÅÆÍÇÄ Because he clings to Me with desire, Only with your eyes will you behold eäèlôàåÇÂÇÀ‹ÅÍ :äàøz íérLø úîÇÀÈÄÄÀÆ lLåÀÄË I will save him; and see the punishment of the wicked. :éîL òãé-ék eäábNàÂÇÀ‹ÅÍÄÈÇÀÄ äzà-ékÄÇÈ I will strengthen him, for he knows My Name. For you [have proclaimed]: eäðràå éðàø÷éÄÀÈÅÍÄÀÆÁÅÍ éñçî äåäéÀÊÈÇÀÄ When he calls upon Me, I will answer him; “Adonoy is my refuge,” äøöá éëðà-BnrÄÈÊÄÀÈÈ ïBéìrÆÀ I am with him in distress, the Supreme One :eäãaëàå eäölçàÂÇÀ‹ÅÍÇÂÇÀ‹ÅÍ :EðBòî zîNÇÍÀÈÀÆ Í I will free him and honor him. you have made your dwelling. eäréaNà íéîé CøàÍÊÆÈÄÇÀÄÅÍ ärø Eéìà äpàú-àGÀËÆÅÆÍÈÈ I will satiate him with longevity. No evil shall befall you, :éúreLéa eäàøàåÀÇÀÅÍÄÈÄ :Eìäàa áø÷é-àG òâðåÀÆ Í ÇÄÀÇÀÈÃÆÍ and will let him see My deliverance. and no plague shall come near your tent. eäréaNà íéîé CøàÍÊÆÈÄÇÀÄÅÍ åéëàìî ékÄÇÀÈÈ I will satiate him with longevity, For His angels :éúreLéa eäàøàåÀÇÀÅÍÄÈÄ Cl-äeöéÀÇÆÈ and will let him see My deliverance. He will command on your behalf, LBã÷ äzàåÀÇÈÈ . :Eéëøc-ìëa EøîLìÄÀÈÀÀÈÀÈÆÍ And You, Holy One, to guard you in all your ways. :ìàøNé úBläz áLBéÅÀÄÄÀÈÅ EðeàOé íétk-ìrÇÇÇÍÄÄÈÍÀ are enthroned upon the praises of Israel. They will carry you upon their hands, :øîàå äæ-ìà äæ àø÷åÀÈÈÆÆÆÀÈÇ :Eìâø ïáàa óbz-ïtÆÄÊÈÆÍÆÇÀÆÍ And [the angels] call one to another and say: lest you hurt your foot on a rock.

317 / úáù éàöåîì MAARIV éøçà òîLàåÈÆÀÇÇÂÇ LBã÷ LBã÷ LBã÷ÈÈÈ and I heard behind me “Holy, holy, holy :ìBãb Lrø ìB÷ÇÍÇÈ úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ the sound of a great rushing; äåäé-ãBák CeøaÈÀÀÊÈ :BãBák õøàä-ìë àGîÀÈÈÈÍÆÀ is Adonoy of Hosts, “Blessed is the glory of Adonoy the fullness of all the earth is His glory.” :BîB÷nîÄÀ‹ ïéìa÷îeÀÇÀ‹Ä from His place.” And they receive [sanction] àçeø éðúìèðeÀÈÇÍÀÄÈ ïéc ïî ïécÅÄÅ “And a wind lifted me one from another, éøúa úrîLåÀÄÀÅÇÀÇ :ïéøîàåÀÈÀ‹Ä and I heard behind me and say, àébñ réæ ì÷ÈÄÍÇÇÄ äàlr àîBøî éîLa Léc÷ÇÄÄÀÅÀÈÄÈÈ a sound of a great rushing “Holy in the highest heights of heaven, :ïéøîàå ïéçaLÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÀ‹Ä c î Ä À dzðéëL úéaÅÀÄÀÅ of those who uttered praises and said, the abode of His Divine Presence; äåäéã àø÷é CéøaÀÄÀÈÈÇÈÊ àrøà ìr Léc÷ÇÄÇÇÀÈ “Blessed is the glory of Adonoy holy upon earth, øúàîÅÂÇ dzøeáb ãáBòÇÀÀÅ from the place, the work of His mighty power; :dzðéëL úéaÅÀÄÀÅ àiîÇÈ ìr éîÅÈÀ‹ ìrìe íìrì Léc÷ÇÄÀÈÇÀÈÀ‹ the abode of His Divine Presence.” :ãrå íìBòì CGîé äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÀÈÈÆ holy forever and to all eternity, úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ Adonoy will reign forever and ever. is Adonoy of hosts; íà÷ dúeëìî äåäéÀÊÈÇÀÅÈÅ àrøà-ìë àéìîÇÀÈÈÇÀÈ Adonoy, His kingdom is established the whole earth is filled :àiîÇÈ ìr éîÅÈÀ‹ ìrìe íìrìÀÈÇÀÈÀ‹ :dø÷é åéæÄÀÈÅ forever and to all eternity. with the radiance of His glory.” äåäéÀÊÈ çeø éðàOzåÇÄÈÅÍÄÍÇ . Adonoy, And a wind lifted me;

úéáøò MOTZEI SHABBOS PRAYERS / 318 á÷réì úîà ïzzÄÅÁÆÀÇÂÊ ìàøNéå ÷çöé íäøáà éäGàÁÅÇÀÈÈÄÀÈÀÄÀÈÅ You will grant truth to Jacob, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, íäøáàì ãñçÆÍÆÀÇÀÈÈ eðéúBáàÂÅÍ kindliness to Abraham, our fathers, eðéúBáàì zraLð-øLàÂÆÄÀÇÍÀÈÇÂÅÍ íìòì úàæ äøîLÈÀÈÊÀÊÈ as You have sworn to our fathers keep this forever À Ç Ç Æ Í :íã÷ éîéîÄÍÅÆÍÆ Enr ááì úBáLçî øöéìÀÅÍÆÇÀÀ ‹ from the days of old. as the intention of the hearts of Your people, íBé íBé éðãà CeøaÈÂÊÈ :Eéìà íááì ïëäåÀÈÅÀÈÈÅÆÍ Blessed is my Master, day by day; and direct their hearts to You. eðì-ñîréÇÂÈÈÍ íeçø àeäåÀÇ He loads us [with blessings], And He, the Merciful One, eðúreLé ìàäÈÅÀÈÅÍ úéçLé-àGå ïBr øtëéÀÇÅÈÀÇÀÄ the Almighty, Who is our deliverance, atones iniquity and does not destroy; :äìñÆÍÈ Btà áéLäì äaøäåÀÄÀÈÀÈÄÇ forever. He frequently withdraws His anger eðnr úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈÄÈÍ :Búîç-ìk øéré-àGåÀÈÄÈÂÈ Adonoy of Hosts is with us, and does not arouse all His rage. :äìñ á÷ré éäGà eðì ábNîÄÀÈÈÍÁÅÇÂÊÆÍÈ çlñå áBè éðãà äzà-ékÄÇÈÂÊÈÀÇÈ a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob, Selah. For You, my Master, are good and forgiving, úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ ãñç-áøåÀÇÆÍÆ Adonoy of Hosts, and abounding in kindness :Ca çèa íãà éøLàÇÀÅÈÈÊÅÍÇÈ :Eéàø÷-ìëìÀÈÊÀ‹ÆÍ fortunate is the man who trusts in You. to all who call upon You. äréLBä äåäéÀÊÈÄÍÈ íìBòì ÷ãö Eú÷ãöÄÀÈÀ‹ÆÍÆÀÈ Adonoy, deliver [us]! Your righteousness is everlasting :eðàø÷-íBéá eððré CìnäÇÆÍÆÇÂÅÍÀÈÀÅÍ :úîà EúøBúåÀÈÀ‹ÁÆ The King will answer us on the day we call. and Your Torah is truth.

319 / úáù éàöåîì MAARIV äëøáe äáBè LøéðåÀÄÇÈÀÈÈ eðéäGà (àeä) CeøaÈÁÅÍ and to inherit the goodness and blessing Blessed is (He,) our God, çéLnä úBîé éðLìÄÀÅÀÇÈÄÍÇ BãBáëì eðàøaLÆÀ‹ÈÈÍÄÀ of the Messianic days, Who created us for His glory, :àaä íìBòä éiçìeÀÇÅÈÈÇÈ íérBzä ïî eðìécáäåÀÄÀÄÈÍÄÇÄ and in the life of the World to Come. and set us apart from those who go astray; ãBáë Eønæé ïrîÇÍÇÀÇÆÀÈ ìÀ úîà úøBz eðì ïúðåÀÈÍÇÈÍÇÁÆ In order that my soul sing to You and gave us the Torah of truth, ícé àGåÀÄÊ :eðëBúa òèð íìBò éiçåÀÇÅÈÈÇÀÅÍ and not be stilled; and eternal life He implanted within us. :DãBà íìBòì éäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÇÀÈÆÍ BúøBúa eðaì çzôé àeäÄÀÇÄÅÍÀÈ Adonoy, my God, forever will I thank You. May He open our heart to His Torah, äåäéa çèáé øLà øábä CeøaÈÇÆÍÆÂÆÄÀÇÇÈÊ Búàøéå Búáäà eðaìa íNéåÀÈÅÀÄÅÍÇÂÈÀÄÀÈ Blessed is the man who trusts in Adonoy, and instill in our heart, love and awe of Him, :Bçèáî äåäé äéäåÀÈÈÀÊÈÄÀÇ Bãárìe BðBöø úBNrìåÀÇÂÀÀÈÀ so that Adonoy is his security. to do His will and serve Him ãr-éãr äåäéá eçèaÄÀÇÈÊÂÅÇ íìL ááìaÀÅÈÈÅ Trust in Adonoy until the end of days, with a perfect heart, déa ékÄÀÈ ÷éøì òâéð àG ïrîÇÍÇÄÇÈÄ ìÀ for in God, so that we shall not labor in vain :íéîÄ ìBò øeö äåäéÀÊÈÈ :äìäaì ãìð àGåÀÅÅÇÆÈÈ Adonoy, is the strength of the worlds. nor bring forth that which causes dismay. Eá eçèáéåÀÄÀÀ‹À . Eéðôlî ïBöø éäéÀÄÈÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ And they will trust in You, May it be Your will, EîL érãBéÀ‹ÅÀÆÍ eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ those who know your Name, Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers, záær-àG ékÄÈÇÍÀÈ äfä íìBòa Eéwç øîLpLÆÄÀÊËÆÍÈÈÇÆ for You have never forsaken that we keep Your statutes in this world, :äåäé EéLøãÊÀ‹ÆÍÀÊÈ äàøðå äéçðå äkæðåÀÄÀÆÀÄÀÆÀÄÀÆ those who seek You, Adonoy. and [thus] be privileged to live and behold,

úéáøò MOTZEI SHABBOS PRAYERS / 320 çazLéå CøaúéÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÇ õôç äåäéÀÊÈÈÅ Blessed and praised, Adonoy desired, àOðúéå íîBøúéå øàtúéåÀÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÀÄÀÇÅ B÷ãö ïrîÇÍÇÄÀ ìÀ glorified, and exalted and uplifted, for the sake of His righteousness, ìläúéå älrúéå øcäúéåÀÄÀÇÈÀÄÀÇÆÀÄÀÇÈ :øécàéå äøBz ìécâéÇÀÄÈÀÇÀÄ honored and elevated and extolled àeä CéøaÀÄ àLã÷ã dîLÀÅÀËÀÈ to make the Torah great and to glorify it. be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He; The Chazzan recites -ìk-ïî àlrì*ÀÅÍÈÄÈ Cong. the following Kaddish. above all ( ïîàÈÅ ) àaø dîL Lc÷úéåÀÄÀÇÇÀÅÇÈ ìcbúéÄÀÇÇ Exalted and sanctified be His great Name *During the Ten Days of Penitence say: dúeòøë àøá-éc àîÈÄÀÈÄÀÅ ìraÀÈÀ‹ -ìkî àlrì àlrìÀÅÍÈÀÅÍÈÄÈ far above all in the world which He created according to His will; àúøéLå àúëøaÄÀÈÈÀÄÈÈ dúeëìî CéìîéåÀÇÀÄÇÀÅ the blessings and hymns, and may He rule His kingdom àúîçðå àúçaLzËÀÀ‹ÈÈÀÆÁÈÈ ïBëéîBéáe ïBëéiçaÀÇÅÀÅ : ïîàÈÅ praises and consolations in your lifetime and in your days, éiçáeÀÇÅ ìra ïøéîàcÇÂÄÈÀÈÀ‹ eøîàå àîÈÀÄÀ which we utter in the world, and say, Amein. and in the lifetime ìa÷úz*ÄÀÇÅ ìàøNé úéa-ìëãÀÈÅÄÀÈÅ May there be acceptance of the entire House of Israel, ïBäúeòáe ïBäúBìöÀÀ‹ÈÀ‹ áéø÷ ïîæáe àìâraÇÂÈÈÄÀÇÈÄ of the prayers and supplications speedily and in the near future, ïîàÈÅ ìàøNé (úéa)-ìëcÀÈÅÄÀÈÅ : eøîàåÀÄÀ of the entire (House of) Israel and say, Amein. àiîLá éc ïBäeáà íã÷ÃÈÂÄÄÀÇÈ Cøáî àaø dîL àäéÀÅÀÅÇÈÀÈÇ before their Father in heaven, May His great Name be blessed : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ àiîÇÈ ìr éîÅÈÀ‹ ìrìe íìrìÀÈÇÀÈÀ‹ and say, Amein. forever and for all eternity. * On the night of PURIM, following the reading of the Megillah and on the night of TISHA B’AV, following Eichah and Kinos, this verse is omitted.

321 / åðéìò MAARIV äîãàä úBçtLîkÀÄÀÀ‹ÈÂÈÈ àiîL-ïî àaø àîÈÇÈÄÀÇÈ ìL àäéÀÅÀÈ like the families of the earth; May there be abundant peace from heaven íN àHLÆÈ íéiçåÀÇÄ and life that He has not assigned ìàøNé-ìk-ìrå eðéìrÈÅÍÀÇÈÄÀÈÅ íäk eð÷ìçÆÀÅÍÈÆ for us and for all Israel, our portion like theirs, : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ :íðBîä-ìëk eðìøBâåÀÈÅÍÀÈÂÈ and say, Amein. nor our lot, like that of all their multitudes. åéîBøîa íBìL* äNòÊÆÈÄÀÈ íéåçzLî íäL)ÆÅÄÀÇÂÄ He Who makes peace in His high heavens For they prostrate themselves eðéìò íBìL äNré àeäÇÂÆÈÈÅÍ may He make peace for us ÷éøå ìáäìÀÆÍÆÈÄ : ïîàÈÅ eøîàå ìàøNé-ìk-ìråÀÇÈÄÀÈÅÀÄÀ to vanity and nothingness, and for all Israel, and say, Amein. (:réLBé àG ìà-ìà íéììtúîeÄÀÇÀ‹ÄÆÅÄÍÇ *During the Ten Days of Penitence, some say íBìMä.ÇÈ and pray to a god that cannot deliver. åðéìò Aleinu At the words íérøBk eðçðàå “but we bow,”ÇÂÇÍÀÀÄ çaLìÀÇÅÍÇ eðéìrÈÅÍ bend forward. íéåçzLîe íérøBk eðçðàåÇÂÇÍÀÀ‹ÄÄÀÇÂÄ It is our obligation to praise ìkä ïBãàìÇÂÇÊ But we bow, prostrate ourselves, íéãBîeÄ the Master of all, älãb úúìÈÅÀËÈ and offer thanks to ascribe greatness íéëìÈÄ nä éëìî Cìî éðôìÄÀÅÆÍÆÇÀÅÇÀ‹ úéLàøa øöBéìÀÅÀÅÄ before the Supreme King of kings, to the Creator of the [world in the] beginning: :àeä Ceøa LBãwäÇÈÈ eðNr àHLÆÈÈÍ the Holy One blessed is He, that He has not made us íéîL äèBð àeäLÆÆÈÇÍÄ úBöøàä ééBâkÀÅÈÂÈ Who spreads the heavens, like the nations of the lands, õøà ãñBéåÀÅÈÍÆ eðîN àGåÀÈÈÍ and establishes the earth, and has not positioned us

úéáøò ALEINU / 322 eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ ìrnî íéîMa Bø÷é áLBîeÇÀÈÇÈÇÍÄÄÇÍÇ Adonoy our God, and the seat of His glory is in heaven above, Efr úøàôúa äøäî úBàøìÄÀÀÅÈÀÄÀÆÍÆËÆ Í Bfr úðéëLeÀÄÇË to soon behold the glory of Your might and the abode of His invincible might õøàä-ïî íéìelb øéáräìÀÇÂÄÄÄÄÈÈÍÆ :íéîBøî éäáâaÀÈÀÅÀÄ in banishing idolatry from the earth, is in the loftiest heights. ïeúøké úBøk íéìéìàäåÀÈÁÄÄÈÄÈÅ :ãBò ïéà eðéäGà àeäÁÅÍÅ and the false gods will be utterly He is our God, there is nothing else. exterminated, eðkìî úîàÁÆÇÀÅÍ íìBò ïwúìÀÇÅÈ Our King is true, to perfect the world Búìeæ ñôàÆÍÆÈ :écL úeëìîaÀÇÀÇÇ all else is insignificant, as the kingdom of Shadai. :BúøBúa áeúkkÇÈÀÈ EîLá eàø÷é øNá éða-ìëåÀÈÀÅÈÈÄÀÀ‹ÄÀÆÍ as it is written in His Torah: And all mankind will invoke Your Name, íBiä zrãéåÀÈÇÀÈÇ E éìà úBðôäìÀÇÀÅÆÍ “And You shall know this day to turn back to You, Eááì-ìà úáLäåÇÂÅÊÈÆÀÈÆÍ :õøà érLø-ìkÈÄÀÅÈÍÆ and take into Your heart all the wicked of the earth. íéäGàä àeä äåäé ékÄÀÊÈÈÁÄ eòãéå eøékéÇÄÍÀÅÀ‹ that Adonoy is God They will realize and know, ìrnî íéîMaÇÈÇÍÄÄÇÍÇ ìáú éáLBé-ìkÈÀ ‹ ÅÅÅ in the heavens above all the inhabitants of the world, úçzî õøàä-ìråÀÇÈÈÍÆÄÈÍÇ Cøa-ìk òøëz Eì ékÄÀÄÀÇÈÆÍÆ and upon the earth below; that to You, every knee must bend, :ãBò ïéàÅ :ïBLì-ìk òáMzÄÈÇÈÈ there is nothing else.” every tongue must swear [allegiance to You]. eðéäGà äåäé EéðôìÀÈÆÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ Eì äe÷ðÀÇÆÀ ïk-ìrÇÅ Before You, Adonoy, our God, We therefore put our hope in You,

323 / íåúé ùéã÷ MAARIV íåúé ùéã÷ eìtéå eòøëéÄÀÀ‹ÀÄÍÊ Mourner’s Kaddish they will bow and prostrate themselves, Cong. eðzé ø÷é EîL ãBáëìåÀÄÀÄÀÀÈÄÅÍ ( ïîàÈÅ ) àaø dîL Lc÷úéåÀÄÀÇÇÀÅÇÈ ìcbúéÄÀÇÇ Exalted and sanctified be His great Name and to the glory of Your Name, give honor. ílë eìa÷éåÄÇÀ‹ËÈ dúeòøëÄÀÅ àøá-éc àîÈÄÀÈ ìraÀÈÀ‹ And they will all accept [upon themselves] in the world which He created according to His Eúeëìî ìò-úàÆÊÇÀÆÍ will; dúeëìî CéìîéåÀÇÀÄÇÀÅ the yoke of Your kingdom, and may He rule His kingdom äøäî íäéìr CGîúåÀÄÀÂÅÆÀÅÈ ïBëéîBéáe ïBëéiçaÀÇÅÀÅ and You will reign over them, soon, in your lifetime and in your days, :ãrå íìBòìÀÈÈÆ éiçáeÀÇÅ forever and ever. and in the lifetime àéä ElL úeëìnä ékÄÇÇÀÆÀ‹Ä For the kingdom is Yours, ìàøNé úéa-ìëãÀÈÅÄÀÈÅ ãBáëa CBìîz ãr éîÅÇÄÀÀÈ ìBrìeÀÍÀ‹ of the entire House of Israel, áéø÷ ïîæáe àìâraÇÂÈÈÄÀÇÈÄ and to all eternity, You will reign in glory, :EúøBúa áeúkkÇÈÀÈÆÍ speedily and in the near future, as it is written in Your Torah: : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ :ãrå íìòì CGîé äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÀÊÈÈÆ and say, Amein. . Cøáî àaø dîL àäéÀÅÀÅÇÈÀÈÇ “Adonoy will reign forever and ever.” :øîàðåÀÆÁÇ May His great Name be blessed And it is said: àiîÇÈ ìr éîÅÈÀ‹ ìrìe íìrìÀÈÇÀÈÀ‹ CìîÆÍÆ ì äåäé äéäåÀÈÈÀÊÈÀ forever and for all eternity. “And Adonoy will be King çazLéå CøaúéÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÇ õøàä-ìk-ìrÇÈÈÈÍÆ Blessed and praised, over the whole earth; àOðúéå íîBøúéå øàtúéåÀÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÀÄÀÇÅ ãçà äåäé äéäé àeää íBiaÇÇÄÀÆÀÊÈÆÈ glorified, and exalted and uplifted, on that day Adonoy will be One ìläúéå älrúéå øcäúéåÀÄÀÇÈÀÄÀÇÆÀÄÀÇÈ :ãçà BîLeÀÆÈ honored and elevated and extolled and His Name One.”

úéáøò MOURNER’S KADDISH / L’DOVID / 324 àøéà énîÄÄÄÈ àeä CéøaÀÄ àLã÷ã dîLÀÅÀËÀÈ whom shall I fear? be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He; éiç-æBòî äåäéÀÊÈÈÇÇ -ìk-ïî àlrì*ÀÅÍÈÄÈ above all Adonoy is the strength of my life, :ãçôà énîÄÄÆÀÈ *During the Ten Days of Penitence say: Ä È À Å Í È of whom shall I be afraid? -ìkî àlrì àlrìÀÅÍÈ far above all íérøî éìr áø÷aÄÀÊÈÇÀÅÄ àúîçðå àúçaLzËÀÀ‹ÈÈÀÆÁÈÈ àúøéLå àúëøaÄÀÈÈÀÄÈÈ When evildoers approach me the blessings and hymns, praises and éøNa-úà ìëàìÆÁÊÆÀÈÄ consolations to devour my flesh, : ïîàÈÅ eøîàå àîÈÀÄÀ ìra ïøéîàcÇÂÄÈÀÈÀ‹ éì éáéàå éøöÈÇÀÊÀ‹ÇÄ which we utter in the world, and say, Amein. my tormentors and my foes àiîL-ïî àaø àîÈÇÈÄÀÇÈ ìL àäéÀÅÀÈ :eìôðå eìLë änäÅÍÈÈÀ ‹ May there be abundant peace from heaven À È È Í ìàøNé-ìk-ìrå eðéìr íéiçåÀÇÄÈÅÍÀÇÈÄÀÈÅ they stumble and fall. and life for us and for all Israel, äðçî éìr äðçz-íàÄÇÂÆÈÇÇÂÆ : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ If an army should encamp against me, and say, Amein. éaì àøéé-àGÄÈÄÄ åéîBøîa íBìL* äNòÊÆÈÄÀÈ my heart would not fear; He Who makes peace in His high heavens äîçìî éìr íe÷z-íàÄÈÈÇÄÀÈÈ eðéìò íBìL äNré àeäÇÂÆÈÈÅÍ if war were to rise against me, may He make peace for us :çèBá éðà úàæaÀÊÂÄÅÍÇ : ïîàÈÅ eøîàå ìàøNé-ìk-ìråÀÇÈÄÀÈÅÀÄÀ and for all Israel, and say, Amein. in this I trust. *During the Ten Days of Penitence, some say íBìMä.ÇÈ äåäé-úàî ézìàL úçàÇÇÈÇÍÀÄÅÅÀÊÈ The following psalm #27 is recited at One thing I request of Adonoy, the conclusion of services, morning and Lwáà dúBàÈÂÇÅ evening, from the FIRST DAY OF ELUL, through SHEMINI ATZERES. [only] that shall I seek, äåäé-úéáa ézáLÄÀÄÀÅÀÊÈ érLéå éøBà äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÄÀÄ ãåãìÀÈÄ that I may dwell in the House of Adonoy By David: Adonoy is my light and my salvation,

325 / ãåãì MAARIV éðô eLwaÇÀ‹ÈÈ éiç éîé-ìkÈÀÅÇÇ “Seek My Presence”; all the days of my life, :Lwáà äåäé Eéðt-úàÆÈÆÍÀÊÈÂÇÅ äåäé-írða úBæçìÇÂÀÍÊÇÀÊÈ Your Presence, Adonoy, I will seek. to behold the pleasantness of Adonoy, épnî Eéðt øzñz-ìàÇÇÀÅÈÆÍÄÆÍÄ :Bìëéäa øwáìeÀÇÅÀÅÈ Conceal not Your Presence from me, and to meditate in His Sanctuary. Ecár óàa-èz ìàÇÇÀÇÇÀÆÍ äkña éððtöé ékÄÄÀÀ‹ÅÍÄÀËÊ do not turn away Your servant in anger. For He will hide me in His Tabernacle úééä éúøærÆÀÈÄÈÄÍÈ ärø íBéaÀÈÈ You have been my help; on the day of distress, éðáærz-ìàå éðLhz-ìàÇÄÀ‹ÅÍÄÀÇÇÇÀÅÍÄ Bìäà øúña éðøzñéÇÀÄÅÍÄÀÅÍÆÈà neither cast me off nor abandon me, He will conceal me in the shelter of His Tent, :érLé éäGàÁÅÄÀÄ :éðîîBøé øeöaÀÀÀ‹ÅÍÄ God of my deliverance. upon a rock He will lift me. éðeáær énàå éáà-ékÄÈÄÀÄÄÂÈÍÄ éLàø íeøé äzråÀÇÈÈÊÄ When my father and mother abandon me, And now my head is raised high :éðôñàé äåäéåÇÊÈÇÇÀÅÍÄ éúBáéáñ éáéà ìrÇÊÀ‹ÇÀÄÇ Adonoy will gather me up. above my enemies around me; Ekøc äåäé éðøBäÅÍÄÀÊÈÇÀÆÍ Bìäàá äçaæàåÀÆÀÀ‹ÈÀÈà Adonoy, teach me Your way, and I will offer in His Tent, øBLéî çøàa éðçðeÀÅÍÄÀÍÊÇÄ äreøú éçáæÄÀÅÀÈ and lead me in the path of uprightness, sacrifices [accompanied] with trumpets of joy; :éøøBL ïrîÇÍÇÀ‹È ìÀ :äåäéì äønæàå äøéLàÈÄÍÈÇÂÇÀ‹ÈÇÊÈ because of my watchers. I will sing and chant to Adonoy. éøö Lôða éððzz-ìàÇÄÀ‹ÅÍÄÀÆÍÆÈÈ àø÷à éìB÷ äåäé-òîLÀÇÀÊÈÄÆÀÈ Do not deliver me to the will of my tormentors, Adonoy, hear my voice when I call; ø÷L-éãr éá-eî÷ ékÄÈÄÅÅÆÍÆ :éððrå éðpçåÀÈÅÍÄÇÂÅÍÄ for false witnesses have risen against me, be gracious to me and answer me. :ñîç çôéåÄÅÍÇÈÈ éaì øîà EìÀÈÇÄÄ who breathe violence. Of You, my heart has said,

øîåòä úøéôñ / 326 (Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 323.) úBàøì ézðîàä àìeìÅÆÁÇÍÀÄÄÀ ìáàä úéáì øåîæî Had I not believed that I would see :íéiç õøàa äåäé-áeèaÀÀÊÈÀÆÍÆÇÄ Psalm in the House of a Mourner the goodness of Adonoy in the land of living. äåäé-ìà äe÷ÇÅÆÀÊÈ . It is customary to recite Psalm 49 in Hope to Adonoy, the house of a mourner during the week of mourning, following the Eaì õîàéå ÷æçÂÇÀÇÂÅÄÆÍ morning and evening services (see page be strong and He will give you courage; 207). On weekdays when Tachanun is :äåäé ìà äe÷åÀÇÅÆÀÊÈ not said, Psalm 16 (page 210) is substi- tuted. and hope to Adonoy. øîåòä úøéôñ Counting the Omer The Omer is counted from the second night of Pesach until the night before Shavuos. The counting of forty-nine days (seven weeks) between the Festival of Pesach and Shavuos (the Feast of Weeks), connects the exodus from Egypt with the festival of the giving of the Torah. Just as one who awaits a most intimate friend on a certain day counts the days in eager anticipation of his arrival, so do we count the days from our liberation till the day we receive the Torah, which is the culmination and fulfillment of our freedom. It is proper to count the Omer at the beginning of the night, usually after the Maariv Service, and the Omer should be counted while standing. There are different customs regarding saying øîBòä úøéôñ before or after eðéìr, seeÀÄÇÈÆ È Å Í Mishnah Berurah 489:2 and Maaseh Rav #70. eîéçøe eìéçãa dézðéëLe àeä Céøa àLã÷ ãeçé íLìÀÅÄËÀÈÀÄÀÄÀÅÄÀÄÀÄ .ìàøNé ìk íLa íéìL àãeçéa ä'åa ä'é íL ãçéìÀÇÅÅÀÀÄÈÀÄÀÅÈÄÀÈÅ :äøBza áeúkL BîkÀÆÈÇÈ íi÷ì ïnæîe ïëeî éððäÄÀ‹ÄÈÀËÈÀÇÅ as it is written in the Torah, I am prepared and ready to perform íëì ízøôñeÀÇÀÆÈÆ øîòä úøéôñ ìL äNr úåöîÄÀÇÂÅÆÀÄÇÈÍÊÆ “And you shall count for yourselves, the affirmative command to count the Omer,

327 / COUNTING THE OMER åéúBöîa eðLc÷ øLàÂÆÄÀ‹ÈÍÀÄÀÈ úaMä úøçnîÄÈÃÇÇÇÈ Who sanctified us with His commandments from the day after the day of rest, eðeöåÀÄÈÍ íëàéáä íBiîÄÂÄÂÆ :øîòä úøéôñ ìrÇÀÄÇÈÍÊÆ and commanded us from the day you bring äôeðzä øîò-úàÆÍÊÆÇÀ‹È concerning the counting the Omer. the omer as the wave-offering, :äðééäz úîéîz úBúaL òáLÆÍÇÇÈÀÄÊÄÀÆÍÈ :øîòa ãçà íBé íBiä .1ÇÆÈÈÍÊÆ seven complete weeks shall there be; :øîòa íéîé éðL íBiä .2ÇÀÅÈÄÈÍÊÆ úréáMä úaMä úøçnî ãrÇÄÈÃÇÇÇÈÇÀ ‹ ÄÄ :øîòa íéîé äLìL íBiä .3ÇÀÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ until the day following the seventh week :øîòa íéîé äraøà íBiä .4ÇÇÀÈÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ íBé íéMîç eøtñzÄÀÀ‹ÂÄÄ :øîòa íéîé äMîç íBiä .5ÇÂÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ shall you count fifty days; :øîòa íéîé äML íBiä .6ÇÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ ízáø÷äåÀÄÀÇÀÆ ãçà reáL íäL íéîé äráL íBiä .7ÇÄÀÈÈÄÆÅÈÍÇÆÈ :äåäéì äLãç äçðîÄÀÈÂÈÈÇÈÊ and you shall bring :øîòaÈÍÊÆ a new meal-offering unto Adonoy.” 1 ãçà reáL íäL íéîé äðBîL íBiä .8ÇÀÈÈÄÆÅÈÍÇÆÈ eðéäGà éðãàÂÊÈÁÅÍ írð éäéåÄÄÍÊÇ :øîòa ãçà íBéåÀÆÈÈÍÊÆ May the pleasantness of my Master, our God, ãçà reáL íäL íéîé ärLz íBiä .9ÇÄÀÈÈÄÆÅÈÍÇÆÈ eðéìrÈÅÍ :øîòa íéîé éðLeÀÅÈÄÈÍÊÆ be upon us, ãçà reáL íäL íéîé äøNr íBiä .10ÇÂÈÈÈÄÆÅÈÍÇÆÈ eðéãé äNrîeÇÂÅÈÅÍ :øîòa íéîé äLìLeÀÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ and the work of our hands reáL íäL íBé øNr ãçà íBiä .11ÇÇÇÈÈÆÅÈÍÇ eðéìr äððBkÀ‹ÈÈÅÍ :øîòa íéîé äraøàå ãçàÆÈÀÇÀÈÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ may He establish for us, reáL íäL íBé øNr íéðL íBiä .12ÇÀÅÈÈÆÅÈÍÇ :eäððBk eðéãé äNrîeÇÂÅÈÅÍÀ‹ÅÍ :øîòa íéîé äMîçå ãçàÆÈÇÂÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ and the work of our hands may He establish. reáL íäL íBé øNr äLìL íBiä .13ÇÀÈÈÈÆÅÈÍÇ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ :øîòa íéîé äMLå ãçàÆÈÀÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ Blessed are You, Adonoy éðL íäL íBé øNr äraøà íBiä .14ÇÇÀÈÈÈÈÆÅÀÅ íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ :øîòa úBòeáLÈÈÍÊÆ our God, King of the Universe, 1 Leviticus 23:15,16.

øîåòä úøéôñ / 328 :øîòa ãçà íBéå úBòeáL äraøàÇÀÈÈÈÀÆÈÈÍÊÆ éðL íäL íBé øNr äMîç íBiä .15ÇÂÄÈÈÈÆÅÀÅ äraøà íäL íBé íéLìL íBiä .30ÇÀÄÆÅÇÀÈÈ :øîòa ãçà íBéå úBòeáLÈÀÆÈÈÍÊÆ :øîòa íéîé éðLe úBòeáLÈÀÅÈÄÈÍÊÆ éðL íäL íBé øNr äML íBiä .16ÇÄÈÈÈÆÅÀÅ íäL íBé íéLìLe ãçà íBiä .31ÇÆÈÀÄÆÅ :øîòa íéîé éðLe úBòeáLÈÀÅÈÄÈÍÊÆ :øîòa íéîé äLìLe úBòeáL äraøàÇÀÈÈÈÀÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ éðL íäL íBé øNr äráL íBiä .17ÇÄÀÈÈÈÆÅÀÅ íäL íBé íéLìLe íéðL íBiä .32ÇÀÇÍÄÀÄÆÅ :øîòa íéîé äLìLe úBòeáLÈÀÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ :øîòa íéîé äraøàå úBòeáL äraøàÇÀÈÈÈÀÇÀÈÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ éðL íäL íBé øNr äðBîL íBiä .18ÇÀÈÈÈÆÅÀÅ íäL íBé íéLìLe äLìL íBiä .33ÇÀÈÀÄÆÅ :øîòa íéîé äraøàå úBòeáLÈÀÇÀÈÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ :øîòa íéîé äMîçå úBòeáL äraøàÇÀÈÈÈÇÂÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ éðL íäL íBé øNr ärLz íBiä .19ÇÄÀÈÈÈÆÅÀÅ íäL íBé íéLìLe äraøà íBiä .34ÇÇÀÈÈÀÄÆÅ :øîòa íéîé äMîçå úBòeáLÈÇÂÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ :øîòa íéîé äMLå úBòeáL äraøàÇÀÈÈÈÀÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ éðL íäL íBé íéøNr íBiä .20ÇÆÀÄÆÅÀÅ íäL íBé íéLìLe äMîç íBiä .35ÇÂÄÈÀÄÆÅ :øîòa íéîé äMLå úBòeáLÈÀÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ :øîòa úBòeáL äMîçÂÄÈÈÈÍÊÆ íäL íBé íéøNrå ãçà íBiä .21ÇÆÈÀÆÀÄÆÅ íäL íBé íéLìLe äML íBiä .36ÇÄÈÀÄÆÅ :øîòa úBòeáL äLìLÀÈÈÈÍÊÆ :øîòa ãçà íBéåÀÆÈÈÍÊÆ úBòeáL äMîçÂÄÈÈ íäL íBé íéøNrå íéðL íBiä .22ÇÀÇÍÄÀÆÀÄÆÅ íäL íBé íéLìLe äráL íBiä .37ÇÄÀÈÀÄÆÅ :øîòa ãçà íBéå úBòeáL äLìLÀÈÈÀÆÈÈÍÊÆ :øîòa íéîé éðLe úBòeáL äMîçÂÄÈÈÀÅÈÄÈÍÊÆ íäL íBé íéøNrå äLìL íBiä .23ÇÀÈÀÆÀÄÆÅ íäL íBé íéLìLe äðBîL íBiä .38ÇÀÈÀÄÆÅ :øîòa íéîé éðLe úBòeáL äLìLÀÈÈÀÅÈÄÈÍÊÆ :øîòa íéîé äLìLe úBòeáL äMîçÂÄÈÈÀÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ íäL íBé íéøNrå äraøà íBiä .24ÇÇÀÈÈÀÆÀÄÆÅ íäL íBé íéLìLe ärLz íBiä .39ÇÄÀÈÀÄÆÅ :øîòa íéîé äLìLe úBòeáL äLìLÀÈÈÀÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ :øîòa íéîé äraøàå úBòeáLÈÀÇÀÈÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ äMîç ÂÄÈ íäL íBé íéøNrå äMîç íBiä .25ÇÂÄÈÀÆÀÄÆÅ äMîç íäL íBé íéraøà íBiä .40ÇÇÀÈÄÆÅÂÄÈ :øîòa íéîé äraøàå úBòeáL äLìLÀÈÈÀÇÀÈÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ :øîòa íéîé äMîçå úBòeáLÈÇÂÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ íäL íBé íéøNrå äML íBiä .26ÇÄÈÀÆÀÄÆÅ íäL íBé íéraøàå ãçà íBiä .41ÇÆÈÀÇÀÈÄÆÅ :øîòa íéîé äMîçå úBòeáL äLìLÀÈÈÇÂÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ :øîòa íéîé äMLå úBòeáL äMîçÂÄÈÈÀÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ íäL íBé íéøNrå äráL íBiä .27ÇÄÀÈÀÆÀÄÆÅ íäL íBé íéraøàå íéðL íBiä .42ÇÀÇÍÄÀÇÀÈÄÆÅ :øîòa íéîé äMLå úBòeáL äLìLÀÈÈÀÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ :øîòa úBòeáL äMLÄÈÈÈÍÊÆ íäL íBé íéøNrå äðBîL íBiä .28ÇÀÈÀÆÀÄÆÅ íäL íBé íéraøàå äLìL íBiä .43ÇÀÈÀÇÀÈÄÆÅ :øîòa úBòeáL äraøàÇÀÈÈÈÈÍÊÆ :øîòa ãçà íBéå úBòeáL äMLÄÈÈÀÆÈÈÍÊÆ íäL íBé íéøNrå ärLz íBiä .29ÇÄÀÈÀÆÀÄÆÅ

329 / COUNTING THE OMER åéðt øàéÈÅÈÈ íäL íBé íéraøàå äraøà íBiä .44ÇÇÀÈÈÀÇÀÈÄÆÅ [may He] cause His countenance to shine :øîòa íéîé éðLe úBòeáL äMLÄÈÈÀÅÈÄÈÍÊÆ :äìñ eðzàÄÈÍÆÍÈ íäL íBé íéraøàå äMîç íBiä .45ÇÂÄÈÀÇÀÈÄÆÅ among us forever; :øîòa íéîé äLìLe úBòeáL äMLÄÈÈÀÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ Ekøc õøàa úrãìÈÇÍÇÈÈÍÆÇÀÆÍ íäL íBé íéraøàå äML íBiä .46ÇÄÈÀÇÀÈÄÆÅ [so] that Your way become known on earth, :øîòa íéîé äraøàå úBòeáL äMLÄÈÈÀÇÀÈÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ :EúreLé íéBb-ìëaÀÈÄÀÈÆÍ íäL íBé íéraøàå äráL íBiä .47ÇÄÀÈÀÇÀÈÄÆÅ [and] Your deliverance among all nations. :øîòa íéîé äMîçå úBòeáL äMLÄÈÈÇÂÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ íéäGà íénr EeãBéÍÇÄÁÄ íäL íBé íéraøàå äðBîL íBiä .48ÇÀÈÀÇÀÈÄÆÅ Peoples will thank You, God, :øîòa íéîé äMLå úBòeáL äMLÄÈÈÀÄÈÈÄÈÍÊÆ :ílk íénr EeãBéÍÇÄËÈ íäL íBé íéraøàå ärLz íBiä .49ÇÄÀÈÀÇÀÈÄÆÅ all the peoples will thank You. :øîòa úBòeáL äráLÄÀÈÈÈÍÊÆ íénàì eðpøéå eçîNéÄÀÀ‹ÄÇÀ‹ÀËÄ eðì øéæçé àeäÇÂÄÈÍ ïîçøäÈÇÂÈ Nations will rejoice and sing Ê øLéî íénr èBtLú-ékÄÄÀÇÄÄ The Merciful One, may He return for us dîB÷îÀÈ ì Lc÷nä úéa úãBárÂÇÅÇÄÀÈÄ when You judge the peoples justly, the service of the Beis Hamikdash in its place, :äìñ íçðz õøàa íénàìeÀËÄÈÈÍÆÇÀÅÆÍÈ :äìñ ïîà eðéîéá äøäîaÄÀÅÈÀÈÅÍÈÅÆÍÈ and lead the nations upon the earth forever. speedily in our days, Amein, Selah. íéäGà íénr EeãBéÍÇÄÁÄ Peoples will thank You, God, Psalm 67 :ílk íénr EeãBéÍÇÄËÈ çvðîÀ‹ÇÅÍÇ ìÇ all the peoples will thank You. To Him, Who grants victory: 2 dìeáé äðúð õøàÆÍÆÈÀ‹ÈÀÈ :øéL øBîæî úðéâðaÄÀÄÊÄÀÄ The earth will have yielded its produce; a psalm with instrumental music, a song. :eðéäGà íéäGà eðëøáéÀÈÀ‹ÅÍÁÄÁÅÍ eðëøáéå eðpçé íéäGàÁÄÀÈÅÍÄÈÀ‹ÅÍ God, our God, will have blessed us. [May] God favor us and bless us, 2 Psalm 67 is recited because the seven verses which follow the introductory verse contain 49 words corresponding to the seven weeks (49 days) that link Pesach to the giving of the Torah on Shavuos.

øîåòä úøéôñ / 330 :íìîb ãéîzÈÄÈÀÅ íéäGà eðëøáéÀÈÀ‹ÅÍÁÄ [may You] always bestow upon them. God will bless us, LBã÷ ïéñçÂÄÈ BúBà eàøééåÀÄÀ‹ Mighty, Holy One, and they will fear Him, :Eúãr ìäð Eáeè áøaÀÊÀ‹ÇÅÂÈÆÍ :õøà éñôà-ìkÈÇÀÅÈÍÆ in Your abundant goodness, lead Your community. all [men even from] the ends of the earth. äðt Enrì äàb ãéçéÈÄÅÆÀÇÀ‹ÀÅ àpàÈÈ Unique One, Exalted, turn to Your people :EúMã÷ éøëBæÀ‹ÅÀËÈÆÍ Please, who are mindful of Your holiness. Eðéîé úlãb çëaÀÍÊÇÀËÇÀÄÀ‹ eðú÷rö òîLe ìa÷ eðúråLÇÀÈÅÍÇÅÀÇÇÂÈÅÍ by the force of Your great right hand, Accept our prayer and hear our cry, :äøeøö øézzÇÄÀÈ :úBîeìrz rãBéÅÍÇÇ release the bound one. [You] Who knows hidden thoughts. Enr úpø ìa÷ÇÅÄÇÇÀ‹ íL CeøaÈÅ Accept the prayer of Your people; Blessed [is His] Name, :àøBð eðøäè eðábNÇÀ‹ÅÍÇÂÅÍÈ :ãrå íìBòì Búeëìî ãBákÀÇÀÀÈÈÆ strengthen us, purify us, awesome One! øBaâ àðÈÄ Whose glorious Kingdom is forever and ever. Please! mighty One, eðúéeö äzàÇÈÄÄÈÍ íìBò ìLÆÈ BðBaøÄ Eãeçé éLøBcÀ‹ÅÄÀ‹ Master of the Universe, You commanded us those who seek Your unity, Ecár äLî éãé ìrÇÀÅÆÇÀÆÍ :íøîL úáákÀÈÇÈÀÅ through the hands of Your servant, Moses, preserve them like the pupil [of Your eye]. øîòä úøéôñ øtñìÄÀÊÀÄÇÈÍÊÆ íøäè íëøaÈÀ‹ÅÇÂÅ to count the Omer Bless them, purify them, eðøäèì éãkÀÅÀÇÂÅÍ íîçøÇÂÅ in order to purify us have mercy on them; eðéúBàîhîe eðéúBtìwîÄÀ‹ÄÅÍÄËÀÅÍ Eú÷ãöÄÀÈÀ‹ from our evil and defilement. Your benevolent righteousness

331 / COUNTING THE OMER íBiä ézøôqLÆÈÇÍÀÄÇ :EúøBúa záúkL BîkÀÆÈÇÍÀÈÀÈÆÍ which I counted today, As You have written in Your Torah: äøéôña ézîâtM äî ïwúéÀËÇÇÆÈÇÍÀÄÄÀÄÈ íëì ízøôñeÀÇÀÆÈÆ may any defect I have caused be rectified. “And you shall count for yourselves, Lc÷úàå øähÈÅÀÆÀÇÅ àåÀÆ úaMÇÈ ä úøçnîÄÈÃÇÇ from the day after the day of rest, May I be purified and sanctified íëàéáä íBiîÄÂÄÂÆ äìrî ìL äMã÷aÄÀËÈÆÇÍÀÈ from the day you bring with sublime holiness, äôeðzä øîò-úàÆÍÊÆÇÀ‹È äæ éãé ìråÀÇÀÅÆ the Omer as the wave-offering, and thereby :äðééäz úîéîz úBúaL òáLÆÍÇÇÈÀÄÊÄÀÆÍÈ áø òôL òtLéËÀÇÆÍÇÇ seven complete weeks, shall there be; may abundant bounty be bestowed úréáMä úaMä úøçnî ãrÇÄÈÃÇÇÇÈÇÀ ‹ ÄÄ úBî ìBòä-ìëaÀÈÈÈ until the day following the seventh week upon all the worlds. :íBé íéMîç eøtñzÄÀÀ‹ÂÄÄ eðéúBLôð-úà ïwúìeÀÇÅÆÇÀÅÍ shall you count fifty days,” May it rectify our being, eøähiL éãkÀÅÆÄÈ eðéúBîLðå eðéúBçeøåÀÅÍÀÄÀÅÍ in order to cleanse our spirit and our souls ìàøNé Enr úBLôðÇÀÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅ íâôe âéñ-ìkîÄÈÄÀÇ the souls of Your people Israel :íúîäfîÄËÂÈÈ from every baseness and defect, from their impurities. eðLc÷ìe eðøäèìeÀÇÂÅÍÀÇÀ‹ÅÍ Eéðôlî ïBöø éäé ïëáeÀÅÀÄÈÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ and may it purify us and sanctify us Therefore, may it be Your will, äðBéìrä EúMã÷aÄÀËÈÀ‹ÈÆÀÈ eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ with Your sublime holiness. Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers, :äìñ ïîàÈÅÆÍÈ øîòä úøéôñ úeëæaLÆÄÀÀÄÇÈÍÊÆ Amein, Selah. that in the merit of the Omer

äìãáä / 332 Havdalah äìãáä The Havdalah service, with which we conclude the observance of Shabbos was ordained by the Men of the Great Assembly. Hold the wine cup in the right hand until after the blessing on the wine, then transfer the cup to the left hand and hold the spice box in the right for the blessing on the spices. Then set the spice box aside, and recite the blessing on the fire. After the blessing, look at your right hand fingernails in the light of the candles, then take the wine cup in the right hand and look at your left hand fingernails. Then continue until you complete Havdalah. eðì ábNîÄÀÈÈÍ éúreLé ìàÅÀÈÄ äpäÄÅ a stronghold for us Behold! The Almighty is my deliverance, :äìñ á÷ré éäGàÁÅÇÂÊÆÍÈ ãçôà àGå çèáàÆÀÇÀÆÀÈ is the God of Jacob, Selah. 3 I will trust in Him and will not fear; úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ äåäé dé úøîæå éfr ékÄÈÄÀÄÀÈÈÀÊÈ Adonoy of hosts, for the strength and retribution of God, :Ca çèBa íãà éøLàÇÀÅÈÈÅÍÇÈ äreLéì éì éäéåÇÀÄÄÄÈ Adonoy, fortunate is the man who trusts in You. 4 and He was for me my deliverance. äréLBä äåäéÀÊÈÄÍÈ ïBNNa íéî ízáàLeÀÇÀÆÇÍÄÀÈ Adonoy, deliver [us]! And you will draw water with joy, :eðàø÷-íBéá eððré CìnäÇÆÍÆÇÇÅÍÀÈÀÅÍ :äreLéä éðérnîÄÇÇÀÅÇÀÈ The King will answer us on the day we call. 5 from the wellsprings of deliverance. 1 äçîNå äøBà äúéä íéãeäÄÈÀ‹ÈÈÀÄÀÈ iìÇÀ‹ äreLéä äåäéìÇÊÈÇÀÈ For the Jews there was light and joy, To Adonoy belongs deliverance :ø÷éå ïBNNåÀÈÄÈ :äìq Eúëøá Enr ìrÇÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÆÆÍÈ gladness and honor. 6 upon Your people is Your blessing, Selah. 2 :eðl-äéäz ïkÅÄÀÆÈÍ eðnr úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈÄÈÍ So be it with us. Adonoy of Hosts is with us 1 Isaiah 12:2,3 2 Psalms 3:9 3 Psalms 46:8 4 Psalms 84:13 5 Psalms 20:10 6 Esther 8:16

333 / HAVDALAH :Làä éøBàî àøBaÅÀÅÈÅ àOà úBòeLé-ñBkÀÆÈ Creator of the lights of fire. The cup of deliverance, I will raise äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ :àø÷à äåäé íLáeÀÅÀÊÈÆÀÈ 7 Blessed are You, Adonoy, and upon the Name, Adonoy, will I call. íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ éúBaøå ïðaøå ïðøî éøáñÇÀÄÈÈÈÀÇÈÈÀÇÇ our God, King of the Universe, Over the wine: ìécánäÇÇÀÄ äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ Who makes distinction Blessed are You, Adonoy, ìBçì Lã÷ ïéaÅÍÊÆÀ íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ between sacred and unhallowed, our God, King of the Universe, CLçì øBà ïéaÅÀÍÆ ïôbä éøt àøBaÅÀÄÇÈÍÆ between light and darkness, Creator of the fruit of the vine. íénrì ìàøNé ïéaÅÄÀÈÅÈÇÄ Over the spices: 8 between Israel and the peoples, äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ éréáMä íBé ïéaÅÇÀ ‹ ÄÄ Blessed are You, Adonoy, between the seventh day íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ äNrnä éîé úLLìÀÅÍÆÀÅÇÇÂÆ our God, King of the Universe, and the six work days. :íéîNá éðéî àøBaÅÄÅÀÈÄ äåäé äzà øeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ Creator of the kinds of spices. Blessed are You, Adonoy, Over the fire: ìécánäÇÇÀÄ äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ Who makes distinction Blessed are You, Adonoy, :ìBçì Lã÷ ïéaÅÍÊÆÀ íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ between sacred and unhallowed. our God, King of the Universe, 7 Psalms 116:13 8 According to the commentators, the use of fragrant spices during the Havdalah service, is to cheer the soul which is saddened at the departure of Shabbos, and the departure of the Neshamah Yesairoh, the special soul that each Jew receives in honor of Shabbos.

äðáì ùåãé÷ / 334 äðáì ùåãé÷ Kiddush Levanah This prayer is customarily recited in the open air, in clear sight of the moon, seven days after the birth of the new moon. íéîMä éîL eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÀÅÇÈÈÍÄ déeììäÇÀ‹È Praise Him skies of skies Praise God. :íéîMä ìrî øLà íénäåÀÇÇÍÄÂÆÅÇÇÈÈÍÄ íéîMä-ïî äåäé-úà eììäÇÀ‹ÆÀÊÈÄÇÈÇÍÄ and the waters that are above the skies. Praise Adonoy from the sky, äåäé íL-úà eììäéÀÇÀ‹ÆÅÀÊÈ :íéîBøna eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÇÀ‹Ä They will praise the Name of Adonoy, praise Him in the heavens! :eàøáðå äeö àeä ékÄÄÈÀÄÀÈÍ åéëàìî-ìë eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÈÇÀÈÈ for He commanded and they were created. Praise Him all His angels, ãrì íãéîriåÇÇÂÄÅÈÇ :åéàáö-ìk eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÈÀÈÈ He established them for all time, praise Him all His hosts! íìBòìÀÈ çøéå LîL eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÆÍÆÀÈÅÍÇ as long as the world exists. Praise Him sun and moon; :øBáré àGå ïúð-÷çÈÈÇÀÇ :øBà éáëBk-ìk eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÈÍÀ‹Å He decreed [it] unalterable. 1 praise Him all the stars of light. àLã÷ ãeçé íLì :äðálä Lc÷ì äåönä íi÷ì ïîeæîe ïëeî éðÄÈÀÈÀÇÅÇÄÀÈÀÇÅÇÀ‹ÈÈÀÅÄËÀÈ ðäÄÀ‹ :ìàøNé-ìk íLa íìrðå øéîè àeää éãé ìr dzðéëLe àeä CéøaÀÄÀÄÀÅÇÀÅÇÈÄÀÆÀÈÀÅÈÄÀÈÅ Bøîàîa øLàÂÆÀÇÂÈ äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ Who with His utterance Blessed are You, Adonoy, íé÷çL àøaÈÈÀÈÄ íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ created the heavens, our God, King of the Universe, 1 Psalms 146:1–6.

335 / KIDDUSH LEVANAH :Búeëìî ãBák íL ìrÇÅÀÇÀ åét çeøáeÀÍÇÄ for the Name of His glorious kingdom. and with the breath of His mouth, äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ :íàáö-ìkÈÀÈÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy, all their host. :íéLãç LcçîÀÇÅÃÈÄ íäì ïúð ïîæe ÷çÊÀÇÈÇÈÆ Renewer of the months. Law and season did He give them, :íãé÷ôz-úà epLé àHLÆÀÇÆÇÀÄÈ RECITE THREE TIMES. that they not deviate from their set function. CøöBéÀ‹Å CeøaÈ íéçîNe íéNNÈÄÀÅÄ Blessed is your Former, They are glad and rejoice CNBò CeøaÈÅ íðB÷ ïBöø úBNrìÇÂÀÈ blessed is your Maker, to do the will of their Possessor CðB÷ CeøaÈÅ :úîà BúlrtL úîà ìrBtÅÁÆÆÀ‹ËÈÁÆ blessed is your Possessor, :CàøBa CeøaÈÀ‹Å the Worker of truth Whose work is true. øîà äðálìåÀÇÀ‹ÈÈÈÇ blessed is your Creator. The moon He directed RECITE THREE TIMES: úøàôz úøèr LcçúzLÆÄÀÇÅÂÆÍÆÄÀÆÍÆ Raise your heels as you begin. to renew itself, a crown of glory Ccâðk ã÷Bø éðàLÆÂÄÅÀÆÀÅ íLkÀÅ éñeîrìÇÂÍÅ Just as I leap toward you to those who are borne by him Ca rBâðì ìBëé éðéàåÀÅÄÈÄÀÍÇÈ ïèáÈÍÆ but cannot touch you, from the womb, 2 éáéBà-ìk eìëeé àG CkÇÀ‹ÈÀ‹Ç dúBîk Lcçúäì íéãéúr íäLÆÅÂÄÄÀÄÀÇÅÀÈ so may all my enemies be unable who are also destined to be renewed, :ärøì éa rBâðìÄÀÍÇÄÀÈÈ íøöBéì øàôìeÀÈÅÀÀ‹È to touch me with evil intent. and to glorify their Creator 2 See Isaiah 46:3, “Israel which is borne by me from the belly, which is carried by Me from the womb.”

äðáì ùåãé÷ / 336 THE OTHER RESPONDS: RECITE THREE TIMES: :íBìL íëéìrÂÅÆÈ ãçôå äúîéà íäéìrÂÅÆÅÈÍÈÈÇÍÇ ìtzÄÊ Unto you be peace. 4 Let fall upon them terror and dread ErBøæ ìãâaÄÀÊÀ RECITE THREE TIMES: áBè ìfîe áBè ïnñÄÈÇÈ at the greatness of Your arm :ïáàk eîcéÄÀ‹ÈÈÍÆ A good sign and good fortune let them be still as stone. ìàøNé ìëìe eðì àäéÀÅÈÍÀÈÄÀÈÅ ïáàkÈÈÍÆ let there be for us and for all Israel. RECITE THREE TIMES: :ïîàÈÅ eîcéÄÀ‹ Amein. As a stone, let them be still ìãâa ErBøæÀÂÄÀÊ éãBc ìB÷Ä by [virtue of] Your arm’s greatness; The voice of my beloved! :ìtz íäéìr äúîéà ãçôåÈÇÍÇÅÈÍÈÂÅÆÄÊ àa äæ-äpäÄÅÆÈ and may dread and terror upon them fall. Behold! He is coming, íéøää-ìr âlãîÀÇÅÇÆÈÄ RECITE THREE TIMES: leaping over the mountains ìàøNé CìîÆÍÆÄÀÈÅ ãåcÈÄ :úBòábä-ìr õt÷îÀÇÅÇÇÀ‹È David, King of Israel, bounding over the hills. :íi÷å éçÇÀÇÈ éáöì éãBã äîBcÆÄÄÀÄ lives and endures [forever.] 3 My Beloved is like a hart THE FOLLOWING GREETING IS íéìiàä øôrì BàÀÍÊÆÈÇÈÄ EXCHANGED WITH THREE DIFFERENT or a young deer. PEOPLE eðìúk øçà ãîBò äæ-äpäÄÅÆÅÇÇÈÀÅÍ :íëéìr íBìLÈÂÅÆ Behold! He stands behind our wall, Peace unto you, 3 David’s dynasty is compared to the moon and will be renewed like the moon.—Etz Yosef in the name of Ramah and Levush 4 This greeting is offered in order to indicate that the curse mentioned earlier [May dread and terror etc.] was not intended for those around us.—Etz Yosef

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