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Home Explore Metsudah Interlinear Weekday Siddur (Ashkenaz)

Metsudah Interlinear Weekday Siddur (Ashkenaz)

Published by eli, 2016-09-28 12:24:43

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337 / KIDDUSH LEVANAH äkké-àG LîMä íîBéÈÇÆÍÆÇÆÍÈ úBðHçä-ïî çébLîÇÀÄÍÇÄÇÇ By day the sun will not smite you, observing through the windows, :äìéla çøéåÀÈÅÍÇÇÈÍÀÈ :íékøçä-ïî õéöîÅÄÄÇÂÇÄ nor the moon at night. looking through the lattice. 5 òø-ìkî EøîLé äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÈÀÄÈÈ úBìrnÇ ìÇ øéLÄ Adonoy will guard you from all evil, :ELôð-úà øîLéÄÀÊÆÇÀÆÍ íéøää-ìà éðér àOàÆÈÅÇÆÆÈÄ A song of ascents. He will preserve your soul, I lift my eyes to the mountains, EàBáe Eúàö-øîLé äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÈÅÀ‹ÆÍ :éøær àáé ïéàîÅÇÍÄÈÊÆÀÄ Adonoy will guard your going and coming :íìBò-ãrå äzrîÅÇÈÀÇÈ from where will my help come? äåäé írî éøærÆÀÄÅÄÀÊÈ from now and forever. 6 My help [comes] from Adonoy, déeììäÇÀ‹È :õøàå íéîL äNòÊÅÈÇÍÄÈÈÍÆ Praise God. Maker of heaven and earth. BLã÷a ìà-eììäÇÀ‹ÅÀÈÀ Eìâø èBnÇÀÆÍ ì ïzé-ìàÇÄÅÇ Praise the Almighty in His Sanctuary. He will not let your foot slip, eäeììäÇÀ‹Í :EøîL íeðé-ìàÇÈÀ‹ÆÍ Ê Praise God He will not slumber, your Guardian. :Bfr ré÷øaÄÀÄÍÇË íeðé-àG äpäÄÅÈ in the firmament of His might. Behold! He does not slumber åéúøeáâá eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÄÀÊÈ :ìàøNé øîBL ïLéé àGåÀÄÈÅÄÀÈÅ Praise Him for His mighty deeds; nor does He sleep, the Guardian of Israel. eäeììäÇÀ‹Í EøîL äåäéÀÊÈÀ‹ÆÍ Ê praise Him Adonoy is your guardian, :Bìãb áøkÀÊËÀ :Eðéîé ãé-ìr Elö äåäéÀÊÈÄÀ‹ÇÇÀÄÆ Í according to the abundance of His greatness. Adonoy is your shelter at your right hand. 5 Song of Songs 2:8,9. These verses were inserted by Rabbi Yehuda HeChassid as an expression of Israel’s confident hope for the speedy coming of the Messiah. 6 Psalms 121.

äðáì ùåãé÷ / 338 ìéa÷äì àlàÆÈÀÇÀÄ øôBL ò÷úa eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÀÅÍÇÈ only to greet Praise Him with the blowing of the shofar; íéîMaL íäéáà éðtÀÅÂÄÆÆÇÈÇÍÄ :øBpëå ìáða eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÀÅÍÆÀÄ their Father in heaven, Praise Him with lyre and harp. Lãça úçà írtÇÍÇÇÇÇÍÊÆ ìBçîe óúa eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÀÊÈ once a month, Praise Him with drum and dance. íicÇÈ eäeììäÇÀ‹Í it would be sufficient for them. 7 Praise Him éiaà øîàÈÇÇÇÅ :áârå íépîaÀÄÄÀËÈ Abbaye said: with stringed instuments and flute. :ãnrî àøîéîÅÀ‹ÈÀËÈ ì Céøö CkìäÄÀÈÈÄÀ òîL-éìöìöá eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÀÄÀÀ‹ÅÈÍÇ “Therefore it must be recited standing.” 8 Praise Him with resounding cymbals. øaãnä-ïî äìBò úàæ éîÄÊÈÄÇÄÀÈ :äreøú éìöìöa eäeììäÇÀ‹ÍÀÄÀÀ‹ÅÀÈ Who is this coming up from the wilderness Praise Him with clanging cymbals. :dãBc-ìr ú÷tøúîÄÀÇÆÍÆÇÈ dé ìläz äîLpä ìkÊÇÀ‹ÈÈÀÇÅÈ clinging to her beloved? 9 Let every soul praise God. EéðôlîÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ ïBöø éäéåÄÄÈ :déeììäÇÀ‹È May it be Your will, Praise God. éúBáà éäGàå éäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÇÅÅÂÇ àðzÈÈ Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers, It was taught äðálä úîéât úàHîÇÀÄÇÇÀ‹ÈÈ ìÀ ìàrîLé éaø éáãÀÅÇÄÄÀÈÅ to fill the deficiency of the moon, in the school of Rabbi Yishmael: èeòî íeL da äéäé àGåÀÄÀÆÈÄ ìàøNé eëæ àG àìîÈÅÈÄÀÈÅ ìàÄÀ so that it will no longer be diminished; Even if Israel was privileged 7 Whoever welcomes the new moon by reciting the blessing to God, welcomes the Shechinah, the Divine Presence of God. 8 Maseches Sanhedrin 42a. 9 Song of Songs 8:5.

339 / KIDDUSH LEVANAH :øéL øBîæî úBðéâðaÄÀÄÄÀÄ äðálä øBà éäéåÄÀÄÇÀ‹ÈÈ a Psalm with instrumental music, a song. and may the light of the moon eðëøáéå eðpçé íéäGàÁÄÀÈÅÍÄÈÀ‹ÅÍ änçä øBàkÀÇÇÈ [May] God favor us and bless us, be like the light of the sun, åéðt øàéÈÅÈÈ øBàëeÀ [may He] cause His countenance to shine and like the light :äìñ eðzàÄÈÍÆÍÈ úéLàøá éîé úráLÄÀÇÀÅÀÅÄ among us, Selah; of the seven days of creation Ekøc õøàa úrãìÈÇÍÇÈÈÍÆÇÀÆÍ dèeòî íã÷ äúéäL BîkÀÆÈÀ‹ÈÍÊÆÄÈ [so] that Your way become known on earth, as it was before it was diminished, :EúreLé íéBb-ìëaÀÈÄÀÈÆÍ øîàpLÆÆÁÇ [and] Your deliverance among all nations. as it is said: íéäGà íénr EeãBéÍÇÄÁÄ íéìãbä úBøànä éðL-úàÆÀÅÇÀ‹ÊÇÀ‹ÊÄ Peoples will thank You, God, “The two great luminaries.” 10 :ílk íénr EeãBéÍÇÄËÈ eða íi÷úéåÀÄÀÇÅÈÍ all the peoples will thank You. And may there be fulfilled for us íénàì eðpøéå eçîNéÄÀÀ‹ÄÇÀ‹ÀËÄ áeúkL àø÷îÄÀÈÆÈ the Scriptural verse which says: Nations will rejoice and sing øBLéî íénr èBtLú-ékÄÄÀÇÄÄ íäéäGà äåäé-úà eL÷áeÄÀÆÀÊÈÁÅÆ “They will seek Adonoy, their God, when You judge the peoples justly, :äìñ íçðz õøàa íénàìeÀËÄÈÈÍÆÇÀÅÆÍÈ íkìî ãéåc úàåÀÅÈÄÇÀÈ and lead the nations upon the earth, Selah. and David, their king. 11 íéäGà íénr EeãBéÍÇÄÁÄ :ïîàÈÅ Peoples will thank You, God, Amein. :ílk íénr EeãBéÍÇÄËÈ çvðîÀ‹ÇÅÍÇ ìÇ all the peoples will thank You. To the Chief Musician: 10 Genesis 1:16. 11 Hosea 3:5.

äèîä ìò òîù úàéø÷ / 340 BúBà eàøééåÀÄÀ‹ dìeáé äðúð õøàÆÍÆÈÀ‹ÈÀÈ and they will fear Him, The earth will have yielded its produce; :õøà éñôà ìkÈÇÀÅÈÍÆ :eðéäGà íéäGà eðëøáéÀÈÀ‹ÅÍÁÄÁÅÍ all [men even from] the ends of the earth. God, our God, will have blessed us. íéäGà eðëøáéÀÈÀ‹ÅÍÁÄ Conclude with eðéìò on page 321.ÈÅÍ God will bless us, äèîä ìò òîù úàéø÷ Prayer Before Retiring at Night ïéa écâðë àèçL Bà éúBà èéð÷äå ñéòëäL éî-ìëì ìçBî éðéøä íìBò ìL BðBaøÄÆÈÂÅÄÅÀÈÄÆÄÀÄÀÄÀÄÄÆÈÈÀÆÀÄÅ ââBLa ïéa ïBöøa ïéa ñðBàa ïéa éì øLà-ìëa ïéa éãBáëa ïéa éðBîîa ïéa éôeâaÀÄÅÀÈÄÅÄÀÄÅÀÈÂÆÄÅÀÍÆÅÀÈÅÀÅ ïéa äæ ìebìâa ïéa øBäøäa ïéa äáLçîa ïéa äNòîa ïéa øeaéãa ïéa ãéæîa ïéaÅÀÅÄÅÀÄÅÀÇÂÆÅÀÇÂÈÈÅÀÇÀÅÀÄÀÆÅ äåäéÀÊÈ EéðôlîÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ ïBöø éäé :éúaña íãà íeL Lðòé àGå ìàøNé øa-ìëì øçà ìebìâaÀÄÀÇÅÀÈÇÄÀÈÅÀÅÈÅÈÈÀÄÈÄÀÄÈ íéaøä Eéîçøa ÷Bçî Eéðôì éúàèçM-äîe ãBò àèçà àGL éúBáà éäGàå éäGàÁÇÅÅÂÇÆÆÁÈÇÆÈÈÍÄÀÈÆÍÀÀÇÂÆÍÈÇÄ äåäé Eéðôì éaì ïBéâäå éô-éøîàÄÀÅÄÀÆÀÄÄÀÈÆÍÀÊÈ ïBöøì eéäéÄÀÀÈ :íéòø íééìçå íéøBqé éãé-ìò àG ìáàÂÈÇÀÅÄÄÈÃÈÄÈÄ :éìàBâå éøeöÄÀÂÄ See Shulchan Aruch O.C. #239 regarding if òîL is said firstÀÇ or if ìétnä is said first.ÇÇÄ :étrôr ìr äîeðúeÀÈÇÇÀÇÈ äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ and slumber upon my eyelids. Blessed are You, Adonoy, EéðôlîÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ ïBöø éäéåÄÄÈ íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ May it be Your will, our God, King of the Universe, éúBáà éäGàå éäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÇÅÅÂÇ äðL éìáç ìétnäÇÇÄÆÀÅÅÈ Adonoy, my God and God of my fathers Who causes the fetters of sleep to fall íBìLì éðáékLzLÆÇÀÄÅÍÄÀÈ éðér ìrÇÅÈ to make me lie down in peace, upon my eyes,

341 / PRAYER BEFORE RETIRING AT NIGHT paragraphs here every night. Others only íBìLì éðãéîrúåÀÇÂÄÅÍÄÀÈ say the first. The following three words, “ïîàð Cìî ìà” are said only if saying allÅÆÍÆÆÁÈ and to raise me [again] in peace, three paragraphs. éðBérø éðeìäáé ìàåÀÇÀÇÂÍÄÇÀÇ :ïîàð Cìî ìàÅÆÍÆÆÁÈ Let my thoughts not terrify me, Almighty, faithful King ìàøNéÄÀÈÅ ò îLÀÇ íérø íéøBäøäå íérø úBîBìçåÇÂÈÄÀÇÀÄÈÄ § § nor evil dreams or evil fancies [disturb me], ìL éúhî àäúeÀÅÄÈÄÀÅ Eéðôì äîÈÀÈÆÍ äåäéÀÊÈ eðéäGàÁÅÍ Hear, Israel: 1 § § and may my bed be perfect before You. éðér øàäåÀÈÅÅÇ ã : Adonoy is our God, And light up my eyes çà | äåäéÀÊÈÆÈ Adonoy is One. úånä ïLéà ïtÆÄÇÇÈÍÆ lest I sleep the sleep of death The following two lines are to be said silently: øéànä äzà ékÄÇÈÇÅÄ íL CeøaÈÅ for it is You Who illuminates Blessed [is His] Name, :ïéò úa ïBLéàìÀÄÇÈÍÄ :ãrå íìBòì Búeëìî ãBákÀÇÀÀÈÈÆ the pupil of the eye. Whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever. äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ EéäGàÁÆÍ § äåäéÀÊÈ § úàÅ záäàåÀÈÇÀÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy, And you shall love Adonoy your God Blk íìBòì øéànäÇÅÄÈÈË EááìÀÈÀ‹ § -ìëaÀÈ Who illuminates the whole world with all your heart :BãBáëaÄÀ ELôð-ìëáeÀÈÇÀÀ ‹ with His glory. and with all your soul :Eãàî-ìëáeÀÈÀÊÆÍ If one prayed Maariv early, he should re- peat all three paragraphs of Shema here. and with all your possessions. Some have the custom of reciting all three 1 The word “bed” represents one’s future generations. See Rashi in Genesis 47:31. It was said of our forefather Jacob that “his bed was perfect,” indicating that all his offspring were pure and steadfast.—Iyun Tefilloh

äèîä ìò òîù úàéø÷ / 342 :EéðérÅÆÍ § ïéaÅ älàä íéøácä eéäåÀÈÇÀ‹ÈÄÈÅÍÆ between your eyes. And these words ízáúëeÀÇÀÈ íBiä Eeöî éëðàÈÊÄÀÇÀ‹Ç øLàÂÆ § § § And you shall write them which I command you today, Eúéa úBææî-ìrÇÀËÅÆÍ :EááìÀÈÆÍ § -ìrÇ upon the doorposts of your house shall be upon your heart. :Eé ørLáeÄÀÈÆÍ ízðpLåÀÄÇÀÈ and upon your gateways. And you shall teach them sharply eðéäGà éðãàÂÊÈÁÅÍ írð éäéåÄÄÍÊÇ EéðáìÀÈÆÍ to your children. May the pleasantness of my Master, our God, eðéìrÈÅÍ ía zøaãåÀÄÇÀÈÈ be upon us, 2 And you shall discuss them eðéãé äNrîeÇÂÅÈÅÍ Eúéáa EzáLaÀÄÀÀ‹ÀÅÆÍ 3 and the work of our hands when you sit in your house, eðéìr äððBkÀ‹ÈÈÅÍ Cøcá EzëìáeÀÆÀÀ‹ÇÆÍÆ may He establish for us and when you travel on the road, :eäððBk eðéãé äNrîeÇÂÅÈÅÍÀ‹ÅÍ :Eîe÷áe EaëLáeÀÈÀÀ‹ÀÆÍ 4 and the work of our hands may He establish. and when you lie down and when you rise. áLéÅ § úBàì ízøL÷eÀÇÀÈÀ He who dwells And you shall bind them for a sign ïBéìr øúñaÀÅÍÆÆÀ Eãé-ìrÇÈÆÍ in the shelter of the Supreme One, upon your hand, :ïðBìúé écL ìöaÀÅÇÇÄÀÈ úôèèì eéäåÀÈÀÊÈÊ under the protection of Shadai He will abide. and they shall be for totafos 2 In this closing sentence of Psalm 90, Moses prays that the Divine Presence rest on the Jewish nation exclusively. 3 David prays first that the service Jewry performs in the Sanctuary, the sacrificial offerings, and the general performance of mitzvos be willingly accepted by God. Then he prays that even the work we do for our own needs be acceptable before God.—Iyun Tefilloh 4 The first mention of work refers to the actual endeavors of our hands, whereas the second mention of work refers to what was achieved by our hands.—Iyun Tefilloh

343 / PRAYER BEFORE RETIRING AT NIGHT Eðéîéî äááøeÀÈÈÄÄÆ Í äåäéì øîàÊÇÇÈÊ and ten thousand at your [right] side I say of Adonoy, :Lbé àG EéìàÅÆÍÄÈ éúãeöîe éñçîÇÀÄÀÈÄ 5 but it shall not come near you. “[He is] my refuge and my stronghold, èéaú Eéðéra ÷øÇÀÅÆÍÇÄ :Ba-çèáà éäGàÁÇÆÀÇ Only with your eyes will you behold my God in Whom I trust.” :äàøz íérLø úîÇÀÈÄÄÀÆ lLåÀÄË Le÷é çtî Eìévé àeä ékÄÇÄÀ‹ÄÇÈ and see the punishment of the wicked. 6 For He will save you from the snare trap, äzà-ékÄÇÈ :úBeä øácîÄÆÍÆÇ For you [have proclaimed]: from destructive pestilence. éñçî äåäéÀÊÈÇÀÄ Cì Cñé BúøáàaÀÆÀÈÈÍÆÈ “Adonoy is my refuge,” With His wings He will cover you ïBéìrÆÀ äñçz åéôðk-úçúåÀÇÍÇÀÈÈÆÀÆ the Supreme One and beneath His wings, you will find refuge; :EðBòî zîNÇÍÀÈÀÆ Í :Bzîà äøçñå äpöÄÈÀÊÅÈÂÄ you have made your dwelling. His truth is a shield, a full shield. ärø Eéìà äpàú-àGÀËÆÅÆÍÈÈ äìéì ãçtî àøéú-àGÄÈÄÇÍÇÈÍÀÈ No evil shall befall you, You will not fear the terror of night, :Eìäàa áø÷é-àG òâðåÀÆ Í ÇÄÀÇÀÈÃÆÍ :íîBé óeòé õçîÅÅÈÈ and no plague shall come near your tent. nor the arrow that flies by day, åéëàìî ékÄÇÀÈÈ CGäé ìôàa øácîÄÆÍÆÈÍÊÆÇ For His angels the pestilence that prowls in darkness, Cl-äeöéÀÇÆÈ :íéøäö ãeLé áèwîÄÆÍÆÈÈÃÈÍÄ He will command on your behalf, nor the deadly plague that ravages at noon. :Eéëøc-ìëa EøîLìÄÀÈÀÀÈÀÈÆÍ óìà Ecvî ìtéÄÊÄÄÀ‹ÆÍÆ to guard you in all your ways. A thousand will fall at your [left] side, 5 “It” refers to “arrow,” “pestilence,” and “plague” of the previous verse. 6 You will only see the destruction but you will not be harmed by it.

äèîä ìò òîù úàéø÷ / 344 Psalms 3:2–9 EðeàOé íétk-ìrÇÇÇÍÄÄÈÍÀ éøö eaø-äîÈÇÈÈ äåäéÀÊÈ They will carry you upon their hands, Adonoy, how many are my tormentors; 7 :Eìâø ïáàa óbz-ïtÆÄÊÈÆÍÆÇÀÆÍ :éìr íéî÷ íéaøÇÄÈÄÈÈ lest you hurt your foot on a rock. many rise up against me. Cøãz ïúôå ìçL-ìrÇÇÍÇÈÆÍÆÄÀÊ éLôðì íéøîà íéaøÇÄÊÀ‹ÄÀÇÀÄ You will tread upon lion and snake, Many say of my soul: :ïépúå øéôk ñîøzÄÀÊÀÄÀÇÄ Bl äúreLé ïéàÅÀÈÍÈ you will trample young lion and serpent. “There is no deliverance for him ÷Lç éá ékÄÄÈÇ :äìñ íéäGàáÅÄÆÍÈ Because he clings to Me with desire, eäèlôàåÇÂÇÀ‹ÅÍ through God, forever.” éãra ïâî äåäé äzàåÀÇÈÀÊÈÈÅÇÂÄ :éîL òãé-ék eäábNàÂÇÀ‹ÅÍÄÈÇÀÄ I will save him; But You, Adonoy, are a shield for me; I will strengthen him, for he knows My Name. :éLàø íéøîe éãBákÀÄÅÄÊÄ eäðràå éðàø÷éÄÀÈÅÍÄÀÆÁÅÍ my glory and Raiser of my head. When he calls upon Me, I will answer him; àø÷à äåäé-ìà éìB÷ÄÆÀÊÈÆÀÈ äøöá éëðà-BnrÄÈÊÄÀÈÈ With my voice, I call out to Adonoy, I am with him in distress, BLã÷ øäî éððriåÇÇÂÅÍÄÅÇÈÀ :eäãaëàå eäölçàÂÇÀ‹ÅÍÇÂÇÀ‹ÅÍ and He answers me from His holy mountain, I will free him and honor him. :äìñÆÍÈ eäréaNà íéîé CøàÍÊÆÈÄÇÀÄÅÍ forever. I will satiate him with longevity, äðLéàå ézáëL éðàÂÄÈÇÍÀÄÈÄÈÍÈ :éúreLéa eäàøàåÀÇÀÅÍÄÈÄ I lay down and slept; and will let him see My deliverance. :éðëîñé äåäé ék éúBöé÷äÁÄÍÄÄÀÊÈÄÀÀ‹ÅÍÄ eäréaNà íéîé CøàÍÊÆÈÄÇÀÄÅÍ I awake for Adonoy supports me. I will satiate him with longevity ír úBááøî àøéà-àGÄÈÅÄÀ‹È :éúreLéa eäàøàåÀÇÀÅÍÄÈÄ I fear not the tens of thousands of people and will let him see My deliverance. 7 Psalm 3 was sung by David when, at the age of 65, he had to flee his son Absalom.

345 / PRAYER BEFORE RETIRING AT NIGHT áøçå øác áéBàÅÆÍÆÀÆÍÆ :éìr eúL áéáñ øLàÂÆÈÄÈÍÈÈ enemies, pestilence, sword, deployed against me from every side. ïBâéå árøåÀÈÈÀÈ éäGà éðréLBä äåäé äîe÷ÈÀÊÈÄÅÍÄÁÇ famine and sorrow. Rise Adonoy, deliver me, my God, eðéðôlî ïèN øñäåÀÈÅÈÈÄÀ‹ÈÅÍ éáéà ìk-úà úékä-ékÄÄÄÍÈÆÈÊÀ‹Ç Remove the adversary from before us for You have struck all my enemies 8 eðéøçàîeÅÇÂÅÍ éçìÆÍÄ and from behind us, on the cheek; eðøézñz Eéôðk ìöáeÀÅÀÈÆÍÇÀÄÅÍ :zøaL íérLø épLÄÅÀÈÄÄÇÍÀÈ and shelter us in the shadow of Your wings. You have broken the teeth of the wicked. ìà ékÄÅ äreLéä äåäéìÇÈÊÇÀÈ For, Almighty, Deliverance is Adonoy’s; äzà eðìévîe eðøîBLÀ‹ÅÍÇÄÅÍÈÍÈ :äìñ Eúëøá Enr-ìrÇÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÆÍÆÍÈ You are our Protector and Rescuer, upon Your people is Your blessing, Selah. ìà ékÄÅ íBìLì eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÀÈ eðáékLäÇÀÄÅÍ for, Almighty äzà íeçøå ïepÀÇÈÍÈ ç CìîÆÍÆÇ Adonoy our God; make us lie down in peace, íéiçì eðkìî eðãéîräåÀÇÂÄÅÍÇÀÅÍÀÇÄ You are a gracious and merciful King. eðàBáe eðúàö øBîLeÀÅÅÍÅÍ EîBìL úkñ eðéìr NBøôeÀÈÅÍËÇÀÆÍ our King, raise us again to life. Guard our going out and our coming in íBìLìe íéiçìÀÇÄÀÈ Spread over us the shelter of Your peace, eððwúåÀÇÀ‹ÅÍ for life and peace :íìBò ãrå äzrîÅÇÈÀÇÈ and direct us to better ourselves Eéðôlî äáBè äöraÀÅÈÈÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ from now forever. through Your good counsel; íBia äåäéÀÊÈÇ CeøaÈ EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍÀ Blessed is Adonoy by day, and deliver us for Your Name’s sake. äìéla äåäé CeøaÈÀÊÈÇÈÍÀÈ eðéìrî øñäå eðãra ïâäåÀÈÅÇÂÅÍÀÈÅÅÈÅÍ blessed is Adonoy by night, Shield us, and remove from us 8 David is confident of God’s help, because God has always smitten his enemies.—Radak

äèîä ìò òîù úàéø÷ / 346 eðéðérÅÅÍ eàøéÄÀ eðáëLa äåäé CeøaÈÀÊÈÀÈÀÅÍ May our eyes behold, blessed is Adonoy when we lie down, eðLôð ìâúå eðaì çîNéåÀÄÀÇÄÅÍÀÈÅÇÀÅÍ :eðîe÷a äåäé CeøaÈÀÊÈÀÅÍ may our heart rejoice and our soul exalt Bbessed is Adonoy when we rise. úîàa EúreLéaÄÈÀ‹ÆÁÆ Eãéá ékÄÀÈÀ‹ in Your true deliverance, For in Your hand ïBiöì øBîàaÆÁÀÄ íéúnäå íéiçä úBLôðÇÀÇÇÄÀÇÅÄ when it will be said to Zion: are the souls of the living and the dead, :CéäGà CìîÈÇÁÈÍÄ Bãéa øLàÂÆÀÈ “Your God has begun His reign.” [as it is written:] For in His hand Cìî äåäé Cìî äåäéÀÊÈÆÍÆÀÊÈÈÈ éç-ìk LôðÆÍÆÈÈ Adonoy is King, Adonoy was King, is the soul of every living thing :ãrå íìBòì Cìîé äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÊÀÈÈÆ :Léà-øNa-ìk çeøåÀÍÇÈÀÇÄ Adonoy will reign forever and ever. and the spirit of every human being. 9 àéä ElL úeëìnä ékÄÇÇÀÆÀ‹Ä éçeø ãé÷ôà EãéaÀÈÀ‹ÇÀÄÄ For the Kingdom is Yours In Your hand, I commit my spirit; ãBáëa CBìîz ãr éîÅÇÄÀÀÈ ìBòìeÀÍÀ‹ éúBà äúéãtÈÄÍÈÄ and to all eternity, You will reign in glory, You have liberated me, :äzà àlà Cìî eðì ïéà ékÄÅÈÍÆÍÆÆÈÈÍÈ :úîà ìà äåäéÀÊÈÅÁÆ for we have no king except You. Adonoy, Almighty of truth. òø-ìkî éúà ìàbäÇÊÅÊÄÄÈÈ CàìnäÇÇÀÈ íéîMaL eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÇÈÇÍÄ “The angel who redeemed me from all evil, Our God in heaven, íéørpä-úà CøáéÀÈÅÆÇÀ‹ÈÄ EîL ãçéÇÅÄÀ may he bless the lads; reveal the unity of Your Name, éîL íäá àøwéåÀÄÈÅÈÆÀÄ ãéîz Eúeëìî íi÷åÀÇÅÇÀÀ‹ÈÄ and may they be called by my name preserve Your kingdom always, éúBáà íLåÀÅÂÇ :ãrå íìBòì eðéìr CBìîeÀÈÅÍÀÈÈÆ and the names of my fathers, and reign over us forever and ever. 9 Job 12:10.

347 / PRAYER BEFORE RETIRING AT NIGHT ïèOä Ea äåäé ørâéÄÀÇÀÊÈÀÇÈÈ ÷çöéå íäøáàÇÀÈÈÀÄÀÈ “Adonoy rebukes you, Satan, Abraham and Isaac; Ea äåäé ørâéåÀÄÀÇÀÊÈÀ áøì ebãéåÀÄÀÈÊ Adonoy rebukes you, and may they multiply like fish íéìLeøéa øçaäÇÊÅÄÈÈÍÄ :õøàä áø÷aÀÆÍÆÈÈÍÆ within the land.” 10 He Who chose Jerusalem; ãeà äæ àGäÂÆ òîLz rBîL-íàÄÈÍÇÄÀÇ øîàiåÇÍÊÆ for is this one not a firebrand “And He said, If you will diligently heed :Làî ìvîËÈÅÅ EéäGà äåäé ìB÷ìÀÀÊÈÁÆÍ plucked out of the fire?” 12 the voice of Adonoy, your God, äNrz åéðéra øLiäåÀÇÈÈÀÅÈÇÂÆ äîGLlL BúhîÄÈÆÄÀÊ äpäÄÅ and do what is upright in His eyes, “Behold the bed of Solomon! åéúBöîÄÀÈ ì zðæàäåÀÇÂÇÀÈÀ dì áéáñ íéøab íéMLÄÄÄÊÄÈÄÈ and listen carefully to His commandments, åéwç-ìk zøîLåÀÈÇÀÈÈËÈ Sixty mighty men [are set] around it, and guard all His statutes, :ìàøNé éøabîÄÄÊÅÄÀÈÅ äìçnä-ìkÈÇÇÂÈ of the mighty men of Israel. [then] every sickness áøç éæçà ílkËÈÂËÍÅÆÍÆ íéøöîá ézîN øLàÂÆÇÍÀÄÀÄÀÇÍÄ All of them armed with swords, that I put in Egypt, äîçìî éãnÀ‹ÅÄÀÈÈ ìîÀË Eéìr íéNà-àGÈÄÈÆÍ trained in warfare; I will not put upon you, Bëøé-ìr Baøç LéàÄÇÀÇÀÅ :Eàôø äåäé éðà ékÄÂÄÀÊÈÊÀ‹ÆÍ for I am Adonoy, your Healer.” 11 each man has his sword at his side, :úBìéla ãçtîÄÇÍÇÇÅ ïèOä-ìà äåäéÀÊÈÆÇÈÈ øîàiåÇÍÊÆ because of the dread of the night.” 13 And Adonoy said to Satan: 10 These are the words used by Jacob when he blessed Joseph, and his sons Ephraim and Menashe.—Genesis 48:16 11 Exodus 15:26. 12 Zecharyah 3:2. 13 Song of Songs 3:7,8.

äèîä ìò òîù úàéø÷ / 348 ìàëéî éðéîéîÄÄÄÄÈÅ RECITE THREE TIMES: at my right [hand] Michael, :EøîLéå äÀÄÀÀ‹ÆÍ åäéÀÊÈ EëøáéÀÈÆÀ‹ Å Ç À Ä Ê Ä ìàéøáâ éìàîOîeÄÀ‹ “Adonoy bless you and guard you! at my left [hand] Gabriel, Eéìà åéðt äåäé øàéÈÅÀÊÈÈÈÅÆÍ ìàéøeà éðôlîeÄÀ‹ÈÇÄÅ Adonoy shine His countenance upon you before me Uriel, :DpçéåÄËÆ Í ìàôø éøBçàîeÅÂÇÀÈÅ and be gracious unto You! behind me Raphael, Eéìà åéðt äåäé àOéÄÈÀÊÈÈÈÅÆÍ :ìà úðéëL éùàø ìråÀÇÊÄÀÄÇÅ Adonoy turn His countenance toward you :íBìL Eì íNéåÀÈÅÀÈ and above my head, the Presence of Almighty. and grant you peace!” 14 úBìrnä øéLÄÇÇ äpäÄÅ “A song of ascents ïLéé-àGå íeðé-àGÈÀÄÈ RECITE THREE TIMES: äåäé àøé-ìk éøLàÇÀÅÈÀÅÀÊÈ “Behold, He neither slumbers nor sleeps! Fortunate are all who fear Adonoy, :ìàøNé øîBLÅÄÀÈÅ :åéëøãa CìääÇÊÅÄÀÈÈ the Guardian of Israel.” 15 who walk in His ways. ìëàú ék Eétk réâéÀÄÍÇÇÆÍÄÊÅ RECITE THREE TIMES: When you eat of the toil of your hands :äåäé éúée÷ÄÄÍÄÀÊÈ EúreLéìÄÈÀ‹ :Cì áBèå EéøLàÇÀÆÍÀÈ For your deliverance, I hope, Adonoy;” 16 you are fortunate and it is good with you. EúreLéì äåäé éúée÷ÄÄÍÄÀÊÈÄÈÀ‹ äiøt ïôâk EzLàÆÀÀ‹ÀÆÍÆÊÄÈ I hope, Adonoy, for Your deliverance; Your wife will be like a fruitful vine :éúée÷ EúreLéì äåäéÀÊÈÄÈÀ‹ÄÄÍÄ Eúéá éúkøéaÀÇÀÀ‹ÅÅÆÍ Adonoy, for Your deliverance I hope. in the innermost parts of your house; RECITE THREE TIMES: íéúéæ éìúLk EéðaÈÆÍÄÀÄÅÅÄ ìàøNé éäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÄÀÈÅ íLaÀÅ your children like olive plants In the Name of Adonoy, God of Israel: 14 Numbers 6:24–26. 15 Psalms 121:4. 16 Genesis 49:18.

349 / PRAYER BEFORE RETIRING AT NIGHT Cìî øLà íìBòÈÂÆÈÇ ïBãà :EðçìLì áéáñÈÄÀËÀÈÆ Í Master of the Universe Who reigned around your table. :àøáð øéöé-ìk íøèaÀÆÍÆÈÀÄÄÀÈ øáb Cøáé ïë-éë äpäÄÅÄÅÀÍÊÇÈÍÆ before any creature was created. Behold! Thus shall be blessed the man ìk Böôçá äNrð úrìÀÅÇÂÈÀÆÀÊ :äåäé àøéÀÅÀÊÈ At the time when all was made by His will, who fears Adonoy. :àø÷ð BîL Cìî éæàÂÇÆÍÆÀÄÀÈ ïBivî äåäé EëøáéÀÈÆÀÀÊÈÄÄ then was His Name proclaimed King. Adonoy bless you from Zion! ìkä úBìëk éøçàåÀÇÂÅÄÀÇÊ íéìLeøé áeèa äàøeÀÅÀÀÈÈÍÄ And after all things shall cease to be, and [may you] see the good of Jerusalem :àøBð CGîé BcáìÀÇÄÀÈ :Eéiç éîé ìkÊÀÅÇÆÍ the Awesome One will reign alone. all the days of your life! äåä àeäå äéä àeäåÀÈÈÀÊÆ -äàøeÀÅ He was, He is, May you [live to] see :äøàôúa äéäé àeäåÀÄÀÆÀÄÀÈÈ Eéðáì íéðáÈÄÀÈÆÍ and He shall be in glory. your children’s children! éðL ïéàå ãçà àeäåÀÆÈÀÅÅÄ :ìàøNé-ìr íBìLÈÇÄÀÈÅ He is One, and there is no second Peace upon Israel!” 17 :äøéaçäì Bì ìéLîäìÀÇÀÄÀÇÀÄÍÈ RECITE THREE TIMES: to compare to Him, to associate [with Him]. úéìëú éìa úéLàø éìaÀÄÅÄÀÄÇÀÄ eàèçz-ìàåÀÇÆÁÈÍ eæâøÄÀ Without beginning, without end, “Tremble and do not sin; :äøNnäå æòä BìåÀÈÊÀÇÄÀÈ íëákLî-ìr íëááìá eøîàÄÀÄÀÇÀÆÇÄÀÇÀÆ power and dominion are His. commune with your hearts upon your bed, éìàBb éçå éìà àeäåÀÅÄÀÇÂÄ :äìñ enãåÀÍÊÆÍÈ He is my God and my ever-living Redeemer, and be silent, Selah!” 18 17 Psalms 128. 18 Psalms 4:5.

áìåìä úåëøá / 350 éçeø ãé÷ôà BãéaÀÈÇÀÄÄ éìáç øeöåÀÆÀÄ Into His hand I entrust my spirit the Rock of my destiny :äøéràå ïLéà úraÀÅÄÇÀÈÄÍÈ :äøö úraÀÅÈÈ [both] when I sleep and when I awaken. in times of distress. éúiåb éçeø íråÀÄÄÀÄÈÄ éì ñBðîe éqð àeäåÀÄÄÈÄ And with my spirit my body [too], He is my flag and my refuge; :àøéà àGå éì äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÄÈ :àø÷à íBéa éñBk úðîÀÈÄÀÆÀÈ Adonoy is with me, I shall not fear. He is the portion of my cup on the day I call. Blessings on the Lulav áìåìä úåëøá Many recite the following prayer before taking the four species (Lulav). õr óðrå íéøîz úBtëå øãä õr éøôa éúBáà éäGàå éäGà äåäé EéðôÈÆÍÀÊÈÁÇÅÅÂÇÄÀÄÅÈÈÀÇÀÈÄÇÂÇÅ lî ïBöø éäéÀÄÈÄÀ‹ òãéìå éãéa íéãçàì eéäå ãçà ìà ãçà áø÷z ãçéîä EîL úBiúBà ìçð éáørå úBárÈÀÇÀÅÈÍÇÄÄÀÇÀ‹ËÈÀÈÅÆÈÆÆÈÀÈÇÂÈÄÀÈÄÀÅÇ úrcî úBëøa òôL rétLz íúBà éreðrðáe éìà úLbî eàøééå éìr àø÷ð EîL CéàÅÄÀÄÀÈÈÇÀÄÀ‹ÄÆÍÆÅÈÀÇÂÄÈÇÀÄÍÇÆÍÇÀÈÄÇÍÇ elà íéðéî äraøà úåöî Eéðôì äáeLç àäúe eðéäGà úéa ïBëîÀÅÁÅÍÀÅÂÈÀÈÆÍÄÀÇÇÀÈÈÄÄÅÍ ì ïBéøtà äåðì ïBéìrÆÀÄÀÅÇÄÀÄ àãçéì éúðeë ék .da íéeìzä úBöî â'éøúå äéLøLå äéúBèøt ìëa äézîi÷ elàkÀÄÄÇÀÄÍÈÀÈÀÈÆÍÈÀÈÈÆÍÈÀÇÀÇÄÀÇÀ‹ÄÈÄÇÈÈÄÀÇÂÈ íéìL àãeçéa ä'åa ä'é íL ãçéì eîéçøe eìéçãa dzðéëLe àeä Céøa àLã÷c àîLÀÈÀËÀÈÀÄÀÄÀÅÄÀÄÀÄÀÇÅÅÀÀÄÈÀÄ :ïîàå ïîà íìBòì äåäé Ceøa :ïîà ìàøNé-ìk íLaÀÅÈÄÀÈÅÈÅÈÀÊÈÀÈÈÅÀÈÅ äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ IF YOU ARE TAKING THE LULAV FOR THE FIRST TIME ON SUKKOS, YOU SHOULD Blessed are You, Adonoy, ALSO RECITE: íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ our God, King of the Universe, eðLc÷ øLàÂÆÄÀ‹ÈÍ Blessed are You, Adonoy, Who sanctified us íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ åéúBöîaÀÄÀÈ our God, King of the Universe, with His commandments eðîi÷å eðéçäLÆÆÁÈÍÀÄÀ‹ÈÍ eðeöåÀÄÈÍ Who has kept us alive and sustained us and commanded us :äfä ïîfì eðrébäåÀÄÄÈÍÇÀ‹ÇÇÆ :áìeì úìéèð ìrÇÀÄÇÈ and brought us to this time. concerning the taking of the lulav.

351 / HALLEL ììä Hallel Hallel, the name especially applied to Psalms 113–118, is mentioned in the Talmud (Pesachim 117a), when Rabbi Judah quoted Samuel as saying “Who recited this Hallel? (Who ordained that this Hallel be read?) The prophets ordain that Israel should recite Hallel when they are redeemed from misfortune as an expression of gratitude for their redemption.” In time, the Rabbis made the reading of Hallel obligatory on the major festivals such as Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukkos. Since Maccabean times, Chanu- kah is likewise marked by the reading of Hallel. On Purim the reading of the Scroll of Esther takes the place of Hallel (Megillah 14a). The reading of Hallel on Rosh Chodesh is not rabbinically ordained, but a minhag, a custom which began with the Jews of Babylon in the second cen- tury, and has been accepted by all Israel as an obligatory Service. Because it is a minor festival, Hallel is shortened on Rosh Chodesh by omitting half of Psalm 115 and 116. On the last six days of Pesach also, only “half”-Hallel is recited to show that our joy is diminished because of the drowning of the Egyptians. On ROSH CHODESH and CHANUKAH Hallel is omitted in a house of mourning during the week of shivah. See Shulchan Aruch O.C. # 422:2 and 683 with Shaarei Teshuvah there. Psalm 113 äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ déeììäÇÀ‹È íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy, Praise God! our God, King of the Universe, äåäé éãár eììäÇÀ‹ÇÀÅÀÊÈ åéúBöîa eðLc÷ øLàÂÆÄÀ‹ÈÍÀÄÀÈ Praise, you servants of Adonoy, 1 Who sanctified us with His commandments :äåäé íL-úà eììäÇÀ‹ÆÅÀÊÈ :ìlää-úà àBø÷ì eðeöåÀÄÈÍÄÀÆÇÇÅ praise the Name of Adonoy. and commanded us to read the Hallel. 1 Servitude is usually accompanied by unhappiness and depression, causing the slaves to seek ways of escaping from their master to attain freedom. Servitude of God, however, brings happiness; the Jew seeks ways to serve God and joyfully accepts the “yoke” of Divine Sovereignty.”—Sfas Emes

ììä / 352 ìc øôrî éîé÷îÀÄÄÅÈÈÈ Cøáî äåäé íL éäéÀÄÅÀÊÈÀÊÈ He raises up the poor from the dust, The Name of Adonoy will be blessed :ïBéáà íéøé útLàîÅÇÀÊÈÄÆÀ :íìBò-ãrå äzrîÅÇÈÀÇÈ from the dunghills He lifts up the needy, 3 from now forever. íéáéãð-ír éáéLBäìÀÄÄÄÀÄÄ . BàBáî-ãr LîL-çøænîÄÄÀÇÆÍÆÇÀ to seat [them] with nobles, From the rising of the sun to its setting, :Bnr éáéãð írÄÀÄÅÇ :äåäé íL ìläîÀËÈÅÀÊÈ with the nobles of His people. praised is the Name of Adonoy. úéaä úø÷r éáéLBîÄÄÂÆÍÆÇÇÍÄ äåäé íéBb-ìk-ìr íøÈÇÈÄÀÊÈ He returns the barren woman to the home 4 High above all nations, is Adonoy, äçîN íéðaä-íàÅÇÈÄÀÅÈ :BãBák íéîMä ìrÇÇÈÇÍÄÀ [as] a joyful mother of children. above the heavens, is His Glory. :déeììäÇÀ‹È eðéäGà äåäék éîÄÇÈÊÁÅÍ Praise God! Who is like Adonoy, our God, :úáLì éäéaânäÇÇÀÄÄÈÈÍÆ Psalm 114 Who dwells on high, íéøönîÄÄÀÈÍÄ ìàøNé úàöaÀÅÄÀÈÅ úBàøì éìÄÄÀ étLnäÇÇÀÄ When Israel went out of Egypt, [yet] looks down so low 2 á÷ré úéaÅÇÂÊ :õøàáe íéîMaÇÈÇÍÄÈÈÍÆ the House of Jacob in the heavens and [upon] the earth? 2 Enthroned in the highest heavens, He stoops to regard the most lowly on earth. Rabbi Yochanan said, “In every scriptural passage where you find the greatness of God mentioned, there you also find mention of His humility. (Megillah 31a) 3 A ìã (poor man) has absolutely nothing, whereas an ïBéáà (a needy person), though in direÇ Æ À need, is slightly better off. The Vilna Gaon says that this verse is to be understood in a spiritual sense: God raises up even the spiritually poor person who is completely destitute in terms of Torah and mitzvos; the spiritually needy person is one who may have some knowledge and good deeds but who has sunk into the dunghill of sin. If he earnestly seeks to repent, God will raise him to such a high level of spiritual purity that he will be seated with the “noble of His people” (the patriarchs and the prophets). 4 Metsudas Dovid translates, “He causes the barren woman to return to the home,” explaining that a woman without children spends most of her time outside the house. When God grants her children, He thereby causes her to stay at home, rearing her children.

353 / HALLEL õøà éìeç ïBãà éðôlîÄÄÀÅÈÍÄÈÍÆ . :ærG írîÅÇÅ Tremble, earth, before the Master, 7 from a people of an alien language, 5 :á÷ré dBìà éðôlîÄÄÀÅÁÍÇÇÂÊ BLã÷ì äãeäé äúéäÈÀ‹ÈÀÈÀÈÀ from before the God of Jacob, Judah became His holy nation, 6 øevä éëôääÇÊÀ‹ÄÇ :åéúBìLîî ìàøNéÄÀÈÅÇÀÀ ‹ È Who turns the rock 8 Israel, His dominion. íéî-íâàÂÇÈÍÄ ñðiå äàø íiäÇÈÈÈÇÈÊ into a pool of water, The sea saw and fled, :íéî-BðérîÇÀÀ‹ÈÍÄ ì LéîÄÀ lçÇÈ :øBçàì áqé ïcøiäÇÇÀÅÄÊÀÈ the flintstone into a fountain of water. the Jordan turned back. Psalm 115 íéìéàë eã÷ø íéøääÆÈÄÈÀ‹ÀÅÄ On ROSH CHODESH and CHOL HAMO’ED The mountains skipped like rams, PESACH omit the following paragraph, and continue eðøëæ äåäé “Adonoy,ÀÊÈÀÈÈÍ :ïàö-éðák úBòábÀÈÄÀÅÊ mindful,” on page 355. the hills like young sheep. äåäéÀÊÈ eðì-àGÈÍ ñeðú ék íiä El-äîÇÀÇÈÄÈ Not for our sake, Adonoy, 9 What bothers you, sea, that you flee; eðì àGÈÍ :øBçàì áqz ïcøiäÇÇÀÅÄÊÀÈ not for our sake, Jordan, that you turn backwards? ãBák ïz EîLì-ékÄÀÄÀÅÈ íéìéàë eã÷øz íéøääÆÈÄÄÀÀ‹ÀÅÄ but unto Your Name give honor, Mountains, that you skip like rams Ecñç-ìrÇÇÀÀ‹ :ïàö-éðák úBòábÀÈÄÀÅÊ for the sake of Your kindliness, hills, like young sheep? 5 ærì refers to any non-Hebraic tongue. ærBì denotes a person who speaks an alien tongue.ÇÇ Å Targum Yonoson interprets ærBì ír, “a barbaric people.”ÇÅ 6 “And you will be unto Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”—Exodus 19:6 7 According to the Sages, the words õøà éìeç indicate the creation, i.e., the birth of the world.ÄÈÆ The verse is thus translated: “Before the Master, the Creator of the earth.” 8 God made water flow from a rock at Refidim.—Exodus 17:6 and Numbers 20:8–11 9 According to Seporno, the Psalmist foresaw the destruction of the First Temple and prayed for its restoration, “not for our sake but for Your Name.” He also asked God to “give honor to His

ììä / 354 ïeLéîé àGå íäéãéÀÅÆÀÀÄ :Ezîà-ìrÇÂÄÆÍ Their hands cannot feel, for the sake of Your truth. eëläé àGå íäéìâøÇÀÅÆÀÀÇÅÍ íéBbä eøîàé änÍÈÊÀ‹ÇÄ ìÈ their feet cannot walk, Why should the nations say, :íðBøâa ebäé-àGÆÀÄÀÈ :íäéäGà àð-äiàÇÅÈÁÅÆ they cannot speak with their throat. “Where now is their God?” íäéNò eéäé íäBîkÀÆÄÀÊÅÆ íéîMá eðéäGàåÅÅÍÇÈÈÍÄ Like them shall be their makers, And [indeed,] our God is in heaven, :íäa çèa-øLà ìkÊÂÆÊÅÍÇÈÆ :äNr õôç-øLà ìkÊÂÆÈÅÈÈ all who put their trust in them. whatever He desires, He does. äåäéa çèa ìàøNéÄÀÈÅÀÇÇÈÊ . áäæå óñk íäéaörÂÇÅÆÆÍÆÀÈÈ Israel, trust in Adonoy; 11 Their idols 10 are silver and gold, :àeä ípâîe íøærÆÀÈÈÄÈ :íãà éãé äNrîÇÂÅÀÅÈÈ He is their help and their shield. products of human hands. äåäéá eçèa ïøäà úéaÅÇÂÊÄÀÇÈÊ eøaãé àGå íäì-ätÆÈÆÀÀÇÅÍ House of Aaron, trust in Adonoy; They have a mouth but cannot speak, :àeä ípâîe íøærÆÀÈÈÄÈ :eàøé àGå íäì íéðérÅÇÍÄÈÆÀÄÀ He is their help and their shield. they have eyes but cannot see, äåäéá eçèa äåäé éàøéÄÀÅÀÊÈÄÀÇÈÊ eòîLé àGå íäì íéðæàÈÀÇÍÄÈÆÀÄÀÈÍ [You] who fear Adonoy, trust in Adonoy; 12 they have ears but cannot hear, :àeä ípâîe íøærÆÀÈÈÄÈ :ïeçéøé àGå íäì óàÇÈÆÀÀÄ He is their help and their shield. they have a nose, but cannot smell. Name” even during the period of exile through His performance of miracles on behalf of the righteous of the generation. 10 íäéaör is related to áör which means “sadness” or “grief.” Radak notes that idols bring onlyÇÇÅÆ È Å grief to those who depend on them. 11 Maharal of Prague notes that there are three classes of those who place their trust in God. Israel manifests their trusts in Him like children who trust in their father. The House of Aaron, who serve God out of love, manifest trust in Him like children who trust in their father. And those who serve God out of reverence, manifest trust in Him through their reverence for Him. 12 The Sages say that this refers to the proselytes (who were not included in the categories previously mentioned).

355 / HALLEL dé-eììäé íéúnä-àGÇÅÄÀÇÀ‹È CøáéÀÈÅ eðøëæ äåäéÀÊÈÀÈÈÍ The dead do not praise God, Adonoy, mindful of us, will bless, 13 éãøé-ìk àGåÀÈÊÀ‹Å ìàøNé úéa-úà CøáéÀÈÅÆÅÄÀÈÅ nor do those who go down He will bless the House of Israel; :äîeãÈ :ïøäà úéa-úà CøáéÀÈÅÆÅÇÂÊ into the silence [of the grave]. He will bless the House of Aaron. dé Cøáð eðçðàåÇÂÇÍÀÀÈÅÈ äåäé éàøé CøáéÀÈÅÄÀÅÀÊÈ But we will bless God He will bless those who fear Adonoy, íìBò-ãrå äzrîÅÇÈÀÇÈ :íéìãbä-ír íépèwäÇÀ‹ÇÄÄÇÀ‹ÊÄ from now forever. the small ones along with the great. :déeììäÇÀ‹È íëéìr äåäé óñéÊÅÀÊÈÂÅÆ Praise God! May Adonoy increase you, Psalm 116 :íëéða-ìrå íëéìrÂÅÆÀÇÀÅÆ On ROSH CHODESH and CHOL HAMO’ED you and your children. 14 PESACH omit the following paragraph, and continue, áéLà-äî “How can IÈÈÄ äåäéì ízà íéëeøaÀÄÇÆÇÈÊ repay,” on page 356. Blessed are you unto Adonoy, äåäé òîLé-ékÄÄÀÇÀÊÈ ézáäàÈÇÍÀÄ :õøàå íéîL äNòÊÅÈÇÍÄÈÈÍÆ . I love when Adonoy hears 16 the Maker of heaven and earth. :éðeðçz éìB÷-úàÆÄÇÂÈ äåäéì íéîL íéîMäÇÈÇÍÄÈÇÍÄÇÈÊ my voice, my prayers. The heaven is the heaven of Adonoy, 15 éì Bðæà ähä-ékÄÄÈÈÀÄ :íãà-éðáì ïúð õøàäåÀÈÈÍÆÈÇÄÀÅÈÈ Because He turned His ear to me, but the earth He gave to mankind. 13 The Psalmist beseeches God to bless the House of Israel each time we are mentioned before Him: “Adonoy, when we are mentioned bless us.”—Maharal of Prague 14 He will so bless those who fear Him that the young will retain an eternal link with the old, so that the blessing of the parents will be transferred to the children.—S.R. Hirsch 15 The heaven is heavenly without the efforts of man. He is not asked to perfect the heavens. The earth, however, was “given” to man as his province, and he is asked to perfect it. The earth was given to man with the injunction that he transform its material nature into a spiritual holiness dedicated to God.—Numerous Chassidic sources 16 The Jewish people said: “Sovereign of the Universe! When am I loved by You? When You hear the sound of my prayer” (Pesachim 118b). One who loves another enjoys the sound of his

ììä / 356 :éëéìr ìîb äåäé-ékÄÀÊÈÈÇÈÈÍÀÄ :àø÷à éîéáeÀÈÇÆÀÈ for Adonoy has rewarded you bountifully. throughout my days I will call [upon Him]. úånî éLôð zölç ékÄÄÇÍÀÈÇÀÄÄÈÍÆ úåî-éìáç éðeôôàÂÈÍÄÆÀÅÈÍÆ For You freed my soul from death, I am encompassed with pangs of death ärîc-ïî éðér-úàÆÅÄÄÄÀÈ ìBàL éøöîeÀÈÅÀ my eye from tears, and the narrow confines of the grave :éçcî éìâø-úàÆÇÀÄÄÆÍÄ éðeàöîÀÈÍÄ my foot from stumbling. come upon me; äåäé éðôì CläúàÆÀÇÅÄÀÅÀÊÈ :àöîà ïBâéå äøöÈÈÀÈÆÀÈ I will walk before Adonoy trouble and sorrow I encounter. :íéiçä úBöøàaÀÇÀÇÇÄ àø÷à äåäé-íLáeÀÅÀÊÈÆÀÈ in the land of the living. 17 And upon the Name, Adonoy, I call, øaãà ék ézðîàäÆÁÇÍÀÄÄÂÇÅ . :éLôð äèlî äåäé äpàÈÈÀÊÈÇÀ‹ÈÇÀÄ I had faith [even] when I said, “I beseech You, Adonoy, save my soul.” :ãàî éúéðr éðàÂÄÈÄÍÄÀÊ ÷écöå äåäé ïepçÇÀÊÈÀÇÄ “I suffer greatly.” Gracious is Adonoy and righteous, éæôçá ézøîà éðàÂÄÈÇÍÀÄÀÈÀÄ :íçøî eðéäGàåÅÅÍÀÇÅ I said in my haste, and our God is compassionate. :áæk íãàä-ìkÈÈÈÈÊÅ äåäé íéàút øîL Ê ÅÀÈÄÀÊÈ “All men are deceitful.” 18 Adonoy protects the simple; äåäéìÇÈÊ áéLà-äîÈÈÄ :réLBäé éìå éúBlcÇÄÀÄÀÄÍÇ How can I repay Adonoy I was brought low and He delivered me. :éìr éäBìeîâz-ìkÈÇÀÍÄÈÈ éëéçeðîÀÈÍÀÄ ì éLôð éáeLÄÇÀÄÄ for all the rewards He bestowed on me? Return, my soul, to your restfulness, voice, regardless of the merit of his request. The Jew declares that he is loved when God listens even to the sound of his prayer.—Agra D’pirka. 17 According to Rashi and Radak, “the land of the living” refers to Eretz Yisroel. 18 David said this when he was forced to flee from Absalom. Others say that it refers to his troubles when Saul tried to trap him. (See I Samuel 23)

357 / HALLEL ílLà äåäéì éøãðÀÈÇÇÈÊÂÇÅ . àOà úBòeLé-ñBkÀÆÈ My vows to Adonoy I will fulfill, The cup of deliverance I will raise, 19 :Bnr-ìëì àp-äãâðÆÀÈÈÀÈÇ :àø÷à äåäé íLáeÀÅÀÊÈÆÀÈ in the presence of all His people. and upon the Name, Adonoy, I will call. äåäé úéa úBøöçaÀÇÀÅÀÊÈ ílLà äåäéì éøãðÀÈÇÇÈÊÂÇÅ In the courtyards of the House of God, My vows to Adonoy I will fulfill íéìLeøé éëëBúaÀÅÍÄÀÈÈÍÄ :Bnr-ìëì àp-äãâðÆÀÈÈÀÈÇ in your midst, Jerusalem. in the presence of all His people. :déeììäÇÀ‹È äåäé éðéra ø÷éÈÈÀÅÅÀÊÈ Praise God! Precious in the eyes of Adonoy :åéãéñçì äúånäÇÈÍÀÈÇÂÄÈ Psalm 117 is the death of His pious ones. 20 íéBb-ìkÈÄ äåäé-úà eììäÇÀ‹ÆÀÊÈ Ecár éðà-ék äåäé äpàÈÈÀÊÈÄÂÄÇÀÆÍ Praise Adonoy, all nations; 22 Ibeseech You,Adonoy, forIam Yourservant, 21 :íénàä-ìk eäeçaLÇÀ‹ÍÈÈËÄ Eúîà-ïa Ecár-éðàÂÄÇÀÀ‹ÆÂÈÆÍ extol Him, all peoples. I am Your servant, the son of Your handmaid; Bcñç eðéìr øáb ékÄÈÇÈÅÍÇÀ :éøñBîÅÈ ì zçztÄÇÍÀÈÀ For His kindness overwhelmed us, You have loosened my bonds. íìBòì äåäé-úîàåÆÁÆÀÊÈÀÈ äãBz çáæ çaæà-EìÀÆÀÇÆÍÇÈ and Adonoy’s truth is forever. To You I will offer offerings of thanksgiving, :déeììäÇÀ‹È :àø÷à äåäé íLáeÀÅÀÊÈÆÀÈ Praise God! and upon the Name, Adonoy, I will call. 19 The word úBòeLé is plural, indicating more than one deliverance. Ibn Ezra says that there areÀ many different ways in which God delivers us. Accordingly, S.R. Hirsch translates, “I shall raise the cup of deliverance’s many forms and call upon the Name Adonoy.” 20 Ibn Ezra maintains that the word ø÷é is to be translated äL÷, difficult. He interprets: “TheÈÈ È Æ untimely death of His pious ones is most difficult in the sight of God.” 21 The Jew pleads with God, asking the Almighty to accept him as His servant.—Sfas Emes 22 The shortest of all Psalms, it is one of the grandest. According to commentaries it refers to the Messianic times. It restates the ultimate hope of the Jew that all children of men shall one day be united in pure worship of God.

ììä / 358 ïøäà-úéáÅÇÂÊ àð-eøîàéÊÀ‹È Psalm 118 Let the House of Aaron declare: On SUKKOS the Species are waved each time the verses äéì eãBääå ÇÊÈ and àp äréLBä äåäé àpàÈÈÀÊÈÄÍÈÈ :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ (page 361) are recited. The sequence for His kindness endures forever. followed in most congregations is: ïøäà-úéáÅÇÂÊ àð-eøîàéÊÀ‹È . CHAZZAN: 1. forward (east), 2. right (south), 3. back (west), 4. left (north), 5. up, and 6. down. Let the House of Aaron declare: The following are said responsively: :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ áBè-ék äåäéìÇÊÈÄ eãBä . for His kindness endures forever. CHAZZAN: Thank Adonoy for He is good, :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ Congregants respond: for His kindness endures forever. áBè-ék äåäéìÇÊÈÄ eãBä Congregants respond: Thank Adonoy for He is good, áBè-ék äåäéìÇÊÈÄ eãBä :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ Thank Adonoy for He is good, for His kindness endures forever. :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ äåäé éàøéÄÀÅÀÊÈ àð-eøîàéÊÀ‹È for His kindness endures forever. 23 Let those who fear Adonoy declare: ìàøNéÄÀÈÅ àð-øîàéÊÇÈ :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ Let Israel declare: for His kindness endures forever. :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ äåäé éàøéÄÀÅÀÊÈ àð-eøîàéÊÀ‹È . CHAZZAN: for His kindness endures forever. Let those who fear Adonoy declare: ìàøNéÄÀÈÅ àð-øîàéÊÇÈ . CHAZZAN: :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ Let Israel declare: for His kindness endures forever. :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ for His kindness endures forever. Congregants respond: Congregants respond: áBè-ék äåäéìÇÊÈÄ eãBä áBè-ék äåäéìÇÊÈÄ eãBä Thank Adonoy for He is good, Thank Adonoy for He is good, :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ for His kindness endures forever. for His kindness endures forever. 23 Each act of kindness that God does with the Jewish People is not of a temporary nature,

359 / HALLEL :íìéîà ék äåäé íLaÀÅÀÊÈÄÂÄÇ øönä-ïîÄÇÅÇ in Adonoy’s Name, I cut them down. From the narrowness [of distress] éðeááñ-íâ éðeañÇÍÄÇÀÈÍÄ di éúàø÷ÈÈÍÄÈ They surrounded me, they surround me; I called [to] God, :íìéîà ék äåäé íLaÀÅÀÊÈÄÂÄÇ éððrÈÈÍÄ in Adonoy’s Name, I cut them down. He answered me íéøáãë éðeañÇÍÄÄÀÊÄ :dé áçønáÇÆÀÈÈ They surrounded me like bees, with the breadth of Divine relief. íéöB÷ Làk eërcÊÂÀÅÄ àøéà àG éì äåäéÀÊÈÄÄÈ [but] they were extinguished like a thorn fire; Adonoy is with me, I will not fear, :íìéîà ék äåäé íLaÀÅÀÊÈÄÂÄÇ :íãà éì äNri-äîÇÇÂÆÄÈÈ in Adonoy’s Name, I cut them down. what can man do to me? ìtðì éðúéçã äçcÈÊÀÄÇÍÄÄÀÊ éøæòa éì äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÊÀ‹È You pushed me again and again 25 to fall, Adonoy is with me, to help me, :éðøær äåäéåÇÈÊÂÈÈÍÄ :éàðNá äàøà éðàåÇÂÄÆÀÆÀÀ‹È but Adonoy helped me. and I will see my enemies’ [defeat]. dé úøîæå éfrÈÄÀÄÀÈÈ äåäéa úBñçì áBèÇÂÇÈÊ The strength and retribution of God It is better to take refuge in Adonoy 24 :äreLéì éì-éäéåÇÀÄÄÄÈ :íãàa çèaîÄÀ‹ÍÊÇÈÈÈ was [the cause of] my deliverance. than to trust in man. äreLéå äpø ìB÷ÄÈÄÈ äåäéa úBñçì áBèÇÂÇÈÊ The sound of joyous song and deliverance It is better to take refuge in Adonoy íé÷éÄ cö éìäàaÀÈÃÅÇÄ :íéáéãða çèaîÄÀ‹ÍÊÇÄÀÄÄ is in the tents of the righteous: than to trust in nobles. äåäé ïéîéÀÄÀÊÈ éðeááñ íéBb-ìkÈÄÀÈÍÄ the right hand of Adonoy All nations surround me; lasting merely a day or a year, but its effects endure forever, as it is said: “The kindlinesses of Adonoy have not ended nor are His mercies exhausted” (Lamentations 3:22).—Sfas Emes 24 The Psalmist declares that it is far better to rely on God even without His specific assurance of help, than to place one’s trust in man, even with his promises of assistance.—Siddur HaGra 25 The Psalmist addresses his enemies.

ììä / 360 :Bá eàáé íé÷écöÇÄÄÈÍÊ :ìéç äNòÍÊÈÈÍÄ the righteous shall enter it. performs deeds of valor. éðúéðr ék EãBàÀ‹ÄÂÄÈÍÄ äîîBø äåäé ïéîéÀÄÀÊÈÅÈ I thank You for You answered me, 26 The right hand of Adonoy is exalted, :äreLéì éì-éäzåÇÀ‹ÄÄÄÈ äåäé ïéîéÀÄÀÊÈ and You have been my deliverance. the right hand of Adonoy éðúéðr ék EãBàÀ‹ÄÂÄÈÍÄ :ìéç äNòÍÊÈÈÍÄ I thank You for You answered me, performs deeds of valor. :äreLéì éì-éäzåÇÀ‹ÄÄÄÈ äéçà-ék úeîà-àGÈÄÆÀÆ and You have been my deliverance. I shall not die; for I shall live íéðBaä eñàî ïáàÆÍÆÈÂÇÄ :dé éNrî øtñàåÇÂÇÅÇÂÅÈ The stone which the builders scorned and relate the deeds of God. :äpt Làøì äúéäÈÀ‹ÈÀÊÄÈ di épøqé øqéÇÊÄÀ‹ÇÍÄÈ became the cornerstone. 27 God has severely chastised me, íéðBaä eñàî ïáàÆÍÆÈÂÇÄ :éððúð àG úånÈÍÆÀÈÈÍÄ ìåÀÇ The stone which the builders scorned but unto death He has not handed me. :äpt Làøì äúéäÈÀ‹ÈÀÊÄÈ ÷ãö-éørL éì-eçútÄÀÄÇÂÅÆÍÆ became the cornerstone. Open for me the gates of righteousness; úàÊ f äúéä äåäé úàîÅÅÀÊÈÈÍÀ‹È íá-àáàÈÍÊÈ This is Adonoy’s doing, I will enter them, :eðéðéra úàìôð àéäÄÄÀÈÀÅÅÍ :dé äãBàÆÈ it is a marvel in our eyes. I will give thanks unto God. úàÊ f äúéä äåäé úàîÅÅÀÊÈÈÍÀ‹È äåäéì ørMä-äæÆÇÇÍÇÇÈÊ This is Adonoy’s doing, This gate is Adonoy’s 26 According to Sfas Emes the word éðúéðr can also read éðúéðr which is translated, “You haveÂÄÈÄ Ä Ä È Ä afflicted me.” The Psalmist thanks God for afflicting him, because that affliction became the source of his deliverance. 27 According to our Sages, this verse was recited by David’s father, Yishai, when the prophet, Samuel chose David as the one destined to be king of Israel. Yishai thought that one of his other sons would be selected, as he considered David to be inferior to them.

361 / HALLEL àaä CeøaÈÇÈ :eðéðéra úàìôð àéäÄÄÀÈÀÅÅÍ Blessed be he who comes it is a marvel in our eyes. äåäé íLaÀÅÀÊÈ äåäé äNr íBiä-äæÆÇÈÈÀÊÈ . in the Name of Adonoy; This day was made by Adonoy, :äåäé úéaî íëeðëøaÅÇÀÆÄÅÀÊÈ :Bá äçîNðå äìéâðÈÄÍÈÀÄÀÀ‹È we bless you from Adonoy’s House. let us exult and rejoice in Him. eðì-øàiåÇÈÆÈÍ äåäé ìàÅÀÊÈ äåäé äNr íBiä-äæÆÇÈÈÀÊÈ Almighty, Adonoy, He gave us light; This day was made by Adonoy, íéúára âç-eøñàÄÀÇÇÂÊÄ :Bá äçîNðå äìéâðÈÄÍÈÀÄÀÀ‹È bind the festival sacrifices with ropes 28 let us exult and rejoice in Him. úBðø÷-ãrÇÇÀ The Chazzan chants each of the [until they are brought] to the corners following four lines and the :çaænäÇÄÀÅÍÇ congregation repeats after him. of the Altar. eðì-øàiå äåäé ìàÅÀÊÈÇÈÆÈÍ :àp äréLBä äåäéÀÊÈÄÍÈÈ àpàÈÈ Almighty, Adonoy, He gave us light; We beseech You, Adonoy, deliver us! íéúára âç-eøñàÄÀÇÇÂÊÄ :àp äréLBä äåäéÀÊÈÄÍÈÈ àpàÈÈ bind the festival sacrifices with ropes We beseech You, Adonoy, deliver us! úBðø÷-ãrÇÇÀ :àð äçéìöä äåäéÀÊÈÇÀÄÈÈ àpàÈÈ [until they are brought] to the corners We beseech You, Adonoy, make us successful! :çaænäÇÄÀÅÍÇ :àð äçéìöä äåäéÀÊÈÇÀÄÈÈ àpàÈÈ of the Altar. àaä CeøaÈÇÈ äzà éìàÅÄÇÈ We beseech You, Adonoy, make us successful! You are my Almighty Blessed be he who comes DãBàåÀÆÍ äåäé íLaÀÅÀÊÈ and I will give thanks to You; in the Name of Adonoy; :DîîBøà éäGàÁÇÂÀ‹ÆÍ :äåäé úéaî íëeðëøaÅÇÀÆÄÅÀÊÈ My God, I will exalt You. we bless you from Adonoy’s House. 28 The offerings that were brought free of blemish were tied down to protect them until they could be sacrificed and their blood sprinkled on the corners of the Altar.

ììä / 362 eëéìîéå eLéc÷éåÀÇÀÄÍÀÇÀÄÍ äzà éìàÅÄÇÈ sanctify and proclaim the sovereignty You are my Almighty eðkìî EîL-úàÆÄÀÇÀÅÍ DãBàåÀÆÍ of Your Name, our King. and I will give thanks to You; úBãBäì áBè Eì ékÄÀÀ . :DîîBøà éäGàÁÇÂÀ‹ÆÍ For to You it is good to give thanks, My God, I will exalt You. ønæì äàð EîLìeÀÄÀÈÆÀÇÅ áBè-ék äåäéìÇÈÊÄ eãBä and to Your Name it is fitting to sing praises, Thank Adonoy for He is good; íìBò ãrå íìBòî ékÄÅÈÀÇÈ :Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ for His kindness endures forever. for from this world to the next, :ìà äzàÇÈÅ áBè-ék äåäéì eãBäÇÈÊÄ Thank Adonoy for He is good; You are Almighty. :Bcñç íìBÈÇÀ òì ékÄÀ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ for His kindness endures forever. Blessed are You, Adonoy, EeììäéÀÇÀ‹Í :úBçaLza ìläî CìîÆÍÆÀËÈÇÄÀÈ eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ Your praise, Adonoy our God, King, Who is extolled with praises. EéNrî-ìkÈÇÂÆÍ On ROSH CHODESH and CHOL [will be proclaimed by] all Your works, HAMO’ED, the Chazzan recites the íé÷écö EéãéñçåÇÂÄÆÍÇÄÄ Whole-Kaddishonpage 185, onCHANU- KAH, he recites the Half-Kaddish on page Your pious ones, the righteous, 164. The Torah is then taken from the EðBöø éNBòÅÀÆ Í Ark, page 166, and read from. After the who do Your will; conclusion of the Torah Reading, it is re- turned to the Ark, followed by éøLà, pageÇÀÅ ìàøNé úéa Enr-ìëåÀÈÇÀ‹ÅÄÀÈÅ 176andïBéöìàáe,p. 180[omittingçvðîÈÀÄ ì].Ç À Ç Å Í Ç and all Your people, the House of Israel, On ROSH CHODESH and CHOL eëøáéå eãBé äpøaÀÄÈÄÈÀ‹ HAMO’ED, the Chazzan then recites the Half-Kaddish and the congregation says will joyfully thank and bless, the Musaf Shemoneh Esrei (Rosh eøàôéå eçaLéåÄÇÀ‹ÄÈ Chodesh, next page, and the Musaf for praise and glorify, Chol HaMoed is on page 375.) On CHA- eöéøréå eîîBøéåÄÀ‹ÀÇÂÄÍ NUKAH he recites the Whole-Kaddish, and continues with Aleinu (p. 186). exalt and revere,

363 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR ROSH CHODESH ùãç ùàøì óñåî Musaf Service for Rosh Chodesh ìkä äðB÷åÀÅÇÊ àø÷à äåäé íL ékÄÅÀÊÈÆÀÈ Who possesses everything, When I proclaim Adonoy’s Name úBáà éãñç øëBæåÀÅÇÀÅÈ :eðéäGàì ìãâ eáäÈÍÊÆÅÅÍ Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs, attribute greatness to our God. ìàBâ àéáîeÅÄÅ çzôz éúôN éðãàÂÊÈÀÈÇÄÀÈ My Master, open my lips, and Who brings a redeemer íäéðá éðáìÄÀÅÀÅÆ :Eúläz ãébé éôeÄÇÄÀÄÈÆÍ to their children’s children, and my mouth will declare Your praise. :äáäàa BîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÀÇÂÈ ìÀ úåáà for the sake of His Name, with love. THE VIRTUE OF OUR PATRIARCHS :ïâîe réLBîe øæBò CìîÆÍÆÅÄÍÇÈÅ äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ King, Helper, and Deliverer and Shield. Blessed are You, Adonoy, äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGàÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ Blessed are You, Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers, :íäøáà ïâîÈÅÇÀÈÈ ÷çöé éäGà íäøáà éäGàÁÅÇÀÈÈÁÅÄÀÈ Shield of Abraham. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, á÷ré éäGàåÅÅÇÂÊ úåøåáâ and God of Jacob, DIVINE MIGHT ìàäÈÅ éðãà íìBòìÀÈÂÊÈ øBab äzàÇÈÄ àøBpäå øBabä ìBãbäÇÈÇÄÀÇÈ the Almighty, You are mighty forever, my Master; the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome, äzà íéúî äiçîÀÇÅÅÄÇÍÈ ïBéìr ìàÅÆÀ You are the Resurrector of the dead most high Almighty, :réLBäì áøÇÀÄÍÇ íéáBè íéãñç ìîBbÅÂÈÄÄ the Powerful One to deliver us. Who bestows beneficent kindness,

ùãç ùàøì óñåî / 364 äiçîe úéîî CìîÆÍÆÅÄÀÇÆ CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE PHRASE King Who causes death and restores life, Between PESACH and SHEMINI ATZERES, :äreLé çéîöîeÇÀÄÍÇÀÈ some (à'øâä âäðî) say:ÄÀÇ and causes deliverance to sprout forth. £ ìhä ãéøBîÄÇÈ £ äzà ïîàðåÀÆÁÈÇÈ Causer of the dew to fall. And You are faithful Between SHEMINI ATZERES and PESACH say: :íéúî úBéçäìÀÇÂÅÄ £ :íLbä ãéøBîe çeøä áéMîÇÄÈÍÇÄÇÆÍÆ £ to restore the dead to life. Causer of the wind to blow äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ and of the rain to fall. Blessed are You, Adonoy, If you neglected to say the above, see :íéúnä äiçîÀÇÅÇÅÄ page 259. ãñça íéiç ìkìëîÀÇÀÅÇÄÀÆÍÆ Resurrector of the dead. When the Chazzan repeats the Sustainer of the living with kindliness, Shemoneh Esrei, the Kedushah is said íéaø íéîçøa íéúî äiçîÀÇÅÅÄÀÇÂÄÇÄ here. Resurrector of the dead with great mercy, äùåã÷ íéìôBð CîBñÅÀ‹Ä Kedushah Supporter of the fallen, íéìBç àôBøåÀÅÄ Chazzan and Congregation say: and Healer of the sick, íìBòa EîL-úàÆÄÀÈÈ Lc÷ðÀÇÅ íéøeñà øézîeÇÄÂÄ We will sanctify Your Name in the world, and Releaser of the imprisoned, BúBà íéLéc÷nL íLkÀÅÆÇÀÄÄ Búðeîà íi÷îeÀÇÅÁÈ just as they sanctify it and Fulfiller of His faithfulness íBøî éîLaÄÀÅÈ øôr éðLéìÄÅÅÈÈ in the highest heavens; to those who sleep in the dust. Eàéáð ãé-ìr áeúkkÇÈÇÇÀÄÆÍ úBøeáb ìra EBîë éîÄÈÍÇÍÇÀ as is written by the hand of Your prophet, Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds, :øîàå äæ-ìà äæ àø÷åÀÈÈÆÆÆÀÈÇ Cl äîBc éîeÄÍÆÈ “And they called one to another, and said: and who can be compared to You?

365 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR ROSH CHODESH The Chazzan concludes: Congregation says and Chazzan repeats: øBãå øBãìÀÈ LBã÷ LBã÷ LBã÷ÈÈÈ From generation to generation Eìãb ãébðÇÄÈÀÆÍ ‘Holy, holy, holy, we will declare Your greatness, úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ íéçöð çöðìeÀÅÍÇÀÈÄ is Adonoy of Hosts, and to all eternity, :BãBák õøàä-ìë àGîÀÈÈÈÍÆÀ Léc÷ð EúMã÷ÀËÈÀ‹ÇÀÄ the fullness of all the earth is His glory.’” we will sanctify Your holiness, eðéäGà EçáLåÀÄÀÂÁÅÍ The Chazzan says: and Your praise, our God, :eøîàé Ceøa íúnrìÀËÈÈÈÊÅÍ Leîé àG eðétîÄÄÍÈ will not depart from our mouths Those facing them say “Boruch. . .” ãrå íìBòìÀÈÈÆ Congregation says and Chazzan repeats: forever and ever; ìà ékÄÅ äåäé-ãBák CeøaÈÀÀÊÈ because You are the Almighty “Blessed is the glory of Adonoy :äzà LBã÷å ìBãb CìîÆÍÆÈÀÈÈÍÈ :BîB÷nîÄÀ‹ Who is King; Great, and Holy. from its place.” äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy, The Chazzan says: :LBãwä ìàäÈÅÇÈ :øîàì áeúk ELã÷ éøáãáeÀÄÀÅÈÀÀ ‹ Ê È Å the Almighty, the Holy One. And in Your Holy Words it is written: The Chazzan continues íéLãç éLàø.ÈÅÃÈÄ Congregation says and Chazzan repeats: íùä úùåã÷ íìBòì äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ CGîéÄÀ DIVINE SANCTIFICATION “Adonoy will reign forever; LBã÷ EîLåÀÄÀÈ LBã÷ äzàÇÈÈ :øãå øãì ïBiö CéäGàÁÇÍÄÄÀÊÈÊ You are holy and Your Name is holy Your God, Zion, throughout all generations! íéLBã÷eÀÄ :déeììäÇÀ‹È and holy beings Praise God.”

ùãç ùàøì óñåî / 366 úàhç éøérNeÀÄÅÇÈ :äìq Eeììäé íBé-ìëaÀÈÀÇÀ‹ÍÆÍÈ and he-goats for sin-offerings 3 praise You every day, forever. íãra øtëìÀÇÅÇÂÈ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ to atone for them; Blessed are You, Adonoy, eéäé ílëì ïBøkæÄÈÀËÈÄÀ :LBãwä ìàäÈÅÇÈ these were a memorial for all of them, 4 the Almighty, the Holy One. íLôð úreLúeÀÇÇÀÈ and the deliverance of their soul íåéä úùåã÷ àðBN ãiîÄÇÅ SANCTIFICATION OF THE DAY from the hand of the enemy. 5 ïéëz ïBiöa Lãç çaæîÄÀÅÍÇÈÈÀÄÈÄ zúð Enrì íéLãçÃÈÄÀÇÀ‹ÈÇÍÈ éLàøÈÅ Establish a new Altar in Zion, You gave Rosh Chodesh days to Your people, Lãç Làø úìBòåÀÇÊÍÊÆ äøtk ïîæÀÇÇÈÈ and the burnt-offering of Rosh Chodesh [as] a time of atonement 1 åéìr äìrðÇÂÆÈÈ íúBãìBz-ìëìÀÈÀ‹È we will offer on it, for all their generations, ïBöøá äNrð íéfr éøérNeÀÄÅÄÄÇÂÆÀÈ Eéðôì íéáéø÷î íúBéäaÄÀÈÇÀÄÄÀÈÆÍ and the he-goats we will prepare willingly; when they brought before You Lc÷nä úéa úãBáráeÇÂÇÅÇÄÀÈ ïBöø éçáæÄÀÅÈ with the service of the Temple, free-will offerings, 2 1 Rosh Chodesh is designated as “a time of atonement,” a reminder of its solemn aspect which should be deeply stressed. In Judaism all beginnings are holy, and the beginning of the month calls forth serious reflections regarding sins committed during the previous month. This concept was crystallized by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero of Safed, who inaugurated the practice of fasting on the day before Rosh Chodesh (except at the end of Nisan, Elul, Tishrei and Kislev) as Yom Kippur Koton, a minor day of atonement. 2 These are burnt-offerings, “olos,” burnt-offerings, which are a free-will expression of our resolve to strive upward toward a rejuvenated future.—S.R. Hirsch 3 These symbolize atonement for a past, clouded by sin.—S.R. Hirsch 4 The communal-offerings were purchased from a fund comprised of individual donations of a half shekel each, which each male adult member of the House of Israel had to make annually. Therefore these offerings served as a memorial that represented all the contributors.—S.R. Hirsch 5 This refers to man’s eternal enemy, the Evil Inclination (yetzer hara) which drives man to undermine the purity of his soul through lust and passion.—S.R. Hirsch

367 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR ROSH CHODESH Eéðôì äNrð íLåÀÈÇÂÆÀÈÆÍ eðlk çîNðÄÀÇËÈÍ There, we will prepare before You we will all rejoice, eðéúBáBç úBðaø÷-úàÆÈÀÀ‹ÅÍ Ecár ãåã éøéLáeÀÄÅÈÄÇÀÆÍ our obligatory offerings, as with the songs of David, Your servant, íøãñk íéãéîzÀÄÄÀÄÀÈ Eøéra íérîLpäÇÄÀÈÄÀÄÆÍ the daily burnt-offering in their sequence, that were heard in Your city, íéôñeîeÈÄ Eçaæî éðôì íéøeîàäÈÂÄÄÀÅÄÀÀ‹ÆÍ and the musaf-offerings that were chanted before Your Altar; íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ íäì àéáz íìBò úáäàÇÂÇÈÈÄÈÆ according to their law. everlasting love bestow upon them, óñeî-úàåÀÆÇ úBáà úéøáeÀÄÈ And the musaf-offering and the covenant of the fathers äfä Lãçä Làø íBéÊÇÍÊÆÇÆ økæz íéðaìÇÈÄÄÀÊ of this Rosh Chodesh day remember to their children. Eéðôì áéø÷ðå äNrðÇÂÆÀÇÀÄÀÈÆÍ Eøér ïBiöì eðàéáäåÇÂÄÅÍÀÄÄÀ‹ we will prepare and bring before You Bring us to Zion, Your city, äáäàaÀÇÂÈ äpøaÀÄÈ with love with song EðBöø úåöîkÀÄÀÇÀÆ Í íéìLeøéìåÀÄÈÇÍÄ according to the command of Your will, and to Jerusalem, eðéìr záÀÈÈÅÍ úkL BîkÀÆÈÇÍ ELc÷î úéaÅÄÀÈÀ ‹ as You wrote for us the House of Your Sanctuary, 6 EúøBúaÀÈÆÍ íìBò úçîNaÀÄÀÇÈ in Your Torah with everlasting joy. 6 In the time to come, the Sanctuary will be so enlarged that it will take up the entire area of Jerusalem.—Siach Yitzchak

ùãç ùàøì óñåî / 368 ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ äLî éãé-ìrÇÀÅÆ two-tenths for each ram, through the hands of Moses, Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ EcárÇÀÆÍ and one-tenth for each lamb, Your servant, Bkñðk ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÄÀ :øeîàk EãBáë étîÄÄÀÆÍÈÈ and wine according to each libation; 8 from the mouth of Your glory, as it is said: øtëì øérNåÀÈÄÀÇÅ íëéLãçÈÀÅÆ éLàøáeÀÈÅ and a he-goat for atonement, “And on your Rosh Chodesh days íéãéîú éðLeÀÅÀÄÄ äåäéì äìò eáéø÷zÇÀÄÍÊÈÇÈÊ and the two daily burnt-offerings You shall bring a burnt-offering to Adonoy; :íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ íéðL ø÷á-éða íéøtÈÄÀÅÈÈÀÇÍÄ according to their law. two young bullocks eðéúBáà éäGàåÅÅÂÅÍ eðéäGàÁÅÍ ãçà ìéàåÀÇÍÄÆÈ Our God and God of our fathers and one ram, eðéìr LcçÇÅÈÅÍ äráL äðL-éða íéNákÀÈÄÀÅÈÈÄÀÈ renew for us seven male yearling lambs äfä Lãçä-úàÆÇÍÊÆÇÆ :íîéîzÀÄÄ this month without blemish.” 7 Cong. (ïîà)ÈÅ äëøáìå äáBèìÀÈÀÄÀÈÈ íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ for goodness and for blessing, And their meal-offerings and libations Cong. (ïîà)ÈÅ äçîNìe ïBNNìÀÈÀÄÀÈ øaãîkÄÀËÈ for delight and for rejoicing, as prescribed: Cong. (ïîà)ÈÅ äîçðìe äreLéìÄÈÀÆÈÈ íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ for deliverance and for consolation, three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour] Cong. (ïîà)ÈÅ äìkìëìe äñðøôìÀÇÀÈÈÀÇÀÈÈ øtìÇÈ for maintenance and for sustenance, for each bullock, 7 Numbers 28: 11. 8 Half a hin for each bullock, a third of a hin for the ram, and a fourth of a hin for each lamb.

369 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR ROSH CHODESH äãåáò Cong. íBìLìe íéiçìÀÇÄÀÈ (ïîà)ÈÅ PRAYER FOR RETURN OF DIVINE SERVICE for life and for peace, eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ äöøÀÅ àèç úìéçîÀÄÇÅÀ ìÄ Be pleased, Adonoy, our God, Cong. for the forgiving of sin 9 ìàøNé EnraÀÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅ (ïîà)ÈÅ ïBr úçéìñìåÀÄÀÄÇÈ and for the pardoning of iniquity 10 with Your people Israel íúlôúáeÄÀÄÈÈ In a Jewish leap year, from Rosh Hashana through Adar II add the following line: and their prayer(s) Cong. .òLt úøtëìeÀÇÈÍÇÈÍÇ (ïîà)ÈÅ äãBárä-úà áLäåÀÈÅÆÈÂÈ and for atonement of transgression. 11 and restore the service ìàøNé Enrá ékÄÀÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅ Eúéa øéáãìÄÀÄÅÆÍ For Your People, Israel to the Holy of Holies in Your abode, zøçaÈÇÍÀÈ ìàøNé éMàåÀÄÅÄÀÈÅ You have chosen, and the fire-offerings of Israel; úBnàä-ìkîÄÈÈË ìa÷ú äáäàa íúlôúeÀÄÈÈÀÇÂÈÀÇÅ from all the peoples, and accept their prayer, lovingly íéLãç éLàø éwçåÀËÅÈÅÃÈÄ ïBöøaÀÈ and statutes of Rosh Chodesh :zrá÷ íäìÈÆÈÈÍÀÈ and willingly. ãéîz ïBöøì éäúeÀÄÀÈÈÄ have You instituted for them. äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ And may You always find pleasure Blessed are You, Adonoy, :Enr ìàøNé úãBárÂÇÄÀÈÅÇÆÍ ìàøNé Lc÷îÀÇÅÄÀÈÅ with the service of Your people, Israel. Sanctifier of Israel eðéðér äðéæçúåÀÆÁÆÍÈÅÅÍ :íéLãç éLàøåÀÈÅÃÈÄ And may our eyes behold and the Rosh Chodesh days. 9 Committed unknowingly. 10 Committed knowingly. 11 Committed maliciously.

ùãç ùàøì óñåî / 370 eðéiç-ìrÇÇÅÍ :íéîçøa ïBiöì EáeLaÀÀ‹ÀÄÀÇÂÄ for our lives Your merciful return to Zion. Eãéa íéøeñnäÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÆÍ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ which are committed into Your hand, Blessed are You, Adonoy, eðéúBîLð-ìråÀÇÄÀÅÍ :ïBiöì BúðéëL øéæçnäÇÇÂÄÀÄÈÀÄ and for our souls Who returns His Divine Presence to Zion. Cì úBãe÷täÇÀ‹È which are entrusted to You, At the words eðçðà íéãBî “We areÄÂÇÍÀ forward; at äåäéÀÊÈ thankful,” bend Eéqð-ìråÀÇÄÆÍ “Adonoy,” return to an upright position. and for Your miracles eðnr íBé-ìëaLÆÀ‹ÈÄÈÍ äàãåä of every day with us THANKSGIVING EéúBáBèå EéúBàìôð-ìråÀÇÄÀÀ‹ÆÍÀÆÍ Cì eðçðàÂÇÍÀÈ íéãBîÄ and for Your wonders and benefactions We are thankful to You úr-ìëaLÆÀ‹ÈÅ eðéäGà äåäé àeä äzàLÈÇÈÀÊÈÁÅÍ at all times, that You, Adonoy, are our God íéøäöå ø÷áå áørÆÍÆÈÍÊÆÀÈÃÈÍÄ ãrå íìBòì eðéúBáà éäGàåÅÅÂÅÍÀÈÈÆ evening, morning and noon. and the God of our fathers forever; áBhäÇ eðéiç øeöÇÅÍ [You are] the Beneficent One Rock of our lives, Eéîçø eìë-àG ékÄÈÇÂÆÍ eðrLé ïâîÈÅÄÀÅÍ for Your compassion is never withheld; the Shield of our deliverance, íçøîäåÀÇÀ‹ÇÅ øBãå øBãì àeä äzàÇÈÀÈ And [You are] the Merciful One You are in every generation. Eéãñç enú-àG ékÄÇÍÂÈÆÍ El äãBðÍÆÀ for Your kindliness never ceases; We will give thanks to You :Cì eðée÷ íìBòîÅÈÄÄÍÈ Eúläz øtñðeÀÇÅÀÄÈÆÍ we have always placed our hope in You. and recount Your praise,

371 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR ROSH CHODESH EðBöø úBNrìåÀÇÂÀÆ Í MODIM D’RABANAN and to do Your will, When the Chazzan repeats the Shemoneh íìL ááìa EcárìeÀÈÀÀ‹ÀÅÈÈÅ Esrei and concludes ïBiöì BúðéëL øéæçnäÇÇÂÄÀÄÈÀÄ and to serve You wholeheartedly, “Who returns His Divine Presence to Zion”, the congregation responds by Cì íéãBî eðçðàL ìrÇÆÂÇÍÀÄÈ saying ïîà “Amein,” and then theÈÅ for we are thankful to You. following prayer. ìà CeøaÈÅ íéãBîÄ Blessed is the Almighty Cì eðçðàÂÇÍÀÈ :úBàãBääÇÈ We are thankful to You, to Whom all thanks are due. eðéäGà äåäé àeä äzàLÈÇÈÀÊÈÁÅÍ that You, Adonoy, are our God, On CHANUKAH the following prayer is eðéúBáà éäGàåÅÅÂÅÍ added. If you omitted it, you need not and God of our fathers, repeat the Shemoneh Esrei. If, however, øNa-ìë éäGàÁÅÈÈÈ you became aware of your omission before concluding the Beracha, äzà CeøaÈÇÈ God of all flesh, äåäé “Blessed are You, Adonoy,” youÀÊÈ úéLàøa øöBé eðøöBéÀ‹ÅÍÅÀÅÄ should say it at that time, and resume Our Creator, Creator of the Beginning. from ílk ìrå “And for all the foregoing.” IfÀÇËÈ úBàãBäå úBëøaÀÈÀÈ you have already concluded the Beracha, Blessings and thanksgivings continue without saying this prayer. See Shulchan Aruch, O.C. # 682:1. LBãwäå ìBãbä EîLìÀÄÀÇÈÀÇÈ íéqpä ìrÇÇÄÄ to Your great and holy Name eðzîi÷å eðúééçäL ìrÇÆÆÁÄÈÍÀÄÇÀÈÍ [We thank You] for the miracles for keeping us alive, and sustaining us; úBøeábä ìrå ï÷øtä ìråÀÇÇËÀÈÀÇÇÀ‹ eðiçz ïkÅÀÇÅÍ for the redemption, for the mighty deeds, so may You always keep us alive úBîçìnä ìrå úBòeLzä ìråÀÇÇÀ‹ÀÇÇÄÀÈ eðîi÷úeÀÇÀ‹ÅÍ for the deliverances, for the wars and sustain us, eðéúBáàì úéNrLÆÈÄÍÈÇÂÅÍ eðéúBiìb óBñàúåÀÆÁÈËÅÍ that You performed for our fathers and gather our exiles :äfä ïîfa íää íéîiaÇÈÄÈÅÇÀ‹ÇÇÆ ELã÷ úBøöçìÀÇÀÈÀÆÍ in those days at this season. to the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary eäéúzî éîéaÄÅÇÄÀÈÍ Eéwç øBîLìÄÀËÆÍ In the days of Matisyahu, to observe Your statutes,

ùãç ùàøì óñåî / 372 íé÷écö ãéa íérLøeÀÈÄÀÇÇÄÄ ìBãb ïäk ïðçBé ïaÆÈÈÊÅÈ the wicked into the hands of the righteous, son of Yochanan the High Priest, ãéa íéãæåÀÅÄÀÇ åéðáe éàðBîLçÇÀÇÈÈ and insolent (sinners) into the hands of the Hasmonean and his sons, EúøBú é÷ñBòÀ‹ÅÈÆÍ ärLøä ïåé úeëìî äãîrLkÀÆÈÀ‹ÈÇÀÈÈÈÀ‹ÈÈ diligent students of Your Torah. when the evil Greek kingdom rose up úéNr EìeÀÈÄÍÈ ìàøNé Enr-ìrÇÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅ And You made Yourself against Your people Israel EîÆÍ ìBòa LBã÷å ìBãb íLÅÈÀÈÀÈ EúøBz íçékLäìÀÇÀÄÈÈÆÍ a great and sanctified name in Your world. to make them forget Your Torah ìàøNé EnrìeÀÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅ íøéáräìeÀÇÂÄÈ And for Your people, Israel, and to turn them away äìBãâ äreLz úéNrÈÄÍÈÀÈÀÈ EðBöø éwçîÅËÅÀÆ Í You performed a great deliverance from the statutes of Your will. äfä íBiäk ï÷øôeËÀÈÀÇÇÆ íéaøä Eéîçøa äzàåÀÇÈÀÇÂÆÍÈÇÄ and redemption unto this very day. You, in Your abundant mercy, Eéðá eàa ïk øçàåÀÇÍÇÅÈÍÈÆÍ íúøö úra íäì zãîrÈÇÍÀÈÈÆÀÅÈÈÈ Afterwards, Your sons entered stood by them in their time of distress, Eúéa øéáãìÄÀÄÅÆÍ íáéø-úà záøÇÍÀÈÆÄÈ the Holy of Holies of Your Abode, You defended their cause, Eìëéä-úà epôeÄÆÅÈÆÍ íðéc-úà zðcÇÍÀÈÆÄÈ cleaned Your Temple, You judged their grievances, ELc÷î-úà eøäèåÀÄÂÆÄÀÈÆÍ íúî÷ð-úà zî÷ðÈÇÍÀÈÆÄÀÈÈ purified Your Sanctuary, You avenged them. úBøð e÷éìãäåÀÄÀÄÍÅ íéøBaâ zøñîÈÇÍÀÈÄÄ and kindled lights You delivered the mighty ELã÷ úBøöçaÀÇÀÈÀÆÍ íéLlç ãéaÀÇÇÈÄ in the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary, into the hands of the weak, elà äkðç éîé úðBîL eòá÷åÀÈÀ‹ÀÇÀÅÂËÈÅÍ íéhrî ãéa íéaøåÀÇÄÀÇÀÇÄ and designated these eight days of Chanukah many into the hands of the few, :ìBãbä EîLì ìläìe úBãBäìÀÀÇÅÀÄÀÇÈ íéøBäè ãéa íéàîèeÀÅÄÀÇÀÄ to thank and praise Your great Name. defiled people into the hands of the undefiled,

373 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR ROSH CHODESH Enr ìàøNé-ìk ìrå eðéìrÈÅÍÀÇÈÄÀÈÅÇÆÍ ílk-ìråÀÇËÈ upon us and upon all Israel, Your people. And for all the foregoing ãçàk eðlk eðéáà eðëøaÈÀ‹ÅÍÈÄÍËÈÍÀÆÈ eðkìî EîL íîBøúéå CøaúéÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÄÀÇÀÅÍ Bless us, our Father, all of us as one blessed and exalted be your Name, our King, Eéðt øBàaÀÈÆÍ :ãrå íìBòì ãéîzÈÄÀÈÈÆ with the light of Your countenance. constantly, forever and ever. Eéðt øBàá ékÄÀÈÆÍ íéiçä ìëåÀÊÇÇÄ For by the light of Your countenance äìq EeãBéÍÆÍÈ eðéäGà äåäé eðl zúðÈÇÍÈÈÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ And all the living shall thank You forever You gave us Adonoy our God, úîàa EîL-úà eììäéåÄÇÀ‹ÆÄÀÆÁÆ ãñç úáäàå íéiç úøBzÇÇÄÀÇÍÂÇÆÍÆ and praise Your Name with sincerity; a Torah of life and the love of kindliness, eðúreLé ìàäÈÅÀÈÅÍ íéîçøå äëøáe ä÷ãöeÀÈÈÀÈÈÀÇÂÄ the Almighty, Who is our deliverance righteousness, blessing, compassion, :äìñ eðúøæråÀÆÀÈÅÍÆÍÈ íBìLå íéiçåÀÇÄÀÈ and our help forever. life, and peace. äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ Eéðéra áBèåÀÀÅÆÍ Blessed are You, Adonoy, And may it be good in Your sight EîL áBhäÇÄÀ ìàøNé Enr-úà CøáìÀÈÅÆÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅ “The Beneficent” is Your Name to bless Your people Israel, :úBãBäì äàð EìeÀÈÆÀ ärL-ìëáe úr-ìëaÀÈÅÀÈÈÈ and You it is fitting to praise. at all times and at every moment The Priestly Blessings are recited here by :EîBìLaÄÀÆÍ the Chazzan. See page 133. with Your peace. íåìù äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy, PRAYER FOR PEACE ìàøNé Bnr-úà CøáîäÇÀ‹ÈÅÆÇÄÀÈÅ äëøáe äáBèÈÀÈÈ íBìL íéNÄÈ Who blesses His people Israel Grant peace, goodness, and blessing, :íBìMaÇÈ íéîçøå ãñçå ïçÅÈÆÍÆÀÇÂÄ with peace. favor, kindness and compassion

ùãç ùàøì óñåî / 374 Eéãéãé ïeöìçé ïrîÇÍÇÅÈÀ‹ÀÄÆÍ ìÀ Many say the following at this point: In order that Your loved ones be released, Eéðôì éaì ïBéâäå éô-éøîà ïBöøì eéäéÄÀÀÈÄÀÅÄÀÆÀÄÄÀÈÆÍ :éìàBâå éøeö äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÂÄ :éððrå Eðéîé äréLBäÄÍÈÀÄÀ‹ÇÂÅÍÄ éäGàÁÇ deliver [with] Your right hand and answer me. òøî éðBLì øBöðÀÀÄÅÈ My God, guard my tongue from evil Biblical phrases applicable to one’s name äîøî øacî éúôNeÀÈÇÄÇÅÄÀÈ may be found on p. 432. and my lips from speaking deceitfully. éô-éøîàÄÀÅÄ ïBöøì eéäéÄÀÀÈ éìì÷îÀÇÀ‹Ç ìåÀÄ May the words of my mouth be acceptable, To those who curse me, Eéðôì éaì ïBéâäåÀÆÀÄÄÀÈÆÍ íBcú éLôðÇÀÄÄ and the thoughts of my heart, before You may my soul be unresponsive; :éìàBâå éøeö äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÂÄ :äéäz ìkì øôrk éLôðåÀÇÀÄÆÈÈÇÊÄÀÆ Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer. and let my soul be like dust to all. åéîBøîa íBìL äNòÊÆÈÄÀÈ EúøBúa éaì çútÀÇÄÄÀÈÆÍ He Who makes peace in His high heavens Open my heart to Your Torah eðéìr íBìL äNré àeäÇÂÆÈÈÅÍ éLôð ócøz EéúBöîáeÀÄÀÆÍÄÀÊÇÀÄ may He make peace upon us and let my soul pursue Your commandments. :ïîà eøîàå ìàøNé-ìk ìråÀÇÈÄÀÈÅÀÄÀÈÅ ärø éìr íéáLBçä-ìëåÀÈÇÀ ‹ ÄÈÇÈÈ and upon all Israel and say Amein. And all who plan evil against me, EéðôlîÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ ïBöø éäéÀÄÈ íúör øôä äøäîÀÅÈÈÅÂÈÈ May it be Your will, quickly annul their counsel eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ :ízáLçî ì÷ì÷åÀÇÀÅÇÂÇÀÈ Adonoy, our God, and the God of our Fathers and frustrate their intention. Lc÷nä úéa äðaiLÆÄÈÆÅÇÄÀÈ EîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÆÍ ì äNrÂÅÀ that the Holy Temple be rebuilt Act for the sake of Your Name. eðéîéá äøäîaÄÀÅÈÀÈÅÍ Eðéîé ïrîÇÍÇÀÄÆ Í ì äNrÂÅÀ speedily in our days, Act for the sake of Your right hand. eð÷ìç ïúåÀÅÆÀÅÍ EúMã÷ ïrîÇÍÇÀËÈÆÍ ì äNrÂÅÀ and grant us our share Act for the sake of Your holiness. :EúøBúaÀÈÆÍ :EúøBz ïrîÇÍÇÈÆÍ ì äNrÂÅÀ in Your Torah. Act for the sake of Your Torah.

375 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR CHOL HAMO’ED äåäéì äáøråÀÈÀ‹ÈÇÊÈ äàøéa Eãárð íLåÀÈÇÂÈÀÀÄÀÈ And let Adonoy be pleased And there we will serve You reverently íéìLeøéå äãeäé úçðîÄÀÇÀÈÄÈÈÍÄ íìBò éîékÄÅÈ with the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem as in the days of old, :úBiðBîã÷ íéðLëe íìBò éîékÄÅÈÀÈÄÇÀÄ :úBiðBîã÷ íéðLëeÀÈÄÇÀÄ as in the days of old and in earlier years. and in earlier years. The Chazzan says the Whole-Kaddish on page 185, and the service continues on page 186 with eðéìò, followed by the appropriate Psalm of the Day, and then PsalmÈÅ 104, on page 203. ãòåîä ìåçì óñåî Musaf for Chol HaMo’ed ìàäÈÅ àø÷à äÆÀÈ åäé íL ékÄÅÀÊÈ the Almighty, When I proclaim Adonoy’s Name àøBpäå øBabä ìBãbäÇÈÇÄÀÇÈ :eðéäGàì ìãâ eáäÈÍÊÆÅÅÍ the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome, attribute greatness to our God. ïBéìr ìàÅÆÀ çzôz éúôN éðãàÂÊÈÀÈÇÄÀÈ most high Almighty, My Master, open my lips, íéáBè íéãñç ìîBbÅÂÈÄÄ :Eúläz ãébé éôeÄÇÄÀÄÈÆÍ Who bestows beneficent kindness, and my mouth will declare Your praise. ìkä äðB÷åÀÅÇÊ úåáà Who possesses everything, THE VIRTUE OF OUR PATRIARCHS úBáà éãñç øëBæåÀÅÇÀÅÈ äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs, Blessed are You, Adonoy, ìàBâ àéáîeÅÄÅ eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGàÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ and Who brings a redeemer our God, and God of our fathers, íäéðá éðáìÄÀÅÀÅÆ ÷çöé éäGà íäøáà éäGàÁÅÇÀÈÈÁÅÄÀÈ to their children’s children, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, :äáäàa BîL ïrîÇÍÇÀÀÇÂÈ ìÀ á÷ré éäGàåÅÅÇÂÊ for the sake of His Name, with love. and God of Jacob,

ãòåîä ìåçì óñåî / 376 íéìBç àôBøåÀÅÄ øæBò CìîÆÍÆÅ and Healer of the sick, King, Helper, íéøeñà øézîeÇÄÂÄ :ïâîe réLBîeÄÍÇÈÅ and Releaser of the imprisoned, and Deliverer and Shield. Búðeîà íi÷îeÀÇÅÁÈ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ and Fulfiller of His faithfulness Blessed are You, Adonoy, øôr éðLéìÄÅÅÈÈ :íäøáà ïâîÈÅÇÀÈÈ to those who sleep in the dust. Shield of Abraham. EBîë éîÄÈÍ úåøåáâ Who is like You, DIVINE MIGHT úBøeáb ìraÇÍÇÀ íìBòì øBabÄÀÈ äzàÇÈ Master of mighty deeds, You are mighty forever, Cl äîBc éîeÄÍÆÈ éðãàÂÊÈ and who can be compared to You? my Master; äiçîe úéîî CìîÆÍÆÅÄÀÇÆ äzà íéúî äiçîÀÇÅÅÄÇÍÈ King Who causes death and restores life, You are the Resurrector of the dead :äreLé çéîöîeÇÀÄÍÇÀÈ :réLBäì áøÇÀÄÍÇ and causes deliverance to sprout forth. the Powerful One to deliver us. äzà ïîàðåÀÆÁÈÇÈ Some (à'øâä âäðî) say:ÄÀÇ And You are faithful ìhä ãéøBîÄÇÈ :íéúî úBéçäìÀÇÂÅÄ Causer of the dew to fall. to restore the dead to life. ãñça íéiçÇÄÀÆÍÆ ìkìëîÀÇÀÅ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ Sustainer of the living with kindliness, Blessed are You, Adonoy, íéúî äiçîÀÇÅÅÄ :íéúnä äiçîÀÇÅÇÅÄ Resurrector of the dead íéaø íéîçøaÀÇÂÄÇÄ Resurrector of the dead. with great mercy, When the Chazzan repeats the íéìôBð CîBñÅÀ‹Ä Shemoneh Esrei, the Kedushah is said here. Supporter of the fallen,

377 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR CHOL HAMO’ED äåäé-ãBák CeøaÈÀÀÊÈ äùåã÷ “Blessed is the glory of Adonoy Kedushah :BîB÷nîÄÀ‹ Chazzan and Congregation say: from its place.” íìBòa EîL-úàÆÄÀÈÈ Lc÷ðÀÇÅ The Chazzan says: We will sanctify Your Name in the world, :øîàì áeúk ELã÷ éøáãáeÀÄÀÅÈÀÀ ‹ BúBà íéLéc÷nL íLkÀÅÆÇÀÄÄ È Å Ê And in Your Holy Words it is written: just as they sanctify it íBøî éîLaÄÀÅÈ Congregation says and Chazzan repeats: in the highest heavens; íìBòì äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ CGîéÄÀ Eàéáð ãé-ìr áeúkkÇÈÇÇÀÄÆÍ “Adonoy will reign forever; as is written by the hand of Your prophet, :øãå øãì ïBiö CéäGàÁÇÍÄÄÀÊÈÊ äæ-ìà äæ àø÷åÀÈÈÆÆÆ “And they called one to another, Your God, Zion, throughout all generations! :øîàåÀÈÇ :déeììäÇÀ‹È and said: Praise God.” Congregation says and Chazzan repeats: The Chazzan concludes: øBãå øBãìÀÈ LBã÷ LBã÷ LBã÷ÈÈÈ From generation to generation ‘Holy, holy, holy, Eìãb ãébðÇÄÈÀÆÍ úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ we will declare Your greatness, is Adonoy of Hosts, íéçöð çöðìeÀÅÍÇÀÈÄ :BãBák õøàä-ìë àGîÀÈÈÈÍÆÀ and to all eternity, the fullness of all the earth is His glory.’” Léc÷ð EúMã÷ÀËÈÀ‹ÇÀÄ we will sanctify Your holiness, The Chazzan says: eðéäGà EçáLåÀÄÀÂÁÅÍ :eøîàé Ceøa íúnrìÀËÈÈÈÊÅÍ and Your praise, our God, Those facing them say “Boruch. . .” Leîé àG eðétîÄÄÍÈ will not depart from our mouths Congregation says and Chazzan repeats:

ãòåîä ìåçì óñåî / 378 íåéä úùåã÷ ãrå íìBòìÀÈÈÆ SANCTIFICATION OF THE DAY forever and ever; íénrä-ìkîÄÈÈÇÄ eðzøçá äzàÇÈÀÇÀÈÍ ìà ékÄÅ You chose us from [among] all the peoples; 1 because You are the Almighty :äzà LBã÷å ìBãb CìîÆÍÆÈÀÈÈÍÈ eða úéöøå eðúBà záäàÈÇÍÀÈÈÍÀÈÄÍÈÈÍ Who is King; Great, and Holy. You loved us and took pleasure in us; äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ úBðBLlä-ìkî eðzîîBøåÀÇÀÈÍÄÈÇÀ‹ Blessed are You, Adonoy, You exalted us above all tongues, 2 :LBãwä ìàäÈÅÇÈ eðzLc÷åÀÄÇÀÈÍ the Almighty, the Holy One. and You sanctified us EéúBöîaÀÄÀÆÍ The Chazzan continues eðzøçá äzà.ÇÈÀÇÀÈÍ with Your commandments; EúãBárì eðkìî eðzáø÷åÀÅÇÀÈÍÇÀÅÍÇÂÈÆÍ íùä úùåã÷ You drew us near, our King, to Your servitude, DIVINE SANCTIFICATION LBãwäå ìBãbä EîLåÀÄÀÇÈÀÇÈ LBã÷ EîLåÀÄÀÈ LBã÷ äzàÇÈÈ and Your great and Holy Name You are holy and Your Name is holy :úàø÷ eðéìrÈÅÍÈÈÍÈ íéLBã÷eÀÄ You have pronounced upon us. 3 and holy beings eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ eðì-ïzzåÇÄÆÈÍ :äìq Eeììäé íBé-ìëaÀÈÀÇÀ‹ÍÆÍÈ And [You] gave us Adonoy, our God, praise You every day, forever. äáäàaÀÇÂÈ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ with love, Blessed are You, Adonoy, äçîNì íéãrBîÂÄÀÄÀÈ :LBãwä ìàäÈÅÇÈ appointed festivals for rejoicing, the Almighty, the Holy One. 1 For you are a holy people unto Adonoy, your God; Adonoy your God has chosen you to be a treasured people unto Him above all the peoples that are upon the face of the earth.—Deuteronomy 7:6 2 To make you high above all nations which He made — that you be a holy people unto Adonoy, your God, as He has spoken.—Deuteronomy 26:18, 19 3 And all the peoples of the earth will see that the Name of Adonoy is proclaimed upon you and they will fear you.—Deuteronomy 28:10

379 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR CHOL HAMO’ED úBìrì íéìBëé eðçðà ïéàåÀÅÂÇÍÀÀÄÇ ïBNNì íépîæe íébçÇÄÀÇÄÀÈ and we are unable to go up, festivals and seasons for happiness, úBàøìåÀÅÈ íBé-úàÆ [in order] to appear this day of: Eéðôì úBçzLäìeÀÄÀÇÂÀÈÆÍ and to prostrate ourselves before You, CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE PHRASE: eðéúBáBç úBNrìåÀÇÂÅÍ ON PESACH: and to perform our obligatory offerings £ äfäÇÆ úBvnä âçÇÇÇ £ Eúøéça úéáaÀÅÀÄÈÆÍ the Festival of Matzos, in Your chosen House, eðúeøç ïîæÀÇÅÅÍ LBãwäå ìBãbä úéaaÇÇÍÄÇÈÀÇÈ the season of our freedom, in the great and holy House Continue Lã÷ àø÷î:ÄÀÈÍÊÆ åéìr EîL àø÷pLÆÄÀÈÄÀÈÈ ON SUKKOS: upon which Your Name is proclaimed, £ äfäÇÆ úBkqä âçÇÇË £ ãiä éðtîÄÀ‹ÅÇÈ the Festival of Sukkos, because of the hand [of violence] eðúçîN ïîæÀÇÄÀÈÅÍ :ELc÷îa äçlzLpLÆÄÀÇÀ‹ÈÀÄÀÈÆÍ the season of our rejoicing, that was sent against Your Sanctuary. 4 Lã÷ àø÷îÄÀÈÍÊÆ Eéðôlî ïBöø éäéÀÄÈÄÀ‹ÈÆÍ a day of holy assembly May it be Your will :íéøöî úàéöéì øëæÅÍÆÄÄÇÄÀÈÍÄ eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers, commemorating the exodus from Egypt. ïîçø CìîÆÍÆÇÂÈ eðéàèçÂÈÅÍ éðtîeÄÀ‹Å merciful King, But because of our sins, eðéìr íçøúe áeLzLÆÈÀÇÅÈÅÍ eðöøàî eðéìbÈÄÍÅÇÀÅÍ to once again have compassion on us we were exiled from our land, ELc÷î ìråÀÇÄÀÈÀ ‹ eðúîãà ìrî eð÷çøúðåÀÄÀÇÇÍÀÅÇÇÀÈÅÍ and on Your Sanctuary and driven far away from our soil; 4 The enemy spread out his hand over all her treasures; she [Jerusalem] saw nations invade her sanctuary.—Lamentations 1:10

ãòåîä ìåçì óñåî / 380 Eéðôì äNrð íLåÀÈÇÂÆÀÈÆÍ íéaøä EéîçøaÀÇÂÆÍÈÇÄ And there we will offer before You in Your abundant mercy; eðéúBáBç úBðaø÷-úàÆÈÀÀ‹ÅÍ äøäî eäðáúåÀÄÀÅÍÀÅÈ our obligatory sacrifices: and rebuild it soon íøãñk íéãéîzÀÄÄÀÄÀÈ :BãBák ìcâúeÀÇÅÀ the daily [burnt] offerings in their order, and greatly enhance its glory. íúëìäk íéôñeîeÈÄÀÄÀÈÈ eðkìî eðéáàÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ and Musaf offerings according to their rule. Our Father, our King! íBé óñeî-úàåÀÆÇ Eúeëìî ãBák älbÇÅÀÇÀÀ‹ And the Musaf offering of: reveal the glory of Your kingship äøäî eðéìrÈÅÍÀÅÈ CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE PHRASE: upon us soon, ON PESACH: eðéìr àNpäå òôBäåÀÇÀÄÈÅÈÅÍ £ äfäÇÆ úBvnä âçÇÇÇ £ appear and be uplifted over us the Festival of Matzos, éç-ìk éðérìÀÅÅÈÈ Continue áéø÷ðå äNrð:ÇÂÆÀÇÀÄ before the eyes of all living things. eðéøeæt áø÷åÀÈÅÀÅÍ ON SUKKOS: £ äfäÇÆ úBkqä âçÇÇË £ Bring near our scattered [people] the Festival of Sukkos, íéBbä ïéaîÄÅÇÄ from among the nations, EéðôìÀÈÆÍ áéø÷ðå äNrðÇÂÆÀÇÀÄ ñpk eðéúBöeôðeÀÅÍÇÅ we will prepare and bring before You and gather our dispersed äáäàaÀÇÂÈ õøà éúkøiîÄÇÀÀ‹ÅÈÍÆ with love, from the ends of the earth. EðBöø úåöîkÀÄÀÇÀÆ Í äpøa Eøér ïBiöì eðàéáäåÇÂÄÅÍÀÄÄÀ‹ÀÄÈ according to the command of Your will; Bring us to Zion, Your city, with joyous song, EúøBúa eðéìr záúkL BîkÀÆÈÇÍÀÈÈÅÍÀÈÆÍ ELc÷î úéa íéìLeøéìåÀÄÈÇÍÄÅÄÀÈÀ ‹ as You wrote for us in Your Torah, and to Jerusalem, house of Your Sanctuary, Ecár äLî éãé-ìrÇÀÅÆÇÀÆÍ íìBò úçîNaÀÄÀÇÈ through the hands of Moses, Your servant, with everlasting joy.

381 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR CHOL HAMO’ED Bkñðk ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÄÀ EãBáë étîÄÄÀÆÍ and wine according to each libation, from the mouth of Your glory, øtëì øérNåÀÈÄÀÇÅ :øeîàkÈÈ and a he goat for atonement as it is said: íéãéîú éðLeÀÅÀÄÄ and the two daily burnt-offerings ON CHOL HAMO’ED PESACH: :íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ äMàÄÆ ízáø÷äåÀÄÀÇÀÆ according to their law. And you will bring a fire offering, Continue on page 387 eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGàÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ äåäéì äìòÊÈÇÈÊ “Our God and God of our fathers.” a burnt offering to Adonoy íéðL ø÷á-éða íéøtÈÄÀÅÈÈÀÇÍÄ two young bullocks ON THE FIRST DAY OF ãçà ìéàåÀÇÍÄÆÈ CHOL HAMO’ED SUKKOS: éðMä íBiáeÇÇÅÄ äðL éða íéNáë äráLåÀÄÀÈÀÈÄÀÅÈÈ and one ram, And on the second day [you will offer] seven male yearling lambs øNr íéðL ø÷á-éða íéøtÈÄÀÅÈÈÀÅÈÈ :íëì eéäé íéîéîzÀÄÄÄÀÈÆ twelve young bullocks, without blemish, they shall be for you. íéðL íìéàÅÄÀÈÍÄ íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ two rams, And their meal-offerings and libations øNr äÈÈ raøà äðL-éða íéNákÀÈÄÀÅÈÈÇÀÈÈ øaãîkÄÀËÈ fourteen male yearling lambs as prescribed: :íîéîzÀÄÄ íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ without blemish. three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour] íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ øtìÇÈ And their meal-offerings and libations for each bullock, øaãîkÄÀËÈ ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ as prescribed: two-tenths for each ram, íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour] and one tenth for each lamb,

ãòåîä ìåçì óñåî / 382 øtìÇÈ øtìÇÈ for each bullock, for each bullock, ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ two-tenths for each ram, two-tenths for each ram, Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ and one-tenth for each lamb, and one-tenth for each lamb, Bkñðk ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÄÀ Bkñðk ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÄÀ and wine according to each libation, and wine according to each libation, øtëì øérNåÀÈÄÀÇÅ øtëì øérNåÀÈÄÀÇÅ and a he-goat for atonement, and a he-goat for atonement, íéãéîú éðLeÀÅÀÄÄ íéãéîú éðLeÀÅÀÄÄ and the two daily burnt-offerings and the two daily burnt-offerings :íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ :íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ according to their law. according to their law. Continue on page 387 eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGàÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ éLéìMä íBiáeÇÇÀ ‹ ÄÄ “Our God and God of our fathers.” And on the third day [you will offer] øNr-ézLr íéøtÈÄÇÀÅÈÈ eleven bullocks, ON THE SECOND DAY OF íéðL íìéàÅÄÀÈÍÄ CHOL HAMO’ED SUKKOS: éLéìÄÄ Mä íBiáeÇÇÀ ‹ øNr äraøà äðL-éða íéNákÀÈÄÀÅÈÈÇÀÈÈÈÈ two rams, And on the third day [you will offer] fourteen male yearling lambs øNr-ézLr íéøtÈÄÇÀÅÈÈ :íîéîzÀÄÄ eleven bullocks, without blemish. íéðL íìéàÅÄÀÈÍÄ íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ two rams, And their meal-offerings and libations øNr äÈÈ raøà äðL-éða íéNákÀÈÄÀÅÈÈÇÀÈÈ øaãîkÄÀËÈ fourteen male yearling lambs as prescribed: :íîéîzÀÄÄ íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ without blemish. three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour]

383 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR CHOL HAMO’ED íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ And their meal-offerings and libations And their meal-offerings and libations øaãîkÄÀËÈ øaãîkÄÀËÈ as prescribed: as prescribed: íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour] three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour] øtìÇÈ øtìÇÈ for each bullock, for each bullock, ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ two-tenths for each ram, two-tenths for each ram, Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ and one-tenth for each lamb, and one-tenth for each lamb, Bkñðk ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÄÀ Bkñðk ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÄÀ and wine according to each libation, and wine according to each libation, øtëì øérNåÀÈÄÀÇÅ øtëì øérNåÀÈÄÀÇÅ and a he-goat for atonement, and a he-goat for atonement, íéãéîú éðLeÀÅÀÄÄ íéãéîú éðLeÀÅÀÄÄ and the two daily burnt-offerings and the two daily burnt offerings :íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ :íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ according to their law. according to their law. éréáøä íBiáeÇÈÀ‹ÄÄ Continue on page 387 eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGàÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ “Our God and God of our fathers.” And on the fourth day [you will offer] äøNr íéøtÈÄÂÈÈ ten bullocks, ON THE THIRD DAY OF íéðL íìéàÅÄÀÈÍÄ CHOL HAMO’ED SUKKOS: two rams, éréáÄÄ øä íBiáeÇÈÀ‹ øNr äraøà äðL-éða íéNákÀÈÄÀÅÈÈÇÀÈÈÈÈ And on the fourth day [you will offer] fourteen male yearling lambs äøNr íéøtÈÄÂÈÈ :íîéîzÀÄÄ ten bullocks, without blemish.

ãòåîä ìåçì óñåî / 384 ärLz íéøtÈÄÄÀÈ íéðL íìéàÅÄÀÈÍÄ nine bullocks, two rams, íéðL íìéàÅÄÀÈÍÄ øNr äraøà äðL-éða íéNákÀÈÄÀÅÈÈÇÀÈÈÈÈ two rams, fourteen male yearling lambs øNr äraøà äðL-éða íéNákÀÈÄÀÅÈÈÇÀÈÈÈÈ :íîéîzÀÄÄ fourteen male yearling lambs without blemish. :íîéîzÀÄÄ íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ without blemish. íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ And their meal offerings and libations And their meal offerings and libations øaãîkÄÀËÈ øaãîkÄÀËÈ as prescribed: as prescribed: íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour] three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour] øtìÇÈ øtìÇÈ for each bullock, for each bullock, ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ two-tenths for each ram, two-tenths for each ram, Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ and one-tenth for each lamb, and one-tenth for each lamb, Bkñðk ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÄÀ Bkñðk ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÄÀ and wine according to each libation, and wine according to each libation, øtëì øérNåÀÈÄÀÇÅ øtëì øérNåÀÈÄÀÇÅ and a he-goat for atonement, and a he-goat for atonement, íéãéîú éðLeÀÅÀÄÄ íéãéîú éðLeÀÅÀÄÄ and the two daily burnt-offerings and the two daily burnt-offerings :íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ :íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ according to their law. according to their law. Continue on page 387 eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGàÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ éLéîçä íBiáeÇÇÂÄÄ “Our God and God of our fathers.” And on the fifth day [You will offer]

385 / MUSAF SERVICE FOR CHOL HAMO’ED :íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ ON THE FOURTH DAY OF according to their law. CHOL HAMO’ED SUKKOS: éMMä íBiáeÇÇÄÄ éLéîçä íBiáeÇÇÂÄÄ And on the sixth day [you will offer] And on the fifth day [you will offer] äðîL íéøtÈÄÀÊÈ ärLz íéøtÈÄÄÀÈ eight bullocks, nine bullocks, íéðL íìéàÅÄÀÈÍÄ íéðL íìéàÅÄÀÈÍÄ two rams, two rams, øNr äraøà äðL-éða íéNákÀÈÄÀÅÈÈÇÀÈÈÈÈ øNr äraøà äðL-éða íéNákÀÈÄÀÅÈÈÇÀÈÈÈÈ fourteen male yearling lambs fourteen male yearling lambs :íîéÄ îzÀÄ :íîéîzÀÄÄ without blemish. without blemish. íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ And their meal-offerings and libations And their meal-offerings and libations øaãîkÄÀËÈ øaãîkÄÀËÈ as prescribed: as prescribed: íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour] three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour] øtìÇÈ øtìÇÈ for each bullock, for each bullock, ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ two-tenths for each ram, two-tenths for each ram, Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ and one-tenth for each lamb, and one-tenth for each lamb, Bkñðk ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÄÀ Bkñðk ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÄÀ and wine according to each libation, and wine according to each libation, øtëì øérNåÀÈÄÀÇÅ øtëì øérNåÀÈÄÀÇÅ and a he-goat for atonement, and a he-goat for atonement, íéãéîú éðLeÀÅÀÄÄ íéãéîú éðLeÀÅÀÄÄ and the two daily burnt-offerings and the two daily burnt-offerings

ãòåîä ìåçì óñåî / 386 øtëì øérNåÀÈÄÀÇÅ :íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ and a he-goat for atonement, according to their law. íéãéîú éðLeÀÅÀÄÄ Continue on page 387 eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGàÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍ “Our God and God of our fathers.” and the two daily burnt-offerings :íúëìäkÀÄÀÈÈ ON HOSHANAH RABBAH: according to their law. éMMä íBiáeÇÇÄÄ éréáMä íBiáeÇÇÀ ‹ ÄÄ And on the sixth day [you will offer] And on the seventh day [you will offer] äðîL íéøtÈÄÀÊÈ äráL íéøtÈÄÄÀÈ eight bullocks, seven bullocks, íéðL íìéàÅÄÀÈÍÄ íéðL íìéàÅÄÀÈÍÄ two rams, two rams, øNr äraøà äðL-éða íéNákÀÈÄÀÅÈÈÇÀÈÈÈÈ øNr äraøà äðL-éða íéNákÀÈÄÀÅÈÈÇÀÈÈÈÈ fourteen male yearling lambs fourteen male yearling lambs :íîéÄ îzÀÄ :íîéîzÀÄÄ without blemish. without blemish. íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ íäékñðå íúçðîeÄÀÈÈÀÄÀÅÆ And their meal-offerings and libations And their meal-offerings and libations øaãîkÄÀËÈ øaãîkÄÀËÈ as prescribed: as prescribed: íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ íéðøNr äLìLÀÈÆÀÊÄ three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour] øtìÇÈ three-tenths [of an ephah of fine flour] for each bullock, øtìÇÈ ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ for each bullock, two-tenths for each ram, ìéàì íéðøNr éðLeÀÅÆÀÊÄÈÈÍÄ Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ two-tenths for each ram, and one-tenth for each lamb, Nákì ïBøOråÀÄÈÇÆÍÆ Bkñðk ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÄÀ and one-tenth for each lamb, and wine according to each libation,

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