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Home Explore Metsudah Interlinear Weekday Siddur (Ashkenaz)

Metsudah Interlinear Weekday Siddur (Ashkenaz)

Published by eli, 2016-09-28 12:24:43

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187 / åðéìò SHACHARIS Bfr úðéëLeÀÄÇË äîãàä úBçtLîkÀÄÀÀ‹ÈÂÈÈ and the abode of His invincible might like the families of the earth; :íéîBøî éäáâaÀÈÀÅÀÄ íäk eð÷ìç íN àHLÆÈÆÀÅÍÈÆ is in the loftiest heights. that He has not assigned our portion like theirs, : ãBò ïéà eðéäGà àeäÁÅÍÅ :íðBîä-ìëk eðìøBâåÀÈÅÍÀÈÂÈ nor our lot, like that of all their multitudes. He is our God, there is nothing else. Búìeæ ñôà eðkìî úîàÁÆÇÀÅÍÆÍÆÈ íéåçzLî íäL)ÆÅÄÀÇÂÄ For they prostrate themselves Our King is true, all else is insignificant, ÷éøå ìáäìÀÆÍÆÈÄ :BúøBúa áeúkkÇÈÀÈ to vanity and nothingness, as it is written in His Torah: (:réLBé àG ìà-ìà íéììtúîeÄÀÇÀ‹ÄÆÅÄÍ íBiä zrãéåÀÈÇÀÈÇ and pray to a god that cannot deliver. “And You shall know this day Eááì-ìà úáLäåÇÂÅÊÈÆÀÈÆÍ At the words íérøBk eðçðàå “but we bow,”ÇÂÇÍÀÀÄ bend forward. and take into Your heart íéåçzLîe íérøBk eðçðàåÇÂÇÍÀÀ‹ÄÄÀÇÂÄ íéäGàä àeä äåäé ékÄÀÊÈÈÁÄ But we bow, prostrate ourselves, that Adonoy is God íéãBîeÄ ìrnî íéîMaÇÈÇÍÄÄÇÍÇ and offer thanks in the heavens above íéëìÈÄ nä éëìî Cìî éðôìÄÀÅÆÍÆÇÀÅÇÀ‹ úçzî õøàä-ìråÀÇÈÈÍÆÄÈÍÇ before the Supreme King of kings, and upon the earth below; :àeä Ceøa LBãwäÇÈÈ :ãBò ïéàÅ the Holy One blessed is He, there is nothing else.” 46 íéîL äèBð àeäLÆÆÈÇÍÄ Eì äe÷ðÀÇÆÀ ïk-ìrÇÅ Who spreads the heavens, õøà ãñBéåÀÅÈÍÆ We therefore put our hope in You, and establishes the earth, eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ ìrnî íéîMa Bø÷é áLBîeÇÀÈÇÈÇÍÄÄÇÍÇ Adonoy our God, and the seat of His glory is in heaven above, 46 Deuteronomy 4:39.

úéøç ù ALEINU / 188 eðzé ø÷é EîL ãBáëìåÀÄÀÄÀÀÈÄÅÍ Efr úøàôúa äøäî úBàøìÄÀÀÅÈÀÄÀÆÍÆËÆ Í and to the glory of Your Name, give honor. to soon behold the glory of Your might ílë eìa÷éåÄÇÀ‹ËÈ õøàä-ïî íéìelb øéáräìÀÇÂÄÄÄÄÈÈÍÆ And they will all accept [upon themselves] in banishing idolatry from the earth, Eúeëìî ìò-úàÆÊÇÀÆÍ ïeúøké úBøk íéìéìàäåÀÈÁÄÄÈÄÈÅ the yoke of Your kingdom, and the false gods will be utterly exterminated, äøäî íäéìr CGîúåÀÄÀÂÅÆÀÅÈ íìBò ïwúìÀÇÅÈ and You will reign over them, soon, to perfect the world :ãrå íìBòìÀÈÈÆ :écL úeëìîaÀÇÀÇÇ forever and ever. as the kingdom of Shadai. 47 àéä ElL úeëìnä ékÄÇÇÀÆÀ‹Ä EîLá eàø÷é øNá éða-ìëåÀÈÀÅÈÈÄÀÀ‹ÄÀÆÍ For the kingdom is Yours, And all mankind will invoke Your Name, ãBáëa CBìîz ãr éîÅÇÄÀÀÈ ìBrìeÀÍÀ‹ Eéìà úBðôäìÀÇÀÅÆÍ and to all eternity, You will reign in glory, to turn back to You, :EúøBúa áeúkkÇÈÀÈÆÍ :õøà érLø-ìkÈÄÀÅÈÍÆ as it is written in Your Torah: all the wicked of the earth. :ãrå íìòì CGîé äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÀÊÈÈÆ eòãéå eøékéÇÄÍÀÅÀ‹ “Adonoy will reign forever and ever.” 48 They will realize and know, :øîàðåÀÆÁÇ . ìáú éáLBé-ìkÈÀ ‹ ÅÅÅ And it is said: all the inhabitants of the world, CìîÆÍÆ ì äåäé äéäåÀÈÈÀÊÈÀ Cøa-ìk òøëz Eì ékÄÀÄÀÇÈÆÍÆ “And Adonoy will be King that to You, every knee must bend, õøàä-ìk-ìrÇÈÈÈÍÆ :ïBLì-ìk òáMzÄÈÇÈÈ over the whole earth; every tongue must swear [allegiance to You]. ãçà äåäé äéäé àeää íBiaÇÇÄÀÆÀÊÈÆÈ eðéäGà äåäé EéðôìÀÈÆÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ on that day Adonoy will be One Before You, Adonoy, our God, :ãçà BîLeÀÆÈ eìtéå eòøëéÄÀÀ‹ÀÄÍÊ and His Name One.” 49 they will bow and prostrate themselves, 47 See page 94, note 11. 48 Exodus 15:18. 49 Zecharyah 14:9.

189 / íåúé ùéã÷ SHACHARIS íåúé ùéã÷ ìàøNé úéa-ìëãÀÈÅÄÀÈÅ of the entire House of Israel, Mourner’s Kaddish Although Kaddish contains no refer- áéø÷ ïîæáe àìâraÇÂÈÈÄÀÇÈÄ ence to the dead, it has been recited by speedily and in the near future, mournersformanycenturies.Thetradi- : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ tion of the Mourner’s Kaddish began with the following incident: Once, and say, Amein. while walking, Rabbi Akiva met a man Cøáî àaø dîL àäéÀÅÀÅÇÈÀÈÇ who had died some time before and was pleaded with Rabbi Akiva to go to his May His great Name be blessed suffering the torments of Purgatory. He àiîÇÈ ìr éîÅÈÀ‹ ìrìe íìrìÀÈÇÀÈÀ‹ home town and teach his son to recite theKaddishandBorechu,forthiswould forever and for all eternity. save him from the terrible punish- çazLéå CøaúéÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÇ ments. Rabbi Akiva and his Court then instituted the practice of mourners re- Blessed and praised, citing the Kaddish, for until then it had àOðúé å íîBøúéå øàtúéåÀ ÄÀÈÇÀÄÀÇÀ Ä À Ç Å been limited for the Chazzan to recite it glorified, and exalted and uplifted, only after the services or after a sermon (See Tana D’vei Eliyahu Zuta 17, and ìläúéå älrúéå øcäúéåÀÄÀÇÈÀÄÀÇÆÀÄÀÇÈ Zohar Parshas Noach). Cong. honored and elevated and extolled ( ïîàÈÅ ) àaø dîL Lc÷úéåÀÄÀÇÇÀÅÇÈ ìcbúéÄÀÇÇ àeä CéøaÀÄ àLã÷ã dîLÀÅÀËÀÈ be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He; Exalted and sanctified be His great Name àøá-éc àîÈÄÀÈ ìraÀÈÀ‹ -ìk-ïî àlrì*ÀÅÍÈÄÈ in the world which He created above all dúeòøëÄÀÅ *During the Ten Days of Penitence say: according to His will; -ìkî àlrì àlrìÀÅÍÈÀÅÍÈÄÈ dúeëìî CéìîéåÀÇÀÄÇÀÅ far above all and may He rule His kingdom àúøéLå àúëøaÄÀÈÈÀÄÈÈ ïBëéîBéáe ïBëéiçaÀÇÅÀÅ the blessings and hymns, in your lifetime and in your days, àúîçðå àúçaLzËÀÀ‹ÈÈÀÆÁÈÈ éiçáeÀÇÅ praises and consolations and in the lifetime

úéøç ù PSALM FOR SUNDAY / 190 were chanted by the Levites each day : ïîàÈÅ eøîàå àîÈÀÄÀ ìra ïøéîàcÇÂÄÈÀÈÀ‹ during the service. On TISHA B’AV the Psalm of the Day which we utter in the world, and say, Amein. is recited before Mincha. àiîL-ïî àaø àîÈÇÈÄÀÇÈ ìL àäéÀÅÀÈ úáùá ïåùàøá May there be abundant peace from heaven ON SUNDAY: íéiçåÀÇÄ úaMa ïBLàø íBé íBiäÇÄÇÇÈ and life Today is the first day of the week, ìàøNé-ìk-ìrå eðéìrÈÅÍÀÇÈÄÀÈÅ íéøîBà íiåìä eéä BaLÆÈÇÀ‹ÄÄÀ‹Ä for us and for all Israel, on which the Levites used to recite : ïîàÈÅ eøîàåÀÄÀ :Lc÷nä úéáaÀÅÇÄÀÈ and say Amein. in the Holy Temple: åéîBøîa íBìL* äNòÊÆÈÄÀÈ øBîæî ãåãìÀÈÄÄÀ He Who makes peace in His high heavens eðéìò íBìL äNré àeäÇÂÆÈÈÅÍ A psalm of David: õøàä äåäéìÇÊÈÈÈÍÆ ïîàÈÅ may He make peace for us The earth is Adonoy’s : eøîàå ìàøNé-ìk-ìråÀÇÈÄÀÈÅÀÄÀ dàBìîeÀÈ and for all Israel, and say, Amein. and the fullness thereof, 50 :dá éáLéå ìázÅÅÀÍÀ ‹ ÅÈ íåé ìù øéù the inhabited world and those who dwell in it. Psalm of the Day dãñé íéné-ìr àeä-ékÄÇÇÄÀÈÈ For He founded it upon the seas, The custom of reciting a different :äððBëé úBøäð-ìråÀÇÀÈÀÀ‹ÆÍÈ psalm each day of the week originated in the Temple. The Mishnah (Maseches and established it upon rivers. Tamid 7:4) describes the psalms which * During the Ten Days of Penitence, some say íBìMä.ÇÈ 50 Rabbi Judah says in the name of Rabbi Akiva, “On the first day of the week, the Levites sang psalm 24, ‘The earth is Adonoy’s and the fullness thereof,’ because on that day God took possession of His newly created world for Himself, in order to give possession to mankind. Yet He remained the sole Master of the world.”—Maseches Rosh Hashana 31a

191 / ïåùàø íåé ìù øéù SHACHARIS íëéLàø íéørL eàNÀÀÈÄÈÅÆ äåäé-øäá äìré-éîÄÇÂÆÀÇÀÊÈ Lift up your heads, gates, Who may ascend the mountain 51 of Adonoy, eàNpäåÀÄÈÀ‹ íe÷é-éîeÄÈ and be uplifted and who may stand íìBò éçútÄÀÅÈ :BLã÷ íB÷îaÄÀÈÀ [you] entranceways to eternity, in the place of His holiness? :ãBákä Cìî àBáéåÀÈÆÍÆÇÈ ááì-øáe íétë é÷ðÀÄÇÇÍÄÇÅÈ so that the King of Glory may enter. The clean of hands and the pure of heart, ãBákä Cìî äæ éîÄÆÆÍÆÇÈ éLôð àåMì àNð-àG øLàÂÆÈÈÇÈÀÇÀÄ Who is this King of Glory? who has not borne My soul in vain, øBaâå æefr äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÄ :äîøîÄÀÈ ì òaLð àGåÀÄÀÇÀ Adonoy, strong and mighty; and has not sworn deceitfully. 52 :äîçìî øBab äåäéÀÊÈÄÄÀÈÈ äåäé úàî äëøá àOéÄÈÀÈÈÅÅÀÊÈ Adonoy, the Mighty One in battle. He will bear Adonoy’s blessing 53 íëéLàø íéørL eàNÀÀÈÄÈÅÆ ä÷ãöeÀÈÈ Lift up your heads, gates, and righteousness íìBò éçút eàNeÀÄÀÅÈ :BòLé éäGàîÅÁÅÄÀ and lift, entranceways to eternity, from the God of his deliverance. :ãBákä Cìî àBáéåÀÈÆÍÆÇÈ åéLøBc øBc äæÆÀ‹È so that the King of Glory may enter. This is the generation of those who seek Him, ãBákä Cìî äæ àeä éîÄÆÆÍÆÇÈ . Eéðô éL÷áîÀÇÀÅÈÆÍ Who is He, this King of Glory? the seekers of Your Presence, úBàáö äåäéÀÊÈÀÈ :äìñ á÷réÇÂÊÆÍÈ Adonoy of Hosts, [God of] Jacob, 54 Selah. 51 Ibn Ezra says that “mountain” refers to Mount Moriah, the location of the Temple. David composed this psalm on the day he purchased the Temple site from Aravna the Jebusite. 52 He whose piety is genuine and who will not use the Name of God to deceive others.—S.R. Hirsch 53 This person can expect that God will give him whatever will best serve his genuine welfare.—S.R. Hirsch 54 “Jacob” refers to all of Israel, the true descendants of the patriarch Jacob.—Radak

úéøç ù PSALM FOR MONDAY / 192 :BLã÷-øäÇÈÀ :äìñ ãBákä Cìî àeäÆÍÆÇÈÆÍÈ the mountain of His Sanctuary. He is the King of Glory, Selah. óBð äôéÀÅ Beautiful in its panoramic vista, (Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 189.) ïBiö-øä õøàä-ìk NBNîÀÈÈÈÍÆÇÄ úáùá éðùá the joy of all the earth is Mount Zion, ON MONDAY: ïBôö éúkøéÇÀÀ‹ÅÈ úaMa éðL íBé íBiäÇÅÄÇÇÈ on the northern extremities [of Jerusalem]; 56 Today is the second day of the week, :áø Cìî úéø÷ÄÀÇÆÍÆÈ íéøîBà íiåìä eéä BaLÆÈÇÀ‹ÄÄÀ‹Ä the city of the great King. 57 on which the Levites used to recite äéúBðîøàa íéäGàÁÄÀÇÀÀ‹ÆÍÈ :Lc÷nä úéáaÀÅÇÄÀÈ God, in its palaces, in the Holy Temple: :ábNîÄÀÈ ì òãBðÇÀ :çø÷-éðáì øBîæî øéLÄÄÀÄÀÅÍÊÇ has become known as a Stronghold. A song, a psalm by the sons of Korach. 55 eãrBð íéëìnä äpä-ékÄÄÅÇÀ‹ÈÄ ãàî ìläîe äåäé ìBãbÈÀÊÈÀËÈÀÊ For behold, the kings assembled, 58 Adonoy is great and highly extolled :åcçé eøárÈÀ‹ÇÀÈ eðéäGà øéraÀÄÁÅÍ they passed by together. in the city of our God, 55 On the second day, psalm48, “Adonoyis great and highly extolled,” was sung by the Levites because on the second day of creation God separated the heavenly and earthly parts of the universe and ruled over both.—Maseches Rosh Hashana 31a 56 Jerusalem is the source of all the joy in the world. Joy radiates from Jerusalem to the rest of the world because it is the center of the universe, both in terms of geography and history. The Temple era is the midpoint of the generations—of the generations which preceded the Temple, and of those which followed its destruction. The generations before the Temple were uplifted and imbued with the hopes of its realization; the later generations are drawn to its light by recalling its radiant glory and by anticipating its rebuilding. We mention Jerusalem at every joyous occasion to emphasize that it is the true source of joy.—Sfas Emes Tziyun is the Hebrew word for a monument, a memorial for someone who has died. When it is spelled “Tziyon,” it refers to the site of God’s Sanctuary, a timeless memorial for the preserva- tion of truth in the midst of mankind. Even though the Temple has been destroyed, the mountain symbolically reminds man of the presence of the true God.—S.R. Hirsch 57 Some commentators say that the great king refers to David, rather than to God. 58 The kings had assembled to attack Jerusalem.—Rashi

193 / éðù íåé ìù øéù SHACHARIS Eúläz ïk íéäGà EîLkÀÄÀÁÄÅÀÄÈÀ‹ eäîz ïk eàø änäÅÍÈÈÅÈÈÍ As Your Name, God, so is Your praise 60 They saw and were astounded, 59 õøà-éåö÷-ìrÇÇÀÅÆÍÆ :eætçð eìäáðÄÀÂÆÀÈÍ to the ends of the earth; they panicked and fled in haste. :Eðéîé äàìî ÷ãöÆÍÆÈÀ‹ÈÀÄÆ Í íL íúæçà äãrøÀÈÈÂÈÈÍÇÈ Your right hand is full of righteousness. Trembling siezed them there, ïBiö-øä çîNéÄÀÇÇÄ :äãìBik ìéçÄÇÅÈ Let Mount Zion rejoice, like the pangs of a woman in labor. äãeäé úBða äðìâzÈÅÍÀÈÀÀÈ íéã÷ çeøaÀÍÇÈÄ let the daughters 61 of Judah exult, With an east wind :EéètLî ïrîÇÍÇÄÀÈÆÍ ìÀ :LéLøz úBiðà øaLzÀÇÅÃÄÇÀÄ because of Your judgments. You smashed the ships of Tarshish. äeôéwäå ïBiö eañÍÊÄÀÇÄÍÈ eðéàø ïk eðrîL øLàkÇÂÆÈÇÍÀÅÈÄÍ Rally around Zion and encircle her, As we heard, so we saw :äéìcâî eøôñÄÀÄÀÈÆÍÈ úBàáö äåäé-øéraÀÄÀÊÈÀÈ count her towers. äìéçì íëaì eúéLÄÍÄÀ‹ÆÀÅÈ in the city of Adonoy of Hosts, Consider well her ramparts, eðéäGà øéraÀÄÁÅÍ äéúBðîøà eâqtÇÀ‹ÇÀÀ‹ÆÍÈ in the city of our God; raise high her citadels, :äìñ íìBò-ãr äððBëé íéäGàÁÄÀÀ‹ÆÍÈÇÈÆÍÈ :ïBøçà øBãì eøtñz ïrîÇÍÇÀÇÀ‹ÀÇ ìÀ may God establish it for eternity, Selah. that you may recount it to future Ecñç íéäGà eðéncÄÄÍÁÄÇÀÆÍ generations. We hoped, God, for Your lovingkindness eðéäGà íéäGà äæ ékÄÆÁÄÁÅÍ . :Eìëéä áø÷aÀÆÍÆÅÈÆÍ That this is God, our God in the midst of Your Sanctuary. 59 When the kings, who assembled to attack Jerusalem, witnessed the wondrous deeds which God performed in His victorious battle against their armies, they were astounded and terrified.—Radak 60 We testify that Your wondrous deeds match the praise and exalted names which the Prophets used to describe Your might.—Radak 61 Or cities of Judah.

úéøç ù PSALM FOR TUESDAY / 194 ìà-úãraÇÂÇÅ ãrå íìBòÈÈÆ in the congregation of the Almighty, 64 forever and ever, :ètLé íéäGà áø÷aÀÆÍÆÁÄÄÀÊ :úeî-ìr eðâäðé àeäÀÇÂÅÍÇ in the midst of the judges He gives judgement. He will lead us like children. 62 ìår-eètLz éúî-ãrÇÈÇÄÀÀ‹ÈÍÆ How long will you judge lawlessly (Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 189.) :äìñ-eàNz íérLøÀÈÄÄÀÆÍÈ éðôeÀÅ úáùá éùéìùá and show partiality to the wicked forever? ON TUESDAY: íBúéå ìã-eèôLÄÀÈÀÈ Render justice to the lowly and the orphan, úaMa éLéìL íBé íBiäÇÀÄÄÇÇÈ :e÷écöä Løå éðrÈÄÈÈÇÀÄÍ Today is the third day of the week, deal righteously with the poor and destitute. íéøîBà íiåìä eéä BaLÆÈÇÀ‹ÄÄÀ‹Ä ïBéáàå ìã-eèltÇÀ‹ÇÀÆÀ on which the Levites used to recite Rescue the lowly and the needy, :Lc÷nä úéáaÀÅÇÄÀÈ :eìévä íérLø ãiîÄÇÀÈÄÇÄÍ in the Holy Temple: save them from the hand of the wicked. eðéáé àGå eòãé àGÈÀ‹ÀÈÄÍ óñàì øBîæîÄÀÀÈÈ They neither know nor understand, 65 A psalm of Assaf 63 eëläúé äëLçaÇÂÅÈÄÀÇÈÍ ávð íéäGàÁÄÄÈ they walk along in darkness, God stands 62 Hirsch and others translate, “He will lead us beyond death.” They divide almus into two words al mus. Our translation follows Rashi, who renders it as one word. 63 Assaf was one of the ten composers who contributed to the Book of Psalms; he wrote eleven psalms (73–83). The leading Levite musician of his times, he was also endowed with the spirit of prophecy. 64 The Talmud designates psalm 82 for the third day of the week because on the third day of Creation, God in His wisdom revealed the earth and established the world for His chosen “congregation.” This psalm is an allusion to Genesis 1:9 where we read, “God said, ‘Let the waters beneath the heavens be gathered (congregate) into one place, so that the dry land may appear’.” —Maseches Rosh Hashana 31a 65 “They” refers to the judges.

195 / éòéáø íåé ìù øéù SHACHARIS äåäé úBî÷ð-ìàÅÀÈÀÊÈ :õøà éãñBî-ìk eèBnéÄÍÈÍÀ‹ÅÈÍÆ Almighty of vengeance, Adonoy, 67 all the foundations of the earth are shaken. 66 :réôBä úBî÷ð ìàÅÀÈÄÍÇ ízà íéäGà ézøîà-éðàÂÄÈÇÍÀÄÁÄÇÆ Almighty of vengeance, reveal Yourself. I had said “You are godlike beings, õøàä èôL àNpäÄÈÅÅÈÈÍÆ Ê :íëlk ïBéìr éðáeÀÅÆÀËÀ‹Æ Arise, Judge of the earth, all of you, sons of the Most High.” :íéàb ìr ìeîb áLäÈÅÀÇÅÄ ïeúeîz íãàk ïëàÈÅÀÈÈÀ repay the arrogant their just reward. Nevertheless, you shall die like men, íérLø éúî-ãrÇÈÇÀÈÄ :eìtz íéøOä ãçàëeÀÇÇÇÈÄÄÍÊ How long shall the wicked, and fall like one of the princes. . äåäéÀÊÈ õøàä äèôL íéäGà äîe÷ÈÁÄÈÀÈÈÈÆ Adonoy, Arise, God, judge the earth, :eæìré íérLø éúî-ãrÇÈÇÀÈÄÇÂÍÊ :íéBbä-ìëa ìçðú äzà ékÄÇÈÄÀÇÀÈÇÄ how long shall the wicked exult? for You will inherit all the nations. ÷úr eøaãé eòéaéÇÄÍÀÇÀ‹ÈÈ (Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 189.) They express, they speak with arrogance; :ïåà éìrt-ìk eønàúéÄÀÇÀ‹ÈÍÊÂÅÈÍÆ úáùá éòéáøá ON WEDNESDAY: all the evildoers are boastful. eàkãé äåäé EnrÇÀ‹ÀÊÈÀÇÀ‹ úaMa éréáø íBé íBiäÇÀÄÄÇÇÈ Adonoy, they crush Your people Today is the fourth day of the week, :epré EúìçðåÀÇÂÈÀ‹ÀÇ íéøîBà íiåìä eéä BaLÆÈÇÀ‹ÄÄÀ‹Ä and Your heritage they oppress. on which the Levites used to recite eâøäé øâå äðîÈÈÀÅÇÂÍÊ ìàÇÀ :Lc÷nä úéáaÀÅÇÄÀÈ The widow and stranger they kill, in the Holy Temple: 66 Justice is one of the three pillars upon which the earth rests (Maseches Avos 1:18). Without justice there is no stability in the world. 67 Psalm 94, “Almighty of vengeance” was sung on the fourth day because God created the sun and the moon on the fourth day, and He will punish those who worship them.—Maseches Rosh Hashana

úéøç ù PSALM FOR WEDNESDAY / 196 :epãnÀ‹ÆÍ ìú EúøBzîeÄÈÀ‹ÀÇ :eçvøé íéîBúéåÄÄÀÇÅÍ and whom You instruct from Your Torah. and orphans they murder. òø éîéî Bì èé÷LäìÀÇÀÄÄÍÅÈ di-äàøé àG eøîàiåÇÊÀ‹ÄÀÆÈ To grant him tranquility from days of evil, And they say, “God does not see, :úçL òLøì äøké ãrÇÄÈÆÈÈÈÈÍÇ :á÷ré éäGà ïéáé-àGåÀÈÄÁÅÇÂÊ until the pit is dug for the wicked. the God of Jacob is not concerned.” Bnr äåäé Lhé-àG ékÄÄÀÊÈÇ eðéaÄÍ For Adonoy will not abandon His people, Consider, :áæré àG BúìçðåÀÇÂÈÇÂÊ íra íéøraÊÂÄÈÈ and He will not forsake His inheritance. [you] stupid [ones] among the people, ètLî áeLé ÷ãö-ãr-ékÄÇÆÍÆÈÄÀÈ :eìékNz éúî íéìéñëeÀÄÄÈÇÇÀÄÍ For justice shall return unto righteousness, and you fools, when will you become wise? :áì-éøLé-ìk åéøçàåÀÇÂÈÈÄÀÅÅ òîLé àGä ïæà òèðäÂÍÊÇÍÊÆÂÄÀÈ and all the upright in heart will follow it. He Who implanted the ear, does He not hear? íérøî-ír éì íe÷é-éîÄÈÄÄÀÅÄ :èéaé àGä ïér øöBé-íàÄÅÇÍÄÂÇÄ Who will rise up for me against the wicked, He Who formed the eye, does He not see? éì ávéúé-éîÄÄÀÇÅÄ íéBb øñéäÂÊÅÄ who will stand up for me He Who chastises nations, :ïåà éìrt-írÄÍÊÂÅÈÍÆ çéëBé àGäÂÄÍÇ against the evildoers? does He not reprove, él äúøær äåäé éìeìÅÀÊÈÆÀÈÍÈÄ :úrc íãà ãnÅÈÈÈÍÇ ìîäÇÀ‹Ç Had Adonoy not been my help, He that teaches man knowledge? È È èrîkÄÀÇ íãà úBáLçî rãé äåäéÀÊÈÊÅÍÇÇÀÀ ‹ in an instant Adonoy knows the thoughts of man, :éLôð äîeã äðëLÈÀ‹ÈÈÇÀÄ :ìáä änä-ékÄÅÍÈÈÍÆ my soul would have dwelt in the silent grave. that they are vanity. éìâø äèî ézøîà-íàÄÈÇÍÀÄÈÍÈÇÀÄ øábä éøLàÇÀÅÇÆÍÆ If [Whenever] I said, my foot has slipped, Fortunate is the man :éðãrñé äåäé EcñçÇÀÀ‹ÀÊÈÄÀÈÅÍÄ di epøqéz-øLàÂÆÀÇÀ‹ÆÍÈ Your kindliness, Adonoy upheld me. whom You chastise, God,

197 / éùéîç íåé ìù øéù SHACHARIS äréøðÈÄÍÈ étrøN áøaÀÊÇÀÇÇ let us shout for joy When [worrisome] thoughts multiply :eðrLé øeöìÀÄÀÅÍ éaø÷aÀÄÀÄ to the Rock of our Deliverance. 68 within me, äãBúa åéðô äîc÷ðÀÇÀ‹ÈÈÈÀÈ . :éLôð eòLrLé EéîeçðzÇÀÆÍÀÇÇÀÇÀÄ Your consolations soothe my soul. Let us greet Him with thanksgiving; :Bì réøð úBøîæaÄÀÄÈÄÍÇ úBeä àqk EøáçéäÇÀÈÀÀ‹ÄÅÇ Can a tribunal of evil have accord with You, with song let us shout for joy to Him. :÷ç-éìr ìîr øöéÊÅÈÈÂÅÊ äåäé ìBãb ìà ékÄÅÈÀÊÈ [a tribunal] that makes iniquity into law? For a great Almighty is Adonoy; ÷écö Lôð-ìr ecBâéÈÍÇÆÍÆÇÄ :íéäGà-ìk-ìr ìBãb CìîeÆÍÆÈÇÈÁÄ They gang up against the life of the righteous, :eòéLøé é÷ð íãåÀÈÈÄÇÀÄÍ a great King over all godlike beings. (Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 189.) and blood of the innocent they condemn. ábNîÄÀÈ ì éì äåäé éäéåÇÀÄÀÊÈÄÀ úáùá éùéîçá ON THURSDAY: Adonoy has been my stronghold, :éñçî øeöì éäGàåÅÇÀÇÀÄ úaMa éLéîç íBé íBiäÇÂÄÄÇÇÈ my God, the Rock of my refuge. Today is the fifth day of the week, íðBà-úà íäéìr áLiåÇÈÍÆÂÅÆÆÈ íéøîBà íiåìä eéä BaLÆÈÇÀ‹ÄÄÀ‹Ä He turns their violence against them, on which the Levites used to recite íúéîöé íúrøáeÀÈÈÈÇÀÄÅ :Lc÷nä úéáaÀÅÇÄÀÈ and destroys them with their own wickedness; :eðéäGà äåäé íúéîöéÇÀÄÅÀÊÈÁÅÍ in the Holy Temple: Adonoy, my God, destroys them. çvðîÀ‹ÇÅÍÇ ìÇ äåäéì äðpøð eëìÀÀÇÀ‹ÈÇÊÈ To Him Who grants victory, 69 Come let us sing to Adonoy; 68 This verse and the following two are from Psalms 95:1–3. 69 Psalm 81 was designated for the fifth day “Because God created the birds and fish on that day.” These creatures bring joy to the world and when people observe the vast variety of the bird and fish species, they are awed by God’s creativity. They are thus inspired to sing joyously to God.—Maseches Rosh Hashana 31a

úéøç ù PSALM FOR THURSDAY / 198 íéøöî õøà-ìr BúàöaÀÅÇÆÍÆÄÀÈÍÄ :óñàì úézbä-ìrÇÇÄÄÀÈÈ when he went out over the land of Egypt, upon the Gittis, 70 a psalm of Assaf: :òîLà ézrãé-àG úôNÀÇÈÇÍÀÄÆÀÈ eðfer íéäGàì eðéðøäÇÀÄÍÅÄÅÍ [where] an unfamiliar language I heard. Sing joyously to God, our strength, BîëL ìáqî éúBøéñäÂÄÍÄÄÅÍÆÄÀ :á÷ré éäGàì eòéøäÈÄÍÅÅÇÂÊ From the burden, I removed his shoulder, shout for joy to the God of Jacob. 71 :äðøárz ãecî åétkÇÈÄÇÂÍÊÀÈ óú-eðúe äøîæ-eàNÀÄÀÈÀÊ his hands were removed from the cauldron. 75 Take up the hymn, sound the drum, Dölçàå úàø÷ äøvaÇÈÈÈÈÍÈÈÂÇÀ‹ÆÍ :ìáð-ír íérð øBpkÄÈÄÄÈÍÆ In distress you called out, and I released you, the pleasant harp and the lyre. EðràÆÆÀ øôBL Lãçá eò÷zÄÀÇÍÊÆÈ I answered you Blow the shofar on Rosh Chodesh, øúñaÀÅÍÆ :eðbç íBéì äñkaÇÆÍÆÀÇÅÍ [though you called] in secret at the appointed time for our festive day. 72 írøÇÍÇ àeä ìàøNéì ÷ç ékÄÊÀÄÀÈÅ [I answered you] thunderously; For it is a statute for Israel, :äìñ äáéøî éî-ìr EðçáàÆÀÈÀÇÅÀÄÈÆÍÈ :á÷ré éäGàì ètLîÄÀÈÅÅÇÂÊ I tested you at the waters of Merivah. Selah. a [day of] judgement of the God of Jacob. 73 Ca äãéràå énr òîLÀÇÇÄÀÈÄÍÈÈ BîN óñBäéa úeãrÅÄÅÈ Hear, My people, I will testify about you, As a testimony for Yehosef, He ordained it 74 70 Gittis was a musical instrument that was manufactured in the town of Gat. 71 Meiri associates the word eòéøä with äòeøz, sounding the shofar. Thus the verse reads, “SoundÈÄ È À the shofar to the God of Jacob.” 72 The Talmud relates the word äñk with äñk, covering. All other festivals occur when the moonÆÆ È Ê is clearly visible. Rosh Hashana occurs at the beginning of the month when the moon is barely visible.—Maseches Rosh Hashana 8a 73 S.R. Hirsch translates, “The God of Jacob sits in judgment.” 74 Joseph feared God’s Name and refused to give in to the wiles of Potiphar’s wife. Because he sanctified God’s Name, he merited that the letter hei from God’s Name should be added to his name, making it Yehosef, óñåäé.—Maseches Sotah 10b. 75 Rashi says that this refers to the cooking and menial kitchen tasks which the Jewish slaves were forced to do in Egypt.

199 / éùù íåé ìù øéù SHACHARIS :éãé áéLà íäéøö-ìråÀÇÈÅÆÈÄÈÄ :éì-òîLz-íà ìàøNéÄÀÈÅÄÄÀÇÄ and turn My hand against their tormentors. Israel, if you would just listen to Me. äåäé éàðNîÀÇÀÅÀÊÈ øæ ìà Eá äéäé-àGÄÀÆÀÅÈ Those who cause hate of Adonoy Let no strange god be within you, Bì-eLçëéÀÇ :øëð ìàì äåçzLú àGåÀÄÀÇÂÆÀÅÅÈ deceive (pretend obedience to) Him, nor bow before a foreign god. :íìBòì ízr éäéåÄÄÄÈÀÈ EéäGà äåäé éëðàÈÊÄÀÊÈÁÆÍ but their time [of punishment] will be forever. I am Adonoy, your God, eäìéëàiåÇÇÂÄÅÍ . íéøöî õøàî EìrnäÇÇÇÀÅÆÍÆÄÀÈÍÄ But He would feed him (Israel) Who brought you up from the land of Egypt, ähç áìçîÅÅÍÆÄÈ :eäàìîàå Eét-áçøäÇÀÆÄÍÇÂÇÀÅÍ from the cream of the wheat, open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. 76 øevîeÄ éìB÷ì énr òîL-àGåÀÈÇÇÄÀÄ and from the rock, But My people did not heed My voice, :DréaNà LácÀÇÇÀÄÆÍ :éì äáà-àG ìàøNéåÀÄÀÈÅÈÍÈÄ I would sate you with honey. and Israel did not want Me. íaì úeøéøLa eäçlLàåÈÂÇÀ‹ÅÍÄÀÄÄÈ (Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 189.) úáùá éùùá So I sent them to follow their heart’s desires, :íäéúBörBîa eëìéÅÀ‹ÀÂÅÆ ON FRIDAY: [I] let them follow their own devices. úaMa éML íBé íBiäÇÄÄÇÇÈ éì rîL énr eìÇÄÅÍÇÄ Ê Today is the sixth day of the week, If only My people would heed Me, íéøîBà íiåìä eéä BaLÆÈÇÀ‹ÄÄÀ‹Ä :eëläé éëøãa ìàøNéÄÀÈÅÄÀÈÇÀÇÅÍ on which the Levites used to recite if Israel would walk in My ways. :Lc÷nä úéáaÀÅÇÄÀÈ réðëà íäéáéBà èrîkÄÀÇÀ‹ÅÆÇÀÄÍÇ in the Holy Temple: I would immediately subdue their enemies, 76 “Open your mouth wide” and state all your desires.

úéøç ù L’DOVID / 200 :äåäé íBøna øécàÇÄÇÈÀÊÈ Cìî äåäéÀÊÈÈÈ mighty on high are You Adonoy. Adonoy has begun His reign, 77 ãàî eðîàð EéúãrÅÊÆÍÆÆÀÀÊ . Láì úeàbÅÈÅ Your testimonies are extremely faithful; with majesty He has clothed Himself; Lãw-äåàð EúéáìÀÅÀ‹ÇÂÈÍÊÆ äåäé LáìÈÅÀÊÈ holiness is becoming to Your House, Adonoy clothed Himself, :íéîé Cøàì äåäéÀÊÈÀÍÊÆÈÄ øfàúä æòÊÄÀÇÈ Adonoy, for the length of days. with strength He has girded Himself; (Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 189.) ìáz ïBkz-óàÇÄÅÅ On ROSH CHODESH éLôð éëøa on pageÈÀÄÇÀÄ He has firmly established the world, 203, is recited in many synagogues. :èBnz-ìaÇÄ During ELUL (Except for Erev Rosh Hashana) the shofar is sounded here. so that it cannot be moved. The following psalm #27 voices our æàî Eàñk ïBëðÈÄÀÂÅÈ prayer that God will be our light on Your throne stands firm from of old, Rosh Hashana enabling us to repel the :äzà íìBòîÅÈÈÍÈ darkness of sin through true repent- ance, and that He will be our salvation You are from eternity. on Yom Kippur, through His compas- äåäé úBøäð eàNðÈÀ ‹ À Ê È À È sionate atonement of our sins. The psalm is recited at the conclu- The rivers have raised—Adonoy— À È È sion of services, morning and evening, íìB÷ úBøäð eàNðÈÀ ‹ from THE FIRST DAY OF ELUL, through the rivers have raised their voice, SHEMINI ATZERES. ãåãìÀÈÄ :íéëc úBøäð eàNéÄÀÀÈÈÀÈ By David: the rivers raise their raging waves. érLéå éøBà äåäéÀÊÈÄÀÄÀÄ íéaø íéî úBìwîÄÊÇÍÄÇÄ Adonoy is my light and my salvation, More than the roar of many waters, àøéà énîÄÄÄÈ íé-éøaLî íéøécàÇÄÄÄÀÀ‹ÅÈ whom shall I fear? mightier than the breakers of the sea, 77 On the sixth day, the Levites sang Psalm 93, “Adonoy has begun his reign, with majesty He has clothed Himself,” because He completed the work of creation and reigned over all His creatures.—Maseches Rosh Hashana 31a

201 / ãåãì SHACHARIS Lwáà dúBàÈÂÇÅ éiç-æBòî äåäéÀÊÈÈÇÇ [only] that shall I seek, Adonoy is the strength 78 of my life, äåäé-úéáa ézáLÄÀÄÀÅÀÊÈ :ãçôà énîÄÄÆÀÈ that I may dwell 80 in the House of Adonoy of whom shall I be afraid? éiç éîé-ìkÈÀÅÇÇ íérøî éìr áø÷aÄÀÊÈÇÀÅÄ all the days of my life, When evildoers approach me äåäé-írða úBæçìÇÂÀÍÊÇÀÊÈ éøNa-úà ìëàìÆÁÊÆÀÈÄ to behold the pleasantness of Adonoy, to devour my flesh, :Bìëéäa øwáìeÀÇÅÀÅÈ éì éáéàå éøöÈÇÀÊÀ‹ÇÄ and to meditate in His Sanctuary. my tormentors and my foes äkña éððtöé ékÄÄÀÀ‹ÅÍÄÀËÊ :eìôðå eìLë änäÅÍÈÈÀ ‹ À È È Í For He will hide me in His Tabernacle 81 they stumble and fall. ärø íBéaÀÈÈ äðçî éìr äðçz-íàÄÇÂÆÈÇÇÂÆ on the day of distress, If an army should encamp against me, Bìäà øúña éðøzñéÇÀÄÅÍÄÀÅÍÆÈà éaì àøéé-àGÄÈÄÄ He will conceal me in the shelter of His Tent, my heart would not fear; :éðîîBøé øeöaÀÀÀ‹ÅÍÄ äîçìî éìr íe÷z-íàÄÈÈÇÄÀÈÈ upon a rock He will lift me. if war were to rise against me, éLàø íeøé äzråÀÇÈÈÊÄ :çèBá éðà úàæaÀÊÂÄÅÍÇ And now my head is raised high in this 79 I trust. éúBáéáñ éáéà ìrÇÊÀ‹ÇÀÄÇ äåäé-úàî ézìàL úçàÇÇÈÇÍÀÄÅÅÀÊÈ above my enemies around me; 82 One thing I request of Adonoy, 78 Rav S.R. Hirsch translates, “Adonoy is the source of my life’s strength,” thus David declares that God is the fount from which his life derives its power to resist all foes. 79 David says that he trusts in the declaration stated in the opening verse, “Adonoy is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?”—Rashi, Radak 80 The literal translation of ézáL is “my sitting.” The Talmud states that “no man may ‘sit’ inÄÀÄ the courtyard of the Temple except for the kings of the House of David.”—Maseches Soteh 40b 81 The Vilna Gaon comments that all the commandments pertaining to Succos are implied in this verse and the next. 82 David declares, “Because I look up to God in every aspect of my existence, I am so exalted that no enemy can harm me.—S.R. Hirsch

úéøç ù L’DOVID / 202 éðáærz-ìàå éðLhz-ìàÇÄÀ‹ÅÍÄÀÇÇÇÀÅÍÄ Bìäàá äçaæàåÀÆÀÀ‹ÈÀÈà neither cast me off nor abandon 84 me, and I will offer in His Tent, :érLé éäGàÁÅÄÀÄ äreøú éçáæÄÀÅÀÈ God of my deliverance. sacrifices [accompanied] with trumpets of joy; éðeáær énàå éáà-ékÄÈÄÀÄÄÂÈÍÄ :äåäéì äønæàå äøéLàÈÄÍÈÇÂÇÀ‹ÈÇÊÈ When my father and mother abandon me, I will sing and chant to Adonoy. :éðôñàé äåäéåÇÊÈÇÇÀÅÍÄ àø÷à éìB÷ äåäé-òîLÀÇÀÊÈÄÆÀÈ Adonoy will gather me up. Adonoy, hear my voice 83 when I call; Ekøc äåäé éðøBäÅÍÄÀÊÈÇÀÆÍ :éððrå éðpçåÀÈÅÍÄÇÂÅÍÄ Adonoy, teach me Your way, be gracious to me and answer me. øBLéî çøàa éðçðeÀÅÍÄÀÍÊÇÄ éaì øîà EìÀÈÇÄÄ and lead me in the path of uprightness, Of You, my heart has said, :éøøBL ïrîÇÍÇÀ‹È ìÀ éðô eLwaÇÀ‹ÈÈ because of my watchers. 85 “Seek My Presence”; éððzz-ìàÇÄÀ‹ÅÍÄ :Lwáà äåäé Eéðt-úàÆÈÆÍÀÊÈÂÇÅ Do not deliver me Your Presence, Adonoy, I will seek. éøö LôðaÀÆÍÆÈÈ épnî Eéðt øzñz-ìàÇÇÀÅÈÆÍÄÆÍÄ to the will of my tormentors, Conceal not Your Presence from me, ø÷L-éãr éá-eî÷ ékÄÈÄÅÅÆÍÆ Ecár óàa-èz ìàÇÇÀÇÇÀÆÍ for false witnesses have risen against me, do not turn away Your servant in anger. :ñîç çôéåÄÅÍÇÈÈ úééä éúøærÆÀÈÄÈÄÍÈ who breathe violence. You have been my help; 83 This verse alludes to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. “Hear my voice,” refers to Rosh Hashana when we sound the shofar. The word “my voice (sound)” refers to the “voice” of the shofar. “When I call” refers to Yom Kippur, about which Isaiah (55:6) said, “call to Him when He is near.”—Siddur HaGra 84 Even if I were so depraved that my own mother and father would abandon me to my own devices, God would still gather me up and believe in my ability to mend my ways.—S.R. Hirsch 85 I.e., his enemies. David asks for Divine help that he be saved even from the mere semblance of wrongdoing so that his foes should not be able to rejoice over his faults.—S.R. Hirsch

203 / éùôð éëøá SHACHARIS :zLáìÈÈÍÀÈ úBàøì ézðîàä àìeìÅÆÁÇÍÀÄÄÀ are You clothed. Had I not believed 86 that I would see äîÈ ìOk øBà-äèrÊÆÇÇÀ :íéiç õøàa äåäé-áeèaÀÀÊÈÀÆÍÆÇÄ Enwrapped in light, garment-like, the goodness of Adonoy in the land of living. 87 :äréøék íéîL äèBðÆÈÇÍÄÇÀÄÈ äåäé-ìà äe÷ÇÅÆÀÊÈ . He spreads out the heavens like a curtain. Hope to Adonoy, äø÷îäÇÀ‹ÈÆ Eaì õîàéå ÷æçÂÇÀÇÂÅÄÆÍ He Who covers be strong and He will give you courage; åéúBiìr íénáÇÇÍÄÂÄÈ :äåäé-ìà äe÷åÀÇÅÆÀÊÈ His upper chambers with water, 88 and hope to Adonoy. Báeëø íéár-íOäÇÈÈÄÀ He Who makes clouds His chariot, (Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 189.) :çeø-éôðk-ìr CläîäÇÀ‹ÇÅÇÇÀÅÍÇ éùôð éëøá He Who walks upon wings of wind. My Soul, Bless úBçeø åéëàìî äNòÊÆÇÀÈÈ He Who makes winds His messengers, The following psalm #104 is recited in :èäG Là åéúøLîÀÈÀ‹ÈÅÅ many synagogues on ROSH CHODESH, following the daily psalm. flaming fires His servants. õøà-ãñéÈÇÆÍÆ äåäé-úàÆÀÊÈ éLôð éëÄÇÀÄ øaÈÀ‹ He Who established the earth My soul, bless Adonoy; äéðBëî-ìrÇÀÆÍÈ ãàî zìãb éäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÇÈÇÍÀÈÀÊ upon its foundations, Adonoy, my God, You are greatly exalted; :ãrå íìBò èBnz-ìaÇÄÈÈÆ øãäå ãBäÀÈÈ [so] that it shall never be moved. with beauty and splendor 86 “These false witnesses would have destroyed me had I not believed that I would see the goodness of God in the land of the living.”—Rashi, Radak 87 There are various interpretations of the “Land of the living.” Some hold that it refers to the present world in which we live—Metsudas Tzion; Ramban holds that it refers to the World-to- Come; and Malbim says that it refers to Eretz Yisroel. 88 This refers to the “waters that are above the skies” (Genesis 1:6–7; Psalms 148:14).—Metsudas Dovid

úéøç ù BORCHI NAFSHI / 204 :ïeëläé íéøä ïéaÅÈÄÀÇÅ íBäzÀ to flow between the mountains; The deep, éãN Búéç-ìk e÷LéÇÀÈÇÀÈÈ Búéqk LeálkÇÀ‹ÄÄ to water all the beasts of the fields; He covered as with a garment; 89 :íàîö íéàøô eøaLéÄÀÀ‹ÀÈÄÀÈÈ :íéî-eãîré íéøä-ìrÇÈÄÇÇÀÈÍÄ the wild ones quench their thirst. the waters remain on mountains. 90 ïBkLé íéîMä-óBò íäéìrÂÅÆÇÈÇÍÄÄÀ ïeñeðé Eúørb-ïîÄÇÂÈÀ‹À Over them, dwell the birds of the sky, At Your shout they retreated, :ìB÷-eðzé íéàôr ïéaîÄÅÃÈÄÄÀ‹ :ïeæôçé Eîrø ìB÷-ïîÄÇÇÀÅÈÅ from among the branches, they give voice. atYourthunderousvoicetheyhastenedaway. 91 íéøä ä÷LîÇÀÆÈÄ úBò÷á eãøé íéøä eìréÇÂÈÄÅÀ‹ÀÈ [You] Who waters the mountains They go up mountains, down into valleys, åéúBiìrîÅÂÄÈ :íäì zãñé äæ íB÷î-ìàÆÀÆÈÇÍÀÈÈÆ from His upper chambers, 93 to the specific place You founded for them. EéNrî éøtîÄÀ‹ÄÇÂÆÍ zîN-ìeábÀÇÍÀÈ from the fruit of Your works 94 You set a boundary 92 :õøàä òaNzÄÀÇÈÈÍÆ ïeøáré-ìaÇÇÂÊ the earth is sated. [which] they may not cross, äîäaì øéöç çéîöîÇÀÄÍÇÈÄÇÀ‹ÅÈ :õøàä úBqëì ïeáLé-ìaÇÀËÀÇÈÈÍÆ [You] Who causes grass to sprout for cattle, lest they return to cover the earth. íãàä úãárì áNråÀÅÍÆÇÂÊÇÈÈÈ íéìçpa íéðérî çlLîäÇÀ‹ÇÅÍÇÇÀÈÄÇÀ‹ÈÄ and vegetation for the labor of man, He Who sends springs into streams 89 God covers the depths of the seas in order to prevent them from overflowing and destroy- ing the world.—Metsudas Dovid 90 Even though the nature of water is to flow downward, God nevertheless ordered that there be water on the highest mountains.—Metsudas Dovid 91 This sentence describes God’s command, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place” (Genesis 1:9).—Metsudas Dovid 92 The sand is the boundary; the water may not cross it to flood the earth.—Rashi 93 See footnote 88. 94 “ The fruit of Your works” refers to the rain which satisfies the needs of the earth.—Metsudas Dovid

205 / éùôð éëøá SHACHARIS :øré-Búéç-ìkÈÇÀÈÍÇ :õøàä-ïî íçì àéöBäìÀÍÄÆÍÆÄÈÈÍÆ all the beasts of the forest. to bring forth bread from the earth; óøÆ hì íéâàL íéøéôkäÇÀ‹ÄÄÂÄÇÈÍ Ê LBðà-ááì çnNé ïééåÀÇÍÄÀÇÇÀÇÁ The young lions roar for prey, wine to cheer the heart of man, :íìëà ìàî LwáìeÀÇÅÅÅÈÀÈ ïîMî íéðt ìéäöäìÀÇÀÄÈÄÄÈÍÆ and seek their food from the Almighty. to make [his] face shine from oil, ïeôñàé LîMä çøæzÄÀÇÇÆÍÆÅÈÅ :ãrñé LBðà-ááì íçìåÀÆÍÆÀÇÁÄÀÈ [When] the sun rises, they gather and bread to sustain the heart of man. :ïeöaøé íúðBòî-ìàåÀÆÀÊÈÄÀÈ äåäé éör eòaNéÄÀÀ‹ÂÅÀÊÈ and come into their dens to lie. Adonoy’s trees are sated, 95 Bìrôì íãà àöéÅÅÈÈÀÈà :òèð øLà ïBðáì éæøàÇÀÅÀÈÂÆÈÈ Man goes out to his work, the cedars of Lebanon that He planted; :áør-éãr BúãárìåÀÇÂÊÈÂÅÈÍÆ eðp÷é íéøtö íL-øLàÂÆÈÄÃÄÀÇÅÍ to his labor until evening. where birds make their nests, äåäé EéNrî eaø-äîÈÇÇÂÆÍÀÊÈ :dúéa íéLBøa äãéñçÂÄÈÀÄÅÈ How many are Your works, Adonoy! the stork—the firs are her home. úéNr äîëça ílkËÈÀÈÀÈÈÄÍÈ íéìriì íéäábä íéøäÈÄÇÀ‹ÊÄÇÀ‹ÅÄ You made them all with wisdom; The high mountains [are] for the wild goats, :Eðéð÷ õøàä äàìîÈÀ‹ÈÈÈÍÆÄÀÈÆ Í :íépôMì äñçî íérìñÀÈÄÇÀÆÇÀ ‹ ÇÄ the earth is full of Your possessions! the rocks a refuge for the rabbits. íéãé áçøe ìBãb íiä äæÆÇÈÈÀÇÈÈÍÄ íéãrBîÂÄ ì çøé äNrÈÈÈÅÍÇÀ This sea, great and wide, He made the moon to fix seasons øtñî ïéàå Nîø-íLÈÆÍÆÀÅÄÀÈ :BàBáî òãé LîLÆÍÆÈÇÀ therein are innumerable creeping things, the sun knows its place to set. :úBìãb-ír úBpè÷ úBiçÇÀÇÄÀÊ äìéì éäéå CLç-úLzÈÆÍÆÄÍÄÈÍÀÈ animals small and great. You make darkness and night comes, ïeëläé úBiðà íLÈÃÄÀÇÅ Nîøú-BaÄÀÊ There ships travel; in which there moves about 95 The trees are satisfied with the rain.

úéøç ù BORCHI NAFSHI / 206 Eçeø çlLzÀÇÇ -äæ ïúéåìÄÀÈÈÆ When You send Your spirit, 98 this Leviathan 96 ïeàøaéÄÈÅ :Ba-÷çNìÀÇÍÆ zøöéÈÇÍÀÈ they will be created [anew]; You formed to frolic with. :äîãà éðt LcçúeÀÇÅÀÅÂÈÈ ïeøaNé Eéìà ílkËÈÅÆÍÀÇÅ and You will renew the face of the earth. They all look to You expectantly, íìBòì äåäé ãBáë éäéÀÄÀÀÊÈÀÈ :Bzra íìëà úúìÈÅÈÀÈÀÄ The glory of Adonoy will endure forever, to provide their food in its time. :åéNrîa äåäé çîNéÄÀÇÀÊÈÀÇÂÈ íäì ïzzÄÅÈÆ Adonoy will rejoice in His works. [When] You give it to them, ã røzå õøàì èéanäÇÇÄÈÈÍÆÇÄÀÈ ïeè÷ìéÄÀÊ [He] Who gazes upon the earth and it trembles; they gather it in; :eðLréå íéøäa òbéÄÇÆÈÄÀÆÁÈÍ Eãé çzôzÄÀÇÈÀ‹ Who touches the mountains and they erupt. [when] You open Your hand, éiça äåäél äøéLàÈÄÍÈÇÊÈÀÇÈ :áBè ïeòaNéÄÀÀ‹ I will sing to Adonoy with my life; they are sated with goodness. éäGàì äønæàÂÇÀ‹ÈÅÇ Eéðt øézñzÇÀÄÈÆÍ I will offer hymns to my God Whey You hide Your face, 97 :éãBòaÀÄ ïeìäaéÄÈÅ as long as I am alive. they are panic-stricken; éçéN åéìr áøréÆÁÇÈÈÄÄ ïeòåâé íçeø óñzÊÅÈÄÀÈ May my words be pleasant to Him; When You gather in their breath, they perish, :äåäéa çîNà éëðàÈÊÄÆÀÇÇÊÈ :ïeáeLé íøôr-ìàåÀÆÂÈÈÀ I will rejoice in Adonoy. 99 and to their dust they return. 96 According to tradition, God created the Leviathan with a mate but slew her in order that they not reproduce. Because of their tremendous size, they would have brought much destruc- tion to the world (See Rashi in Genesis 1:21).—Rashi 97 When God withdraws His sustaining power from any creature or being, it perishes. 98 This refers to the era when God will restore life to the dead.—Rashi 99 When God accepts my prayer, I will rejoice in His deliverance.—Metsudas Dovid

207 / ìáàä úéáì øåîæî SHACHARIS quisition of material wealth the pri- õøàä-ïî íéàhç enzéÄÇÍÇÈÄÄÈÈÍÆ . mary aim of life, he forfeits his hope of immortality, and his existence will not Sin will be excised from the earth, continue beyond the grave.—S.R. Hirsch íðéà ãBò íérLøeÀÈÄÅÈ and the wicked will be no more; On days when Tachanun is said: äåäé-úà éLôð éëøaÈÀ‹ÄÇÀÄÆÀÊÈ çvðîÀ‹ÇÅÍÇ ìÇ My soul, bless Adonoy, To Him Who grants victory, :déeììäÇÀ‹È :øBîæî çø÷-éðáìÄÀÅÍÊÇÄÀ Praise God. a psalm by the sons of Korach. (Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 189.) íénrä-ìk úàæ-eòîLÄÀÊÈÈÇÄ Hear this all peoples, ìáàä úéáì øåîæî :ãìç éáLé-ìk eðéæàäÇÂÄÍÈÍÀ ‹ ÅÈÍÆ listen all inhabitants of the decaying world! Psalm in the House of a Mourner Léà-éða-íb íãà éða-íbÇÀÅÈÈÇÀÅÄ It is customary to recite this psalm #49 Sons of Adam and sons of men, 100 in the house of a mourner during the week :ïBéáàå øéLr ãçéÇÍÇÈÄÀÆÀ of mourning, following the morning and evening services. On weekdays when rich and poor together. Tachanunisnotsaid,Psalm16(page210) úBîëç øaãé étÄÀÇÅÈÀ is substituted. This psalm, the final hymn of the My mouth shall speak wisdom, psalms set down by the sons of Korach éaì úeâäåÀÈÄÄ has significance for all mankind. Its message is that man must utilize all his and the meditation of my heart material and physical resources to en- :úBðeáúÀ hance his spiritual existence so that when his soul survives the body’s brief shall be of understanding. éðæà ìLîÈÈÈÀÄ ì ähàÇÆÀ stay on earth, it can ascend to immor- tality. If man fails to recognize his pur- I will incline my ear to a parable, pose in life and instead regards the ac- 100 Others translate b’nei adam, “Men of low degree” or “Men without pedigree,” and b’nei ish, “Men of high degree” who can trace their ancestry to men of distinction.

úéøç ù PSALM IN THE HOUSE OF A MOURNER / 208 íLôð ïBéãt ø÷éåÀÅÇÄÀÇÀÈ çzôàÆÀÇ The redemption of their soul is too costly I will begin to solve, :íìBòì ìãçåÀÈÇÀÈ øBpëaÀÄ and it shall cease 104 to be forever. to the accompaniment of a harp, çöðì ãBò-éçéåÄÄÈÆÍÇ :éúãéçÄÈÄ Shall he then live forever, my riddle. :úçMä äàøé àGÄÀÆÇÈÍÇ òø éîéa àøéà änÍÈÄÈÄÍÅÈ ìÈ shall he never see the grave? Why should I fear in the days of evil? eúeîé íéîëç äàøé ékÄÄÀÆÂÈÄÈÍ :éðaeñé éá÷r ïBrÂÂÅÇÀÅÍÄ For he sees that wise men die, The iniquity I trod upon 101 surrounds me. eãáàé øráå ìéñk ãçéÇÍÇÀÄÈÇÍÇÊÅÍ íìéç-ìr íéçèaäÇÊÀ‹ÄÇÅÈ the fools and senseless perish equally 105 Those who trust in their wealth :íìéç íéøçàì eáæråÀÈÀ‹ÇÂÅÄÅÈ :eìläúé íøLr áøáeÀÊÈÀÈÄÀÇÈÍ and leave their wealth to others. and take pride in their great riches. 102 íaø÷ÄÀÈ Léà äcôé äãô-àG çàÈÈÊÄÀÆÄ Their inner 106 thoughts are A man will not redeem his brother íìBòì BîézaÈÅÍÀÈ :Bøôk íéäGàì ïzé-àGÄÅÅÄÈÀ that their houses [will last] forever, neither can he give to God his ransom. 103 101 These are the sins which a person considers trivial and commits out of carelessness, just as one who walks is not concerned if he steps on something small or insignificant.—S.R. Hirsch 102 Those who trust in their wealth and glory in their great riches should be in fear. 103 S.R. Hirsch translates, “And thus does not give to God his ransom.” They fail to use their riches to free their fellow men from want and care, and so neglect to pay God the ransom due Him for their own souls. Radak says even if he wanted to ransom his soul from God, he could not, for God does not accept bribes. 104 Because they neglected their duty, their soul shall cease to be. They have done nothing to insure the perpetuation of their souls.—S.R. Hirsch 105 When the wise die, only their bodies pass away; but their souls live on. The foolish and senseless sinners perish completely, leaving no trace of body or soul.—Rashi, Radak 106 Some translate the word kirbom as “their graves,” by transposing the letters to kivrom. Because they have no merits, the wicked will not arise at the time of resurrection and therefore, “Their graves are their houses forever” (Ibn Ezra).

209 / ìáàä úéáì øåîæî SHACHARIS ìBàL úBláì íøeöåÀÈÀÇÀ øãå øBãì íúðkLîÄÀÀ‹ÊÈÀÈÊ their form will be consumed in the grave; their homes for generation after generation; :Bì ìáfîÄÀ‹Ë íúBîLá eàø÷ÈÀ‹ÄÀÈ [it will not remain] their dwelling-place. [for] they have proclaimed 107 their names éLôð äcôé íéäGà-CàÇÁÄÄÀÆÇÀÄ :úBîãà éìrÂÅÂÈ But God will redeem my soul throughout the lands. ìBàL ãiîÄÇÀ ïéìé-ìa ø÷éa íãàåÀÈÈÄÈÇÈÄ from the [grasp of] the grave, But man does not endure in his splendor, :äìñ éðçwé ékÄÄÈÅÍÄÆÍÈ :eîãð úBîäak ìLîðÄÀÇÇÀ‹ÅÄÀ for He will take me [to Himself] Selah. he is likened to the silenced animals. Léà øLré-ék àøéz-ìàÇÄÈÄÇÂÄÄ íkøã äæÆÇÀÈ Fear not when a man grows rich, This is their way, :Búéa ãBák äaøé-ékÄÄÀÆÀÅ BîÍ ì ìñkÅÍÆÈ when the glory of his house is increased. their folly remains with them, ìkä çwé BúBîá àG ékÄÀÄÇÇÊ íäéøçàåÀÇÂÅÆ For when he dies, he shall carry nothing away, and [yet] their descendants :BãBák åéøçà ãøé-àGÅÅÇÂÈÀ :äìñ eöøé íäéôaÀÄÆÄÀÆÍÈ his glory will not descend after him. take pleasure in their speech, Selah. Cøáé åéiça BLôð-ékÄÇÀÀÇÈÀÈÅ ezL ìBàLì ïàvkÇÊÄÀÇ Because while he lived, he blessed his soul. Like sheep, they are destined for the grave; EãBéåÀËÍ írøé úåîÈÍÆÄÀÅ [saying ]: They will praise you death shall be their shepherd, :Cì áéèéú-ékÄÅÄÈ íéøLé íá ecøiåÇÄÀÈÀÈÄ because you have done well for yourself. and the upright shall dominate them åéúBáà øBc-ãr àBázÈÇÂÈ ø÷aìÇÍÊÆ He will join the generation of his fathers, at morning, 107 They spread their names far and wide by erecting monuments and edifices and naming them after themselves. In this manner, they seek to fulfill their yearning for immortality.—S.R. Hirsch

úéøç ù PSALM IN THE HOUSE OF A MOURNER / 210 :Eéìr-ìa éúáBèÈÄÇÈÆÍ :øBà-eàøé àG çöð-ãrÇÅÍÇÄÀ . I have no well being without You.” 110 they shall not see light, for all eternity. änä õøàa-øLà íéLBã÷ìÄÀÄÂÆÈÈÍÆÅÍÈ ø÷éa íãàÈÈÄÈ Due to the holy that are in the earth, 111 Man with [all] his splendor, éøécàåÀÇÄÅ ïéáé àGåÀÈÄ and the mighty, [but] without understanding 108 :íá-éöôç-ìkÈÆÀÄÈ :eîãð úBîäak ìLîðÄÀÇÇÀ‹ÅÄÀ is likened to the silenced animals. are all my desires [fulfilled]. íúBávr eaøéÄÀÇÀ‹È (Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 189.) Let their sufferings multiply, On weekdays when Tachanun is not eøäî øçàÇÅÈÈÍ said, the following is said in the house of a mourner. those who follow another [sovereignty]; ícî íäékñð Céqà-ìaÇÇÄÄÀÅÆÄÈ ãåãì ízëîÄÀÈÀÈÄ Psalm 16 I will not pour their libations of blood, A Michtam 109 of David. íúBîL-úà àOà-ìáeÇÆÈÆÀÈ ìà éðøîLÈÀÅÍÄÅ nor carry their names Preserve me, Almighty, :éúôN-ìrÇÀÈÈ :Cá éúéñç-ékÄÈÄÍÄÈ upon my lips. for I have taken refuge in You. é÷ìç-úðî äåäéÀÊÈÀÈÆÀÄ äåäéì zøîàÈÇÀÀÇÊÈ Adonoy is the portion of my inheritance You said to Adonoy, éñBëåÀÄ äzà éðãàÂÊÈÈÍÈ and of my cup; “You are my Master, 108 Man created in the image of God possesses glorious potential, and his soul is filled with Divine splendor, but when he fails to appreciate and utilize his potential, he is likened to the dead animals.—Radak 109 According to Rashi, a michtam was a very special musical arrangement composed for this psalm. 110 You arenot obligedtoreward me for obeyingYourcommand sinceYou aremyMaster.And as Your servant, I must heed Your every wish.—Rashi 111 Any good You do on my behalf is only through the merit of those holy and pious men of the past who are now buried in the earth.—Rashi

211 / ìáàä úéáì øåîæî SHACHARIS éaì çîN ïëìÈÅÈÇÄÄ :éìøBb CéîBz äzàÇÈÄÈÄ Therefore my heart rejoiced You guide my fate. éãBák ìâiåÇÈ Í ÆÀÄ éì-eìôð íéìáçÂÈÄÈÍÀ‹Ä and my soul exulted; The portions that have fallen to me :çèáì ïkLé éøNa-óàÇÀÈÄÄÀÊÈÆÍÇ íéîrpaÇÀ‹ÄÄ also my flesh will dwell in safety. are in pleasant places; éLôð áærú-àG ékÄÇÂÊÇÀÄ For You will not abandon my soul :éìr äøôL úìçð-óàÇÇÂÈÈÀ‹ÈÈÈ ìBàLìÄÀ a beautiful inheritance is mine. to the grave, äåäé-úà CøáàÂÈÅÆÀÊÈ Eãéñç ïzú-àGÄÅÂÄÀ‹ I will bless Adonoy nor will You allow Your devoted one éðöré øLàÂÆÀÈÈÍÄ :úçL úBàøìÄÀÈÍÇ Who has given me counsel; to see the pit. úBìéì-óàÇÅ éðréãBzÄÅÍÄ . even for the nights You will make known to me :éúBéìë éðeøqéÄÀ‹ÍÄÄÀÈ íéiç çøàÍÊÇÇÄ in which my mind admonished me. the path of life; ãéîú écâðì äåäé éúéeLÄÄÍÄÀÊÈÀÆÀÄÈÄ Eéðt-úà úBçîN òáNÍÇÀÈÆÈÆÍ I have set Adonoy before me always; 112 fullness of joy is in Your presence; éðéîéî ékÄÄÄÄ :çöð Eðéîéa úBîérðÀÄÄÄÀ‹ÆÍÇ for surely He is at my right hand, pleasantness is at Your right hand, evermore. :èBnà-ìaÇÆ (Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 189.) I will not be moved. 112 Rabbi Hana Ben Bizra said in the name of Rabbi Shimon the Pious, “He who prays should regard himself as though the Shechina, the Divine Presence, were before him, as it is written, ‘I have set Adonoy before me always’.”—Maseches Sanhedrin 22a

úéøç ù SIX REMEBRANCES / 212 Eáálî eøeñé-ïôeÆÈÍÄÀ‹ÈÀ‹ úåøéëæ ùù lest they be removed from your heart Six Verses of Remembrance Eéiç éîé ìkÊÀÅÇÆÍ all the days of your life; Some authorities write that it is a Eéðáì ízrãBäåÀÇÀÈÀÈÆÍ mitzvah to recite these six verses of re- membrance every day. Those who do so and make them known to your children are assured of a share in the World-to- :Eéðá éðáìåÀÄÀÅÈÆÍ Come. and to your children’s children. íéøöî úàéöé úøéëæ zãîr øLà íBéÂÆÈÇÍÀÈ [That what you witnessed] the day you stood The Exodus :áøça EéäGà äÁÆÍÀÊÅ åäé éðôìÄÀÅÀÊÈ íBé-úà økæzÄÀÊÆ ïrîÇÍÇ ìÀ before Adonoy, your God, at Chorev. 114 . . . in order that you remember the day íéøöî õøàî EúàöÅÀ‹ÅÆÍÆÄÀÇÍÄ ÷ìîò äùòî úøéëæ you came out of the land of Egypt The Attack of Amalek :Eéiç éîé ìkÊÀÅÇÆÍ øBëæÈ all the days of your life. 113 Remember éðéñ øä ãîòî úøéëæ ÷ìîr Eì äNr-øLà úàÅÂÆÈÈÀÂÈÅ what Amalek did to you The Revelation at Mount Sinai :íéøönî íëúàöa CøcaÇÆÍÆÀÅÀ‹ÆÄÄÀÈÍÄ Eì øîMäÄÈÍÆÀ ÷øÇ on the way, as you came out of Egypt! Only beware, À Ê Cøca Eø÷ øLàÂÆÈÀ‹ÇÆÍÆ ãàî ELôð øîLeÀÊÇÀÀ ‹ How he encountered you on the way, and guard you soul diligently, íéìLçpä-ìk Ea ápæéåÇÀÇÅÀÈÇÆÁÈÄ íéøácä-úà çkLz-ïtÆÄÀÇÆÇÀ‹ÈÄ and he cut off all the weak ones lest you forget the things EéøçàÇÂÆÍ Eéðér eàø-øLàÂÆÈÅÆÍ [who were straggling] behind you, which your eyes have seen; 113 Deuteronomy 16:3. 114 Deuteronomy 4:9–10.

213 / úåøéëæ ùù SHACHARIS zôö÷ä-øLà úàÅÂÆÄÀÇÍÀÈ râéå óér äzàåÀÇÈÈÅÀÈÅÍÇ how you provoked when you were weary and exhausted; :øaãna EéäGà äåäé-úàÆÀÊÈÁÆÍÇÄÀÈ :íéäGà àøé àGåÀÈÅÁÄ Adonoy, Your God, in the desert. 117 and he did not fear God. 115 Eì EéäGà äåäé çéðäa äéäåÀÈÈÀÈÄÍÇÀÊÈÁÆÍÀ íéøî äùòî úøéëæ When Adonoy, Your God, will relieve you What Happened to Miriam áéáqî Eéáéà-ìkîÄÈÊÀ‹ÆÍÄÈÄ øBëæÈ from all your enemies around you, Remember EéäGà äåäé-øLà õøàaÈÈÍÆÂÆÀÊÈÁÆÍ EéäGà äåäé äNr-øLà úàÅÂÆÈÈÀÊÈÁÆÍ in the land which Adonoy, your God, dzLøì äìçð Eì ïúðÊÅÀÇÂÈÀÄÀÈ what Adonoy, your God, did gives you as a possession to inherit; íéøîÄÀÈ ìÀ ÷ìîr øëæ-úà äçîzÄÀÆÆÅÍÆÂÈÅ to Miriam you shall eradicate the memory of Amalek :íéøönî íëúàöa CøcaÇÆÍÆÀÅÀ‹ÆÄÄÀÈÍÄ :çkLz àG íéîMä úçzîÄÇÍÇÇÈÈÍÄÄÀÈ on the way, when you came out of Egypt. 118 from beneath the heavens. Do not forget. 116 úáùä úøéëæ ìâòä äùòî úøéëæ The Sabbath The Sin of the Golden Calf :BLc÷ì úaMä íBé-úàÆÇÇÈÀÇÀ‹ øBëæÈ çkLz-ìàÇÄÀÇ øëæÀÊ Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it. 119 Remember, do not forget, 115 Other commentators say that these words refer to the Jewish people, who did not fear God. 116 Deuteronomy 25:17–19. 117 Deuteronomy 9:7. 118 Deuteronomy 24:9. 119 Exodus 20:8.

úéøç ù ANI MAAMIN / 214 äNBòå äNr Bcáì àeäåÀÀÇÈÈÀÆ íéø÷éò äøùò ùìù and He alone has made, does make, Thirteen Principles of Faith :íéNrnä ìëì äNréåÀÇÂÆÀÈÇÇÂÄ Many great medieval scholars for- and will make all things. mulated articles of faith, among them äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ Rav Saadya Gaon, Rav Yehuda Halevi, Rabbeinu Bachya. Maimonides, the 2. I believe with complete faith foremost of them all, formulated thir- BîL Cøaúé àøBaäLÆÇÅÄÀÈÇÀ teen principles that have attained wide that the Creator, blessed is His Name, recognition and enduring fame. 120 The thirteen principles fall into ãéçé àeäÈÄ three groups: The first five declare the is unique, existence of God as the Creator, One, eäBîk úeãéçé ïéÀÄÈÍ àåÀÅ incorporeal, eternal and alone worthy and there is no uniqueness like His of man’s worship. The next four deal with the Divine íéðt íeLaÀÈÄ revelation of the Torah, the authentic- ity of prophecy, particularly that of in any manner; eðéäGà Bcáì àeäåÀÀÇÁÅÍ Moses, and the immutability of the To- rah. and that He alone is our God, The last four deal with God in his- :äéäéå äåä äéäÈÈÊÆÀÄÀÆ tory, reward and punishment, belief in the coming of Messiah, and the resur- Who was, is, and will ever be. rection of the dead. äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ 3. I believe with complete faith 1. I believe with complete faith BîL Cøaúé àøBaäLÆÇÅÄÀÈÇÀ BîL Cøaúé àøBaäLÆÇÅÄÀÈÇÀ that the Creator, blessed is His Name, that the Creator, blessed is His Name, óeâ BðéàÅ âéäðîe àøBa àeäÅÇÀÄ is not corporeal, is the Creator and Guide óebä éâéOî eäeâéOé àGåÀÇÄÍÇÄÅÇ íéàeøÄ aä ìëìÀÈÇÀ‹ and that He is beyond all corporeal concepts, of all created things, 120 In a fascinating work, Rosh Amana, Don Isaac Abarbanel enumerates all the attacks on each and all of Maimonides’ principles, adding his own incisive questions to those of his predeces- sors, and then proceeds to vindicate Maimonides’ principles, and their precise formulation.

215 / íéø÷éò äøùò ùìù SHACHARIS úézîà äúéäÈÀ‹ÈÂÄÄ :ììk ïBéîc íeL Bì ïéàåÀÅÄÀÀÈ was true, and there is nothing at all comparable to Him. íéàéápì áà äéä àeäLåÀÆÈÈÈÇÀ‹ÄÄ äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ and that he was the father of all prophets, 4. I believe with complete faith åéðôì íéîãBwìÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÈ BîL Cøaúé àøBaäLÆÇÅÄÀÈÇÀ —of those who preceded him, that the Creator, blessed is His Name, :åéøçà íéàaìåÀÇÈÄÇÂÈ :ïBøçà àeäå ïBLàø àeäÄÀÇ and of those who followed him. is First and Last. äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ 8. I believe with complete faith 5. I believe with complete faith äøBzä ìkLÆÈÇÈ BîL Cøaúé àøBaäLÆÇÅÄÀÈÇÀ that the entire Torah that the Creator, blessed is His Name, eðéãéá äzr äéeönäÇÀ‹ÈÇÈÀÈÅÍ ìltúäì éeàø Bcáì BìÀÇÈÀÄÀÇÅ which is now in our possession, is the only One to Whom it is proper to pray, äðeúpä àéäÄÇÀ‹È Búìeæì ïéàåÀÅÀÈ is the very one that was given and to no being beside Him :íBìMä åéìr eðaø äLîÆÇÅÍÈÈÇÈ ìÀ :ìltúäì éeàøÈÀÄÀÇÅ to our teacher Moses, may he rest in peace. is it proper to pray. äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ 9. I believe with complete faith 6. I believe with complete faith úôìçî àäú àG äøBzä úàÊÇÈÀÅËÀÆÍÆ fLÆ :úîà íéàéáð éøác ìkLÆÈÄÀÅÀÄÄÁÆ that all the words of the prophets are true. that this Torah will not be exchanged, úøçà äøBz àäú àGåÀÀÅÈÇÆÍÆ äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ and that no additional Torah 7. I believe with complete faith àøBaä úàîÅÅÇÅ eðaø äLî úàeápLÆÀ‹ÇÆÇÅÍ [will be given] by the Creator, that the prophecy of our teacher, Moses, :BîL CøaúéÄÀÈÇÀ íBìMä åéìrÈÈÇÈ blessed is His Name. may he rest in peace,

úéøç ù ANI MAAMIN / 216 çéLnä úàéáaÀÄÇÇÈÄÍÇ äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ in the coming of the Messiah 10. I believe with complete faith dîäîúiL ét ìr óàåÀÇÇÄÆÄÀÇÀÅÍÇ BîL Cøaúé àøBaäLÆÇÅÄÀÈÇÀ and even though he may tarry, that the Creator, blessed is His Name, äæ ìk írÄÈÆ íãà éðá äNrî-ìk rãBéÅÍÇÈÇÂÅÀÅÈÈ knows all the deeds of men nevertheless, íúBáLçî-ìëåÀÈÇÀÀ ‹ È :àBáiL íBé-ìëa Bl äkçàÂÇÆÀÈÆÈ and all their thoughts, I yearn every day for his coming. øîàpLÆÆÁÇ äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ as it is said, 13. I believe with complete faith íaì ãçé øöiäÇÊÅÇÍÇÄÈ íéúnä úiçz äéäzLÆÄÀÆÀÄÇÇÅÄ “He Who forms all their hearts as one, :íäéNrî-ìk-ìà ïéánäÇÅÄÆÈÇÂÅÆ that there will be a resurrection of the dead Who comprehends all their deeds.” 121 ïBöø äìriL úraÀÅÆÇÂÆÈ at a time that pleases äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ BîL Cøaúé àøBaä úàîÅÅÇÅÄÀÈÇÀ 11. I believe with complete faith the Creator, blessed is His Name, BîL Cøaúé àøBaäLÆÇÅÄÀÈÇÀ ãrì Bøëæ älrúéåÀÄÀÇÆÄÀÈÇ that the Creator, blessed is His Name, åéúBöî éøîBLì áBè ìîBbÅÀÀ‹ÅÄÀÈ and His Name will be exalted forever rewards those who keep His commandments, :íéçöð çöðìeÀÅÍÇÀÈÄ LéðrîeÇÂÄ and to all eternity. and punishes those äåäé éúée÷ ,äåäé éúée÷ EúreLéìÄÈÀ‹ÄÄÍÄÀÊÈÄÄÍÄÀÊÈ :åéúBöî éøáBòìÀÀ‹ÅÄÀÈ :éúée÷ EúreLéì äåäé ,EúreLéìÄÈÀ‹ÀÊÈÄÈÀ‹ÄÄÍÄ who transgress His commandments. äåäé úéøañ ,äåäé úéøañ Cð÷øôìÀËÀÈÈÇÀ‹ÄÀÊÈÇÀ‹ÄÀÊÈ äîÈ ìL äðeîàaÆÁÈÀÅ ïéîàî éðàÂÄÇÂÄ :úéøañ Cð÷øôì äåäé ,Cð÷øôìÀËÀÈÈÀÊÈÀËÀÈÈÇÈÄ 12. I believe with complete faith 121 Psalms 33:15.

217 / äàøéä úùøô SHACHARIS The Chapter of Reverence for God äàøéä úùøô The symbol is used to identify òð àåLÀÈÈ œ Deuteronomy 10:12--11:9 Æ“ È Æ ƒ Æ Æ Á ˜ À Ä À Ș Ä Ä † À ÉÈ ’ úëìì EéäGà äåäé-úà äàøéì-íà ék Cnrî ìàL EéäGà äåäé äî ìàøNé äzråÀÇÈ‘ÄÀÈÅ^„ÈÀÉȆÁÆ^ÅaÅÍÄÈ b Ê øîLì :ELôð-ìëáe Eááì-ìëa EéäGà äåäé-úà ãárìå Búà äáäàìe åéëøc-ìëaÀÈÀÈÈ‘ÀÇÍÂȆÊ^ÀÇÍÂÊ‘ÆÀÉȆÁÆ^ÀÈÀÈÍÀœaÀÈÇÀÆÍÄÀ•Ê EéäGà äåäéì ïä :Cì áBèì íBiä Eeöî éëðà øLà åéúwç-úàå äåäé úåöî-úàÆÄÀƒÊÀÉÈ‘ÀÆËÊÈ^ÂÆ…ÈÍÊćÀÇÀœaÇbÀaÈÍ„ÅÇÍÉȆÁÆ^ íúBà äáäàì äåäé ÷Lç Eéúáàa ÷ø :da-øLà-ìëå õøàä íéîMä éîLe íéîMäÇÈÇaÄÀņÇÈÈbÄÈÈaÆÀÈÂÆÈÍljÇÍÂÊÆ…ÈLJÀÉÈaÀÇÍÂȆÈb íëááì úìør úà ízìîe :äfä íBik íénrä-ìkî íëa íäéøçà írøæa øçáiåÇÄÀÇ•ÀÇÀȆÇÍÂÅÆkÈÆ…ÄÈÈÍÇÄaLJÇÆÍÇÀÆlÅaÈÀdžÀÇÀÆb ìàä íéðãàä éðãàå íéäGàä éäGà àeä íëéäGà äåäé ék :ãBò eL÷ú àG íëtøråÀÈ’ÀÀœÆ^‡ÇÀaÍ„ÄÀÉȆÁÍÅÆ^„ÁņÈÍÁÄ^ÇÍÂÊÅaÈÍÂÊÄbÈÅ’ äðîÈÈb ìàå íBúé ètLî äNò :ãçL çwé àGå íéðô àOé-àG øLà àøBpäå øabä ìãbäÇȃÊÇÄÊ‘ÀÇÈ^ÂÆ‘ÍÄȆÈÄ^À‡ÄÇaÍ Ê ÇÊÆ…ÄÀLJÈaÀÇÀ :íéøöî õøàa íúééä íéøâ-ék øbä-úà ízáäàå :äìîNå íçì Bì úúì øb áäàåÀÊņÅ^ȇÆaƇÆÀÄÀÈÍÇÍÂÇÀÆaÆÇÅbÄÍÅćÁÄÆaÀÆ ‡ ÆÄÀÈÍÄ àeäå Eúläú àeä :ráMz BîLáe ÷aãú Báe ãárú Búà àøéz EéäGà äåäé-úàÆÀÉȉÁÆ…ÄÈaʆÇÍÂbʆÄÀÈ^ÄÀaÄÈÅÍLJÀÄÈÍÀœaÀ† íéráLa :Eéðér eàø øLà älàä úàøBpä-úàå úGãbä-úà Ezà äNr-øLà EéäGàÁÆbÂÆÈȆÄÀœkÆÇÀœÊƒÀÆÇÍÈÊ‘ÈÅ^ÆÂƇÈaÅÆÍÀÄÀĆ úà záäàå :áøì íéîMä éáëBëk EéäGà äåäé EîN äzrå äîéøöî Eéúáà eãøé LôðÆ^ÆÈ Í Àœ‡ÂÊÆaÄÀÈbÀÈÀÇÈkÈÍÀœ‘ÀÉȆÁÆ^ÀÍÀœÅ‡ÇÈÇaÄÈÍÊÀȆÇÀÈ^Åa íBiä ízrãéå :íéîiä-ìk åéúBöîe åéètLîe åéúwçå BzøîLî zøîLå EéäGà äåäéÀÉȆÁÆbÀÈÍÇÀȆÄÀÇÀkÀËÊȉÄÀÈÈ…ÄÀÈaÈÇÈÄÍÄÍÇÀÆmÇ‹ Bìãb-úà íëéäGà äåäé øñeî-úà eàø-àG øLàå eòãé-àG øLà íëéða-úà àG | ékƆÆÀÅÆkÂÆƒÈ Í Àœ‘ÇÍÂƆÍÈ^ÆÇaÀÉȆÁÍÅÆbÆÈÀl íéøöî CBúa äNr øLà åéNrî-úàå åéúúà-úàå :äéeèpä Bòøæe ä÷æçä Bãé-úàÆÈÇÍÂÈÈ^ÀÊaÇÀœÈÍÀÆÍÊÊÈ‘ÀÆÇÍÂÈ ^ ‘ À † Â Æ ‡ Ä À È b Ä È È a øLà Baëøìe åéñeñì íéøöî ìéçì äNr øLàå :Böøà-ìëìe íéøöî-Cìî äòøôìÀÇÀ‡ÊÆÍÆÄÀÇaÄÀÈÇÀÍÇÍÂƆÈÈ—ÀÅ’ÄÀÇ”ÄÀȆÀÄÀkÂÆ ’ øLàå :äfä íBiä ãr äåäé íãaàéå íëéøçà íôãøa íäéðt-ìr óeñ-íé éî-úà óéöäÅÄ”ÆŃǑÇÀÅÆ^ÀÈÀÈaÇÍÂÅÆbÇÀÇÀœÅ†ÀÉÈ^ÇaLJÇÆÍÇÍÂƇ À È È † À Ç Í Â Ä È k éða íøéáàìå ïúãì äNr øLàå :äfä íB÷nä-ãr íëàa-ãr øaãna íëì äNrÈÈ…ÈÆaÇÄÀÈbÇÍÊÂÆaÇÇȇÇÆÍÇÍÂÆ ’“ È È À Å † ‘ Æ È Í Àœ È ƒ È È’ Æ Ä^ È Ç Ä À È Å ‡ íäéìäà-úàå íäéza-úàå írìázå äét-úà õøàä äúöt øLà ïáeàø-ïa áàéìÄÈmÆÀÅ‹ÂÆ ’ àÁ À Æ Æ a À Æ È Í Ã Å È Í Å Æ b äNrî-ìk úà úàøä íëéðér ék :ìàøNé-ìk áø÷a íäéìâøa øLà íe÷éä-ìk úàåÀŃÈÇÀ‘ÂƆÀÇÀÅÆ^ÀÆ a ÆÈÄÀÈÅÍăÅÍÅÆ‘ÈÍÊ^ÊÅ…ÈÇÍÂŇ e÷æçz ïrîdžÇÆÍÆÀk ì íBiä Eeöî éëðà øLà äåönä-ìk-úà ízøîLe :äNr øLà ìãbä äåäéÀÉÈaÇÈbÊÂÆaÈÈÍÀÇÀÆ‘ÆÈÇÄÀÈ^ÂÆ…ÈÍÊćÀÇÀœaÇbÀ ‘ íéîé eëéøàz ïrîÇ’ÇÇÍÂăÈÄ ìe :dzLøì änL íéøáò ízà øLà õøàä-úà ízLøéå íúàáeÈÆ‘ÄÍÄÀƆÆÈÈ^ÆÂƇÇÆ…ÍÊÀœÄ‡ÈaÈÀÄÀÈÍÀ :Láãe áìç úáæ õøà írøæìe íäì úúì íëéúáàì äåäé òaLð øLà äîãàä-ìrÇÈ † ÂÈÈ^ÂÆ—ÄÀÇ’ÀÉȉÇÍÂÍÊÅÆ…ÈŇÈÆaÀÇÀÈbÆ … ÆÈLJÈÈaÀÈÍ And now Israel, what does Adonoy, your God, require of you, but to fear Adonoy, your God, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him and to serve Adonoy, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul. To keep the commandments of Adonoy and His decrees, which I command you this day.

úéøç ù PARSHAS HAYIRAH / 218 Behold, the heaven and the highest of heavens belong to Adonoy, your God, the earth and all that is in it. Yet only in your fathers did Adonoy delight, to love them, and He chose their offspring after them, even you among all the peoples as [it is] this day. Circumcise the barrier of your heart, and be stiffnecked no longer. For Adonoy, your God, is God of all powers and the Master of all masters, the Almighty, the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome, Who has no regard for personages and takes no bribes. Who does justice for the orphan and the widow, and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing. You must love the stranger for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. You must fear Adonoy, your God, serve Him, cleave to Him, and swear by His Name. He is your praise and He is your God, Who did with you all these great and awesome things that your eyes have seen. With seventy people, your fathers descended to Egypt, and now Adonoy, your God, has made you as abundant as the stars of heaven. [Therefore] you shall love Adonoy, your God, and keep His trust, His decrees, His statutes, and His commandments all the days. And you should know this day, that it is not with your children who have not known and who did not experience the chastisement of Adonoy, your God, His mighty hand, and His outstretched arm. His signs and His deeds that He performed in the midst of Egypt, to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and to all his land. And what He did to the army of Egypt, to their horses, and to their chariots; how He made the water of the Sea of Reeds drown them as they pursued you, and Adonoy destroyed them to this very day. And what He did for you in the wilderness, until you came into this place. And what He did unto Dathan and Aviram, the sons of Eliav, son of Reuben, when the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them, and their households, their tents and all the substance that was in their possession in the midst of all Israel. But your eyes have seen all the great deeds of Adonoy, that He performed. You should [therefore] keep all the commandments which I command you this day, so you will be strong, and go in and possess the land, to which you are passing over to possess it. And in order to prolong your days upon the land Adonoy swore to your fathers to give to them and to their offspring; a land flowing with milk and honey. The following prayer is omitted on Shabbos and Yom Tov. -ìk áìáe éaìa Eúàøéå Eúáäà òhzL éúBáà éäGàå éäGà äåäé Eéðôlî ïBöø éäéÀÄÈÄÀœÈÆÍÀÊÈÁÇÅÅÂÇÆÄÇÇÂÈÀœÀÄÀÈÀœÀÄÄÀÅÈ úàøé ,eðLôð-ìëáe eðááì-ìëa àøBpäå øBábä ìBãbä EîL-úà äàøéì Enr ìàøNéÄÀÈÅÇÆÍÀÄÀÈÆÄÀÇÈÇÄÀÇÈÀÈÀÈÅÍÀÈÇÀÅÍÄÀÇ :äìñ ,ïîà .EîL àøBðå äzà ìBãâ ék ,EîL älrúéå Ceøa óBñ ïéà ìL úeîîBøäÈÀœÆÅÈÀÄÀÇÆÄÀœÄÈÇÈÀÈÀÆÍÈÅÆÍÈ

219 / äáåùúä úùøô SHACHARIS May it be Your will, Adonoy, my God, and the God of my fathers, to implant Your love and fear of You in my heart and in the heart of all Israel, Your people, to fear Your Great, Mighty and Awesome Name with all our heart and with all our soul, for You are great and Your Name is awesome. Amein. Selah. äáeLzä úLøtÈÈÇÇÀÈ The Chapter of Repentance The symbol is used to identify òð àåLÀÈÈ œ Deuteronomy 30:1--11 úáLäå Eéðôì ézúð øLà äììwäå äëøaä älàä íéøácä-ìk Eéìr eàáé-éë äéäåÀÈÈ—ÄÍÈ’ÊÈÆ“ÈÇÀœÈĆÈÅkÆÇÀœÈÈ‘ÀÇÀœÈÈ^ÂƇÈÇaÄÀÈÆbÇÍÂÅÍÊÈ ‘ ‘ EéäGà äåäé-ãr záLå :änL EéäGà äåäé Eçécä øLà íéBbä-ìëa Eááì-ìàÆÀÈÆ^ÀÈ’ÇÄ^ÂƉÄÄÍÂ…ÀÉȇÁÆaÈÍÈÀÇÀÈ•ÇÀÉȃÁÆ’ áLå :ELôð-ìëáe Eááì-ìëa Eéðáe äzà íBiä Eeöî éëðà-øLà ìëk Bì÷á zrîLåÀÈÍÇÀȆÀÊ^À…ÊÂÆÈÍÊćÀÇÀœaÇbÇȆÈÆ^ÀÈÀÈÍÀœaÀÈÇÀÆÍÀÈ ’ Æ Â Æ ‰ a È † Ç Ä^ À È k Á À Ä Æ À ‘ Ä È Á ÄÍ Àœ … À ÉÈ ‡ EéäGà äåäé Eöéôä øLà íénrä-ìkî Eöa÷å áLå Eîçøå EúeáL-úà EéäGà äåäéÀÉȉÁÆ…ÆÀÍÀœaÀÄÍÂÆ b Eàéáäå :Eçwé íMîe EéäGà äåäé Eöa÷é íMî íéîMä äö÷a Eçcð äéäé-íà :änLÈÍÈÄÄÍÀƇÄÍÇÍÂaÄÀņÇÈÈbÄÄÈ k Ä È a À Ç Æ À ‘ À ÉÈ † Ä È Æ Í Æ Í Á ÄÍ Â • Æ^ Á ìîe :Eéúáàî Eaøäå Eáèéäå dzLøéå Eéúáà eLøé-øLà õøàä-ìà EéäGà äåäéÀÉȆÁÆkÆÈÈ … ÆÂÆÈ Í Àœ‡ÂÊÆaÄÍÄÀÈbÀÅÄÍÀœ‡ÀÄÀÀœaÅÍÂÊÆÍÈ’ Æ À Ç Í Â È • À ÉÈ ‰ Æ … Á À È À È -ìëáe Eááì-ìëa EéäGà äåäé-úà äáäàì Erøæ ááì-úàå Eááì-úà EéäGà äåäéÀÉȉÁÆ…ÆÀÈÍÀœaÀÆÀdžÇÀÆ b À È Í Àœ ‡ EéàðN-ìrå Eéáéà-ìr älàä úBìàä-ìk úà EéäGà äåäé ïúðå :Eéiç ïrîLJÇÇÆÍÀÈÇ‘ÀÉȆÁÆ^ŇÈÈÍÈaÈÅbÆÇÍÊÀœÆ‡ÀÇÍÀœÆa ì ELôðÇÀÀaÀ È ‘ Æ éëðà øLà åéúBöî-ìk-úà úéNrå äåäé ìB÷a zrîLå áeLú äzàå :Eeôãø øLàÂƇÀÈÍÀÇÈ†È ^’ À È Ä À ÉÈ b À È Í Ç À È a À † È Í Ê Ä ‡ Â Æ … È Ä À È^ éøôáe Ezîäá éøôáe Eðèá éøôa Eãé äNrî | ìëa EéäGà äåäé EøéúBäå :íBiä EeöîÀÇÀœaÇÍÀÄÍÀœ—ÀÉÈ’ÁÆ“À†ÊÇÍÂņÈÆkÄÀÄ’ÄÀÀœ“ÄÀĉÀÆÀÀœ…ÄÀć òîLú ék :Eéúáà-ìr NN-øLàk áBèì Eéìr NeNì äåäé áeLé | ék äáèì EúîãàÇÀÈÍÀœaÀÊÈbĆȆÀÉÈkȃÈÆ’‘À^ÇÍÂÆÈaÇÂÊÆÍĆÄÀÇk ‘ áeLú ék äfä äøBzä øôña äáeúkä åéúwçå åéúBöî øîLì EéäGà äåäé ìB÷aÀ‘ÀÉȆÁÆ^ÄÀƒÊÄÀÈ‘ÀËÊÈ^ÇÀœÈlÀŇÆÇÈaÇÆbÄƒÈ :ELôð-ìëáe Eááì-ìëa EéäGà äåäé-ìàÆÀÉȆÁÆ^ÀÈÀÈÍÀœaÀÈÇÀÆÍ And it will come to pass when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, that you will take it to heart in the midst of all the nations to which Adonoy, your God, has driven you. Then you will return unto Adonoy, your God, and obey His voice according to every- thing that I command you this day, you and your children, with all your heart and with all your soul. And then Adonoy, your God, will return your captivity and have compassion upon you; and He will return and gather you from among all the peoples where Adonoy, your God, has scattered you. Even if your scattered ones will be dispersed unto the outermost parts of heaven from there

úéøç ù PARASHAS HATESHUVAH / 220 Adonoy, your God, will gather you, and from there, He will take you. And Adonoy, your God, will bring you into the land which your forefathers possessed, and you will possess it; and He will do good to you and increase you even more than your fathers. Adonoy, your God, will circumcise your heart, and the hearts of your descendants, to love Adonoy, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live. Then Adonoy, your God, will set all these curses upon your enemies, and upon those who hate you, who have pursued you. But you will repent and listen to the voice of Adonoy, and perform all His commandments that I command you this day. And Adonoy, your God, will cause you to prosper in all your activities, in the fruit of your womb, in the fruit of your cattle, and the fruit of your soil, for good; for Adonoy will rejoice over you for goodness as He rejoiced over your fathers. For you will then obey the voice of Adonoy, your God, to observe His commandments and His decrees that are written in this Seifer Torah; for you will then return to Adonoy, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul. The following prayer is not recited on Shabbos and Yom Tov. EãBáë àqk úçzî äøéúç øBzçzL éúBáà éäGàå éäGà äåäé EéðôÈÆÍÀÊÈÁÇÅÅÂÇÆÇÀÂÄÈÄÇÍÇÄÅÀÆÍ lî ïBöø éäéÀÄÈÄÀœ äáeLúa éðøéæçz íììëáe ìàøNé úéa EÅÄÀÈÅÄÀÈÈÇÂÄÅÍÄÄÀÈ nr érÅÇÀœ LBt-ìëì äîÈÀÈÀœ ìL äáeLúa øéæçäìÀÇÂÄÄÀÈÀÅ :äìñ ,ïîà .äáeLúa äzà äöBøå íéáL ìa÷ì äèeLô EÀÈÀÇÅÈÄÀÆÇÈÄÀÈÈÅÆÍÈ ðéîé ék Eéðôì äîÈÀÈÆÍÄÀÄÀœ ìLÀÅ May it be Your will Adonoy, my God, and the God of my fathers, to construct a passage beneath Your Throne of Glory in order to bring back in perfect repentance all the transgressors of Your people, the House of Israel. And among them, bring me back unto You in perfect repentance, for Your right hand is outstretched to receive those who repent, for You desire repentance. Amein. Selah.

221 / ïîä úùøô SHACHARIS ïnä úLøtÈÈÇÇÈ The Chapter of Manna According to the Jerusalem Talmud, one who recites this Torah chapter every day is assured that he will never lack for food. The prayer preceding the Torah chapter should not be recited on Shabbos or Yom Tov. The symbol is used to identify òð àåL ÀÈÈ œ úéa EÅ nr-ìëì äñðøt ïéîæzL eðéúBáà éäGàå eðéäGà äåäé EéðôÈÆÍÀÊÈÁÅÍÅÅÂÅÍÆÇÀÄÇÀÈÈÀÈÇÀœ lî ïBöø éäéÀÄÈÄÀœ àGå øzäa ,éefáa àGå ãBáëa ,øröa àGå úçða ,íììëa éúéá éLðà úñðøôe ìàøNéÄÀÈÅÇÀÈÇÇÀÅÅÄÄÀÈÈÀÇÍÇÀÀÇÍÇÀÈÀÀÄÀÆÅÀ øaãna ïî eðéúBáàì zðfL Bîk ,EúøBz ãBîÈÆÍÀÆÇÍÀÈÇÂÅÍÈÇÄÀÈ ììå Eúãár ãárì ìëepL éãk ,øeqàaÀÄÀÅÆÇÇÂÊÂÊÈÆÍÀÄÀ :äáørå äiö õøàaÀÆÍÆÄÈÇÂÈÈ May it be Your will Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers, to grant livelihood for all Your people, the House of Israel, and may my livelihood and the livelihood of my household be included among them. May it be granted to us with tranquility and not with suffering, with honor and not with disgrace, legally and not illegally, so that we will be able to serve You and study Your Torah. Grant it to us now as You sustained our ancestors in the wilderness, in a desolate and arid land. Exodus 16:4--36 Ä ‘ À Ç Ç È È b Ä È È ƒ À È Í À œ Ç À Ä ‡ Ä Àœ Ä’ íBé-øác eè÷ìå írä àöéå íéîMä-ïî íçì íëì øéèîî éððä äLî-ìà äåäé øîàiåǃÊÆÀÉÈ‘ÆÆ ^ È Æ … † À È È’ Æ a Æ Ä À Í È Ä a Í Ç Ä Ä^ À È È ‘ Ç † Å † Â Æ È Ä b À Å Ä a eàéáé-øLà úà eðéëäå éMMä íBia äéäå :àG-íà éúøBúa Cìéä eðqðà ïrîÇÇÂÇÆ…ÂÅÅ ‡ ì BîBéaÀ^À ‰ áør ìàøNé éða-ìk-ìà ïøäàå äLî øîàiå :íBé | íBé eè÷ìé-øLà ìr äðLî äéäåÀÈȆÄÀÆ^LJÂÆÍÄÀÀœa‡ÍǃÊÆÆ‘ÀÇÍÂ^ÊÆÍÈÀÅaÄÀÈÅbÆlÆ BòîLa äåäé ãBák-úà íúéàøe ø÷áe :íéøöî õøàî íëúà àéöBä äåäé ék ízrãéåÄÍÇÀÆlĉÀÉȅćÆÀÆaÅÆ ‡ ÆÄÀÈÍÄkÊÆÀÄÆ‘ÆÀ†ÀÉÈ^ÀÈÀ‡ áøra íëì äåäé úúa äLî øîàiå :eðéìr eðélú ék äî eðçðå äåäé-ìr íëéúpìz-úàÆÀËÍÊÅÆaÇÀÉÈbÀÇ † ÀÈ^ćÇÄaÈÅÍdžÊÆÆ k À ÉÈ — È Æ’ À Å † È Æ“ Æ åéìr íðélî ízà-øLà íëéúpìz-úà äåäé rîLa raNì ø÷aa íçìå ìëàì øNaÈȆÆÍÁkÊÀÆ ƒ ÆÇ’ÊÆ‘ÄÀ^ÊÇÄÀƒÊÇÀÉÈ‘ÆÀˆÊÅÆ^ÂÆÇƇÇÄÄaÈÈb ‘ úãr-ìk-ìà øîà ïøäà-ìà äLî øîàiå :äåäé-ìr ék íëéúpìú eðéìr-àG äî eðçðåÀÇ † ÀÈ^ÍÈŇÀËÍÊÅÆaćÇÀÉÈÍǃÊÆÆ‘ÆÍÇÍÂ^ÊÁkÊÆÈÂÇ úãr-ìk-ìà ïøäà øaãk éäéå :íëéúpìz úà òîL ék äåäé éðôì eáø÷ ìàøNé éðaÀņÄÀÈÅ^ÄÀaÄÀņÀÉÈbĆÈÇ^ÅaÀËÍÊÅÆÍÇÀÄkÀÇŃÇÍÂÊ‘ÆÈÂdž äLî-ìà äåäé øaãéå :ïðra äàøð äåäé ãBák äpäå øaãnä-ìà eðôiå ìàøNé-éðaÀÅÍÄÀÈÅ^ÇÄÀaÆÇÄÀÈbÀÄÅ‘À†ÀÉÈ^ÄÀÈaÆÍÈÈÍÇÀÇŇÀÉÈaÆƇ øNá eìëàz íéaørä ïéa øîàì íäìà øac ìàøNé éða úpeìz-úà ézrîL :øîàlÅÍÊÈÇkÀÄÆÀÊmÀņÄÀÈÅ‹ÇÅ’ÂÅÆ”ÅkÊŃÈÍÇÀÇ’Ä‘ÍÊÀœ†ÈÈ ^ ñëzå åìOä ìrzå áørá éäéå :íëéäGà äåäé éðà ék ízrãéå íçì-eòaNz ø÷aáeÇaÊÆÄÀÀœÈbÆÄÍÇÀÆlÄ…ÂćÀÉÈaÁÍÅÆÍÇÀĆÈÆ^ÆÇdžÇÇÀÈ^ÇÀœÇa

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223 / ïîä úùøô SHACHARIS Children of Israel, ‘‘When evening comes, you will know that it was Adonoy Who brought you out of Egypt. And in the morning you will see the glory of Adonoy, since He has heard your complaints against Adonoy. But we---what are we that you should complain against us?’’ And Moses said, ‘‘When Adonoy gives us meat to eat in the evening and a satisfying meal of bread in the morning, Adonoy will have heard your com- plaints, which you are addressing to Him. What are we? Your complaints are not against us, but against Adonoy.’’ Then Moses said to Aaron, ‘‘Tell the entire community of the Children of Israel, ‘Come near before Adonoy, for He has heard your complaints.’’’ When Adonoy spoke to the entire community of the Children of Israel, they turned toward the wilderness, and behold, the glory of Adonoy appeared in the cloud. Adonoy spoke to Moses saying, ‘‘I have heard the complaints of the Chil- dren of Israel; speak to them, saying, ‘In the afternoon you will eat meat, and in the morning you will have your fill of bread; and you will know that I am Adonoy, your God.’’’ And it was in the evening that flocks of quail rose and covered the encampment; and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the encampment. The layer of dew evaporated, and behold on the surface of the wilderness were thin flakes, as fine as frost on the ground. The Children of Israel saw it and said to one another, ‘‘What is this?’’ For they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, ‘‘This is the bread that Adonoy is giving you to eat.’’ ‘‘This is what Adonoy has commanded: Every man shall take as much as he needs for food, an omer per person; according to the number of your souls let each man take for the individuals in his tent.’’ The Children of Israel did so; they gathered it, some more, some less. But when then they measured it with an omer, the one who took more did not have extra, and the one who took less was not lacking. Each one had gathered according to his required nourishment. Moses said to them, ‘‘Let no one leave any of it over until morning.’’ But some did not listen to Moses and left part of it over until the morning. It turned wormy and became putrid; and Moses was angry at them; they gathered it each morning, every man according to what he needed. The sun then became hot and it melted. On the sixth day [of the week] they gathered a double portion of food, two omers for each person. All the leaders of the community came and reported it to Moses. He said to them, ‘‘This is what Adonoy has [already] spoken: tomor- row is a day of rest, Adonoy’s holy Shabbos. Bake what you want to bake, and

úéøç ù PARSHAS HAMON / 224 cook what you want to cook and whatever is left over, put away carefully until morning. They put it away until morning as Moses commanded, and it did not become putrid, and there were no worms in it. Then Moses said, ‘‘Eat it today, for today is Adonoy’s Shabbos. Today you will not find [manna] in the field. Six days you shall gather it, but the seventh day is Shabbos; there will be no [manna] on that day.’’ But it happened on the seventh day that some of the people went out to gather [manna] but they found nothing. Adonoy said to Moses, ‘‘How long will you refuse to keep My command- ments and My teachings? Look, Adonoy has given you the Shabbos; that is why on the sixth day He gave you food for two days. Every man must remain in his place; no man may leave his designated place on the seventh day.’’ So the people rested on the seventh day. The House of Israel named the food manna. It was like white coriander seed and it tasted like dough kneaded with honey. Moses said, ‘‘This is what Adonoy has commanded, ‘Fill an omer measure with it as a keepsake for your generations, so they will see the food with which I fed you in the wilderness when I took you out of Egypt.’’ Moses said to Aaron, ‘‘Take a jar and place an omer full of manna in it, and place it before Adonoy as a keepsake for your generations.’’ As Adonoy commanded Moses, so did Aaron place it before the Testimony as a keepsake. The Children of Israel ate the manna for forty years until they came to an inhabited land. They ate the manna until they came to the edge of the land of Canaan. The omer is one-tenth of a ephah. äéìr øLà-ìëå õøàä íéîMä éîLe íéîMä-úà úéNr äzà Ecáì äåäé àeä äzàÇÈÀÊÈÀÇÆÍÇÈÈÄÍÈÆÇÈÇÍÄÀÅÇÈÇÍÄÈÈÍÆÀÈÂÆÈÆÍÈ úBàìôðå íéqð úéNrL àeä äzàå ílk-úà äiçî äzàå íäa øLà-ìëå íéniäÇÇÄÀÈÂÆÈÆÀÇÈÀÇÆÆËÈÀÇÈÆÈÄÍÈÄÄÀÄÀÈ LéîÄ lçä øevîe íéîMä ïî íçì íäì zøèîä øaãna íâ eðéúBáà ír ãéîz úBìBãbÀÈÄÄÂÅÍÇÇÄÀÈÄÀÇÍÀÈÈÆÆÍÆÄÇÈÇÍÄÄÇÇÈ ïk .íäéìrî äúìá àG íúìîNå íäéëøö-ìk íäì zúð íâå íéî íäì úàöBäÅÍÈÈÆÇÍÄÀÇÈÇÍÈÈÆÈÈÀÅÆÀÄÀÈÈÈÀœÈÅÂÅÆÅ eðëøö-ìk ÷étñúå eðìkìëúe eðñðøôúe eððeæz íéîeörä Eéãñçáe íéaøä EéîçøaÀÇÂÆÍÈÇÄÇÂÈÆÍÈÂÄÀÅÍÀÇÀÀœÅÍÀÇÀÀœÅÍÀÇÀÄÈÈÀÅÍ Eãé úçzî ìBãb ìîrå çøè éìa çåøáe éelîa íéaøîä ìàøNé úéa Enr éëøöåÀÈÀÅÇÀœÅÄÀÈÅÇÀœËÄÀÄÀÆÇÀÄÍÊÇÀÈÈÈÄÇÍÇÈÀœ :íãå øNá éãé úçzî àGå äi÷päÇÀœÄÈÀÄÇÍÇÀÅÈÈÈÈ eðøBñçî-ìk éúéá éLðàìe éì ïéëzL éúBáà éäGàå éäGà äåäé Eéðôlî ïBöø éäéÀÄÈÄÀœÈÆÍÀÊÈÁÇÅÅÂÇÆÈÄÄÀÇÀÅÅÄÈÇÀÅÍ eðúBòMî ärLå ärL-ìëìe eðøBñçî éã eðéiçî íBéå íBé-ìëì eðëøö-ìk eðì ïéîæúåÀÇÀÄÈÍÈÈÀÅÍÀÈÈÅÇÅÍÅÇÀÅÍÀÈÈÈÀÈÈÄÈÅÍ èeòîk àGå äáçøäå äáBhä Eãék eðúéçî éã eðéîörî íör-ìëìe eð÷etñ éãÅÄÅÍÀÈÆÍÆÅÂÈÅÍÅÄÀÈÅÍÀÈÀœÇÈÀÈÀœÈÈÀÀÄ érøæå éúéá éLðà úBðBæîe éúBðBæî äéäéå eðúBìeîb øérfîe eðéãñç øö÷å eðéìrôîÄÀÈÅÍÀÍÉÆÂÈÅÍÄÀÅÀÅÍÀÄÀÆÀÇÀÇÀÅÅÄÀÇÀÄ :íãå øNa ãéa àGå Eãéa íéøeñî érøæ òøæåÀÆ Í ÇÇÀÄÀÄÀÈÀœÀÀÇÈÈÈÈ

225 / BIRKAS HAMAZON :éðéîé çkLzÄÀÇÀÄÄ ïåæîä úëøá may my right hand forget [its movement]. Birkas Hamazon ékçì éðBLì ÷aãzÄÀÇÀÄÀÄÄ The following psalm #137 is recited May my tongue cleave to my palate, before Birkas Hamazon on weekdays in éëøkæà àG-íàÄÆÀÀ‹ÅÍÄ memory of the destruction of the Beis if I remember you not; Hamikdash. íéìLeøé-úà äìrà àG-íàÄÇÂÆÆÀÈÇÍÄ ìáaÈÆ úBøäð-ìrÇÇ if I set not Jerusalem By the rivers of Babylon, :éúçîN Làø ìrÇÊÄÀÈÄ eðéëa-íb eðáLé íLÈÈÇÍÀÇÈÄÍ above my highest joy. there we sat and we also wept, äåäé øëæÀÊÀÊÈ :ïBiö-úà eðøëæaÀÈÀÅÍÆÄ Remember, Adonoy, when we remembered Zion. íéìLeøé íBé úà íBãà éðáìÄÀÅÁÅÀÈÈÍÄ dëBúa íéáør-ìrÇÂÈÄÀÈ to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem, Upon the willows in its midst, íéøîàäÈÊÀ‹Ä :eðéúBøpk eðéìzÈÄÍÄÊÅÍ [it was they] who said, we hung our harps. :da ãBñéä ãr eør eørÈÍÈÍÇÇÀ‹È eðéáBL eðeìàL íL ékÄÈÀÅÍÅÍ “Raze it, raze it to its very foundation.” For there our captors demanded of us ìáa-úaÇÈÆ øéL-éøácÄÀÅÄ Daughter of Babylon, words of song, È äãeãMäÇÀ ‹ äçîN eðéììBúåÀÈÅÍÄÀÈ you are the annihilated one; and our tormentors asked of us [with] mirth; Cì-ílLiL éøLàÇÀÅÆÀ‹ÇÆÈ :ïBiö øéMî eðì eøéLÄÍÈÍÄÄÄ fortunate is he who will repay you “Sing to us from the song[s] of Zion.” :eðì zìîbL Cìeîb-úàÆÀÅÆÈÇÍÀÀÈÍ äåäé-øéL-úà øéLð CéàÅÈÄÆÄÀÊÈ for all you have done to us. How shall we sing the song of Adonoy æçàiL éøLàÇÀÅÆÊÅ :øëð úîãà ìrÇÇÀÇÅÈ Fortunate is he who will take on alien soil? :òìqä-ìà Céììò-úà õtðåÀÄÅÆÊÈÇÍÄÆÇÈÍÇ íéìLeøé CçkLà-íàÄÆÀÈÅÀÈÈÍÄ and dash your little ones against the rock. If I ever forget you, Jerusalem,

ïåæîä úëøá / 226 eðnr úBNrì äåäé ìécâäÄÀÄÀÊÈÇÂÄÈÍ The following psalm #126 is recited on Adonoy had done great things for us; Shabbos, Yom Tov and other festive occa- sions such as weddings, circumcisions or :íéçîN eðééäÈÄÍÀÅÄ redemption of the firstborn. we will [then] rejoice. eðúéáL-úà äåäé äáeLÈÀÊÈÆÀÄÅÍ úBìrnä øéLÄÇÇ Adonoy! bring back our exiles A Song of Ascents. :áâpÆÆ a íé÷éôàkÇÂÄÄÇ Í ïBiö úáéL-úà äåäé áeLaÀÀÊÈÆÄÇÄ like springs in the desert. 3 When Adonoy brings about the return to ärîãa íérøfäÇÊÀ‹ÄÀÄÀÈ Zion Those who sow in tears :íéîÄ ìçk eðééäÈÄÍÀÊÀ‹ :eøö÷é äpøaÀÄÈÄÀÍÊ we will have been like dreamers. 1 will reap with joyous song. 4 eðét ÷BçN àìné æàÈÄÈÅÀÄÍ äëáe Cìé CBìäÈÅÅÈÊ Then will our mouths be filled with laughter, 2 [Though] he walks along weeping, äpø eððBLìeÀÅÍÄÈ òøfä-CLî àNðÊÅÆÆÇÈ Í Ç and our tongue with joyous song. carrying the bag of seed, äpøá àáé-àaÊÈÊÀÄÈ íéBbá eøîàé æàÈÊÀ‹ÇÄ he will return with joyous song Then will they say among the nations: :åéúnÊÈ ìà àNðÊÅÂË :älà-ír úBNrì äåäé ìécâäÄÀÄÀÊÈÇÂÄÅÍÆ carrying his sheaves. “Adonoy has done great things for them.” 1 Upon the redemption and return to Zion, the harshness of the exile will seem to the Jews like a terrible dream.— Radak The splendor of the return to Zion will be like the realization of an impossible dream.—Seporno 2 In the Talmud (Maseches Berachos 31a)RabbiShimon bar Yochairulesthat a Jew is forbidden to fill his mouth with laughter in this world until the time comes when all nations declare: “Adonoy has done great things for them”—as the verse states: æà, then: only then, when God’sÈ love for us is universally recognized, may we experience total exultation. 3 Just as springs of water can transform an arid desert into a fertile oasis, so will we be transformed and flourish when God delivers us from exile.—Rashi 4 A person who plants in desert-like soil is always fearful that his crops will not grow. If a spring of water should suddenly appear on his land, his joy will know no bounds. So great will our joy be at the ultimate redemption that will follow the oppression of exile.—Radak

227 / BIRKAS HAMAZON The others respond accordingly: When three or more males, aged 13 or (eðéäGàÁÅÍ äøùòá ) CeøaÈ older eat together, one of them leads the group in reciting the Birkas Hamazon. Blessed is (our God) He, BlMî eðìëàLÆÈÇÍÀÄÆ For Sheva Berachos, proceed to page 245. for we have eaten of His bounty For Bris Milah, proceed to page 248. :eðééç BáeèáeÀÈÄÍ :Cøáð éúBaøÇÇÀÈÅ and through His goodness we live. The leader begins by saying: One who did not eat, responds: Gentlemen, let us say the blessing: (eðéäGàÁÅÍ äøùòá ) CeøaÈ The others respond: Blessed is (our God) He, Cøáî äåäéÀÊÈÀÊÈ íL éäéÀÄÅ BîL CøBáîeÀÈÀ The Name of Adonoy will be blessed and His Name is blessed :íìBò-ãrå äzrîÅÇÈÀÇÈ :ãòå íìBòì ãéîzÈÄÀÈÈÆ from now forever. constantly, forever and ever. The leader repeats: The leader repeats: Cøáî äåäéÀÊÈÀÊÈ íL éäéÀÄÅ (eðéäGàÁÅÍ äøùòá ) CeøaÈ The Name of Adonoy will be blessed Blessed is (our God) He, :íìBÈ ò-ãrå äzrîÅÇÈÀÇ BlMî eðìëàLÆÈÇÍÀÄÆ from now forever. for we have eaten of His bounty The leader continues: (the word eðéäGà “our God,” is addedÁÅÍ :eðééç BáeèáeÀÈÄÍ äøNòa, if at least ten males are in theÇÂÈÈ and through His goodness we live. group.) All say: úeLøaÄÀ :BîL Ceøáe àeä CeøaÈÈÀ With your permission Blessed is He and blessed is His Name. éúBaøå ïðaøå ïðøîÈÈÈÀÇÈÈÀÇÇ FIRST BERACHA our masters and teachers, äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ (eðéäGàÁÅÍ äøùòá ) Cøáð ÀÈÅ Blessed are You, Adonoy, let us bless (our God) Him, íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ :BlMî eðìëàLÆÈÇÍÀÄÆ our God, King of the Universe, for we have eaten of His bounty.

ïåæîä úëøá / 228 ãrå íìBòìÀÈÈÆ Blk íìBòä-úà ïfäÇÈÆÈÈË forever and ever, Who nourishes the entire world ìBãbä BîL øeáraÇÂÀÇÈ BáeèaÀ for the sake of His great Name. with His goodness, ìà àeä ékÄÅ íéîçøáe ãñça ïçaÀÅÀÆÍÆÀÇÂÄ For He is Almighty with favor, with kindness, and with mercy. 5 ìkì ñðøôîe ïæÈÀÇÀÅÇÊ øNa-ìëì íçì ïúBð àeäÅÆÍÆÀÈÈÈ 7 Who nourishes and maintains all, He provides food for all flesh, 6 ïBæî ïéëîe ìkì áéèîeÅÄÇÊÅÄÈ Bcñç íìBòì ékÄÀÈÇÀ does good to all, and prepares nourishment for His kindness endures forever. :àøa øLà åéúBiøa-ìëìÀÈÀÄÈÂÆÈÈ ìBãbä BáeèáeÀÇÈ for all His creatures which He has created. And through His great goodness, äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ eðì øñç-àG ãéîzÈÄÈÍÇÈÍ Blessed are You, Adonoy, we have never lacked :ìkä-úà ïfäÇÈÆÇÊ ïBæî eðì øñçé-ìàåÀÇÆÀÇÈÍÈ Who nourishes all. 8 and we will not lack food 5 The righteous find favor in the eyes of God and are nourished because of their merit. Those who are not so worthy and do not find favor, are provided for through God’s beneficent kindness; while even the least worthy are recipients of God’s mercy.—Maharal in Nesivos Olom 6 This citation from Psalms 136:25 indicates that God’s kindness and compassion are univer- sal, relating to all flesh, including animals.—Avudraham. 7 “Nourishes” refers to food, “maintains” refers to clothing and “does good” refers to shelter. These are the basic needs of man, all of which God provides.—Etz Yosef 8 The first blessing of the Birkas Hamazon was composed by Moses in appreciation for the manna which God provided for the Jews in the wilderness. The second blessing, beginning with “We thank You,” was composed by Joshua in gratitude for the privilege of entering the Promised Land. The third blessing, beginning with “Have compassion,” was composed by David who con- quered Jerusalem, and by Solomon who built the Temple. The fourth blessing “Who is good and beneficent to all,” was composed by Rabban Gamliel the Elder and his court in Yavneh in gratitude to God for preserving the bodies of the victims of the Roman massacre at Betar, and for allowing them to be brought to proper burial.—Maseches Berachos 48b

229 / BIRKAS HAMAZON eðzãnÇÀÈÍ lL EúøBz ìråÀÇÈÀ‹ÆÄ SECOND BERACHA for Your Torah 10 which You taught us; eðéäGà äåäé ElÀÀÊÈÁÅÍ äãBðÍÆ Eéwç ìråÀÇËÆÍ We thank You, Adonoy, our God, for Your statutes zìçðäL ìrÇÆÄÀÇÍÀÈ eðzrãBäLÆÇÀÈÍ for Your parceling out as a heritage eðéúBáàìÇÂÅÍ which You made known to us; to our fathers, ãñçå ïç íéiç ìråÀÇÇÄÅÈÆÍÆ äáçøe äáBè äcîç õøàÆÍÆÆÀÈÈÀÈÈ for the life, favor, and kindness a land which is desirable, good, and 9 eðzððBçLÆÇÀÈÍ spacious; which You granted us; eðéäGà äåäé eðúàöBäL ìråÀÇÆÅÈÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ ïBæî úìéëà ìråÀÇÂÄÇÈ for Your bringing us out, Adonoy, our God, and for the provision of food íéøöî õøàîÅÆÍÆÄÀÇÍÄ eðúBà ñðøôîe ïæ äzàLÈÇÈÈÀÇÀÅÈÍ from the land of Egypt, eðúéãôeÀÄÈÍ with which You nourish and maintain us and redeeming us ãéîzÈÄ íéãár úéaîÄÅÂÈÄ constantly, from the house of bondage; úr-ìëáe íBé-ìëaÀÈÀÈÅ Eúéøa ìråÀÇÀÄÀ‹ every day, at all times for Your covenant :ärL-ìëáeÀÈÈÈ eðøNáa zîúçLÆÈÇÍÀÈÄÀÈÅÍ and in every hour. which You sealed in our flesh; 9 The land is mentioned even before the Exodus from Egypt because God demonstrated His extraordinary concern for the Jewish people at the very beginning of their history; first by the promise He made to the Patriarchs concerning the Land of Israel and then, with the fulfillment of that promise, once He redeemed them from Egypt, to enter the Land.—S.R. Hirsch 10 “Torah” refers to laws which are comprehensible to the human intellect; it is therefore taught. “Statutes” (íé÷ç) are beyond human understanding and are therefore merely madeËÄ known to man, for man cannot comprehend them.—Iyun Tefilloh

ïåæîä úëøá / 230 íéaøä Eéîçøa äzàåÀÇÈÀÇÂÆÍÈÇÄ On Chanukah and Purim add: You, in Your abundant mercy íéqpä ìrÇÇÄÄ íúøö úra íäì zãîrÈÇÍÀÈÈÆÀÅÈÈÈ [We thank You] for the miracles, stood by them in their time of distress; úBøeábä ìrå ï÷øtä ìråÀÇÇËÀÈÀÇÇÀ‹ íáéø-úà záøÇÍÀÈÆÄÈ for the redemption, for the mighty deeds, You defended their cause, úBòeLzä ìråÀÇÇÀ‹ íðéc-úà zðcÇÍÀÈÆÄÈ for the deliverances, You judged their grievances, úBîçìnä ìråÀÇÇÄÀÈ íúî÷ð-úà zî÷ðÈÇÍÀÈÆÄÀÈÈ and for the wars You avenged them. eðéúBáàì úéNrLÆÈÄÍÈÇÂÅÍ íéøBaâ zøñîÈÇÍÀÈÄÄ that You performed for our fathers You delivered the mighty :äfä ïîfa íää íéîiaÇÈÄÈÅÇÀ‹ÇÇÆ íéLlç ãéaÀÇÇÈÄ in those days at this season. into the hands of the weak, íéhrî ãéa íéaøåÀÇÄÀÇÀÇÄ äëåðçì many into the hands of the few, On Chanukah íéàîèeÀÅÄ eäéúzî éîéaÄÅÇÄÀÈÍ defiled people In the days of Matisyahu, íéøBäè ãéaÀÇÀÄ ìBãb ïäk ïðçBé-ïaÆÈÈÊÅÈ into the hands of the undefiled, son of Yochanan the High Priest, íé÷écö ãéa íérLøeÀÈÄÀÇÇÄÄ åéðáe éàðBîLçÇÀÇÈÈ the wicked into the hands of the righteous, the Hasmonean and his sons, ãéa íéãæåÀÅÄÀÇ ärLøä ïåé úeëìî äãîrLkÀÆÈÀ‹ÈÇÀÈÈÈÀ‹ÈÈ and insolent (sinners) into the hands of when the evil Greek kingdom rose up EúøBú é÷ñBòÀ‹ÅÈÆÍ ìàøNé Enr-ìrÇÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅ diligent students of Your Torah. against Your people, Israel úéNr EìeÀÈÄÍÈ EúøBz íçékLäìÀÇÀÄÈÈÆÍ And You made Yourself to make them forget Your Torah EîÆÍ ìBòa LBã÷å ìBãb íLÅÈÀÈÀÈ íøéáräìeÀÇÂÄÈ a great and sanctified Name in Your world. and to turn them away ìàøNé EnrìeÀÇÀ‹ÄÀÈÅ :EðBöø éwçîÅËÅÀÆ Í And for Your people, Israel, from the statutes of Your will—

231 / BIRKAS HAMAZON âøäì ãéîLäì LwaÄÅÀÇÀÄÇÂÊ äìBãâ äreLz úéNrÈÄÍÈÀÈÀÈ he sought to destroy, to kill, You performed a great deliverance íéãeäiä-ìk-úà ãaàìeÀÇÅÆÈÇÀ‹Ä äfä íBiäk ï÷øôeËÀÈÀÇÇÆ and to annihilate all the Jews, and redemption unto this very day. íéLðå óè ï÷æ-ãrå ørpîÄÇÍÇÀÇÈÅÇÀÈÄ Eéðá eàa ïk øçàåÀÇÍÇÅÈÍÈÆÍ young and old, infants and women, Afterwards, Your sons entered øNr äLBìLa ãçà íBéaÀÆÈÄÀÈÈÈ Eúéa øéáãìÄÀÄÅÆÍ in one day, the thirteenth day the Holy of Holies of Your Abode, øNr-íéðL LãçìÀÍÊÆÀÅÈÈ Eìëéä-úà epôeÄÆÅÈÆÍ of the twelfth month, cleaned Your Temple, øãà Lãç-àeäÍÊÆÂÈ ELc÷î-úà eøäèåÀÄÂÆÄÀÈÆÍ which is the month of Adar, purified Your Sanctuary, :æBáì íììLeÀÈÈÈ úBøð e÷éìãäåÀÄÀÄÍÅ and to plunder their wealth and kindled lights íéaøä Eéîçøa äzàåÀÇÈÀÇÂÆÍÈÇÄ ELã÷ úBøöçaÀÇÀÈÀÆÍ You, in Your abundant mercy, in the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary Búör-úà zøôäÅÇÍÀÈÆÂÈ elà äkðç éîé úðBîL eòá÷åÀÈÀ‹ÀÇÀÅÂËÈÅÍ annulled his counsel, and designated these eight days of Chanukah BzáLçî-úà zì÷ì÷åÀÄÀÇÍÀÈÆÇÂÇÀ ìläìe úBãBäìÀÀÇÅ frustrated his intention, to thank and praise BLàøa Bìeîb Bl úBáLäåÇÂÅÍÈÀÀÊ :ìBãbä EîLìÀÄÀÇÈ and brought his evil plan upon his own head, Your great Name. åéða-úàå BúBà eìúåÀÈÀÆÈÈ and they hanged him and his sons íéøåôì :õrä-ìrÇÈÅ On Purim: øzñàå éëcøî éîéaÄÅÈÀÀ‹ÇÀÆÀÅ upon the gallows. If you forgot to say íéqpä ìr, andÇÇÄÄ In the days of Mordechai and Esther remember before concluding the second äøéaä ïLeLaÀÇÇÄÈ blessing, you may say it at that time and in Shushan, the Capital [of Persia,] continue with the Birkas Hamazon. If you remember later, you may include it òLøä ïîä íäéìr ãîrLkÀÆÈÇÂÅÆÈÈÈÈÈ when you reach page 239. when the evil Haman rose up against them,

ïåæîä úëøá / 232 THIRD BERACHA eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ ìkä ìråÀÇÇÊ eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ íçøÇÅ For everything Adonoy, our God, Have compassion, Adonoy, our God, Cì íéãBî eðçðàÂÇÍÀÄÈ Enr ìàøNé-ìrÇÄÀÈÅÇÆÍ We thank You upon Israel, Your people, CúBà íéëøáîeÀÈÀ‹ÄÈ Eøér íéìLeøé ìråÀÇÀÈÇÍÄÄÆÍ and bless You. upon Jerusalem, Your city, EîL CøaúéÄÀÈÇÄÀ ïBiö ìråÀÇÄ Blessed be Your Name upon Zion, éç-ìk éôaÀÄÈÇ EãBák ïkLîÄÀÇÀÆÍ through the mouth of all the living, the dwelling place of Your glory, :áeúkk ãrå íìBòì ãéîzÈÄÀÈÈÆÇÈ ãåc úéa úeëìî ìråÀÇÇÀÅÈÄ constantly, forever, as it is written: upon the kingship of the house of David, zráNå zìëàåÀÈÇÀÈÀÈÈÍÀÈ EçéLîÀÄÆÍ “When You have eaten and are satisfied, EéäGà äåäé-úà zëøáeÅÇÀÈÆÀÊÈÁÆÍ Your anointed; LBãwäå ìBãbä úéaä-ìråÀÇÇÇÍÄÇÈÀÇÈ You will bless Adonoy, your God, hä õøàä-ìrÇÈÈÍÆÇ äáÊÈ and on the great and holy House for the good land åéìr EîL àø÷pLÆÄÀÈÄÀÈÈ :Cì-ïúð øLàÂÆÈÇÈ upon which Your Name is called. which He has given to you.” 11 eððeæ eðrø eðéáà eðéäGàÁÅÍÈÄÍÀÅÍÅÍ äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ Our God, our Father, tend us, nourish us, 12 Blessed are You, Adonoy, eðçéåøäå eðìkìëå eðñðøtÇÀÀ‹ÅÍÀÇÀÀ‹ÅÍÀÇÀÄÅÍ :ïBænä-ìrå õøàä-ìrÇÈÈÍÆÀÇÇÈ maintain us, sustain us, relieve us 13 for the land and for the food. 11 Deuteronomy 8:10 12 “Tend us” by providing the basic necessities of life such as bread and water; “nourish us” with an enriched diet including foods such as fruits and vegetables.—Etz Yosef 13 “Maintain us” with food and shelter; “sustain us” by providing our needs on a regular basis, not on a feast or famine cycle; and “relieve us” by giving us ample means by which to live comfortably.—Etz Yosef

233 / BIRKAS HAMAZON eðì-çåøäåÀÇÀÇÈÍ On Shabbos add: and grant us relief eðöéìçäåÀÇÂÄÅÍ äöøÀÅ eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ May it please You, to strengthen us Adonoy, our God, eðéäGà äåäéÀÊÈÁÅÍ äøäîÀÅÈ Adonoy, our God, EéúBöîaÀÄÀÆÍ eðéúBøö-ìkîÄÈÈÅÍ speedily through Your commandments, úåöîáeÀÄÀÇ from all our troubles. and through the commandment eðéäGà äåäé eðëéøöz-ìà àðåÀÈÇÇÀÄÅÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ éréáMä íBéÇÀ ‹ ÄÄ Adonoy, our God—may we never be in need of the seventh day, íãå øNa úðzî éãéì àGÄÅÇÀ‹ÇÈÈÈÈ äfä LBãwäå ìBãbä úaMäÇÇÈÇÈÀÇÈÇÆ of the gifts of men this great and holy Sabbath. íúàåìä éãéì àGåÀÄÅÇÀÈÈÈ äæ íBé ékÄÆ nor of their loans, For this day Eãéì íà ékÄÄÀÈÀ‹ Eéðôì àeä LBã÷å ìBãâÈÀÈÀÈÆÍ but only of Your hand is great and holy before You, äçeútä äàìnäÇÀ‹ÅÈÇÀ‹È Ba-úaLìÄÀÈ which is full, open, to refrain from work on it äáçøäå äLBãwäÇÀ‹ÈÀÈÀ‹ÈÈ äáäàa Ba çeðìåÀÈÍÇÀÇÂÈ and to rest on it with love, holy and generous, LBáð àHLÆÅ EðBöø úåöîkÀÄÀÇÀÆ Í as ordained by Your will. so that we may not be shamed EðBöøáeÄÀÀ‹ íìkð àGåÀÄÈÅ And by Your will, nor humiliated 14 eðéäGà äåäé eðì çéðäÈÄÍÇÈÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ :ãrå íìBòìÀÈÈÆ grant us repose Adonoy, our God, forever and ever. 14 May we not be “ashamed” in this world due to poverty, and may we not be “humiliated” in the World-to-Come, because of our transgressions. Poverty often brings shame which in turn might cause a person to lose faith.—Etz Yosef

ïåæîä úëøá / 234 çéLî ïBøëæåÀÄÀÈÄÍÇ ïBâéå äøö àäú àHLÆÀÅÈÈÀÈ the remembrance of the Messiah that there be no distress, sorrow, Ecár ãåc-ïaÆÈÄÇÀÆÍ eðúçeðî íBéa äçðàåÇÂÈÈÀÀÈÅÍ the son of David, Your servant; or sighing on the day of our rest. 15 íéìLeøé ïBøëæåÀÄÀÀÈÇÍÄ eðéäGà äåäé eðàøäåÀÇÀÅÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ the remembrance of Jerusalem, Show us Adonoy, our God, ELã÷ øérÄÈÀÆÍ Eøér ïBiö úîçðaÀÆÈÇÄÄÆÍ city of Your Sanctuary, the consolation of Zion, Your city, Enr-ìk ïBøëæåÀÄÀÈÇÀ‹ íéìLeøé ïéðááeÀ‹ÄÀÇÀÈÇÍÄ and the remembrance of Your entire people, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, Eéðôì ìàøNé úéaÅÄÀÈÅÀÈÆÍ ELã÷ øérÄÈÀÆÍ city of Your Sanctuary, the House of Israel, before You, äáBèì äèéìôìÄÀÅÈÀÈ úBòeLéä ìra àeä äzà ékÄÇÈÇÍÇÇÀ for survival, for well-being, for You are the Master of deliverance íéîçøìe ãñçìe ïçìÀÅÀÆÍÆÀÇÂÄ :úBîçpä ìráeÇÍÇÇÆÈ for favor, kindliness, compassion, and the Master of consolation. íBéaÀ íBìLìe íéiçìÀÇÄÀÈ On Rosh Chodesh and Yom Tov add: for life and peace on this day of: eðéúBáà éäGàåÅÅÂÅÍ eðéäGàÁÅÍ äfä Lãçä LàøÊÇÍÊÆÇÆ ùãç ùàøì Our God and God of our fathers, Rosh Chodesh rébéåÀÇÄÍÇ àáéå äìréÇÂÆÀÈÊ äfä úBvnä âçÇÇÇÇÆ çñôì may there ascend, come, and reach, òîMéå äöøéå äàøéåÀÅÈÆÀÅÈÆÀÄÈÇ the Festival of Matzos äfä úBkqä âçÇÇËÇÆ úåëñì appear, be desired, and heard, øëféå ã÷téåÀÄÈÅÀÄÈÅ the Festival of Sukkos counted and recalled eðéäGà äåäé eðøëæÈÀÅÍÀÊÈÁÅÍ eððBã÷ôe eððBøëæÄÀÅÍÄÀÅÍ Remember us Adonoy, our God our remembrance and reckoning; äáBèì BaÀÈ eðéúBáà ïBøëæåÀÄÀÂÅÍ on this day for well-being; the remembrance of our fathers; 15 Even though prayers for personal needs are not recited on Shabbos, this particular prayer does contain such a request, because it is so closely interwoven with the commandment to rest on Shabbos. Since we are commanded to make Shabbos a day of sacred rest, we ask that our repose not be desecrated by distress or misfortune.—Avudraham

235 / BIRKAS HAMAZON äåäé äzà CeøaÈÇÈÀÊÈ äëøáì Bá eðã÷ôeÈÀÅÍÄÀÈÈ Blessed are You, Adonoy, be mindful of us on this day for blessing, íéìLeøé åéîçøá äðBaÆÀÇÂÈÀÈÈÍÄ íéiçì Bá eðréLBäåÀÄÅÍÀÇÄ and deliver us on this day for life. Builder of Jerusalem in His mercy. :ïîàÈÅ äreLé øáãáeÄÀÇÀÈ íéîçøåÀÇÂÄ Amein. 16 In accord with the promise of deliverance FOURTH BERACHA and compassion, äåäé äzàÇÈÀÊÈ CeøaÈ eðpçå ñeçÀÈÅÍ spare us and favor us, Blessed are You, Adonoy eðréLBäå eðéìr íçøåÀÇÅÈÅÍÀÄÅÍ íìBòä Cìî eðéäGàÁÅÍÆÍÆÈÈ have compassion on us and deliver us; our God, King of the Universe, eðéðér Eéìà ékÄÅÆÍÅÅÍ eðkìî eðéáà ìàäÈÅÈÄÍÇÀÅÍ for to you our eyes are directed, the Almighty, our Father, our King, ìà ékÄÅ eðìàBb eðàøBa eðøécàÇÄÅÍÀ‹ÅÍÂÅÍ because You are the Almighty our Mighty One, our Creator, our Redeemer, :äzà íeçøå ïepç (Cìî)ÆÍÆÇÀÇÈÍÈ á÷ré LBã÷ eðLBã÷ eðøöBéÀ‹ÅÍÀÅÍÀÇÂÊ Who is (King,) Gracious, and Merciful. our Maker, our Holy One, Holy One of Jacob, If you forgot to say äöø or àáéå äìòé andÀÅ À È Ê Ç Â Æ ìàøNé ärBø eðrBøÅÍÅÄÀÈÅ remembered before starting the fourth blessing, or are in doubt, see page 241. If our Shepherd, Shepherd of Israel, you remember after you began the fourth ìkì áéènäå áBhä CìnäÇÆÍÆÇÀÇÅÄÇÊ blessing and it is at the first two meals of the King, Who is good and beneficent to all. úáù or áåè íåé, repeat the entire Birkas áéèä àeä íBéå íBé ìëaLÆÀ‹ÈÈÅÄ Hamazon. If it is not úáù or áåè íåé, you need not repeat it. (See Shulchan Aruch Every single day He has done good, O.C. # 188.) eðì áéèéé àeä áéèî àeäÅÄÅÄÈÍ Lãwä øér íéìLeøéÀÈÇÍÄÄÇÍÊÆ äðáeÀÅ does good, and will do good to us. Rebuild Jerusalem, city of the Holy Sanctuary, eðìîBâ àeä eðìîâ àeäÀÈÈÍÀ‹ÅÍ :eðéîéá äøäîaÄÀÅÈÀÈÅÍ He has rewarded us, He rewards us speedily, in our days. 16 It is unusual for one to answer Amein after his own blessing. This blessing ends with Amein to mark the end of the three blessings, authority for which is derived from Deuteronomy

ïåæîä úëøá / 236 çazLé àeäÄÀÇÇ ïîçøäÈÇÂÈ ãrì eðìîâé àeäÄÀÀ‹ÅÍÈÇ The Merciful One will be praised He will reward us forever with íéøBc øBãìÀÄ íéîçøìe ãñçìe ïçìÀÅÀÆÍÆÀÇÂÄ for all generations, favor, kindness, and compassion, eða øàtúéåÀÄÀÈÇÈÍ äçìöäå äìvä çåøìeÀÆÍÇÇÈÈÀÇÀÈÈ He will be glorified through us relief, rescue, and success, íéçöð çöðìe ãrìÈÇÀÅÍÇÀÈÄ äîçð äreLéå äëøaÀÈÈÄÈÆÈÈ forever and for all eternity; blessing, deliverance, and consolation, eða øcäúéåÀÄÀÇÇÈÍ íéîçøå äìkìëå äñðøtÇÀÈÈÀÇÀÈÈÀÇÂÄ and He will be honored through us maintenance, sustenance, compassion, :íéîÄ ìBò éîÅÈ ìBòìe ãrìÈÇÀÀ‹ áBè-ìëå íBìLå íéiçåÀÇÄÀÈÀÈ for time everlasting. life, peace, and everything good; :ãBáëa eðñðøôé àeäÀÇÀÀ‹ÅÍÀÈ ïîçøäÈÇÂÈ áeè-ìkîeÄÈ and of all good things May the Merciful One maintain us with honor. :eðøqçé ìà íìBòìÀÈÇÀÇÀ‹ÅÍ eðlr øBaLé àeäÄÀËÅÍ ïîçøäÈÇÂÈ may He never deprive us. 17 The Merciful One will break the yoke eðøàeö ìrîÅÇÇÈÅÍ eðéìr CBìîé àeäÄÀÈÅÍ ïîçøäÈÇÂÈ [of oppression] from our necks The Merciful One will reign over us úeiîîB÷ eðëéìBé àeäåÀÄÅÍÀ‹Ä :ãrå íìBòìÀÈÈÆ and lead us upright forever and ever. :eðöøàìÀÇÀÅÍ ïîçøäÈÇÂÈ Cøaúé àeäÄÀÈÇ to our land. The Merciful One will be blessed eðì çìLé àeäÄÀÇÈÍ ïîçøäÈÇÂÈ :õøàáe íéîMaÇÈÇÍÄÈÈÍÆ May the Merciful One send us in heaven and on earth. (8:10) and to separate them from the next blessing which is Rabbinic in origin.—Maseches Berachos 45b 17 Many people are granted the bounties of life but are unable to enjoy them. We first invoke God’s blessing for all the good things in life and then ask Him to grant us the privilege of enjoying them.—Iyun Tefilloh.

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