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101 at the University of Wisconsin.1985 \"The Impact of the Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan on Middle Eastern Countries,\" presented at Denison University.1982 \"Middle Eastern Students in the United States,\" presented at the Region VI Conference of NAFSA in Cleveland, Ohio.1980 \"The Relevance of U.S. Education to Students from Developing Countries,\"International Club, Indiana University.1980 \"Soviet Foreign Policy and the Invasion of Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan: Ideology and Opportunism,\" Indiana University.LECTURES AND TRAVEL IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES2006 Lectures and research in Afghanistan and United Arab Emirates2005 Lectures and research in Turkey and Syria2003 Lectures and research in Afghanistan2002 Lectures and research in United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.)2001 Lectures and research in Turkey and the U.A.E.2000 Lectures and research in Turkey, Syria and the U.A.E.1999 Lectures at Suleyman Demirel University in Turkey1998 A series of lectures at Istanbul and United Arab Emirates universities1996 Turkey and The United Arab Emirates for a series lectures and negotiationof collaborative exchange programs1994 Lectures on Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations at Oxford University1994 Turkey and The United Arab Emirates for lectures, research and educational exchange programs1993 Turkey and Pakistan- Negotiate Educational Exchange Programs1991 Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates – Field research1990 Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan - Field research1989 Iran , Presented a paper in the Persian Gulf Conference1989 Turkey, Pakistan and Afghanistan - Field research1988 Pakistan - Research1969 England and Germany under Cultural Exchange Program1968 Pakistan, India and the Soviet Union (official visits)1967 Soviet Union and India (under cultural exchange programs)1965 The Soviet Union, Pakistan and India (under cultural exchange programs)1964 Pakistan and India (as an exchange student)

102BACKGROUND Raised in Afghanistan and Pakistan, received all three graduate degrees in the United States. Worked as tenured government employee in Afghanistan. In 1986, after seven years of Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, I decided to seek permanent positions at Americ universities.COURSES TAUGHT 1. Contemporary Issues in the Middle East (graduate) 2. Soviet-Afghan Relations (graduate) 3. Soviet and American Relations with Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan (graduate) 4. Introduction to Modern Middle East 5. Middle Eastern Politics 6. Islamic Political Thought 7. Cultural Continuity and the Challenges of Political, Economic and Social Transitions in the MiddleEast

103Asim Ijaz 311, 79 JFK St. Phone: (617) 384-7790Cambridge, MA 02138 [email protected]/06 - present Harvard University Cambridge, MAAssociate Professor, Kennedy School of Government.Research Interests: Development Economics, Microeconomics(Applied & Theory),Corporate Finance, Education, Industrial Organization, Mechanism Design,Organization and Contract Theory, Political Economy, Public Finance andHealth.6/01 - 6/06 Harvard University Cambridge, MAAssistant Professor, Kennedy School of Government.1/05 - 6/05 Yale University New Haven, CTVisiting Assistant Professor, Economic Growth Center.Education9/95 - 6/01 Harvard University Cambridge, MAPh.D. in Economics.8/91 - 6/95 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MABachelor of Science in Economics and in Mathematics with Computer Science.Minor in Theater Arts.(G.P.A 5.0/5.0, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi).ResearchPublished/forthcoming:The Impact of the Hajj: Religion and Tolerance in Islam’s Global Gathering (withD. Clingingsmith, Case Western,and M. Kremer, Harvard). Forthcoming, Quarterly Journal of Economics.Tracing the Impact of Bank Liquidity Shocks: Evidence from an EmergingMarket (with A. Mian, U of Chicago,

104GSB). American Economic Review, Vol. 98, No. 4, September 2008.A Dime a Day: The Possibilities and Limits of Private Schooling in Pakistan(with T.Andrabi, Pomona, and J.Das,DECRG World Bank). Comparative Education Review, Vol. 52, No. 3, August 2008.Do Lenders Favor Politically Connected Firms? Rent provision in an EmergingFinancial Market (with A. Mian, Uof Chicago, GSB). Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 120, Issue 4, November 2005.Unchecked Intermediaries: Price Manipulation in an Emerging Stock Market(with A. Mian, U of Chicago, GSB).Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 78, Issue 1, October 2005.Subcontractors for Tractors: Theory and Evidence on Flexible Specialization,Supplier Selection, andContracting (with T. Andrabi, Pomona, and M. Ghatak, LSE). Journal of DevelopmentEconomics, Vol. 79, 2006.Religious School Enrollment in Pakistan: A Look at the Data (with T. Andrabi,Pomona, J.Das, DECRG World Bank,and T. Zajonc, Harvard). Comparative Education Review, Vol, 50, No. 3, August 2006.Winner of the George Bereday Award for outstanding article published in the CER forthe year 2006Madrassa Metrics: The Statistics and Rhetoric of Religious Enrollment inPakistan. (with T. Andrabi, Pomona,J.Das, DECRG World Bank, and T. Zajonc, Harvard). Forthcoming in Beyond Crisis:A Critical Second Look at Pakistan,Routledge.Is Increasing Community Participation Always a Good Thing? Journal of theEuropean Economic Association, Apr-May 2004 2(2-3):427-436.Measuring Empowerment at the Community Level: An Economist’sPerspective, Narayan, Deepa, ed. 2005.Measuring Empowerment: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Washington, DC: WorldBank.Local Government Reforms in Pakistan: Context, Content and Causes (with A.Cheema, Lahore University ofManagement Sciences, and A. Qadir, Pakistan Administrative Staff College). inDecentralization and Local Governancein Developing Countries: A Comparative Perspective, (Eds. D. Mookherjee and P.Bardhan), MIT Press, July 2006.The Big March: Migratory Flows after the Partition India (with P. Bharadwaj, YaleUniversity, and A. Mian, U ofChicago, GSB). Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 43 No. 35 August, 2008Can Good Projects Succeed in Bad Communities? Revise and Resubmit, Journal ofPublic Economics.

105Learning and Educational Achievements in Punjab Schools (LEAPS): Insights toinform the education policydebate (with T. Andrabi, Pomona, J.Das & T. Vishwanath, World Bank, T. Zajonc,Harvard), Forthcoming, OxfordUniversity Press.Working Papers:Dollars Dollars Everywhere, Nor any Dime to Lend? (with A. Mian, U of Chicago,GSB, and B. Zia, MIT), WP 2008.The Value of Business Networks (with A. Mian, U of Chicago, GSB and A. Qamar,State Bank of Pakistan), WP 2008.Students Today, Teachers Tomorrow? Identifying Constraints on theProvision of Education (with T. Andrabi andJ.Das). WP 2006.Do Value-Added Estimates Add Value? Accounting for Learning Dynamics(with T. Andrabi, Pomona, J.Das,DECRG World Bank, and T. Zajonc, Harvard)“Bunching” and Heterogeneity: Characterizing the Monopolistic Provision ofExcludable Public Goods (with J.Das, DECRG World Bank). WP 2005.Identifying Business Networks in Emerging Economies (with A. Mian, U ofChicago, GSB, and A. Qamar, State Bankof Pakistan). WP 2005.Ongoing Projects:Financing for Firms: Experimental innovations in South Africa (with B. Klinger,Harvard University)Can Individual Lenders Infer Borrower Credit-Worthiness? Evidence from aPeer-to-Peer Credit Market (with R.Iyer, University of Amsterdam, and E. Luttmer, and K. Shue, Harvard University)Report Cards: The Impact of Providing School and Child Test Scores onEducational Markets (with T. Andrabi,Pomona, and J.Das, DECRG World Bank)What Do Educated Mothers Do Differently? Evidence from a DevelopingCountry (with T. Andrabi, Pomona, andJ.Das, DECRG World Bank)How Effective are Parent-Teacher School Councils? Experimental Evidencefrom a Developing Country (with T.Andrabi, Pomona, and J.Das, DECRG World Bank)Information and Choices: Parental School Choice in rural Pakistan (with T.Andrabi, Pomona, J.Das, DECRG WorldBank, and J. Montalvo, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)Divided We Fall: Understanding Retail Clusters (with J. Das, DECRG WorldBank, and A. Mian, U of Chicago, GSB)Does School Type Matter? Learning Differences between Private and PublicSchools in rural Pakistan (with T.

106Andrabi, Pomona, and J.Das, DECRG World Bank)The Big March: Consequences of the 1947 Partition (with A. Mian, U of Chicago,GSB)Identifying the Impact of Decentralization: Evidence from Pakistan (with A.Cheema, Lahore University ofManagement Sciences, and A. Qadir, Pakistan Administrative Staff College)TeachingHarvard University, Kennedy School Cambridge, MAAdvanced Microeconomic Policy Analysis (Graduate): Spring 2002, 2003, 2004,2006New Approaches to Industrial Policy in Developing Countries (Graduate):Spring 2004, 2006Harvard University, Kennedy School Executive Education Program Cambridge, MAFinancial Issues in Emerging Economies, Program Evaluation: 2005, 2006, 2007,2008Harvard University, Economics Department Cambridge, MAPrinciples of Economics (Undergraduate): Spring-Fall 1997, 1998Received Derek Bok Certificate of Distinction in Teaching all four semesters, andAllyn Young Prize for OutstandingTeaching. Course Group Leader, 1998 and 2000.GrantsandFellowshipsPrincipal Investigator, Entrepreneurial Finance Lab, 2007- presentCenter for International Development, Harvard’s Kennedy School ofGovernmentMulti-year project with initial focus to develop and test affordable and scaleablescreening technologies to providefinancing to the ‘missing middle’ firms. phase funded by Google Foundation; SNV.Dubai Initiative Research Fellowship, 2007-8Micro-Development Initiative, Dubai Initiative Grant, 2007-8Earthquake relief web-portal (co-founder) – - Winner of theStockholm Challenge Award 2006 in thePublic Administration Category, 2000Spiritual Capital Program Grant, Metanexus Foundation, 2005Learning and Educational Achievement in Punjab, Research Grant, The WorldBank, 2002-5Multi-year panel exercise tracking the entire educational market-place – children,parents, teachers and schools –over four years in 100 plus villages. www.leapsproject.orgHarvard University Grants:The Milton Fund, 2006Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, 2004Dean’s Research Fund, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

107South Asia Initiative, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006Graduate Grants:Graduate Student Fellowship from the “Network on the Effects of Inequality onEconomic Performance,” MacArthurFoundation, 2000Graduate Society Fellowship, Harvard University, 1999Social Science Research Council, International Predissertation Fellowship, 1998Santa Fe Computational Economics, 1998SeminarsandConferences2001 KSG (Harvard), LSE, NEUDC (Cornell), Oxford University, UC San Diego,UC Irvine, University ofMichigan, UT Austin, Williams College, Yale.2002 KSG (Harvard), LUMS, MIT, NEUDC (Williams), Pak-MillenniumConference (Boston), Securitiesand Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).2003 Boston University, BREAD Conference (Washington, D.C), CID (Harvard),European EconomicAssociation (Stockholm), Harvard, LSE, LSE Decentralization Conference,LUMS, MIT, NBER-CF,NEUDC Conference (Yale), South Asia Initiative (Harvard), SITE (Stanford),World Bank, Yale..2004 BREAD Conference (Washington, D.C), Columbia, Harvard, LSE,MIT/Harvard, University ofColorado at Boulder, World Bank, Yale.2005 KSG (Harvard), NEUDC (Brown), New Economic School-CEFIR (Moscow),University of Michigan,Yale.2006 AIID-BREAD Conference (Amsterdam), American Economic Association(Boston),CID (Harvard), Harvard, Harvard Alumni Conference (India), IUPUI, LUMS,MIT/Harvard, NEUDC(Cornell), Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), State Bank ofPakistan (SBP), UCBerkeley, University of Maryland AREC, University of Pennsylvania, WorldBank.2007 Dubai School of Government, International Islamic University (Pakistan),Georgetown, KSG,International Development Conference (Harvard), LSE, Michigan, NBER,Stanford, SuffolkUniversity Economics, Tufts/Harvard, UC Berkeley, Université du Québec àMontréal, Yale.2008 CEPR Conference (LSE), Chicago, Columbia, Duke University, HarvardBusiness School, Harvard

108Social Enterprise Conference, Hitotsubashi University, LEAPS Conference(LUMS), NBER, StanfordUniversity, Syracuse University, University of Illinois at UC.ProfessionalAffiliationsFaculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research (2008-present)Affiliate, Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (2003-present).Referee for: American Economic Journal, American Economic Review, EconomicJournal, Economic Development andCultural Change, Economics of Governance, Journal of Corporate Finance,Journal of Development Economics, Journalof Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Finance, Journal of HealthPolitics, Journal of Industrial Economics,Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Journal of Planning Education andResearch, Journal of Political Economy,Journal of Public Economics, Pakistan Development Review, Policy and Law,Journal of African Economics, Journal ofComparative Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Quarterly Journal ofEconomics, Review of Economics andStatistics, Review of Economic Studies, U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).PersonalPakistan and U.K. National, US Permanent Resident. Married with two children.Interested in squash, chaos andcomplexity

109Bhaskar Roy BarmanPlace of birth: Comilla, BangladeshBA(Hons), MA in English, BEd, Dlitt (USA)an internationally published poet,short storywriter,novelist, critic, translator, editor and book-reviewer.His poems, short stories and critical articles get published in journals andanthologies in India and abroad.He has translated into English short stories of such Bengali litterateurs as ManikBandyopadyay, Tarashankar Bandyopadhyay, Sunil Gangopadhyay, AshapurnaDevi, Mahashweta Devi, Narayan Gabgopadhyay, Gajendra Kumar Mitra,Pramathanath Bishi and so on and the translations have appeared in suchjournals as Indian Literature, an English Language journal of the SahityaAkademi, New Delhi, India, Pratibha India, Delhi, Mirror (now defunct),Mumbai.Dr Barman has to his credit a novel entitled \"Gateway to Heaven\", a short storycollection entitled \"Modern Short Stories: The Trap & Other Stories\", \"Folktales ofTripura\", \"Melange: An Anthology of Short Stories Translated from Bengali\",\"Bouquet: An Anthology of Short Stories Translated from Bengali\", \"TheRhymester,\" a translation of a Bengali novel of Tarashankar Bandyopadhyay\"s.He has edited an anthology on world literature, entitled \"El Dorado\" to whicheminent scholars from around the world have contributed their research-oriented papers. This anthology has been published in India by Authors Press,New Delhi. He is presently editing an anthology of world poetry and ananthology on world folklore and compiling and editing folktales of North-EastIndia.His awards and honours include, among others, 1) Man of the Year 1997 fromthe American Biographical Institute, USA (ABI); 2) 20th Century Award forAchievement from the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England(IBC); 3) UWA Life-Time Achievement Award from United Writers Association,Chennai, India; 4) \"Creative Giant 2000\", \"Ivory Eagle 2001\" and \"Effulgent Star2003\" from the Home of Letters, (India), Bhubaneshwar, India; 5) \"Bharat

110Excellence Award 2001\" from Friendship Forum of India, New Delhi (FFI); 6)\"Rambriksh Janma Shatabdi Samman\" and \"Tripura Ratna\" from JeminiAcademy, Panipat, India; 7) \"Rising Personalities of India\" from InternationalPenguin Publishing House, New Delhi; 8) \"Great India Achievers Award 2004\"from FFI; 9) \"Subhadra Kumari Chauhan Janma Shatabdi Samman 2004\" FromJemini Academy, Panipat. Jemini Academi, Panipat, India will confer upon him\"Bhasha Ratna\" (Gem of Lnaguage) at a Conference on All-India Languages inOctober 2006.Dr Barman presented a paper entitled \"The Ramayana: A Religious Epic\" at anInternational Seminar on \"Asian-European Epics\" held on 27-30 October 2002 atthe University of Malaya, Malaysia and another paper on \"Satire and Humour inthe Literature of Tripura\" at a seminar on \"Satire & Humour in Indian Literature\"on 11 September 2003 at the Kolkata Book Fair organized by the National BookTrust of India, New Delhi.Dr Barman is listed in as many as forty national and international Who\"s Whos,including \"Who\"s Who of Indian Writers\" published by the Sahitya Akademi,New Delhi.Dr Barman has founded an international organization called \"World LiteratureSociety\".

111Bassam A. JubranB.Sc., Ph.D. (Wales), P.Eng.Professor Department of Aerospace Engineering,[email protected] Jubran was educated at Cardiff University (formally University of Wales),Britain, graduating in 1980 with B.Sc. Honours degree in MechanicalEngineering. He obtained a PhD, also from the University of Wales, in 1984. He iscurrently a Professor of Thermo-Fluid Engineering at Ryerson University, amember of the Professional Engineers of Ontario, the Canadian Society ofMechanical Engineers (CSME), and the American Institute of Aeronautics andAstronautics (AIAA). Professor Jubran joined the Department of AerospaceEngineering at Ryerson University in 2004 where he served dutifully as the InterimChair of the Department (January - December, 2007). Between 1999 and 2004, heserved as Head of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering atSultan Qaboos University (Oman). He took a position at the International IslamicUniversity Malaysia (1997-1999) where he served as a Deputy Dean (AcademicAffairs) at the Faculty of Engineering, and University Senate member (1997-1998). He was an Assistant Professor (1984-1989), Associate Professor (1989-1994), Full Professor (1994-1997), and Head of Mechanical EngineeringDepartment (1989-1991), at the University of Jordan. He was a Visiting Professor atthe University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Research Leave (Summer 1994). A VisitingProfessor at the Royal Military College of Science (Cranfield University), Britain(1991-1992). He served as Director of the Arab Council for Training Students ofArab Universities, ACTSAU and National Secretary of the InternationalAssociation for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE),IAESTE-Jordan (1994-1997). He worked as a Project Engineer at Abu-DhabiNational Oil Company, UAE (1980-1981). Professor Jubran served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Engineering Research, and he is now on the editorial boardof the new International Journal of Low Carbon Technologies, published byManchester University Press, UK. He received the Hisham Hijjawi Award in thefield of Energy and Informatics, 1997 and the Shoman Award for Young ArabScientists (Engineering Sciences), 1994. Dr. Jubran has published more than 90refereed Journal papers and over 35 conference proceedings papers.

112B K PassiTeaching, Research, Consultancy and Administration: Richness of experience ininstitution-building, launching innovative programs in varying sectors and levelsof education ranging from school to university systems; from private togovernment bodies, from national to international organizations, from NGOs tostatutory bodies.Senior Expert in Thinking Skills SOIE-KMUTT, Bangkok 2000-2UNESCO-ACEID-PROAP Consultant Bangkok 2001+President All India Association for Educational Research 1998+Founder Chair holder: IGNOU-UNESCO Chair Distance Education 1997-2000Founder Vice Chairperson National Council for Teacher Education 1994 -1997Acting Vice Chancellor DA University in 1991, 1992Rector (Pro Vice-Chancellor) DA University 1991 1992Head School of Advanced Liberal Studies DAVV 1993-94Founder Director Institute of Education 1991 1993Head School of Education DAVV 1976 to 1991Founder Director Audio Visual Research Center UGC 1990-94Dean Faculty of Education DAVV1976 1986Head Journalism and Mass Communication 1985 1986Founder Director Academic Staff College 1987 1988Founder Head School of Futures Studies 1989National Lecturer University Grants Commission 1987Visiting Faculty University of Saskatchewan Canada 1990Panel for Education UGC Member 1992Research Advisor National Talk-back Experiment UGC Delhi 1991Member GB International Institute of Professional Studies 1992Vice President Children Science Congress Indore 1990-1996Chairman T. Choithram School, Indore 1985-1995Teaching Faculty at M.S.University Baroda 1972-76Research Scholar/Faculty at Panjab University Chandigarh 1966-72COUNTRIES OF WORK EXPERIENCEIndia, Thailand, Canada, Mexico, USA, Russia, United Kingdom, Afghanistan,France, Japan, Spain, Vietnam, SwedenRECOGNITION & AWARDS

113World Award of Education-- citations -- \"Illustrious Scientific Career andValuable Work in Benefit of Mankind --\": World Cultural Council MonterreyMexico 1990; Recognition for \"JOSE VASCONCELOS\": Awarded Diploma, 1991Best Social Scientist Awarded and Honored with MP State Council Award ofBest Social Scientist of 1990 for the original contributions in the areas ofCreativity, Microteaching, Models of Teaching, & Research Surveys in Education,1990Canadian Commonwealth Fellow University of Saskatchewan June 1989Senior Fullbright Fellow of USEFI Georgia, USA 1987National Lecturer in Education UGC New Delhi 1987Panjab University Research Scholarship 1966INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANCYThree decades of educational research, training, and consultancy in UN bodies,Universities, Corporate Sectors, and Government Institutions in developed anddeveloping countries of Europe, North America, Canada, Russia, UK, Asia, e.g.Thailand KMUTT- Institute of Technology Senior Expert 2000+Moscow Member Expert group for IITE UNESCO Moscow 2000Thailand KMIIT- Institute of Technology Consultant 1996Visiting Faculty at Yuzhno Sakhalinsk and Khabarosk Russia 1992Training Faculty for Creative Development at Irkutsk USSR 1991Vietnam UNFPA UNESCO Consultant in Population Education 1990UNESCO UNDP Consultant2 Educational Technology Afghanistan 1987Afghanistan UNESCO UNDP Consultant1Teacher Education 1986UK University of Lancaster: Technical Director of International Transfer ofSIMEQ OECD and England 1973IIEP UNESCO Paris offered two year Consultancy by IIEPA Paris for CurriculumDevelopment in Indonesia in 1974EMPLOYMENT RECORDS2001 – PRESENT: Prasena (global consulting company specialized in theintegration and optimization of corporate resources within a fast-changingeconomic environment)ThinkTank member on Creativity/ Innovation and eLearning/ Distance learningBased in Thailand – Global scopePrasena's Think Tank members, all reputed international experts in variousfields, advise Prasena on strategic matters and provide invaluable help inresearch, development, consulting projects, communication and education.JOURNALISTIC EXPERIENCE INCLUDES:

114Professional DocumentsArticlesDr. Passi has been developing concept papers on different aspects of distanceeducation. Articles have been developed about problems and issues of research,material production, students support services, enhancing interactivity,integrating learning resources, and collaborative networking. Apart from that,Dr. Passi has developed policy documents and articles in the areas of processnorms.INTERNATIONAL PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS INCLUDE:GLOBAL/ VIRTUAL 2002Speaker at Global Learn Day IV 2002, October 14. 24 hours global Internet eventSOUTH EAST ASIA 2002Global contact for Creativity and Innovation day for South-East AsiaTHAILAND 2002UnescoTHAILAND 2001+KMUTTFRANCE 2000Moscow Member Expert group: IITE-UNESCO MoscowTHAILAND 2000SOIE KMITT Senior Expert for Research and Thinking SkillsUK 1996Research Guide-Master Degree Program in Education SussexTHAILAND 1996KMITT Consultancy for Faculty ImprovementJAPAN 1995UNESCO- Hiroshima University- Teacher Education and Primary Education-Country PaperSPAIN 1994Senior Delegate MHRD: World Conference on Special Needs Education: Quality& AccessRUSSIA 1992Visiting Faculty at Yuzhno Sakhalinsk and KhabaroskUSSR 1991Training Faculty for Creative Development at IrkutskVIETNAM 1990UNDFA UNESCO Consultant at NIESCANADA 1990Faculty Member for Summer Courses for Futures Studies UniversityCANADA 1989Creative Future Problem Solving Future Corporation Saskatoon CanadaUSA 1989

115Futures of Education LEADS Conference YorktownCANADA 1989Instituted Futures Studies Courses College of Education Saskatoon CanadaUSA 1987Senior Fullbright Visiting Scholar Athens GeorgiaUSA 1987Staff Development School Improvement WorkshopUSA 1987Creativity 4Ps Creative Studies Buffalo NYUSA 1987Incubation Model and Teacher Education Workshop AthensUSA 1987Discussion on Problem Finding and Problem Solving ChicagoAFGHANISTAN 1986UNESCO First Consultant in Teacher Education UNDP/Project at KabulAfghanistanAFGHANISTAN 1986Second Consultancy in Educational Technology for UNESCO KabulAFGHANISTAN 1986Lectures on Microteaching: USSR Afghanistan Bilateral Team Kabul AfghanistanUSSSR 1984UGC Visiting Fellow for Leningrad and Moscow USSRUSSR 1984Microteaching in India: Seminar at Pedagogical Institute USA Leningrad USSRUSSR 1984Education in India: Department Foreign Languages Pedagogical InstituteLeningrad USSROECD 1978International Transfer of Self Instructional Microteaching Materials: ASIMEQTechnical Director, Project with Lancaster; OECDUK 1976\"International Transfer of Self Instructional Material between Various Countries\"Seminar in LancasterUK 1974Equality of Educational Opportunity OECD Project University of BristolUK 1974Visiting Fellow of UGC and British Council at University of BristolUK 1974First British Conference on Computer in Higher Education University LancasterSWEDEN 1974Seminar on \"Educational Research in India\" MalmoUK 1974\"Cluster Analysis\" Seminar, University Reading

116UK1974Equality of Educational Opportunity Validation Study University of Bristol:ResearcherRESEARCH PROJECTS AND ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS:School Education Creative ThinkingTeacher Education Models of TeachingMicroteaching, Personalized EducationHigher Education Distance Education, Educational Research, Futures Studies,and Information TechnologyCreativity: Researching in Creativity from 1966; Standardized, Published verbaland nonverbal \"Passi Tests of Creativity\"; Highly reliable and valid (found lowrelationship between creativity and intelligence; and Creativity andachievement); the manual is comprehensive and user friendly; it is an originalcontribution in Creativity Testing; the tests have found international acceptance.Originator of Microteaching in India; Conceptualized and researched inMicroteaching. Collaborated all India and UK researches; implementedMicroteaching in Teacher Education; Nick-named as Father of Microteaching inIndia; Developed films on Microteaching; published a reference book known as\"Becoming Better Teacher\". This innovation has brought many internationalinvitations.Models of Teaching: Initiated reforms in teacher education and school teaching;Directed research projects in Information processing, social interaction, andPersonal development models; disseminated Models of Teaching andEducational Technology in India and Abroad.Personalizing Teacher Education Curriculum- designed innovative project ofteacher education at school and college levels. It is popularly known as Zero-Lecture Program.Surveys of Research in Education: Operationalzed the prestigious projects ofSurveys Of Research In Education; First Survey of Research in EducationAssociate Editor; Second Survey of Research in Education Joint Editor; ThirdSurvey of Research in Education Member Editorial Board; Fourth Survey ofResearch in Education Member Editorial Board Fifth Survey Trend ReportAuthor.Futures Studies: Conceptualized and introduced in India and Canada theacademic Courses in Futures Studies at B.Ed. M.Ed. M.Phil. Ph.D. levels; Basedupon our work, UGC developed programs of Futures Studies M.Phil M.Tech.;Faculty Member for Futures Studies Courses in Canada.

117Norms for Teacher Education Guided and formulated Norms for teachereducation for nursery, elementary, and secondary levels and also in the area ofphysical education.Distance and Open Education: Completed about forty projects in the area ofopen distance teacher education.Innovation – IndianDr. Passi has 30 years experience in educational research, training andconsultancy in UN bodies, universities, government institutions and thecorporate sector in Europe, USA, Canada, Russia and Asia. Born in an Indianvillage with humble beginnings, he became the creator of many ideas, founder ofinstitutions and implementer of innovations. He became National Lecturer,Fulbright Scholar, and President AIAER. It is his original contributions that wonhim the Best Social Scientist Award India, World Award of Education -citationsfor Illustrious Scientific Career and Valuable Work in Benefit of Mankind- WorldCouncil Monterrey Mexico; and Recognition for Jose Vasconcelos Diploma. He iscalled “Father of Microteaching”. He has authored Passi Creativity Tests. He hasmanaged institutions of higher education, researched in Futures Studies, Models-Teaching, Research Surveys, Benchmarking, Distance Education, ICT.He is as of 2001ThinkTank member of Prasena.EMail: [email protected]/11 Soi Samahan, Sukhumvit Soi 410100 Bangkok, ThailandPhone: +66 9 0110539Fax: +66 2 2541304

118Bindi MehtaChairperson (Research & Publications), NMIMS. MumbaiAreas of SpecializationIndustrial Economics, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social ResponsibilityIndustry and Consulting Experience 18 yearsAcademic Experience 5 years.Dr. Bindi Mehta has M.A. (Honours) and a Ph. D. from the University ofMumbai.Former Chief Economist of CRISIL and Director (Research) at CCRT, shespecialises in Industrial Economics, Industry / Sector / Market Studies,Developmental issues including Micro-finance and Women's studies, CorporateGovernance & Corporate Social Responsibility.She has a number of publications to her credit and has been the HonouraryEditor of monthly E-Journal of the Academy of Corporate Governance. AtSVKM's NMIMS Universityshe teaches Corporate Social Responsibility and is Chairperson (Research &Publications).• Invited to be a Member of Training Committee of Indian Institute of Banking &Finance 2005• Appointed as a Public Representative on Interconnected Stock Exchange ofIndia's Arbitration Committee by SEBI in 2005• Editor of E-Journal on Corporate Governance of the Academy of CorporateGovernance in 2005-06• Chaired a session on Environmental Impact on November 22, 2004 at theConference on Corporate Social Responsibility held at Penang, Malysia andorganised by Ansted University, Penang and London Metropolitan UniversityE-mail [email protected]://

119Bill [email protected] 2008 season marks the 29th season for Bill Eydler as King's head coach,having led the netmen to a fine 349-246 record in his career. Eydler came toKing's with an outstanding background in tennis. Over the last 33 years, he hasbeen the Tennis Director of the City of Wilkes-Barre. Eydler is also a well-knowntennis official, tournament director and a USTA/NTRP Verifier. Eydler alsoowns and operates Eydler Sports a tennis court construction and tennis supplybusiness. He is also a certified racket stringer.He began his coaching career at Wyoming Seminary in Kingston, Pa. and led histeam to the Northeastern Pa. High School Tennis League title in 1972. After histenure at Wyoming Seminary, he then returned to coach his alma-mater, Wilkes-Barre Meyers, for three years before coming to King's.An accomplished player, Eydler has won many tournaments on the local level aswell as in the Northeast, earning a MSTA Men's age 35 doubles ranking of #10 in1984. In 1981, he was named to the Advisory Board of Four Star TennisAcademy and has served as an officer in the Lehigh Valley Tennis Association, adivision of the USTA, for several years.In 1986, he was honored with the selection of State Tennis Director of theKeystone State Games, retiring from the position in 1989. For the second time inhis tenure at King's, Eydler was honored by the LVTA as the 1990 OutstandingCoach of the Year, an award he had previously received in 1983.Enjoying a highly successful tenure at King's, where he also co-coaches thewomen's team, Eydler has led the Monarchs to a number of MAC division andleague titles over his career, including the 2000 MAC overall championship.Eydler also coached King's to the MAC Freedom and overall runner-up spot in2001 and playoffs in 2002, 2006 and 2007.In 1992 Eydler's top two players; Bill Mendler and Mike Ungvarsky werehonored with selection to the NCAA III national tournament at EmoryUniversity in Atlanta. In 1994 Eydler coached Maria Adonizio to the MACWomen's singles championship and Jim Zimmerman and Joe Brown to the Men'sDoubles title. He also coached Vlad Handl to the 2000 MAC singleschampionship and was named MAC Freedom \"Coach of the Year.\" Under

120Eydler, Mike Portonova won the MAC singles titles as a freshman, sophomoreand junior in 2005,2006 and 2007 while teaming with Nick Hojsack to win the2006 and 2007 MAC doubles titles. Every year many members of both the Men'sand women's tennis teams achieve top scholar athlete awards for the MACConference as well as the NCAA III.Eydler received his BA degree from King's College in 1970 and earned hisMaster's degree in Physical Education Administration from Columbia PacificUniversity in 1982.Eydler was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Public Service from AnstedUniversity, British Virgin Islands of UK for meritorious contributions in coachingand athletic administration, 2004.Eydler retired in June of 2006 as a Math Specialist in the Wilkes-Barre AreaSchool District. Coach Eydler and his wife Diane reside in Wilkes-Barre.An accomplished player, Eydler has won many tournaments on the local level aswell as in the Northeast, earning MSTA Men's age 35 doubles ranking of #10 in1984. In 1981, he was named to the Advisory Board of Four Star Tennis Academyand has served as an officer in the Lehigh Valley Tennis Association, a divisionof the USTA, for several years.In 1986, he was honored with the selection of State Tennis Director of theKeystone State Games, retiring from the position in 1989. For the second time inhis tenure at King's, Eydler was honored by the LVTA as the 1990 Outst andingCoach of the Year, an award he previously received in 1983.In 2008, Eydler received a tremendous honor when he was inducted into theLuzerne County Sports Hall of Fame.Eydler received his BA degree from King's College in 1970 and earned hisMaster's degree in Physical Education Administration from Columbia PacificUniversity in 1982.Eydler will be awarded an Honorary Doctor of Public Service from AnstedUniversity, British Virgin Islands of UK for meritorious contributions in coachingand athletic administration, 2004.Eydler is recently retired as a Math Specialist in the Wilkes-Barre Area SchoolDistrict. Coach Eydler and his wife Diane reside in Wilkes-Barre.

121David B.LingiahMauritian counselling psychologist/psychotherapist living in Scotland for thepast 37 yrs.Author of counselling texts;writes for Mauritian Abroad,UK; Mauritius NewsUK; sometime for L'express Outlook. Also contributes articles to a Scottishwebsite where all articles may be reproduced.Dr David B.Lingiah was awarded a doctorate in science (DSc) Health psychologyalong with certificates of attenProf. Roger Haw intim dance and appreciation from Prof. Haw the youngest co-founder of Ansted University. ated that next April/May a forum and graduationceremony will be held in Mauritius for students from Mauritius and elsewhere.Ansted Special delegates will be Drs Lingiah and Leung who incidentally hasserved three times as graduation master of ceremony, will receive a surpriseaward from Ansted University. Both compatriots are looking forward to thisevent on the island.

122Daud [email protected] PhD in Shari’ah, University of Cairo, Egypt. - Summa Cum LaudeDissertation: Legacy of Indonesian Scholars in Sunnah(Juhud ‘Ulama` Indonesia fi as-Sunnah)1990 M.A. in Shari’ah, University of Cairo, Egypt. – Cum LaudeThesis: The Narration of Imam al-Hakam Ibn Otaiba and his Methodology inIslamic Jurisprudence (Marwiyyat al-Hakam ibn ‘Utaibah wa fiqhuhu)1983 B.A. in Islamic Law, the State University of Islamic Studies Medan,IndonesiaThesis: Marriage Proposal in Islamic PerspectiveTeaching Activities1996 – 1999 The State Institute for Islamic Studies, Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta,Post Graduate Student Instructor,Taugth the Science of Hadeeth to post Bacheloreate students. Developedcurriculum with faculty member. Responsible for all aspects of teaching andevaluations. Provide graduate student’s thesis and dissertation supervision.1999 – 2004 The State Institute for Islamic Studies, Sunan Gunung Djati,Bandung,Head Department of Hadeeth at the post Graduate Program,Taugth the Science of Hadeeth to post Bacheloreate students. Developedcurriculum with faculty member. Responsible for all aspects of teaching andevaluations. Provide graduate student’s thesis and dissertation supervision.2002 University of Indonesia, Department of Middle East Studies, Jakarta

123Associate ProfessorTaugth Quranic Tafseer to post Bacheloreate students.2000 – Present University of Ibnu Khaldun, Bogor.Post Graduate Student InstructorTaugth the Science of Hadeeth to post Bacheloreate students. Responsible for allaspects of teaching and evaluations. Provide graduate student’s thesis anddissertation supervision.1998 – present The State Institute for Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Law,BandungLecturerLectured on Islamic Jurisprudence, and Hadeeth.2000 – Present The Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences, Jakarta, IndonesiaThe branch of Islamic University of Imam Muhammad Ibn Sa`udLecturerLectured on the Hadeeth Ahkam in ArabicDakwah ActivitiesJuly 2004, addressing Jumuah Speech in the Muslim students’ Mosque atUniversity of Newcastle in UK, and giving lectures for Indonesian communitiesin London, Oxford, Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester, New Castle, and othercities in UK for two months.July 2005 Addressing Jumuah Speech in Tempe Mosque, in Sydney for onemonth, and lecturing Indonesian communities in Sydney, Camberra, Melbourne,Brisbane, and Perth.Addressing weekly Jumuah Speech since 1990 up to now in several Mosquessurround Jakarta City.Addressing Special Speech for Hari-hari Besar Islam (Islamic Celebration days)like the celebration of Prophet Mohammad birthday, Israk Mi'raj, and otherIslamic moments.Dakwah in Television

1241999 – Now, addressing lectures in some tv channels for Islamic Program, forexample : Indosiar channel, TVRI, RCTI, SCTV, TPI.Member of Various Indonesian Islamic Organizations • Indonesian Ulama Council – Member of Fatwa Board • Association of Indonesian Du’at (IKADI) – Member of Shuro Council • Center of Indonesia Shari’ah Consultation (PKS) – Special Consultant in Islamic Law • Indonesian Islamic Da’wah Council – Al Majelis Al-A’la Al-Indonesy Li Dakwah Al Islamiyah – Vice ChairmanSelected PublicationsRasyid, Daud (2003). Indahnya Syari`at Islam. “The Beauty of Islamic Law”.Usamah Press, Jakarta, Indonesia.Rasyid, Daud (2002). As-Sunnah Fi Indonesia (in Arabic).”The Fenomena ofSunnah in Indonesia”, Usamah Press, Jakarta, Indonesia.Rasyid, Daud (2002), Islam dan Raformasi “Islam and Reformation”, UsamahPress, Jakarta. Rasyid, Daud (2002). Apa dan Bagaimana Hadits Nabi “HadistNabi: What and How”. Usamah Press, Jakarta, Indonesia.Rasyid, Daud (2002). Pembaruan Islam Dalam Sorotan. “Islamic Revivalism onIslamic Perspective”. Usamah Press, Jakarta, Indonesia.Rasyid, Daud (1998). Islam Dalam Berbagai Dimensi. “Islam in VariousDimensions”. Gema Insani Press, Jakarta, Indonesia.Rasyid, Daud (1995). Peran alumni Timteng dalam dunia Pendidikan diIndonesia. “The Role of Middle-Eastern Muslim Scholars on Shaping the EducationSystem in Indonesia”. OASE Journal, ICMI, Orsat – Cairo.Rasyid, Daud (1993). Mewaspadai Gejala Krisis Ulama. “On the Crisis of MuslimScholars”. In \"Pelita\" daily newspaper February 12, 1993. Jakarta.Rasyid, Daud (1997), Sistem Ekonomi Islam, “Islamic Economy System”,Unpublished.

125Dana BarryPh.D., CPCADDRESS:Box 5665Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP)Clarkson UniversityPotsdam, New York 13699-5665E-mail: [email protected]•Permanent New York State Teacher Certification: Chemistry & the GeneralSciences (1972)•Certified Professional Chemist (CPC) - (National Certification Commissionsponsored by The American Institute of Chemists) certified (1989-1992),recertified: (1992-1995), (1995-1998), (1998-2001), (2001-2004) and (2004 - 2009)•Permanent Certification by NASA to borrow Lunar Rocks (1999)POSITIONS:•VISITING PROFESSOR in Japan for Suzuka National College of Technology(June 2008)•VISITING PROFESSOR in Malaysia for Ansted University (December 2007)•PRESIDENT of Ansted University's Scientific Board, British Virgin Islands, U.K.(July 2003 - present)•VISITING PROFESSOR for Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan(November 2005)•VISITING PROFESSOR in Malaysia (November 2004)•VISITING PROFESSOR - England (September 2003)•VISITING PROFESSOR for Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan(August 2002)•VISITING PROFESSOR for Ansted University (March 2001)•EXTERNAL PROFESSOR & HONORARY ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBER forAnsted University, (2000 - present)•INSTRUCTOR for graduate course in Elementary Science Methods at PotsdamCollege - Fall Semester 2003•INSTRUCTOR for Horizon Program at Clarkson University, 2002 - present•EDITOR & SENIOR TECHNICAL WRITER for Clarkson's Center for AdvancedMaterials Processing (CAMP) 1993 - present•PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR for Clarkson's REU (Research Experience forUndergraduates) Program 1998-1999

126•PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR for the Clarkson Space Grant Program 1993-1999•EDITOR for Clarkson's space magazine PARALLAX 1993-1999AUTHOR•Co-Author of the new book titled \"Plan, Develop, Display, Present ScienceProjects,\" published by Teacher Created Resources (2008).•Co-Author of the new audio book titled \"Develop Critical Thinking Skills, Solvea Mystery, Learn Science,\" published by Tate Publishing (2007)•Co-Author of the new book titled \"Develop Critical Thinking Skills, Solve aMystery, Learn Science,\" published by Tate Publishing (2007)•Co-Author of the Japanese Edition of \"Develop Critical Thinking Skills, Solve aMystery, Learn Science,\" published by Pleiades Publishing in Osaka, Japan (2007)•Co-Author of the book titled \"Science Fair Fun in Japan\" published by GendaiTosho, Japan (2005)•Author of the book titled \"Science Fair Projects,\" published by Teacher CreatedMaterials, Inc.(2000)•Gave presentations/workshops at the ASRIA Award Ceremony and at theChung Hwa Confucian Secondary School in Penang, Malaysia (December 2007)•Presented the following paper, which was also published, at the ASEE/IEEEFrontiers in Education Conference in Milwaukee, WI: Workshops in CreativeEducation for Students and Teachers in the United States and Japan by DanaBarry and Hideyuki Kanematsu (October 2007)•Presented the seminars \"Creative Education\" and \"Science Fair EducationProject for Students in Japan,\" at Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan(November 2005)•Presented the paper \"Corporate Social Responsibility and the Environment\" atthe International Conference in Penang, Malaysia (November 2004)•Oral Presentation \"International MarsLink Mission\" at the International GlobalLearn Day Conference - on line (November 16, 2003)•Presented a paper at the International Conference on \"Corporate SocialResponsibility\" at London Metropolitan University in London, England(September 2003)•Published Journal papers about an International Chemical Sensation Project incollaboration with Professors Hideyuki Kanematsu, Hiroshi Shimofuruya, andTatsumasa Kobayashi of Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan (2002-2003)•Hands on science books for children in grades K - 9Science activity guides & kits•Chemistry entries in Gale Encyclopedia of Science (1995)•Feature articles in national & international journalsAuthor/Composer of music cassette Chemical Sensation (1996).

127•Script Writer, Host, & Coproducer of TV Series Sensational Science (1996-1997)AWARDS AND OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS•Selected for inclusion in World Who's Who of Women by the I.B.C. (2009)•Selected for inclusion in A.B.I.'s International Profiles of Accomplished Leaders(2009)•Participant of NASA's Kepler Mission (2009)•Participant of NASA's Glory Mission (2009)•Selected for inclusion in the 10th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in Science andEngineering (2008 - 2009)•Keynote Speaker for Suzuka City's Education Symposium, Japan (June 2008)•Selected by the ABI for inclusion in the publication: 500 Greatest Geniuses ofthe 21st Century (2008)•Named one of the Leading Educators of the World by the I.B.C. (2008)•Participated in NASA's Engineering Design Challenge: Lunar Plant GrowthChamber (2008)•Nominated as International Professional of the Year by the I.B.C. in England(2008)•Nominated to be a member of the Leading Intellectuals of the World by theA.B.I. (2008)•Selected Woman of the Year in Education by the A.B.I. (2008)•Nominated for the Distinguished Service to Humankind Award by the I.B.C. inEngland (2008)•Biography selected for inclusion in Great Minds of the 21st Century by theA.B.I. (2008)•Biography selected for inclusion in the International Directory of Experts andExpertise by the A.B.I. (2008)•Appointed as a Founding Member of the International Women's Review Boardby the the A.B.I. (2008)•Selected for inclusion in the Fifth Edition of 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals ofthe 21st Century by the I.B.C. (2008)•Selected for inclusion in the Thirty-Fourth Edition of the Dictionary ofInternational Biography by the I.B.C. (2008)•Nominated a Candidate for a Master Diploma, with Honors, from the WorldAcademy of Letters (2008)•Has an honorary appointment as a Founding Member (with distinguishedstanding) to the International Women's Review Board by the A.B.I. (2008)•Participant of NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission (2008)•Selected for inclusion in the International Who's Who of Professional &Business Women: Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Edition by the A.B.I.(2008)•Recipient of the American Chemical Society Award for excellent Contributionsto the National Chemistry Week Program (December 2007)

128•Selected for inclusion in 8th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in AmericanEducation (2007 - 2008)•My International Program in Creative Education with Dr. Kanematsu of Japanreceived Second Place for the American Chemical Society's ChemLuminaryAward in Public Relations (2007)•Nominated for the Woman of Achievement Award by the A.B.I. (2007)•Nominated to receive the Gold Medal for the United States by the A.B.I. (2007)•Biography is included in the International Profiles of Accomplished Leaders bythe A.B.I. (2007)•Biography is included in the book Contemporary Authors by the GaleReference Team (December 2007)•Selected for inclusion in 7th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in AmericanEducation (2006 - 2007)•Selected for inclusion in 25th Edition of Marquis Who's Who of AmericanWomen (2006-2007)•Selected for inclusion in the 9th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in Science andEngineering (2006-2007)•Nominated Woman of the Year by ABI (2005)•Selected for inclusion in the 2nd Edition of \"Distinguished and AdmirableAchievers,\" published in India (2005)•Nominated to receive International Peace Prize (United Cultural Convention,U.S) 2005•Nominated a Leading Educator of the World - 2005 (I.B.C., England)•Ansted Foundation Award (Penang, Malaysia) 2004•Presented \"Welcoming Address\" & \"Vote of Thanks\" at Second InternationalConference on Corporate Social Responsibility (Penang, Malaysia) 2004•Co-Editor of World Book on Social Responsibility (published in Malaysia) 2004•Dr. Barry's Chemical Sensation Project received a National Award(ChemLuminary Award) from the American Chemical Society - 2004•Dr. Barry's World First MarsLink Space Mission Program received a NationalAward (a ChemPower Certificate of Excellence) from the American ChemicalSociety - 2004•Nominated Einsteinian Chair of Science - World Academy of Letters (2004)•Nominated International Educator of the Year 2004 - International BiographicalCentre in England (2004)•Ten Year Service Award from the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Science FairCommittee - 2004•Presented \"Welcoming Speech\" and awards / honorary degrees at AnstedUniversity's Convocation/Graduation Ceremony, London MetropolitanUniversity in London, England (September 6, 2003)•Five Year Service Award from the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Science FairCommittee - 2003

129•Listed in the outstanding reference \"Something about the Author\" (Gale Group-MI) July 2003•Received Certificate of Participation in the Mars Exploration Rover 2003Mission•My Letter of encouragement was read at the American Cultural Center inAfrica by the President of the Cameroon Ozone Club on World Ozone Day(September 16, 2002)Dictionary of International Biography - 30th Anniversary Edition (I.B.C.) 2002•One Thousand Great Scientists - (I.B.C.) 2002•One Thousand Great Scholars - first edition (I.B.C.) 2002•Outstanding Achievement Award -(NNY Section, American Chemical Society)2002•One Thousand Great Americans - 2002•International Who's Who of the Professional & Business Women - 2002•Great Minds of the 21st Century (2002)•International Scientist of the Year 2001 (2002)•2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (2001-2002)•Who's Who in the 21st Century (2001-2002)•Listed in \"Biography Today\" in India (2001)•International Medal for Scientific Excellence (2001)•Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy, Science Education - Ansted University,Malaysia (2001)•The Twentieth Century Award for Achievement (2000)•Outstanding People of the 20th Century (2000)•2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century (2000)•Dictionary of International Biography - 28th & 29th Eds. (2000 & 2001)•International Woman of the Year 1999/2000•APEX Award for Publication Excellence (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008)•Organized the World's First Moonlink Mission - educational component toNASA's Lunar Prospector Mission (1998)•Organized the World's First NEARLink Mission - educational component toNASA's NEAR Mission (1998)•Organized the World's First MarsLink Mission - educational component toNASA's Global Surveyor Mission (2000). See MEMBERSHIPS•Member of the American Institute of Chemists Editorial Review Board•Honorary Member of the Cameroon Ozone Club, Africa•American Chemical Society (ACS), Secretary of the Northern New York Section•American Institute of Chemists (AIC)•National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)

130PUBLICATIONSOver 100 professional publications including ten books, a book chapter, scienceencyclopedia entries, journal features, scripts for aired television shows, andmusic CDs. This work is published in various Countries including the UnitedStates, Japan, England, Australia, Malaysia, and India.Dana M. Barry of Canton, editor and technical writer at ClarksonUniversity’s Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP), has beeninvited to serve as a visiting professor in Malaysia during March. She willpresent science education seminars in Penang and Kuala Lumpur to students,faculty, government officials and other distinguished guests.While in Malaysia, Barry will also receive an honorary doctoral degree fromAnsted University in recognition of her exemplary contributions and herdedication to the promotion of space science and technology.Barry was invited to Malaysia by Ansted’s co-founder, Roger Haw. Ansted isa small private university with long-distance learning programs, and hasexternal campuses in Malaysia and the British Virgin Islands.Barry’s Malaysian seminars will have three components.The first, “Turning Students on to Science and Technology,” includesdemonstrations and makes use of Barry’s published books, journal featuresand science education music cassettes.The second, “NASA Space Missions and Their Educational ComponentMissions,” recounts Barry’s experiences in organizing three NASA WorldFirst Missions, including the MoonLink (1998), NEARLink (1998), and MarsLink(2000) missions, the latter an international gathering of students from the NorthCountry and Malaysia. Barry will meet with her Malaysian team members togive them advice on how to access and analyze the incoming data andinformation from Mars.The final component, “Chemical-Mechanical Polishing and High-TechEquipment,” will include segments from Barry’s television series,“Sensational Science,” which she hosted, wrote and co-produced. She willalso speak on the research that is taking place at CAMP and discuss her coverstory, “Chemical-Mechanical Polishing,” which appeared in the May/June1999 issue of The Chemist.In addition to presenting seminars, Barry will donate educational materials(including copies of her books and science education music cassettes) to Ansted

131University and other schools and colleges in Malaysia. Support for her trip isbeing provided by CAMP, the Northern New York Section of the AmericanChemical Society and Ansted University.Barry, who has been in her position at Clarkson since 1993, is also an officer forthe Northern New York Section of the American Chemical Society, a CertifiedProfessional Chemist, and an honorary member of Ansted University’sAdvisory Council.Barry’s recent awards include Leaders of Science, Technology & Engineering2001, 500 Leaders of Influence (2001), 1000 World Leaders of Scientific Influence(2001), Dictionary of International Biography - 28th & 29th editions (2000 &2001), The Twentieth Century Award for Achievement (2000), OutstandingPeople of the 20th Century (2000), 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20thCentury (2000), 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 20th Century (2000) andInternational Woman of the Year..Dana M. Barry of Canton, editor & technical writer for Clarkson University'sCenter for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP), has published a book titledScience Fair Projects: Helping Your Child Create a Super Science Fair Project.Published this year by Teacher Created Materials, Inc., Science Fair Projectsshould prove to be an asset to parents and teachers with children between theages of eight and twelve.Barry has virtually given parents and teachers a step-by-step approach totackling just about any science project. Chapters include \"The Problem-SolvingModel,\" \"Ideas for Science Projects,\" \"Planning the Project,\" \"Developing theProject,\" \"Displaying the Project\" and \"Practice Projects.\"Barry is also the author of several science education books and the scienceeducation music tape \"Chemical Sensation\" with the Barry Tones.She was recently offered the opportunity to lecture at Anstead University inMalaysia after being awarded 1999/2000 International Woman of the Year.She has also been awarded the Twentieth Century Award for Achievement(2000); Outstanding People of the 20th Century (2000); 2000 OutstandingScientists of the 20th Century (2000); and Dictionary of International Biography -28th Ed. (2000) awards. (03 Nov 2000)WORLD FIRST MARSLINK MISSION UPDATE - 2005Dr. Dana M. Barry's World First MarsLink team has made progress, and herprogram received a National Award from the American Chemical Society (ACS).Dr. Barry (of Clarkson University, U.S.A. and President of Ansted University'sScientific Board, Malaysia) has an international team with members in the UnitedStates and Malaysia. Her Mission is supported by NASA and Space Explorers,Inc. and sponsored by the Northern New York Section of the American Chemical

132Society. Dr. Barry and her team are very grateful to Space Explorers, Inc. for theircontinued interest and outstanding support.U.S.A.Dr. Dana Barry's World First MarsLink Program received a National Award(ChemPower Certificate of Excellence) from the American Chemical Society, theworld's largest scientific organization with over 163,000 members. Her Programwas recognized as the most creative way of teaching chemistry in the UnitedStates. In addition, her Chemical Sensation project with Japan received aNational Award (ChemLuminary Award for Public Relations). Dr. Barryaccepted both awards (on behalf of the NNY section of the American ChemicalSociety, where she serves as an officer) at the American Chemical Society'sNational Convention held in Philadelphia, PA during the month of August 2004, She has worked on projects with four U.S. Presidents and has served on theadjunct faculties of Indiana-Purdue University, the University of SouthernCalifornia, and San Francisco State University.Dr. Dana Barry (left) presents a prestigious award to Dr. Roger Haw for hisoutstanding contributions to the National Award winning World First MarsLinkSpace Mission Program. The award, which is from the Northern New Yorksection of the American Chemical Society, was presented to Dr. Haw at a specialceremony in Penang, Malaysia (November 2004).Baron Sir Professor Dr. RogerHaw (Founding Member of Ansted University) is a coordinator and the maincontact person for the MarsLink team members in Malaysia. (The team includesstudents at Ansted University and St. Xavier's Institution.) Dr. Haw providescontinuous support and encourages the team to actively participate in MarsLink- related activities and projects. He received an award for his outstandingcontributions to the National Award winning World First MarsLink SpaceProgram. Dr. Dana Barry (on behalf of the NNY section of the ACS) presentedthis prestigious honor to Dr. Roger Haw at a special ceremony held inconjunction with the Second International Conference on Corporate SocialResponsibility in Penang, Malaysia (November 2004).MarsLink team members in Malaysia belong to an Astronomy Club, which isadvised by Dr. Chong Hon Yew (Ansted University Advisory Council Member& Professor of Physics at the University of the Sciences in Malaysia - USM). Theyattended planet/star gazing sessions and other space-related activities. Also theyhad an opportunity to participate in the USM National Astronomy Convention2005, the first of its kind in Malaysia. The Convention was open to amateur andprofessional astronomers and the general public. The Convention Objectives andActivities are provided.

133Dr. Dana M. Barry's World First MarsLink Program and her Chemical SensationProject received National Awards from the American Chemical Society at theOrganization's National Convention held in Philadelphia, PA in August 2004.From left: Dr. William Oliver (Chair of the Committee on Public Relations &Communications), Dr. Dana M. Barry (officer of the Northern NY section of theACS & organizer of the award winning programs), and Dr. James Burke (Chairof the Board of Directors of the ACSDaniel VerkerkeDaniel Verkerke was an honored guest sponsored by the International MartialArts Research Institute, Martial Arts Federation of Malaysia, and NanyangWushu Federation of Sarawak .As the Canadian Ambassador for the International Martial Arts ResearchInstitute and member of the Advisory Council for Canada, Daniel has been veryactive in unifying the West with the East. Through sharing his knowledge andproviding a Thesis which included over 12 instructional videos and DVD's aswell as his book titled \"Spiritual Development Enlightenment of Life\" and thecurriculum for the Seicho Jutsu Intstitute of Advanced Studies, Daniel washonored with a Doctorate Degree presented during the World Martial Arts BlackBelt Hall of Fame in Asia.The Degree was presented by the honorable YB. Encik Dublin Unting ak Ingkot,AMN., Assistant Minister of Sport & Agriculture, Sarawak, who is also anAdvisor of Nanyang Wushu Federation of Sarawak.The International Martial Arts Research Institute of Malaysia is an officialaccredited Educational Training and Learning Resource Centre appointed underAnsted University.This trip provided a great opportunity for Grandmaster Daniel Verkerke to learnfrom others as well as teach and promote his art which is recognizedinternationally as the art of Canada.As a Goodwill Ambassador for Canada Daniel met Mayors, Ministers, PoliceOfficials and other Grandmasters and presented them with Provincial pinsprovided by MPP's Gary Goodyear and Gerry Martiniuk. In Malaysia there is atitle bestowed upon few people by the King. The title is called \"Dato\" it is muchlike receiving knight hood in the UK. During his stay in Kuala Lumpur Mr.Verkerke was honored to meet with various Dato's and was happy to presentthem with the Provincial pins from Canada. The Dato's were very gracious hostsand held dinners in GM. Daniel Verkerke's behalf.

134Apart from teaching in Borneo, KL and Singapore Mr. Verkerke was hosted byDr. Zahalan Man, who is the National Chancellor for Malaysian InternationalAssociation of Educators for World Peace (UN-NGO). This is a world widemovement involved with bringing all nations together through Peace. This is avery noble cause that Mr. Verkerke has also become involved with.Because this was such an amazing trip with so many experiences, it would take anovel to cover so we have just limited this to a brief pictorial coverageDavid CrowtherQualifications: BA, MBA, MEd, PhD,DSocSc, DSC, PGCE, FCMA, CPFA,MCMI, FHEAOther qualifications and memberships:Postgraduate Diploma in Business Information Management (CNAA)Certificate in Counseling (Nottingham University)Professional Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Aston University)Member of British Psychological SocietyMember of British Accounting AssociationMember of European Accounting AssociationMember of Standing Conference on Organizational SymbolismMember of the Social Responsibility Research Network member of GlobalAcademy of Business & Economic ResearchMember of Knowledge Globalization InstituteHONOURS AND AWARDS2000 Honorary Council Member, Ansted University, Malaysia2002 Fellow of North American Academy of Arts & Sciences2002 Honorary DSocSc, Ansted University, Malaysia2003 Honorary Dr of Applied Science, Université Francophone Internationale,Belgium2003 Special advisor to Vice-Rectorate, Université Francophone Internationale,Belgium2003 Académico de Mérito, Muy Ilustre Academia Mundial de CienciasTecnología Educación y Humanidades, Spain2003 Diplome 'ad Honores', Académie Européenne des Arts, France2003 Certificate of Registration as International Expert in Social Education,Association Internationale pour l'Ecole de Promotion Collective, Togo2004 Ansted University Foundation award2007 'Highly Recommended Runner-Up’ educator in the ‘LifetimeAchievement’ category EABIS and Aspen Center for Business EducationEuropean Faculty Pioneer Awards

1352008 Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the WorldListed in Dictionary of International BiographyVISITING APPOINTMENTS2006 (continuing) Visiting Professor, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey2008 Visiting Professor, Suffolk University, USA2008 Visiting Professor, Zagreb School of Economics & Management, Croatia2007 Visiting Professor, Polytechnic Institute of Guarda, Portugal2000 – 2005 External Professor, Ansted University, Malaysia1999 – 2002 Visiting Professor, Talinn Technical University, EstoniaRESEARCHResearch interests are interdisciplinary in the areas of marketing, strategicmanagement, accounting and organisational studies. These can be considered asa concern with corporate social responsibility and accountability; interestsinclude:•Factors affecting corporate sustainability•The implications of organizational activity upon the wider stakeholderenvironment•Accounting for the wider environment and stakeholder influences uponcorporate reporting systems. The effect of environmental influences on corporatereporting.•The relationship between socially responsible behaviour and financialperformance.•Behaviour in the workplace.•The regulation of the accounting profession.•The determination of community identity and implications for organisational orsocietal inclusion / exclusion.•The management of change within an organization and implications fororganizational culture•The relationship between financial and economic measures of performance andcorporate culture and strategic development.Other Interests and activities:2007 – Date: Patron, the Temple Trust (Sri Lanka)2007 – Date: Partner, The Knowledge Globalization Institute, USA

1362007 - Date: Board member, Global Academy of Business & Economic Research2006 – 09: External examiner, Lincoln University postgraduate programme2005 – Date: Founding chair of the Social Responsibility Research Network2005 – 08: External Advisor, Accounting & Finance, University of the West ofEngland2004 – Date: Faculty member and academic advisor, International Entrepreneurs Association, Malaysia2003 – Date: Member, Citizen Works Corporate Reform Commission, USA2003 – Date: Founding board member, Association for Integrity in Accounting,USA2003 – Date: External research professor, Université Francophone International2003 – Date: Affiliate, Corporate Citizenship Research Unit, Deakin University2002 – Date: Faculty member, New York College of Advanced Studies2002 - Date: Fellow of North American Academy of Arts & Sciences2001 – Date : Treasurer& Board member, Standing Conference onOrganizational Symbolism (SCOS)2000 – 05: External examiner, University of the West of England, Undergraduate programme, Management accounting subject area2000 – Date: External professor and council member; Ansted University,Malaysia2000 – 2003: Assessor for Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in Financial Information for Management1999 - 2002: External examiner, Postgraduate programmes, School of Finance & Law, Bournemouth University1999 – 2001: Occasional Lecturer at Nottingham University in ManagementAccounting1994 - 2001: Examiner for London Chamber of Commerce and Industry;Association of Accounting Technicians; Chartered Institute of ManagementAccountants in Management Accounting (at various times)1994 - 97: Question writer for University of Cambridge Local ExaminationSyndicate MENO Thinking Skills Service1993 - 97: Tutor for Open University MBA courses in Strategic Management andPerformance MeasurementOther ActivitiesI am founding editor of Social Responsibility JournalI am editor of a book series on Corporate Social Responsibility published byAshgate, Alders hotI am editor of a book series on applied aspects of Corporate Social Responsibilitypublished by Gower, AldershotI am on the editorial boards of the following journals:Accountancy.Business & the Public Interest, UKJournal of Finance & Management in Public Services, UK

137Journal of Accounting Business & Management, IndonesiaAfrican Journal of Risk and Insurance, NigeriaIssues in Social and Environmental Accounting, IndonesiaInternational Journal of Accounting & Finance, CanadaThe Dearborn Educator, USAJournal of Knowledge Globalization, USAInternational Journal of Management Development, CanadaMalaysian Accounting ReviewGlobal Excellence Review, IndiaCorporate Sustainability – An Asia-Pacific Review JournalEdited special issues of journals in a number of areasOrganised a number of conferences, themed tracks in conference and symposiain a variety of areas.

138David WortleyMass Mitec Creative Collaborative CommunicationsDavid Wortley is owner and founder of Mass Mitec, a UK based independentconsultancy specialising in the use of conferencing and collaborationtechnologies for knowledge management and social, economic and commercialdevelopment. Prior to founding Mass Mitec, David had a successful commercialcareer in telecommunications, computing, training and new media technologieswith IBM and British Telecom.David is a professional freelance facilitator for HP media solutions and acts asthe European Project Manager for virtual training sessions in this region. As wellas substantial experience with HP Virtual Classroom, David has also facilitatedevents with Placeware and other virtual conferencing products, and is alsofamiliar with the Webex environment.In 1997, David won a prestigious DTI award for the Harborough ComKnet(Community Commerce and Knowledge Network -, which, in April 2000, incorporated the use of web conferencing in avirtual event attended by over 250 participants. This project provided afoundation for the Harborough Community Learning Network ( to support rural villages in learning and enterprise development.David has been applying web conferencing, collaboration and broadcastingtechnologies in innovative ways to create a model of sustainability forcommunity learning and empowerment.David devised THE Radio with Pictures Show concept, combining communityradio broadcasting with web conferencing as a potential solution for tacklingdigital divide issues in developing nations.As well as the HERBERT LINCOLN WHITTIERRadio with Pictures Show, David hasalso organised and promoted a number of virtual seminars and conferenceswhose archives can be viewed at

139David is also an accomplished speaker and has spoken at a number ofinternational conferences focusing on ICT and Society. He has had paperspublished in Europe, Australia, USA and South America. David is a member ofthe Global Society Dialogue, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibilityand Global Community Network organisations and an Honorary AdvisoryCouncil member of Ansted University, BVI of UK.Edward KamensSumitomo Professor of Japanese StudiesDepartment of East Asian Languages and LiteraturesYale UniversityBox 208236New Haven CT 06520-8236Phone: 203-432-2862; fax: 203-432-6729E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D., Yale University, East Asian Languages and Literatures1980 M. Phil., Yale University, East Asian Languages and Literatures1979 M.A., Yale University, Religious Studies1974 B.A., Yale University, Magna cum laude, Distinction in Japanese MajorAPPOINTMENTS2006-present Sumitomo Professor of Japanese Studies, Yale University1993-present Professor of Japanese Literature, Department of East AsianLanguages and Literatures, Yale University1986-93 Assistant Professor (‘86-91), Associate Professor (‘91-93), Department ofEast Asian Languages and Literatures, Yale University1986 spr Lecturer (part-time), Department of English, Yale University1985-86 Tutor-in-Writing, Berkeley College, Bass Writing Program, YaleUniversity1983-85 Assistant Professor, Japanese Language and Literature, Department ofAsian Languages and Literature, University of Washington1983 spr Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Oriental Languages,University of California, Los Angeles1982-83 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of East Asian Languages andCivilizations, University of Chicago1981 spr Visiting Lecturer, Asian Studies Program, Connecticut CollegeKamens vita 2

140SERVICE at Yale1999-present Associate Master of Saybrook College2007 (fall) Acting Director, Whitney Humanities Center2007 (spring), Search Committee, Director of the Center for Language Study2002-present, 1991-1997 Director of Graduate Studies, Department of East AsianLanguages and Literatures2005-present, 1995-1997 Director of Graduate Studies, East Asian Studies (M.A.Program)2006-present Chair, Ad Hoc Committee, “The Asakawa Garden Project at YaleUniversity”2006-07 Search Committee, University Chaplain2006 Chair, Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Traditional JapaneseTheater(Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures & Program in TheaterStudies)2005-present, 1998-2000 Secretary, Joint Boards of Permanent Officers2005, 2006 Selection Committee, Morse Junior Faculty Fellowships2005-present Advisory Committee on Library Policy2005-present Advisory Committee on Resources for Students and Employeeswith Disabilities2004 spr Selection Committee, Whiting/Leylan Fellowships2004 spr Selection Committee, Wrexham Prize in the Humanities2004 spr Yale College Committee on Teaching and Learning2004-present Advisory Committee, Richard U. Light Fellowship1997-2003 Chair, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures1998-99Sub-committee on Programs and Instruction, Yale University Re-accreditationCommittee1997-2000 Chair, Language Study Committee1998-present Trustee, Yale Hillel/Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale.Secretary and Member of Executive Committee, 2003-present, 1998-2003;President, 2001-2003.1995-97, 1999-2000 Faculty Director, Richard U. Light Fellowships at Yale1996-97 Chair, Yale College Executive CommitteeKamens vita 31995-97 Dean’s Advisory Committee on Student Grievances, Graduate School1995-97 Committees on International Education, Yale College1993-95 Term Appointments Committee, Faculty of Arts and Sciences1993-94 Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Foreign Language Instruction at Yale1992-95 Chair, Parker Huang Undergraduate Travel Fellowship Committee1992-93 Committee on Teaching in the Residential Colleges

1411987-1991 Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of East AsianLanguages and LiteraturesSERVICE to the field2004-present Elected Trustee, Society for Japanese Studies (Journal of JapaneseStudies)2002-06 Editors, The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature, CambridgeUniversity Press2002-present Advisory Board, Journal of Japanese Studies2000-02 Annual Meeting Program Committee, Association for Asian Studies1994-98 Chair, Executive Committee, Inter-university Center for JapaneseLanguage Studies (Executive Committee Member since 1989)1992-99 Hamako Ito Chaplin Prize Fund Committee, Association for AsianStudiesFELLOWSHIPS, GRANTS AND PRIZES2005-06 Moore Fund Grant, Yale College, for “Literary Japanese On-line”2004-2007 Fellow, Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University1998 Hitomi Arisawa Prize (American Association of University Presses) forUtamakura, Allusion, and Intertextuality in Traditional Japanese Poetry1997 Grant from Frederick Hilles Fund, Yale University, in support ofpublication of Utamakura, Allusion, and Intertextuality in Traditional JapanesePoetry1992 Grant from Frederick Hilles Fund, Yale University, in support ofpublication of Kamens, ed., Approaches to Teaching Murasaki Shikibu’s The Tale ofGenji1991-92 Mellon Fellowship in the Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University.1990 A. Whitney Griswold Fund (Yale University) Grant for research travel toJapan(summer)Kamens vita 41989-90 Morse Junior Faculty Fellowship, Yale University1987 Concurrent grants from the Association for Asian Studies, Northeast AsiaCouncil;Enders Fund, Yale Graduate School; and Council on East Asian Studies, YaleUniversity:for research in Japan on Japanese Buddhist poetry (July)1984 Association for Asian Studies, Northeast Asia Council Research Grant1980 Japan Foundation Dissertation Grant (research at Waseda University,Tokyo)1980-81 Social Science Research Council Dissertation Grant

1421977-82 Sumitomo and NDFL (Title VI) Fellowships, Yale University GraduateSchool1975 Williams Prize in East Asian Studies, Yale CollegePUBLICATIONSIn progress or in press:(Article in English and Chinese) “A New View of the Landscape: Revising theLiterary History of Heian Japan” in Tradition and Modernity: ComparativePerspectives. Beijing: PekingUniversity, forthcoming spring 2007.(in press) “Preface,” Regent Fujiwara Tadahira, The Year 939 in his Journal:Teishinkøki. An annotated translation by the Heian Journal Kambun Workshopco-edited by Joan R. Piggott and Sanae Yoshida. (Also contributor to thetranslation and annotation.) Under consideration, Cornell University East AsianMonographs; publication anticipated 2008.“‘The Tale of Genji’ and ‘Yashima’ Screens in Local and Global Perspectives.” YaleUniversity Art Gallery Bulletin, 2007 issue focusing on Japanese art in the Gallery.In print:2007 (edited book) Heian Japan Centers and Peripheries. Co-editor with M.Adolpson and S. Matsumoto. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2007.Includes article, “Terrains of Text in mid-Heian Court Literature,” and co-authored “Introduction.”2006 (article in Japanese) “Hon’yaku kara hyøron e: Amerika kara mita Nihonbungakukenky√ gojj√nenkan no katei.” 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition: Bungakugogaku 185 (June, 2006), pp. 145-47.2005 (article in Japanese) “Heianchø no wabun no nikki to kanbun no nikki: ‘jyanru’ nikansuru ikkøsatsu.” In Exploring Japanese Literary Research from an OverseasPerspective: Beyond Inside and Outside (Kaigai kara mita Nihon bungaku no kenky√:uchi to soto wo norikoete.) Proceedings of the 29th International Conference onJapanese Literature. Tokyo: National Institute of Japanese Literature, 2006, pp.31-45. Kamens vita 52004 (article) “The Dangers of Translation and the Value of Translation”(Japanese title:Hon’yaku no kiki, hon’yaku no kachi) in Ii Haruki, ed., Nihon bungaku: Hon’yaku nokanøsei (Japanese Literature: The Possibilities of Translation). Osaka: Osaka

143Daigaku/Kazama Shobø, Publishers, pp. 60-75.2004 (article) “Locating the Literary in Courtier Journals” (Japanese title:“‘Kuge nikki’ no gakumonteki ichizuke”) in Ii Haruki, ed., Kokusaika no naka no Nihonbungaku kenky√ (Japanese Literature Research in the International Context). Osaka:Osaka Daigaku/Kazama Shobø, Publishers, pp. 129-143.2002 (article), “Waking the Dead: Fujiwara Teika’s Sotoba kuyø Poems,”in Journal of Japanese Studies, vol. 28, no. 2 (Summer, 2002), pp. 379-4061997 (book) Utamakura, Allusion, and Intertextuality in Traditional Japanese Poetry(New Haven and London: Yale University Press)1993 (article) “Dragon-girl, Maidenflower, Buddha: The Transformation of aWaka Topos, ‘The Five Obstructions.’” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, vol. 53no. 2 (December, 1993), pp. 389-442.1993 (edited volume) Approaches to Teaching Murasaki Shikibu’s The Tale of Genji.Volume in series, “Approaches to Teaching World Literature.” New York:Modern Language Association of America.(essay) “Genshin’s Shadow,” in Kamens, ed., Approaches to Teaching MurasakiShikibu’s The Tale of Genji (New York: Modern Language Association), pp. 132-141.1990 (book) The Buddhist Poetry of the Great Kamo Priestess: Daisaiin Senshi andHosshin wakash√. Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies, no. 5. Centerfor Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.1989 (articles) “The Past in the Present: Fujiwara Teika and the Traditions ofJapanese Poetry” and “Translation of Teika’s Poems on Flowers and Birds of theTwelve Months” in Word in Flower: The Visualization of Classical Literature inSeventeenth-Century Japan (Carolyn Wheelwright, editor), Yale University ArtGallery, New Haven.1988 (book) The Three Jewels: A Study and Translation of Minamoto Tamenori’sSanbøe . Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies, no. 2. Center forJapanese Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.1987 (articles) “Anesaki Masaharu”; “Køya”; “Onmyødø”: in The Encyclopedia ofReligion, edited by Mircea Eliade et al., Macmillan Publishing Company, NewYork.REVIEWS

1442003 Review article: “‘A Beautiful, Quiet World’? The Tale of Genji and Its EnglishTranslations,” Journal of Japanese Studies, vol. 29, no. 2 (summer, 2003), pp. 325-339.2004 “Susan B. Klein, Allegories of Desire: Esoteric Literary Commentaries of MedievalJapan, Harvard University Asia Center, 2002,” in Journal of Japanese Studies, vol.30, no 1 (Winter, 2004), pp. 224-228. Kamens vita 62001 “Thomas LaMarre, Uncovering Heian Japan: An Archaeology of Sensation andInscription (Duke University Press, 2000),” in Journal of Japanese Studies vol. 27, no.2, pp. 430-434.2000 “Edith Sarra, Fictions of Femininity: Literary Inventions of Gender in JapaneseCourt Women’s Memoirs. (Stanford University Press, 1999,” in The Journal of AsianStudies, vol. 59, no. 2 (May, 2000), pp. 442-444.2000 “Rajyashree Pandey, Writing and Renunciation in Medieval Japan: The Works ofthe Poet-Priest Kamo no Chømei (Center for Japanese Studies, The University ofMichigan, 1998),” in Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies vol. 60, no. 1 (June, 2000),pp. 318-323.1999 “Linda H. Chance, Formless in Form: Kenkø, Tsurezuregusa, and the Rhetoricof Japanese Fragmentary Prose. (Stanford University Press, 1997),” in Journal ofJapanese Studies, vol. 25, no. 1 (Winter, 1999), pp. 137-1411995 “A Waka Anthology, Volume One: The Gem-Glistening Cup, by Edwin A.Cranston. (Stanford University Press, 1993)” in Journal of the Association ofTeachers of Japanese, vol. 29, no. 1 (April, 1995), pp. 75-81.1992 “Traditional Japanese Poetry: An Anthology. Translated, with an introduction,by Steven D. Carter. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991),” in Journal ofJapanese Studies, vol. 18 no. 2 (Summer, 1992), pp. 606-611.1991 “Robert N. Huey, Kyøgoku Tamekane: Poetry and Politics in Late KamakuraJapan (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989),” in Journal of Japanese Studies,vol. 17 no. 2 (summer, 1991), pp. 377-381.1990 “The Tale of the Heike, translated, with an Introduction, by Helen CraigMcCullough (Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1988),” in Journal of JapaneseStudies, vol. 16 no. 1 (winter, 1990), pp. 132-139.1987 “The Riverside Counselor’s Stories: Vernacular Fiction of Late Heian Japan,

145translated, with an introduction, by Robert L. Backus (Stanford, StanfordUniversity Press, 1985),” in The Journal of the American Oriental Society 107.2.PUBLIC LECTURES AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES2005, Invited Lecture (in Japanese) “Heianchø no wabun no nikki to kanbun no nikki:‘jyanru’ ni kansuru ikkøsatsu.” 29th Annual International Conference on JapaneseLiterature, National Institute of Japanese Literature, Tokyo, November 17.2005 Discussant, panel on “Diaries and Records: Historical and LiteraryPerspectives on Tenth and Eleventh-Century Sources,” Association for AsianStudies Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2.2004 Commentary (in Japanese) on panel presentations at conference on “Sourcesin Premodern Japanese Studies and their Use,” Historiographical Institute,University of Tokyo, July 8. Kamens vita 72004 “Four Poems from a Late Spring Night’s Gathering at Michinaga’s:Reflections on the Study of Kanshibun in the Early 21st Century.” HarvardUniversity, workshop on \"New Approaches to Early Japanese Textuality:Functions, Occasions, and Genres of kanshibun,\" May 8.2003 “Women, Men, Languages, Texts in mid-Heian Court Culture,” Center forJapanese Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, February 24.2003 “The Dangers of Translation and the Value of Translation” (Japanese title:Hon’yaku no kiki, hon’yaku no kachi) in bi-linguial conference volume, Nihonbungaku: Hon’yaku no kanoosei (Japanese Literature: Translation and Its Potential),Osaka University “Center of Excellence” International Symposium, March 16.2003 “Scholarly Publication and Translation,” Center for Japanese Studies,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, November 14.2003. The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature Workshop, at Yale University,sponsored by Council on East Asian Studies, October 3-4. I convened and led theworkshop for contributors to the volume, of which I am editor.2002 Respondent to panel on “Shintø and Modern Academic Studies” atworkshop “New Perspectives in the Study of Shintø,” Columbia University,October 3-42002 “Terrains of Text in mid-Heian Court Culture” at conference, “Center andPeriphery in Heian Japan.” Reischauer Institute, Harvard University, June 11.(Coorganizer of conference.)

1462002 Discussant, panel on “Priestesses, Wives and Daughters, and Lewd Women:Gender Constructions in Early Japan” at Berkshire Women’s History Conference,University of Connecticut, Storrs, June 9.2002 Invited speaker, “The Political and the Literary in a Courtier Journal:Fujiwara no Tadahira’s Teishinkøki (shø).” Center for Japanese Studies, Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor, January 31.2001 “The Uses of Yamato-uta in Heian Court Culture” at pre-conferenceworkshop, “Center and Periphery in Heian Japan.” Reischauer Institute, HarvardUniversity,September 7. (Co-organizer of conference.)1999 “A Reliquary for Words: Fujiwara Teika’s Sotoba Kuyø” Journal of JapaneseStudies 25th Anniversary Symposium, University of Washingon (Seattle), May 141998 “When a Woman Becomes a Nun: Commemorations in Waka” Symposium,”The Culture of Convents in Japanese History,” Institute for Medieval JapaneseStudies Columbia University, November 21-232002 Member, Organizing Committee (with Stanley Weinstein and MimiYiengpruksawan, for Japanese Studies Conference, “From Precept to Practice:New Perspectives on Japanese Buddhist Culture,” Yale Center for Internationaland Area Studies/Council on East Asian Studies, October 16-18Kamens vita 81998 Panel Discussant, “Every Body Hurts: The Violent Sublime in JapaneseBuddhist Art and Literature,” Annual Meeting of the Association for AsianStudies, Washington, D.C.1996 Panel Organizer and Chair, “The Conditions of Poetic Production and theJapanese Tradition,” and Roundtable Organizer and Chair, “New Perspectiveson Advanced Japanese Language Studies in Japan,” Annual Meeting of theAssocation for Asian Studies, Honolulu.1994 Panel Organizer and Panelist, Annual Meeting of the Association for AsianStudies, Boston. Panel title: “New Research on Traditional Japanese Poetry.”Paper title: “Allusion in memoriam: Fujiwara Teika’s Sotoba kuyø Poems.”1993 Invited speaker, Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies,Wesleyan University, February 25. “The Buried Tree: Allusion and Intertextualityin Traditional Japanese Poetry”

1471992 Invited speaker, East Asian Studies Colloquium, Stanford University, April13.“Approaches to Teaching The Tale of Genji.”1991 Speaker at Symposium on the Teaching of Advanced Japanese, sponsoredby the Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning, at Princeton University,November 8. “Ausaka no seki Revisited, or: Getting Over the Barrier”1991 Speaker at New England Japan Seminar, Wesleyan University, September21. “Utamakura, Meisho and the Waka Tradition.”1991 Speaker at Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Academy ofReligion, Barnard College, March 22. “The Five Obstructions (Goshø , itsutsu nosawari) as Waka Topos.”1991 Panelist at Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, NewOrleans, April 13. Panel title: “Childbirth, Child-death, and PoeticTranscendance: Creative Coping through Buddhist in Pre-Modern Japan.” Papertitle: “The Five Disabilities as Waka Topos.”1990 Panelist at New England Regional Meeting of the Association for AsianStudies, Smith College, October 13. Paper: “The Saishøshitennøin Poems andPaintings.”1990 Invited lecture, Japanese Seminar, Henry M. Jackson School of InternationalStudies, University of Washington. February 22. “Fujiwara Teika, theSaishøshitennøin, and the Poetics of Place.”1989 Speaker at “Workshop on Women and Buddhism in Pre-Modern Japan:Research Strategies For A Newly- Developing Field” organized by Institute forMedieval Japanese Studies, Columbia University, December 15-17. Deliveredpaper entitled “The Five Disabilities (goshø, itsutsu no sawari ) as Waka Topos”1988 Panelist, “Challenging the Canon in Traditional Asian Literatures,” atAnnual Meeting of the Modern Language Association, New Orleans, December29. Paper title: “The Buddhist Poetry of Senshi, The Kamo Priestess”Kamens vita 91988-89 Co-Organizer of “Word in Flower: The Visualization of ClassicalLiterature in Seventeenth Century Japan,” an exhibition at the Yale UniversityArt Gallery (show fall, 1989); with James Ulak and Carolyn Wheelwright.

1481986 Panelist, “Women and Creativity,” New England Women’s StudiesAssociation Annual Conference, Trinity College, Hartford. Paper: “Senshi, theKamo Priestess, andHer Poetry”DOCTORAL STUDENTS SUPERVISEDPatrick Caddeau, Ph.D. 1998 (Director of Studies, Forbes College, PrincetonUniversity)Randle Keller Kimbrough, Ph.D. 2000 (Assistant Professor, University ofColorado,Boulder)Takeshi Watanabe, Ph.D. 2005 (Research Associate, Yale University Art Gallery)Drake Langford (dissertation in progress)John Creamer (dissertation in progress)Amy Franks (dissertaton in progress)Christian Ratcliff (dissertation in progress)Robert Goree (admitted to candidacy)Brian Steininger (admitted to candidacy)DISSERTATION1982 The Three Treasures. A Study and Translation of Minamoto no Tamenori’sSanbøe. Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Yale University.

149Farhat HaqHome Address: 410 East BroadwayMonmouth, IL. 61462Home Phone: 309-734-5359Office Address: Political Science DepartmentMonmouth College, Monmouth, IL 61462Office Phone: 309-457-2189Office Fax: 309-457-2310Email: [email protected]:Ph.D. Cornell University, Department of GovernmentIthaca, New York. 1988.Major: Comparative Politics. Concentration:Public Policy and Development EconomicsM.A. Cornell University, Department of Government1983.B.A. SUNY at Fredonia, Department of Political Science(magna cum laude) 1980.Teaching appointments:Visiting Professor: 2002-2003, Summer 2004, Summer 2005, Summer 2006Lahore University of Management Science, Lahore, PakistanProfessor: Monmouth College, 1999-presentAssociate Professor: Monmouth College, 1993-1999Assistant Professor: Monmouth College, 1987-1993

150College Administration/Leadership Experience1998-Present Chair, Political Science Department, Monmouth College2006-2008 Elected member of the Executive Board, American Institute ofPakistan Studies2004-Present, Faculty Coordinator for Mellon Faculty Career Enhancementgrant ACM (Associated Colleges of Midwest, consortium of 14colleges)2003-Present, Coordinator, International Studies1997-2000 Chair, Faculty and Institutional Development Committeeresponsible for faculty development and institutional-widebudget process, Monmouth College1993-1994, Chair Faculty Senate, Monmouth College1989-1996, Elected four times to Monmouth College Faculty Senate1994-2001, Member, Midwest Faculty Seminar Advisory Board, UniversityOf Chicago: 1994-20011996-1997 Member, Executive Board, United Way of Warren County1994 Chair, Workshop on Diversity and General Education, DiversityInitiative conference funded by the Ford Foundation, Tucson,Arizona. October, 6th-9th1993, Coordinator, Curriculum Workshops for “Transforming theLiberal Arts Curriculum: Pluralism and Diversity in HigherEducation,” sponsored by the Ford Foundation and theAssociated Colleges of the MidwestPublications:“Militarism and Motherhood: Women of Lashkar-i-Tayyabia in Pakistan” Signs:Journal of Women and Culture. July, 2007.“Human Rights in Islam,” Andrew Nathan (ed.) Negotiating Culture and HumanRights, Columbia University Press, 2001, pp.243-257.\"Islam, the State and Politics of Gender in Pakistan,\"Muslim World, April, 1996, pp.158-175.\"Politics of Ethnic Mobilization: the Rise of the MQM in Pakistan,\"Asian Survey, November, 1994, pp.990-1004Honors, Grants and Fellowships:2002-2003, Fulbright Fellowship for Teaching and Research2003-2008, Illinois Humanities Council Road ScholarSummer 2001, Global Partners Fellowship to attend a two week long Seminar inTurkey on: “Religion, Politics and Gender”

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