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201Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Society“GIS and Spatial Knowledge Production for Neighborhood Revitalization:Negotiating State Priorities and Neighborhood Visions “ Journal of Urban Affairs2003, 25, 2: 139-157. (with Sarah Elwood)“Models for making GIS available to community organizations: Dimensions ofDifference and Appropriateness” Forthcoming in Public Participation GIS, W.Craig, T. Harries and D. Weiner (eds.), 2002. London: Taylor and Francis (with S.Elwood, E. Sheppard, R. McMaster, and S. McMaster)“Neighborhood environmental inventories on the Internet: Creating a new kindof community resource for Phillips Neighborhood.” CURA Reporter, 2001, vol.XXXI, 2, 20-26. (with Hilda Kurtz, Eric Sheppard and Bob McMaster)“Modes of GIS provision and their appropriateness for neighborhoodorganizations – examples from Minneaplis and St. Paul, Minnesota” Journal of theUrban and Regional Information Systems Association, vol. 12, 4, 2000, 45-58. (with S.Elwood, E. Sheppard, S. McMaster, and B. McMaster).“Alternative GIS-based methodologies for environmental exposure assessment”In Proceedings for GIScience 2000: 361-362. (with R. McMaster, E. Sheppard, H.Tian, J. Mattson)“GIS-based measures of environmental equity: Exploring their sensitivity andsignificance” Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 9, 1,1999, 18-28. (with Eric Sheppard, Bob McMaster and Hongguo Tian)“Examining environmental equity in Hennepin county and Minneapolis” CURAReporter, XXIX, 3, 1999, 1-8. (with Eric Sheppard, Bob McMaster, Sarah Elwoodand Hongguo Tian)“GIS and community based planning: Exploring neighborhood perspectives andneeds” Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 25, 2, 1998, 77-89. (withSarah Elwood)“GIS-based environmental equity and risk assessment: Methodological problemsand prospects” Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 24, 3, 1997, 172-189. (with Bob McMaster and Eric Sheppard)“A Research Agenda for GIS & Society”, UCGIS, June 1998( (with Bob McMaster and Eric Sheppard)NCGIA Workshop on “GIS and Society” Conference Proceedings, 3 positionpapers with Bob McMaster, Roger Miller and Eric Sheppard, 1996:“GIS and societal risk of hazardous materials” (p. 55-57)“I-19 Initiative proposal: position paper” (p. 58-59)“GIS analysis of toxic risk: efficiency, equity and ethics (p.76-78)Pedagogic and Methodological Work“Inserting Women’s Voices and Feminist Perspectives into an UndergraduateWorld Population Course.” In Encompassing Gender, M. M. Lay, J. Monk, and D.S. Rosenfelt (eds.), 2002.

202New York: The Feminist Press: 125-132.“Geography at Universitas Indonesia”. Consultant's Report for MUCIA-IndonesiaWorld Bank IX Education Project. 1987, 160 pp. (with E. Sheppard)“Der Kulturerdteil Orient als Lebensraum. Ein lernzielorientiertes thematischesUnterrichtsmodell für die 5. Klasse der AHS” In Schulgeographie im Wandel.Beiträge zur Neugestaltung des Geographieunterrichts in Österreich, Sitte W. and H.Wohlschlägl (eds.), 1975. Verlag A. Schendl, Wien, 187-236. (with H.Wohlschlägl) (The Islamic world: Human-environment relations and socio-economic change. A teaching model for the 9th grade)“Eine Pionierleistung zur Reform des Geographieunterrichts in den USA: Das`High School Geography Project” In Schulgeographie im Wandel. Beiträge zurNeugestaltung des Geographieunterrichts in Österreich, Sitte, W. und H. Wohlschägl(eds.), 1975. Verlag A. Schendl, Wien, 121-142. (The High School GeographyProject: A first attempt to reform geography teaching in the US)“Incorporating polytomous nominal variables in path analysis” In BremerBeiträge zur Geographie und Raumplanung, 8, 1987, 242-252. (with H. Wohlschlägl)“Measuring the 'Unmeasurable': The Analysis of Qualitative Spatial Data” edited withP. Nijkamp and N. Wrigley. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1985, 713 pp.“Qualitative spatial data analysis: A compendium of approaches” In Nijkamp, P.,H. Leitner and N. Wrigley (eds.), op. cit. (with P. Nijkamp and N. Wrigley), 1985,1-28.“Generalized path analysis for mixed geographic data” In Nijkamp, P., H.Leitner and N. Wrigley (eds.), op. cit. (with E. Sheppard and H. Wohlschlägl),371-397.)“Kausalmodelle mit Variablen unterschiedlichen Skalenniveaus und ihreTestung mit Hilfe der Verallgemeinerten Pfadanalyse” In Züricher GeographischeSchriften, Heft 1, 1981, 161-181.(with H. Wohlschlägl) (Generalized path analysis -a method for evaluating causal models when nominal, ordinal and interval dataare present)“Metrische und ordinale Pfadanalyse: Ein Verfahren zur Testung komplexerKausalmodelle in der Geographie” Geographische Zeitschrift, 68 Jg., Heft 2, 1980,81-106.(with H. Wohlschlägl) (Causal modeling and the application of pathanalysis in geographic research)Book Review Essays and Book ReviewsChauncy, G. Gay New York (Basic Books, New York, 1994) Collective book reviewessay together with the Minnesota Geography Reding Group. Gender, Place andCulture, 3, 1, 1996, 95-101.Beauregard, R. Voices of Decline. The Postwar Fate of US Cities. (BlackwellPublishers, Cambridge, MA, 1993). Reviewed in Antipode, 27, 2, 1995: 210-213.“Collective response: Social justice, difference and the city”. Environment andPlanning D: Society and Space, 10, 5, 1992: (Book review essay of I. M. Young

203Justice and the Politics of Difference (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1990)(together with the Minnesota Geography Reading Group)

204Stone, N. C. and H. T. Sanders (eds.), The Politics of Urban Development(University Press of Kansas, Kansas, 1987). Reviewed in The ProfessionalGeographer, 41, 1, 1989: 118-119.Castles St. with H. Booth and T. Wallace, Here for Good - Western Europe's NewEthnic Minorities (Pluto Press, London/Sydney, 1984). Reviewed in ContemporarySociology, 15, 3, 1986: 469-470.Fosler, R. S. and R. A. Berger (eds.), Public-Private Partnership in Americna Cities:Seven Case Studies (Lexington Books, Lexington MA, 1982). Reviewed inEnvironment and Planning C, 3, 3, 1985: 375-376.Weigand K., Chicano-Wanderarbeiter in Südtexas. Der gegenwärtige Situation derSpanisch sprechenden Bevölkerung dieses Raumes (Kieler Geographische Schriften,47, 1977). Reviewed in Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft,123, 1: 1981.PAPERS PRESENTED AT SCHOLARLY MEETINGS AND INVITEDLECTURESOver 100 invited lectures and research presentations at professional meetings,universities and public fora in the United States (numerous locations), Canada,United Kingdom (numerous locations), Germany (numerous locations),Netherlands, Austria (numerous locations), Denmark, Sweden, Czech Republic,South Africa, and Indonesia.OTHER PARTICIPATION AT SCHOLARLY CONFERENCESOrganizer, co-organizer, participant, and/or discussant at numerousprofessional meetings of the Association of American Geographers, SocialScience History Association, Urban Affairs Association, International StudiesAssociation, NSF Workshops, International Conference of Europeanists, NATOAdvanced Research Workshop, Center for Austrian Studies, Center for EuropeanStudies in addition to those cited above.RECORD OF TEACHING AND ADVISINGCourses taught at the University of MinnesotaUndergraduate: 3161, Europe3381, Population in an interacting world3371, Introduction to urban geography3970, The feminization of international refugee law3970, Immigration and xenophobia in EuropeUpper division/graduate: 5701, Field research methodology5606, Geographical perspectives on urban planning II5900, Human geography and social theory5900, International labor migration

2055900, Transnational migration and the politics of citizenship5900, International migration and the politics of immigration and xenophobia5900, Urban and regional development in Central Europe

206Graduate: 8102, The economy, the state and spatial development8002, Research Methods in Geography8980, Intra-urban migration and the decision to move8020, State intervention in urban and regional development8020, Urban property development8020, Geography of the service economy8310, Seminar in social and cultural geography8990, Foreign migrant populations in Germany8990, New cultural geography8990, Contested urban futureISEES seminar: Epistemologies and methods for the study of human-environment relationsField trips: Central Europe: FRG, GDR, Czechoslovakia and Austria:Comparative analysis of issues in urban and regional development in centrallyplanned and mixed market economiesPacific Northwest: Urban and regional development in the Pacific NorthwestCourses taught elsewhereTechnical Univ. Munich: Geographic perspectives on planning in the USACities of the Pacific NorthwestUniversity of Vienna: Aktuelle Probleme der Stadt- und Regionalentwickung inden USAGraduate advisees (all Ph.D. except those marked with *)D. Martin, Assistant Professor, Clark UniversityS. Elwood, Assistant Professor, University of ArizonaP. Ehrkamp, Assistant Professor, Miami UniversityL. McCarthy, Associate Professor, University of WisconsinP. Sabourin, Assistant Professor, Normandale College, Twin CitiesJ. Byers, Minneapolis Planning DepartmentU. Pillay, HSRC, Pretoria, South AfricaH. Kurtz, Asst. Prof. University of GeorgiaD. Maralack, Consultant, South AfricaM. Garner,* Minneapolis Planning DepartmentElisabeth Binder,* Network analyst for Austrian government agencyCurrent AdviseesK. Sziarto, Univ. of MinnesotaJ. Blecha, Univ. of MinnesotaJ. Gubsa, Univ. of MinnesotaA. Kiaga, Univ. of MinnesotaH. J. Jung, Univ. of MinnesotaJ. Horne, Univ. of Minnesota

207In addition I have served on 75 Ph.D. committees of graduate students fromgeography, sociology, political science, history, art history and women’s studiesParticipation in teacher training workshops

208National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA). DevelopingMethodologies for Evaluating the Efficacy of GIS for Community Organizations.Research grant Varenius Project. ($ 4,740) (with Susanna McMaster and SarahElwood), 1999.NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. Placing ethnic identities” withPatricia Ehrkamp, ($10,000),1999.US Department of Education FIPSE grant. The TIRES (Transnationalism,International migration, Race, Ethnocentrism and the State) ConsortiumExchange and Advanced Training Project” collaborative project with FloridaInternational University (US lead partner), University of Colorado, New YorkUniversity, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (EU lead partner), Universitede Liege, Institute d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Universiteit van Amsterdam. ($200,000), 2000-2003.U of M Graduate School Grant in Aid. Immigrants and sustainable communitiesin Rural Minnesota. ($ 18,000) (with Kathy Fennelly), 2001.Russell Sage Foundation. Immigrants in Small Town, Rural America: Immigrant-Host Society Relations and Identities in a Changing Environment. ($ 35,000)(with K. Fennelly), 2001.CLA, University of Minnesota. Sabbatical Fellowship, 2002.Center for German and European Studies (DAAD). Contested Urban Futures ($60,000) (with Eric Sheppard), 2001-2003.

209NSF Teacher Training Workshop, University of Memphis, Tennessee. Seminar onEurope, Memphis June 1994, 1995 and 1996.Center for European Studies, University of Minnesota. Annual Summer Instituteon European Studies: Conflict or Cooperation in Europe? June 1995. Europe andInternational Migration.Science Teacher Training Workshop on “Global Change”, University ofMinnesota. July 1992, Lecture and workshop on \"Urbanization in the ThirdWorld\".SERVICE RECORD (since 1988)UNIVERSITY SERVICEDEPARTMENT2003 Chair, Human Geography Search Committee1995-98 Director of Graduate Studies1994-97, 2000-01,03-04 Chair, Member, Graduate Educational Policy Committee1997-99 Member, Graduate Admissions CommitteeSpring 1995 Member, Search Committee for Director of Cartography LabSpring 1994 Chair, Strategic Planning Committee1993-95 Member, Visiting Faculty Committee1989, 91-92, 93, 96, 98 Chair, Member Awards Committee1991 Member, Geography Search Committee1990,93,94 Member, Visiting Faculty Committee1989-1991 Chair, member of the Graduate Educational Policy CommitteeCOLLEGE2000-01 Member, CLA Promotion and Tenure Committee2000-present Member of the Advisory Committee of the Center for German andEuropean Studies2003-present Member of the Advisory Committee of the Immigration HistoryResearch Center1999-2001 Director of Undergraduate Studies, IGS1998-present Member of the Advisory Committee of the Institute for GlobalStudies1998-99, 2001 Member, Search Committee, Department of History

2101998-99 Member CLA Course Review Committee1997-98 Co-chair, International Studies Task Force1998 Member, Search Committee, Department of Political Science1989-91, 95-97, 2003-present Member, CLA Assembly1990-91 Vice Chair, CLA Assembly1990-91, 95-96 Member, CLA Committee for Curriculum, Instr. and Advising1997-1998 Co-chair of the International Studies Task Force1994-1996 Member, Area Studies Advisory CommitteeChair, European Area Studies Steering Committee, Area Studies AdvisoryCommitteeFall 1991-1998 Member, Center for European Studies Advisory Committee1990-92 Member, Urban Studies Advisory Committee1989-90 Chair, Urban Studies Advisory Committee1989, 95 Member, Search Committee for Director of the Center for AustrianStudies1988-present Member, Austrian Studies Advisory Committee1988-1990 Member, German Studies Advisory CommitteeUNIVERSITY2000-2001 Member of the Executive Committee of the Center for Race, Ethnicityand Migration1999-2000 Member of the Graduate School Fulbright Fellowship Committee1998-present Faculty member in the MacArthur Program on Peace andInternational Cooperation1998-2001 Member of the MacArthur Fellow selection committee1998-2000 Member of Jane Adams School for Democracy1995-1998 Member, Graduate School Social Sciences Policy and Review Council1995-98 Member, University Senate1997-1999 Member of the Refugee Studies Center

2111998-2000 Member of the Institute for Social, Economic and EcologicalSustainability (ISEES)1992, 94-95 Member, Graduate School Fellowship CommitteeSpring & Summer 1990 Member, Task Force on Liberal Education1989-1993 Member, Senate Social Concerns Committee1985-1990 Member, Board of Directors of the State and Regional Research Center1985-1992 Member, Program in History and SocietyPROFESSIONAL SERVICEChair, AAG AAG Women and Gender Studies Awards Committee (2001-2002)Chair, AAG Urban Geography Specialty Group (1998-2000)Vice-chair, AAG Urban Geography Specialty Group (1997-1998)Editorial Advisory Board, the AAG Resource Publications Series (1995-present)Board of Directors, AAG Political Geography Specialty Group (1994-1997)Editorial Board of the journal Political Geography (1994-2001)Editorial Board of the journal Urban Geography (1992-present)Editorial Board of the journal Antipode (1992-2000)Dissertation Awards Committee, AAG Urban Geography Specialty Group (1990-93, 1997-1999)\"Best Student Paper\" Awards Committee of the AAG Political GeographySpecialty Group (1992 present)AAG Committee on International Research and Scholarly Exchange (1990-1996)Services as referee (in addition to the above):Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Environment and PlanningA, B and C, Political Geography, The Canadian Geographer, Transactions of theInstitute of British Geographers, The Professional Geographer, EconomicGeography, Cultural Geographies, Urban Geography, Social and CulturalGeography, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Journal of UrbanAffairs, University of Minnesota Press, Basil Blackwell Publishing, RutledgePublishers, Guilford Press, National Science Foundation, Social Science andHumanities Council of Canada.External evaluator: Ten cases of promotion and tenure or promotion to fullprofessor, external examinations of two Ph.D. thesesGRANTS, HONORS AND AWARDS(since 1988)

212University of Minnesota, Center for Western European Studies. MellonFoundation Grant for the development of a field research course for graduatestudents: “Comparative analysis of centrally planned and mixed marketeconomies and their impact on urban and regional development in CentralEurope”, 1989.University of Minnesota, Center for Eastern European Studies. Grant fordevelopment of a new course: “Eastern Europe: Geography and Society” (withEric Sheppard), 1989.Ford Foundation Grant. Foundations and Applications of the Social Sciences -Summer Institutes for Curricular Innovation. Development of a course on“Geographic perspectives on urban planning”, 1990.University of Minnesota, Graduate School Grant in Aid of Research. Immigrationpolicies in the New Europe. ($9,000), 1990-1991.University of Minnesota, Institute for International Studies. NationalEndowment for the Humanities Grant. Foreign Language Study Across theCurriculum. Development of a German language course on “The changing mapof Europe”, 1991.University of Minnesota. Bush Sabbatical Fellowship, 1992.US Department of Education. FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post-secondary Education) Grant for a collaborative project among scholars from theUniversity of Minnesota, University of Colorado, Universiteit Amsterdam,University College London, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn,and Universidad Autonoma Madrid for the development of courses-in-commonon ‘State policies, international migration, foreigners and xenophobia’.(SPIMFAX Program) and student exchange ($ 100,000) (with Bill Brustein), 1993-1995.University of Minnesota, Graduate School Grant-in-Aid. Competitive advantageand urban systems change: A cross-national evolutionary analysis.($10,000),1994-1995.Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA). Research grant for Communityenvironmental health and GIS application in Twin Cities neighborhoods.($12,000) (with Bob McMaster and Eric Sheppard), 1996.Social Science Research Council. Research planning grant for State policies,international migration, foreigners and xenophobia: An international researchand training consortium. ($5,700) (with Doug Kincaid and Alex Stepick,Sociology, Florida International University; John O’Loughlin and Lynn Staehli,Geography, U of Colorado, Boulder; Marty Schein, Political Science, New YorkUniversity; Roger Waldinger and Min Zhou, Sociology, UCLA; Ed Goetz, U ofM), 1997.National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA). Researchgrant for GIS-based environmental risk analysis in the Twin Cities. ($26,000)(with Bob McMaster and Eric Sheppard) 1996-1998.

213Center for Urban Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota. Assessing andmonitoring environmental hazards in the Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis”Interactive Research Grant, ($ 15,000) (with Bob McMaster and Eric Sheppard),1998-1999.

214University of Minnesota, Center for Western European Studies. MellonFoundation Grant for the development of a field research course for graduatestudents: “Comparative analysis of centrally planned and mixed marketeconomies and their impact on urban and regional development in CentralEurope”, 1989.University of Minnesota, Center for Eastern European Studies. Grant fordevelopment of a new course: “Eastern Europe: Geography and Society” (withEric Sheppard), 1989.Ford Foundation Grant. Foundations and Applications of the Social Sciences -Summer Institutes for Curricular Innovation. Development of a course on“Geographic perspectives on urban planning”, 1990.University of Minnesota, Graduate School Grant in Aid of Research. Immigrationpolicies in the New Europe. ($9,000), 1990-1991.University of Minnesota, Institute for International Studies. NationalEndowment for the Humanities Grant. Foreign Language Study Across theCurriculum. Development of a German language course on “The changing mapof Europe”, 1991.University of Minnesota. Bush Sabbatical Fellowship, 1992.US Department of Education. FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post-secondary Education) Grant for a collaborative project among scholars from theUniversity of Minnesota, University of Colorado, Universiteit Amsterdam,University College London, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn,and Universidad Autonoma Madrid for the development of courses-in-commonon ‘State policies, international migration, foreigners and xenophobia’.(SPIMFAX Program) and student exchange ($ 100,000) (with Bill Brustein), 1993-1995.University of Minnesota, Graduate School Grant-in-Aid. Competitive advantageand urban systems change: A cross-national evolutionary analysis.($10,000),1994-1995.Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA). Research grant for Communityenvironmental health and GIS application in Twin Cities neighborhoods.($12,000) (with Bob McMaster and Eric Sheppard), 1996.Social Science Research Council. Research planning grant for State policies,international migration, foreigners and xenophobia: An international researchand training consortium. ($5,700) (with Doug Kincaid and Alex Stepick,Sociology, Florida International University; John O’Loughlin and Lynn Staehli,Geography, U of Colorado, Boulder; Marty Schein, Political Science, New YorkUniversity; Roger Waldinger and Min Zhou, Sociology, UCLA; Ed Goetz, U ofM), 1997.National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA). Researchgrant for GIS-based environmental risk analysis in the Twin Cities. ($26,000)(with Bob McMaster and Eric Sheppard) 1996-1998.

215Center for Urban Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota. Assessing andmonitoring environmental hazards in the Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis”Interactive Research Grant, ($ 15,000) (with Bob McMaster and Eric Sheppard),1998-1999.

216Kriengsak Chareonwongsak33 Rama IX Road, Rama IX Soi 26Tel/Fax: 66-2-713 5550Bangkapi, HuayKwang,Bangkok 10310, THAILANDMobile (Assistant): 668-1776 8989Email: [email protected], [email protected]: http://www.kriengsak.comDr Kriengsak Chareonwongsak has extensive experience and expertise in policyformation, organizational restructuring, and critical analysis of economic andrelated issues. His directives are recognized as timely, applicable, andsustainable both internationally and in Thailand.1. Academic BackgroundDr Chareonwongsak studies have been completed in Thailand, Australia,Canada, and the USA, where he is currently at Harvard University.1972 - 1973 New Berlin High School, Wisconsin, USA (AFS Scholarship)1974 - 1978 Bachelor of Economics - First Class Honours & Top of the Class Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (AustralianGovernment Scholarship)1978 - 1981 Ph.D. in Economics, (1981) Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (MonashGraduate Scholarship)2007-2008 Post Doctoral Studies, University of OxfordSept 2003 - Joint State-Private Political Sector CourseSept 2004 The National Defense College of Thailand.May 2004 - Democratic Politics & Governance for High-Level Administrators,Feb 2005 College of Politics and Governance King PrachatipokInstitute,ThailandJuly 2005 Diploma, Conflict Management through Effective LeadershipUniversity Institute for Global Learning & Development Royal Roads

217 Victoria, British Columbia, CanadaOct 2005 - Certificate, Modern Management,Nov 2005 TheNational Defence College of ThailandNov 200 Certificate, Public Administration and Public LawJune 2006 College of Politics and Governance King Prachatipok Institute,ThailandJuly 2006 - Master of Public Administration,June 2007 Kennedy School of Government, Harvard UniversityCHAIRMAN, BOARD MEMBER, ADVISOR FOR INTERNATIONAL ANDNATIONAL LEVEL COMMITTEES AND GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS(Past, Selected)Advisor, The President of the National AssemblyAdvisor, Prime Minister of ThailandAdvisor to the Deputy Prime Minister of ThailandAdvisor, Vice Chairman of the SenateAdvisor, Commission on Senate Foreign AffairsAdvisor, Commission on Senate Privatisation of the State EnterprisedAdvisor, Commission on Senate Education, Religion, Arts and CultureAdvisor, Commission on Senate Science, Technology and EnergyAdvisor, Commission on Senate Public ParticipationAdvisor, Commission on the House of Representative Justice and Human RightsAdvisor, Commission on the House of Representative Foreign AffairsAdvisor, Ministerial Committee on International Economic PolicyAdvisor, Minister of DefenceAdvisor, Minister of Culture

218Board member, Executive Committee on Farmer Development Fund, Ministry ofAgriculture and CooperativesChairman, Committee on Study of International Competitiveness (1999),National Education CommissionVice Chairman, Political Reform Sub-Committee for Public Relations and PublicHearings, Appointed by the Prime Minister of ThailandBoard member, Committee on Promoting Democracy Campaign, Appointed bythe Prime Minister of ThailandBoard member, Sub-Committee on Science, Technology and Environment, The8th National Economic and Social Development Plan, Ministry of ScienceTechnology and EnvironmentBoard member, Executive Board on Curriculum Development for BasicEducation, Ministry of EducationBoard member, Sub-committee on Strategy for Improvement of National,Productivity, National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB)Board member, Institute Promotion Committee of Rajabhat Institute (atUbonratchathani)Board member, Advisory Committee on Development of AcademicAdministrative Systems, Rajabhat Institute (at Suan Dusit)Chairman, Opinion Research Workgroup on Thailand’s Political Systems,Committee on Political Reform1997 Constitution Drafting Committee, Culture SectionVice Chairman, Committee on Doctorate Program Education Administration,Naresuan UniversityBoard member, Board of Governors of Rajabhat Institute (at Pranakorn SriAyutthaya)Board member, Board of Governors of Rajabhat Institute (at Suan Sunandha)Advisor, National Committee on Social Security for Farmers, Ministry ofAgriculture and Cooperatives, Chair by a Deputy Prime Minister

219Advisor, National Committee on the Draft of the Vocational Education Act,Department of Vocational Education, Ministry of EducationCommittee Member, Cooperatives Financial Information Analysis, Departmentof Cooperative Auditing, Ministry of Agriculture and CooperativesCommittee Member, Study of Education in Thailand 2002, National EducationCommissionSub-Committee Member, Vocational Education Reform, Department ofVocational Education, Ministry of EducationAdvisor, Research Project on the Future of Public Health: Related CriticalDiseases and Illnesses and Health Care Issues in the Year 2000, Bureau of HealthPolicy and Planning, Ministry of Public HealthAdvisor, National Research Project: Directions for Health ManpowerDevelopment, Praboromarajchanok Institute of Health Manpower Development,Ministry of Public HealthAdvisor, Experimental Research Project: Guidelines for a Professional Code ofConduct for Civil Servants, Office of the Civil Service CommissionCurriculum Committee Member, Graduate Program in Community EducationDevelopment, Faculty of Education, Prince of Songkla UniversityCHAIRMAN, BOARD MEMBER, ADVISOR FOR INTERNATIONAL ANDNATIONAL LEVEL COMMITTEES AND GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS(Present, SelectedHonorary Advisor, Senate Commission on Labor and Social WelfareEminent Member, Education Council on Standard and Quality Assurance, Officeof the National Educational CommissionCommittee member, Curriculum Committee, Doctorate Program in EducationAdministration and Development, Mahasarakham UniversityAdvisory Chairman, Master of Business Administration (M.B.A) Program,Rajabhat University (at Suan Sunandha)Chairman, Master of Business Administration (M.B.A) Program, Far EasternUniversity

220Board member, Board of Governors of Rajabhat University (at Pranakorn SriAyutthaya)Board member, Board of Governors of Rajabhat University (at Nakhorn Pathom)Board member, Board of Governors of Rajabhat University (at Lampang )Board member, Committee on Study of National Competitiveness, The ThaiChamber of CommerceHonorary Member, Ansted University Advisory CouncilADVISOR / CONSULTANT / BOARD MEMBER IN NON-GOVERNMENTAND SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS (Present, Selected)Honorary President, The Thai-Australian Association under The Patronage ofH.R.H. The Crown Prince (TAA)President, Social Science Association of ThailandPresident, Vadhana District Culture Council of ThailandChairman, Dunamis FoundationPatronage, Professor Dr Kriengsak Chareonwongsak FoundationAdvisory, Federation of Private Schools AssociationAdvisor, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)Committee member, 2009 Rotary International Convention Bidding CommitteeADVISOR / CONSULTANT / BOARD MEMBER IN NON-GOVERNMENTAND SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS (Past, Selected)President, Rotary Club of BangkokPresident, The Thai-Australian Association under The Patronage of H.R.H. TheCrown Prince (TAA)Vice Chairman, The Writer’s Association of Thailand

221Advisor, Media Liaison System Executive Committee, International RotaryAdvisor, Media Liaison System Executive Committee, Rotary District 3350Committee member, Board of Assumption Alumni AssociationBoard of Governors, Bangkok Patana International SchoolBoard member, Institute of Internal Auditors of ThailandCommittee member, Public Relations Committee, Rotary District 3350PAST PROFESSIONAL POSITIONSMarch 2005 – February 2006Member of Parliament (Party List), Democrat Party • Vice-Chairman, Standing Committee on Economic Development, The House of Representatives • Chairman, The Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Macroeconomic and International Economics, The House of Representatives • Sub-committee on Agricultural Economics Development , The House of Representatives • Specific Committee on Examination of Draft of the UbonratchathaniUniversity Act, B.E.***, The House of Representatives • Specific Committee on Examination of Draft of the Mahidol UniversityAct, B.E.***, The House of RepresentativesSeptember 2001 – September 2005Member of the National Economic and Social Advisory Council (ESAC)• Chairman, Education, Religion, Arts and Culture Commission , ESAC • Vice Chairman, Economic, Commerce and Industry Commission, ESAC1985 - 2005Executive Director, Institute of Future Studies for Development, Bangkok,Thailand

2221981 – 1984Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, KasetsartUniversity, ThailandSEMINAR TOPICS AND TRAINING COURSES GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC(Selected)Thai Economy and Society:• A New Economic Plan: The Mid-Stream Approach• A Vision of Caring for the Elderly: Preparing the Elderly to Enter the 21stCentury• Crisis in Thai Society in the 21st Century• Outcomes of WTO stipulations on Thai agricultural exports• Strategic Problem Solving: An Indicator of Government Competence• The court and the current condition of the Thai economy• Thai Economics, Society and Politics in the 21st Century• The Effects of Liberalization and Globalization on the Thai EconomyPublic Sector Policy and Administration:• Criticism and Proposals for Electing Thai Senators: Analysis Using the MonteCarlo• Model• Effects of Economic and Social Problems vs Efficiency and Moral Problems• Good Governance in the Thai Public Sector• Good Urban Governance : An Urban group Role• How Thais Can Preserve National Resources• Preparations for Privatizing Government Offices• Public and Private Businesses : Competition on the Global Stage• Role Amendment Considerations for the Ministry of Transport andCommunications• The Government Sector in the Age of GlobalizationHuman Resource Development:• Directions and Policies for an Increase of Productivity in Thailand• Importance of HRD for Industry in the New MillenniumKnowledge and Thinking:• Creative Thinking• Systematic Thinking• Ten Thinking Strategies for Executives• The New Challenge of “Knowledge” for Thailand in the 21st Century• Theory of Knowledge and Grassroots Wisdom• A Vision for Academic Excellence: A Desirable Picture for Thai Universities

223• Concepts in Education Reform: Guidelines for the Educated Man of the 21st• Century• Education Strategies for the Development of Thailand in the 21st Century• Education and Thai Economic Development• Intellectual Strategy : The Way to Rescue the Nation in The 21st Century• The Current Reform of Private Schools• The Reform of Individuals• Twelve Year Educational Management PlanningManagement-Leadership:• Management Principles and Techniques in the Globalized and LiberalizedWorld• Personality Development for Success• Roles and Characteristics of Executives in the Age of Globalization• Roles of the Modern Manager• Teamwork for Success• Time Management• Vision for Developing Thai Society and Public Sector Organizations• Vision of Local Development for Rajabhat University, Suan SunandhaTHAILAND’S REPRESENTATIVE ATINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES (Selected)rd Annual Asian Liberty Forum: Pathways to Liberty and Free Markets in Asia,Atlas Economic Research Foundation in collaboration with The FriedrichNaumann Foundation,Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia, September 2006Regional Seminar for Parliaments from South-East Asia and the Asia-Pacificregion : Security sector reform in the national and regional contexts, TheNational Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Inter-ParliamentaryUnion in cooperation with the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control ofArmed Forces, Phuket, Thailand, September 2006Bertelsmann Stiftung: First Meeting, Global Policy Council, Berlin, Germany,June,2006The 6th Doha Forum on Democracy, Development and Free Trade, Doha, theState of Qatar, April 2006The 14th Annual Meeting of The Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF),Jakarta, Indonesia, January 2006Smart Partnership International Dialogue, Ezulwini, Swaziland, August, 2003

224The Non-Aligned Movement’s Business Forum on South-South Cooperation(held in conjunction with the XIII Non-Aligned Movement Summit), KualaLumpur, Malaysia, 2003The International Conference on “Japan and Asia : Prospects for EconomicCooperation in the3 21st Century”, Dongda, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2003Bertelsmann Foundation 25th Anniversary Symposium : Transforming OurWorld Building Democracy, Germany, March 2002Carl Bertelsmann Prize 2001 Shaping Change-Strategies of Transformation,Germany, September 2001Young Leaders of Europe / Asia Summit, Korea , October, 2000Asia-Europe Forum on Culture in the Cyber Age, Korea, October 2000Academia Sinica Symposium on Experiences and Challenges of EconomicDevelopment in Southeast and East Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2000The Symposium on Experiences and Challenges of Economic Development inSoutheast and East Asia, Taiwan, October 2000Southeast Asia Towards the New Century Seminar, Beijing, September 2000Sustaining a Globalized World, Hoechst Triangle Forum, Center for AppliedPolicyResearch (CAP), University of Munich, New York, July 2000Building Sustainability in a Globalized World, Decision Makers 2010, HongKong,June 2000New Uncertainties, New Tools: Scenarios for the Future of the Asia Pacific, TheNautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development (USA), Hong Kong,November 1999Hoechst Triangle Forum 1999, Frankfurt, Germany, September 1999Decision Makers 2010-Defining Tomorrow’s Agenda, Frankfurt, Germany, May1999

225The Ninth General Assembly of the World Future Society, Washington DC, USA,May 1999International Money & Investment Forum, Athens, Greece, July 1998Asia-Europe Young Leaders Symposium III, Austria, May 1999Young Leaders of Europe / Asia Summit, Austria , May, 1998Asia-Europe Young Leaders Symposium II, Austria, May 1998ACADEMIC PAPERS PUBLISHED IN FOREIGN JOURNALS (Selected)Kriengsak Chareonwongsak (2006). Values Education in Thailand: Preparationfor Globalization, outcome of Academic Seminar for Values Education forCitizens in the New Century, (p319-345). Hong Kong : Hong Kong Institute ofEducational Research, The Chinese University Press.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2005). The Transformation of Thai VocationalEducation Schools into Learning Organizations: An Assessment of Impact onTeacher, Preceedings of the ICLORD2005 19th International Conference, KingMongkut Institute of Technology Thonburi Thailand (KMUTT) in collaborationwith All India Association for Educational Research India (AIAER), p. 141-152.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak; Akarathood Paul Chareonwongsak. (2005). ADevelopment Gap in the GMS, in Jorn Dosch, Colin Durkop & Nguyen XuanTrang (Eds.), Economic and Non-traditional Security Copperation in the GreaterMekong Subregion(GMS). (p.13-18). Singapore : Singapore Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2002). Globalization and Technology: How WillTheyChange Society ?, Technology in Society, (24), p. 191-206.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2001). Effect of TV Talk Shows on Knowledge andAttitudes, Asian Culture Quarterly, 29(1), p. 43-60.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2001). From Government-controlled to Market-driven:The Case of Thailand's In-service Teacher Development, in Yin Cheong Cheng,King Wai Chow, Kwok Tung Tsui (Eds.). New Teacher Education for the FutureInternational Perspectives. (p. 187-218). The Hong Kong Institute of Education,Kluwer Academic Publishers.

226Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2001) How Would E-learning Improve Thailand'sWorkforce? A Proposal for the Concept of CELD Model, Proceedings of theInternational Conference on Technology and Vocational-Technical Education:Globalisation and Future Trends, 1, Faculty of Education, University KebangsaanMalaysia in conjunction with Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO, p.166-175.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2001, July). Evaluating Government Policy inResponse to the Thai Economic Crisis, PROSEA Research Paper No.48, Taiwan :PROSEA and the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2000, May). Deficient Human ResourceDevelopment :A Major Cause of Thailand's Economic Crisis, Asian Infrastructure ResearchReview, Second Issue 2(1), School of Civil Engineering, Asian Institute ofTechnology, p. 17-22.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2000, February). Reshaping Universities for theFuture,Foresight, (Vol.02, No.01), Camford Publishing Ltd., p.113-123.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (1999, December). Globalisierte GesellschaftenDramatische Umwalzungen im nachsten Jahrzehnt., Internationale Politik, (p.35-42).Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (1999). Accessing BD Resources Access to GeneticResources in Thailand: Past, Present and Future. In Divided over Thailand'sBiodiversity Policy, A 1999 CETDEM Report, September. p.41-49Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (1998). Coaching : A Method of Sustainable HumanDevelopment, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Sustainable HumanResource and Community Development in Asia and the Pacific. Thailand :Kasetsart University.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (1996). Decade of Growth in the Thai Economy(1985-1994). South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences,Winter1996(19), (p.1-12). the Faculty of Economic and Management SciencesUniversity of Pretoria.

227Academic papers published in Thai journals (Selected):Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2001, June). Proposals of Research Strategy forLawReform, Journal of Bot-Bundit, 57(2), pp. 71-91.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2001). New Paradigm of Training the GovernmentOfficers: From Monopoly to Marketing Mechanism-Based Competition, ThaiJournal of Development Administration, 41(1), pp. 87-104.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2001, April). New Technology and Problem ofUnemployment in Thailand, Journal of KMITL, 9(1), pp. 35-41.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2001, January – June). How can Thais Maintain theNational Interest?, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 27(3), pp. 9-36.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2000, April – June ). Thai Political Landscape in theYear 2000, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 17(3), pp. 30-48.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2000). New Challenge of Knowledge for Thailandin the21st Century, Thai Journal of Development Administration, 40(2), pp. 47-63.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (1997, October – December). Analysis of theGovernment Officer’s Merit and Capability in View of Theory of OrganizationalPersonnel Behavior, Thai Journal of Development Administration, 37(4), pp. 93-110.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2002). Education Reform: Based on FundamentalPolicy of the State, In Kanoksak Kaewthep & Nuannoi Trirat (Eds.), FundamentalPolicies of the State: 5 Years of Thai Constitution. (p.64-159). Thailand : TheStudy Center of Political Economics, Faculty of Economics ChulalongkornUniversity and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (2002, November). Thais’ Positive Values ofWorkingand Increasing Economic Competitiveness: Importance and Basic Indicators, InDirek Pattamasiriwat & Patchrin Sirasunthorn (Eds.), Thais’ Culture of Learning,(p. 38-84). Faculty of Humanity and Social Science, Naresuam University.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. (1999). Supplementary Proposals of AcademicSeminar for Determining the Pattern of Integrative Research Plan/Project toAchieve the Goal of “Peaceful Country, Outcome of Academic Seminar for

228determining the pattern of integrative research plan/project to achieve the goalof Peaceful Country,(p8/1-8/24). Thailand : National Council of Research.BOOKS :more than 100 titles currently available for sale, some of which are best sellersBooks on Strategic Planning, Public Policy and Long Term National FutureScenario Development (In Thai, Selected)• A Strong Society : Guidelines to Building a Virtuous Society• A Unified Pluralistic Society : Unity in Diversity• Discovery for a Nation : A Conceptual Framework for a National ResearchAgenda• Educated Man in the 21st Century : Guidelines to Education Reform• Full Cycle Reform : Towards a Golden Age in Thailand• Future Aspirations : A Vision of Thailand Over the Next Two Decades• How to paralyze corruption• Intellectual Breakthrough : Reflections on the Thai Educational Crisis• Molding Intellects : A Strategy for National Education Reform• Open the World of Thinking: Political Reform• SLE’s Not SME’s : The Future of Thai Business• Thailand in the Year 2017 : The Future of Thailand over the Next Two Decades• The Fifth Wave : A Wisdom-Based Society• The Future of Thai Leaders in the Next Two Decades• Universities at the Crossroads: Vision for Thailand’s Universities of the FutureBooks on Analysis of Thai Social, Economic and Political Factors in Relation toThailand’ S Economic and Social Development (In Thai, Selected)• A Villainous Society : Strategy for Social Destabilization• Bangkok : A livable City• Heavenly Sounds in Thai Politics: Analysis of People's Thoughts about ThaiPolitics• Insights into Thailand's Post-Crisis Economy• Reflections on the Economy : An economist’s View of Thailand’s Recent Past• Media Watch : A Call for Media Reform• Thai Culture Paradigms : The Cause of Economic Recession• Mid-stream Economic Policy: Direction for the Thai Economy in the Future• Full Cycle Reform: Towards A Golden Age in Thailand• The Fifth Wave, A Wisdom-Based Society: A Desirable Society for Thailand inthe 21st• Century”The Fifth Wave, A Wisdom-Based Society: A Desirable Society forThailand in• the 21st Century”• Communitarianism: An Avenue towards Stronger Communities

229• Open the World of Thinking: Political Reform• Open the World of Thinking: Looking at the Thai Senate• Educated Man in the 21st Century: Guidelines to Education ReformBooks on Personal Management and Development (Selected)• A Treasure Trove for Thinkers: A Guidebook of Thinking Skills• At the Forefront: Life Characteristics as Keys toward Success• Learning : The Way to Success• The Great Man: Life Characteristics for a Sustainable Successful Life• Time Management for Success• Strategic Thinking• Integrative Thinking..• Applicative Thinking• Comparative Thinking• Conceptual Thinking• Analytical Thinking• Critical Thinking• Creative Thinking• Synthesis-Type Thinking• Futuristic ThinkingBooks on Analysis of Thai Social, Economic and Political Factors in Relation toThailand’ s Economic and Social Development ( In English)• Insights into Thailand’s Post-Crisis Economy• Reflections on The Economy : An Economist’s View of Thailand’s Recent Past• Critiquing Thaksin’s PoliciesBooks Translated into Thai Language• Bill Gates Speaks: Insight from the World’s Greatest Entrepreneur, by JanetLowe• Jack Welch Speaks: Wisdom Form The World’s Greatest Business Leader, byJanet Lowe• Oprah Winfrey Speaks: Insight From The World’s Most Influential Voice, byJanet Lowe• Ted Turnner Speaks: Insight From The World’s Greatest Maverick, by JanetLowe• Warren Buffett Speaks: Insight From The World’s Greatest Investor, by JanetLoweBooks Translated into English Language

230• In Memory of the State Visits of His Majasty the King, by Her Majesty QueenSirikitTEACHING & RESEARCH EXPERIENCE AT UNIVERSITIES / INSTITUTES(Selected)Faculty of Economics and Politics, Monash University, Melbourne, AustraliaIMPACT Research Centre, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, AustraliaTelecom Australia, Melbourne, AustraliaEastern College, Pennsylvania, USADepartment of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,Kasetsart University, Bangkok, ThailandASEAN Agriculture Development Planning Centre, Bangkok, ThailandAssumption University, Bangkok, ThailandAir Command and Staff College, Institute of Higher Education, Bangkok,ThailandChiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, ThailandDhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, ThailandFaculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, ThailandFaculty of Education, King Mongkut Institute of Technology, Lat Krabang,Bangkok, ThailandInstitute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Salaya, ThailandKhon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, ThailandMahidol University, Bangkok, ThailandNational Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Bangkok, ThailandPathumthani University, Thailand

231Rajabhat University, Chiang Mai, ThailandSuranaree Technology University, Nakorn Rajasrima, ThailandSaint John’s University, ThailandWong Chawalitkul University, Nakorn Rajasrima, ThailandPROFESSIONAL TEACHING EXPERIENCE AT GRADUATE LEVEL (Selected)Behavioral CommunicationBusiness EthicsCommunication Skills in ManagementCorporate Leadership SkillsEconometricsEconomics of EducationForecasting Techniques and Futures Research MethodologyFuture StudiesHuman Resource Development AdministrationIncome Distribution TheoryInternational Economics and FinanceManagerial EconomicsManaging Corporate ChangeManaging Non-profit OrganizationsMathematical Economics TheoryMicroeconomicsOrganizational DevelopmentQuantitative Approach to EconomicsResearch Methodology for Social SciencesTheory of Knowledge: Globalization & Local WisdomThinking Skills for Educational AdministrationPROFESSIONAL TEACHING EXPERIENCE AT UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL(Selected)Economic DevelopmentEconomic StatisticsLabor EconomicsMacroeconomicsMicroeconomics

232COLUMNIST FOR MORE THAN 30 MAJOR THAI AND ENGLISHMAGAZINES ANDDAILY NEWSPAPERS (Past and Present, Selected)At Office MagazineBangkok PostBusiness DayEducation TodayEdutainmentJob TodayLiving in ThailandMatichonMother and ChildSawasdee KrungthepSiam DhurakijSiam-RatSiamsewana website ( & BusinessThe ExecutiveThe Straits Times, SingaporeThe PropertyUpgrade MagazineWattajakSPEAKER AND REGULAR GUEST ON OVER 700 WEEKLY RADIOBROADCASTSAND PROGRAMS (Past and Present, Selected)Investors Guide Online (FM 97.0 MHz)Economic Life (FM 92.0 MHz and AM 1161 KHz)Towards Success (FM 92.0 MHz and AM 1161 KHz)Open the World of Thinking with IFD (FM 92.0 MHz and AM 1161 KHz)Opening the Sky with Thai Airways International (FM 94.0 MHz)Krungtep 2000 (Bangkok 2000) (Fm 97.5 MHz )Vision Management (Fm 96.0 MHz )Critique of the week (Fm 100.5 MHz )

233MEMBERSHIP IN ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONSAssociation for Public Policy Analysis & Managemant (APPAM)Australian Studies Centre (ASC), Kasetsart UniversityInstitute of Internal Auditors of Thailand (IIA)International Advisory Panel for NAM Business Council, KualaLumpur,MalaysiaNetworking Member of CPTM (Commonwealth Partnership for TechnologyManagement Limited)Phi Delta Kappa, Thailand ChapterSocial Science Association of ThailandSingapore-Thai Chamber of CommerceThai-Australian Technological Services Centre (TATSC)Thailand International Parliamentarians Friendship GroupThailand-Australia Parliamentarians Friendship GroupThailand-China Parliamentarians Friendship GroupThailand-Germany Parliamentarians Friendship GroupThailand-Peru Parliamentarians Friendship GroupThailand-Singapore Parliamentarians Friendship GroupThai University Research Association (TURA)UNESCO’s Asia-Pacific Centre of Education Innovation for Development(ACEID)World Future SocietyMEMBERSHIP IN NON-GOVERNMENT AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONSAssumption Alumni AssociationForeign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT)Institute of Management DevelopmentInstitute of Internal Auditors of ThailandRotary Club of BangkokSocial Science Association of ThailandThai-Australian Association Under The Patronage of HRH The Crown Prince(TAA)Thai-Australian Technological Services Centre (TATSC)Thai Returnees of The AFS AssociationThe Writer’s Association of ThailandThe Association of Producess and Distributor for Education Media andTechnologyThai-Australian Association Under The Patronage of HRH The Crown Prince(TAA)

234Vadhana District Culture Council of ThailandHONORS AND AWARDSAmerican Field Service Scholarship, USA, 1972Thai Government Scholarship under the Colombo Plan Scholarship, 1973Scholarship for Doctoral Studies from Monash University, Australia, 1977Shield of Honor for Work Achievements, Asia-Pacific Association ofManagement Consultants, Singapore, 1990First Place Winner for Most Excellent Speech of the Year, Annual Speech Contest,Toastmasters Club, Thailand, 1995First Place Winner for the Most Excellent Speech of the Year, 2nd Pan South EastAsia District Convention 1995, Toastmasters Club, Indonesia,1995Outstanding Thesis Award, The National Defence College of Thailand, 2004THAI ROYAL DECORATIONKnight Commander (Second Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown ofThailandCommander (Third Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White ElephantHe is Executive Director of the Institute of Future Studies for Development (IFD)in Bangkok. The IFD focuses on interdisciplinary future studies contributing tonational and human resource development. He teaches business, finance andeconomics at the graduate level of several universities. He was an advisor to aformer Prime Minister of Thailand and has held positions on various policy-making boards such as the Eighth Planning Committee of the NationalEconomics and Social Development Board. He has authored over fifity books,hosted several TV talk-shows series and is heard frequently on the radio. Hisperspectives are often highlighted in interviews carried by a wide variety ofmedia sources in Thailand and overseas.

235Kala SaravanamuthuQualificationsPhD (Business & Management, South Australia); MSc. (Management Studies,Durham, UK); B. Acc (Hons) (University of Malaya).ContactEmail: [email protected] 02 6773 3276 (or +61 2 6773 3276 overseas)Fax: 02 6773 3148AffiliationsCA (Australia)CPA (Malaysia)CMAAreas of TeachingManagement Accounting; Management control systems; Research methods.Research interestsInteraction between sustainable (management) practices and accounting.Implications of above for management control systems, the labour process, andenvironmental management.Research on sustainability toolkit may be accessed at (by research area)1] Sustainable development: formulating appropriate information managementsystems1.1] K. Saravanamuthu, (2008) \"Gandhian-Vedic emancipatory accounting:engendering a spiritual revolution in the interest of sustainable development\",Advances in Public Interest Accounting, vol 13, pp. 177-236.1.2] _, (2007) \"Accounting and global warming: identifying and assessing thesustainability of management practices through risk discourse\", AmericanAccounting Association annual meeting, Chicago, USA.1.3] \"Foundation principles governing accounting: Revisiting the representationof Business activities\", in (Eds.) Mudacumura, G., Mebratu, D., and Haque, M.S.,Sustainable Development; Policy and Administration, Taylor and Francis, BocaRaton, Florida, pp. 611-633.1.4] _, (2006) \"Gandhian-Vedic paradigm: theorising sustainable development\",in Methodological Issues in Accounting Research: Theories and Methods, (Ed.)Zahirul Hoque, London: Spiramus.

2361.5] \"Emancipatory accounting and sustainable development: a Gandhian-Vedictheorisation of experimenting with truth\", Journal of Sustainable Development,2006, 14, pp. 234-44.1.6] _ (2005) \"Benchmarking: fragmenting public policy\", in InternationalPerspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility, Vol.I, in (Eds.) Crowther D. andJatana, R. Ansted University Press, Penang, pp. 67-96. ISBN: 81-7881-416-1.1.7] _ (2005) \"Reflexive modernisation through Gandhi's satyagrahicaccountability: a search for sustainable practices in the South Australian citrusindustry\", Critical management studies conference, University of Cambridge,UK, July 3 to 6.1.8] _ and Howie, H., (2005) \"Searching for practices that have a less detrimentalimpact by engaging stakeholders in risk dialogue\". Workshop paper presentedat 15th International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements' OrganicWorld Congress on \"Shaping sustainable systems\", Sept 20-23, Adelaide,Australia.1.9] \"What is measured counts: Harmonized corporate reporting and sustainableeconomic development\", Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Vol. 15, No. 3,April 2004, pp. 295-302.1.10] Item [3.2] below falls into the sustainability and Information Systemscategory.2] Accounting education:2.1] _ with Tony Tinker, (forthcoming) \"Ethics in education: Chinese Learner andpost-Enron ethics\", Critical Perspectives on Accounting.2.2] _ (forthcoming) \"Reflecting on the Biggs-Watkins theory of the ChineseLearner\", Critical Perspectives on Accounting.2.3] _ (2004) \"Gold-collarism in the Academy: the dilemma in transforming beancounters into knowledge consultants\", Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 15,pp. 587-607.2.4] and Steven Filling, (2004) \"A critical response to managerialism in theAcademy\", Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 15, pp.437-452.2.5] _ and Tony Tinker, (2002) \"The University in the New Corporate World\",Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Vol. 13, No. 5/6, October, pp. 545-554 (doi:10.1006/cpac.2002.0551).3] Information Systems (sole authored unless otherwise stated):3.1] _, \"Information technology and ideology\", Journal of InformationTechnology, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2002, pp. 79-87 (doi: 10.1080/02683960210145977).3.2] _, \"Political lacuna in participatory systems design\", Journal of InformationTechnology, 2002, 17, pp. 185-98.(doi:10.1080/0268396022000017743).4] Management and workplace relations (sole authored unless otherwise stated):4.1]_, (2005) \"Benchmarking: a socio-economic interrogation of its global-localdisconnect\", 2005, Critical Perspectives on International Business, Vol 1, No. 1,pp. 20-42.

2374.2] _ and Tony Tinker, (2003) \"Politics of managing: the dialectic of control\".Accounting, Organizations and Society, 28, pp. 37-64.1.Wu, Chen-Fong (2004/11/21-2004/11/23). Governance Ethics in the Public andPrivate Sectors:2003 SARS in Taiwan as the Target. Ansted University,2ndInternational Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility. °¨¨Ó¦è¨ÈÂb«°.2.Wu, Chen-Fong (2004/6/24-2004/6/26). The Concept of ¡§The Customer asGod¡¨ in Marketing Ethics¡GIdentifying Yuan~Feng Industrial Co., in Taiwan asthe Target. Twente University, 17th EBEN Annual Conference¡GEthics andEntrepreneurship. ²üÄõ.3.Wu, Chen-Fong (2003/9/3-2003/9/5). The Study of Global Business Ethics ofTaiwanese MNES in East Asia. London Metropolitian University,Conference onSocial Responsibility.16, Wu, Chen-Fong (1996/11/1-2006/11/1). Does the EAST Differ from theWEST to HACKa Way through the Ethical Jungle?.,Proceeding of the World Business EthicsForum.

238Khaliq Dad MalikChairman, Department of Arabic,University of the Punjab, Lahore, PakistanEducational Qualifications:M.A. Arabic. 1st Division (Gold Medalist), 1985.M.A. Urdu Language & Literature, 1996.Ph.D. Arabic. Punjab University, 1991.Al-Shahada Al-Almiyya (Equal to M.A. Islamic Studies and M.A. Arabic, 1986Diploma in Teaching Arabic to non Speakers, King Saud University,Riyadh, K.S.A (1st Position), 1999.TEACHING EXPERIENCE:1. Lecturer in Arabic Language & Literature, Arabic Department, Punjab University, from 24.10.1987 to 18.07.19952. Assistant Professor in Arabic Department, Punjab University from 18.07.1995 to 01-12-2000.3. Associate Professor in Arabic, Punjab University from 01-12-2000 to date.4. Professor of Arabic, Punjab University, Lahore from 25/07/2004 to date.5. Visiting Professor Ulma Academy, Punjab Aoqaf, Lahore 1990-98, 2001-2006.6. Workshop tutor, Arabic teachers training programme, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, 1992 – 1997, 2001-2005.7. Part-time Lecturer (Arabic), workshop of Master Trainers of Middle Schools,Directorate of Staff Development, Govt. of the Punjab, Education Department,1994.8. Visiting Professor, Minhaj University, Lahore.LITERARY CONTRIBUTIONS:1. Contributed more than Twenty-five referred research articles to the variousresearch Journals of national and International repute.2. Compiled Fourteen Authenticated books on various subjects of Arabiclanguage & literature.

2393. Has broadcasted number of programmes on Radio and TV on various topicspertaining to Islamic and Arabic studies.4. Thirty Five Theses of M.A. Arabic (Punjab University) Completed under mysupervision.5.Four Ph. D. Theses have been completed & submitted under my supervision.6. Five Ph.D. Students are doing their research work under my supervision.DISTINCTIONS9. Gold Medal in F.A. (Sargodha Board)10. Gold Medal in M.A. (Punjab University)11. 1st Position in “Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching Arabic for non Arabic Speaker” King Saud University, Riyadh, K.S.A. 1999LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY1. Urdu, Arabic, English, Punjabi, Persian.MEMBERSHIP OF LEARNED SOCIETIES1. Member, Board of Studies in Arabic, University of the Punjab, Lahore.2. Member, Board of Faculty, Islamic & Oriental Learning, Punjab, University, Lahore.3. Secretary General, Al-Majma-al-Arabi-Al-Pakistani.Lahore.4. Asstt. Editor “Journal” of Pakistan Arabic Academy: Lahore.5. Editor, Journal of Al-Ahibba, Lahore.6. Asstt. Editor, Oriental College, Magazine, Punjab University, Lahore.7. Asstt. Editor, Research Journal, Faculty of Islamic & Oriental Learning, Punjab University, Lahore.8. Finance Secretary, Universal League of Islamic Literature, Pakistan Bureau, Lahore.

240MEMBERSHIP OF LEARNED SOCIETIES1. Member Board of Studies in Arabic, University of the Punjab, Lahore.2- Member Board of Faculty, Islamic & Oriental Learning, Punjab University,Lahore.3- Secretary General, \"Pakistan Arabic Academy\" Lahore.4- Editor \"Journal of Pakistan Arabic Academy\" Lahore.5- Editor, \"Journal of Al-Ahibba\", Lahore.6- Assistant Editor, \"Oriental College Magazine\" Punjab University, Lahore.7- Assistant Editor, \"Research Journal\" Faculty of Islamic & Oriental Learning,Punjab University, Lahore.8- Assistant Editor, \"Qafila-E-Adab-e-Islami\" Universal League of IslamicLiterature, Lahore..9- Finance Secretary, Universal League of Islamic Literature, Pakistan Bureau,Lahore.10- Member executive, Klass Homoeo Lab, Gawalmandi, Lahore.11- Homoeo Medical Practitioner & Member Executive, Pakistan Medical Centre,Multan Road, Lahore.

241KIYMET TUNCA Ç[email protected] Üniversite YılLisansİşletme BölümüMarmara Üniversitesi 1990Yüksek LisansMuhasebe ve FinansmanMarmara Üniversitesi 1996DoktoraSosyal Bilimler Enst. Marmara Üniversitesi 2002Doktora S. ÇalışmaMuhasebe,BankacılıkMetropolitian Üniversitesive F. Sistemler2004EğitimAkademik ÜnvanlarÖğretim Gör.İİBF Trakya Üniversitesi 1998Yrd.Doç. DrİİBF Trakya Üniversitesi 2002DoçentİİBF Trakya Üniversitesi 2007İdari GörevlerHavsaMeslek Yüksekokulu Müdürü - Trakya UniversitesiTicaret Hukuku BölümBaşkanı Trakya Üniversitesi Senato ÜyesiYönetilen Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora TezleriBeyaz Peynir Üretim İşletmelerinde Maliyet Muhasebesi Sistemi, Banu Yılmazel,Trakya Universitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 20032. Türkiye’ de Muhasebede Etik Eğitimi, Evrim Altuk, Trakya Universitesi,Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 20063. Halka Açık İşletmelerde Mali Yolsuzluk İncelemesi, Gulsen Geroğlu, TrakyaUniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 20064. Sarbanes Oxley 2002 ve Bağımsız Denetim Sektörüne Etkileri, Savas Demircan,Trakya Universitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 20075. Muhasebe Hileleri Tarihi, Ahmet Bayraktar, Trakya Universitesi, SosyalBilimler Enstitüsü, 2007Bilimsel YayınlarKitap Editörlüğü

2421. Crowther David; Tunca Caliyurt, Kıymet: Stakeholders and SocialResponsibility; Kuala Lumpur; Ansted University Press; 2004, ISBN:983-41879-1-22. Crowther David; Tunca Caliyurt, Kıymet: Globalisation and SocialResponsibility; UK; Cambridge Scholars Press; 2006, ISBN: 1904303781Kitap Bölümleri1. Caliyurt, K.T, Corporate Governance Studies on Accounting Environment inTurkey, Basım Aşamasında2. Tunca Caliyurt, Kıymet: Accounting Ethics Education: Is There a DifferenceBetween Developed and Developing Countries?, Globalisation and SocialResponsibility, Edited by: David Crowther and Kiymet Tunca Caliyurt, UK, 2006,ISBN: 1904303781.3. Tunca Caliyurt, Kıymet: Financial and Fiscal Crimes in Turkey,Representations of Social Responsibility Vol.II, Edited by: David Crowther andRenu Jatana, The ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad, India, ISBN: 81-7881-436-6,20054. Tunca Caliyurt, Kıymet: Auditing and Financial Reporting for Non-governmental Organisations in Turkey and the European Union: Comparisonsand Recent Developments, Stakeholders and Social Responsibility, KualaLumpur; Ansted University Press; 2004, ISBN:983-41879-1-25. Tunca Caliyurt, Kıymet; David Crowther: Introduction to Stakeholders andSocial Responsibility, Stakeholders and Social Responsibility, Kuala Lumpur;Ansted University Press; 2004, ISBN:983-41879-1-26. Crowther David; Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Responsibility towards stakeholdersDiscussion, Stakeholders and Social Responsibility, Kuala Lumpur; AnstedUniversity Press; 2004, ISBN:983-41879-1-2Hakemli Dergi Makaleleri1.Caliyurt, K.T. ve Crowther, D., “Internal Audit in Turkish Publicly HeldCompanies: Implications of Sarbanes Oxley”, Muhasebe ve Bilim DünyasıDergisi, Haziran Sayısı, 20072. Çalıyurt, K. ve Crowther, D., “The Necessity of Fraud Education forAccounting Students: A Research Study From Turkey”, Social ResponsibilityJournal, Volume 2, No 3/4, December (2006)3. Research on Turkish Accountant’s Frauds Between 1992-2002; SocialResponsibility: An International Journal, CD Version, Vol 1 No 1; 2004, AnsteadUniversity, MalaysiaDiğer Hakemli Dergi Makaleleri1. Environmental costing: regulation and application in the Turkish sunflower oilindustry; Research Papers in Corporate Social Responsibility No 5, LondonMetropolitan University; 2003 (with Crowther D)

2432. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet & Crowther, David: Social Responsibility Effects onShareholder Prices: An Analysis of the Banking Sector in Turkey, ResearchPapers in Corporate Social Responsibility No 8, July 2005, ISSN: 1740-0473,London Metropolitan University, July 20053. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Company Mergers and Practices in Airline Industry;Social Science Publication, University of Trakya; 2000.Proje Raporları1.Privatization and Effects of Operational Mergers on Rivalry of Airlines; TrakyaUniversity Scientific Research Fund Publication; 2002.Konferans Konuşması1. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Accounting Ethics Education in Business Schools: IsThere A Difference Between Developed and Developing Country, 4.InternationalConference on Corporate Social Responsibility, London Metropolitan University,7-9 September 2005, London, UKKonferans Sunumları1. Apak, Sudi; Caliyurt, Kiymet; Tavsanci, Aykut: Development of TurkishBanking in Accordance with Economic Policies in the 20th Century, The BalkanCountries 1st International Conference on Accounting and Auditing (BCAA),March 7 – 9, 2007, Edirne, Turkey2. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Corporate Governance Studies on AccountingEnvironment in Turkey, 6th International Corporate Social Responsibility, DeMontford University & Mara Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-14 June 2007.3. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: International Developments on Accounting FraudExamination Education and Evaluation about Turkey, 26. Accounting EducationSymposium, Uludag University, 23-27 May 2007, Antalya Mirada Hotel.4. Tunca, Caliyurt, Kiymet & Crowther, David: The Necessity of Fraud EducationStudents: A Research Study From Turkey, The 10th World Congress ofAccounting Educators, 9-11 November 2006, Istanbul, Turkiye5. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet & Crowther, David: Internal Audit in Turkish PubliclyHeld Companies: Implications of Sarbanes Oxley, 29th Annual Conference of theEuropean Accounting Association, 22-24 March 2006, Dublin, Ireland6. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Recent Developments of Internal Auditing inTurkish Banks, 5th International Conference on Corporate SocialResponsibility, 1-4 May 2006, Business School of Trakya University, Edirne,Turkiye

2447. Apak, Sudi & Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Internal Auditing and AccountingFraud Examination in Turkish Banks, 1st International Congress Accounting &Fraud Examination, June 2nd, 2006, Business School of Trakya University &Business School of Marmara University, Armada Hotel, Istanbul8. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet & Crowther, David: No Accounting for A SilentSpring: The Discouragement of Organic Agriculture, 4rd InternationalConference on Corporate Social Responsibility, London Metropolitan University,7-9 September 2005, London, UK9. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet & Crowther, David: Final Year Turkish AccountingStudents and Accounting Ethics Education, 4rd International Conference onCorporate Social Responsibility, London Metropolitan University, 7-9 September2005, London, UK10. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Development of Social Financial Reporting inDifferent Geographies: EU, Australia and Asia, 3rd International CSRConference, 21-23 February 2005, Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur,India11. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Social Responsibility Effects on Shareholder Value:An Analyse on Banking Sector in Turkey, 2nd International CSR Conference,Anstead University, November 21-23, 2004; Penang, Kualalumpur, Malaysia.12. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Financial and Fiscal Crimes in Turkey, 2ndInternational CSR Conference, Anstead University, N ovember 21-23, 2004;Penang, Kualalumpur, Malaysia.13. Tunca, Savas; Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Turkish NGO’s FinancialResponsibility, 2nd International CSR Conference, Anstead University,November 21-23, 2004; Penang, Kualalumpur, Malaysia.14. Crowther, David; Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: The problems of environmentalaccounting in Turkey; Annual Congress of the European AccountingAssociation, Prague; April 200415. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Comparison of International and TurkishAccounting Standards; Annual Conference of the South East Area Group of theBritish Accounting Association; London Metropolitan University, UK; September2003.16. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Taxpayer Ethics in Turkey; Conference on CorporateSocial Responsibility; London Metropolitan University, UK; September 2003.

24517. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Accounting Ethics Education in Turkish PublicUniversities; Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility; LondonMetropolitan University, UK; September 2003.18. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: A Statistical Research on Turkish AccountantsFrauds Between 1992 and 2002; 1st International Ethics Congress of Turkey,September 2003, Hacettepe University, Research Center for Business andProfessional Ethics (HUEM), Ankara, Turkey.19. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Environmental Costing Regulation and Applicationin Turkey, 2nd International Conference on Ecological Protection of the PlanetEarth, 5-8 June 2003, Congress Hall, Sofia, Bulgaria20. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: International Taxation Problems in E-Commerce;2nd International Conference on Marketing in the Era of Globalization, Concepts,Trends; 15-16 May 2003, Bourgas Free University, Bourgas, Bulgaria.21. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Accounting Audit in E-Commerce; 2nd InternationalConference on Marketing in the Era of GlobalizationConcepts, Trends; 15-16 May2003, Bourgas Free University,Bourgas,Bulgaria.22. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: The Importance of Calculating Overheads CostsAllocations in Sunflower Oil Industry; 3rd National Symposium on ProductionResearch, Kultur University UAS 2003, 19-20 April2003,Istanbul23. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: The Tax Audit Efficiency in Turkey and Solutions forImproving Efficiency; International Scientific Conference, Technical University ofGabrovo, November 21-22, 2002, Gobrovo, Bulgaria24. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet; Altug, Nevin: Negative Elements Which EffectsProductivity in Sunflower Oil Industry; Middle Anatolia Productivity Congress,Nigde University and National Productivity Center, December 2002, Nigde,Turkey.25. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Comparision of Accounting Concepts and StandardsBetween Bulgaria and Turkey; Globalization and Sustainable Development,International Scientific Conference, 1-3 July 2002, Gobrovo, Bulgaria.26. Tunca Caliyurt, Kiymet: Turkish Airlines Privatization; 1st AviationManagement and Education Research Conference, 17 June 2001, ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, CanadaEditör Kurul Üyeliği1. Social Responsibility Journal ISSN 1747-1117 by EmeraldBilimsel Komite Üyeliği

2461. Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, 21-23 Şubat 2005, Udaipur,Hindistan2. Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, 7-9 Eylül 2005, Londra,İngiltere3. Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Accounting, Finance andRegulation4. An International Conference, 1-4 Mayıs 2006, Edirne TürkiyeDiğer Üyelikler1. Social Responsibility Research Network (SRRNet), 2. www.socialresponsibility.bizUzmanlık Alanları1.Muhasebe2. Mali Hukuk3. İşletmelerde Sosyal Sorumluluk4. Yolsuzluk5. Sivil HavacılıkDiğer Aktiviteler1.President for 5.International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility andAccounting, Finance and Regulation and Corporate Social Responsibility( Coordinator & Focal Point for 1. International Conference on Accounting &Fraud Examination with Dr , CPA, CGFM,CFE , President, Switzerland Chapter,Association of Certified Fraud Examiners & Senior Internal Auditor, WHOğer İdari Görevler1.Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Tesis Denetçisi 2003-20042. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Tesis Denetçisi 2004-2005 Kurucu BaşkanıSivil Toplum Örgütü Üyelikleri1.Türk Üniversiteli Kadınlar Derneği Edirne Şubesi( Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirler Odası Edirne Şubesi Eğiticisi 2003-2004

2473. Yolsuzluk İnceleme Uzmanları Derneği Kurucu Üyesi ( Avrupa İş Etiği Ağı Kurucu Üyesi ( Akademik Danışman Trakya Universitesi Muhasebe ve Finans ÖğrenciAraştırma Grubu ( Muhasebe Tarihi Akademisi Üyesi 7. Türkiye İç Denetim Entitüsü Üyesi8. Avrupa Kurumsal Yönetim Enstitüsü ÜyesiMuhasebe ve Finansman Öğretim Üyeleri Derneği Üyesi – MUFAD10. Muhasebe Öğretim Üyeleri Bilim ve Dayanışma Vakfı Üyesi – MÖDAVProfesyonel SertifikalarIATA Biletleme Sertifikası, Türk Hava Yolları – 1992Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavir – 2000Sertifikalı Yolsuzluk Denetçisi - 2005Uluslararası Akademik Ziyaretler1-Havacılık Master Programı, Concordia Universitesi, Montreal, Kanada-Temmuz 20012. Muhasebe, Bankacılık ve Finansal Sistemler Bölümü, Londra MetropolitanUniversitesi,İngiltere - Eylül 2003Muhasebe, Bankacılık ve Finansal Sistemler Bölümü, Londra MetropolitanUniversitesi,İngiltere - Eylül 20

248Kevin HobsonHolding B.A. Honours and a Masters Degree in History from the University ofCalgary, Canada,Kevin Hobson is a member of the Special Advisory Board of Ansted University.His particular interests include the effects of the British on the Indian CasteSystem and the use of Indian labour in the construction of the Uganda Railway.He also works as a part-time teacher at Prince Edward Island, Canada.Kevin is a sitting member of the local \"Liberal Party Policy Committee.

249Khalida I NoorM.Phil., Ph.D., C.Math, FIMA, FIBADepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science,College of Science, United Arab Emirates UinversityP.O. Box 17551, Al-Ain, UAE.RESEARCH INTERESTSComplex Analysis (Geometric Function Theory) and Related Topics, FunctionalAnalysis and its Applications in Numerical Analysis and Operations Research.COURSES TAUGHT(a) Undergraduate Courses: Calculus, Vector analysis, Special functions, Linearalgebra, Complex analysis, Theory of integration and measure, Mathematicalmethods for physics students. Real analysis, Modern algebra. Partial andordinary differential equations.(b) Graduate Courses (M.Sc. & Ph.D): Complex analysis. Real Analysis, AbstractAlgebra, Partial and Ordinary Differential Equations, Functional Analysis,Mathematical Methods for Physics, Integral Equations, Geometric theory offunctions of one variable, Univalent and Analytic function theory, Special topicsin Analysis, Homotopy Theory, Noncommutative Rings.THESES TITLESM. Phil. (Islamabad University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1968):Singularities of the system of two differential EquationsPh.D. (University of Wales, Swansea, United Kingdom, 1972):On close-to-convex and related functionsPOSITIONS HELD 1. Jan. 1968 - September 1968, Research Fellow, Islamabad, Pakistan.2. Sept. 1968 - Sept. 1969, Lecturer, Government Women College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.3. Sept. 1969 - August 1972, Commonwealth Research. Scholar, Univ. College of Swansea, U.K

2504. Sept. 1972 - Sept. 1974, Assistant Professor, Shiraz University, (UNESCO/IBRD), Iran.5. Sept. 1974 - Sept. 1975, Deputy Director and Incharge of Statistical Cell, Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan, Islamabad.6. Sept. 1975 - July 1978, Assistant Professor, Jundi Shapur University, Ahwaz, Iran.7. July 1978 - August 1980, Associate Professor, Kerman University, Iran.8. Aug. 1980 - Aug. 1981, Assist. Professor, Islamia University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan9. Sept. 1981 - Aug. 1988, Assoc. Professor, Science College of Girls Education, Riyadh., Saudi Arabia.10. July 1988 - Aug. 1989, Pakistan Science Foundation Scientist, Punjab Univ, Lahore., Pakistan11. Sept. 1989 - April 1991, Assoc. Professor, King Saud Univ. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.12. April 1991 - 1999, Professor, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.13. July 1999-August 2002, Visiting Professor, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.14. September 2002, ---, Professor, United Arab Emirates Unniversity Al-Ain, UAE.EDUCATIONPh.D. - University of Wales, UKM.Phil. - Quad-e-Azam (Islamabad) University, PakistanM.Sc. - Punjab University, PakistanDISTINCTIONS1. Several prizes won as best student/debater.1959-1967.2. Pakistan Government Merit Scholarship.1961-1967

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