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45119. S. M. Momani and S. B. Hadid, Asymptotic behavior of the maximal andminimal solutions of differential equations of non- integer order, Far East Journalof Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), Vol. 6(1), (2002) 31-39.20. S. M. Momani and S. B. Hadid, Dependence of solutions of differentialequations of noninteger order on initial conditions and parameters, Al-ManaraJournal, Vol. 9(2), (2003) 69-76.21. Reyad El-Khazali and Shaher Momani, Stability analysis of compositefractional systems, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 12(1), (2003)73-85.22. S. M. Momani and S. B. Hadid, On the inequalities of integro-differentialfractional equations, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 12(1), (2003)29-37.23. S. M. Momani and S. B. Hadid, Some comparison results for integro-fractionaldifferentialInequalities, Journal of Fractional Calculus, Vol. 24, (2003) 37-44.24. S. M. Momani, S. B. Hadid and Z. M. Alawaneh, Some analytical properties ofsolutionsof differential equations of the noninteger order, International Journal ofMathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2004(13), (2004) 697-701.25. Shaher Momani, Analytical solutions of strongly non-linear oscillators by thedecomposition method, International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC), Vol.15(7), (2004) 967-979.26. Shaher Momani and Samir Hadid, Lyapunov stability solutions of fractionalintegrodifferential equations, International Journal of Mathematics and MathematicalSciences, Vol. 2004(47), (2004) 2503-2507.27. Shaher Momani and Kamel Al-Khaled, Numerical solutions for systems offractional differential equations by the decomposition method, AppliedMathematics and Computation, Vol.162(3), (2005) 1351-1365.28. S. M. Momani and S. B. Hadid, On the continuous dependence of solutions ofintegro-fractional differential equations with respect to initial conditions,Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, Vol. 10(3), (2005) 379-386.29. Kamel Al-Khaled and Shaher Momani, An approximate solution for afractional diffusion-wave equation using the decomposition method, AppliedMathematics and Computation, Vol.165(2), (2005) 473-483.

45230. Shaher Momani, Analytical approximate solution for fractional heat-like andwave-like equations with variable coefficients using the decomposition method,Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 165(2), (2005) 459-472.31. Shaher Momani, Khaled Moadi and Muhammad Aslam Noor, Modifieddecompositionmethod for solving a system of third-order obstacle problems, InternationalJournal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 21(1), (2005) 97-107.32. Shaher Momani, An explicit and numerical solutions of the fractional KdVequation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 70(2), (2005) 110-118.33. Shaher Momani, A numerical scheme for the solution of Sivashinsky equation,Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 168(2), (2005) 1273-1280.34. Shaher Momani, Analytic and approximate solutions of the space- and time-fractional telegraph equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 170(2),(2005) 1126-1134.35. Kamel Al-Khaled, Shaher Momani and Ahmed Alawneh, Approximate wavesolutions for a generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahoy-Burgers equation, AppliedMathematics and Computation, Vol. 171(1), (2005) 281-292.36. Muhammad Aslam Noor, S. K. Mishra and Shaher Momani, Properties ofapproximate preinvex functions, Nonlinear Analysis Forum Journal, Vol. 10(2),(2005) 1-9.37. Shaher Momani and Salah Abuasad, Application of He’s variational iterationmethod to Helmholtz equation, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 27(5), (2006) 1119-1123.38. Zaid Odibat and Shaher Momani, Application of variational iteration methodto nonlineardifferential equations of fractional order, International Journal of Nonlinear Scienceand Numerical Simulation, Vol. 7(1), (2006) 27-34.39. Shaher Momani, Non-perturbative analytical solutions of the space- and time-fractional Burgers equations, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 28(4), (2006) 930-937.40. Shaher Momani, Khaled Moadi and Muhammad Aslam Noor, Decompositionmethodfor solving fourth order obstacle problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation,Vol. 175(2), (2006) 923-931.

45341. Shaher Momani, Solving a system of second-order obstacle problems amodified decomposition method, Applied Mathematics E-Notes, Vol. 6, (2006) 141-147.42. Shaher Momani and Zaid Odibat, Analytical approach to linear fractionalpartial differential equations arising in fluid mechanics, Physics Letters A, Vol.355, (2006) 271-279.43. Shaher Momani and Zaid Odibat, Analytical solution of a time-fractionalNavier-Stokes equation by Adomian decomposition method, Applied Mathematicsand Computation, Vol. 177, (2006) 488-494.44. Shaher Momani and Khaled Moadi, A reliable algorithm for solving fourth-order boundary value problems, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing,Vol. 22(3), (2006) 185-197.45. Ziad Odibat and Shaher Momani, Approximate solutions for boundary valueproblems of time-fractional wave equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation,Vol. 181(1), (2006) 767-774.46. Shaher Momani and Rami Qaralleh, An efficient method for solving systemsof fractional integro-differential equations, Computers and Mathematics withApplication, Vol. 52(3-4), (2006) 459-470.47. Ziad Odibat and Shaher Momani, Analytical spherically symmetric solutionfor the time fractional Navier-Stokes equation, Advances in Theoretical and AppliedMathematics (ATAM), Vol. 1(2), (2006) 97-107.48. Shaher Momani and Muhammad Aslam Noor, Numerical methods for fourth-order fractional integro-differential equations, Applied Mathematics andComputation, Vol. 182(1), (2006) 754-760.49. Shaher Momani, A numerical scheme for the solution of multi-order fractionaldifferential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 182(1), (2006)761-770.50. Shaher Momani and Nabil Shawagfeh, Decomposition method for solving thefractional Riccati differential equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.182(2), (2006) 1083-1092.51. Shaher Momani and Rami Qaralleh, Analytical approximate solution for anonlinear fractional integro-differential equation, Nonlinear Analysis ForumJournal, Vol. 11(2), (2006) 237-249.

45452. Shaher Momani, Salah Abuasad and Zaid Odibat, Variational iterationmethod for solving non-linear boundary value problems, Applied Mathematicsand Computation, Vol. 183, (2006) 1351-1358.53. Shaher Momani, General solutions for the space- and time-fractionaldiffusion-wave equation, Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol. 10, (2006) 30-43.54. Shaher Momani and Zaid Odibat, Numerical comparison of methods forsolving linear differential equations of fractional order, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,Vol. 31(5), (2007) 1248-1255.55. Shaher Momani, An algorithm for solving a nonlinear fractional convection-diffusion problem, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,Vol. 12(7), (2007) 1283-1290.56. Shaher Momani and Zaid Odibat, Numerical approach to differentialequations of fractional order, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 207(1), (2007) 96-110.57. Shaher Momani and Zaid Odibat, Fractional Green’s function for linearfractional inhomogeneous partial differential equations in fluid mechanics,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Vol. 24, (2007) 167-178.58. Shaher Momani and Rami Qaralleh, Numerical approximations and Padeapproximants for a fractional population growth model, Applied MathematicalModelling, Vol. 31(9), (2007) 1907-1914.59. Shaher Momani and Ziad Odibat, Comparison between homotopyperturbation method and the variational iteration method for linear fractionalpartial differential equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.54, (2007) 910-919.60. Vedat Suat Erturk and Shaher Momani, Comparing numerical method forsolving fourth-order boundary value problems, Applied Mathematics andComputation, Vol. 188, (2007) 1963-1968.61. Rabha Ibrahim and Shaher Momani, On the existence and uniqueness ofsolutions of aclass of fractional differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis andApplications, Vol. 334(1), (2007) 1-10.62. Shaher Momani and Ziad Odibat, Homotopy perturbation method fornonlinear partial differential equations of fractional order, Physics Letters A, Vol.365, (2007) 345-350.

45563. Zaid Odibat and Shaher Momani, A reliable treatment of homotopyperturbation method for Klein-Gordon equations, Physics Letters A, Vol. 365,(2007) 351-357.64. Khalida Inayat Noor, Muhammad Aslam Noor and Shaher Momani, ModifiedHouseholder iterative method for nonlinear equations, Applied Mathematics andComputation, Vol. 190, (2007) 1534-1539.65. Shaher Momani and Muhammad Aslam Noor, Numerical comparison ofmethods for solving a special fourth-order boundary value problem, AppliedMathematics and Computation, Vol. 191, (2007) 218-224.66. Rabha Ibrahim and Shaher Momani, Multiple solutions for multi-orderfractional differential equations, Arab Journal of Mathematics and MathematicalSciences, Vol. 1, (2007) 28-34.67. Shaher Momani, A decomposition method for solving unsteady convection-diffusion problems, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 31, (2007) 1-10.68. Vedat Suat Erturk and Shaher Momani, A reliable algorithm for solving tenth-order boundary value problems, Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 44(2), (2007) 147-158.69. Zaid Odibat and Shaher Momani, Numerical solution of Fokker-Planckequation with space and time-fractional derivatives, Physics Letters A, Vol. 369(2007), 349-358.70. Shaher Momani, Zaid Odibat and Vedat Suat Erturk, Generalized differentialtransform method for solving a space- and time-fractional diffusion-waveequation, Physics Letters A, Vol. 370, (2007) 379-387.71. Hossien Jafari and Shaher Momani, Solving fractional diffusion and waveequations by modified homotopy perturbation method, Physics Letters A, Vol.370, (2007) 388-396.72. Zaid Odibat and Shaher Momani, Numerical methods for nonlinear partialdifferential equations of fractional order, Applied Mathematical modlling, Vol. 32,(2008) 28-39.73. Shaher Momani and Rabha Ibrahim, On a fractional integral equation ofperiodic functionsinvolving Weyl-Riesz operator in Banach algebras, Journal of MathematicalAnalysis andApplications, Vol. 339, (2008) 1210-1219.

45674. Zaid Odibat and Shaher Momani, Modified homotopy perturbation method:application toquadratic Riccati differential equation of fractional order, Chaos, Solitons &Fractals, Vol. 36,(2008) 167-174.75. Zaid Odibat and Shaher Momani, A generalized differential transform methodfor linear partial differential equations of fractional order, Applied MathematicsLetters, Vol. 21, (2008) 194-199.76. Shaher Momani and Ziad Odibat, A novel method for nonlinear fractionalpartial differential equations: Combination of DTM and generalized Taylor’sformula, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, accepted (2007),doi:10.1016/ G. H. Erjaee and Shaher Momani, Phase synchronization in fractionaldifferential chaotic systems. Physics Letters A, accepted (2007),doi:10.1016/ Vedat Suat Erturk, Shaher Momani, and Zaid Odibat, Application ofgeneralized differential transform method to multi-order fractional differentialequations, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, accepted(2007), doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2007.02.006.79. Vedat Suat Erturk and Shaher Momani, Solving systems of fractionaldifferential equations using differential transform method, Journal ofComputational and Applied Mathematics, accepted(2007),doi:10.1016/ Shaher Momani and Vedat Suat Erturk, Solutions of non-linear oscillators bythe modified differential transform method, Computers & Mathematics withApplications, accepted (2007), doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2007.05.009.81. M. S. Chowdhury, Ishak Hashim and Shaher Momani, The multistagehomotopy perturbation method: A powerful scheme for handling the Lorenzsystem, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, accepted (2007),doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2007.09.073.82. Omar Abdulaziz, Ishak Hashim and Shaher Momani, Application ofhomotopy perturbation method to fractional IVPs, Journal of Computational and Mathematics,Appliedaccepted (2007), doi:10.1016/

45783. Omar Abdulaziz, Ishak Hashim and Shaher Momani, Solving systems offractional differential equations by homotopy-perturbation method, PhysicsLetters A, accepted (2007),doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2007.07.059.84. Zaid Odibat, Shaher Momani and Vedat Suat Erturk, Generalized differentialtransform method: Application to differential equations of fractional order,Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 372(4), (2008) 451-459.85. Omar Jaradat, Ahmad Al-Omari and Shaher Momani, Existence of the mildsolution for fractional semilinear initial value problems, Nonlinear AnalysisJournal: Theory, Methods & Applications, accepted (2007),doi:10.1016/ Ishak Hashim, Omar Abdulaziz and Shaher Momani, Homotopy analysismethod for fractional IVPs, Communications in Nonlinear Science and NumericalSimulation, accepted (2007), doi: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2007.09.014.87. Shaher Momani, Ziad Odibat and Ahmed Alawneh, Variational iterationmethod for solving the space- and time-fractional KdV equation, NumericalMethods for Partial Differentia Equations Journal, accepted (2007), doi:10.1002/num.20247.88. Shaher Momani and Vedat Suat Erturk, A numerical scheme for the solutionof viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation, Numerical Methods for Partial DifferentialEquations Journal, accepted (2007), doi: 10.1002/num.20286.89. Shaher Momani and Ziad Odibat, Numerical solutions of the space-timefractional advection dispersion equation, Numerical Methods for Partial DifferentialEquations Journal, accepted (2007), doi 10.1002/num.20324.90. Zaid Odibat and Shaher Momani, Analytical comparison between thehomotopy perturbation method and variational iteration method for differentialequations of fractional order, International Journal of Modern Physics B, accepted(2007).91. Shaher Momani and Vedat Suat Erturk, Solving a system of fourth-orderobstacle boundary value problems by differential transform method, Kybernetes,(2007).92. Shaher Momani, Omar Jaradat and Rabha Ibrahim, Numerical approximationsof a dynamic system containing fractional derivatives, Journal of Applied Sciences,accepted (2008).

45893. Shaher Momani and Hossein Jafari, Numerical study of systems of fractionaldifferential equations by the decomposition method, Southeast Asian Bulletin ofMathematics, accepted (2006).94. S. M. Momani, Ahlam Jameel and Sora Al-Azwai, Local and globaluniqueness theorems on fractional integro-differential equations via Gronwall’sand Bihari’s inequalities, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 33(4), (2007) 619-627.95. Vedat Suat Erturk and Shaher Momani, Differential transform technique forsolving fifth-order boundary value problems, Indian Journal of Pure and AppliedMathematics, accepted (2007).96. Zaid Odibat and Shaher Momani, An algorithm for the numerical solution ofdifferential equations of fractional order, Journal of Applied Mathematics andInformatics, accepted (2007).97. Shaher Momani, Numerical simulations for the space- and time-fractionalpartial differential equations, Proceedings of The Third Conferences On Research AndEducation In Mathematics, Malaysia, (2007) 51-56.98. Vedat Suat Erturk and Shaher Momani, Differential transform method forobtaining positive solutions for two-point nonlinear boundary value problems,International Conference: 2007 Dynamical Systems and Applications, July 1-6, 2007,Izmir, Turkey, accepted99. Shaher Momani, Ziad Odibat and Ishak Hasim, Algorithms for nonlinearfractional partial differential equations: A selection of numerical methods, The2nd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, 27-30 Oct., 2007, Shanghai,China, accepted.100. Zaid Odibat, Shaher Momani and Ahmed Alawneh, Analytic study on time-fractional Schr¨odinger equations: Exact solutions by GDTM, The 2ndInternational Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, 27-30 Oct., 2007, Shanghai, China,accepted.101. Zaid Odibat, Shaher Momani, Applications of variational iteration andhomotopy perturbation methods to fractional evolution equations, The 2ndInternational Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, 27-30 Oct., 2007, Shanghai, China,accepted.

459102. Shaher Momani, An efficient numerical scheme for solving fractionalconvection-diffusion problems, International Journal of Computational andNumerical Analysis and Applications, accepted (2007).103. Ziad Odibat, Shaher Momani and Ahmed Alawneh, Approximate analyticalsolution of the space- and time- fractional Burgers equations, Journal Europ´eendes Syst´emes Automatis´es (JESA), accepted.104. Shaher Momani and Rabha Ibrahim, Analytical solutions of a fractionaloscillator by thedecomposition method, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.37(1),(2007) 119-132.105. M. H. Alnasr and Shaher Momani, Application of homotopy perturbationmethod to singularly perturbed Volterra integral equations, Journal of AppliedSciences, accepted.106. Ziad Odibat and Shaher Momani, Fractional Green’s Function for a Class ofFractionalPartial Differential Equations, Journal Europ´een des Syst´emes Automatis´es (JESA),acceptedStåle Angen RyePosition: Associate Professor, Cand. Polit.Address: University of AgderGimlemoen, 4614 Kristiansand, NorwayE-post [email protected] Cand. Polit. Degree, Human Geography

460University of TrondheimFaculty of Social Science1991 Cand. Mag. Degree, Social SciencesUniversity of Bergen and University of TromsøFaculty of Social ScienceProfessional experiences2002 - t.p. Associate Professor - University of Agder,Faculty of Economics and Social Science1998 - 2002 Assistant Professor – Agder University College,Faculty of Economics and Social Science1996 - 1998 Lecturer - Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNUFaculty of Social Science and Technology Management.1996 Senior Executive Officer - Norwegian University of Science andTechnology NTNU,Faculty of Social Science and Technology Management.1996 - 1994 Nursery Assistant - Sør-Trøndelag CountyDepartment of Mental Health, hospital1994 - 1995 Lecturing Assistant - University of TrondheimFaculty of Social Science1992 - 1993 Teacher - Skogn Folkehøgskole1990 - 1991 Teacher - Municipality of Levanger - Nesheim barneskole1999 - 2006 Coordinator for Social Science in Teacher Education at AgderUniversity CollegeInternational experience2003 - 2006 Research collaboration with Universitas Terbuka (OpenUniversity Indonesia)2001 - 2007Research fellow at Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, severalperiods, 1 to 5 months2006 Fieldwork in Uganda, the project “Global and virtual”2005 Fieldwork in Tanzania, the project “Distance students in acomparative perspective”.1998 - 2000 Member of the project group developing the CooperativeInteruniversity European Course in Teacher Training. Involvedcountries. France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Norway andFinland.1995 Engagement for Phinis Voyager A/S, Indonesia, 3 month.1993 Field course in Human Geography, Pakistan, 3 weeks1989 Spanish course, Latin America, 6 monthsOther positions2004 – 2006 Director for Bachelor program in Communication and SocialChange Agder University College.

4611999 - 2003 Member of the Executive Group for ICT in Teacher Education atAgder University College1999 - 2000 Member of the Administrative Board of the Department of SocialScience, Agder University College.1998 - 2001 Member of the Web- committee for the School of Management,Agder University College.Publications[Original Norwegian titles in parenthesis]Peer reviewed research journals:Rye, S.A. (2008): The Internet, Education and Social Segregation of the City.Submitted for peer-review.Rye, S.A. (2008): Negotiating the Symbolic Power of ICT - The Spread ofICTSupportedDistance Education. Accepted for publication in Inforamtion Technologyfor Development.Rye, S.A. (2008): Exploring the Gap of the Digital Divide - Conditions ofConnectivity and Distance Education Participation. Geojournal (71), 171–184.Rye, S.A. (2008) and I. Zubaidah. (2008): Distance Education and the Complexityof Accessing the Internet. Open Learning, 23(2), 95-102.Rye, S.A. (2008): Dimensions of Flexibility - About the Relation BetweenStudents, Technology and Distributed Education. - Media,technology and Lifelong learning. 4(1).Rye, S.A. (2007): Flexibility, Technology, and Daily-life Practices of DistanceStudents Living Beyond the Digital Main Stream. GEOFORUM (38) 1028-1039.Borgersen, T.A., S.A. Rye (2004): The Effect of Local Structures on IndustrialDevelopment in an International Tourism Resort: A Case Study of Low BudgetTourism in Sosrowijayan. Journal of Asian Business, 19(3), 49-69.Borgersen, T.A., S.A. Rye (2003): The Dynamics of a Low Budget Tourist Area:The case of Prawirotaman. ASEAN Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 3(1), 11-Book chapters:Rye, S.A og P.A. Simonsen (2003): ICT and School Development [IKT i skolensutvikling]. In: Frøydis, V. (ed.) ICT as Project in the school [IKT som prosjekt iskolen]. Fagbokforlaget.Research reports:Moe, C. E. and S.A. Rye (2007): Dialog, Communication andE-learning. [Dialog,kommunikasjon og e-læring] Skriftserien A (144). University of Agder.Rye, S.A. (2006): New Communication Technology and Distance Education – ACase Study of a Master of in PublicAadministration. In Organization for Higherlearning:Leadership, ICT and Pedagogy. PPU-serien (26), Norwegian University for

462Technology and science.Rye, S.A og P.A. Simonsen (2004): Between Tradition and Technology - A Studyof Students and Teachers in a Technology Intensive Environment. [Mellomtradisjon og teknologi - En studie av elever og lærere i teknologitettelæringsmilø]î. ITUskriftserie(20), University of Oslo.Jamt, R., T. Ørvik, S.A. Rye, W. Rønning og P. Simonsen (2000): A Pre-Evaluationof the National Plan IT in Norwegian Education [Forprosjekt til evaluering av ITinorsk utdanning - plan for 1996-1999. ]. Agder University College.Rye, S. A. (1998): Man and Environment - a Theoretical Discussion [Mennesketog de fysiske omgivelsene - En teoretisk diskusjon ]. Agder University College.Skriftserien.Rye, S. A. (1998): Part Time Studies beside Job and Off-campus[Geografiutdanningved siden av jobb og utenfor lærerstedet]. Report series D – Department ofGeography, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.Conference proceedings:Moe, C. E. and S.A. Rye (2007): E-learning as an Element in ManagementDevelopment. [E-læring som et element i lederopplæring] NOKOBIT 2007, Oslo,19.-21. September.Rye, S.A. (2007): What does Technology do with the Flexibility of DistanceStudents? -A Case Study of Distance Students in Indonesia. 22nd ICDE World ConferenceonDistance Education. Promoting Quality in On-Line, Flexible and DistanceEducation. 2006-07.07. Rio de Janerio, Brasil.Rye, S. A.(2005): Facing he Access Problem - A Case Study of Distance Students’Use ofTechnology in Indonesia. The 19th AAOU Annual Conference: Quality andCapacity building in Open and Distance Learning\" 2005-09-15, Jakarta,Indonesia.Rye, S. A. (2004): Does Technology Make any Difference for Students? - A StudyofDistance Student’s Daily Life and Their Use of Technology. 18th Annual AsianAssociation of Open Universities (AAOU) Conference. 2004-11-28. Shanghai,China.Rye, S. A. (2002): Technology and Change in Schools - A Study ofImplementation in aHigh School [Teknologi og endring i skolen - En studie av implementering avIKT iden videregående skole]î. I: Geographical Methods - Power and morality inGeography. Proceedings from the Annual Conference of the Norwegian

463Geographical Society. April 5th -6th, 02. Trondheim, Norway.Borgersen T. A, Rye, S. A. and Steawan, K. (2001): SMEs in the Low BudgetTourism Industry - A Strategy for Growth and Development?. BusinessManagementReview, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 33- 69, University of Dar es Salaam Press, 2001,Tanzania.Instructional material - written/paperbased:Rye, S. A., N. O, Nilsen, E. Eliassen H. Haugen, C. Dons, E. Dybvig, Y. Brøgger,og K. Wigstøl (red.) (2002): Teachers ICT - Inspiration for Practical use ofComputersin Education [LærerIKT - Inspirasjon til praktisk bruk av data i undervisningen ].Agder Univeristy College.Rye, S.A. (2002): Information and Communication on Internet [ Informasjon ogkommunikasjon på Internet]. In Rye, S.A. m.fl. (red.) Teachers ICT - Inspirationfor Practical use of Computers in Education [LærerIKT - Inspirasjon til praktiskbruk av data i undervisningen ]. Agder Univeristy College.Rye, S. A. (1999): How to Navigate in Chaos – About Connections BetweenInternet,Society and Teaching Social Issues [ Kunsten å navigere i kaos - omsammenhengenmellom Internett, samfunnet og samfunnsfagsundervisning].Undervisningsnotat.Institutt for samfunnsvitenskap, Agder Univeristy College.Rye, S. A. (1999): World Wide Web and E-mail in Teaching [World Wide Web ogelektronisk post i undervisningen]. Undervisningsnotat. Institutt forsamfunnsvitenskap, Høgskolen i Agder.Instructional material – multimediaRye, S. A. (2002): Information-web in Social Issues- for Teachers and Students[Informasjonsweb for samfunnsfag - for lærere og lærerstudenter]. Høgskolen iAgder, 2002, S. A. m.fl (2000): CICEC- Cooperative Interuniversity European Course.S. M. Rezaul KarimPresent Mailing Address:Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural UniversityMymensingh 2202, BangladeshTel: (091) 55 695 ext. 2146, Fax: (091) 55 810Education:1995 - 1998

464 Ph.D. University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom1989 - 1991 M.Phil. (Academic year: 1984-85) University of Reading, United Kingdom1980 - 1981 M.Sc. (Agric.) Agronomy (Academic year: 1979-80) Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh1975 - 1979 B.Sc.Agric. (Honours) (Academic year: 1973-77) Bangladesh Agricultural University, BangladeshTeaching Experience:Sep.1994 - to date Associate Professor Department of Agronomy Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.Aug.1986 - Sep.1994 Assistant Professor Department of Agronomy Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.Feb. 1983 - Aug.1986 Lecturer Department of Agronomy Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.Jul. 1981 - Feb.1983 Lecturer Department of Agronomy Bangladesh Agricultural Institute, Bangladesh.Research Experience:Dec.1992 - Dec.1995 Project Investigator Integrated Weed Management in Bangladesh.Jan.1985 - Dec.1995 Research Supervisor Postgraduate students, Dept. of Agronomy, BAU.Nov.1979 - Dec.1980

465 Research Fellow Integrated Research Project on RiceAwards received: • National Science & Technology fellowship in M.Sc. Ag course at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) • Commonwealth Scholarship in M.Phil course at University of Reading, UK • Islamic Development Bank) Scholarship in PhD course at University of AberdeenTraining courses attended: • International Training Course on \" Utilization of Statistics on Field Experimentation\" held from 14 - 30 Sept. 1986 at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Joydebpur, Bangladesh • Training Course on \"Experimental Designs and Field Research\" held from 25 June to 2 July 1988 at Graduate Training Institute, BAU. • Training Course on \"Evaluation of Soil Fertility and Soil Mapping\" held from 20 - 23 October 1993 at Graduate Training Institute, BAU. • Training Course on \"Postgraduate Student Research Training\" held on 30 January 1997 at University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.Conference/seminars Attended: 1. 8th Annual Conference of Bangladesh Association of Advancement of Sciences (BAAS) held from 3 to 7 August 1983 at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Joydebpur, and Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2. 10th Annual Conference of BAAS held from 10 to 14 September, 1985 at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 3. 11th Annual Conference of BAAS held from 20-24 September 1986 at Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 4. 12th Annual Conference of BAAS held from August 30 to September 3 1987 at Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. 5. 13th Annual Conference of BAAS held from 2 to 6 October 1988 at Cholerrha Research Institute, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 6. 2nd Annual Conference of Bangladesh Society of Agronomy held from 2-3 March 1987 at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Dhaka. 7. British Crop Protection Conference held from 22-25 September 1990 at Brighton, England.

466 8. BAU Research Progress Workshop held from October 12-15, 1993 at Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. 9. BAU Research Progress Workshop held from October 29 to November 1, 1994 at Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. 10. BAU Research Progress Workshop held from November 12-15, 1995 at Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. 11. A group seminar held on 25 November 1996 at the Department of Crop Science, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. 12. 16th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference held at Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 8-12 September, 1997.Publications: 1. Effect of nitrogen fertilization in irrigated and rainfed barley. Bangladesh J. Agric. (1982) 2. Effect of depth of planting on the yield of rice cultivars. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. (1986) 3. Critical period of weed competition in Jute. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. (1986) 4. Weed competetion in barley. Bangladesh J. Agric. (1986). 5. Weed research in Bangladesh III. Present status of herbicidal research and future directions. Bangladesh J. Pest Sci. & Environ. Res. (1986) 6. Superiority of barley cultivation over wheat in Bangladesh. Agril. Sci. Digest (1987) 7. Crop-weed competition: Analysis of some of perspectives. Bangladesh J. Agril. Sci. (1988) 8. Varietal performances of some barley varieties. Bangladesh J.Agric. (1990) 9. Utilization of water hyacinth for biogas production in Bangladesh- a review. Bangladesh J. Agril. Sci. (1992) 10. Effect of sowing date on plantdevelopment, growth and yield of mustard. Bangladesh J. Agril. Sci. (1993) 11. Intercropping of maize with HYV aus rice: a potential practice for Bangladesh. Pakistan J. Sci. & Ind. Res. (1993). 12. Competitive ability of grass weeds in aus rice. Pakistan J. Agril. Res. (1993) 13. Effect of sowing date on plant development, growth and yield of mustard and rapes- Review Agril. Scientist. (1994) 14. Competitive ranking of volunteer crops grown as weed. Pakistan J. Agril. Res. (1994) 15. Relay cropping of wheat in T. aman rice field. Bangladesh J.Train. & Devt.(1994) 16. Effect of weed competition in chickpea. Bangladesh J. Life Sci.(1995) 17. Effect of seed rate and relative time of seeding on the performance of relay wheat in transplant autumn rice. Thai J. Agril. Sci. (1996)

467 18. Striga problem and control-a review. Int. J. Trop. Agric. (1995) 19. BANGLADESHER AGASA PORICHITI (An Introduction to Weeds of Bangladesh) by S.M. Rezaul Karim and Md. Hasan Kabir, published by Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh in June 1995 . ISBN 984-07-3245-5.Proceedings: 1. Aggressivitry of wheat cultivars. Brighton Plant Protect. Conf. England, UK (1997) 2. Effect of weed competition on wheat. Proc. 10th Ann. Sci. Conf. Bangladesh (1985) 3. Barnyard grass as an alternate of insect-pest and diseases. Proc. 11th Ann. Sci. Conf. Bangladesh (1986) 4. Estimate of crop losses due to weeds in Bangladesh. Proc. 2nd Ann. Conf., Bangladesh Soc. Agron. Bangladesh (1987) 5. Effect of agronomic practices on weed infestation and yield of boro rice in farmers' fields Proc. BAU Res. Progress. Bangladesh (1993) 6. Weed survey in wheat, lentil and mustard crops under OBFP and YBJFP agro-ecological zones. Proc. BAU Res. Progress. Bangladesh (1993) 7. Second survey of weeds in jute, aus rice, T. aman rice, wheat, lentiland mustard under OBFP, YBJFP and MT agro-ecological zones. Proc. BAU Res. Progress. Bangladesh (1994) 8. Effect of population density of Chenopodium album on wheat. Proc. BAU Res. Progress. Bangladesh (1994) 9. Growth analysis and competitiveness of Echinochloa colonum in aus rice. Proc. BAU Res. Progress. Bangladesh (1994)Effect of inter- and intraspecific com-petition on the growth of fat hen Proc. 16thAPWSS Proc. Malaysia (1997)Satish RastogiPresent position Professor & Director, Evaluation Division,Y.C.M. Open University, Near Gangapur Dam Nashik : 422 222, Maharashtra, (India)

468Address For Dr. Satish Rastogi,Correspondence Flat 3,Atharva Building,Chitrangan Society,Qualification Anandwalli Gangapur Road,Nasik - 422 013, Maharashtra,Research Projects (India) Phone-(91)(253) 2342678 Email mailto:[email protected] Cell +91 9422943708 • M.Sc. (Maths); • M.Ed.; M.A.(Distance Education) ; • Ph.D.(Education). • Diploma in Training & Development Completed- 13 ProjectsSPECIALISATIONS 1. Education (Teacher Training) 2. Distance Education (ODL System) 3. Instructional Material Development 4. Training & Development (Capacity Building) 5. Learner Evaluation & Programme Evaluation 6. Research in Distance Education 7. Quality Control (ISO-9000 for ODL System) 8. Educational Technology. 9. Mathematics Education.Publication Books (07) ,Articles 62, Programme Guide for M. Phil.' Programme offered by YCMOU, Nashik.Conferences Education, Educational Technology, and, DistanceAttended Education at different places in India and Abroad.Visits Abroad (a) Dec’98 to June 99 at U.A.E. as Principal Indian School, Ras Al Khaimah U.A.E. (b) June 2000 (07 days) at Open University Hong Kong for paper presentation during International Conference on Research in Distance Education. (c) June 2002 (07 days Open University Hongkong for paper presentation during International Conference on Research in Distance Education. (d) Oct’2004 to June 2005, as Assistant, Professor, Department of Education University of Balamand, P.O.Box 100, Tripoli, Lebanon. (e) Nov’2006 (05) days Jamaica for paper presentation during PCF4 Conference by Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada.

469Dissertations (f) July 2008 (07) days University of London during PCF5Supervised Conference by Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, CanadaMember Of (a) M.Ed. -35 , b)P.G.- 04), (c) M.Phil. - 05 (d) M.A. - 15 (e) Ph.D. - 13 . Life memberProfessional Bodies (I) All India Association for Educational Technology, (AIAET) ,Delhi (II) All India Association for Educational Research. Bhuvaneshwar, (III) Council of Teacher Educators, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) (IV) Secretary General, Indian Distance Education Association (V) Honorary Member, Advisory Council, Ansted University Ansted University, Penang Campus Malayasia (VI)Member, Board of Advisory Editors, Journal of Distance Education, University of Jammu, Jammu, IndiaSHAWKAT M. TOORAWANear Eastern Studies,Cornell University, 408 White Hall, Ithaca,+NY 14853, United StatesTel: +1 (607) 255-1330Fax: +1 (607) 255-6450

470smtoorawa @ cornell.eduACADEMIC POSITIONSAssociate Professor (with tenure), Arabic Literature and Islamic Studies,Department of Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University (2006–),Assistant Professor (2000-06)Visiting Scholar, Wolfson College, University of Oxford (April-August 2007)Visiting Scholar, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (July2006-March 2007)Visiting Research Scholar, Department of Arabic, Jamia Millia Islamia (October2006-March 2007)Lecturer in History, Department of Humanities, University of Mauritius (19962000; promoted to Senior Lecturer, July 2000)Course Coordinator & Tutor, University of Mauritius/Charles Sturt University(Australia) Joint BA in Library & Information Science (1988-89)Lecturer in Arabic, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies & Collegeof General Studies, University of Pennsylvania (1992-93, 1987)Lecturer in Islamic Civilization, Department of Religion, Duke University (1990)Instructor in Arabic, Asian and African Languages and Literature, DukeUniversity (1989-91)Teaching Fellow in Arabic, Department of Oriental Studies, University ofPennsylvania (1986-88)EDUCATIONPh.D. in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (with distinction), University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1998A.M. in Oriental Studies, University of Pennsylvania (1989)B.A. (Hons) in Oriental Studies (magna cum laude, with distinction in the major)University of Pennsylvania (1985)Advanced Arabic, Middlebury College Arabic Summer Language School (1983)FELLOWSHIPSNew Directions Fellowship, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (2006-09)Visiting Fellowship, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (April-August 2007)Senior Long-Term Fellowship, American Institute for Indian Studies (NationalEndowment for the Humanities Fellowship Program at Independent ResearchInstitutions) (October 2006-April 2007)Zahid ‘Ali Scholarship, Institute for Ismaili Studies, London (2005-10)Faculty Fellowship, Focal Theme: ‘Diaspora and the Critical Imagination,’Society for the Humanities, Cornell University (Fall 2001)Ford Foundation Fellowship (non-resident), Project on Creolization in the IndianOcean, Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University

471(2000-01)Rockefeller African Humanities Institute Junior Fellowship, W. E. B. Du BoisInstitute, Harvard University (1999-2000)School of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania(1997)Pre-doctoral Fellowship, American Research Center in Egypt, Cairo (1988-89)LANGUAGESFluency: Arabic, English, French, Morisien (Mauritian Creole), SpanishReading knowledge: German, Italian, Latin, Persian, UrduFunctional spoken knowledge: Gujarati, HindiAcquiring: Indonesian, Sanskrit, SyriacPUBLICATIONSBOOKS2008 Gregor Schoeler, The Genesis of Literature in Islam: From the Aural to the Read, revised edition in collaboration with and translated by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008) [in press].2007 Azad Bilgrami’s Shifa al-‘alil, facsimile of MS Dawawin 1113 in the Andhra Pradesh Government Oriental Manuscripts Library and Research Institute, Hyderabad, introduced by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Hyderabad: Andhra Pradesh Government Oriental Manuscripts Library and Research Institute, 2007), xxiii, 144 pages.2007 The Western Indian Ocean: Essays on Islands and Islanders, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, 2007), xx, 154 pages.2005 Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur and Arabic Writerly Culture: A ninth-century bookman in Baghdad (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005), xiii, 214 pages.2005 Arabic Literary Culture, 500-925, edited by Michael Cooperson and Shawkat M. Toorawa, Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 311 (Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2005), xxiv, 357 pages.2004 Law and Education in Medieval Islam: Studies in Memory of George Makdisi, edited by Joseph E. Lowry, Devin E. Stewart and Shawkat M. Toorawa (Cambridge: Gibb Memorial Trust, 2004), xiv, 194 pages.2004 Adonis, A Time Between Ashes and Roses, Poems, Translation, Critical Arabic Edition, & Afterword by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2004), xviii, 228 pages.

4722001 Kristen Brustad, Michael Cooperson, Jamal J. Elias, Nuha N. Khoury, Joseph E. Lowry, Nasser Rabbat, Dwight F. Reynolds, Devin J. Stewart, and Shawkat M. Toorawa, Interpreting the Self: Autobiography in the Arabic Literary Tradition, ed. Dwight F. Reynolds (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001), ix, 336 pages.GUEST EDITED JOURNAL ISSUES2008 Studies presented to Roger Allen on the occasion of his 65th birthday and commemorating 40 years of distinguished service to Arabic studies, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa. Special issue of al-‘Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic 41 (2007) [in press].2008 Arabic Literature before al-Muwaylihi, edited by Devin J. Stewart and Shawkat M. Toorawa. Special issue of Middle Eastern Literatures 11/2 (2008), 140 pages.ARTICLES IN JOURNALS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS2009 Modern Arabic Poetry. In The Cambridge Companion to Modern Arab Culture, ed. Dwight F. Reynolds (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009) [in preparation].2009 Prayer. In Keywords for the Study of Islam, ed. Jamal J. Elias (Oxford: Oneworld, 2009) [forthcoming].2008 The Shifa’ al-‘alil of Azad Bilgrami (d. 1200/1786): Introducing an Eighteenth-Century Work on al-Mutanabbi’s Poetry. In Arabic Literature before al-Muwaylihi, edited by Devin Stewart and Shawkat M. Toorawa, special issue of Middle Eastern Literatures 11/2 (2008), 249–264.2007 Introduction. In Azad Bilgrami’s Shifa al-‘alil , facsimile of MS Dawawin 1113 in the Andhra Pradesh Government Oriental Manuscripts Library and Research Institute, Hyderabad (Hyderabad: Andhra Pradesh Government Oriental Manuscripts Library and Research Institute, 2007), 1–17.2007 Referencing the Qur’an: A Proposal, with Illustrative Translations and Discussion. In Journal of Qur’anic Studies 9(1) (2007), 134–148 [refereed].2006 Islamic Literatures: Writing in the Shade of the Qur’an. In Voices of Islam, vol. 4: Voices of Beauty, Art and Science, ed. Vincent Cornell (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 2006), 121–141.

4732005 Modern Arabic Literature and the Qur’an: Creativity, Inimitability… Incompatibilities? In Religious Perspectives in Modern Muslim and Jewish Literatures, ed. Glenda Abramson and Hilary Kilpatrick (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005), 239-257 [refereed].2005 Defining Adab by (re)defining the Adib: Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur and storytelling. In On Fiction and Adab in Medieval Arabic Literature, ed. Philip Kennedy (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005), 285-306 [refereed].2005 (with M. Cooperson), Introduction, in Arabic Literary Culture, 500-925, Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 311, ed. M. Cooperson and S. M. Toorawa (Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2005), vii-xxxiv.2004 Afterword, in Adonis, A Time Between Ashes and Rose, Poems (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2004), 181-198 [refereed].2004 Travel in the Medieval Islamic World: The Importance of Patronage as Illustrated by ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (and other littérateurs). In Eastward Bound: Travel and Travellers, 1050-1550, ed. Rosamund Allen (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004), 57-70 [refereed].2004 Ibn Abi Tahir vs. al-Jahiz. In ‘Abbasid Studies. Occasional Papers of the School of ‘Abbasid Studies. Cambridge, 6-10 July 2002, ed. James Montgomery (Leuven: Peeters, 2004), 247-261 [refereed].2004 A Portrait of ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi's Education and Instruction. In Law and Education in Medieval Islam: Studies in Memory of George Makdisi, ed. J. Lowry, D. Stewart and S. M. Toorawa (Cambridge: Gibb Memorial Trust, 2004), 91-109. Revision of: The Educational Background of ‘Abd al- Latif al-Baghdadi. In Muslim Education Quarterly 13(3) (Spring 1996), 35-53 [refereed]2003 Play in the Qur’an. In Journal of Qur’anic Studies 5(1) (2003), 99-102 [refereed].2003 “We were here first”: The rhetoric of identity and anteriority among African-American Muslims and Muslims in Mauritius. In Journal of Islamic Law and Culture 8(1) (Spring/Summer 2003), 1-39 [refereed].2002 Seeking refuge from evil: The power and portent of the closing chapters of the Qur’an. In Journal of Qur’anic Studies 4(2) (2002), 54-60 [refereed].

4742001 Is Multiculturalism Bad for Art? Carl de Souza’s La maison qui marchait vers le large and the Mauritian City. In L’Esprit créateur 41(3) (2001), 197- 206 [refereed].2000 Wâq al-wâq: Fabulous, Fabular, Indian Ocean (?) Islands… In Emergences 10(2) (November 2000), 387-402 [refereed]. Reprinted in The Western Indian Ocean: Essays on Islands and Islanders, ed. Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, 2007), 49-65.2000 ‘Translating’ The Tempest: Dev Virahsawmy’s Toufann, Cultural Creolization, and the Rise of Mauritian Kreol. In African Theatre 3 (2000), 125-138 [refereed].1999 ‘Strange bedfellows’?: Mauritian Writers and Shakespeare. In Wasafiri 30 (Autumn 1999), 27-31.1998 Notes Toward a Biography of Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur (d. 893). In University of Mauritius Research Journal 1 (1998), 121-140 [refereed].1997 Burdens of the Past, Burdens of the Present: Reflections on the Negotiation of Neglect. In Bermuda Journal of Archaeology and Maritime History 9 (1997), 104-119. Abridged version: Burdens of the past, burdens of the present: reflections on the negotiation of neglect. In Coastal Fortifications/Fortification côtières, ed. Philippe La Hausse de Lalouvière (Tamarin, Mauritius: Heritage, 1998), 171-78.1997 Language and Male Homosocial Desire in the Autobiography of ‘Abd al- Latif al Baghdadi (d. 629/1231). In Edebiyât: The Journal of Middle Eastern Literatures, New Series 7(2) (Fall 1996), 45-59 [refereed].1996 Walt Whitman in Adonis’ Manhattan: Some thoughts on ‘A Grave for New York’. In Periodica Islamica 6(2) (1996), 15-20.1996 Khidr: The History of an Ubiquitous Master. In Sufi 30 (1996), 45-49.1994 The dhimmi in medieval Islamic society: Non-Muslim physicians of Iraq in Ibn Abi Usaybi‘a’s ‘Uyun al-anba’ fi tabaqat al-atibba’. In Fides et Historia 26(1) (Winter/ Spring 1994), 10-21 [refereed].1994 Every Robe He Dons Becomes Him: Images of clothing in the Islamic tradition. In Parabola: The Magazine of Myth and Tradition—Clothing 19(3) (Fall1994), 20-28.

4751994 A Funny thing happened on the way to Yemen, or Arabists and their Interpretations of the Movement of the Fatimid Caliphate. In Le Croissant, 25th Anniversary Issue (April 1994), 13-14.1992 Muhammad, Muslims and Islamophiles in the Commedia. In The Muslim World 82(1-2) (January-April 1992), 133-143 [refereed].1992 Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: Point of View and the Embedded Narrator in al-Tayyib Salih’s ‘Dumat Wad Hamid’. In Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 28 (1992), 213-221 [refereed].1992 All Seek a Way: The Straight Path in Islam. In Parabola: The Magazine of Myth and Tradition—Labyrinth 17(2) (Summer 1992), 22-24.1991 Movement in Mahfuz’s Tharthara fawq al-nil. In Journal of Arabic Literature 22(2) (1991), 53-65 [refereed].CONTRIBUTIONS TO ENCYCLOPEDIAS, SCHOLARLY DICTIONARIES AND REFERENCEWORKS2009 In Encyclopedia of the Political Thought in Islam, ed. Gerhard Böwering et al (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009): (i) Friendship; (ii) Pilgrimage [in preparation].2008 In Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, ed. Robert E. Bjork (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009): (i) Abu Bakr; (ii) ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib; (iii) Caliphate; (iv) Mecca; (v) Medina; (vi) Muhammad; (vii) Saladin; (viii) Sunna; (ix) ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan [in press].2008 Azad Bilgrami. In Essays in Arabic Biography, 1350-1850, ed. Joseph E. Lowry and Devin J. Stewart (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 2008]: Azad Bilgrami (1704-1786) [in press].2005 In Encyclopaedia of Medieval Islamic Civilization, ed. Josef Meri (New York: Routledge, 2005): (i) Mythical Places, 548-549; (ii) al-Raniri, Nur al-din (d. 1658), 665-666.2001- In Encyclopedia of the Qur’an, ed. J. D. McAuliffe et al (Leiden: Brill, 2001- 06):2005 (i) Clothing, 1: 346-347 (2001); (ii) Trips and Voyages, 4: 372-376 (2005).2004 In Arabic Literary Culture, 500-925, Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol.

476 311, ed. M. Cooperson and S. M. Toorawa (Detroit: Thomson Gale), 2005): Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur (d. 893), 141-149.2002 In Reference Guide to World Literature, vol. 1: Authors, ed. Sara and Tom Pendergast, 3rd ed. (Detroit: St James Press, 2002): (i) Adonis, 6-9; (ii) Virahsawmy, Dev, 1068-1069.1997- In Encyclopedia of Islam, 2nd edn, ed. H. A. R. Gibb et al (Leiden: Brill, 19542001 2006): (i) Sikbadj, 9: 576 (1997); (ii) Tahir b. Muhammad al-Muhannad al- Baghdadi, 10: 103 (1998); (iii) Tahir Sayf al-Din, 10: 103-104 (1998); (iv) ‘Ubaydallah b. Ahmad b. Abi Tahir, 10: 761-762 (2000); (v) Wakwak (with G. Ferrand†, G.R. Tibbetts†, and G.S.P. Freeman-Grenville), 11: 103-108 (2000); (vi) Zabadj (with G.R. Tibbetts†), 11: 367-369 (2001).2001 In Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies, ed. John Hawley (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2001): Syed Hussain Alatas, 13-15.1998 In Encyclopaedia of Arabic Literature, ed. J. S. Meisami and P. Starkey, 2 vols (London: Routledge, 1998): (i) Dar al-Hikma, 182; (ii) Ibn Harma al- Qurashi, 331; (iii) Ibn Hibban al-Busti, 334; (iv) Ibn al-Jarrah, 338; (v) Patronage, 598-99.1997 In The Dictionary of Global Culture, ed. K. A. Appiah and H. L. Gates, Jr. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997): (i) Hajj, 271-272; (ii) Id al-Adha, 317- 318; (iii) Id al-Fitr, 318; (iv) Islam, 328; (v) Ramadan, 543-544.1993 In Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century, Vol. 5: Supplement and Index, ed. S. R. Serafin (New York: Continuum, 1993): Ahmad ‘Abd al- Muti‘ al-Hijazi, 285-286. Reprint: In Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century, Third Edition, 4 volumes, completely revised and enlarged, Steven R. Serafin, general editor (Farmington Hills, St James Press, 1999), vol. 2, 392–393.TRANSLATIONS[2008 In ‘Books’ above, see: Schoeler, The Genesis of Literature in Islam (in press)]2008 Two poems by Adonis [‘Flower of Alchemy’ and ‘Church of Daytime’, translations of ‘Zahrat al-kimiya’ and ‘Kanisat al-nahar’], in al-‘Arabiyya 41 (2007) [forthcoming].2008 Toward an English rhymed prose translation of Surat al-Rahman [Q RAHMAN 55] in al-‘Arabiyya 39-40 (2005-2006) [forthcoming].

4772008 Adonis, Three Poems [‘Captive Wonder’, ‘The Tree of Day and Night’, and ‘The Sign’, translations of ‘al-Dahshah al-asirah’, ‘Shajarat al-naar wal-layl’, and ‘al-Ishara’], Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings 8(1) (2008), 74-75.2007 The Fall [translation of Adonis, ‘al-Suqut’]. Redivider 5(1) (Fall 2007), 81.2007 Q Insān 76, Q Yā Sīn 36, and Q Fātiḥa 1. In ‘Referencing the Qur’an: A Proposal, with Illustrative Translations and Discussion,’ in Journal of Qur’anic Studies 9(1) (2007), 139–147.2007 The New Noah [a translation of Adonis, ‘Nuh al-jadid’, with Translator’s Note]. In Poetry Magazine 190/1 (April 2007), 21-23.2007 ‘The Inimitable Rose’, being Qur’anic saj‘ from Surat al-Duhâ to Surat al-Nâs (Q. 93–114) in English rhyming prose, in Journal of Qur’anic Studies 8.2 (2006), 143–153.2006 Selections from the Qur’an. Sura Fatiha, Sura Ya Sin and Suras Duha to Nas (New Delhi: [self-published], 2006). 44 pages.[2004 In ‘Books’ above, see: Adonis, A Time Between Ashes and Roses.]2001 Selections from the Autograph Notes of ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi. In K. Brustad et al, Interpreting the Self: Autobiography in the Arabic Literary Tradition, ed. D. F. Reynolds (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001), 156-164.2000 A Soiree with Abu Khalil al-Qabbani. A translation of Sa‘dallah Wannus, ‘Sahra ma‘a Abi Khalil al-Qabbani’. Part 1. Journal of Arabic and Middle Eastern Literatures 3(1) (January 2000), 19-49.1996 Surah Ya Sin (36), An Explanatory Translation in Rhymed Prose (saj‘). Port Louis: The Haji I. I. Toorawa Waqf, 1996. 32 pp. Reprinted 1999.1993 This, Is My Name. A translation of Adonis, ‘Hadha huwa ’smi’. In Journal of Arabic Literature 24(1) (1993), 28-38.1992 Introduction to the History of the Petty Kings. A translation of Adonis, ‘Muqaddimah li-tarikh muluk al-tawa’if’. In Journal of Arabic Literature 23(1) (1992), 27-35.

4781990 A Grave… because of New York. A translation of Adonis, ‘Qabr min ajli New York’. In Journal of Arabic Literature 21(2) (1990), 43-56.1988 The Roots. A translation of Yusuf al-Khal, ‘al-Judhur’. In Journal of Arabic Literature 19(2) (1988), 179-182.BIBLIOGRAPHIES2008 ‘He heard music and dancing’: a Roger Allen bibliography. In Al-‘Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, 41 (2007) [in press].2008 Bibliography of Literature on Azad Bilgrami with special reference to his Arabic Works’. In Arabic Literature before al-Muwaylihi, edited by Devin Stewart and Shawkat M. Toorawa, special issue of Middle Eastern Literatures 11/2 (2008), 263–264.2004 Nomos kai paideia: a bibliography of the works of George Makdisi. In J. Lowry, D. Stewart and S. M. Toorawa (eds), Law and Education in Medieval Islam: Studies in Memory of George Makdisi (Cambridge: Gibb Memorial Trust, 2004), 7-17.2001 An Addendum to Edebiyât 10.1: Bibliography of Critical Works on al- Tayyib al-Sâlih. In Edebiyât 12(4) (2001), pp. 309-311.2001 (with RRAALL) Annotated Guide [bibliography of pre-modern Arabic autobiographies]. In K. Brustad, et al, Interpreting the Self: Autobiography in the Arabic Literary Tradition, ed. D. F. Reynolds (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001), 255-288.1997 A. R. Kidwai, A Guide to English Translations of the Quran, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: Hassam Toorawa Trust, 1997). i, 19 pp.EDITED MATERIAL2008 William F. S. Miles, Britain, France and the Dual Colonial Inheritance of Mauritius: Mauritian Decolonization in Comparative Perspective, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, 2008), viii, 33 [in press]2005 Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, Religious Expansion, Assimilation, and the Islamic “Conquest” of China in the Christian Missionary Imagination, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, with the

479 collaboration of the Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University, and the Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University, 2005), ii, 33 pp.2004 Paul van der Velde, ‘Champ de Vénus’ on ‘Roller Island’. Jacob Haafner’s description of Mauritius, 1786-1787, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, 2004). ii, 42 pp. Partial reprint in The Western Indian Ocean: Essays on Islands and Islanders, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, 2007), pp. 67-90.2000 Melvin Ayogu, Africa and Corporate Governance, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, with the collaboration of the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute, Harvard University, 2000). i, 32 pp.1999 Himanshu Prabha Ray, Early Seafaring Communities of the Indian Ocean, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, 1999). i , 27 pp. Reprinted in The Western Indian Ocean: Essays on Islands and Islanders, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, 2007), pp. 21-46.1999 Special Focus: Mauritian Writing in English, edited by Nandini Bhautoo- Dewnarain and Shawkat M. Toorawa. In Wasafiri 30 (Autumn 1999): 21-41.1998 Larry W. Bowman, Wandering Americans: The Mauritian Adventures of Mark Twain and Joshua Slocum, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, with the collaboration of the English Speaking Union, Mauritius, and the United States Information Service, Port Louis, 1998). i, 27 pp. Partial reprint in The Western Indian Ocean: Essays on Islands and Islanders, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, 2007), pp. 93-103.1997 Roland Lamusse, Mapping the Future of the Mauritian Economy, edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust, with the collaboration of the University of Mauritius 1997). i , 17 pp.1996 Child Care in Islam, abridged and edited by Shawkat M. Toorawa (Port Louis: The Hassam Toorawa Trust and UNICEF-Mauritius, 1996). ii, 18 pp.SCHOLARLY REVIEWS2008 Arabic Literature in the Post-Classical Period, ed. Roger Allen and D. S. Richards (Cambridge History of Arabic Literature (Cambridge:

480 Cambridge University Press, 2005). In Speculum: Journal of the Medieval Academy 83(2) (2008), 397.2005 Desmond O’Grady, The Golden Odes of Love: Al-Muallaqat (Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1997). In al-‘Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, 36 (2003), 167-180.2003 Driss Chraïbi, Muhammad, a novel (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Reinner, 1998). In Edebiyât: The Journal of Middle Eastern Literatures, 14(1-2) (2003), 174-178.2000 Intizar Husain, The Seventh Door and Other Stories, edited and with an introduction by M. U. Memon (Boulder & London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998). In Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 34 (Summer 2000), 92-93.1997 Reorientations/Arabic and Persian Poetry, ed. S. P. Stetkevych (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994). In Journal of the American Oriental Society 117(4) (1997), 759-762 (also reviewed in Muslim World Book Review, 17[4] [Winter 1997], 45-46).1997 Sayyida Salme/Emily Ruete, An Arabian Princess Between Two Worlds: Memoirs, Letters Home, Sequels to the Memoirs, Syrian Customs & Usages, ed. E. van Donzel (Leiden: Brill, 1993). In Muslim World Book Review, 17(2) (Summer 1997), 57-58.1996 Kaisser A. Afif, And the Word Became Poem, tr. M. Ajami (Princeton: The Grindstone Press, 1994). In Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 30(2) (December 1996), 236-237.1994 Intizar Husain, Basti, tr. F. Pritchett (Delhi: HarperCollins, 1994). In Annual of Urdu Studies 11 (1996), 310-315.1994 Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati, Love, Death and Exile, poems translated from Arabic by Bassam K. Frangieh (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1990). In al-‘Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic 27 (1994), 51-62.1996 Love and Sexuality in Modern Arabic Literature, ed. R. Allen, H. Kilpatrick and E. de Moor (London: Saqi, 1995). In Muslim World Book Review 16(3) (Spring 1996), 33-37.1995 [Review article] Sad Songs with Henna Leaves: Urdu Stories in Translation. In Edebiyât: The Journal of Middle Eastern Literatures, New

481 Series 6(1) (1995), 131-142.1994 Hanan al-Shaykh, Women of Sand and Myrrh (London: Quartet Books, 1990). In Muslim World Book Review 14(3) (Summer 1994), 46-47.1994 ‘Abbasid Belles-Lettres, ed. J. Ashtiany et al. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990). In Muslim World Book Review 14(2) (Spring 1994), 47-52.1993 Shmuel Moreh, Live Theatre and Dramatic Literature in the Medieval Arabic World (New York: New York University Press, 1991). In Muslim World Book Review 13(4) (Summer 1993), 47-48.1992 John Asfour, When the Words Burn (Dunvegan, Ontario: Cormorant Books, 1988). In Journal of Arabic Literature 23(3) (1992), 236-247 (abridged version in Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 24[2] [December 1990], 244-246)1992 M. M. Enani, The New Arabic Poetry in Egypt (Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organisation, 1988). In Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 28 (1992), 241-244.1990 Salma Jayyusi, Modern Arabic Poetry: An Anthology (New York: Columbia University Press, 1987). In Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 24(2) (December 1990), 254-255.1990 (With the Members of RRALL) Wilson Bishai, A Computer Dictionary of Literary Arabic: Arabic-English (The Arabic Software Center). In Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 24(2) (December 1990), 247-248.1990 Ghazi Algosaibi, Lyrics from Arabia (Washington, D.C.: Three Continents Press, 1986). In Jusur 6 (1990), 126-131.1988 Basim Musallam et al., ‘The Power of the Word’ [documentary film]. In Jusur 4 (1988), 69-76.1988 Abdullah al-Udhari, Victims of a Map (London: Saqi Books, 1985). In Journal of Arabic Literature 19(2) (1988), 193-200.BOOK REVIEW2008 Adonis, Mihyar of Damascus: His Songs, translated by Adnan Haydar and Michael Beard (Rochester, N.Y.: BOA Editions, 2008). In World Literature Today [in preparation].

4822006 Salma Khadra Jayyusi, Modern Arabic Fiction: An Anthology (New York: Columbia University Press, 2005). In World Literature Today 80(2), 66.2002 Monique Agenor, Cocos-de-mer (Paris: Le Serpent à Plumes, 2000). In World Literature Today 76(1) (Winter 2002), 143.2000 Rachid El-Daif, Cher Monsieur Kawabata (Paris: Sindbad/Actes Sud, 1998). In World Literature Today 74(1) (Winter 2000), 210-211.2000 Death before Dying: The Sufi Poems of Sultan Bahu, translated and with an introduction by J. Elias (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998). In Parabola: Myth, Tradition and the Search for Meaning—Threshold 25/1 (Winter 2000), 144-146.1998 Lindsey Collen, Getting Rid Of It (London: Granta Books, 1997). In World Literature Today 72(3) (Summer 1998), 690-691.1998 Sonorités pour adoucir le souci. Poésie traditionelle de l’archipel malais. Tr. G. Voisset (Paris: Gallimard/nrf, 1996). In World Literature Today 72(1) (Winter 1998), 213.1997 Raharimanana, Lucarne (Paris: Serpent à Plumes, 1996). In World Literature Today 71(2) (Spring 1997), 438-439.1997 Carl de Souza, La maison qui marchait vers le large (Paris: Serpent à Plumes, 1996). In World Literature Today 71(2) (Spring 1997), 464.CREATIVE WRITING2008 ‘Kisanla sa Derida-la?’ in 40 poet, enn rekey (Port Louis: Ledikasyon Pu Travayer, 2008), 76. First appeared in SOURCES: Revue de la Maison de la Poésie, Namur (January 2007):www. ‘Layla’ in Point Barre: revue de poésie contemporaine 2 (2007): A fleur de peau, 27.2007 ‘Robert Surcouf, en voyant le Front de Mer, Caudan, 1997’ in SOURCES: Revue de la Maison de la Poésie, Namur (January 2007): www. maisondelapoesie. be/texts_et_poemes/texes_et_poemes.php?id+357

4832005 ‘Brecht and Bayati’ in al-Waha [Ithaca, NY] 1 (2005), 19.1997 Guavas and Khandan. In Mauritian Voices: New Writing in English, ed. Ron Butlin (Newcastle upon Tyne: Flambard Press, 1997), 183-187.ESSAYS, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, AND MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS2006 In Praise of Nuance. In Do the Humanties Have to Be Useful? Ed. Mohsen Mostafavi, Biddy Martin and Peter LePage (Ithaca: Cornell University, 2006), 107-110.2004 (with J. Lowry and D. Stewart), Introduction, Law and Education in Medieval Islam: Studies in Memory of George Makdisi (Cambridge: Gibb Memorial Trust, 2004), i-xiv.2003 Reflections on the Shoah by an Itinerant Muslim. In Bridges: an interdisciplinary journal of theology, philosophy, history and science 10 (3-4) (Fall/Winter 2003), 275-287.2001 (with Ross Brann) What is Islam? and Understanding Islam [2001]. Adonis, source de joie. In Adonis, un poète dans le monde d’aujourd’hui 1950- 2000 (Paris: Institut du monde arabe, 2000), 318-19.2000 Mapping Communities and their Territories—A Reflection. Towards the making of a Multi-Cultural Society. Conference papers. Ed. S. Nirsimloo- Gayan (Moka, Mauritius: Mahatma Gandhi Institute Press, 2000), 10-17 = Culture’s Permeable Frontiers. In The Zimbabwean Review 3(4) (October- December 1997), 12-14.2000 Imagined Territories: The Pre-Dutch History of the Indian Ocean. Globalisation and the South-West Indian Ocean. Ed. Sandra J. T. Evers and Vinesh Y. Hookoomsing (Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies; Réduit: University of Mauritius, 2000), 31-39.1998 Religion in Mauritius: I have a vision... In Consolidating the Rainbow, Independent Mauritius, 1968-1998, ed. Marina Carter (Port-Louis: Centre for Research on Indian Ocean Societies, 1998), 113-120 (reprint in Le mauricien, May 8 and 9, 2007).1997 Why I Am (Not) An Africanist. In Proceedings of the The Fifth African

484 Studies Consortium: toorawa.html1997 The Hour of Death. In Parabola: The Magazine of Myth and Tradition— Threshold 27(2) (Spring 1997), 47-48.1996 Cartographies (of silence), Orient/ation, and Sexuality: The Dis/covery of America and the Mascarenes. In USA-Mauritius. 200 Years: History, Trade, Culture. Conference Proceedings. ed. Susan Crystal (Moka, Mauritius: USIS/Mahatma Gandhi Institute Press, 1996), 43-71.1996 Islam in a plural society. In Le Mauricien (18 January 1996), 7.1988-91 Selected short prose. In Sanyog, vol. 1-4 (1988-1991).1985 (with Marc Ostfield) Nay Jews Day. Daily Pennsylvanian, 1985.PUBLIC SPEAKINGSCHOLARLY PRESENTATIONS AND INVITED LECTURES [SELECTED]‘Where Women Grow on Trees’ Explore: Intellectual Explorations with Faculty,2008, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (August 2008)Discussant, School of ‘Abbasid Studies, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, England (July2008)(with Leslie Sadler) Does Engagement with Students in Residential CommunitiesBenefit Faculty Teaching? NASPA—Student Affairs Administrators in HigherEducation, Boston Convention Center (March 2008).Panel Chair, ‘Characters and Characterisation.’ 5th Conference on the Qur’an:Text, Interpretation & Translation, Centre of Islamic Studies at SOAS, Universityof London (November 2007) [invited]‘Islamic Literature: Toward a Definition.’ Islam Week, Cornell University (October 2007).Panelist, ‘Othering: Social Processes and Cultural Expressions: ImaginingMuslims/Imagining Others: South Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe.’ Institute forEuropean Studies Religious 607ism Conference, Kahin Center, Cornell University(September 2007) [invited]

485‘Arabic Literature in the 18th century: Azad Bilgrami and his Commitments.’Institute of Ismaili Studies (May 2007) [invited]‘Arabic Literature in the ‘Age of Decline”—Lessons from 18th century India.’Fellows Seminar, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford (May 2007) [invited]‘The Compatibility of Literature and Revelation: Arabic and Muslim Writers andthe Qur’an.’ Fairchild Lecture, University of Southern Mississippi (March 2007)[invited]‘What ‘asr al-inhitat? Azad Bilgrami and Arabic Literature.’ University of KolkataInternational Seminar on Perso-Arabic Threads in Indian Tapestry, AsiaticSociety, Kolkata (February 2007) [invited]‘Adonis, a “prophetic” poet.’ Department of Arabic, Aligarh Muslim University,Aligarh, India (December 2006) [invited]Paper, paper everywhere: Arabic Writerly Culture in 9th Century Baghdad,Faculty Seminar, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University,New Delhi, India (September 2006) [invited]‘Oriental Studies and Islamic Studies in North America—Before and After.’Extension Lecture, Aligarh Muslim University (November 2006) [invited]‘Al-adab al-‘Arabi al-mu‘asir wal-Qur’an al-karim/Modern Arabic literature and theHoly Qur’an.’ Department of Arabic, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India,September 2006 [invited]‘Who (and how) does Ibn al-Nadim cluster? Looking for answers in Fihrist 3.3.’School of ‘Abbasid Studies, St Andrews University, Scotland (July 2006)Meta-Discussant, Illusions of Order: A Border-Crossing UndergraduateSymposium on Medieval Cultural Production, A. D. White House, CornellUniversity (April 2006) [invited]‘Parallelism and Echoing in Surat Maryam (Q. 19).’ The Qur’an: Text,Interpretation & Translation Conference, Centre of Islamic Studies at SOAS,University of London (November 2005) [invited]‘Portrayal of the Self in the Work of Adonis, or The Arab(ic) Poet as Prophet.’Portrayal of the Self in the Modern Middle East, University of Groningen (May2005) [invited]

486‘What’s in the Kitab al-manthur wa-al-manzum (before 280/893) anyway?’ Schoolof ‘Abbasid Studies, Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium (July 2004) [invited]Faculty Participant, Writing (Disciplinary) Writing: Four Years and Beyond.Cornell Panel, John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines SummerConsortium 2004, Cornell University, NY (June 2004) [invited]‘The Quran and Modern Arabic Literature.’ Arabic Studies University Seminar,Columbia University (April 2003) [invited]‘Travel in the medieval Islamic world reconsidered.’ 213th Meeting of theAmerican Oriental Society, Nashville, TN (April 2003)‘Islam in a Pluralistic World.’ 5th Annual MSA Banquet. Colgate University,(March 2003) [invited]‘How ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (and others) helped me rethink travel in theIslamic middle ages.’ Asian and African Languages and Literature and theCenter for the Study of Muslim Networks, Duke University (February 2003)[invited]‘Ibn Abi Tahir v. al-Jahiz, or defining the adib.’ School of `Abbasid Studies,Trinity Hall, Cambridge, England (July 2002) [invited]‘“Yafirru min al-munaziri in atahu,” or Ibn Abi Tahir and (never) running from agood “fight”.’ 212th Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Houston, TX(March 2002)Kaf-Ha-Ya-‘Ayn-Sad: The Qur’an’s Mystical Letters in Two Modern Arab/icWriters. New York Conference on Asian Studies, Cornell University(October 2001)«Vivre sous d’autres latitudes»: “The Mapmakers of Spitalfields” and OtherSurvivors of Cartography.’ Reorienting Europe Seminar, Institute for EuropeanStudies, A. D. White House, Cornell University (October 2001) [invited]‘What does the “diasporic” imagination beget? Imagined histories of discoveryamong Muslims of Mauritius and North America.’ Society for the Humanities,Cornell University (September 2001)Teaching Writing in Near Eastern Studies First-Year Courses. Cornell Panel, JohnS. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines Summer Consortium 2001,

487Cornell University, (June 2001) [invited]‘Arabic Writing at the Margins. Efflorescence in a Period of “Decline”.’ ArabicCultural Production 1400-1800, University of Pennsylvania (May 2001) [invited]Who were the Shayatin al-‘Askar and how do we know? 211th Meeting of theAmerican Oriental Society, Toronto, ON (March 2001)‘Meditations of a Multicultural Muslim.’ Third World Views of the Holocaust:An International Symposium. Northeastern University (April 2001) [invited]‘Resisting Creolization: Posit(ion)ing an “Arab” Mauritius.’ Creolization in theIndian Ocean Research Workshop, Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near EasternStudies, New York University (January 2001)The Compatibilities of Literature and Revelation. Plenary speaker, IslamAwareness Week (Muslim Students’ Association), Emory University(November 2000) [invited]Modern Arabic Poetry: An Overview. Live telecast in ‘Modern ArabicLiterature,’ Rutgers University (October 2000) [invited]Where Women Grow on Trees: Fabulous Indian Ocean Islands. (i) Program inSouth Asian Studies, (ii) Faculty Programs in Residential Communities, CornellUniversity (September 2000)Panelist, Future Directions and Challenges for African American Studies.Harvard University Department of Afro-American Studies 30th AnniversaryConference, Harvard University (April 2000) [invited]‘Is Mauritius in Africa? Is Africa in Mauritius? Race and Identity on an IndianOcean Island.’ W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for Afro-American ResearchColloquium Series, Harvard University (April 2000)“We were here first”: The politics and rhetoric of an Arab-Islamic Mauritius andan Afr-Islamic America.’ Harvard Africa Seminar, Harvard University(April 2000) [invited]‘The Marvelous Waqwaq Tree.’ Department of Religion, Wellesley College(March 2000) [invited]‘The forgotten poetic talents of Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur.’ 210th Meeting of theAmerican Oriental Society, Portland, OR (March 2000)

488Where Women Grow on Trees: The Arab-Islamic Waqwaq tree and the NewWorld. (i) Islamic and Near Eastern Studies Colloquium, University ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara (February) [invited] (ii) Near Eastern Languages andCultures, University of California, Los Angeles (February 2000) [invited]‘Is Multiculturalism Bad for Art? Carl de Souza’s Mauritian City in La maison quimarchait vers le large.’ Conference on Cities and Cultural Diversity in France andthe Francophone World, University of California, Los Angeles (February 2000)[invited]‘Translating’ The Tempest: Dev Virahsawmy’s Toufann, Cultural Creolization andthe Rise of Mauritian Kreol. Seminar in Cross-Cultural Poetics and Rhetoric, TheHumanities Center, Harvard University (February 2000) [invited]New Flames from Old Fires: Adonis and the Alchemy of an Arab/ic Future.Department of Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University (January 2000) [invited]“We were here first”: The politics and rhetoric of an Arab-Islamic Mauritius.Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, The Ohio State University(January 2000) [invited]‘Mauritius, Zanzibar and the “endowing” dhow.’ Dhow Culture Workshop,Stonetown, Zanzibar (July 1999) [invited]‘Fabular Islands of the Southwest Indian Ocean.’ Islands: histories andrepresentations. University of Kent, Canterbury, UK (April 1999) [invited]‘“What’s past is prologue:” Shakespeare, Mauritian Writers, and the“decolonization” of the mind.’ Transfer of power and the decolonizationprocess: the Mauritian Experience, Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Mauritius(December 1998)‘The Appropriation of Shakespeare in Mauritian Literature.’ Festival of Writingfrom the Commonwealth Islands, University of Mauritius (July 1998) [invited]Descriptions and locations of the Waqwaq tree. The Middle East LiteratureSeminar, University of Pennsylvania (April 1998)From Memory to Written Record: Aspects of Orality and Literacy in ClassicalArabic Literature. Dept of Humanities Seminar, University of Mauritius(March 1998)

489Functioning in a pluricultural context. Seminar on the Role of Arabic in aMultilingual and Pluricultural Context, Mauritius (January 1998) [invited]Reflections on the Negotiation of Neglect. Department of Architecture,Massachusetts Institute of Technology (November 1997) [invited]Why I Am (Not) An Africanist. The Fifth African Studies Consortium, Center forContemporary African Studies, University of Pennsylvania (October 1997)The Arab-Islamic Waqwaq tree and the New World. Department of Religion,Amherst College (September 1997) [invited]Waqwaq revisited and resituated. 207th Meeting of the American OrientalSociety, Miami, FL (March 1997)Mapping Communities and their Territories. Towards the Making of aMulticultural Society. Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Mauritius (November 1996)Where Women Grow on Trees (?): America and Mauritius in Travel Accounts.USA-Mauritius 200 Years: Trade, History, Culture, University of Mauritius(March 1995) [invited]Language and Male Homosocial Desire in the Autobiography of ‘Abd al-Latif alBaghdadi. 27th Middle East Studies Association Conference (MESA), ResearchTriangle Park, NC (November 1993)Dhimmi physicians in Ibn Abi Usaybi`ah’s ‘Uyun al-anba’ fi tabaqat al-ayibba’.18th Fall Meeting of The Conference on Faith and History, Westmont College(November 1992) [invited]Songs of Myself: Adonis (b. 1930) and Modernist Arabic Poetry, followed by areading of ‘This, Is My Name’. The MultiCultural Center, University ofCalifornia-Santa Barbara (November 1992) [invited]Discourses of Gender in the Ninth Century: Ibn Abi Tahir’s Balaghat al-nisa. 26thMESA Conference, Portland, OR (October 1992)The Madrid (West Asia) Conference, Home(land)lessness, International(Community) Service, and Ter(ror)toriality via a reading of Adonis’ ‘AnIntroduction to the History of the Petty King(dom)s’, Duke University(November 1991)The Inscription of Power in Ibn Abi Tahir’s Kitab Baghdad. 25th MESA

490Conference, Washington, DC (November 1991)‘The Concepts of Violence and Justice in Islam.’ The Duke Institute for Learningin Retirement, Duke University (July 1990) [invited]Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur and the Bad Boys of Baghdad. The Asian and AfricanLanguages and Literature Faculty Seminar, Duke University (April 1990)The Transition from Achievement-based to Proficiency-based Teaching in Arabicand Other Languages. The Department of Teaching English as a ForeignLanguage, at the American University in Cairo, Egypt (February 1989) [invited]Observations on Mahfuz’s Thartharah fawq an-nil. American Research Center inEgypt Conference, The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania(April 1989)At-Tayyib Salih’s ‘Dumat Wad Hamid’. American Research Center in Egypt,Cairo (March 1989)Muhammad, Muslims and Islamophiles in the Commedia. The New CollegeBiennial Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Sarasota, FL(March 1988)A Wounded Rose: Poetry of a Homeland Under Siege. Association of Arab-American University Graduates Conference, Arlington, VA (October 1987)OTHER PUBLIC SPEAKING OR APPEARANCES (SELECTED)Panelist. Screening of ‘The Namesake’. Conference on The Immigrant Child:Past, Present and Future, Cornell Cinema, Cornell University (October 2008).Discussant. Screening of ‘Brick Lane’. The Literary View From Below:Comparative Indian and Disaporic South-Asian Literature and Culture,Cornell University (May 2008).Why Cornell is Special to Me. Cornell Days Welcome Speaker (April 2008)Convulsion and Revelry: Four not quite appropriate Suras from the Qur’an. ACelebration of Medieval Readings, Robert Purcell Community CenterAuditorium, Cornell University (December 2007)Panel Chair, Qur’an. Islamic Near East. 218th Meeting of the American OrientalSociety, Chicago, IL (March 2008)

491Selections from Part 3 of Azad Bilgrami’s Subhat al-Marjan, Arabic Texts Seminar,Oriental Institute, University of Oxford (May 2007)Panel Co-Organizer and Co-Chair, Islamic Near East and South and SoutheastAsia Joint Session: Interactions between Sanskritic, Arabic, and PersianateIntellectuals and Artists. 217th Meeting of the American Oriental Society, SanAntonio, TX (March 2007)Chair, Valedictory Session, University of Kolkata International Seminar on PersoArabic Threads in Indian Tapestry, National Library, Kolkata (February 2007)The official web site of the School of ‘Abbasid Studies? School of ‘AbbasidStudies, St Andrews University, Scotland (July 2006)Master of ceremonies, Mediterranean and Middle East Poetry Night, A.D. WhiteHouse, Cornell University (March 2006, April 2005)Panel Chair, Islamic Near East I: Quran: Structure and Hermeneutics. 216thMeeting of the American Oriental Society, Seattle, WA (March 2006)Panelist, The Danish Cartoons and their Aftermath: Religious Sensitivity vsFreedom of the Press? Alice Cook House, Cornell University (February 2006)The Humanities at Cornell and Beyond: A Roundtable Discussion, Moderated byProvost Biddy Martin, Cornell University (May 2005)Co-convenor, Reception to celebrate the memory of George Makdisi. 215thMeeting of the American Oriental Society, Philadelphia, PA (March 2005)Panel Chair, Islamic Near East VIII: Religion. 215th Meeting of the AmericanOriental Society, Philadelphia, PA (March 2005)Reader, Baccalaureate, Cornell University (May 2004, May 2003)Prisoner. Liberty and Justice for All Educational Symposium. Arts Quad, CornellUniversity (April 2004)L'Ile Maurice. 11th and 12th grade French, Ithaca High School, NY (April 2004)Panel Chair, On the Concept of Jihad. American Academy of Religion—EasternInternational Regional Meeting, Cornell University (April 2004)Panel Chair, Islamic Near East III: Law, Religion and Language. 214th Meeting of

492the American Oriental Society, San Diego, CA (March 2004)Panelist, First Book Workshop, Society for the Humanities, A.D. White House,Cornell University (January 2004)Reader, Litany of Thanksgiving, Baccalaureate 2003, Bailey Hall,Cornell University (May 2004)Panelist, Cornell: An International University. Merrill Presidential ScholarsConvocation Panel Discussion, A. D. White House, Cornell University(May 2003)Orientalism and the War in Iraq. Class of ‘28, West Campus, Cornell University(2003).Panel Chair, Islamic Near East VI: Literature. 213th Meeting of the AmericanOriental Society, Nashville, TN (March 2003)Reader, Three exhortations: (i) From Imrul Qays’ Mu`allaqa; (ii) From SuraLuqman; (iii) From `Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi’s ‘Advice to Students’, Celebrationof medieval Readings, Big Red Barn, Cornell University, (December 2002)Master of Ceremonies and Invited Speaker, Iftaar at the Johnson, The Herbert F.Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University (November 2002)Panel Moderator, Cosmopolitan Alexandria, a symposium, A. D. White House,Cornell University (October 2002)Panelist, September 11—Reflections and Concerns One Year Later, 52nd AnnualMeeting of the Board of Trustees and Cornell University Council, Statler Hall,Cornell University (October 2002)Panelist, Reflections on 9/11, Kennedy Hall, Cornell University (September 2002)‘Islam et Université,’ Islamic Institute of Education & Training, Mauritius(July 2002)‘On scholarly rigour,’ Islamic Foundation, Leicester, England (July 2002)Panel Chair. Islamic Near East III: Adab and Arabic. 212th Meeting of theAmerican Oriental Society, Houston, TX (March 2002)Reader, A poem by Ibn Khafaja and another by Ibn Hani, Medieval Readings, Big

493Red Barn, Cornell University (December 2001)‘Meditations of a Multicultural Muslim: Epitomizing Islam.’ Social Hall, TempleBeth-El, Ithaca, NY (November 2001)‘The five pillars of Islam.’ Northeast Elementary School, Ithaca, NY(November 2001)‘Islam in a plural society.’ Sage Chapel, Cornell University (November 2001)‘Islam, terrorism and phenotype.’ Ithaca High School, NY (October 2001)Panelist. ‘A University Teach-in,’ Kennedy Hall, Cornell University(September 2001)‘Islam.’ Turkish Students Association, Cornell University (March 2001)Panel Chair, Islamic Near East II: Special Panel: Adab. 211th Meeting of theAmerican Oriental Society, Toronto (March 2001)Reader, A poem by Abu Nuwas (d. c. 813), A short poem by Ibn Abi Tahir (d.893) on his friend Abu al-`Ayna’s eloquence, An elegy by the same on anexecuted rebel/heretic. Medieval Readings: Prose and Poetry: Listening to theMedieval World. Risley Hall, Cornell University (December 2000)‘Khidr.’ Keynote address, Muslim Educational and Cultural Association, CornellUniversity (September 2000)Panel Chair. Islamic Near I: Adab. 210th Meeting of the American OrientalSociety, Portland, OR (March 2000)‘Constructing’ Identity on an African Island in the Indian Ocean: Race,Community, Caste and Religion. Mather House, Harvard University(February 2000)‘Advertising and the Print Media.’ British Council/Media Trust/University of Mauritius Seminar: Do the Public Images of Women Match Reality? University of Mauritius (June 1999)‘Whitman and Arabic Poetry.’ Re/Presenting America, American Studies Day,University of Mauritius (April 1996)Respondent, Barbara Metcalf, ‘The Hindu Hajj.’ The Middle East Literature

494Seminar, Duke University (July 1990)Poets of the City: A reading of selections from al-Qindils ‘al-Qahirah’ andAdonis’ ‘Qabr min ajli New York’. American Research Center in Egypt, Cairo(May 1989)History of Egypt [and other lectures]. The American Society for HistoricPreservation, Red Sea Cruise (March 1989)RRAALL (formerly RRALL) Meetings: San Antonio, 2007; Chesapeake Bay, 2006;Granada 2004; Cornell University, 2002 (convenor); University of Pennsylvania,2001; Washington DC/Timonium, MD, 1999; Middlebury College, 1997;Middlebury College, 1993; Washington DC, 1991; Lake Samamish, WA, 1990;Duke University, 1990 (convenor); Timonium, MD, 1989; Toronto, Canada, 1989;Harvard University, 1989; Amherst College, 1988; University of Pennsylvania,1987.HONORS AND AWARDSHonorary Member, National Residence Hall Honorary (2008-09)The James A. Perkins Prize for Interracial Understanding and Harmony, CornellUniversity (2006)Member, Honorary Advisory Board, Abraham’s Vision (2005–)Sophomore Seminar Development Grant, John S. Knight Institute for Writing inthe Disciplines, Cornell University (2005)Subvention, John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines, CornellUniversity (for A Time between Ashes and Roses) (2004)Award, Hull Memorial Publication Fund, Cornell University (for A Time betweenAshes and Roses) (2004)Humanities Faculty Research Grant, Society for the Humanities, CornellUniversity (2003-04)Principal Investigator, ‘Muslims and Islam: Revealed’, Intercultural AwarenessCooperative (COOP) Grant, NAFSA: Association of International Educators,(2002-03)International Jury Member, Zanzibar International Film Festival, Stonetown,Zanzibar (1999)First Prize, Aftaab-e-Islam Mosque Centenary Essay Competition, Mauritius(1996)Honorable Mention, American Association of Teachers of Arabic Translation(AATA) Contest (1991)Second Prize, The Ezra Pound Award for Literary Translation, University ofPennsylvania (1989)Honorable Mention, William Carlos Williams Award of the Academy of

495American Poets, University of Pennsylvania (1988)First Prize, AATA Translation Contest (1986)Mortar Board Senior Honors Society (1984)SERVICEACADEMICMember, University Appeals Panel (2007-2012)Member, Faculty Advisory Committee on Tenure Appointments (2007-09)Member, Faculty Senate (2007-10)Faculty Reader, Arts and Sciences Admissions (Spring 2008, Spring 2004)Director of Graduate Studies, Near Eastern Studies (2002-06)Medieval Studies Graduate Field (2001–)Member, South Asia Program (2000–)Member, Program of Jewish Studies (2000–)Member, Religious Studies Program (2000–)Affiliated Faculty Member, Asian Studies (2000–)Elected Member, Humanities Council (2003-06)Member Joint Search Committee, Middle East, NES/History (2002-03, 03-04)Member, Search Committee, South Asia, Asian Studies (2001-02)Member, Faculty Seminar in Writing Instruction (2001-05)Faculty Member, Cornell Consortium for Writing in the Disciplines (2001, 2003)Faculty Supervisor, John S. Knight Institute (2001, 2005)Member, Fulbright selection committee (Middle East) (2000, 2002-05)Member, South Asia Program FLAS selection committee (2001)Member, John S. Knight Institute Awards Selection Committee (2001)Member, Executive Committee, University of Mauritius Academic StaffAssociation (UMASA) (1998-99)UMASA Representative, Joint Negotiating Committee (1998-99)Member, Editorial Board, University of Mauritius Newsletter (1996-97, 1998-99)Chair, University Newsletter Committee, University of Mauritius (1996)Member, A. B. Duke Scholarship Selection Committee, Duke University (1990-91)Member, Committee on Islamic Societies, Triangle Consortium (1989-91)Representative to Graduate Students Association Council (1986-88), GSACRepresentative to Graduate and Professional Students Assembly (1986-88),GAPSA Representative to Faculty Council (1987-88), GAPSA Representative toUniversity Steering Committee (1987-88)—University of Pennsylvania.Member, Committee on Open Expression (1986-88), University of Pennsylvania.CAMPUS LIFEFaculty in Residence, Mews Hall (2007-09)Host, Around the World in 8 Days (2000—)Faculty Fellow, Robert Purcell Community Center (2001-06)

496Member, Faculty positions sub-committee, House Administrative Committee,West Campus House Council (2000-02)Faculty Advisor, Muslim Educational and Cultural Association(2002-06, 2008-09)Muslim Chaplain/Religious Advisor (Cornell United Religious Work) (2002–06)Convenor, MECA Parents Graduation Reception/MECA Alumni Reception(2003–06, 2008)Organizer, Annual Alternative to Slope Day Movie Marathon (2003—)Faculty Advisor, Jewish Arab Muslim Dialog (2004-05)Advisor, Ramadan Steering Committee (2001-05)Faculty Advisor, Cornell Arab Association (2002-04)Member, House Administrative Committee, West Campus House Council(2000-02)Faculty Fellow, Noyes Community Center (2000-01)Faculty-in-Residence, The Roundtable, Duke University (1990-91)Resident Advisor, Freshman Floor, Graduate Tower B, University ofPennsylvania (1987-88)Graduate Fellow, Stouffer College House, University of Pennsylvania (Fall 1986)Chair, Steering Committee (1983-84), Co-chair, Admissions Committee (1984-85),Co-chair, House Master Selection Committee (1984-85), Representative (1982-83),Stouffer College House, University of Pennsylvania (1982-1985)SERVICE TO THE PROFESSIONMember, International Editorial Board, Journal of Qur’anic Studies (2007–)Member, Editorial Board, al-`Arabiyya (2006-09)American Oriental Society: Director (2004-11); Sectional Chair, Islamic NearEast, American Oriental Society (2004-11); Member, Nominations Committee,American Oriental Society (2003-06)Ph.D. External Examiner, Aligarh Muslim University, India (2003)Member, Board of Advisors, Islamic Institute for Education and Technology(2001-02)Referee for journals: International Journal of Middle East Studies, Journal of ArabicLiterature, Middle Eastern Literatures, Journal of Islamic Studies, Journal of ReligiousHistoryReader for presses: Routledge, Syracuse University Press, Columbia UniversityPressEvaluator for grants/prizes: Macarthur Foundation; Social Sciences andHumanities Research Council of Canada; Society for the Humanities (Cornell);Noma PrizeMember, International Editorial Board, Periodica Islamica (1996-2000)Consultant, Humanities curriculum, Community College of Philadelphia,Philadelphia (1997)Editor/consultant, Audit Report 1998, Audit Department, Government of

497Mauritius (1999)Consultant, Dictionary of Global Culture, ed. H. L. Gates and K. A. Appiah (NewYork: Knopf, 1997) (1990-91)CURRENT PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPAmerican Association of Teachers of ArabicAmerican Oriental SocietyMiddle East MedievalistsMiddle East Studies AssociationRadical Reassessment of Arabic Arts, Language, and LiteratureGRADUATE SUPERVISIONCompletedBarak Mendelsohn, PhD (2006), Government (committee member)Assistant Professor, Haverford CollegeVesselina Naidenova, MA (2006), Near Eastern Studies (committee member)PhD Candidate, Education, Cornell UniversityOmer Bajwa, MA (2006), Near Eastern Studies (chair)Co-ordinator of Muslim Life, Yale UniversityOndrej Elleder, MA (2005), Near Eastern Studies (committee member)Tarek El Ariss, PhD (2004), Comparative Literature (committee member)Assistant Professor, University of Texas, AustinIn progressRose-Louissa Oburra, PhD, Near Eastern Studies (committee member, 2004-)Kathleen Foley, PhD, City and Regional Planning (committee member, 2000-)CORNELL UNIVERSITY COURSESIntroduction to Qur’anic and Classical Arabic (NES 134)Arabic Grammar (NES 212)Advanced Intermediate Arabic I and II (NES 311-312)Readings in Arabic Literature (NES 414)Readings in Arabic Poetry (NES 419)Critical Reading and Writing (ENGL 131.02)Heroes, Heroines and Villains (ENGL 131.07)Introduction to Islamic Civilization (NES/RELST 255, HIST 253)The Sufi Path: Mysticism in Islam (NES 252/RELST 252)Islam—In Theory and Practice (NES/RELST 259)Islam in America (NES/GOVT/AMST 2525)Introduction to Near Eastern Civilizations: Literature (NES 2754)Ninth-century Baghdad and its Bad Boys and Girls (NES 237)Muhammad & Mystics in the Literatures of the Islamic World (NES/COML 250,RELST 254)

498Introduction to the Qur’an (NES/COML/RELST/JWST 256)1001 Nights and other Medieval Arabic Prose (NES 316/615)Crime & Conflict in the Modern Arabic Novel (NES/COM L 319)Seasons of Migration: Literature and Film of the Muslim ‘Diaspora’(SHUM/NES/RELST 409)The Arabic Literary Heritage: History and Literary Theory (NES 3777/6777)New York, Paris, Baghdad: Poetry of the City (NES 427/627, FRLIT 408, COM L460/687)The Education of Princes: Medieval Manuals of Advice and Counsel(NES/GOVT/COML 3716)COMMUNITY/OUTREACH WORKChairman (2008—), The Hassam Toorawa Trust, MauritiusDirector, The Diwan Foundation, Ithaca, NY (2008—)Reviewer, Social Studies Curriculum, DeWitt Middle School, Ithaca, NY (2004)Administrator and Teacher, al-Rumman Weekend School, Ithaca, NY (2001-06)Speaker, Ithaca schools, NY (2000—)Secretary and Board Member, UCNS Nursery School, Ithaca, NY (2000-01)Member and Director, Friends of the Environment, Mauritius (1998-2000)Member, Board of Directors, National Heritage Trust Fund Board, Mauritius(1998-2000)United World Colleges National Scholarship Selection Committee, Mauritius(1998-2000)Member, National Festivals Committee, Ministry of Arts, Mauritius (1996)University of Pennsylvania Alumni Representative & Interviewer, Mauritius(1995-2000)Editor, Hassam Toorawa Trust Publications (1996—)Secretary (1994-2004) and Trustee (1994—), The Hassam Toorawa Trust,MauritiusPresident, HIKMA, Mauritius (1994-99)Member, Committee on Open Expression, University of Pennsylvania (1986-88)GSAC Representative, GAPSA Board Member, & University Steering Committee,University of Pennsylvania (1985-88)Secretary-General, Muslim Students Association, University of Pennsylvania(1982-83)Founding Member, South Asia Society (1981Tin LattB.Com,CPA,ACCA,ACMA,MBA,

499DBA ( UK)(Managing Director of Management & Accountancy Training Limited)Dr. Tin Latt was born in 1970 in Yangon.He received his Bachelor of Commerce degree from Institute of Economics( Yangon) in 1994.He was awarded Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in 1997Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree in year 2000 from AnstedUniversity – (British Virgin Island – UK).He has been an associate member of The Chartered Institute of ManagementAccountants (ACCA-UK) since year 2000 and an associate member of TheChartered Institute of Management Accountants (ACMA-UK) since year 2002.He is also a holder of Practising Certificate awarded by Myanmar AccountancyCouncil after awarding his Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certificate fromthat leading accountancy body in Myanmar.• Principal cum Managing Director and Leader of Faculty Team from Management & Accountancy Training (MAT) College• Principal Financial and Management Consultant from Management & Accountancy Services Ltd• Financial Consultant of Cho Cho Company Ltd• Audit Principal of Internal Audit Team from Yatha Cho Industries Ltd• Lecturer of Certified Public Accountant Program from Myanmar Accountancy Council• External Professor and Senior Member of the Advisory Council from Ansted University (BVI-UK)• Mentor of B.Sc Hon. in Applied Accounting Degree Research programme from Oxford Brooke University – UK• Writer of Business, Management and Accountancy articles in local magazines• Student Recruitment Representative of Financial Training Company ( Singapore)• Business Consultant of United Auto Supply Limited, CityMart Holding Ltd, Diamond Star Co. LtdTimi EcimovicProf. Dr. H. C. Timi Ecimovic is aneminent international independent scientist,researcher,lecturer,

500first director of SEM Institutefor Climate Change,Chairman of the World Thinker’s Forum,International Consultant of UN,professor of environmental sciences at Ansted University.Prof. Dr. Timi Ecimovic is working on protection of the nature space andenvironment, climate change system, environment as commencement ofeverything (environmental sciences), sustainability and sustainable future ofmankind.Theresita AtienzaDr. Theresita Atienza is a Senior Lecturer at the University of the Philippines-School of Labor and InternationalRelations (SOLAIR). She is also Associate Professor at the Polytechnic Universityof the Philippines where she was formerly Dean of the College of Science,Director of the Open University, and Chair of the Department of Natural

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