301Teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Civil Engineeringspecializing in Transportation and Traffic engineering and Project Management;Supervising research Projects in various fields of Transport and TrafficEngineering (details below).Associate Professor (1989 to 1995)Teaching courses and guiding research in undergraduate and postgraduateclasses. Research areas are Mass Transport System, Traffic Signals, Road Safety,Pedestrian Facilities and Traffic Management, Non-motorised Transport.Assistant Professor (1979-89)Teaching undergraduate and Postgraduate classes on Traffic Safety, AccidentInvestigation, Transport Planning/Land use, Transport Economics, TrafficEngineering and Design, Transport Survey Methods and guiding related reseaSupervised about Ten Post-graduate theses leading to the degrees of M.Sc.Engg/ M. Engg/ Diplomas and many Under graduate thesis/project works.Research/Consultancy2000 - to dateTraffic congestion remedial project sponsored by the Ministry Science andInformation and Communication Technology.Project DirectorAdministrative2000 - to dateUniversity of Alberta–BUET Institutional Linkage Project (CIDA supportedTechnical Assistance Project).Project ManagerResponsible for managing the overall project activities.CONFERENCE ATTENDEDEleventh Australian Road Research Board Conference, held at the University ofMelbourne, Australia, August 1982.NAME OF REFEREES:Professor Dr. Sohrabuddin AhmadDepartment of Civil EngineeringBangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) Dhaka, Bangladesh.Professor Dr. J. R. ChoudhuryDepartment of Civil EngineeringBangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) Dhaka, Bangladesh.Professor M. McDonaldProfessor and Director, Transportation Research GroupDept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Southampton,Southampton, U.K.
302RESEARCH PUBLICATIONSPublished over hundred technical papers, in Transport and Traffic Safety areas inBangladesh, India, Australia, Malaysia, France, U.S.A., U.K., Thailand, Brazil,New Zealand, Singapore, Morocco, Tunisia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, TheNetherlands, Denmark, Japan, Togo and South Africa.POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH SUPERVISED:Areas: Studies of Mass Transport System; Signalization; Accident Analysis, RoadSafety; Pedestrian Facilities, Traffic Management; Street Network Optimization,Traffic Assignment , Non-motorised Transport (supervision completed; ThreeM.Sc.Engg., Three M.Engg and Two Post-graduate Diploma theses).Theses Supervised:\"A study of mass transit in metropolitan Dhaka\", - A thesis for the degree ofM.Sc. Engg.(Mr. Ahsan), Dept. of Civil Engg., BUET, Dhaka (1990).PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENTExaminer, Ph.D. Thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia, 1994.Reviewer of Technical Papers, Australian Road Research Board, MelbournePROFESSIONAL COMMENDATIONSReceived a special commendation as the 2nd best paper presented at the 6thConference of Australian Institutes of Transport Research, Canberra, Australia,December 1984.VISITING PROFESSORGuided Ph.D. student in Traffic Engineering/Traffic Safety in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.December 1990-January 1991 and 28 January-10 February 1994.DESIGN/ADVISORY ACTIVITIES DESIGN/ADVISORY ACTIVITIESPlanning, design, construction, maintenance and supervision of office andresidential buildings of Titas Gas Co. Ltd, Dhaka, (1975-1979).OTHER ACTIVITIESInvited Lectures: Presented a Resource Person lecture on the scale of road safetyproblem at the interactive discussion session on \"Youth and community role inroad safety\" organized by the British Council, Dhaka, on 31 August 1999.Sponsored Research: Organized and completed two major research projectsrelating to urban and rural road accidents which have been of particular interestand value to the agencies responsible for traffic safety improvement. Indeed,these were the first systematic and scientific studies of accidents in Bangladesh.Submission to the Cabinet:Prepared a submission for the Cabinet meeting regarding matters relating topolicies and strategies for the prevention of road accidents in Bangladesh.
303Media Interview:Local Radio interview in Skaraborg (Sweden) on Application of Safe CommunityStrategies for Developing Countries. The Fourth Travelling Seminar on SafeCommunities, 26 May 1994.Database Development and Management:Developed two gigantic Victorian (Australia) accident databases (for 1960 and1981 accident data) each comprising in the order of 22,000 accident records of 120characters long in the main frame computer, Melbourne, 1983-1987.PUBLICATIONS:Journals:HOQUE, M.M. (1980), \"Systematic approach to reduce road accidents\", Journal ofthe Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Dhaka Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 33-38.International Conference Proceedings:HOQUE, MM. and ANDREASSEND, D.C.(1980), \"Accidents on a section ofThailand's Superhighways\", 10th Australian Road Research Board (ARRB)Conference Proc. 10(4), pp 108-118.National Conferences/Research Reports/Invited Papers:HOQUE, MM. (1979), \"Accident Analysis for low-cost improvements on theBangkok-Sarabury superhighway\", M. Eng., Thesis, Asian Institute ofTechnology, Bangkok.TASK ASSIGNED IN VARIOUS PROJECT POSITIONSWork undertaken which best illustrates the capability to handle the taskEconomic Affairs Officer Project Name, Location (a), Year (b), Position Held (c),Duties (d), Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipakka (RAJUK), Ministry of Housing andPublic Worksa. Dhakab. 2001-2002c. Team LeaderStudy and design modifications of roadabouts at Sonargaon and Ramna StarGate.Jamuna Multi-purpose Bridge Traffic Survey Project, JMBA, Ministry ofCommunications, Govt. of Bangladesha. Dhakab. 1998-2003c. Team LeaderDesign and conduct of Long term Traffic Survey: Provide training on trafficsurvey methods, recruit survey enumerators and conduct of periodic trafficsurveys covering 24- hourly classified traffic counts and prepare technical reportsof policy implications.
304Mafiur RahmanJob Title: Professor, Department of Civil EngineeringOrganization: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET),Dhaka,BangladeshMajor Field: Development of alternate technologies in arsenic affected areas,Developingappropriate arsenic removal technologies in the arsenic affected areas,Application of GIS for solid waste management, Urban stormwater management,Application of GIS for Improvement of Water supply technologiesEducation: Ph.D. (Civil Engineering) 1997 The University of Tokyo, JapanM.Sc. (Civil and Environmental Engineering) 1994 Bangladesh University ofEngineering and Technology (BUET), DhakaB.Sc. (Civil Engineering) 1992 Bangladesh University of Engineering andTechnology (BUET), DhakaJob history: Since 7th August 2007Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, (BUET) Bangladesh University ofEngineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh13th June2001 ~ 6th August 2007Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, (BUET) BangladeshUniversity of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh26th October 1997 ~ 12th June-2001Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, (BUET) BangladeshUniversity of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh19th October 1992 ~ 25th October, 1997Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, (BUET) Bangladesh University ofEngineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh:
305MD. FAZLUL KARIM PATWARYHOME ADDRESSVillage- ShubidpurP.O. ShubidpurP.S. FaridganjDist. Chandpur, BangladeshDate of birth: January 1, 1971Sex: MaleNationality: BangladeshiCONTACT INFORMATIONComputer and Information Technology InstituteJahangirnagar UniversitySavar, Dhaka-1342BangladeshEmail: [email protected] ; [email protected]: 88-02-7792166 (Res); 88-015-52339056 (cell)Fax: (+88) 02-7791052EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS• 7/1991-6/1992 Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh (exam held in1995)M. Sc. in Statistics (Thesis group)Result: First Class (seventh position)Thesis Title: Performance Analysis of Heapsort AlgorithmSupervisor: Dr. Mohammed Kaykobad, Professor, Department of ComputerEngineeringand Science, BUET and Dr. M. Kabir, Professor, Department of Statistics,JahangirnagarUniversity.• 7/1988-6/1991 Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh (exam held in1992)B. Sc. (honors) in StatisticsResult: First Class (fifth position)• 7/1985-6/1988 Government Science College, Dhaka, BangladeshHigher Secondary Certificate (HSC)Result: First Division• 1/1980-6/1985 Bargaon High School, Chandpur, BangladeshSchool Secondary Certificate (SSC)Result: First DivisionPROFESSIONAL, TRAINING AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE(I) Teaching position at university:Assistant Professor (January, 2003- running)
306Computer and Information Technology Institute, Jahangirnagar University,Bangladesh.Lecturer (November 1999 – January 2003)Computer and Information Technology Institute, Jahangirnagar University,Bangladesh.List of Courses conducted:1. Descriptive Statistics2. Statistical Inference3. Analysis of Variance4. Computer Fundamentals5. Structured Programming C & C++6. Mathlab v7.07. Object Oriented Programming (Visual Basic)8. Data Structure and Algorithm9. Database Management System10. Oracle RDBMS11. Web Programming (HTML, PHP, MYSQL)(II) Research position at University:Technical Officer (December 1995 – November 1999)Department of Statistics, Jahangirnagar University at Dhaka, Bangladesh,(III) Experience as a Principal Investigator or co-investigator:• “Total Literacy Movembent in Lalmonirhat district”. A project of “Shapta(NGO) and Ministry of Education, Government of Bangladesh.• “Baseline Survey to Develop an Exhaustive Database of the Metal EngineeringEnterprises in the Greater Bogra District to Evaluate Development of therecipients in Future”. A joint project Bogra Metal Engineering EntrepreneurGroup (BMEEG) andNetherlan Government through their Embassy.• “Base line survey of VERC Rural Safe water Supply and EnvironmentalSanitation Project”- Phase I & II conducted by Village Education Research Center(VERC).• “Impact of Irrigation in Agricultural Development”. A project of HumanResourceDevelopment Centre, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka and Morgan StateUniversity, USA.• “Information, Communication and Poverty Alleviation”- an impact ofGrameen Phonegiven to the rural women. A project of University of Bonn, Germany.• “Jamuna Bridge Impact Study : Bemchmark Survey 1998”. A project ofInternational RiceResearch Institute (IRRI) and Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.
307• “Jamuna Bridge Impact Study: Bemchmark Survey 2002”. A project ofInternational RiceResearch Institute (IRRI) and Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.• “Jamuna Bridge Impact Study: Bemchmark Survey 2004”. A project ofInternational RiceResearch Institute (IRRI) and Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.• “Certificate Automation System for Jahangirnagar University” -preparingsoftware for various kinds of certificate printing of Jahangirnagar University,Savar, Dhaka.• Conducted 2 research projects as a principal investigator funded byJahangirnagar University, Bangladesh (1999-2005)• Supervised more than 10 post-graduate diploma (PGD) students ofJahangirnagar University in the area of Software Engineering and ProgrammingAlgorithm (1999-2007).(IV) Training:1. Successfully completed the course on “BASIC Language With Application”held from November 14,1990 to December 25, 1990 organized by the Institute of Computer andInformation Technology, Jahangirnagar University.2. Successfully completed the course on “dBase III+” held from August 10, 1993to October 10,1993 organized by the Unix Computers Association Mirpur, Dhaka.3. Successfully completed the course on “Data Analysis (Using SPSS/PC+)” heldfrom February 03,1994 to May 18, 1994 organized by the Institute of Computer and InformationTechnology, Jahangirnagar University.4. Studied one half-unit course on “Computer Programming in FORTRAN” inhonors course.5. Successfully completed the course on “Geographical Information System(GIS)” held from July01, 1997 to July 28, 1997 organized by the Department of Geography andEnvironment,Jahangirnagar University.6. Successfully completed the course on “RDBMS Programming with ORACLE8 & Developer” held fromJanuary 14, 2000 to May 26, 2000 organized by The Engineer's Institution ofBangladesh.7. Successfully completed the course on “Understanding of SystemAdministration, Networkingand ISP Setup with LINUX” held from October 19, 2001 to January 04, 2001organized by TheEngineer's Institution of Bangladesh.
308(V) Programming and Computer Skills:• Operatin System: Linux, Windows 9x• Network: LAN setup, Computer Assembling and trouble shooting• Programming skills: C, C++, C#, Fortran, Qbasic, Visual Basic and Pascal• Data Analysis: SPSS, Shazame, STATA, MINITAB and Mathlab• Web Design: HTML, Java script, PHP, MYSQL• Database Programming: Oracle and Developer, SQL Server, Visual BasicDatabaseprogramming.PUBLICATIONS1. Q. A. Samad, F. K. Patwary (2006) “Estimation of Technical Efficiency andTechnical Changein the Stochastic Frontier Production Function Model - An Application to theManufacturing Industries of Bangladesh\" Journal of Bangladesh Academy ofSciences Vol. 30,No. 1,117-126, 2006.2. M.Alamgir Kabir, M.M.H. Khan, M. Kabir, Mohd. Muzibur Rahman and Md.Fazlul KarimPatwary (2005) “Impact of Women's Status on Fertility and Contraceptive Use inBangladesh: Evidence from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, 1999-2000\" The Indian Journal of Family Welfare Vol. 51, No. 1, June 2005.3. Abdul Bayes, Md. Fazlul Karim Patwary, KM Akkas Ali (2005) “Vegetablesand Vulnerability: Institutions, Infrastructure and Innovations\" The JahangirnagarEconomic Review Vol. 16,No. 1 June 2005.4. Q. A. Samad, F. K. Patwary (2003) “Technical Efficiency in the Textile Industryof Bangladesh: an Application of Frontier Production Function” InternationalJournal ofInformation and Management Sciences Vol 14 No. 1, March 2003, Taiwan,Republic of China.5. Q. A. Samad, F. K. Patwary (2002). “Technical Efficiency and Technical Changein the Major manufacturing Industries of Bangladesh” The Bangladesh Studies Vol.XXVIII, March-June 2002 Nos. 1 & 2.6. F. K. Patwary, Abdul Bayes, Ruhul Amin, Mafizuddin Ahmed (1999). “DoesIrrigation Deliver Development? Answer From Rural Bangladesh” TheJahangirnagar Economic Review Vol. 10 No. 1 June 1999.7. F. K. Patawary, M. S. Ahmed and M. U. Sarker (1998). On The Adequacy OfDifferent RatioAnd Regression Estimators For the Population Mean: ASimulation Study. J.Math. and Math.Sc. Vol. 11.FOREIGN LANGUAGE ABILITY/ SKILLEnglish-good (both spoken and written), IELTS score 6.0
309Mohammad Umar MemonAddress: Office: University of WisconsinDepartment of Languages & Cultures of AsiaMadison, WI 537061246 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Dr.Home: 5417 Regent StreetMadison, WI 53705Telephone: Office: Phone :( 608) 262-3418Home: Phone :( 608) 233-2942E-mail: [email protected]: 608/265-3538E D U C A T I O N:Ph.D. (Islamic Studies—Arabic, Persian, Sociology, Islamic History) University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles, 1971A.M.(Near Eastern languages & literatures—Arabic, Persian), HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, Mass., 1965M.A.(Arabic language & literature, Karachi University, 1961B.A. (with honors), Karachi University, Karachi, Pakistan, 1960Languages:Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Persian, FrenchEMPLOYMENT:1984– Professor, Department of South Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin,Madison1991–93 Chair, Department of South Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin,Madison1976–84 Associate Professor, Department of South Asian Studies, University ofWisconsin,Madison1974–75 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of South Asian Studies,University of Minnesota, Minneapolis1972–76 Assistant Professor (Urdu, Persian, Islam), Department of South AsianStudies, University of Wisconsin, Madison1970–72 Instructor, Assistant Professor, Department of Hebrew and SemiticStudies (Arabic) and Department of Indian Studies (Persian), University ofWisconsin, Madison1965–70 Teaching Assistant, Acting Instructor, Department of Near EasternLanguages and Literatures, University of California, Los Angeles1962–64 Lecturer, Department of Arabic, Sind University, Hyderabad, Pakistan
310Mohammad Nejatullah SiddiqiEmail: [email protected] : http://www.siddiqi.com/mnsAl-Humaira, Muzammil Manzil, Dodhpur Road, Aligarh 202002Tel : (91 571) 270 35611272 Gingerwood Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035Tel : (408) 942-0300 (Home)Fax : (831) 604-9542 (Web)EDUCATION: • M.A. (Economics). 1960. Aligarh Muslim University, India. • Ph.D. 1966. Aligarh Muslim University, India. (Thesis Title: A Critical Examination of the Recent Theories of Profit) • Shariah Studies at Rampur and Saraimer (Azamgarh), India 1950-54ACADEMIC HONORS: • Awarded King Faisal International Prize for Islamic Studies, 1982. • Shah Waliullah Award for 2001, Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi, May 2003 • American Finance House Award, 1993 • Award for Life-long Contributions to Islamic Insurance and Banking, Takaful Forum, New York, 2000 • Topped the list of successful candidates, at the B.A. and M.A. exams at A.M.U., Aligarh (1958 and 1960)TEACHING AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: • Visting Scholar, Islamic Research and Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, November 2002 - April 2003 • Fellow, Center for Near Eastern Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, Fall 2001. • Professor of Economics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 1978 - 2000. • Professor of Islamic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, India. 1977 - 1983. • Reader (Associate Professor) in Economics, Aligarh Muslim University, India. 1975 - 1976. • Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics, Aligarh Muslim University, India. 1961 - 1974.
311Note: Taught courses on Price Theory, Distribution Theory, Money andBanking, Public Finance, Development Economics, History of EconomicThought, Mathematical Economics, Statistical Inference, etc.SUPERVISION OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS:Supervised several Ph.D. dissertations at Aligarh University, Ummul QuraUniversity, (Makkah), Imam Saud University, (Riyadh) and Sokoto University,(Nigeria).EDITORIAL AND ADVISORY POSITIONS: President, International Association for Islamic Economics - 2001-2003. Member, Board of Trusties, AAOIFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions, Bahrain) 1999 - 2001. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, Jeddah. 1983 - 2000. Member International Board, Review of Islamic Economics, International Association of Islamic Economics, Leicester, U.K. 1991 - Member, Advisory Board, Islamic Economic Studies, Islamic Research and Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah. Member, Editorial Board, IQTISAD Journal of Islamic Economics, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1999 - . Member, Advisory Editorial Board, The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, AMSS & IIIT, U.S.A. 1985 - 1999. Member, Advisory Board of the Journal, Humonomics, Toronto, Canada. 1985- Member, Advisory Board, MASS, Journal of Islamic Sciences, Aligarh, India. 1985 - 1997.
312 Editor, Islamic Thought, Aligarh. 1954 - 1959. Acted as referee to several scholarly Journals including the Economic Journal (U.K.)Participated in drawing up syllabuses for Economics / Islamic economics atAligarh Muslim University, King Abdulaziz University, International IslamicUniversity, (Islamabad), International Islamic University, (Kuala Lumpur),Sokoto University, (Nigeria), Imam Saud University, (Riyadh) and Ummul QuraUniversity, (Makkah).ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE:Member Academic Committee, Centre for Research in Islamic Economics,King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah. 1980 - 2000.Member Academic Council, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. 1977-78.Director, Institute of Islamic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.1977-78.Chairman, Department of Islamic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.1977-78.Warden, Aftab Hostel, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. 1961-63.PUBLICATIONSBOOKS:16 books in English,12 in Urdu,7 in Arabicand several in Indonesian, Malaysian, Turkish, Persianand Hindi,translated from the original English work.
313PAPERS:59 papers published in academic journals and compilationsSEMINARS, CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS:Attended a large number of events to present a paper, give a keynote address,chair a session, and comment on a paper or as a member of the organizingcommittee. Some of these were held in the countries named below, inalphabetical order:Algeria, Bahrain, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, England, France, Germany, India,Indonesia, Kuwait, Malaysia,Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sudan, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, UnitedArab Emirates, U.S.A.Riba, Bank Interest and the Rationale of its Prohibition, ForthcomingDialogue in Islamic Economics, 2002, Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad & TheIslamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K.Islamic Public Economics, 2001 Idara-i-Adabiyat-I-Delli (Translated from Urduby Afzal Peerzade) Delhi, IndiaIdara-i-Adabiyat-I-Delli (Translated from Urdu by Afzal Peerzade) Delhi, India,2001, Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad & The Islamic Foundation, Leicester,U.K.Teaching Economics in Islamic Perspective, 1996, Centre for Research in IslamicEconomics, KAAU, Jeddah.Role of the State in the Economy, 1996 The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K.Insurance in an Islamic Economy. 1985 The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K.Partnership and Profit-Sharing in Islamic Law. 1985 The Islamic Foundation,Leicester, U.K.Banking Without Interest. 1983 The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K.Issues in Islamic Banking. 1983 The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K.Muslim Economic Thinking. 1981 The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K.
314Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics1978 The Islamic Foundation,Leicester, U.K.Economic Enterprise in Islam. 1972 Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi, India, andIslamic Publications, Lahore, Pakistan.Some Aspects of the Islamic Economy. 1972 Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi,India, and Islamic Publications, Lahore, Pakistan.Muslim Personal Law Muslim Personal Law Markazi Maktaba Islami, Edited)Delhi, India 1972Recent Theories of Profit, A Critical Examination. 1971 Asia Publishing House,Bombay, IndiaBooks In UrduDeeni Madaris: Masail aur Taqaze (Religious Schools, Problems and Challenges)2001 Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi.Papers Published in Journals or Presented at Conferences, etc.(Selected List)Tashaddud aur Musalman Forthcoming Zindagi Nau, Delhi, IndiaRationale of Islamic Banking in Indian Perspective in \"Islamic Banking in India\",edited by Javed Ahmad Khan2003 Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi,IndiaJihad, Ijtihad aur Mujahida e Nafs, 2003 Zindagi Nau, Delhi, IndiaEkkisween Sadi men Islam, Musalman aur Tahreek e IslamiEarly Medieval Islamic Economic Thought: Abu Yusuf's (731-798) Economics ofPublic Finance.Mu'asir Islami Fikr: Chand Ghaur Talab Pahlu (Some aspects of contemporaryIslamic thought that require rethinking, Urdu) 2001 Tarjumanul Quran, Lahore,October-NovemberMussalman aur Ma'ashi Awamil (Muslims and the Economic Factor, Urdu) 2001Zindagi Nau, Delhi, May-JuneThree Lectures on Islamic Banking and Finance: Foundations, Recent History,Problems and Prospects. 2001 University of California, Los Angeles andClaremont Graduate University.Islamic Banking: Concept, Precepts and Prospects. 2000 Islamic EconomicReview (Leicester), vol. 4Islamic Economic Review (Leicester), vol. 4Evolution of Islamic Banking and Insurance as Systems Rooted in Ethics, 2000Takaful Forum, New York, 26 April, 2000Role of Islamic Financial Institutions in Financing Economic Projects, 1999King Abdulaziz University Seminar on Cooperation between Private Sector andGovernment. Published in the Proceedings.
315Islamic Finance and Beyond: Premises and Promises of Islamic Economics, 1999Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance, 1st October. Published in theProceedings.Islamic Banking: Concepts, Precepts and Prospects (Arabic), 1998 Journal of KingAbdulaziz University: Vol. 10. Islamic EconomicsFuture of the Islamic Movement, 1998 Encounters (Leicester) Vol. 4, No. 1, MarchMuslim Minorities in the 21st Century: A Case Study of Indian Muslims, 1997Encounters (Leicester) Vol. 3, No. 2, SeptemberIslami Tarjeehat (Islamic Priotities, in Urdu) 1997 Zindagi Nau (Delhi), JulyRole of Fiscal Policy in Controlling Inflation in Islamic Framework Fiqh, 1996Presented at Kuala Lumpur on 6-7 July at the Islamic Academy, SecondWorkshop on InflationRationale of Islamic Banking in India's Perspective1996 Institute of ObjectiveStudies, Seminar New Delhi, July 26Money, Banking & Islamic Cooperation and Institutions. 1996 Two ChaptersContributed to a Text Book, \"International Financial Economics: Principles andIssues\" to be Published by the International Islamic University, Malaysia.Islamic Economics and Finance 1995 Encyclopedia of Islamic Banking andInsurance, London, pp. 1-9.Towards Regeneration: Shifting Priorities in Islamic Movements1995 Encounters(Leicester) Vol. 1, No. 2, SeptemberNature and Methodology of of Islamic Political Economy in a Globalised WorldEnvironment. 1994 Malaysia, Pulau Pinang Seminar on Islamic PoliticalEconomyInstruments of Monetary Policy and Central Bank Functioning in IslamicEconomy (Arabic). Kuwait, Economic Sub-Committee of The Committee onImplementation of Shariah.Role of Central Banks with respect to Islamic Banks (Arabic). 1993 Kuwait,Seminar, Economic Sub-Committee of The Committee on Implementation ofShariahPhD Dissertations Supervised (Selected List)Name University Year TopicAbdul Azeem Aligarh Muslim 1984 Economic Concepts ofIslahi University, Aligarh, Ibn Taymiyah IndiaMohammad Sokoto University, 1990 Price Control in IslamicLawal Bashar Nigeria Economy.Mohammad Imam Saud Islamic Commercial Riba: Banks Without AAbdullah University, Riyadh, 1985 Theoretical and AppliedIbrahim Shabani Saudi Arabia Study.
316Sulayman Imam Saud Islamic Insurance and the ShariahIbrahim al University, Riyadh, 1991 Rulings Relating To It.ThunayyanAl Ayashi Saudi ArabiaFaddad The Meaning of Value Ummul Qura And Its Theory in Islamic University, Makkah, 1992 Economics: A Study in Saudi Arabia Comparison With Other Systems.If You want to know lot more about His Eminency Dr. Alam's activities forWorld Peace & Human Rights, please go to www.google.com and search forbiography, Millennium Prophecy, Authentic History of the World and Alam'sVision Of Bangladesh.His Eminency Dr. Shah Sufi Mohammed Nurul Alam - Citizen of Bangladesh -Pioneer spokesman proclaimed Millennium Prophecy Heralds Golden Ageduring the Global Forum and World Summit (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazilin June 1992.
317Mehmet Ali UlubasogluAssociate Professor of EconomicsSchool of Accounting, Economics and FinanceDeakin UniversityMelbourne, AustraliaTel: (03) 9244 6592Fax: (03) 9244 6283Email: [email protected] 2008PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE2007 – Present: Associate Professor of Economics, Deakin University, MelbourneAustralia.2004 - 2007: Senior Lecturer in Economics, Deakin University, Melbourne,Australia.2002 - 2004: Lecturer in Economics, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.1999 - 2001: Preceptor, Department of Economics, Florida InternationalUniversity, Florida, USA1997 - 1999: Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, Florida InternationalUniversity, Florida, USAEDUCATION2001, Ph.D. Florida International University1999, M.A. Florida International University1997, B.Sc. Middle East Technical UniversityRESEARCH INTERESTSInternational Trade, Economic Development, Political EconomySpecializations: Political Economy of Trade Policy, Economic Growth, IncomeInequality, Economic Geography, Political and Economic Freedom, SimultaneousEquations, Panel Data.
318JOURNAL ARTICLESDemocracy and Economic Growth: A Meta Analysis, (with C. Doucouliagos).American Journal of Political Science, forthcoming in January 2008.International Comparisons of Rural-Urban Educational Attainment: Data andDeterminants (with B. Cardak), European Economic Review, October 2007, v. 51,n.7, pp. 1828-1857.Institutions and Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction: The Role of PrivateSector Development, (with D. Mitra and R. Hasan). Asian Development Review,2007, v. 24, n.1, pp. 69-116.Economic Freedom and Economic Growth: Does Specification Make aDifference?, European Journal of Political Economy, March 2006, vol. 22, n.1, pp.60-81, (with C. Doucouliagos).Can we Obtain Realistic Parameter Estimates for the ‘Protection for Sale’ Model?,Canadian Journal of Economics, February 2006, vol. 39, n. 1, pp. 187-210, (with D.Mitra and D. Thomakos).‘Zipf’s Law Strikes Again: The Case of Tourism’, Journal of EconomicGeography, August 2004, vol. 4, n.4. pp. 459-472, (with B. Hazari).'Protection versus Promotion: An Empirical Investigation', Economics andPolitics, July 2004, vol. 16, n.2, pp. 147-162, (with D. Mitra and D. Thomakos).'Globalisation and Inequality', Australian Economic Review, March 2004, vol. 37,116-22.\"Protection for Sale' In A Developing Country: Democracy vs. Dictatorship,'August 2002, Review of Economics and Statistics, 84(3), pp. 497-508, (with D.Mitra and D. Thomakos)'The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Import Demand', Journal of Economicand Social Research, 2002, vol. 4:1, pp. 1-26, (with D. Thomakos).'Protection for Sale and Political Regimes: Empirical Evidence”, May 2001,International Advances in Economic Research, 7(2), p.270, (with D. Mitra and D.Thomakos) .PAPERS UNDER JOURNAL REVIEW1. Intersectoral Size Differences and Migration: Kuznets Revisited’ (with N.Anbarci).
3192. Leviathan Resists: The Endogenous Relationship between Privatisation andFirm Performance’ (with P. Arin).3. Endogenous Liberalization and Within-Country Inequality, (with N. Anbarci).4. Internationalization and Alliance Formation: Evidence from Turkish SMEs(with M. Akdis and S.Bayrak)5. Discrimination, Performance and Career Progression in Australian PublicSector Labour Markets (with C. Doucouliagos and P.Hone).6. “Romes without Empires”: Urban Concentration, Political Competition, andEconomic Growth’ (with C. Karayalcin)WORK IN PROGRESSInstitutions and Economic Growth: A Systems Approach, (with C.Doucouliagos).Institutions and Economic Growth: How the Middle East Differs from the Rest ofthe World, (with C. Doucouliagos)State-Owned Enterprises as a Redistributive Mechanism, (with C. Karayalcin).Economic Freedom, Political Rights, Civil Liberties and Efficiency, (with C.Doucouliagos).Rural Migrations, Productivity, and Inequality in Cities, (with Jean-PierreLaffargue)Covariance Matrix Correction of a Two-Step Estimator in a Simultaneous Probit-Ordered Probit Model, (C. Doucouliagos).PROFESSIONAL REPORTS‘An Analysis of Equity in Pay and in Career Progression in the Victorian PublicSector’ (with C. Doucouliagos, Phillip Hone, Mark Buchanek), written for Officeof Public Employment, Victoria, Australia.Institutions and Policies for Poverty Reduction: The Role of Private SectorDevelopment (with D. Mitra and R. Hasan), written for Asian DevelopmentBank, Manila, the Philippines. Published as Asian Development Bank, EconomicResearch Department Working Paper # 082, July 2006.
320CONSULTINGInternational Consultant in Applied Econometrics for the project \"Private SectorDevelopment and Poverty Reduction\", Asian Development Bank, Manila, ThePhilippinesREFEREEINGCanadian Journal of Economics, Contemporary Economic Policy, Economics andPolitics, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Journal of RegionalScience, Pacific Economic Review.RESEARCH GRANTSIndustry:‘An Analysis of Equity in Pay and in Career Progression in the Victorian PublicSector’, (with C. Doucouliagos, Phillip Hone, Mark Buchanek), July 2004,AU$15,000, Office of Public Employment, Victoria, Australia.Deakin:Outside Studies Program Grant, A$8,400, April 2006, Faculty of Business andLaw, Deakin University.Research Semester Grant, April 2005, A$ 10,000, Faculty of Business and Law,Deakin University‘Globalisation, Inequality and Growth’, September 2003, A$ 9,983, Faculty ofBusiness and Law Research Grant, Deakin University.Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance: A Simultaneous EquationsAnalysis of Australia’s Top 100 Firms (with C. Doucouliagos and M. Hogue),August 2003, A$ 9,970, Faculty of Business and Law Research Grant, DeakinUniversity.Other Sources:‘Privatization and Economic Growth’, (with L. Rose, E. Feess, P. Arin and C.Schumacher), November 2003, NZ$ 15,000, Academy of Business Research Fund,Massey University, New Zealand.
321ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONSDepartment of Economics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, May 2007.Department of Economics, Florida International University, USA, April 2007.First World Meeting of the Public Choice Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,March 2007.International Conference of Regional and Urban Modelling, ECOMOD, Brussels,Belgium, June 2006.International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, Cesme,Turkey, June 2006.Department of Economics, Monash University, March 200634th Australian Conference of Economists, Melbourne, September 2005.Research School of Social Sciences, The Australian National University, March2005.Swiss Federal Institute of Business Cycles, ETH in Zurich, Switzerland, January2005.11th Annual Conference of the ERF for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey,Beirut, Lebanon, December 2004.Department of Commerce, Massey University, New Zealand, November 2004.33rd Australian Conference of Economists, Sydney, September 2004.19th European Economic Association Congress, Madrid, Spain, August 2004.Econometric Society, Australasian Meetings, Melbourne, July 2004.School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Deakin University, July 2004.Department of Economics, Melbourne University, February 2004.School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Deakin University, August 2003.Department of Economics and Finance, La Trobe University, March 2003.
322Econometric Society, South Asian Meetings, Lahore, Pakistan, December 2002.ACADEMIC VISITSBilkent University, May 2007, Ankara, Turkey.Florida International University, Miami FL USA, January-April 2007.University of Paris 1 and CEPREMAP, January 2005, Paris, France.Department of Commerce, Massey University, November 2004, Auckland, NewZealand.POST-GRADUATE SUPERVISIONAssociate Supervisor for Claudia Burgio-Fuccia, Ph.D Student.Associate Supervisor for Sasi Iamsiraroj, Ph.D. Student.Supervisor for Sarah Halbish, Honours Student, Finished 2004.Supervisor for Anthony Batters, Honours Student, Finished 2004.Supervisor for Devinda Jayatileke, Honours Student, Finished, 2004.COURSES TAUGHT AT DEAKINMAE102 The Global EconomyMEE201 Competition and Industry (Intermediate Microeconomics)MEE202 National Economic Policy (Intermediate Macroeconomics)MEE303 International EconomicsMAE305* Business and Financial ForecastingMEE413 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (Economic Growth for Honours)MEE406 EconometricsMEE704 International Trade and Policy
323*Currently TeachingUNIVERSITY SERVICE AT DEAKINMember, Strategic Management Group, School of AEF, ongoing.Member, Research Committee, School of AEF, 2007.Theoretical and Applied Economics Workshops Convenor, 2004, 2005, 2006.Staff Seminar Series Organizer, School of AEF, Semester 1 2005.Open Day Coordinator, School of AEF, 2003, 2004.Member, Teaching and Learning Committee, Faculty of Business and Law, 2002.Quality Auditing Visitor, Stamford College, Malaysia, and TMC, Singapore,2002, 2003OTHEREconometric and Statistical Packages: E-views, Gauss, Stata, S-Plus, SPSS.Languages: English, Turkish, German (fair)Date of Birth: 14 December 1975Marital Status: Married, one childCitizenship: Turkish, Australian.
324Marco ChianiMarco Chiani was born in Rimini, Italy, in April 1964. He received the Dr. Ing.degree (magna cum laude) in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. degree inElectronic and Computer Science from the University of Bologna in 1989 and1993, respectively. Dr. Chiani is a Full Professor at the II Engineering Faculty,University of Bologna, Italy, where he is the Chair in Telecommunication. Duringthe summer of 2001 he was a Visiting Scientist at AT&T Research Laboratories inMiddletown, NJ. He is a frequent visitor at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology (MIT), where he presently holds a Research Affiliate appointment.Dr. Chiani’s research interests include wireless communication systems, MIMOsystems, wireless multimedia, low density parity check codes (LDPCC) andUWB. Under the European research program PROMETHEUS he has worked onshort-range millimeter wave communication systems for Advanced RoadTransport Telematics. He is also leading the research unit of CNIT/University ofBologna on Joint Source and Channel Coding for wireless video (IST FP6, projectPhoenix) and is a consultant to the European Space Agency (ESA-ESOC) for thedesign and evaluation of error correcting codes based on LDPCC for spaceCCSDS applications. Prof. Chiani has been a consultant for several othertelecommunications industries and operators, and engages in activecollaboration with many research centers and universities, such as MIT,NASA/JPL, VTT, Thales, Philips, Telecom New Zealand, the University ofCanterbury, and the University of Arizona.Dr. Chiani is actively involved in various communications research activitiesworldwide. He is the past chair (2002-2004) of the Radio CommunicationsCommittee of the IEEE Communication Society and the current Editor of WirelessCommunication for the IEEE Transactions on Communications. Dr. Chiani haschaired, organized sessions and served on the Technical Program Committees atseveral IEEE International Conferences. He was Co-Chair of the WirelessCommunications Symposium at ICC 2004. In January 2006 he received theICNEWS award “For Fundamental Contributions to the Theory and Practice ofWirelessCommunications”.E- mail: [email protected]: +39-051- 2093084 (Bologna)+39-0547-339222 (Cesena)Fax: +39-051- 2093540Marco Chiani
325M.N.S. SwamyM.N.S. Swamy received the B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Mathematics from MysoreUniversity, India, in 1954, the Diploma in Electrical Communication Engineeringfrom the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1957, and the M.Sc. and Ph. D.degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan,Saskatoon, Canada, in 1960 and 1963 respectively.He is presently a Research Professor and the Director of the Center for SignalProcessing and Communications in the Department of Electrical and ComputerEngineering at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, where he served as theChair of the Department of Electrical Engineering from 1970 to 1977, and Dean ofEngineering and Computer Science from 1977 to 1993. Since July 2001, he holdsthe Concordia Chair (Tier I) in Signal Processing. He has also taught in theElectrical Engineering Department of the Technical University of Nova Scotia,Halifax, and the University of Calgary, Calgary, as well as in the Department ofMathematics at the University of Saskatchewan. He has published extensivelyin the areas of number theory, circuits, systems and signal processing, and holdsfour patents. He is the co-author of two book chapters and three books: Graphs,Networks and Algorithms (New York, Wiley, 1981), Graphs: Theory andAlgorithms (New York, Wiley, 1992), and Switched Capacitor Filters: Theory,Analysis and Design (Prentice Hall International UK Ltd., 1995). He is theEditor-in-Chief of the journal Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, for whichhe was an associate editor since its inception, and an Associate Editor of theFibonacci Quarterly. He is a member and the Concordia University coordinatorfor Micronet, a National Network of Centers of Excellence in Canada.Dr. Swamy is a Fellow of a number of professional societies including theInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the Institute of ElectricalEngineers (UK), the Engineering Institute of Canada, the Institution of Engineers(India), and the Institution of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers(India).He is also a member of the Eta Kappa Nu, an Honor Society of ElectricalEngineers. He has served the IEEE in various capacities such as the VicePresident of the IEEE CAS society in 1976, Program Chair for the 1973 IEEE CASSymposium, General Chair for the 1984 IEEE CAS Symposium, and the Vice-Chair for the 1999 IEEE CAS Symposium and a member of the Board ofGovernors.He was an Associate Editor of the Transactions on Circuits and Systems during1985-87. He is a co-recipient of the IEEE CAS 1986 Guillemin-Cauer Best PaperAward. He is the recipient of many awards including the Commemorative
326Medal for the 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada issued in 1993by the Governor General of Canada, in recognition of his significantcontributions made to Canada and the community. In 1989, in honor of his manycontributions, his past graduate students instituted at the Indian Institute ofScience two awards in his name – M.N.S. Swamy Merit Scholarship, and M.N.S.Swamy Gold Medal.In 1987, he was awarded the Concordia University Guinea Pig award for theintroduction of the innovative joint doctoral program between Concordia and theSoutheast University in China. In 1993, Concordia University inaugurated theM.N.S. Swamy Computer Integrated Manufacturing laboratory “in appreciationof his sixteen years of support, dedication and leadership as Dean of the Facultyof Engineering and Computer Science”.He is a co-recipient of the IEEE CAS 1986 Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award.In 2001, he received the IEEE-CAS Society Golden Jubilee Medal, as well as theyear 2000 IEEE-CAS Society Education Award.In August 2001 he was awarded Doctor of Science in Engineering (HonorisCausa) by Ansted University “in recognition of his exemplary contributions tothe research in Electrical and Computer Engineering and to EngineeringEducation, as well as his dedication to the promotion of Signal Processing andCommunications Applications”.
327M. Fahim KhanPermanent Address: 124 Haddonfield LaneCary, NC 27513, USA-Tel: 571 276 6887Present Address: 28, Street 33, G-9-1, Islamabad, PakistanTel: (Cell) +92 303 55 88 633; (Res) +9251 2850526Email: [email protected] and [email protected] Master’s degrees in Poltical Economy and Statistics and Ph.D inEconomics I have 39 years experience in the area of economic policy &planning and in institutional capacity builiding.I got the opportunity to work in the area of Economic policy and planningwhile working in Ministry of Planning, Government of Pakistan for 13 yearsin various senior positions. My important works related to issues concerninginternational economics and macreconometeric planning and forecastingmodels. My research has been instrumental in rationalizing highlyovervalued currency in early 1970s, in helping preparing a plan to increasecountries exports by 100 percent and in using the planning and forecastingmodels as a base for macroeconomic planning of the country.In the context of institutional capacity builiding, I played instrumental role inestablishing and enhanicing the capacity of School of Economics ofInternational Islamic university. I developed the undergraduate and graduateprogram of the School. This program proved to be the most successfulprogram in Economics in the country. I also built research capacity of theIslamic Research and Training Insitute of Islamic Development Bank. I laiddown the basis of the establishment of Markfield Instiute of HigherEducation, Leicester, UK.• Name: Muhammad Fahim Khan• Educational Qualification: Ph.D. (Economics) Boston University, USA, 1978 M. A. (Political Economy) Boston University, USA, 1977 M. A. (Statistics) Punjab University, Pakistan,1968• Work Experience: Thirty Nine years experience of• teaching/training in economics/business ,• economic planning and policy research and• teaching and research in Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance• Fluency in English language with fair knowledge of Arabic Language• Suprvised/examined Master's level, M.Phil level and Ph.D. level Theses of students at universities in Pakistan as well as of students abroad• Permanent Residence in USA
328• Details of Work Experience• August 1988 to September 2007 Division Chief (Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) Responsibilities -Managing Research Division and Training Division of the Research and Training Institute of the Islamic Development Bank -Organizing training programs for capacity building in member countries of IDB in areas of development -Preparing and implementing short term and longterm research programs relating to theory and practice of Islamic economics and finance, deveopment issues faced by IDB member countries and policy issues relating toenhancing economic cooperation among the member countries. -Also given the responsibility to Manage the Institute in the capacity of Acting Director for about two years (1994-96) Achievements 1) I was hired as Research Officer in the Research Division but within a period of less than two years I was promoted to the position of Head, Research Divison 2) The program of research led by me in the capacity of Head of Research Division led to more than 200 research publications. The research output of the Division earned an international reputation for the Institute not only in member countries but also in non member countries. The Institute is now considered a think tank in the area of Islamic banking and finance because of the research conducted at the Institute. 3) By virtue of this performance, Central Bank Governor of Pakistan requested IDB to lend my services to them to help them restructure and reform the financial system in Pakistan with respect to the practice of Islamic banking. I Advised the Central Bank of Pakistan on Transformation of Financial System of Pakistan to confirm to Shari'a for about two years. 4) Published Research, books, monographs in areas of interest to IDB. The research output in the area of Islamic banking and finance is being referred and utilized in
329 universities, central banks and financial institutions in member countries. 5) Also published, during the same period, personal research (books and articles) outside the Institute including the articles published in refereed journals• September 1981 to August 1988 Professor of Economics And Director School of Economics (International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan) Responsibilities -Managing B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D degrees offered by the School of Economics. -Also was given, of and on, the responsibility to Manage International Islamic University in the capacity of Vice President (Administration) and Vice President (Academics), in the long term absence of the incumbents -Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses -Publishing research research in refereed journals Achievements 1) I initiated the first B.Sc Economics program of economics university and planned its quality at international standards. This was unprecedented in the whole country. It was a four year program after 18years of schooling, whereas all other universities in the without exception were running a two years program of B.Sc program. The standards of teaching as well as reading material was maintained at the level of 2nd Tier universities in USA. The first batch passed out in 1985 and all of them got placed in prestigeous positions in public as well as private sector. This was unprecedented. The B. Sc degree holders from any of the other universities could only find a non professional job that too after a long waiting. 2) I also launched a two year M.Sc program in 1985 synchronised with the pass out of our first batch of the B.Sc degree. The M.Sc program met even a higher level of success. Impressed by the quality and standard of our program, seven of our M.Sc students were awarded scholarship by international organization to go to USA for Ph.D. Another 3
330 students got merit scholarship from the US universities directly. 3) Impressed by my published research, and my contribution to the development of School of Economics, the King Abdulaziz University. Saudi Arabia sought my services for a year to contribute to the development of their Center for Research in Islamic Economics 4) Published research in the form of books and articles in refered journals June 1969 to August 1981 Ministry of Planning, Government of Pakistan,(In the positions of Planning Officer, Assistant Chief, Deputy Chief inInternational Economics and Economic Research Sections dealing with macroeconomic planning) Responsibilities -Conducting research related to Economic Plannning and policies at national level, -drafting policy papers -drafting chapters of the five year and annual plans. Main areas of work included International Trade, Balance of Payment and Macro Econometric Model Building for Planning and Forecasting. -Drafting reports of working Groups, Committees and Commissions on economic policies and on short term, medium term and long term economic plans Achievements 1) I was offered the job of planning officer in the Ministry of Planning without any experience, based only on performance on Master’s degree results. The first research I took on my own initiative related to valuation of Pakistani currency vis a vis US dollar. There was a strong debate among policy whether the currency is overvalue and whether or not it should be devalued. I prepared a policy paper showing the effective exchange rate as opposed to the norminal exchange rate and
331 how it was moving over time. The paper was highly appreciated in the Ministry of Planning and Ministry of Finance and proved instrumental in more than 200 percent devaluation in the value of Pakistani Rupee. My research was then published in the Journal of Pakistan Economic Association. 2) My performance soon got me a promotion and was assigned secretary of various working groups for the five year plan and also made responsible drafting the some plan chapters. All this work was highly appreciated and soon I was sent to Boston University to do Ph.D. Economics (as my Master’s degree in Statistics not in statistics) 3) I completed Ph.D degree in less than three years and on return was promoted to the next step in the heirarchy of Ministry of Planning 4) When an International Islamic University was established in 1981 whose chancellor was the President of Pakistan himself, I was sent by a Presidential order to the University to develop the school of Economics.• Other Experiences Adviser to the State Bank of Pakistan (Central Bank of the Country) from 2000-2002, member-secretary to their high level Commission on Transformation of Financial System Adviser to Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad on their project (1983-86) “Econometric Forecasting Model for Pakistan”. Also official reviewer of their project Consultant to Marga Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka (1982- 84) on their project “Labor Migration to Middle East” and on the project “Trade Channels and Payments Arrangements in South Asia” Sponsored by International University Tokyo, Japan
332 Consultant to Pakistan Institute of Public Opinion on the sampling techniques for their national opinion surveys (1979-81) Consultant to Pakistan Narcotics Control Board on planning and supervising their sample surveys of poppy growing areas (1972-74) Sponosored by UNDP Consultant to Pakistan Institute of Development Economics on their project on International Labor Migration to the Middle East, Sponsored by the World Bank (1979-1981) Visiting Professor Part time:Taught Finance Courses in Darul Hikma, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2005 and 2007 Part time: Taught Econometrics and Statistics to Graduate students in the Economics Department and the Business Administration Department Quaid Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan (1979-1981) Full time: Research Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (August 1983- December 1984) Member, Board of governors (Academic Group), Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance, London, Since 2000 Member, Editorial Board, Pakistan Development Review, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Since 1995 Member, International Board, Islamic Economic Review,UK Reviewed articles for different referreed journals in economics and finance
333• Research and PublicationsPlanning Include: Books and monographs Articles in Refereed Journals Seminar and conference papers Policy /Research papers prepared in the Ministry of (List of Publications attached)MARK ESPOSITO
334Academic Positions:• Associate Professor of Management, Swiss Management Center & Dual DBA Programs with ESEADE and Universidad Mayor• Professor and Assistant Dean in the MBA program, International School of Management, Paris• Professor Attaché of Management & Behavior, Grenoble Graduate School of Business, France• Affiliate Professor, ESCP-EAP, European School of Management ( Torino Campus)• Professor of People Management for Graduate School for Global Leaders, Universitas 21 Singapore• Professor of Organizational Behavior, European School of Economics, Milan• Adjunct Professor , Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst• Non-academic Positions:• ThinkTank Prasena Research Institute, Thailand• Director of European Client Development & Associate Consultant, Institute of Transformative Thought & Learning, USA• Regional Director Switzerland, Academici, Ltd, UK• Ansted University Honorary Advisory Member• Executive Consultant, GGSB Executive Education Team, GrenobleAcademic Credentials:• Ph.D. in Tourism & Sustainable Development Management , School of Business & Economics, Atlantic University, Florida USA 2006• Post Degree in Human Resources Management, MIB, School of Business, Trieste, Italy, 2001• Doctor Magistralis in Humanities, University of Turin, Italy, 1999 Main Academic Interests:• Sustainable Development• Change Management and Leadership• Cross cultural Diversity and Human Capital Theories• System Thinking and System theories• Socio-cultural & Environmental Affairs• Climate Change, NGOs Professional Activities:• Awarded Companion to the Institute of Management Specialists, UK• Educational Advisor to the UNESCO, ICT Dept. Thailand• Harvard University Publishing Company, Certified Online Educator, USA
335• Editorial Review Board, Journal of Hospitality Education, Richmond USA• Editorial Review Board, Scientific Journals International (SJI), USASelected and Recent Publications:• Esposito, M.; (2006). Book Introduction: \"The Information Theory of Nature and Our Common Enemy\" / Timi Ecimovic, Korte: SEM Institute for Climate Change, 2006 pp13-16, : ISBN 961-91826-1-8• Esposito, M.; Cavelzani, A. (2006). Book Chapter: \"Developing Emotional Intelligence- An Introduction\", Emotional Intelligence and Hotel Business, pp. 89-101, ICFAI University Press, ISBN-81-314-0065-4• Esposito, M; Ritzel, L., Michelet, I., ( 2006), Research article: \" E-learning is Learning ( 1)\", The International Journal of the Institute of Management Specialist, ,Volume 5, number 9 ISSN-0307-3041• Esposito, M; Ritzel, L., Michelet, I., ( 2006), Research article: \"Become a learning organization or Die (1)\", The International Journal of the Academy of Executives & Administrators, Volume 1, Number 8, ISSN-1478-9736• Esposito, M; Ritzel, L.,( 2006), Research article: \"Cyber helpers: Top of the web for Prasena management (1)\", The International Journal of Professional Business & Technical Management, Volume 2, Number 9, ISSN-1470-7799• Esposito, M.; (2006). Book Chapter: \"Developing Emotional Intelligence- An Introduction\",Emotional Intelligence & the Adult Learner, pp .136-148, ICFAI University Press, ISBN-81-314-0065-4• Esposito, M.; (2006). Research Article: \"The World Heritage and Cultural Volume 4, Issue (3) ISSN 1695-7121• Esposito, M.; (2005). Book Chapter: \"Emotional Intelligence and Andragogy\" pp.58-65 King Mongkut´s University of Technology Thonburi Press, Thailand. ISBN 974-456-611-6Selected and Recent Presentations:• Esposito, (2007): \"Leadership and Change Management\": A seminar delivered to the MBA students of the Caucasus School of Business, Tbilisi, Georgia http://my.csb.ge/e/dualmba.php?id=01• Esposito, (2007): \" Change Management & Organizational Behavior\": A Seminar delivered to the MBA students of the Russian Academy of National Economy, Moscow, Russia http://www.ane.ru/• Esposito, (2006): \"Sustainable Development & Business\". A presentation delivered to students of the Bachelors and Masters Program at the European School of Economics in Milan, Italyhttp://www.uniese.it/
336• Esposito, M. (2006) \" Models for Customers satisfaction\" : A Lecture to the Psychology of Tourism Students of the IULM University of Milan, delivered at IULM University, Milan, Italy.• Esposito, M; Poe, E. (2006): \" Cross Cultural Management and the Global Understanding Course\". A research paper delivered at the ACBSP 2006 Annual Conference - Concurrent Educational Sessions -Connecting Globally Track, Chicago, USA. http://www.acbsp.org/• Esposito, M. (2006) \" Sustainable Development and its impacts\": A Presentation to the Hospitality and Tourism Students of Johnson and Wales University of Rhodes Island. Delivered at DCT Hotel and Business Management School at Vitznau, Switzerland. http://www.prasena.com/public/virtual_u/lectures/sustainable/sustainable.htm• Esposito, M. (2006) \" The Club Management and the Customers Segmentation\" A Presentation to the Psychology of Tourism Students of the IULM University of Milan, delivered at IULM University, Milan, Italy.• Esposito, M. (2006) \"The application of E-learning for adults\" DCEL 2006 (Distance, Collaborative and Elearning conference), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://www.ined.uitm.edu.my/wslot.htmlMahmoud HesaarakiProfessor of Mathematics
337Department of Mathematical SciencesSharif University of TechnologyTehran, IranEducation:Ph.D.:Date: 1982Field: MathematicsSchool: The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A.Dissertation: \"The Structure of Shock Waves in Magnetohydrodynamics\"(Received Best Thesis Award : \"Sumner B. Myers Prize\", Dept. of Math.,UM, 1982. )Thesis Advisor : Professor Joel SmollerM.S.:Date: 1976Field: Applied MathematicsSchool: Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, U.S.A.B.S.:Date: 1970Field: MathematicsSchool: Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IranProfessional Experience:Professor: Since 1995 Sharif University of TechnologyAssociate Professor: 1990 - 1994 Sharif University of TechnologyAssistant Professor: 1982 - 1989 Sharif University of TechnologyInstructor: 1970 – 1974 Sharif University of TechnologyResearch Areas:PDE: Hyperbolic EquationsODE: Complete Orbits, Limit Cycles and StabilityShock Waves : Combustion and MagnetohydrodynamicsDynamical Systems: Conley Theory and Heteroclinic OrbitsMathematical Biology: Disease Transmission Models and Predator-PreySystems Selected Publications :M.Hesaaraki, \"The Structure of Shock Waves in Magnetohydrodynamics\",Memoirs of the AMS , Volume 49, No. 302, May 1984.M.Hesaaraki, \"The Structure of Shock Waves in Magnetohydrodynamics forPurely Transverse Magnetic Fields\",SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics , Volume 51, No.2, pp. 412-428,April1991.M.Hesaaraki, \"The Structure of MFD Shock Waves in a Model of Two Fluids\",Nonlinearity 6, pp. 1-24, 1993.
338M.Hesaaraki, \"The Structure of MFD Shock Waves in a Model of Plasma\",Journal des Math 魡 tiques Pures et Appliqu 饳 72, 1993, pp. 377-404.M.Hesaaraki, \"The Structure of MFD Shock Waves for Rectilinear Motion inSome Models of Plasma\",Transactions of the AMS , Volume 347, No.9, pp. 3423-3452, September1995.Ph.D. Students :Yaghoub Farjami :Dissertation: \"On the Structure of Shock Wave in a Planar Motion of Plasma\"Graduated in 1998.Mehrdad Moghadas :Dissertation: \"Predator-Prey Systems with Functional Response\"Graduated in 2000.Mohammadreza Razvan :Dissertation: \"Conley Theory and Critical Points\"Graduated in 2000.Abdorrahman Razani :Dissertation: \"Existence of Strong and Weak Detonation Waves\"Graduated in 2000.Assadollah Aghajani :Dissertation: \"Detonations and Ionizing Shock Waves inMagnetohydrodynamics\"Graduated in 2001.Graduate Courses Taught : • Real Analysis • Complex Analysis • Dynamical Systems : Conley Theory • Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations • Theory of Partial Differential Equations • Theory of Parabolic Partial Differential Equations • Theory of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations • M.S. Thesis : over 35 thesesAdministrative Experience : Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Golpayegan College of Engineering,Golpayegan, Iran, 2000 - present. Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs, Golpayegan College of Engineering,Golpayegan, Iran, 2000 - present. Vice-Chancellor for Research Affairs, Sharif University of Technology,Tehran, Iran, 1992-1994. Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Sharif University of Technology,Tehran, Iran, 1988-1990.
339 Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Sharif University of Technology,Tehran, Iran, 1984-1986. Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs, Sharif University of Technology,Tehran, Iran, 1984-1986. Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Sharif University of Technology,Tehran, Iran, 1983-1984. Chairman, Mathematical Committee in the Ministry of Higher Education,Tehran, Iran, 1985-1990.Editorial Affiliation : Member of more than 30 Different Academic Committees since 1982. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences Editorial Board, 2002-present. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society Editorial Board, 1995-2001.Minhaj ul Hassan, Syed
340Department of HistoryUniversity of PeshawarPakistanTele: Off: (092) (91) 9216 745(092)(91) 9216 701-15, Ext. 3046Fax: (092) (91) 9216 [email protected]@upesh.edu.pkEDUCATION2003 PhD University of Peshawar, N-WFP, Pakistan Dissertation: N-WFP Administration under Abdul Qaiyum Khan:1947-531993 MA Eastern Washington University, Cheney, USA Major: European, British, & American History1985 MA University of Peshawar, N-WFP, Pakistan Major: Islamic, Indian, & Pakistan HistoryTEACHING EXPERIENCEMay 14, 2005- Conti. Professor University of Peshawar, Pakistan Taught a variety of courses focusing on: Pakistan Freedom Movement; Political Development in Pakistan since 1947 to date; Current History; History of N-WFP an Pakhtuns; Afghanistan in Regional and Internation Politics and Pakistan Foreign Policy to students of MA, MPhil, and PhD.June 25, 1994- May 13, 2005 Assistant Professor University of Peshawar, Pakistan Taught a variety of courses focusing on: Pakistan Freedom Movement; Political Development in Pakistan since 1947 to date; Current History; History of N-WFP and Pakhtuns; Afghanistan in Regional and International Politics and Pakistan Foreign Policy to students of MA, MPhil, and PhD.
341Sept. 19, 1987-Jun 24, 1994 Lecturer University of Peshawar, Pakistan Taught Research Methodology and other courses prescribed in the MA Previous and MA Final syllabus.Summer Semester 1993 Teaching Assistant Eastern WashingtonUniversity, Cheney, USA Helped Professor in teaching classes, conduct examinations, and Mark papers.Sept. 1, 1986-Jun 1987 (ad hoc) Lecturer Taught courses prescribed in the MA Previous and MA Final syllabus.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEJune 10, 2005 - Cont. Chairman Department of History, University of Peshawar, N-WFP, Pakistan2004-2005 Chief Proctor & University of Peshawar, N-WFP, Pakistan2006-Cont.2001-2002 & 1995-1996 Staff Proctor University of Peshawar, N-WFP, PakistanOct 1986-May 1992 In-charge Student Affairs, Library, and Controller of Examinations, Dept of History, University of Peshawar, N-WFP, Pakistan(Dec 1986-Jan 1987 Warden, Student HostelsDec 1990-Sept 1992 University of Peshawar, N-WFP, PakistanSept 1994-Sept 1995) Member (Expert) Board of Studies/Research/Training Dept. of History, Faculty of Social Sciences
342 International Islamic University Islamabad Member Senate, University of Peshawar Academic Council, University of Peshawar Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Peshawar Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Peshawar Academy of History, Dhaka, Bangladesh Pakistan-India People’s Forum for Peace and Democracy Founding Member & Patron Alumni Association of the Department of History, University of Peshawar Life Member Pakistan Historical Society, Karachi Convener Board of Studies Dept of History, University of Peshawar, N-WFP, PakistanAWARDS/HONORS/MEDALS Certificate of Award in recognition of Leadership(1993) International Students Association, Eastern Washington University, USA Gold Medal and First Class First Position in MA (1985) University of Peshawar, N-WFP, Pakistan Sir Runciman Award (1983) Awarded by British Council, Peshawar.
343PUBLICATIONSBooks1. Pakistan-Iran Relations in Historical Perspective, (Peshawar: Culture Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran & Dept of History, University of Peshawar, 2004). Co-Editor2. Mutalea Pakistan (Pakistan Studies) (Urdu). (Peshawar: N-WFP Text Book Board, 2006). Co-AuthorBook Reviews1. “N-WFP—100 Years Ago,” Imperial Gazetteer of India, Provincial Series: North- West Frontier Province, “Books and Authors,” The Dawn, Karachi, Jun 16, 2002.2. “Imperial Gazetteer of India, Provincial Series: North-West Frontier Province,” The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peshawar, Vol. IX, No. II, (Sept 2001).Articles 1. “Politics of Suppression: Babara Incident, A Historic Appraisal” The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peshawar. Volume XV, No. 1, 2007. Principal Author 2. “Muslim League Politics in NWFP: Abdul Qaiyum Khan versus Pir of Manki Sharif” The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peshawar, Volume XIV, No. 2, 2006. Co-author (First Author) 3. “TNSM and Taliban Islamic Movement: Old Problems and new Challenges” The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peshawar, Volume XIV, No. 1, 2006. Co-author (2nd Author) 4. “Pakistan-India Relations in 21st Century: A Futuristic View” The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peshawar, Volume XIII, Nos. 1 & 2, 2005. Principal Author 5. “Tribal Areas of the N-WFP: Politics of Survival”, The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peshawar, Volume XIII, Nos. 1 & 2, 2005.
344 Principal Author 6. “Abdul Qaiyum Khan’s Policy Towards Khudai Khidmatgars as Chief Minister of N-WFP (1947-53)” The Journal of Pakistan Study Centre, University of Peshawar, No. 35 & 36, Spring & Autumn 2005 Principal Author 7.“The Impact of Afghan Crisis on Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan”, Seminar Proceedings published under the title of “Federally Administered Areas (FATA) of Pakistan” December 7-8, 2004, Area Study Centre, University of Peshawar.Principal Author 8. “Hadrat Ali’s Efforts in Securing Muslim Ummah’s Unity”, HamdardIslamicus, Bait al-Hikmah (Hamdard Foundation), Karachi, Vol. XXVII, No. 3,July-September 2004. Principal Author 9. “Tribal Areas of N-WFP (Pakistan): Land and People,” Al-Siyasa: A Journal of Politics, Society and Culture, University of the Punjab, VI, (Winter 2004).Principal Author 10. “Consequences of the Iraq War for Turkey,” IPRI Journal (Islamabad Policy Research Institute), Islamabad, Vol. IV, Number 1, (Winter 2004)Principal Author 11. “Pakistan Foreign Policy: Reading in Changing World,” NationalDevelopment and Security, FRIENDS, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Volume XI, Number4, Serial No. 44, (Summer 2003) Principal Author 12. “Roots of the Islamic Revolution of Iran” Hamdard Islamicus, Bait al- Hikmah (Hamdard Foundation), Karachi, Pakistan, Vol. XXV, Issue No. 4, (Oct-Dec 2002). Principal Author13. “Imam Khomeini: an Epoch Making Personality,” Role of Imam Khomeini in Revival of Islamic Thought, Centennial Celebrations of the birth of Imam Khomeini, Islamabad, (Feb 2000). Principal Author14. “The Concept of Jihad and Shahadat,” Hamdard Islamicus, Hamdard Foundation, Karachi, Pakistan, Vol. XXII, No. 2, (April-June 1999).
345 Principal Author15. “Marriage Customs of the Pakhtoons: A Case Study of Hangu (N-WFP), Pakistan,” Pakistan Journal of History & Culture, National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research Islamabad, Vol. XIX, No. 2, (Jul-Dec 1998). Principal Author16. “The Impact of Mountbatten-Nehru Relationship on the Partition of India,” The Journal of The Pakistan Historical Society, Karachi, Vol. XLIV, Part- III, (July 1996). Principal Author17. “The Black Civil Rights Movement in USA,” The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peshawar, Vol. III, No. 1 (March 1995). Principal Author18. “The Impact of Islamic Revolution on Super Powers,” The Journal of Pakistan Study Centre, University of Peshawar, Nos. 29 & 30, (Spring & Autumn 1994). Principal AuthorCONFERENCES AND SEMINARS (Papers Presented)1. “The War of 1857 as Perceived and taught in Pakistan”, International Conference on “Remembering 1857” held on 13-14th December at Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, India, jointly organized by University of Edinburgh, UK and Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, India.2. “The Historical Past and Future of Pakistan-Uzbekistan Relations” International Scientific Conference on “The Role of Margilan City in the History of World Civilization” held on 7-8th September 2007 at Margilan- Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Organized by Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.3. “Muslim League Civil Disobedience Movement in N-WFP, 1947”, 21st Pakistan History Conference under the theme of International Conference on All-India Muslim League’s Foundation Centenary held
346on 20th and 21st July 2007 at Karachi, Organized by Pakistan HistoricalSociety and Pakistan Study Centre, University of Karachi.4. “A Critique on the Religious Thoughts of Bayazid Ansari”, 2-Day International Conference on “Perspectives on Religion, Politics and Society in South Asia” held on 19th and 20th February 2007 in Lahore, organized by Pakistan Study Centre & Department of History, University of the Punjab Lahore.5. “Kashmir Imbroglio: Lessons from the Past looking towards Future”, 3- Day International Conference on “Approaches to Kashmir Studies” held from 29th to 31st October, 2006 at Srinagar, Kashmir, India, Organized by the Centre for Kashmir Studies, The University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.6. “Muslim League Politics in NWFP: Pir of Mankisharif Versus Abdul Qaiyum Khan”, National Conference on “Centennial Celebration of Muslim League (1906-2006)”, held on 19-20th September 2006 at Multan, organized by the Department of History, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan. Principal Author7. “The Intangible Cultural Heritage of Pakhtoons”, International Conference on “The Emergence and Development of Islamic Civilization”, held on 27-28th February 2006 at Lahore, organized by Department of History and Pakistan Study Centre, University of the Punjab. Principal Author8. “Raushaniya Movement: the Pioneer of Pakhtoon Nationalism in theIndian sub- Continent”, 4th International Seminar on Nationalism in Asia heldon 20th January 2006 organized at Jagannath University College Campus, Dhaka. Principal Author9. “1951 General Elections in NWFP” 20th Pakistan History Conference heldat Karachi from 13th to 15th April 2005, jointly organized by Pakistan HistoricalSociety, Hamdard Foundation and Pakistan Study Centre, University of Karachi. Principal Author10. “The Impact of Afghan Crisis on Tribal Areas of Pakistan” NationalSeminar on “Tribal Areas of Pakistan” Jointly organized by Areas StudyCentre, University of Peshawar and Hanns Seidel Foundation,Germany at University of Peshawar on December 7-8th 2004.
347 Principal Author11. “Pakistan-India Relations in the 21st Century: A Futuristic View,”National Seminar on “South Asia in 21st Century,” Dept ofInternational Relations, University of Peshawar, Baragali SummerCamp, 17-18th June 2004. Principal Author12. “Martyrdom in Contrast to the Concept of Terrorism,” International Seminar on “Imam Khomeni’s Thoughts in the View of World Thinkers,” The Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeni’s Works, Tehran, Iran, 1-2nd June 2004. Principal Author13. “Consequences of the Iraq War for Turkey,” International Seminar on “External Politics in the Middle East and Regional Response,” Avari Towers, Karachi, 25- 26th August 2003. Principal Author14. “Pakistan Foreign Policy: Rethinking in Changing World,” NationalSeminar on “Economic Rights and Social Justice: A New Political Agendafor Pakistan,” Sindh University, Jamshoro, Pakistan, the Dean, Facultyof Social Sciences and Higher Education Commission, 19-20 February2003. Principal Author15. “Imam Ali and Unity,” International Seminar on “Imam Ali and Security,” Tehran, Iran, 13-16th Mar 2001.Justice, Unity, Principal Author16. “The Mental and Historical Roots of the Islamic Revolution,” InternationalSeminar on “Elucidation of the Islamic Revolution,” The Institute for Compilation and Publication of the Works of Imam Khomeni: International Affairs Division, Tehran, Iran, 2-4th October 1999. Principal AuthorOther
348Have given talks on various topics at Radio Pakistan Peshawar on theirinvitation.RESEARCH PROJECTS1. “The Babara Firing Incident, 12th August 1948,” University of Peshawar, N- WFP, Pakistan Principal Researcher2. “The Pakhtoonistan Movement: Myth and Reality,” University of Peshawar, N-WFP, Pakistan (In progress) Principal ResearcherSEMINARS AND CONFERENCES ORGANIZED1. International Conference on “Pakistan-Iran Relations in Historical Perspective,” Area Study Centre, University of Peshawar, Jan. 3-4, 2003.2. National Conference on “Fifty Years of Pakistan,” Baragali Summer Camp, University of Peshawar, Jul. 26-27, 1998.3. National Conference on “Democracy in Pakistan,” Baragali Summer Camp, University of Peshawar, Aug. 8-10, 1997.4. 2-Day International Conference on the commemoration of 150th Year of “Warof Independence, 1857 ” to be held on August 18-19, 2007 at Bara Gali SummerCampus of the University of Peshawar.TRAINING/WORKSHOPS ATTENDED 1. Two Day Consultative Workshop on “Draft National Curriculum”, Organized by Government of NWFP, Schools and Literacy Department on 10-11th August 2006 held at Pearl Continental Hotel, Peshawar. 2. Two day Training Workshop on “HEC’s Self-Assessment Model of University Programms”, Organized by the Quality Enhancement Cell,
349 University of Peshawar at Bara Gali Summer Campus, held on 19-20th June 2006. 3. Six day “Training Workshop for Writers of Social Studies Textbooks” held on 13-15 and 20-22nd December 2004 at NWFP Textbook Board, jointly organized by NWFP Textbook Board and ESDP-GTZ Peshawar. 4. Three-Day Capacity Building Workshop on “Law, Justice, and Equality of Women’s Rights,” Organized by Aurat Foundation, Peshawar on 24- 26th October 2003 at Greens’ Hotel, Peshawar. 5. One Year In-Service Teachers’ Training Programme, Staff Training Institute, University of Peshawar, session 1987-88.LANGUAGESEnglishPashtoUrduCOMPUTER SKILLSWindowsMS OfficeInternetCOUNTRIES VISITEDAfghanistanBangladeshBulgariaIndiaIranUnited Arab EmiratesUSAUzbekistan
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