4013. Honorary Chairman of Best Team Industrial Service (ManufacturingCompany), Malaysia since 2003.EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS(a) Ph.D (2000), ESIB-UIE, Belgium(b) MBA major in International Marketing and Strategic Management (1996),Trinity University, USA.(c) Life Underwriting Training Council (Financial Planning/Insurance), USA(1994) conducted by Malaysia Institute of Insurance(d) Diploma in International Relations, Institute for International Relations &Intercultural Studies of Alabama A & M University (USA)(e) Diploma in Business and Management, Ireland 1988(f) Completed Canadian Pre-university programme, 1987(g) Completed Secondary School at Georgetown Secondary School, PenangHONORARY DOCTORAL DEGREE CONFERMENT BY VARIOUSUNIVERSITIES1. Honoris Causa in Political Sciences by International Academy of Cultureand Political Science 20002. Honoris Causa in Homeopathy by IDH, India 20033. Honoris Causa in Education by Universite Francophone Internationale,Belgium 20034. Honoris Causa in Distance Learning Education by Southern EasternUniversity, 20035. Honoris Causa in Founding and Management of Educational Institutions,The Balkan Academy of Sciences, New Culture and Sustainable Development“Denis Jersov”, Bulgaria 2003.6. Honoris Causa of Philosophy in Humanities, Albert Schweitzer WorldAcademy of Medicine, Warsaw of Poland April 20047. Honoris Causa by Academic corresponding of the Academia Argentina deEtiquetta for Malaysian on 29 June 2005, ArgentinaHONORARY NOBILITY ORDERS AWARDED“THE LAIRD” of Glencairn, Scotland on 21st November 2000“PANDIT” by Indian Council of Natural Medicine & Research, Bombay in 2000“BARON” by King of Hay on June 2001 “BARONEM CATAONIAE PALATII” by Sebastocracia Cataoniae etCommagenae Despotalis Marasch in 2002“BROTHERHOOD” by Real Confraria De Sao Teotonio, Portugal on 11th August2001Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Mary of Castle 2001“CHEVALERESQUE” by Saint Eugene of Trebizonde, Spain in 2000
402“COMMANDEUR DE OBEDIENCE” by Ordere Souberain et Militaire duTemple de Jerusalem 2002 “Title of Meritous Comendator of the Order of Academic Palms andanother title of Academician Of Honor” by Illustrious Academia Mondial OfSciences, Technology, Education And Humanity (Spain) “PULASKI COUNTY COLONEL” by Pulaski County Government,Kentucky June 2003 “THE HONOURABLE ORDER OF KENTUCKY COLONELS” The highesthonor awarded by the Commonwealth of Kentucky in June 2003 and wasfounded in 1932 by Governor Ruby Laffoon. The said Colonels are Kentucky’sAmbassadors of good will and fellowship around the world. Commissions asKentucky Colonels are presented for contributions to the community, state ornation, and special achievements of all kinds. A list of Kentucky Colonels is aWho’s Who of outstanding men and women around the world. The certificate,signed by the Governor and the Secretary of State, and bearing the Great Seal ofKentucky. Those people have received it are English Prime Minister WinstonChurchil, America’s first man in space John Glenn was commissioned whileorbiting Earth on his historic mission, Tiger Woods, Muhammad Ali and manymore.“DUKE OF PADUCAH” by City of Paducah McCracken County, Kentucky June2003Honorary appointed owner of part of the castle of Svaneholms Slott in SwedenThe Order of St. Cornelius the Centurion, Chevalier of The Order on 14thSeptember 2004 presented by H.E. Lord Abbot Dr. Colin R. Tatem , Newark,New Jersey, USAGrand Cordon of the Templars from the Commanderie d'Unet,Gold keys from the museum (Mayor of Miami, USA, Dade county, Paris, Firstministers, ambassadors, have receive it), France September 2006. Summary ofawards and recognitions have been received by Prof. Dr. Roger HawAll together Prof. Dr Roger Haw has achieved 82s various kinds of uniqueachievement records, Honorary Advisory Board appointment, fellowship, awardrecognition and honorary nobility order to recognise his contributions in the areaof Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Science, Customer RelationsManagement, Insurance, Finance and Banking, Education, Humanity andvoluntary services since 1992” His achievements and contributions has beenrecognised by local and international companies, organisations, institutions andRoyal family. The list of achievement records is growing every year without stop.On 2003, he has received 5 Honorary Doctorate Degrees from 5 differentcountries of 5 Universities in a year. Prof. Dr. Roger Haw has been serving asVisiting Professor in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, Business
403Management, International Marketing and Environmental Sciences at variousUniversities and Professional bodies in the UK, USA, Canada, Europe, China,India, Korea, Africa, Thailand and Malaysia. Fellowship of The Institute of Artsand Letters, London of UK since 2002“Colonel, Aide-de-Camp” Bill Richardson, Governor of the State of New Mexico16th July 2003Fellowship of the London College of Applied Science, Southern EasternUniversity on 1st September 2003“Academic Fellow” of the Council for Human Rights and Religious Freedom,Geneva of Switzerland on February 2004“Honorary Fellow” of The Society of Sales & Marketing (U.K) 17th May 2004“Honorary Fellow” of The Society of Nursery nursing (U.K) 1st June 2004“Honorary Fellowship” of Centre Institute London, U.K 27th September 2003Honorary Fellow of Australia-Asian Institute of Civil Leadership since July 2004“Honorary member of Centre Technique Europeen de Formation en Securite,Brussel of Belgium on 11th September 2003Fellow of The institute of Management Specialists, 31st August 2005, UKFellow of Professional Business & Technical Management, UK on 17th July 2007FIELD OF SPECIALISATIONCorporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Science, Financial Investmentmanagement, Alternative medicine and International Marketing.RESEARCH INTERESTS(a) In the area of Distance Education or Cyber Learning Educationprogramme.(b) Alternative medicine(c) Corporate Social ResponsibilityCOURSES TAUGHT(a) International Marketing(b) International Business(c) International Business Law(d) Managing International Trade & Investment(e) International Finance(f) Network contact management(g) Franchising(h) Corporate Social Responsibility(i) Project Management, Community Needs Assessment, CommunityFacilitation Skills, Project Proposal, Technical Report Writing, TEVT ExposureThrough Dialogues and Visits, Business Costing and Management Accountingand Decision Making Courses.
404Office address:Ansted Service CenterNo.6 Lorong Nagasari 3,Taman Nagasari Industrial Park,13600 Penang. MalaysiaMailing address:Ansted Service Center,P O Box 1067,10840 Penang. MalaysiaFax: +6-04-399 3739Tel: +6-012-470 5688Email Address:[email protected] TadeusiewiczRector of AGH - University of Science and Technology in Krakow, PolandProfessor Ryszard Tadeusiewicz obtained his Master of Science degree withhonours at the AGH University of Science and Technology in 1971. Afterreceiving his master's degree in Automatic Control Engineering he went on tostudying Medicine at Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University inKrakow.Since April 1971 he performed research in the areas of bio-cybernetics, automaticcontrol engineering, and computer science. In 1975 he was awarded the Ph.D.degree, and in 1981 the degree of Doctor of Sciences (Doctor Habilitatus). In 1986he became Associate Professor and in 1991 Full Professor at the AGH Universityof Science and Technology. He has written over 300 scientific papers, publishedin prestigious Polish and foreign scientific journals, as well as numerousconference presentations - both national and international. Prof. Tadeusiewiczhas also written over 70 scientific monographs and books, among them severalhighly popular textbooks, which were adopted by dozens of Polish universitiesand had many editions. He is also a great science promoter, author of dozens of
405articles and popular books, which include a book and a series of articlespopularizing science among primary schools pupils. He also delivered lecturespopularizing knowledge, for instance a series of 50 lectures delivered at Music,Press and Books Association. He also gave many talks on radio and television.For 32 years he has lectured at the AGH University of Science and Technology,teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and supervising master's anddoctoral dissertations. For 22 years he has lectured and conducted seminars atthe University of Economics in Krakow, and for 8 years at the PedagogicalAcademy on postgraduate training for teachers of computer sciences; for 6 yearsProf. Tadeusiewicz worked in the Academy of Physical Education, where heestablished the position of Chair of Biocybernetic Anthropomotorics. He alsotaught at the Jagiellonian University and supervised master theses in the field ofcomputer science, and medical physics at the Collegium Medicum at theDepartment of Propaedeutics of Medical Computer Sciences. He also worked fortwo years at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, teaching bio-cybernetics ofperception, and computer image processing.Prof. Tadeusiewicz supervised the total of 47 doctoral students as the primaryadvisor at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Academy ofEconomics, and Collegium Medicum. He wrote reviews of 158 doctoral theses asan external reviewer, and reviews of 71 doctor hablilitatus papers. A number oftimes Prof. Tadeusiewicz has been asked to take part in opinion-giving andadvisory bodies to the offices of the President and the Prime Minister of theRepublic of Poland. Since 2001 he has been elected member of the CentralCommission for Scientific Degrees and Scientific Titles founded by the Presidentof Poland, which grants the degrees of Professor (a process that is centralized inPoland, universities cannot grant full Professor Degrees).In January 1998, by a secret ballot of the members of the Polish Academy of Artsand Sciences (PAU), Professor Tadeusiewicz was elected its CorrespondingMember. At PAU he co-organized the Committee of Geoinformatics establishedin 1998. Currently he serves on the PAU's Committee on Civilization Threats.In March 2002, by a secret ballot of the members of the Polish Academy ofSciences (PAN), Professor Tadeusiewicz was elected its Corresponding Memberand full member of the Technical Sciences department.In February 1998, the International Organization of European Engineers (FEANI)granted Professor Tadeusiewicz the title of the Euro-engineer. In February 2000,Prof. Tadeusiewicz was elected Foreigner Member of Russian Academy ofNatural Sciences.In September 2003, in Paris, Prof. Tadeusiewicz was elected Foreigner Member ofFrench Academy of Sciences, Arts and Literature (Academie Europeenne desSeciences, des Arts et des Letters).
406Since mid 1970's, Professor Tadeusiewicz has served on two committees of thePolish Academy of Sciences (PAN): the Committee of Bio-cybernetics andBiomedical Engineering (for a number of years he held the function of Presidentof the Neural Networks Section), and the Committee of Automatic ControlEngineering and Robotics (for many years as Chair of the Sensors and ReceptorSection). He has also worked on numerous committees at PAN, like theCommittee of Computer Sciences Applications in Medicine of the Committee ofCore Sciences, Committee of Mathematical Sciences Application in Basic andClinical Examinations of the Division of Medical Sciences, and in the Committeeof Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control of the Division of the TechnicalSciences of PAN.In July 2001, Prof. Tadeusiewicz was awarded title of Honorary Doctor (DoctorHonoris Causa) of the ANSTED International University (Kuala-Lumpur,Malaysia), and in February 2002, Prof. Tadeusiewicz was awarded title ofHonorary Professor of the National Mining Institute of Ukraine(Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). In autumn 2002, Prof. Tadeusiewicz was awardedtitle of Honorary Doctor of the Wroclaw University of Technology and HonoraryDoctor of the Czestochowa University of Technology. In autumn 2003, Prof.Tadeusiewicz was awarded title of Honorary Doctor of the Ivano-FrancoUniversity of Technology (Ukraine).He is a regular reviewer of international journals like Neurocomputing,Computer Vision and Graphics, Signal Processing, Biological Cybernetics, and amember of editorial boards of a number of journals, like Advisory Editor forMachine Graphics & Vision, Image Processing and Communications, GuestEditor of the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Book Reviewer forIEEE Computer Society - Parallel & Distributed Technology, member of EditingBoard of the Polish quarterly Computers in Education, member of the EditingCommittee of the Polish Monthly Computer Sciences, member of EditingCommittee of the Polish quarterly Electrotechnics. He is also member of scientificboards at many Polish and international scientific conferences, like theInternational Conference on Image Processing and its Applications, Real TimeSystems, Computer Vision, Process Automation, Mathematical Models inAutomation and Robotics, System - Modelling - Control, Computer Vision andImage Processing, Computers in Medicine, etc.Professor Tadeusiewicz has close research ties with the following centres:University of Colorado in Denver, University of Toledo (Toledo, Ohio, USA),George Mason University (Fairfax, Virginia, USA), the Institution of ElectricalEngineers (London, UK), Deakin University (Geelong, Australia), DESY(Hamburg, D), Technical University of Genova (I), CERN (Geneva, CH), Ecole
407Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH), ICPI (Lyon, F), INSA (Lyon, F),Bristol University (UK), Birmingham University (UK), Technische Universitaet -(Ilmenau D), Universitade de Aveiro (P), Universidad de Velencia (ES).Professor Tadeusiewicz is a member of many international associations like theInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (senior member), theInternational Neural Network Society, Signal Processing Society, Society onEngineering in Medicine and Biology, IFAC Technical Committee on ArtificialIntelligence in Real-Time Control, ACM, SPIE and many others. For a number ofyears he took active role in the TEMPUS program (chairman of the ComputerVision section in TEMPUS JEP 0962, the PI in the Computer Vision and ImageProcessing in TEMPUS S_JEP 07181-94, Chairman of the section ImageProcessing in the international program TEMPUS S_JEP 07648-94).Right from the beginning of the Institute of Biocybernetics and BiomedicalEngineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences he has been a member of itsScientific Board. He also held the membership of the Scientific Board of theIndustrial Institute of Automatic Control and Measurements in Warsaw, theInstitute of Machining in Krakow, Institute of Sports in Warsaw and the PolishAssociation of Measuring, Automatic Control and Robotics. He was a member ofthe Committee for Professional Specialization for Engineers (Association ofPolish Electrical Engineers); he is also member of Inter-regional Committee forProfessional Specialization of Teachers at the Regional Methodical Center inKrakow (the President of the Committee for Degrees of ProfessionalSpecialization in the Field of Computer Sciences).Professor Tadeusiewicz is a very active member of many Polish ScientificAssociations: The Polish Computer Sciences Association (founding member, for anumber of years he presided over arbitration by Fellow Members), the PolishPhonetic Association (the President of the Małopolski Division since thebeginning of the existence of the Association), the Polish Cybernetic Association(for 20 years a member of the Board), the Polish Bio-Physical Association (Vice-President of the Krakow Division Board), the Polish Acoustic Association(former member of the Board and of the Auditing Committee), the Polish NeuralNetwork Association (Vice-President of the Polish Board), the Polish Associationof Nervous System Research, and many others. Worth mentioning is also hismembership in the Association of Friends of Fine Arts in Krakow.In 1990 the Polish scientific community elected Professor Tadeusiewicz Memberof the State Committee for Scientific Research (Polish acronym KBN). In the years1990-1994 he acted as a member of Team for Basic Technical Sciences, which wasresponsible for awarding grants in the field of basic research for all branches oftechnical sciences, and also for assigning categories to the Institutes of the Polish
408Academy of Sciences and the majority of Departments of Higher TechnicalSchools in Poland. Despite difficulties generated by awarding money to peers,after his first term at the Committee of Scientific Research he was re-elected forthe second term where he worked until 1997 as a member of the Committee ofApplied Research (expressing opinions on work and awarding grants in thefields of Automatic Control, Electronics, Computer Sciences andTelecommunications). Additionally, by a nomination of the President of KBNand the Deputy Prime Minster of the Government of the Republic of Poland,Prof. Tadeusiewicz was called to become a member of the Opinion-formulatingAdvisory Team for Computer Sciences Infrastructure and to the qualifyingCommission of the International Computer Science Institute (Berkeley,California). After two terms (maximum allowable), Prof. Tadeusiewicz wasnominated by the Committee directors the President of the Computer SciencesSection of the Committee of Applied Research of KBN, a position which he stillholds.Apart from his activities in the Committee of Scientific Research, ProfessorTadeusiewicz was a number of times a member of the Expert Team givingopinion on candidates for a prestigious Award of the Foundation for PolishScience. He was also elected Secretary, then the President of the Council of theSniadecki Brothers Foundation. For years he has been a member of the Inter-University Scientific Board for Magnetic Nucleus Resonance, the President of theProblem Committee for Medical Computer Sciences of the Polish NormalizationCommittee, and many others.Due to his extremely popular seminars in computer science for banking at theAcademy of Economics in Krakow, Prof. Tadeusiewicz was elected to theGoverning Board of the biggest Polish Bank: BPH (Bank Przemysłowo-Handlowy) as the Advisor for Computer Sciences to the President of the BPHBank. In this capacity he was one of the main opinion-givers of the largestcomputer undertaking in the Polish banking sector, the introduction of theintegrated banking system PROFILE in 1995, covering with its range theheadquarters of the BPH Bank and over 100 branches and outlets of the bank inthe whole Poland. Recognizing his knowledge in the field of computer-sciencetechniques and banking, the President and the Board of the BDK (BankDepozytowo-Kredytowy in Lublin) asked for his opinion on methods ofcomputerization of the bank, which operates in the South-East part of Poland.In 1996, in a secret ballot he was elected Deputy Rector for Science at the AGHUniversity of Science and Technology, and in January 1998 Rector of the AGHUniversity of Science and Technology. He was re-elected again as Rector in 1999and once more in May 2002 for the period 2002-2005. This makes him thelongest-serving Rector of the University.
409As Rector of the AGH University of Science and Technology, in 1999 he waselected by Rectors of other Polish universities a member of Presidium of theConference of Autonomous Polish Schools, the President of the Conference ofRectors of Polish Technical Universities. As Rector of the AGH University ofScience and Technology, Prof. Tadeusiewicz is also an active member at theConference of European Rectors, member of European Universities Association,and also one of signatories of Magna Charta Universitatum (document signed by500 rectors of the most famous Universities in Europe in memoriam of 900thanniversary of the world's oldest University of Bologna). As Rector of the AGHUniversity of Science and Technology, Prof. Tadeusiewicz was elected to be amember of the Polish Academic and Economic Forum and other political andeconomical advisory boards.Sultan Muhammad RazzakExecutive DirectorForum for Culture and Human Development (FCHD)NGO/Civil Society, 292/1-B, Meradia, Bhuiapara, Khilgaon, House # 28/39,Road # 08, Banasree, Rampura, 1219, BangladeshInstitution email: [email protected]: www.connectcp.org/SultanDr. Sultan Muhammad Razzak is a successful cultural advocate for introducingcultural convention in Bangladesh and active voice in the contemporary culturalmovement.2004 d' animador UNESCOUNESCO professional leadership course UNESCO ESKOLA (Spain)2001 Ph.DMass Communication Mooreland University (Pakistan)1999 Ph.DSociology and cultural communication for development Ansted University(Malaysia)
410He is a member of the Governing Board of Editors of the American BiographicalInstitute, lnc selectedMember of the Advisory Council and Director General at Mooreland University,Syndicate for Culture, Peace,Education and Socio. Economics Development (Bangladesh Chapter).He won the the prestigious title \"MAN OF THE YEAR 2005\" and the institute'sInternational Board of Research nominated him for his overall accomplishmentsand contribution to society.Sultan Muhammad Razzak (1959) obtained a Masters in Bengali Literature fromthe University of Dhaka (Bangladesh)Two Doctorate degrees in Sociology and Cultural Communication inDevelopment and in the Mass Media.He has also been awarded an Honorary Doctorate for his exemplary contributionto the protection of cultural rights and the promotion of peace, religious rightsand the rights of indigenous people, human rights, democracy and communalharmony.Presently he is UNESCO Fellow on UNESCO Expert Leader (de AnimadorUNESCO).Dr. Sultam Muhammad RAZZAK, Bangladash has writen and directed morethan 20 plays and has been involved in the making of more than 15 developmentvideo flims.He is also a poet ahn has writen many articles on different devlopment issus inlight of culture.Razzak has a masters degree in bangle liturer ad Doctorate degree in sociologyand cultural communication devlopment.He is the faculty Professor and Hon. Member of Board of advisory council ofAnsted University.He is also Professor of MoorLand University, USA.Executive Director of the forum for culture and human development at thehuns’s day care centre, Banasree, Rampura.He has investigated the serious situation facing the country's poor children,focusing on the psychological state of children in impoverished families andchildren workers in Bangladesh and has conducted studies observing the cultureand tribal lifestyle. He also conducted observing study on sexual behavior in theboth side border regions.In 1997, he introduced the monthly electronic newsletter KRISHTI KATHA(Talking about Culture) and VOLUNTEER and disseminate 10,000 addresses
411worldwide. He is founding member of the Graam Theater (the people's theatre)and has started up theatrical and cultural movement for development withgrass-roots non-profit organizations of Bangladesh. He faced the open audienceof 141 questions session on cultural issues in the World Cultural Forum-Barcelona-2004.He is involved as Steering Committee member of INCD, Advisor of WorldCulture Open (WCO), Member Advisory Council Mooreland University /Director Coordination Mooreland U niversity /Director General, MoorelandUniversity Management Consultant’s Syndicate for Culture, Peace, Educationand Socio. Economics Development (Bangladesh Chapter) Advisor and visitingProfessor of different Universities and members of different global culturalnetworksSong Swee HeeProfessor Dr Song swee Hee is the chairman of both Martial Arts Federation ofMalaysia and Martial Arts Federation of Sarawak received the highestrecognition when he was awarded the Pioneer Award - the highest award in theHall of Fame.Song, a 10th Dan black belt holder, was awarded for his tremendous contributionin popularising the sport worldwide, and also for being the first wushu exponentto be bestowed Honoris Causa Doctor in International Martial Arts, given by theAnsted University in Great Britain.Song was also the Grandmaster of the Year2000.The honorary advisor to the Nanyang Wushu Federation of Sarawak Tan SoewTheng was awarded the International Master of the Year.
412Stephen GillBox32,Cornwall,Ont.Cornwall,OntarioCanada, K6H 5R9Ph:613-932-7735Fax: (613) 932-7735WEB PAGES:WWW.STEPHENGILL.CAhome.ican.net/~sgill Poet Laureate of Ansted University, Stephen Gill is an expressive voice ofCanada, India and Pakistan. He believes strongly in a democratically electedworld government and peace through peaceful means. Global peace and socialconcerns are the main areas of his interest.Stephen Gill has authored more than twenty books, including novels, literarycriticism, and collections of poems. His poetry and prose have appeared in morethan five hundred publications, mostly in Canada, the United States of Americaand India. He writes usually in English. Once in a while, he writes poetry inUrdu, Hindi and Panjabi languages. He has also written and published bookreviews, research papers on writers and on world peace. Some of his
413Urdu/Hindi poems have been sung with music by prominent singers of Pakistanand India.Stephen Gill has received awards and recognitions, including three honorarydoctorates; and Laureate Man of Letters from United Poets LaureateInternational; Sahir Award of Honor from Sahir Cultural Society, Panjab, India;Plaque from the World Council of Asian Churches (Canada); PegasusInternational Poetry for Peace Award (Poetry in the Arts, Inc., Texas,); The BestPoet of Peace Award for the year 1993 from Roger Cable 11 (Canada); and TheQueen’s Golden Jubilee Medal.He has been asked several times by several organizations to judge their poetrycompetitions, and he often evaluates dissertations of English Literature fordoctoral students of universities in India. He is a focus of doctoral research byscholars. He is a freelance government approved interpreter for Urdu andPanjabi languages. He is also honorary editor/ advisor to several publications,and has edited publications, including the Canadian section of the WorldFederalist newspaper, Writer’s Lifeline, and South Asian Christian Diary.He is former president of Vesta Publications Ltd.; the Canadian AuthorsAssociation (the Cornwall, Ont. Branch); a national vice president of the WorldFederalists of Canada; the Multicultural Council of Stormont and Dundas; chiefdelegate to represent the World University for Canada; and the ChristianCultural Association of South Asians. At present, he is an honorary member ofthe Ansted University Board of Advisory Council, and a director of theChildren’s Aid Society of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry(Canada); and Dean of Peace Studies at St. Simon’s College, London, England.He has appeared in several prestigious national and international referencebooks, including Immigrants We Read About by George Bonavia, InternationalProduction, Ottawa; Who's Who In Canadian Literature, Reference Press,Toronto, Canada; Vesta's Who's Who of North American Poets, Vesta, Canada;Ethnic & Native Canadian Literature: A Bibliography by John Miska, Universityof Toronto Press; Something About The Author, vol. 63, Gale Research, USA;Who's Who In Canada, Toronto University Press; and Who's Who in Ontario,Heritage Press, B.C., Canada.Stephen Gill was born in Sialkot, Pakistan, where he passed his early childhoodand grew in India. After teaching in Ethiopia for three years, he migrated toEngland before settling in Canada.ACCOMPLISHMENTS• 1986 : Cultural Doctorate in Literature from World University ( USA ).• 1989 : Award from the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and the Ministry
414 of Culture and Communications• 1990 : Doctorate in Literature (Litt.D.) from World Academy of Arts & Culture ( China ).• 1991 : Honourary life membership to Texas State Poetry Society.• 1991 : Pegasus International Poetry for Peace Award from Poetry in the Arts, Inc., ( Austin , Texas , USA ). Its founders and Directors Gen. Edmund Lynch and Dr. Peggy Lynch state in their letter of congratulation:• 1992 : A judge for the Annual Awards for The Austin Poetry Society, Texas , USA .• 1992, August : Certificate and a Laurel Leaf, inscribed Laureate Man of Letters at the 13th world conference of United Poets Laureate International, held at The Pointe in Phoenix , Arizona , USA , from August 5 - 9.• 1993 : Service Award from Ministry of Citizenship of Ontario , Canada .• 1994: Best Poet of Peace in the World for the year 1993 from Roger Cable 11, Canada .• 1994 : Award of Appreciation from the Municipal Corporation of Cornwall , Ontario , Canada . 1994 : Trophy from Al-Mohajer, Ottawa based cultural monthly review, at its annual anniversary held at Lebanese Palace on the 18th of Dec.• 1995 : Judge for the Annual Higher Goals contest, category of poetry, held by the Evangelical Press Association of the United States .• 1995: Poet of Peace Award from Pakistan Association of Ottawa , Canada . 1996: Maan Pater (honour) from International Panjabi Sahit Sabha UK .• 1997: Mawaheb Culture Friendship Medal from Mawaheb, a literary magazine, Toronto , Canada• 1999: Sahir Award of Honour from Sahir Cultural Society in Ludhiana , Panjab , India . The citation says: 2000: Award in Literature & Journalism from World Council of Asian Churches.• 2000: Appointed as an honorary member of the Ansted University Board of Advisory Council.• 2002: The Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal.• 2003 (September): Honor of Doctor of Letters from Ansted University of British Virgin Islands, U.K. in recognition of his contributions to literature and his commitment to promote World Peace through poetry and other• 2003 Publications. (September): Ansted University appoints him Poet Laureate 2004 at its convocation held in London , England .
415Stephen Gill has judged several international literary competitions. He is listed inreference books, including Who's Who in The Commonwealth, InternationalBiographical Centre, Cambridge, England; Immigrants We Read About byGeorge Bonavia, International Production, Ottawa; Biography International,South Asia Pub. Co., New Delhi, India ; Who's Who In Canadian Literature,Reference Press, Toronto, Canada ; Vesta's Who's Who of North American Poets,Vesta, Canada ; Ethnic & Native Canadian Literature : A Bibliography by JohnMiska, University of Toronto Press ; Something About The Author, vol. 63, GaleResearch, USA; and Who's Who In Canada, Toronto University Press; and inmore...COLLECTIONS OF POEMS• THE DOVE OF PEACE• SONGS FOR HARMONY• DIVERGENT SHADES• THE FLOWERS OF THIRST (love poems)• SHRINE (Poems of social concerns)• AMAN DI KUGHI (Panjabi Poems)• JAZIRA (Collection of Urdu Poems)ANTHOLOGIES OF POETRY• ANTI WAR POEMS (volumes one and two) Around two hundredcontributors from several nations• GREEN SNOW (Canadian poets of Asian Origin)• SEAWAY VALLEY POETS (co-ed.)• POETS OF THE CAPITAL (co.ed.)ALBUM• Aman (peace in English).Urdu/Hindi poems of Stephen GillPRICE: 7.00 for audio cassette and 15.00 for a CD. Handling and postageincludedKhalid Saleem sings some of the Urdu/Hindi poems of Stephen Gill in thisalbum called Aman that means peace in English. As the title suggests, thesesongs condemn war and bloodshed. The singer provides a music that is deeplysoothing. He has successfully combined Eastern and Western music in thisalbum that has resulted in the birth of a fascinating child.In one section of this album, Stephen Gill experiments with the Japanese form ofpoetry, called haiku. Stephen Gill has written several haiku and also articles onthe haiku in English. He has created this section in this album on the rhythm ofPanjabi folk songs called maya or tappey . Panjabi folksong has the theme of loveand romance to describe the beauty of the beloved in an exaggeration way.
416Description is usually in a light mood. Moreover, the first line does notcontribute to the main message. It is mainly to rhyme with the third line. ButGill's haiku-like presentation is on a serious subject such as peace. Every line isan integral part of the whole. Moreover, these presentations are in Urdu/Hindi.The result is a meaningful soul-touching creation.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONFor additional information, please read1- Stephen Gill & His Works (an evaluation) by George Hines, M.A.Ph.D.(Eng.Lit),Introduction by Dr. John Robbins, former Ambassador to theVatican, and President of Brandon University;2- Glimpses: A Selection of Published Articles about Stephen Gill and his Books.Stephen Gill is available to write1- Book reviews, and articles about world peace and human rights in India andPakistan;and for2- Urdu, Hindi and Panjabi interpretations/translations. He is a Ontario Government approved interpreter from Urdu to English and vice versa.Main recreation of Stephen Gill's is to promote world peace and make friends.
417Senani Deepika RajamanthriVision is to add value to society in developing the student community whilebalancing work, health and family life.Education:B.Sc. (Business Administration) Special Degree with a 2nd Class (UpperDivision) in 1985 from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.M.Com Degree in HRM by research in 1996 from the University of Colombo.Doctor of Philosophy from the Ansted University in the United Kingdom wasentitled HRM approach in the Sri Lankan Corporate Sector: An Evaluation.Dr. Rajamanthri is a member of Association of Accounting Technicians in SriLanka.PublicationsWide range of OUSL learning materials such as MCU 4212 Training andDevelopment (3 volumes) MCU 2206 Human Resources ManagementMCU 1203 Marketing for the Bachelor of Management Studies Programme and
418MSU 1180 Management Theory and Practice for the Bachelor of ScienceProgrammePresented research papers:• Corporate Social Responsibility: Practice in the Sri Lankan CorporateSector in November 2003 at the 2nd International Conference of CSR held inKuala Lampur, Malaysia• CSR and Marketing with special reference to the Sri Lankan CorporateSector – 2005, 4th International Conference in CSR held at the ManchesterMetropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom• Effects of Student Support Services: OUSL (forthcoming) in the OUSLJournal• Face to face contact sessions at OUSL (forthcoming) in the OUSL Journal• Impact of train the trainer in ODL in 2000 at the CRIDALA Conference in 2000 held in OUHK, Hong Kong.Research interestsHuman Resources Management, Training and Development, Corporate SocialResponsibility, Open and Distance Learning ResearchMemberships:Life Member of Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science (SLAAS), aresource person to National Institute of Education (NIE) – Business Studies, amember of Academic Advisory Board of the Lanka Institute of BusinessManagement, External Member of the Council of Ansted University and Memberof the Management Club (TMC) Sri LankaE-mail1: [email protected]: [email protected]: 2853777 Ext. 523
419Salma ShaheenEmail: [email protected] [email protected] University of PeshawarPublicationRoohi SandariLanguage Pashto published in 1983 by Pashto Academy. Collection, compilation& research on Pashto folk, songs (Tapa).Roohi Sandari Vol-II Language Pasho published in 1983 by Pashto Academy.Collection, compilation & research on Pashto folk, songs (Tapa).Nawai SaharLanguage Pashto, a collection of Poetry.Abaseen Da Tarikh Pa Aina Ke
420It is a history of the river Indus, published in 1980 by Pashto Academy.The Pakhto Tappa, Muasharati Au Saqafati AsarAn Introduction of the Pashtoon Society through a particular poetic form Tappapublished in 1985 by Pashto Academy.Zah Hum Hagha Si Wara WayA collection of Pashto Poetry in 1996.Ka Ranna ShawaA novel Published in 1998.Kani Ao AzghiShort Stories Collection, 2001.Dil Or Ankhein Cheen MeSafar NamaModern Poems in PashtoResearchPeshawar City & TraditionLok Virsa Project, Islamabad Pakistan.Research PapersPa Pakhto Tappa Ki Muasharati Nafsiyat Pashto May, Aug, 1993, 1995Parwaz Pashto September1980Pukhto Rasmul Khat Ta Yowa Sar-Sare Kattana Pashto Seminar Oct. 1991,1992Pa Tappa Ki Da Meni Ao Badi Dardoona Ao Takorona Pashto October1984Hayat-e-Dard Yow Tanqeed Pashto, Pashto Academy December1980Khushal Khan Da Naswani Hussan Shidai Pashto, Kushal No. March, April 1980Da Pakhtano Da Ulasi Zound Paltana Da Tapai Pa Ranna Ki Pashto April1984Da Pakhto Da Bannar Tair Pashto November, December1978Da Islam Nomawarii Fatiheen Ao Jarnallan Pashto January, February1980Da Tapai Painandgalo Pashto January, February1984Da Zaitoon Bano Fun Au Shakhsiyath Journal Pashto November, December1995`Da Ghani Palwashai Pashto, Pashto Academy December1983Da Nazmoono Ao Maqaalo Fihrist Pashto July, March1981Sur-Ara Zama Pa Nazar Ki Pashto Aatiraf No1988Shaere Ghani Pashto Journal April1997Pakistani Khawateen Aur Pashto Adab Journal Pakistan, Academy of LettersAdbiat 2001
421Pukhto Academy ki Pa Ulasi Adab Shwee Karoona University Journal1998, 1999Adab Saqafat Aur Jamhooriat University Journal1996, 1997Ta pa Aur Ulasi Zound 1995, 1996Alama Iqbal Aur Iqiswee Sadi 2002Study of women in Pashtoon Society2002Book ReviewSwat Ki Loke KahaniaDa Khund TootayTazkiratul AuliaParwazDa Sahwore Dalye Pashto AcademyPashto AcademyIntikhab Pakhtine LikwalayDa Khamoshai ShoreDa Khapalo Khobono Tabir namonaWark Da Swal Ledal ShahDa Menie Aow JehanDa Arman Pa SeureDardoona TakoroonaStrains & Romanticism in Abdul Ghani Khan & John KeatsSpin TambalTor SarePashtun Kon?Pashtun & Pashto LiteratureDa Arzani Khweshki KulyatGul MinaUrdu Aur Pashto Ke Numainda AfsanePeenza ShameLife & Works of Hamza Khan ShinwariAbad TarashKuliyat-e-RahmanBaz Nama Translation
422Dastar NamaTanqeedi AdabDastar Nama (Urdu)Bagh-o-BaharPublisher Pashto AcademyMembership of Societies/NGOS/Associations/Forums Member • Frontier Primary Health Care Unit Mardan. • Vice-President, Pakistan Women Writers Forum, Peshawar. • Member Human Rights Commission, Peshawar Cham. • Life membership Pashtoon Cultural Association, Islamabad. • Member Pakistan Youth Organization Mardan. • Member, Board of Governors, Aurat Foundation, Peshawar. • Member of A.S.R (Women Study Centre, Lahore). • Visiting Professor Gender Studies Centre, University of Peshawar. • Member, Selection Board of Baluchistan University. • Project Director of HEC Project of \"Strengthening of Pashto Academy\". • Member Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Council of Complaints. • Expert on the National Curriculum Review Committee. • Member Peshawar University Sent. • Member Peshawar University Academic Council. • Member Graduate Studies Committee for M.Phil/Ph.D Pashto Department. • Member Board of Governors, Pakistan Academy of Letters, Islamabad. • Member Board of Planning & Commission, Islamabad. • Seminars • Pakistan Ahle Qalam Conference 1981-1998 • Pakistan Women Writer Forum 2002International Muslim Baragali Seminars 1989-1995 • SEMINARS PRESENTATIONW • • National College of Arts, March 2007 • Pakistan Academy of Letters, 8 March 2007oInternational Muslim Women Conference 1980-81 \"Status of Women in Pashtoon Society\" • Presented Paper on Independent Day 14 August 1996 • Presented Paper Pakistan Women Writers Forum Pakistani Khawateen Aur Pashto Adab
423 • Paper Alama Iqbal Aur Ikiswi Sadi Pakistan Academy of Letters Islamabad, Alama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad • Allama Iqbal Jadeed dunia ke tnazar me • Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad October, 2003980-8 • Badalti dunia me Adab ka kirdar • Pakistan Academy of Letters, February, 2005Sse • Pakistani Culture in Global Perspective • Inter Provincial Conference, August 3-4 2005, Lahore. Punjab Institute of Language Arts & Culture minar eminar Presented Khushhal Khan Hayat- e-Fun Maqala August 30, 2005 Pakistan Academy of Letters, Islamabad • \"Folk Theatre Pashto Literature\" • National College Of Arts, Rawalpindi March 2007 • International Conference • \"Literature me Khawateen ka hissa\" • Pakistan Academy of Letters, Islamabad. National Seminar SSheila Murray BethelSheila Murray Bethel is a globally acknowledged lecturer specializing inLeadership, Change and Personal Excellence. With humble beginnings and onlya high school education, Sheila Murray Bethel's business career began when sheaccepted the opportunity of becoming coordinator of an institute that trainedbrain-injured children. As a single mother struggling to raise and educate hertwo sons, she went on to an award winning sales and sales management career,building two successful organizations. It was out of these challengingcircumstances that she discovered her unique talents as a speaker. Her own lifestory is an inspiring example of how anyone can rise above his or hercircumstances to make a difference. Through a twenty-year personal study planshe eventually earned her Doctorate. She has gone from the \"ironing board to theexecutive board.\" She proves that with hard work and perseverance you canaccomplish your dreams.Successful Meetings Magazine has recognized Dr. Bethel as one of the \"21 TopSpeakers for the 21st Century.\" She has made presentations to nearly 2 millionpeople in 17 countries and has shared the platform with former President Gerald
424Ford, General Colin L. Powell, publisher Katharine Graham, Michael Jordan,Evander Holyfield, Pat Riley and First Lady Hillary Clinton, among otherluminaries.Dr. Bethel served on the Board of Advisors for America's Promise-The Alliancefor Youth, who's Founding Chairman is Colin L. Powell. In 1990, she interfacedwith the Bush White House and the Polish Parliament to consult with and trainPolish businesses being transformed by privatization. It was at this time sheestablished the first privately owned business-training center in Eastern Europe,located in Opole, Poland. She has worked on projects with four U.S. Presidentsand has served on the adjunct faculties of Indiana-Purdue University, theUniversity of Southern California, and San Francisco State University. She iscurrently on the Board of Advisors of the Ansted UniversityDr. Bethel's client list reads like a Global Who's Who of Business, TradeAssociations, Education and Government. She has been inducted into theInternational Who's Who of Professional and Business Women's Hall of Fame.SHAHIDA P. AHMEDProfessor,Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy,University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, Pakistan.1. S. P. Ahmed, S. Takween and Neelam. Prophylactic role of Pyridoxine indifferent agegroups with premenstrual syndrome. Pak. J. of Pharmacol. Jan (2006) Vol.24,No.1,19-33.2. S. P. Ahmed, M. A. Ansari, A. Kazi and N. Karim. The Role of AntipsychotieChlorpromazine in Subject Reported Symptoms of Acute Opioid AbstinenceSyndromePak. J. Pharmacol. July (2006).3. M. A. Ansari, S. P. Ahmed, S. Haider and N. A. Ansari. Nagilla Sativa: A Non-Conventional Herbal Option for the Management of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis.Pak. J. ofPharmacology. Vol. 23, No. 2, July (2006) pp. 1-5.4. Haider S, Khaliq S, Ahmed S.P, Haleem DJ: Long-term tryptophanadministration
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426ascorbic acid on glutamate induced behavioral changes. Pak. J. Pharmacology. 22(1):January (2005) 47-55.14. Saida Haider, Saima Shameem, Shahida P. Ahmed, Tahira Parveen andDarakhshan J.Haleem. Repeated administration of lead decreases brain 5-HT metabolism andproducesmemory deficits in rats cellular and molecular biology letters. 10 (4): 2005.15. Saida Haider, Sadia Saleem, Saima Shamim, Shahida P. Ahmed, TahiraParveen,Darakhshan J. Haleem. Is anorexia in thioacetamide-induced cirrhosis related toan alteredbrain serotonin concentration. Pol. J. Pharmacol., (2004) 56, 73-78.16. Rafeeq Alam Khan, Shahida P. Ahmed, Azhar Hussain and Saida Haider.Assessment ofRole of α Tocopherol in Glutamate Induced Behavioral Changes. Int. J. Biol.,Biotech.,1 (4): October (2004) 705-708.17. S.P.Ahmed, A.B.Rehman, R.A.Khan, MahayRookh and S.Haider. Role ofBuspirone inLithium treated rats. Int. J. Biol, Biotech, 1 (2): April (2004) 209-212.18. Anwar H. Gilani1, M. Nabeel Ghayur1,2, Zafar S. Saify2, Shahida P.Ahmed2, M. IqbalChoudhary3 and Asad Khalid3. The presence of cholinergic and acetylcholineesteraseinhibitory constituents in Betel nut. Life Sciences. 75, (2004) 2377-2389.19. S.P.Ahmed, A.B.Rehman, MahayRookh, R.A.Khan & S. Akhtar. Assessmentof Role ofMethyl Cobalamine in Excitotoxic effects of Glutamic Acid. Pak. J. Pharmacol, 21,(1)Jan, (2004) pp. 25-29.20. D.J. Haleem, H. Naz, T. Parveen, S. Haider, S.P. Ahmed, N.H. Khan & M.A.Haleem.Serotonin and Serotonin 1-A receptors in the failure of ethanol-treated rats toadapt to arepeated stress schedule. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Vol 63 (4): (2002) 389-396.21. S. P. Ahmed et al (2002) Susceptibility of proteus and klebsiella to“Antimicrobial agents.Pak. J. pharmacol vol. 19 No.(1): 49-51.22. S. Haider, T. Perveen, S. Saleem, S. P. Ahmed and D. J. Haleem Tryptophan,Brainserotonin and anorexia in thioacetamide-induced cirrhosis. Journal of Hepatology(2002)
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43282. Shahida P. Ahmad, Rafeeq Alam Khan, Asif B. Rehman, and Saida Haider.Effect ofatypical anxiolytic drug on stress induced behavior. In Press10Following students have been awarded Ph.D. Degree“Supervised” By Prof. Dr. Shahida P. AhmedS.No. Name of Student Topic Ph.D. Degreeawarded1. Dr. Asghar Mehdi Study on the effects of antibiotics on clinicalisolates from oral cavity20062. Dr. Kauser Parveen Studies on effect of vitamin-E on humanplatelet aggregation and arachidonic acidmetabolism in (PIH)20053. Dr. Naseem Kareem To observe the effects of Metformin on themetabolism and ovulation in polycysticovary syndrome.20054. Dr. Sibgat Ullah Role of Negilla sativa in opioid dependence 20055. Mr. Noor Kamil Dermatological and antineoplastic effects ofdrugs in pediatric populations20056. Dr. Rahela Najam Pharmacological screening of some bioactivecompounds from marine resources20037. Dr. Munawar AlamAnsariThe role of calcium channel blackerverapamil, Clonidine and ascorbic acid inhigh cholesterol levels in patients with panicdisordersThesis Submittedin BASR 20068. Dr. Zahida Memon Thesis Submittedin BASR 2006Following students have been awarded M.Phil DegreeS.No. Name DegreeYear degreeawarded9. Ms. Saima Ahmed M.Phil 200610. Ms. Saima Mahmood M.Phil 200611. Mr. S. Mujtaba Ali M.Phil 2005
43312. Dr. Aasiya Rehman M.Phil 200513. Ms. Nousheen Alam M.Phil 200414. Ms. Sadia Ghousia Beg M.Phil 20011115. Ms. Shamoona Takween M.Phil 199916. Mr. S. Tilat Naqvi M.Phil 199717. Ms. Syeda Afroz M.Phil 1997Following students have been awarded M.Pharm Degree18. Mr. Fayyaz Ahmed M.Pharm 200419. Ms. Neelam M.Pharm 200420. Ms. Nusrat Bano M.Pharm 200421. Mr. Imran Ahsan Mallick M.Pharm 200322. Mr. Arshad Malik M.Pharm 200323. Mr. Noor Khan Afridi M.Pharm 200324. Mr. Imran Qureshi M.Pharm 200325. Ms. Farah Mumtaz M.Pharm 200026. Ms. Nasreen Aruj M.Pharm 199327. Ms. Rahila Najam M.Pharm 199028. Ms. Yasmeen Ayub M.Pharm 198829. Dr. Rafeeq Alam Khan M.Pharm 1986Following students are presently enrolled for Ph.D.30. Nazir Solangi (Pharmacist)31. Dr. Nighat Kafeel32. Mr. Khalid M. Salahuddin (Pharmacist)33. Dr. Rizwan Ahmed34. Dr. Reaz Ahmed35. Dr. Shahid Kamal36. Ms. Sadia G. Baig (Pharmacist)37. Ms. Shamoona Takween (Pharmacist)38. Dr. Sarah Fatima39. Dr. Sarwat ObaidFOLLOWING STUDENTS HAVE COMPLETED THEIR M.PHARM / M.PHIL/PH.DUNDER MY SUPERVISION.S.No. Name Degree Year degree awarded1. Dr. Rafeeq Alam Khan M.Pharm 19862. Ms. Yasmeen Ayub M.Pharm 19883. Ms. Rahila Najam M.Pharm 19904. Ms. Nasreen Aruj M.Pharm 19935. Mr. S. Tilat Naqvi M.Phil 19976. Ms. Syeda Afroz M.Phil 19977. Ms. Shamoona Takween M.Phil 1999
4348. Ms. Farah Mumtaz M.Pharm 20009. Ms. Sadia Ghousia Beg M.Phil 200110. Mr. Imran Ahsan Mallick M.Pharm 200311. Mr. Arshad Malik M.Pharm 200312. Mr. Noor Khan Afridi M.Pharm 200313. Mr. Imran Qureshi M.Pharm 200314. Mr. Fayyaz Ahmed M.Pharm 200415. Ms. Nousheen Alam M.Phil 200416. Ms. Rahila Najam Ph.D 200417. Dr. S. Sibghetullah Sanghi Ph.D 200418. Mr. S. Mujtaba Ali Ph.D 200419. Dr. Kauser Aamir Ph.D 200520. Dr. Nasim Karim Ph.D 2005FOLLOWING STUDENTS ARE PRESENTLY ENROLLED FORM.PHIL /PH.D. UNDER MY SUPERVISION.1. Dr. S. Asghar Mehdi2. Mr. Noor Kamil3. Dr. Aasiya Rehman4. Ms. Saima Mahmood5. Dr. Nazeer Solangi6. Dr. ZahidaSurbhi SharmaSecretary General , N.A. , Interactive Technology,Software and Media Association IndiaWebsite : http://www.itsmaindia.orgKeywords : ICT , Multimedia , Research And DevelopmentSurbhi Sharma started her professional career as an entrepreneur in 1995. In twoyears, she successfully sold her business to start a consulting firm in 1997,Resource Management Group that catered to the needs of IT firms’Internationalization goals. This provided her the right opportunities to explorevarious markets, technology platforms, and an insight to how the Tech sectorfunctions. In the year 2001 she converted the business to a Non Profit Organization, inorder to broaden the reach of the organisation to serve many more SMEs.
435ITSMA, the non-profit organisation, caters to the needs of SMEs in theInternational and domestic market. They assist International companies accessthe Indian market, for the right partnerships and collaborations. .The motivation behind this thought process was Surbhi’s early exposure todiverse development programs with both Indian and International groups suchas Rotract Club, OPIRG (Ontario Public Interest Research Group) and McMasterUniversity, Hamilton. Her social outlook led her to run many pro-povertyprograms in India especially concentrating on Women and Children.Ansted University, Malaysia which was impressed by her capabilities conferredher as the Advisory Board member.She has also participated in European Union funded projects and has a vastexperience in assisting European clients to have their setup in India.Recently Surbhi was elected as the Secretary General of the InternationalFederation of Multimedia Associations.Incidentally she is also on the Advisory Board of a few companies.Surbhi has been a speaker in many international forumsK. Satyamurty writes:SURABHI SHARMA is out to prove that the Geographical Information System(GIS) is more than, in Bangalore in 2000.The aim was simple but far-reaching — leverage information andcommunication technologies (ICT) for social empowerment, especially amongyoung women in rural areas.\"Actually, they are women in semi-rural areas just outside the city and possesssome skills and are eager to learn more... Our training helps them earn withouthaving to commute to Bangalore every working day,'' Surabhi explains.The TelNek project is located in Bidadi, a small industrial town 39 km from thecity centre on the way to high technology and that it can help in reaching villageswhich need help from voluntary agencies.Between her and her mother, Mridula Sharma, they founded the not-for-profitorganisation, Anchorage Mysore.The young women are trained in basic information-technology skills such as dataentry, desktop publishing, accounting, office software and teleworking.\"It is a year-long training and something new for these women who have beenlong considered as not being tech savvy. In fact the men folk of many of themdon't allow them to even switch on the television on their own,'' she says.
436Over the months of training, the women become less inhibited and are soonasking questions and noting down the answers.More than anything else, they become convinced that the skills they learn willcome in handy some day soon. There are three hours of classroom teaching andat least two hours of homework each day.\"We have trained 100 women so far,'' Surabhi says with some pride.Project for childrenTo make their training more meaningful, the women help out in actual projectsto take ICT to villages.One pilot project for rural children has been technology-enabled learning;something even city schools are just getting into. \"We assess the schoolperformance of a group of students in classes 7 to 9 and note where they needadditional support in learning subjects such as science, history and geography,and help through multimedia teaching methods,'' Surabhi explains.Subjects considered dull and downright difficult by generations of childrenliterally come alive before their eyes, and learning becomes fun.They learn how to identify the capital of Nepal and images of Kathmandu makeit more than another name to remember.Many rural schools have been gifted computers, but the question now is howwell they use them and how they benefit children,'' she adds.Projects funded by the European Commission — Asia-Qual and Asia City — areanother aspect of the work of Anchorage.\"While Asia Qual is to support SMEs (small and medium enterprises) implementa Total Quality Management approach, Asia City is an applied research andtechnological development project to benefit people through government andnon-governmental organisations in the tourism sector,'' she says.e-MitraFallout has been what they have named e-Mitra, which helps village artisans findmarkets for their products. Functioning as a call centre, e-Mitra procures ordersfor specific products and helps gauge the market and its demands. Left tothemselves, many artisans may end up as workers in the city in pursuits farremoved from their inherited skills.A Commerce graduate from Mount Carmel College, Surabhi was also a nationalswimming champion.
437She is active in a variety of forums including the Rotaract Club, CanadianCrossroads Exchange Programme and the ATMAN project under ESCAP(United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific).A member of the Honorary Advisory Committee of Ansted University inMalaysia, she constantly enhances her experience with her association withinternational organisations. All to do something worthwhile right here.Sarfraz LLOYDSarfraz LLOYD, President of the West Coast University,President of Department of the WSU-WIDU,he is President of the West Coast University, a global university, which serves asthe Department of WIDU.He is notable researcher and professor in the Field of Science and TechnicalEducation35 worldwide colleges are affiliated to this educational system from East andWest, offering international education in Applied Science, Engineering,Technology and Management.His institution (WCIMT) is an accredited member of ICDE, which is recognizedby UNESCO and UNO as an agency for Open & distance education.He is also member of European Association for international Education (AIE),member of International Educators (NAFSA) and American Association for
438Higher education (AAHE) and also a member of Institute of Global Education(IGE), which has special consultative status with ESCSOC, United Nations. Hehas authored 5 books in technical education“I am pleased to be invited by the Ansted University Asia Regional ServiceCentre in Malaysia to send my message World Peace – a Social Responsibility. Icongratulate Ansted University and its Foundation as well as the entireOrganising team in Malaysia for initiating such an important issue. I believeeducation is the Master Key, which opens all doors of Human Civilization. Moreeducation means more civilization and a better world. Better-education mindsunderstand better that without peace there cannot be proper civilization.Educational Institutions should make teaching social responsibility a corepractice in education so that young people develop the convictions and skillsneeded to shape a safe, sustainable, democratic, and just world. West CostUniversity and its associated institutions work internationally to enhance humanminds to understand the fruits of Peace. In this World, there cannot be any peacewithout peace and as such we the educators and the educational institutionsshould work to educate human minds to develop conviction among our studentsto help develop peace in this Planet, known as Earth. Best Wishes”Samir Abdel Hamid I. NouhOffice for Advanced Research and EducationResearch ProfessorTel. Number: 075-251-3474Fax. Number: 075-251-3474E-Mail: [email protected]: http://homepage2.nifty.com/samirnouh/チ œCurrent Researchチ ŸResearch
Field 439 チFチ ŸKeywords チ Fチ ŸCategory チ FResearch Field: チ ŸResearch Subject チ F Understanding Islam In Japan,Past and Presentチ ŸKeywords チ F Islam,Shinto,Budhism, Tanaka Ippei, izutsutoshihiko,,new Japanese Muslim,Islamic Japanese literatureResearch Subject: チ ŸResearch Subject チ F Tolerance in ContemporaryJapanese society and terrorism (the case of Christianity and Islam inJapanチ ŸKeywords チ F Shinto Budhism, Christianity, Islamチ ŸResearch Subject チ F Concept of the Dialouge of Civilization in theHolly Quran,The aspect of Globalization in Islam(QuranicInterpretation)チ ŸKeywords チ F Globalization, Quran, diversity ofpeoples,acquaintanceチ œCareer (Professional)1967-1972 Cairo University, Faculty of Arts,Dept. Of Oriental Lang. &Studies1972-1978 Cairo University, Faculty of Arts, Dept. Of Oriental Lang. &Studies (Assistant Teacher)1978-1982 Cairo University,Faculty of Arts,Dept. Of Oriental Lang. &Studies (Teacher)1982-1985 Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic Univerity.Arabic IslamicInst. Tokyo ( Assistant Prof.)1985-1994 Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic Univerity,Faculty ofSocilal Science,Riyadh( Associated Prof.)1994-2004 Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic Univerity,Faculty ofSocilal Science,Riyadh(Prof.)2004-2008 Doshisha University ( Prof.)チ œAcademic Society Affiliationscommittee for promotion for professorship, Al Azhar University, Cairo,Cairo University, Cairo, Ein Shams University, CairoFellow of BRISMES (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies.)Institute for Middle eastern & Islamic Studies, Durham UniversityJAMES (Japan Association for Middle East Studies)
440Committee for promotion for professorship, Punjab University, Lahorecommittee for promotion for professorship, King Saud University,Riyadh, Imam University, Riyadh-- Member of International league ofIslamic Literature, Riyadh,SAEED-UL-HASSANProfessorAddress:University College of Pharmacy.Phone Number:- 92-42-9211616E-Mail:- [email protected] QUALIFICATION:1998Ph.D.(U.K)University of Sunderland1989M.Phil (Pharmacy)Punjab university PaK1983M. Pharmacy
441Punjab university PaK1981B. Pharm Punjab university PaKExperience:Industrial Experience (Pakistan)6 years as a Senior production Pharmacist and QC managerHospital Experience (Saudi Arabia)2 years worked as a Hospital PharmacistTeaching Experience20 years of teaching experience in, College of pharmacy Punjab UniversityPharmaceutical chemistry (instrumentation)Medicinal ChemistryBiochemistry / Organic ChemistryDrug AnalysisResearch PotentialActively involved in research for guidance to M.phil / PhD students.MEMBER/FELLOW OF THE PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIESRegistered as Pharmacist \"A in the Punjab Pharmacy Council, Lahore, Pakistan.Member of Pakistan Pharmacist Association (PPA) Lahore-PakistanFellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and hygiene, London (U.K) .Member of the Biochemical Society of U.KMember of the Royal Society of Chemistry, U.KMember of the British Society for Immunology, U.KAssociate member for the academic group in pharmaceutical society of GreatBritain (U.K)Permanent Member, Board of Students in Faculty of Pharmacy, PunjabUniversity Lahore (Pakistan).Director Pharmacy Sports, Punjab University Lahore (Pakistan).Member Inter University Faculty Board for developing Curriculum in the Subjectof Pharmacy.Life member Pakistan Association for the advancement of scienceCONFERENCES/WORKSHOP/COURSES ATTENDEDAttended various workshops/ seminars conferences during teaching career.
442MERIT CERTIFICATE (ACHIEVEMENTS)- Chartered Chemist Award from Royal Society of Chemistry, U.K- Certificate for Associate member in the Academic group of PharmaceuticalSociety of Great Britain, U.K.- Good teacher award from the Worthy Vice-Chancellor, Punjab UniversityLahore, Pakistan.- Got best poster Presentation award on Promoting Rational Drug Use fromWHO representative in 2004 at Islamabad-Pakistan.- Letter of appreciation from the Vice Chancellor/Registrar regarding goodteaching and to conduct Pharmacy sports as a Director Pharmacy Sports.- Letter of dedication regarding Teaching and Research from the Controller ofExamination, Punjab University, and Lahore-Pakistan.- Got two letter of appreciation during Ph. D Studies in England-UK (1994-1998International publications 13National publications 28Silillaen, ParulianQualificationsPhilosophy of Doctor, The University of Wollongong, Faculty ofCommerce, School of Accounting and Finance.Thesis: “ManagementControl Systems for R& D Organisation: Multiple CaseStudies in Indonesia” 2007Master of Commerce (Honours), The University of WollongongFaculty of Commerce, Department of Accountancy,Thesis: “Management Control Systems for R& D Organisation: ADescriptive Study” 1990-1991Master of Commerce, The University of Wollongong, Faculty ofCommerce, Department of Accountancy,Major Project Title:“Differential Reporting for Small Business: A comparative Study”(transferred to Master Honours Program) 1989-1990Sarjana Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, FakultasEkonomi, Major in Management Accounting. Thesis Title: “Sales PricingMethod in Garment Industry: A Case Study at PT. Pesona Cipta Karya”
4431983-1988Bachelor of Accounting, Jayabaya Accounting Academy, Jakarta,Indonesia. Thesis Title: “Internal Control on Inventory at PT. Apollo” 1976-1979Other Training Training on Audit Principles, Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara,Jakarta, Indonesia, (School of Government Accounting) 1985Training on Audit & Control by Computer, IBM Jakarta, Indonesia 1983Training on Organizational Control, SGV Utomo, Public Accountant,Jakarta 1982LanguagesEnglish – fluentIndonesian – mother tongueO/S Experience Australia, IndonesiaAwards MembershipsMember of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants, 2001 - PresentAREA OF EXPERTISE Management Accounting, Management Control Systems, AccountingInformation Systems andIndonesia Public Sector Accounting.SELECTED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEJan – Jun 2002: Accounting Task, Illawarra Children ServicesAn organisation that responsible to manage and distribute funds ofapproximately $ 1.7 million toChildren Centres in Illawarra. Hired in part time basis to develop budgetingsystem for the organisation.Oct - Dec 2001: Accountant, Newbery’s Exports Australia Pty. Ltd: An Import-Export CoyThe company is a small trading company that importing children shoes withturnover of approximately $1 million per annum. Hired in part time basis to perform Accounting task byusing MYOB1999-July 2001: Chief Editor, NEED: Lingkungan, Manajemen, Ilmiah, ISSN 1411-237X, JakartaThe company employs 40 personal and publishes 5,000 copies of scientificmagazine per month.Responsible for editing and deciding the topic and article to be published.1999-Jul 2001: President Director, PT. Ardhia Cheta Industry, JakartaThe company is a gas manufacturing company in a construction progress stagevalued of US $ 5million project. The company employed 40 employees and expected to produce10 ton of high purity
444Non-Chloro-Fluoro-Carbon (Non-CFC) gas. Responsible to manage theconstruction process and tooperate the company when the construction is completed.Jan-Jul 2001: Management Accounting Consultant, Pertiwi Group, JakartaThe company is an educational institution that poses 3 institutes, 2 Colleges. Thecompany hadturnover of approximately A$4 million per month. Responsible for the designand implementation of theBudgeting Systems and Management Accounting System.1996-Mar 2000: Chief Accountant, PT. Wahana Rahmah, JakartaThe company is a medium employment agency of seaman for internationalmarket. The companyengaged with 25 employees. Responsible for managing and executing theaccounting and financialtasks including the provision of financial statements and analysis, budgeting,taxation and financialplanning.Jan-Dec 2000: Consultant on Computer Accounting Systems Project, PT. JabatoInternational,JakartaThe company is a Travel Agent Company of Toray Corporation, Japan. Thecompany engaged 50employees and had 1 branch in Bali, and 2 branches in Jakarta. Hired as aconsultant for 12 (twelve)months to developed, design, and implement a computer accounting systems.1996-Jul 2001: Program Director, Jakarta Education Service, Jakarta: AManagement ConsultantCompanyThe company is a small management consultant firm that employed 17professional employees andhad turnover of approximately A$300,000/year. Responsible for managing,planning and maintainingthe contracted projects and directing the staffs to complete the existing tasks.1996-1997: Consultant for Management Information Systems on Project INS.Indonesia-Department of Social Security and UNDP (United Nations)It is a government institution that dealt with poverty aspects of the society.Responsible for the design,supervision, and recommendation on the development and implementation ofpoverty aspects by usingcomputer information systems with national coverage.1996-1999: Treasurer-of Central Committee, Indonesia, IKAMA (The AustralianAlumni
445Association)Responsible for maintenance of the financial aspects of the association.1983-1998: BPPT: The Agency for the Assessment and Application of TechnologyA government institution for R&D headed by Minister of Research andTechnology of Indonesia.Working in Internal Audit division and assigned to several positions during theperiod.1980-1982: Senior Internal Auditor, PT. Marga Sarana Raya: A Road ContractorCompanyA medium size of road contractor company that engaged about 1,000 employees.Responsible forexecution of audit, internal control, performance evaluation, and provision ofrecommendations for allcompany’s projects.1979-1980: External Auditor, Hans Kartikahadi & CoA public accounting firm. Responsible as an external auditor.1978-1979: External Auditor, Soemita AdikoesoemahA public accounting firm. Responsible as an external auditor.TEACHING EXPERIENCE2004-present: Lecturer, the University of Wollongong, Faculty of Commerce,School ofAccounting & Finance.2002-2004: Teacher, Wollongong University College, Diploma and AdvanceDiploma ProgramSummer Session 2002-2003 and 2003-2004, and Autumn Session 2004 : Lecturerand SubjectCoordinator, the University of Wollongong, Faculty of Commerce, School ofAccounting &Finance2002: Tutor and Workshop Supervisor, the University of Wollongong, Faculty ofCommerce,School of Accounting & Finance1996-Jul 2001: Senior Lecturer, International Golden Institute (IGI): Post GraduateProgram andSenior Lecturer, STIE Trianandra: Post Graduate ProgramREFEREES1. J. Phelan, Judge for District Court of New South Wales; Tel. 422917482. Associate Professor Mary Kaidonis, Head of Accounting Discipline, School ofAccounting andFinance, The University of Wollongong, Tel. 4221 3681.
446Shaher MomaniDepartment of Mathematics,Mu'tah UniversityP.O. Box 7, Mu'tah, Jordan.E-mail: [email protected]
447Academic QualificationPh.D. in MathematicsSpecialization: Applied Mathematics (Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics).University: University of Wales, United Kingdom, 1991.Title of Thesis: Some Problems in Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics.Supervisor: Professor Ken Walters.B.Sc. in MathematicsUniversity: Yarmouk University, Jordan, 1984.Personal DataFull Name: Shaher Mohammad Ahmad MomaniDate of Birth: May 10, 1962Place of Birth: Ajloun-JordanNationality: JordanianProfession:Professor of Applied Mathematics at Mutah UniversityPermanent Address:Department of Mathematics,Mutah University, P. O. Box: 7,Al-Karak, Jordan.Mobile: + 962 (0)777500326E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Site: http://www.mutah.edu.jo/userhomepages/shmomani/pers.htmEditor-in-Chief:Arab Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (AJMMS)http://www.ajmms.comLeader of Jordan Research Group in Applied Mathematics (JRGAM)http://www.mutah.edu.jo/jrgam/index.htmlConferences and Study Visits1. The First Jordanian Mathematics Conference, Jordan, 1991.2. The Second Jordanian Mathematics Conference, Jordan, 1994.
4483. The Third Jordanian Mathematics Conference, Jordan, 1996.4. A workshop in Teaching Sciences in the Twenty First Century, Cairo, 1995.5. A workshop in Teaching Calculus Using Mathematica Software, Alexandria,1995.6. Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Wales, UK, June -August 1996.7. A workshop on Mathematics of Computation, Yarmouk University, Jordan,1997.8. Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Wales, UK, August1997.9. The 15th World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and AppliedMathematics (IMACS), Berlin, Germany, 1997.10. Sixth SIAM Conference on Optimization, Atlanta, USA, 1999.11. A workshop on Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial DifferentialEquations, Mutah University, Jordan, 2000.12. A workshop on Applications of Calculus, UAE University, UAE, 2001.13. First UAE Math-Day Conference, University of Sharjah, UAE, 2003.14. Third International Workshop on Scientific Computing and Application,Honk Kong, China, 2003.15. A workshop on Making Internship Programs More Effective, UAEUniversity, UAE, 2003.16. Second UAE Math-Day Conference, American University of Sharjah, UAE,2004.17. Invited speaker in Recent Advances in Mathematics Conference, Calcutta,India, 2004.18. Invited speaker in 3rd International Conference on Research and Education inMathematics, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007.19. Invited speaker in the 2nd Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics , Shanghai,China, 2007.20.Invited speaker in Fractional Differentiation and its Applications Conference,Turkey, 2008Ademic Honors and Grants1. A Scholarship from Mutah University to get a PhD (1987-1991).2. Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) prize, in Italy, (2000).3. Numerical Simulation of Fractional Order Dynamical Systems, QatarUniversity, 2007.
449ExperienceProfessor: Mutah University, Sept. 2007 to present.Professor: Qatar University, Sept. 2006 to Sept. 2007.Associate Professor: Mutah University, Sept. 2004 to Sept. 2006.Associate Professor: Jordan University, Summer course 2004.Associate Professor: United Arab Emirates University, Sept. 2001 to Sept. 2004.Associate Professor: Yarmouk University, Sept. 2000 to Sept. 2001.Associate Professor: Mutah University, Nov. 1998 to Sept. 2000.Assistant Professor: Mutah University, Sept. 1991 to Nov. 1998.Head of Department of Mathematics, Mutah University, Sept. 1994 to Sept. 1995.Visiting Professor: Department of Mathematics, University of Wales, June-August1996, UK.Leader, Jordan Research Group in Applied Mathematics, 2005 to present.Editor-in-Chief: Arab Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences(AJMMS).Published and Accepted PapersThis is a complete list of the papers of mine which either have appeared or havebeen accepted for publication. Owing to copyright restrictions, the papers are notavailable in electronic form. If you are interested in any of these papers, send mean e-mail and I will send you a reprint.1. G. Georgiou, Shaher Momani, M. J. Crochet, and K. Walters, Newtonian andnon-Newtonian flow in a channel obstructed by an antisymmetric array ofcylinders, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol.40, (1991) 231-260.2. S. Hadid, B. Maseadeh and Shaher Momani, On the existence of maximal andminimal solutions of differential equations of non-integer order, Journal ofFractional Calculus, Vol. 9, (1996) 41-44.3. S. B. Hadid, A. A. Ta’ani and S. M. Momani, Some existence theorems ondifferential equations of generalized order through a fixed-point theorem, Journalof Fractional Calculus,Vol. 9, (1996) 45-49.4. B. S. Maseadeh, A. A. Ta’ani and S. M. Momani, On w-compact spaces, J. ofInstitute ofMathematics and Computer Sciences, (1996).5. B. Maseadeh, S. Momani and S. Hadid, Solutions of differential equations ofnon-integerorder in L2 and C spaces, Mutah Journal for Research and Studies, Vol. 12(1), (1997)169-181.
4506. Shaher Momani, The flow of non-Newtonian fluids through corrugated pipes,Mu’tah Journal for Research and Studies, Vol. 12(4), (1997) 91-112.7. S. Momani and S. Hadid, An algorithm for numerical solutions of fractionalorder differential equations, Journal of Fractional Calculus , Vol. 15, (1998) 61-66.8. S. M. Momani and K. Walters, The flow of non-Newtonian fluids throughcurved pipes, Al-Dirasat Journal, Vol. 26(1), (1999) 74-87.9. S. M. Momani, On existence of solutions of a system of ordinary differentialequations of fractional order, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), Vol.1(2), (1999) 265-270.10. S. M. Momani, Variation of solutions of differential equations of non-integerorder with respect to initial condition and parameters, Far East Journal ofMathematical Sciences (FJMS), Vol. 1(3), (1999) 423-428.11. S. M. Momani, Stress distribution and pressure gradient of non-Newtonianfluids through converging ducts, Mu’tah Lil-Buhooth Wa Al-Dirasat Journal, Vol.15(1), (2000) 9-26.12. S. M. Momani, Local and global uniqueness theorems on differentialequations of non-integer order via Gronwall’s and Bihari’s inequalities, RevistaTechnica Journal, Vol. 23(1), (2000) 66-69.13. Shaher Momani, Numerical solution of differential equations of non-integerorder by the generalized difference method, Al-Zarqa Private University Journal,Vol. 2(1), (2000) 1-7.14. S. M. Momani, On the existence of \" -approximate solutions of differentialequations of noninteger order, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal, Vol. 10(3),(2000) 61-69.15. Shaher M. Momani, Local and global existence theorems on fractional integro-differential equations, Journal of Fractional Calculus, Vol. 18, (2000) 81-86.16. Shaher M. Momani and Reyad El-Khazali, On the existence of extremalsolutions of fractional integro-differential equations, Journal of Fractional Calculus,Vol. 18, (2000) 87-92.17. S. M. Momani, The flow of non-Newtonian fluids through rotating pipes, Al-Manara Journal, Vol. 7(1), (2001) 9-25.18. Shaher Momani, Some existence theorems on fractional integro-differentialequations, Abhath Al-Yarmouk Journal, Vol. 10(2B), (2001) 435-444.
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