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351Nurul IslamBorn in Chittagong,British India (Now Bangladesh), on 1st April 1928.Gulmeher, 63 Central Road,Dhaka 1205, BangladeshPhone : +880 2 8614400ext 101/102Fax : +880 2 8618300Email : [email protected]:Calcutta Medical College, Calcutta, India: MB, 1951;University of Wales, UK: TDD, 1955;Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, UK: MRCP, 1966;American College of Chest Physicians, USA: FRCP, 1962;Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, UK: FRCP, 1966;Royal College of Physicians of London, UK: FRCP, 1977;The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Sri Lanka:DSc, 1998;Ansted University, Malaysia: DSC, 2002.POSITIONS HELD:Professor & Director, IPGMR (now BSM Medical University), Dhaka, 1965-1987;Dean, Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Sciences & Research, Dhaka University,1973-1980; Chairman, Bangladesh Medical Research & Council, 1975-1989;Vice Chairman, Hamdard Foundation, Bangladesh 1977 to date;Chairman, Expert Committee for National Drug Policy, 1982;Chairman, First National Committee on AIDS, 1986;Founder & Vice-Chancellor, University of Science & Technology Chittagong(USTC),1992 to date;Founder & President, ADHUNIK (National Anti-tobacco organization ofBangladesh), 1987 to date;Founder & Secretary-General, Islamic Medical Mission, 1980 to date;Founder & Chairman, Institute of Applied Health Sciences, Bangladesh, 1989 todate;Founder & Chairman, Janasheba Foundation (a Foundation for service to thepeople), 1991 to date; International Adviser, Madinat-al-Hikma, Karachi, Pakistan, 1992 to date;Emeritus Adviser, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1997 to date.

352AWARDS:President's Gold Medal, Govt. of Pakistan, 1963;Sitara-i-Imtiaz (SI), Govt. of Pakistan 1970;National Academy of Sciences Award, 1982;Dayemi Award for Religious & Social Work, 1986;Rangdhanu Academy Award, 1986;WHO Commemorative Medal on Tobacco and Health, 1990 & 1992;Osika Eteraf, Darul Hikmah, Pakistan 1992;Bhashani Memorial Gold Medal, 1993;Human Network Medal for Medical Education, 1994;Ibn Sina Medal, 1995; Independence Day Award (Highest National Award),1997;Social Service Award, Government of Bangladesh, 2000; Gold Medal by RCP,Edin, 2002;Dr BC Roy Award for Education & Medicine, Kolkata, 2003;Bangaldesh Society of Ultrasonography Award, 2004FELLOWSHIPS/MEMBERSHIPS:Member: National Council of Sciences & Technology, 1984-1987;Senate & Syndicate, Chittagong University, 1983-1988;Senate, Jahangirnagar University, 1986-89;WHO Expert Panel on HMD, 1978-92;The Expert Advisory Panel on Tobacco or Health, WHO, 1993-2000;Governing Body, Islamic Foundation, Bangladesh, 1996-2000.RESEARCH AREA:Health and Hygiene in Islam;Tobacco and Religion.

353Natto MasanoriDate of Birth: 29/9/1956Nationality: JapanPosition: ProfessorDiscipline: Social Geography, Middle East StudiesResearch Field: Turkey, Syria, EU, JapanDegrees: B.A (Philosophy and History of Science)The University of Tokyo,1979M.Sc. (Geography) the University of Tokyo, 1981Ph.D. (Social Sciences) Hitotsubashi University, 1997Career:Research Associate, The University of Tokyo, Institute of Human Geography,1982Lecturer, Hitotsubashi University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department ofSocial Geography, 1986Associate Professor, Hitotsubashi University, Faculty of Social Sciences,Department of Social Geography, 1988Professor, Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Institutefor the Study of Global Issues, 1997Visiting Researcher, Damascus University, Institute of Geography, 1981-1983Visiting Professor, Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, 1990-1992Director at the Ankara Center for the Middle Eastern Studies of the JapanSociety for the Promotion of Sciences, 1990-1991Member of the Japan Association for the Middle East Studies, 1983-Member of the Japanese Association of Geographers, 1981-Member of the National Liaison Committee of the UNESCO-MOST in Japan,2003-2005Academic awards and fellowship:Noma Asia-Africa Scholarship, Kodansha Publishers 1981-1983Award of the Japanese Association of Geographers, 1988Fellowship for Research Abroad, The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science1991-1992Invited Lectures and Public Activities2003 Representative of the Delegation of Japan, 6th Inter-governmentalCouncil, MOST, UNESCO2002 Invited Key Note Speech “Role of Religion in the 21st Century”, ExpertColloquy on Dialogue Serving Intercultural and Inter-religiousCommunication, Intercultural Dialogue and Conflict PreventionProject, Council of Europe2001 Invited Speech “Challenge to the West? Awakening of the Muslim

354Immigrants in the Western Europe” at the UNU-UNESCOInternational Conference on the Dialogue of Civilizations, Tokyo1998 Invited as Discussant: Building Bridges between Islam and the West,Wilton Park Conference, invited by the British Foreign Office1997 Invited as Chairperson: International Conference on Asia and Islam,The Japan Institute for International Affairs1998- Lecturer at “People and their Life in the World’, TV programbroadcasted by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)Research Subject and Career:Policies for Promotion of Dialogue between Islam and the West, 1991-Multicultural Society and Immigrant Policies in the European Union.1990-Islamic Movements among the Muslim Immigrants in the Western Europe, 1989-Conflict between Islamic Movements and Secular Regime in Turkey, 1989-Multi-ethnic and Multicultural Society in the Syrian Cities, 1982-1983Water Resource Management in Dry Lands, 1980-83Indigenous Knowledge of Fertilization and Water Use in the pre-modern Japan,1979-1981Language of Use:Instruction: Japanese, English, TurkishReading: Japanese, English, French, German, Turkish, ArabicMajor Publications:2002 Role of Media for Prevention of Inter-civilizational Conflict (inJapanese), Akashi Shoten2002 Role of Religion in the 21st Century, Council of Europe2002 Encyclopedia of Islam, Iwanami Shoten (in Japanese), co-editor2002 Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese), coeditor2002 Why the West Clashes with Islam ?, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese)2001 The Muslims View on this “War”, Sekai, Iwanami Shoten, December2001 (in Japanese)2001 Common Value and Unity of the Muslims, Ronza, Asahi Shimbunsha,December 2001 (in Japanese)2000 Islamic Movement in the Western Europe, H.Nakamaki eds,Religion and the Modern World, Kokusai Shoin2000 Between Immigrant and Nation, S.Inaga eds. Towards Ethics ofMutual Understanding of Culture. Nagoya University Press1996 The West of Allah, Awakening of the Muslim Immigrants in the WesternEurope, the University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese).

355Nurly GofarASSOCIATEPROFESSORFIELDOF SPECIALIZATION GEOTECHNICALENGINEERING(Geosynthetics, Soft Soil, Slope)ACADEMICBACKGROUNDDoctor of Philosophy (PhD) inCivil Engineering, Purdue University, USA., 1994Master of Science in CivilEngineering (MSCE), Purdue University, USA., 1989Bachelor Degree (Ir), in CivilEngineering, Sriwijaya University,Indonesia,1986ACADEMICEXPERIENCEMarch2007 – date Associate Professor, Facultyof Civil Engineering, UniversitiTeknologi MalaysiaSept2003 – March 2007 Senior Lecturer, Faculty ofCivil Engineering, UniversitiTeknologi MalaysiaJune– August 2003 Visiting Lecturer, Faculty ofCivil Engineering, UniversitiTeknologiMalaysia 2001– Sept 2003 Senior Lecturer (Lektor), Faculty of Engineering, SriwijayaUniversity, Indonesia 1995 - 2001 Lecturer (Lektor Muda), Faculty of Engineering SriwijayaUniversity, Indonesia 1989– 1995 Lectuter (Asisten Ahli), Faculty ofEngineering SriwijayaUniversity, Indonesia 1990– 1994 TeachingAssistant- Purdue University, USA 1986 - 1989 Tutor (Junior Lecturer) at Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sriwijaya University, IndonesiaPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Membership No7678 South East Asia Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) Membership No 2006MA112 Indonesia Geotechnical Engineers Association (IGEA) Membership No 90.0375AP(Certified Geotechnical Engineer since 1999) through IGEA

356AWARDS AND HONORSExcellent Service Awards (Anugrah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang) 2005 UniversitiTeknologi MalaysiaBest Paper Awards, International Seminar on Numerical Analysis in Engineering,Medan, Indonesia,2000, (Sponsored by Japan International Corporation Agency, JICA)Counterpart Research Studies, Gifu University and Nagoya University , Japan, 1998(Sponsored by Japan International Corporation Agency, JICA)Special Course on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Studies in Japan 1995,(Sponsored by Japan International Corporation Agency, JICA )Teaching Assistanship - Purdue University 1990 – 1994Scholarship from Asian Development Bank through the Government of Indonesiafor Master Study, January 1988 – August 1989Scholarship from Asian Development Bank through the Government of Indonesiafor Doctoral Study, August 1990 – August 1994

357Osama JannadiOff: Building 19, Room 426Tel: 966-3-860 3466 (Office)Fax: 966-3-860 3579 (Office)P. O. Box # 1978, Dhahran 31261, SADean of Graduate Studies & Acting Dean of Scientific Research, Sept. 2000-Sept.2004.Dean, College of Environmental Design, August 1998-September 2000.Chairman, construction Engineering &, Management, August 1996-August 1998.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:Professional ConsultingHonorary Member of the Ansted University Board of Advisory Council.Working as a Consultant at Zuhair Fayez Partnership Consultants Architecture,Engineeringand Information Systems, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1998-1999.Other Professional ActivitiesReviewed several papers received from the following:Scientific Committee, Fourth Saudi Engineering Conference, Jeddah, SaudiArabia.Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, USA.Scientific Committee, Fifth Saudi Engineering Conference, Makkah, SaudiArabia.Scientific Committee, Symposium on Mosque Architecture, King SaudUniversity, Riyadh.Journal of Construction Management and Economics, UK..International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, UK.MEMBERSHIP IN SOCIETIES & INSTITUTIONS:American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE).Project Management Institute (PMI).Governor Member of World Organization of Building Officials (WOBO).Saudi Environment Society (SES).Saudi Umran Society (SUS).RESEARCH, GRANTS, AWARDS & SPECIAL HONORS:Received the Best Researcher Award of the King Fahd University of Petroleum &Minerals for the Academic year 1999\2000.

358Nominated for the Best Short Course Award of the King Fahd University ofPetroleum& Minerals for the Academic year 1999\2000.Jannadi, M. O., “Estimating the Total Cost of Industrial Accidents,” FundedResearch Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST),Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,1997.Assaf, S. and Jannadi M. O., “Causes of Change Orders in Large BuildingConstruction Projects,” Funded Research Project, College of Graduate Studies,KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1998, Approved, (Co-Investigator).Jannadi, O., and Assaf, S., “Safety Performance Assessment in the PetrochemicalIndustry,” Submitted Funded Research ProjectProposal, Saudi Basic Industry Corporation (SABIC), Research Grant, SaudiArabia, 2000.Working on Jabal Omar International Design Competition.Working on Hadeed Competition Project.

359Patrick DurantouDr. Patrick Durantou Jr.__Doctor Honoris Causa of PhilosophyProducer on radio broadcastings during 10 years in the '80 then until the end ofthe '90(literary),he also exposed poems at a galery of Arts.Organisator of the\"Ortega yGasset congress\" in the UniversityToulouse-Le- Mirail (1979).Professor of Classic Guitar and journalist innewspapers ,Le Journal deToulouse,chronicals in La Dépeche- du- Midi(14eenyears old) and Magazines.Born on October the 29th of 1959 in TOULOUSE (Haute-Garonne), FranceBrevet des colleges;Major in the Professional Aeronautic IndustrySchool(E.P.I.A:Airbus),B.A.F.A.Bachelor in the Lycée Pierre de Fermat,Toulouse; Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D).Habilitation of Philosophy.Master Financial Professional(American Academy ofProject Management),Certified Planning Engineer,Project ManagementE.Business.HonoraryDoctor Degree(Doctor Honoris Causa of Philosophy)at theAnsted University,MalaysiaInternational Congressman all around Europa (TOULOUSE, PARIS, TORINO,BOLOGNA, NICE, etc.).Writer and Editor. Listed in the American Who's Who(A.B.I) in 2003(\"Contemporary Who's Who of professionals\" and \"International Directory ofExperts and Expertise\"); into the \"500 Greatests Geniuses of the 21 stCentury\"and the \"Greats Minds of the 21st Century,\"500 Great Leaders\",\"International Profiles of Accomplished Leaders\" volume;Chartermember,Academician,U.S.A.Director of Philosophical Collection at L'Harmattan,Paris,FranceMEMBER of the CLUB OFROMA,SociétédesGensdeLettres,PenClub,WorldInstituteofPhenomenology,Amsaw,WGAE,IAPL,IACAP,APA,AHA,AAUP,AAAS,AAR,ISPCP, SAAP,SociétéFrançaise de Philosophie,Société Toulousaine de Philosophie and otherssocieties(also member of the National Academy of Television Arts& Science,NYC,National Science Foundation ,New York Academy of Sciences andAmerican Academy of poets); numerous participations in Literary « Salons »(13salons du livre of Toulouse,Pamiers,Books Expo America,New York City).He lives in Midi-Pyrénée

360Peter B. CLARKEWolfson College Oxford, Linton Road, Oxford, OX2 6UD, U.K.E-mail 1: [email protected]: Academic Positions:Professorial member of the Faculty of Theology and tutor in the Sociology ofReligion, University of Oxford (From September 2000).Professor Emeritus of the History and Sociology of Religion at King's College, theUniversity of London.Membership of Academic Boards/Committees:Member of the International Advisory Board of the Netherlands Organization forScientific Research (NOW) (elected May 2003 for three years)Fellowships and ProfessorshipsHonorary Professor, University of Birmingham, 2002-Ford Foundation International Scholar, Houston, Texas, 20002003-7, Senior Research Associate, Centre for Brazilian Studies, University ofOxfordEducational Qualifications1) Ph.D, London University (King's College).Discipline: Sociology of Religion.Topic: Islamic Millenarianism.2) M.Phil, London University (King's College)Field: History, Philosophy and Sociology of ReligionTopic: Islamic sectarianism. The case of the Ismailis.3) M.A., London University (School of Oriental & African Studies: SOAS)Field: History.Dissertation Topic: Christian missionary strategies in Africa in the late 19th andearly 20th century4) M.A., Oxford UniversityField: British and European History.Specialization: Mediaeval Italian history.

361Teaching:M.A. and B.A. courses in method and theory in the Anthropology and Sociologyof Religion and Comparative Religion.Research Students:I have supervised 30 doctoral theses, 28 of which were awarded the degree ofPh.D, and two the degree of M.Phil. I have at present one postgraduate studentin London and four at Oxford University. Some of these students are from Japanand the United States.Research Field:As a historian and sociologist of religion, I have carried out research ondevelopments in contemporary religions including Oriental religions and Islamin various cultural contexts, including Japan, Brazil and Northern Thailand.My research is necessarily comparative, an approach that is in line with that ofthe classical exponents of my discipline, including Max Weber, Emile Durkheim,Mary Douglas and Clifford Geertz. I have focused on the dynamics of theinteraction between religions in several cultural contexts including Europe,Africa, Asia and Latin America. The leitmotifs running throughout my researchhave been identity, 'syncretism', healing, and millenarianismList of PublicationsBKA=Books AuthoredBKE= Books EditedCEW= Contribution to Edited WorkPAJ= Publication in an Academic JournalBooks (either authored/co-authored or edited/co-edited)BKA: (1982) West Africa and Islam. A Study of Religious Development from the8th to the 20th Century. London: Edward Arnold, pp.278BKA: (1984) (with I. Linden) Islam in Contemporary Nigeria. A Study of AMuslim Community in a Post Independent State. Mainz &Munich: Kaiser&Grunewald, pp.199BKA: (1986) Black Paradise. The Rastafarian Movement. London: Collins(Thorsons), pp.112BKA: (1986) West Africa and Christianity. A Study of Religious Developmentfrom the 15th to the 20th Century. London: Edward Arnold, pp.271

362BKA: (1986) (with Mark Bray and David Stephens), Education and Society inAfrica, London: Edward Arnold, pp.191BKE: (1987) The New Evangelists. Recruitment, Methods and Aims of NewReligious Movements. London: Ethnographica, pp. 160.BKE: (1988) (with S.R.Sutherland The Worlds Religions, London:Routledge, pp.1,000.BKE: (1990) Islam, London: Routledge, pp.233.BKE: (1991) (with S. R. Sutherland) The Study of Religion, Traditional and NewReligions. London: Routledge, pp.214.BKA: (1993) (with Peter Byrne), Religion Defined and Explained. Macmillan:Basingstoke / St. Martins Press: New York, pp.216BKE: (1993) The World's Religions. London: Marshall Editions, pp.220BKE: (1993) (with E. Puttick): 'Women as Teachers and Disciples in Traditionaland New Religions', Lewiston/ Queenston/ Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press,pp.97-113BKE: (1994) (with J. I. Somers), 'Japanese New Religions in the West', The JapanLibrary/ Curzon Press: FolkstoneBKA: (1995) 'Mahdism in West Africa. The Case of the Ijebu Prophet', London:Luzac Oriental, pp.256.BKA: (1997) (with E. Arweck) 'New Religious Movements: An AnnotatedBibliography', Westport, CT: Greenwood PressCAW: (1997) 'Change and Variety in New Religious Movements in WesternEurope, 1960 to the Present', in E. Arweck and P. B. Clarke, 'New Religions inWestern Europe - An Annotated Bibliography', Westport, CT/ London:Greenwood Press, pp.xvii-xviiiBKE: (1998) 'New Trends and Movements within the World of Islam', London:Luzac OrientalBKE: (1998) 'New Trends and Developements in African and African DerivedReligions', Westport, CT: Greenwood Press

363BKE: (1998) New Trends and Developments in the World of Islam, London:Luzac Oriental, p.400BKA: (1999) A Bibliography of Japanese New Religious Movements, JapanLibrary/Curzon Press: Eastbourne, p.276BKE: (2000) Japanese New Religions In Global Perspective, London: CurzonPress, (Oct. 1999)CEW (1999) 'Modern Japanese Millenarian Movements. Their ChangingPerception of Japan's Global Mission' in Japanese New Religions In GlobalPerspective, (ed.) P. B. Clarke, London: Curzon PressCEW: (1998) 'Islam in Western Europe: Present State and Future Trends', in PeterB Clarke (ed.), New Trends and Developments in the World of Islam, London:Luzac Oriental, pp.3-39CEW (2000) 'Accounting for the Success and Failure of Japanese New ReligionsAbroad' in in Japanese New Religions. In Global Perspective, P. B. Clarke (ed.),London: Curzon Press, (Oct. 1999)BKE: (1998) New Trends and Developments in African Religions, Westport, CT:Greenwood Press, p.309CEW: (1998): 'Anti-syncretist trends in Catholic-Candomble relations' in NewTrends and Developments in African religions, Peter B. Clarke (ed.), GreenwoodPress: Westport, CT, 1998, pp.17-37.CEW (2000) 'Islam in Tropical Africa', in International Encyclopaedia of theSocial and Behavioural Sciences, Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds.), Oxford:Elsevier ScienceCEW (2000) 'Islam in East Africa', in Encyclopaedia of African & AfricanAmerican Religion, Stephen Glazier (ed.), Routledge: Great BarringtonCEW (2000) 'The Ahmadiyya Movement' in Encyclopaedia of African andAfrican American Religion, op.citCEW (2000) 'African Derived Religions in Brazil' in Encyclopaedia of African andAfrican American Religion, op. cit.PAJ (2000) 'Movimentos milenaristas japoneses e o papel do Brasil na constucaodo paraiso na Terra: a Igreja Messianica Mondial (Sekai Kyusei Kyo)', in ILHA.Revista de Antropologia, Florianopolis, vol.2, no.1, December 2000, pp.104-123.

364CEW (2001) 'Islam in Tropical Africa' in International Encyclopaedia of the Socialand Behavioural Sciences, Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds.), Oxford:Elsevier Science.CEW (2002) 'Success and Failure in the Transplantation of Japanese NewReligions to the United States and Europe', in Zen, Reiki, Karate, I. Prohl and H.Zinser (eds.), Hamburg: Bunka, pp.47-73.CEW: (2002) Contributions to: 'Religions of the World. A ComprehensiveEncyclopaedia of Beliefs and Practices', J.Gordon Melton and Martin Baumann(eds.), ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara California, 2002: Agon shu, Hon-michi, Kofuku-no-Kagaku, Konkokyo, Omoto, Sekai Kyusei Kyo, Shinnyoen, Tenrikyo, andTensho-Kotai-Jingu KyoCEW: (2003) Conversion in Islam in Encyclopaedia of Islam and the MuslimWorld, Richard C Martin (ed.), New York: Macmillan.CEW: (2003) The Almoravid Movement in Encyclopaedia of Islam and theMuslim World, Richard C. Martin (ed.), New York: Macmillan.CEW: (2004) Um movimento milenarista japones e a construcao do paraiso naterra: o caso da Igreja Messianica Mondial do Brasil?, in En Nome de Deus. AReligiao na Sociedade Contemporanea, Donizete Rodriques (ed.), Porto: EdicosAfrontamento, pp.160-68CEW: (2005), 'Globalization and the Pursuit of a Shared Understanding of theAbsolute: The Case of Soka Gakkai in Brazil', in Buddhist Missionaries in an Eraof Globalization, Linda Learmann (ed.), Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press,pp.123-140CEW: (2005) 'Modern African Religions', in Encyclopedia of Religion, MirciaEliade (ed.), New York: Macmillan (2nd Edition)BKE: (2006) 'Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements', London: RoutledgeCEW: (2006) Entries for the 'Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements', Peter B.Clarke (ed.), London: Routledge:Agonshu (668 words); Ahmadiyya movement (654 words); Al-Qaeda (the Base)(860 words); Assemblies of God: (320 words); Candombl: (1,750 words);Ch?ondogyo (Religion of the Heavenly Way) (984 words); Ciji Gongde Hui, TheBuddhist Compassionate Relief and Merit Society (716 words); EngagedBuddhism (774 words); Forest Monks (824 words); Gallican Catholic Church(L??lise Catholique Gallicane) (699 words); Hassan Al-Banna (1906-49) (Founderof the Muslim Brotherhood) (731 words); New Religious Movements and

365Healing (3288 words); Hizbollah (Party of God) (644 words); .Hoa HaoMovement (590 words); Identity Movement (A. k.a: Christian Identity) (469words); Introduction: New Religions as a global phenomenon (5,488 words);Islamism ( 536 words); Konkokyo (Religion of Golden Light) (461 words); Lord?sResistance Army (770 words); Mahdia (Mahdiyya) Movement (707 words);.Maranatha Christian Churches (A. k. a Maranatha Campus Ministries) (358words); .Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al Muslimin) (1,284 words); Nation ofIslam (NOI) (1585 words); New Religious Movement (1076 words); ._moto (GreatOrigin) (755 words); Perfect Liberty Kyodan (802 words); Protestant Buddhism(435 words); Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) (600 words); RastafarianMovement (1347 words); Reclaiming (694 words); Reiki (A.k.a: Usui Shiko RyohoSystem of Healing) (598 words); Santi Asoke movement (503 words); SarvodayaMovement (Sanskrit: The Welfare and/ or Awakening of All) (514 words);Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966) (613 words); Scientology (Church of Scientology) (633words); Seicho-no-Ie (House of Growth) (505 words); Sekai Kyusei Kyo (Churchof World Messianity) (759 words); Sekhiyatham Movement (473 words); SuanMokkh (701 words); Swadhyaya Movement (282 words); EmmanuelSwedenborg (1688-1772) (359 words); .Tenrikyo (Religion of Heavenly Wisdom)(1,098 words); Thammayuttika Order (Order of Forest Monks) (629 words); TheNew Age Movement (NAM): 2,322 words); Theravada Buddhism (804 words);Thich Nhat Hanh (b. 1,926) (388 words); Tian Dao (The Way of Heaven)(originally Yiguandao: Way of Pervading Unity) (966 words); Transcendentalism(610 words); Umbanda (732 words); Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (559words); Won Buddhism (815 words).(2005) 'Religious Change and Innovation in the Modern World: A SocialAnthropology Perspective', in Journal of the International House of Japan, TokyoCEW: (2006) 'Primitive Religion', in Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, GeorgeRitzer (ed.), Blackwell: Oxford (4,500-word entry)BKA: (2006) 'New Religions in Global Perspective', London: RoutledgeCEW: (2006) 'Religious Syncretism Japanese Style in Brazil' in Andre Droogers etal., 'Playful Religion', Congress for the Study of Religion, Delft: Eburon AcademicPublishers, pp.123-37Recent Conference Presentations1) Free University of Berlin (Japan Cultural Centre), Conference on JapaneseNew Religons in the West (March 1999), Presentation: Japanese New Religions inEurope: Accounting for Success and Failure.

3662) Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, and Guest Lecturer (April 1999),Presentation: Japanese New Religions and the Millennium.3) Boston University (Institute for the Study of Economic Culture), Conference onGlobalization and Buddhism (April 2000), The Encounter between BuddhistHumanism and Catholicism in Brazil with special reference to Soka Gakkai.4) Leuven, Belgium, Conference on Schools of Japanese Buddhism (May 2000),Presentation: Kofuku-no-Kagaku as a school of Japanese Buddhism?5) Durban, South Africa, International Association for the history of ReligionsConference (August 2000), Presentation: African and Japanese Religions in Brazilwith special reference to Candomble and Seicho-no-Ie: comparisons andcontrasts.6) Houston, Texas, SSSR conference (October 2000), Plenary session presentation:The encounter between Japanese religions and Catholicism in Brazil.7) Mexico City, SISR Conference (August 2001), Japanese New Religions in Braziland the Construction of the Land-Without-Sickness.8) Strasbourg University, (May 2003), Women in religions new and old.9) Open University, Milton Keynes, UK (May, 2003), Mokichi Okada. A JapaneseNew Age Prophet. International conference on the New Age Movement, OpenUniversity, UK10) Turin, Italy, SISR conference (July 2003), Discussant of presentations onreligions and the generations11) Heidelberg, Germany (October 2003), Discussant of presentations on Cultureand Hegemony. The Politics of Culture in a Global Age12) Mercosur Conference, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolism(December 2003), Japanese new religions and their pursuit of popular and officiallegitimacy in Brazil13) World Congress of the IAHR (International Association for the History ofReligions) 2005, Tokyo Japan, 'Assessing the Impact of Religious Change'14) World Congress of Sociology, Durban, 2006, 'Japanese Religions in Brazil:from ethnic to universal religions and back'

367Raj Wali Shah KhattakMailing Address: - Pashto Academy,Qualification: University of Peshawar. N-W.F.P, Pakistan.Ph.D. Pashto Peshawar University1. Distinction:  Gold Medalist M.A.  International Literary Convention Gold Medal.  Talented Youth (Literature) of International youth year 1985 (South Asia)  Award (Medal) from Pashtun Wrorwali Islamabad.  Talent scholarship in HSSC.2. Experience 1) Teaching  Taught Pashto and Islamic Studies at Edwards College, Peshawar, from 1976 to 1978. 2) Research  Research Specialist, Pashto Academy, University of Peshawar from 1978 to 1995. 3) Administration  Director Pashto Academy from July 1995 to July 2004.  Warden Rehman Baba Hostel (Hostel No:2) University Of Peshawar (1985-1990)  Warden TSC University Of Peshawar (1992-1995)

368  Staff Proctor University Of Peshawar.  Editor Of Various Books .  Organizer Of Various Seminars  Editor in Chief Of Monthly Pashto journal (1995-2004)  Editor Quarterly Tatara Peshawar 4) Current Status  Professor of Research, Pashto Academy, University of Peshawar3. Member  Board of Governors, Pakistan Academy of Letters Islamabad.  Board of Governors, Area Study Centre, University of Peshawar.  Board of Governors, Khushal Trust Akora Khattak.  Board of Directors Pashto Adabi Board, Peshawar.  Board of Directors Watan Welfare Society Peshawar.  Sarhad Arts Council Peshawar.4. Publications 1) Books  Da Pukhto Adabi Tehreekoona ( Literary Movements in Pashto)  Zeest Rozgar Da Faqir Jamil Beg (The Life Style of Faqir Jamil Beg)  Manaqib-e-Faqir (Faqir Eulogies)  Pashto Zhaba (Dictionary) (The Pashto Language Dictionary)  Da Pukhto Nawi Imla (The New Pashto Script)  Sangzar (Poetry)  Da Rehman Pa Shair (On the poetry of Rehman)  Intangible Heritage of the Walled City of Peshawar (UNESCO Pakistan).

369 An Intangible Heritage Published By InterLit Foundation Toori Chi Rana Kawai (Letters that shine)2) Research Articles Hamza Ao Ishariat: ( Hamza and Symbolism) Monthly Pashto , Pashto Academy, May, June, 1982. Zalmay Shavoor Ao Pukhto Adab( The Young Intellect and Pashto literature), Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, December, 1982. Da Pukhto Afsane Irtiqa,(The Evolution of Pashto Short Story), Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, January, 1983. Ghani Khan, Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, April, 1983. Muqaffa Mussajja Nasar NA Tar Azad Nazam (From Rhymed Prose to Free Verse) Pashto Annual, 1985. Aramyan (The Aramaics), Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, October, 1987. (Aramics) Jamal-o-Roman Da Pakhtano (The aesthetics & romanticism of Pashtoons), Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, April, 1987. Da Ghlozo Qataar (The Bee Line), Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy,May, June, 1989. Da Ghlozo Qataar (The Bee Line), Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, July, August, 1989. Da Academy Qalami Nawadirat (Manuscripts in Pashto Academy), Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, March, April, 1980. Da Kirdar Da Shakhsiat ( Character and Personality), Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, November, 1980. Pukhto Ke Safar Nama (Travelogue in Pashto), Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, October, 1991. Da Rehman Baba Yow Shair (A Verse of Rehman Baba), Monthly

370 Abasin Peshawar, February, 1987 (Rehman Pohana). Rehman Baba Ka Shavoor-e-Zeest ( The wisdom of life of Rehman Baba), University Journal, 1992 (Urdu) Da Rang-o- Noor Shaair (The poet of light and colour), University Journal, 1992. Da Pukhto Makhsoos Toori (The particular alphabets in Pashto script), Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, October 1991 to June 1992. Pakhto Ao Peshawar (Pashto and Peshawar), Monthly Pashto, April, 1993. Da Pukhto Ghinayi Folklore (The lyrical folklore of Pashto), October,1995. Da Hamza Zhwand Aw Ghazal (The life and Ghazal of Hamza Shinwari) published in the Hamza Shinwari Kuliyat. Pakhtani Qadroona: (Pakhtoon Values) Monthly Pashto August, 1995. Faqir Jamil Beg: Quarterly Khushal Review, 1986. Da Rehman Baba Tasawaf: (The Mysticism of Rehman Baba) Peshawar University Journal, 1994. Pukhto Aw Tanqeed (Criticism and Pashto), Maraka Journal Mardan. The Life Sketch of Hamza Shinwari, The Frontier Post, Peshawar. (English) The Literary School and Literary Movements, The Frontier Post, Peshawar. (English) The Role of Mother Tongue, Gandhara Times. Peshawar. (English) Ghani Khan Shakhsiat Fikr-o-Fun: (Thought and Art) Monthly Pashto Special Number, March, April 1997. Ajmal: Yao Juraat Yao Tehreek (Courage and movement) Madoola Andaz, Quarterly Jaras, Karachi.

371 Major Younas Khalil, Quarterly Jaras, Karachi. Pukhtoon Ghazal, Quarterly Gul Banrh, April May, June. Khushal Ao Goethe. Monthly Pashto November, December1999. An introduction to Pushtoon Culture (Pakistan, Languages and Society). National Institute of Pakistan Studies. 3.11.2000 (English) Iqbal Aow Khudi (Iqbal & Ego) Monthly Pashto Nov,Dec 2002 Abdul Shakoor Rashad,(Life & Works), Quarterly Pashto Oct,Nov,2004 Hamza Aow Pashto Ghazal (Hamza & Pashto Ghazal) Monthly Ulfat Da Lewano Da Khar Aukhyar(The Sage of the City Of Mads) Quarterly Tatara Peshawar. Da Ghani Yaw Wajoodi Nazam(An Existentialistics Poem Of Ghani) Dastar International Peshawar. Arts & Crafts Of N-W.F.P, ECO Tourist Guide to N-W.F.P. (English) Games & Dances Of N-W.F.P. ECO Tourist Guide to N-W.F.P. (English) Pashto Music, ECO Tourist Guide to N-W.F.P. (English) Traditional Cuisines, ECO Tourist Guide to N-W.F.P. (English) Shair-e-Nar: (The Manly Verse) Monthly Namoos Mardan. Khatir Afridi, Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, August, Septmeber, 1979. Qalandar Afridi: Monthly Pashto , Pashto Academy, April, 1981. Da Rehman Baba Da Shair Ejaz (The Marvel of the Rehman Baba's Poetry), Quarterly Jaras, Karachi, 1995.4) Translations Da Sarhad Quaid (The Leader of the NWFP), Sir Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Monthly Pashto , Pashto Academy, May, 1979. Australia ta Wrande Rasedoonkey Afghan:(The first Afghan reaching

372 Australia)November, 1980. Da Zaman Pa Haqeeqat: (The Fact of Time). Khutbat-i-Nabavi.(The Sermons of the Holy Prophet). Rohi Matalloona (Pashto Proverbs New Edition).5) Books Reviews/Prologues Azad Nazam Ao Wrostey Deedan: (Free verse and the last sight) Monthly Pashto, Pashto Academy, Sept: 1980. Da Faqir Muhammad Abbas Qaddria Dre Kitaboona (Three books of Faqir Muhammad Abbas Qadria) \" October, 1981.s Kuliyat-i-Rehman Baba. Insani Ana Ao Ilam: (The Human Ego and Knowledge) By Hamza Shinwari. Za Ao Hamza:(Me and Hamza) By Abdur Rehman Loogay Kakakhel. Da Hamza Shinwari Kuliyat Zhwand Ao Yoon by Hamza Shinwari Sparlay Pa Aaeena Kshe by Hamza Shinwari. Swat Nama by Khushal Khan Khattak. (English) Rubayiyat-Khushal. (Urdu) Da Khkula Wagma, Rishteen. Da Kabul Pa Shimali Vilayato Ki, Dr. Wror. Urdu Kay Qadeem Pashtoon Shuara by Afzal Raza. (Urdu) Sadar Khushal by Anzor. Pashto Zhaba, Pashto Dictionary. Mutalia-Rehman. Da Nazir Shinwari Deewan. Da Khatir Afridi Deewan. Zalawani, Akram Farooq Shinwari. Khob, Dr. Fatehmand Khan.

373  Adab Tsa Dey, Sahar Yousafzai.  Mongra, Qazi Hanif.  Tasweer, Dr. Fatehmand Khan.  Za Hum Haghasi Warha Way by Miss Salam Shaheen  Love by Wazir Badshah Janan.  Da Wisal Pa Intizar by Arbab Muhammad Sabir Hayat.  Wloona by Aqil Khan Afridi. 6) Supervision of Books Editing  Da Hamza Shinwari Kuliyat (Collective work of Hamza Shinwari).  Roohi Mataloona (English) (The Pashto Proverbs).  Pukhto Zhaba (Dictionary) (The Pashto Language).  Sadar Khushal (Life and Works of Sadar Khan Khattak).  Da Khkula Wagmey (Light Essays by Rishteen).  Swat Nama (Travelogue by Khushal Khan Khattak).  Da Kabul Pa Shimali Vilyato Ki Pukhtana (Pashtoon in North Afghanistan).  Pashto Dictionary.  Pashto Writers Direcotry.  Rubayiat-i-Khushal.  Urdu key Qadeem Pashtoon Shuara.5. Writings/Interviews 1) PTV  Portrait: Urdu.  Khushal Khan Khattak: Urdu.  Da Boodai Taal: Pashto.(Rainbow)  Tarang: Pashto.  Rehman Baba: Special Urdu, Pashto.

374 Khushal Khan Khattak: Special Urdu, Pashto. Subjects in Ghani's Poetry. Makhzan. The New Pashto Script. Pukhto Adab (Pashto Literature).2) GEO TV Afghan Building. Khushal Khan Khattak. Rehman Baba. Ghulail. Hamza Shinwari. Ghani Khan.3) STAR WORLD Pashto Music4) BBC WORLD Freedom of expression in Pashtoon Society.5) AVT KHYBER Khushal Khan Khattak Kitaboona Daryaboona Kaghaz Ajmal Khattak6) RADIO Radio Adabi Jirga (Radio Literary Council). Adab Nan Saba (The Literature now a days). Khushal Khan Ao Rajjayiat (Optimism and Khushal Khan).

375  Adab Key Nawee Tajrabe (New experiments in Literature)  Pashto Afsana (Pashto short story).  Da Rehman Baba Da Shair Ejaz (The marvel of Rehman Baba Poetry).  Abdul Qadir Khan Khattak .  Da Pir Roshan Tehrik (The movement of the Pir Roshan).  Abdul Khaliq Khaliq  Numerous Interviews on BBC and VOA  And various other Programmes. 7) News Papers  New York Times  Washington Post  The Statesman  The Frontier Post  The Daily Mashriq  Khaleej Times  Gulf News  Aaj  Wahdat6. Lectures Delivered  AIO University Islamabad.  Institute of Pak. Studies Quaid –i- Azam University Islamabad.  Baluchistan Study Centre, University of Baluchistan Quetta.  Sindhi Language Authority, Hyderabad Sindh.  Nazria –i- Pakistan Foundation Lahore.  Suchal Sarmast Chair. University of Khairpur, Sindh  University of Ningrahar Jalalabad, Afghanistan.

376  Ministry of Information and Culture, Kabul, Afghanistan.  Pak Pashtoon Welfare Society, Doha Qatar.7. Seminars  All Pakistan Philosophical Congress, 1984 Paper: \"Pashtoonon Ka Jamal-o-Roman\"(Aesthetics and Romanticism of the Pashtoons)  Pakistan Academy of Letters: Paper \"Azadi key Baad Pashto Nasar Key Rujhanat\" (The trends of Pashto Prose after Independence)  Abasin Arts Council: Paper \" Rehman Baba Ka Shavoor-e-Zeest\"(Rehman Baba's Concept of Life)  PUTA. The Role of Mother Tongue in Primary Education.  BARA GALI, 1991: Paper : \"Da Pakhto Makhsoos Toori\" (The Particular alphabets of Pashto).  BARA GALI, 1992: Paper : \"Pakhto Ao Pekhawar.\"(Pashto and Peshawar)  BARA GALI, 1993: Paper : \"Da Pakhto Ghinai Folklore.\"(The Lyrical Folklore of Pashto)  BARA GALI, 1994: Paper : \"Pakhtani Qadroona.\"(Pashtoon Values)  BARA GALI, 1995, Paper, \"Forty One Years of the Pashto Academy\".  Rehman Baba Complex Peshawar, Paper: Da Rehman Baba Tassawaf.  Pakistan National Centre Peshawar, \"Da Rehman Baba Shairi Shavoor\".  Pakistan National Centre Peshawar, \"Da Rehman Baba Yao Shair.\"  Green Hotel Peshawar (Rehman Adabi Jirga), Paper, \"Da Rehman Baba Pa Kalam ki Fasahat-o-Blaghat.\"

377 Khushal Memorial Library Akora Khattak, \"Yao Juraat Yao Tehreek\". Edwards College Peshawar, \"Qalandar Qalandar.\" Peshawar Press Club, \" Siddique Rohi\". An introduction to Pashtoon Culture, Summer Institute of Linguistics Q.A. University Islamabad. UNESCO, Karachi” Promoting Linguistic Diversity” International Conference on Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue, June 24- 25, 2005 Karachi. Department of Culture and Tourism Govt. Of Sindh, Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai. “Prospect & Perception of Peace in Pashtun Culture”, Presented in international Peace workshop (Peace through Cultures of Peace) organized by Dept. of IR, University of Karachi on April 9,10 and 11,2006. “Ajmal Khattak, a Pashtun Nationalist Poet”, Presented In international Seminar on April 19, 2006, at Kabul, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan

378Ramli MOHAMEDDr. Ramli Mohamed is the Dean of the School of Communication,University of Science Malaysia (USM).He started his career as a Lecturer in May 1976 and was later promoted as anAssociate Professor in August 1985. He was promoted to the position of aProfessor in August 1994. Dr. Ramli is the founding Dean of the School ofCommunication, a position he currently holds when the university upgraded thecommunication program from a department to a faculty in April 1995. Since1985, Dr. Ramli produced several publications (books, chapters in books, andjournal articles), research reports, conference/seminar papers, consultancyprojects, and has been appointed an External Examiner of doctoral and mastersdissertations/theses as well as an External Assessor for promotion exercises ofseveral Malaysian universities. He was awarded a fellowship by the East WestCenter for doctoral studies at the University of Hawaii (1980-83), the East WestCenter Fellowship for a research project on \"Communication Policy Planning atInstitutional Level\" (1978-79), and the UNESCO Fellowship for Master of Science(Agricultural Journalism) studies at the University of Wisconsin (1975-76). Forhis distinguished service to USM, he was honored with the Pingat KelakuanTerpuji (Distinguished Conduct Medal) by the Governor of Penang, in July 1994.

379Dr. Ramli also served as a consultant to various international and nationalorganizations. Since 1984, he served as a consultant to the Food and AgricultureOrganization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) where he was sent on missionsto train agriculture extension officials and field workers in Thailand, Sri Lanka,Zambia, Malaysia, Uganda, Malawi, Jamaica, Dominica, Jordan, Egypt and Italyon the need to transfer agriculture technology to target beneficiaries through amore systematic, demand-driven and cost-effective approach, i.e., throughStrategic Extension Campaign (SEC). He also lectured for several years on SEC atthe Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand.Prof. Ramli MOHAMEDProfessor and DeanSchool of CommunicationUniversity of Science Malaysia (USM)Minden, 11800 Penang, MALAYSIAPhone: (60-4) 658-6554 (off.); (60-4) 657-5050 (hse.)Fax: (60-4) 657-7736E-mail: [email protected] (off.)[email protected] (hse.)Web: SuryobrotoAddress : Jl. Katalia Raya No. 11 Tomang Raya Jakarta 11470, INDONESIATelephone : +62 21 567 4460Cell phone : +62 0816 1975 102E-mail address : [email protected] Education2000 – 2002 Master of Science in International Financial Management from RoyaUniversity of Groningen, the Netherlands.The program is a partnership of three universities, which I had to attain all toobtain the degree:Royal University of Groningen, Groningen, the NetherlandsUppsala University, Uppsala, SwedenUniversity of Florida, Florida, U.S.A

380Thesis: The Determinants of the Venture Capital Industry: A Study conducted inThe Netherlands.Graduated on March 14th, 2002The study was fully financed by Eric Bleumink Fonds, a fund dedicated toincrease education opportunities of foreign students at the Royal University ofGroningen. This fund is administered by Drs. Madeleine Gardeur.1996 – 2000 Bachelor of Social and Political Sciences from Faculty of Social andPolitical Sciences, University of Indonesia.Majoring Business Administration, with concentration in finance.Graduated on August 14th, 2000GPA: 3.141994 – 1996 SMA Kristen I, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta. Graduated1991 – 1994 SMP Kristen II, Pembangunan, Jakarta. Graduated1991 SD Kristen II, Pembangunan, Jakarta. GraduatedNon diploma courses2003 Graduated Chartered Financial Analyst Level 12003 Graduated Investment Manager License from Indonesia Capital MarketSupervisory Agency (BAPEPAM)2001 Professional Communication Course, University of Florida, Florida, U.S.A.1997 Attended Tax Courses at the Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia for:A. Indonesian Personal TaxB. Indonesian Corporate TaxProfessional ExperienceSeptember 2004-Present Assistant lecturer to Dr. Chandra Wijaya inInvestment Management;Corporate Financeat the University of Indonesia, Faculty of Social and Political Study, BusinessAdministration Department.Responsible for assisting students to have better understanding by giving

381lectures, practices and tests. The lectures consist of materials in the textbooks andactual practices in Indonesia.October 2003 – Present Consultant at Pusat Studi Kebijakan danPengembangan Kelembagaan (PSKPK) University of IndonesiaMy main duty is to be part of a team who assists government agencies tostrengthen their focus and improve their service quality.In doing so, I have been reviewing and commenting on their relevant Terms ofReference (TOR), recommending the germane methodologies that are best suitedto alleviate current issues being encountered, implementing the results of thesubsequent conducted studies, and deciding upon the most appropriate andapplicable solutions.In my line of duty, I am occasionally appointed as a project leader. As a projectleader, I establish and manage a functional team consisting of professional staffand secretarial staff. Activities I have done so far are: Writing working manuals to improve efficiencies of the Bappebti staff (Bappebti is the derivative market supervisory agency) Assessing the capabilities of Justice Department staff. The goal of this activity is to determine positions for them where they could excel based on their talents and interests, and to assign training that can help them to improve their capacities Produced modules that will be used for Training the Trainers. The trainees are ‘santri’s”, i.e. students of a traditional Muslim school, whose goals are to become Islamic community leaders, who are one day expected to help communities to live through the rapid national economic development and improve the community entrepreneurial skills Conducted a study on the effectiveness of Depperindag’s staff in facing the challenge of municipal autonomy in Indonesia. Depperindag is the Department of Industry and Trade Conducted Training Needs Assessment in DKI Jakarta Municipality.Carried out Capacity Building endeavors for staff in DKI Municipality intendedto improve their service qualities for the people

382 Activities I have done so far are: Writing working manuals to improve efficiencies of the Bappebti staff (Bappebti is the derivative market supervisory agency) Assessing the capabilities of Justice Department staff. The goal of this activity is to determine positions for them where they could excel based on their talents and interests, and to assign training that can help them to improve their capacities Produced modules that will be used for Training the Trainers. The trainees are ‘santri’s”, i.e. students of a traditional Muslim school, whose goals are to become Islamic community leaders, who are one day expected to help communities to live through the rapid national economic development and improve the community entrepreneurial skills Conducted a study on the effectiveness of Depperindag’s staff in facing the challenge of municipal autonomy in Indonesia. Depperindag is the Department of Industry and Trade Conducted Training Needs Assessment in DKI Jakarta Municipality. Carried out Capacity Building endeavors for staff in DKI Municipality intended to improve their service qualities for the people.Activities I am doing currently are: Establishing a master plan for Futures Industry in Indonesia for Bappebti Writing budgetary and accountancy modules to improve the Law Department’s (second rank) staff on technical issues of budgeting and public sector accounting.July 2003 – August 2003 Research Analyst at PT Adelphi Investment, aninvestment management company trading in Indonesian Government Bonds.Major Responsibilities:Updating market informationEstablishing market reports in support of trading activitiesSupporting the Business Development Department in planning new strategiesfor marketing purposes, such as Asset-based securities, and Municipal bonds.May 2002 – Feb 2003 Chief of Research & Development at PT. Pratama DwiKencana, a commission house trading in Asian stock indices.Major Responsibilities:Setting up its new Research and Development division and,

383training new brokers and R&D staff,doing research on the markets,giving advice to investment executives based on the results of the research,giving public lectures in campuses to support futures industry in Indonesia andto promote the company.Managing 2 professional staff.Contact person: Priatna Kusuma, SE (Managing Director); James Elliott Fong(Overseas Consultant).1999 – August 2000 Assistant lecturer to Drs. Tafsir Nurchamid, Ak. in BasicAccounting I and II at University of Indonesia, Faculty of Social and PoliticalStudy, Business Administration Department..Responsible for assisting students to have better understanding by givingpractical instructions and tests.May – August 2000 Apprentice at PT Inti Fikasa Securindo, Bapindo Plaza, acompany specializing in Jakarta Stock Exchange securities trading.1999 Acted as an interviewer in LAPAN’s (The National Institute of AeronauticsandSpace) project: Kajian Potensi Pasar Penginderaan Jarak Jauh LAPAN (Evaluationof Remote Sensing Target Market).Supervisor: Drs. Benny Guido SunardiI had proven myself as a good communicator since I was taking my bachelordegree in University of Indonesia. However, to emphasize the communicatingskill in English, I took a semester-full course of Professional Communication inUniversity of Florida, consisted of Oral Communication and WrittenCommunication. Currently, I am practicing my skill in my line of duty as aconsultant and an assistant lecturer.As a consequence of my master degree program which required traveling tothree different countries (The Netherlands, Sweden, and US), I discover myselfas an adventurer as well as a culture and history observer who like to travel

384around countries. To support my preference, I master English from differentaspect, i.e. listening and speaking, reading and writing. I took a TOEFL Score in2005 and the results are as shown below:• Listening : 26• Structure/ writing : 28• Reading : 29• TOTAL : 277 (Computer-based)To support my study in International Financial Management, I took an exclusiveinternational examination in finance, Chartered Financial Analyst, and am aLevel II Candidate (from three levels of examination). In addition, I graduatedInvestment Manager License from Indonesia Capital Market Supervisory AgencyRolando A. DanaoProfessorEmeritus School of Economics Universityof the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101 PHILIPPINESPhone: (011-632) 927-96-86 to 92Fax: (011-632) 921-3359Email: [email protected]: 315H Katipunan Road Loyola Heights,Quezon City Philippines 1108Office Address: School of Economics University of the Philippines Diliman,Quezon City 1101 PhilippinesEDUCATIONInstitution and Location Date and Degree Major University of Pennsylvania1979,Postdoctoral Econometrics Department of Economics Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaUniversity of California at Berkeley 1975,

385PhD Mathematics College of Arts and Letters Berkeley, California University ofCalifornia at Berkeley 1972,MA Mathematics College of Arts and Letters Berkeley, California University ofthe Philippines 1966,MS Mathematics College of Arts and Sciences Diliman, Quezon City, PhilippinesUniversity of the Philippines 1960,BS Geodetic Engineering College of Engineering Diliman, Quezon City,PhilippinesFACULTY APPOINTMENTSDates Institution and Location Appointment Title 2004-present University of thePhilippines Professor Emeritus School of Economics Diliman, Quezon City,Philippines 1983-2004 University of the Philippines Professor of EconomicsSchool of Economics Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1986 University ofAndalas Visiting Professor of Department of Economics and ManagementEconomics Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia (Under the Midwest UniversitiesConsortium for International Activities (MUCIA) World Bank IX EducationProject, University of Wisconsin-Madison) 1978-1983 University of thePhilippines Associate Professor School of Economics of Economics Diliman,Quezon City, Philippines 1977-1978 University of the Philippines at Los BañosLecturer Institute of Agricultural Development Summer Program in EconomicsLos Baños, Philippines1976-1977 University of the Philippines Associate Professor College of Arts andSciences of Mathematics and Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Economics 1975University of the Philippines Assistant Professor College of Arts and Sciences ofMathematics Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1971-1974 University ofCalifornia Berkeley Instructor of Mathematics University Extension Departmentof Urban Affairs Berkeley, California 1966-1975 University of the PhilippinesInstructor of Mathematics College of Arts and Sciences (On study leave) Diliman,Quezon City, Philippines 1963-1965 University of the Philippines Instructor ofMathematics College of Arts and SciencesDiliman, Quezon City, Philippines CONSULTANCIES AND RESEARCHPROJECTS Dates Institution and Location Appointment Title 2006-2007 MarketSurveillance Committee, Philippine Member Electricity Market Corporation,Wholesale Electricity Spot Market, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Philippines 2004German Development Cooperation/ Principal Co-Investigator NationalEconomic Development Authority “Assessment of the Information System andInformation and Communication Technology Resources of the Regional andPlanning Bodies in the Visayas”. Makati City, Philippines 1999 ResourceManagement International/ Principal Investigator UPecon Foundation/AsianDevelopment Bank \"Residential Demand for Electricity in the Philippines\", Part

386of the Project on Consumer Impact Assessment: A Study of the Impacts ofElectric Power Restructuring in the Philippines School of Economics Diliman,Quezon City, Philippines 1997 UPecon Foundation/Department of Health/Principal Investigator US Agency for International Aid \"Project Effects onHouseholds and Communities\", Study I of the Evaluation of the PhilippineHealth Development Project School of Economics Diliman, Quezon City,Philippines1992 Department of Education, Culture, and Principal Investigator SportsEducational Planning Model Project Pasig City, Philippines 1989-1990 NationalEconomic Development Authority Principal Investigator Validation of aSemestral Econometric Model Pasig City, Philippines 1988-1989 NationalEconomic Development Authority Principal Investigator Regional EconometricModelling ProjectPasig City, Philippines 1983-1986 Philippine Institute of Development StudiesPrincipal Co-Investigator Econometric Modelling Project Makati City,Philippines 1983-1985 Office of the President of the Philippines Consultant forHome Development Mutual Fund Corporate Planning Makati City, PhilippinesADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTSDates Institution and Location Appointment Title 2003 University of thePhilippines Director for Finance School of Economics Diliman, Quezon City,Philippines 2000-2001 University of the Philippines Department ChairmanSchool of Economics Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1997-1998 University ofthe Philippines Director for Finance 1988-1993 School of Economics 1985-1986Diliman, Quezon City 1977-1978 Philippines 1997-1998 Philippine Center forEconomic Development Division Chief III 1988-1993 Finance and AdministrativeDivision 1985-1986 Diliman, Quezon City 1977-1978 Philippines 1992-1994University of the Philippines Director for Graduate 1981-1985 School ofEconomics Studies and Fellowships Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines1991 University of the Philippines College Secretary School of EconomicsDiliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1976-1977 University of the PhilippinesMember, Natural Science Research Center Executive Advisory Council Diliman,Quezon City, Philippines 1975-1977 University of the Philippines ProgramDevelopment Office of the President Associate Diliman, Quezon City,PhilippinesHONORS AND AWARDSDate Award 2004 Outstanding Book Award (Introduction to Statistics andEconometrics, UP Press (2002)), National Academy of Science and Technology,Philippines 1982-2004 Vidal A. Tan Professorial Chair in MathematicalEconomics, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines2002 Best Book Award (Introductory Mathematical Economics, UP Press (2001),Social Sciences, University of the Philippines - Diliman 1997 Outstanding

387Researcher, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines1993 Outstanding Published Paper for 1993, National Academy of Science andTechnology, Taguig, Rizal, Philippines 1991 Most Outstanding Faculty for 1989-1990 and 1990-1991, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City,Philippines 1979 Rockefeller Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow 1971 CommunityCollege Instructor Credential (Valid for Life), The California CommunityColleges, California 1966-1969 Rockefeller Foundation Scholar (Doctoral studiesin mathematics) 1963-1965 National Science Development Board Scholar (MSprogram in mathematics) 1962 First Prize, National Heroes Essay Contest (M. H.del Pilar), University of the Philippines, Diliman 1962 Honorable Mention,National Heroes Essay Contest (M. L. Quezon), University of the Philippines,Diliman1955-1960 Bureau of Lands Scholar in Geodetic Engineering 1955-1960University/College Scholar, University of the Philippines, Diliman 1954Valedictorian, Masbate High School, Philippines 1950 Valedictorian, MasbateElementary School, PhilippinesPUBLICATIONSBooks Mathematical Methods in Economics and Business. Quezon City:University of the Philippines Press (2007) Introductory Mathematical Economics.Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press (2001) Introduction to Statisticsand Econometrics. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press (2002)Articles \"Short-Run Residential Demand for Electricity in Rural ElectricCooperatives Franchise Areas\", The Philippine Review of Economics, December2001. \"On the Parametric Linear Complementarity Problem\", Journal ofOptimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 95, No.2, November 1997. \"A Noteon E-Matrices\", Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 259, July 1, 1997. \"Q-Matrices and Boundedness of Solutions to Linear Complementarity Problems,\"Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 83, No.2, 1994. \"On aClass of Semimonotone Q0-Matrices in the Linear Complementarity Problem\",Operations Research Letters, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1993. \"Some Properties of ExplicitlyQuasiconcave Functions\", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol.74, No. 3, 1992. \"A Top-Down Multiregional Econometric Model of thePhilippines\", Philippine Review of Economics and Business, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1992.“A Top-Down Econometric Model for a Philippine Region\", Philippine Review ofEconomics and Business, Vol. 28, No. 2, December, 1991. \"Operations Research\",Philippine Science Encyclopedia: Mathematics and Physical Sciences, NationalResearch Council of the Philippines, 1991. \"Strict Convexity of the Upper LevelSets of Strictly Quasiconcave Functions\", Philippine Review of Economics andBusiness, Vol. 27, No. 1, June, 1990 \"Regression by Minimum Sum of AbsoluteErrors: A Note on Perfect Multicollinearity\", Philippine Review of Economicsand Business, Vol. 20, No. 1, March 1983

388\"On the Use of Linear Programming for Family Planning Resource Allocation\",Philippine Review ofEconomics and Business, Vol. 19, 1982 \"Nonnegative Approximate Solutions toan Econometric Model with Prescribed Goals\", Philippine Review of Economicsand Business, Vol. 18, Nos. 1 and 2, 1981 \"Research in Mathematics\", Guide toResearch and Scientific Reporting, S. De Leon and V.S. Claudio (eds), Manila:Merriam School and Office Supplies Corp., 1980 UNPUBLISHED WORKS BookPrelude to Calculus, with Charles J. Burke, University of California Extension,Berkeley (1973) Reports/Papers “Directions for Improved Planning withInformation Systems” chapter III of Report on the Assessment of the InformationSystem and Information and Communications Technology Resources of theRegional and Planning Bodies in the Visayas, July 2004. \"Short-Run ResidentialDemand for Electricity in the Philippines\", Report submitted as part of theConsumer Impact Assessment Project, RMI/UPecon/Ian Pope & Associates,September 2000 \"Project Effects on Households and Communities\", Study 1 ofthe Philippine Health Development Project Evaluation, UPecon Foundation,December, 1997. \"A Note on the Parametric Linear Complementarity Problem\",Final Report, Philippine Center for Economic Development Research Project,October, 1996. \"A Class of Completely-Q0 Matrices\", Final Report, PhilippineCenter for Economic Development Research Project, 1995. \"A Note on IsotoneSolutions of the Parametric Linear Complementarity Problem\", Discussion Paper9404, School of Economics, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, July 1994.\"A Characterization of Q-Matrices\", Discussion Paper No. 9202, School ofEconomics, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, February 1992.\"Validation of a Semestral Econometric Model of the Philippine Economy\", (withDr. E. de Dios and Dr. J. Yap), Final Report, Training and Development IssuesProject, National Economic and Development Authority, MetroManila, May 9,1990 \"Developing a Nationally-Linked Regional Model\", (with Dr. CayetanoPaderanga, Jr.), Final Report, Regional Development Coordination Staff, NEDA,MetroManila, 1988\"Comments on the Economic-Demographic Model of Thailand\", Interim StudyDirectors' Meeting on Economic-Demographic Modelling for Selected ESCAPCountries, Bangkok, Thailand, August 23-28,1985\"A Semestral Econometric Forecasting Model of the Philippine Economy\", (withDr. Manuel F. Montes), Final Report, Philippine Institute for DevelopmentStudies, 1985 \"A Linear Programming Model for Charging a Single InductionFurnace\", Engineering Equipment, Inc., MetroManila, 1983 \"The EconomicEffects of an Investment in Construction\", Home Development Mutual Fund,Makati, 1983 \"Demand for Health Services in the Philippines: A Survey of theLiterature\", Primary Health Care Study, Institute of Public Health, University ofthe Philippines, 1981 \"A Survey of Resource Allocation Models for Family

389Planning Programs\", Commission on Population, 1980 \"Cost-effectivenessAnalysis and Optimal Resource Allocation: The Philippine Family PlanningProgram\", (with Dr. Ernesto M. Pernia), 1978 \"Optimal Scheduling in a SingleProcessor\", Technical Report, Natural Science Research Center, U.P., 1976SPECIAL INTERESTS Mathematical Economics Operations ResearchEconometrics MathematicsMEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONSDates Organization 1997 American Association for the Advancement of Science1996 New York Academy of Sciences 1977 Mathematical Society of thePhilippines Philippine Statistical Association 1978-present Philippine EconomicSociety (Life Member) 1977-present National Research Council of the Philippines(Regular Member) 1987 Operations Research Society of the Philippines 1970American Mathematical Society SERVICE TO PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONSDates Journal Service 1994 Journal of Optimization Theory and ApplicationsReferee 1992, 1991 Plenum Press, New York, N.Y1993 Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications RefereeSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Philadelphia, USA 1993 Journalof Economic Behavior and Organization Referee North-Holland, Amsterdam1993 Matimyas Matematika Referee Institute of Science and MathematicsEducation, UP OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Dates Institution andLocation Appointment 1992 UPecon Foundation/US Agency for InternationalAid, Member, Exec. Health Policy Development Project Committee School ofEconomics, Diliman, Quezon City 1991 Department of Health/PhilippineInstitute for Research Advisor Development Studies Joint Research Project onBaseline Studies in Health Care Financing Makati City, Philippines 1988-1991National Economic Development Authority Member, Steering Training andDevelopment Issues Project Committee Makati City, PhilippinesSPEAKER IN SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS, CONVENTIONS(Since 1994) Date Topic, Institution, and Location 2006 “Econometric Modeling”,Macroeconomic Training for the Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh, Institute forDevelopment and Econometric Analysis, Philippine Center for EconomicDevelopment, Q.C., October 9-10, 2006 2006 “Game Theory for Managers”,Institute for Development and Econometric Analysis, Philippine Center forEconomic Development, Q.C., June 28, 2006 2005 “Games of Strategy”, MariwasaInc., Sto. Tomas, Batangas, November 12, 2005 2005 “The Use of Game Theoryfor Assessing Strategies”, Corporate Planning Society of the Philippines,Yuchengco Institute for Advanced Studies, Makati, Philippines, October 21, 20052005 “Game Theory for Managers”, Institute for Development and EconometricAnalysis, Philippine Center for Economic Development, Q.C., September 28,20052005 “Introduction to Time Series Forecasting”, Workshop on Forecasting andMaking Business Decisions, Institute for Development and Econometric

390Analysis, Philippine Center for Economic Development, Quezon City, February23, 2005. 2004 \"Econometric Modeling\", Training on Macroeconomic Forecasting,Asian Development Bank, Pasig City, December 8, 2004. 2004 \"The Games WePlay\", Workshop on Thinking Strategically in Business: Game Theory forManagers, Institute for Development and Economic Analysis, Philippine Centerfor Economic Development, Quezon City, November 17, 2004. 2004 “Time SeriesForecasting”, Institute for Development and Econometric Analysis, PhilippineCenter for Economic Development, Quezon City, February18, 2004. 2003“Interindustry Economics”, Institute for Development and Econometric Analysis,Philippine Center for Economic Development, Quezon City, November 12, 20032001 \"Strange Attractors and Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions\", Schoolof Economics, University of the Philippines 2000 \"Household ElectricityConsumption: Data from the Household Energy Consumption Survey\", School ofEconomics, University of the Philippines1999 \"Quantitative Methods in Economics\" Foreign Service Institute CadetshipProgram, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1998\"Macroeconomic Modeling for Forecasting and Policy Evaluation\" The SouthEast Asian Central Banks Research and Training Centre Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia1996 \"The Use of Mathematics and Statistics in the Teaching of Economics\"Economics Faculty Workshop University of the Philippines, Iloilo City,Philippines1996 \"The Mathematical Approach to Economic Analysis\" Teachers' Workshop,University of the Philippines, Cebu City1996 \"Building a Regional Econometric Model\", University of the PhilippinesFacultyForum/National Economic Development Authority, Cebu City 1995\"Generalizing Euler's Theorem\", School of Economics, University of thePhilippines, Quezon City 1994 \"Homothetic Production Functions and the Cost-Minimizing Firm\" School of Economics, University of the Philippines, QuezonCity 1994 \"Macroeconomic Modelling for Forecasting and Policy Evaluation\" TheSouth East Asian Central Banks Research and Training CentreTaipei, Republic of China 1994 \"Population Change, Women's Role and Statusand Development\" UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificBangkok, Thailand cvdanao: 15Nov07

391Roger HawProf. Dr. Roger Haw is the Founder cum Chairman of the First kind of WorldBook of Records with a Focus on Corporate Social Responsibility aspects entitle‘SRW RecordPedia’. The publication was launched by the Chief Minister ofMalacca, YAB Datuk Seri Mohammad Ali Rustam, Chief Minister of Malaccacum Chairman of World Youth Foundation in 2005. Since then it has beendistributing few thousand copies to over 80 countries for the benefit of society atlarge to encourage all level of societies to put Corporate Social Responsibility inpractice. He has co-authored several books and research papers in the areas ofCorporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Science, Learning Organizations,Culture & Peace and Distance/Virtual Learning Programmes which werepublished by various publishers in the UK, Canada, Europe, USA, India, Korea,Thailand, and Malaysia, etc. Also he is an Honorary Member of the AcademicBoard of Advisors and Board of Governors for 12 institutions in 12 countries.Especially Prof. Dr. Roger Haw contributions of few hundred copies of the CSRbooks during the inaugural Prime Minister’s CSR Awards in Malaysia washighly recognized by the Department of Social Welfare Malaysia especially inmaking Corporate Social Responsibility a reality in Malaysia. In the international

392scene, his effort in promoting CSR practice has been recognized by the UnitedNations of which many of his articles were featured in the Academic Council onthe United Nations System (Canada) memorandum, Spring 2007 and otherinternational publications. One of his articles entitle ‘Enhancing Teaching andLearning’ was published by Symbiosis Magazine, Technology Park of Malaysiaand used to be interviewed by the Star papers in Malaysia and other reputablepublications abroad for few times.In 2007 Prof. Dr. Roger Haw was nominated for ‘The Outstanding YoungMalaysian Awards under the category in Academic Leadership &Accomplishment’ organised by Junior Chamber International Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. He has been appointed by The Customer Care Institute, USA as anHonorary Advisory Customer Care Research Council member in 2006. He usedto spend most of his time in overseas to conduct humanitarian and educationalservices under self sponsorship. Also he has been serving as an HonoraryAdvisory Council member for many international reputable universities invarious countries.In view of his international reputation and exposure, his proposal to create thefirst kind of CSR awards called Ansted Social Responsibility International Award(ASRIA) to recognize those Corporations, NGOs and individuals around theworld was approved and supported by the Ansted University Foundation Boardof Trustees on 10th March 2004. An announcement was made on 29th May 2004in Malaysia to invite nominations. The following companies have been receivingASRIA Awards were North Port Berhad, Ire-Tex Corporation Berhad, AdvanceMicro Devices (AMD, Penang), NEC (Japan), MUCOS (Czech Republic), GAIA(Spain), The Mayor of Andong, Korea and etc.ASRIA is a BRAND and ENDORSEMENT for CSR practicing Companies,Institutions, NGOs and individuals. Therefore, the Asia Future TV 2008 Summitheld in Shanghai, China which was organized by Global Leaders Institute invitedASRIA to endorse this important Congress. The Award in recognizingresponsible Corporate, Institutions, NGOs and individuals working together incollaboration with all countries around the world on six continents forPromoting World Peace by Cultivating Social Responsibility Practice is one of thekeys to our universal mission. The ASRIA Awards Ceremony dramatizes eachrecipient’s social contribution, spirit and career. It also provides a stage for thehonorees to challenge and inspire young and old people to be responsible intheir walks of life.'We have the scientific knowledge to solve our major world challenges. We havethe technological know-how to solve our problems. We have biological,psychological, and sociological knowledge to educate and transform human

393beings. We have organizational knowledge to design institutions that couldsupport the transformation towards a sustainable world. But what we need is tohave new hearts and a new VISION as well as cultivating Social Responsibilitypractice both at local and international levels. Who says that one person or anorganisation can’t have an effect in this world? We all have an effect, and if youreffect is an inspired one, then it will inspire countless others around the world.'This is what Prof. Dr. Roger Haw has advised the United Nations through theAcademic Council on the United Nations System. It gives a new direction andperspective for the entire United Nations NGOs systems to practice and seriouslylook into social responsibility wide perspectives for the benefit of world citizenin this new millennium.The statement “TOGETHER WE PROMOTE A BETTER WORLDENVIRONMENT TO LIVE IN. NOT ONLY MANKIND NEEDS MUCH CAREBUT THE EARTH EVEN NEEDS A GREATER CARE FROM HUMANBEINGS.THE EARTH IS OUR ROOT FOR ANY LIVING THINGS TOAPPRECIATE AND NOT TO DESTROY IT.” Prof. Dr. Roger Haw, Founder cumChairman of ASRIA.PERSONAL DETAILSName: Haw Boon HongPlace of birth: Penang, MalaysiaMarital Status: Married with three children (Two sons and one daughter)Languages: (Read, Speak and write) English, Malay, and Mandarin/ChineseCurrent Positions:(INTERNATIONAL APPOINTMENTS)(Education) Founding member of Ansted University, British Virgin Islands ofUK since 1999(Education) Member of correspondent of Academia Herdldica of Historia,Republic of Colombia since 1999(Education) Founding member of Balkan Academy of Sciences, New Culture andSustainable Development, Bulgaria since 2000(Education) Academic Advisory Board of Lanka Institute of BusinessManagement, Sri Lanka since 2002(Education) International Advisory Board of World University, USA 2002(Education) Consulting Editor and Advisory Council, American BiographicalInstitute, Inc. USA since 2002(Education) Technical Advisor, Yaounda EEIU Chapter Cameroon Ozone Clubof Africa since March 2003

394(Education) Honorary Professor of Education, Claremont InternationalUniversity, Seychelles 2003(Education) Advisory Council member of The International Writers and ArtistsAssociation, Ohio of USA since January 2004(Education) Executive Council member of Advanced Education and ResearchNetwork Foundation, Bangladesh since 2004(Education) Management course expert and academic resource panel for TheInternational School of Business Management, Netherlands since 2004(Education) International Executive Committee Head of World LiteratureSociety, India since 2004(Education) The Customer Care Institute, USA as an Honorary AdvisoryCustomer Care Research Council member in 2006(Education) Professor of Business & Management, Cambridge InternationalUniversity, an Open University in Italy appointed on 15th October 2007(Humanity Service) President of Ansted University Foundation Fund RaisingProject, BVI of UK since 1999(Humanity Service) Honorary Goodwill Ambassador for the Sovereign State ofMind, the Conch Republic to Nation of Japan since 2000(Humanity Service) Diplomat to World Human Rights Service Council to UnitedNations since 2000(Humanity Service) Honorary Ambassador of Good Will, Arkansas Traveler(USA) 2002(Humanity Service) Honorary Ambassador of Goodwill, Commonwealth ofKentucky, USA since 2002(Humanity Service) Member of Eco-Ethics International Union, Oldendorf/Luheof Germany since 2004(Humanity Service) Appointed as an International Expert & Senior Consultantby Council For Human Rights and Religious Freedom, Geneva of SwitzerlandFebruary 2004(Humanity Service) Appointed as Brigadier General by the Corpi SanitInternazionali, Croce Rossa Garibaldina, Rome, Italy on 22nd November 2007(Humanity Service) Appointed as Head General Staff Malaysia by the CorpiSanit Internazionali, Croce Rossa Garibaldina, Rome, Italy on 22nd November2007(Investment & Finance) Honorary Consulting member, Venture Trading PartnersII Ltd, USA since 2000(Banking) Honorary Advisory Council members of Nath-Randy’s CommerceBank International (Naraco Bank), Grenada, Trinidad since 2001(Nobility services) Exarch for Malaysia of the Sovereign Order of St. Eugene ofTrebizond, Spain since 2001(Publication) Founder cum Chairman of ‘SRW Social Responsibility World ofRecordPedia 2004”, Malaysia

395(Innovation) Founder cum President of Ansted Social ResponsibilityInternational Award, BVI of UKINTERNATIONAL PROJECTS EXPERIENCES(OCTOBER 1993) Qualified as the Professional body member to representMalaysia to attend the Insurance Industry and Financial Planner Internationalevent “Million Dollar Round Table Annual Meeting & Congress” held in Texas,USA. The remarkable event was attended by more than ten thousand membersfrom 148 countries.(MARCH 2001) served as an ORGANISING CHAIRMAN for \"Space ScienceEducation Seminar\" presented by a scientist from USA who has sponsored byNASA and Clarkson University, USA to serve as a visiting professor to presentpaper at the Malaysia National Planetarium in Kuala Lumpur and also at theAstronomy Club of St. Xavier's Institution in Penang. Malaysia(AUGUST 2001) served as an ORGANISING ADVISOR TO ASSIST THEORGANISING COMMITTEE FOR ORGANISING ANSTED UNIVERSITYCONVOCATION CEREMONY 1st time held in Penang of Malaysia CUMINTERACTIVE SEMINAR by personally invited 13 academicians and expertsfrom 13 countries came to Penang to deliver lectures on the following topics inthe area of Distance Learning programme, Environmental Science andSustainable development, Arts & Literature, Medicine, IT & Engineering andAgriculture to share their wisdom and insights in a broad range of areas frompedagogy to technology and strategies.(February 2002) Ansted Service Center and my role served as the Project co-ordinator has successfully selected as one of the Asia partner by GAIA(Asociacion Cluster de Telecomunicaciones, Spain) for implementing Asia-Qualproject focus on the European Foundation Quality Management (recognised asone of the business excellent models in the world) which was funded by theEuropean Comission under the Asia IT&C programme. Ansted University hasbeen contributing our own resources estimated as the 40% of the total eligiblecosts assigned to Ansted Service Center since 2002. The said project issuccessfully completed on January 2005. The result was very encouraging.(March 2002) On behalf of Ansted University I was assigned to sign acollaboration agreement between Ansted University and AGH University(Krakow, Poland) one of the highest number of students population in Europe.Also I served as one of the workshop chairpersons cum paper presenter at theEUROECO 2002, International Conference on Promotion of SustainableDevelopment on Global Scale in the Context of the Earth Summit held atUniversity of Mining and Metallurgy-AGH in Krakow, Poland on March 2002(April 2002) served as one of the country speakers to present Malaysia countryreport on Volunteer services at the 1st AVA ASIA-PACIFIC REGIONALCONFERENCE ON VOLUNTEER ADMINISTRATION in Busan Korea

396(May 2002) served as an ORGANISING CHAIRMAN for an INTERACTIVESEMINAR on “Human Resource Development & informal sector amidstglobalization, ICT; New forms of language & literacy & Educational implications,The relationship between co-operative Education, the skills development act andthe success rate of small Medium Enterprises & Crisis of access in DistanceEducation” by personally invited 4 Ansted University Visiting Professors from 4countries.(October 2002) Served as an ORGANISING COMMITTEE for the 1stInternational Conference on Asian-European Epics held in Kuala Lumpur atUniversity of Malaya, Malaysia.(November 2002) served as an ORGANISING ADVISOR for ANSTEDUNIVERSITY CONVOCATION CEREMONY 1st time held in Kuala Lumpur ofMalaysia cum Interactive Seminar by personally invited 7 experts from 7countries to present their papers at JW Marriott Hotel, KL.On March 2003, I represented Ansted Service Center as one of the project partnercollaborators to present the PSC project report under the AsiaQual IT&C projectfor implementing European Foundation Quality Management in Malaysia whichwas co-funded by European Commission and Ansted University. The meetingwas held in New Delhi, India.(September 2003) served as one of the Organising Committee members cumworkshop chairpersons at the 1st International Conference on Corporate SocialResponsibility held at London Metropolitan University in London, UK.(October 2003) served as an ORGANISING ADVISOR for ANSTEDUNIVERSITY CONVOCATION CEREMONY 1st time held in London at LondonMetropolitan University in London of United Kingdom.(March 2004) served as an Organising Co-ordinator for a workshop on“Communication skills and Creativity” Organized by Ansted Service Center andsponsored by a company in East Malaysia.On 21st to 23rd November 2004, I was the Conference Organising Chairman forthe 2nd International Conference on Stakeholders and Social Responsibility heldin Penang, Malaysia. The conference has featured more than 100 papers. Thepaper presenters include world-renowned Academicians, Politicians, VariousCountries Embassy Ambassadors, Scientists, Scholars, and Businessmen fromover 30 countries. Each registered conference participant has received a book andCD contains of Social Responsibility topics. In addition, each participant eitherindividual or organization has received a presentable “certificate of recognition”when they take part to support this profound conference and its activities in 2004besides getting the common certificate of participation. A series of variouscategories of universal prestige awards first time to be created by AnstedUniversity and its Foundation together with sponsors in recognition ofindividuals and corporation excellence in carrying out Social Responsibilityprogramme and its activities to present the ASRIA award to qualify international

397awardees both individuals and corporations as well as governmentaldepartments to recognize their profound contributions to society at large. It alsohelps to reinforce the message that social responsibility is an obligation for all ofus living on this planet.On 10th December 2004, I represented Ansted Service Center as one of theproject partner collaborators to present the final project report under theAsiaQual IT&C project for implementing European Foundation QualityManagement in Malaysia which was co-funded by European Commission andAnsted University. The meeting was held in Rome, Italy.On 18th to 22nd April 2005, I was invited to serve as International AdvisoryCommittee and Plenary Speaker for the 19th International Conference onLearning Organisation in the Learning World held at King Mongkut’s Universityof Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok, Thailand. As one of the speakers, Ihave presented a topic on “Cultivating a Universal Platform to promote LearningOrganisation through Social Responsibility Practice”Being one of the Founding Members and Academicians of BALKAN ACADEMYOF SCIENCES AND CULTURE, I was invited to serve as speaker at“Balkanereco ‘05” to be held from 8th to 10th June 2005 in Sofia, Conference cumthe Academy General Assembly Meeting.The Governing Board of Albert Schweitzer World Academy of Medicine inPoland has invited me to present a speech for our newly published book “TheSRW Social Responsibility World of RecordPedia 2004, first edition” at theInternational Symposium at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Poland on 10-11 of June2005.”On 4-7th July 2005, I was appointed as Conference Programme Committee forthe 2nd International Conference on Open and Online Learning, held atUniversity of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa.On 26-29 August 2005, I was invited by the World Youth Foundation of Malaysia“NGO in special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of theUnited Nations” to serve as speaker at the International Conference onEnvironment and Disaster Management \"Our Shrinking World\". To present topicentitled “Experience on Tsunami Disaster in South Asia on 26th December 2005”The Chief Minister of Melaka, YAB Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam accepted myinvitation to launch a series of Corporate Social Responsibility books publishedby Ansted University during the Conference Opening ceremony and highlyrecommended these two books for people to read.On 30th September 2005, invited to present a paper entitle ‘The importance ofvolunteer spirit for promoting world peace’ at the 3rd IOV World Congress heldin Andong city of Korea. As the Founder of the ASRIA Awards I presented theASRIA Awards 2005 to the Mayor of Andong City, South Korea and witnessed

398by Government agencies of Korea, various countries Ministers and delegatesfrom over 80 countries.On 9th October 2005, Invited to serve as co-author for the “World Peace andScience” is connected with “Quality of Life” and the impact of the technologies,as contribution for the Sustainable Future of our civilisation, and has beenwritten for World Peace Summit in Zagreb, Croatia 09th October 2005International Conference.On 5th & 6th December 2005, has invited by the World Class Training CentreSdn. Bhd. To serve as Keynote Speaker for a Conference on “StrategicMeasurement & management of Corporate Social Responsibility BalancedScorecard” at Boulevard Hotel, Midvalley City, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaOn 10th to 14th December 2005, Invited to serve as co-author to present paper“On Water and Science” is connected with present, as contribution for theSustainable Future of our civilisation, and has been written for GlobalSymposium: Towards a New World Order, 10th to 14th December 2005,Lucknow, India.On 29th November till 1st December 2006, he was invited by the DivisionDirector of Education, UNESCO to serve as Forum observer and attend the 2ndInternational Colloquium on Research & Higher Education Policy Forum held atUNESCO Headquater in Paris, France.On October 17-21, 2007, I was invited by the Conference Chairman to serve as amember of Scientific and Review Committee as well as to serve as a presenter atplenary session for The 5th International Conference, “PERSON. COLOR.NATURE. MUSIC”, held at Daugavpils University, Daugavpils, LatviaOn 6th December 2007, he served as advisor for ASRIA’s CSR-CAP 2007 AwardsPresentation ceremony cum international seminar held at the Sri Mas Ballroom,Bayview Hotel Georgetown Penang located in Penang, Malaysia and theseevents ware featured by the PenangNetTV in the 18th February and 15th March 2008, he served as the Principal Facilitator fora training course project to deliver eight courses by himself alone to a group ofNepali and Malaysian delegates in one month period for the following coursesProject Management, Community Needs Assessment, Community FacilitationSkills, Project Proposal, Technical Report Writing, TEVT Exposure ThroughDialogues and Visits, Business Costing and Management Accounting andDecision Making Courses. The project was successfully completed in time whichhe has to work for 14 hours daily.

399On 27th February 2008, Prof. Roger Haw was invited by the Centre forInstitutional Research and Development, The Hong Kong Institute of Educationto serve as Chair Professor in CSR.On 31st March 2008, Prof. Roger Haw was invited by the University of Mauritiusand Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE) to serve as External Examiner forBachelor of Education programme for a period of three years between 2008 and2010.Invited by the Chairman of the Conference Scientific Committee to serve asScientific Committee for 12th International Conference on SustainableDevelopment focused on Sound-tourism-Education-and SustainableDevelopment of Historical Cities. The Conference will be held in Italy, Florence(Firenze) between 11 and 14, July 2008.Publication, foreword message, book review and research articles written byRoger Haw: Articles and research papers:1. Enhancing teaching and learning integrated systems analysis (published)2. Love and marriage (unpublished)3. Management by love and kindness and the consequent implications (Published)4. Tips for creating a good future, achieve dreams and become successful (Published)5. Ways to be better management personnel (unpublished)6. The importance of the business proposal (unpublished)7. A guide really helps in starting a business (unpublished)8. A new way of goal setting (Published)9. Advantages of teams (unpublished)10. Sharing personal experience (unpublished)11. You can’t succeed without a contact network (unpublished)12. Effective Communication and Tips for communicate Confidence13. The importance of volunteer spirit for promoting world peace14. Topic: Gaining from the Past experiences: The perspective of Social Responsibility practice in relations to human rights working towards peace in supporting United Nations Organisation published by the Academic Council on the United Nations System memorandum. Spring 2007.15. EtcBook Chapter contributions:

400“A perspectives on corporate social responsibility” Management by Love andKindness and the Consequent Implications (Part 1) a series of Corporate SocialResponsibility book published by Ashgate Publising Company, England, U.K“Management by Love and Kindness and the Consequent Implications (Part 2)”Social responsibility: an international journal published by Ansted ServiceCenter, MalaysiaForeword:1. “Imagination and creativity” published by Alaf21, Malaysia as a first kindof motivational book in Malay language.2. “SRW Social Responsibility World of RecordPedia” 2004 Edition andpublished by Ansted University Asia Regional Service Center, Malaysia3. “Stakeholders and social responsibility” a series of Corporate SocialResponsibility book published by Ansted University Asia Regional ServiceCenter, Malaysia4. “Our Common Enemy” is the climate change system published by SEMINSTITUTE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE, Medosi, Korte, Slovenia, 20065. “SUSTAINABLE (DEVELOPMENT) FUTURE OF MANKIND” publishedby SEM INSTITUTE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE, Medosi, Korte, Slovenia, 20066. etc Books review: Invited by IGI publications, USA to review a book on \"EmpoweringMarginal Communities with Information Networking\". Papers review and served as Editorial Board: Sustainable development – what does that mean in preschool? Individual Learner Differences: Towards Understanding the Importanceand Value of Diversity (Book title: Education & Sustainable Development-First steps towardchanges, published by Daugavpils University, Latvia. ISBN-9984-14-303-1 in2006)(NATIONAL LEVEL APPOINTMENTS- MALAYSIA)1. Honorary Managing Consultant of BN Billionaire Network Sdn. Bhd(Business and Financial Planning Consulting firm). Since 19952. (Asia Regional Service Center for Ansted University) Director of AnstedService Center, Penang of Malaysia since 1999

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