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Booklet Part

Published by borcan_2010, 2020-02-02 04:09:49

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EGYPTIAN AUTOMOTIVE AND TRADING CO. Vacancies Customer Care Representatives Level: Junior Years of Experience: 1 – 3 years Main responsibilities: 1) Take full responsibility for the dealing with relevant customer complaints, queries and requests for information for the start to the end of the process. 2) Ensure that both an appropriate and adequate investigation takes place in all cases. This includes the recording of all communications between the various parties and all information taken into consideration. “Must approach all matters in a non biased and professional manner”. 3) Carry out relevant research as required and requested by Customer Care Manager. 4) Prepare daily, weekly, monthly statistical reports as appropriate. 5) Aid the Customer Care Manager in ensuring that all relevant standards within the customer charter are met. 6) Meet the objectives and performance measures agreed the Customer Care Manager. 7) Due to the strong inter-relationships across divisions, keep all relevant parties informed of assigned work programmers as much as possible. 8) To handle customer feedback received via all channels proactively in accordance with the company’s service standards and policies. 9) To track and compile the Customer Feedback report on a monthly basis. 10) Provide operational and administrative support. 195

EGYPTIAN AUTOMOTIVE AND TRADING CO. Vacancies Qualifications:  Excellent command of English Language.  B sc. of tourism and Hotels or equivalent.  Punctual, organized and presentable How to apply: Send your C.V to [email protected] Sales Coordinators Level: Junior Years of Experience: 0 – 2 years Main responsibilities: 1)Handle customer complaints and then identify and resolve client concerns. 2)Prepare a variety of status reports, including activity, closings, follow-up, and adherence to goals. 3)Prepare action plans and schedules to identify specific targets and to project the number of contacts to be made. 4)Follow up on new leads and referrals resulting from field activity. 5)Identify sales prospects and contact these and other accounts as assigned 6)Complete understanding of pricing and proposal models. 7)Maximizes all opportunities in the process of closing a sale resulting in the taking of market share from larger competitors 8)Prepare presentations, proposals and sales contracts 9)Develop and maintain sales materials and current product knowledge. 196

EGYPTIAN AUTOMOTIVE AND TRADING CO. Vacancies 10) Establish and maintain current client and potential client relationships. 11) Prepare paperwork to activate and maintain contract services 12) Participate in marketing events such as seminars, trade shows, and telemarketing events. 13) Follow-up for collection of payment. 14) Coordinate company staff to accomplish the work required to close sales 15) Assists in the implementation of company marketing plans as needed. Qualifications:  Excellent command of English Language.  B sc. of Business and Administration or Equivalent.  Certificates in Sales and Marketing is preferred  Punctual, organized and presentable. How to apply: Send your C.V to [email protected] 197

EGYPTIAN AUTOMOTIVE AND TRADING CO. Vacancies CRM Telephone Reporter Level: Junior Years of Experience: 0 – 2 years Main responsibilities: 1)Get detailed feedback from customers on the services they had received from the company through phone call. 2)Call customers and ask them to answer questionnaires related to the quality of service provided. 3)Communicate courteously with customers by telephone to update customers’ data on CRM budu cloud. 4)Prepare daily, weekly, monthly statistical reports based on customers’ feedback and questionnaires. 5)Aid the CRM Manager in ensuring that all relevant standards within the customer care are met. Qualifications:  Excellent command of English Language.  B sc. of Business and Administration or Equivalent.  Certificates in Sales and Marketing is preferred  Punctual, organized and presentable. How to apply: Send your C.V to [email protected] 198

EGYPTIAN AUTOMOTIVE AND TRADING CO. Vacancies Working conditions: Working Hours: (8 hours per day) Number of Days off: (1 day) Days off: (Sunday) Application procedure: Send your C.V to Email [email protected] Company Contact information: Address: 112 Abo Rawash Industrial Zone Giza, Egypt P.O Box: 260 Cairo Tel: 0235391163 - 0235391168 Fax: 0235391180 Emails: [email protected] Contact Director: Ayman Taymour Position: Group HR Contact Manager: Ehab Magdy Position: OD Contact Specialist: Neveen Nasr Position: HR 199

EL-ARABY GROUP Profile Company •El- Araby Group an Egyptian joint stock family enterprise, established in 1964, engaged in both manufacturing, and marketing engineering products, is to contribute to the development of the Egyptian economy; The Group is dedicated to providing high quality products that incorporate high technology, in order to satisfy the needs and expectations of the consumer. •El-Araby Group has witnessed many strategic stages since it was established in 1964,Today, it has become, thanks to God the Almighty, one of the most important industrial and commercial entities in Egypt and the Middle East, The company started its operations with a capital of 4000 LE, The founding three brothers were Mohamed Ibrahim El- Araby, Mahmoud Ibrahim El-Araby and Abd Algayed Ibrahim El-Araby' The company started its activities in the field of hardware and children's toys, Afterwards, the development of the group started by partnerships with major Japanese companies, most importantly the Toshiba Corporation in 1974, and hence we became the only Arab commercial agent for Toshiba products in Egypt' The second partnership was with the Japanese Sharp Corporation in 2002. Our aim is to be the best Arab and African Egyptian company in the field by the end of 2015. Our vision is to become the African and Middle-Eastern leader in the field of electronics and consumer durable goods. 200

EL-ARABY GROUP Vacancies  Customer Services Agent Field: Customer Services CRM Years of Exercise: Fresh Graduates Level: Junior  Promoter Field: Sales Department Years of Exercise: 0-1 Level: Junior  Accountant (English Section) Field: Finance Years of Exercise: 0-1 Level: Junior  IT Support Field: Information Technology Department Years of Exercise: 0-2 Level: Junior 201

EL-ARABY GROUP Vacancies Working conditions:  Working Hours: 8 Hours/Day  Number of Days off: 1 Day/Week Application procedure: 1-Filling Application Form. 2-Assessment Day. 3-First Interview (HR). 4-Second Interview (Technical). 5-Last Interview (Optional). 6-Medical Examination. 7-Signed of Job Offer. Company Contact information: Address: 6 El-Batran St. – Industrial Zone – Abassya – Behind El- Rahman El-Raheem Mosque Tel: - 0225472112 Fax: 0225472099 Emails: [email protected] Website: 202

‫نقابة المهندسين بالجيزة‬ ‫‪Company profile‬‬ ‫كلمة أمين نقابة المهندسين الفرعية بالجيزة‬ ‫أبنائي وزملائي المهندسين من الخريجين وحديثي التخرج نرحب بكم فى بيتكم الثاني نقابة‬ ‫المهندسين ‪.‬‬ ‫إن بإلتحاقكم بنقابة المهندسين تبدأ مرحلة جديدة من حياتكم العملية والمهنية فالنقابة تسعى‬ ‫جاهدة على تنظيم شئون المهنة ورعاية أبنائها الطلاب والخريجين ‪ ،‬وذلك من خلال دراسة‬ ‫هياكل العمل الهندسي المتاحة بالسوق المصرى للقضاء على أوجه التقصير الواردة من‬ ‫صغار المهندسين إرتقاءاً بمجالات المنتج الهندسي وتفعيلاً للدور الرقابي للنقابة لخلق إتزان‬ ‫فى سوق العمل بين المعروض من الوظائف والمؤهلات والإمكانيات المهنية المتاحة لتفرض‬ ‫أبنائها بقوة على سوق العمل حفاظاً على قيم وممارسات المهنة ‪.‬‬ ‫وأخيراً‪...‬‬ ‫نتمنى أن يحظى هذا الملتقى بفرص جيدة وأن تحرصوا على التواصل مع نقابتكم التى تسعى‬ ‫إلى تذليل مصاعب المهنة وتحديات التأهيل والترقي فى الوظائف وتسعى لحل المشكلات‬ ‫المهنية والوظيفية التى تواجة أبناءها المهندسين ‪.‬‬ ‫أمين نقابة المهندسين بالجيزة‬ ‫المهندس ‪ /‬إبراهيم سراج الدين‬ ‫‪203‬‬

‫نقابة المهندسين بالجيزة‬ ‫‪Company profile‬‬ ‫كلمة رئيس نقابة المهندسين الفرعية بالجيزة‬ ‫أبنائي وزملائي المهندسين من الخريجين وحديثي التخرج إن نقابة المهندسين هى نقابتكم‬ ‫المعنيه بالحفاظ على حقوق كل مهندس ومهندسه والعمل على رفع كفاءة المهنة وتطورها ‪،‬‬ ‫وعلى هذا الاساس تعمل النقابة على خدمة كافة المهندسين والمهندسات فى كل ما يتعلق‬ ‫بممارسة المهنة وتساهم فى استقرار وضعهم الاجتماعي بما يتلائم مع القيمة الادبية‬ ‫للمهندسين‬ ‫والمهنة ولكي يتحقق هذا الهدف تعتمد النقابة على عدة دعامات بشرية تتمثل فى مجلس‬ ‫النقابة بأعضائه الذين سعوا ويسعون لترسيخ مبادئ العمل التطوعي الجماعي لخدمة زملاء‬ ‫المهنة ‪ ،‬ويعاونهم هيكل إداري من التقنيين والمختصين فى كافة مجالات الإدارة وخدمات‬ ‫المهندس إلى جانب لجان العمل والانشطة المختلفة التى تزخر دوماً بنخب المتطوعين من‬ ‫الزملاء المهندسات والمهندسين للعمل فيها ‪ ،‬وحيث تتسع تلك اللجان لتشمل الخدمات النقابية‬ ‫والخدمات الترفيهية والرحلات ‪ ،‬ولجان تطور الأداء المهني وتنمية موارد النقابة ‪ ،‬كما تضم‬ ‫النقابة فى مجلسها المنتخب والذى تولى مسئولياته بدء من مايو ‪ 2014‬لجاناً علمية‬ ‫متخصصة لتطوير التدريب الهندسي مع لجنة المشروعات الصغيرة والتوظيف والتى تسعى‬ ‫لدعم الصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة سواء على المستوى الأهلي أو على مستوى المهتمين‬ ‫بالمهنة من طلبة وطالبات كليات الهندسة‪.‬‬ ‫فإن نقابة المهندسين بالجيزة ترحب بمشاركتكم فى رسم المستقبل بسواعدكم حفاظا على‬ ‫إستقلالية العمل النقابي سعيا نحو خدمة المهندس وخدمة مهنتنا ووطننا العزيز ‪.‬‬ ‫نقيب المهندسين بالجيزة‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪.‬م ‪ /‬وائل مصطفى زكى‬ ‫‪204‬‬

‫نقابة المهندسين بالجيزة‬ Vacancies 1) Mechanical Construction Manager Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering 15-20 years of experience 2) Electrical Construction Manager Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering 15-20 years of experience 3) I & C Construction Manager Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering 15-20 years of experience 4) Area Civil Construction Manager Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering 15-20 years of experience 5) Civil Construction Engineer Qualifications: Junior Construction Engineer 2-3 years of experience Senior Construction Engineer 5-8 years of experience Lead Construction Engineer 10-12 years of experience Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering 6) Surveyor Qualifications: Surveyor Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering fresh Arts Geography section 1-5 years of experience Senior Surveyor Arts Geography section 10 years of experience 7) Civil Technical Office Manager Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering 15-20 years of experience 205

‫نقابة المهندسين بالجيزة‬ Vacancies 8) Senior Civil Technical Office Engineer Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering 8-10 years of experience 9) Civil Technical Office Engineer Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering 3-5 years of experience 10) Electrical Technical Office Manager Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering 15-20 years of experience 11) Senior Electrical Technical Office Engineer Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering 8-10 years of experience 12) Electrical Technical Office Engineer Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering 3-5 years of experience 13) Senior Mechanical Technical Office Engineer Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering 8-10 years of experience 14) Mechanical Technical Office Engineer Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering 3-5 years of experience 15) Contract Administrator Qualifications: 3-5 years of experience Bachelor’s degree in Electrical or Mechanical or Civil Engineering 16) Insurance Specialist Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce or equivalent +5 years of experience 206

‫نقابة المهندسين بالجيزة‬ Vacancies 17) Senior Cost Control Engineer Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Electrical or Mechanical or Civil Engineering 10-12 years of experience 18) PTW Specialist Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering is preferred 2-3 years of experience 19) Senior HSSE Engineer Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Science or Mechanical or Electrical is preferred 5-7 years of experience 20) HSSE Engineer Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Science or Mechanical or Electrical is preferred 3-5years of experience 21) HSSE Scaffolding Competent Person Qualifications: Scaffolding Competent Certificate is a must 10years of experience 22) Area QC Manager - Civil – Electrical – Mechanical Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering 15 years of experience 23) Lead Quality Control Engineer – Civil – Electrical – Mechanical Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Civil or Electrical or Mechanical Engineering 12 years of experience 207

‫نقابة المهندسين بالجيزة‬ Vacancies 24) Senior Quality Control Engineer - Civil – Electrical – Mechanical Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Civil or Electrical or Mechanical Engineering 10 years of experience 25) Quality Control Engineer - Civil – Electrical – Mechanical Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Civil or Electrical or Mechanical Engineering 5 years of experience 26) Quality Control Inspector - Civil – Electrical – Mechanical – Science Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Science or Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Fresh - 3 years of experience Fresh: Very good graduation grade 27) Document Controller Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Science or Commerce Fresh - 3 years of experience Fresh: Very good graduation grade 28) Site Facility Admin Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce or equivalent +3 y years of experience 29) Equipment Admin Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce or equivalent 3 years of experience 208

‫نقابة المهندسين بالجيزة‬ Vacancies 30) Tools Admin Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce or equivalent 3 years of experience 31) Accommodation Admin Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce or equivalent 3 years of experience 32) Transportation Admin Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce or equivalent 3 years of experience 33) HR Site Admin Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or equivalent 2-4 years of experience 34) Recruitment Specialist Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or equivalent Junior Recruitment Specialist 3-5 Years of experience Senior Recruitment Specialist 8-10 years of experience 35) Personnel Specialist Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or equivalent 2-4 years of experience 36) Treasury Section Head Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce – Accounting preferred English Section 6-10 years of experience Good using (ERP ORACLE system). 37) Costing Section head Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce – Accounting preferred English Section +10 years of experience 209

‫نقابة المهندسين بالجيزة‬ Vacancies 38) Senior Oracle Accountant Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce – Accounting preferred English Section 3-6 years of experience Good using (ERP ORACLE system). 39) Senior Oracle Supply Chain Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Computer science or equivalent +6 years of experience 40) Maintenance and technical support engineer Qualifications: Electricity Engineering graduate/ Mechanics/ Electronics_ Fresh graduates or up to 3 years’ experience in the field of maintenance of air conditioning or household appliances – Must be Under 30 years Old. 41) Engineer’s Fresh graduates Research and development Engineer _ Mechanics forces Major. Mechatronics Engineer Technical Curriculum Developers Documentation Engineers Engineer's Fresh graduates: Job Requirements: _ -English language is a Must. -Grade: very Good at least for jobs No. 3 and No. 4 . -Majors: mechanics forces - Mechatronics – Communication 210

‫نقابة المهندسين بالجيزة‬ Vacancies If you wish to apply for any of this opportunities kindly send your C.V and mention the Job Title and Code in the Subject area. [email protected] Engineering Syndicate Giza Recruitment committee. 211

GENERAL MOTORS Company profile General Motors in Egypt is a customer-focused automotive company selling award-winning vehicles across two iconic brands: Chevrolet and Opel. A combination of great vehicles combined with a world-class customer experience both in sales and service.” 212

GENERAL MOTORS Vacancies Indirect buyer Description: 1) Creating and maintaining all the annual contracts related to the IME commodities. 2) Handling the spot buy order. 3) Approaching new suppliers and achieve savings. 4) Follow GMIO goal and targets. 5) Maintain correct records in GM pipeline. 6) Follow our Global Producer and achieve the requested GM training GMU. Person’s specialist: 1)University degree. 2)Good English and Arabic, Both thinking and written. 3)Good command of computer skills. 4)Working under pressure. 5)Negotiation skills. 6)Lateral thinking and problem solving. 213

GENERAL MOTORS Vacancies Production Engineer Description: 1)Overseeing the production process 2)Ensuring that the production is cost effective, by applying the lean concept. 3)Making sure that products are produced on time and are of good quality. 4)Working out the human and material resource needed. 5)Drafting a timescale for the job. 6)Monitoring the production process and adjusting schedules as needed. 7)Monitoring product standards and implementing quality-control programs. 8)Liaising among different departments, e-g. Suppliers, mangers. 9)Working with the team to implement the company’s policies and goals. 10) Ensuring that health and safety guidelines are followed. 11) Supervising and motivating a team workers. 214

GENERAL MOTORS Vacancies Person’s specialist: 1)B.SC in mechanical engineering or equivalent 2)0-2 years’ experience in the automotive industry or relevant 3)Good command of written and spoken English 4)Good communication skills 5)Energetic and self-motivated 6)Good presentation skills Financial analyst Description: 1)Monthly reporting to the headquarters. 2)Analyze company financial statements, accounts and expenses. 3)Involved in preparation of budgets and forecasts compared to actual results with variance explanation for reporting purposes. 4)Preparing financial analysis studies and presentation for the use of the management. 5)Analyze company financial statements, accounts expenses and different company performed activates. 215

GENERAL MOTORS Vacancies Person’s specialist: 1)University degree in Accounting degree /Business Admiration / (CPA/ CMA/MBA is a plus) 2-4 years of experience with at least 2 years’ experience at a similar position. 2)High analytical skills and solid accounting background. 3)Fluent in English. 4)Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Accounts payable Description: 1)Receive and verify invoices and requisitions for service’s providers. 2)Verify that transactions comply with financial policies and procedures. 3)Prepare batches of invoices for data entry. 4)Data entry invoices for payment. 5)Process backup reports after data entry. 6)Manage the weekly cheque run. 7)Record all cheques. 8)Prepare vendor checks for mailing. 9)List all vendor cheques in the log book. 10) Prepare manual cheques as when requires. 11) Maintain listing of accounts payable. 12) Maintain updated vendor files and file number. 13) GENERAL MOTORS 216

GENERAL MOTORS Vacancies 14) Handling month end-closing activates. 15) Handle monthly accounts reconciliation. 16) Work on bank reconciliation. Person’s specialist: 1)Accounting degree 2)Minimum 2 years of experience in a relevant position Paint shop Engineer Description: 1)Ensure painting process as engineering requirements. 2)Develop necessary plans to assure continuous improvement in area of safety quality, productivity, and cost to achieve business plan targets. 3) Work with maintenance to assure totals productive maintenance for proper equipment usage. 4)Perform necessary studies for continuously elimination of all types of waste and resources optimization. 5)Promote new ideas and suggestions and work with concerned areas for improving working conditions. 6)Respond to all issues and work with different areas and functions o analyze and resolve them. 217

GENERAL MOTORS Vacancies 7)Meet and communicate periodically with team members to assure aligning company objectives. Person’s specialist: 1)BSc in mechanical, industrial or chemical. 2)More than 2 years’ experience in similar field. 3)Excellent command of English languages. 4)Excellent computer skills. 5)Ability to work under pressure. 6)Excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills. 218

GENERAL MOTORS Vacancies Quality engineer: Description 1)Support in developing and executive program quality plans for new models 2)Support achieving GCA targets for new models 3)Develop database for standardize inspections process (SIP) containing all SOS, JES, Checklists for current models 4)Develop time studies for inspection process 5)Support in the PQS development of C140, RT50 and 700 programs 6)Support in red-X projects data collection Person’s specialist 1)Engineering graduate from a reputable university. 2)0-2 working experience. 3)Excellent English. Kindly send your CV to: [email protected] 219

HSBC ELECTRONIC SERVICES DELIVERY Company profile Company Name: HSBC Electronic Services Delivery Company Industry: Banking Website: HSBC Global Service Delivery in Egypt is represented by HSBC Electronic Data Service Delivery (Egypt) S.A.E and is located in the heart of the Financial and Information Technology hub ‘Smart Village’ located on the outskirts of Cairo. The company was established in January 2010 and operations commenced from the Service Centre in March 2010. Currently we have a team of 851 strong staff that operates from a state-of-the-art office of over 6000 square meters, spread across 2 floors of the HSBC Building. 220

HSBC ELECTRONIC SERVICES DELIVERY Vacancies 1- Customer Service Executive Department/field (optional); Contact Centre Work Experience: 0-3 Years Job Description:  To continuously provide high quality processing service to achieve maximum customer satisfaction within the specified Service Level Agreements.  Responsible for relationship building and resolving customer queries and issues in a professional manner (where applicable).  Responsible for relationship building and account management while resolving customer inquiries in a professional manner.  Take ownership and initiative to complete necessary research and customer follow-up or direct the customer to the appropriate department for resolution.  Might be required to achieve individual sales goals. Requirements:  Ability to speak and understand English.  Ability to write business letters and reports.  Good conversational skills to hold the attention of the customer on the telephone.  Ability to grasp a query quickly.  Ability to understand and interpret numeric data.  Minimum, basic computer knowledge.  Ability to build rapport with people.  Flexibility to work shifts 24/7. 221

HSBC ELECTRONIC SERVICES DELIVERY Vacancies 2- Customer Service Executive – French Department/field (optional); Contact Centre Work Experience: 0-3 Years Job Description:  To continuously provide high quality voice and processing services to achieve maximum customer satisfaction within the specified service level agreements.  Responsible for relationship building and resolving customer queries and problems in a professional manner.  Take ownership and initiative to complete necessary customer follow-up or direct the customer to the appropriate department for further resolution Requirements:  University Graduate in any discipline  Excellent command of written and spoken French and English.  Ability to understand and interpret numeric data.  Good conversational skills to hold the attention of the customer on the telephone.  Ability to build rapport with people.  Good Computer Knowledge  Ability to write business letters and reports.  Flexibility to work shifts 24/7. 222

HSBC ELECTRONIC SERVICES DELIVERY Vacancies 3-Team Manager Department/field (optional); Contact Center / Back Office Work Experience: 3-5 Years Job Description:  To proactively manage activity of operations teams across the region.  Management of employee related concerns such as attrition, absenteeism, morale, conflict resolution, employee grievances and under performance.  To analyze the portfolio handled across the region and present the findings to the management on a regular basis.  Leading to the motivation and effective development of individuals to meet the business targets.  Ensure all the daily, weekly & monthly MI reports / presentations/MI are prepared within the scheduled deadlines.  Ensure all the system related issues are resolved within the specified timeliness and escalated whenever required.  Controlling operational resource to effectively minimize losses across the regional portfolios.  Maintain and observe HSBC internal control standards, including the timely implementation of internal and external audit points together with any issues raised by external regulators Understanding the nature and importance of the data and information needed to provide compliance assurance for their assigned areas of activity or business. 223

HSBC ELECTRONIC SERVICES DELIVERY Vacancies  Follows processes and uses appropriate templates and reporting standards to ensure work is delivered in accordance with relevant timetables, quality standards and internal policies and procedures.  Undertakes specific information and data gathering, checking and reporting in support of Compliance audits, projects and reviews, producing accurate, on-time outputs to the expected standards.  Build on the knowledge of latest Anti Money laundering trends  Achieve the levels of productivity and quality as per the standards, agreed for the process.  All data requirements (timesheets and process information) is accurately updated in a timely manner. Requirements:  University Graduate in any discipline.  Good understanding of Contact Centre structure and business strategy.  Ability to speak and understand English fluently (High Voice)  Good numerical and decision making skills.  Excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills.  Ability to handle varied responsibilities.  Ability to write business letters and reports.  Flexibility to work shifts 24/7.  Ability to communicate the results of the team's analysis to all levels of management within the business 224

HSBC ELECTRONIC SERVICES DELIVERY Vacancies WORKING CONDITIONS Working Hours: 24/7 Days off: Fridays & Saturdays and some functions are having rotational days off HOW TO APPLY E-mail Address: Head Office location: HSBC Electronic Data Service Delivery, B122- 123, Smart Village, KM 28, Cairo Alexandria Desert Road 6th of October, Egypt 225

IAM SOLUTIONS Company profile IAM Solutions is a premier HR consultancy company that provides unique recruitment, HR management and innovative training solutions to the Fields of, Supply Chain. Logistics. FMCG and Retail, IAM working with the TOP Multinationals companies in those fields 226

IAM SOLUTIONS Vacancies Supply Chain coordinator  1-3 years’ experience  Position in a multinational leading FMCG company  Previous experience in planning / logistics / supply chain is prefered , fresh grades can apply Planning coordinator  0-2 years’ experience  Position in a multinational leading FMCG company  Previous experience in planning / logistics / supply chain is preferred, fresh grades can apply Purchasing Manager  7+ years’ experience  Position in a leading multinational retail company  Previous experience is required in purchasing and procurement, preferred in construction 227

IAM SOLUTIONS Vacancies Warehouse manager  8+ years’ experience  Position in a multinational leading FMCG company  Fluency in English, communication skills and experience in similar position is required Marketing Manager  + 10 years’ experience  Position In a multinational leading FMCG Company  Previous experience in similar position is required Corporate communication manager  3 years’ experience in same position  Position In a multinational leading FMCG Company  Have experience in internal and external corporate communications 228

IAM SOLUTIONS Vacancies Assistant Brand manager  1-3 years’ experience  Position In a multinational leading FMCG Company  Experience in marketing is preferred Social media expert  0-2 years’ experience  Position in a leading HR company  Experience in social media is required and fluency in English is required Marketing Specialist  1-2 years’ experience  Position In a multinational leading FMCG Company  Experience in marketing is preferred 229

IAM SOLUTIONS Vacancies Learning and development lead  7 + years’ experience  Position in a multinational leading FMCG company, will be leading the training and development in Europe and middle east HR Manager  +10 years’ experience  Position in a leading multinational retail company HR Supervisor  5+ years’ experience  Position in a leading FMCG multinational company  Experience in Organizational development is required HR Recruiter  3-5 years’ experience  Position In a multinational leading FMCG company , will be responsible for recruitment in EGYPT and Europe  Should have previous experience in recruitment and fluency in French is a must 230

IAM SOLUTIONS Vacancies HR General  2-5 years’ experience  Position in a multinational leading logistics company , reporting to HR manager  Should have previous experience in HR HR recruiter  0-2 years’ experience  Position In a leading HR company  Experience in recruitment is preferred , fluency in English is required , presentation / communication skills , fresh grades can apply Personal assistant  4+ years’ experience  Position in a leading multinational retail company  Experience is same position is preferred Maintenance Engineer  5 years’ Experience  Position In a multinational leading FMCG Company  have Experience in electrical or mechanical Maintenance , he will Reports to the Maintenance manager , should have experience in FMCG or pharmaceutical sectors 231

IAM SOLUTIONS Vacancies Project Engineer  2-5 years’ experience as a Civil / mechanical Projects Engineer  Position In a multinational leading FMCG company  Bachelor degree in civil / mechanical engineering. Lab Analyst  2-5 years’ experience  Position In a multinational leading FMCG company  Post-Graduate Diploma in Total Quality Management is preferred  A minimum of Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, Chemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, or Pharmacy Scientist / Regulatory Manager  0-2 years’ experience  Position In a multinational leading FMCG company  A minimum of Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, Chemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, or Pharmacy Quality assurance  2-5 years’ experience  Position In a multinational leading FMCG company 232

IAM SOLUTIONS Vacancies HSE coordinator  5 years’ Experience  Position In a multinational leading FMCG company  Experience in QHSE is a must Sales team leader  2-8 years’ experience  Position in a multinational leading logistics company  Should have experience in sales in freight forwarding / shipping lines Channel manager  5 years’ experience  Position In a multinational leading FMCG company , Reporting to sales director  Experience in sales in FMCG sectors is a must Sales Representative  0-2 years’ experience  Position In a multinational leading FMCG company , Reporting to sales director  Experience in sales is preferable For application: kindly visit 233

IBM WTC Company profile IBM is a global technology and innovation company headquartered in Armonk, NY. It is the largest technology and consulting employer in the world, with more than 400,000 employees serving clients in 170 countries. IBM offers a wide range of technology and consulting services; a broad portfolio of middleware for collaboration, predictive analytics, software development and systems management; and the world's most advanced servers and supercomputers. Utilizing its business consulting, technology and R&D expertise, IBM helps clients become \"smarter\" as the planet becomes more digitally interconnected. IBM invests more than $6 billion a year in R&D, and just completed its 22nd year of patent leadership. IBM Research has received recognition beyond any commercial technology research organization and is home to 5 Nobel Laureates, 9 US National Medals of Technology, 5 US National Medals of Science, 6 Turing Awards, and 10 Inductees in US Inventors Hall of Fame. The company was behind the inventions of the PC; SABRE travel reservation system; UPC codes, Watson, the Jeopardy!-playing computing system, and much more. Specialties:- IT Services, Consulting, Business Analytics & Optimization, CRM, ERP, security, software, strategy, storage, disaster recovery, enterprise architecture, BPM, Smarter Planet, Outsourcing, semiconductors, microprocessors 234

IBM WTC Vacancies  Graduate program (Fresh Graduate with Java, SQL. DotNet ) Intern then might be hired  The Maximo developers ( range of experience 3 years + ) Fixed term contract  Embedded Developers & Testers ( range of experience 4 years + ) Fixed term contract  Application Architects ( range of experience 5 years + ) Fixed term contract  IBM Operation Decision Management ( range of experience 3 years + ) Fixed term contract  IBM Master Data Management ( range of experience 3 years + ) Fixed term contract  IBM Business Process Management ( range of experience 3 years + ) Fixed term contract  ADOBE Experience Manager ( AEM ) ( At least 1 year of Experience ) Fixed term contract SAP Consultants ( ABAP , FICO, FICA , MM, & BI ) ( range of experience 3 years + ) Fixed term contract 235

IBM WTC Vacancies  Oracle BI Developers & Architects ( range of experience 3 years + ) Fixed term contract  Microsoft Business Intelligence developers ( range of experience 3 years + ) Fixed term contract  Microsoft Share Point Developers ( range of experience 3 years + ) Fixed term contract  Microsoft CRM AX ( range of experience 3 years)  Microsoft CRM Dynamics ( range of experience 3 years + ) Fixed term contract  IBM WebSphere content Management ( At least 1 year experience ) Fixed term contract  IBM WebSphere Integration Message Broker ( range of experience 3 years + ) Fixed term contract  ETL Data Stage Developer  Application Developers - IBM COGNOS 236

IBM WTC Vacancies  Sales Account Manager (3-5 years’ experience in Sales)  Sales & Distribution intern (Technical Major/Possibility to be hired after a 2/3 months paid internship)  Software Pre-sales Intern (Technical Major/Possibility to be hired after a 2/3 months paid internship)  Finance Intern (Finance/Accounting major/Possibility to be hired after a 2/3 months paid internship)  Sales Account Manager (3-5 years’ experience in Sales, French Speaker)  Telco Account Manager (Telecommunication background with 3 years Sales experience)  Cloud Graduate Hire (Computer Science/Telecommunication/Computer Engineering majors, English Speaker) 237

IBM WTC Vacancies  Cloud Graduate Hire (Computer Science/Telecommunication/Computer Engineering majors, French Speaker)  SW/HW Remote Technical Support Specialist Bachelor of Computer science or Communication Engineering Fluency in English OR English AND (French OR Italian OR Spanish OR German) Stay Connected with us: Website: - IBM Blog: Facebook: IBM Graduates Middles East and Africa Twitter: @IBMJobsGlobal ; @IBMJobsMEA ; @IBMAfricaJobs LinkedIn: IBM Instagram: 238

IMI Company profile IMI is a Management Development Company established in 1999 with 16 years of experience in the market, specialized in HR Outsourcing Services, Training and Development and Consulting Services. Human Resources Outsourcing IMI is a professional provider for HR services, ranging from recruitment, payroll processing and full body leasing models. IMI helps individuals and companies grow; and learn more rapidly than ever before in today’s whirlwind of a market place. Training and Development IMI is affiliated with international foundations and institutions such as the Supply Chain Foundation, the Management Development Institute, the Project Management Institute, the International Business Driving License and the Charthouse Learning. IMI offers language programs that help candidate’s master languages through it language institute. All language courses offered utilize Rosetta Stone as the backbone of the learning experience through Ocean County College. Consulting Services IMI offers consulting services in the field of HR Management, Training and Assessment, as well as Marketing Management. 239

IMI Vacancies International Account Advisor Description: 1) Opens customer accounts by recording account information. 2) Maintains customer records by updating account information. 3) Resolves product or service problems by clarifying the customer's complaint; determining the cause of the problem; selecting and explaining the best solution to solve the problem; expediting correction or adjustment; following up to ensure resolution. Specification: 1)Fluency in English is a must. 2)All languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, etc.). 3)Graduates only Customer Service Agent “Local Account” Description: 1) Opens customer accounts by recording account information. 2) Maintains customer records by updating account information. 3) Resolves product or service problems by clarifying the customer's complaint; determining the cause of the problem; selecting and explaining the best solution to solve the problem; expediting correction or adjustment; following up to ensure resolution. 240

IMI Vacancies Specification: 1)Average English 2)Good communication skills 3)Graduates only 4) Maximum age: 33 years old 5)Males only 6)Military service exempted Customer Service Agent \"Banking Sector\" Description: 1) Opens customer accounts by recording account information. 2) Maintains customer records by updating account information. 3) Resolves product or service problems by clarifying the customer's complaint; determining the cause of the problem; selecting and explaining the best solution to solve the problem; expediting correction or adjustment; following up to ensure resolution.- 4) Maintains financial accounts by processing customer adjustments. 241

IMI Vacancies Specification: 1)Excellent English 2)Excellent communication skills 3)Presentable 4)Males and females 5)Graduates only from all universities (only Sadat academy, Modern academy & Arab academy for science and technology) 6)Maximum age 25 years old 7) Military service exempted Customer Service Agent \"Technical Support” Description: 1)Deliver service and support to end-users using and operating automated call distribution phone software, via remote connection or over the Internet; 2)Interact with customers to provide and process information in response to inquiries, concerns, and requests about products and services; 3)Gather customer’s information and determine the issue by evaluating and analyzing the symptoms 4)connection or over the Internet; 5)Interact with customers to provide and process information in response to inquiries, concerns, and requests about products and services; 242

IMI Vacancies 6)Gather customer’s information and determine the issue by evaluating and analyzing the symptoms Specification: 1)Good English 2)Good communication skills 3)Bachelor degree 4) Clarified military status 5)Max age 28 Customer Service Agent \"Corporate Account” Description: 1)Opens corporate customer accounts by recording account information. 2)Maintains customer records by updating account information. 3)Resolves product or service problems by clarifying the customer's complaint; determining the cause of the problem; selecting and explaining the best solution to solve the problem; expediting correction or adjustment; following up to ensure resolution. Specification 1)Excellent English 2)Excellent communication and conversational skills 3) Graduates only 4) Males and Females 243

IMI Vacancies Technical Support Advisor (Offshore) Description: 1)Deliver service and support to end-users using and operating automated call distribution phone software, via remote connection or over the Internet; 2)Interact with customers to provide and process information in response to inquiries, concerns, and requests about products and services; 3)Gather customer’s information and determine the issue by evaluating and analyzing the symptoms Specification: 1) Fluent English is a must 2) Technical background is a must 3) Graduates only 4) Flexibility with rotational shifts Website: Email: [email protected] 244

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