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Published by senthilkumar periasamy, 2021-10-11 11:05:01



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151 7. Independent சுதந்திரம் 8. Angle - 9. Factors 10. Require ககாணம் 11. Light Sense - 12. Colour Sense 13. Test காரணிகள் 14. Principle - 15. Series 16. Square கதவை - வலட்சசன்ஸ் - ைண்ணஉணர்வு - கசாதவை - நியமம் - சதாைர் - சதுரம் - REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

152 திறன் - 17. Ability 18. Proceture சசயல்முவற 19. Binocular - 20. Cake Decoration 21. Position சதாவலகநாக்கி - ககக்அலங்காரம் - நிவல - XI. TWO MARK QUESTIONS : Page no : Page no : 1.Define visual acuity? Page no : 2.What is the principle of Snellen’s chart? Page no : 3.How many types of visual acuity? 4.Write about different vision chart used at distance?

5.Define-cake decoration? 153 6.Define preferential looking test? 7.Write about Cardiff card ? Page no : 8.Write about the Sheridan Gardiner test? Page no : 9.Write about the pinhole visual acuity? Page no : Page no : Page no : 10.Write about the torch light examination? Page no : 11.List the steps to measure distant visual acuity for adults? Page no : 12. How to measure the visual acuity? Page no : REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

154 Page no : Page no : 13.Difference between Allen card and Snellen’s chart? Page no : 14.Define FCF? Page no : 15.Define PL? Page no : 16.What are the charts used forNV? 17.What is the other name of keeleracuity test? Page no : Page no : 18.What is SG chart? Page no : 19.What is the normal visual acuity? 20.What are the Type of colourvision ?

21.What are the type of visual acuity affecting factor? 155 22.Difference between the stimulus and observer related factors? 23 .Difference betwwen the snellen’s and landolt’s test type? Page no : 24.Difference between the physical and physiological factors? Page no : 25.Define the landolt drum test ? Page no : Page no : Page no : 26.How many type of validating the test ? Page no : 27.Define the dot visual acuity? Page no : 28 .Define light home picture cards? Page no : REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

156 29.Define the broken wheel test? Page no : 30.Define the tumbling E- chart ? Page no : 31.Difference between the sheridiangardiner HOTV test and ball test? Page no : 32.What are the type of contrast sensitivity? Page no : XII.FIVE MARK QUESTIONS : 1.Explain about the type of visual acuity? Page no : 2.Explain about the step –by-step –procedure vision assessment? Page no : 3.Explain about the interpretation of visual acuity? Page no : 4.How assess the visual acuity in children?

5.Explain the colour vision? 157 6.Describe vision assessment in children of different age groups? 7.How to measure the contrast sensitivity? Page no : 8.Define the colour vision? Page no : 9.List of the types of distance acuity chart? Page no : Page no : Page no : Page no : 10.Visual acuity equilants in different notations? Page no : 11.Define the OKN test ? Page no : 12.Define the contrast sensitivity? REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

158 Page no : XIII.DRAW THE FOLLOWING DIAGRAMS : 1.Sheridan Gardiner chart 2.Cardiff acuity card 3.Keeler acuity card 4.Draw the optical potential acuity meter GIVE THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THE FOLLOWING OBSERVATIONS : 1. A patient reads seven lines using right eye and is able to see the light only ,using left eye. A patient reads 4 lines using the right eye and 2 lines using the left eye The same patient reads 6 lines using the right eye and 4 lines using the left eye, with a glass A patient reads top letter only using the right eye and counts fingers at 2m with left eye , with and without glasses A patient counts the finger at 1m using the right eye but able to detect hand movement only close to face

RE: 6/6 LE: PL+ 159 RE: 6/18 LE: 6/36 RE I glass : 6/9 LE : LE I glass : 6/18 RE I Visual acuity Meaning gla 6/6-2 Unable to read 2 letters of the last line ss : 6/6 0 LE wit h and wit hout glass : 2/60 RE : 1/60 & FCF The following table gives the VA values for different patients. Interpret thevalues given values give REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

160 Unable to read the last four lines Unable to read even the first line 6/24 Counting fingers at 3m 6/60 No perception of light CF3 No PL CORRECT SENTENCE : 1. Perfect acuity of vision requires three other basic factors .

161 Ans : Two 2. Each letter is of such a shape that it can be enclosed in a triangle Ans : Square 3. The general illumination of the room should not less than one , seventh the illumination of the chart Ans : Fifth 4. Acuity of vision is defined as the power of the eye to see a smallest object clearly and distinguishably at any distance . Ans : Specified Work Sheet 1. How do you the near vision? REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

162 2. Why are we using 1.32 mm pinhole? 3. How to check visual acuity in children? 4. Why 6/6 is considered the normal visual acuity? 5. What is the use of X chromosome lens? 6. Which test gives the accurate vision in children? 7. What is the other name of landolt’s broken ring chart?

163 8. Forced choice preferential looking test is used in which patients? 9. E Chart is suitable for uneducated patient. Why? 10.Write about the protonopia: 11.Why are we taking 40 cm as reading distance? 12.What is the principle of keeler acuity test? 13.Acquired optic nerve disease causes which colour defect? REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

164 14.Why are we testing visual acuity with and without glasses? 15.Other name of the Snellen’s chart? 16.Patient’s sitting height shout be equal to the Snellen’s chart. Why? 17.Write about the two basic factors needed for perfect visual acuity of vision? 18.What is the meaning of 19 food candles in refraction cubicle?

165 19.Which instrument allows only the central rays to pass through it? 20.Isihara pseudo is chromatic test is used in which patients? CHAPTER - 4 REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE


167 REFRACTIVE ERROR CONTENTS • Aetiology • Optical condition Myopia • Clinical types of myopia • Symptoms Hypermetropia • Tests • Complications • Management • Optical condition • Types of hypermetropia • Clinical types • Effect of accommodationOn hypermetropia • Symptoms • Treatment • Scientific correction of hypermetropia • Complication REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

168 Astigmatism • Aetiology • Types • Sturm’s conoid • Symptoms • Tool’s used in evaluation of astigmatism Presbyopia • Causes, indications, risk factors • Signs and tests • Factors affecting close work • Variations of accommodation with age • Evaluation and treatment Abbreviation : 1.TH - Total Hypermetropia Latent Hypermetropia 2.LH - Facultative Hypermetropia 3.FH - 4.AH - Absolute Hypermetropia I . CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER

169 1........ are the most common eye disorders and not a diseases a] Refractive error b] myopia Ans : a] Refractive error 2 .......... Is a normal refractive condition of the eye? a] Ameteropia b] emmetropia Ans : b] emmetropia 3. The rays are focused in front or behind the retina then its termed as ...... a] Ameteropiab] emetropia Ans :a] Ameteropia 4.Short sightedness is called as …… a] Myopia b] hypermetropia Ans : a] Myopia 5.Long sightedness is called ……… a] Myopia b] hypermetropia Ans : b] hypermetropia 6. Myopia is one type of........ b] disease a] Refractive error Ans : a] Refractive error REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

170 7. The parallel rays brought into focus in front of the retina is called as .... ……....... a] Myopia b] hypermetropia Ans : a] Myopia 8. ............. Is an error of visual focusing that makes distant objects appear blurred a] Near sightedness b]Long sightedness Ans : a] Near sightedness 9. Increase in the anterior posterior length of the eye ball causes ... … a] Axial myopia b] positional myopia Ans : a] Axial myopia 10. Increase in the curvature of the cornea ……… a] Axial myopia b] curvature myopia Ans : b] curvaturemyopia 11. The curvature increase of 1mm causes refractive changeof ……. a] 6D b] 1d c] 10d Ans : a] 6d 12. A change of refractive index in the lens results in …….. a] Index myopia b] curvature myopia c] axial myopia Ans : a] Index myopia

171 13.This is due to anterior placement of the lens.... ... a] Positional myopia b] curvature myopia c] axial myopia Ans :a] Positional myopia 14.......... Is present at birth a] Congenital myopia b] curvature myopia c] axial myopia Ans : a] Congenital myopia 15. Congenital myopia may be...... ...... a] Unilateral b] bilateral c] a & b Ans : c] a & b 16......... Is the most common type ofmyopia a] Simple myopia b] curvature myopia c] axial myopia Ans :a] Simple myopia 17. The power of glasses increase usually during the years of. School and colleges and remains same . This called as …….. a] Simple myopia b] curvature myopia c] axial myopia Ans : a] Simple myopia 18. The myopia which occurs due to variations in blood glucose level............ a] Acquired myopia b] curvature myopia c] axial myopia Ans :a] Acquired myopia REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

172 19..... ..... Type of myopia with any degenerative changes in the eye a] Pathological myopia b] curvature myopia c] axial myopia Ans : a] Pathological myopia 20........ Type of myopia which is called false appearance of myopia a] Pseudo myopia b] curvature myopia c] axial myopia Ans : a] Pseudo myopia 21. Pseudo myopia could cause ………. a] Severe headache with asthenopic complaints b] vomiting c] double vision Ans :a] Severe headache with asthenopic complaints 22... .......... The eye which has difficulty seeing in low illumination a] Night myopia b] curvature myopia c] axial myopia Ans : a] Night myopia 23 . What is normal vision? …..….. a]. Ametropia b].Emmetropia c]. Myopia Ans : b]Emmetropia 24. Night myopia is due to increases in sensivity to the......... a] Shorter wave length of light b] longer wave length of light c] a & b Ans : a] Shorter wave length of light

173 25... .... Type of myopia has no stimulation for distance fixation a] Space myopia b] curvature myopia c] axial myopia Ans : a] Space myopia 26. Bilateral congenital myopia may be associated with...... a] Squint b] amblyopia c] nystagmus Ans : a] Squint 27..... ….... Type of patient with close working habits a] Myopia b] presbyopia c] hypermetropia Ans : a] Myopia 28. ......... Patches in the macula causes loss in central vision a] Retinal atrophy b] retinal pigments c] retinal detachment Ans : a] Retinal atrophy 29. Symptom of person with near sightedness ........ a] flashing of light b] headache c] giddiness Ans : b] headache 30. Refractive surgeries are recommended for persons aged between….. a] 20 & 40 years b] 15 & 35 years c] a & b Ans : a] 20 & 40 years REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

174 31. The parallel rays of light which focus behind the retina is known as ………. a] Myopia b] presbyopia c] hypermetropia Ans : c] hypermetropia 32. ........ Is due to increase in the length of the eye ball a] Myopia b] presbyopia c] Hypermetropia Ans : a] Myopia 33.Flattening in corneal curvature causes ........ a] Myopia b] presbyopia c] hypermetropia Ans : c] hypermetropia 34 . Shot-silk retina is seen in ……….. a) hypermetopia b) myopia c) presbyopia d) none of the above Ans :a ] hypermetopia 35. ....... anterio posterior length of the eyeball is shorter than normal a] Axial hypermetropia b] curvature hyperopia c] index hyperopia Ans :a] Axial hypermetropia 36.Normal axial length........ a] 25 mmm b] 23mm c] 24mm Ans : b] 23mm

175 37. A decrease of 1mm in axial length produces a hypermetropia of …….. a] 6D b] 3D c] 7D Ans : b] 3ds 38. In curvature hypermetropia curvature of the cornea is…..... than normal a] flatter b] shorter c] less then Ans : a] flatter 39. An increase or decrease of ….... in corneal curvature causes hypermetropia or myopia of …..... a] 1mm & 3ds b] 2mm & 6ds c] 1mm & 6ds Ans : c] 1mm & 6ds 40. Index hyperopia is caused by deficient refractive power in the ...........of eye. a] Index b] flatter c] media Ans : c] media 41. Corneal refractive index …… a] 1.38 b] 1.40 c] 1.37 Ans : c] 1.37 42. Refractive index of the cortex of lens ……… a] 1.38 b] 1.40 c] 1.37 Ans : a] 1.38 REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

176 43. Refractive index of the nucleus of the lens ………. a] 1.38 b] 1.40 c] 1.40 Ans : c] 1.40 44. Types of hypermetropia …….. a] 3 b] 2 c] 1 Ans : a] 3 45. When parallel rays of light is focused in front of retina, it is known as … a] Myopia b] Hypermetropia c] Presbyopia Ans : a] Myopia 46. In farsighted eye the shape of the eye ball will be ………. a]. Long b].Short c]. Elliptical Ans :b] Short 47. Keratomiluesis can be done to correct ………. a]. myopia b].Regular astigmatism c].hypermetropia d]. all Ans : d] all 48. The type of lens used for correction of regular astigmatism includes……… a) biconvex lens b) biconcave lens c) Cylindrical lens d) none of the above Ans :c ] Cylindrical lens

177 49. Pseudopapillitis is seen in ………… a) hypermetopia b) myopia c) presbyopia d) none of the above Ans : a) hypermetopia 50. Which hypermetropia is corrected by normal physiological tone of the ciliary muscle….…. a]. Total hypermetropia b]. Manifest hypermetropia c]. Latent Hypermetropia Ans :c] Latent hypermetropia 51.When the curvature of the cornea or lens is flatter than the normal, the person suffers from a]. Myopia b].presbyopia c]. Hypermetropia Ans :c] hypermetropia 52. If the horizontal meridian is more curved than the vertical meridian, it is known as ……. a]. with the rule astigmatism b]. againstthe rule astigmatism c] Oblique astigmatism Ans :b] against the rule astigmatism REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

178 53.When the refractive power changes uniformly from one meridian to another it is known as ………astigmatism a]. regular b].irregular c]. oblique Ans :a]regular 54. The power of the cornea is ……… a]. 18 D b]. 60D c].40D Ans :c]40D 55. When ciliary muscles contract, the lens focuses ..................... objects a]. distant b].near c]. Finite Ans :b] near 56. The principal meridians of an astigmatic patient are 60° & 120°. It is known as a]. Regular astigmatism b]. Irregular astigmatism c]. oblique astigmatism Ans : c] oblique astigmatism 57. Incident parallel rays come to a focus posterior to the light sensitive layer of retina in ……….. a) aphakia b) hypermetopia c) Both of the above d) none of the above Ans : c ] Both of the above

179 58. Indistinct distant vision is seen in …………. a) presbyopia b) myopia c) hypermetopia d) none of the above Ans :b ] myopia 59. The diameter of an ideal pinhole is ……… a]. > 2mm b].< 1mm c]. 1.32mm Ans :c] 1.32mm 60. Cylindrical lenses are prescribed for ……… patients a] Myopic b]. Hypermetropia c]. Astigmatism Ans :c] Astigmatism 61. Hypermetropia which cannot be corrected by the ciliary muscle tone is called ………. a] Facultative hypermetropia b]manifest hypermetropia c]absolute hypermetropia Ans :C ] absolute hypermetropia 62. After prolonged near work, the distance object appears blurred. This is known as …….. a].Presbyopia b].myopia c].Pseudomyopia Ans :c] Pseudomyopia REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

180 63. In regular astigmatism, if one focus is in front of the retina and the other behind the retina, it is known as………… Astigmatism a].mixed b]. compound myopic c]. compound hypermetropia Ans :a]mixed 64. In myopia patient the eye ball will be ……… a]. Long b].Short c]. Elliptical Ans : a] Long 65. Person with myopia is said to ……… sighted a]. Far b].Near c]. Field Ans :b] Near 66. ---- result from normal biological varation in development of eye a].simple myopia b].pathological myopia c].congenital myopia Ans :a]simple myopia 67. Condition of myopia whichrapidly progresses............. a].simple myopia b].pathological myopia c].congenital myopia Ans : b]pathological myopia 68. pseudo myopia occurs due to excessive accommodation and --- a].spasm of accommodation b].insufficiency of accommodation c].Illsustained accommodation Ans : a]spasm of accommodation

181 69. What is Presbyopia?......…… a]. Lens lose it ability to focus objects b]. Loss of cornea’s ability to flatten c].Loss of vision in the eye Ans : a] Lens lose it ability to focus objects 70. At what age do people find out the signs of presbyopia? …..…… a]. 21 b].15 c]. 40 Ans : c] 40 71. Spectacle power in glaucoma patients changes very often why? a]. The extra ocular muscles cannot rotate b]Constant pressure on ciliary muscle causing ,accommodation failure c]. The lens becomes stiff Ans : b]Constant pressure on ciliary muscle ,accommodation failiare 72. Trifocals are also known as ………. a]. Reading glasses b]. Progressive glasses c].Monovision glasses Ans : b] Progressive glasses 73 . Temporal crescent is seen typically in ………. a) Astigmatism b) Hypermetropia c) Myopia d) None of the above Ans : c ] Myopia REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

182 74. A newborn is invariably ……….. a) Hypermetropic b) myopic Ans : a]Hypermetropic 75. If the parallel light rays get focused in different focal point the condition is called ……….. a]. Presbyopia b]. Myopia c]. Astigmatism d].Hypermetropi 76. Myopia is easily corrected by ……….. Ans :c] Astigmatism ‘ a]. Concave lens b]. Convex lens c]. Plano lens d].Bifocal lens Ans :a] Concave lens 77. ……….. is an age related Refractive Error a]. Myopia b]. Hypermetropia c]. Astigmatism d]. Presbyopia Ans :d] Presbyopia 78.In hypermetropia parallel rays of light from infinity comes and focuses ……. a]. in straight line with the retina b]. behind the retina c].on the retina Ans : b] behind the retina

183 79. Refractive error measurement is written in ……… unit. a]. Millimeter mercury (mmHg) b].Prism c]. Diopter Ans :c] Diopter 80. What causes difficulty in reading? …….. [a]. Hyperopia b].Myopia [c]. Presbyopia Ans :c ] Presbyopia 81. In Index Hypermetropia, corneal refractive index is …….. a]. less than 1.47 b].less than 1.38 c]. less than 1.37 Ans c] less than 1.37 82. The size of the image seen by convex lens will be ………. a]. Larger than the normal b]. Smaller than the normal c]. Medium Ans : a] Larger than the normal 83. The main symptom of hypermetropia is difficulty in ………… a]. Close work b]. Distance work c]. Object look smaller than the normal Ans : a] Close work 84. People with Hypermetropia can experience …………. a]. Blurred vision b].Blindness c]. Scotoma Ans :a] Blurred vision REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

184 85. Normal eyeball size at birth is …………. a]. 24mm b].20mm c]. 16mm Ans :c] 16mm 86. Due to ……… at birth all new-borns will have hypermetropia. a]. small eyeball size b].large eyeball size c]. normal eyeball size Ans : a] small eyeball size 87. Which lens is used for Hypermetropia correction? ……….. a]. Concave b].Convex c]. Cylindrical lens Ans :b] Convex 88. Donders formula is ……….. a]. Rx =MH+1/3 LH b]. MH=FH=AH c]. TH=MH=LH Ans : a] Rx =MH+1/3 LH 89 .Abnormal curvature of the cornea is called as …………. a]. Regular Astigmatism b]. Indexed astigmatism c]. Corneal Astigmatism Ans : c] Corneal Astigmatism

185 90. What is regular astigmatism? …..…… a]. Change in refractive power from anterior to posterior b]. Change in refractive power from one meridian to another meridian c].Change in refractive power from lens to cornea Ans : b] Change in refractive power from one meridian to another meridian 91. What is with the rule astigmatism? ………… a]. Horizontal meridian is more curved than vertical meridian b]. Vertical meridian is more curved than horizontal meridian c].Both meridians are at right angles to each other Ans :b] Vertical meridian is more curved than horizontal meridian 92. In ………… the horizontal meridian is more curved than the vertical meridian a]. With the rule astigmatism b]. Against the rule astigmatism c]. both Ans : b] Against the rule astigmatism 93. Against the rule astigmatism is also known as………. astigmatism. a]. Equivalent b].Inverse c]. Contrast Ans :b] Inverse REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

186 94. What is Sturm’s conoid? ………… a]. Series of image with two meridian b]. Series of lines with one surface c].Series of angles in opposite sides Ans : a] Series of image with two meridian 95. What is irregular astigmatism? …..…. a]. Irregular corneal curvature b].Irregular eye ball c]. Irregular index Ans : a] Irregular corneal curvature 96. One of the symptom ofastigmatism is ……….. a]. Vomiting b]. Torticollis c] . Anemic Ans : b]Torticollis 97. The following tools are used in evaluation of astigmatism ……….. a]. Keratoscope, retinoscope, Maddox rod b]. Slit lamp, OCT, Topcon c]. Direct ophthalmoscope, slit lamp, Indirect ophthalmoscope Ans : a] Keratoscope, retinoscope, Maddox rod 98. One of the treatment for astigmatism is …………. a]. Jackson cross cylinder b]. Bio microscope c]Spectacle correction Ans :c]Spectacle correction

187 99. Similar to grey hair and wrinkles, presbyopia is a symptom caused by the natural course of …………. a]. Developmental biology b].Human development c]. Ageing Ans : c] Ageing 100. The type of lens used for correction of regular astigmatism includes ……… a]. Biconvex lens b].Biconcave lens c]. Cylindrical lens Ans :c] Cylindrical lens 101. In compound hypermetropicastigmatism ……… a]. Both the foci are infront of retina b]. Both the foci are behind of retina c].One focus is infront and one focus is behind the retina Ans :b] Both the foci are behind of retina 102. Blurring of vision for near work occurs in ……….. a]. Hypermetropia b]. Presbyopia c]. Both a and b d]. None of the above Ans : d] None of the above 103. Which part is the most powerful Refractive medium of the eye? a]. Lens b].Cornea c]. Retina Ans : b] Cornea REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

188 104. The treatment options to correct refractive errors ……….. a]. Spectacle b] Lasik c] A,B Ans : c] A,B 105. Which refractive error is caused due to ageing? ……… a]. Astigmatism b]. Hypermetropia c]. Presbyopia d]. Myopia Ans :c] Presbyopia 106. ……….. is one of the causes of refractive error. a]. Change in axial length b]. Improper food habits c] Lack of exercise d]. Walking to long distance Ans : a] Change in axial length II. FILL IN THE BLANKS 1.When principal meridians are not at right angles, it is called --------- Ans : bi-oblique astigmatism 2. Pathological myopia results in degenerative changes in the ………………… Ans : retina 3.--------- is used to calculate the correction of hypermetropia. Ans :Donder’s formula

189 4. Axial myopia is due to increase in the …… of the eye ball. Ans : axial length 5. ……… hypermetropia is corrected by normal physiological tone of the ciliary muscle Ans : latent 6. The clear image of maximum distance from the eye is called ……… Ans : far point 7. For patients suffering from ………. Distant objects appear blurred and near is clear Ans : myopia 8. Progressive loss of the ………… of the lens is known as presbyopia Ans : focusing power 9. The technique of using rigid contact lenses to change the shape of the cornea is called ……………… Ans : Ortho keratology 10. Astigmatic fan is used to detect the…. … of the astigmatism Ans : axis 11. Excessive strain of the ciliary muscle can correct .…… Hypermetropia Ans : facultative REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

190 12. Hypermetropia far point of Hypermetropia is …………….. Ans : beyond infinity 13. In -------- Parallel rays of light are brought into focus in front of the retina when accommodation is at rest Ans : myopia 14. In Compound hypermetropic astigmatism-the two foci are found ………… the retina Ans : behind 15. ------------ Results in degenerative changes in the retina Ans : pathological myopia 15.To treat ------- knowledge of working distance is essential RAns : presbyopia 17. ………. is due to variable refractive index of the lens in different meridian. Ans : Lenticular astigmatism 18. ………. is due to abnormalities in curvature of the cornea. Ans : Corneal astigmatism 19. Give an example for oblique astigmatism ------------------ RAns : 1200 to 1500 and 300 to 600 20. Pathological myopia is rapidly ------ &------visual acuity Ans : progressive &subnormal

191 21. High myopia causes --------- Ans : retinal detachment 22. How many types of acquired myopia are there --------- Ans : 3types 23.--------arises when one of the patients eye’s has different powers in different axis. Ans :Astigmatism 24. Uncorrected Hypermetropia leads --------- Ans :esodeviation 25. A ---------- lensis mounted in an aperture in the Placido’sdisc. Ans : convex 26.The patient complaint of defective vision , it may be due to --------- Ans : refractive error 27. Myopia other name ……… Ans : short sightedness 28. …… it is due do increase in the length of eye ball Ans : Axial Myopia 29 . Axial Myopia example …..…… . Ans :buphthalmous REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

192 30 . Refractive error Due to increase in curvature of the cornea is called …….. Ans : Curvature myopia 31. Curvature Myopia example ………. Ans : keratoconus &megalo cornea 32. Changes in the refractive index of the lens result in …….. Ans : Index Myopia 33. Index Myopia example ………. Ans : Incipient cataract 34. Refractive error Due to anterior placement of lens called ……….. Ans : positional Myopia 35. Night Myopia other name ……… Ans : twilight myopia 36 . Myopia symptoms ………, Ans : blurred Vision for distance ,Eye strain ,Close work abits 37 . Myopia is easily corrected by…….. Ans : concave lens & contact lens 38. Myopia surgical treatment …........... Ans : LASIK & PRK 39. The power of a contact lens in myopia is ………of spectacle

193 Ans : less than 40. Myopia was first defined by ………. Ans :kepler in year 1611 42. The eye ball is longer in ……… RAns : Myopic patient 43. ……… is seen in after glaucoma operation Ans : Induced Myopia 44. Myopic Fundus shows ……… Ans :Tigroid& Myopic crescent 45. The degree of space myopia due to this condition is never more than ……. Ans : -0.75 -1.50DS 46. Primary open angle glaucoma is common association with…… Ans : Myopia 47. Complication of myopia is … RAns : Retinal Detachment 48. Foster fuch’s spot in retina is seen in …… Ans : high myopia 49. Far point of myopia is …….. REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

194 Ans : finite point in front of the eye 50. Congenital myopia is usually diagnosed by the age of ……. Ans : 2 – 3 years 51. Congenital myopia may be associated with other congenital anomalies such as….. Ans : cataract, micro ophthalmus, aniridia&megalo cornea 52. In simple Myopia fundus is normal but rarely temporal …… may be seen Ans : myopic crescent 53. In myopic eye cornea is………. Ans : large& AC is deep 54. Degenerative changes in retina & choroid are common in ………. Ans : pathological myopia 55. False myopia other name is …….. Ans : pseudo myopia 56. Properties of concave lens …….. Ans : Thin in center , thick at periphery , Object appears minified , Produces virtual , erect /diminised image 57. Myopia causes ……… Ans : Axial, curvature, index, positional myopia

195 59. Parallel light rays brought in focus in front of the retina is called … Ans : myopia 60. Asthenopioc symptoms in myopia is due to …...... Ans : convergence insufficiency and exophoria 61.The most common type of myopia which results from the normal biological variation in the development of the eye is ……. Ans : simple myopia 62. Other names for Pathological myopia are …….. Ans : Degenerative myopia & progressive myopia, Anterior subluxation of lens 63. Acquired myopia occurs due to ….. Ans :Increased Nuclear sclerosis ,Increase in curvature of cornea 64. False appearance of myopia is called …….. Ans : pseudo myopia 65. This type of myopia occurs when the individual has no stimulation for distance fixation ………. Ans : space myopia 66. RKexpansion ? Ans : Radial Keratotomy 67 . PRKexpansion ? REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

196 Ans : Photo Refractive Keratectomy 68. ICRexpansion ? Ans : Intra Corneal Rings 69. PILexpansion ? Ans :Phakic Intraocular Lens 70 . Night blindness may be complained by very high myopes having marked …… Ans :choreo retinal degenerative changes 71.Visual field contraction & ring scotoma may be seen in ………… Ans : Pathological myopia , aphakia patient 72. In myopic pt the posterior segment of the sclera is …… Ans : thin 73. Tigroid fundus is also present in case of ………… Ans : choroid sclerosis & retinal atrophy & pathological myopia 74. The lens is a ……… Ans : Biconvex form 75. Near sightedness is an error of visual focusing that makes ……… Ans : distant objects appear blurred 76. Simple myopia up…….. Ans : 0 – 6.0 DS below

197 77. Pathological myopia is above ……. Ans : – 6.0 DS 78. About 1mm shortening of the anteroposterior diameter of the eye results in ………..of Hypermetropia Ans : 3.0 DS 79. About 1mm increase in radius of curvature resuktsin ........of Hypermetropia Ans : 6.0 DS 80. Diabetic myopia occurs due to a decrease in the ……… Ans : refractive index of cortex 81. Surgical over correction of Hypermetropia results in …….. Ans : consecutive myopia 82. This myopia is present at birth and may be unilateral or bilateral ……. Ans : congenital myopia 83. Astigmatismis defined by ……….. Ans : Isaac neurton year 192 F 84. One meridian has power, other meridian zero power is called ……… Ans : cylinder lens 85. Cylindrical lens invented by ………. REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

198 Ans : airy Cambridge 86. List Any two Astigmatism symptoms ……. Ans : headache, eye strain 87. Surgical treatment for astigmatism ………. Ans : PRK, lasik, astigmatic keratotomy 88. Astigmatism is a condition of refraction, where the ………….. of light cannot be formed upon the retina Ans : point focus 91. Astigmatic refractive index causes……… Ans : cataract 92. Retinal causes for astigmatism is …………. which is seen occasionally Ans : oblique placement of macula 93. Astigmatism types……….. Ans : regular, irregular astigmatism 94. Regular types………. Ans : refractive & physiological astigmatism 95. Refractive astigmatism types ……….. Ans : simple, compound, mixed astigmatism 96. Physiological astigmatism types……..

199 Ans : with the rule astigmatism, against the rule astigmatism, oblique astigmatism, bioblique astigmatism 97. ……. used for cylinder power & axis verification Ans : Jackson cross cylinder 98. …….. used for cylinder axis verification Ans :Stenopic slit, astigmatic fan 99. How many cylinder lens in trial set …….…… Ans : 80 100. In. …….. principle meridians are at right angles, but are not vertical and horizontal Ans : Oblique astigmatism 101. When principle meridians are not at right angles but crossed obliquely …… Ans : Bi – oblique astigmatism 102. …….. is formed when rays refracted by both meridians have equal and opposite tendencies Ans : Circle of least diffusion 103. Irregularities in the …….. cause irregular astigmatism Ans : curvature of the cornea 104. Tools used in evaluation of astigmatism any two ……….. Ans :keratometry, jackson cross cylinder REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

200 105. …….. is a construction of vertical lines at a different meridian from 0 to 180 degrees Ans : Astigmatic fan 106. The cross cylinder is a…….. Ans :sphero – cylinder lens 108. ……… is a flat disc bearing concentric black and white rings Ans :Placido’s disc 109. A……… is mounted in an aperture in the center of the placidos disc Ans : convex lens 109. Other name of stenopic slit ………. Ans : enlargement of the pinhole 110. Stenopic slit width …….. Ans : 1mm & length 15mm 111. For Regular astigmatism which contact lens treatment used …… Ans :toric lens – prism balastic lens 112. For Regular astigmatism which optical treatment ………. Ans : concave – convex cylinder lens 113. Irregular astigmatism treatment ……. Ans : Hard / semisoft contact lens 114. Against the rule astigmatism other name …….

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