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Published by senthilkumar periasamy, 2021-10-11 11:05:01



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351 50. How many steps of subjective refraction ........... A] 7 b] 6 c] 5 Ans : c] 5 51. When a patient is wearing a minus sphere finds that he can improve vision by moving lens forward ……… A]less minus lens b]more minus lens C]compensation for anisometropia d]none of the above 52. The pinhole………. Ans : b]more minus lens A] optimum diameter is 1.2 mm B]overcomes all refractive errors C]can help differentiate between macular & optic disorders D]multiple pinholes have more effect than single apertiver Ans : A] optimum diameter is 1.2 mm 53. Cycloplegic refraction means relaxation of ……..... A] ciliary, iris b] ciliary c] iris Ans : b] ciliary 54. Jcc power invented year .......... A] 1907 b] 1887 c] 1890 Ans : b] 1887 REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

352 55. Jcc axis invented year ……….. A] 1907 b] 1890 c] 1887 Ans : A] 1907 56. The duo chrome test is used ti find the ........end point refraction A] monocular b] binocular c] a,b Ans : A] monocular 57. Duochrome test introduced by ............ A] brown 1927 b] jackson 1987 c] freeman 1955 Ans : A] brown 1927 58. Binocular balancing for ............... A] convergence b] divergence c] accommodation Ans : c] accommodation 59.............. This line marked for maddox rod test which type of squint [a] A] verticalameteropia b]vertical orthophoria c]orthophoria Ans :A] vertical ameteropia 60. For emetropiathe far point is ……….. A] beyond infinity b] between infinity c] at infinity Ans : c] at infinity 61. In low degree of refractive error the reflex is--------- A] bright & slow b] bright & narrow c] bright & wide

353 Ans : c] bright &wide 62. In jackson cross cylinder the power of the cylindrical lens------the power of the sphere A] equal b] half c] twice Ans : c] twice 63. How many stages are there in retinoscope? A] 2 stages b] 4stages c] 3 stages Ans : c] 3 stages 64.Howmanytypes of retinoscope-------- A] 2 b] 4 c] 3 Ans : A] 2 65.Retinoscope is used to determine the …………. A] Refractive error b] k reading c] corneal thickness Ans : A] Refractive error 66.Retinoscopyisa ……….. method of refraction A] Subjective b] objective c]adjective Ans : b] objective 67. …………. projects light as a small circular beam on the retina A] Streak retinoscope b] Spot retinoscope c] Reflecting mirror REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

354 Ans : b] Spot retinoscope 68. ………… projects light as a streak on the retina A]. Streak retinoscope b]. Spot retinoscope c]. Reflecting mirror Ans : A] Streak retinoscope 69. ……… allows the reflex to be seen in the retinoscope A]. Slide knob b].sleeve c]. Peephole Ans : c] Peephole 70. ………… allows the retinoscope to project rays that can either diverge or converge A]. Condensing lens b]. Light source c]focusing sleeve Ans : c]focusing sleeve 71. When theretinoscope’s sleeve is moved up, it produces ……….. A]concave mirror effect b]plane effect c]convex mirror effect Ans : A]concave mirror effect 72. When the retinoscope’s sleeve is moved down, it produces ……….. A]concave mirror effect b] plane effect c] convex mirror effect Ans : b] plane effect 73. ………… system in retinoscope allows the observer to see retinal reflex of the patient A]observation b]projection c]reflection

355 Ans : A]observation 74. In ………… stage, light is thrown from the retinoscope to illuminate the retina A]reflex b]illumination c]projection Ans : b]illumination 75. In …………. stage of retinoscope, an image of the illuminated retina is formed at the patient’s far point A]reflex b]illumination c]projection Ans : A]reflex 76. When the retinoscope reflex moves in the same direction as the retinoscope streak, it is called …………. A]against movement b]far movement c]with movement Ans : c]with movement 77. When the retinoscope reflex moves in the opposite direction to the motion of the retinoscope streak, it is called ……….. A]against movement b]far movement c]with movement Ans : A]against movement 78. In……….. retinoscope, the intensity and the type of beam can be easily controlled A]streak b]reflecting mirror c]spot Ans : c]spot REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

356 79. In retinoscopy using a plane mirror, when the mirror is tilted to the right the shadow in the pupil moves to the left in ………… A] hypermetropia b] myopia more than –1d C] emmetropia d] myopia less than –1d Ans : C] emmetropia 80. Retinoscopy at 67 cms gives you a +3.0 at 120 axis and + 5.0 at 30 axis . The sphero cylinder that you would use for the patientis-------- A] +3.0 ds with +5.0 dc x 30 d B] +5.0 ds with +3.0 dc x 30 d C] +1.5 ds with +2.0 dc x 120 d D]+5.0 ds with +2.0 dc x 120 d Ans : C] +1.5 ds with +2.0 dc x 120 d 81. Duochrome test depends on the optical principle that…………. A] light of different colours move at different speeds B]different light wavelength are refracted to a different extent C]red& green are most easily seen by the human eye D]green light may has greater wavelength than red Ans : B]different light wavelength are refracted to a different extent

357 III. FILL IN THE BLANKS : 1. .…….is very important to prescribe add power in patientand age Ans : working distance 2.Determination of cylindrical axis &power is easier with ……. Retinoscope Ans : streak 3.while finding cylindrical axis, width appears narrowest when the streak aligns with the ………. Ans : True axis 4. InJCC, the power of the cylinder is twice the power of the ---------- Ans : sphere 5. Pinhole of diameter less than 1mm produces a blurred------- Ans : retinal image 6. In a retinoscope -----------------,bends the path of light at right angles to the axis of the handle Ans : mirror 7. Other name of retinoscopy is ----------- Ans :skiascope , shadowscope , pupilloscope 8. The ……… is measuring the optical power of the eye Ans :retinoscope REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

358 9. In the hypermetropia far point is ………….. Ans : beyond infinity 10.A retinoscope is used to ……the inside of the eye. Ans : illuminate 11.Retinoscope is an objective method of measuring the …… … of the eye. Ans : optical power 12. The maximum distance from the eye at which a clear image is formed, is called ………… Ans : far point 13.Age increase , the amplitude of accommodation decreases because the ……… becomes harder Ans : lens 14.Abbreviation RR --------------------- Ans : Retinoscopy refraction 15. For---------there are two focal lines Ans : cylindrical lens 16. Retinoscope is a subjective method measuring the---------- power of the eye Ans : optical 17. The ray passing through the-------- of a spherical lens does not deviate. Ans :centre

359 18.Aself-illuminated retinoscope consists of a ----------- system and ---------- system Ans : Projection, observation 19. To make preliminary assessment of vision for patients a ----------- semi dark room is necessary Ans : refraction 20.The -------- of measuring the optical power of the eye is known as retinoscope Ans : objective method 21.In --------- observing the alignment between the reflexes in the pupil and the band outside it is called break Ans :retinoscope 22.Vertex distance is the distance between the -----of the cornea and the ------ of the lens Ans : front ,back 23.In jackson cross cylinder, the power of the cylinder is ……… the power of the sphere. Ans : twice 24. …………cm is a convenient working distance because an error of 5 cm in either direction causes an error of only 0.12 d. Ans : 66 25.Retinoscope reflected rays alter as they pass through the ----------- REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

360 26.Retinoscope is used to determine ------ Ans : optical media Ans : refractive power of the eye 27.Reflectingretinoscope other name ---------- Ans : mirror retinoscope 28.----------- retinoscope is projects light as a small circular beam on the retina Ans : spot retinoscope 29.How many types of projection system ------------ Ans : 5 types 30.The distance between the bulb and lens to allow the retinoscope to project rays------and --------- Ans : diverge&converge 31. ………. theretinoscope project rays to diverge this action is Ans : plane mirror effect 32. ………the retinoscope project rays to converge this action is 33.The focusing sleeve is called ---------- Ans : concave mirror effect 34.------is provided by a corded handle Ans :vergence control Ans : current source

361 29.Understanding the far point concept of refractive error and its correction are necessary , this is ----------- Ans : principle of retinoscope 36.The rays falling on retina come from infinity it is known as ---------- Ans :emmetropia 37.Light is directed into the patients eye this is ------------ Ans : illumination stage 38.Light is directed into the patient eye to illuminate the ---------- part Ans : retina 39.An image of the illuminated retina is formed at the patient ----------- Ans : far point 40.The point of reversal or neutral point of retinoscope is reached ------- Ans : far point 41.How many types of moving in retinal reflex ------------ Ans : 3 types 42.Normal working distance in handling retinoscope ----------- Ans : 67cm 43.How measured the working distance ------------ Ans :centi meters REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

362 44.----------both principle meridians require the same correcting power Ans :sphere 45.If ‘with movement’ is seen , you neutralization with------ Ans : plus lens 46.If ‘against movement’ is seen , you neutralization with ---------- Ans : minus lens 47.Theretinoscopestreak is turned 45 degree from the axis in both direction is called ----------- Ans : straddling 48.Break if streak is not parallel to --------- of the meridian Ans : one 49.---------of the streak various as it is rotated around the correct axis Ans : width 50.Width appear narrowest when the streak aligns with the ---------- Ans : True axis 51.Skew reflex and streak move in ------------- Ans : same direction 52.How many factors of subjective refraction ------------ Ans : 5 types

363 53.If the patient vision does not improve with pinhole may have ----------- Ans : pathological or neurological defect 54.Stenopic slit used for --------------- Ans : vertex distance 55.------------- is not only balancing visual acuity but balancing accommodation Ans : binocular balancing 56.------------ is used for power and axis verification Ans : JCC 57.what is the other name of JCC ----------- Ans : cross cylinder 58.InJCC the axis of two cylinders is marked in ------------ colour Ans : white &red 59.JCC consists of ---------- lens 60.What is the use of JCC handle ------------ Ans :sphero cylinder 61.What is use of JCC dot----------- Ans : axis verification 62.Duchrome test the longer wave length is --------- Ans : power verification Ans : red colour REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

364 63.Duchrome test the shorter wave length is ---------- Ans : green colour 64.Binocular balancing test is do to above------visual acuity Ans : 6/18 65.In steak retinoscopy“withmovements”refersto ---------- Ans : Hypermetropia,Emetropia 66.-------testisusedtofindthemon ocular endpointofrefraction. Ans :Duchrome 67.The objective refracrion means …… Ans : Retinoscopy 68. ……. is an effective menhtod of measring the optical power of the eye Ans : Retinoscopy 69. The father of retinoscopy ……. Ans :Gingnet 70. ……. Attempted to explain the optical concept underlying retinoscopy Ans :Landlot, 1878 71. The streak retinoscopy is populated in the year of ……….. Ans : 1927 72. The plane mirror center aperture is ……….. Ans : 3 – 4mm

365 73 . …… An ofeye is defined that point in space that is conjugate with a fovea. Ans : far point 74. Emmetropic patient far point is ……. Ans : infinity 75.Hypermetric patient far point is…… Ans : beyond infinity 76. The far point of the myopic eye is ……… the examiner and the patient Ans : between 77. The emerging rays have not converged to apoint the retinal reflex will move in …….…. Ans : with 78.If ray have come to far point and diverge, the reflex will move …… Ans : against 79. …….. is the stage of retinoscopy Ans : illumination, reflex, and projection 80. The dull reflex seen in…… Ans : Immature cataract, High degree refractive error 81.White reflex seen in ………, vitreous hemorrhage Ans : RP, RD REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

366 82. The peripheral reflex seen in…………patient Ans : PSCC, PPC 83. When light source diverge the rays……. Ans : negative vergences 84. When a lens converge light rays ……. Ans : positive vergence 85. Rays of light from infinity is so that ……. Ans : zero vergence 86. Nodal point is placed in,………. Ans : cornea to 7.1mm 87. The other name of retinoscopy is ……. Ans :skiascope, pupilloscope, shadowtest, kerotoscopy 88. The self illuninatedretinoscopy types are ……… Ans : spot, margatdobson retinoscopy, turivile-pascal dynascope, streak retinoscopy, pulson streak retinoscopy 89. Retinoscopy reduces ……… Ans : time and error 90.The normal working distance is --------------- Ans : 67 cm

367 91.The purpose of using retinoscopy is --------------- Ans : reduced time and determine the refractive error 92. In ……….. retinoscopy is very useful to determine refractive error 93. In low degree of refractive error the reflex is ……… ….. Ans : streak 94. In high degree of refractive error the reflex is …….…… Ans : wide 95. Plus lenses push far point …….. the eye Ans : narrow Ans : towards 96. Minus lenses push far point ……. from the eye Ans : away 97. …….retinal reflex , characteristic of cylindrical power Ans : break and width 98. …….. Techniqe is perfomed to identify correct cylindrical axis 99. In high degree of refracitve error of the reflex is …….…. Ans :straddling 100.In low degree of refracitve error the reflex is ………... Ans : dull Ans : bright REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

368 101. …… is an objective method of measuring the optical power of the eye. Ans : retinoscopy 102. Retinoscopy invented by…….. Ans : Jack C Copeland in 1920 103.A reflecting retinoscopehole size is ------------ Ans : 3-4mm 104.--------------,---------------,---------- characteristics of moving retinal reflex Ans : speed , brilliance , width 105.Two types of self illuminatedretinoscopeis…….. Ans :spotretinoscope, streak retinoscope 106. Design of self illuminatedretinoscopeconsists two types. There are….. Ans : projection systems, observation system 107. Projection system parts……… Ans : light source, condensing bulb, mirror, focusing sleeve, current source 108.Observation system parts ……. Ans : peephole 109.Theemmetropia far point is at ------------- Ans : infinity 110.Retinoscopy invented is --------- Ans : Jack .C.Copeland in 1920

369 111. In hypermetropia far point is at …… Ans : beyond the retina 112. In myopia far point is …….. Ans : in front of the eye 113. In retinoscopy emerging rays have not converged to a point the retinal reflex will move in the…… the streak is moved. Ans : same direction 114.Beyond the far point , the reflex diverges and retinal relax will move ………… Ans : opposite to movement of steak 115.--------------,--------------- is types of self-illuminatedretinoscope Ans : Streak , Spot 116. …… light is directed into the patient eye to illuminate the retina. Ans : Illumination stage 117. ……An image of the illuminated retina is formed at the patient’s far point. Ans : reflex stage 118. In low degrees of refractive error the reflex is …..…… Ans : narrow 119.Characteristic of moving retinal reflex……… Ans : speed, brilliance, width REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

370 120. In low degrees of refractive error the movement of the reflex is …… Ans : fast 121. In high degrees of refractive error the movement of the reflex is …… Ans : slow 122. In low degrees of refractive error the brilliance of the reflex is…… Ans : bright 123. In high degrees of refractive error the brilliance of the reflex is …… Ans : dull 124. In high degrees of refractive error the reflex is……. Ans : wide 125. In against movement far point is in between…….. Ans : the examiner and the patient 126.Both principle meridians require the same correction the power is Ans : sphere 127.Company name of the retinoscopy ……. Ans : Heine Bata 200. 128.Confirm the neutralization point by ……… to observe the change of movement. Ans : adding ± 0.25ds

371 129.Spotretinoscope projects light as a …..…… on the retina. Ans : small circular 130. Which patient shadow seen against movement …….. Ans : myopia 131. Which patient shadow seen with movement………. Ans : Hypermetropia, Emmetropia, Aphakia, Myopia less than 1.0d 132. When a plano mirror is used to reflex the light the immediate source of light moves ………… Ans : against the movement of the mirror 133.A concave mirror is used to reflex the light the immediate source of light moves ………… Ans : with movement of the mirror 134. No movement of red reflex indicates myopia of ………… Ans : 1.0d 135. In lower degrees of refractive error the reflex is …………. Ans : narrow 136. In corrective lens, plus lenses pull far point ……… Ans : towards the eye 137. Minus lens push far point …….. Ans : away from the eye REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

372 138. If we see with movement , neutralization done by …….. Lens Ans : add plus lens (or) subtract minus lens 139. If we see against movement , neutralization done by ……… Ans : add minus and subtract plus lens 140. The normal working distance is……. for retinoscopy. Ans : 67cm 141. The intensity of the line is ……. the streak is in correct axis. Ans : bright 142. We can pin point exact axis by …… and using the trail frames. Ans : reducing the sleeve width 143. Always we used 67cm working distance for retinoscopy. Because ……… Ans : bright reflex, easy calculation, easy work 144. They are the special techniques used in finding the axis of cylinder. There are………. Ans : break, width, intensity of reflex, skew, pinpointing axis, straddling 145. We asked the patient to fix the distance target to ….. Ans : relax accommodation 146. …..May be used to refine the axis in small cylinder. Ans : Skew

373 147. The axis of the cylinder may be confirmed with a technique known as ……,.….. Ans : straddling 148. When the retinoscopy is performed without cycloplegic is termed as …… Ans : dry retinoscopy. 149. Atropine is used as………. Ans : 1% ointment for below 7yrs children 150. Homatropine is used as ……. Ans : 2% drops 151.Atropine effective time….. 152. Homatropine effective time……. Ans : 21 days 153. Cyclopentolate effective time …….. Ans : 48 – 72 hours Ans : 3 days 154. Problems in retinoscopy red reflex may not visible in condition like ………. Ans : small pupil, hazy media, scissoring shadow, spherical aberration, conflicting shadow 155. Triangular shadow may be observed in patients with …….. Ans : conical cornea REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

374 IV. TRUE OR FALSE: 1.Retinoscopyis an objective method of identify the fundus of the eye Ans : False 2. While prescribing spectacles overcorrection is always better Ans : False 3.Retinoscopyis a subjective method of measuring the optical power of the eye Ans : False 4.Inretinoscope, an image of the illuminated retina is formed at the patient’s far point Ans : True 5. 66 cms is the standard working distance for a retinoscope Ans : True 6.Ifworkinglens is used it is not necessary to subtract working distance from the powerobtained from neutralization. Ans : True 7. Duchrome test is used to find the binocular end point of refraction Ans : False 8. While doing retinoscope, the reflex is bright when the refractive error is high Ans : False

375 9 .A cylinder has maximumpowerin a direction parallel to its axis Ans : False 10. Scissoringreflex in retinoscope is seen in keratoconus. Ans : True 11.Inlow degree of refractive error reflex is dull Ans : False 12.Streakretinoscopy is designed by Jack . C. Copland inthe year of 1920 Ans : True 13.Retinoscopyis acombination of plane and convex mirror Ans : False 14.Hypermetropiafarpoint is between infinity Ans : False 15.Thestreak reflex may be used to refine the axis is small cylinders of break Ans : False 16.Thewidth of the streak varies as it rotated around correct axis Ans : True 17.Ifthe rays have come to far point &divergence in with movement Ans : False 18.Subjectiverefractionis invented by Michaels Ans : False REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

376 19.Maddoxrod is used for phoria&tropia measurement Ans : True 20.Stenopic slit consists of a rectangular aperture Ans : True 21.Pluslenses far point in pull towards the eye Ans : True 22.Minuslenses far point in pull away from the eye Ans : True 23.Cycloplegicrefraction is not relaxed accommodation Ans : False 24.Maddoxrod consist of a series of powerful concave cylindrical lenses Ans : False 25.JCCis used to verify the power of sphere 26.JCCwas first described in 1835 for power &1907for axis Ans : False Ans : False V. MATCH THE FOLLOWING : 1. Convex Lens - Optical Concept ,1878 6

2. Near Point - Objective Method 377 3. Retinoscopy - Myopia 4. Jack.C. Copland - 3-4mm In Diameter 3 5. H.Helmlaohz - Retinoscopy 18 6. Landolt - Presbyopia 7 7. Plane& Concave Mirror - Costly But Handle 4 Light Source,Condensing 1 8. Reflecting retinoscopy - Bulb 9 Self Illuminated - Opposite Side Movement 12 9. Retinoscopy - Movement Of Streak 10. Spot Retionscopy - Minus Lenses 20 11. Streak Retinoscopy. - Hypermetropia 15 12. Projection System - 22 13. Observation System - Small Circular Beam 17 14. Optics Of Retinoscopy - Same Side 10 15. Peephole - Far Point Concept 19 16. FP Infinity - 33cm 14 17. FP Beyond Infinity - 67cm 2 18. FP Between Infinity - Peephole 23 19. With Movement - Astigmatic Reflex 13 20. Against Movement - Plus Lenses 5 21. Pull FP - CompoundAstigmatism 21 22. Push FP - Duchrome Test 34 23. Working Distance - Cylindrical Power &Axis 26 24. Subjective Refraction - Single Or Plane Mirror 11 25. MaddoxRod ControllingAccommodation 8 33 REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

378 MonouclarSpherical End - Emmetropia 16 26. Point - Duchrome Test 31 27. ArbitraryModification Streak Aligns With The True Axis 28 28. Width - Fogging 32 Drug Correction 27 29. Skew - Axis With Trial Frame 30 Axis In Small Cylinder 29 30. PinPoint Axis - +Cylindrical Lens 25 Polasky,1991 24 31. ChromaticAberration - 32. NoncycloplegicRefraction - 33. Fogging - 34. SpheroCylinder - VI. GIVE THE REASON : 1. Working distance plays an important role in refraction Ans : The correction required and the accuracy of measurement depends upon the working distance 2. Duochrome test Ans : Based on chromatic aberration, last stage in subjective refraction 3.Inretinoscope plus lenses are used for neutralization in the case of with movement why?. Ans : If emerging rays have not converged to a point the retinal reflex will move in the same direction . Plus lens converge so we used neutralized the plus lens.

379 4.Inretinoscope, when will the streak appear narrowest? Ans : When the streak aligns with the true axis 5.67 cm is a convenient working distance Ans : Bright reflex and easy calculation 6.Inretinoscope, minus lenses are used for neutralization in case of ‘ against movement’ . Why? Ans : Far point is between examiner and the patient; concave lens brings it to the examiner’s pupil If rays have cometofp and diverge, the reflex will move opposite to movement 7. How is fogging done? Ans : By increasing the convex power or reducing the concave power 8. Scissorsreflex seen in keratoconus patient .why ? Ans : Keratoconus patient cornea is conical shape. 9. Subjective refraction should be patient’s preference .why ? Ans : The technique of comparing one lens against another according to the patient’s preference 10.Whatis chromatic aberration? Ans : The longer wavelength is refracted less 11. Myopia patient sees green better in overcorrected state why? REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

380 12.Whymyopic patients put the lens very close to eye? Ans : The effective power increases in minus lens while wearing close to the eyes VII.THE ACTION OF AN INSTRUMENT / TEST IS GIVEN. IDENTIFY THE INSTRUMENT / TEST : 1.Measuringthe power of a lens by neutralization Ans :Retinoscope 2.Duochrome test Ans : Different wavlengths of light are bent differently 3.The power of cylindrical lenses Ans : Nil power in a direction parallel to the axis and maximum power perpendicular to the axis 4.Neutralization Ans : Cancelling negative power with positive and vice versa resulting in no movement 5.Subjective refraction Ans : comparing one lens against another according to the patient’s choice

381 6.Straddling Ans : The retinoscope streak is turned 45 ⁰ from the axis in both directions and the width of the reflex is noted 7.Theinstrument used to estimate the refractive errors of non-cooperative patients Ans :Retinoscope VIII. TWO MARK QUESTIONS : 1. Whatis the use of retinoscopy? Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 2. How many types of retinoscopy? Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 3. Write about the mirror retinoscopy? Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 4. Write about the self-illuminated retinoscopy Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 5. Write about the peephole Page no : 47 ( Manual ) 6. Write about optics of retinoscopy Page no : 47 ( Manual ) REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

382 7. What is` with movement`? Page no : 47 ( Manual ) 8. What is `against movement`? Page no : 47 ( Manual ) 9.Define principle of retinoscopy Page no : 47 ( Manual ) 10. What is the things needed for retinoscopy measurement? Page no : 49 ( Manual ) 11. Write about the procedure of performing retinoscopy Page no : 49 ( Manual ) 12. How to find out the spherical power &cylindrical power? Page no : 50 ( Manual ) 13. What is break? 14. What is skew? Page no : 51 ( Manual ) 15. What is straddling? Page no : 51 ( Manual ) Page no : 52 ( Manual )

383 16. Why is 67cm working distance used? Page no : 56 ( Manual ) 17. What are the special techniques used in finding axis of cylinder? Page no : 51 ( Manual ) 18. What are the stages involved in retinoscopy? Page no : 47 ( Manual ) 19. Whatisthe purpose of subjective refraction? Page no : 53 ( Manual ) 20. Define subjective refraction Page no : 53 ( Manual ) 21. List out the factors that influence patient response in subjective refraction? Page no : 53 ( Manual ) 22. Why control of accommodation is important? 23. What ocular medication is used in refraction? Page no : 55 ( Manual ) 24. How many types of pinholes? Page no : 1 ( Manual ) Page no : 53 ( Manual ) REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

384 25. How many types of retinoscopy? Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 26. What is the two system self illuminatedretinsocopy? Page no : 47 ( Manual ) 27. How many parts of projection system? Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 28. Define: With movement Page no : 47 ( Manual ) 29. Define: Against movement Page no : 47 ( Manual ) 30. Define: Retinoscope Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 31.What is the how prerequisite for retinsocopy? 32. Which patient have a with movement? Page no : 53 ( Manual ) 33. Which patient has a scissor’s reflex? Page no : 47 ( Manual ) Page no : 46 ( Manual )

385 34. What is the advantage and disadvantage of cycloplegic retinoscopy? 35. What is cross retinoscopy? Page no : 56 ( Manual ) 36. What is net retinoscopy Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 37. What is reversible retinoscopy? Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 38.Howmany types of subjective refraction ? Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 39. Define the characteristics of retinal reflex ? Page no : 46 ( Manual ) Page no : 49 ( Manual ) 40.Defineabout the pin point axis ? Page no : 52 ( Manual ) IX. DRAWING : 1. Illumination stage Page no : 48 ( Manual ) REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

386 Page no : 48 ( Manual ) Page no : 48 ( Manual ) 2. Reflex stage 3. Projection stage X. FIVE MARK QUESTIONS : 1. Explain about observation system Page no : 47( Manual ) 2. Explain about the design of self-illuminated retinoscopy Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 3. Explain about the duo chrome test Page no : 58 ( Manual ) 4. Explain with diagram the optical function of maddox rod Page no : 54 ( Manual ) 5. Explain the difference between subjective & objective refraction Page no : 53 ( Manual ) 6.Explainabout the technique of jack cross cylinder Page no : 57 ( Manual ) 7.Howwill you find cylinder axis using break, width, and intensity of reflex, skew and straddling Page no : 51 ( Manual )

387 8.Describe Jackson Cross Cylinder and explain axis check and power check techniques Page no : 57 ( Manual ) 9.Explainhow a retinoscope can be used to assess the power for an astigmatic patient Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 10.Measuringrefractive error using retinoscope Page no : 46 ( Manual ) 11. JCC explain Page no : 57( Manual ) 12. Astigmatic fanbriefly Page no : 56 ( Manual ) 13. Stenopicslit explain Page no : 30 ( Manual ) 14. What are different stages in retinoscopy ? Page no : 47 ( Manual ) 15.Explainthe determination of cylinder axis and power using streak retinoscope.Page no : 50 ( Manual ) 16.Explainthe following in retinoscopy Page no : 49 ( Manual ) REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

388 (i). Characteristics of moving retinal reflex (ii). Working lens (iii). Correcting lens (iv). Working distance (v). Neutralization 17.Onobjective retinoscopy,the patient is having cylindrical power. A. How do you confirm the axisof astigmatism? Usingstenopicslit,placido’sdisc,astigmaticfan,jcc. B. What are thepossible ways to correct astigmatism? cylindrical, spherocylindricallens contactlens surgicalmethods. 18. A)whatis binocular balancing B)whatare the two methods of examining binocular balancing C)whyshould we do jcc test? XI. ENGLISH TO TAMIL: 1. Projection - திட்ைம் புறநிவல 2. Objective - நடுநிவலயாக்குதல் 3. Neutralization -

389 4. Emmetropia - கண்ணின்ஒளிக்கதிர்ைிலகல்சீராகஇருக்கும்நிவல 5. Stradling - ைிரிந்திருக்கும்நிவல 6. Accessories - பாகங்கங்கள்துவணகருைிகள் 7. Asthenopia - கண்கசார்வு 8. Intensity - தீைிரம் 9. Peephole - கதவுதுைாரம் XII. JUMPING WORDS: 1. DUOCHROME TEST - D-OCH--M T-ST B--OC--AR B-LA-CE 2. BINOCULAR BALANCE S-BJ--TI-E R--RA-T-ON 3. SUBJECTIVE S-EN-PI- SL-- ST--D-L--G REFRACTION - N--T-AL-SAT--N B-ILL-A-CE 4. STENOPIC SLIT - P--JE-T--N I--U---ATI-- 5. STRADLING - ST--K O-S--V-TI-N 6. NEUTRALIZATION - 7. BRILLIANCE - 8. PROJECTION - 9. ILLUMINATION - 10.STREAK - 11.OBSERVATION - XIII. UNSCRAMBLE WORD : 1. EITOSCOYPSR - RETINOSCOPY REFLECTING 2. RFLCEEGINT - REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

390 - PROJECTION - OBSERVATION 3. JCEINOTRPO - PEEPHOLE 4. SREOAOIVTNB - OPTICS 5. HEEPELOP - AGAINST 6. SICPOT - MOVEMENT 7. GIANTSA - ILLUMINATION 8. MVOMEENT - BRILLIANCE 9. MINOTANIULLI - SPEED 10. BILLIRCAEN - NEUTRALIZATION 11. SDEEP - SPHERE 12. INOTAISLRTAEUN - CYLINDER 13. PEERSH 14. NILYDREC XIV .CORRECT SENTENCE : 1. Retinoscopy increased refraction time and error by quickly determining the refractive error Ans : Reduced 2. Self illuminatedretinoscope is inexpensive Ans : Reflecting mirror 3. Streakretinoscope is projects light as a small circular beam on the retina Ans :Spot 4. Retinoscopy is an subjective method. Ans : Objective

391 WORK SHEET 1.Write about the step by step procedure of retinoscopy Neutralization? 2.Diffrence between Dry retinoscopy Wet retinoscopy? 3. Explain Maddox wing test? REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE


393 CHAPTER - 8 OCULAR MOTALITY CONTENTS Extra ocular muscles and extra ocular movements *Nerve supply *Actions Procedure and record the follow up Ocular movements Binocular vision Fusion range Convergence and accommodation Cover test Measurement of angle of squint Deficiency of convergence and accommodation I. ABBREVIATION : 1. BSV - Binocular single vision 2 PB - Prism Bar 3. CT - Cover Test 4. LPB - Loose Prism Box REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

394 - Royal Air Force Ruler - Near Point Ruler 5. RAF - Ocular Movement 6. NPR - Near Point Of Accommodation 7. OM - Near Point Of Convergence 8. NPA - Corneal Reflex 9. NPC - Base In 10. CR - Base Out 11. BI - Exotropia 12. BO - Esotropia 13. XT - Hypertropia 14. ET - Hirschberg Test 15. HT - Prism Cover Test 16. HT 17. PCT Accommodative - Convergence/Accommodation 18. AC/A - Leavator Palpebral Superiors 19. LPS - Intermittent Exotropia 20. IXT - Extra Ocular Movement 21. EOM - Lateral Rectus 22. LR - Medial Rectus 23. MR - Superior Oblique 24. SO - Inferior Oblique 25. IO - Superior Rectus 26. SR - Inferior Rectus 27. IR - Centimeters 28. CM - Prism Diopter 29. PD

395 30. WFDT - Worth Four Dot Test 31. CI - Convergence Insufficiency 32. DI - Divergence Insufficiency 33. BVA - Binocular Vision Assessment 34. BU - Base Up 35. BD - Base Down II. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER : 1. ....... is misalignment of the eye A] Squint B] amblyopia C] ptosis Ans : A] Squint 2.........squint is visible A] Latent B] manifest C] facultative Ans : B] manifest 3. ........squint is controlled and not visible A] Latent B] manifest C] facultative Ans : A] Latent 4. The manifest squint is other wise termed as ......... A] Hetrophoria B] heterotropia C] hypertrophic REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

396 Ans : B] heterotropia 5. There are ............ extra ocular muscles in both eyes together A] 14 B] 12 C] 10 Ans : A] 14 6. How many rectus muscles are there in each eye ?……. A] 6 B] 4 C] 2 Ans : B] 4 7. How many oblique muscles are there in each eye ?........ A] 6 B] 4 C] 2 Ans : C] 2 8. Lid elevator muscle is .......... A] Levatorpalpebraesuperioris B] orbicularis C] sinus Ans : A] Levatorpalpebraesuperioris 9. 6th nerve supplies the........Rectus A] Lateral B] medical C] superior Ans : A] Lateral 10. The extra ocular muscles are supplied by the........ Nerve A] Cranial B] orbital C] facial

397 Ans : A] Cranial 11. The 4th nerve supplies ........... A] Superior oblique B] inferior oblique C] lateral rectus Ans : A] Superior oblique 12.........nerve supplies the medical rectus, superior rectus, levator muscle and inferior oblique muscles A] 3rd B] 4th C] 6th Ans : A] 3rd 13. Movement of the globe is brought about by relaxation &contraction of the ……....... A] Extra ocular muscle B] cranial nerve C] orbital Ans : A] Extra ocular muscle 14. Lateral rectus main action ....... A] Abduction B] adduction C] elevation Ans : A] Abduction 15. Medial rectus main action ......... A] Abduction B] adduction C] elevation Ans : B] adduction REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

398 16. Inferior rectus main action .......... A] Depression & adduction B] adduction C] depression & adduction Ans : A] Depression & adduction 17. Superior rectus main action …….... A] Elevation & adduction B] adduction C] depression & abduction Ans : A] Elevation & adduction 18. Superior oblique primary action …….... A] Depression & abduction B]adduction C] depression & adduction Ans : A] Depression & abduction 19. Inferior oblique main action............ A] Depression & abduction B] elevation & abduction C] depression, adduction Ans : B] elevation & abduction 20. …....... is the movement of one eye A] Duction B] version C] vergence Ans : A] Duction

399 21. Abduction is .......... Movement A] Outward B] inward C] upward Ans : A] Outward 22. Adduction is .......... Movement C] upward A] Outward B] inward Ans : B] inward 23. Supraduction is ....... movement C] upward Ans : C] upward A] Outward B] inward C] Abduction 24. Medial rectus muscle acts at …………. Ans : A]Adduction A]Adduction B] Supra adduction C] upward Ans : B] downward 25. Infra duction is ......... movement A] Outward B] downward 26. ...... is a conjugate and parallel eye movement REFRACTION DEPARTMENT-CBE

400 A] Duct ion B] version C] vergence Ans : B] version 27. ......... both eyes move to the right A] Laevo version B] dextro version C] version Ans : B] dextro version 28. ............ both eye move to the left A] Laevo version B] dextro version C] version Ans : A] Laevo version 29. … a disconjugate non parallel eye movement A] Duct ion B] version C] vergence Ans : C] vergence 30. ....... Brought about by contraction of both medial rectus A] Duct ion B] version C] convergence Ans : C] convergence 31. . ........ Brought about by contraction of both lateral rectus A] Duct ion B] version C] divergence Ans : C] divergence

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