SUBJECT INDEXMESSAGE FROM THE CHANCELLOR............................................................................................11ACADEMIC AUTHORITIES .............................................................................................................. 13BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF PEDRO HENRIQUEZ UREÑA......................................................... 16DOMINICAN UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION PEDRO HENRIQUEZ UREÑA (UNPHU), INC............. 17HYMN................................................................................................................................................ 18BOARD OF MANAGEMENT OF FUDPHU 2011-2013..................................................................... 19INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 23HISTORY REVIEW........................................................................................................................... 23MISSION, VISION AND VALUES...................................................................................................... 24ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNMENT ........................................................................................... 25FACILITIES....................................................................................................................................... 28SANTO DOMINGO CAMPUS .......................................................................................................... 28LA VEGA CAMPUS (EXTENSION) .................................................................................................. 29AGROPECUARY CAMPUS IN NIGUA............................................................................................. 29ADMISSION...................................................................................................................................... 30NEW STUDENTS.............................................................................................................................. 30TRANSFERRED STUDENTS........................................................................................................... 31UNREGISTERED AND SPECIAL STUDENTS................................................................................. 31POST GRADUATE STUDENTS........................................................................................................ 32CONTACT......................................................................................................................................... 30STUDENT SERVICES...................................................................................................................... 33PROGRAMS OF EDUCATIVE CREDIT AND SCHOLARSHIPS...................................................... 33EDUCATIVE CREDIT........................................................................................................................ 33SCHOLARSHIPS.............................................................................................................................. 33MEDICAL OFFICE............................................................................................................................ 34LIBRARY........................................................................................................................................... 34CENTER FOR SPYCHOLOGICAL ORIENTATION ......................................................................... 37DEPARTMENT OF AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES.......................................................................... 37DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS........................................................... 38BOOKSTORE.................................................................................................................................... 39CAFETERIA...................................................................................................................................... 40ARTS................................................................................................................................................. 41SERVICES OF EXTENSION TO THE COMMUNITY....................................................................... 42HACIENDA NIGUA............................................................................................................................ 42DENTAL CLINIC................................................................................................................................ 42PRE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL “DR. LUIS ALFREDO DUVERGÉ MEJÍA”AND LYCEUMOF PRACTICES AND EXPERIMENTAL OF LA VEGA .................................................................... 43VETERINARY CLINIC UNPHU......................................................................................................... 43ACADEMIC ORIENTATION.............................................................................................................. 45CRITERIA FOR THE SELECTION OF STUDENTS......................................................................... 45TRANSFERRED STUDENTS FROM OTHER UNIVERSITIES........................................................ 45ENROLLMENT.................................................................................................................................. 45CATHEGORY OF STUDENTS.......................................................................................................... 45CONVALIDATION OF SUBJECTS.................................................................................................... 46SYSTEM OF EVALUATION.............................................................................................................. 46SCALE OF EVALUATIONS............................................................................................................... 47ACADEMIC LOAD............................................................................................................................. 47ACADEMIC GPA............................................................................................................................... 48REGIMEN OF CLASS ATTENDANCE ............................................................................................ 50SPECIAL COURSES......................................................................................................................... 50ACADEMIC HONORS, HONOR ROLL OF THE SCHOOL............................................................... 51RE ENTRANCE................................................................................................................................. 51POLICY OF SATISFACTORY PROGRESS...................................................................................... 51DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................... 52CRITERIA OF EVALUATION............................................................................................................52 (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 5
PRE MEDICAL STUDENTS.............................................................................................................53TRANSFERENCES AND CHANGES OF CAREER.........................................................................53APPLICATION FOR THE POLICY OF SATISFACTORY PROGRESS...........................................53ADDITIONAL PRECISIONS.............................................................................................................53REVIEWS AND APPEALS...............................................................................................................53REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION ..........................................................................................54VALIDITY OF PLAN OF STUDY .....................................................................................................55NOMENCLATURE OF PLAN OF STUDIES....................................................................................56PROGRAMS.....................................................................................................................................57FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND ARTS...................................................................................59SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM...........................................................................65FACULTY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND NATURAL RESOURCES.................................78SCHOOL OF AGRONOMY..............................................................................................................81SCHOOL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE..........................................................................................88DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES.................................................................................96FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES..................................................................102DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................103SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANT AND AUDIT......................................................................................116POST GRADUATE PROGRAM IN BUSINESSS MANAGEMENT .................................................124FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND EDUCATION.............................................................................129DEPARTMENT OF PEDAGOGY.....................................................................................................131DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY................................................................................................155FACULTY OF LEGAL SCIENCES AND POLITICAL SCIENCES...................................................171LAW SCHOOL ................................................................................................................................171DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCES....................................................................................179 FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES................................................................................................184SCHOOL OF MEDICINE.................................................................................................................185 SCHOOL OF ODONTOLOGY.........................................................................................................194 SCHOOL OF PHARMACY...............................................................................................................201FACULTY OF SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY.............................................................................206DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY ....................................................................................................210DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCES..................................................................................211SCHOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEER.......................................................................................................222SCHOOL OF GEOMATICS ENGINEERING....................................................................................226SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER..........................................................................................235INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER................................................................................................................235DEPARTMENT OF POST GRADE IN PROJECTMANAGEMENT PROJECTS............................................................................................................241DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECTS ......................................................................................................252GLOSSARY OF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS............................................................................252ADM- BUSINESS MANAGEMENT...............................................................................................253AGR- AGRONOMY ......................................................................................................................262ARQ- ARCHITECTURE................................................................................................................265ART- ART ACTIVITIES.................................................................................................................272BIO- BIOLOGY............................................................................................................................273CES- MASTER IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT...........................................................................277CON- ACCOUNTING....................................................................................................................286DER- LAW.....................................................................................................................................290DIS- DESIGN...............................................................................................................................298ECO- ECONOMY..........................................................................................................................305EDF- PHYSICAL EDUCATION.....................................................................................................307EDU- EDUCATION/TEACHING....................................................................................................308EMA- ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT.......................................................................................321(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 6
FAR- PHARMACY........................................................................................................................324FIL- PHILOSOPHY.....................................................................................................................327FIS- PHYSICS............................................................................................................................329HUM- HUMANITIES......................................................................................................................332IAG- LAND SURVEYOR..............................................................................................................336IGE- GEOMATICS ENGINERING...............................................................................................338INF- COMPUTERS.....................................................................................................................341ING- CIVIL ENGINEERING.........................................................................................................348INI- INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING.............................................................................................356LET- LETTERS............................................................................................................................360LEX- FOREIGNER LANGUAGES...............................................................................................364MAT- MATHEMATICS..................................................................................................................366MED- MEDICINE...........................................................................................................................370ODO- ODONTOLOGY...................................................................................................................377ORI- COLLEGE ORIENTATION..................................................................................................377POL- POLITICAL SCIENCES.......................................................................................................384PRA- ANIMAL PRODUCTION......................................................................................................384PSI- PSYCHOLOGY...................................................................................................................388QUI- CHEMISTRY.......................................................................................................................390RNA- NATURAL RESOURCES....................................................................................................401SOC- SOCIOLOGY.......................................................................................................................411TMO- OPHTHALMIC TECHNICIAN..............................................................................................412VET- VETERINARY.....................................................................................................................416t (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 7
Building Dr. Miguel A. PiantiniMural Painted by the artist Amaya Salazar
MESSAGE FROM THE CHANCELLORThe academic authorities of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña edit the Catalog for the termcorresponding to 2012-2016. This aims to provide information of the educational careers offered to theDominican society by this Superior Education Institution, which bears the name of our illustrious humanist.UNPHU was founded on April 21st, 1966 by a distinguished group of professors, with a brilliant and continualtrajectory. This allows being one of the most prestigious centers of superior education in the country.Is an educative entity sponsored by the Dominican University Foundation integrated by several professionals,industrials, and businessmen who devote part of their valuable time to promote the projects of the Institution;All in an altruist keenly manner.In this catalog, submitted at the disposition of who are interested in knowing about UNPHU, will learnits philosophy, mission, vision and values; In addition to a valuable information about its academic –administrative structure, its government organization system, facilities, campus and requirements foradmission. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 11
UNPHU in its two campuses: Santo Domingo and La Vega offers thirty five careers, all vital for the nationaland regional development; integrated with seven faculties, eleven Schools and eight Departments.This publication constitutes a useful resource to know the careers offered by the University, as well as theprograms for cultural extension and of social service, the Odontology Clinic and the Veterinary Clinic. Tothe offer is added the Lyceum of Practices and Experimental, the Pre University College and the Agriculturefacility of Nigua, (REAGRO).Arq. Miguel R. Fiallo CalderónChancellor(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 12
PRESENT AUTHORITIES OF THE UNIVERSITYIng. José Rafael Espaillat, Ph. D. Lcda. Daniela Franco de Guzmán Vice chancellor of Management, Vice chancellor academic and Dean of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Faculty Dean of Humanities and Education FacultyIng. Víctor Beras Carpio Ph.D. Lcda. Lourdes Concepción Ramírez, Vice Chancellor of Extension Vice chancellor Post Grade, Investigation and Development (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 13
Lic. Baldemiro Martínez Estévez Ing. Carlos Troncoso LluberesVice Chancellor, Extension La Vega Dean of Sciences and Technology Faculty Dr. José J. Asilis-Záiter Dr. Leonardo Conde Rodríguez Dean of Health Sciences Faculty Dean of Economic(UNPHU) and Social Sciences FacultyUniversidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 14
Arq. Omar Rancier Valdez Dr. Rogert Espaillat Bencosme Dean of Architecture Dean of Legal and Arts Faculty and Political Sciences Faculty Lic. César Reynoso Dr. Gustavo Vega ImbertAdministrative and Financial Manager Director of Planning, Management and Systems Department (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 15
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF PEDRO HENRIQUEZ UREÑA Pedro Henríquez Ureña (1884-1946) is fairly deemed as a top figure of the Latin-American humanism, with Don Andrés Bello and Don Rufino José Cuervo. Born in Santo Domingo and graduated of high school at his home town, achieved his doctorate in Laws in the University of Mexico and later the Master and Doctorate in Letters in the University of Minnesota, USA. Notwithstanding its extended dedication to the teaching in Mexico and Argentina, Pedro Henríquez Ureña was able to perform a remarkable literary work, compiled in ten volumes by this University, proud to bear his name. Man of encyclopedic knowledge, expert in different litera- tures in their respective languages showed his extraordi- nary conditions as a writer in all aspects of his work, as a critic of art and discloser of philosophy and contemporary theatre in its essays of philosophy and castellan versifica- tion. Was particularly prolific his teaching work in Mexico and Argentina, where is remembered by the highest intellec- tual figures of both countries, who are proud to be called his disciples. Pedro Henríquez Ureña died in Argentina on 1946 in full acknowledgment of his literary greatness, which not fading over time is magnified filling the scope of our lan- guage.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 16
DOMINICAN UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION PEDRO HENRIQUEZ UREñA (FUDPHU), INC. The Dominican University Foundation is a private organization which has under its responsibility the promotion and development of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña. Is built by a large group of citizens from the private, industry, commerce, banking sectors of the nation, and aware that with this they fulfill a non neglected social responsibility decided to offer their effective contribution with the improvement and expansion of the superior education in Dominican Republic by mean of the creation of a center of education which, as UNPHU is fully capable to perform a main role in the integral development of the Dominican community. FUDPHU obtain it’s funds by spontaneous contributions of theirintegrants, as well as all those persons and public and private institutions wishing to collaborate with itin the achievement of their noble purposes, and wait to add in the future to those contributions all othercontribution or income obtained from revenues generated of its own patrimony, or originated in renderedservices produced by the University.Independent of the funds provided by FUDPHU to the University by the referred means, this account alsohas the economic support of the Dominican State.BOARD OF MANAGEMENT OF FUDPHU 2011-2013PRESIDENT: Lic. Eugenio Garrido Saviñón1st . VICEPRESIDENT: Arq. Carlos F. Aguiló Estrada2nd. VICEPRESIDENT: Ing. Manuel Troncoso Cuesta3rd. VICEPRESIDENT: Arq. Raúl F. de Moya Español4th. VICEPRESIDENT: Arq. Eugenio Pérez MontásTreasurer: Dr. Luis Rojas GrullónSecretary: Lic. José Milcíades AlburquerqueCommissary: Sr. Avelino AbreuMembers:Lic. Fabio Herrera RoaIng. Rafael BisonóArq. Luis Eduardo DelgadoArq. José Luis Rodríguez BonettiDr. Fernando Arturo Contreras PeñaPAST PRESIDENT: Ing. Mario Cabrera Morín (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 17
HYMN OF UNPHU With the soul raised towards triumph, Under the pallium of dignity, The crowned head with proud I salute my University You are the result of a bountiful effort And the mother land in you has an altar Where the thirsty find fresh water Of culture as one spring Those who come to you venerate you And promise with mystic unction Devote an altar of memories In the temple of their heart Lyrics by Mariano Lebrón Saviñón Music by : José Cerón(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 18
ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITIES ACEDEMIC AUTHORITIES CHANCELLOR Arq. Miguel Fiallo Calderón VICE CHANCELLORS Management: Ing. José Rafael Espaillat Muñoz Ph.D. Academic: Lic. Daniela Franco de Guzmán Post Grade, Investigation and Development: Lcda. Lourdes Concepción Ramírez Vice Chancellor of Extension: Ing. Víctor Beras Carpio Ph.D. Vice Chancellor, Extension La Vega: Lic. Baldemiro Martínez Estévez DEANS Faculty of Architecture and Arts: Arq. Omar RancierFaculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources: Dr. José Rafael Espaillat Muñoz Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences: Dr. Luis Leonardo Conde Rodríguez Faculty of Humanities and Education: Lic. Daniela Franco de Guzmán Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences: Dr. Rogert Espaillat Bencosme Faculty of Health Sciences: Dr. Carlos Manuel Montero Brens Faculty of Sciences and Technology: Ing. Carlos Troncoso Lluberes POST GRADE DIRECTORS Business Management: Lic. Ivette Camilo Brens Tropical Caribbean Architecture: Arq. Juan Mubarak Sciences in Ecology and Environment: Ing. Roberto Suriel Political Sciences: Lic. Clodoaldo Mateo Villanueva Conservation of Monuments and Cultural Goods: Arq. Linda Roca Pezzotti Accountant and Audit: Lic. Ivette Camilo Brens Project Management: Ing. Victor Beras Carpio Handling of natural Resources: Ing. Roberto Suriel (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 19
SCHOOL DIRECTORS Agronomy: Dr. José Rafael Espaillat Muñoz Architecture and Urbanism: Arq. José A. Constanzo Constanzo Accounting and Audit: Lic. Ana Ligia Piantini Martínez Law: Dr. Robert Espaillat Bencosme Design: Arq. Diana La Paix de Read Pharmacy: Dra. Rhayza Almánzar de Mena Hospitality and Tourism: Lic. Cristina Taveras Civil Engineering: Ing. William Read Espaillat Geomatics Engineering: Ing. Gustavo Rodríguez Industrial Engineering: Ing. Miguel Mustafá Medina Veterinary Medicine: Dr. José Ramón Hernandez Mella Medicine: Dr. Eduardo Antonio García Suárez Odontology: Dr. Rogelio Cordero López DIRECTORS OF ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTSS Art Activities: Prof. José del Monte Peguero Business Administration : Lic. Victoria García Biology : Lic. Guadalupe Alonso Computer Science: Ing. José Felipe Guillén Sarita Physical Education : Prof. Ángel Rolando Miranda Philosophy and Letters: Lic. Daniela Franco de Guzmán Physics: Ing. Carlos Troncoso Lluberes History and Geography: Lic. Daniela Franco de Guzmán Foreigner Languages: Lic. Alejandro Aguilar Mathematics: Lic. Amelia Parra Pedagogy: Lic. Patricia Estrella de Piñeyro Psychology: Lic. Evelyn Rivera Chemistry: Lic. Josefina Castillo Silva Natural Resources: Ing. Juan Roberto Suriel Sociology: Lic. Pedro Felipe Castro(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 20
DEPARTMENTS OF ACADEMIC SUPPORT TO TEACHING Co curricular Academic Activities: Lic. Alejandro Aguilar Admission and Test of University Ability: Lic. Cristina Taveras Library: Lic. Eloisa Marrero Sena Entrepreneurial Center “UNPHU Emprende”: Lic. Ivette Camilo Brens Pre College School “Dr. Luis Alfredo Duvergé Mejía”: Lic. Amada Villalona Academic Coordination: Lic. Ricardo Peguero Mentor Continuing Education: Lic. Nelson Lora Institute of Anatomy “Dr. Alejandro Capellán”: Dr. Martín Jiménez Michel Institute of Physiological Sciences and Experimental Medicine “Dr. José de Jesús Álvarez Perelló”: Dr. Charles RoerschLyceum of Practices and Experimental (La Vega Extension): Lic. José David Peña Núñez Planning, Organization and Systems: Lic. Gustavo Vega Imbert Audiovisual Resources: Dr. José Rafael Espaillat Registration and Evaluation: Lic. Jeanne Mena García de Socías Teacher Improvement and Evaluation: Lic. Ivelisse Díaz Sosa ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Administrative and Financial Management: Lic. César Reynoso López Human Management: Lic. Juana Morales Legal Advisor: Dr. Manuel R. Sosa Pichardo Internal Audit: Lic. Nelitza Sención Center of Computer and Data Processing: Ing. Indira Mazara Odontologic Clinic: Dra. Ana López Veterinary Clinic: Dra. Claudia Read Collection of Tuition and Category Fixing: Lic. Isabel Peña de Carela Purchases and Supplies: Lic; Úrsula F. León Grullón Construction and Maintenance: Ing. José Fernández General Comptroller: Lic. Wendy Sosa Treasury inspector’s office: Lic. Felicia Peña (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 21
Assistance Control: Dr. Álvaro Ventura Cooperative of Multiple Services: Andrés Mercedes Community Clinic: Dr. Martiza Rijo Equipment and Inventory: Lic. Wendy Sosa Printers: Andrés Mercedes Janitors: Sra. Maritza Castillo Payroll: Lic. Teresa Pujols Retirement Plan and Pensions: Mauricio Pérez Budget: Lic. Gustavo Vega Imbert Nets and Communications: Ing. José Fernández Public relations: Lic. Paloma Fernández Treasury: Lic. Dania Maria Guzmán Archives and Processes: Lic. Andrea De Los Ángeles Capellán Transportation: Ing. José Fernández Vigilance: Coronel Abbiut Aaron Zilberbeg(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 22
INTRODUCTIONHISTORY REVIEW Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña was founded on April 1966 as a private institution and was organized in accordance with the dispositions of the law No. 273 of July 27, the same year. The Dominican Government granted legal personality through the decree no. 1090 of March 21 1967, expressing on its article 2 that is in capacity to “issue academic titles with the same reach, force and validity as the ones issued by the official institutional or autonomous of equivalent category.old central university The University rules their academic and administrative activities in accordance with the dispositions of their general Bylaws approved by the Board of Management of the Dominican University Foundation, Inc. dated on December 14, 1970 and modified of June 5, 2007. The initial founders of UNPHU are personalities representing important activities of the country, which are grouped in the private organization denominated “Dominican University Foundation, Inc.” The name of Pedro Henríquez Ureña chosen to denominate the University is a tribute and acknowledgement to such great Dominican philologist and humanist, glory of the letters in America and in the world.Actual University UNPHU started their works on November 19, 1966 in a building of the State which used to host the Geriatric Hospital and wasgranted by the Government to FUDPHU to develop their purposes. This building was located on John F.Kennedy Ave. and was the headquarters of the central offices of the Building up to 2006, the main buildingof campus I.Currently the University is located on its new a modern campus, where gradually has been extending theirdependencies, in accordance with the requirements of the development of their academic programs andthe increase of its student enrollment. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 23
MISION, VISION AND VALUESMISIÓNContribute with the sustainable development and improvementof society through education and training of the human beingas a agent of change, competitive in its professional field,committed with the innovation and application of knowledgetargeted to the solution of the problematic of society as awhole.VISIÓNOur vision is to be a superior educative institution of academicexcellence, characterized by maintaining permanentprocesses of continuous improvement and quality assuranceof their main duties, due to their commitment with society andthe environment. tVALUESThe assumed values by UNPHU are based on humanistprinciples which provide meaning and purpose to theinstitutional life:• Academic excellence• Responsibility• Truth• Integrity• Equity• Ethics• Social commitment• Environmental sensibility• Plurality and Diversity(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 24
ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNMENTThe government of the University is performed mainly by the Chancellor, the Board of Management,the Academic Board, Superior Council of Investigations, Vice Chancellors, Deans, and School andDepartments Directors.RectoryThe Chancellor is the officer with the higher hierarchy at the University, representing the institution ineverything regarding the academic, administrative and institutional life; is chosen by the UniversityFoundation Inc. for a term of two years, which can be extended indefinitely. Should perform the executiveduties of the University, and by such virtue should fulfill and make fulfill the dispositions contained in theGeneral Bylaws, the regulations and resolutions approved by FUDPHU, by the Board of Management andthe Academic Council.In a general way, the Chancellor should perform, by himself, or when authorize by mean of delegationagreed to the correspondent officers, all activities of management inherent and indispensable to theoperation of the University.Board of ManagementThe Board of Management is an organ integrated by the President of FUDPHU, who will chair it, severalmembers chosen by FUDPHU and the Chancellor of the University. It has under its responsibility mainly,the approval of the project of the annual budget of expenses of the University and the coordination of thefunctioning of several administrative units. In addition, will provide to the Chancellor the advice requestedof all subjects deemed appropriate.Academic BoardThe Academic Board is an organ integrated by the Chancellor, who will chair it, by the Vice Chancellors andthe Deans in duties of the faculties and services which require it. It has under its responsibility, mainly, theapproval of the regulations of the University and the coordination of the operation of the several academicunits and the different plans of study; In addition, will provide advice to the Chancellor as requested by himof all subjects deemed appropriate.Academic Board of Post Grade, Investigation and ExtensionThe Academic Board of Post Grade, Investigation and Extension is an organ integrated by the Vice Rectorof Post Grade, Investigation and Development, who head it, the Deans or their representatives, Facultiesoffering Post Grades, the Director of Teaching Department, the School of Graduates, who will be theSecretary of the Board, Directors of Departments of Investigation and the Extension of the School ofGraduates and Coordinators of Post Grade Programs.It has under its responsibility to submit opinions over the initiatives in teaching, investigation and extensionand to submit it to the academic community of UNPHU; promote the development of the scientific,technological and educative investigation at a post graduate level; submit to the Vice Rector of Post GradeInvestigation and Development projects of rules, judgments, and regulations of academic character,technical and management regarding the post grade studies to teaching activities, of investigation andextension; structure the themes to candidates to the Coordinator of a Post Grade Program and submit itto the Rectory of UNPHU via the Post Grade Vice Rector Investigation and Development; approve its owninternal regulation; coordinate the operation of programs and plans of study of all post grades; propose thecreation of modification or suppression of any program of post grade and to watch for the fulfillment of thePost Grade regulation. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 25
Academic Vice RectoryThis is a unit of academic- administrative character served by a member of the teaching staff. Their dutiesare in essence of coordination; therefore is an organ of direct assistance to the Chancellor and is underits direct subordination. Its main responsibility is to watch for the effective compliance of the policies andacademic regulations of the University, as well as for the planning of its development. Among its mainduties are the supervision for the fulfillment of all admissions, transfers and evaluations of students; theselection, designation and evaluation, promotion and suspension of the teaching staff; the supervision ofthe fulfillment of the dispositions toward the elaboration, modification or evaluation of programs, seminarsand other academic activities targeted to satisfy teaching and in general supervise the academic activitiesof the University fit the principles of the organization and the academic philosophy outlined in the GeneralBylaws and in the further in force regulations.Vice Rectory of Post Grade, Investigation and Development This Office is a unit of academic and management character is served by a member of theteaching staff. Their duties are mainly coordination, therefore is an organ of direct assistance tothe Chancellor and it’s under its immediate control. Its foremost responsibility is to watch overthe effective fulfillment of the academic policies and regulations of the University as well as theplanning of its development. Among the main duties is the supervision of the fulfillment of thedispositions toward the elaboration, modification or evaluation of programs, seminars and otheracademic activities targeted to satisfy the teaching of post grade, investigation and universityextension.Vice Rectory of ManagementThe Vice Rectory of management is chaired by a member of the teaching staff of the University. Constitute aunit which essential duty is the direct assistance and advise to the Chancellor in all those matters regardingthe definition and performance of the plans of physical and economic development of the University andestablish the necessary mechanisms to guarantee the institutionalism of the process of planning, as well asthe efficiency in operations in plans of development of the University.Is competence of this Vice Rectory to represent the Rectory in several plans of development of the Universityand tend towards to a sustainable and balanced growth. It intervene in all deliberations and necessarydiligences for the establishment or modification of the policies and regulations regarding the institutionaldevelopment, on the international inter institutional relations, and with the community in general, helpingwith the financial aid and support of several plans of growth. This Vice Rectory is also in charge of theprocess of maintenance of the facilities of the University, as well as all those projects of construction andequipment regarding the enlargement and improvement of all facilities of the institution.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 26
DeansDeans are basically members of the teaching staff in charge of heading different faculties. In some casesDeans are in charge to those activities and services of important hierarchy in the management. Deansalso act as members of the Academic Board, are delegates of the Chancellor in their respective Facultiesand services; by such virtue they perform the duties of representing and correspondent coordination. Theyshould comply with all attributions assigned by the Chancellor.The University has the following deans: Dean of Architecture and Arts; Dean of Economic and Social Sci-ences; Dean of Health Sciences; Dean of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Dean of Humanities andEducation; Dean of Sciences and technology: Dean of Legal Sciences and Politics.Directors of Schools and DepartmentsAre members of the teaching staff, designated by the Chancellor. They perform executive duties.The Directors are the delegates of the Deans and the Chancellor. The following duties constitute theirresponsibility: • Head the sessions of the Academic Committee • Keep informed the Dean and the Chancellor of the activities of their unit and submit suggestions deemed appropriate for the improvement of them. • Promote and supervise all activities of their unit • Receive the explanations and requests of the students of the units under their management in accordance with all regulations. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 27
FACILITIES For the development of the teaching and administra- tive activities the University has the facility of Santo Domingo, an Agricultural and Cattle rising facility in Nigua, in San Cristobal and an extension of the uni- versity in La Vega. SANTO DOMINGO CAMPUS The campus E. O. Garrido Puello, located in John F. Kennedy Ave. Km 6 ½ in Santo Domingo has an area of 195,000 square meters and 22,052 meters of construction. Composed by 11 buildings with the following features:Building #1 for the Faculty of Architecture and Arts, classrooms, workshop rooms and Architecture computerroom, Design and Interior and Graphic Design and Advertising.Building #2 for the Faculty of Sciences and Technology with the Department of Computer Sciences,Chemistry, Physics, Math, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, among others.In addition to Chemistry, Physics and Computer labs and classrooms for such faculty.Building #3 occupied in the first floor by the Library of the University and the two superior floors TheDominican University Foundation, Rectory, Vice Rectory of Management and Post Grade, ContinualEducation, post grade classrooms, teleconference room, Law School and Public Relations Office.Building #4 for the faculty of Economic and Social Sciences with its Departments of Business and MarketManagement, Accounting, and Audit and Sociology, as well as classrooms and an Auditory with capacityfor 150 persons. In this building is also the Department of Psychology, Center of Student Orientation,Legal Advice, Community Clinic, Educative Technology, offices of maintenance and Human Resources,cooperative store and Forensic Practices.Building #5 occupied by the Pre University College “Dr. Luis Alfredo Duvergé Mejía” where basic andmiddle education is given and is also center for practices for students of BS in Education in its differentorientations.Building #6 occupied by the Biology department and its laboratories, as well as laboratories in the schoolsof Civil and Industrial Building #7 auditorium with capacity for 800 persons. building 8 Building #8 Faculty of Health Sciences and the schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, as well as the Institute of Physiologic Sciences and Experi-(UNPHU) mental Medicine “Dr. José de Jesús Álvarez Perelló”, labs of PharmacyUniversidad Nacional and Botanic, and classrooms. Also the office of the Academic Vice Rec-Pedro Henríquez Ureña tory, Faculty of Humanities and Education, Admissions, Register and the management dependencies of the University, as well as the Computer 28 Center. Building #9 Institute of Anatomy “Dr. Alejandro Capellán” and the labo-
ratories of Pathological Anatomy, and Histology, Clinic and Microbiology Labs.Building #10 Veterinary Clinic, as well as Faculty of Agriculture and Cattle Rising and Natural ResourcesFaculty with its school of Veterinary Medicine and their classrooms.Building #11 School and Clinic of Odontology, as well as the classrooms and labs of the school.Finally, there are various sports facilities for the practice of Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, baseballand football, among others.LA VEGA CAMPUSThis campus is in Federico García Godoy Ave. #71, Villa Fresca, La Vega; Is used to impart classes oftechnical careers and at grade level in areas of the Faculty of Agricultural and Cattle Rising Faculty andNatural Resources, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and Faculty of Education and Humanities,Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences and Faculty of Technology.AGRICULTURAL CAMPUS OF NIGUAThe Agricultural Exhibition Nigua (REAGRO) is the unit of practice, research and production of the Facultyof Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Located in the town of Nigua 30 km southwest of the town of Sant or Sunday. The REAGRO has an area of 732 hectares (11.712 Ta) where undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to work in different forestry projects and environmental con- servation, horticulture, nursery for the production of fruit plants, ornamental and forest production bales hay, tropical fruit and the production of cattle, horses and sheep. Also, visitors and students can see a forest management plan in execu- tion, a seed stand of mahogany, West In- dian avocados collection more completein the world, a sanctuary for migratory birds and wetlands under various ecological conservation. For itsdiversity and the REAGRO location is being included in ecotourism routes in the Southwest. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 29
ADMISSIONNEW STUDENTS Documentos necesarios •Photocopy of High school title • Official certificate of High School Studies. If studied abroad, homologation of certificate by the Ministry of Education of Dominican Republic is required. • Academic record (original) of the last four years of high school of precedence. Students in the last year of high school will be able to deposit only the certificate of the last three years and evidence of the attendance to fourth year; and will be registered in the University with the condition of completion of their high school studies at the beginning of the semester. • Original Birth Act, certified and legalized • Four 2 x 2 photos • Copy of the ID and /or passport or residence • Form of Admission request, duly filled. • All applicants to new entrance are submitted to a test of University Ability (P.A.U.) and to a medical evaluation in the medical office of the University. Steps to follow: • Wait for the publication on the media for the call to admission. • Acquire and fill the Admission Form • Pay in the Treasury with the filled Admission Form the right to the University Ability Test. • Deposit the required documents in the Admission’s office. • Acquire in the Admission’s office the Presentation card for the University Ability Test. • Take the University Ability Test in the time and day appointed in your presentation card. • Wait for the publication in the wall in front of treasury of the University and verify if is admitted. • If admitted, should start the Tuition process in the given date. In a contrary could pick up your documents in the Admission’s office. • Go to the Medical Office of the University to receive your medical evaluation.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 30
TRANSFERRED STUDENTS Requirements • A minimum of 15 credits which can be validated. • A GPA no less than 2.2 (In the event of Medicine to start in the Pre clinic Cycle of Basic Sciences the minimum GPA of 2.5). • Original of Academic Record certified by the University of origin and legalized by the Ministry of Superior Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT). • Copies of the programs of study duly sealed by the University Copy of the High School title • Fotocopia de Título de Bachiller. • Official certificate of High School Studies, If performed the studies abroad they should officially approve their certificates in the Ministry of Education of Dominican Republic • Original Live Birth Act, certified and legalized • 4 photos 2 x 2. • Receipt per concept of request • Medical evaluation in the medical Office of the University • Visa if foreigner • Note: If the student is foreigner, should submit their documents with the duly footnote (apostille). Steps to follow: • Wait for the publication of the call to request of admission by Transference. • Go to the Admission’s office to pick up the Transference’s request form. • Go to Treasury with the Transference’s request form and pay the right of request. • Deposit in the Admission’s office the required documents. • Wait for the answer of request in a letter where if approved will be notified of the term of inscription; and if not your submitted documents will be annexed. • Per each validated subject should pay a sum previously assigned by the university authorities. • Go to the medical office of the University to perform the evaluation.SPECIAL STUDENTS Requirements • Filled form of request of Admission • Two photos 2 x 2 • Legalized live birth act • Receipt of payment in the Treasury • The special student should submit the documents authorizing as a high school student or certificate of sufficiency of Middle Education. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 31
Steps to follow: • Request form in written before the Admission’s Director. • Submit all documents in the Admission’s office. Be in constant communication with the office of Admission to receive response to his/her request. POST GRADUATED STUDENTS Requirements • Copy of the Title of High School completion • Official certificate of High School. If studied abroad, their certificates duly authorized by the Ministry of Education of Dominican Republic. • Academic record of the last four years of high school. • Academic record of the university in original legalized by MESCyT. • Copy of the title of the University legalized by MESCyT. • Original live birth act, certified and legalized. • 4 photos 2 x 2. • Copy of the ID and /or passport and residence. • Form of request of Admission, duly filled. • Correspondent visa (if foreigner). • Note: If the student is foreigner should submit their documents with the duly apostilles. Steps to follow: • Wait for the publication in the media of the call to request of admission . • Acquire and fill the Admission Form. • Go to treasury with the filled Form of Admission. • Submit to the office of Admission the required documents. • Wait for the publication in the wall in front of the Treasury of the University and verify if have been admitted. The list of students is often disclosed in the newspapers. • If admitted should start the process of tuition in the given date. If the contrary could pick up his/her documents in the Admission’s office. CONTACT Address : J.F. Kennedy Ave. Km 6 ½ Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic e-mail: [email protected](UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 32
STUDENT’S SERVICESUNPHU offers several student services, designed to contribute to the academic staff and students.To this purpose, the University has trained personnel in order to meet one of the main objectives ofthe organization: “The formation of the personality of the student, in spirit, intellect and physical, sothat, as a social being, could render better services to the community in which they live.”PROGRAM OF ACADEMIC CREDIT AND SCOLARSHIPEducative Credit:Attached to the Rectory office, which has as main objective to process the educational loans of FUDPHUfor post grade studies, promoting the professional training of the students of demonstrated intellectualaptitude who, at the same time, confronts problems of lack or insufficiency of financial resources to coverhis/her education.Will be able to participate in this program all students duly enrolled in the University and who have done atleast one semester.This office also makes the processing of educational loans or other FUNDAPEC available in the country,which covers grade-level students. Requirements: • To be a Dominican of origin or by birth • Face up financial difficulties to pay for your studies • Have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 minimum at the date of the request • Take the complete academic load of 12 credits as a minimum • Don’t be the holder of a scholarship, loan or similar aid from the university or another institution.Scholarships:Is an office dependent of the Rectory aiming to process de the requests of internal scholarships of UNPHU,with the purpose to promote the professional education of the student of proved intellectual aptitude, whichis having problems due to insufficiency of economic resources to pay for his/her studies.Will be able to participate in this program all students duly registered in the University. Requisitos: • Be Dominican by birth or origin. • To cover economic problems confronting their studies. • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on the date of application. • Carry a full course load of 12 credits minimum. • Not enjoying grant, loan or similar assistance from the University and another institution. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 33
MEDICAL OFFICEThe Medical Office of UNPHU is a nonprofit program of services dependent of the School of Medicine infavor of the management, teaching and dependencies staff, as well as all registered students in the Univer-sity; Includes the extension of La Vega and the students of the pre college School Dr. Luis Alfredo DuvergéMejía.All regarding the function of the Medical Office is ruled by its internal regulation and the dispositions fromtheir Advice Council. This is integrated by The Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Director of theSchool of Medicine and the Director of the Medical Office.Regarding the program of services it offers general medical assistance to students, the teaching and theadministrative staff.BIBLIOTECAUniversidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña has a Library located in the heart of the campus E.O. GarridoPuello. The library is acknowledged for having its own building, an innovative space designed in circularshape allowing, among other things, a better interior climatic control; shorter and more accessible internaldistance from all angles of the university campus, without losing the environmental surrounding of theUniversity Campus. The library is deemed as the greater library of the country regarding its constructionarea. The spaces are designed for different types of users of the academic community, furnished withtables, cubicles, seminars rooms for study in groups, teacher’s rooms, rest area, conference room, andother facilities with the purpose to promote privacy within an appropriate environment devoted for the(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 34
study and reflection and to achieve the better use of the educative resources located there in the differentcollections.The construction area in 7,600 square meters, with two levels with their respective mezzanines and a semibasement with capacity for 5,000,000 volumes of books and 1,500 users. This library harbors a specialroom, the personal library of Dr. Joaquín Balaguer, former president of the Republic.The bibliographical collection of the library is heterogeneous, in themes, geographic and type of subjects,among which are books, magazines, newspapers, brochures, grade works, maps, micro cards, among oth-ers. Currently it harbors more than 50,000 books and 2,415 titles of magazines and newspapers.The collections of the library are specialized in Medicine, Social Sciences, Economy, Management, Sociol-ogy, Accountant, Legal and Political Sciences, Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Arts, Computer,Math, Statistics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Education, Agronomy, Psychology, Veterinary, Humanitiesand other areas of the Health Sciences as Odontology and Pharmacy. Also has general interest and rec-reational works.The Library has a specialized staff, supported by a technical and auxiliary staff.The different services that offer place within reach of the academic community a wide bibliographical col-lection with the purpose to support the request of information of the academic and investigation programs (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 35
and collaborate with the technical professional, scientific and humanistic education of the student. Betweenservices offered are the following: consult and book loans, magazines and newspapers; reservation of bib-liographical materials; rooms for reading, individual and in groups; teacher’s room. Elaboration of bibliogra-phies by themes, service of page content of magazines, internet access for teachers and students, bulletinof acquisitions and orientation in the use, services and resources, through speeches and visits.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 36
CENTER OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ORIENTATIONThe center for Psychological Orientation of UNPHU depends of the Department of PsychologyOrientation. Provide aid and general assistance in the areas of personal social orientation andvocational professional, as well as to new students and our graduates.The services of the Center of Orientation are targeted to all students of our University in specialto those who request it and/or deserve specialized attention due to a psychological, personal oracademic problem.Tasks and duties of the Center: • ssistance to students with low academic performance • Assistance to students in Low Academic condition • Assistance personal difficult circumstances • Assessment to students of Premedical and Odontology • Assessment to students in the career of Psychology • Vocational test • Institutional Information • Academic Orientation • Transfer from one career to another • Transfers inter universitiesDEPARTMENT OF AUDIOVISUAL RESOURCESThe Department of Educative Technology is the main source of materials supply and resources that supportthe process of teaching-learning.Offer to teachers and students the following services in support of the improvement of learning process: • Advise for the selection of audiovisual resources • Loans of audiovisual equipment and material • Design and confection of transparencies • Design and production of graphic materials and photography • Recording and edition of TV and audio materials (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 37
DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTSThis unit has the responsibility to plan, promote and perform all activities within the fieldof physical education and sports; it should be fulfilled by the students, as well as theattendance of these on international contests and with other similar institutions in thecountry and abroad.To promote the practices of sports, the University has different facilities in its campus.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 38
BOOKSTOREProvide services to students and teachers by mean of the search and acquisition in the required amountof all books of study, consult, reference or any other nature that may help with the integral education of thestudent, or academic update of the teacher in accordance with the requested by the correspondent academicunits, or by the students and teachers. In addition, provide equipment of the academic performance ataffordable prices. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 39
CAFETERIAOffer services of food, to students and teachers as well as to all management staff of the University .(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 40
ARTS (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 41
EXTENSION SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITYHACIENDA NIGUAThe Agricultural Campus of Nigua (REAGRO) located 30 km southwest of Santo Domingo is the practiceand research unit of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (FCAyNR). They also oper-ate production projects where students and producers which visit observe and solve real problems of man-agement and agricultural production. This facility has been generating important results of applied researchfor the national agricultural and is used by other UNPHU’s Schools and Departments for their communityoutreach programs. In the livestock area we can mention the Livestock Breeding Center, which was createdin the late 80’s for the improvement and breeding of cattle and their distribution to small and medi um farm-ers at reduced prices. Also REAGRO, has been the reproduction and distribution Center for sheep breed“Pelibuey”. In the agricultural area we can mention the training of farmers in the area of impact, low-priceddistribution of planting material of vegetable, banana, maize, cassava and sweet potato and fruit and for-est plants to local producers and the entire country. Each year, the Faculty of Health Sciences through theSchool of Odontology performs dental operations in the community, where inhabitants are served of freemedicines. In Forestry and Environmental each year REAGRO donates mahogany seeds to the Ministry ofEnvironment for seedbeds, as well as fruit buds for grafting. UNPHU submitted in the 80’s the constructionof a school of initial education on the grounds of REAGRO for the benefit of the community. DENTAL CLINIC In this deontological clinic services are offered to children and adults in the different branches of Odontology. Among them we can mention: Diagnosis, Emergencies, Radiology, Periodoncy, Oral surgery, Odontopediatrics, Endodontics, Prosthesis (fixed, partial removable and total) Surgery and orthodontics. All services are performed by at term students, duly supervised by teachers of each area. The working hours of our Clinic are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 m and 1:00 p. m. to 4:00 p. m. In addition, as part of extramural activities, offered by Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU) are the Odontological Services provided in the Oncology Institution Dr. Heriberto Pieter, Juan Pablo Pina Hospital and Life and Hope Foundation where children with special needs are assisted. Is good to appoint that UNPHU has been performing Odontological Operatives with several companies with the(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 42
purpose to contribute improving the oral health conditions in different communities if the country, as FalconBridge in Hato Viejo (Bonao), FUNDACIPE in Pedernales, among others.Finally our institution since several years ago has supported by semesters in the city of Moca a Surgicalodontological work in which corrective surgeries of hare lip and cleft palate in Toribio Bencosme Hospital.This program is performed in coordination of some of our teachers with a group of surgeons of Universidadde Puerto Rico and the support of several institutions of our country and the community of Moca.PRE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL “DR. LUIS ALFREDO DUVERGÉ MEJÍA”AND LYCEUM OF PRACTICESAND EXPERIMENTAL OF LA VEGA tWithin the educative area UNPHU has two centers for middle education, one in Santo Domingo and anotherin La Vega, these are models schools of middle education, where modern methods and didactic resourcesfor teaching for teenagers are in practice.Through the centers residents of the surroundings of the university campus have the opportunity to receivea good education, in accordance with the contemporary pedagogical advances.VETERINARY CLINIC UNPHUIn the Veterinary Clinic pets, mainly as dogs and cats, receive medical attention in the different areas ofthe veterinary as internal medicine, radiology, sonography, surgery, electrocardiography, clinical lab andhistopathological, oral prophylaxis, among others, serving of practical training center to the students of theSchool. Is important to appoint that the main role of the Veterinary Clinic is to create a link patient-client-society- student, these last with a leading role, in all moment under the supervision and guidance of skilledprofessionals graduated from our School. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 43
It is important to note that the primary role of the Veterinary Clinic is to create a Patient link - Client - Society- Student, the latter taking a leading role, under the supervision of experienced professionals, graduates ofour School.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 44
ACADEMIC INFORMATIONCRITERIA FOR STUDENT’S SELLECTIONCandidates to enter into the University for first year should submit the summarized documents on thechapter targeted to Admissions.As a previous request to consideration of your request of admission all applicants are submitted to a testfor University Aptitude, which is appropriate announced by the University on advertisements disclosed innational circulation newspapers.Students Transferred from Other Universities:The request of applicants with studies in any university or superior educative institution acknowledged bythis University can be approved whenever satisfy the following requirements: • Availability of vacancy • At least 15 credits which can be validated or its equivalent • For the validation of subjects is necessary that these could have similar objects and contents of programs to those of our plan of study and the applicant should obtain an approved grade in the institution of precedence. • The maximum of possible validate credits has a limit, is an indispensible requirement to attend to 50% of the credits of the career in UNPHU (In the career of Medicine only subjects of Pre Medical can be validated) to opt for the title of this University. • The studies performed in the University of Precedence obtained an Academic Grade Point Average of 2.2 (In the career of Medicine to enter into the Pre Clinical Basic Sciences Cycle of 2.5).ENROLLMENTOnce the student receive evidence of the results of the medical exam, will proceed to pay its enrollment inthe Office of the University.With this last formality is completed the enrollment process.CATEGORY OF STUDENTSThe students of the University are grouped in the following categories:Full time students: those that met all requirements of enrollment, applicants of grades, diplomas orcertificates and follow the program with a minimum of 12 credits per semester. Part time students: Those that met the requirements of enrollment applicants of grades, diplomas orcertificates and follow the program with less than 12 credits per semester.Unregistered Students: those that even in compliance with all requirements of enrollment are not applicantsof grades, diplomas or certificates. They can attend to classes previous the allowance of the correspondentDirector of the School of Department, in accordance with the requirements and the registration Office, but (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 45
does not receive official grades or academic credit for the work performed at class, except for a certificateof attendance if they request so.Special Students: Those that can’t be included in any of the former categories but has been authorizedto attend in programs or courses by the Commission of Admissions of the University. These students canbe authorized to receive credits for attended and approved classes, which cannot be valid for purposes ofgrades or title except if authorized by the Academic Board. Also special students attending to programs orcourses with no credits could receive a certificate of attendance or participation, depending on each case.VALIDATION OF SUBJECTSThe student entering into the University has the right to have the validation of subjects correspondent withthe plan of studies of the Career chosen and obtained an approval grade in the scale of the institution ofprecedence. Per each validated subject should pay a sum previous established by the university authorities.SYSTEM OF EVALUATIONThe verification of the academic performance obtained by the student as well as the appreciation of itseducational process, in the professional order as well as in the personal will be by mean of the applicationof a system of tests established in the present section. This system is based in the results reached by thestudent in:The labs works and outside the classroom: These are the academic activity performed in lab exercises,development of specific themes, verification or bibliographical investigation, reading reports, analysis ofspecific themes, seminars and hospital practices with patients among others.Partial Tests: These are written exams, of objective character, with a value of 100 points. They should haveat least 75 per cent in the themes of the subject explained in the term correspondent to the test. These testswill not be less than three in each semester. The term of a partial test will be one (1) hour, except thoseevents in which a longer term would be authorized by the Director of the School or Department, wheneverthe nature of the subject require so. Teachers within 72 hours following the date of the test should deliverthe grades to their Department, which will submit immediately copies to the correspondent School or De-partment.Final Test: This is a written exam over the base of a questionnaire for a value of 100 points, previously ap-proved by the correspondent Director of the School or Department and should be of themes composed bythe program of the subject. The themes should include learned themes during the semester.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 46
SCALE OF EVALUATIONThe obtained points in the Final evaluation of each subject will be expressed in the following way:Numeric Grade Denomination Literal Grade Points 90-100 outstanding A 4 80-89 Good B 3 70-79 C 2 60-69 Passing grade D 1 fail F 0 59 or less EX Not approved I Exonerated FI Incomplete R CV Reproved for non attendance Withdraw validatedA subject is approved when the numeric grade in more than 70 or more.The grade D will be used when the student obtain a numeric grade between 60 and 69 in the final evaluation,which grant him/her the faculty to opt for an extraordinary test except in the School of Medicine, where thereare no extraordinary tests.If after receiving the extraordinary test reach a grade in the final evaluation of 60 or 69 will receive a D,fail. In the event of not taking the extraordinary test the original grade D will remain. In both events shouldrepeat the subject.The Incomplete I grade will be used when the student received from the Director of the Academic Unit anauthorization to differ the final test, due to a disease or acts of God, duly verified. In this situation the studentshould take the differed test in the given date in the Academic Calendar of the University.ACADEMIC LOADThe University is distributed in three academic terms per year denominated semesters, with a term eachone of 15 weeks including final tests. The academic load of a student will be determined by the plan ofstudies ruling the career, this is that will only be able to carry the allowed number of credits per semesterby each plan.Notwithstanding the Directors of Schools and departments will be able to authorize a Full Time student,as well as in special programs to take an academic load higher than the stipulated in the plan of studies,whenever the student has a Grade point average higher than 3.00. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 47
GRADE POINT AVERAGE The Grade Point Average is the measurement of the processing of studies of the student. Is obtained in the following way: • The obtained points on each completed subject are multiplied by the number of correspondent credits • All calculated products are added to obtain a total of points • All credits of all completed subjects are added to obtain a total of credits • The total of points is divided into the total of credits • Results are squared to the tenth (if the hundredth is between 0 and 4 the value of the tenth is not altered, and if the hundredth is between 5 and 9 the tenth is increased in the unit.)Accumulated Grade Point Average (GPA)At the termination of each academic term completed by the student two GPA will be calculatedThe correspondent to the term, from the subjects registered and evaluated in such term.The Accumulated GPA based on all subjects completed by the student in his/her career up to the moment.If the student repeat some subject in two or more academic terms, in the accumulated GPA will only beincluded the subject once with the higher grade.Academic Condition is the assignment of the student to a category, based on the academic GPA persemester and accumulated reached and up to the last completed semesterWe can distinguish nine types of academic conditions:Normal Condition: correspond to the student with an appropriate academic performance during the formersemester.Academic Test Condition 1 and 2. Correspond to the student with a non appropriate academic performanceduring the former semester and is submitted to a term of strict academic supervision.Condition of academic deficiency. Correspond to the student that wasn’t able to improve his/her academicperformance during the test term and is only allowed to register in a new career.Condition of Academic test for deficiency 1 and 2. Correspond to the student changing career due toacademic deficiency and is submitted to a new level of academic supervision.Condition of Academic Probation. Correspond to the student who falls for the second time in conditionof academic deficiency. This student will be able to return to the institution to attend to another career bytransfer from another center of higher education, whenever its enrollment weren’t definitively cancelled.Condition of Definitively Academic probation. Correspond to the student who falls for the second timein condition of academic deficiency and is separated definitively from the University.Undefined Condition: Correspond to the student which academic condition is not determined by anycause.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 48
The academic condition of the student will be determined at the term of each semester in which is enrolledand is valid until the termination of the following semester.All student starting studies in the university will be assigned with normal condition and will remain in thiscondition during its two first semesters.All students who at the term of any semester reach the GPA by semester or accumulated equivalent orsuperior to 2.0 will be in normal condition during the following attending semester.Those students who at the term of any semester (with exception of the first one) does not achieve to reachone of the minimum GPA (semester or accumulated) specified above will be in condition of academic test1, during the following semester. If at term of the semester being in academic test 1 once cannot reach oneof the minimum GPA, the student will remain at test during one more months (condition of academic test2). Even if at the end of the semester of academic test 2, the student does not reach the minimum GPA willpass to academic deficiency, except if approved the 75% of the credits of the career, and in such event theterm of test will be extended in the condition of academic test 1 again, which can be extended to a secondsemester (academic condition 2), if the normal condition is not reached at the end of the first term. Thestudent with 75% of his career approved and in condition term of test does not recover the normal conditionwill also pass to academic deficiency.In condition of academic deficiency the student should be enrolled in a new career more suitable to theirattitudes, interests and academic level. To request the change of career due to academic deficiencythe student should address previously the Psychological Orientation Center of the University, with thepurpose to seek aid in the process to choose a new career. The result of this activity will be notified by thePsychological Orientation Center to the Academic Vice Rectory which will approve the change, previousconsult with the Director of the program. In the moment in which the student is approved to a change ofcareer due to academic deficiency will pass to condition of academic tests for deficiency 1. This test termcan be extended for a second semester (condition of academic test for deficiency 2) in the event of notrecovering the normal condition at the term of the first one.If at term of the academic condition due to deficiency 2 the student achieve to reach a normal condition willpass to academic dismiss and will be definitively withdraw from the University. This student will be able toenroll again at UNPHU to study another career after achieving a professional grade in another university.During any test term the Director of the career of Medicine should limit the academic load of the studentto a maximum of 20 credits. In the same way will submmit the student in condition of academic test to theCenter of Psychological Orientation to determine the factors affecting the low academic performance andcollaborate with the student in the overcoming of this situation. (UNPHU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña 49
RULES OF CLASS ATTENDACEThe number of absences allowed in the theories classes is established in the following table:CREDITS OF THEORY HOURS ALLOWED OF OF THE SUBJECT NON ATTENDANCE IN THE 1 SEMESTER 2 4 3 8 4 12 5 16 20Multiplying the number of credits in theory by the factor “4”, you get the total hours of allowable absencesfor the semester in lectures. Attendance at practices is mandatory 100%.Those students with a GPA of 3.0 or more and who have committed absences in excess of the foregoing,but not more than one credit for each additional absence of theory of the subject, may submit their situationfor consideration to the Academic Council before the conclusion of final exams.Students at the School of Medicine must meet at least 80% of attendance for each of the unit comprisingthe subjects of clinical courses and internships.If a student in a subject does not reach the score of 70 points in the laboratory work or practice in or outsidethe classroom or the number of assistance to the required theoretical lessons, will get in that subject thefailing grade (F).SPECIAL COURSESSpecial courses are designed primarily to give students the opportunity to advance the study of their career,and allow those who had been disqualified or who are unable to take a prerequisite course for beingrejected, to take the rejected courses one semester different to the one provided in the curriculum.The director of the School or Department may organize special courses to meet the administrative, academicand economic requirements under the regulations of the University. (Special Course Regulations approvedby resolution of February 7, 1974).ACADEMIC HONORSFull-time students with 12 semester credits or more who have obtained a grade of 3.00 or more GPA forthree consecutive semesters of the school year and have not been rejected in any subject shall enter intothe Honor Roll School.A student who becomes worthy of being enrolled in the Honors School during the three semestersthat integrate a school year, will be privileged to appear during the subsequent academic year in the HonorRoll of the University. The Registration Office will issue to students who appear on that Roll a certificationthrough which the University will record the honor achieved.(UNPHU)Universidad NacionalPedro Henríquez Ureña 50
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