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Description: American Standard


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W ATE42% CTION 104.2 59.2 50 R USE REDU ¡Õ°. 2067-2552 G1/2\" Cygnet Mono ´‘°‡πÁ∑ ‚¡‚π 106.5 Ø45 A-0306-10-LE Ø47.5 °çÕ°πÈ”‡¬ÁπÕã“ß≈å“ßÀπå“ 2 ATE42% TION 107 Seva Mono ´’«“ ‚¡‚π A-6501-10-LE R USE REDUC ¡Õ°. 2067-2552 33 110 Max 25 °çÕ°πÈ”‡¬ÁπÕã“ß≈å“ßÀπå“ 50 Agate Mono ‡Õ‡°∑ ‚¡‚π Installation hole A-2601-10-LE Ø32-38 °çÕ°πÈ”‡¬ÁπÕã“ß≈å“ßÀπå“ Active ll ·ÕÁ§∑’ø ∑Ÿ G1/2\" A-3906-10-LE °çÕ°πÈ”‡¬ÁπÕã“ß≈å“ßÀπå“ W ATE39% CTION 151.8 R USE REDU ¡Õ°. 2067-2552 93 49 50 G1/2\" MAX28 W ATE39% CTION R USE REDU ¡Õ°. 2067-2552 108.9 64.9 50 G1/2\" 39

LIXIL (Thailand) Publ 1/6 Moo 1, Phaholyothin R Tel : +66-2-901-4455 Fa LIXIL Showroom Building D, Crystal Desig Tel : +66-2-102-2222 Fax www.AmericanStand

lic Company Limited Road K.M.32, Klong Neung, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand ax : +66-2-901-4488 gn Center (CDC), Praditmanutham Road, Bangkok 10240, Thailand x : +66-2-102-2040

New Faucet Collections 2017

ÊØ´ÂÍ´áºÃ¹´Íѹ´Ñº 1 ·Õè¤Ãͧ㨼ٌºÃÔâÀ¤ÁÒ¡·ÕèÊØ´ »ÃШӻ‚ 2017 ¨Ò¡¼Å¡ÒÃÇԨѠ'Thailand's Most Admired Brand 2017' áÅÐ 'Why We Buy???' â´Â

1 12 3...That would be my life. 2 3


2 3 Collections „À¡!ã Yes! °—∫ 3 ‰μ≈è∑’Ë·μ°μã“ß It's me. ‡≈◊Õ° ‘Ëß∑’Ë„™ã...·≈å«∫Õ°„Àå‚≈°√Ÿå!


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CODIE COLLECTION ‚§¥’È §Õ≈‡≈Á§™—Ëπ Comfort Space –¥«° ∫“¬°—∫ Comfort Space ª“°°çÕ°¬“« ™ã«¬‡æ‘Ë¡√–¬–°“√≈å“ß¡◊Õ „Àå¡“°¢÷Èπ „™åß“π –¥«° ∫“¬¢÷È𠪓°°√Õߥ’‰´πè‡√’¬∫À√Ÿ “¡“√∂‡≈◊Õ°ª√—∫¡ÿ¡¢Õß “¬πÈ”‰¥å 15 Õß»“ ·≈–„Àå “¬πÈ”∑’Ëπÿã¡π«≈ Comfort Groove ®—∫∂π—¥¡◊Õ ¡◊Õ®—∫ÕÕ°·∫∫‡ªöπ摇»… „À凪öπ√ãÕß ®—∫°√–™—∫¡“°¢÷Èπ Codie ‚§¥’È 75 15° Max35 145 Ø45 F1B201-CHACT 110 Max370 G1/2\" °çÕ°º ¡Õã“ß≈å“ßÀπå“ 130 æ√åÕ¡ –¥◊ÕÕã“ß·≈– μÁÕª«“≈è« FFASB201-1T1501BT0 113 ‰¡ã√«¡ –¥◊ÕÕã“ß·≈– μÁÕª«“≈è« G1/2\" 170 Codie ‚§¥’È 220 FFASB211-6T1500BT0 31 °çÕ°º ¡Õã“ßÕ“∫πÈ”·≈–¬◊πÕ“∫ 150±15 44 æ√åÕ¡™ÿ¥Ωò°∫—« FFASB211-6T1501BT0 2-G1/2\" ‰¡ã√«¡™ÿ¥Ωò°∫—« 2-Ø70

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WINSTON COLLECTION «‘π μ—π §Õ≈‡≈Á§™—Ëπ I-HANDLE MY DREAM. MY SPACE. MY PLAYGROUND. Trendy and Chic style ‡√’¬∫ß㓬 ∑—π ¡—¬ ‡À¡“–°—∫ÀåÕßπÈ”À≈“¬√Ÿª·∫∫ Ergonomic Handle ¡◊Õ®—∫∂Ÿ°ÕÕ°·∫∫μ“¡À≈—°°“√¬»“ μ√è Inventor of Ceramic Disc Cartridge ‡´√“¡‘§«“≈è«¡’§«“¡∑π∑“π ºã“π°“√∑¥ Õ∫°«ã“ 300,000 §√—Èß À¡¥ª—≠À“πÈ”√—Ë«´÷¡®“°«“≈è«

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WINSTON COLLECTION «‘π μ—π §Õ≈‡≈Á§™—Ëπ YOUNG, CONTEMPORARY X WITH DESIGN -HANDLE FEATURES Trendy and Chic style ‡√’¬∫ß㓬 ∑—π ¡—¬ ‡À¡“–°—∫ÀåÕßπÈ”À≈“¬√Ÿª·∫∫ Ergonomic Handle ¡◊Õ®—∫∂Ÿ°ÕÕ°·∫∫μ“¡À≈—°°“√¬»“ μ√è Inventor of Ceramic Disc Cartridge ‡´√“¡‘§«“≈è«¡’§«“¡∑π∑“π ºã“π°“√∑¥ Õ∫°«ã“ 300,000 §√—Èß À¡¥ª—≠À“πÈ”√—Ë«´÷¡®“°«“≈è«

130 Winston «‘π μ—π 91 35Max FFAST701-1T1500BT0 °çÕ°πÈ”‡¬ÁπÕã“ß≈å“ßÀπå“ 28° 45 (‰¡ã√«¡ –¥◊ÕÕã“ß) 97 Winston «‘π μ—π FFAST702-0T0500BT0 48 Ø42 °çÕ°πÈ”‡¬Áπ ·∫∫μ‘¥ºπ—ß Winston «‘π μ—π G1/2\" FFAST703-6T1500BT0 °çÕ°πÈ”‡¬ÁπÕ‡π°ª√– ß§è ·∫∫ Õß∑“ß 65R1/2\" Winston «‘π μ—π Ø52 FFAST704-7T1500BT0 R1/2\" °çÕ°πÈ”‡¬Áπ¬◊πÕ“∫ ·∫∫μ‘¥ºπ—ß 53 Winston «‘π μ—π 68 FFAST705-7T9500BT0 °çÕ°πÈ”‡¬Áπ¬◊πÕ“∫ ·∫∫Ωòߺπ—ß 110 5° 64 Ø14 71 Ø52 G1/2\" 15° 44 99 Ø52 R1/2\" G1/2\" 29 63 SW28 G1/2\" Ø60 57 G1/2\" SW28 35~50 Winston «‘π μ—π 304 Ø18 20° FFAST706-5T1500BT0 48 195 196 °çÕ°πÈ”‡¬Áπ ”À√—∫Õã“ß≈å“ß®“π ·∫∫¢Õ∫Õã“ß 35Max Ø42 G1/2\" Winston «‘π μ—π R1/2\" Ø18 271 FFAST707-5T1500BT0 195 °çÕ°πÈ”‡¬Áπ ”À√—∫Õã“ß≈å“ß®“π 20° ·∫∫μ‘¥ºπ—ß Ø52 163 36.5 3

LIXIL (Thailand) Pub 1/6 Moo 1, Phaholyothin Tel : +66-2-901-4455 F LIXIL Showroom Building D, Crystal Desi Tel : +66-2-102-2222 Fa www.americanstand

blic Company Limited n Road K.M.32, Klong Neung, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand Fax : +66-2-901-4488 ign Center (CDC), Praditmanutham Road, Bangkok 10240, Thailand ax : +66-2-102-2040 REV.0 05/2017

Advanced Toilet Technology From Japan


LIXIL proudly offers this Luxury Toilet to the world 03




THE REGIO COMBINES POWER AND QUIET TO CREATE THE INDUSTRY’S FIRST “SILENT STREAM FLUSHING SYSTEM” The REGIO’s flush is 10% quieter than a conventional toilet. AIR-DRIVE The strength of water and air unite to create a quite, yet powerful, flush. You’ll hear little more than the sound of a murmuring brook. 1 The system is at rest. 2 Flushing water 3 The air drive system 4 The system returns to circulates through the evacuates the bowl. rest. bowl. Sound level during flushing may vary depending on plumbing conditions 07


AUTOMATIC TOILET The REGIO has multiple features and technologies. AUTOMATIC 1 Automatic Lid & 2 Sound Module 3 Automatic Flushing 4 Self-Closing Lid When the lid opens, When the user is Heated Seat music from the optional & Deodorizing finished, the lid will sound card will begin to close auto-matically. When you approach play. In addition to the When the user steps The deodorizer shuts the toilet, the lid opens sound, the deodorizer away from the toilet, it off, and ions cleanse and the heated seat is will activate. will flush automatically the bowl activated Automatic Functions Fully automatic toilet Fully automatic Two Stage Deodorizing Energy Savre seat system flushing action When the user sits on When the toilet is not in use, A sensor detects your When the user steps away the seat, the deodorizing the power consumption is presence, and automatically from the toilet, it flushes begins. reduced, thereby saving opens (and closes) the lid. automatically energy. 09


COMFORT TECHNOLOGY LIXIL toilets offer improved functions for a more pleasant space. Comfort Functions Relaxing Music PlasmaclusterTechnology Soft Light Soft music plays automatically for a Plasmacluster technology A sensor illuminates the area both relaxing and comfortable environment. cleans the air with inside the bowl and at the user’ s feet. antibacterial ions. 11

HYGIENIC CLEANSING Front and rear cleansing for refreshing comfort, and a feeling of clean like never before. Posterior Washing Rinses you with warm water and it is more comfortable than using paper Cleansing Functions Two Separate Nozzles Front Cleansing Rear Cleansing Massage LIXIL shower toilets are Warm water is infused with air The REGIO offers two rear The spray alternates between equipped with dedicated front to provide a soothing shower cleansing modes: One for a strong and mild, creating a and rear cleansing nozzles. that’s gentle enough for a stronger, more direct spray, massaging effect for the user. woman’s delicate areas. and another for a gentle, broad-based spray. 12

EASY TO CLEAN A variety of stain-repellant surface technologies make cleaning a snap. Cleaning Functions Silent Stream Flush Proguard Unique Bowl Design Hyper Clean This new system combines Bacteria and mildew can’t The REGIO’s bowl design An exceptionally smooth and hard the power of water and air adhere to the surface of the cleans the bowl with every surface created by LIXIL ensures easy to achieve a flush both quiet bowl, keeping the toilet bowl flush. cleaning and strong. The sound level clean. during flushing may vary, 13 depending on plumbing conditions

Noble Black IN2014-BK-0 . *Black model has a white inner bowl for easy cleaning Brilliant White IN2015-WT-0 OPTION Remote Control Stand FKF-20M 14

Standard Type Specification Color Noble Black Brilliant White Code Operating Pressure Range IN2014-BK-0 IN2015-WT-0 Rated power Rated power consumption 0.1 (flow pressure) – Maximum water pressure 0.75 (hydrostatic pressure) MPa Flush Volume Product dimensions 220V, 50/60Hz Product weight 700 W 6 L for full flush, 4 L for partial flush, and 4 L for urination by male 460 mm (W) x 775 mm (D) x 610 mm (H) Approx. 64 kg (approx. 14 kg for the function unit and approx. 50 kg for the toilet) 257mm (W) x 25mm (D) x 80mm (H) Wall-mounted controller 2 AA batteries Clock accuracy Within +/-1 minute per month at room temperature (25°C) Water heater capacity Hot water storage type: Approx. 2 L Power cleansing 0.65 – 1.4 L/min (adjustable to 6 levels) Mild cleansing Spray Volume 0.45 – 0.9 L/min (adjustable to 6 levels) Cleansing Feminine cleansing spray volume 0.8 – 1.5 L/min (adjustable to 6 levels) Water supply method Direct connection with tap water Water heater capacity 600 W Adjustable water temperature OFF (water temperature) and adjustable to 6 levels within the range from Low (approx. 32°C) to High (approx. 40°C) Safety device Temperature fuse, high-temperature sensor switch, and float switch 0.3 m3/min (DC sirocco fan: 12 VDC) Air flow Dryer Air heater capacity 380 W Adjustable warm air temperature Low room temperature , Mid, and High thermistor control Safety device Temperature fuses 2 Toilet seat, lid Heater capacity 48 W Surface temperature OFF (room temperature) and within the range from Low (approx. 28°C) to High (approx. 40°C) Adjustable seat temperature Adjustable to 6 levels with microcomputer control and seat heater auto OFF function thermistor control Safety device Temperature fuse Deodorizing method Chemical absorption by deodorizer cartridge Deodorizer Cartridge life time Approx. 7 years Deodorizing capacity Power mode: 0.11 m3/min, Full-power mode: 0.14 m3/min, Turbo mode: 0.17 m3/min Fan type Sirocco fan Filter Built into the top cover 0.3m3/min Plasmacluster Air flow Fan type Sirocco fan Antibacterial ion operation mode Automatic switch between clean mode and refresh mode Filter Built into the top cover No. of music tracks 29 Music play Output 0.25 W 2 stereo Speaker 2W Memory SD memory card Music data compression method MP3 Power save Advanced power save power save for 24 hours , one-touch power save automatically reset the power save status after 8 hours Sensor Occupied seat sensor: Infrared distance-measuring sensor Body sensor: Infrared distance-measuring sensor Power cord Effective length: 1.0 m Operating temperature range 0°C – 40°C Option / Remote Control Stand FKF-20M CB Certification Installation Drawing POWER AC220V 300 mm 15

LIXIL (Thailand) Public Company Limited Printed in Thailand REV.0 02/2014 1/6 Moo 1, Phaholyothin Road K.M.32, Klong Neung, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand Tel : +66-2-901-4455 Fax : +66-2-901-4488 LIXIL Showroom Building D, Crystal Design Center (CDC), Praditmanutham Road, Bangkok 10240, Thailand Tel. +66-2-102-2222 Fax. +66-2-102-2040

ᨡ¿ÃÕ ËŒÒÁ¨Ó˹‹Ò ¤Ø³àͧ ¡ç໚¹ª‹Ò§ä´Œ Vol.2 2017 ¤Ù‹Á×ͨѴ¡ÒÃÊØ¢Àѳ±•ËÅѧ¹éÓÅ´ ¨Ò¡

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