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Home Explore 2017 Manna

2017 Manna

Published by ejogheneta, 2017-01-20 09:31:21

Description: 2017 Manna


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Saturday 1st April, 2017.BE WHAT GOD WANTS YOU TO BE“So the elders and other town leaders followed theinstructions Jezebel had written in the letters” V.11For Reading & Meditation: 2 Chronicle 33:10-20Yesterday we saw what happened to Herod Agrippa when he became a god to be worshipped. He was consumed by worms. That is for those who would always makethemselves idols. Let us also take a look at those who havechosen to worship these human idols at the expense of their trueworship of God. If you are one of the devotees of the idols thatmen worship, perhaps you have adopted your leader as the idolyou worship, may we ask, don't you have the Holy Spirit thatgives the understanding of these issues? How is it that what isobvious and condemned by all is not visible to you? Why is itimpossible for you to know what your leader has become an idol?This is one tragedy that has befallen the church. While some willstand to their feet to point out certain errors in love, others are justthere saying nothing is wrong. If this is your experience, pleaseintensify your prayer. Because Jezebel and her husband hadturned idols, the elders and other town leaders did not seeanything wrong with the coup against Naboth. They were afraidof their lives and wanted to maintain their positions. Is that thereason why you indulge yourself in worshiping idols? Thank Godthat you know what you are doing is evil and every evil will attractdivine punishment. I counsel you to be what God wants you to beso that you may enjoy His blessing. Stop behaving like thoseelders and town leaders. Stop behaving like other people whohave not known Jesus as Lord and Saviour. You have beenredeemed by his blood.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, let your Spirit direct and rule our hearts in all wedo or say in Jesus name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 91

Sunday 2nd April, 2017.HOUSEHOLD IDOLS“At the time they left. Rachael stole her father's household idols and took them with her” V19 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 31:31-37The passage before us is a clear indication of the existence of household idols. This phenomenon is true of Africans and beyond. We still find some households that have not produceda Christian even in the 21st century. This is a big challenge in themission field. Very close to you in the village you hail from, you mayfind this to be true. There are household idols with all that go withthem and your household may not be free from them.When Rachel was to leave her father, she stole the father's idols.What must have made her to do that? One of the reasons was that ofsecurity. The security she needed in life depended on the idols of herfather, thus she stole them.Behind this attitude lies selfishness at the expense of others. Whenthe father was searching for them she hid them in her camel saddleand sat on them. Two things we must underscore namely, idols arenothing, her sitting on them lend credence to this assertion.Secondly, an idol needs not be a bogus thing, it could be a mere ringor any other objects that others may not take serious, yet such aperson believes that her destiny lies in it. It is hidden from others, butGod knows. Jacob got angry in ignorance, yet his wife was guilty ofstealing her father's idols. We may as well ask our selves whetherthere is any existing household idols around us. It may be in anyform and is already taking the place of God in our lives. This is theappropriate time to get rid of it. May the Lord give us understandingin this matter.PRAYER POINTDear Holy Spirit help us to get rid of every idol in our households thatour home would truly be your temple.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 92

Monday 3rd April, 2017.WHAT IS THE CENTRE OF YOUR LIFE“And if your wealth increases, don't make it the centre of your life\" V10 b For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 62:1-12It is a common knowledge that wealth is the idol that many worship both individuals and nations. Unfortunately we fail to realize that these things are temporal. Our world has become aplace of disaster. Humanbeings are dying in hundreds andthousands in many places all over the world. The unending wars inmany Islamic nations have claimed thousands of lives. Here inNigeria, the activities of Boko Haram have brought untoldhardship to many in the North East. Imagine the resources thathave been destroyed while the insurgency lasts.For us who are alive, the effects of all that is happening has thrownup some strange diseases that are consuming so much from us.Thus, anxiety over the loss of some of our wealth, is weigningheavily on us. Whenever we tune to our television set especiallyinternational stations reporting world news, one cannot but betroubled about the happenings around the world. Watching someof the events it is difficult to control tears as people are becominghelpless daily. Labours of so many years and investment for thefuture are been swept away as a result of senseless wars. Nodoubt the wealth some were boasting of is reduced to rubbles.What the palmist said is coming to fulfillment- “And if your wealthincreases, don't make it the centre of your life. Some who had theirinvestment in these areas have suffered a great setback such thatif they have made their wealth the centre of their lives your guessis as good as mine. God's word is coming to you not to makewealth the centre of your life. We must separate it. Those whomade wealth the centre of their lives are those who have turnedwealth to an idol they worship. Wealth can disappear; thereforebeware.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, help us by your spirit that we may not becontrolled by wealth in Jesus Name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 93

Tuesday 4th April, 2017.IS YOUR HEART FULLY WITH GOD“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” V5 For Reading & Meditation: Deut. 6:1-9Since the beginning of lent we have occupied ourselves with the theme; the idol that men worship. No doubt God must have addressed several areas and where we needto make amend, we should not hesitate to do that. We now spendthe few days left to direct our attention to our heavenly Father.As the children of Israel were about entering the Promised Land,Moses began to direct the mind of the people to God. The book“Deuteronomy” was meant to repeat the law. It is a spiritualemphasis and a call to total commitment to the Lord in worshipand obedience. Just as the children of Israel were about enteringthe Promised Land so the season of Easter is beckoning. A timeto celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord.We must be ready to visit the cross with him again-the terminalpoint for the idols that men worship.The call according to our text is to love God with all our heart not apart of it as often expressed by many Christians. While they arein church, they still cherish things that glorify the devil. They areneck deep in traditions and cultures that promote idolatry. Leteach and everyone of us examine ourselves whether our heartsare fully in the worship of God and if truly we are obedient to Godin all things? The command is to love him with all our heartswithout any reservation.PRAYER POINTExamine my heart O Lord and help me to yield my heartcompletely to you.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 94

Wednesday 5th April, 2017.LOVE HIM WITH YOUR SOUL''Fear the Lord your God, worship Him, and take your Oaths in His name” V13 For Reading & Meditation: Deut 6:10-16Our text yesterday says, we should love the Lord with our hearts, soul and strength. How much of your hearts is for the Lord? Would you sincerely declare that your hearts istotally for God in every given situation? How many times haveyou yielded to the temptation of idol that men worship? For somepeople it is an everyday affair. Their hearts are like that of aprostitute who is always in love with any man who shows up withmoney. David was a victim of this when he saw Bathsheba,Uriahs wife. Immediately his heart turned from God. Until hestarted his confession in psalm 51, he never knew the damagethat was done to his heart. David said, “ O God, create a cleanheart for me and renew a steadfast sprit within me” (V10).Solomon was also a victim of this, it was reported that; whenSolomon was old, his wives seduced him to follow other gods.His heart was not completely with the Lord his God as his fatherDavid's heart had been.” (1kings 11:4).Beloved, has anything seduced your heart from God? Thenknow that your soul is already with that particular thing. Situationlike this would always rob you of a genuine worship hence youcannot maximize the blessings of God upon your life. Our Lordsays “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”(Matt. 6:21). Where have you laid the treasures of your life? If itis outside Jesus Christ, certainly you cannot have fellowship withHim.PRAYER POINTMy dear Father, I am sorry if my attitudes suggest that I amindependent of you. Help me to retrace my steps.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 95

Thursday 6th April, 2017.LOVE HIM WITH YOUR STRENGTH''Do what is right and good in the Lord's sight so that you may prosper” V18 For Reading & Meditation: Deut 6:17-25Hannah in her prayers acknowledged the fact that; “for a man does not prevail by his own strength” (1 Sam 2:9). Moses forewarned the people lest pride overtake their hearts andbegin to assume that it was their strength that carried them to thePromised Land. He made them to realize some of the simple thingsthat would have been taken for granted. A good number ofChristians are still ungrateful to God because they are expectinggreater things in their lives when they have failed to acknowledgethose little things that would open the door for greater things.What is your attitude about some of those things that lookinsignificant yet they are part of God's creation and your successstory?. Moses told them, “God is giving you large and beautifulcities, which you never built by you own strength. Houses fullof every good thing that they never bought with you money...”Wells have been dug for them for the supply of water. Vineyards andOlive groves, which they never planted. They shall eat and besatisfied.Beloved, can you see God's abundant provision for us which Heperfected in the New Testament when he declared through ApostlePaul. “And my God will supply all your needs according to hisriches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:19). Your needs will not bemet according to the level of your strength, but according to hisriches in Christ Jesus. Why do you choose to direct your strength tothose things that disturb the worship of your God?PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, we plead for your mercy as we trust you for yourabundant provision. May our strength be always found in You.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 96

Friday 7th April, 2017. POLLUTED BY IDOLS“But instead we should write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols''V20 For Reading & Meditation: Acts 17:19-29From the resolution of the Jerusalem council, we discover that certain things around us are already polluted by idols. The instruction is that as believers, we must abstain from certainthings polluted by idols. Our task now is to unravel those thingsthat have been polluted by idols.Admittedly, idols never created anything but the scripture admitsthat some of these things created to be good has been polluted byidols. It behooves every child of God to question what ever comesyour way. A story was told of a woman who traveled out of town. Onher way back, she went to the motor park to board a car home.While sitting in the car waiting for departure, a woman fromnowhere came to her demanding for the weavon on her headclaiming that she owned it. After a heated argument, the womanhad no choice but to remove it from her head and gave it her.The woman said the weavon she bought from the market was fromthe marine world. There are lot of things sold in the markets,superstores, boutiques that bear the names of gods andgoddesses. All these things have been polluted by idols; we mustabstain from such things, Find a way to remove the names orpictures before using them. Certain things bear the names of thosewho were not Christians dead or alive. Christian are to abstain fromsuch things. Animals used by people of other religion fall into thiscategory, we should not eat.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, our world is corrupted, dominated by things alreadypolluted by idols, good Lord grant us grace to identify them andabstain from them.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 97

Saturday 8th April, 2017.LET GREED DIE''Therefore, put to death whatever in you that is worldly;sexual immorality, Impurity, Lust, evil leisure and greed which is idolatry.” V5 For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 3:1-6Our text for this mediation shows that greed is idolatry. Therefore greed is one of the idols that men worship. The dictionary of Oxford Advance Learner gave the followingdefinitions for greed. “A strong desire for more food or drinkswhen you are no longer hungry or thirsty “A greedy person is onewanting more money, power, food etc.In the light of the above definition, let us quickly ask ourselveswhether we are greedy? Greediness is the summary of all wehave been talking about since the beginning of lent. The comingof democracy has revealed the greediness of many of ourpoliticians who want to remain in power at all cost and also dictatethe pace of things. Those concerned may not be reading thispiece but if the reader is promoting such people in any way, theytoo are guilty of the idols that men worship.The second definition goes a long way to affect many of us, astrong desire for food or drink even when we do not need more.Sometimes this is done at the expense of others; it is always theself, always self-centered. Greed has levels; it could be minorsuch that you are not patient for someone to have the first cup ofcool drink or sacrifice a little of your comfort. This category is notquite pronounced, they may be in the house. Whichever levels,greed is greed. Check it and get rid of this idol from your life.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, I open my heart to the fire of the Holy Spirit toconsume every greed in me.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 98

Sunday 9th April, 2017.HERALD THE COMING KING“Look your King is coming to you. He is humble, riding on a donkey-even on a donkey's colt”.v5 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 21:1-11Hurray! Today is triumphal Sunday, may you triumph over every problem facing you and may you ride in victory as people celebrate you in Jesus name. Amen. Our LordJesus Christ for the past three years had involved himself in activeministry. He has been going from one village to the other teachingand demonstrating the new life in the coming Kingdom. On thisoccasion he decided to ride on a donkey's colt as he enteredJerusalem. This singular act depicted his humility. To the ordinaryman he was a poor man. If he had money, he would have chosen abetter one. Paul refuted this when he said, “For you know thegrace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet foryour sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty mightbecome rich” (2 Corinth. 8.9).It is true that the hood does not make the monk. Without being toldwhen the crowd saw Jesus Christ, they proclaimed him as kingand he was treated with dignity and honour. This example of ourLord should be given a serious attention so that we can truly followhim in his steps. The cravings for wealth accumulation are ofutmost concern to all fellow pilgrims in this world. Christians nevercheck their taste and feelings any more. We desire so manythings without asking whether we actually need those things.It is the anointing that makes the difference. The anointing makesus to be humble like our Lord. When the people see us they willproclaim His glory. As we celebrate his triumphal entry today, maywe herald his kingship in our lives by following the path of humility.It is also true that humility comes before honour.PRAYER POINTGrant that we may follow the example of His patience and humilitydear Father. May we also in his name triumph over everychallenge of life.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 99

Monday 10th April, 2017.NO ROOM FOR WASTE“Then Jesus said to the disciples, have faith in God”. v22 For Reading & Meditation: Mark 11:12-26The events of the Passion Week are very significant to a meaningful celebration of Easter. When our Lord had arrived Jerusalem and his Kingship had been proclaimed, he wentstraight to the temple. At the temple, there was the need to putthings right. Thus he drove out those who have turned the temple toplace of trading, and selling and those who have turned the worshipof God to buying and selling for personal gain. This is importantbecause, it was an abuse of privileges. The following day, as Jesusand his disciples were passing by, he saw the fig tree that hadreputation of bearing fruits.However, when our Lord got there, he discovered that there was nofruit. In other words, it was occupying space but could not utilizeevery available grace that helped other fig trees to bear fruit. It wasanother example of wasted privileges. Our Lord had no time for itagain. The last three years were sufficient enough for it to perform.The Lord without hesitation put it under a curse. Alas! The followingday when they were returning, the fig tree had withered completely.The lessons are many, but above all, to all Christians, opportunityhas been given, do not waste it. When the Lord comes, thereshould be something to show for it. Examine yourself whether thegrace of God in your life is of effect. Easter celebration is anexample of someone (Jesus Christ) who was given the privilege toredeem the world and he never disappointed the Father. YourEaster is meaningful if you are using your privilege to the glory ofGod.PRAYER POINTLord make us fruitful always to your glory and honor. May we notabuse our privileges in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 100

Tuesday 11th April, 2017. BEWARE OF THE ENEMIES' TRAP “Jesus said, give to Caesar what belongs to him. Buteverything that belongs to God must be given to God”. V17 For Reading & Meditation: MARK 12:13-34There are several lessons for us to learn from the passion of our Lord. One of the lessons is that we must beware of the trap of the enemies. Satanic traps are designed tostop you from realizing your dream, cut your destiny short andmake life a wasted effort. It is true that Jesus Christ would bearrested but this would not arise from his own mistakes. Heknew that there was an appointed time and place for the arrest.If we keep in touch with heaven, nothing will alter the divineprogramme of our lives. If we lose contact, certainly we will missit and we might be victims of satanic traps.The religious leaders of the day wanted to justify their reasonsto kill the Son of man. Hence they sent some Pharisees to traphim, but they failed. They wanted to make Jesus Christ as theopposition party trying to instigate insurrection, but he knewtheir plot and his answer amazed them. But did theyunderstand him when he said…”But everything that belongsto God must be given to him”. Caesar and what belongs tohim are God's property. Those who sought his opinion aboutresurrection also got their dose. The teachers of the law alsosubmitted to Jesus Christ as the greatest teacher. Beware ofthe tricks of the evil one, if you consult the Holy Spirit beforeaction, the enemy will be dumbfoundedPRAYER POINTAll things belong to God may we in humility surrender all. In allthings, Holy Spirit, you are our guide. Let us keep in touch withyou.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 101

Wednesday 12th April, 2017.JESUS' END TIME PROPHECIES“Jesus replied, don't let anyone mislead you”. V 5 For Reading & Meditation: Mark 13:1-37If our Lord had fallen into the many traps set for him, he would have been arrested and taken to the cross for the wrong reason before his time. Do not go to the crossbefore the time. The wise should take this to heart.Because our Lord was able to avoid the trap of theenemies, the church was able to receive the propheciesbordering on the end time from her Lord. These end timeprophecies have continued to remind the church of theimminence of the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.Our Lord warned that we should not let anyone mislead us.If you have received him as Lord and Saviour, living for himdaily, then make sure nobody misleads you. The activitiesof fraudsters commonly called 419 had brought misery tomany. It is not wise that you too be numbered among thosewho have suffered their deception. It is important for us toknow that 419 abound in the church even more seriously.They bear the name Jesus Christ, yet they do not knowhim. The source of their power is the devil. Do not allow thetemptation of the world to push you to these false ministersof our age. They are busy putting the mark of the beast onpeople. The prophecies are meant to guide you.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Christ, in this end time, help us to be faithful toyou.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 102

Thursday 13th April, 2017 HUMILITY BEFORE HONOUR“You know these things - now do them! That is the path of blessing”. V 17 For Reading & Meditation: John 13:1-38Today is another important day in the Christian calendar, when Jesus actually instituted the new covenant with his blood as pointer to the lamb that was slain. ThePassover meal took a new name; the ordinary bread becamethe body of Jesus Christ that was given to us and the winebecame the blood of the new covenant by which we aresaved. “I assure you, unless you eat the flesh of the sonof man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal lifewithin you” (Jn. 6:53). Have you participated in thiscommunion?Our Lord would not institute the new covenant until theparticipants become like him. He stooped down to wash thefeet of the disciples, but Peter would not agree, becauseleaders must not necessarily lead by example. But the Lordtold him that there was no room for such people in the newarrangement. When last did you behave like Jesus or Peter?Judas Iscariot was another character that was not fit for thenew arrangement. Inspite of the humility, kindness and love ofthe leader; he must be crucified. Leadership in Christianitysometimes involves giving of oneself for the sake of those welead. It is a servant leadership. Where do you belong?PRAYER POINTMy Lord Jesus Christ, grant those you have appointed to leadto be true servants and may they possess humility of heartlike you.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 103

Friday 14th April, 2017THE SUFFERING SERVANT“Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have a multitude of children, many heirs”. Isaiah 53:l0b. For Reading & Meditation: John 19:16-42Having instituted the new covenant, it was time for the real thing- to sacrifice his life for our redemption. We may not have the time to read the entire narratives about hissuffering for mankind. However, we summarize as much as wecan in order to appreciate what he did for us. Our Lord sufferedbetrayal from a close friend, one who had sat at the table withhim. He was arrested for no crime; think about what would havebeen done to him by the soldiers when he was being arrested. Ifonly you have witnessed the law enforcement agencies duringany arrest they made you will understand the point.Our Lord suffered desertion, all the disciples left him, and Peterdisowned him. He was subjected to false trials, condemned todeath, he was beaten, and mockery became the greetings.Finally he was crucified, died and was buried.If we spend time to think about why our Lord suffered, we willcertainly say no to sin. We will desire to be like him. The sacrificeis once and for all, he is coming back to receive his own tohimself. It is interesting to note from our text for this meditationthat the death of our Lord would bring multitude of children andmany heirs. Am sure you know that is the story now hence wecry Abba Father because we are His children. Make sure youdie with him so that you can be raised to a new life with him.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus as many that have died with you may you raise themto a new life in this celebration.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 104

Saturday 15th April, 2017 GLORY AHEAD “...Take guards and secure it the best you can. So theysealed the tomb and posted guards to protect it” v 65,66 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 27:57-66The enemies may have concluded that your own is finished and your chapter is closed and that you will never surface again. If you are a child of God, know that the enemy has liedhe has no control over any aspect of your life. The Almighty Godwho created you has ultimate control over your life. Prophet Micahsays, “Do not gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall, Iwill rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord himself willbe my light” (7:8). The religious leaders and the crowd thatshouted “crucified him” thought they had finished with Jesus-theMessiah. They never knew, that Salvation continued in hell wheremany were held captives. Hence Paul could say, “When heascended to the heights, he led a Crowd of captives” and gavethem freedom forever. It was a total defeat to Satan, he never knewthat sending Jesus to the cross was not only going to bringredemption to mankind but also to all the ones that he had heldcaptive in hell are also coming out in victory.Perhaps you are already subjected to a situation that you do notlike. Those responsible have made sure that no point of exit. Thatwas what they did to the Prince of Peace. They secured the tomb tothe best of their ability and guards were posted to check possibleexit. First and foremost, do not give up, there is something you mustachieve in that situation before resurrection will come. Even if theenemy is gloating over you, the Lord is coming out for you now, fixyour eyes on him the author and finisher of your faith. He will surelylight your path for you to come out gloriously.PRAYER POINTLord, help me to patiently accomplish your purpose in my presentsituation I believe am coming out gloriously.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 105

Sunday 16th April, 2017 HE IS RISEN“The Lord has really risen! He appeared to Peter”. V34 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 24:13-34The third day became glorious and death could not hold him, the guards were half dead. Indeed! Christ is risen today, alleluia! It was a wonderful story andwill continue to be. The power that brought him back is stillat work; hence as we proclaim the gospel the power helpsthose being saved to believe. Stories have come andgone, but only one story has continued to change theworld and change humanbeings from generation togeneration. Efforts have been made to destroy the story,but they failed. The story is bringing more sons anddaughters to the kingdom.The disciples of Jesus Christ had only one story -Resurrection story. As they told the story, people acceptedJesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour in thousands. Theytried to prevent them, but they could not. They were willingto lay down their lives because of the story. Today wecelebrate resurrection; we must be willing to tell the story ifindeed we have had an encounter with him. The two mencould not wait any longer but returned to tell the story. Ihope your celebration will include sharing the story.PRAYER POINTAs we have been raised with you dear Lord, may weengage ourselves in telling the story again and again.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 106

Monday 17th April, 2017POWER OF RESURRECTION (1)'As a result, I can really know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead---”. V 10 For Reading & Meditation: Philippians 3:1-11It is the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ that distinguishes him from all other founders of the different world religions. The resurrection puts him on higher pedestalhence Christianity is the only religion of hope. It is even morethan a religion; it is a divine way of life that brings one to God.Every other religion is an attempt to reach God, but inChristianity, God came down to us, so that we can reach him.Apostle Paul wanted to know and experience this power ofresurrection. He had all the qualifications that put him on avantage point, but he discovered that there was somethinggreater. It was when he found Christ that he saw somethinggreater than every thing in the world. He wanted to know andexperience this singular thing which Abraham the father of faithcould not enjoy. Moses the law giver had no access to it. All themighty men of the Old Testament could not enjoy it. ThePharisees with all their interpretations of scriptures neverunderstood it. But Jesus Christ did and for all who believe inhim; nothing but the power of resurrection is their portion. If youdesire to experience it, things will surely change to a new life,for all things become new. This is the great change that everyChristian must experience in order to guarantee the salvationthat we have in Christ Jesus. Resurrection power is active forus on daily basis. Avail yourself of it today.PRAYER POINTIt is my utmost desire dear Lord to experience the power ofresurrection on daily basis. Grant me the privilege.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 107

Tuesday, 18th April, 2017POWER OF RESURRECTION 2“The guards shook with fear when they saw him, and they fell into a dead faint”. V 4. For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 28:1-10The desire to experience resurrection power is a worthwhile project for everyone who has come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. To experience the power ofresurrection is unlike every other experience. Every otherexperience may not remain permanent and make a change, butevery divine encounter is meant to bring about great change andremain a part of us that will keep us connected to our God. Divineexperience always has a long-lasting feeling or effect.One of the reasons why Paul wanted to experience the power ofresurrection is clearly expressed in the passage we read. It wasan earthquake that announced the arrival of the Super Power.The power of resurrection was ushered in by an angel of the Lordwho rolled away the stone and sat on it. Because God will notallow his own to see decay, the power of resurrection went in andbrought out our Lord. The power that changes is earth-quakelike, it is capable of bringing you from the decay of sin.The guards (enemies) were already dead faint. Yes! The arm offlesh must surely fail. Their ulterior motives could not allow themto avail themselves of the power that can change them. Pauldesired the power of resurrection that is able to render enemiesdead. We need that power today and we will not be afraid ofenemies.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Christ let the power of resurrection be real in my lifethat enemies will remain dead.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 108

Wednesday 19th April. 2017POWER OF RESURRECTION 3“But when they arrived, they looked up and saw that thestone - a very large one- had already been rolled aside”. V4 For Reading & Meditation: Mark 16:1-8The stone could not withstand it. The stone was already a source of anxiety to the women even when they least expected their Lord to be alive. Another reason why wemust desire to experience the power of resurrection is that, it isable to relax every anxiety that the enemy may want to put onour way. Paul needed it because he discovered that nothinghas been able to check every of his anxiety, but when he knewChrist, every anxiety became relaxed. The Damascusexperience cannot be forgotten in a hurry. He thought hewould remain a blind man, but when he confessed theLordship of Jesus Christ, through the laying on of hands, heregained his sight.The women were anxious about the very large stone that wasrolled against the tomb. Who would roll it away was theirproblem. However, when they looked up they saw that theiranxiety had been taken care of. What is the large stone thatmay be giving you some anxiety? If only you can look up to himwhose power of resurrection is able to lift you above every sin,sorrow, pain, poverty, discouragement and disappointment.All these will be replaced with victory, joy, prosperity andsuccess all round. The power is there for the asking.PRAYER POINTAt your feet O Lord, we surrender every of our anxiety wehumbly lay them at your feet, give us our miracle O Lord.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 109

Thursday 20th April, 2017POWER OF RESURRECTION 4“Why are you looking in a tomb for someone who is alive? He isn't here! He has risen from the dead”. Vv 5,6. For Reading & Meditation: Luke 24:1-12If you turn to Jesus Christ today, I am fully convinced that the status you deserve in life will manifest. When the devil knows he will stop tormenting you. The status will manifest in a relocationand people around you may be looking for you in the usual placebut someone will tell them, your position has changed. It is only thepower that brought our Lord from the grave that can change youand your position.Too many people today are yearning for a change; the ruling partycame on a mantra of change. So far the change has been negative,economic recession which has brought about hardship toNigerians. Man cannot bring a genuine change, the change welong for will not come until Jesus Christ the unchanging changereffects a change in our lives and the nation. The developedcountries of today had their foundation on the unchanging changer.The Lord is willing to take you along to the next level of life if you willfind him today. Our nation can experience this change we all longfor if Jesus Christ becomes both Lord and Saviour to us all.Beware, so that you do not look for him in the wrong place. Thepower of resurrection can change your status like Paul. While aPharisee, he was limited to his people, but when he became anapostle he became an international figure. If you desire a fulfilledlife, then seek the power of resurrection like Apostle Paul; do not goto the wrong place and do not be in the wrong place. It can only befound in Christ through repentance.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Christ, as the power of resurrection changed yourstatus, let it be my Portion today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 110

Friday 21st April, 2017POWER OF RESURRECTION 5“Don't cling to me, Jesus said, for I haven't yet ascended to the Father.... v17 For Reading & Meditation: John 20:1-18Yesterday we said the power of resurrection is able to change your status. Status change begins when we are privileged to change from being a Sinner to being a Saint.This is the fundamental change that the power of resurrectioneffects in one’s life and every other thing will follow. But if thestatus change begins with the other things, then one is headingfor eternal damnation.Our Lord lived a sinless life, while on earth he interacted withhuman beings at every given opportunity. However, when herose from the dead he needed to teach us that a risen life isalways above sin. Mary Magdalene thought he still maintainedthe former status quo, but she never knew that she needed afundamental change to be able to hold on to the risen Lord.Many Christians are still struggling with sin, the reason is foundin 1 Corinth 15:42-44 “our earthly bodies which die anddecay, will be different when they are resurrected...ourbodies now disappoint us but when raised will be full ofpower, natural but when they are raised will be spiritual.” It isonly the power of resurrection that can accomplish it. Stop thestruggle, let resurrection power bring about the needed changein your life. Take note resurrected body is full of power- power toswallow whatever may be in contention with you.PRAYER POINTDear Father, let the power of resurrection quicken my body todaythat I may be empowered and put me where I belong in life.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 111

Saturday 22nd April, 2017NO LONGER CONDEMNED“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus”. V I For Reading & Meditation: Romans 8:1-8The term condemnation is a legal term. It is often used where there is a law. It is a legal expression that refers to the sentence which the guilty and convicted man receivesand the punishment that follows. Before our Lord came, manwas under the law bearing the burden of it. The more he tried tofulfill the law the more he was unable. The Lord Jesus Christdealt with the law and conquered it when he shed his blood onthe cross of Calvary.Those who believe in his sacrificial death and are willing to livethe rest of their lives for him, now have power over the law.Hence they cannot be condemned because the requirements ofthe law had been fulfilled in Christ. In Christ we have the all-sufficient grace to do more than what the law requires. Thescripture says; “For what the law was powerless to do in thatit was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sendinghis own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering.And so he condemned sin in sinful man”(3).It gladdens one's heart to know, that our not being condemnedgoes beyond the law. It means in every area of our lives, the devilcannot condemn us. We have been acquitted from all satanicassault. If the devil is tormenting you, then rise up and claim yourright and be on top as you experience the freedom in Christ.PRAYER POINTThank you Lord Jesus because in you we are not condemned.Help us by your Spirit to enjoy our freedom.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 112

Sunday 23rd April, 2017GOD'S HOLY PEOPLE“It is written to God's holy people in the city of Colosse, who are faithful brothers and sisters in Christ”. V2For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 1:1-2Our meditations continue with the book of Colossians in this season of resurrection. The book was the epistle of Paul to the church in Colosse. The book emphasizes thesurpassing greatness of Christ who was able to defeat sin anddeath. There were many theories about salvation that thebelievers in Colosse were exposed to. Some people had faith inangels, some in rituals and others in different types of religiousphilosophies and practices. It is the same challenge we are facedwith in our generation. The greatest danger to Christianity is thecoming of 'prophets and their prophesies' which by all standard istraditional religion in christian garb.In response to the developments at Colosse, Apostle Paul wroteto correct them all and clearly explained that Christ is God in fleshand all-sufficient to save us from our sins and finally restore us toGod. Recent happenings in church show that many are notsatisfied with the faith they claim to profess.This epistle is badly needed in this our generation. There are toomany religious systems and even within Christianity, strangedoctrines have crept in and many have been defiled. If this epistlewere to be written to this generation, can you and yourcongregation, be described as a holy people? If we must besincere to ourselves we are far away from that description. Thechurch of today is far away from the New Testament church. Whatdo we do now? Except we call ourselves to order.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, for the sake of the elect, come and rescue your people.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 113

Monday 24th April, 2017IS YOUR LIFE CHANGED?“This same Good news that came to is changing lives everywhere, just as it changed yours...” V6. For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 1:3-8The church is a holy gathering. It is an assembly of people who have been called by God, and have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Jesus' power to transform hasalready changed their lives and is changing lives daily. Thus theycan be described as a holy people. When a sinner comes in he issupposed to be influenced by these holy people therefore achange of lifestyle occurs.However it is unfortunate that many in Church have becomeadamant to this envisaged change and transformation that issupposed to occur in their lives. What we have today is a churchthat is packed full of unrepentant sinners. We now have peoplepreaching Christ but they do not know him. However I must addthat in the midst of all these, we have the holy church. Believerswho strive to keep their robe clean every day.The holy church is unpopular within the majority.Characteristically, the minority, usually look foolish, alwaysoppressed and denied of what is due to them. The more popularchurch, oppresses the holy church, yet the hgoly churchcontinues to prosper. The holy church knows that he is astranger and pilgrim in this world. While the popular church isscrambling for the things in this world, the holy church has hisfocus on heaven. Until one's life is changed, one will remain inthe popular church.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, may your people come to the realization that weneed to be truly transformed.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 114

Tuesday 25th April, 2017 WORKING IN YOU. “---We ask God to give you a completeunderstanding of what he wants to do in your lives,and make you wise with spiritual wisdom”. V9 For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 1:9-10As a result of the enthusiasm demonstrated by the Christians in Colosse, Paul and his team engaged themselves in praying for them. They requestedGod to give them a complete understanding of what Godwants to do in their lives. The privilege of being in Christ isnot for fun or some worldly enjoyment. This privilegecarries with it some responsibilities. Until the heart iscircumcised and thoroughly opened for Him who called usthere can never be any commitment.When God calls, He has a purpose to fulfill in our lives. Justas we are making waves in other areas, we ought to bemaking waves in our Christian walk with God. He (God)can do great and impossible things in our lives. How wouldyou assess yourself since you believed? Have you got thisunderstanding'? Understanding will surely take you to ahigher pedestal in faith and your life. Even at that, you arestarting because the next level is for you to be wise withspiritual wisdom. If nobody is praying the prayer for you,you can at least pray it for yourself today.PRAYER POINTGrant to us O Lord, the complete understanding of whyyou called us.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 115

Wednesday 26th April, 2017 LIVING IN THE LIGHT“Always thanking the Father, who has enabled you to share the inheritance that belongs to God's holy people, who live in the light”. VI 2 For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 1:11-14The Colossian Christians were not the only human beings living at Colosse at that time. They were a few among the larger population of the city. Paul nowaddressed them as people who have come to share theinheritance that belongs to God's holy people, who live in thelight. The implication of this is that those who have not cometo the saving grace in Christ Jesus are living in darkness.Every thing they do is rooted in darkness.We who are Christians live and work among these peoplewho are in darkness. The question is, do we realize that weare in the light and we are meant to influence those indarkness? When light comes, darkness must flee. If we saywe are children of light, yet we are being influenced bydarkness, it means we have no light in us.Apostle Paul wanted the Colossian Christian to realize that,they are no longer what they used to be. They needed toknow that they are in the light. Are you aware of this? Thenwhat is the position of your light?PRAYER POINTLord let my light so shine before men, that through me theywill repent.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 116

Thursday 27th April, 2017 JESUS CHRIST`FROM THE BEGINNING“He existed before everything else began, and he holds all creation together”. VI 7 For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 1:15-17The Colossian Christians were surrounded with so many philosophies and religious systems. Jesus Christ was enomeausly equated with some of the founders ofsome religions. The biggest threat was the attempt to find aplace for Jesus Christ in the Greek conception of this world.Paul had to write to them to emphasize the supremacy ofJesus Christ. He existed from the very beginning before anything created was created. Hence, Jesus Christ could say,“before Abraham I was”.We Christians of this generation are also faced with similartemptations. During religious dialogue with any other religionsuch as Islam, are we not tempted to place Mohammad sideby side with the Saviour of mankind? Our faith says, “nothingexists (both dead and living) that he didn't make” (John1:3).Adherents of other religions may not accept this; Christianstoo must not be tempted to reduce the Saviour of mankind tothe level of founders of different religions. Jesus Christcreated them all. Let the supremacy of Christ be made knownat all times.PRAYER POINTThank you Lord for the Supremacy of Christ; let our lives andthe actions we put up demonstrate this on daily basis.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 117

Friday 28th April, 2017THAT YOU MAY BE FRIENDS “You were his enemies, separated from him by yourevil thoughts and actions, yet now he has brought you back as his friends”. Vv 21,22. For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 1:18-23Until we understand the position we were in relationship to God before we came to know Christ, we will not appreciate the present status that Christ has placedus. Apostle Paul clearly pointed it out to the Christians inColosse when he said we were enemies of God, separatedfrom him as a result of the evil ways, thoughts and actions wechose for ourselves. We were daring God in every way,teaming up with Satan to fight God, yet God was patient withus until we decided to accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ.As a result of the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed onCalvary, our reconciliation became possible. Our statuschanged from being enemies of God to sons and daughters ofGod. Hence Jesus Christ called us his friends (John 15:14)and he is our senior brother. If anyone is in church and hesays he is a Christian yet those things that made us enemiesof God are still manifesting in his life, such a person shouldknow that the status has not changed yet. Even though youmay be regarded as a Christian, you are an enemy.Christianity is all about a definite change that takes placehaving had an encounter with the Unchanging Changer.PRAYER POINTThank you Father for the status I have in Christ Jesus. May Iby no means lose it.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 118

Saturday 29th April, 2017TOWARDS PERFECTION “...We warn them and teach them with all thewisdom God has given us, for we want to present them to God, perfect...V28 For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 1:24-29Do we sometimes complain about the several programmes we do hold in the church? Sometimes these programmes may be weekly thattake us to the church more than three times a week. Itcould also be frequent revival programmes that are givendifferent names. It could be true that they are too frequent.It could also be true that there are different motives fororganizing them.For everyone called of God who may be a minister, thereason for the several programmes is found in our text formeditation. Apostle Paul knew that God has entrusted hisflock to him and he must present them mature, perfect andblameless on the day of Christ. Hence with tears hewarned, and taught them with all the wisdom of God. If youare one of those who go to church only on Sundays andyou have no time for other programmes in the church, thenimmaturity is a sickness that is about consuming you. Godis waiting for perfect people. The more you attend theprogrammes, the more God works in you.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Christ, inspire your people to always come tolearn from you.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 119

Sunday 30th April. 2017HIDDEN TREASURES.“In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”. V3 For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 2:1-5Jesus Christ is not only there for our salvation and to overcome enemies and to prosper. All that we need in this life and the one to come are complete in him. The textof our meditation tells us that all treasures of wisdom andknowledge are deposited in Him. I have come across somepeople who in the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge havegone to join Armoc, Grail Movement, Eckankar etc. Perhapsyou are already being tempted to join them. Some of yourcolleagues may be members and they are already engagingyou in discussion, with their books, monographs andmagazines.If you have been saved in Christ, let it be known to you thatthey are only extending a Satanic Olive branch to you. Everyknowledge and wisdom for this life is found in Christ. Is thereanything proving difficult to you now? Go into prayers andChrist will reveal the solution to you. Perhaps you are ascientist, academician or a professional in another field ofendeavor and you are seeking a break through in your chosencareer. What you seek is found in Christ. If you will set apartsome time for meditation, reflection and prayers, the Lordwould oblige you what you seek. The knowledge required isfound in Christ. The treasures in Christ are in-exhaustible.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Christ, thank you for the treasures in you. Endowas many that seek you today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 120

Monday, 1st May, 2017SET BACK FOR A PURPOSE “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it forgood, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. V.50 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 50:15-21.The billboard read, \"God often uses a setback to move us forward.\" As I considered these words, I thought about how often I'd seen this truth in my own life. On many occasions,what seemed like a terrible setback at the time, turned out to be a\"send forward\" from God.It is a new month with a special message to those who may havesuffered a setback in life. The purpose why it happened is about tomanifest gloriously. Joseph obviously had a setback when hisbrothers sold him into slavery in Egypt. But later, as a child of God, hewas able to speak these profound words of forgiveness to hisbrothers. Joseph had come to understand that God's good purposewas accomplished through the very deed that was meant to bringhim harm. Joseph brothers who formatted the evil against himburned with pain for betraying him. They felt they would not havedone that evil to Joseph, and they were dying of guilt for the betrayalmeted out on their younger brother. With this inconceivable inhumantreatment, Joseph's response was a complete opposite of what anormal man on top would be. He graciously let them free from hisjudgment. They couldn't believe their eyes.While the evil doers were hiding their faces in shame, Joseph wasglowing with fulfillment. He was pushed up into his life's purpose.Believe me, it does happen that way, for all things work together forgood for those who love God and are called according to His purpose(Rom.8:28). Are you feeling discouraged over an apparent setbackin life? Like the case of Joseph, God is planning to use it for a verygood purpose. Instead of breaking down, just go on praising God, itwill soon be a story of divine upliftment.PRAYER POINTPraise God for your entire ordeal, and praise Him for all those whohave been used to cause you pain. Entrust to God your life for Hecares.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 121

Tuesday, 2nd May, 2017 LAUGHTER THERAPY “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones”. V. 22(ESV) \"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength.\" (NLT) For Reading & Meditation: Proverbs 17:16-28Do you know that some health centers treat patients who suffer from depression, stress and diabetes with \"laughter therapy?\" I read a report that claims laughter therapy cutshealth care costs, burns calories, helps arteries, and boosts bloodflow.If you suspect you might be suffering from a lack of cheer, let meencourage you to look for ways to laugh more! It might be just whatthe Great Physician has prescribed to improve your health and bringjoy back into your life.Dearly beloved, how often do you laugh? Do you take delight inbeing sad than being cheerful? It pays to laugh, as it require lesscost than keeping a heavy heart that sends one into horriblesickness that leads to terminal cases.In the last ten years, our society has created a new set of job types.Its leading exponents have already become millionaires. This isbecause their new found job is welcome in many homes. Thoughthey dress funny, and sometimes use fowl languages, the bottomline still remains that they create a happy mood in everyone thatlistens to them. I believe they need to be worked upon so as to bemore godly in their approaches to these laugh making jobs. Brother,sister, do you laugh more than you frown? Do you have time to laughwith your spouse, your children, your boss/ subordinates, or evenyour employees? Please get on laughing, laugh enough and keeplaughing, and your beauty/ handsome look will increase.PRAYERS POINT:Oh my Father, fill my heart with laughter, I desire to laugh today andalways. Even in sad times, help me to laugh.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 122

Wednesday, 3rd May, 2017 THE HEALING POWER OF LAUGHTER\"A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.\" (NKJV). \"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength”. (NLT) Proverbs 17:22. For Reading & Meditation: Proverbs 17: 10 - 22Laughter is a product of a cheerful heart and the scripture says God loves a cheerful giver. It is only a cheerful heart that can give cheerfully. Thus God cherishes a cheerful heart and it isonly that heart that can accommodate God. Because God is there,healing is also there. One of the ways we can remain healthy is topossess a cheerful heart, even when there is a deliberate effort tobreak our spirit by eventualities of life. The joy of the Lord is thestrength of a believer hence laughter is our possession.Over the years, many physical benefits to laughter have beenreported by doctors and health care professionals. Here are just afew: (i) Decrease in stress hormone levels, (ii) Strengthening of theimmune system, (iii) Muscle relaxation, (iv) Pain reduction, (v)Lowering of blood pressure, (vi.) Cardiovascular conditioning, (vii)Natural anti-depressant.So why don't we laugh more? \"It doesn't matter why you laugh.Even in small doses, it improves our overall quality of life.\"The stress we are exposed to in this end-time is alarming.Saboteurs are everywhere increasing tensions by the day. Allthese are a design to break our heart and when the heart is brokensome damages are done to the body, soul and spirit which willultimately manifest in one sickness or the other and we begin tospend money endlessly. Wisdom is an essential part in our dailyliving thus we are able to employ discretion as at when due. AskGod to grant you a merry heart that results in laughter. Make sureyou laugh with someone today.PRAYER POINT:Create in us O Lord a sense of humour that keeps us healthy daily.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 123

Thursday, 4th May, 2017 HOW TO GET YOUR DAILY DOSE OF LAUGHTER THERAPY: “Our mouths were filled with laugher, our tongues with songs of joy.” Psalm 126:2 For Reading & Meditation: Ecclesiastes 2:1-11Laughing is not only good, but must be a project to carry out by every individual. Our constant prayer should be that God in His infinite mercy grant us opportunity on daily basis tofind reason to laugh. When the destiny of the people of God wasrestored, their mouths were filled with laughter.Beside divine intervention, certain habits could help us to enjoylaughter. Among such habits is to laugh at oneself. One of themost valuable things you can gain from life is the ability to laugh atyourself. This requires inventing some pretty hilariousexpressions for yourself in your everyday life. Learn to createcomedy scenes out of your encounters. It is a great fun toexperience the pure hilarity of laughing at yourself,Let your focus be on the lighter side of life. Take time to enjoy thecompany of godly friends, watch Christian comedy, read thefunnies. I'm sure you've heard this before, but life is really tooshort to spend it being miserable. Take things easy.Spend Time with Children. Being around little children can be aperfect cure for depression. Their activities roam around smiles,senseless but funny things, in making them smile is purecontagious joy too! You could design your plan to hear a joke andshare one with a friend who might be able to tell it better than you.Dr. Lee Berk, said in a press release, “Our findings lead us tobelieve that by seeking out positive experiences that make uslaugh we can do a lot with our physiology to stay well.”PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus as it were in the days of the Israelites, fill our mouthswith laughter as we behold your glory daily.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 124

Friday, 5th May, 2017GOD THAT MULTIPLIES “….I am the true bread that came down from heaven.anyone who eats this bread will not die …. But will live forever”, V 58FOR READING & MEDITATION: John 6:1- 13Our God uses little things for greater things. This is one major lesson that we can learn from the feeding of several thousands of people by Jesus Christ. In themidst of hopelessness, our Lord was hopeful. Even when whatwas available seemed highly inadequate and looks like nothing,his anointing and his good rapport with the Father turned thingsaround. Those who may have started the year on the note ofcomplain should look unto Jesus Christ and have a change ofattitude. The fact remains that little drops of water make anocean. When you allow your faith in him to brood over what yousee as little, the result shall be extra-ordinary.The huge crowd that had been with Jesus for some days feedingspiritually needed some physical food. His compassion wouldnot allow him to send them away while they hungered. The lackof sufficient food was enough to send them away but thetestimony would not be complete. Many times we are hardpressed and situation will make us to do things that may not evengive us Joy. This New Year, it will not be so again. As we exercisefaith like our master Jesus Christ, great result shall attend ourfaith.Jesus knew what to do, but he decided to find out from Philip andAndrew. The two apostles did not hide their feelings. If the onewho says He is the bread of life is unable to provide physicalbread, men will surely doubt him. The result is before us to seePRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus, the true bread, while we feed on you spiritually, maywe not lack physical bread as the days pass by.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 125

Saturday 6th May, 2017 HOPE LIKE AN ANCHOR We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, havingbecome a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. Vs.19-20 (ESV). For Reading & Meditation: Hebrews 6:13-20An anchor is a dependable substance used in holding ship in a place. It keeps a ship from straying away into the large sea or ocean without a control. It is a device that aids a propercontrol of the ship. Where the anchor is dropped there a shipremains until it is lifted. It is usually made of a heavy substance thathas the ability to keep the ship stationed for the captain.In the song, \"The Anchor Holds\" by Lawrence Chewning and RayBoltz, the life of faith is compared to a long night's journey on arough, raging sea. Though our ship is tossed and battered, and thesails are torn, there is an anchor, which holds us through the storm.This verse reminds us, too, that the anchor of our soul is sure andsteadfast. Our anchor, our hope, is Jesus Christ. He holds us steadythrough the long, dark night.For our high priest, King Jesus has gone before us and he shallforever remain. He is eternal, solid, everlasting. He is our rock. Areyou disturbed and feel like giving up over a problem? Have you got apromise of God in your life over that situation? Hold on to Jesus, heis a sure anchor for the soul, he can sustain and establish yourjourney and bring you to success. Don't be perturbed, it is only for awhile that you are tossed to and fro like this. You have an anchor thatstands for you, you'll not perish in this water, and you will make it toyour destination.PRAYER POINTThank God for his presence in our lives particularly in Nigeria. Praythat God will see us through to our promised land.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 126

Sunday 7th May, 2017 GOD IS WIDE AWAKE He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Vs 3-4(ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 121:1-8Have you ever felt like God was sleeping? Maybe you've thought, if God were awake, he'd realize how much I need him to move on my behalf right now. Well, let me reassureyou. God is wide awake and tuned in to your situation. He iswatching over you to protect you. This verse is part of the \"pilgrimpsalms\" sung by the people of Israel as they neared Jerusalem forone of the major pilgrimage feasts. As they took their final stepstoward the temple, they celebrated and sang of God's faithfulprotection from harm.Do you trust God to keep you safe along every journey of your life?Remember, he never sleeps nor slumbers. He doesn't require aRed Bull (energy drink) to stay attentive to your needs. And he isguarding over your steps, not letting your feet be moved, alongevery path of your life. Can you imagine God sleeping any day?Wait a minute, it is unheard of, God never sleeps nor slumbers.Sleep is meant for mortals due to their nature, they are prone totiredness, weakness, and require renewal of strength after hoursof labour and engagements. But God, the Super Deity and theAlmighty does not operate in the realms of mortals; he doesn'tsleep for any reason. To sleep means he has turned a mortal.You should understand also that if God should sleep, even for asecond, there will be a major catastrophe, buckled with a globalindescribable tsunami. Hail to our God, He is ever awake for us,alleluia!PRAYER POINT:Dear Lord, I stand on your promises and declare that my foot willnot be moved by the enemies, fully protected under your banner.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 127

Monday 8th May, 2017 NOT FAR FROM HOME\"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?\" v.55 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: 1 Corinthians 15:50-57In his Morning and Evening devotional series, Charles H. Spurgeon writes on the morning of April 20: \"O child of God, death hath lost its sting, because the devil's power overit is destroyed. Then cease to fear dying.\" This littledevotional can be very touching if while you are reading it, youremember a dear, loved one who had died.Here is a bit more from Spurgeon's devotional: \"Living near thecross of Calvary thou mayst think of death with pleasure,and welcome it when it comes with intense delight. It issweet to die in the Lord: it is a covenant blessing to sleep inJesus ... The distance between glorified spirits in heavenand militant saints on earth seems great; but it is not so. Weare not far from home a moment will bring us there ...\"A believer therefore must live a free life, mounting pressure onthe kingdom of darkness to release its captives, cut acrossbounds, be an achiever for God's kingdom fearing nothing, noteven death, because God saves us, and keeps us for his goodpurpose. Even then while we bubble on in this life, no matter howlong, we are nearer home, someday we shall cross the bridgehome, not that death defeats us, but that we are celebrating ourlife of eternity. This is the victory we have in his resurrection. Liveeach day for eternity with Jesus.PRAYER POINT:Thank you Lord Jesus for victory over death, therefore its sting isof no effect over us, Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 128

Tuesday 9th May, 2017 JOY OF THE RANSOMED “And the ransomed of the LORD shall return and come toZion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” V.11(ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 51:7-15Have you known the joy of the ransomed? If you've ever fallen away from the Lord and then returned to his loving embrace, you know something similar to the flood of reliefand pure joy experienced by a child who has been ransomed andreturned to his parents by kidnappers. And, though the ransommight have cost the parents dearly, absolutely nothing was too higha price to pay to guarantee the return of their beloved child. The joyof the parents matches the child's, and their long awaited reunionerases all traces of anguish, sorrow, and sighing.You are a ransomed of the Lord. You are the very reason why Christcame to our planet, and poured himself as a drink offering for us tobe gathered home to God. At the time you accept him as Lord andSaviour, it will be an unspeakable joy in heaven. Angels willcelebrate your salvation. Perhaps you are living away from theLord's bosom. May be you left the place of grace for a moment ofpleasure, and have wasted all the divine resources on you, andnow fears if there is any room left for you. Come back to the Lordnow. The salvation of your soul has been settled by Him, any delayto return now could become too late.And then, all God's children who are burdened with pain of delays,denials and pains are never to lose heart, because soon, it will allbe over. It pays to wait on the Lord, as there is nothing worth oursalvation. Losing it is self affliction and woeful invitation to eternalpain. As you keep your estate intact, our return shall soon beannounced by the rapture of the Saints. Be ready!PRAYER POINT:Dear Lord, grant your people grace to live above sin, the devil andthe world and live for you on daily basis.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 129

Wednesday 10th May, 2017 CELEBRATE FREEDOM“For freedom in Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” V.1 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Galatians 5:1-15The ultimate celebration of independence in your life over Satan and his cohorts began the day you surrendered your will and life to Jesus Christ. At that moment, the Savior setyou free from sin's dominion. Death no longer had its hold on you.The spiritual chains fell away from your soul, and you walked awayfree. You can be sure there were fireworks in heaven on that day.Angels could not help it but dance to celebrate your return back toyour source.To come to Christ is to die to your past life, and come alive in God,for a new beginning. Your birth was not according to humanpattern, but by God through His Spirit. Then you became a newcreature, into God's family. It is a freedom from Satan's dominion.Celebrate your freedom by never forgetting what happened to youon your spiritual independence day. That was the day you werefreed from sin to life. Ultimately, the day Christ died for us on thecross is our independence day; because it was the day he endedthe rule of Satan over us. Added to this is your spiritual birthday, theday you got born again. Do you remember this day? Beyond theusual practice of celebrating birthdays, you are urged to design aspecial way to remember your spiritual birthday. Doing this willenhance your faith as it will help to renew your stand for Christ.More importantly, on daily basis, avoid putting on a sad face;instead live in celebration as long as you remember that you havebeen freed.PRAYER POINT:Holy Spirit, inspire me to live for you daily and let my life besanctified daily.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 130

Thursday 11th May, 2017TIME TO SHOW LOVE“… The one who had mercy on him. Jesus told him, Go and do likewise”. V37For Reading & Meditation: Luke 10:25-37Good neighbourliness, care for others and showing interest in the wellbeing of others are fast disappearing among men. Our generation is becoming very selfish by the day. Not toomany people are genuinely concerned about others. Some are verygood at giving excuses when it is time for them to help others. TheChristianity we practice makes the other person a suspect. We havesucceeded in bringing those ugly things that separate families as aresult of polygamy into the Church thus Christians are not sincerewith their fellow Christians.Jesus told us a story of a man who was attacked by robbers whiletravelling in response to the teacher who wanted to know what willqualify him for heaven. The first person who sited this victim ofrobbers was a priest who happened to pass that way. He saw theman but instead of giving him attention he avoided him. He wasmore concerned about himself and where he was going. A Levitewas also going the same way, he too saw the man but he decided toavoid him. For these two categories of person, their personalinterest leaves no room for others. This is the character manyChristians are exhibiting nowadays.When the Good Samaritan saw the man in pains he could not buthelped the man. He forgot himself and the reason why he wastravelling. He saw an opportunity to show love to reciprocate whatthe Lord has done for him. The ability to understand why you are nota victim but for the mercy of God, challenges and inspires you torespond to the needs of people. The Good Samaritan took the manto the inn for him to be taken care of and gave out money to settle thebill and promised to pay any balance when he returns. Jesus askedthe teacher, who is the neighbor? The man answered, the one whohad mercy. And the Lord said: “go and do likewise.” Christianity ismore of what you do and not what you claim to believe withoutdemonstration.PRAYER POINTDear Lord you have taught us that love is the greatest. Grant to yourpeople a sincere heart to love like you.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 131

Friday 12th May, 2017 DON'T GIVE UP“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up”. V.9 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Galatians 6:1-10.In Choice Gleanings we read about the patient persistence of John and Charles Wesley's mother: \"At one time her husband said, “'I marvel at your patience! You have told that child thesame thing twenty times!' Susanna Wesley looked fondly at thechild. She said, 'Had I spoken the matter only nineteen times, Ishould have lost all my labor.' \"Susanna Wesley understood that if she persevered, her patientdiscipline would eventually produce its reward, in God's time. Didthis pay off? Yes, it did. The pains she undertook for them were neverin vain. John and Charles Wesley became acclaimed ministers ofGod. The journey to greatness was first introduced to them on theirmother's knees, followed with persistent teaching/ upbringing, andshe didn't stop when they were exhibiting exuberances, she waspatient, repeating the same teachings over and over again.Eventually, she got to see the children became great.So often we want God to hurry up, but his timing is perfect. Know thatyour perseverance in doing good will reap a harvest in God's dueseason, if you don't grow weary and give up.What are you facing that you feel is too much for you to bear? Handthem over to God, get into praying, and don't be in a hurry, do sopatiently, as it will yield the result as at when due. Many have baggedtheir testimonies, if you meet them they will tell you that they haddoses of temptations to give up, but many of them insisted on notgiving up. Yes, if you don't give up, you will reap the fruit in dueseason. Wait, wait, and wait in prayer and faith, it is beneficial to wait.PRAYER POINTConfess your impatience to God. Pray for grace to wait on God to theend.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 132

Saturday 13th May, 2017FACE YOUR FEARS“...for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control”. V.7(ESV) For Read & Meditation: II Timothy 1:3-7Timothy needed encouragement to overcome his fears in ministry. Paul knew that courage and enthusiasm would be required for him to succeed, along with power, love, andself-control in the face of any kind of intimidation. It was a time theChurch was faced with many troubles. Such problems were thepresence of false teachers/ prophets, unruly behaviours of someyouths and adults, as well as the untidy leadership that did notpossess the appropriate qualifications and skills. Timothy, being ayoung Pastor needed boldness to stand up against falsedoctrines and put right all the wrongs.Ordinarily, Timothy should have fidgeted having considered theenormous task in his hands, more so when he was just a youth,but he was told to face these fears, as that was the way tobreakthrough, and fulfillment of the divine assignment.Usually, the only way we take hold of the courage and strengththat God has already given us, is to face our fears head-on.Eleanor Roosevelt wrote in You Learn By Living, \"You gainstrength, courage and confidence by every experience in whichyou really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say toyourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thingthat comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do.\"Beloved, do you have a challenge? Stay put, face the fear andconquer it.PRAYER POINTConfess your fears to God, and ask for his help. Pray that you willbe courageous enough to stand when it matters most.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 133

Sunday 14th May, 2017GODLINESS WITH CONTENTMENT“Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment ...” v.6 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: 1Timothy 6:3-10We are never as rich as when we happily realize we have everything we need in Christ. For godliness with contentment means complete satisfaction, not only inmaterial things, wealth, or accomplishments alone, but in the Lordand his goodness.Godliness is a Christian virtue that is exhibited in righteousness anddevoutness to godly living. This kind of life is expected of believers inChrist who have been called out of darkness into his marvelous light.They are no longer of the world though they still reside in the worldwith worldly apparels on. By all standard, a believer in Christ is aprisoner of hope, he/ she is never weighed down by happeningsaround him as the joy of salvation and the hope of the heavenly homesupersede all other desires. Therefore, he/she practices a life ofsimplicity, dwelling on the little he has, big or small, as he believes it isa provision from God.Not being contented is a problem that has pulled many away from thefaith. Demas loved worldliness and left Apostle Paul to Thessalonicain search for greener pasture (2 Tim 4:10). Same approach is beingapplied by some believers; this is because they are not contentedwith God's programme for them. It is important you place high valueon what God has given you, and live in thanksgiving daily.If you discover an area in which you feel discontent, ask yourself;have I surrendered this part of my life to Christ?PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father may we be contented with divine provision on dailybasis.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 134

Monday 15th May, 2017 GOT TROUBLED?“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”. (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 46:1-11Trouble is unavoidable. We may try to run and hide, but sooner or later trouble finds us. The good news is, we have someone who is present with us in our struggles,God. The presence of trouble is not the same as defeat; it iswhen one surrenders that he is defeated. There is no reasonwhy you should not fight on, God is an ever present help. Hehelps the weak, those that trust in His ability, and those whoacknowledge their inability before God. He is the refuge andstrength of His people, He does not abandon them. It isfaithlessness that makes people to assume they are in theirtroubles alone. The coming of trouble is in itself a function offaith building, it tears down fake strongholds, kills false hopes,and challenges one to evaluate his commitment. You cannot betoo sure of your place in the affairs of the faith until you arechallenged to name your Father. All troubles that come to uswith God's permission has good purpose to fulfill despite the ill itproduces. Get on the winning wings of the Lord, and surely youwill triumph.So many times our first instinct as soon as trouble hits is to thinkthat God has abandoned us. No, He is the refuge to whom wecan flee in desperate times. The Lord is the Strong One who willbear our burdens in our distress. He is very present in ourtrouble, for that's when we need him most.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus you thought us that we will have trouble in the worldbut in you we have peace. May your peace always be with us.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 135

Tuesday 16th May, 2017FORGIVE AS THE LORD FORGAVE YOU“... Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive”. V.13(ESV)For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 3:12-17Bearing with one another and forgiving isn't easy. But I have found that when I begin to pray for the person who has wronged me, God gives me new eyes to see and a new heartto care for that person. As I pray, I start to see that person as Godsees them, and I realize that he or she is precious to the Lord.I also see myself in a new light, just as guilty of sin and failure as theother person. I too am in need of forgiveness. If God did not withholdhis forgiveness from me, why should I withhold my forgiveness fromanother? There is too much hardness of heart among us. So manyChristians are not matured enough to delete the 'chamber of malice'within their hearts. The much they speak about the love of God doesnot change their performance when they need to exhibit wickedacts. It is therefore necessary to examine ourselves.Christianity is a religion with one distinct feature which otherreligions lack and that is our belief in forgiveness, even theforgiveness of our enemies. There is no way we can convince theLord of our obedience and loyalty to Him if we are adamant inforgiving wrongs. We have to forgive because we got the samegrace from God through the work of salvation and the blood thatwas shed by Christ. To refuse to forgive an offender is to removeyourself from that grace given us. We must forgive our spouses,siblings, parents, friends, family members, colleagues, boss, andsubordinates, 'enemies' who have injured us, and even all who arenot ready to apologize. Whenever you find it very difficult to forgive,just look up and say 'Lord help me'. He is our helper.PRAYER POINTAsk God to forgive your strong heartedness on issues of malice.Pray now for all your known offenders, and the ones not known.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 136

Wednesday 17th May, 2017 PRECIOUS IN HIS EYES... you are precious in my eyes ... and I love you. V.4 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 43:1-10Just before this declaration of love, the Lord told Israel not to fear: \"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through thewaters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shallnot overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shallnot be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.\" Thismessage came to Israel at a critical time in their lives when theywere fainting due to numerous challenges. But their strengthwas revived as the Lord's message came to them.What are you afraid of today? What circumstances arethreatening you? Fear not! The Lord is with you. He knows yourname and you belong to him. He will walk through the waters andthe flames with you to protect you. God's eyes are alwayswatching over you, because you are precious to him and heloves you. You are His very delight, purchased by His preciousblood, not wasted but given to redeem us from sin anddestruction.How do you feel when faced with problems of life? Are you awarethat Christ cares about you? He has decided to be your Lord,take away your fears and give you peace that human beingcannot give you. Whenever you are in a tight situation like acrisis, accident case, police or court case, or even plunged intothe prison dungeon innocently, just look to Him, the Lord will bethere for you and with you.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, strengthen my love for you daily that I may follow youdaily.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 137

Thursday 18th May, 2017WHAT GOD STARTS HE COMPLETES“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work inyou will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ”. (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Philippians1:6Paul encouraged the Christians in Philippi with these confident words. He had no doubt whatsoever that God would finish the good work he had begun in their lives.So, let me extend Paul's reassuring message of support to youtoday: God will fulfill what He promised and will bring to completionthe good work he started in you! What a relief! God is the One whostarted it, and He is the One who will complete it. Salvation is God'swork, not yours. It's a good work, and it's a sure work.Perhaps you are sick, and have been touched by God's power, butyou feel it's not yet over. Allow Him; he will complete His work inyou. If there be a journey you believe God guided you to begin,may be a journey of a marriage, a business, a house project, astudy, a contract, or whatever, it may be you are pregnant now bymiracle, and there is fear whether you will have safe delivery due tothe feelings you are having, stop listening to your feelings,because in all these, We are more than CONQUEROR throughHIM that loves us (Rom.8:37).Faith in God is a vital ingredient in waiting on the Lord as He fulfilsHis promises. You must zero your mind on Him, praying andthanking him for what He has said He will do, and surely He will doall, He has no abandoned project. He is alive, ever programmingus for a tremendous fulfillment. Praise God.PRAYER POINTDear Father, that is why you are called Jehovah, what you promiseto do, you will surely do I believe it will happen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 138

Friday 19th May, 2017WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD“Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil”. V.11 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Ephesians: 6:1-18Apostle Paul to the Ephesians church tells us that we're in a conflict with the devil. It's not a battle of flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil. God has provided us withprotective armor, but we must put on the whole armor in order tostand against the devil. If we're only using part of our armor, we willlikely fall prey to the enemy's schemes.These armours are the defensive weapons that we put on thatkeeps us alive and healthy in face of multiple battles. One of thereasons why many children of God are wounded in battle fronts isbecause they are not fully equipped with these armours. There isneed to put on the FULL ARMOUR, not just some of it. TheChristian Armour encompasses these:Truth as waist belt,Righteousness as chest plate,Readiness for the Gospel of peace as Shoes for your feet,Shield of faith to trap down arrows,Helmet of Salvation,Word of God as Sword of the Spirit, andPrayer and Supplication with all perseverance.To win in this terrible warfare, we need to equip ourselves with thefull armour daily. With them on, the battle is sure to be won. And inthe battlefield, we do not fight with cutlass, knives, pistols, AK47,grenades, or bombs that human warfare uses, but with superiorweapons that are used in the spiritual realm. When the enemy triesto attack us with their fierce weapons, we fear not, because we areon our full armour. If you're falling down more than you're standingfirm in the faith, perhaps you need to learn how to put on the fullarmor of God.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, decorate us with these armour on daily basis as to beable to take our stand.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 139

Saturday 20th May, 2017 JUST ONE WISH One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after:that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD ...V.4 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Psalm27:1-6If you could have just one wish granted, what would it be? Would you ask like David, to forever be in the Lord's presence, gazing upon his beauty?The greatest desire of David's life was to spend time in God'spresence. His ultimate goal was to see the Lord's beauty with hisown eyes. While we know David wasn't a perfect man, and madelots of mistakes yet the Bible calls him a man after God's own heart.He puts no one in doubt about his devotion to God, he was a manthat loved God. He neglected not the voice of the Lord's prophets,but trembled before the Lord's voice. David was a humble servant ofGod, whose dynasty became an example that lasts beyond earthlythrones. One principal reason why David enjoyed thoseunprecedented favours was his attitude towards God and his work.What is your greatest desire? What does your heart seek after?Many of us assemble in God's temple for worship on Sundays butour attitudes show that it is a boring exercise. Not many truly desireto be in God's presence for so long, how much more doing soindefinitely. Some are usually annoyed when kept in church formore than two hours on Sundays, and such persons who feel achurch service should not be more than 2/3 hours are the samepeople that go to birthday parties and spend the whole day andsmile all through. These same people can chatter and a chartertable full of drinks for friends but can't contribute a simple tenthousand naira as donation at harvest not even at fund raising forGod's work. Some of these don't accept the practice of tithing forone flimsy excuse or the other. Please if you are one of these,repent today. Beloved, readjust yourself, time and priorities. Giveyourself over to God; begin to desire God's presence than everbefore.PRAYER POINT:In your presence is the fullness of joy, Lord help us in this end-timeto appreciate what your presence does in the life of a man.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 140

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