Tuesday 29th August, 2017 WHY GO TO CHURCH?“Do not forsake the gathering together as the habit of some is, but encouraging one another…”(v.25) For Reading & Meditation: Hebrews 10:19-25This meditation examines many of the excuses why people don't go to church, and answers each with biblical and practical reasons in favor of going to church. The term'Church' here is not used in the actual meaning per se, but sees achurch as a place of worship of believers.Why Go To Church? Every Sunday many people go to church whileothers are sleeping or engaged in other weekend activities. Sinceour weekends are limited, should we spend part of it in church? Let'slook at some of the popular reasons for not going first. Some wouldsay Church is boring.\" It is repetitious, predictable and ameaningless ritual. I would rather sleep. I work hard all week and Ideserve it!\"If Church is repetitious, but so is life. The days of our lives arestructured around cycles of work, eating, family and recreationtimes. Any of these activities can become boring if we don't strive tofind something interesting or enjoyable about them. Sundaymorning at church is a time to make new friends and renew old ones;to learn about the Bible and share problems as well as to thank Godfor another week of life.The objective in going to church is to seek to build our relationshipwith God and others. Many people go to church to fulfill an obligationthrough some ritual and so are reduced to actions without meaning.Church worship is all about an encounter with God and others thatchange who we are. Not going to church on a Sunday morningbecause you deserve a sleep does not explain why you miss churchon Sunday. The problem is much deeper than the time of the day - itis a matter of selfishness.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Christ as we celebrate your resurrection on the first dayof the week may our faith be renewed through Spirit-filled worshipPray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 241
Wednesday 30th August, 2017 WHY GO TO CHURCH? 2 “Sow for yourself treasures in heaven where moth and rust nor thieves can't break in...”(Matt.6:20) For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 6:19-24People give a lot of reasons for not being in church, or not attending church regularly. We shall see more of these unfounded excuses today. Some would say, why bother goingto church when all they want is money? More so, we can watch it ontelevision. If you choose to get involved in any kind of group, be it thePTA, Boy Scouts or whatever, it will cost you time and money. It is truethat, if you don't get involved in anything, you will have maximumcontrol of your time and money. However, you will miss friendshipsand opportunities to be a good influence in the lives of others. Each ofus decides where to spend our time and money. Each of us will eitherinvest it in some purpose or waste it on the pleasures of the moment.Jesus said that there is an eternal investment that will not fade, rust ordecay when we do good works that show our love for God and others(Matthew 6:19-20).Ponder this! You do not control your life. You cannot guarantee thatyou will be alive the next hour, day, week. Human life is a gift from Godand He controls the measure of it (Psalm 139:16). Our intelligence,talents and appearance are largely determined by genetics (which isto say by God who made us individually unique). Therefore, who weare, when and where we are born, how long we live, etc., are all giftsfrom God. Is it unreasonable for God to ask for a portion of these andto acknowledge Him and His sovereignty?Whether you like it or not, both you and your money belong to God.That you refuse to give him cannot make him poor, He owns the entireworld, and does not need your offering before he can survive hischurch. God can do without you and your money, and his church willstill progress. Your effort at giving is for your own good, for you to beblessed by God. So drop those senseless ideas.PRAYER POINTAll that I own comes from you my Lord and God. May I not withholdwhat is yours but with humility surrender them for more blessings.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 242
Thursday 31st August, 2017WHY GO TO CHURCH? 3“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” v.21. For Reading & Meditation: 2 Corinthian 5:11-21Being a Christian is a most worthy involvement that all should embrace, but we must be in good light. Some would say: “those who go to church are a bunch of hypocrites!Churchgoers pretend to be good for a few hours on Sundaymorning but they are like everyone else the rest of the week.” Acommon misunderstanding about church is that it should somehowmake us better people. As earlier discussed above, it is not the actionof going to church, but the encounter with God and others thatchange our lives for the better. Most people who go to church do notunderstand this and thus do not seek to have life changingexperiences through worship and church activities.Christians are humans who believe that Jesus is God and that Hehas made us acceptable to Himself by paying the penalty for our sinson the cross (Romans 6:23). Therefore, what makes Christiansunique is not the outward appearance but what God has done on theinside by changing the soul and mind (2 Corinthians 5:17). Thosewho sincerely call upon Jesus to save them from their sinsexperience a spiritual birth that gradually transforms the mind andbehavior conforming us to His will (John 1:12; Romans 12:1-2).Christians can be seen to be hypocrites more easily than someonewho does not profess any beliefs because Christian standards aredefined in the Bible, whereas personal standards can be changed tofit circumstances or are unknown to others. The bottom line is that allhumans are hypocrites because we all fail to consistently live up toany standards of behavior that are defined. The difference is thatJesus forgives the hypocrisy of believers and has sent His Holy Spiritto guide and transform those who know Him as Savior and confessHim as Lord (Romans 10:9-10).PRAYER POINTForgive O Lord the hypocrisy of your people and let our light shinebefore men that your name alone be praised.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 243
Friday 1st September, 2017COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT THE CHRISTIAN LIFE“But rejoice that you participate in the suffering of Christ... v13b For Reading & Meditation: 1 Peter 4:12-19New Christians quite often have misconceptions about God, the Christian life and other believers. Let us look at the common misconceptions to dispel some of the myths thattypically hinder new Christians from growing and maturing in thefaith.1. Once you become a Christian, God will solve all of your problems. Many new Christians are shocked when the first trial or serious crisis hits. The Christian life is not always easy! You will still face ups and downs, challenges and joys. You will have problems and troubles to overcome.2. Becoming a Christian means giving up all fun and following a life of rules. A joyless existence of mere rule-following is not true of Christianity and the abundant life God intends for you. Rather, this describes a man-made experience of legalism. God has amazing adventures planned for you. Romans 14:16-18, 1 Corinthians 2:93. All Christians are loving, perfect people. Well, it doesn't take very long to discover that this is not true. But being prepared to meet the imperfections and failures of your new family in Christ can spare you future pain and disillusionment. Although Christians strive to be like Christ, we will never obtain complete perfection until we stand before the Lord. In fact, God uses our imperfections to \"grow us\" in the faith. If not, there would be no need to forgive one another.As we learn to live in harmony with our new family, we rub each otherlike sandpaper. It's painful at times, but the result brings about asmoothing and softening to our rough edges. Colossians 3:13,Philippians 3:12-13PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, by your Spirit strengthen the faith of new believers in youon daily basis by prayer and study of the word.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 244
Saturday 2nd September, 2017 I AM EL-SHADDAI - GOD ALMIGHTY“I AM El-Shaddai God Almighty, serve me faithfully and live a blameless life.” Gen. 17:1. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 12:1-9; Gal. 3:26-29Today marks the beginning of the ember months, to God be the glory in Jesus name. We begin as we examine one of the names of the our heavenly Father- EL-SHADDAI. When Godcalled Abraham, by faith he moved out of Ur to Haran and finally toCanaan. God then established a covenant with Abraham. Hisobedience was an act of faith, walking away from his home for God'spromise of even greater blessings in the future.God started relating with Abraham as He had done in the past with themen who feared Him and loved Him. Adam had the privilege ofrelating with God until he ate the forbidden fruit. Enoch was anotherman who had a wonderful relationship with God. The scriptures say,“Enoch lived in close fellowship with God…” Walking in closefellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because Godtook him” (Gen. 5:22-24). Noah was the next person and it was said ofhim, “Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living onearth at the time, and he walked blameless in close fellowship withGod” (Gen. 6:9).Abraham was the next man that God spotted with whom He founddelight and God was willing to give him a privilege that those beforehim never enjoyed. Abraham was going to be the father of nations.What a wonderful arrangement. This must have sounded bogus tohim with many questions agitating his mind. Thus it was necessary forGod to formally reveal His identity hence God told him, I am El-Shaddai- God Almighty, I have all it takes to accomplish all that iscontained in my covenant with you. This is God's message to us inthis ember months. Make this message personal for a greaterrevelation and manifestation.PRAYER POINTAsk the Lord to remove and separate you from whatever is holdingyou back from your destiny and release you to your Land of promise.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 245
Sunday 3rd September, 2017 A VESSEL UNTO HONOR “Become the kind of container God can use to present anyand every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing.” (2Tim. 2:21 messg) For Reading & Meditation: Gen. 17:1-15; Matt. 5:48When Abraham was ninety-nine years old, God showed up. He had already enjoyed twenty four years relationship with the El-Shaddai. Within these twenty four years a lot hadtaken place while he sojourned in the Promised Land. God knew thepackage he had for him which transcends all understanding. Godhad already co-opted Abraham in his eternal agenda. Since the fallof man, God had conceived the idea of a Messiah and He found aplace in Abraham to fulfill the messianic agenda. God was carefulenough to see to it that Abraham needed to know the God that hascalled him.At the 24th year, God showed up and introduced himself as the GodAlmighty, who is holy in all his ways. Therefore, every vessel that Hehas chosen for himself must be holy for His use. God told Abraham,“serve me faithfully and live a blameless life.” This disclosure wasnecessary so that Abraham would know that God Almighty cannot becompared to man- made gods. Within the twenty four years ofrelating with God, Abraham committed two major sins namely lyingand adultery. God will never tolerate this type of sinful life. Those whorelate with him and wish to be used by him must keep themselvesholy.This period therefore we must carefully examine our lives if there isany sin hanging on us. The same message that came to Abrahamcame through our Lord Jesus Christ, “But you are to be perfect, evenas your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matt.5:48). God is looking forcontainers in this season, try and keep yourself clean for God to useyou. His agenda transcends your imaginations and assumptions.PRAYER POINTDear Father, I humbly call on you to examine my life and draw myattention to areas where I need to make amend in my life.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 246
Monday 4th September, 2017 EL-SHADDAI; THE STRONG ONE“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”(Psalm 27:1) For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 54:15-17; Eph. 6: 10-24.El-Shaddai connotes several meanings, one of which is the strong one. The Lord revealed Himself to Abraham as God Almighty who is the strong one, therefore no shaking eventhough the earth is removed, and though the mountains are carriedinto the midst of the sea. Though its waters roar and are troubled,though the mountains shake God remains firm. Because El-Shaddai is the strong one, His word says, “Indeed they shall surelyassemble (the enemies) but not because of me. Whosoeverassembles against you shall fall for your sake” (Isaiah 54:15).Why? El-Shaddai is the strong one that stands around you;therefore all other grounds are sinking sand.If Abraham had known that the God who called him is El-Shaddaithe strong one, perhaps he would not have encouraged his wifeSarah to lie while they were in Egypt. Abraham told his wife,“Look, you are a very beautiful woman so please tell them youare my sister. Then they will spare my life and treat me wellbecause of their interest in you” (Gen 12:11- 13). When thestrong one is with you, El-Shaddai becomes the strength of yourlife, thus you have no reason to be afraid of anything. Fear is a darkshadow that the enemies use to envelop people thereby makingthem to be imprisoned in them selves. In these ember months,God wants us to realize that he is the El-Shaddai that is in chargeof our lives, therefore, we must dispel the darkness of fear andremember that our God is El-Shaddai the strong one.PRAYER POINTPray that all those who are planning evil against you because ofyour privileges, star, opportunity or blessing will be confused andconfess their evil. If they repent, may God forgive them.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 247
Tuesday 5th September, 2017 EL-SHADDAI THE FRUITFUL ONE “Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In thesame way that a branch can't bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can't bear fruit unless you are joined with me.” John 15:4 (messg) For Reading & Meditation: John 15: 1-12El-Shaddai is the fruitful one. If we remain in Him, then our fruitfulnessis guaranteed. Fruitfulness in all ramifications of life. The termbarrenness is not found in the dictionary of El-Shaddai, it is completelyalien. If El-Shaddai decrees your fruitfulness no environmental orweather condition can do otherwise. Forces of darkness can onlyhave their way if only you have been severed from the true vine. Yourhuman status not withstanding, God has the final say in this matter.Abraham received the call of God at the age of seventy five years andGod told him, “I will make you into a great nation. “I will bless you andmake you famous and you will be a blessing to others.” (Gen. 12:2).When he was ninety - nine years old Sarah was eighty nine, Godreaffirmed His promise of fruitfulness to Abraham again even though itwas clear that both of them were as good as dead human beings.Our conditions in life not withstanding, if God has spoken nothing canchange it. “The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder; sohe shall open, and no one shall shut; and he shall shut, and no oneshall open.” (Isaiah 22:22). When the promised child was notforthcoming, Sarah told Abraham, “The Lord has prevented me fromhaving children, Go and sleep with my servant. Perhaps I can havechildren through her” (Gen 16:2). That was the devil's alternative; menare still suffering from it till now. El-Shaddai is the fruitful one, when Heshowed up again, He told them, “I will return to you about this time nextyear” (Gen. 18:10). So it was that Isaac became the evidence of whatEl-Shaddai told them. Beloved, is your fruitfulness delayed?Ephphatha means “be open!” El-Shaddai has showed up in yourmatter. Believe it by this time next year; your evidence will beoverwhelming.PRAYER POINTAsk the Lord to make your marriage, business, or job to be fruitful inlarge measure and that stagnancy should receive life. Commandevery door that has been closed against your fruitfulness to be openedby fire today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 248
Wednesday 6th September, 2017EL-SHADDAI OUR NOURISHER“Drink from the brook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them to bring to you food” (1Kings 17:4) For Reading & Meditation: 1Kings 17: 1-16, Luke 12: 22-34, Psalm 143.During my trip to Israel, I had the opportunity of travelling round the country. It is a country that is mountainous with major part of it as desert without sufficient water. I then began to thinkabout the calling that Abraham received. But God said the land wasflowing with milk and honey. This suggests that everything iscomplete. But why is it like this? We were told that Israel knows thequantity of water they get in a year therefore it has to be properlymanaged. As we went round we came to realize that not only wasIsrael able to feed herself, but they were feeding the world. In spite ofthe shortage of water, Israel is able to provide water for othercountries that would have died of lack of water. God said, “They willfeed beside the roads and find pasture on every barren hill.”In the light of what we see in our days, let us cast our minds back tothe reality that Abraham was facing when he got to the land that theLord had prepared for him. We can begin to deduce the severaldiscouragements that were staring at him with the pressure ofreturning to where he came from. The Lord had to revealed Himselfto him as the El-Shaddai, the one who is able to nourish, provide,care and sustain him with great testimonies as evidences of hisobedience to God Almighty.The calling of God is still upon the lives of many and you may be oneof them. What you think may be far away from the reality on ground.Prophet Elijah too saw the reality but God the El-Shaddai was thereto feed him through the ravens. And even when it finished, thewoman of Zarephath was made available. These are the evidencesof El-Shaddai as the one who nourishes.PRAYER POINTAsk God in the power of the Holy Spirit to take you to where theravens of miracles are waiting for you with the dews of heaven fallingon you. The domain you are now may look difficult but God says,where others have declared barren, you will find pastures.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 249
Thursday 7th September, 2017 EL-SHADDAI GIVER OF STRENGTH “He energizes those who get tired, give fresh strength to drop out--- But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles. They run anddon't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind”. (Isaiah 40:31) For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 40:15-31No one embarks on a journey without knowing where one is going to. But the journey of faith is not like that. The first picture it presents is lack of destination yet there is awonderful destination in the waiting. The calling of God upon ourlives demands faith, without it, we cannot make progress. ApostlePaul spoke about some believers who embarked upon this journeywithout faith and they made ship wreck of it.When Abraham arrived Canaan, the first challenge he needed tocontend with was famine, a stranger who just arrived. How can heand his household survive such a horrendous situation? Thescripture says, Abraham was forced to relocate from the PromisedLand to Egypt. I am sure the faithfulness of God was already beingchallenged. Why is El-Shaddai the strength Giver? Because He isaware that the accuser of brethren, the devil is down there tofrustrate His children within this short time that he is allowed tooperate. Thus God is always there to energize those who may betired, giving fresh strength to the drop outs. As many that will wait onHim in fasting and prayers, will get fresh strength from Him tocontinue the journey of faith that would always terminate on aglorious note.El-Shaddai in this period is promising fresh strength to all that areweary and tired. Do not give up, you are about to put on wings and flyabove those challenges because you will soar like eagles displayingyour beauty, prowess and the grace of God upon your life.PRAYER POINTToo many believers have made ship wreck of their faith; plead withthe Father to restore them. And as many at the verge of giving up, letyour prayer release strength to them.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 250
Friday 8th September, 2017 EL - SHADDAI - UNCHANGEABLE CHANGER. “I'm making you the Father of many nations. I'll make youFather of Fathers I'll make nations from you, kings will issue from you (Gen. 17:4). For Reading & Meditation: Hosea 6:1-11Whenever El-Shaddai shows up in the life of someone, remarkable things are bound to take place. In this holy adventure be prepared to host El-Shaddai in your life. It isabout to happen to you. Why not believe it so that your eyes will seeand your mouth will talk about the goodness of the Lord? I perceivein my Spirit that you have been singled out for divine favour. I amhappy to say that it is your turn to shine.Take a look at our text, within one verse, for three times, El-Shaddaisays, “I'll make”. God is still in the business of making his ownpeople because we are his workmanship. God wants to make youinto another shape for a new level in life. It is interesting to note thatthe best is yet to come out of you. This is because you are fearfullyand wonderfully made.When El-Shaddai showed up in the case of Abraham, two majorchanges occurred namely: there was a change of name andcircumcision, that is, the cutting off took place and the man becamefit as the bearer of the mysteries of God. Hence his name found aplace in the salvation of mankind. God is prepared to do theunimaginable in your life within these Thirty days. Begin to call onGod almighty, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to start it today.Tell him to reveal to you what you need to cut off and to give you anew name, new story, new level, new status everything new.PRAYER POINTMy Father, my Father, what are you waiting for? Let my visitationbegin now, for I cannot remain the same. Lord Jesus you are theunchanging changer, please carry out every necessary changes inmy whole life today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 251
Saturday 9th September, 2017 PURSUE THEM NOW. “So David inquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue thistroop? Shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and recover all” (I Sam. 30:8) For Reading & Meditation: I Samuel 30:1-8Pursue them because this is the appropriate time to do so. Do not be afraid of the thousand or ten thousand that may besiege you at this time. To be a child of God is an indicationthat you have the divine mandate to pursue them. God is alreadygiving you a direction to follow in this matter, do not be discouraged,sooner or later you will see the end of that marauder who is makingyou to cry. Those who are interested in your cry will cry your cry whileyou lift up the horn of salvation for testimonies and thanksgiving.Before David and his men arrived home, at their town of Ziklag, theAmalekites had raided the place, sacked it and burned it to theground. They carried off their women and children and every choiceproperty they could lay their hands on. When David and his menreturned, their song of victory turned to a song of sorrow. David wasin great danger because the men were very bitter about losing theirsons and daughters and they were contemplating stoning him. Whois that enemy or what is that enemy that has raided you this year orplanning to do so? What was the loophole that gave them theopportunity of doing so? Are you weary and heavy laden and you areunable to face the embarrassment again? Have you looked left,right, up and down and found no helper? Have the enemies made uptheir minds to celebrate your down fall?Beloved, they are all liars. In the light of the frustrating scenario, thescripture says; “But David found strength in the Lord his God”. Thatis El-Shaddai for you. He is the source of strength to pursue theseenemies. Rise up in prayer with the sword of the Spirit and begin topursue now. You have divine mandate.PRAYER POINTWhatever represents the Amalekites that has raided or is raidingyour life, family business, job, children, wife or husband, let fire fallon them today. That raiding must stop in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 252
Sunday 10th September, 2017 OVERTAKE THEM “Don't, enemy, crow over me. I'm down, but I'm not out. I'msitting in the dark right now, but God is my light.” (Micah 7:8) For Reading & Meditation: I Sam 30:9 20When God says, pursue them, it is not only to run behind but to meet them and overtake them. Beloved, cowards die many times before their death, you cannot be a coward,the mandate is there with enough energy and strength, don't giveup, you are about to overtake them. Many people actually startedpursuing their enemies, but along the way they became exhaustedhence, they are back to where they started and things have notimproved.When David started pursuing the enemies, 200 of the men were tooexhausted to cross the brook. Too many things in life can always beresponsible for exhaustion. For these men, it was lack ofdetermination. What could be responsible for the exhaustion youare facing now? It is important you ask the Lord to show you andenable you to do the right thing in your desire to pursue andovertake. Men with determination are not easily discouraged, agood quality that anyone who desires to overtake must posses.David was going after the enemy and 1/3 of their numbers becamea source of discouragement, but he refused to give up because hewas drawing strength from the Lord. He knew the human side whichwas the arm of the flesh, was bound to fail. David continued thepursuit with 400 men (2/3).It is not unlikely that where you put your trust is already failing you. Iask you to turn to the Author and Finisher of our faith who says,pursue, overtake and recover. God is already giving you light so thatyou can overtake those who have gone ahead of you. This word ofGod is your very source of strength, for El-Shaddai is there for you.PRAYER POINTAre you surrounded by people who lack vision, dream killers,trouble imaginators, cost exaggerators? Pray earnestly that Godwill be with you.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 253
Monday 11th September, 2017EL-SHADDAI: GOD OF RECOVERY“As in the days when you came out Of the land of Egypt, I will show them wonders” (Micah 7:15) For Reading & Meditation: I Sam. 30:21- 31El-Shaddai is the God of recovery. Get ready to recover all while this moment lasts. Not a pin will get lost. When God says, pursue, overtake and recover all, he has madeprovisions to enable us achieve it. The prospect before you now maysuggest that all hope is lost. Not yet. When David started his own thefirst thing was discouragement from his soldiers. However, he wascareful enough not to disregard God's direction for him to achievehis purpose. On their way, they found an Egyptian the slave of anAmalekite who was already exhausted.The Amalekites cruelly left this slave to die, but God used him to leadDavid and his men to the Amalekite Camp. David and his mentreated the young man kindly and he returned the kindness byleading them to the Camp of David's enemies. As we continue inthese ember months, treat those you meet with respect and dignityno matter how insignificant they may look like. If David haddisregarded this sickly and dying man, he would have followed thewrong direction and kept on pursuing empitness with nothing toovertake or recover. You never know how God will use the peoplethat cross your way to help you or haunt you, depending upon yourresponse to them.David in obedience to God, pursued, overtook and he broughteverything back. He also recovered all the flocks and herds; nothingwas missing small or great, son or daughter, or anything else thathad been taken. This is El-Shaddai agenda for us all in this spiritualwalk with God. Heaven has concluded it that you must recover allthat is yours. Your attitude matters a lot in this divine agenda. Iencourage you to believe it and it will be your portion.PRAYER POINTPray and bind every manipulation upon your life to end today. By nomeans would you miss your miracles. Every devourer in life andbusiness, what are you waiting for, may they be consumed by fireand thunder.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 254
Tuesday 12th September, 2017 EL-SHADDAI: THE DELIVERER “Then Jesus answered, woman you have great faith! Your request is granted, and her daughter was healed from that very hour” (Matt.15:28) For Reading & Meditation: Matt. 15:21-28El-Shaddai is the Almighty God that offers deliverance to as many that will come to Him. When He visited Abraham, He offered both deliverance and covenant to the entirehousehold. Everyone was circumcised that same day without anyexemption. Too many times we are only concerned about ourpersonal affairs at the expense of our spouses, children andparents. This season offers us opportunity to address this area ofour lives.Our text was the response of our Lord Jesus Christ to the faith of theCanaanite Woman who ought to have been discouraged with thetreatment accorded her. But her utmost desire is the deliverance ofher daughter who was in demonic captivity. Her perseverance paidoff when El- Shaddai decided to honor her faith. Many of ourchildren are equally exhibiting some strange behaviours and themore we try to put them in the right path, the more they resist. Whenit gets to this level, it is obvious that a demon is already in control;the child no longer listens to you but to the demon. Many parentstake this for granted in the hope that with time, the child will change.When a demon is involved, it will only get worse.Today affords us the opportunity to take our children to the Lord,particularly the ones that have proved difficult. As the Canaanitewoman brought her daughter to Jesus, so we have the opportunityto take them to Jesus who is able to deliver them. But you may bethe one that is demon-possessed, if you willingly renounce thedemon and ask Jesus to come into your life, it shall be so today. El-Shaddai is willing to set you free in this period, do not lose theopportunity.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus I surrender my children to you today, every familiardemon that is at work in their lives, let it receive fire in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 255
Wednesday 13th September, 2017 RECLAIM YOUR INHERITANCE “But on mount Zion there shall be deliverance. And there shall be holiness; the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions” (Obad. 17) For Reading & Meditation: Obadiah. 1: 1 17El-Shaddai is the God of deliverance. Are you held captive?, Relax, respite has come your way in this holy encounter. Too many professing Christians who are in Satan's captivity andthe Savior of the world is beckoning on them to come to him so thatthey can have rest for their souls. I am aware that doctors hadalready told some people how long they will live if they fail to desistfrom what they are doing. There was a woman who was an ardentsmoker and the doctor told her she has eight months to live. Shetried to leave smoking but because she was held captive she couldnot leave it and she died. A sister shared with us how she wasaddicted to bitter- kola that she could not stay without it. She had tocry to God before she received her deliverance.What are the things holding you captive? Such things you can't staywithout indulging in them. When a Christian finds himself in suchstate, not only that his soul is in bondage all you have are inbondage. It may look insignificant, yet a lot is going in terms ofmoney or time. Beside this type of possession, is the demonicpossession. Familiar spirits abound around us. Some eveninherited it from parents, others through friends who they sharethings together with.This encounter is a platform offered by El-Shaddai to deliver youfrom every form of possession. When the Son of man set you free,you are free indeed. This is the time to examine yourself whetheryou are held captive by the very habit, taste, style of life and thefeelings you always exhibit. For at this time, deliverance is availableand such people that are delivered will possess their possessions.PRAYER POINTThank you Lord for the promise of deliverance. I bring before youmyself and all that is mine, may we experience deliverance today inJesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 256
Thursday 14th September, 2017 GOD'S MERCY “For God said to Moses, I will show mercy to anyone Ichoose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose”. (Rom. 9:15) For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 1:19-20; Romans 9:10-18El-Shaddai is not arbitrary. He is unlike human being who does not even understand the present talk less about the future. That God chose Jacob to continue the family of the faithful isbecause He knew his heart was for God and what lies in the future.God is sovereign. According to the psalmist, “our God is in theheavens, and he does as he wishes” (Ps.115:3) In all things, Godworks for our good; He is trust worthy at all times; He will save allwho believe in him and come to him in faith.This is the hour of mercy for anyone who will turn to God sincerelyand genuinely. Those who repent of their evil ways will surelyreceive mercy and El-Shaddai who is plenty in mercy will show themcompassion. Do not let the devil intimidate you further, let no onedeceive you as if there is no room for you again. God said; “Comenow, let's settle this, though your sins are like scarlet, I willmake them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson,I will make them as white as wool” (Isa. 1:18). Too many peopleclaim they are 'Christians' but they refuse to depart from sin. Someare busy celebrating sin when they take pride in it or they areappointed to take an assignment in the worship of God while theycontinue in sin. Such people are largely responsible for the strangefire that is going on in the body of Christ.This is a period of mercy; God is willing to show mercy on His people.It is the mercy of God that will take away that burden off your headand you shall have rest for your soul. Make up your mind to do awaywith that (sin if any) so that the peace of God can flow into your hearttoday. You are the candidate earmarked for His Mercy.PRAYER POINTWhile you pray for yourself, mention some people in yourcongregation who are held captive by the sin they commit and prayfor them to repent. Begin to bind all satanic agents in the midst of thepeople of God who are luring them into evil.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 257
Friday 15th September, 2017 PROSPEROUS END “Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would increase abundantly” (Job 8:7) For Reading & Meditation: Job 8:1-15To you El-Shaddai says, “And though you started with little, you will end with much.” This is cheerful news to all who may want to conclude that 2017 will not recordsufficient success for them. We all came into the New Year with thestory of recession which certainly pointed to little. However, gracehas come so that your latter end would increase abundantly.Many started the year with little in the hope that their little effortwould increase but the reverse is the case. Perhaps at thebeginning of the year, you had a dream of a bigger place butsuddenly, things have become worse. Instead of improvement itcontinued to melt down, no thanks to global economic meltdownand the pathetic case of Nigeria and the systemic evil that is goingon in every sector of the economy occasioned by the poorleadership that plagued the Country especially towards the end oflast year. The several crisis that erupted also forced people torelocate and life has to begin afresh. All these and many othersmay have accounted for why your case is still like that.In a bid to get solution, you may have admitted several faults orresorted to long fasting and prayers. Bildad, the friend of Job alsowanted Job to admit when he said, “Does the Almighty twistjustice?” Does the Almighty twist what is right? In a bid to defendthe Almighty, and make Job to own up, Bildad unknowingly beganto prophesy the latter end of Job. Children of God that wouldsincerely call God at this time will experience abundant increasein this latter part of the year.PRAYER POINTOur Saviour specializes in using little bread and fish to feedmultitude, ask him to release that grace on you in this Ephphatha.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 258
Saturday 16th September, 2017 YOU MUST CONFESS “If he breaks a thing down, it cannot be rebuilt; If Heimprisons a man, there can be no release” (Job 12:14) For Reading & Meditation: Job. 12:1-14.El-Shaddai through this period has come with so many blessings. But some will not benefit because their past is not only haunting them but has become an obstacle to theirmiracles. For them the hand of the Lord would always be too short,His ear would seem deaf because the sins of such people have cutthem off from God.In the Church premises, we have a store where soft drinks are sold.On weekly basis, Coca Cola Company would always come to dotheir supply. We never knew that some touts always accompaniedthem behaving as if they were staff of the company. This day, thetouts were able to explore the opportunity and took a large sum ofmoney from our son who thought the boy belonged to the companyand that was how we lost the money. When the news started makingrounds, we were told that, that was what some boys were doing. Thepeople that do things of that nature in any form are the people Job isreferring to when he said, “If He (God) imprisons a man there can beno release” As a result of what some people in the Church have donein the past, they are perpetually in the custody of Satan, they havebeen locked up by God until they open their mouths and confess thepast evils they committed.Some were not just fornicators or adulterers but they actually sleptwith married women or men. Until now such people have notconfessed even to their pastors. Some paid good with evil anddeliberately they hinder the progress of some persons. Others wereinvolved in rituals or witchcraft that led to the death of some persons.How long would you be imprisoned? There can't be release exceptyou confess.PRAYER POINTLet us rise up and pray for forgiveness of any curse we may haveinherited that is working against us in our family. Families aresuffering today because of what some few individuals have done;intercede on behalf of your family todayMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 259
Sunday 17th September, 2017 RESTITUTION“Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, I will give half mywealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much” (Luke 19:8). For Reading & Meditation: Num. 5:1-9; Luke 19:1-10; Ps. 65Restitution is a unique concept that God included in the law in the Old Testament. When someone was robbed, the guilty person was required to restore the loss to the victim and payan additional interest penalty. In the New Testament, Zacchaeusbecame a notable person who at his conversion, promised to payback as many that he had cheated four times as much. In our age itseems this concept has gone out of the Christian diction becausenobody is talking about it. Restitution is an evidence of genuineconversion. When we have wronged others, we ought to do morethan apology. We should look for ways to set issues right and makeeffort to leave the victim better off than when we harmed him or her. Itis pathetic to note that many do not even bother to apologize. Muchas they have done confession in the Church they are satisfied, if onlythey know that divine forgiveness is predicated on the forgivenesswe secure from one another.The opportunity is here again, it is not the will of God for anyone tolose out in this matter. Many are in Church whose pride orachievement was as a result of cheating, stealing and lies of the past.Like Zacchaeus, in this verse, we must stand before the Lord andmake a commitment to carrying out restitution where necessary.Restitution is a product of sincere repentance; it naturally followswhen we make room for Jesus in our heart. If this is the onlyhindrance on your way, do it today and El-Shaddai will downloadthese long awaited blessings.PRAYER POINTRestitution is a holy exercise that requires some time to think about,please do so in prayer now. Ask God to give you courage to carry outany restitution that is required of you todayMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 260
Monday 18th September, 2017 THE YOKE IS BROKEN“On that day, Assyria will be pulled off your back, and the Yoke of slavery lifted from your neck” (Isaiah 10:27) For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 10:20-34The anointing of God is sufficient enough to pull out every yoke from the neck of anyone who believes. Get ready and it is today, your deliverance was a subject of discussion in thecouncil of the Godhead the previous night and it was resolved thatenough is enough for that ugly trend that is following you. It hasbecome an embarrassment to the identity you are supposed to becarrying. I do not know what represent the Assyrians in your lifetoday? To the Israelites, Assyria became a great burden to themwhen they lost favour with God. Assyria dealt wickedly with them bysacking the entire nation and Israel was deported from their land toa strange land where they were expected to sing the song of theirGod in a foreign land. It was their deportation that led to theSamaritan race whose enmity is yet to abate. The Assyriandeported them and plunged them to slavery where they lostnationhood, their identity and personality. The coming of theAssyrians gave birth to a new crop of people called the SamaritansThe enemies are the symbol of the ugly phenomenon called Assyriathat is tormenting people in every field of endeavour. Many arebearing the yoke of slavery colored with oppression andsuppression such that nobody is interested in you any longer. It haseven brought another ugly trend into your life. What a wonderfultime like this, that El-Shaddai has come in power to bring freedom toall who are bearing the yoke of slavery with the promise of lifting it offtheir neck. It is a promise that can be fulfilled now. Thatrepresentation of Assyria can be pulled off and the yoke of slaverycan be off your neck today.PRAYER POINTToday, let us beseech God that the yoke of slavery be broken fromthe neck of believers. Every satanic stronghold must give way todayin the name of Jesus. Pray that every yoke of slavery upon ournation be broken today. Enough is enough we cannot continue tosuffer in the midst of plenty.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 261
Tuesday 19th September, 2017 NO ONE CAN SHUT THE DOOR “… What he opens, no one can close; and what he closes,no one can open… I have opened a door for you that no one can close…” (Rev. 3:7, 8). For Reading & Meditation: Revelation 3:7-13Ephphatha means, be opened. It is a programme of open doors to greater revival in all ramifications in our individual lives. Ephphatha is designed for those who will stay a littlelonger at prayer closet. Ephphatha is meant for those who will standto their feet with courage and faith and say to the devil, it is enough.Wherever open door becomes a subject of discussion, it means theprevious one cannot subsist any longer. Ephphatha is set to give usnew opportunities, new privileges, new breakthroughs; we must beready for it because it is God's agenda for our lives.The Church in Philadelphia was a beloved Church to God becauseshe obeyed the commandments of God to persevere. She refusedevery satanic promptings and chose to be faithful to God.Therefore, God promised to protect her from the temptationsahead. In the midst of that was the promised opened door. Thesewere doors of opportunities and greater exploit that would lead tohigher ground in life.This is the promise that is coming to all who have been faithful toGod in their daily walk with God since the beginning of the year.Such people like Hezekiah would be able to pray, “Remember, OLord, how I have always been faithful to you and have servedyou single mindedly, always doing what pleases you”. ForHezekiah, it was a matter of seconds and the prayer was answered.So it will be for us in this Ephphatha and the answer will comespeedily. The promise of open door is of God and He will never fail,just believe and by prayers the doors will open for you.PRAYER POINTArise and pray: “In the name of Jesus, every door the enemies haveshut against me must be opened by fire. My Father, my Father, youhave promised me opened door, let your grace come upon me forgreater manifestation.”MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 262
Wednesday 20th September, 2017 THE LORD WILL MAKE UP“I'll make up for the years of the locust, the great locust ofdevastation locusts savage, locusts deadly, fierce locusts, locusts of doom” (Joel 2:25) For Reading & Meditation: Joel 2: 18 -27El-Shaddai says, I'll make it up for you. This is the conclusion of the matter, no further argument; no controversy. God has the final say. It doesn't matter, what type of locust hasattacked you, whether great locust of devastation, locust savage,locust deadly, fierce locust or locust of doom. It is a season to turnthings around for good. For the wickedness of the wicked mustreturn to the wicked. I admit that you have suffered a great dealbut I wish to announce to you that El-Shaddai is the very big Godthat is by your side ready to turn things for good because you aredestined to laugh last and laugh the best.I do not know whether this meditation is a divine response to yourcase, please trust God for what He is about to do. I know of a sisterwhose son was involved in an accident and the victim eventuallydied. They spent all they had and even went on borrowing. Suchexperience is a locust of devastation. God says, I'll make it up foryou. What of those who may have lost their only hope of survival?It is a fierce and deadly locusts, yet God says, I'll make it up foryou. Savage locusts and locust of doom may be hovering aroundyou, El-Shaddai says, I'll make it up for you. This is the verdict thatEl-Shaddai will make up the years of locusts in this seaon offavour. Like David, you need to hear this twice.PRAYER POINTMy Father in Heaven you promised to make up for me everydevastation I have suffered. I call upon you today; it is my turn toshare testimonies of your goodness.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 263
Thursday 21st September, 2017VICTORY BY PRAISES“At the very moment they began to sing and give praise,the Lord caused the armies of Ammon, Moab, and MountSeir to start fighting among themselves” (2Chron 20:22) For Reading & Meditation: 2Chronicle 20:1-30, 2Corinth. 10:1-8; Psalm 46.It is no doubt that God wants us to be winners and not loosers when the battle is of God. Jehoshaphat has taught us one of the ways that believers can achieve victory in every battle.Three nations rose against him and challenged him to a battle.Jehoshaphat prayed unto God and after the prayers, the Spirit ofthe Lord came upon a Levite who began to prophesy the victorythat lies ahead of the children of God. The key to that victory waspraises. The weapon that was powerful enough that to guarantytheir victory was praises.Beloved, for a moment, ponder over the reaction of the peoplewhen they were told that they need not take physical weaponsagainst those who have come against them with all kinds ofweapons. Is it not suicidal to go against such people withpraises? The carnal man would have thought that way and manywould have withdrawn from such a suicidal mission. Immediatelythe people of God began to praise God, we were told thatconfusion took over the camp of their enemies and they began tofight among themselves. In other words, praises is capable ofdriving fear into the spine of your enemies. Therefore, what areyou waiting for? Begin to sing praises now and confusion isbound to take over the camp of those plotting against you.PRAYER POINT.Ask the Holy Spirit to begin to teach you the art and secret ofpraises. Lord as we praise you, let confusion begin to take overthe camp of our enemies.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 264
Friday 22nd September, 2017 GOD'S HAND OF PROTECTION “… Our God lovingly looks after all those who seek him,but turns away in disgust from those who leave him” (Ezra 8:22b). For Reading & Meditation: Ezra 8:15-36Ezra declared to the king that God is able to protect His own from every assault of enemies. Every one of us must be conscious of this fact that, El-Shaddai is with us. Thereforewe must seek God whole heartedly to enable us enjoy Hiscompany.The man Ezra was a man of prayer who knew that one of thewinning ways is the way of prayer. He had the responsibility ofleading the exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem but the dangers onthe way would not allow anyone to contemplate such a riskyadventures. Ezra knew the power of his God - the El-Shaddai andthe characteristics of those who can move His hand to action.Such people are those who seek his face for all they need in life.Their hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols andnever tell lies. Because of these qualities, they receive the Lord'sblessing and have right relationship with God their Saviour.Whoever possesses these qualities, God would lovingly look afterhim. But those who disregard it, God would turn away in disgust.The man Ezra mobilized the people to seek the face of Godconcerning the challenges before them and God listened to them.This is the privilege before us in this ember months, God is readyto listen to us as individuals and as a body. Remember, this is oneof the winning ways, may you win always in Jesus name.PRAYER POINTThank you my dear Father for the winning ways you have madeavailable to us, help us to use them to your glory. Is there anythreat to our lives in this last quarter of the year. We call upon YouO God that nothing will cut our lives short.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 265
Saturday 23rd September, 2017 MAINTAIN THE INTIMACY. “Don't grieve God. Don't break his heart. His Holy Spirit,moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself. Don't take such a gift for granted” (Ephesians 4:30). For Reading & Meditation: Ephesians 4:17-32As we gradually move to the end of this month, we shall spend some days to examine some crucial issues that guarantee our relationship with God. It is hoped that every shortcoming wemay discover we shall pray earnestly about it. The text before us isthe translation of the message Bible. The key word is “grieve” whichmeans to feel sad, lament, be distressed, be upset, be unhappy. Fora moment, can you think about how you felt when someone upsetyou in the past or when you were made to lament about something.Believers have been bought at a price that is beyond ourimagination; God had to offer himself and died on the cross ofCalvary so that we can be saved. When we go back to those thingsfrom which we have been redeemed, we grieve God and we breakhis heart. God is in us through the Holy Spirit that indwells us. TheHoly Spirit within us is a guarantee that we belong to God. We cannotcontinue to indulge ourselves in all forms of passion and still thinkGod is in us. If the Holy Spirit is not there it means such a person donot belong to God. The Holy Spirit in us demonstrates thegenuineness of our faith; He proves that we are God's children andsecures eternal life for us. His power works in us to transform us,bring to manifestation, God's purpose for our lives, calling andministry, thereby making us fit for Him.If your lifestyle shows that you take this gift for granted, let thismeditation help you to reconcile with God, so that your miracles canbe released with ease.PRAYER POINTStand the gap as you ask God to forgive your family of the severaltimes you have grieved God. Plead the blood of Jesus for cleansing.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 266
Sunday 24th September, 2017WATCH YOURSELF “Don't live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the master wants” (Ephesians 5:17) For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 3:1-12In this end-time, we want to see more of the believers resembling their Father, behaving, talking, working and doing all things like their heavenly Father. This should be a deliberate decision by alland sundry. God in His word has opened my eyes spiritually and I ambetter off now, if Jesus returns now I am not ashamed to be his bride.The New Living translation of our text says, “Don't act thoughtlessly,but understand what the Lord wants you to do.” Beloved, we are inan age where we have to think properly, look carefully before we actlest we lose our salvation. Christians are living carelessly andunthinking, do not be one of such Christians. Think about what youspend money on by considering the eternal value. If it does not have,do not join others because that is what is in vogue.The most disturbing area nowadays is the dressing code thatpervades the society. As I read newspapers, I came to realize thatmany of the designs are sexually oriented. They are meant toarouse the opposite sex sexually and this is the case with all thefemale latest designs. Not only that it exposes the vital areas that aremeant to be covered, there is also the sexual appeal. ManyChristians do not care about what they wear, the kind of hair they fix.We in Nigeria are very good at copying them from other countriesbecause we see them in Churches. There is that Adamic nature thatcraves after these worldly things, until it is dealt with on the cross, thecraving can never stop. We hear things like 'take me out'. This is arecent term that some of you will refer to some people as old school.But think about the whole idea, does it promote holiness by itsnature?PRAYER POINTTake a look at your house; ask yourself what contribution the variousthings are making to your Christian walk with God. Ask God toforgive you for any and for grace to give it up.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 267
Monday 25th September, 2017 DESPERATE TIMES“Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times”(Eph 5:16). For Reading & Meditation: Romans 13:1-7Time comes from God with specific things that are meant to be accomplished. The preacher said it, “for everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” In ourtext, Apostle Paul counseled, “make the most of everyopportunity in these evil days.” The days are desperate and thedevil is not resting either. How we use our time is an important issuewe must carefully examine, so that we may not miss the mark.Desperate matters have come to meet desperate times, how carefulare we?Virtually everything in life both the old and the new are becomingmuch more desperate and only desperate people would be able tomeet up. Our concern here is, in what area are you moredesperate? Life has placed different responsibilities on ourshoulders. It is easy to spend all of our time responding to thesedemands at the expense of issues of eternal value. Technologicaladvancement is taking more of our time at the expense of kingdommatters. A few examples would suffice.In recent times, we now have opportunities to watch severalTelevision stations. When Christians go on to buy the air time thatgives more stations, not necessarily because of their favourite, whatdo you think is under contention? Internet is another gift to mankind,but it has become one of those desperate things in these desperatetimes. How much of your time goes to it compare to the time youspend in church and at your private devotion. If you watch carefullywhy do people devote so much time to their phone. Also, we nowspend more time attending one party or the other. In all these, somuch time goes in but little gain. Watch how you use your timeplease.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, too many things are contending with our time, giveus wisdom to appropriate them. Let us pray for as many that arewasting their precious time and opportunities.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 268
Tuesday 26th September, 2017TAKE YOUR CHANCE NOW “So let's take our chances in the camp of Aram andthrow ourselves on their mercy. If they receive us we'lllive, if they kill us we'll die. We've got nothing to lose” (2kings 7:4) For Reading & Meditation: 2 Kings 7:1-11Take your chance now while opportunity lasts. It is time to take possession of the several miracles heaven has already released. They are there, you have the visa to goin and take as much as you can. The race, for long, has left thelevel of being on your mark, the required batons haveexchanged hands we are at the winning stage now, let yourwhole attitude begin to reflect victory.Our case is unlike the lepers, but one bold step brought smileon the faces of the nation. Unknowingly to them, their spirit wasresponding to the victory the Lord has wrought for His people.When Elisha had spoken, he didn't go to sleep but went on topray to move God to action and that same night, the camp of theArameans was over taken by confusion and they startedfighting themselves.What do you think has happened to the enemies since youstarted praying? El-Shaddai would not allow them to continuewith their havoc. The camp of the enemies is already in disarrayand they have fled. Assume the wining attitude and go for yourplunder now.PRAYER POINTAs the Lord threw the camp of the Arameans into confusion,pray that your enemies' camp that is still operating beovertaken by confusion.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 269
Wednesday 27th September, 2017 A LITTLE FAITH“Because you're not yet taking God seriously… The simpletruth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppy seeds,say, you would tell this mountain, move! And it would move. There is nothing you would not be able to tackle” (Matt 17:20). For Reading & Meditation: Matt. 17:14-20Faith is all you need. Ask God to give you that little faith like mustard seed. Those who take God seriously have the required faith to move mountains. At this level of yourrelationship with God, you should be able to move that mountainnow. Speak to it and you will see result now.The disciples were unable to help the man who brought his son toJesus for deliverance while he was away on the mountain. What adisgrace that the master could not overlook it, he described them asa generation that was faithless, without any sense of God. They sawJesus doing it but they never showed any interest or made effort tobe like Jesus. It was a non-challant attitude; they were satisfied withbeing just the disciples of the miracle worker. But Jesus never liked itthis way.This same attitude is noticeable among believers. They want tobenefit from the anointing but the sacrifice that is required is none oftheir business. In our walk with the Lord, it will be insufficient on ourpart if we are only concerned about what we shall get at the expenseof what God want to make out of us. El-Shaddai is not only interestedin blessing you, He wants to make you an instrument in this endtime. Jesus would not always be there physically but he is alwaysthere through you. You are already empowered, do not be like thedisciples, take your shield of faith now.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Christ increase my faith that I may be able to wroughtgreat exploit in your name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 270
Thursday 28th September, 2017 EL-SHADDAI: LIFE GIVER“A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came sothey can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of” (John 10:10) For Reading & Meditation: John 10:1-10El-Shaddai is the life giver. Abraham is an eloquent testimony to this. El-Shaddai should up in the New Testament when He came in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ to redeem us. El-Shaddai has released life to us all; therefore we should go on to livethe abundant life.Whatever the devil (the thief) has stolen from you, restoration istaking place. The devil has stolen the destiny of many, the life theyare living now is a counterfeit consequently a lot of destruction isalready manifesting in their lives and gradually death is around thecorner. If you are a victim, make effort to regain what is yours. JesusChrist has promised us real and eternal life, the life that is betterthan we ever dreamed of. God is interested in the life you are livinghence His self disclosure in this programme. God wants to give usthe quality of life that will reflect His glory whereby your testimonywill bring people to Him. The testimony of Abraham would havebeen incomplete without Isaac. He had everything but no child, thusGod had to complete the testimony. God wants to complete yourtestimony.Your life would experience a divine touch so that this better life thatEl-Shaddai gives will become obvious to all as they see you daily.Beloved, you cannot remain the same; El-Shaddai must take you toa new level. God's faithfulness must become evident in you afternowPRAYER POINTSome people are carrying terminal ailments in their body. If you area victim, say to the devil, I have a new life in me; the sickness will notkill me. By fire, pack your load and go.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 271
Friday 29th September, 2017 EL-SHADDAI THE ALL BOUNTIFUL “When Isaac planted his crop that year, he harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the Lord blessed him” (Gen. 26:12) For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 26:1-12El-Shaddai is the all bountiful God. This is a time of great harvest of beautiful things. Indeed you have planted in tears, while some wept as they were planting their seed, like the widow inthe New Testament, they gave all they had in faith in the hope thatGod will show them His mercy. Rejoice in your spirit because you areabout to shout hurrahs, a shout of joy as a result of the large harvestthat awaits you. Every seed you gave was a planting and itgerminated, grew up and is already carrying ripe fruit for harvest.Your harvest is ready, go on and harvest to your satisfactionIsaac like his father wanted to relocate to Egypt where his fatherwent. God did not allow him even though the famine was much moresevere than the one that happened during the days of his father. Justas Isaac wanted to adopt his fathers' strategy, so many of us arerepeating the mistakes of our parents. Ask yourself whether you arealready making the same mistake?Isaac was obedient to God, when God told him; “Do not go down toEgypt, but do as I tell you”. That same year that famine was bitingseverely, Isaac planted his crops and he harvested a Hundred timesmore grain than he planted because the Lord blessed him. Theanxiety of the ugly experience of some people had made somebelievers to plunge themselves to a deep pit of frustration. When wewent to Israel, we were told that for about five years, they could counthow many times they had rainfall, yet they were able to feedthemselves and the world. El-Shaddai is our God of abundance, liveby His word.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, my El-Shaddai, I believe that a great harvest awaits me.Help me so that this harvest will not waste away. Every attempt torelocate me from where my miracle is, I reject it today, let God ariseand fight for me.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 272
Saturday 30th September, 2017 LEVEL HAS CHANGED “And so the two of them traveled on together to Bethlehem. When they arrived in Bethlehem the whole town was soon buzzing: Is this really our Naomi? And after all this time” (Ruth 1:19) For Reading & Meditation: Ruth 1:1-20The whole town heard about what happened to Naomi, when she came back, they asked, is this really our Naomi? Eventualities of life may have affected you badly such thatrecovery may be out of sight. Nobody thought Naomi wouldsurvive the tragedies of life that took away her husband and twosons. She became a frustrated alien in the land of Moab, butthere the Lord heard her and packaged her for a greatermanifestation. I make bold to say, God has brought you back toyour Bethlehem- the house of bread. I tell you, they will not knowyou again including all those who arranged your downfall, or whowent to coven or elsewhere because of you.To human beings, Naomi came back empty handed but history isabout to be made that she was an instrument through which thesavior of the world came to redeem his people. Looking aroundyou it may seem that nothing is happening, but God has alreadyarranged your miracle for you. Your survival is a divinearrangement to show case His power. Just as they heard your downfall, so your rising shall beproclaimed as it were in the days of Mordecai. Celebrationawaits all of us who hope in the Lord because El-Shaddai hasmade an opening for us all. Go on, celebrate your miracles,celebrate your breakthrough, and celebrate to God's glory.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, I ask for Your grace that packaged Naomi for agreater manifestation and relevance in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 273
Sunday 1st October, 2017EL-SHADDAI THE ALPHA AND OMEGA“I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end, says the Lord God. I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come the Almighty One” (Rev.1:8).For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 40:1-11; Rev. 1:1-15; Psalm 116:1-14Alleluia, glory to God Almighty for bringing us to the end of the month. Indeed, today is a day of testimony; it is a day of praises. Count your blessings; name them one by one and itwill surprise you what the Lord has done.El-Shaddai is the Alpha who began with us He will see usthroughout the ember months. The Lord who has started with uswill no doubt uphold us till the end of the year. Today He is showinghimself as the Omega. God will never abandon His project hencethe privilege of seeing today. When the psalmist saw the hand ofGod upon his life, he asked rhetorically, “What can I offer the Lordfor all he has done for me?” He said, “I will lift up the cup of salvationand praise the Lord's name for saving me. I will keep my promisesto the Lord in the presence of all his people” (Psalm 116:13-14)The Lord couldn't have started with you and still allowed the plagueto continue. Because He is the Omega, it means the plague hasended. This is the meaning of El-Shaddai the Alpha and Omega.When He begins His work with us, at the end what needed to end inour lives must necessarily come to an end. I declare to you, thatsickness has ended, poverty has ended, pains have ended,joblessness has ended, and every activity of the devil in your lifehas ended because El-Shaddai is Alpha and Omega.PRAYER POINTThank God for His grace upon us and pray for His presence with ustill the end of the year.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 274
Monday 2nd October, 2017 DIVINE AGENDA“The king's heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he turns it wherever he pleases”. Prov. 21:1. For Reading & Meditation: Esther 1: 1-9Today is a special day in the life of our nation that calls for thanksgiving. That we are still together is by His mercy. Otherwise, our iniquities are sufficient enough to tear usapart. In the light of this favour, we shall continue our meditationthis month with the book of Esther. While the study lasts letevery child of God on daily basis believe and trust God for adivine arrangement that is coming your way. No power will beable to stop what God has arranged for you. Your enemy mustsubmit in Jesus name. When the story of Joseph comes to yourmind, you have no reason to fear. As Nigerians let us hope inGod as we celebrate independence. He will surely deliver us.King Xerxes had a whole empire with 127 provinces and aretinue of officers under him. Having succeeded in hisgovernment, he felt he had reasons to celebrate. Thecelebration was meant to boost his ego but God was going touse it to raise an individual thereby raising a nation. Nigeria hasrisen I believe it, let us confess it and it will manifest in our time.The celebration was a clear display of the opulence or wealthand the glory of the empire which was as a result of the manynations paying tributes to the empire. Such celebrations are acommon sight especially since the advent of democracy withpoliticians at the forefront. If there is any around you, God willuse it to bless you.PRAYER POINTIn this new month O LORD we lift our voices to you as a nationgrant us your divine intervention for a divine establishment.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 275
Tuesday 3rd October, 2017 TIME-UP.“Queen Vashti has wronged not only the king but alsoevery official and citizen throughout the empire”. VI 6 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 1:10-21While King Xerxes treated the palace servants and officials to a sumptuous party, Queen Vashti on her part also gave a banquet for the women of thepalace at the same time. On the seventh day of the feastwhen the king had fully satisfied himself, he felt likeshowcasing more of his ego. He decided to invite the Queento his party so that the men could gaze on her beauty,because she was a beautiful woman.However, while the king was planning to exhibit QueenVashti he never knew that God had already changed thearrangement. Queen Vashti's beauty was already faded,she was no longer fit to parade the ungodly beauty in her.God had already put in place a young damsel who isbeautiful inwardly and outwardly.Because of this divine change that has taken place QueenVashti refused to answer the call of the king. In fact the partywas meant to celebrate the exit of Queen Vashti. Withouthesitation, queen Vashti was relieved of her position and asearch was put in place for the one the Lord has arranged.Because of the divine arrangement, there is a search goingon now if you believe, the search will locate you.PRAYER POINTDear Father, may your children be located today for greaterassignment in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 276
Wednesday 4th October, 2017LORD LOCATE ME TODAY.“He was so delighted with her that he set the royal crown on her head and declared her queen instead of Vashti”. V17 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 2:1-20The search for a befitting woman for the post of the queen was a rigorous one. It involved the whole empire, looking for beautiful young virgins for the king. The qualificationsmay be high, requirements may not be an easy one. Even whenthe rules will not be tampered with, if the Lord has chosen you,you will be located with less friction..Because the Lord had already arranged the position for Esther,she was fortunate to be among the few that were selected. Afterselection, they were subjected to a special treatment that willenhance their beauty. While Esther was undergoing thistreatment, we noticed that she was an obedient person. Shenever forgot what her uncle Mordecai told her. When she was toappear before the king, she accepted the advice of Hegai theeunuch in charge of the harem. For those who are believing Godfor a divine arrangement, they must be obedient to God and totheir fellow men (godly people). When the king saw her evenbefore going to bed, the divine beauty in her arrested the king andhe crowned her immediately. If you are a girl make sure the gloryof God is upon your life, it will arrest any man who may want todefile you.Our young girls who indulge in sexual immorality, by that sinful acthave traded away their divine beauty.PRAYER POINTWe pray for our young girls, may they cherish their virginity inJesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 277
Thursday 5th October, 2017DO NOT COVER EVIL“Evil people love to harm others; their neighbors get no mercy from them”. Prov. 21:10 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 2:21-23In this new month, let us pray that our helpers- helpers of destiny will not be far away and may the Lord use them according to His plan for our lives. Pray that nothing shouldhinder or cut short our helpers. Perhaps the devil was awarethat the queen would bring about better days to the Jews.Therefore, he instigated two of the king's eunuchs toassassinate him. This was not necessary because the king hadrecently appreciated the officials and the palace servants forthe support given to his reign.While the plot was going on, Mordecai heard about it and hepassed on the same to the queen. When the matter wasinvestigated, it was found to be true and the two people werehanged.The lesson for us to learn is that every evil plot against ourdestiny is not hidden from God. No matter the manipulation ofthe evil one, keep trusting God. He will bring to pass everythinghe has arranged for you. When Mordecai heard about the evilplan, he did not cover it. The role he played was on record and itwas going to be the reason for the future reward. The exampleof Mordecai should be taken to heart by all who are believingGod for their divine arrangement. It will surely come but do notcompromise evil in any way.PRAYER POINTLord, position your people for a greater future and help us tostand and promote what is good.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 278
Friday 6th October, 2017CHRISTIAN KNOW YOURSELF “So they spoke to Haman about this to see if he wouldtolerate Modecai's conduct, since Mordecai had told them he was a Jew”.For Reading & Meditation: Esther 3:1-9One big lesson we need to learn as we meditate on the book Esther is, that we have a God who works behind the scenes of life for the good of his people. In a situationwhere God is working behind the scene on your behalf, theenemies' attack, plan and scheming is always very pronounced.It looks like they will have their way and the children of God will beswallowed. As we progress in the study of the book you will haveyour conclusion to draw.As a result of the progress Haman was making, though crookedat heart and evil, king Xerxes promoted him and made him themost powerful official in the empire next to the king himself. As aresult of the position, everybody except the king worshippedHaman. Mordecai however would not do that because it wasagainst the first and the second commandments. No doubtMordecai knew the person of Haman and that there was nothingto celebrate in him.Too many Christians nowadays would want to compromise theirfaith so as to please the man on top in order to curry favour. It isimportant for us to know that God is always managing the affairsof his children. Our welfare is God's concern, for a moment hewill not lose sight of us. Make sure you do not yoke yourself withothers.PRAYER POINTOur dear Father, let your children always remember who theyare in every situation.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 279
Saturday, 7th October, 2017GOD REIGNS.“Trouble chases sinners, while blessing chase the righteous”. Prov. 13:21 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 3:10-15Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. For the sinners their lot is trouble while blessings will always chase the righteous. This is amazing andawesome. If you are right with your God and someone is afteryou, keep praying and take your position, do not compromise it,God is working behind the scene to your favour. Haman thoughthe had succeeded, by tomorrow all the Jews would be killed,slaughtered, and annihilated, therefore he sat down to drink withthe king.However, he forgot that the king did not accept the money hebrought to him because God would not allow the king to commithimself to Haman. Instead of Haman to wisely use his elevation,he decided to allow the office to use him. Unknowingly to him hewas heading for destruction. This is common sight nowadays.Whenever anyone is appointed to serve in governmentcongratulatory messages will flood everywhere. As a resultmany misunderstand the fact that they are meant to be servants.Instead, they become bossy and end up regretting.As you read this meditation may be devil has positioned aHaman against you. By prayer destroy every commitmentbetween that Haman and whoever is on top. Do not be disturbedof any merriment or fraternity that may be going on, that Hamanis already heading for doom. It is only a matter of hours or time.PRAYER POINTEvery plot against your people, good Lord turn it to their favour.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 280
Sunday 8th October, 2017RESPONDING TO THE DEVICES OF THE ENEMY.“And ---there was a great mourning among the Jews. Theyfasted, wept and wailed, and lay in sackcloth and ashes”. V3 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 4:1-9What is your first response to Crisis? The way and manner you respond will go a long way in your attempt to overcome the crisis. Crises are bound to come in diverseways as we progress in our Christian race. Remember our Lordsaid “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But takeheart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Our Lordsays, take heart, in other words do not be disturbed. Since I haveovercome the world, you too would overcome. Whenever crisisrears its ugly head, the first thing the enemy does is to destabilizethe person. If we allow it, that may mark the beginning of ourdefeat.When the news of the massacre of the Jews was making rounds,as usual it was greeted with a great mourning. While theymourned they never forgot their God. They did not allow theenemies to destabilize them. They resorted to fasting and theirprayers were accompanied with heavy weeping and wailing. Godwould not keep quiet, for He said, call upon me in the days oftrouble and I will deliver you.When trouble comes, where do you turn to? Laziness would noteven allow some to go to their pastors. If they succeed in telling thepastor, they conclude that the Pastor is doing the job and they goto sleep. Perhaps, it has worked for you, it is not the best, engageyourself.PRAYER POINTAs many O Lord that are faced with trouble, please turn theirhearts to you their God.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 281
Monday 9th October, 2017THE GOD WHO KNOWS THE FUTURE.“What's more, who can say but that you have been elevated to the place for just such a time as this”. VI 4 For Reading & Meditation: Esther4:10-14We serve the God who knows the end from the beginning. Our God is fully in charge of His creation and all things are working out for His good purpose. For every momentthat make up the number of years you are destined to spend onplanet earth, our God has the details. Our Lord said; even thenumber of hairs on your head is known by him. If you believe thatGod is in control, your heart should be gladdened. You need notfret because your whole life is safe in His hands.God, who knows the future from the beginning, knew that the likesof Haman would emerge on the scenes of history. If the likes ofQueen Vashti remain, then the righteous will suffer the rod of thewicked. God had to dethrone Queen Vashti and paved the way forEsther to become the Queen so as to save the nation that will befaced with the danger of extinction. God knew that Haman wouldhave his way if the former queen was there. I declare over your lifeevery ungodly power around be dethroned today in Jesus name.When the news of the destruction of the Jews got to Esther, shecould not immediately see what she was capable of doing thus shefelt helpless. The law would not allow her to perform in order torescue her nation. However, Mordecai her uncle reminded her thatGod has placed her there at this time for a purpose. How many ofus now do understand the purpose why we are in our presentposition? What are your excuses, when others are perishing?PRAYER POINTGive to your people the understanding of their present positionLord Jesus.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 282
Tuesday 10th October, 2017.COURAGE MEETS WITH DANGER.“Go and gather together all the Jews of Susa and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day…” V16 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 4:1 5-17Mordecai's reply to Esther was an eye opener. It was then she understood the reason for the position she occupied. Ignorance they say is a disease. Cowardsdies many times before their death. Surely, the mountainmust become a level ground if we approach the danger withcourage in God. Esther's spirit was charged, sheremembered that “those who know their God shall doexploit.”Esther knew the danger in her mission and she equally knewhow to turn the danger into breakthrough. She called for athree day and night fasting and prayer in order to move Godinto the man-made danger.Too many Christians today are at the mercy of their captors.They have no freedom of their own, they are under torment.The devil is almost through with some of them. It is a matter ofdays and their obituary would be announced. Others havetheir letter of termination waiting to be given to them. To sometheir marriage has grounded to a halt and before long, theywill be forced to bear the name divorcee. What does yourpresent situation look like? A good step like that of Esther isable to save you, only if you are ready.PRAYER POINT 283MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017
Wednesday 11th October, 2017SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE“What do you want, Queen Esther? ...I will give it to you, even if it is half the kingdom” V3 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 5:1-6Who says spiritual discipline does not help? Have you tried it and it failed? Can you point to one instance where those who engagedthemselves in spiritual discipline were disappointed?Even sinners like the Ninevites who engaged themselvesin spiritual discipline were not neglected by God.Too many Christians today are looking for short course totheir miracles. They want others to do the job while theyenjoy the result. Some self acclaimed 'prophets' haveequally positioned themselves to tell the people whatthey want to hear. God's grace is not for Sale. Neither is ithidden. It is available to all who seek Him. When otherswere ready to go for one day, Esther was ready to go forthree days and three nights. The result was far more thanwe can imagine, danger became a blessing and deathbecame life decorated with promotion. Esther becamethe king who was dictating the pace of things. The kingwas now obeying Esther. Our God is wonderful; thesecret is spiritual discipline.PRAYER POINTWhat a friend we have in Jesus, if only we can connecthim in spiritual discipline. Good Lord helps us.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 284
Thursday 12th October, 2017IT IS WISDOM THAT YOU NEED“Be wise as serpent and be harmless as doves.” Matt. 10:16 (KJV)For reading and meditation: Esther 5:7-8; matt. 10:16-20Esther's approach to the crisis facing her people no doubt was a clear demonstration of one who has the gift of wisdom. She combined the wisdom of serpentand the grace of a dove to ultimately accomplish God'spurpose. The gift of wisdom is what every child of God shouldrequest for in this our untoward generation. We all need thewisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit so that we can alwayshave an edge over the sons and daughters of this crookedworld who think they are wise in their own eyes.We must pray and ask God to endow us with the wisdom thatthe Holy Spirit gives. This would always put us on higherpedestal far and above the devices of the enemies. The kingthought Esther was going to make her request right away, butEsther arranged for a banquet requesting for one more day.The enemy was beaten hands down. Haman could not linkthe banquet to the destruction he had planned for the Jews.Haman foolishly thought the banquet was in recognition forhis evil plan that will bring destruction on him. Can the womenalso learn some wisdom from Esther who was wise enoughnot to put her problem first but to make her husband happybefore the presentation of her problems. Ask for wisdomtoday, and your enemy will be deluded.PRAYER POINTHoly Spirit, we humbly ask your wisdom to be able toovercome this world.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 285
Friday 13th October, 2017 WHAT WISDOM IS THIS?“But all this is meaningless as long as I see Mordecai the Jew just sitting there at the palace gate”. VI 3 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 5:9-14What kind of wisdom is this? The wisdom that places the enemy on top of keg of gun powder. The wisdom that makes the enemy to be sharing the testimony ofhis own shameful destruction that seems to him as victory. It isthe wisdom that the Holy Spirit gives. With it we conquernations, forces of darkness, with it we take over ourpossessions, with it our enemies become our servants, with itthe enemy falls into the pit he has dug for us. It is asupernatural wisdom, it swallows every other wisdom. It is thesolution to the several crisis facing the world. The crisis that isabout to unleash its terror on homes, businesses, offices,churches, markets etc. It is this wisdom that will bring peace.After the meeting Haman in his delusion went home boastingof what he had at his disposal and the invitation to a banquetthat would spell doom for him. May we counsel those who arein the household of faith but they are behaving like Haman toplease call themselves to order because they may not escapethe delusion that is beckoning. It is a divine arrangement forthe enemy to be destroyed while the children of God willrejoice in testimonies. Haman went on to set up a gallows thatwas seventy five feet to hang Mordecai, but unknowingly tohim, he had built it for himself.PRAYER POINTLord may I not fret because of what the enemy is doing. Letme rely on your divine power in every situation.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 286
Saturday 14th October, 2017.IT IS ON RECORD.“What reward or recognition did we ever give Mordecai for this? Nothing has been done”. V3 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 6:1-4;Psalm 20:1-9You may be tempted to think the story in the book, Esther, is too sweet to have happened. Well that may be your opinion. When God arranges things for you andthey happen, people will say the story is too good to be true.While Haman was planning and constructing the gallows, theking could not sleep that night because there was somethingin the records that called for appreciation and fulfillment. Aman once upon a time, saved his life has not shown anykindness to that wonderful man? The king asked rhetorically.Are you aware of the wonderful records of God- the Bible fullof divine promises that are waiting for fulfillment in your life? Alittle effort will help you to discover them. The sleepless nightof the king helped him to discover his short -comings.Meanwhile, I need to remind you of the spiritual discipline thatis still at work. Have you engaged yourself? The king orderedhis attendant to bring the historic records of his kingdom to beread to him. While they read, the good works of Mordecaibegan to speak to the king. If records are read now is thereanything that will speak in your favour? The records are there,what is the story about you? Whatever your story may looklike, at any rate there is room for improvements.PRAYER POINTMy records may not be too impressive, but with you LordJesus, let there be changes for the better dear Lord!MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 287
Sunday 15th October, 2017ENEMY TURNED P. R. 0. “When the ways of people please the Lord, he makeseven their enemies live at peace with them”. Prov. 16:7 For reading & meditation: Esther 6:5-9, prov. 16:5-10What brought Haman the arch-enemy of Modecai to the palace at the time the record of Mordecai was being read and the king was contemplating on how toappreciate Modecai's good works? Not only that Haman was inthe palace, he was going to recommend to the king the natureof the honour to be done to the man who truly pleases the king.Haman in his delusion thought he was the one. After all, theQueen had invited him to the banquet. God brought Haman fora complete humiliation. This is what is waiting for those whomay be fighting you. Haman was called upon to give hisrecommendation for a man who deserves to be honored by theking.When Haman had finished his recommendation, he wasdirected to do this honour to Modecai. He could not believe hiseyes or ears, but the decree had been made, he had no choicebut to obey. The man he wanted to hang, now became theperson he had to decorate and he became the Public Relations0fficer telling people the favour of God upon his life. This is theresult of divine arrangement. If your way pleases God today,you are equally entitled to this privilege. Your enemies will bethe people telling others what God has done in your life. Takenote, your enemy has a role to play on your way to the top.PRAYER POINTThank you Father, because those who planned evil against mewill decorate me. Help me to follow you obediently.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 288
Monday 16th October, 2017HUMILIATION FOR THE ENEMY“Afterward Mordecai returned to the palace gate, but Haman hurried home dejected and completely humiliated”. V12 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 6:10-14According to Haman's recommendation to the king, Haman decorated Mordecai as directed. While Mordecai was riding on the king's horse, Haman wastrekking and running announcing to the people, “This is whathappens to those the king wishes to honour', Could you for amoment imagine the state of Haman while he was decoratingMordecai. What of the time they were walking along thestreets and he was making the announcement?.If you allow God to take charge of your enemies I tell you, theywill be thoroughly humiliated. Their humiliation will record alot of witnesses and will be boldly written on their foreheads.When this is done, they will remain confused, frustrated,dejected and highly depressed. It is only the hand of the Lordthat is able to accomplish these. Let your God fight for youwhile you stand aloof watching.Haman hurriedly went home and he told his wife and all hisfriends who advised him to set up the gallows to hangMordecai, for all that had happened. Before he could finish hismiserable story, the invitation to the banquet that will hanghim was due. Wait and see what happens to enemies.PRAYER POINTMy dear Lord, every divine arrangement for me, let it come topass today in Jesus name Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 289
Tuesday 17th October, 2017FORTUNES HAVE CHANGED.“Who would do such a thing? King Xerxes demanded who would dare touch you?” V5 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 7:1-8Perhaps if Haman had known that Esther was a Jew and that she was related to Mordecai, he would have had a rethink. But evil people hardly think that way. It ispossible that he knew but he thought that if the palace, that is,the king was pleased, then, he could have his way. Manytoday are repeating the mistake of Haman. It is important forus to realize that this world is a small village. Treat all men withrespect and dignity. The position you occupy today may notbe for life, one day you will come to meet the common manwhere he is.Those in government or in position of authority should bear inmind that no condition is permanent. Haman underratedMordecai but on the long run, he became his superior. Theking had no rest until Esther spoke. The king was ready tosurrender half the kingdom to her. When she eventuallyspoke, the anger of the king was unequalled. Hamancommitted himself the more when he attempted to beg theQueen.Divine arrangements are only meant for those who will takeserious spiritual discipline. When result begins to come it isunspeakable.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, do not allow me to be carried away with myposition but to glorify you in it.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 290
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