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Home Explore 2017 Manna

2017 Manna

Published by ejogheneta, 2017-01-20 09:31:21

Description: 2017 Manna


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Monday 10th July, 2017 HEALTHY SPIRIT“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another” Vs. 16 For Reading & Meditation: Colossian 3:12-17A healthy, holy and wholesome spirit is the product of a relationship with the Holy Spirit that guarantees sonship. To be able to enjoy this privilege, of necessity, you mustaccept the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour to mark thisnew beginning. This is followed by the baptism of the Holy Spirit.He comes to dwell in you which means the life of God is in you.Having got the life of God in you, there is a natural craving forGod. This is why the scripture says; “Like newborn babies, youmust crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into afull experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment.”(I Peter 2:2). A healthy spirit would always crave for spiritual foodto nourish it.That spiritual food is the word of God. If your spirit does not cravefor the word of God, it is an evidence of being unhealthy. Toomany people in Church have no interest in the adult Bible Study.They will deliberately wait at home till the end of the study. Is itnot true that only the living can eat food? Dead people will notask for food or be fed with food. Healthy, holy and wholesomespirit will always want to be fed daily. Check whether your spiritis healthy. Our desire for spiritual food will espouse other areasthat will keep our spirit holy and whole. Until we begin to desirethe word we may not enjoy every benefit that is contained in it.Let your attitude towards the word of God experience a positivechange and you will be glad you did.PRAYER POINTAlmighty God, create in me the desire for your word daily inJesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 190

Tuesday 11th July, 2017HOLISTIC SOUL“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Vs. 14 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 119:9-16The Soul is the centre of activities in a man's life. Once activity cease then it means the soul is gone. For some, spiritual activities are already ceasing gradually, but if they turn toGod for a time of refreshment, there could be a new beginning.The psalmist says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that Imight not sin against you.” When Paul prayed that our soul bekept blameless, holy and whole (I Thess. 5:23), he was actuallyasking that our hearts be kept pure so that we may be worthy ofour calling. For our hearts to be pure, the word of God must behidden in it. This can only be possible through the study of theword.It is true that many thoughts do come into our hearts. While someare good others are bad. Certainly, the bad ones are satanicoptions meant to defile us and subtly deceive us into doing what isagainst the will of God. Every act originates from the heart. Withthe word of God you are able to dissect every idea that comes toyour heart. This is the reason why many easily yield intotemptation simply because their heart is empty. The content of theword of God in such heart is not sufficient enough to resist Satan.For some their knowledge of the word of God is a straight jacket,thus it is easy for Satan to tempt and manipulate them and he willsucceed. It is only the word of God sufficiently in the heart of man,that will keep his soul blameless, holy and whole.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, I present my soul to you sanctify me by thy word, yourword is true.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 192

Wednesday 12th July, 2017KEEPING YOUR BODY BLAMELESS“…For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple… ” Vs. 17b For Reading & Meditation: I Corinthians 3:16-22Apostle Paul prayed that our body should be holy, whole and be kept blameless. This is one prayer we must take seriously in this our generation particularly in Nigeria. Ourbody is the temple of God; therefore God is interested in the wellbeing of our body. Human life may not mean much to many peopleparticularly those who kill in the name of religion. Those whoengage themselves in suicide bombing and killing at will, will surelyaccount for these souls. The same God who says to Ezekiel and tous all that; “If I announce that some wicked people are sure todie and you fail to tell them to change their ways, then they willdie in their sins, and I will hold you responsible for theirdeaths. (34:8).God will even call us to question how we used our bodies. Whatwe intend to mention in this piece is the physical handling of ourbodies. Many of the sicknesses we talk about that have led to thedeath of many are not short of how we handle our bodies. It isobvious that many at times we over-stretch our bodies even whenwe claim we are doing legitimate jobs. Keeping our bodyblameless require that we understand that our body is the templeof God which we cannot afford to destroy through stress. Thesituation in Nigeria brings a lot of stress but when you rememberthat your life has no duplicate you will accept the teaching of themaster when he said; “…let's go off by ourselves to a quietplace and rest awhile.” (Mark 6:31). Let us observe this fromtime to time.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, I realize you want my body to rest hence you createdrest, help me to observe it.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 193

Thursday 13th July, 2017 SUMPTUOUS MEAL“But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the King….” V.8 For Reading & Meditation: Daniel 1:3-15As we have noted, God is interested in our body and what happens to it. Remember that our body is where the Holy Spirit dwells. If God has no regard for it, He would notallow the Holy Spirit to dwell there. To what extent do you carefor your body? Is the care designed to show the glory of God or ismeant to advertize the vanity of this world?Daniel was a man who knew the worth of his body and what hecarried. He was among the young men that met therequirements of the training that the king designed for those whoare to serve in the palace. Because of the expectation of theKing, he went on to assign them a daily ration of food and winethat will hopefully keep them healthy and presentable. Danielrealized that such food was not good for his body because it musthave been presented to their idols. Thus he requested to be fedwith vegetables. At the end of the tenth day, their bodies werelooking healthier than those who enjoyed the Sumptuous Meal ofthe king.Sumptuous meals have littered everywhere in this our age indifferent names and occasions. Some have been carried awayby them and they are now battling with a kind of sickness theynever bargained for. Make effort to keep your body blameless asyou avoid these sumptuous meals that are free of charge butthreaten life.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, grant us the understanding that Daniel had inJesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 194

Friday 14th July, 2017BOUGHT WITH HIGH PRICE“Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit….” Vs. 19 For Reading & Meditation: I Corinthians 6:12-20Again, may I ask you, what do you do with your body? The passage before us talks about those who are destroying their bodies with sexual sin. Sexual sin is quitedangerous. Where it does not terminate life so soon, it destroysthe future. Certain problems that some people are battling withtoday are traceable to sexual sin that they indulged themselvesin the past. When you see HIV/AIDS in its terminal stage, youremember that the infection had been there for sometime.The scripture says, “If a man joins himself to a prostitute hebecomes one body with her.” This is why many in church canno longer control their body, they have become dogs becausethey are possessed with the spirit of a prostitute hence adulteryor fornication is no longer a sin to them. If the prostitute ispossessed of evil spirit, she will transfer it to the man.Therefore such a man no longer has the heart of God, his hearthad been replaced with the heart of demons. Are we notsurprised at the way some behave in church? No matter thekind of sermon and the anointing it carries, such men andwomen in the church cannot receive it until they are delivered.When a man's heart has been replaced by the devil, it willcontinue to breed vices. If this is your state, then you need tosurrender yourself for deliverance.PRAYER POINTHoly Spirit except you quicken the heart of men, many wouldperish.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 195

Saturday 15th July, 2017DISCIPLINE YOUR BODY“I discipline my body like an athlete training it to do whatit should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.” V.26 For Reading & Meditation: I Corinthians 9:12-26If we have heaven as our final destination, then we must discipline our body. The body is the theatre where the devil specializes in carrying out all his gimmicks. Once the devilsucceeds in capturing the soul and spirit, the body would begin toexhibit whatever the devil desires.The issue of discipline of the body is gaining ground by the day.Proponents of healthy living and longevity keep on advisingpeople on the kinds of food that will sustain life and drive awaysome of the terminal ailments that is wrecking havoc onhumanity. Many who take to their advice are giving testimony bythe day. So it is for Christians who want to spend eternity withChrist Jesus. Apostle Paul saw the need to discipline the bodylike an athlete who is running for a prize. Paul among the Jewsnever loses sight of the fact that he was a new creation in ChristJesus. Though he sought to bring them to Christ, he neverbehaved like them. When he was among the weak, it was not anopportunity to go back to his vomit. He was conscious that hewas running a race with a prize in view.The situation today among Christians is clearly the opposite.We have failed to distinguish ourselves. The understanding isthat we can be like them in the hope that we will change them.This is the attitude that have enthroned the world in the Church.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, except you have mercy we are perishing,deliver us good, Lord.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 196

Sunday 16th July, 2017YOUR HEALING CAN BE NOW!“I am willing, he said, be healed! And instantly the leprosy disappeared” V.3 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 8:1-4It was a teaching session on the mountain side. No doubt it was a marathon session where Jesus addressed a wide range of issues. Thus it was expected that after such a longsession, some tiredness would have set in. The large crowdwould not allow Jesus either. It was in this scenario that a manwith leprosy saw as an opportunity for his healing andcleansing.Without hesitation, the man broke all protocols; heapproached the master and knelt before Him. He exclaimed,“Lord, if you are willing, heal me and make me clean”. It wasan exercise of faith targeted at an opportune time. It workedfor him, the Lord was willing and instantly, he was made whole.Many are walking about with different ailments, though it hasnot isolated them, yet the scourge has become some forms oflimitation that is preventing them from experiencing the totalsalvation that is found in Christ Jesus our Lord.If you are willing, the Lord is willing to heal you today. He iswaiting for you to express your faith in His healing power. Ifleprosy could be healed and the sufferer became cleaninstantly, He is ready to do it for you now. I declare to you, “Behealed now.”PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, your name is above that sickness and diseasetherefore heal me now.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 197

Monday 17th July, 2017“IN SEARCH OF FAITH”“…Go back home. Because you believed, it has happened.” V.13 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 8:5-13The Roman Officer demonstrated an unusual faith which was commended by our Lord Jesus Christ. Wherever and whenever anyone exercises faith in God, ourheavenly Father is always pleased with such a person. Hence,the scripture says; “And it is impossible to please Godwithout faith” (Heb. 11:6). Faith is more than coming to Jesusor to the Church. It is the implicit confidence in God, His wordand His power to accomplish His purpose in our lives.Believing every situation and circumstance is under the controlof His authority.This was the faith of the Roman Officer. He realized that Jesus'authority is not limited by space or time. He is omnipresent,Omnipotent and Omniscience. The man did not allow his ego,on position to make him lose sight of this simple faith. At thefeet of Jesus, we must willingly surrender all we are. Asimportant as our qualifications are, they are not enough to earnus an iota of faith. Our humble cry should be, Lord help myunbelief.After commending the outstanding faith of the Officer, he said tohim, because you believed, it has happened. If you too willpour contempt on your ego and position today, your miraclewould locate you today.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, miracles are delayed because of lack of faith. Helpmy unbelief today in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 198

Tuesday 18th July, 2017 HEALING INSURANCE“He took our sicknesses and removed our diseases.” V.17For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 8:14-17Sickness and evil spirit are consequences of living in a fallen world. But thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation that we have in him. During his earthly ministry,Jesus exercised His kingly authority over sicknesses anddiseases. Evil spirits fled His presence. On the Cross of Calvary,He conquered sin forever, thus sickness and evil spirit dominatingand controlling mankind can no longer do so in the lives of thosewho believe him as Lord and Saviour.Are you held down by any sickness or disease? Perhaps sin isholding sway over your life. Your salvation has come. If you believefor the scripture says; “So now there is no condemnation forthose who belong to Christ Jesus”. As Jesus came to Peter'smother-in-law's house and healed her of what may be calledtyphoid fever, so he is with you as you read this meditation. Isaiahdeclared, “He took our sicknesses and removed our disease.” Itmay be possible that demons are attached to your case. It doesn'tmatter; his presence is capable of putting them to flight if youbelieve.When demons are involved in any sickness, they become difficultto cure no matter the kind of medicine. But at the name of Jesus,they must bow. Beloved, that demonic work cannot continue anymore because over two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ won thebattle for you, hence Isaiah said, “He took our sicknesses andremoved our diseases”. Do not keep it any longer because ofunbelief.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, your word is true as it healed in the past heal yourpeople today for testimony.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 199

Wednesday 19th July, 2017THE MYSTERY IN FOLLOWING HIM“Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the son of Man has no place even to lay his head.” V.20 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 8:18-22Our Lord said, “Students are not greater than their teacher, and slaves are not greater than their master” (Matt. 10:24). I have no doubt in my mind thatour Lord desires that we should be like Him in all things hence theBible speaks about moderation in all things.In our passage, Jesus replied “Foxes have dens to live in, andbirds have nests, but the son of Man, has no place even tolay His head.” Why this harsh condition? Is it because he wasan orphan? Not at all. Had he no helpers or connection to helpHim with a shelter? This is not true because we are told of somewell meaning individuals particularly women who werecontributing their own resources to support the ministry of Jesusand His disciples (Luke 8:3). With this category of people, heshould have been able to have one big house where to lay Hishead.Unequivocally, these well-meaning women would have offeredto do this, but I am sure the Lord played it down. While I do notintend to say we should not own a house, I dare to ask, where dothe present ministers get this idea of a palatial estate with thestate-of-the-art, equipment on display from? No doubt, if wemust follow our Lord, we must confess our extravagant attitudewhich is unlike Christ. There is mystery in following Jesus, let usbe humble to unravel it.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, let your spirit quicken us as to understand thismystery and follow you faithfully.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 200

Thursday 20th July, 2017NO FEAR“Why are you afraid? You have so little faith.” V.26 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 8:23 - 27Life without Jesus certainly will be a victim of the storms of life. The best a man can do for himself is to be sure of keeping company with Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.The disciples were fortunate to have had Jesus Christ in theirboat. Have you got Him in your boat? Storms of life are boundto rear their ugly heads at any given time but if we have Him asthe Lord of our lives, then we are in safe hands.But some may ask, but we have accepted Him as Lord andSaviour, yet the storms of life have tossed us up here and thereseveral times. But thank God that the storms have notswallowed you. There could be moments of doubts and fear;these were the times that seemed as if Jesus was sleeping. Heis not sleeping, we only thought that Jesus ought to haveintervened in the matter or we should not even be subjected tosuch a harrowing experience. These are the points the devilbegins to raise thereby discouraging us and making us to losefaith.We need to know that he that is keeping us never slumbers norsleeps. This is amazingly incredible. Jesus would never allowthe storms of life to swallow us hence he got up and rebuked thewind and waves, and suddenly all was calm. Not only that, Heis with you, His name is sufficient for you to rebuke the storm.PRAYER POINTIn the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke every storm in my lifetoday.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 201

Friday 21st July, 2017 MEN HATE LIGHT“Then the entire town came to meet Jesus, but they begged Him to go away and leave them alone.” V.34 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 8:28-34As Jesus arrived the region of the Gadarenes, two men who were possessed by demons met him. The degree of their evil spirit possession was a violent one such that they hadthe cemetery as the best place to live. These were men whosebirth brought joy to the family and the society at large. As they grewup, their families expected much from them through positivecontributions to the well being of their families and the society. Butunfortunately, they became a burden to the entire society. This isone predicament that had befallen many. While some were as aresult of what they indulged in, others were victims of thewickedness of mankind.Be that as it may, we all need to be more careful, “stay alert andwatch out for our great enemy the devil. He prowls around likea roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (I Peter 5:18).The coming of Jesus brought salvation to these men. At his word,the demons came out of the men and they became free. Indeedwhen the Son of Man set you free, you are free indeed. Are youheld down by any stubborn demon manifesting itself in the form ofdisappointment? His word is potent and has come for yourdeliverance. The people of the town drove Jesus away a betrayal ofwhere their priority was, on possession above human life. Are youmore concerned about property and programmes than people?Would you rather have Jesus leave you than finish his work in you?PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, we confess the ignorance of your people; have mercyon us.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 202

Saturday 22nd July, 2017WRONG FEELINGS BEWARE“…Next to them we felt like grasshoppers and that's what they thought, too!.” V.33 For Reading & Meditation: Numbers 13:25 - 33We try to imagine what these explorers were trying to insinuate. But they should have realized that it was impossible to return to Egypt, and to settle where theywere should not be contemplated. The best for them would havebeen to think of how they could conquer the 'giants' if their reportswere to be true.The very moment you lose confidence in God, your person wouldlack coordination. It was quite unfortunate for the rest of the tribes tohave allowed these leaders with bad reports to represent them.Their fears swallowed their faith in God and their hope for a bettertomorrow even in the midst of over-whelming evidence of God'sblessings upon their lives and their posterity. The same land that theten leaders spread bad report about have been occupied by theirdescendants for thousands of years inspite of many battles going onand around them.According to them, we felt like grasshoppers and they read theminds of the dwellers and they concluded that the people saw themlike that. What a cheap blackmail from Satan to always deceivepeople. Satan is still doing that to many, Christians are not left out ofthis blackmail. Hence the wrong feelings of many have forcedinferiority complex on them. Some have concluded that they cannotsucceed in life. This is evident in the attitude they put up. Erroneoustheology rooted from the lack of understanding of the word of Godhas subjected many to perpetual poverty and slavery. Good Lorddeliver us.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, deliver us from every ignorance and help us by your spiritto understand your purpose for our lives.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 203

Sunday 23rd July, 2017 LORD UNTIE ME “….Untie it and bring it here.” V.2 For Reading & Meditation: Mark 11: 1 - 7The story before us is a familiar one that is always read on the day we celebrate the triumphal entry of our Lord to Jerusalem. Much has been said about the young donkeythough this is not the season of triumphal entry yet the Lord wishto draw our attention to certain areas of our lives that urgentlyrequire divine attention. The Lord knows you; ever before yourparticles were gathered in the womb of your mother; that youought to have excelled beyond where you are now. But theseveral limitations have not allowed you to make any reasonableprogress. Just as the Lord demanded for the donkey so he isdemanding for your release through this meditation that you arereading.The donkey was tied and limited to a particular radius which itcould not go beyond. The donkey could see its desires, miraclesand all those things capable of giving it comfort. But alas! Thedonkey was limited in its movement. The situation of this donkeyexplains the life situation of many people. They wonder aboutwithout any hope of attaining their desired dream in life. Theyhave everything at their advantage yet they lack access to them.They cannot see neither can they touch, taste nor posses thesethings. Today is the day to untie such people as they call uponthe Lord for their salvation and deliverance. For the Scripturessays; “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”As the Lord unties you, you become the vehicle that willannounce the favour of the Lord in the lives of men.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus too many of your children need to be untied. Helpus O Lord.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 204

Monday 24th July, 2017 AGENT OF TESTIMONY“Then they brought the colt to Jesus…...” V.7 For Reading & Meditation: Mark 11: 8 - 11At one time or the other we have seen domestic animals tied in one place and how they resisted it. Those who have encountered a cow that came out of its limitationhave their story to tell. If nature or forces limits you wouldn't youmake some efforts and break loose from their dominion? Well,even if you have not, the master has ordered your release andyour limitation will turn to expansion.The donkey no doubt was uncomfortable with thatarrangement no thanks to its natural quietness. If Jesus isconcerned about animals then he has more concern for you.When they brought the colt, Jesus sat on it. The colt becamethe instrument that introduced Him as the Messiah, the King ofkings. Immediately the crowd surrendered all they had at theirdisposal and began to praise God, proclaiming Him as Kingbringing the kingdom of our God to mankind.As you come out of your limitation, the Lord will comepowerfully into your life for the manifestation of his power in adimension that is awesome beyond human imagination. Heknows your destiny which must be fulfilled so that yourgeneration can celebrate you. When the Lord begins His workin your life, people will willingly surrender what is at theirdisposal in order to promote God's agenda in your life. You arethe next agent of testimony.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus do not allow me to perish, locate me for greatermanifestation.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 205

Tuesday 25th July, 2017 HE WILL PROSPER YOU “He gives prosperity to the poor and protects those who suffer.” V.11 For Reading & Meditation: Job 5:8 - 11This piece is meant to inspire hope for a bright future for all who may not have anybody to stand for them. If you accept the Lord as your helper, He will certainly raise helper for you.There are a good number of persons who were not fed with goldenspoon but God in His infinite mercy has prospered them, from zeroto Zenith, from nothing to something, from nobody to somebody.In a capitalist society where everybody seems to be selfish; notsatisfied with what they have acquired and still looking for more,the poor are not remembered. The word of God says; “He givesprosperity to the poor and protects those who suffer.” There isprosperity in stock for those who trust God to make them rich. Thepoor in this context are those who shun the crooked way of makingmoney. Such people are contented with what the Lord is doing.As they depend on the Lord, He who is able to feed thousands withmere five loaves and two fish will turn the little to greater things intheir lives. Hence, He prospers the poor and protects them.Beloved, you are not poor because He is able to turn the little atyour disposal to greater things. Therefore, ask for the wisdom thatHe gives which opens the door of prosperity. The psalmist says,“Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path Hewill honour you by giving you the land. You will see thewicked destroyed.” (Psalm 37:34)PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, thank you for the offer of prosperity, may we yourchildren manifest it in our lives in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 206

Wednesday 26th July, 2017WHEN THE CENTRE IS FALLING, WATCH IT“Some brave and experienced warriors from the tribe of Gad also defected to David.” V.8 For Reading & Meditation: I Chronicles 12:1-13Leadership is a privilege and grace bestowed. When God gives you the privilege, make sure every step you take wins the approval of God. Whenever mistake occurs, the leadermust genuinely repent; ask God for forgiveness and where theforgiveness of the people is needed, the leader should not shyaway from it.Saul a young man who became the king soon lost the confidenceof the people, thus the centre could not hold again. Human beingsare fragile in nature; therefore leaders must watch it and prayearnestly for wisdom to handle them. Saul had lost out, all heneeded would have been to reconcile with his God and exploreevery avenue to build the confidence of the people. Instead ofdoing this, he started to pursue his perceived enemy whereas,David was actually not an enemy. His pursuit of David furtherincreased the grace of God upon the life of David.David from obscurity came to the full glamour of the people whichafforded him opportunity to distinguish himself. Perhaps you arebeing pursued by the power that may be, see it as an opportunity toexhibit your talent. Do not allow the enemy to make youmisunderstand what God intends to do with it. Are you a leaderwho is losing out, it is time to seek reconciliation through prayerand humility.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, we pray for our leaders to be humble in all thingsand repent, confess and secure forgiveness in Jesus name, Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 207

Thursday 27th July, 2017 TIMELY WARNING“…When I turn against them, you will know that I am the Lord.” V.7 For Reading & Meditation: Ezekiel 15:1-8Take time to ponder over the state of affairs of the lives of the people of God in our passage. It is a picture of a people who have fallen from grace to grass. The sovereign Lord hadturned to be a permanent enemy because they chose not to obeyhis word. They were more interested in doing what seemed right intheir own eyes even when it was against the will of God. 'Childrenof God' have degraded themselves to such a level whereby thebest they can be used for is to be thrown into fire and get burnt off.This was a pathetic situation that Ezekiel had to cry out. As a resultof their stubbornness, God was ready to multiply their pains.What we are reading today is a timely warning to similar people inChurch who have chosen to disregard God and His word. Lookingclosely at the Church you would discover that the fear of God in thelives of those who claim to be Christians have waned drastically.The issue of keeping to time for worship is no longer an issue. Evenwhen they are late to Church services, it doesn't mean anything tothem. God's word is like the newspaper or any other novel that weread. The fear that God is speaking is no longer there.It is obvious that we lack spiritual flavour with the fire it carries.Thus, in this end time, many are losing interest in the things of God.Though some are very religious but they have not allowed Christ tomake significant changes in their lives. This is Satan's plan; do notfall victim, hell is not your portion, arise and reconcile with yourFather today.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, many have lost personal relationship with you; maythey retrace their steps today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 208

Friday 28th July, 2017AND WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR?“The man wanted to justify his actions, so he asked Jesus, and who is my neighbour.” V.29 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 10: 25 - 29The question, who is my neighbour is an important one that demands answer in order to resolve the many crises that is spreading all over the world. Land dispute has become acommon phenomenon in recent times which has led to killing andwanton destruction. The activities of herdsmen in Nigeria ofrecent have clearly shown that we are no longer neighbours. Howwould you explain the activities of herdsmen who have beenhosted by different communities in the name of neighbour. Thisstrange bedfellows are the ones killing their hosts.Many countries today have taken arms against themselves as aresult of the inability to address this important question. The NigerDelta is faced with militancy and it appears government is notwilling to dialogue. The Boko Haram Sect and their dastardly actis unabated. Can we say that this religious sect understands theconcept of who a neighbour is? Well, not only those who arereligious fanatics, the question goes to all particularly our leaders.The attitude of many of our political and religious leaders looks asif we are enemies who do not deserve any good, hence the poorinfrastructural development that is dotting everywhere. Whenleadership has failed, there can't be good neighbourliness, wesee ourselves as enemies, and thus bombing has become theorder of the day. We need to rise up in prayer to God so that wewill not destroy ourselves.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, we need your divine intervention, help us OLord.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 209

Saturday 29th July, 2017 AND WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR? “By chance a priest came along. But when he saw the manlying there, he crossed to the other side of the road…….” V.31 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 10: 30 - 32And who is my neighbour? This is the question that has been placed before us since yesterday. Our neighbor is anyone of any race, creed or social background who is in need,irrespective of class or status. Your neighbour is that human beingwith you. If only our world and the people that dwell on it wouldaccept this, many of the crises before us would hardly rear up theirugly heads. It is obvious that many do not have this understandinghence some can choose to kill at will while others are denied of whatrightfully belong to them.The religious leader pretended that he wanted to know and our Lordwas equal to the task hence he was set to explain to him who aneighbor is. Jesus Christ told him a story of a Jewish man who wastravelling on a trip from Jerusalem to Jericho, and was attacked bybandits. They stripped him naked, took his belonging and beat himto a pulp and left him beside the road. The first person that saw himwas a priest who perhaps was on his way to the temple. The priestignored him and crossed over to the other side of the road and left.The priest was more concerned about his work than to save life. Thisis how many 'believers' handle others, for them others can perish buttheir job or business should be in tact.A good number of people prefer their jobs or businesses hence theirfamilies have suffered shipwreck. They have no time for children ortheir spouses, thus the children have been taken over by the devil.Such children have become a menace to the society. What is yourattitude in this matter?PRAYER POINTO Lord, we need your divine intervention lest your people bedestroyed.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 210

Sunday 30th July, 2017 AND WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR? “A Temple assistant walked over and looked at him lyingthere, but he also passed by on the other side.” Luke 10:32 For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 3: 5 - 11Because the Priest lacks the sense of neigbourliness, we are told that he crossed to the other side and left the man in pains. Perhaps that would have been the acceptableworship that God expected of him. At different times we haveignored our Christian duties in our places of work, in the cause ofcarrying out our official duties or in the neighbourhood. This iswhy many Christians do not have any testimony aboutthemselves. Perhaps if the priest were to know that the man wasa Jew, he would have stopped to attend to him. This is how manyhave reduced Christianity to their denomination alone. When it isa case of somebody from a different Church, some Christianwould lose interest. This is the hypocrisy that many are exhibiting.The Temple Assistant that saw him also failed to respond. Nodoubt this is a clear prejudice and negative biases that neverglorify God. Some in the Church still reckon with race, creed,colour or language in flagrant disobedience of Col. 3:11; that says;“In this new life, it doesn't matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile,circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave orfree, Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.”What is your attitude towards your neighbor? Are yourneighbours able to testify that you are a Christian by your lifestyleand your attitude towards them? And who is my neighbor is the bigchallenge.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, let the blood of Jesus purify our consciences ofall prejudices.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 211

Monday 31st July, 2017 AND WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR? “…Yes, now go and do the same.” Vs. 3 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 10:33 - 37The third person was a despised Samaritan who saw the man and had compassion on him. A compassionate attitude is what is expected of any believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.You have received mercy therefore we ought to show mercy hencethe love of Christ compels us to do what ordinarily we would haveignored. How compassionate are you towards others? Certainlywhere there is prejudice occasioned by race, colour, andlanguage, Christianity in its true sense would be lacking.The Samaritan with a compassionate heart got close to him andsoothed his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them.This is the care that is lacking among believers. Sometimes whenit is done, it is always selective. This should not be so among thosewho are becoming saints. The next thing he did was to put the manin his donkey and took him to what we now call a hospital fortreatment. It was like he slept there and the following day he gaveout money for the treatment and was willing to pay more if need be.What a challenge to many of us who say we are Christians. Thisman for the sake of others abandoned his own trip that would havefetched him some money and took care of others. He was willingto spend and be spent for the sake of others. Imagine if the Churchwere to be filled with such people, Nigeria will turn paradise withina short time. A country with many 'Christians' but few professing toactually be. God show your mercy on your people.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit; we pray for thecircumcision of our hearts today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 212

Tuesday 1st August, 2017BLESS YOUR ENEMIES “Bless those who persecute you. Don't curse them, pray that God will bless them.” Vs. 14 For Reading & Meditation: Romans 12: 14 - 17Our Lord says pray for your enemies. He said it and he demonstrated it on the cross of Calvary when he prayed; “Father forgive them for they do not know what theydo.” As followers of Christ, have we responded likewise? Nodoubt this is one big challenge that is facing every professingChristian. It is obvious that we have not hidden our utter hatredagainst those who by their action have constituted themselvesas our enemies.Our prayers in recent times are always against these perceivedenemies. Both fire and thunder are being employed to consumethe enemies. We command them to fall and die. As we study theword of God, one is troubled about our disobedience to the wordof God. Much as we are free to bind the enemy, the strong manoperating through the person, we owe it as a duty to pray for theirsalvation. This is the example our Lord demonstrated to us.The enemies are there but with Christ you cannot be stopped bythem. The word of the Lord says, bless those who persecuteyou. We should not curse them but pray for a change of heart.We have spent much time invoking fire and thunder, yet theenemies are still there. It is time to revert back to the method ourLord has shown us; those who were obedient to the Lord havetestimony. Do not hesitate; change to adopt the Lord's methodfor a testimony today.PRAYER POINTHoly Spirit, we pray you to convince your people about thismatter.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 213

Wednesday 2nd August, 2017 BE HOSPITABLE “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, forthereby some have entertained angels unawares”.V.2 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Hebrews13:1-6Welcome to the month of a new beginning that will usher in your expectations in life. It begins with the issue of hospitality. Our text reminds us of Matthew 25:35: \"For Iwas hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gaveme drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me ...\"Over the years as a believer, I've heard dozens of stories about thesighting of potential angels. You must have heard a few as well. Soremember, when you show brotherly love and kindness to astranger in need, not only are you serving the Lord Jesus, you justmight be ministering to an angelic being. To stop such servicescould be detrimental as you may be putting off an angel sent toyour home. You must also know that you don't do kind and lovelythings to people who look like angels only, but to all men accordingto your ability and grace.But then, the shape of our world today is beginning to teach peopleto tread with caution when entertaining strangers in your abode.Yes, that is true, but the fake does not remove the genuine. Bewise, but listen more to the Holy Spirit to guide you. Even whenyou are in danger of evil men, God will defend you. His leading willhelp you go where it matters and do what he appointed for you. Aswe begin a new month, the Lord is reminding us of the ministry ofhospitality and as you solve someone's problem, and that of astranger, so will you also be a stranger someday. Who knows,maybe your next stranger may be an angel from God, or afeatherless angel through whom you will be remembered by God.PRAYER POINTGrant your people grace to be obedient to your word inspite ofchallenges associated with the welcoming of strangers in Jesusname, Amen.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 214

Thursday 3rd August, 2017 GOAT MILK?“Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation ...”v2 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: 1 Peter2:1-10The New Living Translation says, \"Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out forthis nourishment ...\" Once you've tasted God's living water,you cannot but crave for pure spiritual milk. Newborn babiesneed milk to stay alive and grow strong. As believers, ourspiritual milk is God's Word. Unlike babies, however, Christiansnever outgrow their need for spiritual milk. To enter God'skingdom we must become like little children. As we maintain achildlike spirit and a hunger for the Word, we are able tocontinuously accept and feed on God's pure and simple, soul-nourishing truths. This is how we \"grow up\" into a full experienceof salvation.Some new Christians in the church look around for who will givethem some kind of nourishment, there are those who go aboutlooking for a prophet to give them messages, not many havediscovered the need to 'crave' this spiritual milk of the Word. TheWord of God is new every morning, ever speaking somethinglively and relevant to our situation and circumstances. To denyyourself this instrument of life and godliness is to attract pity. Noproper salvation foundation can exist outside the milk of theword, as there is no spiritual growth until one reads and listens tothe Word being rightly divided (2 Tim.2:15). If you must grow inthe faith, go for the Word, and make it a constant experience.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, create in us a sincere desire for the milk of the worddaily.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 215

Friday 4th August, 2017 DEALING WITH STRESS“And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” V.27 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 6:25-34Stress tends to visit us when we are tired, when we are sick, when we are driving through a crowded metropolis, when we are late for an important meeting, or if we've taken on toomany responsibilities. When circumstances are out of our control,we feel stress. When our basic needs are not being met and oursafety is threatened, we tend to get anxious. Stress and anxiety fora Christian can take on many different shapes and forms, yet ingeneral, for most Christians, stress boils down to one idea - lack oftrust in God.Though it is impossible to lump all of Christianity into one commonposition, most Christians do share the thinking that God issovereign and in control of our lives. We believe he is the author andcomposer of our life of faith. We believe he has given us everythingwe need for life(2 Peter 1:3 NIV). So, most of the time when stressdominates our lives, somewhere along the way we have failed totrust God and exercise the necessary caution. Though thisexplanation appears simplistic, it's not meant to imply that a stress-free life in Christ is easy to obtain. “Just trust God more and you'llnever deal with stress again!” If only it were that easy.Life is much too complicated, and we are much too vulnerable in ourhuman condition to escape the inevitable battles with stress. But forChristians, stress does have a positive side. It can be a reminderthat our lives have drifted away from God. It might be an indicatorthat we have stopped depending upon him daily for strength.Perhaps we have forgotten the many promises in his Word.PRAYER POINTDear Father thank you for giving us rest which is the panacea forstress. Living by your word, may we overcome everyday stress inJesus name.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 216

Saturday 5th August, 2017MANAGING STRESS “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, byprayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” v.6 For Reading & Meditation: Phil. 4:6-9There are many practical disciplines that a Christian can and should exercise to avoid stress. Getting enough rest, a proper diet, regular exercise, and keeping a balance between work,ministry and family time - these are all practical ways the Bibleteaches us to regulate stress in our lives. However, from a spiritualstandpoint, stress relief for a Christian begins and ends with thesethree basic disciplines:Prayer: Instead of worrying over our problems, and furthercompounding our anxiety and stress, the Bible recommends takingeverything to God in prayer. This verse in Philippians offers thecomforting promise that as we pray, our minds will be protected by apeace that goes beyond our ability to understand. Phil. 4:6-7Meditating on the Word of God: The Bible is filled with incrediblepromises from God. Meditating on his word of assurance can dispelour worry, doubt, fear and stress. Here are just a few examples of theBible's stress relieving verses: 2 Peter 1:3, Matt.11:28-30, John14:27, Psa. 4:8. Praise: This is what a believer wrote: \"I find it to bealmost impossible to be stressed and praise God at the sametime. When I'm stressing I just start praising and the stress justseems to go away.\" -- TomPraise and worship will take our minds and thoughts off self, off ourproblems, and refocus them on God. As we begin to praise andworship God, suddenly our problems seem small in the light of thelargeness of God. Music is also soothing to the soul. Next time you'refeeling stressed, try following Tom's advice and see if your stressdoesn't begin to lift. You can also listen to Christian music when youfeel stressed.PRAYER POINTHoly Spirit help us to get rid of every anxiety in our lives in Jesusname, Amen.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 217

Sunday 6th August, 2017 WHAT'S YOUR LIFE PURPOSE? ““Come, follow me...and I will make you fishers of men.” v.18” For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 4:18-22While it's true some people seem to find their life purpose easier than others, it's also true that God really does have a plan for every single person,even if it takes a while to see what it is.Most people think finding your life purpose means doingsomething you truly love. It's an area that just seems naturalto you and things just seem to fall into place. But what if thingsaren't so clear to you? What if you're not sure what your giftsare? What if you haven't discovered any particular talent thatmakes you think it could be your true calling in life? Or what ifyou're working somewhere and you're good at it, but you justdon't feel fulfilled?Don't panic. You're not alone. There are lots of people in thesame boat. Take a look at the disciples. Before Jesus cameto the scene, they were fishermen, tax collectors, farmers,etc. They must have been good at what they were doingbecause they were feeding their families and making a living.But then they met Jesus, and their true calling came intofocus very quickly. What the disciples didn't know was thatGod wanted them to be happier even more than they were.And following God's plan for their lives made them happyinside, where it really matters.PRAYER POINTLord your appearance in the lives of the disciples gavetheir lives meaning. Lord I beckon on you to do the samein my life today.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 218

Monday 7th August, 2017 YOUR LIFE PURPOSE“Follow me, and let the dead, bury their own dead”v22For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 8:18-27The next step in finding your life purpose is right in the Bible. All you have to do is read it. The Bible says Jesus told his disciples they were supposed to love one anotheras he loved them. And he wasn't kidding. Getting really good atthis part of the process is like building the basement of yourhouse. You wouldn't dream of moving forward without solidfoundation. Discovering God's purpose for your life is exactlythe same. The foundation of the process means getting reallygood at being a Christian. Yup, that means being nice to peopleeven when you don't feel like it, forgiving people, and oh yes,loving the unlovable people in the world.But What about Me and My Life? So if you get really great atbeing a Christian, or at least you think you are, and you stillhaven't found that true purpose then what? It could be that youare focusing on non essentials as seen in our passage. Gettingreally good at being a Christian means you stop thinking aboutyou all the time. Take the focus off yourself and look for ways tobe a blessing to someone else. That was the mission of themaster.There is no better way to receive help and direction in your ownlife than to focus on someone else. It seems completelyopposite of what the world tells you. After all, if you're not lookingout for yourself, then who will? Well that would be God. Whenyou focus on someone else's business, God will focus on yours.PRAYER POINTHelp me Lord to look beyond myself and make me useful to mygeneration.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 219

Tuesday 8th August, 2017KNOWING YOUR LIFE PURPOSE“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart ” Jer.1:5 For Reading & Meditation: Jeremiah 1:1-19When you focus on someone else's business, God will focus on yours. It means planting seeds in great soil, and then simply waiting for God to bring a harvest into your life. Working withGod to find your life purpose means working as a team. When you takea step, God takes a step.* Be willing to try some things that interest you. You will know very quickly if you've found the right thing for you. Doors will either open or shut. Either way, you'll know where you stand.* Be Patient. Wanting to know everything right this second is pretty common these days. Learning to trust that God will show you when He's ready now but that takes patience. God isn't going to show you every piece of the puzzle all at once. If he did, you would be overwhelmed to abandon the whole project. Not to mention you'd be overly tempted to come up with a back-up plan \"just in case\" things didn't work out.* Don't waste your time on things you know aren't from God. \"Get rich quick\" syndrome. Finding a Christian husband or wife won't happen if you're focused on activities and events that don't involve Christians. And participating in things you know are wrong well, you're simply prolonging your answers.* Don't let the people around you talk you into things just because it all sounds like a good idea from the world's view point. It doesn't mean it's God's plan for you. Following God's leading sometimes means you have to say no to many well-meaning family members or friends. It comes down to the decision to follow, no matter where it leads.* Lastly, don't ever give up. You may not know your specific purpose today or tomorrow, but as long as you're really great at being a Christian, and your heart is open, you will find God and he will find you.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus before you formed me and redeemed me you know who Iwill be. I humbly submit to your divine purpose for my life today, Helpme Lord.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 220

Wednesday 9th August, 2017THREATS OF GNOSTICISM & HERESY TO CHRISTIANITYAs we said before, so say I now again, if any man preachany other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. V.9For Reading & Meditation: Galatians 1:6-9Gnosticism was one of the greatest threats of heresy to the early Christian church. Statements of faith such as the Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed were quicklyestablished by church leaders to identify and refute anydeviations from accepted biblical doctrine. Yet, if we trulyunderstand what heresy is, we know that strains of dangerousteachings are still very much alive today, leading people awayfrom the truth.So many heretics have risen in the church over the years, andhave not spared the elects, as many have been swept away in thedrench. Heresy is a religious opinion that is not true in essence.Such thoughts spark off controversies among the Christiancommunity. Dan Brown came up with the Da Vinci code; othershave also stood for the gay marriage legality, with so many others,just to discredit the faith.The New Testament clearly warns believers against the dangersof false teachers and \"different\" gospels: 2Peter2:1-3. “But therewere also false prophets in Israel, just as there will be falseteachers among you. They will cleverly teach destructiveheresies and even deny the Master who bought them...Andbecause of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of yourmoney. But God condemned them long ago, and theirdestruction will not be delayed”. (NLT)PRAYER POINTO Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of the elect deliver your churchfrom the various wrong teachings going on.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 221

Thursday 10th August, 2017 GNOSTICISM“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow anddeceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition…” Col.2:8 For Reading & Meditation: Colossian 2:1-12Definition: Gnosticism was a second century heresy claiming that salvation could be gained through secret knowledge. Gnosticism is derived from the Greek word gnosis, meaning\"to know.\" Gnostics also believed that the material world (matter) isevil and that only the spirit is good. They construed or thought of anevil God and beings of the Old Testament to explain the creation of theworld (matter), and considered Jesus Christ a wholly spiritual God.These two beliefs clash strongly with accepted Christian doctrine.Christianity teaches that salvation is available to everyone, not just aspecial few, and that it comes from grace through faith in Jesus Christ(Ephesians 2:8-9), and not from study or works. The only source oftruth is the Bible, Christianity asserts.Gnostics were divided on Jesus. One view held that he only appearedto have human form but that he was actually spirit only. The other viewcontended that his divine spirit came upon his human body at baptismand departed before the crucifixion. Christianity, on the other hand,holds that Jesus was fully man and fully God and that his human anddivine natures were both present and necessary to provide a suitablesacrifice for humanity's sin.Gnostic writings are extensive. Many so-called Gnostic Gospels arepresented as \"lost\" books of the Bible, but in fact did not meet thecriteria when the canon was formed. In many instances theycontradict the Bible. Gnosticism claims hidden knowledge leads tosalvation. The battle is still fresh as ever. New age knowledge is allover the church today, making truth difficult to know. Hope you are notbeing swallowed by it?PRAYER POINTPray that God will deliver the church from these strange enemies inJesus' name.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 222

Friday 11th August, 2017 HERESY“So that you can command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer…” v. 3 For Reading & Meditation: 1 Timothy 1:3-11Heresy is a departure from the truth or half truth. In the early history of Christianity, the church established the basic teachings of the faith. Those basics can be found in theApostles' Creed and Nicene Creed. Over the centuries, however,theologians and religious figures have proposed doctrines thatcontradict established Christian beliefs. To keep those beliefs pure,the church singled out people who taught or believed ideasconsidered a threat to Christianity.It wasn't long, however, before so-called heretics were branded notonly as enemies of the church but also as enemies of the state.Persecution became widespread as popes authorized inquisitions.Those investigations often resulted in torture and execution ofinnocent victims. Thousands of people were imprisoned andburned at the stake. Most heresies propose views of Jesus Christand God that are contrary to what is found in the Bible. Forexample, Judaizers promoted a heresy that said Gentiles had tobecome Jews before they could become Christians.We now battle a lot of heretical teachings and teachers whose aimis to lure many to themselves. The beliefs in African TraditionalReligions are already finding their place in an attempt to explainChristian truth. The victims are more of youths and women. Theykeep running around to experience every new preacher/prophet,and many have been devoured by this act. Heresy does not call itsown name, and one need to be very vigilant to be able to identify it.Therefore, there is need to occupy your heart with the truth of God'sword now.PRAYER POINTAsk for God's help in opening the eyes of those already deceivedand that heretics be exposed in our churches.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 223

Saturday 12th August, 2017 LONELINESS: TOOTHACHE OF THE SOUL “When you pass through the waters I will be with you..” Isa.43:2a For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 43: 1-4.Are you a Christian struggling with loneliness? Discover the cure for loneliness by examining these biblical principles. Loneliness is one of life's most miserableexperiences. Everyone feels lonely at times, but is there amessage for us in loneliness? Is there a way we can turn it intosomething positive?Sometimes loneliness is a temporary condition that departs in afew hours or a couple of days. But when you're burdened withthis emotion for weeks, months, or even years, it's definitelytelling you something.In a sense, loneliness is like a toothache: It's a warning signalthat something is wrong. And like a toothache, if left unattended,it usually gets worse. Your first response to loneliness may be toself-medicate - to try home remedies to make it go away.Busyness is a common treatment. You may think that if you fillyour life with so many activities that you don't have time to thinkabout your loneliness, you'll be cured. But busyness misses themessage. It's like trying to heal a toothache by taking your mindoff it. Busyness is only a distraction, not a cure. If being busy isnot the solution, what then is? We shall find out in the comingdays.PRAYER POINT:Lord of all life, help me to see you around me always, both atgood and unpleasant times.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 224

Sunday 13th August, 2017 THE CURE FOR LONELINESS 2 “He that commits adultery lack understanding, whoever does so destroys himself” Prov.6:32 For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 43:5-9Are you a Christian struggling with loneliness? Discover the cure for loneliness by examining these biblical principles.i. Buying is another favorite therapy. Maybe if you purchase something new, if you \"reward\" yourself, you'll feel better. And surprisingly, you do feel better - but only for a short while. Buying things to fix your loneliness is like an anaesthetic. Sooner or later the numbing effect wears off. Then the pain comes back as strong as ever. Buying can also compound your problems with a mountain of debt.ii. Bed is a third response to loneliness. You may believe that intimacy is what you need, so you make an unwise choice with sex. Like the prodigal son, after you come to your senses, you're horrified to discover that this attempt at a cure not only makes loneliness worse; it also makes you feel desperate and cheap. This is the false cure of our modern culture, which promotes sex as a game, as recreation. This response to loneliness always ends in feelings of alienation and regret.Many single ladies who feel they can solve loneliness byimmorality have ended up dying before their time. Some marriedones who travelled away from home went into sin of adultery whiletrying to resolve loneliness but tied their souls in chains of hell.What then is the solution to loneliness? Let's still look up for moreissues in days ahead.PRAYER POINT:Not mine but your ability is able to solve my emptiness. Lord helpme to believe this oh Lord.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 225

Monday 14th August, 2017 THE CURE FOR LONELINESS 3“… and surely I am with you always to the very end of the age” Matt. 28:20b For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 43:10-13Are you a Christian struggling with loneliness? Discover the cure for loneliness by examining these biblical principles.The real message, the real cure.If all of these approaches don't work, what does? Is there a cure forloneliness? Is there some secret elixir that will fix this toothache ofthe soul?We need to begin with a correct interpretation of this warningsignal. Loneliness is God's way of telling you that you have arelationship problem. While that may seem obvious, there's moreto it than just surrounding yourself with people. Doing that is thesame as busyness, or using crowds instead of activities.God's answer to loneliness is not the quantity of yourrelationships, but the quality. Going back to the Old Testament, wediscover that the first four of the Ten Commandments are aboutour relationship with God. The last six commandments are aboutour relationships with other people.How is your relationship with God? Is it close and intimate, like thatof a loving, caring father and his child? Or is your relationship withGod cold and distant, only superficial? As you reconnect with Godand your prayers become more conversational and less formal,you'll actually feel God's presence. His reassurance is not justyour imagination. We worship a God who lives among his peoplethrough the Holy Spirit. Loneliness is God's way, first, of drawingus closer to him, then forcing us to reach out to other people.PRAYER POINTPray God to help you have access to the living water that has beenprovided for your cure.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 226

Tuesday 15th August, 2017CURE FOR LONELINESS!“You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy” Ps.30:11 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 30:1-12For many of us, improving our relationships with others and letting them get close to us is a distasteful cure, as dreaded as taking your toothache to a dentist. But satisfying,meaningful relationships take time and work. We're afraid toopen up. We're afraid to let another person open up to us.Friendship requires giving, but it also requires taking, and manyof us would rather be independent. Yet the persistence of yourloneliness should tell you that your past stubbornness hasn'tworked either. If you muster the courage to restore yourrelationship with God, then with others, you'll find your lonelinesslifting. This is not a spiritual Band-Aid, but a real cure that works.Your risks toward others will be rewarded. You'll find someonewho understands and cares, and you'll find others whom youunderstand and care about as well. Like a visit to the dentist, thiscure turns out to be not only final, but much less painful than youfeared.We wish to counsel here that reliable friends are scarce but notimpossible. In your church you can find one, but tread carefullybecause devil is also a church member. Do you feel lonely, turn toyour bible, give God an outpour of your mind, and be led to goodfriend in the faith with whom you will resolve the challenges.PRAYER POINTFather of all, I am thy handwork, work in me and enable me to gothe right way into the place of grace, and to be a solution to peoplearound me.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 227

Wednesday 16th August, 2017RESPONDING TO DISAPPOINTMENT AS A CHRISTIAN“Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus” 1 Thess.5:18.For Reading & Meditation: Habakkuk 3:17-19The Christian life can sometimes feel like a roller coaster ride when strong hope and faith collide with an unexpected reality. When our prayers aren't answered aswe desired and our dreams become shattered, disappointmentis the natural result. If you're a Christian, you're well-acquaintedwith disappointment. All of us, whether new Christians orlifelong believers, feel disappointed when life goes wrong. Deepdown, we think that following Christ should give us specialimmunity against trouble. We're like Peter, who tried to remindJesus, \"We have left everything to follow you.\" (Mark 10:28).Maybe we haven't left everything, but we have made somepainful sacrifices. Doesn't that count for something? Shouldn'tthat give us a free pass when it comes to disappointment? Aftermany years of hurts and frustration, some people have finallyrealized that the question they should ask is; \"What now, Lord?\"and not Why Lord?Life will begin to change when you start asking God, \"Whatwould you have me do now, Lord?\" Oh be sure, you'll alsodiscover that God is eager to show you what he wants you to donext. Not only that, but he'll equip you with everything you needto do it. As for Habakkuk, he will not be bogged down because ofdisappointment, he will rather give thanksPRAYER POINTAsk God for forgiveness for not giving the right response inyour times of ill feelings.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 228

Thursday 17th August, 2017RESPONSE TO DISAPPOINTMENT -2“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord” V.24 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 31:1-24.Believing God is something that some Christians have failed to do, and many are already paying for that. To wait on the Lord could be boring for some, may be for notfinding easy times of prayer, but “when the going gets tough, thetough gets going”. You need to keep the flag of faith flying untilyou reach your goal.In the face of trouble, our natural tendency is not to ask the rightquestion. Our natural tendency is to complain. Unfortunately,griping to other people rarely helps solve our problems. Instead,it tends to drive people away. Nobody wants to hang around aperson who has a self-pitying, pessimistic outlook on life.But we can't just let it go. We need to pour our heart out tosomeone. Disappointment is too heavy a burden to bear. If welet disappointments pile up, they lead to discouragement. Toomuch discouragement leads to despair. God doesn't want thatfor us. In his grace, God asks us to take our heartaches to him (1Peter 5:7).Complaining to God in faith is wise because he's capable ofdoing something about it, while our friends and relations maynot be. God has the power to change us, our situation, or both.He knows all the facts and he knows the future. He knowsexactly what needs to be done.PRAYER POINTReflect on your heart, what are those worries of yours? Castthem on the Lord, he will resolve them.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 229

Friday 18th August, 2017RESPONSE TO DISAPPOINTMENT- 3 “Those that trust in the Lord are like mount Zion which cannot be removed but endure forever” Psa. 125:1 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 125:1-5It is no simple task to hold on to the Lord when things are really rough, more so when things that we have waited on fail. But we have an anchor that can hold us together. Trust is anonerous task for anyone who is losing out. Trusting God may betasking sometimes but is highly rewarding. When we pour outour hearts to God and find the courage to ask him, \"What do youwant me to do now, Lord?\" Certainly, we can expect him toanswer. He will communicate through another person, ourcircumstances, instructions from him, or through his Word, theBible.The Bible is such an important guidebook that we shouldimmerse ourselves in it regularly. It's called the Living Word ofGod because its truths are constant yet they apply to ourchanging situations. You can read the same passage at differenttimes in your life and get a different answer-a relevant answer-from it every time. That is God speaking through his Word.Seeking God's answer to \"What now?\" helps us grow in faith.Through experience, we learn that God is trustworthy. He cantake our disappointments and work them for our good. Whenthat happens, we come to the staggering conclusion that the all-powerful God of the universe is on our side. No matter howpainful your disappointment may be, God's answer to yourquestion of \"What now, Lord?\" always begins with this simplecommand: \"Trust me. Trust me.\"PRAYER POINT:Thank God for all His love for you. Hand over all that bothersyou, including the pains in your heart.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 230

Saturday 19th August, 2017TOO PROUD TO ASK FOR HELP?“For you O Lord are the desire of the afflicted, you encourage and listen to their cry” v.18 For Reading & Meditation: Psalms 10:1-18Are you too proud to ask for help? If pride is keeping you from asking God for help, your Christian life won't stand a chance. When you go to consult other things, it is anevidence of being proud. You must learn how to break the cycleof pride and get into the habit of asking God for help. Many thinkthey are big enough to help themselves, and so need no helpfrom anywhere. But you can't live the Christian life that way. It'simpossible. You can't go it alone and resist temptation, makewise decisions, and get back up when you get knocked down. Ifyou don't ask God for help, you won't stand a chance.Pride is a funny thing. Psalm 10:4 (NIV) tells us: \"In his pridethe wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is noroom for God.\" The psalmist recognized this shortcoming inmen thousands of years ago. It hasn't gotten any better since.Women often joke that men will drive around, get lost for an hourrather than stop to ask directions. We're that way in the rest ofour life as well. God, the source of all wisdom, is eager to give usthe direction we need, yet we'll take one dead end after anotherrather than ask him for help.Jesus was different from us. He constantly sought his Father'sleading. His character was flawless, free from the pride wedisplay. Instead of trying to make it on his own, he dependedheavily on the Father and the Holy Spirit.PRAYER POINTLord help us to get rid of any trace of pride in our lives. Let usfully depend on you daily.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 231

Sunday 20th August, 2017CHECK THAT PRIDE “Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest pit”v15 For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 14:12-17How do we overcome the problem of pride? How do we get into the habit of asking God for help, not just in big things but in everything that concerns our lives? First,we remember what Christ has already done for us. He savedus from our sins, something we could never do on our own. Hebecame the pure, spotless sacrifice we could never be, theonly offering that would satisfy God's perfect justice. Hiswillingness to die in our place proves his immense love. Thatkind of love will deny us no good thing.Secondly, we reflect on our need for help. Every Christian manhas enough failures in his past to remind him that going it alonesimply hasn't worked. We shouldn't be embarrassed by ourfailures; we should be embarrassed because we were tooarrogant to accept God's help. But it's never too late to remedythat.Thirdly, we should learn from other Christian men who havehumbled themselves and daily rely on God for help. We cansee the victories in their lives. We can marvel at their maturity,their calmness, their faith in a trustworthy God. Those sameadmirable qualities can become ours, too. As against Luciferwho failed to retrace his steps. There's hope for every one ofus. We can live the life we've always dreamed of. Pride is a sinwe can overcome, and we start by asking God for help.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, we humbly beseech you in the power of theHoly Spirit, help us to overcome the spirit of pride.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 232

Monday 21st August, 2017 LIFE'S TOUGHEST DECISION “… He whose walk is blameless, and who does what is righteous” v. 2 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 15:1-5Contrary to what many men think, life's toughest decision is not whether to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. It's whether to stay faithful to Christ. Being bornagain is a relatively simple act, although the road leading up to itmay be rocky. Some men find it difficult to profess their decision infront of a crowd of people in a church. But once that's done, the hardpart begins.Pressure in the workplace. If you work for a living and nearly all ofus do that, choice comes up far more often than you'd like. On somejobs it's every day. The workplace has undergone massivechanges over the past years. As the competition increases andmany tasks are rolled out, ethics continue to be blurred. What onceseemed a simple right-wrong decision has turned into right-wrong-gray area somewhere in between.The most blatant example is a pharmaceutical company thatcontinues to sell one of its prescriptions products when it is a healthrisk to patients. Millions, perhaps billions of naira went intoimporting them, and the company has to recover those costs. Butwhat about those people who may die from taking the drug?Most of us aren't faced with such monumental choices. Ourworkplace decisions probably fall into the category of the cornerbutcher who only has to manipulate the scale to increase the price.That may seem funny, but even small acts of dishonesty are liketermites eating away at your soul. On what do you standrighteousness or unrighteousness?PRAYER POINTDear Lord without your leading we are easily deceived we needyou at all times to be able to overcome.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 233

Tuesday 22nd August, 2017 LIFE'S TOUGHEST DECISION-2“ ...If you gain the whole world and lose your own soul?” V.26 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 16: 21-28No doubt, Christianity in the face of our business climate, is a great challenge. However, is Christianity incompatible with today's business climate? Integrity in business nowadaysmay suggest as if one will inhabit the lower rungs of the corporateladder. That's where life's toughest decision comes in. Men of trueintegrity seem so few and far between today that we can't nameeven a half dozen of them. So do you, as a Christian, have tosacrifice success to follow Jesus Christ? I don't think you do. I thinkyou make life's toughest decision, then you show others that you willnot waver from it through your words and your actions. At some pointin your career you have to make it clear what you stand for.More Integrity, Fewer Toys. A company that's dishonest withcustomers and turns a blind eye when its employees lie or cheat isnot a place where you want to work. If it's the only game in town, it'stime to make life's toughest decision: \"Am I serious enough aboutChrist to go to another town?\" Maybe you'll have to forego ahouse and garage full of \"toys\" to do the right thing. But Jesus wasn'tengaging in idle speculation when he asked, \"What good will it befor a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?\"(Matthew 16:26 NIV)Pastor and Bible teacher Charles Stanley often quotes front porchadvice that his grandfather, George Washington Stanley, once gavehim: \"Obey God, and leave all the consequences to him.\" Thatkind of trust in God takes courage - the courage of a real man.The kind of man your kids will look up to. The kind of man yourwife will admire. The kind of man who will someday standbefore Jesus Christ and hear him say, \"Well done, good andfaithful servant.\"PRAYER POINT:Repent of all that you have involved yourself, and turn to God forgrace to live righteously.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 234

Wednesday 23rd August, 2017 JOSEPH OF NAZARETH: (Lessons From A Carpenter.)“Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary..”v3. For Reading & Meditation: Mark 6:1-6Joseph was a carpenter and Matthew called him \"a righteous man,\" but we seldom think about the wisdom he handed down to Jesus. In ancient times, it was customary for a son to followhis father into his trade. Joseph practiced his trade in the smallvillage of Nazareth, but he probably worked in nearby towns as well.Much later in Jesus' life, when he returned to his hometown ofNazareth to teach the gospel, the people in the synagogue couldn'tget past his former life, asking, \"Isn't this the carpenter?\" (Mark 6:3NIV).As a carpenter, Jesus must have learned many tricks of the tradefrom Joseph. While tools and techniques have changed a great dealover the past 2,000 years, three simple rules that Joseph lived by stillhold true today.1 - Measure Twice, Cut Once. Wood was scarce in ancient Israel.Joseph and his apprentice Jesus couldn't afford to make mistakes.They learned to proceed with caution, anticipating theconsequences of everything they did. It's a wise principle for ourlives, too. As Christians, we need to be careful in our behavior.People are watching. Non-believers are judging Christianity by theway we act, and we can either attract them to the faith or drive themaway.Thinking ahead prevents a lot of trouble. We should measure ourspending against our income and not exceed it. We should measureour physical health and take steps to protect it. And, we shouldmeasure our spiritual growth from time to time and work to increaseit. Just like the timber in ancient Israel, our resources are limited, sowe should do our best to use them wisely.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus grant us divine wisdom that leads to excellence in ourtrade and calling.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 235

Thursday 24th August, 2017 JOSEPH OF NAZARETH: (Lessons From A Carpenter- 2)“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God…”v15.For Reading & Meditation: 2 Timothy 2:14-19As we saw in our readings yesterday, Jesus must have learned many tricks of the trade from Joseph. While tools and techniques have changed a great deal over the past 2,000 years, threesimple rules that Joseph lived by still hold true today. We shall considerthe remaining two today.2 Use the Right Tool for the Job. Joseph wouldn't have tried to pound with a chisel or drill a hole with an ax. Every carpenter has a special tool for each task. So it is with us. Don't use anger when understanding is called for. Don't use indifference when encouragement is needed. We can build people up or tear them down, depending on which tools we use. Jesus gave people hope. He wasn't embarrassed to show love and compassion. He was a master at using the right tools, and as his apprentices, we should do the same.3 Take Care of Your Tools and they'll Take Care of You. Joseph's livelihood depended on his tools. We Christian men have the tools our employer gives us, whether it's a computer or an impact wrench, and we have a responsibility to take care of them as if they're our own. But we also have the tools of prayer, meditation, fasting, worship, and praise. Our most valuable tool, of course, is the Bible. If we sink its truths deep into our minds then live them out, God will take care of us, too.In the body of Christ, every Christian man is a carpenter with a job to do.Like Joseph, we can mentor our apprentices--our sons, daughters,friends and relatives--teaching them the skills to pass the faith on to thegeneration after them. The more we learn about our faith, the better ateacher we'll be. God has given us all the tools and resources we need.Whether you're at your place of business or at home or at leisure, you'realways on the job.PRAYER POINTOur heavenly Father thank you for the various tools available to us asyour children. May their use bring glory to your holy namePray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 236

Friday 25th August, 2017 HOW TO SURVIVE A POWER FAILURE “My son, I beg you, give glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession to him…”v19 For Reading & Meditation: Joshua 7:13-23Learn the keys to receiving God's power and surviving life's power failure. If there is anything men love, it's power. Having power in your hands is an exhilarating experience.Being powerless is every man's worst nightmare. We can't standwatching a bad situation unfold and being unable to do anythingabout it.Since we were little boys, we've been taught that a real man takescharge and makes things happen. He studies the problem,figures out what's wrong, then does what it takes to solve it. Welllife doesn't always cooperate with that scenario. You don't haveto be a Christian very long to find out we're not immune to trouble.In fact, many of us have even more problems than non-believers.What do you do when you can't make things right? What do youdo when you have no power and all you can do is stand on thesidelines and watch? As you read the Bible, you see that the greatheroes of faith, like Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua andGideon were active. They did their part and learned to get out ofthe way when it was time for God to do his part. Hence Joshuahad to allow God to do His work.They were both doers and watchers, and that's what we need tobe. Yet the kind of watching they did wasn't passive. It was activebecause of what was going on inside them.PRAYER POINTO Lord may we learn to surrender to you when the going is tough.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 237

Saturday 26th August, 2017 HOW TO SURVIVE A POWER FAILURE-2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it” Psa. 81:10 For Reading & Meditation: 2 Corinth. 12:1-10As pointed out yesterday, these great men Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, etc lived out their trust in God. They saw His power working in their lives because they learned how tosurrender. That's the key to surviving life's power failures. Theamount of God's power in our lives is directly proportional to howmuch we surrender to him. No surrender, no power. Littlesurrender, little power. Total surrender, unlimited power. That ishow to receive God's power.It's simple, really. God can't fill a heart that's full of itself, and in ourpride and arrogance, that's how we men often are. Surrender isscary. It goes against our masculine nature. In every endeavor inlife, surrender is always not comfortable, but in our relationship withGod, surrender is essential. We don't believe this until our lives hitrock bottom, until we get into one of those power failure situationswhere our own power is worthless. Even then, we fight against it.We're too stubborn to let God take control. Surrender is sodistasteful to us that we go through unnecessary misery rather thangive in to God. Our pride prolongs our agony, and Satan just lovesthat.Over the years, we learn that God can be trusted, not only in smallthings but in life's worst tragedies as well. This idea of surrenderbecomes a proven reality in our lives. Like the Apostle Paul, wediscover the true meaning of \"…when I am weak, then I am strong.\"(2 Corinth. 12:10). God does promise to pour his power into ourlives to the degree that we let him. Once we make that truth ourown, it will help us survive every power failure we have to face.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, grant us the grace that enabled you to surrender to ourheavenly Father during your earthly ministry.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 238

Sunday 27th August, 2017 CLEAN UP YOUR THINKING“And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. V. 7 For Reading & Meditation: Phil.4:4-9Are you plagued with negative thoughts about yourself and others? As Christians we may not even realize how our wrong thinking is affecting our concept of God. Don't let trashy thinkinglitter your mind and ruin your life. These meditations will show us howto clean up our minds.Time to Take Out the Trash. Every day, people dispose wastes whichare gathered together and thrown in refuse dump sites, coveringhundred acres of land. Two things about trash are obvious: It cancause health problems and doesn't leave by itself. On a regular basis,you have to take it out. The same is true of the trash that accumulatesin our minds. If we don't take it out, it can ruin our lives.Trashy Thinking about Others. Most of us have developed a bad habitof judging other people without knowing all the facts. Jesus plainlywarns us: \"Do not judge, or you too will be judged\" (Matthew 7:1).When we judge others, we put ourselves in God's place, taking theauthority reserved only for him. We forget that other people are fightingtheir own inner battles and sometimes that conflict shows itself inirritating actions. But if our own behavior is imperfect, why do weexpect something better from others? We can remove this kind oftrashy thinking by practicing compassion and forgiveness. Only whenwe treat others the way Jesus treats us will we demonstrate the kind oflove he wants us to have.With God’s help, we can do this. We can make a little progress everyday until we reach the point that we \"do to others as you would havethem to do to you\" (Luke 6:31). Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is eager tocollect all our trashy thinking and take it away \"…as far as the east isfrom the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us\"(Psalm 103:12).PRAYER POINTO God of peace, let your peace always guide and guard our heart thatwe may always commune with you.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 239

Monday 28th August, 2017 CLEAN UP YOUR THINKING-2 “You dear children, you are from God and have overcome them…” v.4 For Reading & Meditation: 1 John 4:4-6Trashy Thinking about Ourselves. Ironically, most of us are even harder on ourselves than we are on others. We need to take out this trashy appraisal of ourselves and replace itwith God's view of us, expressed in his love, forgiveness, andacceptance. One glimpse of the cross is a stunning reminder ofhow precious we are to Jesus.Trashy Thinking about God. Our most damaging trashy thinking isabout God. Maybe we never express it openly, but our actionsreveal our beliefs. We plunge ahead on our own because we thinkGod's not trustworthy. We stagger under the burden of guiltbecause we think He's not forgiving. And worst of all, we feelalienated and alone because we think He doesn't love us.The best way to rid ourselves of these wrong ideas is to read theBible. The Gospel in particular reveals what God is truly like. Jesustells us, \"Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.\" (John14:9 NIV). By comparing our beliefs to the truths in the Bible, wecan identify our misconceptions and start to remove them. Takingout these trashy thought patterns takes courage. Because oldhabits are so hard to break, we need to ask God for help.The Holy Spirit is eager to collect all our trashy thinking and take itaway \"…as far as the east is from the west, so far has heremoved our transgressions from us.\" (Psalm 103:12) Buteven if it takes constant vigilance, this is a clean-up job that's wellworth it. There's no better time to start than today.PRAYER POINTLord I am ready for clean up my inside- mind, heart, conscienceetc help me out.Pray for Ephphatha 2017.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 240

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