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Home Explore 2017 Manna

2017 Manna

Published by ejogheneta, 2017-01-20 09:31:21

Description: 2017 Manna


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Thursday 7th December, 2017 THE SPIRIT OF GEHAZI “Your servant didn't go anywhere, Gehazi answered. V.25 For Reading & Meditation: 2 Kings 5:20-27.Gehazi was a prophet in the making. The Lord was already preparing to lead Israel to another level of godliness after the days of Prophet Elisha. Unfortunately, he did not allowa genuine transformation in his body, soul and spirit thus he wasfaster than his legs. He wanted to 'make it' very fast, and becomericher than everyone else including his Master, Elisha.Greed is an act of seeking to make gain that is undue to one. Itblinds its victims from seeing anything good in the other person'sinterest. It makes people to believe only in themselves, and denyothers. It is also a force that makes men to defy common sense,and rules of life. To live a greedy life is to be full of yourself, andseek to take as much as you can for yourself only. It is clear that ifGehazi was the man in charge of the affair on that day, he wouldhave brought shame on Israel as he wouldn't have exericsedcaution, but would have grabbed all that Naaman brought, andeven made more demands as a price for such spectacular healing.Today, many Gehazis are in the church, always cornering thegates of government houses, the house of commissioners, oilworkers, all in search of wealth, instead of reaching them with thegospel. I do not mean it is a sin to get aid from these persons butthe motives, the drive, the desperation, the silence over evilbecause of expectation of aid, and other carnal desires becomethe points that separate genuine people. So many now change thetopic of their sermon because of a powerful man's presence. Withthe drive for building project funds, many are tempted to quit thetruth, and maneuver their way into the people's pockets. Christmasis fast approaching; greed would always lead people to sin. Watchit lest you be consumed.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit help your people toovercome greed this season and all through their lives.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 341

Friday 8th December, 2017 SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES “And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What's more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God”. V.5 For Reading & Meditation: 1 Peter 2:1-12It is amazing that we are precious in the hands of God. He uses us to glorify His name and has interest in our sacrifices. What are the \"spiritual sacrifices\" that we offer to God? When sacrificingan animal according to God's Law, a priest would kill the animal, cutit in pieces, and place it on the altar. Sacrifice was important, buteven in the Old Testament God made it clear that obedience fromthe heart was much more important (1 Samuel 15: 22). But Samuelreplied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord: Your burntofferings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice?Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission isbetter than offering the fat of rams” Psalm 40: 6 says; “You takeno delight in sacrifices or offerings. Now that you have mademe listen, I finally understand you don't require burntofferings or sin offerings”. Amos 5: 21-24 says “I hate all yourshow and pretense The hypocrisy of your religious festivals andsolemn assemblies. I will not accept your burnt offerings and grainofferings. I won't even notice all your choice peace offerings. Awaywith your noisy hymns of praise! I will not listen to the music of yourharps. Instead, I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endlessriver of righteous living”.God wants us, His \"holy priests\", to offer ourselves as living andspiritual sacrifices -daily laying aside our own desires and followingHim, putting all our energy and resources at His disposal, andtrusting Him to guide us. Too many Christians prefer sacrifice toobedience this is wrong. Sacrifices can only be accepted when weare obedient.PRAYER POINTHoly Spirit we plead with you to convince and convict us and helpus to repent and obtain mercy in Jesus name .Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 342

Saturday 9th December, 2017 A SPIRITUAL POTTERY LESSON “But now oh Lord, you are our Father, we are the clay youare our potter, we are all the work of your hands” Isaiah 64:8 For Reading & Meditation: Jeremiah 18:1-6I decided to take a cue from the prophet Jeremiah, who visited a potter's studio at the Lord's request (Jeremiah 18:1-6). So I stopped by an art institute to observe and understand the biblicalmetaphor of God as the Potter and people as the clay. Here's what Ilearned when I walked into a room full of whirring pottery wheels.The Potter has power over the clay. He can do what He chooses.We humans do have limited free will, but God's will is greater. Soeven if we try to resist His sculpting hand, He continues to worktoward His purpose. The master Craftsman has set out to achieve aparticular design in us, and He has a plan to make it take shape.The Potter works the clay with patience. Since God knows thatspiritual maturity can't be rushed, He forms our Christ like characterslowly. That means He must also have perseverance, as humanclay sometimes shifts off-center and becomes misshapen. Just asclay can be fashioned only when it sits precisely in the middle of thewheel, Christians must be in the Father's wheel to grow spiritually.The Potter maneuvers the drifting believer back into position andbegins remolding. He never discards His vessels but tirelesslyworks to perfect them.Our God is a personal Potter. His creations reflect His personalityand character. And His Spirit is poured into each human vessel soHe can be an intimate part of our life. The result is a work of truebeauty a saint wholly committed to Him. Therefore, we must submitourselves daily especially as we look forward to the New Year.PRAYER POINTOften times we have not allowed you our God to mould us in yourown way, have mercy upon us O Lord and use us to your own glory.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 343

Sunday 10th December, 2017 LISTEN CAREFULLY“I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful people. But let them not return to their foolish ways”. V. 8 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 85:1-13Do you truly \"listen carefully\" to what God has to say to you? Many times we attend a church service--we listen attentively to the Pastor's sermon and agreewith the teachings. Then we walk out of church--and rightback into our daily lives. We often leave those teachings,principles, and ideas in the church behind us.God asks us to \"listen carefully\" when He speaks. We need toread our Bibles and take His truths with us into our day to daylives. If we fail to listen carefully and do as God instructs us--we will more than likely \"return to\" our \"foolish ways\". Make aconscious effort to listen to God's Word; to turn your ear to Histeachings; to be transformed, renewed, revived, and moldedinto the very character of Christ Jesus.God's Word is so rich and full of peace and love. Allow Him toshape you into the new creation you are in Christ and returnno more to your foolish ways of the past. To what extent is ourdaily meditation affecting your life? It will be good to shareyour testimony with someone about this and also recommendthe devotional to someone today.PRAYER POINTThank You God for Your Word to us. May we listen to YourWord. May we apply it to our every day life. God, we want tohave a genuine relationship with You. We want to be dailytransformed into the very likeness of Christ. In Jesus' Name,Amen..MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 344

Monday 11th December, 2017 HOW TO SPEAK WISELY“Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires”vv19,20. For Reading & Meditation: James 1:12-20Very practical insight from James in these verses; as God is our Father we should follow His example raising our children and dealing with our spouses in a godly manner. It is when weburden ourselves unnecessarily and worry over the distractions ofthis world that our tempers can spring loose. James is giving us threeeasy simple steps to avoid unrighteous human anger.First, to listen attentively means to digest the message withoutconjuring up a response as it’s being delivered. Consider the contextof the message, body language, tone of voice and emotional state. Itis a big problem of this age that we seem not to be hearing well. Take alook at the way we react to issues. We must admit the fact that ourlistening, hearing and understanding is poor and occasioned byimmaturity.Next we need to consider an appropriate response. How will it affectthe recipient, take time to utter your words in love? Remain calm andcompassionate. Measure your response in perspective. Thesituation we find ourselves in Nigeria seemed to be raising ouremotions by the day. We need to check it because some of ourresponses to issues trigger some terminal ailments.Third, be slow to anger. The fruit of the spirit becomes very evidentwhen we can be slow to anger. Patience, love, self control, kindness,gentleness and peace are all needed when we attempt to avoidanger. To raise a family and maintain a healthy marriage it is crucialthat we love as God our Father loves us, for our human anger will notproduce righteousness.PRAYER POINTFather we need your grace and mercy. Thank You for being slow toanger. We praise You for delivering us from Your wrath. Give us yourvery nature, that we will be slow to anger and raise families ofrighteous believers in Jesus Name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 345

Tuesday 12th December, 2017 REWARD FOR FAITHFUL SERVICE “Well done, good servant, because you were faithful in very little, have authority over ten cities”v17 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 19:11-27The second kind of behavior the Bible says Christ will reward is faithful service for Him. Remember Billy Graham said he wanted to hear the Lord Jesus say abouthim, \"Well done, thou good and faithful servant\"? Well, if youwant to hear Jesus say that about you, then you must be a goodand faithful servant now. Think about this. We can't all besuccessful, but we can all be faithful.If you take a look at the population of the church, you maydiscover that in any given church, about ten percent of thecongregation does about 100 percent of the work; the otherninety percent of the congregation is content to sit and watchthem do it. That shouldn't be. All are supposed to be fullyinvolved and serve faithfully in some capacity.Let me ask you, \"What service do you do faithfully for Christ?\"You could be an usher, teach in the Sunday School Classes, bein the choir or visit folks in the hospital. Every one of us can giveregularly to ministries; each one of us can pray on a consistentbasis. We all have been gifted in some ways by the Lord to serveHim. The Bible says we are \"God's workmanship, created inChrist Jesus to do good works which God prepared inadvance for us to do\" (Eph. 2:10). God brings opportunities toevery one of us to serve Him. If you want to hear Jesus say,\"Well done, thou good and faithful servant,\" you must be faithfulin doing something.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus I am your workmanship created for good work. May Ibe known for good works affecting lives on daily basis.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 346

Wednesday 13th December, 2017REWARD FOR FAITHFUL SERVICE- 2“It shall not be so among you. Instead, whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant”v26 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 20:25-28Well, if you want to be called \"great\" in the Kingdom, you need to be a servant. Notice, Jesus said, \"You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them.\" He is talking about how theworld operates. In a world filled with pride and egos, over laden with theattitude of \"Kiss my foot! I'm above you!” But among Christians, Jesussays, \"It shall not be so among you. Instead, whoever desires to becomegreat among you, let him be your SERVANT?\" This is the way it'ssupposed to be in the Church, but that's not always the case. Rather,there are two kinds of people who come to church every Sunday. Thereare those who come to be served and those who come to serve.First, there are those who come to be served. These folks come everySunday to be served. They're the ones who say about the SundaySchool Teacher, \"Well, he was a little dry today. Must have had a toughweek.\" When they go to the morning service, \"The choir didn't hit it today.They were a little flat. The song leader talks too much. The pastor, wellhe was okay, but he went too far.\"Then, there are the people who come to church every Sunday to serve.This is the person who stands at the front door and welcomes peopleand shakes their hands. This is the person who teaches in the Sundayschool, sings in the choir, ushers people to their seats. This is the onewho leads the music from the platform, works the sound system, playsthe organ or piano, and preaches the sermon. They are servants whoare there to serve. Which one are you?Jesus said, \"Whoever wants to become great in the kingdom must beyour servant.\" Further, if you want to be first, Jesus says, \"And whoeverdesires to be first among you, let him be your slave”. A slave is a personwho has given up all rights; he is completely dedicated to serving hismaster. And what Jesus is asking of Christians here is no different thanwhat He Himself did. In Matthew 20:28 Jesus said, \"Just as the Son ofman did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransomfor many\".PRAYER POINTLord you have shown us the example of service, grant us grace to followyour example daily.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 347

Thursday 14th December, 2017THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS GIFT“For God so loved the world that he gave His one and onlybegotten Son (for the world), that whosoever believes will not perish but have everlasting life”. Jn 3:16For Reading & Meditation: Romans 5:15-17Christmas is already knocking and the atmosphere is full of it. It is the celebration of the birth of the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ. He was born a baby in sheep pen on a mangerin the little village of Bethlehem when there was no room for them inthe inn. His birth was unusual; this is because He came as a gift oflife and salvation for all. \"This is Christmas: not the tinsel, not thegiving and receiving, not even the carols, but the humble heart thatreceives anew the wondrous gift, the Christ.\" These are the words ofFrank McKibben which I think should help to prepare us for ameaningful celebration. Many are celebrating out of ignorance; itcan be so with you.Each year we are reminded that Christmas should not be just aboutgiving and receiving presents. But if we really think about Christmas,it is all about a special gift to mankind. At Christmas we celebrate thebirth of Jesus Christ, the greatest gift ever given, by the greatest gift.Giver of all, our wonderful God and Father! He gave His one andOnly begotten Son of all times, dear to Him but gave Him to getmankind back to Himself. This is one gift in a million, a gift costlierthan gold, diamond. This song by a song writer tries in thedescription of this gift;L-o-r-d you are, more precious than silver,Lord you are more costly than gold,Lord you are more beautiful than diamond,There is nothing that I desired can compare to you.When last did you have a reflection on this gift of God for mankind? Itis a gift that brought hope, life, and unending joy. How are youpreparing to celebrate it this year?PRAYER POINTLord, pour into my heart the appropriate estimation of your love forme and enable me give adequately to you and to my society the lovethat can save them in Jesus name. AmenMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 348

Friday 15th December, 2017 LAUGH WITH IMMANUEL\"Surely you have granted him eternal blessings and madehim glad with the joy of your presence.\" Psalm 21:6 (NIV) For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 1:22-23 (Niv)Christmas is a season of joy, as it is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is also a time people spend a lot that they have kept aside since the early part of the year. Theproblem lies on the fact that many people do this celebration inignorance. The worst is when some go to church, and thereaftergo to the disco hall or beer palour to continue the celebration inimmoral practices yet they call it Christ-mass. Believers in Christare supposed to use the season of Christmas to teachunbelievers the purpose of the celebration which is Christ birth,and the salvation He brought for mankind. Why do we turn toGod so quickly in times of sorrow and struggle, in danger andfear, and forget Him in the times of joy and rejoicing? If God is thegiver of joy and He is \"God with us,\" then He must want to sharein those moments of great joy - and even those times of sillylaughter and fun.\"The implications of the name 'Immanuel' are both comfortingand unsettling. Comforting, because He has come to share thedanger as well as the drudgery of our everyday lives. He desiresto weep with us and to wipe away our tears. And what seemsmost bizarre, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, longs to share in andto be the source of the laughter and the joy we all too rarelyknow.\" - Michael CardAs you celebrate, may you laugh the right laugh of miracles, firstof all, salvation, then healing, prosperity, peace in the home, job,etc.PRAYER POINTOh my Saviour Immanuel, how beautiful to know that you camefor me to give me moments of joy. May I find this joy continually,Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 349

Saturday 16th December, 2017 WONDERFUL IMPOSSIBILITIES \"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his powerthat is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.\" Ephesians 3:20-21 (NIV) For Reading & Meditation: Luke 1:26-38.The birth of Jesus was not just a difficulty, it was impossibility. Mary was a virgin. Only God could breathe life into her womb. And just as God causedher to conceive the perfect sinless Savior - fully God, fullyhuman - He can accomplish through you, those things thatseem impossible in your life. Hear what the formerArchbishop of Canterbury, Lord Coggan said, \"When Godintends to make something wonderful he begins with adifficulty. When he intends to make something verywonderful, he begins with impossibility.\"So, don't be disturbed with the kind of problem you arefacing, you cannot tell why you are counted worthy to passthrough it, it can be as a result of the miracle that you arepositioned to accomplish. See the possibilities and look lessat the pain of today. Just as Mary became pregnant of theSaviour of the world and delivered accordingly so Iprophesy over your life that you shall be pregnant of theneed of your generation and you shall deliver accordingly.PRAYER POINTGrant me faith to see beyond my ordinary eyes oh Lord.Make me to know that there is great joy after the season ofwaiting.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 350

Sunday 17th June, 2017 MAKE ROOM FOR MORE \"If you give, you will receive. Your gift will return to you infull measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use in giving-large or small-it will be used to measure what is given back to you.\" Luke 6:38 (NLT) For Reading & Meditation: 1 Jn 3:1-10.We live in a terrible time when men are extremely selfish. An average human being is egoistic in his/ her dealings with the fellow human being. He wants his problemsolved before remembering others. He does not consider others ifhe has similar challenge, if a plate of food is all that is left he grabs itfor himself without consideration for others. This is not to say thereare no exemptions, but the simple and most common practice lieson self love. Only a few people talk and practice love. It is essentialto say we love and actually act in love. Love encompasses giving,he who love must of necessity be a giver, if you don't have thefamous loves of God in your heart, then you need to investigatewho lives in you.“Somehow, not only for Christmas, but all the long year through,the joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you.And the more you spend in blessing the poor and lonely and sad,the more of your heart's possessing returns to you glad”. - JohnGreenleaf WhittierWe have heard people say, \"You can't out-give God.\" Well, youcan't out-give yourself either! You don't need to be wealthy topossess a giving heart. Give a smile, lend an ear, extend a hand.However you give, God's promise is tried and tested, and you'll seethe blessings return multiplied back to you. Let this season ofChristmas be a season of love for you.PRAYER POINTLord let my heart be a heart of love especially in this Christmas thatI may be able to reach to othersMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 351

Monday 18th December, 2017 NOT ALONE AT ALL\"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?\" Romans 8:35(NIV) For Reading & Meditation: Romans 8:35-39A world where evil pervades, with no end in sight could be so threatening. People fear when their dreams perish before their very nose. In our world today,crises looms, our loved ones die daily in crises, apart fromthe problem of economic adversity and insensitivity ofleaders. But we are not alone in this wilderness; the birth ofthe Saviour is the greatest solution to our loneliness. Heallowed us to witness the companionship of the Holy Spiritfifty days after his resurrection.\"I am not alone at all, I thought. I was never alone at all. Andthat, of course, is the message of Christmas. We are neveralone. Not when the night is darkest, the wind coldest, theword seemingly most indifferent. For this is still the timeGod chooses.\" - Taylor CaldwellWhen you feel the most alone, it may be the very momentwhen you are truly \"least\" alone at all. God is there in yourdarkest night and coldest wind. He may be so close youcannot see Him, but He is there. And perhaps He haschosen this moment to pull you closer to Him than you haveever been before.PRAYER POINTOne with God is majority; I stand a better chance with Godon my side. Pray as led by the spirit.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 352

Tuesday 19th December, 2017 COME AS A CHILD \"He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter thekingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'\" Matthew 18:2-4 (NIV) For Reading & Meditation; Matthew 18:1-9Jesus came to our world a child born of lowly family, not really poor or deprived of greatness but set all that aside for the sake of his destiny, and came as a child, born by anonentity before men- Mary, though highly esteemed beforeGod. To come to Christ we must humble ourselves like children,one who must create room in the heart to learn like a baby, onewhose fame and position in this life is nothing but a trash beforethe great God.Is there anything more exciting than being a child on Christmasmorning? And yet this is what God asks of us each day, tochange and become like little children. Not just on Christmas,but each day approaching our Father, God as a child, withexcited anticipation of His goodness, and humbly trusting Himthat every need will be met and every care will be under Hiscontrol. \"There's nothing sadder in this world than to awakeChristmas morning and not be a child.\" - Erma BombeckSubmit yourself to God, stop flexing muscles with the Creator ofyour life, He alone can determine where you will be next,allowing Him is of utmost benefit.PRAYER POINTMy King and my God, I fall prostrate before you, having nogreatness to shine or show before you but as your child ready tofollow your leading.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 353

Wednesday 20th December, 2017 A CHRISTMAS CANDLE “John the Baptist said of Jesus: \"He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.\" John 3:30 (NLT) For Reading & Meditation: John 1:19-34A Christmas candle is a lovely thing; It makes no noise at all, But softly gives itself away; while quite unselfish, it grows small. - Eva K. Logue. We are like a candle that holds theflame, burning strong and bright the light of Christ. We softly giveourselves away in worship of Him and service for Him, that we mightbecome less and less, and that He might become greater andbrighter through us.When John the Baptist was born, he was perceived by all around asa great child. He truly grew up to be great, coupled with his Essene'ssolitary life that kept him whole for God's use. Even Jesus Christreferred to him as the greatest among those born of women(Matt.11:11a). This John that could have broken away to form hisown church because of the greater number of follower-ship that wason the increase daily, still kept his feathers low before Christ. Johnhad not met with Christ to debate the 'superiority contest', but hecould recognize in the spirit that Jesus is to be given the prime place.John was elder to Jesus in the same family both of them belonged,but he didn't capitalize on this, he accepted to decrease for Jesus toincrease.Beloved, the description above is far from the prevailing lifestyles inour present world. Big names flying everywhere, no one wants torespect God's servants, some look down on God's servant onaccount of being elderly to him, or familiarity syndrome. Fix yourself;don't let pride take your moment of greatness from you. When Godwants to lift you up, things like this can militate against you.PRAYER POINTEmpty yourself of every pride, ask God to flush your heart. Yourlifting up begins when you lift Christ up.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 354

Thursday 21st December, 2017 PLEASING IN YOUR SIGHT \"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of myheart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.\" Psalm 19:14 (NIV) For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 19:1-14So remember while December brings the only Christmas day in the year, let there be Christmas in the things you do and say. The words we speak are reflections of ourthoughts and meditations. God-pleasing thoughts and wordsbecome pleasing in his sight because they will motivate us toChrist-like actions - that are seen and not just heard. Are yourthoughts and words pleasing to the Lord every day and not justat Christmas or on Sunday mornings? Do you keep the spirit ofChristmas alive in your heart all through the year?Living a life worthy of the Lord's honour is a challenge in ourChristian walk. You don't only talk of being God's beloved, youmust also pattern your life in like manner that befits the status,filling your heart with good thoughts, these shall surely reflect inyour speech and lifestyles. To keep a pure heart, you mustconsume right words into your ears, listening to no gossip, norstrange teachings, but sound truth of God's word. This alone isgood for fruitful meditation.Christmas season is a season of deep reflection that bringsabout transformation ultimately leading to a loving relationshipbetween us and God and our fellow men. Let the good news ofChristmas fill your life this season and spread the same to allaround you as we follow the example of the angels who neverkept the news to them selves.PRAYER POINTPray to be saturated by God's word daily through reading andmeditations.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 355

Friday 22nd December, 2017NO TROUBLE“Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in me…” Jn 14:1 For Reading & Meditation: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18If our present day situation is disturbing to us, perhaps there's something beyond our natural sight in the works, but not yet accomplished. The trouble we face today may be achieving aneternal purpose so much better than we can imagine. Rememberthat what we see right now is only temporary. What is mostimportant, though we may not yet be able to see it, is eternal.\"There is no improving the future without disturbing the present.\" -Catherine BoothSufficient descriptions abound in the scripture of the glory of thelife from God. Such life is divinely packaged, full of vigour andsubstance. How much of this life do you have in you? As you go outfor your daily work today, you will come across different kind ofpeople who are half dead or half alive, not having future, no hopebeyond the sky. This is because they have not embraced God'srecipe for eternal life- Jesus Christ. You will do well if you canintroduce Christ to them, the Saviour that was born this seasonmany years ago. How sweet will it be when they embrace thissalvation in Christ!The Saviour says; let not your heart be troubled. These set ofpeople whose conditions are pitiable are indeed troubled. There isno better time to share with them what the Lord is saying than thisseason of celebrating his birth. He said believe in God where alsoin me. Let's go out and tell them and their hope would be restored.PRAYER POINTLord shine forth in me, kill every little self pity in me, may I beBolden up to know that I am of God, and possess eternal life.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 356

Saturday 23rd December, 2017 FORGIVENESS FOCUSES FORWARD \"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for whichGod has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.\" Philippians 3:12-14 (NIV) For Reading & Meditation: Phil. 3:7-14.How times fly! Yesterday was a future years ago, it came and has gone. We are in a new day that will also expire in 24 hours. As we consider the end of the year that is fastapproaching, it will come, and will still become history.But if a day comes and goes but still holds grip to your heartbecause of sin and inadequacies, then something very radical mustbe done immediately to avoid a collapse of the whole person. Youneed strength to face tomorrow, and that strength will be weaknessif you don't look away from the past. If there be sin you havecommitted, ask God to forgive you, then look forward with faith inHis forgiveness, never look back again as those sins are no longerthere. The scriptures says; “As far as the east is from the west, sofar has he removed our transgression from us” (Ps. 103:12).As we come to the end of the year, so often we look back with regreton things we did not accomplish, or resolutions long forgotten. Butsin is one thing we should never need to look back on with feelingsof failure. If we have confessed our sins and asked God'sforgiveness we simply need to keep a forward focus toward the goalof pleasing Christ. Christmas came so that we can overcome thepast with an expectant future- eternal life. like Paul said, press onbeyond the failures of the past and reach out to the goals ahead.PRAYER POINTLord I believe I have been forgiven, may I dwell in this grace in Jesusname, amenMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 357

Sunday 24th December, 2017 HINDSIGHT \"Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?\" Job 12:12 (NIV) For Reading & Meditation: Prov. 3:1-12Kierkegaard asserted that;\"Life has to be lived forward but it can only be understood backwards.\" This is true because progress cannot be made except we look backat where we are coming from. Many things have taken placewithin the last few months of the year. If we could walkbackwards through life, so many times of doubt and questioningwould be erased from our path. But we would have also missedthose desperate moments of trusting in the Lord, and clinging toHim for guidance. If we must realize how wonderful the journeyhas been, then we must do some retrospection.We have enjoyed his presence all the way up here. We are noorphan at all, we live in a world different from the world of theothers, a world of a kingdom under God's rule. No wonder ourchallenges are bowing before us because we have God leadingthe way. We have too many things for which we must be gratefulto God.Beloved, if no one is congratulating you, congratulate yourself,and celebrate all that the Lord has been to you. Be of goodcheer for you have overcome the world. Think about all whocelebrated Christmas last year; eventualities would not allowthem to see another one. Start your Christmas today withthanksgiving for God has been faithful. Even if what is availableproves insufficient, accept it with thanksgiving.PRAYER POINTMy life is a testimony, and am grateful to God for this. May Hisname be praised. Thank Him for His presence.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 358

Monday 25th December, 2017 SUBMISSION TO AUTHORITY ''Everyone must submit to governing authorities, for all authority comes from God''. Rom. 13:1 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 2:1-7Palestine was under the rule of the Roman Empire with Emperor Caesar Augustus the first Roman Emperor, in charge. It was at this time Augustus decreed that a Censusshould be taken throughout the Roman Empire. Joseph as a Godfearing man was obedient to the decree even though the conditionof Mary would have been a sufficient excuse to stay back.“Sometimes we think to ourselves, I am being obedient, sowhy aren't things becoming better? We face discomfort orinconveniences and immediately think either that we havemisread God's will or that God has made a mistake. But watchthis quiet couple as they head toward Bethlehem. God did notsoften Joseph’s bumpy road, but strengthened him. God didnot provide a luxurious inn for Joseph and Mary, but broughthis son into the world in humble surroundings. When we doGod's will, we are not guaranteed comfort and conveniencebut we are promised that everything even discomfort andinconveniences, have meaning in God's plan. He will guideyou and provide all you need. Like Joseph, live each day byfaith, trusting that God is in Charge'' (adapted from the NLT lifeapplication study bible).Two lessons for us as we celebrate Christmas, first is the lesson ofobedience. Obedience to God and to constituted authority cannotbe ruled out in our celebration. The next is implicit trust in God whowill provide for your need and will always comfort you.PRAYER POINTGrant that as we joyfully receive him as our redeemer, we may withconfidence behold him, when he shall come to be our judge.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 359

Tuesday 26th December. 2017 A GREAT LIGHT ''The people who walk in darkness will see a great light for those who live in a land of deep darkness a light will shine''. V2 For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 9:2,6-7The birth of Jesus Christ our Emmanuel brought a great light to mankind. Mankind was enveloped in darkness occasioned by sin. As men and women behold him whosays, ''I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't haveto walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads tolife” (John 8:12), they will receive grace to come out of darknessand dwell in this light that gives meaning to our lives.Darkness symbolizes the misery that bedevils us on daily basis,but when we find Jesus Christ, darkness takes to flight. Todaywe celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World.His birth brought light to us all. Thus if you have gotten this lightyou have the mandate to spread the light of Salvation to all andsundry. As usual many have taken the responsibility ofspreading different kinds of things as a way of celebratingChristmas. Such things are seasonal, a design to make money,win the applause of people, create some fun. Incidentally, in afew days to come, all these side attractions would have beenforgotten and naturally people will return to what they were.The message of the celebration is that a great light has come tobring about complete change to peoples and they cannot returnto their former lives as they hold on to this great light. Yourcelebration would only be complete if you subscribe to thespreading of this great light.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Christ, may we who have been born again spreadyour light to a fallen world.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 360

Wednesday 27th December, 2017 STEPHEN ''Look, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing in the Place of Honour at God's right hand''. For Reading & Meditation: Acts 7:54 60The Yuletide continues with a great light shining, the light of salvation to all men. Have you made any effort at introducing this great light to somebody? Great light to allwho are confronted with death in order to separate them frometernal damnation in an unending darkness. The scripture says,''The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can neverextinguish it'' (John 1:5).Stephen the first martyr of the church saw the light in the face ofdeath and the light inspired hope in him and as many that wouldaccept the Lordship of Jesus. With death confronting him,Stephen saw heaven opened and the Son of Man standing in theplace of honor at God's right hand. Indeed this great light givesdirection and inspires hope hence Stephen in his dying woesfound joy and peace of mind. He prayed for his persecutorsbeseeching the Lord not to charge them with the sin they werecommitting. The great light we have in Jesus inspires hope,builds courage and gives direction in our entire endeavors.For some, this year is almost a wasted one because of lack ofclear direction in life hence many of the efforts were nearlywasted. As we approach a new year, the Lord is calling you tothis great light that will make the coming year a fruitful one.Return to the Lord in penitence, fasting and praying for a definitechange in your life.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, help me to come into this great light, like Stephen,may I see you in every challenging situation.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 361

Thursday 28th December, 2017PERSONAL EXPERIENCE''We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is the word of life''. 1 John 1:1 For Reading & Meditation: John 21:19-25John was an eyewitness and today we commemorate him and his ministry. It is an interesting thing to remember those who labored before us. Their ministry would always encouragethose who are heavenly conscious. The letter of John is atestimony of one who had an encounter with Jesus Christ, the greatlight that came from heaven to earth so that those who sojourn indarkness might embrace the light.Apostle John testified thus; ''we proclaim to you the one whoexisted from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. Wesaw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands.He is the word of life. This one who is life was revealed to us, and wehave seen him. And now we testify and proclaim to you that he isthe one who is eternal life. He was with the Father, and then he wasrevealed to us'' (1John 1:1). He went on, ''we proclaim to you whatwe ourselves have actually seen and heard so that you may havefellowship with us…'' (V3). It was a testimony of a personalexperience.All through this celebration, what is your testimony? Certainly therewas an encounter. What kind of encounter did you have? If you areto reduce your experience to writing, would you confidently testifythat you saw Jesus Christ in the celebration and you touched him?Certainly there must be evidence if there was an encounter withhim, the great light, the word of life who is the eternal life. There arefew days to the end of the year, this encounter is a necessity.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus thank you for the light you brought to the world. Let meconstantly dwell in the light daily.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 362

Friday 29th December, 2017 HOLY INNOCENTS DAY ''A cry was heard in Ramah weeping and great mourning. Rachael weeps for her children''.V8 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 2:13-19Long time ago, Jeremiah released the prophecy about genocide that Herod will unleash on innocent children as a result of his inordinate ambition to perpetuate himself inpower. This Herod named Archealaus was the son of Herod thegreat. He was a violent man who began his reign by slaughtering3,000 influential people. Nine years later, he was brushed. Goddidn't want Joseph's family to go into the region of this evil ruler.Thus he was commanded to depart the region to Egypt. By this,Egypt found favour in God's economy of salvation. I declare overyour life, may you find God's favour today in Jesus name.In our world today, innocent blood is crying for justice. Many werekilled before their time. Herod killed those children who werecompletely innocent because of the craze for power. A long list ofthe several killings in our country Nigeria is begging for answer. Allthese people were killed by those who wanted power by all meansthus their hands are filled with blood. The Rachaels of thesepeople are still weeping hence there is no peace for the wicked.Today we are called upon to pray to God to show us mercybecause the crying for justice that is going up to God daily isenough hindrance to the development of our nation. Let us pleadwith the Lord to give us a repentant heart in order not to workagainst anybody around us. Let it be our desire to defend theweak and the downtrodden and never to oppress anyone.PRAYER POINTGrant us neither to act cruelly nor to stand indifferently by, but todefend the weak from the tyrannies of the strong in the name ofJesus Christ.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 363

Saturday 30th December, 2017 FINAL STOCK ''I declare today that I have been faithful. If anyone suffers eternal death, it's not my fault''. V26 For Reading & Meditation: Acts 20:18-38As the year rolls by, there is need for a review in one way or the other. It was a year made up of 365 days, 52 weeks and 12months. How did you spend the hours, minutes and theseconds that were at your disposal? God forbid that the year was awasted one. We must be able to sit down and take stock of all thattranspired in the course of the year. In a bid to do this, we shall takecue from Apostle Paul who assembled the elders in Ephesus andtook stock of his three years ministry among them.The apostle said, ''But my life is worth nothing to me unless Iuse it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesusthe work of telling others the Good News about the wonderfulgrace of God'' (V24). Have you really introduced someone toJesus in this year that is about to end? But we said that was theproper way to celebrate Christmas? Like Paul said, our lives canonly be worth something if it is directed towards telling others theGood News. With few days to go something can still be done.In verse 27, Paul declared, that he never failed in his responsibilitytowards the people. Could you please examine your life, to whatextent have you discharged your responsibilities in this out goingyear? Paul said, ''I have never coveted any one's silver or gold orclothes. You know that these hands of mine have worked to supplymy own needs and even the needs of those of yourself in thismatter”? If you were a burden to others, you cannot go into theNew Year with this same mindset. In prayers settle it with God.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, forgive us of every wasted privileges. Quicken usfor the coming year.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 364

Sunday 31st December, 2017 THE GREAT WEDDING ''For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself''. V7 For Reading & Meditation: Revelation 19:1-8As we earnestly wait to see the end of this year, so this world will end on a day that is unknown to anyone. How prepared are you? This preparation is all inclusive beginning withyour salvation in Christ Jesus. This is one issue that many inChurch are yet to resolve. What if the world suddenly ends todayand one is unprepared? It is eternal damnation.There is the great wedding that lies ahead of the Church. Thatwedding shall be heralded with a great praise, a great noise ofjubilation. There shall be a great shouting because the church, thebride of Christ had finally overcome the world, sin and the devil.The church had passed through the furnace, through persecution,through tribulation. All these were meant to ascertain herfaithfulness to the husband that she was betrothed to-JesusChrist. In the course of the year and your past years, how did youreact to the several temptations that arose as a result of your faithin Christ Jesus? Your reaction will determine whether you werefaithful to this husband - Jesus Christ.What you see of many of the married men and women, spinstersand bachelors is a direct pointer to our relationship with JesusChrist, the groom. If your faithfulness is in doubt, it is time toexamine your life and make amend where necessary.Remember, ''she has been given the finest of pure white linen towear. For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's HolyPeople''. Are you sure your deeds will qualify you for this linen?PRAYER POINTDear Holy Spirit, convince and convict us in this matter that ourlabour will not be in vain.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 365



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