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Home Explore 2017 Manna

2017 Manna

Published by ejogheneta, 2017-01-20 09:31:21

Description: 2017 Manna


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Sunday 21st May, 2017SAY NO TO GRUMBLINGDo all things without grumbling or questioning ...v.14 (ESV)For Reading & Meditation: Philippians 2:5-16Grumbling and murmuring was the main issue that stopped those who left Egypt from entering the Promised Land. The word \"grumbling\" in Greek means \"muttering or murmuring.\"The Philippians were not making loud, outspoken complaints, butrather, they were quietly whispering their dissatisfaction againstmen, not God. You can still hear this murmuring in churches today ...brothers and sisters secretly sharing their discontent, stirring uparguments, disunity, and division.There are people that are never satisfied no matter what you do forthem, they will either complain, or grumble. There are those whogrumble about everything- when there is food, when there is nofood, when the time is long, when the time is short, when it rains,when it is sunny, when the music is high, when the music is low,when the Pastor comes early, when the Pastor comes late, when thePastor is Harsh, when the Pastor overlooks, when the offerings aremuch, when the offerings are too few, when people are happy, whenpeople are sad, etc. Grumbling is a profession that some haveundertaken in the church and in the society. Many of these neverhave time to think well before jumping into conclusion. They are fondof arousing the interest of others to join them to do the grumblingwork.Grumbling is satanic and ungodly, it leads to destruction, and canend its victim in hell. Say no to it today, cut off with grumblers in yourchurch, neighborhood or your community. Learn to appreciate whatothers are doing, as it will be your turn someday.PRAYER POINTHelp us to repent from grumbling, purge our hearts oh Lord. Pray forthe act of giving thanks regularly and supporting others.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 141

Monday 22nd May, 2017COUNSEL FROM GOD“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you”. V. 8 (ESV) For Reading &Meditation: Psalm 32:1-11People often ask me for counsel or advice, and I like to take them to this verse. The Lord is so personally concerned with our lives that he promises to instruct us and teach us whichway to go. His eye is on us and he's ready to counsel. One of theways he does this is by speaking to us through his Word. The Wordof God is His breath, and voice. It is the syllabus of his counsel toguide our earthly sojourn. By it we are informed on the path ofgrace and love. A refusal to seek it diligently is a call fordespondency. No one hated God's word and remained the same.The path of godliness is that guided by the word of God. It ispleasurable to seek it daily for counsel.Sometimes we'd rather get counsel from other people while weleave God waiting on the sidelines. In most cases, he wants us toseek him so that he can show us the way we should go. There aregood men with wonderful counsel but can never be like the counselof God, more so when such is not based on the scripture. It is ofutmost importance for us to seek God's counsel on issuesbothering us than seek mere human wisdom that will only help tocompound your problem. Don't miss out on the incredibleexperience of receiving counsel from God.Whenever you are faced with a decision making process, makeeffort to seek God's face for counsel. Any decision not divinelyguided cannot be guaranteed. Seek Him now, and he will be found.PRAYER POINTDear Holy Spirit, I seek your counsel today, order my steps andinspire me to walk in the path of truth.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 142

Tuesday 23rd May, 2017HEAVENLY CITIZENSHIP“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ ...”v. 20 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Philippians 3:12-21Do you ever feel like an alien? Well, that's because you are! As believers, we are citizens of another country, a kingdom not of this world. We're just pilgrims passingthrough this land called earth. Our true citizenship, our true homeis in heaven.Our Savior, the Lord Jesus, is already there preparing a place forus. Like a soldier or a missionary serving overseas, it's normal forus to feel a keen longing for our true heavenly home. Justimagine the joyous reunion that awaits us there! There is a placebeyond here, it is the place for saints, people that have beenredeemed by the precious blood of Christ.Don't forget, no one becomes a citizen of a country by mereclaim. To claim that you are a citizen of England will never makeyou one until you become one either by birth or naturalization.There are many of us in church who lack simple understanding ofthe salvation we have been given. They float on top with merereligious inclinations, and nothing more. Some of these haverefused baptism; while others have not decided to surrendertheir sins to God by asking for forgiveness. Whereas, becominga citizen of the heavenly kingdom one must be baptized intoChrist Jesus, give up all sins known and unknown, seekingforgiveness, and live a new life in the Holy Spirit. Your citizenshipmust be settled today.PRAYER POINTThank you Lord for our heavenly citizenship; as we continue withour Christian race may we always be encouraged by this.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 143

Wednesday 24th May, 2017 THE WORD OF THE CROSS For the word of the cross is folly to those who areperishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. v18 (ESV)For Reading & Meditation: 1Corinthians1:18-25 Paul sums up the gospel as the \"word of the cross”. He states that the gospel is foolishness, or folly, to those who are perishing. So, what is the message of the cross? It is aboutthe one who was lifted on the cross for our redemption; it is aboutone and the only one sacrifice by Jesus Christ. It is not fancifulbecause it involves dying to worldly pleasure and inordinateambitions, it is against the desires of the flesh, and permits noseeking of carnal things.The message of the cross is about losing one's life willingly layingit down but in doing so, gaining eternal life. We are saved by themessage, and thus, it is the power of God. Those who don'taccept the message will perish. But those who receive it will gaineverlasting life. Have you believed this message?The message of the cross is not fascinating to the man who isperishing; he sees only the pain and difficulty, but not the crownahead of it. He does not believe in the joy that will be revealed inthe believer. What is your attitude to the word of the cross? Somehave chosen what they consider to be favourable paying lessattention to the areas that are not quite fascinating. The wholegospel is for our salvation, negligence of one is negligence of all.Do not allow the devil to make the word foolish to you.PRAYER POINTYour word O Lord abides forever let the message of the cross,bring salvation to your people today as they believe untosalvation.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 144

Thursday 25th May, 2017 GRACIOUS WORDS“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body”. Prov. 16:24(ESV) For Reading & Meditation: 1 Sam. 25:4-12, 20-35Kind and gracious words are valuable, but they cost us so little. They will encourage the soul, lift the spirit, and give health to the body. Have you ever noticed how refreshing itis to be around positive people? They naturally make us feel betterwith their contagious positive attitudes. They lift our souls fromdepression and to gracefulness. These kind of people may notsupport your evil but their attitudes help a sinner to see hope, theircounsels are like grease applied to a hard iron surface. When youare down you will always want them to talk with you as you see inthem the key to your life restoration.On the other hand, negative words will bring us down andeveryone else faster than a lead balloon. It's just as easy to speakpositive, gracious words, as it is to utter dismal, negative ones.There are truths that may break a sinner down but a carefullyselected word will help a sinner to bounce back to spiritual health,as against voices of condemnation that may never help a sinner'srestoration.Nabal and Abigail are in our reading for today. Nabal used badwords that would have cost him his life and that of his familythrough David, but Abigail the wife acted and spoke wisely.Consider your words. Are they gracious? Do they bring life, health,sweetness and happiness to others? I want my speech to bepositive. How about you? Filter what you say so that you don'tregret after speaking them.PRAYER POINTLord let your gracious word always flow from my heart that mymouth will show forth your praise.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 145

Friday 26th May, 2017TRUTH IN THE SECRET HEART“Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart”. V.6 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Psalm51:1-7It doesn't matter how truthful and wise we appear to be on the outside. The Lord delights in our inward truthfulness. He knows our secret heart. He cannot be fooled.David, who wrote this Psalm, confessing his sins that led to thedeath of Bathsheba's husband, Uriah. Although it appeared toeveryone else that Uriah had died in the battle, the Lord knewthat David had arranged for the man to be killed to cover his sin ofadultery. God cannot be mocked, and David paid a high price tolearn the wisdom of inward truthfulness.To speak a word from the lip and a different one in the heart is anact of hypocrisy. It is the practice of deceivers whose intention isto cast stumbling block on the way of others. For a man's heart tobe saying yes, and he is muttering no with the lip to the neighbouris a terrible fashion.The activities of the heart are hidden from mortal man's view,even when wickedness is hidden in it you may never know butGod knows the intent of a man's heart. You can succeed inkeeping yours from man but not from God. It is sometimes betterto speak what you have in your heart than hiding it as it amountsto deception. To keep a healthy truthful heart you must fill yourheart with the word and meditate on it regularly (Psa.119:11)PRAYER POINTHoly Spirit please keep my heart pure every moment of my lifethat the meditation of my heart will always be acceptable to youmy Lord and Redeemer.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 146

Saturday 27th May, 2017 RIGHT THINKING “Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. v.8(ESV) For Reading &Meditation: Philippians4:4-9Have you ever stopped to think about a kind of thought that always dominate your mind? Take a few moments now and then focus on your thought life. Does true, honorable, just,pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy describethe concentration of your thoughts?If not, maybe it's time to make a conscious effort to renew your mind.Throw out those negative thoughts and cultivate right thinking.Make this your prayer as you allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse yourheart and mind.A man's heart is like a blank slate that will not have any specificdirection until you fill in the contents through listening, reading,studying, seeing, and other form of activities, including fantasies. Ittherefore means that what you think on arise from what you are fedwith. To think positively, you must feed your heart with such thingsthat are lovely and of good report, just as bad thought may beresulting from a heart fed with evil activities. The amount of badnews that the media feed our children with can result intopsychological trauma, as that on its own is a job provided for theheart.To purify your thinking, read more of God's word, read good booksthat lift up the soul and meditate only on truths as expounded in theholy writ- the Bible but above all the heart must be circumcised.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, let your word dwell richly in me, that my thought patternwill be guided by it daily.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 147

Sunday 28th May, 2017WALK ON THE HEIGHTS“... yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God ofmy salvation. GOD, the Lord, is my strength; he makes myfeet like the deer's; he makes me tread on my high places”. Vv. 18-19(ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Habakkuk3:16-19For us missionaries whom the Lord has launched into the mission field, he gives this promise from the book of Habakkuk: \"You will rejoice with joy in the Lord, and I willmake your feet like the feet of the deer, causing you to walk onthe heights!\" How exciting this sounds. But take a look at whatpreceded this verse.Habakkuk was able to rejoice in the Lord and take joy in the God ofhis salvation, even in the face of tremendously difficultcircumstances. His prayers had remained unanswered; there wasno fruit, no crops, no food. His finances were completely dried upand he was all alone. Yet, Habakkuk stood firm and said, \"I willrejoice in the Lord.\" Not only that, he was able to walk on theheights like a sure-footed deer because of the strength of the Lordhis God.It was not long before I fully understood why the Lord had given methis particular promise.High places are meant for over comers who have painstakinglyendured the moment of trials and denials. It is not an evil to facechallenges, but it behooves on one to fight hard to keep his/her headabove the waters. Never allow it to overwhelm you no matter what,you have been given the grace to be intact. You cannot be given aprice when you have not proven yourself. To glow in glory, andascend great heights, you must keep your focus firm on the Lord.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus challenging situation will always arise help me never togive up but to lean on you always.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 148

Monday, 29th May, 2017 HUMBLE YOURSELF“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty handof God so that at the proper time he may exalt you ...” V.6 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: 1Peter5:1-6It's far better to humble yourself than to get to the point where God must humble you. Whenever God humbles a man it shows the man had become independent of God yet usingthe power of God. Some characters in Bible exhibited suchtraits and they were humbled by God. We have example ofSamson, King David, and Nebuchadnezzar. In recent timessome prominent men of God were also humble.If we truly want to be exalted in God's timing, we will maintain ahumble attitude. This will require honest self-examination anddaily laying down of our pride and selfish ambition.Fame is a good thing but it can be dangerous, as it can puffsomeone up. Pride brings fall to a man, it is humility that raisesup. It is therefore better to have a checklist from which youcrosscheck your actions, attitudes and motives to see if theywere rightly placed and directed. Be sure, you are the architectof your own action. You can choose to be proud if you want andto be humble if you desire so whatever the position you occupyin life. It only requires regular self examination, and sincerity.Do not be on the defense, own up where you got it wrong andmake immediate amends. Humility pays off than pride, bothbefore men and God.PRAYER POINTLord you have shown us the example of humility, let your Spiritalways lead on the path of humility.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 149

Tuesday 30th May, 2017 HIS JOY IS OUR JOY“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full”. V.11 (ESV) For Reading & Meditation: John15:9-17Our Lord Jesus desire that his joy will remain in us as we live by his word. His word brings about absolute, full, overflowing and permanent joy. How do we get this joy?It's simple: by obeying the Lord's commands. We need to dwellin his word daily. The entrance of His word brings light and joy.New believers commonly have this misconception: Becominga Christian means giving up all fun and following a life of rules.What they don't understand is that as we obey the Lord, he fillsus with his joy. It's not the kind of obedience that becomesmonotonous, boring and drudgery of following commands. It isan obedience made out of pleasure and delight. Not made outof compulsion or fear as such does not reward. And joy grows inman who lives an obedient life.A joyless existence of mere rule-following is not trueChristianity and the abundant life God intends for us. Rather,this describes a man-made experience of religious legalism.God has amazing adventures planned for us. He offers arelationship of profound, joyful fulfillment that we get toexperience.Are you living in the realm of God's joy? He has packaged joyfor us who follow in his steps. It is sweet to live within God'sstandard. Joy of the Lord shall be your strength.PRAYER POINTThe joy of the Lord is my strength. Let your joy overwhelm mylife daily in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 150

Wednesday 31st May, 2017 JESUS IN YOUR BOAT “And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. Andthose in the boat worshiped him, saying, truly you are the Son of God.\" Vs 32-33(ESV) For Reading & Meditation: Matthew14:22-33In this verse, Peter has just walked on stormy waters with Jesus. While taking his eyes off the Lord and focusing on the storm, he began to sink under the weight of his troubling circumstances. Butwhen he cried out for help, Jesus caught him by the hand and raisedhim up out of his seemingly impossible surroundings.Fear is a killer of dream; it takes away the strength of a man, andturns him to a feeble personality. Peter would have been a star thatwalked with Jesus on that water successfully, but he lost this countwhen he looked away from Jesus. Another significant event thattook place was the storm that was tearing the disciples' boat apart. Itwas when Jesus arrived at the boat that the stormy wind ceased.Though we may not walk across water like Peter, we will go throughdifficult, faith-testing circumstances. In the end, as Jesus and Peterclimbed into the boat, the storm immediately ceased. When we haveJesus \"in our boat\" the storms of life are calmed so that we canworship him. Storms are usual phenomena in life. They crop upeverywhere, in marriages, families, churches, Christian living, inacademic pursuits, in raising of kids, in decision towards who tomarry, in friendships, in personal health, and even in managingyourself. But there is no reason to fear if one has Jesus Christproperly enthroned in one's life and affairs. He will surely calm thestorm whatever its degree of operation. Do you believe? Take yourmind off the threat; focus on the One-who-calms-the storm!PRAYER POINTOh Lord my God, I surrender to your ultimate power. Forgive mynegligence of looking up to you. I invite you Lord into all areas of mylife to take pre- eminence.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 151

Thursday 1st June,, 2017 REJOICE, PRAY, GIVE THANKS “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”. Vv. 16-18(ESV) For Reading & Meditation: 1Thessalonians 5:12-28This passage contains very short verses: \"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances ...\" But, they tell us a great deal about the will of God in three importantareas of everyday life. They are simple commands, beginning withrejoice always. This is only possible because of the supernatural joyof the Holy Spirit bubbling up from the inside. So, our rejoicing is notdependent upon happy experiences. The Spirit filled Christian isdifferent from the others who are not because he acts strangelybecause he sees things differently, this is why he rejoices even inmoment of internal or external crises, as they do not mean so muchto him. What matters to him is what the Lord is doing, and will do withthe circumstance. This makes for rejoicing as the Spirit wells him upwithin.Next is to pray without ceasing. This means constant communionand close relationship with the divine giver of joy. It's a humble,devoted trust in God's provision. To cease in prayer is to stop prayingbecause you no longer believe there is hope. Persistence in prayeris God's will for you.And lastly, we're to give thanks in all circumstances. This requirescomplete surrender and peaceful abandon to worship the God whoholds every moment of our lives securely in his grip. It could bethreatening to see problem rocking down the fabric of our lives,family or business, but the act of giving thanks is a fully loaded trustin God's ability to quell your challenge. Beloved, rejoice always, prayunceasingly and give thanks in all situations, it is God's will for you.PRAYER POINTDear Holy Spirit; please develop our praying attitude saturated withthanksgiving in our everyday living.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 152

Friday 2nd June, 2017GROWING IN FAITH“By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life...” Vs. 3 For Reading & Meditation: 2 Peter 1:11In the light of the challenges of this end-time especially in Nigeria, our focus this month shall be on how to deepen our faith in the Lord. The faith that God has entrusted once for all time to hisholy people is a dynamic one. We who have received it areexpected to grow in it and with it. For this task, our passage shall bethoroughly examined in the hope that every reader of this devotionthat may be dormant shall receive fresh fire burning in his heart.And for those who have the fire, their anointing shall increase.Ultimately, we shall love Him more dearly.According to our text, God has given us everything we need forliving a godly life. In other words, God had already made theprovision available for our use; all we need is to take possession ofall that God has made available to his children. Please take note,this provision is strictly for those who are prepared to live a godlylife. Therefore, the door is locked against anything that bears theidentity of ungodliness. No one living an ungodly life can accessthis provision.What is godly living? It is a life that is patterned according to God'sword. Such life is vehemently opposed to anything that contradictsGod's purpose for our creation, redemption and existence. Thepower to lead a godly life comes from God because it is the life ofGod found in Christ Jesus. God willingly bequeaths his life to us asa result of the Holy Spirit that comes into one's life. Such life isbeing controlled by the Holy Spirit hence it is a godly living.PRAYER POINT:Almighty Father, as we journey through this new month, I desire agodly living in every area of my life.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 153

Saturday 3rd June, 2017 THE NEED KNOW HIM“…We have received all of this by coming to know him…” II Peter 1:3” For Reading & Meditation: John 1:7-13The secret of receiving everything we need for living a godly life is to know Jesus Christ who came to redeem us so that we can be sons and daughters of God. A good number ofpersons in Church today are yet to encounter Jesus Christ hencethey romance with sin so as to get what they want for their living.This particular thing may be physical. Therefore in a bid to possesssuch things, 'Christians' do not worry about how to achieve suchthings. Those who desire promotion have adopted ungodlymeans to pursue it. It doesn't matter if what belong to other peopleis given to them. The mere fact that they have got it is seen asmiracle and they go to Church to testify of such dubious miracles.If only ministers would care to find out how such miracles cameabout This is exactly what is going on everywhere and many inChurch are adopting this ungodly method to get what they needfrom the devil and not from the provision that God has madeavailable to us in Christ Jesus.The second thing many 'Christians' lack is the spiritual dimensionwhich is the key to receiving everything that God has madeavailable to us. It is true; many in church cannot give a clear cuttestimony of when they received the Holy Spirit into their lives.John wrote, “But to all who believed him and accepted him, hegave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12). Thebasic questions are, when did you believe? When did you receiveHim? When did you receive power from him? If there is no definiteanswer, there is no Christianity yet.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus, until we encounter you we will not let you go. Todaymake the difference in our lives that we access our portion.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 154

Sunday 4th June, 2017 HIS CALL“…The one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.” II Peter 1:3”For Reading & Meditation: Mark 1: 16 - 20To grow in the faith is to grow in the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. Yesterday, the question was, when did you know him? There must be a definite answer. Before we know him,we must establish when he called us. These are pertinent questionsthat guarantee the salvation we have in Christ. Issues like this mustnot be taken for granted. Many in the church face the risk of goinginto hell because they tend to over-look these issues, whereas theseare the issues that bring about repentance. It is not impossible thatyou grew up in the church and you have carefully observed therituals that exist or peculiar to your denomination, yet you cannotprovide answers to the issues raised, the calling of God upon ourlives has a definite date and time. Even if the date and time isforgotten, yet the experience is there.Our passage for meditation shows clearly, that of necessity, we mustreceive a call from the Master. Simon and his brother Andrew couldremember vividly on what occasion they received the call of Godupon their lives. James and John could not forget the occasion; itwas when they were repairing their nets that a call to abandon allthey were doing was placed on them. Thus in their own case, notonly that they gave up their old lifestyle, they also gave up theirprofession.Beloved, do you have a clear cut testimony of this nature? All theseare possible because of his marvelous glory and excellence. Thiscan as well be your testimony today.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus, I yield wholeheartedly to your call today, make me yourdisciple forever.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 155

Monday 5th June, 2017 GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISE“And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises…”.” II Peter 3:4” For Reading & Meditation: Luke 8:11 - 18His marvelous glory and excellence is not only bringing us closer to Him; it also guarantees His great and precious promises that are available to all who receive and believein His name - JESUS CHRIST. Beloved, there are great andprecious promises for you in the Holy Writ. Are you aware, haveyou discovered them and to what extent are they manifesting inyour life and situation?The greatest problem facing many who professed to be Christiansis lack of hunger for the bread of life, the word of God. It has beensaid that, it is only the dead that do not have the desire for food.This is a perfect description of many of us. Take a look at the BibleStudy during the week, compare the attendance to what we recordon Sundays; you will agree that, our attitude to the study of theword of God is extremely poor. This is the greatest harm we aredoing to ourselves.The consequence of those attitudes is that we have locked thedoor of repentance against ourselves and we ignorantly excludeourselves from the benefits of these great and precious promisesavailable to us. For some, Christianity is likened to a man whofound himself in an examination hall and is unable to attempt anyquestion because he was never in class and he did not read hisbooks yet he wants to ride on the wings of success. What is yourattitude to the Holy Bible wherein contain this great and preciouspromises that can address your present situation? Endeavour tokeep friendship with the word.PRAYER POINT:Create in us O Lord a hunger for your word and a thirst for you thatwe may enjoy your promises.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 156

Tuesday 6th June, 2017 HAVE YOU ESCAPED?“These are the promises that enable you to share his divinenature and escape, the world's corruption caused by human desires”. II Peter 1:4 For Reading & Meditation: I John 2:15 - 19Two issues are raised in our text. They are, “sharing his divine nature and escaping the world's corruption caused by human desires”. For this meditation, we shall consider the secondone which is, escaping the world's corruption caused by humandesires. I am compelled to put this question to you, have youescaped the world's corruption that is caused by human desires?The power word in the phrase is 'escape'. It suggests that we mustnot by any means trifle with this matter.The issue of studying the word and living by it was our conclusionyesterday. There is no way any believer can escape the world'scorruption caused by human desires except living by the word ofGod. The word of God purges us of every corruption occasionedby human desire that is welling up in the heart. The psalmist says;“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sinagainst you” (Ps. 119:11). Until we cultivate the habit of reading,studying, marking and digesting the word, we cannot escape thecorruption of this world. The heart is the centre of all humanactivities and the heart is vulnerable to the world's corruption.This is why Jeremiah lamented, “The human heart is the mostdeceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who reallyknows how bad it is?” (17:9). It is only the word of God that canuproot the deceit that has its taproot in the heart. It is this deceitthat gives rise to all these human desires that is an evidence of theworldly corruption that is pronounced in the lives of many abeliever. Have you truly escaped this corruption or there are stillsome dents here and there? His second coming is imminent, getrid of these things before he comes.PRAYER POINT:O Lord Jesus, purge my heart today of every worldly corruption.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 157

Wednesday 7th June, 2017 TRUE REFLECTION “You were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth.” II Peter 1:21 For Reading & Meditation: 1 Peter 1: 18 - 25The first issue that was raised yesterday was that of sharing his divine nature. God allows us to “share his divine nature” in order to keep us from sin and help us live above it and livefor him. During our creation, God made us in his own image.“Then God said, “let us make human beings in our image, tobe like ourselves” (Gen. 1:26). We are a reflection of God'sglory. We have the ability to reflect his character in love, patience,forgiveness, kindness and faithfulness. This is possible becauseof our redemption in Christ Jesus who is truly God.As a Christian, is your life a true reflection of his character andnature? When we realize that we are made in God's image andthat we share many of his characteristics, it therefore provides asolid basis for self-worth and self-esteem. This is whenChristianity can make meaning, when the image of God is seen inus.The New Testament has offered us salvation in Christ to worshipGod in Spirit and Truth and ultimately to spend eternity with Him.Spending eternity with God in Christ Jesus is a fundamental issuethat must regulate how we live our lives here on earth. This is thereason for sharing his divine nature. If we fail to share his divinenature here on earth then we have given up the issue of eternitywith Christ Jesus. What is the essence of our going to Churchthen? His image in our lives guarantees our eternity with him.PRAYER POINT:Thank you Lord for the privilege of sharing in your divine nature;help me to maintain it on daily basis.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 158

Thursday 8th June, 2017 GOD'S GIFT NOT FOR SALE“May your money be destroyed with you for thinking God's gift can be bought.” Vs. 20 For Reading & Meditation: Acts 8: 9- 20The second issue that was raised in 2 Peter 1:4 is that of “escaping the world's corruption caused by human desires.” The grace to escape is to share his divine nature. In otherwords, until we have chosen to be like Christ Jesus in all things, wecannot escape the corruption of this world. Many in Church areliving a life of “self-pity” because of their inability to give up a kind oflife that is not comfortable with them. Such people have tried ontheir own to give it up, but they realize that they are unable to do so.Attendance at Church services is no more regular. They now attendsome of these 'prayer houses' with dubious prophesies while theycontinue old way of life. What a tragedy that has befallen them andthe Church they belong. It is a tragedy to the Church because someof these 'Christians' are the decision makers in their churches.How can blind people lead blind people?The case of Simon in our passage is not far from this. Hissupposed commitment must have been drawing him closer to theposition of responsibility but his conversion was not thorough. Hewanted power in order to be like Philip, thus he offered money sothat he can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This is a typicalexample of one who is yet to escape the corruption of this world.They behave in the church the same way they behave in theirplaces of work. Hardly would you know them as Christians outsidethe Church. It is time for you to escape the corruption of this worldin order to be a testimony.PRAYER POINT:Holy Father, set us free from the chains of worldly corruption inJesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 159

Friday 9th June, 2017 FAITH SUPPLEMENT“In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God's promises supplement your faith with a generous provision….” II Peter 1:5 For Reading & Meditation: I John 3:16 - 24There are seven supplements stated in 2 Peter 1:5-7 namely, moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, patience, endurance, godliness, brotherly affection and love foreveryone. All these are meant to enhance our faith -- the faith thatwas once handed over to the saints. The issue of supplement isnot strange to this generation. Many times we have heard of foodsupplements, drug supplements, etc. Because of the severalbenefits derivable from these supplements, a good number ofpersons go for them inspite of their exorbitant prices.Our faith is both living and dynamic, thus it requires supplements toenhance its growth. Any attempt to ignore the supplement willsurely lead to death. The Christian life is not a mere adding ofqualities together but a growth. Virtue is in faith, as the flower is inthe seed. When the flower grows as a result of the nutrientsavailable to it, the flower in it will appear for the admiration of all.When our faith is allowed to thrive on the supplement that the HolySpirit produces derivable from the word of life, the beauty inChristianity will be seen by all, thus more would turn to the LordJesus Christ.How many have come to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviourthrough the beauty of Christ that is seen in you? If no specificnumber, it means the flower in your faith is yet to come out as aresult of lack of supplement.PRAYER POINTHoly Spirit, please fill my faith with the required supplements sothat the fruit will manifest to the glory of God.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 160

Saturday 10th June, 2017MORAL EXCELLENCE 1“…Let us all tell our neighbours the truth for we are all parts of the same body” Eph. 4:25 For Reading & Meditation: Acts 4:32 37As translated in the New Living Translation of the Bible, moral excellence is the first supplement that should be added to the faith. Certainly the issue of morality is a big challenge tothe present crop of Christians in Nigeria. No doubt it has beenrelegated to the back-ground as a result of the things we considerto be more important. Morality is seen in our character. Charactermeans little or nothing to the present day Christians. We think theHoly Spirit can be active in an unregenerate life.This is absolutely impossible yet we are pursuing the dunamis ofthe Holy Spirit for prosperity, breaking the yoke of poverty and thelikes. Those issues are pursued with vigour without recourse as tohow we can become like Christ as to achieve our purpose ofcreation. 'Recent men of God' have undermine the issue of moralexcellence thus you see an acclaimed prophet talking to one that isvisibly an unbeliever, yet the 'prophet' does not care because hedoes not know what it means to be saved.Christians must be able to separate the godly (right) way from theungodly (wrong) way of achieving goals. On this, many believershave betrayed the faith. The morality the Bible speaks of is that ofexcellence, the kind that is beyond reproach. Joseph the onenicknamed Barnabas is an example of moral excellence thatearned the name, “son of encouragement.” He sold his privateland and on his own accord brought to the apostle the total sum forthe upkeep of the Christian Church. While we admit that a few arelike this man but many in the church are morally bankrupt. It is theissue of Christian character patterned after Christ. Moralexcellence is the supplement we need; let us ask the Holy Spirit forhis intervention.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, we ask for your grace to enable us exhibit moralexcellence daily.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 161

Sunday 11th June, 2017MORAL EXCELLENCE 2“Don't lie to each other, for you have stripped off your old sinful nature and all its wicked deeds. Col. 3 : 9 For Reading & Meditation: Acts 5:1 - 10The next story that followed the moral excellence exhibited by Joseph in our meditation yesterday is the ugly story of a couple named Ananias and Sapphira who betrayed theirfaith as a result of lack of moral uprightness. Moral excellence asa supplement would have permanently placed them in the hall offame and roll of honour. But unfortunately the opposite of thesupplement brought upon them untimely death - eternalseparation from Jesus Christ. Ananias and Sapphira on their ownaccord sold their property and they took half the money andbrought the rest to the apostle with a view to earning the honourthat is not due to them. They wanted to be like Joseph but theirmoral bankruptcy betrayed them.Peter asked Ananias, “Why have you let Satan fill yourheart…” Instead of him to own up, it was like; he tried to convincethe man of God that his ways were right. Well, since he was notready, he died instantly. When the wife came she tried to justifywhat they did but such ungodly character cannot be entertainedthus she fell and died.Moral excellence can only be achieved as we allow the word ofGod to transform our lives. This is a conscious desire to do thingsin the way of Christ. The mind must be renewed so as tounderstand the will of God for every given situation andcircumstances.PRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit, may our mindsbe renewed by your word that we may always do what is right.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 162

Monday 12th June, 2017THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE “Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge” Prov. 18:15 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 10: 38 - 41Knowledge is the next supplement to be added to our faith. Mary in our passage for meditation is a good example of one whose ear is opened to knowledge according to Proverbs.Mary possessed a teachable spirit and the willingness to learn andshe was not ready to miss the opportunity of learning. Mary was thekind who understood how to place her priorities right and what ismore important in the list of things at her disposal.When the Lord Jesus visited Martha and her sister Mary, Marthawas more concerned with the hospitality which was an importantthing to accord a visitor. She failed to realize that it was time to learnso that whatever will be done can be done well. Wherever theprivilege of knowing more about Jesus Christ is available, the issueof hospitality or any other thing becomes secondary. This was therealization that Mary had and she was ready to maximize theopportunity in order to supplement her faith with knowledge.Martha thought hospitality comes first but the Lord replied, “Thereis only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary hasdiscovered it, and it will not be taken away from her” (vs.42).This attitude of Martha is evident in the life of some persons in thechurch. While worship or fellowship is on they occupy themselveswith issues that can be suspended particularly if a ceremony isgoing on.Our attitude to worship and Bible Study meetings would showwhether we are like Mary or Martha. Of course those who have notime to study the scriptures are like Martha. There is no way theirknowledge of God can grow. My people perish because of lack ofknowledge says Hosea. A child of God who does not seekknowledge no doubt is heading for a dangerous end.PRAYER POINTDear Holy Spirit create in us a thirst for knowledge rooted in yourword and guided by You daily.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 163

Tuesday 13th June, 2017 SELF CONTROL “But when Peter arrived back in Jerusalem, the Jewish believers criticized him.” V.2 For Reading & Meditation: Acts 11: 1 - 18The next supplement to be added to our faith is Self-Control. Remember that the issue of Christian virtues is not just a matter of add and delete. It is a spiritual growth occasionedby the study of the word of God, fasting, praying and a deliberatechoice of living for Jesus daily. The choice you make at everyoccasion and every circumstances should reflect what you havelearnt from the word of GodSelf-control is a supplement that shows our level of maturity in theChristian faith. It is the ability to willingly submit to God's way inevery issue that is before us. When we choose to accept God'sverdict, it is a clear demonstration of self-control. Wherever andwhenever we exercise self-control, it is a disgrace to the devil.Apostle Peter in our passage clearly demonstrated self-control inthe circumstances that he was faced with. When he arrived back inJerusalem, we are told the Jewish believers welcomed him with aserious criticism. The human element would have got angry andreturned fire for fire because naturally they ought to haveappreciated his efforts for taking the gospel beyond Jerusalem toSamaria.But Peter took it lightly by explaining to them how it all happened.After his explanation, we are told that they stopped their objectionand began to praise God. Our ability to demonstrate self-controlwould always bring glory to God. Therefore let us pray that in thepower of the Holy Spirit we will always be empowered to do this.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, it is obvious that this supplement would alwaysbring praises to you and engender peace among brethren. Lordhelp us.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 164

Wednesday 14th June, 2017LEADERS PURSUE SELF-CONTROL“...listen, you rebels, he shouted, must we bring you water from this rock.” V.10 For Reading & Meditation: Numbers 20: 1 - 13Self control is a supplement that Christians especially leaders must cultivate with vigour. We are exposed to several diverse temptations, criticism, humiliation and other uglythings. We must ask the Holy Spirit to bring forth this fruit in us dailyand pray that we may be able to exercise caution in all ourendeavours. Moses was described as very “humble morehumble as any other person on earth” (Number 12:3). While hewas able to exercise self-control when his sister, Miriam's variousnegative criticisms against him lasted, he was unable to do thesame in the face of the rebellion of the people.Moses allowed the rebellion of the people to dictate what he shoulddo and not how God wanted him to carry out divine instructions. AsChristians, we are faced with a similar scenario in our daily living.Our attitude is always determined by the situation or what Godsays. Often times we respond to the action of the people instead ofdoing the right thing inspite of what the people may do.Admittedly, the people were stiff-necked, but the wrath of mancannot bring out the righteousness of God. Moses and Aaronallowed themselves to be swayed by the negative attitudes of thepeople. The loss was irreparable. God told them, “Because youdid not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to thepeople of Israel, you will not lead them into the land I amgiving them? (v.12) the issue of adding self-control as asupplement to our Christian living is a necessity.PRAYER POINTHoly Spirit I crave for your fire to burn in me and consume me until Iam swallowed in self control.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 165

Thursday 15th June, 2017EXAMPLE OF OUR LORD“And Jesus replied, I assure you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” V.43 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 23:32 43Sometimes we are tempted to throw caution to the wind and respond to situations as they rear their heads. Self- control is a virtue that helps to check any action thatundermines caution. What happened to Moses yesterday wasnot the first. After some 40 days of spiritual retreat with the LordGod, the tablets of stone that contained the law were given tohim as a blessing to the people. However, when he saw howwild the people had gone, he lost self-control. Moses threw thestone tablets to the ground and they were shattered as a resultof the apostasy of the people.In the case of the Saviour of mankind, on the cross of Calvary,we see a contrast. Inspite of the inhuman treatments melted onhim, he pleaded with the Father for their forgiveness. One ofthe criminals began to scoff him, pouring insults, challenginghim to demonstrate his power by releasing them from theagony they were going through. The attitude of Jesus Christ isa perfect example of Self-control that we need in the face ofbeing tempted to react negatively to the behaviour of people.Such behaviours may be inimical to our well-being. “…Leteverything you say be good and helpful, so that yourwords will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”(Eph. 4:29). This was the response of our Lord. Self Controlwould always silent every negative appearance.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus help us to be like you and follow your example in allthings in all we do.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 166

Friday 16th June, 2017SELF CONTROL FREEDOM “They Promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves ofsin and corruption. For you are a slave to whatever controls you.” V.19 For Reading & Meditation: 2 Peter 2:17 - 22It is true that a person is a slave to whatever controls him or her. To some people, freedom is understood to mean doing anything we want. This is a wrong theology that has found a place amongmany professed Christians particularly the new generation crop ofChristians. This is why you see many who are still comfortable withtheir former lifestyle. Whereas Christianity brings a completechange to every sphere of one's life and to be able to adjust to thenew life, hence the supplement called self-control. It enables you todiscipline yourself in order to produce God's character (Christianvirtues). Self-control enables you to obey Christ, who guides you byhis Spirit.Our text speaks of both ministers and professing Christians whopromise freedom from every satanic activity, but they themselvesare slaves of sin and corruption. It is a sorry state to find preachers ofthe gospel living the opposite of what they preach, infact they areenemies of the cross by their lifestyle.Nowadays we see many a minister parading a kind of anointing thatis marked by prophecy and they say a lot of things that may be true oftheir victims. The next thing we see of them is fornication or adulteryand some other occultic practices. They lack self-control that issupposed to keep them away from these ungodly things. They arethere promising freedom, yet they are in satanic captivity. We needto ask ourselves, whether; the freedom we speak about is true of us?PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, by your spirit may our lives be an example offreedom in Christ Jesus.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 167

Saturday 17th June, 2017O JERUSALEM!“How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings.” V.37 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 23:37-39Jerusalem, is the capital city of God's chosen people, the city of David, Israel's greatest king, the location of the temple, intended to be the centre of worship of the true God. However,Jerusalem had become blind to God, such that she could notrecognize the Messiah. Jesus Christ's feelings for this beloved citybecame evident as he wept over his beloved city, which was at theverge of destruction.For three years during his earthly ministry, he tried to gather hischildren, yet they would not accept his plea. They were ready tolead him, to the cross and crucify him there. Even when he had risenfrom the death, they would not accept him as Lord and Saviour.The above scenario depicts some people in the church. They haveresisted every move of the Spirit that would have brought light intotheir lives and enable them to live according to God's purpose fortheir lives. Not only that they are in darkness and unable to enter thekingdom of light, they are busy deceiving even the elect to join themin their delusion.Beloved, in this end-time, many are taking to Balaam's way andmany other strange ways. We need to properly examine ourselves,whether we are still in the faith that was once given to the church.Except we are sure of this, we may be heading somewhere else.Jesus is still calling on all those who have strayed away to comehome.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Christ, help me not to deviate from you, but by your spirit,may I be faithful to you.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 168

Sunday 18th June, 2017 JUDAS THE HARDENED MAN“But Jesus said, Judas would you betray the son of Man with a kiss.” V.48 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 22:14 - 22Judas had the rare privilege of being called to the exalted office of apostleship. He had the opportunity of getting closer to Jesus who is truly God and truly man. He was an officer in theministry but his character which was extremely unlike Jesusdeprived him of being in the inner cacaus.One would but wonder how Judas rebuffed every opportunity thatwould have turned him to a saint. He had an encounter with Jesus;he heard the gracious word that proceeded from his mouth. Severalmiracles were performed while he was in attendance. But in allthese, Judas never opened his mind to the truth of the Gospel. Hischaracter was not hidden from the people. When he condemned thewoman who anointed Jesus to prepare him for burial, it was said ofhim that, “Not that he cared for the poor he was a thief, and sincehe was in charge of the disciples' money, he often stole somefor himself” (John 12:6). Yet, this man was not disturbed; he didn'tsee anything wrong with it. Perhaps he was allowed to remain atreasurer, with the expectation that he would change.At the last supper, he sat as a friend but he was an enemy warmingup to betray his master with a kiss. Even when the Master spokeabout it, he wouldn't change his mind.Many are in Church behaving like Judas, would you please askyourself, whether your mind is hardened like that of Judas? What isthe level of Christian character (virtues) in your life? Begin to add thesupplements (Virtues) today.PRAYER POINTO Lord, many are like Judas in the Church may I not be influenced bythem.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 169

Monday 19th June, 2017PROSPERITY 1“Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.” V.5 For Reading & Meditation: Proverbs 21: 1- 6It is a known fact that prosperity messages dominate our minds in this era. On daily basis, we all look out for breakthroughs. We all abhor the poverty that some of our parents suffered. Thus inevery service we consciously make effort to destroy the spirit ofpoverty from our lives. As we carefully listen and examine ourapproach to this matter, we see some misunderstanding on thepart of those who want to break loose from this yoke. For some, itis like prosperity will fall from above without any effort on their part.Thus they are waiting for their helpers who will perhaps come anddrop the millions on their laps or better still engage them in a jobthey have not learned how to handle.Some see this prosperity as a possession of certain things, suchas fleet of vehicles, houses and other material possessions. Whileall these are some of the evidence of prosperity, but in its truesense they are not because any of these things can easily passaway. Sometimes they are inherited yet they are not making anysignificant meaning in the life of those who have inherited them.The scriptures speak about planning and hard work that lead toprosperity. The planning here is more about the source and howyou secure it such that no matter what happens, your source doesnot run dry. For children of God, the Almighty God is their source,hence the wisdom that guarantees the prosperity will never belacking.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, you are the source of all we look forward to, helpus O Lord.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 170

Tuesday 20th June, 2017PROSPERITY 2“Take a lesson from the ants...” V.6 For Reading & Meditation: Proverbs 6: 6 - 11Today our attention is drawn to that little creature called ant. The ant is used as example of how we can utilize our energies and resources economically to transform our livesfrom poverty to prosperity. We should note that divine prosperitymarks the beginning of every other form of prosperity. Thepromise of prosperity abounds everywhere, but the prosperity thatcomes from Jesus Christ is a permanent one. He gives youwisdom to manage and invest it properly. Those who seek thisprosperity are admonished to learn a lesson from the ant. Little asit is, the ant has the understanding of times and seasons. Thatsome have settled down for poverty is as a result of their ignorancein issues of times and seasons. They failed to do what they oughtto do and it is becoming impossible to do it thus, they are emptyhanded. The ant has no ruler to tell them what to do yet they knowwhat to do. They labour hard during summer when it is mostconvenient to work because in the winter period, nobody can work.Beloved, what are you doing with your prime or what have youdone with your prime? Perhaps your prime was not well utilized,opportunity abounds to make amend. Many are not humbleenough to make amend; they give excuses why they cannot. Thequestion you need to consider now is, can what you are doing nowsupport your present and your future especially at your old age?The ant said to himself, I will not be a burden or liability to anyone;hence his hard work during summer.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, grant me that excellent wisdom that will sustainmy tomorrow in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 171

Wednesday 21st June, 2017 AVOID ILLEGAL WEALTH“Wealth created by a lying tongue is vanishing mist and a deadly trap” Prov. 21:6 For Reading & Meditation: II Kings 5: 20 - 27The desire is to have money. Not many a Christian cares how the money comes. Testimonies are increasing by the day how people have experienced breakthrough in theirbusinesses or in their work. Nobody is asking the means throughwhich the money came.The scripture says, “Wealth created by a lying tongue isvanishing mist and a deadly trap.” If no other thing hasconfirmed this, democracy in Nigeria has confirmed it. Thatpoliticians are fighting to keep themselves in power is because oftheir lying tongue that has stolen much yet they are not satisfiedbecause it was illegally acquired hence it is a vanishing mist. Takea look at those politicians who no longer belong to what they callthe 'main stream', they are suffering; inspite of the position theyoccupied. Last year we saw how politicians were returning lootedfunds.For them now, things have suddenly become difficult because thesource of the wealth had ceased. For many, the wealth that is stillleft, has become a trap for them; hence the problems of moneylaundering that some are faced with. Others have their cases inthe court or tribunals. The greed of Gehazi is an example of wealthcreated by a lying tongue which metamorphosed to the trap ofleprosy that caught him and his descendants.So many traps have caught so many people, such that it will take along time to come out of the ugly identity. Posterity will even beforced to change their names yet the problem is still there.Whatever you are doing now, avoid creating wealth with lyingtonguePRAYER POINTDear Father, give grace to your faithful people to overcome thistemptation of acquiring wealth illegally.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 172

Thursday 22nd June, 2017AVOID WILD LIVING“… There, undisciplined and dissipated, he wasted everything he had.” Vs. 13 (message) For Reading & Meditation: Luke 15:11 - 16As many who believe in God for a breakthrough in life thereby leading to a prosperous life, must of necessity be disciplined. Do you sometimes question the things youspend your time and money on? And know whether they areproductive at the moment and especially in the future? When Godgrants you prosperity, no matter how small it may look like, it hasthe capacity to reproduce itself when it is invested wisely andprayerfully. If we examine carefully most of the things we do, wewill discover that we are doing them because others are doing it.We must always remember that we are in the world but not of theworld.When the prodigal son got his own share of the Father's property,he left and began to spend without considering what he wasspending on. The Bible recorded that he wasted all his money inwild living. The waste here depicts things that are unproductive thathe wasted money on. Things that he can do without, he was busyspending on them, all these are the representative of a wild living.Beloved, are you aware that your present day world presentsthings that depict wild living and we see them as enjoyment? Thereis a deliberate attempt to get that money from your pocket by allmeans. The question you ask yourself is, how productive it is, can Ido without it? All those who desire to prosper would certainlyinquire of these things.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, thank you for the understanding of the present.Help me by your grace to utilize all that You have bestowed on menot to waste it on wild living.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 173

Friday 23rd June, 2017 BE WISE “Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon for you don't know if profit will come from one activity or another or may be both.” Vs. 6 For Reading & Meditation: Eccl. 11: 1 6Has anyone testified that prosperity stumbled at him? If prosperity stumbles at anyone and such a person lacks the wherewithal to manage it, certainly it will bewasted. When prosperity meets someone who is preparedfor it, it will translate to wealth. If you are believing God for abreakthrough without preparations for such opportunities,God will not release opportunities to be wasted.The teacher wrote, “Plant your seed in the morning…” Thistalks about your prime when things needed to be done aredone. What are you doing with yourself? What preparationare you making for tomorrow? Have you invested your todaywisely so that your tomorrow can be better of? It is sad to notethat many do not care to plant the seed that will bring a greatharvest tomorrow. If only you know that your life and yourpersonality is a seed that requires planting today.Do not give up hence the teacher said; keep busy allafternoon because profit is ahead of you. Commit yourself tosomething today that will make life pleasurable tomorrow. Donot allow any seed around you to be wasted, give meaning tothe lives of the people around you today.PRAYER POINTGracious Father, let every opportunity before us be well usedand maximized for your glory and our blessings.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 174

Saturday 24th June, 2017CHRIST IN YOUR EXPERTISE“….We worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing but if you say so, I'll let the nets down again.” Vs. 5 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 5: 1 - 11Our passage for meditation was the second chance for Peter to experience another dimension of the power of Jesus Christ. The previous day, Peter saw the healingpower of Jesus that completely healed the fever of his mother-in-law, such that her strength was restored, and immediatelyshe got up and took care of others' needs. The master met himagain at the Sea of Galilee where he had fruitless all-night in abid to catch fish. Having released his boat to enable Jesus tomeet the need of the crowds, unknowing to him, he was set foranother breakthrough. When we learn to give to God, then wecan be ready to experience the miraculous in our lives. At notime will Jesus Christ leave us in our moment of needs.The master told Peter to go out where it is deeper, and let downhis nets to catch some fish. Peter as a professional shook hishead and perhaps began to explain to Jesus Christ (the Son of aCarpenter) why fish cannot be at the centre of the sea at suchtime of the day. Little did Peter realize that the crowd of fish wasequally there to welcome Jesus to their domain. Knowing fullywell that, God created everything through him (Jesus) and he isthe Lord of all. Peter allowed the master into his expertise whenhe said, “But if you say so, I'll let the net down again.” Before heknew it fish started jumping into his nets. Would you allow himinto your enterprise and expertise today for the difference?PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Christ, I open up to you in my chosen career, pleasemake the difference today and let there be a turn around for me.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 175

Sunday 25th June, 2017IS CHRIST IN YOUR PROFESSION?“He also hoped that Paul would bribe him, so he sent for him quite often….” Vs. 26 For Reading & Meditation: Acts 24: 22 - 27Christ in your profession should be visible to all and people should vouch for you. If this testimony is lacking about you in the place you work or where you do your business,possibly you are not a Christian. Yesterday we saw how Peterallowed Jesus Christ into his business and expertise, the resultwas fantastic. If anyone choose the other way, it is always regret.The man Felix who was presiding over the case instituted againstPaul was a dubious man. He loved money so much so that he wasexpecting a man of God to bribe him even when the man has notcommitted any criminal offence. This same attitude is prevalent inevery strata of our national life. The work for which some peopleare receiving salary when they discharge their duties, they stillcollect money from the people they serve. This illegal fees orcollection bears different names in the different profession. It isobvious that such money that does not enter the common pursebut ends up in private pockets is nothing but bribe.The danger inherent in these practices is that these illegal fees area curse to those who are involved. Most times when people areforced to pay under duress, it is clear to everyone that the money isnot coming from a good mind, it is always accompanied withcomplain. Felix was such a dubious man that he left Paul in prisonbecause of bribe. If Jesus is lacking in the way you work, get readyto meet him soon.PRAYER POINTCorruption is eating our nation almost to the point of death, LordJesus Christ, we ask for your divine intervention as you begin tocircumcise our hearts.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 176

Monday 26th June, 2017HEROES FALLEN!“….Oh, how the mighty heroes have fallen.” Vs. 19 For Reading & Meditation: 2 Samuel 1: 19 - 27All over the ages, the mighty heroes who are devoid of the support of God Almighty have always fallen from their exalted positions. It is a dangerous effort to evercontemplate living without the support of the Almighty. KingSaul lost favour with God, thus he robbed himself of divinesupport. He resorted to consulting mediums that eventually ledto his death.History is replete with men of yesteryears who were mighty andoperated as if God was nowhere but today their era is nowhistory. Saul was highly favoured to be pioneering king or leaderof the people of God. This great privilege he lost as a result ofdisobedience to simple instruction to destroy the Amalikites. Thelamentation of David clearly shows the exalted position he foundhimself with almost everything at his disposal but he ignoredthem and went looking for non-essentials. The challenge beforeyou now is if you are the privileged one, whether you fullyappreciate it with a view to place God first in all you do.Are you the mighty hero where you are and you are holding thelarger society in bondage? It could be that you are under suchregime Good news to you, the power that ousted those beforehim is still at work spiritually and physically. An end is already insight because every tree the Father has not planted must be cutdown.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, your people are in bondages, release yourpower today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 177

Tuesday 27th June, 2017 HEROSIM WITHOUT GOD “Instantly, an angel of the Lord struck Herod with sickness,because he accepted the people's worship instead of giving glory to God….” Vs. 23 For Reading & Meditation: Acts 12: 20 25Heroism without God will surely end on a bitter note. The Almighty God says “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to anyone else, nor share my praisewith carved idols” (Isaiah 42:8). The Almighty God who made theheavens and earth made them for his own glory. Whatever positiona man occupies, he should realize that it is by the providence ofGod. As many that may have lost faith in God, should return as amatter of urgency lest they suffer disgrace.King Herod a man by God's providence occupied the office of theking but he chose to rebel against the King of kings. He became amurderer and went on to assassinate Apostle James with theintention to start killing the apostles one after the other.Because of the favour of God upon the land, Tyre and Sidondepended on Herod's country for their food supply. As time went onthere was a quarrel between Herod and the people, therefore thepeople came to plead for forgiveness. Herod in his usual wayrelegated God to the background and began to accept the worshipof God to himself. God will never share his glory with anyone.Immediately, Herod was attacked by worms and his era ended.Too many Christians today in their exalted positions leave no roomfor God. At whatever level you are now are you sure God isoccupying his rightful place or the people no longer see Godbecause you have taken the place of God? Check now before youbecome the next victim.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, deliver all those you have given the responsibilities ofleadership from the pride of their status.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 178

Wednesday 28th June, 2017THE OTHER SIDE OF HEROISM“….You are no longer ruler of this kingdom. That same hour the judgment was fulfilled.” Vv. 31, 35 For Reading & Meditation: Daniel 4: 28 - 33Have you made up your mind to be the hero that God designed you to be? Make sure God occupies his rightful place in your life in every step you take and in yourthought. Kingdoms are falling, ideologies are failing, apostasy ison the increase, let God be God in your life. Knowledge isincreasing and many have attempted to rationalize the word ofGod and interpreting it in the light of what the modern mindthinks. In all this, we must be careful lest we become a victim ofthis satanic onslaught.King Nebuchadnezzar had grown so big and he attributed hisachievements to his personal efforts. He said, “I have built thisbeautiful city as my royal residence to display my majesticsplendor.” While he was saying this, the judgment of God cameupon him and the message was, “You are no longer ruler of thiskingdom.” He thought God was joking, before he knew it, he hadbecome a cow that will have to be in the fields eating grasses.When you are a hero, make sure you give God his rightful place.The other side of heroism is a disgrace. That great privilegeconferred on you that has taken you to that position has madeyou a hero, so, let God be God, so that this great privilege willkeep a permanent testimony on your lips. Never contemplatethe other side of heroism through any ungodly behaviour orpride.PRAYER POINTDear heavenly Father, help me to give you your rightful place inmy entire endeavour.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 179

Thursday 29th June, 2017LET GOD TAKE HIS PLACE“When my sanity returned, so did my honour and glory and kingdom……” v36. For Reading & Meditation: Daniel 4: 34 - 37Nebuchadnezzar said, “I looked up to heaven and my sanity returned and I praised and worshipped the Most High and honoured the one who lives forever….No onecan stop him or say to him, what do you mean by doing thesethings.” We need not experience what Nebuchadnezzar wentthrough before we humble ourselves as leaders before theAlmighty.The behaviour of many who occupy some high positions in oursociety is reminiscent of the behaviour of Nebuchadnezzar. Theyfail to realize that every position we find ourselves is a gift from Godand is temporal. We see men and women of yester-years whowere controlling money as a result of the position they foundthemselves. Today, they are feeding from hand to mouth. Some ofthem have ended in the prisons.Beloved, we ought to learn from the ugly experiences of thesepeople thereby comporting ourselves in a manner that exhibit thefear of the Lord. Where is the place of God in your daily life? Doyou agree with Nebuchadnezzar that we can't stop God from whathe wants to do or question him? When Nebuchadnezzar tried it,his pride brought insanity upon him. His pride kept him among thewild animals in the forest. It was a costly experience for him inorder to appreciate the honour and glory of God. As we live ourlives daily, let God take his place, then his favour we will stand toenjoy.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, may we always acknowledge you in all we doeach day in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 180

Friday 30th June, 2017 THE ALMIGHTY OUR HOPE“…….You are the hope of everyone on earth even those who sail on distant seas.” V5 For Reading & Meditation: Psalms 65: 1 8We are in a changing world with so many challenges on daily basis. These challenges are both negative and positive from the economic perspective, global recessionis un-abating, and stocks keep depreciating by the day. Nigeriasince last year, has been suffering economic recession. Theconsequences are the loss of jobs as a result of companies foldingup. The case of Nigeria is pathetic, until now energy is still ourmajor problem. As a result of increase in the cost of production,many companies are relocating. Political scene has not faredbetter, our greatest tragedy is lack of responsible leadership.Many of the elected leaders lack human heart, thus theirgovernment has brought more calamities than we envisaged.From the religious point of view, it is quite disappointing. Too manythings have crept in- particularly Christianity hence many are weakin faith. Our Lord left a question for us to answer in the face ofchallenges in changes that will confront us. “When the son of mancomes, will he find faith?”We are in the era where people are losing confidence in oneanother. Beloved, what could be your story at the moment? Areyou tempted to do otherwise? Be encouraged by the word of thepsalmist, “You are the hope of everyone on earth.” God is our hopeand refuge, the unchanging God will not disappoint us. Call uponhim today, stand the gap for someone today and His salvation willbe made manifest.PRAYER POINTAlmighty God, in a changing world our hope is on you, help usLord.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 181

Saturday 1st July, 2017 CHECK THE WAY“ I am the way, the truth, and the life.” v6 For Reading & Meditation: John 14: 1- 6It was a burial ceremony the Church members were going to attend. The driver claimed to know the place they were going thus they put their trust on the driver that he will take themthere. There were some members in the vehicle who actuallyhailed from the place and they also knew the direction leading totheir destination. However, they all submitted to the decision ofthe driver.Unfortunately, when they got to where they ought to changedirection, the driver missed his way and kept following the wrongdirection. Having driven a long distance, the driver realized thathe was on the wrong way, he then inquired and he was shownthe right way. Our Lord said it clearly that he is the way to eternallife. It is no longer news that the Western theologians are tryingto re-write the verse to say Jesus Christ is a way. No doubt this isthe height of theological error. Jesus Christ remains the onlyway to Salvation.Beside the error that is coming from the West is also the problemof denominationalism with several teachings and practices thatare going on. In a bid to retain members, different teachings thatare going on which contradicts the letter and the spirit of theBible. The unfortunate thing is that members do not read theirBibles, what their pastor says seem to be above the scriptures.In all this, the question is, are you sure you are following the rightperson, the right way and the right teaching? We need to settlethis lest we miss out.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, you are the way, please keep me on tract daily.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 182

Sunday 2nd July, 2017 AVOID BRAGGARTS“Don't Worry About The Wicked Or Envy Those Who Do Wrong”. Ps. 37:1 For Reading & Meditation: Proverbs 3:29-35Welcome to a new month that promises the blessing of God upon our lives. Our meditations this month will focus on Psalm 37, the Psalm of David. I have the conviction in myheart that God's will for His children is to prosper. There is a specialbreakthrough that has been packaged from heaven for us thismonth, but God wants to use this psalm to prepare us for it daily aswe receive our portion everyday.The opening word of the psalm says, “Don't bother your headwith braggarts or wish you could succeed like the wicked”(Message Bible). If there is anytime one could be worried about thewicked or envy them, it is now. It is evident that with the coming ofdemocracy many have suddenly become rich. But the scripturesays, we should not wish to succeed like them. What we seenowadays in every sphere of life is nothing short of peopleflourishing in their wickedness. There is a celebration ofwickedness going on in our nation. One could be convicted andafter serving the jail term, friends will roll out drums, organize bigparty to celebrate the convict who was jailed because of corruption.Today, men can build mansions, gigantic buildings within fewmonths and you wonder where the money is coming from. Theyhave stolen what belongs to us all. The laws can be put aside tofavour their cronies. So many ungodly activities such as usinghumanbeings for ritual purposes in order to acquire wealth aregoing on in the land. This wickedness are the testimonies of somepeople for which they organize thanksgivings in the churches.They may not be turned back, but be sure God has no interest in theoffering of the wicked.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, keep me pure this month for a wonderfulbreakthrough.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 183

Monday 3rd July, 2017 THEY WILL SHRIVEL“For like grass, they soon fade away, like spring flowers, they soon wither” Ps. 37:2 For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 40: 1-8Do you want to envy the wicked, wanting to be in the same level like them, please do not envy them? What they do, you cannot do. Some of them have killed their wives, children,mother or applied some ungodly method to attain the fame they areparading today.Today, many of them are the Honourable members or theExcellencies who are ruling us. It is only God that knows how manyinnocent people were killed to attain the position they occupy.Terrible things still happen in different offices, how some resumed intheir offices, without any known sickness; they slumped and died.All as a result of someone who is bent on occupying the positionbefore his time. The business environment is a tale of woes nothanks to economic recession. Business men and women would tellyou better.All around us, wickedness seem to be dominating. But the scripturessays, “Don't be naïve, there are difficult times ahead. As the endapproaches, people are going to be self absorbed, money-hungry, self promoting, stuck-up, profane…” (2 Tim. 3:1ffmessage.) We shall carefully examine this passage tomorrow. Nodoubt it is obvious that many are money-hungry hence by theirsatanic activities, they have become wicked. They pursue moneyand want to get it by any means. These people, God says, are likegrass, of course, they will soon fade away. They will surely shrivel.Where are those wicked people of yester years? Even their posterityis nothing to write home about. Do not envy the wicked.PRAYER POINTO Lord Jesus, deliver us from the temptation of envying the wicked.Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 184

Tuesday 4th July, 2017MONEY HUNGRY“Don't be naïve. There are difficult times ahead. As the endapproaches, people are going to be self absorbed, money- hungry… ” Vs. 2 For Reading & Meditation: II Timothy 3: 1-9To say that our generation is not money-hungry is to say the least. Admittedly, some are making genuine money because they have employed their natural endowmentpositively. Hence the several breakthroughs leading totechnological advancement globally except Nigeria and someother third world countries where corruption has eaten deep intoour fabrics and has become our identity.It is this corrupt people that are the wicked people we should notemulate. They are so much money-hungry that they can beinvolved in any ritual to get money. The secrets of these wickedpeople are always exposed. Inspite of the 'large wealth' of thesepeople some of them hardly help or give assistance to theirpeople. The instruction is that they should not do it. If only theyknow that they are in bondage. When some of the wicked peoplegive out money, such money would even increase the problemsof the receiver. Instead of recovery, they go from bad to worse.To what extent do you look for money? Are you aware that someare defiled and as a child of God you should not allow yourself tobe defiled? This is what is going on, nobody is asking question.God says, 'Silver and gold is mine.” Therefore, let God give youmoney so that you can be at peace with God and men. Thosewho are money-hungry cannot make heaven.PRAYER POINTDear Father, thanks for you possess the silver and gold, may wedepend on you daily.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 185

Wednesday 5th July, 2017 GET INSURANCE WITH GOD“Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper” Ps. 37:3 For Reading & Meditation: Philippians 4:4-7In the midst of wickedness in the land, the psalmist encouraged believers to trust in the Lord. This is the panacea to the ugly experience that men are subjected to daily. Thereis no better time than when the Country is in recession andgovernment seem to be helpless.Perhaps you have suffered a setback as a result of humanwickedness, the psalmist enjoins us to trust in the Lord. TheMessage Bible translated our text thus: “Get insurance withGod and do a good deed, settle down and stick to your last.”In this end time if anyone lacks this insurance with God, the riskis unimaginable. The grace to live safely in the land and prosperis to trust in God. Hence Paul admonishes us not to worry aboutanything. But in prayers, we should surrender all to Him.Those who trust in the Lord are those who will be able to pray allkinds of prayer that is able to subdue the wicked. How often, wefind it difficult to ascend the altar of prayer where power isavailable to give the enemy a permanent knock out. At the placeof prayer your insurance is sure, even if there are any losses,you have been fully indemnified against any eventuality.Beloved, if you trust Him wholeheartedly today, your safety isguaranteed. Therefore, your month is a prosperous one. I seeyou on eagle's wings in this second half of the year flying to yourhigher ground.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, may your grace abide in our lives, that we may trustyou always.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 186

Thursday 6th July, 2017 KEEP COMPANY WITH GOD“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desire” Ps. 37:4 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 10:38-42Beloved in the Lord, “keep company with God, get in on the best.” This is the counsel for all those who love the Lord for this month. As we delight in the Lord, He will surely grant usour heart's desire. What does it mean to delight in the Lord? Itmeans to experience great pleasure, satisfaction, refreshmentand joy in the Holy Spirit. This is possible as we take our personaland family devotion seriously. There we meet God and He speaksto us from His word, revelation is given to us, therefore we go intoprayers as we speak to Him and we also listen to Him. We mustdesire to know him better, love him better, follow him more dearlyand walk with Him daily.Taking delight in the Lord also includes our involvement in doingHis work. So many people are only found in Church on Sundaysthey are never involved in other activities of the Church. Such anattitude does not reflect a delight in the Lord. It was the sameattitude that Martha got herself involved in. She allowed herself tobe distracted with the big dinner she was preparing. It was goodbut not essential for now. Mary knew where the secret was thatwill enable her to prepare dinner at the appropriate time. Thus shekept company with God.When we delight in the Lord, we experience His great pleasureand joy that is required for any other task in life. Many find itcomfortable to be attached to their personal task and be absentfrom that of God. I wonder how your effort will remain blessedwithout God's company.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, keeping your company gives success. Help us to dothis always.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 187

Friday 7th July, 2017OPEN UP BEFORE GOD“Commit everything you do to the Lord, Trust Him, and He will help you.” Ps. 37:5 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 121:1-8Those who want to succeed in their endeavours must commit everything they do into the hands of the Lord. As we prayerfully do this; we can be sure that we shallsucceed. To commit ourselves to the Lord means entrustingeverything - our lives, families, jobs, possessions and everyother thing to His control and guidance. Committing ourselves tothe Lord is an indication of our trust and dependence on Him. Somany times we embark on projects. We undertake assignmentwithout getting God involved in it. What a big risk that many gotthemselves involved in but they never survived.The nature of the business or job of some people is quitedemanding. This is why such people need more of prayers in aworld that is saturated with wickedness. A good number ofpeople would have saved themselves the tragedy that befellthem if only they committed their ways to God.As you embark on your daily assignment today, have youcommitted it to God in prayers? Our God is faithful He will neverfail his children; therefore begin everything you do with prayers.The psalmist affirmed that, “my help comes from the Lord, whomade heaven and earth.” Your help for today and in the yearsahead is found in God. He has promised to watch over you andkeep you from harm and danger. This is the heritage of thosewho will commit themselves and their endeavours to God.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, you are my helper. I humbly commit all of my lifeto you, may your will be done.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 188

Saturday 8th July, 2017 WHOLISTIC & HOLISTIC LIFE“May God Himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together Spirit,Soul and Body and keep you fit for the coming of our Master Jesus Christ.” Vs. 23 For Reading & Meditation: I Thess. 5:23-28For the Church in Thessalonica, Paul desired that by their cooperation with God the Father as they express their desire to live for Him, they may be holy and whole. This was toenable them to be put together in Spirit, Soul and Body. Thismessage is also coming to us afresh that we need to live a holisticlife if we must keep fit for the coming of the Master, Jesus Christ.How can one's spirit be kept holy and whole? It begins at ourencounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. During that encounter, ourSpirit is liberated, that is the time we become born again.Henceforth, your spirit will willingly accept the teaching of JesusChrist in the power of the Holy Spirit and that marks the beginning ofa holy life. The Holy Spirit will now begin to commune with yourspirit. This is when you begin to hear and to receive from the Lord.Thus you can say, “Thus says the Lord.” Whatever you havespoken as a result of what was revealed to you, shall come to pass.This is why the scripture says; “The Spirit himself testifies withour Spirit…” (Rom 8:16).However, the case is different with many people. Their spirit is stillin bondage under the control of evil or familiar spirit. Hence they arepossessed of witchcraft, marine spirit, ogbanje and other spirits thatexist in their places. Thus they are always having bad dreams anddoing what they detest physically and spiritually. Examine yourselfand go to men of God to conduct deliverance for you.PRAYER POINTLord, I present my spirit to you today for deliverance and cleansing.Help me.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 189

Sunday 9th July, 2017 SANCTIFIED SPIRIT“For all who are led by the spirit of God are children of God.” Vs. 14 For Reading & Meditation: Romans 8:9-17Is your spirit holy and whole? This question requires a personal answer. If your spirit is not holy and whole, then, there is no relationship between your spirit and the Holy Spirit.This is the true position of many people in the Church. Theycannot testify that the Holy Spirit communes with their spirit.Whereas the scripture says; “For his spirit joins with our spiritto affirm that we are God's children.” (Roman 8:16). Ifanyone is in Church and he cannot say vividly that the Holy Spiritjoins with his spirit, such a person has no relationship with God.Our relationship with God begins with the sweet communion thatexists between our spirit and the Holy Spirit.Certain factors are responsible for the Spirit emptiness. Thereare many who complain of bad dreams from time to time. Othersare fond of eating in dreams that will sometimes lead tosicknesses and diseases. Some are involved in love makingwith known or strange faces in the dream. Some would wake upand discover that they have wet the bed. Masturbation is holdingmany in bondage. Some would always find themselvesswimming and relating with mermaid spirit in the waters. Theyare given rings and other gifts that may manifest in the physical.Some are aware of a kind of spirit that comes upon them andthey do what they later regret. Where you have this kind ofscenario, there can never be any relationship with the Holy Spiritand there is always an adverse effect on the person.PRAYER POINTO Lord Jesus, I seek deliverance today from demonicpossession in your name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 190

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