Friday 10th February, 2017. THE ROCK OF ESCAPE''Ever since that time, the place where David was camped has been called the Rock of escape'' V28 For Reading & Meditation: 1Samuel 23:25-29Those who desire to pursue you this year, the Most High shall arise, scatter and frustrate their plans and efforts in Jesus name, Amen. Apostle Paul would say, ''If God is forus, who can ever be against us'' (Rom 8:31)When men of Ziph told Saul about their mission, he said, ''Atleast someone is concerned about me''. Really? Saul gatheredhis men and they were now on opposite sides of a mountain. Justas Saul and his men began to close in on David and his men anurgent message reached Saul that the Philistines were raidingIsrael again. Every project that lacks divine approval will alwayssuffer shipwreck at the point of success.Moreover, God will not allow His anointed to see corruption. Thisis the word of the Lord concerning your life. God never intend thatany of his children will see corruption this year. Saul waspursuing one man David, God allowed the Philistines to pursueSaul and his fallen kingdom. Those who have declared battleagainst you because you are the anointed of God, hear the wordof the Lord, war will never cease in and around them in JesusName. Saul had no choice but to quit chasing David and wentback to fight the Philistines. Because Saul, rose against theanointed of God, he spent the rest of his life fighting and he diedin the process of fighting. If what you are doing now is not of God,quit now, because the anointed will surely escape, but your endmay be like Saul.PRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father, in any way we may be fighting you or theanointed help us to retrace our steps today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 41
Saturday 11th February, 2017.THE ROCK OF ESCAPE 2''But as it happened, David and his men were hiding farther back in that very cave'' V3 For Reading & Meditation: 1 Samuel 24:1-5It is clear to us now that some people actually dwell in the surface while some are farther away from the secret of the Most High. Except we desire to be in the secret of the Most High, ourenemies may not spare us. We humbly admonish all our readers toseek the secret place of the Most High this year and we will neverbe disappointed.As we have noticed, Saul spent the rest of his life fighting. Ourwhole life should be directed to contending for the faith and notdirected at fighting perceived enemies that seemed to bedominating the minds of Christians in this our age. Saul in hisunregenerated life could not go further to the cave; this is as aresult of a shallow mind of one who had lost the sense of what Godhad made of him, thus he lacked the thirst for God, the secret of theMost High makes no sense to him any longer. Could this be a wayto describe you in the church today? Or you are like David whodesires to press further where the enemies would always find itdifficult to reach. At such a place, the enemies are at the mercy ofthe righteous. The story before us is a confirmation of thisassertion. David had the opportunity to kill Saul but he would nottouch God's anointed.If you desire the secret place of God this year, your enemies willsurely bow before you. It is an opportunity that we can explorethrough a Holy living rooted in obedience to God's word and thedesire to please the Lord daily.PRAYER POINT:Almighty Father, may I not be satisfied with the surface. Help mein the power of the Holy Spirit to go deeper in you.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 42
Sunday 12th February, 2017. EXCELLENT WISDOM''I will never harm the King he is the Lord's anointed one'' V10c For Reading & Meditation: 1Samuel 24:5-12The greatest tragedy that can befall a Christian is to lose his place in the secret of the Most High. It means a separation from the Most High, it is a loss of one's security and such aChristian is at the mercy of his enemy the devil who is roaring like alion, roaming about looking for anyone to devour. Such Christiansbecome the prey and the Devil will not spare them. This is thecondition some have found themselves.The story before us shows clearly that Saul had lost his place in thesecret of the Most High. The hunter now became the hunted. Hisluck was that David was a man who had the fear of God at heart.Many who were hunting others are now being hunted because theylost favour with both God and man. If you have any relationship withGod through our Lord Jesus Christ that guarantees your place in thesecret of the Most High, you must guard it jealously do not allow amomentary gain or enjoyment rob you of it.David met Saul in the cave fast asleep with his men. That could notbe ordinary sleep. I declare over your life that your enemies will befast asleep while you succeed doing a great exploit. David's men laidmuch pressure on him to kill Saul but he resisted the pressuresaying, I will never harm the Lord's anointed. This is great wisdom,how do I include my name in the list of those who assassinatedKings more so the pioneering King of Israel. The secret of the MostHigh not only offers security, it offers wisdom-wisdom that comesfrom the Most High. Desire the secret of the Most High and the Heroin you will manifest without hesitation.PRAYER POINT:Holy Spirit grant us that excellent wisdom that exalts your nameabove all others in Jesus Name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 43
Monday 13th February, 2017. A BETTER MAN'' And he said to David you are better man than I am, for you have repaid me Good for evil'' V17 For Reading & Meditation: 1 Samuel 24:13-32Dwelling in the secret of the Most High, is the best place, where man can truly be what he is supposed to be in life. It is a place where we experience transformation and ourminds are renewed and enlightened. The secret of the Most Highdoes not depict divine security alone; it actually brings about agreat change. David's wilderness experience was an encounterwith God. It was a place where the secret of the Most High broughtabout a great change. Thus he knew what to do with the anointedKing that was pursuing him.Enemies have never stopped fighting the children of God. Theiractivities around you may be causing some damages. While wecontemplate whether to stop invoking fire to consume them, weshould remember what our Lord said; ''But I say love yourenemies! Pray for those who persecute you. In that way, you willbe acting as true children of your Father in Heaven…'' (Matt 5:45).Apostle Paul also said, ''If your enemies are hungry, feed them. Ifthey are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, youwill heap burning coals of shame on their heads'' (Rom 12:20).Understanding God’s mind about how to handle the enemydepends on your relationship with the Father depending on youravailability in the secret of the Most High.Saul admitted David's righteousness over his ungodly behavior.Our lives are meant to testify of what the Lord Jesus Christ isdoing in us.PRAYER POINT:Dear Lord Jesus, I ask for grace to show forth the Excellencies ofyour redeeming Work in my life.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 44
Tuesday 14th February, 2017.AND DEMONS QUIVER!''Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Please I beg you, don't torture me'' V28b For Reading & Meditation: Luke 8:26-30The sight of the many lunatics on our streets grieves the heart. If those who are not related to them are pained, how much more their relations. Some of these lunatics aredangerous. Their madness and hostilities have stopped manypeople from passing some routes. These were Children bornsome years ago and their birth elicited joy and hope but today,they are a menace to the public. While some are mentallyderanged as a result of their evils, others were attacked. The casein our passage suggests an attack on the man and he became thechief host to a legion-filled with many demons. These demonsvirtually took control of his life and he was completely homelessand naked. The best place he could live was the cemetery.The case of this man is an extreme one and it is our prayer thatsuch a thing will never come near us. But this story reminds us ofthe deliverance power in the name of Jesus Christ that isavailable to us. Around us, in our homes, activities of demons areprevalent. Parents cannot control children again; they dowhatever they like; sometimes it is a battle for them to go tochurch. Marriages are already fallen apart because; the man is nolonger the husband the wife used to know. The same thing thewife has changed negatively. At the root of all these are demonsthat are manipulating their victims. If you are trying to be violent, itis a wrong approach. Just as Jesus arrived the region of theGadarenes, so he has come to you through this meditation to offeryou deliverance.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus Christ let your power bring deliverance to your peopletoday.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 45
Wednesday 15th February, 2017.DO NOT LOOSE HIS GRACE''No, go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you'' V39For Reading & Meditation: Luke 8:31-39Some Christians may not believe that demons are real. The Bible says demons are real and their activities are there for everybody to see. Do not be tempted to explain it away as aresult of what you think you know. And if this is the battle you arefacing, then you need to call upon the Lord and you will be saved.When Jesus appeared, the demons-possessed man recognizedhim. The legion realized that their time was up, because JesusChrist came to save his own. This is how demons around areseeing Jesus ready to free his people but it can only be possible ifwe choose to co-operate. The attitude of people in our passage isthe very attitude many Christians are putting up concerning thismenace. Worldliness has not allowed many to see clearly what iseither wrong with themselves or their wards. The people ofGerasenes saw God in their midst with an unusual miracle ready totransform their entire community. Instead of embracing the graceof God, it was recorded that they begged Jesus to go away andleave them alone. They allowed fear to sweep them out of theirmiracles.It is an unfortunate thing for anyone in any way to ask Jesus toleave him alone. Have you fallen to such a mistake, may Iencourage you to plead for his mercy. Even though Jesus left thepeople, he asked the man to remain as a testimony to them. Iperceive a testimony that has been left behind for you let it be achannel to return to the shepherd of your soul.PRAYER POINT:Holy Jesus Christ, thank you for the testimonies around me, may Inot ignore them.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 46
Thursday 16th February, 2017. HOLY THINGS ''Don't waste what is holy on people who are unholy; don't throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls'' V6 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 7:1-6Our Lord Jesus Christ says; we should not entrust holy things to unholy or unclean people. This is one big mistake going on in Christendom today. We have notpaid too much attention to this instruction hence the many crisesthat have bedeviled the church. In the deferent denominations,recognition is given to people for their meritorious services to thechurch. The question is that how many of those we have givenone award or the other that actually merited it? Most times wehave put godly requirements on paper hoping that those whosatisfied such conditions would be honored. It is unfortunate thatwe are more on the side of breach rather than abiding by thebiblical injunctions. Leaders would deliberately ignore the wordof God and choose to do otherwise because of mundane things.Holy things have been given to unholy people, today they arenow pastors, bishops, evangelists, 'men of God' etc. andbecause such people are pigs, they have trampled on the holythings and they have turned back to attack the church hence theseveral crisis in the church. The arrow head of such crisis arenever bench warmers, they are big people with church titles whoare trampling on holy things, attacking God's people and hiswork. If you are one of those bearing these titles, pleaseexamine your self whether your life style agrees with what youbear. If otherwise, then you are presenting yourself as a pig.PRAYER POINT:Dear Lord, we ask for forgiveness in the way we handle holythings. We confess that we have fallen short of what we ought tobe. Grant us your discernment.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 47
Friday 17th February, 2017 CONSIDER WHAT YOU DO''Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the Prophet” V12 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 7:7-12Christianity is more of what you do than what you say. Our text for this meditation challenges our relationship to others. How do we actually relate to others? Are we truly sincerewith others? By their behavoiur many have ceased to be either abrother or sister. No doubt, so many things come to play as werelate to others. The relationship between husband and wife differsfrom the one that exists between them and their children and toother people. Relationship between siblings and step-brothers andsisters differs from others. There is no room to enumerate thedifferent categories but it is obvious that just as the numbers aremany so are the relationships and different criteria to define thecommitment.As a Christian how do you define your roles as you relate withdifferent peoples? Our Lord says “do to others whatever you wouldlike them to do to you”. This is serious. For a while just think aboutwhat our Lord said. If the way you handle your neighbor he treatsyou same way would you be happy? Until the self is dealt with, wemay not understand the true meaning of what the Lord is saying.Christ expects you to relate with others the way he relates withthem. No doubt a good number of persons have suffered in thehand of others because they believe nothing will ever make them togo to such persons for anything. This may be true, but our Lordsaid, do to others what you would like done unto you. The mind ofChrist in us would not do otherwise.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus, may the self in us be crucified today that we will be likeyou and grant us a matured mind in this matter.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 48
Saturday 18th February, 2017. RETURN TO THE LORD''Return to your mistress, and submit to her authority. I will give more descendants than you can count” V9 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 16:7-15God's mercy is for all mankind in spite of race, color or language. God is not man; therefore he will not behave like one. There are so many lessons for us to learn from whattranspired between Abraham, Sarah and Hagar.God has put certain things in place and all we need is to abide bythem. If we do otherwise, then we must be ready to bear theconsequences as long as we live. No amount of petition will changeit. An example of this is found in the case of Apostle Paul, when hesaid; “three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Eachtime He said, my grace is all you need. My power works best inweakness” (2 Corinth. 12:8). This was a thorn in his fleshoccasioned by his days of persecution.He wanted the Lord to remove it, but the Lord did not, perhaps as ameans to humble him. Sarah became indignant with the product ofher suggestion. She thought if Hagar is sent away that would settleit but it was the beginning of the problems that was to come. Lo! Andbehold, Hagar was back and she must give birth to a child with anopen hostility against all his relatives as many that are connected tohim directly and indirectly.If you have pushed your spouse or children or any other person todo what can be regarded as a flagrant disobedience to God's willthen make sure you are ready to host the consequences. In spite ofwhat Abraham and Sarah did to Hagar, God did not withhold hismercy from her. Therefore do not give up, return to the Lord inprayers and be obedient to his word, your miracle is sure.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus if Hagar could enjoy your mercy, remember me today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 49
Sunday 19th February, 2017. HIS GRACE ''My grace is all you need. My power work best in weakness” V9 For Reading & Meditation: 2 Corinth. 12:1-10Nobody is able to say precisely the problem that Paul had. But it was certain that he had a problem that was a hindrance to his ministry. The affliction may be naturalor what he did before he had an encounter with Christ. Be thatas it may, we need to learn from Paul. If the affliction is natural,as many of us that may be contending with such things shouldrejoice in the Lord. “The fact that God's power is displayedin our weakness should give us courage and hope. As werecognize our limitations, we will depend more on God forour energy, effort or talent. Our limitations not only helpdevelop Christian character but also deepen our worship,because in admitting them, we affirm God's Strength”. Theother side to this matter is that we must be careful how we liveour lives. How you conduct your self is of utmost importance.Every of our action is a seed when it is sown, we must be readyto reap the fruit which may be positive or negative. Added to thisis the issue of curses and covenants. There are some we maysecure forgiveness; but the scar will continue to torment thevictim. Imagine a boy and a girl who chose to go the satanic wayby indulging on blood covenants. The problem lingers for life,the death of one may not solve the problem. Some may remainbarren for life because of what they did in the past. Indeed, thepast is still haunting so many in the church looking fordeliverance yet they are not ready to confess. His grace is stillavailable.PRAYERMy Lord Jesus Christ, at the foot of the cross, I prostrate; let mypast be forgiven.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 50
Monday, 20th February, 2017. GOD'S INFLUENCE“….we can plainly see that the Lord is with you so we want to enter into a sworn treaty with you” v28 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 26:26 - 33The scripture says, “When people’s lives please the Lord, even their enemies are at peace with them.” (Prov. 16:7NLT) “When God approves of your life, even yourenemies will end up shaking your hand”. (Prov16:7 message)“When God's influence upon our lives attracts people, evenenemies; we must take the opportunity to reach out to themwith God's love”. When Abimelech and his people ordered Isaacto leave their land, they thought they had succeeded indestabilizing him. They never knew it was to their own detriment.God's influence upon the life of Isaac was also for their own good.As a result of the presence of Isaac in their midst which is anevidence of God's presence, their cooperate destiny became ablessing. Instead of tapping or better still being connected to thegrace of God on the life of Isaac, they became jealous and thoughtthat Isaac was gathering their own to his own.It is true that some people through their occult power can divert theblessing of others to their own, no child of God should believe thathis blessing can be diverted when he is at peace with God and he ispraying and holding unto the word of God. When Isaac left them,their light turned to darkness and life became miserable. This is onemistake you cannot afford to make this year. If there is any agent ofblessing around you, do not make the mistake of sending himaway. Abimelech and his people were forced to look for Isaac andthey swore to a treaty. Those who pursued you before now, will lookfor you to have their peace.PRAYER POINT:May our enemies be at peace with us and may we not disappointyou King of glory, king of peace, thank you for your influence uponour lives, according to your word.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 51
Tuesday, 21st February, 2017 KEEP AWAY FROM WRONG PLACES “….Rescue me, O Lord, from liars and from all deceitful people.” v 2 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 120:1-7This year is a year of completeness, a year that is dotted with so many opportunities; designed to compensate us all for the loses of the previous year(s). Indeed it's goingto be a year of compensation. Claim it, confess it, declare it, andprophesy it and it will be so. Let this be the declaration in all youset your hands to do. While we look for ward to experiencing allthese, there are some pitfalls that we must avoid so that ourtestimony will be complete.The psalmist was a man in great trouble, but he cried to God andthe Lord answered him. God is much more ready to prevent youfrom trouble than to be in trouble and call upon him. The reasonwhy the psalmist was in distress was because he found himselfin a wrong place called Kedar. Kedar was a nation to thesoutheast known for being warlike. It was a barbarian nation. Hewas surrounded by pagan people whose ways of life willnaturally attract the wrath of God. Such places will neverexperience the favour of God. The psalmist lamented “I amtired of living among people who hate peace” (V6)Beloved, wrong location will prevent right allocation. If previousmistake landed you on wrong side, you need to relocate. Thecounsel to those believing God for achievements this year isthat, they must avoid anything ungodly so as to attract God'sfavour. Wrong people will certainly bring wrong result. Thereforebe mindful of your association in all you do.PRAYER POINT:Almighty Father help us not to be far away from you and to be inthe right place for destiny fulfillment in Jesus name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 52
Wednesday, 22nd February 2017. GREAT TESTIMONY“….for I will pour out water to quench your thirst, and to irrigate your parched field”, V 3 For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 44:1- 5The Lord says I will quench your thirst. Nothing can be more comforting than this. Alleluia!!! There is no room for discouragement; it is a year that holds a brighterfuture for those who believe the word of the Lord. In ourpassage, the Almighty says you are his chosen one. If Godhas chosen you, who dare rejects you? His promise to helpyou is reliable; therefore he says do not be afraid, there is thepromise to pour out water to quench your thirst. In the courseof the year there would be places that will presentthemselves as a dry ground, thus God will water suchplaces. God will not only water, but also irrigate your parchedfields. God shall make his abundant provisions availablesuch that every faculty of yours will deliver good things.There is also the promise of pouring out his spirit on yourdescendants. In other words, they shall all be empoweredfor a wonderful performance all through the year. Yourchildren will be blessed. Take note of the testimony that willfollow: they will testify that, “I belong to the Lord”. This will beas a result of their experience of the favour received from theLord. This will also be our testimony in the course of the yearas we faithfully obey the Lord. Where others failed, there youwill succeedPRAYER POINT:Lord may your testimony never depart from our mouths. Webelieve it is well with us.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 53
Thursday, 23rd February 2017. GOD THAT MULTIPLIES “….I am the true bread that came down from heaven.anyone who eats this bread will not die …. But will live forever”, V 58 For Reading & Meditation: John 6:1- 13Our God uses little things for greater things. This is one major lesson that we can learn from the feeding of several thousands of people by Jesus Christ. In the midst ofhopelessness, our Lord was hopeful. Even when what wasavailable seemed highly inadequate and looks like nothing, hisanointing and his good rapport with the Father turned thingsaround. Those who may have started the year on the note ofcomplain should look unto Jesus Christ and have a change ofattitude. The fact remains that little drops of water make anocean. When you allow your faith in him to brood, breathe over orincubatewhat you see as little, the result shall be extra-ordinary.The huge crowd that had been with Jesus for some days feedingspiritually needed some physical food. His compassion would notallow him to send them away while they hungered. The lack ofsufficient food was enough to send them away but the testimonywould not be complete. Many times we are hard pressed andsituation will make us to do things that may not even give us Joy.This New Year, it will not be so again. As we exercise faith like ourmaster Jesus Christ, great result shall attend our faith.Jesus knew what to do, but he decided to find out from Philip andAndrew. The two apostles did not hide their feelings. If the onewho says He is the bread of life is unable to provide physicalbread, men will surely doubt him. The result is before us to seePRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus, the true bread, while we feed on you spiritually, maywe not lack physical bread as the days pass by.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 54
Friday, 24th February 2017. GOD CARES“….And If God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you”, V 28 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 12:27- 32That God will care for his children, provide for them, prepare a table before them, anoint their heads and their cup shall overflow is not a matter of argument. Ourpassage yesterday revealed the nature of man ably exhibitedby Philip and Andrew. The master asked Philip, where can webuy bread to feed these people? Philip began to answer thequestion that nobody was asking. It was an exhibition ofhopelessness and helplessness. As a child of God, watch it andsee to it that no situation in this year will describe you as ahopeless and a helpless person. Your help comes from Godwho makes heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot tomove. Say to yourself. I will not give up or yield to any satanicopinion. My God shall supply all my needs according to hisriches in glory by Christ Jesus.It was the turn of Andrew. He made some efforts but he quicklydismisses his efforts believing that, it was not enough-Helpfulbut becoming hopeless. All he needed to do was to surrenderthe little at the feet of the God-that-is-Enough. That was whatthe master did, he took it from Andrew and offered it to theFather- the God that is enough. Our Father had no choice but toact because he cares for the lilies, why will he not care for thosewhose eyes are on him. At the end of the day, over twelvebaskets were still available. He will care for you.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus thank you for the example of faith with the little wehave may we be hopeful. Multiply my little wherever it mattersLord!MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 55
Saturday, 25th February 2017.RESTORATION FOR YOU“….for the Lord in his mercy will lead them, He will lead them beside cool water,” V 10 For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 49:8- 12Prophet Isaiah comes with a message of restoration to all those who are yet to find their direction in this New Year. Time waits for nobody; the year has embarked on itsflight, settle it with God and your restoration is sure. Forgetabout the losses you suffered in the past. Take your eyes off thedisappointments and failures of last year. Put behind you everydiscouragement, frustration and insult. It is a year with manyopportunities and accomplishment, therefore, do not give up.Isaiah says, at the right time, God will respond to you. If in yourlast encounter, there was no response; go again; even for thethird time, surely this is the right time for miracles. He promisesfreedom to the captives and light to those who sojourn indarkness. Where others could not find pastures you will neitherhunger nor thirst. What a blessed assurance for us this year.Faith comes by hearing, hearing the word of God. As youexercise faith it shall be your portion.There is the promise to lead you beside cool water whichsignifies refreshment and constant supply. What a comfortablesituation the Lord has arranged for you. Surely, anyone whodesires that the year shall be horrible for you, his evil plans shallbounce back. From far away lands, your miracle will begin tolocate you and you shall be the pride of your generation.PRAYER POINT:Thank you Lord for the promise of restoration of our destiny, welay claim to it today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 56
Sunday, 26th February 2017.THE GOOD SHEPHERD “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me” vs 14 For Reading And Meditation: John 10:10-14Today's passage reveals a unique personality of the Lord Jesus Christ, as a Shepherd. Simply put, a shepherd is some one who takes care of sheep. He cares for theirdaily welfare and protects them from harmful forces.That exactly is the role the Lord Jesus plays in the life of abeliever. He (Jesus) cares for our daily needs and alsoprotects us from the forces of evil when they arise. Have yousincerely surrendered to the absolute leadership of ChristJesus? Who is controlling you? Who is directing your dailyaffairs? Remember that life without the absolute leadership ofJesus Christ is of little or no use to God and thereforeworthless. Jesus Christ alone is the good shepherd. Situationand circumstances may arise that would make the shepherdto abandon the sheep.With Jesus Christ as our good shepherd, no situation willmake him to abandon you this year. Even if things go awry andtend to suggest that the good shepherd has given up on youthat is the gimmicks of the devil, do not yield to that lie. Thepromise to be with you is sure. Therefore, as you embark onyour daily assignment for today, commit yourself as a sheepunder his care, you will surely have a testimony.PRAYER POINT:Lord Jesus I acknowledge you as my Shepherd, Shepherd me all thedays of my life.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 57
Monday 27th February, 2017. BE MERCIFUL LORD''O God be merciful to me, for I am a Sinner” V13 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 18:9-14Beloved, if what you did in the past is responsible for your present predicament, you need to come to terms with it and ask God for the grace to live above it. Some of thesethings may require your confession to your spouse, children,siblings or other people who may be showing concern. We haveheard about the extra-ordinary work of God in the lives ofpeople. We do not doubt such things, but if you inquire, youwould discover that such people who benefited from his graceconfessed exactly what happened. Too many cases the pastoris taking to the throne of grace, just to meet a brick wall, God isnot ready to respond because the people involved are inbondage of self deception. The emphasis here is that we mustlearn to confess our past without anything hidden.We look forward to the Lenten period as a time of soberreflection. The tax-collector in our passage was a man whowanted to be at peace with God and ready to explore His grace.Hence he pleaded with God to be merciful to him. His penitenceand confession brought forgiveness to him and he had peacewith God.However, the Pharisee who saw himself as a champion ofrighteousness lost the face of God. As we approach the Lentenperiod, beloved, be humbled towards God and your life will notremain the same.PRAYER POINT:With all humility I come before you my dear father let yourmerciful ear be opened to my prayers in Jesus name, Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 58
Tuesday 28th February, 2017.SHROVE TUESDAY''A time is coming, says the Lord, I will punish all those who are circumcised in the body but not in sprit” V25 For Reading & Meditation: Jeremiah. 9:17-26Today in the church calendar is called Shrove Tuesday. It was a preparation for the Ash Wednesday which is tomorrow. The palm fronds that we collected last yearduring the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem whichwere used to design the cross are to be sent back to the priest inthe church. The priest will burn them and collect the ashes for usetomorrow for the imposition of ashes.Tomorrow's exercise is an important one; therefore all Christiansare enjoined to avail themselves of the blessings. The impositionof the ash is symbolic; it explains the penitence, repentance thatis supposed to be taking place on the inside if we genuinely turn toGod. Christianity as expounded by many in this end time is onlyaimed to be expressed outwardly.This is contrary to the letters and the spirit of the Gospel. What isexpressed on the outside should be a clear expression of whathad taken place on the inside.What the present day crop of Christians are doing is what the Lordcondemned through Prophet Jeremiah when he said “I will punishall those who are circumcised in body but not in spirit”. When thespirit is yet to be circumcised, Christianity does not make anydifference. It becomes very easy to explain away the Christianvirtues. Christianity and the flavour it carries will be explained bythe flamboyant dresses, how much money in your pockets, theposition you occupy and the totality of the wealth at your disposal.PRAYER POINT:Good Lord deliver us from the bondage of sin as we enter thissolemn period.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 59
Wednesday 1st March, 2017. ASH WEDNESDAY''Spare your people, O Lord, and do not give your heritage to reproach” V17b For Reading & Meditation: Joel 2:12 - 17Today is a special day in the Christian Calendar called Ash Wednesday. Special services shall be held to herald this season and to remind Christians that here comes anotheropportunity to examine our lives with a view to cleansingourselves of every filth and be sanctified so that we can be usefulto the master and prepared for every good work.Some may be tempted to go and search the Bible to look for thewords ash Wednesday. Certainly, you will not find it but all we aredoing is to follow the example of the master Jesus Christ who wasin the wilderness forty days and forty nights without food. One mayask why ash? Ash in the scriptures stands for penitence,repentance and an indication of being remorseful. These are thesigns or character that every Christian in this season is beingcalled upon to exhibit in this season so as to guarantee a goodrelationship with our heavenly Father through our Lord JesusChrist in the power of the Holy Spirit.For this season we shall consider the topic theme, “the idol thatmen worship” as our theme. We believe that God will speak to usafresh concerning this subject matter. As we read about thetestimony of others, we believe the Lord will speak to us all.Christians are also enjoined to fast to be able to maximize theblessings thereof. This is why Prophet Joel summoned thepeople and declared, “Turn to me with all your heart with fasting,with weeping, and with mourning.PRAYER POINT:Almighty God, we come before you weeping for our sin of idolatry.Show us your mercy and forgive us in Jesus name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 60
Thursday 2nd March, 2017. WHAT IS IDOL'' Those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trust in them” V8For Reading & Meditation: Psalms 115:3-8It is prosper for us to define what is an idol and idolatry? An Idol is an image that is carved, moulded or made and it is worshipped by those who made them. An idol can also be anidea that is held unto far above every other thing including God. Itcan also be a concept or a choice that is due to God and is givento something else. Whenever such a thing is in place and one isbeing controlled by it, such act is idolatry. As Christians, we mustexamine our lives to see whether the salvation we have in Christis being challenged by such things.We have closely looked at Christians at whatever ladder; wecame to discover that certain things have turned idols in theirlives gradually taking the place of God which they worshipunknowingly to them. Some leaders in church seem to regard theoffice they occupy beyond God as a result of the tenacity withwhich they hold-on to it. Our desire is to see to it that, suchChristians experience freedom in this period of lent and theirtestimony will lead to the freedom of others in Jesus name.When Christians have idols, which they worship, there are threemajor' consequences namely; such people are in bondage(imprisoned), ignorance to the truth about it and gradually God'soil (anointing) upon their lives will be running dry. Hither to, theyare able to do great things for the Lord, but with time when it is notchecked, such people will be fading away. This Lenten periodshould be an avenue of brokenness so that restoration can takeplace. Brokenness will release such people from fading away.PRAYER POINT:O Lord, you have made us in your own image, we refuse to be likeidols. Deliver us good Lord.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 61
Friday 3rd March, 2017. YOU SHALL MAKE NO IDOL'You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything..” V4 For Reading & Meditation: Exodus 20:1-97God's commandment to His people has revealed that an idol can take the form of anything both tangible and intangible. Before we begin to examine the different forms it has takenin the lives of people, we shall spend some days to examine thetext of the meditation so as to understand the mind of Godconcerning this subject matter.At the time God called Abraham the ancestor of the Israelite race,different peoples and nations have adopted their gods they wereworshipping in the forms of carved images called idols. Godintended to raise a peculiar people through which He will revealhimself as the supreme God. A people that will radiate his glorywithout sharing it with any other. For He says; “I am the Lord, thatis my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise toidols” (Isaiah 40:8).Thus when God brought them out from Egypt, they became Histreasured possession, a peculiar and distinct people that willradiate His glory. This is also His plan for us in Christ Jesus hencePeter could say; “But you are a chosen people, a royalpriesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, thatyou may declare the praises of Him who called you out ofdarkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9). To have an idolin any form is to partially remain in darkness. The people of Godare the people of light, hence God gave this commandment to usall- “You shall not make for yourself an idol in any form ofanything”…Check yourself if there exist any idol in any form inyour life. As we go on may the Lord give us understanding.PRAYER POINT:Dear father, we realize that idols exist in any form especially in oursociety. Help us to discover any idol in our daily life and break freefrom them in Jesus name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 62
Saturday 4th March, 2017.HEAVENLY IDOLS''Do not let anyone who delight in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize” V18 For Reading & Meditation: Colossians 2:16-19God's Commandments states that idols could take the form of anything both in heaven and on earth. There are so many things in heaven as recorded in the Bible. Some of thosethings are also on earth even though we may not have their facialoutlook. If an idol takes the form of anything in heaven that has itsform on earth, we may not classify it to heaven. Therefore, let uslook at those things that are in heaven but are not with us physicallythat men's idol may have taken their shape and form.The Bible speaks of the worship of angels. This is a pointer to idolsthat have taken the form of things that are in heaven. We all knowthat angels are there with God even though they minister to us.There are several outlets in the name of churches that are involvedin the worship of angels. Some of them have existed for decadesand over time they have carved a niche for themselves. Today, theyhave all titles that older churches have. We nick name them whitegarment churches.They have metamorphosed to Pentecostal churches in theiroutlook but their modus operandi remain the same. If you go closeto them, you will see the legion of angels they deal with and whatthey use them to do. Many of such places have become “solutionsground” to the problems of men. Unfortunately, these places aresatanic altars where the worship of angels as idols is going on.Those who have had a taste of it knows what we are saying. Bewareof them, because they are dangerous, but He that is in you is greaterPRAYER POINT:Almighty God, afflictions have made your people to consult theseplaces. Deliver your people O Lord from the assault of enemies.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 63
Sunday 5th March, 2017.EARTHLY IDOLS''From the rest he makes a god, his idol he bows down to itand worship. He prays to it and says, save me, you are my god” V17 For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 44:6-17Idols in the form of anything on earth have taken different dimensions both in out look and their manifestations. These appearances are not only in the society but abound in the church.What we intend looking at in this piece is the carved images that areidols and have become objects of celebration in differentcommunities called festivals. Carved idols have taken differentforms on the earth and are found every where both in the urbanareas and the rural areas. Their different forms are traceable tototems and taboos as they exist in different places. In some places,snake is the image of the idol. Other have a devoted dog, lion, goat,iguana, cow, etc., in some parts of Nigeria as it is in Africa; there aredifferent gods, of iron, of thunder, of the sun, moon, and star etc- allthese have their images .As soon as they are carved and dedicated with libation poured onthem, the devil attaches demons to them. They begin to operateand control the destines of the devotees and as many that havebeen pledged to them. Thus a whole community and their posteritycan be pledged to an idol and the demon will be controlling them.This is why we hear of community deliverance. Where such idolexists there is already an altar that is speaking for those who belongto it. God Commanded His people to abstain from the worship ofidol. Please ask yourself whether you have completely abstainedfrom it! Or you still in one-way or the other support the worship ofidols in the name of your town festival or through the name youbear?PRAYER POINT:Holy Spirit, we need your fire upon our lives to get rid of everyMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 64
Monday 6th March, 2017.AVOID WATER IDOLS''Dear children, keep yourselves from Idols” V21 For Reading & Meditation: 1 John 5:16-21By the grace of God, those who are involved in the ministry of deliverance know that idols exist in the form of things in the water. Their existence is not limited to carved images alonebut their existence is both in the secondary and advanced form.In other words, it has gone beyond carved images that may bestationed in one place; they are demons that possess people atevery slightest opportunity. There are many carrying idols in theirbodies. Some do know but many do not know they are ignorantabout it yet the signs are evident in their lives and they move aboutwith odours of demons. A typical example of idols that exist in theform of things in the water is the mermaid spirit that is drawn halffish and half human being. Those who are in the riverine areas orby the riverside are prone to the worship of these idols.There are festivals dedicated to the worship of these demons.Several towns and villages prone to these idols have altars wherepeople worship and pray to them. The devotees bear namesassociated to the idols and name their children likewise. Theseidols are drawn on stickers and they are pasted in vehicles,houses and other places. Some of these idols whether, heavenlyor earthly form or that of water, also exist in religious groups. In thecase of the water, they go to the river side where they erect an altardecorated with red and white cloths with plantain and bottles ofdrinks. From these, many gave their lives to Christ. Are you trulyfree?PRAYER POINT:Dear Lord, you own all things. Deliver your people from theinfluence of water spirit and any other spirits in Jesus name. AmenMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 65
Tuesday 7th March, 2017.WHO IS THE BARRIER?''It was in the year Kings Uzziah died that I saw the Lord” V1 For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 20:1-97Prophet Isaiah stated categorically that it was in the year that King Uzziah died that he saw the Lord. One would have been comfortable, if this event marked thebeginning of his prophetic ministry but this was not. We mustcarefully examine this matter to be able to help ourselves andnot repeat the mistakes of prophet Isaiah.Isaiah's ministry spanned through the reign of at least fourkings beginning with Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah.Uzziah falls between Chapters 1-6. Throughout the period ofUzziah, Prophet Isaiah prophesied but it was never recordedthat he saw the Lord. The call of God was upon his life but itwas at the mercy of King Uzziah. A critical examination of theking confirms this assertion. Subsequent meditation willreveal the facts. It was clear that Uzziah became a big barrierto the ministry of Isaiah. It was by God's mercy that theprophet saw the Lord when the King died. Uzziah became anidol that men worshipped as far as the ministry of Isaiah wasconcerned in the first five chapters of his book. The tragedywas that, while he spoke God's word, his relationship with Godwas in doubt. This is the true state of many Christians and menof God. Who or what is standing as a barrier between you andGod?PRAYER POINT:My dear heavenly Father, give your people the understandingof human idols that exist between us and You and cause themto be dismantled in Jesus name. AmenMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 66
Wednesday, 8th March, 2017.CHECK THAT POWER''And his fame spread even to Egypt, for he had become very powerful” V8 For Reading & Meditation: 2 Chronicle 26:1-8Thank God for the mother of Uzziah and all those who contributed to his upbringing. At the age of sixteen he was crowned King and the scriptures reported that “He didwhat was pleasing in the Lord's sight, just as his father,Amaziah, had done” (V4). The king had a godly training and heheld-on to it hence the Bible scored him good. But take note theBible says; “And his fame spread even to Egypt, for he hadbecome very powerful” this was a dangerous one. His ego andachievement were already intoxicating him. Here his fall startedgradually without noticing it.King Uzziah asserted himself politically and military wise. Hedeclared war on the Philistines the age-long enemies of Israeland they were defeated. He broke down the walls of Gath,Jabneh and Ashdod. He built new towns in these areas and otherparts of Philistine. His battles with the Arabs were all victorious.As usual tributes were coming in annually. His military might andpolitical prowess was growing by the day. It was in this Milieu thatthe ministry of Isaiah sprang up. It was an easy thing if the man ofGod or the Christian do not watch it; such a personality wouldeasily become the idol that men worship. This generation hasproduced some heroes on the negative side who may be formerpoliticians, militants and men and women of questionablecharacter who may be in church or the community. What role arethey playing as far as your faith or ministry is concerned?PRAYER POINT:In the name of Jesus let us begin to pull down every stronghold,every personality that has turned idol in the affairs of the church.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 67
Thursday, 9th March, 2017 BEWARE OF CASH .''His fame spread far and he became very powerful” V15 For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 20:1-17Not only that Uzziah distinguished himself politically and militarily, but economically he was powerful. This is because the Lord gave him marvelous support and hebecame very powerful. The unfortunate thing was that, what Godwas doing through him became an idol that he and others beganto worship. Hence the likes of prophet Isaiah could not see theLord until God Himself pushed him away.The Bible reported Uzziah as a man who loved the soil. Thatmeans he loved farming. Today Agriculture occupies a place ofprominence in Israel, it fetches them a lot of money. Nigeria ourcountry can only recover from the present recession if we alldecide to return to the farm. That Uzziah loved the soil, meansthat his “operation feed the nation” brought in a lot of money intohis pocket. Added to this, were the several tributes coming in.Such a man with plenty of money can easily influence peopleand their ministry. We can now begin to appreciate why Isaiahdid not see the Lord. How many ministers have sold out becauseof the money that was doled to them? Through such monies theirministries are sponsored or the several constructions or projectare financed?This is the problem that has dented the image of the church inNigeria. Hence our Christianity is too shallow and hollow. GoodLord deliver us. Check whether there is an Uzziah who ispreventing you from seeing the Lord because of cash.PRAYER POINT:O Lord, deliver your ministers from the spirit of mammon. Asmany Uzziahs around your ministers put them in dis-array.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 68
Friday 10th March, 2017. ISOLATION AHEAD''But when he became powerful, he also became proud” V1 For Reading & Meditation: 2 Chr onicle 26:16-21Leaders who have made themselves thin gods and idols to be worshipped should be reminded that isolation is waiting for them when they would have ended theirungodly era. It is crystal clear that Uzziah became an idol thatprophets and priests were worshipping until the brave priests(men with anointing) were able to confront him.Uzziah who started well and enjoyed the favor of God, by thetime God made him, he had no respect for God again. Thus heaimed at manipulating and controlling the things of God the wayhe liked. This is the reality in the church today. Some heads ofchurches now see the church and the worship of God as theirbeckon and call. They can interject the worship the way theylike, young ministers called by God can be dealt with, with outthe fear of God, members can also be sent out at will. They aretoo numerous for this space. The position they graciouslyreceived from God is now bigger than God in the way theyparade themselves. It took some years before one bishop wasset free from the pride of the Episcopal wears. Before hisfreedom, he believed that if he did not put on the wears then hewas letting down the office. Uzziah allowed what God had madeof him to turn to idols hence he was plunged into isolation.Beware.PRAYER POINTLord we pray for our leaders and the led, help us to give you theright place in our ministry, make us to realize that the hood doesnot make the monk but your grace.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 69
Saturday 11th March, 2017. IDOLIZED LEADERS''Since when did the spirit of the Lord leave me to speak toyou? You will find out soon enough when you are trying to hide in some secret room” V24, 25 For Reading & Meditation: 1Kings 22:10-28When leaders have turned to idols that men worship, certainly the prophets, priest, ministers and workers around them will be inspired by a lying spirit. They willnever see anything wrong in what the leader does, they start praisingand justifying his mistakes. There is always a way to explain theactions and inactions of the leader. They are never ashamed to givehim a biblical defense for what is wrong. How ever, God will not leavehimself without a witness hence there will always remain the few thatnotice the excesses and they will speak out. Leaders who may bereading this piece must examine themselves whether they haveturned to an idol that men are already worshipping. The attention ofpeople is no longer on Christ Jesus but on the bishop, generaloverseer or the pastor. Christian leaders must constantly encouragetheir followers to tell them the truth no mater whose horse is gored.This is what we see in this our generation. Our cities and villages arelittered with signposts that are adverting ministers of God. If only weremember what our Lords says; “wherever there is a carcass, therethe vultures will gather” (Matt:2428). Ahab had turned to idol that thepeople around him were already worshipping. These prophetsbecame liars because the Lord has pronounced his doom. Asleaders, let us examine ourselves during this lent so that whateverhas to do with idols in our ministry may be purged. May we behumbled enough to give attention to the minority voice that may likelybe the voice of God speaking to us. Whatever you are now is aprivilege from God.PRAYER POINTDear Lord Jesus Christ, we confess that we have relegated you tothe background forgive us and take the centre stage.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 70
Sunday 12th March, 2017.TAKE A STAND''But Mordecai refused to bow down or show him respect since Mordecai had told them He was a Jew” V2, 4 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 3:1-6The story of Haman brings to mind the act of disobedience of King Saul (1Sam 15). Israel had been commanded by God to destroy the Amalekites and erase their memory from underheaven (Deut 25:17-19; Exod 17:16). Instead of erasing this race,what king Saul spared latter gave birth to Haman who was ready toerase the chosen race. When we choose to obey God in our ownway then we must be ready to reap the fruit of that disobedience.Haman was a descendant of Agag King of the Amalekites. He waspromoted as second in command in the Persian's empire (Esther3:1). Haman loved power and authority and the reverence shownhim. Thus he became the idiol that men worshipped. The Jews,however, looked to God as their final authority; not to any man;hence Mordecai will not ascribe the honor that is due unto God to amere mortal. While Haman enjoyed the power and the prestige ofhis office, Mordecai took his stand remembering the first andsecond commandments. How many leaders today have beencarried away by the power and prestige of their office and allowingeverybody around to worship them? Church leaders who cannoteat on the same table with their subordinates yet Christ Jesus atethe greatest meal on the same table with his disciples. If any of theirsubordinate at any given time loses sight of the power and prestigeof the office, then he must be ready for queries. This Human spiritthat turns the leader to an idol must be checked and every godlyleader must hate it with passion. Leaders must cherish fellowshipwith their subordinates.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus you have given us example to follow, may we not stayaway from it.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 71
Monday 13th March, 2017.IDOLIZED IDEAS''For you ignore God's law and substitute your own tradition” V8 For Reading & Meditation: Mark 7:8-12We think of idols as statues of wood or stone but in reality an idol is anything natural that is given sacred value and power. The idol may be an idea, a perception or a kind ofunderstanding that brings about superiority complex. A bishoponce shared a testimony of how God delivered him from being anidol that men worship. In some of our denominations, purple coloris specially left for the office of the bishop. When this man becamea bishop, the devil was using this color to enslave him as if theBible ordained this color for bishop. When the saw anyonewearing purple, the question, would arise in his mind, “why is theman wearing purple, is he a bishop?” As far as he wasconcerned, that color could only be won by a bishop be it clergy ornot. If he came to discover that the man was not a bishop, he wasready to scold such a person. This was the way purple color for along time be came an idol to him until he had an encounter withthe Lord and he repented of the evil.While we are not criticizing what ever the arrangement that maybe in place as regard our offices/position the question is how dowe see these things? We must be careful how we handle thesethings? We must be careful how we handle every privilege so thatit does not turn to an idol that we worshipping. It is an open secretthat human beings by their action can make an idol out of theperson or the office and men will begin to worship. Let us pray thatwe may not be a victimPRAYER POINTAlmighty and ever living God grant us the understanding of everysatanic manipulation in leadership in Jesus name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 72
Tuesday 14th March, 2017.TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY''O Israel, these are the gods who brought you out of the land of Egypt” V4 For Reading & Meditation: Exodus 32:1-5As we continue with our topic “the idols that men worship” in this lent, we shall go on to study the story of the Golden calf. Sin in whichever way it manifests itself, the firstthing it does, is to rob its victim of the sense of clear thinking.When one becomes a victim, would the grace of God appears,one may not actually understand what is going on.Aaron became the victim of the “tyranny of the majority” whenthey bounced on him to make for them gods that will lead them.One begins to imagine whether it was the same people whowere delivered from Egyptian bondage by the mighty arm ofGod. Have they forgotten the crossing of the sea of reeds andthe several miracles that took place?Moses had always gone to the mountain. How is it that theyconcluded by saying; we don't know what has happened to thisfellow Moses, who brought us here from the land of Egypt? Canyou imagine the sarcastic way in which they spoke? As it werein the days of Aaron so it is today. Many leaders from the homefront to the church are suffering the tyranny of the majority.Because the congregation or members may run away, leadersare accommodating a lot of ungodly things. The congregationshave become the idol; their wish is the pastor's command. Ifyou belong to such a group, it is time to give it up.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father we seek your divine intervention in the face ofthe tyranny of the majority in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 73
Wednesday 15th March, 2017.IDOLATRY PROVOKES DIVINE ANGER 1''So the Lord changed his mind about the terrible disaster he had threatened to bring on his people” V14 For Reading & Meditation: Exodus 32:6-17The sin of idolatry and the likes always provoke the fierce anger of our God, thereby leading to a terrible disaster physically or spiritually or both. The devil gave them awaywhen Aaron told them to surrender their gold rings which hemelted and shape to a calf. When the people saw it, they,exclaimed, O Israel, these are the gods who brought you out ofthe land of Egypt.Before long, pagan revelry set in and the people rose to play, thesin of sexual immorality, drinking and being drunk becamenormal. Whenever we substitute our God with something el, theabnormal must surely set in. Our greatest temptation is always toshape God to our thinking to make him convenient to obey orignore. God responds in great anger when His mercy is trampledupon. As leaders, we must ask ourselves whether we havesucceeded in creating an idol in a bid to pacify our members orJesus Christ is true Lord in all of our endeavors? No doubt, wehave in one way or the other created some idols hence thecompromise that is going on.The anger of God has been revealed against all ungodliness,though our advocate is there, we are being called upon to destroythose idols before they will destroy the people. Idolatry robs oneof God's favor, it hinders divine prosperity hence those who areinvolved will never exhibit any reasonable progress in life.PRAYER POINTLet your merciful ear be opened to us today as we repent ofidolatry.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 74
Thursday 16th March, 2017.IDOLATRY PROVOKES DIVINE ANGER 2 ''He took the Calf they had made and burned it. Then heground it into powder threw it into the water, and forced the people to drink it” V20 For Reading & Meditation: Exodus 32:15-20Moses returned from the mountain with the two stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant. Joshua his servant accompanied him; Joshua noticed theunusual sound from the gathering of the people of God. To him itsounded like war in the camp. Indeed it was, because the spiritualman can never be comfortable where sinful jubilation is going on.Gradually in our generation, gospel music is turning to worldlymusic and Christians are comfortable with this arrangement.Some men of God would invite promoters of this ungodly music tocome to their programme to perform. Comedians and all kinds ofentertainers now have a place during worship. There you will seethem half-naked and men and women are jumping up claiming tobe praising the Lord. The Scripture would ask; “And whatagreement does Christ have with Beliar? Or what does abeliever share in common with an unbeliever? (2 Cor.6:15)They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind personguides another, they will both fall into a ditch” (Matt 15:14). By thetime Moses got to the camp, the people of God had beenpossessed with idolatry and revelry. The holy assembly had beenturned to pagan assembly. In anger, Moses threw the stone tabletsto the ground, smashing them at the foot of the mountain. Withouthesitation, he turned their Golden Calf into powder and forced thepeople to drink it. Thus they were intoxicated the more therebypreparing them for destruction. The several messages that cometo anyone who is involved in idols that men worship is alreadyturning their idols to power. Such people in this lent need to repentif not the powder will surely bring death.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Satan is subtle in all his ways open our eyes to see anddestroy any idol around us today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 75
Friday 17th March, 2017WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU''You yourself know how evil these people are” V22 For Reading & Meditation: Exodus 32:21-24Wait awhile and ponder over what Aaron said to Moses about the people “you yourself know how evil these people are”. What kind of remark is this about the people of God? As apastor what a great consolation this statement brought to me with acloud of sadness. Consolation because the problem has been there.This is a typical description of some of our congregations that arefilled with evil people who never give the ministers a breathing space.If your pastor is to describe you today like Aaron did, what will he sayof you? Will it not be the same way because you have been in thechurch for some years now, and you know more than the ministers?Even if God has given you such a privilege it behooves you to humbleyourself in this matter and before the leaders among you. “Obeyyour spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is towatch over your souls and they are accountable to God. Givethem reasons to do this with joy and not with sorrow. Thatwould certainly not be for your benefit”. (Heb 13:17).Instead of the people to obey Aaron, it was Aaron who obeyed them.Aaron's remark should bring some sadness to every minister of God,because if the people for whose sake we labor are not heavenlybound, whereas we are accountable to God, what will become of usat the judgment throne? While the pastor is pondering over thismatter, let members begin to examine themselves to know who theyare in the church. Make sure your attitudes do not in any way misleadthe minister or the church to God. Any idol around you should besmashed at the foot of the cross today.PRAYER POINTDear heavenly Father, grant our leaders the courage to uphold yourwill and unto your people a genuine repentance in your sight in Jesusname. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 76
Saturday 18th March, 2017.THE ORGY OF IDOLATRY''All of you who are on the Lord side, come here and join me” v26 For Reading & Meditation: Exodus 32:25-29The orgy of idolatry would always end in self-destruction. Have you had the privilege of seeing someone who was manifesting during deliverance session? You remember that brethren hadto assist such a person from injuring himself. Anyone who is underthe influence of idolatrous spirit should know that very soon,separation will take place and such people may not escape the wrathof God. As many of us reading this piece should properly examineourselves and get rid of anything that has assumed the place of Godboth in life and ministry. Moses commanded a great separation whenhe announced that those who are on the Lord's side should join him,those who are already under the influence of the idolatry could nothear him, they became adamant to the voice of salvation. Thescripture says; “today, if you will hear His voice do not hardenyour hearts as in the rebellion, as in the day of trial in thewilderness”. (Ps 96:7-8).As a result of rebellion, the people hardened their hearts and thatsame day, about 23,000 of them died. What a great consequence!Moses praised the courage of the Levites because they obeyed theLord irrespective of who they killed whether their own sons, brothers,sisters, parents or any other relation. This is a challenge to us allespecially in the area of discrimination. There is also a note ofcaution for leaders whose families have become a disgrace and theywill never rebuked them. They have become idols that men worship.Other well to do members in the church who do whatever they likeshould call themselves to order, because divine Levites are beingraised already.PRAYER POINTHoly Spirit we ask for your unction that will enable us to resist everyungodliness in the church today that is being promoted byunbelieving believers.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 77
Sunday 19th March, 2017.THE PLAGUE OF IDOLATRY''And when I come to call the people to account I will certainly hold them responsible for their sins” V34For Reading & Meditation: Exodus 32:30-35.I have lived closely with those who engaged themselves in idolatry and I realized that there is always a plague they suffer. They are usually bound, restricted or limited by someform of affliction that end up in death - evil consequences. If theLord says, keep away from idols, what are you still doing there?What a rebellion against the Almighty God! Your family or thecommunity you hail from are not above God. God created themall. Those who have equally turned human beings in to idols toworship should also realize that God owns everybody. Whensuch idols in the form of human beings who are godfathers passon, their devotees always suffer and the mercy and favor of Godwould always be far away from such people.Moses went on to intercede for the people. He told God to erasehis name from the record God had written. This didn't move Godbut categorically, God said, “And when I come to call thepeople to account, I will certainly hold them responsible fortheir sins.” While judgment was still ahead, the Lord sent agreat plague upon the people because they worshipped the calfAaron had made. Idolatry always goes with a plague hence youwill never see their devotees prospering in any way, they andtheir children. They can make others to be rich temporarily butthey wallow in abject poverty. So many things they claim to dofor others, yet there is no evidence of it in their lives. What adeception from the pit of hell. Little children it is time to give upidols that men worship.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, deliver us and our communities from idolatryand every plague that is connected with it.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 78
Monday 20th March, 2017 LOVE OF WOMEN .''You must not marry them, because they will turn your hearts to their gods” V2 For Reading & Meditation: I Kings 11:1-8Women became the idols to Solomon in his old age. His love for women led him to have 1000 wives at a time 700 of them were of royal birth meanwhile God had spokenexpressly that they must stay away from foreign women becauseany association with them will lead to idolatry. Although Solomonhad clear instructions from God not to marry women from foreignnations he chose to disregard God's commands. His flagrancedisobedience to God's commands led him into many detestablethings. Solomon worshipped Ashtoreth the of Sidonians thatsymbolized reproductive power and mistress of the god, Baal.Solomon built shrines for those foreign gods which includedMolech, the god whose worship rites included child sacrifices. Hislove for women became a kind of bewitchment that robbed him ofhis sense of judgment such that he lost his relationship with God,who appeared to him at different times. The love of women hasequally wounded a lot of men in the church. While some are notregular again at services and weekly meetings, others are verypunctual and you would think all is well with them. I was shocked todiscover that a brother who looked very committed and always sitedwith his wife at every service had other women outside. Similarpeople are very many in different congregations. Before now, suchmen would distant themselves but now a days, the devil hasstrengthened their hearts and made them victims of love of women.The earlier we repent the better for us because God's wrath ishovering around and the consequence will be beyond handling.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, the love of women has drawn a lot of men fromyou; let your mercy restore them today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 79
Tuesday 21st March, 2017. ARE YOU ADAMANT''He had warned Solomon specifically about worshipping other gods, but Solomon did not listen to the Lord's command” V10 For Reading & Meditation: 1king s 11:9-13When we ignore God's commands, negative consequences will inevitably be the end. The danger inherent in the idols that men worship would always lead to a disastrous end.Solomon's powerful and glorious kingdom could have enjoyed moreof God's blessings. But when women began to take the place of Godin his life, which led to the importation of foreign gods, the kingdombegan to decline. The Lord said to him, “since you have not kept mycovenant and have disobeyed my decrees, I will surely tear theKingdom away from you and give it to your servants.”His father David fought gallantly to put the kingdom together andwithin a few years, the kingdom became a world power. Manynations began to pay tribute to this kingdom. It was this thataccounted for the wealth of Solomon. But all he could do, havingstarted with God, he started acquiring foreign Women withdetestable things. This is the kind of privilege this generation ofChristians inherited from those who confessed the faith before us.But today we have put aside holiness and righteousness; we nowcherish jamboree type of Christianity that does not transform livesand the society for good. Imagine how many Christians in thiscountry, yet our nation is what it is. The idols that men worshipeventually turn to the poison that kill them. Beloved, let us examineourselves of any idol that is already destroying the legacies that weinherited? God said to Solomon “I will surely tear the Kingdomaway.” Are we waiting for such a verdict before we desist from anydetestable things of this generation?PRAYER POINTO Lord Jesus, we are aware that the good legacies we inherited arebeing destroyed, help and deliver us.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 80
Wednesday, 22nd March, 2017.POLITICAL POWER BELONGS TO GOD ''But this became a great sin, for the people worshipped idols” V29 For Reading & Meditation: 1 Kings 12:25-33Do we say Jeroboam was ignorant of the scriptures or he decided to ignore it, hence he went on to make two golden calves-one in Bethel and the other in Dan? He failed tolearn from Israel's previous disaster with a gold calf (Exod 32).Jeroboam could not claim that he was not aware; the problem isthat of political power, this sit-tight syndrome that is prevalent inAfrica. Those who have tasted it never want to do away with it. Thisis gradually turning into a dynasty in some quarters in Nigeria.Kudos to President Goodluck Jonathan who willingly handed-overthe reins of power to Mohammadu Buhari of the opposition party in2015. It is a demonstration of his maturity over political power thatmany are not willing to give up. We do hope that others from thethird world countries will learn from him.Jeroboam knew that it was divine providence that paved the wayfor him (1 Kings 11:29-23), yet the idol (political power) that menworship could not allow him to acknowledge God. His activitieswere highly condemned by God himself. Jeroboam instituted anew religion with a new set of priests, worship centers andselected days of festivals. Thus he stopped all the elaboratearrangement as contained in the book of the law. Why? Because“when these people go to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices at thetemple of the Lord they will again give their allegiance to kingRehoboam of Judah they will kill me and make him their kinginstead” Jeroboam failed to realize that the God who put himthere is sufficient enough to protect him. This is one of theproblems of our leaders. Let us pray for themPRAYER POINTO Lord, leadership at every strata belongs to you may those whooccupy such positions wholeheartedly depend on you today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 81
Thursday 23rd March, 2017. HIS HAND PARALYZED ''Seize that man! But instantly the king's hand becameparalyzed in that position, and he couldn't pull it back” V4 For Reading & Meditation: 1Kings 13:1-9As a result of the alarming rate of ungodliness in different places, one is tempted to pray that the type of thing that happened to Jeroboam should happen to some of ourleaders. However, the mind of Christ constrains us.Jeroboam was not satisfied with the new religion that he invented.He actually became the high priest and was approaching the altar toburn incense. Jehovah the God of Israel would not allow suchcontempt and blasphemy. At His command a man of God fromJudah went to Bethel and shouted against Jeroboam and theincense he was ready to offer. Strange things are happening in ourdays even in the altar of the Most High, where are the men of Godthat are ready to confront these evil? Gradually some leaders arealready assuming the place of God by their utterances and activitiesand we are keeping quiet because such leaders can do whateverthey like to us. The man of God confronted this idol in the person ofJeroboam and Jeroboam ordered, “seize that man”. We can seethe height of his insult on the man of God, but instantly the king’shand became paralyzed. It took the intervention of the man of Godbefore the king's hand was restored. As children of God, we need notfear that personality that has turned idol that men worship let us riseup and confront his ungodly activities with our prayer and in a littlewhile, it shall be displaced because God will not share his glory withany one. When the man of God prayed, the king was forced to makepeace with the man of God. God has promised to make our enemiesour footstool, therefore we need not be scared of their activities, takeyour stand and they will flee.PRAYER POINTO Lord Jesus, inspire your people to confront the idols in our timethat your power may be revealed.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 82
Friday 24th March, 2017.OFFICIAL IDOLATRY“When you hear the sound of the horn bow to the ground to worship king Nebuchadnezzar’s statue” V5For Reading & Meditation: Daniel 3:1-7We shall spend the next few days to examine some systemic idolatry that have become official and civil or public servants have made us to believe that such things are thenorms that make up the system. The idols that men worship becameobvious in the leadership of King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel had justinterpreted his dream and they admitted that “truly, your God is thegreatest of gods the Lord over kings a revealer of mysteries foryou have been able to reveal this secret”. Having acknowledgedthat the Almighty is God, the next thing he did was to make a goldstatue for the people to worship. He invited his high officers, officials,governors, advisers, treasure’s, judges, magistrates and all theprovincial officials for dedication and worship of the statue.Nebuchadnezzar actually wanted the people to see him as god andpossibly worship him. This same attitude is prevalent in the lives ofsome of the leaders we have produced in recent times. They havecunningly put certain things in place to hide their original intentionwhereas, they actually want everybody to depend on them, to begthem for their daily bread. They make people to believe that theyown the key to their lives. In a bid to consolidate on this, certainthings are introduced into the systems that are ungodly and you arecompelled to do those things or your job would be on the line. This iswhy Nebuchadnezzar put a blazing furnace beside the statue thatanyone who refused to obey may be immediately thrown into it. Forthose who may be reading this piece we need to properly examinewhere we work and find out the statues that such Nebuchadnezzarshave put in place.PRAYER POINTO Lord our God, there are so many statues embedded in theNigerian system, help us to discover them and avoid them in JesusName. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 83
Saturday 25th March, 2017. DO NOT CONNIVE''But there are some Jews. They pay no attention to you, yourmajesty. They refuse to serve your gods and do not worship the gold statue you have set up” V12 For Reading & Meditation: Daniel 3:8-12As a child of God, you need to know the person you work with particularly if such a person is an anti-Christ. If you fail to know, you are likely going to be like him. Many Christians havediscovered the several idols in their places of work and are fightingagainst them on their kneels. Have you taken time to properlyexamine your place of work? What are the things you detest, haveyou risen against them?Some of the Jews namely Shadrach, Meshach and Abebnego werehigh officials in the government of Nebuchadnezzar. They neverallowed their office to corrupt them. They knew their boss and neverallowed themselves to be corrupted. Many Christians today who haverisen to higher levels in government have allowed themselves to becorrupted. They could not muster enough courage to pull down theidol of corruption that is ravaging our nation. Religion is anotherinstrument that is being used in government especially at the federallevel. We are seeing Christians at that level who ought to speak outbut they seem to be quiet. It can only be interpreted as a compromise.While we commend the federal government on his stance oncorruption, we make bold to say that the present Buhari governmentis supporting Islam beyond measure.Some of the astrologers who reported the matter to the king, put itwell when they said, “they refused to serve your gods and do notworship the gold statue you have set up.” These men realized thatwhat Nebus brought is personal to him which is against the ideal.While others were doing eye service so as to maintain their positionsand for pecuniary motives, these children of God were not perturbed.To what extent are you conniving to destroy the existing structure inorder to promote the ungodly agenda of your boss? Even if yousucceed, God will bring you to judgment.PRAYER POINTGive courage to your people O Lord to resist every ungodly agenda inJesus name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 84
Sunday 26th March, 2017. TAKE YOUR STAND''The God who we serve is able to save us… But even if he doesn't. That we will not serve your gods”… V17, 18 For Reading & Meditation: Daniel 3:13-18Nigeria is in dire need of men and women at every level of government who will take their stand and say “no” to the ungodliness that is going on. Buhari seems to have taken hisstand but his inability to muster men who share the same vision andhis bias in matters of religion is his albatross. We need Christianswho will rise and say we do not want to participate in the corruptionthat is going on. We are satisfied with our salary and the genuinefavor of God upon our lives. Christians who will say no tomarginalization, tribalism, nepotism, oppression and the injusticethat is going on everywhere. Christians who are ready to do the jobfor which they earn salary without expecting any kick back.Teachers who are to impact knowledge to the coming generation;doctors who will serve faithfully without referring patients to theirprivate clinics when they are government staff. Businessmen andwomen who will do their businesses genuinely. In all these sectorsthere are idols that men worship. May the Lord give usunderstanding and may we have the courage to say No to theseidols.When the young men appeared before Nebus, the king burst into arage. That was anger in an earthquake form. These men said tothemselves no shaking inspite of the threat, they were not movedthey told the king categorically that their God is able to save them.Even if He does not, they will not serve his gods or worship the goldstatue he set up. The position they occupied in the empire wasirrelevant to them, their faith in God was more important. Beloved,ask yourself, how many of the idols have kept you prostrate till now.These men knew that it was by God's providence, they becamewhat they were. If we too have this understanding, we will denounceevery idol and excel beyond measure.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father give your people courage and grace in the faceof persecution and all kinds of threat.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 85
Monday 27th March, 2017. HOW IS YOUR FAITH“So Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego securely tied, fell into the roaring flames” V23For Reading & Meditation: Daniel 3:19-23O thou child of God, whenever anyone who is an anti-Christ is furious against us, we need to know that such a person is being tormented by the power of God that resides in us. Thecontrary spirit in that person is trembling with fear. When weexercise our authority they will bow before us. O Lord help us tounderstand this whenever we are faced with such attack.The scriptures say Nebus was so ferocious with these children ofGod such that his face became distorted with rage but they were notmoved. Because, he that is in us is greater than he that is in theworld. They were ready to blaze the storm. The furnace was heatedseven times hotter than usual but they were not moved. Thestrongest men in Nebus army came, tied them securely as much asthey could, but they did not give up. Great faith, undaunted faith,immovable, unstoppable and unquenchable faith. We of thisgeneration need to ask ourselves whether such faith can beexhibited by us.We are building a crop of Christians whose faith is one mile long butone inch deep. If it were to be now Christians would have paidmoney to avoid such things. Where they cannot pay money, if itrequires their body or any other things they are ready to offer. Thisattitude of Christians you can easily find, when they are arrested bypolice unjustly or they need a particular document or seekingadmissions. We are ready to pay so far we get what we want. Wehave been told of some Christians changing their religion in order toassume some positions in some states of Nigeria. God has notchanged his ways. If actually we are heavenly conscious, then wemust change our ways.PRAYER POINTHoly Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit, grant us perseverance aswe walk with you dailyMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 86
Tuesday 28th March, 2017. RESIST THAT IDOL“But the people who know their God will be strong and will resist him” Dan 11:32For Reading & Meditation: Daniel 3:24-30.Shadrach, Meshach and Abenego made up their mind that the official idol that Nebus had instituted, they will neither serve nor worship. This decision was as a result of knowingtheir God. God is waiting to glorify His name in our lives andministry if we are ready to resist the idols in our age.The process that led to the furnace was enough for these men togive up the faith, but they held on to their God. Our God did notdisappoint them. First and Foremost the flames killed the soldierswho threw them into the fire. That is what is waiting for those whoplot evil against you. Nebus threw three men into the fire but theforth man was already there to receive his children. The fourth manbecame so visible that Nebus could not afford to keep it, heexclaimed in amazement and shouted, “I see four men,unbound, walking around in the fire unharmed! And the fourthlook like a god!” Yes indeed, God has said, “when you gothrough deep waters I will be with you. When you go throughrivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk throughthe fire of oppression you will not be burned up; the flameswill not consume you” (Isa 43:2).Beloved, we cannot allow these idols to swallows us, the God ofthese Hebrews is our God; He is willing to demonstrate His powerin our challenging situation. When Nebus saw the power of Godagain, not only that he confessed the existence of this God, hedecreed that none should speak a word against this God. Whenthe children of God came out of the fire, there was nothing to showthat they had been in the fire. They were rewarded with higherpositions in the empire. This is the miracle that awaits those whoresist idol worshiping.PRAYER POINTO Lord, help us to realize that at the end of every dark tunnel, thereis always light. Let the enemies' fire be powerless in our lives.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 87
Wednesday 29th March, 2017. PAGAN ALTARS “He built pagan altars in the Temple of the Lord, the placewhere the Lord had said, my name will remain in Jerusalem forever” V.4 For Reading & Meditation: 2 Chronicle 33:1-9The idols that men worship are very conspicuous in our churches and in the system. Our Lord spoke of the abomination that will be in the altar in the last days “the day iscoming when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke aboutthe sacrilegious object that causes desolation standing in theholy place” (Matt 24:15). Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah whosucceeded his father as a king became the sacrilegious object thatoccupied the throne of Judah. No thanks to those who mentoredhim from the age of twelve when he became king. Well, it is alsopossible that those who mentored him did their best, but he chose tobe what he was. This is evident in the lives of some of the childrenwe are bringing up today.Manasseh became the opposite of his father when he rebuilt thepagan shrines that his father had broken down. He went on toconstruct altars for the images of Baal and set up Asherah poles.Parents must watch it, to see whether their children have startedbuilding pagan altars in their homes as a result of the influence oftheir peer group or the society. If we make the mistake of saying it istheir time, and then be sure you are helping to wipe Christianity fromtheir generation. Manasseh went so far as building pagan altars inthe Temple of the Lord. This sounds unbelievable, but sadly enoughwe are doing the same thing. So many ungodly things we havetolerated in a bid to keep members whereas they are not converted.Those things we tolerate are several idols in the church today. Theyare increasing by the day with new faces. How long shall we allowthese pagan altars in the sanctuary of the most high?PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, we confess to you these pagan altars, help us to breakthem down today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 88
Thursday 30th March, 2017.DON'T BE SEDUCED“But while in the deep distress, Manasseh sought the Lord his God and sincerely humbled himself before the God of his ancestor” V12 For Reading & Meditation: 2 Chronicle 33:10-20Manasseh's contempt and blasphemy against the Lord is unequalled. In the list of corrupt kings, Manasseh would rank near the top. His life was a catalogue of evil deedschampioned by idol worship, sacrificing his own children andTemple desecration. It was reported that, “he built these altarsfor all the powers of the heavens in both court yards of theLord's Temple” (bv5). God had commanded His people to keepaway from this. “And when you look up into the sky and see thesun, and star all the forces of heaven don't be seduced intoworshipping them. The Lord your God gave them to all thepeoples of earth” (Deut. 4:19).Manasseh allowed himself to be seduced by idols such that Godbecame nothing to him. But when the fullness of time came, hesaw the futility of all the evils he was engaged in. These idols couldnot withstand the Assyrian armies; they took him prisoner, put aring through his nose, bore him in bronze chairs and led him awayto Babylon for trial. As we gradually come to the end of the Lentenperiod, let us rid ourselves of idols that we may be worshippingconsciously. When Manasseh was warned about what hisactivities could lead to, he failed to listen. Rather, he was increasedin wickedness. However, in his deep distress, he came to hissenses. Why must we allow ourselves to get to such bad statebefore we repent? One of the things that idols do is to humiliatetheir victims and strip them of their God- given favor. BecauseManasseh's repentance was genuine, God restored him back toJerusalem and he encouraged his people to worship the Lord.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, deliver us from all forms of humiliationoccasioned by the idol worship. May we hold on to the honour youbestowed on us.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 89
Friday 31st March, 2017.CHECK THE OVATION''The people gave him a great ovation shouting, it's the voice of a god, not of a man” V22 For Reading & Meditation: Acts 12: 20-25What have you made of that exalted office that is in your hand? Have you suddenly realized that it was not a privilege from God but a dint of hard work? You nowpre-occupy yourself with the task of making people to realizethat fact, therefore you should be treated accordingly? This isthe true picture our leaders are exhibiting except we as leaderscheck ourselves of this character, we may as well be heading toa dangerous end. Such attitude is synonymous to the idols thatmen worship. Every leader will genuinely admit that leadershipintoxicates but the Holy Spirit of God in us will naturally subduethose carnal tendencies.Herod Agrippa gradually turned himself to an idol because thecities of Tyre and Sidon depended on his country for food.Therefore they have to worship him if they must exist. Imagine abishop who told a pastor that the life of the pastor was in hishand. The office had intoxicated his head so much that thecalling of God upon the life of that pastor was now determinedby him. This same thing is seen everywhere particularly in theNigerian type of democracy where many are forced to engagethemselves in a lot of satanic activities. The idol in Agrippa cameto bare when he actually accepted the worship of men. Instantlyjudgment came upon him. If you have turned yourself or theoffice you occupy to an idol, learn your lesson from Herod.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, deliver your servants from this Herod type oftemptation, that all worship will be ascribed to You. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 90
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