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Home Explore 2017 Manna

2017 Manna

Published by ejogheneta, 2017-01-20 09:31:21

Description: 2017 Manna


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Wednesday 18th October, 2017 THE END OF THE EVIL ONE.“Put away your sword, Jesus told him, Those who use the sword will be killed by the sword”. Matt. 26:52. For Reading & Meditation: Esther 7:9-10; Psalm 35:1-5When the king came back and saw Haman on the couch where Queen Esther was reclining, the king exclaimed, “Will he even assault the Queen righthere in the palace, before my eyes?” That was a criminaloffence that attracted capital punishment.When the king roared, the servants knew that the end ofHaman had come. For a moment, ask yourself, what will bethe end of the road you are about or already treading? Whatlesson would the future generation learn from you? If youhumbly answer these questions with a due sense ofappreciation to God, you will surely tread the path of honourthat will bring glory to God and blessing to yourself.Jesus said “those who use the sword will be killed by thesword.” Ironically, one of the eunuchs told the king about thegallows set up by Haman. Since Haman deserved death, hewas hanged in his own evil device. As we discharge ourduties, we should remember what the Lord says, “Do forothers what you would like them to do for you”. (Matt. 7:12).Plan no evil against anyone, live in peace with all people.PRAYER POINTWe pray you O Lord, may the enemies fall into every pit theydig for others.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 291

Thursday 19th October, 2017 UNGODLY DECREE MUST BE REVERSED. “For how can I endure to see my people slaughtered and destroyed?' V6 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 8:1-8Although Haman had been hanged and the anger of the king had been pacified, but that was not the end of the story. The late Haman had already issued a decree todestroy the Jews in the entire empire. It might interest us to know,that Haman took the decision in April but by early June of thesame year, he was already late. He had scheduled the killing ofthe Jews for March, the following year.Those who are intoxicated by the office they occupy shouldplease learn from the late Haman. No position is permanent, ifHaman knew that his plan will bring destruction to him, he wouldhave avoided it. Well, the devil always prevents his would -bevictims from seeing the consequences of their actions.On that same day Esther pleaded with the king to annul theungodly decree that Haman had sent throughout the empire.Without hesitation, the king obliged. While the ungodly decreewas being reversed, the estate of Haman eventually came underthe control of Mordecai. Mordecai also took over the offices thatwere tormenting him and his people. All these were divinearrangements. It is important for us to underscore the attitude ofEsther and Mordecai. They fought their battles on their kneesand the result was wonderful.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus every ungodly decree against your people, let it beannulled today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 292

Friday 20th October, 2017 THEY WILL TREMBLE “And many of the people of the land became Jewsthemselves, for they feared what the Jews might do to them”. V17 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 8:9-17While the children of Israel were on their way to Canaan, it became clear that they were entertaining fears. More so when the spies returned and ten ofthem gave a bad report of the people in the land. It was at thisjuncture God spoke. “Beginning today I will make all peoplethroughout the earth terrified of you. When they hear reportsabout you, they will tremble with dread and fear”. (Deut. 2:25).It was barely two months that Haman wrote to the entireempire informing them that by March the following year, all theJews should be destroyed. Before the expiration of twomonths, not only that Haman had been destroyed, Mordecaihad been elevated (divine arrangement), and anotherpowerful decree with the king's signet ring bearing royalauthority was released to annul the first decree. The newdecree not only liberated the Jews, but also empowered themto destroy whoever attempted to attack them.Beloved, it is good for us to pray for the revelation of God'spower and love in our lives. Our enemies will surely repentand become Christians, if they fail then their blood will be upontheir head.PRAYER POINTAs it were in the days of Esther, let mine be greater in Jesusname.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 293

Saturday 21st October, 2017ENVELOPED IN HIS GLORY. “And the royal officials helped the Jews for fear of Mordecai...and his fame spread throughout all theprovinces as he became more and more powerful”. V3, 4. For Reading & Meditation: Esther 9:1-4; Deut. 2:24-25Haman the evil genius fixed March 7 as the day set aside for the annihilation of the Jews. However, according to the word of the Lord, the wickedness of the wicked shallreturn to the wicked, Haman died a miserable death before thematurity of his evil intention. Those who plan evil ahead of youshall use their head to carry it. When the day eventually camesome of the people who perhaps were not aware of the seconddecree or those who were in sympathy with Haman were ready todestroy. The word of God says, “But no one could make a standagainst them, for everyone was afraid of them”. The reason wasthat God had enveloped them with his glory, therefore the peoplebegan to dread them. Their enemies became terrified of them.This is the privilege we have in Christ. Our enemies are meant tofear us as a result of the glory of God in our lives. When the gloryof God is in your life, you will not pray that your enemy should diebut for their repentance but if they hardened their heart they willsurely perish. The glory of God would always swallow the enemyleaving him with a choice of either to repent or be destroyed.Mordecai had become an authority; therefore, the royal officialswere on hand to help the Jews. They could not forget in a hurrywhat happened to Haman. Mordecai's fame was spreading like awild fire and was becoming more and more powerful. It is a divinearrangement for those who wait on God in prayer and fasting.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, envelope me in your glory today, that enemieswill dread me.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 294

Sunday 22nd October, 2017WHEN THE LORD IS WITH US.“Blessed be the Lord, who did not let their teeth tear us apart”. Ps. 124:6 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 9:5-20On the appointed day for the destruction of the Jews, power was no longer in the hand of their enemies. The enemies were now at the mercy of the Jews. Whenpower has changed hand surely enemies will be under foot.Even with the new decree that superceded the one of Haman,the ten Sons of Haman were ready to destroy the Jews. Theythought they could avenge the death of their late fatherforgetting that their father died the death he planned foranother person. Not only that their father was destroyed, theytoo were consumed with the edge of the sword.As a result of divine arrangements, the king came under thecontrol of Queen Esther. She demanded for one more day forthe Jews to deal with their enemies and the king granted thepermission. No child of God should believe that it is God's willfor the enemies to have upper hand at any given time.Children of God have victory as their privilege. Are there someforces against you and they have taken a date against you? Icounsel you to go into prayers and see the arm of God workingon your behalf. God will not only defeat them but He will makethem to serve you. For it is your heritage to be the head andnot the tail. You cannot afford to give up, celebration awaitsyou. The Jews celebrated, you too will surely celebrate.PRAYER POINTThank you Lord Jesus Christ for you will not allow the enemiesto have their way or to rejoice over your inheritance.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 295

Monday 23rd October,2017 GOD IS ABLE.“This would commemorate a time when the Jews gainedrelief from their enemies, when their sorrow was turned into gladness and their mourning into joy”. V22 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 9:20-32We have had the privilege of going through the book of Esther. We recall how Haman planned to destroy the Jews because of only one man called Mordecai. Anda decree was issued to that effect. We all expressed shockabout such a wicked act. However, the table was over turned infavour of the Jews.One thing we need to know about Haman's plot was that, hewas trying to stop the word of God from fulfillment. God will notallow it. Our Lord says, heaven and earth will pass away, noteven an iota of His Word will be left unfulfilled. The Jews werealready in exile and Jeremiah had prophesied that they will bethere for seventy years and then return to their land. If Hamanhad succeeded, the entire Jews would have been destroyed. Ifthere is any part of the word of God that speak about you andyour situation, then relax and let your prayers bring it tofulfillment.The miracle that God is about to perform in your life will beremembered from generation to generation. The remembrancewill always build the faith of God's people. God is able to do it ifyou commit it to prayers.PRAYER POINTDear Father, thank you for the numerous promises for me in thescriptures. Help us to experience them in our lives in Jesusname.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 296

Tuesday 24th October, 2017 THE MAN OF THE PEOPLE. “He was very great among the Jews, who held him in highesteem, because he worked for the good of his people”. V3 For Reading & Meditation: Esther 10:1-3Mordecai who was sitting at the gate of the palace more or less a gate keeper now sat in the court of the king. According to Daniel, “But the people who know theirGod will be strong and will resist him” (11:32). Mordecai'selevation was nothing short of the fact that he knew his God,therefore he was able to resist the power that Haman arrogated tohimself. When others bowed and worshipped him, Mordecai knewthe first two commandments and he could not afford to violatethem. Others for the sake of a momentary gain would worshipHaman, thereby making Haman a god. This is how many havegotten thin gods everywhere.As a result of the faith of Mordecai in God, he was able to bringfreedom to his people through Esther. Consequent upon this, Godestablished him and he became great among his own people. Thepeople held him in high esteem with respect because he workedfor the good of the people.Our nation today is in dire need of the likes of Mordecai who placethe welfare of the people over and above personal interest. Sincethe advent of democracy Nigerians have been yearning for thedividends of democracy. Our story is pathetic. One would hardlybelieve whether our leaders are human beings with human heart.Many thought with the current president, things will turn-around,but we all are living witnesses. Whichever way we may classifythem God will surely raise the likes of Mordecai. Our prayers canproduce such people if we pray.PRAYER POINTWe call on you O Lord, raise people of Mordecai's spirit to rule theland.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 297

Wednesday 25thOctober, 2017 JEHOVAH JIREH“Abraham named the place, “The Lord will provide”. On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided”.V-14 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 22:1-14Since the beginning of the month, if you have not seen any evidence of divine arrangement, do not give up. All you need do is to intensify prayers. I sincerely believe Godthat He has arranged something for you. If the devil in his subtlemanner will delay it then by the anointing of the Holy One uponyour life, you can conquer it.Abraham never knew that God was not interested in humansacrifices like other man-made gods. God wanted todifferentiate the faith of Abraham from that of the heathen.Abraham on his part was able to convince God of his genuinefaith and obedience. God tested Abraham with what wasfamiliar to him and he passed the test.I began to imagine if Abraham had sacrificed Isaac, what storywould he have told his wife? Don't forget that Abraham hadanother son (illegitimate however). What of the servants whoaccompanied him? If it were to be nowadays, how do weexplain it?God is never interested in human sacrifice, thus he provided analternative-divine arrangement. Perhaps your divinearrangement is waiting for the type of Abraham's faith andobedience. Surely, God will not disappoint you.PRAYER POINTFather teach me to know that nothing is too big for you by faith,let me be obedient.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 298

Thursday 26th October, 2017OBEDIENCE WILL MAKE THE WAY“And through your descendants, all the nations of the earth will be blessed all because you have obeyed me”. V 18 For Reading & Meditation: Genes1s. 22:l5-24Divine arrangements are a privilege and a heritage for those who obey God. Whatever we do in the name of the Lord, ultimately; is for our own blessing. Thesingular obedience of Abraham, made us to know that ourGod is Jehovah Jireh- the God that provides especiallyduring critical conditions. He will never abandon his own.The obedience of Abraham compelled God to swear byHimself, that Abraham will be blessed richly. In other words,riches had already being arranged for him. Those whodesire to be rich should learn to be obedient to God. Thepromise is to multiply his descendants into countless ofmillions from one child. Unlike man, only one person willincrease to millions.The blessing coming to Abraham's descendants will be thesource of other nations' blessings. All these blessings arestill following the nation of Israel as a result of the obedienceof Abraham. If we follow the steps of obedience, we too shallenjoy these blessings and will spill over to our descendants.PRAYER POINTDear Lord grant me your grace to follow the path ofobedience in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 299

Friday 27th October, 2017FATHER'S PROMISE FULFILLED“And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages---”. V4 For Reading & Meditation: Acts 2:1-13Ten days after the ascension of Jesus Christ, the promise of the Father was fulfilled. It was a new dawn for the church, the spirit of promise came upon thechurch. As many that were present who were waiting receivedthe fresh unction upon their lives. It was power that came uponthe disciples that made them children of God as well as hiswitnesses.The power of the Holy Spirit is what anyone who desires to bea child of God believing Him for divine arrangement mustpossess. With this power, you can live this earthly life anddominate your world like Esther did. Every child that is born inthis planet earth is subjected to several vaccines ranging frompoliomyelitis to other deadly diseases. Governmentsparticularly have spent millions of dollars to wipe out polio. Tobe able to do that children are vaccinated. The vaccine is thepower that will resist polio from attacking the child. Without it,the child stands the risk of being crippled. The Holy Spirit is thevaccine we receive into our lives to be able to resist the deviland his onslaught. Without the Holy Spirit all these will be amirage. As you approach the end of the month and lookingback the testimony is not encouraging you need to call uponthe Lord to fill you with His Spirit for greater manifestation.PRAYER POINTHoly Spirit, the promise of the Father fill my life today. I needmy own testimony.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 300

Saturday 28th October, 2017LET GOD CONTROL YOU.“Do as I say, and stay here in this land. If you do, I will be with you and bless you---”. V3 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis26:1-14When God says, “wait”, satan will create some reasons to be in a hurry. The choice becomes yours whether to accept God's verdict or thealternative voice that may be speaking to you or aroundyou. When God makes His arrangement for you, the devilwill also make an alternative one, if you are a child of Godyou will be able to discern. It is only those whose minds arefixed on God that will be able to discern. It is not alwaysthat God will speak or reveal to you either in dreams orthrough any other person. As a child of God, you should beable to make some value judgment and be able tounderstand the will of God in a given situation.Those who are close to God in prayers and Bible study areable to understand what God may be saying. Isaac hadalready made up his mind to relocate from the harshenvironment marked with famine. However, God told himto stay put, where hunger was biting seriously. In the midstof that God has arranged something for him. Within thesame year his crop did much better, and the man, becamerich and his wealth was growing. Let God control your life.PRAYER POINTAt your feet l surrender, let me be obedient to you tosecure my blessings.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 301

Sunday 29th October, 2017ROOM ENOUGH'---So Isaac called it Room enough, for he said, At lastthe Lord has made room for us, and we will be able to thrive”. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis26:15.25God loves people who have faith. They confess faith, speak faith, act in faith, live in faith and they move by faith. Everything about them is a demonstration offaith. Such people see the hand of God in their situation, nomatter how the devil tries to obscure the finger of God. Men offaith always believe in a divine arrangement for them. If ourearthly parents could care so much, then our heavenly Fatherwill never lose sight of his children for a moment, if you are achild of God, God has beautiful plans for you. When Isaac hadbecome so rich, the Philistines became so jealous of him andthey tried to destabilize him. It is important for us to know thatthe miracle you are clamouring for will make your enemies tobe jealous of you. If it is so, then you must prepare for it.Isaac relocated and every step he took, was met with stiffopposition. There comes a time in our Christian faith whenantagonists will be more than friends. Isaac kept on with God,until he arrived a place where there was enough room for afurther expansion. Faith will take you to where there isenough room for you. Keep trusting and obeying yourexperience shall be greater.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, thank you for your plan for our lives. By faithmay there be enough rooms for us all.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 302

Monday 30th October, 2017THE GODLY MAN “We can plainly see that the Lord is with you. So wedecided we should have a treaty, a covenant between us.” V2 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 26:26-33When your ways are pleasing to God, your enemies will be at peace with you. It means they cannot do you anything because you are unstoppable. WhenIsaac left King Abimelech and his people, the Philistinesthought they had succeeded in destabilizing him. The reversewas the case. The famine in the land became more severe.With the presence of Isaac, they were getting some food tobuy hence the riches of Isaac. But when Isaac left it turnedmiserable for them. Those after you will come back to you forsurvival.Abimelech and his people had to trace the place where Isaacrelocated to. On sighting Isaac, they confessed that God waswith him. Because since he left them, life became hell onearth. They even saw Isaac doing better in his new place.Perhaps you had an Isaac with you but because of jealousy orsome other reasons; your God-given Isaac had relocated. Donot be too big to go and settle with him. Are you the Isaac andthose who were against you are trying to make peace? Youcannot deny them any longer. Like your Lord, you need toforgive and through you they will be initiated into the newcovenant. God has already established you, Let God receivethe glory.PRAYER POINTGrant grace to those who have suffered in the hands of othersMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 303

Tuesday 31st October, 2017IN DEED YOU ARE FREE“So if the son sets you free, you will indeed be free”. V 36 For Reading & Meditation: John 8:31 -41The scripture says, “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus”. It is a categorical and definite statement without any iota ofcontroversy. Anyone in Christ must clearly demonstrate thefreedom that is in Christ. You cannot be in Christ on one sideand be standing condemned elsewhere. Every area of yourlife must express the freedom that is in Christ. So that youcan benefit from His divine arrangements.Many Christians today are under the yoke of Satan. Theyhave a lot of things to contend with, too many cross theyhave to carry without any conviction from the Lord. Child ofGod how long would you allow the devil to hold you captive?Take the word of God and act upon it, no morecondemnation for you. All that would have broughtcondemnation were nailed on the cross and they were left inthe grave. This new life cannot be condemned. The son ofman has set you free and indeed you are free. If you will riseup and challenge Satan and his cohort, then your freedom isnot in doubt. You must seek this new life occasioned by Hisresurrection power. If Isaac could enjoy such a wonderfulprivilege then you stand a better chance in Christ Jesus.PRAYER POINTThank you Lord Jesus because in you I am free indeed fordivine manifestation.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 304

Wednesday 1st November, 2017 APPRECIATE YOUR GOD“Return to your rest O my soul, for the has dealt bountifully with you”v7For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 116:1-14The year has come a long way. To what extent have you maximized God's grace made available to us all? Time waits for nobody hence the year is gradually ending.Procrastination was one big weapon the enemy has employed tostop some people from attaining their God given goals in life. Lookback and check whether there are some achievements to yourcredit. It was expected of you that you were making some spiritualprogress with the Lord. Looking at you now would you say it’s beensmooth between you and the Lord?How far about your work or business? Would you say, you wereschemed out hence no tangible success? This may not be true andeven if it is true, then your Christian integrity is being challengedand it is like you are already disconnected from the main source.The year cannot end for you like that. The remaining two monthscan turn your story for good if you believe that God who did it forMordecai can do it for you.Beloved, if yours is bringing glory to God already praise God. Thekindness of God to you calls for gratitude on your part. It is theseason of thanksgiving; you must repay His kindness in the midstof His people. Some after receiving from God, they begin to givereasons to stop attending services. This is the attitude of one who isan ingrate. Nothing should be too big to give to God. Besides, themeasure with which you give will be given back to you. Make sureyou do not absent yourself from the annual harvest thanksgiving ofyour church. Be available to show gratitude and appreciation toyour God.PRAYER POINTI confess to you O Lord of my inability to thank you forgive and grantme a due sense of gratitude.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 305

Thursday 2nd November 2017 CALLED TO BE SAINTS “But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdomand will possess it forever yes for ever and ever”. Dan 7:18 For Reading & Meditation: REVELATION 7:9-17An everlasting inheritance for the saints' of God, are you one of them? Today we commemorate the Saints' Day. Who are the Saints? They are the holy people of God here onearth and those he has called to himself. They have been washedin the blood of the lamb and they keep in step with the Lord daily inall they do. They strive to please the One who has paid thesupreme price to redeem them. It is erroneous to think that onlythose who have died in the Lord that can be regarded as saints.There is the Roman Catholic theology whereby some of theChristians who are regarded to have served God meritoriouslyare elevated to the status of saints. At the time of writing MotherTheresa of blessed memory was proclaimed saint by the Pope.This is at variance with the word of God our status of saint hoodcan only be earned while on earth.As many that have declared their allegiance to the Lordship ofJesus and are living for him daily are all saints - God's holy people.If Christians are aware that they are saints, then we need to bemore careful the way we live our lives. If we cannot be regarded assaints here on earth, then we cannot be relevant in heaven. Nowthat you know that you are called to be a saint, watch the way youlive your life. Except we are truly saints, we can never be amongthe crowd that John spoke about and we stand the risk of losingheaven. You are God's holy people, do not defile yourself.PRAYER POINTGrant us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous andgodly living.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 306

Friday, 3rd November 2017ALL SOULS BELONG TO GOD“For every living soul belongs to me, the father as well as the son both alike belong to me”... V4 For Reading & Meditation: Ezekiel 18:1-20The church calendar is designed to enhance our spiritual development so as to put the physical in a proper shape. If we carefully explore thisopportunity of our relationship with God, ourunderstanding of Him and His purpose for our lives will berevealed or appreciated. Yesterday, we were remindedthat we are called to be saints, holy people, washed in theblood of the lamb.Why do we enjoy this wonderful privilege? Not only that, itconfers on us the privilege of sonship, the privilege hasgiven us a mandate to go and bring more souls that aredestined to be saints. Hence today is All Souls Day. Itreminds us that all souls belong to God. It is the will of Godthat every soul will become a saint. To be able to achievethis, you have been made a saint so that through youothers could be saved. Today many souls around us arestanding condemned, many are in bondage. God issending you with the good news that changed your life thatis able to change their lives. Every saint that is reading thismeditation is called upon to reach out to these souls.PRAYER POINTGrant O Lord to your people grace to bring more souls toyou in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 307

Saturday, 4th November 2017 NOT HALF WAY“Leave your country, your people and your father'shousehold and go to the land I will show you” 12:1. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 11:31;121-3If we carefully study the call of Abraham in the Bible, we will discover that Abraham was not the first to begin the trip to Canaan. It was his father Terah who actually left with his familyfrom Ur with Canaan as their destination. When they got toHaran, they stopped and settled there. Perhaps they werefascinated by what they saw there. It could be that the people ofHaran were very hospitable, lovers of strangers, and they wereable to convince them to settle there.Their reason of staying may be as a result of the hardship on theway, since it was not an easy task to move a crowd of people withtheir possessions from one place to another for the fear of attack.The reasons may be endless, but the fact remains that theysettled out of destination. I am fully convinced that there aremany Christians suffering from this problem of settlement out ofone's destination.Too many people have made the mistake of getting themselvesout of God's will for their lives. Although we were not told thatTérah and his family had a problem in Haran, but that was not hisdestination. It could be possible that where you have settled nowor where you want to settle may not be your destination, why nothave a re- think. To stop half way, no doubt is a delay of miracle,Canaan is the Promised Land, keep going until the Lord says,you have arrived your Canaan.PRAYER POINTLord if I have settled out of my destination in life or career, helpme to discover and take me to my Canaan.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 308

Sunday 5th November 2017NO DELAY “The Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your off springs, I will give this land”... V7 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 12:4-9Abraham seemed to have been afflicted by the sickness of settling outside destination. He had lost sight of their destination. In verse one of chapter 12, it reads, “The Lordhad said to Abram”. Take note of the word “HAD”. It was not a freshdirective. He had got the message earlier, but to him, there were nosufficient reasons to move even though it was necessary. “There isstill much time, as soon as I finish what is on my hand I will move.”Procrastination is the thief of time. Whenever God calls a manhindrances would always rear their ugly heads. Some of themwould look reasonable but the challenge is that of putting God firsthence we have no choice but obey God for He takes the primeplace in our lives.Beloved, God has a purpose for our lives. He programmed our livesand He is working by his own time table. We are not in the positionto determine what happens at any given time. Wholly, we must buryourselves in His will. When he says move, you move in obediencewithout hesitation or doubt. The Lord knows the way through thewilderness all we have to do is follow. It may be possible you arearguing with God at present, you are trying to weigh the pros andthe cons, the merits and the demerits before you obey. All theseamount to delay, something better is ahead of you as long as youare sure God is leading. God can never lead and you regret it.Abram obeyed God and moved. The Lord said, “To your offspring Iwill give this land” the land of promise. If you have been delayinglike Abram, get up and act on the word of God, the land of promisewill not be for only you but for your offsprings (descendants).PRAYER POINTLord, help me to overcome my doubts without delay, may I possessmy land of promise.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 309

Monday 6th November, 2017 NOT A SETTLER“Now there was famine in the land and Abram went down to Egypt to live there a while because the famine was severe”. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 12:10-16Abraham eventually arrived Canaan, his right destination, the land of promise. Not too tong after Abram arrived, there was a severe famine in the land. What a temptation.Hardly did he settle down before he was confronted with famine.A place he had never lived, no investment and nothing to fallback to. I want you to know who is acting behind the scene (theharsh condition) it was nobody else other than the ancientserpent, the dragon, the morning star who is the devil.Devil has always tried to frustrate the plan of God for our lives.As a child of God, one thing you must beware of when God giveshis word, is that the devil always tries to contradict it. He does itby attacking you to make you doubt God. He knows that He thatis in you is greater, but he tries to play on your weakness to seewhether you will surrender. Because the famine was severe,Abram had to relocate temporarily to Egypt.Situation may have forced you out of your rightful place, youmust begin to prepare to relocate to your land of promise. Thedevil cannot continue to keep you in the wrong place perpetually.The famine will soon be over, all you need is to pray and havefaith in God as your shepherd. He is taking you to your land ofpromise. Your present situation should not be a yard stick tomeasure the ability of God. God is bigger than that.PRAYER POINTO Lord, my trust is in You! Lift me up above the surge of fear,discouragement, trials and temptation.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 310

Tuesday 7th November 2017 LIE HAS NO COLOUR “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbours…” Ephesians 4.25. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 12:16-20When Abram arrived Egypt, the first thing the devil suggested to him was that the Egyptians would kill him because his wife was too beautiful for the Egyptians tooverlook. To be able to survive would require some lies. Thuswhen they arrived Egypt, Abram told the Egyptians that Sarai washis sister. After all, she was of age, one good turn deservesanother. Abraham had been given a place to stay, Pharaoh withouthesitation brought Sarai to the palace to become his wife.This singular act made the LORD to inflict a serious disease onPharaoh and his household. First and foremost, I want you toknow that sin is dangerous, it has a multiplying effect. The simplecure to it is to confess it. For he that covereth his sin will notprosper. Abram told a single lie, but imagine the consequences ofit.Pharaoh and his people were such a nice, God fearing people. If itwere to be this generation, Abram and his wife could be killed,after all, if the sin he made Pharaoh to commit was to bring death,himself and his household would have died before the cause willbe known. For those who believe that their survival depend onfalsehood, such people are already digging their graves. Forthose who differentiate between lies, I say lie is lie, no matter whatcolor or size. Eventually Abram and his wife were spared, but theirrelationship became severed. Every relationship that is based onfalsehood will one day come to an end. The earlier the better,confess it now.PRAYER POINTEvery tongue that speaks lies God abhors, deliver me from lies OLord.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 311

Wednesday 8th November2017 IN HIS WILL “But the land could not support them while they stayed together for their possessions were so great that they were not able to stay together”. V6 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 13:1-7The relationship with Egypt ended abruptly Abram, his family and Lot had to leave Egypt. As Christians, whatever may happen to us we should not see the negative aspectalone. There is the positive aspect, no matter how bitter it may be.Sometimes, it is allowed so that we may find ourselves in the willof God for our lives. When they came back, there was a greatincrease in their lives. It was reported that the land could notsupport them. Certainly if we find ourselves where we ought to bewe shall be entitled to our own divine allocationAbram had become very wealthy, his flocks and herd were somuch. Lot had also got his own share, the land could not containwhat they had. There was a serious scrambling between Abram'sherdsmen and the herdsmen of Lot. Nothing can be morewonderful when we find ourselves in the will of God for our lives.Things will begin to work according to divine purpose.You may have been longing for God's intervention in your life.God is willing but you must find yourself in his will for your life.Certainly, things will change for the better. Beside God's will, is ahome of bondage, of frustration and rejection. It symbolized sinand separation from God. Anyone who finds himself in suchrealm, if he calls upon the name of the LORD, he will answer himand things will change to his advantage. Call today and come out.PRAYER POINTWhen Abram got back to the Promised Land, the power ofincrease affected him, may that be my portion in Jesus Name.Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 312

Thursday 9th November 2017 CHOOSE FOR ME“We live by faith, not by sight”. 2 Corinthians 5:7 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 13:8-18The society is made up of different characters. I have seen people who deliberately unseat some other people who were kind to them. A story is told of two girls who werefriends and both of them were Christians. They were of age andthey were praying for a life partner. God answered one of themand she found her own partner and both of them agreed to marry.She went and introduced the boy to her friend and the friend wasvery happy. Not too long after, the friend began to visit this boywhen she knew that her friend was away. The friend began tolure her friend's fiancé and the two of them agreed to marry.Before the other girl knew, they had printed cards and invited thegirl to their marriage. The girl could not believe her eyes. Theseare some of the things happening in our society. Perhaps you area victim, allow Him to fight your course, it will not be too longbefore you will be vindicated. Because of the phenomenonincrease which has affected both Abram and Lot, Lot was goingto quarrel with his uncle. Not minding that his position was as aresult of the kindness of his uncle.Abram called Lot and told him, “Let's not have any quarrelingbetween us”. He gave him the opportunity to choose part of theland. Lot out of selfishness and pomposity could not evenremember that Abram as a father should choose first. That is thenature of a carnal man. When we live by faith, we would alwaysallow God to chose for us. Lot was moving by sight and time shalltell.PRAYER POINTIf we live by sight, we will lack discernment but if we live by faith,your will becomes visible. Help me O Lord.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 313

Friday 10th November 2017 MIND OF CHRIST “He recovered all the goods and brought back his relative Lot and his possessions, together with the women and the other people”. V I 6 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 14:1-16“Let looked and saw that the whole plain of Jordan was well watered, like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt”. He did not imagine that it shall soon go into extinction.Therefore Lot felt, that was the best part of the land and he made ithis choice. Fading away like the stars of the morning shall his choiceturn into. Indeed, where he thought was the best part later became aland of trouble and from there he and all he had went on exile.As Christians, we must be careful not to walk by sight, we must walkby faith. With the physical eyes, it is always rosy, but the spiritual willenable you to discern. Remember that the devil is a subtle creature.He is dealing with every man and woman upon the face of the earth.If you rely upon the arm of your flesh, it will fail you, but the HolySpirit will never fail us. Mr. Lot felt that Jordan was well watered.Without the fear of God and discernment he went for it and left thedesert for his uncle. He didn't stay too long before he was sacked.The lesson we must learn is that we must allow God to choose for usas we go into prayer in any matter before us.. We should not becarried away with the 'beauty' of anything we may be seeing, letGod choose for you. It has been said, “not all that glitters is gold”. Lotwas spiritually empty he could not stand the enemy. Abram had togo and rescue Lot and all that had been taken away from him. Suchis the mind of Christ. He wouldn't treat Lot the way he was. AsChristians, this is how best to preach the Gospel in character. Overlooking the short comings of people and reaching out to them for thesake of Christ.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, let the mind of Christ direct us in all we do. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 314

Saturday 11th November 2017 GRATIFICATION ALWAYS“But Abram said ... I will accept nothing belonging to you... So that you will never be able to say, I made Abram rich”. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 14:17-24Abram in his magnanimous spirit went to rescue his nephew Lot from exile. I am always amazed when I read about the faith some figures in the Bible exhibited. They were not asadvantaged as we are, yet they had conquering faith. We have theBible at our disposal with other books we read to help build our faithyet we are not as committed as they were.From the account before us, Abram rescued Lot and a whole lot ofpeople. The king of Sodom with a sense of appreciation for whatGod used Abram to accomplish, was only asking for his people. Tohim, Abram could keep the goods to himself. But Abram was notready to accept even a thread; he willingly surrendered everythingto the king of Sodom. Abram rendered a selfless service both toGod and mankind. Abram was mindful of the source of his riches.We are in a generation where everybody is looking for gratification.When we were much younger, we washed cars for owners withoutcost. We went on errand without expecting any reward. One waseven happy doing it. I have had reason to ask young boys to help indoing one thing or the other; at the end I hear them say “anythingfor us bros?” - they want some money and one is compelled togive. When you send them on errands and they need to bring somemoney back, some will pretend to forget. Nobody is ready to rendera selfless service. One would have thought that this will makeeverybody to become rich but the reverse is the case. Beloved,Abram is a shining example in this matter. If it has become yournature to always expect gratification, it is unlike Jesus.PRAYER POINTGrant us O Lord, to focus on your greater reward and blessing forselfless service and reject blinding gifts.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 315

Sunday 12th November 2017 WHAT PATTERN “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” V2. For Reading & Meditation: Romans 12:1-9Christianity has its pattern. The world has its own pattern. The name Christian was a nickname given to followers of Christ by the natives of Antioch. They sawthem following Christ's pattern different from the pattern theyused to know. They were not bearing the name Christiansimply because they were going to church.Christians today, are not identified by their way of life but bygoing to church. People are meant to say that we areChristians by our way of life and not we telling them that weare Christians. Fashion is one of the weapons that the devilhas succeeded in using to destroy Christianity. I have seen'Christians' coming from church and by their appearances,they are not different from people coming from night club ordisco party. Such Christians are being encouraged by theirpastors that it doesn't matter; God is looking at your mind.The first thing that Christ does in your life is to renew yourmind, then you can see clearly what is wrong with the patternof the world. When your mind is not renewed, you will be likethem and feel comfortable with them. The world has its ownpattern in every sphere of life, Christianity has its ownpattern. They are unlike each other. What pattern is yours?PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, let our inward transformation be evident inour outward life. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 316

Monday 13th November 2017 CHRIST'S PATTERN ONLY “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour serving the Lord”. V11 For Reading & Meditation: Romans 12:9-21Yesterday, we ended by saying in every sphere of life, Christianity has its own pattern and the world has its own-pattern. Remember, there is a definite instruction,“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world”. As aChristian whose heart and mind has been renewed, you havea pattern to conform to (Christ's pattern). Christ has a patternfor everything. This is why you ask yourself, what does Christexpect of me? When we sincerely ask this question, the HolySpirit will show us what to do. At the end of it Christ's name willbe glorified. In most cases, our minds are always influenced bysome other things that we may be used to, the knowledge wehave acquired or some other things. This is why Christ is notseen in most of the things we do.There is joy and testimonies when we conform to Christ'spattern, because people are always blessed by it. In fact it isalways the best choice. To every Christian, we must never lackin zeal as we conform to the pattern of Christ inspite ofhumiliations. You will be told that you are not civilized, that'sold school and such other statements, but to know Christ is tobe truly civilized. This is why you have to keep your spiritualfervour, do not allow any intimidation. Keep serving the Lord.He is coming quickly to reward his people who did not conformto the pattern of this world, but were completely transformedby the renewing of their mind.PRAYER POINTMy Lord and my God, I want to be like you in every situation,may your name be glorified in my life.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 317

Tuesday 14th November2017 FAITH “Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness” V6. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 15:1-9Permit me to say that we cannot but be amazed when we read about the faith of people like Abram and many others exhibited in the Bible. With all that we have at ourdisposal, they remained unbeatable, they have continued to beshining examples to us. The Lord appeared to Abram again andgave him his word. He believed God, but the only complain hehad was his childlessness. The Lord took him aside and told himto “look up at the heavens and count the stars”. He was unable tocount and God said “so shall your offspring be”. In this our age ofprophecy in different shape, who would believe such things?Abram believed God and it was credited as righteousness. Hewas an old man, already above eighty and God said his offspringwill be like the stars in heaven. He didn't doubt God, but put hisage aside and trusted God for his word. I am sure if it were to benow, many of us will doubt God with our knowledge of science,saying it is quite impossible. If as a young man, God didn't blessme with children is it now that I am old that he will bless me?Beside, if he does, how long will I enjoy them?Abram had an implicit trust in God and his word. Can that be saidof you? Think about it. It is likely that you have waited for God fortoo long and you are thinking otherwise. Remember that God'stime is the best, wait upon the Lord. If God has spoken to youhave faith in Him. He is the God that makes impossibilities to bepossible.PRAYER POINTGrant O Lord, to your people such an excellent faith that Abramdemonstrated in you and renew your covenant with us.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 318

Wednesday 15th November 2017 COVENANT FOR NOW AND FUTURE “To your descendants will I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates” v18. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 15:10-20Those who have found favour in the sight of our God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, should rejoice and be overwhelmed with an endless praisebecause their future and that of their descendants areguaranteed. Abraham's relationship with God Almightyhelped to position his descendants for a great future. Todaywe are living witnesses to what Israelis are doing in thisworld. Some families are living on the favour of their fatherswho were Christians. Every step you take today has a greateffect on your tomorrow and your descendants.Our God knows the end from the beginning. He toldAbraham before hand with a view to his descendants thatthey will serve as slaves for four hundred years. Thereafter,they will come out with great possessions. It happenedwithin a century during the time of Jacob. When they cameout, it was with a great possession. They went on topossess the land that was given to their father Abraham.The covenant between God and Abram was not only fornow but for the future. We have a greater covenant that isstress-free; that guarantees now and the future. Are you inthat covenant?PRAYER POINTDear Lord, on daily basis, help your children to remain inyour eternal covenant.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 319

Thursday 16th November 2017 DEVIL'S ALTERNATIVE “Go sleep with my maidservant perhaps l can build a family through her”.V2b. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 16:1-5Eleven years had almost passed when Abram left his country, his people and his father's household to the land of promise without any child to inherit the land. Atthis time he was about eighty-six years old. For his wife Sarai,time was already against them. To them there was the needto think otherwise to be able to achieve God's promise. Saraiconcluded that God had kept her from having children.How often do we estimate God by our own reasoning which islimited by all we know, what we see or read about? God isbigger than all these. He has no limitation, He made all. He isabsolutely independent; He does whatever pleases him(Psalm 115:1-3). There is no way we can assist God to fulfillhis promise. Sarai gave her husband the devil's alternativewhich was adultery. Sarai's suggestion produced the spirit ofthe bond woman and today it has turned a big problem to theworld. Her suggestion helped to delay their miracle becauseGod will never condone sin.There are many Christians today who have yielded to thedevil's alternative and they have not repented of it. It will onlydelay your miracle. If God has spoken, He will do it. Waitpatiently, the prophecy may delay but it will come to pass(Numbers 3:19; Habak 2:3).PRAYER POINTO Lord Jesus, give us patience to wait for your promise, maywe not be misled to accept the devil's alternative.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 320

Friday, 17th November, 2017 AVOID SATAN'S SUGGESTION “He will be a donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hands against him and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers”. V 12 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 16:6-15To accept the devil's alternative the consequence is always unbearable, sometimes it lingers onto posterity. This is why we must be very careful. Some of our problems areas a result of the acceptance of the devil's alternative by ourforebears and they failed to repent of it. For a moment ponderover the description that was foretold about the person calledIshmael. He was not only going to be a donkey, but a wild type.Wild donkeys are always away from human settlement. Ishmaelis going to roam the desert like a wild donkey. Job remarked that,“like wild donkeys in the desert, the poor go about theirlabour foraging food, the wasteland provides food for theirchildren”(Job 24:5).It is obvious that Ishmael is never a child of promise, this is thecontention in the middle east. The Muslims are holding untoIshmael, what they are doing is a fulfillment of our text. If Sarahhad the opportunity to be told the consequences of hersuggestion, I am sure she would have dropped the whole idea.May I ask you, are you still holding unto the devil's alternative?Think about the case of Sarai and what the world is sufferingnow. You need not create problem for posterity, there is still roomto repent of it. Sarai herself could not even withstand the devil'salternative.. Wait on God, you will never be disappointed. Do notbe impatient like Sarai.PRAYER POINTLord, Jesus, I am convinced, that it is dangerous to accept thedevil's alternative grant me your grace to know it and avoid it.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 321

Saturday 18th November 2007 A WATCHMAN “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel, so hear the word I speak and give them warning for me” V7. For Reading & Meditation: Ezekiel 33:1-20In the ancient world, the role of the Watchman was of utmost importance. Most cities including Jerusalem had a wall around for protection against any invading forces. If enemy is sighted,the watchman will raise alarm or blow the trumpet to alert the peopleof an impending danger. (2Kings 9:l7). If the watchman neglects hisduties and the city is caught unawares, the watchman would not bespared.God called Ezekiel and commissioned him as the watchman to thehouse of Israel. He was to hear from God and give them thewarning. God said, if he failed to warn the wicked man and thewicked man dies in his sin, He will require the blood of the wickedman from Ezekiel. But if he warns the wicked man and the manrefuses, then his blood will be upon his head. As God made Ezekielthe watchman to his people, so God has made us watchmen to ournation, communities and house-holds. We are to hear from Godand warn them to desist from sin.It is unfortunate to see Christians not only condoning sin butpromoting ungodly acts. Most of our celebrations nowadays aregradually taking different colorations. Pop music is gaining groundsso much so that believers are fast falling in love with where it isoffered. All these point to apostasy that is on the increase. Somebusinesses that Christians are involved in are a clear indication ofpromoting sin. Beloved, God has made you a watchman to yourgeneration to hear from Him and warn them. How far are you goingabout it?PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father help us to understand what it means to be awatchman that we will live accordingly.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 322

Sunday 19th November, 2017 FOLLY OF IDOLS “Tell them this: “These gods, who did not make the heavens and the earth, will perish from the earth and from the heavens” V 11. For Reading & Meditation: Jeremiah 10:1-16In every community, there are idols that people worship as gods. Sometimes, there are idols that are owned by a particular family. These idols (gods) have their different requirements tobe able to serve them. Some of the devotees are prevented fromeither eating or doing certain things. There was a particular manwho was a priest to an idol (god). According to him, he wasrequired not to eat yam, starch and any food that may last till thenext day. Not only that, he was prevented from doing farm work.As usual he was not educated. He had to stay at home waiting forhis idol to bring him food. This man died of hunger. When he died,there was nobody to take over the idol, thus the idols were buriedwith him in the same grave. That is the foolishness of serving idols.Psalm 115 is a good description of what idols are. We still havepeople in the church professing to be Christians but secretly, theyserve idols. Some may not be there physically, but they sendmoney or go to congratulate their king for a successful festival.This is idolatry. The Holy One of Israel, the Almighty abhors it.The idols may not be tree, silver, or gold that people worship, itmay be human beings or activities that have taken the place ofGod in one's life. It could be money, job, business, a club or therings some are wearing. Today in the developed countries, footballhas turned into idol that people worship. We need to examine ourlives if there is anything that is idolized and is gradually taking theplace of God.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, unknowingly if I have made other gods besideyou make me to realize it and repent of it in Jesus name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 323

Monday 20th November, 2017 UNDUE-ADVANTAGE “Do not take advantage of each other, but fear your God, I am the LORD your God.” V17. For Reading & Meditation: Leviticus 25:1-24In a bid to maximize profit or win a contract, or better still, get a job, many of our Christian brothers and sisters who are into business are not sincere with people especially their fellowbelievers. When you go to their shops to make purchases you willbe given the impression that the item is being sold at a cheaperrate because of being a fellow Christian. Sooner or later you mightdiscover that you have been cheated if you care to compareprices. Apology to those who are sincere; this negative attitude ofsome Christians is what God condemned in our text for today.Taking undue advantage of each other is condemned in itsentirety. When you take undue advantage over others it meansyou lack the fear of God and God will not tolerate it. If you carefullystudy the injunctions concerning the Sabbath year and the year ofJubilee, you will discover that many would have used it as alicense to enrich themselves unlawfully. This is why the Lordcommanded; do not take advantage of each other. May be youare guilty of this crime of taking undue advantage over others, youneed to repent.The issue of undue advantage is not limited to business peoplealone. The position you may be occupying today may betraceable to undue advantage over others. The promotion you gotmay be devoid of merits, they are still of the same category. If youfail to repent of it, it will stand against you on the Day of Judgment.PRAYER POINTDear Father as many who are enjoying undue advantage, helpthem to repent.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 324

Tuesday 21st November 2017 DO NOT LIE “I am God Almighty, walk before me and be blameless” VI. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 17:1-18For twenty four years, God has been relating with Abram, speaking to him when necessary but Abram had not fully understood the nature of the Almighty God who is a holyGod, and those who serve him must do so in holiness of life.Within these twenty four years, Abram committed two grievoussins. At Egypt, he lied to Pharaoh. Some may think that to lie is aminor sin, some will even classify it. Hear the Lord in John 8:44,“you belong to your father, the devil, and want to carry outyour father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning,not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When helies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and thefather of lies”.The native language of the devil is called lie and he is the fatherof all liars. In Revelation 21:8, all liars (whichever colour it maybe), will have their place in the fiery lake of burning sulfur whichis the second death. There are some Christians whose nativelanguage is lie. It is nothing to them when they lie, it is like theyare saying the truth. The main reason why people lie is fear. Fearkeeps one in bondage while the truth brings freedom. “Then youwill know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).There are people who are still in bondage because of fear andalready affecting their blood pressure. How long will youcontinue that way? Why not say the truth and let freedom beyour portion today? Confess to Jesus so that you can be free -soif the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (John8:36)PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, I do not want to be in bondage, help me touphold the truth alwaysMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 325

Wednesday 22nd November 2017 AVOID ADULTERY“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commitsare outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body”. VI8. For Reading & Meditation: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20Fornication or adultery is one sin that tampers with God's purpose for our lives. The result of it is always very devastating. It has altered the life of so many thereby makingthem to live the rest of their lives with the product of it. If the dead areseeing the living, Abraham must be seeing what is going on in theworld. Adultery is a grievous sin that should not be toyed with. Paulsays, “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a mancommits are outside his body, but he who sin sexually sinsagainst his own body. Do you not know that your body is atemple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have receivedfrom God? You are not your own you were bought at a price.Therefore honor God with your body”.It is obvious that when anybody commits adultery or fornication, sucha person is dishonouring God. That singular act of Abram with hishouse maid was a great dishonour to God. Isn't that grievous? Bythe Lord's standard, the Sin is not only committed when we carry outthe act. Our Lord says; “You have heard that it was said, do notcommit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at awoman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in hisheart” (Matthew 5:27).According to Hebrew 13:4; “marriage bed must be kept pure, forGod will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral”. Godwill judge all those who are defiling the body of Christ. The Bibleadmonishes that, “But among you there must not be even a hintof sexual immorality” (Ephesians 5:3). It is a serious matter, Goddesires that his children should flee fornication or adultery. A bodythat has been united to another in adultery can never be a host of theHoly Spirit. All these years that you have been with the Lord, I hopeyou know it.PRAYER POINTIf you have united your body to another in fornication or adultery, youneed to confess and pray with fasting with tears for forgiveness.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 326

Thursday 23rd November 2017 A NEW NAME “Abram fell face-down, and God said to him, as for me, this is my covenant with you”. V3. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 17:1-9Abram’s walk with God Almighty demanded perfection. He demanded perfection from him because at this point in time he had yielded to the counsel of his wife bysleeping with his Egyptian slave girl. On this occasion the Lordappeared to him and said “I am God Almighty”. He is not likethese small gods. He went further to say, “Walk before me andbe blameless” (Perfect). You cannot be my child and your wayswill be at variance with mine. You cannot be my child and belike other people, you are peculiar to me, in you they shouldsee my glory.Abram needed no long sermon before he realized his sins.Abram without argument or any further excuse for what he haddone, fell face-down. That was a mark of repentance andobedience to God. Ezekiel 18:27, says, “but if a wicked manturns away from his wickedness he has committed and doeswhat is just and right, he will save his life”. Abram wasremorseful for the dishonour which he brought to the name ofthe Lord and he repented. “If we confess our sins, he isfaithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify usfrom all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). God gave him andhis wife a new name Abraham (Father of many nations) Sarah(Mother of nations) and He renewed his covenant with him, doyou know? A year later, the long awaited miracle came to pass.The challenge is that if we are right with God things will be rightwith us.PRAYER POINTGod and my Father, you are perfect in all your ways, grant meMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 327

Friday 24th November 2017 CIRCUMCISION“In him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of thesinful nature, not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by Christ”. Col 2:11 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 17:10-27God changed Abram to Abraham a new name and a new covenant - the covenant of circumcision. God commanded him and every male in his household to be circumcisedincluding the new born baby as soon as it is eight days old. Godwas taking Abraham through the process of regeneration. Thecircumcision stands for the removal of the nature of sin in them.The Adamic nature must give way at repentance so that the life ofGod can begin to manifest. The covenant demands a new life.The circumcision then was of the flesh, the removal of the foreskin.But for us in the New Testament our circumcision is of the heart. Atrepentance, you meet with Jesus Christ, there you will see howwretched you are, a hopeless sinner who is doomed to eternaldamnation. On the other hand you will hear the sweet sound of theamazing grace, how Christ offered himself to pay the price for yoursalvation. At this point you surrender your life to him as your Lordand personal Saviour.As you willingly yield to him, He will begin to carry out the work ofregeneration in you. There you will experience the circumcision ofthe heart the Adamic nature will be cut off and the image of Christwill come out in you. This process is referred to as conversionexperience. Not too many people in the church have had thisexperience, this is why they are struggling with sin. Beloved, notuntil you have had your conversion experience, you are not sure ofyour salvation.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus come into my life today that I may be sure of mysalvation.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 328

Saturday 25th November2017 SO, SO PROMISE “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son'…v10 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 18:1-15Whenever any man of God climbs the pulpit to deliver the homily, one of the things that seem to embarrass him is the number of parishioners who are waiting for theirmiracles. There are some who got their miracles without waste oftime, while some have been lying down for some years. In somecases, the Spirit continues to say wait, I will do it. But the problemis, the person that is looking unto God for a miracle, is he able tohear what God is saying? Has he got the patience to wait?For about two decades and half, God promised Abraham that Hewill make him into a great nation and father of nations. How longwill it take God to do it? How many times does he need to repeatthe promise? He is promising me again, that by this time nextyear I will have a son. No wonder Sarah laughed. This our Godhas started again. No doubt these are the reactions of some ofour people.Times without number the pastor had climbed the pulpit anddeclared, “your miracle is on the way” is this not a clever way oftaking my money? Is this man still in tune with God? How long willit take the miracle to arrive? Beloved, the above example may bea perfect description of what you are passing through, and youhave almost concluded that what the pastor is saying is not new.He has said it many times. The case of Sarah is meant to teachus to be patient. God knows when best to fulfill His promise toyou. “PRAYER POINTLord help me if I am impatient and doubting you, help me to trustand wait for you.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 329

Sunday 26th November 2017 PROMISE FULFILLED “Abraham was a hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born to him”. V5 For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 21:1-20Twenty five years had elapsed after God had called Abraham and entered into a covenant with him. The promise of Isaac had been repeated several times thus when the man turnedhundred the birth of the promised child was celebrated. The lasttime God told them of having a child, Sarah did not believebecause she felt she is worn out if she is even pregnant where isthe strength to carry it and deliver the baby. Beside, her husband isalso old, has he got the power to do anything? But thanks be toGod because God has no limitation, they are all His hand work, Heknows how to make them to perform even when they are weak.God is the God of promise and fulfillment. He will never disappointHis children. There are other women in the Bible in whose life Hedemonstrated His power as Elizabeth the wife of Zechariah (Luke1:7;23). In the case of Elizabeth, she was in the seclusion, shedidn't believe that it could happen, but the miracle was real.Beloved, is there any miracle you have been expecting God toperform in your life? I do not wish that yours should be as long asthat of Abraham. But one thing is sure, if God has promised, He willdo it. Remember, delay is not denial keep waiting, your hour ofcelebration will surely come. Look unto Jesus the author andfinisher of your faith, do not look elsewhere. Do not listen to agentsof discouragement. Be very sure you are in tune with your God, ifthere is any un-confessed sin, please do so now and avoid anyform of hindrance.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father, the God of Abraham, as you honoured Abrahamat such an old age, look mercifully on those whose hope are onyou and perform the same in their lives.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 330

Monday 27th November 2017 HELP FROM THE LORD“My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth”. V 2 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 121:1-8As I read through the psalm I noted the following:1. Our help comes(only) from the Lord- For every child of God, you have no other source of help. We have seen some people who put their trust elsewhere other than God. God says, thou shall have no other God before me.2. He will not let my foot to slip. There will be deliberate effort by the enemy to move your foot along the wrong direction but God from whom your help comes will not allow it.3. He watches over His own. Do you know that God never sleep? While we sleep our God is keeping watch over us? lsaiah62:26; “I have posted watchmen on your walls Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night”.4. The LORD our shade. From the stress and scorching heat of this life, therefore we are not perturbed. I have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand (Isa. 51:16).5. No harm will come against me day or night. We are all surrounded by agents of darkness. We need not be told that enemies are around before we know. In the midst of all these, God's protection is sure. No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuse you. (Isaiah 54:1)6. My life is secured in His hands because He is watching over my life. I am untouchable “Do not touch my anointed one; do my prophets no harm” (Psalm 105:15).7. My safety is guaranteed both in my going and coming I have no reason to fear any evil that may be on the way.PRAYER POINTO Lord from whom my help comes. Keep me safe under yourshadow on daily basis.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 331

Tuesday 28th November, 2017 A NECESSITY “And he must need go through Samaria” V4 (KJV) For Reading & Meditation: John 4:1-6The interest that religious leaders had in what Jesus Christ was doing, was not genuine. It was aimed at monitoring his activities with a view to checkmate him.On his way to Galilee, it was reported that He must go throughSamaria. It was a necessity laid on him to pass throughSamaria. There were alternative routes he would have passedbut he had to go through Samaria.Normally, Jews often avoided Samaria by crossing the Jordanand traveling on the east side. They tried as much as possibleto avoid Samaria and the people (Samaritans). They are amixed blooded race resulting from the intermarriages ofIsraelites left behind when the people of the Northern Kingdomwere exiled and Gentiles brought into the land by the Assyrians(2Kings 17:24). There was bitter hostility existing betweenJews and Samaritans in Jesus' days (John 4:9). Our Lord hadto go through this city even though it was unheard of because,salvation is also meant for them.The lesson we want to learn from our text is that there arecertain situations or conditions we may pass through in thecourse of our journey in life. Every child of God must accept it ingood faith even if it is challenging, believing that somethinggood is coming out of it. The LORD who has allowed it knowsthat He has something in stock for you. This will be so, if it isviewed with faith, then every negativity will turn to positivity.PRAYER POINTO Lord Jesus whatever I may pass through in life, help me toaccept it in faith.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 332

Wednesday 29th November 2017 OPPORTUNITIES “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria; he would cure him of his leprosy” v3. For Reading & Meditation: 2 Kings 5:1-10Naaman was a military general who was in favour with his master, he was great and had a good reputation. In spite of the good qualifications of this man, he wasa leper. The origin of his leprosy we were not told, because hecouldn't have been able to achieve so much if he had leprosyfrom birth. It could be possible in the course of his militarycareer that he had the problem.At the time he developed this problem, he must have beensecluded from the society, however, his achievements in lifekept him going. He was fortunate to have the Israelite slavegirl who was captured perhaps in one of the minor borderclashes. The girl remembered Elisha, the prophet of God andwished Naaman would see him, and be cured of the leprosy.The young girl went to her mistress and suggested to her totell her husband to go and see Elisha. Naaman without anyiota of doubt believed this young girl and went to Elisha. Thisman had been tormented for a long time. In spite of hisstatus, look at where the help came from. It was a young girl,whom the Lord used to show him the way. How often do weneglect some of these opportunities that come our way.When opportunity comes, do not allow it slip away. The agentmay be insignificant, allow the Holy Spirit to direct you.PRAYER POINTThank you Lord for the abundant opportunities ahead of me.May I yield myself to the leading of the Holy Spirit.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 333

Thursday 30th November 2017 OPPORTUNITIES “My father, if the prophet had told you to do some greatthings would you not have done it? How much more then when he tells you wash and be cleansed” V13. For Reading & Meditation: 2 Kings 5:11-19Opportunities are always there for people to utilize but little things make them to slip away. Such little things may be inability to think, lack of understanding, impatience,laziness, shortsightedness, misconception etc. This opportunitythat came to Naaman was going to slip away because he wasexpecting a magical technique of the prophet rather than thepower of God.Naturally, we want God to work in our own way. Once things arenot working by our own estimation, we begin to lose hope. Wehave seen some people who want the pastor to minister to themin their own way. These are the things of God, it must be done inHis own divine way. According to W. Cowper, the song writer.“God moves in a mysterious way, His wonder to perform. Heplants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. Blindunbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain. God is His owninterpreter; And He will make it plain.”Naaman thought, it was ordinary water that was going tocleanse him. That was blind unbelief. He was comparing rivers.Thank God for his servant who encouraged him to receive hismiracle. You may be the one to encourage the Naaman aroundyou, do not hesitate, God's name will be glorified at the end. Asopportunities come your way, do not allow them to slip off.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus, may I not be blinded by unbelief as to err. Quickenmy spirit to understand your will for me.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 334

Friday 1st December, 2017CALLED TO WITNESS “The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother,Simon... Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus” Vv41 ,42. For Reading & Meditation: John 1:35-42Andrew is known to be the first missionary in the scriptures. He was first person to introduce others to Jesus Christ the Iamb of God that takes away thesins of the world. Andrew knew where to begin as a witness:He started it from his home when he called his brother andtold him about the messiah. He didn't stop there, he broughthim to Jesus Christ.We may be tempted to think it was an easy task. What wecame to know about Peter, suggest that Peter was not aneasy going person. His several arguments with the Lordtestify to this fact. Andrew did not see any special miracleperformed by Christ before he followed and startedrecommending Jesus Christ to others. The only Sermonthat convinced him was the one statement by John theBaptist “There is the lamb of God”. This was enough asermon for Andrew, he believed and became a witness whosuccessfully led his brother to Christ. Beloved, what haveyou done with all that you have heard of Jesus Christ andthe miracle performed in his name? Andrew is an exampleto follow.PRAYER POINTDear Lord, help your people to continually draw inspirationfrom the ministry of Andrew the apostle.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 335

Saturday 2nd December, 2017 END-TIME''Nations will not take up the sword against other nations, and they will never again train for war''. V4 For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 2:1-10The passage of the day is a great comfort to a troubled world. Long time ago, Prophet Isaiah spoke of a new order that lies ahead of humanity. No doubt, the pains, stress, frustration asa result of crisis and war here and there that occur daily have ledmany people to end their lives abruptly. The North East of Nigeria,the Middle Belt and down South have had their terrible experiences.In the midst of all these we have the privilege of seeing the lastmonth of the year. In the light of our ugly experiences that themessage of hope of a glorious future is coming to us on this first dayof the month. Beyond this troubled world lies God's agenda ofeternity with the Lord Jesus Christ.Apart from some suicide cases that were reported, there are severalnatural and human disasters that bring sudden end to the lives ofpeople daily. The threat of erosion, mudslide, earthquake, flood andall kinds of accidents are the very things destroying lives in differentplaces. Manmade disaster is unabated. Several bombing hasbecome a common phenomenon. Festivity period has become anopportunity to destroy people.Hardly will any day pass by without one disaster or the other in someparts of the world. It is obvious that we are living in fear. For thosewho live in these troubled areas, I wonder whether life meansanything to them again. But it has never been so bad, what is theproblem? Simply put, these are the signs of the end-time pointing tothe second coming of the Lord. Shortly this year will end so will theworld end. The good news is what Isaiah spoke of, ''Nations will nottake up the sword against other nations, and they will never againtrain for war. This is what is ahead, you need to prepare for it.PRAYER POINTAlmighty Father thank you that you have not abandoned the work ofyour hand. Grant your people grace to prepare for this new order inJesus name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 336

Sunday 3rd December, 2017 END-TIME''But when these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is near''. V28 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 21:25-28It's a season of Advent- Advent of hope; it reminds us of his first coming. This season therefore, help us to prepare ourselves for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Preparing for hissecond coming is a daily affair. One major reason that differentiatesthe Bible from any other scripture associated to any religion is that,the Bible speaks of the past when we were yet to be born. The Biblespeaks of the present; hence, you can be comforted, encouragedand strengthened by it. The Bible also speaks of the future, it givesa vivid description of what lies ahead hence believers in the LordJesus Christ are not moved by the happenings of this end time.Some of our subsequent meditations shall highlight some of theseevents that have been foretold by the Savior of mankind JesusChrist. Beloved, every tragedy that has befallen our world had beenforetold by Jesus Christ. To be concise, whatever we see today inour world, negative or positive are all spoken of in the Bible.Take a look at our passage for today, our Lord said, there will besigns in the sun, moon and stars. Last year we experienced eclipseof the sun and moon. The different hurricanes, tornadoes andTsunamis are the result of the roaring sea and waves. Globalterrorism has driven fear into everyone, such that we do not knowwhat will happen next. Our Lord says, when these things begin totake place, stand up and lift up your heads in prayers andmeditations, because our redemption is near. These events shouldhelp us to prepare for his 2nd coming.PRAYER POINTThank you Lord for all you have foretold help us to cast away theworks of darkness and embrace the armour of light.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 337

Monday 4th December, 2017 GET READY ''When you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near. V31 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 21:29-33Our Lord's eschatological messages in all the gospels has unfolded to us the various tragedies that are taking place in the world on daily basis. Bible students areaware that every serious minded Christian should be preparingfor his second coming. Salvation is nearer to us than before.As Christians, we must be well informed about all these eventsthat are happening daily. To be unaware is to be in danger ofunpreparedness and that would pose a serious danger thatmay end up in hell fire. Our Lord says, when you see thesethings happening, recognize that the Kingdom of God isimminent.Dear reader, we are already in the end time, time is far spentand our salvation is nearer than before. One of the strategies ofSatan in this end time is the issue of untimely death. Ourporous security has only increased the spate of killings.Mysterious sicknesses are also on the increase. A brief illnessis sufficient to take the life of its victim.All these are a reminder of the imminence of the kingdom. OurLord says, ''because sin will increase, the love of many shallwax cold''. No doubt what we see in our generation is afulfillment of what the Lord said. In all these, how prepared areyou for his second coming?PRAYER POINTDear Lord, we pray you to revive our longing eyes as we waitfor your 2nd coming.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 338

Tuesday 5th December, 2017 OUR FAITH ''Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes will he find that faith on earth?''. V8b For Reading & Meditation: Luke 18:1-8Our Lord concluded the parable of the persistent widow with a question that borders on eternity. He said, ''When the Son of Man comes will he find that faith on earth?''- thisundaunted and undying faith. This question is relevant in everyaspect of our Christian race. It is an open secret that Christianityhas been watered down so much that every dick and harry turns aPastor, Bishop or General Overseer over night without basicknowledge of the Biblet. These are people who have refused tohumble themselves enough to be thoroughly discipled.As a result of this scenario, so many strange things have crept intoChristianity. Prophecy is the order of the day which has beenseriously abused. The unfortunate thing is that Christianity isturning to an appendage of African Traditional Religion becausemost of the things we do have much resemblance. Christianityought to replace our traditional religion and not our Christianity inthe garb of our traditional religion.The parable of the persistent widow teaches us a number ofthings among them is our persistence to hold-on to God inwhatever circumstances we may find ourselves. The Christians ofthis generation seemed to have lost this virtue which is anevidence of this faith. We see a people who are in a hurry, ready tocompel God to work according to their own dictates. The miraclemust be now. This is one big temptation of this end time.Waiting upon the Lord that leads to renewal of strength is just amere outward confession of the mouth. Our action does not showthat we are ready to wait upon the Lord. Beloved, examineyourself whether your faith is solely on God and you are ready towait on the Lord?PRAYER POINTO Lord Jesus, no doubt we are in a hurry, good Lord deliver us.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 339

Wednesday 6th December, 2017 OUR FAITH ''But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his Holy People''. V3 For Reading & Meditation: Jude 1-7Our faith is under contention in this end-time more than what it was in the days of apostle Jude. Satan is fighting our most Holy Faith - Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ thatwas once entrusted to his Holy people. The attack is of differentstyles such that when you think you have conquered him in onedirection, lo, he has appeared in another form.We may be tempted to think that persecution as a result of ourfaith is the only attack. There are many other ways especially inthis end time. Even though no Satan's method is new, but one ofthe methods nowadays is the several counterfeits that is goingon and many are being deceived. It will take someone who isspirit - filled, matured in the faith and knowledge of the word ofGod to understand what is going on. This is why the Lord said,even the elect may be deceived but by his grace it will not bepossible.The recent 'Men of God' in our time are performing severalmiracles, some have even turned to great philanthropistshelping to alleviate the sufferings of people. With such gestures,they have endeared themselves to the people. Many on dailybasis are pitching their tents with such people because of themiracles and the gifts. If you prayerfully examine these 'recentmen' you discover that Jesus Christ is not there. Fight for thefaith and let God's name be glorified.PRAYER POINTDear Lord Jesus, quicken your people by the power of the HolySpirit that we may follow you more dearly.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 340

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