<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˘‚È 46 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 46.21 va-yiggash ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙phera priest of On bore unto him. [21] And the ÔÓÀ¦ Ȩ§ ·¦ È´¥·§ e 21 :ÌȦ ¯«¨Ù§ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ § ‰M−¤ ©Ó§ -˙‡¤ ÔŸ‡®sons of Benjamin: Bela, and Becher, and Ashbel,Gera, and Naaman, Ehi, and Rosh, Muppim, L‡Ÿ¯®Â¨ ÈÁ´¦ ‡¥ ÔÓ−¨ Ú£©Â§ ‡¯¬¨b¥ Ïa¥½ L§ ‡© § ƯΤ ·¤Æ ¨ ÚÏ© ³a¤and Huppim, and Ard. [22] These are the sons ÏÁ¥½ ¯¨ È´¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡¥ µ22 :c§¯§‡«¨ ¨ ÌÈt−¦ Áª § ÌȬt¦ Óªof Rachel, who were born to Jacob; all the souls :¯N«¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© LÙ¤−¤-Ïk¨ ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È©Ï§ „l−© Ȫ ¯¬L¤ ‡£were fourteen. [23] And the sons of Dan: Hushim. Ϭ‡¥ ˆ§ Á§ È© ÈÏ®¦ z¨ Ù§ © È−¥·§ e 24 :ÌÈL«¦ Áª Ô„−¨-È¥·§ e 23[24] And the sons of Naphtali: Jahzeel, and Guni,and Jezer, and Shillem. [25] These are the sons ‰‰¨½ ϧ ·¦ È´¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡¥ µ25 :Ìl«¥ L¦ § ¯ˆ¤ ¬È¥Â§ È−¦ e‚§of Bilhah, whom Laban gave unto Rachel hisdaughter, and these she bore unto Jacob; all the ‰l¤ ²‡¥ -˙‡¤ „Ϥ z¯¥ © Bz® a¦ ÏÁ´¥ ¯¨Ï§ Ô·−¨ Ϩ Ô˙¬© ¨-¯L¤ ‡£souls were seven. [26] All the souls belonging to LÙ¤ p¤‰© Â-Ïk¨ 26 :‰Ú«¨ ·§ L¦ LÙ¤¬¤-Ïk¨ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩϧJacob that came into Egypt, that came out of hisloins, besides Jacob’s sons’ wives, all the souls „·−© l§ Ó¦ Bν ¯¥È§ ȇ´¥ ˆ§ ŸÈ ƉӨ ȧ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ ·Ÿ˜³Ú£È©Ï§ ‰‡¨¸ a¨ ‰©were threescore and six. [27] And the sons of :LL«¥ ¨ ÌÈM¬¦ L¦ LÙ¤−¤-Ïk¨ ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È©-È¥·§ ÈL´¥ §Joseph, who were born to him in Egypt, were LÙ¤´¤ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ·§ BϬ -„l© Ȫ-¯L¤ ‡£ ÛÒ²¥BÈ È¬¥·§ e 27two souls; all the souls of the house of Jacob, thatcame into Egypt, were threescore and ten. ‰‡¨ ¬a¨ ‰© ·Ÿ˜²Ú£È©-˙È·«¥ ϧ LÙ¤¯p¤‰© -Ïk¨ ÌȦ®¨ L§[28] And he sent Judah before him unto Ù :ÌÈÚ«¦ ·§ L¦ ‰Ó¨ ȧ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦Joseph, to show the way before him untoGoshen; and they came into the land of Goshen. ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-χ¤ ÆÂȨ٨ ϧ Á³Ï© L¨ ‰„º¨e‰È§-˙‡¤ § 28[29] And Joseph made ready his chariot, and :ÔL¤ Ÿb« ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡¬© e‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© ‰¨L§ Ÿb® ÂÈ−¨Ù¨ ϧ ˙Ÿ¯¬B‰Ï§went up to meet Israel his father, to Goshen; -˙‡¯«©˜§ Ϧ ÏÚ© ²i©Â© Bz½ ·§ k© ¯§Ó¤ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ ¯ŸÒ³ ‡§ i¤Â© 29and he presented himself unto him, and fell onhis neck, and wept on his neck a good while. ÆÏŸti¦ © ÂÈϨÀ ‡¥ ‡¯´¨i¥Â© ‰¨L§ Ÿb® ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ Ϭ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ[30] And Israel said unto Joseph: ‘Now let me :„BÚ« Âȯ−¨‡e¨ˆ© -ÏÚ© j§ ·§ ¬i¥Â© Âȯ½¨‡e¨ˆ© -ÏÚ©die, since I have seen thy face, that thou art yetalive.’ [31] And Joseph said unto his brethren, ÌÚ© ®t¨ ‰© ‰˙¨ eÓ´ ‡¨ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ-χ¤ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¯Â© 30and unto his father’s house: ‘I will go up, and tell :ÈÁ«¨ E− „§BÚ È¬k¦ EȤ½ t¨ -˙‡¤ È˙´¦ B‡¯§ Æȯ¥Á£ ‡©Pharaoh, and will say unto him: My brethren, ÂÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ˙È´a¥-χ¤ § ÆÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤ -χ¤ ÛÒ³¥BÈ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 31and my father’s house, who were in the land ofCanaan, are come unto me; [32] and the men ÈÁ¯© ‡© ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥ ‰¯´¨Ó§ Ÿ‡« § ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù© ϧ ‰„¨È´b¦ ‡© § ‰Ï−¤ Ú¡ ‡¤are shepherds, for they have been keepers of :ÈÏ«¨ ‡¥ e‡¬a¨ ÔÚ© −©k§ -ı¯¤‡«¤ a§ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ȳ·¦ ‡¨ -˙È·¥ ecattle; and they have brought their flocks, andtheir herds, and all that they have. [33] And it eÈ®‰¨ ‰−¤˜§ Ó¦ ȬL¥ § ‡© -Èk«¦ Ô‡Ÿˆ½ ÈÚ¥ Ÿ¯´ ÆÌÈL¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ § 32shall come to pass, when Pharaoh shall call you, :e‡È·«¦ ‰¥ ̉−¤ Ϩ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -ÏΨ § ̯²¨˜¨·§ e ̯¨‡ŸˆÂ§and shall say: What is your occupation? [34] that -‰Ó© ¯Ó−© ‡¨ § ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ‡¯¬¨˜§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ ‰È¨¾‰¨ § 33ye shall say: Thy servants have been keepers ofcattle from our youth even until now, both we, eȳ‰¨ ‰¤¹ ˜§ Ó¦ ÈL¥¸ § ‡© Ìz¤À ¯§Ó© ‡£ © 34 :ÌΫ¤ ÈN¥ Ú£n©and our fathers; that ye may dwell in the land of eÁ§ −©‡£ -Ìb© ‰z¨ Ú©½ -„Ú© § eȯ´¥eÚp§ Ó¦ ÆEȄƤ·¨ Ú£Goshen; for every shepherd is an abominationunto the Egyptians.’ ÔL¤ Ÿb½ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ Æe·L§ z¥ ¯e·À Ú£a© eÈ˙®¥ Ÿ·‡£ -Ìb© :Ô‡Ÿˆ« ‰Ú¥ Ÿ¯¬-Ïk¨ ÌȦ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ˙¬·© Ú£B˙-Èk«¦ Then Joseph went in and told Pharaoh,47 47and said: ‘My father and my brethren, ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ¼‰ŸÚ¯§Ù© ϧ „´b¥i©Â© »ÛÒ¥ BÈ ‡Ÿ·´ i¨Â©and their flocks, and their herds, and all that ̉¤½ Ϩ ¯L´¤ ‡£ -ÏΨ § Æ̯¨˜¨·§ e ̳¨‡ŸˆÂ§ ÈÁ©¹ ‡© § È·¸¦ ‡¨they have, are come out of the land of Canaan;and, behold, they are in the land of Goshen.’ :ÔL¤ Ÿb« ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ Ì−p¨‰¦ § ÔÚ©®¨k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ e‡a−¨ 94 94
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˘‚È 47 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 47.2 va-yiggash ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙[2] And from among his brethren he took five ÌÈL®¦ ¨‡£ ‰M´¨ Ó¦ Á£ Á˜−©Ï¨ ÂÈÁ¨½ ‡¤ ‰´ˆ¥ ˜§ Ó¦ e 2men, and presented them unto Pharaoh. [3] AndPharaoh said unto his brethren: ‘What is your -χ¤ ‰ŸÚ² ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¯Â© 3 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ Ì−‚¥v¦ i©Â©occupation?’ And they said unto Pharaoh: ‘Thy ‰ŸÚÀ ¯§t© -χ¤ e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿi© ̮Τ ÈN¥ Ú£n© -‰Ó© ÂÈÁ−¨ ‡¤servants are shepherds, both we, and our fathers.’ :eÈ˙«¥ B·‡£ -Ìb© eÁ§ −©‡£ -Ìb© EÈ„½¤·¨ Ú£ ÆÔ‡Ÿˆ ‰¬Ú¥ Ÿ¯[4] And they said unto Pharaoh: ‘To sojourn in ¼e‡a¨ »ı¯¤‡¨ a¨ ¯e‚´ Ϩ ‰ŸÚÀ ¯§t© -χ¤ e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 4the land are we come; for there is no pasture forthy servants’ flocks; for the famine is sore in the -Èk«¦ EÈ„½¤·¨ ڣϩ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÔ‡ŸvÏ© ‰Ú¤À ¯§Ó¦ Ôȇ´¥ -Èk¦land of Canaan. Now therefore, we pray thee,let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen.’ ‡¬¨-e·L§ «È¥ ‰z²¨ Ú© § ÔÚ©®¨k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ·Ú−¨ ¯¨‰¨ „¬·¥ Ψ[5] And Pharaoh spoke unto Joseph, saying: -χ¤ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 5 :ÔL¤ Ÿb« ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ EÈ„−¤·¨ Ú£‘Thy father and thy brethren are come unto thee;[6] the land of Egypt is before thee; in the best :EÈÏ«¤ ‡¥ e‡¬a¨ EÈÁ−¤ ‡© § EȬ·¦ ‡¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ÛÒ−¥ BÈof the land make thy father and thy brethren ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ·´Ë© ÈÓ¥ a§ ‡Â‰¦½ EÈ´¤Ù¨ ϧ ÆÌȦ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡³¤ 6to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell. ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ Æe·L§ È¥ EÈÁ®¤ ‡© -˙‡¤ § EÈ·−¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ·¬L¥ B‰And if thou knowest any able men among them,then make them rulers over my cattle.’ [7] And ÏȦ Á©½ -ÈL¥ § ‡© ÆÌa¨ -LȤ§ z¨ Ú§ „À©È¨-̇¦ § ÔL¤ Ÿb½Joseph brought in Jacob his father, and set him ‡³·¥ i¨Â© 7 :ÈÏ«¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ -ÏÚ© ‰−¤˜§ Ó¦ ȯ¬¥N¨ Ìz²¨ Ó§ N© §before Pharaoh. And Jacob blessed Pharaoh.[8] And Pharaoh said unto Jacob: ‘How many È´¥Ù§ Ϧ e‰„−¥Ó¦ Ú£i«©Â© ÂÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ·Ÿ˜´ ڣȫ©-˙‡¤ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈare the days of the years of thy life?’ [9] And Jacob ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 8 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© -˙‡¤ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ C¯¤¬·¨ ȧ © ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù©said unto Pharaoh: ‘The days of the years of my :EÈi«¤Á© Ȭ¥L§ ÈÓ−¥ ȧ ‰n¨¾ k© ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È©-χ«¤ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t©sojournings are a hundred and thirty years; fewand evil have been the days of the years of my ȯ½©e‚Ó§ È´¥L§ ÆÈÓ¥ ȧ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© -χ¤ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 9life, and they have not attained unto the days ÆÈÓ¥ ȧ Æeȉ¨ ÌÈÚÀ¦ ¯¨Â§ Ë´Ú© Ó§ ‰®¨L¨ ˙‡−© Ó§ e ÌÈL¬¦ ŸÏL§of the years of the life of my fathers in the daysof their sojournings.’ [10] And Jacob blessed È´i¥Á© ÆÈ¥L§ ÆÈÓ¥ ȧ-˙‡¤ e‚ÈO¦À ‰¦ ‡ŸÏ´ § Èi©½ Á© È´¥L§Pharaoh, and went out from the presence of ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ C¯¤¬·¨ ȧ© 10 :̉«¤ ȯ¥e‚Ó§ ÈÓ−¥ Èa¦ È˙©½ Ÿ·‡£Pharaoh. [11] And Joseph placed his father and ·L´¥ Bi© 11 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© Ȭ¥Ù§ l¦ Ó¦ ‡ˆ−¥ i¥Â© ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© -˙‡¤his brethren, and gave them a possession in theland of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of ̳‰¤ Ϩ Ôz¥¸ i¦Â© ¼ÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ § ÂÈ·´¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ »ÛÒ¥ BÈRameses, as Pharaoh had commanded. [12] And ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ ·¬Ë© ÈÓ¥ a§ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ Ɖf¨Áª ‡£Joseph sustained his father, and his brethren, andall his father’s household, with bread, according :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© ÒÒ®¥ Ó§ Ú§ ¯© ı¯¤‡´¤ a§to the want of their little ones. ˙‡−¥ § ÂÈÁ¨½ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ § ÂÈ·´¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ Ï³k¥ ϧ Ω ȧ© 12[13] And there was no bread in all the land; ÌÁ¤ ³Ï¤ § 13 :Ûh«¨ ‰© Ȭ٦ ϧ ÌÁ¤ Ï−¤ ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ˙È´a¥-Ïk¨for the famine was very sore, so that the landof Egypt and the land of Canaan languished by „Ÿ‡® Ó§ ·Ú−¨ ¯¨‰¨ „¬·¥ Ψ-Èk«¦ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ -ÏΨ a§ ÆÔȇ¥reason of the famine. [14] And Joseph gathered È−¥t§ Ó¦ ÔÚ© ©½ k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ § ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡³¤ dÏ© z¥¹ ©up all the money that was found in the land ofEgypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn ÆÛÒ¤ k¤Æ ‰© -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ ÛÒÀ¥ BÈ Ëw´¥Ï© ȧ © 14 :·Ú«¨ ¯¨‰¨which they bought; and Joseph brought the ÔÚ© ©½ k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ ·§ e ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ -ı¯¤‡«¤ ·§ ‡³ˆ¨ Ó§ p¦ ‰©money into Pharaoh’s house. [15] And when the -˙‡¤ ÛÒ²¥BÈ ‡¬·¥ i¨Â© Ìȯ®¦·§ ŸL ̉´¥ -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯·¤ M−¤ a©money was all spent in the land of Egypt, and in ÛÒ¤ k¤À ‰© ÌŸz´ i¦ © 15 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© ‰˙¨ Ȭa¥ ÛÒ¤ k−¤ ‰©the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto -ÏΨ Áe‡Ÿ·i¨Â© ¼ÔÚ© ©k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ e »ÌȦ ¯©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥Joseph, and said: ‘Give us bread; for why should 95 95
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˘‚È 47 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 47.16 va-yiggash ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙we die in thy presence? for our money faileth.’ ÌÁ¤ Ϥ½ el´¨ -‰·¨ ‰«¨ ƯŸÓ‡Ï¥ ÛÒ³¥BÈ-χ¤ ÌȦ ¯¸©ˆ§ Ó¦[16] And Joseph said: ‘Give your cattle, and I will ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 16 :ÛÒ¤ k«¨ ÒÙ−¥ ‡¨ Ȭk¦ Ec®¤‚§ ¤ ˙eÓ− ¨ ‰n¨ ¬Ï¨ §give you [bread] for your cattle, if money fail.’[17] And they brought their cattle unto Joseph. ̮Τ È¥˜§ Ó¦ a§ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ‰¬¨z§ ‡¤ § ÌΤ½ È¥˜§ Ó¦ e·´ ‰¨ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈAnd Joseph gave them bread in exchange for »Ì‰¤ È¥˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ e‡È·´¦ i¨Â© 17 :ÛÒ¤ k«¨ ÒÙ−¥ ‡¨ -̇¦the horses, and for the flocks, and for the herds, ÌÈÒÀ¦ eqa© ÌÁ¤ Ϥ¹ ÛÒ¥¸ BÈ Á̉¤ Ϩ Ôz´¥ i¦ © ¼ÛÒ¥ BÈ-χ¤and for the asses; and he fed them with bread inexchange for all their cattle for that year. [18] And Ìȯ®¦ŸÓÁ£ ·© e ¯˜−¨a¨ ‰© ‰¬¥˜§ Ó¦ ·§ e Ô‡Ÿv² ‰© ‰¬¥˜§ Ó¦ ·§ ewhen that year was ended, they came unto him ‰−¨M¨ a© ̉¤½ ¥˜§ Ó¦ -ÏΨ a§ ÆÌÁ¤ l¤Æ a© ̳ϥ ‰£ ©È§Â©the second year and said unto him: ‘We will not ÂÈϨ¹‡¥ e‡Ÿ·¸ i¨Â© ¼‡Â‰¦ ‰© ‰´¨M¨ ‰© »ÌŸzz¦ © 18 :‡Â‰«¦ ‰©hide from my lord, how that our money is all „Á´¥ Ω § -‡ŸÏ« ÆBÏ e¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi³Â© ˙ÈÀ¦ M¥ ‰© ‰´¨M¨ a©spent; and the herds of cattle are my lord’s; there ‰Ó−¨ ‰¥ a§ ‰© ‰¬¥˜§ Ó¦ e ÛÒ¤ k¤½ ‰© Ìz´© -̇¦ Èk¦µ Ƚ¦Ÿ„‡£ Ó«¥is nought left in the sight of my lord, but ourbodies, and our lands. [19] Wherefore should Èz¬¦ ϧ a¦ Ƚ¦Ÿ„‡£ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ Ư‡© L§ ¦ ‡ŸÏ³ È®¦Ÿ„‡£ -χ¤we die before thine eyes, both we and our land? ˙eÓ´ ¨ ‰n¨ ϯ¨ 19 :e˙«¥ Ó¨ „§‡© § e˙−¥ i¨Â¦b§ -̇¦buy us and our land for bread, and we and our e˙¬¨ Ÿ‡-‰«¥˜§ e˙¥½ Ó¨ „§‡© Ì´b© ÆeÁ§ ©Æ ‡£ -Ìb© EȤÀÈÚ¥ ϧland will be bondmen unto Pharaoh; and give us eÁ§ ³©‡£ ‰Èº¤‰§ «¦ § ÌÁ¤ ®l¨ a© e˙−¥ Ó¨ „§‡© -˙‡¤ §seed, that we may live, and not die, and that theland be not desolate.’ [20] So Joseph bought all ƉȤÁ§ «¦ § Ú¯©Ê¤À-Ô˙¤ § ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© ϧ ÌÈ„´¦·¨ Ú£ Æe˙Æ¥ Ó¨ „§‡© §the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians Ô˜¤i¸¦ © 20 :ÌL«¨ ˙¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰Ó−¨ „¨‡£ ‰¨ § ˙eÓ½ ¨ ‡ŸÏ´ §sold every man his field, because the famine was -Èk«¦ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© ϧ ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ ˙Ó³© „§‡© -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ ÛÒ¥¹ BÈsore upon them; and the land became Pharaoh’s. ̉−¤ Ï¥ Ú£ ˜¬Ê©Á¨ -Èk«¦ e‰„½¥N¨ Lȇ´¦ ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ e¯³Î§ Ó¨[21] And as for the people, he removed them cityby city, from one end of the border of Egypt even ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤¸ § 21 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© ϧ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ ȉ¬¦ z§ © ·®Ú¨ ¯¨‰¨to the other end thereof. [22] Only the land of ÌȦ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ -Ïe·‚§ ‰¬ˆ¥ ˜§ Ó¦ Ìȯ®¦Ú¨ Ϥ B˙− Ÿ‡ ¯È¬·¦ Ú¡‰¤the priests bought he not, for the priests had a ‡ŸÏ´ ÌÈ−¦ ‰£ Ÿk‰© ˙Ó¬© „§‡© ˜¯²© 22 :e‰ˆ«¥ ˜¨ -„Ú© §portion from Pharaoh, and did eat their portion eϳ Χ ‡«¨ § ‰ŸÚÀ ¯§t© ˙‡´¥ Ó¥ Ìȹ¦ ‰£ ŸkÏ© ˜ŸÁ¸ ÁÈk¦ ‰®¨˜¨which Pharaoh gave them; wherefore they soldnot their land. [23] Then Joseph said unto the Ôk¥¾ -ÏÚ© ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© Æ̉¤ Ϩ Ô˙³© ¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÆÌw¨Áª -˙‡¤people: ‘Behold, I have bought you this day and ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 23 :Ì˙«¨ Ó¨ „§‡© -˙‡¤ e¯−Χ Ó¨ ‡ŸÏ¬your land for Pharaoh. Lo, here is seed for you, -˙‡¤ § ÌBi²‰© ̬Τ ˙§ ‡¤ È˙¦ ȸ¦ ˜¨ ÁÔ‰¥ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -χ¤and ye shall sow the land. [24] And it shall come Ìz−¤ Ú§ ¯©Ê§ e Ú¯©Ê¤½ ̴Τ Ϩ -‡‰«¥ ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù© ϧ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ Ó© „§‡©to pass at the ingatherings, that ye shall give afifth unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your Ìz¬¤ ˙© § e ˙Ÿ‡½ e·z§ a© ƉȨ‰¨ § 24 :‰Ó«¨ „¨‡£ ‰¨ -˙‡¤own, for seed of the field, and for your food, and ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ˙Ÿ„¿ i¨‰© Ú´a© ¯§‡© § ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù© ϧ ˙ÈL−¦ ÈÓ¦ Á£for them of your households, and for food for ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ï© § ̲Τ ϧ Χ ‡¨ ϧ e« ‰„¯¤O¨ ‰© Ú¯©Ê¤¸Ï§ ÁÌΤ Ϩyour little ones.’ [25] And they said: ‘Thou hast e¯−Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 25 :ÌΫ¤ t§ Ë© ϧ ϟά ‡¡ Ϥ § ÌÎ−¤ Èz¥ ·¨ a§saved our lives. Let us find favour in the sight ofmy lord, and we will be Pharaoh’s bondmen.’ eȬȦ‰¨ § Ƚ¦Ÿ„‡£ È´¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ÆÔÁ¥ -‡ˆ¨ Ó§ ¦ e˙®¨ Ȧ Á¡ ‰¤[26] And Joseph made it a statute concerning the Á˜ŸÁϧ ÛÒ¿¥ BÈ d˙´¨ Ÿ‡ ÌN¤ ´i¨Â© 26 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© ϧ ÌÈ„−¦·¨ Ú£land of Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh should ‰ŸÚ− ¯§Ù© ϧ ÌȦ ¯²©ˆ§ Ó¦ ˙Ó¬© „§‡© -ÏÚ© ‰f¤¹‰© ÌBi¸‰© -„Ú© 96 96
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˘‚È 47 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 47.27 va-yiggash ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙have the fifth; only the land of the priests alone ‡ŸÏ¬ Ìc½¨·© ϧ ÆÌȦ ‰£ Ÿk« ‰© ˙Ó³© „§‡© ˜¯º© LÓ¤ ŸÁ® Ï©became not Pharaoh’s. [27] And Israel dwelt in ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ·L¤ ¯i¥Â© 27 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© ϧ ‰˙−¨ ȧ ‰¨the land of Egypt, in the land of Goshen; and ea− ¯§i¦ © e¯¬Ù§ i¦ © d·¨½ eÊ´Á£ ‡¨ i¥Â© ÔL¤ Ÿb® ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ÌȦ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦they got them possessions therein, and werefruitful, and multiplied exceedingly. :„Ÿ‡« Ó§va-yhi ÈÁÈÂ[28] And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt ‰¯−¥N§ Ú¤ Ú¬·© L§ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© ÈÁ³¦ ȧ © 28seventeen years; so the days of Jacob, the yearsof his life, were a hundred forty and seven years. ÌȽ¦ L¨ Ú·© L´¤ ÂÈi¨½Á© È´¥L§ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©-ÈÓ«¥ ȧ ȉ³¦ ȧ © ‰®¨L¨[29] And the time drew near that Israel must die; -ÈÓ«¥ ȧ e·´ ¯§˜§ i¦ © 29 :‰«¨L¨ ˙‡−© Ó§ e ÌÈÚ¬¦ a¨ ¯§‡© §and he called his son Joseph, and said unto him: ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© ÛÒÀ¥ BÈϧ B´·§ Ϧ | ‡¯´¨˜§ i¦ © ¼˙eÓϨ »Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ‘If now I have found favour in thy sight, put, Ipray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and deal ‡¬¨-ÌÈN«¦ EȤ½ ÈÚ¥ a§ ÆÔÁ¥ È˙¦ ‡³ˆ¨ Ó¨ ‡¨¸ -̇¦ ÆBÏkindly and truly with me; bury me not, I pray ˙Ó¤½ ‡¡ ¤ „Ò¤ Á´¤ ÆÈ„¦n¨ Ú¦ ˙¨ ÈN³¦ Ú¨ § Èή¦ ¯¥È§ ˙Á© z´© E− „§È¨thee, in Egypt. [30] But when I sleep with my -ÌÚ¦ ÆÈz¦ ·§ Ω L«¨ § 30 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ Ȧ ¯−¥a§ ˜§ ˙¦ ‡¬¨-χ©fathers, thou shalt carry me out of Egypt, andbury me in their burying-place.’ And he said. ‘I Ȧ z−© ¯§·© ˜§ e ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ ÆȦ ˙Æ© ‡N¨ § e È˙©½ Ÿ·‡£will do as thou hast said.’ [31] And he said: ‘Swear :E¯«¤·¨ „§Î¦ ‰¬N¤ Ú¡‡«¤ ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ ¯Ó©¾ ‡Ÿi© Ì˙®¨ ¯¨·ª ˜§ a¦unto me.’ And he swore unto him. And Israel eÁz¬© L§ i¦ © BÏ® Ú·−© M¨ i¦ © ÈϦ½ Ɖڨ ·§ M«¨ ‰¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 31bowed down upon the bed’s head. And it came to pass after these things,48 48that one said to Joseph: ‘Behold, thy Ù :‰h«¨ n¦ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯¬-ÏÚ© χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ‰l¤ ‡¥½ ‰¨ Ìȯ´¦·¨ c§‰© Æȯ¥Á£ ‡© ȉÀ¦ ȧ ©father is sick.’ And he took with him his two ȳ¥L§ -˙‡¤ Áwº©i¦ © ‰®Ï¤ŸÁ EÈ·−¦ ‡¨ ‰¬p¥‰¦ ÛÒ¥½ BÈϧsons, Manasseh and Ephraim. [2] And one toldJacob, and said: ‘Behold, thy son Joseph cometh „´b¥i©Â© 2 :ÌȦ ¯«¨Ù§ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ § ‰M−¤ ©Ó§ -˙‡¤ Bn½ Ú¦ ÆÂȨ·¨unto thee.’ And Israel strengthened himself, and EȮϤ‡¥ ‡´a¨ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ E¬ § a¦ ‰²p¥‰¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩϧsat upon the bed. [3] And Jacob said unto Joseph: :‰h«¨ n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© ·L¤ −i¥Â© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ƙf¥Á© ˙§ i¦ ©‘God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in the -‰‡«¨ ¯§¦ Èc²©L© Ϭ‡¥ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-χ¤ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 3land of Canaan, and blessed me, [4] and said :È˙«¦ Ÿ‡ C¯¤·−¨ ȧ © ÔÚ©®¨k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ÊeÏ− a§ Ȭϩ‡¥unto me: Behold, I will make thee fruitful, andmultiply thee, and I will make of thee a company E˙½¦ Èa¦ ¯§‰¦ § ÆE¯§Ù§ Ó© ȳ¦ § ‰¦ ÈÏ©À‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 4of peoples; and will give this land to thy seedafter thee for an everlasting possession. [5] And ı¯¤‡¯¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Èz¹¦ ˙© ¨¸ § ÌÈn®¦ Ú© ω´© ˜§ Ϧ EÈz−¦ ˙© § enow thy two sons, who were born unto thee in :ÌÏ«¨ BÚ ˙¬f©Áª ‡£ Eȯ−¤Á£ ‡© E¬ Ú£¯§Ê©Ï§ ˙‡Ÿf²‰©the land of Egypt before I came unto thee into ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ E¹ ϧ ÌÈ„¸¦Ï¨ Bp‰© ÁEȤ·¨ -È«¥L§ ‰z¨¿ Ú© § 5Egypt, are mine; Ephraim and Manasseh, evenas Reuben and Simeon, shall be mine. [6] And Ì®‰¥ -ÈϦ ‰Ó¨ ȧ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ EȲϤ‡¥ ȇ¬¦ Ÿa-„Ú© ÌȦ¯À©ˆ§ Ó¦thy issue, that thou begettest after them, shall be :ÈÏ«¦ -eȉ§ È«¦ ÔBÚ− Ó§ L¦ § Ô·¬¥ e‡¯§k¦ ‰M¤½ ©Ó§ e ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©Ù§ ‡¤thine; they shall be called after the name of theirbrethren in their inheritance. [7] And as for me, E´ ϧ ̉−¤ ȯ¥Á£ ‡© z¨ „§¬Ï© B‰-¯L¤ ‡£ E² z§ „§Ï© BÓe 6when I came from Paddan, Rachel died unto me :Ì˙«¨ Ϩ Á£ ©a§ e‡− ¯§w¨È¦ ̲‰¤ ÈÁ¥ ‡£ ÌL¯¥ Ï´Ú© eÈ®‰§ Ȧin the land of Canaan in the way, when there ı¯¤‡³¤ a§ ÏÁ¥¹ ¯¨ ÈÏ©¸ Ú¨ Á‰˙¨ÁÓ¥ ÔcÀ¨t© Ó¦ ȇ´¦ Ÿ·a§ | È´¦ ‡£ © 7 97 97
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÁÈ 48 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 48.8 va-yhi ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙was still some way to come unto Ephrath; and I ‡Ÿ·´ Ϩ ı¯¤‡−¤ -˙¯©·§ k¦ „BÚ¬ a§ C¯¤c½¤a© ÆÔÚ© ©Æ k§buried her there in the way to Ephrath—the sameis Beth-lehem.’ [8] And Israel beheld Joseph’s ‡Â‰−¦ ˙¯½¨Ù§ ‡¤ C¯¤„´¤a§ ÆÌM¨ ‰¨ ¯³¤a§ ˜§ ‡¤ ¨ ‰˙¨ ¯®¨Ù§ ‡¤sons, and said: ‘Who are these?’ [9] And Joseph ÛÒ®¥BÈ È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ‡¯§¬i©Â© 8 :ÌÁ¤ Ï«¨ ˙Ȭa¥said unto his father: ‘They are my sons, whom ÂÈ·½¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 9 :‰l¤ ‡«¥ -ÈÓ¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−©God hath given me here.’ And he said: ‘Bring ¯Ó©¾ ‡Ÿi© ‰®Ê¤a¨ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ÈϬ¦ -Ô˙© «¨-¯L¤ ‡£ ̉¥½ È´©a¨them, I pray thee, unto me, and I will bless them.’[10] Now the eyes of Israel were dim for age, so Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥ÈÚ¥ § 10 :ÌΫ¥ ¯£·¨ ‡£ © ÈÏ−©‡¥ ‡¬¨-ÌÁ¤ ˜«¨that he could not see. And he brought them near ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ L³b¥i©Â© ˙B‡® ¯§Ï¦ Ï−Ω eÈ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ô˜¤Ÿf½ Ó¦ e„´·§ k¨unto him; and he kissed them, and embraced ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 11 :̉«¤ Ϩ ˜¬a¥ Á© ȧ© ̉−¤ Ϩ ˜M¬© i¦Â© ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥them. [11] And Israel said unto Joseph: ‘I had not Èz¦ ϧ ®l¨ Ù¦ ‡ŸÏ´ EÈ−¤Ù¨ ‰Ÿ‡¬ ¯§ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-χ¤ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧthought to see thy face; and, lo, God hath let me :EÚ«¤ ¯§Ê©-˙‡¤ ̬b© Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ È˙²¦ Ÿ‡ ‰‡¬¨ ¯§‰¤ ‰p¥¸ ‰¦ §see thy seed also.’ [12] And Joseph brought themout from between his knees; and he fell down on eÁz¬© L§ i¦ © ÂÈ®k¨ ¯§a¦ ÌÚ´¦ Ó¥ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ÛÒ²¥BÈ ‡¬ˆ¥ Bi© 12his face to the earth. [13] And Joseph took themboth, Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel’s ¼Ì‰¤ È¥L§ -˙‡¤ »ÛÒ¥ BÈ Áw´©i¦ © 13 :‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡«¨ ÂÈt−¨ ‡© ϧleft hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ χŸÓ´ O§ Ó¦ ÆBÈÓ¦ Èa«¦ ÌȦ¯³©Ù§ ‡¤ -˙‡¤Israel’s right hand, and brought them near unto L−b¥i©Â© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ÔÈÓ´¦ ÈÓ¦ BÏ− ‡ŸÓN§ ·¦ ‰¬M¤ ©Ó§ -˙‡¤ §him. [14] And Israel stretched out his right hand,and laid it upon Ephraim’s head, who was the ˙L¤ i¨¸Â© B¹ ÈÓ¦ ȧ-˙‡¤ χ¥¸ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ÁÁÏ© L§ i¦ © 14 :ÂÈÏ«¨ ‡¥younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh’s -˙‡¤ § ¯ÈÚ½¦ v¨ ‰© ‡e‰´ § ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©Ù§ ‡¤ L‡Ÿ¯³-ÏÚ©head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh ÂÈ„½¨È¨-˙‡¤ ÆÏk¥ N¦ ‰M®¤ ©Ó§ L‡Ÿ¯´-ÏÚ© BÏ− ‡ŸÓN§was the first-born. [15] And he blessed Joseph,and said: ‘The God before whom my fathers ÛÒ−¥ BÈ-˙‡¤ C¯¤¬·¨ ȧ© 15 :¯BΫ a§ ‰© ‰M−¤ ©Ó§ Ȭk¦Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God who hath È˙³© Ÿ·‡£ eθ l§ ‰© ˙§ ‰¦ Á¯L¤ ‡£ Ìȉ¿¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰«¨ ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi©been my shepherd all my life long unto this day, ‰´Ú¤ Ÿ¯‰¨ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰«¨ ˜Á¨½ ˆ§ Ȧ § ̉´¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ÆÂȨ٨ ϧ[16] the angel who hath redeemed me from all ÁC‡¨ ϧ n© ‰© 16 :‰«f¤‰© ÌBi¬‰© -„Ú© È„−¦BÚÓ¥ È˙½¦ Ÿ‡evil, bless the lads; and let my name be namedin them, and the name of my fathers Abraham ¼Ìȯ¦Ú¨ p§ ‰© -˙‡¤ »C¯¥·¨ ȧ Ú¯À¨-Ïk¨ Ó¦ È˙¹¦ Ÿ‡ χ¥¸ Ÿb‰©and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude ̉´¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© È˙−© Ÿ·‡£ ̬L¥ § ÈÓ½¦ L§ Æ̉¤ ·¨ ‡¯³¥w¨È¦ §in the midst of the earth.’ [17] And when Joseph ‡¯§´i©Â© 17 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ ·¯¤˜¬¤a§ ·Ÿ¯−Ϩ eb¬„§È¦ § ˜Á®¨ ˆ§ Ȧ §saw that his father was laying his right handupon the head of Ephraim, it displeased him, L‡Ÿ¯¬-ÏÚ© B²ÈÓ¦ ȧ-„È© ÂÈ·¯¦ ‡¨ ˙ÈL¦¸ Ȩ-Èk¦ ÛÒÀ¥ BÈand he held up his father’s hand, to remove it ÂÈ·À¦ ‡¨ -„È© CŸÓ´ ˙§ i¦ © ÂÈ®¨ÈÚ¥ a§ Ú¯©´i¥Â© ÌȦ ¯−©Ù§ ‡¤from Ephraim’s head unto Manasseh’s head. L‡Ÿ¯¬-ÏÚ© ÌȦ ¯−©Ù§ ‡¤ -L‡Ÿ¯ Ϭک Ó¥ d˙²¨ Ÿ‡ ¯ÈÒ¬¦ ‰¨ ϧ[18] And Joseph said unto his father: ‘Not so,my father, for this is the first-born; put thy right Ôδ¥-‡ŸÏ ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ ÛÒ²¥BÈ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¯Â© 18 :‰M«¤ ©Ó§hand upon his head.’ [19] And his father refused, :BL« ‡Ÿ¯-ÏÚ© E− § ÈÓ¦ ȧ ÌÈN¬¦ ¯ŸÎ½ a§ ‰© ‰´Ê¤-Èk¦ È·®¦ ‡¨and said: ‘I know it, my son, I know it; he also Èz¦ Ú§ „½©È¨ ÆȦ ·§ Èz«¦ Ú§ „³©È¨ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ÂÈ·À¦ ‡¨ Ô‡´¥ Ó¨ ȧ © 19shall become a people, and he also shall be great; Ïc®¨‚§ Ȧ ‡e‰´ -Ì‚©Â§ ÌÚ−¨ l§ -‰È¤‰§ È«¦ ‡e‰¬ -Ìb©howbeit his younger brother shall be greaterthan he, and his seed shall become a multitude ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ BÚ− ¯§Ê©Â§ epn¤½ Ó¦ Ïc´©‚§ Ȧ ÆÔŸËw¨‰© ÂÈÁ³¦ ‡¨ ÌϨÀ e‡Â§of nations.’ [20] And he blessed them that day, »‡e‰‰© ÌBi´a© ÌÎ¥¹ ¯£·¨¸ ȧ © 20 :ÌÈ«¦Bb‰© -‡ŸÏ« Ó§ 98 98
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÁÈ 48 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 48.21 va-yhi ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙saying: ‘By thee shall Israel bless, saying: God E´ Ó§ N«¦ ȧ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ C¯³¥·¨ ȧ EÀ a§ ¼¯BӇϥmake thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh.’ Andhe set Ephraim before Manasseh. [21] And Israel -˙‡¤ ÌN¤ ¬i¨Â© ‰M®¤ ©Ó§ Φ § ÌȦ ¯−©Ù§ ‡¤ k§ Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡said unto Joseph: ‘Behold, I die; but God will be Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 21 :‰M«¤ ©Ó§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ÌȦ¯−©Ù§ ‡¤with you, and bring you back unto the land ofyour fathers. [22] Moreover I have given to thee ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰³È¨‰¨ § ˙Ó®¥ ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰¬p¥‰¦ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-χ¤one portion above thy brethren, which I took :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ·‡£ ı¯¤‡−¤ -χ¤ ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤ ·ÈL´¦ ‰¥ § ÌΤ½ n¨ Ú¦49out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword EÈÁ®¤ ‡© -ÏÚ© „Á−© ‡© ̬Τ L§ E² ϧ Èz«¦ ˙¯© ¨ Ⱥ¦ ‡£ © 22 Èa−¦ ¯§Á© a§ ȯ½¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰«¨ „´i©Ó¦ ÆÈz¦ Á§ ˜Æ©Ï¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£and with my bow.’ And Jacob called unto his sons, and said:‘Gather yourselves together, that I may Ù :Èz«¦ L§ ˜©·§ etell you that which shall befall you in the end of49days. ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ÂÈ®¨ a¨ -χ¤ ·Ÿ˜− Ú£ È© ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ ©[2] Assemble yourselves, and hear, ye ‡¯¬¨˜§ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙²‡¥ ÌΤ½ Ϩ ‰„¨È´b¦ ‡© § ÆeÙÒ§ ‡«¨ ‰¥sons of Jacob; / And hearken unto Israel yourfather. / [3] Reuben, thou art my first-born, / eÚ− Ó§ L¦ § eˆ¬ ·§ w¨‰¦ 2 :ÌÈÓ«¦ i¨‰© ˙ȯ¬¦Á£ ‡© a§ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤My might, and the first-fruits of my strength; / :ÌΫ¤ È·¦ ‡£ Ϭ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-χ¤ eÚ− Ó§ L¦ § ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È© È´¥a§The excellency of dignity, and the excellency ofpower. / [4] Unstable as water, have not thou È®¦ B‡ ˙ÈL´¦ ‡¯¥Â§ ÈÁ−¦ Ÿk ‰z¨ ‡©½ ȯ¦ŸÎ´ a§ ÆÔ·¥ e‡¯§ 3the excellency; / Because thou wentest up to thy -χ© ÆÌȦ nÆ© k© ÊÁ© ³t© 4 :ÊÚ«¨ ¯˙¤ ¬È¤Â§ ˙‡−¥ N§ ¯˙¤ ¬È¤father’s bed; / Then defiledst thou it—he went up z¨ ϧ −l© Á¦ ʇ¬¨ EÈ·®¦ ‡¨ È´·¥ k§ L§ Ó¦ ˙¨ ÈÏ−¦ Ú¨ Ȭk¦ ¯˙©½ Bzto my couch. [5] Simeon and Levi are brethren; / Ù :‰Ï«¨ Ú¨ ÈÚ¬¦ eˆÈ§Weapons of violence their kinship. / [6] Let my ÒÓ−¨ Á¨ Ȭϥ k§ ÌÈÁ®¦ ‡© ÈÂ−¦Ï¥ § ÔBÚ¬ Ó§ L¦ 5soul not come into their council; / Unto theirassembly let my glory not be united; / For in their ÈL¦½ Ù§ © ‡Ÿ·´ z¨ -χ© ÆÌ„¨ŸÒa§ 6 :̉«¤ È˙¥ Ÿ¯Î¥ Ó§anger they slew men, / And in their self-will they e‚¯§‰´¨ ÆÌt¨ ‡© ·§ Èk³¦ È„®¦Ÿ·k§ „Á´© z¥ -χ© ÌÏ−¨ ‰¨ ˜§ a¦houghed oxen. / [7] Cursed be their anger, for itwas fierce, / And their wrath, for it was cruel; / I ÆÌt¨ ‡© ¯e¯³‡¨ 7 :¯BL« -e¯w§ Ú¦ Ì−¨Ÿˆ¯§·¦ e Lȇ½¦will divide them in Jacob, / And scatter them in ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩa§ ̘´¥l§ Á© ‡£ ‰˙¨ L®¨ ˜¨ Èk´¦ Ì˙−¨ ¯¨·§ Ú¤ § ÊÚ¨½ Èk´¦Israel. / [8] Judah, thee shall thy brethren praise; /Thy hand shall be on the neck of thine enemies; / Ɖz¨ ‡© ‰„À¨e‰È§ 8 Ò :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§ ̈−¥ ÈÙ¦ ‡£ ©Thy father’s sons shall bow down before thee. / ee¬Á£ z© L§ Ȧ EÈ®·¤ ȧŸ‡ Û¯¤ŸÚ´ a§ E− „§È¨ EÈÁ¤½ ‡© Ee„´BÈ[9] Judah is a lion’s whelp; / From the prey, my Û¯¤h−¤ Ó¦ ‰„½¨e‰È§ Ɖȥ¯§‡© ¯eb³ 9 :EÈ·«¦ ‡¨ Ȭ¥a§ E− ϧson, thou art gone up. / He stooped down, hecouched as a, lion, / And as a lioness; who shall ÈÓ¬¦ ‡È·−¦ Ϩ Χ e ‰²È¥¯§‡© k§ ı¯·© ¯¨ Ú¯¸©k¨ ˙¨ ÈÏ®¦ Ú¨ È´¦ a§rouse him up? / [10] The sceptre shall not depart ‰„½¨e‰ÈÓ«¦ ÆË·¤ LÆ¥ ¯eÒ¬ Ȩ-‡ŸÏ« 10 :epÓ«¤ Ș¦ ȧfrom Judah, / Nor the ruler’s staff from betweenhis feet, / As long as men come to Shiloh; / And ‰ÏÈ˘ ‡Ÿ·´ Ȩ-Èk«¦ „Ú©µ ÂȮϨ ‚§ ¯© ÔÈ´a¥ Ó¦ ˜˜−¥ŸÁÓ§ eunto him shall the obedience of the peoples be. / ÆÔÙ¤ b¤Æ Ï© ȯ³¦Ò§ Ÿ‡ 11 :ÌÈn«¦ Ú© ˙¬‰© w§ Ȧ BÏ− § BϽ ÈL¦[11] Binding his foal unto the vine, / And hisass’s colt unto the choice vine; / He washeth his ÆÔȦ iÆ©a© Ò³a¥ k¦ B®Ÿ˙‡£ È´¦ a§ ‰˜−¨¯¥ŸOÏ© § B¯½ ÈÚ¦ ‰¯ÈÚgarments in wine, / And his vesture in the blood :B˙« eÒ ‰˙ÂÒ ÌÈ·−¦ ¨Ú£-Ì„©·§ e BL½ ·ª ϧof grapes; / [12] His eyes shall be red with wine, / ÌȦ−p©L¦ -Ô·¤ ϧ e ÔȦ®i¨Ó¦ ÌȦ−©ÈÚ¥ ÈϬ¦ ÈϦ Χ Á© 12And his teeth white with milk. Ù :·Ï«¨ Á¨ Ó¥[13] Zebulun shall dwell at the shore of thesea, / And he shall be a shore for ships, / And his ÛBÁ´ ϧ Ƈe‰Â§ ÔŸkL§ Ȧ ÌÈn−¦ È© ÛBÁ¬ ϧ ÔϪ¾ e·Ê§ 13 Heb. schechem, shoulder. 99 99
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÁÈ 49 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 49.14 va-yhi ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙flankshallbeuponZidon. /[14] Issacharisalarge- ¯Î−¨ ˘O¨ Ȧ 14 Ò :ÔŸ„«Èˆ¦ -ÏÚ© B˙− Ψ ¯§È©Â§ ˙Ÿi½ ¦ ‡¢boned ass, / Couching down between the sheep-folds. / [15] For he saw a resting-place that it was ‡¯§³i©Â© 15 :ÌȦ ˙«¨ t§ L§ n¦ ‰«© ÔȬa¥ ı·−¥ Ÿ¯ ̯¤®b¨ ¯ŸÓ´ Á£good, / And the land that it was pleasant; / And ˳i¥Â© ‰Ó¨ ®Ú¥ ¨ Èk´¦ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ·B˽ Èk´¦ ƉÁ¨ ªÓ§he bowed his shoulder to bear, / And became aservant under taskwork. / [16] Dan shall judge his Ò :„·«¥ ŸÚ-ÒÓ© ϧ ȉ−¦ ȧ© ÏŸa½ Ò§ Ϧ ÆBÓΧ L¦people, / As one of the tribes of Israel. / [17] Dan :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ˥ ·§ L¦ „Á−© ‡© k§ Bn® Ú© ÔÈ„´¦È¨ Ôc−¨ 16shall be a serpent in the way, / A horned snake in Á¯©Ÿ‡® -ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ÔŸÙ− ÈÙ¦ L§ C¯¤„½¤-ÈÏ¥ Ú£ LÁ´¨ ¨ ÆÔ„¨-ȉ¦ ȧ 17the path, / That biteth the horse’s heels, / So thathis rider falleth backward. / [18] I wait for Thy :¯BÁ« ‡¨ B·− Χ Ÿ¯ ÏŸt¬ i¦ © ÒeÒ½ -È·¥ w§ Ú¦ ÆCL¥ Ÿp‰©salvation, O Lord. / [19] Gad, a troop bshall troop „e„´b§ „−b¨ 19 :‰Â«¨‰È§ È˙¦ Ȭe¦˜¦ E− ˙§ Ú¨ eLÈÏ«¦ 18upon him; / But he shall troop upon their heel. /[20] As for Asher, his bread shall be fat, / And he ¯L−¥ ‡¨ Ó¥ 20 Ò :·˜«¥Ú¨ „¬‚ªÈ¨ ‡e‰− § ep„®¤e‚ȧshall yield royal dainties. / [21] Naphtali is a hind Ò :CϤ Ó«¤ -Èp¥„©Ú£Ó«© Ôz−¥ Ȧ ‡e‰¬ § BÓ® Á§ Ï© ‰´¨Ó¥ L§let loose: / He giveth goodly words. / [22] Josephis a fruitful vine, / A fruitful vine by a fountain; / Ô˙−¥ Ÿp‰© ‰Á®¨ Ϫ L§ ‰Ï´¨ i¨‡© ÈÏ−¦ z¨ Ù§ © 21Its branches run over the wall. / [23] The archers Ôa¬¥ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ Æ˙¯¨Ÿt Ôa³¥ 22 Ò :¯Ù¤ L«¨ -ȯ¥Ó§ ‡¦have dealt bitterly with him, / And shot at him, :¯eL« -ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ‰„−¨Ú£ˆ¨ ˙B¾a¨ ÔȦ®Ú¨ -ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ˙¯−¨Ÿtand hated him; / [24] But his bow abode firm, /And the arms of his hands were made supple, / :ÌÈv«¦ Á¦ Ȭϥ Ú£a© e‰Ó−ª ˧ N§ i¦ «© eaŸ¯®Â¨ e‰¯−ª¯£Ó¨ ȧ«© 23By the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob, / From ÂÈ„®¨È¨ È´Ú¥ Ÿ¯Ê§ efŸÙ− i¨Â© Bz½ L§ ˜© ÆÔ˙¨ ȇ¥ a§ ·L¤ z³¥ © 24thence, from the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel, /[25] Even by the God of thy father, who shall :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ô·¤ ¬‡¤ ‰Ú−¤ Ÿ¯ ÌM¬¨ Ó¦ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ ¯È·´¦ ‡£ ÆÈ„¥ÈÓ¦help thee, / And by the Almighty, who shall bless j¨ Τ½ ¯§´·¨ Ȧ ÆÈc©L© ˙‡³¥ § j¨ ¯À¤Ê§ Ú§ ȩ§ EÈ·¹¦ ‡¨ χ¥¸ Ó¥ 25thee, / With blessings of heaven above, / Blessingsof the deep that coucheth beneath, / Blessings of ˙ˆ¤ ´·¤ Ÿ¯ ÌB‰− z§ ˙ŸÎ¬ ¯§a¦ ÏÚ¨½ Ó¥ ÆÌȦ ÓÆ© L¨ ˙ŸÎ³ ¯§a¦the breasts, and of the womb. / [26] The blessings EÈ·À¦ ‡¨ ˙ŸÎ´ ¯§a¦ 26 :ÌÁ© ¯«¨Â¨ ÌȦ „−©L¨ ˙ŸÎ¬ ¯§a¦ ˙Á© z®¨of thy father / Are mighty beyond the blessings ˙ŸÚ´ ·§ b¦ ˙Â−©‡£ z© -„Ú«© ȯ½©B‰ ˙ŸÎ´ ¯§a¦ -ÏÚ© Æe¯·§ «b¨of my progenitors / Unto the utmost bound ofthe everlasting hills; / They shall be on the head ¯È¬Ê¦§ „Ÿ˜−„§˜¨Ï§ e ÛÒ¥½ BÈ L‡Ÿ¯´Ï§ ¨ÆÔÈÈƤ‰§ z«¦ ̮Ϩ BÚof Joseph, / And on the crown of the head of the Ù :ÂÈÁ«¨ ‡¤prince among his brethren. [27] Benjamin is a wolf that raveneth; / In „®Ú© ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ´ ¯˜¤Ÿa− a© Û¯½¨Ë§ Ȧ ·‡´¥ ʧ ÆÔÈÓ¦ Ȩ§ a¦ 27the morning he devoureth the prey, / And at Ȭ˥ ·§ L¦ ‰l¤ ²‡¥ -Ïk¨ 28 :ÏÏ«¨ L¨ ˜¬l¥ Á© ȧ ·¯¤Ú−¤ Ϩ §even he divideth the spoil.’ [28] All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, ̳‰¤ Ϩ ¯a¤¸ c¦-¯L¤ ‡£ ˙‡ŸÊ§¯N®¨ Ú¨ ÌÈ´¥L§ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ B˙− Ψ ¯§·¦ k§ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Lȇ²¦ Ì˙¨½ B‡ C¯¤´·¨ ȧ© Æ̉¤ È·¦ ‡£and this is it that their father spoke unto them andblessed them; every one according to his blessing Æ̉¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© Ì˙¨À B‡ ´ˆ© ȧ © 29 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ C¯¬©a¥he blessed them. [29] And he charged them, andsaid unto them: ‘I am to be gathered unto my È˙®¨ Ÿ·‡£ -χ¤ È˙−¦ Ÿ‡ e¯¬·§ ˜¦ Èn½¦ Ú© -χ¤ ÛÒ´¨‡¡ ¤ ÆȦ ‡£people; bury me with my fathers in the cave that :Èz«¦ Á¦ ‰«© ÔB¯¬Ù§ Ú¤ ‰„−¥N§ a¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰¯½¨Ú¨ n§ ‰©¸ -χ¤is in the field of Ephron the Hittite, [30] in thecave that is in the field of Mach-pelah, which ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰²Ï¨ t¥ Χ n© ‰© ‰„¯¥N§ a¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰¯º¨Ú¨ n§ a© 30is before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which ‰¨¸ ˜¨ Á¯L¤ ‡£ ÔÚ©®¨k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ‡¯−¥Ó§ Ó© -È¥t§ -ÏÚ©Abraham bought with the field from Ephronthe Hittite for a possession of a burying-place. Èz−¦ Á¦ ‰© ÔŸ¯¬Ù§ Ú¤ ˙²‡¥ Ó¥ ‰„À¤O¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ ̉¨¹ ¯¨·§ ‡©[31] There they buried Abraham and Sarah his ̉¨À ¯¨·§ ‡© -˙‡¤ e¯º ·§ ˜«¨ ‰n¨ L´¨ 31 :¯·¤ ˜«¨-˙f©Áª ‡£ Ï© Heb. gedud. b From the Heb. root gadad. 100 100
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÁÈ 49 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 49.32 va-yhi ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙wife; there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his ˜Á¨½ ˆ§ Ȧ -˙‡¤ e¯´·§ ˜¨ ‰n¨ L¨ µ Bz½ L§ ‡¦ ‰¯´¨N¨ Æ˙‡¥ §wife; and there I buried Leah. [32] The field andthe cave that is therein, which was purchased -˙‡¤ Èz¦ ¯§·−© ˜¨ ‰n¨ L¬¨ § Bz® L§ ‡¦ ‰˜´¨·§ ¯¦ ˙‡−¥ §from the children of Heth.’ [33] And when Jacob Ba− -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰¯¬¨Ú¨ n§ ‰© § ‰„²¤O¨ ‰© ‰¯¥˜§ Ó¦ 32 :‰‡«¨ Ï¥made an end of charging his sons, he gatheredup his feet into the bed, and expired, and was -˙‡¤ ˙Ÿe´ˆ© ϧ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© ϳΩ ȧ© 33 :˙Á«¥ -È¥a§ ˙¬‡¥ Ó¥gathered unto his people. ÛÒ¤ ‡¬¨ i¥Â© ÚÂ−©‚§ i¦ © ‰®h¨ n¦ ‰© -χ¤ ÂÈÏ−¨ ‚§ ¯© ÛŸÒ¬ ‡¡ i¤Â© ÂȨ½ a¨ And Joseph fell upon his father’s50 50face, and wept upon him, and kissedhim. [2] And Joseph commanded his servantsthe physicians to embalm his father. And the ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ È´¥t§ -ÏÚ© ÛÒ−¥ BÈ ÏŸt¬ i¦Â© :ÂÈn«¨ Ú© -χ¤physicians embalmed Israel. [3] And forty days -˙‡¤ ÛÒ³¥BÈ Âˆ©¸ ȧ© 2 :BÏ« -˜M© i¦Â© ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ j§ ·§ ¬i¥Â©were fulfilled for him; for so are fulfilled the days ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ËŸ−Á£ Ï© Ìȇ½¦ Ù§ Ÿ¯´‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÂÈ„¨·¨ Ú£ -e‡Ï§ Ó§ i¦Â© 3 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-˙‡¤ Ìȇ−¦ Ù§ Ÿ¯‰¨ eˬ § Á© i©Â©of embalming. And the Egyptians wept for him ÌÈË®¦ ªÁ£ ‰© ÈÓ´¥ ȧ e‡− ϧ Ó§ Ȧ Ôk¬¥ Ȳk¦ ÌBȽ ÌÈÚ´¦ a¨ ¯§‡© ÆBÏthreescore and ten days. Æe¯·§ Ú© i«©Â© 4 :ÌBÈ« ÌÈÚ¬¦ ·§ L¦ ÌȦ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ B˙² Ÿ‡ ek¬ ·§ i¦ © [4] And when the days of weeping forhim were past, Joseph spoke unto the house of ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© ˙Ȭa¥-χ¤ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ ¯´a¥ „©È§ © B˙½ ÈΦ ·§ ÈÓ´¥ ȧPharaoh, saying: ‘If now I have found favourin your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of -e¯a§ c© ÌΤ½ ȥȴڥ a§ ÆÔÁ¥ È˙¦ ‡³ˆ¨ Ó¨ ‡¨¸ -̇¦ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥Pharaoh, saying: [5] My father made me swear, Ȧ ´Ú© Èa¦ L§ ‰¦ È·º¦ ‡¨ 5 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§Ù© Ȭ¥Ê§ ‡¨ a§ ‡¨¾saying: Lo, I die; in my grave which I have diggedfor me in the land of Canaan, there shalt thou È˙¦ ȯ³¦k¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ȯÀ¦·§ ˜¦ a§ ¼˙Ó¥ »ÈΦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰´p¥‰¦ ¯ŸÓÀ ‡Ï¥bury me. Now therefore let me go up, I pray ‰z¨À Ú© § Ȧ ¯®¥a§ ˜§ z¦ ‰n¨ L−¨ ÔÚ© ©½ k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ÆÈϦthee, and bury my father, and I will come back.’[6] And Pharaoh said: ‘Go up, and bury thy :‰·¨ eL« ‡¨ § È·−¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ‰¯¬¨a§ ˜§ ‡¤ § ‡²p¨-‰Ï¤ Ú¡‡«¤father, according as he made thee swear.’ [7] And EÈ·−¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ¯Ÿ·¬ ˜§ e ‰²Ï¥ Ú£ ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 6Joseph went up to bury his father; and with himwent up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of -˙‡¤ ¯Ÿa´ ˜§ Ϧ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ ÏÚ© ¬i©Â© 7 :EÚ«¤ Èa¦ L§ ‰¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k©his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt, È´¥˜§ ʦ ƉŸÚ¯§Ù© È„³¥·§ Ú© -Ïk¨ Bz¹ ‡¦ eϸ Ú£i«©Â© ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨[8] and all the house of Joseph, and his brethren,and his father’s house; only their little ones, and ˙È´a¥ ÆϟΧ 8 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ -ı¯¤‡«¤ Ȭ¥˜§ ʦ ÏŸÎ− § B˙½ È·¥their flocks, and their herds, they left in the land Ì´¨‡ŸˆÂ§ ÆÌt¨ Ë© ˜¯À© ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ˙È´·¥ e ÂÈÁ−¨ ‡¤ § ÛÒ¥½ BÈof Goshen. [9] And there went up with him bothchariots and horsemen; and it was a very great Bn½ Ú¦ ÏÚ© ´i©Â© 9 :ÔL¤ Ÿb« ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ e·− ʧڨ ̯½¨˜¨·§ ecompany. [10] And they came to the threshing- „¬·¥ k¨ ‰−¤Á£ n© ‰«© ȉ¬¦ ȧ© ÌÈL®¦ ¯¨t¨ -Ìb© ·Î¤ ¯−¤-Ìb©floor of Atad, which is beyond the Jordan, and ¯·¤ ´Ú¥ a§ ƯL¤ ‡£ „˨À ‡¨ ‰¨ Ô¯¤Ÿb´ -„Ú© e‡Ÿ·¹ i¨Â© 10 :„Ÿ‡« Ó§there they wailed with a very great and sorewailing; and he made a mourning for his father „Ÿ‡® Ó§ „·−¥ Ψ § ÏB„¬b¨ „²t¥ Ò§ Ó¦ ÌL¨½ -e„t§ Ò§ i¸¦ © Ôc½¥¯§i©‰©seven days. [11] And when the inhabitants of ‡¯§i©¿Â© 11 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ Ï·¤ ‡−¥ ÂȲ·¦ ‡¨ ϧ NÚ© ¯i©Â©the land, the Canaanites, saw the mourning inthe floor of Atad, they said: ‘This is a grievous ÆÔ¯¤Ÿ‚Æ a§ Ï·¤ ‡¥À ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ȹ¦ Ú£©k§ ‰«© ı¯¤‡¨¸ ‰¨ Á·L¥ BÈmourning to the Egyptians.’ Wherefore the ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ϧ ‰−ʤ „¬·¥ k¨ -Ï·¤ ‡«¥ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© „˨½ ‡¨ ‰«¨name of it was called Abel-mizraim, which isbeyond the Jordan. [12] And his sons did unto ¯L−¤ ‡£ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ Ï´·¥ ‡¨ ÆdÓ¨ L§ ‡¯³¨˜¨ Ôkº¥ -ÏÚ©him according as he commanded them. [13] For ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© Ôk−¥ BÏ® ÂÈ−¨·¨ eN¬ Ú£i©Â© 12 :Ôc«¥¯§i©‰© ¯·¤ ¬Ú¥ a§his sons carried him into the land of Canaan, andburied him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, ÔÚ© ©½ k§ ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡´© ÆÂȨ·¨ B˙³ Ÿ‡ e‡¸ N§ i¦ © 13 :Ìe«¨ˆ¦which Abraham bought with the field, for a ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰®Ï¨ t¥ Χ n© ‰© ‰„´¥N§ ˙¯−©Ú¨ Ó§ a¦ B˙½ Ÿ‡ e¯´a§ ˜§ i¦Â© Heb. ebel. 101 101
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÁÈ 50 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 50.14 va-yhi ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙possession of a burying-place, of Ephron the ¯·¤ ˜À¤-˙f©Áª ‡£ Ï© ‰„¹¤O¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ ̉¨¸ ¯¨·§ ‡© Á‰¨˜¨Hittite, in front of Mamre. [14] And Joseph returned into Egypt, he, :‡¯«¥Ó§ Ó© Ȭ¥t§ -ÏÚ© Èz−¦ Á¦ ‰© ÔŸ¯¬Ù§ Ú¤ ˙²‡¥ Ó¥ -ÏΨ § ÂÈÁ¨½ ‡¤ § ‡e‰´ ƉӨ ȧ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ ÛÒ³¥BÈ ·L¨ i¨¸Â© 14and his brethren, and all that went up with him B¯¬·§ ˜¨ ȯ−¥Á£ ‡© ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ¯Ÿa´ ˜§ Ϧ Bz− ‡¦ ÌÈϬ¦ ŸÚ‰¨to bury his father, after he had buried his father.[15] And when Joseph’s brethren saw that their ˙Ó´¥ -Èk¦ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ-ÈÁ«¥ ‡£ e‡³ ¯§i¦ © 15 :ÂÈ·«¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤father was dead, they said: ‘It may be that Josephwill hate us, and will fully requite us all the evil ·L³¥ ‰¨ § ÛÒ®¥BÈ eÓ−¥ ˧ N§ Ȧ eϬ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© ̉¤½ È·¦ ‡£which we did unto him.’ [16] And they sent a eϧ Ó−© b¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Ú¨½ ¯¨‰´¨ -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥µ eϨ½ Æ·ÈL¦ Ȩmessage unto Joseph, saying: ‘Thy father did ‰e¨½ ˆ¦ EÈ·´¦ ‡¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ-χ¤ ee¾ˆ© ȧ © 16 :B˙« Ÿ‡command before he died, saying: [17] So shallye say unto Joseph: Forgive, I pray thee now, the ÛÒÀ¥ BÈϧ e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿ˙-‰Ÿk« 17 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ B˙− BÓ È¬¥Ù§ Ϧtransgression of thy brethren, and their sin, for -Èk¦ ÆÌ˙¨ ‡h¨ Á© § EÈÁ³¤ ‡© ÚL© ´t¤ ‡¨Â ‡N´¨ ‡p¨¿‡´¨that they did unto thee evil. And now, we pray È„−¥·§ Ú© ÚL© ¬Ù¤ ϧ ‡¨½ ‡N´¨ Ɖz¨ Ú© § EeϽ Ó¨ ‚§ ‰´Ú¨ ¯¨thee, forgive the transgression of the servants ofthe God of thy father.’ And Joseph wept when :ÂÈÏ«¨ ‡¥ ̯¬¨a§ „©a§ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ j§ ·§ ¬i¥Â© EÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡they spoke unto him. [18] And his brethren also e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© ÂÈ®¨Ù¨ ϧ eÏ− t§ i¦ «© ÂÈÁ¨½ ‡¤ -Ìb© ÆeÎϧ i¥Â© 18went and fell down before his face; and they ÛÒ−¥ BÈ Ì²‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¯Â© 19 :ÌÈ„«¦·¨ ڣϩ E− ϧ ep«¬p¤‰¦said: ‘Behold, we are thy bondmen.’ [19] And :Ȧ ‡«¨ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ˙Á© ˙¬© ‰£ Ȳk¦ e‡¯®¨Èz¦ -χ©Joseph said unto them: ‘Fear not; for am I in theplace of God? [20] And as for you, ye meant evil ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰®Ú¨ ¯¨ ÈÏ−© Ú¨ Ìz¬¤ ·§ L© Á£ Ìz¤¾ ‡© § 20against me; but God meant it for good, to bring ‰−f¤‰© ÌBi¬k© ‰ŸN² Ú£ ÔÚ© Ó©À ϧ ‰·¨½ ŸËϧ d´·¨ L¨ Á£to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. e‡¯½¨Èz¦ -χ© Ɖz¨ Ú© § 21 :·¯«¨-ÌÚ© ˙ŸÈ¬Á£ ‰© ϧ[21] Now therefore fear ye not; I will sustain you,and your little ones.’ And he comforted them, ÌÁ´¥ ©È§Â© ̮Τ t§ Ë© -˙‡«¤ § ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ Ϭk¥ ϧ Ω ‡£ ȲΦ Ÿ‡¨and spoke kindly unto them. ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ ·L¤ ³i¥Â© 22 :Ìa«¨ Ϧ -ÏÚ© ¯a−¥ „©È§Â© Ì˙¨½ B‡[22] And Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he, and ‰‡¬¨ Ó¥ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ ÈÁ´¦ ȧ © ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ˙È´·¥ e ‡e‰− ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ a§his father’s house; and Joseph lived a hundredand ten years. [23] And Joseph saw Ephraim’s È−¥a§ ÌȦ ¯½©Ù§ ‡¤ ϧ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ ‡¯§³i©Â© 23 :ÌÈ«¦ L¨ ¯N¤ Ú−¤ ¨children of the third generation; the childrenalso of Machir the son of Manasseh were born e„−l§ Ȫ ‰M¤½ ©Ó§ -Ôa¤ ƯÈΦ Ó¨ ȳ¥a§ Ìb©À ÌÈL®¦ l¥ L¦ ÂÈÁ¨½ ‡¤ -χ¤ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 24 :ÛÒ«¥ BÈ È¬k¥ ¯§a¦ -ÏÚ©upon Joseph’s knees. [24] And Joseph said ÌΤÀ ˙§ ‡¤ „Ÿ˜´ Ù§ Ȧ „Ÿ˜¯ t¨ Ìȉº¦ ŸÏ‡Â«¥ ˙Ó®¥ ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨unto his brethren: ‘I die; but God will surelyremember you, and bring you up out of this land -χ¤ ˙‡Ÿf½‰© ı¯¤‡´¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ÆÌΤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‰Ï³¨ Ú¡‰¤ §unto the land which He swore to Abraham, to ˜Á−¨ ˆ§ Ȧϧ ̬‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ϧ Ú²a© L§ ¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨¾ ‰¨Isaac, and to Jacob.’ [25] And Joseph took an χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -˙‡¤ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ Ú´a© L§ i©Â© 25 :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩϧ e«oath of the children of Israel, saying: ‘God willsurely remember you, and ye shall carry up my ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ „Ÿ˜³Ù§ Ȧ „Ÿ˜¸ t¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥bones from hence.’ [26] So Joseph died, being a ÛÒ¥½ BÈ ˙Ó¨ ´i¨Â© 26 :‰f«¤Ó¦ È˙−© ŸÓˆ§ Ú© -˙‡¤ Ì˙¬¤ Ϧ Ú£‰© §hundred and ten years old. And they embalmed ÌN¤ Ȭi¦Â© B˙½ Ÿ‡ eË´ § Á© i©Â© ÌÈ®¦ L¨ ¯N¤ Ú−¤ ¨ ‰‡¬¨ Ó¥ -Ôa¤him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt. :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ ÔB¯−‡¨ a¨ 102 102
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOC01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29˙ÂÓ˘30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40EXODUS ˙ÂÓ˘ ˙ÂÓ˘1 Israel, who came into Egypt with Jacob;every man came with his household: [2] Reuben,1Simeon, Levi, and Judah; [3] Issachar, Zebulun,1Now these are the names of the sons of Ìȇ−¦ a¨ ‰© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æ˙BÓL§ ‰l¤ ‡¥À § :e‡a«¨ B˙− È·¥ e Lȇ¬¦ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ ˙‡´¥ ‰Ó¨˙ȧ¯®Â¨Óˆ§ ˘Ó¦and Benjamin; [4] Dan and Naphtali, Gad and ¯Ì¬Î¨È˘‡−¦ aO¨¨‰©È¦ 3 Ï:‡¥‰½ ¯„¨«N¨e§ ‰È¦ Ȧȴ¥Èa§Â−¦Ï¥ Æ˙ÔBBÓÚ½ LÓ§ L¦ ‰Ôl¤·´‡¥¥Àe‡§ ¯§ 2Asher. [5] And all the souls that came out of the :¯e‡L«¥ a«‡¨¨ § B˙„− ¬Èb¨·¥ eÈÏ−¦ Lz¨ ÈÙ§‡¬¦©Â§ ·ÔŸ˜c¬½¨Ú£4È© :˙ÔÓ«¦‡´¥È¨§ ·¦‰eÓ¨ Ôȧ−ϯª®¨eˆ§·Óʦ§loins of Jacob were seventy souls; and Joseph ̯¬ÎȨڴ˘¦ ·§OL¨¦ Ȧ 3·Ÿ˜:−Ú‰£È©„«-¨eC‰¯¤ÈÈ«¤Â¦ ÈȬ‡¥Â−¦Ïˆ¥§ ŸÈ ÔLBÚ½Ù¤Ó²§¤L-¦Ïk¨Ô·´¥Èe‰‡À¦ ȧ¯Â«©§ 52was in Egypt already. [6] And Joseph died, and ÆÛ:¯Ò¥LB«¥È‡¨ ˙§ Ó¨„³i¬¨b¨Â© 6ÈÏ−:¦ Ìz¨ ÈÙ¦ ¯§«¨©ˆÂ§ Ó¦ Ô·c§¬¨ 4‰¬È:¨‰¨ÔÓ«¦ ÛȨ§Ò−¥·¦Beȧ Ô−LϪ eÙ·¤®¨Ê§all his brethren, and all that generation. [7] And ÈÌ´¥·È§Ú´e¦ ·7§ L¦ :‡·Ÿ˜e−‰Ú«£‰È©-C¯¯¤È«¤BcȬ‰¬‡©¥ ˆ§ ŸÈÏLŸÎ− ÂÙ§¤²¤-ÂÏÈÁk¨½ ‡¤È-‰À¦ÏȧΨ«©Â5§the children of Israel were fruitful, and increasedabundantly,andmultiplied,andwaxedexceeding „ÆÛŸ‡Ò´¥ ÓB§Èa¦ ˙eÓ−¨ ³ˆi¨§Â©Ú©6i«©Â©:Ìea¬È¦¯«¨§iˆ¦§Â©Ó¦e·ˆ²§ ¯§‰L§ ¬È¨i¦‰Â¨«© eÛ¯¯Òt−¨¥ BÏȇ§¥À ¯L¨NÙ§¤®È¦¨mighty; and the land was filled with them. È´¥·§ e 7 :‡Ù e‰« :‰©Ì˙«¨ ¯Ÿ‡Bcı¬‰©¯¤‡−¨ ‰Ï¨ ŸÎ−‡Â§ ¬Ï¥ n¨ÈzÁ¦¨½Â©‡¤ „-ŸÏ‡®ÎÓ¨§Â§ [8] Now there arose a new king over Egypt, -„‡Ÿ‡´ŸÏ«Ó§ a¯¦ ¬L¤eÓ‡−£ˆ§ ÌÚ© Èi«¦©¯Â®©¨ˆe§aÓ¬¦¯-§iϦ©کeˆ²L¯§„L−¨§Á¨i¦ «-©Ce¯Ï¤¯tÓ«¨¤ Ï̇¥À˜¯¨¬¨i¨N©§ 8Ȧwho knew not Joseph. [9] And he said untohis people: ‘Behold, the people of the children ÌÚ©µ ‰p¥À‰¦ BÙn® Ú© -:Ï̇¤˙«¨ Ÿ¯‡Ó¤ı‡¯Ÿi¤−‡−©¨9‰¨:Û‡Ò«¥¬Ï¥BnȨ-z˙¦ ‡©¤ „ÚŸ‡®„−өȧ¨of Israel are too many and too mighty for us; ‰-‡·¨ŸÏ¬‰«¨ 1¯0¬L¤ ‡:£epÌn«¤ ÈÓ¦¦¯®¨ˆ§ÌÓ¦ e-ˆÏ− Ú¨©Â§ L·„−¯¨¬Á©¨ -ÏC‡¥Ï½¤¯Ó«¨¤N§ ÌȦ ˜¨È¬i´¨¥Â©a§8[10] come, let us deal wisely with them, lest theymultiply, and it come to pass, that, when there ‰Ì¨Ú©‡µ ‰¯³¤˜p¥À§‰˙¦¦ -BÈn®k«¦Ú©‰-ÏȺ¨‡‰¨¤ §¯‰Ó¤a‡¤À ¯Ÿi−§È¦©-9Ôt:¤ ÛBÒ«Ï¥® Bȉ-˙Ó−¨ ‡k¤§ Á©Ú˙§„−©«¦È¨befalleth us any war, they also join themselves e‰È·¨‡¥½¬‰¨§ŸN1´0-Ï:Úe©pn«¤ ÓƇ¦ e‰Ì-ë− Úb©¨ § Û·Ò³¯¬©©BÂϧ ‡¥½ ¯Æ‰¨N§Ó¨È¦Á¨ Ïȧ´¥Óa¦§unto our enemies, and fight against us, and getthem up out of the land.’ [11] Therefore they did e‰Ó¨È‡N³¦¯³¤i¨˜Â©§ ˙1¦1-È:k«¦ı¯‰¤‡«Èº¨‰‰¨¨Â§-Ô‰Ó¦a¤À ¯‰§È¦ -¬Ï¨ÔÚt¨¤ §BÏ®e‰a−¨-Ó−¨Ìk§Á©Á©Ï§˙§¦ «§¦set over them taskmasters to afflict them with Ìe˙®È¨‡Ÿ¥Ï½ §·Ÿ§N´Ò¦-a§ÏÚ©B˙− ŸpƇک e‰ÔÚ©-Ӭ̩ Ïb©§ ÌÛÈÒq³©½¦ BÓ¦ § ȯ´¥Æ‰N¨ Ó¨ ÆÂÁ¨ÈϨ§ ÚÓ¨¦their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh store- ÌeÓŸ˙−ÈtN³¦¦ -i¨˙© ‡1¤1 :‰ıŸÚ¯½¤¯‡«¨§Ù©‰¨Ï§-ÔÓƦ˙B‰k§¬Ï¨ÒÚ§¨Ó¦§ eȯa−³¨¥Ú-¨ÌÁ©Ô·Ï¤§ i¹¦ ©§cities, Pithom and Raamses. [12] But the morethey afflicted them, the more they multiplied ÔÌk¬¥˙®¨ŸÏB˙·½§ Ÿ‡Ò¦ a§ epB´˙Ú©− ÈŸp§ کƯLÔ¤Ú©‡£Ó¬©Î©Ï§Â§ 1Ì2 Èq:½¦ ÒÓ¦ Ò«¥ Óȧ¯´Ú¥©N¨¯©-ÆÂ˙Èχ¨¤Ú¨§and the more they spread abroad. And they were :ÌÏŸ˙‡«−¥ t¯¦¨-N§˙Ȧ‡¤È¬¥a§‰ÈŸÚ−½¥¯t§§ÙÓ©¦ ϧ eˆÆ˙˜¾ªiB¨Â© k§ıÒŸ§¯®ÓÙ¦§ Ȧ Èԯδ³¥Ú¨§ ‰Ôa−¤·¤¯i§¹¦È¦©adread because of the children of Israel. [13] Andthe Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve :ÔCk¬¥¯¤Ù«¨B˙a§½ Ÿ‡Ï‡−¥ e¯p¨´NÚ§© ȧ¦ ȬƯ¥aL§¤-‡˙£ ·©¤Â§ 1Ì2Ȧ ¯²:©ˆÒ§ ÓÒ«¦¥ Óe§ „Ú©·¯¯¦ ©Ú-£˙i©Â©‡¤13§with rigour. [14] And they made their lives bitter ‰:ÏL¨À‡«¥˜¯¨¨N§ ȉ¦ È„´¬¨¥Ÿ·a§Ú£Èa−©¥t§ Ó¦Ìe‰¤ˆ¹ Și¾ª¥Ái¨©Â©-˙ıŸ¯‡®¤Ù§ Ȧ eԯδ¸¥¯Â§§Ó‰¨ ȧa−¤©¯1§4Ȧwith hard service, in mortar and in brick, andin all manner of service in the field; in all their ˙:C‡¥¯µ¤Ù«‰¨ a§„®¤OϨ ‡−a¥©¯¨‰N§ „−Ȧ¨Ÿ·È¬Ú¥£a-§ -Ï˙Ψ‡·¤§ eÌÌȦ ¯È²©½¦ˆ·§¥ÓϦ§ ·¦ee„·¯Æ¯¦ ÚÓ£¤i©ŸÁÂÆ© a1§3service, wherein they made them serve with :‰CL¯¨À¤Ù˜«¨¨a§ ‰Ì„´¨‰−Ÿ·¤ ·Ú¨£a© e„¬Ì·§ Ú‰¨¤¹ -ȯi¥ÁL©¤-‡£˙‡¤ Ì˙¨½e„¯¸¨Ÿ·¯´§ÚÓ£¨ -ȧÏ© k1¨4rigour. ˙Ÿi®‡¥¯µ¦·§‰Ú¦„®‰¤«¨O¨ ˙a© Ÿ„−‰l§ „È−©¨ÓŸ·§ ÚÏ«©£-ÌÏÎȦ¨¯½·©§ˆ§eÓ¦ÌCȽ¦Ï¤·¥Ó´Ï¤§ ·Æ¯¦ eӤƯ‡ÓŸ¤iÆ ŸÂÁ©Æ 1a5§ [15] And the king of Egypt spoke to theHebrew midwives, of whom the name of the one ˙:CÈ−¯¦¤MÙ¥«¨ a‰§© Ì̬L‰−¥¤ ·§¨ ‰e¯½„¨Ù¬§·§LÚ¦¨ -¯Æ˙L¤Á©‡£‡© ‰«¨ ÌÌ˙¨½ L³„¥¨Ÿ·´ Ú¯£-L¤¸Ï‡£k¨was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah; ˙BŸi®i¯½¯¦·¦§·§ÚÚ¦ ¦‰«¨‰«¨ -˙˙Ÿ„‡−¤l§ È©ÓÆԧΤϫ©„§l̤ ȩȦa¯§½©ˆ§¯Ó¦Ó¤ C‡Ï¤ŸiÀÂÓ´©¤16ƯÓ:¤ ‰‡ÚŸi«Æ¨Â©et15[16] and he said: ‘When ye do the office of amidwifetotheHebrewwomen,yeshalllookupon Ô˙z´¤ÈÓ−¦ M‰¥£‰Â© ƇÌe‰¬L¥ ÂÔ§ a¬¥‰-̯½¨‡Ù¦§ L¦ÌȦ®Æ˙¨·§Á‡©¨‡‰©¨‰«¨-ÏÚÌ© L³¥Ô˙−¤ ȯ‡¦L¤¸¯‡§£ethe birthstool: if it be a son, then ye shall kill him; ¨Ô˙‡B¯³i½¤¯È¦z·¦§ ÂÚ©¦ 1‰«¨7-˙:‡‰¤ ȨÁƫԨΤ¨ „§l¤‡È©Èa§‰−¦ ¯Ó˙¤ ‡¬a©Ÿ-iÀÂÌ© 1‡6¦ § :‰BÚ˙«¨½ eŸ‡tbut if it be a daughter, then she shall live.’ [17] Butthe midwives feared God, and did not as the king Ôz´¤ Ó¦ ‰£ © Ƈe‰ Ôa¬¥-̇¦ ÌȦ®¨·§ ‡¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© Ô˙−¤ ȇ¦ ¯§e 103¨Ô‡¯³¤Èz¦ © 17 :‰È¨Á«¨ ¨ ‡È‰−¦ ˙¬a©-̇¦ § B˙½ Ÿ‡ 103
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ˘ 1 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 1.18 shemot ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men- ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© eN½ Ú¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´¨ -˙‡¤ Æ˙Ÿ„l§ È©Ó§ ‰«©children alive. [18] And the king of Egypt called -˙‡¤ ¨ÔÈ−i¤Á© z§ © ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ CϤ Ó´¤ Ô‰−¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ¯¬a¤ c¦for the midwives, and said unto them: ‘Whyhave ye done this thing, and have saved the men- ˙Ÿ„½ l§ È©Ó§ Ï«© ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ -CϤ Ó«¤ ‡¯³¨˜§ i¦ © 18 :ÌÈ„«¦Ï¨ ȧ ‰©children alive?’ [19] And the midwives said unto ‰®f¤‰© ¯´·¨ c¨‰© Ô˙−¤ ÈN¦ Ú£ Ú©ec¬Ó© Ô‰¤½ Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â©Pharaoh: ‘Because the Hebrew women are not ¨Ô¯§Ó³© ‡Ÿz© 19 :ÌÈ„«¦Ï¨ ȧ ‰© -˙‡¤ ¨ÔÈ−i¤Á© z§ ©as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and ÌÈL²¦ p¨Î© ‡ŸÏ¯ Èk´¦ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© -χ¤ Æ˙Ÿ„l§ È©Ó§ ‰«©are delivered ere the midwife come unto them.’[20] And God dealt well with the midwives; and ̯¤Ë¤¸ a§ ‰p¨‰¥½ ˙BÈ´Á¨ -Èk«¦ ˙Ÿi®¯¦·§ Ú¦ ‰«¨ ˙Ÿi−¯¦ˆ§ n¦ ‰©the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty. ·Ë¤ Ȭi¥Â© 20 :e„Ï«¨ Ȩ§ ˙„¤l−¤ È©Ó§ ‰© Ô‰²¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ‡B·¯ z¨[21] And it came to pass, because the midwives eÓ− ˆ§ Ú© i«©Â© ̲ڨ ‰¨ ·¯¤i¯¦Â© ˙Ÿ„®l§ È©Ó§ Ï«© Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡feared God, that He made them houses. [22] And -˙‡¤ ˙Ÿ„−l§ È©Ó§ ‰«© e‡¬ ¯§È«¨-Èk«¦ ȉ¾¦ ȧ © 21 :„Ÿ‡« Ó§Pharaoh charged all his people, saying: ‘Every ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ´ˆ© ȧ © 22 :ÌÈz«¦ a¨ ̉−¤ Ϩ NÚ© ¬i©Â© Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨son that is born ye shall cast into the river, andevery daughter ye shall save alive.’ Ɖ¯¨Ÿ‡Æ ȧ‰© „BlÀ i¦‰© Ôa´¥‰© -Ïk¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ Bn− Ú© -ÏΨ ϧ Ò :Ôei« Á© z§ ˙a−© ‰© -ÏΨ § e‰Îª½ ÈϦ L§ z© And there went a man of the house of2 2Levi, and took to wife a daughter of Levi. -˙‡¤ Áw−©i¦ © È®¦Ï¥ ˙È´a¥ Ó¦ Lȇ−¦ CϤ ¬i¥Â©[2] And the woman conceived, and bore a son; ‡¯¤z³¥ © Ôa®¥ „Ϥ z´¥ © ‰M−¨ ‡¦ ‰¨ ¯‰© z¬© © 2 :È«¦Ï¥ -˙a©and when she saw him that he was a goodlychild, she hid him three months. [3] And when ‰L¬¨ ŸÏL§ e‰−¥t§ ˆ§ z¦ «© ‡e‰½ ·BË´ -Èk¦ ÆB˙Ÿ‡she could not longer hide him, she took for him -Áw«©z«¦ © ¼BÈÙ¦ v§ ‰© »„BÚ ‰Ï´¨ Χ Ȩ-‡ŸÏ§ 3 :ÌÈÁ«¦ ¯¨È§an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime ˙Ù¤ ®f¨·© e ¯Ó−¨ Á¥ ·© ‰¯¬¨Ó§ Á§ z© © ‡Ó¤ Ÿb½ ˙·© z´¥ ÆBÏand with pitch; and she put the child therein, and -ÏÚ© Ûeq− a© ÌN¤ z¬¨ © „Ϥ i¤½‰© -˙‡¤ Æda¨ ÌN¤ z³¨ ©laid it in the flags by the river’s brink. [4] And his ˜ŸÁ® ¯¨Ó¥ B˙− ŸÁ‡£ ·¬v© ˙© z¥ © 4 :¯Ÿ‡« ȧ ‰© ˙¬Ù© N§sister stood afar off, to know what would be done ƉŸÚ¯§t© -˙a© „¯¤z³¥ © 5 :BÏ« ‰N−¤ Ú¨ i¥-‰Ó© ‰Ú¨¾ „¥Ï§to him. [5] And the daughter of Pharaoh camedown to bathe in the river; and her maidens „´È©-ÏÚ© ˙ŸÎ− ϧ Ÿ‰ ‰¨ È˙¬¤ Ÿ¯Ú£©Â§ ¯Ÿ‡½ ȧ‰© -ÏÚ© ıŸÁ´ ¯§Ï¦walked along by the river-side; and she saw the Ûeq½ ‰© CB˙´ a§ Ɖ·¨ z¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‡¯¤z³¥ © ¯Ÿ‡® ȧ‰©ark among the flags, and sent her handmaid to ÆÁz© Ù§ z¦ © 6 :‰¨ Á«¤ w¨ z¦ © d˙−¨ Ó¨ ‡£ -˙‡¤ Á¬Ï© L§ z¦ ©fetch it. [6] And she opened it, and saw it, even ‰®Î¤Ÿa ¯Ú© −©-‰p¥‰¦ § „Ϥ i¤½‰© -˙‡¤ e‰‡´¥ ¯§z¦ ©the child; and behold a boy that wept. And shehad compassion on him, and said: ‘This is one :‰«Ê¤ Ìȯ−¦·§ Ú¦ ‰«¨ È„¬¥Ï§ i©Ó¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz¾ © ÂÈϨ½ Ú¨ ÏŸÓ´ Á§ z© ©of the Hebrews’ children.’ [7] Then said his sister CÏ¥À‡¥ ‰© ¼‰ŸÚ¯§t© -˙a©-χ¤ »B˙ŸÁ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz´ © 7to Pharaoh’s daughter. ‘Shall I go and call thee a ˙Ÿi®¯¦·§ Ú¦ ‰¨ ÔÓ−¦ ˙˜¤¤½ ÈÓ¥ ‰M´¨ ‡¦ ÆCϨ È˙¦ ‡¯³¨˜¨Â§nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse -˙a© d¬Ï¨ -¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz« © 8 :„Ϥ i«¨‰© -˙‡¤ CÏ−¨ ˜¬¦ È˙¥ §the child for thee?’ [8] And Pharaoh’s daughtersaid to her: ‘Go.’ And the maiden went and called -˙‡¤ ‡¯−¨˜§ z¦ © ‰Ó¨½ ϧ Ú© ‰«¨ ÆCϤ zÆ¥ © ÈΦ ®Ï¥ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t©the child’s mother. [9] And Pharaoh’s daughter ‰ŸÚÀ ¯§t© -˙a© dÏ´¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz¯ © 9 :„Ϥ i«¨‰© ̬‡¥said unto her: ‘Take this child away, and nurseit for me, and I will give thee thy wages’ And the È−¦ ‡£ © ÈϦ½ e‰˜´¦¦ ȉ¥ § Ɖf¤‰© „Ϥ ³i¤‰© -˙‡¤ ÈΦ ÈϦ¹ ȉ¥ „Ϥ −i¤‰© ‰M²¨ ‡¦ ‰¨ Áw¯©z¦ © C¯®¥Î¨ N§ -˙‡¤ Ôz´¥ ‡¤ 104 104
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ˘ 2 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 2.10 shemot ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙womantookthechild,andnursedit. [10] Andthe -˙·© ϧ Æe‰‡Æ¥ ·¦ z§ © „Ϥ i¤À‰© Ïc´©‚§ Ȧ © 10 :e‰˜«¥È¦ z§ ©child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh’sdaughter, and he became her son. And she called ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ÆBÓL§ ‡¯³¨˜§ z¦ © Ô·®¥Ï§ dÏ−¨ -ȉ¦ ȧ«© ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t©his name Moses, and said: ‘Because I bdrew him | ȉ´¦ ȧ © 11 :e‰˙«¦ ÈL¦ Ó§ ÌȦ n−© ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Ȭk¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz¾ ©out of the water.’ [11] And it came to pass in those days, ÂÈÁ¨½ ‡¤ -χ¤ ‡´ˆ¥ i¥Â© ƉL¤ ŸÓ Ïc³©‚§ i¦ © ̉¥À ‰¨ ÌÈÓ´¦ i¨a© ‰¬k¤ Ó© ȯ½¦ˆ§ Ó¦ Lȇ´¦ Ƈ¯§i©Â© Ì˙®¨ŸÏ·§ Ò¦ a§ ‡¯§−i©Â©when Moses was grown up, that he went outunto his brethren, and looked on their burdens; ‡¯§−i©Â© ‰ŸÎ½ ¨ ƉŸk ÔÙ¤ i³¦Â© 12 :ÂÈÁ«¨ ‡¤ Ó¥ ȯ−¦·§ Ú¦ -Lȇ¦and he saw an Egyptian smiting a Hebrew, oneof his brethren. [12] And he looked this way and e‰−¥Ó§ ˧ i¦ «© ȯ½¦ˆ§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÆCi©Â© Lȇ®¦ Ôȇ´¥ Èk´¦that way, and when he saw that there was no -È«¥L§ ‰²p¥‰¦ § Ƚ¦ M¥ ‰© ÌBi´a© Ƈˆ¥ i¥Â© 13 :ÏBÁ« a©man, he smote the Egyptian, and hid him in thesand. [13] And he went out the second day, and, ‰n¨ ¬Ï¨ ÚL¨½ ¯¨Ï«¨ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ÌÈv®¦ ¦ Ìȯ−¦·§ Ú¦ ÌÈL¬¦ ¨‡£behold, two men of the Hebrews were striving ¯N³© Lȇ¸¦ ϧ Eº Ó§ N«¨ ÈÓ´¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi©Â14 :EÚ«¤ ¯¥ ‰k−¤ ˙©together; and he said to him that did the wrong:‘Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow?’ [14] And he ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© ¯Ó¥½ Ÿ‡ ‰z´¨ ‡© ÆȦ ‚Æ¥¯§‰¨ ϧ ‰© eÈÏ¥½ Ú¨ ÆËÙ¥ ŸL§said: ‘Who made thee a ruler and a judge over ¯Ó©½ ‡Ÿi© ƉL¤ ŸÓ ‡¯³¨Èi¦ © ȯ®¦ˆ§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ z¨ ‚§ ¯−©‰¨us? thinkest thou to kill me, as thou didst kill the -˙‡¤ ƉŸÚ¯§t© ÚÓ³© L§ i¦Â© 15 :¯·«¨ c¨‰© Ú„¬©B ÔÎ−¥ ‡¨Egyptian?’ And Moses feared, and said: ‘Surely Á¯³©·§ i¦ © ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‚Ÿ¯´‰£ Ï© Lw−¥·© ȧ© ‰f¤½‰© ¯´·¨ c¨‰©the thing is known’ [15] Now when Pharaohheard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But ·L¤ ¬i¥Â© Ô−Ȩ„§Ó¦ -ı¯¤‡«¤ a§ ·L¤ ¬i¥Â© ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© È´¥t§ Ó¦ ƉL¤ ŸÓMoses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dweltin the land of Midian; and he sat down by a ˙B®a¨ Ú·© L´¤ Ô−Ȩ„§Ó¦ Ô‰¬¥ ŸÎϧ e 16 :¯‡«¥ a§ ‰© -ÏÚ«©well. [16] Now the priest of Midian had seven -˙‡¤ Ɖ¨‡l¤Æ Ó© z§ © ‰¨Ï¤À „§z¦ © ‰¨‡Ÿ·´ z¨ ©daughters; and they came and drew water, andfilled the troughs to water their father’s flock. e‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© 17 :Ô‰«¤ È·¦ ‡£ Ô‡Ÿˆ¬ ˙B˜− L§ ‰© ϧ ÌÈ˽¦ ‰¨ ¯§‰´¨[17] And the shepherds came and drove them ˜§ L§ −i©Â© ÔÚ¨½ L¦ Bi´Â© ƉL¤ ŸÓ ̘¨³i¨Â© ÌeL® ¯§‚¨È§Â© ÌÈÚ−¦ Ÿ¯‰¨away; but Moses stood up and helped them, andwatered their flock. [18] And when they came Ô‰®¤ È·¦ ‡£ χ−¥ eÚ¯§-χ¤ ‰¨‡Ÿ·¾ z¨ © 18 :Ì«¨‡Ÿˆ-˙‡¤to Reuel their father, he said: ‘How is it that ye :ÌBi« ‰© ‡Ÿa− Ôz¬¤ ¯§‰© Ó¦ Ú©ec²Ó© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â©are come so soon to-day?’ [19] And they said: „´i©Ó¦ eÏ−¨ Èv¦ ‰¦ ȯ½¦ˆ§ Ó¦ Lȇ´¦ ¨Ô¯§Ó©¾ ‡Ÿz© 19‘An Egyptian delivered us out of the hand of theshepherds, and moreover he drew water for us, -˙‡¤ ˜§ L§ −i©Â© eϨ½ ƉϨ „¨ ‰ŸÏ³ c¨-Ì‚©Â§ ÌÈÚ®¦ Ÿ¯‰¨and watered the flock.’ [20] And he said unto Ɖf¤ ‰n¨ ϳ¨ Bi®‡© § ÂÈ˙−¨ Ÿa§ -χ¤ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 20 :Ô‡Ÿv« ‰©his daughters: ‘And where is he? why is it thatye have left the man? call him, that he may eat :ÌÁ¤ Ï«¨ ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ¬Â§ BÏ− Ô‡¬¤ ¯§˜¦ Lȇ½¦ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ôz´¤ ·§ Ê©Ú£bread.’ [21] And Moses was content to dwell Ôz²¥ i¦ © Lȇ®¦ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ˙·¤ L´¤ Ϩ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ χ¤ Bi¬Â© 21with the man; and he gave Moses Zipporah hisdaughter [22] And she bore a son, and he called Ôa¥½ „Ϥ z´¥ © 22 :‰L«¤ ŸÓϧ Bz− ·¦ ‰¯¬¨Ÿtˆ¦ -˙‡¤his name Gershom; for he said: ‘I have been ca È˙¦ ÈȽ¦‰¨ ¯´b¥ ¯Ó©½ ‡¨ Èk´¦ ÌŸL® ¯§b¥ BÓ− L§ -˙‡¤ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦Â©stranger in a strange land.’ Ù :‰i«¨¯¦Î§ ¨ ı¯¤‡−¤ a§ [23] And it came to pass in the course ofthose many days that the king of Egypt died; CϤ Ó´¤ Æ˙Ó¨ iƨ© ̉¥À ‰¨ ÌÈa¹¦ ¯©‰«¨ ÌÈÓ¸¦ i¨·© Áȉ¦ ȧ© 23and the children of Israel sighed by reason of ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ eÁ¯ § ‡¨ i¥Â© ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦the bondage, and they cried, and their cry cameup unto God by reason of the bondage. [24] And -ÔÓ¦ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ -χ¤ Ì˙²¨ Ú¨ §L© ÏÚ© z¯© © e˜®Ú¨ ʧi¦Â©God heard their groaning, and God remembered Ì˙®¨ ˜¨ ‡£ ©-˙‡¤ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ÚÓ¬© L§ i¦ © 24 :‰„«¨Ÿ·Ú£‰¨ Heb. Mosheh. b Heb. mashah, to draw out. c Heb. ger. 105 105
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ˘ 2 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 2.25 shemot ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and ̉−¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© -˙‡¤ B˙½ ȯ¦a§ -˙‡¤ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ¯Ÿk³ ʧ i¦ ©with Jacob. [25] And God saw the children of Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‡¯§¬i©Â© 25 :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩ-˙‡«¤ § ˜Á¬¨ ˆ§ Ȧ-˙‡¤3Israel, and God took cognizance of them. Ò :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Ú„©−i¥Â© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ Now Moses was keeping the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian; 3B¯¬˙§ Ȧ Ô‡Ÿˆ² -˙‡¤ ‰²Ú¤ Ÿ¯ ‰¬È¨‰¨ ‰L¤À ŸÓeand he led the flock to the farthest end of thewilderness, and came to the mountain of God, ¯Á´© ‡© ÆÔ‡Ÿv‰© -˙‡¤ ‚‰³© § i¦Â© ԮȨ„§Ó¦ Ô‰´¥ Ÿk B−˙§ ŸÁunto Horeb. [2] And the angel of the Lord :‰·¨ ¯«¥ŸÁ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ ¯¬‰© -χ¤ ‡Ÿ·² i¨Â© ¯a¨½ „§n¦ ‰©appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the L‡−¥ -˙a© Ï© a§ ÂȲϨ‡¥ ‰¬B¨‰È§ C‡©¸ ϧ Ó© ‡¯¨i¥Â©Â2midst of a bush; and he looked, and, behold, L‡¥½ a¨ ¯´Ú¥ Ÿa Ɖ¤q§ ‰© ‰³p¥‰¦ § ‡¯§i©À© ‰®¤q§ ‰© CBz´ Ó¦the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not -‰¯¨Ò«ª ‡¨ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 3 :Ïk«¨ ‡ª ep¬¤È‡¥ ‰−¤q§ ‰© §consumed. [3] And Moses said: ‘I will turn aside Ú©ec−Ó© ‰®f¤‰© ÏŸ„−b¨‰© ‰¬‡¤ ¯§n© ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰‡¤½ ¯§‡¤ § ‡´p¨now, and see this great sight, why the bush isnot burnt.’ [4] And when the Lord saw that he ¯Ò´¨ Èk´¦ ‰−¨‰È§ ‡¯§¬i©Â© 4 :‰«¤q§ ‰© ¯¬Ú© ·§ Ȧ -‡ŸÏturned aside to see, God called unto him out ofthe midst of the bush, and said: ‘Moses, Moses.’ ‰¤Àq§ ‰© CBz´ Ó¦ Ìȉ¦¹ ŸÏ‡¡ ÂÈϨ¸‡¥ Á‡¯¨˜§ i¦Â© ˙B‡® ¯§Ï¦And he said: ‘Here am I’ [5] And He said: ‘Draw ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 5 :Ȧ«p¥‰¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi²Â©not nigh hither; put off thy shoes from off thy EÈϤ½ ‚§ ¯© Ï´Ú© Ó¥ ÆEÈÏ¤Æ Ú¨ § -ÏL© ÌŸÏ® ‰£ ·¯´©˜§ z¦ -χ©feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holyground.’ [6] Moreover He said: ‘I am the God -˙Ó© „§‡© ÂÈϨ½ Ú¨ „Ó´¥ BÚ Æ‰z¨ ‡© ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÌB˜À n¨ ‰© Èk´¦of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of EÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡ ÆÈΦ Ÿ‡¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 6 :‡e‰« L„¤Ÿ˜−Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ And Moses hid his ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È© ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡Â¥ ˜Á−¨ ˆ§ Ȧ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ̲‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ȉ¯¥ŸÏ‡¡face; for he was afraid to look upon God. [7] And -χ¤ ËÈa−¦ ‰© Ó¥ ‡¯½¥È¨ Èk´¦ ÂȨ½ t¨ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯z³¥ Ò§ i©Â©the Lord said: ‘I have surely seen the affliction of È˙¦ ȇ²¦ ¯¨ ‰Ÿ‡¬ ¯¨ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 7 :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨My people that are in Egypt, and have heard their Ì˙³¨ ˜¨Ú£ˆ© -˙‡¤ § ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Èn−¦ Ú© Ȭ¦ Ú¢ -˙‡¤cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I knowtheir pains; [8] and I am come down to deliver -˙‡¤ Èz¦ Ú§ „−©È¨ Ȭk¦ ÂÈN¨½ ‚§Ÿ« È´¥t§ Ó¦ ÆÈz¦ Ú§ ÓÆ© L¨them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and tobring them up out of that land unto a good land ÌȦ ¯À©ˆ§ Ó¦ „´i©Ó¦ | BÏ´ Èv¦ ‰© ϧ „¯º¥‡¥ ¨ 8 :ÂÈ·«¨ Ÿ‡Î§ Ó©and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and ı¯¤‡³¤ -χ¤ ¼‡Â‰¦ ‰© ı¯¤‡´¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ »B˙ŸÏÚ£‰© ϧ e«honey; unto the place of the Canaanite, and the L®·¨ „§e ·Ï−¨ Á¨ ˙¬·© ʨ ı¯¤‡²¤ -χ¤ ‰·¨½ Á¨ ¯§e Ɖ·¨ BËHittite, and the Amorite, and the Perizzite, andthe Hivite, and the Jebusite. [9] And now, behold, Æȯ¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰«¨ § Èz½¦ Á¦ ‰´© § ÆȦ Ú£©k§ ‰«© ÌB˜³Ó§ -χ¤the cry of the children of Israel is come unto Me; ‰²p¥‰¦ ‰z¨¾ Ú© § 9 :ÈÒ«¦ e·È§‰© § Èe−¦Á¦ ‰© § Èf½¦ ¯¦t§ ‰© §moreover I have seen the oppression herewith ÆÈ˙¦ ȇƦ ¯¨-Ì‚©Â§ ȮϨ‡¥ ‰‡¨ ´a¨ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥a§ ˙˜¬©Ú£ˆ©the Egyptians oppress them. [10] Come nowtherefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ÌȈ¬¦ Á£ŸÏ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ıÁ© l©½ ‰© -˙‡¤thou mayest bring forth My people the children ‡²ˆ¥ B‰Â§ ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© -χ¤ E− Á£ Ϩ L§ ‡«¤ § ‰Î¨½ ϧ ‰z´¨ Ú© § 10of Israel out of Egypt.’ [11] And Moses said unto ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 11 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ Èn¬¦ Ú© -˙‡¤God: ‘Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, CÏ−¥‡¥ Ȭk¦ ÈΦ Ÿ½ ‡¨ ÈÓ´¦ Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´¨ -χ¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓand that I should bring forth the children of χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -˙‡¤ ‡Èˆ²¦ B‡ ȬΦ § ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© -χ¤Israel out of Egypt?’ [12] And He said: ‘Certainly -‰Ê¤Â§ Cn¨½ Ú¦ ‰´È¤‰§ ‡«¤ -Èk«¦ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© 12 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦I will be with thee; and this shall be the token 106 106
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ˘ 3 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 3.13 shemot ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙unto thee, that I have sent thee: when thou hast E³ ‡£ Ȉ«¦ B‰a§ EÈz®¦ Á§ Ï© L§ ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ Ȭk¦ ˙B‡½ ‰¨ E´ l§brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shallserve God upon this mountain.’ [13] And Moses -˙‡¤ ÆÔe„·§ Ú© z«© ÌȦ¯½©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤said unto God: ‘Behold, when I come unto the ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 13 :‰f«¤‰© ¯¬‰¨ ‰¨ Ï−Ú© Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´¨children of Israel, and shall say unto them: The È´¥a§ -χ¤ »‡·¨ Èδ¦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰p¥¸ ‰¦ ÌȉÀ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰«¨ -χ¤God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; andthey shall say to me: What is His name? what shall ÌÎ−¤ È˙¥ B·‡£ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ̉¤½ Ϩ Èz´¦ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § ¼Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ ȦI say unto them?’ [14] And God said unto Moses: ‰Ó¬¨ BÓ½ M§ -‰Ó© ÈÏ´¦ -e¯Ó§ ‡«¨ § ̮Τ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ Ȧ Á´© Ϩ L§‘I am that I am’; and He said: ‘Thus shalt thou ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 14 :̉«¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó−© Ÿ‡say unto the children of Israel: I am hath sentme unto you.’ [15] And God said moreover unto È´¥·§ Ϧ Ưө ‡Ÿ˙ ‰Ÿk³ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ‰®È¤‰§ ‡«¤ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰−Ȥ‰§ ‡«¤Moses: ‘Thus shalt thou say unto the children Á¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi© 15 :ÌΫ¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ Ȧ Á¬© Ϩ L§ ‰−Ȥ‰§ ‡«¤ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧof Israel: The Lord, the God of your fathers, È´¥a§ -χ¤ »¯Ó© ‡Ÿ˙-‰Ÿk« ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ Ìȉ¦¹ ŸÏ‡¡ „BÚ¸the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and theGod of Jacob, hath sent me unto you; this is My ȉ¥¸ ŸÏ‡¡ ÌΤÀ È˙¥ Ÿ·‡£ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰Âº¨‰È§ ¼Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧname for ever, and this is My memorial unto Ȧ Á´© Ϩ L§ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡Â¥ ˜Á²¨ ˆ§ Ȧ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ̉¨¹ ¯¨·§ ‡©all generations. [16] Go, and gather the elders of :¯Ÿc« ¯Ÿ„¬Ï§ ȯ−¦Î§ ʦ ‰¬Ê¤Â§ ÌϨ½ ŸÚϧ ÈÓ´¦ M§ -‰Ê¤ ̮Τ ÈÏ¥ ‡£Israel together, and say unto them: The Lord,the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, z³¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥˜§ ʦ -˙‡¤ zº¨ Ù§ Ò© ‡«¨ § C´Ï¥ 16of Isaac, and of Jacob, hath appeared unto me, ÈÏ©½‡¥ ‰‡´¨ ¯§¦ ÆÌΤ È˙¥ Ÿ·« ‡£ ȳ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰Âº¨‰È§ Æ̉¤ Ï¥ ‡£saying: I have surely remembered you, and seen „Ÿ˜³ t¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ·Ÿ˜− ڣȩ§ ˜Á¬¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ̲‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ȉ¯¥ŸÏ‡¡that which is done to you in Egypt. [17] And Ihave said: I will bring you up out of the affliction ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ÈeN¬ Ú¨ ‰¤ -˙‡¤ § ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤ ÆÈz¦ „§˜Æ©t¨of Egypt unto the land of the Canaanite, and È´¦ Ú¢ Ó¥ »ÌΤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‰´Ï¤ Ú£‡© ¯Ó©À Ÿ‡Â¨ 17 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ a§the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Perizzite, Æȯ¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰«¨ § Èz½¦ Á¦ ‰´© § ÆȦ Ú£©k§ ‰«© ı¯¤‡³¤ -χ¤ ¼ÌȦ ¯©ˆ§ Ó¦and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, unto a landflowing with milk and honey. [18] And they shall ˙¬·© ʨ ı¯¤‡²¤ -χ¤ ÈÒ®¦ e·È§‰© § Èe−¦Á¦ ‰© § Èf½¦¯¦t§ ‰© §hearken to thy voice. And thou shalt come, thou Á‰z¨ ‡© ˙¨¿ ‡·¨ e E®Ï¤Ÿ˜Ï§ eÚ− Ó§ L¨ § 18 :L·«¨ „§e ·Ï−¨ Á¨and the elders of Israel, unto the king of Egypt, Ìz³¤ ¯§Ó© ‡£ © ÌȦ ¯À©ˆ§ Ó¦ CϤ Ó´¤ -χ¤ χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È¥¸ ˜§ ʦ §and ye shall say unto him: The Lord, the Godof the Hebrews, hath met with us. And now let eÈÏ¥½ Ú¨ ‰¯´¨˜§ ¦ ÆÌÈi¦¯¦·§ Ú¦ ‰«¨ ȳ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰Âº¨‰È§ ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥us go, we pray thee, three days’ journey into the ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ³ L§ C¯¤c´¤ ‡pº¨-‰Î¨ Ï£«¥ ‰z¨À Ú© §wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the Lord È´¦ ‡£ © 19 :eȉ«¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰ÈÏ«© ‰Á−¨ a§ ʧ¦ § ¯a¨½ „§n¦ a©our God. [19] And I know that the king of Egypt ÌȦ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ CϤ ¬Ó¤ ̲Τ ˙§ ‡¤ Ôz¬¥ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ« Èk¦Â Èz¦ Ú§ „½©È¨will not give you leave to go, except by a mighty -˙‡¤ Èz³¦ Á§ Ï© L¨ § 20 :‰˜«¨Ê¨Á£ „¬È¨a§ ‡ŸÏ− § CŸÏ® ‰£ Ï©hand. [20] And I will put forth My hand, andsmite Egypt with all My wonders which I will doin the midst thereof. And after that he will let you È˙©½ Ÿ‡Ï§ Ù§ ¦ ÆÏŸÎa§ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ È˙´¦ Èk¥ ‰¦ § ÆÈ„¦È¨go. [21] And I will give this people favour in the Á¬l© L© ȧ ÔÎ−¥-ȯ¥Á£ ‡© § Ba® ¯§˜¦ a§ ‰N−¤ Ú¡‡«¤ ¯¬L¤ ‡£sight of the Egyptians. And it shall come to pass, ‰−f¤‰© -ÌÚ¨ ‰«¨ Ô¬Á¥ -˙‡¤ Èz²¦ ˙© ¨Â§ 21 :ÌΫ¤ ˙§ ‡¤that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty; [22] but eÎ− ϧ ˙¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ôeν Ï¥ ˙«¥ Èk´¦ ƉȨ‰¨ § ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ È´¥ÈÚ¥ a§every woman shall ask of her neighbour, and of ˙¯´©b¨Ó¦ e Ædz¨ § Τ M§ Ó¦ ‰M³¨ ‡¦ ‰Ï¨¸‡£ L¨ § 22 :̘«¨È¯¥her that sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, ˙ŸÏ® Ó¨ N§ e ·‰−¨ ʨ Ȭϥ Χ e ÛÒ¤²Î¤-ÈÏ¥ k§ d˙¨½ Èa¥and jewels of gold, and raiment; and ye shall put 107 107
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ˘ 3 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 4.1 shemot ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙them upon your sons, and upon your daughters; Ìz−¤ ϧ v© ¦ § ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ´a§ -ÏÚ© § ÆÌΤ È¥a§ -ÏÚ© Ìz¤À Ó§ N© §and ye shall spoil the Egyptians.’ 4And Moses answered and said: ‘But,4 behold, they will not believe me, norhearken unto my voice; for they will say: The ÆÔ‰¥ § ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi½Â© ƉL¤ ŸÓ ÔÚ© ³i©Â© :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤Lord hath not appeared unto thee.’ [2] And the Èk´¦ ÈÏ®¦ Ÿ˜a§ eÚ− Ó§ L§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ÈϦ½ eÈÓ´¦ ‡£ È©-‡ŸÏ«Lord said unto him: ‘What is that in thy hand?’ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¯Â© 2 :‰Â«¨‰È§ EÈÏ−¤‡¥ ‰‡¬¨ ¯§¦ -‡ŸÏ« e¯½ Ó§ ‡ŸÈ« ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© E„®¤È¨·§ ‰´f¤-‰Ó© ‰ÊÓ ‰−¨‰È§ ÂȲϨ‡¥And he said: ‘A rod.’ [3] And He said: ‘Cast it ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡©½ e‰´Î¥ ÈϦ L§ ‰© ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© 3 :‰h«¤ Ó©on the ground.’ And he cast it on the ground,and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from ‰L−¤ ŸÓ Ò¨¬i¨Â© LÁ®¨ ¨Ï§ ȉ´¦ ȧ© ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡−© e‰¬Î¥ ÈϦ L§ i©Â©before it. [4] And the Lord said unto Moses: E½ „§È«¨ ÆÁÏ© L§ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 4 :ÂÈ«¨t¨ Ó¦‘Put forth thy hand, and take it by the tail—andhe put forth his hand, and laid hold of it, and ȉ¬¦ ȧ© Ba½ ˜Ê¤Á£ ´i©Â© ÆB„Ȩ Á³Ï© L§ i¦ © B·® ¨Ê§a¦ ÊŸÁ− ‡¡ ¤it became a rod in his hand—[5] that they may ‰‡¬¨ ¯§¦ -Èk«¦ eÈÓ½¦ ‡£ È© ÔÚ© Ó´© ϧ 5 :Bt« Ω a§ ‰h−¤ Ó© ϧbelieve that the Lord, the God of their fathers,the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the ̲‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ȉ¯¥ŸÏ‡¡ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ·‡£ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰−¨‰È§ EȲϤ‡¥God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.’ [6] And ‰Â¸¨‰È§ Á¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi© 6 :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡Â¥ ˜Á−¨ ˆ§ Ȧ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡the Lord said furthermore unto him: ‘Put nowthy hand into thy bosom.’ And he put his hand B„−Ȩ ‡¬·¥ i¨Â© E˜½¤ÈÁ¥ a§ ÆE„§È«¨ ‡³¨-‡·¥ ‰«¨ „BÚÀ BϹinto his bosom; and when he took it out, behold, :‚Ϥ M«¨ k© ˙Ú© ¯¬©ŸˆÓ§ B„−Ȩ ‰¬p¥‰¦ § d‡¨½ ˆ¦ Bi´Â© B˜®ÈÁ¥ a§his hand was leprous, as white as snow. [7] And B„−Ȩ ·L¤ ¬i¨Â© E˜½¤ÈÁ¥ -χ¤ ÆE„§È«¨ ·L³¥ ‰¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 7He said: ‘Put thy hand back into thy bosom.—And he put his hand back into his bosom; and ‰·¨ L−¨ -‰p¥‰¦ § B˜½ ÈÁ¥ Ó«¥ Æd‡¨ ˆ¦ Bi« © B˜®ÈÁ¥ -χ¤when he took it out of his bosom, behold, it was ‡ŸÏ´ § CϨ½ eÈÓ´¦ ‡£ È© ‡ŸÏ´ -̇¦ ƉȨ‰¨ § 8 :B¯«N¨ ·§ k¦turned again as his other flesh.—[8] And it shallcome to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither ÏŸ˜− ϧ eÈÓ½¦ ‡¡ ‰«¤ § ÔBL® ‡¯¦‰¨ ˙Ÿ‡´ ‰¨ ÏŸ˜− ϧ eÚ½ Ó§ L§ Ȧhearken to the voice of the first sign, that they eÈÓ¿¦ ‡£ È© ‡ŸÏ´ -̇¦ ‰È¨¿‰¨ § 9 :ÔB¯«Á£ ‡© ‰¨ ˙Ÿ‡¬ ‰¨will believe the voice of the latter sign. [9] Andit shall come to pass, if they will not believe even ÆÔeÚÓ§ L§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ³ § ‰l¤ ‡¥À ‰¨ ˙B˙¹ Ÿ‡‰¨ È¥¸L§ Ϧ ÁÌb©these two signs, neither hearken unto thy voice, z−¨ Χ Ù© L¨ § ¯Ÿ‡½ ȧ‰© ÈÓ´¥ Èn¥ Ó¦ Æz¨ Á§ ˜©Ï¨ § EϤ½ Ÿ˜Ï§that thou shalt take of the water of the river, andpour it upon the dry land; and the water which ¯Ÿ‡½ ȧ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Áw´©z¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÌȦ nÆ© ‰© eȳ‰¨ § ‰L®¨ a¨ i©‰©thou takest out of the river shall become blood -χ¤ ‰L´¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 10 :˙L¤ a«¨ i©a© Ì„−¨Ï§ eȬ‰¨ §upon the dry land.’ [10] And Moses said unto ̳b© ÈΦ ŸÀ‡¨ Ìȯ¹¦·¨ c§ Lȇ¸¦ Á‡ŸÏ ¼È¨Ÿ„‡£ Èa´¦ »‰Â¨‰È§the Lord: ‘Oh Lord, I am not a man of words,neither heretofore, nor since Thou hast spoken E− ¯§a¤ c© ʇ¬¨ Ó¥ ̲b© ÌŸL½ ϧ M¦ Ó¦ Ì´b© ÆÏBÓz§ Ó¦unto Thy servant; for I am slow of speech, and :ÈΦ Ÿ« ‡¨ ÔBL− Ϩ „¬·© Χ e ‰²t¤ -„·© Χ Èk¯¦ Ec®¤·§ Ú© -χ¤of a slow tongue.’ [11] And the Lord said untohim: ‘Who hath made man’s mouth? or who ¼Ì„¨‡¨ Ï«¨ »‰t¤ ÌN´¨ ÈÓ´¦ ÂÈϨÀ‡¥ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 11maketh a man dumb, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? B‡´ Á©w−¥Ù¦ B‡¬ L¯½¥Á¥ B‡´ Ìl¥½ ‡¦ ÌeN´ Ȩ-ÈÓ«¦ B‡µis it not I the Lord? [12] Now therefore go, and Iwill be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou ÆÈΦ Ÿ‡¨ § C®Ï¥ ‰z−¨ Ú© § 12 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰£ ¯®e¥Ú¦shalt speak.’ [13] And he said: ‘Oh Lord, send, :¯a«¥ „©z§ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ EÈ˙−¦ ȯ¥B‰Â§ EÈt½¦ -ÌÚ¦ ‰´È¤‰§ ‡«¤I pray Thee, by the hand of him whom Thou :ÁÏ«¨ L§ z¦ -„È©a§ ‡−¨-ÁÏ«© L«§ È®¨Ÿ„‡£ Èa´¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 13wilt send.’ [14] And the anger of the Lord was ‡ŸÏ¸ ‰£ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ‰L¤À ŸÓa§ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ Û‡©¸ -¯Á© i«¦Â© 14kindled against Moses, and He said: ‘Is there notAaron thy brother the Levite? I know that he can ¯a−¥ „©È§ ¯¬a¥ „©-Èk«¦ Èz¦ Ú§ „¾©È¨ Ƚ¦l¥ ‰© ÆEÈÁƦ ‡¨ ÔŸ¯³‰£ ‡©speak well. And also, behold, he cometh forth 108 108
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ˘ 4 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 4.15 shemot ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙to meet thee; and when he seeth thee, he will E− ‡£ ¯¨Â§ E˙¤½ ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ ‡´ˆ¥ ŸÈ Ƈe‰-‰p¥‰¦ ̳‚©Â§ ‡e‰®be glad in his heart. [15] And thou shalt speakunto him, and put the words in his mouth; and I -˙‡¤ z¬¨ Ó§ N© § ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥ z´¨ ¯§a© „¦Â§ 15 :Ba« Ϧ a§ ÁÓ¬© N¨ §will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and -ÌÚ¦ § ÆEÈtƦ -ÌÚ¦ ‰³È¤‰§ ‡«¤ ÈÎÀ¦ Ÿ‡¨ § ÂÈÙ®¦ a§ Ìȯ−¦·¨ c§‰©will teach you what ye shall do. [16] And he shall :ÔeN« Ú£z© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙‡−¥ ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤ È˙´¦ ȯ¥B‰Â§ e‰Èt½¦be thy spokesman unto the people; and it shall Ƈe‰ ‰È¨‰³¨ § ̮ڨ ‰¨ -χ¤ E− ϧ ‡e‰¬ -¯a¤ „¦Â§ 16come to pass, that he shall be to thee a mouth,and thou shalt be to him in God’s stead. [17] And :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡Ï«¥ Bl¬ -‰È¤‰§ z«¦ ‰z−¨ ‡© § ‰Ù¤½ ϧ E´ l§ -‰È¤‰§ È«¦thou shalt take in thy hand this rod, wherewith ¯¬L¤ ‡£ E„®¤È¨a§ Áw´©z¦ ‰−f¤‰© ‰¬h¤ n© ‰© -˙‡¤ § 17thou shalt do the signs.’ [18] And Moses went and returned to Ù :˙Ÿ˙« Ÿ‡‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ba−-‰N¤ Ú£z©Jethro his father-in-law, and said unto him: ‘Let ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© BÀ˙§ ŸÁ« ¯˙¤ ´È¤-χ¤ | ·L¨ ´i¨Â© ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ CϤ i¥¸Â© 18me go, I pray thee, and return unto my brethren -¯L¤ ‡£ ÈÁ´© ‡© -χ¤ Ɖ·¨ eLÆ ‡¨ § ‡p¨À ‰Î¨ Ï£‡´¥ ÆBÏthat are in Egypt, and see whether they be yet ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¯Â© ÌÈi®¦Á© Ì„´¨BÚ‰© ‰‡−¤ ¯§‡¤ § ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ a§alive.’ And Jethro said to Moses: ‘Go in peace.’[19] And the Lord said unto Moses in Midian: ‰³Â¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 19 :ÌBÏ« L¨ ϧ C¬Ï¥ ‰L−¤ ŸÓϧ B¯²˙§ Ȧ‘Go, return into Egypt; for all the men are dead Æe˙ÓÆ¥ -Èk¦ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ·L´ª CÏ−¥ ÔȨ½„§Ó¦ a§ ƉL¤ ŸÓ-χ¤that sought thy life.’ [20] And Moses took his :EL«¤ Ù§ ©-˙‡¤ ÌÈL−¦ ˜§ ·© Ó§ ‰«© ÌÈL¦½ ¨‡£ ‰´¨ -Ïk¨wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, andhe returned to the land of Egypt; and Moses took ÂȨÀa¨-˙‡¤ § Bz´ L§ ‡¦ -˙‡¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ Áw¸©i¦Â© 20the rod of God in his hand. [21] And the Lord ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡´© ·L¨ −i¨Â© ¯ŸÓ½ Á£ ‰© -ÏÚ«© ÆÌ·¥ k¦ ¯§i©Â©said unto Moses: ‘When thou goest back into :B„«È¨a§ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ ‰¬h¥ Ó© -˙‡¤ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ Áw¬©i¦Â©Egypt, see that thou do before Pharaoh all the ·eL´ Ϩ ÆEz§ Χ Ϥ a§ ¼‰L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ »‰Â¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 21wonders which I have put in thy hand; but I will Èz¦ Ó§ N´© -¯L¤ ‡£ ÆÌÈ˙¦ Ù§ Ÿn« ‰© -Ïk¨ ‰‡¥À ¯§ ‰Ó¨ ȧ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦harden his heart, and he will not let the people ˜´f¥Á© ‡£ ÆȦ ‡£ © ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù© È´¥Ù§ Ϧ Ì˙−¨ ÈN¦ ڣ© E„½¤È¨·§go. [22] And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh: Thussaith the Lord: Israel is My son, My first-born. z−¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § 22 :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ál−© L© ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ § Ba½ Ϧ -˙‡¤[23] And I have said unto thee: Let My son go,that he may serve Me; and thou hast refused to ȯ−¦ŸÎ·§ Ȭ¦ a§ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ¯Ó´© ‡¨ ‰Ÿkµ ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© -χ¤let him go. Behold, I will slay thy son, thy first- ÆȦ a§ -˙‡¤ Á³l© L© EÈϤÀ‡¥ ¯Ó´© Ÿ‡Â¨ 23 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧborn.’—[24] And it came to pass on the way at ‚¯½¥Ÿ‰ Èδ¦ Ÿ‡¨ Ɖp¥‰¦ BÁ® l§ L© ϧ Ô‡−¥ Ó¨ z§ © Ȧ „½¥·§ Ú© È«©Â§the lodging-place, that the Lord met him, andsought to kill him. [25] Then Zipporah took a ÔBÏ® n¨ a© C¯¤c−¤·© ȉ¬¦ ȧ © 24 :E¯«¤ŸÎa§ E− § a¦ -˙‡¤flint, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast Áw¸©z¦ © 25 :B˙« ÈÓ¦ ‰£ Lw−¥·© ȧ © ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ e‰L´¥ b§ Ù§ i¦ ©it at his feet; and she said: ‘Surely a bridegroom Ú−b©z© © d¨½ a§ ˙Ï´© ¯§Ú¨ -˙‡¤ Æ˙Ÿ¯Î§ z¦ © ¯ŸˆÀ ‰¯¹¨Ÿtˆ¦of blood art thou to me.’ [26] So He let him alone.Then she said: ‘A bridegroom of blood in regard :ÈÏ«¦ ‰z−¨ ‡© ÌÈÓ²¦ c¨-Ô˙© Á£ Èk¯¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz¾ © ÂȮϨ ‚§ ¯©Ï§of the circumcision.’ ÌÈÓ−¦ c¨ Ô˙¬© Á£ ‰¯½¨Ó§ ‡«¨ ʇ¨µ epn®¤ Ó¦ Û¯¤i−¦Â© 26 [27] And the Lord said to Aaron: ‘Go into Ù :˙ŸÏ« enÏ©the wilderness to meet Moses.’ And he went, and ˙‡¯¬©˜§ Ϧ C²Ï¥ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 27met him in the mountain of God, and kissedhim [28] And Moses told Aaron all the words ¯¬‰© a§ e‰²L¥ b§ Ù§ i¦ «© CϤ i¥À© ‰¯¨®a¨ „§n¦ ‰© ‰L−¤ ŸÓof the Lord wherewith He had sent him, and ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡«© ϧ ƉL¤ ŸÓ „³b¥i©Â© 28 :BÏ« -˜M© i¦ © Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ Heb. Jether 109 109
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ˘ 4 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 4.29 shemot ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙all the signs wherewith He had charged him. ˙¬‡¥ § BÁ® Ϩ L§ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰−¨‰È§ ȯ¬¥·§ c¦-Ïk¨ ˙²‡¥[29] And Moses and Aaron went and gatheredtogether all the elders of the children of Israel. ‰L−¤ ŸÓ CϤ ¬i¥Â© 29 :e‰e«¨ˆ¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙Ÿ˙− Ÿ‡‰¨ -Ïk¨[30] And Aaron spoke all the words which the :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ È−¥˜§ ʦ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ eÙ½ Ò§ ‡© ´i©Â© ÔŸ¯®‰£ ‡© §Lord had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs -¯L¤ ‡£ Ìȯ½¦·¨ c§‰© -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥µ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© ¯´a¥ „©È§ © 30in the sight of the people. [31] And the people Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ ˙Ÿ˙− Ÿ‡‰¨ NÚ© ¬i©Â© ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¤ c¦believed; and when they heard that the Lordhad remembered the children of Israel, and that „˜¸©Ù¨ -Èk«¦ eÚ¿ Ó§ L§ i¦Â«© ̮ڨ ‰¨ ÔÓ−¥ ‡£ i©Â«© 31 :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨He had seen their affliction, then they bowed ÌȨ½ § Ú¨ -˙‡¤ Ɖ‡¨ ¯¨ Èγ¦ § χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§5their heads and worshipped. And afterward Moses and Aaron came, ‰L´¤ ŸÓ e‡a¨µ ¯Á©À ‡© § :ee«Á£ z© L§ i«¦Â© e„−w§ i¦ «©5 and said unto Pharaoh: ‘Thus saith the Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó³© ‡¨ -‰Ÿk« ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© -χ¤ e¯−Ó§ ‡Ÿi© ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© § ÈÏ−¦ ebŸÁ¬ Ȩ§ Èn½¦ Ú© -˙‡¤ ÆÁl© L© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡Lord, the God of Israel: Let My people go, thatthey may hold a feast unto Me in the wilderness.’ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ɖ¨‰È§ ÈÓ³¦ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 2 :¯a«¨ „§n¦ a©[2] And Pharaoh said: ‘Who is the Lord, that Ishould hearken unto His voice to let Israel go? ‡ŸÏ³ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-˙‡¤ Ál−© L© ϧ BϽ Ÿ˜a§ ÚÓ´© L§ ‡¤I know not the Lord, and moreover I will not ‡ŸÏ¬ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-˙‡¤ ̬‚©Â§ ‰Â¨½‰È§-˙‡¤ ÆÈz¦ Ú§ „ƩȨlet Israel go.’ [3] And they said: ‘The God of the ‡¯´¨˜§ ¦ Ìȯ−¦·§ Ú¦ ‰¨ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© 3 :Á©l«¥ L© ‡£Hebrews hath met with us. Let us go, we praythee, three days’ journey into the wilderness, and ¯a¨À „§n¦ a© ÌÈÓ¹¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ¸ L§ ÁC¯¤c¤ ‡p¨¿ ‰Î¨ Ï£´¥ eȮϥ Ú¨sacrificeuntothe LordourGod;lestHefallupon ¯·¤ c−¤a© eÚ¥½ b¨Ù§ Ȧ-Ôt¤¸ eȉ¥½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰ÈÏ«© ƉÁ¨ a§ ʧ¦ §us with pestilence, or with the sword.’ [4] And ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ CϤ Ó´¤ Æ̉¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 4 :·¯¤Á«¨ ·¤ B‡¬the king of Egypt said unto them: ‘Wherefore ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eÚȯ¬¦Ù§ z© ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© § ‰L´¤ ŸÓ ‰n¨ Ϩ µdo ye, Moses and Aaron, cause the people tobreak loose from their work? get you unto your ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 5 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ŸÏ·§ Ò¦ ϧ eÎ− ϧ ÂÈN®¨ Ú£n«© Ó¦burdens.’ [5] And Pharaoh said: ‘Behold, the ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ Ì´Ú© ‰z−¨ Ú© ÌȬa¦ ¯©-Ô‰¥ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t©people of the land are now many, and will ye ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© ¬ˆ© ȧ © 6 :Ì˙«¨ŸÏ·§ q¦ Ó¦ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Ìz¬¤ a© L§ ‰¦ §make them rest from their burdens?’ [6] And thesame day Pharaoh commanded the taskmasters -˙‡¤ § ÌÚ¨½ a¨ ÌÈN´¦ ‚§Ÿp‰© -˙‡¤ ‡e‰® ‰© ÌBi´a©of the people, and their officers, saying: [7] ‘Ye Ô·¤ z¯¤ ˙˙¥¸ Ϩ ÔeÙº Ò¦ ‡Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ´ 7 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ Âȯ−¨Ë§ ŸLshall no more give the people straw to make ̉¥µ ÌŸL® ϧ L¦ ÏBÓ´ ˙§ k¦ ÌÈ−¦ ·¥ l§ ‰© ÔŸa¬ ϧ Ϧ ̲ڨ Ϩbrick, as heretofore. Let them go and gather strawfor themselves. [8] And the tale of the bricks, ˙¤Ÿk¸ ˙§ Ó© -˙‡¤ § 8 :Ô·¤ z«¤ ̉−¤ Ϩ eL¬ L§ Ÿ˜Â§ eν ϧ È«¥which they did make heretofore, ye shall lay ÆÌŸLϧ L¦ ÏBÓ³ z§ ÌÈN¦¸ ŸÚ Á̉¥ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ìȹ¦ ·¥ l§ ‰©upon them; ye shall not diminish aught thereof; -Èk«¦ epn®¤ Ó¦ eÚ− ¯§‚§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ ̉¤½ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ eÓÈN´¦ z¨for they are idle; therefore they cry, saying: Letus go and sacrifice to our God. [9] Let heavier ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆÌȘ¦ Ú£Ÿˆ« ̳‰¥ Ôk¥À -ÏÚ© ̉¥½ ÌÈt´¦ ¯§¦work be laid upon the men, that they may labour ‰„²¨Ÿ·Ú£‰¨ „¯a© Χ z¦ 9 :eȉ«¥ŸÏ‡Ï¥ ‰Á¬¨ a§ ʧ¦ ‰Î−¨ ϧ ¥therein; and let them not regard lying words.’ eÚ− L§ Ȧ -χ© § d®·¨ -eNڣȩ§ ÌÈL−¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ -ÏÚ©[10] And the taskmasters of the people went out,and their officers, and they spoke to the people, Âȯ½¨Ë§ ŸL´ § ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ ÈN³¥ ‚§Ÿ e‡¹ ˆ§ i¥¸Â© 10 :¯˜¤L«¨ -ȯ¥·§ „¦a§saying: ‘Thus saith Pharaoh: I will not give you ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ¯Ó´© ‡¨ ‰Ÿkµ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ -χ¤ e¯¬Ó§ ‡Ÿi©straw. [11] Go yourselves, get you straw where eÁ³ ˜§ eθ ϧ Ìz¤À ‡© 11 :Ô·¤ z«¤ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ Ô˙¬¥ Ÿ Èp¦²¤È‡¥ 110 110
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ˘ 5 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 5.12 shemot ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙ye can find it; for nought of your work shall be Ú¯²¨‚§ ¦ ÔȬ‡¥ Èk´¦ e‡®ˆ¨ Ó§ z¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ Ó¥ Ô·¤ z¤½ ÆÌΤ Ϩdiminished.’ [12] So the people were scatteredabroad throughout all the land of Egypt to gather ı¯¤‡´¤ -ÏΨ a§ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ ıÙ¤ ¬i¨Â© 12 :¯·«¨ c¨ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ „©Ÿ·Ú£Ó¥stubble for straw. [13] And the taskmasters were ÌÈN−¦ ‚§Ÿp‰© § 13 :Ô·¤ z«¤ Ï© L˜−© L¬L¥ Ÿ˜Ï§ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦urgent, saying: ‘Fulfil your work, your daily task, ÌBÈ´-¯·© c§ ÆÌΤ ÈN¥ Ú£Ó© el³ k© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ÌȈ´¦ ‡¨as when there was straw.’ [14] And the officersof the children of Israel, whom Pharaoh’s Æȯ¥Ë§ ŸL« ekÀ iªÂ© 14 :Ô·¤ z«¤ ‰© ˙BȬ‰§ a¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© BÓ½ BÈa§taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, ‰ŸÚ− ¯§Ù© ȬN¥ ‚§Ÿ ̉¤½ Ï¥ Ú£ eÓN´¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§saying: ‘Wherefore have ye not fulfilled your ÆÔŸaϧ Ϧ ̳Τ ˜§ Á¨ Ì˙¤¸ Èl¦ Φ Á‡ŸÏ Ú©ec¿ Ó© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥appointed task in making brick both yesterdayand to-day as heretofore?’ [15] Then the officers :ÌBi« ‰© -Ìb© ÏBÓ− z§ -Ìb© ÌŸL½ ϧ L¦ ÏBÓ´ ˙§ k¦of the children of Israel came and cried unto -χ¤ e˜¬ Ú£ˆ§ i¦ © χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æȯ¥Ë§ ŸL« e‡Ÿ·À i¨Â© 15Pharaoh, saying: ‘Wherefore dealest thou thuswith thy servants? [16] There is no straw given :EÈ„«¤·¨ ڣϩ ‰ŸÎ− ‰’N¤ Ú£˙© ‰n¨ ϯ¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t©unto thy servants, and they say to us: Make brick; Ìȯ¬¦Ó§ Ÿ‡ ÌȲ¦ ·¥ ϧ e EÈ„½¤·¨ ڣϩ ÆÔz¨ ¦ Ôȇ³¥ Ô·¤ z¤À 16and, behold, thy servants are beaten, but the fault ˙‡¬Ë¨ Á¨ § ÌÈk−¦ Óª EÈ„²¤·¨ Ú£ ‰¯p¥‰¦ § eN® Ú£ eÏ−¨is in thine own people.’ [17] But he said: ‘Ye areidle, ye are idle; therefore ye say: Let us go and ÆÔk¥-ÏÚ© ÌÈt®¦ ¯§¦ Ìz−¤ ‡© ÌȬt¦ ¯§¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi²Â© 17 :En«¤ Ú©sacrifice to the Lord. [18] Go therefore now, :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ«© ‰Á¬¨ a§ ʧ¦ ‰Î−¨ ϧ ¥ Ìȯ½¦Ó§ Ÿ‡« Ìz´¤ ‡©and work, for there shall no straw be given you, ̮Τ Ϩ Ô˙´¥ p¨È¦ -‡ŸÏ Ô·¤ ˙−¤ § e„½ ·§ Ú¦ eδ ϧ Ɖz¨ Ú© § 18yet shall ye deliver the tale of bricks.’ [19] Andthe officers of the children of Israel did see that -È«¥·§ ȯ¯¥Ë§ ŸL« e‡º ¯§i¦ © 19 :epz«¥ z¦ ÌÈ−¦ ·¥ ϧ ÔΤ Ÿ˙¬ §they were set on mischief, when they said: ‘Ye eÚ¬ ¯§‚§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ Ú¯´¨a§ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧshall not diminish aught from your bricks, your -˙‡¤ ÆeÚb§ Ù§ i¦ «© 20 :BÓ« BÈa§ ÌBȬ-¯·© c§ ÌÎ−¤ È¥·§ l¦ Ó¦daily task.’ [20] And they met Moses and Aaron,who stood in the way, as they came forth from Ì˙®¨ ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ ÌÈ·−¦ v¨ ¦ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© -˙‡«¤ § ‰L´¤ ŸÓPharaoh; [21] and they said unto them: ‘The ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 21 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© ˙¬‡¥ Ó¥ Ì˙−¨ ‡ˆ¥ a§Lord look upon you, and judge; because yehave made our savour to be abhorred in the eyes Ìz´¤ L§ ‡© ·§ ‰¦ ¯L¯¤ ‡£ ËŸt® L§ Ȧ § ÌÎ−¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ‡¯¤¯È¥of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of his servants, to ÂÈ„½¨·¨ Ú£ È´¥ÈÚ¥ ·§ e ƉŸÚ¯§Ù© ȳ¥ÈÚ¥ a§ eÁ¥À ȯ¥-˙‡¤put a sword in their hand to slay us.’ [22] And ‰²L¤ ŸÓ ·L¨ ¯i¨Â© 22 :e«‚¥¯§‰¨ ϧ Ì„−¨È¨a§ ·¯¤¬Á¤ -˙˙¤ Ï«¨Moses returned unto the Lord, and said: ‘Lord,wherefore hast Thou dealt ill with this people? Ì´Ú¨ Ϩ Ɖ˙¨ ŸÚÆ ¯¥‰£ ‰Ó³¨ Ϩ ȨÀŸ„‡£ ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© ‰−¨‰È§-χ¤why is it that Thou hast sent me? [23] For since È˙¦ ‡³a¨ ʇº¨ Ó¥ e 23 :Ȧ z«¨ Á§ Ï© L§ ‰−f¤ ‰n¨ ¬Ï¨ ‰f¤½‰©I came to Pharaoh to speak in Thy name, he ‰®f¤‰© Ì´Ú¨ Ϩ Ú¯−©‰¥ EÓ¤½ L§ a¦ ¯´a¥ „©Ï§ ƉŸÚ¯§t© -χ¤hath dealt ill with this people; neither hast Thou6delivered Thy people at all.’ And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Now shalt ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© :En«¤ Ú© -˙‡¤ z¨ ϧ −v© ‰¦ -‡ŸÏ Ϭv¥ ‰© § ‰N−¤ Ú¡‡«¤ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰‡¤½ ¯§˙¦ ‰z´¨ Ú© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§6 thou see what I will do to Pharaoh; for by a ‰˜½¨Ê¨Á£ „´È¨·§ e ÌÁ¥½ l§ L© ȧ Ɖ˜¨Ê¨Á£ „³È¨·§ Èk´¦ ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù© ϧstrong hand shall he let them go, and by a strong Ò :Bˆ« ¯§‡© Ó¥ ÌL−¥ ¯§‚¨È§hand shall he drive them out of his land.’va-’era’ ‡¯‡Â [2] And God spoke unto Moses, and saidunto him: ‘I am the Lord; [3] and I appeared ÂÈÏ−¨‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â© 2unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, as ˜Á¬¨ ˆ§ Ȧ -χ¤ ̲‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© -χ¤ ‡¯À¨‡¥ ¨ 3 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ 111 111
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯‡Â 6 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 6.4 va-’era’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙God Almighty, but by My name יהרהI made ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ÈÓ´¦ L§ e Èc®¨L© χ´¥ a§ ·Ÿ˜− ڣȩ-χ«¤ §Me not known to them. [4] And I have also ÆÈ˙¦ ȯ¦a§ -˙‡¤ È˙¦ ŸÓ³ ˜¦ ‰£ Ì‚©¸ § 4 :̉«¤ Ϩ Èz¦ Ú§ „−©Bestablished My covenant with them, to give themthe land of Canaan, the land of their sojournings, ı¯¤¬‡¤ ˙²‡¥ ÔÚ©®¨k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ -˙‡¤ ̉−¤ Ϩ ˙˙¬¥ Ϩ Ìz¨½ ‡¦wherein they sojourned. [5] And moreover I È´¦ ‡£ | Ì´‚©Â§ 5 :d·«¨ e¯¬b¨-¯L¤ ‡£ ̉−¤ ȯ¥‚ªÓ§have heard the groaning of the children of Israel, ¯¬L¤ ‡£ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æ˙˜© ‡£ ©-˙‡«¤ Èz¦ Ú§ Ó©À L¨whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and Ihave remembered My covenant. [6] Wherefore :È˙«¦ ȯ¦a§ -˙‡¤ ¯Ÿk− ʧ‡¤ ¨ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ‡ ÌÈ„´¦·¦ Ú£Ó© ÌȦ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦say unto the children of Israel: I am the Lord, ¼‰Â¨‰È§ È´¦ ‡£ »Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥·§ Ϧ ¯ŸÓ¬ ‡¡ Ôκ¥ Ϩ 6and I will bring you out from under the burdens ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ˙ŸÏ´ ·§ Ò¦ Æ˙Á© zÆ© Ó¦ ÌΤÀ ˙§ ‡¤ È˙´¦ ‡ˆ¥ B‰Â§of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from ÆÌΤ ˙§ ‡¤ Èz³¦ ϧ ‡© ‚¨Â§ Ì˙®¨ „¨Ÿ·Ú£Ó¥ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ Èz¬¦ ϧ v© ‰¦ §their bondage, and I will redeem you with anoutstretched arm, and with great judgments; Èz¸¦ Á§ ˜©Ï¨ § 7 :ÌÈÏ«¦ Ÿ„b§ ÌÈË−¦ Ù¨ L§ ·¦ e ‰È¨½e˧ Ú©B¯´Ê§a¦[7] and I will take you to Me for a people, and I Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡Ï«¥ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ È˙¦ ȬȦ‰¨ § ÌÚ¨½ ϧ ÆÈϦ ̬Τ ˙§ ‡¤will be to you a God; and ye shall know that I am ‡Èˆ´¦ Bn‰© ÌΤ½ ȉ¥ŸÏ´ ‡¡ Ɖ¨‰È§ ȳ¦ ‡£ Èk´¦ Ìz¤À Ú§ „©È«¦the Lord your God, who brought you out fromunder the burdens of the Egyptians. [8] And È˙³¦ ‡·¥ ‰¥ § 8 :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ˙BϬ ·§ Ò¦ ˙Á© z−© Ó¦ ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤I will bring you in unto the land, concerning È„½¦È¨-˙‡¤ ÆÈ˙¦ ‡Nƨ ¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ -χ¤ ÆÌΤ ˙§ ‡¤which I lifted up My hand to give it to Abraham, ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È©Ï§ e« ˜Á−¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ϧ ̬‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ϧ d˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ˙˙´¥ Ϩto Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for a :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ ‰L−¨ ¯¨BÓ Ì²Î¤ Ϩ d˙¬¨ Ÿ‡ Èz¸¦ ˙© ¨Â§heritage: I am the Lord.’ [9] And Moses spoke ‡ŸÏ³ § χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ Ôk−¥ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 9so unto the children of Israel; but they hearkenednot unto Moses for impatience of spirit, and for ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£Ó¥ e Á©e¯½ ¯ˆ¤ Ÿw´ Ó¦ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ ÆeÚÓ§ L«¨cruel bondage. [10] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ù :‰L«¨ ˜¨ ‡Ÿa´ 11 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 10saying: [11] ‘Go in, speak unto Pharaoh king ofEgypt, that he let the children of Israel go out -˙‡¤ Á¬l© L© È«¦ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ CϤ Ó´¤ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© -χ¤ ¯a¥½ „©of his land.’ [12] And Moses spoke before theLord, saying: ‘Behold, the children of Israel have Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯´a¥ „©È§ © 12 :Bˆ« ¯§‡© Ó¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§not hearkened unto me; how then shall Pharaoh eÚ´ Ó§ L¨ -‡ŸÏ« Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§ Ô‰³¥ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ‰−¨‰È§hear me, who am of uncircumcised lips?’ ϯ¬©Ú£ È−¦ ‡£ © ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© Ȧ ´Ú¥ Ó¨ L§ Ȧ ÆCȇ¥ § ÈÏ©½ ‡¥[13] And the Lord spoke unto Moses and Ù :ÌȦ ˙«¨ Ù¨ N§unto Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the ÆÌe¥ˆ© ȧ © ¼ÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ § ‰L´¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ »‰Â¨‰È§ ¯´a¥ „©È§ © 13children of Israel, and unto Pharaoh king ofEgypt, to bring the children of Israel out of the ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ CϤ Ó´¤ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© -χ¤ § χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤land of Egypt. ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§ -˙‡¤ ‡Èˆ¬¦ B‰Ï§ [14] These are the heads of their fathers’ -˙È·¥ ÈL´¥ ‡¯¨ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ 14 Ò :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦houses: the sons of Reuben the first-born of CB³Á£ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ ¯ŸÎ´ a§ Ô·¥¹ e‡¯§ È¥¸a§ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ·‡£Israel: Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.These are the families of Reuben. [15] And the ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ ÈÓ½¦ ¯§Î© § ÔB¯´ˆ§ Á¤ ƇelÙ© esons of Simeon: Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad,and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul the son of a Æ„‰© Ÿ‡Æ § ÔÈÓ³¦ Ȩ§ χ¥¸ eÓȧ ÔBÚÀ Ó§ L¦ È´¥·§ e 15 :Ô·«¥ e‡¯§ The ineffable name, read Adonai, which means, the Lord. 112 112
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯‡Â 6 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 6.16 va-’era’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙Canaanitish woman. These are the families of ‰l¤ ‡−¥ ˙È®¦ Ú£©k§ ‰«© -Ôa¤ Ïe‡− L¨ § ¯Á© Ÿˆ½ § ÔÈδ¦ Ȩ§Simeon. [16] And these are the names of the ÆȦϥ -È«¥a§ ˙BÓ³ L§ ‰l¤ ‡¥¸ § 16 :ÔBÚ« Ó§ L¦ ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦sons of Levi according to their generations:Gershon and Kohath, and Merari. And the È´i¥Á© ÆÈ¥L§ e ȯ®¦¯¨Ó§ e ˙‰−¨ ˜§ e ÔBL¾ ¯§b¥ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ„ϧ Ÿ˙´ ϧyears of the life of Levi were a hundred thirty Ȭ¥a§ 17 :‰«¨L¨ ˙‡−© Ó§ e ÌÈL²¦ ŸÏL§ e Ú·© L¯¤ Ƚ¦Ï¥and seven years. [17] The sons of Gershon: Libni È´¥·§ e 18 :Ì˙«¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ ÈÚ−¦ Ó§ L¦ § Ȭ¦ ·§ Ϧ ÔBL² ¯§‚¥and Shimei, according to their families. [18] Andthe sons of Kohath: Amram, and Izhar, and ÆÈ¥L§ e χ®¥ Èf¦ Úª § ÔB¯−·§ Á¤ § ¯‰¨½ ˆ§ Ȧ § ̯´¨Ó§ Ú© ˙‰¨½ ˜§Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the life of :‰«¨L¨ ˙‡−© Ó§ e ÌÈL²¦ ŸÏL§ e LŸÏ¯ L¨ ˙‰¨½ ˜§ È´i¥Á©Kohath were a hundred thirty and three years. ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ²‡¥ ÈL®¦ eÓe ÈÏ´¦ Á§ Ó© ȯ−¦¯¨Ó§ Ȭ¥·§ e 19[19] And the sons of Merari: Mahli and Mushi. -˙‡¤ ̯¹¨Ó§ Ú© Áw¸© i¦ © 20 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ„ϧ Ÿ˙ϧ ÈÂ−¦l¥ ‰©These are the families of the Levites accordingto their generations. [20] And Amram took him -˙‡«¤ BϽ „Ϥ z´¥ © ‰M¨½ ‡¦ ϧ BÏ´ ÆB˙„¨Ÿc« „·¤ ³Î¤ BÈJochebed his father’s sister to wife; and she borehim Aaron and Moses. And the years of the Ú·© L¯¤ ̯½¨Ó§ Ú© È´i¥Á© ÆÈ¥L§ e ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ § ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© Á¯©Ÿ˜¬ ¯®‰¨ ˆ§ Ȧ È−¥·§ e 21 :‰«¨L¨ ˙‡−© Ó§ e ÌÈL²¦ ŸÏL§ elife of Amram were a hundred and thirty and ÔÙ−¨ ˆ¨ ϧ ‡¤ § Ϭ‡¥ L¨ ÈÓ«¦ χ®¥ Èf¦ Úª È−¥·§ e 22 :ȯ«¦Î§ ʦ § ‚Ù¤−¤Â¨seven years. [21] And the sons of Izhar: Korah,and Nepheg, and Zichri. [22] And the sons of -˙a© Ú·© L¯¤ ÈϦ ‡¡ -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© Áw¸©i¦ © 23 :ȯ«¦˙§ Ò¦ §Uzziel: Mishael, and Elzaphan, and Sithri. „Ϥ z´¥ © ‰M®¨ ‡¦ ϧ BÏ´ ÔBL− Á§ © ˙BÁ¬ ‡£ ·„²¨¨Èn¦ Ú©[23] And Aaron took him Elisheba, the daughter ¯−ʨڨ ϧ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ ‡e‰½ È·¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ § Æ·„¨¨-˙‡¤ BÏÀof Amminadab, the sister of Nahshon, to wife; ‰−¨˜¨Ï§ ‡¤ § ¯Èq¬¦ ‡© Á¯©Ÿ˜½ È´¥·§ e 24 :¯Ó«¨ ˙¨ ȇ«¦ -˙‡¤ §and she bore him Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and :ÈÁ«¦ ¯§w¨‰© ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ ÛÒ®¨‡¨ È·¦ ‡£ ©Ithamar. [24] And the sons of Korah: Assir, and ˙B³a§ Ó¦ Bϸ -Á˜«©Ï¨ ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© -Ôa«¤ ¯Ê¨¸Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ § 25Elkanah, and Abiasaph; these are the families of ÒÁ®¨ § Èt«¦ -˙‡¤ BÏ− „Ϥ z¬¥ © ‰M¨½ ‡¦ ϧ BÏ´ Æχ¥ È˦ et«the Korahites. [25] And Eleazar Aaron’s son tookhim one of the daughters of Putiel to wife; and :Ì˙«¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ Ìi−¦Â¦Ï§ ‰© ˙B·¬ ‡£ ȲL¥ ‡¯¨ ‰l¤ ‡¥Àshe bore him Phinehas. These are the heads of thefathers’ houses of the Levites according to their Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó³© ‡¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰L®¤ ŸÓe ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© ‡e‰¬ 26families. [26] These are that Aaron and Moses, to ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȯ¥a§ -˙‡¤ e‡Èˆ¹¦ B‰ ̉¤½ Ϩwhom the Lord said: ‘Bring out the children of ÆÌȯ¦a§ „©Ó§ ‰«© ̉¥À 27 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡·§ ˆ¦ -ÏÚ© ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦Israel from the land of Egypt according to their -˙‡¤ ‡Èˆ¬¦ B‰Ï§ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ -CϤ Ó«¤ ‰ŸÚ´ ¯§t© -χ¤hosts.’ [27] These are they that spoke to Pharaohking of Egypt, to bring out the children of Israel :ÔŸ¯«‰£ ‡© § ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ‡e‰¬ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§from Egypt. These are that Moses and Aaron. ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ¯¯a¤ c¦ ÌBȸa§ ȉÀ¦ ȧ © 28[28] And it came to pass on the day when the Ù :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦Lord spoke unto Moses in the land of Egypt, ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¦ ‡£ ¯ŸÓ− ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ¯¯a¥ „©È§Â© 29 [29] that the Lord spoke unto Moses, ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ˙²‡¥ ÌȦ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ CϤ Ó´¤ ƉŸÚ¯§t© -χ¤ ¯a¥À c© ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 30 :EÈÏ«¤ ‡¥ ¯¬·¥ Ÿc È−¦ ‡£saying: ‘I am the Lord; speak thou unto Pharaohking of Egypt all that I speak unto thee.’ [30] AndMoses said before the Lord: ‘Behold, I am of ÈÏ−© ‡¥ ÚÓ¬© L§ Ȧ Cȇ¥¾ § ÌȦ ˙©½ Ù¨ N§ ϯ´©Ú£ ÆȦ ‡£ Ô‰³¥uncircumcised lips, and how shall Pharaohhearken unto me?’ Ù :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© 113 113
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯‡Â 7 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 7.1 va-’era’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙7 I have set thee in God’s stead to Pharaoh;and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.[2] Thou shalt speak all that I command thee;7[1] And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘See, EÈz¬¦ ˙© § ‰²‡¥ ¯§ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ EÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ ÔŸ¯¬‰£ ‡© § ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù© ϧ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ j¨ ®e¤ˆ© ‡£ ¯L´¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ ¯a¥½ „©˙§ ‰z´¨ ‡© 2 :E‡«¤ È·¦ §and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, Á¬l© L¦ § ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© -χ¤ ¯´a¥ „©È§ ÆEÈÁƦ ‡¨ ÔŸ¯³‰£ ‡© §that he let the children of Israel go out of his ‰L−¤ ˜§ ‡© Ȭ¦ ‡£ © 3 :Bˆ« ¯§‡© Ó¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§ -˙‡¤land. [3] And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, andmultiply My signs and My wonders in the land -˙‡¤ § È˙²© Ÿ˙Ÿ‡-˙‡¤ È˙¯¦ Èa¥ ¯§‰¦ § ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© ·´Ï¥ -˙‡¤of Egypt. [4] But Pharaoh will not hearken unto ÚÓ³© L§ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ« § 4 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ È˙−© Ù§ BÓyou, and I will lay My hand upon Egypt, and ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ È„−¦È¨-˙‡¤ Èz¬¦ ˙© ¨Â§ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ÆÌΤ Ï¥ ‡£bring forth My hosts, My people the childrenof Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great -È«¥·§ Èn³¦ Ú© -˙‡¤ È˙©¹ Ÿ‡·§ ˆ¦ -˙‡¤ È˙¸¦ ‡ˆ¥ B‰Â§judgments. [5] And the Egyptians shall know :ÌÈÏ«¦ Ÿ„b§ ÌÈË−¦ Ù¨ L§ a¦ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧthat I am the Lord, when I stretch forth My -˙‡¤ È˙¬¦ ŸË§ a¦ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ È´¦ ‡£ -Èk«¦ ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ eÚ³ „§È¨Â§ 5hand upon Egypt, and bring out the childrenof Israel from among them.’ [6] And Moses and χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§ -˙‡¤ È˙¬¦ ‡ˆ¥ B‰Â§ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ -ÏÚ© È„−¦È¨Aaron did so; as the Lord commanded them, so ‰e¯¨ˆ¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k© ÔŸ¯®‰£ ‡© § ‰L−¤ ŸÓ NÚ© ¬i©Â© 6 :ÌΫ¨ BzÓ¦did they. [7] And Moses was fourscore years old, ÌÈ´¦ŸÓL§ -Ôa¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓe 7 :eN« Ú¨ Ôk¬¥ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ‰²Â¨‰È§and Aaron fourscore and three years old, whenthey spoke unto Pharaoh. ‰®¨L¨ ÌÈ−¦ŸÓL§ e LŸÏ¬ L¨ -Ôa¤ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡«© § ‰¨½ L¨ Ù :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© -χ¤ ̯−¨a§ „©a§ [8] And the Lord spoke unto Moses andunto Aaron, saying: [9] ‘When Pharaoh shall ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ § ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 8speak unto you, saying: Show a wonder for you; ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ƉŸÚ¯§t© ̳Τ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯a¥¸ „©È§ ÁÈk¦ 9 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥then thou shalt say unto Aaron: Take thy rod,and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it become Á˜¯© ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § ˙®Ù¥ BÓ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ e¬z§a serpent.’ [10] And Moses and Aaron went in :ÔÈp«¦ ˙© ϧ ȉ¬¦ ȧ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§Ù© -È«¥Ù§ Ϧ C¬Ï¥ L§ ‰© § E² h§ Ó© -˙‡«¤unto Pharaoh, and they did so, as the Lord had ÔÎ¥½ eNÚ© ´i©Â© ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© -χ¤ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© § ‰L³¤ ŸÓ ‡Ÿ·¸ i¨Â© 10commanded; and Aaron cast down his rod before e‰h¥À Ó© -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© CÏ¥¸ L§ i©Â© ‰®Â¨‰È§ ‰e´¨ˆ¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k©Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a :ÔÈp«¦ ˙© ϧ ȉ¬¦ ȧ© ÂÈ„−¨·¨ Ú£ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ § ‰ŸÚ² ¯§Ù© Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧserpent. [11] Then Pharaoh also called for thewise men and the sorcerers; and they also, the ÌÈÙ®¦ M§ Ω Ó§ Ï«© § ÌÈÓ−¦ Ψ Á£ Ï«© ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© -Ìb© Ƈ¯¨˜§ i¦ © 11magicians of Egypt, did in like manner with theirsecret arts. [12] For they cast down every man ̉−¤ ÈË¥ ‰£ Ï© a§ ÌȦ ¯²©ˆ§ Ó¦ Ȭn¥ ˪ ¯§Á© ̉¥¹ -Ì‚© eN¸ Ú£i«©Â©his rod, and they became serpents; but Aaron’s Ì®¦ Èp¦ ˙© ϧ eÈ−‰§ i¦ © e‰h¥½ Ó© Lȇ´¦ ÆeÎÈÏ¦Æ L§ i©Â© 12 :Ôk«¥rod swallowed up their rods. [13] And Pharaoh’s ƘʩÁ¡ i¤Â© 13 :Ì˙«¨ ŸhÓ© -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -‰h«¥ Ó© ڬϩ ·§ i¦ ©heart was hardened, and he hearkened not untothem; as the Lord had spoken. ¯¬a¤ c¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ÚÓ−© L¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ·´Ï¥ Ù :‰Â«¨‰È§ [14] And the Lord said unto Moses:‘Pharaoh’s heart is stubborn, he refuseth to let ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© ·´Ï¥ „·−¥ k¨ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 14the people go. [15] Get thee unto Pharaoh in the ¯˜¤ŸaÀ a© ‰ŸÚº ¯§t© -χ¤ C´Ï¥ 15 :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨ Á¬l© L© ϧ Ô‡−¥ Ó¥morning; lo, he goeth out unto the water; andthou shalt stand by the river’s brink to meet him; -ÏÚ© B˙− ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ z¬¨ ·§ v© ¦ § ‰Ó¨ ȧ n©½ ‰© ‡´ˆ¥ ŸÈ Ɖp¥‰¦and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt LÁ−¨ ¨Ï§ Ct¬© ‰§ ¤-¯L¤ ‡£ ‰²h¤ n© ‰© § ¯Ÿ‡® ȧ ‰© ˙´Ù© N§ 114 114
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯‡Â 7 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 7.16 va-’era’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙thou take in thy hand. [16] And thou shalt say ȳ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰Âº¨‰È§ ÂÈϨÀ‡¥ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § 16 :E„«¤È¨a§ Áw¬©z¦unto him: The Lord, the God of the Hebrews,hath sent me unto thee, saying: Let My people -˙‡¤ ÆÁl© L© ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆEÈÏ¤Æ ‡¥ Ȧ Á³© Ϩ L§ ÆÌȯ¦·§ Ú¦ ‰¨go, that they may serve Me in the wilderness; z¨ Ú§ Ó−© L¨ -‡ŸÏ ‰¬p¥‰¦ § ¯®a¨ „§n¦ a© Ȧ „−ª·§ Ú© È«©Â§ Èn½¦ Ú©and, behold, hitherto thou hast not hearkened; Èk−¦ Ú„½©z¥ ˙‡ŸÊ´a§ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ¯Ó´© ‡¨ ‰Ÿkµ17 :‰Ÿk« -„Ú©[17] thus saith the Lord: In this thou shalt knowthat I am the Lord—behold, I will smite with ‰´h¤ n© a© | ‰´k¤ Ó© Èι¦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰p¥¸ ‰¦ ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¦ ‡£the rod that is in my hand upon the waters which eά Ù§ ‰¤ ¤Â§ ¯Ÿ‡− ȧ a© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌȦ ²n© ‰© -ÏÚ© È„À¦È¨a§ -¯L¤ ‡£are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood.[18] And the fish that are in the river shall die, and L‡´© ·¨ e ˙eÓ− z¨ ¯Ÿ‡² ȧa©-¯L¤ ‡£ ‰¯‚¨c¨‰© § 18 :Ì„«¨Ï§the river shall become foul; and the Egyptians ÌȦÓ−© ˙Bz¬ L§ Ϧ ÌȦ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ e‡´ ϧ ¦ § ¯Ÿ‡® ȧ ‰©shall loathe to drink water from the river.’ -χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 19 Ò :¯Ÿ‡« ȧ‰© -ÔÓ¦ [19] And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Sayunto Aaron: Take thy rod, and stretch out thy ÁE„§È¨-‰Ë«¥ § e E´ h§ Ó© Á˜´© ÔŸ¯¿ ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ¯ŸÓ´ ‡¡ ‰L¤À ŸÓhand over the waters of Egypt, over their rivers, -ÏÚ© | Ì˙´¨ Ÿ¯‰£ ©-ÏÚ«© ÌȦ ¯¹©ˆ§ Ó¦ ÈÓ¥¸ ÈÓ¥ -ÏÚ©over their streams, and over their pools, and overall their ponds of water, that they may become ‰¬Â¥˜§ Ó¦ -Ïk¨ ϲک § ̉¤À ÈÓ¥ ‚§ ‡© -ÏÚ© § ̉´¤ ȯ¥Ÿ‡È§blood; and there shall be blood throughout all ı¯¤‡´¤ -ÏΨ a§ ÆÌ„¨ ‰È¨‰³¨ § Ì„®¨-eȉ§ È«¦Â§ ̉−¤ ÈÓ¥ ÈÓ¥the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and in ÁÔÎ¥-eNÚ£i«©Â© 20 :ÌÈ«¦ ·¨ ‡£ ·¨ e ÌȈ−¦ Ú¥ ·¨ e ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦vessels of stone.’ [20] And Moses and Aaron didso, as the Lord commanded; and he lifted up the ̯¤³i¨Â© ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ ‰´e¨ˆ¦ | ¯L´¤ ‡£ k© ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© § ‰L¤¸ ŸÓrod, and smote the waters that were in the river, È´¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ ¯Ÿ‡½ ȧ a© ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÌȦ nÆ© ‰© -˙‡¤ C³i©Â© Ɖh¤ n© a©in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of hisservants; and all the waters that were in the river ÌȦ n¬© ‰© -Ïk¨ eβ Ù§ ‰«¨ i¥Â© ÂÈ„®¨·¨ Ú£ È−¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ e ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù©were turned to blood. [21] And the fish that were ¯Ÿ‡¬ ȧa©-¯L¤ ‡£ ‰‚¨¸ c¨‰© § 21 :Ì„«¨Ï§ ¯Ÿ‡− ȧa©-¯L¤ ‡£in the river died; and the river became foul, and ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ eÏ´ Χ Ȩ-‡ŸÏ§ ¯Ÿ‡½ ȧ ‰© L‡´© ·§ i¦ © Ɖ˙¨ ÓÆ¥the Egyptians could not drink water from theriver; and the blood was throughout all the land -ÏΨ a§ Ìc−¨‰© ȉ¬¦ ȧ© ¯Ÿ‡® ȧ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌȦÓ−© ˙Bz¬ L§ Ϧof Egypt. [22] And the magicians of Egypt did in ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ Ȭn¥ ˪ ¯§Á© Ôβ¥-eNÚ£i«©Â© 22 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤like manner with their secret arts; and Pharaoh’sheart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto ÚÓ´© L¨ -‡ŸÏ§ ƉŸÚ¯§t© -·Ï¥ ˜³Ê©Á¡ i¤Â© Ì®‰¤ ÈË¥ Ϩ a§them; as the Lord had spoken. [23] And Pharaoh ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ÔÙ¤ i´¦Â© 23 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ¯¬a¤ c¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£turned and went into his house, neither did he :˙‡ŸÊ« Ϩ -Ìb© Ba− Ϧ ˙L¬¨ -‡ŸÏ§ B˙® Èa¥-χ¤ ‡Ÿ·− i¨Â©lay even this to heart. [24] And all the Egyptiansdigged round about the river for water to drink; ÌȦ Ó´© ¯Ÿ‡− ȧ‰© ˙Ÿ·¬ È·¦ Ò§ ÌȦ ¯²©ˆ§ Ó¦ -ÏΨ e¯¯t§ Á§ i©Â© 24for they could not drink of the water of the river. ÈÓ−¥ Èn¥ Ó¦ ˙Ÿz½ L§ Ϧ ÆeÏΧ È«¨ ‡ŸÏ³ Èk´¦ ˙Bz® L§ Ϧ[25] And seven days were fulfilled, after that theLord had smitten the river. ȯ¬¥Á£ ‡© ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ ‡Ï−¥ n¨ i¦ © 25 :¯Ÿ‡« ȧ ‰© Ù :¯Ÿ‡« ȧ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§-˙Bk‰© [26] And the Lord spoke unto Moses:‘Go in unto Pharaoh, and say unto him: Thus ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© -χ¤ ‡Ÿa− ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 26saith the Lord: Let My people go, that they mayserve Me. [27] And if thou refuse to let them go, -˙‡¤ Á¬l© L© ‰Â¨½‰È§ ¯Ó´© ‡¨ ‰Ÿkµ ÂÈϨÀ‡¥ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ §behold, I will smite all thy borders with frogs. Á©®l¥ L© ϧ ‰z−¨ ‡© Ô‡¬¥ Ó¨ -̇¦ § 27 :Ȧ „«ª·§ Ú© È«©Â§ Èn−¦ Ú©[28] And the river shall swarm with frogs, which E− ϧ e·b§ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ Û²‚¥Ÿ ÈÎÀ¦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰´p¥‰¦shall go up and come into thy house, and into ¼ÌÈÚ¦ c§¯§Ù© ˆ§ »¯Ÿ‡È§‰© ı¯´©L¨ § 28 :ÌÈÚ«¦ c§¯§Ù© ˆ§ a«©thy bed-chamber, and upon thy bed, and into 115 115
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯‡Â 7 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 7.29 va-’era’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, -ÏÚ© § E− ·§ k¨ L§ Ó¦ ¯„¬©Á£ ·© e E˙¤½ È·¥ a§ e‡´·¨ e ÆeÏÚ¨ §and into thine ovens, and into thy kneading-troughs. [29] And the frogs shall come up both Eȯ−¤ep˙© ·§ e En¤½ Ú© ·§ e ÆEȄƤ·¨ Ú£ ˙ȳ·¥ ·§ e E˙®¤ h¨ Ó¦upon thee, and upon thy people, and -ÏΨ ·§ e E− n§ Ú© ·§ e« ‰¬Î¨ ·§ e 29 :EÈ˙«¤ B¯‡£ L§ Ó¦ ·§ e8 said unto Moses: ‘Say unto Aaron: Stretchforth thy hand with thy rod over the rivers, over8upon all thy servants.’ [1] And the Lord ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© :ÌÈÚ«¦ c§¯§Ù© ˆ§ ‰«© eÏ− ڣȩ EÈ„®¤·¨ Ú£ ‰³Ë¥ § ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ¯ŸÓ´ ‡¡ ¼‰L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ »‰Â¨‰È§the canals, and over the pools, and cause frogs to Ìȯ−¦Ÿ‡È§ ‰© -ÏÚ© ˙Ÿ¯½ ‰¨ p§ ‰©¸ -ÏÚ© Eh¤½ Ó© a§ ÆE„§È¨-˙‡¤come up upon the land of Egypt.’ [2] And Aaron -ÏÚ© ÌÈÚ−¦ c§¯§Ù© ˆ§ ‰«© -˙‡¤ ÏÚ© ¬‰© § ÌÈn®¦ ‚©‡£ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© §stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt;and the frogs came up, and covered the land of Ï−Ú© B„½ Ȩ-˙‡¤ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© ˳i¥Â© 2 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤Egypt. [3] And the magicians did in like manner -˙‡¤ ÒÎ−© z§ © Ú©c½¥¯§Ù© v§ ‰© ÆÏÚ© zÆ© © ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ÈÓ´¥ ÈÓ¥with their secret arts, and brought up frogs uponthe land of Egypt. [4] Then Pharaoh called for ÌÈn−¦ ˪ ¯§Á£ ‰«© Ôά¥-eNÚ£i«©Â© 3 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤Moses and Aaron, and said: ‘Entreat the Lord, ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏÚ© ÌÈÚ−¦ c§¯§Ù© ˆ§ ‰«© -˙‡¤ eϬ Ú£i©Â© Ì®‰¤ ÈË¥ Ϩ a§that He take away the frogs from me, and from ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© ϧ e« ‰L´¤ ŸÓϧ ‰ŸÚ¹ ¯§Ù© ‡¯¸¨˜§ i¦ © 4 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦my people; and I will let the people go, that theymay sacrifice unto the Lord.’ [5] And Moses said Ưҥ Ȩ§ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ -χ¤ e¯Èz´¦ Ú§ ‰© ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â©unto Pharaoh: ‘Have thou this glory over me; -˙‡¤ ƉÁ¨ l§ L© ‡£ © Èn®¦ Ú© Ó«¥ e Èp¦ n−¤ Ó¦ ÌÈÚ½¦ c§¯§Ù© ˆ§ ‰«©against what time shall I entreat for thee, and for ‰L´¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 5 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© eÁ− a§ ʧ Ȧ § ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨thy servants, and for thy people, that the frogs bedestroyed from thee and thy houses, and remain EÀ ϧ ¯Èz´¦ Ú§ ‡© | È˙´© Ó¨ ϧ ¼ÈÏ© Ú¨ ¯‡´¥ t¨ ˙§ ‰¦ »‰ŸÚ¯§Ù© ϧin the river only?’ [6] And he said: ‘Against to- ÌÈÚ½¦ c§¯§Ù© ˆ£ ‰«© Æ˙ȯ¦Î§ ‰© ϧ E½ n§ Ú© ϧ e« ÆEȄƤ·¨ ڣϩ §morrow.’ And he said: ‘Be it according to thyword; that thou mayest know that there is none :‰¨¯§‡«© M¨ z¦ ¯Ÿ‡− ȧa© ˜¯¬© EÈz®¤ a¨ Ó¦ e E− n§ Ó¦like unto the Lord our God. [7] And the frogs Ú„½©z¥ ÔÚ© Ó´© ϧ E½ ¯§´·¨ „§k¦ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ¯Á®¨ Ó¨ ϧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 6shall depart from thee, and from thy houses, and e¯´Ò¨ § 7 :eȉ«¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰Èk© Ôȇ−¥ -Èk¦from thy servants, and from thy people; theyshall remain in the river only.’ [8] And Moses EÈ„−¤·¨ Ú£Ó¥ e EÈz¤½ ´a¨ Ó¦ e ÆEn§ Ó¦ ÌÈÚÀ¦ c§¯§Ù© ˆ§ ‰«©and Aaron went out from Pharaoh; and Moses ‰²L¤ ŸÓ ‡¬ˆ¥ i¥Â© 8 :‰¨¯§‡«© M¨ z¦ ¯Ÿ‡− ȧa© ˜¯¬© En®¤ Ú© Ó¥ ecried unto the Lord concerning the frogs, ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ -χ¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ˜³Ú© ˆ§ i¦ © ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© ÌÚ´¦ Ó¥ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© §which He had brought upon Pharaoh. [9] Andthe Lord did according to the word of Moses; :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© ϧ ÌN¬¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÌÈÚ−¦ c§¯§Ù© ˆ§ ‰«© ¯¬·© c§-ÏÚ©and the frogs died out of the houses, out of Æe˙ i¨Â© ‰L®¤ ŸÓ ¯´·© „§k¦ ‰−¨‰È§ NÚ© ¬i©Â© 9the courts, and out of the fields. [10] And theygathered them together in heaps; and the land -ÔÓ¦ e ˙Ÿ¯−ˆ¥ Á£ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌÈz¬¦ a¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌÈÚ½¦ c§¯§Ù© ˆ§ ‰«©stank. [11] But when Pharaoh saw that there was ̯®¦Ó¨ Á¢ ̯´¦Ó¨ Á¢ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ e¯¬a§ ˆ§ i¦ © 10 :˙Ÿ„«O¨ ‰©respite, he hardened his heart, and hearkened Ɖ˙¨ ȧ ‰«¨ Èk³¦ ‰ŸÚÀ ¯§t© ‡¯§´i©Â© 11 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ L‡−© ·§ z¦ ©not unto them; as the Lord had spoken. [12] And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Say Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ÚÓ−© L¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ § Ba½ Ϧ -˙‡¤ Æ„a¥ Χ ‰© § ‰Á¨½ ¨¯§‰«¨ »‰Â¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 12 Ò :‰Â«¨‰È§ ¯¬a¤ c¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k©unto Aaron: Stretch out thy rod, and smitethe dust of the earth, that it may become gnats E½ h§ Ó© -˙‡«¤ ‰´Ë¥ § ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ƯŸÓ‡¡ ¼‰L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤throughout all the land of Egypt.’ [13] And theydid so; and Aaron stretched out his hand with his -ÏΨ a§ Ì−p¦ Φ ϧ ‰¬È¨‰¨ § ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ ¯´Ù© Ú£-˙‡¤ C‰−© §rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and there ÔŸ¯¸ ‰£ ‡© ÁËi¥Â© ÔÎ¥À -eNÚ£i«©Â© 13 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ 116 116
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯‡Â 8 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 8.14 va-’era’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙were gnats upon man, and upon beast; all the Æȉ¦ z§ © ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ¯´Ù© Ú£-˙‡¤ ÆCi©Â© Æe‰h¥Æ Ó© ·§ B„³È¨-˙‡¤dust of the earth became gnats throughout allthe land of Egypt. [14] And the magicians did ı¯¤‡²¨ ‰¨ ¯¬Ù© Ú£-Ïk¨ ‰Ó®¨ ‰¥ a§ ·© e Ì„−¨‡¨ a¨ Ìp¨½ k¦ ‰©so with their secret arts to bring forth gnats, but ÔÎ¥¸ -eNÚ£i©Â© 14 :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏΨ a§ ÌÈ−p¦ Φ ‰¬È¨‰¨they could not; and there were gnats upon man, ÌÈ−p¦ k¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‡Èˆ¬¦ B‰Ï§ ̲‰¤ ÈË¥ Ϩ a§ ÌÈn¯¦ ˪ ¯§Á© ‰©and upon beast. [15] Then the magicians saidunto Pharaoh: ‘This is the finger of God’; and :‰Ó«¨ ‰¥ a§ ·© e Ì„−¨‡¨ a¨ Ìp¨½ k¦ ‰© Æȉ¦ z§ © eϟή Ȩ ‡ŸÏ´ §Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he hearkened Ú¬a© ˆ§ ‡¤ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© -χ¤ ÆÌn¦ ˪ ¯§Á© ‰«© e¯³Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 15not unto them; as the Lord had spoken. ÚÓ´© L¨ -‡ŸÏ« § ƉŸÚ¯§t© -·Ï¥ ˜³Ê©Á¡ i¤Â© ‡Â‰®¦ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ [16] And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Rise upearly in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh; Ò :‰Â«¨‰È§ ¯¬a¤ c¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£lo, he cometh forth to the water; and say unto Ư˜¤ŸaÆ a© ̳k¥ L§ ‰© ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 16him: Thus saith the Lord: Let My people go, ‰Ó¨ ȧ n®¨ ‰© ‡´ˆ¥ BÈ ‰−p¥‰¦ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© È´¥Ù§ Ϧ Æ·v¥ È©˙§ ‰¦ §that they may serve Me. [17] Else, if thou wilt notlet My people go, behold, I will send swarms of Èn−¦ Ú© Á¬l© L© ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ¯Ó´© ‡¨ ‰Ÿkµ ÂÈϨÀ‡¥ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ §flies upon thee, and upon thy servants, and upon ¼Èn¦ Ú© -˙‡¤ Á©´l¥ L© Ó§ »E§ ȇ¥ -̇¦ Èk´¦ 17 :Ȧ „«ª·§ Ú© È«©Â§thy people, and into thy houses; and the houses E² n§ Ú© ·§ e« EÈ„¯¤·¨ Ú£·© e E¹ a§ Á©ÈϦ¸ L§ Ó© ÁȦ § ‰¦of the Egyptians shall be full of swarms of flies,and also the ground whereon they are. [18] And ÆÌȦ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ Èz³¥ a¨ e‡¹ ϧ Ó¨¸ e ·Ÿ¯®Ú¨ ‰¤ -˙‡¤ EÈz−¤ ·¨ ·§ eI will set apart in that day the land of Goshen, :‰¨ ÈÏ«¤ Ú¨ ̬‰¥ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰Ó−¨ „¨‡£ ‰¨ ̬‚©Â§ ·Ÿ¯½ Ú¨ ´‰¤ -˙‡¤in which My people dwell, that no swarms of ÔL¤ ŸbÀ ı¯¤‡´¤ -˙‡¤ ‡e‰¹ ‰© ÌBi¸·© ÁÈ˙¦ ÈÏ¥ Ù§ ‰¦ § 18flies shall be there; to the end that thou mayestknow that I am the Lord in the midst of the ÌL−¨ -˙BÈ« ‰¡ Èz¬¦ ϧ ·¦ ϧ ‰¨ ÈϤ½ Ú¨ „Ó´¥ ŸÚ ÆÈn¦ Ú© ¯L³¤ ‡£earth. [19] And I will put a division between My ·¯¤˜¬¤a§ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ Ȳk¦ Ú„½©z¥ ÔÚ© Ó´© ϧ ·Ÿ¯®Ú¨people and thy people—by to-morrow shall this En®¤ Ú© ÔÈ´·¥ e Èn−¦ Ú© ÔȬa¥ ˙„½ªÙ§ Èz´¦ Ó§ N© § 19 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨sign be.’ [20] And the Lord did so; and therecame grievous swarms of flies into the house of Ɖ¨‰È§ NÚ© ³i©Â© 20 :‰«f¤‰© ˙Ÿ‡¬ ‰¨ ‰−Ȥ‰§ Ȧ ¯Á¬¨ Ó¨ ϧPharaoh, and into his servants’ houses; and in all ˙È´·¥ e ‰ŸÚ− ¯§Ù© ‰˙¨ Ȭa¥ „·¥½ k¨ ·Ÿ¯´Ú¨ ƇŸ·i¨Â© Ôk¥½the land of Egypt the land was ruined by reason ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ ˙¬Á¥ M¨ z¦ ÌȦ ¯²©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡¯¤ -ÏΨ ·§ e ÂÈ„®¨·¨ Ú£of the swarms of flies. [21] And Pharaoh called for ‰L−¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© ‡¯´¨˜§ i¦Â© 21 :·Ÿ¯«Ú¨ ‰¤ Ȭ¥t§ Ó¦Moses and for Aaron, and said: ‘Go ye, sacrifice ÌÎ−¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡Ï«¥ eÁ¬ ·§ ʦ eβ ϧ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ÔŸ¯®‰£ ‡© ϧ e«to your God in the land.’ [22] And Moses said:‘It is not meet so to do; for we shall sacrifice the ˙BN´ ڣϩ ÆÔBΨ ‡ŸÏ³ ‰L¤À ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 22 :ı¯¤‡«¨ a¨abomination of the Egyptians to the Lord ourGod; lo, if we sacrifice the abomination of the ‰´Â¨‰ÈÏ© Áa−© ʧ¦ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ˙´·© Ú£Bz Èk¦µ Ôk¥½Egyptians before their eyes, will they not stone ÌȦ¯²©ˆ§ Ó¦ ˙¬·© Ú£Bz-˙‡¤ Áaº© ʧ¦ Ô‰´¥ eÈ®‰¥ŸÏ‡¡us? [23] We will go three days’ journey into the ˙L¤ ŸÏ´ L§ C¯¤c¤µ23 :eÏ«ª ˜§ Ò§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ̉−¤ È¥ÈÚ¥ ϧwilderness, and sacrifice to the Lord our God,as He shall command us.’ [24] And Pharaoh eȉ¥½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰ÈÏ«© ÆeÁ§ ·©Æ ʨ§ ¯®a¨ „§n¦ a© CÏ−¥ ¥ ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩsaid: ‘I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice to the Èκ¦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰ŸÚÀ ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 24 :eÈÏ«¥ ‡¥ ¯Ó¬© ‡ŸÈ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k©Lord your God in the wilderness; only ye shall ÆÌΤ ȉ¥ŸÏ« ‡¡ ‰³Â¨‰ÈÏ© Ìzº¤ Á§ ·© ʧ e ÆÌΤ ˙§ ‡¤ Á³l© L© ‡£not go very far away; entreat for me.’ [25] AndMoses said: ‘Behold, I go out from thee, and I ˙Τ ®Ï¤ Ϩ e˜ÈÁ−¦ ¯§˙© -‡ŸÏ ˜¬Á¥ ¯§‰© ˜¯²© ¯a¨½ „§n¦ a©will entreat the Lord that the swarms of flies Èι¦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰p¥¸ ‰¦ ‰L¤À ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 25 :È„«¦Ú£a© e¯Èz−¦ Ú§ ‰© 117 117
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 8.26 va-’era’ ‡¯‡Â 8 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙may depart from Pharaoh, from his servants, ¯Ò´¨ § ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ -χ¤ Èz´¦ ¯§z© Ú§ ‰© § ÆCn¨ Ú¦ Ó«¥ ‡³ˆ¥ BÈand from his people, to-morrow; only let notPharaoh deal deceitfully any more in not letting ˜¯À© ¯Á®¨ Ó¨ Bn− Ú© Ó¥ e ÂÈ„¬¨·¨ Ú£Ó¥ ‰ŸÚ² ¯§t© Ó¦ ·Ÿ¯À Ú¨ ‰¤the people go to sacrifice to the Lord.’ [26] And -˙‡¤ Ál´© L© ÆÈz¦ ϧ ·¦ ϧ Ï˙¥½ ‰¨ ƉŸÚ¯§t© ÛÒ³¥ŸÈ-χ©Moses went out from Pharaoh, and entreated the ÌÚ´¦ Ó¥ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ‡¬ˆ¥ i¥Â© 26 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ«© Á©Ÿa− ʧ Ϧ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨Lord. [27] And the Lord did according to the Ɖ¨‰È§ NÚ© ³i©Â© 27 :‰Â«¨‰È§ -χ¤ ¯z−© Ú§ i¤Â© ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t©word of Moses; and He removed the swarms offlies from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from ÂÈ„´¨·¨ Ú£Ó¥ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© Ó¦ ·Ÿ¯½ Ú¨ ‰¤ Ưҩ iƨ© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯´·© „§k¦his people; there remained not one. [28] And ƉŸÚ¯§t© „³a¥ Χ i©Â© 28 :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ¯‡−© L§ ¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ Bn® Ú© Ó¥ ePharaoh hardened his heart this time also, and Ál−© L¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ˙‡Ÿf®‰© ÌÚ© ´t© a© Ì−b© Ba½ Ϧ -˙‡¤he did not let the people go. Ù :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Then the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Go in9 9unto Pharaoh, and tell him: Thus saith the ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© -χ¤ ‡Ÿa− ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â©Lord, the God of the Hebrews: Let My people ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó³© ‡¨ -‰Ÿk« ÂÈϨÀ‡¥ z´¨ ¯§a© „¦Â§go, that they may serve Me. [2] For if thou refuse Ȳk¦ 2 :Ȧ „«ª·§ Ú© È«©Â§ Èn−¦ Ú© -˙‡¤ Á¬l© L© Ìȯ½¦·§ Ú¦ ‰«¨to let them go, and wilt hold them still, [3] behold,the hand of the Lord is upon thy cattle which :Ìa«¨ ˜È¬Ê¦Á£ Ó© E− „§BÚ§ Á©®l¥ L© ϧ ‰z−¨ ‡© Ô‡¬¥ Ó¨ -̇¦are in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, ‰„½¤O¨ a© ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆE§ ˜§ Ó¦ a§ ‰È¨ÀB‰ ‰Â¹¨‰È§-„È© ‰p¥¸‰¦ 3upon the camels, upon the herds, and upon the Ô‡Ÿv® ·© e ¯˜−¨a¨ a© ÌÈl¦½ Ó© b§ a© ÆÌȯ¦ŸÓÁ£ a«© ÌÈÒ³¦ eqa©flocks; there shall be a very grievous murrain. ‰´¥˜§ Ó¦ ÔÈa¥µ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ‰Ï´¨ Ù§ ‰¦ § 4 :„Ÿ‡« Ó§ „¬·¥ k¨ ¯·¤ c−¤[4] And the Lord shall make a division betweenthe cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt; and ˙eÓ² Ȩ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ÌȦ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ‰´¥˜§ Ó¦ ÔÈ·−¥ e χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧthere shall nothing die of all that belongeth to the ‰−¨‰È§ ÌN¤ ¬i¨Â© 5 :¯·«¨ c¨ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥·§ Ϧ -Ïk¨ Ó¦children of Israel.’ [5] And the Lord appointed a ¯¬·¨ c¨‰© ‰²Â¨‰È§ ‰N¯¤ ڣȩ ¯Á¨À Ó¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ „´Ú¥ BÓset time, saying: ‘To-morrow the Lord shall dothis thing in the land.’ [6] And the Lord did that Ɖf¤‰© ¯³·¨ c¨‰© -˙‡¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ NÚ© i©¸Â© 6 :ı¯¤‡«¨ a¨ ‰−f¤‰©thing on the morrow, and all the cattle of Egypt ‰¬¥˜§ n¦ Ó¦ e ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ‰´¥˜§ Ó¦ ÏŸk− ˙Ó¨ i¨¾Â© ˙¯½¨Á¢ n¨ Ó«¦died; but of the cattle of the children of Israel ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ÁÏ´© L§ i¦ © 7 :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ˙¬Ó¥ -‡ŸÏ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§died not one. [7] And Pharaoh sent, and, behold, „Á®¨ ‡¤ -„Ú© χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ‰¬¥˜§ n¦ Ó¦ ˙²Ó¥ -‡ŸÏ ‰p¥À‰¦ §there was not so much as one of the cattle of -˙‡¤ Ál−© L¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ·´Ï¥ Æ„a© Χ i¦ ©the Israelites dead. But the heart of Pharaoh wasstubborn, and he did not let the people go. Ù :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨[8] And the Lord said unto Moses and eÁ³ ˜§ ¼ÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ § ‰L´¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ »‰Â¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 8unto Aaron: ‘Take to you handfuls of soot of B˜¬ ¯¨Ê§ e ÔL®¨ ·§ k¦ Á©Èt−¦ ÌΤ½ È¥Ù§ Á¨ ‡ŸÏ´ Ó§ ÆÌΤ Ϩthe furnace, and let Moses throw it heavenwardin the sight of Pharaoh. [9] And it shall become ‰´È¨‰¨ § 9 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ ‰Ó¨ ȧÓ−© M¨ ‰© ‰²L¤ ŸÓsmall dust over all the land of Egypt, and shall be -ÏÚ© ‰È¨¸‰¨ § ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ -Ïk¨ Ï−Ú© ˜·¨½ ‡¨ ϧa boil breaking forth with blains upon man and Á©¯²¥Ÿt ÔÈÁ¬¦ L§ Ϧ ‰Ó¨À ‰¥ a§ ‰© -ÏÚ© § Ì„¹¨‡¨ ‰¨upon beast, throughout all the land of Egypt.’[10] And they took soot of the furnace, and eÁº ˜§ i¦ © 10 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏΨ a§ ˙ŸÚ− aª Ú§ ·© ‡£stood before Pharaoh; and Moses threw it up ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© È´¥Ù§ Ϧ Æe„Ó§ Ú© i«©Â© ÔL¨À ·§ k¦ ‰© Á©Èt´¦ -˙‡¤heavenward; and it became a boil breaking forth ÆÔÈÁ¦ L§ ȉÀ¦ ȧ © ‰Ó¨ ȧ Ó®¨ M¨ ‰© ‰L−¤ ŸÓ B˙² Ÿ‡ ˜Ÿ¯¬Ê§ i¦ © 118 118
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 9.11 va-’era’ ‡¯‡Â 9 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙with blains upon man and upon beast. [11] And -‡ŸÏ« § 11 :‰Ó«¨ ‰¥ a§ ·© e Ì„−¨‡¨ a¨ Á©¯¾¥Ÿt ˙ŸÚ½ aª Ú§ ·© ‡£the magicians could not stand before Mosesbecause of the boils; for the boils were upon the È´¥t§ Ó¦ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ „ŸÓ² ڣϩ ÌÈnÀ¦ ˪ ¯§Á© ‰«© eÏ´ Χ Ȩmagicians, and upon all the Egyptians. [12] And -ÏΨ ·§ e Ìn−¦ ˪ ¯§Á£ a«© ÔÈÁ½¦ M§ ‰© ‰´È¨‰¨ -Èk«¦ ÔÈÁ®¦ M§ ‰©the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ·´Ï¥ -˙‡¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ˜³f¥Á© ȧ © 12 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord hadspoken unto Moses. ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¤ c¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ÚÓ−© L¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ § -χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 13 Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ [13] And the Lord said unto Moses:‘Rise up early in the morning, and stand before ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù© È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ·v−¥ È©˙§ ‰¦ § ¯˜¤Ÿa½ a© Ì´k¥ L§ ‰© ‰L¤½ ŸÓPharaoh, and say unto him: Thus saith the ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó³© ‡¨ -‰Ÿk« ÂÈϨÀ‡¥ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ §Lord, the God of the Hebrews: Let My peoplego, that they may serve Me. [14] For I will this | Èk´¦ 14 :Ȧ „«ª·§ Ú© È«©Â§ Èn−¦ Ú© -˙‡¤ Á¬l© L© Ìȯ½¦·§ Ú¦ ‰«¨time send all My plagues upon thy person, and ÆÈ˙© ŸÙb¥Ó© -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ Á©Ï¥¹ ŸL ȸ¦ ‡£ ˙‡ŸfÀ‰© ÌÚ© ´t© a©upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that Ú„½©z¥ ¯e·´ Ú£a© En®¤ Ú© ·§ e EÈ„−¤·¨ Ú£·© e E½ a§ Ϧ -χ«¤thou mayest know that there is none like Mein all the earth. [15] Surely now I had put forth Ɖz¨ Ú© Èk³¦ 15 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ a§ ȦŸÓ− k¨ ÔȬ‡¥ Ȳk¦My hand, and smitten thee and thy people with E− n§ Ú© -˙‡«¤ § E² ˙§ B‡ C‡¬© ¨ È„½¦È¨-˙‡¤ Èz¦ Á§ ´Ï© L¨pestilence, and thou hadst been cut off from the ÌϨÀ e‡Â§ 16 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ „Á−¥ k¨ z¦ © ¯·¤ c®¨a©earth. [16] But in very deed for this cause haveI made thee to stand, to show thee My power, E´ ˙§ Ÿ‡¯§‰© ¯e·− Ú£a© EÈz½¦ „§Ó© Ú¡‰¤ Æ˙‡ŸÊ ¯e·¬ Ú£a©and that My name may be declared throughout :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ a§ ÈÓ−¦ L§ ¯¬t¥ Ò© ÔÚ© ²Ó© ϧ e ÈÁ®¦ Ÿk-˙‡¤all the earth. [17] As yet exaltest thou thyself :ÌÁ«¨ l§ L© Èz−¦ ϧ ·¦ ϧ Èn®¦ Ú© a§ Ï´Ï¥ BzÒ§ Ó¦ E− „§BÚ 17against My people, that thou wilt not let themgo? [18] Behold, to-morrow about this time I will „Ÿ‡® Ó§ „´·¥ k¨ „¯−¨a¨ ¯Á¨½ Ó¨ ˙´Ú¥ k¨ ƯÈ˦ Ó§ Ó© ȳ¦ § ‰¦ 18cause it to rain a very grievous hail, such as hath ÌBi¬‰© -ÔÓ¦ ϧ ÌȦ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ Æe‰ŸÓÆ Î¨ ‰³È¨‰¨ -‡ŸÏ ¯L¤¸ ‡£not been in Egypt since the day it was founded ÆÊÚ¥ ‰¨ Á³Ï© L§ ‰z¨À Ú© § 19 :‰z¨ Ú«¨ -„Ú© § ‰„−¨Ò§ e¨‰¦even until now. [19] Now therefore send, hasten -Ïk¨ ‰„®¤O¨ a© E− ϧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ˙²‡¥ § E½ § ˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡«¤in thy cattle and all that thou hast in the field; forevery man and beast that shall be found in the ‡ŸÏ³ § ‰„À¤O¨ ·© ‡´ˆ¥ n¨ Ȧ-¯L«¤ ‡£ ‰Ó¨¹ ‰¥ a§ ‰© § Ì„¸¨‡¨ ‰¨field, and shall not be brought home, the hail :e˙Ó«¥ ¨ „¯−¨a¨ ‰© ̲‰¤ Ï¥ Ú£ „¯¯©È¨Â§ ‰˙¨ ȧ a©½ ‰© ÆÛÒ¥ ‡¨ «È¥shall come down upon them, and they shall die.’ ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© È„−¥·§ Ú© Ó«¥ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ¯´·© c§-˙‡¤ Ƈ¯¥i¨‰© 20[20] He that feared the word of the Lord among -χ¤ e‰−¥˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § ÂÈ„¬¨·¨ Ú£-˙‡¤ ÒȲ¦ ‰¥the servants of Pharaoh made his servants and ¯´·© c§-χ¤ Ba− Ϧ ÌN²¨ -‡ŸÏ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ © 21 :ÌÈz«¦ a¨ ‰©his cattle flee into the houses; [21] and he thatregarded not the word of the Lord left his e‰−¥˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § ÂÈ„¬¨·¨ Ú£-˙‡¤ ·ŸÊ²Ú£i©Â«© ‰®Â¨‰È§servants and his cattle in the field. [22] And the Lord said unto Moses: ÆE„§È«¨-˙‡¤ ‰³Ë¥ § ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ Ù :‰„«¤O¨ a© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 22‘Stretch forth thy hand toward heaven, that there ‰Â¹¨‰È§may be hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man, ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ -ÏΨ a§ „¯−¨·¨ ȉ¬¦ Ȧ ÌȦ Ó©½ M¨ ‰© -ÏÚ©and upon beast, and upon every herb of the field,throughout the land of Egypt.’ [23] And Moses ·N¤ ¬Ú¥ -Ïk¨ ϲک § ‰Ó¨À ‰¥ a§ ‰© -ÏÚ© § Ì„´¨‡¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ©stretched forth his rod toward heaven; and the -˙‡¤ ‰L´¤ ŸÓ Ëi¥¸Â© 23 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ ‰„−¤O¨ ‰©Lord sent thunder and hail, and fire ran down „¯½¨·¨ e Æ˙ŸÏŸ˜ Ô˙³© ¨ ‰ÂÀ¨‰È«© ¼ÌȦ Ó© M¨ ‰© -ÏÚ© »e‰h¥ Ó© 119 119
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 9.24 va-’era’ ‡¯‡Â 9 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙unto the earth; and the Lord caused to hail upon „¯−¨a¨ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ¯¯Ë¥ Ó§ i©Â© ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡®¨ L‡−¥ CÏ© ‰£ z¬¦ ©the land of Egypt. [24] So there was hail, and fire L‡¥¾ § „¯½¨·¨ ȉ´¦ ȧ © 24 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏÚ©flashing up amidst the hail, very grievous, suchas had not been in all the land of Egypt since ¯L¤ ‡£Â „Ÿ‡½ Ó§ „´·¥ k¨ „¯®¨a¨ ‰© CB˙´ a§ ˙Á© w−©Ï© ˙§ Ó¦it became a nation. [25] And the hail smote ʇ−¨ Ó¥ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ -ÏΨ a§ Æe‰ŸÓÆ Î¨ ‰³È¨‰¨ -‡ŸÏ«throughout all the land of Egypt all that was in ı¯¤‡´¤ -ÏΨ a§ „¯¹¨a¨ ‰© Ci©¸Â© 25 :ÈB‚« ϧ ‰˙¬¨ ȧ ‰¨the field, both man and beast; and the hail smote -„Ú© § Ì„−¨‡¨ Ó¥ ‰„½¤O¨ a© ¯L´¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥µ ÌȦ ¯À©ˆ§ Ó¦every herb of the field, and broke every tree ofthe field. [26] Only in the land of Goshen, where „¯½¨a¨ ‰© ‰´k¨ ‰¦ Ɖ„¤O¨ ‰© ·N¤ ³Ú¥ -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥¸ § ‰Ó®¨ ‰¥ a§the children of Israel were, was there no hail. ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ˜¯©µ26 :¯a«¥ L¦ ‰„−¤O¨ ‰© ı¬Ú¥ -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ §[27] And Pharaoh sent, and called for Moses and :„¯«¨a¨ ‰−Ȩ‰¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÌL−¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÔL¤ Ÿb½Aaron, and said unto them: ‘I have sinned this ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© ϧ e« ‰L´¤ ŸÓϧ Ƈ¯¨˜§ i¦ © ‰ŸÚÀ ¯§t© ÁÏ´© L§ i¦ © 27time; the Lord is righteous, and I and my peopleare wicked. [28] Entreat the Lord, and let there Ɖ¨‰È§ ÌÚ© ®t¨ ‰© È˙¦ ‡´Ë¨ Á¨ ̉−¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â©be enough of these mighty thunderings and hail; Æe¯ÈzƦ Ú§ ‰© 28 :ÌÈÚ«¦ L¨ ¯§‰¨ Èn−¦ Ú© § Ȭ¦ ‡£ © ˜Èc½¦v© ‰©and I will let you go, and ye shall stay no longer.’ „¯®¨·¨ e Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ˙ŸÏ¬ Ÿ˜ ˙ŸÈ²‰§ Ó«¦ ·¯¾©Â§ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ -χ¤[29] And Moses said unto him: ‘As soon as I amgone out of the city, I will spread forth my hands :„ŸÓ« ڣϩ ÔeÙ− Ò¦ Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤ ‰Á´¨ l§ L© ‡£ ©unto the Lord; the thunders shall cease, neither ¯ÈÚ½¦ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÈ˙¦ ‡ˆ¥ k§ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 29shall there be any more hail; that thou mayest ÔeÏÀ c¨Á§ Ȥ ˙BÏ´ Ÿw‰© ‰®Â¨‰È§-χ¤ Èt−© k©-˙‡¤ NŸ¯¬Ù§ ‡¤know that the earth is the Lord’s. [30] But as Ȭk¦ Ú„½©z¥ ÔÚ© Ó´© ϧ „BÚ½ -‰È¤‰§ È«¦ ‡ŸÏ´ Æ„¯¨a¨ ‰© §for thee and thy servants, I know that ye will not Èz¦ Ú§ „¾©È¨ EÈ„®¤·¨ ڣ© ‰z−¨ ‡© § 30 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ©yet fear the Lord God.’—[31] And the flax andthe barley were smitten; for the barley was in :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¥t§ Ó¦ Ôe‡½ ¯§Èz«¦ ̯¤´Ë¤ Èk¦ µthe ear, and the flax was in bloom. [32] But the Ɖ¯¨ŸÚO§ ‰© Èk³¦ ‰˙¨ ®k¨ ª ‰¯−¨ŸÚO§ ‰© § ‰z¬¨ L§ t¦ ‰© § 31wheat and the spelt were not smitten; for they ‰¬h¨ Á¦ ‰© § 32 :ÏŸÚ« ·§ b¦ ‰z−¨ L§ t¦ ‰© § ·È·½¦ ‡¨ripen late.—[33] And Moses went out of the cityfrom Pharaoh, and spread forth his hands unto ‡ˆ¥¸ i¥Â© 33 :‰p¨‰«¥ ˙ŸÏ− ÈÙ¦ ‡£ Ȭk¦ ek® ª ‡ŸÏ´ ˙Ó¤ q−¤ kª ‰© §the Lord; and the thunders and hail ceased, and ÂÈt−¨ k© NŸ¯¬Ù§ i¦Â© ¯ÈÚ½¦ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ƉŸÚ¯§t© ÌÚ³¦ Ó¥ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓthe rain was not poured upon the earth. [34] And ¯Ë−¨ Ó¨ e „¯½¨a¨ ‰© § Æ˙BÏŸw‰© eϳ c§Á§ i©Â«© ‰®Â¨‰È§-χ¤when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail and Ï„¸©Á¨ -Èk«¦ ‰ŸÚÀ ¯§t© ‡¯§´i©Â© 34 :‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡«¨ Cz¬© ¦ -‡ŸÏthe thunders were ceased, he sinned yet more, „¬a¥ Χ i©Â© ‡ŸË® Á£ Ï© ÛÒ¤Ÿi´Â© ˙ŸÏ− Ÿw‰© § „¯²¨a¨ ‰© § ¯Ë¯¨ n¨ ‰©and hardened his heart, he and his servants.[35] And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, ‡ŸÏ¬ § ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ·´Ï¥ ƘʩÁ¡ i¤Â«© 35 :ÂÈ„«¨·¨ ڣ© ‡e‰¬ Ba− Ϧand he did not let the children of Israel go; as the ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¤ c¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ Ál−© L¦ Ù :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-„È©a§Lord had spoken by Moses. bo’ ‡· 10And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Go in -χ¤ ‡Ÿa− ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â©10 unto Pharaoh; for I have hardened his ·´Ï¥ -˙‡¤ § ÆBaϦ -˙‡¤ Èz¦ „§³a© Χ ‰¦ Ⱥ¦ ‡£ -Èk«¦ ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© 120 120
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡· 10 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 10.2 bo’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might :Ba¯§˜¦ a§ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ È˙¬© Ÿ˙Ÿ‡ È˙²¦ L¦ ÔÚ© Ó©À ϧ ÂÈ„½¨·¨ Ú£show these My signs in the midst of them; [2] andthat thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son, and of ˙‡´¥ EÀ § a¦ -Ô·¤ e E¹ § ·¦ È¥¸Ê§‡¨ a§ Á¯t¥ Ò© z§ ÔÚ© Ó©¿ ϧ e 2thy son’s son, what I have wrought upon Egypt, È˙−© Ÿ˙Ÿ‡-˙‡¤ § ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ ÆÈz¦ ϧ l©Æ Ú© ˙§ ‰¦ ¯L³¤ ‡£and My signs which I have done among them; :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ -Èk¦ Ìz−¤ Ú§ „©È«¦ Ì®·¨ Èz¦ Ó§ N´© -¯L¤ ‡£that ye may know that I am the Lord.’ [3] AndMoses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and said e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿi© ¼‰ŸÚ¯§t© -χ¤ »ÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© § ‰L´¤ ŸÓ ‡Ÿ·¸ i¨Â© 3unto him: ‘Thus saith the Lord, the God of the Ìȯ½¦·§ Ú¦ ‰«¨ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó³© ‡¨ -‰Ÿk« ÂÈϨÀ‡¥Hebrews: How long wilt thou refuse to humble Èn−¦ Ú© Á¬l© L© È®¨t¨ Ó¦ ˙Ÿ−Ú¨ Ï¥ z¨ § ‡©½ Ó¥ È˙´© Ó¨ -„Ú©thyself before Me? let My people go, that they -˙‡¤ Á©´l¥ L© ϧ ‰z−¨ ‡© Ô‡¬¥ Ó¨ -̇¦ Ȳk¦ 4 :Ȧ „«ª·§ Ú© È«©Â§may serve Me. [4] Else, if thou refuse to let My :EÏ«¤ ·ª ‚§ a¦ ‰a−¤ ¯§‡© ¯Á²¨ Ó¨ ‡È¬·¦ Ó¥ ȸ¦ § ‰¦ Èn®¦ Ú©people go, behold, to-morrow will I bring locusts ˙Ÿ‡´ ¯§Ï¦ Ï−Ω eÈ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ÔÈ´Ú¥ -˙‡¤ Ɖq¨ Φ § 5into thy border; [5] and they shall cover the faceof the earth, that one shall not be able to see the ‰Ë¨À Ï¥ t§ ‰© ¯˙¤ ´È¤-˙‡¤ | ϴΩ ‡¨ § ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤earth; and they shall eat the residue of that whichis escaped, which remaineth unto you from the -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ ÆÏΩ ‡¨ § „¯½¨a¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÆÌΤ Ϩ ˙¯¤‡³¤ L§ p¦ ‰©hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for e‡¸ ϧ Ó¨ e 6 :‰„«¤O¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ Á©¬Ó¥ Ÿv‰© ıÚ¥½ ‰¨you out of the field; [6] and thy houses shall be ¼ÌȦ ¯©ˆ§ Ó¦ -ÏΨ Èz´¥ ·¨ e »EÈ„¤·¨ Ú£-ÏΨ Èz´¥ ·¨ e EÈz¤¹ ·¨filled, and the houses of all thy servants, and thehouses of all the Egyptians; as neither thy fathers EÈ˙¤½ Ÿ·‡£ ˙B´·‡£ © ÆEÈ˙Ƥ Ÿ·‡£ e‡³ ¯¨-‡ŸÏ« ¯L¤¸ ‡£nor thy fathers’ fathers have seen, since the day ‰®f¤‰© ÌBi´‰© „Ú−© ‰Ó¨½ „¨‡£ ‰´¨ -ÏÚ© ÆÌ˙¨ Bȉ¡ ÌBiÀÓ¦that they were upon the earth unto this day.’ And È„¸¥·§ Ú© Áe¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 7 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© ÌÚ¬¦ Ó¥ ‡ˆ−¥ i¥Â© ÔÙ¤ ¬i¦Â©he turned, and went out from Pharaoh. [7] And L˜½¥BÓϧ Æe쬮 ‰¬Ê¤ ‰È¤¸‰§ Ȧ ÆÈ˙© Ó¨ -„Ú© ÂÈϨÀ‡¥ ‰ŸÚ¹ ¯§Ù©Pharaoh’s servants said unto him: ‘How long ‰´Â¨‰È§-˙‡¤ e„−·§ Ú© È«©Â§ ÌÈL¦½ ¨‡£ ‰´¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÁl© L©shall this man be a snare unto us? let the men :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ‰„−¨·§ ‡¨ Ȭk¦ Ú„½©z¥ ̯¤´Ë¤ ‰£ Ì®‰¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡go, that they may serve the Lord their God;knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed?’ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© -χ¤ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -˙‡«¤ § ‰L³¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ·L©º ei© 8[8] And Moses and Aaron were brought again ‰´Â¨‰È§-˙‡¤ e„−·§ Ú¦ eά ϧ ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â©unto Pharaoh; and he said unto them: ‘Go, serve ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 9 :ÌÈΫ¦ ϧ Ÿ‰‰© ÈÓ−¦ ¨ ÈÓ¬¦ ̮Τ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡the Lord your God; but who are they that shallgo?’ [9] And Moses said: ‘We will go with our e˙¥¹ B·§ ·¦ e eÈ¥¸ ·¨ a§ C®Ï¥ ¥ eÈ−¥˜¥Ê§ ·¦ e eȯ¬¥Ú¨ § a¦young and with our old, with our sons and withour daughters, with our flocks and with our :eÏ«¨ ‰−¨‰È§-‚Á© Ȭk¦ CÏ¥½ ¥ Æe¯Æ¥˜¨·§ ·¦ e e³¥‡Ÿˆa§herds we will go; for we must hold a feast unto ÌΤ½ n¨ Ú¦ Ɖ¨‰È§ Ôγ¥ ȉ¦¸ ȧ ̉¤À Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 10the Lord.’[10] And he said unto them: ‘So be the Ȭk¦ e‡¾ ¯§ ̮Τ t§ Ë© -˙‡«¤ § ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ Á¬l© L© ‡£ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k©Lord with you, as I will let you go, and your littleones; see ye that evil is before your face. [11] Not ‡³¨-eΫ ϧ ÔÎ¥À ‡ŸÏ´ 11 :ÌΫ¤ È¥t§ „‚¤¬¤ ‰Ú−¨ ¯¨so; go now ye that are men, and serve the Lord; Ìz´¤ ‡© d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Ȭk¦ ‰Â¨½‰È§-˙‡¤ e„´·§ Ú¦ § ÆÌȯ¦·¨ b§ ‰©for that is what ye desire.’ And they were driven Ȭ¥t§ ˙‡−¥ Ó¥ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ L¯¤´‚¨È§ © ÌÈL®¦ ˜§ ·© Ó§out from Pharaoh’s presence. Ù :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© [12] And the Lord said unto Moses -ÏÚ© E¹ „§È¨ ‰Ë¥¸ § ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 12 ı¯¤‡´¤ -ÏÚ© ÏÚ© −ȩ§ ‰a¤½ ¯§‡© a«¨ ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡³¤‘Stretch out thy hand over the land of Egypt forthe locusts, that they may come up upon the 121 121
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡· 10 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 10.13 bo’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙land of Egypt, and eat every herb of the land, ˙²‡¥ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ·N¤ ´Ú¥ -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÏΩ ‡ŸÈ§ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦even all that the hail hath left.’ [13] And Mosesstretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, ‰L´¤ ŸÓ Ëi¥¸Â© 13 :„¯«¨a¨ ‰© ¯È‡−¦ L§ ‰¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨and the Lord brought an east wind upon the ‚‰³© ¦ ‰ÂÀ¨‰È«© ¼ÌȦ ¯©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ -ÏÚ© »e‰h¥ Ó© -˙‡¤land all that day, and all the night; and when it -ÏΨ § ‡e‰− ‰© ÌBi¬‰© -Ïk¨ ı¯¤‡¨½ a¨ ÆÌÈ„¦˜¨ Á©e¯¬was morning, the east wind brought the locusts. ‡N−¨ ¨ ÌÈ„½¦w¨‰© ÆÁ©e¯Æ § ‰È¨½‰¨ ¯˜¤Ÿa´ ‰© ‰Ï¨ ȧ®l¨ ‰©[14] And the locusts went up over all the land of -Ïk¨ ÏÚ©µ ‰a¤À ¯§‡© ‰«¨ ÏÚ© ´i©Â© 14 :‰a«¤ ¯§‡© ‰¨ -˙‡¤Egypt, and rested in all the borders of Egypt; very „´·¥ k¨ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ Ïe·´ b§ ÏŸÎ− a§ Á©i¨¾Â© ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤grievous were they; before them there were nosuch locusts as they, neither after them shall be e‰ŸÓ½ k¨ Ɖa¤ ¯§‡© Ôγ¥ ‰È¨‰¨¸ -‡ŸÏ ÂȨ٨ ϧ  „Ÿ‡½ Ó§such. [15] For they covered the face of the whole ÔÈ´Ú¥ -˙‡¤ Òκ© ȧ © 15 :Ôk«¥-‰È¤‰§ È«¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ Âȯ−¨Á£ ‡© §earth, so that the land was darkened; and they did -˙‡¤ ÏΩ ‡Ÿi¹Â© ¼ı¯¤‡¨ ‰¨ CL´© Á§ z¤ © »ı¯¤‡¨ ‰¨ -Ïk¨eat every herb of the land, and all the fruit of thetrees which the hail had left; and there remained ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ıÚ¥½ ‰¨ ȯ´¦t§ -Ïk¨ Æ˙‡¥ § ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ ·N¤ ´Ú¥ -Ïk¨not any green thing, either tree or herb of thefield, through all the land of Egypt. [16] Then ı²Ú¥ a¨ ˜¯¤¯È¤-Ïk¨ ¯˙©¸ B-‡ŸÏ§ „¯®¨a¨ ‰© ¯È˙−¦ B‰Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron in haste; :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏΨ a§ ‰„−¤O¨ ‰© ·N¤ ¬Ú¥ ·§ eand he said: ‘I have sinned against the Lord your ÔŸ¯®‰£ ‡© ϧ e« ‰L´¤ ŸÓϧ ‡Ÿ¯−˜§ Ϧ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ¯´‰¥ Ó© ȧ © 16God, and against you. [17] Now therefore forgive,I pray thee, my sin only this once, and entreat the :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ § ÌÎ−¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ« ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰ÈÏ© È˙¦ ‡²Ë¨ Á¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ©Lord your God, that He may take away from ÌÚ© t©½ ‰© C‡´© ÆÈ˙¦ ‡h¨ Á© ‡³¨ ‡N´¨ ‰z¨À Ú© § 17me this death only.’ [18] And he went out from ˜¯−© ÈÏ©½ Ú¨ Ó«¥ Ưҥ Ȩ§ ̮Τ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰ÈÏ© e¯Èz−¦ Ú§ ‰© §Pharaoh, and entreated the Lord. [19] And the ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© ÌÚ´¦ Ó¥ ‡ˆ−¥ i¥Â© 18 :‰«f¤‰© ˙¤n¬¨ ‰© -˙‡¤Lord turned an exceeding strong west wind,which took up the locusts, and drove them into ÆÌȨ-Á©e¯« ‰³Â¨‰È§ CŸÙ¸ ‰£ i©Â© 19 :‰Â«¨‰È§-χ¤ ¯z−© Ú§ i¤Â©the Red Sea; there remained not one locust in all e‰Ú−¥ ˜¨ ˙§ i¦ © ‰a¤½ ¯§‡© ‰´¨ -˙‡¤ ƇO¨ i¦ © „Ÿ‡½ Ó§ ˜´Ê¨Á¨the border of Egypt. [20] But the Lord hardened ÏŸÎ− a§ „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰´a¤ ¯§‡© Ư‡© L§ ¦ ‡ŸÏ³ Ûeq® ‰n¨ ´È¨Pharaoh’s heart, and he did not let the children ·´Ï¥ -˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ˜¬f¥Á© ȧ © 20 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ Ïe·¬ b§of Israel go. Ù :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -˙‡¤ Ál−© L¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© [21] And the Lord said unto Moses:‘Stretch out thy hand toward heaven, that there -ÏÚ© ÆE„§È«¨ ‰³Ë¥ § ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 21may be darkness over the land of Egypt, evendarkness which may be felt.’ [22] And Moses LÓ−¥ Ȩ§ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ -ÏÚ© CL¤ ŸÁ− ȉ¦ Ȭ¦ ÌȦө½ M¨ ‰©stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and ÌȦ Ó®¨ M¨ ‰© -ÏÚ© B„−Ȩ-˙‡¤ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ ˬi¥Â© 22 :CL¤ ŸÁ«there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏΨ a§ ‰²Ï¨ Ù¥ ‡£ -CL¤ ŸÁ« ȉ¯¦ ȧ ©three days; [23] they saw not one another, neitherrose any from his place for three days; but all the ÂÈÁÀ¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ Lȇ´¦ e‡º ¯¨-‡ŸÏ« 23 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ¬ L§children of Israel had light in their dwellings.[24] And Pharaoh called unto Moses, and said: ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ´ L§ ÂÈz−¨ Á§ z© Ó¦ Lȇ¬¦ eÓ˜²¨-‡ŸÏ§ :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ·L§ BÓa§ ¯B‡− ‰È¨¬‰¨ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȯ¥a§ -ÏΨ ϧ e«‘Go ye, serve the Lord; only let your flocks and ÆeÎϧ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰ŸÚ¹ ¯§Ù© ‡¯¸¨˜§ i¦ © 24your herds be stayed; let your little ones also gowith you.’ [25] And Moses said: ‘Thou must also ‚®v¨ Ȫ ÌÎ−¤ ¯§˜©·§ e ̬Τ § ‡Ÿˆ ˜¯²© ‰Â¨½‰È§ -˙‡¤ e„´·§ Ú¦give into our hand sacrifices and burnt-offerings, ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 25 :ÌΫ¤ n¨ Ú¦ C¬Ï¥ È¥ ÌÎ−¤ t§ Ë© -Ì«b© 122 122
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡· 10 ˙HÂoÓm˘e | TOCtorah EXODUS 10.26 bo’ ‰¯Â˙that we may sacrifice unto the Lord our God. ˙BÏ® ŸÚ§ ÌÈÁ´¦ ·¨ ʧ e„−¥È¨a§ Ôz¬¥ z¦ ‰z²¨ ‡© -Ìb©[26] Our cattle also shall go with us; there shallnot a hoof be left behind; for thereof must we C´Ï¥ È¥ e¥¹˜§ Ó¦ -Ì‚©Â§ 26 :eȉ«¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰ÈÏ© eÈN−¦ Ú¨ §take to serve the Lord our God; and we know Áw½©¦ epn´¤ Ó¦ Èk¦µ ‰Ò¨½ ¯§t© Ư‡¥ M¨ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ³ en¨À Ú¦not with what we must serve the Lord, until Ú„À©¥-‡ŸÏ« eÁ§ ´©‡£ © eÈ®‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ -˙‡¤ „Ÿ·− ڣϩwe come thither.’ [27] But the Lord hardenedPharaoh’s heart, and he would not let them go. :‰n¨ L«¨ e‡−¥ Ÿa-„Ú© ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ -˙‡¤ Æ„Ÿ·Ú£p©-‰Ó«©[28] And Pharaoh said unto him: ‘Get thee from ‰·−¨ ‡¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© ·´Ï¥ -˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ˜¬f¥Á© ȧ © 27me, take heed to thyself, see my face no more;for in the day thou seest my face thou shalt die.’ ȮϨ Ú¨ Ó¥ C´Ï¥ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§Ù© BϬ -¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi« © 28 :ÌÁ«¨ l§ L© ϧ[29] And Moses said: ‘Thou hast spoken well; I ÌBȲa§ ÈkÀ¦ È©½ t¨ ˙B‡´ ¯§ ÆÛÒ¤ŸzÆ -χ© EÀ ϧ ¯Ó¤ M´¨ ‰¦will see thy face again no more.’ Ôk´¥ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 29 :˙eÓ« z¨ È−©Ù¨ E¬ ˙§ Ÿ‡¯§ And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Yet Ù :EÈ«¤t¨ ˙B‡¬ ¯§ „BÚ− ÛÒ¬¦ Ÿ‡-‡ŸÏ z¨ ¯§®a© c¦11 one plague more will I bring upon11Pharaoh, and upon Egypt; afterwards he will let Ú‚©³¤ „BÚ´ ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â©you go hence; when he shall let you go, he shallsurely thrust you out hence altogether. [2] Speak ÌȦ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ -ÏÚ© § ƉŸÚ¯§t© -ÏÚ© ‡È·³¦ ‡¨ Æ„Á¨ ‡¤now in the ears of the people, and let them ask ‰Ï¨¾ k¨ BÁ½ l§ L©¸ k§ ‰®f¤Ó¦ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ Á¬l© L© ȧ ÔÎ¥¾ -ȯ¥Á£ ‡«©every man of his neighbour, and every woman È´¥Ê§ ‡¨ a§ ‡−¨-¯a¤ c© 2 :‰f«¤Ó¦ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ L¯¬¥‚¨È§ L¯²¥b¨of her neighbour, jewels of silver, and jewels ofgold.’ [3] And the Lord gave the people favour ƉM¨ ‡¦ § e‰Ú¥À ¯¥ ˙‡´¥ Ó¥ | Lȇ´¦ eϺ‡£ L§ Ȧ§ ̮ڨ ‰¨in the sight of the Egyptians. Moreover the man Ôz¯¥ i¦ © 3 :·‰«¨ ʨ Ȭϥ Χ e ÛÒ¤ Î−¤-ÈÏ¥ k§ d˙¨½ eÚ¯§ ˙‡´¥ Ó¥Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the | Ì´b© ÌȦ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ È´¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ Ô¬Á¥ -˙‡¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§sight of Pharaoh’s servants, and in the sight of ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ Æ„Ÿ‡Ó§ ÏB„³b¨ ‰L¤À ŸÓ Lȇ´¦ ‰¨the people.[4] And Moses said: ‘Thus saith the Lord: Ò :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨ Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ ·§ e ‰ŸÚ− ¯§Ù© -È„«¥·§ Ú© Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ a§About midnight will I go out into the midst ofEgypt; [5] and all the first-born in the land of ˙Ÿˆ´ Á£ k© ‰®Â¨‰È§ ¯Ó´© ‡¨ ‰Ÿk− ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 4Egypt shall die, from the first-born of Pharaoh ˙Ó´¥ e 5 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ CB˙¬ a§ ‡ˆ−¥ BÈ È¬¦ ‡£ ‰Ï¨ ȧl©½ ‰©that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the first- ƉŸÚ¯§t© ¯Bγ a§ Ó¦ ¼ÌȦ ¯©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ »¯BÎa§ -Ïk¨born of the maid-servant that is behind the mill;and all the first-born of cattle. [6] And there shall ¯L−¤ ‡£ ‰Á¨½ Ù§ M¦ ‰© ¯Bδ a§ „Ú©µ B‡½ Ò§ k¦ -ÏÚ© ·L´¥ Ÿi‰©be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, ‰˙²¨ ȧ ‰«¨ § 6 :‰Ó«¨ ‰¥ a§ ¯Bά a§ ÏŸÎ− § ÌȦ Á®¨ ¯¥‰¨ ¯Á´© ‡©such as there hath been none like it, nor shallbe like it any more. [7] But against any of the ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ -ÏΨ a§ ‰Ï−¨ Ÿ„‚§ ‰˜¬¨Ú¨ ˆ§children of Israel shall not a dog whet his tongue, :ÛÒ«¦ Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ¬ e‰ŸÓ− Ψ § ‰˙¨ Ȩ½‰§ ¦ ‡ŸÏ´ Æe‰ŸÓÆ k¨against man or beast; that ye may know how B½ŸLϧ ƷϤ k¤Æ -ı¯©Á¡ «È¤ ‡ŸÏ³ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ | ϟδ ϧ e 7that the Lord doth put a difference betweenthe Egyptians and Israel. [8] And all these thy ƯL¤ ‡£ ÔeÚ½ „§z«¥ ÆÔÚ© ÓÆ© ϧ ‰Ó®¨ ‰¥ a§ -„Ú© § Lȇ−¦ Ó¥ ϧservants shall come down unto me, and bow :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ÔȬ·¥ e ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ÔȬa¥ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ‰´Ï¤ Ù§ È©down unto me, saying: Get thee out, and allthe people that follow thee; and after that I will ÈÏ´¦ -eeÁ£ z«© L§ ‰¦ § ÈÏ©¹‡¥ ‰l¤ ‡¥¸ ÁEÈ„¤·¨ Ú£-ÏΨ e„´¯§È¨Â§ 8go out.’ And he went out from Pharaoh in hot EÈϤ½ ‚§ ¯©a§ -¯L¤ ‡£ Ì´Ú¨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ § Ɖz¨ ‡© ‡³ˆ¥ ¯ŸÓÀ ‡Ï¥anger. ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© -ÌÚ¦ Ó«¥ ‡¬ˆ¥ i¥Â© ‡®ˆ¥ ‡¥ ÔÎ−¥-ȯ¥Á£ ‡© § [9] And the Lord said unto Moses:‘Pharaoh will not hearken unto you; that My -χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 9 Ò :Û‡«¨ -ȯ¦Á¢ a¨ 123 123
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 11.10 bo’ ‡· 11 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt.’ ÔÚ© ²Ó© ϧ ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© ÌÎ−¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ÚÓ¬© L§ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ[10] And Moses and Aaron did all these wondersbefore Pharaoh; and the Lord hardened ‰L´¤ ŸÓe 10 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ È˙−© Ù§ BÓ ˙B·¬ ¯§Pharaoh’s heart, and he did not let the children ‰l¤ ‡−¥ ‰¨ ÌÈ˙¬¦ Ù§ Ÿn‰© -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ eN² Ú¨ ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© § ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ·´Ï¥ -˙‡¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ˜³f¥Á© ȧ © ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù© È´¥Ù§ Ϧ12of Israel go out of his land. Ù :Bˆ« ¯§‡© Ó¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§ -˙‡¤ Á¬l© L¦ -‡ŸÏ« § And the Lord spoke unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying: 12ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ § ‰L´¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â©[2] ‘This month shall be unto you the beginningof months; it shall be the first month of the year ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ‰²f¤‰© L„¤ŸÁ¯ ‰© 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§to you. [3] Speak ye unto all the congregation of ÈL−¥ „§Á¨ ϧ ÌΤ½ Ϩ Ƈe‰ ÔBL¬ ‡¯¦ ÌÈL®¦ „¨Á¢ L‡Ÿ¯´Israel, saying: In the tenth day of this month they Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˙„³©Ú£-Ïk¨ -χ«¤ e¯À a§ c© 3 :‰«¨M¨ ‰©shall take to them every man a lamb, according ̉¤À Ϩ eÁ´ ˜§ Ȧ § ‰®f¤‰© L„¤ŸÁ´ Ï© ¯ŸN− Ú¨ a¤ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥to their fathers’ houses, a lamb for a household;[4] and if the household be too little for a lamb, -̇¦ § 4 :˙Ȧa«¨ Ï© ‰¬N¤ ˙Ÿ·− ‡¨ -˙È·¥ ϧ ‰¬N¤ Lȇ²¦then shall he and his neighbour next unto hishouse take one according to the number of the ‡e‰À Á˜´©Ï¨ § ¼‰O¤ Ó¦ ˙ŸÈ´‰§ Ó¦ »˙Ȧ a© ‰© Ë´Ú© Ó§ Ȧ ˙ŸL® Ù¨ § ˙Ò´© Χ Ó¦ a§ B˙− Èa¥-χ¤ ·Ÿ¯¬w¨‰© B²Î¥ L§ esouls; according to every man’s eating ye shall ‰¬N¤ 5 :‰O«¤ ‰© -ÏÚ© eqŸÎ− z¨ BϽ Χ ‡¨ ÈÙ´¦ ϧ Lȇ¦ µmake your count for the lamb. [5] Your lambshall be without blemish, a male of the first year; -ÔÓ¦ ̮Τ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ‰−¨L¨ -Ôa¤ ¯¬Î¨ ʨ ÌÈÓ²¦ ˙¨ye shall take it from the sheep, or from the goats; ÆÌΤ Ϩ ‰³È¨‰¨ § 6 :eÁw«¨z¦ ÌÈf−¦Ú¦ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ e ÌÈN¬¦ ·¨ k§ ‰©[6] and ye shall keep it until the fourteenth day L„¤ŸÁ´ Ï© ÌBÈ− ¯N²¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© „´Ú© ˙¯¤Ó¤½ L§ Ó¦ ϧof the same month; and the whole assembly of χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -˙„«©Ú£ Ϭ‰© ˜§ ÏŸk² B˙À Ÿ‡ eË´ Á£ L¨ § ‰®f¤‰©the congregation of Israel shall kill it at dusk.[7] And they shall take of the blood, and put it e²˙§ «¨Â§ Ìc½¨‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÆeÁ˜§ Ï«¨ § 7 :ÌȦa«¨ ¯§Ú© ‰¨ ÔȬa¥on the two side-posts and on the lintel, upon ÏÚ©µ ÛB˜®L§ n© ‰© -ÏÚ© § ˙ŸÊ−eÊn§ ‰© Èz¬¥ L§ -ÏÚ©the houses wherein they shall eat it. [8] And they eϬ Χ ‡¨ § 8 :̉«¤ a¨ B˙− Ÿ‡ eϬ Χ ‡ŸÈ-¯L¤ ‡£ ÌÈz½¦ ´a¨ ‰©shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, ˙Bv½ Ó© e L‡´¥ -ÈϦ ˆ§ ‰®f¤‰© ‰Ï¨ ȧ l´© a© ¯N−¨ a¨ ‰© -˙‡¤and unleavened bread; with bitter herbs theyshall eat it. [9] Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all ÆepnƤ Ó¦ eϳ Χ ‡Ÿz-χ© 9 :e‰Ï«ª Χ ‡ŸÈ Ìȯ−¦Ÿ¯Ó§ -ÏÚ©with water, but roast with fire; its head with its L‡¥½ -ÈϦ ˆ§ -̇¦ Èk´¦ ÌȦn®¨ a© Ï−M¨ ·ª Ó§ ϬL¥ ·¨ e ‡¨½legs and with the inwards thereof. [10] And ye -‡ŸÏ§ 10 :Ba« ¯§˜¦ -ÏÚ© § ÂÈÚ−¨ ¯¨k§ -ÏÚ© BL¬ ‡Ÿ¯shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; -„Ú© epn²¤ Ó¦ ¯˙¬¨ Ÿp‰© § ¯˜¤Ÿa®-„Ú© epn−¤ Ó¦ e¯È˙¬¦ B˙but that which remaineth of it until the morning ¼B˙Ÿ‡ eÏ´ Χ ‡Ÿz »‰Î¨ Ψ § 11 :eÙŸ¯«N§ z¦ L¬‡¥ a¨ ¯˜¤Ÿa−ye shall burn with fire. [11] And thus shall ye eatit: with your loins girded, your shoes on your ÌΤ½ ÈÏ¥ ‚§ ¯©a§ ÆÌΤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£«© Ìȯ½¦‚ªÁ£ ̴Τ È¥˙§ Ó¨feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat ÔBʽt¨ Á¦ a§ ÆB˙Ÿ‡ Ìz³¤ ϧ Ω ‡£ © ̮Τ „§È¤a§ ÌÎ−¤ ϧ w¤Ó© eit in haste—it is the Lord’s passover. [12] For I -ı¯¤‡«¤ ·§ Èz´¦ ¯§·© Ú¨ § 12 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ‡e‰− ÁÒ© ¬t¤will go through the land of Egypt in that night, ƯBÎa§ -ÏΨ È˙³¦ Èk¥ ‰¦ § ¼‰f¤‰© ‰Ï¨ ȧ l´© a© »ÌȦ ¯©ˆ§ Ó¦and will smite all the first-born in the land ofEgypt, both man and beast; and against all the -ÏΨ ·§ e ‰Ó®¨ ‰¥ a§ -„Ú© § Ì„−¨‡¨ Ó¥ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ ÌÈË−¦ Ù¨ L§ ‰¬N¤ Ú¡‡«¤ ÌȦ¯²©ˆ§ Ó¦ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ 124 124
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡· 12 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 12.13 bo’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙Lord. [13] And the blood shall be to you for a ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÌÈz¦ a¨ ‰© ϳک ˙Ÿ‡À ϧ ÌΤ¹ Ϩ Ìc¸¨‰© Á‰È¨‰¨ § 13token upon the houses where ye are; and when Isee the blood, I will pass over you, and there shall Èz−¦ Á§ Ò© Ù¨ e Ìc½¨‰© -˙‡¤ ÆÈ˙¦ ȇƦ ¯¨Â§ ÌL¨½ Ìz´¤ ‡©no plague be upon you to destroy you, when I ˙ÈÁ½¦ L§ Ó© ϧ ÆÛ‚¤¤Æ ̬Τ ·¨ ‰È¤¸‰§ È«¦-‡ŸÏ« § ̮Τ Ï¥ Ú£smite the land of Egypt. [14] And this day shall ‰³f¤‰© ÌBi¸‰© Á‰È¨‰¨ § 14 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ È˙−¦ Ÿk‰© a§be unto you for a memorial, and ye shall keep it afeast to the Lord; throughout your generations ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ«© ‚Á´© B˙− Ÿ‡ Ì˙¬¤ ŸbÁ© § ÔB¯½ k¨ ʦϧ ÆÌΤ Ϩye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.[15] Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; ˙³Ú© ·§ L¦ 15 :e‰«bªÁ¨ z§ ÌÏ−¨ BÚ ˙w¬©Áª ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ¯´Ÿ„ϧ ÔBL½ ‡¯¦‰¨ ÌBi´a© C‡©µ eÏÎ¥½ ‡Ÿz ˙Bv´ Ó© ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ȩhowbeit the first day ye shall put away leaven out Ï´Î¥ Ÿ‡-Ïk¨ | Èk´¦ ̮Τ Èz¥ a¨ Ó¦ ¯Ÿ‡− O§ e˙Ȭa¦ L§ z©of your houses; for whosoever eateth leavenedbread from the first day until the seventh day, χ¥½ ¯¨N§ i¦ Ó¦ Ƈ‰¦ ‰© LÙ¤³p¤‰© ‰˙º¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ § ıÓ¥À Á¨that soul shall be cut off from Israel. [16] And ÌBi³·© e 16 :ÈÚ«¦ ·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBȬ-„Ú© ÔŸL− ‡¯¦‰¨ ÌBi¬Ó¦in the first day there shall be to you a holy ÈÚ½¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÆÌBi·© e L„¤Ÿ˜½ -‡¯¨˜§ Ó¦ ÆÔBL‡¯¦‰¨convocation, and in the seventh day a holyconvocation; no manner of work shall be done -‡ŸÏ ƉΨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -Ïk¨ ̮Τ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ L„¤Ÿ˜−-‡¯¨˜§ Ó¦in them, save that which every man must eat, LÙ¤ ¤½ -ÏΨ ϧ Ï´Î¥ ‡¨ È¥ ¯L´¤ ‡£ C‡©µ ̉¤½ ·¨ ‰N´¤ Ú¨ È¥that only may be done by you. [17] And ye shall -˙‡¤ »Ìz¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e 17 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‰¬N¤ Ú¨ È¥ Bc−·© ϧ ‡e‰¬observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in thisselfsame day have I brought your hosts out of the È˙¦ ‡¬ˆ¥ B‰ ‰f¤½‰© ÌBi´‰© Æ̈¤ Ú¤Æ a§ ÈkÀ¦ ¼˙Bvn© ‰©land of Egypt; therefore shall ye observe this day Ìzº¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ ÌÎ−¤ È˙¥ B‡·§ ˆ¦ -˙‡¤throughout your generations by an ordinance :ÌÏ«¨ BÚ ˙w¬©Áª ÌÎ−¤ È˙¥ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧ ‰²f¤‰© ÌBi¬‰© -˙‡¤for ever. [18] In the first month, on the fourteenth ÆL„¤ŸÁÆ Ï© ÌBȳ ¯N¨¸ Ú¨ Á‰Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© a§ ÔŸL¿ ‡¯¦a¨ 18day of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavenedbread, until the one and twentieth day of the „Á¯¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ÌBÈ´ „Ú©  ˙Ÿv® Ó© eÏ− Χ ‡Ÿz ·¯¤Ú¤½ a¨month at even. [19] Seven days shall there be ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ 19 :·¯¤Ú«¨ a¨ L„¤ŸÁ− Ï© Ìȯ²¦N§ Ú¤ §no leaven found in your houses; for whosoever Ï´Î¥ Ÿ‡-Ïk¨ | Èk´¦ ̮Τ Èz¥ ·¨ a§ ‡ˆ−¥ n¨ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ ¯Ÿ‡¾ N§eateth that which is leavened, that soul shall becut off from the congregation of Israel, whether ˙„´©Ú£Ó¥ Ƈ‰¦ ‰© LÙ¤³p¤‰© ‰˙º¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ § ˙ˆ¤ Ó¤À Á§ Ó©he be a sojourner, or one that is born in the land. -Ïk¨ 20 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ Á¯¬©Ê§ ‡¤ ·§ e ¯−b¥a© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ[20] Ye shall eat nothing leavened; in all your ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ·´ L§ BÓ ÆÏŸÎa§ eϮΥ ‡Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ´ ˙ˆ¤ Ó−¤ Á§ Ó©habitations shall ye eat unleavened bread.’ [21] Then Moses called for all the elders of Ù :˙Bv« Ó© eÏ− Χ ‡Ÿz ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥˜§ ʦ -ÏΨ ϧ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ © 21Israel, and said unto them: ‘Draw out, and takeyou lambs according to your families, and kill Ô‡Ÿˆ² ̬Τ Ϩ eÁ¸ ˜§ e eÎÀ L§ Ó«¦ Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£the passover lamb. [22] And ye shall take a bunchof hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the Ìzº¤ Á§ ˜©Ï§ e 22 :ÁÒ© t«¨ ‰© eˬ Á£ L© § ÌÎ−¤ È˙¥ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧbasin, and strike the lintel and the two side-posts ¼Ûq© a©-¯L¤ ‡£ Ìc´¨a© »Ìz¤ ϧ ·© ˧ e ·BÊÀ‡¥ ˙c´©‚ª‡£with the blood that is in the basin; and none of ˙ŸÊ½ eÊn§ ‰© Èz´¥ L§ -χ¤ § ÆÛB˜L§ n© ‰© -χ¤ Ìz³¤ Ú§ b©‰¦ §you shall go out of the door of his house until the Lȇ¬¦ e‡² ˆ§ ˙¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ìz¤À ‡© § Ûq®¨a© ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ìc−¨‰© -ÔÓ¦morning. [23] For the Lord will pass throughto smite the Egyptians; and when He seeth the ÛŸb´ § Ϧ »‰Â¨‰È§ ¯´·© Ú¨ § 23 :¯˜¤Ÿa« -„Ú© B˙− Èa¥-Á˙© t«¤ Ó¦blood upon the lintel, and on the two side-posts, -ÏÚ© ÆÌc¨‰© -˙‡¤ ‰‡³¨ ¯¨Â§ ¼ÌȦ ¯©ˆ§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ 125 125
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡· 12 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 12.24 bo’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙the Lord will pass over the door, and will not Ɖ¨‰È§ ÁÒ³© Ù¨ e ˙ŸÊ®eÊn§ ‰© Èz´¥ L§ Ï−Ú© § ÛB˜½ L§ n© ‰©suffer the destroyer to come in unto your housesto smite you. [24] And ye shall observe this -χ¤ ‡Ÿ·¬ Ϩ ˙ÈÁ½¦ L§ n© ‰© ÆÔz¥ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ³ § Á˙© t¤½ ‰© -ÏÚ©thing for an ordinance to thee and to thy sons ¯´·¨ c¨‰© -˙‡¤ Ìz−¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e 24 :ÛŸb« § Ϧ ÌÎ−¤ Èz¥ a¨for ever. [25] And it shall come to pass, when ye ‰Èº¨‰¨ § 25 :ÌÏ«¨ BÚ-„Ú© EÈ−¤·¨ ϧ e E¬ ϧ -˜Á¨ ϧ ‰®f¤‰©be come to the land which the Lord will giveyou, according as He hath promised, that ye shall ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ‰²Â¨‰È§ Ôz¯¥ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ -χ¤ e‡Ÿ·´ ˙¨ -Èk«¦keep this service. [26] And it shall come to pass, ‰„¬¨Ÿ·Ú£‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ìz−¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e ¯®a¥ c¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ k©when your children shall say unto you: What ̮Τ È¥a§ ÌÎ−¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ e¯¬Ó§ ‡ŸÈ-Èk«¦ ‰È¨¾‰¨ § 26 :˙‡Ÿf« ‰©mean ye by this service? [27] that ye shall say: It isthe sacrifice of the Lord’s passover, for that He Ìz¤¿ ¯§Ó© ‡£ © 27 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ˙‡Ÿf−‰© ‰„¬¨Ÿ·Ú£‰¨ ‰Ó²¨passed over the houses of the children of Israel Èz³¥ a¨-ÏÚ© ÁÒ© t¨Â¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰ÂÀ¨‰ÈÏ«© ‡e‰¹ ÁÒ© t¤¸ -Á·© «Ê¤in Egypt, when He smote the Egyptians, and ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ Bt¬ ‚§ ¨a§ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§delivered our houses.’ And the people bowedthe head and worshipped. [28] And the children :ee«Á£ z© L§ i«¦Â© ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ „Ÿw¬i¦Â© ÏÈv®¦ ‰¦ eÈz´¥ a¨-˙‡¤ §of Israel went and did so; as the Lord had ‰e¯¨ˆ¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ eN− Ú£i«©Â© eά ϧ i¥Â© 28commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they. [29] And it came to pass at midnight, that Ò :eN« Ú¨ Ôk¬¥ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© § ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§the Lord smote all the first-born in the land of ‰´k¨ ‰¦ »‰Â¨‰È«© ‰Ï¨ ȧ l©À ‰© Ȉ´¦ Á£ a© | ȉ´¦ ȧ © 29Egypt, from the first-born of Pharaoh that sat ƉŸÚ¯§t© ¯ŸÎ³ a§ Ó¦ ¼ÌȦ ¯©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ »¯BÎa§ -ÏΨon his throne unto the first-born of the captivethat was in the dungeon; and all the first-born of ¯L−¤ ‡£ È·½¦ M§ ‰© ¯Bδ a§ „Ú©µ B‡½ Ò§ k¦ -ÏÚ© ·L´¥ Ÿi‰©cattle. [30] And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, ̘¨i¨¸Â© 30 :‰Ó«¨ ‰¥ a§ ¯Bά a§ ÏŸÎ− § ¯Ba® ‰© ˙È´·¥ a§and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ -ÏΨ § ÆÂÈ„¨·¨ Ú£-ÏΨ § ‡e‰³ ‰Ï¨ ȧϩÀ ‰ŸÚ¹ ¯§t©there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was nota house where there was not one dead. [31] And ˙Ȧ a©½ Ôȇ´¥ -Èk«¦ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ ‰Ï−¨ Ÿ„‚§ ‰˜¬¨Ú¨ ˆ§ ȉ²¦ z§ ©he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and ‰L¤¸ ŸÓϧ Á‡¯¨˜§ i¦Â© 31 :˙Ó«¥ ÌL−¨ -Ôȇ«¥ ¯¬L¤ ‡£said: ‘Rise up, get you forth from among my CBz´ Ó¦ Æe‡v§ eÓe˜³ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ‰Ï¨ ȧ Ï©À ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© ϧ e«people, both ye and the children of Israel; andgo, serve the Lord, as ye have said. [32] Take e„¬·§ Ú¦ eβ ϧ e χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -Ìb© Ìz−¤ ‡© -Ìb© Èn½¦ Ú©both your flocks and your herds, as ye have said, -Ìb© ÌΤ¸ § ‡Ÿˆ-Ìb© 32 :ÌΫ¤ ¯§a¤ „©k§ ‰−¨‰È§-˙‡¤and be gone; and bless me also.’ [33] And the eήϥ ¨ Ìz−¤ ¯§a© c¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© eÁ² ˜§ ̬Τ ¯§˜© a§Egyptians were urgent upon the people, to sendthem out of the land in haste; for they said: ‘We -ÏÚ© ÆÌȦ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ ˜³Ê©Á¡ z¤ © 33 :È˙«¦ Ÿ‡-Ìb© Ìz−¤ Χ ¯©·«¥ eare all dead men.’ [34] And the people took their e¯−Ó§ ‡¨ Ȭk¦ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ÌÁ´¨ l§ L© ϧ ¯‰−¥ Ó© ϧ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨dough before it was leavened, their kneading- B˜− ˆ¥ a§ -˙‡¤ ̲ڨ ‰¨ ‡O¬¨ i¦ © 34 :ÌÈ˙«¦ Ó¥ e¬l¨ kªtroughs being bound up in their clothes upontheir shoulders. [35] And the children of Israel Ì˙−¨ŸÏÓ§ N¦ a§ ˙Ÿ¯¬¯ªˆ§ Ì˙²¨ Ÿ¯‡£ L§ Ó¦ ıÓ®¨ Á§ Ȥ ̯¤´Ë¤did according to the word of Moses; and they ¯´·© „§k¦ eN− Ú¨ Ϭ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥·§ e 35 :ÌÓ«¨ Χ L¦ -ÏÚ©asked of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels Ȭϥ Χ e ÛÒ¤²Î¤-ÈÏ¥ k§ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ Æeχ£ L§ i¦ «© ‰L®¤ ŸÓof gold, and raiment. [36] And the Lord gavethe people favour in the sight of the Egyptians ̲ڨ ‰¨ Ô¬Á¥ -˙‡¤ Ô˙©¸ ¨ ‰Âº¨‰È«© 36 :˙ŸÏ« Ó¨ N§ e ·‰−¨ ʨso that they let them have what they asked. And -˙‡¤ eÏ− v§ ©È§ «© ÌeÏ® ‡¦ L§ i©Â© ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ a§they despoiled the Egyptians. Ù :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ 126 126
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 12.37 bo’ ‡· 12 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[37] And the children of Israel journeyed ‰˙¨ Ÿk® Òª ÒÒ−¥ Ó§ Ú§ ¯©Ó¥ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ eÚ¯ Ò§ i¦ © 37from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundredthousand men on foot, beside children. [38] And „¬·© ϧ Ìȯ−¦·¨ b§ ‰© Èϲ¦ ‚§ ¯© ÛϤ ‡¯¤ ˙B‡¸ Ó¥ -LL¥ k§a mixed multitude went up also with them; and Ô‡Ÿˆ´ § Ìz®¨ ‡¦ ‰Ï´¨ Ú¨ ·¯−© ·¯¤¬Ú¥ -Ì‚©Â§ 38 :Ûh«¨ Ó¦flocks, and herds, even very much cattle. [39] Andthey baked unleavened cakes of the dough which -˙‡¤ eÙ¸ ‡Ÿi© 39 :„Ÿ‡« Ó§ „¬·¥ k¨ ‰−¤˜§ Ó¦ ¯˜½¨·¨ ethey brought forth out of Egypt, for it was not ˙Bv− Ó© ˙Ÿ‚¬Úª ÌȦ¯²©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ e‡Èˆ¯¦ B‰ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ˜ˆ¥¹ a¨ ‰©leavened; because they were thrust out of Egypt,and could not tarry, neither had they prepared ÆeÏΧ È«¨ ‡ŸÏ³ § ÌȦ ¯À©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ eL´ ¯§Ÿ‚-Èk«¦ ıÓ®¥ Á¨ ‡ŸÏ´ Èk´¦for themselves any victual. [40] Now the time :̉«¤ Ϩ eN¬ Ú¨ -‡ŸÏ ‰„−¨ˆ¥ -Ì‚©Â§ d©Ó¥½ ‰§ Ó© ˙§ ‰¦ ϧthat the children of Israel dwelt in Egypt wasfour hundred and thirty years. [41] And it came ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ e·− L§ Ȩ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æ·L© BÓe 40to pass at the end of four hundred and thirty ȉÀ¦ ȧ© 41 :‰«¨L¨ ˙B‡− Ó¥ Ú¬a© ¯§‡© § ‰¨½ L¨ ÌÈL´¦ ŸÏL§years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that ‰®¨L¨ ˙B‡− Ó¥ Ú¬a© ¯§‡© § ‰¨½ L¨ ÌÈL´¦ ŸÏL§ Æıw¥Ó¦all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land ˙B‡¬ ·§ ˆ¦ -Ïk¨ e‡² ˆ§ È«¨ ‰f¤½‰© ÌBi´‰© Æ̈¤ Ú¤Æ a§ ȉÀ¦ ȧ©of Egypt. [42] It was a night of watching untothe Lord for bringing them out from the land Ƈe‰ Ìȯ¬¦nª L¦ ÏÈ´Ï¥ 42 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ ‰−¨‰È§of Egypt; this same night is a night of watchingunto the Lord for all the children of Israel -‡e‰« ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ ̇−¨ Ȉ¦ B‰Ï§ ‰Â¨½ ‰ÈÏ«©throughout their generations. Ȭ¥a§ -ÏΨ ϧ Ìȯ²¦nª L¦ ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© Ɖf¤‰© ‰Ï¨ ȧ³l© ‰© [43] And the Lord said unto Moses andAaron: ‘This is the ordinance of the passover: Ù :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧthere shall no alien eat thereof; [44] but every ˙‡ŸÊ− ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© § ‰L´¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 43man’s servant that is bought for money, whenthou hast circumcised him, then shall he eat :Ba« ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ¬-‡ŸÏ ¯Î−¨ ¥-Ôa¤-Ïk¨ ÁÒ© ®t¨ ‰© ˙w´©Áªthereof. [45] A sojourner and a hired servant B˙½ Ÿ‡ ‰z´¨ ϧ Ó© e ÛÒ¤ ®k¨ -˙©˜§ Ó¦ Lȇ−¦ „·¤ ¬Ú¤ -ÏΨ § 44shall not eat thereof. [46] In one house shall itbe eaten; thou shalt not carry forth aught of the -ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ¬-‡ŸÏ ¯ÈÎ−¦ N¨ § ·L¬¨ Bz 45 :Ba« ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ¬ ʇ−¨flesh abroad out of the house; neither shall ye -ÔÓ¦ ‡Èˆ¯¦ B˙-‡ŸÏ ÏÎ¥½ ‡¨ È¥ Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ˙Ȧ³·© a§ 46 :Ba«break a bone thereof. [47] All the congregation ofIsrael shall keep it. [48] And when a stranger shall ‡ŸÏ¬ ̈¤ Ú−¤ § ‰ˆ¨ eÁ® ¯N−¨ a¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ˙Ȧ²a© ‰©sojourn with thee, and will keep the passover eN¬ ڣȩ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˙„¬©Ú£-Ïk¨ 47 :B·« -e¯a§ L§ ˙¦to the Lord, let all his males be circumcised,and then let him come near and keep it; and »ÁÒ© Ù¤ ‰N¨ ´Ú¨ § ¯b¥À E¹ z§ ‡¦ ¯e‚¸ Ȩ-ÈΫ¦ § 48 :B˙« Ÿ‡he shall be as one that is born in the land; but ·¯´©˜§ Ȧ Æʇ¨ § ¯Î¨À ʨ-ÏΨ BÏ´ ÏBn¯ ‰¦ ¼‰Â¨‰ÈÏ©no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. ϯ−¥Ú¨ -ÏΨ § ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ Á¯´©Ê§‡¤ k§ ‰−Ȩ‰¨ § B˙½ ŸNڣϩ[49] One law shall be to him that is homeborn, Á¯®¨Ê§‡¤ Ï«¨ ‰−Ȥ‰§ Ȧ ˙Á©½ ‡© ‰¯´¨Bz 49 :Ba« ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ¬-‡ŸÏ«and unto the stranger that sojourneth amongyou.’ [50] Thus did all the children of Israel; as È´¥a§ -Ïk¨ eN− Ú£i«©Â© 50 :ÌΫ¤ Χ B˙a§ ¯¬b¨‰© ¯−b¥Ï© §the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron, sodid they. -˙‡«¤ § ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ‰e¯¨ˆ¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ[51] And it came to pass the selfsame day ̈¤ Ú−¤ a§ ȉ¾¦ ȧ © 51 Ò :eN« Ú¨ Ôk¬¥ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡©that the Lord did bring the children of Israel out ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȯ¥a§ -˙‡¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ‡Èˆ¸¦ B‰ ‰®f¤‰© ÌBi´‰©13of the land of Egypt by their hosts. And the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ù :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡·§ ˆ¦ -ÏÚ© ÌȦ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ saying: [2] ‘Sanctify unto Me all the first-born, whatsoever openeth the womb among the 13:¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â©children of Israel, both of man and of beast, it isMine.’ È´¥·§ a¦ ÆÌÁ¤ ¯Æ¤-Ïk¨ ¯Ë¤ ³t¤ ¯Bι a§ -ÏΨ ÈϦ¸ -Lc¤˜© 2 127 127
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡· 13 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 13.3 bo’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[3] And Moses said unto the people: ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 3 :‡e‰« ÈÏ−¦ ‰Ó®¨ ‰¥ a§ ·© e Ì„−¨‡¨ a¨ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ‘Remember this day, in which ye came outfrom Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for ¯L¤¸ ‡£ Ɖf¤‰© ÌBi³‰© -˙‡¤ ¯Bκ ʨ ÌÚ¨À ‰¨ -χ¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓby strength of hand the Lord brought you out ˜Ê¤ŸÁ´ a§ Èk¦µ ÌÈ„½¦·¨ Ú£ ˙È´a¥ Ó¦ ÆÌȦ¯Æ©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ Ì˙³¤ ‡ˆ¨ ȧfrom this place; there shall no leavened breadbe eaten. [4] This day ye go forth in the month Ï−Î¥ ‡¨ È¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ‰®f¤Ó¦ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‰²B¨‰È§ ‡Èˆ¯¦ B‰ „Ȩ½Abib. [5] And it shall be when the Lord shall L„¤ŸÁ− a§ Ìȇ®¦ ˆ§ ŸÈ Ìz´¤ ‡© ÌBi−‰© 4 :ıÓ«¥ Á¨bring thee into the land of the Canaanite, and ı¯¤‡´¤ -χ¤ ‰Â¿¨‰È§ E´ ‡£ È·«¦ ȧ -ÈΫ¦ ‰´È¨‰¨ § 5 :·È·«¦ ‡¨ ‰¨the Hittite, and the Amorite, and Hivite, andthe Jebusite, which He swore unto thy fathers ÈÒÀ¦ e·È§‰© § Èe´¦Á¦ ‰© § ȯ¹¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰¨ § Èz¸¦ Á¦ ‰© § Ȧ Ú£©k§ ‰«© Âto give thee, a land flowing with milk and ˙¬·© ʨ ı¯¤‡²¤ CϨ½ ˙˙¤ Ï´¨ ÆEÈ˙Ƥ Ÿ·‡£ Ï© Ú³a© L§ ¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£honey, that thou shalt keep this service in thismonth. [6] Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened ˙‡Ÿf−‰© ‰„¬¨Ÿ·Ú£‰¨ -˙‡¤ z²¨ „§·© Ú¨ § L®·¨ „§e ·Ï−¨ Á¨bread, and in the seventh day shall be a feast to ˙Ÿv® Ó© ϴΩ ‡Ÿz ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ 6 :‰«f¤‰© L„¤ŸÁ¬ a©the Lord. [7] Unleavened bread shall be eaten ÏÎ¥½ ‡¨ È«¥ Æ˙BvÓ© 7 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ‚Á−© ÈÚ½¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÆÌBi·© ethroughout the seven days; and there shall noleavened bread be seen with thee, neither shall ıÓ¥À Á¨ E¹ ϧ ‰‡¤¸ ¯¨È¥-‡ŸÏ« § ÌÈÓ®¦ i¨‰© ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ ˙‡−¥there be leaven seen with thee, in all thy borders. z´¨ „§b©‰¦ § 8 :EÏ«¤ ·ª b§ -ÏΨ a§ ¯Ÿ‡− N§ E² ϧ ‰¬‡¤ ¯¨È¥-‡ŸÏ« §[8] And thou shalt tell thy son in that day, saying:It is because of that which the Lord did for me ‰N³¨ Ú¨ ‰Ê¤À ¯e·´ Ú£a© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ‡e‰− ‰© ÌBi¬a© E½ § ·¦ ϧwhen I came forth out of Egypt. [9] And it shall E¸ ϧ Á‰È¨‰¨ § 9 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ È˙−¦ ‡ˆ¥ a§ ÈϦ½ Ɖ¨‰È§be for a sign unto thee upon thy hand, and for amemorial between thine eyes, that the law of the ÔÚ© Ó©À ϧ EȤ½ ÈÚ¥ ÔÈ´a¥ ÆÔB¯k¨ ʦϧ e EÀ „§È¨-ÏÚ© ˙B‡¹ ϧLord may be in thy mouth; for with a strong ‰˜½¨Ê¨Á£ „´È¨a§ Èk¦µ EÈÙ®¦ a§ ‰−¨‰È§ ˙¯¬©Bz ‰²È¤‰§ z¦hand hath the Lord brought thee out of Egypt. -˙‡¤ z²¨ ¯§Ó© L¨ § 10 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ ‰B−¨‰È§ E¬ ‡£ ˆ«¦ B‰[10] Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance inits season from year to year. ÌÈÓ−¦ i¨Ó¦ d„®¨Ú£BÓϧ ˙‡Ÿf−‰© ‰w¬¨Áª ‰©[11] And it shall be when the Lord shall Ɖ¨‰È§ E³ ‡£ ·«¦ ȧ -Èk«¦ ‰Èº¨‰¨ § 11 Ò :‰Ó¨ ÈÓ«¦ Ȩbring thee into the land of the Canaanite, as Heswore unto thee and to thy fathers, and shall E− ϧ Ú¬a© L§ ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© Ƚ¦ Ú£©k§ ‰«© ı¯¤‡´¤ -χ¤give it thee, [12] that thou shalt set apart unto the -ÏΨ z¬¨ ¯§·© Ú£‰© § 12 :CÏ«¨ d−¨˙¨ § e EÈ˙®¤ Ÿ·‡£ Ï«© §Lord all that openeth the womb; every firstling ‰Ó¨À ‰¥ a§ ¯‚¤L´¤ | ¯Ë¤ ´t¤ -ÏΨ § ‰®B¨‰ÈÏ«© ÌÁ¤ ¯−¤-¯Ë¤ t«¤that is a male, which thou hast coming of a beast,shall be the Lord’s. [13] And every firstling of an -ÏΨ § 13 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© Ìȯ−¦Î¨ f§‰© E² ϧ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou ‰c−¤Ù§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ -̇¦ § ‰N¤½ ·§ ‰c´¤Ù§ z¦ ƯŸÓÁ£ ¯Ë¤ ³t¤wilt not redeem it. then thou shalt break its neck;and all the first-born of man among thy sons :‰c«¤Ù§ z¦ EÈ−¤·¨ a§ Ì„²¨‡¨ ¯Bά a§ ϟθ § Bz® Ù§ ¯©Ú£Â©shalt thou redeem. [14] And it shall be when thy -‰Ó© ¯ŸÓ´ ‡Ï¥ ¯Á−¨ Ó¨ E² § ·¦ E¬ ϧ ‡¨ L§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ ‰Èº¨‰¨ § 14son asketh thee in time to come, saying: What isthis? that thou shalt say unto him: By strength of ‰²Â¨‰È§ e‡¯¨ Ȉ¦ B‰ „ȨÀ ˜Ê¤ŸÁ´ a§ ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § ˙‡Ÿf®hand the Lord brought us out from Egypt, from -Èk«¦ ȉÀ¦ ȧ © 15 :ÌÈ„«¦·¨ Ú£ ˙Ȭa¥ Ó¦ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦the house of bondage; [15] and it came to pass, -Ïk¨ ‰³B¨‰È§ ‚Ÿ¯¸ ‰£ i©Â© ¼eÁ¥ l§ L© ϧ »‰ŸÚ¯§Ù© ‰L´¨ ˜§ ‰¦when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that theLord slew all the first-born in the land of Egypt, -„Ú© § Ì„−¨‡¨ ¯ŸÎ¬ a§ Ó¦ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ƯBÎa§both the first-born of man, and the first-born of ‰ÂÀ¨‰ÈÏ«© Á©·¥¹ ŸÊ ȸ¦ ‡£ ÁÔk¥-ÏÚ© ‰Ó®¨ ‰¥ a§ ¯Bδ a§beast; therefore I sacrifice to the Lord all thatopeneth the womb, being males; but all the first- È−© a¨ ¯Bά a§ -ÏΨ § Ìȯ½¦Î¨ f§‰© ÆÌÁ¤ ¯Æ¤ ¯Ë¤ ³t¤ -Ïk¨ 128 128
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡· 13 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 13.16 bo’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙born of my sons I redeem. [16] And it shall be for ‰Î¨½ „§´È¨-ÏÚ© Æ˙B‡Ï§ ‰³È¨‰¨ § 16 :‰c«¤Ù§ ‡¤a sign upon thy hand, and for frontlets between e‡¬¨ Ȉ¦ B‰ „Ȩ½ ˜Ê¤ŸÁ´ a§ Èk¦µ EÈ®¤ÈÚ¥ ÔÈ´a¥ ˙ŸÙ− ˨ BËϧ ethine eyes; for by strength of hand the Lordbrought us forth out of Egypt.’ Ò :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ ‰−¨‰È§be-shallah ÁÏ˘·[17] And it came to pass, when Pharaoh -‡ŸÏ§ ¼ÌÚ¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ »‰ŸÚ¯§t© Á´l© L© a§ ȉÀ¦ ȧ © 17had let the people go, that God led them not bythe way of the land of the Philistines, although ·B¯−˜¨ Ȭk¦ ÌÈz½¦ L§ Ϧ t§ ı¯¤‡´¤ C¯¤c¤µÌȉÀ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ÌÁ´¨ ¨that was near; for God said: ‘Lest peradventure ̲ڨ ‰¨ ̬Á¥ p¨È¦-Ôt«¤ ÌȉÀ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ¯Ó´© ‡¨ | Èk´¦ ‡e‰®the people repent when they see war, and they ·q¥¸ i©Â© 18 :‰Ó¨ ȧ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ e·L¬¨ § ‰Ó−¨ Á¨ ϧ Ó¦ Ì˙¬¨ Ÿ‡¯§a¦return to Egypt.’ [18] But God led the people ÛeÒ® -ÌÈ© ¯a−¨ „§n¦ ‰© C¯¤c¬¤ ̲ڨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ | Ìȉ¯¦ ŸÏ‡¡about, by the way of the wilderness by the RedSea; and the children of Israel went up armed :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥·§ eϬ Ú¨ ÌÈL²¦ Óª Á£ ©out of the land of Egypt. [19] And Moses tookthe bones of Joseph with him; for he had straitly ÁÈk¦ Bn® Ú¦ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ ˙BÓ¬ ˆ§ Ú© -˙‡¤ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ Áw¬©i¦ © 19sworn the children of Israel, saying: ‘God will ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥a§ -˙‡¤ Ú©Èa¹¦ L§ ‰¦ Ú©a¥¸ L§ ‰©surely remember you; and ye shall carry up mybones away hence with you.’ [20] And they took Ì˙¯¤ ÈϦ Ú£‰© § ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ „Ÿ˜³Ù§ Ȧ „Ÿ˜¸ t¨their journey from Succoth, and encamped in ˙Ÿk® qª Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦Â© 20 :ÌΫ¤ z§ ‡¦ ‰−f¤Ó¦ È˙²© ŸÓˆ§ Ú© -˙‡¤Etham, in the edge of the wilderness. [21] And ‰Â¿¨‰È«© 21 :¯a«¨ „§n¦ ‰© ‰ˆ−¥ ˜§ a¦ Ì˙¨½ ‡¥ ·§ e´Á£ i©Â©the Lord went before them by day in a pillar ofcloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a Ì˙´¨ ŸÁ§ Ï© ÆÔ¨Ú¨ „en³ Ú© a§ ÌÓ¨¹ BÈ Ì‰¤¸ È¥Ù§ Ϧ ÁCÏ¥ Ÿ‰pillar of fire, to give them light; that they might Ì®‰¤ Ϩ ¯È‡´¦ ‰¨ ϧ L‡−¥ „en¬ Ú© a§ ‰Ï¨ ȧ²Ï© § C¯¤c½¤‰©go by day and by night: [22] the pillar of cloud byday, and the pillar of fire by night, departed not „en³ Ú© LÈÓº¦ Ȩ-‡ŸÏ« 22 :‰Ï¨ ȧϫ¨ ¨ ÌÓ¬¨ BÈ ˙Τ Ï−¤ Ϩfrom before the people. È−¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Ï¨ ȧ®Ï¨ L‡−¥ ‰¨ „en¬ Ú© § ÌÓ¨½ BÈ ÆÔ¨Ú¨ ‰«¤14 saying: [2] ‘Speak unto the children of14Israel, that they turn back and encamp beforeAnd the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ù :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨ :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰B−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ ©Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, before ÆÈ¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆeÁ£ ȩ§ e·LªÀ Ȩ§ ¼Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ »¯a¥ c© 2Baal-zephon, over against it shall ye encamp bythe sea. [3] And Pharaoh will say of the children ÏÚ© ´a© ÆÈ¥Ù§ Ϧ Ì®i¨‰© ÔÈ´·¥ e ÏŸc−‚§ Ó¦ ÔȬa¥ ˙Ÿ¯½ ÈÁ¦ ‰© Èt´¦of Israel: They are entangled in the land, the ƉŸÚ¯§t© ¯Ó³© ‡¨ § 3 :Ìi«¨‰© -ÏÚ© e−Á£ ˙© BÁ¬ Χ ¦ ÔŸÙ½ ˆ§wilderness hath shut them in. [4] And I will ¯¬‚©Ò¨ ı¯¤‡®¨ a¨ ̉−¥ ÌȬΦ ·ª § χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ Ϧharden Pharaoh’s heart, and he shall follow afterthem; and I will get Me honour upon Pharaoh, »‰ŸÚ¯§t© -·Ï¥ -˙‡¤ Èz´¦ ˜§ f©Á¦ § 4 :¯a«¨ „§n¦ ‰© ̉−¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£and upon all his host; and the Egyptians shall -ÏΨ ·§ e ƉŸÚ¯§Ù© a§ ‰„³¨·§ k¨ ‡¦ § ¼Ì‰¤ ȯ¥Á£ ‡© Û„´©¯¨Â§know that I am the Lord.’ And they did so.[5] And it was told the king of Egypt that the -eNÚ£i«©Â© ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¦ ‡£ -Èk«¦ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ eÚ¬ „§È¨Â§ BϽ ÈÁ¥people were fled; and the heart of Pharaoh and of ̮ڨ ‰¨ Á¯−©·¨ Ȭk¦ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ CϤ Ó´¤ ϧ Æ„b©iªÂ© 5 :ÔΫ¥his servants was turned towards the people, and ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -χ¤ ÆÂÈ„¨·¨ ڣ© ‰ŸÚ³ ¯§t© ··©¸ ϧ CÙ¥ ‰¨ i¥Â©Âthey said: ‘What is this we have done, that we havelet Israel go from serving us?’ [6] And he made -˙‡¤ eÁ§ ¬l© L¦ -Èk«¦ eÈN¦½ Ú¨ ˙‡Ÿf´-‰Ó© Æe¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi« ©ready his chariots, and took his people with him. -˙‡¤ § Ba® Χ ¯¦-˙‡¤ ¯ŸÒ− ‡§ i¤Â© 6 :e„«¥·§ Ú¨ Ó¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ 129 129
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘· 14 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 14.7 be-shallah ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[7] And he took six hundred chosen chariots, ƷΤ ¯Æ¤ ˙B‡¬ Ó¥ -LL¥ ÁwÀ© i¦ © 7 :Bn« Ú¦ Á˜¬©Ï¨ Bn− Ú©and all the chariots of Egypt, and captains overall of them. [8] And the Lord hardened the :Bl« kª-ÏÚ© ÌL−¦ Ϧ L¨ § ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ·Î¤ ¯´¤ ÏŸÎ− § ¯eÁ½ a¨heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursued ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ CϤ Ó´¤ ƉŸÚ¯§t© ·³Ï¥ -˙‡¤ ‰BÀ¨‰È§ ˜´f¥Á© ȧ© 8after the children of Israel; for the children of χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ e χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ȯ−¥Á£ ‡© ÛŸc¾ ¯§i¦ ©Israel went out with a high hand. [9] And theEgyptians pursued after them, all the horses and ÌȦ ¯¹©ˆ§ Ó¦ eÙ¸ c§¯§i¦ © 9 :‰Ó«¨ ¯¨ „¬È¨a§ Ìȇ−¦ ˆ§ ŸÈchariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his Ìi¨½ ‰© -ÏÚ© ÌÈ´¦ŸÁ ÆÌ˙¨ B‡ e‚ÈO³¦ i©Â© ̉¤À ȯ¥Á£ ‡©army, and overtook them encamping by the ÆÈt¦ -ÏÚ© BÏ® ÈÁ¥ § ÂÈL−¨ ¯¨Ù¨ e ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ·Î¤ ¯´¤ ÆÒeÒ-Ïk¨sea, beside Pi-hahiroth, in front of Baal-zephon.[10] And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children ·È¯®¦˜§ ‰¦ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§Ù© e 10 :ÔŸÙ« ˆ§ ÏÚ© ¬a© È−¥Ù§ Ϧ ˙Ÿ¯½ ÈÁ¦ ‰«©of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the ‰¬p¥‰¦ § ̉¤¹ È¥ÈÚ¥ -˙‡¤ χ¥¸ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ Áe‡N§ i¦ ©Egyptians were marching after them; and theywere sore afraid; and the children of Israel cried „Ÿ‡½ Ó§ Æe‡¯§Èi«¦Â© ̉¤À ȯ¥Á£ ‡© Ú©Ò´¥Ÿ | ÌȦ ¯´©ˆ§ Ó¦out unto the Lord. [11] And they said unto »e¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 11 :‰Â«¨‰È§-χ¤ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ e˜¬Ú£ˆ§ i¦ ©Moses: ‘Because there were no graves in Egypt, ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ ÆÌȯ¦·¨ ˜§ -Ôȇ¥ Èϳ¦ a§ Ó¦ ‰«© ¼‰L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness?wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us, to bring ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ Æ˙‡Ÿf-‰Ó© ¯®a¨ „§n¦ a© ˙eÓ´ Ϩ ez−¨ Á§ ˜©Ï§us forth out of Egypt? [12] Is not this the word ‰´Ê¤-‡ŸÏ‰£ 12 :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ e‡−¨ Ȉ¦ B‰Ï§ el¨½that we spoke unto thee in Egypt, saying: Let us ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ ·§ EȳϤ‡¥ e¯§a©¸ c¦ Á¯L¤ ‡£ ¯·¨À c¨‰©alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For itwere better for us to serve the Egyptians, than ·Bˬ Èk´¦ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ ‰„´¨·§ Ú© «©Â§ epn−¤ Ó¦ Ï„¬©Á£that we should die in the wilderness.’ [13] And :¯a«¨ „§n¦ a© e˙−¥ nª Ó¦ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ „Ÿ·´ Ú£ ÆeϨÆMoses said unto the people: ‘Fear ye not, standstill, and see the salvation of the Lord, which ¼e‡¯¨Èz¦ -χ© »ÌÚ¨ ‰¨ -χ¤ ‰L´¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 13He will work for you to-day; for whereas ye have -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ˙´Ú© eLȧ-˙‡¤ Æe‡¯§e e·À ˆ§ È©˙§ ‰«¦seen the Egyptians to-day, ye shall see them -˙‡¤ Ì˙³¤ ȇ¦ ¯§ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÈkÀ¦ ÌBi®‰© ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ‰¬N¤ ڣȩagain no more for ever. [14] The Lord will fightfor you, and ye shall hold your peace.’ „BÚ− Ì˙¬¨ Ÿ‡¯§Ï¦ eÙÈÒ²¦ Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌBi½‰© ÆÌȦ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ Ìz−¤ ‡© § ̮Τ Ϩ ÌÁ´¥ l¨ Ȧ ‰−¨‰È§ 14 :ÌÏ«¨ BÚ-„Ú© [15] And the Lord said unto Moses:‘Wherefore criest thou unto Me? speak unto thechildren of Israel, that they go forward. [16] And Ù :ÔeL« ¯¦Á£ z©lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thy hand ȮϨ‡¥ ˜Ú−© ˆ§ z¦ -‰Ó© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 15over the sea, and divide it; and the children of ‰zº¨ ‡© § 16 :eÚq«¨ Ȧ § χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥a§ -χ¤ ¯¬a¥ c©Israel shall go into the midst of the sea on dryground. [17] And I, behold, I will harden the Ì−i¨‰© -ÏÚ© E² „§È¨-˙‡¤ ‰¯Ë¥ § e EÀ h§ Ó© -˙‡«¤ ̯´¥‰¨hearts of the Egyptians, and they shall go in after Ì−i¨‰© CB˙¬ a§ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥·§ e‡Ÿ·¯ Ȩ§ e‰®Ú¥ ˜¨·§ ethem; and I will get Me honour upon Pharaoh, ·´Ï¥ -˙‡¤ Ƙf¥Á© Ó§ ȳ¦ § ‰¦ ÈÀ¦ ‡£ © 17 :‰L«¨ a¨ i©a©and upon all his host, upon his chariots, andupon his horsemen. [18] And the Egyptians shall ƉŸÚ¯§Ù© a§ ‰„³¨·§ k¨ ‡¦ § Ì®‰¤ ȯ¥Á£ ‡© e‡Ÿ·− Ȩ§ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦know that I am the Lord, when I have gotten eÚ¬ „§È¨Â§ 18 :ÂÈL«¨ ¯¨Ù¨ ·§ e Ba− Χ ¯¦a§ BϽ ÈÁ¥ -ÏΨ ·§ eMe honour upon Pharaoh, upon his chariots, ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© a§ È„´¦·§ k¨ ‰¦ a§ ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¦ ‡£ -Èk¦ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦and upon his horsemen.’ [19] And the angelof God, who went before the camp of Israel, ÌȉÀ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ C‡´© ϧ Ó© Úqº© i¦ © 19 :ÂÈL«¨ ¯¨Ù¨ ·§ e Ba− Χ ¯¦a§removed and went behind them; and the pillar CϤ −i¥Â© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ‰´¥Á£ Ó© ÆÈ¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆCÏ¥ Ÿ‰‰© 130 130
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘· 14 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 14.20 be-shallah ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙of cloud removed from before them, and stood ̉¤½ È¥t§ Ó¦ ÆÔ¨Ú¨ ‰«¤ „en³ Ú© Úqº© i¦ © Ì®‰¤ ȯ¥Á£ ‡© Ó¥behind them; [20] and it came between the campof Egypt and the camp of Israel; and there was ‰´¥Á£ Ó© | ÔÈ´a¥ ‡Ÿ·º i¨Â© 20 :̉«¤ ȯ¥Á£ ‡© Ó¥ „ŸÓ− Ú£i«©Â©the cloud and the darkness here, yet gave it light ÆÔ¨Ú¨ ‰«¤ ȉ³¦ ȧ © χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ‰´¥Á£ Ó© ÆÔÈ·¥ e ÌȦ ¯À©ˆ§ Ó¦by night there; and the one came not near the ‰²Ê¤ ·¯¬©˜¨ -‡ŸÏ§ ‰Ï¨ ȧ ®l¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ ¯‡¤ −i¨Â© CL¤ ŸÁ½ ‰© §other all the night. [21] And Moses stretched outhis hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the »B„Ȩ-˙‡¤ ‰L´¤ ŸÓ Ëi¥¸Â© 21 :‰Ï¨ ȧl«¨ ‰© -Ïk¨ ‰−ʤ-χ¤sea to go back by a strong east wind all the night, Á©e¯¸ a§ Ìi¨‰© Â-˙‡¤ | ‰´Â¨‰È§ CϤ Bi´Â© ¼Ìi¨‰© -ÏÚ©and made the sea dry land, and the waters were Ì−i¨‰© -˙‡¤ ÌN¤ ¬i¨Â© ‰Ï¨ ȧ l©½ ‰© -Ïk¨ Ɖf¨Ú© ÌÈ„³¦˜¨divided. [22] And the children of Israel went intothe midst of the sea upon the dry ground; and -È«¥·§ e‡Ÿ·¯ i¨Â© 22 :ÌȦn«¨ ‰© eÚ− ˜§ a¨ i¦Â© ‰®·¨ ¯¨Á¨ Ϥthe waters were a wall unto them on their right Æ̉¤ Ϩ ÌȦ n³© ‰© § ‰L®¨ a¨ i©a© Ì−i¨‰© CB˙¬ a§ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧhand, and on their left. [23] And the Egyptianspursued, and went in after them into the midst eÙ³ c§¯§i¦ © 23 :ÌÏ«¨ ‡ŸÓO§ Ó¦ e Ì−¨ÈÓ¦ ÈÓ«¦ ‰Ó¨½ ŸÁof the sea, all Pharaoh’s horses, his chariots, and ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ÒeÒ´ ÏŸkµ ̉¤½ ȯ¥Á£ ‡© e‡Ÿ·´ i¨Â© ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦his horsemen. [24] And it came to pass in the Æȉ¦ ȧ «© 24 :Ìi«¨‰© CBz− -χ¤ ÂÈL®¨ ¯¨Ù¨ e Ba− Χ ¯¦morning watch, that the Lord looked forthupon the host of the Egyptians through the pillar ‰´¥Á£ Ó© -χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ Û˜³¥L§ i©Â© ¯˜¤Ÿa½ ‰© ˙¯¤ŸÓ´ L§ ‡© a§of fire and of cloud, and discomfited the host of ‰¬¥Á£ Ó© ˙‡−¥ ̉¨ i¨¾Â© Ô®¨Ú¨ § L‡−¥ „en¬ Ú© a§ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦the Egyptians. [25] And He took off their chariot ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿ·k§ ¯§Ó© ÔÙ´©Ÿ‡ ˙‡¥µ ¯Ò© i¨À© 25 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦wheels, and made them to drive heavily; so thatthe Egyptians said: ‘Let us flee from the face of ƉҨ eÆ ‡¨ ÌȦ ¯À©ˆ§ Ó¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ˙„®ª·¥ Χ a¦ e‰−‚¥‰£ ©È§Â«©Israel; for the Lord fighteth for them against the ̉−¤ Ϩ ÌÁ¬¨ ϧ ¦ ‰Â¨½‰È§ Èk´¦ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥t§ Ó¦Egyptians.’ Ù :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ [26] And the Lord said unto Moses:‘Stretch out thy hand over the sea, that the waters E− „§È¨-˙‡¤ ‰¬Ë¥ § ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 26may come back upon the Egyptians, upon their -ÏÚ© ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ -ÏÚ© ÆÌȦ nÆ© ‰© e·³Lª Ȩ§ Ì®i¨‰© -ÏÚ©chariots, and upon their horsemen.’ [27] AndMoses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and B„¹ Ȩ-˙‡¤ ‰L¤¸ ŸÓ ÁËi¥Â© 27 :ÂÈL«¨ ¯¨t¨ -ÏÚ© § Ba− Χ ¯¦the sea returned to its strength when the morning B½ ˙¨ ȇ´¥ ϧ Ư˜¤ŸaÆ ˙B¬Ù§ Ϧ Ìi¨¹‰© ·L¨ i¨¸Â© Ìi¨À‰© -ÏÚ©appeared; and the Egyptians fled against it; and -˙‡¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ¯¯Ú¥ ©È§Â© B˙® ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ ÌÈÒ´¦ ¨ ÌȦ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ethe Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midstof the sea. [28] And the waters returned, and eq³ Ω ȧ © ÌȦ n©À ‰© e·L´ª i¨Â© 28 :Ìi«¨‰© CB˙¬ a§ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦covered the chariots, and the horsemen, even all ÏÈÁ´¥ ÆÏŸÎϧ ÌÈL¦½ ¯¨´t¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ƷΤ ¯Æ¤‰¨ -˙‡¤the host of Pharaoh that went in after them into ¯‡¬© L§ ¦ -‡ŸÏ« Ì®i¨a© ̉−¤ ȯ¥Á£ ‡© Ìȇ¬¦ a¨ ‰© ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t©the sea; there remained not so much as one ofthem. [29] But the children of Israel walked upon eά ϧ ‰¨ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȯ¥·§ e 29 :„Á«¨ ‡¤ -„Ú© ̉−¤ a¨dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters ‰Ó¨½ ŸÁ Æ̉¤ Ϩ ÌȦ n³© ‰© § Ì®i¨‰© CB˙´ a§ ‰L−¨ a¨ i©·©were a wall unto them on their right hand, and ÌBi¬a© ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ÚL© Bi¸Â© 30 :ÌÏ«¨ ‡ŸÓO§ Ó¦ e Ì−¨ÈÓ¦ ÈÓ«¦on their left. [30] Thus the Lord saved Israel thatday out of the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel ‡¯§³i©Â© ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ „´i©Ó¦ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-˙‡¤ ‡e‰² ‰©saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea-shore. :Ìi«¨‰© ˙¬Ù© N§ -ÏÚ© ˙Ó−¥ ÌȦ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ[31] And Israel saw the great work which the ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰Ï¨À Ÿ„b§ ‰© „´i¨‰© -˙‡¤ χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ‡¯§i©¸Â© 31Lord did upon the Egyptians, and the peoplefeared the Lord; and they believed in the Lord, -˙‡¤ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ e‡¬ ¯§Èi«¦Â© ÌȦ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ Ɖ¨‰È§ ‰N³¨ Ú¨and in His servant Moses. Ù :Bc«·§ Ú© ‰L−¤ ŸÓ·§ e ‰Â¨½‰Èa«© ÆeÈÓƦ ‡£ i«©Â© ‰®Â¨‰È§ 131 131
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 15.1 be-shallah ÁÏ˘· 15 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙15 Then sang Moses and the children of χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È¥¸·§ e Á‰L¤ ŸÓ-¯ÈL«¦ Ȩ ʇ´¨ 15 Israel this song unto the Lord, and e¯−Ó§ ‡Ÿi©spoke, saying: ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© Æ˙‡Ÿf‰© ‰¯³¨ÈM¦ ‰© -˙‡¤I will sing unto the Lord, for He is Ɖ¨‰ÈÏ«© ‰¯¨ÈL³¦ ‡¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥highly exalted; / The horse and his rider hath B·− Χ Ÿ¯Â§ ÒeÒ¬ ‰‡¨½ b¨ ‰Ÿ‡´ ‚¨-Èk«¦He thrown into the sea. / [2] The Lord is my dȨ½ Æ˙¯¨Ó§ ʦ § Èf³¦Ú¨ 2 :Ìi«¨·© ‰Ó¬¨ ¯¨strength and song, / And He is become my ÆÈϦ ‡¥ ‰³Ê¤ ‰®Ú¨ eLÈÏ«¦ ÈÏ−¦ -ȉ¦ ȧ«©salvation; / This is my God, and I will glorifyHim; / My father’s God, and I will exalt Him. / È·−¦ ‡¨ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ e‰Â¥½§ ‡© §[3] The Lord is a man of war, / The Lord is His ‰Ó®¨ Á¨ ϧ Ó¦ Lȇ´¦ ‰−¨‰È§ 3 :e‰§ Ó«¤ Ó§ Ÿ¯‡£ ©name. / [4] Pharaoh’s chariots and his host hath BÏ− ÈÁ¥ § ‰ŸÚ² ¯§t© ˙Ÿ·¬ k§ ¯§Ó© 4 :BÓ« L§ ‰−¨‰È§He cast into the sea, / And his chosen captains ÂÈL−¨ Ϧ L«¨ ¯Á¬© ·§ Ó¦ e Ì®i¨·© ‰¯´¨È¨are sunk in the Red Sea. / [5] The deeps cover eӮȪҧ Ω ȧ ˙ŸÓ− Ÿ‰z§ 5 :ÛeÒ« -ÌÈ©·§ eÚ¬ a§ ˪them— / They went down into the depths likea stone. / [6] Thy right hand, O Lord, glorious ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ E´ § ÈÓ«¦ ȧ 6 :Ô·¤ ‡«¨ -BÓk§ ˙ŸÏ− BˆÓ§ ·¦ e„¬¯§È¨in power, / Thy right hand, O Lord, dasheth in ‰−¨‰È§ E¬ § ÈÓ«¦ ȧ Á©Ÿk® a© ȯ−¦c¨‡§ ¤pieces the enemy. / [7] And in the greatness of ÒŸ¯´‰£ z© E− § B‡b§ ·Ÿ¯¬·§ e 7 :·È«¥B‡ ı¬Ú© ¯§z¦Thine excellency Thou overthrowest them that E½ §Ÿ¯´Á£ ÆÁl© L© z§ EÈÓ®¤ ˜¨rise up against Thee; / Thou sendest forth Thy ÆEÈt¤Æ ‡© Á©e¯³·§ e 8 :Lw«©k© BÓÏ−¥ Χ ‡ŸÈ ÌȦ Ó©½ eÓ¯§Ú¤´¤wrath, it consumeth them as stubble. / [8] And „−¥-BÓΧ e·¬ v§ ¦ ÌÈÏ®¦ ʧŸwith the blast of Thy nostrils the waters were ˙ŸÓ− Ÿ‰˙§ e‡¬ Ù§ ˜«¨ :ÌÈ«¨-·Ï¤ a§piled up— / The floods stood upright as a heap; /The deeps were congealed in the heart of the ÛŸc¬¯§‡¤ ·²È¥B‡ ¯Ó¬© ‡¨ 9sea. / [9] The enemy said: / ‘I will pursue, I will ϮϨ L¨ ˜´l¥ Á© ‡£ ‚ÈO−¦ ‡©overtake, I will divide the spoil; / My lust shall be Èa½¦ ¯§Á© ˜È¯´¦‡¨ ÈL¦½ Ù§ © BÓ‡´¥ Ϩ Ó§ z¦ :È„«¦È¨ BÓL−¥ ȯ¦Bzsatisfied upon them; / I will draw my sword, my E− Á£ e¯·§ z¨ Ù§ L¬© ¨ 10hand shall destroy them.’ / [10] Thou didst blow ̮Ȩ BÓq´¨ k¦with Thy wind, the sea covered them; / They ˙¯¤Ù¤½ BÚk«© ÆeÏÏ£ ˆ«¨ :Ìȯ«¦Èc¦‡© ÌȦÓ−© a§sank as lead in the mighty waters. / [11] Who is ÆÌϦ ‡¥ a«¨ ‰Î¨ ŸÓ³ Ψ -ÈÓ«¦ 11 ‰Â¨½ ‰È§like unto Thee, O Lord, among the mighty? / ‰Î¨ ŸÓ− k¨ ÈÓ¬¦Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness, / ˙Ÿl− ‰¦ ˙§ ‡¯¬¨B L„¤Ÿw®a© ¯c´¨‡§ ¤ 132 132
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 15.12 be-shallah ÁÏ˘· 15 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙Fearful in praises, doing wonders? / [12] Thou E½ § ÈÓ´¦ ȧ Æ˙¨ ÈËƦ ¨ 12 :‡Ï¤ Ù«¤ ‰N¥ ŸÚ¬stretchedst out Thy right hand— / The earth E− c§Ò§ Á© ·§ ˙¨ ÈÁ¬¦ ¨ 13 :ı¯¤‡«¨ BÓÚ−¥ Ϩ ·§ z¦swallowed them. / [13] Thou in Thy love hast E− f§Ú¨ ·§ z¨ ϧ ¬‰© ¥led the people that Thou hast redeemed; / z¨ ϧ ‡®¨ b¨ eÊ´-ÌÚ©Thou hast guided them in Thy strength to Thy ÌÈn−¦ Ú© eÚ¬ Ó§ L«¨ 14 :EL«¤ „§˜¨ ‰¬Â¥§ -χ¤holy habitation. / [14] The peoples have heard, ÊÁ©½ ‡¨ ÏÈÁ´¦ ÔeÊ® b¨ ¯§ Ȧthey tremble; / Pangs have taken hold on the :˙L¤ Ï«¨ t§ È·−¥ L§ ŸÈinhabitants of Philistia. / [15] Then were the Æeω£ ·§ ¦ ʇ³¨ 15 ÌB„½ ‡¡ È´Ù¥ el‡© „Ú© ¯®¨ BÓ−Ê¥Á£ ‡ŸÈ«chiefs of Edom affrighted; / The mighty men ·‡¨½ BÓ È´Ï¥ ȇ¥of Moab, trembling taketh hold upon them; / ÏŸk− e‚ŸÓ¾ ¨All the inhabitants of Canaan are melted away. / Ɖ˙¨ Óƨ ȇ¥ ̳‰¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ÏŸt¸ z¦ 16 :ÔÚ© «¨Î§ Ȭ·¥ L§ ŸÈ[16] Terror and dread falleth upon them; / By E− Ú£B¯Ê§ ÏŸ„¬‚§ a¦ „Á© Ù©½ ¨the greatness of Thine arm they are as still as Ô·¤ ‡®¨ k¨ eÓ´ c§È¦ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§a stone; / Till Thy people pass over, O Lord, / ÆEn§ Ú© ¯Ÿ·³ ڣȩ-„Ú©Till the people pass over that Thou hast gotten. / ¯Ÿ·− ڣȩ-„Ú«©[17] Thou bringest them in, and plantest them in ¯‰´© a§ ÆBÓÚ¥Æ h¨ ˙¦ § BÓ‡¥À ·¦ z§ 17 :˙¨ È«¦ ˜¨ eʬ-ÌÚ©the mountain of Thine inheritance, / The place, E² z§ ·§ L¦ ϧ ÔBί Ó¨ E½ ˙§ Ï«¨ Á£ ©O Lord, which Thou hast made for Thee to È−¨Ÿ„‡£ L„¾¨w§ Ó¦dwell in, / The sanctuary, O Lord, which Thy CŸÏ− Ó§ Ȧ | ‰¬Â¨‰È§ 18 ‰®Â¨‰È§ z¨ ϧ −Ú© t¨hands have established. / [18] The Lord shall :EÈ„«¤È¨ e¬§ Bkreign for ever and ever. ‰ŸÚ¹ ¯§t© ÒeÒ¸ Á‡·¨ Èk´¦ 19 :„Ú«¤ ¨ ̬ϨŸÚϧ [19] For the horses of Pharaoh went in with ‰²Â¨‰È§ ·L¤ ¯i¨Â© Ìi¨½a© ÆÂÈL¨ ¯¨Ù¨ ·§ e Ba³ Χ ¯¦a§his chariots and with his horsemen into the sea, ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȯ¥·§ e Ì®i¨‰© ÈÓ´¥ -˙‡¤ ̉−¤ Ï¥ Ú£and the Lord brought back the waters of the seaupon them; but the children of Israel walked on :Ìi«¨‰© CB˙¬ a§ ‰L−¨ a¨ i©·© eά ϧ ‰¨dry land in the midst of the sea. Ù 133 133
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 15.20 be-shallah ÁÏ˘· 15 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[20] And Miriam the prophetess, the sister ÔŸ¯²‰£ ‡© ˙BÁ¯ ‡£ ‰‡¨¹ È·¦ p§ ‰© ÌȨ¸¯§Ó¦ ÁÁw© z¦ © 20of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and allthe women went out after her with timbrels and ÆÌÈL¦ p¨‰© -ÏΫ¨ ¨Ô‡³ˆ¤ z¥ © d„®¨È¨a§ ÛŸz− ‰© -˙‡¤with dances. [21] And Miriam sang unto them: ̉−¤ Ϩ ÔÚ© z¬© © 21 :˙ŸÏ« ŸÁÓ§ ·¦ e ÌÈt−¦ ˙ª a§ ‰¨ ȯ½¤Á£ ‡© Sing ye to the Lord, for He is highlyexalted: / The horse and his rider hath He thrown ÒeÒ¬ ‰‡¨½ b¨ ‰Ÿ‡´ ‚¨-Èk«¦ Ɖ¨‰ÈÏ«© e¯ÈL³¦ ̮Ȩ¯§Ó¦into the sea. ‰L³¤ ŸÓ Úq¸© i©Â© 22 Ò :Ìi«¨·© ‰Ó¬¨ ¯¨ B·− Χ Ÿ¯Â§ [22] And Moses led Israel onward from theRed Sea, and they went out into the wilderness of -¯a© „§Ó¦ -χ¤ e‡− ˆ§ i¥Â© ÛeÒ½ -Ìi©Ó¦ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-˙‡¤Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, -‡ŸÏ§ ¯a−¨ „§n¦ a© ÌÈÓ²¦ Ȩ-˙L¤ ŸÏ« L§ eί ϧ i¥Â© ¯eL®and found no water. [23] And when they cameto Marah, they could not drink of the waters of eÏÀ Χ È«¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § ‰˙¨ ¯½¨Ó¨ e‡Ÿ·´ i¨Â© 23 :ÌȦ Ó«¨ e‡ˆ§ Ó¬¨Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore the name Ôk¬¥-ÏÚ© Ì®‰¥ Ìȯ−¦Ó¨ Ȭk¦ ‰¯½¨n¨ Ó¦ ÆÌȦ ÓÆ© ˙Ÿz¬ L§ Ϧof it was called Marah. [24] And the people ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-ÏÚ© ̲ڨ ‰¨ eŸl¯ i¦ © 24 :‰¯«¨Ó¨ dÓ−¨ L§ -‡¯«¨˜¨murmured against Moses, saying: ‘What shallwe drink?’ [25] And he cried unto the Lord; ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ -χ¤ ˜´Ú© ˆ§ i¦ © 25 :‰z«¤ L§ p¦ -‰Ó© ¯ŸÓ− ‡l¥and the Lord showed him a tree, and he castit into the waters, and the waters were made e˜−z§ Ó§ i¦Â«© ÌȦn©½ ‰© -χ¤ ÆCÏ¥ L§ i©Â© ıÚ¥½ Ɖ¨‰È§ e‰¯³¥Bi©sweet. There He made for them a statute and an :e‰q«¨ ¦ ÌL¬¨ § Ët−¨ L§ Ó¦ e ˜ŸÁ¬ Bϲ ÌN¬¨ ÌL´¨ ÌȦ n®¨ ‰©ordinance, and there He proved them; [26] andHe said: ‘If thou wilt diligently hearken to the ‰´Â¨‰È§ | ÏB˜´ ϧ ÚÓ©¹ L§ z¦ Ú©BÓ¸ L¨ -̇¦ Á¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi© 26voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that Æz¨ § Ê©‡£ ‰«© § ‰N¤½ Ú£z© ÆÂȨÈÚ¥ a§ ¯L³¨ i¨‰© § Eȉ¤ÀŸÏ‡¡which is right in His eyes, and wilt give ear to Hiscommandments, and keep all His statutes, I will ‰Ï¨ºÁ£ n«© ‰© -Ïk«¨ ÂÈw®¨Áª -Ïk¨ z−¨ ¯§Ó© L¨ § ÂÈ˙¨½ ŸÂˆ§ Ó¦ ϧput none of the diseases upon thee, which I have Ȳk¦ EÈϤ½ Ú¨ ÌÈN´¦ ‡¨ -‡ŸÏ ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ ·§ Èz¦ Ó§ N³© -¯L¤ ‡£put upon the Egyptians; for I am the Lord thathealeth thee.’ ‰Ó¨ Ϧ½ ȇ¥ e‡Ÿ·´ i¨Â© 27 Ò :E‡«¤ Ù§ Ÿ¯ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£[27] And they came to Elim, where were ÌÈÚ´¦ ·§ L¦ § ÌȦ Ó−© ˙Ÿ¬ÈÚ¥ ‰¯²¥N§ Ú¤ ÌÈz¬¥ L§ ÌL¨À §twelve springs of water, and three score and tenpalm-trees; and they encamped there by the :ÌȦn«¨ ‰© -ÏÚ© ÌL−¨ -eÁ£ i©Â© Ìȯ®¦Ó¨ z§16waters. And they took their journey from Elim, ˙„³©Ú£-Ïk¨ e‡Ÿ·¹ i¨Â© ÌϦ½ ȇ¥ Ó«¥ ÆeÚÒ§ i¦Â©16 and all the congregation of the children -ÔÈa¥ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÔÈÒ½¦ -¯a© „§Ó¦ -χ¤ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which L„¤ŸÁ´ Ï© ÆÌBÈ ¯N¬¨ Ú¨ ‰M¨¸ Ó¦ Á£ a© È®¨ÈÒ¦ ÔÈ´·¥ e ÌÏ−¦ ȇ¥is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day ofthe second month after their departing out of the ÂÈÏÈ 2 :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ Ì˙−¨ ‡ˆ¥ ϧ Ƚ¦ M¥ ‰©land of Egypt. [2] And the whole congregation of ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-ÏÚ© ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥a§ ˙„¯©Ú£-Ïk¨ eBl¹ i¦ ©the children of Israel murmured against Mosesand against Aaron in the wilderness; [3] and the È´¥a§ ̉¤¹ Ï¥ ‡£ e¯¸ Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 3 :¯a«¨ „§n¦ a© ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -ÏÚ«© §children of Israel said unto them: ‘Would that ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ Ɖ¨‰È§ -„È©·§ e˙³¥ eÓ Ôz¥¸ Ȧ -ÈÓ«¦ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧwe had died by the hand of the Lord in the landof Egypt, when we sat by the flesh-pots, when e¬Ï¥ Χ ‡¨ a§ ¯N¨½ a¨ ‰© ¯ÈÒ´¦ -ÏÚ© ÆezÆ¥ ·§ L¦ a§ ÌȦ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought -χ¤ Æe˙ƨ Ÿ‡ Ì˙³¤ ‡ˆ¥ B‰-Èk«¦ Ú·©ŸN® Ϩ ÌÁ¤ Ï−¤us forth into this wilderness, to kill this wholeassembly with hunger.’ ‰−f¤‰© Ϭ‰¨ w¨‰© -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ ˙ÈÓ²¦ ‰¨ ϧ ‰f¤½‰© ¯´a¨ „§n¦ ‰©[4] Then said the Lord unto Moses: ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 4 Ò :·Ú«¨ ¯¨a¨‘Behold, I will cause to rain bread from heavenfor you; and the people shall go out and gather a ‡ˆ¨¸ Ȩ§ ÌȦ Ó®¨ M¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌÁ¤ Ï−¤ ̲Τ Ϩ ¯Èˬ¦ Ó§ Ó© ȸ¦ § ‰¦day’s portion every day, that I may prove them, epq²¤ ©‡£ ÔÚ© Ó¯© ϧ BÓ½ BÈa§ ÌBÈ´-¯·© c§ Æe˘§ Ï«¨ § ̳ڨ ‰¨ That is, Bitterness. 134 134
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘· 16 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 16.5 be-shallah ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙whether they will walk in My law, or not. [5] And ÌBi´a© ƉȨ‰¨ § 5 :‡ŸÏ« -̇¦ È˙−¦ ¯¨B˙a§ C¬Ï¥ È¥‰£it shall come to pass on the sixth day that theyshall prepare that hich they bring in, and it shall ‰´È¨‰¨ § e‡È·®¦ Ȩ-¯L¤ ‡£ ˙‡´¥ eÈÎ−¦ ‰¥ § ÈM¦½ M¦ ‰©be twice as much as they gather daily.’ Ò :ÌBÈ« | ÌBȬ eË− ˜§ ϧ Ȧ-¯L«¤ ‡£ Ϭک ‰¤½ L§ Ó¦ [6] And Moses and Aaron said unto all thechildren of Israel: ‘At even, then ye shall know È−¥a§ -Ïk¨-χ«¤ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© § ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 6that the Lord hath brought you out from the ‡Èˆ¬¦ B‰ ‰²Â¨‰È§ Èk¯¦ Ìz¤¾ Ú§ „©È«¦ ·¯¤Ú¤¾ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧland of Egypt; [7] and in the morning, then ye ÆÌ˙¤ ȇ¦ ¯§e ¯˜¤Ÿ·À e 7 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤shall see the glory of the Lord; for that He hathheard your murmurings against the Lord; ÌÎ−¤ È˙¥ ŸpϪ z§ -˙‡¤ BÚ¬ Ó§ L¨ a§ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ „B·´ k§ -˙‡¤and what are we, that ye murmur against us?’ :eÈÏ«¥ Ú¨ eÈl−¦ ˙© ÂÂÏ˙ Ȭk¦ ‰Ó¨½ eÁ§ ´©Â§ ‰®Â¨‰È§ -ÏÚ©[8] And Moses said: ‘This shall be, when theLord shall give you in the evening flesh to eat, ·¯¤Ú¤¹ a¨ ÌΤ¸ Ϩ Á‰Â¨‰È§ ˙˙´¥ a§ ‰L¤À ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 8and in the morning bread to the full; for that Ú©ŸÓ³ L§ a¦ Ú©Ÿa½ N§ Ϧ Ư˜¤ŸaÆ a© ÌÁ¤ ³Ï¤ § ÏŸÎÀ ‡¡ Ϥ ¯N´¨ a¨the Lord heareth your murmurings which yemurmur against Him; and what are we? your Ì−¦ Èl¦ Ó© Ìz¬¤ ‡© -¯L¤ ‡£ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿp´Ïª z§ -˙‡¤ Ɖ¨‰È§murmurings are not against us, but against the Ȭk¦ ÌÎ−¤ È˙¥ ŸpϪ ˙§ eȬϥ Ú¨ -‡ŸÏ ‰Ó¨½ eÁ§ ´©Â§ ÂȮϨ Ú¨Lord’ [9] And Moses said unto Aaron: ‘Say unto ¯ŸÓÀ ‡¡ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 9 :‰Â«¨‰È§ -ÏÚ©all the congregation of the children of Israel:Come near before the Lord; for He hath heard ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ e·− ¯§˜¦ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æ˙„©Ú£-Ïk¨-χ«¤your murmurings.’ [10] And it came to pass, as ¯³a¥ „©k§ ȉÀ¦ ȧ © 10 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ ŸpϪ z§ ˙‡−¥ ÚÓ©½ L¨ Èk´¦Aaron spoke unto the whole congregation of thechildren of Israel, that they looked toward the -χ¤ e−Ù§ i¦Â© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§ ˙„´©Ú£-Ïk¨-χ¤ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡©wilderness, and, behold, the glory of the Lord Ù :Ô«¨Ú¨ a¤ ‰‡−¨ ¯§¦ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ „B·´ k§ Ɖp¥‰¦ § ¯®a¨ „§n¦ ‰©appeared in the cloud. [11] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 11 ¯a¥¸ c© ¼Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ »˙ŸpeÏz§ -˙‡¤ Èz¦ Ú§ Ó©À L¨ 12saying: [12] ‘I have heard the murmurings of thechildren of Israel. Speak unto them, saying: Atdusk ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye ¯N¨½ ·¨ eÏ´ Χ ‡Ÿz ÆÌȦa©Æ ¯§Ú© ‰«¨ Ôȳa¥ ¯ŸÓÀ ‡Ï¥ ̉¤¹ Ï¥ ‡£shall be filled with bread; and ye shall know that I Ȭ¦ ‡£ Ȳk¦ Ìz¤¾ Ú§ „©È«¦ ÌÁ¤ ®Ï¨ -eÚa§ N§ z¦ ¯˜¤Ÿa− ·© eam the Lord your God.’ [13] And it came to pass ÂϨ½ O§ ‰© ÏÚ© z´© © ·¯¤Ú¤½ ·¨ ȉ´¦ ȧ © 13 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰−¨‰È§at even, that the quails came up, and covered thecamp; and in the morning there was a layer of ˙´·© Χ L¦ Ɖ˙¨ ȧ‰«¨ ¯˜¤ŸaÀ ·© e ‰®¤Á£ n© ‰«© -˙‡¤ ÒÎ−© z§ ©dew round about the camp. [14] And when the Ï®h¨ ‰© ˙´·© Χ L¦ ÏÚ© z−© © 14 :‰«¤Á£ n© Ï«© ·È·−¦ Ò¨ Ïh©½ ‰©layer of dew was gone up, behold upon the faceof the wilderness a fine, scalelike thing, fine as ˜c¬© Òt¨½ Ò§ Áª Ó§ ˜c´© Ưa¨ „§n¦ ‰© ȳ¥t§ -ÏÚ© ‰pº¥‰¦ §the hoar-frost on the ground. [15] And when the χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ e‡´ ¯§i¦Â© 15 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ¯ŸÙ− k§ k©children of Israel saw it, they said one to another:‘What is it?’—for they knew not what it was. ‡ŸÏ¬ Ȳk¦ ‡e‰½ ÔÓ´¨ ÆÂÈÁ¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ Lȇ³¦ e¯¹ Ó§ ‡Ÿi¸Â©And Moses said unto them: ‘It is the bread which ‡e‰´ ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© ‡e‰® -‰Ó© eÚ− „§È¨the Lord hath given you to eat. [16] This is the :‰Ï«¨ Χ ‡¨ ϧ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ‰²Â¨‰È§ Ô˙¯© ¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌÁ¤ l¤½ ‰©thing which the Lord hath commanded: Gatherye of it every man according to his eating; an epn¤½ Ó¦ eË´ ˜§ Ϧ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ‰e´¨ˆ¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ư·¨ c¨‰© ‰³Ê¤ 16omer a head, according to the number of your Ưt© Ò§ Ó¦ ˙Ϥ ŸbÀ ϧ bªÏ© ¯Ó¤ ŸÚ´ BÏ® Χ ‡¨ ÈÙ´¦ ϧ Lȇ−¦persons, shall ye take it, every man for them thatare in his tent.’ [17] And the children of Israel :eÁw«¨z¦ BÏ− ‰¢ ‡¨ a§ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ï© Lȇ²¦ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ ŸL´ Ù§ ©did so, and gathered some more, some less. ‰a−¤ ¯§n© ‰© e˽ ˜§ ϧ i¦ «© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÔÎ−¥-eNÚ£i©Â© 17 Heb. Man hu. 135 135
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 16.18 be-shallah ÁÏ˘· 16 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[18] And when they did mete it with an omer, ÆÛÈc¦Ú§ ‰¤ ‡ŸÏ³ § ¯Ó¤ ŸÚ½ ·¨ ecŸÓ´ i¨Â© 18 :ËÈÚ«¦ Ó§ n© ‰© §he that gathered much had nothing over, andhe that gathered little had no lack; they gathered -ÈÙ«¦ ϧ Lȇ¬¦ ¯ÈÒ®¦ Á§ ‰¤ ‡ŸÏ´ ËÈÚ−¦ Ó§ n© ‰© § ‰a¤½ ¯§n© ‰©every man according to his eating. [19] And Lȇ¾¦ Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 19 :e˘«¨Ï¨ BÏ− Χ ‡¨Moses said unto them: ‘Let no man leave of ittill the morning.’ [20] Notwithstanding they eÚ´ Ó§ L¨ -‡ŸÏ§ 20 :¯˜¤Ÿa« -„Ú© epn−¤ Ó¦ ¯˙¬¥ BÈ-χ©hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them ¯˜¤Ÿa½ -„Ú© ÆepnƤ Ó¦ ÌÈL³¦ ¨‡£ e¯˙¸¦ Bi© ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, :‰L«¤ ŸÓ ̉−¤ Ï¥ Ú£ ÛŸˆ¬ ˜§ i¦ © L‡®© ·§ i¦ © ÌÈÚ−¦ Ϩ Bz ̯ª¬i¨Â©and rotted; and Moses was wroth with them.[21] And they gathered it morning by morning, ÈÙ´¦ k§ Lȇ−¦ ¯˜¤Ÿa½ a© ¯˜¤Ÿa´ a© ÆB˙Ÿ‡ e˳ ˜§ ϧ i¦ © 21every man according to his eating; and as the ÌBi´a© | ȉ´¦ ȧ © 22 :ÒÓ«¨ ¨Â§ LÓ¤ M−¤ ‰© ÌÁ¬© § BÏ® Χ ‡¨sun waxed hot, it melted. [22] And it came topass that on the sixth day they gathered twice as ¯Ó¤ ŸÚ− ‰¨ Ȭ¥L§ ‰¤½ L§ Ó¦ ÆÌÁ¤ Ï¤Æ eˬ ˜§ Ï«¨ ÈM¦À M¦ ‰©much bread, two omers for each one; and all the e„È−b¦ i©Â© ‰„½¨Ú¥ ‰«¨ ȇ´¥ ÈN¦ § -Ïk¨ Æe‡Ÿ·Æ i¨Â© „Á®¨ ‡¤ Ϩrulers of the congregation came and told Moses. ¯´a¤ c¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‡e‰µ ̉¤À Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 23 :‰L«¤ ŸÓϧ[23] And he said unto them: ‘This is that whichthe Lord hath spoken: To-morrow is a solemn ˙‡´¥ ¯Á®¨ Ó¨ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ«© L„¤Ÿ˜²-˙a© L© ÔB˙¯ a¨ L© ‰Â¨½‰È§rest, a holy sabbath unto the Lord. Bake that eÏM¥½ a© ÆeÏM§ ·© z§ -¯L«¤ ‡£ ˙‡³¥ § eÙÀ ‡¥ eÙº ‡Ÿz-¯L¤ ‡£which ye will bake, and seethe that which ye willseethe; and all that remaineth over lay up for ˙¯¤Ó−¤ L§ Ó¦ ϧ ̲Τ Ϩ eÁȯp¦ ‰© Û„½¥ŸÚ‰´¨ -Ïk¨ Æ˙‡¥ §you to be kept until the morning.’ [24] And they ¯˜¤Ÿa½ ‰© -„Ú© ÆB˙Ÿ‡ eÁȳp¦ i©Â© 24 :¯˜¤Ÿa« ‰© -„Ú©laid it up till the morning, as Moses bade; and it ‰n−¨ ¯¦Â§ Lȇ½¦ ·§ ‰¦ ‡ŸÏ´ § ‰L®¤ ŸÓ ‰e´¨ˆ¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k©did not rot, neither was there any worm therein.[25] And Moses said: ‘Eat that to-day; for to-day e‰´Ïª Χ ‡¦ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 25 :Ba« ‰˙¨ ȧ¬‰¨ -‡ŸÏis a sabbath unto the Lord; to-day ye shall not ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌBi¾‰© ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ÌBi−‰© ˙¬a¨ L© -Èk«¦ ÌBi½ ‰©find it in the field. [26] Six days ye shall gatherit; but on the seventh day is the sabbath, in it e‰®Ëª ˜§ ϧ z¦ ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ¬L¥ 26 :‰„«¤O¨ a© e‰‡−ª ˆ¨ Ó§ ˙¦there shall be none.’ [27] And it came to pass on Æȉ¦ ȧ«© 27 :Ba« -‰È¤‰§ È«¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ ˙a−¨ L© ÈÚ²¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¯·© ethe seventh day, that there went out some of the ‡ŸÏ− § ËŸ˜®Ï§ Ϧ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ e‡¬ ˆ§ Ȩ ÈÚ½¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a©people to gather, and they found none. [28] Andthe Lord said unto Moses: ‘How long refuse ye ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 28 Ò :e‡ˆ«¨ Ó¨to keep My commandments and My laws? :È˙«¨ Ÿ¯B˙§ È˙−© ŸÂˆ§ Ó¦ ¯ŸÓ¬ L§ Ϧ Ìz¤½ § ‡© Ó«¥ Ɖ¨‡Æ¨ -„Ú© [29] See that the Lord hath given you thesabbath; therefore He giveth you on the sixth Ôk¥Â-ÏÚ© ¼˙a¨ M© ‰© ̴Τ Ϩ Ô˙´© ¨ »‰Â¨‰È§-Èk«¦ e‡À ¯§ 29day the bread of two days; abide ye every man ÌȦ Ó®¨ BÈ ÌÁ¤ ´Ï¤ ÈM−¦ M¦ ‰© ÌBi¬a© ̲Τ Ϩ Ô˙¬¥ Ÿ ‡e‰´in his place, let no man go out of his place on BÓ− Ÿ˜n§ Ó¦ Lȇ²¦ ‡ˆ¥ ¬È¥-χ© ÂÈz¨À Á§ z© Lȇ´¦ | e·´ L§the seventh day.’ [30] So the people rested onthe seventh day. [31] And the house of Israel ÌBi¬a© ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ e˙¬ a§ L§ i¦ © 30 :ÈÚ«¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¬a©called the name thereof Manna; and it was BÓ− L§ -˙‡¤ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -˙È·«¥ e‡¯ ¯§˜§ i¦ © 31 :ÈÚ«¦ ·¦ M§ ‰©like coriander seed, white; and the taste ofit was like wafers made with honey. [32] And ˙Á¬¦ Èt¦ ˆ© k§ BÓ− Ú§ Ë© § Ô·¨½ Ϩ Æ„b© Ú¯©³Ê¤k§ ‡e‰À § ÔÓ®¨Moses said: ‘This is the thing which the Lord ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ư·¨ c¨‰© ‰³Ê¤ ‰L¤À ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 32 :L·«¨ „§a¦hath commanded: Let an omerful of it be keptthroughout your generations; that they may see ˙¯¤Ó−¤ L§ Ó¦ ϧ epn¤½ Ó¦ ƯӤ ŸÚÆ ‰¨ ‡ŸÏ³ Ó§ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ‰´e¨ˆ¦the bread wherewith I fed you in the wilderness, ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌÁ¤ l¤À ‰© -˙‡¤ e‡´ ¯§È¦ | ÔÚ© Ó´© ϧ ̮Τ È˙¥ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧwhen I brought you forth from the land of Egypt.’ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ ȇ¬¦ Ȉ¦ B‰a§ ¯a¨½ „§n¦ a© ÆÌΤ ˙§ ‡¤ Èz¦ ϧ ³Î© ‡¡ ‰¤ Heb. Man. 136 136
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 16.33 be-shallah ÁÏ˘· 16 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[33] And Moses said unto Aaron: ‘Take a jar, ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 33 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥and put an omerful of manna therein, and lay itup before the Lord, to be kept throughout your ¯Ó¤ ŸÚ− ‰¨ -‡ŸÏ« Ó§ ‰n¨ L¬¨ -Ô˙¤ § ˙Á©½ ‡© ˙¤´ˆ¤ § ˆ¦ Á˜©µgenerations.’ [34] As the Lord commanded ˙¯¤Ó−¤ L§ Ó¦ ϧ ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆB˙Ÿ‡ Á³p©‰© § ÔÓ®¨Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© 34 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧto be kept. [35] And the children of Israel did eat :˙¯¤Ó«¨ L§ Ó¦ ϧ ˙„−ªÚ¥ ‰¨ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ÔŸ¯²‰£ ‡© e‰Á¯¥ Èp¦ i©Â©the manna forty years, until they came to a landinhabited; they did eat the manna, until they ÌÈÚ´¦ a¨ ¯§‡© ÆÔn¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ eϳ Χ ‡«¨ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ e 35came unto the borders of the land of Canaan. ÆÔn¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙·¤ L®¨ B ı¯¤‡´¤ -χ¤ ̇−¨ Ÿa-„Ú© ‰¨½ L¨[36] Now an omer is the tenth part of an ephah. :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ı¯¤¬‡¤ ‰ˆ−¥ ˜§ -χ¤ ̇¨¾ Ÿa-„Ú© eϽ Χ ‡«¨ And all the congregation of the Ù :‡e‰« ‰Ù−¨ ȇ¥ ‰¨ ˙ȯ¬¦N¦ Ú£ ¯Ó¤ ŸÚ¾ ‰¨ § 3617 children of Israel journeyed from the17wilderness of Sin, by their stages, according to χ¯¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§ ˙„¸©Ú£-Ïk¨ eÚÒ§ i¦ ©Âthe commandment of the Lord, and encamped ÆeÁ£ i©Â«© ‰®Â¨‰È§ Èt´¦ -ÏÚ© ̉−¤ ÈÚ¥ Ò§ Ó© ϧ ÔÈÒ²¦ -¯a© „§n¦ Ó¦in Rephidim; and there was no water for thepeople to drink. [2] Wherefore the people strove ·¯¤³i¨Â© 2 :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨ ˙Ÿz¬ L§ Ϧ ÌȦ Ó−© ÔȬ‡¥ § ÌÈ„½¦ÈÙ¦ ¯§a¦with Moses, and said: ‘Give us water that we may ÌȦÓ−© e¬Ï¨ -ez§ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-ÌÚ¦ ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨drink.’ And Moses said unto them: ‘Why strive ÆÔe·È¯¦z§ -‰Ó© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ Æ̉¤ Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© ‰z®¤ L§ ¦ §ye with me? wherefore do ye try the Lord?’[3] And the people thirsted there for water; ÌL³¨ ‡Ó¨¸ ˆ§ i¦ © 3 :‰Â«¨‰È§-˙‡¤ Ôeq− ©z§ -‰Ó© È„½¦n¨ Ú¦and the people murmured against Moses, and ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-ÏÚ© ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ ÔϤ ¬i¨Â© ÌȦ n©½ Ï© ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨said: ‘Wherefore hast thou brought us up out of È˙²¦ Ÿ‡ ˙ÈÓ¬¦ ‰¨ ϧ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ e˙´¨ ÈϦ Ú¡ ‰¤ Ɖf¤ ‰n¨ ³Ï¨Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattlewith thirst?’ [4] And Moses cried unto the Lord, ƉL¤ ŸÓ ˜³Ú© ˆ§ i¦Â© 4 :‡Ó«¨ v¨ a© È−©˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § Ȭ©a¨-˙‡¤ §saying: ‘What shall I do unto this people? they ‰®f¤‰© Ì´Ú¨ Ϩ ‰N−¤ Ú¡‡¤ ‰Ó¬¨ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ‰´Â¨‰È§-χ¤are almost ready to stone me.’ [5] And the Lord -χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 5 :Ȧ Ï«ª ˜¨ Ò§ e ËÚ−© Ó§ „BÚ¬said unto Moses: ‘Pass on before the people, and È´¥˜§ f¦ Ó¦ E− z§ ‡¦ Á˜¬©Â§ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ƯŸ·Ú£ ‰L¤À ŸÓtake with thee of the elders of Israel; and thy rod, ¯Ÿ‡½ ȧ‰© -˙‡¤ ÆBa ˙¨ Èk³¦ ‰¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ EÀ h§ Ó© e χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧwherewith thou smotest the river, take in thyhand, and go. [6] Behold, I will stand before thee | ÌM¬¨ EȤ¸ Ù¨ ϧ Á„Ó¥ ŸÚ È´¦ § ‰¦ 6 :z¨ Χ Ï«¨ ‰¨ § E− „§È¨a§ Á˜¬©there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt epn²¤ Ó¦ e‡¬ ˆ§ Ȩ§ ¯evÀ ·© ˙¨ Èk´¦ ‰¦ § ¼·¯¥ŸÁa§ »¯ev‰© -ÏÚ«©smite the rock, and there shall come water outof it, that the people may drink.’ And Moses È−¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ÆÔk¥ NÚ© ³i©Â© ̮ڨ ‰¨ ‰˙´¨ L¨ § ÌȦ Ó−©did so in the sight of the elders of Israel. [7] And ‰q−¨ Ó© ÌB˜½ n¨ ‰© ÌL´¥ Ƈ¯¨˜§ i¦Â© 7 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥˜§ ʦthe name of the place was called Massah, and Ì˙³¨ Ÿq© ÏÚ©¸ § χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ | ·È¯´¦-ÏÚ© ‰®·¨ ȯ¦Ó§ ebMeribah, because of the striving of the childrenof Israel, and because they tried the Lord, saying: -̇¦ ea−¥ ¯§˜¦ a§ ‰²Â¨‰È§ L¯È¥‰£ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ Ɖ¨‰È§-˙‡¤‘Is the Lord among us, or not?’ Ù :ÔȦ‡«¨[8] Then came Amalek, and fought with χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -ÌÚ¦ ÌÁ¤ ¬l¨ i¦ © ˜®Ï¥ Ó¨ Ú£ ‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© 8Israel in Rephidim. [9] And Moses said unto -¯Á© a§ ÆÚ©LªÆ B‰È§ -χ¤ ‰L³¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 9 :Ì„«¦ÈÙ¦ ¯§a¦Joshua: ‘Choose us out men, and go out, fightwith Amalek; to-morrow I will stand on the ¯Á¨À Ó¨ ˜®Ï¥ Ó¨ Ú£a© ÌÁ´¥ l¨ ‰¦ ‡ˆ−¥ § ÌÈL¦½ ¨‡£ eÏ´¨top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand.’ ‰¬h¥ Ó© e ‰Ú¨½ ·§ b¦ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯´-ÏÚ© Æ·v¨ ¦ Èγ¦ Ÿ‡¨ That is, Trying. b That is, Strife. 137 137
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘· 17 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 17.10 be-shallah ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[10] So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and ¯L³¤ ‡£ k© Ú©LªÀ B‰È§ NÚ© ´i©Â© 10 :È„«¦È¨a§ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨fought with Amalek; and Moses, Aaron, andHur went up to the top of the hill. [11] And it ƉL¤ ŸÓe ˜®Ï¥ Ó¨ Ú£a© ÌÁ−¥ l¨ ‰¦ ϧ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ÆBÏ-¯Ó© ‡«¨came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that ‰È¨À‰¨ § 11 :‰Ú«¨ ·§ b¦ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯¬ eÏ− Ú¨ ¯eÁ½ § ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡©Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ¯´·© ‚¨Â§ B„−Ȩ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ Ìȯ¬¦È¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k©Amalek prevailed. [12] But Moses’ hands wereheavy; and they took a stone, and put it under ƉL¤ ŸÓ È„³¥È¦ 12 :˜Ï«¥ Ó¨ Ú£ ¯¬·© ‚¨Â§ B„−Ȩ Á©È²¦ Ȩ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ω §him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur ·L¤ ´i¥Â© ÂÈz−¨ Á§ ˙© eÓÈN¬¦ i¨Â© Ô·¤ ‡²¤ -eÁ˜§ i¦Â© ÌÈ„½¦·¥ k§stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ‰³f¤Ó¦ ÂÈ„À¨È¨·§ eδ Ó§ z«¨ ¯eÁ¹ § ÔŸ¯¸ ‰£ ‡© § ‰¨ ȮϤ Ú¨the other on the other side; and his hands weresteady until the going down of the sun. [13] And ‡Ÿa¬-„Ú© ‰−¨eÓ‡¡ ÂÈ„²¨È¨ ȉ¬¦ ȧ© „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰´f¤Ó¦ eJoshua discomfited Amalek and his people with ˜¬Ï¥ Ó¨ Ú£-˙‡¤ Ú©²Lª B‰È§ LŸÏ¯ Á£ i©Â© 13 :LÓ¤ M«¨ ‰©the edge of the sword. Ù :·¯¤Á«¨ -ÈÙ¦ ϧ Bn− Ú© -˙‡¤ § [14] And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Writethis for a memorial in the book, and rehearse it ÆÔB¯k¨ ʦ ˙‡ŸÊ³ ·Ÿ˙¸ k§ ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 14in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly blot out the ‰ŸÁ³ Ó¨ -Èk«¦ Ú©®Lª B‰È§ È´¥Ê§‡¨ a§ ÌÈN−¦ § ¯Ù¤ q¥½ a©remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.’ :ÌȦ Ó«¨ M¨ ‰© ˙Á© z−© Ó¦ ˜Ï¥½ Ó¨ Ú£ ¯Î¤ ´Ê¥-˙‡¤ ƉÁ¤ Ó§ ‡¤[15] And Moses built an altar, and called thename of it Adonai-nissi. [16] And he said: ‘The | ‰¬Â¨‰È§ BÓ− L§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ © Á©®a¥ ʧӦ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ Ô·¤ ¬i¦Â© 15hand upon the throne of the Lord: the Lord ‰Ó¬¨ Á¨ ϧ Ó¦ dȨ½ Ò´k¥-ÏÚ© ƄȨ-Èk«¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 16 :Èq«¦ ¦will have war with Amalek from generation to Ù :¯Ÿc« ¯Ÿc−Ó¦ ˜®Ï¥ Ó¨ Ú£a«© ‰−¨‰ÈÏ©generation.’yitro ¯˙È18 Moses’ father-in-law, heard of all thatGod had done for Moses, and for Israel His18Now Jethro, the priest of Midian, ‰L¤½ ŸÓ Ô˙´¥ ŸÁ ÆÔȨ„§Ó¦ Ô‰³¥ ŸÎ B¯¸ ˙§ Ȧ ÚÓº© L§ i¦ © ‰L¤½ ŸÓϧ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰N³¨ Ú¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ -Ïk¨ Á˙‡¥people,howthattheLordhadbroughtIsraelout -˙‡¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ‡Èˆ¯¦ B‰-Èk«¦ Bn® Ú© χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ϧ eof Egypt. [2] And Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, ‰L¤½ ŸÓ Ô˙´¥ ŸÁ ÆB¯˙§ Ȧ ÁwÀ©i¦ © 2 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧtook Zipporah, Moses’ wife, after he had sent heraway, [3] and her two sons; of whom the name of :‰¨ ÈÁ«¤ elL¦ ¯Á−© ‡© ‰L®¤ ŸÓ ˙L¤ ‡´¥ ‰¯−¨Ÿtˆ¦ -˙‡¤the one was Gershom; for he said: ‘I have been a ÌŸL½ ¯§«b¥ Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ‰«¨ ÌL³¥ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰¨ È®¤·¨ È´¥L§ ˙‡−¥ § 3stranger in a strange land’; [4] and the name ofthe other was bEliezer: ‘for the God of my father ̬L¥ § 4 :‰i«¨¯¦Î§ ¨ ı¯¤‡−¤ a§ È˙¦ ÈȽ¦ ‰¨ ¯´b¥ ¯Ó©½ ‡¨ Èk´¦was my help, and delivered me from the sword ȯ½¦Ê§Ú¤ a§ ÆÈ·¦ ‡¨ ȳ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ -Èk«¦ ¯Ê¤®Ú¤ ÈϦ ‡¡ „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¨of Pharaoh.’ [5] And Jethro, Moses’ father-in- Ô˙¬¥ ŸÁ B¯¸ ˙§ Ȧ ‡Ÿ·º i¨Â© 5 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© ·¯¤¬Á¤ Ó¥ Ȧ Ï−¥ v¦ i©Â©law, came with his sons and his wife unto Mosesinto the wilderness where he was encamped, at ¯a¨À „§n¦ ‰© -χ¤ ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ Bz− L§ ‡¦ § ÂȬ¨·¨ e ‰²L¤ ŸÓthe mount of God; [6] and he said unto Moses: :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ ¯¬‰© ÌL−¨ ‰¬¤ŸÁ ‡e‰² -¯L¤ ‡£‘I thy father-in-law Jethro am coming unto thee, ‡´a¨ B¯−˙§ Ȧ E¬ § ˙¤ ŸÁ Ȳ¦ ‡£ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© 6and thy wife, and her two sons with her.’ [7] AndMoses went out to meet his father-in-law, and ‡ˆ¥¸ i¥Â© 7 :dn«¨ Ú¦ ‰¨ È−¤·¨ Ȭ¥L§ e E½ z§ L§ ‡¸¦ § EȮϤ‡¥bowed down and kissed him; and they asked BϽ -˜M© i¦ © ÆeÁzÆ© L§ i¦ © BÀ˙§ ŸÁ« ˙‡¯´©˜§ Ϧ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓeach other of their welfare; and they came into e‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© ÌBÏ® L¨ ϧ e‰Ú−¥ ¯¥Ï§ -Lȇ¦ eϬ ‡£ L§ i¦ © That is, The Lord is my banner. b Heb. El, God, and ezer, help. 138 138
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ¯˙È 18 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 18.8 yitro ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙the tent. [8] And Moses told his father-in-law all -Ïk¨ Á˙‡¥ B½ ˙§ ŸÁ´ ϧ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯³t¥ Ò© ȧ © 8 :‰Ï¨ ‰¡ Ÿ‡« ‰¨that the Lord had done unto Pharaoh and to Ï−Ú© ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ϧ e ‰ŸÚ´ ¯§Ù© ϧ Ɖ¨‰È§ ‰N³¨ Ú¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£the Egyptians for Israel’s sake, all the travail thathad come upon them by the way, and how the ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ɖ‡¨ Ϩ z§ ‰© -Ïk¨ ˙‡³¥ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˙Ÿ„´B‡Lord delivered them. [9] And Jethro rejoiced B¯½ ˙§ Ȧ c§Á© i´¦Â© 9 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ÌÏ−¥ v¦ i©Â© C¯¤c½¤a© Ì˙© ‡´¨ ˆ¨ Ó§for all the goodness which the Lord had done χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ϧ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰N¬¨ Ú¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰·¨½ Bh‰© -Ïk¨ ÏÚ©µto Israel, in that He had delivered them out ofthe hand of the Egyptians. [10] And Jethro said: ¼B¯˙§ Ȧ »¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi© 10 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ „¬i©Ó¦ BÏ− Èv¦ ‰¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£‘Blessed be the Lord, who hath delivered you „¬i©Ó¦ ̲Τ ˙§ ‡¤ ÏÈv¬¦ ‰¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰Â¨½‰È§ Ce¯´a¨out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÏÈv¦ ‰¦ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© „´i©Ó¦ e ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦hand of Pharaoh; who hath delivered the people -Èk«¦ Èz¦ Ú§ „½©È¨ ‰z´¨ Ú© 11 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ -„È© ˙Á© z−© Ó¦from under the hand of the Egyptians. [11] NowI know that the Lord is greater than all gods; ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ¯·¨½ c¨·© Èk´¦ Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ Ó¦ ‰−¨‰È§ ÏB„¬‚¨yea, for that they dealt proudly against them.’ ‰¬Ï¨ŸÚ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ Ô˙¬¥ ŸÁ B¯¸ ˙§ Ȧ Áwº©i¦Â© 12 :̉«¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ e„−ʨ[12] And Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, took a È´¥˜§ ʦ | ϟδ § ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© ‡Ÿ·¸ i¨Â© Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡Ï«¥ ÌÈÁ−¦ ·¨ ʧ eburnt-offering and sacrifices for God; and Aaron Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ Ô˙¬¥ ŸÁ-ÌÚ¦ ÌÁ¤ ²Ï¤ -ÏΨ ‡¡ Ϥ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧcame, and all the elders of Israel, to eat breadwith Moses’ father-in-law before God. [13] And ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ·L¤ ¬i¥Â© ˙¯½¨Á¢ n¨ Ó«¦ Æȉ¦ ȧ © 13 :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses sat ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-ÏÚ© ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ „ŸÓ³ Ú£i©Â© ̮ڨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ËŸt´ L§ Ϧto judge the people; and the people stood about ‰L¤½ ŸÓ Ô˙´¥ ŸÁ Ƈ¯§i©Â© 14 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ¯˜¤Ÿa− ‰© -ÔÓ¦Moses from the morning unto the evening.[14] And when Moses’ father-in-law saw all that ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ̮ڨ Ϩ ‰N−¤ ŸÚ ‡e‰¬ -¯L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ˙²‡¥he did to the people, he said: ‘What is this thing ÌÚ¨½ Ϩ ƉN¤ ŸÚ ‰z³¨ ‡© ¯L¤¸ ‡£ Ɖf¤‰© ¯³·¨ c¨‰© -‰Ó«¨that thou doest to the people? why sittest thou ·¬v¨ ¦ ̲ڨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ § Ec½¤·© ϧ Æ·L¥ BÈ ‰z³¨ ‡© Ú©ecÀ Ó©thyself alone, and all the people stand about thee ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 15 :·¯¤Ú«¨ -„Ú© ¯˜¤Ÿa¬ -ÔÓ¦ EÈÏ−¤ Ú¨from morning unto even?’ [15] And Moses saidunto his father-in-law: ‘Because the people come :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ LŸ¯¬„§Ï¦ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ Ȳϩ‡¥ ‡Ÿ·¬ Ȩ-Èk«¦ B®˙§ ŸÁϧunto me to inquire of God; [16] when they have a Èz½¦ ˧ Ù© L´¨ § ÈÏ©½ ‡¥ ‡´a¨ Ư·¨ c¨ ̳‰¤ Ϩ ‰È¤¸‰§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ 16matter, it cometh unto me; and I judge between a Èw¬¥Áª -˙‡¤ Èz²¦ Ú§ „©B‰Â§ e‰®Ú¥ ¯¥ ÔÈ´·¥ e Lȇ−¦ ÔȬa¥man and his neighbour, and I make them know Ô˙¬¥ ŸÁ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi²Â© 17 :ÂÈ˙«¨ Ÿ¯Bz-˙‡¤ § Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨the statutes of God, and His laws.’ [17] AndMoses’ father-in-law said unto him: ‘The thing ‰z−¨ ‡© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ¯·¨½ c¨‰© Æ·BË-‡ŸÏ ÂȮϨ‡¥ ‰L−¤ ŸÓthat thou doest is not good. [18] Thou wilt surely ̬ڨ ‰¨ -Ìb© ‰z¨¾ ‡© -Ìb© ÏŸa½ z¦ ÏŸ·´ ¨ 18 :‰N«¤ ŸÚwear away, both thou, and this people that is with ¯·¨½ c¨‰© ÆEn§ Ó¦ „³·¥ Ψ -Èk«¦ Cn®¨ Ú¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰−f¤‰©thee; for the thing is too heavy for thee; thou art ÚÓ³© L§ ‰zº¨ Ú© 19 :Ec«¤·© ϧ e‰ŸN− Ú£ ϬΩ e˙-‡ŸÏnot able to perform it thyself alone. [19] Hearkennow unto my voice, I will give thee counsel, ‰z´¨ ‡© ‰¯È¥‰¡ Cn®¨ Ú¦ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ȉ¬¦ Ȧ E½ ˆ§ ´Ú¨ ȇ¦ ÆÈϦ Ÿ˜a§and God be with thee: be thou for the people -˙‡¤ ‰z²¨ ‡© ˙¬¨ ‡·¥ ‰¥ § Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰«¨ ÏeÓµ ÌÚ¨À Ϩbefore God, and bring thou the causes unto God. ‰z´¨ ¯§‰© ʧ ‰¦ § 20 :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ -χ¤ Ìȯ−¦·¨ c§‰©[20] And thou shalt teach them the statutes andthe laws, and shalt show them the way wherein ˙Ÿ¯®Bz‰© -˙‡¤ § ÌÈw−¦Áª ‰© -˙‡¤ ̉¤½ ˙§ ‡¤they must walk, and the work that they must do. -˙‡¤ § d·¨½ eÎϧ ´È¥ ÆC¯¤cƤ‰© -˙‡¤ ̉¤À Ϩ z´¨ Ú§ „©B‰Â§ 139 139
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ¯˙È 18 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 18.21 yitro ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[21] Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the ‰´Ê¤Á¡ ˙¤ ‰z´¨ ‡© § 21 :ÔeN« ڣȩ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰N−¤ Ú£n© ‰«©people able men, such as fear God, men of truth,hating unjust gain; and place such over them, to ȬL¥ § ‡© Ìȉ²¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ȇ¯¥ ¯§È¦ ÏȦÁ©¹ -ÈL¥ § ‡© ÌÚ¨ ‰¨ Â-Ïk¨ Ó¦be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers ȯ³¥N¨ ̉¤À Ï¥ Ú£ z´¨ Ó§ N© § Úˆ© ®·¨ ȇ¥ §ŸN´ ˙Ó−¤ ‡¡of fifties, and rulers of tens. [22] And let them ȯ¬¥N¨ § ÌÈM−¦ Ó¦ Á£ ȯ¬¥N¨ ˙B‡½ Ó¥ ȯ´¥N¨ ÆÌÈÙ¦ Ϩ ‡£judge the people at all seasons; and it shall be, thatevery great matter they shall bring unto thee, but ¼˙Ú¥ -ÏΨ a§ »ÌÚ¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eË´ Ù§ L¨ § 22 :˙Ÿ¯«N¨ Ú£every small matter they shall judge themselves; -ÏΨ § EÈϤ½‡¥ e‡È·´¦ Ȩ ÆÏŸ„b¨‰© ¯³·¨ c¨‰© -Ïk¨ ‰Èº¨‰¨ §so shall they make it easier for thee and bear the EÈϤ½ Ú¨ Ó«¥ ÆϘ¥‰¨ § Ì®‰¥ -eËt§ L§ Ȧ ÔŸË− w¨ ‰© ¯¬·¨ c¨‰©burden with thee. [23] If thou shalt do this thing,and God command thee so, then thou shalt be Ɖf¤‰© ¯³·¨ c¨‰© -˙‡¤ ̇´¦ 23 :Cz«¨ ‡¦ e‡− N§ ¨Â§able to endure, and all this people also shall go to ÆÌ‚©Â§ „ŸÓ® Ú£ z−¨ ϧ Ψ È«¨Â§ Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ E´ e§ˆ¦ § ‰N¤½ Ú£z©their place in peace.’ [24] So Moses hearkened to :ÌBÏ« L¨ ·§ ‡Ÿ·¬ Ȩ BÓ− Ÿ˜Ó§ -ÏÚ© ‰f¤½ ‰© Ì´Ú¨ ‰¨ -Ïk¨the voice of his father-in-law, and did all that hehad said. [25] And Moses chose able men out of ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk− NÚ© i©¾Â© B®˙§ ŸÁ ÏB˜´ ϧ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ÚÓ¬© L§ i¦ © 24all Israel, and made them heads over the people, -Ïk¨ Ó¦ ÆÏȦ ÁÆ© -ÈL¥ § ‡© ‰L³¤ ŸÓ ¯Á©¸ ·§ i¦ © 25 :¯Ó«¨ ‡¨rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of ȯ³¥N¨ ̮ڨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ÌÈL−¦ ‡¯¨ Ì˙²¨ Ÿ‡ Ôz¬¥ i¦ © χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧfifties, and rulers of tens. [26] And they judgedthe people at all seasons: the hard causes they ȯ¬¥N¨ § ÌÈM−¦ Ó¦ Á£ ȯ¬¥N¨ ˙B‡½ Ó¥ ȯ´¥N¨ ÆÌÈÙ¦ Ϩ ‡£brought unto Moses, but every small matter they -˙‡¤ ˙®Ú¥ -ÏΨ a§ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eˬ Ù§ L¨ § 26 :˙Ÿ¯«N¨ Ú£judged themselves. [27] And Moses let his father- ¯¬·¨ c¨‰© -ÏΨ § ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ôe‡´ È·¦ ȧ ƉL¤ w¨ ‰© ¯³·¨ c¨‰©in-law depart; and he went his way into his ownland. -˙‡¤ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ Á¬l© L© ȧ© 27 :̉«¥ eˬ etL§ Ȧ ÔŸË− w¨‰© Ù :Bˆ« ¯§‡© -χ¤ BÏ− CϤ ¬i¥Â© B®˙§ ŸÁ In the third month after the children19 19of Israel were gone forth out of the -È¥a§ ˙‡¬ˆ¥ ϧ ÈL¦½ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÆL„¤ŸÁÆ a©land of Egypt, the same day came they into the e‡a−¨ ‰f¤½‰© ÌBi´a© ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧwilderness of Sinai. [2] And when they were Æe‡Ÿ·Æ i¨Â© ÌÈ„À¦ÈÙ¦ ¯§Ó¥ eÚ´ Ò§ i¦ © 2 :È«¨ÈÒ¦ ¯¬a© „§Ó¦departed from Rephidim, and were come tothe wilderness of Sinai, they encamped in the ÌL¬¨ -ÔÁ© i«¦Â© ¯®a¨ „§n¦ a© e−Á£ i©Â«© È©½ ÈÒ¦ ¯´a© „§Ó¦wilderness; and there Israel encamped before themount. [3] And Moses went up unto God, and -χ¤ ‰Ï−¨ Ú¨ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓe 3 :¯‰«¨ ‰¨ „‚¤¬¤ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧthe Lord called unto him out of the mountain, ¯‰´¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ Ɖ¨‰È§ ÂÈϳ¨‡¥ ‡¯¸¨˜§ i¦Â© Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨saying: ‘Thus shalt thou say to the house of Ȭ¥·§ Ϧ „È−b¥˙© § ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ ˙È´·¥ ϧ Ưө ‡Ÿ˙ ‰Ÿk³ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥Jacob, and tell the children of Israel: [4] Ye haveseen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how È˙¦ ÈN−¦ Ú¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ì˙¤½ ȇ¦ ¯§ Ìz´¤ ‡© 4 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ ȦI bore you on eagles’ wings, and brought you Ìȯ½¦L¨ § È´Ù¥ § k© -ÏÚ© ÆÌΤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‡O³¨ ‡¤ ¨ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ϧunto Myself. [5] Now therefore, if ye will hearken Ú©BÓ³ L¨ -̇¦ ‰z¨À Ú© § 5 :ÈÏ«¨ ‡¥ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‡¬·¦ ‡¨ ¨unto My voice indeed, and keep My covenant,then ye shall be Mine own treasure from among È˙®¦ ȯ¦a§ -˙‡¤ Ìz−¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e ÈϦ½ Ÿ˜a§ ÆeÚÓ§ L§ z¦all peoples; for all the earth is Mine; [6] and ye ÈÏ−¦ -Èk¦ ÌÈn½¦ Ú© ‰´¨ -Ïk¨ Ó¦ Ɖl¨ ‚ªÒ§ Èϳ¦ Ì˙¤ Èȸ¦ ‰§ ¦shall be unto Me a kingdom of priests, and a holy ˙Τ ¬Ï¤ Ó§ Ó© Èϲ¦ -eȉ§ z¦ Ìz¯¤ ‡© § 6 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -Ïk¨nation. These are the words which thou shaltspeak unto the children of Israel.’ [7] And Moses ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ìȯ½¦·¨ c§‰© ‰l¤ ‡¥µ LB„®˜¨ ÈB‚´ § ÌÈ−¦ ‰£ Ÿkcame and called for the elders of the people, ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ‡Ÿ·´ i¨Â© 7 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -χ¤ ¯a−¥ „©z§ 140 140
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ¯˙È 19 ˙HÂoÓm˘e | TOCtorah EXODUS 19.8 yitro ‰¯Â˙and set before them all these words which the ˙‡¥µ ̉¤À È¥Ù§ Ϧ ÌN¤ ´i¨Â© ̮ڨ ‰¨ È´¥˜§ ʦ ϧ ‡¯−¨˜§ i¦ ©Lord commanded him. [8] And all the peopleanswered together, and said: ‘All that the Lord :‰Â«¨‰È§ e‰e−¨ˆ¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰l¤ ‡¥½ ‰¨ Ìȯ´¦·¨ c§‰© -Ïk¨hath spoken we will do.’ And Moses reported -¯L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk² e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© ÆÂc¨Á§ È© ̳ڨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ e¸Ú£i©Â© 8the words of the people unto the Lord. [9] And ȯ¬¥·§ c¦-˙‡¤ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ ·L¤ ¯i¨Â© ‰N®¤ Ú£© ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¤ c¦the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Lo, I come unto theein a thick cloud, that the people may hear when ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 9 :‰Â«¨‰È§-χ¤ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨I speak with thee, and may also believe thee for ¯e·º Ú£a© ¼Ô¨Ú¨ ‰«¤ ·´Ú© a§ »EÈϤ ‡¥ ‡´a¨ Èι¦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰p¥¸‰¦ever.’ And Moses told the words of the people eÈÓ´¦ ‡£ È© E− a§ -Ì‚©Â§ Cn¨½ Ú¦ ȯ´¦a§ „©a§ ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ ÚÓ³© L§ Ȧunto the Lord. [10] And the Lord said untoMoses: ‘Go unto the people, and sanctify them -χ¤ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ ȯ¬¥·§ c¦-˙‡¤ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ „¬b¥i©Â© ̮Ϩ BÚϧto-day and to-morrow, and let them wash their -χ¤ C´Ï¥ ƉL¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰³Â¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 10 :‰Â«¨‰È§garments, [11] and be ready against the third day; eÒ− a§ Φ § ¯Á®¨ Ó¨ e ÌBi−‰© Ìz¬¨ L§ c©˜¦ § ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨for the third day the Lord will come down in thesight of all the people upon mount Sinai. [12] And ÈL®¦ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´Ï© ÌÈ−¦ŸÎ§ eȬ‰¨ § 11 :Ì˙«¨ŸÏÓ§ N¦thou shalt set bounds unto the people round Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ ‰²Â¨‰È§ „¯¯¥È¥ ÈL¦À ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© | Èk´¦about, saying: Take heed to yourselves, that ye -˙‡¤ z³¨ ϧ a© ‚§ ‰¦ § 12 :È«¨ÈÒ¦ ¯¬‰© -ÏÚ© ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ -ÏΨgo not up into the mount, or touch the border ofit; whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely ˙BϬ Ú£ ̲Τ Ϩ e¯¬Ó§ M¨ ‰¦ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ·È·´¦ Ò¨ ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨put to death; [13] no hand shall touch him, but he ˙BÓ¬ ¯‰−¨ a¨ Ú©¬‚¥Ÿp‰© -Ïk¨ e‰®ˆ¥ ˜¨a§ Ú©Ÿ‚´ § e ¯‰−¨ a¨shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether ÆϘ¥q¨ Ȧ ÏB˜³ Ò¨ -Èk«¦ „ȨÀ Ba¹ Úb©¸ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ 13 :˙Ó«¨ eÈit be beast or man, it shall not live; when theram’s horn soundeth long, they shall come up to ‡ŸÏ´ Lȇ−¦ -̇¦ ‰Ó¬¨ ‰¥ a§ -̇¦ ‰¯½¤i¨È¦ ‰Ÿ¯´È¨-B‡the mount.’ [14] And Moses went down from the :¯‰«¨ ·¨ eϬ ڣȩ ‰n¨ ‰−¥ Ï·¥½ Ÿi‰© ÆCŸLÓ§ a¦ ‰®È¤Á§ Ȧmountuntothepeople,andsanctifiedthepeople; ÆLc¥˜© ȧ © ̮ڨ ‰¨ -χ¤ ¯‰−¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ „¯¤¯i¥Â© 14and they washed their garments. [15] And hesaid unto the people: ‘Be ready against the third -χ¤ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© 15 :Ì˙«¨ŸÏÓ§ N¦ eÒ− a§ Ω ȧ«© ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤day; come not near a woman.’ [16] And it came eL− b§ z¦ -χ«© ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ´ L§ Ϧ ÌÈ−¦ŸÎ§ eȬ‰¡ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨to pass on the third day, when it was morning, ˙ŸÈ´‰§ a«¦ ÈL¦¹ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¸·© Áȉ¦ ȧ © 16 :‰M«¨ ‡¦ -χ¤that there were thunders and lightnings and athick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of -ÏÚ© Æ„·¥ k¨ Ô³¨Ú¨ § ÌȘ¹¦ ¯¨·§ e ˙ŸÏ¸ Ÿ˜ Áȉ¦ ȧ © ¯˜¤ŸaÀ ‰©a horn exceeding loud; and all the people that ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ „¯¬©Á¡ i¤Â© „Ÿ‡® Ó§ ˜´Ê¨Á¨ ¯Ù−¨ ŸL ÏŸ˜¬Â§ ¯‰¨½ ‰¨were in the camp trembled. [17] And Moses ̲ڨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ‰L¯¤ ŸÓ ‡ˆ¥¸ Bi© 17 :‰«¤Á£ n© a«© ¯¬L¤ ‡£brought forth the people out of the camp to meetGod; and they stood at the nether part of the e·− v§ È©˙§ i«¦Â© ‰®¤Á£ n© ‰«© -ÔÓ¦ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰«¨ ˙‡¯¬©˜§ Ϧmount. [18] Now mount Sinai was altogether Bl½ kª ÔL´© Ú¨ ÆÈ©ÈÒ¦ ¯‰³© § 18 :¯‰«¨ ‰¨ ˙Èz¬¦ Á§ ˙© a§on smoke, because the Lord descended upon ÏÚ© ³i©Â© L‡®¥ a¨ ‰−¨‰È§ ÂȲϨ Ú¨ „¯¬©È¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ È¥t§ Ó¦ Âit in fire; and the smoke thereof ascended asthe smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount ¯‰−¨ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ „¯¬©Á¡ i¤Â© ÔL¨½ ·§ k¦ ‰© ÔL¤ ´Ú¤ k§ ÆBL¨ Ú£quaked greatly. [19] And when the voice of the ˜´Ê¥Á¨ § CÏ−¥ B‰ ¯Ù¨½ BM‰© ÏB˜´ Æȉ¦ ȧ© 19 :„Ÿ‡« Ó§horn waxed louder and louder, Moses spoke, :ÏB˜« ·§ ep¬¤Ú£È© Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ § ¯a¥½ „©È§ ‰L´¤ ŸÓ „Ÿ‡® Ó§and God answered him by a voice. [20] And theLord came down upon mount Sinai, to the top ¯®‰¨ ‰¨ L‡Ÿ¯´-χ¤ È−©ÈÒ¦ ¯¬‰© -ÏÚ© ‰²Â¨‰È§ „¯¤¯i¥Â© 20of the mount; and the Lord called Moses to the ÏÚ© ¬i©Â© ¯‰−¨ ‰¨ L‡Ÿ¯¬-χ¤ ‰²L¤ ŸÓϧ ‰¯Â¨‰È§ ‡¯¸¨˜§ i¦Â© 141 141
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 19.21 yitro ¯˙È 19 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙top of the mount; and Moses went up. [21] And „´Ú¥ ‰¨ „¯−¥ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 21 :‰L«¤ ŸÓthe Lord said unto Moses: ‘Go down, charge thepeople, lest they break through unto the Lord Ϭ٩ ¨Â§ ˙B‡½ ¯§Ï¦ Ɖ¨‰È§-χ¤ eÒ³ ¯§‰¤ Ȥ-Ôt¤ ̮ڨ a¨to gaze, and many of them perish. [22] And let -χ¤ ÌÈL¬¦ b¨p¦ ‰© ÌȲ¦ ‰£ Ÿk‰© ̯‚©Â§ 22 :·¯«¨ epn−¤ Ó¦the priests also, that come near to the Lord,sanctify themselves, lest the Lord break forth :‰Â«¨‰È§ ̉−¤ a¨ ıŸ¯¬Ù§ Ȧ -Ôt¤ eLc®¨˜©˙§ Ȧ ‰−¨‰È§upon them.’ [23] And Moses said unto the Lord: ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ ϴΩ eÈ-‡ŸÏ ‰Â¨½‰È§-χ¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 23‘The people cannot come up to mount Sinai; for Æea¨Æ ‰˙¨ Ÿ„³Ú¥ ‰© ‰zº¨ ‡© -Èk«¦ È®¨ÈÒ¦ ¯‰´© -χ¤ ˙ŸÏ− ڣϩthou didst charge us, saying: Set bounds aboutthe mount, and sanctify it.’ [24] And the Lord ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 24 :Bz« L§ c©˜¦ § ¯‰−¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ϭa¥ ‚§ ‰© ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥said unto him: ‘Go, get thee down, and thou ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© § ‰z−¨ ‡© ˙¨ ÈϬ¦ Ú¨ § „¯½¥-CϤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ÂȳϨ‡¥shalt come up, thou, and Aaron with thee; butlet not the priests and the people break through ˙ŸÏ¬ ڣϩ eÒ² ¯§‰¤ «È¤-χ© ÌÚ¨À ‰¨ § ÌÈ´¦ ‰£ Ÿk‰© § Cn®¨ Ú¦to come up unto the Lord, lest He break forth -χ¤ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ „¯¤¬i¥Â© 25 :Ìa«¨-ı¯¨Ù§ Ȧ-Ôt¤ ‰−¨‰È§-χ¤20upon them.’ [25] So Moses went down unto the ¯´a¥ „©È§Â© Ò :̉«¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© ̮ڨ ‰¨people, and told them. ‰l¤ ‡−¥ ‰¨ Ìȯ¬¦·¨ c§‰© -Ïk¨ ˙²‡¥ Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ And God spoke all these words,20 saying: ¯L¯¤ ‡£ Eȉ¤½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ ÆÈΦ Ÿ‡«¨ 2 Ò :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ [2] I am the Lord thy God, who broughtthee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house ÌÈ„®¦·¨ Ú£ ˙È´a¥ Ó¦ ÌȦ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ EÈ˙²¦ ‡ˆ¥ B‰of bondage. :È«¨t¨ -ÏÚ© Ìȯ−¦Á¥ ‡£ Ìȉ¬¦ ŸÏ‡¡ E² ϧ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ« 3 [3] Thou shalt have no other gods beforeMe. [4] Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven ¯L³¤ ‡£ ‰¨½ eÓz§ -ÏΨ § ÆÏÒ¤ Ù¤Æ E¬ ϧ -‰N¤¸ Ú£˙«© ‡ŸÏ´ 4image, nor any manner of likeness, of any thing ¯¬L¤ ‡£ © ˙Á© z®¨ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡−¨ a¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ «© ÏÚ© n©½ Ó¦ ÆÌȦ ÓÆ© M¨ a©that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth ‰¬Â¤Á§ z© L§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« 5 :ı¯¤‡«¨ Ϩ ˙Á© z¬© Ó¦ ÌȦ n−© a©beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;[5] thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor ÆEȉ¤Æ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰³Â¨‰È§ Èκ¦ Ÿ‡«¨ Èk´¦ Ì„®¥·§ Ú¨ ˙¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § ̉−¤ Ϩserve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous -ÏÚ© ÌȲ¦ a¨ -ÏÚ© ˙Ÿ·¯ ‡¨ ԟ¸ڣ „˜¥Ÿt ‡p¨½ ˜© χ´¥God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon thechildren unto the third and fourth generation of ‰N¤ ŸÚ¬ § 6 :ȇ«¨ §ŸNϧ ÌÈÚ−¦ a¥ ¯¦-ÏÚ© § ÌÈL¬¦ l¥ L¦them that hate Me; [6] and showing mercy unto ȯ¬¥Ó§ ŸLϧ e È·−© ‰£ Ÿ‡Ï§ ÌÈÙ®¦ Ϩ ‡£ Ï© „Ò¤ Á−¤the thousandth generation of them that love Me ‰¬Â¨‰È§-ÌL«¥ -˙‡¤ ‡O²¨ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ 7 Ò :È˙«¨ ŸÂˆ§ Ó¦and keep My commandments. ˙²‡¥ ‰Â¨½‰È§ Ɖw¤©È§ ‡ŸÏ³ Èk´¦ ‡Â§M®¨ Ï© Eȉ−¤ŸÏ‡¡ [7] Thou shalt not take the name of the Ù :‡Â§M«¨ Ï© BÓ− L§ -˙‡¤ ‡O¬¨ Ȧ-¯L¤ ‡£Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will nothold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. [8] Remember the sabbath day, to keep it ˙L¤ L³¥ 9 :BL« c§˜©Ï§ ˙a−¨ M© ‰© ÌŸȬ-˙‡¤ ¯Bβ ʨ 8holy. [9] Six days shalt thou labour, and do all ÆÌBȧ 10 :Ez«¤ Χ ‡Ï© Ó§ -Ïk¨ ˙¨ ÈN−¦ Ú¨ § „Ÿ·½ Ú£z«© ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ȩthy work; [10] but the seventh day is a sabbathunto the Lord thy God, in it thou shalt not do ‰N¤¸ Ú£˙© -‡ŸÏ« EÈ®‰¤ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰ÈÏ© ˙a−¨ L© ÈÚ½¦ È·¦ M§ ‰©any manner of work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy E³ c§·§ Ú© Ez¤À ·¦ e-E´ § ·¦ e | ‰z´¨ ‡© ‰Î¨¹ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -ÏΨdaughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid- :Eȯ«¤Ú¨ L§ a¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ E− ¯§‚¥Â§ Ez¤½ Ó§ ‰¤ ·§ e E¸ ˙§ Ó«¨ ‡£ ©servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that iswithin thy gates; [11] for in six days the Lord ÌȦ Ó´© M¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ‰N¨¸ Ú¨ ÁÌÈÓ¦ Ȩ-˙L¤ L«¥ Èk´¦ 11made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in Ìa¨½ -¯L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § ÆÌi¨‰© -˙‡¤ ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ -˙‡¤ §them is, and rested on the seventh day; whereforethe Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed ‰²Â¨‰È§ C¯¯©a¥ Ôk¥À -ÏÚ© ÈÚ®¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© Á©−i¨Â©it. 142 142
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 20.12 yitro ¯˙È 20 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[12] Honour thy father and thy mother, „¬a¥ k© 12 Ò :e‰L«¥ c§˜© ȧ «© ˙a−¨ M© ‰© ÌBȬ-˙‡¤that thy days may be long upon the land whichthe Lord thy God giveth thee. EÈÓ¤½ Ȩ Ôeδ ¯¦‡£ È© ÆÔÚ© ÓÆ© ϧ En®¤ ‡¦ -˙‡¤ § EÈ·−¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ Ô˙¬¥ Ÿ Eȉ−¤ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§-¯L¤ ‡£ ‰Ó¨½ „¨‡£ ‰¨ ÏÚ©µ [13] Thou shalt not murder. ‡ŸÏ´ Ò Áˆ−¨ ¯§˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ 13 Ò :CÏ«¨Thou shalt not commit adultery.Thou shalt not steal. ‰¬¤Ú£˙© -‡ŸÏ« Ò ·Ÿ½ ‚§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ Ò Û«‡®¨ § ˙¦ Thou shalt not bear false witness against ˙È´a¥ „ŸÓ− Á§ ˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ 14 Ò :¯˜¤L«¨ „¬Ú¥ E− Ú£¯¥·§thy neighbour.[14] Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s ÆB˙Ó¨ ‡£ © Bc³·§ Ú© § EÚ¤À ¯¥ ˙L¤ ‡´¥ „ŸÓº Á§ ˙© -‡ŸÏ« E®Ú¤ ¯¥house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s Ù :EÚ«¤ ¯¥Ï§ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÏŸÎ− § B¯½ ŸÓÁ£ © B¯´BL§wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, -˙‡¤ § ˙ŸÏ¹ Bw‰© -˙‡¤ Ìȇ¸¦ Ÿ¯ ÁÌÚ¨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ § 15nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy ÔL®¥ Ú¨ ¯‰−¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ¯Ù¨½ ŸM‰© ÏB˜´ Æ˙‡¥ § Ì„À¦Èt¦ l© ‰©neighbour’s.[15] And all the people perceived the :˜ŸÁ« ¯¨Ó«¥ e„−Ó§ Ú© i«©Â© eÚª½ i¨Â© ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ ‡¯§³i©Â©thunderings, and the lightnings, and the voice ofthe horn, and the mountain smoking; and when en−¨ Ú¦ ‰z¬¨ ‡© -¯a¥ c© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Æe¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi« © 16the people saw it, they trembled, and stood afar -Ôt¤ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ en²¨ Ú¦ ¯¬a¥ „©È§-χ© § ‰Ú¨ Ó®¨ L§ ¦ §off. [16] And they said unto Moses: ‘Speak thou -χ© »ÌÚ¨ ‰¨ -χ¤ ‰L´¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 17 :˙eÓ« ¨with us, and we will hear; but let not God speakwith us, lest we die.’ [17] And Moses said unto ‡a−¨ ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤ ˙Bq´ © Ưe·Ú£·«© ϧ ÈkÀ¦ ¼e‡¯¨Èz¦the people: ‘Fear not; for God is come to prove -ÏÚ© B˙² ‡¨ ¯§È¦ ‰¯È¤‰§ z¦ ¯e·À Ú£·© e Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨you, and that His fear may be before you, that ye ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ „ŸÓ¬ Ú£i©Â© 18 :e‡Ë«¨ Á¡ ˙¤ Èz¬¦ ϧ ·¦ ϧ ÌÎ−¤ È¥t§sin not.’ [18] And the people stood afar off; butMoses drew near unto the thick darkness where ÌL−¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÏÙ¤½ ¯¨Ú£‰«¨ -χ¤ L´b©¦ ƉL¤ ŸÓe ˜ŸÁ® ¯¨Ó¥God was. Ù :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨[19] And the Lord said unto Moses: Thus -χ¤ ¯Ó−© ‡Ÿ˙ ‰Ÿk¬ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 19thou shalt say unto the children of Israel: Ye ÌȦ Ó©½ M¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Èk¦µ Ì˙¤½ ȇ¦ ¯§ Ìz´¤ ‡© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§yourselves have seen that I have talked with youfrom heaven. [20] Ye shall not make with Me— ȉ¥ŸÏ³ ‡¡ Èz®¦ ‡¦ ÔeN− Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ 20 :ÌΫ¤ n¨ Ú¦ Èz¦ ¯§a−© c¦gods of silver, or gods of gold, ye shall not make Á´a© ʧ Ó¦ 21 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ eN− Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ·‰¨½ ʨ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡Â¥ ÆÛÒ¤ ΤÆunto you. [21] An altar of earth thou shalt make -˙‡¤ ÂÈϨÀ Ú¨ z´¨ Á§ ·© ʨ§ ¼Èl¦ -‰N¤ Ú£z© »‰Ó¨ „¨‡£unto Me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt-offerings, and thy peace-offerings, thy sheep, -˙‡¤ § E− § ‡Ÿˆ« -˙‡¤ EÈÓ¤½ Ϩ L§ -˙‡¤ § ÆEÈ˙ƤŸÏŸÚand thine oxen; in every place where I cause My ÈÓ½¦ L§ -˙‡¤ ¯Èk´¦ ʧ‡© ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÌB˜n¨ ‰© -ÏΨ a§ E¯®¤˜¨a§name to be mentioned I will come unto thee and Á³a© ʧ Ó¦ -̇¦ § 22 :EÈz«¦ Χ ¯©·¥ e EÈÏ−¤‡¥ ‡B·¬ ‡¨bless thee. [22] And if thou make Me an altar ofstone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stones; for ˙ÈÊ®¦b¨ Ô‰−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‰¬¤·§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« Èl¦½ -‰N¤ Ú£z«© ÆÌȦ ·¨ ‡£if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast profaned -‡ŸÏ« § 23 :‰¨ Ï«¤ ϧ Á«© z§ © ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤ Ú¨ z¨ Ù§¬©‰¥ E² a§ ¯§Á© Èk¯¦it. [23] Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto -‡ŸÏ« ¯²L¤ ‡£ ÈÁ®¦ a§ ʧ Ó¦ -ÏÚ«© ˙ŸÏ− Ú£Ó© ·§ ‰¬Ï¤ Ú£˙©Mine altar, that thy nakedness be not uncoveredthereon. Ù :ÂÈÏ«¨ Ú¨ E− ˙§ ¨¯§Ú¤ ‰¬Ï¤ b¨˙¦ 143 143
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