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Home Explore re_torah


Published by agendler, 2018-06-18 15:19:10

Description: re_torah

Keywords: torah,Russian


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<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÌÈËÙ˘Ó 21 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 21.1 mishpatim ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙mishpatim ÌÈËÙ˘Ó Now these are the ordinances which21 21thou shalt set before them. ÌÈN−¦ z¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌÈ˽¦ t¨ L§ n¦ ‰© Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ §[2] IfthoubuyaHebrewservant,sixyearshe ÌÈ−¦ L¨ L¬L¥ ȯ½¦·§ Ú¦ „·¤ ´Ú¤ Ɖ¤˜§ ˙¦ Èk³¦ 2 :̉«¤ È¥Ù§ Ϧshall serve; and in the seventh he shall go out freefor nothing. [3] If he come in by himself, he shall -̇¦ 3 :Ì«p¨Á¦ ÈL−¦ Ù§ Á¨ Ï«© ‡¬ˆ¥ È¥ ˙Ú½¦ ·¦ M§ ·©¸ e „Ÿ·® ڣȩgo out by himself; if he be married, then his wife ‡e‰½ ƉM¨ ‡¦ ÏÚ© ³a©-̇¦ ‡®ˆ¥ È¥ Bt´ ‚©a§ ‡Ÿ·− Ȩ Bt¬ ‚©a§shall go out with him. [4] If his master give him BÏ´ -Ôz¤ Ȧ ÆÂÈ¨Ÿ„‡£ -̇¦ 4 :Bn« Ú¦ Bz− L§ ‡¦ ‰‡¬¨ ˆ§ Ȩ§a wife, and she bear him sons or daughters; thewife and her children shall be her master’s, and ‰M´¨ ‡¦ ‰¨ ˙B®·¨ B‡´ ÌÈ−¦ ·¨ BϬ -‰„¨Ï§ Ȩ§ ‰M¨½ ‡¦he shall go out by himself. [5] But if the servant :Bt« ‚©·§ ‡¬ˆ¥ È¥ ‡e‰− § ‰¨ È¤½Ÿ„‡Ï«© ƉȤ‰§ z¦ ‰¨ È„À¤Ï¨ Ȧshall plainly say: I love my master, my wife, andmy children; I will not go out afrGeoe;d[,6a] nthdenshhailslmaster shall bring him unto -˙‡¤ ÆÈz¦ ·§ ‰Æ© ‡¨ „·¤ Ú¤½ ‰¨ Ưө ‡ŸÈ ¯ŸÓ³ ‡¨ -̇¦ § 5bring him to the door, or unto the door-post; ‡ˆ−¥ ‡¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ È®¨a¨-˙‡¤ § Èz−¦ L§ ‡¦ -˙‡¤ È½¦Ÿ„‡£and his master shall bore his ear through with anawl; and he shall serve him for ever. Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´¨ -χ¤ ÆÂÈ¨Ÿ„‡£ BL³ Èb¦ ‰¦ § 6 :ÈL«¦ Ù§ Á¨ Úˆ©¸ ¯¨Â§ ‰®Ê¨eÊn§ ‰© -χ¤ B‡− ˙Ϥ c½¤‰© -χ¤ ÆBLÈb¦ ‰¦ § [7] And if a man sell his daughter to be amaid-servant, she shall not go out as the men-servants do. [8] If she please not her master, B„−·¨ ڣ© Ú©ˆ¥½ ¯§n© a© ÆBʧ‡¨ -˙‡¤ Âȳ¨Ÿ„‡£who hath espoused her to himself, then shall he Bz− a¦ -˙‡¤ Lȇ²¦ ¯Ÿk¬ Ó§ Ȧ -ÈΫ¦ § 7 Ò :ÌÏ«¨ ŸÚϧlet her be redeemed; to sell her unto a foreignpeople he shall have no power, seeing he hath -̇¦ 8 :ÌÈ„«¦·¨ Ú£‰¨ ˙‡¬ˆ¥ k§ ‡ˆ−¥ ˙¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰Ó®¨ ‡¨ ϧdealt deceitfully with her. [9] And if he espouse d„−¨Ú¨ ȧ BϬ ‡Ï-¯L¤ ‡£ ‰¨ Ȳ¤Ÿ„‡£ ȯ¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ‰Úº¨ ¯¨her unto his son, he shall deal with her after themanner of daughters. [10] If he take him another d¯−¨Î§ Ó¨ ϧ ÏŸL¬ Ó§ Ȧ-‡ŸÏ ȯ²¦Î§ ¨ ̬ک ϧ dc®¨Ù§ ‰¤ §wife, her food, her raiment, and her conjugal ˬt© L§ Ó¦ k§ ‰p¨„®¤Ú¨ ÈÈ«¦ B−·§ Ϧ -̇¦ § 9 :d·«¨-B„‚§ ·¦ a§rights, shall he not diminish. [11] And if he do BÏ® -Áw«©È«¦ ˙¯¤Á−¤ ‡© -̇¦ 10 :dl«¨ -‰N¤ ڣȩ ˙B−a¨ ‰©not these three unto her, then shall she go out fornothing, without money. -̇¦ § 11 :Ú¯«¨‚§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ d˙−¨ ¨ŸÚ§ d˙¬¨ eÒk§ d¯²¨‡¥ L§ [12] He that smiteth a man, so that he dieth, Ì−p¨Á¦ ‰‡¬¨ ˆ§ Ȩ§ d®Ï¨ ‰N−¤ ڣȩ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰l¤ ‡¥½ -LϨ¸ L§shall surely be put to death. [13] And if a man lienot in wait, but God cause it to come to hand;then I will appoint thee a place whither he may ˙BÓ¬ ˙Ó−¥ ¨ Lȇ²¦ ‰¬k¥ Ó© 12 Ò :ÛÒ¤ k«¨ ÔȬ‡¥flee. ‰´p¨‡¦ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ § ‰„½¨ˆ¨ ‡ŸÏ´ ƯL¤ ‡£ © 13 :˙Ó«¨ eÈ [14] And if a man come presumptuouslyupon his neighbour, to slay him with guile; thou Òe− Ȩ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌB˜½ Ó¨ ÆEϧ Èz³¦ Ó§ N© § B„®È¨Ï§shalt take him from Mine altar, that he may die. e‰Ú−¥ ¯¥-ÏÚ© Lȇ²¦ „¬Ê¦È¨-ÈΫ¦ § 14 Ò :‰n¨ L«¨ [15] And he that smiteth his father, or hismother, shall be surely put to death. epÁ−¤ w¨z¦ ÈÁ½¦ a§ ʧӦ ÌÚ´¦ Ó¥ ‰Ó®¨ ¯§Ú¨ ·§ B‚´ ¯§‰¨ ϧ[16] And he that stealeth a man, and selleth ˙BÓ¬ Bn− ‡¦ § ÂȲ·¦ ‡¨ ‰¬k¥ Ó© e 15 Ò :˙eÓ« Ϩhim, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surelybe put to death. B„−Ȩ·§ ‡¬ˆ¨ Ó§ ¦ § B¯²Î¨ Ó§ e Lȇ¯¦ ·¥¸Ÿ‚§ 16 :˙Ó«¨ eÈ[17] And he that curseth his father or his Bn− ‡¦ § ÂȲ·¦ ‡¨ Ϭl¥ ˜© Ó§ e 17 Ò :˙Ó«¨ eÈ ˙BÓ¬mother, shall surely be put to death. [18] And if men contend, and one smite ÌÈL¦½ ¨‡£ Ô·´ªÈ¯¦È§ -ÈΫ¦ § 18 Ò :˙Ó«¨ eÈ ˙BÓ¬the other with a stone, or with his fist, and he die ÛŸ¯®‚§ ‡¤ ·§ B‡´ Ô·¤ ‡−¤ a§ e‰Ú¥½ ¯¥-˙‡¤ ÆLȇ¦ -‰k¨ ‰¦ §not, but keep his bed; [19] if he rise again, and Ìe˜º Ȩ-̇¦ 19 :·k«¨ L§ Ó¦ ϧ Ϭ٩ ¨Â§ ˙eÓ− Ȩ ‡ŸÏ¬ §walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he thatsmote him be quit; only he shall pay for the loss ‰®k¤ n© ‰© ‰w´¨¦ § Bz− § Ú© L§ Ó¦ -ÏÚ© ıeÁ² a© C¬l¥ ‰© ˙§ ‰¦ §of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughlyhealed. a That is, the judges 144 144

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÌÈËÙ˘Ó 21 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 21.20 mishpatim ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[20] And if a man smite his bondman, -ÈΫ¦ § 20 Ò :‡t«¥ ¯©È§ ‡Ÿt¬ ¯©Â§ Ôz−¥ Ȧ Bz² ·§ L¦ ˜¯¬©or his bondwoman, with a rod, and he dieunder his hand, he shall surely be punished. Ë·¤ M¥½ a© ÆB˙Ó¨ ‡£ -˙‡¤ B‡³ Bc¹ ·§ Ú© -˙‡¤ Lȇ¸¦ Á‰k¤ È©[21] Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, ÌBȲ-̇¦ C‡¬© 21 :̘«¥p¨È¦ ÌŸ˜−¨ B„®È¨ ˙Á© z´© ˙Ó−¥ ehe shall not be punished; for he is his money. Bt− Ò§ Ω Ȭk¦ Ìw½© Ȫ ‡ŸÏ´ „ŸÓ® ڣȩ ÌȦ Ó−© BÈ B‡¬ [22] And if men strive together, and hurta woman with child, so that her fruit depart, eÙ¹ ‚§ ¨¸ § ÌÈL¦À ¨‡£ eˆ´ p¨È¦ -ÈΫ¦ § 22 Ò :‡e‰«and yet no harm follow, he shall be surely fined, ÔBÒ® ‡¨ ‰−Ȥ‰§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ‰¨ È„½¤Ï¨ ȧ e‡´ ˆ§ Ȩ§ Ɖ¯¨‰¨ ‰M³¨ ‡¦according as the woman’s husband shall lay upon ÏÚ© ´a© ÆÂÈϨ Ú¨ ˙ÈL³¦ Ȩ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k«© L¥ÀÚ¨ È¥ LB´Ú¨him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.[23] But if any harm follow, then thou shalt give ‰®È¤‰§ Ȧ ÔBÒ− ‡¨ -̇¦ § 23 :ÌÈÏ«¦ Ϧ Ù§ a¦ Ô˙−© ¨Â§ ‰M¨½ ‡¦ ‰«¨life for life, [24] eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand ÔȦ Ú©½ ˙Á© z´© ÔȦ Ú©µ24 :LÙ¤ «¨ ˙Á© z¬© LÙ¤−¤ ‰z¬¨ ˙© ¨Â§for hand, foot for foot, [25] burning for burning, :Ï‚¤¯«¨ ˙Á© z¬© Ï‚¤¯−¤ „Ȩ½ ˙Á© z´© „ȨµÔL®¥ ˙Á© z´© ÔL−¥wound for wound, stripe for stripe. [26] And if a man smite the eye of his Úˆ© ®t¨ ˙Á© z´© Úˆ© t−¤ ‰i¨½Â¦k§ ˙Á© z´© Ɖi¨Â¦k§ 25 ‰k¤¸ È©-ÈΫ¦ § 26 Ò :‰¯«¨eaÁ© ˙Á© z−© ‰¯¾¨eaÁ©bondman, or the eye of his bondwoman, anddestroy it, he shall let him go free for his eye’s B˙− Ó¨ ‡£ ÔȬڥ -˙‡¤ -B‡« Bc²·§ Ú© ÔȬڥ -˙‡¤ Lȇ¹¦sake. [27] And if he smite out his bondman’s Ò :B« ÈÚ¥ ˙Á© z¬© epÁ−¤ l§ L© ȧ ÈL¬¦ Ù§ Á¨ Ï«© d˙®¨ Á£ L«¦ §tooth, or his bondwoman’s tooth, he shall lethim go free for his tooth’s sake. ÏÈt®¦ È© B˙− Ó¨ ‡£ Ô¬L¥ -B‡« Bc²·§ Ú© Ô¬L¥ -̇¦ § 27[28] And if an ox gore a man or a woman, Ù :Bp« L¦ ˙Á© z¬© epÁ−¤ l§ L© ȧ ÈL¬¦ Ù§ Á¨ Ï«©that they die, the ox shall be surely stoned, and its ‰M−¨ ‡¦ -˙‡¤ B‡¬ Lȇ²¦ -˙‡¤ ¯BL¬ Áb©¸ Ȧ -ÈΫ¦ § 28flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of the oxshall be quit. [29] But if the ox was wont to gore -˙‡¤ ÆÏÎ¥ ‡¨ È¥ ‡ŸÏ³ § ¯BMÀ ‰© Ϙ¹¥q¨ Ȧ ÏB˜¸ Ò¨ ˙Ó®¥ ¨in time past, and warning hath been given to Áb¨¸ © Á¯BL ̇¿¦ § 29 :Ș«¦ ¨ ¯BM− ‰© ÏÚ© ¬·© e B¯½ N¨ a§its owner, and he hath not kept it in, but it hath ‡ŸÏ´ § ÆÂÈϨ Ú¨ ·§ a¦ „³Ú© e‰Â§ ÌŸLÀ ϧ L¦ ÏŸÓ´ z§ Ó¦ ‡e‰¹killed a man or a woman; the ox shall be stoned,and its owner also shall be put to death. [30] If ƯBM‰© ‰M®¨ ‡¦ B‡´ Lȇ−¦ ˙ÈÓ¬¦ ‰¥ § ep¯½¤Ó§ L§ Ȧthere be laid on him a ransom, then he shall ˙L´© eÈ ¯Ù¤ Ÿk− -̇¦ 30 :˙Ó«¨ eÈ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ a§ -Ì‚©Â§ Ϙ½¥q¨ Ȧgive for the redemption of his life whatsoever ˙L−© eÈ-¯L¤ ‡£ ϟά k§ BL½ Ù§ © ÔŸÈ´„§t¦ ÆÔ˙© ¨Â§ ÂȮϨ Ú¨is laid upon him. [31] Whether it have gored ason, or have gored a daughter, according to this ˬt¨ L§ n¦ k© Á®b¨È¦ ˙´·©-B‡ Á−b¨È¦ Ô·¬¥-B‡ 31 :ÂÈÏ«¨ Ú¨judgment shall it be done unto him. [32] If the ox B‡´ ¯BM− ‰© Á¬b©È¦ „·¤ ²Ú¤ -̇¦ 32 :Bl« ‰N¤ ¬Ú¨ È¥ ‰−f¤‰©gore a bondman or a bondwoman, he shall give ÂÈ¨½Ÿ„‡Ï«© ÆÔz¥ Ȧ ÌÈϦÀ ˜¨ L§ ÌÈL´¦ ŸÏL§ | ÛÒ¤ ´k¤ ‰Ó®¨ ‡¨unto their master thirty shekels of silver, and theox shall be stoned. Lȇ¹¦ Áz©¸ Ù§ Ȧ -ÈΫ¦ § 33 Ò :Ϙ«¥q¨ Ȧ ¯BM− ‰© §[33] And if a man shall open a pit, or if a epq®¤ Ω ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ § ¯Ÿa− Lȇ²¦ ‰¯¬¤Î§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ B‡Â ¯BaÀman shall dig a pit and not cover it, and an ox ƯBa‰© ÏÚ© ³a© 34 :¯BÓ« Á£ B‡¬ ¯BM− ‰n¨ L¬¨ -ÏÙ© «¨Â§or an ass fall therein, [34] the owner of the pitshall make it good; he shall give money unto the ˙n−¥ ‰© § ÂȮϨ Ú¨ ·§ Ϧ ·ÈL´¦ Ȩ ÛÒ¤ k−¤ Ìl¥½ L© ȧowner of them, and the dead beast shall be his. Lȇ²¦ -¯BL« ÛŸb¯ Ȧ -ÈΫ¦ § 35 Ò :Bl« -‰È¤‰§ È«¦[35] And if one man’s ox hurt another’s, so ¯BM³ ‰© -˙‡¤ e¯¹ Χ Ó¨¸ e ˙Ó®¥ ¨ e‰Ú−¥ ¯¥ ¯BL¬ -˙‡¤that it dieth; then they shall sell the live ox, anddivide the price of it; and the dead also they shall ˙n−¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ ̬‚© § Bt½ Ò§ k©-˙‡¤ eˆ´ Á¨ § ÆÈÁ© ‰© 145 145

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÌÈËÙ˘Ó 21 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 21.36 mishpatim ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙divide. [36] Or if it be known that the ox was Ƈe‰ Á¬b¨© ¯BL´ Èk¦Â Ú„À©B B‡´ 36 :Ôeˆ« Á¡ «È¤wont to gore in time past, and its owner hath notkept it in; he shall surely pay ox for ox, and the Ìl¥¸ L© ÂȮϨ Ú¨ a§ ep¯−¤Ó§ L§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ÌŸL½ ϧ L¦ ÏBÓ´ z§ Ó¦dead beast shall be his own. ˙n−¥ ‰© § ¯BM½ ‰© ˙Á© z´© ƯBL ̬l¥ L© ȧ [37] If a man steal an ox, or a sheep, and killit, or sell it, he shall pay five oxen for an ox, and ¯BL´ ÆLȇ¦ -·Ÿ« ‚§ Ȧ Èk³¦ 37 Ò :Bl« -‰È¤‰§ È«¦four sheep for a ¯˜À¨·¨ ‰M´¨ Ó¦ Á£ B¯®Î¨ Ó§ B‡´ BÁ− ·¨ ˧ e ‰N¤½ -B‡ sheep. [1] If a thief be found breaking22 in, and be smitten so that he dieth, there22shall be no bloodguiltiness for him. [2] If the sun ˙Á© z¬© Ô‡Ÿˆ− -Úa© ¯§‡© § ¯BM½ ‰© ˙Á© z´© ÆÌl¥ L© ȧ ·−p¨ b© ‰© ‡¬ˆ¥ n¨ Ȧ ˙¯¤z²¤ Á§ n© a©-̇¦ :‰O«¤ ‰©be risen upon him, there shall be bloodguiltiness ‰Á¬¨ ¯§Ê¨-̇¦ 2 :ÌÈÓ«¦ c¨ BÏ− ÔȬ‡¥ ˙Ó®¥ ¨ ‰´k¨ ‰ª §for him—he shall make restitution; if he havenothing, then he shall be sold for his theft. [3] If -̇¦ Ìl¥½ L© ȧ Ì´l¥ L© BÏ® ÌÈÓ´¦ c¨ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ LÓ¤ ²M¤ ‰©the theft be found in his hand alive, whether it be Á‡ˆ¥ n¨ ‰¦ -̇«¦ 3 :B˙« ·¨ ¥‚§ a¦ ¯k−© Ó§ ¦ § BϽ Ôȇ´¥ox, or ass, or sheep, he shall pay double. [4] If a man cause a field or vineyard to be ¯BÓ² Á£ -„Ú© ¯BM¯ Ó¦ ‰·¨À ¥b§ ‰© B„¹ Ȩ·§ ‡ˆ¥¸ n¨ ˙¦eaten, and shall let his beast loose, and it feed Èk³¦ 4 Ò :Ìl«¥ L© ȧ ÌȦ−©L§ ÌÈ®i¦Á© ‰N−¤ -„Ú©in another man’s field; of the best of his ownfield, and of the best of his own vineyard, shall he -˙‡¤ ÆÁl© L¦ § ̯¤Î¤½ -B‡ ‰„´¤N¨ ÆLȇ¦ -¯Ú¤ ·§ È©make restitution. ·¬Ë© ÈÓ¥ ¯Á®¥ ‡© ‰„´¥N§ a¦ ¯Ú−¥ ·¦ e B¯½ ÈÚ¦ a§ ‰¯ÈÚ· [5] If fire break out, and catch in thorns, sothat the shocks of corn, or the standing corn, or -Èk«¦ 5 Ò :Ìl«¥ L© ȧ BÓ− ¯§k© ·¬Ë© ÈÓ¥ e e‰„²¥N¨the field are consumed; he that kindled the fire B‡¬ LÈ„½¦b¨ ϴΩ ‡¡ ¤Â§ ÆÌȈ¦ Ÿ˜ ‰‡³¨ ˆ§ Ó¨ e L‡¥¹ ‡ˆ¥¸ ˙¥shall surely make restitution. ¯Ú−¦ ·§ n© ‰© Ìl¥½ L© ȧ Ì´l¥ L© ‰„®¤O¨ ‰© B‡´ ‰Ó−¨ w¨‰© [6] If a man deliver unto his neighbourmoney or stuff to keep, and it be stolen out of -χ¤ Lȇ¸¦ ÁÔz¥ Ȧ-Èk«¦ 6 Ò :‰¯«¨Ú¥ a§ ‰© -˙‡¤the man’s house; if the thief be found, he shall ˙È´a¥ Ó¦ ·−p©‚ªÂ§ ¯ŸÓ½ L§ Ϧ ÆÌÈϦ Î¥-B‡« ÛÒ¤ ³k¤ e‰Ú¥¹ ¯¥pay double. [7] If the thief be not found, thenthe master of the house shall come near unto :ÌȦ «¨ L§ ̬l¥ L© ȧ ·−p¨ b© ‰© ‡¬ˆ¥ n¨ Ȧ-̇¦ Lȇ®¦ ‰¨aGod, to see whether he have not put his hand ˙Ȧ a−© ‰© -ÏÚ© a«© ·¯¬©˜§ ¦ § ·p¨½ b©‰© Ƈˆ¥ n¨ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ³ -̇¦ 7unto his neighbour’s goods. [8] For every matterof trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ a¦ B„−Ȩ Á²Ï© L¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ -̇¦ Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰«¨ -χ¤sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost -ÏÚ© ¯BL¿ -ÏÚ© ÚL© t¤¿ -¯·© c§-Ïk¨-ÏÚ«© 8 :e‰Ú«¥ ¯¥thing, whereof one saith: ‘This is it,’ the cause ofboth parties shall come before aGod; he whom ‰„À¨·¥ ‡£ -Ïk¨-ÏÚ© ‰Ó¨¹ ϧ N© -ÏÚ© ‰N¤¸ -ÏÚ© ¯BÓÁ£ÂaGod shall condemn shall pay double unto his ‡Ÿ·− Ȩ Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰«¨ „Ú©µ ‰Ê¤½ ‡e‰´ -Èk¦ Ưө ‡ŸÈ ¯L³¤ ‡£neighbour. ̬l¥ L© ȧ Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ÆÔÚª ÈL¦ ¯§È© ¯L³¤ ‡£ Ì®‰¤ È¥L§ -¯·© c§ [9] If a man deliver unto his neighbour anass, or an ox, or a sheep, or any beast, to keep, Lȇ¸¦ ÁÔz¥ Ȧ -Èk«¦ 9 Ò :e‰Ú«¥ ¯¥Ï§ ÌȦ−©L§and it die, or be hurt, or driven away, no man -ÏΨ § ‰²N¤ -B‡ ¯BL¬ -B‡ ¯BÓ¸ Á£ e‰Ú¥¹ ¯¥-χ¤seeing it; [10] the oath of the Lord shall bebetween them both, to see whether he have not ‰a−¨ L§ ¦ -B‡ ¯¬a© L§ ¦ -B‡ ˙²Ó¥ e ¯ŸÓ® L§ Ϧ ‰Ó−¨ ‰¥ a§put his hand unto his neighbour’s goods; and ÔÈ´a¥ ƉȤ‰§ z¦ ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ ˙´Ú© ·ª L§ 10 :‰‡«¤ Ÿ¯ ÔȬ‡¥the owner thereof shall accept it, and he shallnot make restitution. [11] But if it be stolen from e‰®Ú¥ ¯¥ ˙Τ ‡´Ï¤ Ó§ a¦ B„−Ȩ Á²Ï© L¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ -̇¦ ̉¤½ È¥L§him, he shall make restitution unto the owner ·−¥b¨È¦ ·Ÿ¬b¨-̇¦ § 11 :Ìl«¥ L© ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ a§ Á˜¬©Ï¨ §thereof. [12] If it be torn in pieces, let him bringit for witness; he shall not make good that which Û¯−¥h¨ Ȧ ÛŸ¯¬Ë¨ -̇¦ 12 :ÂÈÏ«¨ Ú¨ ·§ Ϧ Ìl−¥ L© ȧ Bn® Ú¦ Ó¥was torn. a That is, the judges 146 146

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 22.13 mishpatim ÌÈËÙ˘Ó 22 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[13] And if a man borrow aught of his Ù :Ìl«¥ L© ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰Ù−¨ ¯¥h§ ‰© „®Ú¥ e‰‡´¥ ·¦ ȧneighbour, and it be hurt, or die, the ownerthereof not being with it, he shall surely make ¯´a© L§ ¦ § e‰Ú−¥ ¯¥ ÌÚ¬¦ Ó¥ Lȇ²¦ χ¬© L§ Ȧ -ÈΫ¦ § 13restitution. [14] If the owner thereof be with it, :Ìl«¥ L© ȧ ̬l¥ L© Bn− Ú¦ -Ôȇ¥ ÂȬϨ Ú¨ a§ ˙Ó®¥ -B‡he shall not make it good; if it be a hireling, heloseth his hire. ¯Èδ¦ N¨ -̇¦ Ì®l¥ L© ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ Bn− Ú¦ ÂȬϨ Ú¨ a§ -̇¦ 14[15] And if a man entice a virgin that is not ‰z´¤ Ù© ȧ -ÈΫ¦ § 15 Ò :B¯«Î¨ N§ a¦ ‡a−¨ ‡e‰½betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely paya dowry for her to be his wife. [16] If her father dn®¨ Ú¦ ·´Î© L¨ § ‰N¨ ¯−¨Ÿ‡-‡ŸÏ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰²Ï¨ e˙a§ LȇÀ¦utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay Ô‡¯¥ Ó¨ -̇¦ 16 :‰M«¨ ‡¦ ϧ Bl− ‰p¨¯¬¤‰¨ Ó§ Ȧ ¯Ÿ‰² Ó¨money according to the dowry of virgins. [17] Thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to ¯‰© ŸÓ− k§ ÏŸ˜½ L§ Ȧ ÛÒ¤ ´k¤ BÏ® dz´¨ ˙¦ ϧ ‰¨ È·−¦ ‡¨ Ô‡²¥ Ó¨ ȧlive. ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰Ù−¨ M¥ Ω Ó§ 17 Ò :˙ŸÏ« e˙a§ ‰© [18] Whosoever lieth with a beast shallsurely be put to death. ‰Ó−¨ ‰¥ a§ -ÌÚ¦ ·¬Î¥ ŸL-Ïk¨ 18 Ò Ò :‰«i¤Á© ˙§ ̯®¨Á¢ È«¨ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Ϩ Á©¬·¥ ŸÊ 19 :˙Ó«¨ eÈ ˙BÓ¬ [19] He that sacrificeth unto the gods, saveunto the Lord only, shall be utterly destroyed. [20] And a stranger shalt thou not wrong, ‡ŸÏ´ § ‰−¤B˙-‡ŸÏ ¯¬‚¥Â§ 20 :Bc«·© ϧ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© Èz¬¦ ϧ a¦ :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ Ì˙−¤ ÈȦ ‰¡ Ìȯ¬¦‚¥-Èk«¦ ep®ˆ¤ Á¨ ϧ ˙¦neither shalt thou oppress him; for ye werestrangers in the land of Egypt. [21] Ye shall notafflict any widow, or fatherless child. [22] If thou -̇¦ 22 :Ôep« Ú© ˙§ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌB˙− Ȩ§ ‰¬¨Ó¨ ϧ ‡© -Ïk¨ 21afflict them in any wise—for if they cry at all ÈÏ©½ ‡¥ Ƙک ˆ§ Ȧ ˜ŸÚ³ ˆ¨ -̇¦ Èk´¦ B˙® Ÿ‡ ‰−p¤Ú© ˙§ ‰¬p¥Ú©unto Me, I will surely hear their cry—[23] My Èt½¦ ‡© ‰¯´¨Á¨ § 23 :B˙« ˜¨Ú£ˆ© ÚÓ−© L§ ‡¤ Ú©ŸÓ¬ L¨wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the ÆÌΤ ÈL¥ § eȳ‰¨ § ·¯¤Á®¨ a¤ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ Èz¬¦ ‚§ ¯©‰¨ §sword; and your wives shall be widows, and yourchildren fatherless. Ù :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ÿ˙ȧ ÌÎ−¤ È¥·§ e ˙B½ Ó¨ ϧ ‡© [24] If thou lend money to any of My people, ÆÈ¦ Ú¨ ‰«¤ -˙‡¤ ÈnÀ¦ Ú© -˙‡¤ ‰´Â¤Ï§ z© | ÛÒ¤ ´k¤-̇¦ 24even to the poor with thee, thou shalt not be tohim as a creditor; neither shall ye lay upon him ÔeÓ¬ ÈN¦ ˙§ -‡ŸÏ« ‰L®¤ Ÿk§ BÏ− ‰¬È¤‰§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ Cn¨½ Ú¦interest. [25] If thou at all take thy neighbour’sgarment to pledge, thou shalt restore it unto ˙Ó´© ϧ N© ÏŸa− Á§ z© ÏŸ·¬ Á¨ -̇¦ 25 :CL¤ «¤ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨him by that the sun goeth down; [26] for that is Èk´¦ 26 :BÏ« ep¬·¤ ÈL¦ z§ LÓ¤ M−¤ ‰© ‡Ÿa¬ -„Ú© E®Ú¤ ¯¥his only covering, it is his garment for his skin;wherein shall he sleep? and it shall come to pass, B˙− Ϩ Ó§ N¦ ‡Â‰¬¦ dc½¨·© ϧ ÆB˙eÒΧ ‰˙ÂÒÎ ‡Â‰³¦when he crieth unto Me, that I will hear; for I am ÈÏ©½ ‡¥ ˜´Ú© ˆ§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ ƉȨ‰¨ § ·k¨½ L§ Ȧ ‰n´¤ a© B¯®ŸÚϧgracious. [27] Thou shalt not revile aGod, nor curse Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ 27 Ò :È¦ ‡«¨ Ôep¬Á© -Èk«¦ Èz−¦ Ú§ Ó© L¨ §a ruler of thy people. [28] Thou shalt not delay :¯Ÿ‡« ˙¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ E− n§ Ú© ·§ ‡ÈN¬¦ ¨Â§ Ï®l¥ ˜© ˙§ ‡ŸÏ´to offer of the fulness of thy harvest, and of theoutflow of thy presses. The first-born of thy sons EÈ−¤a¨ ¯Bά a§ ¯Á®¥ ‡© ˙§ ‡ŸÏ´ E− Ú£Ó§ „¦Â§ E¬ ˙§ ‡¨ Ï¥ Ó§ 28shalt thou give unto Me. [29] Likewise shalt thou E®¤‡ŸˆÏ§ E− ¯§ŸLϧ ‰¬N¤ Ú£z© -Ôk«¥ 29 :Èl«¦ -Ôz¤ z¦do with thine oxen, and with thy sheep; sevendays it shall be with its dam; on the eighth day È−¦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¬a© Bn½ ‡¦ -ÌÚ¦ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ȩ ˙³Ú© ·§ L¦thou shalt give it Me. [30] And ye shall be holy ¯N¨¸ ·¨ e ÈÏ®¦ ÔeÈ´‰§ z¦ L„¤Ÿ˜− -ÈL¥ § ‡© § 30 :ÈÏ«¦ -Bz§ z¦men unto Me; therefore ye shall not eat any fleshthat is torn of beasts in the field; ye shall cast it23to the dogs. Ôeά Ϧ L§ z© ·Ï¤ −k¤ Ï© eÏÎ¥½ ‡Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ´ Ɖ٨ ¯¥Ë§ ‰„³¤O¨ a© Thou shalt not utter a false report; put ‡Â§L®¨ ÚÓ© L´¥ ‡O−¨ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ò :B˙« Ÿ‡23 not thy hand with the wicked to be an „¬Ú¥ ˙ŸÈ−‰§ Ϧ ÚL¨½ ¯¨-ÌÚ¦ ÆE„§È«¨ ˙L¤ z³¨ -χ©a That is, the judges 147 147

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÌÈËÙ˘Ó 23 ˙HÂoÓm˘e | TOCtorah EXODUS 23.2 mishpatim ‰¯Â˙unrighteous witness. [2] Thou shalt not follow ÌÈa−¦ ¯©-ȯ«¥Á£ ‡© ‰¬È¤‰§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« 2 Ò :ÒÓ«¨ Á¨a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou bearwitness in a cause to turn aside after a multitude ȯ¬¥Á£ ‡© ˙ŸË² § Ϧ ·¯À¦-ÏÚ© ‰´¤Ú£˙© -‡ŸÏ§ ˙ŸÚ® ¯¨Ï§to pervert justice; [3] neither shalt thou favour a ¯c−©‰§ ˙¤ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ï„¾¨Â§ 3 :˙Ÿh« ‰© ϧ ÌÈa−¦ ¯©poor man in his cause. B‡¬ E² ·§ ȦŸ‡« ¯BL¯ Úbº©Ù§ ˙¦ Èk´¦ 4 Ò :B·« ȯ¦a§ [4] If thou meet thine enemy’s ox or his ass Ò :BÏ« ep·−¤ ÈL¦ z§ ·¬L¥ ‰¨ ‰®Ú¤ Ÿz B¯−ŸÓÁ£going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back tohim again. ˙Á© z´© Æı·¥ Ÿ¯ EÀ ‡£ ©ŸN ¯BÓ´ Á£ ‰‡º¤ ¯§˙¦ -Èk«¦ 5 [5] If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee ·ŸÊ−Ú£z© ·ŸÊ¬Ú¨ BÏ® ·ŸÊ´Ú£Ó¥ z−¨ ϧ „©Á¨ § B‡½ O¨ Ó©lying under its burden, thou shalt forbear to passby him; thou shalt surely release it with him. [6] Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of E− §ŸÈ·§ ‡¤ ˬt© L§ Ó¦ ‰²h¤ ˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ 6 Ò :Bn« Ú¦ ƘÈc¦ˆ© § Ș³¦¨Â§ ˜Á®¨ ¯§z¦ ¯˜¤L−¤ -¯·© c§Ó¦ 7 :B·« ȯ¦a§thy poor in his cause. [7] Keep thee far from afalse matter; and the innocent and righteousslay thou not; for I will not justify the wicked. „Á© ŸL− § 8 :ÚL«¨ ¯¨ ˜Èc−¦ˆ§ ‡© -‡ŸÏ Ȭk¦ ‚Ÿ¯½ ‰£ z© -χ«©[8] And thou shalt take no gift; for a gift blindeth Ûl−¥ Ò© È«¦ ÌÈÁ½¦ ˜§ t¦ ¯´e¥Ú© ȧ Æ„Á© ŸMÆ ‰© Èk³¦ Áw®¨˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´them that have sight, and perverteth the wordsof the righteous. [9] And a stranger shalt thou Ìz¤À ‡© § ıÁ®¨ ϧ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ ¯−‚¥Â§ 9 :ÌȘ«¦ Èc¦ˆ© ȯ¬¥·§ c¦not oppress; for ye know the heart of a stranger, Ì˙−¤ ÈȦ ‰¡ Ìȯ¬¦‚¥-Èk«¦ ¯b¥½ ‰© LÙ¤´¤-˙‡¤ ÆÌz¤ Ú§ „©È§seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. [10] And six years thou shalt sow thy land, Ú¯´©Ê§ z¦ ÌÈ−¦ L¨ L¬L¥ § 10 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§and gather in the increase thereof; [11] but the :d˙«¨ ‡¨ e·z§ -˙‡¤ z−¨ Ù§ Ò© ‡¨ § E®ˆ¤ ¯§‡© -˙‡¤seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie fallow,that the poor of thy people may eat; and what ÆeÏΧ ‡«¨ § dz¨À L§ Ë© § e ‰p¨´Ë¤ Ó§ L§ z¦ ˙Úº¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© § 11they leave the beast of the field shall eat. In like ‰„®¤O¨ ‰© ˙´i©Á© Ï−Ω ‡Ÿz ̯¾¨˙§ Ȧ § En¤½ Ú© È´¥ŸÈ·§ ‡¤manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, andwith thy oliveyard. [12] Six days thou shalt do ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ L³¥ 12 :E˙«¤ Èʥϧ E− Ó§ ¯§Î© ϧ ‰¬N¤ Ú£z© -Ôk«¥thy work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest; ˙Ÿa® L§ z¦ ÈÚ−¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¬·© e EÈN¤½ Ú£Ó© ‰N´¤ Ú£z©that thine ox and thine ass may have rest, and theson of thy handmaid, and the stranger, may be E− ˙§ Ó¨ ‡£ -Ôa¤ L¬Ù¥ p¨È¦Â§ E¯½¤ŸÓÁ£ © ÆE¯§BL« Á©eÀȨ ÔÚ© Ó´© ϧrefreshed. [13] And in all things that I have said ÌÎ−¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ Èz¦ ¯§Ó¬© ‡¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ϟβ ·§ e 13 :¯«b¥‰© §unto you take ye heed; and make no mention ofthe name of other gods, neither let it be heard out e¯Èk½¦ ʧ˙© ‡ŸÏ´ ÆÌȯ¦Á¥ ‡£ Ìȉ³¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ÌL¥¸ § e¯Ó®¥ M¨ z¦of thy mouth. ‚ŸÁ¬ z¨ ÌÈϦ½ ‚¨¯§ LŸÏ´ L¨ 14 :EÈt«¦ -ÏÚ© ÚÓ−© M¨ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ [14] Three times thou shalt keep a feastunto Me in the year. [15] The feast of unleavened ¼¯ŸÓL§ z¦ »˙Bvn© ‰© ‚Á´© -˙‡¤ 15 :‰«¨M¨ a© ÈÏ−¦bread shalt thou keep; seven days thou shalt E˙À¦ Èe¦ˆ¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ k«© ˙Bv¹ Ó© ÏΩ¸ ‡Ÿz ÁÌÈÓ¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, atthe time appointed in the month Abib—for in ˙¨ ‡ˆ´¨ Ȩ B·− -Èk¦ ·È·½¦ ‡¨ ‰«¨ L„¤ŸÁ´ Æ„Ú¥ BÓϧit thou camest out from Egypt; and none shall ‚Á³© § 16 :̘«¨È¯¥ È−©Ù¨ e‡¬ ¯¨È¥-‡ŸÏ§ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦appear before Me empty; [16] and the feast ofharvest, the first-fruits of thy labours, which thou ‰„®¤O¨ a© Ú¯−©Ê§z¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ EÈN¤½ Ú£Ó© ȯ´¥eka¦ ƯȈ¦ w¨‰©sowest in the field; and the feast of ingathering, -˙‡«¤ E¬ t§ Ò§ ‡¨ a§ ‰¨½ M¨ ‰© ˙‡´ˆ¥ a§ ÆÛÒ¦ ‡¨ ‰«¨ ‚Á³© §at the end of the year, when thou gatherest in thy ÌÈÓ−¦ Ú¨ t§ LŸÏ¬ L¨ 17 :‰„«¤O¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ EÈN−¤ Ú£Ó©labours out of the field. [17] Three times in theyear all thy males shall appear before the Lord | ÔŸ„¬‡¨ ‰¨ È−¥t§ -χ¤ E½ ¯§eδ ʧ-Ïk¨ Ɖ‡¤ ¯¨È¥ ‰®¨M¨ a©God. ÈÁ®¦ ·§ ʦ -Ìc© ıÓ−¥ Á¨ -ÏÚ© Á¬a© ʧ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« 18 :‰Â«¨‰È§ [18] Thou shalt not offer the blood of Mysacrifice with leavened bread; neither shall the fat :¯˜¤Ÿa« -„Ú© ÔÈϬ¦ Ȩ-‡ŸÏ« §of My feast remain all night until the morning. ˙ÈL¦À ‡¯¥ 19 È−b¦ Á© -·Ï¤ Á«¥[19] The choicest first-fruits of thy land thou 148 148

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÌÈËÙ˘Ó 23 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 23.20 mishpatim ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙shalt bring into the house of the Lord thy God. EÈ®‰¤ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ ˙Èa−¥ ‡È·¾¦ z¨ E½ ˙§ Ó´¨ „§‡© Æȯ¥eka¦Thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother’s milk. [20] Behold, I send an angel before thee, Ò :Bn« ‡¦ ·¬Ï¥ Á£ a© È„−¦b§ ϬM¥ ·© ˙§ -‡ŸÏ« ÆC‡¨ ϧ Ó© Á©³Ï¥ŸL Èι¦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰p¥¸ ‰¦ 20to keep thee by the way, and to bring thee into EÈ¤½ Ù¨ ϧthe place which I have prepared. [21] Take heed ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌB˜− n¨ ‰© -χ¤ E½ ‡£ È·´¦ ‰£ Ï© § C¯¤c®¨a© E− ¯§Ó¨ L§ Ϧof him, and hearken unto his voice; be notrebellious against him; for he will not pardon BÏ− Ÿ˜a§ ÚÓ¬© L§ e ÂȲ¨t¨ Ó¦ ¯Ó¤ M¯¨ ‰¦ 21 :È˙¦ Ÿ« Φ ‰£your transgression; for My name is in him. Ȭk¦ ÌΤ½ Ú£L§ Ù¦ ϧ ƇO¨ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ³ Èk´¦ Ba® ¯n´¥ z© -χ©[22] But if thou shalt indeed hearken unto his ÆÚÓ© L§ z¦ Ú©BÓ³ L¨ -̇¦ Èk´¦ 22 :Ba« ¯§˜¦ a§ ÈÓ−¦ L§voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be anenemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary ÆÈz¦ ·§ È©‡«¨ § ¯®a¥ „©‡£ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÏŸk− ˙¨ ÈN¦¾ Ú¨ § BϽ Ÿ˜a§unto thine adversaries. [23] For Mine angel C´Ï¥ È¥-Èk«¦ 23 :Eȯ«¤¯§Ÿˆ-˙‡¤ Èz−¦ ¯§ˆ© § EÈ·¤½ ȧŸ‡´ -˙‡¤shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Æȯ¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰«¨ -χ¤ EÀ ‡£ È·«¦ ‰¡ ¤ ¼EÈ¤Ù¨ ϧ »ÈΦ ‡¨ ϧ Ó©Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and ÈÒ®¦ e·È§ ‰© § Èe−¦Á¦ ‰© È½¦ Ú£©k§ ‰«© § ÆÈf¦ ¯¦t§ ‰© § Èz½¦ Á¦ ‰´© §the Canaanite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite; and Iwill cut them off. [24] Thou shalt not bow down Æ̉¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ« ‡Ï¥ ‰³Â¤Á£ z© L§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« 24 :ÂÈz«¦ „§Á© Χ ‰¦ §to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their Èk³¦ Ì®‰¤ ÈN¥ Ú£Ó«© k§ ‰N−¤ Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ § Ì„½¥·§ Ú¨ ˙«¨ ‡ŸÏ´ §doings; but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, :̉«¤ È˙¥ Ÿ·v¥ Ó© ¯a−¥ L© z§ ¯¬a¥ L© § ÌÒ¥½ ¯§‰´¨ z§ ÆÒ¯¥‰¨and break in pieces their pillars. [25] And ye shallserve the Lord your God, and He will bless thy C¯¬©·¥ e ÌΤ½ ȉ¥ŸÏ« ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ ˙‡¥µ Ìz¤À „§·© ڣ© 25bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness ‰Ï−¨ Á£ Ó© È˙¬¦ Ÿ¯Ò¦ ‰£ © EÈÓ®¤ ÈÓ¥ -˙‡¤ § E− Ó§ Á§ Ï© -˙‡«¤away from the midst of thee. [26] None shall ‰¯−¨˜¨ ڣ© ‰¬Ï¨ k¥ L© Ó§ ‰²È¤‰§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ 26 :Ea«¤ ¯§w¦ Ó¦miscarry, nor be barren, in thy land; the numberof thy days I will fulfil. [27] I will send My terror -˙‡¤ 27 :‡l«¥ Ó© ‡£ EÈÓ−¤ Ȩ ¯¬t© Ò§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ E®ˆ¤ ¯§‡© a§before thee, and will discomfit all the people to -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÈ˙¦ Ÿn‰© § EÈ¤½ Ù¨ ϧ Ál´© L© ‡£ ÆÈ˙¦ Ó¨ ȇ«¥whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ Èz¯¦ ˙© ¨Â§ Ì®‰¤ a¨ ‡Ÿ·− z¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨enemies turn their backs unto thee. [28] AndI will send the hornet before thee, which shall -˙‡¤ Èz¬¦ Á§ Ï© L¨ § 28 :Û¯¤ŸÚ« EÈÏ−¤ ‡¥ EȲ·¤ ȧŸ‡drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the -˙‡¤ Èe¯¦Á¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰L¨À ¯§‚¥Â§ EÈ®¤Ù¨ ϧ ‰Ú−¨ ¯§v¦ ‰©Hittite, from before thee. [29] I will not drive ‡ŸÏ¯ 29 :EÈ«¤Ù¨ l§ Ó¦ Èz−¦ Á¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ § Ȳ¦ Ú£©k§ ‰«©them out from before thee in one year, lest theland become desolate, and the beasts of the field ‰³È¤‰§ z¦ -Ôt¤ ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰´¨L¨ a§ EÈ−¤t¨ Ó¦ ep²L¤ ¯§‚¨‡£multiply against thee. [30] By little and little I will :‰„«¤O¨ ‰© ˙¬i©Á© EÈÏ−¤ Ú¨ ‰¬a¨ ¯©Â§ ‰Ó¨½ Ó¨ L§ Æı¯¤‡Æ¨ ‰¨drive them out from before thee, until thou be ¯L´¤ ‡£ „Ú©µ EÈ®¤t¨ Ó¦ epL−¤ ¯§‚¨ ‡£ ˲ک Ó§ ˬک Ó§ 30increased, and inherit the land. [31] And I will setthy border from the Red Sea even unto the sea of -˙‡¤ Èz´¦ L© § 31 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ z−¨ ϧ Á© ¨Â§ ‰¯½¤Ù§ z¦the Philistines, and from the wilderness unto the ÌÈz½¦ L§ Ϧ t§ ̴Ȩ-„Ú© § ÆÛeÒ-Ìi©Ó¦ EÀ ϧ ·ª b§River; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land ˙‡¥µ ÌΤÀ „§È¤a§ Ôz´¥ ‡¤ | Èk´¦ ¯®‰¨ p¨‰© -„Ú© ¯a−¨ „§n¦ Ó¦ einto your hand; and thou shalt drive them outbefore thee. [32] Thou shalt make no covenant -‡ŸÏ« 32 :EÈ«¤t¨ Ó¦ BÓz−¨ L§ ¯©‚¥Â§ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ È´·¥ L§ ŸÈwith them, nor with their gods. [33] They shall ‡ŸÏ³ 33 :˙ȯ«¦a§ ̉−¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ« ‡Ï¥ § ̲‰¤ Ϩ ˙Ÿ¯¬Î§ ˙¦not dwell in thy land—lest they make thee sin Èk³¦ ÈÏ®¦ E− ˙§ Ÿ‡ e‡Èˬ¦ Á£ È©-Ôt¤ E½ ˆ§ ¯§‡© a§ Æe·L§ È¥against Me, for thou wilt serve their gods—forthey will be a snare unto thee. E− ϧ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ-Èk«¦ ̉¤½ ȉ¥ŸÏ´ ‡¡ -˙‡¤ Æ„Ÿ·Ú£˙© That is, the Euphrates. Ù :L˜«¥BÓϧ 149 149

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÌÈËÙ˘Ó 24 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 24.1 mishpatim ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙24 unto the Lord, thou, and Aaron,Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders ofIsrael; and worship ye afar off; [2] and Moses24And unto Moses He said: ‘Come up ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ -χ¤ ‰´Ï¥ Ú£ ¯Ó©¹ ‡¨ ‰L¤¸ ŸÓ-χ¤ § ÌÈÚ−¦ ·§ L¦ § ‡e‰½ È·¦ ‡£ © ·„´¨¨ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© § Ɖz¨ ‡© :˜ŸÁ« ¯¨Ó¥ Ì˙−¤ ȦÁ£ z© L§ ‰¦ § χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥˜§ f¦ Ó¦alone shall come near unto the Lord; but they eL®b¨È¦ ‡ŸÏ´ ̉−¥ § ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ -χ¤ ÆBc·© ϧ ‰L³¤ ŸÓ Lb©¸ ¦ § 2shall not come near; neither shall the people goup with him.’ [3] And Moses came and told the ¯³t¥ Ò© ȧ© ‰L¤À ŸÓ ‡Ÿ·´ i¨Â© 3 :Bn« Ú¦ eÏ− ڣȩ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌÚ¨¾ ‰¨ §people all the words of the Lord, and all the -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ § ‰Â¨½‰È§ ȯ´¥·§ c¦-Ïk¨ ˙‡¥µ ÆÌÚ¨ Ϩordinances; and all the people answered with Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ÏB˜³ ÌÚ¨¹ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ ÔÚ© i©¸Â© ÌÈË®¦ t¨ L§ n¦ ‰©one voice, and said: ‘All the words which theLord hath spoken will we do.’ [4] And Moses ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¤ c¦-¯L¤ ‡£ Ìȯ²¦·¨ c§‰© -Ïk¨ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â©wrote all the words of the Lord, and rose up ‰Â¨½‰È§ ȯ´¥·§ c¦-Ïk¨ ˙‡¥µ ‰L¤À ŸÓ ·Ÿz´ Χ i¦ © 4 :‰N«¤ Ú£©early in the morning, and builded an altar under ¯®‰¨ ‰¨ ˙Á© z´© Á©a−¥ ʧ Ó¦ Ô·¤ ¬i¦Â© ¯˜¤Ÿa½ a© Ì´k¥ L§ i©Â©the mount, and twelve pillars, according tothe twelve tribes of Israel. [5] And he sent the Ȭ˥ ·§ L¦ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ÌȬ¥L§ Ϧ ‰·¨½ v¥ Ó© Ɖ¯¥N§ Ú¤ ÌÈz³¥ L§ eyoung men of the children of Israel, who offered χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æȯ¥Ú£©-˙‡«¤ ÁÏ©À L§ i¦ © 5 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧburnt-offerings, and sacrificed peace-offerings ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© ÌÈÓ²¦ Ϩ L§ ÌÈÁ¯¦ ·¨ ʧ eÁº a§ ʧ i¦ «© ˙ŸÏ® ŸÚ eÏ− Ú£i«©Â©of oxen unto the Lord. [6] And Moses took halfof the blood, and put it in basins; and half of ÌN¤ −i¨Â© Ìc½¨‰© Ȉ´¦ Á£ ƉL¤ ŸÓ Áw³©i¦ © 6 :Ìȯ«¦t¨the blood he dashed against the altar. [7] And :Á©a«¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© ˜¯−©Ê¨ Ìc½¨‰© Ȉ´¦ Á£ © ˙Ÿ®b¨‡© a¨he took the book of the covenant, and read in ̮ڨ ‰¨ È´¥Ê§ ‡¨ a§ ‡¯−¨˜§ i¦ © ˙ȯ½¦a§ ‰© ¯Ù¤ Ò´¥ ÆÁw© i¦ © 7the hearing of the people; and they said: ‘All that ‰¬N¤ Ú£© ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¤ c¦-¯L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk² e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â©the Lord hath spoken will we do, and obey.’[8] And Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it ˜Ÿ¯−ʧi¦ © Ìc½¨‰© -˙‡¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ Áw³©i¦ © 8 :ÚÓ«¨ L§ ¦ §on the people, and said: ‘Behold the blood of the ¯L¤¸ ‡£ Æ˙ȯ¦a§ ‰© -Ì„«© ‰³p¥‰¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ̮ڨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ©covenant, which the Lord hath made with you Ìȯ−¦·¨ c§‰© -Ïk¨ Ϭک ÌΤ½ n¨ Ú¦ Ɖ¨‰È§ ˙¯³©k¨in agreement with all these words.’ [9] Then wentup Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and ‡e‰½ È·¦ ‡£ © Æ·„¨¨ ÔŸ¯®‰£ ‡© § ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ÏÚ© ¬i©Â© 9 :‰l¤ ‡«¥ ‰¨seventy of the elders of Israel; [10] and they saw ˙‡−¥ e‡¾ ¯§i¦ © 10 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥˜§ f¦ Ó¦ ÌÈÚ−¦ ·§ L¦ §the God of Israel; and there was under His feet ˙´©·§ Ϧ ƉN¥ Ú£Ó© k§ ÂÈϨÀ ‚§ ¯© ˙Á© ˙´© § χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡the like of a paved work of sapphire stone, andthe like of the very heaven for clearness. [11] And -χ¤ § 11 :¯‰© ŸË« Ϩ ÌȦÓ−© M¨ ‰© ̈¤ ¬Ú¤ Χ e ¯Èt½¦ q© ‰©upon the nobles of the children of Israel He laid ÆeÊÁ¡ i¤Â«© B„®È¨ ÁÏ−© L¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÆÈÏ¥ Ȉ¦ ‡£not His hand; and they beheld God, and did eat Ò :ez« L§ i¦ © eÏ− Χ ‡Ÿi© Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´¨ -˙‡¤and drink. [12] And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Come Ȳϩ‡¥ ‰¬Ï¥ Ú£ ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 12up to Me into the mount, and be there; and I will ˙ŸÁ´ Ϫ -˙‡¤ E¹ ϧ ‰¨¸ z§ ‡¤ § ÌL®¨ -‰È¥‰§ ¤ ‰¯¨‰−¨ ‰¨give thee the tables of stone, and the law and the Èz¦ ·§ ˙−© k¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Â¨½ ˆ§ n¦ ‰© § Ɖ¯¨Bz‰© § Ô·¤ ‡¤À ‰¨commandment, which I have written, that thoumayest teach them.’ [13] And Moses rose up, and B˙® ¯§L¨ Ó§ Ú©L−ª B‰È¦ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ̘¨´i¨Â© 13 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ¯B‰Ï§Joshua his minister; and Moses went up into the -χ¤ § 14 :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ ¯¬‰© -χ¤ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ÏÚ© ¬i©Â©mount of God. [14] And unto the elders he said: -¯L¤ ‡£ „¬Ú© ‰Ê¤½ ·¨ eÏ´¨ -e·L§ Ưө ‡¨ Ìȳ¦ ˜¥f§ ‰©‘Tarry ye here for us, until we come back untoyou; and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you; 150 150

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 24.15 mishpatim ÌÈËÙ˘Ó 24 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙whosoever hath a cause, let him come near unto ÌΤ½ n¨ Ú¦ ƯeÁ§ ÔŸ¯³‰£ ‡© ‰p¥¸ ‰¦ § ̮Τ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ·eL− ¨them.’ [15] And Moses went up into the mount,and the cloud covered the mount. [16] And the ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ÏÚ© ¬i©Â© 15 :̉«¤ Ï¥ ‡£ L¬b©È¦ Ìȯ−¦·¨ c§ ÏÚ© ¬·©-ÈÓ¦glory of the Lord abode upon mount Sinai, and ÔŸk³ L§ i¦ © 16 :¯‰«¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ô−¨Ú¨ ‰¤ ҬΩ ȧ © ¯®‰¨ ‰¨ -χ¤the cloud covered it six days; and the seventh Ô−¨Ú¨ ‰¤ e‰q¬¥ Ω ȧ © È©½ ÈÒ¦ ¯‰´© -ÏÚ© Ɖ¨‰È§ -„B·k§day He called unto Moses out of the midst of thecloud. [17] And the appearance of the glory of ÌBi¬a© ‰²L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‡¯¯¨˜§ i¦ © ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ L´¥the Lord was like devouring fire on the top of „B·´ k§ Ɖ‡¥ ¯§Ó© e 17 :Ô«¨Ú¨ ‰¤ CBz¬ Ó¦ ÈÚ−¦ È·¦ M§ ‰©the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel. Ȭ¥a§ È−¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ ¯®‰¨ ‰¨ L‡Ÿ¯´a§ ˙Ϥ −Τ Ÿ‡ L¬‡¥ k§ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§[18] And Moses entered into the midst of thecloud, and went up into the mount; and Moses ÏÚ© ´i©Â© Ô−¨Ú¨ ‰¤ CB˙¬ a§ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ ‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© 18 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧwas in the mount forty days and forty nights. ÌBȽ ÌÈÚ´¦ a¨ ¯§‡© ¯‰¨½ a¨ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ȉ³¦ ȧ © ¯®‰¨ ‰¨ -χ¤ Ù :‰Ï¨ ȧϫ¨ ÌÈÚ−¦ a¨ ¯§‡© §terumah ‰Ó¯˙25 saying: [2] ‘Speak unto the childrenof Israel, that they take for Me an offering; of25And the Lord spoke unto Moses, :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © ‰Ó®¨ e¯z§ ÈÏ−¦ -eÁ˜§ Ȧ § χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ Ưa¥ c© 2every man whose heart maketh him willing ye eÁ− ˜§ z¦ Ba½ Ϧ ep´·¤ c§È¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆLȇ¦ -Ïk¨ ˙‡³¥ Ó¥shall take My offering. [3] And this is the offering ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Ó¨½ e¯z§ ‰© Æ˙‡ŸÊ§ 3 :È˙«¦ Ó¨ e¯z§ -˙‡¤which ye shall take of them: gold, and silver, andbrass; [4] and blue, and purple, and scarlet, and :˙L¤ ŸÁ« § e ÛÒ¤ Î−¤ ¨ ·¬‰¨ ʨ Ìz®¨ ‡¦ Ó¥ eÁ− ˜§ z¦fine linen, and goats’ hair; [5] and rams’ skins L¬L¥ § È−¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§ ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ ˙§ e 4dyed red, and sealskins, and acacia-wood; [6] oilfor the light, spices for the anointing oil, and for ˙Ÿ¯¬ŸÚ§ ÌÈÓ²¦ c¨‡¨ Ó§ Ìϯ¦ ȇ¥ ˙Ÿ¯¸ ŸÚ§ 5 :ÌÈf«¦Ú¦ §the sweet incense; [7] onyx stones, and stones ¯Ÿ‡® n¨ Ï© ÔÓ¤ L−¤ 6 :ÌÈh«¦ L¦ Ȭˆ¥ ڣ© ÌÈL−¦ Á¨ z§to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate. ˙¯¤ŸË− ˜§ Ϧ § ‰Á¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ L´¤ ϧ ÆÌÈÓ¦ N¨ a§[8] And let them make Me a sanctuary, that Imay dwell among them. [9] According to all that Ìȇ®¦ lª Ó¦ È−¥·§ ‡© § ̉© ŸL¾ -È¥·§ ‡© 7 :ÌÈn«¦ q© ‰©I show thee, the pattern of the tabernacle, and the Èz−¦ § Ω L¨ § Lc®¨˜§ Ó¦ ÈÏ−¦ eN¬Ú¨ § 8 :ÔL¤ ŸÁ« Ï© § „ŸÙ− ‡¥ Ϩpattern of all the furniture thereof, even so shall E½ ˙§ B‡ ‰‡´¤ ¯§Ó© ÆÈ¦ ‡£ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÏŸÎÀ k§ 9 :ÌΫ¨ B˙a§ye make it. [10] And they shall make an ark of acacia- ÂȮϨ k¥-Ïk¨ ˙È´¦ ·§ z© ˙‡−¥ § Ôk¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© ˙È´¦ ·§ z© ˙‡¥µwood: two cubits and a half shall be the length È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ÔB¯−‡£ eN¬ Ú¨ § 10 Ò :eN« Ú£z© ÔÎ−¥ §thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth ÆȈ¦ ÁÆ¥ ¨ ‰n³¨ ‡© § BkÀ ¯§‡¨ Ȉ¦ Á¥¹ ¨ ÌȦ ˙©¸ n¨ ‡© ÌÈh®¦ L¦thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.[11] And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, ÆB˙Ÿ‡ ˙³¨ Èt¦ ˆ¦ § 11 :B˙« Ó¨ Ÿ˜ Ȉ¦ Á−¥ ¨ ‰n¬¨ ‡© § Ba½ Á§ ¯¨within and without shalt thou overlay it, and ˙¨ ÈN¯¦ Ú¨ § ep®t¤ ˆ© z§ ıeÁ− Ó¦ e ˙Ȧ¬a© Ó¦ ¯B‰½ ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨshalt make upon it a crown of gold round about.[12] And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it, ÆÚa© ¯§‡© BlÀ z¨ ˜§ ´ˆ© Ȩ§ 12 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ ·‰−¨ ʨ ¯¬Ê¥ ÂȲϨ Ú¨and put them in the four feet thereof; and two ÂÈ˙®¨ ŸÓÚ£t© Ú´a© ¯§‡© Ï−Ú© ‰z¨½ ˙© ´¨Â§ ·‰¨½ ʨ ˙ŸÚ´ a§ Ë©rings shall be on the one side of it, and two rings ÆÈz¥ L§ e ˙Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰«¨ ÆBÚϧ ˆ© -ÏÚ© ˙ŸÚÀ a¨ Ë© Èz´¥ L§ eon the other side of it. [13] And thou shalt makestaves of acacia-wood, and overlay them with Èc−¥·© ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 13 :˙È«¦ M¥ ‰© BÚ− ϧ ˆ© -ÏÚ© ˙ŸÚ½ a¨ Ë© 151 151

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 25.14 terumah ‰Ó¯˙ 25 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙gold. [14] And thou shalt put the staves into the ˙³¨ ‡·¥ ‰«¥ § 14 :·‰«¨ ʨ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ˙¬¨ Èt¦ ˆ¦ § ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£rings on the sides of the ark, wherewith to bearthe ark. [15] The staves shall be in the rings of ÔŸ¯®‡¨ ‰¨ ˙ŸÚ´ ϧ ˆ© Ï−Ú© ˙ŸÚ½ a¨ h© a© ÆÌÈc¦a© ‰© -˙‡¤the ark; they shall not be taken from it. [16] And ÔŸ¯½ ‡¨ ‰¨ Æ˙ŸÚa§ Ë© a§ 15 :̉«¤ a¨ ÔŸ¯−‡¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ˙‡¬N¥ Ϩthou shalt put into the ark the testimony whichI shall give thee. [17] And thou shalt make an z−¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 16 :epn«¤ Ó¦ e¯Ò−ª Ȩ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌÈc®¦a© ‰© eÈ−‰§ Ȧark-cover of pure gold: two cubits and a half :EÈÏ«¤ ‡¥ Ôz−¥ ‡¤ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙„½ªÚ¥ ‰¨ ˙‡¥µ ÔŸ¯®‡¨ ‰¨ -χ¤shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half ÆȈ¦ ÁÆ¥ ¨ ÌȦ ˙³© n¨ ‡© ¯B‰® ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨ ˙¯¤Ÿt− Ω ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 17the breadth thereof. [18] And thou shalt maketwo cherubim of gold; of beaten work shalt thou ˙¨ ÈN²¦ Ú¨ § 18 :da«¨ Á§ ¯¨ Ȉ¦ Á−¥ ¨ ‰n¬¨ ‡© § dk¨½ ¯§‡¨make them, at the two ends of the ark-cover. Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ‰N´¤ Ú£z© ƉL¨ ˜§ Ó¦ ·®‰¨ ʨ ÌÈ·−¦ ¯ªk§ ÌȦ¬©L§[19] And make one cherub at the one end, andone cherub at the other end; of one piece with „Á³¨ ‡¤ ·e¯¸ k§ ‰N¥ ڣ©Â19 :˙¯¤Ÿt« k© ‰© ˙Bˆ¬ ˜§ È−¥M§ Ó¦the ark-cover shall ye make the cherubim of the -ÔÓ¦ ‰®f¤Ó¦ ‰ˆ−¨ w¨Ó¦ „Á¬¨ ‡¤ -·e¯Î§ e ‰f¤½Ó¦ Ɖˆ¨ w¨Ó¦two ends thereof. [20] And the cherubim shall Ȭ¥L§ -ÏÚ© ÌÈ·−¦ ¯ªk§ ‰© -˙‡¤ eN¬ Ú£z© ˙¯¤Ÿt² k© ‰©spread out their wings on high, screening theark-cover with their wings, with their faces one ÌȦ Ù©¹ ¨Î§ ÈN¥¸ ¯§Ÿt ÁÌÈ·¦ ¯ªk§ ‰© eÈ´‰¨ § 20 :ÂÈ˙«¨ Bˆ˜§to another; toward the ark-cover shall the faces ˙¯¤Ÿt½ k© ‰© -ÏÚ© Æ̉¤ ÈÙ¥ § Ω a§ ÌÈγ¦ Χ ŸÒ ‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó©À ϧof the cherubim be. [21] And thou shalt put theark-cover above upon the ark; and in the ark eÈ−‰§ Ȧ ˙¯¤Ÿt½ k© ‰© -χ¤ ÂÈÁ®¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ Lȇ´¦ ̉−¤ È¥Ù§ ethou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee. -ÏÚ© ˙¯¤Ÿt² k© ‰© -˙‡¤ z¯¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 21 :ÌÈ·«¦ ¯ªk§ ‰© Ȭ¥t§[22] And there I will meet with thee, and I willspeak with thee from above the ark-cover, from -˙‡¤ ÆÔz¥ z¦ ÔŸ¯½ ‡¨ ‰´¨ -χ¤ § ‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó®¨ ϧ Ó¦ ÔŸ¯−‡¨ ‰¨between the two cherubim which are upon the »Eϧ Èz´¦ „§Ú© B§ 22 :EÈÏ«¤ ‡¥ Ôz−¥ ‡¤ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙„½ªÚ¥ ‰´¨ark of the testimony, of all things which I will È´¥L§ ÆÔÈa¥ Ó¦ ˙¯¤ŸtÀ k© ‰© Ï´Ú© Ó¥ E¹ z§ ‡¦ Èz¸¦ ¯§a© „¦Â§ ¼ÌL¨give thee in commandment unto the childrenof Israel. -Ïk¨ ˙‡´¥ ˙„®ªÚ¥ ‰¨ ÔŸ¯´‡£ -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ ÌÈ·½¦ ¯ªk§ ‰©[23] And thou shalt make a table of acacia- Ù :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -χ¤ E− ˙§ B‡ ‰²e¤ˆ© ‡£ ¯L¯¤ ‡£wood: two cubits shall be the length thereof, anda cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half ÆBk¯§‡¨ ÌȦ ˙³© n¨ ‡© ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ÔÁ−¨ ϧ Lª ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 23the height thereof. [24] And thou shalt overlay ˙¬¨ Èt¦ ˆ¦ § 24 :B˙« Ó¨ Ÿ˜ Ȉ¦ Á−¥ ¨ ‰n¬¨ ‡© § Ba½ Á§ ¯¨ ‰n´¨ ‡© §it with pure gold, and make thereto a crown of :·È·«¦ Ò¨ ·‰−¨ ʨ ¯¬Ê¥ Bl² ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § ¯B‰® ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨ B˙− Ÿ‡gold round about. [25] And thou shalt make untoit a border of a handbreadth round about, and ˙¨ ÈN¯¦ Ú¨ § ·È·®¦ Ò¨ ÁÙ© ŸË− ˙¯¤²b¤Ò§ Ó¦ Bl¬ ˙¨ ÈN¦¸ Ú¨ § 25thou shalt make a golden crown to the border Bl½ ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ § 26 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Bz− ¯§b©Ò§ Ó¦ ϧ ·²‰¨ ʨ-¯Ê¥thereof round about. [26] And thou shalt makefor it four rings of gold, and put the rings in the ÏÚ©µ ˙ŸÚ½ a¨ h© ‰© -˙‡¤ Æz¨ ˙© ¨Â§ ·®‰¨ ʨ ˙ŸÚ´ a§ Ë© Úa−© ¯§‡©four corners that are on the four feet thereof. :ÂÈÏ«¨ ‚§ ¯© Ú¬a© ¯§‡© ϧ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ˙Ÿ‡½ t¥ ‰© Ú´a© ¯§‡©[27] Close by the border shall the rings be, forplaces for the staves to bear the table. [28] And ÌÈz´¦ ·¨ ϧ ˙ŸÚ® a¨ h© ‰© ¨ÔÈ−Ȥ‰§ z¦ ˙¯¤b¤½ Ò§ n¦ ‰© Æ˙n© Úª ϧ 27thou shalt make the staves of acacia-wood, and ˙¨ ÈN³¦ Ú¨ § 28 :ÔÁ«¨ ϧ Mª ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙‡N−¥ Ϩ ÌÈc½¦·© ϧoverlay them with gold, that the table may be ·®‰¨ ʨ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ˙¬¨ Èt¦ ˆ¦ § ÌÈh½¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ÆÌÈc¦a© ‰© -˙‡¤borne with them. [29] And thou shalt make thedishes thereof, and the pans thereof, and the ÂÈ˙¨¹ Ÿ¯Ú¨ w§ ˙¨ ÈN¦¸ Ú¨ § 29 :ÔÁ«¨ ϧ Mª ‰© -˙‡¤ Ì·−¨-‡O¨ ¦ §jars thereof, and the bowls thereof, wherewith Ô‰®¥ a¨ Cq−© Ȫ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿiw¦ ©Ó§ e ÆÂÈ˙¨ BN˜§ e ÂÈ˙¨À ŸtΩ §to pour out; of pure gold shalt thou make them.[30] And thou shalt set upon the table showbread -ÏÚ«© z¯¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 30 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ‰¬N¤ Ú£z© ¯B‰− ˨ ·¬‰¨ ʨbefore Me alway. 152 152

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‰Ó¯˙ 25 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 25.31 terumah ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[31] And thou shalt make a candlestick of Ù :„ÈÓ«¦ z¨ Ȭ©Ù¨ ϧ ÌÈ−¦ t¨ ÌÁ¤ ¬Ï¤ ÔÁ²¨ ϧ Mª ‰©pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick ‰N³¤ Ú¨ z¥ ‰L¨º ˜§ Ó¦ ¯B‰® ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨ ˙¯−©ŸÓ§ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 31be made, even its base, and its shaft; its cups, ‰¨ ȯ¬¤ŸzÙ§ k© ‰¨ Ȳڤ È·¦ b§ d¨½ ˜¨Â§ d´Î¨ ¯¥È§ Ɖ¯¨Bn§ ‰©its knops, and its flowers, shall be of one piecewith it. [32] And there shall be six branches ÌÈ½¦ ˜¨ ‰M´¨ L¦ § 32 :eÈ« ‰§ Ȧ ‰p¨¬n¤ Ó¦ ‰¨ ÈÁ−¤ ¯¨Ù§ egoing out of the sides thereof: three branches ofthe candlestick out of the one side thereof, and Ædc¨v¦ Ó¦ ‰¯À¨ŸÓ§ È´¥˜§ | ‰L´¨ ŸÏL§ ‰¨ Èc®¤v¦ Ó¦ Ìȇ−¦ ˆ§ ŸÈthree branches of the candlestick out of the other :È«¦ M¥ ‰© dc−¨v¦ Ó¦ ‰¯½¨ŸÓ§ È´¥˜§ ƉL¨ ŸÏL§ e „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰¨side thereof; [33] three cups made like almond- »„Á¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ‰´¤w¨ a© ÌÈ„º¦w¨ Lª Ó«§ ÌÈÚ¦ ·¦ ‚§Â ‰L´¨ ŸÏL§ 33blossoms in one branch, a knop and a flower;and three cups made like almond-blossoms in ÌÈ„²¦w¨Lª Ó§ ÌÈÚÀ¦ ·¦ ‚§ ‰L´¨ ŸÏL§ e ¼Á¯©Ù¤ ¨ ¯Ÿz´ Ù§ k©the other branch, a knop and a flower; so for ˙L¤ L´¥ ϧ Ôk¥µ Á¯©®Ù¨ ¨ ¯Ÿz´ Ù§ k© „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ‰¬¤w¨a©the six branches going out of the candlestick. ‰¯−¨Ÿn§ ·© e 34 :‰¯«¨Ÿn§ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Ìȇ−¦ ˆ§ Ÿi‰© ÌÈ½¦ w¨ ‰©[34] And in the candlestick four cups made likealmond-blossoms, the knops thereof, and the ‰¨ ȯ−¤ŸzÙ§ k© ÌÈ„½¦w¨Lª Ó§ ÌÈÚ®¦ ·¦ ‚§ ‰´Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡©flowers thereof. [35] And a knop under two ÌÈ¹¦ w¨‰© È¥¸ L§ Á˙Á© z© ¯Ÿz¿ Ù§ Ω § 35 :‰¨ ÈÁ«¤ ¯¨Ù§ ebranches of one piece with it, and a knop under ‰p¨n¤½ Ó¦ ÆÌÈ¦ w¨ ‰© ȳ¥L§ ˙Á© z´© ƯŸzÙ§ Ω § ‰p¨n¤À Ó¦two branches of one piece with it, and a knop Æ˙L¤ LÆ¥ ϧ ‰p¨n®¤ Ó¦ ÌÈ−¦ w¨ ‰© Ȭ¥L§ -˙Á© z© ¯Ÿz¾ Ù§ Ω §under two branches of one piece with it, forthe six branches going out of the candlestick. ̬‰¤ ȯ¥ŸzÙ§ k© 36 :‰¯«¨Ÿn§ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Ìȇ−¦ ˆ§ Ÿi‰© ÌÈ½¦ w¨‰©[36] Their knops and their branches shall be of ˙Á−© ‡© ‰L¬¨ ˜§ Ó¦ d²l¨ kª eÈ®‰§ Ȧ ‰p¨n´¤ Ó¦ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ˜§ eone piece with it; the whole of it one beaten work ‰®Ú¨ ·§ L¦ ‰¨ È˙−¤ Ÿ¯¥-˙‡¤ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 37 :¯B‰« ˨ ·¬‰¨ ʨof pure gold. [37] And thou shalt make the lampsthereof, seven; and they shall light the lamps ¯·¤ ¬Ú¥ -ÏÚ© ¯È‡−¦ ‰¥ § ‰¨ È˙¤½ Ÿ¯´¥-˙‡¤ ƉϨ Ú¡‰«¤ §thereof, to give light over against it. [38] And the :¯B‰« ˨ ·¬‰¨ ʨ ‰¨ È˙−¤ ŸzÁ§ Ó© e ‰¨ ȬÁ¤ ˜¨ ϧ Ó© e 38 :‰¨ È«¤t¨tongs thereof, and the snuffdishes thereof, shall -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥ d˙®¨ Ÿ‡ ‰N´¤ ڣȩ ¯B‰− ˨ ·¬‰¨ ʨ ¯²k¨ k¦ 39be of pure gold. [39] Of a talent of pure gold shallit be made, with all these vessels. [40] And see Ì˙¨½ È¦ ·§ ˙©¸ a§ ‰N®¥ ڣ© ‰‡−¥ ¯§e 40 :‰l¤ ‡«¥ ‰¨ ÌÈÏ−¦ k¥ ‰©that thou make them after their pattern, which is Ò :¯‰«¨ a¨ ‰‡−¤ ¯§Ó¨ ‰z¬¨ ‡© -¯L¤ ‡£26being shown thee in the mount. Moreover thou shalt make the ¯N¤ ´Ú¤ ‰N−¤ Ú£z© Ôk¬¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ §26 tabernacle with ten curtains: of fine ˙Ú© Ï´©Ÿ˙§ ÆÔÓ¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ³Î¥ ˙§ e ¯Ê¨ÀL§ Ó¨ LL´¥ ˙ŸÚ® ȯ¦È§twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ‰¬N¤ Ú£z© ·L−¥ ŸÁ ‰¬N¥ Ú£Ó© ÌȲ·¦ ¯ªk§ È½¦ L¨with cherubim the work of the skilful workman ÆÌȯ¦N§ Ú¤ § ‰³¤ŸÓL§ ˙Á©À ‡© ‰«¨ ‰Ú´¨ ȯ¦È§ ‰© | C¯¤Ÿ‡´ 2shalt thou make them. [2] The length of eachcurtain shall be eight and twenty cubits, and ‰Ú−¨ ȯ¦È§‰© ‰n¨½ ‡© a¨ Ú´a© ¯§‡© Æ·Á© Ÿ¯Æ § ‰n¨½ ‡© a«¨the breadth of each curtain four cubits; all the LÓ´¥ Á£ 3 :˙ŸÚ« ȯ¦È§ ‰© -ÏΨ ϧ ˙Á−© ‡© ‰c¬¨Ó¦ ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨curtains shall have one measure. [3] Five curtains d˙®¨ ŸÁ‡£ -χ¤ ‰M−¨ ‡¦ ˙Ÿ¯½ ·§ ŸÁ« ¨ÆÔÈÈƤ‰§ z«¦ ˙ŸÚÀ ȯ¦È§ ‰©shall be coupled together one to another; andthe other five curtains shall be coupled one to :d˙«¨ ŸÁ‡£ -χ¤ ‰M−¨ ‡¦ ˙Ÿ¯½ ·§ ŸÁ« Æ˙ŸÚȯ¦È§ LÓ³¥ Á¨ §another. [4] And thou shalt make loops of blue Ɖڨ ȯ¦È§ ‰© ˙³Ù© N§ Ï´Ú© ˙Ϥ Î¥À z§ ˙Ÿ‡´ ϧ Ï«ª ˙¨ ÈN¦¹ Ú¨ § 4upon the edge of the one curtain that is outmost ˙´Ù© N§ a¦ ƉN¤ Ú£z© Ôγ¥ § ˙¯¤®·¨ ŸÁa© ‰ˆ−¨ w¨ Ó¦ ˙Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰¨in the first set; and likewise shalt thou make in theedge of the curtain that is outmost in the second :˙È«¦ M¥ ‰© ˙¯¤a−¤ Á§ n© a© ‰¨½ BˆÈw´¦‰© ‰Ú¨½ ȯ¦È§‰© 153 153

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 26.5 terumah ‰Ó¯˙ 26 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙set. [5] Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one ¼˙Á¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ‰Ú´¨ ȯ¦È§ a© »‰N¤ Ú£z© ˙Ÿ‡À Ϩ Ï«ª ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£ 5curtain, and fifty loops shalt thou make in the ‰Ú¨½ ȯ¦È§ ‰© ‰´ˆ¥ ˜§ a¦ ƉN¤ Ú£z© ˙Ÿ‡À Ϩ Ï«ª ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£ ©edge of the curtain that is in the second set; theloops shall be opposite one to another. [6] And ˙Ÿ‡½ Ϩ ´lª ‰© Æ˙ŸÏÈa¦ ˜§ Ó© ˙È®¦ M¥ ‰© ˙¯¤´a¤ Á§ n© a© ¯L−¤ ‡£thou shalt make fifty clasps of gold, and couple ÈÒ´¥ ¯§˜© ÌÈM−¦ Ó¦ Á£ ˙¨ ÈN¦¾ Ú¨ § 6 :d˙«¨ ŸÁ‡£ -χ¤ ‰M−¨ ‡¦the curtains one to another with the clasps, that -χ¤ ‰M³¨ ‡¦ ˙ŸÚ¹ ȯ¦È§ ‰© -˙‡¤ Æz¨ ¯§a© Á¦ § ·®‰¨ ʨthe tabernacle may be one whole. Ù :„Á«¨ ‡¤ Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ‰¬È¨‰¨ § ÌÈÒ½¦ ¯¨w§ a© Æd˙¨ ŸÁ‡£[7] And thou shalt make curtains of Ôk®¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© ω¤ Ÿ‡− ϧ ÌÈf½¦ Ú¦ ˙ŸÚ´ ȯ¦È§ Æ˙¨ ÈNƦ Ú¨ § 7goats’ hair for a tent over the tabernacle; elevencurtains shalt thou make them. [8] The length :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ‰¬N¤ Ú£z© ˙ŸÚ− ȯ¦È§ ‰¯¬¥N§ Ú¤ -Èz¥ L§ Ú©of each curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the ‰n¨½ ‡© a«¨ ÆÌÈL¦ ŸÏL§ ˙Á©À ‡© ‰«¨ ‰´Ú¨ ȯ¦È§‰© | C¯¤Ÿ‡´ 8breadth of each curtain four cubits; the eleven ‰c´¨Ó¦ ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ‰Ú−¨ ȯ¦È§ ‰© ‰n¨½ ‡© a¨ Ú´a© ¯§‡© Æ·Á© Ÿ¯Æ §curtains shall have one measure. [9] And thou zº¨ ¯§a© Á¦ § 9 :˙ŸÚ« ȯ¦È§ ‰¯−¥N§ Ú¤ Èz¬¥ L§ Ú© ϧ ˙Á©½ ‡©shalt couple five curtains by themselves, and sixcurtains by themselves, and shalt double over the L¬L¥ -˙‡¤ § „·¨½ ϧ Æ˙ŸÚȯ¦È§‰© LÓ³¥ Á£ -˙‡¤sixth curtain in the forefront of the tent. [10] And ‰´Ú¨ ȯ¦È§‰© -˙‡¤ Æz¨ ϧ Ù© Ψ § „®·¨ ϧ ˙ŸÚ− ȯ¦È§ ‰©thou shalt make fifty loops on the edge of the ˙¨ ÈN¦¹ Ú¨ § 10 :ω¤ Ÿ‡« ‰¨ Ȭ¥t§ ÏeÓ− -χ¤ ˙ÈM¦½ M¦ ‰©one curtain that is outmost in the first set, and ˙Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰«¨ Ɖڨ ȯ¦È§ ‰© ˙³Ù© N§ Ï´Ú© ˙Ÿ‡À Ϩ Ï«ª ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£fifty loops upon the edge of the curtain which is ÏÚ©µ ˙Ÿ‡À Ϩ Ï«ª ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£ © ˙¯¤®·¨ ŸÁa© ‰−¨ŸˆÈw¦ ‰©outmost in the second set. [11] And thou shaltmake fifty clasps of brass, and put the clasps into ˙¨ ÈN²¦ Ú¨ § 11 :˙È«¦ M¥ ‰© ˙¯¤·−¤ ŸÁ‰© ‰Ú¨½ ȯ¦È§ ‰© ˙´Ù© N§the loops, and couple the tent together, that it -˙‡¤ ˙³¨ ‡·¥ ‰¥ § ÌÈM®¦ Ó¦ Á£ ˙L¤ ŸÁ− § ÈÒ¬¥ ¯§˜©may be one. [12] And as for the overhanging part ω¤ Ÿ‡− ‰¨ -˙‡¤ z¬¨ ¯§a© Á¦ § ˙Ÿ‡½ Ϩ ´lª a© ÆÌÈÒ¦ ¯¨w§ ‰©that remaineth of the curtains of the tent, the ˙ŸÚ− ȯ¦Èa¦ Û„½¥ŸÚ‰¨ ÆÁ¯©ÒƤ § 12 :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¬È¨‰¨ §half curtain that remaineth over shall hang over Ï−Ú© Á¯¾©Ò§ z¦ ˙Ù¤ „½¤ŸÚ‰¨ Ɖڨ ȯ¦È§ ‰© Ȉ³¦ Á£ ω¤ Ÿ‡® ‰¨the back of the tabernacle. [13] And the cubit onthe one side, and the cubit on the other side, of ‰n³¨ ‡© ‰¨ § ‰f¤¹Ó¦ ‰n¨¸ ‡© ‰¨ § 13 :Ôk«¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ȯ¬¥ŸÁ‡£that which remaineth over in the length of the ‰È¤¸‰§ Ȧ ω¤ Ÿ‡® ‰¨ ˙ŸÚ´ ȯ¦È§ C¯¤Ÿ‡− a§ Û„½¥ŸÚa¨ Ɖf¤Ó¦curtains of the tent, shall hang over the sides of :B˙« ŸqΩ ϧ ‰−f¤Ó¦ e ‰¬f¤Ó¦ Ôk²¨ L§ n¦ ‰© Èc¯¥ˆ¦ -ÏÚ© Á©e¯¹ Ò¨the tabernacle on this side and on that side, to ÌÏ−¦ ȇ¥ ˙Ÿ¯¬ŸÚ ω¤ Ÿ‡½ Ϩ ƉҤ Χ Ó¦ ˙¨ ÈN³¦ Ú¨ § 14cover it. [14] And thou shalt make a covering forthe tent of rams’ skins dyed red, and a covering ÌÈL−¦ Á¨ z§ ˙Ÿ¯¬ŸÚ ‰²Ò¥ Χ Ó¦ e ÌÈÓ®¦ c¨‡¨ Ó§ Ù :‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó«¨ ϧ Ó¦of sealskins above.[15] And thou shalt make the boards for Ȭˆ¥ Ú£ Ôk®¨ L§ n¦ Ï© ÌÈL−¦ ¯¨w§ ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 15the tabernacle of acacia-wood, standing up. L¯¤w®¨‰© C¯¤Ÿ‡´ ˙Bn− ‡© ¯N¤ ¬Ú¤ 16 :ÌÈ„«¦Ó§ ŸÚ ÌÈh−¦ L¦[16] Ten cubits shall be the length of a board, :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ L¯¤w¬¤‰© ·Á© Ÿ¯− ‰n¨½ ‡© ‰«¨ Ȉ´¦ Á£ © Ɖn¨ ‡© §and a cubit and a half the breadth of each board.[17] Two tenons shall there be in each board, ‰M−¨ ‡¦ ˙Ÿ·½ l¨ Lª Ó§ „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰¨ ÆL¯¤wƤϩ ˙B„À Ȩ Èz´¥ L§ 17joined one to another; thus shalt thou make for ȬL¥ ¯§˜© ÏŸÎ− ϧ ‰N¤½ Ú£z© Ôk´¥ d˙®¨ ŸÁ‡£ -χ¤all the boards of the tabernacle. [18] And thou Ôk®¨ L§ n¦ Ï© ÌÈL−¦ ¯¨w§ ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 18 :Ôk«¨ L§ n¦ ‰© 154 154

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 26.19 terumah ‰Ó¯˙ 26 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙shalt make the boards for the tabernacle, twenty :‰¨Ó«¨ È˙¥ ‰a¨ ‚§¬¤ ˙‡−© Ù§ Ϧ L¯¤˜½¤ Ìȯ´¦N§ Ú¤boards for the south side southward. [19] Andthou shalt make forty sockets of silver under the ˙Á© z−© ‰N¤¾ Ú£z© ÛÒ¤ Τ½ -È¥„§‡© ÆÌÈÚ¦ a¨ ¯§‡© § 19twenty boards: two sockets under one board for L¯¤w³¤‰© -˙Á© z«© ÌÈ¹¦ „¨‡£ È¥¸L§ L¯¤w®¨‰© Ìȯ´¦N§ Ú¤its two tenons, and two sockets under another -˙Á© z«© ÌȲ¦ „¨‡£ ȯ¥L§ e ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿ„ȧ Èz´¥ L§ Ϧ Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ‰¨board for its two tenons; [20] and for the second ÚÏ© ¯ˆ¤ ϧ e 20 :ÂÈ˙«¨ Ÿ„ȧ Èz¬¥ L§ Ϧ „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ L¯¤w¬¤‰©side of the tabernacle, on the north side, twenty Ìȯ−¦N§ Ú¤ ÔBÙ® ˆ¨ ˙‡´© Ù§ Ϧ ˙È−¦ M¥ ‰© Ôk²¨ L§ n¦ ‰©boards. [21] And their forty sockets of silver: twosockets under one board, and two sockets under È´¥L§ ÛÒ¤ ®k¨ ̉−¤ È¥„§‡© ÌÈÚ¬¦ a¨ ¯§‡© § 21 :L¯¤˜«¨another board. [22] And for the hinder part of ÌÈ½¦ „¨‡£ È´¥L§ e „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰«¨ L¯¤w´¤‰© ˙Á© z© µ ÌÈÀ¦ „¨‡£the tabernacle westward thou shalt make six Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© È˙¬¥ k§ ¯§È©Ï§ e« 22 :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ L¯¤w¬¤‰© ˙Á© z−©boards. [23] And two boards shalt thou make ȳ¥L§ e 23 :ÌÈL«¦ ¯¨˜§ ‰M¬¨ L¦ ‰N−¤ Ú£z© ‰n¨ ®È¨for the corners of the tabernacle in the hinderpart. [24] And they shall be double beneath, and Ôk®¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ˙ŸÚ− ˆ§ ˜ªÓ§ Ϧ ‰N¤½ Ú£z© ÆÌÈL¦ ¯¨˜§in like manner they shall be complete unto the ¼‰h¨ Ó© l§ Ó¦ »ÌÈÓ¦ ‡£Ÿ˙« eÈ´‰§ È«¦Â§ 24 :ÌȦ ˙«¨ Ψ ¯§i©a©top thereof unto the first ring; thus shall it be ˙Ú© a−© h© ‰© -χ¤ BL½ ‡Ÿ¯-ÏÚ© ÆÌÈn¦ ˙© eȳ‰§ Ȧ ÂcÀ¨Á§ ȩ§for them both; they shall be for the two corners. ˙ŸÚ− Ÿˆ˜§ n¦ ‰© Ȭ¥L§ Ϧ ̉¤½ È¥L§ Ϧ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ Ôk¥µ ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨[25] Thus there shall be eight boards, and theirsockets of silver, sixteen sockets, two sockets Ì´‰¤ È¥„§‡© § ÌÈL¦½ ¯¨˜§ ‰´¨ŸÓL§ Æeȉ¨ § 25 :eÈ« ‰§ Ȧunder one board, and two sockets under another ˙Á© z©µ ÌÈÀ¦ „¨‡£ È´¥L§ ÌÈ®¦ „¨‡£ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ‰M¬¨ L¦ ÛÒ¤ k¤½board. [26] And thou shalt make bars of acacia- L¯¤w¬¤‰© ˙Á© z−© ÌÈ½¦ „¨‡£ È´¥L§ e „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰¨ L¯¤w´¤‰©wood: five for the boards of the one side of the ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ÌÁ−¦ ȯ¦·§ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 26 :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨tabernacle, [27] and five bars for the boards ofthe other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -ÚÏ© ˆ«¤ ȬL¥ ¯§˜©Ï§ ‰M¨¾ Ó¦ Á£the boards of the side of the tabernacle, for the Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -ÚÏ© ˆ«¤ ȬL¥ ¯§˜©Ï§ ÌÁ½¦ ȯ¦·§ ‰M´¨ Ó¦ Á£ © 27hinder part westward; [28] and the middle bar in ÚÏ© ´ˆ¤ ÆÈL¥ ¯§˜© ϧ ÌÁÀ¦ ȯ¦·§ ‰M´¨ Ó¦ Á£ © ˙È®¦ M¥ ‰©the midst of the boards, which shall pass through ÔŸÎ− Èz¦ ‰© Á©È¯¬¦a§ ‰© § 28 :‰n¨ È«¨ ÌȦ ˙−© Ψ ¯§i©Ï© Ôk¨½ L§ n¦ ‰©from end to end. [29] And thou shalt overlay theboards with gold, and make their rings of gold -χ¤ ‰ˆ−¤ w¨‰© -ÔÓ¦ Á©¯¾¦·§ Ó© ÌÈL®¦ ¯¨w§ ‰© CB˙´ a§for holders for the bars; and thou shalt overlay ·‰¨À ʨ ‰´t¤ ˆ© z§ ÌÈLº¦ ¯¨w§ ‰© -˙‡¤ «§ 29 :‰ˆ«¤ w¨‰©the bars with gold. [30] And thou shalt rear up ÌÈz−¦ a¨ ·‰¨½ ʨ ‰N´¤ Ú£z© Æ̉¤ È˙¥ ŸÚ« a§ Ë© -˙‡¤ §the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof :·‰«¨ ʨ ÌÁ−¦ ȯ¦a§ ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙¬¨ Èt¦ ˆ¦ § ÌÁ®¦ ȯ¦a§ Ï©which hath been shown thee in the mount. [31] And thou shalt make a veil of blue, and ¯¬L¤ ‡£ B˽ t¨ L§ Ó¸¦ k§ Ôk®¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙−¨ ŸÓ˜¥‰£ © 30 ˙Τ Ÿ¯À Ù¨ ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ § 31 Ò :¯‰«¨ a¨ ˙¨ ȇ−¥ ¯§‰¨purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen; withcherubim the work of the skilful workman shall ¯®Ê¨L§ Ó¨ LL´¥ § È−¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§ ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ z§it be made. [32] And thou shalt hang it upon :ÌÈ·«¦ ¯ªk§ d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ‰¬N¤ ڣȩ ·²L¥ ŸÁ ‰¬N¥ Ú£Ó©four pillars of acacia overlaid with gold, their ÌÈh½¦ L¦ È„´¥enÚ© Ɖڨ a¨ ¯§‡© -ÏÚ© d˙¨À Ÿ‡ ‰z´¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 32hooks being of gold, upon four sockets of silver.[33] And thou shalt hang up the veil under the ‰Ú−¨ a¨ ¯§‡© -ÏÚ© ·®‰¨ ʨ ̉−¤ È¥¨ ·‰¨½ ʨ ÌÈt´¦ ˆª Ó§clasps, and shalt bring in thither within the veil ˙Á© z´© »˙Τ Ÿ¯t¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰z´¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 33 :ÛÒ¤ Ϋ¨ -È¥„§‡© 155 155

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 26.34 terumah ‰Ó¯˙ 26 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙the ark of the testimony; and the veil shall divide ˙‡−¥ ˙Τ Ÿ¯½ t¨ Ï© ˙È´a¥ Ó¦ Ɖn¨ Lƨ ˙¬¨ ‡·¥ ‰¥ § ¼ÌÈÒ¦ ¯¨w§ ‰©unto you between the holy place and the mostholy. [34] And thou shalt put the ark-cover upon ÔÈ´a¥ ÌΤ½ Ϩ Æ˙ΤŸ¯Æ t¨ ‰© ‰³Ï¨ Èc¦·§ ‰¦ § ˙e„®Ú¥ ‰¨ ÔB¯´‡£the ark of the testimony in the most holy place. -˙‡¤ Æz¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 34 :ÌÈL«¦ „¨w¢‰© L„¤Ÿ˜¬ ÔÈ·−¥ e L„¤Ÿw½ ‰©[35] And thou shalt set the table without the veil, :ÌÈL«¦ „¨w¢‰© L„¤Ÿ˜− a§ ˙„®ªÚ¥ ‰¨ ÔB¯´‡£ Ï−Ú© ˙¯¤Ÿt½ k© ‰©and the candlestick over against the table on the ˙Τ Ÿ¯½ t¨ Ï© ıeÁ´ Ó¦ ÆÔÁ¨ ϧ Mª ‰© -˙‡¤ z³¨ Ó§ N© § 35side of the tabernacle toward the south; and thoushalt put the table on the north side. [36] And ÚÏ© ¬ˆ¤ ϲک ÔÁ¨½ ϧ Mª ‰© ÁΩ Ÿ´ Ɖ¯¨Ÿn§ ‰© -˙‡¤ §thou shalt make a screen for the door of the Tent, ÚÏ© ¬ˆ¤ -ÏÚ© Ôz−¥ z¦ ÔÁ¨½ ϧ Mª ‰©¸ § ‰¨Ó®¨ Èz¥ Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰©of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined ω¤ Ÿ‡½ ‰¨ Á˙© ´Ù¤ ϧ ÆCÒ¨ Ó¨ ˙¨ ÈN³¦ Ú¨ § 36 :ÔBÙ« ˆ¨linen, the work of the weaver in colours. [37] Andthou shalt make for the screen five pillars of ¯®Ê¨L§ Ó¨ LL´¥ § È−¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§ ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ z§acacia, and overlay them with gold; their hooks ƉM¨ Ó¦ Á£ CÒÀ¨ n¨ Ï© ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ § 37 :̘«¥Ÿ¯ ‰N−¥ Ú£Ó©shall be of gold; and thou shalt cast five sockets ̉−¤ È¥¨ ·‰¨½ ʨ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ ˙³¨ Èt¦ ˆ¦ § ÌÈh½¦ L¦ È„´¥enÚ©of brass for them. And thou shalt make the altar of Ȭ¥„§‡© ‰M−¨ Ó¦ Á£ ̉¤½ Ϩ z´¨ ˜§ ˆ© Ȩ§ ·®‰¨ ʨ -˙‡¤ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § Ò :˙L¤ ŸÁ« §27 27acacia-wood, five cubits long, and fivecubits broad; the altar shall be four-square; and C¯¤Ÿ‡¹ ˙Bn¸ ‡© ÁLÓ¥ Á¨ ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ Á©a−¥ ʧ n¦ ‰©the height thereof shall be three cubits. [2] Andthou shalt make the horns of it upon the four Á©a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰© ƉȤ‰§ Ȧ Ú©e·³ ¯¨ ·Á© Ÿ¯À ˙Bn´ ‡© LÓ¯¥ Á¨ §corners thereof; the horns thereof shall be of ÏÚ©µ ÂÈ˙¨À Ÿ¯§˜© ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ § 2 :B˙« Ó¨ Ÿ˜ ˙Bn− ‡© LŸÏ¬ L¨ §one piece with it; and thou shalt overlay it with ˙¬¨ Èt¦ ˆ¦ § ÂÈ˙®¨ Ÿ¯§˜© ¨ÔȴȤ‰§ z¦ epn−¤ Ó¦ ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿpt¦ Ú´a© ¯§‡©brass. [3] And thou shalt make its pots to takeaway its ashes, and its shovels, and its basins, B½ M§ „©Ï§ ÆÂÈ˙¨ Ÿ¯Èq«¦ ˙¨ ÈN³¦ Ú¨ § 3 :˙L¤ ŸÁ« § B˙− Ÿ‡and its flesh-hooks, and its fire-pans; all the -ÏΨ ϧ ÂÈ˙®¨ ŸzÁ§ Ó© e ÂÈ˙−¨ Ÿ‚ϧ ʧӦ e ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿ˜¯§Ê§Ó¦ e ÆÂÈÚ¨ Ȩ§vessels thereof thou shalt make of brass. [4] And ¯a¨½ Χ Ó¦ ÆBl ˙¨ ÈN³¦ Ú¨ § 4 :˙L¤ ŸÁ« § ‰¬N¤ Ú£z© ÂÈÏ−¨ k¥thou shalt make for it a grating of network of ˙L¤ ¯À¤‰¨ -ÏÚ© ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ § ˙L¤ ŸÁ® § ˙L¤ ¯´¤ ‰N−¥ Ú£Ó©brass; and upon the net shalt thou make fourbrazen rings in the four corners thereof. [5] And :ÂÈ˙«¨ Bˆ˜§ Ú¬a© ¯§‡© Ï−Ú© ˙L¤ ŸÁ½ § ˙ŸÚ´ a§ Ë© ÆÚa© ¯§‡©thou shalt put it under the ledge round the altar Á©a−¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© ·Ÿk¬ ¯§k© ˙Á© z²© d˙¨À Ÿ‡ ‰z´¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 5beneath, that the net may reach halfway up the :Á©a«¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© Ȉ¬¦ Á£ „Ú−© ˙L¤ ¯½¤‰¨ ‰˙´¨ ȧ ‰¨ § ‰h¨ Ó®¨ l§ Ó¦altar. [6] And thou shalt make staves for the altar,staves of acacia-wood, and overlay them with ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ Èc−¥a© Á©a¥½ ʧ n¦ Ï© ÆÌÈc¦·© ˙¨ ÈN³¦ Ú¨ § 6brass. [7] And the staves thereof shall be put into ÂÈc−¨a©-˙‡¤ ‡¬·¨ e‰Â§ 7 :˙L¤ ŸÁ« § Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ˙¬¨ Èt¦ ˆ¦ §the rings, and the staves shall be upon the two ˙ŸÚ¬ ϧ ˆ© Èz²¥ L§ -ÏÚ© ÌÈcÀ¦a© ‰© eÈ´‰¨ § ˙ŸÚ® a¨ h© a©sides of the altar, in bearing it. [8] Hollow withplanks shalt thou make it; as it hath been shown ‰N´¤ Ú£z© ˙ŸÁ− Ϫ ·e·¬ § 8 :B˙« Ÿ‡ ˙¬‡¥ N§ a¦ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰©thee in the mount, so shall they make it. Ôk¬¥ ¯‰−¨ a¨ E² ˙§ Ÿ‡ ‰‡¬¨ ¯§‰¤ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k© B˙® Ÿ‡[9] And thou shalt make the court of the Ôk®¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ¯´ˆ© Á£ ˙‡−¥ ˙¨ ÈN¦¾ Ú¨ § 9 Ò :eN« ڣȩtabernacle: for the south side southward there LL´¥ ¯ˆ¥¹ Á¨ Ϥ ÌÈÚ¸¦ Ϩ ˜§ ‰¨Ó¨ Èz¥ Â-·‚¤«¤ ˙‡´© Ù§ Ϧshall be hangings for the court of fine twinedlinen a hundred cubits long for one side. :˙Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ‰‡−¨ t¥ Ï© C¯¤Ÿ‡½ Ɖn¨ ‡© ·«¨ ‰‡³¨ Ó¥ ¯Ê¨ÀL§ Ó¨[10] And the pillars thereof shall be twenty, and Ìȯ−¦N§ Ú¤ ̬‰¤ È¥„§‡© § Ìȯ½¦N§ Ú¤ ÂÈ„´¨nª Ú© § 10 156 156

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‰Ó¯˙ 27 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 27.11 terumah ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙their sockets twenty, of brass; the hooks of the :ÛÒ¤ k«¨ ̉−¤ Ș¥Lª Á£ © ÌÈ„²¦nª Ú© ‰¨ ȯ¥¨ ˙L¤ ŸÁ® §pillars and their fillets shall be of silver. [11] Andlikewise for the north side in length there shall ‰‡¨ Ó´¥ ÌÈÚ−¦ Ϩ ˜§ C¯¤Ÿ‡½ a¨ ÆÔBÙˆ¨ ˙‡³© Ù§ Ϧ ÔÎ¥¸ § 11be hangings a hundred cubits long, and the ̳‰¤ È¥„§‡© § ÌȯÀ¦N§ Ú¤ ÂÈ„´¨enÚ© § „ÓÚ C¯¤Ÿ‡®pillars thereof twenty, and their sockets twenty,of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets ̉−¤ Ș¥Lª Á£ © ÌÈ„²¦nª Ú© ‰«¨ ȯ¥¨ ˙L¤ ŸÁ½ § ÆÌȯ¦N§ Ú¤of silver. [12] And for the breadth of the court ÌÈÚ−¦ Ϩ ˜§ ÌȨ½ -˙‡© Ù§ Ϧ Ưˆ¥ Á¨ ‰«¤ ·Á© Ÿ¯³Â§ 12 :ÛÒ¤ k«¨on the west side shall be hangings of fifty cubits: ̉−¤ È¥„§‡© § ‰¯½¨N¨ Ú£ Ì´‰¤ È„¥nª Ú© ‰n®¨ ‡© ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£their pillars ten, and their sockets ten. [13] Andthe breadth of the court on the east side eastward ‰Ó¨ „§˜¬¥ ˙²‡© Ù§ Ϧ ¯ˆ¥À Á¨ ‰«¤ ·Á© Ÿ¯´Â§ 13 :‰¯«¨N¨ Ú£shall be fifty cubits. [14] The hangings for the ‰¯¬¥N§ Ú¤ LÓ¥¸ Á£ © 14 :‰n«¨ ‡© ÌÈM¬¦ Ó¦ Á£ ‰Á¨ ¯−¨Ê§ Ó¦one side [of the gate] shall be fifteen cubits: theirpillars three, and their sockets three. [15] And ‰L¨½ ŸÏL§ Ì´‰¤ È„¥nª Ú© Û˙®¥ k¨ Ï© ÌÈÚ−¦ Ϩ ˜§ ‰n²¨ ‡©for the other side shall be hangings of fifteen L¬Ó¥ Á§ ˙È½¦ M¥ ‰© ÆÛ˙¥ k¨ Ï© § 15 :‰L«¨ ŸÏL§ ̉−¤ È¥„§‡© §cubits: their pillars three, and their sockets three. ̉−¤ È¥„§‡© § ‰L¨½ ŸÏL§ ̉´¤ È„¥nª Ú© ÌÈÚ®¦ Ϩ ˜§ ‰¯−¥N§ Ú¤[16] And for the gate of the court shall be a screenof twenty cubits, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, Ìȯ´¦N§ Ú¤ | CÒ´¨Ó¨ ¯ˆ¥¹ Á¨ ‰«¤ ¯Ú© L©¸ ϧ e 16 :‰L«¨ ŸÏL§and fine twined linen, the work of the weaver L¬L¥ § Ȳ¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ϯ© B˙§ ÔÓ¨¹ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ Î¥¸ z§ ‰n¨À ‡©in colours: their pillars four, and their socketsfour. [17] All the pillars of the court round about ‰Ú¨½ a¨ ¯§‡© Æ̉¤ È„¥n«ª Ú© ̘®¥Ÿ¯ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© ¯−ʨL§ Ó¨shall be filleted with silver; their hooks of silver, ¯³ˆ¥ Á¨ ‰«¤ È„¸¥enÚ© -Ïk¨ 17 :‰Ú«¨ a¨ ¯§‡© ̉−¤ È¥„§‡© §and their sockets of brass. [18] The length of thecourt shall be a hundred cubits, and the breadth ̉−¤ È¥„§‡© § ÛÒ¤®k¨ ̉−¤ È¥¨ ÛÒ¤ k¤½ ÌȘ´¦ M¨ Áª Ó§ Æ·È·¦ Ò¨fifty every where, and the height five cubits, of | ·Á© Ÿ¯´Â§ ‰n¨¹ ‡© ·«¨ ‰‡¨¸ Ó¥ Á¯ˆ¥ Á¨ ‰«¤ C¯¤Ÿ‡´ 18 :˙L¤ ŸÁ« §fine twined linen, and their sockets of brass. LL´¥ ˙Bn− ‡© L¬Ó¥ Á¨ ‰Ó²¨ Ÿ˜Â§ ÌÈM¦À Ó¦ Á£ a© ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£[19] All the instruments of the tabernacle in allthe service thereof, and all the pins thereof, and È´Ï¥ k§ ÆÏŸÎϧ 19 :˙L¤ ŸÁ« § ̉−¤ È¥„§‡© § ¯®Ê¨L§ Ó¨all the pins of the court, shall be of brass. -ÏΨ § ÂÈ˙²¨ Ÿ„˙¥ ȧ-ÏΨ § B˙® „¨Ÿ·Ú£ ÏŸÎ− a§ Ôk¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© Ò :˙L¤ ŸÁ« § ¯ˆ−¥ Á¨ ‰¤ ˙Ÿ„¬˙§ Ȧtetsavveh[20] And thou shalt command the childrenof Israel, that they bring unto thee pure olive ‰Âˆ˙oil beaten for the light, to cause a lamp to burn eÁ¸ ˜§ Ȧ § χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ | ‰´e¤ˆ© z§ ‰zº¨ ‡© § 20continually. [21] In the tent of meeting, without ˙ŸÏ¬ Ú£‰© ϧ ¯B‡® n¨ Ï© ˙È˙−¦ k¨ C²Ê¨ ˙Ȧ¬Ê© ÔÓ¤ L´¤ EÈϤ¹‡¥the veil which is before the testimony, Aaron ˙Τ Ÿ¯¹ t¨ Ï© ıeÁ¸ Ó¦ Á„Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ a§ 21 :„ÈÓ«¦ z¨ ¯−¥and his sons shall set it in order, to burn from ÂȲ¨·¨ e ÔŸ¯¯‰£ ‡© B˙¸ Ÿ‡ ÁCŸ¯Ú£È© ˙„ÀªÚ¥ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ¯L´¤ ‡£evening to morning before the Lord; it shall be astatute for ever throughout their generations onthe behalf of the children of Israel. ÆÌϨ BÚ ˙w³©Áª ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯˜¤Ÿa−-„Ú© ·¯¤¬Ú¤ Ó¥ :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ ˙‡−¥ Ó¥ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ¯Ÿ„´Ï§ And bring thou near unto thee Aaron Ò28 28thy brother, and his sons with him, ÔŸ¯¸ ‰£ ‡© -˙‡¤ ÁEÈϤ ‡¥ ·¯´¥˜§ ‰© ‰z¨¿ ‡© §from among the children of Israel, that they χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ CBz² Ó¦ Bz½ ‡¦ ÂÈ´¨a¨-˙‡¤ § EÈÁ¹¦ ‡¨may minister unto Me in the priest’s office, evenAaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, ¯¬Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ ‡e‰² È·¦ ‡£ © ·„¯¨¨ ÔŸ¯¾ ‰£ ‡© ÈÏ®¦ -B‰£ Ω ϧAaron’s sons. [2] And thou shalt make holygarments for Aaron thy brother, for splendour L„¤Ÿ˜− -È„¥‚§ ·¦ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 2 :ÔŸ¯«‰£ ‡© Ȭ¥a§ ¯Ó−¨ ˙¨ ȇ¦ § 157 157

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‰Âˆ˙ 28 ˙HÂoÓm˘e | TOCtorah EXODUS 28.3 tetsavveh ‰¯Â˙and for beauty. [3] And thou shalt speak unto ‰z¨À ‡© § 3 :˙¯¤‡«¨ Ù§ ˙¦ ϧ e „B·− Ψ ϧ EÈÁ®¦ ‡¨ ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© ϧall that are wise-hearted, whom I have filledwith the spirit of wisdom, that they make ÂÈ˙−¦ ‡l¥ Ó¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ·Ï¥½ -ÈÓ¥ Χ Á© -Ïk¨-χ¤ Ưa¥ „©z§Aaron’s garments to sanctify him, that he may BL− c§˜©Ï§ ÔŸ¯²‰£ ‡© È„¯¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ eNº Ú¨ § ‰Ó®¨ Χ Á¨ Á©e¯´minister unto Me in the priest’s office. [4] And eNÀ ڣȩ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÌÈ„¹¦‚¨a§ ‰© ‰l¤ ‡¥¸ § 4 :ÈÏ«¦ -B‰£ Ω ϧthese are the garments which they shall make:a breastplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a ˙Ù¤´¤ˆ§ Ó¦ ıa−¥ L§ z© ˙¤Ÿ˙¬ Χ e ÏÈÚ½¦ Ó§ e Æ„BÙ‡¥ § ÔL¤ ŸÁ³tunic of chequer work, a nitre, and a girdle; and EÈÁ²¦ ‡¨ ÔŸ¯¬‰£ ‡© ϧ L„¤Ÿ˜¹ -È„¥‚§ ·¦ eN¸ Ú¨ § Ë®¥·§ ‡© §they shall make holy garments for Aaron thybrother, and his sons, that he may minister unto ·‰¨½ f¨‰© -˙‡¤ eÁ´ ˜§ Ȧ Æ̉¥ § 5 :ÈÏ«¦ -B‰£ Ω ϧ ÂÈ−¨·¨ ϧ eMe in the priest’s office. [5] And they shall take ˙Ú© ¬Ï© Bz-˙‡¤ § ÔÓ®¨ b¨¯§‡© ‰«¨ -˙‡¤ § ˙Ϥ −Î¥ z§ ‰© -˙‡¤ §the gold, and the blue, and the purple, and thescarlet, and the fine linen. ÔÓ¨¹ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ Î¥¸ z§ Ù :LM«¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ § È−¦ M¨ ‰© ·‰¨ ʨ „ŸÙ® ‡¥ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eN− Ú¨ § 6 [6] And they shall make the ephod of gold,of blue, and purple, scarlet, and fine twined :·L«¥ ŸÁ ‰¬N¥ Ú£Ó© ¯−ʨL§ Ó¨ L¬L¥ § Ȳ¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ϯ© Bzlinen, the work of the skilful workman. [7] Itshall have two shoulder-pieces joined to the Ȭ¥L§ -χ¤ Bl² -‰È¤‰§ È«¦ ˙Ÿ¯À ·§ ŸÁ« ˙ŸÙ´ ˙¥ Χ Èz¯¥ L§ 7two ends thereof, that it may be joined together. ÂÈϨ½ Ú¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆB˙c¨Ùª ‡£ ·L¤ Á³¥ § 8 :¯a«¨ Áª § ÂÈ˙−¨ Bˆ˜§[8] And the skilfully woven band, which is uponit, wherewith to gird it on, shall be like the work ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ z§ ·‰¨À ʨ ‰®È¤‰§ Ȧ epn´¤ Ó¦ e‰N−¥ Ú£Ó© k§thereof and of the same piece: of gold, of blue, -˙‡¤ z¨½ Á§ ˜©Ï´¨ § 9 :¯Ê«¨L§ Ó¨ L¬L¥ § È−¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen. ˙BÓ− L§ ̉¤½ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ z´¨ Á§ z© Ù¦ e ̉© ŸL® -È¥·§ ‡© Èz−¥ L§[9] And thou shalt take two onyx stones, andgrave on them the names of the children of Israel: Ô·¤ ‡´¤ ‰¨ Ï−Ú© Ì˙¨½ ŸÓM§ Ó¦ ƉM¨ L¦ 10 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§[10] six of their names on the one stone, and the Ìȯ²¦˙¨ Bp‰© ‰M¯¨ M¦ ‰© ˙BÓº L§ -˙‡¤ § ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨names of the six that remain on the other stone,according to their birth. [11] With the work of an ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© 11 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ„ϧ B˙k§ ˙È−¦ M¥ ‰© Ô·¤ ¬‡¤ ‰¨ -ÏÚ©engraver in stone, like the engravings of a signet, Èz´¥ L§ -˙‡¤ ÆÁz© Ù© z§ Ì˙¨À ŸÁ ÈÁ´¥ ezt¦ ¼Ô·¤ ‡¤ »L¯©Á¨shalt thou engrave the two stones, according tothe names of the children of Israel; thou shalt ˙Ÿa² Ò© Óª χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ˙ŸÓ− L§ -ÏÚ© ÌÈ½¦ ·¨ ‡£ ‰¨make them to be inclosed in settings of gold. zº¨ Ó§ N© § 12 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ‰¬N¤ Ú£z© ·‰−¨ ʨ ˙Bˆ¬ a§ L§ Ó¦[12] And thou shalt put the two stones upon the Ȭ¥·§ ‡© „ŸÙ½ ‡¥ ‰«¨ ˙ŸÙ´ ˙§ k¦ ÏÚ©µ ÌÈÀ¦ ·¨ ‡£ ‰¨ Èz´¥ L§ -˙‡¤shoulder-pieces of the ephod, to be stones ofmemorial for the children of Israel; and Aaron -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯¸ ‰£ ‡© Á‡N¨ ¨Â§ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ Ϧ ÔŸ¯−k¨ ʦshall bear their names before the Lord upon his ÂÈÙ−¨ ˙¥ Χ Èz¬¥ L§ -ÏÚ© ‰²Â¨‰È§ ȯ¥Ù§ Ϧ Ì˙¨¹ BÓL§two shoulders for a memorial. [13] And thou shalt make settings of gold; :·‰«¨ ʨ ˙Ÿˆ− a§ L§ Ó¦ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 13 Ò :ÔŸ¯«k¨ ʦ ϧ ˙ŸÏ² a¨ ‚§ Ó¦ ¯B‰½ ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨ Æ˙Ÿ¯L§ ¯§L© Èz³¥ L§ e 14[14] and two chains of pure gold; of plaitedthread shalt thou make them, of wreathen work; -˙‡¤ ‰z²¨ ˙© ¨Â§ ˙Ÿ·® Ú£ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ‰¬N¤ Ú£z©and thou shalt put the wreathen chains on thesettings. Ò :˙Ÿˆ« a§ L§ n¦ ‰«© -ÏÚ© ˙Ÿ˙− Ÿ·Ú£‰¨ ˙Ÿ¯¬L§ ¯§L©[15] And thou shalt make a breastplate of ·L¥½ ŸÁ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© ÆËt¨ L§ Ó¦ ÔL¤ ŸÁ³ ˙¨ ÈN¦¹ Ú¨ § 15judgment, the work of the skilful workman; likethe work of the ephod thou shalt make it: of gold, ÔÓ¨¹ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ Î¥¸ z§ ·‰¨ ʨÂepN®¤ Ú£z© „ŸÙ− ‡¥ ‰¬N¥ Ú£Ó© k§of blue, and purple, and scarlet and fine twined :B˙« Ÿ‡ ‰¬N¤ Ú£z© ¯−ʨL§ Ó¨ L¬L¥ § Ȳ¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ϯ© B˙§linen, shalt thou make it. [16] Four-square itshall be and double: a span shall be the length ˙¯¤¬Ê¤Â§ Bk− ¯§‡¨ ˙¯¤¬Ê¤ ÏeÙ® k¨ ‰−Ȥ‰§ È«¦ Ú©e·¬ ¯¨ 16 158 158

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‰Âˆ˙ 28 ˙HÂoÓm˘e | TOCtorah EXODUS 28.17 tetsavveh ‰¯Â˙thereof, and a span the breadth thereof. [17] And ‰Ú−¨ a¨ ¯§‡© Ô·¤ ‡¤½ ˙‡© ´lª Ó¦ ÆB· ˙¬¨ ‡l¥ Ó¦ e 17 :Ba« Á§ ¯¨thou shalt set in it settings of stones, four rows ofstones: a row of carnelian, topaz, and smaragd ¯eh− ‰© ˙˜¤¯½¤·¨ e Ɖ„¨Ë§ t¦ Ì„¤Ÿ‡³ ¯eËÀ Ô·¤ ‡®¨ Ìȯ´¦eËshall be the first row; [18] and the second :ÌŸÏ« ‰£ Ȩ§ ¯Èt−¦ Ò© CÙ¤ Ÿ¬ È®¦ M¥ ‰© ¯eh− ‰© § 18 :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨row a carbuncle, a sapphire, and an emerald; :‰Ó¨ Ï«¨ Á§ ‡© § B·− L§ ÌL¤ ¬Ï¤ ÈL®¦ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ¯eh− ‰© § 19[19] and the third row a jacinth, an agate, and anamethyst; [20] and the fourth row a beryl, and ‰®Ù¥ L§ Ȩ§ ̉© ŸL− § LÈL¬¦ ¯§z© ÈÚ½¦ È·¦ ¯§‰¨ Ưeh‰© § 20an onyx, and a jasper; they shall be inclosed in :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡elÓ¦ a§ eÈ−‰§ Ȧ ·²‰¨ ʨ ÌȈ¬¦ a¨ Lª Ó§gold in their settings. [21] And the stones shallbe according to the names of the children of ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§ ˙ŸÓ¯ L§ -ÏÚ© ¨ÔÈȤ¹‰§ z«¦ ÌÈ¦ ·¨ ‡£ ‰¨ §Â21Israel, twelve, according to their names; like ÆÌ˙¨ BÁ ÈÁ³¥ ezt¦ Ì˙®¨ ŸÓL§ -ÏÚ© ‰¯−¥N§ Ú¤ ÌÈz¬¥ L§the engravings of a signet, every one according :Ë·¤ L«¨ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ Ȭ¥L§ Ϧ ¨ÔÈȤ¾‰§ z«¦ BÓ½ L§ -ÏÚ© Lȇ´¦to his name, they shall be for the twelve tribes.[22] And thou shalt make upon the breastplate ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© ˙−Ϫ ·§ b© ˙ŸL¬ ¯§L«© ÔL¤ ŸÁ² ‰© -ÏÚ© ˙¨ ÈN¯¦ Ú¨ § 22plaited chains of wreathen work of pure gold. ÔL¤ ŸÁ½ ‰© -ÏÚ© Æ˙¨ ÈNƦ Ú¨ § 23 :¯B‰« ˨ ·‰−¨ ʨ ˙Ÿ·® Ú£[23] And thou shalt make upon the breastplatetwo rings of gold, and shalt put the two rings ÆÈz¥ L§ -˙‡¤ z¨À ˙© ¨Â§ ·®‰¨ ʨ ˙BÚ´ a§ Ë© Èz−¥ L§on the two ends of the breastplate. [24] And ‰z¨À ˙© ¨Â§ 24 :ÔL¤ ŸÁ« ‰© ˙Bˆ¬ ˜§ È−¥L§ -ÏÚ© ˙BÚ½ a¨ h© ‰©thou shalt put the two wreathen chains of gold ˙ŸÚ® a¨ h© ‰© Èz−¥ L§ -ÏÚ© ·‰¨½ f¨‰© ˙Ÿ˙´ Ÿ·Ú£ ÆÈz¥ L§ -˙‡¤on the two rings at the ends of the breastplate.[25] And the other two ends of the two wreathen Èz´¥ L§ Æ˙Bˆ˜§ Èz³¥ L§ ˙‡¥¸ § 25 :ÔL¤ ŸÁ« ‰© ˙Bˆ− ˜§ -χ¤chains thou shalt put on the two settings, and ˙Bˆ® a§ L§ n¦ ‰«© Èz´¥ L§ -ÏÚ© Ôz−¥ z¦ ˙Ÿ˙½ Ÿ·Ú£‰¨put them on the shoulder-pieces of the ephod,in the forepart thereof. [26] And thou shalt make :ÂÈ«¨t¨ ÏeÓ¬ -χ¤ „ŸÙ− ‡¥ ‰¨ ˙BÙ¬ ˙§ k¦ -ÏÚ© ‰z²¨ ˙© ¨Â§two rings of gold, and thou shalt put them upon Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ z´¨ Ó§ N© § ·‰¨½ ʨ ˙BÚ´ a§ Ë© ÆÈz¥ L§ ˙¨ ÈN¦À Ú¨ § 26the two ends of the breastplate, upon the edge ¯²L¤ ‡£ B˙¾ Ù¨ N§ -ÏÚ© ÔL¤ ŸÁ® ‰© ˙Bˆ´ ˜§ È−¥L§ -ÏÚ©thereof, which is toward the side of the ephodinward. [27] And thou shalt make two rings of Èz´¥ L§ »˙¨ ÈN¦ Ú¨ § 27 :‰˙¨ ȧa«¨ „ŸÙ− ‡¥ ‰«¨ ¯·¤ ¬Ú¥ -χ¤gold, and shalt put them on the two shoulder- ÁÈz¥ L§ -ÏÚ© Ì˙¨¿ Ÿ‡ ‰z´¨ ˙© ¨Â§ ¼·‰¨ ʨ ˙BÚ´ a§ Ë©pieces of the ephod underneath, in the forepart ÂÈ¨½ t¨ Ïen´ Ó¦ Ɖh¨ ÓÆ© l§ Ó¦ „BÙ³ ‡¥ ‰¨ ˙BÙ¸ ˙§ Φthereof, close by the coupling thereof, above the :„BÙ« ‡¥ ‰¨ ·L¤ Á−¥ ϧ ÏÚ© n©¾ Ó¦ Bz® ¯§a© Á§ Ó© ˙n−© Úª ϧskilfully woven band of the ephod. [28] And theyshall bind the breastplate by the rings thereof ÂÈ˙º¨ ŸÚa§ h© Ó«¦ Â˙Ú·ËÓ ÔL¤ ŸÁ‰© Â-˙‡¤ eÒ´ k§ ¯§È¦ § 28unto the rings of the ephod with a thread of blue,that it may be upon the skilfully woven band of ˙BÈ−‰§ Ï«¦ ˙Ϥ Î¥½ z§ ÏÈ˙´¦ Ù§ a¦ Æ„ŸÙ‡¥ ‰¨ ˙ŸÚ³ a§ Ë© -χ¤the ephod, and that the breastplate be not loosed Ï−Ú© Ó¥ ÔL¤ ŸÁ½ ‰© Á´f©È¦-‡ŸÏ« § „BÙ® ‡¥ ‰¨ ·L¤ Á´¥ -ÏÚ©from the ephod. [29] And Aaron shall bear the -È«¥a§ ˙BÓ¸ L§ -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯‰£ ‡©Â ‡N´¨ ¨Â§ 29 :„BÙ« ‡¥ ‰¨names of the children of Israel in the breastplateof judgment upon his heart, when he goeth in B‡´ Ÿ·a§ Ba− Ϧ -ÏÚ© ˲t¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔL¤ ŸÁ¯ a§ χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧunto the holy place, for a memorial before the :„ÈÓ«¦ z¨ ‰−¨‰È§ -È«¥Ù§ Ϧ ÔŸ¯¬k¨ ʦ ϧ L„¤Ÿw®‰© -χ¤Lord continually. [30] And thou shalt put inthe breastplate of judgment the Urim and the ÆÌȯ¦e‡‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ët¨À L§ n¦ ‰© ÔL¤ ŸÁ´ -χ¤ zº¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 30Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron’s heart, B‡− Ÿ·a§ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© ·´Ï¥ -ÏÚ© Æeȉ¨ § ÌÈn½¦ zª ‰© -˙‡¤ §when he goeth in before the Lord; and Aaron -È¥a§ Ët©¸ L§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯‰£ ‡©Â ‡N´¨ ¨Â§ ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧshall bear the judgment of the children of Israelupon his heart before the Lord continually. Ò :„ÈÓ«¦ z¨ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ Ba² Ϧ -ÏÚ© χ¯¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ 159 159

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‰Âˆ˙ 28 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 28.31 tetsavveh ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[31] And thou shalt make the robe of the ÏÈϬ¦ k§ „BÙ− ‡¥ ‰¨ ÏÈÚ¬¦ Ó§ -˙‡¤ ˙¨ ÈN²¦ Ú¨ § 31ephod all of blue. [32] And it shall have a holefor the head in the midst thereof; it shall have a ‰Ù¨¿ N¨ Bή B˙a§ BL− ‡Ÿ¯-ÈÙ«¦ ‰¬È¨‰¨ § 32 :˙Ϥ Ϋ¥ z§binding of woven work round about the hole of ‡¯²¨Á§ ˙© Ȭ٦ k§ ‚¯À¥Ÿ‡ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© ·È·¹¦ Ò¨ ÂÈÙ¸¦ ϧ Á‰È¤‰§ È«¦it, as it were the hole of a coat of mail, that it benot rent. [33] And upon the skirts of it thou shalt ÂÈϨÀ eL-ÏÚ© ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ § 33 :Ú©¯«¥w¨È¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ Bl− -‰È¤‰§ È«¦make pomegranates of blue, and of purple, and -ÏÚ© È½¦ L¨ ˙Ú© Ï´© B˙§ ÆÔÓ¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ³Î¥ z§ ÆÈ¥Ÿn¯¦of scarlet, round about the skirts thereof; andbells of gold between them round about: [34] a :·È·«¦ Ò¨ ÌÎ−¨ B˙a§ ·²‰¨ ʨ Ȭ¥ŸÓÚ£Ù© e ·È·®¦ Ò¨ ÂÈÏ−¨ eLgolden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell ÔBn® ¯¦Â§ ·‰−¨ ʨ ÔŸÓ¬ Ú£t«© ÔBn½ ¯¦Â§ Æ·‰¨ ʨ ÔŸÓ³ Ú£t© 34and a pomegranate, upon the skirts of the robe -ÏÚ«© ‰¬È¨‰¨ § 35 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ ÏÈÚ−¦ n§ ‰© Ȭϥ eL-ÏÚ©round about. [35] And it shall be upon Aaron tominister; and the sound thereof shall be heard B‡¸ Ÿ·a§ BÏB˜Â ÚÓ´© L§ ¦ § ˙¯®¥L¨ ϧ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡©when he goeth in unto the holy place before the -χ¤ B˙− ‡ˆ¥ ·§ e ‰²Â¨‰È§ ȯ¥Ù§ Ϧ L„¤Ÿw¹ ‰©Lord, and when he cometh out, that he die not. ‡ŸÏ¬ § [36] And thou shalt make a plate of puregold, and engrave upon it, like the engravings of ¯B‰® ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨ ıÈv−¦ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 36 Ò :˙eÓ« Ȩa signet: holy to the lord. [37] And thou shalt :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ«© L„¤Ÿ˜− Ì˙¨½ ŸÁ ÈÁ´¥ ezt¦ ÆÂÈϨ Ú¨ z³¨ Á§ z© Ù¦ eput it on a thread of blue, and it shall be uponthe mitre; upon the forefront of the mitre it shall ‰−Ȩ‰¨ § ˙Ϥ Î¥½ z§ ÏÈ˙´¦ t§ -ÏÚ© ÆB˙Ÿ‡ z³¨ Ó§ N© § 37be. [38] And it shall be upon Aaron’s forehead, ˙Ù¤−¤ˆ§ n¦ ‰© -È«¥t§ ÏeÓ¬ -χ¤ ˙Ù¤®¨ˆ§ n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ©and Aaron shall bear the iniquity committed inthe holy things, which the children of Israel shall ‡N¨¸ ¨Â§ ¼ÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© Áˆ© Ó´¥ -ÏÚ© »‰È¨‰¨ § 38 :‰«È¤‰§ Ȧhallow, even in all their holy gifts; and it shall È´¥a§ ÆeLÈcƦ˜§ È© ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÌÈL¦À „¨w¢‰© ԟ´ڣ-˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡©be always upon his forehead, that they may beaccepted before the Lord. [39] And thou shalt -ÏÚ© ‰³È¨‰¨ § Ì®‰¤ ÈL¥ „§˜¨ ˙Ÿ−z§ Ó© -ÏΫ¨ ϧ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧweave the tunic in chequer work of fine linen, :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ̉−¤ Ϩ ÔBˆ¬ ¯¨Ï§ „ÈÓ½¦ z¨ ÆBÁˆ§ Ó¦and thou shalt make a mitre of fine linen, andthou shalt make a girdle, the work of the weaver ˙Ù¤´¤ˆ§ Ó¦ ˙¨ ÈN−¦ Ú¨ § LL¥½ ˙¤Ÿ˙´ k§ ‰© Æz¨ ˆ§ a© L¦ § 39in colours. [40] And for Aaron’s sons thou shalt ȳ¥·§ Ϧ § 40 :̘«¥Ÿ¯ ‰¬N¥ Ú£Ó© ‰N−¤ Ú£z© ˬ¥·§ ‡© § LL®¥make tunics, and thou shalt make for themgirdles, and head-tires shalt thou make for them, ÌÈË®¦ ¥·§ ‡© ̉−¤ Ϩ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § ˙Ÿ½ z¢ Ϊ ‰N´¤ Ú£z© ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡©for splendour and for beauty. [41] And thou shalt :˙¯¤‡«¨ Ù§ ˙¦ ϧ e „B·− Ψ ϧ ̉¤½ Ϩ ‰N´¤ Ú£z© Æ˙BÚa¨ ‚§ Ó¦ eput them upon Aaron thy brother, and upon -˙‡¤ § EÈÁ½¦ ‡¨ ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© -˙‡¤ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ z³¨ L§ a© ϧ ‰¦ § 41his sons with him; and shalt anoint them, andconsecrate them, and sanctify them, that they Ì„²¨È¨-˙‡¤ ˙¯¨ ‡l¥ Ó¦ e Ì˙¨¹ Ÿ‡ z¨¸ Á§ L© Ó¨ e Bz® ‡¦ ÂÈ−¨a¨may minister unto Me in the priest’s office. Æ̉¤ Ϩ ‰N³¥ ڣ© 42 :ÈÏ«¦ e¬‰£ Φ § Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ z¬¨ L§ c©˜¦ §[42] And thou shalt make them linen breeches tocover the flesh of their nakedness; from the loinseven unto the thighs they shall reach. [43] And ÌȦ¬©˙§ n¨ Ó¦ ‰®Â¨¯§Ú¤ ¯N´© a§ ˙Bq− Ω ϧ „·¨½ -ÈÒ¥ § Χ Ó¦they shall be upon Aaron, and upon his sons, -ÏÚ© § ÔŸ¯¸ ‰£ ‡© -ÏÚ© Áeȉ¨ § 43 :eÈ« ‰§ Ȧ ÌȦ Î−© ¯¥È§ -„Ú© §when they go in unto the tent of meeting, orwhen they come near unto the altar to minister Ìz³¨ L§ ‚¦ ·§ B‡´ „Ú¥À BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ -χ¤ | ̇´¨ Ÿ·a§ ÂÈ¨¹a¨in the holy place; that they bear not iniquity, and ÔŸÂ−Ú¨ e‡¬ N§ Ȧ-‡ŸÏ§ L„¤Ÿw½ a© ˙¯´¥L¨ ϧ ÆÁ©a¥Æ ʧn¦ ‰© -χ¤die; it shall be a statute for ever unto him andunto his seed after him. Ò :Âȯ«¨Á£ ‡© BÚ¬ ¯§Ê©Ï§ e BÏ− ̲Ϩ BÚ ˙w¬©Áª e˙Ó®¥ ¨29 unto them to hallow them, to ministerunto Me in the priest’s office: take one young29And this is the thing that thou shalt do ̲‰¤ Ϩ ‰¬N¤ Ú£z© -¯L«¤ ‡£ ¯·¨¹ c¨‰© ‰Ê¤¸Â§ „Á¯¨ ‡¤ ¯´t© Á˜©Ï§  ÈÏ®¦ Ô‰´¥ Ω ϧ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Lc¬¥˜© ϧbullock and two rams without blemish, [2] and ÌÁ¤ ´Ï¤ § 2 :ÌÓ«¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ÌȦ−©L§ ÌϬ¦ ȇ¥ § ¯˜²¨a¨ -Ôa¤unleavened bread, and cakes unleavened mingled 160 160

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‰Âˆ˙ 29 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 29.3 tetsavveh ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙with oil, and wafers unleavened spread with Ș¬¥È˜¦ ¯§e ÔÓ¤ M¤½ a© ˙ŸÏ´ eÏa§ Æ˙ŸvÓ© ˙Ÿl³ Á© § ˙BvÀ Ó©oil; of fine wheaten flour shalt thou make them. ‰¬N¤ Ú£z© ÌÈh−¦ Á¦ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ¬ ÔÓ¤ M®¨ a© ÌÈÁ´¦ Lª Ó§ ˙Bv− Ó©[3] And thou shalt put them into one basket, andbring them in the basket, with the bullock and „Á¨½ ‡¤ ÏÒ´© -ÏÚ© ÆÌ˙¨ B‡ z³¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 3 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡the two rams. [4] And Aaron and his sons thou Ȭ¥L§ ˙‡−¥ § ¯t¨½ ‰© -˙‡¤¸ § Ïq®¨ a© Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ z¬¨ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ §shalt bring unto the door of the tent of meeting, ·È¯½¦˜§ z© ÆÂÈ¨a¨ -˙‡¤ § ÔŸ¯³‰£ ‡© -˙‡¤ § 4 :ÌÏ«¦ ȇ¥ ‰¨and shalt wash them with water. [5] And thoushalt take the garments, and put upon Aaron :ÌȦn«¨ a© Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ z¬¨ ˆ§ Á© ¯¨Â§ „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ Á˙© t−¤ -χ¤the tunic, and the robe of the ephod, and the -˙‡«¤ z³¨ L§ a© ϧ ‰¦ § ÌÈ„À¦‚¨a§ ‰© -˙‡¤ z´¨ Á§ ˜©Ï¨ § 5ephod, and the breastplate, and gird him with „ŸÙ½ ‡¥ ‰¨ ÏÈÚ´¦ Ó§ Æ˙‡¥ § ˙¤Ÿz½ kª ‰© -˙‡¤ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡©the skilfully woven band of the ephod. [6] And ·L¤ Á−¥ a§ BϽ z´¨ „§Ù© ‡¨ § ÔL¤ ŸÁ® ‰© -˙‡¤ § „ŸÙ− ‡¥ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ §thou shalt set the mitre upon his head, and putthe holy crown upon the mitre. [7] Then shalt z²¨ ˙© ¨Â§ BL® ‡Ÿ¯-ÏÚ© ˙Ù¤−¤ˆ§ n¦ ‰© z¬¨ Ó§ N© § 6 :„ŸÙ« ‡¥ ‰¨thou take the anointing oil, and pour it upon his Æz¨ Á§ ˜©Ï«¨ § 7 :˙Ù¤ «¨ˆ§ n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© L„¤Ÿw−‰© ¯¤Ê¬¥-˙‡¤head, and anoint him. [8] And thou shalt bring BL® ‡Ÿ¯-ÏÚ© z−¨ ˜§ ˆ© Ȩ§ ‰Á¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ L´¤ -˙‡¤his sons, and put tunics upon them. [9] And thoushalt gird them with girdles, Aaron and his sons, ·È¯®¦˜§ z© ÂÈ−¨a¨-˙‡¤ § 8 :B˙« Ÿ‡ z−¨ Á§ L© Ó¨ eand bind head-tires on them; and they shall have Ë¥¹ ·§ ‡© Ì˙¨¸ Ÿ‡ Áz¨ ¯§‚©Á¨ § 9 :˙Ÿ« z¢ kª Ìz−¨ L§ a© ϧ ‰¦ §the priesthood by a perpetual statute; and thou ‰˙¬¨ ȧ ‰¨ § ˙ŸÚ½ a¨ ‚§ Ó¦ Æ̉¤ Ϩ z³¨ L§ ·© Á¨ § ÂÈ¨À·¨ e ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡©shalt consecrate Aaron and his sons. [10] And ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -„È«© ˙¬¨ ‡l¥ Ó¦ e ̮Ϩ BÚ ˙w´©Áª ϧ ‰−p¨‰ª k§ ̲‰¤ Ϩthou shalt bring the bullock before the tent ofmeeting; and Aaron and his sons shall lay their ω¤ Ÿ‡´ È−¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯t¨½ ‰© -˙‡¤ Æz¨ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § 10 :ÂÈ«¨a¨-„ȩ§hands upon the head of the bullock. [11] And -ÏÚ© ̉−¤ È„¥È§-˙‡¤ ÂȲ¨·¨ e ÔŸ¯¯‰£ ‡© CÓ©¸ Ò¨ § „®Ú¥ BÓthou shalt kill the bullock before the Lord, at È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯t−¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ z¬¨ ˧ Á© L¨ § 11 :¯t«¨ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯¬the door of the tent of meeting. [12] And thou Ìc´©Ó¦ Æz¨ Á§ ˜© Ï«¨ § 12 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© t−¤ ‰®Â¨‰È§shalt take of the blood of the bullock, and put itupon the horns of the altar with thy finger; and E®Ú¤ a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ a§ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ˙Ÿ¬¯§˜©-ÏÚ© ‰z²¨ ˙© ¨Â§ ¯t¨½ ‰©thou shalt pour out all the remaining blood at :Á©a«¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© „BÒ− ȧ -χ¤ CŸt½ L§ z¦ Ìc´¨‰© -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ §the base of the altar. [13] And thou shalt take all -˙‡¤ ‰q´¤ Ω Ó§ ‰«© »·Ï¤ Á¥ ‰© -Ïk¨ -˙‡«¤ z¨À Á§ ˜© Ï«¨ § 13the fat that covereth the inwards, and the lobeabove the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat Èz´¥ L§ Æ˙‡¥ § „·¥½ k¨ ‰© -ÏÚ© Æ˙¯¤˙Ƥ Ÿi‰© ˙‡¥À § ¼·¯¤w¤‰©that is upon them, and make them smoke upon z−¨ ¯§Ë© ˜§ ‰¦ § Ô‰®¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ·Ï¤ Á−¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ˙ŸÈ½Ï¨ k§ ‰©the altar. [14] But the flesh of the bullock, and B¯´ŸÚ-˙‡¤ § Ưt¨ ‰© ¯N³© a§ -˙‡¤ § 14 :‰Á¨ a«¥ ʧ n¦ ‰©its skin, and its dung, shalt thou burn with fire ‰®¤Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ− Ó¦ L‡¥½ a¨ ÛŸ¯´N§ z¦ BL½ ¯§t¦ -˙‡¤ §without the camp; it is a sin-offering. [15] Thoushalt also take the one ram; and Aaron and his Áw®¨z¦ „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ÏȦ ‡¬© ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § 15 :‡e‰« ˙‡h−¨ Á©sons shall lay their hands upon the head of the L‡Ÿ¯¬-ÏÚ© ̉−¤ È„¥È§ -˙‡¤ ÂȲ¨·¨ e ÔŸ¯¯‰£ ‡© eι Ó§ Ò¸¨ §ram. [16] And thou shalt slay the ram, and thou -˙‡¤ Æz¨ Á§ ˜© Ï«¨ § ÏȦ ‡®¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ z−¨ ˧ Á© L¨ § 16 :ÏȦ ‡«¨ ‰¨shalt take its blood, and dash it round aboutagainst the altar. [17] And thou shalt cut the ram -˙‡¤¸ § 17 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© z¬¨ ˜§ ¯©Ê¨Â§ BÓ½ c¨into its pieces, and wash its inwards, and its legs, ÆBa¯§˜¦ z³¨ ˆ§ Á© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈÁ®¨ ˙¨ § Ϧ Á©z−¥ ©z§ ÏȦ‡©½ ‰¨and put them with its pieces, and with its head. :BL« ‡Ÿ¯-ÏÚ© § ÂÈÁ−¨ ˙¨ § -ÏÚ© z¬¨ ˙© ¨Â§ ÂÈÚ¨½ ¯¨Î§ e 161 161

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‰Âˆ˙ 29 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 29.18 tetsavveh ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[18] And thou shalt make the whole ram smoke ‰¬Ï¨ŸÚ ‰Á¨ a¥½ ʧ n¦ ‰© ÆÏȦ ‡Æ© ‰¨ -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ z³¨ ¯§Ë© ˜§ ‰¦ § 18upon the altar; it is a burnt-offering unto theLord; it is a sweet savour, an offering made by :‡e‰« ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© ‰¬M¤ ‡¦ Á©BÁ½ È¦ Á©È¯´¥ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ«© ‡e‰−fire unto the Lord. [19] And thou shalt take the ÔŸ¯¯‰£ ‡© CÓ©¸ Ò¨ § È®¦ M¥ ‰© ÏȦ ‡´© ‰¨ ˙‡−¥ z¨½ Á§ ˜©Ï´¨ § 19other ram; and Aaron and his sons shall lay their :ÏȦ‡«¨ ‰¨ L‡Ÿ¯¬-ÏÚ© ̉−¤ È„¥È§-˙‡¤ ÂȲ¨·¨ ehands upon the head of the ram. [20] Then shalt ÆBÓc¨Ó¦ z³¨ Á§ ˜©Ï¨ § ÏȦ ‡©À ‰¨ -˙‡¤ z´¨ ˧ Á© L¨ § 20thou kill the ram, and take of its blood, and put itupon the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and upon ÔʤŸ‡³ Ce¸ z§ -ÏÚ© § ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© ÔʤŸ‡¸ ÁCez§ -ÏÚ© ‰z¨¿ ˙© «¨Â§the tip of the right ear of his sons, and upon thethumb of their right hand, and upon the great -ÏÚ© § ˙È½¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰© ÆÌ„¨È¨ Ô‰¤ Ÿa³-ÏÚ© § ˙È½¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰© ÆÂÈ¨a¨toe of their right foot, and dash the blood against -ÏÚ© Ìc²¨‰© -˙‡¤ z¯¨ ˜§ ¯©Ê¨Â§ ˙È®¦ Ó¨ ȧ ‰© ÌÏ−¨ ‚§ ¯© Ô‰¤ Ÿa¬the altar round about. [21] And thou shalt takeof the blood that is upon the altar, and of the ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ìc¸¨‰© -ÔÓ¦ zº¨ Á§ ˜©Ï¨ § 21 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Á©a−¥ ʧ n¦ ‰©anointing oil, and sprinkle it upon Aaron, and -ÏÚ«© ˙³¨ Èf¥‰¦ § ¼‰Á¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ M´¤ Ó¦ e »Á©a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ«©upon his garments, and upon his sons, and upon ÂÈ−¨·¨ È„¬¥‚§ a¦ -ÏÚ© § ÂȲ¨a¨-ÏÚ© § ÂÈ„½¨‚¨a§ -ÏÚ© § ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡©the garments of his sons with him; and he andhis garments shall be hallowed, and his sons and ÂÈ−¨·¨ È„¬¥‚§ ·¦ e ÂȲ¨·¨ e ÂÈ„½¨‚¨·§ e Ƈe‰ L„¬©˜¨Â§ Bz® ‡¦his sons’ garments with him. [22] Also thou shalt ‰È¨¹Ï§ ‡© ‰«¨ § ·Ï¤ Á¥¸ ‰© ÏȦ ‡© ‰¨ Â-ÔÓ¦ z´¨ Á§ ˜© Ϩ § 22 :Bz« ‡¦take of the ram the fat, and the fat tail, and thefat that covereth the inwards, and the lobe of ˙‡¥¸ § ·¯¤wÀ¤‰© -˙‡¤ ‰q´¤ Ω Ó§ ‰«© | ·Ï¤ Á´¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ §the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that -˙‡¤ § ˙ŸÈÀϨ k§ ‰© Èz´¥ L§ | ˙‡´¥ § Æ„·¥ k¨ ‰© ˙¯¤˙³¤ ŸÈis upon them, and the right thigh; for it is a ram Ȳk¦ ÔÈÓ®¦ i¨‰© ˜BL´ ˙‡−¥ § Ô‰¤½ Ï¥ Ú£ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƷϤ ÁÆ¥ ‰©of consecration; [23] and one loaf of bread, and ˙Á©À ‡© ÌÁ¤ Ϥ¹ ¯k©¸ Φ § 23 :‡e‰« Ìȇ−¦ lª Ó¦ ÏȬ‡¥one cake of oiled bread, and one wafer, out ofthe basket of unleavened bread that is before the ÆÏq© Ó¦ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ˜È˜´¦ ¯¨Â§ ˙Á−© ‡© ÔÓ¤ ²L¤ ÌÁ¤ ¬Ï¤ ˙l©¸ Á© «©Lord. [24] And thou shalt put the whole uponthe hands of Aaron, and upon the hands of his ÏŸk½ ‰© z´¨ Ó§ N© § 24 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ˙Bv½ n© ‰©sons; and shalt wave them for a wave-offering Ì˙²¨ Ÿ‡ z¬¨ Ù§ ©‰¥ § ÂÈ®¨·¨ È´t¥ k© Ï−Ú© § ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© È´t¥ k© ÏÚ©µbefore the Lord. [25] And thou shalt take themfrom their hands, and make them smoke on the Ì„½¨i¨Ó¦ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ z³¨ Á§ ˜©Ï¨ § 25 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Ù−¨ ez§altar upon the burnt-offering, for a sweet savour Á©È¯³¥Ï§ ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ‰Á¨ a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰© z¬¨ ¯§Ë© ˜§ ‰¦ §before the Lord; it is an offering made by fire :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ‡e‰− ‰¬M¤ ‡¦ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÁ©BÁÆ È¦unto the Lord. [26] And thou shalt take thebreast of Aaron’s ram of consecration, and wave ÆÌȇ¦ lª n¦ ‰© Ïȇ³¥ Ó¥ ‰Ê¤ÀÁ¨ ‰«¤ -˙‡¤ z´¨ Á§ ˜© Ϩ § 26it for a wave-offering before the Lord; and it È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Ù−¨ ez§ B˙² Ÿ‡ z¬¨ Ù§ ©‰¥ § ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© ϧ ¯L´¤ ‡£shall be thy portion. [27] And thou shalt sanctifythe breast of the wave-offering, and the thigh of | ˙‡´¥ zº¨ L§ c©˜¦ § 27 :‰«¨Ó¨ ϧ E− ϧ ‰¬È¨‰¨ § ‰®Â¨‰È§the heave-offering, which is waved, and which ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Ó¨½ e¯z§ ‰© ˜BL´ Æ˙‡¥ § ‰Ù¨À ez§ ‰© ‰´Ê¥Á£is heaved up, of the ram of consecration, even ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ó¥ Ìȇ½¦ lª n¦ ‰© ÆÏȇ¥ Ó¥ ̯®¨e‰ ¯L´¤ ‡£ © Û−©e‰of that which is Aaron’s, and of that which is his ÔŸ¯¸ ‰£ ‡© ϧ Á‰È¨‰¨ § 28 :ÂÈ«¨·¨ ϧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ó¥ e ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© ϧsons’. [28] And it shall be for Aaron and his sonsas a due for ever from the children of Israel; for it Ȭk¦ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æ˙‡¥ Ó¥ ÌϨÀ BÚ-˜Á¨ ϧ ÂÈ¨¹ ·¨ ϧ eis a heave-offering; and it shall be a heave-offeringfrom the children of Israel of their sacrifices of -È«¥a§ ˙‡³¥ Ó¥ ‰È¤¸‰§ Ȧ ‰Óº¨ e¯˙§ e ‡e‰® ‰Ó−¨ e¯˙§peace-offerings, even their heave-offering unto Ì˙−¨ Ó¨ e¯z§ ̉¤½ ÈÓ¥ ϧ L© ÈÁ´¥ ·§ f¦ Ó¦ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧthe Lord. [29] And the holy garments of Aaron eȬ‰§ Ȧ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© ϧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆL„¤ŸwÆ ‰© È„³¥‚§ ·¦ e 29 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© 162 162

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‰Âˆ˙ 29 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 29.30 tetsavveh ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙shall be for his sons after him, to be anointed in Ì·−¨ -‡l¥ Ó© ϧ e ̉¤½ ·¨ ‰Á´¨ L§ Ó¨ ϧ Âȯ®¨Á£ ‡© ÂÈ−¨·¨ ϧthem, and to be consecrated in them. [30] Sevendays shall the son that is priest in his stead put Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ÌL¯¨ a¨ ϧ Ȧ ÌÈÓÀ¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ 30 :Ì„«¨È¨-˙‡¤them on, even he who cometh into the tent of „Ú−¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ -χ¤ ‡Ÿ·² Ȩ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÂÈ®¨a¨ Ó¦ ÂÈz−¨ Á§ z©meeting to minister in the holy place. [31] Andthou shalt take the ram of consecration, and Áw®¨z¦ Ìȇ−¦ lª n¦ ‰© ÏȬ‡¥ ˙²‡¥ § 31 :L„¤Ÿw« a© ˙¯¬¥L¨ ϧseethe its flesh in a holy place. [32] And Aaron ÏΩ¸ ‡¨ § 32 :LŸ„«˜¨ ÌŸ˜¬ Ó¨ a§ B¯−N¨ a§ -˙‡¤ z¬¨ ϧ M© ·¦ eand his sons shall eat the flesh of the ram, and thebread that is in the basket, at the door of the tent ÌÁ¤ l−¤ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÏȦ‡©½ ‰¨ ¯N´© a§ -˙‡¤ ÆÂÈ¨·¨ e ÔŸ¯³‰£ ‡©of meeting. [33] And they shall eat those things eϳ Χ ‡¨ § 33 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© t−¤ Ïq®¨ a© ¯L´¤ ‡£wherewith atonement was made, to consecrateand to sanctify them; but a stranger shall not Ì„−¨È¨-˙‡¤ ‡¬l¥ Ó© ϧ ̉¤½ a¨ ¯´t© kª ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡eat thereof, because they are holy. [34] And if :̉«¥ L„¤Ÿ˜¬ -Èk¦ Ï−Ω ‡ŸÈ-‡ŸÏ ¯¬Ê¨Â§ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ‡ Lc´¥˜© ϧaught of the flesh of the consecration, or of thebread, remain unto the morning, then thou ÌÁ¤ l−¤ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ e Ìȇ²¦ lª n¦ ‰© ¯N¯© a§ Ó¦ ¯˙º¥ e¨È¦ -̇¦ «§ 34shalt burn the remainder with fire; it shall not be ‡ŸÏ¬ L‡¥½ a¨ Ư˙¨ Bp‰© -˙‡¤ z³¨ Ù§ ¯©N¨ § ¯˜¤Ÿa® ‰© -„Ú©eaten, because it is holy. [35] And thus shalt thoudo unto Aaron, and to his sons, according to all ÔŸ¯³‰£ ‡© ϧ ˙¨ ÈN¦¹ Ú¨ § 35 :‡e‰« L„¤Ÿ˜¬ -Èk¦ Ï−Î¥ ‡¨ È¥that I have commanded thee; seven days shalt ‰Î¨ ˙®¨ Ÿ‡ È˙¦ Èe−¦ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ϟά k§ ‰Î¨ k¨½ ÆÂÈ¨·¨ ϧ ethou consecrate them. [36] And every day shaltthou offer the bullock of sin-offering, beside the ˙‡h¨¹ Á© ¯Ù©¸ e 36 :Ì„«¨È¨ ‡¬l¥ Ó© z§ ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦other offerings of atonement; and thou shalt -ÏÚ© Æ˙¨ ‡h¥ Á¦ § Ìȯ½¦tª k¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© ÆÌBiÏ© ‰N³¤ Ú£z©do the purification upon the altar when thoumakest atonement for it; and thou shalt anoint B˙− Ÿ‡ z¬¨ Á§ L© Ó«¨ e ÂȮϨ Ú¨ E− ¯§t¤ Ω a§ Á©a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰©it, to sanctify it. [37] Seven days thou shalt make -ÏÚ© Ưt¥ Ω z§ ÌÈÓÀ¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ 37 :BL« c§˜© ϧatonement for the altar, and sanctify it; thus shallthe altar be most holy; whatsoever toucheth the L„¤Ÿ˜´ ÆÁ©a¥Æ ʧn¦ ‰© ‰³È¨‰¨ § B˙® Ÿ‡ z−¨ L§ c©˜¦ § Á©a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰©altar shall be holy. Ò :Lc«¨˜§ Ȧ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ a© Ú©¬‚¥Ÿp‰© -Ïk¨ ÌÈL¦½ „¨˜«¨ [38] Now this is that which thou shalt offerupon the altar: two lambs of the first year day by ÌÈN¯¦ ·¨ k§ Á©®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© ‰N−¤ Ú£z© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Ê¤¾Â§ 38day continually. [39] The one lamb thou shalt N·¤ ¬k¤ ‰© -˙‡¤ 39 :„ÈÓ«¦ z¨ ÌBi−Ï© ÌȦ¬©L§ ‰²¨L¨ -È«¥a§offer in the morning; and the other lamb thoushalt offer at dusk. [40] And with the one lamb È½¦ M¥ ‰© N·¤ ´k¤ ‰© Æ˙‡¥ § ¯˜¤Ÿa® ·© ‰N´¤ Ú£z© „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¨a tenth part of an ephah of fine flour mingled Ïeϸ a¨ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ¹ ÔŸ¯¸ O¨ Ú¦ § 40 :ÌȦ a«¨ ¯§Ú© ‰¨ ÔȬa¥ ‰N−¤ Ú£z©with the fourth part of a hin of beaten oil; andthe fourth part of a hin of wine for a drink- Ôȉ−¦ ‰© ˙ÈÚ¬¦ ·¦ ¯§ CÒ¤ ¥¾Â§ Ôȉ¦½ ‰© Ú·© ¯´¤ Æ˙È˙¦ k¨ ÔÓ¤ ³L¤ a§offering. [41] And the other lamb thou shalt offer È½¦ M¥ ‰© N·¤ ´k¤ ‰© Æ˙‡¥ § 41 :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ N·¤ k−¤ Ï© ÔȦ®È¨at dusk, and shalt do thereto according to themeal-offering of the morning, and according to ¯˜¤Ÿa³ ‰© ˙Á©¸ § Ó¦ k§ ÌȦ®a¨ ¯§Ú© ‰¨ ÔÈ´a¥ ‰N−¤ Ú£z©the drink-offering thereof, for a sweet savour, an ‰M−¤ ‡¦ Á©ŸÁ½ È¦ Á©È¯´¥Ï§ dl¨½ -‰N¤ Ú£z«© Ædk¨ Ò§ ¦ Χ eoffering made by fire unto the Lord. [42] It shallbe a continual burnt-offering throughout your Á˙© ¬t¤ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ¯´Ÿ„ϧ Æ„ÈÓ¦ z¨ ˙³Ï©ŸÚ 42 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ©generations at the door of the tent of meeting ÆÌΤ Ϩ „³Ú¥ e¨‡¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ „Ú−¥ BÓ-ω¤ Ÿ‡«before the Lord, where I will meet with you, tospeak there unto thee. [43] And there I will meet ‰n¨ L−¨ Èz¬¦ „§Ú© Ÿ§ 43 :ÌL«¨ EÈÏ−¤‡¥ ¯¬a¥ „©Ï§ ‰n¨ L¨½with the children of Israel; and [the Tent] shall Èz²¦ L§ c©˜¦ § 44 :È„«¦Ÿ·Î§ a¦ Lc−©˜§ ¦ § χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ Ϧbe sanctified by My glory. [44] And I will sanctifythe tent of meeting, and the altar; Aaron also and ÔŸ¯¯‰£ ‡© -˙‡¤ § Á©®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ § „Ú−¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ -˙‡¤his sons will I sanctify, to minister to Me in the Èz½¦ § Ω L´¨ § 45 :ÈÏ«¦ Ô‰¬¥ Ω ϧ Lc−¥˜© ‡£ ÂȲ¨a¨ -˙‡¤ §priest’s office. [45] And I will dwell among the 163 163

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‰Âˆ˙ 29 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 29.46 tetsavveh ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙children of Israel, and will be their God. [46] And :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡Ï¥ ̉−¤ Ϩ È˙¦ ȬȦ‰¨ § χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ CB˙− a§they shall know that I am the Lord their God,that brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ̉¤½ ȉ¥ŸÏ´ ‡¡ Ɖ¨‰È§ ȳ¦ ‡£ Èk´¦ eÚÀ „§È¨Â§ 46that I may dwell among them. I am the Lord È´¦ Χ L¨ ϧ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ Ì˙²¨ Ÿ‡ È˙¦ ‡¯ˆ¥ B‰their God. And thou shalt make an altar to burn30 30incense upon; of acacia-wood shaltthou make it. [2] A cubit shall be the length Ȭˆ¥ Ú£ Ù :̉«¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ ̮Ψ B˙·§thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof; four- ˙¯¤ŸË® ˜§ ¯´Ë© ˜§ Ó¦ Á©a−¥ ʧӦ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ §square shall it be; and two cubits shall be theheight thereof; the horns thereof shall be of one ‰n³¨ ‡© § Bk¹ ¯§‡¨ ‰n¨¸ ‡© 2 :B˙« Ÿ‡ ‰¬N¤ Ú£z© ÌÈh−¦ L¦piece with it. [3] And thou shalt overlay it with epn−¤ Ó¦ B˙® Ó¨ Ÿ˜ ÌȦ ˙−© n¨ ‡© § ‰È¤½‰§ Ȧ Ú©e·´ ¯¨ ÆBaÁ§ ¯¨pure gold, the top thereof, and the sides thereof Bb¯b©-˙‡¤ ¯B‰À ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨ B˙¹ Ÿ‡ ˙¨¸ Èt¦ ˆ¦ § 3 :ÂÈ˙«¨ Ÿ¯§˜© ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § ÂÈ˙®¨ Ÿ¯§˜©-˙‡¤ § ·È·−¦ Ò¨ ÂÈ˙²¨ Ÿ¯È˜¦ -˙‡¤ §round about, and the horns thereof; and thou ·‰¨¹ ʨ ˙ŸÚ¸ a§ Ë© ÁÈz¥ L§ e 4 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ ·‰−¨ ʨ ¯¬Ê¥ Bl²shalt make unto it a crown of gold round about. ÂÈ˙¨½ ŸÚϧ ˆ© Èz´¥ L§ ÏÚ©µB¯À ʥϧ ˙Á© z´© Ó¦ | Bl´ -‰N¤ Ú£z«©[4] And two golden rings shalt thou make forit under the crown thereof, upon the two ribs ÌÈc½¦·© ϧ ÌÈz´¦ ·¨ ϧ ƉȨ‰¨ § ÂÈc®¨ˆ¦ È´¥L§ -ÏÚ© ‰N−¤ Ú£z©thereof, upon the two sides of it shalt thou makethem; and they shall be for places for staves ÌÈc−¦a© ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙¨ ÈN¬¦ Ú¨ § 5 :‰n¨ ‰«¥ a¨ B˙− Ÿ‡ ˙‡¬N¥ Ϩwherewith to bear it. [5] And thou shalt make ‰z³¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 6 :·‰«¨ ʨ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ˙¬¨ Èt¦ ˆ¦ § ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£the staves of acacia-wood, and overlay themwith gold. [6] And thou shalt put it before the ˙„®ªÚ¥ ‰¨ ÔŸ¯´‡£ -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ ˙ΤŸ¯½ t¨ ‰© È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆB˙Ÿ‡veil that is by the ark of the testimony, before the „¬Ú¥ e¨‡¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ ˙„½ªÚ¥ ‰´¨ -ÏÚ© ƯL¤ ‡£ ˙¯¤ŸtÀ k© ‰© È´¥Ù§ Ϧark-cover that is over the testimony, where I willmeet with thee. [7] And Aaron shall burn thereon ˙¯¤ŸË´ ˜§ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ¯Èˬ¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § 7 :‰n¨ L«¨ E− ϧincense of sweet spices; every morning, when ˙Ÿ¯−p¥‰© -˙‡¤ B·² È˦ ȉ¥ a§ ¯˜¤ŸaÀ a© ¯˜¤Ÿa´ a© ÌÈn®¦ Ò©he dresseth the lamps, he shall burn it. [8] Andwhen Aaron lighteth the lamps at dusk, he shall ÔȬa¥ ˙Ÿ¯²p¥‰© -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯¯‰£ ‡© ˙ŸÏ¸ Ú£‰© ·§ e 8 :‰p¨¯«¤È˦ ˜§ È©burn it, a perpetual incense before the Lord Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ „ÈÓ²¦ z¨ ˙¯¤ŸË¯ ˜§ ‰p¨¯®¤È˦ ˜§ È© ÌȦa−© ¯§Ú£‰¨throughout your generations. [9] Ye shall offerno strange incense thereon, nor burnt-offering, ˙¯¤ŸË¬ ˜§ ÂȲϨ Ú¨ eϬ Ú£˙© -‡ŸÏ 9 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧ ‰−¨‰È§nor meal-offering; and ye shall pour no drink- :ÂÈÏ«¨ Ú¨ eÎ− q§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ CÒ¤ ¥¾Â§ ‰Á®¨ § Ó¦ e ‰Ï´¨ŸÚ§ ‰¯−¨Ê¨offering thereon. [10] And Aaron shall makeatonement upon the horns of it once in the year; ‰®¨M¨ a© ˙Á−© ‡© ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿ¯§˜©-ÏÚ© ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© ¯³t¤ Φ § 10with the blood of the sin-offering of atonement ¯³t¥ Ω ȧ Ɖ¨M¨ a© ˙Á³© ‡© ÌȯÀ¦tª k¦ ‰© ˙‡´h© Á© Ìcº©Ó¦once in the year shall he make atonement for ‡e‰− ÌÈL¬¦ „¨˜«¨-L„¤Ÿ˜« ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ¯´Ÿ„ϧ ÆÂÈϨ Ú¨it throughout your generations; it is most holy Ù :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ©unto the Lord.’ki tissa’ ‡˘˙ ÈÎ[11] And the Lord spoke unto Moses,saying: [12] ‘When thou takest the sum of the Èk´¦ 12 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 11children of Israel, according to their number,then shall they give every man a ransom for his ¼Ì‰¤ È„¥˜ªÙ§ Ϧ »Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§ L‡Ÿ¯¬-˙‡¤ ‡O¨º ˙¦soul unto the Lord, when thou numberest them; Ì˙®¨ Ÿ‡ „Ÿ˜´ Ù§ a¦ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© BL² Ù§ © ¯Ù¤ Ÿk¯ Lȇ´¦ e¹ ˙§ ¨¸ §that there be no plague among them, when thounumberest them. [13] This they shall give, every | ‰´Ê¤ 13 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ „Ÿ˜¬Ù§ a¦ Û‚¤−¤ ̲‰¤ ·¨ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ§one that passeth amongthem that are numbered, ˙Ȉ¬¦ Á£ Ó© ÌÈ„½¦˜ªt§ ‰© -ÏÚ© Ư·¥ ŸÚ‰¨ -Ïk¨ eÀz§ Ȧhalf a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary— 164 164

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡˘˙ ÈÎ 30 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 30.14 ki tissa’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙the shekel is twenty gerahs—half a shekel for an Ϙ¤M¤½ ‰© Ɖ¯¨b¥ Ìȯ³¦N§ Ú¤ L„¤Ÿw®‰© Ϙ¤L´¤ a§ Ϙ¤M−¤ ‰©offering to the Lord. [14] Every one that passethamong them that are numbered, from twenty ÏŸkÀ 14 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ«© ‰Ó−¨ e¯z§ Ϙ¤M¤½ ‰© ˙Ȉ´¦ Á£ Ó©years old and upward, shall give the offering of ‰−¨L¨ Ìȯ¬¦N§ Ú¤ Ôa²¤Ó¦ ÌÈ„½¦˜ªt§ ‰© -ÏÚ© Ư·¥ ŸÚ‰¨the Lord. [15] The rich shall not give more, and ¯ÈL´¦ Ú¨ ‰«¤ 15 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ˙Ó¬© e¯z§ Ôz−¥ Ȧ ‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó®¨ ¨the poor shall not give less, than the half shekel,when they give the offering of the Lord, to make ˙Ȉ−¦ Á£ n© Ó«¦ ËÈÚ½¦ Ó§ È© ‡ŸÏ´ ÆÏc©‰© § ‰a¤À ¯§È©-‡ŸÏ«atonement for your souls. [16] And thou shalt ¯t−¥ Ω ϧ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ˙Ó´© e¯z§ -˙‡¤ Æ˙˙¥ Ϩ Ϙ¤M®¨ ‰©take the atonement money from the children of ÛÒ¤ ´k¤-˙‡¤ zº¨ Á§ ˜© Ϩ § 16 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ ŸLÙ§ ©-ÏÚ©Israel, and shalt appoint it for the service of thetent of meeting, that it may be a memorial for B˙½ Ÿ‡ z´¨ ˙© ¨Â§ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æ˙‡¥ Ó¥ ÌȯÀ¦tª k¦ ‰©the children of Israel before the Lord, to make χ³¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È¥¸·§ Ϧ Á‰È¨‰¨ § „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ ˙„−©Ÿ·Ú£-ÏÚ©atonement for your souls.’ -ÏÚ© ¯t−¥ Ω ϧ ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÔB¯k¨ ʦ ϧ [17] And the Lord spoke unto Moses,saying: [18] ‘Thou shalt also make a laver of Ù :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ ŸLÙ§ ©brass, and the base thereof of brass, whereat to ˙¨ ÈN¦¹ Ú¨ § 18 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 17wash; and thou shalt put it between the tent of z´¨ ˙© ¨Â§ ‰®ˆ¨ Á§ ¯¨Ï§ ˙L¤ ŸÁ− § Bp¬Î© § ˙L¤ ŸÁ² § ¯Bi¬k¦meeting and the altar, and thou shalt put watertherein. [19] And Aaron and his sons shall wash z¬¨ ˙© ¨Â§ Á©a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰© ÔÈ´·¥ e Æ„Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡³ -ÔÈa«¥ B˙À Ÿ‡their hands and their feet thereat; [20] when they epn®¤ Ó¦ ÂÈ−¨·¨ e ÔŸ¯¬‰£ ‡© eˆ² Á£ ¯¨Â§ 19 :ÌȦ Ó«¨ ‰n¨ L−¨go into the tent of meeting, they shall wash with -χ¤ ̇º¨ Ÿ·a§ 20 :̉«¤ ÈÏ¥ ‚§ ¯©-˙‡¤ § ̉−¤ È„¥È§ -˙‡¤water, that they die not; or when they comenear to the altar to minister, to cause an offering B‡´ e˙®Óª Ȩ ‡ŸÏ´ § ÌȦÓ−© -eˆÁ£ ¯§È¦ „²Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¯made by fire to smoke unto the Lord; [21] so ¯Èˬ¦ ˜§ ‰© ϧ ˙¯½¥L¨ ϧ ÆÁ©a¥Æ ʧ n¦ ‰© -χ¤ Ìz³¨ L§ ‚¦ ·§they shall wash their hands and their feet, that ̉−¤ ÈÏ¥ ‚§ ¯©Â§ ̬‰¤ È„¥È§ eˆ² Á£ ¯¨Â§ 21 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ«© ‰M−¤ ‡¦they die not; and it shall be a statute for ever tothem, even to him and to his seed throughout BϬ ̲Ϩ BÚ-˜Á¨ ̉¯¤ Ϩ ‰˙¨¸ ȧ ‰¨ § e˙®Óª Ȩ ‡ŸÏ´ §their generations.’ Ù :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧ BÚ− ¯§Ê©Ï§ e[22] Moreover the Lord spoke unto Moses, ‰z´¨ ‡© § 23 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 22saying: [23] ‘Take thou also unto thee the chiefspices, of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, LÓ´¥ Á£ ƯB¯c§-¯Ó¨ ¼L‡Ÿ¯ ÌÈÓ´¦ N¨ a§ »Eϧ -Á˜©and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£ B˙− Ȉ¦ Á£ Ó© ÌN¤ ¬a¤-ÔÓ¨ p§ ˜¦ § ˙B‡½ Ó¥hundred and fifty, and of sweet calamus two :ÌȦ ˙«¨ ‡Ó¨ e ÌÈM¬¦ Ó¦ Á£ ÌN¤ Ÿ·− -‰¥˜§ e ÌȦ ˙®¨ ‡Ó¨ ehundred and fifty, [24] and of cassia five hundred,after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of olive oil a ÔÓ¤ ¬L¤ § L„¤Ÿw®‰© Ϙ¤L´¤ a§ ˙B‡− Ó¥ L¬Ó¥ Á£ ‰c¾¨˜¦ § 24hin. [25] And thou shalt make it a holy anointing -˙Á© L§ Ó¦ ÔÓ¤ L¤ µ B˙À Ÿ‡ ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ § 25 :Ôȉ«¦ ˙Ȧ−Ê©oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the ÔÓ¤ ¬L¤ Á©˜®¥Ÿ¯ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© ˙Á© ˜−©¯§Ó¦ Á˜©Ÿ¯¬ L„¤Ÿ˜½perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil. [26] Andthou shalt anoint therewith the tent of meeting, -˙‡¤ B·− z¬¨ Á§ L© Ó¨ e 26 :‰È«¤‰§ Ȧ L„¤Ÿ˜−-˙Á© L§ Ó¦and the ark of the testimony, [27] and the table -˙‡¤ § 27 :˙„«ªÚ¥ ‰¨ ÔB¯¬‡£ ˙‡−¥ § „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´and all the vessels thereof, and the candlestick -˙‡¤ § ‰¯−¨Ÿn§ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÂÈϨ½ k¥-Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § ÆÔÁ¨ ϧ Mª ‰©and the vessels thereof, and the altar of incense,[28] and the altar of burnt-offering with all the Á¬a© ʧӦ -˙‡¤ § 28 :˙¯¤ŸË« w§ ‰© Á¬a© ʧӦ ˙‡−¥ § ‰¨ ȮϤ k¥vessels thereof, and the laver and the base thereof. -˙‡¤ § ¯Ÿi−k¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÂȮϨ k¥-Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ‰¨ 165 165

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡˘˙ ÈÎ 30 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 30.29 ki tissa’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[29] And thou shalt sanctify them, that they may ÌÈL®¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜´ eÈ−‰¨ § Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ z´¨ L§ c©˜¦ § 29 :Bp« k©be most holy; whatsoever toucheth them shall beholy. [30] And thou shalt anoint Aaron and his -˙‡¤ § ÔŸ¯¬‰£ ‡© -˙‡¤ § 30 :Lc«¨˜§ Ȧ ̉−¤ a¨ Ú©¬‚¥Ÿp‰© -Ïk¨sons, and sanctify them, that they may minister :ÈÏ«¦ Ô‰¬¥ Ω ϧ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ z¬¨ L§ c©˜¦ § ÁL®¨ Ó§ z¦ ÂÈ−¨a¨unto Me in the priest’s office. [31] And thou shaltspeak unto the children of Israel, saying: This ÔÓ¤ L¤  ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ¯´a¥ „©z§ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -χ¤ § 31shall be a holy anointing oil unto Me throughout :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧ ÈÏ−¦ ‰²Ê¤ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ L„¤Ÿ˜¸ -˙Á© L§ Ó¦yourgenerations.[32] Uponthefleshofmanshall ‡ŸÏ¬ Bz½ § kª ˙§ Ó©¸ ·§ e CÒ¨½ ÈȦ ‡ŸÏ´ ÆÌ„¨‡¨ ¯N³© a§ -ÏÚ© 32it not be poured, neither shall ye make any like it,according to the composition thereof; it is holy, :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ L„¤Ÿ˜− ‡e‰½ L„¤Ÿ˜´ e‰ŸÓ® k¨ eN− Ú£˙©and it shall be holy unto you. [33] Whosoever epn−¤ Ó¦ Ôz²¥ Ȧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ © e‰ŸÓ½ k¨ Á˜´©¯§È¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Lȇ¦ µ33compoundeth any like it, or whosoever puttethany of it upon a stranger, he shall be cut off from Á¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi© 34 Ò :ÂÈn«¨ Ú© Ó¥ ˙¯−©Î§ ¦ § ¯®Ê¨-ÏÚ©his people.’ | Û˳¨ ¨ ÌÈnÀ¦ Ò© E´ ϧ -Á˜© ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¸¨‰È§[34] And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Take „¬a© ‰®k¨ Ê© ‰´¨Ÿ·Ï§ e ÌÈn−¦ Ò© ‰¨½ a§ ϧ Á¤ § Æ˙Ϥ ÁÆ¥ L§ eunto thee sweet spices, stacte, and onycha, andgalbanum; sweet spices with pure frankincense; Á˜©Ÿ¯− ˙¯¤ŸË½ ˜§ Æd˙¨ Ÿ‡ ˙¨ ÈN³¦ Ú¨ § 35 :‰«È¤‰§ Ȧ „·−© a§of each shall there be a like weight. [35] And thou :L„¤Ÿ˜« ¯B‰¬ ˨ Ál−¨ Óª Ó§ Á©˜®¥B¯ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó©shalt make of it incense, a perfume after the art ofthe perfumer, seasoned with salt, pure and holy. ȳ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰p¨n¤¹ Ó¦ ‰z¨¸ ˙© ¨Â§ ¼˜„¥‰¨ »‰p¨n¤ Ó¦ z´¨ ˜§ Á© L«¨ § 36[36] And thou shalt beat some of it very small, ‰n¨ L®¨ E− ϧ „¬Ú¥ e¨‡¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ a§ Æ˙„ªÚ¥ ‰¨and put of it before the testimony in the tent ofmeeting, where I will meet with thee; it shall be Æ˙¯¤ŸËÆ w§ ‰© § 37 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‰¬È¤‰§ z¦ ÌÈL−¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜¬unto you most holy. [37] And the incense which ̮Τ Ϩ eN− Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ dz¨½ § kª ˙§ Ó©¸ a§ ‰N¤½ Ú£z© ¯L´¤ ‡£thou shalt make, according to the composition -¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇ²¦ 38 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© E− ϧ ‰¬È¤‰§ z¦ L„¤Ÿ˜²thereof ye shall not make for yourselves; it shallbe unto thee holy for the Lord. [38] Whosoever ˙¯−©Î§ ¦ § d®a¨ Á©È¯´¦‰¨ ϧ ‰¨ BÓ− Ψ ‰¬N¤ ڣȩ31shall make like unto that, to smell thereof, he -χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ ©31shall be cut off from his people.’ Ò :ÂÈn«¨ Ú© Ó¥ And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying: [2] ‘See, I have called by name ϲ‡¥ ϧ ˆ© a§ ÌL®¥ ·§ È˙«¦ ‡¯´¨˜¨ ‰‡−¥ ¯§ 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ ‡¬l¥ Ó© ‡£ ¨ 3 :‰„«¨e‰È§ ‰¬h¥ Ó© ϧ ¯eÁ− -Ô·¤ ȯ¬¦e‡-Ôa¤Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe ‰¬¨e·˙§ ·¦ e ‰Ó²¨ Χ Á¨ a§ Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Á©e¯´ B˙− Ÿ‡of Judah; [3] and I have filled him with the spiritof God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in ˙Ÿ·® L¨ Á£ Ó© ·ŸL− Á§ Ï© 4 :‰Î«¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -ÏΨ ·§ e ˙Ú© „−©·§ eknowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, :˙L¤ ŸÁ« p§ ·© e ÛÒ¤ k−¤ ·© e ·¬‰¨ f¨a© ˙BN² ڣϩ[4] to devise skilful works, to work in gold, andin silver, and in brass, [5] and in cutting of stones ı®Ú¥ ˙L¤ Ÿ¯´Á£ ·© e ˙‡Ÿl− Ó© ϧ Ô·¤ ‡²¤ ˙L¤ Ÿ¯¬Á£ ·© e 5for setting, and in carving of wood, to work in Èz¦ ˙´© ¨ ‰¯p¥‰¦ Èº¦ ‡£ © 6 :‰Î«¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -ÏΨ a§ ˙BN− ڣϩall manner of workmanship. [6] And I, behold,I have appointed with him Oholiab, the son of Ô„½¨-‰h¥ Ó© ϧ ÆCÓ¨ Ò¨ ÈÁ«¦ ‡£ -Ôa¤ ·‡º¨ ÈϦ ‰¢ ‡¨ ˙‡´¥ BzÀ ‡¦Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and in the hearts eN¾ Ú¨ § ‰Ó®¨ Χ Á¨ Èz¦ ˙´© ¨ ·Ï−¥ -ÌΩ Á£ -Ïk¨ ·¬Ï¥ ·§ eof all that are wise-hearted I have put wisdom, „Ú¥À BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ | ˙‡´¥ 7 :E˙«¦ Èe¦ˆ¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥that they may make all that I have commandedthee: [7] the tent of meeting, and the ark of the ¯L´¤ ‡£ ˙¯¤Ÿt− k© ‰© -˙‡¤ § ˙„½ªÚ¥ Ï«¨ ÆÔŸ¯‡¨ ‰«¨ -˙‡¤ §testimony, and the ark-cover that is thereupon, ÆÔÁ¨ ϧ Mª ‰© -˙‡¤ § 8 :ω¤ Ÿ‡« ‰¨ Ȭϥ k§ -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ § ÂȮϨ Ú¨and all the furniture of the Tent; [8] and the tableand its vessels, and the pure candlestick with all -˙‡¤ § ‰¯−¨Ÿ‰h§ ‰© ‰¯¬¨Ÿn§ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÂÈϨ½ k¥-˙‡¤ § 166 166

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡˘˙ ÈÎ 31 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 31.9 ki tissa’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙its vessels, and the altar of incense; [9] and the -˙‡¤ § 9 :˙¯¤ŸË« w§ ‰© Á¬a© ʧ Ó¦ ˙‡−¥ § ‰¨ ȮϤ k¥-Ïk¨altar of burnt-offering with all its vessels, and thelaver and its base; [10] and the plaited garments, ¯Bi−k¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÂȮϨ k¥-Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ‰¨ Á¬a© ʧӦand the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and È„³¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ § „¯®¨O§ ‰© È„´¥‚§ a¦ ˙‡−¥ § 10 :Bp« k©-˙‡¤ §thegarmentsofhissons,toministerinthepriest’s ÂÈ−¨·¨ È„¬¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© ϧ ÆL„¤ŸwÆ ‰©office; [11] and the anointing oil, and the incenseof sweet spices for the holy place; according to all ˙¯¤ŸË¬ ˜§ -˙‡¤ § ‰Á²¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ L¯¤ ˙‡¥¸ § 11 :Ô‰«¥ Ω ϧthat I have commanded thee shall they do.’ E˙−¦ Èe¦ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ϟά k§ L„¤Ÿw®Ï© ÌÈn−¦ q© ‰©[12] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ù :eN« ڣȩsaying: [13] ‘Speak thou also unto the children ofIsrael, saying: Verily ye shall keep My sabbaths, ‰zº¨ ‡© § 13 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 12for it is a sign between Me and you throughout -˙‡¤ C‡¬© ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥a§ -χ¤ ¯a¥¸ c©your generations, that ye may know that I am the ȳ¦ Èa¥ ‡Â‰¦¹ ˙B‡¸ ÁÈk¦ e¯ŸÓ® L§ z¦ È˙−© Ÿ˙a§ L©Lord who sanctify you. [14] Ye shall keep thesabbath therefore, for it is holy unto you; every ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ Ȳk¦ ˙Ú© „¾©Ï¨ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ¯´Ÿ„ϧ ÆÌΤ È¥È·«¥ eone that profaneth it shall surely be put to death; Ȳk¦ ˙a¨½ M© ‰© -˙‡¤ ÆÌz¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e 14 :ÌΫ¤ L§ c¦˜©Ó§for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul ÈkÀ¦ ˙Ó¨½ eÈ ˙BÓ´ Ɖ¨ ÈÏ¤Æ Ï§ Á«© Ó§ ̮Τ Ϩ ‡Â‰−¦ L„¤Ÿ˜¬shall be cut off from among his people. [15] Sixdays shall work be done; but on the seventh day LÙ¤¬p¤‰© ‰˙²¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ § ‰Î¨½ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ Æd·¨ ‰¬N¤ ŸÚ‰¨ -Ïk¨is a sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord; ‰N´¤ Ú¨ È¥»ÌÈÓ¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ L´¥ 15 :‰¨ Èn«¤ Ú© ·¯¤w¬¤Ó¦ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰©whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, ÔB˙² a¨ L© ˙¯a© L© ÈÚÀ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´·© e ¼‰Î¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§he shall surely be put to death. [16] Whereforethe children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, ÌBȬa§ ‰²Î¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ ‰N¯¤ ŸÚ‰¨ -Ïk¨ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© L„¤Ÿ˜−to observe the sabbath throughout their χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ e¯¬Ó§ L¨ § 16 :˙Ó«¨ eÈ ˙BÓ¬ ˙a−¨ M© ‰©generations, for a perpetual covenant. [17] It is Ì˙−¨ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧ ˙²a¨ M© ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙BN¯ ڣϩ ˙®a¨ M© ‰© -˙‡¤a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the Lord made heaven and ˙B‡¬ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÆÔÈ·¥ e ÈÀ¦ Èa¥ 17 :ÌÏ«¨ BÚ ˙ȯ¬¦a§earth, and on the seventh day He ceased from Ɖ¨‰È§ ‰N³¨ Ú¨ ÌÈÓÀ¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ L´¥ -Èk¦ ̮ϨŸÚϧ ‡Â‰−¦work and rested.’ ÈÚ½¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÆÌBi·© e ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ÌȦӴ© M¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ [18] And He gave unto Moses, when Hehad made an end of speaking with him upon ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ Ôz´¥ i¦ © 18 Ò :LÙ«© p¨i¦ © ˙·−© L¨mount Sinai, the two tables of the testimony, ˙ŸÁ´ Ϫ È−¥L§ È©½ ÈÒ¦ ¯‰´© a§ ÆBz‡¦ ¯³a¥ „©Ï§ ÆB˙ŸlΩ k§tables of stone, written with the finger of God. :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Ú¬a© ˆ§ ‡¤ a§ ÌÈ·−¦ ˙ª k§ Ô·¤ ‡¤½ ˙ŸÁ´ Ϫ ˙„®ªÚ¥ ‰¨ And when the people saw that Moses32 32delayed to come down from themount, the people gathered themselves together ˙„¤¯´¤Ï¨ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ L¬L¥ Ÿ·-Èk«¦ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ ‡¯§´i©Â© e¯³Ó§ ‡Ÿi© ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© -ÏÚ«© ÌÚ¨¹ ‰¨ ω¥¸ w¨i¦ © ¯®‰¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦unto Aaron, and said unto him: ‘Up, make us a ÆeÎϧ «È¥ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÌȉÀ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ eÏ´¨ -‰N¥ Ú£ | Ìe˜´ ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥god who shall go before us; for as for this Moses,the man that brought us up out of the land of ÆeÏ¨Æ Ú¡‰«¤ ¯L³¤ ‡£ LȇÀ¦ ‰¨ ‰L´¤ ŸÓ | ‰´Ê¤-Èk¦ eÈ¥½ Ù¨ ϧEgypt, we know not what is become of him.’ :BÏ« ‰È¨¬‰¨ -‰Ó¤ eÚ§ „−©È¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥[2] And Aaron said unto them: ‘Break off the ·‰¨½ f¨‰© ÈÓ´¥ ʧ ¦ Æe˜¯§t«¨ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© Æ̉¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 2golden rings, which are in the ears of your wives,of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring ̮Τ È˙¥ Ÿ·§ e ÌÎ−¤ È¥a§ ÌΤ½ ÈL¥ § È´¥Ê§ ‡¨ a§ ƯL¤ ‡£them unto me.’ [3] And all the people broke off -˙‡¤ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ Æe˜¯§t«¨ ˙§ i¦ © 3 :ÈÏ«¨ ‡¥ e‡È·−¦ ‰¨ § 167 167

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 32.4 ki tissa’ ‡˘˙ ÈÎ 32 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙the golden rings which were in their ears, and -χ«¤ e‡È·−¦ i¨Â© Ì®‰¤ È¥Ê§ ‡¨ a§ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ·‰−¨ f¨‰© Ȭӥ ʧ ¦brought them unto Aaron. [4] And he receivedit at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving ˯¤Á¤½ a© ÆB˙Ÿ‡ ¯ˆ© ³i¨Â© Ì„À¨i¨Ó¦ Áw´©i¦ © 4 :ÔŸ¯«‰£ ‡©tool, and made it a molten calf; and they said: ÆEȉ¤Æ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰l¤ ‡³¥ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© ‰®Î¨ q¥ Ó© Ï‚¤´Ú¥ e‰N−¥ Ú£i©Â«©‘This is thy god, O Israel, which brought thee upout of the land of Egypt.’ [5] And when Aaron :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ EeÏ− Ú¡‰¤ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧsaw this, he built an altar before it; and Aaron ‡¯³¨˜§ i¦ © ÂÈ®¨Ù¨ ϧ Á©a−¥ ʧӦ Ô·¤ ¬i¦Â© ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© ‡¯§´i©Â© 5made proclamation, and said: ‘To-morrow shallbe a feast to the Lord.’ [6] And they rose up early ÆeÓÈkƦ L§ i©Â© 6 :¯Á«¨ Ó¨ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© ‚Á¬© ¯Ó©½ ‡Ÿi© ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡«©on the morrow, and offered burnt-offerings, ·L¤ ³i¥Â© ÌÈÓ®¦ Ϩ L§ eL−b¦ i©Â© ˙ŸÏ½ ŸÚ eÏ´ Ú£i©Â© ˙¯½¨Á¢ n¨ Ó«¦and brought peace-offerings; and the people satdown to eat and to drink, and rose up to make Ù :˜Á«¥ ˆ© ϧ eÓ˜−ªi¨Â© B˙½ L¨ § ϟδ ‡¡ Ï«¤ ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨merry. ˙Á´¥ L¦ Èk¦µ „¯¾¥-CϤ ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â© 7 [7] And the Lord spoke unto Moses: e¯Ò´¨ 8 :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ ˙¨ ÈÏ−¥ Ú¡‰¤ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ E½ n§ Ú©‘Go, get thee down; for thy people, that thou ̉¤½ Ϩ eN´ Ú¨ Ì˙½¦ Èe¦ˆ¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆC¯¤cƤ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ¯‰¥À Ó©broughtest up out of the land of Egypt, have dealtcorruptly; [8] they have turned aside quickly out BϽ -eÁa§ ʧ i¦ © ÆBÏ-eÂÁ£ z«© L§ i¦ © ‰®Î¨ q¥ Ó© Ï‚¤Ú−¥of the way which I commanded them; they havemade them a molten calf, and have worshipped EeÏ− Ú¡‰«¤ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ÆEȉ¤Æ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰l¤ ‡³¥ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â©it, and have sacrificed unto it, and said: This is ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 9 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥thy god, O Israel, which brought thee up out ofthe land of Egypt.’ [9] And the Lord said unto -‰L¥ ˜§ -ÌÚ© ‰¬p¥‰¦ § ‰f¤½‰© ÌÚ´¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÈ˙¦ ȇƦ ¯¨Moses: ‘I have seen this people, and, behold, it Ȭt¦ ‡© -¯Á© È«¦Â§ Èl¦½ ‰Á¨ È´p¦ ‰© Ɖz¨ Ú© § 10 :‡e‰« Û¯¤ŸÚ−is a stiffnecked people. [10] Now therefore letMe alone, that My wrath may wax hot against :ÏB„«b¨ ÈB‚¬Ï§ E− ˙§ B‡ ‰¬N¤ Ú¡‡«¤ § Ì®l¥ Ω ‡£ © ̉−¤ ·¨them, and that I may consume them; and I will ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ÂÈ®‰¨ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ È−¥t§ -˙‡¤ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ÏÁ´© ȧ © 11make of thee a great nation.’ [11] And Mosesbesought the Lord his God, and said: ‘Lord, ¯L³¤ ‡£ En¤½ Ú© a§ ÆEt§ ‡© ‰¯³¤Á¡ Ȥ Ɖ¨‰È§ ‰Ó³¨ Ϩwhy doth Thy wrath wax hot against Thy people, „¬È¨·§ e ÏB„−b¨ Á©ŸÎ¬ a§ ÌȦ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ Æ˙¨ ‡ˆ¥Æ B‰that Thou hast brought forth out of the land ofEgypt with great power and with a mighty hand? ¯ŸÓÀ ‡Ï¥ ÌȦ ¯¹©ˆ§ Ó¦ e¯¸ Ó§ ‡ŸÈ Á‰n¨ Ϩ 12 :‰˜«¨Ê¨Á£[12] Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, Ìȯ½¦‰¨ a«¤ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ ‚Ÿ¯³‰£ Ï© Æ̇¨ Ȉ¦ B‰« ‰³Ú¨ ¯¨a§saying: For evil did He bring them forth, to slaythem in the mountains, and to consume them ÔB¯´Á£ Ó¥ ·eLµ ‰Ó®¨ „¨‡£ ‰«¨ È´¥t§ Ï−Ú© Ó¥ Ì˙¨½ ŸlΩ ϧ e¸from the face of the earth? Turn from Thy fierce ¯ŸÎ¿ ʧ 13 :En«¤ Ú© ϧ ‰Ú−¨ ¯¨‰¨ -ÏÚ© ̬Á¥ p¨‰¦ § Et¤½ ‡©wrath, and repent of this evil against Thy people. ¯L¤¸ ‡£ EÈ„À¤·¨ Ú£ χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ϧ e ˜Á¨¸ ˆ§ Ȧ ϧ Á̉¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ϧ[13] Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Thy Ɖa¤ ¯§‡© ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯´a¥ „©z§ © ¼Ca¨ »Ì‰¤ Ϩ z¨ Ú§ ´a© L§ ¦servants, to whom Thou didst swear by Thineown self, and saidst unto them: I will multiply ı¯¤‡¨¸ ‰¨ -ÏΨ § ÌȦ Ó®¨ M¨ ‰© È·−¥ Χ BÎk§ ÌΤ½ Ú£¯§Ê©-˙‡«¤your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this landthat I have spoken of will I give unto your seed, eÏ− Á£ ¨Â§ ÌΤ½ Ú£¯§Ê©Ï§ ÆÔz¥ ‡¤ Èz¦ ¯§Ó©À ‡¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ˙‡Ÿf¹‰©and they shall inherit it for ever.’ [14] And the ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Ú¨½ ¯¨‰´¨ -ÏÚ© ‰®Â¨‰È§ ÌÁ¤ −p¨i¦ © 14 :ÌÏ«¨ ŸÚϧLord repented of the evil which He said Hewould do unto His people. Ù :Bn« Ú© ϧ ˙BN¬ ڣϩ ¯a−¤ c¦[15] And Moses turned, and went down ˙ŸÁ¬ Ϫ Ȳ¥L§ e ¯‰¨½ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ƉL¤ ŸÓ „¯¤³i¥Â© ÔÙ¤ i¹¦ © 15from the mount, with the two tables of thetestimony in his hand; tables that were written ̉¤½ ȯ¥·§ Ú¤ È´¥M§ Ó¦ ÆÌÈ·¦ ˙ª k§ ˙ŸÁÀ Ϫ B„®È¨a§ ˙„−ªÚ¥ ‰¨on both their sides; on the one side and on the ‰¬N¥ Ú£Ó© ˙ŸÁ½ lª ‰©¸ § 16 :ÌÈ·«¦ ˙ª k§ ̬‰¥ ‰−f¤Ó¦ e ‰¬f¤Ó¦other were they written. [16] And the tables 168 168

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 32.17 ki tissa’ ‡˘˙ ÈÎ 32 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙were the work of God, and the writing was the ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ·z³© Χ Ó¦ ·z¨À Χ n¦ ‰© § ‰n¨ ®‰¥ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡writing of God, graven upon the tables. [17] Andwhen Joshua heard the noise of the people as Ú©²Lª B‰È§ ÚÓ¯© L§ i¦ © 17 :˙ŸÁ« lª ‰© -ÏÚ© ˙e¯−Á¨ ‡e‰½they shouted, he said unto Moses: ‘There is a -χ¤ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© BÚ® ¯¥a§ ‰Ú¯· ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ ÏB˜¬-˙‡¤noise of war in the camp.’ [18] And he said: ‘It ÔȬ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 18 :‰«¤Á£ n© a«© ‰Ó−¨ Á¨ ϧ Ó¦ ÏB˜¬ ‰L¤½ ŸÓis not the voice of them that shout for mastery, ‰L®¨ eÏÁ£ ˙B´Ú£ ÏB˜− ÔȬ‡¥ § ‰¯½¨e·b§ ˙B´Ú£ ÆÏB˜neither is it the voice of them that cry for beingovercome, but the noise of them that sing do Æ·¯©˜¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ k© ȉÀ¦ ȧ «© 19 :Ú©Ó«¥ ŸL ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ ˙Bp½ Ú© ÏB˜´I hear.’ [19] And it came to pass, as soon as hecame nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf ˙ŸÏ® ŸÁÓ§ e Ï‚¤Ú−¥ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ‡¯§¬i©Â© ‰¤½ Á£ n© ‰«© -χ¤and the dancing; and Moses’ anger waxed hot, -˙‡¤ ÆÂÈ„¨i¨Ó¦ „ÈÓ C³Ï¥ L§ i©Â© ‰L¤À ŸÓ Û‡´© -¯Á© i«¦Â©and he cast the tables out of his hands, and broke Áwº© i¦ © 20 :¯‰«¨ ‰¨ ˙Á© z¬© Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ¯¬a¥ L© ȧ © ˙ŸÁ½ lª ‰©them beneath the mount. [20] And he took thecalf which they had made, and burnt it with fire, ÔÁ−© ˧ i¦Â© L‡¥½ a¨ ÛŸ¯´N§ i¦ © ÆeNÚ¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ Ï‚¤Ú¥¸ ‰¨ -˙‡¤and ground it to powder, and strewed it upon the ˜§ L§ −i©Â© ÌȦ n©½ ‰© È´¥t§ -ÏÚ© ƯʤiƦ © ˜c®¨-¯L¤ ‡£ „´Ú©water, and made the children of Israel drink of it.[21] And Moses said unto Aaron: ‘What did this -χ«¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 21 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -˙‡¤people unto thee, that thou hast brought a great ˙¨ ‡¬·¥ ‰¥ -Èk«¦ ‰®f¤‰© ÌÚ´¨ ‰¨ E− ϧ ‰N¬¨ Ú¨ -‰Ó«¤ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡©sin upon them?’ [22] And Aaron said: ‘Let not -χ© ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 22 :‰Ï«¨ Ÿ„‚§ ‰‡¬¨ ˨ Á£ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨the anger of my lord wax hot; thou knowest thepeople, that they are set on evil. [23] So they said Ȭk¦ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ z¨ Ú§ „´©È¨ Ɖz¨ ‡© È®¦Ÿ„‡£ Û‡−© ¯Á© ¬È¦unto me: Make us a god, which shall go before Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ eÏ´¨ -‰N¥ Ú£ ÈϦ½ e¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© 23 :‡e‰« Ú¯−¨·§us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought usup out of the land of Egypt, we know not what LȇÀ¦ ‰¨ ‰L´¤ ŸÓ | ‰´Ê¤-Èk¦ eÈ®¥Ù¨ ϧ eÎ− ϧ È¥ ¯¬L¤ ‡£is become of him. [24] And I said unto them: eÚ§ „−©È¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ ÆeÏ¨Æ Ú¡‰«¤ ¯L³¤ ‡£Whosoever hath any gold, let them break it off; ·‰¨½ ʨ ÈÓ´¦ ϧ Æ̉¤ Ϩ ¯Ó³© Ÿ‡Â¨ 24 :BÏ« ‰È¨¬‰¨ -‰Ó¤so they gave it me; and I cast it into the fire, andthere came out this calf.’ [25] And when Moses ‡ˆ−¥ i¥Â© L‡¥½ ·¨ e‰´Î¥ Ϧ L§ ‡© ¨ ÈÏ®¦ -ez§ i¦Â© e˜¯−¨t¨ ˙§ ‰¦saw that the people were broken loose—for Ȭk¦ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ‡¯§³i©Â© 25 :‰f«¤‰© Ï‚¤¬Ú¥ ‰¨Aaron had let them loose for a derision amongtheir enemies—[26] then Moses stood in the gate ‰ˆ−¨ Ó§ L¦ ϧ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© ‰ŸÚ´ ¯¨Ù§ -Èk«¦ ‡e‰® Ú©¯−ªÙ¨of the camp, and said: ‘Whoso is on the Lord’s ‰¤½ Á£ n© ‰«© ¯Ú© L´© a§ ƉL¤ ŸÓ „ŸÓ³ Ú£i©Â© 26 :̉«¤ ÈÓ¥ ˜¨a§side, let him come unto me.’ And all the sons ÂÈÏ−¨‡¥ eÙ¬ Ò§ ‡¨ i¥Â© ȮϨ‡¥ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© ÈÓ¬¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â©of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.[27] And he said unto them: ‘Thus saith the ¯Ó³© ‡¨ -‰Ÿk« ̉¤À Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 27 :È«¦Ï¥ Ȭ¥a§ -Ïk¨Lord, the God of Israel: Put ye every man his Ba− ¯§Á© -Lȇ¦ eÓÈN¬¦ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡ Ɖ¨‰È§sword upon his thigh, and go to and fro fromgate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every Ưک LÆ© Ϩ ¯Ú© M³© Ó¦ e·eL¹ ¨ e¯¸ ·§ Ú¦ Bή ¯¥È§-ÏÚ©man his brother, and every man his companion, -˙‡¤ Lȇ¬¦ § ÂÈÁ²¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ -Lȇ«¦ e‚¯¯§‰¦ § ‰¤½ Á£ n© a«©and every man his neighbour.’ [28] And the sons ÈÂ−¦Ï¥ -È«¥·§ eN¬ Ú£i«©Â© 28 :B·« Ÿ¯˜§ -˙‡¤ Lȇ¬¦ § e‰Ú−¥ ¯¥of Levi did according to the word of Moses;and there fell of the people that day about three ‡e‰½ ‰© ÌBi´a© ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ÏŸt³ i¦ © ‰L®¤ ŸÓ ¯´·© „§k¦thousand men. [29] And Moses said: ‘Consecrate ‰L¤À ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 29 :Lȇ«¦ ÈÙ−¥ ϧ ‡© ˙L¤ ŸÏ¬ L§ k¦yourselves to-day to the Lord, for every manhath been against his son and against his brother; B−·§ a¦ Lȇ¬¦ Ȳk¦ ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© ÆÌBi‰© ̳Τ „§È¤ e‡¸ ϧ Ó¦that He may also bestow upon you a blessing this :‰Î«¨ ¯¨a§ ÌBi−‰© ̲Τ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ˙˙¯¥ Ϩ § ÂÈÁ®¦ ‡¨ ·§ e 169 169

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 32.30 ki tissa’ ‡˘˙ ÈÎ 32 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙day.’ [30] And it came to pass on the morrow, ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -χ¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© ˙¯½¨Á¢ n¨ Ó«¦ Æȉ¦ ȧ © 30that Moses said unto the people: ‘Ye have sinneda great sin; and now I will go up unto the Lord, ‰´Ï¤ Ú¡‡«¤ Ɖz¨ Ú© § ‰®Ï¨Ÿ„‚§ ‰‡´¨ ˨ Á£ Ì˙−¤ ‡Ë¨ Á£ Ìz¬¤ ‡©peradventure I shall make atonement for your :ÌΫ¤ ˙§ ‡h© Á© „¬Ú© a§ ‰¯−¨t§ Ω ‡£ Ȭϩ e‡ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ -χ¤sin.’ [31] And Moses returned unto the Lord,and said: ‘Oh, this people have sinned a great ‡Ëº¨ Á¨ ‡p¨À‡´¨ ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© ‰−¨‰È§ -χ¤ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ ·L¨ ¯i¨Â© 31sin, and have made them a god of gold. [32] Yet Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ̉−¤ Ϩ eN¬ Ú£i«©Â© ‰Ï¨½ Ÿ„‚§ ‰‡´¨ ˨ Á£ Ɖf¤‰© ̳ڨ ‰¨now, if Thou wilt forgive their sin—; and if not, -̇¦ § Ì˙®¨ ‡h¨ Á© ‡O´¨ z¦ -̇¦ ‰z−¨ Ú© § 32 :·‰«¨ ʨblot me, I pray Thee, out of Thy book whichThou hast written.’ [33] And the Lord said unto :z¨ ·§ ˙«¨ k¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ E− ¯§Ù§ q¦ Ó«¦ ‡¨½ È¦ Á´¥ Ó§ ÔȦ ‡©¾Moses: ‘Whosoever hath sinned against Me, him ÈϦ½ -‡Ë¨ Á«¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÈÓ¦ µ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 33will I blot out of My book. [34] And now go, leadthe people unto the place of which I have spoken -˙‡¤ ‰Á´¥ § | C´Ï¥ ‰zº¨ Ú© § 34 :ȯ«¦Ù§ q¦ Ó¦ epÁ−¤ Ó§ ‡¤unto thee; behold, Mine angel shall go before ÈÎ−¦ ‡¨ ϧ Ó© ‰¬p¥‰¦ CϨ½ ÆÈz¦ ¯§a©Æ c¦-¯L¤ ‡£ χ³¤ ÌÚ¨À ‰¨thee; nevertheless in the day when I visit, I will ̉−¤ Ï¥ Ú£ Èz¬¦ „§˜©Ù¨ e È„½¦˜§ t¨ ÌBÈ´·§ e EÈ®¤Ù¨ ϧ C´Ï¥ È¥visit their sin upon them.’ [35] And the Lordsmote the people, because they made the calf, ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÏÚ©µÌ®Ú¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ÛŸb¬i¦Â© 35 :Ì˙«¨ ‡h¨ Á©which Aaron made. Ò :ÔŸ¯«‰£ ‡© ‰N−¨ Ú¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ï‚¤Ú¥½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eN´ Ú¨ And the Lord spoke unto Moses:33 33‘Depart, go up hence, thou and the ‰´Ï¥ Ú£ C´Ï¥ ƉL¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰³Â¨‰È§ ¯a¥¸ „©È§Â©people that thou hast brought up out of the ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ ˙¨ ÈÏ−¦ Ú¡ ‰«¤ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ § ‰z´¨ ‡© ‰f¤½ Ó¦land of Egypt, unto the land of which I sworeunto Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying: Èz¦ Ú§ a© L§ ¦Â ¯L´¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ -χ¤ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦Unto thy seed will I give it—[2] and I will send E− Ú£¯§Ê©Ï§ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©Ï§ e« ˜Á³¨ ˆ§ Ȧϧ ̉¨¸ ¯¨·§ ‡© ϧan angel before thee; and I will drive out the ÈzÀ¦ L§ ¯©‚«¥Â§ C‡®¨ ϧ Ó© EÈ−¤Ù¨ ϧ Èz¬¦ Á§ Ï© L¨ § 2 :‰p¨«¤z§ ‡¤Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite, and thePerizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite—[3] unto Èe−¦Á¦ ‰© Èf½¦ ¯¦t§ ‰© § ÆÈz¦ Á¦ ‰«© § ȯ½¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰«¨ ÆÈ¦ Ú£©k§ ‰«© -˙‡¤a land flowing with milk and honey; for I will ÁÈk¦ L®·¨ „§e ·Ï−¨ Á¨ ˙¬·© ʨ ı¯¤‡²¤ -χ¤ 3 :ÈÒ«¦ e·È§ ‰© §not go up in the midst of thee; for thou art astiffnecked people; lest I consume thee in the ÆÛ¯¤ŸÚÆ -‰L¥ ˜§ -ÌÚ© Èk³¦ EÀ a§ ¯§˜¦ a§ ‰Ï¤¹ Ú¡ ‡«¤ ‡ŸÏ¸way.’ [4] And when the people heard these evil ÌÚ¨À ‰¨ ÚÓ´© L§ i¦ © 4 :C¯¤c«¨a© E− ϧ Τ ‡£ -Ôt¤ ‰z¨ ‡©½tidings, they mourned; and no man did put on e˙L²¨ -‡ŸÏ§ eÏ®a¨ ‡© ˙§ i¦ © ‰−f¤‰© Ú¯²¨‰¨ ¯¬·¨ c¨‰© -˙‡¤him his ornaments. [5] And the Lord said untoMoses: ‘Say unto the children of Israel: Ye are ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 5 :ÂÈÏ«¨ Ú¨ BÈ−„§Ú¤ Lȇ¬¦a stiffnecked people; if I go up into the midst -‰L¥ ˜§ -ÌÚ© Ìz´¤ ‡© Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§ -χ¤ ¯ŸÓ³ ‡¡of thee for one moment, I shall consume thee;therefore now put off thy ornaments from thee, EÈ˙®¦ Èl¦ Φ § E− a§ ¯§˜¦ ·§ ‰¬Ï¤ Ú¡‡«¤ „Á²¨ ‡¤ Ú‚©¯¯¤ Û¯¤ŸÚ½that I may know what to do unto thee.’ [6] And ‰Ó¬¨ ‰Ú−¨ „§‡¥ § EÈϤ½ Ú¨ Ó«¥ ÆEȧ „§Ú¤ „¯³¥B‰ ‰z¨À Ú© §the children of Israel stripped themselves of theirornaments from mount Horeb onward. -˙‡¤ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥·§ eϯ v§ ©˙§ i«¦Â© 6 :Cl«¨ -‰N¤ Ú¡‡«¤ -˙‡¤ Áw¸©È¦ Á‰L¤ ŸÓe 7 :·¯«¥BÁ ¯¬‰© Ó¥ Ì−Ȩ„§Ú¤ [7] Now Moses used to take the tent andto pitch it without the camp, afar off from the ƘÁ¥ ¯§‰© ‰¤ÀÁ£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ´ Ó¦ | BÏ´ -‰Ë¨ «¨Â§ ω¤ Ÿ‡¹ ‰¨camp; and he called it The tent of meeting. Andit came to pass, that every one that sought the ƉȨ‰¨ § „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ BÏ− ‡¯¨˜¬¨Â§ ‰¤½ Á£ n© ‰«© -ÔÓ¦Lord went out unto the tent of meeting, which ¯L−¤ ‡£ „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ -χ¤ Ƈˆ¥ È¥ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ Lw´¥·© Ó§ -Ïk¨was without the camp. [8] And it came to pass,when Moses went out unto the Tent, that all -χ¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ˙‡³ˆ¥ k§ ‰È¨À‰¨ § 8 :‰«¤Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ¬ Ó¦ 170 170

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡˘˙ ÈÎ 33 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 33.9 ki tissa’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙the people rose up, and stood, every man at his Á˙© ´t¤ Lȇ−¦ e·½ v§ ¸¦ § ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ ÆeÓe˜Æ Ȩ ω¤ Ÿ‡½ ‰¨tent door, and looked after Moses, until he wasgone into the Tent. [9] And it came to pass, when B‡− Ÿa-„Ú© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ȯ´¥Á£ ‡© ÆeËÈaƦ ‰¦ § BÏ® ‰¢ ‡¨Moses entered into the Tent, the pillar of cloud Æ„¯¥È¥ ‰Ï¨ ‰¡Ÿ‡½ ‰¨ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ‡Ÿ·³ k§ ‰È¨À‰¨ § 9 :‰Ï¨ ‰¡Ÿ‡« ‰¨descended, and stood at the door of the Tent; ¯a−¤ „¦Â§ ω¤ Ÿ‡® ‰¨ Á˙© ´t¤ „Ó−© Ú¨ § Ô¨½ Ú¨ ‰«¤ „en´ Ú©and [the Lord] spoke with Moses. [10] Andwhen all the people saw the pillar of cloud stand „en´ Ú© -˙‡¤ ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ ‰‡³¨ ¯¨Â§ 10 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-ÌÚ¦at the door of the Tent, all the people rose up and ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ ̘³¨Â§ ω¤ Ÿ‡® ‰¨ Á˙© ´t¤ „Ó−¥ ŸÚ Ô¨½ Ú¨ ‰«¤worshipped, every man at his tent door. [11] Andthe Lord spoke unto Moses face to face, as a ‰³Â¨‰È§ ¯a¤¸ „¦Â§ 11 :BÏ« ‰¢ ‡¨ Á˙© ¬t¤ Lȇ−¦ ee½Á£ z© L§ ‰«¦ §man speaketh unto his friend. And he would ¯¬a¥ „©È§ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ÌÈ½¦ t¨ -χ¤ ÌÈ´¦ t¨ ƉL¤ ŸÓ-χ¤return into the camp; but his minister Joshua, B˙¹ ¯§L¨¸ Ó§ e ‰¤½ Á£ n© ‰«© -χ¤ Æ·L¨ § e‰®Ú¥ ¯¥-χ¤ Lȇ−¦the son of Nun, a young man, departed not outof the Tent. CBz¬ Ó¦ LÈÓ−¦ Ȩ ‡ŸÏ¬ ¯Ú© ©½ ÆÔe-Ôa¦ Ú©³Lª B‰È§[12] And Moses said unto the Lord: ‘See, ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ -χ¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 12 Ò :ω¤ Ÿ‡« ‰¨Thou sayest unto me: Bring up this people; andThou hast not let me know whom Thou wilt ‰f¤½‰© Ì´Ú¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÏÚ© ‰©µÆÈÏ© ‡¥ ¯Ó³¥ Ÿ‡ ‰zº¨ ‡© ‰‡¥ ¯§Âsend with me. Yet Thou hast said: I know thee Èn®¦ Ú¦ ÁÏ−© L§ z¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙¬‡¥ È¦ z©½ Ú§ „©B‰« ‡ŸÏ´ Ɖz¨ ‡© §by name, and thou hast also found grace in My ˙¨ ‡¬ˆ¨ Ó¨ -Ì‚©Â§ ÌL¥½ ·§ E« Èz´¦ Ú§ „©È§ Æz¨ ¯§ÓÆ© ‡¨ ‰z³¨ ‡© §sight. [13] Now therefore, I pray Thee, if I havefound grace in Thy sight, show me now Thy ÔÁ¥¹ È˙¦ ‡ˆ¨¸ Ó¨ Á‡¨-̇¦ ‰z¨¿ Ú© § 13 :È«¨ÈÚ¥ a§ ÔÁ−¥ways, that I may know Thee, to the end that I E½ Ú£„´¨‡¥ § EΤ½ ¯¨c§-˙‡¤ Ƈ¨ È¦ ³Ú¥ „¦B‰ EÈ¤ÀÈÚ¥ a§may find grace in Thy sight; and consider thatthis nation is Thy people.’ [14] And He said: E− n§ Ú© Ȭk¦ ‰‡¥¾ ¯§e EÈ®¤ÈÚ¥ a§ ÔÁ−¥ -‡ˆ¨ Ó§ ‡¤ ÔÚ© Ó¬© ϧ‘My presence shall go with thee, and I will give È˙¦ ŸÁ¬ ¦ ‰£ © eÎÏ−¥ È¥ Ȭ©t¨ ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© 14 :‰«f¤‰© ÈBb¬‰©thee rest.’ [15] And he said unto Him: ‘If Thy ÌÈν¦ ϧ Ÿ‰ ÆEÈ¤Æ t¨ Ôȇ³¥ -̇¦ ÂȮϨ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 15 :CÏ«¨presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.[16] For wherein now shall it be known that I ‡BÙÀ ‡¥ Ú„´©e¨È¦ | ‰n´¤ ·© e 16 :‰«f¤Ó¦ eÏ−¥ Ú£z© -χ«©have found grace in Thy sight, I and Thy people? ‡BÏ− ‰£ En¤½ Ú© § È´¦ ‡£ ÆEÈ¤Æ ÈÚ¥ a§ ÔÁ³¥ È˙¦ ‡ˆ¨¸ Ó¨ -Èk«¦is it not in that Thou goest with us, so that weare distinguished, I and Thy people, from all the -Ïk¨¸ Ó¦ E½ n§ Ú© § È´¦ ‡£ ÆeÈÏ¥Æ Ù§ ¦ § en®¨ Ú¦ E´ z§ Χ Ϥ a§people that are upon the face of the earth?’ Ù :‰Ó«¨ „¨‡£ ‰¨ Ȭ¥t§ -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨[17] And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘I will ¯¬·¨ c¨‰© -˙‡¤ Ì´b© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 17do this thing also that thou hast spoken, for thouhast found grace in My sight, and I know thee by ÆÔÁ¥ ˙¨ ‡³ˆ¨ Ó¨ -Èk«¦ ‰N®¤ Ú¡‡«¤ z¨ ¯§a−© c¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰²f¤‰©name.’ [18] And he said: ‘Show me, I pray Thee, ‡−¨ È¦ ¬‡¥ ¯§‰© ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© 18 :ÌL«¥ a§ E− Ú£„¨‡¥ ¨ È©½ ÈÚ¥ a§Thy glory.’ [19] And He said: ‘I will make all My ÆÈ·¦ eË-Ïk¨ ¯È·³¦ Ú£‡© È¸¦ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 19 :E„«¤Ÿ·k§ -˙‡¤goodness pass before thee, and will proclaim EÈ®¤Ù¨ ϧ ‰−¨‰È§ ̲L¥ ·§ È˙«¦ ‡¯¯¨˜¨Â§ EÈ¤½ t¨ -ÏÚ©the name of the Lord before thee; and I will begracioustowhomIwillbegracious,andwillshow ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -˙‡¤ Èz−¦ Ó§ Á© ¯¦Â§ ÔŸÁ½ ‡¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ -˙‡¤ ÆÈ˙¦ ŸpÁ© §mercy on whom I will show mercy.’ [20] And Hesaid: ‘Thou canst not see My face, for man shall -˙‡¤ ˙Ÿ‡´ ¯§Ï¦ Ï−Ω e˙ ‡ŸÏ¬ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 20 :ÌÁ«¥ ¯©‡£not see Me and live.’ [21] And the Lord said: ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 21 :ÈÁ«¨ ¨ Ì„−¨‡¨ ‰¨ È¦ ‡¬© ¯§È¦ -‡ŸÏ« Ȳk¦ È®¨t¨‘Behold, there is a place by Me, and thou shalt :¯ev« ‰© -ÏÚ© z−¨ ·§ v© ¦ § Èz®¦ ‡¦ ÌB˜− Ó¨ ‰¬p¥‰¦ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§stand upon the rock. [22] And it shall come topass, while My glory passeth by, that I will put ˙¯´©˜§ ¦ a§ EÈz−¦ Ó§ N© § È„½¦Ÿ·k§ ¯Ÿ·´ Ú£a© ƉȨ‰¨ § 22 171 171

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 33.23 ki tissa’ ‡˘˙ ÈÎ 33 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙thee in a cleft of the rock, and will cover thee with :ȯ«¦·§ Ú¨ -„Ú© EÈÏ−¤ Ú¨ Ȳt¦ Ω È˙¬¦ ŸkN© § ¯ev® ‰©My hand until I have passed by. [23] And I willtake away My hand, and thou shalt see My back; È−©Ù¨ e ȯ®¨ŸÁ‡£ -˙‡¤ ˙¨ ȇ−¦ ¯¨Â§ Èt½¦ k©-˙‡¤ ÆÈ˙¦ Ÿ¯Ò¦ ‰£ © 2334but My face shall not be seen.’ And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Hew Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© Ò :e‡« ¯¨È¥ ‡ŸÏ¬34 thee two tables of stone like unto the ÌÈ−¦ ·¨ ‡£ ˙ŸÁ¬ Ϫ -È«¥L§ E² ϧ -ÏÒ¨ t§ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ -˙‡¤ ˙ŸÁ½ lª ‰© -ÏÚ© ÆÈz¦ ·§ ˙© Ψ § ÌÈ®¦ŸL‡¯¦k¨first; and I will write upon the tables the wordsthat were on the first tables, which thou didstbreak. [2] And be ready by the morning, and ÌÈ−¦ŸL‡¯¦‰¨ ˙ŸÁ¬ lª ‰© -ÏÚ© eȲ‰¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ìȯ½¦·¨ c§‰©come up in the morning unto mount Sinai, ˙¨ Èϳ¦ Ú¨ § ¯˜¤Ÿa® Ï© ÔBÎ− ¨ ‰¬È¥‰§ ¤ 2 :z¨ ¯§a«© L¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£and present thyself there to Me on the top of -ÏÚ© ÌL−¨ Èϲ¦ z¬¨ ·§ v© ¦ § È©½ ÈÒ¦ ¯‰´© -χ¤ Ư˜¤ŸaÆ ·©the mount. [3] And no man shall come up withthee, neither let any man be seen throughout all -Ì‚©Â§ Cn¨½ Ú¦ ‰´Ï¤ ڣȩ-‡ŸÏ« ÆLȇ¦ § 3 :¯‰«¨ ‰¨ L‡Ÿ¯¬the mount; neither let the flocks nor herds feed Ư˜¨ a¨ ‰© § Ô‡Ÿv³ ‰© -Ìb© ¯®‰¨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ a§ ‡¯−¨È¥-χ© Lȇ¬¦before that mount.’ [4] And he hewed two tablesof stone like unto the first; and Moses rose up ÏŸÒ¿ Ù§ i¦ © 4 :‡e‰« ‰© ¯¬‰¨ ‰¨ ÏeÓ− -χ¤ eÚ½ ¯§È¦-χ©early in the morning, and went up unto mount ‰L³¤ ŸÓ Ìk¥¸ L§ i©Â© ÌÈÀ¦ŸL‡¯¦k¨ ÌÈ¹¦ ·¨ ‡£ ˙ŸÁ¸ Ϫ -È«¥L§Sinai, as the Lord had commanded him, andtook in his hand two tables of stone. [5] And ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© È©½ ÈÒ¦ ¯‰´© -χ¤ ÆÏÚ© iƩ© Ư˜¤ŸaÆ ·©the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood „¯¤³i¥Â© 5 :ÌÈ«¦ ·¨ ‡£ ˙ŸÁ¬ Ϫ È−¥L§ B„½ Ȩa§ Áw´©i¦Â© B˙® Ÿ‡with him there, and proclaimed the name ofthe Lord. [6] And the Lord passed by before ÌL−¥ ·§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ © ÌL®¨ Bn− Ú¦ ·¬v¥ È©˙§ i¦Â© Ô¨½ Ú¨ a«¤ Ɖ¨‰È§him, and proclaimed: ‘The Lord, the Lord, ¼‡¯¨˜§ i¦ © »ÂÈ¨t¨ -ÏÚ© | ‰¬Â¨‰È§ ¯Ÿ·¸ Ú£i©Â© 6 :‰Â«¨‰È§God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and ÌȦ t−© ‡© C¯¤¬‡¤ Ôep®Á© § ÌeÁ− ¯© Ϭ‡¥ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ | ‰´Â¨‰È§abundant in goodness and truth; [7] keeping ¯¬ˆ¥ Ÿmercy unto the thousandth generation, forgiving ÌÈÙ½¦ Ϩ ‡£ Ϩ Æ„Ò¤ ÁƤ 7 :˙Ó«¤ ‡¡ ¤ „Ò¤ ¬Á¤ -·¯©Â§iniquity and transgression and sin; and that will ‰w½¤©È§ ‡ŸÏ´ Ɖw¥©Â§ ‰‡®¨ h¨ Á© § ÚL© Ù−¤ ¨ ԟ²ڨ ‡¬N¥ Ÿby no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquityof the fathers upon the children, and upon the ÌÈ½¦ ·¨ È´¥a§ -ÏÚ© § ÆÌÈ¦ a¨-ÏÚ© ˙B·À ‡¨ ԟ´ڣ | „˜´¥Ÿtchildren’s children, unto the third and unto the ‰L®¤ ŸÓ ¯‰−¥ Ó© ȧ © 8 :ÌÈÚ«¦ a¥ ¯¦-ÏÚ© § ÌÈL−¦ l¥ L¦ -ÏÚ©fourth generation.’ [8] And Moses made haste,and bowed his head toward the earth, and Á‡¨-̇¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¿Â© 9 :eÁz«¨ L§ i¦Â© ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡−© „Ÿw¬i¦ ©worshipped. [9] And he said: ‘If now I have found È−¨Ÿ„‡£ ‡¬¨-CϤ È«¥ È¨½Ÿ„‡£ ÆEÈ¤Æ ÈÚ¥ a§ ÔÁ³¥ È˙¦ ‡ˆ¨¸ Ó¨grace in Thy sight, O Lord, let the Lord, I pray z²¨ Á§ Ï© Ò¨ § ‡e‰½ ÆÛ¯¤ŸÚÆ -‰L¥ ˜§ -ÌÚ© Èk³¦ e®a¥ ¯§˜¦ a§Thee, go in the midst of us; for it is a stiffnecked ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 10 :ez«¨ ϧ Á© § e e˙−¥ ‡h¨ Á© ϧ e e¬¥ŸÂڣϩpeople; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, andtake us for Thine inheritance.’ [10] And He said: ‰N´¤ Ú¡ ‡¤ ÆEn§ Ú© -Ïk«¨ „‚¤³¤¼˙ȯ¦a§ ˙¯´¥Ÿk»ÈΦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰´p¥‰¦‘Behold, I make a covenant; before all thy people Iwill do marvels, such as have not been wrought in ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ ·§ e‡¬ ¯§·§ ¦ -‡ŸÏ« ¯²L¤ ‡£ ˙Ÿ‡½ Ϩ Ù§ ¦all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people ‰z¨¸ ‡© -¯L¤ ‡£ ÌÚ¨ ‰¨ Â-ÏΨ ‰‡´¨ ¯¨Â§ ÌÈ®¦Bb‰© -ÏΨ ·§ eamong which thou art shall see the work of theLord that I am about to do with thee, that it is ‡e‰½ ‡¯´¨B-Èk«¦ Ɖ¨‰È§ ‰N³¥ Ú£Ó© -˙‡¤ Ba¹ ¯§˜¦ ·§tremendous. [11] Observe thou that which I am ˙²‡¥ E½ ϧ -¯Ó¨¸ L§ 11 :Cn«¨ Ú¦ ‰¬N¤ ŸÚ È−¦ ‡£ ¯¬L¤ ‡£commanding thee this day; behold, I am drivingout before thee the Amorite, and the Canaanite, EÈ¤Àt¨ Ó¦ L¯´¥Ÿ‚ ȯ¦ § ‰¦ ÌBi®‰© E´ e§ˆ© Ó§ ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, Èf½¦ ¯¦t§ ‰© § ÆÈz¦ Á¦ ‰© § È½¦ Ú£©k§ ‰«© § Æȯ¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰¨ -˙‡¤and the Jebusite. [12] Take heed to thyself, lest ˙Ÿ¯³Î§ z¦ -Ôt¤ EÀ ϧ ¯Ó¤ M´¨ ‰¦ 12 :ÈÒ«¦ e·È§‰© § Èe−¦Á¦ ‰© §thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the 172 172

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 34.13 ki tissa’ ‡˘˙ ÈÎ 34 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙land whither thou goest, lest they be for a snare ‰¨ ȮϤ Ú¨ ‡´a¨ ‰z−¨ ‡© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ·L´¥ BÈϧ Æ˙ȯ¦a§in the midst of thee. [13] But ye shall break downtheir altars, and dash in pieces their pillars, and -˙‡¤ Èk³¦ 13 :Ea«¤ ¯§˜¦ a§ L˜−¥BÓϧ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -Ôt¤ye shall cut down their Asherim. [14] For thou Ôe¯®a¥ L© z§ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ·v¥ Ó© -˙‡¤ § Ôeˆ½ Ÿzz¦ ÆÌ˙¨ ŸÁa§ ʧӦshalt bow down to no other god; for the Lord, ‰Â−¤Á£ z© L§ ˙«¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ȳk¦ 14 :Ôe˙« Ÿ¯Î§ z¦ Âȯ−¨L¥ ‡£ -˙‡¤ §whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God; [15] lest¯thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of ‡−p¨˜© Ϭ‡¥ BÓ½ L§ ‡´p¨˜© Ɖ¨‰È§ Èk³¦ Á®¥ ‡© χ´¥ ϧthe land, and they go astray after their gods, and ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ ·L´¥ BÈϧ ˙ȯ−¦a§ ˙Ÿ¯¬Î§ z¦ -Ôt¤ 15 :‡e‰«do sacrifice unto their gods, and they call thee,and thou eat of their sacrifice; [16] and thou ̉¤½ ȉ¥ŸÏ´ ‡Ï¥ ÆeÁ·§ ʨ§ ̉¤À ȉ¥ŸÏ« ‡¡ ȯ´¥Á£ ‡© | e´Ê¨Â§take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their z¬¨ Á§ ˜©Ï¨ § 16 :BÁ« ·§ f¦ Ó¦ z−¨ ϧ Ω ‡¨ § E½ ϧ ‡¯´¨˜¨Â§daughters go astray after their gods, and make Ô‰¤½ ȉ¥ŸÏ´ ‡¡ Æȯ¥Á£ ‡© ÂÈ˙¨À Ÿ·§ e´Ê¨Â§ EÈ®¤·¨ ϧ ÂÈ˙−¨ Ÿa§ Ó¦thy sons go astray after their gods. [17] Thoushalt make thee no molten gods. [18] The feast Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ 17 :Ô‰«¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ȯ−¥Á£ ‡© EÈ¤½ a¨-˙‡¤ Æeʧ‰¦ §of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. Seven »˙Bvn© ‰© ‚Á´© -˙‡¤ 18 :Cl«¨ -‰N¤ Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰Î−¨ q¥ Ó©days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, as I ¯L´¤ ‡£ Æ˙BvÓ© ϳΩ ‡Ÿz ÌÈÓ¹¦ Ȩ ˙Ú©¸ ·§ L¦ ¼¯ŸÓL§ z¦commanded thee, at the time appointed in themonth Abib, for in the month Abib thou camest L„¤ŸÁ´ a§ Èk¦µ ·È·®¦ ‡¨ ‰¨ L„¤ŸÁ´ „Ú−¥ BÓϧ E˙½¦ Èe¦ˆ¦out from Egypt. [19] All that openeth the womb ÌÁ¤ ¯−¤ ¯Ë¤ ¬t¤ -Ïk¨ 19 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ ˙¨ ‡ˆ−¨ Ȩ ·È·½¦ ‡¨ ‰«¨is Mine; and of all thy cattle thou shalt sanctifythe males, the firstlings of ox and sheep. [20] And :‰N«¤ ¨ ¯BL¬ ¯Ë¤ t−¤ ¯Î¨½ f¨z¦ ÆE§ ˜§ Ó¦ -ÏΫ¨ § ÈÏ®¦the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a ‡ŸÏ¬ -̇¦ § ‰N¤½ ·§ ‰c´¤Ù§ z¦ ƯBÓÁ£ ¯Ë¤ ³Ù¤ e 20lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou ‰c½¤Ù§ z¦ ÆEÈ¤Æ a¨ ¯Bγ a§ ÏŸk´ Bz® Ù§ ¯©Ú£Â© ‰c−¤Ù§ ˙¦shalt break its neck. All the first-born of thy sonsthou shalt redeem. And none shall appear before „Ÿ·½ Ú£z© ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ L³¥ 21 :̘«¨È¯¥ È−©Ù¨ e‡¬ ¯¨È¥-‡ŸÏ« §Me empty. [21] Six days thou shalt work, but on ¯Èˆ−¦ w¨·© e Lȯ¬¦Á¨ a¤ ˙Ÿa® L§ z¦ ÈÚ−¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¬·© ethe seventh day thou shalt rest; in plowing time ȯ−¥eka¦ E½ ϧ ‰N´¤ Ú£z© Æ˙ŸÚ·ª L¨ ‚Á³© § 22 :˙Ÿa« L§ z¦and in harvest thou shalt rest. [22] And thou shaltobserve the feast of weeks, even of the first-fruits :‰«¨M¨ ‰© ˙Ù−© e˜z§ ÛÈÒ½¦ ‡¨ ‰«¨ Æ‚Á© § ÌÈh®¦ Á¦ ¯Èˆ´¦ ˜§of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at E½ ¯§eδ ʧ -Ïk¨ Ɖ‡¤ ¯¨È¥ ‰®¨M¨ a© ÌÈÓ−¦ Ú¨ t§ LŸÏ¬ L¨ 23the turn of the year. [23] Three times in the year :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰−¨‰È§ | ÔŸ„¬‡¨ ‰«¨ Ȳ¥t§ -˙‡¤shall all thy males appear before the Lord God,the God of Israel. [24] For I will cast out nations -˙‡¤ Èz−¦ ·§ Á© ¯§‰¦ § EÈ¤½ t¨ Ó¦ ÆÌȦ Bb Lȯ³¦B‡-Èk«¦ 24before thee, and enlarge thy borders; neither shall E½ ˆ§ ¯§‡© -˙‡«¤ ÆLȇ¦ „ŸÓ¬ Á§ È©-‡ŸÏ§ E®Ï¤ e·b§any man covet thy land, when thou goest up toappear before the Lord thy God three times in Eȉ¤½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ ÆÈ¥t§ -˙‡¤ Æ˙B‡¯¨Ï¥ EÀ ˙§ ŸÏ« Ú£a©the year. [25] Thou shalt not offer the blood of -ÏÚ© ËÁ¬© L§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« 25 :‰«¨M¨ a© ÌÈÓ−¦ Ú¨ t§ LŸÏ¬ L¨My sacrifice with leavened bread; neither shall ‚Á¬© Á·© −ʤ ¯˜¤Ÿa½ Ï© ÔÈÏ´¦ Ȩ-‡ŸÏ§ ÈÁ®¦ ·§ ʦ -Ìc© ıÓ−¥ Á¨the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be leftunto the morning. [26] The choicest first-fruits ‡È·¾¦ z¨ E½ ˙§ Ó´¨ „§‡© Æȯ¥eka¦ ˙ÈL¦À ‡¯¥ 26 :ÁÒ© t«¨ ‰©of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the ·¬Ï¥ Á£ a© È„−¦b§ ϬM¥ ·© ˙§ -‡ŸÏ EÈ®‰¤ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ ˙Èa−¥Lord thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in its Ù :Bn« ‡¦mother’s milk.’ [27] And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Write -˙‡¤ E− ϧ -·˙¨ k§ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 27thou these words, for after the tenor of these Ìȯ´¦·¨ c§‰© | Èt´¦ -ÏÚ© Èkº¦ ‰l¤ ‡®¥ ‰¨ Ìȯ´¦·¨ c§‰© 173 173

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡˘˙ ÈÎ 34 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 34.28 ki tissa’ ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙words I have made a covenant with thee and :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -˙‡¤ § ˙ȯ−¦a§ E² z§ ‡¦ Èz¦ ¯¯©k¨ ‰l¤ ‡¥À ‰¨with Israel.’ [28] And he was there with the Lordforty days and forty nights; he did neither eat ÆÌBÈ ÌÈÚ¬¦ a¨ ¯§‡© ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§-ÌÚ¦ ÌL´¨ -ȉ¦ ȧ«© 28bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the ‡ŸÏ´ ÌȦÓ−© e ÏΩ½ ‡¨ ‡ŸÏ´ ÌÁ¤ Ϥµ ‰Ï¨ ȧ Ï©½ ÌÈÚ´¦ a¨ ¯§‡© §tables the words of the covenant, the ten words. ˙ȯ½¦a§ ‰© ȯ´¥·§ c¦ ˙‡¥µ ˙ŸÁÀ lª ‰© -ÏÚ© ·Ÿz´ Χ i¦ © ‰˙®¨ L¨[29] And it came to pass, when Moses camedown from mount Sinai with the two tables of ¯‰´© Ó¥ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ˙„¤¯³¤a§ ȉÀ¦ ȧ © 29 :Ìȯ«¦·¨ c§‰© ˙¯¤N−¤ Ú£the testimony in Moses’ hand, when he came Bz− „§¯¦a§ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-„È©a§ Æ˙„ªÚ¥ ‰«¨ ˙ŸÁ³ Ϫ È¥¸ L§ e È©½ ÈÒ¦down from the mount, that Moses knew notthat the skin of his face sent forth beams while ÂÈ−¨t¨ ¯BÚ¬ Ô¯²©˜¨ Ȭk¦ Ú„À©È¨-‡ŸÏ« ‰L´¤ ŸÓe ¯®‰¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦He talked with him. [30] And when Aaron and ȳ¥a§ -ÏΨ § ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© ‡¯§i©¸Â© 30 :Bz« ‡¦ B¯¬a§ „©a§all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, ÂÈ®¨t¨ ¯BÚ´ Ô¯−©˜¨ ‰¬p¥‰¦ § ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧthe skin of his face sent forth beams; and theywere afraid to come nigh him. [31] And Moses Æ̉¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ‡¯³¨˜§ i¦ © 31 :ÂÈÏ«¨ ‡¥ ˙L¤ ¬b¤Ó¦ e‡− ¯§Èi«¦Â©called unto them; and Aaron and all the rulers Ìȇ−¦ N¦ p§ ‰© -ÏΨ § ÔŸ¯¬‰£ ‡© ÂȲϨ‡¥ e·¯Lª i¨Â© ‰L¤½ ŸÓof the congregation returned unto him; and Ôά¥-ȯ¥Á£ ‡© § 32 :̉«¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © ‰„®¨Ú¥ a¨Moses spoke to them. [32] And afterward all thechildren of Israel came nigh, and he gave them ¯L¤¸ ‡£ -Ïk¨ Á˙‡¥ Ìe¾¥ˆ© ȧ© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -Ïk¨ eL− b§ ¦in commandment all that the Lord had spoken ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ϴΩ ȧ© 33 :È«¨ÈÒ¦ ¯¬‰© a§ Bz− ‡¦ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ¯¯a¤ c¦with him in mount Sinai. [33] And when Moses ‡Ÿ·¸ ·§ e 34 :‰Â«¤Ò§ Ó© ÂÈ−¨t¨ -ÏÚ© Ôz¬¥ i¦ © Ìz®¨ ‡¦ ¯a−¥ c©Ó¦had done speaking with them, he put a veil onhis face. [34] But when Moses went in before the -˙‡¤ ¯ÈÒ¬¦ Ȩ Bz½ ‡¦ ¯´a¥ „©Ï§ Ɖ¨‰È§ ȳ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓLord that He might speak with him, he took the È´¥a§ -χ¤ Ưa¤ „¦Â§ ‡ˆ¨À Ȩ§ B˙® ‡ˆ¥ -„Ú© ‰Â−¤Ò§ n© ‰©veil off, until he came out; and he came out, andspoke unto the children of Israel that which he -È«¥·§ e‡³ ¯¨Â§ 35 :‰e«¤ˆª ȧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙‡−¥ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧwas commanded. [35] And the children of Israel È´¥t§ ¯BÚ− Ô¯½©˜¨ Èk´¦ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ È´¥t§ -˙‡¤ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧsaw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ ÂÈ¨½ t¨ -ÏÚ© Ɖ¤ҧ n© ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰L³¤ ŸÓ ·ÈL¦¸ ‰¥ § ‰L®¤ ŸÓface sent forth beams; and Moses put the veilback upon his face, until he went in to speak with Ò :Bz« ‡¦ ¯¬a¥ „©Ï§ B‡− Ÿa-„Ú©Him. ω˜ÈÂva-yakhel 35And Moses35 congregation of the children of Israel, Ìȯ½¦·¨ c§‰© ‰l¤ ‡¥µ Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ‰L¤À ŸÓ assembled all the Ȭ¥a§ ˙„²©Ú£ -Ïk¨ -˙‡«¤ Ï´‰¥ ˜§ i©Â©and said unto them: ‘These are the words which ˙L¤ L´¥ 2 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ˙ŸN¬ ڣϩ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£the Lord hath commanded, that ye should do ÈÚÀ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´·© e ¼‰Î¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ ‰N´¤ Ú¨ z¥ »ÌÈÓ¦ Ȩthem. [2] Six days shall work be done, but on theseventh day there shall be to you a holy day, a ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ÔB˙− a¨ L© ˙¬a© L© L„¤Ÿ˜² ̬Τ Ϩ ‰È¤¸‰§ Ȧsabbath of solemn rest to the Lord; whosoeverdoeth any work therein shall be put to death. -‡ŸÏ 3 :˙Ó«¨ eÈ ‰Î−¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ B·² ‰¬N¤ ŸÚ‰¨ -Ïk¨[3] Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your ÌBÈ−a§ ̮Τ È˙¥ Ÿ·« L§ ŸÓ ÏŸÎ− a§ L‡¥½ e¯´Ú£·© ˙§habitations upon the sabbath day.’ Ù :˙a«¨ M© ‰© [4] And Moses spoke unto all thecongregation of the children of Israel, saying: χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§ ˙„¬©Ú£ -Ïk¨ -χ¤ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 4‘This is the thing which the Lord commanded, :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯·¨½ c¨‰© ‰´Ê¤ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ Heb. horns. 174 174

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ω˜È 35 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 35.5 va-yakhel ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙saying: [5] Take ye from among you an offering ·È„´¦§ ÏŸkµ ‰Â¨½ ‰ÈÏ«© ƉӨ e¯z§ ̳Τ z§ ‡¦ Ó«¥ eÁ¸ ˜§ 5unto the Lord, whosoever is of a willing heart,let him bring it, the Lord’s offering: gold, and ÛÒ¤ Î−¤ ¨ ·¬‰¨ ʨ ‰®Â¨‰È§ ˙Ó´© e¯z§ ˙‡−¥ ‰¨ ‡¤¾ È·¦ ȧ Ba½ Ϧsilver, and brass; [6] and blue, and purple, and È−¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§ ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ ˙§ e 6 :˙L¤ ŸÁ« § escarlet, and fine linen, and goats’ hair; [7] and ÌÈÓ²¦ c¨‡¨ Ó§ Ìϯ¦ ȇ¥ ˙Ÿ¯¸ ŸÚ§ 7 :ÌÈf«¦Ú¦ § L¬L¥ §rams’ skins dyed red, and sealskins, and acacia- ÔÓ¤ L−¤ § 8 :ÌÈh«¦ N¦ Ȭˆ¥ ڣ© ÌÈL−¦ Á¨ z§ ˙Ÿ¯¬ŸÚ§wood; [8] and oil for the light, and spices for theanointing oil, and for the sweet incense; [9] and ˙¯¤ŸË− ˜§ Ϧ § ‰Á¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ L´¤ ϧ ÆÌÈÓ¦ N¨ ·§ e ¯B‡® n¨ Ï©onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod, Ìȇ®¦ lª Ó¦ È−¥·§ ‡© § ̉© ŸL½ -È¥·§ ‡©¸ § 9 :ÌÈn«¦ q© ‰©and for the breastplate. [10] And let every wise- ̮Τ a¨ ·Ï−¥ -ÌΩ Á£ -ÏΨ § 10 :ÔL¤ ŸÁ« Ï© § „BÙ− ‡¥ Ϩhearted man among you come, and make all thatthe Lord hath commanded: [11] the tabernacle, :‰Â«¨‰È§ ‰e−¨ˆ¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ˙²‡¥ eN½ ڣȩ§ e‡Ÿ·´ Ȩits tent, and its covering, its clasps, and its boards, e‰Ò®¥ Χ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § BÏ− ‰¢ ‡¨ -˙‡«¤ Ôk¨½ L§ n¦ ‰©¸ -˙‡¤ 11its bars, its pillars, and its sockets; [12] the ark, ÂÈÁ¨¾ ȯ¦a§ ÂÁȯ·-˙‡¤ ÂÈL¨½ ¯¨˜§ -˙‡¤ § ÆÂÈÒ¨ ¯¨˜§ -˙‡¤and the staves thereof, the ark-cover, and theveil of the screen; [13] the table, and its staves, ÔŸ¯¬‡¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ 12 :ÂÈ«¨„¨‡£ -˙‡¤ § ÂÈ„−¨nª Ú© -˙‡¤and all its vessels, and the showbread; [14] the ˙Τ Ÿ¯¬t¨ ˙‡−¥ § ˙¯¤Ÿt® k© ‰© -˙‡¤ ÂÈc−¨a©-˙‡¤ §candlestick also for the light, and its vessels, and -˙‡¤ § ÂÈc−¨a© -˙‡¤ § ÔÁ¬¨ ϧ Mª ‰© -˙‡¤ 13 :CÒ«¨ n¨ ‰©its lamps, and the oil for the light; [15] and thealtar of incense, and its staves, and the anointing ˙¯¯©ŸÓ§ -˙‡¤ § 14 :ÌÈ«¦ t¨ ‰© ÌÁ¤ ¬Ï¤ ˙‡−¥ § ÂȮϨ k¥-Ïk¨oil, and the sweet incense, and the screen for the ÔÓ¤ ¬L¤ ˙‡−¥ § ‰¨ È˙®¤ Ÿ¯¥-˙‡¤ § ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤ k¥-˙‡¤ § ¯B‡² n¨ ‰©door, at the door of the tabernacle; [16] the altar ÂÈc½¨a© -˙‡¤ § Æ˙¯¤ŸËÆ w§ ‰© Á³a© ʧ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § 15 :¯B‡« n¨ ‰©of burnt-offering, with its grating of brass, its ÌÈn®¦ q© ‰© ˙¯¤ŸË´ ˜§ ˙‡−¥ § ‰Á¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ L´¤ Æ˙‡¥ §staves, and all its vessels, the laver and its base;[17] the hangings of the court, the pillars thereof, | ˙‡´¥ 16 :Ôk«¨ L§ n¦ ‰© Á˙© ¬Ù¤ ϧ Á˙© t−¤ ‰© CÒ¬©Ó¨ -˙‡¤ §and their sockets, and the screen for the gate of -¯L¤ ‡£ Æ˙L¤ ŸÁÆ p§ ‰© ¯³a© Χ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § ‰Ï¨À ŸÚ‰¨ Á´a© ʧ Ó¦the court; [18] the pins of the tabernacle, and the ¯Ÿi−k¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÂȮϨ k¥-Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § ÂÈc−¨a© -˙‡¤ BϽpins of the court, and their cords; [19] the plaitedgarments, for ministering in the holy place, the ÂÈ„−¨nª Ú© -˙‡¤ ¯ˆ¥½ Á¨ ‰¤ È´Ú¥ ϧ ˜© ˙‡¥ µ17 :Bp« k©-˙‡¤ §holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the :¯ˆ«¥ Á¨ ‰¤ ¯Ú© L¬© CÒ−© Ó¨ ˙‡¥¾ § ‰¨ È®¤„¨‡£ -˙‡¤ §garments of his sons, to minister in the priest’s ¯ˆ−¥ Á¨ ‰¤ ˙Ÿ„¬˙§ Ȧ -˙‡¤ § Ôk²¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ˙Ÿ„¯˙§ Ȧ -˙‡¤ 18office.’ [20] And all the congregation of the „¯−¨O§ ‰© È„¬¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ 19 :̉«¤ ȯ¥˙§ ÈÓ¥ -˙‡¤ § ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© ϧ ÆL„¤ŸwÆ ‰© È„³¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ L„¤Ÿw®a© ˙¯´¥L¨ ϧchildren of Israel departed from the presenceof Moses. [21] And they came, every one whose e‡² ˆ§ i«¥Â© 20 :Ô‰«¥ Ω ϧ ÂÈ−¨·¨ È„¬¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰©heart stirred him up, and every one whom hisspirit made willing, and brought the Lord’s :‰L«¤ ŸÓ Ȭ¥Ù§ l¦ Ó¦ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§ ˙„¬©Ú£-Ïk¨offering, for the work of the tent of meeting, ϟο § Ba® Ϧ B‡´ N¨ § -¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇ−¦ -Ïk¨ e‡Ÿ·¾ i¨Â© 21and for all the service thereof, and for the holy ˙Ó©¸ e¯z§ -˙‡¤ e‡È·¦ ‰¥ ÂB˙À Ÿ‡ BÁ¹ e¯ ‰·¨¸ „§¨ Á¯L¤ ‡£garments. [22] And they came, both men and B˙½ „¨Ÿ·´ Ú£-ÏΨ ϧ e Æ„Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡³ ˙Τ ‡Ï¤¸ Ó§ Ϧ ‰Â¹¨‰È§women, as many as were willing-hearted, andbrought nose-rings, and ear-rings, and signet- -ÏÚ© ÌÈL−¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ e‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© 22 :L„¤Ÿw« ‰© È„−¥‚§ ·¦ ϧ erings, and girdles, all jewels of gold; even every Ìʤ¤¹ ¨ ÁÁ´¨ e‡È·¦ ‰¥  ·Ï¥À ·È„´¦§ | ÏŸk´ ÌÈL®¦ p¨‰© 175 175

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ω˜È 35 ˙HÂoÓm˘e | TOCtorah EXODUS 35.23 va-yakhel ‰¯Â˙man that brought an offering of gold unto the ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Lȇ¾¦ -ÏΨ § ·‰¨½ ʨ ÈÏ´¦ k§ -Ïk¨ ÆÊÓ¨ eΧ ˙Ú© ³a© Ë© §Lord. [23] And every man, with whom wasfound blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine Lȇº¦ -ÏΨ § 23 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ·‰−¨ ʨ ˙¬Ù© ez§ ÛȲ¦ ‰¥linen, and goats’ hair, and rams’ skins dyed red, ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§ ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ z§ BzÀ ‡¦ ‡´ˆ¨ Ó§ ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£and sealskins, brought them. [24] Every one ÌÈÓ²¦ c¨‡¨ Ó§ Ìϯ¦ ȇ¥ ˙Ÿ¯¸ ŸÚ§ ÌÈf®¦Ú¦ § LL´¥ § È−¦ L¨that did set apart an offering of silver and brassbrought the Lord’s offering; and every man, ÌȯÀ¦Ó¥ -Ïk¨ 24 :e‡È·«¦ ‰¥ ÌÈL−¦ Á¨ z§ ˙Ÿ¯¬ŸÚ§with whom was found acacia-wood for any work ˙Ó´© e¯z§ ˙‡−¥ e‡È·¾¦ ‰¥ ˙L¤ ŸÁ½ § e ÆÛÒ¤ k¤Æ ˙Ó© e¯³z§of the service, brought it. [25] And all the women ÌÈh²¦ L¦ Ȭˆ¥ Ú£ Bz¹ ‡¦ ‡ˆ¨¸ Ó§ ¦ Á¯L¤ ‡£ ϟο § ‰®Â¨‰È§that were wise-hearted did spin with their hands,and brought that which they had spun, the blue, -ÏΨ § 25 :e‡È·«¦ ‰¥ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£‰¨ ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -ÏΨ ϧand the purple, the scarlet, and the fine linen. ‰ÂÀ¤Ë§ Ó© e‡È·´¦ i¨Â© e®˨ ‰¨ È„´¤È¨a§ ·Ï−¥ -˙Ó© Χ Á© ‰¬M¨ ‡¦[26] And all the women whose heart stirred themup in wisdom spun the goats’ hair. [27] And the ˙Ú© ¬Ï© Bz-˙‡¤ ÔÓ¨½ b¨¯§‡© ‰«¨ -˙‡¤ § Æ˙Ϥ 봮 z§ ‰© -˙‡«¤rulers brought the onyx stones, and the stones ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌÈL¦½ p¨‰©¸ -ÏΨ § 26 :LM«¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ § È−¦ M¨ ‰©to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; :ÌÈf«¦Ú¦ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eÂ−˨ ‰Ó®¨ Χ Á¨ a§ ‰¨˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Ôa²¨ Ϧ ‡¬N¨ ¨[28] and the spice, and the oil, for the light, andfor the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. ˙‡−¥ § ̉© ŸM½ ‰© È´¥·§ ‡© ˙‡¥µ e‡È·½¦ ‰¥ ̇´¦ N¦ p§ ‰© § 27[29] The children of Israel brought a freewill- -˙‡¤ § 28 :ÔL¤ ŸÁ« Ï© § „BÙ− ‡¥ Ϩ Ìȇ®¦ lª n¦ ‰© È´¥·§ ‡©offering unto the Lord; every man and woman, ÆÔÓ¤ LƤ ϧ e ¯B‡¾ Ó¨ ϧ ÔÓ¤ M®¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÌN¤ Ÿa− ‰©whose heart made them willing to bring for allthe work, which the Lord had commanded by Lȇ´¦ -Ïk¨ 29 :ÌÈn«¦ q© ‰© ˙¯¤ŸË− ˜§ Ϧ § ‰Á¨½ L§ n¦ ‰©the hand of Moses to be made. Ƈȷ¦ ‰¨ ϧ ¼Ì˙¨ Ÿ‡ »Ìa¨ Ϧ ·„´©¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰M¨À ‡¦ § [30] And Moses said unto the children ofIsrael: ‘See, the Lord hath called by name Bezalel ˙BN− ڣϩ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ‰e¯¨ˆ¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰Î¨½ ‡Ï¨ n§ ‰© -ÏΨ ϧthe son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. ‰·−¨ „¨§ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥·§ e‡È·¯¦ ‰¥ ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-„È©a§[31] And He hath filled him with the spirit of God, Ù :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ©in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge,and in all manner of workmanship. [32] And ‡¯¬¨˜¨ e‡² ¯§ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 30to devise skilful works, to work in gold, and in ¯eÁ− -Ô·¤ ȯ¬¦e‡-Ôa¤ ϲ‡¥ ϧ ˆ© a§ ÌL®¥ a§ ‰−¨‰È§silver, and in brass, [33] and in cutting of stones Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Á©e¯´ B˙− Ÿ‡ ‡¬l¥ Ó© ȧ © 31 :‰„«¨e‰È§ ‰¬h¥ Ó© ϧfor setting, and in carving of wood, to work inall manner of skilful workmanship. [34] And He :‰Î«¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -ÏΨ ·§ e ˙Ú© „−©·§ e ‰¬¨e·˙§ a¦ ‰Ó²¨ Χ Á¨ a§hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he, ÛÒ¤ k−¤ ·© e ·¬‰¨ f¨a© ˙ŸN² ڣϩ ˙Ÿ·® L¨ Á© Ó«© ·ŸL− Á§ Ï© § 32and Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe ˙‡Ÿl− Ó© ϧ Ô·¤ ‡²¤ ˙L¤ Ÿ¯¬Á£ ·© e 33 :˙L¤ ŸÁ« p§ ·© eof Dan. [35] Them hath He filled with wisdomof heart, to work all manner of workmanship, of ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -ÏΨ a§ ˙BN− ڣϩ ı®Ú¥ ˙L¤ Ÿ¯´Á£ ·© ethe craftsman, and of the skilful workman, and ‡e‰¾ Ba® Ϧ a§ Ô˙´© ¨ ˙Ÿ¯−B‰Ï§ e 34 :˙·¤ L«¨ Á£ Ó©of the weaver in colours, in blue, and in purple,in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, ‡l¥¸ Ó¦ 35 :Ô„«¨-‰h¥ Ó© ϧ CÓ−¨ Ò¨ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ -Ôa¤ ·‡¬¨ ÈϦ ‰¢ ‡«¨ §even of them that do any workmanship, and of ˙Τ ‡´Ï¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨ »˙BNڣϩ ·Ï¥À -˙Ó© Χ Á¨ Ì˙¨¹ Ÿ‡those that devise ÔÓ¨À b¨¯§‡© ·«¨ e ˙Ϥ ´Î¥ z§ a© ̘º¥Ÿ¯Â§ ¼·L¥ ŸÁ§ | L¯´¨Á¨ skilful works. [1] And Bezalel and ‚¯®¥Ÿ‡Â§ LM−¥ ·© e Ȳ¦ M¨ ‰© ˙Ú© ϯ© B˙a§36 Oholiab shall work, and every wise- :˙Ÿ·« L¨ Á£ Ó© È·−¥ L§ ŸÁ§ ‰Î¨½ ‡Ï¨ Ó§36heartedman,inwhomtheLordhathputwisdom -Ïk¨ ÆÈN¥ ŸÚ Á‰N¨ Ú¨ § 176 176

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ω˜È 36 ˙HÂoÓm˘e | TOCtorah EXODUS 36.2 va-yakhel ‰¯Â˙and understanding to know how to work all the ·Ï¥À -ÌΩ Á£ Lȇ´¦ | ϟδ § ·‡¨¹ ÈϦ ‰¢ ‡¨ § χ¥¸ ϧ ˆ© ·§work for the service of the sanctuary, according ‰n¨ ‰¥½ a¨ Ɖ¨e·˙§ e ‰Ó³¨ Χ Á¨ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ Ô˙©¸ ¨ Á¯L¤ ‡£to all that the Lord hath commanded.’ [2] And Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab, ˙„´©Ÿ·Ú£ ˙Τ ‡Ï−¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨-˙‡«¤ ˙ŸN½ ڣϩ ˙Ú© „´©Ï¨ ‡¯´¨˜§ i¦Â© 2 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ‰e−¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ϟά ϧ L„¤Ÿw® ‰©and every wise-hearted man, in whose heart theLord had put wisdom, even every one whose -Ïk¨ Æχ¤ § ¼·‡¨ ÈϦ ‰¢ ‡«¨ -χ¤ §»Ï‡¥ ϧ ˆ© a§ -χ¤ ‰L¤À ŸÓheart stirred him up to come unto the work to do ‰Ó−¨ Χ Á¨ ‰²Â¨‰È§ Ô˙¯© ¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ·Ï¥½ -ÌΩ Á£ Lȇ´¦it. [3] And they received of Moses all the offering, -χ¤ ‰¬·¨ ¯§˜¨ ϧ Ba½ Ϧ B‡´ N¨ § ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÏŸkµ Ba® Ϧ a§which the children of Israel had brought for thework of the service of the sanctuary, wherewith È´¥Ù§ l¦ Ó¦ eÁº ˜§ i¦ © 3 :d˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ˙ŸN¬ ڣϩ ‰Î−¨ ‡Ï¨ n§ ‰©to make it. And they brought yet unto him È´¥a§ e‡È·¹¦ ‰¥ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ƉӨ e¯z§ ‰© -Ïk¨ ˙‡³¥ ‰L¤À ŸÓfreewill-offerings every morning. [4] And all ˙ŸN´ ڣϩ L„¤Ÿw− ‰© ˙„¬©Ÿ·Ú£ ˙Τ ‡²Ï¤ Ó§ Ϧ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧthe wise men, that wrought all the work of ¯˜¤Ÿa¬ a© ‰·−¨ „¨§ „BÚ² ÂȬϨ‡¥ e‡È·¸¦ ‰¥ ̉¥ § d˙®¨ Ÿ‡the sanctuary, came every man from his work ˙‡−¥ ÌÈN¦¾ ŸÚ‰¨ ÌÈÓ½¦ Ψ Á£ ‰´© -Ïk¨ Æe‡Ÿ·Æ i¨Â© 4 :¯˜¤Ÿa« a©which they wrought. [5] And they spoke untoMoses, saying: ‘The people bring much more Bz− Χ ‡Ï© n§ Ó¦ Lȇ¬¦ -Lȇ«¦ L„¤Ÿw®‰© ˙Τ ‡´Ï¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨than enough for the service of the work, which ‰L´¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ Æe¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 5 :ÌÈN«¦ ŸÚ ‰n¨ ¬‰¥ -¯L¤ ‡£the Lord commanded to make.’ [6] And Moses Ɖ„¨Ÿ·Ú£‰«¨ Èc³¥Ó¦ ‡È·®¦ ‰¨ ϧ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ ÌȬa¦ ¯§Ó© ¯ŸÓ½ ‡l¥gave commandment, and they caused it to be :d˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ˙ŸN¬ ڣϩ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰Î¨½ ‡Ï¨ n§ Ï©proclaimed throughout the camp, saying: ‘Letneither man nor woman make any more work ¼¯ŸÓ‡Ï¥ »‰¤Á£ n© a«© ÏB˜¬ e¯È·¸¦ Ú£i©Â© ‰L¤À ŸÓ ´ˆ© ȧ© 6for the offering of the sanctuary.’ So the people ‰Î−¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ „BÚ² -eNڣȩ-χ© ‰M¨À ‡¦ § Lȇ´¦were restrained from bringing. [7] For the stuff :‡È·«¦ ‰¨ Ó¥ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ ‡¬Ï¥ k¨ i¦ © L„¤Ÿw®‰© ˙Ó´© e¯˙§ Ϧthey had was sufficient for all the work to make ‰Î−¨ ‡Ï¨ n§ ‰© -ÏΨ ϧ ̲i¨„© ‰˙¬¨ ȧ ‰¨ ‰Î¨À ‡Ï¨ n§ ‰© § 7it, and too much. eN¸ Ú£i©Â© 8 Ò :¯˙«¥ B‰Â§ d˙®¨ Ÿ‡ ˙BN´ ڣϩ [8] And every wise-hearted man amongthem that wrought the work made the tabernacle -˙‡¤ ‰²Î¨ ‡Ï¨ n§ ‰© ÈN¯¥ ŸÚa§ ·Ï¥¹ -ÌΩ Á£ -ÏΨwith ten curtains: of fine twined linen, and blue, ˙Ϥ ³Î¥ ˙§ e ¯Ê¨ÀL§ Ó¨ LL´¥ ˙ŸÚ® ȯ¦È§ ¯N¤ ´Ú¤ Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰©and purple, and scarlet, with cherubim the work ·L−¥ ŸÁ ‰¬N¥ Ú£Ó© ÌȲ·¦ ¯ªk§ È½¦ L¨ ˙Ú© Ï´© B˙§ ÆÔÓ¨ b¨¯§‡© §of the skilful workman made he them. [9] The ‰³¤ŸÓL§ ˙Á©À ‡© ‰«¨ ‰Ú´¨ ȯ¦È§ ‰© C¯¤Ÿ‡¹ 9 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ‰N¬¨ Ú¨length of each curtain was eight and twenty ‰n¨½ ‡© a«¨ Ú´a© ¯§‡© Æ·Á© Ÿ¯Æ § ‰n¨½ ‡© a«¨ ÆÌȯ¦N§ Ú¤ §cubits, and the breadth of each curtain fourcubits; all the curtains had one measure. [10] And -ÏΨ ϧ ˙Á−© ‡© ‰c¬¨Ó¦ ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ‰Ú−¨ ȯ¦È§‰©he coupled five curtains one to another; and the ˙ŸÚ½ ȯ¦È§ ‰© LÓ´¥ Á£ -˙‡¤ Ưa¥ Á© ȧ © 10 :˙ŸÚ« ȯ¦È§ ‰©other five curtains he coupled one to another. ˙Á−© ‡© ¯a©½ Á¦ Æ˙ŸÚȯ¦È§ LÓ³¥ Á¨ § ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ -χ¤ ˙Á−© ‡©[11] And he made loops of blue upon the edge ˙³Ù© N§ Ï´Ú© ˙Ϥ Î¥À z§ ˙Ÿ‡´ ϧ Ï«ª NÚ© i©¹Â© 11 :˙Á«¨ ‡¤ -χ¤of the one curtain that was outmost in the firstset; likewise he made in the edge of the curtain ƉN¨ Ú¨ Ôk³¥ ˙¯¤®a¨ Á§ n© a© ‰ˆ−¨ w¨Ó¦ ˙Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰«¨ Ɖڨ ȯ¦È§ ‰©that was outmost in the second set. [12] Fifty ˙¯¤a−¤ Á§ n© a© ‰¨½ BˆÈw´¦ ‰© ‰Ú¨½ ȯ¦È§‰© ˙´Ù© N§ a¦loops made he in the one curtain, and fifty loops ‰´Ú¨ ȯ¦È§ a© »‰N¨ Ú¨ ˙Ÿ‡À Ϩ Ϫ ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£ 12 :˙È«¦ M¥ ‰© 177 177

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ω˜È 36 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 36.13 va-yakhel ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙made he in the edge of the curtain that was in ‰´ˆ¥ ˜§ a¦ ƉN¨ Ú¨ ˙Ÿ‡À Ϩ Ϫ ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£ © ¼˙Á¨ ‡¤ ‰¨the second set; the loops were opposite one to Æ˙ŸÏÈa¦ ˜§ Ó© ˙È®¦ M¥ ‰© ˙¯¤´a¤ Á§ n© a© ¯L−¤ ‡£ ‰Ú¨½ ȯ¦È§ ‰©another. [13] And he made fifty clasps of gold, ÌÈM−¦ Ó¦ Á£ NÚ© i©¾Â© 13 :˙Á«¨ ‡¤ -χ¤ ˙Á−© ‡© ˙Ÿ‡½ Ϩ ´lª ‰©and coupled the curtains one to another with the -χ¤ ˙Á³© ‡© ˙ŸÚ¹ ¯¦È§ ‰© -˙‡¤ ¯a¥¸ Á© ȧ © ·®‰¨ ʨ ÈÒ´¥ ¯§˜©clasps; so the tabernacle was one. Ò :„Á«¨ ‡¤ Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ȉ¬¦ ȧ«© ÌÈÒ½¦ ¯¨w§ a© Æ˙Á© ‡© [14] And he made curtains of goats’ hairfor a tent over the tabernacle; eleven curtains he -ÏÚ© ω¤ Ÿ‡− ϧ ÌÈf½¦ Ú¦ ˙ŸÚ´ ȯ¦È§ ÆNÚ© iƩ© 14made them. [15] The length of each curtain wasthirty cubits, and four cubits the breadth of each ‰N¬¨ Ú¨ ˙ŸÚ− ȯ¦È§ ‰¯¬¥N§ Ú¤ -Èz«¥ L§ Ú© Ôk®¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ÆÌÈL¦ ŸÏL§ ˙Á©À ‡© ‰¨ ‰Ú´¨ ȯ¦È§‰© C¯¤Ÿ‡¹ 15 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡curtain; the eleven curtains had one measure. ‰´Ú¨ ȯ¦È§ ‰© ·Á© Ÿ¯− ˙Bn½ ‡© Ú´a© ¯§‡© § ‰n¨½ ‡© a«¨[16] And he coupled five curtains by themselves, :˙ŸÚ« ȯ¦È§ ‰¯−¥N§ Ú¤ Èz¬¥ L§ Ú© ϧ ˙Á©½ ‡© ‰c´¨Ó¦ ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨and six curtains by themselves. [17] And he made -˙‡¤ § „®·¨ ϧ ˙ŸÚ− ȯ¦È§ ‰© L¬Ó¥ Á£ -˙‡¤ ¯²a¥ Á© ȧ © 16fifty loops on the edge of the curtain that was ˙Ÿ‡´ Ϩ Ï«ª NÚ© i©¹Â© 17 :„·«¨ ϧ ˙ŸÚ− ȯ¦È§ ‰© L¬L¥outmost in the first set, and fifty loops made he ‰−¨ŸˆÈw¦ ‰© ‰Ú¨½ ȯ¦È§ ‰© ˙´Ù© N§ ÏÚ©µ ÌÈM¦À Ó¦ Á£upon the edge of the curtain which was outmost ˙´Ù© N§ -ÏÚ© ƉN¨ Ú¨ ˙Ÿ‡À Ϩ Ϫ ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£ © ˙¯¤®a¨ Á§ n© a©in the second set. [18] And he made fifty clasps of ÈÒ¬¥ ¯§˜© NÚ© ²i©Â© 18 :˙È«¦ M¥ ‰© ˙¯¤·−¤ ŸÁ‰© ‰Ú¨½ ȯ¦È§ ‰©brass to couple the tent together, that it might be ˙ŸÈ¬‰§ Ϧ ω¤ Ÿ‡− ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ¯¬a¥ Á© ϧ ÌÈM®¦ Ó¦ Á£ ˙L¤ ŸÁ− §one. [19] And he made a covering for the tent oframs’ skins dyed red, and a covering of sealskins ÌÈÏ−¦ ‡¥ ˙Ÿ¯¬ŸÚ ω¤ Ÿ‡½ Ϩ ƉҤ Χ Ó¦ NÚ© ³i©Â© 19 :„Á«¨ ‡¤above. ÌÈL−¦ Á¨ z§ ˙Ÿ¯¬ŸÚ ‰²Ò¥ Χ Ó¦ e ÌÈÓ®¦ c¨‡¨ Ó§ ÌÈL−¦ ¯¨w§ ‰© -˙‡¤ NÚ© ¬i©Â© 20 Ò :‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó«¨ ϧ Ó¦ [20] And he made the boards for thetabernacle of acacia-wood, standing up. [21] Ten ˙Ÿn− ‡© ¯N¤ ¬Ú¤ 21 :ÌÈ„«¦Ó§ ŸÚ ÌÈh−¦ L¦ Ȭˆ¥ Ú£ Ôk®¨ L§ n¦ Ï©cubits was the length of a board, and a cubit and ·Á© Ÿ¯− ‰n¨½ ‡© ‰«¨ Ȉ´¦ Á£ © Ɖn¨ ‡© § L¯¤w®¨‰© C¯¤Ÿ‡´a half the breadth of each board. [22] Each board „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰«¨ ÆL¯¤wƤϩ ˙Ÿ„À Ȩ Èz´¥ L§ 22 :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ L¯¤w¬¤‰©had two tenons, joined one to another. Thus ÏŸÎ− ϧ ‰N¨½ Ú¨ Ôk´¥ ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ -χ¤ ˙Á−© ‡© ˙Ÿ·½ l¨ Lª Ó§did he make for all the boards of the tabernacle. ÌÈL−¦ ¯¨w§ ‰© -˙‡¤ NÚ© ¬i©Â© 23 :Ôk«¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ȬL¥ ¯§˜©[23] And he made the boards for the tabernacle; ·‚¤¬¤ ˙‡−© Ù§ Ϧ ÌÈL¦½ ¯¨˜§ Ìȯ´¦N§ Ú¤ Ôk®¨ L§ n¦ Ï©twenty boards for the south side southward. ‰N¨¾ Ú¨ ÛÒ¤ Τ½ -È¥„§‡© ÆÌÈÚ¦ a¨ ¯§‡© § 24 :‰¨Ó«¨ Èz¥[24] And he made forty sockets of silver under -˙Á© z«© ÌÈ¹¦ „¨‡£ È¥¸ L§ ÌÈL®¦ ¯¨w§ ‰© Ìȯ´¦N§ Ú¤ ˙Á© z−©the twenty boards: two sockets under one boardfor its two tenons, and two sockets under another ÌȲ¦ „¨‡£ ȯ¥L§ e ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿ„ȧ Èz´¥ L§ Ϧ Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ L¯¤w³¤‰©board for its two tenons. :ÂÈ˙«¨ Ÿ„ȧ Èz¬¥ L§ Ϧ „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ L¯¤w¬¤‰© -˙Á© z«© [25] And for the second side of the ÔBÙ® ˆ¨ ˙‡´© Ù§ Ϧ ˙È−¦ M¥ ‰© Ôk²¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ÚÏ© ¯ˆ¤ ϧ e 25tabernacle, on the north side, he made twenty ÌÈÚ¬¦ a¨ ¯§‡© § 26 :ÌÈL«¦ ¯¨˜§ Ìȯ¬¦N§ Ú¤ ‰N−¨ Ú¨boards, [26] and their forty sockets of silver: two L¯¤w´¤‰© ˙Á© z© µ ÌÈÀ¦ „¨‡£ È´¥L§ ÛÒ¤ ®k¨ ̉−¤ È¥„§‡©sockets under one board, and two sockets under :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ L¯¤w¬¤‰© ˙Á© z−© ÌÈ½¦ „¨‡£ È´¥L§ e „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰¨ 178 178

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 36.27 va-yakhel ω˜È 36 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙another board. [27] And for the hinder part of ‰M¬¨ L¦ ‰N−¨ Ú¨ ‰n¨ ®È¨ Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© È˙¬¥ k§ ¯§È©Ï§ e« 27the tabernacle westward he made six boards. ˙ŸÚ− ˆ§ ˜ªÓ§ Ϧ ‰N¨½ Ú¨ ÆÌÈL¦ ¯¨˜§ ȳ¥L§ e 28 :ÌÈL«¦ ¯¨˜§[28] And two boards made he for the corners ofthe tabernacle in the hinder part; [29] that they »ÌÓ¦ ‡£ B˙ eÈ´‰¨ § 29 :ÌȦ ˙«¨ Ψ ¯§i©a© Ôk®¨ L§ n¦ ‰©might be double beneath, and in like manner BL½ ‡Ÿ¯-χ¤ ÆÌÈn¦ ˙© eȳ‰§ Ȧ ÂcÀ¨Á§ ȩ§ ¼‰h¨ Ó© l§ Ó¦they should be complete unto the top thereof ̉¤½ È¥L§ Ϧ ‰N´¨ Ú¨ Ôk¥µ ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ˙Ú© a−© h© ‰© -χ¤unto the first ring. Thus he did to both of them in ÌÈL¦½ ¯¨˜§ ‰´¨ŸÓL§ Æeȉ¨ § 30 :˙ŸÚ« Ÿˆ˜§ n¦ ‰© È−¥L§ Ϧthe two corners. [30] And there were eight boards,and their sockets of silver, sixteen sockets: under ȳ¥L§ ÌÈ®¦ „¨‡£ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ‰¬M¨ L¦ ÛÒ¤ k¤½ Ì´‰¤ È¥„§‡© §every board two sockets. [31] And he made bars :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ L¯¤w¬¤‰© ˙Á© z−© ÌÈ½¦ „¨‡£ È´¥L§ ÆÌÈ¦ „¨‡£of acacia-wood: five for the boards of the one side ȬL¥ ¯§˜© ϧ ‰M¨¾ Ó¦ Á£ ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ÈÁ−¥ ȯ¦a§ NÚ© ¬i©Â© 31of the tabernacle, [32] and five bars for the boards ÌÁ½¦ ȯ¦·§ ‰M´¨ Ó¦ Á£ © 32 :˙Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -ÚÏ© ˆ«¤of the other side of the tabernacle, and five barsfor the boards of the tabernacle for the hinder ‰M³¨ Ó¦ Á£ © ˙È®¦ M¥ ‰© Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -ÚÏ© ˆ«¤ ȬL¥ ¯§˜©Ï§part westward. [33] And he made the middle bar :‰n¨ È«¨ ÌȦ ˙−© Ψ ¯§i©Ï© Ôk¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© ÈL´¥ ¯§˜© ϧ ÆÌÁ¦ ȯ¦·§to pass through in the midst of the boards from CB˙´ a§ ÆÁ©Ÿ¯Æ ·§ Ϧ ԟή Èz¦ ‰© Á©È¯´¦a§ ‰© -˙‡¤ NÚ© −i©Â© 33the one end to the other. [34] And he overlaid the -˙‡¤ «§ 34 :‰ˆ«¤ w¨ ‰© -χ¤ ‰ˆ−¤ w¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌÈL¦½ ¯¨w§ ‰©boards with gold, and made their rings of goldfor holders for the bars, and overlaid the bars ‰N´¨ Ú¨ ÆÌ˙¨ ŸÚa§ Ë© -˙‡¤ § ·‰¨À ʨ ‰´t¨ ˆ¦ ÌÈLº¦ ¯¨w§ ‰©with gold. ÌÁ−¦ ȯ¦a§ ‰© -˙‡¤ Û¬ˆ© ȧ© ÌÁ®¦ ȯ¦a§ Ï© ÌÈz−¦ a¨ ·‰¨½ ʨ[35] And he made the veil of blue, and ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ z§ ˙Τ Ÿ¯½ t¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÆNÚ© iƩ© 35 :·‰«¨ ʨpurple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen; with ·²L¥ ŸÁ ‰¬N¥ Ú£Ó© ¯®Ê¨L§ Ó¨ LL´¥ § È−¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§cherubim the work of the skilful workman madehe it. [36] And he made thereunto four pillars Ɖڨ a¨ ¯§‡© dϨÀ NÚ© ´i©Â© 36 :ÌÈ·«¦ ¯ªk§ d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ‰N¬¨ Ú¨of acacia, and overlaid them with gold, their ˜Ÿˆ´ i¦ © ·®‰¨ ʨ ̉−¤ È¥¨ ·‰¨½ ʨ Ì´t¥ ˆ© ȧ© ÌÈh½¦ L¦ È„´¥enÚ©hooks being of gold; and he cast for them four ÆCÒ¨ Ó¨ NÚ© ³i©Â© 37 :ÛÒ¤ Ϋ¨ -È¥„§‡© ‰Ú−¨ a¨ ¯§‡© ̉¤½ Ϩsockets of silver. [37] And he made a screen for ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§ ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ z§ ω¤ Ÿ‡½ ‰¨ Á˙© ´Ù¤ ϧthe door of the Tent, of blue, and purple, andscarlet, and fine twined linen, the work of the -˙‡¤ § 38 :̘«¥Ÿ¯ ‰N−¥ Ú£Ó© ¯®Ê¨L§ Ó¨ LL´¥ § È−¦ L¨weaver in colours; [38] and the five pillars of it ‰¯t¨ ˆ¦ § ̉¤½ ÈÂ¥´Â¨-˙‡¤ § ƉM¨ Ó¦ Á£ ÂÈ„³¨enÚ©with their hooks; and he overlaid their capitals ̬‰¤ È¥„§‡© § ·®‰¨ ʨ ̉−¤ Ș¥Lª Á£ © ̲‰¤ ÈL¥ ‡¯¨and their fillets with gold; and their five sockets Ù :˙L¤ ŸÁ« § ‰M−¨ Ó¦ Á£were of brass. 37And Bezalel made the ark of acacia-37 wood: two cubits and a half was the ÆȈ¦ ÁÆ¥ ¨ ‰n³¨ ‡© § BkÀ ¯§‡¨ Ȉ¦ Á¥¹ ¨ ÌȦ ˙©¸ n¨ ‡© ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ÔŸ¯−‡¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ϲ‡¥ ϧ ˆ© a§ NÚ© ¯i©Â©length of it, and a cubit and a half the breadth of ·¬‰¨ ʨ e‰²t¥ ˆ© ȧ © 2 :B˙« Ó¨ Ÿ˜ Ȉ¦ Á−¥ ¨ ‰n¬¨ ‡© § Ba½ Á§ ¯¨it, and a cubit and a half the height of it. [2] And ·‰−¨ ʨ ¯¬Ê¥ Bϲ NÚ© ¬i©Â© ıeÁ® Ó¦ e ˙Ȧ´a© Ó¦ ¯B‰− ˨he overlaid it with pure gold within and without,and made a crown of gold to it round about. Ï−Ú© ·‰¨½ ʨ ˙ŸÚ´ a§ Ë© ÆÚa© ¯§‡© BÏÀ ˜Ÿˆ´ i¦ © 3 :·È·«¦ Ò¨[3] And he cast for it four rings of gold, in the four ÆBÚϧ ˆ© -ÏÚ© ˙ŸÚÀ a¨ Ë© Èz´¥ L§ e ÂÈ˙®¨ ŸÓÚ£t© Ú´a© ¯§‡©feet thereof: even two rings on the one side of it, :˙È«¦ M¥ ‰© BÚ− ϧ ˆ© -ÏÚ© ˙BÚ½ a¨ Ë© ÆÈz¥ L§ e ˙Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰«¨ 179 179

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ω˜È 37 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 37.4 va-yakhel ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙and two rings on the other side of it. [4] And he :·‰«¨ ʨ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Û¬ˆ© ȧ © ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ Èc−¥a© NÚ© ¬i©Â© 4made staves of acacia-wood, and overlaid themwith gold. [5] And he put the staves into the rings ˙ŸÚ´ ϧ ˆ© Ï−Ú© ˙ŸÚ½ a¨ h© a© ÆÌÈc¦a© ‰© -˙‡¤ ‡³·¥ i¨Â© 5on the sides of the ark, to bear the ark. [6] And ˙¯¤Ÿt− k© NÚ© ¬i©Â© 6 :ÔŸ¯«‡¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ˙‡N−¥ Ϩ ÔŸ¯®‡¨ ‰¨he made an ark-cover of pure gold: two cubits ‰n¬¨ ‡© § dk¨½ ¯§‡¨ ÆȈ¦ ÁÆ¥ ¨ ÌȦ ˙³© n¨ ‡© ¯B‰® ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨand a half was the length thereof, and a cubitand a half the breadth thereof. [7] And he made ·®‰¨ ʨ ÌÈ·−¦ ¯ªÎ§ Ȭ¥L§ NÚ© ²i©Â© 7 :da«¨ Á§ ¯¨ Ȉ¦ Á−¥ ¨two cherubim of gold of beaten work made he :˙¯¤Ÿt« k© ‰© ˙Bˆ¬ ˜§ È−¥M§ Ó¦ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ‰N´¨ Ú¨ ƉL¨ ˜§ Ó¦them, at the two ends of the ark-cover: [8] one „Á¬¨ ‡¤ -·e¯Î§ e ‰f¤½ Ó¦ Ɖˆ¨ w¨ Ó¦ „Á³¨ ‡¤ -·e¯k§ 8cherub at the one end, and one cherub at theother end; of one piece with the ark-cover made -˙‡¤ ‰N¬¨ Ú¨ ˙¯¤Ÿt² k© ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ‰®f¤Ó¦ ‰ˆ−¨ w¨Ó¦he the cherubim at the two ends thereof. [9] And eÈ´‰§ i¦ © 9 :ÂÈ˙«¨ Bˆ˜§ Â˙ˆ˜ Ȭ¥M§ Ó¦ ÌÈ·−¦ ¯ªk§ ‰©the cherubim spread out their wings on high, ÌÈγ¦ Χ ŸÒ« ‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó©À ϧ ÌȦ Ù©¹ ¨Î§ ÈN¥¸ ¯§Ÿt ÁÌÈ·¦ ¯ªk§ ‰©screening the ark-cover with their wings, withtheir faces one to another; toward the ark-cover -χ¤ Lȇ´¦ ̉−¤ È¥Ù§ e ˙¯¤Ÿt½ k© ‰© -ÏÚ© Æ̉¤ ÈÙ¥ § Ω a§were the faces of the cherubim. Ù :ÌÈ·«¦ ¯ªk§ ‰© Ȭ¥t§ eÈ−‰¨ ˙¯¤Ÿt½ k© ‰© -χ¤ ÂÈÁ®¦ ‡¨[10] And he made the table of acacia-wood: ÌȦ ˙³© n¨ ‡© ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ÔÁ−¨ ϧ Mª ‰© -˙‡¤ NÚ© ¬i©Â© 10two cubits was the length thereof, and a cubitthe breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the :B˙« Ó¨ Ÿ˜ Ȉ¦ Á−¥ ¨ ‰n¬¨ ‡© § Ba½ Á§ ¯¨ ‰n´¨ ‡© § ÆBk¯§‡¨height thereof. [11] And he overlaid it with pure ·‰−¨ ʨ ¯¬Ê¥ Bϲ NÚ© ¬i©Â© ¯B‰® ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨ B˙− Ÿ‡ Û¬ˆ© ȧ© 11gold, and made thereto a crown of gold round ·È·®¦ Ò¨ ÁÙ© ŸË− ˙¯¤²b¤Ò§ Ó¦ BϬ NÚ© i©¸Â© 12 :·È·«¦ Ò¨about. [12] And he made unto it a border of ahandbreadth round about, and made a golden BϽ ˜Ÿˆ´ i¦ © 13 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Bz− ¯§b©Ò§ Ó¦ ϧ ·²‰¨ ʨ-¯Ê¥ NÚ© ¯i©Â©crown to the border thereof round about. ÏÚ©µ ˙ŸÚ½ a¨ h© ‰© -˙‡¤ ÆÔz¥ i¦ © ·®‰¨ ʨ ˙ŸÚ´ a§ Ë© Úa−© ¯§‡©[13] And he cast for it four rings of gold, and :ÂÈÏ«¨ ‚§ ¯© Ú¬a© ¯§‡© ϧ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ˙Ÿ‡½ t¥ ‰© Ú´a© ¯§‡©put the rings in the four corners that were onthe four feet thereof. [14] Close by the border ÆÌÈz¦ a¨ ˙ŸÚ® a¨ h© ‰© eÈ−‰¨ ˙¯¤b¤½ Ò§ n¦ ‰© Æ˙n© Úª ϧ 14were the rings, the holders for the staves to bear -˙‡¤ NÚ© ³i©Â© 15 :ÔÁ«¨ ϧ Mª ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙‡N−¥ Ϩ ÌÈc½¦a© Ï©the table. [15] And he made the staves of acacia- ˙‡N−¥ Ϩ ·®‰¨ ʨ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Û¬ˆ© ȧ © ÌÈh½¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ÆÌÈc¦a© ‰©wood, and overlaid them with gold, to bearthe table. [16] And he made the vessels which ¯L´¤ ‡£ | ÌÈÏ´¦ k¥ ‰© -˙‡«¤ NÚ© i©¹Â© 16 :ÔÁ«¨ ϧ Mª ‰© -˙‡¤were upon the table, the dishes thereof, and the ÆÂÈ˙¨ Ÿtk©-˙‡¤ § ÂÈ˙³¨ Ÿ¯Ú¨ ˜§ -˙‡¤ ÔÁ¨À ϧ Mª ‰© -ÏÚ©pans thereof, and the bowls thereof, and the jars Ô‰®¥ a¨ Cq−© Ȫ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙ŸÂ½ N¨ w§ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿiw¦ ©Ó§ Æ˙‡¥ §thereof, wherewith to pour out, of pure gold. [17] And he made the candlestick of pure ‰L¨º ˜§ Ó¦ ¯B‰® ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨ Ù :¯B‰« ˨ ·‰−¨ ʨ ‰¯−¨Ÿn§ ‰© -˙‡¤ NÚ© ¬i©Â© 17gold of beaten work made he the candlestick,even its base, and its shaft; its cups, its knops, and ‰¨ Ȳڤ È·¦ b§ d¨½ ˜¨ § d´Î¨ ¯¥È§ Ɖ¯¨Ÿn§ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰N³¨ Ú¨its flowers, were of one piece with it. [18] Andthere were six branches going out of the sides ‰M´¨ L¦ § 18 :eÈ« ‰¨ ‰p¨¬n¤ Ó¦ ‰¨ ÈÁ−¤ ¯¨Ù§ e ‰¨ ȯ¬¤ŸzÙ§ k©thereof: three branches of the candlestick out ‰¯À¨ŸÓ§ È´¥˜§ | ‰L´¨ ŸÏL§ ‰¨ Èc®¤v¦ Ó¦ Ìȇ−¦ ˆ§ ŸÈ ÌÈ½¦ ˜¨of the one side thereof, and three branches of dc−¨v¦ Ó¦ ‰¯½¨ŸÓ§ È´¥˜§ ƉL¨ ŸÏL§ e „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰«¨ Ædc¨v¦ Ó¦the candlestick out of the other side thereof;[19] three cups made like almond-blossoms in ‰´¤w¨a© ÌÈ„º¦w¨Lª Ó«§ ÌÈÚ¦ ·¦ ‚§Â ‰L´¨ ŸÏL§ 19 :È«¦ M¥ ‰©one branch, a knop and a flower; and three cups ÌÈÚÀ¦ ·¦ ‚§ ‰L´¨ ŸÏL§ e ¼Á¯©Ù¤ ¨ ¯Ÿz´ Ù§ k© »„Á¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ 180 180

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ω˜È 37 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 37.20 va-yakhel ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙made like almond-blossoms in the other branch, Ôk¥µ Á¯©®Ù¨ ¨ ¯Ÿz´ Ù§ k© „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¬¤˜¨ a§ ÌÈ„²¦w¨ Lª Ó§a knop and a flower. So for the six branches goingout of the candlestick. [20] And in the candlestick :‰¯«¨Ÿn§ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Ìȇ−¦ ˆ§ Ÿi‰© ÌÈ½¦ w¨‰© ˙L¤ L´¥ ϧwere four cups made like almond blossoms, the ÌÈ„½¦w¨Lª¸ Ó§ ÌÈÚ®¦ ·¦ ‚§ ‰´Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© ‰¯−¨Ÿn§ ·© e 20knops thereof, and the flowers thereof; [21] and È¥¸ L§ Á˙Á© z© ¯Ÿz¿ Ù§ Ω § 21 :‰¨ ÈÁ«¤ ¯¨Ù§ e ‰¨ ȯ−¤ŸzÙ§ k©a knop under two branches of one piece withit and a knop under two branches of one piece ÆÌÈ¦ w¨‰© ȳ¥L§ ˙Á© z´© ƯŸzÙ§ Ω § ‰p¨n¤À Ó¦ ÌÈ¹¦ w¨‰©with it, and a knop under two branches of one ‰p¨n®¤ Ó¦ ÌÈ−¦ w¨‰© Ȭ¥L§ -˙Á© z«© ¯Ÿz¾ Ù§ Ω § ‰p¨n¤½ Ó¦piece with it, for the six branches going out of it. :‰p¨n«¤ Ó¦ Ìȇ−¦ ˆ§ Ÿi‰© ÌÈ½¦ w¨ ‰© Æ˙L¤ LÆ¥ ϧ[22] Then knops and their branches were of onepiece with it; the whole of it was one beaten work d²l¨ kª eÈ®‰¨ ‰p¨n´¤ Ó¦ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ˜§ e ̬‰¤ ȯ¥ŸzÙ§ k© 22of pure gold. [23] And he made the lamps thereof, -˙‡¤ NÚ© ¬i©Â© 23 :¯B‰« ˨ ·¬‰¨ ʨ ˙Á−© ‡© ‰L¬¨ ˜§ Ó¦seven, and the tongs thereof, and the snuffdishes ·¬‰¨ ʨ ‰¨ È˙−¤ ŸzÁ§ Ó© e ‰¨ ȬÁ¤ ˜¨ ϧ Ó© e ‰®Ú¨ ·§ L¦ ‰¨ È˙−¤ Ÿ¯¥thereof of pure gold. [24] Of a talent of pure goldmade he it, and all the vessels thereof. ˙‡−¥ § d˙®¨ Ÿ‡ ‰N´¨ Ú¨ ¯B‰− ˨ ·¬‰¨ ʨ ¯²k¨ k¦ 24 :¯B‰« ˨ Ù :‰¨ ÈÏ«¤ k¥-Ïk¨ [25] And he made the altar of incense ofacacia-wood: a cubit was the length thereof, and ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ˙¯¤ŸË− w§ ‰© Á¬a© ʧ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ NÚ© ²i©Â© 25a cubit the breadth thereof, four-square; and twocubits was the height thereof; the horns thereof ÆÌȦ ˙Æ© n¨ ‡© § Ú©e·À ¯¨ Ba¹ Á§ ¯¨ ‰n¨¸ ‡© § ÁBk¯§‡¨ ‰n´¨ ‡©were of one piece with it. [26] And he overlaid B˙¹ Ÿ‡ Ûˆ©¸ ȧ© 26 :ÂÈ˙«¨ Ÿ¯§˜© eȬ‰¨ epn−¤ Ó¦ B˙½ Ó¨ Ÿ˜«it with pure gold, the top thereof, and the sides ·È·−¦ Ò¨ ÂÈ˙²¨ Ÿ¯È˜¦ -˙‡¤ § Bb¯ b©-˙‡¤ ¯B‰À ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨthereof round about, and the horns of it; and :·È·«¦ Ò¨ ·‰−¨ ʨ ¯¬Ê¥ Bϲ NÚ© ¬i©Â© ÂÈ˙®¨ Ÿ¯§˜© -˙‡¤ §he made unto it a crown of gold round about.[27] And he made for it two golden rings under ˙Á© z´© Ó¦ | BÏ´ -‰N¨ Ú«¨ ·‰¨¹ ʨ ˙ŸÚ¸ a§ Ë© ÁÈz¥ L§ e 27the crown thereof, upon the two ribs thereof, ÂÈc®¨ˆ¦ È´¥L§ Ï−Ú© ÂÈ˙¨½ ŸÚϧ ˆ© Èz´¥ L§ ÏÚ©µ B¯À ʥϧupon the two sides of it, for holders for staves NÚ© ¬i©Â© 28 :̉«¤ a¨ B˙− Ÿ‡ ˙‡¬N¥ Ϩ ÌÈc½¦·© ϧ ÌÈz´¦ ·¨ ϧwherewith to bear it. [28] And he made the stavesof acacia-wood, and overlaid them with gold. :·‰«¨ ʨ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Û¬ˆ© ȧ© ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ÌÈc−¦a© ‰© -˙‡¤[29] And he made the holy anointing oil, and the -˙‡¤ § L„¤Ÿ˜½ ƉÁ¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ L³¤ -˙‡¤ NÚ© i©¹Â© 29pure incense of sweet spices, after the art of the Ù :Á©˜«¥Ÿ¯ ‰N−¥ Ú£Ó© ¯B‰® ˨ ÌÈn−¦ q© ‰© ˙¯¤ŸË¬ ˜§perfumer. 38And he made the altar of burnt-38 offering of acacia-wood: five cubits was ÆBaÁ§ ¯¨ ˙Bn³ ‡© -LÓ¥ Á«¨ § Bk¹ ¯§‡¨ ˙Bn¸ ‡© ÁLÓ¥ Á¨ ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ‰¨ Á¬a© ʧӦ -˙‡¤ NÚ© ²i©Â©the length thereof, and five cubits the breadth ÂÈ˙¨À Ÿ¯§˜© NÚ© ´i©Â© 2 :B˙« Ó¨ Ÿ˜ ˙Bn− ‡© LŸÏ¬ L¨ § Ú©e·½ ¯¨thereof, four-square, and three cubits the heightthereof. [2] And he made the horns thereof upon Û¬ˆ© ȧ© ÂÈ˙®¨ Ÿ¯§˜© eÈ´‰¨ epn−¤ Ó¦ ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿpt¦ Ú´a© ¯§‡© ÏÚ©µthe four corners of it; the horns thereof were of Á©a¥À ʧ n¦ ‰© È´Ï¥ k§ -Ïk¨ -˙‡«¤ NÚ© i©¹Â© 3 :˙L¤ ŸÁ« § B˙− Ÿ‡one piece with it; and he overlaid it with brass. ˙Ÿ˜½ ¯¨Ê§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÆÌÈÚ¦ i¨‰© -˙‡¤ § ˙Ÿ¯³Èq¦ ‰© -˙‡¤[3] And he made all the vessels of the altar, thepots, and the shovels, and the basins, the flesh- ÂÈÏ−¨ k¥-Ïk¨ ˙Ÿz® Á§ n© ‰© -˙‡¤ § ˙Ÿ‚−Ϩ ʧn¦ ‰© -˙‡¤hooks, and the fire-pans; all the vessels thereof ¯a¨½ Χ Ó¦ ÆÁ©a¥Æ ʧ n¦ Ï© NÚ© ³i©Â© 4 :˙L¤ ŸÁ« § ‰N¬¨ Ú¨made he of brass. [4] And he made for the altar ‰h¨ Ó−© l§ Ó¦ Ba² kª ¯§k© ˙Á© z¯© ˙L¤ ŸÁ® § ˙L¤ ¯´¤ ‰N−¥ Ú£Ó©a grating of network of brass, under the ledgeround it beneath, reaching halfway up. [5] And Ú¬a© ¯§‡© a§ ˙ŸÚ² a¨ Ë© Ú¯a© ¯§‡© ˜Ÿˆº i¦ © 5 :BÈ« ˆ§ Á¤ -„Ú© 181 181

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ω˜È 38 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 38.6 va-yakhel ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙he cast four rings for the four ends of the grating :ÌÈc«¦a© Ï© ÌÈz−¦ a¨ ˙L¤ ŸÁ® p§ ‰© ¯´a© Χ Ó¦ ϧ ˙ŸÂ−ˆ¨ w§ ‰©of brass, to be holders for the staves. [6] And hemade the staves of acacia-wood, and overlaid Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Û¬ˆ© ȧ© ÌÈh®¦ L¦ È´ˆ¥ Ú£ ÌÈc−¦a© ‰© -˙‡¤ NÚ© ¬i©Â© 6them with brass. [7] And he put the staves into ÏÚ©µ ˙ŸÚÀ a¨ h© a© ÌÈc¹¦a© ‰© -˙‡¤ ‡·¥¸ i¨Â© 7 :˙L¤ ŸÁ« §the rings on the sides of the altar, wherewith to ·e·¬ § Ì®‰¤ a¨ B˙− Ÿ‡ ˙‡¬N¥ Ϩ Á©a¥½ ʧ n¦ ‰© ˙ŸÚ´ ϧ ˆ©bear it; he made it hollow with planks. ˙‡¥µ NÚ© i©À© 8 Ò :B˙« Ÿ‡ ‰N¬¨ Ú¨ ˙ŸÁ− Ϫ [8] And he made the laver of brass, andthe base thereof of brass, of the mirrors of the Æ˙Ÿ‡¯§Ó© a§ ˙L¤ ŸÁ® § Bp´ k© ˙‡−¥ § ˙L¤ ŸÁ½ § ¯Bi´k¦ ‰©serving women that did service at the door of the ω¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© t−¤ e‡½ ·§ ˆ«¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ˙Ÿ‡½ ·§ Ÿv´ ‰©tent of meeting. | ˙‡´© Ù§ Ϧ ¯®ˆ¥ Á¨ ‰¤ -˙‡¤ NÚ© −i©Â© 9 Ò :„Ú«¥ BÓ [9] And he made the court; for the south ‰‡−¨ Ó¥ ¯Ê¨½L§ Ó¨ LL´¥ Ưˆ¥ Á¨ ‰«¤ ȳڥ ϧ ˜© ‰¨Ó¨À Èz¥ ·‚¤´¤side southward the hangings of the court wereof fine twined linen, a hundred cubits. [10] Their ̬‰¤ È¥„§‡© § Ìȯ½¦N§ Ú¤ ̉´¤ È„¥enÚ© 10 :‰n«¨ ‡© a¨pillars were twenty, and their sockets twenty, ̉−¤ Ș¥Lª Á£ © ÌÈ„²¦nª Ú© ‰¨ ȯ¥¨ ˙L¤ ŸÁ® § Ìȯ−¦N§ Ú¤of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their filletswere of silver. [11] And for the north side a ‰n¨½ ‡© ·«¨ ‰‡´¨ Ó¥ ÆÔBÙˆ¨ ˙‡³© Ù§ Ϧ § 11 :ÛÒ¤ k«¨hundred cubits, their pillars twenty, and their Ìȯ−¦N§ Ú¤ ̬‰¤ È¥„§‡© § Ìȯ½¦N§ Ú¤ ̉´¤ È„¥enÚ©sockets twenty, of brass; the hooks of the pillars :ÛÒ¤ k«¨ ̉−¤ Ș¥Lª Á£ © ÌÈ„²¦enÚ© ‰«¨ ȯ¥¨ ˙L¤ ŸÁ® §and their fillets of silver. [12] And for the westside were hangings of fifty cubits, their pillars ‰n¨½ ‡© a«¨ ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£ ÆÌÈÚ¦ Ϩ ˜§ ÌȨÀ-˙‡© Ù§ Ϧ § 12ten, and their sockets ten; the hooks of the pillars ȯ¥¨ ‰¯®¨N¨ Ú£ ̉−¤ È¥„§‡© § ‰¯½¨N¨ Ú£ ̬‰¤ È„¥enÚ©and their fillets of silver. [13] And for the east side ˙‡²© Ù§ Ϧ § 13 :ÛÒ¤ k«¨ ̉−¤ Ș¥eLÁ£ © ÌÈ„²¦nª Ú© ‰¨eastward fifty cubits. [14] The hangings for theone side [of the gate] were fifteen cubits; their ÌÈÚ²¦ Ϩ ˜§ 14 :‰n«¨ ‡© ÌÈM¬¦ Ó¦ Á£ ‰Á¨ ¯−¨Ê§Ó¦ ‰Ó¨ „§˜¬¥pillars three, and their sockets three. [15] And ̉´¤ È„¥enÚ© Û˙®¥ k¨ ‰© -χ¤ ‰n−¨ ‡© ‰¯¬¥N§ Ú¤ -LÓ¥ Á£so for the other side; on this hand and that hand Û˙´¥ k¨ Ï© § 15 :‰L«¨ ŸÏL§ ̉−¤ È¥„§‡© § ‰L¨½ ŸÏL§by the gate of the court were hangings of fifteen ÌÈÚ¾¦ Ϩ ˜§ ¯ˆ¥½ Á¨ ‰«¤ ¯Ú© L´© ϧ Ɖf¤Ó¦ e ‰³f¤Ó¦ ˙ÈÀ¦ M¥ ‰©cubits; their pillars three, and their sockets three.[16] All the hangings of the court round about ‰L¨½ ŸÏL§ Ì´‰¤ È„¥nª Ú© ‰n®¨ ‡© ‰¯−¥N§ Ú¤ L¬Ó¥ Á£were of fine twined linen. [17] And the sockets for ¯²ˆ¥ Á¨ ‰¤ ȯڥ ϧ ˜©-Ïk¨ 16 :‰L«¨ ŸÏL§ ̉−¤ È¥„§‡© §the pillars were of brass; the hooks of the pillars »ÌÈ„¦nª Ú© Ï«¨ ÌÈ´¦ „¨‡£ ‰¨ § 17 :¯Ê«¨L§ Ó¨ L¬L¥ ·È·−¦ Ò¨and their fillets of silver; and the overlaying oftheir capitals of silver; and all the pillars of the ÛÒ¤ k¤½ Æ̉¤ Ș¥eLÁ£ © ÌÈ„¹¦enÚ© ‰«¨ ÈÂ¥¸Â¨ ¼˙L¤ ŸÁ§court were filleted with silver. [18] And the ÛÒ¤ k¤½ ÌȘ´¦M¨ Áª Ó§ Æ̉¥ § ÛÒ¤®k¨ ̉−¤ ÈL¥ ‡¯¨ Èet¬ ˆ¦ §screen for the gate of the court was the work of Ưˆ¥ Á¨ ‰¤ ¯Ú© L³© CÒº© Ó¨ e 18 :¯ˆ«¥ Á¨ ‰¤ È„¬¥nª Ú© ÏŸk−the weaver in colours, of blue, and purple, andscarlet, and fine twined linen; and twenty cubits È−¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§ ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ z§ ̘½¥Ÿ¯ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó©was the length, and the height in the breadth was ‰Ó³¨ B˜Â§ C¯¤Ÿ‡½ Ɖn¨ ‡© Ìȯ³¦N§ Ú¤ § ¯®Ê¨L§ Ó¨ LL´¥ §five cubits, answerable to the hangings of the :¯ˆ«¥ Á¨ ‰¤ Ȭڥ ϧ ˜© ˙n−© Úª ϧ ˙Bn½ ‡© LÓ´¥ Á¨ Æ·Á© Ÿ¯Æ ·§court. [19] And their pillars were four, and their ‰Ú−¨ a¨ ¯§‡© ̬‰¤ È¥„§‡© § ‰Ú¨½ a¨ ¯§‡© Æ̉¤ È„¥n«ª Ú© § 19sockets four, of brass; their hooks of silver, andthe overlaying of their capitals and their fillets of ̲‰¤ ÈL¥ ‡¯¨ Èet¯ ˆ¦ § ÛÒ¤ k¤½ ̉´¤ È¥¨ ˙L¤ ŸÁ® §silver. [20] And all the pins of the tabernacle, and Ôk¯¨ L§ n¦ Ï© ˙Ÿ„º ˙¥ ȧ ‰© -ÏΨ «§ 20 :ÛÒ¤ k«¨ ̉−¤ Ș¥Lª Á£ ©of the court round about, were of brass. Ò :˙L¤ ŸÁ« § ·È·−¦ Ò¨ ¯²ˆ¥ Á¨ Ϥ § 182 182

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 38.21 pekudei Ȅ˜٠38 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙pekudei Ȅ˜٠[21] These are the accounts of the tabernacle,even the tabernacle of the testimony, as they ˙„½ªÚ¥ ‰¨ Ôk´© L§ Ó¦ ÆÔk¨ L§ n¦ ‰© È„³¥e˜Ù§ ‰l¤ ‡´¥ 21were rendered according to the commandment Æ„È©a§ Ìi½¦Â¦Ï§ ‰© Æ˙„©Ÿ·Ú£ ‰L®¤ ŸÓ Èt´¦ -ÏÚ© „w−©tª ¯¬L¤ ‡£of Moses, through the service of the Levites,by the hand of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the -Ôa¤ ϲ‡¥ ϧ ˆ© ·§ e 22 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -Ôa«¤ ¯Ó¨½ ˙¨ ȇ«¦priest.—[22] And Bezalel the son of Uri, the son ˙²‡¥ ‰N¨¾ Ú¨ ‰„®¨e‰È§ ‰´h¥ Ó© ϧ ¯eÁ− -Ô·¤ ȯ¬¦e‡of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made all that the BzÀ ‡¦ § 23 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨Lord commanded Moses. [23] And with himwas Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe L¯´¨Á¨ Ô„−¨-‰h¥ Ó© ϧ CÓ²¨ Ò¨ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ -Ôa¤ ·‡º¨ ÈϦ ‰¢ ‡¨of Dan, a craftsman, and a skilful workman, ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙·§ e ÔÓ¨½ b¨¯§‡© ·«¨ e Æ˙Ϥ 봮 z§ a© ̘À¥Ÿ¯Â§ ·L®¥ ŸÁ§and a weaver in colours, in blue, and in purple,and in scarlet, and fine linen—[24] All the gold ÆÈeNÚ¨ ‰«¤ ·‰¨À f¨‰© -Ïk¨ 24 Ò :LM«¥ ·© e È−¦ M¨ ‰©that was used for the work in all the work of ·‰´© ʧ | ȉ´¦ ȧ © L„¤Ÿw®‰© ˙Τ ‡´Ï¤ Ó§ ÏŸÎ− a§ ‰Î¨½ ‡Ï¨ n§ Ï©the sanctuary, even the gold of the offering, was ˙B‡¯ Ó¥ Ú·©¸ L§ e ¯k¨½ k¦ ÆÌȯ¦N§ Ú¤ § ÚL© z³¥ ‰Ù¨À ez§ ‰©twenty and nine talents, and seven hundred andthirty shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary. ÛÒ¤²Î¤ § 25 :L„¤Ÿw« ‰© Ϙ¤¬L¤ a§ Ϙ¤ L−¤ ÌÈL²¦ ŸÏL§ e[25] And the silver of them that were numbered Ú·©¸ L§ e ÁÛϤ ‡¤ § ¯®k¨ k¦ ˙‡´© Ó§ ‰„−¨Ú¥ ‰¨ È„¬¥e˜t§of the congregation was a hundred talents, anda thousand seven hundred and three-score and Ϙ¤¬L¤ a§ Ϙ¤L−¤ ÌÈÚ²¦ ·§ L¦ § ‰M¯¨ Ó¦ Á£ © ˙B‡¹ Ó¥fifteen shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary: Ϙ¤M−¤ ‰© ˙Ȉ¬¦ Á£ Ó© ˙Ϥ Ÿb½ ϧ bªÏ© Ú˜©a¤µ26 :L„¤Ÿw« ‰©[26] a beka a head, that is, half a shekel, after theshekel of the sanctuary, for every one that passed ÌÈ„À¦˜ªt§ ‰© -ÏÚ© ¯·¥¹ ŸÚ‰¨ ϟθ ϧ L„¤Ÿw®‰© Ϙ¤L´¤ a§over to them that are numbered, from twenty ˙B‡¬ Ó¥ -LL¥ ϧ ‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó©½ ¨ Ɖ¨L¨ Ìȯ³¦N§ Ú¤ Ôa¤¸ Ó¦years old and upward, for six hundred thousand ˙B‡− Ó¥ L¬Ó¥ Á£ © ÌÈÙ½¦ Ϩ ‡£ ˙L¤ ŸÏ´ L§ e ÆÛϤ ‡Æ¤and three thousand and five hundred and fiftymen. [27] And the hundred talents of silver were ˙˜¤ˆ¤À Ϩ ÛÒ¤ k¤½ ‰© ¯´k© k¦ Æ˙‡© Ó§ ȉÀ¦ ȧ© 27 :ÌÈM«¦ Ó¦ Á£ ©for casting the sockets of the sanctuary, and the ˙‡¯© Ó§ ˙Τ Ÿ¯®t¨ ‰© È´¥„§‡© ˙‡−¥ § L„¤Ÿw½ ‰© È´¥„§‡© ˙‡¥µsockets of the veil: a hundred sockets for thehundred talents, a talent for a socket. [28] And -˙‡¤ § 28 :Ô„¤‡«¨ Ϩ ¯¬k¨ k¦ ¯k−¨ k¦ ‰© ˙‡¬© Ó§ Ϧ ÌȲ¦ „¨‡£of the thousand seven hundred seventy and ÌÈÚ½¦ ·§ L¦ § ‰M´¨ Ó¦ Á£ © Æ˙B‡n¥ ‰© Ú³·© L§ e ÛϤ ‡¤¹ ‰¨five shekels he made hooks for the pillars, and ̉−¤ ÈL¥ ‡¯¨ ‰¬t¨ ˆ¦ § ÌÈ„®¦enÚ© Ϩ ÌÈÂ−¦Â¨ ‰N¬¨ Ú¨overlaid their capital and made fillets for them.[29] And the brass of the offering was seventy ÌÈÚ´¦ ·§ L¦ ‰Ù−¨ ez§ ‰© ˙L¤ ŸÁ¬ § e 29 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ˜M¬© Á¦ §talents, and two thousand and four hundred NÚ© ´i©Â© 30 :Ϙ¤L«¨ ˙B‡− Ó¥ -Úa© ¯§‡© § ÌȦ¬t© ϧ ‡© § ¯®k¨ k¦shekels. [30] And therewith he made the socketsto the door of the tent of meeting, and the brazen Á´a© ʧӦ Æ˙‡¥ § „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ Á˙© t¤µÆÈ¥„§‡© -˙‡¤ da¨Àaltar, and the brazen grating for it, and all the BÏ® -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙L¤ ŸÁ− p§ ‰© ¯¬a© Χ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § ˙L¤ ŸÁ½ p§ ‰©vessels of the altar, [31] and the sockets of thecourt round about, and the sockets of the gate of Ưˆ¥ Á¨ ‰«¤ ȳ¥„§‡© -˙‡¤ § 31 :Á©a«¥ ʧn¦ ‰© Ȭϥ k§ -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ §the court, and all the pins of the tabernacle, and -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥¸ § ¯®ˆ¥ Á¨ ‰¤ ¯Ú© L´© È−¥„§‡© -˙‡¤ § ·È·½¦ Ò¨all the pins of the court round about. ¯ˆ−¥ Á¨ ‰¤ ˙Ÿ„¬˙§ Ȧ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § Ôk²¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ˙Ÿ„¯˙§ Ȧ And of the blue, and purple, and39 39scarlet, they made plaited garments, for ÆÔÓ¨ b¨¯§‡© ‰«¨ § ˙Ϥ ³Î¥ z§ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ e :·È·«¦ Ò¨ministering in the holy place, and made the holy ˙¯´¥L¨ ϧ „¯−¨N§ -È„¥‚§ ·¦ eN¬ Ú¨ È½¦ M¨ ‰© ˙Ú© Ï´© B˙§garments for Aaron, as the Lord commandedMoses. ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆL„¤ŸwÆ ‰© È„³¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ eNº Ú£i©Â«© L„¤Ÿw® a© 183 183

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ȅ˜٠39 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 39.2 pekudei ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[2] And he made the ephod of gold, blue, Ù :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© ϧand purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen. ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ z§ ·‰¨À ʨ „ŸÙ® ‡¥ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ NÚ© −i©Â© 2[3] And they did beat the gold into thin plates,and cut it into threads, to work it in the blue, -˙‡¤ eÚº w§ ¯©È§Â«© 3 :¯Ê«¨L§ Ó¨ L¬L¥ § È−¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§and in the purple, and in the scarlet, and in the CB˙³ a§ ˙BNÀ ڣϩ ¼ÌϦ È˙¦ t§ ı´v¥ ˜¦ § »·‰¨ f¨‰© ÈÁ´¥ t©fine linen, the work of the skilful workman. ˙Ú© ¬Ï© Bz CB˙² ·§ e ÔÓ¨½ b¨¯§‡© ‰«¨ CB˙´ ·§ e Æ˙Ϥ 봮 z§ ‰©[4] They made shoulder-pieces for it, joinedtogether; at the two ends was it joined together. ˙ŸÙ¬ ˙¥ k§ 4 :·L«¥ ŸÁ ‰N−¥ Ú£Ó© LM®¥ ‰© CB˙´ ·§ e È−¦ M¨ ‰©[5] And the skilfully woven band, that was upon ÂÈ˙−¨ Bˆ˜§ Â˙ˆ˜ Ȭ¥L§ -ÏÚ© ˙Ÿ¯®·§ ŸÁ BÏ− -eNÚ«¨it, wherewith to gird it on, was of the same piece epn´¤ Ó¦ ÂÈϨÀ Ú¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ B˙¹ c¨Ùª ‡£ ·L¤ Á¥¸ § 5 :¯a«¨ Áªand like the work thereof: of gold, of blue, and ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ z§ ·‰¨À ʨ ¼e‰N¥ Ú£Ó© k§ »‡e‰purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, as theLord commanded Moses. ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ¯®Ê¨L§ Ó¨ LL´¥ § È−¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§ È´¥·§ ‡© -˙‡¤ ÆeNÚ£i©Â«© 6 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ [6] And they wrought the onyx stones,inclosed in settings of gold, graven with the Æ˙ŸÁz¨ Ùª Ó§ ·®‰¨ ʨ ˙Ÿˆ´ a§ L§ Ó¦ ˙Ÿa− Ò© Ó«ª ̉© ŸM½ ‰©engravings of a signet, according to the namesof the children of Israel. [7] And he put them on :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ ˙BÓ− L§ -ÏÚ© Ì˙¨½ BÁ ÈÁ´¥ ezt¦the shoulder-pieces of the ephod, to be stones of ÔB¯−k¨ ʦ Ȭ¥·§ ‡© „ŸÙ½ ‡¥ ‰¨ ˙ŸÙ´ ˙§ k¦ ÏÚ©µÌ˙¨À Ÿ‡ ÌN¤ ´i¨Â© 7memorial for the children of Israel, as the Lord -˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ Ϧcommanded Moses. Ù :‰L«¤ ŸÓ [8] And he made the breastplate, the work of ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© k§ ·L−¥ ŸÁ ‰¬N¥ Ú£Ó© ÔL¤ ŸÁ² ‰© -˙‡¤ NÚ© ¯i©Â© 8the skilful workman, like the work of the ephod: È−¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§ ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ z§ ·‰¨À ʨ „ŸÙ® ‡¥of gold, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and finetwined linen. [9] It was four-square; they made eN´ Ú¨ ÏeÙ− k¨ ‰²È¨‰¨ Ú©e·¯ ¯¨ 9 :¯Ê«¨L§ Ó¨ L¬L¥ §the breastplate double: a span was the length :ÏeÙ« k¨ Ba− Á§ ¯¨ ˙¯¤¬Ê¤Â§ Bk² ¯§‡¨ ˙¯¤¯Ê¤ ÔL¤ ŸÁ® ‰© -˙‡¤thereof, and a span the breadth thereof, beingdouble. [10] And they set in it four rows of stones: Ì„¤Ÿ‡³ ¯eËÀ Ô·¤ ‡®¨ ȯ¥eË´ ‰Ú−¨ a¨ ¯§‡© B·½ -e‡Ï§ Ó© ȧ© 10a row of carnelian, topaz, and smaragd was the ¯eh− ‰© § 11 :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ¯eh− ‰© ˙˜¤¯½¤·¨ e Ɖ„¨Ë§ t¦first row. [11] And the second row, a carbuncle, a ¯eh− ‰© § 12 :ÌŸÏ« ‰£ Ȩ§ ¯Èt−¦ Ò© CÙ¤ Ÿ¬ È®¦ M¥ ‰©sapphire, and an emerald. [12] And the third row,a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst. [13] And the Ưeh‰© § 13 :‰Ó¨ Ï«¨ Á§ ‡© § B·− L§ ÌL¤ ¬Ï¤ ÈL®¦ ÈϦ M§ ‰©fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper; they ˙Ÿa² Ò© eÓ« ‰®Ù¥ L§ Ȩ§ ̉© ŸL− LÈL¬¦ ¯§z© ÈÚ½¦ È·¦ ¯§‰«¨were inclosed in fittings of gold in their settings. ÌÈ¦ ·¨ ‡£ ‰¨ §Â14 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡lª Ó¦ a§ ·‰−¨ ʨ ˙Bˆ¬ a§ L§ Ó¦[14] And the stones were according to the names ‰¯−¥N§ Ú¤ ÌÈz¬¥ L§ ‰p¨²‰¥ Ϭ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥a§ ˙ŸÓ¸ L§ -ÏÚ©of the children of Israel, twelve, according totheir names, like the engravings of a signet, every BÓ½ L§ -ÏÚ© Lȇ´¦ ÆÌ˙¨ ŸÁ ÈÁ³¥ ezt¦ Ì˙®¨ ŸÓL§ -ÏÚ©one according to his name, for the twelve tribes. ÔL¤ ŸÁ² ‰© -ÏÚ© eN¯ Ú£i©Â© 15 :Ë·¤ L«¨ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ÌȬ¥L§ Ϧ[15] And they made upon the breastplate plaited :¯B‰« ˨ ·‰−¨ ʨ ˙Ÿ·® Ú£ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© ˙−Ϫ ·§ b© ˙Ÿ¯¬L§ ¯§L©chains, of wreathen work of pure gold. [16] Andthey made two settings of gold, and two gold ˙ŸÚ´ a§ Ë© Èz−¥ L§ e ·‰¨½ ʨ ˙Ÿˆ´ a§ L§ Ó¦ ÆÈz¥ L§ eNÀ Ú£i©Â«© 16rings; and put the two rings on the two ends of the È−¥L§ -ÏÚ© ˙ŸÚ½ a¨ h© ‰© ÆÈz¥ L§ -˙‡¤ eÀz§ i¦ «© ·®‰¨ ʨbreastplate. [17] And they put the two wreathen ˙Ÿ˙´ Ÿ·Ú£‰¨ ÆÈz¥ L§ eÀz§ i¦ «© 17 :ÔL¤ ŸÁ« ‰© ˙Bˆ¬ ˜§ 184 184

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ȅ˜٠39 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 39.18 pekudei ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙chains of gold on the two rings at the ends of ˙Bˆ− ˜§ -ÏÚ© ˙ŸÚ® a¨ h© ‰© Èz−¥ L§ -ÏÚ© ·‰¨½ f¨‰©the breastplate. [18] And the other two ends ofthe two wreathen chains they put on the two ˙Ÿ˙½ Ÿ·Ú£‰«¨ Èz´¥ L§ Æ˙Bˆ˜§ Èz³¥ L§ ˙‡¥¸ § 18 :ÔL¤ ŸÁ« ‰©settings, and put them on the shoulder-pieces -ÏÚ© ̲ªz§ i¦ «© ˙Ÿˆ® a§ L§ n¦ ‰«© Èz´¥ L§ -ÏÚ© e−˙§ ¨of the ephod, in the forepart thereof. [19] And ÆÈz¥ L§ eNÀ Ú£i©Â«© 19 :ÂÈ«¨t¨ ÏeÓ¬ -χ¤ „ŸÙ− ‡¥ ‰¨ ˙ŸÙ¬ ˙§ k¦they made two rings of gold, and put them uponthe two ends of the breast-plate, upon the edge ÔL¤ ŸÁ® ‰© ˙Bˆ´ ˜§ È−¥L§ -ÏÚ© eÓÈN¦¾ i¨Â© ·‰¨½ ʨ ˙ŸÚ´ a§ Ë©thereof, which was toward the side of the ephod :‰˙¨ ȧ a«¨ „ŸÙ− ‡¥ ‰¨ ¯·¤ ¬Ú¥ -χ¤ ¯²L¤ ‡£ B˙¾ Ù¨ N§ -ÏÚ©inward. [20] And they made two rings of gold,and put them on the two shoulder-pieces of the ÁÈz¥ L§ -ÏÚ© Ìª¿z§ i¦ «© ¼·‰¨ ʨ ˙ŸÚ´ a§ Ë© Èz´¥ L§ »eNÚ£i©Â«© 20ephod underneath, in the forepart thereof, close ˙n−© Úª ϧ ÂÈ¨½ t¨ Ïen´ Ó¦ Ɖh¨ ÓÆ© ϧ Ó¦ „ŸÙ³ ‡¥ ‰¨ ˙ŸÙ¸ ˙§ Φby the coupling thereof, above the skilfully woven eÒ´ k§ ¯§i¦ © 21 :„ŸÙ« ‡¥ ‰¨ ·L¤ Á−¥ ϧ ÏÚ© n©¾ Ó¦ Bz® ¯§a© Á§ Ó©band of the ephod. [21] And they did bind thebreastplate by the rings thereof unto the rings of „ŸÙ¹ ‡¥ ‰¨ ˙ŸÚ¸ a§ Ë© -χ¤ ÁÂÈ˙¨ ŸÚa§ h© Ó¦ ÔL¤ ŸÁ¿ ‰© -˙‡¤the ephod with a thread of blue, that it might be „ŸÙ½ ‡¥ ‰¨ ·L¤ Á´¥ -ÏÚ© Æ˙ŸÈ‰§ Ï«¦ ˙Ϥ Î¥À z§ ÏÈ˙´¦ Ù§ a¦upon the skilfully woven band of the ephod, andthat the breastplate might not be loosed from the ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© „ŸÙ® ‡¥ ‰¨ Ï−Ú© Ó¥ ÔL¤ ŸÁ½ ‰© Á´f©È¦ -‡ŸÏ« §ephod; as the Lord commanded Moses. ÏÈÚ¬¦ Ó§ -˙‡¤ NÚ© ²i©Â© 22 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§[22] And he made the robe of the ephod of -ÈÙ«¦ e 23 :˙Ϥ Ϋ¥ z§ ÏÈÏ−¦ k§ ‚¯®¥Ÿ‡ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© „ŸÙ− ‡¥ ‰¨woven work, all of blue; [23] and the hole of therobe in the midst thereof, as the hole of a coat ÂȲ٦ ϧ ‰¬Ù¨ N¨ ‡¯®¨Á§ ˙© ÈÙ´¦ k§ BÎ− B˙a§ ÏÈÚ¬¦ n§ ‰©of mail, with a binding round about the hole È´Ï¥ eL-ÏÚ© ÆeNÚ£i©Â«© 24 :Ú©¯«¥w¨ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ ·È·−¦ Ò¨of it, that it should not be rent. [24] And theymade upon the skirts of the robe pomegranates ˙Ú© Ï´© B˙§ ÔÓ−¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¬Î¥ z§ È¥¾Bn¯¦ ÏÈÚ½¦ n§ ‰©of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined ¯B‰® ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨ È−¥ŸÓÚ£Ù© eN¬ Ú£i©Â© 25 :¯Ê«¨L§ Ó¨ È®¦ L¨linen. [25] And they made bells of pure gold, and -ÏÚ© ÌÈÀ¦Ÿn¯¦‰¨ CB˙´ a§ ÌÈ¹¦ŸÓÚ£t«© ‰© -˙‡¤ e¸ z§ i¦ ©put the bells between the pomegranates uponthe skirts of the robe round about, between the :ÌÈ«¦Ÿn¯¦‰¨ CB˙− a§ ·È·½¦ Ò¨ ÆÏÈÚ¦ n§ ‰© ȳϥ eLpomegranates: [26] a bell and a pomegranate, a Ȭϥ eL-ÏÚ© ÔŸn½ ¯¦Â§ ÔŸÓ´ Ú£t© ÆÔŸn¯¦Â§ ÔŸÓ³ Ú£t© 26bell and a pomegranate, upon the skirts of therobe round about, to minister in; as the Lord ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ˙¯¾¥L¨ ϧ ·È·®¦ Ò¨ ÏÈÚ−¦ n§ ‰©commanded Moses. ˙Ÿ¬˙§ k¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ eN² Ú£i©Â«© 27 Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤[27] And they made the tunics of fine linen Æ˙‡¥ § 28 :ÂÈ«¨·¨ ϧ e ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© ϧ ‚¯®¥Ÿ‡ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© LL−¥of woven work for Aaron, and for his sons,[28] and the mitre of fine linen, and the goodly LL®¥ ˙ŸÚ− a¨ ‚§ n¦ ‰© ȯ¬¥‡£ t© -˙‡¤ § LL¥½ ˙Ù¤´¤ˆ§ n¦ ‰©head-tires of fine linen, and the linen breeches -˙‡¤ «§ 29 :¯Ê«¨L§ Ó¨ L¬L¥ „a−¨ ‰© Ȭҥ § Χ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ §of fine twined linen, [29] and the girdle of finetwined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, ÔÓ²¨ b¨¯§‡© § ˙Ϥ ¯Î¥ ˙§ e ¯Ê¨ÀL§ Ó¨ LL´¥ Ëº¥·§ ‡© ‰¨the work of the weaver in colours; as the Lord ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ̘®¥Ÿ¯ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© È−¦ L¨ ˙Ú© ¬Ï© B˙§commanded Moses. -˙‡¤ eN² Ú£i©Â«© 30 Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ [30] And they made the plate of the holycrown of pure gold, and wrote upon it a writing, ÂÈϨÀ Ú¨ e·´ z§ Χ i¦Â© ¯B‰® ˨ ·‰´¨ ʨ L„¤Ÿw−‰© -¯Ê¤«¥ ıȈ¬¦like the engravings of a signet: holy to the :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© L„¤Ÿ˜− Ì˙¨½ BÁ ÈÁ´¥ ezt¦ Æ·z© Χ Ó¦lord. [31] And they tied unto it a thread of blue, -ÏÚ© ˙˙¬¥ Ϩ ˙Ϥ Î¥½ z§ ÏÈ˙´¦ t§ ÆÂÈϨ Ú¨ e³z§ i¦ © 31to fasten it upon the mitre above; as the Lordcommanded Moses. ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó®¨ ϧ Ó¦ ˙Ù¤−¤ˆ§ n¦ ‰© 185 185

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ȅ˜٠39 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 39.32 pekudei ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙[32] Thus was finished all the work of ˙„¾©Ÿ·Ú£-Ïk¨ ÏΤ z¥¾ © 32 Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤the tabernacle of the tent of meeting; and the ÏŸÎk§Â χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÆeNÚ£i©Â«© „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ Ôk−© L§ Ó¦children of Israel did according to all that theLord commanded Moses, so did they. Ù :eN« Ú¨ Ôk¬¥ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ‰e¯¨ˆ¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ -˙‡¤ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ ÆÔk¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ e‡È·³¦ i¨Â© 33 [33] And they brought the tabernacle untoMoses, the Tent, and all its furniture, its clasps, ÂÁȯ· ÂÈL¨½ ¯¨˜§ ÂÈÒ´¨ ¯¨˜§ ÂȮϨ k¥-Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § ω¤ Ÿ‡− ‰¨its boards, its bars, and its pillars, and its sockets; ‰Òº¥ Χ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § 34 :ÂÈ«¨„¨‡£ © ÂÈ„¬¨nª Ú© § ÂÈÁ−¨ ȯ¦a§[34] and the covering of rams’ skins dyed red, ‰Ò−¥ Χ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § ÌÈÓ½¦ c¨‡¨ Ó§ ‰© ÆÌϦ ȇ¥ ‰«¨ ˙Ÿ¯³BÚand the covering of sealskins, and the veil ofthe screen; [35] the ark of the testimony, and :CÒ«¨ n¨ ‰© ˙ΤŸ¯¬t¨ ˙‡−¥ § ÌÈL®¦ Á¨ z§ ‰© ˙Ÿ¯´ŸÚthe staves thereof, and the ark-cover; [36] the ˙‡−¥ § ÂÈc®¨a©-˙‡¤ § ˙„−ªÚ¥ ‰¨ ÔŸ¯¬‡£ -˙‡¤ 35table, all the vessels thereof, and the showbread; ÂÈϨ½ k¥-Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÔÁ¨ ϧ Mª ‰© -˙‡¤ 36 :˙¯¤Ÿt« k© ‰©[37] the pure candlestick, the lamps thereof, even ‰¯¹¨Ÿ‰h§ ‰© ‰¯¸¨Ÿn§ ‰© -˙‡¤ 37 :ÌÈ«¦ t¨ ‰© ÌÁ¤ ¬Ï¤ ˙‡−¥ §the lamps to be set in order, and all the vesselsthereof, and the oil for the light; [38] and the ‰¨ ȮϤ k¥-Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § ‰Î−¨ ¯¨Ú£n«© ‰© ˙Ÿ¯²¥ ‰¨ È˙¤À Ÿ¯¥-˙‡¤golden altar, and the anointing oil, and the sweet ·‰¨½ f¨‰© Á´a© ʧӦ Æ˙‡¥ § 38 :¯B‡« n¨ ‰© ÔÓ¤ ¬L¤ ˙‡−¥ §incense, and the screen for the door of the Tent; ÌÈn®¦ q© ‰© ˙¯¤ŸË´ ˜§ ˙‡−¥ § ‰Á¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ L´¤ Æ˙‡¥ §[39] the brazen altar, and its grating of brass, its Á´a© ʧ Ó¦ | ˙‡´¥ 39 :ω¤ Ÿ‡« ‰¨ Á˙© ¬t¤ CÒ−© Ó¨ ˙‡¥¾ §staves, and all its vessels, the laver and its base; BϽ -¯L¤ ‡£ Æ˙L¤ ŸÁÆ p§ ‰© ¯³a© Χ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § ˙L¤ ŸÁÀ p§ ‰©[40] the hangings of the court, its pillars, and itssockets, and the screen for the gate of the court, -˙‡¤ § ¯Ÿi−k¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÂȮϨ k¥-Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § ÂÈc−¨a©-˙‡¤the cords thereof, and the pins thereof, and all ‰¨ È„´¤nª Ú© -˙‡¤ ¯ˆ¥¹ Á¨ ‰¤ ÈÚ¥¸ ϧ ˜© Á˙‡¥ 40 :Bp« k©the instruments of the service of the tabernacle of ¯ˆ¥½ Á¨ ‰«¤ ¯Ú© L´© ϧ ÆCÒ¨ n¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ‰¨ È¤À„¨‡£ -˙‡¤ §the tent of meeting; [41] the plaited garments for ˙„¬©Ÿ·Ú£ Ȳϥ k§ -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥À § ‰¨ È˙®¤ Ÿ„˙¥ Ȧ Âȯ−¨˙¨ ÈÓ¥ -˙‡¤ministering in the holy place; the holy garments „¯−¨O§ ‰© È„¬¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ 41 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ ϧ Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰©for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons,to minister in the priest’s office. [42] According ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© ϧ ÆL„¤ŸwÆ ‰© È„³¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ L„¤Ÿw®a© ˙¯´¥L¨ ϧto all that the Lord commanded Moses, so ϟβ k§ 42 :Ô‰«¥ Ω ϧ ÂÈ−¨·¨ È„¬¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰©the children of Israel did all the work. [43] And È´¥a§ ÆeNÚ¨ Ôk³¥ ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£Moses saw all the work, and, behold, they had ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ‡¯§i©¸Â© 43 :‰„«¨Ÿ·Ú£‰¨ -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧdone it; as the Lord had commanded, even sohad they done it. And Moses blessed them. ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© d˙¨½ Ÿ‡ eN´ Ú¨ Ɖp¥‰¦ § ‰Î¨À ‡Ï¨ n§ ‰© -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ Ù :‰L«¤ ŸÓ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ C¯¤¬·¨ ȧ© eN® Ú¨ Ôk´¥ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ And the Lord spoke unto Moses,40 40saying: [2] ‘On the first day of the first :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ ©month shalt thou rear up the tabernacle of the L„¤ŸÁ® Ï© „Á´¨ ‡¤ a§ ÔBL− ‡¯¦‰¨ L„¤ŸÁ¬ ‰© -ÌBÈa§ 2tent of meeting. [3] And thou shalt put therein z´¨ Ó§ N© § 3 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ Ôk−© L§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ ÌȘ¾¦ z¨the ark of the testimony, and thou shalt screenthe ark with the veil. [4] And thou shalt bring ÔŸ¯−‡¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ˙¬¨ ŸkÒ© § ˙e„®Ú¥ ‰¨ ÔB¯´‡£ ˙‡−¥ ÌL¨½in the table, and set in order the bread that is ÔÁ¨½ ϧ Mª ‰© -˙‡¤ Æ˙¨ ‡·¥ ‰¥ § 4 :˙ΤŸ¯«t¨ ‰© -˙‡¤upon it; and thou shalt bring in the candlestick, ‰¯½¨Ÿn§ ‰© -˙‡¤ Æ˙¨ ‡·¥ ‰¥ § Bk® ¯§Ú¤ -˙‡¤ z−¨ Χ ¯©Ú¨ § 186 186

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 40.5 pekudei Ȅ˜٠40 ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙and light the lamps thereof. [5] And thou shalt Á³a© ʧ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ ‰zº¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 5 :‰¨ È˙«¤ Ÿ¯¥-˙‡¤ ˙−¨ ÈÏ¥ Ú£‰© §set the golden altar for incense before the ark ofthe testimony, and put the screen of the door to z²¨ Ó§ N© § ˙„®ªÚ¥ ‰¨ ÔB¯´‡£ È−¥Ù§ Ϧ ˙¯¤ŸË½ ˜§ Ϧ Æ·‰¨ f¨‰©the tabernacle. [6] And thou shalt set the altar of ˙‡−¥ ‰z¨½ ˙© ´¨Â§ 6 :Ôk«¨ L§ n¦ Ï© Á˙© t−¤ ‰© CÒ¬©Ó¨ -˙‡¤burnt-offering before the door of the tabernacle -ω¤ Ÿ‡« Ôk¬© L§ Ó¦ Á˙© t−¤ È¥¾Ù§ Ϧ ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ‰¨ Á´a© ʧ Ó¦of the tent of meeting. [7] And thou shalt set thelaver between the tent of meeting and the altar, „Ú−¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ -ÔÈa«¥ ¯Ÿi½k¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ Æz¨ ˙© «¨Â§ 7 :„Ú«¥ BÓand shalt put water therein. [8] And thou shalt z¬¨ Ó§ N© § 8 :ÌȦ Ó«¨ ÌL−¨ z¬¨ ˙© ¨Â§ Á©®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ÔÈ´·¥ eset up the court round about, and hang up the ¯Ú© ¬L© CÒ−© Ó¨ -˙‡¤ z¨½ ˙© ´¨Â§ ·È·®¦ Ò¨ ¯ˆ−¥ Á¨ ‰¤ -˙‡¤screen of the gate of the court. [9] And thou shalt ‰Á¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ L´¤ -˙‡¤ Æz¨ Á§ ˜© Ϩ § 9 :¯ˆ«¥ Á¨ ‰¤take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle,and all that is therein, and shalt hallow it, and all Ba®-¯L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ z¬¨ Á§ L© Ó¨ ethefurniturethereof;anditshallbeholy.[10] And :L„¤Ÿ˜« ‰È¨¬‰¨ § ÂÈÏ−¨ k¥-Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § B˙² Ÿ‡ z¬¨ L§ c©˜¦ §thou shalt anoint the altar of burnt-offering, and -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ‰¨ Á¬a© ʧ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ z²¨ Á§ L© Ó¨ e 10all its vessels, and sanctify the altar; and the altarshall be most holy. [11] And thou shalt anoint the Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ‰¬È¨‰¨ § Á©a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ Æz¨ L§ c©˜¦ § ÂȮϨ k¥laver and its base, and sanctify it. [12] And thou -˙‡¤ § ¯Ÿi−k¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ z¬¨ Á§ L© Ó¨ e 11 :ÌÈL«¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜¬shalt bring Aaron and his sons unto the door of ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -˙‡«¤ z³¨ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § 12 :B˙« Ÿ‡ z−¨ L§ c©˜¦ § Bp®k©the tent of meeting, and shalt wash them withwater. [13] And thou shalt put upon Aaron the z¬¨ ˆ§ Á© ¯¨Â§ „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ Á˙© t−¤ -χ¤ ÂÈ¨½ a¨-˙‡¤ §holy garments; and thou shalt anoint him, and ˙‡−¥ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© -˙‡«¤ Æz¨ L§ a© ϧ ‰¦ § 13 :ÌȦ n«¨ a© Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡sanctify him, that he may minister unto Me in the B˙− Ÿ‡ z¬¨ L§ c©˜¦ § B˙² Ÿ‡ z¬¨ Á§ L© Ó¨ e L„¤Ÿw®‰© È„´¥‚§ a¦priest’s office. [14] And thou shalt bring his sons,and put tunics upon them. [15] And thou shalt z¬¨ L§ a© ϧ ‰¦ § ·È¯®¦˜§ z© ÂÈ−¨a¨-˙‡¤ § 14 :ÈÏ«¦ Ô‰¬¥ Φ §anoint them, as thou didst anoint their father, ¯L³¤ ‡£ k© Ì˙¨À Ÿ‡ z´¨ Á§ L© Ó¨ e 15 :˙Ÿ« z¢ kª Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡that they may minister unto Me in the priest’s ‰˙¨ ȧ ‰¨ § ÈÏ®¦ e−‰£ Φ § ̉¤½ È·¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ Æz¨ Á§ LÆ© Ó¨office; and their anointing shall be to them for ÌÏ−¨ BÚ ˙¬p©‰ª Χ Ϧ Ì˙²¨ Á¨ L§ Ó¨ ̉¯¤ Ϩ ˙ŸÈ¸‰§ Ϧan everlasting priesthood throughout theirgenerations.’ [16] Thus did Moses; according to ‰e¯¨ˆ¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÏŸÎk§Â ‰L®¤ ŸÓ NÚ© −i©Â© 16 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧall that the Lord commanded him, so did he. L„¤ŸÁ¯ a© ȉº¦ ȧ © 17 Ò :‰N«¨ Ú¨ Ôk¬¥ B˙− Ÿ‡ ‰²Â¨‰È§[17] And it came to pass in the first month L„¤ŸÁ® Ï© „Á´¨ ‡¤ a§ ˙È−¦ M¥ ‰© ‰¬¨M¨ a© ÔBL² ‡¯¦‰¨in the second year, on the first day of the month,that the tabernacle was reared up. [18] And Moses Ôk¨À L§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ̘¤i¨¸Â© 18 :Ôk«¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ̘−©e‰reared up the tabernacle, and laid its sockets, and Ôz−¥ i¦ © ÂÈL¨½ ¯¨˜§ -˙‡¤ ÆÌN¤ iƨ© ÂÈ¨½ „¨‡£ -˙‡¤ ÆÔz¥ i¦ ©set up the boards thereof, and put in the bars NŸ¯³Ù§ i¦ © 19 :ÂÈ„«¨enÚ© -˙‡¤ ̘¤−i¨Â© ÂÈÁ®¨ ȯ¦a§ -˙‡¤thereof, and reared up its pillars. [19] And hespread the tent over the tabernacle, and put the ‰Ò¬¥ Χ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ ÌN¤ i¨¹Â© Ôk¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© Æω¤ Ÿ‡Æ ‰¨ -˙‡¤covering of the tent above upon it; as the Lord ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó®¨ ϧ Ó¦ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ ω¤ Ÿ‡² ‰¨commanded Moses. -˙‡¤ Ôz³¥ i¦ © Áwº©i¦ © 20 Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ [20] And he took and put the testimony -ÏÚ© ÌÈc−¦a© ‰© -˙‡¤ ÌN¤ ¬i¨Â© ÔŸ¯½ ‡¨ ‰´¨ -χ¤ Æ˙„ªÚ¥ ‰¨into the ark, and set the staves on the ark, and ÔŸ¯−‡¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ˙¯¤Ÿt² k© ‰© -˙‡¤ Ôz¯¥ i¦ © ÔŸ¯®‡¨ ‰¨put the ark-cover above upon the ark. [21] Andhe brought the ark into the tabernacle, and set up ¼Ôk¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -χ¤ »ÔŸ¯‡¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ‡´·¥ i¨Â© 21 :‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó«¨ ϧ Ó¦ 187 187

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ȅ˜٠40 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 40.22 pekudei ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙the veil of the screen, and screened the ark of the ÔB¯´‡£ Ï−Ú© CÒ¤ i¨¾Â© CÒ¨½ n¨ ‰© ˙Τ Ÿ¯´t¨ ˙‡¥µ ÌN¤ i¨À©testimony; as the Lord commanded Moses. [22] And he put the table in the tent Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ˙e„®Ú¥ ‰¨ ϲک „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ a§ ÆÔÁ¨ ϧ Mª ‰© -˙‡¤ Ôz³¥ i¦Â© 22of meeting, upon the side of the tabernaclenorthward, without the veil. [23] And he set arow of bread in order upon it before the Lord; :˙ΤŸ¯«t¨ Ï© ıeÁ− Ó¦ ‰¨ŸÙ® ˆ¨ Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© C¯¤¬È¤as the Lord commanded Moses. ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÌÁ¤ Ï−¤ C¯¤¬Ú¥ ÂȲϨ Ú¨ CŸ¯¬Ú£i©Â© 23[24] And he put the candlestick in the ÌN¤ ³i¨Â© 24 Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦tent of meeting, over against the table, on theside of the tabernacle southward. [25] And he ÔÁ®¨ ϧ Mª ‰© ÁΩ Ÿ− „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ a§ Ɖ¯¨Ÿn§ ‰© -˙‡¤lighted the lamps before the Lord; as the Lord È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ˙Ÿ¯−p¥‰© ÏÚ© ¬i©Â© 25 :‰a¨ ‚§ «¤ Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© C¯¤¬È¤ ϲکcommanded Moses. [26] And he put the golden altar in the tent Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ‰®Â¨‰È§ „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ a§ ·‰−¨ f¨‰© Á¬a© ʧӦ -˙‡¤ ÌN¤ ²i¨Â© 26of meeting before the veil; [27] and he burntthereon incense of sweet spices; as the Lord ÌÈn®¦ Ò© ˙¯¤ŸË´ ˜§ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ ¯¬Ë¥ ˜§ i©Â© 27 :˙Τ Ÿ¯«t¨ ‰© È−¥Ù§ Ϧcommanded Moses. [28] And he put the screen of the door to the Ù :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k©tabernacle. [29] And the altar of burnt-offering Æ˙‡¥ § 29 :Ôk«¨ L§ n¦ Ï© Á˙© t−¤ ‰© CÒ¬©Ó¨ -˙‡¤ ÌN¤ ²i¨Â© 28he set at the door of the tabernacle of the tent ofmeeting, and offered upon it the burnt-offering „®Ú¥ BÓ-ω¤ Ÿ‡« Ôk´© L§ Ó¦ Á˙© t−¤ ÌN¨¾ ‰Ï¨½ ŸÚ‰¨ Á´a© ʧӦand the meal-offering; as the Lord commanded ‰Á¨½ § n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ƉϨ ŸÚ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÂÈϨÀ Ú¨ ÏÚ© ´i©Â©Moses. Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© [30] And he set the laver between the tent ÔÈ´·¥ e „Ú−¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ -ÔÈa«¥ ¯Ÿi½ k¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÆÌN¤ iƨ© 30of meeting and the altar, and put water therein,wherewith to wash; [31] that Moses and Aaron eˆ´ Á£ ¯¨Â§ 31 :‰ˆ«¨ Á§ ¯¨Ï§ ÌȦ Ó−© ‰n¨ L²¨ Ôz¬¥ i¦ © Á©®a¥ ʧ n¦ ‰©and his sons might wash their hands and theirfeet thereat; [32] when they went into the tent of -˙‡¤ § ̉−¤ È„¥È§-˙‡¤ ÂÈ®¨·¨ e ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© § ‰L−¤ ŸÓ epn¤½ Ó¦meeting, and when they came near unto the altar, „Ú¥À BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ -χ¤ ̇º¨ Ÿ·a§ 32 :̉«¤ ÈÏ¥ ‚§ ¯©they should wash; as the Lord commandedMoses. ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© eˆÁ®¨ ¯§È¦ Á©a−¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© -χ¤ Ì˙²¨ ·¨ ¯§˜¨·§ e -˙‡¤ ̘¤´i¨Â© 33 Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ [33] And he reared up the court roundabout the tabernacle and the altar, and set up the -˙‡¤ Ôz¥¾ i¦ © Á©a¥½ ʧ n¦ Ï© § Ôk´¨ L§ n¦ Ï© Æ·È·¦ Ò¨ ¯ˆ¥À Á¨ ‰¤screen of the gate of the court. So Moses finishedthe work. -˙‡¤ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ϬΩ ȧ© ¯®ˆ¥ Á¨ ‰¤ ¯Ú© L´© CÒ−© Ó¨[34] Then the cloud covered the tent of Ù :‰Î«¨ ‡Ï¨ n§ ‰©meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled thetabernacle. [35] And Moses was not able to enter ‰Â¨½‰È§ „B·´ Χ e „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ -˙‡¤ Ô−¨Ú¨ ‰¤ ҬΩ ȧ © 34into the tent of meeting, because the cloud abode ‰L¤À ŸÓ ϟδ Ȩ-‡ŸÏ§ 35 :Ôk«¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‡Ï−¥ Ó¨thereon, and the glory of the Lord filled the Ô®¨Ú¨ ‰¤ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ Ôά© L¨ -Èk«¦ „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ -χ¤ ƇB·Ï¨tabernacle.—[36] And whenever the cloud was :Ôk«¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‡Ï−¥ Ó¨ ‰Â¨½‰È§ „B·´ Χ etaken up from over the tabernacle, the childrenof Israel went onward, throughout all their È´¥a§ eÚ− Ò§ Ȧ Ôk¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© Ï´Ú© Ó¥ ÆÔ¨Ú¨ ‰«¤ ˙Bϳ Ú¨ ‰¥ ·§ e 36journeys. [37] But if the cloud was not taken up,then they journeyed not till the day that it was ‰Ï−¤ Ú¨ È¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ -̇¦ § 37 :̉«¤ ÈÚ¥ Ò§ Ó© ÏŸÎ− a§ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧtaken up. [38] For the cloud of the Lord was ÁÈk¦ 38 :B˙« ŸÏÚ¨ ‰¥ ÌBÈ−-„Ú© eÚ½ Ò§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ § Ô®¨Ú¨ ‰¤ 188 188

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ȅ˜٠40 Home | TOCtorah EXODUS 40.28 pekudei ˙ÂÓ˘ ‰¯Â˙upon the tabernacle by day, and there was fire ‰¬È¤‰§ z¦ L‡¥¾ § ÌÓ¨½ BÈ ÆÔk¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ«© ‰³Â¨‰È§ Ô©¸ Ú£therein by night, in the sight of all the house of -ÏΨ a§ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -˙Èa«¥-ÏΨ Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ Ba® ‰Ï¨ ȧ Ï−©Israel, throughout all their journeys.— :̉«¤ ÈÚ¥ Ò§ Ó© 189 189

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<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOC‡¯˜ÈÂ01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27LEVITICUS ‡¯˜È ‡¯˜ÈÂ1 spoke unto him out of the tent of meeting,saying: [2] Speak unto the children of Israel, and1say unto them: When any man of you bringeth an offeringunto the Lord, ye shall bring your offering of thecattle, even of the herd or of the flock. [3] If his offering be a burnt-offering of the1And the Lord called unto Moses, and ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯³a¥ „©È§ © ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‡¯−¨˜§ i¦ © ȳ¥a§ -χ¤ ¯aº¥ c© 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ „Ú−¥ BÓ Ï‡‰¤¯Ÿ‡¬˜Óȥ ·ÂÈÈϯ¨¬½¦‡˜¥§ È©-ƉÈk«Â¦¨‰Ìȧ „À¨¯‡¨³a¥ „̩ȧ ©‰¤½ Ï¥‰‡£L®¤ ŸÓz´¨-¯Ï§Ó‡©¤‡¨ ‡§ ¯Æ−Ϩ˜‡§¥i¦¯Â©¨N§ Ȧ Ưȳ˜¥¨a§a¨-‰Ï© ‡-¤ÔÓ¦ ¯‰aº¥Óc¨À©‰¥2a§ ‰©:¯-ÔŸÓÓ« ¦‡‰Ï¥®Â¨‰„ÈÏ«©Ú−¥ BÔÓa−¨ ¯§˜¨Ï̉¤ ²kŸ‡¤¬ÓÓ¦¥ -·Ìȯ‡¬¦¦˜§3È©-:ÈÌk«¦ Ϋ¤ ̧ a©„À¯¨‡§˜¨¨-˙̇‰¤¤½ Ï¥e‡£·È¯z´−¨¦˜¯§ z§©Ó© ‡Ô¨‡Â§ Ÿvƽω©‡¥-¯Ô¨ÓN¦§ eȦ eƯp®˜·¤¨aȨ¯‰¦©˜§-È©ÔÓ̦ ȉÓ−¦ Óz¨À¨ ‰¥¯a¬§Î¨‰©Ê¨ -¯Ô˜Ó½¨¦ a¨‰‰©®Â-¨‰ÔÓȦϫ©ÆBÔaa−¨¨ ¯¯§§˜˜¨¨ ‰Ì³Ï²k¨¤ŸÚÓ¦herd, he shall offer it a male without blemish; he ‰Be-−pÌŸ®Ïˆ®·¨¤Ÿ‡Ú¯È¦§¯‰Ï¦¨3¦˜§B:ÈL©˙̽̇Ÿ‡Î«¤ÈŸ¯Ó−´§¦a·©zϨ¯È−Ú§¯©˜´¯¦¨˜-¬Î§B¨˙È©„ʨ½ ƇȨ„¯¤ Ú˜C¥½¨eBaÓ´¨·©Ó‰ÒÈ©¨¯-Â−ϧ¦˜Ô4§‰Ó¤z¦©:Ÿ‡Æ³B‰Ôa‡«Á¨¨‰¯Ÿv˙§½©È˜§‰¨t©¤È‰¬¹--¥ÔÏٳϧӨ‡Ï¦Ÿ¤Ú¦ eshall bring it to the door of the tent of meeting, ÔBa¬¤−Ÿ-ˆ˙¯§‡Ï¤¦ BË˙½Á²Ÿ©‡L¨ ·Â§ È5¯´¦˜:§ÂÈ©Èϫƨ„ÚÚ¨¥ BÓ¯¬t¥ ÏΩ ‰Ï§¤ Ÿ‡³BÏ−Á˙‰© t¬ˆ¤¨¹-¯Ï§¦‡Â¤§that he may be accepted before the Lord. [4] And Ô‰Ÿ¯³®Ï‰£¨ŸÚ‡©‰¨ ÈL¥¸ a§‡Ÿ¯e´·ÏÈ−Ú¯©¦˜§B‰„¦½ ÂȨ§Â C‰Ó´®©Â¨‰Ò¨ Âȧ§ 4È´:¥Ù‰§ Ϧ«¨‰È¯§ ˜È−¬¨¥a¨Ù§‰©Ï¦he shall lay his hand upon the head of the burnt- -ÔÏa¬¤Ú-©˙̇¤ c³¨‰Ë© Á²-©˙L¨‡¤Â§ 5e˜¸:¯Â§Èʨϫ¨§ Ú¨Ìc¯½¨‰¬t©¥ -Ω˙ϧ ‡¤ BÏÆ−Ìȉ¦ ‰£¬ˆ¨Ÿk¯« §‰«©¦ §offering; and it shall be accepted for him tomake atonement for him. [5] And he shall killthe bullock before the Lord; and Aaron’s sons,the priests, shall present the blood, and dash the :Ô„Ÿ¯³Ú«‰¥£B‡Ó© ÈÏ¥¸a‰¤§ Ÿ‡¬e·Áȯ˙¦©˜§t−¤‰¦-¯§Â L¤‰‡£®Â¨‰·È§ ȷȽ¦´¥ÒÙ¨§ Ϧ ÆÁ©a¯¥Æ ʘ§−n¨a¦¨‰‰©©blood round about against the altar that is at d-Ï˙−¨ÚŸ©‡ Ìc³¨Á‰© z¬-©˙¦ ‡§¤ e˜‰¸ ¯®Ï§¨Ê¨ŸÚ§ ‰¨Ì-c˙½¨‰©‡¤-˙‡¤ËÈÆÌL−¦ÈÙ¦§‰£‰¦Ÿk«§‰«6©the door of the tent of meeting. [6] And he shall L:„‡−¥Ú«¥ BÔÓ‰²¥ Ÿkω©‰¤ Ÿ‡Ô¬Ÿ¯¯‰£Á‡©˙© t−¤È-¥¸a¯§ L¤e‡£˙§ ·¨Â§ÂÈ7·½¦ Ò¨:‰¨ÆÁÈ©Á«¤a¥Æ˙ʧ¨n¦§ ω¦©flay the burnt-offering, and cut it into its pieces. :dL˙−¨‡«¥Ÿ‡‰¨ -ÏÚÁ© z¬© ¦Ì§ Ȉ−¦ Ú¥‰®Ï¨ŸÚeΉ¬¨¯-§Ú˙¨ §‡¤ Á©®a¥ËʧÈnL¦−¦‰©Ù§-‰Ï¦ ÂÚ§©6[7] And the sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire ÌLȇ−Á¥½¦ ˙¨Ôp‰²§¥‰©Ÿk‰˙© ‡¥ÔµŸ¯Ì¯‰£È‡½¦©‰£ ŸkÈ´¥¸‰©a§ ÆÔŸe¯‰£˙§ ‡©¨Â§ÂÈ7³¥a§:‰¨eÎÈÀÁ«¯¤§˙Ú¨¨ Â§§ Ï8¦upon the altar, and lay wood in order upon the ¯:L´L¤ ‡‡«£¥ ‰¨ÆÌ-Èψ¦Ú©Ú¥ ‰¨ -ÌÏÈÚˆ−©¦ Ú¥¯„¤®t¨e‰Î©¬ ¯-§˙Ú¨ ‡Â§¤ § LÁ©®a‡¥ ÊŸ¯§n−¦‰¨‰©--˙χ¤Ú©fire. [8] And Aaron’s sons, the priests, shall lay BÌa¬È¯Á§½¦˜¦˙¨§ 9p§ ‰© :˙Á‡©¥a«¥µÊ§Ìn¦È‰©½¦ ‰£-ÏŸk´Ú‰©© ÆÔŸ¯¯‰L£−¤ ‡‡©£ ȳ¥aL§ ‡e¥½ ΉÀ¨¯-§ÚϨ ÂÚ§©8the pieces, and the head, and the suet, in order -¯˙L´¤‡¤‡£ ÔÆ̉³¥ÈŸkˆ¦‰©Ú¥ ‰¯¨ -ÈËϸ¦ Ú˜©§ ‰¦¯Â§„¤®Ìt¨ ‰È¦©n®¨-˙a© ‡¤ı§Á´©L¯§‡È¦ Ÿ¯Â−ȉ¨Ú−¨-¯˙¨Î§‡e¤upon the wood that is on the fire which is upon ÁB©aB¬ Á¯−§˜È¦¦Â§-9Á©È¯:«¥Á©‰a«¥ ¬Mʧ¥n¦‡‰¦© -‰Ïڲϩ¨ŸÚ ¯‰L−¤Á¨‡£a¥½ ʧ n¦L‰©‡¥½ ‰Æ¨Ï-Ÿkω©Ú©the altar; [9] but its inwards and its legs shall hewash with water; and the priest shall make thewhole smoke on the altar, for a burnt-offering, B-¯˙a¨ ‡¯¤§˜¨Ô‰³Ô¥‡ŸkŸv‰¸© ‰©¯-ÈÔËÓ¸¦¦ ˜-§Ì‰¦ ‡Â¦§ §Ì10Ȧn®¨ a© ıÒÁ´© ¯§È¦:‰ÂÈÂÚ−«¨¨‰¯¨ÈÎϧ«©ean offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto ¯Á¬Î©¨BÊÁ¨− ȉ¦ -®Ï¨ÁŸÚ©Èϯ§«¥ ̉ȬM¥f−¦Ú‡¦ ¦‰¨ -‰ÔӲϦ¨ŸÚB‡¬‰Ą́ a¥È½ ²·Ê§¦nN¦¨‰©k§ ‰©ÆÏ-ŸkÔÓ‰¦©the Lord. CB¯¯¤a¯¨È¤¯§Ï˜¨´Ú©Ô‡BŸv˙¸¹ ‰Ÿ‡© -ÔËÓ¦ Á-©¸ÌL¨‡¦Â§Â§1110 :ep·«¤Òȯ¦˜§ È© :‰ÌÂÈ«¨‰Ó−¦ Èz¨Ï«© [10] And if his offering be of the flock,whether of the sheep, or of the goats, for a burnt-offering, he shall offer it a male without blemish.[11] And he shall kill it on the side of the altar Ô¯Ÿ¯¸¬Î‰¨£Ê¨‡© ‰ÁÈ®Ï¥¨aŸ§Úeϧ˜¿ ¯Ì§Ê¨Âȧf−¦‰Ú¦ ®Â‰¨¨‰-ÈÔ§ ÓȦ´¥Ù§Bχ¦¬ ‰Ì¨ŸÙÈ−²·ˆ¦¨N¨Á©k²§a¥‰©Ê§n-¦Ô‰Ó©¦northward before the Lord; and Aaron’s sons, :C·¯¤È¯È·¤«¦ Ҩϴک Á©Ba−¥˙¹Ê§Ÿ‡n¦ ‰©Ë-ÏÁ©¸ÚL©¨ § B1Ó1² c:¨-e˙p·«¤‡¤È¯¦˜§ÌÈ© ȯ̦ ‰£ÈŸkÓ−¦ ‰z©¨the priests, shall dash its blood against the altar -Ô˙Ÿ¯¸ ‰‡£¤ ‡Â§© ÁBÈL¥−a§‡eŸ¯˜¿-¯˙§Ê¨Â‡§¤‰Â§ ®Â¨Â‰ÈÁȧ¨½ È˙´¨¥Ù§§Ï¦Ï¦ ƉB˙¨ŸÙŸ‡− ˆ¨ ÁÁ©z³²a©¥ ʦ§Ân§¦ 1‰2©round about. [12] And he shall cut it into its ¯·¯-:L´˙·¯L´¤¤¤wȇ¬‡£‡¤·¤£«‰¦©ÂÒ§Æ̨ÆÂ̧ BÈ1ÈLˆ3−ˆ¦Á¦Ú‡©Ú¥¥a−:¥‰Ÿ¯«‰¨Á«Ê¨§-n©--a¦«˙ϥωʩ§Ú‡Ún©¤-©¦ Âω§ÌÌ©Ú©-˙Â˙¨½ÈϨ½ŸÁ‡Ÿ‡¨Ú½©B˙ÓƨÔƲԉ‰§¥c¯¥Ï¨¦Ÿk-ŸLk−¤˙‰Æ‰©‡B©£˙‡¤CCŸ‡¯³L¯³©©ÚÌÚ¨‡¨Á¥½Â§È§‰¯z³¨¦B©B‰¯£-¯®¦®ÏŸ„k„§§Ú§t‰1©t¦©¦2pieces; and the priest shall lay them, with its head and its suet, in order on the wood that is on thefire which is upon the altar. [13] But the inwardsand the legs shall he wash with water; and the 191·¯¤w¬¤‰© § 13 :Á©a«¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ L‡¥½ ‰¨ -ÏÚ©  191

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯˜È 1 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 1.14 va-yikra’ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙priest shall offer the whole, and make it smoke Ô‰³¥ Ÿk‰© ·È¯¸¦˜§ ‰¦ § ÌȦ n®¨ a© ıÁ´© ¯§È¦ ÌȦ Ú−© ¯¨k§ ‰© §upon the altar; it is a burnt-offering, an offeringmade by fire, of a sweet savour unto the Lord. ‡e‰À ‰Ï´¨ŸÚ ‰Á¨ a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰© ¯ÈË´¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § ÆÏŸk‰© -˙‡¤[14] And if his offering to the Lord be a Ù :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© Á©ŸÁ− È¦ Á©È¯¬¥ ‰²M¥ ‡¦burnt-offering of fowls, then he shall bring hisoffering of turtle-doves, or of young pigeons. ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ«© B−a¨ ¯§˜¨ ‰¬Ï¨ ŸÚ ÛBÚ² ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ̇¯¦ § 14[15] And the priest shall bring it unto the altar, ‰−¨Bi‰© Ȭ¥a§ -ÔÓ¦ B‡² ÌȯÀ¦Ÿz‰© -ÔÓ¦ ·È¯´¦˜§ ‰¦ §and pinch off its head, and make it smoke onthe altar; and the blood thereof shall be drained Á©a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰© -χ¤ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© B·³ ȯ¦˜§ ‰¦ § 15 :B« a¨ ¯§˜¨-˙‡¤out on the side of the altar. [16] And he shall take ‰Á¨ ®a¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© ¯ÈË−¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § BL½ ‡Ÿ¯-˙‡¤ Ƙϩ Ó¨ eaway its crop with the feathers thereof, and castit beside the altar on the east part, in the place of ¯ÈÒ¬¦ ‰¥ § 16 :Á©a«¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ¯È˜¬¦ Ï−Ú© BÓ½ „¨ ‰´ˆ¨ Ó§ ¦ §the ashes. [17] And he shall rend it by the wings ψ¤ ‡³¥ d˙¨¹ Ÿ‡ CÈϦ¸ L§ ‰¦ § d˙®¨ ˆ¨ Ÿa§ B˙− ‡¨ ¯§Óª -˙‡¤thereof, but shall not divide it asunder; and thepriest shall make it smoke upon the altar, upon Úq¸© L¦ § 17 :ÔL¤ c«¨‰© ÌB˜−Ó§ -χ¤ ‰Ó¨ „§˜½¥ ÆÁ©a¥Æ ʧn¦ ‰©the wood that is upon the fire; it is a burnt- B˙³ Ÿ‡ ¯È˸¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § ¼ÏÈc¦·§ È© ‡ŸÏ´ »ÂÈÙ¨ ¨Î§ ·¦ B˙´ Ÿ‡offering, an offering made by fire, of a sweetsavour unto the Lord. And when any one bringeth a meal-2 offering unto the Lord, his offering shall2be of fine flour; and he shall pour oil upon it, andput frankincense thereon. [2] And he shall bring -ÏÚ© ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÌȈ−¦ Ú¥ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ‰Á¨ a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰© ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© Á©ŸÁ− È¦ Á©È¯¬¥ ‰²M¥ ‡¦ ‡e‰À ‰Ï´¨ŸÚ L‡®¥ ‰¨ ·È¯º¦˜§ ˙© -Èk«¦ LÙ¤ ¤À§ Ò :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ©it to Aaron’s sons the priests; and he shall take B®a¨ ¯§˜¨ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ− ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© ƉÁ¨ § Ó¦ Ôa³© ¯§˜¨thereout his handful of the fine flour thereof,and of the oil thereof, together with all the :‰«¨Ÿ·Ï§ ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤ Ú¨ Ô˙¬© ¨Â§ ÔÓ¤ L¤½ Ɖ¨ ÈÏ¤Æ Ú¨ ˜³ˆ© Ȩ§frankincense thereof; and the priest shall make ıÓ©¸ ˜¨Â§ ¼ÌÈ¦ ‰£ Ÿk‰© »ÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© È´¥a§ -χ¤ d‡¨À È·¦ ‰¡ «¤ 2the memorial-part thereof smoke upon thealtar, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour Ï−Ú© d¨½ Ó§ M© Ó¦ e Ædz¨ ϧ q¨ Ó¦ BˆÀ Ó§ ˜ª ‡ŸÏ´ Ó§ ÌM¨¹ Ó¦unto the Lord. [3] But that which is left of the Æd˙¨ ¯¨k¨ ʧ‡© -˙‡¤ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© ¯È˸¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § d˙®¨ ¨Ÿ·Ï§ -Ïk¨meal-offering shall be Aaron’s and his sons’; itis a thing most holy of the offerings of the Lord :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© Á©ŸÁ− È¦ Á©È¯¬¥ ‰²M¥ ‡¦ ‰Á¨ a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰©made by fire. ÂÈ®¨·¨ ϧ e ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© ϧ ‰Á¨½ § n¦ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Æ˙¯¤˙Ƥ Bp‰© § 3 [4] And when thou bringest a meal-offering ȬΦ § 4 Ò :‰Â«¨‰È§ ȬM¥ ‡¦ Ó¥ ÌÈL−¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜¬baked in the oven, it shall be unleavened cakes of ˙Ϥ ŸÒ´ ¯ep®˙© ‰´Ù¥ ‡£ Ó© ‰Á−¨ § Ó¦ Ôa¬© ¯§˜¨ ·¯²¦˜§ ˙©fine flour mingled with oil, or unleavened wafersspread with oil. ˙Bv− Ó© Ș¬¥È˜¦ ¯§e ÔÓ¤ M¤½ a© ˙ŸÏ´ eÏa§ Æ˙ŸvÓ© ˙Bl³ Á© ‰Á¬¨ § Ó¦ -̇¦ § 5 Ò :ÔÓ¤ M«¨ a© ÌÈÁ¬¦ Lª Ó§ [5] And if thy offering be a meal-offeringbaked on a griddle, it shall be of fine flourunleavened, mingled with oil. [6] Thou shalt ÔÓ¤ M−¤ ·© ‰¬Ï¨ eÏa§ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ² E®¤a¨ ¯§˜¨ ˙·−© Á£ n© ‰«© -ÏÚ©break it in pieces, and pour oil thereon; it is a z¬¨ ˜§ ˆ© Ȩ§ ÌÈz½¦ t¦ Æd˙¨ Ÿ‡ ˙B˙³ t¨ 6 :‰«È¤‰§ ˙¦ ‰¬v¨ Ó©meal-offering. [7] And if thy offering be a meal-offering -̇¦ § 7 Ò :‡Â‰«¦ ‰Á−¨ § Ó¦ ÔÓ¤ L®¨ ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤ Ú¨ ÔÓ¤ M−¤ a© ˙Ϥ ŸÒ¬ E®¤a¨ ¯§˜¨ ˙L¤ Á−¤ ¯§Ó© ˙Á¬© § Ó¦of the stewing-pan, it shall be made of fine flourwith oil. [8] And thou shalt bring the meal-offering that is made of these things unto the ¯L¯¤ ‡£ ‰Á¨À § n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙´¨ ‡·¥ ‰¥ § 8 :‰N«¤ Ú¨ z¥Lord; and it shall be presented unto the priest, Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ Æd·¨ ȯ¦˜§ ‰¦ § ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ‰l¤ ‡−¥ Ó¥ ‰²N¤ Ú¨ È¥and he shall bring it unto the altar. [9] And the -ÔÓ¦ Ô‰³¥ Ÿk‰© Ìȯ¸¦‰¥ § 9 :Á©a«¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -χ¤ dL−¨ Èb¦ ‰¦ §priest shall take off from the meal-offering the ‰Á¨ ®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ¯ÈË−¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § d˙¨½ ¯¨´k¨ ʧ‡© -˙‡¤ ƉÁ¨ § n¦ ‰©memorial-part thereof, and shall make it smokeupon the altar—an offering made by fire, of a 192 192

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯˜È 2 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 2.10 va-yikra’ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙sweet savour unto the Lord. [10] But that which Æ˙¯¤˙Ƥ Bp‰© § 10 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© Á©ŸÁ− È¦ Á©È¯¬¥ ‰²M¥ ‡¦is left of the meal-offering shall be Aaron’s andhis sons’; it is a thing most holy of the offerings ÌÈL−¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜¬ ÂÈ®¨·¨ ϧ e ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© ϧ ‰Á¨½ § n¦ ‰© -ÔÓ¦of the Lord made by fire. [11] No meal-offering, Æe·È¯Æ¦˜§ z© ¯L³¤ ‡£ ‰Á¨À § n¦ ‰© -Ïk¨ 11 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ȬM¥ ‡¦ Ó¥which ye shall bring unto the Lord, shall be ƯŸ‡N§ -ÏΨ Èk³¦ ıÓ®¥ Á¨ ‰N−¤ Ú¨ ˙¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰Â¨½ ‰ÈÏ©made with leaven; for ye shall make no leaven,nor any honey, smoke as an offering made by ‰M−¤ ‡¦ epn²¤ Ó¦ e¯È˯¦ ˜§ ˙© -‡ŸÏ« L·©½ c§-ÏΨ §fire unto the Lord. [12] As an offering of first- Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ e·È¯¬¦˜§ z© ˙ÈL²¦ ‡¯¥ Ôa¬© ¯§˜¨ 12 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ«©fruits ye may bring them unto the Lord; but theyshall not come up for a sweet savour on the altar. Á©È¯¬¥Ï§ eÏ− ڣȩ-‡ŸÏ Á©¬a¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© -χ¤ § ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ©[13] And every meal-offering of thine shalt thou ¼ÁϨ Ó§ z¦ ÁÏ© n´¤ a© »E˙§ Á¨ § Ó¦ Ôa´© ¯§˜¨-ÏΨ § 13 :Á©ŸÁ« È¦season with salt; neither shalt thou suffer the salt Ï−Ú© Ó¥ Eȉ¤½ ŸÏ‡¡ ˙ȯ´¦a§ ÁÏ© Ó¤µ ˙ÈaÀ¦ L§ ˙© ‡ŸÏ´ §of the covenant of thy God to be lacking fromthy meal-offering; with all thine offerings thou Ò :ÁÏ© Ó«¤ ·È¯¬¦˜§ z© E− § a¨ ¯§˜¨-Ïk¨ Ϭک E˙®¤ Á¨ § Ó¦shalt offer salt. ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© Ìȯ−¦eka¦ ˙Á¬© § Ó¦ ·È¯²¦˜§ z© -̇¦ § 14 [14] And if thou bring a meal-offering offirst-fruits unto the Lord, thou shalt bring for ˙‡−¥ ·È¯¾¦˜§ z© ÏÓ¤½ ¯§k© N¯¤´b¤ ÆL‡¥ a¨ Èeϳ ˜¨ ·È·º¦ ‡¨the meal-offering of thy first-fruits corn in the ÔÓ¤ L¤½ Ɖ¨ ÈÏ¤Æ Ú¨ z³¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 15 :Eȯ«¤eka¦ ˙Á¬© § Ó¦ear parched with fire, even groats of the fresh :‡Â‰«¦ ‰Á−¨ § Ó¦ ‰®¨Ÿ·Ï§ ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤ Ú¨ z¬¨ Ó§ N© §ear. [15] And thou shalt put oil upon it, andlay frankincense thereon; it is a meal-offering. ÆdN¨ ¯§b¦ Ó¦ d˙¨À ¯¨k¨ ʧ‡© -˙‡¤ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© ¯È˸¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § 16[16] And the priest shall make the memorial- ‰M−¤ ‡¦ d˙®¨ ¨Ÿ·Ï§ -Ïk¨ Ï−Ú© d¨½ Ó§ M© Ó¦ epart of it smoke, even of the groats thereof, and ofthe oil thereof, with all the frankincense thereof,3it is an offering made by fire unto the Lord.3 offerings: if he offer of the herd, whether -ÔÓ¦ ̇³¦ B®a¨ ¯§˜¨ ÌÈÓ−¦ Ϩ L§ Ù :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© Á·© ¬Ê¤-̇¦ §male or female, he shall offer it without blemishbefore the Lord. [2] And he shall lay his handAnd if his offering be a sacrifice of peace- ‰·¨½ ˜¥§ -̇¦ ƯΨ ʨ-̇¦ ·È¯½¦˜§ Ó© ‡e‰´ Ư˜¨ a¨ ‰© ÆB„Ȩ CÓ³© Ò¨ § 2 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ep·−¤ ȯ¦˜§ È© ÌÈÓ¬¦ z¨ „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ Á˙© t−¤ B˾ Á¨ L§ e B½ a¨ ¯§˜¨ L‡Ÿ¯´-ÏÚ©upon the head of his offering, and kill it at the -ÏÚ© Ìc²¨‰© -˙‡¤ Ìȯ¦ ‰£ Ÿk‰© ÔŸ¯¸ ‰£ ‡© ÁÈ¥a§ e˜¿ ¯§Ê¨Â§door of the tent of meeting; and Aaron’s sons thepriests shall dash the blood against the altar round ÌÈÓ½¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© Á·© ´f¤Ó¦ Ʒȯ¦˜§ ‰¦ § 3 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰©about. [3] And he shall present of the sacrifice of -˙‡¤ ‰q´¤ Ω Ó§ ‰«© ƷϤ ÁÆ¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ‰M−¤ ‡¦peace-offerings an offering made by fire untothe Lord: the fat that covereth the inwards, and :·¯¤w«¤‰© -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ ·Ï¤ Á¥½ ‰© -Ïk¨ Æ˙‡¥ § ·¯¤w½¤‰©all the fat that is upon the inwards, [4] and the ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƷϤ ÁÆ¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ˙ŸÈ½Ï¨ k§ ‰© Èz´¥ L§ Æ˙‡¥ § 4two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is Æ˙¯¤˙Ƥ Ÿi‰© -˙‡¤ § ÌÈÏ®¦ Ò¨ k§ ‰© -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ Ô‰¤½ Ï¥ Ú£by the loins, and the lobe above the liver, whichhe shall take away hard by the kidneys. [5] And :‰p¨¯«¤ÈÒ¦ ȧ ˙BÈ−Ϩ k§ ‰© -ÏÚ© „·¥½ k¨ ‰© -ÏÚ©Aaron’s sons shall make it smoke on the altar -ÏÚ© ‰Á¨ a¥½ ʧ n¦ ‰© ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -È«¥·§ B˙³ Ÿ‡ e¯È˸¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § 5upon the burnt-offering, which is upon the woodthat is on the fire; it is an offering made by fire, of L‡®¥ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÌȈ−¦ Ú¥ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Ï¨½ ŸÚ‰´¨a sweet savour unto the Lord. Ù :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ«© Á©ŸÁ− È¦ Á©È¯¬¥ ‰²M¥ ‡¦[6] And if his offering for a sacrifice of ÌÈÓ−¦ Ϩ L§ Á·© ¬Ê¤Ï§ B²a¨ ¯§˜¨ Ô‡Ÿv¯ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ -̇¦ § 6peace-offerings unto the Lord be of the flock,male or female, he shall offer it without blemish. :ep·«¤ ȯ¦˜§ È© ÌÈÓ−¦ z¨ ‰·¨½ ˜¥§ B‡´ ƯΨ ʨ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© 193 193

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