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Home Explore re_torah


Published by agendler, 2018-06-18 15:19:10

Description: re_torah

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<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‰¯˘ ÈÈÁ 24 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 24.58 hayyei sarah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙and inquire at her mouth.’ [58] And they called ÈÎ−¦ ϧ ˙¥ ‰£ ‰¨ ÈϤ½ ‡¥ e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿi© Ɖ˜¨ ·§ ¯¦Ï§ e‡³ ¯§˜§ i¦ © 58Rebekah, and said unto her: ‘Wilt thou go withthis man?’ And she said: ‘I will go.’ [59] And they eÁ² l§ L© ȧ«© 59 :CÏ«¥ ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz− © ‰®f¤‰© Lȇ´¦ ‰¨ -ÌÚ¦sent away Rebekah their sister, and her nurse,and Abraham’s servant, and his men. [60] And -˙‡¤ § dz®¨ ˜§ ¦ Ó¥ -˙‡¤ § Ì˙−¨ ŸÁ‡£ ‰˜¬¨·§ ¯¦-˙‡¤ -˙‡¤ eγ ¯£·¨ ȧ© 60 :ÂÈL«¨ ¨‡£ -˙‡¤ § ̉−¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© „·¤ ¬Ú¤they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her: ‘Our È´Ù¥ ϧ ‡© ϧ ÈÈ−¦‰£ z§ ‡¬© e˙¥¾ ŸÁ‡£ dϨ½ e¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© Ɖ˜¨·§ ¯¦sister, be thou the mother of thousands of tenthousands, and let thy seed possess the gate of :Âȇ«¨ §ŸN ¯Ú© ¬L© ˙‡−¥ CÚ¥½ ¯§Ê© L¯´©ÈȦ § ‰®·¨ ·¨ ¯§those that hate them.’ [61] And Rebekah arose, -ÏÚ© Ɖ¨·§ k©Æ ¯§z¦ © ‰¨ È˙¤À Ÿ¯Ú£©Â§ ‰˜¹¨·§ ¯¦ ̘¨z¨¸ © 61and her damsels, and they rode upon the camels, Áw¬©i¦ © Lȇ®¦ ‰¨ ȯ´¥Á£ ‡© ‰¨Î§ Ï−© z¥ © ÌÈl¦½ Ó© b§ ‰©and followed the man. And the servant took ‡´a¨ ƘÁ¨ ˆ§ Ȧ § 62 :CÏ«© i¥Â© ‰˜−¨·§ ¯¦-˙‡¤ „·¤ ²Ú¤ ‰¨Rebekah, and went his way. [62] And Isaac camefrom the way of Beer-lahai-roi; for he dwelt in ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ ·L−¥ BÈ ‡e‰¬ § ȇ®¦ Ÿ¯ ÈÁ−© Ï© ¯‡¬¥ a§ ‡Ba½ Ó¦the land of the South. [63] And Isaac went out to ˙B´Ù§ Ϧ ‰„−¤O¨ a© Á©eN¬ Ϩ ˜Á²¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ‡¬ˆ¥ i¥Â© 63 :·‚¤«p¤‰©meditate in the field at the eventide; and he lifted ÌÈl−¦ Ó© ‚§ ‰¬p¥‰¦ § ‡¯§i©½ © ÆÂÈ¨ÈÚ¥ ‡O³¨ i¦ © ·¯¤®Ú¨up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, there werecamels coming. [64] And Rebekah lifted up her ‡¯¤z−¥ © ‰¨ È¤½ ÈÚ¥ -˙‡¤ Ɖ˜¨·§ ¯¦ ‡O³¨ z¦ © 64 :Ìȇ«¦ a¨eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she alighted from ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz´ © 65 :ÏÓ«¨ b¨‰© Ϭک Ó¥ ÏŸt− z¦ © ˜Á®¨ ˆ§ Ȧ -˙‡¤the camel. [65] And she said unto the servant: Ɖ„¤O¨ a© C³Ï¥Ÿ‰‰© Ɖʤl¨ ‰© Lȇ³¦ ‰¨ -ÈÓ«¦ „·¤ Ú¤À ‰¨ -χ¤‘What man is this that walketh in the field to Áw¬©z¦ © È®¦Ÿ„‡£ ‡e‰´ „·¤ Ú−¤ ‰¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© e˙¥½ ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧmeet us?’ And the servant said: ‘It is my master.’And she took her veil, and covered herself. ˜Á®¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ϧ „·¤ Ú−¤ ‰¨ ¯¬t¥ Ò© ȧ© 66 :Òk«¨ ˙§ z¦ © ÛÈÚ−¦ v¨ ‰©[66] And the servant told Isaac all the things that ‰¨ ‡´¤ ·¦ ȧ© 67 :‰N«¨ Ú¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ìȯ−¦·¨ c§‰© -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥he had done. [67] And Isaac brought her into his -˙‡¤ Áw¯©i¦ © Bn½ ‡¦ ‰¯´¨N¨ ƉϨ ‰¡ Ÿ‡Æ ‰¨ ˜Á¨À ˆ§ Ȧmother Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, and shebecame his wife; and he loved her. And Isaac wascomforted for his mother. 25And Abraham took another wife, and25 her name was Keturah. [2] And shebore him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and ̬Á¥ p¨i¦Â© ‰¨ ®·¤ ‰¨ ‡¡ i¤Â© ‰M−¨ ‡¦ ϧ BϬ -ȉ¦ z§ © ‰˜²¨·§ ¯¦Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. [3] And Jokshan Ù :Bn« ‡¦ ȯ¬¥Á£ ‡© ˜Á−¨ ˆ§ Ȧbegot Sheba, and Dedan. And the sons of Dedan dÓ¬¨ L§ e ‰M−¨ ‡¦ Áw¬©i¦ © ̲‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ÛÒ¤Ÿi¯Â© ÔL¨½ ˜§ Ȩ-˙‡¤ § ÆÔ¯¨Ó§ ʦ-˙‡¤ BÏÀ „Ϥ z´¥ © 2 :‰¯«¨e˘§ -˙‡¤ § ˜a−¨ L§ Ȧ-˙‡¤ § ԮȨ„§Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § Ô„−¨Ó§ -˙‡¤ § Ô„®¨c§-˙‡¤ § ‡·−¨ L§ -˙‡¤ „Ï©½ Ȩ ÔL´¨ ˜§ Ȩ§ 3 :Á©eL«were Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leummim. :ÌÈn«¦ ‡ª ϧ e ÌÈL−¦ eËϧ e ̯¬¦eM‡© eȲ‰¨ Ô„½¨„§ È´¥·§ e[4] And the sons of Midian: Ephah, and Epher, Ú„−¨È·¦ ‡£ © CŸ½ Á£ © Ư٤ Ú¥Æ Â¨ ‰³Ù¨ ÈÚ¥ ÔȨÀ„§Ó¦ È´¥·§ e 4and Hanoch, and Abida, and Eldaah. All thesewere the children of Keturah. [5] And Abraham Ôz¯¥ i¦ © 5 :‰¯«¨e˘§ Ȭ¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ -Ïk¨ ‰®Ú¨ c¨Ï§ ‡¤ §gave all that he had unto Isaac. [6] But unto ȳ¥·§ Ϧ § 6 :˜Á«¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ϧ BÏ− -¯L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ ̲‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡©the sons of the concubines, that Abraham had, ̉−¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© Ô˙¬© ¨ ̉¨½ ¯¨·§ ‡© ϧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÌÈL¦ ‚§ Ï© Èt«¦ ‰©Abraham gave gifts; and he sent them away fromIsaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto ep„´¤BÚa§ ÆBa§ ˜Á³¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ÏÚ©¸ Ó¥ ÌÁº¥ l§ L© ȧ«© ˙Ÿ®z¨ Ó©the east country. [7] And these are the days of the Ȳӥ ȧ ‰l¤ ‡¥À § 7 :Ì„¤˜«¤ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -χ¤ ‰Ó¨ „§˜−¥ ÈÁ©½years of Abraham’s life which he lived, a hundred ‰²¨L¨ ˙‡¬© Ó§ ÈÁ®¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ̉−¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© Ȭi¥Á© -È«¥L§ 44 44

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‰¯˘ ÈÈÁ 25 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 25.8 hayyei sarah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙threescore and fifteen years. [8] And Abraham ˙Ó¨ ¯i¨Â© Ú¸©‚§ i¦ © 8 :ÌÈ«¦ L¨ L¬Ó¥ Á¨ § ‰−¨L¨ ÌÈÚ¬¦ ·§ L¦ §expired, and died in a good old age, an old man,and full of years; and was gathered to his people. ÛÒ¤ ‡−¨ i¥Â© Ú©®·¥ N¨ § Ô˜´¥Ê¨ ‰·−¨ BË ‰¬·¨ ÈN¥ a§ ̲‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡©[9] And Isaac and Ishmael his sons buried him in Æχڥ Ó¨ L§ Ȧ § ˜Á³¨ ˆ§ Ȧ B˙¹ Ÿ‡ e¯¸ a§ ˜§ i¦ © 9 :ÂÈn«¨ Ú© -χ¤the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the ÔŸ¯³Ù§ Ú¤ ‰„º¥N§ -χ¤ ‰®Ï¨ t¥ Χ n© ‰© ˙¯−©Ú¨ Ó§ -χ¤ ÂÈ¨½ a¨son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre;[10] the field which Abraham purchased of the :‡¯«¥Ó§ Ó© Ȭ¥t§ -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ Èz½¦ Á¦ ‰«© ƯÁ© ŸˆÆ -Ôa¤children of Heth; there was Abraham buried, -È¥a§ ˙‡´¥ Ó¥ ̉−¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ‰¬¨˜¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰„²¤O¨ ‰© 10and Sarah his wife. [11] And it came to pass afterthe death of Abraham, that God blessed Isaac his :Bz« L§ ‡¦ ‰¯¬¨N¨ § ̉−¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ¯¬a© ˜ª ‰n¨ L²¨ ˙Á®¥son; and Isaac dwelt by Beer-lahai-roi. Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ C¯¤¬·¨ ȧ© ̉¨½ ¯¨·§ ‡© ˙BÓ´ Æȯ¥Á£ ‡© ȉÀ¦ ȧ © 11 ÈÁ−© Ï© ¯¬‡¥ a§ -ÌÚ¦ ˜Á¨½ ˆ§ Ȧ ·L¤ ´i¥Â© B®a§ ˜Á´¨ ˆ§ Ȧ -˙‡¤ [12] Now these are the generationsof Ishmael, Abraham’s son, whom Hagarthe Egyptian, Sarah’s handmaid, bore unto χÚ−¥ Ó¨ L§ Ȧ ˙Ÿ„¬Ï§ Ÿz ‰l¤ ²‡¥ § 12 Ò :ȇ«¦ Ÿ¯Abraham. [13] And these are the names of the ˙ȯ²¦ˆ§ n¦ ‰© ¯¯‚¨‰¨ ‰„¹¨Ï§ Ȩ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ Ì®‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© -Ôa¤sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to Æ˙BÓL§ ‰l¤ ‡¥À § 13 :̉«¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ϧ ‰¯−¨N¨ ˙Á¬© Ù§ L¦their generations: the first-born of Ishmael,Nebaioth; and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam, ¯ŸÎ³ a§ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ„ϧ B˙ϧ Ì˙−¨ ŸÓL§ a¦ χڥ½ Ó¨ L§ Ȧ È´¥a§[14] and Mishma, and Du-mah, and Massa; :ÌN«¨ ·§ Ó¦ e χ−¥ a§ „§‡© § ¯„¬¨˜¥Â§ ˙ŸÈ½·¨ § Æχڥ Ó¨ L§ Ȧ[15] Hadad, and Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and ‡Ó¨½ È˙¥ § „„´©Á£ 15 :‡O«¨ Ó© e ‰Ó−¨ e„§ ÚÓ¬¨ L§ Ó¦ e 14Kedem; [16] these are the sons of Ishmael, andthese are their names, by their villages, and by ȳ¥a§ ̉º¥ ‰l¤ ‡´¥ 16 :‰Ó¨ „§˜«¥Â¨ LÈÙ−¦ ¨ ¯eˬ ȧtheir encampments; twelve princes according ̉−¤ ȯ¥ˆ§ Á© a§ Ì˙¨½ ŸÓL§ ‰l¤ ‡´¥ § Æχڥ Ó¨ L§ Ȧto their nations. [17] And these are the years ofthe life of Ishmael, a hundred and thirty and :Ì˙«¨ Ÿn‡ª ϧ ̇−¦ ÈN¦ § ¯N¬¨ Ú¨ -ÌÈ¥L§ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ¯ÈË«¦ ·§ eseven years; and he expired and died; and was ‰²¨L¨ ˙‡¬© Ó§ χڥ½ Ó¨ L§ Ȧ È´i¥Á© ÆÈ¥L§ ‰l¤ ‡¥À § 17gathered unto his people. [18] And they dwelt ˙Ó¨ i¨½ © ڴ©‚§ i¦ © ÌÈ®¦ L¨ Ú·© L´¤ § ‰−¨L¨ ÌÈL¬¦ ŸÏL§ efrom Havilah unto Shur that is before Egypt, asthou goest toward Asshur: over against all his -„Ú© ‰Ï¨¹ ȦÁ£ Ó«¥ e¸k§ L§ i¦Â© 18 :ÂÈn«¨ Ú© -χ¤ ÛÒ¤ ‡−¨ i¥Â©brethren he did settle. ‰¯¨eM® ‡© ‰Î−¨ ‡£Ÿa ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ È´¥t§ -ÏÚ© ƯL¤ ‡£ ¯eLÀ Ù :ÏÙ«¨ ¨ ÂÈÁ−¨ ‡¤ -ÏΨ Ȭ¥t§ -ÏÚ©toledot ˙„ÏÂ˙ [19] And these are the generations of Isaac, Ì®‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© -Ôa¤ ˜Á−¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ˙Ÿ„¬Ï§ Bz ‰l¤ ²‡¥ § 19Abraham’s son: Abraham begot Isaac. [20] And ƘÁ¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ȉ³¦ ȧ© 20 :˜Á«¨ ˆ§ Ȧ -˙‡¤ „ÈϬ¦ B‰ ̉−¨ ¯¨·§ ‡©Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah,the daughter of Bethuel the Aramean, of Paddan- -˙a© ‰˜À¨·§ ¯¦-˙‡¤ Bz´ Á§ ˜©a§ ‰¨½ L¨ ÌÈÚ´¦ a¨ ¯§‡© -Ôa¤aram, the sister of Laban the Aramean, to be hiswife. [21] And Isaac entreated the Lord for his Ô·¬¨ Ϩ ˙BÁ² ‡£ ̯®¨‡£ Ôc−©t© Ó¦ Èn½¦ ¯©‡£ ‰«¨ Æχ¥ e˙a§wife, because she was barren; and the Lord let Ɖ¨‰ÈÏ«© ˜Á³¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ¯z©¸ Ú§ i¤Â© 21 :‰M«¨ ‡¦ ϧ BϬ Èn−¦ ¯©‡£ ‰¨Himself be entreated of him, and Rebekah his ÆBÏ ¯˙¤ ³Ú¨ i¥Â© ‡Â‰®¦ ‰¯−¨˜¨ Ú£ Ȭk¦ Bz½ L§ ‡¦ ÁΩ Ÿ´Ï§wife conceived. [22] And the children struggledtogether within her; and she said: ‘If it be so, eˆ³ ˆ£Ÿ¯«˙§ i¦ © 22 :Bz« L§ ‡¦ ‰˜¬¨·§ ¯¦ ¯‰© z−© © ‰Â¨½‰È§wherefore do I live?’ And she went to inquire of ‰−f¤ ‰n¨ ¬Ï¨ Ôk¥½ -̇¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz´ © da¨½ ¯§˜¦ a§ ÆÌÈ¦ a¨ ‰© 45 45

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙„ÏÂ˙ 25 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 25.23 toledot ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙the Lord. [23] And the Lord said unto her: ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 23 :‰Â«¨‰È§ -˙‡¤ LŸ¯¬„§Ï¦ CϤ z−¥ © ÈΦ Ÿ®‡¨ Two nations are in thy womb, / And two È´¥L§ e C¥½ ˧ ·¦ a§ ÆÌȦ B‚ ÌÈÈ‚ ȳ¥L§ dϨÀ ‰Â¹¨‰È§peoples shall be separated from thy bowels; / And ÌŸ‡´ ϧ Ó¦ ÆÌŸ‡Ï§ e e„¯®¥t¨ Ȧ CȦ Ú−© n¥ Ó¦ ÌÈn½¦ ‡ª ϧthe one people shall be stronger than the otherpeople; / And the elder shall serve the younger: ‰¨ ÈÓ−¤ Ȩ e‡¬ ϧ Ó§ i¦ © 24 :¯ÈÚ«¦ ˆ¨ „Ÿ·¬ ڣȩ ·¯−©Â§ ıÓ¨½ ‡¡ È«¤[24] And when her days to be delivered were ‡³ˆ¥ i¥Â© 25 :d«¨Ë§ ·¦ a§ ÌÓ−¦ B˙ ‰¬p¥‰¦ § ˙„¤®Ï¤ Ϩfulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.[25] And the first came forth ruddy, all over like ¯®Ú¨ N¥ ˙¯¤c´¤‡© k§ Bl− kª È½¦ BÓ„§‡© ÆÔBL‡¯¦‰¨a hairy mantle; and they called his name Esau. ÂÈÁÀ¦ ‡¨ ‡ˆ´¨ Ȩ Ôκ¥-ȯ¥Á£ ‡«© § 26 :ÂN«¨ Ú¥ BÓ− L§ e‡¬ ¯§˜§ i¦ ©[26] And after that came forth his brother, and ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È© BÓ− L§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ © ÂN¨½ Ú¥ ·˜´¥Ú£a© Æ˙ʤÁƤ Ÿ‡ B„³È¨Â§his hand had hold on Esau’s heel; and his namewas called Jacob. And Isaac was threescore years :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ˙„¤¬Ï¤ a§ ‰−¨L¨ ÌÈM¬¦ L¦ -Ôa¤ ˜Á²¨ ˆ§ Ȧ §old when she bore them. [27] And the boys grew; Ú©„¬¥ŸÈ Lȇ²¦ ÂN¨À Ú¥ ȉ´¦ ȧ © Ìȯ½¦Ú¨ p§ ‰© ÆeÏc§‚§ i¦ «© 27and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the ·L−¥ ŸÈ Ìz¨½ Lȇ´¦ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©Â§ ‰„®¤N¨ Lȇ´¦ „Ȧ ˆ−©field; and Jacob was a quiet man, dwelling in „Ȧ ´ˆ© -Èk¦ ÂN−¨ Ú¥ -˙‡¤ ˜Á²¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ·¬‰© ‡¡ i¤Â© 28 :ÌÈÏ«¦ ‰¨ Ÿ‡tents. [28] Now Isaac loved Esau, because he dideat of his venison; and Rebekah loved Jacob. „ʤ¬i¨Â© 29 :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩ-˙‡«¤ ˙·¤ ¬‰¤ Ÿ‡ ‰˜−¨·§ ¯¦Â§ ÂÈÙ®¦ a§[29] And Jacob sod pottage; and Esau came in ‡e‰¬ § ‰„−¤O¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÂN²¨ Ú¥ ‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© „ÈÊ®¦¨ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩfrom the field, and he was faint. [30] And Esau È¦ ³Ë¥ ÈÚ¦ ϧ ‰© ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩ-χ«¤ ÂN¨¹ Ú¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 30 :ÛÈ«¥Ú¨said to Jacob: ‘Let me swallow, I pray thee, some ÈΦ Ÿ®‡¨ Û−È¥Ú¨ Ȭk¦ ‰f¤½ ‰© ÆÌŸ„‡¨ ‰¨ ÌŸ„³‡¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ Ƈ¨of this red, red pottage; for I am faint.’ Thereforewas his name called bEdom. [31] And Jacob said: ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 31 :ÌB„«‡¡ BÓ− L§ -‡¯«¨˜¨ Ôk¬¥-ÏÚ©‘Sell me first thy birthright.’ [32] And Esau said: ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 32 :ÈÏ«¦ E− ˙§ ¯¨ŸÎ« a§ -˙‡¤ ÌBi²Î© ‰¯¬¨Î§ Ó¦‘Behold, I am at the point to die; and what profit ÈÏ−¦ ‰¬f¤-‰n¨ Ϩ § ˙eÓ® Ϩ CÏ−¥ B‰ ȬΦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰²p¥‰¦ ÂN¨½ Ú¥shall the birthright do to me?’ [33] And Jacobsaid: ‘Swear to me first’; and he swore unto him; ÌBi½k© ÆÈl¦ ‰Ú¨ ·§ M³¨ ‰¦ ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 33 :‰¯«¨ŸÎa§and he sold his birthright unto Jacob. [34] And :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩϧ B˙− ¯¨ŸÎa§ -˙‡¤ ¯Ÿk¬ Ó§ i¦ © BÏ® Ú·−© M¨ i¦ ©Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils; and ÌÈL¦½ „¨Ú£ „ÈÊ´¦§ e ÌÁ¤ Ϥ µ ÂN¨À Ú¥ ϧ Ô˙´© ¨ ·Ÿ˜º ڣȩ§ 34he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his ÂN−¨ Ú¥ Ê·¤ ¬i¦Â© CÏ®© i¥Â© ̘¨−i¨Â© z§ L§ i¥½ © ÏΩ ‡Ÿi´Â©way. So Esau despised his birthright. Ò :‰¯«¨ŸÎa§ ‰© -˙‡¤ 26And there was a famine in the land,26 beside the first famine that was in Æ·Ú¨ ¯¨ ȉ³¦ ȧ© ‰−Ȩ‰¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÔBL½ ‡¯¦‰¨ ·´Ú¨ ¯¨‰¨ Æ„·© l§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡¨½ a¨the days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto CϤ ¬n¤ È·¦ ‡£ -χ¤ ˜Á²¨ ˆ§ Ȧ CϤ ¯i¥Â© Ì®‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ÈÓ´¥ Èa¦Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar. ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥ ‡¯³¨i¥Â© 2 :‰¯¨¯«¨b§ ÌÈz−¦ L§ Ϧ t§ -CϤ Ó«¤[2] And the Lord appeared unto him, and said:‘Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which ı¯¤‡¨½ a¨ ԟδ L§ ‰Ó¨ ȧ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ „¯´¥z¥ -χ© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−©I shall tell thee of. [3] Sojourn in this land, and I ˙‡Ÿf½ ‰© ı¯¤‡´¨ a¨ ¯ebµ3 :EÈÏ«¤ ‡¥ ¯Ó¬© Ÿ‡ ¯L−¤ ‡£will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto ÆÔz¥ ‡¤ EÀ Ú£¯§Ê©Ï§ e« E´ ϧ -Èk«¦ j¨ ή¤¯§·¨ ‡£ © E− n§ Ú¦ ‰¬È¤‰§ ‡«¤ §thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these lands,and I will establish the oath which I swore unto -˙‡¤ ÆÈ˙¦ ŸÓ˜«¦ ‰£ © χ¥½ ‰¨ ˙Ÿˆ´ ¯¨‡£ ‰«¨ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤Abraham thy father; [4] and I will multiply thy :EÈ·«¦ ‡¨ ̬‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ϧ Èz¦ Ú§ a−© L§ ¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Ú¨½ ·ª M§ ‰©seed as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy ÌȦ Ó©½ M¨ ‰© È´·¥ Χ BÎk§ ÆEÚ£¯§Ê©-˙‡«¤ È˙³¦ Èa¥ ¯§‰¦ § 4 That is, One that takes by the heel, or, supplants . b That is, Red. 46 46

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 26.5 toledot ˙„ÏÂ˙ 26 ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙seed all these lands; and by thy seed shall all the χ®¥ ‰¨ ˙Ÿˆ− ¯¨‡£ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥ E½ Ú£¯§Ê©Ï§ Èz´¦ ˙© ¨Â§nations of the earth bless themselves; [5] becausethat Abraham hearkened to My voice, and kept ·˜¤Ú¥¾ 5 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ ȬȥBb ÏŸk− E½ Ú£¯§Ê©·§ eδ ¯£a¨ ˙§ ‰¦ §My charge, My commandments, My statutes, ƯŸÓL§ i¦ © ÈÏ®¦ Ÿ˜a§ ̉−¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ÚÓ¬© L¨ -¯L¤ ‡£and My laws.’ [6] And Isaac dwelt in Gerar. ·L¤ ¬i¥Â© 6 :È˙«¨ Ÿ¯B˙§ È˙¬© BwÁª È˙−© ŸÂˆ§ Ó¦ Èz½¦ ¯§Ó© L§ Ó¦[7] And the men of the place asked him of his ÆÌB˜n¨ ‰© ÈL³¥ § ‡© eϺ‡£ L§ i¦ «© 7 :¯¯«¨‚§ a¦ ˜Á−¨ ˆ§ Ȧwife; and he said: ‘She is my sister’; for he fearedto say: ‘My wife’; ‘lest the men of the place should ¯ŸÓ´ ‡Ï¥ Ƈ¯¥È¨ Èk³¦ ‡Â‰®¦ È˙¦ ŸÁ´ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© Bz½ L§ ‡¦ ϧkill me for Rebekah, because she is fair to look -ÏÚ© ÆÌB˜n¨ ‰© ÈL³¥ § ‡© È¦ ‚ª¹ ¯§‰© È«©-Ôt¤ Èz½¦ L§ ‡¦upon.’ [8] And it came to pass, when he had been Èk´¦ ȉÀ¦ ȧ © 8 :‡È‰«¦ ‰‡−¤ ¯§Ó© ˙¬·© BË-Èk«¦ ‰˜½¨ ·§ ¯¦there a long time, that Abimelech king of the ÆCϤ ÓƤ È·¦ ‡£ Û˜À¥L§ i©Â© ÌÈÓ½¦ i¨‰© ÆÌL¨ BϬ -eί§‡«¨Philistines looked out at a window, and saw,and, behold, Isaac was sporting with Rebekah ‰³p¥‰¦ § ‡¯§i©À© ÔBl® Á© ‰«© „Ú−© a§ ÌÈz½¦ L§ Ϧ t§ CϤ Ó´¤his wife. [9] And Abimelech called Isaac, and ‡¯¸¨˜§ i¦ © 9 :Bz« L§ ‡¦ ‰˜¬¨·§ ¯¦ ˙‡−¥ ˜Á¥½ ˆ© Ó§ ƘÁ¨ ˆ§ Ȧsaid: ‘Behold, of a surety she is thy wife; and how ÆEz§ L§ ‡¦ ‰³p¥‰¦ C‡´© ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ˜Á¨À ˆ§ Ȧ ϧ CϤ Ó¤¹ È·¦ ‡£saidst thou: She is my sister?’ And Isaac said untohim: ‘Because I said: Lest I die because of her.’ ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© ‡Â‰®¦ È˙¦ ŸÁ´ ‡£ z¨ ¯§Ó−© ‡¨ Cȇ¬¥ § ‡Â‰¦½[10] And Abimelech said: ‘What is this thou hast :‰¨ ÈÏ«¤ Ú¨ ˙eÓ− ‡¨ -Ôt¤ Èz¦ ¯§Ó©½ ‡¨ Èk´¦ ˜Á¨½ ˆ§ Ȧdone unto us? one of the people might easily e®l¨ ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ ˙‡Ÿf−-‰Ó© CϤ Ó¤½ È·¦ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 10have lain with thy wife, and thou wouldest havebrought guiltiness upon us.’ [11] And Abimelech Ez¤½ L§ ‡¦ -˙‡¤ ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ „Á³© ‡© ·Îº© L¨ ËÚ© Ó§ k¦Âcharged all the people, saying: ‘He that toucheth CϤ Ó¤½ È·¦ ‡£ ´ˆ© ȧ© 11 :ÌL«¨ ‡¨ eÈÏ−¥ Ú¨ ˙¬¨ ‡·¥ ‰¥ §this man or his wife shall surely be put to death.’ ‰²f¤‰© Lȇ¬¦ a¨ Ú©‚¥¹Ÿp‰© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤[12] And Isaac sowed in that land, and found ı¯¤‡´¨ a¨ ƘÁ¨ ˆ§ Ȧ Ú¯³©Ê§ i¦ © 12 :˙Ó«¨ eÈ ˙BÓ¬ Bz− L§ ‡¦ ·§ ein the same year a hundredfold; and the Lordblessed him. [13] And the man waxed great, Ìȯ®¦Ú¨ L§ ‰‡´¨ Ó¥ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰© ‰¬¨M¨ a© ‡²ˆ¨ Ó§ i¦ © ‡Â‰¦½ ‰©and grew more and more until he became very CϤ ³i¥Â© Lȇ®¦ ‰¨ Ïc−©‚§ i¦Â© 13 :‰Â«¨‰È§ e‰Î−¥ ¯£·¨ ȧ«©great. [14] And he had possessions of flocks, and Bϳ -ȉ¦ ȧ«© 14 :„Ÿ‡« Ó§ Ï„−©‚¨-Èk«¦ „¬Ú© Ï„½¥‚¨Â§ ÆCBω¨possessions of herds, and a great household; ‰®a¨ ¯© ‰c−¨·ª ڣ© ¯˜½¨ ·¨ ‰´¥˜§ Ó¦ e ÆÔ‡Ÿˆ-‰¥˜§ Ó¦and the Philistines envied him. [15] Now all thewells which his father’s servants had digged in ˙Ÿ¯À ‡¥ a§ ‰© -ÏΨ § 15 :ÌÈz«¦ L§ Ϧ t§ B˙− Ÿ‡ e‡¬ § ˜©È§ ©the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines ̉´¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ÈÓ−¥ Èa¦ ÂÈ·½¦ ‡¨ È„´¥·§ Ú© Æe¯Ù§ Á«¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£had stopped them, and filled them with earth. :¯Ù«¨ Ú¨ Ìe‡− ϧ Ó© ȧ © ÌÈz½¦ L§ Ϧ t§ ÌeÓ´ z§ Ò¦ ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨[16] And Abimelech said unto Isaac: ‘Go from en¨½ Ú¦ Ó«¥ CÏ¥ µ ˜Á®¨ ˆ§ Ȧ -χ¤ CϤ −Ó¤ È·¦ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 16us; for thou art much mightier than we.’ [17] AndIsaac departed thence, and encamped in the ÌM−¨ Ó¦ CϤ ¬i¥Â© 17 :„Ÿ‡« Ó§ epn−¤ Ó¦ -z¨ Ó§ ˆ«© Ú¨ -Èk«¦valley of Gerar, and dwelt there. [18] And Isaac ·L¨ i¨¸Â© 18 :ÌL«¨ ·L¤ ¬i¥Â© ¯¯−¨b§ -ÏÁ© «©a§ ÔÁ© ¬i¦Â© ˜Á®¨ ˆ§ Ȧdigged again the wells of water, which they had ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÌȦ n©À ‰© ˙Ÿ¯´‡¥ a§ -˙‡¤ | ¯Ÿt´ Á§ i©Â© ˜Á¨¹ ˆ§ Ȧdigged in the days of Abraham his father; forthe Philistines had stopped them after the death ÌeÓ´ z§ Ò© ȧ© ÂÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ̉´¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ÆÈÓ¥ Èa¦ Æe¯Ù§ Á«¨of Abraham; and he called their names after ÆÔ‰¤ Ϩ ‡¯³¨˜§ i¦Â© Ì®‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ˙BÓ´ ȯ−¥Á£ ‡© ÌÈz½¦ L§ Ϧ t§the names by which his father had called them. :ÂÈ·«¦ ‡¨ Ô‰−¤ Ϩ ‡¯¬¨˜¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙ŸÓ¾ M¥ k© ˙BÓ½ L¥ 47 47

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙„ÏÂ˙ 26 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 26.19 toledot ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙[19] And Isaac’s servants digged in the valley, and ÌL¨½ -e‡ˆ§ Ó§ i¸¦ © ÏÁ©®p¨a© ˜Á−¨ ˆ§ Ȧ -È„«¥·§ Ú© e¯¬t§ Á§ i©Â© 19found there a well of living water. [20] And theherdmen of Gerar strove with Isaac’s herdmen, ¯¯À¨‚§ È´Ú¥ Ÿ¯ e·È¯¹¦i¨Â© 20 :ÌÈi«¦Á© ÌȦ Ó¬© ¯‡−¥ a§saying: ‘The water is ours.’ And he called the ‡¯³¨˜§ i¦ © ÌȦ n®¨ ‰© eÏ´¨ ¯ŸÓ− ‡Ï¥ ˜Á²¨ ˆ§ Ȧ Ȭڥ Ÿ¯-ÌÚ¦name of the well Esek; because they contended :Bn« Ú¦ e˜− O§ Ú© ˙§ ‰«¦ Ȭk¦ ˜N¤ Ú¥½ Ư‡¥ a§ ‰© -ÌL«¥with him. [21] And they digged another well, andthey strove for that also. And he called the name ‰¨ ȮϤ Ú¨ -Ìb© e·È¯−¦i¨Â© ˙¯¤Á¤½ ‡© ¯‡´¥ a§ Æe¯t§ Á§ i©Â«© 21of it bSitnah. [22] And he removed from thence, ÌM¨À Ó¦ ˜z´¥ Ú§ i©Â© 22 :‰«¨Ë§ N¦ dÓ−¨ L§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ ©and digged another well; and for that they strove ‡¯³¨˜§ i¦ © ‰¨ ȮϤ Ú¨ e·− ¯¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ˙¯¤Á¤½ ‡© ¯‡´¥ a§ ƯŸtÁ§ i©Â©not. And he called the name of it cRehoboth; andhe said: ‘For now the Lord hath made room for ·ÈÁ¯¦ ¯§‰¦ ‰zº¨ Ú© -Èk«¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ˙B·½ ŸÁ¯§ ÆdÓ¨ L§us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.’ [23] And ÌM−¨ Ó¦ ÏÚ© ¬i©Â© 23 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ·¨ eȯ¬¦Ù¨ e eÏ−¨ ‰²Â¨‰È§he went up from thence to Beer-sheba. [24] And ‰Ï¨ ȧ l´© a© Ɖ¨‰È§ ÂÈϳ¨‡¥ ‡¯¸¨i¥Â© 24 :Ú·© L«¨ ¯¬‡¥ a§the Lord appeared unto him the same night,and said: ‘I am the God of Abraham thy father. EÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ̉´¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ȉ−¥ŸÏ‡¡ Èξ¦ Ÿ‡¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© ‡e‰½ ‰©Fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, ÆEÈzƦ Χ ¯©·«¥ e ÈΦ Ÿ½ ‡¨ E´ z§ ‡¦ -Èk«¦ Ƈ¯¨Èz¦ -χ©and multiply thy seed for My servant Abraham’s ̬‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ¯e·− Ú£a© E½ Ú£¯§Ê©-˙‡«¤ È˙´¦ Èa¥ ¯§‰¦ §sake.’ [25] And he builded an altar there, andcalled upon the name of the Lord, and pitched ÌL´¥ a§ Ƈ¯¨˜§ i¦ © Á©a¥À ʧ Ó¦ ÌL´¨ Ô·¤ i¯¦Â© 25 :Èc«¦·§ Ú©his tent there; and there Isaac’s servants digged -È„¥·§ Ú© ÌL¬¨ -e¯Î§ i¦Â© BÏ® ‰¢ ‡¨ ÌL−¨ -Ëi¤Â© ‰Â¨½‰È§a well. [26] Then Abimelech went to him from ¯¯®¨b§ Ó¦ ÂÈÏ−¨‡¥ C¬Ï© ‰¨ CϤ Ó¤¾ È·¦ ‡£ © 26 :¯‡«¥ a§ ˜Á−¨ ˆ§ ȦGerar, and Ahuzzath his friend, and Phicol thecaptain of his host. [27] And Isaac said unto them: :B‡« ·¨ ˆ§ -¯N© ÏŸÎ− ÈÙ¦ e e‰Ú¥½ ¯¥Ó«¥ Æ˙f©Áª ‡£ ©‘Wherefore are ye come unto me, seeing ye hate ȮϨ‡¥ Ì˙´¤ ‡a¨ Ú©ec−Ó© ˜Á¨½ ˆ§ Ȧ Æ̉¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 27me, and have sent me away from you?’ [28] And :ÌΫ¤ z§ ‡¦ Ó¥ È¦ eÁ− l§ L© z§ © È˙½¦ Ÿ‡ Ì˙´¤ ‡¥N§ ÆÌz¤ ‡© §they said: ‘We saw plainly that the Lord waswith thee; and we said: Let there now be an oath ¼Cn¨ Ú¦ | ‰´Â¨‰È§ ‰´È¨‰¨ -Èk«¦ »eȇ¦ ¯¨ B‡´ ¯¨ e¯À Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 28betwixt us, even betwixt us and thee, and let us eÈ´¥Èa¥ eÈ˙−¥ BÈa¥ ‰²Ï¨‡¨ ‡¬¨ ȉ¦¸ z§ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸpÀ©make a covenant with thee; [29] that thou wilt do ‰N¥¸ Ú£z© -̇¦ 29 :Cn«¨ Ú¦ ˙ȯ−¦·§ ‰˙¬¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ § E®¤È·¥ eus no hurt, as we have not touched thee, and aswe have done unto thee nothing but good, and ¯L¤¸ ‡£ Ω § Ee½ Ú£«‚©§ ‡ŸÏ´ ƯL¤ ‡£ k© ‰Ú¨À ¯¨ en¨¹ Ú¦have sent thee away in peace; thou art now the ÌBÏ® L¨ a§ E− Á£ l«¥ L© p§ © ·B˽ -˜¯© ÆEn§ Ú¦ eÈN³¦ Ú¨blessed of the Lord.’ [30] And he made them a Æ̉¤ Ϩ NÚ© ³i©Â© 30 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ce¯¬a§ ‰z−¨ Ú© ‰z¬¨ ‡©feast, and they did eat and drink. [31] And theyrose up betimes in the morning, and swore one ¯˜¤Ÿa½ ·© eÓÈk´¦ L§ i©Â© 31 :ez« L§ i¦ © eÏ− Χ ‡Ÿi© ‰z¤½ L§ Ó¦to another; and Isaac sent them away, and they eά ϧ i¥Â© ˜Á¨½ ˆ§ Ȧ ÌÁ´¥ l§ L© ȧ © ÂÈÁ®¦ ‡¨ ϧ Lȇ´¦ eÚ− ·§ M¨ i¦ ©departed from him in peace. [32] And it cameto pass the same day, that Isaac’s servants came, ‡e‰À ‰© ÌBi´a© | ȉ´¦ ȧ © 32 :ÌBÏ« L¨ a§ Bz− ‡¦ Ó¥and told him concerning the well which they ˙B„¬Ÿ‡-ÏÚ© BϽ e„´b¦ i©Â© ˜Á¨½ ˆ§ Ȧ È„´¥·§ Ú© Æe‡Ÿ·Æ i¨Â©had digged, and said unto him: ‘We have found e‡¬ˆ¨ Ó¨ BÏ− e¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi¬Â© e¯®Ù¨ Á¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ¯‡−¥ a§ ‰©water.’ [33] And he called it Shibah. Therefore -ÌL¥ Ôk³¥-ÏÚ© ‰®Ú¨ ·§ L¦ d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦Â© 33 :ÌȦӫ¨the name of the city is Beer-sheba unto this day. Ò :‰f«¤‰© ÌBi¬‰© „Ú−© Ú·© L¤½ ¯‡´¥ a§ ƯÈÚ¦ ‰¨ Áw³©i¦ © ‰¨½ L¨ ÌÈÚ´¦ a¨ ¯§‡© -Ôa¤ ÆÂN¨ Ú¥ ȉ³¦ ȧ© 34 [34] And when Esau was forty years old,he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the That is, Contention. b That is, Enmity. c That is, Room. 48 48

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙„ÏÂ˙ 26 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 26.35 toledot ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙Hittite, and Basemath the daughter of Elon the -˙‡¤ § Èz®¦ Á¦ ‰«© ȯ−¦‡¥ a§ -˙a© ˙È„½¦e‰È§ -˙‡¤ ƉM¨ ‡¦Hittite. [35] And they were a bitterness of spiritunto Isaac and to Rebekah. 27And it came to pass, that when Isaac ˙¯©ŸÓ´ ¨ÔÈ−Ȥ‰§ z¦ © 35 :Èz«¦ Á¦ ‰«© ÔŸÏ− ȇ¥ -˙a© ˙Ó©½ N§ ´a¨ Æȉ¦ ȧ© Ò :‰˜«¨·§ ¯¦Ï§ e ˜Á−¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ϧ Á©e¯®27 was old, and his eyes were dim, so ‡¯º¨˜§ i¦ © ˙Ÿ‡® ¯§Ó¥ ÂÈ−¨ÈÚ¥ ¨ÔȬ‰¤ Χ z¦ © ˜Á¨½ ˆ§ Ȧ Ô˜´¥Ê¨-Èk«¦that he could not see, he called Esau his elder È½¦ a§ ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© ÏŸ„À b¨‰© B´a§ | ÂN´¨ Ú¥ -˙‡¤son, and said unto him: ‘My son’; and he said Èz¦ § ˜®©Ê¨ ‡−¨-‰p¥‰¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 2 :È¦«p¥‰¦ ÂÈÏ−¨‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â©unto him: ‘Here am I.’ [2] And he said: ‘Beholdnow, I am old, I know not the day of my death. ‡´¨-‡N¨ Ɖz¨ Ú© § 3 :È˙«¦ BÓ ÌBȬ Èz¦ Ú§ „−©È¨ ‡ŸÏ¬[3] Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons,thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, ‰„¨eˆ¬ § ‰„½¤O¨ ‰© Ƈˆ¥ § Ez®¤ L§ ˜©Â§ E− ȧϧ z¤ EÈϤ½ Î¥and take me venison; [4] and make me savoury ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© ÌÈn¹¦ Ú© ˧ Ó© ÈϦ¸ -‰N¥ ڣ© 4 :„Ȧˆ«¨ ‰„Ȉ Èl−¦food, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I ¯e·² Ú£a© ‰Ï¨ ®Î¥ Ÿ‡Â§ Èl−¦ ‰‡¨ Ȭ·¦ ‰¨ § Èz¦ ·§ ²‰© ‡¨may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die.’[5] And Rebekah heard when Isaac spoke to Esau ‰˜´¨·§ ¯¦Â§ 5 :˙eÓ« ‡¨ ̯¤¬Ë¤ a§ ÈL−¦ Ù§ © E¬ Χ ¯¤·¨ z§his son. And Esau went to the field to hunt for CϤ ³i¥Â© B®a§ ÂN−¨ Ú¥ -χ¤ ˜Á¨½ ˆ§ Ȧ ¯´a¥ „©a§ ˙Ú© Ó©½ ŸLvenison, and o bring it. [6] And Rebekah spoke Ɖ˜¨ ·§ ¯¦Â§ 6 :‡È·«¦ ‰¨ ϧ „Ȧ ˆ−© „eˆ¬ Ϩ ‰„½¤O¨ ‰© ÆÂN¨ Ú¥unto Jacob her son, saying: ‘Behold, I heardthy father speak unto Esau thy brother, saying: ÆÈz¦ Ú§ ÓÆ© L¨ ‰³p¥‰¦ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ d−¨a§ ·Ÿ˜¬Ú£È©-χ¤ ‰¯½¨Ó§ ‡«¨[7] Bring me venison, and make me savoury :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ EÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ ÂN¬¨ Ú¥ -χ¤ ¯²a¥ „©Ó§ EÈ·½¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤food, that I may eat, and bless thee before the ÌÈn−¦ Ú© ˧ Ó© ÈϬ¦ -‰N¥ ڣ© „Ȧ²ˆ© Èl¬¦ ‰‡¨ È·¸¦ ‰¨ 7Lord before my death. [8] Now therefore, myson, hearken to my voice according to that :È˙«¦ BÓ È¬¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰²Î¨ Χ ¯¤·¨ ‡£ © ‰Ï¨ ®Î¥ Ÿ‡Â§which I command thee. [9] Go now to the flock, ‰¬e¨ˆ© Ó§ È−¦ ‡£ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ï© ÈÏ®¦ Ÿ˜a§ ÚÓ´© L§ È−¦ ·§ ‰z¬¨ Ú© § 8and fetch me from thence two good kids of the ÌM¨À Ó¦ ÈÏ´¦ -Á˜«©Â§ Ô‡Ÿv½ ‰© -χ¤ Ƈ¨-CϤ 9 :C˙«¨ Ÿ‡goats; and I will make them savoury food forthy father, such as he loveth; [10] and thou shalt Ì˙¯¨ Ÿ‡ ‰N¤¸ Ú¡‡«¤ § ÌÈ·®¦ ŸË ÌÈf−¦Ú¦ Ȭȥ„¨b§ Ȳ¥L§bring it to thy father, that he may eat, so that he ˙¬¨ ‡·¥ ‰¥ § 10 :·‰«¥ ‡¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© EÈ·−¦ ‡¨ ϧ ÌÈn²¦ Ú© ˧ Ó©may bless thee before his death.’ [11] And Jacob Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ E− Χ ¯¤·¨ ȧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ¯²·ª Ú£a© ϮΨ ‡¨ § EÈ·−¦ ‡¨ ϧsaid to Rebekah his mother: ‘Behold, Esau mybrother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man. Ô‰´¥ Bn® ‡¦ ‰˜−¨·§ ¯¦-χ¤ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 11 :B˙« BÓ[12] My father peradventure will feel me, and I :˜Ï«¨ Á¨ Lȇ¬¦ ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ § ¯Ú½¦ N¨ Lȇ´¦ ÆÈÁ¦ ‡¨ ÂN³¨ Ú¥shall seem to him as a mocker; and I shall bring a ÂÈ−¨ÈÚ¥ ·§ È˙¦ ȬȦ‰¨ § È·½¦ ‡¨ ÆÈ¦ MÆ¥ Óª ȧ ȳϩ e‡ 12curse upon me, and not a blessing.’ [13] And hismother said unto him: ‘Upon me be thy curse, ‡ŸÏ¬ § ‰Ï−¨ Ϩ ˜§ Ȳϩ Ú¨ È˙¬¦ ‡·¥ ‰¥ § Ú©z®¥ Ú§ ˙© Ó§ k¦my son; only hearken to my voice, and go fetch E− ˙§ Ϩ ϧ ˜¦ Ȭϩ Ú¨ Bn½ ‡¦ ÆBÏ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz³ © 13 :‰Î«¨ ¯¨·§me them.’ [14] And he went, and fetched, and ÆCϤ iƥ© 14 :ÈÏ«¦ -Á˜«© C¬Ï¥ § ÈÏ−¦ Ÿ˜a§ ÚÓ¬© L§ C‡²© È®¦ a§brought them to his mother; and his mothermade savoury food, such as his father loved. ÌÈn½¦ Ú© ˧ Ó© ÆBn‡¦ NÚ© z³© © Bn® ‡¦ ϧ ‡·−¥ i¨Â© Áw½©i¦Â©[15] And Rebekah took the choicest garments of -˙‡¤ ‰˜¨ ·§ ¯¦Â Áw´©z¦ © 15 :ÂÈ·«¦ ‡¨ ·¬‰¥ ‡¨ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k©Esau her elder son, which were with her in the dz−¨ ‡¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙Ÿ„½ Óª Á£ ‰© ÆÏŸ„b¨‰© d³¨a§ ÂN¨¹ Ú¥ È„¸¥‚§ a¦house, and put them upon Jacob her youngerson. [16] And she put the skins of the kids of the :ÔË«¨ w¨‰© d¬¨a§ ·Ÿ˜− Ú£ È© -˙‡«¤ L¬a¥ ϧ z© © ˙Ȧ®a¨ a©goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of -ÏÚ© ‰L¨ Èa−¦ ϧ ‰¦ ÌÈf½¦ Ú¦ ‰«¨ È´È¥„¨b§ Æ˙Ÿ¯ŸÚ ˙‡¥À § 16 49 49

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙„ÏÂ˙ 27 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 27.17 toledot ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙his neck. [17] And she gave the savoury food -˙‡¤ Ôz¯¥ z¦ © 17 :Âȯ«¨‡e¨ˆ© ˙˜¬©Ï§ Á¤ Ï−Ú© § ÂÈ„®¨È¨and the bread, which she had prepared, into thehand of her son Jacob. [18] And he came unto his „−È©a§ ‰˙¨ N®¨ Ú¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÌÁ¤ l−¤ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÌÈn²¦ Ú© ˧ n© ‰©father, and said: ‘My father’; and he said: ‘Here È·®¦ ‡¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ ‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© 18 :d«¨a§ ·Ÿ˜¬Ú£È©am I; who art thou, my son?’ [19] And Jacobsaid unto his father: ‘I am Esau thy first-born; I ·Ÿ˜¹ ڣȩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 19 :È«¦ a§ ‰z−¨ ‡© ÈÓ¬¦ Èp¦ p¤½ ‰¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â©have done according as thou badest me. Arise, I ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© È˙¦ ÈN¦¾ Ú¨ E¯½¤ŸÎa§ ÂN´¨ Ú¥ ÆÈΦ Ÿ‡¨ ÂÈ·À¦ ‡¨ -χ¤pray thee, sit and eat of my venison, that thy soul È„½¦Èv¥ Ó¦ ƉϨ Χ ‡¨ § ‰·¨À L§ ‡´¨-Ìe˜« ȮϨ‡¥ z¨ ¯§a−© c¦may bless me.’ [20] And Isaac said unto his son: ƘÁ¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 20 :EL«¤ Ù§ © Èp¦¬Î© ¯£·¨ z§ ¯e·− Ú£a©‘How is it that thou hast found it so quickly, myson?’ And he said: ‘Because the Lord thy God ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© È®¦ a§ ‡Ÿˆ− Ó§ Ϧ z¨ ¯§¬‰© Ó¦ ‰²f¤-‰Ó© B½ a§ -χ¤sent me good speed.’ [21] And Isaac said untoJacob: ‘Come near, I pray thee, that I may feel ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 21 :È«¨Ù¨ ϧ Eȉ−¤ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ ‰¯²¨˜§ ‰¦ Ȭk¦thee, my son, whether thou be my very son Esau È®¦ a§ E− L§ Ó«ª ‡£ © ‡¬p¨-‰L¨ b§ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ-χ«¤ ƘÁ¨ ˆ§ Ȧor not.’ [22] And Jacob went near unto Isaac hisfather; and he felt him, and said: ‘The voice is the ·Ÿ˜²Ú£È© L¯b©i¦ © 22 :‡ŸÏ« -̇¦ ÂN−¨ Ú¥ Ȭ¦ a§ ‰²Ê¤ ‰z¬¨ ‡© ‰«©voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of ÏB˜´ ÆÏŸw‰© ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© e‰M®¥ Óª ȧ© ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ ˜Á¬¨ ˆ§ Ȧ-χ¤Esau. [23] And he discerned him not, because hishands were hairy, as his brother Esau’s hands; B¯½ Èk¦ ‰¦ ‡ŸÏ´ § 23 :ÂN«¨ Ú¥ È„¬¥È§ ÌȦ „−©i¨‰© § ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩso he blessed him. [24] And he said: ‘Art thou ˙Ÿ¯®Ú¦ N§ ÂÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ ÂN¬¨ Ú¥ È„²¥Èk¦ ÂÈ„À¨È¨ eÈ´‰¨ -Èk«¦my very son Esau?’ And he said: ‘I am.’ [25] And ÂN®¨ Ú¥ È´¦ a§ ‰−ʤ ‰z¬¨ ‡© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 24 :e‰Î«¥ ¯§·¨ ȧ «©he said: ‘Bring it near to me, and I will eat of myson’s venison, that my soul may bless thee.’ And ƉϨ Χ Ÿ‡« § ÆÈl¦ ‰L¨ ³b¦ ‰© ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 25 :È¦ ‡«¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−©he brought it near to him, and he did eat; and ÆBÏ-Lb¤i©Â© ÈL®¦ Ù§ © E− Χ ¯¤·«¨ z§ ÔÚ© Ó¬© ϧ È½¦ a§ „È´v¥ Ó¦he brought him wine, and he drank. [26] Andhis father Isaac said unto him: ‘Come near now, ÂÈÏ−¨‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 26 :z§ L§ i«¥Â© ÔȦ−È© BÏ’ ‡·¥ ¯i¨Â© ÏΩ½ ‡Ÿi©and kiss me, my son.’ [27] And he came near, :È«¦ a§ Èl−¦ -‰˜¨ L§ e ‡¬p¨-‰L¨ b§ ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ˜Á´¨ ˆ§ Ȧand kissed him. And he smelled the smell of hisraiment, and blessed him, and said: ÂÈ„−¨‚¨a§ Á©È¯¬¥-˙‡¤ Á¯©²i¨Â© BϽ -˜M© i¦ © ÆLb©i¦ © 27 ‰„½¤N¨ Á©È¯´¥k§ È½¦ a§ Á©È¯´¥ Ɖ‡¥ ¯§ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© e‰®Î¥ ¯£·¨ ȧ«© See, the smell of my son / Is as the smellof a field which the Lord hath blessed. / [28] SoGod give thee of the dew of heaven, / And of the Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ ÆEϧ -Ôz¤ È«¦Â§ 28 :‰Â«¨‰È§ BÎ− ¯£a¥ ¯¬L¤ ‡£fat places of the earth, / And plenty of corn and Ô−‚¨c¨ ·Ÿ¯¬Â§ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ È−p¥Ó© L§ Ó¦ e ÌȦ Ó©½ M¨ ‰© ÆÏh© Ó¦wine. / [29] Let peoples serve thee, / And nations ÂÁ˙˘È ÌÈnÀ¦ Ú© Ee„´·§ Ú© È«© 29 :LŸ¯«È˙¦ §bow down to thee. / Be lord over thy brethren, /And let thy mother’s sons bow down to thee. / EÈÁ¤½ ‡© ϧ Ưȷ¦ ‚§ ‰³Â¥‰¡ ÌÈn½¦ ‡ª ϧ ÆEϧ e³Á£ z© L§ È«¦Â§Cursed be every one that curseth thee, / And ¯e¯½ ‡¨ Eȯ´¤¯§Ÿ‡ En®¤ ‡¦ È´¥a§ E− ϧ ee¬Á£ z© L§ Ȧ §blessed be every one that blesseth thee. [30] And it came to pass, as soon as Isaac »˜Á¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ‰l´¨ k¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k© ȉÀ¦ ȧ © 30 :Ce¯«a¨ EÈÎ−¤ ¯£·¨ Ó§ e«had made an end of blessing Jacob, and Jacob ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ Ƈˆ¨ Ȩ ‡Ÿˆ³ Ȩ C‡´© ȉÀ¦ ȧ © ¼·Ÿ˜Ú£È©-˙‡«¤ C¯´¥·¨ ϧwas yet scarce gone out from the presence ofIsaac his father, that Esau his brother came in ‡a−¨ ÂÈÁ½¦ ‡¨ ÂN´¨ Ú¥ § ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ˜Á´¨ ˆ§ Ȧ È−¥t§ ˙¬‡¥ Ó¥from his hunting. [31] And he also made savoury ‡·−¥ i¨Â© ÌÈn½¦ Ú© ˧ Ó© Ƈe‰-Ìb© NÚ© ³i©Â© 31 :B„«Èv¥ Ó¦food, and brought it unto his father; and he ÆÏΩ ‡ŸÈ§ ÆÈ·¦ ‡¨ ̘³ªÈ¨ ÂÈ·À¦ ‡¨ ϧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ϧsaid unto his father: ‘Let my father arise, and :EL«¤ Ù§ © Èp¦¬Î© ¯£·¨ z§ ¯e·− Ú£a© B½ a§ „È´v¥ Ó¦eat of his son’s venison, that thy soul may blessme.’ [32] And Isaac his father said unto him: ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© ‰z¨ ‡®¨ -ÈÓ¦ ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ ˜Á¬¨ ˆ§ Ȧ Bϲ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 32‘Who art thou?’ And he said: ‘I am thy son, thy 50 50

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 27.33 toledot ˙„ÏÂ˙ 27 ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙first-born, Esau.’ [33] And Isaac trembled very ˜Á´¨ ˆ§ Ȧ „¯¸©Á¡ i¤Â© 33 :ÂN«¨ Ú¥ E− ¯§ŸÎ« ·§ E¬ § a¦ Ȳ¦ ‡£exceedingly, and said: ‘Who then is he that hathtaken venison, and brought it me, and I have ‡BÙ¿ ‡¥ -ÈÓ«¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¿Â© ¼„Ÿ‡Ó§ -„Ú© ‰Ï´¨Ÿ„b§ »‰„¨¯¨Á£eaten of all before thou camest, and have blessed ̯¤¬Ë¤ a§ ÏŸk² Ó¦ ϬΩ Ÿ‡Â¨ ÈϦ¹ ‡·¥ i¨¸Â©Á„Ȧ ˆ© -„v«¨ ‰© ‡e‰´him? yea, and he shall be blessed.’ [34] WhenEsau heard the words of his father, he cried with Ú©ŸÓ³ L§ k¦ 34 :‰«È¤‰§ Ȧ Ce¯−a¨-Ìb© e‰®Î¥ ¯£·¨ ‡£ ¨ ‡B·− z¨an exceeding great and bitter cry, and said unto ‰¬Ï¨Ÿ„b§ ‰˜½¨Ú¨ ˆ§ ˜´Ú© ˆ§ i¦Â© ÂÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ȯ´¥·§ c¦-˙‡¤ ÆÂN¨ Ú¥his father: ‘Bless me, even me also, O my father.’ È¦¬Î¥ ¯£a¨ ÂÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ϧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© „Ÿ‡® Ó§ -„Ú© ‰¯−¨Ó¨ e[35] And he said: ‘Thy brother came with guile,and hath taken away thy blessing.’ [36] And ‰Ó®¨ ¯§Ó¦ a§ EÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ ‡¬a¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 35 :È·«¦ ‡¨ È¦ ‡−¨ -Ì‚©he said: ‘Is not he rightly named Jacob? for he BÓ¹ L§ ‡¯¸¨˜¨ ÁÈΦ ‰£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¿Â© 36 :E˙«¤ Ψ ¯§a¦ Áw−©i¦ ©hath supplanted me these two times: he tookaway my birthright; and, behold, now he hath È˙´¦ ¯¨ŸÎa§ -˙‡¤ ÌȦ Ó©½ Ú£Ù© ‰´Ê¤ ÆÈ¦ ·¥Æ ˜§ Ú§ i©Â«© ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩtaken away my blessing.’ And he said: ‘Hast thou ¯Ó©¾ ‡Ÿi© È˙®¦ Ψ ¯§a¦ Á˜´©Ï¨ ‰z−¨ Ú© ‰¬p¥‰¦ § Á˜½¨Ï¨not reserved a blessing for me?’ [37] And Isaacanswered and said unto Esau: ‘Behold, I have ˜Á¨¹ ˆ§ Ȧ ÔÚ© i©¸Â© 37 :‰Î«¨ ¯¨a§ Èl−¦ z¨ ϧ ¬ˆ© ‡¨ -‡ŸÏ‰£made him thy lord, and all his brethren have -˙‡¤ § ÆCϨ ÂÈz¬¦ Ó§ N© ¯È·º¦ b§ Ô‰´¥ ÂN¨À Ú¥ ϧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â©I given to him for servants; and with corn and LŸ¯−È˙¦ § Ô¬‚¨„¨Â§ ÌÈ„½¦·¨ ڣϩ ÆBÏ Èz¦ ˙³© ¨ ÂÈÁ¨À ‡¤ -Ïk¨wine have I sustained him; and what then shall Ido for thee, my son?’ [38] And Esau said unto his :È«¦ a§ ‰N−¤ Ú¡‡«¤ ‰Ó¬¨ ‡BÙ½ ‡¥ ‰´Î¨ ϧ e ÂÈz®¦ Χ Ó© Ò§father: ‘Hast thou but one blessing, my father? ˙Á³© ‡© ‰Î¨¸ ¯¨·§ ‰«© ÂÈ·À¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ ÂN¨¹ Ú¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 38bless me, even me also, O my father.’ And Esaulifted up his voice, and wept. [39] And Isaac his ‡O¬¨ i¦ © È·®¦ ‡¨ È¦ ‡−¨ -Ì‚© È¦¬Î¥ ¯£a¨ È·½¦ ‡¨ ÆEϧ -‡Â‰«¦father answered and said unto him: ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ ˜Á¬¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ÔÚ© ²i©Â© 39 :j§ ·§ i«¥Â© BÏ− Ÿ˜ ÂN²¨ Ú¥Behold, of the fat places of the earth shall be E·¤½ L¨ BÓ« ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ Æı¯¤‡Æ¨ ‰¨ ȳp¥Ó© L§ Ó¦ ‰pº¥‰¦ ÂȮϨ‡¥thy dwelling, / And of the dew of heaven fromabove; / [40] And by thy sword shalt thou live, ‰È¤½Á§ ˙«¦ E´ a§ ¯§Á© -ÏÚ© §40 :ÏÚ«¨ Ó¥ ÌȦ Ó−© M¨ ‰© Ϭh© Ó¦ eand thou shalt serve thy brother; / And it shall „ȯ½¦z¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ k© ƉȨ‰¨ § „Ÿ·® Ú£z© EÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ §come to pass when thou shalt break loose, / Thatthou shalt shake his yoke from off thy neck. ÆÂN¨ Ú¥ ̟˳ N§ i¦Â© 41 :E¯«¤‡e¨ˆ© Ϭک Ó¥ Bl− Úª z¬¨ ˜§ ¯©Ù¨ e ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ BÎ− ¯£a¥ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Î¨½ ¯¨a§ ‰©¸ -ÏÚ© ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ-˙‡«¤ [41] And Esau hated Jacob because of theblessing wherewith his father blessed him. AndEsau said in his heart: ‘Let the days of mourning È·½¦ ‡¨ Ï·¤ ‡´¥ ÆÈÓ¥ ȧ Æe·¯§˜§ Ȧ BaÀ Ϧ a§ ÂN¨¹ Ú¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â©for my father be at hand; then will I slay my ‰˜½¨·§ ¯¦Ï§ „´b©iªÂ© 42 :ÈÁ«¦ ‡¨ ·Ÿ˜¬Ú£È©-˙‡¤ ‰−‚¨¯§‰© ‡«© §brother Jacob.’ [42] And the words of Esau her ÁÏ©ºL§ z¦ © ÏŸ„®b¨‰© d´¨a§ ÂN−¨ Ú¥ ȯ¬¥·§ c¦-˙‡¤elder son were told to Rebekah; and she sent andcalled Jacob her younger son, and said unto him: ÂÈϨ½‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz´ © Ô˨½ w¨‰© d´¨a§ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©Ï§ ‡¯³¨˜§ z¦ ©‘Behold, thy brother Esau, as touching thee, doth :E‚«¤¯§‰¨ ϧ E− ϧ ̬Á¥ ©˙§ Ó¦ EÈÁ½¦ ‡¨ ÂN´¨ Ú¥ Ɖp¥‰¦comfort himself, purposing to kill thee. [43] Nowtherefore, my son, hearken to my voice; and arise, E² ϧ -Á¯©a§ Ìe˜¯ § ÈÏ®¦ Ÿ˜a§ ÚÓ´© L§ È−¦ ·§ ‰z¬¨ Ú© § 43flee thou to Laban my brother to Haran; [44] and ÌÈÓ´¦ Ȩ Bn− Ú¦ z¬¨ ·§ L© Ȩ§ 44 :‰¨¯«¨Á¨ ÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ Ô·¬¨ Ϩ -χ¤tarry with him a few days, until thy brother’s fury :EÈÁ«¦ ‡¨ ˙Ó¬© Á£ ·eL− z¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ „¬Ú© ÌÈ„®¦Á¨ ‡£turn away; [45] until thy brother’s anger turnaway from thee, and he forget that which thou ˙‡´¥ ÆÁΩ L¨ § EÀ n§ Ó¦ EÈÁ¹¦ ‡¨ -Û‡© ·eL¸ -„Ú© 45hast done to him; then I will send, and fetch thee ÌM®¨ Ó¦ EÈz´¦ Á§ ˜© ϧ e Èz−¦ Á§ Ï© L¨ § Bl½ ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ -¯L¤ ‡£from thence; why should I be bereaved of youboth in one day?’ :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ÌBȬ ÌÎ−¤ È¥L§ -Ìb© ϲk© L§ ‡¤ ‰Ó¬¨ Ϩ 51 51

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙„ÏÂ˙ 27 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 27.46 toledot ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙[46] And Rebekah said to Isaac: ‘I am weary Èi©½ Á© ·§ Èz¦ ˆ§ ˜´© ˜Á¨½ ˆ§ Ȧ -χ¤ Ɖ˜¨ ·§ ¯¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz³ © 46of my life because of the daughters of Heth. IfJacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such ‰M¨¸ ‡¦ ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©Â Á©˜´¥ŸÏ-̇¦ ˙Á®¥ ˙B´a§ È−¥t§ Ó¦as these, of the daughters of the land, what good ‰n¨ ¬Ï¨ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ˙B´a§ Ó¦ Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ k¨ ˙Á³¥ -˙B« a§ Ó¦28shall my life do me?’ And Isaac called Jacob, and blessed28 him, and charged him, and said unto ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ-χ«¤ ˜Á²¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ © :ÌÈi«¦Á© Èl−¦ Áw¬©˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« BϽ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© Æe‰eÆ¥ˆ© ȧ© B˙® Ÿ‡ C¯¤´·¨ ȧ©him: ‘Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters ̯½¨‡£ ‰«¨c´¤t© ÆCÏ¥ Ìe˜¬ 2 :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ˙B¬a§ Ó¦ ‰M−¨ ‡¦of Canaan. [2] Arise, go to Paddan-aram, tothe house of Bethuel thy mother’s father; and ÆÌM¨ Ó¦ E³ ϧ -Á˜©Â§ En®¤ ‡¦ È·´¦ ‡£ χ−¥ e˙·§ ‰˙¨ Ȭa¥take thee a wife from thence of the daughters ÆÈc©L© χ³¥ § 3 :En«¤ ‡¦ ÈÁ¬¦ ‡£ Ô·−¨ Ϩ ˙B¬a§ Ó¦ ‰M¨½ ‡¦of Laban thy mother’s brother. [3] And GodAlmighty bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and Ϭ‰© ˜§ Ϧ ˙¨ ÈÈ−¦‰¨ § Ea®¤¯§È©Â§ E− ¯§Ù§ ȩ§ E½ ˙§ Ÿ‡« C¯´¥·¨ ȧmultiply thee, that thou mayest be a congregation E− ϧ ̉¨½ ¯¨·§ ‡© ˙´k© ¯§a¦ -˙‡¤ ÆEϧ -Ôz¤ È«¦Â§ 4 :ÌÈn«¦ Ú©of peoples; [4] and give thee the blessing of Eȯ½¤‚ªÓ§ ı¯¤‡´¤ -˙‡¤ ÆEz§ L§ ¯¦Ï§ Cz®¨ ‡¦ E´ Ú£¯§Ê©Ï§ eAbraham, to thee, and to thy seed with thee; thatthou mayest inherit the land of thy sojournings, Á³Ï© L§ i¦ © 5 :̉«¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ϧ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Ô˙¬© ¨-¯L¤ ‡£which God gave unto Abraham.’ [5] And Isaac Ô·³¨ Ϩ -χ¤ ̯®¨‡£ ‰«¨c´¤t© CϤ −i¥Â© ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ-˙‡«¤ ƘÁ¨ ˆ§ Ȧsent away Jacob; and he went to Paddan-aramunto Laban, son of Bethuel the Ara-mean, the ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ ̇¬¥ ‰˜½¨·§ ¯¦ ÈÁ´¦ ‡£ Èn½¦ ¯©‡£ ‰«¨ Æχ¥ e˙a§ -Ôa¤brother of Rebekah, Jacob’s and Esau’s mother. -˙‡«¤ »˜Á¨ ˆ§ Ȧ C¯´©·¥-Èk«¦ ÂN¨À Ú¥ ‡¯§´i©Â© 6 :ÂN«¨ Ú¥ §[6] Now Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob BϬ -˙Á© ˜«©Ï¨ ̯½¨‡£ ‰«¨c´¤t© ÆB˙Ÿ‡ Á³l© L¦ § ¼·Ÿ˜Ú£È©and sent him away to Paddan-aram, to take hima wife from thence; and that as he blessed him he ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆÂÈϨ Ú¨ ³ˆ© ȧ© B˙½ Ÿ‡ Bδ ¯£·¨ a§ ‰M®¨ ‡¦ ÌM−¨ Ó¦gave him a charge, saying: ‘Thou shalt not take ÚÓ´© L§ i¦ © 7 :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ˙B¬a§ Ó¦ ‰M−¨ ‡¦ Áw¬©˙¦ -‡ŸÏ«a wife of the daughters of Canaan’; [7] and thatJacob hearkened to his father and his mother, ‰«¨ c¬¤t© CϤ −i¥Â© Bn® ‡¦ -χ¤ § ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩand was gone to Paddan-aram; [8] and Esau saw ÔÚ©®¨k§ ˙B´a§ ˙BÚ− ¯¨ Ȭk¦ ÂN¨½ Ú¥ ‡¯§´i©Â© 8 :̯«¨‡£that the daughters of Canaan pleased not Isaachis father; [9] so Esau went unto Ishmael, and -χ¤ ÂN−¨ Ú¥ CϤ ¬i¥Â© 9 :ÂÈ·«¦ ‡¨ ˜Á¬¨ ˆ§ Ȧ È−¥ÈÚ¥ a§took unto the wives that he had Mahalath the χڥ¸ Ó¨ L§ Ȧ-˙a© | ˙Ï´© Á£ Ó¨ -˙‡«¤ Áw¿©i¦Â© χ®Ú¥ Ó¨ L§ Ȧdaughter of Ishmael Abraham’s son, the sister of BϬ ÂÈL−¨ ¨-ÏÚ© ˙BȲ·¨ § ˙BÁ¯ ‡£ ̉¨¹ ¯¨·§ ‡© -Ôa¤Nebaioth, to be his wife. Ò :‰M«¨ ‡¦ ϧva-yetse’ ‡ˆÈÂ[10] And Jacob went out from Beer-sheba, :‰¨¯«¨Á¨ CϤ −i¥Â© Ú·© L®¨ ¯‡´¥ a§ Ó¦ ·Ÿ˜− ڣȩ ‡¬ˆ¥ i¥Â© 10and went toward Haran. [11] And he lighted uponthe place, and tarried there all night, because the LÓ¤ M¤½ ‰© ‡´·¨-Èk¦ ÆÌL¨ ÔϤ ³i¨Â© ÌB˜¹ n¨ a© Úb©¸ Ù§ i¦Â© 11sun was set; and he took one of the stones of the ÂÈ˙®¨ ŸL‡£ ¯«©Ó§ ÌN¤ −i¨Â© ÌB˜½ n¨ ‰© È´¥·§ ‡© Ó¥ ÆÁw©i¦ ©place, and put it under his head, and lay downin that place to sleep. [12] And he dreamed, and ‰³p¥‰¦ § ÌŸÏÀ Á£ i©Â«© 12 :‡e‰« ‰© ÌB˜¬n¨ a© ·k−© L§ i¦ ©behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top ‰Ó¨ ȧ Ó®¨ M¨ ‰© Ú©È´b¦ Ó© BL− ‡Ÿ¯Â§ ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡©½ ·´v¨ Óª ÆÌl¨ Òªof it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of :Ba« ÌÈ„−¦¯§ŸÈ§ ÌÈϬ¦ ŸÚ Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ È´Î¥ ‡£ ϧ Ó© Ɖp¥‰¦ §God ascending and descending on it. [13] And,behold, the Lord stood beside him, and said: ‘I ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ È´¦ ‡£ ¼¯Ó© ‡Ÿi© »ÂÈϨ Ú¨ ·v´¨ ¦ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ‰p¥¸‰¦ § 13 52 52

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡ˆÈ 28 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 28.14 va-yetse’ ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙am the Lord, the God of Abraham thy father, ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ ˜Á®¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ȉ−¥ŸÏ‡Â¥ EÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ̉´¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© Æȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡and the God of Isaac. The land whereon thouliest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed. [14] And ‰p¨−¤z§ ‡¤ E¬ ϧ ‰¨ ÈϤ½ Ú¨ ·´Î¥ ŸL Ɖz¨ ‡© ¯L³¤ ‡£thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ¯´Ù© Ú£k© ÆEÚ£¯§Ê© ‰³È¨‰¨ § 14 :EÚ«¤ ¯§Ê©Ï§ eshalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, eά ¯£·§ ¦ § ‰a¨ ‚§®¤Â¨ ‰¨ŸÙ´ ˆ¨ § ‰Ó¨ „§˜−¥Â¨ ‰n¨ ¬È¨ z²¨ ˆ§ ¯©Ù¨ eand to the north, and to the south. And in thee :EÚ«¤ ¯§Ê©·§ e ‰Ó−¨ „¨‡£ ‰¨ ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦ -Ïk¨ E² ·§and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth -¯L¤ ‡£ ϟδ a§ ÆEÈzƦ ¯§Ó© L§ e Cn¨À Ú¦ Èι¦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰p¥¸ ‰¦ § 15be blessed. [15] And, behold, I am with thee, and Èk¦µ ˙‡Ÿf®‰© ‰Ó−¨ „¨‡£ ‰¨ -χ¤ EÈ˙½¦ Ÿ·L´¦ ‰£ © CÏ¥½ z¥will keep thee whithersoever thou goest, and ˙¬‡¥ È˙¦ ÈN¦½ Ú¨ -̇¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ „Ú©µ E½ ·§ ʨڡ‡«¤ ‡ŸÏ´will bring thee back into this land; for I will notleave thee, until I have done that which I have ¼B˙¨M§ Ó¦ »·Ÿ˜Ú£È© ı˜´©Èi¦ © 16 :CÏ«¨ Èz¦ ¯§a−© c¦-¯L¤ ‡£spoken to thee of.’ [16] And Jacob awaked out ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ § ‰®f¤‰© ÌB˜−n¨ a© ‰Â¨½‰È§ L´È¥ ÆÔÎ¥ ‡¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â©of his sleep, and he said: ‘Surely the Lord is inthis place; and I knew it not.’ [17] And he was ‡¯−¨Bp-‰Ó© ¯Ó©½ ‡Ÿi© Ƈ¯¨Èi¦ © 17 :Èz¦ Ú§ „«¨È¨ ‡ŸÏ¬afraid, and said: ‘How full of awe is this place! Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ˙È´a¥-̇¦ Èk¦µ ‰Ê¤À Ôȇ´¥ ‰®f¤‰© ÌB˜´ n¨ ‰©this is none other than the house of God, andthis is the gate of heaven.’ [18] And Jacob rose up ¯˜¤ŸaÀ a© ·Ÿ˜¹ ڣȩ Ìk¥¸ L§ i©Â© 18 :ÌȦ Ó«¨ M¨ ‰© ¯Ú© L¬© ‰−ʤ§early in the morning, and took the stone that he ÂÈ˙¨½ ŸL‡£ ¯«©Ó§ ÌN´¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÆÔ·¤ ‡Æ¤ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Áw³©i¦ ©had put under his head, and set it up for a pillar, :dL«¨ ‡Ÿ¯-ÏÚ© ÔÓ¤ L−¤ ˜Ÿˆ¬ i¦ © ‰®·¨ v¥ Ó© d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ÌN¤ ¬i¨Â©and poured oil upon the top of it. [19] And he χ®¥ -˙Èa«¥ ‡e‰− ‰© ÌB˜¬ n¨ ‰© -ÌL«¥ -˙‡¤ ‡¯²¨˜§ i¦ © 19called the name of that place Beth-el, but the ¯c¬©i¦Â© 20 :‰«¨ŸL‡¯¦Ï¨ ¯ÈÚ−¦ ‰¨ -ÌL¥ ÊeϬ ̲Ϩ e‡Â§name of the city was Luz at the first. [20] And È„À¦n¨ Ú¦ Ìȉ¦¹ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰È¤¸‰§ Ȧ-̇¦ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ¯„¤´¤ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩJacob vowed a vow, saying: ‘If God will be withme, and will keep me in this way that I go, and CÏ¥½ B‰ Èδ¦ Ÿ‡¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ɖf¤‰© C¯¤c³¤a© ÆÈ¦ ¯Æ©Ó¨ L§ ewill give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,[21] so that I come back to my father’s house in :LŸa« ϧ Ϧ „‚¤¬·¤ e ÏŸÎ− ‡¡ Ϥ ÌÁ¤ ²Ï¤ ÈϬ¦ -Ô˙© «¨Â§peace, then shall the Lord be my God, [22] and ‰¯È¨‰¨ § È·®¦ ‡¨ ˙È´a¥-χ¤ ÌBÏ− L¨ ·§ Èz¬¦ ·§ L© § 21this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, shall be -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙‡ŸfÀ‰© Ô·¤ ‡´¤ ‰¨ § 22 :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡Ï¥ ÈÏ−¦ ‰²Â¨‰È§God’s house; and of all that Thou shalt give me I ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆϟΧ Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ˙È´a¥ ‰−Ȥ‰§ Ȧ ‰·¨½ v¥ Ó© ÆÈz¦ Ó§ NÆ©will surely give the tenth unto Thee.’ 29Then Jacob went on his journey, and29 came to the land of the children of the ‡O¬¨ i¦Â© :CÏ«¨ ep¯¬¤O§ Ú© ‡£ ¯O−¥ Ú© ÈϦ½ -Ôz¤ z¦ ‡¯§iº©Â© 2 :Ì„¤˜«¤-È¥·§ ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡¬© CϤ −i¥Â© ÂȮϨ ‚§ ¯© ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩeast. [2] And he looked, and behold a well in the ‰L³¨ ŸÏL§ ÌL¨º -‰p¥‰¦ § ‰„À¤O¨ a© ¯‡´¥ ·§ ‰¯p¥‰¦ §field, and lo three flocks of sheep lying there byit.—For out of that well they watered the flocks. ¯‡´¥ a§ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Èk¦µ ‰¨ ÈϤ½ Ú¨ ÌȈ´¦ ·§ Ÿ¯ ÆÔ‡Ÿˆ-ȯ¥„§Ú¤And the stone upon the well’s mouth was great. Ȭt¦ -ÏÚ© ‰Ï−¨ Ÿ„b§ Ô·¤ ¬‡¤ ‰¨ § Ìȯ®¦„¨Ú£‰¨ e˜−L§ È© ‡Â‰¦½ ‰©[3] And thither were all the flocks gathered; and ÌȯÀ¦„¨Ú£‰¨ -ÏΨ ‰n¨ L´¨ -eÙÒ§ ‡¤ ¤Â§ 3 :¯‡«¥ a§ ‰©they rolled the stone from the well’s mouth, and e˜− L§ ‰¦ § ¯‡¥½ a§ ‰© Èt´¦ ÆÏÚ© Ó¥ ÆÔ·¤ ‡Æ¤ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eϳ Ï£ ‚¨Â§watered the sheep, and put the stone back uponthe well’s mouth in its place.—[4] And Jacob said Ȭt¦ -ÏÚ© Ô·¤ ‡²¤ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ e·ÈL¯¦ ‰¥ § Ô‡Ÿv® ‰© -˙‡¤unto them: ‘My brethren, whence are ye?’ And ÈÁ−© ‡© ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ Æ̉¤ Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 4 :dÓ«¨ Ÿ˜Ó§ Ϧ ¯‡−¥ a§ ‰©they said: ‘Of Haran are we.’ [5] And he said unto ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 5 :eÁ§ «¨‡£ Ô¯−¨Á¨ Ó¥ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© Ìz®¤ ‡© ÔȦ ‡´© Ó¥ That is, The house of God. 53 53

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡ˆÈ 29 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 29.6 va-yetse’ ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙them: ‘Know ye Laban the son of Nahor?’ And e¯−Ó§ ‡Ÿi© ¯BÁ® ¨-Ôa¤ Ô·´¨ Ϩ -˙‡¤ Ìz−¤ Ú§ „©È§ ‰© ̉¤½ Ϩthey said: ‘We know him.’ [6] And he said untothem: ‘Is it well with him?’ And they said: ‘It is e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿi© BÏ® ÌBÏ´ L¨ ‰£ ̉−¤ Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 6 :eÚ§ „«¨È¨well; and, behold, Rachel his daughter cometh :Ô‡Ÿv« ‰© -ÌÚ¦ ‰‡−¨ a¨ Bz½ a¦ ÏÁ´¥ ¯¨ Ɖp¥‰¦ § ÌBϽ L¨with the sheep.’ [7] And he said: ‘Lo, it is yet high ÛÒ´¥‡¨ ‰¥ ˙Ú−¥ -‡ŸÏ ÏB„½ b¨ ÌBi´‰© Æ„BÚ Ô‰¬¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 7day, neither is it time that the cattle should begathered together; water ye the sheep, and go »e¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 8 :eÚ« ¯§ eά ϧ e Ô‡Ÿv− ‰© e˜¬L§ ‰© ‰®¤˜§ n¦ ‰©and feed them.’ [8] And they said: ‘We cannot, Ìȯ½¦„¨Ú£‰´¨ -Ïk¨ ÆeÙÒ§ ‡«¨ È¥ ¯L³¤ ‡£ „´Ú© ¼ÏΩ e ‡ŸÏ´until all the flocks be gathered together, and they eȘ−¦L§ ‰¦ § ¯‡®¥ a§ ‰© Èt´¦ Ï−Ú© Ó¥ Ô·¤ ‡¤½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÆeÏÏ£ «‚¨ §roll the stone from the well’s mouth; then wewater the sheep.’ [9] While he was yet speaking ‰‡¨ a¨À | ÏÁ´¥ ¯¨Â§ Ìn®¨ Ú¦ ¯´a¥ „©Ó§ ep„−¤BÚ 9 :Ô‡Ÿv« ‰©with them, Rachel came with her father’s sheep; :‡Â‰«¦ ‰Ú−¨ Ÿ¯ Ȭk¦ ‰¨ È·½¦ ‡¨ ϧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÔ‡Ÿv‰© -ÌÚ¦for she tended them. [10] And it came to pass, -˙a© ÏÁ¥À ¯¨-˙‡¤ ·Ÿ˜¹ ڣȩ ‰‡¨¸ ¯¨ Á¯L¤ ‡£ k© ȉ¿¦ ȧ © 10when Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Labanhis mother’s brother, and the sheep of Laban his Bn® ‡¦ ÈÁ´¦ ‡£ Ô·−¨ Ϩ Ô‡Ÿˆ¬ -˙‡¤ § Bn½ ‡¦ ÈÁ´¦ ‡£ ÆÔ·¨ Ϩmother’s brother, that Jacob went near, and rolled ¯‡¥½ a§ ‰© Èt´¦ ÆÏÚ© Ó¥ ÆÔ·¤ ‡Æ¤ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ï‚¤³i¨Â© ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩ L´b©i¦Â©the stone from the well’s mouth, and watered the ˜M¬© i¦ © 11 :Bn« ‡¦ ÈÁ¬¦ ‡£ Ô·−¨ Ϩ Ô‡Ÿˆ¬ -˙‡¤ ˜§ L§ i©¾Â©flock of Laban his mother’s brother. [11] AndJacob kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice, and „b¥¸ i©Â© 12 :j§ ·§ i«¥Â© BÏ− Ÿ˜-˙‡¤ ‡O¬¨ i¦ © ÏÁ®¥ ¯¨Ï§ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩwept. [12] And Jacob told Rachel that he was ȬΦ § ‡e‰½ Ɖ¨ ȷƦ ‡¨ ÈÁ³¦ ‡£ Èk´¦ ÏÁ¥À ¯¨Ï§ ·Ÿ˜¹ ڣȩher father’s brother, and that he was Rebekah’s :‰¨ È·«¦ ‡¨ ϧ „¬b¥z© © ı¯¨z−¨ © ‡e‰® ‰˜−¨·§ ¯¦-Ô·¤son; and she ran and told her father. [13] And itcame to pass, when Laban heard the tidings of ·Ÿ˜´ ڣȩ | ÚÓ© L´¥ -˙‡¤ Ô·¨¹ Ϩ Ú©ŸÓ¸ L§ Φ Áȉ¦ ȧ © 13Jacob his sister’s son, that he ran to meet him, ÆBÏ-˜a¤ Á© ȧ© ÆB˙‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ ı¯¨³i¨Â© B˙À ŸÁ‡£ -Ôa¤and embraced him, and kissed him, and brought Ô·¨½ Ϩ ϧ ¯´t¥ Ò© ȧ © B˙® Èa¥-χ¤ e‰‡−¥ È·¦ ȧ © BϽ -˜M¤ ©È§ ©him to his house. And he told Laban all thesethings. [14] And Laban said to him: ‘Surely Ô·¨½ Ϩ ÆBÏ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 14 :‰l¤ ‡«¥ ‰¨ Ìȯ−¦·¨ c§‰© -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥thou art my bone and my flesh.’ And he abode L„¤ŸÁ¬ Bn− Ú¦ ·L¤ ¬i¥Â© ‰z¨ ‡®¨ ȯ−¦N¨ ·§ e ÈÓ¬¦ ˆ§ Ú© C‡²©with him the space of a month. [15] And Laban ÈÁ´¦ ‡¨ -ÈΦ ‰£ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩϧ ÆÔ·¨ Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 15 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩsaid unto Jacob: ‘Because thou art my brother,shouldest thou therefore serve me for nought? -‰Ó© Èl−¦ ‰„¨È¬b¦ ‰© Ì®p¨ Á¦ È¦ z−© „§·© ڣ© ‰z¨ ‡©½tell me, what shall thy wages be?’ [16] Now Laban ÌL³¥ ˙B®·¨ Èz´¥ L§ Ô·−¨ Ϩ ϧ e 16 :Ez«¤ ¯§kª N§ n©had two daughters: the name of the elder was Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ § 17 :ÏÁ«¥ ¯¨ ‰−p¨Ë© w§ ‰© ̬L¥ § ‰‡¨½ Ï¥ ƉϨ Ÿ„b§ ‰©Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel.[17] And Leah’s eyes were weak; but Rachel was ˙¬Ù© Ȧ ¯‡© Ÿz− -˙Ù© ȧ ‰˙¨½ ȧ‰«¨ ÆÏÁ¥ ¯¨Â§ ˙Bk® ¯© ‰‡−¨ Ï¥of beautiful form and fair to look upon. [18] And ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ÏÁ®¥ ¯¨-˙‡¤ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ ·¬‰© ‡¡ i¤Â© 18 :‰‡«¤ ¯§Ó©Jacob loved Rachel; and he said: ‘I will serve thee :‰«p¨Ë© w§ ‰© E− z§ a¦ ϬÁ¥ ¯¨a§ ÌÈ½¦ L¨ Ú·© L´¤ ÆE„§·¨ Ú¡‡«¤seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter.’ Èz¬¦ z¦ Ó¦ CϨ½ d˙´¨ Ÿ‡ Èz´¦ z¦ ·B˵ Ô·¨À Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 19[19] And Laban said: ‘It is better that I give her to „Ÿ·¯ Ú£i©Â© 20 :È„«¦n¨ Ú¦ ‰·−¨ L§ ¯Á®¥ ‡© Lȇ´¦ ϧ d˙−¨ Ÿ‡thee, than that I should give her to another man;abide with me.’ [20] And Jacob served seven years ÆÂÈ¨ÈÚ¥ ·§ eȳ‰§ i¦ © ÌÈ®¦ L¨ Ú·© L´¤ ÏÁ−¥ ¯¨a§ ·Ÿ˜² ڣȩfor Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a fewdays, for the love he had to her. [21] And Jacob ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 21 :d˙«¨ Ÿ‡ B˙− ·¨ ‰£ ‡© a§ ÌÈ„½¦Á¨ ‡£ ÌÈÓ´¦ Ȩk§said unto Laban: ‘Give me my wife, for my days e‡− ϧ Ó¨ Ȭk¦ Èz½¦ L§ ‡¦ -˙‡¤ ‰´·¨ ‰¨ ÆÔ·¨ Ϩ -χ¤ ·Ÿ˜³ ڣȩ 54 54

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 29.22 va-yetse’ ‡ˆÈ 29 ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙are fulfilled, that I may go in unto her.’ [22] And -˙‡¤ Ô·²¨ Ϩ ÛŸÒ¬ ‡¡ i¤Â© 22 :‰¨ ÈÏ«¤ ‡¥ ‰‡¨ B·− ‡¨ § ÈÓ®¨ ȨLaban gathered together all the men of the place,and made a feast. [23] And it came to pass in ȉ´¦ ȧ© 23 :‰z«¤ L§ Ó¦ NÚ© ¬i©Â© ÌB˜−n¨ ‰© ȬL¥ § ‡© -Ïk¨the evening, that he took Leah his daughter, and d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ‡¬·¥ i¨Â© Bz½ ·¦ ‰‡´¨ Ï¥ -˙‡¤ ÆÁw©i¦ © ·¯¤Ú¤½ ·¨brought her to him; and he went in unto her. -˙‡¤ dϨ½ ÆÔ·¨ Ϩ Ôz³¥ i¦ © 24 :‰¨ ÈÏ«¤ ‡¥ ‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© ÂȮϨ‡¥[24] And Laban gave Zilpah his handmaid untohis daughter Leah for a handmaid. [25] And it ȉ´¦ ȧ© 25 :‰Á«¨ Ù§ L¦ Bz− ·¦ ‰‡¬¨ Ï¥ ϧ B˙® Á¨ Ù§ L¦ ‰t−¨ ϧ ʦcame to pass in the morning that, behold, it was Ô·¨À Ϩ -χ¤ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ‰‡®¨ Ï¥ ‡Â‰−¦ -‰p¥‰¦ § ¯˜¤Ÿa½ ·©Leah; and he said to Laban: ‘What is this thouhast done unto me? did not I serve with thee Èz¦ „§´·© Ú¨ ÆÏÁ¥ ¯¨·§ ‡ŸÏ³ ‰£ Èl¦½ ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ Æ˙‡Ÿf-‰Ó©for Rachel? wherefore then hast thou beguiled -‡ŸÏ Ô·¨½ Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 26 :È¦ ˙«¨ Èn¦ ¯¦ ‰n¨ Ï−¨ § Cn¨½ Ú¦me?’ [26] And Laban said: ‘It is not so done in Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰¯−¨ÈÚ¦ v§ ‰© ˙˙¬¥ Ϩ eÓ®¥ B˜Ó§ a¦ ÔÎ−¥ ‰¬N¤ Ú¨ È¥our place, to give the younger before the first-born. [27] Fulfil the week of this one, and we will E¹ ϧ ‰¨¸ z§ ¦ § ˙‡ŸÊ® Ú©´·ª L§ ‡l−¥ Ó© 27 :‰¯«¨ÈΦ a§ ‰©give thee the other also for the service which È„½¦n¨ Ú¦ „Ÿ·´ Ú£z© ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ɖ„¨Ÿ·Ú£a© ˙‡ŸÊÀ-˙‡¤ -Ìb©thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.’ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© NÚ© ³i©Â© 28 :˙B¯«Á¥ ‡£ ÌȬ¦ L¨ -Ú·© L«¤ „BÚ−[28] And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week; andhe gave him Rachel his daughter to wife. [29] And ϬÁ¥ ¯¨-˙‡¤ Bϲ -Ôz¤ i¦ © ˙‡ŸÊ® Ú©´·ª L§ ‡l−¥ Ó© ȧ© Ôk¥½Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his Bz½ a¦ ÏÁ´¥ ¯¨Ï§ ÆÔ·¨ Ϩ Ôz³¥ i¦ © 29 :‰M«¨ ‡¦ ϧ BϬ Bz− a¦handmaid to be her handmaid. [30] And he wentin also unto Rachel, and he loved Rachel more ƇŸ·i¨Â© 30 :‰Á«¨ Ù§ L¦ ϧ dÏ−¨ B˙® Á¨ Ù§ L¦ ‰‰−¨ ϧ a¦ -˙‡¤than Leah, and served with him yet seven other ‰‡®¨ l¥ Ó¦ ÏÁ−¥ ¯¨-˙‡¤ -Ì«b© ·¬‰© ‡¡ i¤Â© ÏÁ¥½ ¯¨-χ¤ Ì´b©years. :˙B¯«Á¥ ‡£ ÌȬ¦ L¨ -Ú·© L«¤ „BÚ− Bn½ Ú¦ „Ÿ·´ Ú£i©Â© [31] And the Lord saw that Leah washated, and he opened her womb; but Rachel Áz−© Ù§ i¦ © ‰‡¨½ Ï¥ ‰‡´¨ eN§ -Èk«¦ Ɖ¨‰È§ ‡¯§³i©Â© 31was barren. [32] And Leah conceived, and bore Ɖ‡¨ Ï¥ ¯‰© z³© © 32 :‰¯«¨˜¨Ú£ ÏÁ−¥ ¯¨Â§ dÓ®¨ Á§ ¯©-˙‡¤a son, and she called his name Reuben; for she ‰¯À¨Ó§ ‡«¨ Èk´¦ Ô·®¥e‡¯§ BÓ− L§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ z¦ © Ôa¥½ „Ϥ z´¥ ©said: ‘Because the Lord hath looked upon my È¦¬·© ‰¨ ‡¡ Ȥ ‰z−¨ Ú© Ȭk¦ ÈȽ¦ § Ú¨ a§ Ɖ¨‰È§ ‰‡³¨ ¯¨-Èk«¦affliction; for now my husband will love me.’[33] And she conceived again, and bore a son; ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸzÀ © ¼Ôa¥ „Ϥ z´¥ © »„BÚ ¯‰© z´© © 33 :ÈL«¦ ȇ¦and said: ‘Because the Lord bhath heard that I ÈÏ−¦ -Ôz¤ i¦ © ÈΦ Ÿ½ ‡¨ ‰‡´¨ eN§ -Èk«¦ Ɖ¨‰È§ ÚÓ³© L¨ -Èk«¦am hated, He hath therefore given me this sonalso.’ And she called his name cSimeon. [34] And ¯‰© z´© © 34 :ÔBÚ« Ó§ L¦ BÓ− L§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ z¦ © ‰®Ê¤-˙‡¤ -Ìb©she conceived again, and bore a son; and said: ‰³Â¤l¨ Ȧ ÆÌÚ© t©Æ ‰© ‰z³¨ Ú© ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸzÀ © ¼Ôa¥ „Ϥ z´¥ © »„BÚ‘Now this time will my husband be ddjoinedunto me, because I have borne him three sons.’ ÌÈ®¦ ·¨ ‰L´¨ ŸÏL§ BÏ− Èz¦ „§¬Ï© Ȩ-Èk«¦ ÈÏ©½ ‡¥ ÆÈL¦ ȇ¦Therefore was his name called Levi. [35] And she „Ϥ z´¥ © „BÚ¹ ¯‰© z©¸ © 35 :È«¦Ï¥ BÓ− L§ -‡¯«¨˜¨ Ôk¬¥-ÏÚ© Ôk²¥-ÏÚ© ‰Â¨½‰È§-˙‡¤ ‰„´¤B‡ ÆÌÚ© t©Æ ‰© ƯӤ ‡ŸzÆ Â© Ôa¥À :˙„¤l«¤ Ó¦ „ŸÓ− Ú£z© «© ‰„®¨e‰È§ BÓ− L§ ‰‡¬¨ ¯§˜¨ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩϧ Ɖ„¨Ï§ È«¨ ‡ŸÏ³ Èk´¦ ÏÁ¥À ¯¨ ‡¯¤z´¥ ©conceived again, and bore a son; and she said:‘This time will I epraise the Lord.’ Therefore shecalled his name fJudah; and she left off bearing. 30And when Rachel saw that she bore30 Jacob no children, Rachel envied Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©-χ«¤ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz³ © d˙®¨ ŸÁ‡£ a© ÏÁ−¥ ¯¨ ‡¬p¥˜©z§ ©her sister; and she said unto Jacob: ‘Give me :ÈΦ Ÿ« ‡¨ ‰˙¬¨ Ó¥ ÔȦ‡−© -̇¦ § ÌÈ½¦ ·¨ Èl´¦ -‰·¨ ‰«¨children, or else I die.’ [2] And Jacob’s anger waskindled against Rachel; and he said: ‘Am I in ˙Á© ˙³© ‰£ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ÏÁ®¥ ¯¨a§ ·Ÿ˜− ڣȩ Û‡¬© -¯Á© i«¦Â© 2 Heb. raah beonji. b Heb. shama. c Heb. Shimeon. d From the Heb. root lavab. e From the Heb. hodah. f Heb. Jehudah. 55 55

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡ˆÈ 30 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 30.3 va-yetse’ ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙God’s stead, who hath withheld from thee the :Ôˤ ·«¨ -ȯ¦t§ Cn−¥ Ó¦ Ú¬©Ó¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÈΦ Ÿ½ ‡¨ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡fruit of the womb?’ [3] And she said: ‘Behold mymaid Bilhah, go in unto her; that she may bear ‰¨ ȮϤ‡¥ ‡Ÿa´ ‰‰−¨ ϧ ·¦ È˙¬¦ Ó¨ ‡£ ‰²p¥‰¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz¾ © 3upon my knees, and I also may be builded up :‰p¨n«¤ Ó¦ ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ -Ì‚© ‰¬¤a¨ ‡¦ § Èk©½ ¯§a¦ -ÏÚ© Æ„Ï¥ ˙¥ §through her.’ [4] And she gave him Bilhah her ‰M®¨ ‡¦ ϧ d˙−¨ Á¨ Ù§ L¦ ‰¬‰¨ ϧ a¦ -˙‡¤ Bϲ -Ôz¤ z¦ © 4handmaid to wife; and Jacob went in unto her. „Ϥ z¬¥ © ‰‰¨½ ϧ a¦ ¯‰© z´© © 5 :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩ ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤‡¥ ‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â©[5] And Bilhah conceived, and bore Jacob a son.[6] And Rachel said: ‘God hath judged me, and Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ Èp¦´©c¨ ÆÏÁ¥ ¯¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz³ © 6 :Ôa«¥ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩϧhath also heard my voice, and hath given me a ‰‡¬¨ ¯§˜¨ Ôk²¥-ÏÚ© Ôa®¥ ÈÏ−¦ -Ôz¤ i¦ © ÈϦ½ Ÿ˜a§ ÚÓ´© L¨ ÆÌ‚©Â§son.’ Therefore called she his name Dan. [7] And ˙Á´© Ù§ L¦ ‰‰−¨ ϧ a¦ „Ϥ z¥¾ © „BÚ½ ¯‰© z´© © 7 :Ôc«¨ BÓ− L§Bilhah Rachel’s handmaid conceived again, andbore Jacob a second son. [8] And Rachel said: ÏÁ¥À ¯¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz´ © 8 :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩϧ È−¦ L¥ Ôa¬¥ ÏÁ®¥ ¯¨‘With mighty wrestlings have I bwrestled with È˙−¦ ŸÁ‡£ -ÌÚ¦ Èz¦ ϧ z²© Ù§ ¦ | Ìȉ¯¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ÈÏ¥¸ ezÙ§ ©my sister, and have prevailed.’ And she called his ‡¯¤z´¥ © 9 :ÈÏ«¦ z¨ Ù§ © BÓ− L§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ z¦ © Èz¦ ϧ ŸÎ® Ȩ-Ìb©name Naphtali. [9] When Leah saw that she hadleft off bearing, she took Zilpah her handmaid, ‰´t¨ ϧ ʦ-˙‡¤ ÆÁw©z¦ © ˙„¤®l¤ Ó¦ ‰„−¨Ó§ Ú¨ Ȭk¦ ‰‡¨½ Ï¥and gave her to Jacob to wife. [10] And Zilpah :‰M«¨ ‡¦ ϧ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩϧ d˙²¨ Ÿ‡ Ôz¬¥ z¦ © d˙¨½ Á¨ Ù§ L¦Leah’s handmaid bore Jacob a son. [11] And Leah :Ôa«¥ ·Ÿ˜¬ ڣȩϧ ‰‡−¨ Ï¥ ˙Á¬© Ù§ L¦ ‰²t¨ ϧ ʦ „Ϥ z¥À © 10said: ‘Fortune is come!’ And she called his namecGad. [12] And Zilpah Leah’s handmaid bore -˙‡¤ ‡¯¬¨˜§ z¦ © „®‚¨ ‡´a¨ „‚· ‰‡−¨ Ï¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz¬ © 11Jacob a second son. [13] And Leah said: ‘Happy Ôa¬¥ ‰‡¨½ Ï¥ ˙Á´© Ù§ L¦ Ɖt¨ ϧ ʦ „Ϥ z¥À © 12 :„«b¨ BÓ− L§am I! for the daughters will call me happy.’ And Ȭk¦ ȯ¾¦L§ ‡¨ a§ ‰‡¨½ Ï¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz´ © 13 :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩϧ È−¦ L¥she called his name dAsher. [14] And Reuben :¯L«¥ ‡¨ BÓ− L§ -˙‡¤ ‡¯¬¨˜§ z¦ © ˙B®a¨ È¦ e¯−M§ ‡¦went in the days of wheat harvest, and foundmandrakes in the field, and brought them unto ‡³ˆ¨ Ó§ i¦ © ÌÈhÀ¦ Á¦ -¯Èˆ¦ ˜§ ÈÓ´¥ Èa¦ Ô·¥¹ e‡¯§ CϤ i¥¸Â© 14his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah: ‘Give Bn® ‡¦ ‰‡−¨ Ï¥ -χ¤ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ‡´·¥ i¨Â© ‰„½¤O¨ a© ÆÌȇ¦ „¨e„«me, I pray thee, of thy son’s mandrakes.’ [15] And ȇ−¥ „¨ecÓ¦ ÈϦ½ ‡´¨-È¦ z§ ‰‡¨½ Ï¥ -χ¤ ÆÏÁ¥ ¯¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz³ ©she said unto her: ‘Is it a small matter that thou -˙‡¤ Cz´¥ Á§ ˜© ÆËÚ© Ó§ ‰© dϨÀ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz´ © 15 :C«¥a§hast taken away my husband? and wouldest ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz´ © È®¦ a§ ȇ−¥ „¨ec-˙‡¤ ̬b© ˙Á© ˜¾©Ï¨ § ÈL¦½ ȇ¦thou take away my son’s mandrakes also?’ AndRachel said: ‘Therefore he shall lie with thee to- Ȭ‡¥ „¨ec ˙Á© z−© ‰Ï¨ ȧ l©½ ‰© ÆCn¨ Ú¦ ·³k© L§ Ȧ ÆÔÎ¥ Ϩ ÏÁ¥À ¯¨night for thy son’s mandrakes.’ [16] And Jacobcame from the field in the evening, and Leah ¼·¯¤Ú¤ a¨ »‰„¤O¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ·Ÿ˜´ ڣȩ ‡Ÿ·¸ i¨Â© 16 :C«¥·§went out to meet him, and said: ‘Thou must ‡B·½ z¨ ÈÏ´©‡¥ ƯӤ ‡ŸzÆ Â© B˙À ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ ‰‡¨¹ Ï¥ ‡ˆ¥¸ z¥ ©come in unto me; for I have surely hired thee ·¬k© L§ i¦ © È®¦ a§ ȇ−¥ „¨e„a§ EÈz½¦ ¯§Î© N§ ¯ŸÎ´ N¨ Èk¦µwith my son’s mandrakes.’ And he lay with herthat night. [17] And God hearkened unto Leah, Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ÚÓ¬© L§ i¦ © 17 :‡e‰« ‰Ï¨ ȧ¬l© a© dn−¨ Ú¦and she conceived, and bore Jacob a fifth son. :ÈL«¦ ÈÓ¦ Á£ Ôa¬¥ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩϧ „Ϥ z¬¥ © ¯‰© z²© © ‰‡®¨ Ï¥ -χ¤[18] And Leah said: ‘God hath given me my ehire, -¯L¤ ‡£ ȯ½¦Î¨ N§ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Ô˙³© ¨ ‰‡¨À Ï¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz´ © 18because I gave my handmaid to my husband.’And she called his name Issachar. [19] And Leah BÓ− L§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ z¦ © ÈL®¦ ȇ¦ ϧ È˙−¦ Á¨ Ù§ L¦ Èz¦ ˙¬© ¨conceived again, and bore a sixth son to Jacob. -Ôa¥ „Ϥ z¬¥ © ‰‡¨½ Ï¥ Æ„BÚ ¯‰© z³© © 19 :¯Î«¨ ˘O¨ Ȧ[20] And Leah said: ‘God hath endowed me with È¦ „¸©·¨ ʧ ‰‡¨À Ï¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz´ © 20 :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩl§ ÈM−¦ L¦ Heb. dan, he judged. b Heb. niphtal, he wrestled. c That is, Fortune. d That is, Happy. e Heb. sachar. 56 56

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡ˆÈ 30 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 30.21 va-yetse’ ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙a good dowry; now will my husband dwell with È¦ ´Ï¥ a§ ʧ Ȧ ÆÌÚ© t©Æ ‰© ¼·BË „·¤ ´Ê¥ »È˙¦ Ÿ‡ | Ìȉ¬¦ ŸÏ‡¡me, because I have borne him six sons.’ And shecalled his name Zebulun. [21] And afterwards ‡¯¬¨˜§ z¦ © ÌÈ®¦ ·¨ ‰M´¨ L¦ BÏ− Èz¦ „§¬Ï© Ȩ-Èk«¦ ÈL¦½ ȇ¦she bore a daughter, and called her name ˙®a© ‰„¨Ï§ ´È¨ ¯Á−© ‡© § 21 :ÔeÏ« ·ª ʧ BÓ− L§ -˙‡¤Dinah. [22] And God remembered Rachel, and Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ¯Ÿk¬ ʧ i¦ © 22 :‰«¨Èc¦ dÓ−¨ L§ -˙‡¤ ‡¯¬¨˜§ z¦ ©God hearkened to her, and opened her womb.[23] And she conceived, and bore a son, and said: Áz−© Ù§ i¦Â© Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ Ɖ¨ ÈÏ¤Æ ‡¥ ÚÓ³© L§ i¦ © ÏÁ®¥ ¯¨-˙‡¤‘God bhath taken away my reproach.’ [24] And ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz¾ © Ôa®¥ „Ϥ z´¥ © ¯‰© z−© © 23 :dÓ«¨ Á§ ¯©-˙‡¤she called his name Joseph, saying; ‘The lordcadd to me another son.’ -˙‡¤ ‡¯¯¨˜§ z¦ © 24 :È˙«¦ t¨ ¯§Á¤ -˙‡¤ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ÛÒ¬©‡¨ :¯Á«¥ ‡© Ôa¬¥ ÈÏ−¦ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ÛÒ¯¥ŸÈ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ BÓ² L§ [25] And it came to pass, when Rachel hadborne Joseph, that Jacob said unto Laban: ‘Send ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© ÛÒ®¥BÈ-˙‡¤ ÏÁ−¥ ¯¨ ‰„¬¨Ï§ Ȩ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ȉ¾¦ ȧ © 25me away, that I may go unto mine own place,and to my country. [26] Give me my wives and ÈÓ−¦ B˜Ó§ -χ¤ ‰Î¨½ ϧ ‡´¥ § ÆÈ¦ ÁÆ¥ l§ L© Ô·¨½ Ϩ -χ¤ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©my children for whom I have served thee, and let ¯L¤¸ ‡£ È„À©Ï¨ ȧ -˙‡¤ § ÈL´© ¨-˙‡¤ ‰º¨z§ 26 :Ȉ«¦ ¯§‡© ϧ eme go; for thou knowest my service wherewith Ihave served thee.’ [27] And Laban said unto him: z¨ Ú§ „½©È¨ ‰z´¨ ‡© Èk¦µ ‰Î¨ ®Ï¥‡¥ § Ô‰−¥ a¨ E² ˙§ Ÿ‡« Èz¦ „§¯·© Ú¨‘If now I have found favour in thine eyes—I have ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 27 :EÈz«¦ „§·© Ú£ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ È˙−¦ „¨Ÿ·Ú£-˙‡¤observed the signs, and the Lord hath blessedme for thy sake. [28] And he said: ‘Appoint me EÈ®¤ÈÚ¥ a§ ÔÁ−¥ È˙¦ ‡¬ˆ¨ Ó¨ ‡²¨-̇¦ Ô·¨½ Ϩ ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥thy wages, and I will give it.’ [29] And he said ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© 28 :EÏ«¤ Ϩ ‚§ a¦ ‰−¨‰È§ È¦¬Î¥ ¯£·¨ ȧ© Èz¦ L§ Á©¾ ¦unto him: ‘Thou knowest how I have served thee, ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 29 :‰¨z«¥ ‡¤ § ÈÏ−© Ú¨ E² ¯§Î¨ N§ ‰¯·¨ ˜§ ¨and how thy cattle have fared with me. [30] For itwas little which thou hadst before I came, and it ˙²‡¥ § EÈz®¦ „§·© Ú£ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ˙‡−¥ z¨ Ú§ „½©È¨ ‰z´¨ ‡©hath increased abundantly; and the Lord hath -¯L¤ ‡£ ÁËÚ© Ó§ Èk¿¦ 30 :Èz«¦ ‡¦ E− § ˜§ Ó¦ ‰¬È¨‰¨ -¯L¤ ‡£blessed thee whithersoever I turned. And nowwhen shall I provide for mine own house also?’ ‰²Â¨‰È§ C¯¤¯·¨ ȧ© ·Ÿ¯½ Ϩ ıŸ¯´Ù§ i¦Â© ÆÈ©Ù¨ ϧ E³ ϧ ‰È¨¸‰¨[31] And he said: ‘What shall I give thee?’ And ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ -Ì‚© ‰¬N¤ Ú¡‡«¤ È˙²© Ó¨ ‰z¨À Ú© § ÈÏ®¦ ‚§ ¯©Ï§ E− ˙§ Ÿ‡Jacob said: ‘Thou shalt not give me aught; if thou ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© C®Ï¨ -Ôz¤ ‡¤ ‰Ó´¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 31 :È˙«¦ È·¥ ϧwilt do this thing for me, I will again feed thy flockand keep it. [32] I will pass through all thy flock -‰N¤ Ú£z«© -̇¦ ‰Ó¨ e‡½ Ó§ ÈÏ´¦ -Ôz¤ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©to-day, removing from thence every speckled E− § ‡Ÿˆ« ‰¬Ú¤ ¯§‡¤ ‰·¨ eL² ‡¨ ‰f¤½ ‰© ¯´·¨ c¨‰© ÆÈl¦and spotted one, and every dark one among thesheep, and the spotted and speckled among the ¯Ò¥¸ ‰¨ ÌBiÀ‰© E¹ § ‡Ÿˆ« -ÏΨ a§ ¯Ÿ·¸ Ú¡‡«¤ 32 :¯ŸÓ« L§ ‡¤goats; and of such shall be my hire. [33] So shall ÆÌeÁ-‰N¤ -ÏΨ § ‡eÏÀ ˨ § „Ÿ˜´ ¨ | ‰N´¤ -Ïk¨ ÌM¨¹ Ó¦my righteousness witness against me hereafter,when thou shalt come to look over my hire that :ȯ«¦Î¨ N§ ‰−Ȩ‰¨ § ÌÈf®¦Ú¦ a¨ „Ÿ˜−¨Â§ ‡eϬ ˨ § ÌÈ·½¦ N¨ k§ a©is before thee: every one that is not speckled and ‡B·¬ ˙¨ -Èk«¦ ¯Á¨½ Ó¨ ÌBÈ´a§ ÆÈ˙¦ ˜¨„§ˆ¦ Èa³¦ -‰˙¨ § Ú«¨ § 33spotted among the goats, and dark among the „Ÿ˜¸ ¨ Áep¤È‡¥ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk´ EÈ®¤Ù¨ ϧ ȯ−¦Î¨ N§ -ÏÚ©sheep, that if found with me shall be countedstolen.’ [34] And Laban said ‘Behold, would it ‡e‰− ·e¬b¨ ÌÈ·½¦ N¨ k§ a© ÆÌeÁ§ ÌÈfÀ¦Ú¦ a«¨ ‡eϹ ˨ §might be according to thy word.’ [35] And he :E¯«¤·¨ „§Î¦ ȉ¬¦ ȧ eÏ− Ô‰®¥ Ô·−¨ Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 34 :Èz«¦ ‡¦removed that day the he-goats that were streakedand spotted, and all the she-goats that were ÌÈL¦¹ Ȩz§ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‡e‰¸ ‰© ÁÌBia© ¯Ò© ´i¨Â© 35speckled and spotted, every one that had white ÆÌÈf¦Ú¦ ‰«¨ -Ïk¨ ˙‡³¥ § ÌȇÀ¦ Ϫ h§ ‰© § ÌÈc´¦˜ªÚ£‰«¨in it, and all the dark ones among the sheep, and -ÏΨ § Ba½ ÆÔ·¨ Ϩ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk³ ˙Ÿ‡½ Ϫ h§ ‰© § ˙Bc´˜ªp§ ‰© Heb. zabal, he dwelt. b Heb. asaph. c Heb. Joseph. 57 57

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡ˆÈ 30 ˙È˘H‡om¯e· | TOCtorah GENESIS 30.36 va-yetse’ ‰¯Â˙gave them into the hand of his sons. [36] And he ÌN¤ i¨À© 36 :ÂÈ«¨a¨ -„È©a§ Ôz−¥ i¦ © ÌÈ·®¦ N¨ k§ a© ÌeÁ−set three days’ journey betwixt himself and Jacob. ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩ§ ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È© ÔÈ´·¥ e B−Èa¥ ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ´ L§ C¯¤c¤µAnd Jacob fed the rest of Laban’s flocks. [37] And BÏ´ -Áw«©i«¦Â© 37 :˙Ÿ¯«˙¨ Bp‰© Ô·−¨ Ϩ Ô‡Ÿˆ¬ -˙‡¤ ‰²Ú¤ Ÿ¯Jacob took him rods of fresh poplar, and of the ϳv¥ Ù© ȧ© ÔBÓ® ¯§Ú¤ § ÊeÏ´ § ÁÏ−© ‰²¤·§ Ϧ Ïw¬©Ó© ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩalmond and of the plane-tree; and peeled whitestreaks in them, making the white appear which ¯L−¤ ‡£ Ô·¨½ l¨ ‰© ÆÛŸNÁ§ Ó© ˙B½ ·¨ ϧ ˙BÏ´ ˆ¨ t§ ÆÔ‰¥ a¨was in the rods. [38] And he set the rods which hehad peeled over against the flocks in the gutters ¯L´¤ ‡£ Æ˙BϘ§ n© ‰© -˙‡¤ ‚v¥À i©Â© 38 :˙BÏ« ˜§ n© ‰© -ÏÚ©in the watering-troughs where the flocks came Á¯L¤ ‡£ ÌȦn®¨ ‰© ˙B˙´ ˜£L«¦ a§ ÌÈË−¦ ‰¨ ¯¢a¨ Ïv¥½ t¦to drink; and they conceived when they came Ô‡Ÿv½ ‰© ÁΩ Ÿ´Ï§ Æ˙BzL§ Ϧ Ô‡Ÿv³ ‰© ¨Ô‡Ÿ·¸ z¨to drink. [39] And the flocks conceived at the Ô‡Ÿv− ‰© eÓ¬ Á¡ i¤Â© 39 :˙Bz« L§ Ϧ Ô‡¬¨ Ÿ·a§ ‰¨Ó§ Á−© i¥Â©sight of the rods, and the flocks brought forthstreaked, speckled, and spotted. [40] And Jacob ÌÈc−¦˜ª§ ÌÈc¬¦˜ªÚ£ Ô‡Ÿv½ ‰© ¨Ô„§´Ï© z¥ © ˙BÏ® ˜§ n© ‰© -χ¤separated the lambs—he also set the faces of the Ôz¥ i¦ ©¼·Ÿ˜Ú£È© „ȯ´¦Ù§ ‰¦ »ÌÈ·¦ N¨ k§ ‰© § 40 :Ìȇ«¦ Ϫ ˧ eflocks toward the streaked and all the dark in the Ô·®¨ Ϩ Ô‡Ÿˆ´ a§ ÌeÁ− -ÏΨ § „Ÿ˜² Ú¨ -χ¤ Ô‡Ÿv¯ ‰© È¥¸ t§flock of Laban—and put his own droves apart, Ô‡Ÿˆ¬ -ÏÚ© Ì˙−¨ L¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ § Bc½ ·© ϧ ÆÌȯ¦„¨Ú£ Bϳ -˙L¤ i«¨Â©and put them not unto Laban’s flock. [41] Andit came to pass, whensoever the stronger of the ¼˙B¯M¨ ˜ªÓ§ ‰© Ô‡Ÿv´ ‰© »ÌÁ¥ È©-ÏΨ a§ ‰È¨À‰¨ § 41 :Ô·«¨ Ϩflock did conceive, that Jacob laid the rods before Ô‡Ÿv− ‰© Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ ˙Bϲ ˜§ n© ‰© -˙‡¤ ·Ÿ˜¯ ڣȩ ÌN¨¸ §Ûthe eyes of the flock in the gutters, that they might Èˬ¦ Ú£‰© ·§ e 42 :˙BÏ« ˜§ n© a© ‰p¨Ó−¥ Á§ ȩϧ ÌÈË®¦ ‰¨ ¯¢a¨conceive among the rods; [42] but when the flockwere feeble, he put them not in; so the feebler Ô·¨½ Ϩ ϧ ÆÌÈÙ¦ ˪ Ú£‰¨ ‰³È¨‰¨ § ÌÈN®¦ Ȩ ‡ŸÏ´ Ô‡Ÿv− ‰©were Laban’s, and the stronger Jacob’s. [43] And „Ÿ‡´ Ó§ Lȇ−¦ ‰¨ ıŸ¯¬Ù§ i¦ © 43 :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩϧ Ìȯ−¦Lª w§ ‰© §the man increased exceedingly, and had large ÌÈ„½¦·¨ ڣ© Æ˙BÁÙ¨ L§ e ˙Ba½ ¯© Ô‡Ÿˆ´ ÆBÏ-ȉ¦ ȧ «© „Ÿ‡® Ó§31flocks, and maid-servants and men-servants, -˙‡¤ ÚÓ©À L§ i¦ ©31and camels and asses. :Ìȯ«¦ŸÓÁ£ © ÌÈl−¦ Ó© ‚§ e And he heard the words of Laban’s sons, saying: ‘Jacob hath taken away all ˙‡−¥ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ Á˜´©Ï¨ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆÔ·¨ Ϩ -È«¥·§ ȯ³¥·§ c¦ ‰N¨¾ Ú¨ eÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ϧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ó¥ e eÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ϧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨that was our father’s; and of that which was our È´¥t§ -˙‡¤ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ ‡¯§¬i©Â© 2 :‰«f¤‰© „Ÿ·− k¨ ‰© -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥father’s hath he gotten all this wealth.’ [2] AndJacob beheld the countenance of Laban, and, :ÌBL« ϧ L¦ ÏBÓ¬ ˙§ k¦ Bn− Ú¦ ep²¤È‡¥ ‰¬p¥‰¦ § Ô·®¨ Ϩbehold, it was not toward him as beforetime. ı¯¤¬‡¤ -χ¤ ·eL² ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ-χ«¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 3[3] And the Lord said unto Jacob: ‘Return unto :Cn«¨ Ú¦ ‰−Ȥ‰§ ‡«¤ § Ez®¤ „§Ï© BÓϧ e EÈ˙−¤ B·‡£the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and I ‰‡®¨ Ï¥ ϧ e ÏÁ´¥ ¯¨Ï§ ‡¯−¨˜§ i¦ © ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ ÁÏ´© L§ i¦ © 4will be with thee.’ [4] And Jacob sent and calledRachel and Leah to the field unto his flock, [5] and ÆÈΦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰‡³¤ Ÿ¯ Ô‰¤À Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 5 :B« ‡Ÿˆ-χ¤ ‰„−¤O¨ ‰©said unto them: ‘I see your father’s countenance, ÏŸÓ´ ˙§ k¦ ÈÏ−©‡¥ ep¬¤È‡¥ -Èk«¦ ÔΤ½ È·¦ ‡£ È´¥t§ -˙‡¤that it is not toward me as beforetime; but the ‰¨z−¥ ‡© § 6 :È„«¦n¨ Ú¦ ‰−Ȩ‰¨ È·½¦ ‡¨ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡Â«¥ ÌŸL® ϧ L¦God of my father hath been with me. [6] Andye know that with all my power I have served :ÔΫ¤ È·¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ Èz¦ „§·−© Ú¨ ÈÁ½¦ Ÿk-ÏΨ a§ Èk¦µ Ôz®¤ Ú§ „©È§your father. [7] And your father hath mocked Èz−¦ ¯§kª N§ Ó© -˙‡¤ ÛϬ¦ Á¡ ‰«¤ § Èa½¦ Ï˙¤ ‰´¥ ÆÔΤ È·¦ ‡£ © 7me, and changed my wages ten times; but God Ú¯−©‰¨ ϧ Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ B´˙¨ § -‡ŸÏ« § ÌÈ®¦ŸÓ ˙¯¤N´¤ Ú£ 58 58

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡ˆÈ 31 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 31.8 va-yetse’ ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙suffered him not to hurt me. [8] If he said thus: E¯½¤Î¨ N§ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÆÌÈc¦˜ª§ ¯Ó©À ‡ŸÈ ‰Ÿk´ -̇¦ 8 :È„«¦n¨ Ú¦The speckled shall be thy wages; then all the flockbore speckled; and if he said thus: The streaked ¯Ó©À ‡ŸÈ ‰Ÿk´ -̇¦ § ÌÈc®¦˜ª§ Ô‡Ÿv− ‰© -ÏΨ e„¬Ï§ Ȩ§shall be thy wages; then bore all the flock streaked. Ô‡Ÿv− ‰© -ÏΨ e„¬Ï§ Ȩ§ E¯½¤Î¨ N§ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÆÌÈc¦˜ªÚ£[9] Thus God hath taken away the cattle of your ÌÎ−¤ È·¦ ‡£ ‰¬¥˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ Ìȉ²¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ϯv¥ i©Â© 9 :ÌÈc«¦˜ªÚ£father, and given them to me. [10] And it came ‡O¬¨ ‡¤ ¨ Ô‡Ÿv½ ‰© ÌÁ´¥ È© Æ˙Ú¥ a§ ȉÀ¦ ȧ © 10 :ÈÏ«¦ -Ôz¤ i¦ ©to pass at the time that the flock conceived, thatI lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a dream, and, ÌÈÏ´¦ ŸÚ‰¨ ÆÌÈ„¦zª Ú© ‰«¨ ‰³p¥‰¦ § ÌBÏ® Á£ a© ‡¯¤‡−¥ ¨ Ȳ©ÈÚ¥behold, the he-goats which leaped upon the flock :ÌÈc«¦¯ª·§ e ÌÈc−¦˜ª§ ÌÈc¬¦˜ªÚ£ Ô‡Ÿv½ ‰© -ÏÚ©were streaked, speckled, and grizzled. [11] And ÌBÏ− Á£ a© Ìȉ²¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ C‡¯© ϧ Ó© ÈÏ©¹ ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 11the angel of God said unto me in the dream:Jacob; and I said: Here am I. [12] And he said: Eȳ¤ÈÚ¥ ‡¨¸-‡N¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 12 :È¦«p¥‰¦ ¯Ó−© Ÿ‡Â¨ ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È«©Lift up now thine eyes, and see, all the he-goats Ô‡Ÿv½ ‰© -ÏÚ© ÌÈÏ´¦ ŸÚ‰¨ ÆÌÈ„¦zª Ú© ‰«¨ -Ïk¨ Ɖ‡¥ ¯§ewhich leap upon the flock are streaked, speckled, ˙²‡¥ È˙¦ ȇ½¦ ¯¨ Èk´¦ ÌÈc®¦¯ª·§ e ÌÈc−¦˜ª§ ÌÈc¬¦˜ªÚ£and grizzled; for I have seen all that Laban doethunto thee. [13] I am the God of Beth-el, where Æχ¥ ‰¨ Èγ¦ Ÿ‡¨ 13 :Cl«¨ ‰N¤ ŸÚ¬ Ô·−¨ Ϩ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨thou didst anoint a pillar, where thou didst vow ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰·¨½ v¥ Ó© ÆÌM¨ z¨ Á§ L³© Ó¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ χ¥½ -˙Èa«¥a vow unto Me. Now arise, get thee out from this ı¯¤‡´¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ Ƈˆ¥ Ìe˜¬ ‰z¨À Ú© ¯„¤®¤ ÌL−¨ Èl²¦ z¨ ¯§„¬©¨land, and return unto the land of thy nativity.’[14] And Rachel and Leah answered and said ÔÚ© z³© © 14 :Ez«¤ „§Ï© BÓ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -χ¤ ·eL− § ˙‡Ÿf½‰©unto him: ‘Is there yet any portion or inheritance ˜Ï¤ ¬Á¥ e²Ï¨ „BÚ¬ ‰© BÏ® ‰¨¯§Ó−© ‡Ÿz© ‰‡¨½ Ï¥ § ÆÏÁ¥ ¯¨for us in our father’s house? [15] Are we not ˙Bi²¯¦Î§ ¨ ‡Bϯ ‰£ 15 :eÈ·«¦ ‡¨ ˙Ȭ·¥ a§ ‰Ï−¨ Á£ ©Â§accounted by him strangers? for he hath sold us,and hath also quite devoured our price. [16] For ÏBÎ− ‡¨ -Ìb© ÏΩ ‡Ÿi¬Â© e¯®¨Î¨ Ó§ Èk´¦ BÏ− e·§ ¬L© Á§ ¤all the riches which God hath taken away from ÏÈv³¦ ‰¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ¯L¤ ŸÚÀ ‰¨ -ÏΨ Èk´¦ 16 :et«¥ Ò§ k©-˙‡¤our father, that is ours and our children’s. Now ‰z¨À Ú© § eÈ®¥·¨ ϧ e ‡e‰− e¬Ï¨ eÈ·½¦ ‡¨ Ó«¥ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡then, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do.’ :‰N«¥ Ú£ EÈÏ−¤‡¥ Ìȉ²¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ¯Ó¯© ‡¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÁÏŸk[17] Then Jacob rose up, and set his sons andhis wives upon the camels; [18] and he carried ÂÈL−¨ ¨-˙‡¤ § ÂȬ¨a¨-˙‡¤ ‡O²¨ i¦Â© ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È© ̘¨−i¨Â© 17away all his cattle, and all his substance which he e‰¥À˜§ Ó¦ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ ‚‰´© § i¦Â© 18 :ÌÈl«¦ Ó© b§ ‰© -ÏÚ©had gathered, the cattle of his getting, which he B½ Ȩ§ ˜¦ Ɖ¥˜§ Ó¦ LΨ½ ¯¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆBLΪ ¯§-Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ §had gathered in Paddan-aram, to go to Isaac hisfather unto the land of Canaan. [19] Now Laban ˜Á¬¨ ˆ§ Ȧ -χ¤ ‡B·² Ϩ ̯®¨‡£ Ôc´©Ù© a§ LÎ−© ¯¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£was gone to shear his sheep. And Rachel stole the ÊŸÊ−‚§ Ϧ CÏ©½ ‰¨ Ô·´¨ Ϩ § 19 :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡¬© ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨teraphim that were her father’s. [20] And Jacob ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌÈÙ−¦ ¯¨z§ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÏÁ¥½ ¯¨ ·Ÿ´‚§ z¦ © B®‡Ÿˆ-˙‡¤outwitted Laban the Aramean, in that he toldhim not that he fled. [21] So he fled with all that Ô·−¨ Ϩ ·¬Ï¥ -˙‡¤ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ ·Ÿ´‚§ i¦ © 20 :‰¨ È·«¦ ‡¨ ϧhe had; and he rose up, and passed over the :‡e‰« Á©¯−¥Ÿ· Ȭk¦ BϽ „È´b¦ ‰¦ ÆÈϦ a§ -ÏÚ© Èn®¦ ¯©‡£ ‰¨River, and set his face toward the mountain of ¯Ÿ·´ Ú£i©Â© ̘¨−i¨Â© BϽ -¯L¤ ‡£ -ÏΨ § Ƈe‰ Á¯¬©·§ i¦ © 21Gilead. :„Ú«¨ ϧ b¦ ‰© ¯¬‰© ÂÈ−¨t¨ -˙‡¤ ÌN¤ ¬i¨Â© ¯®‰¨ p¨‰© -˙‡¤ [22] And it was told Laban on the third daythat Jacob was fled. [23] And he took his brethren Á¯−©·¨ Ȭk¦ ÈL®¦ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© Ô·−¨ Ϩ ϧ „¬b©iªÂ© 22with him, and pursued after him seven days’ ÛŸc´¯§i¦ © Bn½ Ú¦ ÆÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ Áw³©i¦ © 23 :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩ That is, the Euphrates. 59 59

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡ˆÈ 31 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 31.24 va-yetse’ ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙journey; and he overtook him in the mountain ¯¬‰© a§ B˙− Ÿ‡ ˜¬a¥ „§i©Â© ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ C¯¤c−¤ Âȯ½¨Á£ ‡©of Gilead. [24] And God came to Laban theAramean in a dream of the night, and said unto Èn−¦ ¯©‡£ ‰¨ Ô·¬¨ Ϩ -χ¤ Ìȉ²¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‡Ÿ·¯ i¨Â© 24 :„Ú«¨ ϧ b¦ ‰©him: ‘Take heed to thyself that thou speak not E² ϧ ¯Ó¤ M¯¨ ‰¦ BÏÀ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ‰Ï¨ ȧ®l¨ ‰© ÌŸÏ´ Á£ a©to Jacob either good or bad.’ [25] And Laban :Ú¯«¨-„Ú© ·Bh¬ Ó¦ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ-ÌÚ«¦ ¯¬a¥ „©z§ -Ôt¤came up with Jacob. Now Jacob had pitched -˙‡«¤ Ú˜³©z¨ ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩ§ ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È©-˙‡«¤ Ô·−¨ Ϩ ‚¬O¥ i©Â© 25his tent in the mountain; and Laban with hisbrethren pitched in the mountain of Gilead. ¯¬‰© a§ ÂÈÁ−¨ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ Ú˜¬©z¨ Ô·²¨ Ϩ § ¯‰¨½ a¨ ÆBω¢ ‡¨[26] And Laban said to Jacob: ‘What hast thoudone, that thou hast outwitted me, and carried ˙¨ ÈN¦½ Ú¨ ‰Ó´¤ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩϧ ÆÔ·¨ Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 26 :„Ú«¨ ϧ b¦ ‰©away my daughters as though captives of the È˙©½ Ÿa§ -˙‡¤ Æ‚‰¥ ©z§ © È·®¦ ·¨ ϧ -˙‡¤ ·Ÿ−‚§ z¦ ©sword? [27] Wherefore didst thou flee secretly,and outwit me; and didst not tell me, that I might Á©Ÿ¯½ ·§ Ϧ Æ˙¨ ‡a¥Æ Á§ © ‰n¨ ϳ¨ 27 :·¯¤Á«¨ ˙BÈ−·ª L§ k¦have sent thee away with mirth and with songs, E² Á£ l¥ L© ‡£ «¨ Èl¦½ z¨ „§´b©‰¦ -‡ŸÏ§ È˙®¦ Ÿ‡ ·Ÿ−‚§ z¦ ©with tabret and with harp; [28] and didst not ‡ŸÏ´ § 28 :¯Bp« Φ ·§ e ÛŸ˙¬ a§ Ìȯ−¦L¦ ·§ e ‰Á¬¨ Ó§ N¦ a§suffer me to kiss my sons and my daughters?now hast thou done foolishly. [29] It is in the ‰z−¨ Ú© È˙®¨ Ÿ·§ Ϧ § È−©·¨ ϧ ˜¬M¥ ©Ï§ È¦ z©½ L§ Ë© §power of my hand to do you hurt; but the God ˙BN¬ ڣϩ È„½¦È¨ χ´¥ ϧ -LȤ 29 :BN« Ú£ z«¨ ϧ ¬k© Ò§ ‰¦of your father spoke unto me yesternight, saying:Take heed to thyself that thou speak not to Jacob ¯Ó¯© ‡¨ | LÓ¤ ‡´¤ ÌΤ¹ È·¦ ‡£ ȉ¥¸ ŸÏ‡Â«¥ Ú¯®¨ ÌÎ−¤ n¨ Ú¦either good or bad. [30] And now that thou art ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ-ÌÚ«¦ ¯¬a¥ c©Ó¦ E² ϧ ¯Ó¤ M¯¨ ‰¦ ¯ŸÓÀ ‡Ï¥ ÈÏ´©‡¥surely gone, because thou sore longest after -Èk«¦ z¨ Χ Ï©½ ‰¨ CŸÏ´ ‰¨ Ɖz¨ Ú© § 30 :Ú¯«¨-„Ú© ·Bh¬ Ó¦thy father’s house, wherefore hast thou stolenmy gods?’ [31] And Jacob answered and said to z¨ ·§ −©‚¨ ‰n¨ ¬Ï¨ EÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ˙È´·¥ ϧ ‰z¨ Ù§ Ò−© Χ ¦ ÛŸÒ¬ Χ ¦Laban: ‘Because I was afraid; for I said: Lest thou Èk´¦ Ô·®¨ Ϩ ϧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ·Ÿ˜− ڣȩ ÔÚ© ¬i©Â© 31 :ȉ«¨ ŸÏ‡¡ -˙‡¤shouldest take thy daughters from me by force.[32] With whomsoever thou findest thy gods, he EÈ˙−¤ Ba§ -˙‡¤ ϟʬ‚§ z¦ -Ôt¤ Èz¦ ¯§Ó©½ ‡¨ Èk´¦ È˙¦ ‡¯½¥È¨shall not live; before our brethren discern thou »Eȉ¤ŸÏ‡¡ -˙‡¤ ‡´ˆ¨ Ó§ z¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌÚ¦ Â32 :Èn«¦ Ú¦ Ó¥what is thine with me, and take it to thee.’—For È„−¦n¨ Ú¦ ‰Ó¬¨ E² ϧ -¯k¤ ‰«© eÈÁ¯¥ ‡© „‚¤´¤ ¼‰È¤Á§ È«¦ ‡ŸÏ´Jacob knew not that Rachel had stolen them.—[33] And Laban went into Jacob’s tent, and into :Ì˙© ·«¨ ¨b§ ÏÁ−¥ ¯¨ Ȭk¦ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ Ú„´©È¨-‡ŸÏ« § C®Ï¨ -Á˜«©Â§Leah’s tent, and into the tent of the two maid- ‰‡¨À Ï¥ ω¤ Ÿ‡´ ·§ e | ·Ÿ˜´ ڣȩ ω¤ Ÿ‡¬ a§ Ô·¨¹ Ϩ ‡Ÿ·¸ i¨Â© 33servants; but he found them not. And he wentout of Leah’s tent, and entered into Rachel’s Ƈˆ¥ i¥Â© ‡®ˆ¨ Ó¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § ˙Ÿ‰− Ó¨ ‡£ ‰¨ Èz¬¥ L§ ω¤ Ÿ‡² ·§ etent. [34] Now Rachel had taken the teraphim, ÏÁº¥ ¯¨Â§ 34 :ÏÁ«¥ ¯¨ ω¤ Ÿ‡¬ a§ ‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© ‰‡¨½ Ï¥ ω¤ Ÿ‡´ Ó¥and put them in the saddle of the camel, and sat Ï−Ó¨ b¨‰© ¯¬Î© a§ ̲ӥ N¦ z§ © ÌÈÙÀ¦ ¯¨z§ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰Á´¨ ˜§ Ϩupon them. And Laban felt about all the tent,but found them not. [35] And she said to her -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ Ô·²¨ Ϩ L¬M¥ Ó© ȧ © Ì®‰¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ·L¤ z´¥ ©father: ‘Let not my lord be angry that I cannot ‰¨ È·À¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz´ © 35 :‡ˆ«¨ Ó¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ω¤ Ÿ‡− ‰¨rise up before thee; for the manner of women isupon me.’ And he searched, but found not the Ìe˜´ Ϩ ÆÏΩ e‡ ‡Bϳ Èk´¦ È½¦Ÿ„‡£ È´¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ƯÁ© ÈƦ -χ©teraphim. [36] And Jacob was wroth, and strove ‡ˆ−¨ Ó¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ § Nt¥¾ Á© ȧ© ÈÏ®¦ ÌÈL−¦ ¨ C¯¤„¬¤-Èk¦ EÈ¤½ t¨ Ó¦with Laban. And Jacob answered and said to Ô·®¨ Ϩ a§ ·¯¤´i¨Â© ·Ÿ˜− ڣȩϧ ¯Á© ¬i¦Â© 36 :ÌÈÙ«¦ ¯¨z§ ‰© -˙‡¤Laban: ‘What is my trespass? what is my sin, thatthou hast hotly pursued after me? [37] Whereas ‰Ó´© ÆÈÚ¦ L§ t¦ -‰Ó© Ô·¨½ Ϩ ϧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© ÔÚ© ³i©Â©thou hast felt about all my stuff, what hast thou z¨ L§ M´© Ó¦ -Èk«¦ 37 :ȯ«¨Á£ ‡© z¨ ˜§ Ï−© „¨ Ȭk¦ È˙½¦ ‡h¨ Á© 60 60

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡ˆÈ 31 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 31.38 va-yetse’ ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙found of all thy household stuff? Set it here before E˙¤½ È·¥-ÈÏ¥ k§ ÏŸk´ Ó¦ Æ˙¨ ‡ˆ¨Æ n¨ -‰Ó© ÈÏ©À k¥-Ïk¨ -˙‡¤my brethren and thy brethren, that they mayjudge betwixt us two. [38] These twenty years ÔȬa¥ eÁÈÎ−¦ Bȧ EÈÁ®¤ ‡© § ÈÁ−© ‡© „‚¤¬¤ ‰Ÿk½ ÌÈN´¦have I been with thee; thy ewes and thy she-goats Cn¨½ Ú¦ ÆÈΦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰³¨L¨ Ìȯ¸¦N§ Ú¤ Á‰Ê¤ 38 :eÈ«¥L§have not cast their young, and the rams of thy ‡ŸÏ¬ E− § ‡Ÿˆ Ȭϥ ȇ¥ § eÏ®k¥ L¦ ‡ŸÏ´ EÈ−f¤Ú¦ § EȬϤ Á¥ ¯§flocks have I not eaten. [39] That which was tornof beasts I brought not unto thee; I bore the loss Èδ¦ Ÿ‡¨ EÈϤ½ ‡¥ È˙¦ ‡´·¥ ‰¥ -‡ŸÏ Ɖ٨ ¯¥Ë§ 39 :Èz¦ ϧ Ϋ¨ ‡¨of it; of my hand didst thou require it, whether È˙−¦ ·§ «ª‚§ e ÌBȽ È˙´¦ ·§ «ªb§ ‰p¨L®¤ ˜§ ·© z§ È„−¦i¨Ó¦ ‰p¨h¤½ Á© ‡£stolen by day or stolen by night. [40] Thus I was: Á¯©˜´¤Â§ ·¯¤ŸÁ− È¦ ¬Ï© Ψ ‡£ ÌBi²·© È˙¦ Èȯ¦‰¨ 40 :‰Ï¨ ȧϫ¨in the day the drought consumed me, and the Èl¦º-‰Ê¤ 41 :È«¨ÈÚ¥ Ó«¥ È˙−¦ ¨L§ „c¬©z¦ © ‰Ï¨ ȧ®l¨ a©frost by night; and my sleep fled from mineeyes. [41] These twenty years have I been in thy -Úa«© ¯§‡© EÈz¹¦ „§·© Ú£ ¼E˙¤ È·¥ a§ »‰¨L¨ Ìȯ´¦N§ Ú¤house: I served thee fourteen years for thy two ÌÈ−¦ L¨ L¬L¥ § EÈ˙¤½ Ÿ·§ Èz´¥ L§ a¦ Ɖ¨L¨ ‰¯³¥N§ Ú¤daughters, and six years for thy flock; and thouhast changed my wages ten times. [42] Except ˙¯¤¬N¤ Ú£ Èz−¦ ¯§kª N§ Ó© -˙‡¤ ۬ϥ Á£ z© © E®¤‡Ÿˆa§the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and ̉¨¹ ¯¨·§ ‡© ȉ¥¸ ŸÏ‡¡ ÁÈ·¦ ‡¨ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡ ÈÏ¥¿ eÏ 42 :ÌÈ«¦ŸÓthe Fear of Isaac, had been on my side, surely ̘´¨È¯¥ ‰z−¨ Ú© Ȭk¦ ÈϦ½ ‰È¨‰´¨ ƘÁ¨ ˆ§ Ȧ „Á© ³Ù© enow hadst thou sent me away empty. God hathseen mine affliction and the labour of my hands, ‰‡¬¨ ¯¨ Ȳt© k© کȯ‚¦ ȧ -˙‡¤ § ÈȺ¦ § Ú¨ -˙‡¤ È¦ z®¨ Á§ l© L¦and gave judgment yesternight.’ [43] And Laban ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© Ô·¨¹ Ϩ ÔÚ© i©¸Â© 43 :LÓ¤ ‡«¨ ÁΩ Bi¬Â© Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡answered and said unto Jacob: ‘The daughters are ÆÈ©a¨ Ìȳ¦ a¨ ‰© § È˙©¹ Ÿa§ ˙B¸ a¨ ‰© ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩ-χ«¤my daughters, and the children are my children,and the flocks are my flocks, and all that thou -ÈϦ ‰‡−¤ Ÿ¯ ‰z¬¨ ‡© -¯L¤ ‡£ ϟβ § È½¦ ‡Ÿˆ Ô‡Ÿv´ ‰© §seest is mine; and what can I do this day for these B‡¬ ÌBi½‰© Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ Ϩ ‰N³¤ Ú¡‡«¤ -‰Ó«¨ È˙º© Ÿ·§ Ϧ § ‡e‰®my daughters, or for their children whom they ‰˙¬¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ ‰²Î¨ ϧ ‰z¨À Ú© § 44 :e„Ï«¨ Ȩ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ô‰−¤ È¥·§ Ϧhave borne? [44] And now come, let us make acovenant, I and thou; and let it be for a witness :E«¤È·¥ e Ȭ¦ Èa¥ „Ú−¥ ϧ ‰¬È¨‰¨ § ‰z¨ ‡®¨ ¨ È´¦ ‡£ ˙ȯ−¦·§between me and thee.’ [45] And Jacob took a :‰·«¨ v¥ Ó© ‰¨ Ó−¤ ȯ¦È§ © Ô·¤ ‡®¨ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ Áw¬©i¦ © 45stone, and set it up for a pillar. [46] And Jacob eÁ¬ ˜§ i¦ © ÌÈ½¦ ·¨ ‡£ eË´ ˜§ Ϧ ÆÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤ ϧ ·Ÿ˜³ ڣȩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 46said unto his brethren: ‘Gather stones’; and theytook stones, and made a heap. And they did eat :Ï«b¨‰© -ÏÚ© ÌL−¨ eÏΧ ‡Ÿi¬Â© Ï®‚¨-eNÚ£i«©Â© ÌÈ−¦ ·¨ ‡£there by the heap. [47] And Laban called it Jegar- ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȫ©Â§ ‡˙®¨ e„‰£ N¨ ¯−‚©È§ Ô·¨½ Ϩ BÏ´ -‡¯¨˜§ i¦Â© 47sahadutha; but Jacob called it bGaleed. [48] And ‰¬f¤‰© Ïb©¸ ‰© Ô·¨½ Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 48 :„Ú«¥ ϧ b© BÏ− ‡¯¨˜¬¨Laban said: ‘This heap is witness between meand thee this day.’ Therefore was the name of it BÓ− L§ -‡¯¨˜¨ Ôk¬¥-ÏÚ© ÌBi®‰© E− § È·¥ e Ȭ¦ Èa¥ „²Ú¥called Galeed; [49] and cMizpah, for he said: ‘The ‰−¨‰È§ Ûˆ¤ ¬È¦ ¯Ó©½ ‡¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ɖt¨ ˆ§ n¦ ‰© § 49 :„Ú«¥ ϧ b©Lord watch between me and thee, when we are -̇¦ 50 :e‰Ú«¥ ¯¥Ó¥ Lȇ¬¦ ¯˙−¥ q¨ ¦ Ȭk¦ E®¤È·¥ e È´¦ Èa¥absent one from another. [50] If thou shalt afflictmy daughters, and if thou shalt take wives beside -ÏÚ© ÆÌÈL¦ ¨ Áw³©z¦ -̇¦ § È˙©À Ÿa§ -˙‡¤ ‰´p¤Ú© z§my daughters, no man being with us; see, God „Ú−¥ Ìȉ¬¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰‡¥¾ ¯§ en®¨ Ú¦ Lȇ−¦ ÔȬ‡¥ È˙©½ Ÿa§is witness betwixt me and thee.’ [51] And Laban | ‰´p¥‰¦ ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È©Ï§ Ô·−¨ Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 51 :E«¤È·¥ e Ȭ¦ Èa¥said to Jacob: ‘Behold this heap, and beholdthe pillar, which I have set up betwixt me and Ȭ¦ Èa¥ È˙¦ ȯ−¦È¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰·¨½ v¥ Ó© ‰© Ɖp¥‰¦ § ‰f¤À‰© Ï´b©‰©thee. [52] This heap be witness, and the pillar ‰®·¨ v¥ n© ‰© ‰„−¨Ú¥ § ‰f¤½ ‰© Ï´b©‰© „Ú¥µ52 :E«¤È·¥ e That is, The heap of witness, in Aramaic. b That is, The heap of witness, in Hebrew. c That is, The watch-post. 61 61

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡ˆÈ 31 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 31.53 va-yetse’ ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙be witness, that I will not pass over this heap to ‰f¤½ ‰© Ï´b©‰© -˙‡¤ ÆEÈÏ¤Æ ‡¥ ¯Ÿ·³ Ú¡ ‡«¤ -‡ŸÏ« È¦ ‡¨À -̇¦thee, and that thou shalt not pass over this heapand this pillar unto me, for harm. [53] The God ‰²f¤‰© Ϭb©‰© -˙‡¤ ÈÏ©¹‡¥ ¯Ÿ·¸ Ú£˙© -‡ŸÏ ‰z¨ ‡© Â-̇¦ §of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the God of ȉ¥¸ ŸÏ‡¡ 53 :‰Ú«¨ ¯¨Ï§ ˙‡Ÿf−‰© ‰¬·¨ v¥ n© ‰© -˙‡¤ §their father, judge betwixt us.’ And Jacob swore ȉ−¥ŸÏ‡¡ eÈ¥½ È·¥ eË´ t§ L§ Ȧ ƯBÁ¨ ȳ‰¥ŸÏ‡Â«¥ ̉¨¹ ¯¨·§ ‡©by the Fear of his father Isaac. [54] And Jacob :˜Á«¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ÂȬ·¦ ‡¨ „Á© Ù−© a§ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ Ú´·© M¨ i¦ © Ì®‰¤ È·¦ ‡£offered a sacrifice in the mountain, and called hisbrethren to eat bread; and they did eat bread, and ÂÈÁ−¨ ‡¤ ϧ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ © ¯‰¨½ a¨ ÆÁ·© ÊƤ ·Ÿ˜¬Ú£È© Áa©¸ ʧi¦ © 54tarried all night in the mountain. :¯‰«¨ a¨ eÈÏ−¦ i¨Â© ÌÁ¤ Ϥ½ eÏΧ ‡Ÿi´Â© ÌÁ¤ ®Ï¨ -ÏΨ ‡¡ Ϥ32 and kissed his sons and his daughters,and blessed them. And Laban departed, andreturned unto his place. [2] And Jacob went on32AndearlyinthemorningLabanroseup, ÂȲ¨·¨ ϧ ˜M¯¥ ©È§ © ¯˜¤ŸaÀ a© Ô·¨¹ Ϩ Ìk¥¸ L§ i©Â© Ô·−¨ Ϩ ·L¨ ¬i¨Â© CϤ ²i¥Â© Ì®‰¤ ˙§ ‡¤ C¯¤´·¨ ȧ© ÂÈ˙−¨ B·§ Ϧ § B·−-eÚb§ Ù§ i¦Â© Bk® ¯§„©Ï§ CÏ´© ‰¨ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ§ 2 :BÓ« Ÿ˜Ó§ Ϧhis way, and the angels of God met him. [3] And ¯L´¤ ‡£ k© Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 3 :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ȬΥ ‡£ ϧ Ó©Jacob said when he saw them: ‘This is God’scamp.’ And he called the name of that place -ÌL«¥ ‡¯²¨˜§ i¦ © ‰®Ê¤ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬¥Á£ Ó© ̇¨½ ¯¨Mahanaim. Ù :ÌȦ«¨Á£ Ó«© ‡e‰− ‰© ÌB˜¬n¨ ‰©va-yishlah ÁÏ˘ÈÂ[4] And Jacob sent messengers before him ÂN−¨ Ú¥ -χ¤ ÂÈ¨½ Ù¨ ϧ ÆÌÈΦ ‡¨ ϧ Ó© ·Ÿ˜³Ú£È© ÁÏ©¸ L§ i¦ © 4to Esau his brother unto the land of Seir, the field ³ˆ© ȧ © 5 :ÌB„«‡¡ ‰„¬¥N§ ¯ÈÚ−¦ N¥ ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡¬© ÂÈÁ®¦ ‡¨of Edom. [5] And he commanded them, saying: ÂN®¨ Ú¥ ϧ È−¦Ÿ„‡Ï«© Ôe¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿ˙ ‰Ÿk´ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡‘Thus shall ye say unto my lord Esau: Thus saiththy servant Jacob: I have sojourned with Laban, ¯Á−© ‡¥ ¨ Èz¦ ¯§b©½ Ô·´¨ Ϩ -ÌÚ¦ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ E´ c§·§ Ú© Ưө ‡¨ ‰Ÿk³and stayed until now. [6] And I have oxen, and Ô‡Ÿˆ− ¯BÓ½ Á£ © ¯BL´ ÆÈϦ -ȉ¦ ȧ «© 6 :‰z¨ Ú«¨ -„Ú©asses and flocks, and men-servants and maid- È½¦Ÿ„‡Ï«© „È´b¦ ‰© ϧ ƉÁ¨ ϧ L§ ‡¤ «¨ ‰Á®¨ Ù§ L¦ § „·¤ ´Ú¤ §servants; and I have sent to tell my lord, that I mayfind favour in thy sight.’ [7] And the messengers ÌÈν¦ ‡¨ ϧ n© ‰© Æe·LªÆ i¨Â© 7 :EÈ«¤ÈÚ¥ a§ ÔÁ−¥ -‡ŸˆÓ§ Ϧreturned to Jacob, saying: ‘We came to thy brother ÂN¨½ Ú¥ -χ¤ ÆEÈÁƦ ‡¨ -χ¤ e‡³a¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ-χ«¤Esau, and moreover he cometh to meet thee, and Lȇ−¦ ˙B‡¬ Ó¥ -Úa© ¯§‡© § E½ ˙§ ‡¯«¨˜§ Ϧ C´Ï¥Ÿ‰ ÆÌ‚©Â§four hundred men with him.’ [8] Then Jacob wasgreatly afraid and was distressed. And he divided ıÁ© i©¹Â© BÏ® ¯ˆ¤ ´i¥Â© „Ÿ‡− Ó§ ·Ÿ˜²Ú£È© ‡¯¯¨Èi¦Â© 8 :Bn« Ú¦the people that was with him, and the flocks, -˙‡¤ § Ô‡Ÿv¯ ‰© -˙‡¤ § BzÀ ‡¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÌÚ´¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤and the herds, and the camels, into two camps. ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 9 :˙B« Á£ Ó© Ȭ¥L§ Ϧ ÌÈl−¦ Ó© b§ ‰© § ¯˜²¨a¨ ‰©[9] And he said: ‘If Esau come to the one camp,and smite it, then the camp which is left shall e‰®k¨ ‰¦ § ˙Á−© ‡© ‰¨ ‰¬¤Á£ n© ‰© -χ¤ ÂN²¨ Ú¥ ‡B·¬ Ȩ-̇¦escape.’ [10] And Jacob said: ‘O God of my father »¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi© 10 :‰Ë«¨ ÈÏ¥ Ù§ Ϧ ¯‡−¨ L§ p¦ ‰© ‰¬¤Á£ n© ‰© ‰²È¨‰¨ §Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, O Lord, È·´¦ ‡¨ ȉ−¥ŸÏ‡Â¥ ̉¨½ ¯¨·§ ‡© È·´¦ ‡¨ Æȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ¼·Ÿ˜Ú£È©who saidst unto me: Return unto thy country, E² ˆ§ ¯§‡© ϧ ·eL¯ ÈÏ©À‡¥ ¯Ó´¥ Ÿ‡‰¨ ‰Âº¨‰È§ ˜Á®¨ ˆ§ Ȧand to thy kindred, and I will do thee good; [11] Iam not worthy of all the mercies, and of all the ÏŸk³ Ó¦ Èz¦ §ŸË¹ ˜¨ 11 :Cn«¨ Ú¦ ‰·¨ Èˬ¦ ȇ¥ § E− z§ „§Ï© BÓϧ etruth, which Thou hast shown unto Thy servant; -˙‡¤ ˙¨ ÈN−¦ Ú¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙Ó¤½ ‡¡ ‰´¨ -Ïk¨ Ó¦ e ÆÌÈ„¦Ò¨ Á£ ‰© That is, Two camps. 62 62

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘È 32 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 32.12 va-yishlah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and ‰f¤½ ‰© Ôc´¥¯§i©‰© -˙‡¤ ÆÈz¦ ¯§·©Æ Ú¨ ÈϦÀ ˜§ Ó© ·§ Èk´¦ Ec®¤·§ Ú©now I am become two camps. [12] Deliver me,I pray Thee, from the hand of my brother, from ‡²¨ È¦¬Ï¥ Èv¦ ‰© 12 :˙B« Á£ Ó© Ȭ¥L§ Ϧ È˙¦ ÈÈ−¦‰¨ ‰z¬¨ Ú© §the hand of Esau; for I fear him, lest he come B˙½ Ÿ‡ ÆÈΦ Ÿ‡¨ ‡¯³¥È¨-Èk«¦ ÂN®¨ Ú¥ „´i©Ó¦ ÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ „¬i©Ó¦and smite me, the mother with the children. ‰z´¨ ‡© § 13 :ÌÈ«¦ a¨-ÏÚ© ̇−¥ È¦ k©½ ‰¦ § ‡B·´ Ȩ-Ôt¤[13] And Thou saidst: I will surely do thee good, -˙‡«¤ Èz³¦ Ó§ N© § Cn®¨ Ú¦ ·ÈË−¦ ȇ¥ ·¬Ë¥ ȉ¥ z¨ ¯§Ó©½ ‡¨and make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which :·Ÿ¯«Ó¥ ¯Ù−¥ q¨ Ȧ-‡ŸÏ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ìi¨½‰© ÏBÁ´ k§ ÆEÚ£¯§Ê©cannot be numbered for multitude.’ [14] And he ‡¯a¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Áwº©i¦Â© ‡e‰® ‰© ‰Ï¨ ȧl´© a© ÌL−¨ ÔϤ ¬i¨Â© 14lodged there that night; and took of that whichhe had with him a present for Esau his brother: ÌȦ ˙©½ ‡Ó¨ ÌÈf´¦Ú¦ 15 :ÂÈÁ«¦ ‡¨ ÂN¬¨ Ú¥ ϧ ‰Á−¨ § Ó¦ B„²È¨·§[15] two hundred she-goats and twenty he-goats, ÌÈϬ¦ ȇ¥ § ÌȦ˙−© ‡Ó¨ ÌÈϬ¦ Á¥ ¯§ Ìȯ®¦N§ Ú¤ ÌÈL−¦ Ȩ˙§ etwo hundred ewes and twenty rams, [16] thirty ̉−¤ È¥·§ e ˙B˜²È¦ ÈÓ¥ ÌÈl¯¦ Ó© b§ 16 :Ìȯ«¦N§ Ú¤milch camels and their colts, forty kine and tenbulls, twenty she-asses and ten foals. [17] And ‰¯½¨N¨ Ú£ Ìȯ´¦Ù¨ e ÆÌÈÚ¦ a¨ ¯§‡© ˙B¯³t¨ ÌÈL®¦ ŸÏL§he delivered them into the hand of his servants,every drove by itself; and said unto his servants: ÆÔz¥ i¦ © 17 :‰¯«¨N¨ Ú£ ̯−¦È¨Ú§ © Ìȯ½¦N§ Ú¤ ˙Ÿ´Ÿ˙‡£‘Pass over before me, and put a space betwixt -χ¤ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© Bc®·© ϧ ¯„¤Ú−¥ ¯„¤¬Ú¥ ÂÈ„½¨·¨ Ú£-„È©a§drove and drove.’ [18] And he commanded ¯„¤Ú−¥ ÔȬa¥ eÓÈN¦½ z¨ Á©¯´¤Â§ È©½ Ù¨ ϧ e¯´·§ Ú¦ ÆÂÈ„¨·¨ Ú£the foremost, saying: ‘When Esau my brothermeeteth thee, and asketh thee, saying: Whose Èk´¦ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ÔBL− ‡¯¦‰¨ -˙‡¤ ¬ˆ© ȧ© 18 :¯„¤Ú«¥ ÔȬ·¥ eart thou? and whither goest thou? and whose are -ÈÓ¦ ϧ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆEϧ ‡«¥ L§ ¦ ÈÁÀ¦ ‡¨ ÂN´¨ Ú¥ Eº L§ b¨Ù§ È«¦these before thee? [19] then thou shalt say: They :EÈ«¤Ù¨ ϧ ‰l¤ ¬‡¥ ÈÓ−¦ ϧ e CÏ¥½ ˙¥ ‰¨‡´¨ § Ɖz¨ ‡Æ©are thy servant Jacob’s; it is a present sent unto Ƈ‰¦ ‰Á¬¨ § Ó¦ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩϧ E´ c§·§ Ú© ϧ Æz¨ ¯§Ó© ‡«¨ § 19my lord, even unto Esau; and, behold, he alsois behind us.’ [20] And he commanded also the ‡e‰− -Ì‚© ‰¬p¥‰¦ § ÂN®¨ Ú¥ ϧ È−¦Ÿ„‡Ï«© ‰Á¨½ eÏL§second, and the third, and all that followed the -˙‡¤ Ìb©µ ÈÀ¦ M¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ Ì´b© ˆº© ȧ © 20 :eȯ«¥Á£ ‡©droves, saying: ‘In this manner shall ye speak ȯ¬¥Á£ ‡© ÌÈν¦ ϧ Ÿ‰´ ‰© -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ Ìb©µ ÈL¦½ ÈϦ M§ ‰©unto Esau, when ye find him; [21] and ye shallsay: Moreover, behold, thy servant Jacob is -χ¤ Ôe¯´a§ „©z§ Ɖf¤‰© ¯³·¨ c¨k© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ Ìȯ−¦„¨Ú£‰¨behind us.’ For he said: ‘I will appease him with ‰²p¥‰¦ Ìb©À Ìz¤¾ ¯§Ó© ‡£ © 21 :B˙« Ÿ‡ ÌÎ−¤ ‡£ ˆ© ŸÓa§ ÂN¨½ Ú¥the present that goeth before me, and afterward I ÂÈ¨ÀÙ¨ ‰¯´¨t§ Ω ‡£ ¯Óº© ‡¨ -Èk«¦ eȯ®¥Á£ ‡© ·Ÿ˜− ڣȩ E¬ c§·§ Ú©will see his face; peradventure he will accept me.’[22] So the present passed over before him; and ‰‡´¤ ¯§‡¤ ÆÔÎ¥-ȯ¥Á£ ‡© § È¨½ Ù¨ ϧ ˙Τ ´Ï¤Ÿ‰‰© ƉÁ¨ § n¦ a©he himself lodged that night in the camp. ‰Á−¨ § n¦ ‰© ¯Ÿ·¬ Ú£z© © 22 :È«¨Ù¨ ‡O¬¨ Ȧ ÈÏ−© e‡ ÂÈ¨½ Ù¨[23] And he rose up that night, and took :‰«¤Á£ n© a«© ‡e‰− ‰© -‰Ï¨ ȧ l«© a© ԬϨ ‡e‰² § ÂÈ®¨t¨ -ÏÚ©his two wives, and his two handmaids, and hiseleven children, and passed over the ford of the ÆÂÈL¨ ¨ Èz³¥ L§ -˙‡¤ Áwº©i¦ © ‡e‰À ‰Ï¨ ȧl´© a© | ̘¨´i¨Â© 23Jabbok. [24] And he took them, and sent them ¯N−¨ Ú¨ „Á¬© ‡© -˙‡¤ § ÂÈ˙¨½ ŸÁÙ§ L¦ Èz´¥ L§ -˙‡¤ §over the stream, and sent over that which he had. ÌÁ¥½ w¨ i¦ © 24 :˜Ÿa« È© ¯¬·© Ú£Ó© ˙‡−¥ ¯Ÿ·½ Ú£i©Â«© ÂÈ„®¨Ï¨ ȧ[25] And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled :BÏ-¯L¤ ‡£ -˙‡¤ ¯·−¥ Ú£i©Â«© ÏÁ©®p¨‰© -˙‡¤ ̯−¥·¦ Ú£i«©Â©a man with him until the breaking of the day.[26] And when he saw that he prevailed not „Ú−© Bn½ Ú¦ ÆLȇ¦ ˜¬·¥ ‡¨ i¥Â© Bc®·© ϧ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ ¯˙¬¥ e¨i¦Â© 25against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; Ú−b©i¦ © BϽ ÆÏŸÎȨ ‡ŸÏ³ Èk´¦ ‡¯§i©À© 26 :¯Á© M«¨ ‰© ˙BϬ Ú£ 63 63

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘È 32 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 32.27 va-yishlah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was strained, B˜− ·§ ‡¨ ‰«¥ a§ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ C¯¤´È¤-Ûk© ÆÚ˜© zÆ¥ © Bή ¯¥È§ -ÛΩ a§as he wrestled with him. [27] And he said: ‘Letme go, for the day breaketh.’ And he said: ‘I will ¯Á© M®¨ ‰© ‰Ï−¨ Ú¨ Ȭk¦ È¦ Á¥½ l§ L© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 27 :Bn« Ú¦not let thee go, except thou bless me.’ [28] And :È¦ z«¨ Χ ¯©a¥-̇¦ Èk−¦ E½ Á£ l¥ L«© ‡£ ‡ŸÏ´ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â©he said unto him: ‘What is thy name?’ And he :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© EÓ®¤ M§ -‰Ó© ÂÈÏ−¨‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 28said: ‘Jacob.’ [29] And he said: ‘Thy name shallbe called no more Jacob, but Israel; for thou Èk−¦ E½ Ó§ L¦ Æ„BÚ ¯¬Ó¥ ‡¨ È¥ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© ‡ŸÏ³ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 29hast striven with God and with men, and hast -ÌÚ¦ § Ìȉ²¦ ŸÏ‡¡ -ÌÚ¦ ˙¨ ȯ¯¦N¨ -Èk«¦ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-̇¦prevailed.’ [30] And Jacob asked him, and said: ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩ χ´© L§ i¦ © 30 :ÏΫ¨ ez© ÌÈL−¦ ¨‡£‘Tell me, I pray thee, thy name.’ And he said: χ´© L§ z¦ ‰−f¤ ‰n¨ ¬Ï¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© EÓ¤½ L§ ‡´p¨-‰„¨Èb«¦ ‰©‘Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after myname?’ And he blessed him there. [31] And Jacob ·Ÿ˜²Ú£È© ‡¯¯¨˜§ i¦ © 31 :ÌL«¨ B˙− Ÿ‡ C¯¤¬·¨ ȧ © ÈÓ®¦ L§ Ϧcalled the name of the place bPeniel: ‘for I have ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ È˙¦ ȇ³¦ ¯¨-Èk«¦ χ®¥ È¦ t§ ÌB˜−n¨ ‰© ̬L¥seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.’ BÏ´ -Á¯«©Ê§ i«¦Â© 32 :ÈL«¦ Ù§ © Ï−ˆ¥ p¨z¦ © ÌÈ½¦ t¨ -χ¤ ÌÈ´¦ t¨[32] And the sun rose upon him as he passedover cPeniel, and he limped upon his thigh. Ú©Ï−¥ Ÿˆ ‡e‰¬ § χ®¥ et§ -˙‡¤ ¯·−© Ú¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© LÓ¤ M¤½ ‰©[33] Therefore the children of Israel eat not the -È«¥·§ eϸ Χ ‡ŸÈ-‡ŸÏ« Ôk¥¿ -ÏÚ© 33 :BΫ ¯¥È§-ÏÚ©sinew of the thigh-vein which is upon the hollow C¯½¥i¨‰© Ûk´©-ÏÚ© ƯL¤ ‡£ ‰L¤À p¨‰© „È´b¦ -˙‡¤ χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧof the thigh, unto this day; because he touchedthe hollow of Jacob’s thigh, even in the sinew of ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ ÂÈ¨À ÈÚ¥33the thigh-vein. C¯¤´È¤-ÛΩ a§ ÆÚ‚©¨ Èk³¦ ‰®f¤‰© ÌBi´‰© „Ú−© ·Ÿ˜¹ ڣȩ ‡O¨¸ i¦ © :‰L«¤ p¨‰© „È−‚¦ a§33 and, behold, Esau came, and with him -ÏÚ© § Ɖ‡¨ Ï¥ -ÏÚ© ÌÈ„À¦Ï¨ ȧ ‰© -˙‡¤ ıÁ© ´i©Â© Lȇ®¦And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, ˙B‡− Ó¥ Ú¬a© ¯§‡© Bn¾ Ú¦ § ‡a¨½ ÂN´¨ Ú¥ ‰´p¥‰¦ § Ƈ¯§i©Â©four hundred men. And he divided the children -˙‡¤ ÌN¤ ¯i¨Â© 2 :˙BÁ« Ù¨ M§ ‰© Èz¬¥ L§ Ï−Ú© § ÏÁ¥½ ¯¨unto Leah, and unto Rachel, and unto the twohandmaids. [2] And he put the handmaids -˙‡¤ § ‰®¨ŸL‡¯«¦ Ô‰−¤ È„¥Ï§ È©-˙‡¤ § ˙BÁ² Ù¨ M§ ‰©and their children foremost, and Leah and her -˙‡¤ § ϬÁ¥ ¯¨-˙‡¤ § ÌÈ½¦Ÿ¯Á£ ‡© Ɖ¨ ȄƤϨ È«¦ ‰‡³¨ Ï¥childrenafter,andRachelandJosephhindermost.[3] And he himself passed over before them, and Ì®‰¤ È¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯´·© Ú¨ ‡e‰− § 3 :ÌÈ«¦Ÿ¯Á£ ‡© ÛÒ−¥ BÈbowed himself to the ground seven times, until Bz− L§ b¦ -„Ú© ÌÈÓ½¦ Ú¨ t§ Ú·© L´¤ Ɖˆ¨ ¯§‡Æ© eÁz³© L§ i¦ ©he came near to his brother. [4] And Esau ran e‰˜½¥a§ Á© ȧ «© ÆB˙‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ ÂN³¨ Ú¥ ı¯¨i¨¸Â© 4 :ÂÈÁ«¦ ‡¨ -„Ú©to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on hisÀ À À À ÀÀneck, and kissed him; and they wept. [5] Andhe lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and :ek« ·§ i¦ © e‰˜®¥M¨ i¦ © Âȯ−¨‡e¨ˆ© -ÏÚ© ¯‡Âˆ-ÏÚ ÏŸt¬ i¦Â© -˙‡¤ § ÆÌÈL¦ p¨‰© -˙‡¤ ‡¯§³i©Â© ÂÈ¨ÀÈÚ¥ -˙‡¤ ‡O´¨ i¦Â© 5the children; and said: ‘Who are these with ¯Ó©¾ ‡Ÿi© C®l¨ ‰l¤ ‡´¥ -ÈÓ¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© ÌÈ„½¦Ï¨ ȧ ‰©thee?’ And he said: ‘The children whom Godhath graciously given thy servant.’ [6] Then the :Ec«¤·§ Ú© -˙‡¤ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Ô¬©Á¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÌÈ„¾¦Ï¨ ȧ‰©handmaids came near, they and their children, Ô‰−¤ È„¥Ï§ ȩ§ ‰p¨¬‰¥ ˙BÁ² Ù¨ M§ ‰© ¨ÔL§ ¯b©z¦ © 6and they bowed down. [7] And Leah also and her ‰¨ È„−¤Ï¨ Ȧ ‰‡²¨ Ï¥ -Ìb© L¯b©z¦ © 7 :¨ÔÈ«¤Á£ z© L§ z«¦ ©children came near, and bowed down; and after :e«Á£ z© L§ i«¦Â© ÏÁ−¥ ¯¨Â§ ÛÒ²¥BÈ L¬b©¦ ¯Á©À ‡© § e®Á£ z© L§ i«¦Â©came Joseph near and Rachel, and they boweddown. [8] And he said: ‘What meanest thou by ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰−f¤‰© ‰¬¤Á£ n© ‰© -Ïk¨ E² ϧ ÈÓ¬¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 8all this camp which I met?’ And he said: ‘To find :È«¦Ÿ„‡£ Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ÔÁ−¥ -‡ŸˆÓ§ Ϧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© Èz¦ L§ ®‚¨t¨ That is, He who striveth with God. b That is, The face of God. c Heb. Penuel. 64 64

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘È 33 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 33.9 va-yishlah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙favour in the sight of my lord.’ [9] And Esau said: E− ϧ ȉ¬¦ ȧ ÈÁ¾¦ ‡¨ ·¯®¨ ÈÏ´¦ -LȤ ÂN−¨ Ú¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 9‘I have enough; my brother, let that which thouhast be thine.’ [10] And Jacob said: ‘Nay, I pray ‡¨¸-̇¦ Ƈ¨-χ© ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 10 :CÏ«¨ -¯L¤ ‡£thee, if now I have found favour in thy sight, È„®¦i¨Ó¦ È˙−¦ Á¨ § Ó¦ z¬¨ Á§ ˜©Ï¨ § EÈ¤½ ÈÚ¥ a§ ÆÔÁ¥ È˙¦ ‡³ˆ¨ Ó¨then receive my present at my hand; forasmuchas I have seen thy face, as one seeth the face of Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Ȭ¥t§ ˙Ÿ‡² ¯§k¦ EÈ¤ÀÙ¨ È˙¦ ȇ´¦ ¯¨ Ôkº¥-ÏÚ© Èk´¦God, and thou wast pleased with me. [11] Take, I ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÈ˙¦ Ψ ¯§a¦ -˙‡¤ ‡³¨-Á˜© 11 :È¦ ˆ«¥ ¯§z¦ ©pray thee, my gift that is brought to thee; because ϟή-ÈϦ -LȤ Èδ¦ § Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ È¦¬p©Á© -Èk«¦ CϨ½ ˙‡´·¨ ‰ªGod hath dealt graciously with me, and because Ihave enough.’ And he urged him, and he took it. ‰Î¨ ®Ï¥ ¥Â§ ‰´Ú¨ Ò§ ¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 12 :Áw«¨i¦ © Ba−-¯ˆ© Ù§ i¦ ©[12] And he said: ‘Let us take our journey, and let ÆÚ©„Æ¥ŸÈ ȳ¦Ÿ„‡£ ÂÈϨÀ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 13 :Ec«¤‚§ ¤Ï§ ‰Î−¨ ϧ ‡¥ §us go, and I will go before thee.’ [13] And he saidunto him: ‘My lord knoweth that the children ˙BÏ´ Ú¨ ¯˜−¨a¨ ‰© § Ô‡Ÿv¬ ‰© § ÌÈk½¦ ¯© ÌÈ„´¦Ï¨ ȧ ‰© -Èk«¦are tender, and that the flocks and herds giving :Ô‡Ÿv« ‰© -Ïk¨ e˙Ó−¥ ¨ „Á¨½ ‡¤ ÌBÈ´ ÆÌe˜Ù¨ „§e ȮϨ Ú¨suck are a care to me; and if they overdrive them Èº¦ ‡£ © Bc®·§ Ú© È´¥Ù§ Ϧ È−¦Ÿ„‡£ ‡¬¨-¯·¨ ڣȩ 14one day, all the flocks will die. [14] Let my lord,I pray thee, pass over before his servant; and I -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰³Î¨ ‡Ï¨ n§ ‰© Ï‚¤¯¸¤Ï§ ÈhÀ¦ ‡¦ ϧ ‰Ï´¨ ‰£ ¨˙§ ‡¤will journey on gently, according to the pace of -χ¤ ‡Ÿ·¬ ‡¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ „²Ú© ÌÈ„½¦Ï¨ ȧ ‰© Ï‚¤¯´¤Ï§ e ÆÈ©Ù¨ ϧthe cattle that are before me and according tothe pace of the children, until I come unto my ‡´p¨-‰‚¨Èv«¦ ‡© ÂN¨½ Ú¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 15 :‰¯¨ÈÚ«¦ N¥ È−¦Ÿ„‡£lord unto Seir.’ [15] And Esau said:‘Let me now ‰f¤½ ‰n¨ Ï´¨ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© Èz®¦ ‡¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ E½ n§ Ú¦leave with thee some of the folk that are with me.’And he said: ‘What needeth it? let me find favour ÌBi¸a© Á·L¨ i¨Â© 16 :È«¦Ÿ„‡£ Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ÔÁ−¥ -‡ˆ¨ Ó§ ‡¤in the sight of my lord.’ [16] So Esau returned ÚÒ´© ¨ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©Â§ 17 :‰¯¨ÈÚ«¦ N¥ Bk− ¯§„©Ï§ ÂN²¨ Ú¥ ‡e‰¬ ‰©that day on his way unto Seir. [17] And Jacob ˙Ÿk½ Òª ‰N´¨ Ú¨ Æe‰¥Æ ˜§ Ó¦ ϧ e ˙Ȧ®a¨ BÏ− Ô·¤ ¬i¦Â© ‰˙¨ Ÿk½ Òªjourneyed to Succoth, and built him a house, andmade booths for his cattle. Therefore the name Ò :˙Bk« Òª ÌB˜−n¨ ‰© -ÌL¥ ‡¯¬¨˜¨ Ô²k¥-ÏÚ©of the place is called Succoth. ƯL¤ ‡£ ÌΤÀ L§ ¯ÈÚ´¦ ÌÏ¥¹ L¨ ·Ÿ˜¸ ڣȩ Á‡Ÿ·i¨Â© 18 [18] And Jacob came in peace to the city ofShechem, which is in the land of Canaan, when -˙‡¤ ÔÁ© i−¦Â© ̯®¨‡£ Ôc´©t© Ó¦ B‡− Ÿ·a§ ÔÚ© ©½ k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§he came from Paddan-aram; and encamped ¯L³¤ ‡£ ‰„À¤O¨ ‰© ˙˜´©Ï§ Á¤ -˙‡¤ Ô˜¤i¹¦Â© 19 :¯ÈÚ«¦ ‰¨ Ȭ¥t§before the city. [19] And he bought the parcel of ̮Τ L§ È·´¦ ‡£ ¯BÓ− Á£ -È«¥a§ „¬i©Ó¦ BϽ ‰¢ ‡¨ ÆÌL¨ -‰Ë¨ «¨ground, where he had spread his tent, at the handof the children of Hamor, Shechem’s father, for Á©®a¥ ʧ Ó¦ ÌL−¨ -·v¤ i©Â© 20 :‰Ë«¨ ÈN¦ ˜§ ‰‡−¨ Ó¥ a§a hundred pieces of money. [20] And he erected Ò :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ χ−¥ BϽ -‡¯¨˜§ i¸¦ ©there an altar, and called it bEl-elohe-Israel. 34And Dinah the daughter of Leah, whom34 she had borne unto Jacob, went out tosee the daughters of the land. [2] And Shechem ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰‡¨½ Ï¥ -˙a© Ɖ¨È„¦ ‡³ˆ¥ z¥ © ‰„−¨Ï§ Ȩthe son of Hamor the Hivite, the prince of the :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ ˙B¬·§ a¦ ˙B‡− ¯§Ï¦ ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È©Ï§land, saw her; and he took her, and lay with her, ‡ÈN´¦ § Èe−¦Á¦ ‰«© ¯BÓ² Á£ -Ôa¤ ̯Τ L§ d˙¨¹ Ÿ‡ ‡¯§i©¸Â© 2 :‰¨ «p¤Ú© ȧ© d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ·¬k© L§ i¦ © d˙²¨ Ÿ‡ Áw¬©i¦ © ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨and humbled her. [3] And his soul did cleave Æ·‰© ‡¡ i«¤Â© ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È©-˙a«© ‰−¨È„¦a§ BL½ Ù§ © ˜´a© „§z¦ © 3unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he lovedthe damsel, and spoke comfortingly unto the ¯Ú‰ ·¬Ï¥ -ÏÚ© ¯a−¥ „©È§Â© ‰¯½¨Ú£p©‰«© ¯Ú‰-˙‡¤damsel. [4] And Shechem spoke unto his father ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ ¯BÓ¬ Á£ -χ¤ ÌΤ½ L§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 4 :‰¯«¨Ú£p©‰«©Hamor, saying: ‘Get me this damsel to wife.’[5] Now Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah :‰M«¨ ‡¦ ϧ ˙‡Ÿf−‰© ‰c¬¨Ï§ i©‰© -˙‡¤ Èϲ¦ -Á˜«© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ That is, Booths. b That is God, the God of Israel. 65 65

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘È 34 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 34.5 va-yishlah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙his daughter; and his sons were with his cattle in Bz½ ·¦ ‰´¨Èc¦-˙‡¤ Ƈn¥ ˦ Èk³¦ ÚÓ©À L¨ ·Ÿ˜´ ڣȩ§ 5the field; and Jacob held his peace until they came.[6] And Hamor the father of Shechem went out L¯¬¦Á¡ ‰¤ § ‰„®¤O¨ a© e‰−¥˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ eȬ‰¨ ÂȲ¨·¨ eunto Jacob to speak with him. [7] And the sons ÌÎ−¤ L§ -È·«¦ ‡£ ¯BÓ¬ Á£ ‡²ˆ¥ i¥Â© 6 :̇«¨ Ÿa-„Ú© ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩof Jacob came in from the field when they heard e‡³a¨ ·Ÿ˜¹ ڣȩ È¥¸ ·§ e 7 :Bz« ‡¦ ¯a−¥ „©Ï§ ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È©-χ«¤it; and the men were grieved, and they were very ÌÈL¦½ ¨‡£ ‰«¨ Æe·v§ Ú© ˙§ i«¦Â© ÌÚ¨½ Ó§ L¨ k§ Ɖ„¤O¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦wroth, because he had wrought a vile deed in χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ ·§ ‰N´¨ Ú¨ ‰Ï¨º·¨ § -Èk«¦ „Ÿ‡® Ó§ ̉−¤ Ϩ ¯Á© ¬i¦Â©Israel in lying with Jacob’s daughter; which thing :‰N«¤ Ú¨ È¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÔÎ−¥ § ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ-˙a«©-˙‡¤ Æ·k© L§ Ϧought not to be done. [8] And Hamor spoke ÈÀ¦ a§ ̴Τ L§ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ Ìz´¨ ‡¦ ¯BÓ− Á£ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 8with them, saying: ‘The soul of my son Shechemlongeth for your daughter. I pray you give her BÏ− d˙²¨ Ÿ‡ ‡¬¨ e¸ z§ ÌΤ½ z§ ·¦ a§ ÆBLÙ§ © ‰˜³¨L§ Á«¨unto him to wife. [9] And make ye marriages -ez§ z¦ ÆÌΤ È˙¥ Ÿ« a§ e˙®¨ Ÿ‡ e−z§ Á© ˙§ ‰«¦ § 9 :‰M«¨ ‡¦ ϧwith us; give your daughters unto us, and takeour daughters unto you. [10] And ye shall dwell ez−¨ ‡¦ § 10 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ eÁ¬ ˜§ z¦ eÈ˙−¥ Ÿa§ -˙‡¤ § eϨ½with us; and the land shall be before you; dwell Æe·L§ ÌΤ½ È¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰´È¤‰§ z¦ Æı¯¤‡Æ¨ ‰¨ § e·L®¥ z¥and trade ye therein, and get you possessionstherein.’ [11] And Shechem said unto her father ÆÌΤ L§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 11 :da«¨ eÊ−Á£ ‡¨ ‰«¥ § ‰¨ e¯½ Á¨ Ò§ eand unto her brethren: ‘Let me find favour in ÔÁ−¥ -‡ˆ¨ Ó§ ‡¤ ‰¨ ÈÁ¤½ ‡© -χ¤ § ‰¨ È·´¦ ‡¨ -χ¤your eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will :Ôz«¥ ‡¤ ÈÏ−© ‡¥ e¯²Ó§ ‡Ÿz ¯¬L¤ ‡£ © ̮Τ È¥ÈÚ¥ a§give. [12] Ask me never so much dowry and gift, ‰¨½ z§ ‡¤¸ § Ôz¨½ Ó© e ¯‰© ŸÓ´ Æ„Ÿ‡Ó§ ȳϩ Ú¨ ea¸ ¯§‰© 12and I will give according as ye shall say unto me;but give me the damsel to wife.’ [13] And the ¯Ú‰-˙‡¤ ÈϬ¦ -e˙§ e ȮϨ‡¥ e¯−Ó§ ‡Ÿz ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k©sons of Jacob answered Shechem and Hamor -˙‡¤ ·Ÿ˜¹ ڣȩ-È«¥·§ e¸ Ú£i©Â© 13 :‰M«¨ ‡¦ ϧ ‰¯−¨Ú£p©‰«©his father with guile, and spoke, because he had e¯®a¥ „©È§ © ‰Ó−¨ ¯§Ó¦ a§ ÂȲ·¦ ‡¨ ¯BÓ¬ Á£ -˙‡¤ § ÌΤ¸ L§defiled Dinah their sister, [14] and said untothem: ‘We cannot do this thing, to give our sister e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 14 :Ì˙«¨ ŸÁ‡£ ‰¬¨Èc¦ ˙‡−¥ ‡n¥½ ˦ ¯L´¤ ‡£to one that is uncircumcised; for that were a Æ˙˙¥ Ϩ ‰f¤½‰© ¯´·¨ c¨‰© Æ˙BNڣϩ ÆÏΩ e ‡ŸÏ³ ̉¤À ÈÏ¥ ‡£reproach unto us. [15] Only on this condition -Èk«¦ ‰®Ï¨ ¯§Ú¨ BÏ´ -¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇ−¦ ϧ e˙¥½ ŸÁ‡£ -˙‡¤will we consent unto you: if ye will be as we are, ̮Τ Ϩ ˙B‡´ ¥ ˙‡ŸÊ−a§ -C‡© 15 :eÏ«¨ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰¬t¨ ¯§Á¤that every male of you be circumcised; [16] then :¯Î«¨ ʨ-Ïk¨ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ÏŸn¬ ‰¦ ϧ eŸÓ½ Ψ eÈ´‰§ z¦ ̇¦ µwill we give our daughters unto you, and we will ÌÎ−¤ È˙¥ Ÿa§ -˙‡¤ § ÌΤ½ Ϩ ÆeÈ˙Æ¥ Ÿa§ -˙‡¤ ep˙³© ¨Â§ 16take your daughters to us, and we will dwell withyou, and we will become one people. [17] But if ̬ک ϧ eÈÈ−¦‰¨ § ÌΤ½ z§ ‡¦ e·§ L´© Ȩ§ e®Ï¨ -Áw«©«¦ye will not hearken unto us, to be circumcised; ÏBn® ‰¦ ϧ eÈÏ−¥‡¥ eÚ² Ó§ L§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¯ -̇¦ § 17 :„Á«¨ ‡¤then will we take our daughter, and we will begone.’ [18] And their words pleased Hamor, e·¬ ˧ Èi«¦Â© 18 :eΧ Ï«¨ ‰¨ § ez−¥ a¦ -˙‡¤ eÁ§ ˜¬©Ï¨ §and Shechem Hamor’s son. [19] And the young -Ôa¤ ̬Τ L§ È−¥ÈÚ¥ ·§ e ¯BÓ® Á£ È´¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ̉−¤ ȯ¥·§ „¦man deferred not to do the thing, because he ¯·¨½ c¨‰© ˙BN´ ڣϩ Ưک p©Æ ‰© ¯Á³© ‡¥ -‡ŸÏ« § 19 :¯BÓ« Á£had delight in Jacob’s daughter. And he washonoured above all the house of his father. ˙Ȭa¥ ÏŸk− Ó¦ „a¨½ Χ ¦ ‡e‰´ § ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È©-˙·«© a§ ıÙ−¥ Á¨ Ȭk¦[20] And Hamor and Shechem his son came unto ¯Ú© L´© -χ¤ B−a§ ̬Τ L§ e ¯BÓ² Á£ ‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© 20 :ÂÈ·«¦ ‡¨the gate of their city, and spoke with the men of :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ ̯−¨ÈÚ¦ ȬL¥ § ‡© -χ¤ e¯²a§ „©È§ «© ̯®¨ÈÚ¦ 66 66

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘È 34 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 34.21 va-yishlah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙their city, saying: [21] ‘These men are peaceable ez¨À ‡¦ Ì´‰¥ ÌÈÓ¯¦ Ï¥ L«§ ‰l¤ ‡¥¹ ‰¨ ÌÈL¦¸ ¨‡£ ‰¨ 21with us; therefore let them dwell in the land,and trade therein; for, behold, the land is large ‰¬p¥‰¦ ı¯¤‡²¨ ‰¨ § d˙¨½ Ÿ‡ e¯´Á£ Ò§ Ȧ § Æı¯¤‡Æ¨ ·¨ e·³ L§ ȥ§enough for them; let us take their daughters to eÏ´¨ -Áw«©¦ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿa§ -˙‡¤ Ì®‰¤ È¥Ù§ Ϧ ÌȦ„−©È¨-˙·© Á£ ¯«©us for wives, and let us give them our daughters. -C‡© 22 :̉«¤ Ϩ Ôz¬¥ ¦ eÈ˙−¥ Ÿa§ -˙‡¤ § ÌÈL¦½ ¨Ï§[22] Only on this condition will the men consentunto us to dwell with us, to become one people, if ez¨½ ‡¦ ˙·¤ L´¤ Ϩ ÆÌÈL¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ e³Ï¨ e˙Ÿ‡¸ È¥ ˙‡ŸÊa§Âevery male among us be circumcised, as they are ¯Î¨½ ʨ-Ïk¨ Æe쬮 ÏBn¬ ‰¦ a§ „Á®¨ ‡¤ Ì´Ú© ϧ ˙BÈ−‰§ Ϧcircumcised. [23] Shall not their cattle and their ÆÌ¨È¨§ ˜¦ § ̳‰¤ ¥˜§ Ó¦ 23 :ÌÈÏ«¦ Ÿn¦ ̬‰¥ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k©substance and all their beasts be ours? only letus consent unto them, and they will dwell with ‰˙¨ B‡´ ¥ C‡©µ Ì®‰¥ eÏ−¨ ‡BϬ ‰£ Ìz¨½ Ó§ ‰¤ a§ -ÏΨ §us.’ [24] And unto Hamor and unto Shechem ƯBÓÁ£ -χ¤ eÚ³ Ó§ L§ i¦Â© 24 :ez«¨ ‡¦ e·− L§ ȥ§ ̉¤½ Ϩhis son hearkened all that went out of the gate of ÆeÏŸnÆ i¦ © B¯®ÈÚ¦ ¯Ú© L´© ȇ−¥ ˆ§ ŸÈ-Ïk¨ B½ a§ ̴Τ L§ -χ¤ §his city; and every male was circumcised, all thatwent out of the gate of his city. [25] And it came ÌBi¸·© Áȉ¦ ȧ © 25 :B¯«ÈÚ¦ ¯Ú© ¬L© ȇ−¥ ˆ§ ŸÈ-Ïk¨ ¯Î¨½ ʨ-Ïk¨to pass on the third day, when they were in pain, -È«¥L§ eÁ´ ˜§ i¦ © ÌÈ·À¦ ‡£Ÿk« Ì˙´¨ Bȉ§ a«¦ ÈL¦¹ ÈϦ M§ ‰©that two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Lȇ´¦ Ɖ¨È„¦ ÈÁ³¥ ‡£ ȹ¦Ï¥ § ÔBÚ¸ Ó§ L¦ ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©Â-È¥·§Dinah’s brethren, took each man his sword, andcame upon the city unawares, and slew all the -Ïk¨ e‚−¯§‰© i«©Â© ÁË© ®a¤ ¯ÈÚ−¦ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© e‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© Ba½ ¯§Á©males. [26] And they slew Hamor and Shechem e‚−¯§‰¨ B½ a§ ̴Τ L§ -˙‡¤ § ƯBÓÁ£ -˙‡¤ § 26 :¯Î«¨ ʨhis son with the edge of the sword, and took ÌÎ−¤ L§ ˙Ȭa¥ Ó¦ ‰²¨Èc¦-˙‡¤ eÁ¯ ˜§ i¦ © ·¯¤Á®¨ -ÈÙ¦ ϧDinah out of Shechem’s house, and went forth.[27] The sons of Jacob came upon the slain, and ÌÈϦ½ Ϩ Á£ ‰´© -ÏÚ© e‡a¨µ ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩ È´¥a§ 27 :e‡ˆ«¥ i¥Â©spoiled the city, because they had defiled their -˙‡¤ 28 :Ì˙«¨ BÁ‡£ e‡− n§ ˦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ¯ÈÚ®¦ ‰¨ efŸ·− i¨Â©sister. [28] They took their flocks and their herds ˙‡¯¥ § Ì®d¤ ȯ¥ŸÓÁ£ -˙‡¤ § ̯−¨˜¨ a§ -˙‡¤ § ̬¨‡Ÿˆand their asses, and that which was in the cityand that which was in the field; [29] and all their :eÁ˜«¨Ï¨ ‰„−¤O¨ a© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -˙‡¤ § ¯ÈÚ²¦ a¨-¯L¤ ‡£wealth, and all their little ones and their wives, -˙‡¤ § ÆÌt¨ Ë© -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § ̳Ϩ ÈÁ¥ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § 29took they captive and spoiled, even all that was :˙Ȧ a«¨ a© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ § efŸ·® i¨Â© e·− L¨ ̉¤½ ÈL¥ §in the house. [30] And Jacob said to Simeon andLevi: ‘Ye have troubled me, to make me odious »È¦ϥ -χ¤ § ÔBÚ´ Ó§ L¦ -χ¤ ·Ÿ˜¹ ڣȩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 30unto the inhabitants of the land, even unto the ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ·L´¥ ŸÈa§ ÆÈ¦ LÆ¥ ȇ¦ ·§ ‰© ϧ ¼È˙¦ Ÿ‡ Ìz´¤ ¯§Î© Ú£Canaanites and the Perizzites; and, I being few eÙ³ Ò§ ‡¤ ¤Â§ ¯t¨½ Ò§ Ó¦ È˙´¥ Ó§ ÆÈ¦ ‡£ © Èf®¦¯¦t§ ·© e È−¦ Ú£©k§ a«©in number, they will gather themselves togetheragainst me and smite me; and I shall be destroyed,ÊI and my house.’ [31] And they said: ‘Should one :È˙«¦ È·¥ e Ȭ¦ ‡£ Èz−¦ „§Ó© L§ ¦ § È¦ ek½ ‰¦ § ÆÈÏ© Ú¨ -˙‡¤ ‰N−¤ ڣȩ ‰¨¾B Χ ‰© e¯®Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 31deal with our sister as with a harlot?’ Ù :e˙«¥ BÁ‡£ And God said unto Jacob: ‘Arise, go up35 35to Beth-el, and dwell there; and makethere an altar unto God, who appeared unto thee ‰¬Ï¥ Ú£ Ìe˜² ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ-χ«¤ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© Æχ¥ Ϩ Á©a¥½ ʧӦ ÌL´¨ -‰N¥ ڣ© ÌL®¨ -·L¤ § χ−¥ -˙È·«¥when thou didst flee from the face of Esau thy :EÈÁ«¦ ‡¨ ÂN¬¨ Ú¥ È−¥t§ Ó¦ E½ Á£ ¯§·¨ a§ EÈϤ½ ‡¥ ‰‡´¤ ¯§p¦ ‰©brother.’ [2] Then Jacob said unto his household,and to all that were with him: ‘Put away the ¯L´¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ Ï−‡¤ § B˙½ Èa¥-χ¤ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 2strange gods that are among you, and purify ÌΤ½ Χ Ÿ˙a§ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƯΨ p¥‰© ȳ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ -˙‡¤ e¯Ò¹¦ ‰¨ Bn® Ú¦ 67 67

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘È 35 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 35.3 va-yishlah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙yourselves, and change your garments; [3] and ‰Ó¨ e˜¬ ¨Â§ 3 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ŸÏÓ§ N¦ eÙÈÏ−¦ Á£ ‰© § e¯½ ‰£ h© ‰«¦ §let us arise, and go up to Beth-el; and I will makethere an altar unto God, who answered me in the χº¥ Ϩ Á©a¥À ʧ Ó¦ ÌM´¨ -‰N¤ Ú¡ ‡«¤ § χ®¥ -˙Èa«¥ ‰Ï−¤ Ú£©Â§day of my distress, and was with me in the way C¯¤c−¤a© È„½¦n¨ Ú¦ Æȉ¦ ȧ© È˙½¦ ¯¨ˆ«¨ ÌBÈ´a§ ÆÈ˙¦ Ÿ‡ ‰³¤ŸÚ‰¨which I went.’ [4] And they gave unto Jacob all -Ïk¨ ˙‡´¥ ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩ-χ«¤ e´z§ i¦Â© 4 :Èz¦ Χ Ï«¨ ‰¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£the foreign gods which were in their hand, and ÌÈÓ−¦ ʨp§ ‰© -˙‡¤ § Ì„½¨È¨a§ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƯΨ p¥‰© ȳ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡the rings which were in their ears; and Jacob hidthem under the terebinth which was by Shechem. ˙Á© z¬© ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ ÔŸÓ³ ˧ i¦ © Ì®‰¤ È¥Ê§‡¨ a§ ¯L´¤ ‡£[5] And they journeyed; and a terror of God was | ȉ´¦ ȧ© eÚq®¨ i¦ © 5 :ÌΫ¤ L§ -ÌÚ¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Ï−¨‡¥ ‰¨upon the cities that were round about them, ƯL¤ ‡£ ÆÌȯ¦Ú¨ ‰«¤ -ÏÚ© ÌȉÀ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ˙z´© Á¦and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob. :·Ÿ˜« ڣȩ Ȭ¥a§ ȯ−¥Á£ ‡© eÙ½ „§¯«¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § ̉¤½ È˙¥ B·´ È·¦ Ò§[6] So Jacob came to Luz, which is in the landof Canaan—the same is Beth-el—he and all the ‡Â‰−¦ ÔÚ© ©½ k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ƯL¤ ‡£ ‰Ê¨eÏÀ ·Ÿ˜¹ ڣȩ ‡Ÿ·¸ i¨Â© 6people that were with him. [7] And he built there Ô·¤ i³¦Â© 7 :Bn« Ú¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ̬ڨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ § ‡e‰− χ®¥ -˙Èa«¥an altar, and called the place El-beth-el, because Èk´¦ χ®¥ -˙Èa«¥ χ−¥ ÌB˜½ n¨ Ï© Ƈ¯¨˜§ i¦ © Á©a¥½ ʧ Ó¦ ÆÌL¨there God was revealed unto him, when he fledfrom the face of his brother. [8] And Deborah Ȭ¥t§ Ó¦ BÁ− ¯§·¨ a§ Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰«¨ ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥ eϳ ‚§ ¦ ÌL¨ÀRebekah’s nurse died, and she was buried below ‰˜½¨·§ ¯¦ ˙˜¤´¤ÈÓ¥ Ɖ¯¨Ÿ·c§ ˙Ó¨ z³¨ © 8 :ÂÈÁ«¦ ‡¨Beth-el under the oak; and the name of it was ÔBl® ‡© ‰«¨ ˙Á© z´© χ−¥ -˙È·«¥ ϧ ˙Á© z¬© Ó¦ ¯²·¥ w¨ z¦ ©called bAllon-bacuth. Ù :˙eΫ a¨ ÔBl¬ ‡© BÓ− L§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦Â© [9] And God appeared unto Jacob again,when he came from Paddan-aram, and blessed Ôc´©t© Ó¦ B‡− Ÿ·a§ „BÚ½ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©-χ«¤ Ìȉ³¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‡¯¸¨i¥Â© 9him. [10] And God said unto him: ‘Thy name Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ BϬ -¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi« © 10 :B˙« Ÿ‡ C¯¤·−¨ ȧ © ̯®¨‡£is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Èk³¦ ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© „BÚ¹ E¸ Ó§ L¦ Á‡¯¥w¨ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ« ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È© E´ Ó§ L¦Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name’: and He calledhis name Israel. [11] And God said unto him: ‘I BÓ− L§ -˙‡¤ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦Â© EÓ¤½ L§ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-̇¦am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a ÆÈc©L© χ³¥ È¸¦ ‡£ Ìȉ¦¹ ŸÏ‡¡ Bϸ Á¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi© 11 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧnation and a company of nations shall be of thee, j¨ n®¤ Ó¦ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÌÈ−¦Bb Ϭ‰© ˜§ e ÈBb² ‰·¥½ ¯§e ‰¯´¥t§and kings shall come out of thy loins; [12] and ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § 12 :e‡ˆ«¥ È¥ EȬˆ¤ Ϩ Á£ Ó¥ ÌÈÎ−¦ Ϩ Ó§ ethe land which I gave unto Abraham and Isaac, ‰p¨®¤z§ ‡¤ E´ ϧ ˜Á¨ ˆ§ Ȧϧ e ̬‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ϧ Èz¦ ˙²© ¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will ÏÚ© ¬i©Â© 13 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ôz¬¥ ‡¤ Eȯ−¤Á£ ‡© E¬ Ú£¯§Ê©Ï§ e«I give the land.’ [13] And God went up from him :Bz« ‡¦ ¯¬a¤ c¦-¯L¤ ‡£ ÌB˜−n¨ a© Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ Ó¥in the place where He spoke with him. [14] AndJacob set up a pillar in the place where He spoke ¯¬a¤ c¦-¯L¤ ‡£ ÌB˜²n¨ a© ‰·¨À v¥ Ó© ·Ÿ˜¹ ڣȩ ·v¥¸ i©Â© 14with him, a pillar of stone, and he poured out a ˜Ÿˆ¬ i¦Â© CÒ¤ ¤½ Ɖ¨ ÈÏ¤Æ Ú¨ Cq³¥i©Â© Ô·¤ ‡®¨ ˙·¤ ´v¤ Ó© Bz− ‡¦drink-offering thereon, and poured oil thereon. ÌL´¥ -˙‡¤ ·Ÿ˜¹ ڣȩ ‡¯¸¨˜§ i¦ © 15 :ÔÓ¤ L«¨ ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤ Ú¨[15] And Jacob called the name of the placewhere God spoke with him, Beth-el. [16] And Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ÌL²¨ Bz¬ ‡¦ ¯a¤¸ c¦ Á¯L¤ ‡£ ÌB˜À n¨ ‰©they journeyed from Beth-el; and there wasstill some way to come to Ephrath; and Rachel „BÚ¬ -ȉ¦ ȧ«© χ¥½ ˙È´a¥ Ó¦ ÆeÚÒ§ i¦Â© 16 :χ«¥ -˙Èa«¥travailed, and she had hard labour. [17] And it ÏÁ−¥ ¯¨ „Ϥ z¬¥ © ‰˙¨ ¯®¨Ù§ ‡¤ ‡B·´ Ϩ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ -˙¯©·§ k¦came to pass, when she was in hard labour, that d˙−¨ ŸL˜§ ‰© ·§ ȉ¬¦ ȧ © 17 :dz«¨ „§Ï¦ a§ L˜¬©z§ © That is, The God of Beth-el. b That is, The oak of weeping. 68 68

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘È 35 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 35.18 va-yishlah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙the midwife said unto her: ‘Fear not; for this also ȇ½¦ ¯§Èz´¦ -χ© Æ˙„¤l¤Æ È©Ó§ ‰© d³Ï¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz¸ © dz®¨ „§Ï¦ a§is a son for thee.’ [18] And it came to pass, as ÆdL¨ Ù§ © ˙‡³ˆ¥ a§ ȉº¦ ȧ © 18 :Ôa«¥ CÏ−¨ ‰¬Ê¤-Ì‚©-Èk«¦her soul was in departing—for she died—thatshe called his name Ben-oni; but his father ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ § È®¦ B‡-Ôa¤ BÓ− L§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ z¦ © ‰˙¨ Ó¥½ Èk´¦called him bBenjamin. [19] And Rachel died, and Ư·¥ w¨ z¦ © ÏÁ®¥ ¯¨ ˙Ó¨ z−¨ © 19 :ÔÈÓ«¦ Ȩ§ ·¦ BϬ -‡¯¨˜«¨was buried in the way to Ephrath—the same is ·¯v¥ i©Â© 20 :ÌÁ¤ Ï«¨ ˙Ȭa¥ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰˙¨ ¯½¨Ù§ ‡¤ C¯¤„´¤a§Bethlehem. [20] And Jacob set up a pillar upon ˙·¤ ¬v¤ Ó© ‡Â‰²¦ d˙®¨ ¯¨·ª ˜§ -ÏÚ© ‰·−¨ v¥ Ó© ·Ÿ˜² ڣȩher grave; the same is the pillar of Rachel’s graveunto this day. [21] And Israel journeyed, and χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Úq−© i¦ © 21 :ÌBi« ‰© -„Ú© ÏÁ−¥ ¯¨-˙¯©«·ª ˜§spread his tent beyond Migdal-eder. [22] And :¯„¤Ú«¥ -Ïc©‚§ Ó¦ ϧ ‰‡¨ ϧ −‰¨ Ó¥ BϽ ‰¢ ‡«¨ ‰Ï‰‡ Ë´i¥Â©it came to pass, while Israel dwelt in that land, CϤ ´i¥Â© ‡Â‰¦½ ‰© ı¯¤‡´¨ a¨ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ÔŸk³ L§ a¦ ȉÀ¦ ȧ © 22that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father’sconcubine; and Israel heard of it. ÂÈ·®½¦ ‡¨ L‚¤´Ï¤ Èt¦ Ɖ‰−¨ ϧ a¦ -˙‡¤ Æ·k©¾ L§ i¦Â© Ô·¥½ e‡¯§ Ù Ï«‡®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ÚÓ−© L§ i¦ © Now the sons of Jacob were twelve: [23] thesons of Leah: Reuben, Jacob’s first-born, and ‰‡¨½ Ï¥ È´¥a§ 23 :¯N«¨ Ú¨ ÌȬ¥L§ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ-È«¥·§ eȬ‰§ i«¦Â©Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and ‰„½¨e‰È«¦ È´¦Ï¥ § ÆÔBÚÓ§ L¦ § Ô·®¥ e‡¯§ ·Ÿ˜− ڣȩ ¯Bά a§Zebulun; [24] the sons of Rachel: Joseph and :ÔÓ«¦ Ȩ§ ·¦ e ÛÒ−¥ BÈ ÏÁ¥½ ¯¨ È´¥a§ 24 :ÔeÏ« ·ª ʧ e ¯Î−¨ ˘O¨ Ȧ §Benjamin; [25] and the sons of Bilhah, Rachel’shandmaid: Dan and Naphtali; [26] and the sons :ÈÏ«¦ z¨ Ù§ ©Â§ Ôc−¨ ÏÁ¥½ ¯¨ ˙Á´© Ù§ L¦ Ɖ‰¨ ϧ ·¦ ȳ¥·§ e 25of Zilpah, Leah’s handmaid: Gad and Asher. ‰l¤ ‡¥µ ¯L®¥ ‡¨ § „´b¨ ‰‡−¨ Ï¥ ˙Á¬© Ù§ L¦ ‰²t¨ ϧ ʦ Ȭ¥·§ e 26These are the sons of Jacob, that were born to :̯«¨‡£ Ôc¬©Ù© a§ BÏ− -„l© Ȫ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ È´¥a§him in Paddan-aram. [27] And Jacob came untoIsaac his father to Mamre, to Kiriath-arba—the ‡¯−¥Ó§ Ó© ÂÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ˜Á´¨ ˆ§ Ȧ -χ¤ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© ‡Ÿ·³ i¨Â© 27same is Hebron—where Abraham and Isaac ÌL¬¨ -¯«b¨-¯L¤ ‡£ ÔB¯½ ·§ Á¤ ‡Â‰´¦ Ú®a© ¯§‡© ‰«¨ ˙´È©¯§˜¦sojourned. [28] And the days of Isaac were a ˙‡¬© Ó§ ˜Á®¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ÈÓ´¥ ȧ eÈ−‰§ i«¦Â© 28 :˜Á«¨ ˆ§ Ȧ § ̉−¨ ¯¨·§ ‡©hundred and fourscore years. [29] And Isaac Æ˙Ó¨ iƨ© ˜Á³¨ ˆ§ Ȧ Ú¸©‚§ i¦ © 29 :‰«¨L¨ ÌȬ¦ŸÓL§ e ‰−¨L¨expired, and died, and was gathered unto his e¯´a§ ˜§ i¦ © ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ Ú´·© N§ e Ô˜−¥Ê¨ ÂÈn¨½ Ú© -χ¤ ÛÒ¤ ‡´¨ i¥Â©people, old and full of days; and Esau and Jacobhis sons buried him. 36Now these are the generations of Esau—36 the same is Edom. ‘Esau took his wives Ù :ÂÈ«¨a¨ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ§ ÂN¬¨ Ú¥ B˙½ Ÿ‡ :ÌB„«‡¡ ‡e‰¬ ÂN−¨ Ú¥ ˙B„¬Ï§ Ÿz ‰l¤ ²‡¥ § -˙‡¤ ÔÚ©®¨k§ ˙B´a§ Ó¦ ÂÈL−¨ ¨-˙‡¤ Á˜¬©Ï¨ ÂN²¨ Ú¥ 2of the daughters of Canaan; Adah the daughter of ƉӨ ·¨ ÈÏ«¦ ‰¢ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ § Èz½¦ Á¦ ‰«© ÆÔBÏȇ¥ -˙a© ‰„À¨Ú¨Elon the Hittite, and Oholibamah the daughterof Anah, the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite, ˙Ó¬© N§ a¨-˙‡¤ § 3 :Èe«¦Á¦ ‰«© ÔBÚ− ·§ ˆ¦ -˙a© ‰¨½ Ú£-˙a©[3] and Basemath Ishmael’s daughter, sister of ‰„²¨Ú¨ „Ϥ z¯¥ © 4 :˙BÈ« ·¨ § ˙BÁ¬ ‡£ χÚ−¥ Ó¨ L§ Ȧ -˙a©Nebaioth. [4] And Adah bore to Esau Eliphaz; -˙‡¤ ‰„−¨Ï§ Ȩ ˙Ó©½ N§ ´·¨ e ʮ٨ ÈϦ ‡¡ -˙‡¤ ÂN−¨ Ú¥ ϧand Basemath bore Reuel; [5] and Oholibamah ˘ÈÚÈ-˙‡¤ ‰„½¨Ï§ È«¨ ƉӨ ·¨ ÈÏ«¦ ‰¢ ‡¨ § 5 :χ«¥ eÚ¯§bore Jeush, and Jalam, and Korah. These are thesons of Esau, that were born unto him in the land ÂN¨½ Ú¥ È´¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡¥µÁ¯©Ÿ˜®-˙‡¤ § ÌÏ−¨ Ú§ È©-˙‡¤ § LeÚ¬ ȧof Canaan. [6] And Esau took his wives, and his ÂN¨¿ Ú¥ Áw´©i¦Â© 6 :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ BÏ− -e„l§ Ȫ ¯¬L¤ ‡£sons, and his daughters, and all the souls of his -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § »ÂÈ˙¨ Ÿa§ -˙‡¤ § ÂÈ´¨a¨ -˙‡¤ § ÂÈL¨ ¨Â-˙‡¤ That is, The son of my sorrow. b That is, The son of the right hand. 69 69

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘È 36 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 36.7 va-yishlah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙house, and his cattle, and all his beasts, and all -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § e‰´¥˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § ¼B˙Èa¥ ˙BL´ Ù§ ©his possessions, which he had gathered in theland of Canaan; and went into a land away from ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ LÎ−© ¯¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ B½ Ȩ§ ˜¦ -Ïk¨ Æ˙‡¥ § BzÀ Ó§ ‰¤ a§his brother Jacob. [7] For their substance was too :ÂÈÁ«¦ ‡¨ ·Ÿ˜¬Ú£È© È−¥t§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡¤½ -χ¤ CϤ ´i¥Â© ÔÚ©®¨k§great for them to dwell together; and the land of ‡ŸÏ¸ § Âc®¨Á§ È© ˙·¤ M´¤ Ó¦ ·¯−¨ ÌL²¨ eί§ ‰¯È¨‰¨ -Èk«¦ 7their sojournings could not bear them because oftheir cattle. [8] And Esau dwelt in the mountain- È−¥t§ Ó¦ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ˙‡N´¥ Ϩ Æ̉¤ ȯ¥e‚« Ó§ ı¯¤‡³¤ ‰Ï¨¹ Χ È«¨land of Seir—Esau is Edom. [9] And these are the ÂN−¨ Ú¥ ¯ÈÚ½¦ N¥ ¯‰´© a§ ÆÂN¨ Ú¥ ·L¤ ³i¥Â© 8 :̉«¤ È¥˜§ Ó¦generations of Esau the father of the Edomites È·´¦ ‡£ ÂN−¨ Ú¥ ˙B„¬Ï§ Ÿz ‰l¤ ²‡¥ § 9 :ÌB„«‡¡ ‡e‰¬in the mountain-land of Seir. [10] These are thenames of Esau’s sons: Eliphaz the son of Adah -È«¥a§ ˙BÓ´ L§ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ 10 :¯ÈÚ«¦ N¥ ¯‰−© a§ ÌB„®‡¡the wife of Esau, Reuel the son of Basemath the χ¥¾ eÚ¯§ ÂN¨½ Ú¥ ˙L¤ ‡´¥ Ɖ„¨Ú¨ -Ôa¤ ÊÙ©À ÈϦ ‡¡ ÂN®¨ Ú¥wife of Esau. [11] And the sons of Eliphaz wereTeman, Omar, Zepho, and Gatam, and Kenaz. ʮ٨ ÈϦ ‡¡ È´¥a§ eÈ−‰§ i¦Â© 11 :ÂN«¨ Ú¥ ˙L¤ ¬‡¥ ˙Ó−© N§ a¨-Ôa¤[12] And Timna was concubine to Eliphaz Esau’s | Ú´©Ó§ ˙¦ § 12 :Ê«©˜§ e Ìz−¨ Ú§ ‚©Â§ BÙ¬ ˆ§ ¯Ó¨½ B‡ ÔÓ´¨ Èz¥son; and she bore to Eliphaz Amalek. These are „Ϥ z¬¥ © ÂN¨½ Ú¥ -Ôa¤ ÆÊÙ© ÈϦ ‡¡ Ï«¤ L‚¤Ï¤À ÈÙ¦ ‰˙´¨ ȧ ‰¨the sons of Adah Esau’s wife. [13] And these arethe sons of Reuel: Nahath, and Zerah, Shammah, ˙L¤ ¬‡¥ ‰„−¨Ú¨ Ȭ¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡¥¾ ˜®Ï¥ Ó¨ Ú£-˙‡¤ ÊÙ−© ÈϦ ‡¡ Ϥand Mizzah. These were the sons of Basemath ‰n´¨ L© Á¯©−ʤ¨ ˙Á©¬© χ¥½ eÚ¯§ È´¥a§ Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ § 13 :ÂN«¨ Ú¥Esau’s wife. [14] And these were the sons of :ÂN«¨ Ú¥ ˙L¤ ¬‡¥ ˙Ó−© N§ ·¨ Ȭ¥a§ eȽ‰¨ ‰´l¤‡´¥ ‰®f¨Ó¦ eOholibamah the daughter of Anah, the daughter ‰²¨Ú£-˙·© ‰Ó¯¨ ·¨ ÈϦ ‰¢ ‡¨ È¥¸ a§ eÈÀ‰¨ ‰l¤ ‡´¥ § 14of Zibeon, Esau’s wife; and she bore to Esau -˙‡¤ ÂN¨½ Ú¥ ϧ „Ϥ z´¥ © ÂN®¨ Ú¥ ˙L¤ ‡´¥ ÔBÚ− ·§ ˆ¦ -˙a©Jeush, and Jalam, and Korah. [15] These are thechiefs of the sons of Esau: the sons of Eliphaz thefirst-born of Esau: the chief of Teman, the chief ‰l¤ ‡−¥ 15 :Á¯©Ÿ˜« -˙‡¤ § ÌÏ−¨ Ú§ È©-˙‡¤ § LeÚ¬ ȧ ˘ÈÚÈof Omar, the chief of Zepho, the chief of Kenaz, ÂN¨½ Ú¥ ¯Bδ a§ ÆÊÙ© ÈϦ ‡¡ ȳ¥a§ ÂN®¨ Ú¥ -È«¥·§ È´Ù¥ el‡©[16] the chief of Korah, the chief of Gatam, the Ûel¬ ‡© BÙ− ˆ§ Ûel¬ ‡© ¯Ó¨½ B‡ Ûel´ ‡© ÆÔÓ¨ Èz¥ Ûel³ ‡©chief of Amalek. These are the chiefs that came ofEliphaz in the land of Edom. These are the sons of Ûel´ ‡© Ìz−¨ Ú§ b© Ûel¬ ‡© Á¯©Ÿ˜²-Ûel« ‡© 16 :Ê«©˜§Adah. [17] And these are the sons of Reuel Esau’s ÌB„½ ‡¡ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ÆÊÙ© ÈϦ ‡¡ ȳ٥ el‡© ‰l¤ ‡´¥ ˜®Ï¥ Ó¨ Ú£son: the chief of Nahath, the chief of Zerah, the Æχ¥ eÚ¯§ ȳ¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡¥À § 17 :‰„«¨Ú¨ Ȭ¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡−¥chief of Shammah, the chief of Mizzah. Theseare the chiefs that came of Reuel in the land of ‰n−¨ L© Ûel¬ ‡© Á¯©Ê¤½ Ûel´ ‡© Æ˙Á© ©Æ Ûel¬ ‡© ÂN¨½ Ú¥ -Ôa¤Edom. These are the sons of Basemath Esau’s ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ Æχ¥ eÚ¯§ ȳ٥ el‡© ‰l¤ ‡´¥ ‰®f¨Ó¦ Ûel´ ‡©wife. [18] And these are the sons of OholibamahEsau’s wife: the chief of Jeush, the chief of Jalam, :ÂN«¨ Ú¥ ˙L¤ ¬‡¥ ˙Ó−© N§ ·¨ Ȭ¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡¥¾ ÌB„½ ‡¡the chief of Korah. These are the chiefs that came Ûel¬ ‡© ÂN¨½ Ú¥ ˙L¤ ‡´¥ ƉӨ ·¨ ÈÏ«¦ ‰¢ ‡¨ ȳ¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡¥À § 18of Oholibamah the daughter of Anah, Esau’s ÈÙº¥ el‡© ‰l¤ ‡´¥ Á¯©Ÿ˜® Ûel´ ‡© ÌÏ−¨ Ú§ È© Ûel¬ ‡© LeÚ² ȧwife. [19] These are the sons of Esau, and theseare their chiefs; the same is Edom. ‰l¤ ‡¯¥ 19 :ÂN«¨ Ú¥ ˙L¤ ¬‡¥ ‰−¨Ú£-˙a© ‰Ó²¨ ·¨ ÈϦ ‰¢ ‡«¨ ‡e‰¬ ̉−¤ ÈÙ¥ el‡© ‰l¤ ¬‡¥ § ÂN²¨ Ú¥ -È¥·§ [20] These are the sons of Seir the Horite,the inhabitants of the land: Lotan and Shobal ȯ½¦ŸÁ‰© ƯÈÚ¦ N¥ -È«¥·§ ‰l¤ ‡³¥ 20 Ò :ÌB„«‡¡and Zibeon and Anah, [21] and Dishon andEzer and Dishan. These are the chiefs that came :‰«¨Ú£Â© ÔBÚ¬ ·§ ˆ¦ § Ï−·¨ BL§ Ôˬ¨ BÏ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ È·−¥ L§ ŸÈof the Horites, the children of Seir in the land ȯ²¦ŸÁ‰© ȯ٥ el‡© ‰l¤ ‡´¥ ÔL®¨ È„¦Â§ ¯ˆ¤ ‡−¥ § ÔBL¬ „¦Â§ 21 Heb. Edom. 70 70

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘È 36 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 36.22 va-yishlah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙of Edom. [22] And the children of Lotan were ÔË−¨ BÏ-È¥·§ eȬ‰§ i¦ © 22 :ÌB„«‡¡ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ ¯ÈÚ−¦ N¥ Ȭ¥a§Hori and Hemam; and Lotan’s sister was Timna.[23] And these are the children of Shobal: Alvan Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ § 23 :Ú«¨Ó§ z¦ ÔË−¨ BÏ ˙BÁ¬ ‡£ © ÌÓ®¨ ȉ¥ § ȯ´¦ŸÁand Manahath and Ebal, Shepho and Onam. BÙ− L§ Ï®·¨ ÈÚ¥ § ˙Á© −©Ó¨ e Ԭ¨ϧ Ú© Ï·¨½ BL È´¥a§[24] And these are the children of Zibeon: Aiahand Anah—this is Anah who found the hot ‰®¨Ú£Â© ‰´i¨‡© § ÔBÚ− ·§ ˆ¦ -È«¥·§ ‰l¤ ¬‡¥ § 24 :Ì«¨B‡Â§springs in the wilderness, as he fed the asses of ¯a¨½ „§n¦ a© ÆÌÓ¦ i¥‰© -˙‡¤ ‡³ˆ¨ Ó¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰¨ÀÚ£ ‡e‰´Zibeon his father. [25] And these are the children :ÂÈ·«¦ ‡¨ ÔBÚ¬ ·§ ˆ¦ ϧ Ìȯ−¦ŸÓÁ£ ‰© -˙‡¤ B˙¬ ŸÚ¯§a¦of Anah: Dishon and Oholibamah the daughterof Anah. [26] And these are the children of -˙a© ‰Ó−¨ ·¨ ÈϦ ‰¢ ‡¨ § ÔŸL® c¦ ‰−¨Ú£-È«¥·§ ‰l¤ ¬‡¥ § 25Dishon: Hemdan and Eshban and Ithran and Ôa−¨ L§ ‡¤ § Ôc¬¨Ó§ Á¤ ÔL®¨ È„¦ È´¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ § 26 :‰«¨Ú£Cheran. [27] These are the children of Ezer:Bilhan and Zaavan and Akan. [28] These are the ÔÂ−¨Ú£Ê©Â§ Ô‰¬¨ ϧ a¦ ¯ˆ¤ ‡®¥ -È¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ 27 :Ô¯«¨Î§ e Ô¯¬¨˙§ Ȧ §children of Dishan: Uz and Aran. [29] These are :Ô¯«¨‡£ © ıeÚ¬ ÔL−¨ È„¦-È«¥·§ ‰l¤ ¬‡¥ 28 :Ô˜«¨Ú£Â©the chiefs that came of the Horites: the chief of Ûel´ ‡© ÆÔ˨ BÏ Ûel³ ‡© ȯ®¦ŸÁ‰© È´Ù¥ el‡© ‰l¤ ‡−¥ 29Lotan, the chief of Shobal, the chief of Zibeon,the chief of Anah, [30] the chief of Dishon, the Ûel¬ ‡© 30 :‰«¨Ú£ Ûel¬ ‡© ÔBÚ− ·§ ˆ¦ Ûel¬ ‡© Ï·¨½ BLchief of Ezer, the chief of Dishan, These are the ȯ٥ el‡© ‰l¤ ‡´¥ ÔL®¨ Èc¦ Ûel´ ‡© ¯ˆ¤ ‡−¥ Ûel¬ ‡© ÔŸL² c¦chiefs that came of the Horites, according totheir chiefs in the land of Seir. Ù :¯ÈÚ«¦ N¥ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ ̉−¤ ÈÙ¥ lª ‡© ϧ ȯ²¦ŸÁ‰© ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ eÎ− ϧ Ó¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌÈν¦ Ϩ n§ ‰© Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ § 31 [31] And these are the kings that reignedin the land of Edom, before there reigned any :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥·§ Ϧ CϤ −Ó¤ -CϨ Ó§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ÌB„®‡¡king over the children of Israel. [32] And Belathe son of Beor reigned in Edom; and the name B¯−ÈÚ¦ ̬L¥ § ¯BÚ® a§ -Ôa¤ ÚÏ© −a¤ ÌB„½ ‡¡ a¤ CŸÏ´ Ó§ i¦Â© 32of his city was Dinhabah. [33] And Bela died, ·¬·¨ BÈ ÂÈz¨½ Á§ z© CŸÏ´ Ó§ i¦ © ÚÏ© ®a¨ ˙Ó¨ −i¨Â© 33 :‰·¨ ‰«¨ § c¦and Jobab the son of Zerah of Bozrah reigned inhis stead. [34] And Jobab died, and Husham of CŸÏ´ Ó§ i¦ © ·®·¨ BÈ ˙Ó¨ −i¨Â© 34 :‰¯«¨ˆ§ a¨ Ó¦ Á¯©−ʤ-Ôa¤the land of the Temanites reigned in his stead. ˙Ó¨ −i¨Â© 35 :È«¦ Ó¨ Èz¥ ‰© ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ ÌL−¨ Áª ÂÈz¨½ Á§ z©[35] And Husham died, and Hadad the son of ‰³k¤ n© ‰© „„À©a§ -Ôa¤ „„´©‰£ ÂÈz¨¹ Á§ z© CŸÏ¸ Ó§ i¦ © ÌL®¨ ÁªBedad, who smote Midian in the field of Moab,reigned in his stead; and the name of his city :˙È«¦Ú£ B¯−ÈÚ¦ ̬L¥ § ·‡¨½ BÓ ‰„´¥N§ a¦ ÆÔȨ„§Ó¦ -˙‡¤was Avith. [36] And Hadad died, and Samlah of ‰Ï−¨ Ó§ N© ÂÈz¨½ Á§ z© CŸÏ´ Ó§ i¦ © „„®¨‰£ ˙Ó¨ −i¨Â© 36Masrekah reigned in his stead. [37] And Samlahdied, and Shaul of Rehoboth by the River reigned ÂÈz¨½ Á§ z© CŸÏ´ Ó§ i¦ © ‰®Ï¨ Ó§ N© ˙Ó¨ −i¨Â© 37 :‰˜«¨¯¥N§ n© Ó¦in his stead. [38] And Shaul died, and Baal-hanan Ïe‡® L¨ ˙Ó¨ −i¨Â© 38 :¯‰«¨ p¨‰© ˙B·¬ ŸÁ¯§Ó¥ Ïe‡− L¨the son of Achbor reigned in his stead. [39] And :¯Ba« Χ Ú© -Ôa¤ Ô−¨Á¨ ÏÚ© ¬a© ÂÈz¨½ Á§ z© CŸÏ´ Ó§ i¦ ©Baal-hanan the son of Achbor died, and Hadarreigned in his stead; and the name of his city CŸÏ³ Ó§ i¦ © ¼¯BaΧ Ú© -Ôa¤ Ô´¨Á¨ ÏÚ© ´a© »˙Ó¨ i¨Â© 39was Pau; and his wife’s name was Mehetabel, Bz³ L§ ‡¦ ÌL¥¸ § eÚ®t¨ B¯−ÈÚ¦ ̬L¥ § ¯„½©‰£ ÆÂÈz¨ Á§ z©the daughter of Matred, the daughter of Me-zahab. [40] And these are the names of the chiefs :·‰«¨ ʨ Ȭӥ ˙a−© „¯½¥Ë§ Ó© -˙a© Æχ¥ ·§ Ë© ȉ«¥ Ó§that came of Esau, according to their families, Ì˙¨½ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ ÆÂN¨ Ú¥ ȳ٥ el‡© ˙BÓº L§ ‰l¤ ‡¥ §Â40after their places, by their names: the chief of Ûel¬ ‡© Ú²¨Ó§ z¦ Ûel¬ ‡© Ì˙®¨ ŸÓL§ a¦ Ì˙−¨ ŸÓŸ˜Ó§ ϦTimna, the chief of Alvah, the chief of Jetheth;[41] the chief of Oholibamah, the chief of Elah, ‰Ó²¨ ·¨ ÈϦ ‰¢ ‡¨ Ûel¯ ‡© 41 :˙˙«¥ ȧ Ûel¬ ‡© ‰Â−¨Ï§ Ú«©the chief of Pinon; [42] the chief of Kenaz, the Ûel¬ ‡© ʲ©˜§ Ûel¬ ‡© 42 :ÔŸ« Èt¦ Ûel¬ ‡© ‰Ï−¨‡¥ Ûel¬ ‡© Heb. Dishan. 71 71

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÁÏ˘È 36 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 36.43 va-yishlah ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙chief of Teman, the chief of Mibzar; [43] the chief Ûel´ ‡© χ−¥ Èc¦‚§ Ó© Ûel¬ ‡© 43 :¯ˆ«¨ ·§ Ó¦ Ûel¬ ‡© ÔÓ−¨ Èz¥of Magdiel, the chief of Iram. These are the chiefsof Edom, according to their habitations in the ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ·L§ ŸÓ« ϧ ÌB„À ‡¡ È´Ù¥ el‡© | ‰l¤ ‡´¥ ̯®¨ÈÚ¦land of their possession. This is Esau the father Ù :ÌB„«‡¡ Ȭ·¦ ‡£ ÂN−¨ Ú¥ ‡e‰¬ Ì˙¨½ f¨Áª ‡£ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§of the Edomites. ·˘È ·L¤ ´i¥Â©va-yeshev 37And Jacob dwelt in the land of his ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ37 father’s sojournings, in the land of ÛÒº¥ BÈ ·Ÿ˜À ڣȩ ˙B„´Ï§ Ÿz | ‰l¤ ‡´¥ 2 :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ı¯¤‡−¤ a§ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨È¯´¥e‚Ó§ı¯¤‡−¤ a§Canaan. [2] These are the generations of Jacob. -˙‡¤ ‰³Ú¤ Ÿ¯ ‰È¨¸‰¨ Ɖ¨L¨ ‰¯³¥N§ Ú¤ -Ú·«© L§ -Ôa¤Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding ‰²‰¨ ϧ ·¦ Ȭ¥a§ -˙‡¤ ¯Ú© ©À ‡e‰´ § Ô‡Ÿv½ a© ÆÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤the flock with his brethren, being still a lad, evenwith the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of ÛÒ²¥BÈ ‡¬·¥ i¨Â© ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ÈL´¥ § ‰t−¨ ϧ ʦ Ȭ¥a§ -˙‡¤ §Zilpah, his father’s wives; and Joseph broughtevil report of them unto their father. [3] Now χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ § 3 :̉«¤ È·¦ ‡£ -χ¤ ‰Ú−¨ ¯¨ Ì˙¬¨ a¨ c¦-˙‡¤Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, ÌȬ¦ ˜ªÊ§-Ô·¤-Èk«¦ ÂÈ¨½ a¨-Ïk¨ Ó¦ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ-˙‡¤ ·‰³© ‡¨because he was the son of his old age; and he e‡´ ¯§i¦ © 4 :ÌÈq«¦ t© ˙¤Ÿ˙¬ k§ BÏ− ‰N¨ ¬Ú¨ § BÏ® ‡e‰−made him a coat of many colours. [4] And whenhis brethren saw that their father loved him more ÂÈÁ¨½ ‡¤ -Ïk¨ Ó¦ Æ̉¤ È·¦ ‡£ ·‰³© ‡¨ B˙º Ÿ‡-Èk«¦ ÂÈÁ¨À ‡¤than all his brethren, they hated him, and could :ÌŸÏ« L¨ ϧ B¯¬a§ c© eÏ− Χ Ȩ ‡ŸÏ¬ § B˙® Ÿ‡ e‡− § N§ i¦ «©not speak peaceably unto him. [5] And Joseph eÙÒ¬¦ Bi© ÂÈÁ®¨ ‡¤ ϧ „−b¥i©Â© ÌBϽ Á£ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ ÌŸÏ³ Á£ i©Â© 5dreamed a dream, and he told it to his brethren;and they hated him yet the more. [6] And he -eÚÓ§ L¦ Ì®‰¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 6 :B˙« Ÿ‡ ‡Ÿ¬N§ „BÚ−said unto them: ‘Hear, I pray you, this dream ‰p¥‰¦ §Â7 :Èz¦ Ó§ Ï«¨ Á¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰−f¤‰© ÌBϬ Á£ ‰© ‡¨¾which I have dreamed: [7] for, behold, we were ‰„½¤O¨ ‰© CB˙´ a§ ÆÌÈn¦ Ϫ ‡£ ÌÈÓ³¦ l§ ‡© Ó§ eÁ§ ©¹ ‡£binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheafarose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your ‰³p¥‰¦ § ‰·¨ ®v¨ ¦ -Ì‚©Â§ È˙−¦ n¨ Ϫ ‡£ ‰Ó¨ ˜¬¨ ‰²p¥‰¦ §sheaves came round about, and bowed down :È˙«¦ n¨ Ϫ ‡£ Ï© ¨ÔÈÂ−¤Á£ z© L§ z«¦ © ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿn´ Ϫ ‡£ Ɖ¨Èa¤Æ Òª ˙§to my sheaf.’ [8] And his brethren said to him: eÈÏ¥½ Ú¨ ÆCŸÏÓ§ z¦ CŸÏ³ Ó¨ ‰£ ÂÈÁ¨½ ‡¤ ÆBÏ e¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi³Â© 8‘Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thouindeed have dominion over us?’ And they hated ‡Ÿ´N§ Æ„BÚ eÙÒ³¦ Bi© e®a¨ ÏŸL− Ó§ z¦ ÏBL¬ Ó¨ -̇¦him yet the more for his dreams, and for his ̟Ϭ Á£ i©Â© 9 :Âȯ«¨·¨ c§-ÏÚ© § ÂÈ˙−¨ ŸÓŸÏÁ£ -ÏÚ© B˙½ Ÿ‡words. [9] And he dreamed yet another dream, ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ÂÈÁ®¨ ‡¤ ϧ B˙− Ÿ‡ ¯¬t¥ Ò© ȧ © ¯Á¥½ ‡© ÌBÏ´ Á£ Æ„BÚand told it to his brethren, and said: ‘Behold,I have dreamed yet a dream: and, behold, the LÓ¤ M´¤ ‰© ‰¯p¥‰¦ § „BÚ½ ÆÌBÏÁ£ Èz«¦ Ó§ ³Ï© Á¨ ‰p¥¸‰¦sun and the moon and eleven stars bowed down ÌÈÂ−¦Á£ z© L§ Ó«¦ ÌÈ·½¦ Ψ Bk« ƯN¨ Ú¨ „Á³© ‡© § Á©¯À¥i¨‰© §to me.’ [10] And he told it to his father, and to -¯Ú© ‚§ i¦ © ¼ÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤ -χ¤ § »ÂÈ·¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ ¯´t¥ Ò© ȧ © 10 :ÈÏ«¦his brethren; and his father rebuked him, andsaid unto him: ‘What is this dream that thou ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰−f¤‰© ÌBϬ Á£ ‰© ‰Ó²¨ BϽ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ÂÈ·½¦ ‡¨ Ba´hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy EÈÁ¤½ ‡© § E´ n§ ‡¦ § ÆÈ¦ ‡£ ‡B·À ¨ ‡B·´ ‰£ z¨ Ó§ ®Ï¨ Á¨brethren indeed come to bow down to thee to ÂÈÁ®¨ ‡¤ B·− -e‡§ ˜©È§ © 11 :‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡«¨ E− ϧ ˙ŸÂ¬Á£ z© L§ ‰¦ ϧthe earth?’ [11] And his brethren envied him;but his father kept the saying in mind. [12] And ÂÈÁ®¨ ‡¤ eÎ− ϧ i¥Â© 12 :¯·«¨ c¨‰© -˙‡¤ ¯Ó¬© L¨ ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ §À Àhis brethren went to feed their father’s flock in :ÌΫ¤ L§ a¦ ̉−¤ È·¦ ‡£ Ô‡Ÿˆ¬ -˙‡¤ ˙BÚ² ¯§Ï¦ 72 72

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ·˘È 37 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 37.13 va-yeshev ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙Shechem. [13] And Israel said unto Joseph: ‘Do ÆEÈÁƤ ‡© ‡Bϳ ‰£ ÛÒÀ¥ BÈ-χ¤ χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 13not thy brethren feed the flock in Shechem?come, and I will send thee unto them.’ And he Ì®‰¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ E´ Á£ Ϩ L§ ‡¤ § ‰Î−¨ ϧ ÌΤ½ L§ a¦ ÌÈÚ´¦ Ÿ¯said to him: ‘Here am I.’ [14] And he said to him: ‰‡¥¹ ¯§ ‡¨¸ -CϤ BÏÀ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 14 :È¦«p¥‰¦ BÏ− ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â©‘Go now,see whether it is well with thy brethren, Ô‡Ÿv½ ‰© ÌBÏ´ L§ -˙‡¤ § ÆEÈÁƤ ‡© ÌBϳ L§ -˙‡¤and well with the flock; and bring me back word.’So he sent him out of the vale of Hebron, and he ÔB¯½ ·§ Á¤ ˜Ó¤ ´Ú¥ Ó¥ Æe‰ÁÆ¥ Ϩ L§ i¦ © ¯®·¨ c¨ È¦ ·−¥ L¦ ‰£ ©came to Shechem. [15] And a certain man found ‰¬p¥‰¦ § Lȇ½¦ e‰‡´¥ ˆ¨ Ó§ i¦ © 15 :‰Ó¨ Ϋ¤ L§ ‡Ÿ·− i¨Â©him, and, behold, he was wandering in the field. ¯ŸÓ− ‡Ï¥ Lȇ²¦ ‰¨ e‰¯Ï¥‡¨ L§ i¦ © ‰„®¤O¨ a© ‰Ú−¤ Ÿ˙And the man asked him, saying: ‘What seekest Èδ¦ Ÿ‡¨ ÈÁ−© ‡© -˙‡¤ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 16 :Lw«¥·© z§ -‰Ó©thou?’ [16] And he said: ‘I seek my brethren. Tellme, I pray thee, where they are feeding the flock.’ :ÌÈÚ«¦ Ÿ¯ ̬‰¥ ‰ŸÙ− ȇ¥ ÈϦ½ ‡´p¨-‰„¨Èb«¦ ‰© Lw®¥·© Ó§[17] And the man said: ‘They are departed hence; ÆÈz¦ Ú§ ÓÆ© L¨ Èk³¦ ‰f¤½Ó¦ eÚ´ Ò§ ¨ ÆLȇ¦ ‰¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 17for I heard them say: Let us go to Dothan.’ And ¯Á´© ‡© ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ CϤ ³i¥Â© ‰¨È§ ˙®¨ Ÿc ‰Î−¨ ϧ ¥ Ìȯ½¦Ó§ Ÿ‡«Joseph went after his brethren, and found themin Dothan. [18] And they saw him afar off, and ˜ŸÁ® ¯¨Ó¥ B˙− Ÿ‡ e‡¬ ¯§i¦Â© 18 :Ô˙«¨ Ÿ„a§ ̇−¥ ˆ¨ Ó§ i¦ © ÂÈÁ¨½ ‡¤before he came near unto them, they conspired B˙− Ÿ‡ eϬ k§ ©˙§ i«¦Â© ̉¤½ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ·¯´©˜§ Ȧ Æ̯¤Ë¤Æ ·§ eagainst him to slay him. [19] And they said ‰p¥À‰¦ ÂÈÁ®¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ Lȇ´¦ e¯−Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 19 :B˙« ÈÓ¦ ‰£ Ï©one to another: ‘Behold, this dreamer cometh.[20] Come now therefore, and let us slay him, eδ ϧ | ‰z´¨ Ú© § 20 :‡a«¨ ‰−ʤl¨ ‰© ˙BÓ¬ŸÏÁ£ ‰© ÏÚ© ²a©and cast him into one of the pits, and we will say: e¯§Ó©¾ ‡¨ § ˙B¯½ Ÿa‰© „Á´© ‡© a§ Æe‰Î¥Æ Ϧ L§ ©Â§ e‰‚¥À ¯§‰© «©Â§An evil beast hath devoured him; and we shall eÈ−‰§ i¦ -‰Ó© ‰‡¤¾ ¯§¦ § e‰˙§ ®Ï¨ Ψ ‡£ ‰Ú−¨ ¯¨ ‰¬i¨Á©see what will become of his dreams.’ [21] AndReuben heard it, and delivered him out of their Ì„®¨i¨Ó¦ e‰Ï−¥ v¦ i©Â© Ô·¥½ e‡¯§ ÚÓ´© L§ i¦ © 21 :ÂÈ˙«¨ ŸÓŸÏÁ£hand; and said: ‘Let us not take his life.’ [22] And | Ì´‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 22 :LÙ¤ «¨ epk−¤ © ‡ŸÏ¬ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â©Reuben said unto them: ‘Shed no blood; cast -χ¤ B˙À Ÿ‡ eÎÈÏ´¦ L§ ‰© ¼Ì„¨-eÎt§ L§ z¦ -χ© »Ô·¥ e‡¯§him into this pit that is in the wilderness, but lay -eÁϧ L§ z¦ -χ© „−Ȩ§ ¯a¨½ „§n¦ a© ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ɖf¤‰© ¯Ba³ ‰©no hand upon him’—that he might deliver himout of their hand, to restore him to his father. B·− ÈL¦ ‰£ Ï© Ì„½¨i¨Ó¦ ÆB˙Ÿ‡ ÏÈv³¦ ‰© ÔÚ© Ó©À ϧ B·®[23] And it came to pass, when Joseph was come -χ¤ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ ‡¬a¨-¯L¤ ‡£ k«© ȉ¾¦ ȧ«© 23 :ÂÈ·«¦ ‡¨ -χ¤unto his brethren, that they stripped Joseph of -˙‡¤ Bz½ § z¨ kª-˙‡¤ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ-˙‡¤ eËÈL³¦ Ù§ i©Â© ÂÈÁ®¨ ‡¤his coat, the coat of many colours that was onhim; [24] and they took him, and cast him into e‰Áª½ w¨i¸¦Â© 24 :ÂÈÏ«¨ Ú¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌÈq−¦ t© ‰© ˙¤Ÿ˙¬ k§the pit—and the pit was empty, there was no Ba− ÔȬ‡¥ ˜¯½¥ ¯Ba´ ‰© § ‰¯¨Ÿa® ‰© B˙− Ÿ‡ eÎϬ¦ L§ i©Â©water in it. [25] And they sat down to eat bread; e‡³ N§ i¦ © ¼ÌÁ¤ Ϥ -ÏΨ ‡¡ Ï«¤ »e·L§ i¥Â© 25 :ÌȦ Ó«¨and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and,behold, a caravan of Ishmaelites came from ÌÈϦ½‡Ú¥ Ó§ L§ Ȧ ˙Á´© ¯§Ÿ‡ Ɖp¥‰¦ § e‡½ ¯§i¦Â© Æ̉¤ È¥ÈÚ«¥Gilead, with their camels bearing spicery and Æ˙‡ŸÎ§ ÌȇÀ¦ N§ Ÿ« Ì´‰¤ Èl¥ Ó© ‚§ e „®Ú¨ ϧ b¦ Ó¦ ‰‡−¨ a¨balm and ladanum, going to carry it down to :‰Ó¨ ȧ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ „ȯ¬¦B‰Ï§ ÌÈÎ−¦ ϧ B‰ ˟Ͻ ¨ ȯ´¦ˆ§ eEgypt. [26] And Judah said unto his brethren: Èk³¦ Úˆ© a¤À -‰Ó© ÂÈÁ®¨ ‡¤ -χ¤ ‰„−¨e‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 26‘What profit is it if we slay our brother andconceal his blood? [27] Come, and let us sell him eκ ϧ 27 :BÓ« c¨-˙‡¤ eÈq−¦ Φ § eÈÁ½¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ Æ‚Ÿ¯‰£ ©to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon B·½ -ȉ¦ z§ -χ© Æe„ƥȨ§ ÌÈϦÀ‡Ú¥ Ó§ L§ i¦ Ï© ep¯´¤k§ Ó§ ¦ § 73 73

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ·˘È 37 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 37.28 va-yeshev ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙him; for he is our brother, our flesh.’ And his :ÂÈÁ«¨ ‡¤ eÚ− Ó§ L§ i¦ «© ‡e‰® e¯−¥N¨ ·§ eÈÁ¬¦ ‡¨ -Èk«¦brethren hearkened unto him. [28] And therepassed by Midianites, merchantmen; and they ÆeÎL§ Ó§ i¦ «© ÌȯÀ¦Á£ŸÒ« ÌÈ¹¦ Ȩ„§Ó¦ ÌÈL¦¸ ¨‡£ Áe¯·§ Ú© i«©Â© 28drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and -˙‡¤ e¯¯k§ Ó§ i¦Â© ¯Ba½ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ-˙‡¤ eϳ Ú£i«©Â©sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels e‡È¬·¦ i¨Â© ÛÒ¤®k¨ Ìȯ´¦N§ Ú¤ a§ ÌÈÏ−¦ ‡Ú¥ Ó§ L§ i¦Ï© ÛÒ²¥BÈof silver. And they brought Joseph into Egypt. -χ¤ ÆÔ·¥ e‡¯§ ·L¨ ³i¨Â© 29 :‰Ó¨ ȧ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ-˙‡¤[29] And Reuben returned unto the pit; and,behold, Joseph was not in the pit; and he rent his -˙‡¤ Ú¯−©˜§ i¦ © ¯Ba® a© ÛÒ−¥ BÈ-Ôȇ¥ ‰¬p¥‰¦ § ¯Ba½ ‰©clothes. [30] And he returned unto his brethren,and said: ‘The child is not; and as for me, whither „Ϥ ´i¤‰© ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© ÂÈÁ−¨ ‡¤ -χ¤ ·L¨ ¬i¨Â© 30 :ÂÈ„«¨‚¨ a§shall I go?’ [31] And they took Joseph’s coat, and -˙‡¤ eÁ− ˜§ i¦ © 31 :‡·«¨ -È¦ ‡£ ‰¨‡¬¨ È−¦ ‡£ © ep¤½ ȇ¥killed a he-goat, and dipped the coat in the blood;[32] and they sent the coat of many colours, and eϬ a§ ˧ i¦Â© ÌÈf½¦Ú¦ ¯ÈÚ´¦ N§ ÆeËÁ£ L§ i¦Â«© ÛÒ®¥BÈ ˙¤Ÿ˙´ k§they brought it to their father; and said: ‘This ˙¤Ÿ˙´ k§ -˙‡¤ eÁº l§ L© ȧ«© 32 :Ìc«¨a© ˙¤Ÿz− kª ‰© -˙‡¤have we found. Know now whether it is thy son’s ˙‡ŸÊ´ e¯−Ó§ ‡Ÿi© ̉¤½ È·¦ ‡£ -χ¤ Æe‡È·Æ¦ i¨Â© ÌÈqÀ¦ t© ‰©coat or not.’ [33] And he knew it, and said: ‘It ismy son’s coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; -̇¦ ‡Â‰−¦ E² § a¦ ˙¤Ÿ˙¯ k§ ‰© ‡¨À-¯k¤ ‰© e‡®ˆ¨ Ó¨Joseph is without doubt torn in pieces.’ [34] And ‰¬i¨Á© È½¦ a§ ˙¤Ÿ˙´ k§ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© d¯³¨Èk¦ i©Â© 33 :‡ŸÏ«Jacob rent his garments, and put sackcloth uponhis loins, and mourned for his son many days. Ú¯³©˜§ i¦ © 34 :ÛÒ«¥ BÈ Û¯−©ŸË ÛŸ¯¬Ë¨ e‰˙§ ®Ï¨ Ψ ‡£ ‰Ú−¨ ¯¨[35] And all his sons and all his daughters rose up Ϭa¥ ‡© ˙§ i¦Â© ÂÈ®¨˙§ Ó¨ a§ ˜N−© ÌN¤ ¬i¨Â© ÂÈ˙¨½ ŸÏÓ§ N¦ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; ÂÈ¨¸ a¨-ÏΨ ÁeÓ˜ªi¨Â© 35 :ÌÈa«¦ ¯© ÌÈÓ¬¦ Ȩ B−a§ -ÏÚ©and he said: ‘Nay, but I will go down to the grave ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© ÌÁ¥½ ©˙§ ‰¦ ϧ ÆÔ‡¥ Ó¨ ȧ© BÓÀ Á£ ©Ï§ ÂÈ˙¨¹ Ÿa§ -ÏΨ §to my son mourning.’ And his father wept forhim. [36] And the aMidianites sold him into B˙− Ÿ‡ j§ ·§ ¬i¥Â© ‰Ï¨ Ÿ‡® L§ Ï−·¥ ‡¨ Ȳ¦ a§ -χ¤ „¯¯¥‡¥ -Èk«¦Egypt unto Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh’s, thecaptain of the guard. ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ -χ¤ B˙− Ÿ‡ e¯¬Î§ Ó¨ ÌÈ½¦ „¨n§ ‰©¸ § 36 :ÂÈ·«¦ ‡¨38 Judah went down from his brethren, and38turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose namewas Hirah. [2] And Judah saw there a daughterAnd it came to pass at that time, that Ù :ÌÈÁ«¦ a¨ h© ‰© ¯N−© ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© Òȯ´¦Ò§ Ư٩ È˦ BÙ« ϧ ˙‡´¥ Ó¥ ‰„−¨e‰È§ „¯¤¬i¥Â© ‡Â‰¦½ ‰© ˙´Ú¥ a¨ Æȉ¦ ȧ«© :‰¯«¨ÈÁ¦ BÓ¬ L§ e ÈÓ−¦ l¨ „ªÚ£ Lȇ¬¦ -„Ú© ˲i¥Â© ÂÈÁ®¨ ‡¤of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shua; BÓ´ L§ e È−¦ Ú£©k§ Lȇ¬¦ -˙a© ‰„²¨e‰È§ ÌL¯¨ -‡¯§i©Â© 2and he took her, and went in unto her. [3] Andshe conceived, and bore a son; and he called his „Ϥ z´¥ © ¯‰© z−© © 3 :‰¨ ÈÏ«¤ ‡¥ ‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© ‰¨ Á−¤ w¨i¦ © Ú©eL®name Er. [4] And she conceived again, and bore „Ϥ z´¥ © „BÚ− ¯‰© z¬© © 4 :¯Ú«¥ BÓ− L§ -˙‡¤ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ © Ôa®¥a son; and she called his name Onan. [5] And sheyet again bore a son, and called his name Shelah; Æ„BÚ ÛÒ¤Ÿz³ © 5 :Ô«¨B‡ BÓ− L§ -˙‡¤ ‡¯¬¨˜§ z¦ © Ôa®¥and he was at Chezib, when she bore him. [6] And ‰¬È¨‰¨ § ‰®Ï¨ L¥ BÓ− L§ -˙‡¤ ‡¯¬¨˜§ z¦ © Ôa¥½ „Ϥ z´¥ ©Judah took a wife for Er his first-born, and her ‰M−¨ ‡¦ ‰„²¨e‰È§ Áw¯©i¦ © 6 :B˙« Ÿ‡ dz¬¨ „§Ï¦ a§ ·ÈÊ−¦Î§ ·¦name was Tamar. [7] And Er, Judah’s first-born, ¯Bδ a§ ¯Ú¥µ ȉÀ¦ ȧ© 7 :¯Ó«¨ z¨ dÓ−¨ L§ e B¯®BÎa§ ¯´Ú¥ ϧwas wicked in the sight of the Lord; and theLord slew him. [8] And Judah said unto Onan: :‰Â«¨‰È§ e‰˙−¥ Ó¦ ȧ © ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥ÈÚ¥ a§ Ú¯−© ‰„½¨e‰È§‘Go in unto thy brother’s wife, and perform theduty of a husband’s brother unto her, and raise EÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ ˙L¤ ¬‡¥ -χ¤ ‡Ÿa² Ô¨½ B‡Ï§ Ɖ„¨e‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 8up seed to thy brother.’ [9] And Onan knew that Ú„©´i¥Â© 9 :EÈÁ«¦ ‡¨ ϧ Ú¯©−ʤ ̘¬¥‰¨ § d˙®¨ Ÿ‡ Ì´a¥ ȩ§the seed would not be his; and it came to pass,when he went in unto his brother’s wife, that ‡a¨¸ -̇¦ ‰Èº¨‰¨ § Ú¯©®f¨‰© ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ BÏ− ‡Ÿl¬ Ȳk¦ Ô¨½ B‡a Heb. Medanites. 74 74

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ·˘È 38 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 38.10 va-yeshev ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙he spilled it on the ground, lest he should give Èz¬¦ ϧ ·¦ ϧ ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡©½ ˙Á´¥ L¦ § ÆÂÈÁ¦ ‡¨ ˙L¤ ‡³¥ -χ¤seed to his brother. [10] And the thing whichhe did was evil in the sight of the Lord; and He ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ a§ Ú¯©²i¥Â© 10 :ÂÈÁ«¦ ‡¨ ϧ Ú¯©−ʤ-Ô˙¨ §slew him also. [11] Then said Judah to Tamar Á‰„¨e‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 11 :B˙« Ÿ‡-Ìb© ˙Ó¤ −i¨Â© ‰N®¨ Ú¨his daughter-in-law: ‘Remain a widow in thy CÈ·À¦ ‡¨ -˙È·¥ ‰´¨Ó¨ ϧ ‡© È·¯¦ L§ B˙¹ l¨ k© ¯Ó¨¸ ˙¨ ϧfather’s house, till Shelah my son be grown up’;for he said: ‘Lest he also die, like his brethren.’ ˙eÓ¬ Ȩ-Ôt¤ ¯Ó©½ ‡¨ Èk´¦ È½¦ ·§ ‰Ï´¨ L¥ ÆÏc©‚§ Ȧ -„Ú©And Tamar went and dwelt in her father’s house. ˙Ȭa¥ ·L¤ z−¥ © ¯Ó¨½ z¨ CϤ z´¥ © ÂÈÁ®¨ ‡¤ k§ ‡e‰− -Ìb©[12] And in process of time Shua’s daughter, thewife of Judah, died; and Judah was comforted, Ú©eL´ -˙a© ˙Ó¨ z−¨ © ÌÈÓ½¦ i¨‰© Æea¯§i¦ © 12 :‰¨ È·«¦ ‡¨and went up unto his sheep-shearers to Timnah,he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite. [13] And ȳʥʣŸb« -ÏÚ© ÏÚ© i©¹Â© ‰„À¨e‰È§ ÌÁ¤´p¨i¦Â© ‰„®¨e‰È§-˙L¤ ‡«¥it was told Tamar, saying: ‘Behold, thy father- ÈÓ−¦ l¨ „ªÚ£‰¨ e‰¬Ú¥ ¯¥ ‰¯²¨ÈÁ¦ § ‡e‰À ÆB‡Ÿˆin-law goeth up to Timnah to shear his sheep.’[14] And she put off from her the garments of CÈÓ²¦ Á¨ ‰¬p¥‰¦ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ¯Ó−¨ ˙¨ ϧ „¬b©iªÂ© 13 :‰˙¨ «¨Ó§ z¦ È„¸¥‚§ a¦ Á¯Ò© z¨ © 14 :B« ‡Ÿˆ ÊŸ‚¬Ï¨ ‰˙¨ −¨Ó§ ˙¦ ‰¬Ï¤ŸÚher widowhood, and covered herself with her Ûl¨½ Ú© ˙§ z¦ © ÆÛÈÚ¦ v¨ a© ҳΩ z§ © ‰¨ ÈϤÀ Ú¨ Ó«¥ d˙¨¹ eÓ§ ϧ ‡©veil, and wrapped herself, and sat in the entranceof Enaim, which is by the way to Timnah; for she C¯¤c´¤-ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ ÌȦ ©½ ÈÚ¥ Á˙© ´Ù¤ a§ Æ·L¤ zÆ¥ ©saw that Shelah was grown up, and she was not ‡Â‰¾¦ § ‰Ï¨½ L¥ Ï„´©‚¨-Èk«¦ Ɖ˙¨ ‡£ ¯¨ Èk³¦ ‰˙¨®¨Ó§ z¦given unto him to wife. [15] When Judah saw ‰„½¨e‰È§ ‰¨ ‡´¤ ¯§i¦ © 15 :‰M«¨ ‡¦ ϧ BÏ− ‰¬¨z§ ¦ -‡ŸÏ«her, he thought her to be a harlot; for she hadcovered her face. [16] And he turned unto her Ëi¥¸Â© 16 :‰¨ È«¤t¨ ‰˙−¨ q§ Φ Ȭk¦ ‰®¨BÊϧ ‰¨ ·−¤ L§ Á§ i©Â«©by the way, and said:’ Come, I pray thee, let me ‡B·´ ‡¨ Ƈp¨-‰·¨ ‰«¨ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© C¯¤cÀ¤‰© -χ¤ ‰¨ ÈϤ¹‡¥come in unto thee’; for he knew not that she washis daughter-in-law. And she said: ‘What wilt ƯӤ ‡ŸzÆ Â© ‡Â‰®¦ B˙− l¨ Ω Ȭk¦ Ú„½©È¨ ‡ŸÏ´ Èk¦µ CȦ Ï©½ ‡¥thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 17 :ÈÏ«¨ ‡¥ ‡B·− ˙¨ Ȭk¦ Èl¦½ -Ôz¤ z¦ -‰Ó©me?’ [17] And he said: ‘I will send thee a kid of ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz¾ © Ô‡Ÿv® ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌÈf−¦Ú¦ -È„«¦b§ Á¬l© L© ‡£ ȲΦ Ÿ‡¨the goats from the flock.’ And she said: ‘Wiltthou give me a pledge, till thou send it?’ [18] And ‰Ó´¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© 18 :EÁ«¤ ϧ L¨ „¬Ú© ÔB·− ¯¨Ú¥ Ôz¬¥ z¦ -̇¦he said: ‘What pledge shall I give thee?’ And she ÆEÓ§ ˙«¨ ŸÁ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸzÀ © ¼Cl¨ -Ôz¤ ‡¤ ¯L´¤ ‡£ »ÔB·¯¨Ú¥ ‰«¨said: ‘Thy signet and thy cord, and thy staff that ‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© d²l¨ -Ôz¤ i¦ © E„®¤È¨a§ ¯L´¤ ‡£ E− h§ Ó© e EϤ½ È˙¦ Ù§ eis in thy hand.’ And he gave them to her, andcame in unto her, and she conceived by him. ¯Ò© z¬¨ © CϤ z¥½ © ̘¨z´¨ © 19 :BÏ« ¯‰© z¬© © ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤‡¥[19] And she arose, and went away, and put off :d˙«¨ eÓ§ ϧ ‡© È„¬¥‚§ a¦ La−© ϧ z¦ © ‰¨ ȮϤ Ú¨ Ó¥ dÙ−¨ ÈÚ¦ ˆ§her veil from her, and put on the garments of herwidowhood. [20] And Judah sent the kid of the Æ„È©a§ ÌÈfÀ¦ Ú¦ ‰«¨ È„´¦b§ -˙‡¤ ‰„¹¨e‰È§ ÁÏ©¸ L§ i¦ © 20goats by the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to „´i©Ó¦ ÔB·− ¯¨Ú¥ ‰¨ ˙Á© ˜¬©Ï¨ ÈÓ½¦ l¨ „ªÚ£‰«¨ e‰´Ú¥ ¯¥receive the pledge from the woman’s hand; but ÈL³¥ § ‡© -˙‡¤ χº© L§ i¦ © 21 :d‡«¨ ˆ¨ Ó§ ‡ŸÏ− § ‰M®¨ ‡¦ ‰¨he found her not. [21] Then he asked the men ofher place, saying: ‘Where is the harlot, that was ÌȦ−©ÈÚ¥ ·¨ ‡Â‰¬¦ ‰L²¨ „¥w§ ‰© ‰¯i¥‡© ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆdÓ¨ Ÿ˜Ó§at Enaim by the wayside?’ And they said: ‘There :‰L«¨ „¥˜§ ‰−ʤ·¨ ‰˙¬¨ ȧ ‰¨ -‡ŸÏ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© C¯¤c®¨‰© -ÏÚ©hath been no harlot here.’ [22] And he returned ‰¨ È˙®¦ ‡ˆ¨ Ó§ ‡ŸÏ´ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© ‰„½¨e‰È§ -χ¤ Æ·L¨ iƨ© 22to Judah, and said: ‘I have not found her: andalso the men of the place said: There hath been ‰−ʤ·¨ ‰˙¬¨ ȧ‰¨ -‡ŸÏ e¯½ Ó§ ‡«¨ ÆÌB˜n¨ ‰© ÈL³¥ § ‡© Ì‚©¸ §no harlot here.’ [23] And Judah said: ‘Let her take Ôt−¤ dϨ½ -Áw«©z«¦ Ɖ„¨e‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 23 :‰L«¨ „¥˜§ 75 75

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ·˘È 38 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 38.24 va-yeshev ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙it, lest we be put to shame; behold, I sent this kid, ‰z−¨ ‡© § ‰f¤½ ‰© È„´¦b§ ‰© ÆÈz¦ Á§ Ï©Æ L¨ ‰³p¥‰¦ Êe·® Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ ¦and thou hast not found her.’ [24] And it cameto pass about three months after, that it was told ÌÈL¦À „¨Á¢ LŸÏ´ L§ Ó¦ k§ | ȉ´¦ ȧ© 24 :d˙«¨ ‡ˆ¨ Ó§ ‡ŸÏ¬Judah, saying: ‘Tamar thy daughter-in-law hath E˙¤½ l¨ k© ¯Ó´¨ z¨ Ɖ˙¨ § Ê«¨ ƯŸÓ‡Ï«¥ ‰„³¨e‰ÈÏ«¦ „b©¸ iªÂ©played the harlot; and moreover, behold, she iswith child by harlotry.’ And Judah said: ‘Bring ‰„½¨e‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ÌÈ®¦ eʧϦ ‰¯−¨‰¨ ‰¬p¥‰¦ ̲‚©Â§her forth, and let her be burnt.’ [25] When she ‡È‰¦¸ § ˙‡ˆ¥À eÓ ‡Â‰´¦ 25 :Û¯«¥O¨ ˙¦ § ‰¨ e‡− Ȉ¦ B‰was brought forth, she sent to her father-in-law,saying: ‘By the man, whose these are, am I with -¯L¤ ‡£ ÆLȇ¦ ϧ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ Ɖ¨ ÈÓƦ Á¨ -χ¤ ‰Á³¨ ϧ L¨child’; and she said: ‘Discern, I pray thee, whose ÈÓº¦ ϧ ‡¨½ -¯k¤ ‰© ƯӤ ‡ŸzÆ Â© ‰¯®¨‰¨ ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ Bl½ ‰l¤ ‡´¥are these, the signet, and the cords, and the staff.’ :‰l¤ ‡«¥ ‰¨ ‰h−¤ n© ‰© § ÌÈϲ¦ È˙¦ t§ ‰© § ˙Ó¤ ˙¯¤ ŸÁ‰©[26] And Judah acknowledged them, and said:‘She is more righteous than I; forasmuch as I gave -Èk«¦ Èp¦ n¤½ Ó¦ ‰˜´¨„§ˆ«¨ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ‰„À¨e‰È§ ¯´k¥ i©Â© 26her not to Shelah my son.’ And he knew her again ÛÒ¬©È¨-‡ŸÏ« § È®¦ ·§ ‰Ï´¨ L¥ ϧ ‰¨ Èz−¦ ˙© § -‡ŸÏ Ôk¬¥-ÏÚ©no more. [27] And it came to pass in the time ofher travail, that, behold, twins were in her womb. ‰¬p¥‰¦ § dz®¨ „§Ï¦ ˙´Ú¥ a§ ȉ−¦ ȧ © 27 :‰z«¨ Ú§ „©Ï§ „BÚ−[28] And it came to pass, when she travailed, that „®È¨-Ôz¤ i¦ © dz−¨ „§Ï¦ ·§ ȉ¬¦ ȧ © 28 :d«¨Ë§ ·¦ a§ ÌÈÓ−¦ B‡˙§one put out a hand; and the midwife took andbound upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying: ÆÈ¦ L¨ B„³È¨-ÏÚ© ¯ŸL¸ ˜§ z¦ © ˙„¤l¤À È©Ó§ ‰© Áw´©z¦ ©‘This came out first.’ [29] And it came to pass, as ·ÈL´¦ Ó¥ k§ | ȉ´¦ ȧ © 29 :‰«¨ŸL‡¯¦ ‡¬ˆ¨ Ȩ ‰−ʤ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥he drew back his hand, that, behold his brothercame out; and she said: ‘Wherefore hast thou z¨ ˆ§ ¯−©t¨ -‰Ó© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz¾ © ÂÈÁ½¦ ‡¨ ‡´ˆ¨ Ȩ Ɖp¥‰¦ § B„À Ȩmade a breach for thyself?’ Therefore his name ƯÁ© ‡© § 30 :ı¯¤t«¨ BÓ− L§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ © ı¯¤®t¨ EȴϤ Ú¨was called Perez. [30] And afterward came outhis brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his39hand; and his name was called Zerah. BÓ− L§ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦Â© È®¦ M¨ ‰© B„−Ȩ-ÏÚ© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÂÈÁ½¦ ‡¨ ‡´ˆ¨ Ȩ39 and Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh’s, the ‰Ó¨ ȧ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ „¯´©e‰ ÛÒ−¥ Bȧ Ò :Á¯©Ê«¨captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him ofAnd Joseph was brought down to Egypt; ÆÌÈÁ¦ a¨ h© ‰© ¯N³© ‰ŸÚ¹ ¯§t© Òȯ¸¦Ò§ Á¯Ù© È˦ Bt e‰¥¿ ˜§ i¦ © ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌÈϦ½‡Ú¥ Ó§ L§ i¦‰© Æ„i©Ó¦ ȯ½¦ˆ§ Ó¦ Lȇ´¦the hand of the Ishmaelites, that had brought him ȉ−¦ ȧ © ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-˙‡¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ȉ³¦ ȧ © 2 :‰n¨ L«¨ e‰„−ª¯¦B‰down thither. [2] And the Lord was with Joseph,and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the :ȯ«¦ˆ§ n¦ ‰© ÂÈ−¨Ÿ„‡£ ˙Ȭ·¥ a§ ȉ¾¦ ȧ © Á©ÈÏ®¦ ˆ§ Ó© Lȇ´¦house of his master the Egyptian. [3] And his ‡e‰´ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÆϟΧ Bz® ‡¦ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭk¦ ÂÈ¨½Ÿ„‡£ ‡¯§´i©Â© 3master saw that the Lord was with him, and thatthe Lord made all that he did to prosper in his ÛÒ¬¥BÈ ‡ˆ¨¸ Ó§ i¦Â© 4 :B„«È¨a§ Á©ÈϬ¦ ˆ§ Ó© ‰−¨‰È§ ‰N¤½ ŸÚhand. [4] And Joseph found favour in his sight, B˙½ Èa¥-ÏÚ© Æe‰„Æ¥˜¦ Ù§ i©Â© B˙® Ÿ‡ ˙¯¤L´¨ ȧ© ÂÈ−¨ÈÚ¥ a§ Ô²Á¥and he ministered unto him. And he appointedhim overseer over his house, and all that he had „Ș¸¦ Ù§ ‰¦ Áʇ¨ Ó¥ ȉ¿¦ ȧ© 5 :B„«È¨a§ Ô˙¬© ¨ BÏ− -LȤ-ÏΨ §he put into his hand. [5] And it came to pass C¯¤¯·¨ ȧ© BϽ -LȤ ¯L´¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ÆÏÚ© § B˙À È·¥ a§ B˙¹ Ÿ‡from the time that he appointed him overseer in ȉº¦ ȧ© ÛÒ®¥BÈ ÏÏ´© ‚§ a¦ ȯ−¦ˆ§ n¦ ‰© ˙Ȭa¥-˙‡¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§his house, and over all that he had, that the Lord ˙Ȧa−© a© BϽ -LȤ ¯L´¤ ‡£ -ÏΨ a§ Ɖ¨‰È§ ˙³k© ¯§a¦blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake;and the blessing of the Lord was upon all that he ¼ÛÒ¥ BÈ-„È©a§ »BÏ-¯L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ·ŸÊ´Ú£i©Â© 6 :‰„«¤O¨ ·© ehad, in the house and in the field. [6] And he leftall that he had in Joseph’s hand; and, having him, ÌÁ¤ l−¤ ‰© -̇¦ Ȭk¦ ‰Ó¨ e‡½ Ó§ ÆBz‡¦ Ú„³©È¨-‡ŸÏ§he knew not aught save the bread which he did ¯‡© Ÿ˙− -‰Ù¥ ȧ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ È‰´¦ ȧ © ϮΥ B‡ ‡e‰´ -¯L¤ ‡£eat. And Joseph was of beautiful form, and fairto look upon. [7] And it came to pass after these ‰l¤ ‡¥½ ‰¨ Ìȯ´¦·¨ c§‰© ƯÁ© ‡© ȉÀ¦ ȧ© 7 :‰‡«¤ ¯§Ó© ‰¬Ù¥ Ȧ That is, A breach. 76 76

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ·˘È 39 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 39.8 va-yeshev ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙things, that his master’s wife cast her eyes upon ÛÒ®¥BÈ-χ¤ ‰¨ È−¤ÈÚ¥ -˙‡¤ ÂȲ¨Ÿ„‡£ -˙L¤ ‡«¥ ‡O¯¨ z¦ ©Joseph; and she said: ‘Lie with me.’ [8] But herefused, and said unto his master’s wife: ‘Behold, ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© | Ô‡¥Ã Ó¨ ȧ © 8 :Èn«¦ Ú¦ ‰¬·¨ Χ L¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz− ©my master, having me, knoweth not what is in Èz−¦ ‡¦ Ú„¬©È¨-‡ŸÏ È½¦Ÿ„‡£ Ô‰´¥ ÂÈ¨½Ÿ„‡£ ˙L¤ ‡´¥ -χ¤the house, and he hath put all that he hath into :È„«¦È¨a§ Ô˙¬© ¨ BÏ− -LȤ-¯L¤ ‡£ ϟά § ˙Ȧ®a¨ a© -‰Ó©my hand; [9] he is not greater in this house thanI; neither hath he kept back any thing from me CN³© Á¨ -‡ŸÏ« § ¼Èp¦ n¤ Ó¦ »‰f¤‰© ˙Ȧ´a© a© ÏB„¹ ‚¨ ep¤¸È‡¥ 9but thee, because thou art his wife. How then -z§ ‡© ¯L´¤ ‡£ a© C˙−¨ B‡-̇¦ Ȭk¦ ‰Ó¨ e‡½ Ó§ ÆÈp¦ nƤ Ó¦can I do this great wickedness, and sin against ˙‡Ÿf½ ‰© ƉϨ Ÿ„b§ ‰© ‰³Ú¨ ¯¨‰¨ ‰N¤¹ Ú¡ ‡«¤ Cȇ¥¸ § Bz® L§ ‡¦God?’ [10] And it came to pass, as she spoke toJoseph day by day, that he hearkened not unto -χ¤ d¯¬¨a§ „©k§ ȉ¾¦ ȧ © 10 :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡Ï«¥ È˙¦ ‡Ë−¨ Á¨ §her, to lie by her, or to be with her. [11] And it ·¬k© L§ Ϧ ‰¨ ȲϤ‡¥ ÚÓ¬© L¨ -‡ŸÏ§ ÌBÈ® | ÌBÈ´ ÛÒ−¥ BÈcame to pass on a certain day, when he went into ‰f¤½ ‰© ÌBi´‰© k§ Æȉ¦ ȧ © 11 :dn«¨ Ú¦ ˙BȬ‰§ Ϧ dÏ−¨ ˆ§ ‡¤the house to do his work, and there was none ofthe men of the house there within, [12] that she Lȇ¹¦ Ôȇ¥¸ § Bz® Χ ‡Ï© Ó§ ˙BN´ ڣϩ ‰˙¨ ȧ a−© ‰© ‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â©caught him by his garment, saying: ‘Lie with me.’ e‰N¯¥ t§ ˙§ z¦ © 12 :˙Ȧ a«¨ a© ÌL−¨ ˙Ȧ²a© ‰© ȬL¥ § ‡© Ó¥And he left his garment in her hand, and fled, ÆB„‚§ a¦ ·ŸÊ³Ú£i©Â© Èn®¦ Ú¦ ‰´·¨ Χ L¦ ¯ŸÓ− ‡Ï¥ B„²‚§ ·¦ a§and got him out. [13] And it came to pass, whenshe saw that he had left his garment in her hand, d˙¨½ B‡¯§k¦ Æȉ¦ ȧ© 13 :‰ˆ¨ eÁ« ‰© ‡¬ˆ¥ i¥Â© Ò¨−i¨Â© d„½¨È¨a§and was fled forth, [14] that she called unto the :‰ˆ¨ eÁ« ‰© Ò¨−i¨Â© d„®¨È¨a§ B„−‚§ a¦ ·¬Ê©Ú¨ -Èk«¦men of her house, and spoke unto them, saying: Æ̉¤ Ϩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz³ © d˙¨À È·¥ ÈL´¥ § ‡© ϧ ‡¯º¨˜§ z¦ © 14‘See, he hath brought in a Hebrew unto us tomock us; he came in unto me to lie with me, ˜Á¤ ´ˆ© ϧ ȯ−¦·§ Ú¦ Lȇ¬¦ e²Ï¨ ‡È·¦ ¬‰¥ e‡À ¯§ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥and I cried with a loud voice. [15] And it came ÏB˜¬a§ ‡¯−¨˜§ ‡¤ ¨ Èn½¦ Ú¦ ·´k© L§ Ϧ ÆÈÏ© ‡¥ ‡³a¨ e®a¨to pass, when he heard that I lifted up my voice ÈÏ−¦ B˜ È˙¦ ŸÓ¬ ȯ¦‰£ -Èk«¦ BÚ½ Ó§ L¨ Χ ȉ´¦ ȧ © 15 :ÏB„«b¨and cried, that he left his garment by me, andfled, and got him out.’ [16] And she laid up his ‡¬ˆ¥ i¥Â© Ò¨−i¨Â© ÈϦ½ ˆ§ ‡¤ ÆB„‚§ a¦ ·ŸÊ³Ú£i©Â© ‡¯®¨˜§ ‡¤ ¨garment by her, until his master came home. ‡Ba¬-„Ú© d®Ï¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ B„−‚§ a¦ Á¬p©z© © 16 :‰ˆ¨ eÁ« ‰©[17] And she spoke unto him according to these Ìȯ¬¦·¨ c§k© ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥ ¯´a¥ „©z§ © 17 :B˙« Èa¥-χ¤ ÂÈ−¨Ÿ„‡£words, saying: ‘The Hebrew servant, whom thou ȯ²¦·§ Ú¦ ‰«¨ „·¤ ¯Ú¤ ‰¨ ÈÏ©º‡¥ -‡a«¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ ‰¨hast brought unto us, came in unto me to mock ȉ¾¦ ȧ© 18 :Èa«¦ ˜Á¤ ¬ˆ© ϧ el−¨ ˙¨ ‡¬·¥ ‰¥ -¯L¤ ‡£me. [18] And it came to pass, as I lifted up myvoice and cried, that he left his garment by me, ÈÏ−¦ ˆ§ ‡¤ B„²‚§ a¦ ·ŸÊ¬Ú£i©Â© ‡¯®¨˜§ ‡¤ ¨ ÈÏ−¦ B˜ ÈÓ¬¦ ȯ¦‰£ k©and fled out.’ [19] And it came to pass, when hismaster heard the words of his wife, which she -˙‡¤ ÂÈ¨¹Ÿ„‡£ Ú©ŸÓ¸ L§ Φ Áȉ¦ ȧ© 19 :‰ˆ¨ eÁ« ‰© Ò¨¬i¨Â©spoke unto him, saying: ‘After this manner did ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥ ‰¯³¨a§ c¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ BzÀ L§ ‡¦ ȯ´¥·§ c¦thy servant to me’; that his wrath was kindled. :Bt« ‡© ¯Á© i−¦Â© Ec®¤·§ Ú© ÈÏ−¦ dN¨ ¬Ú¨ ‰l¤ ‡¥½ ‰¨ Ìȯ´¦·¨ c§k©[20] And Joseph’s master took him, and puthim into the prison, the place where the king’s ˙È´a¥-χ¤ Æe‰¥Æ z§ i¦ «© B˙À Ÿ‡ ÛÒ¥¹ BÈ È¥¸Ÿ„‡£ ÁÁw©i¦ © 20prisoners were bound; and he was there in the CϤ −n¤ ‰© ȯ¬¥ÈÒ¦ ‡£ ȯÂÒ‡-¯L¤ ‡£ ÌB˜¾ Ó§ ¯‰© Ÿq½ ‰©prison. [21] But the Lord was with Joseph, and ȉ³¦ ȧ © 21 :¯‰© Ÿq« ‰© ˙Ȭ·¥ a§ ÌL−¨ -ȉ¦ ȧ «© Ìȯ®¦eÒ‡£showed kindness unto him, and gave him favourin the sight of the keeper of the prison. [22] And Bp½ Á¦ Ôz´¥ i¦Â© „Ò¤ Á®¨ ÂÈÏ−¨‡¥ ˬi¥Â© ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-˙‡¤ Ɖ¨‰È§the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph’s -˙Èa¥ ¯N³© Ôzº¥ i¦ © 22 :¯‰© Ÿq« ‰© -˙Èa¥ ¯N¬© È−¥ÈÚ¥ a§ 77 77

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ·˘È 39 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 39.23 va-yeshev ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙hand all the prisoners that were in the prison; ¯L−¤ ‡£ ̯½¦ÈÒ¦ ‡£ ‰´¨ -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥µ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-„È©a§ Ư‰© ŸqÆ ‰©and whatsoever they did there, he was the doerof it. [23] The keeper of the prison looked not to ÌL¨½ ÆÌÈN¦ ŸÚ ¯L³¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥¸ § ¯‰© Ÿq® ‰© ˙È´·¥ a§any thing that was under his hand, because the ¯‰© ŸqÀ ‰© -˙Èa¥ ¯N´© | Ôȇ´¥ 23 :‰N«¤ ŸÚ ‰¬È¨‰¨ ‡e‰−Lord was with him; and that which he did, the ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ a© B„½ Ȩa§ ƉӨ e‡Æ Ó§ -Ïk¨-˙‡«¤ ‰‡³¤ Ÿ¯Lord made it to prosper. Ò :Á©ÈÏ«¦ ˆ§ Ó© ‰¬Â¨‰È§ ‰N−¤ ŸÚ ‡e‰¬ -¯L¤ ‡£ «© Bz® ‡¦ And it came to pass after these things, ƯÁ© ‡©40 40that the butler of the king of Egypt ‰l¤ ‡¥½ ‰¨ Ìȯ´¦·¨ c§‰© ȉÀ¦ ȧ©and his baker offended their lord the king of ‰®Ù¤ Ÿ‡‰¨ § ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ -CϤ Ó«¤ ‰˜¬¥L§ Ó© e‡² ˧ Á«¨Egypt. [2] And Pharaoh was wroth against his ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ÛŸˆ´ ˜§ i¦ © 2 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ CϤ ¬Ó¤ ϧ ̉−¤ È¥Ÿ„‡£ Ï©two officers, against the chief of the butlers,and against the chief of the bakers. [3] And he Ï−Ú© § ÌȘ½¦ L§ n© ‰© ¯N´© ÏÚ©µ ÂÈÒ®¨ ȯ¦Ò¨ È´¥L§ Ï−Ú©put them in ward in the house of the captain ˙Ȳa¥ ¯Ó©À L§ Ó¦ a§ Ì˙¨¹ Ÿ‡ Ôz¥¸ i¦Â© 3 :ÌÈÙ«¦ B‡‰¨ ¯N¬©of the guard, into the prison, the place where ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌB˜¾ Ó§ ¯‰© Ÿq® ‰© ˙È´a¥-χ¤ ÌÈÁ−¦ a¨ Ë© ‰© ¯N¬©Joseph was bound. [4] And the captain of theguard charged Joseph to be with them, and he ÌÈÁ¯¦ a¨ h© ‰© ¯N´© „Ÿ˜Ù§ i¦ ©Â4 :ÌL«¨ ¯eÒ¬ ‡¨ ÛÒ−¥ BÈministered unto them; and they continued a ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩ eȬ‰§ i¦ © Ì˙®¨ Ÿ‡ ˙¯¤L´¨ ȧ© Ìz−¨ ‡¦ ÛÒ²¥BÈ-˙‡¤season in ward. [5] And they dreamed a dream Lȇ³¦ ̉¤¹ È¥L§ ÌBϸ Á£ ÁeÓϧ Á© i«©Â© 5 :¯Ó«¨ L§ Ó¦ a§both of them, each man his dream, in one night,each man according to the interpretation of his BÓ®ŸÏÁ£ ÔB¯´˙§ Ù¦ k§ Lȇ−¦ „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰Ï¨ ȧϴ© a§ ÆBÓŸÏÁ£dream, the butler and the baker of the king of ÌȦ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ CϤ Ó´¤ ϧ ƯL¤ ‡£ ‰Ù¤À Ÿ‡‰¨ § ‰˜´¤L§ n© ‰©Egypt, who were bound in the prison. [6] And ‡Ÿ·¯ i¨Â© 6 :¯‰© Ÿq« ‰© ˙Ȭ·¥ a§ Ìȯ−¦eÒ‡£ ¯¬L¤ ‡£Joseph came in unto them in the morning, andsaw them, and, behold, they were sad. [7] And he Ì−p¨‰¦ § Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ‡¯§´i©Â© ¯˜¤Ÿa® a© ÛÒ−¥ BÈ Ì²‰¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£asked Pharaoh’s officers that were with him in the ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰ŸÚÀ ¯§Ù© ÈÒ´¥ ȯ¦Ò§ -˙‡¤ χº© L§ i¦ © 7 :ÌÈÙ«¦ Ú£ŸÊward of his master’s house, saying: ‘Wherefore Ú©ec²Ó© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ÂÈ−¨Ÿ„‡£ ˙Ȭa¥ ¯Ó²© L§ Ó¦ ·§ Bz¯ ‡¦look ye so sad to-day?’ [8] And they said unto ÌBÏ´ Á£ ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥ e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 8 :ÌBi« ‰© ÌÈÚ−¦ ¯¨ ̬Τ È¥t§him: ‘We have dreamed a dream, and there isnone that can interpret it.’ And Joseph said unto ÛÒÀ¥ BÈ Ì‰¤¹ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© B˙® Ÿ‡ Ôȇ´¥ ¯˙−¥ ŸÙe eÓ§ Ï©½ Á¨them: ‘Do not interpretations belong to God? tell :ÈÏ«¦ ‡−¨-e¯t§ Ò© ÌÈ½¦Ÿ¯˙§ t¦ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡Ï«¥ ‡Bϳ ‰£it me, I pray you.’ [9] And the chief butler told his ÛÒ®¥BÈϧ BÓ−ŸÏÁ£ -˙‡¤ ÌȘ²¦L§ n© ‰© -¯N«© ¯¯t¥ Ò© ȧ © 9dream to Joseph, and said to him: ‘In my dream,behold, a vine was before me; [10] and in the vine :È«¨Ù¨ ϧ ÔÙ¤−‚¤-‰p¥‰¦ § ÈÓ¾¦ BÏÁ£ a© BϽ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â©were three branches; and as it was budding, its Æ˙Á© ¯Æ©ŸÙΧ ‡È‰³¦ § Ì®‚¦ ȯ¦N¨ ‰L´¨ ŸÏL§ ÔÙ¤−b¤·© e 10blossoms shot forth, and the clusters thereof :ÌÈ·«¦ ¨Ú£ ‰¨ È˙−¤ŸÏk§ L§ ‡© eÏÈL¬¦ ·§ ‰¦ dv¨½ ¦ ‰˙´¨ ϧ Ú¨brought forth ripe grapes, [11] and Pharaoh’scup was in my hand; and I took the grapes, and ÌÈ·À¦ ¨Ú£‰«¨ -˙‡¤ Áw´©‡¤ ¨ È„®¦È¨a§ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© ÒBά § 11pressed them into Pharaoh’s cup, and I gave the -˙‡¤ Ôz¬¥ ‡¤ ¨ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© ÒBk´ -χ¤ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ ËÁ³© N§ ‡¤ «¨cup into Pharaoh’s hand.’ [12] And Joseph said ÛÒ¥½ BÈ ÆBÏ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 12 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© Ûk¬©-ÏÚ© ÒBk− ‰©unto him: ‘This is the interpretation of it: the ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ¬ L§ ÌÈ‚½¦ ¯¦O´¨ ‰© Æ˙L¤ ŸÏ¸ L§ B®Ÿ¯˙§ t¦ ‰−ʤthree branches are three days; [13] within yetthree days shall Pharaoh lift up thy head, and ƉŸÚ¯§Ù© ‡O³¨ Ȧ ÌÈÓÀ¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ´ L§ | „BÚ´ a§ 13 :̉«¥restore thee unto thine office; and thou shalt give -ÒBÎ z³¨ ˙© ¨Â§ E®p¤k© -ÏÚ© E− ·§ ÈL«¦ ‰£ © EL¤½ ‡Ÿ¯-˙‡¤ 78 78

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ·˘È 40 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 40.14 va-yeshev ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙Pharaoh’s cup into his hand, after the former ˙¨ ÈÈ−¦‰¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÔBL½ ‡¯¦‰«¨ ÆËt¨ L§ n¦ k© B„½ Ȩa§ ƉŸÚ¯§t©manner when thou wast his butler. [14] But haveme in thy remembrance when it shall be well ƯL¤ ‡£ k© EÀ z§ ‡¦ È¦ z´© ¯§Î© ʧ-̇¦ Èk¯¦ 14 :e‰˜«¥L§ Ó©with thee, and show kindness, I pray thee, unto ÆÈ¦ zÆ© ¯§k© ʧ‰¦ § „Ò¤ Á®¨ È„−¦n¨ Ú¦ ‡¬p¨-˙¨ ÈN«¦ Ú¨ § CϨ½ ·Ë© ÈÈ´¦me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and :‰«f¤‰© ˙Ȧ¬a© ‰© -ÔÓ¦ È¦ ˙−© ‡ˆ¥ B‰Â§ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© -χ¤bring me out of this house. [15] For indeed I wasstolen away out of the land of the Hebrews; and ƉŸt-Ì‚©Â§ Ìȯ®¦·§ Ú¦ ‰¨ ı¯¤‡−¤ Ó¥ Èz¦ ·§ p©½ bª ·Ÿp´‚ª-Èk«¦ 15here also have I done nothing that they should :¯Ba« a© È˙−¦ Ÿ‡ eÓ¬ N¨ -Èk«¦ ‰Ó¨ e‡½ Ó§ È˙«¦ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ -‡ŸÏput me into the dungeon.’ [16] When the chief ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ¯˙®¨ t¨ ·BË´ Èk´¦ ÌÈÙ−¦ Ÿ‡‰¨ -¯N© ‡¯§¬i©Â© 16baker saw that the interpretation was good, hesaid unto Joseph: ‘I also saw in my dream, and, ‰L²¨ ŸÏL§ ‰p¥À‰¦ § ÈÓ½¦ BÏÁ£ a© ÆÈ¦ ‡£ -Û‡© ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-χ¤behold, three baskets of white bread were on my ÏŸk² Ó¦ ÔB½ Èϧ Ú¤ ‰«¨ Ïq´© ·© e 17 :ÈL«¦ ‡Ÿ¯-ÏÚ© ȯ−¦ŸÁ Ȭl¥ Ò©head; [17] and in the uppermost basket there was ϬΥ Ÿ‡ ÛBÚÀ ‰¨ § ‰®Ù¤ Ÿ‡ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© ϬΩ ‡£ Ó©of all manner of baked food for Pharaoh; andthe birds did eat them out of the basket upon my ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ ÔÚ© ³i©Â© 18 :ÈL«¦ ‡Ÿ¯ Ϭک Ó¥ Ïq−© ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Ì˙²¨ Ÿ‡head.’ [18] And Joseph answered and said: ‘This ˙L¤ ŸÏ¬ L§ ÌÈl¦½ q© ‰© Æ˙L¤ ŸÏ¸ L§ B®Ÿ¯˙§ t¦ ‰−ʤ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi½Â©is the interpretation thereof: the three baskets ‡O¨¸ Ȧ ÌÈÓÀ¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ´ L§ | „BÚ´ a§ 19 :̉«¥ ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩare three days; [19] within yet three days shallPharaoh lift up thy head from off thee, and shall E− ˙§ B‡ ‰¬Ï¨ ˙¨ § EÈϤ½ Ú¨ Ó«¥ ÆEL§ ‡Ÿ¯«-˙‡¤ ‰ŸÚ³ ¯§Ù©hang thee on a tree; and the birds shall eat thy :EÈÏ«¤ Ú¨ Ó¥ E− ¯§N¨ a§ -˙‡¤ ÛBÚ² ‰¨ ϬΩ ‡¨ § ı®Ú¥ -ÏÚ©flesh from off thee.’ [20] And it came to pass the -˙‡¤ ˙„¤´l¤ ‰ª ÌBȵ ÈL¦À ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© | ȉ´¦ ȧ © 20third day, which was Pharaoh’s birthday, that hemade a feast unto all his servants; and he lifted ‡O¨º i¦ © ÂÈ„®¨·¨ Ú£-ÏΨ ϧ ‰z−¤ L§ Ó¦ NÚ© ¬i©Â© ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t©up the head of the chief butler and the head of ¯N¬© L‡Ÿ¯²-˙‡¤ § ÌȘÀ¦ L§ n© ‰© ¯N´© | L‡Ÿ¯´-˙‡¤the chief baker among his servants. [21] And he ¯¬N© -˙‡¤ ·L¤ ²i¨Â© 21 :ÂÈ„«¨·¨ Ú£ CB˙¬ a§ ÌÈÙ−¦ Ÿ‡‰¨restored the chief butler back unto his butler-ship; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh’s hand. Ûk¬©-ÏÚ© ÒBk− ‰© Ôz¬¥ i¦Â© e‰˜®¥L§ Ó© -ÏÚ© ÌȘ−¦L§ n© ‰©[22] But he hanged the chief baker, as Joseph had ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© ‰®Ï¨ z¨ ÌÈÙ−¦ Ÿ‡‰¨ ¯N¬© ˙²‡¥ § 22 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t©interpreted to them. [23] Yet did not the chief -¯N«© ¯¯Î© ʨ-‡ŸÏ« § 23 :ÛÒ«¥ BÈ Ì‰−¤ Ϩ ¯˙²© t¨butler remember Joseph, but forgot him. Ù :e‰Á«¥ k¨ L§ i¦Â© ÛÒ−¥ BÈ-˙‡¤ ÌȘ²¦L§ n© ‰© ı˜Ó mikkets 41And it came to pass at the end of two41 full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and, ‰ŸÚ´ ¯§Ù© e ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ ÌȦ ˙´© ¨L§ ıw−¥Ó¦ ȉ¾¦ ȧ © -ÔÓ¦ ‰´p¥‰¦ § 2 :¯Ÿ‡« ȧ‰© -ÏÚ© „¬Ó¥ ŸÚ ‰−p¥‰¦ § ÌÏ¥½ ŸÁbehold, he stood by the river. [2] And, behold, ‰‡−¤ ¯§Ó© ˙BÙ¬ ȧ ˙B¯½ t¨ Ú·© L´¤ Æ˙ŸÏŸÚ ¯Ÿ‡À ȧ ‰©there came up out of the river seven kine, well-favoured and fat-fleshed; and they fed in the ‰pº¥‰¦ § 3 :eÁ‡«¨ a¨ ‰¨ÈÚ−¤ ¯§z¦ © ¯N®¨ a¨ ˙Ÿ‡´ ȯ¦·§ ereed-grass. [3] And, behold, seven other kine -ÔÓ¦ ÆÔ‰¤ ȯ¥Á£ ‡© ˙Bϳ ŸÚ ˙B¯À Á¥ ‡£ ˙B¯´t¨ Ú·© L¯¤came up after them out of the river, ill-favoured ¯N®¨ a¨ ˙Bw´ „©Â§ ‰‡−¤ ¯§Ó© ˙BÚ¬ ¯¨ ¯Ÿ‡½ ȧ ‰©and lean-fleshed; and stood by the other kineupon the brink of the river. [4] And the ill- :¯Ÿ‡« ȧ‰© ˙¬Ù© N§ -ÏÚ© ˙B¯−t¨ ‰© ψ¤ ¬‡¥ ‰¨„§ŸÓ² Ú£z© «©favoured and lean-fleshed kine did eat up the ˙Ÿw´ „©Â§ Ɖ‡¤ ¯§n© ‰© ˙BÚ³ ¯¨ ˙B¯À t¨ ‰© ‰¨Ï§ ´Î© ‡Ÿz© 4 That is, the Nile. 79 79

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ı˜Ó 41 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 41.5 mikkets ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙seven well-favoured and fat kine. So Pharaoh ‰‡−¤ ¯§n© ‰© ˙ŸÙ¬ ȧ ˙B¯½ t¨ ‰© Ú·© L´¤ ˙‡¥µ ¯N¨½ a¨ ‰©awoke. [5] And he slept and dreamed a secondtime: and, behold, seven ears of corn came up ÌŸÏ− Á£ i©Â«© ÔL¨¾ Èi¦ © 5 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© ı˜−©Èi¦ © ˙Ÿ‡® ȯ¦a§ ‰© §upon one stalk, rank and good. [6] And, behold, ‰¬¤˜¨a§ ˙Bϲ ŸÚ ÌÈϦÀ a¢L¦ Ú·© L´¤ | ‰´p¥‰¦ § ˙È®¦ L¥seven ears, thin and blasted with the east wind, Ú·© L´¤ Ɖp¥‰¦ § 6 :˙B·« ŸË§ ˙B‡¬ ȯ¦a§ „Á−¨ ‡¤sprung up after them. [7] And the thin earsswallowed up the seven rank and full ears. And ˙BÁ− Ó§ Ÿˆ ÌÈ„®¦˜¨ ˙ŸÙ´ e„L§ e ˙Bw−c© ÌÈϦ½ a¢L¦Pharaoh awoke, and, behold, it was a dream. ˙Bw½ c©‰© ÌÈÏ´¦ a¢ M¦ ‰© Ɖ¨Ú§ Ï©Æ ·§ z¦ © 7 :Ô‰«¤ ȯ¥Á£ ‡©[8] And it came to pass in the morning that ˙B‡® Ï¥ n§ ‰© § ˙B‡− ȯ¦a§ ‰© ÌÈϦ½ a¢M¦ ‰«© Ú·© L´¤ ˙‡¥µhis spirit was troubled; and he sent and called Ư˜¤ŸaÆ ·© ȉ³¦ ȧ © 8 :ÌBÏ« Á£ ‰¬p¥‰¦ § ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© ı˜¬©Èi¦ ©for all the magicians of Egypt, and all the wisemen thereof: and Pharaoh told them his dream; -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ ‡¯²¨˜§ i¦Â© ÁÏ©À L§ i¦Â© BÁ½ e¯ ÌÚ¤ ´t¨ z¦ ©but there was none that could interpret them ¯t¥¸ Ò© ȧ© ‰¨ ÈÓ®¤ Ψ Á£ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § ÌȦ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ Ȭn¥ ˪ ¯§Á©unto Pharaoh. [9] Then spoke the chief butler Ì˙−¨ B‡ ¯˙¬¥ Bt-Ôȇ¥ § BÓ½ ŸÏÁ£ -˙‡¤ Æ̉¤ Ϩ ‰ŸÚ³ ¯§t©unto Pharaoh, saying: ‘I make mention of myfaults this day: [10] Pharaoh was wroth with his -˙‡¤ ÌȘ½¦ L§ n© ‰© ¯N´© Ưa¥ „©È§Â© 9 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© ϧservants, and put me in the ward of the house of ¯È¬k¦ ʧө È−¦ ‡£ ȇ©¾ ˨ Á£ -˙‡¤ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t©the captain of the guard, me and the chief baker. È˙¹¦ Ÿ‡ Ôz¥¸ i¦ © ÂÈ„®¨·¨ Ú£-ÏÚ© Û´ˆ© ˜¨ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© 10 :ÌBi« ‰©[11] And we dreamed a dream in one night, Iand he; we dreamed each man according to the ¯N¬© ˙‡−¥ § È˙¾¦ Ÿ‡ ÌÈÁ½¦ a¨ h© ‰© ¯N´© ˙Èa¥µ ¯Ó©À L§ Ó¦ a§interpretation of his dream. [12] And there was „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰Ï¨ ȧ¬Ï© a§ ÌBϲ Á£ ‰Ó¬¨ ϧ Á© «p©Â© 11 :ÌÈÙ«¦ Ÿ‡‰¨with us there a young man, a Hebrew, servant :eÓ§ Ï«¨ Á¨ BÓ−ŸÏÁ£ ÔB¯¬˙§ Ù¦ k§ Lȇ²¦ ‡e‰® ¨ È´¦ ‡£to the captain of the guard; and we told him, ¯N´© ϧ „·¤ Ú¤µ ȯÀ¦·§ Ú¦ ¯Ú©´© ez¨¹ ‡¦ ÌL¨¸ § 12and he interpreted to us our dreams; to eachman according to his dream he did interpret. -˙‡¤ eÏ−¨ -¯z¨ Ù§ i¦Â© BϽ -¯t¤ Ò© p¸§ © ÌÈÁ½¦ a¨ h© ‰©[13] And it came to pass, as he interpreted to us, ȉ²¦ ȧ © 13 :¯˙«¨ t¨ BÓ−ŸÏÁ£ k© Lȇ¬¦ eÈ˙®¥ ŸÓŸÏÁ£so it was: I was restored unto mine office, and he ·ÈL¬¦ ‰¥ È˙²¦ Ÿ‡ ‰®È¨‰¨ Ôk´¥ eÏ−¨ -¯˙© t«¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k©was hanged.’ [14] Then Pharaoh sent and calledJoseph, and they brought him hastily out of the ƉŸÚ¯§t© Á³Ï© L§ i¦ © 14 :‰Ï«¨ ˙¨ B˙¬ Ÿ‡Â§ È−p¦ k©-ÏÚ©dungeon. And he shaved himself, and changed ÆÁl© ‚©È§Â© ¯Ba® ‰© -ÔÓ¦ e‰ˆ−ª ȯ¦È§Â© ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-˙‡¤ ‡¯´¨˜§ i¦Â©his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh. [15] And :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© -χ¤ ‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© ÂÈ˙¨½ ŸÏÓ§ N¦ Û´l¥ Á© ȧ ©Pharaoh said unto Joseph: ‘I have dreamed adream, and there is none that can interpret it; Èz¦ Ó§ Ï©½ Á¨ ÌBÏ´ Á£ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-χ¤ ƉŸÚ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 15and I have heard say of thee, that when thou ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆEÈÏ¤Æ Ú¨ Èz¦ Ú§ Ó³© L¨ ÈÀ¦ ‡£ © B˙® Ÿ‡ Ôȇ´¥ ¯˙−¥ ŸÙehearest a dream thou canst interpret it.’ [16] And ÛÒ¯¥BÈ ÔÚ© i©¸Â© 16 :B˙« Ÿ‡ ¯Ÿz¬ Ù§ Ϧ ÌBÏ− Á£ ÚÓ¬© L§ z¦Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying: ‘It is not inme; God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace.’ ‰−¤Ú£È© Ìȉ¾¦ ŸÏ‡¡ È„®¨Ú¨ ϧ a¦ ¯ŸÓ− ‡Ï¥ ‰ŸÚ² ¯§t© -˙‡¤[17] And Pharaoh spoke unto Joseph: ‘In my -χ¤ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â© 17 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© ÌBϬ L§ -˙‡¤dream, behold, I stood upon the brink of the :¯Ÿ‡« ȧ ‰© ˙¬Ù© N§ -ÏÚ© „Ó−¥ ŸÚ Ȭ¦ § ‰¦ ÈÓ¾¦ ŸÏÁ£ a© ÛÒ®¥BÈriver. [18] And, behold, there came up out of the ˙B¯½ t¨ Ú·© L´¤ Æ˙ŸÏŸÚ ¯Ÿ‡À ȧ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ‰´p¥‰¦ § 18river seven kine, fat-fleshed and well-favoured;and they fed in the reed-grass. [19] And, behold, :eÁ‡«¨ a¨ ‰¨ÈÚ−¤ ¯§z¦ © ¯‡© Ÿz® ˙ŸÙ´ Ȧ ¯N−¨ a¨ ˙B‡¬ ȯ¦a§seven other kine came up after them, poor and ˙BÏ´ ŸÚ Æ˙B¯Á¥ ‡£ ˙B¯³t¨ -Ú·© L«¤ ‰pº¥‰¦ § 19 80 80

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ı˜Ó 41 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 41.20 mikkets ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙very ill-favoured and lean-fleshed, such as I ˙Bw´ ¯©Â§ „Ÿ‡− Ó§ ¯‡© Ÿz² ˙BÚ¬ ¯¨Â§ ˙Bl¸ c© Ô‰¤½ ȯ¥Á£ ‡©never saw in all the land of Egypt for badness. ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏΨ a§ ‰p¨²‰¥ Ψ È˙¦ ȇ¯¦ ¯¨-‡ŸÏ« ¯N®¨ a¨[20] And the lean and ill-favoured kine did eat upthe first seven fat kine. [21] And when they had ˙Bw− ¯©‰¨ ˙B¯½ t¨ ‰© Ɖ¨Ï§ 멮 ‡Ÿz© 20 :Ú©Ÿ¯«Ï¨eaten them up, it could not be known that they ˙B−ŸL‡¯¦‰¨ ˙B¯²t¨ ‰© Ú·© L¯¤ ˙‡´¥ ˙BÚ® ¯¨‰¨ §had eaten them; but they were still ill-favoured ‡ŸÏ³ § ‰¨a¤À ¯§˜¦ -χ¤ ‰¨‡Ÿ·´ z¨ © 21 :˙Ÿ‡« ȯ¦a§ ‰©as at the beginning. So I awoke. [22] And I saw Ú¯½© Ô‰´¤ ȇ¥ ¯§Ó© e ‰¨a¤½ ¯§˜¦ -χ¤ e‡´·¨ -Èk¦ ÆÚ„©Bin my dream, and, behold, seven ears came up ÈÓ®¦ ŸÏÁ£ a© ‡¯¤‡−¥ ¨ 22 :ı˜«¨È‡¦ ¨ ‰®l¨ Á¦ z§ a© ¯L−¤ ‡£ k©upon one stalk, full and good. [23] And, behold, „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¬¤˜¨ a§ ˙ŸÏ² ŸÚ ÌÈϦÀ a¢ L¦ Ú·© L´¤ | ‰´p¥‰¦ §seven ears, withered, thin, and blasted with theeast wind, sprung up after them. [24] And the ÌÈϦ½ a¢L¦ Ú·© L´¤ Ɖp¥‰¦ § 23 :˙B·« ŸË§ ˙Ÿ‡¬ Ï¥ Ó§thin ears swallowed up the seven good ears. And ˙BÁ− Ó§ Ÿˆ ÌÈ„®¦˜¨ ˙BÙ´ „ªL§ ˙Bw−c© ˙BÓ¬ ªˆ§I told it unto the magicians; but there was none ˙Ÿw½ c©‰© ÌÈÏ´¦ a¢ L¦ ‰¨ ¨ÆÔÚ§ Ï©Æ ·§ z¦ © 24 :̉«¤ ȯ¥Á£ ‡©that could declare it to me.’ [25] And Joseph -χ¤ Ưө Ÿ‡Â«¨ ˙B·® Ÿh‰© ÌÈÏ−¦ a¢ L¦ ‰«© Ú·© ¬L¤ ˙²‡¥said unto Pharaoh: ‘The dream of Pharaoh is ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 25 :ÈÏ«¦ „È−b¦ Ó© ÔȬ‡¥ § ÌÈn½¦ ˪ ¯§Á© ‰«©one; what God is about to do He hath declaredunto Pharaoh. [26] The seven good kine are ˙‡´¥ ‡e‰® „Á´¨ ‡¤ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© ÌBϬ Á£ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§t© -χ¤seven years; and the seven good ears are seven :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© ϧ „Ȭb¦ ‰¦ ‰N−¤ ŸÚ Ìȉ²¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ ¯L¯¤ ‡£years: the dream is one. [27] And the seven lean ‰p¨‰¥½ ÆÌÈ¦ L¨ Ú·© L³¤ ˙Ÿ·À Ÿh‰© ˙Ÿ¯´t¨ Ú·© L¯¤ 26and ill-favoured kine that came up after them ‰p¨®‰¥ ÌÈ−¦ L¨ Ú·© ¬L¤ ˙Ÿ·½ Ÿh‰© ÆÌÈϦ a¢ M¦ ‰«© Ú·© L³¤ §are seven years, and also the seven empty ears ˙Bw¸ ¯©‰«¨ ˙B¯t¨ ‰© ÂÚ·© L´¤ § 27 :‡e‰« „Á¬¨ ‡¤ ÌBÏ− Á£blasted with the east wind; they shall be sevenyears of famine. [28] That is the thing which I ‰p¨‰¥½ ÆÌÈ¦ L¨ Ú·© L³¤ Ô‰¤À ȯ¥Á£ ‡© ˙ŸÏ´ ŸÚ‰¨ ˙ŸÚ¹ ¯¨‰¨ §spoke unto Pharaoh: what God is about to do ÌÈ„®¦w¨‰© ˙BÙ− „ªL§ ˙B˜½ ¯¥‰¨ ÆÌÈϦ a¢ L¦ ‰«© Ú·© L³¤ §He hath shown unto Pharaoh. [29] Behold, there ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ¯·¨½ c¨‰© ‡e‰´ 28 :·Ú«¨ ¯¨ Ȭ¥L§ Ú·© L−¤ eȾ‰§ Ȧcome seven years of great plenty throughout all ‰N−¤ ŸÚ Ìȉ²¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ ¯L¯¤ ‡£ ‰ŸÚ® ¯§t© -χ¤ Èz¦ ¯§a−© c¦the land of Egypt. [30] And there shall arise after ÌÈ−¦ L¨ Ú·© ¬L¤ ‰²p¥‰¦ 29 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© -˙‡¤ ‰‡¬¨ ¯§‰¤them seven years of famine; and all the plenty :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏΨ a§ ÏB„−b¨ Ú¬·¨ N¨ ˙B‡® a¨shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and thefamine shall consume the land; [31] and the Á¬k© L§ ¦ § Ô‰¤½ ȯ¥Á£ ‡© Æ·Ú¨ ¯¨ ȳ¥L§ Ú·© L¤¸ eÓ˜¨Â§Â30plenty shall not be known in the land by reason ·Ú−¨ ¯¨‰¨ ‰¬l¨ Φ § ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ Ú·−¨ O¨ ‰© -Ïk¨of that famine which followeth; for it shall be ı¯¤‡¨½ a¨ ÆÚ·¨ O¨ ‰© Ú„³©e¨È¦ -‡ŸÏ« § 31 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤very grievous. [32] And for that the dream was ‡e‰− „¬·¥ Ψ -Èk«¦ Ôή¥-ȯ¥Á£ ‡© ‡e‰− ‰© ·¬Ú¨ ¯¨‰¨ Ȳ¥t§ Ó¦doubled unto Pharaoh twice, it is because the ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© -χ¤ ÌBϲ Á£ ‰© ˙B¯M¨ ‰¦ ÏÚ©¸ § 32 :„Ÿ‡« Ó§thing is established by God, and God will shortlybring it to pass. [33] Now therefore let Pharaoh Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ ÌÚ´¦ Ó¥ Ư·¨ c¨‰© ÔBγ ¨-Èk«¦ ÌȦ Ó®¨ Ú£t©look out a man discreet and wise, and set him ‡¯´¤È¥ Ɖz¨ Ú© § 33 :B˙« ŸNڣϩ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ ¯¬‰¥ Ó© Ó§ eover the land of Egypt. [34] Let Pharaoh do this, ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏÚ© e‰˙−¥ ÈL¦ Ȧ ̮Ψ Á¨ § ÔB·´ ¨ Lȇ−¦ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù©and let him appoint overseers over the land, and ÌÈ„−¦˜¦ t§ „˜¬¥Ù§ ȩ§ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© ‰N´¤ ڣȩ 34 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ 81 81

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ı˜Ó 41 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 41.35 mikkets ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ -˙‡¤ ÆLn¥ Á¦ § ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ©seven years of plenty. [35] And let them gather allthe food of these good years that come, and lay up -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ eˆÀ a§ ˜§ Ȧ § 35 :Ú·«¨ O¨ ‰© Ȭ¥L§ Ú·© L−¤ a§corn under the hand of Pharaoh for food in the ‰l¤ ‡®¥ ‰¨ ˙Ÿ‡− a¨ ‰© ˙Ÿ·½ Ÿh‰© ÌÈ´¦ M¨ ‰© ÆÏΤŸ‡Æcities, and let them keep it. [36] And the food shall Ìȯ−¦Ú¨ a¤ ÏΤŸ‡¬ ‰ŸÚ² ¯§t© -„È© ˙Á© z¯© ¯·º¨-e¯a§ ˆ§ Ȧ§be for a store to the land against the seven years of ı¯¤‡¨½ Ϩ ÆÔB„w¨Ù¦ ϧ ÏΤ Ÿ‡³ ‰¨ ‰È¨¸‰¨ § 36 :e¯Ó«¨ L¨ §famine, which shall be in the land of Egypt; that ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ¨ÔÈ−Ȥ‰§ z¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ·Ú¨½ ¯¨‰¨ È´¥L§ ÆÚ·© LƤ ϧthe land perish not through the famine.’ [37] And :·Ú«¨ ¯¨a¨ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ ˙¯¬¥k¨ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« § ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in -Ïk¨ È−¥ÈÚ¥ ·§ e ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù© È´¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ¯·−¨ c¨‰© ·¬Ë© Èi¦Â© 37the eyes of all his servants. [38] And Pharaoh said ÂÈ„®¨·¨ Ú£-χ¤ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 38 :ÂÈ„«¨·¨ Ú£unto his servants: ‘Can we find such a one as this,a man in whom the spirit of God is?’ [39] And :Ba« Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Á©e¯¬ ¯²L¤ ‡£ Lȇ¾¦ ‰Ê¤½Î¨ ‡´ˆ¨ Ó§ ¦ ‰£Pharaoh said unto Joseph: ‘Forasmuch as God Ú©È„¯¦B‰ ȯ¸¥Á£ ‡© ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-χ¤ ƉŸÚ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 39hath shown thee all this, there is none so discreet ÔB·¬ ¨-Ôȇ¥ ˙‡ŸÊ®-Ïk¨-˙‡¤ E− ˙§ B‡ Ìȉ²¦ ŸÏ‡¡and wise as thou. [40] Thou shalt be over my È˙½¦ Èa¥-ÏÚ© ‰´È¤‰§ z¦ Ɖz¨ ‡© 40 :EBÓ« k¨ ÌÎ−¨ Á¨ §house, and according unto thy word shall allmy people be ruled; only in the throne will I be Ïc¬©‚§ ‡¤ ‡q−¥ k¦ ‰© ˜¯¬© Èn®¦ Ú© -Ïk¨ ˜M´© Ȧ EÈt−¦ -ÏÚ© §greater than thou.’ [41] And Pharaoh said untoJoseph: ‘See, I have set thee over all the land of Ɖ‡¥ ¯§ ÛÒ®¥BÈ-χ¤ ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 41 :j¨ n«¤ Ó¦Egypt.’ [42] And Pharaoh took off his signet ring ¯Ò© i¨¸Â© 42 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -Ïk¨ Ï−Ú© E½ ˙§ Ÿ‡« Èz¦ ˙´© ¨from his hand, and put it upon Joseph’s hand, d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Ôz¬¥ i¦ © B„½ Ȩ Ï´Ú© Ó¥ ÆBzÚ§ a© Ë© -˙‡¤ ‰ŸÚ³ ¯§t©and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, and ÌN¤ ²i¨Â© LL¥½ -È„¥‚§ a¦ ÆB˙Ÿ‡ L³a¥ ϧ i©Â© ÛÒ®¥BÈ „´È©-ÏÚ©put a gold chain about his neck. [43] And hemade him to ride in the second chariot which B˙À Ÿ‡ ·´k¥ ¯§i©Â© 43 :B¯«‡e¨ˆ© -ÏÚ© ·‰−¨ f¨‰© „¬·¦ ¯§he had; and they cried before him: ‘Abrech’; and ÂÈ−¨Ù¨ ϧ e‡¬ ¯§˜§ i¦Â© BϽ -¯L¤ ‡£ Ɖ¤L§ n¦ ‰© ˙·¤ ³k¤ ¯§Ó¦ a§he set him over all the land of Egypt. [44] And :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -Ïk¨ Ï−Ú© B˙½ Ÿ‡ ÔB˙´ ¨Â§ C¯®¥·§ ‡©Pharaoh said unto Joseph: ‘I am Pharaoh, and ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù© È´¦ ‡£ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ-χ¤ ‰ŸÚ² ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¯Â© 44without thee shall no man lift up his hand or his -˙‡¤ § B„²È¨-˙‡¤ Lȇ¯¦ Ìȯ¸¦È¨-‡ŸÏ« EÈ„À¤Ú¨ ϧ ·¦ efoot in all the land of Egypt.’ [45] And Pharaohcalled Joseph’s name Zaphenath-paneah; and he ‰ŸÚ´ ¯§Ù© ‡¯¸¨˜§ i¦ © 45 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏΨ a§ BÏ− ‚§ ¯©gave him to wife Asenath the daughter of Poti- ˙©ÀÒ§ ‡«¨ -˙‡¤ BÏ´ -Ôz¤ i¦ © ¼Á©¥Ú§ t© ˙´©Ù§ ˆ«¨ »ÛÒ¥ BÈ-ÌL¥phera priest of On. And Joseph went out over ÛÒ−¥ BÈ ‡¬ˆ¥ i¥Â© ‰M®¨ ‡¦ ϧ ÔŸ‡− Ô‰¬¥ Ÿk Ú¯©²Ù¤ È˦ Bt¬ -˙a©the land of Egypt.—[46] And Joseph was thirtyyears old when he stood before Pharaoh king of ÌÈL´¦ ŸÏL§ -Ôa¤ ÆÛÒ¥ Bȧ 46 :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏÚ©Egypt.—And Joseph went out from the presence ÌȦ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ -CϤ Ó«¤ ‰ŸÚ´ ¯§t© È−¥Ù§ Ϧ B„¾ Ó§ Ú¨ a§ ‰¨½ L¨of Pharaoh, and went throughout all the land ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏΨ a§ ¯Ÿ·− Ú§ i©Â«© ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© È´¥Ù§ l¦ Ó¦ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ ‡³ˆ¥ i¥Â©of Egypt. [47] And in the seven years of plenty È´¥L§ Ú·© L−¤ a§ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ NÚ© z´© © 47 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦the earth brought forth in heaps. [48] And hegathered up all the food of the seven years which | ÏΤ Ÿ‡´ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ ıŸaº ˜§ i¦ © 48 :ÌȈ«¦ Ó¨ ˜§ Ϧ Ú®·¨ O¨ ‰©were in the land of Egypt, and laid up the food in ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ Æeȉ¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÌÈÀ¦ L¨ Ú·© L´¤the cities; the food of the field, which was round ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ¯ÈÚ²¦ ‰¨ -‰„¥N§ ÏΤŸ‡¯ Ìȯ®¦Ú¨ a¤ ÏΤŸ‡− -Ôz¤ i¦ © 82 82

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 41.49 mikkets ı˜Ó 41 ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙about every city, laid he up in the same. [49] And ¯²a¨ ÛÒ¬¥BÈ ¯Ÿa¸ ˆ§ i¦ © 49 :dΫ¨ B˙a§ Ô˙¬© ¨ ‰¨ È˙−¤ Ÿ·È·¦ Ò§Joseph laid up corn as the sand of the sea, verymuch, until they left off numbering; for it was ¯Ÿt− Ò§ Ϧ Ï„¬©Á¨ -Èk¦ „²Ú© „Ÿ‡® Ó§ ‰´a¥ ¯§‰© Ì−i¨‰© ÏBÁ¬ k§without number. [50] And unto Joseph were ÌÈ½¦ ·¨ È´¥L§ Æ„l© Ȫ ÛÒ³¥BÈϧ e 50 :¯t«¨ Ò§ Ó¦ ÔȬ‡¥ -Èk¦born two sons before the year of famine came, ÆBl-‰„¨Ï§ È«¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ·®Ú¨ ¯¨‰¨ ˙´©L§ ‡B·− z¨ ̯¤¬Ë¤ a§whom Asenath the daughter of Poti-phera priestof On bore unto him. [51] And Joseph called the ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ © 51 :ÔB‡« Ô‰¬¥ Ÿk Ú¯©Ù−¤ È˦ Bt¬ -˙a© ˙©½ Ò§ ‡«¨name of the first-born Manasseh: ‘for God hath È¦ M³© ©-Èk«¦ ‰M®¤ ©Ó§ ¯BÎ− a§ ‰© ̬L¥ -˙‡¤ ÛÒ²¥BÈmade me forget all my toil, and all my father’s :È·«¦ ‡¨ ˙Ȭa¥-Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ § ÈϦ½ Ó¨ Ú£-Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡house.’ [52] And the name of the second called he È¦ ¯¬©Ù§ ‰¦ -Èk«¦ ÌȦ ¯®¨Ù§ ‡¤ ‡¯´¨˜¨ È−¦ M¥ ‰© ̬L¥ ˙²‡¥ § 52bEphraim: ‘for God hath made me fruitful in the Ú·© L−¤ ‰¨ÈϤ¾ Χ z¦ © 53 :ÈÈ«¦§ Ú¨ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡land of my affliction.’ [53] And the seven years ofplenty, that was in the land of Egypt, came to an :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ ‰−Ȩ‰¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ú®·¨ O¨ ‰© È´¥L§end. [54] And the seven years of famine began to ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© ‡B·½ Ϩ Æ·Ú¨ ¯¨‰¨ ȳ¥L§ Ú·© L´¤ ‰¨Èl¤¹ Á¦ z§ © 54come, according as Joseph had said; and therewas famine in all lands; but in all the land of ˙Bˆ½ ¯¨‡£ ‰´¨ -ÏΨ a§ Æ·Ú¨ ¯¨ ȉ³¦ ȧ© ÛÒ®¥BÈ ¯Ó´© ‡¨Egypt there was bread. [55] And when all the Æ·Ú© ¯§z¦ © 55 :ÌÁ¤ Ï«¨ ‰È¨¬‰¨ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏΨ ·§ eland of Egypt was famished, the people cried to ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© -χ¤ ̲ڨ ‰¨ ˜¬Ú© ˆ§ i¦ © ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ -Ïk¨Pharaoh for bread; and Pharaoh said unto all theEgyptians: ‘Go unto Joseph; what he saith to you, eδ ϧ ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ Ó¦ -ÏΨ ϧ ‰ŸÚ³ ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© ÌÁ¤ ®l¨ Ï©do.’ [56] And the famine was over all the face of :eN« Ú£z© ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ¯Ó¬© ‡ŸÈ-¯L¤ ‡£ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-χ¤the earth; and Joseph opened all the storehouses, Áz©¸ Ù§ i¦ © ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ È´¥t§ -Ïk¨ Ï−Ú© ‰È¨½ ‰¨ ·Ú´¨ ¯¨‰¨ § 56and sold unto the Egyptians; and the famine wassore in the land of Egypt. [57] And all countries ÌȦ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ϧ ¯Ÿa´ L§ i¦Â© Æ̉¤ a¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨-˙‡«¤ ÛÒ¥¹ BÈcame into Egypt to Joseph to buy corn; because -ÏΨ § 57 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ ·Ú−¨ ¯¨‰«¨ ˜¬Ê©Á¡ i¤Â©the famine was sore in all the earth. ÛÒ®¥BÈ-χ¤ ¯Ÿa− L§ Ϧ ‰Ó¨ ȧ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ e‡´a¨ Æı¯¤‡Æ¨ ‰¨42 Egypt, and Jacob said unto his sons:‘Why do ye look one upon another?’ [2] And42Now Jacob saw that there was corn in ‡¯§´i©Â© :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ a§ ·Ú−¨ ¯¨‰¨ ˜¬Ê©Á¨ -Èk«¦ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ ¯·¤ L−¤ -LȤ Ȭk¦ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩhe said: ‘Behold, I have heard that there is corn ‰´p¥‰¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 2 :e‡« ¯¨˙§ z¦ ‰n¨ Ï−¨ ÂÈ¨½ ·¨ ϧin Egypt. Get you down thither, and buy for Ɖn¨ Lƨ -e„¯§ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ ¯·¤ L−¤ -LȤ Ȭk¦ Èz¦ Ú§ Ó©½ L¨us from thence; that we may live, and not die.’[3] And Joseph’s ten brethren went down to buy :˙eÓ« ¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ‰−ȤÁ§ ¦ § ÌM¨½ Ó¦ eÏ´¨ -e¯·§ L¦ §corn from Egypt. [4] But Benjamin, Joseph’s ¯a−¨ ¯Ÿa¬ L§ Ϧ ‰¯®¨N¨ Ú£ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ-ÈÁ«¥ ‡£ e„¬¯§i¥Â© 3brother, Jacob sent not with his brethren; for -‡ŸÏ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ ÈÁ´¦ ‡£ ÆÔÈÓ¦ Ȩ§ a¦ -˙‡¤ § 4 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦he said: ‘Lest peradventure harm befall him.’[5] And the sons of Israel came to buy among ep‡−¤ ¯¨˜§ Ȧ-Ôt¤ ¯Ó©½ ‡¨ Èk´¦ ÂÈÁ®¨ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ Á¬Ï© L¨those that came; for the famine was in the land CB˙´ a§ ¯Ÿa− L§ Ϧ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æe‡Ÿ·Æ i¨Â© 5 :ÔBÒ« ‡¨of Canaan. [6] And Joseph was the governor :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ ·Ú−¨ ¯¨‰¨ ‰¬È¨‰¨ -Èk«¦ Ìȇ®¦ a¨ ‰©over the land; he it was that sold to all the peopleof the land. And Joseph’s brethren came, and ‡e‰¬ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ËÈl´¦ M© ‰© ‡e‰µ ÛÒÀ¥ Bȧ 6bowed down to him with their faces to the earth. ÈÁ´¥ ‡£ Æe‡Ÿ·Æ i¨Â© ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ Ì´Ú© -ÏΨ ϧ ¯Èa−¦ L§ n© ‰©[7] And Joseph saw his brethren, and he knew ‡¯§¬i©Â© 7 :‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡«¨ ÌȦ t−© ‡© BϬ -eÂÁ£ z«© L§ i¦ © ÛÒ¥½ BÈ That is, Making to forget. b From a Hebrew word signifying to be fruitful. 83 83

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ı˜Ó 42 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 42.8 mikkets ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙them, but made himself strange unto them, and ̉¤¹ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ¯k¥¸ ©˙§ i¦ © ̯®¥k¦ i©Â© ÂÈÁ−¨ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ ÛÒ²¥BÈspoke roughly with them; and he said unto them:‘Whence come ye?’ And they said: ‘From the land ÔȦ ‡´© Ó¥ Æ̉¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© ˙BLÀ ˜¨ Ìz´¨ ‡¦ ¯¯a¥ „©È§Â©of Canaan to buy food.’ [8] And Joseph knew his :ÏΤ Ÿ‡« -¯a¨ L§ Ϧ ÔÚ© −©k§ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© Ì˙¤½ ‡a¨brethren, but they knew not him. [9] And Joseph :e‰¯«ªk¦ ‰¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ ̉−¥ § ÂÈÁ®¨ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ ¯¬k¥ i©Â© 8remembered the dreams which he dreamed of ÌÏ−© Á¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙BÓ½ ŸÏÁ£ ‰© ˙‡¥µ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ ¯Ÿk´ ʧi¦ © 9them, and said unto them: ‘Ye are spies; to see ˙B‡² ¯§Ï¦ Ìz¤½ ‡© ÌÈÏ´¦ b§ ¯©Ó§ Æ̉¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© Ì®‰¤ Ϩthe nakedness of the land ye are come.’ [10] And ÂÈÏ−¨‡¥ e¯¬Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 10 :Ì˙«¤ ‡a¨ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ -˙‡¤they said unto him: ‘Nay, my lord, but to buyfood are thy servants come. [11] We are all one :ÏΤŸ‡« -¯a¨ L§ Ϧ e‡a−¨ EÈ„¬¤·¨ ڣ© È®¦Ÿ„‡£ ‡ŸÏ´man’s sons; we are upright men, thy servants eÁ§ ©½ ‡£ ÌÈ´¦ k¥ eÁ§ ®¨ „Á−¨ ‡¤ -Lȇ¦ Ȭ¥a§ el¨¾ kª 11are no spies.’ [12] And he said unto them: ‘Nay, Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 12 :ÌÈÏ«¦ b§ ¯©Ó§ EÈ„−¤·¨ Ú£ eȬ‰¨ -‡ŸÏbut to see the nakedness of the land ye are :˙B‡« ¯§Ï¦ Ì˙¬¤ ‡a¨ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ -Èk«¦ ‡ŸÏ¾come.’ [13] And they said: ‘We thy servants aretwelve brethren, the sons of one man in the land | ÌÈÁ¯¦ ‡© EÈ„¸¤·¨ Ú£ Á¯N¨ Ú¨ ÌÈ´¥L§ e¯À Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 13of Canaan; and, behold, the youngest is this ‰p¥¸ ‰¦ § ÔÚ©®¨k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ „Á−¨ ‡¤ -Lȇ¦ Ȭ¥a§ eÁ§ ²©‡£day with our father, and one is not.’ [14] And :ep«¤È‡¥ „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ § ÌBi½ ‰© ÆeȷƦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ԟ˳ w¨ ‰©Joseph said unto them: ‘That is it that I spoke Èz¦ ¯§¯a© c¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‡e‰À ÛÒ®¥BÈ Ì‰−¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 14unto you, saying: Ye are spies. [15] Hereby yeshall be proved as Pharaoh liveth, ye shall not ˙‡ŸÊ−a§ 15 :Ìz«¤ ‡© ÌÈϬ¦ b§ ¯©Ó§ ¯ŸÓ− ‡Ï¥ ̲Τ Ï¥ ‡£go forth hence, except your youngest brother Èk¯¦ ‰f¤½Ó¦ e‡´ ˆ§ z¥ -̇¦ ƉŸÚ¯§Ù© ÈÁ³¥ eÁ®¥ a¨ z¦come hither. [16] Send one of you, and let him eÁ¸ ϧ L¦ 16 :‰p¨‰«¥ ÔŸË− w¨ ‰© ̬Τ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ ‡B·² a§ -̇¦fetch your brother, and ye shall be bound, that ÆÌz¤ ‡© § ¼ÌΤ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ Áw´©È¦ § »„Á¨ ‡¤ Ì´k¤ Ó¦your words may be proved, whether there betruth in you; or else, as Pharaoh liveth, surely ̮Τ z§ ‡¦ ˙Ó−¤ ‡¡ ‰«© ÌΤ½ ȯ¥·§ c¦ ÆeÁ£ a«¨ Ȧ § e¯½ Ò§ ‡´¨ ‰¥ye are spies.’ [17] And he put them all together :Ìz«¤ ‡© ÌÈÏ−¦ b§ ¯©Ó§ Ȭk¦ ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© ÈÁ´¥ ‡ŸÏ¾ -̇¦ §into ward three days. [18] And Joseph said unto :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ¬ L§ ¯Ó−¨ L§ Ó¦ -χ¤ Ì˙²¨ Ÿ‡ ÛŸÒ¬ ‡¡ i¤Â© 17them the third day: ‘This do, and live; for I fear ˙‡ŸÊ¬ ÈL¦½ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ Ì³‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 18God: [19] if ye be upright men, let one of your -̇¦ 19 :‡¯«¥È¨ Ȭ¦ ‡£ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eÈ®Á§ «¦ eN− Ú£brethren be bound in your prison-house; butgo ye, carry corn for the famine of your houses; ˙È´·¥ a§ ¯Ò−¥ ‡¨ È¥ „Á¨½ ‡¤ ̴Τ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ Ìz¤½ ‡© ÌÈ´¦ k¥[20] and bring your youngest brother unto me; ÔB·¬ Ú£¯© ¯·¤ L−¤ e‡È·½¦ ‰¨ eδ ϧ ÆÌz¤ ‡© § ̮Τ ¯§Ó© L§ Ó¦so shall your words be verified, and ye shall not e‡È·´¦ z¨ ÆÔŸËw¨ ‰© ̳Τ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ § 20 :ÌΫ¤ Èz¥ a¨die.’ And they did so. [21] And they said one to -eNÚ£i©Â© e˙eÓ® ˙¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § ÌÎ−¤ ȯ¥·§ „¦ e¬Ó§ ‡¨ ȥ§ ÈÏ©½ ‡¥another: ‘We are verily guilty concerning our »Ï·¨ ‡£ ÂÈÁÀ¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ Lȇ´¦ e¯º Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 21 :ÔΫ¥brother, in that we saw the distress of his soul,when he besought us, and we would not hear; eȇ¹¦ ¯¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ¼eÈÁ¦ ‡¨ -ÏÚ© »eÁ§ ©‡£ | ÌÈÓ´¦ L¥ ‡£therefore is this distress come upon us.’ [22] And eÚ§ Ó®¨ L¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § eÈÏ−¥‡¥ B¬§ Á«© ˙§ ‰¦ a§ BL² Ù§ © ˙¯¬©ˆ¨Reuben answered them, saying: ‘Spoke I not ÁÔÚ© i©Â© 22 :˙‡Ÿf« ‰© ‰¯−¨v¨ ‰© eÈÏ¥½ ‡¥ ‰‡¨ ´a¨ ÆÔk¥-ÏÚ©unto you, saying: Do not sin against the child; Èz¦ ¯§Ó©¸ ‡¨ Á‡Bω£ ¯ŸÓÀ ‡Ï¥ Ì˙¨¹ Ÿ‡ Ô·¥¸ e‡¯§ 84 84

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ı˜Ó 42 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 42.23 mikkets ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙and ye would not hear? therefore also, behold, ‡ŸÏ´ § „Ϥ −i¤·© e‡¬ ˧ Á¤ z¤ -χ© ¯ŸÓ² ‡Ï¥ | ̯Τ ÈÏ¥ ‡£his blood is required.’ [23] And they knew notthat Joseph understood them; for the interpreter ‡ŸÏ´ Æ̉¥ § 23 :L¯«¨„§¦ ‰¬p¥‰¦ BÓ− c¨-Ì‚©Â§ Ìz®¤ Ú§ Ó© L§was between them. [24] And he turned himself :Ì˙«¨ ŸÈa¥ ıÈÏ−¦ n¥ ‰© Ȭk¦ ÛÒ®¥BÈ Ú©Ó−¥ ŸL Ȭk¦ eÚ½ „§È«¨about from them, and wept; and he returned ¯´a¥ „©È§ © Æ̉¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ·L¨ ³i¨Â© j§ ·§ ®i¥Â© ̉−¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£Ó«¥ ·Ÿq¬ i¦Â© 24to them, and spoke to them, and took Simeonfrom among them, and bound him before their ¯ŸÒ¬ ‡¡ i¤Â© ÔBÚ½ Ó§ L¦ -˙‡¤ ÆÌz¨ ‡¦ Ó«¥ Áw³©i¦ © ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£eyes. [25] Then Joseph commanded to fill their -˙‡¤ e‡´ ϧ Ó© ȧ© ÛÒÀ¥ BÈ Â´ˆ© ȧ© 25 :̉«¤ È¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ B˙− Ÿ‡vessels with corn, and to restore every man’s -χ¤ Lȇ´¦ Æ̉¤ Èt¥ Ò§ k© ·ÈL³¦ ‰¨ ϧ e ¼¯a¨ »Ì‰¤ ÈÏ¥ k§money into his sack, and to give them provision ̉−¤ Ϩ NÚ© ¬i©Â© C¯¤c®¨Ï© ‰„−¨ˆ¥ ̲‰¤ Ϩ ˙˙¬¥ Ϩ § Bw½ N©for the way; and thus was it done unto them.[26] And they laded their asses with their corn, Ì®‰¤ ȯ¥ŸÓÁ£ -ÏÚ© ̯−¨·§ L¦ -˙‡¤ e‡¬ N§ i¦ © 26 :Ôk«¥and departed thence. [27] And as one of them BwÀ N© -˙‡¤ „Á¨¹ ‡¤ ‰¨ Áz©¸ Ù§ i¦ © 27 :ÌM«¨ Ó¦ eÎ− ϧ i¥Â©opened his sack to give his ass provender in the -˙‡¤ Ƈ¯§i©Â© ÔBÏ® n¨ a© B¯−ŸÓÁ£ Ï© ‡Bt² Ò§ Ó¦ ˙˙¬¥ Ϩlodging-place, he espied his money; and, behold,it was in the mouth of his sack. [28] And he said ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 28 :Bz« Á§ z© Ó§ ‡© Ȭ٦ a§ ‡e‰− -‰p¥‰¦ § Bt½ Ò§ k©unto his brethren: ‘My money is restored; and, ‰´p¥‰¦ Ì−‚©Â§ Èt½¦ Ò§ k© ·L´© e‰ ÆÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤ -χ¤lo, it is even in my sack.’ And their heart failed -χ¤ Lȇ³¦ e„º ¯§Á¤ «i¤Â© Ìa¨À Ϧ ‡´ˆ¥ i¥Â© Èz®¦ Á§ z© Ó§ ‡© ·§them, and they turned trembling one to another,saying: ‘What is this that God hath done unto :eÏ«¨ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰N¬¨ Ú¨ ˙‡Ÿf²-‰Ó© ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆÂÈÁ¦ ‡¨us?’ [29] And they came unto Jacob their father ÔÚ©®¨k§ ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡´© ̉−¤ È·¦ ‡£ ·Ÿ˜¬Ú£È©-χ¤ e‡Ÿ·² i¨Â© 29unto the land of Canaan, and told him all that :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ˙Ÿ¯¬Ÿw‰© -Ïk¨ ˙²‡¥ BϽ e„È´b¦ i©Â©had befallen them, saying: [30] ‘The man, the ˙BL® ˜¨ ez−¨ ‡¦ ı¯¤‡²¨ ‰¨ Ȭ¥Ÿ„‡£ Lȇ¸¦ ‰¨ ¯a¤ c¦Â30lord of the land, spoke roughly with us, andtook us for spies of the country. [31] And we said :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÌÈÏ−¦ b§ ¯©Ó§ k«¦ e˙¨½ Ÿ‡ Ôz´¥ i¦ ©unto him: We are upright men; we are no spies. eÈÈ−¦‰¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ eÁ§ ®¨‡£ ÌÈ´¦ k¥ ÂÈÏ−¨‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿp¬Â© 31[32] We are twelve brethren, sons of our father; È´¥a§ ÌÈÁ−¦ ‡© eÁ§ ²©‡£ ¯N¬¨ Ú¨ -ÌÈ¥L§ 32 :ÌÈÏ«¦ b§ ¯©Ó§one is not, and the youngest is this day with ourfather in the land of Canaan. [33] And the man, -˙‡¤ ÌBi²‰© ԟˬ w¨‰© § ep¤½ ȇ¥ „Á´¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ eÈ·®¦ ‡¨the lord of the land, said unto us: Hereby shall I ÆLȇ¦ ‰¨ eÈÏ¥À‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 33 :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ eÈ·−¦ ‡¨know that ye are upright men: leave one of your Ìz®¤ ‡© ÌÈ−¦ Î¥ Ȭk¦ Ú„½©‡¥ ˙‡ŸÊ´a§ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ È´¥Ÿ„‡£brethren with me, and take corn for the famineof your houses, and go your way. [34] And bring ÔB·¬ Ú£¯©-˙‡¤ § Èz½¦ ‡¦ eÁÈ´p¦ ‰© Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ‰«¨ ̳Τ ÈÁ¦ ‡£your youngest brother unto me; then shall I ̴Τ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ e‡È·¦ ‰¨ §Â34 :eÎÏ«¥ ¨ eÁ¬ ˜§ ÌÎ−¤ Èz¥ a¨know that ye are no spies, but that ye are upright Ìz¤½ ‡© ÆÌÈϦ b§ ¯©Ó§ ‡ŸÏ³ Èk´¦ ‰Ú¨À „§‡«¥ § ¼ÈÏ© ‡¥ »ÔŸËw¨ ‰©men; so will I deliver you your brother, and yeshall traffic in the land.’ [35] And it came to pass ÌΤ½ Ϩ Ôz´¥ ‡¤ ÆÌΤ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ Ìz®¤ ‡© ÌÈ−¦ Î¥ Ȭk¦as they emptied their sacks, that, behold, every ÌȘ´¦ ȯ¦Ó§ ̉¥µ ȉÀ¦ ȧ© 35 :e¯Á«¨ Ò§ z¦ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ §man’s bundle of money was in his sack; and Bw®N© a§ Bt− Ò§ k©-¯B¯ˆ§ Lȇ¬¦ -‰p¥‰¦ § ̉¤½ Èw¥N©when they and their father saw their bundles ofmoney, they were afraid. [36] And Jacob their ‰n¨ ¬‰¥ ̲‰¤ Èt¥ Ò§ k© ˙B¯¯Ÿ¯ˆ§ -˙‡¤ e‡º ¯§i¦ ©father said unto them: ‘Me have ye bereaved of ·Ÿ˜´ ڣȩ Æ̉¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 36 :e‡¯«¨Èi¦ © ̉−¤ È·¦ ‡£ ©my children: Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, ÔBÚ´ Ó§ L¦ § Æep¤Æ ȇ¥ ÛÒ³¥BÈ Ìz®¤ ϧ k© L¦ È˙−¦ Ÿ‡ ̉¤½ È·¦ ‡£ 85 85

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ı˜Ó 42 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 42.37 mikkets ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙and ye will take Benjamin away; upon me are all :‰¨l«¨ Ϊ eȬ‰¨ ÈÏ−© Ú¨ eÁw½¨z¦ ÔÓ´¦ Ȩ§ a¦ -˙‡¤ § ep¤½ ȇ¥these things come.’ [37] And Reuben spoke untohis father, saying: ‘Thou shalt slay my two sons, ȳ¥L§ -˙‡¤ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÂÈ·´¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ ÆÔ·¥ e‡¯§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 37if I bring him not to thee; deliver him into myhand, and I will bring him back to thee.’ [38] And ‰³¨z§ EȮϤ‡¥ ep‡−¤ È·¦ ‡£ ‡ŸÏ¬ -̇¦ ˙ÈÓ½¦ z¨ ÆÈ©·¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 38 :EÈÏ«¤ ‡¥ ep¬·¤ ÈL¦ ‡£ È−¦ ‡£ © È„½¦È¨-ÏÚ© ÆB˙Ÿ‡he said: ‘My son shall not go down with you; for ‡e‰¯ § ˙Ó¥¹ ÂÈÁ¸¦ ‡¨ -Èk«¦ ̮Τ n¨ Ú¦ È−¦ a§ „¯¬¥È¥-‡ŸÏ«his brother is dead, and he only is left; if harmbefall him by the way in which ye go, then will ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆC¯¤cƤa© ÆÔBÒ‡¨ e‰‡³¨ ¯¨˜§ e ¯‡¨À L§ ¦ Bc´·© ϧye bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the ÔB‚−Ȩa§ È˙²¦ ·¨ ÈN¥ -˙‡¤ Ìz¯¤ „§¯©B‰Â§ d·¨½ -eÎϧ z«¥43grave.’ And the famine was sore in the land. :ı¯¤‡«¨ a¨ „¬·¥ k¨ ·Ú−¨ ¯¨‰¨ § :‰Ï¨ B‡« L§43 [2] And it came to pass, when they ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ¯·¤ M¤½ ‰© -˙‡¤ ϟδ ‡¡ Ϥ Æelk¦ ¯L³¤ ‡£ k© ȉÀ¦ ȧ© 2 ̉¤½ È·¦ ‡£ Æ̉¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© ÌȦ¯®¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ e‡È·−¦ ‰¥had eaten up the corn which they had broughtout of Egypt, that their father said unto them: ÂȲϨ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¯Â© 3 :ÏΤ Ÿ‡« -ËÚ© Ó§ e¬Ï¨ -e¯·§ L¦ e·L−ª‘Go again, buy us a little food.’ [3] And Judahspoke unto him, saying: ‘The man did earnestly ƯŸÓ‡Ï¥ Lȇ³¦ ‰¨ ea¨¸ Á„Ú¦ ‰¥ „´Ú¥ ‰¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ‰„−¨e‰È§forewarn us, saying: Ye shall not see my face, :ÌΫ¤ z§ ‡¦ ̬Τ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ Èz−¦ ϧ a¦ È©½ Ù¨ e‡´ ¯§˙¦ -‡ŸÏ«except your brother be with you. [4] If thou wilt ‰„¾¨¯§¥ ez®¨ ‡¦ eÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ Á©¬l¥ L© Ó§ E² L§ Ȥ-̇¦ 4send our brother with us, we will go down andbuy thee food; [5] but if thou wilt not send him, Á©l−¥ L© Ó§ E¬ § ȇ¥ -̇¦ § 5 :ÏΤ Ÿ‡« E− ϧ ‰¯¬¨a§ L§ ¦ §we will not go down, for the man said unto us: e‡´ ¯§˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« ÆeÈ촮 ‡¥ ¯Ó³© ‡¨ Lȇº¦ ‰¨ -Èk«¦ „¯®¥¥ ‡ŸÏ´Ye shall not see my face, except your brother ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© 6 :ÌΫ¤ z§ ‡¦ ̬Τ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ Èz−¦ ϧ a¦ È©½ Ù¨be with you.’ [6] And Israel said: ‘Wherefore Lȇ½¦ Ϩ „È´b¦ ‰© ϧ ÈÏ®¦ Ì˙−¤ ŸÚ¯¥‰£ ‰Ó¬¨ Ϩ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧdealt ye so ill with me, as to tell the man whetherye had yet a brother?’ [7] And they said: ‘The -χ© L«¨ ÏB‡´ L¨ e¯¿ Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 7 :Á‡«¨ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ „BÚ¬ ‰©man asked straitly concerning ourselves, and „BÚ¸ ‰© ¯ŸÓÀ ‡Ï¥ ez¥¹ „§Ï© BÓ« ϧ e eÏ´¨ Lȇ¦ ‰¨ Âconcerning our kindred, saying: Is your father Èt−¦ -ÏÚ© BϽ -„b¤©¸ © Á‡¨½ ̴Τ Ϩ L´È¥‰£ ÆÈÁ© ̬Τ È·¦ ‡£yet alive? have ye another brother? and we toldhim according to the tenor of these words; could ¯Ó©½ ‡ŸÈ Èk´¦ Ú„½©¥ Ú©B„´È¨‰£ ‰l¤ ‡®¥ ‰¨ Ìȯ´¦·¨ c§‰©we in any wise know that he would say: Bring -χ¤ ‰„¹¨e‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 8 :ÌΫ¤ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ e„ȯ−¦B‰your brother down?’ [8] And Judah said unto ‰Ó¨ e˜´ ¨Â§ Èz−¦ ‡¦ ¯Ú©²p©‰© ‰Á¬¨ ϧ L¦ ÂÈ·À¦ ‡¨ χ´¥ ¯¨N§ ȦIsrael his father: ‘Send the lad with me, and wewill arise and go, that we may live, and not die, -Ì‚© eÁ§ ¬©‡£ -Ìb© ˙eÓ½ ¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § ƉȤÁ§ «¦ § ‰Î¨ ®Ï¥ ¥Â§both we, and thou, and also our little ones. [9] I È„−¦i¨Ó¦ ep·¤½ ¯§Ú¤ ‡«¤ ÆÈΦ Ÿ‡«¨ 9 :et«¥ Ë© -Ìb© ‰z−¨ ‡©will be surety for him; of my hand shalt thou ÆEÈÏ¤Æ ‡¥ ÂÈ˙³¦ Ÿ‡È·¦ ‰£ ‡ŸÏ¸ -̇¦ epL®¤ ˜§ ·© z§require him; if I bring him not unto thee, and sethim before thee, then let me bear the blame for :ÌÈÓ«¦ i¨‰© -Ïk¨ E− ϧ È˙«¦ ‡¬Ë¨ Á¨ § EÈ¤½ Ù¨ ϧ ÂÈz´¦ ‚§ v© ‰¦ §ever. [10] For except we had lingered, surely we e·§ L−© ‰z¬¨ Ú© -Èk«¦ e‰§ Ó®¨ ‰§ Ó© ˙§ ‰¦ ‡´Ï¥ eÏ Èk−¦ 10had now returned a second time.’ [11] And their χ´¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ̉¤¹ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 11 :ÌȦ Ó«¨ Ú£Ù© ‰¬Ê¤father Israel said unto them: ‘If it be so now, do eÁº ˜§ ¼eNÚ£ ˙‡ŸÊ´ »‡BÙ‡¥ | Ôk´¥-̇¦ ̉¤À È·¦ ‡£this: take of the choice fruits of the land in yourvessels, and carry down the man a present, a little Lȇ−¦ Ϩ e„ȯ¬¦B‰Â§ ÌΤ½ ÈÏ¥ Χ a¦ Æı¯¤‡Æ¨ ‰¨ ˙¯³©Ó§ f¦ Ó¦balm, and a little honey, spicery and ladanum, ˟Ͻ ¨ ˙‡ŸÎ´ § L·©½ c§ Ë´Ú© Ó§ e Æȯ¦ˆ¢ ˳ک Ó§ ‰Á®¨ § Ó¦ 86 86

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ı˜Ó 43 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 43.12 mikkets ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙nuts, and almonds; [12] and take double money eÁ´ ˜§ ‰−¤L§ Ó¦ ÛÒ¤¬Î¤ § 12 :ÌÈ„«¦˜¥L§ e ÌÈ−¦ ˧ a¨in your hand; and the money that was returned inthe mouth of your sacks carry back in your hand; ÈÙ³¦ a§ ·L¨¸ en‰© ÛÒ¤ k¤¹ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ̮Τ „§È¤·§peradventure it was an oversight; [13] take also ‰−b¤L§ Ó¦ Ȭϩ e‡ ÌΤ½ „§È¤·§ e·ÈL´¦ z¨ ÆÌΤ È˙¥ ŸÁ« z§ Ó§ ‡©your brother, and arise, go again unto the man; e·eL¬ eÓe˜−§ eÁ˜®¨ ÌÎ−¤ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ § 13 :‡e‰«[14] and God Almighty give you mercy before ÆÌÈÓ¦ Á£ ¯© ̳Τ Ϩ Ôz¥¸ Ȧ ÈcÀ©L© χ´¥ § 14 :Lȇ«¦ ‰¨ -χ¤the man, that he may release unto you your other ¯Á−¥ ‡© ̬Τ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ ̲Τ Ϩ Á¬l© L¦ § Lȇ½¦ ‰¨ È´¥Ù§ Ϧbrother and Benjamin. And as for me, if I bebereaved of my children, I am bereaved.’ :Èz¦ ϧ Ϋ¨ L¨ Èz¦ ϧ ŸÎ− L¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© È¾¦ ‡£ © ÔÈÓ®¦ Ȩ§ a¦ -˙‡¤ § ˙‡Ÿf½‰© ‰Á´¨ § n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÆÌÈL¦ ¨‡£ ‰«¨ eÁ³ ˜§ i¦ © 15 [15] And the men took that present, andthey took double money in their hand, and ÔÓ®¦ Ȩ§ a¦ -˙‡¤ § Ì„−¨È¨·§ eÁ¬ ˜§ Ϩ ÛÒ¤²k¤-‰¤L§ Ó¦ eBenjamin; and rose up, and went down to Egypt, :ÛÒ«¥ BÈ È¬¥Ù§ Ϧ e„−Ó§ Ú© i«©Â© ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ e„´¯§i¥Â© ÆeӘƪi¨Â©and stood before Joseph. [16] And when Josephsaw Benjamin with them, he said to the steward ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ¼ÔÈÓ¦ Ȩ§ a¦ -˙‡¤ »Ìz¨ ‡¦ ÛÒ´¥BÈ ‡¯§i©¸Â© 16of his house: ‘Bring the men into the house, and ÌÈL−¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ‡¬·¥ ‰¨ B˙½ Èa¥-ÏÚ© ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ï«©kill the beasts, and prepare the meat; for the men eϬ Χ ‡ŸÈ Èz²¦ ‡¦ Ȭk¦ ÔÎ¥½ ‰¨ § ÆÁ·© Ë¤Æ Á©Ÿ·³ ˧ e ‰˙¨ ȧ®a¨ ‰©shall dine with me at noon.’ [17] And the man ¯L−¤ ‡£ k«© Lȇ½¦ ‰¨ NÚ© ´i©Â© 17 :ÌȦ ¯«¨‰¢ v¨ a«© ÌÈL−¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨did as Joseph bade; and the man brought themen into Joseph’s house. [18] And the men were ÌÈL−¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Lȇ²¦ ‰¨ ‡¬·¥ i¨Â© ÛÒ®¥BÈ ¯Ó´© ‡¨afraid, because they were brought into Joseph’s »e‡·§ e‰« Èk´¦ ÌÈL¦À ¨‡£ ‰«¨ e‡´ ¯§Èi«¦Â© 18 :ÛÒ«¥ BÈ ‰˙¨ Ȭa¥house; and they said: ‘Because of the money that ·M³¨ ‰© ÆÛÒ¤ k¤Æ ‰© ¯³·© c§-ÏÚ© e¯À Ó§ ‡Ÿi© ¼ÛÒ¥ BÈ ˙È´a¥was returned in our sacks at the first time are we Ìȇ®¦ ·¨ eÓ« eÁ§ −©‡£ ‰l¨½ Á¦ z§ a© ÆeÈ˙Æ¥ ŸÁz§ Ó§ ‡© a§brought in; that he may seek occasion againstus, and fall upon us, and take us for bondmen, ˙Á© ˜¯©Ï¨ § eÈÏ¥½ Ú¨ Ï´t¥ ©˙§ ‰¦ ϧ e ÆeÈÏ¥Æ Ú¨ ϳϥŸb˙§ ‰¦ ϧand our asses.’ [19] And they came near to the ÆeLb§ i¦Â«© 19 :eȯ«¥ŸÓÁ£ -˙‡¤ § ÌÈ„−¦·¨ ڣϩ e˙²¨ Ÿ‡steward of Joseph’s house, and they spoke unto e¯¬a§ „©È§ © ÛÒ®¥BÈ ˙È´a¥-ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ Lȇ½¦ ‰¨ -χ¤him at the door of the house, [20] and said: ‘Oh „Ÿ¯¬È¨ È®¦Ÿ„‡£ Èa´¦ e¯−Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 20 :˙Ȧ a«¨ ‰© Á˙© ¬t¤ ÂÈÏ−¨‡¥my lord, we came indeed down at the first time -Èk¦ ȉº¦ ȧ «© 21 :ÏΤ Ÿ‡« -¯a¨ L§ Ϧ ‰l−¨ Á¦ z§ a© e„§¯²©È¨to buy food. [21] And it came to pass, when wecame to the lodging-place, that we opened our -˙‡¤ ƉÁ¨ z§ Ù§ p¦ «© ÔBÏÀ n¨ ‰© -χ¤ e‡´·¨sacks, and, behold, every man’s money was in ÈÙ´¦ a§ ÆLȇ¦ -ÛÒ¤ Ϋ¤ ‰³p¥‰¦ § eÈ˙¥½ ŸÁz§ Ó§ ‡©the mouth of his sack, our money in full weight; B˙− Ÿ‡ ·L¤ ¬p¨Â© BÏ® ˜¨ L§ Ó¦ a§ et−¥ Ò§ k© Bz½ Á§ z© Ó§ ‡©and we have brought it back in our hand. e„−¥È¨·§ e„§¯¬©B‰ ¯²Á¥ ‡© ÛÒ¤ ¯Î¤ § 22 :e„«¥È¨a§[22] And other money have we brought down inour hand to buy food. We know not who put our et−¥ Ò§ k© ÌN¬¨ -ÈÓ¦ eÚ§ „½©È¨ ‡ŸÏ´ ÏΤŸ‡® -¯a¨ L§ Ϧmoney in our sacks.’ [23] And he said: ‘Peace be -χ© ÌΤ¹ Ϩ ÌBϸ L¨ Á¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi© 23 :eÈ˙«¥ ŸÁz§ Ó§ ‡© a§to you, fear not; your God, and the God of your ̳Τ Ϩ Ô˙©¸ ¨ ÆÌΤ È·¦ ‡£ ȳ‰¥ŸÏ‡Â«¥ ÌΤ¹ ȉ¥ŸÏ¸‡¡ e‡¯À¨Èz¦father, hath given you treasure in your sacks; ȮϨ‡¥ ‡´a¨ ÌÎ−¤ t§ Ò§ k© ÌΤ½ È˙¥ ŸÁ´ z§ Ó§ ‡© a§ ÆÔBÓ˧ Ó©I had your money.’ And he brought Simeonout unto them. [24] And the man brought the Lȇ²¦ ‰¨ ‡¬·¥ i¨Â© 24 :ÔBÚ« Ó§ L¦ -˙‡¤ ̉−¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ‡¬ˆ¥ Bi©men into Joseph’s house, and gave them water, ÆÌȦÓÆ© -Ôz¤ i¦Â© ÛÒ®¥BÈ ‰˙¨ È´a¥ ÌÈL−¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ 87 87

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ı˜Ó 43 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 43.25 mikkets ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙and they washed their feet; and he gave their :̉«¤ ȯ¥ŸÓ« Á£ Ï© ‡Bt− Ò§ Ó¦ Ôz¬¥ i¦ © ̉¤½ ÈÏ¥ ‚§ ¯© eˆ´ Á£ ¯§i¦ ©asses provender. [25] And they made ready thepresent against Joseph’s coming at noon; for ÛÒ−¥ BÈ ‡Ba¬-„Ú© ‰Á¨½ § n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÆeÈÎƦ i¨Â© 25they heard that they should eat bread there. :ÌÁ¤ Ï«¨ eÏΧ ‡ŸÈ¬ ÌL−¨ -Èk¦ eÚ½ Ó§ L«¨ Èk´¦ ÌȦ¯®¨‰¢ v¨ a«©[26] And when Joseph came home, they brought -˙‡¤ Bϲ e‡¦ Ȭ·¦ i¨Â© ‰˙¨ ȧ a©½ ‰© ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ ‡Ÿ·³ i¨Â© 26him the present which was in their hand into BÏ− -eÂÁ£ z© L§ i¦Â© ‰˙¨ ȧ®a¨ ‰© Ì„−¨È¨a§ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰Á¬¨ § n¦ ‰©the house, and bowed down to him to the earth.[27] And he asked them of their welfare, and ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ÌBϽ L¨ ϧ Æ̉¤ Ϩ χ³© L§ i¦ © 27 :‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡«¨said: ‘Is your father well, the old man of whomye spoke? Is he yet alive?’ [28] And they said: Ìz®¤ ¯§Ó© ‡£ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ô˜−¥f¨‰© ̬Τ È·¦ ‡£ ÌBϲ L¨ ‰£‘Thy servant our father is well, he is yet alive.’ E¬ c§·§ Ú© ϧ ÌBϲ L¨ e¯À Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 28 :ÈÁ«¨ ep„−¤BÚ‰©And they bowed the head, and made obeisance.[29] And he lifted up his eyes, and saw Benjamin :ee«Á£ z© L§ i«¦Â© ÂÁ˙˘È e„−w§ i¦ «© ÈÁ®¨ ep„´¤BÚ eÈ·−¦ ‡¨ ϧhis brother, his mother’s son, and said: ‘Is this »ÂÈÁ¦ ‡¨ ÔÈÓ´¦ Ȩ§ a¦ -˙‡¤ ‡¯§iº©Â© ÂÈ¨ÀÈÚ¥ ‡O´¨ i¦ © 29your youngest brother of whom ye spoke unto ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ԟ˽ w¨ ‰© ̴Τ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ Ɖʤ‰£ ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© ¼Bn‡¦ -Ôa¤me?’ And he said: ‘God be gracious unto thee,my son.’ [30] And Joseph made haste; for his :È«¦ a§ E− § Á§ Ȩ Ìȉ¬¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ¯Ó©¾ ‡Ÿi© ȮϨ‡¥ Ìz−¤ ¯§Ó© ‡£heart yearned toward his brother; and he sought ÂÈÁ½¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ ÆÂÈÓ¨ Á£ ¯© e¯³Ó§ Χ ¦ -Èk«¦ ÛÒÀ¥ BÈ ¯´‰¥ Ó© ȧ © 30where to weep; and he entered into his chamber,and wept there. [31] And he washed his face, and :‰n¨ L«¨ j§ ·§ ¬i¥Â© ‰¯¨„§Á−© ‰© ‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© ˙Bk® ·§ Ϧ Lw−¥·© ȧ©came out; and he refrained himself, and said: eÓÈN¬¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© ˜t©½ ‡© ˙§ i¸¦Â© ‡®ˆ¥ i¥Â© ÂÈ−¨t¨ ıÁ¬© ¯§i¦Â© 31‘Set on bread.’ [32] And they set on for him by Ìc®¨·© ϧ Ì´‰¤ Ϩ § Bc−·© ϧ Bϲ eÓÈN¬¦ i¨Â© 32 :ÌÁ¤ Ï«¨himself, and for them by themselves, and for theEgyptians, that did eat with him, by themselves; ‡ŸÏ¸ ÁÈk¦ Ìc½¨·© ϧ ÆBz‡¦ ÌÈϳ¦ Χ Ÿ‡‰¨ Ìȯº¦ˆ§ n¦ Ï© §because the Egyptians might not eat bread with ÆÌȯ¦·§ Ú¦ ‰«¨ -˙‡¤ ϟγ ‡¡ Ϥ ÌȯÀ¦ˆ§ n¦ ‰© ÔeϹ Χ eÈthe Hebrews; for that is an abomination untothe Egyptians. [33] And they sat before him, the e·´ L§ i¥Â© 33 :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ϧ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰¬·¨ Ú¥ B˙-Èk¦ ÌÁ¤ Ϥ½first-born according to his birthright, and the B˙® ¯¨Ú¦ ˆ§ k¦ ¯ÈÚ−¦ v¨ ‰© § B˙½ ¯¨ŸÎ´ ·§ k¦ ƯŸÎa§ ‰© ÂÈ¨½ Ù¨ ϧyoungest according to his youth; and the men :e‰Ú«¥ ¯¥-χ¤ Lȇ¬¦ ÌÈL−¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ e‰¬ Ó§ ˙§ i¦ ©marvelled one with another. [34] And portionswere taken unto them from before him; but ·¯¤z¥¹ © ¼Ì‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ »ÂÈ¨t¨ ˙‡´¥ Ó¥ ˙Ÿ‡¹ N§ Ó© ‡O¨¸ i¦ © 34Benjamin’s portion was five times so much as ˙B„®È¨ LÓ´¥ Á¨ Ìl−¨ kª ˙Ÿ‡¬ N§ n© Ó¦ ÔÓ²¦ Ȩ§ a¦ ˙‡¯© N§ Ó©any of theirs. And they drank, and were merry44with him. And he commanded the steward of his -˙‡¤ ˆº© ȧ© :Bn« Ú¦ e¯−k§ L§ i¦Â«© ez¬ L§ i¦Â© ˙ŸÁ³ z§ Ó§ ‡© -˙‡¤ ‡l¥ºÓ© ¼¯ŸÓ‡Ï¥ »B˙Èa¥-ÏÚ© ¯L´¤ ‡£44 house, saying: ‘Fill the men’s sacks with ÌÈN¬¦ § ˙‡®¥ N§ ÔeÏ− Χ eÈ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© ÏΤ Ÿ‡½ ÆÌÈL¦ ¨‡£ ‰«¨food, as much as they can carry, and put every ÈÚº¦ È·¦ b§ -˙‡¤ § 2 :Bz« Á§ z© Ó§ ‡© Ȭ٦ a§ Lȇ−¦ -ÛÒ¤ k«¤man’s money in his sack’s mouth. [2] And putmy goblet, the silver goblet, in the sack’s mouth ԟ˽ w¨ ‰© ˙Á© z´© Ó§ ‡© ÆÈÙ¦ a§ ÆÌÈN¦ z¨ ÛÒ¤ k¤À ‰© Ú©È·´¦ b§of the youngest, and his corn money.’ Andhe did according to the word that Joseph had ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ ¯¬·© „§k¦ NÚ© i©¾Â© B¯®·§ L¦ ÛÒ¤ ´k¤ ˙‡−¥ §spoken. [3] As soon as the morning was light, ‰n¨ ‰−¥ eÁ½ l§ Lª ÌÈL´¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ § ¯B‡® ¯˜¤Ÿa− ‰© 3 :¯a«¥ c¦the men were sent away, they and their asses. ‡ŸÏ´ »¯ÈÚ¦ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ e‡´ ˆ§ È«¨ ̉¥ Â4 :̉«¤ ȯ¥ŸÓÁ£ ©[4] And when they were gone out of the city, andwere not yet far off, Joseph said unto his steward: Ìe˜¬ B˙½ Èa¥-ÏÚ© ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ï«© Ưө ‡¨ ÛÒ³¥Bȧ ¼e˜ÈÁ¦ ¯§‰¦‘Up, follow after the men; and when thou dost z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § ÆÌz¨ ‚§ O© ‰¦ § ÌÈL®¦ ¨‡£ ‰«¨ ȯ´¥Á£ ‡© ÛŸ„−¯§ 88 88

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ı˜Ó 44 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 44.5 mikkets ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙overtake them, say unto them: Wherefore have :‰·«¨ BË ˙Á© z¬© ‰Ú−¨ ¯¨ Ìz¬¤ Ó§ l© L¦ ‰n¨ ²Ï¨ ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ye rewarded evil for good? [5] Is not this it inwhich my lord drinketh, and whereby he indeed ‡e‰¾ § Ba½ ÆÈ¦Ÿ„‡£ ‰z³¤ L§ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰Ê¤À ‡BÏ´ ‰£ 5divineth? ye have done evil in so doing.’ [6] And :Ì˙«¤ ÈN¦ Ú£ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ì˙−¤ ŸÚ¯¥‰£ Ba® LÁ−¥ ©È§ L¬Á¥ ©he overtook them, and he spoke unto them these Ìȯ−¦·¨ c§‰© -˙‡¤ ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯´a¥ „©È§ © Ì®‚¥O¦ i©Â«© 6words. [7] And they said unto him: ‘Whereforespeaketh my lord such words as these? Far be È½¦Ÿ„‡£ ¯´a¥ „©È§ ‰n¨ Ϩ µ ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥ e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 7 :‰l¤ ‡«¥ ‰¨it from thy servants that they should do such a ˙BN− Ú£Ó¥ EÈ„½¤·¨ ڣϩ ƉϨ ÈÏ¦Æ Á¨ ‰l¤ ‡®¥ ‰¨ Ìȯ−¦·¨ c§k©thing. [8] Behold, the money, which we found in ÈÙ´¦ a§ Æe‡ˆ¨Æ Ó¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÛÒ¤ k¤À Ô‰´¥ 8 :‰f«¤‰© ¯¬·¨ c¨k©our sacks’ mouths, we brought back unto thee outof the land of Canaan; how then should we steal ÔÚ©®¨k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ EÈÏ−¤‡¥ eŸ·¬ ÈL¦ ‰¡ eÈ˙¥½ ŸÁz§ Ó§ ‡©out of thy lord’s house silver or gold? [9] With :·‰«¨ ʨ B‡¬ ÛÒ¤ k−¤ EÈ¤½Ÿ„‡£ ˙È´a¥ Ó¦ Æ·Ÿ‚§ ¦ Cȇ¥À §whomsoever of thy servants it be found, let him -Ì‚©Â§ ˙Ó®¥ ¨ EÈ„−¤·¨ Ú£Ó¥ Bz² ‡¦ ‡¬ˆ¥ n¨ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ 9die, and we also will be my lord’s bondmen.’[10] And he said: ‘Now also let it be according ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 10 :ÌÈ„«¦·¨ ڣϩ È−¦Ÿ„‡Ï«© ‰¬È¤‰§ «¦ eÁ§ ©¾‡£unto your words: he with whom it is found shall ‡³ˆ¥ n¨ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‡e‰® -Ôk¤ ÌÎ−¤ ȯ¥·§ „¦Î§ ‰z¬¨ Ú© -Ìb©be my bondman; and ye shall be blameless.’ :Ì«i¦ ˜¦ § eȬ‰§ z¦ Ìz−¤ ‡© § „·¤ Ú¨½ Èl´¦ -‰È¤‰§ Ȧ ÆBz‡¦[11] Then they hastened, and took down everyman his sack to the ground, and opened every Bz− Á§ z© Ó§ ‡© -˙‡¤ Lȇ¬¦ e„¯²¦Bi© e¯À ‰£ Ó© ȧ«© 11man his sack. [12] And he searched, beginning at Nt¥¾ Á© ȧ© 12 :Bz« Á§ z© Ó§ ‡© Lȇ¬¦ eÁ− z§ Ù§ i¦ «© ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡®¨the eldest, and leaving off at the youngest; and the Ú©È·½¦ b¨‰© Ƈˆ¥ n¨ i¦ © ‰®l¨ k¦ ÔŸË− w¨ ·© e ÏÁ¥½ ‰¥ ÏB„´b¨a©goblet was found in Benjamin’s sack. [13] Then Ì˙®¨ ŸÏÓ§ N¦ eÚ− ¯§˜§ i¦ «© 13 :ÔÓ«¦ Ȩ§ a¦ ˙Á© z−© Ó§ ‡© a§they rent their clothes, and laded every man hisass, and returned to the city. [14] And Judah and :‰¯¨ÈÚ«¦ ‰¨ e·L−ª i¨Â© B¯½ ŸÓÁ£ -ÏÚ© Lȇ´¦ ÆÒŸÓÚ£i©Â«©his brethren came to Joseph’s house, and he was ‡e‰− § ÛÒ¥½ BÈ ‰˙¨ È´a¥ ÆÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤ § ‰„³¨e‰È§ ‡Ÿ·¸ i¨Â© 14yet there; and they fell before him on the ground.[15] And Joseph said unto them: ‘What deed is ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 15 :‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡«¨ ÂÈ−¨Ù¨ ϧ eϬ t§ i¦ © ÌL®¨ ep„´¤BÚthis that ye have done? know ye not that such a ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰−f¤‰© ‰¬N¤ Ú£n© ‰© -‰Ó«¨ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ Æ̉¤ Ϩman as I will indeed divine?’ [16] And Judah said: L²Á¥ ©È§ LÁ¯¥ ©-Èk«¦ Ìz¤½ Ú§ „©È§ ‡BÏ´ ‰£ Ì˙®¤ ÈN¦ Ú£‘What shall we say unto my lord? what shall we -‰Ó© ‰„À¨e‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 16 :È¦ŸÓ« k¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Lȇ−¦speak? or how shall we clear ourselves? God hath ˜c®¨Ë© ˆ§ p¦ -‰Ó© e ¯a−¥ „©p§ -‰Ó© È½¦Ÿ„‡Ï«© Ưө ‡Ÿpfound out the iniquity of thy servants; behold, we ep³p¤‰¦ EÈ„½¤·¨ Ú£ ԟ´ڣ-˙‡¤ Ƈˆ¨ Ó¨ ÌȉÀ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨are my lord’s bondmen, both we, and he also inwhose hand the cup is found.’ [17] And he said: ‡¬ˆ¨ Ó§ ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ̲b© eÁ§ ©¾‡£ -Ìb© È½¦Ÿ„‡Ï«© ÆÌÈ„¦·¨ Ú£‘Far be it from me that I should do so; the manin whose hand the goblet is found, he shall be ˙BN− Ú£Ó¥ Èl¦½ ‰Ï¨ ÈÏ´¦ Á¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 17 :B„«È¨a§ Ú©È·−¦ b¨‰©my bondman; but as for you, get you up in peace ‡e‰µ B„À Ȩa§ Ú©È·¹¦ b¨‰© ‡ˆ¨¸ Ó§ ¦ Á¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇ¿¦ ‰¨ ˙‡ŸÊ®unto your father.’ -χ¤ ÌBÏ− L¨ ϧ eϬ Ú£ Ìz¤¾ ‡© § „·¤ Ú¨½ Èl´¦ -‰È¤‰§ Ȧ Ù :ÌΫ¤ È·¦ ‡£va-yiggash[18] Then Judah came near unto him, and ˘‚ÈÂsaid: ‘Oh my lord, let thy servant, I pray thee, ¼È¦Ÿ„‡£ Èa´¦ »¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi© ‰„À¨e‰È§ ÂÈϨ¹ ‡¥ Lb©¸ i¦ © 18speak a word in my lord’s ears, and let not thineanger burn against thy servant; for thou art even ¯Á© ¬È¦-χ© § È½¦Ÿ„‡£ È´¥Ê§ ‡¨ a§ Ư·¨ „¨ E³ c§·§ Ú© ‡¨¸ -¯a¤ „©È§ 89 89

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˘‚È 44 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 44.19 va-yiggash ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙as Pharaoh. [19] My lord asked his servants, È´¦Ÿ„‡£ 19 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§Ù© k§ EBÓ− Ψ Ȭk¦ Ec®¤·§ Ú© a§ E− t§ ‡©saying: Have ye a father, or a brother? [20] Andwe said unto my lord: We have a father, an old ·‡−¨ ̬Τ Ϩ -LÈ¥‰£ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ÂÈ„−¨·¨ Ú£-˙‡¤ χ©½ L¨man, and a child of his old age, a little one; and ·‡´¨ Æe쬮 -LȤ È½¦Ÿ„‡£ -χ¤ ƯӤ ‡ŸpÆ Â© 20 :Á‡«¨ -B‡his brother is dead, and he alone is left of his ¯˙¥¸ e¨i¦ © ˙Ó¥¹ ÂÈÁ¸¦ ‡¨ § ÔË®¨ ˜¨ ÌÈ−¦ ˜ªÊ§ „Ϥ ¬È¤Â§ Ô˜½¥Ê¨mother, and his father loveth him. [21] And thousaidst unto thy servants: Bring him down unto ƯӤ ‡ŸzÆ Â© 21 :B·« ‰¥ ‡£ ÂȬ·¦ ‡¨ § Bn− ‡¦ ϧ Bc²·© ϧ ‡e‰¯me, that I may set mine eyes upon him. [22] And È−¦ ÈÚ¥ ‰Ó¨ ÈN¬¦ ‡¨ § ȮϨ‡¥ e‰„−ª¯¦B‰ EÈ„½¤·¨ Ú£-χ¤we said unto my lord: The lad cannot leave his ¯Ú© −p©‰© ϬΩ eÈ-‡ŸÏ È½¦Ÿ„‡£ -χ¤ ƯӤ ‡ŸpÆ Â© 22 :ÂÈÏ«¨ Ú¨father; for if he should leave his father, his fatherwould die. [23] And thou saidst unto thy servants: :˙Ó«¥ ¨ ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ·¬Ê©Ú¨ § ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ·ŸÊ´ Ú£ Ï©Except your youngest brother come down with ̬Τ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ „¯²¥È¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ -̇¦ EÈ„½¤·¨ Ú£-χ¤ ƯӤ ‡ŸzÆ Â© 23you, ye shall see my face no more. [24] And itcame to pass when we came up unto thy servant :È«¨t¨ ˙B‡¬ ¯§Ï¦ ÔeÙ− Ò¦ Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ¬ ̮Τ z§ ‡¦ ÔŸË− w¨‰©my father, we told him the words of my lord. BϽ -„b¤p©¸ © È·®¦ ‡¨ E− c§·§ Ú© -χ«¤ eÈϦ½ Ú¨ Èk´¦ Æȉ¦ ȧ © 24[25] And our father said: Go again, buy us a little e·L−ª eÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 25 :È«¦Ÿ„‡£ ȯ¬¥·§ c¦ ˙‡−¥food. [26] And we said: We cannot go down; ifour youngest brother be with us, then will we go Ï−Ω e ‡ŸÏ¬ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿp¾Â© 26 :ÏΤŸ‡« -ËÚ© Ó§ e¬Ï¨ -e¯·§ L¦down; for we may not see the man’s face, except e„§¯½©È¨Â§ Æezƨ ‡¦ ԟ˳ w¨‰© eÈÁ¸¦ ‡¨ ÁLÈ¥-̇¦ ˙„¤¯®¤Ï¨our youngest brother be with us. [27] And thy eÈÁ¬¦ ‡¨ § Lȇ½¦ ‰¨ È´¥t§ Æ˙B‡¯§Ï¦ ÏΩÀ e ‡ŸÏ´ -Èk¦servant my father said unto us: Ye know that mywife bore me two sons; [28] and the one went out È·−¦ ‡¨ E¬ c§·§ Ú© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi²Â© 27 :ez«¨ ‡¦ ep¬¤È‡¥ ÔŸË− w¨‰©from me, and I said: Surely he is torn in pieces; Èl¬¦ -‰„¨Ï§ È«¨ ÌȦ−©L§ Ȭk¦ Ìz¤½ Ú§ „©È§ Ìz´¤ ‡© eȮϥ‡¥and I have not seen him since; [29] and if ye takethis one also from me, and harm befall him, ye C‡−© ¯Ó©¾ Ÿ‡Â¨ Èz½¦ ‡¦ Ó«¥ Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ‰«¨ ‡³ˆ¥ i¥Â© 28 :Èz«¦ L§ ‡¦will bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to :‰p¨‰«¥ -„Ú© ÂÈ˙−¦ ȇ¦ ¯§ ‡ŸÏ¬ § Û¯®¨ŸË ÛŸ¯´Ë¨the grave. [30] Now therefore when I come to e‰¯´¨˜¨ § È−©t¨ ÌÚ¬¦ Ó¥ ‰²Ê¤-˙‡¤ -Ìb© Ìz¯¤ Á§ ˜© ϧ e 29thy servant my father, and the lad is not with us;seeing that his soul is bound up with the lad’s ‰Ú−¨ ¯¨a§ È˙²¦ ·¨ ÈN¥ -˙‡¤ Ìz¯¤ „§¯©B‰« § ÔBÒ® ‡¨soul; [31] it will come to pass, when he seeth È·½¦ ‡¨ E´ c§·§ Ú© -χ¤ Æȇ¦ Ÿ·k§ ‰z¨À Ú© § 30 :‰Ï¨ Ÿ‡« L§that the lad is not with us, that he will die; and :BL« Ù§ ©·§ ‰¯¬¨eL˜§ BL− Ù§ ©Â§ ez®¨ ‡¦ ep´¤È‡¥ ¯Ú© −p©‰© §thy servants will bring down the gray hairs ofthy servant our father with sorrow to the grave. ˙Ó®¥ ¨ ¯Ú© −p©‰© ÔȬ‡¥ -Èk¦ B˙² Ÿ‡¯§k¦ ‰È¨À‰¨ § 31[32] For thy servant became surety for the lad eȲ·¦ ‡¨ E¬ c§·§ Ú© ˙·©¸ ÈN¥ -˙‡¤ EÈ„¹¤·¨ Ú£ e„ȯ¸¦B‰Â§unto my father, saying: If I bring him not untothee, then shall I bear the blame to my father ¯Ú© p©½ ‰© -˙‡¤ ·¯´©Ú¨ ÆEc§·§ Ú© Èk³¦ 32 :‰Ï¨ Ÿ‡« L§ ÔB‚−Ȩa§for ever. [33] Now therefore, let thy servant, I EÈϤ½‡¥ Æep‡Æ¤ È·¦ ‡£ ‡ŸÏ³ -̇¦ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ È·−¦ ‡¨ ÌÚ¬¦ Ó¥pray thee, abide instead of the lad a bondman to ‰z¨À Ú© § 33 :ÌÈÓ«¦ i¨‰© -Ïk¨ È·−¦ ‡¨ ϧ È˙¦ ‡¬Ë¨ Á¨ §my lord; and let the lad go up with his brethren.[34] For how shall I go up to my father, if the lad È®¦Ÿ„‡Ï«© „·¤ Ú−¤ ¯Ú© p©½ ‰© ˙Á© z´© ÆEc§·§ Ú© ‡³¨-·L¤ È«¥be not with me? lest I look upon the evil that shall ‰´Ï¤ Ú¡‡«¤ ÆCȇ¥ -Èk¦ 34 :ÂÈÁ«¨ ‡¤ -ÌÚ¦ ÏÚ© ¬È© ¯Ú© −p©‰© §come on my father.’ Ú¯½¨·¨ ‰‡´¤ ¯§‡¤ Ôt¤µ Èz®¦ ‡¦ ep´¤È‡¥ ¯Ú© −p©‰© § È·½¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ Then Joseph could not refrain himself45 45before all them that stood by him; and ϟθ Ȩ-‡ŸÏ« § :È·«¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ‡ˆ−¨ Ó§ Ȧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£he cried: ‘Cause every man to go out from me.’ ‡¯¾¨˜§ i¦ © ÂÈϨ½ Ú¨ ÆÌÈ·¦ v¨ p¦ ‰© ϟγ ϧ ˜t¥À ‡© ˙§ ‰¦ ϧ ÛÒ¥¹ BÈ 90 90

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˘‚È 45 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 45.2 va-yiggash ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙And there stood no man with him, while Joseph ÆLȇ¦ „Ó© ³Ú¨ -‡ŸÏ§ ȮϨ Ú¨ Ó¥ Lȇ−¦ -ÏΨ e‡Èˆ¬¦ B‰made himself known unto his brethren. [2] And Ôz¬¥ i¦ © 2 :ÂÈÁ«¨ ‡¤ -χ¤ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ Úc¬©Â©˙§ ‰¦ a§ Bz½ ‡¦he wept aloud; and the Egyptians heard, and thehouse of Pharaoh heard. [3] And Joseph said ÚÓ−© L§ i¦Â© ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ eÚ´ Ó§ L§ i¦ © Èή¦ ·§ a¦ BÏ− Ÿ˜-˙‡¤unto his brethren: ‘I am Joseph; doth my father È´¦ ‡£ ÆÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤ -χ¤ ÛÒ³¥BÈ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 3 :‰ŸÚ« ¯§t© ˙Ȭa¥yet live?’ And his brethren could not answer him; ÆÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤ eϳ Χ Ȩ-‡ŸÏ« § ÈÁ®¨ È·−¦ ‡¨ „BÚ¬ ‰© ÛÒ¥½ BÈfor they were affrighted at his presence. [4] And ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 4 :ÂÈ«¨t¨ Ó¦ eÏ− ‰£ ·§ ¦ Ȭk¦ B˙½ Ÿ‡ ˙B´Ú£Ï©Joseph said unto his brethren: ‘Come near to me,I pray you.’ And they came near. And he said: ¯Ó¤ ‡ŸiÀ© eL®b¨i¦Â© ÈÏ−©‡¥ ‡¬¨-eLb§ ÂÈÁ²¨ ‡¤ -χ¤ ÛÒ¯¥BÈ‘I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into È˙−¦ Ÿ‡ Ìz¬¤ ¯§Î© Ó§ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÌΤ½ ÈÁ¦ ‡£ ÛÒ´¥BÈ ÆÈ¦ ‡£Egypt. [5] And now be not grieved, nor angry ƯÁ© ÈƦ -χ© § e·À ˆ§ ´Ú¨ z¥ -χ© | ‰z´¨ Ú© § 5 :‰Ó¨ ȧ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦with yourselves, that ye sold me hither; for God ‰È¨½Á§ Ó«¦ ϧ Èk´¦ ‰p¨®‰¥ È˙−¦ Ÿ‡ Ìz¬¤ ¯§Î© Ó§ -Èk«¦ ÌΤ½ È¥È´Ú¥ a§did send me before you to preserve life. [6] For ÌȦ˙¬© ¨L§ ‰²Ê¤-Èk¦ 6 :ÌΫ¤ È¥Ù§ Ϧ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ È¦ Á¬© Ϩ L§these two years hath the famine been in the land;and there are yet five years, in which there shall ÌÈ½¦ L¨ LÓ´¥ Á¨ Æ„BÚ§ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ ·¯¤˜´¤a§ ·Ú−¨ ¯¨‰¨be neither plowing nor harvest. [7] And God sent È¦ Á³¥ Ϩ L§ i¦ © 7 :¯Èv«¦ ˜¨Â§ Lȯ−¦Á¨ -Ôȇ¥ ¯¬L¤ ‡£me before you to give you a remnant on the earth, ˙ȯ−¦‡¥ L§ ̲Τ Ϩ ÌeN¬ Ϩ ÌΤ½ È¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡and to save you alive for a great deliverance. [8] Sonow it was not you that sent me hither, but God: :‰Ï«¨ Ÿ„b§ ‰Ë−¨ ÈÏ¥ Ù§ Ϧ ÌΤ½ Ϩ ˙BÈ´Á£ ‰© ϧ e ı¯¤‡®¨ a¨and He hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and Èk−¦ ‰p¨‰¥½ ÆÈ˙¦ Ÿ‡ Ìz³¤ Á§ Ï© L§ Ìzº¤ ‡© -‡ŸÏ« ‰z¨À Ú© § 8lord of all his house, and ruler over all the land ÆÔB„‡¨ ϧ e ‰ŸÚÀ ¯§Ù© ϧ ·‡¨¹ ϧ È«¦ Ó¥¸ ÈN¦ ȧ © Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨of Egypt. [9] Hasten ye, and go up to my father, :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -ÏΨ a§ ÏL−¥ ŸÓe B˙½ Èa¥-ÏΨ ϧand say unto him: Thus saith thy son Joseph: ‰Ÿk³ ÂÈϨÀ‡¥ Ìz´¤ ¯§Ó© ‡£ © ¼È·¦ ‡¨ -χ¤ eÏ´ ڣ© »e¯‰£ Ó© 9God hath made me lord of all Egypt; come down ÔB„−‡¨ ϧ Ìȉ²¦ ŸÏ‡¡ È¦ Ó¯© N¨ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ E´ § a¦ Ưө ‡¨unto me, tarry not. [10] And thou shalt dwell in :„ŸÓ« Ú£z© -χ«© ÈÏ−©‡¥ ‰„¬¨¯§ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ -ÏΨ ϧthe land of Goshen, and thou shalt be near untome, thou, and thy children, and thy children’s ÈÏ©½ ‡¥ Æ·B¯˜¨ ˙¨ Èȳ¦‰¨ § ÔL¤ ŸbÀ -ı¯¤‡«¤ ·§ z´¨ ·§ L© Ȩ§ 10children, and thy flocks, and thy herds, and all E− ¯§˜¨ ·§ e E¬ § ‡ŸˆÂ§ EÈ®¤·¨ È´¥·§ e EÈ−¤·¨ e ‰z¨¾ ‡©that thou hast; [11] and there will I sustain thee;for there are yet five years of famine; lest thou -Èk¦ ÌL¨½ ÆE˙§ Ÿ‡« Èz³¦ ϧ k© ϧ Φ § 11 :CÏ«¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ -ÏΨ §come to poverty, thou, and thy household, and ‰z¬¨ ‡© L¯²¥e¨z¦ -Ôt¤ ·®Ú¨ ¯¨ ÌÈ−¦ L¨ L¬Ó¥ Á¨ „BÚ²all that thou hast. [12] And, behold, your eyes ÆÌΤ È¥ÈÚ«¥ ‰³p¥‰¦ § 12 :CÏ«¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ -ÏΨ § E− ˙§ È·«¥ esee, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, that ¯¬a¥ „©Ó§ ‰«© ÈÙ−¦ -Èk¦ ÔÈÓ®¦ Ȩ§ ·¦ ÈÁ´¦ ‡¨ È−¥ÈÚ¥ § ˙B‡½ Ÿ¯it is my mouth that speaketh unto you. [13] Andye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, ÆÈ„¦B·k§ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ È·À¦ ‡¨ ϧ Ìz´¤ „§b©‰¦ § 13 :ÌΫ¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£and of all that ye have seen; and ye shall hasten Ìz²¤ ¯§‰© Ó«¦ e Ì˙®¤ ȇ¦ ¯§ ¯L´¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ § ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ a§and bring down my father hither.’ [14] And he -ÏÚ© ÏŸt² i¦ © 14 :‰p¨‰«¥ È·−¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ Ìz¬¤ „§¯©B‰Â§fell upon his brother Benjamin’s neck, and wept;and Benjamin wept upon his neck. [15] And he ‰Î−¨ a¨ ÔÓ½¦ Ȩ§ ·¦ e j§ ·§ ®i¥Â© ÂÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ -ÔÓ«¦ Ȩ§ ·¦ ȯ¬¥‡e§ˆ©kissed all his brethren, and wept upon them; and j§ ·§ ´i¥Â© ÂÈÁ−¨ ‡¤ -ÏΨ ϧ ˜¬M¥ ©È§Â© 15 :Âȯ«¨‡e¨ˆ© -ÏÚ©after that his brethren talked with him. :Bz« ‡¦ ÂÈÁ−¨ ‡¤ e¯¬a§ c¦ ÔÎ¥½ ȯ¥Á£ ‡´© § Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ Ú£ 91 91

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 45.16 va-yiggash ˘‚È 45 ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙[16] And the report thereof was heard in e‡a−¨ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ƉŸÚ¯§t© ˙ȳa¥ ÚÓ©À L§ ¦ ÏŸw´ ‰© § 16Pharaoh’s house, saying. ‘Joseph’s brethrenare come’; and it pleased Pharaoh well, and his È−¥ÈÚ¥ ·§ e ‰ŸÚ½ ¯§Ù© È´¥ÈÚ¥ a§ Æ·Ë© Èi¦ © ÛÒ®¥BÈ ÈÁ´¥ ‡£servants. [17] And Pharaoh said unto Joseph: ¯ŸÓ¬ ‡¡ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ-χ¤ ƉŸÚ¯§t© ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 17 :ÂÈ„«¨·¨ Ú£‘Say unto thy brethren: This do ye: lade your ÌΤ½ ¯§ÈÚ´¦ a§ -˙‡¤ Æeڣ˫© eN® Ú£ ˙‡ŸÊ´ EÈÁ−¤ ‡© -χ¤beasts, and go, get you unto the land of Canaan; -˙‡¤ eÁ¯ ˜§ e 18 :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡¬© e‡Ÿ·− -eÎϧ e[18] and take your father and your households,and come unto me; and I will give you the good ‰´¨z§ ‡¤ § ȮϨ‡¥ e‡Ÿ·´ e ÌÎ−¤ Èz¥ a¨-˙‡¤ § ̲Τ È·¦ ‡£of the land of Egypt, and ye shall eat the fat of -˙‡¤ eÏ− Χ ‡¦ § ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Æ·eË-˙‡¤ ÌΤÀ Ϩthe land. [19] Now thou art commanded, this do eN® Ú£ ˙‡ŸÊ´ ‰˙¨ Èe−¥ˆª ‰z¬¨ ‡© § 19 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ ·Ï¤ ¬Á¥ye: take you wagons out of the land of Egypt foryour little ones, and for your wives, and bring ÆÌΤ t§ Ë© ϧ ˙BÏÀ ‚¨Ú£ ÌȦ¯¹©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡¤¸ Ó¥ ÁÌΤ Ϩ -eÁ˜§your father, and come. [20] Also regard not :Ì˙«¤ ‡·¨ e ÌÎ−¤ È·¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ Ì˙¬¤ ‡N¨ § e ÌΤ½ ÈL¥ § Ϧ §your stuff; for the good things of all the land of ·e˲ -Èk¦ ̮Τ ÈÏ¥ k§ -ÏÚ© ÒŸÁ− z¨ -χ© ÌΤ½ § È´Ú¥ § 20Egypt are yours.’ [21] And the sons of Israel didso; and Joseph gave them wagons, according to ÆÔÎ¥-eNÚ£i«©Â© 21 :‡e‰« ̬Τ Ϩ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -Ïk¨the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them Èt´¦ -ÏÚ© ˙BÏ− ‚¨Ú£ ÛÒ²¥BÈ Ì¬‰¤ Ϩ Ôz¥¸ i¦Â© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§provision for the way. [22] To all of them he gave ̬l¨ Ϊ ϧ 22 :C¯¤c«¨Ï© ‰„−¨ˆ¥ ̲‰¤ Ϩ Ôz¬¥ i¦ © ‰ŸÚ® ¯§Ù©each man changes of raiment; but to Benjaminhe gave three hundred shekels of silver, and five ÆÔ˙© ¨ ÔÓ³¦ Ȩ§ ·¦ ϧ e ˙ŸÏ® Ó¨ N§ ˙BÙ´ Ϧ Á£ Lȇ−¦ Ϩ Ô˙²© ¨changes of raiment. [23] And to his father he sent :˙ŸÏ« Ó¨ N§ ˙ŸÙ¬ Ϧ Á£ LÓ−¥ Á¨ § ÛÒ¤ k¤½ ˙B‡´ Ó¥ LŸÏ´ L§in like manner ten asses laden with the good Ìȯ½¦ŸÓÁ£ ‰¯´¨N¨ Ú£ Æ˙‡ŸÊk§ Á³Ï© L¨ ÂÈ·º¦ ‡¨ ϧ e 23things of Egypt, and ten she-asses laden withcorn and bread and victual for his father by the ˙Ÿ‡N§ Ÿ«Â˙Ÿ¿Ÿ˙‡£ ¯N¤ ´Ú¤ § ÌȦ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ·eh´ Ó¦ Ìȇ−¦ N§ Ÿway. [24] So he sent his brethren away, and they Á¬l© L© ȧ© 24 :C¯¤c«¨Ï© ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ ϧ ÔBʲӨ e ÌÁ¤ ¯Ï¤ ¨ ¯´a¨departed; and he said unto them: ‘See that ye eÊ−b§ ¯§z¦ -χ«© ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© eήϥ i¥Â© ÂÈÁ−¨ ‡¤ -˙‡¤fall not out by the way.’ [25] And they went up ÔÚ© ©½ k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ Æe‡Ÿ·Æ i¨Â© ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ eÏ− Ú£i©Â«© 25 :C¯¤c«¨a©out of Egypt, and came into the land of Canaanunto Jacob their father. [25] And they told him, „BÚµ ¯ŸÓÀ ‡Ï¥ BϹ e„b¸¦ i©Â© 26 :̉«¤ È·¦ ‡£ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ-χ«¤saying: ‘Joseph is yet alive, and he is ruler over all ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ -ÏΨ a§ ÏL−¥ ŸÓ ‡e‰¬ -ÈΫ¦ § ÈÁ©½ ÛÒ´¥BÈthe land of Egypt.’ And his heart fainted, for he e¯´a§ „©È§Â© 27 :̉«¤ Ϩ ÔÈÓ−¦ ‡¡ ‰¤ -‡ŸÏ Ȭk¦ Ba½ Ϧ ‚Ù¨ ´i¨Â©believed them not. [27] And they told him all the ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯´a¤ c¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÛÒ¥ BÈ È¯³¥·§ c¦-Ïk¨ ˙‡´¥ ÂÈϨÀ‡¥words of Joseph, which he had said unto them; ÛÒ−¥ BÈ Á¬Ï© L¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙BϽ ‚¨Ú£‰´¨ -˙‡¤ Ƈ¯§i©Â©and when he saw the wagons which Joseph hadsent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father :̉«¤ È·¦ ‡£ ·Ÿ˜¬ ڣȩ Á©e¯− ÈÁ¾¦ z§ © B˙® Ÿ‡ ˙‡N´¥ Ϩrevived. [28] And Israel said: ‘It is enough; Josephmy son is yet alive; I will go and see him before46I die.’ ÈÁ®¨ È−¦ a§ ÛÒ¬¥BÈ-„BÚ ·¯²© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© 28 Úq³© i¦ © :˙eÓ« ‡¨ ̯¤¬Ë¤ a§ ep‡−¤ ¯§‡¤ § ‰¬Î¨ ϧ ‡«¥46 he had, and came to Beer-sheba, and :˜Á«¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ÂȬ·¦ ‡¨ ȉ−¥ŸÏ‡Ï¥ ÌÈÁ½¦ ·¨ ʧ Á´a© ʧ i¦ ©And Israel took his journey with all that Ú·© M®¨ ‰¯¨‡´¥ a§ ‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© BϽ -¯L¤ ‡£ -ÏΨ § Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧoffered sacrifices unto the God of his father Isaac. ˙Ÿ‡´ ¯§Ó© a§ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ϧ | Ìȉ³¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 2[2] And God spoke unto Israel in the visions ofthe night, and said: ‘Jacob, Jacob.’ And he said: :È¦«p¥‰¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È© | ·Ÿ˜´ ڣȩ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© ‰Ï¨ ȧ l©½ ‰© 92 92

<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˘‚È 46 Home | TOCtorah GENESIS 46.3 va-yiggash ˙È˘‡¯· ‰¯Â˙‘Here am I.’ [3] And He said: ‘I am God, the God Ƈ¯¨Èz¦ -χ© EÈ·®¦ ‡¨ ȉ´¥ŸÏ‡¡ χ−¥ ‰¨ ȬΦ Ÿ‡¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© 3of thy father; fear not to go down into Egypt; forI will there make of thee a great nation. [4] I will E¬ Ó§ ÈN«¦ ‡£ ÏB„−b¨ ÈB‚¬Ï§ -Èk«¦ ‰Ó¨ ȧ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ‰„´¨¯§Ó¥go down with thee into Egypt; and I will also ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ § ‰Ó¨ ȧ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ÆEn§ Ú¦ „¯³¥‡¥ ÈÎÀ¦ Ÿ‡¨ 4 :ÌL«¨surely bring thee up again; and Joseph shall put -ÏÚ© B„−Ȩ ˙ÈL¬¦ Ȩ ÛÒ¾¥ Bȧ ‰ŸÏ® Ú¨ -Ì‚© E´ ϧ Ú© ‡«©his hand upon thine eyes.’ [5] And Jacob rose upfrom Beer-sheba; and the sons of Israel carried e‡¸ N§ i¦ © Ú·© L®¨ ¯‡´¥ a§ Ó¦ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ ̘¨¬i¨Â© 5 :EÈ«¤ÈÚ¥Jacob their father, and their little ones, and their ÆÌt¨ Ë© -˙‡¤ § ̉¤À È·¦ ‡£ ·Ÿ˜´ ڣȩ-˙‡¤ χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥·§wives, in the wagons which Pharaoh had sent ‰ŸÚ− ¯§t© Á¬Ï© L¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙BϾ ‚¨Ú£a¨ ̉¤½ ÈL¥ § -˙‡¤ §to carry him. [6] And they took their cattle, andtheir goods, which they had gotten in the land -˙‡¤ § ̉¤À È¥˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ eÁ´ ˜§ i¦ © 6 :B˙« Ÿ‡ ˙‡¬N¥ Ϩof Canaan, and came into Egypt, Jacob, and all e‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© ÔÚ© ©½ k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ÆeLΧ ¯«¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÆÌL¨ eί§his seed with him; [7] his sons, and his sons’ sons ÂÈº¨a¨ 7 :Bz« ‡¦ BÚ¬ ¯§Ê©-ÏΨ § ·Ÿ˜− ڣȩ ‰Ó¨ ȧ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦with him, his daughters, and his sons’ daughters,and all his seed brought he with him into Egypt. BÚ® ¯§Ê©-ÏΨ § ÂÈ−¨a¨ ˙B¬·§ e ÂÈ˙²¨ Ÿa§ Bz½ ‡¦ ÆÂÈ¨·¨ ȳ¥·§ e ‰l¤ ‡¥¸ § 8 Ò :‰Ó¨ ȧ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ Bz− ‡¦ ‡È¬·¦ ‰¥ [8] And these are the names of the childrenof Israel, who came into Egypt, Jacob and his ‰Ó¨ ȧ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ Ìȇ¬¦ a¨ ‰© ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§ ˙BÓ¯ L§sons: Reuben, Jacob’s first-born. [9] And the sonsof Reuben: Hanoch, and Pallu, and Hezron, and È−¥·§ e 9 :Ô·«¥ e‡¯§ ·Ÿ˜−ڣȩ ¯ŸÎ¬ a§ ÂÈ®¨·¨ e ·Ÿ˜´ ڣȩCarmi. [10] And the sons of Simeon: Jemuel, and È´¥·§ e 10 :ÈÓ«¦ ¯§Î© § ÔB¯¬ˆ§ Á¤ § ‡el− Ù© e CB¬Á£ Ô·®¥e‡¯§Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and ¯Á© Ÿˆ® § ÔÈδ¦ Ȩ§ „‰© Ÿ‡− § ÔÈÓ²¦ Ȩ§ χ¯¥ eÓȧ ÔBÚÀ Ó§ L¦Shaul the son of a Canaanitish woman. [11] Andthe sons of Levi: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. ÔBL¾ ¯§b¥ È®¦Ï¥ È−¥·§ e 11 :˙È«¦ Ú£©k§ ‰«© -Ôa¤ Ïe‡− L¨ §[12] And the sons of Judah: Er, and Onan, and Ô²¨B‡Â§ ¯¯Ú¥ ‰„À¨e‰È§ È´¥·§ e 12 :ȯ«¦¯¨Ó§ e ˙‰−¨ ˜§Shelah, and Perez, and Zerah; but Er and Onan ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ÆÔ¨B‡Â§ ¯³Ú¥ ˙Ó¨ i¨¸Â© Á¯©®Ê¨Â¨ ı¯¤´Ù¤ ¨ ‰Ï−¨ L¥ §died in the land of Canaan. And the sons of Perezwere Hezron and Hamul. [13] And the sons of :ÏeÓ« Á¨ § ÔB¯¬ˆ§ Á¤ ı¯¤Ù−¤ -È¥·§ eȬ‰§ i¦Â© ÔÚ© ©½ k§Issachar: Tola, and Puvah, and Iob, and Shim- :ÔB¯«Ó§ L¦ § ·BȬ§ ‰e−¨Ùª e ڬϨ Bz ¯®Î¨ ˘N¨ Ȧ È−¥·§ e 13ron. [14] And the sons of Zebulun: Sered, and | ‰l¤ ‡´¥ 15 :χ«¥ ϧ Á§ ȩ§ ÔBÏ− ‡¥ § „¯¤Ò¬¤ ÔeÏ® ·ª ʧ È−¥·§ e 14Elon, and Jahleel. [15] These are the sons of Leah,whom she bore unto Jacob in Paddan-aram, ̯½¨‡£ Ôc´©Ù© a§ Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©Ï§ ‰„³¨Ï§ È«¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰‡¨À Ï¥ È´¥a§with his daughter Dinah; all the souls of his sons ÂÈ˙−¨ B·§ e ÂȲ¨a¨ LÙ¤¯¤-Ïk¨ Bz® ·¦ ‰´¨Èc¦ ˙‡−¥ §and his daughters were thirty and three. [16] And È−b¦ Á© § ÔBȬ٧ ˆ¦ „‚¨½ È´¥·§ e 16 :LŸÏ« L¨ § ÌÈL¬¦ ŸÏL§the sons of Gad: Ziphion, and Haggi, Shuni, andEz-bon, Eri, and Arodi, and Areli. [17] And the È´¥·§ e 17 :ÈÏ«¦ ‡¥ ¯§‡© § È„−¦B¯‡£ «© ȯ¬¦Ú¥ ÔŸa® ˆ§ ‡¤ § È´¦ eLsons of Asher: Imnah, and Ishvah, and Ishvi, Á¯©N´¤ § ‰Ú−¨ ȯ¦·§ e Ȭ¦L§ Ȧ § ‰²Â¨L§ Ȧ § ‰¯¨Ó§ Ȧ ¯L¥À ‡¨and Beriah, and Serah their sister; and the sons :χ«¥ Èk¦ ϧ Ó© e ¯·¤ Á−¤ ‰Ú¨½ ȯ¦·§ È´¥·§ e Ì˙®¨ ŸÁ‡£of Beriah: Heber, and Malchiel. [18] These arethe sons of Zilpah, whom Laban gave to Leah his ‰‡´¨ Ï¥ ϧ Ô·−¨ Ϩ Ô˙¬© ¨-¯L¤ ‡£ ‰t¨½ ϧ ʦ È´¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡¥ µ18daughter, and these she bore unto Jacob, even ‰¯−¥N§ Ú¤ L¬L¥ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩϧ Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ -˙‡¤ „Ϥ z³¥ © Bz® ·¦sixteen souls. [19] The sons of Rachel Jacob’s ÛÒ−¥ BÈ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȫ© ˙L¤ ‡´¥ ÆÏÁ¥ ¯¨ ȳ¥a§ 19 :LÙ¤ «¨wife: Joseph and Benjamin. [20] And unto Josephin the land of Egypt were born Ma-nasseh and ¼ÌȦ ¯©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ »ÛÒ¥ BÈϧ „´Ï¥ e¨i¦ © 20 :ÔÓ«¦ Ȩ§ ·¦ eEphraim, whom Asenath the daughter of Poti- Ô‰´¥ Ÿk Ú¯©Ù−¤ È˦ Bt¬ -˙a© ˙©½ Ò§ ‡«¨ ÆBl-‰„¨Ï§ È«¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ 93 93

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