<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯˜È 3 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 3.7 va-yikra’ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙[7] If he bring a lamb for his offering, then shall B®a¨ ¯§˜¨ -˙‡¤ ·È¯−¦˜§ Ó© -‡e‰« ·N¤ ¬k¤-̇¦ 7he present it before the Lord. [8] And he shall layhis hand upon the head of his offering, and kill it ÆB„Ȩ-˙‡¤ CÓ³© Ò¨ § 8 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ B˙− Ÿ‡ ·È¯¬¦˜§ ‰¦ §before the tent of meeting; and Aaron’s sons shall ω¤ Ÿ‡´ È−¥Ù§ Ϧ B˙½ Ÿ‡ ËÁ´© L¨ § B½ a¨ ¯§˜¨ L‡Ÿ¯´-ÏÚ©dash the blood thereof against the altar round -ÏÚ© BÓ² c¨-˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯¯‰£ ‡© È¥¸ a§ e˜¯§Ê¨Â§Â „®Ú¥ BÓabout. [9] And he shall present of the sacrifice ofpeace-offerings an offering made by fire unto the »ÌÈÓ¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© Á·© ´f¤Ó¦ ·È¯¸¦˜§ ‰¦ § 9 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰©Lord: the fat thereof, the fat tail entire, which he ‰Ó¨½ ÈÓ¦ ˙§ ‰´È¨Ï§ ‡© ‰¨ ÆBaϧ Á¤ ¼‰Â¨‰ÈÏ© ‰M´¤ ‡¦shall take away hard by the rump-bone; and the ƷϤ ÁÆ¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ‰p¨¯®¤ÈÒ¦ ȧ ‰ˆ−¤ Ú¨ ‰¤ ˙n¬© Úª ϧfat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat thatis upon the inwards, [10] and the two kidneys, ¯L−¤ ‡£ ·Ï¤ Á¥½ ‰© -Ïk¨ Æ˙‡¥ § ·¯¤w½¤‰© -˙‡¤ ‰q´¤ Ω Ó§ ‰«©and the fat that is upon them, which is by the -˙‡¤ § ˙ŸÈ½Ï¨ k§ ‰© Èz´¥ L§ Æ˙‡¥ § 10 :·¯¤w«¤‰© -ÏÚ©loins, and the lobe above the liver, which he shall ÌÈÏ®¦ Ò¨ k§ ‰© -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ Ô‰¤½ Ï¥ Ú£ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƷϤ ÁÆ¥ ‰©take away by the kidneys. [11] And the priestshall make it smoke upon the altar; it is the food ˙ŸÈ−Ϩ k§ ‰© -ÏÚ© „·¥½ k¨ ‰© -ÏÚ© Æ˙¯¤˙Ƥ Ÿi‰© -˙‡¤ §of the offering made by fire unto the Lord. ÌÁ¤ ¬Ï¤ ‰Á¨ ®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© B¯¬È˦ ˜§ ‰¦ § 11 :‰p¨¯«¤ÈÒ¦ ȧ[12] And if his offering be a goat, then he Ù :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ‰M−¤ ‡¦shall present it before the Lord. [13] And he shalllay his hand upon the head of it, and kill it before :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ B·− ȯ¦˜§ ‰¦ § B®a¨ ¯§˜¨ ÊÚ−¥ ̇¬¦ § 12the tent of meeting; and the sons of Aaron shall B˙½ Ÿ‡ ËÁ´© L¨ § BL½ ‡Ÿ¯-ÏÚ© ÆB„Ȩ-˙‡¤ CÓ³© Ò¨ § 13dash the blood thereof against the altar round BÓ² c¨-˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯¯‰£ ‡© È¥¸ a§ e˜¯§Ê¨Â§Â„®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ È−¥Ù§ Ϧabout. [14] And he shall present thereof hisoffering, even an offering made by fire unto the B½ a¨ ¯§˜¨ ÆepnƤ Ó¦ ·È¯³¦˜§ ‰¦ § 14 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ©Lord: the fat that covereth the inwards, and all -˙‡¤ ‰q´¤ Ω Ó§ ‰«© ƷϤ ÁÆ¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ«© ‰M−¤ ‡¦the fat that is upon the inwards, [15] and the two :·¯¤w«¤‰© -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ ·Ï¤ Á¥½ ‰© -Ïk¨ Æ˙‡¥ § ·¯¤w½¤‰©kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, which isby the loins, and the lobe above the liver, which ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƷϤ ÁÆ¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ˙ŸÈ½Ï¨ k§ ‰© Èz´¥ L§ Æ˙‡¥ § 15he shall take away by the kidneys. [16] And the Æ˙¯¤˙Ƥ Ÿi‰© -˙‡¤ § ÌÈÏ®¦ Ò¨ k§ ‰© -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ Ô‰¤½ Ï¥ Ú£priest shall make them smoke upon the altar; it is :‰p¨¯«¤ÈÒ¦ ȧ ˙ŸÈ−Ϩ k§ ‰© -ÏÚ© „·¥½ k¨ ‰© -ÏÚ©the food of the offering made by fire, for a sweet ƉM¤ ‡¦ ÌÁ¤ ³Ï¤ ‰Á¨ ®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ̯¬¨È˦ ˜§ ‰¦ § 16savour; all the fat is the Lord’s. [17] It shall be a ˙w³©Áª 17 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ·Ï¤ Á−¥ -Ïk¨ Á©ŸÁ½ Ȧ Á©È¯´¥Ï§perpetual statute throughout your generationsin all your dwellings, that ye shall eat neither fat -Ïk¨ ̮Τ È˙¥ Ÿ·L§ BÓ« ÏŸÎ− a§ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ¯´Ÿ„ϧ ÆÌϨ BÚnor blood. And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying:4 4[2] Speak unto the children of Israel, saying: Ù :eÏΫ¥ ‡Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ìc−¨-ÏΨ § ·Ï¤ ¬Á¥ ¯aº¥ c© 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ ©If any one shall sin through error, in any of the ‡³Ë¨ Á¡ ˙¤ -Èk«¦ LÙ¤ ¤À ¼¯ŸÓ‡Ï¥ »Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤things which the Lord hath commanded not to ‡ŸÏ´ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ˙ŸÂ´ˆ§ Ó¦ ÆÏŸkÓ¦ Ɖ‚¨‚¨L§ ·¦be done, and shall do any one of them: [3] if the ̇´¦ 3 :‰p¨‰«¥ Ó¥ ˙Á−© ‡© Ó¥ ‰N¨¾ Ú¨ § ‰¨ÈN®¤ Ú¨ ˙¥anointed priest shall sin so as to bring guilt onthe people, then let him offer for his sin, whichhe hath sinned, a young bullock without blemish ̮ڨ ‰¨ ˙Ó´© L§ ‡© ϧ ‡Ë−¨ Á¡ Ȥ Á©ÈL²¦ n¨ ‰© Ô‰¯¥ Ÿk‰©unto the Lord for a sin-offering. [4] And he shall ¯´t© ‡Ë¨¹ Á¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÁB˙‡h¨ Á© Ï´Ú© ·È¯¿¦˜§ ‰¦ §bring the bullock unto the door of the tent of ‡È·´¦ ‰¥ § 4 :˙‡h«¨ Á© ϧ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© ÌÈÓ²¦ z¨ ¯˜¬¨a¨-Ôa¤ 194 194
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯˜È 4 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 4.5 va-yikra’ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙meeting before the Lord; and he shall lay his ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ „Ú−¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© ²t¤ -χ¤ ¯t¨À ‰© -˙‡¤hand upon the head of the bullock, and kill thebullock before the Lord. [5] And the anointed -˙‡¤ ËÁ¬© L¨ § ¯t¨½ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯´-ÏÚ© ÆB„Ȩ-˙‡¤ CÓ³© Ò¨ §priest shall take of the blood of the bullock, andbring it to the tent of meeting. [6] And the priest Á©ÈL−¦ n¨ ‰© Ô‰¬¥ Ÿk‰© Á˜²©Ï¨ § 5 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯t−¨ ‰© :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ -χ¤ B˙− Ÿ‡ ‡È¬·¦ ‰¥ § ¯®t¨ ‰© Ìc´©Ó¦shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle of ‰f¨¸‰¦ § Ìc®¨a© BÚ− a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ϯ·© ˨ § 6the blood seven times before the Lord, in frontof the veil of the sanctuary. [7] And the priest È−¥t§ -˙‡¤ ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ú¨ t§ Ú·© L³¤ Ìc¹¨‰© -ÔÓ¦shall put of the blood upon the horns of the altar Ìc¹¨‰© -ÔÓ¦ Ô‰¥¸ Ÿk‰© ÁÔ˙© ¨Â§ 7 :L„¤Ÿw« ‰© ˙Τ Ÿ¯¬t¨of sweet incense before the Lord, which is in the È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÌÈn¦ q© ‰© ˙¯¤ŸË³ ˜§ Áa©¸ ʧӦ ˙B¯§˜©Â-ÏÚ©tent of meeting; and all the remaining blood of Ìc´©-Ïk¨ | ˙‡´¥ § „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ a§ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§the bullock shall he pour out at the base of the -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰Ï¨½ ŸÚ‰¨ Á´a© ʧ Ó¦ Æ„BÒȧ -χ¤ ÆCŸtL§ Ȧ ¯t¨À ‰©altar of burnt-offering, which is at the door of thetent of meeting. [8] And all the fat of the bullock ¯¬t© ·Ï¤ ²Á¥ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § 8 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© t−¤of the sin-offering he shall take off from it: the fat ‰q´¤ Ω Ó§ ‰«© ƷϤ ÁÆ¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ epn®¤ Ó¦ Ìȯ´¦È¨ ˙‡h−¨ Á© ‰«©that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ ·Ï¤ Á¥½ ‰© -Ïk¨ Æ˙‡¥ § ·¯¤w½¤‰© -ÏÚ©upon the inwards, [9] and the two kidneys, and ƷϤ ÁÆ¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ˙ŸÈ½ Ϩ k§ ‰© Èz´¥ L§ Æ˙‡¥ § 9 :·¯¤w«¤‰©the fat that is upon them, which is by the loins,and the lobe above the liver, which he shall take -˙‡¤ § ÌÈÏ®¦ Ò¨ k§ ‰© -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ Ô‰¤½ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ¯L´¤ ‡£away by the kidneys, [10] as it is taken off from :‰p¨¯«¤ÈÒ¦ ȧ ˙BÈ−Ϩ k§ ‰© -ÏÚ© „·¥½ k¨ ‰© -ÏÚ© Æ˙¯¤˙Ƥ Ÿi‰©the ox of the sacrifice of peace-offerings; and the ÌÈÓ®¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© Á·© ´Ê¤ ¯BM− Ó¦ ̯½©eÈ ¯L´¤ ‡£ k© 10priest shall make them smoke upon the altar ofburnt-offering. [11] But the skin of the bullock, :‰Ï«¨ ŸÚ‰¨ Á¬a© ʧӦ Ï−Ú© Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© Æ̯¨È˦ ˜§ ‰¦ §and all its flesh, with its head, and with its legs, -ÏÚ© B¯½ N¨ a§ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § Ưt¨ ‰© ¯BÚ³ -˙‡¤ § 11and its inwards, and its dung, [12] even the whole :BL« ¯§Ù¦ e Ba− ¯§˜¦ § ÂȮڨ ¯¨k§ -ÏÚ© § BL− ‡Ÿ¯bullock shall he carry forth without the camp ‰¤¹ Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ¸ Ó¦ -χ¤ ¯t¨ ‰© Â-Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ ‡Èˆ´¦ B‰Â§ 12unto a clean place, where the ashes are pouredout, and burn it on wood with fire; where the Û¯¬©N¨ § ÔL¤ c½¤‰© CÙ¤ L´¤ -χ¤ ƯB‰Ë¨ ÌB˜³Ó¨ -χ¤ashes are poured out shall it be burnt. ÔL¤ c−¤‰© CÙ¤ ¬L¤ -ÏÚ© L‡®¥ a¨ ÌȈ−¦ Ú¥ -ÏÚ© B˙² Ÿ‡ [13] And if the whole congregation of Israel Ù :Û¯«¥O¨ Ȧshall err, the thing being hid from the eyes of ¯·¨½ c¨ ÌÏ´© Ú§ ¤Â§ eb½ L§ Ȧ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˙„³©Ú£-Ïk¨ ̇¸¦ § 13the assembly, and do any of the things which ˙ŸÂ¯ˆ§ Ó¦ -Ïk¨ Ó¦ ˙Á©¸ ‡© eNÚ¨ § Ϯ‰¨ w¨ ‰© È−¥ÈÚ¥ Ó¥the Lord hath commanded not to be done, andare guilty: [14] when the sin wherein they have :eÓL«¥ ‡¨ § ‰¨ÈN−¤ Ú¨ ˙¥ -‡ŸÏ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰²Â¨‰È§sinned is known, then the assembly shall offer ‰¨ ȮϤ Ú¨ e‡− ˧ Á¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙‡h¨½ Á© ‰«© Ɖڨ „§B« § 14a young bullock for a sin-offering, and bring it ˙‡h¨½ Á© ϧ Ư˜¨ a¨ -Ôa¤ ¯³t© ω¨¹ w¨ ‰© e·È¯¸¦˜§ ‰¦ §before the tent of meeting. [15] And the elders eÎÓ§ Ò¨ §Â15 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ È−¥Ù§ Ϧ B˙½ Ÿ‡ e‡È·´¦ ‰¥ §of the congregation shall lay their hands uponthe head of the bullock before the Lord; and the ¯t−¨ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯¬-ÏÚ© ̲‰¤ È„¥È§-˙‡¤ ‰„¯¨Ú¥ ‰¨ È¥¸˜§ ʦbullock shall be killed before the Lord. [16] And :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯t−¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ ËÁ¬© L¨ § ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧthe anointed priest shall bring of the blood of the -χ¤ ¯®t¨ ‰© Ìc´©Ó¦ Á©ÈL−¦ n¨ ‰© Ô‰¬¥ Ÿk‰© ‡È²·¦ ‰¥ § 16 195 195
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯˜È 4 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 4.17 va-yikra’ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙bullock to the tent of meeting. [17] And the priest -ÔÓ¦ BÚ− a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ϯ·© ˨ § 17 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡−shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkleit seven times before the Lord, in front of the ˙‡−¥ ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ú¨ t§ Ú·© L³¤ ‰fº¨‰¦ § Ìc®¨‰©veil. [18] And he shall put of the blood upon the ˙Ÿ´¯§˜©-ÏÚ© | Ôz´¥ Ȧ Ìcº¨‰© -ÔÓ¦ e 18 :˙Τ Ÿ¯«t¨ ‰© Ȭ¥t§horns of the altar which is before the Lord, that ω¤ Ÿ‡´ a§ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ƯL¤ ‡£ Á©a¥À ʧ n¦ ‰©is in the tent of meeting, and all the remainingblood shall he pour out at the base of the altar of Æ„BÒȧ-χ¤ ÆCŸtL§ Ȧ ÌcÀ¨‰© -Ïk¨ ˙‡´¥ § „®Ú¥ BÓburnt-offering, which is at the door of the tent of :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© t−¤ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰Ï¨½ ŸÚ‰¨ Á´a© ʧ Ó¦meeting. [19] And all the fat thereof shall he take ¯ÈË−¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § epn®¤ Ó¦ Ìȯ´¦È¨ Ba− ϧ Á¤ -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥ § 19off from it, and make it smoke upon the altar.[20] Thus shall he do with the bullock; as he did ¯´Ù© ϧ ƉN¨ Ú¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ k© ¯t¨½ Ï© ‰N´¨ Ú¨ § 20 :‰Á¨ a«¥ ʧ n¦ ‰©with the bullock of the sin-offering, so shall he do Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ̲‰¤ Ï¥ Ú£ ¯¯t¤ Φ § Bl® -‰N¤ ڣȩ Ôk−¥ ˙‡h¨½ Á© ‰«©with this; and the priest shall make atonement -χ¤ ¯t¨À ‰© -˙‡¤ ‡Èˆ´¦ B‰Â§ 21 :̉«¤ Ϩ Á¬Ï© Ò§ ¦ §for them, and they shall be forgiven. [21] And heshall carry forth the bullock without the camp, Û¯½©N¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ k© B˙½ Ÿ‡ Û¯´©N¨ § ‰¤½ Á£ n© Ï«© ÆıeÁÓ¦and burn it as he burned the first bullock; it is the Ï−‰¨ w¨‰© ˙‡¬h© Á© ÔBL® ‡¯¦‰¨ ¯´t¨ ‰© ˙‡−¥sin-offering for the assembly. Ù :‡e‰« [22] When a ruler sinneth, and doeththrough error any one of all the things which -Ïk¨ Ó¦ ˙Á´© ‡© ‰N¨¿ Ú¨ § ‡®Ë¨ Á¡ «È¤ ‡ÈN−¦ ¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ 22the Lord his God hath commanded not to be ‰¨È²N¤ Ú¨ ˙¥ -‡ŸÏ ¯L¯¤ ‡£ Âȉ¨¹ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰Â¸¨‰È§ Á˙ŸÂˆ§ Ó¦done, and is guilty: [23] if his sin, wherein he hath B˙½ ‡h¨ Á© ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥ Ú„³©B‰-B‡« 23 :ÌL«¥ ‡¨ § ‰−‚¨‚¨L§ a¦sinned, be known to him, he shall bring for hisoffering a goat, a male without blemish. [24] And ¯ÈÚ¬¦ N§ B²a¨ ¯§˜¨-˙‡¤ ‡È·¯¦ ‰¥ § d®a¨ ‡Ë−¨ Á¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£he shall lay his hand upon the head of the goat, L‡Ÿ¯´-ÏÚ© ÆB„Ȩ CÓ³© Ò¨ § 24 :ÌÈÓ«¦ z¨ ¯¬Î¨ ʨ ÌÈf−¦Ú¦and kill it in |the place where they kill the burnt- ËÁ¬© L§ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÌB˜² Ó§ a¦ B˙½ Ÿ‡ ËÁ´© L¨ § ¯ÈÚ½¦ O¨ ‰©offering before the Lord; it is a sin-offering.[25] And the priest shall take of the blood of :‡e‰« ˙‡h−¨ Á© ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ‰¨ -˙‡¤the sin-offering with his finger, and put it upon BÚ½ a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ a§ Æ˙‡h¨ Á© ‰«© Ìc³©Ó¦ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© Á˜¸©Ï¨ § 25the horns of the altar of burnt-offering, and the BÓ´ c¨-˙‡¤ § ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ‰¨ Á´a© ʧ Ó¦ ˙Ÿ−¯§˜© -ÏÚ© Ô˙©¾ ¨Â§remaining blood thereof shall he pour out at thebase of the altar of burnt-offering. [26] And all -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § 26 :‰Ï«¨ ŸÚ‰¨ Á¬a© ʧӦ „BÒ− ȧ-χ¤ CŸt½ L§ Ȧthe fat thereof shall he make smoke upon the Á·© ´Ê¤ ·Ï¤ Á−¥ k§ ‰Á¨ a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰© ¯ÈË´¦ ˜§ È© ÆBaϧ Á¤altar, as the fat of the sacrifice of peace-offerings; B˙− ‡h¨ Á© Ó¥ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ÂÈϯ¨ Ú¨ ¯t¤¸ Φ § ÌÈÓ®¦ Ϩ M§ ‰©and the priest shall make atonement for him asconcerning his sin, and he shall be forgiven. Ù :BÏ« Á¬Ï© Ò§ ¦ § Ì´Ú© Ó¥ ‰−‚¨‚¨L§ ·¦ ‡¬Ë¨ Á¡ z¤ ˙²Á© ‡© LÙ¤¯¤-̇¦ § 27 [27] And if any one of the common peoplesin through error, in doing any of the things ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ˙ŸÂ¯ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ ˙Á©¸ ‡© d˙¨ ŸNÚ£a©Â ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨which the Lord hath commanded not to bedone, and be guilty: [28] if his sin, which he hath ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥ Ú„´©B‰ B‡µ28 :ÌL«¥ ‡¨ § ‰¨ÈN−¤ Ú¨ ˙¥ -‡ŸÏsinned, be known to him, then he shall bring for ˙¯³©ÈÚ¦ N§ B¹ a¨ ¯§˜¨ ‡È·¸¦ ‰¥ § ‡®Ë¨ Á¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ B˙− ‡h¨ Á©his offering a goat, a female without blemish, for ¯¬L¤ ‡£ B˙− ‡h¨ Á© -ÏÚ© ‰·¨½ ˜¥§ ‰Ó´¨ ÈÓ¦ z§ ÆÌÈf¦ Ú¦his sin which he hath sinned. [29] And he shalllay his hand upon the head of the sin-offering, ˙‡®h¨ Á© ‰«© L‡Ÿ¯´ Ï−Ú© B„½ Ȩ-˙‡¤ ÆCÓ© Ò¨ § 29 :‡Ë«¨ Á¨and kill the sin-offering in the place of burnt- :‰Ï«¨ ŸÚ‰¨ ÌB˜−Ó§ a¦ ˙‡h¨½ Á© ‰´© -˙‡¤ ÆËÁ© L¨ § 196 196
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯˜È 4 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 4.30 va-yikra’ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙offering. [30] And the priest shall take of the -ÏÚ© Ô˙©¾ ¨Â§ BÚ½ a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ a§ ÆdÓ¨ c¨Ó¦ Ô‰³¥ Ÿk‰© Á˜¸© Ϩ § 30blood thereof with his finger, and put it uponthe horns of the altar of burnt-offering, and all CŸt½ L§ Ȧ dÓ´¨ c¨-Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ‰¨ Á´a© ʧӦ ˙Ÿ−¯§˜©the remaining blood thereof shall he pour out at ¯ÈÒÀ¦ Ȩ d´a¨ ϧ Á¤ -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § 31 :Á©a«¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© „BÒ− ȧ -χ¤the base of the altar. [31] And all the fat thereofshall he take away, as the fat is taken away from ¼ÌÈÓ¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© Á·© ´Ê¤ Ï´Ú© Ó¥ »·Ï¤ Á¥ ¯Ò´© e‰ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k©off the sacrifice of peace-offerings; and the priest Á©ŸÁ− Ȧ Á©È¯¬¥Ï§ ‰Á¨ a¥½ ʧ n¦ ‰© ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ¯È˳¦ ˜§ ‰¦ §shall make it smoke upon the altar for a sweetsavour unto the Lord; and the priest shall make Ù :BÏ« Á¬Ï© Ò§ ¦ § Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ¯¬t¤ Φ § ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ©atonement for him, and he shall be forgiven. ‰¬·¨ ˜¥§ ˙‡®h¨ Á© ϧ B−a¨ ¯§˜¨ ‡È¬·¦ Ȩ N·¤ ²k¤-̇¦ § 32 [32] And if he bring a lamb as his offering fora sin-offering, he shall bring it a female without Ï−Ú© B„½ Ȩ-˙‡¤ ÆCÓ© Ò¨ § 33 :‰p¨‡«¤ È·¦ ȧ ‰Ó−¨ ÈÓ¦ ˙§blemish. [33] And he shall lay his hand upon ˙‡h¨½ Á© ϧ Æd˙¨ Ÿ‡ ËÁ³© L¨ § ˙‡®h¨ Á© ‰«© L‡Ÿ¯´the head of the sin-offering, and kill it for a sin-offering in the place where they kill the burnt- Á˜¸©Ï¨ § 34 :‰Ï«¨ ŸÚ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ËÁ−© L§ Ȧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌB˜¾ Ó§ a¦offering. [34] And the priest shall take of the -ÏÚ© Ô˙©¾ ¨Â§ BÚ½ a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ a§ Æ˙‡h¨ Á© ‰«© Ìc³©Ó¦ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰©blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and putit upon the horns of the altar of burnt-offering, CŸt½ L§ Ȧ dÓ´¨ c¨-Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ‰¨ Á´a© ʧӦ ˙Ÿ−¯§˜©and all the remaining blood thereof shall he pour ¯ÈÒÀ¦ Ȩ ‰´a¨ ϧ Á¤ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § 35 :Á©a«¥ ʧn¦ ‰© „BÒ− ȧ-χ¤out at the base of the altar. [35] And all the fatthereof shall he take away, as the fat of the lamb is ¼ÌÈÓ¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© Á·© ´f¤Ó¦ »·N¤ k¤ ‰© -·Ï¤ Á«¥ ¯Ò¬© eÈ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k©taken away from the sacrifice of peace-offerings; ÈM´¥ ‡¦ Ï−Ú© ‰Á¨ a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰© ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ Ô‰³¥ Ÿk‰© ¯È˸¦ ˜§ ‰¦ §and the priest shall make them smoke on thealtar, upon the offerings of the Lord made by -¯L¤ ‡£ B˙¬ ‡h¨ Á© -ÏÚ© Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ÂÈϯ¨ Ú¨ ¯t¤¸ Φ § ‰®Â¨‰È§fire; and the priest shall make atonement for him Ù :BÏ« Á¬Ï© Ò§ ¦ § ‡Ë−¨ Á¨as touching his sin that he hath sinned, and he5shall be forgiven. And if any one sin, in that he heareth the5 voice of adjuration, he being a witness, ‰Ï¨½ ‡¨ ÏB˜´ Ɖڨ Ó§ L«¨ § ‡Ë¨À Á¡ ˙¤ -Èk«¦ LÙ¤´¤Â§ „È−b¦ È© ‡BϬ -̇¦ Ú„®¨È¨ B‡´ ‰‡−¨ ¯¨ B‡¬ „Ú¥½ ‡e‰´ §whether he hath seen or known, if he do notutter it, then he shall bear his iniquity; [2] or if ¯´·¨ c¨-ÏΨ a§ »Úb©z¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ LÙ¤ ¤À B‡´ 2 :B«ŸÂÚ£ ‡N¬¨ ¨Â§any one touch any unclean thing, whether it be Æ˙Ï© ·§ ¦ a§ B‡µ ‰‡¨À Ó¥ ˧ ‰i¨¹Á© ˙Ï©¸ ·§ ¦ ·§ ÁB‡ ¼‡Ó¥ ˨the carcass of an unclean beast, or the carcassof unclean cattle, or the carcass of unclean ‡Ó®¥ ˨ ı¯¤L´¤ ˙Ï−© ·§ ¦ a§ B‡¾ ‰‡¨½ Ó¥ ˧ ‰Ó´¨ ‰¥ a§swarming things, and be guilty, it being hidden Èγ¦ B‡´ 3 :ÌL«¥ ‡¨ § ‡Ó−¥ ˨ ‡e‰¬ § epn¤½ Ó¦ ÌÏ´© Ú§ ¤Â§from him that he is unclean; [3] or if he touch theuncleanness of man, whatsoever his uncleanness ¯¬L¤ ‡£ B˙½ ‡¨ Ó§ ˪ ÆÏŸÎϧ Ì„½¨‡¨ ˙‡´© Ó§ ˪ a§ ÆÚb©È¦ :ÌL«¥ ‡¨ § Ú„−©È¨ ‡e‰¬ § epn¤½ Ó¦ ÌÏ´© Ú§ ¤Â§ d®a¨ ‡Ó−¨ ˧ Ȧbe wherewith he is unclean, and it be hid from ÌȦ ˙©¹ Ù¨ N§ ·¦ ‡h¥¸ ·© ϧ ÁÚ·© M¨ ˙¦ Èk´¦ LÙ¤ ¤¿ B‡´ 4him; and, when he knoweth of it, be guilty; [4] or ‡¯h¥ ·© ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÏŸÎϧ  ·ÈËÀ¦ ȉ¥ ϧ B‡´ | Ú¯´©‰¨ ϧif any one swear clearly with his lips to do evil,or to do good, whatsoever it be that a man shallutter clearly with an oath, and it be hid from Ú„¬©È¨-‡e‰Â§ epn®¤ Ó¦ ÌÏ´© Ú§ ¤Â§ ‰Ú−¨ ·ª L§ a¦ Ì„²¨‡¨ ‰¨him; and, when he knoweth of it, be guilty in ÌL−© ‡§ Ȥ-ÈΫ¦ ‰¬È¨‰¨ § 5 :‰l¤ ‡«¥ Ó¥ ˙Á¬© ‡© ϧ ÌL−¥ ‡¨ §one of these things; [5] and it shall be, when he :‰¨ ÈÏ«¤ Ú¨ ‡Ë−¨ Á¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰c½¨Â©˙§ ‰¦¸ § ‰l¤ ‡®¥ Ó¥ ˙Á´© ‡© ϧshall be guilty in one of these things, that he shall ÁB˙‡h¨ Á© Ï´Ú© ‰Â¿¨‰ÈÏ© BÓ´ L¨ ‡£ -˙‡¤ ‡È·´¦ ‰¥ § 6confess that wherein he hath sinned; [6] and heshall bring his forfeit unto the Lord for his sin -B‡« ‰²a¨ N§ k¦ Ô‡Ÿv¬ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ‰·¨¸ ˜¥§ ‡Ë¨¹ Á¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£which he hath sinned, a female from the flock, a Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ¯¬t¤ Φ § ˙‡®h¨ Á© ϧ ÌÈf−¦Ú¦ ˙¯¬©ÈÚ¦ N§lamb or a goat, for a sin-offering; and the priestshall make atonement for him as concerning his 197 197
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯˜È 5 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 5.7 va-yikra’ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙sin. [7] And if his means suffice not for a lamb, ¼‰N¤ Èc´¥ »B„Ȩ Ú©È´b¦ ˙© ‡ŸÏ¸ -̇¦ § 7 :B˙« ‡h¨ Á© Ó¥then he shall bring his forfeit for that whereinhe hath sinned, two turtledoves, or two young Ìȯ²¦Ÿ˙ Èz¬¥ L§ ‡Ë¨À Á¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ BÓ¹ L¨ ‡£ -˙‡¤ ‡È·¸¦ ‰¥ §pigeons, unto the Lord: one for a sin-offering, ˙‡h−¨ Á© ϧ „Á¬¨ ‡¤ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ«© ‰−¨BÈ-È«¥·§ Ȭ¥L§ -B‡«and the other for a burnt-offering. [8] And heshall bring them unto the priest, who shall offer Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ ‡È·³¦ ‰¥ § 8 :‰Ï«¨ ŸÚϧ „Á¬¨ ‡¤ §that which is for the sin-offering first, and pinch ‰®¨BL‡¯¦ ˙‡h−¨ Á© Ï© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -˙‡¤ ·È¯²¦˜§ ‰¦ §off its head close by its neck, but shall not divide :ÏÈc«¦·§ È© ‡ŸÏ¬ § Bt− ¯§Ú¨ Ïen¬ Ó¦ BL² ‡Ÿ¯-˙‡¤ ˜Ï¯© Ó¨ eit asunder. [9] And he shall sprinkle of the bloodof the sin-offering upon the side of the altar; andthe rest of the blood shall be drained out at the Á©a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰© ¯È˜´¦ -ÏÚ© Æ˙‡h¨ Á© ‰© Ìc³©Ó¦ ‰fº¨‰¦ § 9base of the altar; it is a sin-offering. [10] And he Á©®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© „BÒ´ ȧ-χ¤ ‰ˆ−¥ n¨ Ȧ Ìc½¨a© ¯‡´¨ L§ p¦ ‰© §shall prepare the second for a burnt-offering,according to the ordinance; and the priest shall ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ ‰¬N¤ ڣȩ Ȳ¦ M¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ § 10 :‡e‰« ˙‡h−¨ Á©make atonement for him as concerning his sin B˙¬ ‡h¨ Á© Ó¥ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ÂÈϯ¨ Ú¨ ¯t¤¸ Φ § Ë®t¨ L§ n¦ k©which he hath sinned, and he shall be forgiven. [11] But if his means suffice not for two Á‡ŸÏ-̇¦ § 11 Ò :BÏ« Á¬Ï© Ò§ ¦ § ‡Ë−¨ Á¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ¼‰¨BÈ-È¥·§ È´¥L§ Ϧ »B‡ ÌȯÀ¦Ÿ˙ Èz´¥ L§ Ϧ B„¹ Ȩ ‚ÈO¦¸ ˙©turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, then he shallbring his offering for that wherein he hath sinned,the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin- ˙¯¯¦ÈN¦ Ú£ ‡Ë¨À Á¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ B¹a¨ ¯§˜¨-˙‡¤ ‡È·¸¦ ‰¥ §offering; he shall put no oil upon it, neither shall ‰¨ ÈϤ¹ Ú¨ ÌÈN¦¸ Ȩ-‡ŸÏ ˙‡®h¨ Á© ϧ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ− ‰²Ù¨ ‡¥ ‰¨he put any frankincense thereon; for it is a sin-offering. [12] And he shall bring it to the priest, ˙‡h−¨ Á© Ȭk¦ ‰¨½Ÿ·Ï§ Ɖ¨ ÈÏ¤Æ Ú¨ Ôz³¥ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ§ ÔÓ¤ L¤Àand the priest shall take his handful of it as the | Ô‰´¥ Ÿk‰© ıÓ´© ˜¨Â§ ¼Ô‰¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ »d‡¨ È·¦ ‰¡ ¤ 12 :‡È‰«¦memorial-part thereof, and make it smoke on ¯ÈË´¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § Ɖ˙¨ ¯¨k¨ ʧ‡© -˙‡¤ Bˆ¹ Ó§ ˜ª ‡Bϸ Ó§ ‰p¨n¤ Ó¦ Âthe altar, upon the offerings of the Lord madeby fire; it is a sin-offering. [13] And the priestshall make atonement for him as touching his :‡Â‰«¦ ˙‡h−¨ Á© ‰®Â¨‰È§ ÈM´¥ ‡¦ Ï−Ú© ‰Á¨ a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰©sin that he hath sinned in any of these things, and -¯L¤ ‡£ B˙¯ ‡h¨ Á© -ÏÚ© Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© ÂÈϨ¸ Ú¨ Á¯t¤ Φ § 13he shall be forgiven; and the remnant shall be thepriest’s, as the meal-offering. ‰˙¬¨ ȧ‰¨ § BÏ® ÁÏ´© Ò§ ¦ § ‰l¤ ‡−¥ Ó¥ ˙Á¬© ‡© Ó«¥ ‡²Ë¨ Á¨ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â© 14 Ò :‰Á«¨ § n¦ k© Ô‰−¥ ŸkÏ© [14] And the Lord spoke unto Moses,saying: [15] If any one commit a trespass, andsin through error, in the holy things of the Lord, ÏÚ© Ó©½ ÏŸÚ´ Ó§ ˙¦ -Èk«¦ LÙ¤ ¤µ15 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤then he shall bring his forfeit unto the Lord, a Á‡È·¦ ‰¥ § ‰®Â¨‰È§ ÈL−¥ „§w¨ Ó¦ ‰‚¨½ ‚¨L§ a¦ Ɖ‡¨ ˧ Á«¨ §ram without blemish out of the flock, accordingto thy valuation in silver by shekels, after the Ô‡ŸvÀ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌÈÓ´¦ z¨ ÏȦ‡¯© ‰Â¹¨‰ÈÏ«© BÓ¸ L¨ ‡£ -˙‡¤shekel of the sanctuary, for a guilt-offering. L„¤Ÿw− ‰© -Ϙ¤L«¤ a§ ÌÈϬ¦ ˜¨ L§ -ÛÒ¤ k«¤ E² k§ ¯§Ú¤ a§[16] And he shall make restitution for that whichhe hath done amiss in the holy thing, and shall L„¤Ÿw¹ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ‡Ë¨¸ Á¨ Á¯L¤ ‡£ ˙‡´¥ § 16 :ÌL«¨ ‡¨ ϧadd the fifth part thereto, and give it unto the B˙− Ÿ‡ Ô˙¬© ¨Â§ ÂÈϨ½ Ú¨ ÛÒ´¥BÈÆB˙L¦ ÈÓ«¦ Á£ -˙‡¤ § Ìl¥À L© ȧpriest; and the priest shall make atonement for ÌL−¨ ‡¨ ‰¨ ÏȬ‡¥ a§ ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ¯¬t¥ Ω ȧ Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© § Ô‰®¥ ŸkÏ©him with the ram of the guilt-offering, and heshall be forgiven. [17] And if any one sin, and do any of the Æ˙Á© ‡© ‰˙¨À N§ Ú«¨ § ‡Ë¨½ Á¡ ˙«¤ Ù :BÏ« Á¬Ï© Ò§ ¦ § ÆLÙ¤ ¤Æ -̇¦ § 17things which the Lord hath commanded not to Èk´¦be done, though he know it not, yet is he guilty,and shall bear his iniquity. [18] And he shall bring ‰¨ÈN®¤ Ú¨ ˙¥ ‡ŸÏ´ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ˙ŸÂ´ˆ§ Ó¦ -Ïk¨ Ó¦a ram without blemish out of the flock, according ÏȦ ‡´© ‡È·¦ ‰¥ §Â18 :B«ŸÂÚ£ ‡N¬¨ ¨Â§ ÌL−¥ ‡¨ § Ú„¬©È¨-‡ŸÏ« §to thy valuation, for a guilt-offering, unto thepriest; and the priest shall make atonement for Ô‰®¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ ÌL−¨ ‡¨ ϧ E¬ k§ ¯§Ú¤ a§ Ô‡Ÿv² ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌÈÓ¯¦ z¨him concerning the error which he committed, 198 198
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ‡¯˜È 5 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 5.19 va-yikra’ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙though he knew it not, and he shall be forgiven. ‚²‚¨L¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ B˙¯ ‚¨‚§ L¦ Ï´Ú© Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© ÂÈϨ¸ Ú¨ Á¯t¤ Φ §[19] It is a guilt-offering—he is certainly guiltybefore the Lord. ‡e‰® ÌL−¨ ‡¨ 19 :BÏ« Á¬Ï© Ò§ ¦ § Ú„−©È¨-‡ŸÏ« ‡e‰¬ § Ù :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ÌL−© ‡¨ ÌŸL¬ ‡¨ [20] And the Lord spoke unto Moses,saying: [21] If any one sin, and commit a trespass LÙ¤ ¤µ21 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 20against the Lord, and deal falsely with hisneighbour in a matter of deposit, or of pledge, LÁ¥¸ Φ § ‰®Â¨‰Èa© ÏÚ© Ó−© ‰¬Ï¨ Ú£Ó¨ e ‡Ë¨½ Á¡ ˙¤ Èk´¦or of robbery, or have oppressed his neighbour; ÏÊ¥½ ‚¨·§ B‡´ ƄȨ ˙Ó¤ eN³ ˙§ ·¦ -B‡« ÔB„À w¨ Ù¦ a§ B˙¹ ÈÓ¦ Ú£a©[22] or have found that which was lost, and deal ‰„²¨·¥ ‡£ ‡ˆ¯¨ Ó¨ -B‡« 22 :B˙« ÈÓ¦ Ú£-˙‡¤ ˜L¬© Ú¨ B‡−falsely therein, and swear to a lie; in any of allthese that a man doeth, sinning therein; [23] then ˙Á©À ‡© -ÏÚ© ¯˜¤L®¨ -ÏÚ© Ú´a© L§ ¦ § da−¨ LÁ¤ ¬Î¦ §it shall be, if he hath sinned, and is guilty, that he :‰p¨‰«¥ ·¨ ‡ŸË¬ Á£ Ï© Ì„−¨‡¨ ‰¨ ‰¬N¤ ڣȩ-¯L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk² Ó¦shall restore that which he took by robbery, orthe thing which he hath gotten by oppression, -˙‡¤ ·ÈL¦¸ ‰¥ § ¼ÌL¥ ‡¨ § ‡´Ë¨ Á¡ Ȥ-Èk«¦ »‰È¨‰¨ § 23or the deposit which was deposited with him, or ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƘL¤ ŸÚÆ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ B‡³ ÏʨÀb¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰Ï¨¹ Ê¥b§ ‰©the lost thing which he found, [24] or any thing Bz® ‡¦ „˜−©Ù§ ‰¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÔB„½ w¨ t¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ B‡µ ˜L¨½ Ú¨about which he hath sworn falsely, he shall evenrestore it in full, and shall add the fifth part more ÏŸkº Ó¦ B‡Â24 :‡ˆ«¨ Ó¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰„−¨·¥ ‡£ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ B‡¬thereto; unto him to whom it appertaineth shall ÆB˙Ÿ‡ ̳l© L¦ § ¼¯˜¤M¤ Ï© »ÂÈϨ Ú¨ Ú´·© M¨ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£he give it, in the day of his being guilty. [25] And ‡e‰¬ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ Ï© ÂȮϨ Ú¨ ÛÒ´¥ŸÈ ÂÈ˙−¨ L¦ Ó¦ Á£ © BL½ ‡Ÿ¯a§he shall bring his forfeit unto the Lord, a ramwithout blemish out of the flock, according to BÓ¬ L¨ ‡£ -˙‡¤ § 25 :B˙« Ó¨ L§ ‡© ÌBȬa§ ep−¤z§ Ȧ Bϲthy valuation, for a guilt-offering, unto the priest. E¬ k§ ¯§Ú¤ a§ Ô‡Ÿv² ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌÈÓ¯¦ z¨ ÏȦ ‡´© ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ‡È·−¦ Ȩ[26] And the priest shall make atonement forhim before the Lord, and he shall be forgiven, Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ÂÈϯ¨ Ú¨ ¯t¤¸ Φ § 26 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ ÌL−¨ ‡¨ ϧconcerning whatsoever he doeth so as to be ÏŸk¬ Ó¦ ˙Á²© ‡© -ÏÚ© BÏ® ÁÏ´© Ò§ ¦ § ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧguilty thereby. Ù :d·«¨ ‰Ó¬¨ L§ ‡© ϧ ‰N−¤ ڣȩ-¯L«¤ ‡£6 tsav ˆ And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying: [2] Command Aaron and his sons, saying: 6³ˆ© 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â© This is the law of the burnt-offering it isthat which goeth up on its firewood upon the ˙¯−©Bz ˙‡ŸÊ¬ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÂÈ´¨a¨-˙‡¤ § ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -˙‡«¤altar all night unto the morning; and the fire ofthe altar shall be kept burning thereby. [3] And Á©³a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© ‰„¸¨˜§ BÓÁÏÚ© ‰Ï¨¿ŸÚ‰¨ ‡Â‰´¦ ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ‰¨the priest shall put on his linen garment, and his „˜©ez¬ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰© L¬‡¥ § ¯˜¤Ÿa½ ‰© -„Ú© ƉϨ ȧl©Æ ‰© -Ïk¨ »„·©-ÈÒ¥ § Χ Ó«¦ e „·©À Bc´Ó¦ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© L·©¸ Ϩ § 3 :Ba«linen breeches shall he put upon his flesh; and ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÔL¤ cÀ¤‰© -˙‡¤ Ìȯ´¦‰¥ § ¼B¯N¨ a§ -ÏÚ© L´a© ϧ Ȧhe shall take up the ashes whereto the fire hathconsumed the burnt-offering on the altar, and he Á©®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ‰¨ -˙‡¤ L²‡¥ ‰¨ ϬΩ ‡Ÿzshall put them beside the altar. [4] And he shall ÂÈ„½¨‚¨a§ -˙‡¤ ÆËL© Ù¨ e 4 :Á©a«¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ψ¤ ‡−¥ BÓ¾ N¨ §put off his garments, and put on other garments, ÆÔL¤ cƤ‰© -˙‡¤ ‡Èˆ³¦ B‰Â§ Ìȯ®¦Á¥ ‡£ ÌÈ„´¦‚¨a§ L·−© Ϩ §and carry forth the ashes without the camp untoa clean place. [5] And the fire upon the altar shall :¯B‰« ˨ ÌB˜−Ó¨ -χ¤ ‰¤½ Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ´ Ó¦ -χ¤be kept burning thereby, it shall not go out; and ‰a¤½ Χ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ ÆBa-„˜©ez« Á©³a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© L‡¥¸ ‰¨ § 5the priest shall kindle wood on it every morning; 199 199
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 6.6 tsav ˆ 6 ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙and he shall lay the burnt-offering in order upon ¯˜¤Ÿa® a© ¯˜¤Ÿa´ a© ÌȈ−¦ Ú¥ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ‰¨ ȯϤ Ú¨ ¯Ú¥¸ ·¦ eit, and shall make smoke thereon the fat of thepeace-offerings. [6] Fire shall be kept burning Ȭ·¥ ϧ Á¤ ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤ Ú¨ ¯Èˬ¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § ‰Ï¨½ ŸÚ‰«¨ Ɖ¨ ÈÏ¤Æ Ú¨ C¯³©Ú¨ §upon the altar continually; it shall not go out. Á©a−¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© „˜¬©ez „ÈÓ²¦ z¨ L‡¥À 6 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© [7] And this is the law of the meal-offering:the sons of Aaron shall offer it before the Lord, ‰Á®¨ § n¦ ‰© ˙¯−©Bz ˙‡ŸÊ¬Â§ 7 Ò :‰·«¤ Χ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬in front of the altar. [8] And he shall take up È−¥t§ -χ¤ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -È«¥a§ d˙³¨ Ÿ‡ ·¯¸¥˜§ ‰©therefrom his handful, of the fine flour of themeal-offering, and of the oil thereof, and all the ˙Ϥ Ÿq³ Ó¦ BˆÀ Ó§ ˜ªa§ epn¤¹ Ó¦ Ìȯ¸¦‰¥ § 8 :Á©a«¥ ʧn¦ ‰©frankincense which is upon the meal-offering, ¯L−¤ ‡£ ‰¨½Ÿ·l§ ‰© -Ïk¨ Æ˙‡¥ § d¨½ Ó§ M© Ó¦ e ƉÁ¨ § n¦ ‰©and shall make the memorial-part thereof smokeupon the altar for a sweet savour unto the Lord. Á©ŸÁ² Ȧ Á©È¯¯¥ Á©a¥À ʧn¦ ‰© ¯ÈË´¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § ‰Á®¨ § n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ©[9] And that which is left thereof shall Aaron and ‰p¨n¤½ Ó¦ ˙¯¤˙´¤ Bp‰© § 9 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© d˙−¨ ¯¨k¨ ʧ ‡©his sons eat; it shall be eaten without leaven in aholy place; in the court of the tent of meeting they ÌB˜´ Ó¨ a§ ÆÏÎ¥ ‡¨ z«¥ ˙Bv³ Ó© ÂÈ®¨·¨ e ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© eÏ− Χ ‡ŸÈshall eat it. [10] It shall not be baked with leaven. ‡ŸÏ³ 10 :‰¨ eÏ« Χ ‡ŸÈ „Ú−¥ BÓ-ω¤ Ÿ‡« ¯¬ˆ© Á£ a© LŸ„½ ˜¨I have given it as their portion of My offeringsmade by fire; it is most holy, as the sin-offering, ÈM®¨ ‡¦ Ó¥ d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Èz¦ ˙¬© ¨ ̘²¨Ï§ Á¤ ıÓ¥½ Á¨ Ɖ٤ ‡¨ ˙¥and as the guilt-offering. [11] Every male among :ÌL«¨ ‡¨ Ψ § ˙‡h−¨ Á© k© ‡Â‰¦½ ÆÌÈL¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜³the children of Aaron may eat of it, as a due forever throughout your generations, from the ÆÌϨ BÚ-˜Á¨ ‰p¨Ï¤½ Σ‡ŸÈ« ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© ȳ¥·§ a¦ ¯Îº¨ ʨ-Ïk¨ 11offerings of the Lord made by fire; whatsoever ̉−¤ a¨ Ú¬b©È¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ Ïk² ‰®Â¨‰È§ ÈM−¥ ‡¦ Ó¥ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ¯´Ÿ„ϧtoucheth them shall be holy. [12] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ù :Lc«¨˜§ Ȧsaying: [13] This is the offering of Aaron and of ‰Ê¤¿ 13 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 12his sons, which they shall offer unto the Lordin the day when he is anointed: the tenth part ‰ÂÀ¨‰ÈÏ«© e·È¯´¦˜§ È©-¯L¤ ‡£ ÂȨ¹·¨ e ÔŸ¯¸ ‰£ ‡© ÁÔa© ¯§˜¨of an ephah of fine flour for a meal-offering ˙Ϥ ŸÒ² ‰¬Ù¨ ‡¥ ‰¨ ˙¯¸¦ÈN¦ Ú£ B˙½ Ÿ‡ ÁL´© n¨ ‰¦ ÆÌBÈa§perpetually, half of it in the morning, and halfthereof in the evening. [14] On a griddle it shall d˙−¨ Ȉ¦ Á£ Ó© e ¯˜¤Ÿa½ a© d˙´¨ Ȉ¦ Á£ Ó© „ÈÓ®¦ z¨ ‰Á−¨ § Ó¦be made with oil; when it is soaked, thou shalt ‰N−¤ Ú¨ z¥ ÔÓ¤ ²M¤ a© ˙·©À Á£ Ó© -ÏÚ«© 14 :·¯¤Ú«¨ a¨bring it in; in broken pieces shalt thou offer themeal-offering for a sweet savour unto the Lord. ÌÈz½¦ t¦ ˙Á´© § Ó¦ ÆÈ¥ÈÙ¦ zª ‰p¨‡®¤ È·¦ z§ ˙Τ ´a¤ ¯§Óª[15] And the anointed priest that shall be in his Ô‰¥¸ Ÿk‰© § 15 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© Á©ŸÁ− Ȧ -Á©È¯«¥ ·È¯¬¦˜§ z©stead from among his sons shall offer it, it is adue for ever; it shall be wholly made to smoke -˜Á¨ d˙®¨ Ÿ‡ ‰N´¤ ڣȩ ÂÈ−¨a¨ Ó¦ ÂÈz²¨ Á§ z© Á©ÈL¯¦ n¨ ‰©unto the Lord. [16] And every meal-offering of ˙Á¬© § Ó¦ -ÏΨ § 16 :¯Ë«¨ ˜§ z¨ ÏÈϬ¦ k¨ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© ÌϨ¾ BÚthe priest shall be wholly made to smoke; it shallnot be eaten. Ù :ÏΫ¥ ‡¨ ˙¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰−Ȥ‰§ z¦ ÏÈϬ¦ k¨ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk ¯³a¥ c© 18 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 17 [17] And the Lord spoke unto Moses,saying: [18] Speak unto Aaron and to his sons,saying: ˙¯−©Bz ˙‡ŸÊ¬ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÂÈ´¨a¨-χ¤ § ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ‰Ï¨¹ ŸÚ‰¨ ËÁ¥¸ M¨ z¦ Á¯L¤ ‡£ ÌB˜¿ Ó§ a¦ ˙‡®h¨ Á© ‰«© This is the law of the sin-offering: in theplace where the burnt-offering is killed shall thesin-offering be killed before the Lord; it is most ÌÈL−¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜¬ ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ Æ˙‡h¨ Á© ‰«© ËÁ³¥ M¨ z¦holy. [19] The priest that offereth it for sin shall eat ‰p¨®Ï¤ Σ‡ŸÈ d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ‡¬h¥ Á© Ó§ ‰«© Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© 19 :‡Â‰«¦it; in a holy place shall it be eaten, in the court ofthe tent of meeting. [20] Whatsoever shall touch :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ ¯ˆ−© Á£ a© ÏÎ¥½ ‡¨ z«¥ ÆLŸ„˜¨ ÌB˜³Ó¨ a§the flesh thereof shall be holy; and when there is ‰³f¤È¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ © Lc®¨˜§ Ȧ d¯−¨N¨ ·§ a¦ Ú¬b©È¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk² 20sprinkled of the blood thereof upon any garment, 200 200
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˆ 6 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 6.21 tsav ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙thou shalt wash that whereon it was sprinkled in Òa−¥ Ω z§ ‰¨ ÈϤ½ Ú¨ ‰´f¤È¦ ƯL¤ ‡£ „‚¤a¤½ ‰© -ÏÚ© ÆdÓ¨ c¨Ó¦a holy place. [21] But the earthen vessel whereinit is sodden shall be broken; and if it be sodden in -ÏM© ·ª z§ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ N¯¤Á²¤ -ÈϦ Χ e 21 :LŸ„«˜¨ ÌB˜¬Ó¨ a§a brazen vessel, it shall be scoured, and rinsed in ˜¯¬©ŸÓe ‰Ï¨ M¨½ aª Æ˙L¤ ŸÁÆ § Èϳ¦ Χ a¦ -̇¦ § ¯®·¥ M¨ Ȧ Ba−water. [22] Every male among the priests may eat ϴΩ ‡ŸÈ ÌÈ−¦ ‰£ Ÿka© ¯¬Î¨ ʨ-Ïk¨ 22 :ÌȦ n«¨ a© Ûh−© Lª §thereof; it is most holy. [23] And no sin-offering,whereof any of the blood is brought into the tent ˙‡h¨¿ Á© -ÏΨ § 23 :‡Â‰«¦ ÌÈL−¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜¬ d˙®¨ Ÿ‡of meeting to make atonement in the holy place, ¯¬t¥ Ω ϧ „²Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¯ -χ¤ dÓ¨¹ c¨Ó¦ ‡·¨¸ eÈ Á¯L¤ ‡£7shall be eaten; it shall be burnt with fire. Ù :Û¯«¥O¨ z¦ L‡−¥ a¨ ϮΥ ‡¨ ˙¥ ‡ŸÏ´ L„¤Ÿw−a© And this is the law of the guilt-offering; it is most holy. [2] In the place where they 7ÌÈL−¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜¬ ÌL®¨ ‡¨ ‰¨ ˙¯−©Bz ˙‡ŸÊ¬Â§kill the burnt-offering shall they kill the guilt- ‰Ï¨½ ŸÚ‰´¨ -˙‡¤ ÆeËÁ£ L§ Ȧ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÌB˜À Ó§ a¦ 2 :‡e‰«offering; and the blood thereof shall be dashed -ÏÚ© ˜Ÿ¯¬Ê§ Ȧ BÓ² c¨-˙‡¤ § ÌL®¨ ‡¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eË− Á£ L§ Ȧagainst the altar round about. [3] And he shalloffer of it all the fat thereof: the fat tail, and the ·È¯´¦˜§ È© Ba− ϧ Á¤ -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥ § 3 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰©fat that covereth the inwards, [4] and the two ‰q¬¤ Ω Ó§ ‰«© ·Ï¤ Á−¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ‰È¨½Ï§ ‡© ‰«¨ ˙‡¥µ epn®¤ Ó¦kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is -˙‡¤ § ˙ŸÈ½ Ϩ k§ ‰© Èz´¥ L§ Æ˙‡¥ § 4 :·¯¤w«¤‰© -˙‡¤by the loins, and the lobe above the liver, whichhe shall take away by the kidneys. [5] And the ÌÈÏ®¦ Ò¨ k§ ‰© -ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£ Ô‰¤½ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƷϤ ÁÆ¥ ‰©priest shall make them smoke upon the altar for ˙ŸÈ−Ϩ k§ ‰© -ÏÚ© „·¥½ k¨ ‰© -ÏÚ© Æ˙¯¤˙Ƥ Ÿi‰© -˙‡¤ §an offering made by fire unto the Lord; it is a ‰Á¨ a¥½ ʧ n¦ ‰© ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© Ì˙³¨ Ÿ‡ ¯È˸¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § 5 :‰p¨¯«¤ÈÒ¦ ȧguilt-offering. [6] Every male among the priestsmay eat thereof; it shall be eaten in a holy place; ¯¬Î¨ ʨ-Ïk¨ 6 :‡e‰« ÌL−¨ ‡¨ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ‰M−¤ ‡¦it is most holy. [7] As is the sin-offering, so is L„¤Ÿ˜¬ ÏÎ¥½ ‡¨ È¥ ÆLB„˜¨ ÌB˜³Ó¨ a§ ep®Ï¤ Χ ‡ŸÈ ÌÈ−¦ ‰£ Ÿka©the guilt-offering; there is one law for them; the ‰¯¬¨Bz ÌL¨½ ‡¨ k«¨ Æ˙‡h¨ Á© k«© 7 :‡e‰« ÌÈL−¦ „¨˜«¨priest that maketh atonement therewith, heshall have it. [8] And the priest that offereth any :‰«È¤‰§ Ȧ BϬ Ba−-¯t¤ Ω ȧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© Ì®‰¤ Ϩ ˙Á−© ‡©man’s burnt-offering, even the priest shall have ¯BÚ³ Lȇ®¦ ˙Ï© ŸÚ´ -˙‡¤ ·È¯−¦˜§ n© ‰© Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰©¸ § 8to himself the skin of the burnt-offering which :‰È«¤‰§ Ȧ BϬ Ô‰−¥ ŸkÏ© ·È¯½¦˜§ ‰¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƉϨ ŸÚ‰«¨he hath offered. [9] And every meal-offeringthat is baked in the oven, and all that is dressed -ÏΨ § ¯ep½ z© a© Ɖ٤ ‡¨ z«¥ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ‰Á¨À § Ó¦ -ÏΨ § 9in the stewing-pan, and on the griddle, shall be Ô‰²¥ ŸkÏ© ˙®·© Á£ Ó© -ÏÚ«© § ˙L¤ Á−¤ ¯§n© ·© ‰N¬¨ Ú£©the priest’s that offereth it. [10] And every meal- ‰Á¬¨ § Ó¦ -ÏΨ § 10 :‰«È¤‰§ ˙«¦ BϬ d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ·È¯¬¦˜§ n© ‰©offering, mingled with oil, or dry, shall all thesons of Aaron have, one as well as another. ÔŸ¯²‰£ ‡© ȯ¥a§ -ÏΨ ϧ ‰®·¨ ¯¥Á£ © ÔÓ¤ M−¤ ·©-‰Ï«¨ eÏ·§[11] And this is the law of the sacrifice of Ù :ÂÈÁ«¦ ‡¨ k§ Lȇ¬¦ ‰−Ȥ‰§ z¦peace-offerings, which one may offer unto the ·È¯−¦˜§ È© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌÈÓ®¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© Á·© ´Ê¤ ˙¯−©Bz ˙‡ŸÊ¬Â§ 11Lord. [12] If he offer it for a thanksgiving, thenhe shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving ¼ep·¤ ȯ¦˜§ È© »‰„¨Bz-ÏÚ© ̇´¦ 12 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ©unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and Æ˙BvÓ© ˙Bl³ Á© ‰„À¨Bz‰© Á·© ´Ê¤-ÏÚ© | ·È¯´¦˜§ ‰¦ §unleavened wafers spread with oil, and cakes ÌÈÁ´¦ Lª Ó§ ˙Bv− Ó© Ș¬¥È˜¦ ¯§e ÔÓ¤ M¤½ a© ˙ŸÏ´ eÏa§mingled with oil, of fine flour soaked. [13] Withcakes of leavened bread he shall present his :ÔÓ¤ M«¨ a© ˙ŸÏ¬ eÏa§ ˙Ÿl− Á© ˙Τ a¤½ ¯§Óª ˙Ϥ ŸÒ´ § ÔÓ¤ M®¨ a©offering with the sacrifice of his peace-offerings B®a¨ ¯§˜¨ ·È¯−¦˜§ È© ıÓ¥½ Á¨ ÌÁ¤ ´Ï¤ Æ˙ŸlÁ© -ÏÚ© 13 201 201
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˆ 7 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 7.14 tsav ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙for thanksgiving. [14] And of it he shall present epn³¤ Ó¦ ·È¯¸¦˜§ ‰¦ § 14 :ÂÈÓ«¨ Ϩ L§ ˙„¬©Bz Á·© −ʤ-ÏÚ©one out of each offering for a gift unto the Lord;it shall be the priest’s that dasheth the blood of Ô‰¥À ŸkÏ© ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ‰Ó−¨ e¯z§ Ôa¨½ ¯§˜¨-Ïk¨ Ó¦ Æ„Á¨ ‡¤the peace-offerings against the altar. [15] And :‰«È¤‰§ Ȧ BϬ ÌÈÓ−¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© Ìc¬©-˙‡¤ ˜¯²¥Ÿf‰©the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace-offeringsfor thanksgiving shall be eaten on the day of B−a¨ ¯§˜¨ ÌBȬa§ ÂÈÓ¨½ Ϩ L§ ˙„´©Bz Á·© ʤµ ¯N©À ·§ e 15his offering; he shall not leave any of it until the :¯˜¤Ÿa« -„Ú© epn−¤ Ó¦ Á©È¬p¦ È©-‡ŸÏ« ϮΥ ‡¨ È¥morning. [16] But if the sacrifice of his offering bea vow, or a freewill-offering, it shall be eaten on ÌBȲa§ B½ a¨ ¯§˜¨ Á·© ʤµ ‰·¨À „¨§ B‡´ | ¯„¤´¤-̇¦ § 16the day that he offereth his sacrifice; and on the ˙¯½¨Á¢ n¨ Ó«¦ e ϮΥ ‡¨ È¥ BÁ− ·§ ʦ -˙‡¤ B·¬ ȯ¦˜§ ‰©morrow that which remaineth of it may be eaten.[17] But that which remaineth of the flesh of the ¯N´© a§ Ó¦ ¯˙−¨ Bp‰© § 17 :ÏΫ¥ ‡¨ È¥ epn−¤ Ó¦ ¯˙¬¨ Bp‰© §sacrifice on the third day shall be burnt with ̇´¦ § 18 :Û¯«¥O¨ Ȧ L‡−¥ a¨ ÈL¦½ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÆÌBia© Á·© ®f¨‰©fire. [18] And if any of the flesh of the sacrificeof his peace-offerings be at all eaten on the third ÌBi´a© ÂÈÓ¨¹ Ϩ L§ Á·© ʤ¸-¯N© a§ Ó¦ ÏÎ¥ ‡¨ ȥ ϟδ ‡¨ ‰¥day, it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be ‡ŸÏ¯ B˙À Ÿ‡ ·È¯´¦˜§ n© ‰© ¼‰ˆ¤ ¯¨È¥ ‡ŸÏ´ »ÈL¦ ÈϦ M§ ‰©imputed unto him that offereth it; it shall be anabhorred thing, and the soul that eateth of it ˙Ϥ ¬Î¤Ÿ‡‰¨ LÙ¤²p¤‰© § ‰®È¤‰§ Ȧ Ïeb´ t¦ BÏ− ·²L¥ Á¨ È¥shall bear his iniquity. [19] And the flesh that Ú³b©È¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯N¨º a¨ ‰© § 19 :‡O«¨ z¦ d¬¨ŸÂÚ£ epn−¤ Ó¦toucheth any unclean thing shall not be eaten;it shall be burnt with fire. And as for the flesh, ¯N¨½ a¨ ‰©¸ § Û¯®¥O¨ Ȧ L‡−¥ a¨ ÏÎ¥½ ‡¨ È«¥ ‡ŸÏ´ Ƈӥ ˨ -ÏΨ a§every one that is clean may eat thereof. [20] But -¯L¤ ‡£ LÙ¤ p¤¹ ‰© § 20 :¯N«¨ a¨ ϬΩ ‡ŸÈ ¯B‰− ˨ -Ïk¨the soul that eateth of the flesh of the sacrificeof peace-offerings, that pertain unto the Lord, ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ© ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© Á·© ³f¤Ó¦ ¯N¨À a¨ ϴΩ ‡Ÿzhaving his uncleanness upon him, that soul shall ‡Â‰−¦ ‰© LÙ¤¬p¤‰© ‰˙²¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ § ÂȮϨ Ú¨ B˙− ‡¨ Ó§ ˪ §be cut off from his people. [21] And when anyone shall touch any unclean thing, whether it be ‡Ó¥À ˨ -ÏΨ a§ Ú´b©˙¦ -Èk«¦ LÙ¤ ¤¹ § 21 :‰¨ Èn«¤ Ú© Ó¥the uncleanness of man, or an unclean beast, or B‡µ ‰‡¨À Ó¥ ˧ ‰Ó´¨ ‰¥ ·§ a¦ | B‡´ ÆÌ„¨‡¨ ˙‡³© Ó§ ˪ a§any unclean detestable thing, and eat of the fleshof the sacrifice of peace-offerings, which pertain Á·© ¬Ê¤-¯N© a§ Ó¦ ϲΩ ‡¨ § ‡Ó¥½ ˨ ı˜¤L´¤ -ÏΨ a§unto the Lord, that soul shall be cut off from his LÙ¤¬p¤‰© ‰˙²¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ § ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÌÈÓ−¦ Ϩ M§ ‰©people. [22] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ù :‰¨ Èn«¤ Ú© Ó¥ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰© ¯²a¥ c© 23 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 22saying: [23] Speak unto the children of Israel,saying: Ye shall eat no fat, of ox, or sheep, or goat. ¯BL¬ ·Ï¤ Á¥¹ -Ïk¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -χ¤ ƉϨ ·¥ § ·Ï¤ Á³¥ § 24 :eÏΫ¥ ‡Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÊÚ−¥ ¨ ·N¤ ²Î¤ §[24] And the fat of that which dieth of itself, andthe fat of that which is torn of beasts, may be usedfor any other service; but ye shall in no wise eat of ÏŸÎ− ‡¨ § ‰®Î¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -ÏΨ ϧ ‰N−¤ Ú¨ È¥ ‰Ù¨½ ¯¥Ë§ ·Ï¤ Á´¥ §it. [25] For whosoever eateth the fat of the beast, -ÔÓ¦ ·Ï¤ Á¥½ Ï´Î¥ Ÿ‡-Ïk¨ Èk¦ µ25 :e‰Ï«ª Χ ‡Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ¬of which men present an offering made by fireunto the Lord, even the soul that eateth it shall ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ‰M−¤ ‡¦ ‰p¨n²¤ Ó¦ ·È¯¬¦˜§ È© ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰Ó¨½ ‰¥ a§ ‰©¸be cut off from his people. [26] And ye shall eat -ÏΨ § 26 :‰¨ Èn«¤ Ú© Ó«¥ ˙Ϥ −Τ Ÿ‡‰¨ LÙ¤¬p¤‰© ‰˙²¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ §no manner of blood, whether it be of fowl or ofbeast, in any of your dwellings. [27] Whosoever it ÛBÚ− Ϩ ̮Τ È˙¥ Ÿ·L§ BÓ ÏŸÎ− a§ eϽ Χ ‡Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ´ ÆÌc¨be that eateth any blood, that soul shall be cut off -Ïk¨ ϴΩ ‡Ÿz-¯L¤ ‡£ LÙ¤−¤-Ïk¨ 27 :‰Ó«¨ ‰¥ a§ Ï© §from his people. Ù :‰¨ Èn«¤ Ú© Ó«¥ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰© LÙ¤¬p¤‰© ‰˙²¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ § Ìc®¨ [28] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, ¯²a¥ c© 29 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 28saying: [29] Speak unto the children of Israel,saying: 202 202
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˆ 7 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 7.30 tsav ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙He that offereth his sacrifice of peace- Á·© ³Ê¤-˙‡¤ ·È¯º¦˜§ n© ‰© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -χ¤offerings unto the Lord shall bring his offeringunto the Lord out of his sacrifice of peace- ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© B²a¨ ¯§˜¨-˙‡¤ ‡È·¯¦ Ȩ ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ© ÆÂÈÓ¨ Ϩ L§offerings. [30] His own hands shall bring the ÈM´¥ ‡¦ ˙‡−¥ ‰¨È‡¤½ È·¦ z§ ÂÈ„´¨È¨ 30 :ÂÈÓ«¨ Ϩ L§ Á·© ¬f¤Ó¦offerings of the Lord made by fire: the fat withthe breast shall he bring, that the breast may ˙‡´¥ ep‡¤½ È·¦ ȧ ƉʤÁ¨ ‰«¤ -ÏÚ© ·Ï¤ Á³¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰®Â¨‰È§be waved for a wave-offering before the Lord. :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Ù−¨ ez§ B˙² Ÿ‡ ÛȬ¦ ‰¨ ϧ ‰Ê¤ÀÁ¨ ‰¤[31] And the priest shall make the fat smokeupon the altar; but the breast shall be Aaron’s ‰Á¨ ®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ·Ï¤ Á−¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ¯È˯¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § 31and his sons’. [32] And the right thigh shall ye ˜BL´ Æ˙‡¥ § 32 :ÂÈ«¨·¨ ϧ e ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© ϧ ‰Ê¤½Á¨ ‰«¤ ƉȨ‰¨ §give unto the priest for a heave-offering out of ÈÁ−¥ ·§ f¦ Ó¦ Ô‰®¥ ŸkÏ© ‰Ó−¨ e¯˙§ e¬z§ z¦ ÔÈÓ½¦ i¨‰©your sacrifices of peace-offerings. [33] He amongthe sons of Aaron, that offereth the blood of the ÌÈÓ²¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© Ìc¯©-˙‡¤ ·È¯º¦˜§ n© ‰© 33 :ÌΫ¤ ÈÓ¥ ϧ L©peace-offerings, and the fat, shall have the right ˜BL¬ ‰²È¤‰§ ˙¦ Bϯ ÔŸ¯®‰£ ‡© È´¥a§ Ó¦ ·Ï¤ Á−¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ §thigh for a portion. [34] For the breast of wavingand the thigh of heaving have I taken of the ‰Ù¨¹ ez§ ‰© ‰Ê¥¸Á£ -˙‡¤ ÁÈk¦ 34 :‰«¨Ó¨ ϧ ÔÈÓ−¦ i¨‰©children of Israel out of their sacrifices of peace- ˙‡´¥ Ó¥ ÆÈz¦ Á§ ˜Æ© Ϩ ‰Ó¨À e¯z§ ‰© ˜BL´ | ˙‡´¥ §offerings, and have given them unto Aaron thepriest and unto his sons as a due for ever from Ì˙¨ Ÿ‡Â Ôz´¥ ‡¤ ¨ Ì®‰¤ ÈÓ¥ ϧ L© ÈÁ−¥ ·§ f¦ Ó¦ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§the children of Israel. ˙‡−¥ Ó¥ ÌϨ½ BÚ-˜Á¨ ϧ ÆÂȨ·¨ ϧ e Ô‰³¥ Ÿk‰© ÔŸ¯¸ ‰£ ‡© ϧ [35] This is the consecrated portion ofAaron, and the consecrated portion of his sons, ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© ˙Á³© L§ Ó¦ ˙‡ŸÊ´ 35 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§out of the offerings of the Lord made by fire, in ·È¯´¦˜§ ‰¦ ÆÌBÈa§ ‰®Â¨‰È§ ÈM−¥ ‡¦ Ó¥ ÂȨ½ a¨ ˙Á´© L§ Ó¦ ethe day when they were presented to ministerunto the Lord in the priest’s office; [36] which ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ‰e¸¨ˆ¦ Á¯L¤ ‡£ 36 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© Ô‰−¥ Ω ϧ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡the Lord commanded to be given them of the È´¥a§ ˙‡−¥ Ó¥ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ BÁ´ L§ Ó¨ ÆÌBÈa§ ̉¤À Ϩ ˙˙´¥ Ϩchildren of Israel, in the day that they were ˙‡ŸÊ´ 37 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧ ÌÏ−¨ BÚ ˙w¬©Áª χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧanointed. It is a due for ever throughout their ÌL®¨ ‡¨ Ϩ § ˙‡h−¨ Á© Ï«© § ‰Á¨½ § n¦ Ï© ƉϨ ŸÚÏ«¨ ‰¯À¨Bz‰©generations.[37] This is the law of the burnt-offering, of ‰e¯¨ˆ¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ 38 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© Á·© −ʤϧ e Ìȇ½¦ eln¦ Ï©¸ §the meal-offering, and of the sin-offering, andof the guilt-offering, and of the consecration- B˙¹ Ÿeˆ© ÌBȸa§ È®¨ÈÒ¦ ¯‰´© a§ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§offering, and of the sacrifice of peace-offerings; ̲‰¤ È¥a§ ¯§˜¨ -˙‡¤ ·È¯¯¦˜§ ‰© ϧ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -˙‡¤[38] which the Lord commanded Moses inmount Sinai, in the day that he commanded the Ù :È«¨ÈÒ¦ ¯¬a© „§Ó¦ a§ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ©8children of Israel to present their offerings unto Á˜³© 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ ©8the Lord, in the wilderness of Sinai. And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying: ÌÈ„½¦‚¨a§ ‰© Æ˙‡¥ § Bz½ ‡¦ ÂÈ´¨a¨-˙‡¤ § ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -˙‡«¤[2] ‘Take Aaron and his sons with him, ˙‡h¨À Á© ‰«© ¯´t© | ˙‡´¥ § ‰Á®¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ L´¤ ˙‡−¥ §and the garments, and the anointing oil, and thebullock of the sin-offering, and the two rams, :˙Bv« n© ‰© ÏÒ¬© ˙‡−¥ § ÌÈϦ½ ȇ¥ ‰«¨ È´¥L§ Æ˙‡¥ §and the basket of unleavened bread; [3] and ω¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© t−¤ -χ¤ Ï®‰¥ ˜§ ‰© ‰„−¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥ § 3assemble thou all the congregation at the doorof the tent of meeting.’ [4] And Moses did as the ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k«© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ NÚ© ´i©Â© 4 :„Ú«¥ BÓLord commanded him; and the congregation :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© t−¤ -χ¤ ‰„½¨Ú¥ ‰«¨ Æω¥ w¨z¦ © B˙® Ÿ‡was assembled at the door of the tent of meeting. -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯·¨½ c¨‰© ‰´Ê¤ ‰„®¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -χ¤ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 5[5] And Moses said unto the congregation: ‘Thisis the thing which the Lord hath commanded to -˙‡«¤ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ·¯´¥˜§ i©Â© 6 :˙BN« ڣϩ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦be done.’ [6] And Moses brought Aaron and his 203 203
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 8.7 tsav ˆ 8 ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙sons, and washed them with water. [7] And he :ÌȦ n«¨ a© Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ıÁ¬© ¯§i¦ © ÂÈ®¨a¨ -˙‡¤ § ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡©put upon him the tunic, and girded him with the ÆB˙Ÿ‡ ¯Ÿb³ Á§ i©Â© ˙¤ŸzÀ kª ‰© -˙‡¤ ÂÈϨ¹ Ú¨ Ôz¥¸ i¦ © 7girdle, and clothed him with the robe, and putthe ephod upon him, and he girded him with the Ôz¬¥ i¦ © ÏÈÚ½¦ n§ ‰© -˙‡«¤ ÆB˙Ÿ‡ L³a¥ ϧ i©Â© Ë¥½ ·§ ‡© a«¨skilfully woven band of the ephod, and bound „ŸÙ½ ‡¥ ‰«¨ Æ·L¤ ÁÆ¥ a§ B˙À Ÿ‡ ¯Ÿb´ Á§ i©Â© „ŸÙ® ‡¥ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨it unto him therewith. [8] And he placed the ÔL¤ ŸÁ® ‰© -˙‡¤ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ ÌN¤ ¬i¨Â©8 :Ba« BÏ− „Ÿt¬ ‡§ i¤Â©breastplate upon him; and in the breastplate he -˙‡¤ § Ìȯ−¦e‡‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÔL¤ ŸÁ½ ‰© -χ¤ ÆÔz¥ i¦ ©put the Urim and the Thummim. [9] And he setthe mitre upon his head; and upon the mitre, in BL® ‡Ÿ¯-ÏÚ© ˙Ù¤−¤ˆ§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÌN¤ ¬i¨Â© 9 :ÌÈn«¦ zª ‰©front, did he set the golden plate, the holy crown; ıȈ³¦ ˙‡´¥ ÂȨÀt¨ ÏeÓ´ -χ¤ ˙Ù¤ ¤¹ˆ§ n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ«© ÌN¤ i¨¸Â©as the Lord commanded Moses. [10] And ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© L„¤Ÿw½ ‰© ¯Ê¤´¥ Æ·‰¨ f¨‰©Moses took the anointing oil, and anointed the ÔÓ¤ L´¤ -˙‡¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ Áw³©i¦ © 10 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤tabernacle and all that was therein, and sanctifiedthem. [11] And he sprinkled thereof upon the -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § Ôk−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÁL¬© Ó§ i¦Â© ‰Á¨½ L§ n¦ ‰©altar seven times, and anointed the altar and all -ÏÚ© epn²¤ Ó¦ ʬi©Â© 11 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ Lc−¥˜©È§Â© Ba®-¯L¤ ‡£its vessels, and the laver and its base, to sanctify Á©a¥¹ ʧn¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÁL©¸ Ó§ i¦Â© ÌÈÓ®¦ Ú¨ t§ Ú·© L´¤ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰©them. [12] And he poured of the anointing oil Bp−k©-˙‡¤ § ¯Ÿi²k¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÂÈϨÀ k¥-Ïk¨-˙‡¤ §uponAaron’shead,andanointedhim,tosanctify Ï−Ú© ‰Á¨½ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ M´¤ Ó¦ ƘŸˆi¦ © 12 :ÌL«¨ c§˜© ϧhim. [13] And Moses brought Aaron’s sons, and ·¯¸¥˜§ i©Â© 13 :BL« c§˜© ϧ B˙− Ÿ‡ ÁL¬© Ó§ i¦ © ÔŸ¯®‰£ ‡© L‡Ÿ¯´clothed them with tunics, and girded them withgirdles, and bound head-tires upon them; as the Æ˙Ÿz¢ kª ÌL³¥ a¦ ϧ i©Â© ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓLord commanded Moses. [14] And the bullock ˙BÚ® a¨ ‚§ Ó¦ ̉−¤ Ϩ LŸ·¬ Á£ i©Â© Ë¥½ ·§ ‡© ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ ¯Ÿb³Á§ i©Â©of the sin-offering was brought; and Aaron and ˙‡−¥ Lb¥¾ i©Â© 14 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k©his sons laid their hands upon the head of the -˙‡¤ ÆÂȨ·¨ e ÔŸ¯³‰£ ‡© CŸÓ¸ Ò§ i¦ © ˙‡®h¨ Á© ‰«© ¯´t©bullock of the sin-offering. [15] And when it wasslain, Moses took the blood, and put it upon the ËÁ¨À L§ i¦Â© 15 :˙‡h«¨ Á© ‰«© ¯¬t© L‡Ÿ¯−-ÏÚ© ̉¤½ È„¥È§horns of the altar round about with his finger, and ˙B¸ ¯§˜©-ÏÚ© Ôz¥ i¦Â©Â ÆÌc¨‰© -˙‡¤ ‰L³¤ ŸÓ Áw¸©i¦Â©purified the altar, and poured out the remaining -˙‡¤ ‡h−¥ Á© ȧ© BÚ½ a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ a§ Æ·È·¦ Ò¨ Á©³a¥ ʧn¦ ‰©blood at the base of the altar, and sanctified it, to Á©a¥½ ʧ n¦ ‰© „BÒ´ ȧ -χ¤ Ƙˆ© Ȩ ÌcÀ¨‰© -˙‡¤ § Á©®a¥ ʧ n¦ ‰©make atonement for it. [16] And he took all the -Ïk¨ -˙‡«¤ ÁwÀ©i¦ © 16 :ÂÈÏ«¨ Ú¨ ¯¬t¥ Ω ϧ e‰L−¥ c§˜© ȧ «©fat that was upon the inwards, and the lobe ofthe liver, and the two kidneys, and their fat, and „·¥½ k¨ ‰© ˙¯¤˙´¤ ŸÈ Æ˙‡¥ § ¼·¯¤w¤‰© -ÏÚ© ¯L´¤ ‡£ »·Ï¤ Á¥ ‰©Moses made it smoke upon the altar. [17] But ¯¬Ë¥ ˜§ i©Â© Ô‰®¤ a§ ϧ Á¤ -˙‡«¤ § ˙ŸÈ−Ϩ k§ ‰© Èz¬¥ L§ -˙‡¤ §the bullock, and its skin, and its flesh, and its ÆB¯ŸÚ-˙‡¤ § ¯³t¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ § 17 :‰Á¨ a«¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© ‰L−¤ ŸÓdung, were burnt with fire without the camp; ıeÁ− Ó¦ L‡¥½ a¨ Û¯´©N¨ BL½ ¯§t¦ -˙‡¤ § B¯´N¨ a§ -˙‡¤ §as the Lord commanded Moses. [18] And theram of the burnt-offering was presented; and :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ‰®¤Á£ n© Ï«©Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the ÔŸ¯¯‰£ ‡© eκ Ó§ Ò§ i¦ «© ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ‰¨ Ïȇ´¥ ˙‡−¥ ·¯¾¥˜§ i©Â© 18head of the ram. [19] And when it was killed, :ÏȦ‡«¨ ‰¨ L‡Ÿ¯¬-ÏÚ© ̉−¤ È„¥È§-˙‡¤ ÂȲ¨·¨ eMoses dashed the blood against the altar round -ÏÚ© Ìc²¨‰© -˙‡¤ ‰L¯¤ ŸÓ ˜Ÿ¯¸ ʧ i¦ © ËÁ®¨ L§ i¦ © 19 204 204
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˆ 8 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 8.20 tsav ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙about. [20] And when the ram was cut into its Áz−© ¦ ÏȦ ‡©½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § 20 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Á©a−¥ ʧ n¦ ‰©pieces, Moses made the head, and the pieces, -˙‡¤ § L‡Ÿ¯½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯³Ë¥ ˜§ i©Â© ÂÈÁ®¨ ˙¨ § Ϧand the suet smoke. [21] And when the inwardsand the legs were washed with water, Moses ·¯¤w¬¤‰© -˙‡¤ § 21 :¯„¤t«¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÌÈÁ−¦ ˙¨ p§ ‰©made the whole ram smoke upon the altar; it ‰L¤¸ ŸÓ Á¯Ë¥ ˜§ i©Â© ÌȦ n®¨ a© ıÁ´© ¯¨ ÌȦ Ú−© ¯¨k§ ‰© -˙‡¤ §was a burnt-offering for a sweet savour; it was an -Á©È¯«¥Ï§ ‡e‰³ ‰Ï¨¸ ŸÚ ‰Á¨ a¥À ʧ n¦ ‰© ÏȦ ‡©¹ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤offering made by fire unto the Lord; as the Lordcommanded Moses. [22] And the other ram was ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ© Ƈe‰ ‰¬M¤ ‡¦ ÆÁ©ŸÁÆ È¦presented, the ram of consecration, and Aaron Ïȇ−¥ Ƚ¦ M¥ ‰© ÏȦ‡´© ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Æ·¯¥˜§ i©Â© 22 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤and his sons laid their hands upon the head of ̉−¤ È„¥È§-˙‡¤ ÂȲ¨·¨ e ÔŸ¯¯‰£ ‡© eκ Ó§ Ò§ i¦ «© Ìȇ®¦ lª n¦ ‰©the ram. [23] And when it was slain, Moses took ƉL¤ ŸÓ Áw³©i¦ © | ËÁ¨Ã L§ i¦ © 23 :ÏȦ ‡«¨ ‰¨ L‡Ÿ¯¬-ÏÚ©of the blood thereof, and put it upon the tip ofAaron’s right ear, and upon the thumb of his ˙È®¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰© ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -ÔʤŸ‡« Ce¬z§ -ÏÚ© Ôz²¥ i¦ © BÓ½ c¨Ó¦right hand, and upon the great toe of his right BÏ− ‚§ ¯© Ô‰¤ Ÿa¬-ÏÚ© § ˙Ƚ¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰© ÆB„Ȩ Ô‰¤ Ÿa³-ÏÚ© §foot. [24] And Aaron’s sons were brought, and Ôz¥¸ i¦ © ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ ·¯º¥˜§ i©Â© 24 :˙È«¦ Ó¨ ȧ ‰©Moses put of the blood upon the tip of their right ˙Ƚ¦ Ó¨ ȧ ‰© Æ̨ʧ ‡¨ Ce³z§ -ÏÚ© ÆÌc¨‰© -ÔÓ¦ ‰L³¤ ŸÓear, and upon the thumb of their right hand, andupon the great toe of their right foot; and Moses ÌÏ−¨ ‚§ ¯© Ô‰¤ Ÿa¬-ÏÚ© § ˙Ƚ¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰© ÆÌ„¨È¨ Ô‰¤ Ÿa³-ÏÚ© §dashed the blood against the altar round about. -ÏÚ© Ìc²¨‰© -˙‡¤ ‰L¯¤ ŸÓ ˜Ÿ¯¸ ʧi¦ © ˙È®¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰©[25] And he took the fat, and the fat tail, and all -˙‡¤ § ·Ï¤ Á´¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ Áwº© i¦ © 25 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Á©a−¥ ʧ n¦ ‰«©the fat that was upon the inwards, and the lobeof the liver, and the two kidneys, and their fat, ¼·¯¤w¤‰© -ÏÚ© ¯L´¤ ‡£ »·Ï¤ Á¥ ‰© -Ïk¨-˙‡«¤ § ‰È¨Àϧ ‡© ‰«¨and the right thigh. [26] And out of the basket ˙ŸÈ−Ϩ k§ ‰© Èz¬¥ L§ -˙‡¤ § „·¥½ k¨ ‰© ˙¯¤˙´¤ ŸÈ Æ˙‡¥ §of unleavened bread, that was before the Lord, Ïq¸© Ó¦ e 26 :ÔÈÓ«¦ i¨‰© ˜BL¬ ˙‡−¥ § Ô‰®¤ a§ ϧ Á¤ -˙‡«¤ §he took one unleavened cake, and one cake of ˙l©¸ Á© Á˜©Ï¨  ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ | ¯L´¤ ‡£ ˙Bv¹ n© ‰©oiled bread, and one wafer, and placed them onthe fat, and upon the right thigh. [27] And he put ˜È˜´¦¯¨Â§ ˙Á−© ‡© ÔÓ¤ ²L¤ ÌÁ¤ ¬Ï¤ ˙l©¸ Á© «§ Æ˙Á© ‡© ‰³v¨ Ó©the whole upon the hands of Aaron, and upon :ÔÈÓ«¦ i¨‰© ˜BL¬ Ï−Ú© § ÌÈ·½¦ Ϩ Á£ ‰´© -ÏÚ© ÆÌN¤ iƨ© „Á®¨ ‡¤the hands of his sons, and waved them for a È´t¥ k© Ï−Ú© § ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© È´t¥ k© ÏÚ©µ ÏŸk½ ‰© -˙‡¤ Ôz´¥ i¦ © 27wave-offering before the Lord. [28] And Moses :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Ù−¨ ez§ Ì˙²¨ Ÿ‡ Û¤¯i¨Â© ÂÈ®¨·¨took them from off their hands, and made them ¯¬Ë¥ ˜§ i©Â© ̉¤½ Èt¥ k© Ï´Ú© Ó¥ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ ‰³L¤ ŸÓ Áw¸©i¦ © 28smoke on the altar upon the burnt-offering; they Á©È¯´¥Ï§ Æ̉¥ Ìȇ¬¦ lª Ó¦ ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ‰Á¨ a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰©were a consecration-offering for a sweet savour;it was an offering made by fire unto the Lord. ƉL¤ ŸÓ Áw³©i¦ © 29 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ‡e‰− ‰¬M¤ ‡¦ Á©ŸÁ½ Ȧ[29] And Moses took the breast, and waved it for ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Ù−¨ e˙§ e‰¬Ù¥ Ȧ ȧ © ‰Ê¤½ Á¨ ´‰¤ -˙‡¤a wave-offering before the Lord; it was Moses’portion of the ram of consecration; as the Lord ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ‰¨½ Ó¨ ϧ ƉȨ‰¨ ‰L³¤ ŸÓϧ ÌȇÀ¦ lª n¦ ‰© Ïȇ´¥ Ó¥commanded Moses. [30] And Moses took of the ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ Áw¸© i¦ © 30 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦anointing oil, and of the blood which was upon -ÏÚ© ¯L´¤ ‡£ »Ìc¨‰© -ÔÓ¦ e ‰Á¨À L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ M´¤ Ó¦the altar, and sprinkled it upon Aaron, and uponhis garments, and upon his sons, and upon his ÂȲ¨a¨-ÏÚ© § ÂÈ„½¨‚¨a§ -ÏÚ© ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -ÏÚ«© ʳi©Â© ¼Á©a¥ ʧn¦ ‰©sons’ garments with him, and sanctified Aaron, ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -˙‡«¤ Lc³¥˜©È§Â© Bz® ‡¦ ÂÈ−¨·¨ È„¬¥‚§ a¦ -ÏÚ© § 205 205
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˆ 8 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 8.31 tsav ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙and his garments, and his sons, and his sons’ :Bz« ‡¦ ÂÈ−¨·¨ È„¬¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ § ÂȲ¨a¨ -˙‡¤ § ÂÈ„½¨‚¨a§ -˙‡¤garments with him. [31] And Moses said untoAaron and to his sons: ‘Boil the flesh at the door eÏ´ M§ a© ÂȨÀa¨-χ¤ § ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© -χ¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 31of the tent of meeting; and there eat it and the eÏ´ Χ ‡Ÿz ÆÌL¨ § ¼„Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ Á˙© ´t¤ »¯N¨ a¨ ‰© -˙‡¤bread that is in the basket of consecration, as I Ìȇ®¦ lª n¦ ‰© ÏÒ´© a§ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ÌÁ¤ l¤½ ‰© -˙‡¤¸ § B˙½ Ÿ‡commanded, saying: Aaron and his sons shalleat it. [32] And that which remaineth of the :e‰Ï«ª Χ ‡ŸÈ ÂÈ−¨·¨ e ÔŸ¯¬‰£ ‡© ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÆÈ˙¦ ÈeÆ¥ˆ¦ ¯L³¤ ‡£ k©flesh and of the bread shall ye burn with fire. :eÙŸ¯«N§ z¦ L‡−¥ a¨ ÌÁ¤ ®l¨ ·© e ¯N−¨ a¨ a© ¯˙¬¨ Bp‰© § 32[33] And ye shall not go out from the door of thetent of meeting seven days, until the days of your ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ Æe‡ˆ§ ˙«¥ ‡ŸÏ³ „Ú¥¹ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¸ ÁÁ˙© t¤ Ó¦ e 33consecration be fulfilled; for He shall consecrate Èk¦µ ̮Τ ȇ¥ lª Ó¦ ÈÓ−¥ ȧ ˙‡ŸÏ½ Ó§ ÌBÈ´ „Ú©µ ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩyou seven days. [34] As hath been done this day, ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© 34 :ÌΫ¤ „§È¤-˙‡¤ ‡l−¥ Ó© ȧ ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦so the Lord hath commanded to do, to makeatonement for you. [35] And at the door of the ¯¬t¥ Ω ϧ ˙ŸN− ڣϩ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ‰e¯¨ˆ¦ ‰®f¤‰© ÌBi´a© ‰N−¨ Ú¨tent of meeting shall ye abide day and night seven ÌÓ³¨ BÈ e·¸ L§ z¥ „Ú¥¹ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¸ ÁÁ˙© Ù¤ e 35 :ÌΫ¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£days, and keep the charge of the Lord, that ye die -˙‡¤ Ìz²¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ ƉϨ ȧ Ï©Æ Â¨not; for so I am commanded.’ [36] And Aaronand his sons did all the things which the Lord :È˙¦ Èe«¥ˆª ÔÎ−¥-Èk¦ e˙eÓ® ˙¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § ‰−¨‰È§ ˙¯¤¬Ó¤ L§ Ó¦commanded by the hand of Moses. Ìȯ½¦·¨ c§‰© -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥µ ÂÈ®¨·¨ e ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© NÚ© ¬i©Â© 36 Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-„È©a§ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£shemini9 that Moses called Aaron and his sons, and ÈÈÓ˘9the elders of Israel; [2] and he said unto Aaron:‘Take thee a bull-calf for a sin-offering, and aAnd it came to pass on the eighth day, ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ‡¯´¨˜¨ Ƚ¦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© Æȉ¦ ȧ © ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 2 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È−¥˜§ ʦ ϧ e ÂÈ®¨·¨ ϧ e ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© ϧram for a burnt-offering, without blemish, and ˙‡²h¨ Á© ϧ ¯˜¯¨a¨ -Ôa¤ Ï‚¤´Ú¥ Eϧ Â-Á˜© ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤offer them before the Lord. [3] And unto thechildren of Israel thou shalt speak, saying: Take :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ·¯−¥˜§ ‰© § ÌÓ®¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚϧ ÏȦ‡¬© §ye a he-goat for a sin-offering; and a calf and eÁ³ ˜§ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ¯´a¥ „©z§ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -χ¤ § 3a lamb, both of the first year, without blemish, -È¥a§ N·¤ ¯Î¤ ¨ Ï‚¤Ú¥¸ § ˙‡h¨½ Á© ϧ ÆÌÈf¦ Ú¦ -¯ÈÚ¦ N§for a burnt-offering; [4] and an ox and a ram for ÏȦ ‡©¹ ¨ ¯BL¸ § 4 :‰Ï«¨ ŸÚϧ ÌÓ−¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ‰²¨L¨peace-offerings, to sacrifice before the Lord; and ‰Ï´¨ eÏa§ ‰Á−¨ § Ó¦ e ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÁ©ŸaÆ Ê§Ï¦ ÌÈÓÀ¦ Ϩ L§ Ϧa meal-offering mingled with oil; for to-day theLord appeareth unto you.’ [5] And they broughtthat which Moses commanded before the tent, of :ÌΫ¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ‰‡¬¨ ¯§¦ ‰−¨‰È§ ÌBi½‰© Èk´¦ ÔÓ¤ M®¨ ·©meeting; and all the congregation drew near and ω¤ Ÿ‡´ È−¥t§ -χ¤ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ‰e´¨ˆ¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ˙‡¥µ eÁÀ ˜§ i¦ © 5stood before the Lord. [6] And Moses said: ‘This Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ e„−Ó§ Ú© i«©Â© ‰„½¨Ú¥ ‰´¨ -Ïk¨ Æe·¯§˜§ i¦ «© „®Ú¥ BÓis the thing which the Lord commanded that yeshould do; that the glory of the Lord may appear ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯²·¨ c¨‰© ‰¯Ê¤ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 6 :‰Â«¨‰È§unto you.’ [7] And Moses said unto Aaron: ‘Draw :‰Â«¨‰È§ „B·¬ k§ ÌÎ−¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ‡¯¬¨È¥Â§ eN® Ú£z© ‰−¨‰È§near unto the altar, and offer thy sin-offering, ÆÁ©a¥Æ ʧ n¦ ‰© -χ¤ ·¯³©˜§ ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 7and thy burnt-offering, and make atonementfor thyself, and for the people; and present the ¯¬t¥ Ω § E˙¤½ Ϩ ŸÚ´ -˙‡¤ § ÆE˙§ ‡h«¨ Á© -˙‡¤ ‰N¥º ڣ©offering of the people, and make atonement for ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ Ôa³© ¯§˜¨ -˙‡¤ ‰N¥º ڣ© ̮ڨ ‰¨ „´Ú© ·§ e E− „§Ú© a«© 206 206
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÈÓ˘ 9 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 9.8 shemini ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙them; as the Lord commanded.’ [8] So Aaron ·¯¬©˜§ i¦ © 8 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© Ì„½¨Ú£a«© ¯´t¥ Ω §drew near unto the altar, and slew the calf of thesin-offering, which was for himself. [9] And the Ï‚¤¬Ú¥ -˙‡¤ ˲Á© L§ i¦ © Á©®a¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© -χ¤ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡©sons of Aaron presented the blood unto him; ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© È¥¸ a§ e·¯¦˜§ i©Â©Â9 :BÏ« -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙‡h−¨ Á© ‰©and he dipped his finger in the blood, and put Ôz−¥ i¦ © Ìc½¨a© ÆBÚa¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ ÏŸa³ ˧ i¦ © ¼ÂÈϨ ‡¥ »Ìc¨‰© -˙‡¤it upon the horns of the altar, and poured outthe blood at the base of the altar. [10] But the -χ¤ ˜ˆ©½ Ȩ Ìc´¨‰© -˙‡¤ § Á©®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ˙B´¯§˜©-ÏÚ©fat, and the kidneys, and the lobe of the liver of -˙‡¤ § ·Ï¤ Á¥¸ ‰© -˙‡¤ § 10 :Á©a«¥ ʧn¦ ‰© „BÒ− ȧthe sin-offering, he made smoke upon the altar; -ÔÓ¦ Æ„·¥ k¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ˙¯¤˙³¤ Ÿi‰© -˙‡¤ § ˙ŸÈ¹Ï¨ k§ ‰©as the Lord commanded Moses. [11] And theflesh and the skin were burnt with fire without ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ‰Á¨ ®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ¯ÈË−¦ ˜§ ‰¦ ˙‡h¨½ Á© ‰´©the camp. [12] And he slew the burnt-offering; -˙‡¤ § ¯N−¨ a¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ § 11 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§and Aaron’s sons delivered unto him the blood, :‰«¤Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ− Ó¦ L‡¥½ a¨ Û¯´©N¨ ¯BÚ® ‰¨and he dashed it against the altar round about. ÔŸ¯³‰£ ‡© È¥¸ a§ e‡ˆ¦ Ó§ i©Â©Â ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ËÁ−© L§ i¦ © 12[13] And they delivered the burnt-offering untohim, piece by piece, and the head; and he made Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© e‰˜¬¥¯§Ê§i¦Â© Ìc½¨‰© -˙‡¤ ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥them smoke upon the altar. [14] And he washed ÂȲϨ‡¥ e‡Èˆ¯¦ Ó§ ‰¦ ‰Ï¨ÀŸÚ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § 13 :·È·«¦ Ò¨the inwards and the legs, and made them smoke :Á©a«¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© ¯Ë−¥ ˜§ i©Â© L‡Ÿ¯®‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ‰¨ ÈÁ−¤ ˙¨ § Ϧupon the burnt-offering on the altar. [15] Andthe people’s offering was presented; and he took ¯¬Ë¥ ˜§ i©Â© ÌȦ®Ú¨ ¯¨k§ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ·¯¤w−¤‰© -˙‡¤ ıÁ¬© ¯§i¦Â© 14the goat of the sin-offering which was for the Ôa´© ¯§˜¨ ˙‡−¥ ·¯¾¥˜§ i©Â© 15 :‰Á¨ a«¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ‰¨ -ÏÚ©people, and slew it, and offered it for sin, as the ÌÚ¨½ Ϩ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Æ˙‡h¨ Á© ‰«© ¯ÈÚ³¦ N§ -˙‡¤ Áwº© i¦ © ̮ڨ ‰¨first. [16] And the burnt-offering was presented;and he offered it according to the ordinance. ·¯−¥˜§ i©Â© 16 :ÔBL« ‡¯¦k¨ e‰‡−¥ h§ Á© ȧ«© e‰¬Ë¥ Á¨ L§ i¦ ©[17] And the meal-offering was presented; and »·¯¥˜§ i©Â© 17 :Ët«¨ L§ n¦ k© ‰¨ N−¤ Ú£i©Â«© ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ‰¨ -˙‡¤he filled his hand therefrom, and made it smoke ¯Ë−¥ ˜§ i©Â© ‰p¨n¤½ Ó¦ ÆBtΩ ‡³l¥ Ó© ȧ© ¼‰Á¨ § n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤upon the altar, besides the burnt-offering of the ËÁ³© L§ i¦Â© 18 :¯˜¤Ÿa« ‰© ˙¬Ï©ŸÚ „·−© l§ Ó¦ Á©®a¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ©morning. [18] He slew also the ox and the ram, ÌÈÓ−¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© Á·© ¬Ê¤ ÏȦ‡©½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ƯBM‰© -˙‡¤the sacrifice of peace-offerings, which was for thepeople; and Aaron’s sons delivered unto him the ÆÌc¨‰© -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯³‰£ ‡© È¥¸ a§ e‡ˆ¦ Ó§ i©Â©Â ̮ڨ Ϩ ¯L´¤ ‡£blood, and he dashed it against the altar roundabout, [19] and the fat of the ox, and of the ram, -˙‡¤ § 19 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© e‰˜¬¥¯§Ê§i¦Â© ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥the fat tail, and that which covereth the inwards, ‰³È¨Ï§ ‡© ‰«¨ ÏȦ ‡©½ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ e ¯BM® ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌÈ·−¦ Ϩ Á£ ‰©andthekidneys,andthelobeoftheliver.[20] And :„·«¥ k¨ ‰© ˙¯¤˙−¤ ŸÈ§ ˙ŸÈ½ Ϩ k§ ‰© § Ɖq¤ Ω Ó§ ‰«© §they put the fat upon the breasts, and he madethe fat smoke upon the altar. [21] And the breasts ˙BÊ®Á¨ ‰¤ -ÏÚ© ÌÈ·−¦ Ϩ Á£ ‰© -˙‡¤ eÓÈN¬¦ i¨Â© 20and the right thigh Aaron waved for a wave- ˙BÊÀÁ¨ ‰¤ ˙‡´¥ § 21 :‰Á¨ a«¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© ÌÈ·−¦ Ϩ Á£ ‰© ¯¬Ë¥ ˜§ i©Â©offering before the Lord; as Moses commanded. È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Ù−¨ ez§ ÔŸ¯²‰£ ‡© Ûȯ¦ ‰¥ ÔÈÓ½¦ i¨‰© ˜BL´ Æ˙‡¥ §[22] And Aaron lifted up his hands toward thepeople, and blessed them; and he came down ÔŸ¯¯‰£ ‡© ‡O¨¸ i¦ © 22 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© ‰®Â¨‰È§from offering the sin-offering, and the burnt- „¯¤i¥À© ̮Υ ¯§·¨ ȧ «© ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ -χ¤ ÂÈ„²¨È¨ „È-˙‡¤offering, and the peace-offerings. [23] And :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ϩ M§ ‰© § ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ‰¨ § ˙‡²h¨ Á© ‰«© ˙ŸN¯ Ú£Ó¥Moses and Aaron went into the tent of meeting,and came out, and blessed the people; and the „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ -χ¤ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© § ‰L³¤ ŸÓ ‡Ÿ·¸ i¨Â© 23 207 207
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÈÓ˘ 9 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 9.24 shemini ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙glory of the Lord appeared unto all the people. ‰−¨‰È§ -„B·Î§ ‡¯¬¨i¥Â© ̮ڨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eÎ− ¯£·¨ ȧ «© e‡½ ˆ§ ´i¥Â©[24] And there came forth fire from before theLord, and consumed upon the altar the burnt- ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¥Ù§ l¦ Ó¦ ÆL‡¥ ‡ˆ¥ z³¥ © 24 :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨ -Ïk¨-χ¤offering and the fat; and when all the people saw -˙‡¤ § ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Á©a¥½ ʧn¦ ‰© -ÏÚ© ÆÏΩ ‡ŸzÆ Â©it, they shouted, and fell on their faces. eÏ− t§ i¦Â«© epŸ¯½ i¨Â© ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ ‡¯§³i©Â© ÌÈ·®¦ Ϩ Á£ ‰©10 Aaron, took each of them his censer,and put fire therein, and laid incense thereon,10And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of ·„¸¨¨ ÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© Â-È«¥·§ eÁ´ ˜§ i¦ © :̉«¤ È¥t§ -ÏÚ© L‡¥½ ÆÔ‰¥ ·¨ e³z§ i¦Â© B˙À z¨ Á§ Ó© Lȇ´¦ ‡e‰¹ È·¦ ‡£ ©and offered strange fire before the Lord, which Ɖ¨‰È§ ȳ¥Ù§ Ϧ e·¯¹¦˜§ i©Â© ˙¯¤ŸË® ˜§ ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤ Ú¨ eÓÈN¬¦ i¨Â©He had not commanded them. [2] And there ‡ˆ¥ z¬¥ © 2 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ‰e−¨ˆ¦ ‡ŸÏ’ ¯L¯¤ ‡£ ‰¯½¨Ê¨ L‡´¥came forth fire from before the Lord, anddevoured them, and they died before the Lord. e˙Ó−ª i¨Â© Ì˙®¨ B‡ ÏΩ ‡Ÿz´ © ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ l¦ Ó¦ L²‡¥[3] Then Moses said unto Aaron: ‘This is it that Á‡e‰ ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 3 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧthe Lord spoke, saying: Through them that are L„½¥w¨ ‡¤ È´·© Ÿ¯˜§ a¦ ƯŸÓ‡Ï¥ | ‰³Â¨‰È§ ¯a¤¸ c¦-¯L¤ ‡£nigh unto Me I will be sanctified, and before allthe people I will be glorified.’ And Aaron held :ÔŸ¯«‰£ ‡© ÌŸc−i¦ © „®·¥ k¨ ‡¤ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ Ȭ¥t§ -ÏÚ© §his peace. [4] And Moses called Mishael and ÔÙ¨½ ˆ¨ ϧ ‡¤ χ´¤ § Æχ¥ L¨ ÈÓ«¦ -χ¤ ‰L¤À ŸÓ ‡¯´¨˜§ i¦ © 4Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the uncle of Aaron, e·º ¯§˜¦Â ̉¤À Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ÔŸ¯®‰£ ‡© „Ÿc´ χ−¥ Èf¦ Úª Ȭ¥a§and said unto them: ‘Draw near, carry yourbrethren from before the sanctuary out of the -χ¤ L„¤Ÿw½ ‰© -È¥t§ ˙‡´¥ Ó¥ ÆÌΤ ÈÁ¥ ‡£ -˙‡¤ e‡³ N§camp.’ [5] So they drew near, and carried them Ì˙¨½ Ÿz¢ Ϊ a§ Æ̇ª O¨ i¦ © e·À ¯§˜§ i¦ «© 5 :‰«¤Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ− Ó¦in their tunics out of the camp, as Moses had :‰L«¤ ŸÓ ¯¬a¤ c¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© ‰®¤Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ− Ó¦ -χ¤said. [6] And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Á¯Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ ϧ e ÔŸ¯¿ ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ‰L´¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 6Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons: ‘Let not thehair of your heads go loose, neither rend your | eÚ¯´¨Ù§ z¦ -χ© ̬Τ ÈL¥ ‡¯«¨ ÂȨ¹a¨ | ¯Ó¨¸ ˙¨ ȇ«¦ ϧ eclothes, that ye die not, and that He be not wroth Ϭک § e˙Óª½ ˙¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § ÆeÓŸ¯Æ Ù§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« ̳Τ È„¥‚§ ·¦ ewith all the congregation; but let your brethren, χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˙È´a¥-Ïk¨ ÆÌΤ ÈÁ¥ ‡£ © ÛŸˆ® ˜§ Ȧ ‰„−¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -Ïk¨the whole house of Israel, bewail the burningwhich the Lord hath kindled. [7] And ye shall :‰Â«¨‰È§ Û¯¬©N¨ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ‰Ù¨½ ¯¥O§ ‰© -˙‡¤ Æek·§ Ȧnot go out from the door of the tent of meeting, e˙Óª½ z¨ -Ôt¤ Æe‡ˆ§ ˙«¥ ‡ŸÏ³ „Ú¥¹ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¸ ÁÁ˙© t¤ Ó¦ e 7lest ye die; for the anointing oil of the Lord is eN− Ú£i©Â«© ̮Τ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ‰−¨‰È§ ˙Á¬© L§ Ó¦ ÔÓ¤ ²L¤ -Èk¦upon you.’ And they did according to the wordof Moses. ÔȦ´È© 9 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ Ù :‰L«¤ ŸÓ ¯¬·© „§k¦ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ¯´a¥ „©È§ © 8 [8] And the Lord spoke unto Aaron, saying:[9] ‘Drink no wine nor strong drink, thou, nor Cz¨À ‡¦ EÈ´¤·¨ e | ‰z´¨ ‡© | z§ L§ z´¥ -χ© ¯Îº¨ L¥ §thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tent ofmeeting, that ye die not; it shall be a statute for ˙w¬©Áª e˙®Óª ˙¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § „Ú−¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ -χ¤ ̲Τ ‡£Ÿ·a§ever throughout your generations. [10] And that L„¤Ÿw−‰© ÔȬa¥ ÏÈc½¦·§ ‰© Ï£ e« 10 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧ ÌÏ−¨ BÚye may put difference between the holy and the :¯B‰« h¨ ‰© ÔȬ·¥ e ‡Ó−¥ h¨ ‰© ÔȬ·¥ e ÏŸÁ® ‰© ÔÈ´·¥ ecommon, and between the unclean and the clean;[11] and that ye may teach the children of Israel -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥µ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ ˙Ÿ¯−B‰Ï§ e 11all the statutes which the Lord hath spoken unto -„È©a§ ̉−¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ¯¯a¤ c¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌÈw½¦ Áª ‰´©them by the hand of Moses.’ Ù :‰L«¤ ŸÓ 208 208
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 10.12 shemini ÈÈÓ˘ 10 ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙[12] And Moses spoke unto Aaron, and ¯Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤Â χ´¤ § ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ¯a¥¸ „©È§ © 12unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons thatwere left: ‘Take the meal-offering that remaineth -˙‡¤ eÁ´ ˜§ ¼Ìȯ¦˙¨ Bp« ‰© »ÂȨa¨ | ¯Ó¬¨ ˙¨ ȇ¸¦ -χ¤ §of the offerings of the Lord made by fire, and ‰¨ eϬ Χ ‡¦ § ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ÈM´¥ ‡¦ Ó¥ Æ˙¯¤˙Ƥ Bp‰© ‰Á¨À § n¦ ‰©eat it without leaven beside the altar; for it ismost holy. [13] And ye shall eat it in a holy place, :‡Â‰«¦ ÌÈL−¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜¬ Ȳk¦ Á©®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ψ¤ ‡´¥ ˙Bv− Ó©because it is thy due, and thy sons’ due, of the E³ ˜§ Á¨ Èk´¦ LŸ„½ ˜¨ ÌB˜´ Ó¨ a§ Æd˙¨ Ÿ‡ Ìz³¤ ϧ Ω ‡£ © 13offerings of the Lord made by fire; for so I amcommanded. [14] And the breast of waving and :È˙¦ Èe«¥ˆª ÔÎ−¥-Èk¦ ‰®Â¨‰È§ ÈM−¥ ‡¦ Ó¥ ‡Â‰¦½ ÆEÈ¤Æ a¨-˜Á¨ §the thigh of heaving shall ye eat in a clean place; ‰Ó¨À e¯z§ ‰© ˜BL´ | ˙‡´¥ § ‰Ù¨¹ ez§ ‰© ‰Ê¥¸Á£ Á˙‡¥ § 14thou, and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee; EÈ˙−¤ Ÿ·§ e EȬ¤·¨ e ‰z¨¾ ‡© ¯B‰½ ˨ ÌB˜´ Ó¨ a§ ÆeÏΧ ‡Ÿz«for they are given as thy due, and thy sons’ due, ȬÁ¥ ·§ f¦ Ó¦ e½ z§ ¦ ÆEÈ¤Æ a¨-˜Á¨ § E³ ˜§ Á¨ -Èk«¦ Cz®¨ ‡¦out of the sacrifices of the peace-offerings of thechildren of Israel. [15] The thigh of heaving and ‰´Ê¥Á£ © ‰Óº¨ e¯z§ ‰© ˜BL´ 15 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ ÈÓ−¥ ϧ L©the breast of waving shall they bring with theofferings of the fat made by fire, to wave it for ÛȬ¦ ‰¨ ϧ e‡È·½¦ Ȩ ÆÌÈ·¦ Ϩ Á£ ‰© ÈM³¥ ‡¦ Ï´Ú© ‰Ù¨À ez§ ‰©a wave-offering before the Lord; and it shall be ÆEz§ ‡¦ Eȳ¤·¨ ϧ e E¹ ϧ ‰È¨¸‰¨ § ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Ù−¨ ez§thine, and thy sons’ with thee, as a due for ever;as the Lord hath commanded.’ | ˙‡´¥ § 16 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© ÌϨ½ BÚ-˜Á¨ ϧ ‰´p¥‰¦ § ‰L−¤ ŸÓ L¯²©c¨ LŸ¯¬c¨ ˙‡h¨À Á© ‰«© ¯ÈÚ´¦ N§ [16] And Moses diligently inquired forthe goat of the sin-offering, and, behold, itwas burnt; and he was angry with Eleazar and È´¥a§ ƯӨ ˙¨ ȇ«¦ -ÏÚ© § ¯³Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ -ÏÚ© ÛŸˆ˜§ i¦ © ۯ®¨ŸNwith Ithamar, the sons of Aaron that were left, -‡ŸÏ« Ú©ecÀ Ó© 17 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ ̯−¦˙¨ Bp‰© ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡©saying: [17] ‘Wherefore have ye not eaten the sin- Ȳk¦ L„¤Ÿw½ ‰© ÌB˜´ Ó§ a¦ Æ˙‡h¨ Á© ‰«© -˙‡¤ Ìz³¤ ϧ Ω ‡£offering in the place of the sanctuary, seeing it ismost holy, and He hath given it you to bear the ÌΤÀ Ϩ Ô˙´© ¨ | d˙´¨ Ÿ‡Â§ ‡Â‰®¦ ÌÈL−¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜¬iniquity of the congregation, to make atonement ̉−¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ¯¬t¥ Ω ϧ ‰„½¨Ú¥ ‰¨ ԟ´ڣ-˙‡¤ Æ˙‡N¥ Ϩfor them before the Lord? [18] Behold, the bloodof it was not brought into the sanctuary within; dÓ¨½ c¨-˙‡¤ ‡´·¨ e‰-‡ŸÏ Ô‰¥ µ18 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧye should certainly have eaten it in the sanctuary, d˙²¨ Ÿ‡ eϬ Χ ‡Ÿz ÏBθ ‡¨ ‰Ó¨ È®¦ t§ L„¤Ÿw− ‰© -χ¤as I commanded.’ [19] And Aaron spoke untoMoses: ‘Behold, this day have they offered their ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© ¯a¥¸ „©È§ © 19 :È˙¦ Èe«¥ˆ¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© L„¤Ÿw− a©sin-offering and their burnt-offering before the Ì˙³¨ ‡h¨ Á© -˙‡¤ e·È¯¸¦˜§ ‰¦ ÌBi‰©  ԉ´¥ ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤Lord, and there have befallen me such things asthese; and if I had eaten the sin-offering to-day, È˙−¦ Ÿ‡ ‰¨‡¯¬¤˜§ z¦ © ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÌ˙¨ Ϩ ŸÚ« -˙‡¤ §would it have been well-pleasing in the sight of Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ·Ë−© Èi¦‰© ÌBi½‰© Æ˙‡h¨ Á© Èz¦ ϧ ³Î© ‡¨ § ‰l¤ ‡®¥ k¨the Lord?’ [20] And when Moses heard that, itwas well-pleasing in his sight. 11And the Lord spoke unto Moses and Ù :ÂÈ«¨ÈÚ¥ a§ ·Ë−© Èi¦ © ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ÚÓ´© L§ i¦ © 20 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ § ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ¯¯a¥ „©È§ ©11 to Aaron, saying unto them: [2] Speak χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -χ¤ e¯²a§ c© 2 :̉«¤ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯ŸÓ¬ ‡Ï¥unto the children of Israel, saying: -Ïk¨ Ó¦ eϽ Χ ‡Ÿz ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ɖi¨Á© ‰«© ˙‡ŸÊ³ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ These are the living things which ye mayeat among all the beasts that are on the earth. ˙Ò¤ ¯´¤Ù§ Ó© | ÏŸk´ 3 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Ó−¨ ‰¥ a§ ‰©[3] Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is whollycloven-footed, and cheweth the cud, among the ‰¯−¨b¥ ˙¬Ï© Ú£Ó© ˙ŸÒ½ ¯¨t§ ÆÚÒ© LƤ ˙Ú© Ò³©ŸL§ ‰ÒÀ¨ ¯§t©beasts, that may ye eat. [4] Nevertheless these ‡ŸÏ´ Ɖʤ-˙‡¤ C‡³© 4 :eÏΫ¥ ‡Ÿz d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ‰Ó®¨ ‰¥ a§ a©shall ye not eat of them that only chew the cud,or of them that only part the hoof: the camel, ‰Ò®¨ ¯§t© ‰© ÈÒ−¥ ȯ¦Ù§ n© Ó¦ e ‰¯½¨b¥‰© ÆÈÏ¥ Ú£n© Ó«¦ eϽ Χ ‡Ÿ˙« 209 209
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÈÓ˘ 11 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 11.5 shemini ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙because he cheweth the cud but parteth not the ƉҨ ¯§Ù© e ‡e‰À ‰¯¹¨‚¥ ‰Ï¥¸ Ú£Ó© -Èk«¦ ÏÓ¨ b¨‰© Â-˙‡«¤hoof, he is unclean unto you. [5] And the rock-badger, because he cheweth the cud but parteth -˙‡¤ § 5 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‡e‰− ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ Òȯ½¦Ù§ Ó© ep´¤È‡¥not the hoof, he is unclean unto you. [6] And the ‡ŸÏ´ ‰Ò−¨ ¯§Ù© e ‡e‰½ Ɖ¯¨‚¥ ‰³Ï¥ Ú£Ó© -Èk«¦ ÔÙ¨À M¨ ‰©hare, because she cheweth the cud but parteth ˙·¤ ¤À¯§‡© ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § 6 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‡e‰− ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ Òȯ®¦Ù§ È©not the hoof, she is unclean unto you. [7] And ‰Ò¨ ȯ®¦Ù§ ‰¦ ‡ŸÏ´ ‰Ò−¨ ¯§Ù© e ‡Â‰¦½ Ɖ¯¨b¥ ˙³Ï© Ú£Ó© -Èk«¦the swine, because he parteth the hoof, and iscloven-footed, but cheweth not the cud, he is -Èk«¦ ¯ÈʦÁ£ ‰© Â-˙‡¤ § 7 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰‡¬¨ Ó¥ ˧unclean unto you. [8] Of their flesh ye shall not ‰Ò¨½ ¯§t© ÆÚÒ© LƤ ÚÒ¬©ŸL§ ‡e‰À ‰Ò¹¨ ¯§t© Òȯ¸¦Ù§ Ó©eat, and their carcasses ye shall not touch; they :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‡e‰− ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ ¯®b¨È¦ -‡ŸÏ« ‰¯´¨b¥ ‡e‰− §are unclean unto you. [9] These may ye eat of all that are in the eÚ®b¨˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ Ì˙−¨ Ϩ ·§ ¦ ·§ e eÏÎ¥½ ‡Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ´ Æ̯¨N¨ a§ Ó¦ 8waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the ÏŸk− Ó¦ eϽ Χ ‡Ÿz« Ɖʤ-˙‡¤ 9 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ̉−¥ Ìȇ¬¦ Ó¥ ˧waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them may ˙N¤ ˜¹¤N§ ˜©Â§ ¯Èt¸¦ ©Ò§ ÁBÏ-¯L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk´ ÌȦ n®¨ a© ¯L´¤ ‡£ye eat. [10] And all that have not fins and scales in :eÏΫ¥ ‡Ÿz Ì˙¬¨ Ÿ‡ ÌÈÏ−¦ Á¨ p§ ·© e ÌÈn²¦ i©a© ÌȦ n©À a©the seas, and in the rivers, of all that swarm in thewaters, and of all the living creatures that are in ˙N¤ ˜À¤N§ ˜©Â§ ¯Èt´¦ ©Ò§ BϹ -Ôȇ«¥ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÁϟΧ 10the waters, they are a detestable thing unto you, ÏŸk² Ó¦ e ÌȦ n©½ ‰© ı¯¤L´¤ ÆÏŸkÓ¦ ÌÈϦ½ Á¨ p§ ·© e ÆÌÈn¦ i©a©[11] and they shall be a detestable thing unto you; :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ̉−¥ ı˜¤¬L¤ ÌȦ n®¨ a© ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰−i¨Á© ‰© LÙ¤¬¤ye shall not eat of their flesh, and their carcasses eÏÎ¥½ ‡Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ´ Æ̯¨N¨ a§ Ó¦ ̮Τ Ϩ eÈ´‰§ Ȧ ı˜¤L−¤ § 11ye shall have in detestation. [12] Whatsoever Bϲ -Ôȇ«¥ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk´ 12 :eˆw«¥L© z§ Ì˙−¨ Ϩ ·§ ¦ -˙‡¤ §hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that is a :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‡e‰− ı˜¤¬L¤ ÌȦn®¨ a© ˙N¤ ˜−¤N§ ˜©Â§ ¯È¬t¦ ©Ò§detestable thing unto you.[13] And these ye shall have in detestation eÏ− Χ ‡¨ È¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÛBÚ½ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ eˆ´ w§ L© z§ Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ -˙‡¤ § 13among the fowls; they shall not be eaten, theyare a detestable thing. the great vulture, and the ˙‡−¥ § Ò¯¤t¤½ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ƯL¤ p¤Æ ‰© -˙‡¤ Ì®‰¥ ı˜¤L´¤bearded vulture, and the ospray; [14] and the kite, ‰−i¨‡© ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ‰‡¨½ c¨‰©¸ -˙‡¤ § 14 :‰i«¨¦ ʧڨ ‰¨and the falcon after its kinds; [15] every raven Æ˙‡¥ § 16 :B« ÈÓ¦ ϧ ·¯−¥ŸÚ-Ïk¨ ˙‡¬¥ 15 :d«¨ÈÓ¦ ϧafter its kinds; [16] and the ostrich, and the night- ÛÁ© M®¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ÒÓ−¨ Á§ z© ‰© -˙‡¤ § ‰¨½ Ú£i©‰«© ˙´a©hawk, and the sea-mew, and the hawk after its -˙‡¤ § ÒBk¬ ‰© -˙‡¤ § 17 :e‰«¥ÈÓ¦ ϧ ı−p¥‰© -˙‡¤ §kinds; [17] and the little owl, and the cormorant, ˙Ó¤ ¬L¤ § z¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ § 18 :ÛeL« § i©‰© -˙‡¤ § CÏ−¨ M¨ ‰©and the great owl; [18] and the horned owl, andthe pelican, and the carrion-vulture; [19] and Æ˙‡¥ § 19 :ÌÁ«¨ ¯¨‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ˙‡−¨ w¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ §the stork, and the heron after its kinds, and the ˙Ù−© ÈΦ ec‰© -˙‡¤ § d®¨ÈÓ¦ ϧ ‰Ù−¨ ¨‡£ ‰¨ ‰„½¨ÈÒ¦ Á£ ‰©hoopoe, and the bat. [20] All winged swarming things that go CÏ−¥ Ÿ‰‰© ÛBÚ½ ‰¨ ı¯¤L´¤ ÏŸkµ20 :Ûl«¥ Ë© Ú£‰¨ -˙‡¤ §upon all fours are a detestable thing unto you. C‡³© 21 Ò :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‡e‰− ı˜¤¬L¤ Ú®a© ¯§‡© -ÏÚ©[21] Yet these may ye eat of all winged swarming CÏ−¥ Ÿ‰‰© ÛBÚ½ ‰¨ ı¯¤L´¤ ÆÏŸkÓ¦ eϽ Χ ‡Ÿz« Ɖʤ-˙‡¤things that go upon all fours, which have jointedlegs above their feet, wherewith to leap upon the ÏÚ© n´© Ó¦ ÆÌȦ Ú©Æ ¯¨Î§ Bϳ ‡Ï-¯L¤ ‡£ Ú®a© ¯§‡© -ÏÚ©earth; [22] even these of them ye may eat: the -˙‡¤ 22 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© Ô‰−¥ a¨ ¯z¬¥ ©Ï§ ÂÈϨ½ ‚§ ¯©Ï§locust after its kinds, and the bald locust after B½ ÈÓ¦ ϧ ‰´a¤ ¯§‡© ‰«¨ -˙‡¤ eÏÎ¥½ ‡Ÿz Æ̉¤ Ó¥ ‰l¤ ‡³¥ 210 210
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÈÓ˘ 11 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 11.23 shemini ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙its kinds, and the cricket after its kinds, and the ÏŸb´ ¯§Á© ‰© -˙‡¤ § e‰®¥ÈÓ¦ ϧ ÌÚ−¨ ϧ q¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ §grasshopper after its kinds. [23] But all wingedswarming things, which have four feet, are a ı¯¤L´¤ ÆϟΧ 23 :e‰«¥ÈÓ¦ ϧ ·−‚¨Á¨ ‰¤ -˙‡¤ § e‰¥½ ÈÓ¦ ϧdetestable thing unto you. ‡e‰− ı˜¤¬L¤ ÌȦ®Ï¨ ‚§ ¯© Ú´a© ¯§‡© BÏ− -¯L¤ ‡£ ÛBÚ½ ‰¨ [24] And by these ye shall become unclean;whosoever toucheth the carcass of them shall Ú©¬‚¥Ÿp‰© -Ïk¨ e‡n®¨ h© z¦ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ ϧ e 24 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩbe unclean until the even. [25] And whosoever ‡N−¥ Ÿp‰© -ÏΨ § 25 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡Ó¬¨ ˧ Ȧ Ì˙−¨ Ϩ ·§ ¦ a§beareth aught of the carcass of them shall wash :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ § ÂÈ„−¨‚¨a§ Ò¬a¥ Ω ȧ Ì˙®¨ Ϩ ·§ p¦ Ó¦his clothes, and be unclean until the even. ‰Ò¹¨ ¯§t© ˙Ò¤ ¯¸¤Ù§ Ó© Á‡Â‰¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰Ó¨¿ ‰¥ a§ ‰© -ÏΨ Ï«§ 26[26] Every beast which parteth the hoof, but is notcloven-footed, nor cheweth the cud, is unclean ‰Ï¨½ Ú£Ó© ‰p¨´¤È‡¥ Ɖ¯¨‚¥Â§ ˙Ú© ÒÀ© ŸL ‰p¨´¤È‡¥ | ÚÒ© L´¤ §unto you; every one that toucheth them shallbe unclean. [27] And whatsoever goeth upon :‡Ó«¨ ˧ Ȧ ̉−¤ a¨ Ú©¬‚¥Ÿp‰© -Ïk¨ ̮Τ Ϩ ̉−¥ Ìȇ¬¦ Ó¥ ˧its paws, among all beasts that go on all fours, Ɖi¨Á© ‰«© -ÏΨ a§ ÂÈt¨À k© -ÏÚ© C´Ï¥ B‰ | ϟδ § 27they are unclean unto you; whoso toucheth theircarcass shall be unclean until the even. [28] And ̮Τ Ϩ ̉−¥ Ìȇ¬¦ Ó¥ ˧ Úa©½ ¯§‡© -ÏÚ© ˙Τ ´Ï¤Ÿ‰‰©he that beareth the carcass of them shall wash his :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡Ó¬¨ ˧ Ȧ Ì˙−¨ Ϩ ·§ ¦ a§ Ú©¬‚¥Ÿp‰© -Ïk¨clothes, and be unclean until the even; they areunclean unto you. ‡Ó´¥ ˨ § ÂÈ„−¨‚¨a§ Ò¬a¥ Ω ȧ Ì˙¨½ Ϩ ·§ ¦ -˙‡¤ ƇN¥ Ÿp‰© § 28 Ò :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‰n¨ ‰−¥ Ìȇ¬¦ Ó¥ ˧ ·¯¤®Ú¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© [29] And these are they which are uncleanunto you among the swarming things that swarm -ÏÚ© ı¯´¥ŸM‰© ı¯¤M−¤ a© ‡Ó¥½ h¨ ‰© ÆÌΤ Ϩ ‰³Ê¤Â§ 29upon the earth: the weasel, and the mouse, andthe great lizard after its kinds, [30] and the gecko, :e‰«¥ÈÓ¦ ϧ ·¬v¨ ‰© § ¯a−¨ Χ Ú© ‰¨ § „Ϥ ŸÁ¬ ‰© ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨and the land-crocodile, and the lizard, and the ËÓ¤ ŸÁ− ‰© § ‰‡®¨ ˨ l§ ‰© § Á©Ÿk− ‰© § ‰˜¬¨¨‡£ ‰¨ § 30sand-lizard, and the chameleon. [31] These arethey which are unclean to you among all that -ÏΨ a§ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ Ìȇ¬¦ Ó¥ h§ ‰© ‰l¤ ²‡¥ 31 :˙Ó¤ L«¨ § z¦ ‰© §swarm; whosoever doth touch them, when they ‡Ó¬¨ ˧ Ȧ Ì˙−¨ ŸÓa§ ̲‰¤ a¨ Ú©¯‚¥Ÿp‰© -Ïk¨ ı¯¤M®¨ ‰©are dead, shall be unclean until the even. [32] Andupon whatsoever any of them, when they are | ̉¤¸ Ó¥ ÁÂÈϨ Ú¨ -ÏŸtȦ-¯L¤ ‡£ ϟδ § 32 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú©dead, doth fall, it shall be unclean; whether it be -B‡ „‚¤³·¤ B‡´ ÆıÚ¥ -ÈϦ k§ -Ïk¨ Ó¦ ‡Ó¨À ˧ Ȧ Ì˙¨¹ ŸÓa§any vessel of wood, or raiment, or skin, or sack,whatsoever vessel it be, wherewith any work is ‰Î−¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ ‰¬N¤ Ú¨ È¥-¯L¤ ‡£ ÈϦ¾ k§ -Ïk¨ ˜N¨½ B‡´ ƯBÚdone, it must be put into water, and it shall be :¯‰«¥ ˨ § ·¯¤Ú−¤ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ § ‡²·¨ eÈ ÌȦ n¯© a© Ì®‰¤ a¨unclean until the even; then shall it be clean. -χ¤ ̉−¤ Ó¥ ÏŸt¬ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ N¯¤Á¤½ -ÈϦ k§ -ÏΨ § 33[33] And every earthen vessel, whereinto any ofthem falleth, whatsoever is in it shall be unclean, B˙¬ Ÿ‡Â§ ‡Ó−¨ ˧ Ȧ Bβ B˙a§ ¯L¯¤ ‡£ ÏŸk´ Bή Bzand it ye shall break. [34] All food therein which ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÏÎ¥À ‡¨ È¥ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÏΤ Ÿ‡¹ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ Ó¦ 34 :e¯Ÿa« L§ ˙¦may be eaten, that on which water cometh, shallbe unclean; and all drink in every such vessel that ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ɖ˜¤L§ Ó© -ÏΨ § ‡Ó®¨ ˧ Ȧ ÌȦÓ−© ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ‡B·¬ Ȩmay be drunk shall be unclean. [35] And every ÏŸt¸ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ ϟΧÂ35 :‡Ó«¨ ˧ Ȧ ÈÏ−¦ k§ -ÏΨ a§ ‰˙¤½ M¨ Ȧthing whereupon any part of their carcass fallethshall be unclean; whether oven, or range for pots, ız−¨ Ȫ ÌȦ¯²©ÈΦ § ¯ep¯z© ¼‡Ó¨ ˧ Ȧ »ÂÈϨ Ú¨ | Ì˙¬¨ Ϩ ·§ p¦ Ó¦it shall be broken in pieces; they are unclean, and C‡´© 36 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ eȬ‰§ Ȧ Ìȇ−¦ Ó¥ ˧ e Ì®‰¥ Ìȇ´¦ Ó¥ ˧shall be unclean unto you. [36] Nevertheless a Ú©¬‚¥ŸÂ§ ¯B‰® ˨ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÌȦ Ó−© -‰Â¥˜§ Ó¦ ¯B·² e ԬȨڧ Ó©fountain or a cistern wherein is a gathering of Ì˙¨½ Ϩ ·§ p¦ Ó¦ ÆÏŸtȦ Èγ¦ § 37 :‡Ó«¨ ˧ Ȧ Ì˙−¨ Ϩ ·§ ¦ a§water shall be clean; but he who toucheth theircarcass shall be unclean. [37] And if aught of their :‡e‰« ¯B‰− ˨ Ú©¯®¥f¨È¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ú©e¯−Ê¥ Ú¯©¬Ê¤-Ïk¨ -ÏÚ©carcass fall upon any sowing seed which is to be 211 211
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÈÓ˘ 11 ‡H¯o˜mÈe | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 11.38 shemini ‰¯Â˙sown, it is clean. [38] But if water be put upon the Ì˙−¨ Ϩ ·§ p¦ Ó¦ Ϭ٩ ¨Â§ Ú¯©Ê¤½ -ÏÚ© ÆÌȦ ÓÆ© -Ôz© Ȫ Èγ¦ § 38seed, and aught of their carcass fall thereon, it isunclean unto you. Æ˙eÓȨ Èγ¦ § 39 Ò :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‡e‰− ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ ÂȮϨ Ú¨ ‰®Ï¨ Χ ‡¨ ϧ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ‡È‰¬¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰Ó¨½ ‰¥ a§ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ [39] And if any beast, of which ye may eat,die, he that toucheth the carcass thereof shall beunclean until the even. [40] And he that eateth :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡Ó¬¨ ˧ Ȧ d˙−¨ Ϩ ·§ ¦ a§ Ú©¬‚¥Ÿp‰©of the carcass of it shall wash his clothes, and ‡Ó´¥ ˨ § ÂÈ„−¨‚¨a§ Ò¬a¥ Ω ȧ d˙¨½ Ϩ ·§ p¦ Ó¦ ÆÏÎ¥ Ÿ‡‰«¨ § 40be unclean until the even; he also that beareth Ò¬a¥ Ω ȧ d˙¨½ Ϩ ·§ ¦ -˙‡¤ ƇN¥ Ÿp‰© § ·¯¤®Ú¨ ‰¨ -„Ú©the carcass of it shall wash his clothes, and beunclean until the even. ı¯¤M−¤ ‰© -ÏΨ § 41 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ § ÂÈ„−¨‚¨ a§[41] And every swarming thing that :ÏΫ¥ ‡¨ È¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‡e‰− ı˜¤¬L¤ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ı¯´¥ŸM‰©swarmeth upon the earth is a detestable thing; itBshall not be eaten. [42] Whatsoever goeth uponthe belly, and whatsoever goeth upon all fours, -ÏÚ© C´Ï¥ B‰ | ϟδ § Ô Á¹ b¨-ÏÚ© CÏ¥¸ B‰ ÁÏŸk 42 ı¯¤M−¤ ‰© -ÏΨ ϧ ÌȦ Ï©½ ‚§ ¯© ‰´a¥ ¯§Ó© -Ïk¨ „Ú©µ Úa©À ¯§‡©or whatsoever hath many feet, even all swarming ı˜¤¬L¤ -Èk¦ ÌeÏ− Χ ‡Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ¬ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ı¯´¥ŸM‰©things that swarm upon the earth, them ye shall -ÏΨ a§ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ ŸL´ Ù§ ©-˙‡¤ Æeˆw§ L© z§ -χ© 43 :̉«¥not eat; for they are a detestable thing. [43] Yeshall not make yourselves detestable with any Ì˙−¤ Ó¥ ˧ ¦ § ̉¤½ a¨ Æe‡n§ h© ˙«¦ ‡ŸÏ³ § ı¯®¥ŸM‰© ı¯¤M−¤ ‰©swarming thing that swarmeth, neither shallye make yourselves unclean with them, that ¼ÌΤ ȉ¥ŸÏ« ‡¡ »‰Â¨‰È§ È´¦ ‡£ Èk´¦ 44 :Ìa«¨ye should be defiled thereby. [44] For I am the LB„−˜¨ Ȭk¦ ÌÈL¦½ Ÿ„˜§ Ì˙´¤ ÈȦ ‰§ ¦ ÆÌz¤ L§ c¦˜© ˙§ ‰¦ §Lord your God; sanctify yourselves therefore,and be ye holy; for I am holy; neither shall ye -ÏΨ a§ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ ŸL´ Ù§ ©-˙‡¤ Æe‡n§ Ë© ˙§ ‡ŸÏ³ § Ȧ ‡®¨defile yourselves with any manner of swarming È´¦ ‡£ | Èk´¦ 45 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© N¬Ó¥ Ÿ¯‰¨ ı¯¤M−¤ ‰©thing that moveth upon the earth. [45] For I am ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ ÆÌΤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‰³Ï¤ Ú£n© ‰«© ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§the Lord that brought you up out of the land of Ȭk¦ ÌÈL¦½ Ÿ„˜§ Ì˙´¤ ÈȦ ‰§ ¦ Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡Ï¥ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ˙ŸÈ¬‰§ ϦEgypt, to be your God; ye shall therefore be holy,for I am holy. ÛBÚ½ ‰¨ § ƉӨ ‰¥ a§ ‰© ˙¯³©Bz ˙‡ŸÊ´ 46 :Ȧ ‡«¨ LB„−˜¨ [46] This is the law of the beast, and of thefowl, and of every living creature that moveth in -ÏΨ ϧ e ÌȦ n®¨ a© ˙N¤ Ó−¤ Ÿ¯‰¨ ‰i¨½Á© ‰«© LÙ¤´¤ ÆϟΧthe waters, and of every creature that swarmeth ÔȬa¥ ÏÈc¾¦·§ ‰© ϧ 47 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ˙ˆ¤ ¯¬¤ŸM‰© LÙ¤−¤upon the earth; [47] to make a difference betweenthe unclean and the clean, and between the living ˙Ϥ Τ½ ‡¡ p¤‰«© Ɖi¨Á© ‰«© Ôȳ·¥ e ¯Ÿ‰® h¨ ‰© ÔÈ´·¥ e ‡Ó−¥ h¨ ‰©thing that may be eaten and the living thing that Ù :ÏΫ¥ ‡¨ ˙¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ‰i¨½Á© ‰«© ÆÔÈ·¥ emay not be eaten.tazria‘ ÚȯÊ˙12 saying: [2] Speak unto the children ofIsrael, saying:12And the Lord spoke unto Moses, :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © Èk´¦ ƉM¨ ‡¦ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥a§ -χ¤ ¯aº¥ c© 2If a woman be delivered, and bear a man- ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ Ɖ‡¨ Ó§ Ë«¨ § ¯®Î¨ ʨ ‰„−¨Ï§ Ȩ§ کȯ½¦Ê§ ˙©child, then she shall be unclean seven days; as inthe days of the impurity of her sickness shall she È®¦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi−·© e 3 :‡Ó«¨ ˧ z¦ d˙−¨ ŸÂc§ ˙c¬©¦ Ȳӥ Èk¦be unclean. [3] And in the eighth day the flesh ÆÌBÈ ÌÈL¬¦ ŸÏL§ e 4 :B˙« Ϩ ¯§Ú¨ ¯N¬© a§ ÏBn− Ȧof his foreskin shall be circumcised. [4] And she -ÏΨ a§ ‰¯®¨‰¢ ˨ ÈÓ´¥ „§a¦ ·L−¥ z¥ ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ´ L§ eshall continue in the blood of purification three ‡Ÿ·½ ˙¨ ‡ŸÏ´ ÆLc¨˜§ n¦ ‰© -χ¤ § Úb¨À ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« L„¤Ÿ˜´and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowedthing, nor come into the sanctuary, until the 212 212
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÚȯÊ˙ 12 ‡H¯o˜mÈe | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 12.5 tazria‘ ‰¯Â˙days of her purification be fulfilled. [5] But if she „Ï¥½ ˙¥ ‰´·¨ ˜¥§ -̇¦ § 5 :d¯«¨‰¢ ˨ Ȭӥ ȧ ˙‡ŸÏ− Ó§ -„Ú©bear a maid-child, then she shall be unclean twoweeks, as in her impurity; and she shall continue ÆÌBÈ ÌÈM¬¦ L¦ § d˙®¨ c¨¦ k§ ÌȦÚ−© ·ª L§ ‰‡¬¨ Ó§ ˨ §in the blood of purification threescore and six :‰¯«¨‰¢ ˨ Ȭӥ c§-ÏÚ© ·L−¥ z¥ ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ L´¥ §days. [6] And when the days of her purificationare fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall ¼˙·© ϧ B‡´ »Ô·¥ ϧ d¯À¨‰¢ ˨ ÈÓ´¥ ȧ | ˙‡ŸÏ´ Ó§ ·¦ e 6bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt-offering, ‰¬¨BÈ-Ô·¤ e ‰Ï¨½ ŸÚϧ ÆB˙¨L§ -Ôa¤ N·¤ ³k¤ ‡È·º¦ z¨and a young pigeon, or a turtle-dove, for a sin-offering unto the door of the tent of meeting, „Ú−¥ BÓ-ω¤ Ÿ‡« Á˙© ¬t¤ -χ¤ ˙‡®h¨ Á© ϧ ¯Ÿ˙− -B‡unto the priest. [7] And he shall offer it before ¯´t¤ Φ § Ɖ¨‰È§ ȳ¥Ù§ Ϧ B·º ȯ¦˜§ ‰¦ § 7 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤the Lord, and make atonement for her; and she Æ˙¯©Bz ˙‡ŸÊ³ ‰¨ ÈÓ®¤ c¨ ¯Ÿ˜´ n§ Ó¦ ‰¯−¨‰£ ˨ § ‰¨ ÈϤ½ Ú¨shall be cleansed from the fountain of her blood.This is the law for her that beareth, whether a ‡ŸÏ¸ -̇¦ § 8 :‰·«¨ ˜¥p§ Ï© B‡¬ ¯Î−¨ f¨Ï© ˙„¤Ï¤½ Ÿi‰©male or a female. [8] And if her means suffice not ÌȯÀ¦Ÿ˙-Èz«¥ L§ ‰Á´¨ ˜§ Ϩ § ¼‰N¤ Èc´¥ »d„¨È¨ ‡´ˆ¨ Ó§ ˙¦for a lamb, then she shall take two turtledoves, ortwo young pigeons: the one for a burnt-offering,and the other for a sin-offering; and the priest „Á´¨ ‡¤ § ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚϧ „Á¬¨ ‡¤ ‰¨½ BÈ È´¥a§ ÆÈ¥L§ B‡³shall make atonement for her, and she shall be Ù :‰¯¨‰«¥ ˨ § Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ‰¨ ȲϤ Ú¨ ¯¬t¤ Φ § ˙‡®h¨ Á© ϧ13 13clean.And the Lord spoke unto Moses and ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ § ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ¯´a¥ „©È§ ©unto Aaron, saying: ˙‡³¥ N§ ÆB¯N¨ a§ -¯BÚ·§ ‰³È¤‰§ Ȧ-Èk«¦ Ì„À¨‡¨ 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ [2] When a man shall have in the skin ofhis flesh a rising, or a scab, or a bright spot, and B¯−N¨ a§ -¯BÚ·§ ‰¬È¨‰¨ § ˙¯¤‰¤½ ·© B‡´ Æ˙Á© t©Æ Ò© -B‡«it become in the skin of his flesh the plague of B‡² Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© -χ¤ Ƈ·¨ e‰Â§ ˙Ú© ¯®¨ˆ¨ Ú‚©´¤Ï§leprosy, then he shall be brought unto Aaron thepriest, or unto one of his sons the priests. [3] And Ô‰´¥ Ÿk‰© ‰‡´¨ ¯¨Â§ 3 :ÌÈ«¦ ‰£ Ÿk‰© ÂÈ−¨a¨ Ó¦ „Á¬© ‡© -χ¤the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of | CÙ´© ‰¨ Ú‚©p¤¹ a© ¯Ú¨¸ N¥ § ¯N¨ a¨ ‰© Â-¯BÚ« a§ Ú‚©´p¤‰© -˙‡¤the flesh; and if the hair in the plague be turnedwhite, and the appearance of the plague be Ú‚©¬¤ B¯½ N¨ a§ ¯BÚ´ Ó¥ ƘŸÓÚ¨ ÆÚ‚©p¤Æ ‰© ‰‡³¥ ¯§Ó© e Ô·¨À Ϩdeeper than the skin of his flesh, it is the plague :B˙« Ÿ‡ ‡¬n¥ ˦ § Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© e‰‡¬¨ ¯¨Â§ ‡e‰® ˙Ú© ¯−©ˆ¨of leprosy; and the priest shall look on him, and B¯À N¨ a§ ¯BÚ´ a§ ‡Â‰¦¹ ‰¨¸ ·¨ ϧ Á˙¯¤‰¤ a©-̇¦ § 4pronounce him unclean. [4] And if the brightspot be white in the skin of his flesh, and the -‡ŸÏ ‰¯−¨Ú¨ N§ e ¯BÚ½ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ‰¨ ‡´¤ ¯§Ó© -Ôȇ¥ ƘŸÓÚ¨ §appearance thereof be not deeper than the skin, ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ Ú‚©−p¤‰© -˙‡¤ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ¯È¯b¦ Ò§ ‰¦ § Ô·®¨ Ϩ CÙ´© ‰¨and the hair thereof be not turned white, thenthe priest shall shut up him that hath the plagueseven days. [5] And the priest shall look on him ‰³p¥‰¦ § ¼ÈÚ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© »Ô‰¥ Ÿk‰© e‰‡´¨ ¯¨Â§ 5 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩthe seventh day; and, behold, if the plague stay in ¯BÚ® a¨ Ú‚©−p¤‰© ‰N¬¨ Ù¨ -‡ŸÏ« ÂȨ½ ÈÚ¥ a§ „Ó´© Ú¨ ÆÚ‚©p¤Æ ‰©its appearance, and the plague be not spread inthe skin, then the priest shall shut him up seven :˙È«¦ L¥ ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© B¯¯Èb¦ Ò§ ‰¦ §days more. [6] And the priest shall look on him ¼˙Ȧ L¥ »ÈÚ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© B˙¹ Ÿ‡ Ô‰¥¸ Ÿk‰© Á‰‡¨ ¯¨Â§ 6again the seventh day; and, behold, if the plaguebe dim, and the plague be not spread in the skin, ¯BÚ® a¨ Ú‚©−p¤‰© ‰N¬¨ Ù¨ -‡ŸÏ§ Ú‚©p¤½ ‰© ‰‰´¨ k¥ Ɖp¥‰¦ §then the priest shall pronounce him clean: it is a ÂÈ„−¨‚¨a§ Ò¬a¤ Φ § ‡È‰¦½ ˙Á© ´t© Ò§ Ó¦ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© B¯³‰£ ˦ §scab; and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.[7] But if the scab spread abroad in the skin, after Æ˙Á© t©Æ Ò§ n¦ ‰© ‰N³¤ Ù§ ˙¦ ‰ŸN¸ t¨ -̇¦ § 7 :¯‰«¥ ˨ §that he hath shown himself to the priest for his B˙® ¯¨‰¢ ˨ ϧ Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ B˙² Ÿ‡¯¨‰¥ ȯ¯¥Á£ ‡© ¯BÚ½ a¨cleansing, he shall show himself to the priestagain. [8] And the priest shall look, and, behold, Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© Ɖ‡¨ ¯¨Â§ 8 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ ˙È−¦ L¥ ‰‡¬¨ ¯§¦ §if the scab be spread in the skin, then the priest B‡¬ n§ ˦ § ¯BÚ® a¨ ˙Á© t−© Ò§ n¦ ‰© ‰˙¬¨ N§ t¨ ‰²p¥‰¦ §shall pronounce him unclean: it is leprosy. 213 213
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÚȯÊ˙ 13 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 13.9 tazria‘ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙[9] When the plague of leprosy is in a man, Ù :‡Â‰«¦ ˙Ú© ¯¬©ˆ¨ Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰©then he shall be brought unto the priest. [10] Andthe priest shall look, and, behold, if there be a ‡·−¨ e‰Â§ Ì„®¨‡¨ a§ ‰−Ȥ‰§ ˙¦ Ȭk¦ ˙Ú© ¯½©ˆ¨ Ú‚©´¤ 9white risingintheskin,and it have turned the hair -˙‡¥ N§ ‰³p¥‰¦ § Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© ‰‡´¨ ¯¨Â§ 10 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤white, and there be quick raw flesh in the rising,[11] it is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh, ˙²È©Á§ Ó«¦ e Ô·®¨ Ϩ ¯Ú´¨ N¥ ‰Î−¨ Ù§ ‰¨ ‡È‰¾¦ § ¯BÚ½ a¨ Ɖ¨·¨ ϧand the priest shall pronounce him unclean; he Ƈ‰¦ ˙¤L³¤ B ˙Ú© ¯¸©ˆ¨ 11 :˙‡«¥ N§ a© ÈÁ−© ¯N¬¨ a¨shall not shut him up; for he is unclean. [12] And Ȭk¦ ep¯½¤b¦ Ò§ È© ‡ŸÏ´ Ô‰®¥ Ÿk‰© B‡− n§ ˦ § B¯½ N¨ a§ ¯BÚ´ a§if the leprosy break out abroad in the skin, andthe leprosy cover all the skin of him that hath the Æ˙Ú© ¯Æ©v¨ ‰© Á¯³©Ù§ z¦ Á©B¯¸ t¨ -̇¦ § 12 :‡e‰« ‡Ó−¥ ˨plague from his head even to his feet, as far as Ú‚©p¤½ ‰© ¯BÚ´ -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥µ ˙Ú© ¯À©v¨ ‰© ‰˙´¨ q§ Φ § ¯BÚ½ a¨appeareth to the priest; [13] then the priest shalllook; and, behold, if the leprosy have covered Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ ‰‡−¥ ¯§Ó© -ÏΨ ϧ ÂȮϨ ‚§ ¯©-„Ú© § BL− ‡Ÿ¯Ó¥all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that ‰˙³¨ q§ Φ ‰p¥¸ ‰¦ § Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© ‰‡´¨ ¯¨Â§ 13 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰©hath the plague; it is all turned white: he is clean. Ú‚©®p¨‰© -˙‡¤ ¯‰−© ˦ § B¯½ N¨ a§ -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ Æ˙Ú© ¯Æ©v¨ ‰©[14] But whensoever raw flesh appeareth in him,he shall be unclean. [15] And the priest shall look ÌBȸ·§ e 14 :‡e‰« ¯B‰¬ ˨ Ô·−¨ Ϩ CÙ¬© ‰¨ Bl² kªon the raw flesh, and pronounce him unclean; Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ‰‡¯¨ ¯¨Â§ 15 :‡Ó«¨ ˧ Ȧ ÈÁ−© ¯N¬¨ a¨ Ba² ˙B‡¬ ¯¨‰¥the raw flesh is unclean: it is leprosy. [16] But ifthe raw flesh again be turned into white, then he ‡Ó¬¥ ˨ ÈÁ²© ‰© ¯N¬¨ a¨ ‰© B‡® n§ ˦ § ÈÁ−© ‰© ¯N¬¨ a¨ ‰© -˙‡¤shall come unto the priest; [17] and the priest shall ¯N¬¨ a¨ ‰© ·eL² Ȩ ȬΦ B‡´ 16 :‡e‰« ˙Ú© ¯¬©ˆ¨ ‡e‰−look on him; and, behold, if the plague be turnedinto white, then the priest shall pronounce him :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ ‡·−¨ e Ô·®¨ Ϩ ϧ Ct´© ‰§ ¤Â§ ÈÁ−© ‰©clean that hath the plague: he is clean. Ô·®¨ Ϩ ϧ Ú‚©−p¤‰© Ct¬© ‰§ ¤ ‰²p¥‰¦ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© Æe‰‡Æ¨ ¯¨Â§ 17[18] And when the flesh hath in the skin Ù :‡e‰« ¯B‰¬ ˨ Ú‚©−p¤‰© -˙‡¤ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ¯‰¯© ˦ §thereof a boil, and it is healed, [19] and in theplace of the boil there is a white rising, or a bright :‡t«¨ ¯§¦ § ÔÈÁ®¦ L§ B¯−ŸÚ·§ -B·« ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ ¯N¨¾ ·¨ e 18spot, reddish-white, then it shall be shown to B‡¬ ‰¨½ ·¨ ϧ ˙‡´¥ N§ ÆÔÈÁ¦ M§ ‰© ÌB˜³ Ó§ a¦ ‰Èº¨‰¨ § 19the priest. [20] And the priest shall look; and,behold, if the appearance thereof be lower than :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ ‰‡−¨ ¯§¦ § ˙Ó¤ c®¨Ó§ „©‡£ ‰´¨·¨ ϧ ˙¯¤‰−¤ ·©the skin, and the hair thereof be turned white, -ÔÓ¦ Ï´Ù¨ L¨ Ɖ¨ ‡Æ¤ ¯§Ó© ‰³p¥‰¦ § Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© ‰‡´¨ ¯¨Â§ 20then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© B‡¯ n§ ˦ § Ô·®¨ Ϩ CÙ´© ‰¨ d¯−¨Ú¨ N§ e ¯BÚ½ ‰¨it is the plague of leprosy, it hath broken outin the boil. [21] But if the priest look on it, and, | ̇´¦ § 21 :‰Á¨ ¯«¨t¨ ÔÈÁ¬¦ M§ a© ‡Â‰−¦ ˙Ú© ¯¬©ˆ¨ -Ú‚©«¤behold, there be no white hairs therein, and it Ô·¨½ Ϩ ¯´Ú¨ N¥ Æda¨ -Ôȇ«¥ ‰³p¥‰¦ § Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© ‰p¨‡´¤ ¯§È¦be not lower than the skin, but be dim, then thepriest shall shut him up seven days. [22] And if ‰®‰¨ Î¥ ‡È‰´¦ § ¯BÚ− ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ‰p¨²¤È‡¥ ‰¬Ï¨ Ù¨ L§ eit spread abroad in the skin, then the priest shall -̇¦ § 22 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© B¯¬Èb¦ Ò§ ‰¦ §pronounce him unclean: it is a plague. [23] Butif the bright spot stay in its place, and be not Ú‚©¬¤ B˙− Ÿ‡ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ‡n¯¥ ˦ § ¯BÚ® a¨ ‰N−¤ Ù§ ˙¦ ‰ŸN¬ t¨spread, it is the scar of the boil; and the priest ‡ŸÏ´ Æ˙¯¤‰¤Æ a© ‰© „ŸÓ³ Ú£z© ‰¨ Èz¤¹ Á§ z© -̇¦ § 23 :‡Â‰«¦shall pronounce him clean. B¯−‰£ ˦ § ‡Â‰®¦ ÔÈÁ−¦ M§ ‰© ˙·¤ ¯¬¤ˆ¨ ‰˙¨ N¨½ Ù¨ [24] Or when the flesh hath in the skinthereof a burning by fire, and the quick flesh of the B¯−ŸÚ·§ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ ¯N¨½ ·¨ B‡´ 24 Ò :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰©burning become a bright spot, reddish-white, or ˙¯¤²‰¤ a© ‰ÂÀ¨Î§ n¦ ‰© ˙´È©Á§ Ó«¦ ‰˙º¨ ȧ ‰¨ «§ L‡®¥ -˙©Χ Ó¦white; [25] then the priest shall look upon it; and,behold, if the hair in the bright spot be turned d˙´¨ Ÿ‡ ‰‡´¨ ¯¨Â§ 25 :‰«¨·¨ ϧ B‡¬ ˙Ó¤ c−¤Ó§ „©‡£ ‰¬¨·¨ ϧ 214 214
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÚȯÊ˙ 13 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 13.26 tazria‘ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙white, and the appearance thereof be deeper ˙¯¤‰¤À a© a© Ô·¨¹ Ϩ ¯Ú¨¸ N¥ ÁCt© ‰§ ¤ ‰´p¥‰¦ § Ô‰¥¿ Ÿk‰©than the skin, it is leprosy, it hath broken out inthe burning; and the priest shall pronounce him ‡Â‰¦½ ˙Ú© ¯´©ˆ¨ ¯BÚ½ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ˜ŸÓ´ Ú¨ Ɖ¨ ‡Æ¤ ¯§Ó© eunclean: it is the plague of leprosy. [26] But if the Ú‚©¬¤ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© ÆB˙Ÿ‡ ‡n³¥ ˦ § ‰Á¨ ¯®¨t¨ ‰Â−¨Î§ n¦ a©priest look on it, and, behold, there be no white ‰³p¥‰¦ § Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© ‰p¨‡´¤ ¯§È¦ | ̇´¦ § 26 :‡Â‰«¦ ˙Ú© ¯−©ˆ¨hair in the bright spot, and it be no lower thanthe skin, but be dim; then the priest shall shut ‰p¨²¤È‡¥ ‰¬Ï¨ Ù¨ L§ e Ô·¨½ Ϩ ¯´Ú¨ N¥ Æ˙¯¤‰¤Æ a¤ a©-Ôȇ«¥him up seven days. [27] And the priest shall look Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© B¯¬Èb¦ Ò§ ‰¦ § ‰®‰¨ Î¥ ‡Â‰´¦ § ¯BÚ− ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦upon him the seventh day; if it spread abroad ÌBi´a© Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© e‰‡¬¨ ¯¨Â§ 27 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce himunclean: it is the plague of leprosy. [28] And if the ‡n³¥ ˦ § ¯BÚ½ a¨ ƉN¤ Ù§ ˙¦ ‰ŸN³ t¨ -̇¦ ÈÚ®¦ È·¦ M§ ‰©bright spot stay in its place, and be not spread in -̇¦ § 28 :‡Â‰«¦ ˙Ú© ¯−©ˆ¨ Ú‚©¬¤ B˙½ Ÿ‡ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰©the skin, but be dim, it is the rising of the burning, ƯBÚ·¨ ‰˙³¨ N§ Ù¨ -‡ŸÏ ˙¯¤‰¤¹ a© ‰© „ŸÓ¸ Ú£˙© Á‰¨ Èz¤ Á§ z©and the priest shall pronounce him clean; for it isthe scar of the burning. ÆB¯‰£ Ë«¦ § ‡Â‰®¦ ‰Â−¨Î§ n¦ ‰© ˙¬‡¥ N§ ‰‰¨½ Î¥ ‡Â‰´¦ § Ù :‡Â‰«¦ ‰Â−¨Î§ n¦ ‰© ˙·¤ ¯¬¤ˆ¨ -Èk«¦ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© [29] And when a man or woman hath aplagueupontheheadoruponthebeard,[30] then L‡Ÿ¯−a§ Ú‚©®¨ B·− ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ ‰M¨½ ‡¦ B‡´ ÆLȇ¦ § 29the priest shall look on the plague; and, behold, ifthe appearance thereof be deeper than the skin, ‰³p¥‰¦ § Ú‚©p¤À‰© -˙‡¤ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© ‰‡¨¸ ¯¨Â§ 30 :Ô˜«¨Ê¨·§ B‡¬and there be in it yellow thin hair, then the priest ˜c®¨ ·Ÿ‰− ˆ¨ ¯¬Ú¨ N¥ B·² e ¯BÚ½ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ˜ŸÓ´ Ú¨ Æe‰‡Æ¥ ¯§Ó©shall pronounce him unclean: it is a scall, it is L‡Ÿ¯²‰¨ ˙Ú© ¯¯©ˆ¨ ‡e‰½ ˜˙¤´¤ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© B˙³ Ÿ‡ ‡n¥¸ ˦ §leprosy of the head or of the beard. [31] And if the -˙‡¤ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© ‰‡¤¸ ¯§È¦ -ÈΫ¦ § 31 :‡e‰« Ô˜−¨f¨‰© B‡¬priest look on the plague of the scall, and, behold,the appearance thereof be not deeper than the -ÔÓ¦ ˜ŸÓ´ Ú¨ Æe‰‡Æ¥ ¯§Ó© -Ôȇ¥ ‰³p¥‰¦ § ˜˙¤ p¤À‰© Ú‚©´¤skin, and there be no black hair in it, then the Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ¯È¯b¦ Ò§ ‰¦ § Ba® Ôȇ´¥ ¯ŸÁ− L¨ ¯¬Ú¨ N¥ § ¯BÚ½ ‰¨priest shall shut up him that hath the plague of ‰‡¨¸ ¯¨Â§ 32 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ ˜˙¤ −p¤‰© Ú‚©¬¤-˙‡¤the scall seven days. [32] And in the seventh daythe priest shall look on the plague; and, behold, Ɖp¥‰¦ § ¼ÈÚ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© »Ú‚©p¤‰© -˙‡¤ Ô‰´¥ Ÿk‰©if the scall be not spread, and there be in it no ·Ÿ‰® ˆ¨ ¯´Ú¨ N¥ B·− ‰È¨¬‰¨ -‡ŸÏ§ ˜˙¤ p¤½ ‰© ‰N´¨ Ù¨ -‡ŸÏyellow hair, and the appearance of the scall be notdeeper than the skin, [33] then he shall be shaven, :¯BÚ« ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ˜ŸÓ− Ú¨ ÔȬ‡¥ ˜˙¤ p¤½ ‰© ‰‡´¥ ¯§Ó© ebut the scall shall he not shave; and the priestshall shut up him that hath the scall seven days ¯Èb¸¦ Ò§ ‰¦ § Á©®l¥ ‚©È§ ‡ŸÏ´ ˜˙¤ −p¤‰© -˙‡¤ § Ál¨½ b© ˙§ ‰¦¸ § 33 :˙È«¦ L¥ ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ ˜˙¤²p¤‰© -˙‡¤ Ô‰¯¥ Ÿk‰©more. [34] And in the seventh day the priest shall ÈÚÀ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© ˜˙¤ p¤¹ ‰© -˙‡¤ Ô‰¥¸ Ÿk‰© Á‰‡¨ ¯¨Â§ 34look on the scall; and, behold, if the scall be notspread in the skin, and the appearance thereof e‰‡¥¾ ¯§Ó© e ¯BÚ½ a¨ Ƙ˙¤ p¤Æ ‰© ‰N³¨ Ù¨ -‡ŸÏ ‰p¥‰¦ §Âbe not deeper than the skin, then the priest shall Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© ÆB˙Ÿ‡ ¯‰³© ˦ § ¯BÚ® ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ˜ŸÓ− Ú¨ ep¬¤È‡¥pronounce him clean; and he shall wash his ‰²N¤ Ù§ Ȧ ‰ŸN¬ t¨ -̇¦ § 35 :¯‰«¥ ˨ § ÂÈ„−¨‚¨a§ Ò¬a¤ Φ §clothes, and be clean. [35] But if the scall spreadabroad in the skin after his cleansing, [36] then Æe‰‡Æ¨ ¯¨Â§ 36 :B˙« ¯¨‰¢ ˨ ȯ−¥Á£ ‡© ¯BÚ® a¨ ˜˙¤ −p¤‰©the priest shall look on him; and, behold, if the ¯w¯¥·© ȧ -‡ŸÏ« ¯BÚ® a¨ ˜˙¤ −p¤‰© ‰N¬¨ t¨ ‰²p¥‰¦ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰©scall be spread in the skin, the priest shall not -̇¦ § 37 :‡e‰« ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ ·Ÿ‰− v¨ ‰© ¯¬Ú¨ O¥ Ï© Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰©seek for the yellow hair: he is unclean. [37] But ifthe scall stay in its appearance, and black hair be Ba²-ÁÓ© ˆ«¨ ¯ŸÁ¯ L¨ ¯Ú¨¸ N¥ § ˜˙¤ p¤¹‰© „Ó©¸ Ú¨ ÁÂȨÈÚ¥ a§ 215 215
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÚȯÊ˙ 13 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 13.38 tazria‘ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙grown up therein; the scall is healed, he is clean; B¯−‰£ ˦ § ‡e‰® ¯B‰´ ˨ ˜˙¤ −p¤‰© ‡¬t¨ ¯§¦and the priest shall pronounce him clean. [38] And if a man or a woman have in the ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ-Èk«¦ ‰M¨½ ‡¦ -B‡« ÆLȇ¦ § 38 Ò :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© :˙Ÿ« ·¨ ϧ ˙Ÿ¯−‰¨ a¤ ˙Ÿ¯®‰¨ a¤ ̯−¨N¨ a§ -¯BÚ·§skin of their flesh bright spots, even white brightspots; [39] then the priest shall look; and, behold, ˙Ÿ¯−‰¨ a¤ ̯²¨N¨ a§ -¯BÚ·§ ‰¯p¥‰¦ § Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© ‰‡´¨ ¯¨Â§ 39if the bright spots in the skin of their flesh be of adull white, it is a tetter, it hath broken out in the ¯B‰¬ ˨ ¯BÚ− a¨ Á¯¬©t¨ ‡e‰² ˜‰© Ÿa¬ ˙Ÿ®·¨ ϧ ˙B‰´ k¥skin: he is clean. BL® ‡Ÿ¯ ˯−¥n¨ Ȧ Ȭk¦ Lȇ¾¦ § 40 Ò :‡e‰«[40] And if a man’s hair be fallen off his ÂȨ½ t¨ ˙‡´© t§ Ó¦ Æ̇¦ § 41 :‡e‰« ¯B‰¬ ˨ ‡e‰− Á©¯¬¥˜¥head, he is bald; yet is he clean. [41] And if his hairbe fallen off from the front part of his head, he is -ÈΫ¦ § 42 :‡e‰« ¯B‰¬ ˨ ‡e‰− Á©¬a¥ b¦ BL® ‡Ÿ¯ ˯−¥n¨ Ȧforehead-bald; yet is he clean. [42] But if there be Ô·´¨ Ϩ Ú‚©−¤ ˙Á© a©½ b©·© B‡´ Æ˙Á© ¯Æ©w¨·© ‰³È¤‰§ Ȧin the bald head, or the bald forehead, a reddish- B‡¬ Bz− Á§ ¯©˜¨a§ ‡Â‰¦½ Æ˙Á© ¯Æ©Ÿt ˙Ú© ¯³©ˆ¨ Ìc®¨Ó§ „©‡£white plague, it is leprosy breaking out in his bald ‰³p¥‰¦ § Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© B˙¹ Ÿ‡ ‰‡¨¸ ¯¨Â§ 43 :Bz« Á§ a© ‚©·§head, or his bald forehead. [43] Then the priest B‡´ Bz− Á§ ¯©˜¨a§ ˙Ó¤ c½¤Ó§ „©‡£ ‰´¨·¨ ϧ ÆÚ‚©p¤Æ ‰© -˙‡¥ N§shall look upon him; and, behold, if the rising ofthe plague be reddish-white in his bald head, orin his bald forehead, as the appearance of leprosy :¯N«¨ a¨ ¯BÚ¬ ˙Ú© ¯−©ˆ¨ ‰¬‡¥ ¯§Ó© k§ Bz® Á§ a© ‚©·§in the skin of the flesh, [44] he is a leprous man, ‡n¯¥ Ë© ‡e‰® ‡Ó´¥ ˨ ‡e‰− Ú©e¯¬ˆ¨ -Lȇ¦ 44he is unclean; the priest shall surely pronounce Ú©e¯¹ v¨ ‰© § 45 :BÚ« ‚§ ¦ BL¬ ‡Ÿ¯a§ Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ep‡²¤ n§ Ë© ȧhim unclean: his plague is in his head. [45] And the leper in whom the plague is, ÆBL‡Ÿ¯Â§ ÆÌÈÓ¦ ¯ªÙ§ eȳ‰§ Ȧ ÂÈ„º¨‚¨a§ Ú‚©p¤À‰© Ba´ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‡Ó−¥ ˨ | ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ § ‰®Ë¤ Ú§ È© ÌÙ−¨ N¨ -ÏÚ© § Ú©e¯½ Ù¨ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧhis clothes shall be rent, and the hair of his headshall go loose, and he shall cover his upper lip, ‡Ó−¨ ˧ Ȧ Ba² Ú‚©¬p¤‰© ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÈÓº¥ ȧ -Ïk¨ 46 :‡¯«¨˜§ Ȧand shall cry: ‘Unclean, unclean.’ [46] All the dayswherein the plague is in him he shall be unclean; ‰−¤Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ¬ Ó¦ ·L¥½ È¥ „„´¨a¨ ‡e‰® ‡Ó´¥ ˨he is unclean; he shall dwell alone; without the Ú‚©´¤ B·− ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ „‚¤a¤¾ ‰© § 47 Ò :B·« L¨ BÓcamp shall his dwelling be. B‡³ 48 :ÌÈz«¦ L§ t¦ „‚¤¬·¤ a§ B‡− ¯Ó¤ ˆ¤½ „‚¤´·¤ a§ ˙Ú© ¯®¨ˆ¨ [47] And when the plague of leprosy is ina garment, whether it be a woollen garment, or B‡´ ¯Ó¤ ®v¨ Ï© § ÌÈz−¦ L§ t¦ Ï© ·¯¤Ú¥½ ·§ B‡´ ÆÈ˙¦ L§ ·«¦a linen garment; [48] or in the warp, or in the Ú‚©p¤¹‰© ‰È¨¸‰¨ § 49 :¯BÚ« ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -ÏΨ a§ B‡− ¯BÚ½ ·§woof, whether they be of linen, or of wool; or in ¯BÚ¹ ·¨ B‡¸ Á„‚¤a¤ a© ÌcÀ¨Ó§ „©‡£ B‡´ | ˜¯´©˜§ ¯©È§a skin, or in any thing made of skin: [49] if theplague be greenish or reddish in the garment, Ú‚©¬¤ ¯BÚ½ -ÈϦ k§ -ÏΨ ·§ B‡´ Æ·¯¤Ú¥Æ ·¨-B‡ È˙³¦ M§ ·©-B‡«or in the skin, or in the warp, or in the woof, or ‰‡¬¨ ¯¨Â§ 50 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© -˙‡¤ ‰‡−¨ ¯§‰¨ § ‡e‰® ˙Ú© ¯−©ˆ¨in any thing of skin, it is the plague of leprosy, Ú‚©−p¤‰© -˙‡¤ ¯È¬b¦ Ò§ ‰¦ § Ú‚©®p¨‰© -˙‡¤ Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰©and shall be shown unto the priest. [50] And thepriest shall look upon the plague, and shut up ÌBi´a© Ú‚©p¤¹ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰‡¨¸ ¯¨Â§ 51 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦that which hath the plague seven days. [51] And È˙³¦ M§ ·©-B‡« „‚¤a¤ a©Â ÆÚ‚©p¤Æ ‰© ‰N³¨ Ù¨ -Èk«¦ ÈÚÀ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰©he shall look on the plague on the seventh day: ‰¬N¤ Ú¨ È¥-¯L¤ ‡£ ϟβ ϧ ¯BÚ½ ·¨ B‡´ Æ·¯¤Ú¥Æ ·¨ -B‡«if the plague be spread in the garment, or in thewarp, or in the woof, or in the skin, whatever Ú‚©−p¤‰© ˙¯¤‡²¤ Ó§ Ó© ˙Ú© ¯¯©ˆ¨ ‰®Î¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ Ϧ ¯BÚ− ‰¨service skin is used for, the plague is a malignant B‡¬ „‚¤a¤¹ ‰© -˙‡¤ Û¯¸©N¨ § 52 :‡e‰« ‡¬Ó¥ ˨leprosy: it is unclean. [52] And he shall burn the B‡´ ƯӤ v¤Æ a© ·¯¤Ú¥À ‰¨ -˙‡¤ B‡´ | È˙´¦ M§ ‰© -˙‡«¤garment, or the warp, or the woof, whether it be 216 216
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÚȯÊ˙ 13 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 13.53 tazria‘ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙of wool or of linen, or any thing of skin, wherein -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯BÚ½ ‰¨ ÈÏ´¦ k§ -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ B‡µ ÌÈz½¦ L§ t¦ ·©the plague is; for it is a malignant leprosy; it shallbe burnt in the fire. [53] And if the priest shall ‡Â‰¦½ Æ˙¯¤‡Æ¤ Ó§ Ó© ˙Ú© ¯³©ˆ¨ -Èk«¦ Ú‚©®p¨‰© B·− ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧlook, and, behold, the plague be not spread in Ɖp¥‰¦ § ¼Ô‰¥ Ÿk‰© ‰‡´¤ ¯§È¦ »Ì‡¦ § 53 :Û¯«¥O¨ z¦ L‡−¥ a¨the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or ·¯¤®Ú¥ ·¨ B‡´ È˙−¦ M§ ·© B‡¬ „‚¤a¤¾ a© Ú‚©p¤½ ‰© ‰N´¨ Ù¨ -‡ŸÏin any thing of skin; [54] then the priest shallcommand that they wash the thing wherein eÒ½ a§ θ¦ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© Ɖe¨ˆ¦ § 54 :¯BÚ« -ÈϦ k§ -ÏΨ a§ B‡−the plague is, and he shall shut it up seven days ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩ-˙Ú© ·§ L¦ B¯¬Èb¦ Ò§ ‰¦ § Ú‚©®p¨‰© Ba− -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙¬‡¥more. [55] And the priest shall look, after thatthe plague is washed; and, behold, if the plague Ò´a¥ k© ‰ª | ȯ´¥Á£ ‡© Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© ‰‡¨¸ ¯¨Â§ 55 :˙È«¦ L¥have not changed its colour, and the plague be ÆBÈÚ¥ -˙‡¤ Ú‚©³p¤‰© CÙ©¸ ‰¨ -‡ŸÏ« ‰p¥‰¦ § ڂ©p¤À‰© -˙‡¤not spread, it is unclean; thou shalt burn it in the ep®Ù¤ ¯§N§ z¦ L‡−¥ a¨ ‡e‰½ ‡Ó´¥ ˨ ‰N¨½ Ù¨ -‡ŸÏ« Ú‚©´p¤‰© §fire; it is a fret, whether the bareness be within orwithout. [56] And if the priest look, and, behold, »Ì‡¦ § 56 :Bz« Á§ a© ‚©·§ B‡¬ Bz− Á§ ¯©˜¨a§ ‡Â‰¦½ ˙˙¤ Á´¤ t§the plague be dim after the washing thereof, Ò´a¥ k© ‰ª ȯ−¥Á£ ‡© Ú‚©p¤½ ‰© ‰‰´¨ k¥ Ɖp¥‰¦ § ¼Ô‰¥ Ÿk‰© ‰‡´¨ ¯¨then he shall rend it out of the garment, or outof the skin, or out of the warp, or out of the woof. ¯BÚ½ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ B‡´ Æ„‚¤a¤Æ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ B˙À Ÿ‡ Ú¯´©˜¨Â§ B˙® Ÿ‡[57] And if it appear still in the garment, or in -̇¦ § 57 :·¯¤Ú«¥ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ B‡¬ È˙−¦ M§ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ B‡¬the warp, or in the woof, or in any thing of skin, B‡´ Æ·¯¤Ú¥Æ ·¨-B‡« È˙³¦ M§ ·©-B‡« „‚¤a¤ a©Â „BÚ¹ ‰‡¤¸ ¯¨z¥it is breaking out, thou shalt burn that whereinthe plague is with fire. [58] And the garment, or epÙ¤½ ¯§N§ z¦ L‡´¥ a¨ ‡Â‰®¦ ˙Á© ¯−©Ÿt ¯BÚ½ -ÈϦ k§ -ÏΨ ·§the warp, or the woof, or whatsoever thing of È˙¸¦ M§ ‰© -B‡« „‚¤a¤¿ ‰© § 58 :Ú‚©«p¨‰© Ba− -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙¬‡¥skin it be, which thou shalt wash, if the plaguebe departed from them, then it shall be washed Òa¥½ Ω z§ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƯBÚ‰¨ Èϳ¦ k§ -ÏΨ-B‡« ·¯¤Ú¥¹ ‰¨ -B‡the second time, and shall be clean. [59] This is ˙‡ŸÊÂ59 :¯‰«¥ ˨ § ˙È−¦ L¥ Ò¬a© Ϊ § Ú‚©®p¨‰© ̉−¤ Ó¥ ¯Ò¬¨ §the law of the plague of leprosy in a garment of B‡´ | ¯Ó¤ ´v¤ ‰© „‚¤¬a¤ ˙Ú© ¯¹©ˆ¨ -Ú‚©«¤ ˙¯¸©Bzwool or linen, or in the warp, or in the woof, orin any thing of skin, to pronounce it clean, or to -Ïk¨ B‡− ·¯¤Ú¥½ ‰¨ B‡´ ÆÈ˙¦ M§ ‰© B‡³ ÌÈzÀ¦ L§ t¦ ‰©pronounce it unclean. Ù :B‡« n§ Ë© ϧ B‡¬ B¯−‰£ Ë© ϧ ¯BÚ® -ÈϦ k§14metsora‘ Ú¯ˆÓ And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying: 14:¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â© [2] This shall be the law of the leper in theday of his cleansing: he shall be brought unto B˙® ¯¨‰¢ ˨ ÌBÈ−a§ Ú¯½¨Ÿˆn§ ‰© ˙¯´©Bz ƉȤ‰§ z«¦ ˙‡ŸÊ³ 2the priest. [3] And the priest shall go forth out of ıeÁ− Ó¦ -χ¤ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© Ƈˆ¨ Ȩ§ 3 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ ‡·−¨ e‰Â§the camp; and the priest shall look, and, behold, -Ú‚©«¤ ‡¬t¨ ¯§¦ ‰²p¥‰¦ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© Ɖ‡¨ ¯¨Â§ ‰®¤Á£ n© Ï«©if the plague of leprosy be healed in the leper; Á˜¯©Ï¨ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© Ɖe¨ˆ¦ § 4 :Ú©e¯«v¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ˙Ú© ¯−©v¨ ‰©[4] then shall the priest command to take for him ı´Ú¥ § ˙B¯®Ÿ‰Ë§ ˙Bi−Á© Ìȯ¬¦t¢ˆ¦ -Èz«¥ L§ ¯²‰¥ h© n¦ Ï©that is to be cleansed two living clean birds, and Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© Ɖe¨ˆ¦ § 5 :·ŸÊ« ‡¥ § ˙Ú© Ï−© B˙ Ȭ¦ L§ e ʯ¤‡¤½cedar-wood, and scarlet, and hyssop. [5] And thepriest shall command to kill one of the birds in N¯¤Á−¤ -ÈϦ k§ -χ¤ ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ¯Bt´ v¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ËÁ−© L¨ §an earthen vessel over running water. [6] As for Áw´©È¦ Ɖi¨Á© ‰«© ¯Ÿt³ v¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ 6 :ÌÈi«¦Á© ÌȦӬ© -ÏÚ©the living bird, he shall take it, and the cedar- ˙Ú© Ï−© Bz‰© Ȭ¦ L§ -˙‡¤ § ʯ¤‡²¤ ‰¨ ı¬Ú¥ -˙‡¤ § d˙¨½ Ÿ‡wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall 217 217
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 14.7 metsora‘ Ú¯ˆÓ 14 ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙dip them and the living bird in the blood of ¯Ÿt´ v¦ ‰© | ˙‡´¥ § Ì˙¨¹ B‡ Ï·©¸ ˨ § ·ŸÊ®‡¥ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ §the bird that was killed over the running water.[7] And he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be ÌȦ n¬© ‰© Ï−Ú© ‰Ë¨½ Áª M§ ‰© ¯Ÿt´ v¦ ‰© ÆÌ„©a§ ‰i¨ÀÁ© ‰«©cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall ˙Ú© ¯−©v¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ¯²‰¥ h© n¦ ‰© ÏÚ¯© ‰f¨À‰¦ § 7 :ÌÈi«¦Á© ‰«©pronounce him clean, and shall let go the living ¯Ÿt¬ v¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ Á²l© L¦ § B¯½ ‰£ Ë´¦ § ÌÈÓ®¦ Ú¨ t§ Ú·© L´¤bird into the open field. [8] And he that is to becleansed shall wash his clothes, and shave off all ¯‰¥¸ h© n¦ ‰© ÁÒa¤ Φ § 8 :‰„«¤O¨ ‰© Ȭ¥t§ -ÏÚ© ‰−i¨Á© ‰«©his hair, and bathe himself in water, and he shall ıÁ³© ¯¨Â§ B¯À Ú¨ N§ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ Ál´© ‚¦ § ÂÈ„¹¨‚¨a§ -˙‡¤be clean; and after that he may come into the ‰®¤Á£ n© ‰«© -χ¤ ‡B·´ Ȩ ¯Á−© ‡© § ¯‰¥½ ˨ § ÆÌȦ nÆ© a©camp, but shall dwell outside his tent seven days.[9] And it shall be on the seventh day, that he shall Á‰È¨‰¨ § 9 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ BÏ− ‰¢ ‡¨ ϧ ıeÁ¬ Ó¦ ·²L© Ȩ§shave all his hair off his head and his beard and -˙‡¤ B¯À Ú¨ N§ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ Ál´© ‚©È§ ÈÚ¹¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¸·©his eyebrows, even all his hair he shall shave off; -˙‡¤ § ÂȨ½ ÈÚ¥ ˙Ÿa´ b© Æ˙‡¥ § ÆB˜¨ ʧ -˙‡¤ § BL³ ‡Ÿ¯and he shall wash his clothes, and he shall bathehis flesh in water, and he shall be clean. [10] And ıÁ¯© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„À¨‚¨a§ -˙‡¤ Ò´a¤ Φ § Á©®l¥ ‚©È§ B¯−Ú¨ N§ -Ïk¨on the eighth day he shall take two he-lambs ÈÀ¦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´·© e 10 :¯‰«¥ ˨ § ÌȦ n−© a© B¯²N¨ a§ -˙‡¤without blemish, and one ewe-lamb of the first ˙Á²© ‡© ‰N¬¨ ·§ Ω § ÌÈÓ½¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ÆÌÈN¦ ·¨ Χ -È«¥L§ Áw³©È¦year without blemish, and three tenth parts of anephah of fine flour for a meal-offering, mingled ÌÈÀ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ ‰L´¨ ŸÏL§ e ‰Ó®¨ ÈÓ¦ z§ d˙−¨ ¨L§ -˙a©with oil, and one log of oil. [11] And the priest :ÔÓ¤ L«¨ „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‚ŸÏ¬ § ÔÓ¤ M¤½ ·© ‰Ï´¨ eÏa§ ƉÁ¨ § Ó¦ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ³that cleanseth him shall set the man that is to Lȇ¬¦ ‰¨ ˙²‡¥ ¯‰¥À Ë© Ó§ ‰«© Ô‰´¥ Ÿk‰© „ÈÓº¦ Ú¡ ‰¤ § 11be cleansed, and those things, before the Lord,at the door of the tent of meeting. [12] And the ω¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© t−¤ ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ‡Â§ ¯‰−¥ h© n¦ ‰©priest shall take one of the he-lambs, and offer „Á¨À ‡¤ ‰¨ N·¤ ´k¤ ‰© -˙‡¤ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© Á˜¸©Ï¨ § 12 :„Ú«¥ BÓhim for a guilt-offering, and the log of oil, and ÔÓ¤ M®¨ ‰© ‚ŸÏ´ -˙‡¤ § ÌL−¨ ‡¨ ϧ B˙² Ÿ‡ ·È¯¬¦˜§ ‰¦ §wave them for a wave-offering before the Lord.[13] And he shall kill the he-lamb in the place ËÁ´© L¨ § 13 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Ù−¨ ez§ Ì˙²¨ Ÿ‡ ÛȬ¦ ‰¥ §where they kill the sin-offering and the burnt- -˙‡¤ ËÁ¯© L§ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌB˜Ó§ a¦Â N·¤ k¤À ‰© -˙‡¤offering, in the place of the sanctuary; for as the Èk¿¦ L„¤Ÿw®‰© ÌB˜´ Ó§ a¦ ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ˙‡²h¨ Á© ‰«©sin-offering is the priest’s, so is the guilt-offering; ÌÈL−¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜¬ Ô‰¥½ ŸkÏ© Ƈe‰ ÌL¬¨ ‡¨ ‰¨ ˙‡h¨ Á© k©Âit is most holy. [14] And the priest shall take ofthe blood of the guilt-offering, and the priest shall ÆÔ˙© ¨Â§ ¼ÌL¨ ‡¨ ‰¨ Ìc´©Ó¦ »Ô‰¥ Ÿk‰© Á˜´©Ï¨ § 14 :‡e‰«put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is ˙È®¦ Ó¨ ȧ ‰© ¯‰−¥ h© n¦ ‰© ÔʤŸ‡¬ Ce²z§ -ÏÚ© Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰©to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right BÏ− ‚§ ¯© Ô‰¤ Ÿa¬ -ÏÚ© § ˙Ƚ¦ Ó¨ ȧ ‰© ÆB„Ȩ Ô‰¤ Ÿa³ -ÏÚ© §hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.[15] And the priest shall take of the log of oil, ˜²ˆ© Ȩ§ ÔÓ¤ M®¨ ‰© ‚Ÿl´ Ó¦ Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© Á˜¬©Ï¨ § 15 :˙È«¦ Ó¨ ȧ ‰©and pour it into the palm of his own left hand. ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ϳ·© ˨ § 16 :˙ÈÏ«¦ ‡Ó¨ O§ ‰© Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© Ûk¬©-ÏÚ©[16] And the priest shall dip his right finger in -ÏÚ© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÔÓ¤ M¤¾ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ˙Ƚ¦ Ó¨ ȧ ‰© BÚ´ a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ -˙‡¤the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkleof the oil with his finger seven times before the BÚ² a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ a§ ÔÓ¤ M¯¤ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ‰f¨¸‰¦ § ˙ÈÏ®¦ ‡Ó¨ O§ ‰© Bt− k©Lord. [17] And of the rest of the oil that is in ÔÓ¤ M¤¹ ‰© ¯˙¤ i¤¸Ó¦ e 17 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ÌÈÓ−¦ Ú¨ t§ Ú·© ¬L¤his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the ÔʤŸ‡³ Ceºz§ -ÏÚ© ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© Ôz³¥ Ȧ BtÀ k© -ÏÚ© ¯L´¤ ‡£right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and uponthe thumb of his right hand, and upon the great ˙Ƚ¦ Ó¨ ȧ ‰© ÆB„Ȩ Ô‰¤ Ÿa³-ÏÚ© § ˙Ƚ¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰© Ư‰¥ h© n¦ ‰© 218 218
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 14.18 metsora‘ Ú¯ˆÓ 14 ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the guilt- :ÌL«¨ ‡¨ ‰¨ Ìc¬© Ï−Ú© ˙È®¦ Ó¨ ȧ ‰© BÏ− ‚§ ¯© Ô‰¤ Ÿa¬ -ÏÚ© §offering. [18] And the rest of the oil that is in thepriest’s hand he shall put upon the head of him Ôz−¥ Ȧ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© Ûk´©-ÏÚ© ƯL¤ ‡£ ÆÔÓ¤ MƤ a© ¯˙¨À Bp‰© § 18that is to be cleansed; and the priest shall make Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ¯¬t¤ Φ § ¯®‰¥ h© n¦ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯´-ÏÚ©atonement for him before the Lord. [19] Andthe priest shall offer the sin-offering, and make ¯t¤¾ Φ § ˙‡h¨½ Á© ‰´© -˙‡¤ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ‰N³¨ Ú¨ § 19 :‰Â«¨‰È§atonement for him that is to be cleansed because -˙‡¤ ËÁ¬© L§ Ȧ ¯Á−© ‡© § B˙® ‡¨ Ó§ hª Ó¦ ¯‰−¥ h© n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ©of his uncleanness; and afterward he shall kill theburnt-offering. [20] And the priest shall offer the -˙‡¤ § ‰¬Ï¨ŸÚ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ‰Ï¯¨ Ú¡‰¤ § 20 :‰Ï«¨ ŸÚ‰¨burnt-offering and the meal-offering upon the Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ¯¬t¤ Φ § ‰Á¨ ®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ‰Á−¨ § n¦ ‰©altar; and the priest shall make atonement forhim, and he shall be clean. »B„Ȩ Ôȇ´¥ § ‡e‰À Ïc´©-̇¦ § 21 Ò :¯‰«¥ ˨ § ‰Ù−¨ e˙§ Ϧ ÌL²¨ ‡¨ „Á¬¨ ‡¤ N·¤ ´k¤ Á˜©Ï¨ § ¼˙‚¤O¤ Ó© [21] And if he be poor, and his meanssuffice not, then he shall take one he-lamb for a ÏeϬ a¨ „Á¨¸ ‡¤ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ¹ ÔB¯¸ O¨ Ú¦ § ÂȮϨ Ú¨ ¯´t¥ Ω ϧguilt-offering to be waved, to make atonement ÌȯÀ¦Ÿ˙ Èz´¥ L§ e 22 :ÔÓ¤ L«¨ ‚ŸÏ¬ § ‰Á−¨ § Ó¦ ϧ ÔÓ¤ ²M¤ a©for him, and one tenth part of an ephah of fineflour mingled with oil for a meal-offering, and ‰³È¨‰¨ § B„®È¨ ‚ÈO−¦ z© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰¨½ BÈ È´¥a§ ÆÈ¥L§ B‡³a log of oil; [22] and two turtle-doves, or twoyoung pigeons, such as his means suffice for; ‡È·¸¦ ‰¥ § 23 :‰Ï«¨ ŸÚ „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ § ˙‡h¨½ Á© Æ„Á¨ ‡¤and the one shall be a sin-offering, and the other Ô‰®¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ B˙− ¯¨‰¢ ˨ ϧ Ȳ¦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¯a© Ì˙¨¹ Ÿ‡a burnt-offering. [23] And on the eighth day heshall bring them for his cleansing unto the priest, Á˜¯©Ï¨ § 24 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ „Ú−¥ BÓ-ω¤ Ÿ‡« Á˙© ¬t¤ -χ¤unto the door of the tent of meeting, before the ÔÓ¤ M®¨ ‰© ‚ŸÏ´ -˙‡¤ § ÌL−¨ ‡¨ ‰¨ N·¤ ¬k¤-˙‡¤ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰©Lord. [24] And the priest shall take the lambof the guilt-offering, and the log of oil, and the :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Ù−¨ ez§ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© Ì˙¯¨ Ÿ‡ Ûȸ¦ ‰¥ §priest shall wave them for a wave-offering before ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© Á˜³©Ï¨ § ¼ÌL¨ ‡¨ ‰«¨ N·¤ ´k¤-˙‡¤ »ËÁ© L¨ § 25the Lord. [25] And he shall kill the lamb of theguilt-offering, and the priest shall take of the ¯‰−¥ h© n¦ ‰© -ÔʤŸ‡« Ce¬z§ -ÏÚ© Ô˙²© ¨Â§ ÌL¨½ ‡¨ ‰«¨ Ìc´©Ó¦blood of the guilt- offering, and put it upon the Ô‰¤ Ÿa¬-ÏÚ© § ˙Ƚ¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰© ÆB„Ȩ Ô‰¤ Ÿa³-ÏÚ© § ˙È®¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰©tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed,and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon Ô‰®¥ Ÿk‰© ˜Ÿˆ´ Ȧ ÔÓ¤ M−¤ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ e 26 :˙È«¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰© BÏ− ‚§ ¯©the great toe of his right foot. [26] And the priest ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ‰³f¨‰¦ § 27 :˙ÈÏ«¦ ‡Ó¨ O§ ‰© Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© Ûk¬©-ÏÚ©shall pour of the oil into the palm of his own lefthand. [27] And the priest shall sprinkle with his Bt− k©-ÏÚ© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÔÓ¤ M¤¾ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ˙Ƚ¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰© BÚ´ a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ a§right finger some of the oil that is in his left hand :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ÌÈÓ−¦ Ú¨ t§ Ú·© ¬L¤ ˙ÈÏ®¦ ‡Ó¨ O§ ‰©seven times before the Lord. [28] And the priest BtÀ k©-ÏÚ© ¯L´¤ ‡£ | ÔÓ¤ M´¤ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© Ô˙©¸ ¨Â§ 28shall put of the oil that is in his hand upon the Ô‰¤ Ÿa³-ÏÚ© § ˙Ƚ¦ Ó¨ ȧ‰© Ư‰¥ h© n¦ ‰© ÔʤŸ‡³ Ceºz§ -ÏÚ©tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed,and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon -ÏÚ© ˙È®¦ Ó¨ ȧ ‰© BÏ− ‚§ ¯© Ô‰¤ Ÿa¬ -ÏÚ© § ˙Ƚ¦ Ó¨ ȧ ‰© ÆB„Ȩthe great toe of his right foot, upon the placeof the blood of the guilt-offering. [29] And the ÆÔÓ¤ MƤ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ¯˙¨À Bp‰© § 29 :ÌL«¨ ‡¨ ‰¨ Ìc¬© ÌB˜− Ó§rest of the oil that is in the priest’s hand he shall ¯®‰¥ h© n¦ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯´-ÏÚ© Ôz−¥ Ȧ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© Ûk´©-ÏÚ© ƯL¤ ‡£put upon the head of him that is to be cleansed,to make atonement for him before the Lord. -˙‡¤ ‰N³¨ Ú¨ § 30 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ ¯¬t¥ Ω ϧ[30] And he shall offer one of the turtle-doves, ‰®¨Bi‰© È´¥a§ -ÔÓ¦ B‡− Ìȯ½¦Ÿz‰© -ÔÓ¦ Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ‰«¨or of the young pigeons, such as his meanssuffice for; [31] even such as his means suffice B„À Ȩ ‚ÈOº¦ z© -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙‡´¥ 31 :B„«È¨ ‚ÈO−¦ z© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ó¥for, the one for a sin-offering, and the other for -ÏÚ© ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ „Á¬¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ˙‡²h¨ Á© „Á¬¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ -˙‡¤a burnt-offering, with the meal-offering; and the 219 219
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ú¯ˆÓ 14 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 14.32 metsora‘ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙priest shall make atonement for him that is to Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯‰−¥ h© n¦ ‰© Ϭک Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ¯¯t¤ Φ § ‰Á®¨ § n¦ ‰©be cleansed before the Lord. [32] This is the lawof him in whom is the plague of leprosy, whose ˙Ú© ¯®¨ˆ¨ Ú‚©´¤ Ba−-¯L¤ ‡£ ˙¯½©Bz ˙‡ŸÊ´ 32 :‰Â«¨‰È§means suffice not for that which pertaineth to Ù :B˙« ¯¨‰¢ ˨ a§ B„−Ȩ ‚ÈO¬¦ ˙© -‡ŸÏ« ¯²L¤ ‡£his cleansing. ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ § ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ¯´a¥ „©È§Â© 33 [33] And the Lord spoke unto Moses andunto Aaron, saying: ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÔÚ© ©½ k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ -χ¤ Æe‡Ÿ·Æ ˙¨ Èk³¦ 34 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥[34] When ye are come into the land of ˙Ú© ¯½©ˆ¨ Ú‚©´¤ ÆÈz¦ ˙© ¨Â§ ‰®f¨Áª ‡£ Ï© ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ Ô˙¬¥ Ÿ Ȳ¦ ‡£Canaan, which I give to you for a possession,and I put the plague of leprosy in a house of the BÏ´ -¯L¤ ‡£ Ƈ·¨ e 35 :ÌΫ¤ ˙§ f©Áª ‡£ ı¯¤¬‡¤ ˙È·−¥ a§land of your possession; [35] then he that owneth ÈÏ−¦ ‰‡¬¨ ¯§¦ Ú‚©¤¾k§ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ Ô‰−¥ ŸkÏ© „Ȭb¦ ‰¦ § ˙Ȧ a©½ ‰©the house shall come and tell the priest, saying: ˙Ȧ a©À ‰© -˙‡¤ ep´Ù¦ e Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© ‰e¸¨ˆ¦ § 36 :˙Ȧ a«¨ a©‘There seemeth to me to be as it were a plague ‡ŸÏ¬ § Ú‚©p¤½ ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙B‡´ ¯§Ï¦ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ‡Ÿ·³ Ȩ ̯¤Ë¤¸ a§in the house.’ [36] And the priest shall command Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ‡Ÿ·¬ Ȩ Ô²k¥ ¯Á© ‡¬© § ˙Ȧ®a¨ a© ¯L´¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ‡Ó−¨ ˧ Ȧthat they empty the house, before the priest go into see the plague, that all that is in the house benot made unclean; and afterward the priest shall Ú‚©p¤À‰© -˙‡¤ ‰‡´¨ ¯¨Â§ 37 :˙Ȧ a«¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙B‡¬ ¯§Ï¦go in to see the house. [37] And he shall look on Æ˙Ÿ¯e¯Ú£˜«©L§ ˙Ȧa©½ ‰© ˙Ÿ¯´È˜¦ a§ ÆÚ‚©p¤Æ ‰© ‰³p¥‰¦ §the plague, and, behold, if the plague be in the Ï−Ù¨ L¨ Ô‰¬¤ ȇ¥ ¯§Ó© e ˙Ÿn® c©Ó§ „©‡£ B‡− ˙Ÿw½ ¯©˜§ ¯©È§walls of the house with hollow streaks, greenishor reddish, and the appearance thereof be lower -χ¤ ˙Ȧ a−© ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ‡ˆ¯¨ Ȩ§ 38 :¯Èw«¦ ‰© -ÔÓ¦than the wall; [38] then the priest shall go out of ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ ˙Ȧ a−© ‰© -˙‡¤ ¯È¬b¦ Ò§ ‰¦ § ˙Ȧ®a¨ ‰© Á˙© ´t¤the house to the door of the house, and shut upthe house seven days. [39] And the priest shall ‰‡¨¾ ¯¨Â§ ÈÚ®¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ·L¬¨ § 39 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩcome again the seventh day, and shall look; and, Ɖe¨ˆ¦ § 40 :˙Ȧ a«¨ ‰© ˙Ÿ¯¬È˜¦ a§ Ú‚©−p¤‰© ‰N¬¨ t¨ ‰²p¥‰¦ §behold, if the plague be spread in the walls of the Ô‰−¥ a¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌȽ¦ ·¨ ‡£ ‰´¨ -˙‡¤ Æeˆl§ Á¦ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰©house; [40] then the priest shall command thatthey take out the stones in which the plague is, and ¯ÈÚ½¦ Ϩ ıeÁ´ Ó¦ -χ¤ ÆÔ‰¤ ˙§ ‡¤ eÎÈϳ¦ L§ ‰¦ § Ú‚©®p¨‰©cast them into an unclean place without the city. Ú©ˆ¬¦ ˜§ È© ˙Ȧ²a© ‰© -˙‡¤ § 41 :‡Ó«¥ ˨ ÌB˜− Ó¨ -χ¤[41] And he shall cause the house to be scrapedwithin round about, and they shall pour out the ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ư٨ Ú¨ ‰«¤ -˙‡¤ eÎÀ Ù§ L¨ § ·È·®¦ Ò¨ ˙Ȧa−© Ó¦mortar that they scrape off without the city into :‡Ó«¥ ˨ ÌB˜−Ó¨ -χ¤ ¯ÈÚ½¦ Ϩ ıeÁ´ Ó¦ -χ¤ eˆ½ ˜§ ‰¦an unclean place. [42] And they shall take other -χ¤ e‡È·−¦ ‰¥ § ˙B¯½ Á¥ ‡£ ÌÈ´¦ ·¨ ‡£ ÆeÁ˜§ Ϩ § 42stones, and put them in the place of those stones;and he shall take other mortar, and shall plaster Á¬Ë¨ § Áw−©È¦ ¯²Á¥ ‡© ¯¬Ù¨ Ú¨ § ÌÈ®¦ ·¨ ‡£ ‰¨ ˙Á© z´©the house. [43] And if the plague come again, and Á¯´©Ù¨ e ÆÚ‚©p¤Æ ‰© ·eL³ Ȩ-̇¦ § 43 :˙Ȧ a«¨ ‰© -˙‡¤break out in the house, after that the stones havebeen taken out, and after the house hath been ȯ²¥Á£ ‡© § ÌÈ®¦ ·¨ ‡£ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ı´l¥ Á¦ ¯Á−© ‡© ˙Ȧ a©½ a©scraped, and after it is plastered; [44] then the Ƈ·¨ e 44 :Á©Bh« ‰¦ ȯ¬¥Á£ ‡© § ˙Ȧ a−© ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙Bˆ¬ ˜§ ‰¦priest shall come in and look; and, behold, if the ˙Ȧ®a¨ a© Ú‚©−p¤‰© ‰N¬¨ t¨ ‰²p¥‰¦ § ‰‡¨¾ ¯¨Â§ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰©plague be spread in the house, it is a malignantleprosy in the house: it is unclean. [45] And he :‡e‰« ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ ˙Ȧa−© a© ‡Â‰²¦ ˙¯¤¬‡¤ Ó§ Ó© ˙Ú© ¯¸©ˆ¨shall break down the house, the stones of it, and ÂȈ¨½ Ú¥ -˙‡¤ § ÆÂȨ·¨ ‡£ -˙‡¤ ˙Ȧ a©À ‰© -˙‡¤ ı˙´© ¨Â§ 45the timber thereof, and all the mortar of the ıeÁ´ Ó¦ -χ¤ ƇȈ¦ B‰Â§ ˙Ȧ®a¨ ‰© ¯´Ù© Ú£-Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ §house; and he shall carry them forth out of thecity into an unclean place. [46] Moreover he that ˙Ȧa©½ ‰© -χ¤ Ƈa¨ ‰© § 46 :‡Ó«¥ ˨ ÌB˜−Ó¨ -χ¤ ¯ÈÚ½¦ Ϩ 220 220
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ú¯ˆÓ 14 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 14.47 metsora‘ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙goeth into the house all the while that it is shut :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡Ó−¨ ˧ Ȧ B˙® Ÿ‡ ¯È´b¦ Ò§ ‰¦ ÈÓ−¥ ȧ-Ïk¨up shall be unclean until the even. [47] And he Ï´Î¥ Ÿ‡‰¨ § ÂÈ„®¨‚¨a§ -˙‡¤ Òa−¥ Ω ȧ ˙Ȧ a©½ a© ·´Î¥ ŸM‰© § 47that lieth in the house shall wash his clothes; and ‡Ÿ·¹ Ȩ ‡Ÿa¸ -̇¦ § 48 :ÂÈ„«¨‚¨a§ -˙‡¤ Òa−¥ Ω ȧ ˙Ȧa©½ a©he that eateth in the house shall wash his clothes. ˙Ȧa©½ a© ÆÚ‚©p¤Æ ‰© ‰N³¨ Ù¨ -‡ŸÏ ‰p¥‰¦ §ÂƉ‡¨ ¯¨Â§ Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰©[48] And if the priest shall come in, and look, -˙‡¤ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ¯‰³© ˦ § ˙Ȧ®a¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ Á©Ÿh´ ‰¦ ȯ−¥Á£ ‡©and, behold, the plague hath not spread in the ‡¬h¥ Á© ϧ Á˜²©Ï¨ § 49 :Ú‚©«p¨‰© ‡t−¨ ¯§¦ Ȭk¦ ˙Ȧ a©½ ‰©house, after the house was plastered; then the Ȭ¦ L§ e ʯ¤‡¤½ ı´Ú¥ § Ìȯ®¦t¢ˆ¦ Èz´¥ L§ ˙Ȧ a−© ‰© -˙‡¤priest shall pronounce the house clean, because ¯Ÿt´ v¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ ËÁ−© L¨ § 50 :·ŸÊ« ‡¥ § ˙Ú© Ï−© B˙the plague is healed. [49] And he shall take tocleanse the house two birds, and cedar-wood, :ÌÈi«¦Á© ÌȦ Ó¬© -ÏÚ© N¯¤Á−¤ -ÈϦ k§ -χ¤ ˙Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨and scarlet, and hyssop. [50] And he shall kill one | ˙‡´¥ § ·ŸÊ¹‡¥ ‰¨¸ -˙‡¤ § ʯ¤‡¤ ‰¨ Â-ıÚ«¥ -˙‡¤ Á˜´©Ï¨ § 51of the birds in an earthen vessel over running Ï´·© ˨ § ¼‰i¨Á© ‰«© ¯Ÿt´ v¦ ‰© »˙‡¥ § ˙Ú© Ï©À Bz‰© È´¦ L§water. [51] And he shall take the cedar-wood, ÌȦn−© ·© e ‰Ë¨½ eÁM§ ‰© ¯Ÿt´ v¦ ‰© ÆÌ„©a§ Ì˙¨À Ÿ‡and the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the livingbird, and dip them in the blood of the slain bird, :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ú¨ t§ Ú·© ¬L¤ ˙Ȧa−© ‰© -χ¤ ‰¬f¨‰¦ § ÌÈi®¦Á© ‰«©and in the running water, and sprinkle the house ÌȦ n−© ·© e ¯Bt½ v¦ ‰© ÆÌ„©a§ ˙Ȧ a©½ ‰© -˙‡¤ ‡´h¥ Á¦ § 52seven times. [52] And he shall cleanse the house ·ŸÊ−‡¥ ·¨ e ʯ¤‡²¤ ‰¨ ı¬Ú¥ ·§ e ‰i¨ÀÁ© ‰© ¯Ÿt´ v¦ ·© e ÌÈ®i¦Á© ‰«©with the blood of the bird, and with the running ¯Ÿt¯ v¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ Ál©ºL¦ § 53 :˙Ú© Ï«¨ Bz‰© Ȭ¦ L§ ·¦ ewater, and with the living bird, and with thecedar-wood, and with the hyssop, and with the ‰„®¤O¨ ‰© È´¥t§ -χ¤ ¯ÈÚ−¦ Ϩ ıeÁ¬ Ó¦ -χ¤ ‰²i¨Á© ‰«©scarlet. [53] But he shall let go the living bird out ‰¯®¨Bz‰© ˙‡ŸÊ− 54 :¯‰«¥ ˨ § ˙Ȧ a−© ‰© -ÏÚ© ¯¬t¤ Φ §of the city into the open field; so shall he makeatonement for the house; and it shall be clean. ˙Ú© ¯¬©ˆ¨ ϧ e 55 :˜˙¤ «p¨Ï© § ˙Ú© ¯−©v¨ ‰© Ú‚©¬¤-ÏΨ ϧ [54] This is the law for all manner of plague ˙Á© t−© q© Ï© § ˙¬‡¥ N§ Ï© § 56 :˙Ȧ a«¨ Ï© § „‚¤a−¤ ‰©of leprosy, and for a scall; [55] and for the leprosy ÌBÈ´·§ e ‡Ó−¥ h¨ ‰© ÌBȬa§ ˙Ÿ¯¾ B‰Ï§ 57 :˙¯¤‰«¨ a¤ Ï© §of a garment, and for a house; [56] and for a rising,and for a scab, and for a bright spot; [57] to teach Ò :˙Ú© ¯«¨v¨ ‰© ˙¯−©Bz ˙‡ŸÊ¬ ¯Ÿ‰® h¨ ‰©when it is unclean, and when it is clean; this is the 15-χ«¤ § ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ¯´a¥ „©È§Â©15law of leprosy. And the Lord spoke unto Moses and χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ Æe¯a§ c© 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© to Aaron, saying: [2] Speak unto the ·´Ê¨ ƉȤ‰§ Ȧ Èk³¦ LȇÀ¦ Lȇ´¦ Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ Ìz−¤ ¯§Ó© ‡£ ©children of Israel, and say unto them: ‰¬È¤‰§ z¦ ˙‡ŸÊ²Â§ 3 :‡e‰« ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ B·− BÊ B¯½ N¨ a§ Ó¦ -B‡« B·À BÊ-˙‡¤ B¯º N¨ a§ ¯¯´¨ B·® BÊa§ B˙− ‡¨ Ó§ ˪ When any man hath an issue out of his -Ïk¨ 4 :‡Â‰«¦ B˙− ‡¨ Ó§ ˪ B·½ BfÓ¦ ÆB¯N¨ a§ ÌÈz³¦ Á§ ‰¤flesh, his issue is unclean. [3] And this shall be ‡Ó®¨ ˧ Ȧ ·−f¨‰© ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ·¬k© L§ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ·k¨À L§ n¦ ‰©his uncleanness in his issue: whether his flesh Lȇ¾¦ § 5 :‡Ó«¨ ˧ Ȧ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ ·¬L¥ È¥-¯L¤ ‡£ Èϲ¦ k§ ‰© -ÏΫ¨ §run with his issue, or his flesh be stoppedfrom his issue, it is his uncleanness. [4] Every ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„²¨‚¨a§ Ò¯a¥ Ω ȧ B·® k¨ L§ Ó¦ a§ Ú−b©È¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£bed whereon he that hath the issue lieth shall -ÏÚ«© Æ·L¥ Ÿi‰© § 6 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ § ÌȦ n−© a©be unclean; and every thing whereon he sitteth ÂÈ„²¨‚¨a§ Ò¯a¥ Ω ȧ ·®f¨‰© ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ ·¬L¥ È¥-¯L¤ ‡£ ÈϦ½ k§ ‰©shall be unclean. [5] And whosoever touchethhis bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe himselfin water, and be unclean until the even. [6] Andhe that sitteth on any thing whereon he that haththe issue sat shall wash his clothes, and bathehimself in water, and be unclean until the even. 221 221
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 15.7 metsora‘ Ú¯ˆÓ 15 ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙[7] And he that toucheth the flesh of him that Ú©−‚¥Ÿp‰© §7 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ § ÌȦ n−© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§hath the issue shall wash his clothes, and bathehimself in water, and be unclean until the even. ÌȦn−© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„²¨‚¨ a§ Ò¯a¥ Ω ȧ ·®f¨‰© ¯N´© ·§ a¦[8] And if he that hath the issue spit upon him ¯B‰® h¨ a© ·−f¨‰© ˜Ÿ¯²È¨-ÈΫ¦ § 8 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ §that is clean, then he shall wash his clothes, andbathe himself in water, and be unclean until the -„Ú© ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ § ÌȦn−© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„²¨‚¨a§ Ò¯a¤ Φ §even. [9] And what saddle soever he that hath ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ·¬k© ¯§È¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ·k¨À ¯§n¤ ‰© -ÏΨ § 9 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨the issue rideth upon shall be unclean. [10] Andwhosoever toucheth any thing that was under ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÏŸÎa§ Ú©‚¥ÀŸp‰© -ÏΨ § 10 :‡Ó«¨ ˧ Ȧ ·−f¨‰©him shall be unclean until the even; and he that Ì˙¨½ B‡ ‡N´¥ Bp‰© § ·¯¤®Ú¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡Ó−¨ ˧ Ȧ ÂÈz¨½ Á§ ˙©beareth those things shall wash his clothes, and -„Ú© ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ § ÌȦ n−© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„²¨‚¨a§ Ò¯a¥ Ω ȧbathe himself in water, and be unclean until theeven. [11] And whomsoever he that hath the ÂÈ„−¨È¨Â§ ·f¨½‰© ÆBa-Úb©È¦ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ϟθ § 11 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨issue toucheth, without having rinsed his hands ÌȦ n−© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„²¨‚¨a§ Ò¯a¤ Φ § ÌȦ n®¨ a© ÛË´© L¨ -‡ŸÏin water, he shall wash his clothes, and bathehimself in water, and be unclean until the even. -¯L¤ ‡£ N¯¤Á²¤ -ÈϦ Χ e 12 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ §[12] And the earthen vessel, which he that hath ÛË−¥ M¨ Ȧ ıÚ¥½ -ÈϦ k§ -ÏΨ § ¯®·¥ M¨ Ȧ ·−f¨‰© Ba¬ -Úb©È¦the issue toucheth, shall be broken; and everyvessel of wood shall be rinsed in water. [13] And BϹ ¯Ù© Ò¸¨ § B·½ BfÓ¦ Æ·f¨‰© ¯‰³© ˧ Ȧ -ÈΫ¦ § 13 :ÌȦ n«¨ a©when he that hath an issue is cleansed of his ıÁ¯© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„®¨‚¨a§ Ò´a¤ Φ § B˙− ¯¨‰¢ ˨ ϧ ÌÈÓ²¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦issue, then he shall number to himself seven days ÌBi´·© e 14 :¯‰«¥ ˨ § ÌÈi−¦Á© ÌȦ Ó¬© a§ B¯²N¨ a§for his cleansing, and wash his clothes; and he È´¥a§ È−¥L§ B‡¬ Ìȯ½¦Ÿ˙ Èz´¥ L§ ÆBÏ-Áw«©È«¦ ÈÀ¦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰©shall bathe his flesh in running water, and shallbe clean. [14] And on the eighth day he shall take ω¤ Ÿ‡´ ÆÁ˙© t¤Æ -χ¤ ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ | ‡´·¨ e ‰®¨BÈto him two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons,and come before the Lord unto the door of the ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ ‰N³¨ Ú¨ § 15 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ Ì−¨˙¨ § e „Ú¥½ BÓtent of meeting, and give them unto the priest. ¯t¤¸ Φ § ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ § ˙‡h¨½ Á© „Á´¨ ‡¤ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰©[15] And the priest shall offer them, the one fora sin-offering, and the other for a burnt-offering; Ò :B·« BfÓ¦ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ÂÈϯ¨ Ú¨and the priest shall make atonement for him Ú¯©®Ê¨-˙·© Χ L¦ epn−¤ Ó¦ ‡¬ˆ¥ ˙¥ -Èk«¦ Lȇ¾¦ § 16before the Lord for his issue. [16] And if the flow of seed go out from a -„Ú© ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ § B¯−N¨ a§ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ ÌȦn²© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯BÚ½ -ÏΨ § „‚¤´a¤-ÏΨ § 17 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨man, then he shall bathe all his flesh in water,and be unclean until the even. [17] And every ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ § ÌȦ n−© a© Ò¬a© Ϊ § Ú¯©®Ê¨-˙·© Χ L¦ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨garment, and every skin, whereon is the flow ofseed, shall be washed with water, and be unclean Ù :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú©until the even. [18] The woman also with whom -˙·© Χ L¦ d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Lȇ²¦ ·¬k© L§ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰M¨¾ ‡¦ § 18a man shall lie carnally, they shall both bathethemselves in water, and be unclean until the :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© e‡− Ó§ ˨ § ÌȦ n©½ ·© eˆ´ Á£ ¯¨Â§ Ú¯©®Ê¨even. d·−¨ ŸÊ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ Ìc²¨ ‰·¨½ ʨ ‰´È¤‰§ ˙¦ -Èk«¦ ƉM¨ ‡¦ § 19 [19] And if a woman have an issue, and herissue in her flesh be blood, she shall be in her d˙¨½ c¨¦ ·§ ‰´È¤‰§ z¦ ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ȩ ˙³Ú© ·§ L¦ d¯®¨N¨ ·§ a¦impurity seven days; and whosoever toucheth ÁϟΧ 20 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡Ó¬¨ ˧ Ȧ da−¨ Ú©¬‚¥Ÿp‰© -ÏΨ §her shall be unclean until the even. [20] And everything that she lieth upon in her impurity shall be ϟβ § ‡Ó®¨ ˧ Ȧ d˙−¨ c¨¦ a§ ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ·¬k© L§ z¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£unclean; every thing also that she sitteth upon Ú©−‚¥Ÿp‰© -ÏΨ § 21 :‡Ó«¨ ˧ Ȧ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ ·¬L¥ z¥ -¯L¤ ‡£shall be unclean. [21] And whosoever toucheth ‡Ó¬¥ ˨ § ÌȦ n−© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„²¨‚¨a§ Ò¯a¥ Ω ȧ d®·¨ k¨ L§ Ó¦ a§her bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself 222 222
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ú¯ˆÓ 15 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 15.22 metsora‘ ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙in water, and be unclean until the even. [22] And -¯L¤ ‡£ ÈÏ−¦ k§ -ÏΨ a§ Ú©‚¥½Ÿp‰© -ÏΨ § 22 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú©whosoever toucheth any thing that she sittethupon shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself ‡Ó¬¥ ˨ § ÌȦn−© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„²¨‚¨a§ Ò¯a¥ Ω ȧ ÂȮϨ Ú¨ ·L´¥ z¥in water, and be unclean until the even. [23] And B‡¯ ‡e‰À ·k¨¹ L§ n¦ ‰© -ÏÚ«© ̇¸¦ § 23 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú©if he be on the bed, or on any thing whereon shesitteth, when he toucheth it, he shall be unclean -BÚ‚§ ¨a§ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ -˙·¤ L«¤ ŸÈ ‡Â‰¬¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ Èϲ¦ k§ ‰© -ÏÚ«©until the even. [24] And if any man lie with ·k©¸ L§ Ȧ Á·ŸÎL¨ ̇¿¦ § 24 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡Ó−¨ ˧ Ȧ B·®her, and her impurity be upon him, he shall be ‡Ó−¥ ˨ § ÂÈϨ½ Ú¨ Æd˙¨ c¨¦ ȉ³¦ ˙§ e d˙¨À Ÿ‡ Lȇ¹¦unclean seven days; and every bed whereon helieth shall be unclean. ·¬k© L§ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ ·²k¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -ÏΨ § ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦[25] And if a woman have an issue of Ù :‡Ó«¨ ˧ Ȧ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨her blood many days not in the time of herimpurity, or if she have an issue beyond the ÌÈaÀ¦ ¯© ÌÈÓ´¦ Ȩ dÓ¨¹ c¨ ·Bʸ Á·eÊȨ-Èk«¦ ‰M¨¿ ‡¦ § 25time of her impurity; all the days of the issue d˙®¨ c¨¦ -ÏÚ© ·eÊ−˙¨ -ÈΫ¦ B‡¬ d˙¨½ c¨¦ -˙Ú¤ ƇŸÏa§of her uncleanness she shall be as in the days ‰−Ȥ‰§ z¦ d˙²¨ c¨¦ ÈÓ¯¥ Èk¦ d˙¨À ‡¨ Ó§ ˪ ·BÊ´ ÈÓº¥ ȧ -Ïk¨of her impurity: she is unclean. [26] Every bedwhereon she lieth all the days of her issue shall ·³k© L§ z¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ·kº¨ L§ n¦ ‰© -Ïk¨ 26 :‡Â‰«¦ ‰‡¬¨ Ó¥ ˧be unto her as the bed of her impurity; and every -‰È¤‰§ È«¦ d˙−¨ c¨¦ ·¬k© L§ Ó¦ k§ d·¨½ BÊ ÈÓ´¥ ȧ -Ïk¨ ÆÂÈϨ Ú¨thing whereon she sitteth shall be unclean, as theuncleanness of her impurity. [27] And whosoever ‡Ó´¥ ˨ ÂÈϨ½ Ú¨ ·L´¥ z¥ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÈϦ k§ ‰© -ÏΫ¨ § d®l¨toucheth those things shall be unclean, and shall Ìa−¨ Ú©¬‚¥Bp‰© -ÏΨ § 27 :d˙«¨ c¨¦ ˙‡−© Ó§ ˪ k§ ‰È¤½‰§ Ȧwash his clothes, and bathe himself in water,and be unclean until the even. [28] But if she ‡Ó¬¥ ˨ § ÌȦn−© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„²¨‚¨a§ Ò¯a¤ Φ § ‡Ó®¨ ˧ Ȧbe cleansed of her issue, then she shall number ‰¯¨Ù§ Ò¬¨ § d®·¨ BfÓ¦ ‰¯−¨‰£ ˨ -̇«¦ § 28 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú©to herself seven days, and after that she shall be ÌBi´·© e 29 :¯‰«¨ ˧ z¦ ¯Á¬© ‡© § ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ d²l¨clean. [29] And on the eighth day she shall takeunto her two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, È−¥L§ B‡¬ Ìȯ½¦Ÿ˙ Èz´¥ L§ ÆdϨ -Áw«©z«¦ ÈÀ¦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰©and bring them unto the priest, to the door of -χ¤ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ ÆÌ˙¨ B‡ ‰‡³¨ È·¦ ‰¥ § ‰®¨BÈ È´¥a§the tent of meeting. [30] And the priest shalloffer the one for a sin-offering, and the other -˙‡¤ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ‰N³¨ Ú¨ § 30 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© t−¤for a burnt-offering; and the priest shall make ¯t¤¸ Φ § ‰®Ï¨ŸÚ „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ˙‡h¨½ Á© „Á´¨ ‡¤ ‰¨atonement for her before the Lord for the issue :d˙«¨ ‡¨ Ó§ ˪ ·Bf−Ó¦ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ‰¨ ȳϤ Ú¨of her uncleanness. [31] Thus shall ye separate the children Ì˙®¨ ‡¨ Ó§ hª Ó¦ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È¥a§ -˙‡¤ Ìz¬¤ ¯§f©‰¦ § 31of Israel from their uncleanness; that they die È−¦ k¨ L§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ ̇¬¨ n§ Ë© a§ Ì˙¨½ ‡¨ Ó§ ˪ a§ Æe˙ÓªÆ È¨ ‡ŸÏ³ §not in their uncleanness, when they defile Mytabernacle that is in the midst of them. ¯L¤¸ ‡£ © ·®f¨‰© ˙¯−©Bz ˙‡ŸÊ¬ 32 :ÌΫ¨ B˙a§ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ :d·«¨-‰‡¨ Ó§ ˨ ϧ Ú¯©−ʤ-˙·© Χ L¦ epn²¤ Ó¦ ‡¬ˆ¥ z¥ [32] This is the law of him that hath an issue,and of him from whom the flow of seed goethout, so that he is unclean thereby; [33] and of her ¯Î−¨ f¨Ï© B·½ BÊ-˙‡¤ Æ·f¨‰© § d˙¨½ c¨¦ a§ Ɖ¨c¨‰© § 33that is sick with her impurity, and of them that -ÌÚ¦ ·k−© L§ Ȧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Lȇ¾¦ ϧ e ‰®·¨ ˜¥p§ Ï© §have an issue, whether it be a man, or a woman; Ù :‰‡«¨ Ó¥ ˧and of him that lieth with her that is unclean.’aharei mot ˙ÂÓ È¯Á‡ And the Lord spoke unto Moses,16 16after the death of the two sons ofAaron, when they drew near before the Lord, ˙BÓ½ ȯ´¥Á£ ‡© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯³a¥ „©È§ © ‰−¨‰È§ -È¥Ù§ Ϧ Ì˙¬¨ ·¨ ¯§˜¨a§ ÔŸ¯®‰£ ‡© È´¥a§ È−¥L§ 223 223
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ È¯Á‡ 16 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 16.2 ’aharei mot ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙and died; [2] and the Lord said unto Moses: »¯a¥ c© ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 2 :e˙Ó«ª i¨Â©‘Speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he comenot at all times into the holy place within the -χ¤ Æ˙Ú¥ -ÏΨ ·§ ‡Ÿ·³ Ȩ-χ© § ¼EÈÁ¦ ‡¨ ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© -χ¤veil, before the ark-cover which is upon the ark; ˙¯¤Ÿt¹ k© ‰© È¥¸ t§ -χ¤ ˙ΤŸ¯®t¨ Ï© ˙Èa−¥ Ó¦ L„¤Ÿw½ ‰©that he die not; for I appear in the cloud upon ‰‡−¤ ¯¨‡¥ Ô¨½ Ú¨ a«¤ Èk¦µ ˙eÓ½ Ȩ ‡ŸÏ´ § ÆÔŸ¯‡¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ¯L³¤ ‡£the ark-cover. [3] Herewith shall Aaron comeinto the holy place: with a young bullock for -χ¤ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© ‡Ÿ·¬ Ȩ ˙‡ŸÊ²a§ 3 :˙¯¤Ÿt« k© ‰© -ÏÚ©a sin-offering, and a ram for a burnt-offering. :‰Ï«¨ ŸÚϧ ÏȦ ‡¬© § ˙‡h−¨ Á© ϧ ¯˜²¨a¨ -Ôa¤ ¯¯Ù© a§ L„¤Ÿw®‰©[4] He shall put on the holy linen tunic, and he eÈ´‰§ Ȧ »„·© -ÈÒ¥ § Χ Ó«¦ e La¨À ϧ Ȧ L„¤Ÿ˜¹ „a©¸ -˙¤Ÿ˙« k§ 4shall have the linen breeches upon his flesh, andshall be girded with the linen girdle, and with „a−© ˙Ù¤¬¤ˆ§ Ó¦ ·§ e ¯Ÿb½ Á§ È© Æ„a© ˬ¥·§ ‡© ·§ e ¼B¯N¨ a§ -ÏÚ©the linen mitre shall he be attired; they are the -˙‡¤ ÌȦ n²© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ̉¥½ L„¤Ÿ˜´ -È„¥‚§ a¦ ÛŸ®ˆ§ Ȧholy garments; and he shall bathe his flesh inwater, and put them on. [5] And he shall take χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æ˙„©Ú£ ˙‡¥À Ó¥ e 5 :ÌL«¨ ·¥ ϧ e B¯−N¨ a§of the congregation of the children of Israel two „Á−¨ ‡¤ ÏȦ ‡¬© § ˙‡®h¨ Á© ϧ ÌÈf−¦Ú¦ ȯ¬¥ÈÚ¦ N§ -È«¥L§ Áw²©È¦he-goats for a sin-offering, and one ram for a ˙‡h−¨ Á© ‰© ¯¬t© -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯²‰£ ‡© ·È¯¯¦˜§ ‰¦ § 6 :‰Ï«¨ ŸÚϧburnt-offering. [6] And Aaron shall present thebullock of the sin-offering, which is for himself, Á˜−©Ï¨ § 7 :B˙« Èa¥ „¬Ú© ·§ e B„−Ú£a© ¯¬t¤ Φ § BÏ® -¯L¤ ‡£and make atonement for himself, and for his È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ „ÈÓ³¦ Ú¡ ‰¤ § ̯®¦ÈÚ¦ O§ ‰© È´¥L§ -˙‡¤house. [7] And he shall take the two goats, and ÔŸ¯²‰£ ‡© Ô˙¯© ¨Â§ 8 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© t−¤ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§set them before the Lord at the door of the tentof meeting. [8] And Aaron shall cast lots upon Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ϯ³¨Bb ˙BÏ® ¯¨Ÿb ̯−¦ÈÚ¦ O§ ‰© Ȭ¥L§ -ÏÚ©the two goats: one lot for the Lord, and the other ·È¯³¦˜§ ‰¦ § 9 :ÏÊ«¥‡Ê¨Ú£Ï© „Á−¨ ‡¤ ϯ¬¨B‚§ ‰Â¨½ ‰ÈÏ©lot for Azazel. [9] And Aaron shall present thegoat upon which the lot fell for the Lord, and ϯ−¨Bb‰© ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ï¨ Ú¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ¯ÈÚ½¦ O¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡©offer him for a sin-offering. [10] But the goat, Á¯L¤ ‡£ ¯ÈÚÀ¦ O¨ ‰© § 10 :˙‡h«¨ Á© e‰N−¨ Ú¨ § ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ©on which the lot fell for Azazel, shall be set alive Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ÈÁ²© -„Ó© Ú¢ È«¨ ÏÊ¥½ ‡Ê¨Ú£Ï© Æϯ¨Bb‰© ÂȳϨ Ú¨ ‰Ï¨¸ Ú¨before the Lord, to make atonement over him,to send him away for Azazel into the wilderness. Ï−Ê¥‡Ê¨Ú£Ï© B˙² Ÿ‡ Á¬l© L© ϧ ÂȮϨ Ú¨ ¯´t¥ Ω ϧ ‰−¨‰È§[11] And Aaron shall present the bullock of the ¯³t© -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© ·È¯¸¦˜§ ‰¦ § 11 :‰¯¨a«¨ „§n¦ ‰©sin-offering, which is for himself, and shall make B˙® Èa¥ „´Ú© ·§ e B„−Ú£a«© ¯¬t¤ Φ § BϽ -¯L¤ ‡£ Æ˙‡h¨ Á© ‰«©atonement for himself, and for his house, andshall kill the bullock of the sin-offering which is Á˜´©Ï¨ § 12 :BÏ« -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙‡h−¨ Á© ‰«© ¯¬t© -˙‡¤ ˲Á© L¨ §for himself. [12] And he shall take a censer full of ÆÁ©a¥Æ ʧ n¦ ‰© ϳک Ó¥ L‡º¥ -ÈÏ¥ Á£ «b© ‰z¨ Á§ n© ‰© Â-‡ŸÏ« Ó§coals of fire from off the altar before the Lord,and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small, ÌÈn−¦ Ò© ˙¯¤ŸË¬ ˜§ ÂȨ½ Ù§ Á¨ ‡ŸÏ´ Ó§ e ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¥Ù§ l¦ Ó¦and bring it within the veil. [13] And he shall -˙‡«¤ Ô˙¯© ¨Â§ 13 :˙Τ Ÿ¯«t¨ Ï© ˙Ȭa¥ Ó¦ ‡È·−¦ ‰¥ § ‰w®¨c©put the incense upon the fire before the Lord, Ô´©Ú£ | ‰q´¨ Φ § ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ L‡−¥ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ˙¯¤ŸË² w§ ‰©that the cloud of the incense may cover the ark-cover that is upon the testimony, that he die not. ˙e„−Ú¥ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙¯¤Ÿt² k© ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙¯¤ŸËÀ w§ ‰©[14] And he shall take of the blood of the bullock, ‰¯f¨‰¦ § ¯t¨½ ‰© Ìc´©Ó¦ ÆÁ˜©Ï¨ § 14 :˙eÓ« Ȩ ‡ŸÏ¬ §and sprinkle it with his finger upon the ark-cover È´¥Ù§ Ϧ § ‰Ó¨ „§˜®¥ ˙¯¤Ÿt− k© ‰© Ȭ¥t§ -ÏÚ© BÚ² a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ ·§on the east; and before the ark-cover shall hesprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times. Ìc−¨‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÌÈÓ²¦ Ú¨ t§ -Ú·© L«¤ ‰¯f¤È© ˙¯¤ŸtÀ k© ‰© 224 224
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ È¯Á‡ 16 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 16.15 ’aharei mot ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙[15] Then shall he kill the goat of the sin-offering, Æ˙‡h¨ Á© ‰«© ¯ÈÚ³¦ N§ -˙‡¤ ËÁº© L¨ § 15 :BÚ« a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ a§that is for the people, and bring his blood withinthe veil, and do with his blood as he did with the ˙Èa−¥ Ó¦ -χ¤ BÓ½ c¨-˙‡¤ Ƈȷ¦ ‰¥ § ÌÚ¨½ Ϩ ¯L´¤ ‡£blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it upon the Ì„´©Ï§ ƉN¨ Ú¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ k© BÓÀ c¨-˙‡¤ ‰N´¨ Ú¨ § ˙ΤŸ¯®t¨ Ï©ark-cover, and before the ark-cover. [16] Andhe shall make atonement for the holy place, Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ § ˙¯¤Ÿt− k© ‰© -ÏÚ© B˙² Ÿ‡ ‰¬f¨‰¦ § ¯t¨½ ‰©because of the uncleannesses of the children of È´¥a§ Æ˙Ÿ‡Ó§ hª Ó¦ L„¤ŸwÀ ‰© -ÏÚ© ¯´t¤ Φ § 16 :˙¯¤Ÿt« k© ‰©Israel, and because of their transgressions, even Ôγ¥ § Ì˙®¨ ‡ŸhÁ© -ÏΨ ϧ ̉−¤ ÈÚ¥ L§ t¦ Ó¦ e χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧall their sins, and so shall he do for the tent ofmeeting, that dwelleth with them in the midst of CB˙− a§ Ìz¨½ ‡¦ Ôδ¥ŸM‰© „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ ϧ ƉN¤ ڣȩtheir uncleannesses. [17] And there shall be no ω¤ Ÿ‡´ a§ | ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ Ì„º¨‡¨ -ÏΨ § 17 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ‡Ó§ ˪man in the tent of meeting when he goeth in tomake atonement in the holy place, until he come ¯³t¤ Φ § B˙® ‡ˆ¥ -„Ú© L„¤Ÿw−a© ¯¬t¥ Ω ϧ B‡² Ÿ·a§ „Ú¥À BÓout, and have made atonement for himself, and :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ϭ‰© ˜§ -Ïk¨ „Ú−© ·§ e B˙½ Èa¥ „´Ú© ·§ e ÆB„Ú£a©for his household, and for all the assembly of ‰−¨‰È§ -È«¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Á©²a¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© -χ¤ ‡ˆ¨À Ȩ§ 18Israel. [18] And he shall go out unto the altarthat is before the Lord, and make atonement ¯ÈÚ½¦ O¨ ‰© Ìc´©Ó¦ e Ưt¨ ‰© Ìc³©Ó¦ Á˜º©Ï¨ § ÂȮϨ Ú¨ ¯´t¤ Φ §for it; and shall take of the blood of the bullock, ‰f¨¸‰¦ § 19 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ Á©a−¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© ˙B¬¯§˜© -ÏÚ© Ô˙²© ¨Â§and of the blood of the goat, and put it uponthe horns of the altar round about. [19] And he ÌÈÓ®¦ Ú¨ t§ Ú·© L´¤ BÚ− a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ a§ Ìc²¨‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÂÈϯ¨ Ú¨shall sprinkle of the blood upon it with his finger :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ ˙Ÿ‡− Ó§ hª Ó¦ BL½ c§˜¦ § B¯´‰£ ˦ §seven times, and cleanse it, and hallow it from theuncleannesses of the children of Israel. [20] And ω¤ Ÿ‡¬ -˙‡¤ § L„¤Ÿw½ ‰© -˙‡¤ ¯´t¥ k© Ó¦ Ɖl¨ Φ § 20when he hath made an end of atoning for the ¯ÈÚ¬¦ O¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ ·È¯−¦˜§ ‰¦ § Á©®a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ § „Ú−¥ BÓholy place, and the tent of meeting, and the altar, ÂÈ„À¨È¨ Â„È Èz´¥ L§ -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© CÓ©¸ Ò¨ § 21 :ÈÁ«¨ ‰¤he shall present the live goat. [21] And Aaronshall lay both his hands upon the head of the live ÂÈϨÀ Ú¨ ‰c´¨Â©˙§ ‰¦ § ¼ÈÁ© ‰© »¯ÈÚ¦ O¨ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯´ ÏÚ©¸goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æ˙ŸŸÂÚ£-Ïk¨ -˙‡¤the children of Israel, and all their transgressions,even all their sins; and he shall put them upon the -ÏÚ© ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ Ô˙³© ¨Â§ Ì˙®¨ ‡ŸhÁ© -ÏΨ ϧ ̉−¤ ÈÚ¥ L§ t¦head of the goat, and shall send him away by the Èz−¦ Ú¦ Lȇ¬¦ -„È©a§ Á²l© L¦ § ¯ÈÚ½¦ O¨ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯´hand of an appointed man into the wilderness. -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ ÂȲϨ Ú¨ ¯ÈÚ¬¦ O¨ ‰© ‡N¨¸ ¨Â§ 22 :‰¯¨a«¨ „§n¦ ‰©[22] And the goat shall bear upon him all theiriniquities unto a land which is cut off; and he ¯ÈÚ−¦ O¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ Á¬l© L¦ § ‰¯®¨Ê¥b§ ı¯¤‡´¤ -χ¤ Ì˙−¨ ŸŸÂÚ£shall let go the goat in the wilderness. [23] And „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ -χ¤ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© ‡³·¨ e 23 :¯a«¨ „§n¦ a©Aaron shall come into the tent of meeting, andshall put off the linen garments, which he put B‡´ Ÿ·a§ L·−© Ϩ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ „a¨½ ‰© È„´¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ ÆËL© Ù¨ eon when he went into the holy place, and shall -˙‡¤ ıÁ©¸ ¯¨Â§ 24 :ÌL«¨ ÌÁ−¨ Èp¦ ‰¦ § L„¤Ÿw®‰© -χ¤leave them there. [24] And he shall bathe his fleshin water in a holy place, and put on his other -˙‡¤ L·−© Ϩ § LB„½ ˜¨ ÌB˜´ Ó¨ a§ ÆÌȦnÆ© ·© B¯³N¨ a§vestments, and come forth, and offer his burnt- ˙Ï´©ŸÚ-˙‡¤ § ÆB˙Ϩ ŸÚ« -˙‡¤ ‰N³¨ Ú¨ § ‡ˆ¨À Ȩ§ ÂÈ„®¨‚¨a§offering and the burnt-offering of the people, and ·Ï¤ Á¬¥ ˙²‡¥ § 25 :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨ „¬Ú© ·§ e B„−Ú£a© ¯¬t¤ Φ § ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨make atonement for himself and for the people.[25] And the fat of the sin-offering shall he make Á©³l¥ L© Ó§ ‰«© § 26 :‰Á¨ a«¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ¯Èˬ¦ ˜§ È© ˙‡h−¨ Á© ‰«©smoke upon the altar. [26] And he that letteth go ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„½¨‚¨a§ Ò´a¥ Ω ȧ ÏÊ¥½ ‡Ê¨Ú£Ï«© ƯÈÚ¦ O¨ ‰© -˙‡¤the goat for Azazel shall wash his clothes, andbathe his flesh in water, and afterward he may -χ¤ ‡B·¬ Ȩ ÔÎ−¥-ȯ¥Á£ ‡© § ÌȦn®¨ a© B¯−N¨ a§ -˙‡¤ 225 225
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ È¯Á‡ 16 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 16.27 ’aharei mot ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙come into the camp. [27] And the bullock of the ¯ÈÚ´¦ N§ | ˙‡´¥ § ˙‡h¨¹ Á© ‰«© ¯t©¸ Á˙‡¥ § 27 :‰«¤Á£ n© ‰«©sin-offering, and the goat of the sin-offering,whose blood was brought in to make atonement ¯´t¥ Ω ϧ ÆÌÓ¨ c¨-˙‡¤ ‡³·¨ e‰ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ˙‡h¨À Á© ‰«©in the holy place, shall be carried forth without eÙ´ ¯§N¨ § ‰®¤Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ´ Ó¦ -χ¤ ‡Èˆ−¦ BÈ L„¤Ÿw½ a©the camp; and they shall burn in the fire theirskins, and their flesh, and their dung. [28] And -˙‡¤ § ̯−¨N¨ a§ -˙‡¤ § Ì˙¬¨ Ÿ¯ŸÚ-˙‡¤ L‡¥½ ·¨he that burneth them shall wash his clothes, and ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„½¨‚¨a§ Ò´a¥ Ω ȧ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ Û¯´¥O‰© § 28 :ÌL«¨ ¯§t¦bathe his flesh in water, and afterward he may -χ¤ ‡B·¬ Ȩ ÔÎ−¥-ȯ¥Á£ ‡© § ÌȦn®¨ a© B¯−N¨ a§ -˙‡¤come into the camp. ̮Ϩ BÚ ˙w´©Áª ϧ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ‰˙¬¨ ȧ‰¨ § 29 :‰«¤Á£ n© ‰«© [29] And it shall be a statute for ever untoyou: in the seventh month, on the tenth day of ep´Ú© z§ L„¤ŸÁ¹ Ï© ¯BN¸ Ú¨ a«¤ ÈÚ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰©  L„¤ŸÁ´ a©the month, ye shall afflict your souls, and shalldo no manner of work, the home-born, or the eN½ Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ´ ƉΨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -ÏΨ § ÌΤÀ È˙¥ ŸL« Ù§ ©-˙‡¤stranger that sojourneth among you. [30] For ÌBi¬·©-Èk«¦ 30 :ÌΫ¤ Χ B˙a§ ¯¬b¨‰© ¯−b¥‰© § Á¯½¨Ê§ ‡¤ ‰«¨on this day shall atonement be made for you, tocleanse you; from all your sins shall ye be clean ÆÏŸkÓ¦ ̮Τ ˙§ ‡¤ ¯´‰¥ Ë© ϧ ÌÎ−¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ¯¬t¥ Ω ȧ ‰²f¤‰©before the Lord. [31] It is a sabbath of solemn ˙a©¸ L© 31 :e¯‰«¨ ˧ z¦ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ ‡Ÿh´ Á©rest unto you, and ye shall afflict your souls; itis a statute for ever. [32] And the priest, who ̮Τ È˙¥ ŸLÙ§ ©-˙‡¤ Ì˙−¤ Èp¦ Ú¦ § ÌΤ½ Ϩ Ƈȉ¦ ÔB˙¬ a¨ L©shall be anointed and who shall be consecrated ÁL´© Ó§ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© ¯t¤¸ Φ § 32 :ÌÏ«¨ BÚ ˙w−©Áªto be priest in his father’s stead, shall make the ˙Á© z´© Ô‰−¥ Ω ϧ B„½ Ȩ-˙‡¤ Ƈl¥ Ó© ȧ ¯L³¤ ‡£ © B˙À Ÿ‡atonement, and shall put on the linen garments,even the holy garments. [33] And he shall make :L„¤Ÿw« ‰© È„¬¥‚§ a¦ „a−¨ ‰© È„¬¥‚§ a¦ -˙‡¤ L²·© Ϩ § ÂÈ·®¦ ‡¨atonement for the most holy place, and he shall ω¤ Ÿ‡¯ -˙‡¤ § L„¤Ÿw½ ‰© Lc´©˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ Ưt¤ Φ § 33make atonement for the tent of meeting and forthe altar; and he shall make atonement for the ÌȲ¦ ‰£ Ÿk‰© ÏÚ¯© § ¯®t¥ Ω ȧ Á©a−¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ § „²Ú¥ BÓpriests and for all the people of the assembly. ˙‡Ÿf¸-‰˙¨ ȧ ‰«¨ § 34 :¯t«¥ Ω ȧ Ï−‰¨ w¨ ‰© ̬ک -Ïk¨ -ÏÚ© §[34] And this shall be an everlasting statute untoyou, to make atonement for the children of Israel Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥a§ -ÏÚ© ¯tº¥ Ω ϧ ÌϨÀ BÚ ˙w´©Áª ϧ ÌΤ¹ Ϩbecause of all their sins once in the year’ And he ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© NÚ© i©¾Â© ‰®¨M¨ a© ˙Á−© ‡© Ì˙¨½ ‡ŸhÁ© -Ïk¨ Ó¦did as the Lord commanded Moses. And the Lord spoke unto Moses,17 17saying: [2] Speak unto Aaron, and unto :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ Ù :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â©his sons, and unto all the children of Israel, and È´¥a§ -Ïk¨ Æχ¤ § ÂȨÀa¨ -χ¤ § ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ¯a¥¸ c© 2say unto them: This is the thing which the Lordhath commanded, saying. -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯·¨½ c¨‰© ‰´Ê¤ Ì®‰¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ z−¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ[3] What man soever there be of the house ˙È´a¥ Ó¦ ÆLȇ¦ Lȇ¬¦ 3 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦of Israel, that killeth an ox, or lamb, or goat, inthe camp, or that killeth it without the camp, ÊÚ−¥ -B‡ ·N¤ ²Î¤-B‡ ¯BL¬ ËÁ©¹ L§ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ[4] and hath not brought it unto the door of :‰«¤Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ− Ó¦ ËÁ©½ L§ Ȧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ B‡µ ‰®¤Á£ n© a«©the tent of meeting, to present it as an offeringunto the Lord before the tabernacle of the ¼B‡È·¦ ‰¡ ‡ŸÏ´ »„Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ Á˙© t¤¹ -χ¤ § 4Lord, blood shall be imputed unto that man; ‰®Â¨‰È§ Ôk´© L§ Ó¦ È−¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© ÆÔa¨ ¯§˜¨ ·È¯³¦˜§ ‰© ϧhe hath shed blood; and that man shall be cut ˙¯²©Î§ ¦ § CÙ¨½ L¨ Ìc´¨ Ƈe‰‰© Lȇ³¦ Ϩ ·L¥º Á¨ È¥ Ìc´¨off from among his people. [5] To the end that ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÁÔÚ© Ó© ϧ 5 :Bn« Ú© ·¯¤w¬¤Ó¦ ‡e‰− ‰© Lȇ¬¦ ‰¨the children of Israel may bring their sacrifices,which they sacrifice in the open field, even that ̉´¥ ¯L´¤ ‡£ »Ì‰¤ ÈÁ¥ ·§ ʦ -˙‡«¤ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ e‡È·¹¦ Ȩthey may bring them unto the Lord, unto the 226 226
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ È¯Á‡ 17 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 17.6 ’aharei mot ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙door of the tent of meeting, unto the priest, and ‰ÂÀ¨‰ÈÏ«© ̇´ª È·¦ ‰¡ «¤ ¼‰„¤O¨ ‰© È´¥t§ -ÏÚ© »ÌÈÁ¦ ·§ ŸÊsacrifice them for sacrifices of peace-offeringsunto the Lord. [6] And the priest shall dash the eÁ¹ ·§ ʨ¸Â§ Ô‰®¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ „Ú−¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© ²t¤ -χ¤blood against the altar of the Lord at the door of Ô‰³¥ Ÿk‰© ˜¯¸©Ê¨Â§ 6 :Ì˙«¨ B‡ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ«© ÌÈÓ²¦ Ϩ L§ ÈÁ¯¥ ·§ ʦthe tent of meeting, and make the fat smoke fora sweet savour unto the Lord. [7] And they shall ω¤ Ÿ‡´ Á˙© t−¤ ‰Â¨½‰È§ Á´a© ʧӦ -ÏÚ© ÆÌc¨‰© -˙‡¤no more sacrifice their sacrifices unto the satyrs, :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© Á©ŸÁ− Ȧ Á©È¯¬¥Ï§ ·Ï¤ Á¥½ ‰© ¯ÈË´¦ ˜§ ‰¦ § „®Ú¥ BÓafter whom they go astray. This shall be a statute ̯¾¦ÈÚ¦ O§ Ï© ̉¤½ ÈÁ¥ ·§ ʦ -˙‡¤ Æ„BÚ eÁ¬ a§ ʧ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ§ 7for ever unto them throughout their generations.[8] And thou shalt say unto them: Whatsoever ̲Ϩ BÚ ˙w¬©Áª Ì®‰¤ ȯ¥Á£ ‡© ÌÈ−¦ŸÊ ̬‰¥ ¯²L¤ ‡£man there be of the house of Israel, or of the Ì´‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ © 8 :Ì˙«¨ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧ ̉−¤ Ϩ ˙‡Ÿf¬-‰È¤‰§ z«¦strangers that sojourn among them, that offeretha burnt-offering or sacrifice, [9] and bringeth ¯−b¥‰© -ÔÓ¦ e χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˙È´a¥ Ó¦ ÆLȇ¦ Lȇ¬¦ ¯Ó©½ ‡Ÿzit not unto the door of the tent of meeting, to -B‡ ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ ‰¬Ï¤ ڣȩ-¯L¤ ‡£ ̮Ψ B˙a§ ¯e‚´È¨-¯L¤ ‡£sacrifice it unto the Lord, even that man shall be ep‡¤½ È·¦ ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ Æ„Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡³ Á˙© t¤¹ -χ¤ § 9 :Á·© Ê«¨cut off from his people. [10] And whatsoever man there be of the ‡e‰− ‰© Lȇ¬¦ ‰¨ ˙¯²©Î§ ¦ § ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© B˙− Ÿ‡ ˙BN¬ ڣϩhouse of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn -ÔÓ¦ e χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˙È´a¥ Ó¦ Lȇ¹¦ Lȇ¸¦ § 10 :ÂÈn«¨ Ú© Ó¥among them, that eateth any manner of blood,I will set My face against that soul that eateth Ìc®¨-Ïk¨ Ï−Ω ‡ŸÈ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌΨ½ B˙a§ ¯´b¨‰© Ưb¥‰©blood, and will cut him off from among his Ìc½¨‰© -˙‡¤ ˙Ϥ ´Î¤ Ÿ‡‰¨ ÆLÙ¤ p¤Æ a© È©ÀÙ¨ Èz´¦ ˙© ¨Â§people. [11] For the life of the flesh is in theblood; and I have given it to you upon the altar LÙ¤´¤ Èk´¦ 11 :dn«¨ Ú© ·¯¤w¬¤Ó¦ d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ Èz¬¦ ¯©Î§ ‰¦ §to make atonement for your souls; for it is the -ÏÚ© ÆÌΤ Ϩ ÂÈz³¦ ˙© § Ⱥ¦ ‡£ © ¼‡Â‰¦ Ìc´¨a© »¯N¨ a¨ ‰©blood that maketh atonement by reason of the Ìc¬¨‰© -Èk«¦ ̮Τ È˙¥ ŸLÙ§ ©-ÏÚ© ¯t−¥ Ω ϧ Á©a¥½ ʧ n¦ ‰©life. [12] Therefore I said unto the children ofIsrael: No soul of you shall eat blood, neither È´¥·§ Ϧ ÆÈz¦ ¯§ÓÆ© ‡¨ Ôk³¥-ÏÚ© 12 :¯t«¥ Ω ȧ LÙ¤¬p¤a© ‡e‰−shall any stranger that sojourneth among you Ìc®¨ ÏΩ ‡Ÿ˙´ -‡ŸÏ Ìk−¤ Ó¦ LÙ¤¬¤-Ïk¨ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧeat blood. [13] And whatsoever man there be of the Ò :Ìc«¨ ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ¬-‡ŸÏ ÌÎ−¤ Χ B˙a§ ¯¬b¨‰© ¯²b¥‰© § Ưb¥‰© -ÔÓ¦ e χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Ó¦ Lȇ¹¦ Lȇ¸¦ § 13children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojournamong them, that taketh in hunting any beast ÛBÚ− -B‡ ‰²i¨Á© „Ȭˆ¥ „eˆ¹ Ȩ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌΨ½ B˙a§ ¯´b¨‰©or fowl that may be eaten, he shall pour out theblood thereof, and cover it with dust. [14] For :¯Ù«¨ Ú¨ a¤ e‰q−¨ Φ § BÓ½ c¨-˙‡¤ ÆCÙ© L¨ § ϮΥ ‡¨ È¥ ¯L´¤ ‡£as to the life of all flesh, the blood thereof is all ¼‡e‰ »BLÙ§ ©·§ BÓ´ c¨ ¯N¨À a¨ -Ïk¨ LÙ¤´¤-Èk«¦ 14one with the life thereof; therefore I said untothe children of Israel: Ye shall eat the blood of ‡ŸÏ´ ¯N−¨ a¨-Ïk¨ Ìc¬© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ Ϧ Ưө Ÿ‡Â«¨no manner of flesh; for the life of all flesh is the -Ïk¨ ‡Â‰¦½ BÓ´ c¨ ƯN¨ a¨-Ïk¨ LÙ¤³¤ Èk´¦ eϮΥ ‡Ÿ˙blood thereof; whosoever eateth it shall be cutoff. [15] And every soul that eateth that which ϳΩ ‡Ÿz ¯L¤¸ ‡£ LÙ¤ ¤À-ÏΨ § 15 :˙¯«¥k¨ Ȧ ÂÈÏ−¨ Χ Ÿ‡dieth of itself, or that which is torn of beasts, ÂÈ„¹¨‚¨a§ Òa¤¸ Φ § ¯®b¥·© e Á¯−¨Ê§‡¤ a¨ ‰Ù¨½ ¯¥Ë§ e ƉϨ ·¥ §whether he be home-born or a stranger, he shall :¯‰«¥ ˨ § ·¯¤Ú−¤ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡Ó¬¥ ˨ § ÌȦ n²© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, andbe unclean until the even; then shall he be clean. ‡N−¨ ¨Â§ ıÁ®¨ ¯§È¦ ‡ŸÏ´ B¯−N¨ ·§ e Òa¥½ Ω ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ Æ̇¦ § 16[16] But if he wash them not, nor bathe his flesh, Ù :B«ŸÂÚ£then he shall bear his iniquity. 227 227
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ È¯Á‡ 18 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 18.1 ’aharei mot ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙18 saying: [2] Speak unto the children ofIsrael, and say unto them:18And the Lord spoke unto Moses, :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © È−¦ ‡£ Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ z−¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ Ưa¥ c© 2 I am the Lord your God. [3] After the ÌȦ¯²©ˆ§ Ó¦ -ı¯¤‡«¤ ‰N¯¥ Ú£Ó© k§ 3 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© Χ e eN® Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ´ da−¨-Ìz¤ ·§ L© ȧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£shall ye not do; and after the doings of the landof Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do;neither shall ye walk in their statutes. [4] Mine Ɖn¨ Lƨ ̬Τ ˙§ ‡¤ ‡È·¸¦ Ó¥ ÁȦ ‡£ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÔÚ© ©¿k§ -ı¯¤‡«¤ordinances shall ye do, and My statutes shall ye -˙‡¤ 4 :eÎÏ«¥ ˙¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ̉−¤ È˙¥ ŸwÁª ·§ e eN½ Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ´keep, to walk therein: I am the Lord your God.[5] Ye shall therefore keep My statutes, and Mine ˙Τ ´Ï¤ Ϩ e¯−Ó§ L§ z¦ È˙¬© ŸwÁª -˙‡¤ § eN² Ú£z© È˯© t¨ L§ Ó¦ordinances, which if a man do, he shall live by Ìz³¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e 5 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ Ì®‰¤ a¨them: I am the Lord. ‰¬N¤ ڣȩ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÈË©½ t¨ L§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § ÆÈ˙© ŸwÁª -˙‡¤ [6] None of you shall approach to any thatis near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness:I am the Lord. Ò :‰Â«¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ Ì®‰¤ a¨ ÈÁ´© ¨ Ì„−¨‡¨ ‰¨ Ì˙²¨ Ÿ‡[7] The nakedness of thy father, and the ‡ŸÏ¬ B¯½ N¨ a§ ¯‡´¥ L§ -Ïk¨ -χ¤ ÆLȇ¦ Lȇ¬¦ 6nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover:she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her Ò :‰Â«¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ ‰®Â¨¯§Ú¤ ˙Bl´ ‚©Ï§ e·− ¯§˜§ ˙¦nakedness. ‰®l¥ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ´ E− n§ ‡¦ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ § EȲ·¦ ‡¨ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ 7 [8] The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt Ò :d˙«¨ ¨¯§Ú¤ ‰l−¤ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‡Â‰¦½ E´ n§ ‡¦thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness. [9] The nakedness of thy sister, the daughterof thy father, or the daughter of thy mother, ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ ‰®l¥ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ´ EÈ·−¦ ‡¨ -˙L¤ ‡«¥ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ 8whether born at home, or born abroad, even -˙·© E³ ˙§ BÁ« ‡£ ˙¸©¯§Ú¤ 9 Ò :‡Â‰«¦ EÈ·−¦ ‡¨their nakedness thou shalt not uncover. [10] The nakedness of thy son’s daughter, or B‡− ˙Ȧ a©½ ˙„¤´Ï¤ BÓ En¤½ ‡¦ -˙·© B‡´ ÆEȷƦ ‡¨of thy daughter’s daughter, even their nakednessthou shalt not uncover; for theirs is thine own Ò :Ô˙«¨ ¨¯§Ú¤ ‰l−¤ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ¬ ıeÁ® ˙„¤´Ï¤ BÓnakedness. E½ z§ a¦ -˙·«© B‡´ ÆE§ a¦ -˙a© ˙³Â©¯§Ú¤ 10 [11] The nakedness of thy father’s wife’s ‡ŸÏ¬daughter, begotten of thy father, she is thy sister, Ò :‰p¨‰«¥ E− ˙§ ¨¯§Ú¤ Ȭk¦ Ô˙®¨ ¨¯§Ú¤ ‰l−¤ ‚©˙§thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. EÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ˙„¤´Ï¤ BÓ ÆEȷƦ ‡¨ ˙L¤ ‡³¥ -˙a© ˙¸©¯§Ú¤ 11 [12] Thou shalt not uncover the nakednessof thy father’s sister: she is thy father’s near Ò :d˙«¨ ¨¯§Ú¤ ‰l−¤ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‡Â‰®¦ E− ˙§ BÁ‡£kinswoman. ¯¬‡¥ L§ ‰®l¥ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ´ EÈ·−¦ ‡¨ -˙BÁ‡£ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ 12 [13] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness E− n§ ‡¦ -˙BÁ« ‡£ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ 13 Ò :‡Â‰«¦ EÈ·−¦ ‡¨of thy mother’s sister; for she is thy mother’s nearkinswoman. [14] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness Ò :‡Â‰«¦ E− n§ ‡¦ ¯¬‡¥ L§ -Èk«¦ ‰®l¥ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ´of thy father’s brother, thou shalt not approach -χ¤ ‰®l¥ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ´ EÈ·−¦ ‡¨ -ÈÁ«¦ ‡£ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ 14to his wife: she is thine aunt. :‡Â‰«¦ E− ˙§ „«¨Ÿc ·¯½¨˜§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ ÆBzL§ ‡¦ Ò [15] Thou shalt not uncover the nakednessof thy daughter-in-law: she is thy son’s wife; thou ÆE§ a¦ ˙L¤ ‡³¥ ‰®l¥ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ´ E− ˙§ l«¨ k© ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ 15shalt not uncover her nakedness. ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ 16 Ò :d˙«¨ ¨¯§Ú¤ ‰l−¤ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‡Â‰¦½ [16] Thou shalt not uncover the nakednessof thy brother’s wife: it is thy brother’s nakedness.[17] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a EÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ ‰®l¥ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ´ EÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ -˙L¤ ‡«¥woman and her daughter; thou shalt not take ‡ŸÏ´ dz−¨ ·¦ e ‰M²¨ ‡¦ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ 17 Ò :‡Â‰«¦her son’s daughter, or her daughter’s daughter, ‡ŸÏ³ dz¨À a¦ -˙a©-˙‡¤ § dº¨a§ -˙a©-˙‡«¤ ‰®l¥ ‚©˙§to uncover her nakedness: they are nearkinswomen; it is lewdness. [18] And thou shaltnot take a woman to her sister, to be a rival to her, ‰n¬¨ ʦ ‰p¨‰−¥ ‰¯¬¨‡£ L© d˙¨½ ¨¯§Ú¤ ˙Bl´ ‚©Ï§ ÆÁw©˙¦to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her ¯Ÿ¯À ˆ§ Ϧ Áw®¨˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ d˙−¨ ŸÁ‡£ -χ¤ ‰M¬¨ ‡¦ § 18 :‡Â‰«¦ 228 228
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂÓ È¯Á‡ 18 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 18.19 ’aharei mot ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙life-time. [19] And thou shalt not approach unto -χ¤ § 19 :‰¨ Èi«¤Á© a§ ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤ Ú¨ d˙²¨ ¨¯§Ú¤ ˙Bl¯ ‚©Ï§a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long asshe is impure by her uncleanness. [20] And thou ˙Bl− ‚©Ï§ ·¯½©˜§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ d˙®¨ ‡¨ Ó§ ˪ ˙c´©¦ a§ ‰M−¨ ‡¦shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour’s wife, Ôz¬¥ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ E½ ˙§ ÈÓ«¦ Ú£ Æ˙L¤ ‡Æ¥ -χ¤ § 20 :d˙«¨ ¨¯§Ú¤to defile thyself with her. [21] And thou shalt not E¬ Ú£¯§f©Ó«¦ e 21 :d·«¨ -‰‡¨ Ó§ ˨ ϧ Ú¯©®Ê¨Ï§ E− z§ ·§ Ψ L§give any of thy seed to set them apart to Molech,neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: ϲl¥ Á© ˙§ ‡ŸÏ¯ § CϤ Ÿn® Ï© ¯È·´¦ Ú£‰© ϧ Ôz−¥ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏI am the Lord. [22] Thou shalt not lie with ¯Î¨½ ʨ-˙‡¤¸ § 22 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ Eȉ−¤ŸÏ‡¡ ̬L¥ -˙‡¤mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination. :‡Â‰«¦ ‰·−¨ Ú¥ Bz ‰M®¨ ‡¦ È´·¥ k§ L§ Ó¦ ·k−© L§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬[23] And thou shalt not lie with any beast to E− z§ ·§ Ψ L§ Ôz¬¥ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ ‰Ó²¨ ‰¥ a§ -ÏΨ ·§ e 23defile thyself therewith; neither shall any womanstand before a beast, to lie down thereto; it is ȯ¥Ù§ Ϧ „ŸÓº Ú£˙© -‡ŸÏ« ‰M¨À ‡¦ § d®·¨-‰‡¨ Ó§ ˨ ϧperversion. e‡− n§ h© z«¦ -χ© 24 :‡e‰« Ï·¤ z¬¤ dÚ−¨ ·§ ¯¦Ï§ ‰Ó²¨ ‰¥ ·§[24] Defile not ye yourselves in any of these ÌȽ¦ Bb‰© e‡´ Ó§ ˧ ¦ Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ -ÏΨ ·§ Èk³¦ ‰l¤ ‡®¥ -ÏΨ a§things; for in all these the nations are defiled,which I cast out from before you. [25] And the ‡Ó´¨ ˧ z¦ © 25 :ÌΫ¤ È¥t§ Ó¦ Á©l−¥ L© Ó§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ -¯L¤ ‡£land was defiled, therefore I did visit the iniquity ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ ‡˜¬¦ z¨ © ‰¨ ȮϤ Ú¨ d−¨ŸÂÚ£ „Ÿ˜¬ Ù§ ‡¤ ¨ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨thereof upon it, and the land vomited out her -˙‡¤ Ìz¤À ‡© Ìz´¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e 26 :‰¨ È·«¤ L§ ŸÈ-˙‡¤inhabitants. [26] Ye therefore shall keep Mystatutes and Mine ordinances, and shall not do ÏŸk¬ Ó¦ eN½ Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ´ § ÈË©½ t¨ L§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ § ÆÈ˙© ŸwÁªany of these abominations; neither the home- ¯¬b¨ ‰© ¯−b¥‰© § Á¯½¨Ê§‡¤ ‰«¨ ‰l¤ ‡®¥ ‰¨ ˙Ÿ·− Ú¥ Bz‰©born, nor the stranger that sojourneth among χ¥½ ‰¨ ˙Ÿ·´ Ú¥ Bz‰© -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ Èk¦ µ27 :ÌΫ¤ Χ B˙a§you—[27] for all these abominations have themen of the land done, that were before you, ‡Ó−¨ ˧ z¦ © ̮Τ È¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ -ÈL«¥ § ‡© eN¬ Ú¨and the land is defiled—[28] that the land vomit ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤ Æı¯¤‡Æ¨ ‰¨ ‡È˜³¦˙¨ -‡ŸÏ« § 28 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨not you out also, when ye defile it, as it vomited ÈBb− ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰‡²¨ ˜¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© d˙®¨ Ÿ‡ ÌÎ−¤ ‡£ n© Ë«© a§out the nation that was before you. [29] Forwhosoever shall do any of these abominations, ÏŸk¬ Ó¦ ‰N¤½ ڣȩ ¯L´¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ Èk¦ µ29 :ÌΫ¤ È¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£even the souls that do them shall be cut off ˙BL¬ Ù¨ p§ ‰© e˙² ¯§Î§ ¦ § ‰l¤ ‡®¥ ‰¨ ˙B·− Ú¥ Bz‰©from among their people. [30] Therefore shall -˙‡¤ Ìz´¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e 30 :Ìn«¨ Ú© ·¯¤w¬¤Ó¦ ˙ŸN− ŸÚ‰¨ye keep My charge, that ye do not any of theseabominable customs, which were done before ˙Bw³Áª Ó¥ ˙BN¹ Ú£ Èz¸¦ ϧ ·¦ ϧ ÈzÀ¦ ¯§Ó© L§ Ó¦you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I ‡ŸÏ¬ § ÌΤ½ È¥Ù§ Ϧ eN´ Ú£© ¯L´¤ ‡£ Æ˙Ÿ·Ú¥ Bz« ‰©am the Lord your God. Ù :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ Ì®‰¤ a¨ e‡− n§ h© ˙«¦kedoshim ÌÈ˘„˜19 saying: [2] Speak unto all the z¬¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥a§ ˙„¯©Ú£-Ïk¨-χ¤ ¯aº¥ c© 219And the Lord spoke unto Moses, :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ ©congregation of the children of Israel, and say ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ LB„½ ˜¨ Èk´¦ eÈ®‰§ z¦ ÌÈL´¦ Ÿ„˜§ ̉−¤ Ï¥ ‡£unto them: Ye shall be holy, for I the Lord yourGod am holy. [3] Ye shall fear every man his -˙‡¤ § e‡¯½¨Èz¦ ÆÂÈ·¦ ‡¨ § Bn³ ‡¦ Lȇ´¦ 3 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡mother, and his father, and ye shall keep My :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ e¯ŸÓ® L§ z¦ È˙−© Ÿ˙a§ L© 229 229
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÌÈ˘„˜ 19 ‡H¯o˜mÈe | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 19.4 kedoshim ‰¯Â˙Sabbaths: I am the Lord your God. [4] Turn ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰Î¨½ q¥ Ó© Æȉ¥ŸÏ‡Â«¥ ÌϦ½ ÈϦ ‡¡ ‰´¨ -χ¤ ÆeÙ§ z¦ -χ© 4ye not unto the idols, nor make to yourselvesmolten gods I am the Lord your God. Èί¦ § 5 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ ̮Τ Ϩ eN− Ú£˙©[5] And when ye offer a sacrifice of peace- ÌÎ−¤ §Ÿˆ¯§Ï«¦ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ÌÈÓ−¦ Ϩ L§ Á·© ¬Ê¤ eÁ² a§ ʧ ˙¦offerings unto the Lord, ye shall offer it that yemay be accepted. [6] It shall be eaten the same ˙¯®¨Á¢ n¨ Ó«¦ e Ï−Î¥ ‡¨ È¥ ̲Τ Á£ ·§ ʦ ÌBȯa§ 6 :e‰Á«ª a¨ ʧz¦day ye offer it, and on the morrow, and if aught :Û¯«¥O¨ Ȧ L‡−¥ a¨ ÈL¦½ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBÈ´-„Ú© Ư˙¨ Bp‰© §remain until the third day, it shall be burnt with Ïeb¬t¦ ÈL®¦ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© Ï−Î¥ ‡¨ È¥ ϟά ‡¨ ‰¥ ̇²¦ § 7fire. [7] And if it be eaten at all on the third day,it is a vile thing; it shall not be accepted. [8] But ‡O¨½ Ȧ B´ŸÂÚ£ ÆÂÈϨ Χ Ÿ‡« § 8 :‰ˆ«¤ ¯¨È¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‡e‰−every one that eateth it shall bear his iniquity, LÙ¤¬p¤‰© ‰˙²¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ § Ï®l¥ Á¦ ‰−¨‰È§ L„¤Ÿ˜¬-˙‡¤ -Èk«¦because he hath profaned the holy thing of theLord; and that soul shall be cut off from hispeople. ¯Èˆ´¦ ˜§ -˙‡¤ ÆÌΤ ¯§ˆ§ ˜ª·§ e« 9 :‰¨ Èn«¤ Ú© Ó¥ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰© ¯Ÿˆ® ˜§ Ϧ E− „§N¨ ˙‡¬© t§ ‰²l¤ Ω ˙§ ‡ŸÏ¯ ÌΤ½ ˆ§ ¯§‡© [9] And when ye reap the harvest of yourland, thou shalt not wholly reap the corner ofthy field, neither shalt thou gather the gleaning ‡ŸÏ´ ÆEÓ§ ¯§Î© § 10 :Ëw«¥Ï© ˙§ ‡ŸÏ¬ E− ¯§Èˆ«¦ ˜§ ˘¤¬Ï¤ §of thy harvest. [10] And thou shalt not glean thy Ưb¥Ï© § ȳ¦ Ú¨ Ï«¤ Ëw®¥Ï© ˙§ ‡ŸÏ´ E− Ó§ ¯§k© ˯¤¬Ù¤ e ÏÏ¥½ BÚ˙§vineyard, neither shalt thou gather the fallen ‡ŸÏ− 11 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ·ŸÊ´Ú£z©fruit of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them forthe poor and for the stranger I am the Lord Lȇ¬¦ e¯−w§ L© ˙§ -‡ŸÏ« § eL¬ Á£ Ω ˙§ -‡ŸÏ§ e·Ÿ®‚§ z¦your God. [11] Ye shall not steal; neither shall ye ¯˜¤M®¨ Ï© ÈÓ−¦ L§ ·¦ eÚ¬ ·§ M¨ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« § 12 :B˙« ÈÓ¦ Ú£a©deal falsely, nor lie one to another. [12] And yeshall not swear by My name falsely, so that thouprofane the name of thy God. I am the Lord. -‡ŸÏ« 13 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ Eȉ−¤ŸÏ‡¡ ̬L¥ -˙‡¤ z²¨ ϧ l© Á¦ §[13] Thou shalt not oppress thy neighbour, nor ÔÈϦº˙¨ -‡ŸÏ« ÏŸÊ®‚§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ § E− Ú£¯«¥-˙‡¤ ˜ŸL¬ Ú£˙©rob him, the wages of a hired servant shall notabide with thee all night until the morning. Ï´l¥ ˜©˙§ -‡ŸÏ 14 :¯˜¤Ÿa« -„Ú© E− z§ ‡¦ ¯È²Î¦ N¨ ˙¬l© Úª t§[14] Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a ˙¨ ‡¯¬¥È¨Â§ ÏŸL® Χ Ó¦ Ôz−¥ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ ¯e¥½ Ú¦ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ § L¯½¥Á¥stumbling-block before the blind, but thou shaltfear thy God: I am the Lord. [15] Ye shall do ÆÏÂ¤Ú¨Æ eN¬ Ú£˙© -‡ŸÏ 15 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ Eȉ−¤ŸÏ‡¡ n¥no unrighteousness in judgment; thou shalt not ¯c−©‰§ ˙¤ ‡ŸÏ¬ § Ï„½¨-È¥Ù§ ‡O´¨ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ Ët¨½ L§ n¦ a©respect the person of the poor, nor favour theperson of the mighty; but in righteousness shalt -‡ŸÏ 16 :E˙«¤ ÈÓ¦ Ú£ ËŸt¬ L§ z¦ ˜„¤ˆ−¤ a§ ÏB„®‚¨ È´¥t§thou judge thy neighbour. [16] Thou shalt not go Ìc´©-ÏÚ© „ŸÓ− Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ EÈn¤½ Ú© a§ ÆÏÈΦ ¯¨ C³Ï¥ ˙¥up and down as a talebearer among thy people; EÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ‡¬¨N§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« 17 :‰Â«¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ E®Ú¤ ¯¥neither shalt thou stand idly by the blood of thyneighbor: I am the Lord. [17] Thou shalt not hatethy brother in thy heart; thou shalt surely rebuke -‡ŸÏ§ E˙¤½ ÈÓ¦ Ú£-˙‡¤ ÆÁ©ÈÎƦ Bz Á©³Î¥ B‰ E·®¤·¨ ϧ a¦thy neighbour, and not bear sin because of him. ƯŸh˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« § ÌŸw³˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« 18 :‡Ë§ Á«¥ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ ‡O¬¨ ˙¦[18] Thou shalt not take vengeance, nor bear anygrudge against the children of thy people, but È−¦ ‡£ EBÓ® k¨ E− Ú£¯¥Ï§ z¬¨ ·§ ‰© ‡«¨ § En¤½ Ú© È´¥a§ -˙‡¤thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. I am the -‡ŸÏ ÆEz§ Ó§ ‰¤ a§ ¼e¯ŸÓL§ z¦ »È˙© ŸwÁª -˙‡«¤ 19 :‰Â«¨‰È§Lord. [19] Ye shall keep My statutes. Thou shaltnot let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind; thou ÌȦ ‡®¨ ϧ k¦ Ú¯´©Ê§˙¦ -‡ŸÏ E− „§N¨ ÌȦ ‡©½ ϧ k¦ Ú©Èa´¦ ¯§˙©shalt not sow thy field with two kinds of seed; Ù :EÈÏ«¤ Ú¨ ‰Ï−¤ ڣȩ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ê¥½ ˧ Ú© L«© ÆÌȦ ‡Æ© ϧ k¦ „‚¤³·¤ eneither shall there come upon thee a garment Ú¯©Ê¤À-˙·© Χ L¦ ‰M¨¹ ‡¦ -˙‡¤ ·k©¸ L§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ Lȇ¦ §Â20of two kinds of stuff mingled together. [20] Andwhosoever lieth carnally with a woman, that is ‡ŸÏ´ Ɖc¥Ù§ ‰¨ § Lȇ½¦ ϧ ˙Ù¤ ¯´¤Á¡ ¤ ƉÁ¨ Ù§ L¦ ‡Â‰³¦ §a bondmaid, designated for a man, and not at ˙¯¤Ÿw¯ a¦ d®Ï¨ -Ôz© ¦ ‡ŸÏ´ ‰L−¨ Ù§ Áª B‡¬ ‰˙¨ c½¨Ù§ ¦all redeemed, nor was freedom given her; thereshall be inquisition; they shall not be put to death, 230 230
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÌÈ˘„˜ 19 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 19.21 kedoshim ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙because she was not free. [21] And he shall bring ‡È·³¦ ‰¥ § 21 :‰L¨ t«¨ Áª ‡ŸÏ¬ -Èk¦ e˙− Ó§ eÈ ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰²È¤‰§ z¦his forfeit unto the Lord, unto the door of thetent of meeting, even a ram for a guilt-offering. „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ Á˙© t−¤ -χ¤ ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© ÆBÓL¨ ‡£ -˙‡¤[22] And the priest shall make atonement for Ïȇ³¥ a§ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© ÂÈϨ¸ Ú¨ Á¯t¤ Φ § 22 :ÌL«¨ ‡¨ Ïȇ−¥him with the ram of the guilt-offering before ‡®Ë¨ Á¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ B˙− ‡h¨ Á© -ÏÚ© ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÌL¨ ‡¨ ‰«¨the Lord for his sin which he hath sinned; andhe shall be forgiven for his sin which he hath Ù :‡Ë«¨ Á¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ B˙− ‡h¨ Á© Ó¥ BϽ ÁÏ´© Ò§ ¦ §sinned. ı´Ú¥ -Ïk¨ ÆÌz¤ Ú§ Ë© § e ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ -χ¤ e‡Ÿ·´ ˙¨ -ÈΦ § 23[23] And when ye shall come into the land, LŸÏ´ L¨ BÈ®¯§t¦ -˙‡¤ B˙− Ϩ ¯§Ú¨ Ìz¬¤ ϧ ¯©Ú£Â© ÏΨ½ ‡£ Ó©and shall have planted all manner of trees forfood, then ye shall count the fruit thereof as :ÏΫ¥ ‡¨ È¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌÈÏ−¦ ¯¥Ú£ ̲Τ Ϩ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ ÌÈÀ¦ L¨forbidden; three years shall it be as forbidden L„¤Ÿ˜¬ BÈ®¯§t¦ -Ïk¨ ‰−Ȥ‰§ Ȧ ˙Ú½¦ È·¦ ¯§‰¨ Ɖ¨M¨ ·© e 24unto you; it shall not be eaten. [24] And in the ˙L¦À ÈÓ¦ Á£ ‰© ‰´¨M¨ ·© e 25 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ÌÈÏ−¦ el‰¦fourth year all the fruit thereof shall be holy,for giving praise unto the Lord. [25] But in the B˙® ‡¨ e·z§ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ÛÈÒ¬¦ B‰Ï§ BȽ¯§t¦ -˙‡¤ ÆeÏΧ ‡Ÿz«fifth year may ye eat of the fruit thereof, that it -ÏÚ© eÏ− Χ ‡Ÿ˙ ‡ŸÏ¬ 26 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£may yield unto you more richly the increase ‡ŸÏ´ 27 :e«¥BÚ˙§ ‡ŸÏ¬ § eL− Á£ ©˙§ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ìc®¨‰©thereof I am the Lord your God. [26] Ye shallnot eat with the blood; neither shall ye practise ˙‡−¥ ˙ÈÁ½¦ L§ ˙© ‡ŸÏ´ § ̮Τ L§ ‡Ÿ¯ ˙‡−© t§ eÙw½¦ ˙©divination nor soothsaying. [27] Ye shall not Æez§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ³ LÙ¤ ¤ÀϨ ˯¤N´¤ § 28 :E«¤˜¨ ʧ ˙‡¬© t§round the corners of your heads, neither shaltthou mar the corners of thy beard. [28] Ye shall ̮Τ a¨ e−z§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ú˜½©Ú£˜«© ˙·¤ Ÿ˙´ Χ e ÌΤ½ ¯§N© ·§ a¦not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, E− z§ a¦ -˙‡«¤ Ϭl¥ Á© z§ -χ© 29 :‰Â«¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£nor imprint any marks upon you. I am the ‰‡¬¨ ϧ Ó¨ e ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ‰´¤Ê§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ§ d˙®¨ Bʧ ‰© ϧLord. [29] Profane not thy daughter, to makeher a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry, and e¯ŸÓ½ L§ z¦ È˙´© Ÿ˙a§ L© -˙‡¤ 30 :‰n«¨ ʦ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨the land become full of lewdness. [30] Ye shall e³Ù§ z¦ -χ© 31 :‰Â«¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ e‡¯®¨Èz¦ ÈL−¦ c¨˜§ Ó¦ ekeep My sabbaths, and reverence My sanctuary: eL− ˜§ ·© z§ -χ© ÌȽ¦ŸÚc§i¦ ‰© -χ¤ § Æ˙Ÿ·Ÿ‡‰¨ -χ¤I am the Lord. [31] Turn ye not unto the ghosts,nor unto familiar spirits; seek them not out, to ȳ¥t§ Ó¦ 32 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ Ì®‰¤ ·¨ ‰‡´¨ Ó§ ˨ ϧbe defiled by them: I am the Lord your God. ˙¨ ‡¯¬¥È¨Â§ Ô˜®¥Ê¨ È´¥t§ z−¨ ¯§„©‰¨ § Ìe˜½ z¨ Ɖ·¨ ÈN¥[32] Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, Ù :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ Eȉ−¤ŸÏ‡¡ n¥and honour the face of the old man, and thoushalt fear thy God: I am the Lord. e−B˙ ‡ŸÏ¬ ̮Τ ˆ§ ¯§‡© a§ ¯−b¥ E² z§ ‡¦ ¯e‚¯È¨-ÈΫ¦ § 33 | ¯´b¥‰© ÌΤ¹ Ϩ ‰È¤¸‰§ Ȧ ÁÌk¤ Ó¦ Á¯´¨Ê§ ‡¤ k§ 34 :B˙« Ÿ‡ [33] And if a stranger sojourn with thee inyour land, ye shall not do him wrong. [34] The Ìȯ¬¦‚¥-Èk«¦ EBÓ½ k¨ ÆBÏ z¬¨ ·§ ‰© ‡¨ § ÌΤÀ z§ ‡¦ ¯´b¨‰©stranger that sojourneth with you shall be untoyou as the home-born among you, and thou ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ Ì˙−¤ ÈȦ ‰¡shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers Ë®t¨ L§ n¦ a© ϤÚ−¨ eN¬ Ú£˙© -‡ŸÏ 35 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡in the land of Egypt I am the Lord your God. ˜„¤´ˆ¤ ȥʧ ‡ŸÓ¯ 36 :‰¯«¨eNn§ ·© e Ϙ−¨L§ n¦ a© ‰c¾¨n¦ a©[35] Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment,in meteyard, in weight, or in measure. [36] Just ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ˜„¤ˆ−¤ Ôȉ¬¦ § ˜„¤²ˆ¤ ˙Ù© Ȭ‡¥ ˜„¤ˆ¤À -È¥·§ ‡©balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just È˙¦ ‡¬ˆ¥ B‰-¯L¤ ‡£ ÌΤ½ ȉ¥ŸÏ« ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ ÆȦ ‡£ ̮Τ Ϩhin, shall ye have: I am the Lord your God, who -˙‡¤ Ìz³¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e 37 :ÌȦ ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤brought you out of the land of Egypt. [37] And 231 231
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÌÈ˘„˜ 19 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 19.37 kedoshim ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙ye shall observe all My statutes, and all Mine Ì˙−¤ ÈN¦ ڣ© ÈË©½ t¨ L§ Ó¦ -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § ÆÈ˙© ŸwÁª -Ïk¨ordinances, and do them: I am the Lord. And the Lord spoke unto Moses,20 20saying: [2] Moreover, thou shalt say tothe children of Israel: :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ Ù :‰Â«¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ‡ Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â©or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that È¥¸ a§ Ó¦ ÁLȇ¦ Lȇ´¦ ¼¯Ó© ‡Ÿz»Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ § 2 ¯L¤¸ ‡£ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§ ¯´b¨‰© | ¯´b¥‰© -ÔÓ¦ e χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧgiveth of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ ̬ک ˙Ó®¨ eÈ ˙BÓ´ CϤ Ÿn− Ï© BÚ² ¯§f©Ó¦ Ôz¯¥ Ȧbe put to death; the people of the land shall stonehimwith stones. [3] I also will set My face against Lȇ´¦ a¨ ÆÈ©t¨ -˙‡¤ Ôz³¥ ‡¤ Ⱥ¦ ‡£ © 3 :Ô·¤ ‡«¨ ·¨ e‰¬Óª b§ ¯§È¦that man, and will cut him off from among his ÆBÚ¯§f©Ó¦ Èk³¦ Bn® Ú© ·¯¤w´¤Ó¦ B˙− Ÿ‡ Èz¬¦ ¯©Î§ ‰¦ § ‡e‰½ ‰©people, because he hath given of his seed untoMolech, to defile My sanctuary, and to profane ÈL¦½ c¨˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ Ƈn¥ Ë© ÔÚ© Ó©À ϧ CϤ Ÿn½ Ï© Ô˙´© ¨My holy name. [4] And if the people of the land Ì´Ï¥ Ú§ ‰© ̇¿¦ § 4 :ÈL«¦ „§˜¨ ̬L¥ -˙‡¤ Ï−l¥ Á© ϧ edo at all hide their eyes from that man, when he Lȇ´¦ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ Æ̉¤ È¥ÈÚ«¥ -˙‡¤ ı¯¤‡¨¹ ‰¨ ÌÚ©¸ ÁeÓ« ÈϦ Ú§ È©giveth of his seed unto Molech, and put him notto death; [5] then I will set My face against that ˙ÈÓ¬¦ ‰¨ Èz−¦ ϧ ·¦ ϧ CϤ Ÿn® Ï© BÚ− ¯§f©Ó¦ Bz¬ ˙¦ a§ ‡e‰½ ‰©man, and against his family, and will cut him off, ‡e‰− ‰© Lȇ¬¦ a¨ Ȳ©t¨ -˙‡¤ ȯ¦ ‡£ Èz¸¦ Ó§ N© § 5 :B˙« Ÿ‡and all that go astray after him, to go astray afterMolech, from among their people. [6] And the -Ïk¨ | ˙‡´¥ § B˙¹ Ÿ‡ Èz¸¦ ¯©Î§ ‰¦ § Bz® Á§ t© L§ Ó¦ ·§ esoul that turneth unto the ghosts, and unto the ·¯¤w¬¤Ó¦ CϤ Ÿn− ‰© ȯ¬¥Á£ ‡© ˙B²Ê§Ï¦ ÂȯÀ¨Á£ ‡© ÌÈ´¦Ÿf‰©familiar spirits, to go astray after them, I will evenset My face against that soul, and will cut him off Æ˙Ÿ·Ÿ‡‰«¨ -χ¤ ‰³¤Ù§ z¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ LÙ¤ p¤À‰© § 6 :Ìn«¨ Ú©from among his people. [7] Sanctify yourselves Èz³¦ ˙© ¨Â§ Ì®‰¤ ȯ¥Á£ ‡© ˙B−ʧϦ ÌȽ¦ŸÚc§i¦‰© -χ¤ §therefore, and be ye holy; for I am the Lord ·¯¤w¬¤Ó¦ B˙− Ÿ‡ Èz¬¦ ¯©Î§ ‰¦ § ‡Â‰¦½ ‰© LÙ¤´p¤a© ÆÈ©t¨ -˙‡¤your God. [8] And keep ye My statutes, and dothem: I am the Lord who sanctify you. [9] For Ȳk¦ ÌÈL®¦ Ÿ„˜§ Ì˙−¤ ÈȦ‰§ ¦ Ìz¤½ L§ c¦˜©˙§ ‰¦¸ § 7 :Bn« Ú©whatsoever man there be that curseth his father -˙‡¤ ÆÌz¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e 8 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£or his mother shall surely be put to death; he hathcursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ‡ Ì˙−¤ ÈN¦ ڣ© È˙©½ ŸwÁªupon him. [10] And the man that committeth ϯl¥ ˜©È§ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ LȇÀ¦ Lȇ´¦ -Èk«¦ 9 :ÌΫ¤ L§ c¦˜©Ó§adultery with another man’s wife, even he that ÂÈ·¯¦ ‡¨ ˙Ó®¨ eÈ ˙BÓ´ Bn− ‡¦ -˙‡¤ § ÂȲ·¦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤committeth adultery with his neighbour’s wife,both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely ÆÛ‡© § Ȧ ¯L³¤ ‡£ LȇÀ¦ § 10 :Ba« ÂÈÓ¬¨ c¨ Ï−l¥ ˜¦ Bn² ‡¦ §be put to death. [11] And the manthat lieth with ˙L¤ ‡´¥ -˙‡¤ Û‡−© § Ȧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Lȇ½¦ ˙L¤ ‡´¥ -˙‡¤his father’s wife—he hath uncovered his father’snakedness—both of them shall surely be put to LȇÀ¦ § 11 :˙Ù¤ ‡«¨ Ÿp‰© § Û‡−¥ Ÿp‰© ˙Ó¬© eÈ-˙BÓ« e‰®Ú¥ ¯¥death; their blood shall be upon them. [12] And ÂÈ·−¦ ‡¨ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ ÂÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ˙L¤ ‡´¥ -˙‡¤ Æ·k© L§ Ȧ ¯L³¤ ‡£if a man lie with his daughter-in-law, both ofthem shall surely be put to death; they have :Ìa«¨ ̬‰¤ ÈÓ¥ c§ ̉−¤ È¥L§ e˙¬ Ó§ eÈ-˙BÓ« ‰®l¨ b¦wrought corruption; their blood shall be upon e˙− Ó§ eÈ ˙BÓ¬ B˙½ l¨ k©-˙‡¤ Æ·k© L§ Ȧ ¯L³¤ ‡£ LȇÀ¦ § 12them. [13] And if a man lie with mankind, as LȇÀ¦ § 13 :Ìa«¨ ̬‰¤ ÈÓ¥ c§ eN− Ú¨ Ï·¤ z¬¤ Ì®‰¤ È¥L§with womankind, both of them have committedabomination: they shall surely be put to death; ‰M¨½ ‡¦ È´·¥ k§ L§ Ó¦ ƯΨ ʨ-˙‡¤ ·³k© L§ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£their blood shall be upon them. [14] And if ̬‰¤ ÈÓ¥ c§ e˙Ó−¨ eÈ ˙BÓ¬ Ì®‰¤ È¥L§ eN− Ú¨ ‰¬·¨ Ú¥ Bza man take with his wife also her mother, it iswickedness: they shall be burnt with fire, both -˙‡¤ § ‰M²¨ ‡¦ -˙‡¤ Áw¯©È¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ LȇÀ¦ § 14 :Ìa«¨ 232 232
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÌÈ˘„˜ 20 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 20.15 kedoshim ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙he and they; that there be no wickedness among Ô‰¤½ ˙§ ‡¤ § ÆB˙Ÿ‡ eÙ³ ¯§N§ Ȧ L‡º¥ a¨ ‡Â‰®¦ ‰n´¨ ʦ dn−¨ ‡¦you. [15] And if a man lie with a beast, he shall ¯L¤¸ ‡£ LȇÀ¦ § 15 :ÌΫ¤ Χ B˙a§ ‰n−¨ ʦ ‰¬È¤‰§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ§surely be put to death; and ye shall slay the beast.[16] And if a woman approach unto any beast, -˙‡¤ § ˙Ó®¨ eÈ ˙BÓ´ ‰Ó−¨ ‰¥ ·§ a¦ Bz² ·§ Ψ L§ Ôz¯¥ Ȧand lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, ·¯³©˜§ z¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰M¨À ‡¦ § 16 :e‚Ÿ¯«‰£ z© ‰Ó−¨ ‰¥ a§ ‰©and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; -˙‡¤ z¬¨ ‚§ ¯©‰¨ § d˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ‰Ú´¨ ·§ ¯¦Ï§ ƉӨ ‰¥ a§ -Ïk¨ -χ¤their blood shall be upon them. [17] And if a manshall take his sister, his father’s daughter, or his ̬‰¤ ÈÓ¥ c§ e˙Ó−¨ eÈ ˙BÓ¬ ‰Ó®¨ ‰¥ a§ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ‰M−¨ ‡¦ ‰¨mother’s daughter, and see her nakedness, and -˙a© B˙¿ ŸÁ‡£ -˙‡¤ Áw´©È¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇ´¦ § 17 :Ìa«¨she see his nakedness: it is a shameful thing; and d˙¨¹ ¨¯§Ú¤ -˙‡¤ ‰‡¨¸ ¯¨Â§ Bn‡¦ Â-˙·© B‡´ ÂÈ·´¦ ‡¨they shall be cut off in the sight of the childrenof their people: he hath uncovered his sister’s ‡e‰½ „Ò¤ Á´¤ ÆB˙¨¯§Ú¤ -˙‡¤ ‰‡³¤ ¯§˙¦ -‡È‰«¦ §nakedness; he shall bear his iniquity. [18] And if a ‰l−¨ b¦ B˙² ŸÁ‡£ ˙¯©¯§Ú¤ Ìn®¨ Ú© È´¥a§ È−¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ e˙½ ¯§Î§ ¸¦ §man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, ‰M¨¹ ‡¦ -˙‡¤ ·k©¸ L§ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇ¦ §Â18 :‡O«¨ Ȧ B¬ŸÂÚ£and shall uncover her nakedness—he hath madenaked her fountain, and she hath uncovered the ‰¯½¨Ú¡‰«¤ d¯´¨Ÿ˜Ó§ -˙‡¤ Æd˙¨ ¨¯§Ú¤ -˙‡¤ ‰³l¨ ‚¦ § ‰ÂÀ¨c¨fountain of her blood—both of them shall be e˙¬ ¯§Î§ ¦ § ‰¨ ÈÓ®¤ c¨ ¯B˜´ Ó§ -˙‡¤ ‰˙−¨ l§ b¦ ‡Â‰¾¦ §cut off from among their people. [19] And thou ˙BÁ¯ ‡£ ˙¸©¯§Ú¤ § 19 :Ìn«¨ Ú© ·¯¤w¬¤Ó¦ ̉−¤ È¥L§shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother’ssister, nor of thy father’s sister; for he hath made -˙‡¤ Èk¯¦ ‰®l¥ ‚©˙§ ‡ŸÏ´ EÈ·−¦ ‡¨ ˙BÁ¬ ‡£ © E² n§ ‡¦naked his near kin; they shall bear their iniquity. ¯L³¤ ‡£ LȇÀ¦ § 20 :e‡O«¨ Ȧ ̬¨ŸÂÚ£ ‰¯−¨Ú¡‰¤ B¯²‡¥ L§[20] And if a man shall lie with his uncle’s wife— ̇¬¨ ˧ Á¤ ‰®l¨ b¦ B„−Ÿc ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ B˙½ „¨Ÿc´-˙‡¤ Æ·k© L§ Ȧhe hath uncovered his uncle’s nakedness—they Áw²©È¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ LȇÀ¦ § 21 :e˙Ó«ª Ȩ Ìȯ¬¦È¯¦Ú£ e‡O−¨ Ȧshall bear their sin; they shall die childless. ÂÈÁ²¦ ‡¨ ˙¬Â©¯§Ú¤ ‡Â‰®¦ ‰c´¨¦ ÂÈÁ−¦ ‡¨ ˙L¤ ¬‡¥ -˙‡¤[21] And if a man shall take his brother’s wife,it is impurity: he hath uncovered his brother’s -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ Ìz³¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e 22 :eÈ« ‰§ Ȧ Ìȯ¬¦È¯¦Ú£ ‰l−¨ b¦nakedness; they shall be childless. Ì˙®¨ Ÿ‡ Ì˙−¤ ÈN¦ ڣ© ÈË©½ t¨ L§ Ó¦ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § ÆÈ˙© ŸwÁª [22] Ye shall therefore keep all My statutes, ‡È¬·¦ Ó¥ ȹ¦ ‡£ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ÆÌΤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‡È˜³¦˙¨ -‡ŸÏ§and all Mine ordinances, and do them, that the ÆeÎϧ ˙«¥ ‡ŸÏ³ § 23 :da«¨ ˙·¤ ¬L¤ Ϩ ‰n¨ L−¨ ̲Τ ˙§ ‡¤land, whither I bring you to dwell therein, vomityou not out. [23] And ye shall not walk in the Èk³¦ ̮Τ È¥t§ Ó¦ Á©l−¥ L© Ó§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÈBb½ ‰© ˙Ÿw´ Áª a§customs of the nation, which I am casting outbefore you; for they did all these things, and ¯Ó´© Ÿ‡Â¨ 24 :Ìa«¨ ı˜−ª‡¨ ¨ eN½ Ú¨ Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤therefore I abhorred them. [24] But I have said Ⱥ¦ ‡£ © ¼Ì˙¨ Ó¨ „§‡© -˙‡¤ eL´ ¯§Èz«¦ »Ìz¤ ‡© ÌΤÀ Ϩunto you: ‘Ye shall inherit their land, and I will ·Ï−¨ Á¨ ˙¬·© ʨ ı¯¤‡²¤ d˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ˙L¤ ¯´¤Ï¨ ÆÌΤ Ϩ ‰p¨³¤z§ ‡¤give it unto you to possess it, a land flowing withmilk and honey.’ I am the Lord your God, who Èz¦ ϧ c¬©·§ ‰¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÌΤ½ ȉ¥ŸÏ« ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ ÆȦ ‡£ L®·¨ „§ehave set you apart from the peoples. [25] Ye -ÔÈa«¥ Ìzº¤ ϧ c©·§ ‰¦ § 25 :ÌÈn«¦ Ú© ‰«¨ -ÔÓ¦ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤shall therefore separate between the clean beast ÛBÚ¬ ‰¨ -ÔÈ·¥ e ‰‡¨½ Ó¥ h§ Ï© Ɖ¯¨Ÿ‰h§ ‰© ‰Ó³¨ ‰¥ a§ ‰©and the unclean, and between the unclean fowl -˙‡¤ eˆ¸ w§ L© ˙§ -‡ŸÏ« § ¯Ÿ‰® h¨ Ï© ‡Ó−¥ h¨ ‰©and the clean; and ye shall not make your soulsdetestable by beast, or by fowl, or by any thing ¯L´¤ ‡£ Æϟη§ e ÛBÚÀ ·¨ e ‰Ó´¨ ‰¥ a§ a© ÌΤ¹ È˙¥ ŸL« Ù§ ©wherewith the ground teemeth, which I have ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ Èz¦ ϧ c¬©·§ ‰¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰Ó¨½ „¨‡£ ‰«¨ NŸÓ´ ¯§z¦ 233 233
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÌÈ˘„˜ 20 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 20.26 kedoshim ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙set apart for you to hold unclean. [26] And ye LB„−˜¨ Ȭk¦ ÌÈL¦½ Ÿ„˜§ ÆÈϦ Ì˙¤ Èȳ¦‰§ ¦ 26 :‡n«¥ Ë© ϧshall be holy unto Me; for I the Lord am holy, ÌÈn−¦ Ú© ‰«¨ -ÔÓ¦ ̲Τ ˙§ ‡¤ Ïc¬¦·§ ‡© ¨ ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¦ ‡£and have set you apart from the peoples, that ye ‰È¤¸‰§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ ‰M¨À ‡¦ -B‡« Lȇ´¦ § 27 :ÈÏ«¦ ˙BȬ‰§ Ϧshould be Mine. Ô·¤ ‡²¤ a¨ e˙Ó®¨ eÈ ˙BÓ´ È−¦ŸÚc§È¦ B‡¬ ·B‡² ̬‰¤ ·¨ [27] A man also or a woman that divineth Ù :Ìa«¨ ̬‰¤ ÈÓ¥ c§ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ eÓ¬ b§ ¯§È¦by a ghost or a familiar spirit, shall surely be putto death; they shall stone them with stones; theirblood shall be upon them.’emor ¯Ó‡ And the Lord said unto Moses: Speak21 21unto the priests the sons of Aaron, and -χ¤ ¯ŸÓ¬ ‡¡ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â©say unto them: LÙ¤¬¤Ï§ ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § ÔŸ¯®‰£ ‡© È´¥a§ ÌÈ−¦ ‰£ Ÿk‰© There shall none defile himself for the deadamong his people; [2] except for his kin, that is ·Ÿ¯−w¨‰© B¯½ ‡¥ L§ Ϧ -̇¦ Èk¦ µ2 :ÂÈn«¨ Ú© a§ ‡n−¨ h© Ȧ -‡ŸÏ«near unto him, for his mother, and for his father, :ÂÈÁ«¦ ‡¨ ϧ e Bz− ·¦ ϧ e B¬·§ Ϧ § ÂÈ·½¦ ‡¨ ϧ e Bn´ ‡¦ ϧ ÂȮϨ‡¥and for his son, and for his daughter, and forhis brother; [3] and for his sister a virgin, that is ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥ ‰´·¨ B¯w§ ‰© ƉϨ e˙a§ ‰© B˙³ ŸÁ‡£ Ï© § 3near unto him, that hath had no husband, for ‡n−¨ h© Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ 4 :‡n«¨ h© Ȧ dÏ−¨ Lȇ®¦ ϧ ‰˙−¨ ȧ ‰¨ -‡ŸÏ«her may he defile himself. [4] He shall not defilehimself, being a chief man among his people, to eÁ³ ¯§˜§ Ȧ ‰Á¯˜È-‡ŸÏ« 5 :Bl« Á© ‰−¥ ϧ ÂÈn®¨ Ú© a§ ÏÚ© ´a©profane himself. [5] They shall not make baldness eÁ®l¥ ‚©È§ ‡ŸÏ´ Ì−¨˜¨ ʧ ˙‡¬© Ù§ e ÌL¨½ ‡Ÿ¯a§ ƉÁ¨ ¯§˜¨upon their head, neither shall they shave off thecorners of their beard, nor make any cuttings ÌÈL³¦ Ÿ„˜§ 6 :˙ˤ ¯«¨N¨ eË− ¯§N§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ ̯½¨N¨ ·§ ·¸¦ ein their flesh. [6] They shall be holy unto their Ì®‰¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ÌL−¥ eϽ l§ Á© ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ § ̉¤½ ȉ¥ŸÏ´ ‡Ï¥ Æeȉ§ ȦGod, and not profane the name of their God;for the offerings of the Lord made by fire, the ̬‰¥ ̲‰¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ÌÁ¤ ¯Ï¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ÈM¥¸ ‡¦ -˙‡¤ ÁÈk¦bread of their God, they do offer; therefore they ƉϨ Ϩ Á£ © ‰³¨ŸÊ ‰M¨¸ ‡¦ 7 :L„¤Ÿ˜« eȬ‰¨ § Ì·−¦ ȯ¦˜§ Ó©shall be holy. [7] They shall not take a womanthat is a harlot, or profaned; neither shall they eÁw®¨È¦ ‡ŸÏ´ dL−¨ ȇ¦ Ó¥ ‰L¬¨ e¯b§ ‰M²¨ ‡¦ § eÁw½¨È¦ ‡ŸÏ´take a woman put away from her husband; for -˙‡¤ -Èk«¦ Bz½ L§ c©˜¦ § 8 :Âȉ«¨ŸÏ‡Ï¥ ‡e‰− LŸ„¬˜¨-Èk«¦he is holy unto his God. [8] Thou shalt sanctifyhim therefore; for he offereth the bread of thy Cl¨½ -‰È¤‰§ È«¦ ÆLŸ„˜¨ ·È¯®¦˜§ Ó© ‡e‰´ Eȉ−¤ŸÏ‡¡ ÌÁ¤ ¬Ï¤God; he shall be holy unto thee; for I the Lord, Lȇ´¦ Æ˙·© e 9 :ÌΫ¤ L§ c¦˜© Ó§ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ LB„½ ˜¨ Èk´¦who sanctify you, am holy. [9] And the daughterof any priest, if she profane herself by playing ‡È‰´¦ Ɖ¨ ȷƦ ‡¨ -˙‡¤ ˙B® ʧ Ϧ ÏÁ−¥ ˙¥ Ȭk¦ Ô‰¥½ Ÿkthe harlot, she profaneth her father: she shall be ÁÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© § 10 Ò :Û¯«¥O¨ z¦ L‡−¥ a¨ ˙Ϥ l¤½ Á© Ó§burnt with fire. [10] And the priest that is highest among | BL´ ‡Ÿ¯-ÏÚ© ˜¬ˆ© eÈ-¯L¤ ‡©«§ ÂÈÁ¨¹ ‡¤ Ó¥ ÏB„¸ b¨‰©his brethren, upon whose head the anointing LŸa− ϧ Ϧ B„½ Ȩ-˙‡¤ ‡´l¥ Ó¦ e ƉÁ¨ L§ n¦ ‰© ÔÓ¤ L³¤oil is poured, and that is consecrated to put onthe garments, shall not let the hair of his head go ÂÈ„−¨‚¨·§ e Ú¯½¨Ù§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ ÆBL‡Ÿ¯-˙‡¤ ÌÈ„®¦‚¨a§ ‰© -˙‡¤loose, nor rend his clothes; [11] neither shall he ‡Ÿ·® Ȩ ‡ŸÏ´ ˙Ó−¥ ˙ŸL¬ Ù§ ©-Ïk¨ ϲک § 11 :ÌŸ¯«Ù§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬go in to any dead body, nor defile himself for hisfather, or for his mother; [12] neither shall he go ÆLc¨˜§ n¦ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ e 12 :‡n«¨ h© Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ Bn− ‡¦ ϧ e ÂȬ·¦ ‡¨ ϧout of the sanctuary, nor profane the sanctuary of Èk¿¦ ÂÈ®‰¨ ŸÏ‡¡ Lc´©˜§ Ó¦ ˙‡−¥ Ïl¥½ Á© ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ § ‡ˆ¥½ È¥ ‡ŸÏ´his God; for the consecration of the anointing oilof his God is upon him: I am the Lord. [13] And :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ ÂȲ‰¨ŸÏ‡¡ ˙Á¯© L§ Ó¦ ÔÓ¤ L´¤ ¯Ê¤¥Âhe shall take a wife in her virginity. [14] A widow, ‰³¨Ó¨ ϧ ‡© 14 :Áw«¨È¦ ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤ e˙·§ ·¦ ‰M¬¨ ‡¦ ‡e‰¾ § 13or one divorced, or a profaned woman, or a 234 234
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ¯Ó‡ 21 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 21.15 ’emor ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙harlot, these shall he not take; but a virgin of his Áw®¨È¦ ‡ŸÏ´ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ -˙‡¤ ‰¨½ŸÊ ‰Ï´¨ Ϩ Á£ © ƉL¨ e¯‚§ eown people shall he take to wife. [15] And heshall not profane his seed among his people; for I -‡ŸÏ« § 15 :‰M«¨ ‡¦ Áw¬©È¦ ÂÈn−¨ Ú© Ó¥ ‰¬Ï¨ e˙a§ -̇¦ Ȳk¦am the Lord who sanctify him. ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ Ȳk¦ ÂÈn®¨ Ú© a§ BÚ− ¯§Ê© Ϭl¥ Á© ȧ[16] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ù :BL« c§˜©Ó§saying: [17] Speak unto Aaron, saying: Whosoever he be of thy seed throughout ¯¬a¥ c© 17 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 16their generations that hath a blemish, let him not Ì˙¨À Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧ Eº Ú£¯§f©Ó«¦ Lȇ´¦ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -χ«¤approach to offer the bread of his God. [18] Forwhatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he ·È¯−¦˜§ ‰© ϧ ·¯½©˜§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ ÌeÓ½ ÆB· ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or ÌeÓ− Ba¬-¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇ²¦ -ÏΨ Ȭk¦ 18 :Âȉ«¨ŸÏ‡¡ ÌÁ¤ ¬Ï¤he that hath any thing maimed, or anything B‡¬ ̯−ªÁ¨ B‡¬ Á©q¥½ Ù¦ B‡´ Ưe¥Ú¦ Lȇ³¦ ·¯®¨˜§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ´too long, [19] or a man that is broken-footed, orbroken-handed, [20] or crook-backed, or a dwarf, ¯·¤ L´¤ B·− ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇ½¦ B‡´ 19 :Ú©e¯«N¨or that hath his eye overspread, or is scabbed, B‡− ˜„½©-B‡ Ôa´¥ ‚¦ -B‡« 20 :„È«¨ ¯·¤ ¬L¤ B‡− Ï‚¤¯®¨or scurvy, or hath his stones crushed; [21] noman of the seed of Aaron the priest, that hath a Á©B¯¬Ó§ B‡− ˙Ù¤ l¤½ È© B‡´ Æ·¯¨‚¨ B‡³ B®ÈÚ¥ a§ Ï´lª ·© z§blemish, shall come nigh to offer the offerings ÆÚ¯©fƤӦ ÌeÓÀ Ba´ -¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇº¦ -Ïk¨ 21 :CL¤ ‡«¨of the Lord made by fire; he hath a blemish; he ÈM´¥ ‡¦ -˙‡¤ ·È¯−¦˜§ ‰© ϧ Lb©½ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡©shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God. L−b©È¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ Âȉ¨½ ŸÏ‡¡ ÌÁ¤ ´Ï¤ ˙‡¥µ Ba½ ÌeÓ´ ‰®Â¨‰È§[22] He may eat the bread of his God, both of the ÈL−¥ „§w¨Ó¦ Âȉ¨½ ŸÏ‡¡ ÌÁ¤ ´Ï¤ 22 :·È¯«¦˜§ ‰© ϧmost holy, and of the holy. [23] Only he shall notgo in unto the veil, nor come nigh unto the altar,because he hath a blemish; that he profane not -χ¤ C‡´© 23 :ÏΫ¥ ‡ŸÈ ÌÈL−¦ „¨w¢‰© -ÔÓ¦ e ÌÈL®¦ „¨w¢‰©My holy places; for I am the Lord who sanctify L−b©È¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ Á©²a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© -χ¤ § ‡Ÿ·À Ȩ ‡ŸÏ´ ˙Τ Ÿ¯¹ t¨ ‰©them. Ȭ¦ ‡£ Ȳk¦ ÈL©½ c¨˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ ÆÏl¥ Á© ȧ ‡ŸÏ³ § Ba® ÌeÓ´ -Èk«¦ [24] So Moses spoke unto Aaron, and to his ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯´a¥ „©È§Â© 24 :ÌL«¨ c§˜©Ó§ ‰−¨‰È§22sons, and unto all the children of Israel. And the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ù :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È−¥a§ -Ïk¨-χ«¤ § ÂÈ®¨a¨-χ¤ § saying: [2] Speak unto Aaron and tohis sons, that they separate themselves from the 22:¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â©holy things of the children of Israel, which they ÈL´¥ „§w¨Ó¦ Æe¯Ê§«p¨È¦Â§ ÂȨÀa¨-χ¤ § ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ ¯a¥¸ c© 2hallow unto Me, and that they profane not My ÈL®¦ „§˜¨ ÌL´¥ -˙‡¤ eÏ− l§ Á© ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ § χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§holy name: I am the Lord. [3] Say unto them:Whosoever he be of all your seed throughout ¯ŸÓ´ ‡¡ 3 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ ÈÏ−¦ ÌÈL²¦ c¦˜§ Ó© ̉¯¥ ¯L¤¸ ‡£your generations, that approacheth unto the ·¯´©˜§ Ȧ-¯L¤ ‡£ | Lȇ´¦ -Ïk¨ ÌΤ¹ È˙¥ Ÿ¯¸ Ÿ„ϧ ̉¤À Ï¥ ‡£holy things, which the children of Israel hallowunto the Lord, having his uncleanness upon eLÈc³¦˜§ È© ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÆÌÈL¦ „¨w¢‰© -χ¤ ÌΤÀ Ú£¯§Ê©-Ïk¨ Ó¦him, that soul shall be cut off from before Me: I ÂȮϨ Ú¨ B˙− ‡¨ Ó§ ˪ § ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥·§am the Lord. [4] What man soever of the seed of :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ È−©Ù¨ l§ Ó¦ ‡Â‰²¦ ‰© LÙ¤¯p¤‰© ‰˙º¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ §Aaron is a leper, or hath an issue, he shall not eatof the holy things, until he be clean. And whoso B‡´ ÆÚ©e¯Æ ˆ¨ ‡e‰³ § ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© Ú¯©´f¤Ó¦ Lȇº¦ Lȇ´¦ 4toucheth any one that is unclean by the dead; or ¯®‰¨ ˧ Ȧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ „Ú−© ÏΩ½ ‡ŸÈ ‡ŸÏ´ ÆÌÈL¦ „¨w¢a© ·Ê¨½from whomsoever the flow of seed goeth out; -¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇ½¦ B‡´ LÙ¤ ¤½ -‡Ó¥ ˧ -ÏΨ a§ ÆÚ©‚Æ¥Ÿp‰© §[5] or whosoever toucheth any swarming thing,whereby he may be made unclean, or a man of ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆLȇ¦ -B‡ 5 :Ú¯©Ê«¨-˙·© Χ L¦ epn−¤ Ó¦ ‡¬ˆ¥ z¥ 235 235
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ¯Ó‡ 22 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 22.6 ’emor ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙whom he may take uncleanness, whatsoever ÆÌ„¨‡¨ ·§ B‡³ BÏ® -‡Ó¨ ˧ Ȧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ı¯¤L−¤ -ÏΨ a§ Úb©½ Ȧuncleanness he hath; [6] the soul that touchethany such shall be unclean until the even, and ¯L´¤ ‡£ LÙ¤ ¤µ6 :B˙« ‡¨ Ó§ ˪ ÏŸÎ− ϧ BϽ -‡Ó¨ ˧ Ȧ ¯L´¤ ‡£shall not eat of the holy things, unless he bathe ÆÏΩ ‡ŸÈ ‡ŸÏ³ § ·¯¤®Ú¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‰‡−¨ Ó§ ˨ § Ba½ -Úb©z¦his flesh in water. [7] And when the sun is down,he shall be clean; and afterward he may eat of the :ÌȦn«¨ a© B¯−N¨ a§ ıÁ¬© ¯¨-̇¦ Ȳk¦ ÌÈL¦½ „¨w¢‰© -ÔÓ¦holy things, because it is his bread. [8] That which -ÔÓ¦ ϴΩ ‡ŸÈ ƯÁ© ‡© § ¯®‰¥ ˨ § LÓ¤ M−¤ ‰© ‡¬·¨ e 7dieth of itself, or is torn of beasts, he shall noteat to defile himself therewith: I am the Lord. ‰²Ù¨ ¯¥Ë§ e ‰Ï¯¨ ·¥ § 8 :‡e‰« BÓ− Á§ Ï© Ȭk¦ ÌÈL¦½ „¨w¢‰©[9] They shall therefore keep My charge, lest they e¯´Ó§ L¨ § 9 :‰Â«¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ d®·¨-‰‡¨ Ó§ ˨ ϧ Ï−Ω ‡ŸÈ ‡ŸÏ¬bear sin for it, and die therein, if they profaneit: I am the Lord who sanctify them. [10] There ‡Ë§ Á¥½ ÆÂÈϨ Ú¨ e‡³ N§ Ȧ-‡ŸÏ« § ÈzÀ¦ ¯§Ó© L§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤shall no common man eat of the holy thing; a :ÌL«¨ c§˜©Ó§ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ e‰®Ïª l§ Á© ȧ Èk´¦ B·− e˙¬Ó¥ etenant of a priest, or a hired servant, shall not eatof the holy thing. [11] But if a priest buy any soul, Ô‰²¥ Ÿk ·¬L© Bz L„¤Ÿ˜® ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ´-‡ŸÏ ¯−ʨ-ÏΨ § 10the purchase of his money, he may eat of it; and ‰¬¤˜§ Ȧ -Èk«¦ Ô‰¥À ŸÎ§ 11 :L„¤Ÿ˜« ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ¬-‡ŸÏ ¯ÈÎ−¦ N¨ §such as are born in his house, they may eat of hisbread. [12] And if a priest’s daughter be married B˙½ Èa¥ „ÈÏ´¦ Ȧ Ba® ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ´ ‡e‰− Bt½ Ò§ k© Ô´È©§ ˜¦ ÆLÙ¤ ¤Æunto a common man, she shall not eat of that ‰−Ȥ‰§ ˙¦ Ȭk¦ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk-˙·© e 12 :BÓ« Á§ Ï© ·§ eϬ Χ ‡ŸÈ ̉−¥which is set apart from the holy things. [13] But if ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌÈL−¦ „¨w¢‰© ˙Ó¬© e¯˙§ a¦ ‡Â‰¾¦ ¯®Ê¨ Lȇ´¦ ϧa priest’s daughter be a widow, or divorced, and ‰´¨Ó¨ ϧ ‡© ‰È¤¹‰§ ˙¦ Èk¸¦ ÁÔ‰¥ Ÿk-˙·© e 13 :ÏΫ¥ ‡Ÿ˙have no child, and is returned unto her father’shouse, as in her youth, she may eat of her father’s ˙ȳa¥-χ¤ ‰·º¨ L¨ § ¼dϨ Ôȇ´¥ »Ú¯©Ê¤Â§ ‰L¨À e¯‚§ ebread; but there shall no common man eat ϮΥ ‡Ÿz ‰¨ È·−¦ ‡¨ ÌÁ¤ ¬l¤ Ó¦ ‰¨ ȯ½¤eÚ§ k¦ Ɖ¨ ȷƦ ‡¨thereof. [14] And if a man eat of the holy thingthrough error, then he shall put the fifth part Lȇ¾¦ § 14 Ò :Ba« ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ¬-‡ŸÏ ¯−ʨ-ÏΨ §thereof unto it, and shall give unto the priest theholy thing. [15] And they shall not profane the ÆB˙ÈL¦ Ó«¦ Á£ ÛÒ³© Ȩ § ‰®‚¨‚¨L§ a¦ L„¤Ÿ˜− ϬΩ ‡ŸÈ-Èk«¦holy things of the children of Israel, which they ‡ŸÏ´ § 15 :L„¤Ÿw« ‰© -˙‡¤ Ô‰−¥ ŸkÏ© Ô˙¬© ¨Â§ ÂÈϨ½ Ú¨set apart unto the Lord; [16] and so cause themto bear the iniquity that bringeth guilt, when -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙¬‡¥ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÈL−¥ „§˜¨-˙‡¤ eϽ l§ Á© ȧthey eat their holy things; for I am the Lord who ԟ´ڣ ÆÌ˙¨ B‡ e‡ÈO³¦ ‰¦ § 16 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© eÓȯ−¦È¨sanctify them. [17] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ȭ¦ ‡£ Ȳk¦ Ì®‰¤ ÈL¥ „§˜¨-˙‡¤ ÌÏ−¨ Χ ‡¨ a§ ‰Ó¨½ L§ ‡©saying: [18] Speak unto Aaron, and to his sons, Ù :ÌL«¨ c§˜©Ó§ ‰−¨‰È§and unto all the children of Israel, and say untothem: ¯a¥¸ c© 18 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 17Whosoever he be of the house of Israel, χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -Ïk¨ Æχ¤ § ÂȨÀa¨ -χ¤ § ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤or of the strangers in Israel. that bringeth hisoffering, whether it be any of their vows, or any χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˙Èa¥¸ Ó¦ ÁLȇ¦ Lȇ´¦ Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ z−¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ §of their freewill-offerings, which are brought ÆBa¨ ¯§˜¨ ·È¯³¦˜§ È© ¯L¤¸ ‡£ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§ ¯´b¥‰© -ÔÓ¦ eunto the Lord for a burnt-offering; [19] that yemay be accepted, ye shall offer a male without -¯L¤ ‡£ Ì˙¨½ B·„§¦ -ÏΨ ϧ e Æ̉¤ ȯ¥„§¦ -ÏΨ ϧblemish, of the beeves, of the sheep, or of the ÌÈÓ´¦ z¨ ̮Τ §Ÿˆ¯§Ï«¦ 19 :‰Ï«¨ ŸÚϧ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© e·È¯¬¦˜§ È©goats. [20] But whatsoever hath a blemish, thatshall ye not bring; for it shall not be acceptable -¯L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk² 20 :ÌÈf«¦Ú¦ ·«¨ e ÌÈ·−¦ N¨ k§ a© ¯˜¾¨a¨ a© ¯Î¨½ ʨfor you. [21] And whosoever bringeth a sacrifice ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ ÔBˆ− ¯¨Ï§ ‡ŸÏ¬ -Èk¦ e·È¯®¦˜§ ˙© ‡ŸÏ´ ÌeÓ− Ba¬of peace-offerings unto the Lord in fulfilment ofa vow clearly uttered, or for a freewill-offering, ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ϩ L§ -Á·© «Ê¤ ·È¯³¦˜§ È©-Èk«¦ LȇÀ¦ § 21 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ That is, one who is not a priest. 236 236
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 22.22 ’emor ¯Ó‡ 22 ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙of the herd or of the flock, it shall be perfect to B‡´ ¯˜−¨a¨ a© ‰·¨½ „¨§ Ϧ B‡´ Ư„¤¤Æ -‡l¥ Ù© ϧ ‰Â¨½ ‰ÈÏ©be accepted; there shall be no blemish therein.[22] Blind, or broken, or maimed, or having a ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌeÓ− -Ïk¨ ÔBˆ½ ¯¨Ï§ ƉȤ‰§ È«¦ ÌÈÓ³¦ z¨ Ô‡Ÿv® ·©wen, or scabbed, or scurvy, ye shall not offer ıe¯´Á¨ -B‡ ¯e·¹ L¨ B‡¸ Á˙¯¤e¤Ú© 22 :Ba« -‰È¤‰§ Ȧthese unto the Lord, nor make an offering e·È¯¬¦˜§ ˙© -‡ŸÏ ˙Ù¤ l¤½ È© B‡´ Æ·¯¨‚¨ B‡³ ˙Ϥ a¤À È©-B‡«by fire of them upon the altar unto the Lord.[23] Either a bullock or a lamb that hath any thing -ÏÚ© ̲‰¤ Ó¥ e¬z§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ ‰M¤À ‡¦ § ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ‰l¤ ‡−¥too long or too short, that mayest thou offer for Ú©e¯´N¨ ‰N−¤ ¨ ¯BL¬ § 23 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© Á©a−¥ ʧ n¦ ‰©a freewill-offering; but for a vow it shall not beaccepted. [24] That which hath its stones bruised, ‡ŸÏ¬ ¯„¤−¥Ï§ e B˙½ Ÿ‡ ‰N´¤ Ú£z© Ɖ·¨ „¨§ ËeÏ® ˜¨Â§or crushed, or torn, or cut, ye shall not offer unto ‡ŸÏ¬ ˙e¯½ Ψ § ˜e˙´ ¨Â§ Æ˙e˙Ψ § CeÚ³ Ó¨ e 24 :‰ˆ«¤ ¯¨È¥the Lord; neither shall ye do thus in your land. :eN« Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌÎ−¤ ˆ§ ¯§‡© ·§ e« ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ«© e·È¯−¦˜§ ˙©[25] Neither from the hand of a foreigner shallye offer the bread of your God of any of these, ÌÁ¤ ¬Ï¤ -˙‡¤ e·È¯²¦˜§ ˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ¯Î¨À ¥-Ôa¤ „´i©Ó¦ e 25because their corruption is in them, there is a Æ̉¤ a¨ Ì˙³¨ Á¨ L§ Ó¨ Èk´¦ ‰l¤ ‡®¥ -Ïk¨ Ó¦ ÌÎ−¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡blemish in them; they shall not be accepted foryou. Ù :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ eˆ− ¯¨È¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ìa¨½ ÌeÓ´ ¯BL´ 27 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 26 [26] And the Lord spoke unto Moses,saying: [27] When a bullock, or a sheep, or a goat, is ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ ‰²È¨‰¨ § „Ï¥½ e¨È¦ Èk´¦ ÆÊÚ¥ -B‡ ·N¤ ³Î¤-B‡brought forth, then it shall be seven days under ‰‡¨ ϧ ‰¨½ ¨ ÆȦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi³Ó¦ e Bn® ‡¦ ˙Á© z´© ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩthe dam; but from the eighth day and thenceforth -B‡ ¯BL− § 28 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ‰M−¤ ‡¦ Ôa¬© ¯§˜¨ ϧ ‰ˆ¤¾ ¯¨È¥it may be accepted for an offering made by fireunto the Lord. [28] And whether it be cow or ÌBȬa§ eË− Á£ L§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ B½ a§ -˙‡¤ § B˙´ Ÿ‡ ‰N®¤ewe, ye shall not kill it and its young both in ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ‰„−¨Bz-Á·© «Ê¤ eÁ¬ a§ ʧ˙¦ -ÈΫ¦ § 29 :„Á«¨ ‡¤one day. [29] And when ye sacrifice a sacrifice ÏÎ¥½ ‡¨ È¥ Ƈe‰‰© ÌBi³a© 30 :eÁa«¨ ʧ z¦ ÌÎ−¤ §Ÿˆ¯§Ï«¦of thanksgiving unto the Lord, ye shall sacrificeit that ye may be accepted. [30] On the same day :‰Â«¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ ¯˜¤Ÿa® -„Ú© epn−¤ Ó¦ e¯È˙¬¦ B˙-‡ŸÏ«it shall be eaten; ye shall leave none of it until È−¦ ‡£ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ‡ Ì˙−¤ ÈN¦ ڣ© È˙©½ ŸÂˆ§ Ó¦ ÆÌz¤ ¯§Ó© L§ e 31the morning: I am the Lord. [31] And ye shallkeep My commandments, and do them: I am ÈL¦½ „§˜¨ ÌL´¥ -˙‡¤ ÆeÏl§ Á© ˙§ ‡ŸÏ³ § 32 :‰Â«¨‰È§the Lord. [32] And ye shall not profane My holy ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ CB˙− a§ Èz½¦ L§ c©˜§ ¸¦ §name; but I will be hallowed among the children ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ ÆÌΤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‡Èˆ³¦ Bn‰© 33 :ÌΫ¤ L§ c¦˜© Ó§of Israel: I am the Lord who hallow you, [33] thatbrought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your È−¦ ‡£ Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡Ï¥ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ˙BȬ‰§ Ϧ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦God: I am the Lord. Ù :‰Â«¨‰È§ And the Lord spoke unto Moses,23 23saying: [2] Speak unto the children ofIsrael, and say unto them: :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â© ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥a§ -χ¤ ¯aº¥ c© 2The appointed seasons of the Lord, which ȇ´¥ ¯¨˜§ Ó¦ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ e‡¬ ¯§˜§ z¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ È„´¥Ú£BÓye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, eventhese are My appointed seasons. [3] Six days shall »ÌÈÓ¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ L´¥ 3 :È„«¨Ú£BÓ Ì‰−¥ ‰l¤ ¬‡¥ L„¤Ÿ˜®work be done; but on the seventh day is a sabbath ˙³a© L© ÈÚÀ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´·© e ¼‰Î¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ ‰N´¤ Ú¨ z¥of solemn rest, a holy convocation; ye shall do nomanner of work; it is a sabbath unto the Lord in ‡ŸÏ´ ‰Î−¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -Ïk¨ L„¤Ÿ˜½ -‡¯¨˜§ Ó¦ ÆÔB˙a¨ L©all your dwellings. ÏŸÎ− a§ ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© Ƈ‰¦ ˙¬a¨ L© eN® Ú£˙© 237 237
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ¯Ó‡ 23 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 23.4 ’emor ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙[4] These are the appointed seasons of the Ù :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ·L§ BÓ«Lord, even holy convocations, which ye shallproclaim in their appointed season. [5] In the -¯L¤ ‡£ L„¤Ÿ˜® ȇ−¥ ¯¨˜§ Ó¦ ‰Â¨½‰È§ È„´¥Ú£BÓ ‰l¤ ‡¥ µ4first month, on the fourteenth day of the month ÔBLÀ ‡¯¦‰¨ L„¤ŸÁ´ a© 5 :Ì„«¨Ú£BÓa§ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ e‡¬ ¯§˜§ z¦at dusk, is the Lord’s passover. [6] And on the ÁÒ© t−¤ ÌȦ®a¨ ¯§Ú© ‰¨ ÔÈ´a¥ L„¤ŸÁ− Ï© ¯N²¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© a§fifteenth day of the same month is the feast ofunleavened bread unto the Lord; seven days ye ‰f¤½‰© L„¤ŸÁ´ Ï© ÆÌBÈ ¯N¬¨ Ú¨ ‰M¨¸ Ó¦ Á£ ·© e 6 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ©shall eat unleavened bread. [7] In the first day ˙Bv¬ Ó© ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ˙Bv− n© ‰© ‚Á¬©ye shall have a holy convocation; ye shall do no L„¤Ÿ˜− -‡¯¨˜§ Ó¦ ÔBL½ ‡¯¦‰«¨ ÆÌBia© 7 :eÏΫ¥ ‡Ÿzmanner of servile work. [8] And ye shall bring anoffering made by fire unto the Lord seven days; :eN« Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£ ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨ ̮Τ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧin the seventh day is a holy convocation; ye shall ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© ‰²M¤ ‡¦ Ìz¬¤ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § 8do no manner of servile work. [9] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨ L„¤Ÿ˜½ -‡¯¨˜§ Ó¦ ÆÈÚ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi³a© Ù :eN« Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£saying: [10] Speak unto the children of Israel, andsay unto them: ¯aº¥ c© 10 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 9 When ye are come into the land which I giveunto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then e‡Ÿ·´ ˙¨ -Èk«¦ ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥a§ -χ¤ye shall bring the sheaf of the first-fruits of your Ìz−¤ ¯§ˆ© ˜§ e ÌΤ½ Ϩ Ô˙´¥ Ÿ ÆȦ ‡£ ¯³L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ -χ¤harvest unto the priest. [11] And he shall wave ˙ÈL¬¦ ‡¯¥ ¯Ó¤ ŸÚ² -˙‡¤ Ì˙¬¤ ‡·¥ ‰£ © d¯®¨Èˆ¦ ˜§ -˙‡¤the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted for you;on the morrow after the sabbath the priest shall ¯Ó¤ ŸÚ² ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ûȯ¦ ‰¥ § 11 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© -χ¤ ÌÎ−¤ ¯§Èˆ¦ ˜§wave it. [12] And in the day when ye wave the ˙a¨½ M© ‰© Æ˙¯©Á¢ n¨ Ó«¦ ̮Τ §Ÿˆ¯§Ï«¦ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧsheaf, ye shall offer a he-lamb without blemish of ÌÎ−¤ Ù§ È«¦ ‰£ ÌBȬa§ Ì˙¤¾ ÈN¦ ڣ© 12 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© epÙ−¤ Ȧ ȧthe first year for a burnt-offering unto the Lord.[13] And the meal-offering thereof shall be two ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚϧ B˙² ¨L§ -Ôa¤ ÌÈÓ¯¦ z¨ N·¤ ´k¤ ¯Ó¤ ŸÚ® ‰¨ -˙‡¤tenth parts of an ephah of fine flour mingled ˙Ϥ ŸÒ´ Ìȹ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ È¥¸ L§ ÁB˙Á¨ § Ó¦ e 13 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ©with oil, an offering made by fire unto the Lordfor a sweet savour; and the drink-offering thereof Á©ŸÁ® Ȧ Á©È¯´¥ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© ‰¬M¤ ‡¦ ÔÓ¤ ²M¤ ·© ‰¬Ï¨ eÏa§shall be of wine, the fourth part of a hin. [14] And ÁÌÁ¤ Ϥ § 14 :Ôȉ«¦ ‰© ˙Ú¬¦ È·¦ ¯§ ÔȦ−È© Bk¬ Ò§ ¦ § ‰ÎÒÂye shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, nor ÌBi´‰© Æ̈¤ Ú¤Æ -„Ú© eÏÀ Χ ‡Ÿ˙« ‡ŸÏ´ ÏÓ¤¹ ¯§Î© § ÈϦ¸ ˜¨ §fresh ears, until this selfsame day, until ye havebrought the offering of your God; it is a statute ̮Τ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ Ôa−© ¯§˜¨-˙‡¤ ÌΤ½ ‡£ È·´¦ ‰£ „Ú©µ ‰f¤½‰©for ever throughout your generations in all your ÏŸÎ− a§ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ¯´Ÿ„ϧ ÆÌϨ BÚ ˙w³©Áªdwellings. ÆÌΤ Ϩ Ìz³¤ ¯§Ù© Ò§ e 15 Ò :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ·« L§ ŸÓ [15] And ye shall count unto you fromthe morrow after the day of rest, from the day ¯Ó¤ ŸÚ− -˙‡¤ ÌΤ½ ‡£ È·´¦ ‰£ ÆÌBiÓ¦ ˙a¨½ M© ‰© ˙¯´©Á¢ n¨ Ó¦that ye brought the sheaf of the waving; seven :‰¨ÈÈ«¤‰§ z¦ ˙ŸÓ¬ ÈÓ¦ z§ ˙B˙− a¨ L© Ú·© ¬L¤ ‰®Ù¨ ez§ ‰©weeks shall there be complete; [16] even unto the e¯−t§ Ò§ z¦ ˙Ú½¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© Æ˙a¨ M© ‰© ˙¯³©Á¢ n¨ Ó«¦ „´Ú© 16morrow after the seventh week shall ye numberfifty days; and ye shall present a new meal- ‰L−¨ „¨Á£ ‰Á¬¨ § Ó¦ Ìz²¤ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § ÌBÈ® ÌÈM´¦ Ó¦ Á£offering unto the Lord. [17] Ye shall bring out ÌÁ¤ ´Ï¤ | e‡¦ È·´¦ z¨ ÌΤ¹ È˙¥ Ÿ·¸ L§ BnÓ¦ 17 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ©of your dwellings two wave-loaves of two tenthparts of an ephah; they shall be of fine flour, they ‰¨ÈȤ½‰§ z¦ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ´ ÌȽ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ È´¥L§ ÌȦ z© L§ µ ‰Ù¨À ez§shall be baked with leaven, for first-fruits unto :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ«© Ìȯ−¦eka¦ ‰¨È®Ù¤ ‡¨ z¥ ıÓ−¥ Á¨ Heb. sabbath. 238 238
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ¯Ó‡ 23 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 23.18 ’emor ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙the Lord. [18] And ye shall present with the ÌÈN³¦ ·¨ k§ ˙Ú©¸ ·§ L¦ ÌÁ¤ l¤À ‰© -ÏÚ© Ìz´¤ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § 18bread seven lambs without blemish of the firstyear, and one young bullock, and two rams; they „Á−¨ ‡¤ ¯˜²¨a¨-Ôa¤ ¯¯Ù© e ‰¨½ L¨ È´¥a§ ÆÌÓ¦ ÈÓ¦ z§shall be a burnt-offering unto the Lord, with ÆÌ˙¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ e ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© ƉϨ ŸÚ eȳ‰§ Ȧ ÌȦ®¨L§ ÌÏ´¦ ȇ¥ §their meal-ottering, and their drink-offerings,even an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© Á©ŸÁ− Ȧ -Á©È¯«¥ ‰¬M¥ ‡¦ ̉¤½ Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ §unto the Lord. [19] And ye shall offer one he- ˙‡®h¨ Á© ϧ „Á−¨ ‡¤ ÌȬf¦Ú¦ -¯ÈÚ¦ N§ Ì˙²¤ ÈN¦ ڣ© 19goat for a sin-offering, and two he-lambs of :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ϩ L§ Á·© ¬Ê¤Ï§ ‰−¨L¨ Ȭ¥a§ ÌÈN²¦ ·¨ Χ ȯ¥L§ ethe first year for a sacrifice of peace-offerings.[20] And the priest shall wave them with the Ìȯ³¦eka¦ ‰© ÌÁ¤ Ϥ¸ ÁÏÚ© Ì˙¨¿ Ÿ‡ | Ô‰´¥ Ÿk‰© ÛÈ´¦ ‰¥ § 20bread of the first-fruits for a wave-offering before L„¤Ÿ˜² ÌÈN®¦ ·¨ k§ È−¥L§ -ÏÚ© ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ Ɖ٨ ez§the Lord, with the two lambs; they shall be holyto the Lord for the priest. [21] And ye shall make | ̈¤ ´Ú¤ a§ Ì˙º¤ ‡¯¨˜§ e 21 :Ô‰«¥ ŸkÏ© ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© eȬ‰§ Ȧproclamation on the selfsame day; there shall -Ïk¨ ÌΤ½ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÆL„¤Ÿ˜Æ -‡¯¨˜§ Ó«¦ ‰f¤À‰© ÌBi´‰©be a holy convocation unto you; ye shall do nomanner of servile work; it is a statute for ever in ̲Ϩ BÚ ˙w¬©Áª eN® Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ´ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£ ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§all your dwellings throughout your generations. Ìκ¤ ¯§ˆ§ ˜ª·§ e« 22 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ¯«Ÿ„ϧ ÌÎ−¤ È˙¥ Ÿ·¬ L§ BÓ-ÏΨ a§[22] And when ye reap the harvest of your ÆE„§N«¨ ˙‡³© t§ ‰l¤ºÎ© ˙§ -‡ŸÏ« ÌΤÀ ˆ§ ¯§‡© ¯Èˆ´¦ ˜§ -˙‡¤land, thou shalt not wholly reap the corner of thyfield, neither shalt thou gather the gleaning of ȳ¦ Ú¨ Ï«¤ Ëw®¥Ï© ˙§ ‡ŸÏ´ E− ¯§Èˆ¦ ˜§ ˘¤¬Ï¤ § E¯½¤ˆ§ ˜ªa§thy harvest; thou shalt leave them for the poor, ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ·ŸÊ´Ú£z© Ưb¥Ï© §and for the stranger I am the Lord your God. [23] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, -χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 23 Ò :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡saying: [24] Speak unto the children of Israel, χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -χ¤ ¯²a¥ c© 24 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓsaying: In the seventh month, in the first day of L„¤ŸÁÀ Ï© „Á´¨ ‡¤ a§ ÈÚ¹¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© L„¤ŸÁ¸ a© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ -‡¯¨˜§ Ó¦ ‰Ú−¨ e¯z§ ÔB¯¬Î§ ʦ ÔB˙½ a¨ L© ÆÌΤ Ϩ ‰³È¤‰§ Ȧthe month, shall be a solemn rest unto you, amemorial proclaimed with the blast of horns, aholy convocation. [25] Ye shall do no manner of eN® Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ´ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£ ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨ 25 :L„¤Ÿ˜«servile work; and ye shall bring an offering made ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â© 26 Ò :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ‰M−¤ ‡¦ Ìz¬¤ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ §by fire unto the Lord. ¯BN´ Ú¨ a¤ C‡©¿ 27 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ [26] And the Lord spoke unto Moses,saying: ‡e‰À Ìȯ´¦tª k¦ ‰© ÌBȯ ‰f¤¹‰© ÈÚ¸¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÁL„¤ŸÁÏ©[27] Howbeit on the tenth day of this -˙‡¤ Ì˙−¤ Èp¦ Ú¦ § ÌΤ½ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÆL„¤Ÿ˜Æ -‡¯¨˜§ Ó«¦seventh month is the day of atonement; thereshall be a holy convocation unto you, and ye :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ‰M−¤ ‡¦ Ìz¬¤ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § ̮Τ È˙¥ ŸLÙ§ ©shall afflict your souls; and ye shall bring an ÌBi´‰© ̈¤ Ú−¤ a§ eN½ Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ´ ƉΨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -ÏΨ § 28offering made by fire unto the Lord. [28] Andye shall do no manner of work in that same day; ÌΤ½ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ¯´t¥ Ω ϧ ‡e‰½ ÆÌȯ¦tª k¦ ÌBȳ Èk´¦ ‰®f¤‰©for it is a day of atonement, to make atonement ÆLÙ¤ p¤Æ ‰© -ÏΨ Èk³¦ 29 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¥Ù§ Ϧfor you before the Lord your God. [29] For ‰®f¤‰© ÌBi´‰© ̈¤ Ú−¤ a§ ‰p¤½ Úª ˙§ -‡ŸÏ« ¯L´¤ ‡£whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflictedin that same day, he shall be cut off from his ¯L³¤ ‡£ LÙ¤ p¤À‰© -ÏΨ § 30 :‰¨ Èn«¤ Ú© Ó«¥ ‰˙−¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ §people. [30] And whatsoever soul it be that doeth ‰®f¤‰© ÌBi´‰© ̈¤ Ú−¤ a§ ‰Î¨½ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -Ïk¨ ƉN¤ Ú£z©any manner of work in that same day, that soulwill I destroy from among his people. [31] Ye :dn«¨ Ú© ·¯¤w¬¤Ó¦ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰© LÙ¤¬p¤‰© -˙‡¤ Èz²¦ „§·© ‡£ ‰«© §shall do no manner of work; it is a statute for ÆÌϨ BÚ ˙w³©Áª eN® Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ´ ‰Î−¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -Ïk¨ 31ever throughout your generations in all your 239 239
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ¯Ó‡ 23 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 23.32 ’emor ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙dwellings. [32] It shall be unto you a sabbath of ˙a©¸ L© 32 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ·« L§ ŸÓ« ÏŸÎ− a§ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ¯´Ÿ„ϧsolemn rest, and ye shall afflict your souls; in theninth day of the month at even, from even unto ̮Τ È˙¥ ŸLÙ§ ©-˙‡¤ Ì˙−¤ Èp¦ Ú¦ § ÌΤ½ Ϩ Ƈe‰ ÔB˙¬ a¨ L©even, shall ye keep your sabbath. ·¯¤Ú¤½ -„Ú© ·¯¤´Ú¤ Ó¥ ·¯¤Ú¤½ a¨ ÆL„¤ŸÁÆ Ï© ‰³Ú¨ L§ ˙¦ a§[33] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ù :ÌΫ¤ z§ a© L© e˙− a§ L§ z¦saying: [34] Speak unto the children of Israel,saying: ¯²a¥ c© 34 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 33On the fifteenth day of this seventh month ÌBÈÀ ¯N¨¹ Ú¨ ‰M¨¸ Ó¦ Á£ a© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -χ¤is the feast of tabernacles for seven days untothe Lord. [35] On the first day shall be a holy ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ ˙Bk² qª ‰© ‚Á¯© ‰f¤½ ‰© ÆÈÚ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© L„¤ŸÁ³ Ï©convocation; ye shall do no manner of servile -‡¯¨˜§ Ó¦ ÔBL− ‡¯¦‰¨ ÌBi¬a© 35 :‰B«¨‰ÈÏ© ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩwork. [36] Seven days ye shall bring an offering :eN« Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£ ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨ L„¤Ÿ˜®made by fire unto the Lord; on the eighth dayshall be a holy convocation unto you; and ye ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ‰M−¤ ‡¦ e·È¯¬¦˜§ z© ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ 36shall bring an offering made by fire unto the ÌΤ¹ Ϩ ‰È¤¸‰§ Ȧ ÁL„¤Ÿ˜-‡¯¨˜§ Ó¦ È¿¦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a©Lord; it is a day of solemn assembly; ye shall dono manner of servile work. -Ïk¨ ‡Â‰¦½ ˙¯¤´ˆ¤ Ú£ Ɖ¨‰ÈÏ«© ‰M³¤ ‡¦ Ìz¤¸ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § È„´¥Ú£BÓ ‰l¤ ‡¥ µ37 :eN« Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£ ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ [37] These are the appointed seasons ofthe Lord, which ye shall proclaim to be holy L„¤Ÿ˜® ȇ´¥ ¯¨˜§ Ó¦ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ e‡¬ ¯§˜§ z¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§convocations, to bring an offering made by fireunto the Lord, a burnt-offering, and a meal- Á·© ¬Ê¤ ‰Á²¨ § Ó¦ e ‰Ï¯¨ŸÚ ‰ÂÀ¨‰ÈÏ© ‰M¤¹ ‡¦ ·È¯¸¦˜§ ‰© ϧoffering, a sacrifice, and drink-offerings, each on ˙Ÿ˙´ a§ L© „·−© l§ Ó¦ 38 :BÓ« BÈa§ ÌBȬ-¯·© c§ ÌÈÎ−¦ Ò¨ § eits own day; [38] beside the sabbaths of the Lord,and beside your gifts, and beside all your vows, -Ïk¨ „³·© l§ Ó¦ e ÌΤÀ È˙¥ B« z§ Ó© „´·© l§ Ó¦ e ‰®Â¨‰È§and beside all your freewill-offerings, which ye ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ B·´ „§¦ -Ïk¨ Æ„·© l§ Ó¦ e ÆÌΤ ȯ¥„§¦give unto the Lord. ÌBȹ ¯N¨¸ Ú¨ Á‰M¨ Ó¦ Á£ a© C‡©¿ 39 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© e−z§ z¦ [39] Howbeit on the fifteenth day of theseventh month, when ye have gathered in the ˙‡´© e·z§ -˙‡¤ ÆÌΤ t§ Ò§ ‡¨ a§ ÈÚÀ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© L„¤ŸÁ´ Ï©fruits of the land, ye shall keep the feast of the ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ ‰−¨‰È§ -‚Á© -˙‡¤ ebŸÁ¬ z¨ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨Lord sevendays;onthefirst day shall be a solemnrest, and on the eighth day shall be a solemn rest. È−¦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¬·© e ÔB˙½ a¨ L© ÆÔBL‡¯¦‰«¨ ÌBi³a©[40] And ye shall take you on the first day the ÔBLÀ ‡¯¦‰¨ ÌBi´a© ÌΤ¹ Ϩ Ìz¤¸ Á§ ˜©Ï§ e 40 :ÔB˙« a¨ L©fruit of goodly trees, branches of palm-trees, and ˙Ÿ·− Ú¨ -ıÚ¥ Û¬©Ú£Â© Ìȯ½¦Ó¨ z§ ˙Ÿt´ k© Ư„¨‰¨ ı³Ú¥ ȯ¸¦t§boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook,and ye shall rejoice before the Lord your God ‰¬Â¨‰È§ Ȳ¥Ù§ Ϧ Ìz¤À Á§ Ó© N§ e ÏÁ©®¨-È·¥ ¯§Ú© §seven days. [41] And ye shall keep it a feast unto ÆB˙Ÿ‡ Ì˙³¤ ŸbÁ© § 41 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ ÌÎ−¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡the Lord seven days in the year; it is a statutefor ever in your generations; ye shall keep it in ÆÌϨ BÚ ˙w³©Áª ‰®¨M¨ a© ÌÈÓ−¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© ‚Á´©the seventh month. [42] Ye shall dwell in booths :B˙« Ÿ‡ ebŸÁ¬ z¨ ÈÚ−¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© L„¤ŸÁ¬ a© ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ¯´Ÿ„ϧseven days; all that are home-born in Israel shall ÆÁ¯¨Ê§ ‡¤ ‰«¨ -Ïk¨ ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ e·− L§ z¥ ˙Ÿk¬ qª a© 42dwell in booths; [43] that your generations mayknow that I made the children of Israel to dwell eÚ´ „§È¥ »ÔÚ© Ó© ϧ 43 :˙Ÿk« qª a© e·− L§ È¥ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§in booths, when I brought them out of the land È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ ÆÈz¦ ·§ LÆ© B‰ ˙BkÀ qª ·© Èk´¦ ¼ÌΤ È˙¥ Ÿ¯«Ÿ„of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥ Ì˙−¨ B‡ ȇ¬¦ Ȉ¦ B‰a§ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ [44] And Moses declared unto the childrenof Israel the appointed seasons of the Lord. -˙‡¤ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯´a¥ „©È§Â© 44 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ È−¦ ‡£ 240 240
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 23.44 ’emor ¯Ó‡ 23 ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙24 And the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ù :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È−¥a§ -χ¤ ‰®Â¨‰È§ È„−¥Ú£ŸÓ saying: [2] ‘Command the childrenof Israel, that they bring unto thee pure olive 24:¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â©oil beaten for the light, to cause a lamp to ÔÓ¤ L´¤ EÈϤ¹‡¥ eÁ¸ ˜§ Ȧ § χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ ˆº© 2burn continually. [3] Without the veil of thetestimony, in the tent of meeting, shall Aaron :„ÈÓ«¦ z¨ ¯−¥ ˙ŸÏ¬ Ú£‰© ϧ ¯B‡® n¨ Ï© ˙È˙−¦ k¨ C²Ê¨ ˙Ȧ¬Ê©order it from evening to morning before the ÁCŸ¯Ú£È© „Ú¥À BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ a§ ˙„¹ªÚ¥ ‰¨ ˙Τ Ÿ¯¸ Ù¨ ϧ ÁıeÁÓ¦ 3Lord continually; it shall be a statute for ever ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯˜¤Ÿa² -„Ú© ·¯¤¯Ú¤ Ó¥ ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© B˙¸ Ÿ‡throughout your generations. [4] He shall orderthe lamps upon the pure candlestick before the ÏÚ©µ4 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ¯«Ÿ„ϧ ÌÏ−¨ BÚ ˙w¬©Áª „ÈÓ®¦ z¨Lord continually. Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ˙B¯®p¥‰© -˙‡¤ CŸ¯−ڣȩ ‰¯½¨Ÿ‰h§ ‰© ‰¯´¨Ÿn§ ‰©[5] And thou shalt take fine flour, and bake Ù :„ÈÓ«¦ z¨ ‰−¨‰È§twelve cakes thereof: two tenth parts of an ephahshall be in one cake. [6] And thou shalt set them ‰¯−¥N§ Ú¤ ÌÈz¬¥ L§ d˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ˙´¨ ÈÙ¦ ‡¨ § ˙Ϥ ŸÒ½ z´¨ Á§ ˜©Ï¨ § 5in two rows, six in a row, upon the pure table :˙Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ‰¬l¨ Á© ‰«© ‰−Ȥ‰§ Ȧ ÌȽ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ ÆÈ¥L§ ˙Bl® Á©before the Lord. [7] And thou shalt put purefrankincense with each row, that it may be to the LL´¥ ˙BÎ− ¯¨Ú£Ó«© ÌȦ z¬© L§ Ì˙²¨ B‡ z¬¨ Ó§ N© § 6bread for a memorial-part, even an offering made :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ¯Ÿ‰− h¨ ‰© ÔÁ¬¨ ϧ Mª ‰© ϲک ˙Τ ¯®¨Ú£n© ‰«©by fire unto the Lord. [8] Every sabbath day he ‰˙³¨ ȧ ‰¨ § ‰®k¨ Ê© ‰´¨Ÿ·Ï§ ˙Τ ¯−¤Ú£n© ‰«© -ÏÚ© z¬¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 7shall set it in order before the Lord continually;it is from the children of Israel, an everlasting ÌBȸa§ 8 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ«© ‰M−¤ ‡¦ ‰¯½¨k¨ ʧ ‡© ϧ ÆÌÁ¤ l¤Æ Ï©covenant. [9] And it shall be for Aaron and his ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ep²Î¤ ¯§Ú© È«© ˙a¨À M© ‰© ÌBÈ´a§ ˙a¨¹ M© ‰©sons; and they shall eat it in a holy place; for it ismost holy unto him of the offerings of the Lord :ÌÏ«¨ BÚ ˙ȯ¬¦a§ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§ ˙¬‡¥ Ó¥ „ÈÓ®¦ z¨made by fire, a perpetual due.’ ÌB˜´ Ó¨ a§ e‰−Ϫ Ψ ‡£ © ÂȨ½ ·¨ ϧ e ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© ϧ Ɖ˙¨ ȧ‰«¨ § 9[10] And the son of an Israelitish woman, ȬM¥ ‡¦ Ó¥ Bϲ ‡e‰¬ ÌÈL¦¸ „¨˜«¨ ÁL„¤Ÿ˜ Èk¿¦ LŸ„®˜¨whose father was an Egyptian, went out amongthe children of Israel; and the son of the Israelitish ‰M´¨ ‡¦ -Ôa¤ Ƈˆ¥ i¥Â© 10 Ò :ÌÏ«¨ BÚ-˜Á¨ ‰−¨‰È§woman and a man of Israel strove together in È´¥a§ CB˙− a§ ȯ½¦ˆ§ Ó¦ Lȇ´¦ -Ôa¤ Ƈe‰Â§ ˙ÈϦ½ ‡¥ ¯§N§ Ȧthe camp. [11] And the son of the Israelitishwoman blasphemed the Name, and cursed; and ˙ÈϦ½ ‡¥ ¯§N§ i¦‰© Ôa¤µ ‰¤½ Á£ n© a«© Æeˆp¨i¦ © χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧthey brought him unto Moses. And his mother’s ‰M¨¸ ‡¦ ‰«¨ -Ôa¤ ·Ÿwi¦ ©Â11 :ÈÏ«¦ ‡¥ ¯§N§ i¦ ‰© Lȇ−¦ §name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of B˙− Ÿ‡ e‡È¬·¦ i¨Â© Ïl¥½ ˜©È§ © ÆÌM¥ ‰© -˙‡¤ ˙Èϳ¦ ‡¥ ¯§N§ i¦ ‰©the tribe of Dan. [12] And they put him in ward,that it might be declared unto them at the mouth ȯ−¦·§ c¦-˙a© ˙ÈÓ¬¦ ŸÏL§ Bn² ‡¦ ̬L¥ § ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-χ¤of the Lord. LŸ¯¬Ù§ Ϧ ¯Ó®¨ L§ n¦ a© e‰Á−ª Èp¦ i©Â© 12 :Ô„«¨-‰h¥ Ó© ϧ [13] AndtheLordspokeuntoMoses,saying:[14] ‘Bring forth him that hath cursed without the Ù :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭt¦ -ÏÚ© ̉−¤ Ϩcamp; and let all that heard him lay their hands ‡´ˆ¥ B‰ 14 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 13upon his head, and let all the congregation stone eί Ó§ Ò¨ § ‰¤½ Á£ n© Ï«© ÆıeÁÓ¦ -χ¤ Ïl¥À ˜©Ó§ ‰«© -˙‡¤him. [15] And thou shalt speak unto the childrenof Israel, saying Whosoever curseth his God shall BL® ‡Ÿ¯-ÏÚ© ̉−¤ È„¥È§-˙‡¤ ÌÈÚ²¦ Ó§ ŸM‰© -ÏΫ¨bear his sin. [16] And he that blasphemeth the χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -χ¤ § 15 :‰„«¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ B˙− Ÿ‡ eÓ¬ ‚§ ¯¨Â§name of the Lord, he shall surely be put to death;all the congregation shall certainly stone him; as Âȉ−¨ŸÏ‡¡ Ϭl¥ ˜©È§-Èk«¦ Lȇ²¦ Lȇ¬¦ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ¯´a¥ „©z§well the stranger, as the home-born, when he ˙BÓ´ Ɖ¨‰È§-ÌL¥ ·˜³¥ŸÂ§ 16 :B‡« ˧ Á¤ ‡N¬¨ ¨Â§ 241 241
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ¯Ó‡ 24 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 24.17 ’emor ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙blasphemeth the Name, shall be put to death. Ưb¥k© ‰„®¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ B·− -eÓb§ ¯§È¦ ÌB‚¬¯¨ ˙Ó¨½ eÈ[17] And he that smiteth any man mortally shallsurely be put to death. [18] And he that smiteth ‰k−¤ È© Ȭk¦ Lȇ¾¦ § 17 :˙Ó«¨ eÈ ÌL−¥ -B·˜§ ¨a§ Á¯½¨Ê§‡¤ k«¨a beast mortally shall make it good: life for life. -LÙ¤ «¤ ‰¬k¥ Ó© e 18 :˙Ó«¨ eÈ ˙BÓ− Ì„®¨‡¨ LÙ¤´¤-Ïk¨[19] And if a man maim his neighbour; as he Lȇ¾¦ § 19 :LÙ¤ «¨ ˙Á© z¬© LÙ¤−¤ ‰p¨Ó®¤ l§ L© ȧ ‰Ó−¨ ‰¥ a§hath done, so shall it be done to him: [20] breachfor breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; as he Ôk−¥ ‰N¨½ Ú¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ k© B˙® ÈÓ¦ Ú£a© ÌeÓ− Ôz¬¥ Ȧ-Èk«¦hath maimed a man, so shall it be rendered unto ˙Á© z´© ÔȦ Ú©µ ¯·¤ L¤½ ˙Á© z´© ¯·¤ L¤ µ20 :Bl« ‰N¤ ¬Ú¨ È¥him. [21] And he that killeth a beast shall make Ì„½¨‡¨ a«¨ ÆÌeÓ Ôz¬¥ Ȧ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k© ÔL®¥ ˙Á© z´© ÔL−¥ ÔȦ Ú©½it good; and he that killeth a man shall be put to ‰p¨Ó®¤ l§ L© ȧ ‰Ó−¨ ‰¥ ·§ ‰¬k¥ Ó© e 21 :Ba« Ô˙¤¬p¨È¦ Ôk−¥death. [22] Ye shall have one manner of law, as ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ˳t© L§ Ó¦ 22 :˙Ó«¨ eÈ Ì„−¨‡¨ ‰¬k¥ Ó© ewell for the stranger, as for the home-born; for Iam the Lord your God.’ [23] And Moses spoke ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¦ ‡£ Ȳk¦ ‰®È¤‰§ Ȧ Á¯−¨Ê§ ‡¤ k¨ ¯¬b¥k© ÌΤ½ Ϩto the children of Israel, and they brought forthhim that had cursed out of the camp, and stoned ¼Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ »‰L¤ ŸÓ ¯´a¥ „©È§Â© 23 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡him with stones. And the children of Israel did as ‰¤½ Á£ n© Ï«© ÆıeÁÓ¦ -χ¤ Ïl¥À ˜©Ó§ ‰«© -˙‡¤ e‡Èˆ´¦ Bi©the Lord commanded Moses. ¯²L¤ ‡£ k«© eN½ Ú¨ χ´¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ e Ô·¤ ‡®¨ B˙− Ÿ‡ eÓ¬ b§ ¯§i¦ © Ù :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ be-har And the Lord spoke unto Moses in25 mount Sinai, saying: [2] Speak unto the25children of Israel, and say unto them: ¯‰· È−©ÈÒ¦ ¯¬‰© a§ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯³a¥ „©È§Â©When ye come into the land which I give z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥a§ -χ¤ ¯aº¥ c© 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥you, then shall the land keep a sabbath untothe Lord. [3] Six years thou shalt sow thy field, Ô˙´¥ Ÿ È−¦ ‡£ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ -χ¤ Æe‡Ÿ·Æ ˙¨ Èk³¦ ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, LL³¥ 3 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ˙a−¨ L© ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ‰˙´¨ ·§ L¨ § ̮Τ Ϩand gather in the produce thereof. [4] But in EÓ®¤ ¯§k© ¯ŸÓ´ ʧz¦ ÌÈ−¦ L¨ L¬L¥ § E„½¤N¨ Ú¯´©Ê§ z¦ ÆÌȦ L¨the seventh year shall be a sabbath of solemn ‰´¨M¨ ·© e 4 :d˙«¨ ‡¨ e·z§ -˙‡¤ z−¨ Ù§ Ò© ‡¨ §rest for the land, a sabbath unto the Lord; ˙a−¨ L© ı¯¤‡¨½ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÆÔB˙a¨ L© ˙³a© L© ˙ÚÀ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰©thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thyvineyard. [5] That which groweth of itself of thy :¯ŸÓ« ʧ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ E− Ó§ ¯§Î© § Ú¯½¨Ê§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ ÆE„§N«¨ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ©harvest thou shalt not reap, and the grapes of thyundressed vine thou shalt not gather; it shall be Ȭ·¥ p§ Ú¦ -˙‡¤ § ¯Bˆ½ ˜§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ ÆE¯§Èˆ«¦ ˜§ Á©ÈÙ³¦ Ò§ ˙‡´¥ 5a year of solemn rest for the land. [6] And the ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ ÔB˙− a¨ L© ˙¬©L§ ¯Ÿˆ® ·§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ E¯−¤Èʦ §sabbath-produce of the land shall be for foodfor you: for thee, and for thy servant and for thy ÆÌΤ Ϩ ı¯¤‡³¨ ‰¨ ˙a©¸ L© ‰˙¨ ȧ ‰¨ §Â6 :ı¯¤‡«¨ Ϩmaid, and for thy hired servant and for the settler ÆE¯§ÈΫ¦ N§ Ϧ § E˙®¤ Ó¨ ‡£ Ï© § E´ c§·§ Ú© ϧ e E− ϧ ‰Ï¨½ Χ ‡¨ ϧby thy side that sojourn with thee; [7] and for thy E½ z§ Ó§ ‰¤ ·§ Ϧ¸ § 7 :Cn«¨ Ú¦ Ìȯ−¦b¨‰© E½ ·§ L´¨ B˙ϧ ecattle, and for the beasts that are in thy land, shallall the increase thereof be for food. d˙−¨ ‡¨ e·z§ -ÏΨ ‰¬È¤‰§ z¦ E®ˆ¤ ¯§‡© a§ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰−i¨Á© Ï«© § ˙Ÿ˙´ a§ L© Ú·© L¤ µ EÀ ϧ z´¨ ¯§Ù© Ò¨ § 8 Ò :ϟΫ ‡¡ Ϥ [8] And thou shalt number seven sabbathsof years unto thee, seven times seven years; EÀ ϧ eÈ´‰¨ § ÌÈÓ®¦ Ú¨ t§ Ú·© L´¤ ÌÈ−¦ L¨ Ú·© ¬L¤ ÌȽ¦ L¨and there shall be unto thee the days of sevensabbaths of years, even forty and nine years. ÌÈÚ−¦ a¨ ¯§‡© § ÚL© z¬¥ ÌȽ¦ M¨ ‰© ˙Ÿ˙´ a§ L© Ú·© L¤ µÆÈÓ¥ ȧ 242 242
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ¯‰· 25 Home | TOCtorah LEVITICUS 25.9 be-har ‡¯˜È ‰¯Â˙[9] Then shalt thou make proclamation with the L„¤ŸÁ´ a© Ɖڨ e¯z§ ¯³Ù© BL zº¨ ¯§·© Ú£‰«© § 9 :‰«¨L¨blast of the horn on the tenth day of the seventhmonth; in the day of atonement shall ye make Ìȯ½¦tª k¦ ‰© ÆÌBÈa§ L„¤ŸÁ® Ï© ¯BN− Ú¨ a¤ ÈÚ½¦ ·¦ M§ ‰©proclamation with the horn throughout all your Ìz¤À L§ c©˜¦ § 10 :ÌΫ¤ ˆ§ ¯§‡© -ÏΨ a§ ¯Ù−¨ BL e¯È¬·¦ Ú£z©land. [10] And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, ¯B¯²c§ Ì˙¬¤ ‡¯¨˜§ e ‰¨½ L¨ ÆÌÈM¦ Ó¦ Á£ ‰© ˙³©L§ ˙‡´¥and proclaim liberty throughout the land unto ÌΤ½ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ z¦ Ƈ‰¦ Ϭ·¥ BÈ ‰¨ È®·¤ L§ ŸÈ-ÏΨ ϧ ı¯¤‡−¨ a¨all the inhabitants thereof; it shall be a jubileeunto you; and ye shall return every man unto -χ¤ Lȇ¬¦ § B˙½ f¨Áª ‡£ -χ¤ Lȇ¦ µ Ìz¤À ·§ L© §his possession, and ye shall return every man ˙²©L§ ‡Â‰À¦ Ï´·¥ BÈ 11 :e·L«ª z¨ Bz− Á§ t© L§ Ó¦unto his family. [11] A jubilee shall that fiftieth eÚ¯½¨Ê§˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ ̮Τ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ z¦ ‰−¨L¨ ÌÈM¬¦ Ó¦ Á£ ‰©year be unto you; ye shall not sow, neither reap e¯−ˆ§ ·§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ‰¨ ÈÁ¤½ ÈÙ¦ Ò§ -˙‡¤ Æe¯ˆ§ ˜§ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ³ §that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the ‰´È¤‰§ z¦ L„¤Ÿ˜− ‡Â‰¦½ Ï´·¥ BÈ Èk¦ µ12 :‰¨ ȯ«¤Ê¦ § -˙‡¤grapes in it of the undressed vines. [12] For it isa jubilee; it shall be holy unto you; ye shall eat :d˙«¨ ‡¨ e·z§ -˙‡¤ eÏ− Χ ‡Ÿz ‰„½¤O¨ ‰©¸ -ÔÓ¦ ̮Τ Ϩthe increase thereof out of the field. [13] In thisyear of jubilee ye shall return every man unto -χ¤ Lȇ−¦ e·Lª¾ z¨ ˙‡Ÿf®‰© Ï−·¥ Bi‰© ˙¬©L§ a¦ 13his possession. [14] And if thou sell aught unto E˙¤½ ÈÓ¦ ڣϩ Ưk¨ Ó§ Ó¦ e¯³k§ Ó§ ˙¦ -ÈΫ¦ § 14 :B˙« f¨Áª ‡£thy neighbour, or buy of thy neighbour’s hand, -˙‡¤ Lȇ¬¦ e−Bz-χ© E˙®¤ ÈÓ¦ Ú£ „´i©Ó¦ ‰Ÿ−˜¨ B‡¬ye shall not wrong one another. [15] Accordingto the number of years after the jubilee thou ‰−¤˜§ z¦ Ï·¥½ Bi‰© ¯Á´© ‡© ÆÌȦ L¨ ¯³t© Ò§ Ó¦ a§ 15 :ÂÈÁ«¦ ‡¨shalt buy of thy neighbour, and according unto -¯k¨ Ó§ Ȧ ˙Ÿ‡− e·˙§ -È«¥L§ ¯¬t© Ò§ Ó¦ a§ E˙®¤ ÈÓ¦ Ú£ ˙‡´¥ Ó¥the number of years of the crops he shall sell B˙½ ¨˜§ Ó¦ Ɖa¤ ¯§z© ÌÈÀ¦ M¨ ‰© ·Ÿ¯´ | ÈÙ´¦ ϧ 16 :CÏ«¨unto thee. [16] According to the multitude of Èk¦µ B˙® ¨˜§ Ó¦ ËÈÚ−¦ Ó§ z© ÌȽ¦ M¨ ‰© ËŸÚ´ Ó§ ÆÈÙ¦ ϧ ethe years thou shalt increase the price thereof,and according to the fewness of the years thou ÆeB˙ ‡ŸÏ³ § 17 :CÏ«¨ ¯Î−¥ ŸÓ ‡e‰¬ ˙Ÿ‡½ e·z§ ¯´t© Ò§ Ó¦shalt diminish the price of it; for the number of Ȭ¦ ‡£ Ȳk¦ EÈ®‰¤ŸÏ‡¡ Ó«¥ ˙¨ ‡¯−¥È¨Â§ B˙½ ÈÓ¦ Ú£-˙‡¤ Lȇ´¦crops doth he sell unto thee. [17] And ye shall not È˙©½ ŸwÁª -˙‡¤ ÆÌ˙¤ ÈN¦ ڣ© 18 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰B−¨‰È§wrong one another; but thou shalt fear thy God; Ì˙®¨ Ÿ‡ Ì˙´¤ ÈN¦ ڣ© e¯−Ó§ L§ z¦ Ȭ˩ t¨ L§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ §for I am the Lord your God. [18] Wherefore ye ‰³¨˙§ ¨Â§ 19 :ÁË© ·«¤ Ϩ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© Ìz¬¤ ·§ L© È«¦shall do My statutes, and keep Mine ordinancesand do them; and ye shall dwell in the land in Ìz¬¤ ·§ L© È«¦ Ú·©ŸN® Ϩ Ìz−¤ ϧ Ω ‡£ © dȨ½ ¯§t¦ Æı¯¤‡Æ¨ ‰¨safety. [19] And the land shall yield her fruit,and ye shall eat until ye have enough, and dwell Ï−Ω ‡Ÿp-‰Ó© e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿ˙ Èδ¦ § 20 :‰¨ ÈÏ«¤ Ú¨ ÁË© ·−¤ Ϩtherein in safety. [20] And if ye shall say: ‘What ÛŸÒ− ‡¡ ¤ ‡ŸÏ¬ § Ú¯½¨Ê§¦ ‡ŸÏ´ Ô‰¥µ ˙Ú®¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ‰´¨M¨ a©shall we eat the seventh year? behold, we may ÆÈ˙¦ Ψ ¯§a¦ -˙‡¤ È˙¦ Èe³¦ˆ¦ § 21 :e˙«¥ ‡¨ e·z§ -˙‡¤not sow, nor gather in our increase’; [21] thenI will command My blessing upon you in the ‰‡¨½ e·z§ ‰© -˙‡¤ Æ˙N¨ Ú¨ § ˙ÈM®¦ M¦ ‰© ‰−¨M¨ a© ÌΤ½ Ϩsixth year, and it shall bring forth produce for ‰´¨M¨ ‰© ˙‡¥µ Ìz¤À Ú§ ¯©Ê§e 22 :ÌÈ«¦ M¨ ‰© LŸÏ− L§ Ϧthe three years. [22] And ye shall sow the eighth | „´Ú© ÔL®¨ Ȩ ‰‡´¨ e·z§ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Ìz−¤ ϧ Ω ‡£ © ˙½¦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰©year, and eat of the produce, the old store; until d˙¨½ ‡¨ e·´ z§ ƇBa-„Ú© ˙ÚÀ¦ ÈL¦ z§ ‰© ‰´¨M¨ ‰©the ninth year, until her produce come in, yeshall eat the old store. [23] And the land shall not ƯΥ n¨ ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ³ ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ § 23 :ÔL«¨ Ȩ eÏ− Χ ‡Ÿzbe sold in perpetuity; for the land is Mine; for ye ÌȲ·¦ L¨ B˙§ Ìȯ¯¦‚¥-Èk«¦ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ ÈÏ−¦ -Èk¦ ˙˙ª½ Ó¦ ˆ§ Ϧ 243 243
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