<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Á¯˜ 16 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 16.26 korah ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙and went unto Dathan and Abiram; and the Ȭ¥˜§ ʦ Âȯ−¨Á£ ‡© eά ϧ i¥Â© ̯®¨È·¦ ‡£ © Ô˙´¨ c¨-χ¤elders of Israel followed him. [26] And he spokeunto the congregation, saying: ‘Depart, I pray e¯eÒ´ ¯ŸÓÀ ‡Ï¥ ‰„¹¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -χ¤ ¯a¥¸ „©È§Â© 26 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧyou, from the tents of these wicked men, and ‰l¤ ‡¥½ ‰¨ ÆÌÈÚ¦ L¨ ¯§‰«¨ ÌÈL³¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ ÈÏ¥¸ ‰¢ ‡¨ ÁÏÚ© Ó¥ ‡¨¿touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be swept away eÙ− q¨ z¦ -Ôt¤ Ì®‰¤ Ϩ ¯L´¤ ‡£ -ÏΨ a§ eÚ− b§ z¦ -χ«© §in all their sins.’ [27] So they got them up fromthe dwelling of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, Á¯©Ÿ˜²-Ôk© L§ Ó¦ ÏÚ¯© Ó¥ eÏÀ Ú¨ i¥Â© 27 :Ì˙«¨ ‡ŸhÁ© -ÏΨ a§on every side; and Dathan and Abiram came e‡´ ˆ§ Ȩ ̯¹¨È·¦ ‡£ © Ô˙¨¸ „¨Â§ ·È·®¦ q¨ Ó¦ ̯−¨È·¦ ‡£ © Ô˙¬¨ c¨out, and stood at the door of their tents, with ̉−¤ È¥·§ e ̬‰¤ ÈL¥ § e ̉¤½ ÈÏ¥ ‰¢ ‡«¨ Á˙© t¤µ ÌÈ·À¦ v¨ ¦their wives, and their sons, and their little ones.[28] And Moses said: ‘Hereby ye shall know that -Èk«¦ ÔeÚ½ „§z«¥ Æ˙‡ŸÊa§ ¼‰L¤ ŸÓ »¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi© 28 :Ìt«¨ Ë© §the Lord hath sent me to do all these works, and ÌÈN−¦ Ú£n© ‰«© -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥ ˙BN¾ ڣϩ Ȧ Á©½ Ϩ L§ ‰´Â¨‰È§that I have not done them of mine own mind. -Ïk¨ ˙BÓ³ k§ -̇¦ 29 :Èa«¦ l¦ Ó¦ ‡ŸÏ− -Èk¦ ‰l¤ ‡®¥ ‰¨[29] If these men die the common death of allmen, and be visited after the visitation of all men, Ì„½¨‡¨ ‰´¨ -Ïk¨ Æ˙c©˜ªÙ§ e ‰l¤ ‡¥½ Ôe˙´ Óª ȧ ÆÌ„¨‡¨ ‰«¨then the Lord hath not sent me. [30] But if the -̇¦ § 30 :Ȧ Á«¨ Ϩ L§ ‰−¨‰È§ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ì®‰¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ „˜−¥t¨ ȦLord make a new thing, and the ground open ‰Ó³¨ „¨‡£ ‰¨ ‰˙¨¸ ˆ§ Ù¨ e ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ ‡¯´¨·§ Ȧ ‰‡º¨ ȯ¦a§her mouth, and swallow them up, with all thatappertain unto them, and they go down alive ¯L´¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ ‰³Ú¨ ϧ ·¨ e Ɖ¨ ÈtƦ -˙‡¤into the pit, then ye shall understand that these eˆ² ‡£ «¦ Èk¯¦ Ìz¤¾ Ú§ „©È«¦ ‰Ï¨ Ÿ‡® L§ ÌÈi−¦Á© e„¬¯§È¨Â§ ̉¤½ Ϩmen have despised the Lord.’ [31] And it came Æȉ¦ ȧ © 31 :‰Â«¨‰È§ -˙‡¤ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ ‰¨ ÌÈL¬¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨to pass, as he made an end of speaking all thesewords, that the ground did cleave asunder that ‰l¤ ‡®¥ ‰¨ Ìȯ−¦·¨ c§‰© -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥ ¯a¥¾ „©Ï§ B˙½ ŸlΩ k§was under them. [32] And the earth opened :̉«¤ Èz¥ Á§ z© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Ó−¨ „¨‡£ ‰¨ Ú˜¬©a¨ z¦ ©her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ڬϩ ·§ z¦ © ‰¨ Èt½¦ -˙‡¤ Æı¯¤‡Æ¨ ‰¨ Áz³© Ù§ z¦ © 32households, and all the men that appertainedunto Korah, and all their goods. [33] So they, and Á¯©Ÿ˜½ ϧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÌ„¨‡¨ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ ˙‡³¥ § Ì®‰¤ Èz¥ a¨-˙‡¤ §all that appertained to them, went down alive ¯¬L¤ ‡£ -ÏΨ § ̉´¥ e„¹ ¯§i¥¸Â© 33 :LeΫ ¯£‰¨ -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ §into the pit; and the earth closed upon them, ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ Æ̉¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ҳΩ z§ © ‰Ï¨ Ÿ‡® L§ ÌÈi−¦Á© ̲‰¤ Ϩand they perished from among the assembly.[34] And all Israel that were round about them χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ-ÏΨ § 34 :ω«¨ w¨‰© CBz¬ Ó¦ e„−·§ ‡Ÿi©fled at the cry of them; for they said: ‘Lest the e¯½ Ó§ ‡«¨ Èk´¦ ̮ϨŸ˜Ï§ eÒ´¨ ̉−¤ È˙¥ Ÿ·È·¦ Ò§ ¯²L¤ ‡£earth swallow us up.’ [35] And fire came forth ˙‡´¥ Ó¥ ‰‡−¨ ˆ§ Ȩ L¬‡¥ § 35 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ eÚ−¥ Ϩ ·§ z¦ -Ôt¤from the Lord, and devoured the two hundredand fifty men that offered the incense. ÆÌȦ ˙Æ© ‡Ó¨ e ÌÈM³¦ Ó¦ Á£ ‰© ˙‡´¥ ÏΩ ‡ŸzÀ © ‰®Â¨‰È§ Ù :˙¯¤ŸË« w§ ‰© È·−¥ ȯ¦˜§ Ó© Lȇ½¦ And the Lord spoke unto Moses,17 17saying: [2] ‘Speak unto Eleazar the :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ ©son of Aaron the priest, that he take up the fire- ̯³¥È¨Â§ Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© -Ôa¤ ¯Ê¨¹Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ -χ¤ ¯ŸÓ¸ ‡¡ 2pans out of the burning, and scatter thou the fireyonder; for they are become holy; [3] even the L‡−¥ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ‰Ù¨½ ¯¥O§ ‰© ÔÈ´a¥ Ó¦ Æ˙ŸzÁ§ n© ‰© -˙‡¤fire-pans of these men who have sinned at the Á˙BzÁ§ Ó© ˙‡¥¿ 3 :eL„«¥˜¨ Èk−¦ ‰‡¨ ϧ ®‰¨ -‰¯¥Ê§cost of their lives, and let them be made beatenplates for a covering of the altar—for they are Ì˙¨¹ Ÿ‡ eN¸ Ú¨ § Ì˙¨À ŸLÙ§ ©a§ ‰l¤ ‡¥¹ ‰¨ Ìȇ¸¦ h¨ Á© ‰«©become holy, because they were offered before ̬·ª ȯ¦˜§ ‰¦ -Èk«¦ Á©a¥½ ʧ n¦ Ï© Èet´ ˆ¦ ÆÌÈÁ¦ Ù© ȳڥ wª¯¦ 294 294
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Á¯˜ 17 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 17.4 korah ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙the Lord—that they may be a sign unto the Ȭ¥·§ Ϧ ˙B‡− ϧ eȬ‰§ È«¦Â§ eLc®¨˜§ i¦ © ‰−¨‰È§ -È«¥Ù§ Ϧchildren of Israel.’ [4] And Eleazar the priesttook the brazen fire-pans, which they that were ˙Bz´ Á§ Ó© ˙‡¥µÔ‰¥À Ÿk‰© ¯´Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ Áwº©i¦Â© 4 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧburnt had offered; and they beat them out for a ÌeÚ− w§ ¯©È§Â«© ÌÈÙ®¦ ¯ªO§ ‰© e·È¯−¦˜§ ‰¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙L¤ ŸÁ½ p§ ‰©covering of the altar, [5] to be a memorial unto ÔÚ© Ó© ϧ  χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ Ϧ ÔB¯º k¨ ʦ 5 :Á©a«¥ ʧ n¦ Ï© Èet¬ ˆ¦the children of Israel, to the end that no commonman, that is not of the seed of Aaron, draw near Ú¯©³f¤Ó¦ ‡ŸÏ´ ¯L¤ ‡£Â ¯Ê¨À Lȇ´¦ ·¯¹©˜§ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ« ¯L¤¸ ‡£to burn incense before the Lord; that he fare not ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ˙¯¤ŸË− ˜§ ¯Èˬ¦ ˜§ ‰© ϧ ‡e‰½ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡©as Korah, and as his company; as the Lord spoke ¯¯a¤ c¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k© B˙½ „¨Ú£´Î© § ÆÁ¯©Ÿ˜Æ Χ ‰³È¤‰§ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ« §unto him by the hand of Moses. [6] But on the morrow all the congregation ˙„³©Ú£-Ïk¨ eŸl¹ i¦ © 6 :BÏ« ‰L−¤ ŸÓ-„È©a§ ‰²Â¨‰È§of the children of Israel murmured against ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -ÏÚ«© § ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-ÏÚ© ˙¯½¨Á¢ n¨ Ó«¦ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§Moses and against Aaron, saying: ‘Ye havekilled the people of the Lord.’ [7] And it came ȉÀ¦ ȧ© 7 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ̬ک -˙‡¤ Ìz−¤ Ó¦ ‰£ Ìz¬¤ ‡© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥to pass, when the congregation was assembled ÆeÙ§ i¦Â© ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© -ÏÚ«© § ‰L´¤ ŸÓ-ÏÚ© Ɖ„¨Ú¥ ‰«¨ ϳ‰¥ w¨‰¦ a§against Moses and against Aaron, that they ‡¯−¨i¥Â© Ô®¨Ú¨ ‰¤ e‰q−¨ Φ ‰¬p¥‰¦ § „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ -χ¤looked toward the tent of meeting; and, behold,the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord È−¥t§ -χ¤ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© § ƉL¤ ŸÓ ‡Ÿ·³ i¨Â© 8 :‰Â«¨‰È§ „B·¬ k§appeared. [8] And Moses and Aaron came to the Ù :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬front of the tent of meeting. enŸ¯À ‰¥ 10 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 9 [9] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying: Ú‚©¯®¨k§ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ‰¬l¤ Ω ‡£ © ˙‡Ÿf½‰© ‰„´¨Ú¥ ‰¨ ÆCBzÓ¦ -χ«¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 11 :̉«¤ È¥t§ -ÏÚ© eÏ− t§ i¦ «©[10] ‘Get you up from among this congregation,that I may consume them in a moment.’ And theyfell upon their faces. [11] And Moses said untoAaron: ‘Take thy fire-pan, and put fire therein L‡¥¹ ‰¨ ÈϤ¸ Ú¨ -Ô˙¤ § ‰z¨ Á§ n© ‰© Â-˙‡¤ Á˜´© ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡©from off the altar, and lay incense thereon, and ‰¯²¨‰¥ Ó§ C¯Ï¥ B‰Â§ ˙¯¤ŸË½ ˜§ ÌÈN´¦ § ÆÁ©a¥Æ ʧ n¦ ‰© ϳک Ó¥carry it quickly unto the congregation, and make Ûˆ¤ w²¤‰© ‡¬ˆ¨ Ȩ-Èk«¦ Ì®‰¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ¯´t¥ Ω § ‰„−¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -χ¤atonement for them; for there is wrath gone outfrom the Lord: the plague is begun.’ [12] And ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© Áw¸©i¦Â© 12 :Û‚¤«p¨‰© ϬÁ¥ ‰¥ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ l¦ Ó¦Aaron took as Moses spoke, and ran into the ω¨½ w¨‰© CBz´ -χ¤ Æı¯¨iƨ© ‰L¤À ŸÓ ¯´a¤ c¦ | ¯L´¤ ‡£ k©midst of the assembly; and, behold, the plague ˙¯¤ŸË½ w§ ‰© -˙‡«¤ ÆÔz¥ i¦ © ̮ڨ a¨ Û‚¤−p¤‰© ÏÁ¬¥ ‰¥ ‰²p¥‰¦ §was begun among the people; and he put on theincense, and made atonement for the people. ÌÈ˙−¦ n¥ ‰© -ÔÈa«¥ „ŸÓ¬ Ú£i©Â© 13 :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ¯t−¥ Ω ȧ ©[13] And he stood between the dead and the eÈÀ‰§ i¦ © 14 :‰Ù«¨ b¥n© ‰© ¯ˆ−© Ú¨ z¥ © ÌÈ®i¦Á© ‰«© ÔÈ´·¥ eliving; and the plague was stayed. [14] Now theythat died by the plague were fourteen thousand Ú´·© L§ e ÛϤ −‡¤ ¯N²¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© ‰Ù¨½ b¥n© a© ÆÌÈ˙¦ n¥ ‰©and seven hundred, besides them that died about :Á¯©Ÿ˜« -¯·© c§-ÏÚ© ÌÈ˙−¦ n¥ ‰© „¬·© l§ Ó¦ ˙B‡® Ó¥the matter of Korah. [15] And Aaron returned ω¤ Ÿ‡´ Á˙© t−¤ -χ¤ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© ·L¨ ³i¨Â© 15unto Moses unto the door of the tent of meeting,and the plague was stayed. Ù :‰¯¨ˆ«¨ Ú¡¤ ‰Ù−¨ b¥n© ‰© § „®Ú¥ BÓ | ¯´a¥ c© 17 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 16 [16] And the Lord spoke unto Moses,saying: [17] ‘Speak unto the children of Israel, Á‰h¤ Ó© ‰´h¤ Ó© Ìz¨¿ ‡¦ Ó«¥ Á˜´©Â§ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤and take of them rods, one for each fathers’house, of all their princes according to their ˙È´·¥ ϧ Æ̉¤ ‡¥ ÈN«¦ § -Ïk¨ ˙‡³¥ Ó¥ ·‡¨¹ ˙È·¥¸ ϧfathers’ houses, twelve rods; thou shalt write BÓ½ L§ -˙‡¤ Lȇ´¦ ˙Bh® Ó© ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ÌȬ¥L§ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ·‡£ 295 295
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Á¯˜ 17 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 17.18 korah ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙every man’s name upon his rod. [18] And thou ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© ÌL´¥ Æ˙‡¥ § 18 :e‰h«¥ Ó© -ÏÚ© ·Ÿz− Χ z¦shalt write Aaron’s name upon the rod of Levi,for there shall be one rod for the head of their L‡Ÿ¯−ϧ „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰´h¤ Ó© Èk¦µ È®¦Ï¥ ‰´h¥ Ó© -ÏÚ© ·Ÿz− Χ z¦fathers’ houses. [19] And thou shalt lay them „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ a§ Ìz−¨ Á§ p©‰¦ § 19 :Ì˙«¨ B·‡£ ˙Ȭa¥up in the tent of meeting before the testimony, :‰n¨ L«¨ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ „¬Ú¥ e¨‡¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ ˙e„½ Ú¥ ‰«¨ ÆÈ¥Ù§ Ϧwhere I meet with you. [20] And it shall come topass, that the man whom I shall choose, his rod Á¯®¨Ù§ Ȧ e‰´h¥ Ó© Ba−-¯Á© ·§ ‡¤ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Lȇ²¦ ‰¨ ‰È¨À‰¨ §20shall bud; and I will make to cease from Me the χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æ˙BpϪ z§ -˙‡¤ ÈÏ©À Ú¨ Ó«¥ È˙´¦ ŸkL¦ ‰£ ©murmurings of the children of Israel, which theymurmur against you.’ [21] And Moses spoke ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ¯a¥¸ „©È§Â© 21 :ÌΫ¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ Ì−¦ Èl¦ Ó© ̬‰¥ ¯²L¤ ‡£unto the children of Israel; and all their princes ̉¤¿ ȇ¥ ÈN«¦ § -Ïk«¨ | ÂÈÏ´¨‡¥ e´z§ i¦ © χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤gave him rods, for each prince one, according to Æ„Á¨ ‡¤ ‡ÈN³¦ ¨Ï§ ‰h¤¸ Ó© „Á¨¹ ‡¤ ‡ÈN¦¸ ¨Ï§ Á‰h¤ Ó©their fathers’ houses, even twelve rods; and therod of Aaron was among their rods. [22] And ‰¬h¥ Ó© e ˙Bh® Ó© ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ÌȬ¥L§ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ·‡£ ˙È´·¥ ϧMoses laid up the rods before the Lord in the -˙‡¤ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ Á¬p©i©Â© 22 :Ì˙«¨ BhÓ© CB˙¬ a§ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡©tent of the testimony. [23] And it came to pass onthe morrow, that Moses went into the tent of the ȉ´¦ ȧ© 23 :˙„«ªÚ¥ ‰¨ ω¤ Ÿ‡− a§ ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ˙Ÿh− n© ‰©testimony; and, behold, the rod of Aaron for the ˙e„½ Ú¥ ‰¨ ω¤ Ÿ‡´ -χ¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ‡Ÿ·³ i¨Â© ˙¯À¨Á¢ n¨ Ó«¦house of Levi was budded, and put forth buds,and bloomed blossoms, and bore ripe almonds. ‡ˆ«¥ Ÿi³Â© È®¦Ï¥ ˙È´·¥ ϧ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -‰h«¥ Ó© Á¯¬©t¨ ‰²p¥‰¦ §[24] And Moses brought out all the rods from ‡ˆ¥¸ Ÿi© 24 :ÌÈ„«¦˜¥L§ ÏŸÓ− ‚§ i¦ © ıȈ½¦ ıˆ«¥ ´i¨Â© ÆÁ¯©Ù¤Æbefore the Lord unto all the children of Israel; -χ«¤ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ È´¥Ù§ l¦ Ó¦ Æ˙Ÿhn© ‰© -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ ‰L³¤ ŸÓand they looked, and took every man his rod. [25] And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Put Lȇ¬¦ eÁ− ˜§ i¦Â© e‡¬ ¯§i¦Â© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È−¥a§ -Ïk¨back the rod of Aaron before the testimony, to ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 25 Ò :e‰h«¥ Ó©be kept there, for a token against the rebelliouschildren, that there may be made an end of ˙e„½ Ú¥ ‰¨ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© ‰³h¥ Ó© -˙‡¤ ·L¥º ‰¨their murmurings against Me, that they die not.’ ϯΩ ˙§ e ȯ¦Ó®¤ -È¥·§ Ϧ ˙B‡− ϧ ˙¯¤¬Ó¤ L§ Ó¦ ϧ[26] Thus did Moses; as the Lord commanded ‰L®¤ ŸÓ NÚ© −i©Â© 26 :e˙Ó«ª Ȩ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ÈÏ−© Ú¨ Ó¥ Ì˙²¨ ŸpeÏz§him, so did he. [27] And the children of Israel spoke unto Ò :‰N«¨ Ú¨ Ôk¬¥ B˙− Ÿ‡ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ‰e¯¨ˆ¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ k©Moses,saying:‘Behold,weperish,weareundone, ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æe¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi« © 27we are all undone. [28] Every one that comethnear, that cometh near unto the tabernacle of the ÏŸk´ 28 :e„§·«© ‡¨ e¬l¨ kª e„§·−© ‡¨ eÚ§ ²Â©b¨ Ô‰¬¥Lord, is to die; shall we wholly perish?’ ̇¬¦ ‰© ˙eÓ® Ȩ ‰−¨‰È§ Ôk¬© L§ Ó¦ -χ¤ ·¯²¥w¨‰© | ·¯¯¥w¨‰©18 and thy sons and thy fathers’ housewith thee shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary;18And the Lord said unto Aaron: ‘Thou Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© Ò :Ú©ŸÂ«‚§ Ϧ eÓ§ z−© Cz¨½ ‡¦ ÆEȷƦ ‡¨ -˙È·¥ e Eȳ¤·¨ e ‰z¨À ‡© ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤and thou and thy sons with thee shall bear the EÈ´¤·¨ e Ɖz¨ ‡© § Lc®¨˜§ n¦ ‰© ԟ´ڣ-˙‡¤ e‡− N§ z¦iniquity of your priesthood. [2] And thy brethrenalso, the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy father, bring Ì´‚©Â§ 2 :ÌΫ¤ ˙§ p©‰ª k§ ԟ¬ڣ-˙‡¤ e‡− N§ z¦ Cz¨½ ‡¦thou near with thee, that they may be joined unto ·¯´¥˜§ ‰© ÆEȷƦ ‡¨ Ë·¤ L³¥ ȹ¦Ï¥ ‰h¥¸ Ó© ÁEÈÁ¤ ‡© -˙‡¤thee, and minister unto thee, thou and thy sons EÈ´¤·¨ e Ɖz¨ ‡© § Ee˙® ¯§L¨ È«¦ EÈÏ−¤ Ú¨ e¬l¨ Ȧ § Cz¨½ ‡¦with thee being before the tent of the testimony.[3] And they shall keep thy charge, and the charge Æe¯Ó§ L«¨ § 3 :˙„«ªÚ¥ ‰¨ ω¤ Ÿ‡¬ È−¥Ù§ Ϧ Cz¨½ ‡¦of all the Tent; only they shall not come nigh -χ¤ ÁC‡© ω¤ Ÿ‡® ‰¨ -Ïk¨ ˙¯¤Ó−¤ L§ Ó¦ e E½ z§ ¯§Ó© L§ Ó«¦ 296 296
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Á¯˜ 18 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 18.4 korah ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙unto the holy furniture and unto the altar, that -‡ŸÏ« § e·¯½¨˜§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ ÆÁ©a¥Æ ʧ n¦ ‰© -χ¤ § L„¤Ÿw³ ‰© ÈÏ¥¸ k§they die not, neither they, nor ye. [4] And theyshall be joined unto thee, and keep the charge of EÈϤ½ Ú¨ e´ϧ ¦ § 4 :Ìz«¤ ‡© -Ìb© ̉−¥ -Ì‚© e˙¬Óª Ȩthe tent of meeting, whatsoever the service of the ÏŸÎ− ϧ „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ Æ˙¯¤ÓƤ L§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ e¯À Ó§ L«¨ §Tent may be; but a common man shall not drawnigh unto you. [5] And ye shall keep the charge :ÌΫ¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ·¯¬©˜§ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ ¯−ʨ§ ω¤ Ÿ‡® ‰¨ ˙„´©Ÿ·Ú£of the holy things, and the charge of the altar, ˙‡−¥ § L„¤Ÿw½ ‰© ˙¯¤Ó´¤ L§ Ó¦ ˙‡¥µ Ìz¤À ¯§Ó© L§ e 5that there be wrath no more upon the childrenof Israel. [6] And I, behold, I have taken your Ûˆ¤ ˜−¤ „BÚ² ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ« § Á©®a¥ ʧ n¦ ‰© ˙¯¤Ó´¤ L§ Ó¦brethren the Levites from among the children -˙‡¤ ÆÈz¦ Á§ ˜Æ©Ï¨ ‰³p¥‰¦ ÈÀ¦ ‡£ © 6 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -ÏÚ©of Israel; for you they are given as a gift unto theLord, to do the service of the tent of meeting. Ìκ¤ Ϩ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ CBz− Ó¦ Ìi½¦ ¦ϧ ‰© ̴Τ ÈÁ¥ ‡£[7] And thou and thy sons with thee shall keep ˙„−©Ÿ·Ú£-˙‡¤ „Ÿ·¾ ڣϩ ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© ÆÌȦ ˙ª § ‰³¨z¨ Ó©your priesthood in everything that pertaineth e¯¸ Ó§ L§ z¦ Ez§ ‡¦  EÈ´¤·¨ e ‰z´¨ ‡© § 7 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬to the altar, and to that within the veil; and ye ˙Ȭa¥ Ó¦ ϧ e Á©²a¥ ʧn¦ ‰© ¯¯·© c§-ÏΨ ϧ ÌΤ¹ ˙§ p©‰ª k§ -˙‡¤shall serve; I give you the priesthood as a serviceof gift; and the common man that draweth nigh ÆÔz¥ ‡¤ ‰¨Àz¨ Ó© ˙„´©Ÿ·Ú£ Ìz®¤ „§·© ڣ© ˙Τ Ÿ¯−t¨ Ï©shall be put to death.’ [8] And the Lord spoke unto Aaron: ‘And Ò :˙Ó«¨ eÈ ·¯−¥w¨‰© ¯¬f¨‰© § ÌΤ½ ˙§ p©‰ª k§ -˙‡¤I, behold, I have given thee the charge of My ‰´p¥‰¦ ÆȦ ‡£ © ¼ÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ »‰Â¨‰È§ ¯´a¥ „©È§ © 8heave-offerings; even of all the hallowed thingsof the children of Israel unto thee have I given -ÏΨ ϧ È˙®¨ ŸÓe¯z§ ˙¯¤Ó−¤ L§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ E½ ϧ Èz«¦ ˙´© ¨them for a consecrated portion, and to thy sons, ‰Á²¨ L§ Ó¨ ϧ ÌÈz¯¦ ˙© § ÆEϧ χ¥ ¯¨N§ ȦÂ-È«¥·§ ÈL´¥ „§˜¨as a due for ever. [9] This shall be thine of themost holy things, reserved from the fire: every L„¤Ÿw¬Ó¦ E² ϧ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -‰«Ê¤ 9 :ÌÏ«¨ BÚ-˜Á¨ ϧ EÈ−¤·¨ ϧ eoffering of theirs, even every meal-offering of -ÏΨ Ï«§ ̨a¨ ¯§˜¨Â-Ïk¨ L‡®¥ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ÌÈL−¦ „¨w¢‰©theirs, and every sin-offering of theirs, and everyguilt-offering of theirs, which they may render ÆÌÓ¨ L¨ ‡£ -ÏΨ ϧ e Ì˙¨À ‡h¨ Á© -ÏΨ ϧ e Ì˙º¨ Á¨ § Ó¦unto Me, shall be most holy for thee and for thy ‡e‰− E² ϧ ÌÈL¬¦ „¨˜«¨ L„¤Ÿ˜´ ÈϦ½ e·ÈL´¦ Ȩ ¯L´¤ ‡£sons. [10] In a most holy place shalt thou eatthereof; every male may eat thereof; it shall be -Ïk¨ ep®Ï¤ Σ‡Ÿz ÌÈL−¦ „¨w¢‰© L„¤Ÿ˜¬a§ 10 :EÈ«¤·¨ ϧ eholy unto thee. [11] And this is thine: the heave- Eº l§ -‰Ê¤Â§ 11 :Cl«¨ -‰È¤‰§ È«¦ L„¤Ÿ˜− B˙½ Ÿ‡ ϴΩ ‡ŸÈ ƯΨ ʨoffering of their gift, even all the wave-offeringsof the children of Israel; I have given them unto ¼Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ »˙ŸÙez§ -ÏΨ ϧ ̨Àz¨ Ó© ˙Ó´© e¯z§thee, and to thy sons and to thy daughters with -˜Á¨ ϧ E− z§ ‡¦ EÈ˙²¤ Ÿ·§ Ϧ § Eȯ¤·¨ ϧ e ÌÈzÀ¦ ˙© § E´ ϧthee, as a due for ever; every one that is clean in ÏŸkµ12 :B˙« Ÿ‡ ϬΩ ‡ŸÈ E− ˙§ È·¥ a§ ¯B‰¬ ˨ -Ïk¨ ÌÏ®¨ BÚthy house may eat thereof. [12] All the best ofthe oil, and all the best of the wine, and of the Ô®‚¨„¨Â§ LB¯´Èz¦ ·Ï¤ Á−¥ -ÏΨ § ¯‰¨½ ˆ§ Ȧ ·Ï¤ Á´¥corn, the first part of them which they give unto :ÌÈz«¦ ˙© § E¬ ϧ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ«© e¬z§ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ Ì˙²¨ ÈL¦ ‡¯¥the Lord, to thee have I given them. [13] Thefirst-ripe fruits of all that is in their land, which e‡È¬·¦ Ȩ-¯L¤ ‡£ ̲ˆ¨ ¯§‡© a§ ¯L¯¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ȯº¥eka¦ 13they bring unto the Lord, shall be thine; every E− ˙§ È·¥ a§ ¯B‰¬ ˨ -Ïk¨ ‰®È¤‰§ Ȧ E´ ϧ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ©one that is clean in thy house may eat thereof.[14] Every thing devoted in Israel shall be thine. :‰«È¤‰§ Ȧ E¬ ϧ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§ ̯¤¬Á¥ -Ïk¨ 14 :epÏ«¤ Σ‡ŸÈ[15] Every thing that openeth the womb, of all e·È¯¯¦˜§ È©-¯L¤ ‡£ ¯N¨º a¨ -ÏΨ Ï«§ ÌÁ¤ ¯¤Â ¯Ë¤ ´t¤ -Ïk¨ 15flesh which they offer unto the Lord, both ofman and beast, shall be thine; howbeit the first- | C‡´© C®l¨ -‰È¤‰§ È«¦ ‰Ó−¨ ‰¥ a§ ·© e Ì„¬¨‡¨ a¨ ‰²Â¨‰ÈÏ«©born of man shalt thou surely redeem, and the -¯BΫ a§ ˙²‡¥ § Ì„½¨‡¨ ‰«¨ ¯Bδ a§ ˙‡¥µ ‰cÀ¤Ù§ ˙¦ ‰Ÿ„´t¨firstling of unclean beasts shalt thou redeem. 297 297
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Á¯˜ 18 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 18.16 korah ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙[16] And their redemption-money—from a -Ôa¤ Ó¦ ÆÂȨe„Ù§ e 16 :‰c«¤Ù§ z¦ ‰‡−¨ Ó¥ h§ ‰© ‰Ó¬¨ ‰¥ a§ ‰©month old shalt thou redeem them—shall be,according to thy valuation, five shekels of silver, ÌÈÏ−¦ ˜¨L§ ˙L¤ Ó¬¥ Á£ ÛÒ¤²k¤ E½ k§ ¯§Ú¤¸ a§ ‰c½¤Ù§ z¦ L„¤ŸÁ´after the shekel of the sanctuary—the same is C‡´© 17 :‡e‰« ‰¯−¨b¥ Ìȯ¬¦N§ Ú¤ L„¤Ÿw®‰© Ϙ¤L´¤ a§twenty gerahs. [17] But the firstling of an ox, orthe firstling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, ‡ŸÏ¬ ʲڥ ¯Bά ·§ -B‡« ·N¤ k¤¹ ¯Bθ ·§ -B‡« ¯BL¿ -¯BÎa«§thou shalt not redeem; they are holy: thou shalt -ÏÚ© ˜Ÿ¯³Ê§z¦ ÌÓº¨ c¨-˙‡¤ Ì®‰¥ L„¤Ÿ˜´ ‰c−¤Ù§ ˙¦dash their blood against the altar, and shalt make Á©È¯¬¥Ï§ ‰²M¤ ‡¦ ¯È˽¦ ˜§ z© Ì´a¨ ϧ Á¤ -˙‡¤ § ÆÁ©a¥Æ ʧ n¦ ‰©their fat smoke for an offering made by fire, for asweet savour unto the Lord. [18] And the flesh of ‰¯Ê¥Á£ k© C®l¨ -‰È¤‰§ Ȧ ̯−¨N¨ ·§ e 18 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ«© Á©ŸÁ− Ȧthem shall be thine, as the wave-breast and as the | ÏŸk´ 19 :‰«È¤‰§ Ȧ E¬ ϧ ÔÈÓ−¦ i¨‰© ˜BL¬ Χ e ‰²Ù¨ ez§ ‰©right thigh, it shall be thine. [19] All the heave-offerings of the holy things, which the children »Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥·§ eÓȯ¬¦È¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌÈL¦À „¨w¢‰© ˙ŸÓ´ e¯z§of Israel offer unto the Lord, have I given thee, E− z§ ‡¦ EÈ˙²¤ Ÿ·§ Ϧ § Eȯ¤·¨ ϧ e EÀ ϧ Èz«¦ ˙´© ¨ ¼‰Â¨‰ÈÏ«©and thy sons and thy daughters with thee, as adue for ever; it is an everlasting covenant of salt È´¥Ù§ Ϧ Ƈ‰¦ ̬Ϩ BÚ ÁÏ© Ó¤¸ Á˙ȯ¦a§ ̮Ϩ BÚ-˜Á¨ ϧbefore the Lord unto thee and to thy seed with ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 20 :Cz«¨ ‡¦ E¬ Ú£¯§Ê©Ï§ e E− ϧ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§thee.’ -‡ŸÏ ˜Ï¤ Á¥¾ § ÏÁ¨½ § ˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ Æ̈¨ ¯§‡© a§ ÔŸ¯À ‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ [20] And the Lord said unto Aaron: ‘Thoushalt have no inheritance in their land, neither E½ ˙§ Ï´¨ Á£ ©Â§ ÆE˜§ ϧ Á¤ ȳ¦ ‡£ ̮Ψ B˙a§ E− ϧ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧshalt thou have any portion among them; I am Ƚ¦Ï¥ È´¥·§ Ϧ § 21 Ò :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ CB˙− a§thy portion and thine inheritance among thechildren of Israel. [21] And unto the children of ‰®Ï¨ Á£ ©Ï§ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§ ¯¬N¥ Ú£Ó«© -Ïk¨ Èz¦ ˙²© ¨ ‰¬p¥‰¦Levi, behold, I have given all the tithe in Israel for -˙‡¤ ÌÈ„½¦·§ ŸÚ« ̉´¥ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÆÌ˙¨ „¨Ÿ·« Ú£ ÛϤ Á³¥an inheritance, in return for their service whichthey serve, even the service of the tent of meeting. Ȭ¥a§ „BÚ² e·¬ ¯§˜§ Ȧ -‡ŸÏ§ 22 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ ˙„−©Ÿ·Ú£[22] And henceforth the children of Israel shall ‡Ë§ Á−¥ ˙‡¬N¥ Ϩ „®Ú¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ -χ¤ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧnot come nigh the tent of meeting, lest they bear Æ˙„©Ÿ·Ú£-˙‡¤ ‡e‰À ȹ¦l¥ ‰© „·©¸ Ú¨ § 23 :˙eÓ« Ϩsin, and die. [23] But the Levites alone shall dothe service of the tent of meeting, and they shall ÆÌϨ BÚ ˙w³©Áª Ì®¨ŸÂÚ£ e‡´ N§ Ȧ ̉−¥ § „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´bear their iniquity; it shall be a statute for ever eÏ− Á£ § Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÆCB˙·§ e ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ¯´Ÿ„ϧthroughout your generations, and among thechildren of Israel they shall have no inheritance. ¯L¤¸ ‡£ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§ ¯N´© Ú§ Ó© -˙‡¤ Èkº¦ 24 :‰Ï«¨ Á£ ©[24] For the tithe of the children of Israel, which Ìi−¦Â¦Ï§ Ï© Èz¦ ˙¬© ¨ ‰Ó¨½ e¯z§ Ɖ¨‰ÈÏ«© eÓȯ³¦È¨they set apart as a gift unto the Lord, I have givento the Levites for an inheritance; therefore I have È´¥a§ ÆCB˙a§ ̉¤½ Ϩ Èz¦ ¯§Ó´© ‡¨ ÆÔk¥-ÏÚ© ‰®Ï¨ Á£ ©Ï§said unto them: Among the children of Israel Ù :‰Ï«¨ Á£ © eÏ− Á£ § Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧthey shall have no inheritance.’ -χ¤ § 26 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 25 [25] And the Lord spoke unto Moses,saying: [26] ‘Moreover thou shalt speak unto the eÁ˜§ ˙¦ Â-Èk«¦ ¼Ì‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § »¯a¥ „©z§ Ìi´¦Â¦Ï§ ‰©Levites, and say unto them: When ye take of the ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ¯N¥À Ú£n© ‰«© -˙‡¤ χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§ ˙‡¥¸ Ó¥children of Israel the tithe which I have given youfrom them for your inheritance, then ye shall set Ì˙³¤ ŸÓ¯¥‰£ © ̮Τ ˙§ Ï© Á£ ©a§ Ìz−¨ ‡¦ Ó¥ ̲Τ Ϩ Èz¦ ˙¯© ¨apart of it a gift for the Lord, even a tithe of the :¯N«¥ Ú£n© ‰«© -ÔÓ¦ ¯N−¥ Ú£Ó© ‰Â¨½‰È§ ˙Ó´© e¯z§ ÆepnƤ Ó¦tithe. [27] And the gift which ye set apart shall bereckoned unto you, as though it were the corn Ô¯¤Ÿb½ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÆÔ‚¨c¨k© ̮Τ ˙§ Ó© e¯z§ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ·¬L© Á§ ¤Â§ 27of the threshing-floor, and as the fulness of the -Ì‚© eÓȯ³¦z¨ Ôk´¥ 28 :·˜¤i«¨‰© -ÔÓ¦ ‰‡−¨ Ï¥ Ó§ Ϋ© §winepress. [28] Thus ye also shall set apart a gift 298 298
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 18.29 korah Á¯˜ 18 ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙unto the Lord of all your tithes, which ye receive ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ¯´N§ Ú§ Ó© ÆÏŸkÓ¦ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ˙Ó´© e¯z§ ÆÌz¤ ‡©of the children of Israel; and thereof ye shall givethe gift which is set apart unto the Lord to Aaron Ìz³¤ ˙© § e χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ˙‡−¥ Ó¥ eÁ½ ˜§ z¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£the priest. [29] Out of all that is given you ye shall :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰© ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© ϧ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ˙Ó´© e¯z§ -˙‡¤ ÆepnƤ Ó¦set apart all of that which is due unto the Lord, ˙Ó´© e¯z§ -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ eÓȯ¾¦z¨ ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ´z§ Ó© ÆÏŸkÓ¦ 29of all the best thereof, even the hallowed part :epn«¤ Ó¦ BL− c§˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡«¤ Ba½ ϧ Á¤ -Ïk¨ Ó¦ ‰®Â¨‰È§thereof out of it. [30] Therefore thou shalt sayunto them: When ye set apart the best thereof ÆBaϧ Á¤ -˙‡¤ ̳Τ Ó§ ȯ«¦‰£ a© Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ z−¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § 30from it, then it shall be counted unto the Levitesas the increase of the threshing-floor, and as the Ô¯¤Ÿb− ˙‡¬© e·˙§ k¦ Ìi½¦Â¦Ï§ Ï© Æ·L© Á§ ¤Â§ epn¤½ Ó¦increase of the winepress. [31] And ye may eat -ÏΨ a§ ÆB˙Ÿ‡ Ìz³¤ ϧ Ω ‡£ © 31 :·˜¤È«¨ ˙‡¬© e·˙§ Φ §it in every place, ye and your households; for it ÌΤ½ Ϩ Ƈe‰ ¯¬Î¨ N¨ -Èk«¦ ̮Τ ˙§ È·«¥ e Ìz−¤ ‡© ÌB˜½ Ó¨is your reward in return for your service in thetent of meeting. [32] And ye shall bear no sin by -‡ŸÏ« § 32 :„Ú«¥ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡¬ a§ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ „©Ÿ·« Ú£ ÛϤ ¬Á¥reason of it, seeing that ye have set apart from it Ba− ϧ Á¤ -˙‡¤ ̬Τ Ó§ ȯ«¦‰£ a© ‡Ë§ Á¥½ ÆÂÈϨ Ú¨ e‡³ N§ ˙¦the best thereof; and ye shall not profane the holythings of the children of Israel, that ye die not.’ eÏ− l§ Á© ˙§ ‡ŸÏ¬ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥·§ ÈL¯¥ „§˜¨-˙‡¤ § epn®¤ Ó¦ Ù :e˙eÓ« ˙¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ §hukkat And the Lord spoke unto Moses and19 19unto Aaron, saying: ˙˜Á [2] This is the statute of the law which the ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ § ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ¯´a¥ „©È§ ©Lord hath commanded, saying: Speak untothe children of Israel, that they bring thee a red ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰¯½¨Bz‰© ˙w´©Áª ˙‡ŸÊµ2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ eÁ´ ˜§ Ȧ § χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ | ¯´a¥ c© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ‰−¨‰È§heifer, faultless, wherein is no blemish, and upon Æda¨ -Ôȇ«¥ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ‰Ó¨À ÈÓ¦ z§ ‰n¨¹ „ª‡£ ‰¯¸¨Ù¨ ÁEÈϤ ‡¥which never came yoke. [3] And ye shall give herunto Eleazar the priest, and she shall be brought Ìz´¤ ˙© § e 3 :ÏŸÚ« ‰¨ ÈÏ−¤ Ú¨ ‰¬Ï¨ Ú¨ -‡ŸÏ ¯²L¤ ‡£ ÌeÓ½forth without the camp, and she shall be slain Æd˙¨ Ÿ‡ ‡Èˆ³¦ B‰Â§ Ô‰®¥ Ÿk‰© ¯−ʨڨ ϧ ‡¤ -χ¤ d˙¨½ Ÿ‡before his face. [4] And Eleazar the priest shalltake of her blood with his finger, and sprinkle :ÂÈ«¨Ù¨ ϧ d˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ËÁ¬© L¨ § ‰¤½ Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ´ Ó¦ -χ¤of her blood toward the front of the tent of BÚ® a¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ a§ dÓ−¨ c¨Ó¦ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ¯¯Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ Á˜º©Ï¨ § 4meeting seven times. [5] And the heifer shall be dÓ−¨ c¨Ó¦ „²Ú¥ BÓ-ω¤ Ÿ‡« ȯ¥t§ ÁΩ Ÿ¸ -χ¤ ‰fº¨‰¦ §burnt in his sight; her skin, and her flesh, andher blood, with her dung, shall be burnt. [6] And ÂÈ®¨ÈÚ¥ ϧ ‰¯−¨t¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ Û¯¬©N¨ § 5 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ú¨ t§ Ú·© ¬L¤the priest shall take cedar-wood, and hyssop, and -ÏÚ© dÓ¨½ c¨-˙‡¤ § Æd¯¨N¨ a§ -˙‡¤ § d¯³¨ŸÚ-˙‡¤scarlet, and cast it into the midst of the burningof the heifer. [7] Then the priest shall wash his ʯ¤‡²¤ ı¬Ú¥ Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© Á˜´©Ï¨ § 6 :ÛŸ¯«N§ Ȧ dL−¨ ¯§t¦clothes, and he shall bathe his flesh in water, and CBz− -χ¤ CÈϦ¾ L§ ‰¦ § ˙Ú© ®Ï¨ B˙ È´¦ L§ e ·BÊ−‡¥ §afterward he may come into the camp, and the ıÁ³© ¯¨Â§ Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© ÂÈ„¹¨‚¨a§ Òa¤¸ Φ § 7 :‰¯«¨t¨ ‰© ˙¬Ù© ¯¥N§priest shall be unclean until the even. [8] And hethat burneth her shall wash his clothes in water, ‰®¤Á£ n© ‰«© -χ¤ ‡B·´ Ȩ ¯Á−© ‡© § ÌȦ n©½ a© ÆB¯N¨ a§and bathe his flesh in water, and shall be unclean d˙¨½ Ÿ‡ Û¯´¥O‰© § 8 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ §until the even. [9] And a man that is clean shallgather up the ashes of the heifer, and lay them ÌȦ n®¨ a© B¯−N¨ a§ ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÌȦ n©½ a© ÆÂÈ„¨‚¨a§ Ò³a¥ Ω ȧup without the camp in a clean place, and it shall ¯B‰À ˨ Lȇ´¦ | ÛÒ´©‡¨ § 9 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡Ó−¥ ˨ § 299 299
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙˜Á 19 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 19.10 hukkat ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙be kept for the congregation of the children of ‰−¤Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ¬ Ó¦ Á©È²p¦ ‰¦ § ‰¯½¨t¨ ‰© ¯Ù¤ ‡´¥ ˙‡¥µIsrael for a water of sprinkling; it is a purificationfrom sin. [10] And he that gathereth the ashes of χ¯¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§ ˙„¸©Ú£Ï© ‰˙¨ ȧ‰¨ § ¯B‰® ˨ ÌB˜´ Ó¨ a§the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be unclean Òa¤ Φ §Â10 :‡Â‰«¦ ˙‡¬h¨ Á© ‰c−¨¦ Ȭӥ ϧ ˙¯¤Ó²¤ L§ Ó¦ ϧuntil the even; and it shall be unto the childrenof Israel, and unto the stranger that sojourneth ‡Ó−¥ ˨ § ÂÈ„½¨‚¨a§ -˙‡¤ Ɖ¯¨t¨ ‰© ¯Ù¤ ‡³¥ -˙‡¤ ÛÒ¥¸ Ÿ‡‰¨among them, for a statute for ever. [11] He that ¯¬b¨‰© ¯²b¥Ï© § χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ Ϧ ‰˙º¨ ȧ‰¨ «§ ·¯¤®Ú¨ ‰¨ -„Ú©toucheth the dead, even any man’s dead body, -ÏΨ ϧ ˙Ó−¥ a§ Ú©¬‚¥Ÿp‰© 11 :ÌÏ«¨ BÚ ˙w¬©Áª ϧ ÌÎ−¨ B˙a§shall be unclean seven days; [12] the same shallpurify himself therewith on the third day and on ‡e‰´ 12 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ ‡Ó−¥ ˨ § Ì„®¨‡¨ LÙ¤´¤the seventh day, and he shall be clean; but if he ÈÚ−¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¬·© e ÈL²¦ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¯a© B·º-‡h¨ Á© ˙§ Ȧpurify not himself the third day and the seventhday, he shall not be clean. [13] Whosoever ÈL²¦ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¯a© ‡h¨¹ Á© ˙§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¸ -̇¦ § ¯®‰¨ ˧ Ȧtoucheth the dead, even the body of any man Ú©‚¥¿Ÿp‰© -Ïk«¨ 13 :¯‰«¨ ˧ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÈÚ−¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¬·© ethat is dead, and purifieth not himself—he hathdefiled the tabernacle of the Lord—that soul ‡ŸÏ´ § ˙eÓ¹ Ȩ-¯L¤ ‡£ Ì„¸¨‡¨ ‰¨ ÁLÙ¤ ¤a§ ˙Ó´¥ a§shall be cut off from Israel; because the water of ‰˙²¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ § ‡n¥½ ˦ Ɖ¨‰È§ Ôk³© L§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ ‡h¨À Á© ˙§ Ȧsprinkling was not dashed against him, he shall ˜¯³©ŸÊ-‡ŸÏ ‰c¹¨¦ ÈÓ¥¸ ÁÈk¦ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ i¦ Ó¦ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰© LÙ¤¬p¤‰©be unclean; his uncleanness is yet upon him.[14] This is the law: when a man dieth in a tent, ˙‡ŸÊµ14 :B·« B˙¬ ‡¨ Ó§ ˪ „BÚ− ‰È¤½‰§ Ȧ ‡Ó´¥ ˨ ÆÂÈϨ Ú¨every one that cometh into the tent, and every ‡³a¨ ‰© -Ïk¨ ω¤ Ÿ‡® a§ ˙eÓ´ Ȩ-Èk«¦ Ì„−¨‡¨ ‰¯½¨Bz‰©thing that is in the tent, shall be unclean sevendays. [15] And every open vessel, which hath ‡Ó−¨ ˧ Ȧ ω¤ Ÿ‡½ a¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ -ÏΨ § Æω¤ Ÿ‡Æ ‰¨ -χ¤no covering close-bound upon it, is unclean. ¯²L¤ ‡£ Á©e˙½ Ù¨ ÈÏ´¦ k§ ÆϟΧ 15 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦[16] And whosoever in the open field touchethone that is slain with a sword, or one that dieth ϟθ § 16 :‡e‰« ‡Ó−¥ ˨ ÂȮϨ Ú¨ ÏÈ˙−¦ t¨ „ÈÓ¬¦ ˆ¨ -Ôȇ¥of himself, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall B‡´ Æ·¯¤ÁƤ -ÏÏ© Á£ a«© ‰„À¤O¨ ‰© È´¥t§ -ÏÚ© Úb©¹ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£be unclean seven days. [17] And for the unclean ‡Ó−¨ ˧ Ȧ ¯·¤ ˜®¨·§ B‡´ Ì„−¨‡¨ ̈¤ ¬Ú¤ ·§ -B‡« ˙Ó¥½ ·§they shall take of the ashes of the burning of thepurification from sin, and running water shall be ¯Ù−© Ú£Ó¥ ‡Ó¥½ h¨ Ï© ÆeÁ˜§ Ï«¨ § 17 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦put thereto in a vessel. [18] And a clean person ÌÈi−¦Á© ÌȦ Ó¬© ÂȲϨ Ú¨ Ô˙¬© ¨Â§ ˙‡®h¨ Á© ‰«© ˙´Ù© ¯¥N§shall take hyssop, and dip it in the water, andsprinkle it upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, Lȇ´¦ »ÌȦ n© a© Ï´·© ˨ § ·Bʹ‡¥ Á˜¸©Ï¨ § 18 :ÈϦ k«¤-χ¤and upon the persons that were there, and upon ÌÈϦ½ k¥ ‰© -Ïk¨-ÏÚ© § Æω¤ Ÿ‡Æ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ‰³f¨‰¦ § ¼¯B‰Ë¨him that touched the bone, or the slain, or thedead, or the grave. [19] And the clean person Ú©‚¥ÀŸp‰© -ÏÚ© § ÌL®¨ -eȉ«¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ˙BL− Ù¨ p§ ‰© -ÏÚ© §shall sprinkle upon the unclean on the third day, :¯·¤ w«¨·© B‡¬ ˙n−¥ ·© B‡¬ ÏϨ½ Á¨ ·«¤ B‡´ Æ̈¤ Ú¤Æ a©and on the seventh day; and on the seventh day ÈL−¦ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¬a© ‡Ó¥½ h¨ ‰© -ÏÚ© ƯŸ‰h¨ ‰© ‰³f¨‰¦ § 19he shall purify him; and he shall wash his clothes,and bathe himself in water, and shall be clean at ÈÚ½¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´a© ÆB‡h§ Á¦ § ÈÚ®¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´·© eeven. [20] But the man that shall be unclean, and :·¯¤Ú«¨ a¨ ¯¬‰¥ ˨ § ÌȦ n−© a© ıÁ¬© ¯¨Â§ ÂÈ„²¨‚¨a§ Ò¯a¤ Φ §shall not purify himself, that soul shall be cut offfrom the midst of the assembly, because he hath ‰˙²¨ ¯§Î§ ¦ § ‡h¨½ Á© ˙§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ´ § ƇӨ ˧ Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇ³¦ § 20defiled the sanctuary of the Lord; the water of Lc¸©˜§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ ÁÈk¦ Ï®‰¨ w¨‰© CBz´ Ó¦ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰© LÙ¤¬p¤‰©sprinkling hath not been dashed against him:he is unclean. [21] And it shall be a perpetual ‡¬Ó¥ ˨ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ ˜¯¬©ŸÊ-‡ŸÏ ‰c²¨¦ Ȭӥ ‡n¥À ˦ ‰Â¹¨‰È§statute unto them; and he that sprinkleth the ‰³f¥Ó© e ̮Ϩ BÚ ˙w´©Áª ϧ ̉−¤ l¨ ‰˙¬¨ ȧ ‰¨ § 21 :‡e‰«water of sprinkling shall wash his clothes; and 300 300
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙˜Á 19 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 19.22 hukkat ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙he that toucheth the water of sprinkling shall ‰c½¨p¦ ‰© ÈÓ´¥ a§ ÆÚ©‚Æ¥Ÿp‰© § ÂÈ„½¨‚¨a§ Ò´a¥ Ω ȧ Ɖc¨p¦ ‰© -ÈÓ«¥be unclean until even. [22] And whatsoever theunclean person toucheth shall be unclean; and Ba¬-Úb©È¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ϟβ § 22 :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú© ‡Ó−¨ ˧ Ȧthe soul that toucheth him shall be unclean until ‡Ó¬¨ ˧ z¦ ˙Ú© −‚©Ÿp‰© LÙ¤¬p¤‰© § ‡Ó®¨ ˧ Ȧ ‡Ó−¥ h¨ ‰©even. Ù :·¯¤Ú«¨ ‰¨ -„Ú©20 whole congregation, came into thewilderness of Zin in the first month; and the20And the children of Israel, even the ‰„³¨Ú¥ ‰¨¸ -Ïk¨ χ¥ ¯¨N§ ȦÂ-È«¥·§ e‡Ÿ·´ i¨Â© ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ ·L¤ ¬i¥Â© ÔBL½ ‡¯¦‰«¨ L„¤ŸÁ´ a© ÆÔˆ¦ -¯a© „§Ó¦people abode in Kadesh; and Miriam died there, :ÌL«¨ ¯·−¥ w¨ z¦ © ÌȨ½ ¯§Ó¦ ÆÌL¨ ˙Ó¨ z³¨ © L„®¥˜¨ a§and was buried there. [2] And there was no ‰L−¤ ŸÓ-ÏÚ© eϽ ‰£ w´¨i¦ © ‰„®¨Ú¥ Ϩ ÌȦ Ó−© ‰È¨¬‰¨ -‡ŸÏ§ 2water for the congregation; and they assembled ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-ÌÚ¦ ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ ·¯¤¬i¨Â© 3 :ÔŸ¯«‰£ ‡© -ÏÚ«© §themselves together against Moses and againstAaron. [3] And the people strove with Moses, Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ eÈÁ−¥ ‡© ڬ©‚§ a¦ eÚ§ ²Â©‚¨ eϬ § ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿi©and spoke, saying: ‘Would that we had perished ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ω´© ˜§ -˙‡¤ ÆÌ˙¤ ‡·¥ ‰£ ‰Ó³¨ Ϩ § 4 :‰Â«¨‰È§when our brethren perished before the Lord![4] And why have ye brought the assembly of eÁ§ −©‡£ ÌL¨½ ˙eÓ´ Ϩ ‰®f¤‰© ¯a−¨ „§n¦ ‰© -χ¤the Lord into this wilderness, to die there, we ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ Æe˙ƪ ÈϦ Ú¡‰«¤ ‰Ó³¨ Ϩ § 5 :e¯«¥ÈÚ¦ ·§ eand our cattle? [5] And wherefore have ye made | ‡ŸÏ´ ‰®f¤‰© Ú¯−¨‰¨ ÌB˜¬ n¨ ‰© -χ¤ e˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ‡È·´¦ ‰¨ ϧus to come up out of Egypt, to bring us in untothis evil place? it is no place of seed, or of figs, or ÔȦ‡−© ÌȦ Ó¬© e ÔBn½ ¯¦Â§ ÆÔÙ¤ ‚¤Æ § ‰³¨‡¥ ˙§ e Ú¯©Ê¤À ÌB˜´ Ó§of vines, or of pomegranates; neither is there any ω¨À w¨‰© È´¥t§ Ó¦ ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡© § ‰L¤¸ ŸÓÁ‡Ÿ·i¨Â© 6 :˙Bz« L§ Ϧwater to drink.’ [6] And Moses and Aaron went Ì®‰¤ È¥t§ -ÏÚ© eÏ− t§ i¦ «© „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ ÆÁ˙© t¤Æ -χ¤from the presence of the assembly unto the door Ù :̉«¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ‰−¨‰È§-„B·Î§ ‡¯¬¨i¥Â©of the tent of meeting, and fell upon their faces; Á˜´© 8 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 7and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them.[7] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, Ɖz¨ ‡© Ɖ„¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ϳ‰¥ ˜§ ‰© § ‰h¤À n© ‰© -˙‡¤saying: [8] ‘Take the rod, and assemble the ÚÏ© q²¤ ‰© -χ¤ Ìz¯¤ ¯§a© „¦Â§ EÈÁ½¦ ‡¨ ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© §congregation, thou, and Aaron thy brother, andspeak ye unto the rock before their eyes, that it ÆÌȦÓÆ© ̬‰¤ Ϩ Æ˙¨ ‡ˆ¥ B‰Â§ ÂÈÓ®¨ ÈÓ¥ Ô˙´© ¨Â§ ̉−¤ È¥ÈÚ¥ ϧgive forth its water; and thou shalt bring forth -˙‡¤ § ‰„−¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ˙¬¨ Ș¦ L§ ‰¦ § ÚÏ© q¤½ ‰© -ÔÓ¦to them water out of the rock; so thou shalt give È´¥Ù§ l¦ Ó¦ ‰h−¤ n© ‰© -˙‡¤ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ Áw¬©i¦ © 9 :̯«¨ÈÚ¦ a§the congregation and their cattle drink.’ [9] AndMoses took the rod from before the Lord, as He ‰L¯¤ ŸÓ eω¦¹ ˜§ i©Â© 10 :e‰e«¨ˆ¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© ‰®Â¨‰È§commanded him. [10] And Moses and Aaron ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ÚÏ© q®¨ ‰© È´¥t§ -χ¤ Ï−‰¨ w¨‰© -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯²‰£ ‡© §gathered the assembly together before the rock, ‰f¤½ ‰© ÚÏ© q´¤ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ‰£ Ìȯ½¦Ÿn‰© Ƈ¨-eÚÓ§ L¦ ̉¤À Ϩand he said unto them: ‘Hear now, ye rebels; arewe to bring you forth water out of this rock?’ B„À Ȩ-˙‡¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ̯¤i¨¸Â© 11 :ÌȦӫ¨ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ‡Èˆ¬¦ B[11] And Moses lifted up his hand, and smotethe rock with his rod twice; and water came forth ÌȦӴ© Æe‡ˆ§ i¥Â© ÌȦӮ¨ Ú£t© e‰h−¥ Ó© a§ ÚÏ© q²¤ ‰© -˙‡¤ C¯i©Â© Ò :̯«¨ÈÚ¦ ·§ e ‰„−¨Ú¥ ‰¨ z§ L§ z¬¥ © ÌÈa½¦ ¯©abundantly, and the congregation drank, and ¼ÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ § ‰L´¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ »‰Â¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 12their cattle. [12] And the Lord said unto Mosesand Aaron: ‘Because ye believed not in Me, to È−¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ Ȧ L¥½ Èc¦˜§ ‰Æ© ϧ Èa½¦ Ìz´¤ § Ó© ‡¡ ‰¤ -‡ŸÏ ÔÚ© È©µsanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, ω´¨ w¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ Æe‡È·Æ¦ ˙¨ ‡ŸÏ³ ÔÎ¥À Ϩ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ 301 301
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙˜Á 20 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 20.13 hukkat ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙therefore ye shall not bring this assembly into the :̉«¤ Ϩ Èz¦ ˙¬© ¨-¯L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ -χ¤ ‰f¤½ ‰©land which I have given them.’ [13] These are thewaters of Meribah, where the children of Israel χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ e·¬ ¯¨-¯L¤ ‡£ ‰·¨½ ȯ¦Ó§ ÈÓ´¥ ‰n¨ ‰¥ µ13strove with the Lord, and He was sanctified in ÁÏ©¸ L§ i¦ © 14 Ò :Ìa«¨ L„−¥w¨ i¦ © ‰®Â¨‰È§ -˙‡¤them. [14] And Moses sent messengers from ‰Ÿk³ ÌB„®‡¡ CϤ Ó´¤ -χ¤ L„−¥w¨Ó¦ ÌȲΦ ‡¨ ϧ Ó© ‰L¯¤ ŸÓ ˙¬‡¥ z¨ Ú§ „½©È¨ ‰z´¨ ‡© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ EÈÁ´¦ ‡¨ Ưө ‡¨Kadesh unto the king of Edom: ‘Thus saiththy brother Israel: Thou knowest all the travail e„³¯§i¥Â© 15 :e˙§ ‡«¨ ˆ¨ Ó§ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰‡−¨ Ϩ z§ ‰© -Ïk¨that hath befallen us; [15] how our fathers wentdown into Egypt, and we dwelt in Egypt a long ÌÈÓ´¦ Ȩ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ ·L¤ ¬p¥Â© ‰Ó¨ ȧ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ÆeÈ˙Æ¥ Ÿ·‡£time; and the Egyptians dealt ill with us, and our :eÈ˙«¥ Ÿ·‡£ Ï© § ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ e²Ï¨ eÚ¯¬¥i¨Â© ÌÈa®¦ ¯©fathers; [16] and when we cried unto the Lord,He heard our voice, and sent an angel, and Á´Ï© L§ i¦ © eÏ¥½ Ÿ˜ ÚÓ´© L§ i¦ © Ɖ¨‰È§-χ¤ ˜³Ú© ˆ§ p¦ © 16brought us forth out of Egypt; and, behold, we are eÁ§ ´©‡£ Ɖp¥‰¦ § ÌȦ¯®¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ e‡−¥ ˆ¦ Ÿi© C‡¨½ ϧ Ó©in Kadesh, a city in the uttermost of thy border.[17] Let us pass, I pray thee, through thy land; we ‡´p¨-‰¯¨a§ Ú§ © 17 :EÏ«¤ e·‚§ ‰¬ˆ¥ ˜§ ¯ÈÚ−¦ L„½¥˜¨·§will not pass through field or through vineyard, ‡ŸÏ¬ § ̯¤Î¤½ ·§ e ‰„´¤N¨ a§ ƯŸ·Ú£© ‡ŸÏ³ Eˆ¤À ¯§‡© ·§neither will we drink of the water of the wells; Ɖh¤ ¦ ‡ŸÏ³ CÏ¥À ¥ CϤ n´¤ ‰© C¯¤c¯¤ ¯‡®¥ ·§ ÈÓ´¥ ‰z−¤ L§ ¦we will go along the king’s highway, we will notturn aside to the right hand nor to the left, until :EÏ«¤ e·b§ ¯Ÿ·− Ú£©-¯L«¤ ‡£ „¬Ú© χŸÓ½ N§ e ÔÈÓ´¦ Ȩwe have passed thy border.’ [18] And Edom said -Ôt¤ Èa®¦ ¯Ÿ·− Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌB„½ ‡¡ ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 18unto him: ‘Thou shalt not pass through me, lest Icome out with the sword against thee.’ [19] And ÂȬϨ‡¥ e¯¸ Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 19 :E˙«¤ ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ ‡¬ˆ¥ ‡¥ ·¯¤Á−¤ a©the children of Israel said unto him; ‘We will go EÈÓ³¤ ÈÓ¥ -̇¦ § ¼‰Ï¤ Ú£© ‰l´¨ Ò¦ Ó§ a«© »Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§up by the highway; and if we drink of thy water,I and my cattle, then will I give the price thereof; ˜¯¬© ̯®¨Î§ Ó¦ Èz−¦ ˙© ¨Â§ È©½ ˜§ Ó¦ e È´¦ ‡£ Ɖz¤ L§ ¦let me only pass through on my feet; there is ‡ŸÏ´ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© 20 :‰¯¨Ÿ·« Ú¡‡«¤ Ȭϩ ‚§ ¯©a§ ¯·−¨ c¨-Ôȇ¥no hurt.’ [20] And he said: ‘Thou shalt not pass „·−¥ k¨ ̬ک a§ B˙½ ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ ÆÌB„‡¡ ‡³ˆ¥ i¥Â© ¯Ÿ·® Ú£˙©through.’ And Edom came out against him withmuch people, and with a strong hand. [21] Thus -˙‡¤ ÆÔŸ˙§ ÌB„À ‡¡ | Ô‡´¥ Ó¨ ȧ © 21 :‰˜«¨Ê¨Á£ „¬È¨·§ eEdom refused to give Israel passage through his χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˬi¥Â© BÏ® ·ª ‚§ a¦ ¯Ÿ·− Ú£ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧborder; wherefore Israel turned away from him. [22] And they journeyed from Kadesh; Ù :ÂÈÏ«¨ Ú¨ Ó¥ -Ïk¨ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ e‡Ÿ·¯ i¨Â© L„®¥w¨Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦Â© 22and the children of Israel, even the wholecongregation, came unto mount Hor. [23] Andthe Lord spoke unto Moses and Aaron in ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¯Â© 23 :¯‰«¨ ‰¨ ¯Ÿ‰¬ ‰„−¨Ú¥ ‰¨mount Hor, by the border of the land of Edom, -ı¯¤‡«¤ Ïe·¬ b§ -ÏÚ© ¯®‰¨ ‰¨ ¯Ÿ‰´ a§ ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -χ«¤ §saying: [24] ‘Aaron shall be gathered unto his Èk´¦ ÂÈn¨½ Ú© -χ¤ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© ÛÒ³¥‡¨ È¥ 24 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ ÌB„−‡¡people; for he shall not enter into the land whichI have given unto the children of Israel, because È´¥·§ Ϧ Èz¦ ˙−© ¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ -χ¤ ƇŸ·È¨ ‡ŸÏ³ye rebelled against My word at the waters of Ȭӥ ϧ Èt−¦ -˙‡¤ Ì˙¬¤ ȯ¦Ó§ -¯L¤ ‡£ ϲک χ®¥ ¯¨N§ ȦMeribah. [25] Take Aaron and Eleazar his son,and bring them up unto mount Hor. [26] And B®a§ ¯−ʨڨ ϧ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ § ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© -˙‡«¤ Á˜©µ25 :‰·«¨ ȯ¦Ó§strip Aaron of his garments, and put them upon -˙‡«¤ ËL³¥ Ù§ ‰© § 26 :¯‰«¨ ‰¨ ¯Ÿ‰¬ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ÏÚ© ¬‰© §Eleazar his son; and Aaron shall be gatheredunto his people, and shall die there.’ [27] And ¯´Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ Ìz−¨ L§ a© ϧ ‰¦ § ÂÈ„½¨‚¨a§ -˙‡¤ ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡©Moses did as the Lord commanded; and they ‰L¤½ ŸÓ NÚ© ´i©Â© 27 :ÌL«¨ ˙¬Ó¥ e ÛÒ−¥ ‡¨ È¥ ÔŸ¯¬‰£ ‡© § B®a§ That is, Strife. 302 302
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙˜Á 20 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 20.28 hukkat ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙went up into mount Hor in the sight of all the ¯‰¨½ ‰¨ ¯Ÿ‰´ -χ¤ ÆeÏÚ£i©Â«© ‰®Â¨‰È§ ‰e´¨ˆ¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k©congregation. [28] And Moses stripped Aaronof his garments, and put them upon Eleazar -˙‡«¤ ‰L¤¸ ŸÓ ÁËL¥ Ù§ i©Â© 28 :‰„«¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ È−¥ÈÚ¥ ϧhis son; and Aaron died there in the top of the ¯´Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ L³a¥ ϧ i©Â© ÂÈ„À¨‚¨a§ -˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯¹ ‰£ ‡©mount; and Moses and Eleazar came down from „¯¤¯i¥Â© ¯®‰¨ ‰¨ L‡Ÿ¯´a§ ÌL−¨ ÔŸ¯²‰£ ‡© ˙Ó¨ ¯i¨Â© B½ a§the mount. [29] And when all the congregation -Ïk¨ Æe‡¯§i¦ © 29 :¯‰«¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ¯−ʨڨ ϧ ‡¤ § ‰²L¤ ŸÓsaw that Aaron was dead, they wept for Aaronthirty days, even all the house of Israel. ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -˙‡«¤ ek³ ·§ i¦ © ÔŸ¯®‰£ ‡© ÚÂ−©‚¨ Ȭk¦ ‰„½¨Ú¥ ‰´¨ And the Canaanite, the king of Arad,21 who dwelt in the South, 21heard tell that Israel came by the way ofAtharim; and he fought against Israel, and took Ò :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˙Ȭa¥ ÏŸk− ÌBȽ ÌÈL´¦ ŸÏL§some of them captive. [2] And Israel vowed a ·L´¥ ŸÈ Æ„¯¨Ú£-CϤ Ó«¤ ȳ¦ Ú£©k§ ‰© ÚÓº© L§ i¦ ©vow unto the Lord, and said: ‘If Thou wilt ÆÌÁ¤ l¨Æ i¦ © Ìȯ®¦˙¨ ‡£ ‰¨ C¯¤c−¤ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ‡´a¨ Èk¦µ·‚¤p¤½ ‰© Ϭ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ¯c¸©i¦Â© 2 :È·¦ L«¤ epn−¤ Ó¦ | a§ L§ ¬i¦Â© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§indeed deliver this people into my hand, then I -˙‡¤ Ôz¥¹ z¦ ÔŸ˙¸ ¨-̇¦ ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© ‰−¨‰ÈÏ«© ¯„¤²¤will utterly destroy their cities.’ [3] And the Lordhearkened to the voice of Israel, and delivered up :̉«¤ ȯ¥Ú¨ -˙‡¤ Èz−¦ Ó§ ¯©Á£ ‰«© § È„½¦È¨a§ Ɖf¤‰© ̳ڨ ‰¨the Canaanites; and they utterly destroyed them -˙‡¤ ÆÔz¥ i¦ © χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ ÏB˜´ a§ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ÚÓ©¸ L§ i¦ © 3and their cities; and the name of the place wascalled Hormah. Ì®‰¤ ȯ¥Ú¨ -˙‡¤ § ̉−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ ̯¬¥Á£ i©Â© Ƚ¦ Ú£©k§ ‰«© Ù :‰Ó«¨ ¯§Á¨ ÌB˜−n¨ ‰© -ÌL¥ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦Â© [4] And they journeyed from mountHor by the way to the Red Sea, to compass ·Ÿ·− Ò§ Ϧ ÛeÒ½ -ÌÈ© C¯¤c´¤ Ư‰¨ ‰¨ ¯Ÿ‰³ Ó¥ eÚº Ò§ i¦ © 4the land of Edom; and the soul of the peoplebecame impatient because of the way. [5] And :C¯¤c«¨a© ÌÚ−¨ ‰¨ -LÙ¤ «¤ ¯¬ˆ© ˜§ z¦ © ÌB„®‡¡ ı¯¤‡´¤ -˙‡¤the people spoke against God, and against ‰Ó³¨ Ϩ ¼‰L¤ ŸÓ·§ e »Ìȉ¦ ŸÏ‡a«¥ ÌÚ¨À ‰¨ ¯´a¥ „©È§ © 5Moses: ‘Wherefore have ye brought us up outof Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is ÔȬ‡¥ Èk´¦ ¯®a¨ „§n¦ a© ˙eÓ¸ Ϩ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ Æe˙ƪ ÈϦ Ú¡‰«¤no bread, and there is no water; and our soul ÌÁ¤ l−¤ a© ‰ˆ¨ ˜½¨ eL´¥ Ù§ ©Â§ ÌȦө½ Ôȇ´¥ § ÆÌÁ¤ ϤÆloatheth this light bread.’ [6] And the Lord ˙‡¥µ ÌÚ¨À a¨ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ Ál©¸ L© ȧ © 6 :Ϙ«¥ŸÏw§ ‰©sent fiery serpents among the people, and theybit the people; and much people of Israel died. ̮ڨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eÎ− M§ ©È§Â«© ÌÈÙ½¦ ¯¨O§ ‰© ÌÈL´¦ Á¨ p§ ‰©[7] And the people came to Moses, and said: ‘We ÌÚ¨¸ ‰¨ Á‡Ÿ·i¨Â© 7 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ i¦ Ó¦ ·¯−¨-ÌÚ© ˙Ó¨ ¬i¨Â©have sinned, because we have spoken againstthe Lord, and against thee; pray unto the Lord, e¯§³a© „¦-Èk«¦ e‡Ë¨À Á¨ e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿi© ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ-χ¤that He take away the serpents from us.’ And ¯Ò¬¥ Ȩ§ ‰Â¨½‰È§-χ¤ ÆÏl¥ t© ˙§ ‰¦ C·¨½ ¨ Ɖ¨‰È·«©Moses prayed for the people. [8] And the Lord „¬Ú© a§ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ Ϭl¥ t© ˙§ i¦ © LÁ®¨ p¨‰© -˙‡¤ eÈÏ−¥ Ú¨ Ó¥said unto Moses: ‘Make thee a fiery serpent, andset it upon a pole; and it shall come to pass, that ÆEϧ ‰N³¥ Ú£ ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 8 :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨every one that is bitten, when he seeth it, shall CeL½ p¨‰© -Ïk¨ ƉȨ‰¨ § Ò®¥-ÏÚ© B˙− Ÿ‡ ÌÈN¬¦ § Û¯½¨N¨live.’ [9] And Moses made a serpent of brass, andset it upon the pole; and it came to pass, that if ˙L¤ ŸÁ½ § LÁ´© § ƉL¤ ŸÓ NÚ© ³i©Â© 9 :ÈÁ«¨ ¨ B˙− Ÿ‡ ‰‡¬¨ ¯¨Â§a serpent had bitten any man, when he looked ÆLÁ¨ p¨‰© CL³© ¨-̇¦ ‰È¨À‰¨ § Ò®p¥‰© -ÏÚ© e‰Ó−¥ N¦ ȧ ©unto the serpent of brass, he lived. [10] And :ÈÁ«¨ ¨ ˙L¤ ŸÁ− p§ ‰© LÁ¬© § -χ¤ ËȲa¦ ‰¦ § Lȇ½¦ -˙‡¤the children of Israel journeyed, and pitched inOboth. [11] And they journeyed from Oboth, :˙Ÿ·« Ÿ‡a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 10and pitched at Ije-abarim, in the wilderness ÌȯÀ¦·¨ Ú£‰«¨ È´i¥Ú¦ a§ eºÁ£ i©Â«© ˙Ÿ·® Ÿ‡Ó¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 11 That is, Utter destruction. 303 303
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙˜Á 21 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 21.12 hukkat ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙which is in front of Moab, toward the sunrising. Á¯−©Ê§ n¦ Ó¦ ·‡¨½ BÓ È´¥t§ -ÏÚ© ƯL¤ ‡£ Ưa¨ „§n¦ a©[12] From thence they journeyed, and pitchedin the valley of Zered. [13] From thence they :„¯¤Ê«¨ ÏÁ©¬©a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© eÚÒ®¨ ¨ ÌM−¨ Ó¦ 12 :LÓ¤ M«¨ ‰©journeyed, and pitched on the other side of the ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÔB¯§‡© ¯·¤ ³Ú¥ Ó¥ eÀÁ£ i©Â«© ¼eÚÒ¨ ¨ »ÌM¨ Ó¦ 13Arnon, which is in the wilderness, that cometh ÆÔB¯§‡© Èk³¦ ȯ®¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰«¨ Ïe·´ b§ Ó¦ ‡ˆ−¥ Ÿi‰© ¯a¨½ „§n¦ a©out of the border of the Amorites.—For Arnon :ȯ«¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰¨ ÔȬ·¥ e ·‡−¨ BÓ ÔȬa¥ ·‡¨½ BÓ Ïe·´ b§is the border of Moab, between Moab and theAmorites; [14] wherefore it is said in the book of ‰®Â¨‰È§ ˙ŸÓ´ Á£ ϧ Ó¦ ¯Ù¤ Ò−¥ a§ ¯Ó©½ ‡¨ È«¥ ÆÔk¥-ÏÚ© 14the Wars of the Lord: Vaheb in Suphah, / And the valleys of :ÔB« ¯§‡© ÌÈÏ−¦ Á¨ p§ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ‰Ù¨½ eÒa§ ·´‰¥ ¨-˙‡¤ ¯®Ú¨ ˙·¤ L´¤ ϧ ‰Ë−¨ ¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌÈϦ½ Á¨ p§ ‰© Æ„L¤ ‡Æ¤ § 15Arnon, / [15] And the slope of the valleys / Thatinclineth toward the seat of Ar, / And leanethupon the border of Moab.— ‡Â‰´¦ ‰¯¨‡®¥ a§ ÌM−¨ Ó¦ e 16 :·‡«¨ BÓ Ïe·¬ ‚§ Ϧ ÔÚ−© L§ ¦ § ÆÛŸÒ‡¡ ‰L¤½ ŸÓϧ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó³© ‡¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ¯‡¥À a§ ‰© [16] And from thence to Beer; that is thewell whereof the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Gather ʇ¨ µ17 Ò :ÌȦ Ó«¨ ̉−¤ Ϩ ‰¬¨z§ ‡¤ § ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤the people together, and I will give them water.’[17] Then sang Israel this song: ÈϬ¦ Ú£ ˙‡Ÿf®‰© ‰¯−¨ÈM¦ ‰© -˙‡¤ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ¯ÈL´¦ ȨSpring up, O well—sing ye unto it— / Ɖ¨ e¯Æ k¨ ÌȯÀ¦N¨ ‰¨ e¯´Ù¨ Á£ ¯‡º¥ a§ 18 :dÏ«¨ -eÚ¡ ¯‡−¥ ·§[18] The well, which the princes digged, / Whichthe nobles of the people delved, / With the ¯a−¨ „§n¦ Ó¦ e Ì˙®¨ ŸÚ£L§ Ó¦ a§ ˜˜−¥ŸÁÓ§ a¦ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ È´·¥ È„¦§sceptre, and with their staves. χ−¥ ÈϦ Á£ p©Ó¦ e χ®¥ ÈϦ Á£ © ‰−¨z¨ n© Ó¦ e 19 :‰«¨z¨ Ó©And from the wilderness to Mattanah; ‰„´¥N§ a¦ ƯL¤ ‡£ Ƈȧ b©‰© ˙BÓÀ a¨ Ó¦ e 20 :˙BÓ« a¨[19] and from Mattanah to Nahaliel; and fromNahaliel to Bamoth; [20] and from Bamoth to Ȭ¥t§ -ÏÚ© ‰Ù¨ ˜−¨L§ ¦ § ‰®b¨Ò§ t¦ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯− ·‡¨½ BÓthe valley that is in the field of Moab, by the top Ù :ÔŸÓ« ÈL¦ ȧ‰©of Pisgah, which looketh down upon the desert. [21] And Israel sent messengers unto Sihon ÔŸÁ¬ ÈÒ¦ -χ¤ ÌÈν¦ ‡¨ ϧ Ó© Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Á³Ï© L§ i¦ © 21 Eˆ¤À ¯§‡© ·§ ‰¯´¨a§ Ú§ ‡¤ 22 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ ȯ−¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰¨ -CϤ Ó«¤king of the Amorites, saying: [22] ‘Let me passthrough thy land; we will not turn aside into field, ÈÓ´¥ ‰z−¤ L§ ¦ ‡ŸÏ¬ ̯¤Î¤½ ·§ e ‰„´¤N¨ a§ Ɖh¤ ¦ ‡ŸÏ³or into vineyard; we will not drink of the water ofthe wells; we will go by the king’s highway, until ¯Ÿ·− Ú£©-¯L«¤ ‡£ „¬Ú© CÏ¥½ ¥ ÆCϤ nƤ ‰© C¯¤„³¤a§ ¯‡®¥ ·§wehavepassedthyborder.’[23] AndSihonwould ¯Ÿ·´ Ú£»Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -˙‡¤ ÔŸÁ´ ÈÒ¦ Ô˙©¸ ¨-‡ŸÏ§ 23 :EÏ«¤ ·ª b§not suffer Israel to pass through his border; butSihon gathered all his people together, and went ‡ˆº¥ i¥Â© BnÀ Ú© -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ ÔŸÁ¹ ÈÒ¦ ÛŸÒ¸ ‡¡ i¤Â© ¼BÏ·ª ‚§ a¦out against Israel into the wilderness, and came ‰ˆ¨ ‰§ ®È¨ ‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© ‰¯¨a¨½ „§n¦ ‰© Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˙‡¯³©˜§ Ϧto Jahaz; and he fought against Israel. [24] And -ÈÙ¦ ϧ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ e‰¬k¥ i©Â© 24 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§ ÌÁ¤ l−¨ i¦ ©Israel smote him with the edge of the sword,and possessed his land from the Arnon unto ƘŸaÈ©-„Ú© ÔŸÀ¯§‡© Ó«¥ Bˆ¹ ¯§‡© -˙‡¤ L¯¸©Èi¦ © ·¯¤Á®¨the Jabbok, even unto the children of Ammon; :ÔBn« Ú© Ȭ¥a§ Ïe·− b§ ÊÚ©½ Èk´¦ ÔBn½ Ú© È´¥a§ -„Ú©for the border of the children of Ammon wasstrong. [25] And Israel took all these cities; and ‰l¤ ‡®¥ ‰¨ Ìȯ−¦Ú¨ ‰¤ -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ÆÁw©i¦ © 25Israel dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites, in ÔBa− L§ Á¤ a§ ȯ½¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰«¨ ȯ´¥Ú¨ -ÏΨ a§ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ·L¤ ³i¥Â©Heshbon, and in all the towns thereof. [26] For CϤ ¬Ó¤ ÔŸÁ² ÈÒ¦ ¯ÈÚÀ¦ ÔBa½ L§ Á¤ Èk´¦ 26 :‰¨ È˙«¤ Ÿa§ -ÏΨ ·§ eHeshbon was the city of Sihon the king of theAmorites, who had fought against the former Æ·‡¨ BÓ CϤ Ó³¤ a§ ÌÁ©À ϧ ¦ ‡e‰´ § ‡Â‰®¦ ȯ−¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰¨king of Moab, and taken all his land out of his -„Ú© B„−i¨Ó¦ Bˆ² ¯§‡© -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ Áw¯©i¦ © ÔBL½ ‡¯¦‰«¨ That is, A well. 304 304
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙˜Á 21 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 21.27 hukkat ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙hand, even unto the Arnon. [27] Wherefore they e‡Ÿa´ ÌÈÏ−¦ L§ Ÿn‰© e¯¬Ó§ ‡ŸÈ Ô²k¥-ÏÚ© 27 :ÔŸ« ¯§‡©that speak in parables say: Come ye to Heshbon! / Let the city of Sihon -Èk¦ 28 :ÔBÁ« ÈÒ¦ ¯ÈÚ¬¦ Ô−¥Bk˙¦ § ‰¬¤a¨ z¦ ÔBa® L§ Á¤ ÔŸÁ® ÈÒ¦ ˙´È©¯§w¦ Ó¦ ‰·−¨ ‰¨ Ϥ ÔBa½ L§ Á¤ Ó«¥ ‰‡´¨ ˆ§ È«¨ ÆL‡¥be built and established! / [28] For a fire is goneoutofHeshbon, /AflamefromthecityofSihon; / :ÔŸ« ¯§‡© ˙BÓ¬ a¨ ÈÏ−¥ Ú£a© ·‡¨½ BÓ ¯´Ú¨ ƉϨ Χ ‡«¨It hath devoured Ar of Moab, / The lords of thehigh places of Arnon. / [29] Woe to thee, Moab! / Ô˙©¸ ¨ LBÓ® k§ -ÌÚ© z¨ „§·−© ‡¨ ·‡¨½ BÓ E´ ϧ -ÈB‡ 29Thou art undone, O people of Chemosh; / ȯ−¦ŸÓ‡¡ CϤ ¬Ó¤ ϧ ˙È·½¦ M§ a© ÂÈ˙´¨ Ÿ·§ e ÆÌ˦ ÈÏ¥ t§ Âȳ¨a¨He hath given his sons as fugitives, / And hisdaughters into captivity, / Unto Sihon king ofÀthe Amorites. / [30] We have shot at them— ÔB·® Èc¦-„Ú© ÔBa− L§ Á¤ „¬·© ‡¨ ̯²¨Èp¦ © 30 :ÔBÁ« ÈÒ¦ Æ·L¤ iƥ© 31 :‡·«¨ „§ÈÓ«¥ -„Ú© ¯L−¤ ‡£ ÁÙ© Ÿ½ -„Ú© ÌÈM´¦ p©Â©Heshbon is perished—even unto Dibon, / And ƉL¤ ŸÓ Á³Ï© L§ i¦ © 32 :ȯ«¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰¨ ı¯¤‡−¤ a§ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧwe have laid waste even unto Nophah, / Whichreacheth unto Medeba. ˘¯ÈÈ ‰¨ È˙®¤ Ÿa§ e„−k§ ϧ i¦ «© ¯Ê¥½Ú§ È©-˙‡¤ Ï´b¥ ¯©Ï§[31] Thus Israel dwelt in the land of the ÆeÙ§ i¦ © 33 :ÌL«¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ȯ¬¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ L¯¤Bi−©Amorites. [32] And Moses sent to spy out Jazer,and they took the towns thereof, and drove out ÔL¨¸ a¨ ‰© -CϤ Ó«¤ Á‚BÚ ‡´ˆ¥ i¥Â© ÔL®¨ a¨ ‰© C¯¤c−¤ eϽ Ú£i©Â«©the Amorites that were there. [33] And they ‰Ó−¨ Á¨ ϧ n¦ Ï© Bn² Ú© -ÏΨ § ‡e‰¯ Ì˙¨¹ ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧturned and went up by the way of Bashan; andOg the king of Bashan went out against them, -χ© ƉL¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰³Â¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 34 :ÈÚ¦ ¯«¤„§‡¤he and all his people, to battle at Edrei. [34] And -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ § B˙² Ÿ‡ Èz¦ ˙¯© ¨ Eº „§È¨·§ Èk´¦ B˙½ Ÿ‡ ‡¯´¨Èz¦the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Fear him not; for ˙¨ ÈN¦À Ú¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ k© Bl½ ˙¨ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ § Bˆ® ¯§‡© -˙‡¤ § Bn− Ú©I have delivered him into thy hand, and all hispeople, and his land; and thou shalt do to him as :ÔBa« L§ Á¤ a§ ·L−¥ BÈ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ȯ½¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰«¨ CϤ Ó´¤ ÆÔŸÁÈÒ¦ ϧthou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, who -„Ú© Bn½ Ú© -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § ÆÂȨa¨ -˙‡¤ § B˙³ Ÿ‡ ek¸ i©Â© 35dwelt at Heshbon.’ [35] So they smote him, andhis sons, and all his people, until there was none eL− ¯§Èi«¦Â© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ22left him remaining; and they possessed his land. „ȯ®¦N¨ BÏ− -¯È‡«¦ L§ ‰¦ Èz¬¦ ϧ a¦22 and pitched in the plains of Moab È´¥a§ eÚ− Ò§ i¦Â© :Bˆ« ¯§‡© -˙‡¤beyond the Jordan at Jericho.And the children of Israel journeyed, Ôc¬¥¯§È©Ï§ ¯·¤ Ú−¥ Ó¥ ·‡¨½ BÓ ˙B·´ ¯§Ú«© a§ ÆeÁ£ i©Â«© Ò :BÁ« ¯¥È§balak ˜Ï·[2] And Balak the son of Zippor saw all -¯L¤ ‡£ -Ïk¨ ˙²‡¥ ¯Bt® ˆ¦ -Ôa¤ ˜Ï−¨ a¨ ‡¯§¬i©Â© 2that Israel had done to the Amorites. [3] And Ȭ¥t§ Ó¦ ·‡¨¹ BÓ ¯‚¨i¨¸Â© 3 :ȯ«¦ŸÓ‡¡ Ï«¨ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ‰N¬¨ Ú¨Moab was sore afraid of the people, because theywere many; and Moab was overcome with dread È−¥t§ Ó¦ ·‡¨½ BÓ ı˜¨´i¨Â© ‡e‰® -·¯© Èk´¦ „Ÿ‡− Ó§ ̲ڨ ‰¨because of the children of Israel. [4] And Moab ÔȨÀ„§Ó¦ È´¥˜§ ʦ -χ¤ ·‡¨¹ BÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 4 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§said unto the elders of Midian: ‘Now will thismultitude lick up all that is round about us, as eÈ˙¥½ Ÿ·È·´¦ Ò§ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ Æω¨ w¨‰© eγ Á£ Ï© ȧ ‰zº¨ Ú©the ox licketh up the grass of the field.’—And ˜Ï¯¨ ·¨ e ‰„®¤O¨ ‰© ˜¯¤´È¤ ˙‡−¥ ¯BM½ ‰© CŸÁ´ ϧ k¦Balak the son of Zippor was king of Moab at that :‡Â‰«¦ ‰© ˙¬Ú¥ a¨ ·‡−¨ BÓϧ CϤ ¬Ó¤ ¯Bt² ˆ¦ -Ôa¤time.—[5] And he sent messengers unto Balaamthe son of Beor, to Pethor, which is by the River, ¯BÚÀ a§ -Ôa¤ Ì´Ú¨ ϧ a¦ -χ¤ ÌÈι¦ ‡¨ ϧ Ó© ÁÏ©¸ L§ i¦ © 5to the land of the children of his people, to call Bn− Ú© -È¥a§ ı¯¤¬‡¤ ¯²‰¨ p¨‰© -ÏÚ© ¯L¯¤ ‡£ ‰¯¨B˙t§Â 305 305
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 22.6 balak ˜Ï· 22 ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙him, saying: ‘Behold, there is a people come out ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ ‡³ˆ¨ Ȩ Ì´Ú© ‰p¥‰¦  ¯ŸÓÀ ‡Ï¥ BÏ® -‡Ÿ¯˜§ Ϧfrom Egypt; behold, they cover the face of theearth, and they abide over against me. [6] Come ·L−¥ ŸÈ ‡e‰¬ § ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ÔÈ´Ú¥ -˙‡¤ Ɖq¨ Φ ‰³p¥‰¦now therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people; -˙‡¤ Èl¦¹ -‰¯¨‡«¨ ‡p¨¸ -‰Î¨ ϧ Á‰z¨ Ú© § 6 :ÈÏ«¦ nª Ó¦for they are too mighty for me; peradventure I ȳϩ e‡ Èp¦ n¤½ Ó¦ Ƈe‰ Ìeˆ¬ Ú¨ -Èk«¦ ‰f¤À‰© ÌÚ´¨ ‰¨shall prevail, that we may smite them, and thatI may drive them out of the land; for I know Èk´¦ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ epL−¤ ¯§‚¨‡£ © Ba½ -‰k¤ © ÆÏΩ e‡that he whom thou blessest is blessed, and he ¯Ÿ‡− z¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ © C¯½¨Ÿ·Ó§ ÆC¯¥·¨ z§ -¯L¤ ‡£ ˙‡³¥ Èz¦ Ú§ „À©È¨whom thou cursest is cursed.’ [7] And the eldersof Moab and the elders of Midian departed with ÔȨ½„§Ó¦ È´¥˜§ ʦ§ Æ·‡¨ BÓ È³¥˜§ ʦ eι ϧ i¥¸Â© 7 :¯‡«¨ eÈthe rewards of divination in their hand; and e¯¬a§ „©È§Â© ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦ -χ¤ Æe‡Ÿ·Æ i¨Â© Ì„®¨È¨a§ ÌÈÓ−¦ Ò¨ ˜§ ethey came unto Balaam, and spoke unto him eÈϳ¦ ̉¤À ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 8 :˜Ï«¨ ·¨ ȯ¬¥·§ c¦ ÂÈÏ−¨‡¥the words of Balak. [8] And he said unto them:‘Lodge here this night, and I will bring you back ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ¯·¨½ c¨ ÆÌΤ ˙§ ‡¤ È˙³¦ Ÿ·L¦ ‰£ © ‰Ï¨ ȧ l©½ ‰© ƉŸÙword, as the Lord may speak unto me’; and the -ÌÚ¦ ·‡−¨ BÓ-ȯ«¥N¨ e·¬ L§ i¥Â© ȮϨ‡¥ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§princes of Moab abode with Balaam. [9] And ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¾Â© ̮ڨ ϧ a¦ -χ¤ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© 9 :ÌÚ«¨ ϧ a¦God came unto Balaam, and said: ‘What men arethese with thee?’ [10] And Balaam said unto God: ÌÚ−¨ ϧ a¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 10 :Cn«¨ Ú¦ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ ‰¨ ÌÈL¬¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ ÈÓ²¦‘Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab, hath sent ·‡−¨ BÓ CϤ ¬Ó¤ ¯Ÿt² ˆ¦ -Ôa¤ ˜Ï¯¨ a¨ Ìȉ®¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨ -χ¤unto me [,saying] [11] Behold the people that ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ ‡´ˆ¥ Ÿi‰© ÆÌÚ¨ ‰¨ ‰³p¥‰¦ 11 :ÈÏ«¨ ‡¥ Á¬Ï© L¨is come out of Egypt, it covereth the face of theearth; now, come curse me them; peradventure ÆÈl¦ -‰·¨ ˜«¨ ‰³Î¨ ϧ ‰z¨À Ú© ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ ÔÈ´Ú¥ -˙‡¤ ÒÎ−© ȧ ©I shall be able to fight against them, and shall :ÂÈz«¦ L§ ¯©‚¥Â§ Ba− ÌÁ¤ ¬l¨ ‰¦ ϧ ϲΩ e‡ Ȭϩ e‡ B˙½ Ÿ‡drive them out.’ [12] And God said unto Balaam:‘Thou shalt not go with them; thou shalt not CÏ−¥ ˙¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦ -χ¤ ÆÌȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 12curse the people; for they are blessed.’ [13] And :‡e‰« Ce¯−·¨ Ȭk¦ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ƯŸ‡˙¨ ‡ŸÏ³ Ì®‰¤ n¨ Ú¦Balaam rose up in the morning, and said unto ˜Ï¨½ ·¨ ȯ´¥N¨ -χ¤ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© ¯˜¤Ÿa½ a© ÆÌÚ¨ ϧ a¦ ̘¨³i¨Â© 13the princes of Balak: ‘Get you into your land;for the Lord refuseth to give me leave to go Èz−¦ ˙¦ ϧ ‰Â¨½‰È§ Ô‡´¥ Ó¥ Èk¦µ ̮Τ ˆ§ ¯§‡© -χ«¤ eÎ− ϧwith you.’ [14] And the princes of Moab rose e‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© ·‡¨½ BÓ È¯´¥N¨ ÆeÓe˜Æ i¨Â© 14 :ÌΫ¤ n¨ Ú¦ CŸÏ¬ ‰£ Ï©up, and they went unto Balak, and said: ‘Balaam :en«¨ Ú¦ CŸÏ¬ ‰£ ÌÚ−¨ ϧ a¦ Ô‡¬¥ Ó¥ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© ˜®Ï¨ a¨ -χ¤refuseth to come with us.’ [15] And Balak sent yetagain princes, more, and more honourable than ÌȬa¦ ¯© Ìȯ½¦N¨ Á©ŸÏ´ L§ ˜®Ï¨ a¨ „BÚ− ÛÒ¤Ÿi¬Â© 15they. [16] And they came to Balaam, and said ̮ڨ ϧ a¦ -χ¤ e‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© 16 :‰l¤ ‡«¥ Ó¥ ÌÈ„−¦a¨ Χ ¦ §to him: ‘Thus saith Balak the son of Zippor: Letnothing, I pray thee, hinder thee from coming ‡¬¨-χ© ¯Bt½ ˆ¦ -Ôa¤ ˜Ï´¨ a¨ Ưө ‡¨ ‰Ÿk³ BÏÀ e¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â©unto me; [17] for I will promote thee unto very ÆE„§a¤ Ω ‡£ „³a¥ Ω-Èk«¦ 17 :ÈÏ«¨ ‡¥ CŸÏ¬ ‰£ Ó¥ Ú−©n¨ ˙¦great honour, and whatsoever thou sayest unto -‰Î¨ ϧ e ‰N®¤ Ú¡ ‡«¤ ÈÏ−© ‡¥ ¯Ó¬© ‡Ÿz-¯L¤ ‡£ ϟβ § „Ÿ‡½ Ó§me I will do; come therefore, I pray thee, curseme this people.’ [18] And Balaam answered and ÌÚ¨À ϧ a¦ ÔÚ© ´i©Â© 18 :‰«f¤‰© ̬ڨ ‰¨ ˙‡−¥ Èl¦½ -‰·¨ ˜«¨ Ƈp¨said unto the servants of Balak: ‘If Balak would ˜²Ï¨ ·¨ ÈϬ¦ -Ôz¤ Ȧ -̇¦ ˜Ï¨½ ·¨ È„´¥·§ Ú© -χ¤ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â©give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot ƯŸ·Ú£Ï© ÏΩÀ e‡ ‡ŸÏ´ ·®‰¨ ʨ§ ÛÒ¤ ´k¤ B˙− È·¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ Ó§go beyond the word of the Lord my God, to doany thing, small or great. [19] Now therefore, I B‡¬ ‰−p¨Ë© ˜§ ˙BN¬ ڣϩ ȉ¨½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ ÆÈt¦ -˙‡¤pray you, tarry ye also here this night, that I may Ìz−¤ ‡© -Ìb© ‰²Ê¤·¨ ‡¬¨ e·¸ L§ ‰z¨À Ú© § 19 :‰Ï«¨ B„‚§ 306 306
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 22.20 balak ˜Ï· 22 ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙know what the Lord will speak unto me more.’ :Èn«¦ Ú¦ ¯¬a¥ c© ‰−¨‰È§ ÛÒ¬¥Ÿi-‰Ó© ‰Ú¨½ „§‡´¥ § ‰Ï¨ ȧ ®l¨ ‰©[20] And God came unto Balaam at night, andsaid unto him: ‘If the men are come to call thee, ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© ¼‰Ï¨ ȧϩ »ÌÚ¨ ϧ a¦ -χ¤ | Ìȉ¬¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ‡Ÿ·¸ i¨Â© 20rise up, go with them; but only the word which C´Ï¥ Ìe˜− ÌÈL¦½ ¨‡£ ‰¨ e‡´a¨ ÆEϧ ‡Ÿ¯³˜§ Ϧ -̇¦ BÏÀI speak unto thee, that shalt thou do.’ [21] And EÈÏ−¤‡¥ ¯¬a¥ „©‡£ -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯²·¨ c¨‰© -˙‡¤ C‡©À § Ìz®¨ ‡¦Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled hisass, and went with the princes of Moab. [22] And LŸ·− Á£ i©Â«© ¯˜¤Ÿa½ a© ÆÌÚ¨ ϧ a¦ ̘¨³i¨Â© 21 :‰N«¤ Ú£˙© B˙¬ Ÿ‡God’s anger was kindled because he went; and -¯Á© i«¦Â© 22 :·‡«¨ BÓ È¯¬¥N¨ -ÌÚ¦ CϤ −i¥Â© B®Ÿ˙‡£ -˙‡¤the angel of the Lord placed himself in the way C‡¯© ϧ Ó© ·vº¥ È©˙§ i¦ © ¼‡e‰ C´Ï¥ B‰-Èk«¦ »Ìȉ¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Û‡´©for an adversary against him.—Now he was B½Ÿ˙‡£ -ÏÚ© ·´Î¥ Ÿ¯ Ƈe‰Â§ BÏ® ÔË´¨ N¨ ϧ C¯¤c−¤a© ‰²Â¨‰È§riding upon his ass, and his two servants werewith him.—[23] And the ass saw the angel of the -˙‡¤ ÁÔB˙‡¨ ‰¨ ‡¯¤z´¥ © 23 :Bn« Ú¦ Âȯ−¨Ú¨ § Ȭ¥L§ eLord standing in the way, with his sword drawn Ɖ٨ eÏL§ Ba³ ¯§Á© § C¯¤cÀ¤a© ·v´¨ ¦ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ C‡©¸ ϧ Ó©in his hand; and the ass turned aside out of the ‰„®¤O¨ a© CϤ z−¥ © C¯¤c½¤‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÆÔB˙‡¨ ‰«¨ Ëz³¥ © B„½ Ȩa§way; and went into the field; and Balaam smotethe ass, to turn her into the way. [24] Then the :C¯¤c«¨‰© d˙−¨ Ÿh‰© ϧ ÔB˙½ ‡¨ ‰´¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÌÚ¨ ϧ a¦ C³i©Â©angel of the Lord stood in a hollow way between ÌÈÓ®¦ ¯¨k§ ‰© ÏBÚ− L§ Ó¦ a§ ‰Â¨½‰È§ C‡´© ϧ Ó© Æ„ŸÓÚ£i©Â«© 24the vineyards, a fence being on this side, and a ÔB˙¹ ‡¨ ‰¨ ‡¯¤z¥¸ © 25 :‰f«¤Ó¦ ¯„¬¥‚¨Â§ ‰−f¤Ó¦ ¯„¬¥b¨fence on that side. [25] And the ass saw the angelof the Lord, and she thrust herself unto the wall, ¯Èw½¦ ‰© -χ¤ ÆıÁ¥ l¨ z¦ © ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ C‡´© ϧ Ó© -˙‡¤and crushed Balaam’s foot against the wall; and ÛÒ¤Ÿi−© ¯Èw®¦‰© -χ¤ ÌÚ−¨ ϧ a¦ Ï‚¤¯¬¤-˙‡¤ ı²Á© ϧ z¦ ©he smote her again. [26] And the angel of the ¯B·® Ú£ ‰−¨‰È§ -C‡© ϧ Ó© ÛÒ¤ Bi¬Â© 26 :d˙«¨ Ÿk‰© ϧLord went further, and stood in a narrow place,where was no way to turn either to the right ˙BË− § Ϧ C¯¤c¬¤-Ôȇ«¥ ¯²L¤ ‡£ ¯ˆ¨½ ÌB˜´ Ó¨ a§ Æ„ŸÓÚ£i©Â«©hand or to the left. [27] And the ass saw the angel -˙‡¤ ÆÔB˙‡¨ ‰«¨ ‡¯¤z³¥ © 27 :χŸÓ« N§ e ÔÈÓ¬¦ Ȩof the Lord, and she lay down under Balaam; -¯Á© i«¦Â© ̮ڨ ϧ a¦ ˙Á© z´© ıa−© ¯§z¦ © ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ C‡´© ϧ Ó©and Balaam’s anger was kindled, and he smote :Ïw«¥n© a© ÔB˙− ‡¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ C¬i©Â© ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦ Û‡´©the ass with his staff. [28] And the Lord opened ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz³ © ÔB˙® ‡¨ ‰¨ Èt´¦ -˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ Áz¬© Ù§ i¦ © 28the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam:‘What have I done unto thee, that thou hast ‰−ʤ Ȧ ˙©½ Èk¦ ‰¦ Èk´¦ E½ ϧ È˙«¦ ÈN´¦ Ú¨ -‰Ó¤ ÆÌÚ¨ ϧ ·¦ ϧsmitten me these three times?’ [29] And Balaam Ȭk¦ ÔB˙½ ‡¨ Ï«¨ ÆÌÚ¨ ϧ a¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 29 :ÌÈÏ«¦ ‚¨¯§ LŸÏ¬ L¨said unto the ass: ‘Because thou hast mocked ‰z−¨ Ú© Ȭk¦ È„½¦È¨a§ Æ·¯¤ÁƤ -LȤ eϳ Èa®¦ z§ ϧ −l© Ú© ˙§ ‰¦me; I would there were a sword in my hand, for ÌÚ¨À ϧ a¦ -χ¤ ÔB˙¹ ‡¨ ‰¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿz¸ © 30 :CÈz«¦ ‚§ ¯©‰£now I had killed thee.’ [30] And the ass said untoBalaam: ‘Am not I thine ass, upon which thou ÈÏ©À Ú¨ z¨ ·§ ´Î© ¯¨-¯L¤ ‡£ E¹ §Ÿ˙« ‡£ Èθ¦ Ÿ‡¨ Á‡Bω£hast ridden all thy life long unto this day? was Iever wont to do so unto thee?’ And he said: ‘Nay.’ Èz¦ § k©½ Ò§ ‰¦ Ôk´¥Ò§ ‰© ‰«© ‰f¤½‰© ÌBi´‰© -„Ú© ÆE„§BÚ« Ó¥[31] Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, »‰Â¨‰È§ Ï´‚©È§Â© 31 :‡ŸÏ« ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© ‰Ÿk® E− ϧ ˙BN¬ ڣϩand he saw the angel of the Lord standing in Ɖ¨‰È§ C‡³© ϧ Ó© -˙‡¤ ‡¯§iº©Â© ¼ÌÚ¨ ϧ ·¦ È´¥ÈÚ¥ -˙‡¤the way, with his sword drawn in his hand; andhe bowed his head, and fell on his face. [32] And „Ÿw¬i¦ © B„®È¨a§ ‰Ù−¨ Ϫ L§ Ba¬ ¯§Á© § C¯¤c½¤a© ·v´¨ ¦the angel of the Lord said unto him: ‘Wherefore C‡´© ϧ Ó© ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 32 :ÂÈt«¨ ‡© ϧ eÁz−© L§ i¦ ©hast thou smitten thine ass these three times? LBÏ´ L¨ ‰−ʤ E½ §Ÿ˙´ ‡£ -˙‡¤ Æ˙¨ ÈkƦ ‰¦ ‰Ó¨À -ÏÚ© ‰Â¨½‰È§ 307 307
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˜Ï· 22 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 22.33 balak ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙behold, I am come forth for an adversary, ˯¬©È¨-Èk«¦ Ô˨½ N¨ ϧ È˙¦ ‡ˆ´¨ Ȩ ÆÈΦ Ÿ‡¨ ‰³p¥‰¦ ÌÈÏ®¦ ‚¨¯§because thy way is contrary unto me; [33] andthe ass saw me, and turned aside before me these È©½ Ù¨ ϧ Ëz´¥ © ÔB˙½ ‡¨ ‰«¨ ÆȦ ‡Æ© ¯§z¦ © 33 :Èc«¦‚§ ¤Ï§ C¯¤c−¤‰©three times; unless she had turned aside from Ȭk¦ È©½ t¨ Ó¦ ‰˙´¨ ˧ ¨ ÆÈÏ© e‡ ÌÈÏ®¦ ‚¨¯§ LŸÏ´ L¨ ‰−ʤme, surely now I had even slain thee, and saved :È˙¦ ÈÈ«¥Á¡ ‰¤ d˙¬¨ B‡Â§ Èz¦ ‚§ ¯−©‰¨ ‰¬Î¨ ˙§ Ÿ‡-Ìb© ‰z²¨ Ú©her alive.’ [34] And Balaam said unto the angel ofthe Lord: ‘I have sinned; for I knew not that thou È˙¦ ‡Ë¨½ Á¨ Ɖ¨‰È§ C‡³© ϧ Ó© -χ¤ ÌÚ¨¹ ϧ a¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 34stoodest in the way against me; now therefore, if È˙−¦ ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ ·¬v¨ ¦ ‰z²¨ ‡© Ȭk¦ Èz¦ Ú§ „½©È¨ ‡ŸÏ´ Èk¦µit displease thee, I will get me back.’ [35] And the :Èl«¦ ‰·¨ eL¬ ‡¨ EÈ−¤ÈÚ¥ a§ Ú¯¬©-̇¦ ‰z²¨ Ú© § C¯¤c®¨a©angel of the Lord said unto Balaam: ‘Go with themen; but only the word that I shall speak unto -ÌÚ¦ CÏ¥µ ÌÚ¨À ϧ a¦ -χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ C‡©¸ ϧ Ó© Á¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi© 35thee, that thou shalt speak.’ So Balaam went with ¯¬a¥ „©‡£ -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯²·¨ c¨‰© -˙‡¤ ÒÙ¤ ‡¤À § ÌÈL¦½ ¨‡£ ‰´¨the princes of Balak. [36] And when Balak heard ȯ¬¥N¨ -ÌÚ¦ ÌÚ−¨ ϧ a¦ CϤ ¬i¥Â© ¯®a¥ „©˙§ B˙´ Ÿ‡ EÈÏ−¤‡¥that Balaam was come, he went out to meethim unto Ir-moab, which is on the border of ‡ˆ¥¸ i¥Â© ̮ڨ ϧ ·¦ ‡´·¨ Èk´¦ ˜Ï−¨ a¨ ÚÓ¬© L§ i¦ © 36 :˜Ï«¨ ·¨Arnon, which is in the utmost part of the border. Ïe·´ b§ -ÏÚ© ƯL¤ ‡£ ·‡¨À BÓ ¯ÈÚ´¦ -χ¤ B˙¹ ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ[37] And Balak said unto Balaam: ‘Did I not ˜Ï¨¹ a¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 37 :Ïe·« b§ ‰© ‰¬ˆ¥ ˜§ a¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ÔŸ½ ¯§‡©earnestly send unto thee to call thee? whereforecamest thou not unto me? am I not able indeed ÆEÈÏ¤Æ ‡¥ Èz¦ Á§ ³Ï© L¨ Á©ŸÏ¸ L¨ Á‡ŸÏ‰£ ÌÚ¨À ϧ a¦ -χ¤to promote thee to honour?’ [38] And Balaam ̨½ Ó§ ‡ª ‰«© ȮϨ‡¥ z¨ Χ Ï−© ‰¨ -‡ŸÏ ‰n¨ ¬Ï¨ CϨ½ -‡Ÿ¯˜§ Ϧsaid unto Balak: ‘Lo, I am come unto thee; have ˜Ï¨À a¨ -χ¤ ÌÚ¨¹ ϧ a¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 38 :E„«¤a§ k© Ï−Ω e‡ ‡ŸÏ¬I now any power at all to speak any thing? theword that God putteth in my mouth, that shall ¯´a¥ c© Ï−Ω e‡ ϟά Ȩ‰£ ‰z¨¾ Ú© EÈϤ½‡¥ ÆÈ˙¦ ‡·¨Æ -‰p¥‰«¦I speak.’ [39] And Balaam went with Balak, and ÈÙ−¦ a§ Ìȉ²¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ÌÈN¯¦ Ȩ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ¯·¨À c¨‰© ‰Ó¨ e‡® Ó§they came unto Kiriath-huzoth. [40] And Balak e‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© ˜®Ï¨ a¨ -ÌÚ¦ ÌÚ−¨ ϧ a¦ CϤ ¬i¥Â© 39 :¯a«¥ „©‡£ B˙¬ Ÿ‡sacrificed oxen and sheep, and sent to Balaam,and to the princes that were with him. [41] And Ô‡Ÿˆ® ¨ ¯˜´¨a¨ ˜Ï−¨ a¨ Á¬a© ʧ i¦ © 40 :˙Bˆ« Áª ˙¬È©¯§˜¦it came to pass in the morning that Balak took :Bz« ‡¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ìȯ−¦O¨ Ï© § ÌÚ¨½ ϧ ·¦ ϧ Á´l© L© ȧ©Balaam, and brought him up into Bamoth-baal, ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦ -˙‡¤ ƘϨ a¨ Áw³©i¦ © ¯˜¤Ÿa½ ·© ȉ´¦ ȧ © 41and he saw from thence the utmost part of thepeople. e‰Ï−¥ Ú£i©Â«© :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨ 23And Balaam said unto Balak: ‘Build ‰¬ˆ¥ ˜§ ÌM−¨ Ó¦ ‡¯§¬i©Â© ÏÚ© ®a¨ ˙BÓ´ a¨ ˜Ï¨½ a¨-χ¤ ÆÌÚ¨ ϧ a¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â©23 me here seven altars, and prepare me ‰Ê¤½ a¨ ÆÈϦ Ôά¥ ‰¨ § ˙ŸÁ® a§ ʧ Ó¦ ‰´Ú¨ ·§ L¦ ‰−ʤ·¨ ÈϬ¦ -‰¥a§here seven bullocks and seven rams.’ [2] And ˜Ï¨½ a¨ NÚ© ´i©Â© 2 :ÌÈÏ«¦ ȇ¥ ‰¬Ú¨ ·§ L¦ § Ìȯ−¦Ù¨ ‰¬Ú¨ ·§ L¦Balak did as Balaam had spoken; and Balak and ¯¬t¨ ̲ڨ ϧ ·¦ e ˜Ï¯¨ a¨ ÏÚ© i©¸Â© ̮ڨ ϧ a¦ ¯´a¤ c¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k©Balaam offered on every altar a bullock and aram. [3] And Balaam said unto Balak: ‘Stand by ˜Ï¨À ·¨ ϧ ÌÚ¨¹ ϧ a¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 3 :Á©a«¥ ʧ n¦ a© ÏȦ ‡−© ¨thy burnt-offering, and I will go; peradventurethe Lord will come to meet me; and whatsoever ‰¯³¥w¨È¦ ÈÏ©ºe‡ ‰Î¨À ϧ ‡«¥ § ¼E˙¤ Ϩ ŸÚ-ÏÚ© »·v¥ È©˙§ ‰¦He showeth me I will tell thee.’ And he went Èz¦ „§´b©‰¦ § Ȧ ‡−¥ ¯§i©-‰Ó© ¯¬·© „§e È˙½¦ ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧ Ɖ¨‰È§to a bare height. [4] And God met Balaam; and ̮ڨ ϧ a¦ -χ¤ Ìȉ−¦ ŸÏ‡¡ ¯w¬¨i¦ © 4 :ÈÙ¦ L«¤ CϤ −i¥Â© C®Ï¨he said unto Him: ‘I have prepared the sevenaltars, and I have offered up a bullock and a ram Èz¦ Χ ¯½©Ú¨ Æ˙ŸÁa§ ʧn¦ ‰«© ˙³Ú© ·§ L¦ -˙‡¤ ÂÈϨÀ‡¥ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â©on every altar.’ [5] And the Lord put a word in ¯·−¨ c¨ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ÌN¤ ¯i¨Â© 5 :Á©a«¥ ʧ n¦ a© ÏȦ ‡−© ¨ ¯¬t¨ ÏÚ© ‡²© ¨ 308 308
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˜Ï· 23 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 23.6 balak ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙Balaam’s mouth, and said: ‘Return unto Balak, ‰ŸÎ¬ § ˜Ï−¨ a¨ -χ¤ ·eL¬ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi²Â© ̮ڨ ϧ ·¦ ÈÙ´¦ a§and thus thou shalt speak.’ [6] And he returnedunto him, and, lo, he stood by his burnt-offering, B˙® Ϩ ŸÚ-ÏÚ© ·v−¨ ¦ ‰¬p¥‰¦ § ÂÈϨ½ ‡¥ ·L¨ ´i¨Â© 6 :¯a«¥ „©˙§he, and all the princes of Moab. [7] And he took BÏ− L¨ Ó§ ‡O¬¨ i¦Â© 7 :·‡«¨ BÓ È¯¬¥N¨ -ÏΨ § ‡e‰−up his parable, and said: Æ·‡¨ BÓ-CϤ Ó«¤ ˜³Ï¨ ·¨ Ȧ Á¥¸ § È© ̯¨‡£Â-ÔÓ¦ ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© From Aram Balak bringeth me, / Theking of Moab from the mountains of the East: /‘Come, curse me Jacob, / And come, execrate ‰Î−¨ ϧ e ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ Èl´¦ -‰¯¨‡«¨ ƉΨ ϧ Ì„¤˜½¤-ȯ¥¯§‰© Ó«¥Israel’ / [8] How shall I curse, whom God hath χ®¥ ‰Ÿa− ˜© ‡ŸÏ¬ ·Ÿw½ ‡¤ ‰Ó´¨ 8 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ‰Ó¬¨ Ú£ŸÊnot cursed? / And how shall I execrate, whomthe Lord hath not execrated? / [9] For from the L‡Ÿ¯³Ó¥ -Èk«¦ 9 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ÌÚ−© ʨ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌŸÚ½ ʧ‡¤ ‰Ó´¨ etop of the rocks I see him, / And from the hills ÆÌÚ¨ -Ô‰¤ ep¯®¤eL‡£ ˙BÚ− ·¨ b§ Ó¦ e ep‡¤½ ¯§‡¤ ÆÌȯ¦ˆªI behold him: / Lo, it is a people that shall dwell ÈÓ³¦ 10 :·M«¨ Á© ˙§ Ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ ÌÈ−¦Bb·© e ÔŸk½ L§ Ȧ „„´¨·¨ ϧalone, / And shall not be reckoned among thenations. / [10] Who hath counted the dust ofJacob, / Or numbered the stock of Israel? / Let χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ú·© Ÿ¯´-˙‡¤ ¯t−¨ Ò§ Ó¦ e ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩ ¯´Ù© Ú£ Ɖ¨Ó¨me die the death of the righteous, / And let mine È˙−¦ ȯ¦Á£ ‡© ȉ¬¦ ˙§ e Ìȯ½¦L¨ ȧ ˙BÓ´ ÆÈL¦ Ù§ © ˙ŸÓ³ z¨end be like his! [11] And Balak said unto Balaam: ‘What ‰¬Ó¤ ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦ -χ¤ ƘϨ a¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 11 :e‰ŸÓ« k¨hast thou done unto me? I took thee to curse z¨ Χ ¯¬©a¥ ‰−p¥‰¦ § EÈz½¦ Á§ ˜©Ï§ ÆÈ·© ȧŸ‡ ·Ÿ˜³Ï¨ ÈÏ®¦ ˙¨ ÈN−¦ Ú¨mine enemies, and, behold, thou hast blessed ÌÈN³¦ Ȩ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ Á˙‡¥ ‡ŸÏÀ ‰£ ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© ÔÚ© −i©Â© 12 :C¯«¥·¨them altogether’ [12] And he answered and said:‘Must I not take heed to speak that which theLord putteth in my mouth?’ [13] And Balak ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 13 :¯a«¥ „©Ï§ ¯ŸÓ− L§ ‡¤ B˙¬ Ÿ‡ ÈÙ½¦ a§ Ɖ¨‰È§said unto him: ‘Come, I pray thee, with me unto ÌB˜³ Ó¨ -χ¤ Èz¹¦ ‡¦ ‡p¨¸ -‰Î¨ ϧ ‡ ÍÏ ˜Ï¨À a¨ ÂÈϨ¹‡¥another place, from whence thou mayest seethem; thou shalt see but the utmost part of them, e‰´ˆ¥ ˜¨ ÒÙ¤ ‡¤µ ÌM¨½ Ó¦ ep‡´¤ ¯§z¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƯÁ¥ ‡©and shalt not see them all; and curse me themfrom thence.’ [14] And he took him into the field :ÌM«¨ Ó¦ ÈÏ−¦ -B·§ ˜¨Â§ ‰‡®¤ ¯§˙¦ ‡ŸÏ´ Bl− Ϊ § ‰‡¤½ ¯§˙¦of Zophim, to the top of Pisgah, and built seven ‰®b¨Ò§ t¦ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯−-χ¤ ÌÈÙ½¦ Ÿˆ ‰„´¥N§ Æe‰ÁÆ¥ w¨i¦ © 14altars, and offered up a bullock and a ram onevery altar [15] And he said unto Balak: ‘Stand ÏȦ ‡−© ¨ ¯¬t¨ ÏÚ© ²i©Â© ˙ŸÁ½ a§ ʧӦ ‰´Ú¨ ·§ L¦ ÆÔ·¤ iƦ ©here by thy burnt-offering, while I go toward ‰Ÿk− ·¬v¥ È©˙§ ‰¦ ˜Ï¨½ a¨ -χ¤ ƯӤ ‡ŸiÆ Â© 15 :Á©a«¥ ʧ n¦ a©a meeting yonder.’ [16] And the Lord metBalaam, and put a word in his mouth, and said: Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯w³¨i¦ © 16 :‰Ÿk« ‰¯¤w¬¨‡¦ ÈÎ−¦ Ÿ‡¨ § E˙®¤ Ϩ ŸÚ-ÏÚ©‘Return unto Balak, and thus shalt thou speak.’[17] And he came to him, and, lo, he stood by ·eL¬ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi²Â© ÂÈÙ®¦ a§ ¯·−¨ c¨ ÌN¤ ¬i¨Â© ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦ -χ¤his burnt-offering, and the princes of Moab with Bp³‰¦ § ÂÈϨÀ‡¥ ‡Ÿ·´ i¨Â© 17 :¯a«¥ „©˙§ ‰ŸÎ¬ § ˜Ï−¨ a¨-χ¤him. And Balak said unto him: ‘What hath theLord spoken?’ [18] And he took up his parable, ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© Bz® ‡¦ ·‡−¨ BÓ È¯¬¥N¨ § B˙½ Ϩ ŸÚ´ -ÏÚ© Æ·v¨ ¦and said: BÏ− L¨ Ó§ ‡O¬¨ i¦ © 18 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ¯a−¤ c¦-‰Ó© ˜Ï¨½ a¨ ÆBÏ Arise, Balak, and hear; / Give ear unto me, B¬a§ È„−©Ú¨ ‰¨È¬Ê¦‡£ ‰© ÚÓ¨½ L£ e« ƘϨ a¨ Ìe˜³ ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi©thou son of Zippor: / [19] God is not a man, thatHe should lie; / Neither the son of man, that He Ì„−¨‡¨ -Ô·¤ e ·f¥½Î© È«¦ Æχ¥ Lȇ¬¦ ‡ŸÏ´ 19 :¯Ÿt« ˆ¦should repent: / When He hath said, will He ¯a−¤ „¦Â§ ‰N¤½ ڣȩ ‡ŸÏ´ § Ưө ‡¨ ‡e‰³ ‰© ÌÁ®¨ ¤˙§ Ȧ §not do it? / Or when He hath spoken, will Henot make it good? / [20] Behold, I am biddento bless; / And when He hath blessed, I cannot C¯−¥·¥ e Èz¦ Á§ ˜®¨Ï¨ C¯−¥·¨ ‰¬p¥‰¦ 20 :‰p¨Ó«¤ Ș¦ ȧ ‡ŸÏ¬ §call it back. / [21] None hath beheld iniquity in ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩa§ ÆÔ¤‡Æ¨ ËȬa¦ ‰¦ -‡ŸÏ« 21 :‰p¨·«¤ ÈL¦ ‡£ ‡ŸÏ¬ §Jacob, / Neither hath one seen perverseness in ÆÂȉ¨ŸÏ‡¡ ‰³Â¨‰È§ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧa§ Ï−Ó¨ Ú¨ ‰‡¬¨ ¯¨-‡ŸÏ§Israel; / The Lord his God is with him, / Andthe shouting for the King is among them. /[22] God who brought them forth out of Egypt / ̇´¨ Ȉ¦ BÓ Ï‡−¥ 22 :Ba« CϤ −Ó¤ ˙¬Ú© e¯˙§ e Bn½ Ú¦Is for them like the lofty horns of the wild-ox. / 309 309
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˜Ï· 23 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 23.23 balak ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙[23] For there is no enchantment with Jacob, / -‡ŸÏ Èk³¦ 23 :BÏ« ̇−¥ ¯§ ˙ŸÙ¬ Ú£B˙k§ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦Neither is there any divination with Israel; / Nowis it said of Jacob and of Israel / ‘What hath God ˙Ú¥À k¨ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§ ÌÒ¤ ˜−¤-‡ŸÏ§ ·Ÿ˜½ ڣȩa§ ÆLÁ© ©Æwrought!’ / [24] Behold a people that riseth up as :χ«¥ ÏÚ© t−¨ -‰Ó© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧϧ e Æ·Ÿ˜Ú£È©Ï§ ¯Ó³¥ ‡¨ È¥a lioness, / And as a lion doth he lift himself up; / ‡ŸÏ³ ‡O®¨ ©˙§ Ȧ ȯ−¦‡£ Ω § Ìe˜½ Ȩ ‡È·´¦ Ϩ k§ ÆÌÚ¨ -Ô‰¤ 24He shall not lie down until he eat of the prey, /And drink the blood of the slain. :‰z«¤ L§ Ȧ ÌÈÏ−¦ Ϩ Á£ -Ì„©Â§ Û¯¤Ë¤½ ÏΩ ‡ŸÈ´-„Ú© Æ·k© L§ Ȧ[25] And Balak said unto Balaam ‘Neither ‡ŸÏ´ ·Ÿ˜− -Ìb© ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦ -χ¤ ƘϨ a¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 25curse them at all, nor bless them at all.’ [26] But ÔÚ© ´i©Â© 26 :epΫ¤ ¯£·¨ ˙§ ‡ŸÏ¬ C¯−¥a¨ -Ìb© ep®·¤ w¢˙¦Balaam answered and said unto Balak: ‘Told notI thee, saying: All that the Lord speaketh, that ÆEÈÏ¤Æ ‡¥ Èz¦ ¯§³a© c¦ ‡ŸÏÀ ‰£ ˜®Ï¨ a¨-χ¤ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi−© ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦I must do?’ [27] And Balak said unto Balaam :‰N«¤ Ú¡ ‡«¤ B˙¬ Ÿ‡ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk² ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥‘Come now, I will take thee unto another place;peradventure it will please God that thou mayest E½ Á£ w´¨‡¤ Ƈp¨-‰Î¨ ϧ ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦ -χ¤ ƘϨ a¨ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 27curse me them from thence.’ [28] And Balak took È´¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ƯL© ÈȦ ȳϩ e‡ ¯Á®¥ ‡© ÌB˜−Ó¨ -χ¤Balaam unto the top of Peor, that looketh down ˜Ï−¨ a¨ Áw¬©i¦ © 28 :ÌM«¨ Ó¦ ÈÏ−¦ B˙Ÿa¬ ˜© § Ìȉ¦½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¨upon the desert. [29] And Balaam said unto Balak:‘Build me here seven altars, and prepare me here Ȭ¥t§ -ÏÚ© Û˜−¨L§ p¦ ‰© ¯BÚ½ t§ ‰© L‡Ÿ¯´ ̮ڨ ϧ a¦ -˙‡¤seven bullocks and seven rams.’ [30] And Balak -‰¥a§ ˜Ï¨½ a¨-χ¤ ÆÌÚ¨ ϧ a¦ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 29 :ÔŸÓ« ÈL¦ ȧ‰©did as Balaam had said, and offered up a bullock ‰Ê¤½ a¨ ÆÈϦ Ôά¥ ‰¨ § ˙ŸÁ® a§ ʧ Ó¦ ‰´Ú¨ ·§ L¦ ‰−ʤ·¨ ÈϬ¦24and a ram on every altar. And when Balaam saw that it pleased NÚ© ´i©Â© 30 :ÌÈÏ«¦ ȇ¥ ‰¬Ú¨ ·§ L¦ § Ìȯ−¦Ù¨ ‰¬Ú¨ ·§ L¦the Lord to bless Israel, he went not, as ÏȦ ‡−© ¨ ¯¬t¨ ÏÚ© ²i©Â© ̮ڨ ϧ a¦ ¯Ó´© ‡¨ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© ˜Ï¨½ a¨at the other times, to meet with enchantments,24but he set his face toward the wilderness. [2] AndBalaam lifted up his eyes, and he saw Israel ȳ¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ·B˺ Èk´¦ ÌÚ¨À ϧ a¦ ‡¯§´i©Â© :Á©a«¥ ʧn¦ a© C¬Ï© ‰¨ -‡ŸÏ§ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-˙‡¤ C¯´¥·¨ ϧ Ɖ¨‰È§dwelling tribe by tribe; and the spirit of God -χ¤ ˙L¤ ¬i¨Â© ÌÈL®¦ Á¨ § ˙‡¯´©˜§ Ϧ ÌÚ© Ù−© a§ -ÌÚ© Ù«© k§came upon him. [3] And he took up his parable,and said: ÂȨÀÈÚ¥ -˙‡¤ ÌÚ¨¹ ϧ ·¦ ‡O¨¸ i¦ © 2 :ÂÈ«¨t¨ ¯a−¨ „§n¦ ‰© ȉ¬¦ z§ © ÂȮ˨ ·¨ L§ Ϧ ÔÎ−¥ ŸL χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-˙‡¤ Ƈ¯§i©Â© The saying of Balaam the son of Beor, /And the saying of the man whose eye is opened; / ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© BÏ− L¨ Ó§ ‡O¬¨ i¦ © 3 :Ìȉ«¦ ŸÏ‡¡ Á©e¯¬ ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨[4] The saying of him who heareth the words ofGod, / Who seeth the vision of the Almighty, / Ì˙¬ª L§ ¯·¤−b¤‰© ̬‡ª § e ¯ŸÚ½ ·§ B´a§ ÆÌÚ¨ ϧ a¦ ̳‡ª §Fallen down, yet with opened eyes: / [5] How ‰³Ê¥Á£ Ó© ¯L¤¸ ‡£ χ®¥ -ȯ¥Ó§ ‡¦ Ú©Ó−¥ ŸL ̇ª¾ § 4 :ÔȦ Ú«¨ ‰¨goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, / Thy dwellings, OIsrael! / [6] As valleys stretched out, / As gardens e·Ÿh¬ -‰Ó© 5 :ÌȦ«¨ÈÚ¥ ÈeϬ ‚§ e Ï−Ù¥ Ÿ ‰Ê¤½Á¡ «È¤ ÆÈc©L©by the river-side; / As aloes planted of the Lord, / :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ EÈ˙−¤ Ÿk§ L§ Ó¦ ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È© EÈÏ−¤ ‰¨ Ÿ‡As cedars beside the waters; / [7] Water shall ÆÌÈϦ ‰¨ ‡£ k© ¯®‰¨ ¨ È´Ï¥ Ú£ ˙Ÿp−‚©k§ eÈh¨½ ¦ ÌÈÏ´¦ Á¨ § k¦ 6flow from his branches, / And his seed shall bein many waters; / And his king shall be higher ÆÌȦ ÓÆ© -Ïf©È«¦ 7 :ÌȦ Ó«¨ -ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ÌÈÊ−¦¯¨‡£ k© ‰Â¨½‰È§ Ú´Ë© ¨than Agag, / And his kingdom shall be exalted. / Æ‚‚©‡£ Ó«¥ ÌŸ¯³È¨Â§ ÌÈa®¦ ¯© ÌȦ Ó´© a§ BÚ− ¯§Ê©Â§ ÂȨ½ ϧ c´¨Ó¦[8] God who brought him forth out of Egypt / Is B‡´ Ȉ¦ BÓ Ï‡¥ µ8 :B˙« Ϊ ϧ Ó© ‡O−¥ p©˙¦ § Bk½ ϧ Ó©for him like the lofty horns of the wild-ox; / Heshall eat up the nations that are his adversaries, / ÌÈ´¦Bb Ïκ© ‡ŸÈ BÏ® ̇−¥ ¯§ ˙ŸÙ¬ Ú£B˙k§ ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦And shall break their bones in pieces, / And :ıÁ«¨ Ó§ Ȧ ÂȬv¨ Á¦ § ̯−¥‚¨È§ ̲‰¤ È˙¥ ŸÓˆ§ Ú© § ÂȯÀ¨ˆ¨ 310 310
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˜Ï· 24 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 24.9 balak ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙pierce them through with his arrows. / [9] He epÓ®¤ Ș¦ ȧ ÈÓ´¦ ‡È·−¦ Ϩ Χ e ȯ²¦‡£ k© ·¯Î© L¨ Ú¯¸©k¨ 9couched, he lay down as a lion, / And as a lioness;who shall rouse him up? / Blessed be every one Û‡³© -¯Á© i«¦Â© 10 :¯e¯«‡¨ Eȯ−¤¯§Ÿ‡Â§ Ce¯½ ·¨ EȴΤ ¯£·¨ Ó§that blesseth thee, / And cursed be every one ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© ÂÈ®t¨ k©-˙‡¤ ˜Ÿt− Ò§ i¦ © ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦ -χ¤ ƘϨ a¨that curseth thee. [10] And Balak’s anger was Ɖp¥‰¦ § EÈ˙½¦ ‡¯¨˜§ ÆÈ·© ȧŸ‡« ·Ÿ˜³Ï¨ ÌÚ¨À ϧ a¦ -χ¤ ˜Ï¨¹ a¨kindled against Balaam, and he smote his handstogether; and Balak said unto Balaam: ‘I called ‰z−¨ Ú© § 11 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ú¨ t§ LŸÏ¬ L¨ ‰−ʤ C¯½¥·¨ z¨ Χ ¯´©a¥thee to curse mine enemies, and, behold, thou E½ „§a¤ Ω ‡£ „´a¥ k© ÆÈz¦ ¯§ÓÆ© ‡¨ EÓ®¤ B˜Ó§ -χ¤ E´ ϧ -Á¯©a§hast altogether blessed them these three times.[11] Therefore now flee thou to thy place; Ithought to promote thee unto great honour; but, ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 12 :„B·« k¨ Ó¦ ‰−¨‰È§ E¬ Ú£¨Ó§ ‰²p¥‰¦ §lo, the Lord hath kept thee back from honour.’ EȲΤ ‡¨ ϧ Ó© -χ¤ ̯b© ‡ŸÏÀ ‰£ ˜®Ï¨ a¨ -χ¤ ÌÚ−¨ ϧ a¦[2] And Balaam said unto Balak: ‘Spoke I notalso to thy messengers that thou didst send unto -̇¦ 13 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ Èz¦ ¯§¬a© c¦ ÈÏ−©‡¥ z¨ Á§ ¬Ï© L¨ -¯L¤ ‡£me, saying: [13] If Balak would give me his house ‡ŸÏ´ ¼·‰¨ ʨ§ ÛÒ¤ ´k¤ »B˙È·¥ ‡ŸÏ´ Ó§ ˜Ï¨¹ ·¨ ÈϦ¸ -Ôz¤ Ȧfull of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the ‰²·¨ BË ˙BN¬ ڣϩ ‰Â¨½‰È§ Èt´¦ -˙‡¤ ƯŸ·Ú£Ï© ÏΩÀ e‡word of the Lord, to do either good or bad ofmine own mind; what the Lord speaketh, thatwill I speak? [14] And now, behold, I go unto B˙¬ Ÿ‡ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§-¯L¤ ‡£ Èa®¦ l¦ Ó¦ ‰Ú−¨ ¯¨ B‡¬my people; come, and I will announce to thee ƉΨ ϧ Èn®¦ Ú© ϧ CÏ−¥ B‰ Ȭ¦ § ‰¦ ‰z¨¾ Ú© § 14 :¯a«¥ „©‡£what this people shall do to thy people in theend of days.’ [15] And he took up his parable, E− n§ Ú© ϧ ‰²f¤‰© ̬ڨ ‰¨ ‰N¤¹ ڣȩ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ E½ ˆ§ ´Ú¨ ȇ¦and said: The saying of Balaam the son of ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© BÏ− L¨ Ó§ ‡O¬¨ i¦ © 15 :ÌÈÓ«¦ i¨‰© ˙ȯ¬¦Á£ ‡© a§Beor, / And the saying of the man whose eye isopened; / [16] The saying of him who heareth Ì˙¬ª L§ ¯·¤−b¤‰© ̬‡ª § e ¯ŸÚ½ ·§ B´a§ ÆÌÚ¨ ϧ a¦ ̳‡ª §the words of God, / And knoweth the knowledge ˙Ú© c´© Ú©„−¥ŸÈ§ χ¥½ -ȯ¥Ó§ ‡¦ ÆÚ©ÓÆ¥ ŸL ̇ªÀ § 16 :ÔȦ Ú«¨ ‰¨of the Most High, / Who seeth the vision of the :ÌȦ«¨ÈÚ¥ ÈeϬ ‚§ e Ï−Ù¥ Ÿ ‰Ê¤½Á¡ È«¤ ÆÈc©L© ‰³Ê¥Á£ Ó© ÔBȮϧ Ú¤Almighty, / Fallen down, yet with opened eyes: /[17] I see him, but not now; / I behold him, butnot nigh; / There shall step forth a star out of ·B¯®˜¨ ‡ŸÏ´ § ep¯−¤eL‡£ ‰z¨½ Ú© ‡ŸÏ´ § Æep‡Æ¤ ¯§‡¤ 17Jacob, / And a sceptre shall rise out of Israel, / χ¥½ ¯¨N§ i¦ Ó¦ ÆË·¤ LÆ¥ ̘¬¨Â§ ·Ÿ˜À Ú£i©Ó«¦ ·Î¨¹ Bk C¯¸©c¨And shall smite through the corners of Moab, /And break down all the sons of Seth. / [18] And :˙L«¥ -È¥a§ -Ïk¨ ¯˜−©¯§˜©Â§ ·‡¨½ BÓ È˙´¥ ‡£ t© ÆıÁ© Ó¨ eEdom shall be a possession, / Seir also, even his ¯ÈÚ−¦ N¥ ‰L²¨ ¯¥È§ ‰¯È¨‰¨ § ‰L¨À ¯¥È§ ÌB„¹ ‡¡ ‰È¨¸‰¨ § 18enemies, shall be a possession; / While Israeldoeth valiantly. / [19] And out of Jacob shall one ·Ÿ˜®Ú£i©Ó«¦ c§¯§−ȥ§ 19 :ÏȦ Á«¨ ‰N¤ ŸÚ¬ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ § ÂÈ®·¨ ȧŸ‡have dominion, / And shall destroy the remnant ˜Ï¥½ Ó¨ Ú£-˙‡¤ Ƈ¯§i©Â© 20 :¯ÈÚ«¦ Ó¥ „ȯ−¦N¨ „Ȭ·¦ ‡¡ ‰«¤ §from the city. [20] And he looked on Amalek, ˜Ï¥½ Ó¨ Ú£ ÆÌȦ Bb ˙ÈL³¦ ‡¯¥ ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© BÏ− L¨ Ó§ ‡O¬¨ i¦Â©and took up his parable, and said: Amalek wasthe first of the nations; / But his end shall cometo destruction. [21] And he looked on the Kenite, Ƚ¦ Èw¥‰© -˙‡¤ Ƈ¯§i©Â© 21 :„·«¥ Ÿ‡ È„¬¥Ú£ B˙− ȯ¦Á£ ‡© §and took up his parable, and said: Though firm ÌÈN¬¦ § E·¤½ L¨ BÓ« ÆÔ˙¨ ȇ¥ ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi© BÏ− L¨ Ó§ ‡¬O¨ i¦ ©be thy dwelling-place. / And though thy nestbe set in the rock; / [22] Nevertheless Kain shall ÔȦ ˜®¨ ¯Ú«¥ ´·¨ ϧ ‰−Ȥ‰§ Ȧ-̇¦ Ȭk¦ 22 :E«p¤˜¦ ÚÏ© q−¤ a©be wasted; / How long? Asshur shall carry thee BÏ− L¨ Ó§ ‡O¬¨ i¦ © 23 :j¨ a«¤ L§ z¦ ¯eM¬ ‡© ‰Ó−¨ -„Ú©away captive. [23] And he took up his parable,and said: Alas, who shall live after God hath ÆÌȈ¦ § 24 :χ«¥ BÓ¬ Oª Ó¦ ‰−ȤÁ§ Ȧ ÈÓ¬¦ ÈB‡¾ ¯Ó®© ‡Ÿi©appointed him? / [24] But ships shall come ‡e‰− -Ì‚©Â§ ¯·¤ ®Ú¥ -epÚ¦ § ¯eM− ‡© ep¬Ú¦ § ÌÈz½¦ k¦ „´i©Ó¦from the coast of Kittim, / And they shall afflict ·L¨ ´i¨Â© CϤ −i¥Â© ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦ ̘¨´i¨Â© 25 :„·«¥ Ÿ‡ È„¬¥Ú£Asshur, and shall afflict Eber, / And he also shallcome to destruction. [25] And Balaam rose up,and went and returned to his place; and Balak Ù :Bk« ¯§„©Ï§ C¬Ï© ‰¨ ˜Ï−¨ a¨-Ì‚©Â§ BÓ® Ÿ˜Ó§ Ϧalso went his way. 311 311
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 25.1 balak ˜Ï· 25 ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙25 people began to commit harlotry withthe daughters of Moab. [2] And they called the25And Israel abode in Shittim, and the ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ ÏÁ¤ ´i¨Â© ÌÈh®¦ M¦ a© χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ·L¤ ¬i¥Â© ÌÚ¨½ Ϩ ¨Ô‡¯´¤˜§ z¦ © 2 :·‡«¨ BÓ ˙B¬a§ -χ¤ ˙B−ʧϦpeople unto the sacrifices of their gods; and the ee−Á£ z© L§ i«¦Â© ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ ÏΩ ‡Ÿi´Â© Ô‰®¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ÈÁ−¥ ·§ ʦ ϧpeople did eat, and bowed down to their gods.[3] And Israel joined himself unto the Baal of ¯BÚ® t§ ÏÚ© ´·© ϧ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ „Ó¤ ¬v¨ i¦ © 3 :Ô‰«¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡Ï«¥Peor; and the anger of the Lord was kindled ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 4 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§ ‰−¨‰È§ Û‡¬© -¯Á© i«¦Â©against Israel. [4] And the Lord said unto Moses: Ú˜¬©B‰Â§ ÌÚ¨½ ‰¨ ÈL´¥ ‡¯¨-Ïk¨-˙‡¤ Á˜©µ ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤‘Take all the chiefs of the people, and hang them ÔB¯¬Á£ ·ŸL² Ȩ§ LÓ¤ M®¨ ‰© „‚¤´¤ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© Ì˙²¨ B‡up unto the Lord in face of the sun, that the fierceanger of the Lord may turn away from Israel.’ -χ¤ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 5 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ i¦ Ó¦ ‰−¨‰È§ -Û‡©[5] And Moses said unto the judges of Israel: ‘Slayye every one his men that have joined themselves ÂÈL¨½ ¨‡£ Lȇ´¦ Æe‚¯§‰¦ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ÈË−¥ Ù§ ŸLunto the Baal of Peor.’ [6] And, behold, one of È¥¸ a§ Ó¦ ÁLȇ¦ ‰p¥¿‰¦ § 6 :¯BÚ« t§ ÏÚ© ¬·© ϧ ÌÈ„−¦Ó¨ ˆ§ p¦ ‰©the children of Israel came and brought unto his -˙‡¤ ÆÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤ -χ¤ ·¯³¥˜§ i©Â© ‡a¨À χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧbrethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of ˙„´©Ú£-Ïk¨ È−¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ e ‰L¤½ ŸÓ È´¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ ˙Ƚ¦ Ȩ„§n¦ ‰©Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation ofthe children of Israel, while they were weeping ω¤ Ÿ‡¬ Á˙© t−¤ ÌÈν¦ Ÿ· ‰n¨ ‰´¥ § χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥a§at the door of the tent of meeting. [7] And whenPhinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© -Ôa«¤ ¯Ê¨½Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ -Ôa¤ ÆÒÁ¨ § Èt«¦ ‡¯§i©À© 7 :„Ú«¥ BÓthe priest, saw it, he rose up from the midst of :B„«È¨a§ ÁÓ© Ÿ¯− Áw¬©i¦ © ‰„½¨Ú¥ ‰«¨ CBz´ Ó¦ Æ̘¨iƨ© Ô‰®¥ Ÿk‰©the congregation, and took a spear in his hand.[8] And he went after the man of Israel into the ‰a¨À wª‰© -χ¤ χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -Lȇ«¦ ¯Á©¸ ‡© ‡Ÿ·i¨Â©Â8chamber, and thrust both of them through, the -˙‡¤ § χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Lȇ´¦ ˙‡¥µÌ‰¤½ È¥L§ -˙‡¤ ƯŸ˜„§i¦ ©man of Israel, and the woman through her belly. Ï−Ú© Ó¥ ‰Ù¨½ b¥n© ‰© Ưˆ© Ú¨ z«¥ © d˙®¨ ·¨ ˜¢-χ¤ ‰M−¨ ‡¦ ‰¨So the plague was stayed from the children ofIsrael. [9] And those that died by the plague were ‰®Ù¨ b¥n© a© ÌÈ˙−¦ n¥ ‰© eȾ‰§ i¦ © 9 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§twenty and four thousand. Ù :ÛϤ ‡«¨ Ìȯ−¦N§ Ú¤ § ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡©pinKhas ÒÁÈÙ[10] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, ÒÁ¨¸ § Èt«¦ 11 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 10saying: [11] ‘Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, theson of Aaron the priest, hath turned My wrath -˙‡¤ ·ÈL³¦ ‰¥ Ô‰¥À Ÿk‰© ÔŸ¯´‰£ ‡© -Ôa¤ ¯Ê¨¹Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ -Ôa¤away from the children of Israel, in that he was -˙‡¤ B‡¬ § ˜© a§ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§ Ï´Ú© Ó¥ ÆÈ˙¦ Ó¨ Á£very jealous for My sake among them, so thatI consumed not the children of Israel in My -È«¥a§ -˙‡¤ È˙¦ Èl¬¦ Φ -‡ŸÏ§ ̮Ψ B˙a§ È˙−¦ ‡¨ § ˜¦jealousy. [12] Wherefore say: Behold, I give unto Ô˙¬¥ Ÿ ȸ¦ § ‰¦ ¯ŸÓ® ‡¡ ÔÎ−¥ Ϩ 12 :È˙«¦ ‡¨ § ˜¦ a§ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧhim My covenant of peace; [13] and it shall beunto him, and to his seed after him, the covenant BÚ´ ¯§Ê©Ï§ eÆBl ‰˙¨ ȧ‰³¨ § 13 :ÌBÏ« L¨ È˙−¦ ȯ¦a§ -˙‡¤ Bϲof an everlasting priesthood; because he was ¯L³¤ ‡£ ˙Á© z©À ̮Ϩ BÚ ˙´p©‰ª k§ ˙ȯ−¦a§ Âȯ½¨Á£ ‡©jealous for his God, and made atonement for the :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -ÏÚ© ¯t−¥ Ω ȧ © Âȉ¨½ ŸÏ‡Ï«¥ Ƈp¥˜¦children of Israel.’ [14] Now the name of the manof Israel that was slain, who was slain with the Ɖk¨ ‰ª ¯L³¤ ‡£ ‰k¤À nª ‰© χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Lȇ¸¦ ÁÌL¥ § 14Midianitish woman, was Zimri, the son of Salu, a -˙È·«¥ ‡ÈN¬¦ § ‡eÏ® Ò¨ -Ôa¤ ȯ−¦Ó§ ʦ ˙Ƚ¦ Ȩ„§n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤prince of a fathers’ house among the Simeonites.[15] And the name of the Midianitish woman ‰²k¨ nª ‰© ‰M¯¨ ‡¦ ‰«¨ ÌL¥¸ § 15 :È«¦ŸÚÓ§ M¦ Ï© ·‡−¨ 312 312
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÒÁÈÙ 25 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 25.16 pinkhas ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙that was slain was Cozbi, the daughter of Zur; -˙Èa«¥ ˙Bn¬ ‡ª L‡Ÿ¯´ ¯eˆ® -˙·© Èa´¦ ʧ k¨ ˙È−¦ Ȩ„§n¦ ‰©he was head of the people of a fathers’ house inMidian. Ù :‡e‰« Ô−Ȩ„§Ó¦ a§ ·‡²¨ ¯B¯−ˆ¨ 17 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 16 [16] And the Lord spoke unto Moses,saying: [17] ‘Harass the Midianites, and smitethem; [18] for they harass you, by their wiles Èk´¦ 18 :Ì˙«¨ B‡ Ì˙−¤ Èk¦ ‰¦ § ÌÈ®¦ Ȩ„§n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤wherewith they have beguiled you in the matter eϬ k§ ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ̲‰¤ ÈÏ¥ Χ ¦ a§ ÌΤ½ Ϩ Æ̉¥ Ìȯ¬¦¯§Ÿˆof Peor, and in the matter of Cozbi, the daughter -˙·© Èa¸¦ ʧ k¨ ¯·º© c§-ÏÚ© § ¯BÚ® t§ -¯·© c§-ÏÚ© ÌÎ−¤ Ϩof the prince of Midian, their sister, who wasslain on the day of the plague in the matter of ‰Ù−¨ b¥n© ‰© -ÌBÈ·§ ‰¬k¨ nª ‰© Ì˙¨½ ŸÁ‡£ ÆÔȨ„§Ó¦ ‡ÈN³¦ §Peor.’ Ù ‰®Ù¨ b¥n© ‰© ȯ´¥Á£ ‡© ȉ−¦ ȧ © 19 :¯BÚ« t§ -¯·© c§-ÏÚ© [19] And it came to pass after the plague, 26[1] that the Lord spoke unto Moses and26 untoEleazarthesonofAaronthepriest, ¯²Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ χ¯¤ § ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© | L‡Ÿ¯´-˙‡¤ e‡º N§ 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ÔŸ¯¬‰£ ‡© -Ôa¤saying: [2] ‘Take the sum of all the congregation ‰²¨L¨ Ìȯ¬¦N§ Ú¤ Ôa¤¸ Ó¦ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥a§ ˙„´©Ú£-Ïk¨of the children of Israel, from twenty years oldand upward, by their fathers’ houses, all that are ‡·−¨ ˆ¨ ‡¬ˆ¥ ŸÈ-Ïk¨ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ·‡£ ˙È´·¥ ϧ ‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó−© ¨able to go forth to war in Israel.’ [3] And Moses Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ¯¯Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ § ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ¯a¥¸ „©È§ © 3 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§and Eleazar the priest spoke with them in theplains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, saying: BÁ− ¯¥È§ Ôc¬¥¯§È©-ÏÚ© ·‡®¨ BÓ ˙Ÿ·´ ¯§Ú«© a§ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡[4] ‘[Take the sum of the people,] from twenty Á¯L¤ ‡£ k© ‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó®¨ ¨ ‰−¨L¨ Ìȯ¬¦N§ Ú¤ Ôa²¤Ó¦ 4 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥years old and upward, as the Lord commandedMoses and the children of Israel, that came forth χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ e ƉL¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰³Â¨‰È§ ‰e¸¨ˆ¦out of the land of Egypt.’ ¯Bδ a§ Ô·−¥ e‡¯§ 5 :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ Ìȇ−¦ ˆ§ Ÿi‰©[5] Reuben, the first-born of Israel the Èν¦ ŸÁ£ ‰© ˙Á© ´t© L§ Ó¦ ÆCBÁ£ Ô·¥À e‡¯§ È´¥a§ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧsons of Reuben: of Hanoch, the family of theHanochites; of Pallu, the family of the Palluites; ÔŸ¯¾ ˆ§ Á¤ ϧ 6 :ȇ«¦ lª t© ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ‡el¾ Ù© ϧ[6] of Hezron, the family of the Hezronites; of ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÈÓ¾¦ ¯§Î© ϧ È®¦ B¯ˆ§ Á¤ ‰«© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦Carmi, the family of the Carmites. [7] These arethe families of the Reubenites; and they that were eÈ´‰§ i¦ © È®¦ ·¥ e‡¯«‰¨ ˙ŸÁ´ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ 7 :ÈÓ«¦ ¯§k© ‰©numbered of them were forty and three thousand Ú¬·© L§ e ÛϤ ‡¤½ ÆÌÈÚ¦ a¨ ¯§‡© § ‰L³¨ ŸÏL§ ̉¤À È„¥˜ªÙ§and seven hundred and thirty. [8] And the sons :·‡«¨ ÈϦ ‡¡ ‡el− Ù© Ȭ¥·§ e 8 :ÌÈL«¦ ŸÏL§ e ˙B‡− Ó¥of Pallu: Eliab. [9] And the sons of Eliab: Nemuel,and Dathan, and Abiram. These are that Dathan -‡e‰« ̯®¨È·¦ ‡£ © Ô˙´¨ „¨Â§ χ−¥ eÓ§ ·‡¨½ ÈϦ ‡¡ È´¥·§ e 9and Abiram, the elect of the congregation, who ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ‰„À¨Ú¥ ‰¨ ȇ´¥ ȯ¦˜§ ȇ¯˜ ̯¹¨È·¦ ‡£ © Ô˙¨¸ „¨strove against Moses and against Aaron in thecompany of Korah, when they strove against the Á¯©Ÿ˜½ -˙„©Ú£a© ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -ÏÚ«© § ‰L³¤ ŸÓ-ÏÚ© ev¹ ‰¦Lord; [10] and the earth opened her mouth, and ı¯¤‡¨¹ ‰¨ Áz©¸ Ù§ z¦ © 10 :‰Â«¨‰È§ -ÏÚ© Ì˙−¨ Ÿv‰© a§swallowed them up together with Korah, whenthat company died; what time the fire devoured ˙BÓ´ a§ Á¯©Ÿ˜−-˙‡¤ § Ì˙²¨ Ÿ‡ ڬϩ ·§ z¦ © ‰¨ ÈtÀ¦ -˙‡¤two hundred and fifty men, and they became ÆÌȦ˙Æ© ‡Ó¨ e ÌÈM³¦ Ó¦ Á£ ˙‡´¥ L‡¥À ‰¨ ϟδ ‡£ a© ‰„®¨Ú¥ ‰¨a sign. [11] Notwithstanding the sons of Korah Á¯©Ÿ˜− -È¥·§ e 11 :Ò«¥Ï§ eÈ−‰§ i¦ © Lȇ½¦died not. [12] The sons of Simeon after their families: »ÔBÚÓ§ L¦ È´¥a§ 12 Ò :e˙Ó«¥ -‡ŸÏof Nemuel, the family of the Nemuelites; of ÈϦ½ ‡¥ eÓ´ p§ ‰© Æ˙Á© t©Æ L§ Ó¦ χ¥À eÓ§ Ϧ ¼Ì˙¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧJamin, the family of the Jaminites; of Jachin,the family of the Jachinites; [13] of Zerah, the ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÔÈξ¦ Ȩϧ È®¦ ÈÓ¦ i¨‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÔÈÓ¾¦ Ȩϧ 313 313
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÒÁÈÙ 26 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 26.13 pinkhas ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙family of the Zerahites; of Shaul, the family of Ïe‡¾ L¨ ϧ ÈÁ®¦ ¯§f©‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ Á¯©Ê¤¾Ï§ 13 :È«¦ ÈΦ i¨‰©the Shaulites. [14] These are the families of theSimeonites, twenty and two thousand and two ˙ŸÁ´ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ 14 :ÈÏ«¦ e‡M¨ ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦hundred. ÛϤ −‡¤ Ìȯ²¦N§ Ú¤ § ÌȦ¯© L§ È®¦ŸÚÓ§ M¦ ‰©[15] The sons of Gad after their families: of ¼Ì˙¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ »„‚¨ È´¥a§ 15 Ò :ÌȦ ˙«¨ ‡Ó¨ eZephon, the family of the Zephonites; of Haggi,the family of the Haggites; of Shuni, the family ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ Èb¾¦ Á© ϧ Ƚ¦ BÙv§ ‰© Æ˙Á© t©Æ L§ Ó¦ ÔBÙÀ ˆ§ Ϧof the Shunites; [16] of Ozni, the family of the Ⱦ¦ ʧ ‡¨ ϧ 16 :È«¦ eM‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ Ⱦ¦ eLϧ È®b¦ Á© ‰«©Oznites; of Eri, the family of the Erites; [17] of :ȯ«¦Ú¥ ‰¨ ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ȯ¾¦Ú¥ ϧ È®¦ ʧ ‡¨ ‰¨ ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦Arod, the family of the Arodites; of Areli, thefamily of the Arelites. [18] These are the families ÈϦ½ ‡¥ ¯§‡©¸ ϧ È„®¦B¯‡£ ‰¨ ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ „B¯¾ ‡£ Ï© 17of the sons of Gad according to those that were -È«¥a§ ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ²‡¥ 18 :ÈÏ«¦ ‡¥ ¯§‡© ‰¨ ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦numbered of them, forty thousand and fivehundred. L¬Ó¥ Á£ © ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌÈÚ¬¦ a¨ ¯§‡© Ì®‰¤ È„¥˜ªÙ§ Ϧ „−‚¨ Ô®¨B‡Â§ ¯´Ú¥ ‰„−¨e‰È§ Ȭ¥a§ 19 Ò :˙B‡« Ó¥ [19] The sons of Judah: Er and Onan; and Erand Onan died in the land of Canaan. [20] And eÈ´‰§ i¦ © 20 :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ Ô−¨B‡Â§ ¯²Ú¥ ˙Ó¨ ¬i¨Â©the sons of Judah after their families were: ofShelah, the family of the Shelanites; of Perez, the Æ˙Á© t©Æ L§ Ó¦ ‰Ï¨À L¥ ϧ ¼Ì˙¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ »‰„¨e‰È§-È¥·§family of the Perezites; of Zerah, the family of Á¯©Ê¤¾Ï§ Ȉ®¦ ¯§t© ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ı¯¤Ù¤¾ ϧ Ƚ¦ Ϩ M´¥ ‰©the Zerahites. [21] And the sons of Perez were: ı¯¤Ù¤½ -È¥·§ eÈ´‰§ i¦ © 21 :ÈÁ«¦ ¯§f©‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦of Hezron, the family of the Hezronites; ofHamul, the family of the Hamulites. [22] These ÏeÓ¾ Á¨ ϧ È®¦Ÿ¯ˆ§ Á¤ ‰«© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÔŸ¯¾ ˆ§ Á¤ ϧare the families of Judah according to those that ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ²‡¥ 22 :ÈÏ«¦ eÓÁ¨ ‰¤ ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦were numbered of them, threescore and sixteenthousand and five hundred. ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌÈÚ²¦ ·§ L¦ § ‰M¯¨ L¦ Ì®‰¤ È„¥˜ªÙ§ Ϧ ‰„−¨e‰È§ ƯΨ ˘O¨ Ȧ ȳ¥a§ 23 Ò :˙B‡« Ó¥ L¬Ó¥ Á£ © [23] The sons of Issachar after their families:of Tola, the family of the Tolaites; of Puvah, the ÈÚ®¦ Ϩ Bz‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÚϨ¾ Bz Ì˙¨½ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧfamily of the Punites; [24] of Jashub, the familyof the Jashubites; of Shimron, the family of ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ·eL¾ Ȩϧ 24 :È«¦ et‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ‰Â¾¨Ùª ϧthe Shimronites. [25] These are the families of :È«¦Ÿ¯Ó§ M¦ ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÔŸ¯¾ Ó§ L¦ ϧ È·®¦ Lª i¨‰©Issachar according to those that were numbered Ì®‰¤ È„¥˜ªÙ§ Ϧ ¯Î−¨ ˘O¨ Ȧ ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ²‡¥ 25of them, threescore and four thousand and three Ò :˙B‡« Ó¥ LŸÏ¬ L§ e ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌÈM²¦ L¦ § ‰Ú¯¨ a¨ ¯§‡©hundred. „¯¤ÒÀ¤ ϧ ¼Ì˙¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ »ÔϪ e·Ê§ È´¥a§ 26 [26] The sons of Zebulun after their families:of Sered, the family of the Seredites; of Elon,the family of the Elonites; of Jahleel, the family È®¦ŸÏ‡¥ ‰¨ ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÔBϾ‡¥ ϧ Èc½¦¯§q© ‰© Æ˙Á© t©Æ L§ Ó¦of the Jahleelites. [27] These are the families of ‰l¤ ²‡¥ 27 :ÈÏ«¦ ‡¥ ϧ Á§ i©‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ χ¥½ ϧ Á§ È©¸Ï§the Zebulunites according to those that were ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌÈM¬¦ L¦ Ì®‰¤ È„¥˜ªÙ§ Ϧ È−¦ŸÏe·f§ ‰© ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦numbered of them, threescore thousand and fivehundred. ÛÒ−¥ BÈ È¬¥a§ 28 Ò :˙B‡« Ó¥ L¬Ó¥ Á£ © [28] The sons of Joseph after their ‰M¤À ©Ó§ È´¥a§ 29 :ÌȦ ¯«¨Ù§ ‡¤ § ‰M−¤ ©Ó§ Ì˙®¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧfamilies: Manasseh and Ephraim. [29] The „ÈÏ´¦ B‰ ¯ÈÎ−¦ Ó¨ e ȯ½¦ÈΦ n¨ ‰© ˙Á© ´t© L§ Ó¦ ƯÈΦ Ó¨ ϧsons of Manasseh of Machir, the family of theMachirites—and Machir begot Gilead; of Gilead, :È„«¦Ú¨ ϧ b¦ ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ „Ú¨¾ ϧ ‚¦ ϧ „®Ú¨ ϧ b¦ -˙‡¤the family of the Gileadites. [30] These are the ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ¯Ê¤Ú¤¾ ȇ¦ „Ú¨½ ϧ ‚¦ È´¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡¥ µ30 314 314
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÒÁÈÙ 26 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 26.31 pinkhas ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙sons of Gilead: of Iezer, the family of the Iezerites; :Ș«¦ ϧ Á¤ ‰«© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ˜Ï¤ Á¥¾ ϧ ȯ®¦Ê§ Ú¤ ȇ«¦ ‰¨of Helek, the family of the Helekites; [31] andof Asriel, the family of the Asrielites; and of ÌΤ L¤¾ § ÈÏ®¦ ‡¥ ¯«¦N§ ‡© ‰«¨ ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ χ¥½ ȯ¦N§ ‡©¸ § 31Shechem, the family of the Shechemites; [32] and ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ Ú„¾¨ÈÓ¦ L§ e 32 :ÈÓ«¦ Χ M¦ ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦of Shemida, the family of the Shemidaites; and ofHepher, the family of the Hepherites. [33] And :ȯ«¦Ù§ Á¤ ‰«© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ¯Ù¤ Á¥¾ § ÈÚ®¦ „¨ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰©Zelophehad the son of Hepher had no sons, but Èk´¦ ÌÈ−¦ a¨ Bϲ eȬ‰¨ -‡ŸÏ ¯Ù¤ Á¥À -Ôa¤ „Á´¨ Ù§ Ϩ ˆ§ e 33daughters; and the names of the daughters of ‰Ú¨½ ŸÂ§ ‰Ï´¨ Á§ Ó© „Á¨½ Ù§ Ϩ ˆ§ ˙B´a§ ÆÌL¥ § ˙B®a¨ -̇¦Zelophehad were Mahlah, and Noah, Hoglah,Milcah, and Tirzah. [34] These are the families of ˙ŸÁ´ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ 34 :‰ˆ«¨ ¯§˙¦ § ‰k−¨ ϧ Ó¦ ‰¬Ï¨ ‚§ Á¨Manasseh; and they that were numbered of them ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌÈM²¦ Ó¦ Á£ © ÌȦ¯©L§ ̉¤½ È„¥˜´ªÙ§ e ‰M®¤ ©Ó§were fifty and two thousand and seven hundred. [35] These are the sons of Ephraim after »ÌȦ¯©Ù§ ‡¤ -È¥·§ ‰l¤ ‡´¥ 35 Ò :˙B‡« Ó¥ Ú¬·© L§ e ÈÁ½¦ ϧ ˙© M´ª ‰© Æ˙Á© t©Æ L§ Ó¦ ÁÏ© ˙¤À eLϧ ¼Ì˙¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧtheir families: of Shuthelah, the family of theShuthelahites; of Becher, the family of the ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÔÁ© ˙©¾ ϧ ȯ®¦Î§ a© ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ¯Î¤ ·¤¾ ϧBecherites; of Tahan, the family of the Tahanites.[36] And these are the sons of Shuthelah: of Ô¯¾¨Ú¥ ϧ ÁÏ© ˙®¨ eL È´¥a§ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ § 36 :È«¦ Á£ z© ‰«©Eran, the family of the Eranites. [37] These are -È¥a§ ˙ŸÁ³ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ‡´¥ 37 :È«¦ ¯¨Ú¥ ‰¨ ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦the families of the sons of Ephraim according tothose that were numbered of them, thirty and ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌÈL²¦ ŸÏL§ e ÌȦ¯©L§ ̉¤½ È„¥˜´ªÙ§ Ϧ ÆÌȦ ¯Æ©Ù§ ‡¤two thousand and five hundred. These are the ÛÒ−¥ BÈ-È¥·§ ‰l¤ ¬‡¥ ˙B‡® Ó¥ LÓ´¥ Á£ ©sons of Joseph after their families. [38] The sons of Benjamin after their »ÔÓ¦ Ȩ§ ·¦ È´¥a§ 38 Ò :Ì˙«¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ ÈÚ½¦ ϧ a© ‰© Æ˙Á© t©Æ L§ Ó¦ ÚÏ© ·¤À ϧ ¼Ì˙¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧfamilies: of Bela, the family of the Belaites; ofAshbel, the family of the Ashbelites; of Ahiram, ̯¾¨ÈÁ¦ ‡£ Ï© ÈÏ®¦ a¥ L§ ‡© ‰«¨ ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ Ïa¥¾ L§ ‡© ϧthe family of the Ahiramites; [39] of Shephupham,the family of the Shuphamites; of Hupham, the ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÌÙ¨¾ eÙL§ Ϧ 39 :ÈÓ«¦ ¯¨ÈÁ¦ ‡£ ‰¨ ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦family of the Huphamites. [40] And the sons of :ÈÓ«¦ Ù¨ eÁ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÌÙ¨¾ eÁϧ ÈÓ®¦ Ù¨ eM‰©Bela were Ard and Naaman; [of Ard.] the familyof the Ardites; of Naaman, the family of the Æ˙Á© t©Æ L§ Ó¦ ÔÓ®¨ Ú£©Â§ c§¯§‡´© ÚÏ© −·¤-È¥·§ eȬ‰§ i¦ © 40Naamites. [41] These are the sons of Benjamin ‰l¤ ¬‡¥ 41 :ÈÓ«¦ Ú£p©‰«© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÔÓ¨½ Ú£«©Ï§ Èc½¦¯§‡© ‰«¨after their families; and they that were numbered ‰M¯¨ Ó¦ Á£ ̉¤½ È„¥˜´ªÙ§ e Ì˙®¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ ÔÓ−¦ Ȩ§ ·¦ -È¥·§of them were forty and five thousand and six Ò :˙B‡« Ó¥ L¬L¥ § ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌȲڦ a¨ ¯§‡© §hundred.[42] These are the sons of Dan after their ÌÁ¨¾ eLϧ Ì˙¨½ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ ÆÔ„¨-È¥·§ ‰l¤ ‡³¥ 42families: of Shuham, the family of the Shuhamites.These are the families of Dan after their Ôc−¨ ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ²‡¥ ÈÓ®¦ Á¨ eM‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦families. [43] All the families of the Shuhamites, ÈÓ−¦ Á¨ eM‰© ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦ -Ïk¨ 43 :Ì˙«¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧaccording to those that were numbered of them,were threescore and four thousand and four Ú¬a© ¯§‡© § ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌÈM²¦ L¦ § ‰Ú¯¨ a¨ ¯§‡© Ì®‰¤ È„¥˜ªÙ§ Ϧhundred. ¼Ì˙¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ »¯L¥ ‡¨ È´¥a§ 44 Ò :˙B‡« Ó¥[44] The sons of Asher after their families: ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ Ⱦ¦L§ Ȧ ϧ ‰¨½ Ó§ i¦ ‰© Æ˙Á© t©Æ L§ Ó¦ ‰¨ÀÓ§ Ȧ ϧof Imnah, the family of the Imnites; of Ishvi, thefamily of the Ishvites; of Beriah, the family of the È´¥·§ Ϧ 45 :ÈÚ«¦ ȯ¦a§ ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ‰Ú¨¾ ȯ¦·§ Ϧ È®¦L§ i¦‰©Beriites. [45] Of the sons of Beriah: of Heber, the χ¥½ Èk¦ ϧ Ó©¸ ϧ ȯ®¦·§ Á¤ ‰«© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ¯·¤ Á¤¾ ϧ ‰Ú¨½ ȯ¦·§family of the Heberites; of Malchiel, the familyof the Malchielites. [46] And the name of the ¯L−¥ ‡¨ -˙a© ̬L¥ § 46 :ÈÏ«¦ ‡¥ Èk¦ ϧ n© ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ 315 315
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÒÁÈÙ 26 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 26.47 pinkhas ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙daughter of Asher was Serah. [47] These are the ¯L−¥ ‡¨ -È¥a§ ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦ ‰l¤ ²‡¥ 47 :Á¯©N«¨families of the sons of Asher according to thosethat were numbered of them, fifty and three Ú¬a© ¯§‡© § ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌÈM²¦ Ó¦ Á£ © ‰L¯¨ ŸÏL§ Ì®‰¤ È„¥˜ªÙ§ Ϧthousand and four hundred. Ì˙¨½ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ ÆÈϦ z¨ Ù§ © ȳ¥a§ 48 Ò :˙B‡« Ó¥ [48] The sons of Naphtali after theirfamilies: of Jahzeel, the family of the Jahzeelites; Ⱦ¦ e‚ϧ ÈÏ®¦ ‡¥ ˆ§ Á§ i©‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ χ¥½ ˆ§ Á§ È©¸Ï§of Guni, the family of the Gunites; [49] of Jezer, ȯ®¦ˆ§ i¦ ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ¯ˆ¤ È¥¾Ï§ 49 :È«¦ eb‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦the family of the Jezerites; of Shillem, the familyof the Shillemites. [50] These are the families of ‰l¤ ²‡¥ 50 :ÈÓ«¦ l¥ M¦ ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ Ìl¥¾ L¦ ϧNaphtali according to their families; and they ̉¤½ È„¥˜´ªÙ§ e Ì˙®¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ ÈÏ−¦ z¨ Ù§ © ˙ŸÁ¬ t§ L§ Ó¦that were numbered of them were forty and fivethousand and four hundred. :˙B‡« Ó¥ Ú¬a© ¯§‡© § ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌÈÚ²¦ a¨ ¯§‡© § ‰M¯¨ Ó¦ Á£ ÛϤ −‡¤ ˙B‡¬ Ó¥ -LL¥ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÆÈ„¥e˜t§ ‰l¤ ‡¥À 51 [51] These are they that were numbered ofthe children of Israel, six hundred thousand and Ù :ÌÈL«¦ ŸÏL§ e ˙B‡− Ó¥ Ú¬·© L§ ÛϤ ‡®¨ ¨a thousand and seven hundred and thirty. [52] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, ‰l¤ ‡¥À Ϩ 53 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 52saying: [53] ‘Unto these the land shall be divided :˙BÓ« L¥ ¯¬t© Ò§ Ó¦ a§ ‰Ï−¨ Á£ ©a§ ı¯¤‡²¨ ‰¨ ˜¬Ï¥ Á¨ z¥for an inheritance according to the number ofnames. [54] To the more thou shalt give the more ËÈÚ−¦ Ó§ z© ËÚ©¾ Ó§ Ï© § B˙½ Ϩ Á£ © Ɖa¤ ¯§z© ·¯À©Ï¨ 54inheritance, and to the fewer thou shalt give the :B˙« Ϩ Á£ © Ôz−© Ȫ ÂÈ„½¨˜ªÙ§ ÈÙ´¦ ϧ Lȇ¦ µ B˙® Ϩ Á£ ©less inheritance; to each one according to thosethat were numbered of it shall its inheritance ˙BÓ¬ L§ Ϧ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ˜Ï−¥ Á¨ È¥ ϯ¾¨B‚a§ -C‡© 55be given. [55] Notwithstanding the land shall ϯ½¨Bb‰© ÆÈt¦ -ÏÚ© 56 :eÏÁ«¨ § Ȧ Ì˙−¨ Ÿ·‡£ -˙BhÓ©be divided by lot; according to the names ofthe tribes of their fathers they shall inherit. Ò :ËÚ«¨ Ó§ Ϧ ·¯−© ÔȬa¥ B˙® Ϩ Á£ © ˜Ï−¥ Á¨ z¥[56] According to the lot shall their inheritance ¼Ì˙¨ ŸÁt§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ »È¦l¥ ‰© È„´¥e˜Ù§ ‰l¤ ‡¥¸ § 57be divided between the more and the fewer.’ ˙‰¨¾ ˜§ Ϧ Èp½¦ Lª ¯§´b¥‰© Æ˙Á© t©Æ L§ Ó¦ ÔBLÀ ¯§‚¥Ï§ [57] And these are they that were numberedof the Levites after their families: of Gershon, ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ȯ¾¦¯¨Ó§ Ϧ È˙®¦ ‰¨ w§ ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦the family of the Gershonites; of Kohath, the ˙Á© t©¸ L§ Ó¦ ÈÂÀ¦Ï¥ ˙ŸÁ´ t§ L§ Ó¦ | ‰l¤ ‡´¥ 58 :ȯ«¦¯¨n§ ‰©family of the Kohathites; of Merari, the familyof the Merarites. [58] These are the families of ˙Á© ³t© L§ Ó¦ ÆȦŸ¯·§ Á¤ ‰«© ˙Á© ³t© L§ Ó¦ ȹ¦ ·§ l¦ ‰©Levi: the family of the Libnites, the family of the ÈÁ®¦ ¯§w¨ ‰© ˙Á© t−© L§ Ó¦ ÈL¦½ en‰© ˙Á© ´t© L§ Ó¦ ÆÈϦ Á§ n© ‰©Hebronites, the family of the Mahlites, the familyof the Mushites, the family of the Korahites. ˙L¤ ‡´¥ | ÌL´¥ § 59 :̯«¨Ó§ Ú© -˙‡¤ „Ϭ¦ B‰ ˙‰−¨ ˜§ eAnd Kohath begot Amram. [59] And the name d˙²¨ Ÿ‡ ‰„¬¨Ï§ Ȩ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ Ƚ¦Ï¥ -˙a© Æ„·¤ Î¤Æ BÈ Ì¯À¨Ó§ Ú©of Amram’s wife was Jochebed, the daughterof Levi, who was born to Levi in Egypt; and ÆÔŸ¯‰£ ‡© -˙‡«¤ ̯À¨Ó§ Ú© ϧ „Ϥ z´¥ © ÌȦ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ ÈÂ−¦Ï¥ ϧshe bore unto Amram Aaron and Moses, and „´Ï¥ e¨i¦ © 60 :Ì˙«¨ ŸÁ‡£ ̬Ȩ¯§Ó¦ ˙‡−¥ § ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ §Miriam their sister. [60] And unto Aaron were -˙‡¤ ‡e‰® È·¦ ‡£ -˙‡¤ § ·„−¨¨-˙‡¤ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© ϧborn Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. ·„−¨¨ ˙Ó¨ ¬i¨Â© 61 :¯Ó«¨ ˙¨ ȇ¦ -˙‡¤ § ¯−ʨڨ ϧ ‡¤[61] And Nadab and Abihu died, when theyoffered strange fire before the Lord. [62] And :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰¯−¨Ê¨-L‡¥ ̬·¨ ȯ¦˜§ ‰© a§ ‡e‰® È·¦ ‡£ ©they that were numbered of them were twentyand three thousand, every male from a month ÛϤ ‡¤½ ÆÌȯ¦N§ Ú¤ § ‰L³¨ ŸÏL§ ̉¤À È„¥˜ªÙ§ eÈ´‰§ i¦ © 62old and upward; for they were not numbered ‡ŸÏ´ | Èk´¦ ‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó®¨ ¨ L„¤ŸÁ´ -Ôa¤ Ó¦ ¯Î−¨ ʨ-Ïk¨among the children of Israel, because there wasno inheritance given them among the children Ôz³© ¦ -‡ŸÏ Èk¦Â χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÆCB˙a§ e„À ˜§ t¨ ˙§ ‰¨of Israel. 316 316
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÒÁÈÙ 26 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 26.63 pinkhas ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙[63] These are they that were numbered by ‰l¤ ‡¥ µ63 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ CB˙− a§ ‰Ï¨½ Á£ © Æ̉¤ ϨMoses and Eleazar the priest, who numberedthe children of Israel in the plains of Moab by e„¹ ˜§ t«¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ Ô‰®¥ Ÿk‰© ¯−ʨڨ ϧ ‡¤ § ‰L¤½ ŸÓ È„´¥e˜t§the Jordan at Jericho. [64] But among these there Ôc¬¥¯§È© Ï−Ú© ·‡¨½ BÓ ˙Ÿ·´ ¯§Ú«© a§ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥a§ -˙‡¤was not a man of them that were numbered byMoses and Aaron the priest, who numbered È„´¥e˜t§ Ó¦ Lȇ½¦ ‰È¨‰´¨ -‡ŸÏ Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ ·§ e 64 :BÁ« ¯¥È§the children of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai. Ȭ¥a§ -˙‡¤ e„²˜§ t¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ô‰®¥ Ÿk‰© ÔŸ¯−‰£ ‡© § ‰L¤½ ŸÓ[65] For the Lord had said of them: ‘They shall Ɖ¨‰È§ ¯Ó³© ‡¨ -Èk«¦ 65 :È«¨ÈÒ¦ ¯¬a© „§Ó¦ a§ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧsurely die in the wilderness.’ And there wasnot left a man of them, save Caleb the son of Æ̉¤ Ó¥ ¯˙³© B-‡ŸÏ§ ¯®a¨ „§n¦ a© e˙Ó−ª Ȩ ˙BÓ¬ ̉¤½ ϨJephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun. Ú©L−ª B‰È¦ ‰p¤½ Ùª ȧ-Ôa¤ ·´Ï¥ k¨-̇¦ Èk¦µ Lȇ½¦ Then drew near the daughters of27 27Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, theson of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of ˙B´a§ ‰¨·§ ¯¹©˜§ z¦ © Ò :Ôe« -Ôa¦ -Ôa¤ ¯Èδ¦ Ó¨ -Ôa¤ Æ„Ú¨ ϧ b¦ -Ôa¤ ¯Ù¤ Á³¥ -Ôa¤ „Á¨À Ù§ Ϩ ˆ§Manasseh, of the families of Manasseh the son of Ɖl¤ ‡Æ¥ § ÛÒ®¥BÈ-Ô·¤ ‰M´¤ ©Ó§ ˙ŸÁ− t§ L§ Ó¦ ϧ ‰M¤½ ©Ó§Joseph; and these are the names of his daughters:Mahlah, Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and ‰k−¨ ϧ Ó¦ e ‰¬Ï¨ ‚§ Á¨ § ‰Ú¨½ Ÿ ‰Ï´¨ Á§ Ó© ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿa§ ˙BÓ´ L§Tirzah. [2] And they stood before Moses, and ÆÈ¥Ù§ Ϧ § ‰L¤À ŸÓ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰¨„§ŸÓ¹ Ú£z© «© 2 :‰ˆ«¨ ¯§˙¦ §before Eleazar the priest, and before the princesand all the congregation, at the door of the tent ‰„®¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -ÏΨ § ̇−¦ ÈN¦ p§ ‰© Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© ¯´Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤of meeting, saying: [3] ‘Our father died in the ˙Ó´¥ »eÈ·¦ ‡¨ 3 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ „Ú−¥ BÓ-ω¤ Ÿ‡« Á˙© ¬t¤wilderness, and he was not among the companyof them that gathered themselves together ‰„À¨Ú¥ ‰¨ CB˙´ a§ ‰È¨¹‰¨ -‡ŸÏ ‡e‰¸ § ¼¯a¨ „§n¦ a©against the Lord in the company of Korah, -Èk«¦ Á¯©Ÿ˜®-˙„©Ú£a© ‰−¨‰È§-ÏÚ© ÌÈ„²¦Ú¨ Bp‰©but he died in his own sin; and he had no sons. ‰n¨ Ï´¨ 4 :BÏ« eȬ‰¨ -‡ŸÏ ÌÈ−¦ ·¨ e ˙Ó¥½ B‡´ ˧ Á¤ ·§[4] Why should the name of our father be doneaway from among his family, because he had ÔȬ‡¥ Ȳk¦ Bz½ Á§ t© L§ Ó¦ CBz´ Ó¦ ÆeȷƦ ‡¨ -ÌL¥ Ú¯³©b¨È¦no son? Give unto us a possession among the :eÈ·«¦ ‡¨ ȬÁ¥ ‡£ CB˙− a§ ‰f¨½ Áª ‡£ el´¨ -‰¨z§ Ôa®¥ BÏ−brethren of our father.’ [5] And Moses broughtÔtheir cause before the Lord. [6] And the Lordspoke unto Moses, saying: [7] ‘The daughters of Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ Ë−¨ t¨ L§ Ó¦ -˙‡¤ ‰²L¤ ŸÓ ·¯¬¥˜§ i©Â© 5 ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 6 Ò :‰Â«¨‰È§Zelophehad speak right: thou shalt surely give Ôz³¥ z¦ ÔŸ˙¸ ¨ ¼˙Ÿ¯·§ Ÿc»„Á¨ Ù§ Ϩ ˆ§ ˙B´a§ Ôk¥À 7 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥them a possession of an inheritance amongtheir father’s brethren; and thou shalt cause the Ì®‰¤ È·¦ ‡£ ÈÁ´¥ ‡£ CB˙− a§ ‰Ï¨½ Á£ © ˙´f©Áª ‡£ Æ̉¤ Ϩinheritance of their father to pass unto them. -χ¤ § 8 :Ô‰«¤ Ϩ Ô‰−¤ È·¦ ‡£ ˙¬Ï© Á£ ©-˙‡¤ z²¨ ¯§·© Ú£‰«© §[8] And thou shalt speak unto the children ofIsrael, saying: If a man die, and have no son, then ˙eÓÀ Ȩ-Èk«¦ Lȇ´¦ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ¯´a¥ „©z§ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his :Bz« ·¦ ϧ B˙− Ϩ Á£ ©-˙‡¤ Ìz¬¤ ¯§·© Ú£‰«© § BϽ Ôȇ´¥ ÆÔ·¥ edaughter. [9] And if he have no daughter, thenye shall give his inheritance unto his brethren. B˙− Ϩ Á£ ©-˙‡¤ Ìz¬¤ ˙© § e ˙®a© BÏ− ÔȬ‡¥ -̇¦ § 9[10] And if he have no brethren, then ye shall Ìz¬¤ ˙© § e ÌÈÁ®¦ ‡© BÏ− ÔȬ‡¥ -̇¦ § 10 :ÂÈÁ¨ ‡¤ ϧgive his inheritance unto his father’s brethren. Ôȇ´¥ -̇¦ § 11 :ÂÈ·«¦ ‡¨ ȬÁ¥ ‡£ Ï© B˙− Ϩ Á£ ©-˙‡¤[11] And if his father have no brethren, then yeshall give his inheritance unto his kinsman that B¯º ‡¥ L§ Ϧ B˙À Ϩ Á£ ©-˙‡¤ Ìz´¤ ˙© § e ¼ÂÈ·¦ ‡¨ ϧ »ÌÈÁ¦ ‡©is next to him of his family, and he shall possess d˙®¨ Ÿ‡ L¯´©È¨Â§ Bz− Á§ t© L§ n¦ Ó¦ ÂȲϨ‡¥ ·Ÿ¯¬w¨ ‰©it. And it shall be unto the children of Israel astatute of judgment, as the Lord commanded ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© Ët¨½ L§ Ó¦ ˙w´©Áª ϧ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥·§ Ϧ ‰˙¨¹ ȧ‰¨¸ «§Moses.’ 317 317
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 27.12 pinkhas ÒÁÈÙ 27 ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙[12] And the Lord said unto Moses: ‘Get ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 12 Ò :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦thee up into this mountain of Abarim, and beholdthe land which I have given unto the children of Ìȯ−¦·¨ Ú£‰¨ ¯¬‰© -χ¤ ‰²Ï¥ Ú£ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Ɖ¨‰È§Israel. [13] And when thou hast seen it, thou also Ȭ¥·§ Ϧ Èz¦ ˙−© ¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ɖ‡¥ ¯§e ‰®f¤‰©shalt be gathered unto thy people, as Aaron thybrother was gathered; [14] because ye rebelled -χ¤ z¬¨ Ù§ Ò© ‡¡ ¤Â§ d˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ‰˙¨ ȇ´¦ ¯¨Â§ 13 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧagainst My commandment in the wilderness of ÔŸ¯¬‰£ ‡© ÛÒ−© ‡¡ ¤ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© ‰z¨ ‡®¨ -Ìb© EÈn−¤ Ú©Zin, in the strife of the congregation, to sanctify ÔˆÀ¦ -¯a© „§Ó¦ a§ Èt¹¦ Ì˙¤¸ ȯ¦Ó§ Á¯L¤ ‡£ k© 14 :EÈÁ«¦ ‡¨Me at the waters before their eyes.’—These arethe waters of Meribath-kadesh in the wilderness ÌȦn−© ·© Ȧ ¬L¥ Èc¦˜§ ‰© ϧ ‰„½¨Ú¥ ‰«¨ Æ˙·© ȯ¦Ó§ a¦of Zin.— :Ôˆ«¦ -¯a© „§Ó¦ L„−¥˜¨ ˙¬·© ȯ¦Ó§ -ÈÓ«¥ ̲‰¥ Ì®‰¤ È¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ [15] And Moses spoke unto the Lord,saying: [16] ‘Let the Lord, the God of the spirits Ùof all flesh, set a man over the congregation, „Ÿ˜´ Ù§ Ȧ 16 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ ‰−¨‰È§ -χ¤ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ¯´a¥ „©È§ © 15[17] who may go out before them, and who -ÏÚ© Lȇ−¦ ¯N®¨ a¨ -ÏΨ ϧ ˙ŸÁ− e¯‰¨ Ȭ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§may come in before them, and who may leadthem out, and who may bring them in; that the ƇŸ·È¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ © ̉¤À È¥Ù§ Ϧ ‡´ˆ¥ È¥-¯L¤ ‡£ 17 :‰„«¨Ú¥ ‰¨congregation of the Lord be not as sheep which ‡ŸÏ³ § ̇®¥ È·¦ ȧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ © ̇−¥ Ȉ¦ BÈ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ © ̉¤½ È¥Ù§ Ϧhave no shepherd.’ [18] And the Lord said untoMoses: ‘Take thee Joshua the son of Nun, a ̉−¤ Ϩ -Ôȇ¥ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ô‡Ÿv¾ k© ‰Â¨½‰È§ ˙„´©Ú£ ƉȤ‰§ ˙¦man in whom is spirit, and lay thy hand upon ÆEϧ -Á˜© ‰L¤À ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 18 :‰Ú«¤ Ÿ¯him; [19] and set him before Eleazar the priest, Ba® Á©e¯´-¯L¤ ‡£ Lȇ−¦ Ôe½ -Ôa¦ Ú©L´ª B‰È§-˙‡¤and before all the congregation; and give him a B˙À Ÿ‡ z´¨ „§Ó© Ú£‰«© § 19 :ÂÈÏ«¨ Ú¨ E− „§È¨-˙‡¤ z¬¨ Χ Ó© Ò¨ §charge in their sight. [20] And thou shalt put of ‰„®¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ È−¥Ù§ Ϧ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© ¯´Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ ÆÈ¥Ù§ Ϧthy honour upon him, that all the congregationof the children of Israel may hearken. [21] Andhe shall stand before Eleazar the priest, who shall E− „§B‰« Ó¥ ‰z¬¨ ˙© ¨Â§ 20 :̉«¤ È¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ B˙− Ÿ‡ ‰˙¬¨ Èe¦ˆ¦ §inquire for him by the judgment of the Urim :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ ˙„−©Ú£-Ïk¨ eÚ½ Ó§ L§ Ȧ ÔÚ© Ó´© ϧ ÂȮϨ Ú¨before the Lord; at his word shall they go out, Bϲ χ© L¬¨ § „ŸÓ½ ڣȩ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ¯³Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ È¥¸ Ù§ Ϧ § 21and at his word they shall come in, both he, andall the children of Israel with him, even all the e‡¹ ˆ§ È¥ ÂÈt¸¦ -ÏÚ© ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ Ìȯ−¦e‡‰¨ ˬt© L§ Ó¦ a§congregation.’ [22] And Moses did as the Lord Bz− ‡¦ Ϭ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥a§ -ÏΨ § ‡e‰² e‡Ÿ·À Ȩ ÂÈt´¦ -ÏÚ© §commanded him; and he took Joshua, and sethim before Eleazar the priest, and before all the ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ NÚ© ´i©Â© 22 :‰„«¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -ÏΨ §congregation. [23] And he laid his hands upon Æe‰„Æ¥Ó¦ Ú£i«©Â© Ú©LªÀ B‰È§-˙‡¤ Áw´©i¦ © B˙® Ÿ‡ ‰−¨‰È§him, and gave him a charge, as the Lord spoke :‰„«¨Ú¥ ‰¨ -Ïk¨ È−¥Ù§ Ϧ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© ¯´Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ ÆÈ¥Ù§ Ϧ28by the hand of Moses. And the Lord spoke unto Moses, ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© e‰®e¥ˆ© ȧ © ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ ÂÈ„²¨È¨-˙‡¤ CŸÓ¯ Ò§ i¦ © 23 saying: [2] Command the children of Ù :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-„È©a§ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¤ c¦Israel, and say unto them: 28My food which is presented unto Me forofferings made by fire, of a sweet savour unto ˆ©µ2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â© -˙‡¤ Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ z−¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -˙‡¤Me, shall ye observe to offer unto Me in its due e¯¾ Ó§ L§ z¦ ÈÁ½¦ ŸÁÈ«¦ Á©È¯¥µ ÈM©À ‡¦ ϧ ÈÓ¹¦ Á§ Ï© ȸ¦ a¨ ¯§˜¨season. [3] And thou shalt say unto them: This ‰Ê¤µ ̉¤½ Ϩ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § 3 :B„«Ú£BÓa§ ÈÏ−¦ ·È¯¬¦˜§ ‰© ϧis the offering made by fire which ye shall bringunto the Lord: he-lambs of the first year without ÌÈN¦¸ ·¨ k§ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© e·È¯−¦˜§ z© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰M¤½ ‡¦ ‰«¨ 318 318
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÒÁÈÙ 28 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 28.4 pinkhas ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙blemish, two day by day, for a continual burnt- :„ÈÓ«¦ ˙¨ ‰¬Ï¨ŸÚ ÌBi−Ï© ÌȦ¬©L§ ÌÓ²¦ ÈÓ¦ ˙§ ‰¯¨L¨ -È«¥a§offering. [4] The one lamb shalt thou offer in themorning, and the other lamb shalt thou offer at Æ˙‡¥ § ¯˜¤Ÿa® ·© ‰N´¤ Ú£z© „Á−¨ ‡¤ N·¤ ¬k¤ ‰© -˙‡¤ 4dusk; [5] and the tenth part of an ephah of fine :ÌȦ a«¨ ¯§Ú© ‰«¨ ÔȬa¥ ‰N−¤ Ú£z© Ƚ¦ M¥ ‰© N·¤ ´k¤ ‰©flour for a meal-offering, mingled with the fourthpart of a hin of beaten oil. [6] It is a continual ‰²Ï¨ eÏa§ ‰Á®¨ § Ó¦ ϧ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ− ‰²Ù¨ ȇ¥ ‰¨ ˙ȯ¯¦ÈN¦ ڣ© 5burnt-offering, which was offered in mount „ÈÓ®¦ z¨ ˙Ï−© ŸÚ 6 :Ôȉ«¦ ‰© ˙Ú¬¦ È·¦ ¯§ ˙È˙−¦ k¨ ÔÓ¤ ¬L¤ a§Sinai, for a sweet savour, an offering made by ‰M−¤ ‡¦ Á©ŸÁ½ Ȧ Á©È¯´¥Ï§ È©½ ÈÒ¦ ¯‰´© a§ ƉȨNª Ú£‰¨fire unto the Lord. [7] And the drink-offeringthereof shall be the fourth part of a hin for the N·¤ k−¤ Ï© Ôȉ¦½ ‰© ˙Ú´¦ È·¦ ¯§ ÆBkÒ§ ¦ § 7 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ«©one lamb; in the holy place shalt thou pour out :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ¯Î−¨ L¥ CÒ¤¬¤ Cq²¥‰© L„¤ŸwÀ a© „Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨a drink-offering of strong drink unto the Lord.[8] And the other lamb shalt thou present at ÌȦ®a¨ ¯§Ú© ‰«¨ ÔÈ´a¥ ‰N−¤ Ú£z© Ƚ¦ M¥ ‰© N·¤ ´k¤ ‰© Æ˙‡¥ § 8dusk; as the meal-offering of the morning, and Á©È¯¬¥ ‰²M¥ ‡¦ ‰N¤½ Ú£z© ÆBkÒ§ ¦ Χ e ¯˜¤Ÿa³ ‰© ˙Á©¸ § Ó¦ k§as the drink-offering thereof, thou shalt presentit, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour ‰−¨L¨ -È«¥a§ Ù :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© Á©ŸÁ− Ȧunto the Lord. ÌÈN¬¦ ·¨ Χ -È«¥L§ ˙a¨½ M© ‰© ÆÌBÈ·§ e 9[9] And on the sabbath day two he-lambs ‰Á²¨ § Ó¦ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ¯ ÌÈÀ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ È´¥L§ e ÌÓ®¦ ÈÓ¦ z§of the first year without blemish, and two tenthparts of an ephah of fine flour for a meal-offering, ˙a−© L© ˙¬Ï©ŸÚ 10 :Bk« Ò§ ¦ § ÔÓ¤ M−¤ ·© ‰¬Ï¨ eÏa§mingled with oil, and the drink-offering thereof. Ò :dk«¨ Ò§ ¦ § „ÈÓ−¦ z¨ ‰© ˙¬Ï©ŸÚ-ÏÚ© Bz® a© L© a§[10] This is the burnt-offering of every sabbath,beside the continual burnt-offering, and the ‰Ï−¨ ŸÚ e·È¯¬¦˜§ z© ÌΤ½ ÈL¥ „§Á¨ ÆÈL¥ ‡¯¨·§ e 11drink-offering thereof. „Á¨½ ‡¤ ÏȦ ‡´© § ÆÌȦ ©Æ L§ ¯˜³¨·¨-È«¥a§ Ìȯ¸¦t¨ ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© [11] And in your new moons ye shall presenta burnt-offering unto the Lord: two young :ÌÓ«¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ‰Ú−¨ ·§ L¦ ‰²¨L¨ -È¥a§ ÌÈN¯¦ ·¨ k§bullocks, and one ram, seven he-lambs of the ‰Ï´¨ eÏa§ ƉÁ¨ § Ó¦ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ³ ÌÈÀ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ ‰L´¨ ŸÏL§ e 12first year without blemish; [12] and three tenth ˙Ϥ ŸÒ³ ÌÈÀ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ È´¥L§ e „Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ¯t−¨ Ï© ÔÓ¤ M¤½ ·©parts of an ephah of fine flour for a meal-offering,mingled with oil, for each bullock; and two tenth :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰«¨ ÏȦ ‡−© Ϩ ÔÓ¤ M¤½ ·© ‰Ï´¨ eÏa§ ƉÁ¨ § Ó¦parts of fine flour for a meal-offering, mingled ‰Ï´¨ eÏa§ ƉÁ¨ § Ó¦ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ³ ÔB¯À O¨ Ú¦ ÔŸ¯´O¨ Ú¦ § 13with oil, for the one ram; [13] and a several tenthpart of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal- Á©ŸÁ½ Ȧ Á©È¯´¥ ƉϨ ŸÚ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ N·¤ k−¤ Ï© ÔÓ¤ M¤½ ·©offering unto every lamb; for a burnt-offering ÁÔȉ¦ ‰© Ȉ´¦ Á£ ̉¤À Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ § 14 :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ‰M−¤ ‡¦of a sweet savour, an offering made by fire untothe Lord. [14] And their drink-offerings shall ˙Ú¬¦ È·¦ ¯§e ÏȦ ‡©À Ϩ Ôȉ´¦ ‰© ˙L¯¦ ÈϦ L§ e ¯t¨¹ Ï© ‰È¤¸‰§ Ȧbe half a hin of wine for a bullock, and the third BL½ „§Á¨ a§ ÆL„¤ŸÁÆ ˙¬Ï©ŸÚ ˙‡ŸÊ´ ÔȦ®È¨ N·¤ k−¤ Ï© Ôȉ²¦ ‰©part of a hin for the ram, and the fourth part of a „Á²¨ ‡¤ ÌȬf¦Ú¦ ¯ÈÚ¸¦ N§ e 15 :‰«¨M¨ ‰© ÈL−¥ „§Á¨ ϧhin for a lamb. This is the burnt-offering of everynew moon throughout the months of the year. ‰N−¤ Ú¨ È¥ „ÈÓ²¦ z¨ ‰© ˙ϯ©ŸÚ-ÏÚ© ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ˙‡h−¨ Á© ϧ[15] And one he-goat for a sin-offering unto the ÔBLÀ ‡¯¦‰¨ L„¤ŸÁ´ ·© e 16 Ò :Bk« Ò§ ¦ §Lord; it shall be offered beside the continualburnt-offering, and the drink-offering thereof. :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ© ÁÒ© t−¤ L„¤ŸÁ® Ï© ÌBÈ− ¯N²¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© a§ ‚Á®¨ ‰−f¤‰© L„¤ŸÁ¬ Ï© ÌBȲ ¯N¬¨ Ú¨ ‰M¨¸ Ó¦ Á£ ·© e 17 [16] Andinthefirstmonth,onthefourteenthday of the month, is the Lord’s passover. [17] Andon the fifteenth day of this month shall be a feast; ÌBi¬a© 18 :ÏΫ¥ ‡¨ È¥ ˙Bv− Ó© ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦seven days shall unleavened bread be eaten. ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£ ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨ L„¤Ÿ˜®-‡¯¨˜§ Ó¦ ÔBL− ‡¯¦‰¨[18] In the first day shall be a holy convocation; 319 319
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÒÁÈÙ 28 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 28.19 pinkhas ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙ye shall do no manner of servile work; [19] but ye ƉϨ ŸÚ ‰M³¤ ‡¦ Ìz¤¸ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § 19 :eN« Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬shall present an offering made by fire, a burnt-offering unto the Lord: two young bullocks, and „Á®¨ ‡¤ ÏȦ ‡´© § ÌȦ−©L§ ¯˜²¨·¨-È¥a§ Ìȯ¯¦t¨ ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«©one ram, and seven he-lambs of the first year; eȬ‰§ Ȧ ÌÓ−¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ‰¨½ L¨ È´¥a§ ÆÌÈN¦ ·¨ Χ ‰³Ú¨ ·§ L¦ §they shall be unto you without blemish; [20] and ÔÓ¤ M®¨ ·© ‰Ï´¨ eÏa§ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ− Ì˙¨½ Á¨ § Ó¸¦ e 20 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩtheir meal-offering, fine flour mingled with oil;three tenth parts shall ye offer for a bullock, and ÏȦ‡−© Ϩ ÌȲ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ ȯ¥L§ e ¯t¨À Ï© Ìȹ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ ‰L¨¸ ŸÏL§two tenth parts for the ram; [21] a several tenth N·¤ k−¤ Ï© ‰N¤½ Ú£z© ÆÔB¯O¨ Ú¦ ÔB¯³O¨ Ú¦ 21 :eN« Ú£z©part shalt thou offer for every lamb of the seven ¯ÈÚ¬¦ N§ e 22 :ÌÈN«¦ ·¨ k§ ‰© ˙Ú−© ·§ L¦ ϧ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨lambs; [22] and one he-goat for a sin-offering, tomake atonement for you. [23] Ye shall offer these ˙Ï´©ŸÚ Æ„·© l§ Ó¦ 23 :ÌΫ¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ¯t−¥ Ω ϧ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ˙‡h−¨ Á©beside the burnt-offering of the morning, which -˙‡¤ eN− Ú£z© „ÈÓ®¦ z¨ ‰© ˙Ï´© ŸÚϧ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ¯˜¤Ÿa½ ‰©is for a continual burnt-offering. [24] After thismanner ye shall offer daily, for seven days, the ÌÈÓ½¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ ÆÌBiÏ© eN³ Ú£z© ‰l¤ ‡¥¹ k¨ 24 :‰l¤ ‡«¥food of the offering made by fire, of a sweet ˙ϯ© BÚ-ÏÚ© ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© Á©ŸÁ− Ȧ -Á©È¯«¥ ‰¬M¥ ‡¦ ÌÁ¤ ²Ï¤savour unto the Lord; it shall be offered beside ÈÚ½¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÆÌBi·© e 25 :Bk« Ò§ ¦ § ‰N−¤ Ú¨ È¥ „ÈÓ²¦ z¨ ‰©the continual burnt-offering, and the drink-offering thereof. [25] And on the seventh day ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨ ̮Τ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ L„¤Ÿ˜−-‡¯¨˜§ Ó¦ye shall have a holy convocation; ye shall do no ÌBÈ´·§ e 26 Ò :eN« Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£manner of servile work. ƉL¨ „¨Á£ ‰Á³¨ § Ó¦ ÌΤ¹ ·§ ȯ¸¦˜§ ‰© a§ ÌȯÀ¦eka¦ ‰© [26] Also in the day of the first-fruits,when ye bring a new meal-offering unto the ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÆL„¤Ÿ˜Æ -‡¯¨˜§ Ó«¦ ̮Τ È˙¥ ŸÚ− ·ª L¨ a§ ‰Â¨½ ‰ÈÏ«©Lord in your feast of weeks, ye shall have a holy :eN« Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£ ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨ ÌΤ½ Ϩconvocation: ye shall do no manner of servilework; [27] but ye shall present a burnt-offering ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© ÆÁ©ŸÁÆ È¦ Á©È¯³¥Ï§ ‰Ï¨¹ BÚ Ìz¤¸ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § 27for a sweet savour unto the Lord: two young ‰¬Ú¨ ·§ L¦ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ÏȦ ‡´© ÌȦ−©L§ ¯˜²¨·¨-È¥a§ Ìȯ¯¦t¨bullocks, one ram, seven he-lambs of the first ˙Ϥ ŸÒ− Ì˙¨½ Á¨ § Ó¦ e 28 :‰«¨L¨ Ȭ¥a§ ÌÈN−¦ ·¨ Χyear; [28] and their meal-offering, fine flourmingled with oil, three tenth parts for each ¯´t¨ Ï© ÆÌȦŸ¯N§ Ú¤ ‰L³¨ ŸÏL§ ÔÓ¤ M®¨ ·© ‰Ï´¨ eÏa§bullock, two tenth parts for the one ram, [29] a :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ÏȦ‡−© Ϩ ÌȽ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ ÆÈ¥L§ „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰«¨several tenth part for every lamb of the seven ˙Ú−© ·§ L¦ ϧ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ N·¤ k−¤ Ï© ÔB¯½ O¨ Ú¦ ÆÔB¯O¨ Ú¦ 29lambs; [30] one he-goat, to make atonement for ¯t−¥ Ω ϧ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ÌÈf−¦Ú¦ ¯ÈÚ¬¦ N§ 30 :ÌÈN«¦ ·¨ k§ ‰©you. [31] Beside the continual burnt-offering, B˙− Á¨ § Ó¦ e „ÈÓ²¦ z¨ ‰© ˙ϯ©ŸÚ „·º© l§ Ó¦ 31 :ÌΫ¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£and the meal-offering thereof, ye shall offerthem—they shall be unto you without blemish—and their drink-offerings. 29And in the seventh month, on the Ù :̉«¤ Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ § ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ -eȉ§ Ȧ ÌÓ¬¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ eN® Ú£z© L„¤ŸÁÀ Ï© „Á´¨ ‡¤ a§ ÈÚ¹¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© L„¤ŸÁ¸ ·© e29 first day of the month, ye shall have ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨ ÌΤ½ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÆL„¤Ÿ˜Æ -‡¯¨˜§ Ó«¦a holy convocation: ye shall do no manner of :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ ‰Ú−¨ e¯z§ ÌBȬ eN® Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ´ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£servile work; it is a day of blowing the horn unto ¯¯t© ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© ÆÁ©ŸÁÆ È¦ Á©È¯³¥Ï§ ‰Ï¨¹ ŸÚ Ì˙¤¸ ÈN¦ ڣ© 2you. [2] And ye shall prepare a burnt-offeringfor a sweet savour unto the Lord, one young ‰²¨L¨ -È¥a§ ÌÈN¯¦ ·¨ k§ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ÏȦ ‡´© „Á−¨ ‡¤ ¯˜²¨a¨ -Ôa¤bullock, one ram, seven he-lambs of the first yearwithout blemish; [3] and their meal-offering, fine ‰Ï´¨ eÏa§ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ− Ì˙¨½ Á¨ § Ó¦ e 3 :ÌÓ«¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ‰Ú−¨ ·§ L¦flour mingled with oil, three tenth parts for the ÌÈ−¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ Ȭ¥L§ ¯t¨½ Ï© ÆÌȦŸ¯N§ Ú¤ ‰L³¨ ŸÏL§ ÔÓ¤ ®M¨ ·© 320 320
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÒÁÈÙ 29 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 29.4 pinkhas ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙bullock, two tenth parts for the ram, [4] and one „Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ N·¤ k−¤ Ï© „Á¨½ ‡¤ ÔB¯´O¨ Ú¦ § 4 :ÏȦ ‡«¨ Ϩtenth part for every lamb of the seven lambs;[5] and one he-goat for a sin-offering, to make „Á−¨ ‡¤ ÌȬf¦Ú¦ -¯ÈÚ¦ N§ e 5 :ÌÈN«¦ ·¨ k§ ‰© ˙Ú−© ·§ L¦ ϧatonement for you; [6] beside the burnt-offering ˙Ï©¸ ŸÚ Á„·© l§ Ó¦ 6 :ÌΫ¤ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ¯t−¥ Ω ϧ ˙‡®h¨ Á©of the new moon, and the meal-offering thereof, d˙¨½ Á¨ § Ó¦ e Æ„ÈÓ¦ z¨ ‰© ˙³Ï©ŸÚ§ d˙¨À Á¨ § Ó¦ e L„¤ŸÁ¹ ‰©and the continual burnt-offering and the meal-offering thereof, and their drink-offerings, ‰M−¤ ‡¦ Á©ŸÁ½ Ȧ Á©È¯´¥Ï§ ̮˨ t¨ L§ Ó¦ k§ ̉−¤ Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ §according unto their ordinance, for a sweet ÈÚ¹¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© L„¤ŸÁ¸ Ï© Á¯BNÚ¨ ·¤ e 7 Ò :‰Â«¨‰ÈÏ©savour, an offering made by fire unto the Lord. [7] And on the tenth day of this seventh Ì˙−¤ Èp¦ Ú¦ § ÌΤ½ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÆL„¤Ÿ˜Æ -‡¯¨˜§ Ó«¦ ‰f¤À‰© :eN« Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰Î−¨ ‡Ï¨ Ó§ -Ïk¨ ̮Τ È˙¥ ŸLÙ§ ©-˙‡¤month ye shall have a holy convocation; and yeshall afflict your souls; ye shall do no manner of ¯¯t© Á©ŸÁ½ Ȧ Á©È¯´¥ Ɖ¨‰ÈÏ«© ‰³Ï¨ŸÚ Ìz¤¸ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § 8work; [8] but ye shall present a burnt-offeringunto the Lord for a sweet savour: one young Ɖ¨L¨ -È«¥a§ ÌÈN³¦ ·¨ k§ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ÏȦ‡´© „Á−¨ ‡¤ ¯˜²¨a¨-Ôa¤bullock, one ram, seven he-lambs of the first Ì˙¨½ Á¨ § Ó¦ e 9 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ eȬ‰§ Ȧ ÌÓ−¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ‰Ú¨½ ·§ L¦year; they shall be unto you without blemish; ¯t¨½ Ï© ÆÌȦŸ¯N§ Ú¤ ‰L³¨ ŸÏL§ ÔÓ¤ M®¨ ·© ‰Ï´¨ eÏa§ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ−[9] and their meal-offering, fine flour mingledwith oil, three tenth parts for the bullock, two ÆÔB¯O¨ Ú¦ 10 :„Á«¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ ÏȦ ‡−© Ϩ ÌȽ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ ÆÈ¥L§tenth parts for the one ram, [10] a several tenth :ÌÈN«¦ ·¨ k§ ‰© ˙Ú−© ·§ L¦ ϧ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ N·¤ k−¤ Ï© ÔB¯½ O¨ Ú¦part for every lamb of the seven lambs; [11] one ˙‡³h© Á© „·º© l§ Ó¦ ˙‡®h¨ Á© „Á−¨ ‡¤ ÌȬf¦Ú¦ -¯ÈÚ¦ N§ 11he-goat for a sin-offering; beside the sin-offeringof atonement, and the continual burnt-offering, d˙−¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ e „ÈÓ½¦ z¨ ‰© ˙Ï´© ŸÚ§ ÆÌȯ¦tª k¦ ‰©and the meal-offering thereof, and their drink- Ù :̉«¤ Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ §offerings. [12] And on the fifteenth day of the seventh ÈÚÀ¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© L„¤ŸÁ´ Ï© ÌBȹ ¯N¨¸ Ú¨ Á‰M¨ Ó¦ Á£ ·© e 12 ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§ -Ïk¨ ÌΤ½ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ÆL„¤Ÿ˜Æ -‡¯¨˜§ Ó«¦month ye shall have a holy convocation, ye shalldo no manner of servile work, and ye shall keep ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© ‚²Á© Ì˙¬¤ ŸbÁ© § eN® Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ´ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£a feast unto the Lord seven days; [13] and yeshall present a burnt-offering, an offering made ‰M¥¸ ‡¦ ‰Ï¨¹ ŸÚ Ìz¤¸ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § 13 :ÌÈÓ«¦ Ȩ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦by fire, of a sweet savour unto the Lord: thirteen ‰L¬¨ ŸÏL§ ¯˜²¨·¨-È¥a§ Ìȯ¯¦t¨ ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© ÆÁ©ŸÁÆ È¦ Á©È¯³¥young bullocks, two rams, fourteen he-lambs ‰²¨L¨ -È«¥a§ ÌÈN¯¦ ·¨ k§ ÌȦ®¨L§ ÌÏ´¦ ȇ¥ ¯N−¨ Ú¨of the first year; they shall be without blemish;[14] and their meal-offering, fine flour mingled Ì˙¨½ Á¨ § Ó¦ e 14 :eÈ« ‰§ Ȧ ÌÓ¬¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡©with oil, three tenth parts for every bullock of the ¯´t¨ Ï© Ìȹ¦Ÿ¯N§ Ú¤ ‰L¨¸ ŸÏL§ ÔÓ¤ M®¨ ·© ‰Ï´¨ eÏa§ ˙Ϥ ŸÒ−Àthirteen bullocks, two tenth parts for each ram ÆÌȦŸ¯N§ Ú¤ ȳ¥L§ Ìȯ½¦t¨ ƯN¨ Ú¨ ‰L³¨ ŸÏL§ Ϧ „Á¨À ‡¤ ‰«¨of the two rams, [15] and a several tenth part for ÆÔB¯O¨ Ú¦ § 15 :ÌÏ«¦ ȇ¥ ‰¨ È−¥L§ Ϧ „Á¨½ ‡¤ ‰«¨ ÏȦ ‡´© Ϩevery lamb of the fourteen lambs [16] and onehe-goat for a sin-offering; beside the continual ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© ϧ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ‰¨ N·¤ k−¤ Ï© ÔB¯½ O¨ Ú¦burnt-offering, the meal-offering thereof, andthe drink-offering thereof. ˙‡®h¨ Á© „Á−¨ ‡¤ ÌȬf¦Ú¦ -¯ÈÚ¦ N§ e 16 :ÌÈN«¦ ·¨ k§ Ò :dk«¨ Ò§ ¦ § d˙−¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ „ÈÓ½¦ z¨ ‰© ˙Ï´©ŸÚ Æ„·© l§ Ó¦ [17] And on the second day ye shall presenttwelve young bullocks, two rams, fourteen he- ÌȬ¥L§ ¯˜²¨·¨ -È¥a§ Ìȯ¯¦t¨ ÈÀ¦ M¥ ‰© ÌBi´·© e 17lambs of the first year without blemish; [18] andtheir meal-offering and their drink-offerings for ‰²¨L¨ -È¥a§ ÌÈN¯¦ ·¨ k§ ÌȦ®¨ L§ ÌÏ´¦ ȇ¥ ¯N−¨ Ú¨the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, Ì˙´¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ e 18 :ÌÓ«¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© 321 321
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÒÁÈÙ 29 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 29.19 pinkhas ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙according to their number, after the ordinance; ÌÈN²¦ ·¨ k§ Ï© § Ìϯ¦ ȇ¥ Ϩ Ìȯ¦t¨ Ï©  ̉¤¿ Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ §[19] and one he-goat for a sin-offering; beside the „Á−¨ ‡¤ ÌȬf¦Ú¦ -¯ÈÚ¦ N§ e 19 :Ët«¨ L§ n¦ k© ̯−¨t¨ Ò§ Ó¦ a§continual burnt-offering, and the meal-offering d˙−¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ e „ÈÓ½¦ z¨ ‰© ˙Ï´©ŸÚ Æ„·© l§ Ó¦ ˙‡®h¨ Á©thereof, and their drink-offerings. ÈL²¦ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¯·© e 20 Ò :̉«¤ Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ § ÌÈN¯¦ ·¨ k§ ÌȦ®¨L§ ÌÏ´¦ ȇ¥ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ -Èz¥ L§ Ú© Ìȯ¬¦t¨ [20] And on the third day eleven bullocks, :ÌÓ«¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© ‰²¨L¨ -È¥a§two rams, fourteen he-lambs of the first year Ìϯ¦ ȇ¥ Ϩ Ìȯ¦t¨ Ï©  ̉¤¿ Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ § Ì˙´¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ e 21without blemish; [21] and their meal-offering ¯ÈÚ¬¦ N§ e 22 :Ët«¨ L§ n¦ k© ̯−¨t¨ Ò§ Ó¦ a§ ÌÈN²¦ ·¨ k§ Ï© §and their drink-offerings for the bullocks, for d˙−¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ e „ÈÓ½¦ z¨ ‰© ˙Ï´©ŸÚ Æ„·© l§ Ó¦ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ˙‡h−¨ Á©the rams, and for the lambs, according to their Ìȯ¬¦t¨ Ȳڦ È·¦ ¯§‰¨ ÌBi¯·© e 23 Ò :dk«¨ Ò§ ¦ §number, after the ordinance; [22] and one he- ‰²¨L¨ -È«¥a§ ÌÈN¯¦ ·¨ k§ ÌȦ®¨L§ ÌÏ´¦ ȇ¥ ‰¯−¨N¨ Ú£goat for a sin-offering; beside the continual Ì˙´¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ 24 :ÌÓ«¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡©burnt-offering, and the meal-offering thereof, ÌÈN²¦ ·¨ k§ Ï© § Ìϯ¦ ȇ¥ Ϩ Ìȯ¦t¨ Ï©  ̉¤¿ Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ §and the drink-offering thereof. „Á−¨ ‡¤ ÌȬf¦Ú¦ -¯ÈÚ¦ N§ e 25 :Ët«¨ L§ n¦ k© ̯−¨t¨ Ò§ Ó¦ a§ d˙−¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ „ÈÓ½¦ z¨ ‰© ˙Ï´©ŸÚ Æ„·© l§ Ó¦ ˙‡®h¨ Á© [23] And on the fourth day ten bullocks, two Ìȯ¬¦t¨ ÈL²¦ ÈÓ¦ Á£ ‰© ÌBi¯·© e 26 Ò :dk«¨ Ò§ ¦ §rams, fourteen he-lambs of the first year without ‰²¨L¨ -È«¥a§ ÌÈN¯¦ ·¨ k§ ÌȦ®¨L§ ÌÏ´¦ ȇ¥ ‰Ú−¨ L§ z¦blemish; [24] their meal-offering and their Ì˙´¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ e 27 :ÌÓ«¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡©drink-offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, ÌÈN²¦ ·¨ k§ Ï© § Ìϯ¦ ȇ¥ Ϩ Ìȯ¦t¨ Ï©  ̉¤¿ Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ §and for the lambs, according to their number, „Á®¨ ‡¤ ˙‡h−¨ Á© ¯ÈÚ¬¦ N§ e 28 :Ët«¨ L§ n¦ k© ̯−¨t¨ Ò§ Ó¦ a§after the ordinance; [25] and one he-goat for a d˙−¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ e „ÈÓ½¦ z¨ ‰© ˙Ï´©ŸÚ Æ„·© l§ Ó¦sin-offering; beside the continual burnt-offering, Ìȯ¬¦t¨ ÈM²¦ M¦ ‰© ÌBi¯·© e 29 Ò :dk«¨ Ò§ ¦ §the meal-offering thereof, and the drink-offering ‰²¨L¨ -È¥a§ ÌÈN¯¦ ·¨ k§ ÌȦ®¨L§ ÌÏ´¦ ȇ¥ ‰−¨ŸÓL§thereof. Ì˙´¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ e 30 :ÌÓ«¦ ÈÓ¦ z§ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© ÌÈN²¦ ·¨ k§ Ï© § Ìϯ¦ ȇ¥ Ϩ Ìȯ¦t¨ Ï©  ̉¤¿ Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ § [26] And on the fifth day nine bullocks, two „Á®¨ ‡¤ ˙‡h−¨ Á© ¯ÈÚ¬¦ N§ e 31 :Ët«¨ L§ n¦ k© ̯−¨t¨ Ò§ Ó¦ a§rams, fourteen he-lambs of the first year without Ù :‰¨ ÈΫ¤ Ò¨ § e d˙−¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ „ÈÓ½¦ z¨ ‰© ˙Ï´©ŸÚ Æ„·© l§ Ó¦blemish; [27] and their meal-offering and their ÌÏ´¦ ȇ¥ ‰Ú−¨ ·§ L¦ Ìȯ¬¦t¨ ÈÚ²¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¯·© e 32drink-offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ‰¬Ú¨ a¨ ¯§‡© ‰²¨L¨ -È¥a§ ÌÈN¯¦ ·¨ k§ ÌȦ®¨L§and for the lambs, according to their number, Ìȯ¦t¨ Ï©  ̉¤¿ k¥ Ò§ ¦ § Ì˙´¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ e 33 :ÌÓ«¦ ÈÓ¦ z§after the ordinance; [28] and one he-goat for a :ÌË«¨ t¨ L§ Ó¦ k§ ̯−¨t¨ Ò§ Ó¦ a§ ÌÈN²¦ ·¨ k§ Ï© § Ìϯ¦ ȇ¥ Ϩsin-offering; beside the continual burnt-offering, ˙Ï´©ŸÚ Æ„·© l§ Ó¦ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ˙‡h−¨ Á© ¯ÈÚ¬¦ N§ e 34and the meal-offering thereof, and the drink-offering thereof. Ù :dk«¨ Ò§ ¦ § d˙−¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ „ÈÓ½¦ z¨ ‰© [29] And on the sixth day eight bullocks,two rams, fourteen he-lambs of the first yearwithout blemish; [30] and their meal-offeringand their drink-offerings for the bullocks, forthe rams, and for the lambs, according to theirnumber, after the ordinance; [31] and one he-goat for a sin-offering; beside the continualburnt-offering, the meal-offering thereof, andthe drink-offerings thereof. [32] And on the seventh day seven bullocks,two rams, fourteen he-lambs of the first yearwithout blemish; [33] and their meal-offeringand their drink-offerings for the bullocks, forthe rams, and for the lambs, according to theirnumber, after the ordinance; [34] and one he-goat for a sin-offering; beside the continualburnt-offering, the meal-offering thereof, andthe drink-offering thereof. 322 322
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÒÁÈÙ 29 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 29.35 pinkhas ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙[35] Ontheeighthdayyeshallhaveasolemn -Ïk¨ ̮Τ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ z¦ ˙¯¤ˆ−¤ Ú£ Ƚ¦ ÈÓ¦ M§ ‰© ÆÌBia© 35assembly: ye shall do no manner of servile work;[36] but ye shall present a burnt-offering, an Ìz¤¸ ·§ ¯©˜§ ‰¦ § 36 :eN« Ú£˙© ‡ŸÏ¬ ‰„−¨Ÿ·Ú£ ˙Τ ‡¬Ï¤ Ó§offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto „Á−¨ ‡¤ ¯¬t© ‰Â¨½ ‰ÈÏ«© ÆÁ©ŸÁÆ È¦ Á©È¯³¥ ‰M¥¸ ‡¦ ‰Ï¨¹ ŸÚthe Lord: one bullock, one ram, seven he-lambsof the first year without blemish; [37] their ‰Ú−¨ ·§ L¦ ‰²¨L¨ -È¥a§ ÌÈN¯¦ ·¨ k§ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ÏȦ ‡´©meal-offering and their drink-offerings for the ÏȦ ‡¯© Ϩ ¯t¨¸ Ï© ̉¤À Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ § Ì˙´¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ 37 :ÌÓ«¦ ÈÓ¦ z§bullock, for the ram, and for the lambs, shall beaccording to their number, after the ordinance; ¯ÈÚ¬¦ N§ e 38 :Ët«¨ L§ n¦ k© ̯−¨t¨ Ò§ Ó¦ a§ ÌÈN²¦ ·¨ k§ Ï© §[38] and one he-goat for a sin-offering; beside the d˙−¨ Á¨ § Ó¦ e „ÈÓ½¦ z¨ ‰© ˙Ï´© ŸÚ Æ„·© l§ Ó¦ „Á®¨ ‡¤ ˙‡h−¨ Á©continual burnt-offering, and the meal-offeringthereof, and the drink-offering thereof. ̮Τ È„¥Ú£BÓa§ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© eN¬ Ú£z© ‰l¤ ²‡¥ 39 :dk«¨ Ò§ ¦ §[39] These ye shall offer unto the Lord in ÆÌΤ È˙¥ŸÏ« ŸÚϧ ÌΤÀ È˙¥ Ÿ·„§¦ § ÌΤ¹ ȯ¥„§p¦ Ó¦ „·©¸ ϧyour appointed seasons, beside your vows, andyour freewill-offerings, whether they be your :ÌΫ¤ ÈÓ¥ ϧ L© ϧ e ÌÎ−¤ Èk¥ Ò§ ¦ ϧ e ÌΤ½ È˙¥ ŸÁ´ § Ó¦ ϧ eburnt-offerings, or your meal-offerings, or your 30ϟβ k§ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â©30drink-offerings, or your peace-offerings. And Moses told the children of Ù :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ Israel according to all that the Lordcommanded Moses. ˙ÂËÓ mattot Ȭ¥·§ Ϧ ˙Bh½ n© ‰© ÈL´¥ ‡¯¨-χ¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯³a¥ „©È§ © 2 [2] And Moses spoke unto the heads of :‰Â«¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ¯·¨½ c¨‰© ‰´Ê¤ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧthe tribes of the children of Israel, saying: Thisis the thing which the Lord hath commanded.[3] When a man voweth a vow unto the Lord, or Ú·© M³¨ ‰¦ -B‡« ‰ÂÀ¨‰ÈÏ«© ¯„¤¤¹ ¯Ÿc¸ Ȧ -Èk«¦ ÁLȇ¦ 3sweareth an oath to bind his soul with a bond, he ÏÁ−¥ È© ‡ŸÏ¬ BL½ Ù§ ©-ÏÚ© Ưq¨ ‡¦ ¯ŸÒ³ ‡§ Ϥ Ɖڨ ·ª L§shall not break his word; he shall do accordingto all that proceedeth out of his mouth. [4] Also ‰M¨¾ ‡¦ § 4 :‰N«¤ ڣȩ ÂÈt−¦ Ó¦ ‡¬ˆ¥ Ÿi‰© -ÏΨ k§ B¯®·¨ c§when a woman voweth a vow unto the Lord, ˙Ȭ·¥ a§ ¯q²¨ ‡¦ ‰¯¬¨Ò§ ‡¨ § ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© ¯„¤−¤ ¯Ÿc¬˙¦ -Èk«¦and bindeth herself by a bond, being in herfather’s house, in her youth, [5] and her father d¯À¨„§¦ -˙‡¤ ‰¨ È·¹¦ ‡¨ ÚÓ©¸ L¨ § 5 :‰¨ ȯ«¤Úª § a¦ ‰¨ È·−¦ ‡¨heareth her vow, or her bond wherewith she hath Lȯ¬¦Á¡ ‰¤ § dL¨½ Ù§ ©-ÏÚ© ‰¯´¨Ò§ ‡«¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Æd¯¨Ò¨ ‡¡ «¤bound her soul, and her father holdeth his peaceat her, then all her vows shall stand, and every ¯q²¨ ‡¦ -ÏΨ § ‰¨ ȯ½¤„¨§ -Ïk¨ ÆeӘƨ§ ‰¨ È·®¦ ‡¨ dÏ−¨bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall -̇¦ § 6 :Ìe˜« Ȩ dL−¨ Ù§ ©-ÏÚ© ‰¯¬¨Ò§ ‡¨ -¯L¤ ‡£stand. [6] But if her father disallow her in theday that he heareth, none of her vows, or of her ‰¨ ȯÀ¤„¨§ -Ïk¨ ¼BÚÓ§ L¨ ÌBÈ´a§ »d˙¨ Ÿ‡ ‰¨ È·´¦ ‡¨ ‡È¸¦ ‰¥bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall Ìe˜®È¨ ‡ŸÏ´ dL−¨ Ù§ ©-ÏÚ© ‰¯¬¨Ò§ ‡¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰¨ ȯ²¤Ò¨ ‡¡ «¤stand; and the Lord will forgive her, because herfather disallowed her. [7] And if she be married :d˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ‰¨ È·−¦ ‡¨ ‡È¬¦ ‰¥ -Èk¦ dϨ½ -ÁÏ© Ò§ È«¦ Ɖ¨‰È«©to a husband, while her vows are upon her, or B‡µ ‰¨ ȮϤ Ú¨ ‰¨ ȯ−¤„¨§ e Lȇ½¦ ϧ ƉȤ‰§ ˙«¦ Bȳ‰¨ -̇¦ § 7the clear utterance of her lips, wherewith shehath bound her soul; [8] and her husband hear :dL«¨ Ù§ ©-ÏÚ© ‰¯−¨Ò§ ‡¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰¨ È˙¤½ Ù¨ N§ ‡´Ë¨ ·§ Ó¦it, whatsoever day it be that he heareth it, and d®Ï¨ Lȯ´¦Á¡ ‰¤ § BÚ− Ó§ L¨ ÌBȬa§ dL²¨ ȇ¦ ÚÓ¬© L¨ § 8hold his peace at her; then her vows shall stand,and her bonds wherewith she hath bound her -ÏÚ© ‰¯¬¨Ò§ ‡¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰¨ ¯²¤Ò¨ ‡¡ «¤ ‰¨ ȯÀ¤„¨§ eÓ˜´¨Â§soul shall stand. [9] But if her husband disallow »dL¨ ȇ¦ Ú©ŸÓ´ L§ ÌBȸa§ ̇¦ §Â9 :eÓ˜«ªÈ¨ dL−¨ Ù§ ©her in the day that he heareth it, then he shallmake void her vow which is upon her, and the ‰¨ ÈϤ½ Ú¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Æd¯¨„§¦ -˙‡¤ ¯Ù¥À ‰¥ § ¼d˙¨ B‡ ‡È´¦ Ȩclear utterance of her lips, wherewith she hath 323 323
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂËÓ 30 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 30.10 mattot ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙bound her soul; and the Lord will forgive her. -ÏÚ© ‰¯−¨Ò§ ‡¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰¨ È˙¤½ Ù¨ N§ ‡´Ë¨ ·§ Ó¦ Æ˙‡¥ §[10] But the vow of a widow, or of her that isdivorced, even every thing wherewith she hath ‰−¨Ó¨ ϧ ‡© ¯„¤¬¥Â§ 10 :dÏ«¨ -ÁÏ«© Ò§ È«¦ ‰−¨‰È© dL®¨ Ù§ ©bound her soul, shall stand against her. [11] And Ìe˜¬È¨ dL−¨ Ù§ ©-ÏÚ© ‰¯¬¨Ò§ ‡¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÏŸk² ‰L®¨ e¯‚§ eif a woman vowed in her husband’s house, or -B‡« ‰¯¨„®¨¨ dL−¨ ȇ¦ ˙Ȭa¥-̇¦ § 11 :‰¨ ÈÏ«¤ Ú¨bound her soul by a bond with an oath, [12] and ÚÓ³© L¨ § 12 :‰Ú«¨ ·ª L§ a¦ dL−¨ Ù§ ©-ÏÚ© ¯q²¨ ‡¦ ‰¯¬¨Ò§ ‡¨her husband heard it, and held his peace at her,and disallowed her not, then all her vows shall ÆeӘƨ § d˙®¨ Ÿ‡ ‡È−¦ ‰¥ ‡ŸÏ¬ dϨ½ L¯´¦Á¡ ‰¤ § ÆdL¨ ȇ¦stand, and every bond wherewith she bound hersoul shall stand. [13] But if her husband make -ÏÚ© ‰¯¬¨Ò§ ‡¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯q²¨ ‡¦ -ÏΨ § ‰¨ ȯ½¤„¨§ -Ïk¨them null and void in the day that he heareth | Ì˙¬¨ Ÿ‡ ¯Ù¥¸ Ȩ Á¯Ù¥ ‰¨ -̇¦ § 13 :Ìe˜« Ȩ dL−¨ Ù§ ©them, then whatsoever proceeded out of herlips, whether it were her vows, or the bond of ‰¨ È˙¯¤ Ù¨ N§ ‡ˆ¨¸ BÓ-Ïk¨ ¼BÚÓ§ L¨ ÌBÈ´a§ »dL¨ ȇ¦her soul, shall not stand: her husband hath dL´¨ ȇ¦ Ìe˜®È¨ ‡ŸÏ´ dL−¨ Ù§ © ¯q¬© ‡¦ ϧ e ‰¨ ȯ²¤„¨§ Ϧmade them void; and the Lord will forgive -ÏΨ § ¯„¤²¥-Ïk¨ 14 :dÏ«¨ -ÁÏ«© Ò§ È«¦ ‰−¨‰È© ̯½¨Ù¥ ‰£her. [14] Every vow, and every binding oath toafflict the soul, her husband may let it stand, or epÓ−¤ Ș¦ ȧ dL¬¨ ȇ¦ LÙ¤®¨ ˙Ÿp´Ú© ϧ ¯q−¨ ‡¦ ˙¬Ú© ·ª L§her husband may make it void. [15] But if her d¬Ï¨ Lȯ¸¦Á£ È© ÁL¯¥Á£ ‰© -̇¦ § 15 :ep¯«¤Ù¥ ȧ dL¬¨ ȇ¦ §husband altogether hold his peace at her fromday to day, then he causeth all her vows to stand, -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ ÆÌȘ¦ ‰¥ § ¼ÌBÈ-χ¤ ÌBi´Ó¦ »dL¨ ȇ¦or all her bonds, which are upon her; he hath let ‰¨ ȮϤ Ú¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰¨ ȯ−¤Ò¨ ‡¡ -Ïk¨-˙‡¤ B‡¬ ‰¨ ȯ½¤„¨§them stand, because he held his peace at her in :BÚ« Ó§ L¨ ÌBȬa§ dÏ−¨ L¯¬¦Á¡ ‰¤ -Èk¦ Ì˙¨½ Ÿ‡ ÌȘ´¦ ‰¥the day that he heard them. [16] But if he shallmake them null and void after that he hath heard ‡N−¨ ¨Â§ BÚ® Ó§ L¨ ȯ´¥Á£ ‡© Ì˙−¨ Ÿ‡ ¯²Ù¥ Ȩ ¯¬Ù¥ ‰¨ -̇¦ § 16them, then he shall bear her iniquity. [17] These ‰³e¨ˆ¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌÈwÀ¦ Áª ‰«© ‰l¤ ‡´¥ 17 :d«¨ŸÂÚ£-˙‡¤are the statutes, which the Lord commandedMoses, between a man and his wife, between a ·‡´¨ -ÔÈa«¥ Bz® L§ ‡¦ ϧ Lȇ−¦ ÔȬa¥ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ Ɖ¨‰È§father and his daughter, being in her youth, in Ù :‰¨ È·«¦ ‡¨ ˙Ȭa¥ ‰¨ ȯ−¤Úª § a¦ Bz½ ·¦ ϧ31her father’s house. And the Lord spoke unto Moses, :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â©31 saying: [2] ‘Avenge the children of ÌÈ®¦ Ȩ„§n¦ ‰© ˙‡−¥ Ó¥ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ Æ˙Ó© ˜§ ¦ ÌŸ˜À § 2Israel of the Midianites; afterward shalt thou ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯³a¥ „©È§ © 3 :EÈn«¤ Ú© -χ¤ ÛÒ¬¥‡¨ z¥ ¯Á−© ‡©be gathered unto thy people.’ [3] And Mosesspoke unto the people, saying: ‘Arm ye men ÌÈL−¦ ¨‡£ ̲Τ z§ ‡¦ Ó¥ eˆ¯ ϧ Á¨ ‰¥ ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥ ÌÚ´¨ ‰¨ -χ¤from among you for the war, that they may go ‰−¨‰È§-˙Ó© ˜§ ¦ ˙˙¬¥ Ϩ ÔȨ½„§Ó¦ -ÏÚ© Æeȉ§ Ȧ § ‡®·¨ v¨ Ï©against Midian, to execute the Lord’s vengeance ÆÏŸÎϧ ‰®h¤ n© Ï© ÛϤ −‡¤ ‰h¤½ n© Ï© ÛϤ ‡¤ µ4 :ÔÈ«¨„§Ó¦ a§on Midian. [4] Of every tribe a thousand,throughout all the tribes of Israel, shall ye send Æe¯Ò§ n«¨ i¦ © 5 :‡·«¨ v¨ Ï© eÁ− ϧ L§ z¦ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ˙Bh´ Ó©to the war.’ [5] So there were delivered, out of the ¯¬N¨ Ú¨ -ÌÈ¥L§ ‰®h¤ n© Ï© ÛϤ −‡¤ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´Ù¥ ϧ ‡© Ó¥thousands of Israel, a thousand of every tribe,twelve thousand armed for war. [6] And Moses ‰²L¤ ŸÓ Ì˙¬¨ Ÿ‡ ÁÏ©¸ L§ i¦Â© 6 :‡·«¨ ˆ¨ Ȭˆ¥ eÏÁ£ ÛϤ −‡¤sent them, a thousand of every tribe, to the war, ÒÁ¨¹ § Èt¸¦ -˙‡¤ § Ì˙¨ Ÿ‡Â ‡®·¨ v¨ Ï© ‰h−¤ n© Ï© ÛϤ ¬‡¤them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, L„¤Ÿw² ‰© Ȭϥ Χ e ‡·¨½ v¨ Ï© ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ¯³Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ -Ôa¤to the war, with the holy vessels and the trumpetsfor the alarm in his hand. [7] And they warred -ÏÚ© Æe‡a§ ˆ§ i¦ «© 7 :B„«È¨a§ ‰Ú−¨ e¯z§ ‰© ˙B¯¬ˆ§ ŸˆÁ£ ©against Midian, as the Lord commanded Moses; e‚−¯§‰© i«©Â© ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ÔȨ½ „§Ó¦ 324 324
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂËÓ 31 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 31.8 mattot ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙and they slew every male. [8] And they slew the -ÏÚ© e‚´ ¯§‰¨ ÔȨ¹„§Ó¦ ÈÎ¥¸ ϧ Ó© -˙‡¤ § 8 :¯Î«¨ ʨ-Ïk¨kings of Midian with the rest of their slain: Evi,and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, the ¯eˆ³ -˙‡¤ § Æ̘¤¯Æ¤-˙‡¤ § ȳ¦‡¡ -˙‡¤ ̉¤À ÈÏ¥ ϧ Á©five kings of Midian; Balaam also the son of Beor ԮȨ„§Ó¦ È´Î¥ ϧ Ó© ˙L¤ Ó−¥ Á£ Ú·© ¯½¤-˙‡¤ § ƯeÁ-˙‡¤ §they slew with the sword. [9] And the children ea¯ L§ i¦ © 9 :·¯¤Á«¨ a¤ e‚− ¯§‰¨ ¯BÚ½ a§ -Ôa¤ Ì´Ú¨ ϧ a¦ Æ˙‡¥ §of Israel took captive the women of Midian andtheir little ones; and all their cattle, and all their ˙‡¥¸ § Ì®t¨ Ë© -˙‡¤ § Ô−Ȩ„§Ó¦ ȬL¥ § -˙‡¤ ϲ‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥·§flocks, and all their goods, they took for a prey. -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § ̲‰¤ ¥˜§ Ó¦ -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ § Ìz¯¨ Ó§ ‰¤ a§ -Ïk¨[10] And all their cities in the places wherein they Æ̉¤ ȯ¥Ú¨ -Ïk¨ ˙‡³¥ § 10 :eÊÊ«¨a¨ ÌÏ−¨ ÈÁ¥dwelt, and all their encampments, they burntwith fire. [11] And they took all the spoil, and all :L‡«¥ a¨ eÙ− ¯§N¨ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ¯ÈË«¦ -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ § Ì˙¨½ Ÿ·L§ BÓ´ a§the prey, both of man and of beast. [12] And they -Ïk¨ ˙‡−¥ § ÏϨ½ M¨ ‰© -Ïk¨ -˙‡¤ ÆeÁ˜§ i¦ © 11brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil,unto Moses, and unto Eleazar the priest, and -χ¤ e‡·¿¦ i¨Â© 12 :‰Ó«¨ ‰¥ a§ ·© e Ì„−¨‡¨ a¨ Á©B˜®Ï§ n© ‰©unto the congregation of the children of Israel, -È«¥a§ ˙„´©Ú£-χ¤ § Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰© ¯Ê¨¸Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ -χ¤ § Á‰L¤ ŸÓunto the camp, unto the plains of Moab, which -˙‡¤ § Á©B˜² ϧ n© ‰© -˙‡¤ § È·¯¦ M§ ‰© -˙‡¤ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧare by the Jordan at Jericho. [13] And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, ·‡¨½ BÓ ˙Ÿ·´ ¯§Ú«© -χ¤ ‰®¤Á£ n© ‰«© -χ¤ Ï−Ϩ M¨ ‰©and all the princes of the congregation, went e‡¹ ˆ§ i¥¸Â© 13 Ò :BÁ« ¯¥È§ Ôc¬¥¯§È©-ÏÚ© ¯L−¤ ‡£forth to meet them without the camp. [14] And ‰„−¨Ú¥ ‰¨ Ȭ‡¥ ÈN¦ § -ÏΨ § Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ¯¯Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ § ‰L¤¸ ŸÓMoses was wroth with the officers of the host,the captains of thousands and the captains of ÛŸˆ´ ˜§ i¦ © 14 :‰«¤Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ− Ó¦ -χ¤ Ì˙®¨ ‡¯¨˜§ Ϧhundreds, who came from the service of the war. ÆÌÈÙ¦ Ϩ ‡£ ‰¨ ȯ³¥N¨ ÏȦ Á®¨ ‰¤ È„´¥e˜t§ Ï−Ú© ‰L¤½ ŸÓ[15] And Moses said unto them: ‘Have ye savedall the women alive? [16] Behold, these caused the :‰Ó«¨ Á¨ ϧ n¦ ‰© ‡¬·¨ v§ Ó¦ Ìȇ−¦ a¨ ‰© ˙B‡½ n¥ ‰© ȯ´¥N¨ §children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, -Ïk¨ Ì˙−¤ Èi¦ Á¦ ‰«© ‰L®¤ ŸÓ ̉−¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 15to revolt so as to break faith with the Lord in the ¯´·© „§a¦ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥·§ Ϧ eȸ‰¨ ‰p¨‰¥¹ Ô‰´¥ 16 :‰·«¨ ˜¥§matter of Peor, and so the plague was among thecongregation of the Lord. [17] Now therefore ¯BÚ® t§ -¯·© c§-ÏÚ© ‰−¨‰Èa© ÏÚ© Ó¬© -¯Ò¨ Ó§ Ϧ ÌÚ¨½ ϧ a¦kill every male among the little ones, and kill e‚¬¯§‰¦ ‰z¨¾ Ú© § 17 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ˙„¬©Ú£a© ‰Ù−¨ b¥n© ‰© ȉ¬¦ z§ ©every woman that hath known man by lying Lȇ²¦ ˙Ú© „¬©ŸÈ ‰M¨À ‡¦ -ÏΨ § Ûh®¨ a© ¯Î−¨ ʨ-ÏΨwith him. [18] But all the women children, thathave not known man by lying with him, keep ÌÈL¦½ p¨a© Ûh´© ‰© ÆϟΧ 18 :e‚Ÿ¯«‰£ ¯Î−¨ ʨ ·¬k© L§ Ó¦ ϧalive for yourselves. [19] And encamp ye without :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ eÈ−Á£ ‰© ¯®Î¨ ʨ ·´k© L§ Ó¦ eÚ− „§È¨-‡ŸÏ ¯¬L¤ ‡£the camp seven days; whosoever hath killed anyperson, and whosoever hath touched any slain, ÌÈÓ®¦ Ȩ ˙´Ú© ·§ L¦ ‰−¤Á£ n© Ï«© ıeÁ¬ Ó¦ e²Á£ Ìz¤À ‡© § 19purify yourselves on the third day and on the e‡º h§ Á© ˙§ z«¦ ÏϨÀ Á¨ a«¤ Ú©´‚¥Ÿ | ϟδ § LÙ¤ ¤¹ ‚¯¸¥Ÿ‰ÁÏŸkseventh day, ye and your captives. [20] And as to Ìz−¤ ‡© ÈÚ½¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi´·© e ÆÈL¦ ÈϦ M§ ‰© ÌBi³a©every garment, and all that is made of skin, andall work of goats’ hair, and all things made of -ÏΨ § ¯BÚ² -ÈϦ k§ -ÏΨ § „‚¤¯a¤-ÏΨ § 20 :ÌΫ¤ È·¦ L§ ewood, ye shall purify.’ Ò :e‡h«¨ Á© ˙§ z¦ ı®Ú¥ -ÈϦ k§ -ÏΨ § ÌÈf−¦Ú¦ ‰¬N¥ Ú£Ó©[21] And Eleazar the priest said unto ÈL´¥ § ‡© -χ¤ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ¯³Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 21the men of war that went to the battle: ‘Thisis the statute of the law which the Lord hath ˙w´©Áª ˙‡ŸÊµ ‰Ó®¨ Á¨ ϧ n¦ Ï© Ìȇ−¦ a¨ ‰© ‡·¨½ v¨ ‰©commanded Moses: [22] Howbeit the gold, and C‡¬© 22 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ‰¯½¨Bz‰© 325 325
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂËÓ 31 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 31.23 mattot ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙the silver, the brass, the iron, the tin, and the lead, -˙‡¤ Æ˙L¤ ŸÁÆ p§ ‰© -˙‡«¤ ÛÒ¤ ®k¨ ‰© -˙‡¤ § ·‰−¨ f¨‰© -˙‡¤[23] every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall -Ïk¨ 23 :˙¯¤Ù«¨ ŸÚ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § ÏÈ„−¦a§ ‰© -˙‡«¤ Ïʤ½ ¯§a© ‰©make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean;nevertheless it shall be purified with the water ¯‰¥½ ˨ § ÆL‡¥ ·¨ e¯È·³¦ Ú£z© L‡¥À ·¨ ‡Ÿ·´ Ȩ-¯L¤ ‡£ ¯·º¨ c¨of sprinkling; and all that abideth not the fire ye ‡Ÿ·² Ȩ-‡ŸÏ« ¯L¯¤ ‡£ ϟθ § ‡®h¨ Á© ˙§ Ȧ ‰c−¨¦ Ȭӥ a§ C‡©¾shall make to go through the water. [24] And ye ̲Τ È„¥‚§ a¦ Ìz¯¤ Ò§ a© Φ § 24 :ÌȦ n«¨ ·© e¯È¬·¦ Ú£z© L‡−¥ a¨shall wash your clothes on the seventh day, and e‡Ÿ·¬ z¨ ¯Á−© ‡© § Ìz®¤ ¯§‰© ˧ e ÈÚ−¦ È·¦ M§ ‰© ÌBi¬a©ye shall be clean, and afterward ye may comeinto the camp.’ Ù :‰«¤Á£ n© ‰«© -χ¤ ‡N¨À 26 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 25 [25] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, ‰Ó®¨ ‰¥ a§ ·© e Ì„−¨‡¨ a¨ È·½¦ M§ ‰© ÆÁ©B˜Æ ϧ Ó© L‡Ÿ¯³ ˙‡´¥saying: [26] ‘Take the sum of the prey that was :‰„«¨Ú¥ ‰¨ ˙B·¬ ‡£ ÈL−¥ ‡¯¨Â§ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© ¯´Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ § Ɖz¨ ‡©taken, both of man and of beast, thou, and Eleazarthe priest, and the heads of the fathers’ houses of ÈN´¥ Ù§ Ÿz ÔÈa¥µ Á©B˜½ ϧ n© ‰© -˙‡¤ Æ˙¨ ȈƦ Á¨ § 27the congregation; [27] and divide the prey intotwo parts: between the men skilled in war, that -Ïk¨ ÔÈ·−¥ e ‡®·¨ v¨ Ï© Ìȇ−¦ ˆ§ Ÿi‰© ‰Ó¨½ Á¨ ϧ n¦ ‰©went out to battle, and all the congregation; ˙‡º¥ Ó¥ ‰ÂÀ¨‰ÈÏ«© ÒΤ Ó¤¹ ˙¨¸ ŸÓ¯¥‰£ © 28 :‰„«¨Ú¥ ‰¨[28] and levy a tribute unto the Lord of the men „Á´¨ ‡¤ ‡·¨½ v¨ Ï© Ìȇ´¦ ˆ§ Ÿi‰© ƉӨ Á¨ ϧ n¦ ‰© ÈL³¥ § ‡©of war that went out to battle: one soul of five -ÔÓ¦ e ÆÌ„¨‡¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ˙B‡® n¥ ‰© LÓ−¥ Á£ Ó¥ LÙ¤ ¤½hundred, both of the persons, and of the beeves,and of the asses, and of the flocks; [29] take it of :Ô‡Ÿv« ‰© -ÔÓ¦ e Ìȯ−¦ŸÓÁ£ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ e ¯˜½¨a¨ ‰©their half, and give it unto Eleazar the priest, asa portion set apart for the Lord. [30] And of the ¯¬Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ ϧ ‰z²¨ ˙© ¨Â§ eÁw®¨z¦ Ì˙−¨ Ȉ¦ Á£ n«© Ó¦ 29children of Israel’s half, thou shalt take one drawn -È«¥a§ ˙ˆ¸¦ Á£ n© Ó¦ e 30 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ˙Ó¬© e¯z§ Ô‰−¥ Ÿk‰© ÌÈM¦À Ó¦ Á£ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÊÁ´ª ‡¨ | „Á´¨ ‡¤ | Áw´©z¦ χ¥¹ ¯¨N§ Ȧout of every fifty, of the persons, of the beeves, of -ÔÓ¦ e Ìȯ¬¦ŸÓÁ£ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ¯˜²¨a¨ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ Ì„¯¨‡¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦the asses, and of the flocks, even of all the cattle, Ìi½¦ ¦ϧ Ï© ÆÌ˙¨ Ÿ‡ ‰z³¨ ˙© ¨Â§ ‰Ó®¨ ‰¥ a§ ‰© -Ïk¨ Ó¦ Ô‡Ÿv− ‰©and give them unto the Levites, that keep thecharge of the tabernacle of the Lord.’ [31] And NÚ© ´i©Â© 31 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ôk¬© L§ Ó¦ ˙¯¤Ó−¤ L§ Ó¦ ȯ¾¥Ó§ ŸLMoses and Eleazar the priest did as the Lord ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© Ô‰®¥ Ÿk‰© ¯−ʨڨ ϧ ‡¤ § ‰L¤½ ŸÓcommanded Moses. [32] Now the prey, over and Êa¨½ ‰© ¯˙¤ ´È¤ Á©B˜½ ϧ n© ‰© Æȉ¦ ȧ © 32 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤above the booty which the men of war took, was ˙B‡¬ Ó¥ -LL¥ Ô‡ŸˆÀ ‡®·¨ v¨ ‰© Ì´Ú© eÊ−ʧ a¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£six hundred thousand and seventy thousandand five thousand sheep, [33] and threescore :ÌÈÙ«¦ Ϩ ‡£ -˙L¤ Ó«¥ Á£ © ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌÈÚ¬¦ ·§ L¦ § ÛϤ ‡²¤and twelve thousand beeves, [34] and threescore Ìȯ¾¦ŸÓÁ£ © 34 :ÛϤ ‡«¨ ÌÈÚ−¦ ·§ L¦ § ÌȦ¬©L§ ¯˜¾¨·¨ e 33and one thousand asses, [35] and thirty and two -ÔÓ¦ Ì„½¨‡¨ LÙ¤´¤Â§ 35 :ÛϤ ‡«¨ ÌÈM−¦ L¦ § „Á¬¨ ‡¤thousand persons in all, of the women that had -Ïk¨ ¯®Î¨ ʨ ·´k© L§ Ó¦ eÚ− „§È¨-‡ŸÏ« ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌÈL¦½ p¨‰©¸not known man by lying with him. [36] And the Æȉ¦ z§ © 36 :ÛϤ ‡«¨ ÌÈL−¦ ŸÏL§ e ÌȦ¬©L§ LÙ¤ ¤¾half, which was the portion of them that went outto war, was in number three hundred thousand ¯´t© Ò§ Ó¦ ‡®·¨ v¨ a© Ìȇ−¦ ˆ§ Ÿi‰© ˜Ï¤ Á¥¾ ‰ˆ¨½ Á¡ n¤ ‰«©and thirty thousand and seven thousand and ÛϤ ‡¤½ ÌÈL´¦ ŸÏL§ e ÆÛϤ ‡Æ¤ ˙B‡¬ Ó¥ -LŸÏL§ Ô‡ŸvÀ ‰©five hundred sheep. [37] And the Lord’s tribute ȉ²¦ ȧ © 37 :˙B‡« Ó¥ L¬Ó¥ Á£ © ÌÈÙ−¦ Ϩ ‡£ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦ § 326 326
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂËÓ 31 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 31.38 mattot ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙of the sheep was six hundred and threescore L¬Ó¥ Á¨ ˙B‡− Ó¥ L¬L¥ Ô‡Ÿv® ‰© -ÔÓ¦ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ«© ÒΤ ¬n¤ ‰©and fifteen. [38] And the beeves were thirty and ÛϤ ‡®¨ ÌÈL−¦ ŸÏL§ e ‰M¬¨ L¦ ¯˜½¨ a¨ ‰©¸ § 38 :ÌÈÚ«¦ ·§ L¦ §six thousand, of which the Lord’s tribute wasthreescore and twelve. [39] And the asses were :ÌÈÚ«¦ ·§ L¦ § ÌȦ¬©L§ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ© ÌÒ¬¨ Χ Ó¦ ethirty thousand and five hundred, of which the ˙B‡® Ó¥ LÓ´¥ Á£ © ÛϤ −‡¤ ÌÈL¬¦ ŸÏL§ Ìȯ¾¦ŸÓÁ£ © 39Lord’s tribute was threescore and one. [40] And LÙ¤´¤Â§ 40 :ÌÈM«¦ L¦ § „Á¬¨ ‡¤ ‰−¨‰ÈÏ«© ÌÒ¬¨ Χ Ó¦ ethe persons were sixteen thousand, of whom ‰Â¨½ ‰ÈÏ«© ÆÌÒ¨ Χ Ó¦ e ÛϤ ‡®¨ ¯N−¨ Ú¨ ‰M¬¨ L¦ Ì„½¨‡¨the Lord’s tribute was thirty and two persons. -˙‡¤ ‰L¤À ŸÓ Ôz´¥ i¦ © 41 :LÙ¤ «¨ ÌÈL−¦ ŸÏL§ e ÌȦ¬©L§[41] And Moses gave the tribute, which was setapart for the Lord, unto Eleazar the priest, as ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© Ô‰®¥ Ÿk‰© ¯−ʨڨ ϧ ‡¤ ϧ ‰Â¨½‰È§ ˙Ó´© e¯z§ ÆÒΤ ÓƤthe Lord commanded Moses. [42] And of the È´¥a§ ˙Ȉ−¦ Á£ n© Ó«¦ e 42 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦children of Israel’s half, which Moses divided ÌÈL−¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ‰´ˆ¨ Á¨ ƯL¤ ‡£ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧoff from the men that warred—[43] now the -ÔÓ¦ ‰„−¨Ú¥ ‰¨ ˙¬ˆ© Á¡ Ó¤ ȉ²¦ z§ © 43 :Ìȇ«¦ ·§ Ÿv‰©congregation’s half was three hundred thousandand thirty thousand and seven thousand and ÛϤ ‡¤½ ÌÈL´¦ ŸÏL§ e ÆÛϤ ‡Æ¤ ˙B‡¬ Ó¥ -LŸÏL§ Ô‡Ÿv® ‰©five hundred sheep, [44] and thirty and six ¯˜¾¨·¨ e 44 :˙B‡« Ó¥ L¬Ó¥ Á£ © ÌÈÙ−¦ Ϩ ‡£ ˙¬Ú© ·§ L¦thousand beeves, [45] and thirty thousand and ÌÈL¬¦ ŸÏL§ Ìȯ¾¦ŸÓÁ£ © 45 :ÛϤ ‡«¨ ÌÈL−¦ ŸÏL§ e ‰M¬¨ L¦five hundred asses, [46] and sixteen thousand ‰M¬¨ L¦ Ì„½¨‡¨ LÙ¤´¤Â§ 46 :˙B‡« Ó¥ L¬Ó¥ Á£ © ÛϤ −‡¤persons—[47] even of the children of Israel’s -È«¥a§ ˙ˆ´¦ Á£ n© Ó¦ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ Áw¸© i¦ © 47 :ÛϤ ‡«¨ ¯N−¨ Ú¨half, Moses took one drawn out of every fifty,both of man and of beast, and gave them unto ÌÈM¦½ Ó¦ Á£ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ „Á´¨ ‡¤ ÆÊÁª ‡¨ ‰«¨ -˙‡¤ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧthe Levites, that kept the charge of the tabernacle ÌiÀ¦ ¦ϧ Ï© Ì˙¨¹ Ÿ‡ Ôz¥¸ i¦ © ‰Ó®¨ ‰¥ a§ ‰© -ÔÓ¦ e Ì„−¨‡¨ ‰¨ -ÔÓ¦of the Lord; as the Lord commanded Moses. ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ Ôk´© L§ Ó¦ Æ˙¯¤ÓƤ L§ Ó¦ Æȯ¥Ó§ ŸL«[48] And the officers that were over the ‰L¤½ ŸÓ-χ¤ Æe·¯§˜§ i¦ «© 48 :‰L«¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§thousands of the host, the captains of thousands, ȯ¬¥N¨ ‡®·¨ v¨ ‰© È´Ù¥ ϧ ‡© ϧ ¯L−¤ ‡£ ÌÈ„¾¦˜ªt§ ‰©and the captains of hundreds, came near untoMoses; [49] and they said unto Moses: ‘Thy -χ¤ Æe¯Ó§ ‡Ÿi« © 49 :˙B‡« n¥ ‰© ȯ¬¥N¨ § ÌÈÙ−¦ Ϩ ‡£ ‰¨servants have taken the sum of the men of war ȬL¥ § ‡© L‡Ÿ¯²-˙‡¤ e‡À N§ «¨ EÈ„´¤·¨ Ú£ ‰L¤½ ŸÓthat are under our charge, and there lacketh not epn−¤ Ó¦ „˜¬©Ù§ ¦ -‡ŸÏ§ e„®¥È¨a§ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‰Ó−¨ Á¨ ϧ n¦ ‰©one man of us. [50] And we have brought theLord’s offering, what every man hath gotten, ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÁLȇ¦ ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ Ôa´© ¯§˜¨-˙‡¤ ·¯º¥˜§ p©Â© 50 :Lȇ«¦of jewels of gold, armlets, and bracelets, signet- ˙Ú© a−© Ë© „ÈÓ½¦ ˆ¨ § ‰„´¨Ú¨ ˆ§ ‡¤ Æ·‰¨ ʨ-ÈÏ«¦ Χ ‡³ˆ¨ Ó¨rings, ear-rings, and girdles, to make atonement Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ eÈ˙−¥ ŸLÙ§ ©-ÏÚ© ¯¬t¥ Ω ϧ ÊÓ®¨ eΧ ÏÈ´‚¦ Ú¨for our souls before the Lord.’ [51] And Moses -˙‡¤ Ô‰²¥ Ÿk‰© ¯¯Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ § ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ Áw¸©i¦ © 51 :‰Â«¨‰È§and Eleazar the priest took the gold of them, | ȉ´¦ ȧ © 52 :‰N«¤ Ú£Ó© ÈϬ¦ k§ ÏŸk− Ìz®¨ ‡¦ Ó«¥ ·‰−¨ f¨‰©even all wrought jewels. [52] And all the goldof the gift that they set apart for the Lord, of ‰Â¨½‰ÈÏ«© ÆeÓȯƦ‰¥ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ‰Ó¨À e¯z§ ‰© ·‰´© ʧ-Ïk¨the captains of thousands, and of the captains of ÌÈM−¦ Ó¦ Á£ © ˙B‡¬ Ó¥ -Ú·© L§ ÛϤ ‡²¤ ¯N¬¨ Ú¨ ‰M¨¸ L¦hundreds, was sixteen thousand seven hundred ȯ¬¥N¨ ˙‡−¥ Ó¥ e ÌÈÙ½¦ Ϩ ‡£ ‰«¨ ȯ´¥N¨ Æ˙‡¥ Ó¥ Ϙ¤L®¨and fifty shekels.—[53] For the men of war had :BÏ« Lȇ¬¦ eÊ−ʧ a¨ ‡·¨½ v¨ ‰© ÆÈL¥ § ‡© 53 :˙B‡« n¥ ‰© 327 327
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂËÓ 31 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 31.54 mattot ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙taken booty, every man for himself.—[54] And ·‰¨½ f¨‰© -˙‡¤ ÆÔ‰¥ Ÿk‰© ¯³Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ § ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ Áw¸© i¦ © 54Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold ofthe captains of thousands and of hundreds, ÆB˙Ÿ‡ e‡·³¦ i¨Â© ˙B‡® n¥ ‰© § ÌÈÙ−¦ Ϩ ‡£ ‰¨ ȯ¬¥N¨ ˙²‡¥ Ó¥and brought it into the tent of meeting, for a Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ Ϧ ÔB¯¬k¨ ʦ „Ú¥½ BÓ Ï‰¤ Ÿ‡´ -χ¤memorial for the children of Israel before the Ù :‰Â«¨‰È§32 32Lord.Now the children of Reuben and Ô²·¥e‡¯§ ȯ¥·§ Ϧ ‰Èº¨‰¨ ·¯À© | ‰´¤˜§ Ó¦ ethe children of Gad had a very great ı¯¤‡³¤ -˙‡¤ e‡º ¯§i¦Â© „Ÿ‡® Ó§ Ìeˆ´ Ú¨ „−‚¨-È¥·§ Ϧ §multitude of cattle; and when they saw the land ÌB˜¬Ó§ ÌB˜−n¨ ‰© ‰¬p¥‰¦ § „Ú¨½ ϧ b¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ -˙‡¤ § Ưʥڧ È©of Jazer, and the land of Gilead, that, behold, the e¯³Ó§ ‡Ÿi© Ô·®¥e‡¯§ È´¥·§ e „−‚¨-È«¥·§ e‡Ÿ·¬ i¨Â© 2 :‰«¤˜§ Ó¦place was a place for cattle, [2] the children of Gad Ȭ‡¥ ÈN¦ § -χ¤ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© ¯´Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ -χ¤ § ƉL¤ ŸÓ-χ¤and the children of Reuben came and spoke untoMoses, and to Eleazar the priest, and unto theprinces of the congregation, saying: [3] ‘Ataroth, ¯´Ê¥Ú§ ȩ§ ÆÔŸ·È„¦Â§ ˙B¯³Ë¨ Ú£ 3 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ ‰„−¨Ú¥ ‰¨and Dibon, and Jazer, and Nimrah, and Heshbon, B·− § e ̬·¨ N§ e ‰®Ï¥ Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ § ÔBa− L§ Á¤ § ‰¯½¨Ó§ ¦ §and Elealeh, and Sebam, and Nebo, and Beon, ˙„´©Ú£ ÆÈ¥Ù§ Ϧ Ɖ¨‰È§ ‰³k¨ ‰¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ 4 :ÔŸÚ« ·§ e[4] the land which the Lord smote before thecongregation of Israel, is a land for cattle, and EÈ„−¤·¨ ڣϫ© § ‡Â‰®¦ ‰−¤˜§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧthy servants have cattle.’ [5] And they said: ‘If we ÆÔÁ¥ e‡³ˆ¨ Ó¨ -̇¦ e¯À Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 5 :‰«¤˜§ Ó¦ Òhave found favour in thy sight, let this land be EÈ„−¤·¨ ڣϩ ˙‡Ÿf²‰© ı¯¤‡¯¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ôzº© Ȫ EȤ½ ÈÚ¥ a§given unto thy servants for a possession, bring us ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi´Â© 6 :Ôc«¥¯§i©‰© -˙‡¤ e¯−¥·¦ Ú£z© -χ© ‰®f¨Áª ‡£ Ï©not over the Jordan.’ [6] And Moses said unto the ÌΤÀ ÈÁ¥ ‡«© ‰© Ô·®¥e‡¯§ È´¥·§ Ϧ § „−‚¨-È¥·§ Ϧ ‰L¤½ ŸÓchildren of Gad and to the children of Reuben:‘Shall your brethren go to the war, and shall yesit here? [7] And wherefore will ye turn away the ‰n¨ Ï´¨ § 7 :‰ŸÙ« e·L§ z¬¥ Ìz−¤ ‡© § ‰Ó¨½ Á¨ ϧ n¦ Ï© Æe‡Ÿ·Æ Ȩheart of the children of Israel from going over ƯŸ·Ú£Ó«¥ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ·Ï−¥ -˙‡¤ Ôe‡½ Ȧ ˙§ Ô‡Â˙into the land which the Lord hath given them? ‰Ÿk¬ 8 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ̉−¤ Ϩ Ô˙¬© ¨-¯L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ -χ¤[8] Thus did your fathers, when I sent them fromKadesh-barnea to see the land. [9] For when they Ú©−¥¯§a© L„¬¥w¨Ó¦ Ì˙²¨ Ÿ‡ ÈÁ¬¦ ϧ L¨ a§ ̮Τ È˙¥ Ÿ·‡£ eN− Ú¨went up unto the valley of Eshcol, and saw the ÏÁ©´©-„Ú© eϺڣi©Â«© 9 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ˙B‡¬ ¯§Ï¦land, they turned away the heart of the children ·Ï−¥ -˙‡¤ e‡È¾¦ i¨Â© ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Æe‡¯§i¦ © ÏBkÀ L§ ‡¤of Israel, that they should not go into the landwhich the Lord had given them. [10] And the -¯L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ -χ¤ ƇŸ·-Èz¦ ϧ ·¦ ϧ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§Lord’s anger was kindled in that day, and He ÌBi´a© ‰−¨‰È§ Û‡¬© -¯Á© i«¦Â© 10 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ̉−¤ Ϩ Ô˙¬© ¨swore, saying: [11] Surely none of the men that e‡¸ ¯§È¦ -̇¦ 11 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ Ú·−© M¨ i¦ © ‡e‰® ‰©came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old andupward, shall see the land which I swore unto Ìȯ³¦N§ Ú¤ Ôa¤¸ Ó¦ ÌȦ¯À©ˆ§ n¦ Ó¦ ÌÈÏ´¦ ŸÚ‰¨ ÌÈL¦¹ ¨‡£ ‰¨Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob; because Èz¦ Ú§ ²a© L§ ¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰Ó¨½ „¨‡£ ‰¨ ˙‡¥µ ‰Ï¨ Ú§ Ó©½ ¨ Ɖ¨L¨they have not wholly followed Me; [12] saveCaleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, and e‡− ϧ Ó¦ -‡ŸÏ Ȭk¦ ·Ÿ˜®Ú£È©Ï§ e« ˜Á−¨ ˆ§ Ȧ ϧ ̬‰¨ ¯¨·§ ‡© ϧJoshua the son of Nun; because they have wholly Èf½¦ ¦ w§ ‰© Ɖp¤Ùª ȧ -Ôa¤ ·³Ï¥ k¨ Èzº¦ ϧ a¦ 12 :ȯ«¨Á£ ‡©followed the Lord. [13] And the Lord’s anger :‰Â«¨‰È§ ȯ¬¥Á£ ‡© e‡− ϧ Ó¦ Ȭk¦ Ôe®-Ôa¦ Ú©L−ª B‰È¦was kindled against Israel, and He made themwander to and fro in the wilderness forty years, ¯a¨½ „§n¦ a© ÆÌÚ¥ ¦ ȧ© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ a§ Ɖ¨‰È§ Û‡³© -¯Á© i«¦Â© 13until all the generation, that had done evil in ‰¬N¤ ŸÚ‰¨ ¯Bc½ ‰© -Ïk¨ ÆÌŸz-„Ú© ‰®¨L¨ ÌÈÚ−¦ a¨ ¯§‡© 328 328
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂËÓ 32 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 32.14 mattot ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙the sight of the Lord, was consumed. [14] And, ˙Á© z© µ Ìz¤À Ó§ ˜© ‰´p¥‰¦ § 14 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥ÈÚ¥ a§ Ú¯−©‰¨behold, ye are risen up in your fathers’ stead, abrood of sinful men, to augment yet the fierce ˙Bt´ Ò§ Ϧ Ìȇ®¦ h¨ Á© ÌÈL´¦ ¨‡£ ˙ea− ¯§z© ÌΤ½ È˙¥ Ÿ·´ ‡£anger of the Lord toward Israel. [15] For if ye Èk³¦ 15 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§-Û‡© ÔB¯¬Á£ ϲک „BÚÀturn away from after Him, He will yet again leave ¯®a¨ „§n¦ a© BÁ− Èp¦ ‰© ϧ „BÚ½ ÛÒ´©È¨Â§ Âȯ½¨Á£ ‡© Ó«¥ ÆÔ·ª eL˙§them in the wilderness; and so ye will destroy allthis people.’ eL³ b§ i¦ © 16 Ò :‰f«¤‰© ̬ڨ ‰¨ -ÏΨ ϧ Ìz−¤ Á© L«¦ §[16] And they came near unto him, and e−¥˜§ Ó¦ ϧ ‰¬¤·§ ¦ Ô‡Ÿˆ² ˙Ÿ¯¬„§b¦ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© ÆÂÈϨ ‡¥said: ‘We will build sheepfolds here for our cattle, ÌÈL¦À Áª ı´Ï¥ Á¨ ¥ eÁ§ ©¹ ‡£ © 17 :et«¥ Ë© ϧ Ìȯ−¦Ú¨ § ‰Ÿt®and cities for our little ones; [17] but we ourselveswill be ready armed to go before the children Ì−ªŸ‡È·«¦ ‰£ -̇¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ „²Ú© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÆÈ¥Ù§ Ϧof Israel, until we have brought them unto ¯ˆ¨½ ·§ n¦ ‰© ȯ´¥Ú¨ a§ Æet¥Æ Ë© ·L³© Ȩ§ ÌÓ®¨ B˜Ó§ -χ¤their place; and our little ones shall dwell in thefortified cities because of the inhabitants of the eÈz®¥ a¨-χ¤ ·eL− ¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ 18 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ Ȭ·¥ L§ ŸÈ È−¥t§ Ó¦land. [18] We will not return unto our houses, :B˙« Ϩ Á£ © Lȇ−¦ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÆÏÁ¥ ©˙§ ‰¦ „Ú©Àuntil the children of Israel have inherited every ‰‡¨ ϧ ®‰¨ ¨ Ôc−¥¯§i©Ï© ¯·¤ ¬Ú¥ Ó¥ Ìz¨½ ‡¦ ÆÏÁ© § ¦ ‡ŸÏ³ Èk´¦ 19man his inheritance. [19] For we will not inheritwith them on the other side of the Jordan, and Ôc−¥¯§i©‰© ¯·¤ ¬Ú¥ Ó¥ eÈÏ¥½ ‡¥ Æe˙Æ¥ Ϩ Á£ © ‰‡¨ ³·¨ Èk´¦forward, because our inheritance is fallen to us Ù :‰Á¨ ¯«¨Ê§Ó¦on this side of the Jordan eastward.’ -˙‡¤ ÔeN− Ú£z© -̇«¦ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ Æ̉¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 20 [20] And Moses said unto them: ‘If ye willdo this thing: if ye will arm yourselves to go ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ eˆ² ϧ Á«¨ z¥ -̇¦ ‰®f¤‰© ¯´·¨ c¨‰©before the Lord to the war, [21] and every armed -˙‡¤ ıeϲ Á¨ -Ïk¨ ̯Τ Ϩ ¯·©¸ Ú¨ § 21 :‰Ó«¨ Á¨ ϧ n¦ Ï©man of you will pass over the Jordan before theLord, until He hath driven out His enemies from ÂÈ·−¨ ȧŸ‡-˙‡¤ BL² ȯ¦B‰ „Ú¯© ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ Ôc−¥¯§i©‰©before Him, [22] and the land be subdued before Ɖ¨‰È§ ȳ¥Ù§ Ϧ ı¯¤‡¨¹ ‰¨ ‰L¨¸ a§ Χ ¦ § 22 :ÂÈ«¨t¨ Ó¦the Lord, and ye return afterward; then ye shall ‰−¨‰È§ Ó¥ ÌȲi¦˜¦ § Ì˙¯¤ ÈȦ ‰§ ¦ e·Lª½ z¨ ¯Á´© ‡© §be clear before the Lord, and before Israel, andthis land shall be unto you for a possession before ̲Τ Ϩ ˙‡Ÿf¬‰© ı¯¤‡¨¸ ‰¨ ‰˙¨ ȧ ‰¨ § χ®¥ ¯¨N§ i¦Ó¦ ethe Lord. [23] But if ye will not do so, behold, ye ÆÔeNÚ£˙© ‡ŸÏ³ -̇¦ § 23 :‰Â«¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‰−f¨Áª ‡£ Ï©have sinned against the Lord; and know ye your ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡h© Á© ÆeÚ„§e ‰®Â¨‰ÈÏ© Ì˙−¤ ‡Ë¨ Á£ ‰¬p¥‰¦ Ôk¥½sin which will find you. [24] Build you cities foryour little ones, and folds for your sheep; and do ÆÌȯ¦Ú¨ ̳Τ Ϩ -e« a§ 24 :ÌΫ¤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‡ˆ−¨ Ó§ z¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£that which hath proceeded out of your mouth.’ ÌÎ−¤ Èt¦ Ó¦ ‡¬ˆ¥ Ÿi‰© § ̮Τ ‡£ ©ŸˆÏ§ ˙Ÿ¯−„¥‚§ e ÌΤ½ t§ Ë© ϧ [25] And the children of Gad and thechildren of Reuben spoke unto Moses, saying: -χ¤ Ô·¥½ e‡¯§ È´¥·§ e Æ„‚¨-È¥a§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi³Â© 25 :eN« Ú£z©‘Thy servants will do as my lord commandeth. È−¦Ÿ„‡£ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© eN½ ڣȩ EÈ„´¤·¨ Ú£ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ[26] Our little ones, our wives, our flocks, and all ez®¥ Ó§ ‰¤ a§ -ÏΨ § e−¥˜§ Ó¦ eÈL¥½ ¨ e´t¥ Ë© 26 :‰e«¤ˆ© Ó§our cattle, shall be there in the cities of Gilead;[27] but thy servants will pass over, every man e¯¹ ·§ Ú© È«© EÈ„¸¤·¨ ڣ© 27 :„Ú«¨ ϧ b¦ ‰© ȯ¬¥Ú¨ a§ ÌL−¨ -eȉ§ È«¦that is armed for war, before the Lord to battle, ‰Ó®¨ Á¨ ϧ n¦ Ï© ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ‡²·¨ ˆ¨ ıeϬ Á£ -Ïk¨as my lord saith.’ ˙‡¥µ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ Æ̉¤ Ϩ ³ˆ© ȧ© 28 :¯·«¥ Ÿc È−¦Ÿ„‡£ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© [28] So Moses gave charge concerningthem to Eleazar the priest, and to Joshua the son -˙‡¤ § Ôe®-Ôa¦ Ú©L´ª B‰È§ ˙‡−¥ § Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© ¯´Ê¨Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤of Nun, and to the heads of the fathers’ houses :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥·§ Ϧ ˙Bh− n© ‰© ˙B·¬ ‡£ ȲL¥ ‡¯¨ 329 329
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ˙ÂËÓ 32 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 32.29 mattot ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙of the tribes of the children of Israel. [29] And „´‚¨-È¥·§ e¯´·§ Ú© È©-̇¦ ̉¤À Ï¥ ‡£ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 29Moses said unto them: ‘If the children of Gadand the children of Reuben will pass with you ıeϳ Á¨ -Ïk¨ Ôcº¥¯§i©‰© -˙‡«¤ ÌΤ z§ ‡¦ Â| Ô·´¥e‡¯§-È¥·§ eover the Jordan, every man that is armed to ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ ‰L¬¨ a§ Χ ¦ § ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ƉӨ Á¨ ϧ n¦ Ï©battle, before the Lord, and the land shall besubdued before you, then ye shall give them the „Ú−¨ ϧ b¦ ‰© ı¯¤¬‡¤ -˙‡¤ ̲‰¤ Ϩ Ìz¬¤ ˙© § e ̮Τ È¥Ù§ Ϧland of Gilead for a possession; [30] but if they ÌȈ−¦ eÏÁ£ e¯²·§ Ú© È«© ‡ŸÏ¯ -̇¦ § 30 :‰f«¨Áª ‡£ Ï©will not pass over with you armed, they shall have :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ ÌÎ−¤ Χ Ÿ˙·§ eʬÁ£ ‡Ÿ« § ̮Τ z§ ‡¦possessions among you in the land of Canaan.’[31] And the children of Gad and the children Á˙‡¥ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ Ô·−¥ e‡¯§ Ȭ¥·§ e „²‚¨ -È¥ ·§ e¯Ú£i«©Â© 31of Reuben answered, saying: ‘As the Lord hath :‰N«¤ Ú£© Ôk¬¥ EÈ„−¤·¨ Ú£-χ¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ¯¯a¤ c¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£said unto thy servants, so will we do. [32] We willpass over armed before the Lord into the land ı¯¤‡´¤ ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ ÌȲˆ¦ eÏÁ£ ¯Ÿ·¯ Ú£© eÁ§ ´© 32of Canaan, and the possession of our inheritance :Ôc«¥¯§i©Ï© ¯·¤ Ú−¥ Ó¥ e˙¥½ Ϩ Á£ © ˙´f©Áª ‡£ Æezƨ ‡¦ § ÔÚ©®¨k§shall remain with us beyond the Jordan.’ [33] And Moses gave unto them, even Ô·¥¹ e‡¯§ È¥¸ ·§ Ϧ §Á„‚¨-È¥·§ Ϧ ‰L¤¿ ŸÓ | Ì´‰¤ Ϩ Ôz´¥ i¦ © 33 -˙‡¤ ÛÒÀ¥ BÈ-Ô·¤ ‰M´¤ ©Ó§ | Ë·¤ L´¥ | Ȉ´¦ Á£ Ï© §to the children of Gad, and to the children ofReuben, and unto the half-tribe of Manasseh ˙Τ Ϥ½ Ó§ Ó© -˙‡¤ § ȯ½¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰«¨ CϤ Ó´¤ ÆÔŸÁÈÒ¦ Æ˙Τ Ï¤Æ Ó§ Ó©the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon kingof the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of ˙ŸÏ½ ·ª ‚§ a¦ Ɖ¨ ȯƤڨ ϧ ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ ÔL®¨ a¨ ‰© CϤ Ó´¤ ‚BÚ−Bashan, the land, according to the cities thereof -˙‡¤ „‚¨½ -È¥·§ e´·§ i¦ © 34 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ ȯ¬¥Ú¨with their borders, even the cities of the landround about. [34] And the children of Gad built -˙‡¤ § 35 :¯Ú«¥ Ÿ¯Ú£ ˙‡−¥ § ˙Ÿ¯®Ë¨ Ú£-˙‡¤ § ÔŸ·− Èc¦Dibon, and Ataroth, and Aroer; [35] and Atroth- -˙‡¤ § 36 :‰‰«¨ a¢ ‚§ Ȩ§ ¯−Ê¥Ú§ È©-˙‡¤ § ÔÙ²¨ BL ˙Ÿ¯¬Ë§ Ú©shophan, and Jazer, and Jogbehah; [36] and Beth-nimrah, and Beth-haran; fortified cities, and folds ¯ˆ−¨ ·§ Ó¦ ȯ¬¥Ú¨ Ô¯®¨‰¨ ˙È´a¥-˙‡¤ § ‰¯−¨Ó§ ¦ ˙Ȭa¥for sheep. [37] And the children of Reuben built -˙‡¤ e½ a¨ ÆÔ·¥ e‡¯§ ȳ¥·§ e 37 :Ô‡Ÿˆ« ˙Ÿ¯¬„§‚¦ §Heshbon, and Elealeh, and Kiriathaim; [38] and :ÌȦ ˙«¨ Ȩ¯§˜¦ ˙‡−¥ § ‡®Ï¥ Ú¨ ϧ ‡¤ -˙‡¤ § ÔBa− L§ Á¤Nebo, and Baal-meon—their names beingchanged—and Sibmah; and gave their names ÌL−¥ ˙Ÿa¬ Ò© eÓ« ÔBÚ² Ó§ ÏÚ© ¯a©-˙‡¤ § B·º § -˙‡¤ § 38unto the cities which they builded. [39] And the ˙BÓ¬ L§ -˙‡¤ ˙ŸÓ½ L¥ ·§ e‡´ ¯§˜§ i¦ © ‰Ó®¨ ·§ N¦ -˙‡¤ §children of Machir the son of Manasseh wentto Gilead, and took it, and dispossessed the ¯Èί¦ Ó¨ È¥¸ a§ eι ϧ i¥¸Â© 39 :e« a¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ìȯ−¦Ú¨ ‰¤Amorites that were therein. [40] And Moses gave -˙‡¤ L¯¤Bi−© ‰¨ „®ªk§ ϧ i¦ «© ‰„¨Ú−¨ ϧ b¦ ‰²M¤ ©Ó§ -Ôa¤Gilead unto Machir the son of Manasseh; and hedwelt therein. [41] And Jair the son of Manasseh -˙‡¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ Ôz³¥ i¦ © 40 :da«¨-¯L¤ ‡£ ȯ¬¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰¨went and took the villages thereof, and called :da«¨ ·L¤ −i¥Â© ‰M®¤ ©Ó§ -Ôa¤ ¯ÈÎ−¦ Ó¨ ϧ „Ú¨½ ϧ b¦ ‰©them Havvoth-jair. [42] And Nobah went and -˙‡¤ „Ÿk− ϧ i¦ © CÏ©½ ‰¨ ƉM¤ ©Ó§ -Ôa¤ ¯È‡³¦ Ȩ§ 41took Kenath, and the villages thereof, and calledit Nobah, after his own name. Á·© Ÿ´Â§ 42 :¯È‡«¦ Ȩ ˙Ÿe¬Á© Ô‰−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‡¯¬¨˜§ i¦ © Ì®‰¤ È˙¥ ŸeÁ© ‡¯¯¨˜§ i¦ © ‰¨ È˙®¤ Ÿa§ -˙‡¤ § ˙−¨˜§ -˙‡¤ „Ÿk¬ ϧ i¦ © CÏ©½ ‰¨ Ù :BÓ« L§ a¦ Á·© Ÿ− ‰’Ϩ mase‘ei These are the stages of the children33 of Israel, by which they went forth33out of the land of Egypt by their hosts under ÈÚÒÓ e‡² ˆ§ Ȩ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥·§ È´Ú¥ Ò§ Ó© ‰l¤ ‡¥¹ That is, The villages of Jair. ‰L−¤ ŸÓ-„È©a§ Ì˙®¨ Ÿ‡·§ ˆ¦ ϧ ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤¬‡¤ Ó¥ 330 330
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÚÒÓ 33 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 33.2 mase‘ei ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙the hand of Moses and Aaron. [2] And Moses ̲‰¤ ȇ¥ ˆ¨ BÓ-˙‡¤ ‰L¤¹ ŸÓ ·Ÿz¸ Χ i¦ © 2 :ÔŸ¯«‰£ ‡© §wrote their goings forth, stage by stage, by the ̉−¤ ÈÚ¥ Ò§ Ó© ‰l¤ ¬‡¥ § ‰®Â¨‰È§ Èt´¦ -ÏÚ© ̉−¤ ÈÚ¥ Ò§ Ó© ϧcommandment of the Lord; and these are L„¤ŸÁ´ a© ÆÒÒ¥ Ó§ Ú§ ¯©Ó«¥ eÚ³ Ò§ i¦ © 3 :̉«¤ ȇ¥ ˆ¨ BÓϧtheir stages at their goings forth. [3] And they L„¤ŸÁ´ Ï© ÌBÈ− ¯N²¨ Ú¨ ‰M¬¨ Ó¦ Á£ a© ÔBL½ ‡¯¦‰«¨journeyed from Rameses in the first month, -È«¥·§ e‡³ ˆ§ Ȩ ÁÒ© t¤À ‰© ˙¯´©Á¢ n¨ Ó«¦ ÔBL® ‡¯¦‰¨on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the :ÌȦ¯«¨ˆ§ Ó¦ -Ïk¨ È−¥ÈÚ¥ ϧ ‰Ó¨½ ¯¨ „´È¨a§ Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧmorrow after the passover the children of Israel ‰²Â¨‰È§ ‰¯k¨ ‰¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ Á˙‡¥ ÌȯÀ¦a§ ˜©Ó§ ÌȦ ¯´©ˆ§ Ó¦ e 4went out with a high hand in the sight of all the ‰−¨‰È§ ‰N¬¨ Ú¨ ̉¤½ ȉ¥ŸÏ´ ‡·¥ e ¯Bή a§ -Ïk¨ ̉−¤ a¨Egyptians, [4] while the Egyptians were burying ÒÒ®¥ Ó§ Ú§ ¯©Ó¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§ eÚ¬ Ò§ i¦ © 5 :ÌÈË«¦ Ù¨ L§them that the Lord had smitten among them, Ì˙¨½ ‡¥ ·§ e´Á£ i©Â© ˙Ÿk® qª Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦Â© 6 :˙Ÿk« Òª a§ e−Á£ i©Â«©even all their first-born; upon their gods also Ì˙¨½ ‡¥ Ó«¥ ÆeÚÒ§ i¦ © 7 :¯a«¨ „§n¦ ‰© ‰¬ˆ¥ ˜§ a¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£the Lord executed judgments. [5] And the ÏÚ© ´a© È−¥t§ -ÏÚ© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ˙Ÿ¯½ ÈÁ¦ ‰© Èt´¦ -ÏÚ© Æ·L¨ iƨ©children of Israel journeyed from Rameses, and È´¥t§ Ó¦ ÆeÚÒ§ i¦ © 8 :ÏŸc«‚§ Ó¦ Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ e−Á£ i©Â«© ÔBÙ® ˆ§pitched in Succoth. [6] And they journeyed from ‰¯¨®a¨ „§n¦ ‰© Ì−i¨‰© -CB˙·§ e¯¬·§ Ú© i«©Â© ˙Ÿ¯½ ÈÁ¦ ‰«©Succoth, and pitched in Etham, which is in the Ì˙¨½ ‡¥ ¯´a© „§Ó¦ a§ ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ȩ ˙L¤ ŸÏ³ L§ C¯¤c´¤ eι ϧ i¥¸Â©edge of the wilderness. [7] And they journeyed e‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© ‰¯½¨n¨ Ó¦ ÆeÚÒ§ i¦ © 9 :‰¯«¨Ó¨ a§ e−Á£ i©Â«©from Etham, and turned back unto Pi-hahiroth, ÌȦ²Ó© ˙Ÿ¬ÈÚ¥ ‰¯º¥N§ Ú¤ ÌÈz´¥ L§ ÌϦ ȇ¥ ·§ e‰Ө Ï®¦ ȇ¥which is before Baal-zephon; and they pitched eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 10 :ÌL«¨ -eÁ£ i©Â© Ìȯ−¦Ó¨ z§ ÌÈÚ¬¦ ·§ L¦ §before Migdol. [8] And they journeyed from -Ìi©Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦Â© 11 :ÛeÒ« -ÌÈ©-ÏÚ© e−Á£ i©Â«© ÌÏ®¦ ȇ¥ Ó¥Pene-hahiroth, and passed through the midst of -¯a© „§n¦ Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦Â© 12 :ÔÈÒ«¦ -¯a© „§Ó¦ a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ÛeÒ®the sea into the wilderness; and they went three e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰˜®¨Ù§ c¨Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 13 :‰˜«¨Ù§ „¨a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ÔÈÒ®¦days’ journey in the wilderness of Etham, and Ì„½¦ÈÙ¦ ¯§a¦ ÆeÁ£ i©Â«© LeÏ® ‡¨ Ó¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 14 :LeÏ« ‡¨ a§pitched in Marah. [9] And they journeyed from :˙Bz« L§ Ϧ ÌÚ−¨ Ϩ ÌȦ²Ó© ÌL¬¨ ‰È¨‰¨¸ -‡ŸÏ§Marah, and came unto Elim; and in Elim were :È«¨ÈÒ¦ ¯¬a© „§Ó¦ a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© Ì„®¦ÈÙ¦ ¯§Ó¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 15twelve springs of water, and threescore and ten ˙Ÿ¯¬·§ ˜¦ a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© È®¨ÈÒ¦ ¯´a© „§n¦ Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 16palm-trees; and they pitched there. [10] And they e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰®Â¨‡£ z© ‰«© ˙Ÿ¯´·§ w¦ Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 17 :‰Â«¨‡£ z© ‰«©journeyed from Elim, and pitched by the Red e−Á£ i©Â«© ˙Ÿ¯®ˆ¥ Á£ Ó¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 18 :˙Ÿ¯«ˆ¥ Á£ a©Sea. [11] And they journeyed from the Red Sea, ÔŸn¬ ¯¦a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰Ó®¨ ˙§ ¯¦Ó¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 19 :‰Ó«¨ ˙§ ¯¦a§and pitched in the wilderness of Sin. [12] And :‰«¨·§ Ϧ a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ı¯¤®t¨ ÔŸn´ ¯¦Ó¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 20 :ı¯¤t«¨they journeyed from the wilderness of Sin, and eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 22 :‰q«¨ ¯¦a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰®¨·§ l¦ Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 21pitched in Dophkah. [13] And they journeyed eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 23 :‰˙¨ Ï«¨ ‰¥ ˜§ a¦ e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰q®¨ ¯¦Ó¥from Dophkah, and pitched in Alush. [14] And eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 24 :¯Ù¤ L«¨ -¯‰© a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰˙¨ ®Ï¨ ‰¥ w§ Ó¦they journeyed from Alush, and pitched inRephidim, where was no water for the people todrink. [15] And they journeyed from Rephidim,and pitched in the wilderness of Sinai. [16] Andthey journeyed from the wilderness of Sinai, andpitched in Kibroth-hattaavah. [17] And theyjourneyed from Kibroth-hattaavah, and pitchedin Hazeroth. [18] And they journeyed fromHazeroth, and pitched in Rithmah. [19] Andthey journeyed from Rithmah, and pitched inRimmon-perez. [20] And they journeyed fromRimmon-perez, and pitched in Libnah. [21] Andthey journeyed from Libnah, and pitched inRissah. [22] And they journeyed from Rissah,and pitched in Kehelah. [23] And they journeyedfrom Kehelah, and pitched in mount Shepher.[24] And they journeyed from mount Shepher, 331 331
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÚÒÓ 33 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 33.25 mase‘ei ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙and pitched in Haradah. [25] And they journeyed eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 25 :‰„«¨¯¨Á£ a© e−Á£ i©Â«© ¯Ù¤ L®¨ -¯‰© Ó«¥from Haradah, and pitched in Makheloth.[26] And they journeyed from Makheloth, and eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 26 :˙ŸÏ« ‰¥ ˜§ Ó© a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰„®¨¯¨Á£ Ó¥pitched in Tahath. [27] And they journeyed from ˙Á© z®¨ Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 27 :˙Á© ˙«¨ a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ˙ŸÏ® ‰¥ ˜§ n© Ó¦Tahath, and pitched in Terah. [28] And theyjourneyed from Terah, and pitched in Mithkah. e−Á£ i©Â«© Á¯©z®¨ Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 28 :Á¯©˙«¨ a§ e−Á£ i©Â«©[29] And they journeyed from Mithkah, and e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰˜®¨˙§ n¦ Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 29 :‰˜«¨˙§ Ó¦ a§pitched in Hashmonah. [30] And they journeyedfrom Hashmonah, and pitched in Moseroth. e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰®¨ŸÓL§ Á© Ó«¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 30 :‰«¨ŸÓL§ Á© a§[31] And they journeyed from Moseroth, and Ȭ¥·§ a¦ e−Á£ i©Â«© ˙B¯®Ò¥ŸnÓ¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦Â© 31 :˙B¯«Ò¥ŸÓa§pitched in Bene-jaakan. [32] And they journeyed ¯ŸÁ¬ a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© Ô˜®¨Ú£È© È´¥a§ Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 32 :Ô˜«¨Ú£È©from Bene-jaakan, and pitched in Hor- e−Á£ i©Â«© „®b¨„§b¦ ‰© ¯ŸÁ´ Ó¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 33 :„«b¨„§b¦ ‰©haggidgad. [33] And they journeyed from Hor-haggidgad, and pitched in Jotbah. [34] And they e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰˙¨ ®·¨ ˧ i¨Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 34 :‰˙¨ ·«¨ ˧ Ȩa§journeyed from Jotbah, and pitched in Abronah.[35] And they journeyed from Abronah, and ÔBȬˆ§ Ú¤ a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰®¨Ÿ¯·§ Ú© Ó«¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 35 :‰«¨Ÿ¯·§ Ú© a§pitched in Ezion-geber. [36] And they journeyed -¯a© „§Ó¦ ·§ e¬Á£ i©Â© ¯·¤®b¨ ÔBÈ´ˆ§ Ú¤ Ó¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 36 :¯·¤ «b¨from Ezion-geber, and pitched in the wildernessof Zin—the same is Kadesh. [37] And they ¯Ÿ‰´ a§ ÆeÁ£ i©Â«© L„®¥w¨Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 37 :L„«¥˜¨ ‡Â‰¬¦ Ôˆ−¦journeyed from Kadesh, and pitched in mount ÔŸ¯¸ ‰£ ‡© ÁÏÚ© i©Â© 38 :ÌB„«‡¡ ı¯¤¬‡¤ ‰ˆ−¥ ˜§ a¦ ¯‰¨½ ‰¨Hor, in the edge of the land of Edom.—[38] AndAaron the priest went up into mount Hor at the ˙Ó¨ ´i¨Â© ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭt¦ -ÏÚ© ¯²‰¨ ‰¨ ¯Ÿ‰¬ -χ¤ Ô‰¥¹ Ÿk‰©commandment of the Lord, and died there, in Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥a§ ˙‡³ˆ¥ ϧ ÌÈÚÀ¦ a¨ ¯§‡© ‰«¨ ˙´©L§ a¦ ÌL®¨the fortieth year after the children of Israel werecome out of the land of Egypt, in the fifth month, „Á¬¨ ‡¤ a§ ÈL−¦ ÈÓ¦ Á£ ‰© L„¤ŸÁ¬ a© ÌȦ ¯½©ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥on the first day of the month. [39] And Aaron was Ìȯ²¦N§ Ú¤ § LŸÏ¯ L¨ -Ôa¤ ÔŸ¯½ ‰£ ‡© § 39 :L„¤ŸÁ« Ï©a hundred and twenty and three years old when Ò :¯‰«¨ ‰¨ ¯Ÿ‰¬ a§ B˙− ŸÓa§ ‰®¨L¨ ˙‡−© Ó§ ehe died in mount Hor. [40] And the Canaanite,the king of Arad, who dwelt in the South in ·¬L¥ ŸÈ-‡e‰« § „¯½¨Ú£ CϤ Ó´¤ ÆȦ Ú£©k§ ‰«© ÚÓ©À L§ i¦ © 40the land of Canaan, heard of the coming of the :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ ‡Ÿ·− a§ ÔÚ©®¨k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ ·‚¤−p¤a©children of Israel.—[41] And they journeyedfrom mount Hor, and pitched in Zalmonah. :‰«¨ŸÓϧ ˆ© a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ¯®‰¨ ‰¨ ¯Ÿ‰´ Ó¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 41[42] And they journeyed from Zalmonah, and eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 43 :ÔŸ« eÙa§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ‰®¨ŸÓϧ v© Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 42pitched in Punon. [43] And they journeyedfrom Punon, and pitched in Oboth. [44] And e²Á£ i©Â«© ˙Ÿ·® Ÿ‡Ó¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 44 :˙Ÿ·« Ÿ‡a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ÔŸ®etÓ¦they journeyed from Oboth, and pitched in Ije- eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 45 :·‡«¨ BÓ Ïe·¬ ‚§ a¦ Ìȯ−¦·¨ Ú£‰¨ Ȭi¥Ú¦ a§abarim, in the border of Moab. [45] And theyjourneyed from Ijim, and pitched in Dibon-gad. ÔŸ·´ Èc¦Ó¦ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 46 :„«b¨ ÔŸ·¬ È„¦a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© ÌÈi®¦Ú¦ Ó¥[46] And they journeyed from Dibon-gad, and eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 47 :‰Ó¨ ȧ ˙«¨ Ϩ ·§ c¦ ÔŸÓ¬ ϧ Ú© a§ e−Á£ i©Â«© „®b¨pitched in Almon-diblathaim. [47] And they Ìȯ−¦·¨ Ú£‰¨ ȯ¬¥‰¨ a§ e²Á£ i©Â«© ‰Ó¨ ȧ˙®¨ Ϩ ·§ c¦ ÔŸÓ´ ϧ Ú© Ó¥journeyed from Almon-diblathaim, and pitched ÆeÁ£ i©Â«© Ìȯ®¦·¨ Ú£‰¨ ȯ´¥‰¨ Ó¥ eÚ− Ò§ i¦ © 48 :B·« § Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧin the mountains of Abarim, in front of Nebo.[48] And they journeyed from the mountains e³Á£ i©Â© 49 :BÁ« ¯¥È§ Ôc¬¥¯§È© Ï−Ú© ·‡¨½ BÓ ˙Ÿ·´ ¯§Ú«© a§of Abarim, and pitched in the plains of Moabby the Jordan at Jericho. [49] And they pitched Ï´·¥ ‡¨ „Ú−© ˙ŸÓ½ L¦ ȧ‰© ˙È´a¥ Ó¦ ÆÔc¥¯§i©‰© -ÏÚ©by the Jordan, from Beth-jeshimoth even unto ¯¯a¥ „©È§ © 50 Ò :·‡«¨ BÓ ˙Ÿ·− ¯§Ú«© a§ ÌÈh®¦ M¦ ‰©Abel-shittim in the plains of Moab. [50] And the Lord spoke unto Moses in the Ôc¬¥¯§È©-ÏÚ© ·‡®¨ BÓ ˙Ÿ·´ ¯§Ú«© a§ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, saying: 332 332
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÚÒÓ 33 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 33.51 mase‘ei ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙[51] ‘Speak unto the children of Israel, and say χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ Ưa¥ c© 51 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ BÁ− ¯¥È§unto them: When ye pass over the Jordan intothe land of Canaan, [52] then ye shall drive out all -˙‡¤ Ìȯ¬¦·§ ŸÚ Ìz²¤ ‡© Ȭk¦ Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ z−¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ §the inhabitants of the land from before you, and -˙‡¤ Ìz¤¹ L§ ¯©B‰¸ § 52 :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ı¯¤¬‡¤ -χ¤ Ôc−¥¯§i©‰©destroy all their figured stones, and destroy all ˙‡−¥ Ìz¤½ „§a© ‡¸¦ § ÌΤ½ È¥t§ Ó¦ Æı¯¤‡Æ¨ ‰¨ ȳ·¥ L§ ŸÈ-Ïk¨their molten images, and demolish all their highplaces. [53] And ye shall drive out the inhabitants ÆÌ˙¨ ŸÎq«¥ Ó© ÈÓ³¥ ϧ ˆ© -Ïk¨ ˙‡¥¸ § Ì˙®¨ Ÿik¦ N§ Ó© -Ïk¨of the land, and dwell therein; for unto you :e„ÈÓ«¦ L§ z© Ì˙−¨ ŸÓa¨-Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥ § e„a¥½ ‡© z§have I given the land to possess it. [54] And ye Ȭk¦ d®a¨ -Ìz¤ ·§ L© È«¦ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Ìz¬¤ L§ ¯©B‰Â§ 53shall inherit the land by lot according to yourfamilies—to the more ye shall give the more :d˙«¨ Ÿ‡ ˙L¤ ¯¬¤Ï¨ ı¯¤‡−¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ Èz¦ ˙¬© ¨ ̲Τ Ϩinheritance, and to the fewer thou shalt give the ϯ¹¨B‚a§ ı¯¤‡¨¸ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÁÌz¤ ϧ Á© ©˙§ ‰¦ § 54less inheritance; wheresoever the lot falleth toany man, that shall be his; according to the tribes ÆB˙Ϩ Á£ ©-˙‡¤ ea³ ¯§z© ·¯º©Ï¨ ÌΤÀ È˙¥ ŸÁ« t§ L§ Ó¦ ϧof your fathers shall ye inherit. [55] But if ye will ‡ˆ¥ È¥¸-¯L¤ ‡£Áχ¤ B˙½ Ϩ Á£ ©-˙‡¤ ËÈÚ´¦ Ó§ z© ÆËÚ© Ó§ Ï© §not drive out the inhabitants of the land from ÌÎ−¤ È˙¥ Ÿ·‡£ ˙Bh¬ Ó© ϧ ‰®È¤‰§ Ȧ BÏ´ ϯ−¨Bb‰© ‰n¨ L²¨ BϬbefore you, then shall those that ye let remain ofthem be as thorns in your eyes, and as pricks in È´·¥ L§ ŸÈ-˙‡¤ eLȯ¹¦B˙ ‡ŸÏ¸ -̇¦ § 55 :eÏÁ«¨ ¤˙§ z¦your sides, and they shall harass you in the land ̉¤½ Ó¥ e¯È˙´¦ Bz ¯L´¤ ‡£ ƉȨ‰¨ § ¼ÌΤ È¥t§ Ó¦ »ı¯¤‡¨ ‰¨wherein ye dwell. [56] And it shall come to pass, e¯´¯£ˆ¨ § ̮Τ Èc¥ˆ¦ a§ Ì−¦ Ȧ ˆ§ Ϧ § ÌΤ½ ȥȴڥ a§ ÆÌÈk¦ N¦ ϧthat as I thought to do unto them, so will I dounto you.’ :da«¨ ÌȬ·¦ L§ ŸÈ Ìz−¤ ‡© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨¾ ‰¨ -ÏÚ© ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤34 saying: [2] ‘Command the childrenof Israel, and say unto them: When ye come34into the land of Canaan, this shall be the landAnd the Lord spoke unto Moses, ̉−¤ Ϩ ˙BN¬ ڣϩ È˙¦ Èn²¦ c¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© ‰È¨À‰¨ § 56 Ù :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‰¬N¤ Ú¡‡«¤ ˆº© 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§Â©that shall fall unto you for an inheritance, even Ìz¬¤ ‡© -Èk«¦ ̉¤½ Ï¥ ‡£ z´¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § Æχ¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ ȳ¥a§ -˙‡¤the land of Canaan according to the bordersthereof. [3] Thus your south side shall be from ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ ˙‡ŸÊ´ ÔÚ©®¨k§ ı¯¤‡´¨ ‰¨ -χ¤ Ìȇ−¦ a¨the wilderness of Zin close by the side of Edom, :‰¨ È˙«¤ŸÏ·ª ‚§ Ϧ ÔÚ© −©k§ ı¯¤¬‡¤ ‰Ï¨½ Á£ ©a«§ ÆÌΤ Ϩ ÏŸt³ z¦and your south border shall begin at the end of È„´¥È§-ÏÚ© Ôˆ−¦ -¯a© „§n¦ Ó¦ ·‚¤²¤-˙‡© t§ ̯Τ Ϩ ‰È¨¸‰¨ § 3the Salt Sea eastward; [4] and your border shall -ÌȨ ‰¬ˆ¥ ˜§ Ó¦ ·‚¤¤½ Ïe·´ b§ ÆÌΤ Ϩ ‰³È¨‰¨ § ÌB„®‡¡turn about southward of the ascent of Akrabbim, ·‚¤p¤¹ Ó¦ Ïe·¸ b§ ‰© ÁÌΤ Ϩ ·Ò´© ¨Â§ 4 :‰Ó¨ „§˜«¥ ÁÏ© −n¤ ‰©and pass along to Zin; and the goings out thereofshall be southward of Kadesh-barnea; and it Æeȉ¨ § ‰È‰Â ‰¨ˆ½¦ ¯·© Ú´¨ § ÆÌÈa¦ ¯©˜§ Ú© ‰³Ï¥ Ú£Ó© ϧshall go forth to Hazar-addar, and pass along toAzmon; [5] and the border shall turn about from -¯ˆ© Á£ ‡¬ˆ¨ Ȩ§ Ú©®¥¯§a© L„´¥˜¨Ï§ ·‚¤−p¤Ó¦ ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿ‡ˆ§ Bz«Azmon unto the Brook of Egypt, and the goings Ïe·² b§ ‰© ·Ò¯© ¨Â§ 5 :‰¨ŸÓ« ˆ§ Ú© ¯¬·© Ú¨ § ¯c−¨‡©out thereof shall be at the Sea. [6] And for thewestern border, ye shall have the Great Sea for ÂÈ˙−¨ Ÿ‡ˆ§ B˙ eȬ‰¨ § ÌȦ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ‰Ï¨ Á§ ´© ÔBÓ− ˆ§ Ú© Ó¥a border; this shall be your west border. [7] And ÏB„−b¨‰© ̬i¨‰© ̲Τ Ϩ ‰¬È¨‰¨ § ÌȨ½ Ïe·´ ‚§ e 6 :‰n¨ i«¨‰©this shall be your north border: from the Great ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -‰Ê«¤Â§ 7 :ÌÈ«¨ Ïe·¬ b§ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -‰«Ê¤ Ïe·® ‚§ eSea ye shall mark out your line unto mount Hor;[8] from mount Hor ye shall mark out a line e‡¬ ˙¨ z§ ÏŸ„½ b¨‰© ÆÌi¨‰© -ÔÓ¦ ÔBÙ® ˆ¨ Ïe·´ b§ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩunto the entrance to Hamath; and the goings ‡Ÿ·´ ϧ e‡− ˙¨ z§ ¯‰¨½ ‰¨ ¯Ÿ‰´ Ó¥ 8 :¯‰«¨ ‰¨ ¯Ÿ‰¬ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ 333 333
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÚÒÓ 34 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 34.9 mase‘ei ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙out of the border shall be at Zedad; [9] and the ‡³ˆ¨ Ȩ§ 9 :‰„¨„«¨ˆ§ Ï−·ª b§ ‰© ˙Ÿ‡¬ ˆ§ Bz eȲ‰¨ § ˙Ó®¨ Á£border shall go forth to Ziphron, and the goingsout thereof shall be at Hazar-enan; this shall be Ô®¨ÈÚ¥ ¯´ˆ© Á£ ÂÈ˙−¨ Ÿ‡ˆ§ B˙ eȬ‰¨ § ‰¨Ÿ¯½ Ù§ ʦ ÆÏ·ª b§ ‰©your north border. [10] And ye shall mark out Ì˙¬¤ Èe¦‡© ˙§ ‰¦ § 10 :ÔBÙ« ˆ¨ Ïe·¬ b§ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ ‰¬È¤‰§ Ȧ -‰«Ê¤your line for the east border from Hazar-enanto Shepham; [11] and the border shall go down :‰Ó¨ Ù«¨ L§ Ô−¨ÈÚ¥ ¯¬ˆ© Á£ Ó¥ ‰Ó¨ „§˜®¥ Ïe·´ ‚§ Ϧ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩfrom Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain; ÔȦ®Ú¨ Ϩ Ì„¤w´¤Ó¦ ‰Ï−¨ ·§ ¯¦‰¨ ̲٨ M§ Ó¦ ϯ·ª b§ ‰© „¯¸©È¨Â§ 11and the border shall go down, and shall strike ˙¯¤−p¤k¦ -ÌȨ Û˙¤ ¬k¤-ÏÚ© ‰Á²¨ Ó¨ e Ï·ª½ b§ ‰© „¯´©È¨Â§upon the slope of the sea of Chinnereth eastward;[12] and the border shall go down to the Jordan, eȬ‰¨ § ‰¨ c½¥¯§ i© ‰© ÆÏe·b§ ‰© „¯³©È¨Â§ 12 :‰Ó¨ „§˜«¥and the goings out thereof shall be at the Salt Sea; ̬Τ Ϩ ‰È¤¸‰§ z¦ Á˙‡ŸÊ ÁÏ© n®¤ ‰© ̴Ȩ ÂÈ˙−¨ Ÿ‡ˆ§ B˙this shall be your land according to the bordersthereof round about.’ ‰L¤½ ŸÓ ´ˆ© ȧ© 13 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ ‰¨ È˙−¤ŸÏ·ª ‚§ Ϧ ı¯¤‡²¨ ‰¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ ˙‡ŸÊ´ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ -˙‡¤ [13] And Moses commanded the childrenof Israel, saying: ‘This is the land wherein ye shallreceive inheritance by lot, which the Lord hath ‰Â¨½‰È§ ‰e´¨ˆ¦ ƯL¤ ‡£ ϯ½¨B‚a§ Æd˙¨ Ÿ‡ eϳ Á£ ©˙§ z¦commanded to give unto the nine tribes, and to Èk´¦ 14 :‰h«¤ n© ‰© Ȉ¬¦ Á£ © ˙Bh− n© ‰© ˙¬Ú© L§ ˙¦ ϧ ˙˙²¥ Ϩthe half-tribe; [14] for the tribe of the children of Ì˙¨½ Ÿ·‡£ ˙È´·¥ ϧ ÆȦ ·¥ e‡¯‰¨ ȳ¥·§ ‰h¥¸ Ó© eÁº ˜§ ϨReuben according to their fathers’ houses, andthe tribe of the children of Gad according to their ‰´h¥ Ó© ÆȈ¦ Á£ © Ì˙®¨ Ÿ·‡£ ˙È´·¥ ϧ È„−¦b¨‰© -È«¥·§ ‰¬h¥ Ó© efathers’ houses, have received, and the half-tribe ˙Bh− n© ‰© Ȭ¥L§ 15 :Ì˙«¨ Ϩ Á£ © eÁ− ˜§ Ϩ ‰M¤½ ©Ó§of Manasseh have received, their inheritance;[15] the two tribes and the half-tribe have Ôc¬¥¯§È©Ï§ ¯·¤ ²Ú¥ Ó¥ Ì˙¨À Ϩ Á£ © eÁ´ ˜§ Ϩ ‰®h¤ n© ‰© Ȉ´¦ Á£ ©received their inheritance beyond the Jordan at Ù :‰Á¨ ¯«¨Ê§Ó¦ ‰Ó¨ „§˜¬¥ BÁ− ¯¥È§Jericho eastward, toward the sunrising.’ [16] And the Lord spoke unto Moses, ‰l¤ ‡¥ µ17 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 16 -˙‡¤ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ eϬ Á£ § Ȧ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÌÈL¦½ ¨‡£ ‰«¨ ˙BÓ´ L§saying: [17] ‘These are the names of the menthat shall take possession of the land for you: :Ôe« -Ôa¦ Ú©L−ª B‰È¦ Ô‰¥½ Ÿk‰© Ưʨڨ ϧ ‡¤ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun.[18] And ye shall take one prince of every tribe, eÁ− ˜§ z¦ ‰®h¤ n© Ó¦ „Á−¨ ‡¤ ‡ÈN¬¦ ¨ „Á²¨ ‡¤ ‡ÈN¬¦ ¨Â§ 18to take possession of the land. [19] And these ˙BÓ´ L§ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ § 19 :ı¯¤‡«¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÏŸÁ¬ § Ϧare the names of the men: of the tribe of Judah,Caleb the son of Jephunneh. [20] And of the tribe :‰«p¤Ùª ȧ-Ôa¤ ·Ï−¥ k¨ ‰„½¨e‰È§ ‰´h¥ Ó© ϧ ÌÈL®¦ ¨‡£ ‰¨of the children of Simeon, Shemuel the son of -Ôa¤ χ−¥ eÓL§ ÔBÚ½ Ó§ L¦ È´¥a§ Ɖh¥ Ó© ϧ e 20Ammihud. [21] Of the tribe of Benjamin, Elidadthe son of Chislon. [22] And of the tribe of the -Ôa¤ „„−¨ÈϦ ‡¡ ÔÓ½¦ Ȩ§ ·¦ ‰´h¥ Ó© ϧ 21 :„e‰« Èn¦ Ú©children of Dan a prince, Bukki the son of Jogh. -Ôa¤ Èw−¦aª ‡ÈN®¦ ¨ Ô„−¨-È¥·§ ‰¬h¥ Ó© ϧ e 22 :ÔBÏ« Ò§ k¦[23] Of the children of Joseph: of the tribe of the ‰M−¤ ©Ó§ -È«¥·§ ‰¬h¥ Ó© ϧ ÛÒ¥½ BÈ È´¥·§ Ϧ 23 :ÈÏ«¦ ‚§ Ȩchildren of Manasseh a prince, Hanniel the sonof Ephod; [24] and of the tribe of the children of -È«¥·§ ‰¬h¥ Ó© ϧ e 24 :„ŸÙ« ‡¥ -Ôa¤ χ−¥ Èp¦ Á© ‡ÈN®¦ ¨Ephraim a prince, Kemuel the son of Shiphtan. :ÔË«¨ Ù§ L¦ -Ôa¤ χ−¥ eÓ˜§ ‡ÈN®¦ ¨ ÌȦ ¯−©Ù§ ‡¤[25] And of the tribe of the children of Zebuluna prince, Elizaphan the son of Parnach. [26] And -Ôa¤ ÔÙ−¨ ˆ¨ ÈϦ ‡¡ ‡ÈN®¦ ¨ Ô−Ϫ e·Ê§-È«¥·§ ‰¬h¥ Ó© ϧ e 25of the tribe of the children of Issachar a prince, ‡ÈN®¦ ¨ ¯Î−¨ ˘N¨ Ȧ -È«¥·§ ‰¬h¥ Ó© ϧ e 26 :C«¨¯§t©Paltiel the son of Azzan. [27] And of the tribe ofthe children of Asher a prince, Ahihud the son of ¯L−¥ ‡¨ -È¥·§ ‰¬h¥ Ó© ϧ e 27 :Ôf«¨Ú© -Ôa¤ χ−¥ È˦ ϧ t©Shelomi. [28] And of the tribe of the children of -È«¥·§ ‰¬h¥ Ó© ϧ e 28 :ÈÓ«¦ ŸÏL§ -Ôa¤ „e‰− ÈÁ¦ ‡£ ‡ÈN®¦ ¨Naphtali a prince, Pedahel the son of Ammihud. 334 334
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 34.29 mase‘ei ÈÚÒÓ 34 ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙[29] These are they whom the Lord commanded ‰l¤ ‡¥¾ 29 :„e‰« Èn¦ Ú© -Ôa¤ χ−¥ ‰§ „©t§ ‡ÈN®¦ ¨ ÈÏ−¦ z¨ Ù§ ©to divide the inheritance unto the children ofIsrael in the land of Canaan.’ χ−¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-È«¥a§ -˙‡¤ ϬÁ¥ ©Ï§ ‰®Â¨‰È§ ‰e´¨ˆ¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ Ù :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ı¯¤¬‡¤ a§ And the Lord spoke unto Moses in the35 35plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, ˙Ÿ·´ ¯§Ú«© a§ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰²Â¨‰È§ ¯¯a¥ „©È§ ©saying: [2] Command the children of Israel, that È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ »Âˆ© 2 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ BÁ− ¯¥È§ Ôc¬¥¯§È©-ÏÚ© ·‡®¨ BÓthey give unto the Levites of the inheritanceof their possession cities to dwell in; and open Ì˙−¨ f¨Áª ‡£ ˙²Ï© Á£ p©Ó«¦ ÌiÀ¦ ¦ϧ Ï© e´˙§ ¨Â§ ¼Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧland round about the cities shall ye give unto theLevites. [3] And the cities shall they have to dwell ̉¤½ È˙¥ Ÿ·´ È·¦ Ò§ ÆÌȯ¦Ú¨ Ï«¤ L¯À¨‚§ Ó¦ e ˙·¤ L®¨ Ϩ Ìȯ´¦Ú¨in; and their open land shall be for their cattle, ˙·¤ L®¨ Ϩ ̉−¤ Ϩ Ìȯ²¦Ú¨ ‰«¤ eȯ‰¨ § 3 :Ìi«¦Â¦Ï§ Ï© e−z§ z¦and for their substance, and for all their beasts. ÌL¨½ Ϊ ¯§Ï¦ § ÆÌz¨ Ó§ ‰¤ ·§ Ϧ eȳ‰§ Ȧ ̉¤À ÈL¥ ¯§‚§ Ó¦ e[4] And the open land about the cities, which yeshall give unto the Levites, shall be from the wall ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ìȯ½¦Ú¨ ‰«¤ ÆÈL¥ ¯§‚§ Ó¦ e 4 :Ì˙«¨ i¨Á© ÏŸÎ− ϧ eof the city and outward a thousand cubits round ÛϤ ¬‡¤ ‰ˆ¨ eÁ½ ¨ ƯÈÚ¦ ‰¨ ¯Èw³¦Ó¦ Ìi®¦Â¦Ï§ Ï© e−z§ z¦about. [5] And ye shall measure without the city -˙‡¤ ¯ÈÚÀ¦ Ϩ ıeÁ´ Ó¦ Ì˙º¤ ŸcÓ© e 5 :·È·«¦ Ò¨ ‰n−¨ ‡©for the east side two thousand cubits, and for thesouth side two thousand cubits, and for the west -˙‡© t§ -˙‡¤ § ‰nÁ¨Â‡© a«¨ ÌȦ¶t© ϧ ‡© ‰Ó¨ „§˜´¥-˙‡© t§side two thousand cubits, and for the north side | ̴Ȩ-˙‡© t§ -˙‡¤ § ‰n¨¹ ‡© a¨ ÌȦ t©¸ ϧ ‡© Á·‚¤¤two thousand cubits, the city being in the midst.This shall be to them the open land about the ÌȦ¬t© ϧ ‡© ÔBÙ² ˆ¨ ˙‡¬© t§ ˙‡¥¸ § ‰n¨À ‡© a«¨ ÌȦ´t© ϧ ‡©cities. [6] And the cities which ye shall give unto ÈL−¥ ¯§‚§ Ó¦ ̉¤½ Ϩ ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ ‰Ê¤µC¤z®¨ a© ¯ÈÚ´¦ ‰¨ § ‰n−¨ ‡© a¨the Levites, they shall be the six cities of refuge, Ìi½¦ ¦ϧ Ï© Æez§ z¦ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÌȯÀ¦Ú¨ ‰«¤ ˙‡´¥ § 6 :Ìȯ«¦Ú¨ ‰¤which ye shall give for the manslayer to fleethither; and beside them ye shall give forty and Ò¬ªÏ¨ e½ z§ z¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ËϨ½ ˜§ n¦ ‰© ȯ´¥Ú¨ -LL¥ ˙‡¥µtwo cities. [7] All the cities which ye shall give to ÌÈÚ¬¦ a¨ ¯§‡© e½ z§ z¦ Ì´‰¤ ÈÏ¥ ڣ© Á©®ˆ¥ Ÿ¯‰¨ ‰n¨ L−¨the Levites shall be forty and eight cities: them Æez§ z¦ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÌȯÀ¦Ú¨ ‰¤ -Ïk¨ 7 :¯ÈÚ«¦ ÌȦ z−© L§ eshall ye give with the open land about them.[8] And concerning the cities which ye shall -˙‡¤ § Ô‰−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ ¯ÈÚ®¦ ‰−¤ŸÓL§ e ÌÈÚ¬¦ a¨ ¯§‡© Ìi½¦Â¦Ï§ Ï©give of the possession of the children of Israel, ˙´f©Áª ‡£ Ó¥ Æez§ z¦ ¯L³¤ ‡£ ÌȯÀ¦Ú¨ ‰«¤ § 8 :Ô‰«¤ ÈL¥ ¯§‚§ Ó¦from the many ye shall take many, and from the ˙¬‡¥ Ó¥ e ea½ ¯§z© Æ·¯©‰¨ ˙‡³¥ Ó¥ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È¥a§few ye shall take few; each tribe according to itsinheritance which it inheriteth shall give of its ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆB˙Ϩ Á£ © ÈÙ³¦ k§ LȇÀ¦ eËÈÚ®¦ Ó§ z© ËÚ−© Ó§ ‰©cities unto the Levites.’ Ù :Ìi«¦Â¦Ï§ Ï© Âȯ−¨Ú¨ Ó¥ Ôz¬¥ Ȧ eÏÁ¨½ § Ȧ [9] And the Lord spoke unto Moses,saying: [10] ‘Speak unto the children of Israel, Ưa¥ c© 10 :¯ŸÓ« ‡l¥ ‰¬L¤ ŸÓ-χ¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 9and say unto them: When ye pass over the Ìz²¤ ‡© Ȭk¦ Ì®‰¤ Ï¥ ‡£ z−¨ ¯§Ó© ‡¨ § χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤Jordan into the land of Canaan, [11] then ye :ÔÚ© «¨k§ ‰ˆ¨ ¯§‡¬© Ôc−¥¯§i©‰© -˙‡¤ Ìȯ¬¦·§ ŸÚshall appoint you cities to be cities of refuge foryou, that the manslayer that killeth any person ËÏ−¨ ˜§ Ó¦ ȯ¬¥Ú¨ Ìȯ½¦Ú¨ ÆÌΤ Ϩ Ì˙³¤ ȯ¦˜§ ‰¦ § 11through error may flee thither [12] And the cities LÙ¤−¤-‰k¥ Ó© Á©ˆ¥½ Ÿ¯ Ɖn¨ Lƨ Ò¬¨Â§ ̮Τ Ϩ ‰¨È´È¤‰§ z¦shall be unto you for refuge from the avenger, ËÏ−¨ ˜§ Ó¦ ϧ Ìȯ²¦Ú¨ ‰¤ ̯Τ Ϩ eȸ‰¨ § 12 :‰«‚¨‚¨L§ a¦that the manslayer die not, until he stand beforethe congregation for judgment. [13] And as to Ȭ¥Ù§ Ϧ B„²Ó§ Ú¨ -„Ú© Á©ˆ¥½ Ÿ¯‰¨ Æ˙eÓȨ ‡ŸÏ³ § χ®¥ ŸbÓ¦the cities which ye shall give, there shall be for ez®¥ z¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ìȯ−¦Ú¨ ‰¤ § 13 :Ët«¨ L§ n¦ Ï© ‰„−¨Ú¥ ‰¨ 335 335
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÚÒÓ 35 ¯·H„oÓme· | TOCtorah NUMBERS 35.14 mase‘ei ‰¯Â˙you six cities of refuge. [14] Ye shall give three | ˙‡´¥ 14 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ‰¨È¬È¤‰§ z¦ ËÏ−¨ ˜§ Ó¦ ȯ¬¥Ú¨ -LL¥cities beyond the Jordan, and three cities shall yegive in the land of Canaan; they shall be cities of Æ˙‡¥ § Ôc½¥¯§i©Ï© ¯·¤ ´Ú¥ Ó¥ Æez§ z¦ ÌȯÀ¦Ú¨ ‰¤ LŸÏ´ L§refuge. [15] For the children of Israel, and for the ȯ¬¥Ú¨ ÔÚ©®¨k§ ı¯¤‡´¤ a§ e−z§ z¦ Ìȯ½¦Ú¨ ‰«¤ LŸÏ´ L§stranger and for the settler among them, shall ¯³b¥Ï© § χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ Ϧ 15 :‰¨È«È¤‰§ z¦ ËÏ−¨ ˜§ Ó¦these six cities be for refuge, that every one thatkilleth any person through error may flee thither. Ìȯ¬¦Ú¨ ‰¤ -LL¥ ‰¨È²È¤‰§ z¦ ÌΨ½ B˙a§ Æ·L¨ BzÏ© §[16] But if he smote him with an instrument LÙ¤−¤-‰k¥ Ó© -Ïk¨ ‰n¨ L¨½ Òe´Ï¨ ˮϨ ˜§ Ó¦ ϧ ‰l¤ ‡−¥ ‰¨of iron, so that he died, he is a murderer; themurderer shall surely be put to death. [17] And if ˙ŸÓ− i¨Â© e‰²k¨ ‰¦ | ϯʤ¯§·© ÈϦ¸ Χ a¦ -̇¦ § 16 :‰«‚¨‚¨L§ a¦he smote him with a stone in the hand, whereby Ô·¤ ‡´¤ a§ ̇¿¦ § 17 :Á©ˆ«¥ Ÿ¯‰¨ ˙Ó−© eÈ ˙BÓ¬ ‡e‰® Á«©´ˆ¥ Ÿ¯a man may die, and he died, he is a murderer,the murderer shall surely be put to death. [18] Or ‡e‰® Á«©´ˆ¥ Ÿ¯ ˙ŸÓ− i¨Â© e‰²k¨ ‰¦ d¬a¨ ˙eÓ¸ Ȩ-¯L¤ ‡£ Á„Ȩif he smote him with a weapon of wood in the Á„Ȩ-ıÚ«¥ ÈÏ´¦ Χ a¦ B‡¿ 18 :Á©ˆ«¥ Ÿ¯‰¨ ˙Ó−© eÈ ˙BÓ¬hand, whereby a man may die, and he died, he is ˙BÓ¬ ‡e‰® Á«©´ˆ¥ Ÿ¯ ˙ŸÓ− i¨Â© e‰²k¨ ‰¦ Ba¬ ˙eÓ¸ Ȩ-¯L¤ ‡£a murderer; the murderer shall surely be put todeath. [19] The avenger of blood shall himself put ˙ÈÓ−¦ Ȩ ‡e‰¬ Ìc½¨‰© χ´¥ Ÿb 19 :Á©ˆ«¥ Ÿ¯‰¨ ˙Ó−© eÈthe murderer to death; when he meeteth him, he :ep˙«¤ Ó¦ ȧ ‡e‰¬ B·− -BÚ‚§ Ù¦ a§ Á©®ˆ¥ Ÿ¯‰¨ -˙‡¤shall put him to death. [20] And if he thrust himof hatred, or hurled at him any thing, lying in ÂȲϨ Ú¨ CÈϬ¦ L§ ‰¦ -B‡« ep®Ù¤ c¨‰§ Ȥ ‰‡−¨ § N¦ a§ -̇¦ § 20wait, so that he died; [21] or in enmity smote him ÆB„Ȩ·§ e‰³k¨ ‰¦ ‰·º¨ ȇ¥ ·§ B‡´ 21 :˙ŸÓ« i¨Â© ‰−i¨„¦ˆ§ a¦with his hand, that he died; he that smote him χ´¥ Ÿb ‡e‰® Á«©´ˆ¥ Ÿ¯ ‰k−¤ n© ‰© ˙Ó¬© eÈ-˙BÓ« ˙ŸÓ½ i¨Â©shall surely be put to death: he is a murderer;the avenger of blood shall put the murderer to -̇¦ § 22 :B·« -BÚ‚§ Ù¦ a§ Á©ˆ−¥ Ÿ¯‰¨ -˙‡¤ ˙ÈÓ²¦ Ȩ ÌcÀ¨‰©death when he meeteth him. [22] But if he thrust ÂȲϨ Ú¨ CÈϬ¦ L§ ‰¦ -B‡ BÙ® „¨‰£ ‰·−¨ ȇ¥ -‡ŸÏa§ Ú˙© ¬Ù¤ a§him suddenly without enmity, or hurled uponhim any thing without lying in wait, [23] or with Ô·¤ ‡¤¹ -ÏΨ ·§ B‡´ 23 :‰i«¨„¦ˆ§ ‡ŸÏ¬ a§ ÈÏ−¦ k§ -Ïk¨any stone, whereby a man may die, seeing him ÂÈÏ−¨ Ú¨ Ϭt¥ i©Â© ˙B‡½ ¯§ ‡ŸÏ´ a§ Æda¨ ˙eÓ¬ Ȩ-¯L¤ ‡£not, and cast it upon him, so that he died, andhe was not his enemy, neither sought his harm; Lw−¥·© Ó§ ‡ŸÏ¬ § BϽ ·´È¥B‡-‡ŸÏ Ƈe‰Â§ ˙ŸÓ® i¨Â©[24] then the congregation shall judge between ÔÈ·−¥ e ‰k¤½ n© ‰© ÔÈa¥µ ‰„½¨Ú¥ ‰«¨ ÆeËÙ§ L«¨ § 24 :B˙« Ú¨ ¯¨the smiter and the avenger of blood according :‰l¤ ‡«¥ ‰¨ ÌÈË−¦ t¨ L§ n¦ ‰© Ϭک Ìc®¨‰© χ´¥ Ÿbto these ordinances; [25] and the congregationshall deliver the manslayer out of the hand of χ´¥ Ÿb »„i©Ó¦ Á©ˆ¥À Ÿ¯‰¨ -˙‡¤ ‰„¹¨Ú¥ ‰¨ eÏÈv¸¦ ‰¦ § 25the avenger of blood, and the congregation shall BË− Ϩ ˜§ Ó¦ ¯ÈÚ¬¦ -χ¤ ‰„½¨Ú¥ ‰«¨ ÆB˙Ÿ‡ e·ÈL³¦ ‰¥ § ¼Ìc¨‰©restore him to his city of refuge, whither he wasfled; and he shall dwell therein until the death of Ô‰´¥ Ÿk‰© Æ˙BÓ-„Ú© da¨À ·L© ´È¨Â§ ‰n¨ L®¨ Ò´¨-¯L¤ ‡£the high priest, who was anointed with the holy :L„¤Ÿw« ‰© ÔÓ¤ ¬L¤ a§ B˙− Ÿ‡ ÁL¬© Ó¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÏŸ„½ b¨‰©oil. [26] But if the manslayer shall at any time go ¯ÈÚ´¦ ÆÏe·b§ -˙‡¤ Á©®ˆ¥ Ÿ¯‰¨ ‡ˆ−¥ È¥ ‡Ÿˆ¬ Ȩ-̇¦ § 26beyond the border of his city of refuge, whitherhe fleeth; [27] and the avenger of blood find him ÆB˙Ÿ‡ ‡³ˆ¨ Ó¨ e 27 :‰n¨ L«¨ Òe−Ȩ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ B˽ Ϩ ˜§ Ó¦without the border of his city of refuge, and the Áˆº© ¯¨Â§ BË® Ϩ ˜§ Ó¦ ¯ÈÚ´¦ Ïe·− ‚§ Ϧ ıeÁ¾ Ó¦ Ìc½¨‰© χ´¥ Ÿbavenger of blood slay the manslayer; there shallbe no bloodguiltiness for him; [28] because he Èk´¦ 28 :Ìc«¨ BÏ− ÔȬ‡¥ Á©ˆ¥½ Ÿ¯‰´¨ -˙‡¤ ÆÌc¨‰© χ³¥ Ÿbmust remain in his city of refuge until the death ÏŸ„®b¨‰© Ô‰´¥ Ÿk‰© ˙BÓ− -„Ú© ·L¥½ È¥ ÆBËϨ ˜§ Ó¦ ¯ÈÚ³¦ ·§of the high priest; but after the death of the highpriest the manslayer may return into the land of Á©ˆ¥½ Ÿ¯‰¨ Æ·eLȨ ÏŸ„½ b¨‰© Ô‰´¥ Ÿk‰© Æ˙BÓ È¯¬¥Á£ ‡© § 336 336
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÚÒÓ 35 ¯·H„oÓme· | TOCtorah NUMBERS 35.29 mase‘ei ‰¯Â˙his possession. [29] And these things shall be for ̲Τ Ϩ ‰l¤ ‡¯¥ eȸ‰¨ § 29 :B˙« f¨Áª ‡£ ı¯¤‡−¤ -χ¤a statute of judgment unto you throughout yourgenerations in all your dwellings. [30] Whoso ÏŸÎ− a§ ̮Τ È˙¥ Ÿ¯Ÿ„ϧ Ët−¨ L§ Ó¦ ˙w¬©Áª ϧkilleth any person, the murderer shall be slain ÌÈ„½¦Ú¥ ÈÙ´¦ ϧ LÙ¤ ¤½ -‰k¥ Ó©¸ -Ïk¨ 30 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ·L§ BÓat the mouth of witnesses; but one witnessshall not testify against any person that he die. ‰¬¤Ú£È©-‡ŸÏ „Á¨½ ‡¤ „´Ú¥ § Á©®ˆ¥ Ÿ¯‰¨ -˙‡¤ Áˆ−© ¯§È¦[31] Moreover ye shall take no ransom for the LÙ¤´¤Ï§ Ư٤ ŸÎÆ eÁ¬ ˜§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« § 31 :˙eÓ« Ϩ LÙ¤−¤·§life of a murderer, that is guilty of death; but he ˙BÓ− -Èk¦ ˙eÓ® Ϩ ÚL−¨ ¯¨ ‡e‰¬ -¯L¤ ‡£ Á©ˆ¥½ Ÿ¯shall surely be put to death. [32] And ye shalltake no ransom for him that is fled to his city of ¯ÈÚ´¦ -χ¤ Òe−Ϩ ¯Ù¤ŸÎ½ eÁ´ ˜§ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ§ 32 :˙Ó«¨ eÈrefuge, that he should come again to dwell in the ˙BÓ− -„Ú© ı¯¤‡¨½ a¨ ˙·¤ L´¤ Ϩ Æ·eLϨ BË® Ϩ ˜§ Ó¦land, until the death of the priest. [33] So ye shallnot pollute the land wherein ye are; for blood, it ¯L³¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨ -˙‡¤ eÙÈ´¦ Á£ ˙© -‡ŸÏ« § 33 :Ô‰«¥ Ÿk‰©polluteth the land; and no expiation can be made ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ÛÈ−¦ Á£ È© ‡e‰¬ Ìc½¨‰© Èk´¦ da¨½ ÆÌz¤ ‡©for the land for the blood that is shed therein, butby the blood of him that shed it. [34] And thou da¨½ -Ct© Lª ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆÌc¨Ï© ¯t©À Ϊ ȧ -‡ŸÏ« ı¯¤‡´¨ Ϩ §shalt not defile the land which ye inhabit, in the -˙‡¤ ‡n´¥ Ë© ˙§ ‡ŸÏ¯ § 34 :BΫ Ù§ ŸL Ì„¬©a§ ̇−¦ -Èk¦midst of which I dwell; for I the Lord dwell in È−¦ ‡£ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ da¨½ ÌÈ·´¦ L§ ŸÈ ÆÌz¤ ‡© ¯L³¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨À ‰¨36the midst of the children of Israel.’ And the heads of the fathers’ houses Ȭ¥a§ CB˙− a§ ÔÎ¥¾ ŸL ‰Â¨½‰È§ È´¦ ‡£ Èk¦µ d®Î¨ B˙a§ Ôδ¥ŸLof the family of the children of Gilead, Ù :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧthe son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the36families of the sons of Joseph, came near, andspoke before Moses, and before the princes, theheads of the fathers’ houses of the children of ˙Á© ³t© L§ Ó¦ ϧ ˙B·À ‡¨ ‰«¨ ÈL´¥ ‡¯¨ e·º ¯§˜§ i¦ «©Israel; [2] and they said: ‘The Lord commanded ˙ŸÁ− t§ L§ n¦ Ó«¦ ‰M¤½ ©Ó§ -Ôa¤ ¯Èδ¦ Ó¨ -Ôa¤ Æ„Ú¨ ϧ ‚¦ -È«¥a§my lord to give the land for inheritance by È´¥Ù§ Ϧ § ƉL¤ ŸÓ ȳ¥Ù§ Ϧ e¯º a§ „©È§ «© ÛÒ®¥BÈ È´¥a§ :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥·§ Ϧ ˙B·− ‡¨ ȬL¥ ‡¯¨ Ìȇ½¦ N¦ p§ ‰©lot to the children of Israel; and my lord was -˙‡¤ ˙˙¥¸ Ϩ ‰Â¨½ ‰È§ ‰e´¨ˆ¦ ÆȦŸ„‡£ -˙‡¤ e¯À Ó§ ‡Ÿi© 2commanded by the Lord to give the inheritanceof Zelophehad our brother unto his daughters. ÆȦŸ„‡Â«© χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ Ϧ ϯ−¨B‚a§ ‰²Ï¨ Á£ ©a§ ı¯¤‡¯¨ ‰¨[3] And if they be married to any of the sons of „Á¬¨ Ù§ Ϩ ˆ§ ˙²Ï© Á£ ©-˙‡«¤ ˙˙¥À Ϩ ‰Â¨½ ‰È·«© ‰e´¨ˆªthe other tribes of the children of Israel, thenwill their inheritance be taken away from the Ȭ˥ ·§ L¦ È¥¸a§ Ó¦ „Áº¨ ‡¤ ϧ eȉ¨ §Â3 :ÂÈ˙«¨ Ÿ·§ Ϧ eÈÁ−¦ ‡¨inheritance of our fathers, and will be added ÆÔ˙¨ Ϩ Á£ © ‰³Ú¨ ¯§‚§ ¦ § ¼ÌÈL¦ ¨Ï§ »Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ -È«¥·§to the inheritance of the tribe whereunto theyshall belong; so will it be taken away from the ‰h¤½ n© ‰© ˙Ï´© Á£ © ÏÚ©µ ÛÒ¾© B§ eÈ˙¥½ Ÿ·‡£ ˙Ï´© Á£ p©Ó¦lot of our inheritance. [4] And when the jubilee :Ú©¯«¥b¨È¦ e˙−¥ Ϩ Á£ © ϯ¬©ŸbÓ¦ e Ì®‰¤ Ϩ ‰¨È−Ȥ‰§ z¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£of the children of Israel shall be, then will their Ɖ٨ Ò§ B« § ¼Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ Ϧ »Ï·¥ Ÿi‰© ‰´È¤‰§ Ȧ -̇¦ § 4inheritance be added unto the inheritance of thetribe whereunto they shall belong; so will their ‰¨È−Ȥ‰§ z¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ‰h¤½ n© ‰© ˙Ï´© Á£ © ÏÚ©µ Ô˙¨½ Ϩ Á£ ©inheritance be taken away from the inheritance :Ô˙«¨ Ϩ Á£ © Ú¯−©b¨È¦ eÈ˙¥½ Ÿ·‡£ ‰´h¥ Ó© Æ˙Ï© Á£ p©Ó«¦ e Ì®‰¤ Ϩof the tribe of our fathers.’ [5] And Mosescommanded the children of Israel according to ‰−¨‰È§ Ȭt¦ -ÏÚ© χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -˙‡¤ ƉL¤ ŸÓ ³ˆ© ȧ© 5the word of the Lord, saying: ‘The tribe of the ‰´Ê¤ 6 :Ìȯ«¦·§ Ÿc ÛÒ−¥ BÈ-È«¥·§ ‰¬h¥ Ó© Ô²k¥ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥sons of Joseph speaketh right. [6] This is the thingwhich the Lord hath commanded concerning Æ„Á¨ Ù§ Ϩ ˆ§ ˙B³·§ Ϧ ‰ÂÀ¨‰È§ ‰´e¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ¯·º¨ c¨‰©the daughters of Zelophehad, saying: Let them ÌÈL®¦ ¨Ï§ ‰¨È´È¤‰§ z¦ ̉−¤ È¥ÈÚ¥ a§ ·Bh¬ Ï© ¯ŸÓ½ ‡Ï¥be married to whom they think best; only into 337 337
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> ÈÚÒÓ 36 Home | TOCtorah NUMBERS 36.7 mase‘ei ¯·„Ó· ‰¯Â˙the family of the tribe of their father shall they ‰¨È¬È¤‰§ z¦ ̉−¤ È·¦ ‡£ ‰¬h¥ Ó© ˙Á© ²t© L§ Ó¦ ϧ C‡©Àbe married. [7] So shall no inheritance of thechildren of Israel remove from tribe to tribe; for χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥·§ Ϧ ƉϨ Á£ © ·Ÿq³ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« § 7 :ÌÈL«¦ ¨Ï§the children of Israel shall cleave every one to ‰´h¥ Ó© Æ˙Ï© Á£ ©a§ LȇÀ¦ Èk´¦ ‰®h¤ Ó© -χ¤ ‰h−¤ n© Ó¦the inheritance of the tribe of his father. [8] Andevery daughter, that possesseth an inheritance in ˙aº©-ÏΨ § 8 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ Ȭ¥a§ e˜−a§ „§È¦ ÂÈ˙¨½ Ÿ·‡£any tribe of the children of Israel, shall be wife „Á¨À ‡¤ ϧ ¼Ï‡¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ »˙Bhn© Ó¦ ‰Ï¨À Á£ © ˙L¤ ¯´¤ŸÈunto one of the family of the tribe of her father, ‰M®¨ ‡¦ ϧ ‰´È¤‰§ z¦ ‰¨ È·−¦ ‡¨ ‰¬h¥ Ó© ˙Á© ²t© L§ n¦ Ó¦that the children of Israel may possess everyman the inheritance of his fathers. [9] So shall ˙¬Ï© Á£ © Lȇ−¦ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ ÆeL¯§ÈÈ«¦ ÔÚ© Ó©À ϧno inheritance remove from one tribe to another ‰´h¤ Ó© ϧ ‰h−¤ n© Ó¦ ‰²Ï¨ Á£ © ·Ÿq¯ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ« § 9 :ÂÈ˙«¨ Ÿ·‡£tribe; for the tribes of the children of Israel shallcleave each one to its own inheritance.’ [10] Even Ȭ¥a§ ˙Bh− Ó© e˜¾ a§ „§È¦ B˙½ Ϩ Á£´©a§ ÆLȇ¦ -Èk¦ ¯Á®¥ ‡©as the Lord commanded Moses, so did the ‰L®¤ ŸÓ-˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§ ‰¬e¨ˆ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© 10 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧdaughters of Zelophehad. [11] For Mahlah, ‰Ï´¨ Á§ Ó© ‰¨ÈȤ¹‰§ z¦ © 11 :„Á«¨ Ù§ Ϩ ˆ§ ˙B¬a§ eN− Ú¨ Ôk¬¥Tirzah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Noah, thedaughters of Zelophehad, were married unto „Á®¨ Ù§ Ϩ ˆ§ ˙B´a§ ‰Ú−¨ ŸÂ§ ‰²k¨ ϧ Ó¦ e ‰Ï¯¨ ‚§ Á¨ § ‰ˆ¨À ¯§˙¦their father’s brothers’ sons. [12] They were -È«¥a§ ˙ŸÁ² t§ L§ n¦ Ó«¦ 12 :ÌÈL«¦ ¨Ï§ Ô‰−¤ È„¥Ÿ„ Ȭ¥·§ Ϧmarried into the families of the sons of Manassehthe son of Joseph, and their inheritance remained Ô˙¨½ Ϩ Á£ © Æȉ¦ z§ © ÌÈL®¦ ¨Ï§ eÈ´‰¨ ÛÒ−¥ BÈ-Ô·¤ ‰¬M¤ ©Ó§in the tribe of the family of their father. ‰l¤ ‡´¥ 13 :Ô‰«¤ È·¦ ‡£ ˙Á© ¬t© L§ Ó¦ ‰h−¥ Ó© -ÏÚ© [13] These are the commandments and theordinances, which the Lord commanded by the ‰²Â¨‰È§ ‰e¯¨ˆ¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌÈËÀ¦ t¨ L§ n¦ ‰© § ˙ŸÂºˆ§ n¦ ‰©hand of Moses unto the children of Israel in the ·‡¨½ BÓ ˙Ÿ·´ ¯§Ú«© a§ χ®¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧ È´¥a§ -χ¤ ‰L−¤ ŸÓ-„È©a§plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho. :BÁ« ¯¥È§ Ôc¬¥¯§È© Ï−Ú© 338 338
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Home | TOC01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29Ìȯ·„30 31 32 33 34 Ìȯ·„DEUTERONOMY Ìȯ·„1 unto all Israel beyond the Jordan; in thewilderness, in the Arabah, over against Suph,1between Paran and Tophel, and Laban, and1These are the words which Moses spoke ƉL¤ ŸÓ ¯³a¤ c¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌȯÀ¦·¨ c§‰© ‰l¤ ‡´¥ ¯a¨¿ „§n¦ a© Ôc®¥¯§i©‰© ¯·¤ Ú−¥ a§ χ¥½ ¯¨N§ Ȧ-ÏÌk¨È-¯Ï·‡¤„ ÏƉ٤L¤Ÿz²ŸÓ-ÔÈ·«¥¯e³a¤ cÔ¦¯¯¨‡¯t¨L¤-¸ ‡Ô£Èa«¥ ÌÛÈe¯ÒÀ¦¹·¨ cϧ‰©BÓ¸ ‰Á‰l¤·‡´¨¥¯¨Ú£a«¨Hazeroth, and Di-zahab. [2] It is eleven days’ Æ̯Ba¨¿È„§¯n¦ N¬a¨© Ú¨ Ô„c®¥Á¯©¸ §‡i©©‰©2 :¯··‰¤«¨Ú−¥Ê¨a§È„¬¦Â§Ï‡˙¥½ ¯Ÿ¯¨−Nˆ§¥ ÁȦ£-©ÏkÔ¨·¬-¨Ï¨‡Â¤§journey from Horeb unto Ka-desh-barnea bythe way of mount Seir. [3] And it came to pass in :ÏÚ©Ù¤«¥Ÿz¯²§a-©ÔÈL·«¥ e„¬¥˜¨Ô¯¯¨„‡Ú−t©¨ -¯ÔÈÈa«¥Ú®¦ N¥Û-e¯Ò¹‰© ÏCBÓ¯¸¤c−¤Á‰··¨¯½¥¯ŸÁ¨Ú£Ó«¥a«¨the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the LÆÌ„B¤ÈŸÁ− ¯¯N¬¨N¬¨Ú¨Ú¨ -„ÈÁz«©¥¸ ‡L©§ Ú2© a:§ ·‰‰«¨¨½ Lʨ¨ ÈÌ„¬¦Âȧڴ¦˙a¨Ÿ¯−§ˆ‡¥© Áa£§ ©ÆȉԦ ·¬È§¨Â©Ï¨3§first day of the month, that Moses spoke unto Ï:‡Ú¥½©«¯¥¨¯N§a©È¦ ÈL´¥a„¬§¥-˜¨Ï‡¤„Ú−Ɖ© L¤¯ŸÓÈÚ®¦ ¯N¥³a¤-c¯¦ ‰©L„C¤ŸÁ¯®¤Ïc©−¤ „·Á´¯¨½¥‡ŸÁ¤ aÓ«§¥the children of Israel, according unto all that theLord had given him in commandment unto ÈL¯´¥Á„£¤ŸÁ‡−© ¯4 N¬:¨ÌÚ¨‰«¤-ÈÏ¥z«‡¥£L§BÚ˙©− aŸ‡§ ‰‰¨½²ÂL¨‰¨ Ȩ̀ ‰ÈÚ´e¯¦¨ˆa¦¨ ¯¯§‡L©¤¸a‡§£ÆÈω¦ ŸÎȧ©k§3Âthem; [4] after he had smitten Sihon the king of ·ÏL−‡¥½ ¯B¨ÈN§¯È¦¬L¤È´‡£¥a§ -ȯϽ¦Ÿ‡Ó¤ ‡¡Æ‰‰«¨L¤ CŸÓϤ Ó´¯¤³a¤ÆÔcŸÁ¦ ÈLÒ¦„¤˙ŸÁ® ‡Ï©¥µ „B˙Á´À¨Ÿk‡¤‰©a§the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon, and Og theking of Bashan, who dwelt in Ashtaroth, at Edrei; ·È¯¬L´¥Á£Bȇ©-¯4L:¤ ̇£‰«¤ÔÏL¥¨½‡£a¨ ‰B©˙−CŸ‡Ï¤ ‰Ó´¤²Â¨‚‰BÈÚ§ µ‰˙e¯¨ˆ‡¥¦À §¯ÔL¤B¸ a‡®£L§ÏÁŸ¤Îak§§Â[5] beyond the Jordan, in the land of Moab, took ı·¯L−¤¥‡´¤Baȧ ¯Ôc¬L−¤¥¯‡§£i©‰©È¯½¯¦ŸÓ·¤‡¬Ú¡¥ ‰a«¨§ 5C:ϤÈÓ´Ú¤¦ ¯«Æ¤Ô„ŸÁ§‡¤ÈÒa§¦ ˙Ÿ¯‡¥−zµ¨BL˙§À ÚŸk© a‰§©Moses upon him to expound this law, saying: ‰·¯¬L¥¨BBzÈ-‰©¯-L˙¤ ‡£‡¤ ÔL¨¯½ a²‡¨¥‰a©¥ C‰Ï¤ ÓL´¤½ ŸÓ‚BÚϵ ˙ȇ´‡¦¥ÀB‰§ ÔBa®·L‡®§¨ ÁB¤Óa§ [6] The Lord our God spoke unto us inHoreb, saying: ‘Ye have dwelt long enough in this eıȯ¤Ï−¥‡´¤‡¥a§ ¯Ô¬ac¤−¥c¯¦§i©e‰©È¯²‰¥·Ÿ¤Ï¬Ú‡¥¡a§ ‰5¯Â:¨‰ÈÚȦ§ ¯6«¤„:§‡¯¤ŸÓa«§ ‡˙Ï¥Ÿ¯−z˙¨ L‡§ ŸÚf−©‰©a§mountain; [7] turn you, and take your journey, :‰‰¯¬«f¨¤B‰©z‰¯© ¬‰-¨˙a¨‡¤˙·¯¤ L−²‡¤¥ a¥Ì¬Î‰¤ ϨL¤-½ ·ŸÓ¯© ϯȟӮ‡´¦‡B‰Ï¥ ··¯´‡®¥Ÿ¨ÁBaÓ§and go to the hill-country of the Amorites and »Èe¯¦ŸÈÓÏ−¥‡¡‡¥‰«¨¯¬a¤¯c¬‰¦©eÈe²‰‡¥ŸÏŸ·¸‡¡e ‰Ì¯Â¨Î‰¤À ÏȨ§ 6 :eÚ¯´ ŸÓÒ«§ e‡Ï¥| ˙e‡´tŸ§f−‰7©unto all the places nigh thereunto, in the Arabah,in the hill-country, and in the Lowland, and in ‰:‰¬Ï¨ «fÙ¤¥‰©M§ ·¯© e¬‰¨ a¨¯²‰˙¨ ··¨¤ L−¤ ‰Ì¬·¨ ¯¬Î¤¨ÚÏ£¨ a-¨·¯¼Â©È¯¨ÎŸ¥Ó®L§‡-Ï¥Ïk¨·-¯´Ï¥ŸÁ‡¤ a§the South, and by the sea-shore; the land of the »ÔÈB¯½¦ŸÓ·¨ l‡§¡‰‰©«¨Â§ Æȯ¦ Ú¬‰£© ©k§ e‰«©‡Ÿ·ı¸ e¯¤‡³¤ÌÌΤÀ Ï®i¨¨‰© eÛÚ´BÒÁ§´e·§ e| ·‚e¤−p´¤t·©§ e7Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great ȉz¦¬Ï˙¨¬©Ù¥¨M§ ‰·©²‡e¥ ¯§¯8²‰¨:·˙¨ ¯«¨‰t§ -¬·¨¯¯‰¨©Ú£§a¨ ÏŸ„¼Â−Èb¨¨‰©Î¥ L¯§ ¬‰-¨Ïp¨k‰¨©--Ï„‡¤Ú©Â§river, the river Euphrates. [8] Behold, I have setthe land before you: go in and possess the land ıÔB¯¤½‡·¨½ l‰§¨‰-© ˙§ ‡ÆȤ¦ Úe£L´©k¯§ ‰§«e© eı‡¯Ÿa¤‡³µ¤ı¯Ì¤‡®®i¨¨‰‰©¨ -Û˙BÁ‡´¤ ·§ÌeÎ−¤·È‚¥¤−Ùp¤§·Ï©¦ ewhich the Lord swore unto your fathers, to ÌÈz‰¦¨¸ ˙¬¯©¨·¨§ ‡‰© ϧ²‡¥ ¯Ì§ 8Τ¹ :È˙¥ Ÿ·¯¸«¨t‡£§ -Ï©¯‰©‰§Â¨‰ÏŸÈ„§Â−b¨Ú‰©´a© ¯L§¬‰¨¦ p¨‰¯© -L´¤„‡£Ú©Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give untothem and to their seed after them.’ ÌıÚ−¯¨¤¯‡¨½§Ê©‰Ï¨§ -e˙‡Ì¤ ‰e¤½L´Ï¨ ¯§e˙e‡˙´¥ŸaϨµı¯Æ·¤‡®Ÿ¨˜‰Ú¨£-È©˙ϧ e‡«¤ ̘Î−Á³¤¨Èˆ¥§ ÙȦ§Ï§Ï¦ ‡Ì‰‰¨¸−¦ ¯‰¨©·§ ‡©˙ϧ ¬Ú¥ ą Τ¹ ÈÌ˙¥Î¤½Ÿ·Ï¸¥‡‡££Ï© ¯‰Ó´©Â¨Ÿ‡‰ÂȨ§Â9Ú´a:©ÌL§ ‰«¤¦ ȯ¯¥ÁL´£¤‡‡©£ [9] And I spoke unto you at that time,saying: ‘I am not able to bear you myself alone; :ÌÌÚ−Ψ«¤¯˙§Ê©‡Ï§¤ e ˙̬‡¥‰¤N½ §Ï¨ Èc˙−¦·©˙´¥Ï§Ï¨ ÏÆ·¬Î©Ÿ˜e‡Ú£-È©‡Ï§ ŸeÏ« ˜¯Á³ŸÓ¨® ˆ‡§ Ȧϥϧ[10] the Lord your God hath multiplied you,and, behold, ye are this day as the stars of heaven ̇´Î¤‰p−§¦‰‰¦©Â§ Ì˙®Î¬Ú¤¥˙a§¨ ‡¤ ̉Τ½ ´aÏ¥¨ ‡¯£§‰¦ ¯ÌÓ´©Î−Ÿ‡¤ Ȩ‰¥9ŸÏ‡¡:̉‰«¤¬ÂȨ‰¯¥ÈÁ§£1‡0©for multitude.—[11] The Lord, the God of your ‰:̺¨‰Î«¤È˙§ §1‡1¤ :˙·¬‡Ÿ¯¥«ÏN¨§ ÌÈcÈ−¦Ó·−© ÏM§¨ ‰©Ï¬Î©Èe¬·‡¥ Î-§ B‡ÎŸÏk§ ¯ÌŸÓ®B‡i½‰©Ï¥fathers,makeyouathousandtimessomanymore ÛÌϤ´Î¤‡´¤p§ ‰¦Ì§ Î−¤Ìk¨®Î¤ ˙̧ ²Î‡¤ ÈÏ¥‰Ú£´a¨ ¯Û§‰Ò¯¦¥ŸÈ ÌÌÎ−¤ÎȤÀ ‰˙¥¥ŸÏB·‡¡« ‡£ ‰È¬Â¨´‰‰¥ŸÏȧ ‡¡10as ye are, and bless you, as He hath promisedyou—[12] How can I myself alone bear your :‰Ìº¨Î«‰¤ Ϩȧ 1¯1¬a¤ c:¦·¯Ÿ «L−Ϥ¨ ‡£ kÌ© ȦÌÓ−©ÎM¤½¨˙§‰©‡¤ ÈC¬·¥¯´¥Î·§¨BÈΦ k§ÌÈÌÓ®¦ BÚ¨i½t‰§©cumbrance, and your burden, and your strife? ÌÛÎ−Ϥ ‡´£¤ O©ÌÓ«©Î−¤ek¨ Ì̬Τ²ÎÁ¤£È¯Ï¥§Ë¨Ú£ ÈÛc®¦Ò¯·¥©ŸÈϧ ̇ΤÀO−¨˙¥‡B¤·« ‡‰£ ¬Î¨ÈÈ´‰‡¥¥ŸÏ1‡¡2 :ÌΫ¤ Ϩ ¯¬a¤ c¦ ¯L−¤ ‡£ k© ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤ C¯´¥·¨ Ȧ ÌÈÓ®¦ Ú¨ t§ 33 9ÌÎ−¤ ‡£ O© Ó«© e ̬Τ Á£ ¯§Ë¨ Èc®¦·© ϧ ‡O−¨ ‡¤ ‰¬Î¨ ȇ¥ 12 339
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ìȯ·„ 1 Home | TOCtorah DEUTERONOMY 1.13 devarim Ìȯ·„ ‰¯Â˙[13] Get you, from each one of your tribes, wise ÌÈÓ¯¦ Ψ Á£ ÌÈL¦¸ ¨‡£ ÌΤ Ϩ  e·´ ‰¨ 13 :ÌΫ¤ ·§ ȯ«¦Â§men, and understanding, and full of knowledge,and I will make them head over you.’ [14] And ye ÌÓ−¥ ÈN¦ ‡£ © ̮Τ ÈË¥ ·§ L¦ ϧ ÌÈÚ−¦ „ªÈ¦ ÌȲ¦Ÿ·§ eanswered me, and said: ‘The thing which thou -·BË« e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿz´ © È˙®¦ Ÿ‡ e−Ú£z© «© 14 :ÌΫ¤ ÈL¥ ‡¯¨a§hast spoken is good for us to do.’ [15] So I took -˙‡¤ Áwº©‡¤ ¨ 15 :˙BN« ڣϩ z¨ ¯§a−© c¦-¯L¤ ‡£ ¯¬·¨ c¨‰©the heads of your tribes, wise men, and full of ÌÈÚ½¦ „ªÈ«¦ ÆÌÈÓ¦ Ψ Á£ ÌÈL³¦ ¨‡£ ÌΤÀ ÈË¥ ·§ L¦ ÈL´¥ ‡¯¨knowledge, and made them heads over you, ÌÈÙ¹¦ Ϩ ‡£ ȯ¸¥N¨ ̮Τ ÈÏ¥ Ú£ ÌÈL−¦ ‡¯¨ Ì˙²¨ B‡ Ôz¬¥ ‡¤ ¨captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds, ˙Ÿ¯½ N¨ Ú£ ȯ´¥N¨ § ÆÌÈM¦ Ó¦ Á£ ȯ³¥N¨ § ˙B‡À Ó¥ ȯ´¥N¨ §and captains of fifties, and captains of tens, andofficers, tribe by tribe. [16] And I charged your -˙‡¤ Ɖe¤ˆ© ‡£ ¨ 16 :ÌΫ¤ ÈË¥ ·§ L¦ ϧ Ìȯ−¦Ë§ ŸL§judges at that time, saying: ‘Hear the causes -ÔÈa¥ Ú©ŸÓ³ L¨ ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ‡Â‰−¦ ‰© ˙¬Ú¥ a¨ ÌΤ½ ÈË¥ Ù§ ŸL´between your brethren, and judge righteously -ÔÈ·¥ e Lȇ¬¦ -ÔÈa«¥ ˜„¤ˆ¤½ Ìz´¤ ˧ Ù© L§ e ÆÌΤ ÈÁ¥ ‡£between a man and his brother, and the strangerthat is with him. [17] Ye shall not respect persons Ìȹ¦ Ù¨ e¯Èk¸¦ ˙© -‡ŸÏ« 17 :B¯«b¥ ÔȬ·¥ e ÂÈÁ−¦ ‡¨in judgment; ye shall hear the small and the greatalike; ye shall not be afraid of the face of any man; Æe¯e‚Æ ˙¨ ‡ŸÏ³ ÔeÚ½ Ó¨ L§ z¦ ÆÏŸ„b¨k© ԟ˳ w¨k© Ët¨À L§ n¦ a©for the judgment is God’s; and the cause that is ‡e‰® Ìȉ´¦ ŸÏ‡Ï¥ Ët−¨ L§ n¦ ‰© Ȭk¦ Lȇ½¦ -È¥t§ Ó¦too hard for you ye shall bring unto me, and I ÈÏ−© ‡¥ Ôe·¬ ¯¦˜§ z© Ìk¤½ Ó¦ ‰L´¤ ˜§ Ȧ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ư·¨ c¨‰© §will hear it.’ [18] And I commanded you at thattime all the things which ye should do. ‡Â‰®¦ ‰© ˙´Ú¥ a¨ ÌÎ−¤ ˙§ ‡¤ ‰¬e¤ˆ© ‡£ ¨ 18 :ÂÈz«¦ Ú§ Ó© L§ e Úq´© p¦ © 19 :ÔeN« Ú£z© ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ìȯ−¦·¨ c§‰© -Ïk¨ ˙¬‡¥ [19] And we journeyed from Horeb,and went through all that great and dreadful ÁÏB„b¨‰© ¯´a¨ „§n¦ ‰© -Ïk¨ ˙‡´¥ CϤ p¥¿Â© ·¯À¥ŸÁÓ¥wilderness which ye saw, by the way to thehill-country of the Amorites, as the Lord our ¯‰´© C¯¤c¤µ Ì˙¤À ȇ¦ ¯§ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ‡e‰¹ ‰© ‡¯¸¨Bp‰© §God commanded us; and we came to Kadesh- e˙®¨ Ÿ‡ eȉ−¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ ‰²e¨ˆ¦ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© ȯ½¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰«¨barnea. [20] And I said unto you: ‘Ye are come ̮Τ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó−© Ÿ‡Â¨ 20 :Ú©«¥¯§a© L„¬¥˜¨ „Ú−© ‡Ÿ·¾ p¨Â©unto the hill-country of the Amorites, which ‰¬Â¨‰È§-¯L¤ ‡£ ȯ½¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰¨ ¯‰´© -„Ú© ÆÌ˙¤ ‡a¨the Lord our God giveth unto us. [21] Behold, EȲ‰¤ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¯Â¨‰È§ Ô˙©¸ ¨ ‰‡¥ ¯§Â21 :eÏ«¨ Ô˙¬¥ Ÿ eȉ−¥ŸÏ‡¡the Lord thy God hath set the land before thee; ¯a¤¸ c¦ Á¯L¤ ‡£ k© L¯À¥ ‰´Ï¥ Ú£ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ EÈ−¤Ù¨ ϧgo up, take possession, as the Lord, the Godof thy fathers, hath spoken unto thee; fear not, -χ© § ‡¯−¨Èz¦ -χ© CϨ½ ÆEÈ˙Ƥ Ÿ·‡£ ȳ‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰Â¹¨‰È§neither be dismayed.’ [22] And ye came nearunto me every one of you, and said: ‘Let us send e¯À Ó§ ‡Ÿz© ¼ÌΤ l§ kª »ÈÏ© ‡¥ Ôe·´ ¯§˜§ z¦ © 22 :˙Á«¨ z¥men before us, that they may search the land -˙‡¤ eÏ−¨ -e¯t§ Á§ ȩ§ eÈ¥½ Ù¨ ϧ ÆÌÈL¦ ¨‡£ ‰Á³¨ ϧ L§ ¦for us, and bring us back word of the way by ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆC¯¤cƤ‰© -˙‡¤ ¯·¨½ c¨ Æe˙ƨ Ÿ‡ e·L³¦ Ȩ§ ı¯¤‡®¨ ‰¨which we must go up, and the cities unto whichwe shall come.’ [23] And the thing pleased me :Ô‰«¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ‡Ÿ·− ¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ Ìȯ½¦Ú¨ ‰«¤ Æ˙‡¥ § da¨½ -‰Ï¤ Ú£©well; and I took twelve men of you, one man for ÌÈ´¥L§ ÆÌk¤ Ó¦ Áw³©‡¤ ¨ ¯®·¨ c¨‰© È−©ÈÚ¥ a§ ·¬Ë© Èi¦ © 23every tribe; [24] and they turned and went up ÆeÙ§ i¦ © 24 :Ë·¤ M«¨ Ï© „Á−¨ ‡¤ Lȇ¬¦ ÌÈL¦½ ¨‡£ ¯N´¨ Ú¨into the mountains, and came unto the valley ofEshcol, and spied it out. [25] And they took of ÏŸk® L§ ‡¤ ÏÁ©´©-„Ú© e‡Ÿ·− i¨Â© ‰¯¨‰¨½ ‰¨ eÏ´ Ú£i©Â©the fruit of the land in their hands, and brought ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ȯ´¦t§ Ó¦ ÆÌ„¨È¨·§ eÁ³ ˜§ i¦Â© 25 :d˙«¨ Ÿ‡ eÏ− b§ ¯©È§Â«©it down unto us, and brought us back word, and e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿi´Â© Ư·¨ „¨ e˙³¨ Ÿ‡ e·L¦¸ i¨Â© eȮϥ‡¥ e„¯−¦Bi© 340 340
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ìȯ·„ 1 Home | TOCtorah DEUTERONOMY 1.26 devarim Ìȯ·„ ‰¯Â˙said: ‘Good is the land which the Lord our God :eÏ«¨ Ô˙¬¥ Ÿ eȉ−¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰¬Â¨‰È§ -¯L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡¨½ ‰¨ ‰´·¨ BËgiveth unto us.’ [26] Yet ye would not go up,but rebelled against the commandment of the Ȭt¦ -˙‡¤ e¯¾ Ó§ z© © ˙ŸÏ® ڣϩ Ì˙−¤ È·¦ ‡£ ‡ŸÏ¬ § 26Lord your God; [27] and ye murmured in your ÆÌΤ ÈÏ¥ ‰¢ ‡¨ ·§ e³‚§ ¯¨z¥ © 27 :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰−¨‰È§tents, and said: ‘Because the Lord hated us, He e‡−¨ Ȉ¦ B‰ e˙¨½ Ÿ‡ Ɖ¨‰È§ ˙‡³© § N¦ a§ e¯½ Ó§ ‡Ÿz´ ©hath brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, ȯ−¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰¨ „¬È©a§ e˙²¨ Ÿ‡ ˙˙¬¥ Ϩ ÌȦ ¯®¨ˆ§ Ó¦ ı¯¤‡´¤ Ó¥to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, todestroy us. [28] Whither are we going up? our ÁeÈÁ¥ ‡© ÌÈϦÀŸÚ eÁ§ ´©‡£ | ‰´¨‡¨ 28 :e„«¥ÈÓ¦ L§ ‰© ϧbrethren have made our heart to melt, saying: Æ̯¨Â¨ ÏB„³b¨ Ì´Ú© ¯ŸÓÀ ‡Ï¥ e·¥¹ ·¨ ϧ -˙‡¤ eqÓ©¸ ‰¥The people is greater and taller than we; the -Ì‚©Â§ ÌȦ Ó®¨ M¨ a© ˙Ÿ¯−eˆ·§ e ˙ŸÏ¬ Ÿ„b§ Ìȯ²¦Ú¨ epn¤½ Ó¦cities are great and fortified up to heaven; and ̮Τ Ï¥ ‡£ ¯Ó−© Ÿ‡Â¨ 29 :ÌL«¨ eȇ¬¦ ¯¨ ÌȘ−¦¨Ú£ Ȭ¥a§moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakimthere.’ [29] Then I said unto you: ‘Dread not, ‰³Â¨‰È§ 30 :̉«¤ Ó¥ Ôe‡− ¯§È˙«¦ -‡ŸÏ«§ Ôeˆ¬ ¯§Ú© ˙«© -‡ŸÏneither be afraid of them. [30] The Lord your ̮Τ Ϩ ÌÁ´¥ l¨ Ȧ ‡e‰− ÌΤ½ È¥Ù§ Ϧ C´Ï¥Ÿ‰‰© ÆÌΤ ȉ¥ŸÏ« ‡¡God who goeth before you, He shall fight for ÌȦ ¯−©ˆ§ Ó¦ a§ ̲Τ z§ ‡¦ ‰N¯¨ Ú¨ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÏŸÎk§Âyou, according to all that He did for you in Egyptbefore your eyes; [31] and in the wilderness, ¯L³¤ ‡£ ˙¨ ȇ½¦ ¯¨ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ưa¨ „§n¦ ·© e 31 :ÌΫ¤ È¥ÈÚ¥ ϧwhere thou hast seen how that the Lord thy God Lȇ−¦ -‡O¨ Ȧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© Eȉ¤½ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ ÆE‡£ N¨ §bore thee, as a man doth bear his son, in all the -„Ú© Ìz¤½ Χ Ï© ‰£ ¯L´¤ ‡£ ÆC¯¤cƤ‰© -ÏΨ a§ B®a§ -˙‡¤way that ye went, until ye came unto this place. ‰®f¤‰© ¯·−¨ c¨·© e 32 :‰f«¤‰© ÌB˜¬ n¨ ‰© -„Ú© ÌÎ−¤ ‡£ Ÿa[32] Yet in this thing ye do not believe the Lordyour God, [33] who went before you in the way, :ÌΫ¤ ȉ¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰−¨‰Èa© ̽¦ ÈÓ¦ ‡£ Ó© ÆÌΤ § ȇ«¥to seek you out a place to pitch your tents in: in ÌB˜−Ó¨ ̲Τ Ϩ ¯e˙¬ Ϩ C¯¤cÀ¤a© ÌΤ¹ È¥Ù§ Ϧ CÏ¥¸ Ÿ‰‰© 33fire by night, to show you by what way ye should ÆC¯¤cƤa© ÆÌΤ ˙§ Ÿ‡« ¯§Ï© ‰Ï¨ ȧ Ï©À | L‡´¥ a¨ ̮Τ ˙§ Ÿ« Á£ Ï«©go, and in the cloud by day.’ [34] And the Lord heard the voice of ÚÓ¬© L§ i¦ © 34 :ÌÓ«¨ BÈ Ô−¨Ú¨ ·¤ e d·¨½ -eÎϧ z«¥ ¯L´¤ ‡£ Ú¬·© M¨ i¦ © ÛŸˆ− ˜§ i¦Â© ̮Τ ȯ¥·§ c¦ ÏB˜´ -˙‡¤ ‰−¨‰È§your words, and was wroth, and swore, saying:[35] ‘Surely there shall not one of these men, even ÌÈL´¦ ¨‡£ a¨ ÆLȇ¦ ‰¬‡¤ ¯§È¦ -̇¦ 35 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥this evil generation, see the good land, which I ‰·¨½ Bh‰© ı¯¤‡´¨ ‰¨ ˙‡¥µ‰®f¤‰© Ú¯−¨‰¨ ¯Bc¬‰© ‰l¤ ‡¥½ ‰¨swore to give unto your fathers, [36] save Calebthe son of Jephunneh, he shall see it; and to him È˙º¦ Ϩ eÊ« 36 :ÌΫ¤ È˙¥ Ÿ·‡£ Ï© ˙˙−¥ Ϩ Èz¦ Ú§ a©½ L§ ¦ ¯L´¤ ‡£will I give the land that he hath trodden upon, -˙‡¤ Ôz¯¥ ‡¤ -BÏ« § ‰p¨‡¤½ ¯§È¦ ‡e‰´ Ɖp¤Ùª ȧ-Ôa¤ ·³Ï¥ k¨and to his children; because he hath wholly ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÔÚ© È©¾ ÂÈ®¨·¨ ϧ e da−¨ -C¯©c«¨ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ı¯¤‡²¨ ‰¨followed the Lord.’ [37] Also the Lord was angrywith me for your sakes, saying: ‘Thou also shalt ‰Â¨½‰È§ Û´p©‡© ˙§ ‰¦ ÆÈa¦ -Ìb© 37 :‰Â«¨‰È§ ȯ¬¥Á£ ‡© ‡l−¥ Ó¦not go in thither; [38] Joshua the son of Nun, :ÌL«¨ ‡Ÿ·¬ ˙¨ -‡ŸÏ ‰z−¨ ‡© -Ìb© ¯ŸÓ® ‡Ï¥ ÌÎ−¤ ϧ Ï© ‚§ a¦who standeth before thee, he shall go in thither; ‡Ÿ·´È¨ ‡e‰− EȤ½ Ù¨ ϧ „Ó´¥ ŸÚ‰¨ ÆÔe-Ôa¦ Ú©³Lª B‰È§ 38encourage thou him, for he shall cause Israel to -˙‡¤ ‰p¨¬Ï¤ Á¦ § È© ‡e‰− -Èk¦ ˜f¥½ Á© B˙´ Ÿ‡ ‰n¨ L®¨inherit it. [39] Moreover your little ones, that yesaid should be a prey, and your children, that this Ê´·© Ϩ Ìz¤¹ ¯§Ó© ‡£ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÁÌΤ t§ Ë© § 39 :χ«¥ ¯¨N§ Ȧday have no knowledge of good or evil, they shall ·BË´ ÆÌBi‰© eÚ³ „§È¨-‡ŸÏ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ÌΤ È¥·§ e ‰È¤À‰§ Ȧgo in thither, and unto them will I give it, and ̉−¥ § ‰p¨¤½ z§ ‡¤ Ì´‰¤ Ϩ § ‰n¨ L®¨ e‡Ÿ·´ Ȩ ‰n¨ ‰−¥ Ú¯½¨Â¨ 341 341
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ìȯ·„ 1 Home | TOCtorah DEUTERONOMY 1.40 devarim Ìȯ·„ ‰¯Â˙they shall possess it. [40] But as for you, turn you, eÚ¬ Ò§ e ̮Τ Ϩ e´t§ Ìz−¤ ‡© § 40 :‰¨ eL« ¯¨ÈȦand take your journey into the wilderness by theway to the Red Sea.’ [41] Then ye answered and | e´Ú£z© «© 41 :ÛeÒ« -ÌÈ© C¯¤c¬¤ ‰¯¨a−¨ „§n¦ ‰©said unto me: ‘We have sinned against the Lord, ƉϤ Ú£© eÁ§ ³©‡£ ¼‰Â¨‰ÈÏ«© »e‡Ë¨ Á¨ ÈÏ©À‡¥ e¯´Ó§ ‡Ÿz©we will go up and fight, according to all that the eÈ®‰¥ŸÏ‡¡ ‰´Â¨‰È§ ee−¨ˆ¦ -¯L¤ ‡£ ϟά k§ eÓ§ Á©½ ϧ ¦ §Lord our God commanded us.’ And ye girdedon every man his weapons of war, and deemed eȉ−¦ z¨ © Bz½ Ó§ Á© ϧ Ó¦ È´Ï¥ k§ -˙‡¤ Lȇ¦ µ e¯À b§ Á§ z© «©it a light thing to go up into the hill-country. ¯ŸÓ³ ‡¡ ÈÏ©À‡¥ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 42 :‰¯¨‰«¨ ‰¨ ˙ŸÏ¬ ڣϩ[42] And the Lord said unto me: ‘Say unto them:Go not up, neither fight; for I am not among you; Èp¦−¤È‡¥ Ȭk¦ eÓ½ Á£ l´¨ ˙¦ -‡ŸÏ§ ÆeÏÚ£˙«© ‡ŸÏ³ Æ̉¤ Ϩlest ye be smitten before your enemies.’ [43] So I :ÌΫ¤ È·¥ ȧŸ‡ È−¥Ù§ Ϧ eÙ½ ‚§ «p¨z¦ ƇŸÏ§ ̮Τ a§ ¯§˜¦ a§spoke unto you, and ye hearkened not; but ye Æe¯Ó§ z© © Ìz®¤ Ú§ Ó© L§ ‡ŸÏ´ § ÌÎ−¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£ ¯¬a¥ „©‡£ ¨ 43rebelled against the commandment of the Lord,and were presumptuous, and went up into the :‰¯¨‰«¨ ‰¨ eϬ Ú£z© © e„Ê−¦z¨ © ‰Â¨½‰È§ Èt´¦ -˙‡¤hill-country. [44] And the Amorites, that dwell Ƈe‰‰© ¯‰³¨ a¨ ·L¥¸ Ÿi‰© ȯ¹¦ŸÓ‡¡ ‰¨ ‡ˆ¥¸ i¥Â© 44in that hill-country, came out against you, and ¯¬L¤ ‡£ k© ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¤ eÙ´ c§¯§i¦ © ÌΤ½ ˙§ ‡¯©˜§ Ϧchased you, as bees do, and beat you down in Seir,even unto Hormah. [45] And ye returned and ¯ÈÚ−¦ N¥ a§ ̲Τ ˙§ ‡¤ e˙¬ k§ i©Â«© Ìȯ®¦Ÿ·c§‰© ‰¨ÈN−¤ Ú£z©wept before the Lord; but the Lord hearkened ‰®Â¨‰È§ È´¥Ù§ Ϧ ek− ·§ z¦ © e·¬Lª z¨ © 45 :‰Ó«¨ ¯§Á¨ -„Ú©not to your voice, nor gave ear unto you. [46] So ÔÈÊ−¦‡¡ ‰¤ ‡ŸÏ¬ § ÌΤ½ ϧ Ÿ˜´ a§ Ɖ¨‰È§ ÚÓ³© L¨ -‡ŸÏ« §ye abode in Kadesh many days, according untothe days that ye abode there. ÌÈa®¦ ¯© ÌÈÓ´¦ Ȩ L„−¥˜¨ ·§ e·¬ L§ z¥ © 46 :ÌΫ¤ ÈÏ¥ ‡£2 the wilderness by the way to the Red Sea,as the Lord spoke unto me; and we compassedmount Seir many days.2Then we turned, and took our journey into Úq³© p¦ © ÔÙ¤ p¥¹ © :Ìz«¤ ·§ L© ȧ ¯¬L¤ ‡£ ÌÈÓ−¦ i¨k© ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¤ c¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k© ÛeÒ½ -ÌÈ© C¯¤c´¤ Ɖ¯¨a¨Æ „§n¦ ‰© ÌÈÓ¬¦ Ȩ ¯ÈÚ−¦ N¥ -¯‰© -˙‡¤ ·Ò¨¬p¨Â© ȮϨ‡¥[2] And the Lord spoke unto me, saying: :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ Ȭϩ‡¥ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¬Â© 2 Ò :ÌÈa«¦ ¯©[3] ‘Ye have compassed this mountain longenough; turn you northward. [4] And command ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ e¬t§ ‰®f¤‰© ¯‰´¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ ·ŸÒ− ÌΤ¾ Ϩ -·¯© 3thou the people, saying: Ye are to pass through Ìz´¤ ‡© ¼¯ŸÓ‡Ï¥ ´ˆ© »ÌÚ¨ ‰¨ -˙‡¤ § 4 :‰¨ŸÙ« ˆ¨the border of your brethren the children of Esau, ÌÈ·−¦ L§ Ÿi‰© ÂN¨½ Ú¥ -È¥a§ ̴Τ ÈÁ¥ ‡£ ÆÏe·‚§ a¦ ÌȯÀ¦·§ ŸÚ«that dwell in Seir; and they will be afraid of you;take ye good heed unto yourselves therefore; :„Ÿ‡« Ó§ Ìz−¤ ¯§Ó© L§ ¦ § Ìk¤½ Ó¦ e‡´ ¯§ÈÈ«¦Â§ ¯ÈÚ®¦ N¥ a§[5] contend not with them; for I will not give you ÆÌΤ Ϩ Ôz³¥ ‡¤ -‡ŸÏ« Èk¦Â Ì·¨½ e¯´b¨˙§ z¦ -χ© 5of their land, no, not so much as for the sole of thefoot to tread on: because I have given mount Seir ‰M´¨ ¯ªÈ§-Èk«¦ Ï‚¤¯®¨-Ûk© C¯´©„§Ó¦ „Ú−© ̈¨½ ¯§‡© Ó«¥unto Esau for a possession. [6] Ye shall purchase ÏΤ Ÿ‡´ 6 :¯ÈÚ«¦ N¥ ¯¬‰© -˙‡¤ Èz¦ ˙−© ¨ ÂN¨½ Ú¥ ϧfood of them for money, that ye may eat; and ye ÌȦ Ó©¹ -Ì‚©Â§ Ìz®¤ ϧ Ω ‡£ © ÛÒ¤ k−¤ a© Ìz²¨ ‡¦ Ó«¥ e¯¯a§ L§ z¦shall also buy water of them for money, that yemay drink. [7] For the Lord thy God hath blessed ‰Â¸¨‰È§ ÁÈk¦ 7 :Ì˙«¤ È˙¦ L§ e ÛÒ¤ k−¤ a© Ìz²¨ ‡¦ Ó¥ e¯¯Î§ z¦thee in all the work of thy hand; He hath known E½ z§ Χ Ϥ Ú„´©È¨ E„½¤È¨ ‰N´¥ Ú£Ó© ÆÏŸÎa§ EÀ Χ ¯©a«¥ Eȉ¤¹ ŸÏ‡¡thy walking through this great wilderness; these ÌÈÚ´¦ a¨ ¯§‡© | ‰´Ê¤ ‰®f¤‰© ÏŸ„−b¨‰© ¯¬a¨ „§n¦ ‰© -˙‡¤forty years the Lord thy God hath been withthee; thou hast lacked nothing.’ [8] So we passed :¯·«¨ c¨ z¨ ¯§Ò−© Á¨ ‡ŸÏ¬ Cn¨½ Ú¦ ÆEȉ¤Æ ŸÏ‡¡ ‰³Â¨‰È§ ‰¨ÀL¨by from our brethren the children of Esau, that ÆÌÈ·¦ L§ Ÿi« ‰© ÂN¨À Ú¥ -È¥·§ eÈÁ´¥ ‡© ˙‡¯¥ Ó¥ ¯Ÿ·º Ú£p©Â«© 8 342 342
<< Book >> | << Chapter >> Ìȯ·„ 2 Home | TOCtorah DEUTERONOMY 2.9 devarim Ìȯ·„ ‰¯Â˙dwell in Seir, from the way of the Arabah, from ÔŸÈ´ˆ§ Ú¤ Ó¥ e ˙Ï−© ȇ¥ Ó¥ ‰·¨½ ¯¨Ú£‰«¨ ÆC¯¤cƤӦ ¯ÈÚ½¦ N¥ a§Elath and from Ezion-geber. And we turned and passed by the way of :·‡«¨ BÓ ¯¬a© „§Ó¦ C¯¤c−¤ ¯Ÿ·½ Ú£p©Â«© ÆÔÙ¤ p¥Æ © Ò ¯·¤®b¨ ·‡¨½ BÓ-˙‡¤ Ưˆ© zƨ -χ© ÈÏ©À‡¥ ‰Â¹¨‰È§ ¯Ó¤ ‡Ÿi¸Â© 9the wilderness of Moab. [9] And the Lord saidunto me: ‘Be not at enmity with Moab, neithercontend with them in battle; for I will not E³ ϧ Ôz¥¸ ‡¤ -‡ŸÏ« Èk¦Â ‰Ó®¨ Á¨ ϧ Ó¦ Ìa−¨ ¯¬b¨˙§ z¦ -χ© §give thee of his land for a possession; because ¯Ú−¨ -˙‡¤ Èz¦ ˙¬© ¨ ËBϽ -È¥·§ Ϧ Èk´¦ ‰M¨½ ¯ªÈ§ ÆBˆ¯§‡© Ó«¥I have given Ar unto the children of Lot for a Ì´Ú© d®·¨ e·L§ ´È¨ ÌÈ−¦ Ù¨ ϧ ÌÈÓ¬¦ ‡¥ ‰¨ 10 :‰M«¨ ¯ªÈ§possession.—[10] The Emim dwelt thereinaforetime, a people great, and many, and tall, e·¬ L§ Á¨ È¥ Ìȇ²¦ Ù¨ ¯§ 11 :ÌȘ«¦ ¨Ú£k¨ ̯−¨Â¨ ·¯²©Â§ ÏB„¬b¨as the Anakim; [11] these also are accounted ̉−¤ Ϩ e‡¬ ¯§˜§ Ȧ ÌÈ·½¦ ‡¨ Ÿn´ ‰© § ÌȘ®¦¨Ú£k¨ ̉−¥ -Û‡©Rephaim, as the Anakim; but the Moabites callthem Emim. [12] And in Seir dwelt the Horites ¼ÌȦ Ù¨ ϧ »Ìȯ¦ŸÁ‰© e·´ L§ Ȩ ¯ÈÚº¦ N¥ ·§ e 12 :ÌÈÓ«¦ ‡¥aforetime, but the children of Esau succeeded ̉¤½ È¥t§ Ó¦ ÆÌe„ÈÓ¦ L§ i©Â© ÌeLÀ ¯¨ÈÈ«¦ ÂN´¨ Ú¥ ȯ¥·§ ethem; and they destroyed them from before Æı¯¤‡Æ¤ ϧ χ¥À ¯¨N§ Ȧ ‰N´¨ Ú¨ ¯L¯¤ ‡£ k© Ìz®¨ Á§ z© e·− L§ i¥Â©them, and dwelt in their stead; as Israel did untothe land of his possession, which the Lord gave ‰z¨À Ú© 13 :̉«¤ Ϩ ‰−¨‰È§ Ô˙¬© ¨-¯L¤ ‡£ B˙½ M¨ ¯ªÈ§unto them.—[13] Now rise up, and get you over ¯Ÿ·− Ú£p©Â«© „¯¤®Ê¨ ÏÁ© ´©-˙‡¤ ÌÎ−¤ Ϩ e¯¬·§ Ú¦ § eÓ˜²ªthe brook Zered.’ And we went over the brookZered. [14] And the days in which we came from | eΧ Ï´© ‰¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ ÌÈÓº¦ i¨‰© § 14 :„¯¤Ê«¨ ÏÁ©¬©-˙‡¤Kadesh-barnea, until we were come over the ÏÁ©´©-˙‡¤ Æe¯§·©Æ Ú¨ -¯L¤ ‡£ „³Ú© Ú©¥À¯§a© L„´¥w¨Ó¦brook Zered, were thirty and eight years; until -Ïk¨ ÌŸz¸ -„Ú© ‰®¨L¨ ‰−¤ŸÓL§ e ÌÈL¬¦ ŸÏL§ „¯¤Ê¤½all the generation, even the men of war, were ‰¤½ Á£ n© ‰«© ·¯¤w´¤Ó¦ ƉӨ Á¨ ϧ n¦ ‰© ÈL³¥ § ‡© ¯Bc¹ ‰©consumed from the midst of the camp, as theLord swore unto them. [15] Moreover the hand Ɖ¨‰È§ -„È© ̳‚©Â§ 15 :̉«¤ Ϩ ‰−¨‰È§ Ú¬a© L§ ¦ ¯²L¤ ‡£ k©of the Lord was against them, to discomfit themfrom the midst of the camp, until they were „Ú−© ‰®¤Á£ n© ‰«© ·¯¤w´¤Ó¦ Ìn−¨ ‰ª ϧ Ìa¨½ ‰˙¨ ȧ ‰´¨consumed. ÈL¯¥ § ‡© -Ïk¨ enz©¹ -¯L¤ ‡£ Ω ȉ¦¸ ȧ© 16 :Ìn«¨ zª [16] So it came to pass, when all the men ofwar were consumed and dead from among the Ò :ÌÚ«¨ ‰¨ ·¯¤w¬¤Ó¦ ˙eÓ− Ϩ ‰Ó²¨ Á¨ ϧ n¦ ‰©people, [17] that the Lord spoke unto me, saying: ‰z¨¸ ‡© 18 :¯ŸÓ« ‡Ï¥ Ȭϩ‡¥ ‰−¨‰È§ ¯¬a¥ „©È§ © 17[18] ‘Thou art this day to pass over the border :¯Ú«¨ -˙‡¤ ·‡−¨ BÓ Ïe·¬ b§ -˙‡¤ ÌBi²‰© ¯¬·¥ ŸÚof Moab, even Ar; [19] and when thou comestnigh over against the children of Ammon, harass -χ© § ̯−¥ˆª z§ -χ© ÔBn½ Ú© È´¥a§ ÏeÓµ z¨À ·§ ¯©˜¨Â§ 19them not, nor contend with them; for I will not ÔBn³ Ú© -È¥a§ ı¯¤‡¤¸ Ó¥ Ôz¥ ‡¤ Â-‡ŸÏ« Èk´¦ Ì®a¨ ¯´b¨˙§ z¦give thee of the land of the children of Ammonfor a possession; because I have given it unto the :‰M«¨ ¯ªÈ§ ‰¨ Èz¬¦ ˙© § ËBÏ− -È¥·§ Ϧ Ȭk¦ ‰M¨½ ¯ªÈ§ ÆEϧchildren of Lot for a possession.—[20] That also Ìȇ³¦ Ù¨ ¯§ ‡Â‰®¦ -Û‡© ·L−¥ Á¨ z¥ Ìȇ¬¦ Ù¨ ¯§-ı¯¤‡«¤ 20is accounted a land of Rephaim: Rephaim dwelt ̉−¤ Ϩ e‡¬ ¯§˜§ Ȧ ÌȽ¦ŸnÚ© ‰«¨ § ÌȽ¦ Ù¨ ϧ Æd·¨-e·L§ È«¨therein aforetime; but the Ammonites call them ÌȘ®¦¨Ú£k¨ ̯−¨Â¨ ·¯²©Â§ ÏB„¬b¨ Ì´Ú© 21 :ÌÈn«¦ ʪӧ Ê©Zamzummim, [21] a people great, and many,and tall, as the Anakim; but the Lord destroyed e·¬ L§ i¥Â© ÌL−ª ¯¨Èi¦ © ̉¤½ È¥t§ Ó¦ Ɖ¨‰È§ Ì„³¥ÈÓ¦ L§ i©Â©them before them; and they succeeded them,and dwelt in their stead; [22] as He did for the ÂN¨½ Ú¥ È´¥·§ Ϧ ƉN¨ Ú¨ ¯L³¤ ‡£ k© 22 :Ìz«¨ Á§ ˙©children of Esau, that dwell in Seir, when He Æȯ¦ŸÁ‰© -˙‡¤ „ÈÓ³¦ L§ ‰¦ ¯L¤¸ ‡£ ¯ÈÚ®¦ N¥ a§ ÌÈ·−¦ L§ Ÿi‰©destroyed the Horites from before them; andthey succeeded them, and dwelt in their stead ÌBi¬‰© „Ú−© Ìz¨½ Á§ ˙© e·´ L§ i¥Â© ÆÌLª ¯¨Èi«¦Â© ̉¤½ È¥t§ Ó¦ 343 343
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